Student Essays

Essay on money, money is power essay

12 Powerful Essays on Money [ Importance, Value, Power ]-2024

Money is really an important role player in our lives. But, we need to accept, money is not everything. Though money has the power, you can enjoy and afford every material luxury of life. But that is short lived. Money can’t bring real happiness, peace, certainty, power and freedom.

We have written the following short and long essays on topic Money. These essays cover all related topics including; importance and power of money, is money everything, role of money in life etc.

Essay on Money | Value, Role & Importance of Money in Life

It cannot be denied that money is essential for our healthy living. In order to remain in good standings in society, we will need money to live a life and maintain our good standings.

The money is essential for providing necessary comforts and amenities of the life. When you have money, you have everything you could ever want.

In order for us to get a good personality we need money, which will also improve our self-confidence. We will become more credible, improve our capabilities, increase our confidence level, and enhance our courage to a greater extent.

With no money, no one will help us. In a world where nobody is willing to help, we feel helpless. A person cannot live and survive in today’s materialistic world without money.

Today, in order to earn more money through unfair means, bad people take assistance from corruption, bribes, smuggling, etc. People who are lazy may follow the wrong ways to earn money, assuming that these methods are easy and simple.

It is true that one can earn more money through less effort, but not for long; surely he will lose his money by following a wrong and weak path in the near future.

A person who earns money by following the rules of humanity earns less money but for a long period of time and then becomes a well known personality in the society.

People who commit corruption hide their money as black money in other countries to hide it from the general public. Their money is used for doing bad things or living in luxury.

It is generally observed that those who have more money by either means, are respected by ordinary people. As money is the factor of power in society.  Those powerful people then wield social and political power in our society.

It is however an established fact that money is not the entire thing in our life. You can’t buy time with money . Neither you earn the real respect, love or affection when you have illegal money. The real joy of peace, happiness or satisfaction come through hard work, dedication, sincerity and peacefulness

Essay on Power of Money in Life

One cannot imagine a healthy and peaceful life without money. We need money even to buy a single needle. Nowadays, when everything is becoming more expensive and civilization is becoming increasingly advanced and following western culture, we need more money.

In the past, people relied on the barter system in which they would be able to exchange things for goods, but in the modern world, money is all that is necessary to purchase everything. Money is becoming more and more important as the cost of living increases.

A great deal of importance has been attached to money in the production, consumption, exchange, distribution, public finance, etc. As a result, it plays an important role in determining raw material input, income, employment, output, and general price levels of anything, etc.

Essay on Money is Everything

In a highly competitive and expensive society, no one can live without money. Food, clothing, and many other necessities of life are nearly impossible to buy without money.

A poor person in a society is viewed as an enemy due to their poverty. However, rich and powerful people are perceived as decent and honest people.

Money can increase a person’s status in the society and make him look good. To fulfill the ever-increasing demands of the modern age, we all strive to be wealthy through a good job or business. The reality is that very few people get this chance of becoming millionaires.

As a result, everything is dependent upon money, be it rich or poor, urban or rural. Money is essential to everyone, whether he or she is living in the city or in the country. In cities, people are earning a higher salary than those in rural or backward areas. This is because the people of urban areas have more access to the technologies and get more opportunities because they have access to the easy resources

Essay on Money is the Root of all Evils:

Money has been a part of human society since its inception. It has evolved from being used as a medium of exchange to becoming a symbol of power and success. People have always desired to accumulate wealth, and in today’s materialistic world, money has become the ultimate goal for many.

However, with this desire for wealth, comes numerous negative consequences that are often overlooked. In this essay, we will discuss how money can be considered as the root of all evils.

The Obsession with Money

In the pursuit of materialistic possessions, people often become obsessed with money. Money becomes their sole purpose in life, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to acquire it. This obsession can lead individuals down a path of greed, where they only care about their own financial gain without considering the consequences of their actions. As a result, many unethical and immoral activities such as fraud, theft, and corruption occur due to this unhealthy obsession with money.

Creates Disparity and Inequality

Another major issue caused by the love for money is the creation of disparity and inequality within society. People with more wealth tend to have better access to education, healthcare, and opportunities that can lead to a better quality of life. This creates an uneven playing field where those who are already financially stable have an advantage over others.

As a result, poverty rates increase, leading to social unrest and crime in society. Moreover, the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen as the wealthy become wealthier while the poor struggle to make ends meet.

Causes Conflict and Strife

Money can also be considered as the root of many conflicts and strife within society. As people become more obsessed with money, they are willing to go to extreme lengths to protect their wealth. This can lead to disputes and disagreements among individuals, communities, and even nations. Wars have been fought over resources and power, which ultimately stems from the desire for money.

On a smaller scale, family relationships can also be affected when one member becomes financially successful while others struggle. This creates tension and resentment within the family unit, leading to conflict and strain in relationships.

It Leads to Materialism and Consumerism

The pursuit of money also leads to a culture of materialism and consumerism. People often equate their self-worth and happiness with the possessions they own. This constant need for more, bigger, and better things can lead to excessive spending, debt, and financial strain.

Furthermore, the never-ending cycle of consumption has negative consequences on the environment as resources are depleted at an alarming rate. This consumeristic mindset also perpetuates a throwaway culture where items are discarded instead of being repaired or reused, leading to environmental pollution and waste.

In conclusion, while money may be necessary for survival and provides a sense of security, it can also be considered as the root of all evils in society. The unhealthy obsession with money leads to numerous negative consequences such as greed, inequality, conflict, and environmental degradation. It is essential to recognize the dangers of this love for wealth and strive towards a more balanced and equitable distribution of resources in society.

As the saying goes, “money cannot buy happiness,” and it is crucial to prioritize values such as compassion, empathy, and kindness over material possessions. So let us not forget that money is just a means to an end and not an end in itself. The true wealth lies in human relationships and making a positive impact on society, not in the accumulation of material possessions.

Essay on Money Management:

In today’s fast-paced world, money management is an essential skill that everyone should possess. It is the process of managing one’s finances wisely to achieve financial stability and security. Proper money management involves budgeting, saving, investing and controlling spending habits. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of money management and some tips for effective management.

One of the main reasons why money management is crucial is because it helps individuals to reach their financial goals. Whether it is buying a new house, funding education or planning for retirement, good money management can help achieve these goals. Proper budgeting allows individuals to allocate their income towards different expenses wisely. It also helps in identifying areas where one can cut down on unnecessary spending and save more money. By saving money, individuals can have a financial safety net for any unexpected expenses or emergencies.

In addition to achieving financial goals, effective money management also leads to a stress-free life. People who manage their money well are less likely to face financial difficulties and are better equipped to handle financial crises. They also have a sense of control over their finances and do not live paycheck-to-paycheck. This can reduce the stress and anxiety associated with money matters. Moreover, good money management can also improve relationships as financial problems are one of the leading causes of stress and conflicts in marriages and families.

Now let us discuss some tips for effective money management:

  • Creating a budget is the first step towards managing money properly. It helps in tracking expenses and controlling spending.
  • Setting financial goals is crucial as it gives direction to one’s financial decisions and motivates towards saving and investing.
  • Saving a portion of income regularly should be a priority. Experts recommend saving at least 10% to 15% of one’s income for future needs.
  • Controlling spending habits is essential to avoid unnecessary expenses and impulse purchases.
  • Investing money wisely can help in growing wealth and achieving long-term financial goals.
  • Regularly reviewing and adjusting the budget and financial plan is important to adapt to changing circumstances.

In conclusion, managing money well is crucial for achieving financial stability, reducing stress and improving relationships. By following some simple tips and being disciplined with finances, individuals can achieve their financial goals and lead a comfortable life.

Remember, it is never too late to start practicing good money management habits! So start today and secure your financial future. That’s all! Happy saving 🙂

Essay on Money Laundering:

Money laundering is a term used to describe the illegal process of concealing the true origins of money obtained through criminal activities. It involves disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income in order to avoid detection by law enforcement and financial institutions.

Money laundering has become a global problem, with an estimated $800 billion to $2 trillion laundered annually. In this essay, we will discuss the concept of money laundering, its impact on society, and some measures to combat it.

Origin of Money Laundering

The term money laundering originated from the Italian word “lavare,” which means to wash. It was first used in the 1920s by American gangsters who were involved in bootlegging liquor during Prohibition. These criminals created elaborate schemes to disguise their illegal profits as legitimate businesses or investments.

This facilitated the integration of illicit funds into the legal economy and made it difficult for law enforcement officials to trace the source of these funds. Since then, money laundering has evolved into a sophisticated global crime that involves the movement of huge sums of money across borders and through multiple financial institutions.

Impact on Society

Money laundering has far-reaching consequences for society. It undermines the integrity and stability of financial systems, distorts competition, and facilitates corruption. By allowing criminals to profit from their illegal activities, it perpetuates criminal behavior and poses a threat to national security.

It also has negative impacts on legitimate businesses as they may face unfair competition from those using laundered funds.

Furthermore, money laundering enables criminal organizations to sustain their operations by providing them with access to clean funds for financing terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and other illicit activities. Ultimately, this has a detrimental effect on the overall economy and society.

Measures to Combat Money Laundering

To combat money laundering, countries have implemented various laws and regulations. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an intergovernmental organization that sets international standards for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

It conducts regular evaluations of member countries’ efforts in implementing these standards and provides recommendations for improvement. Financial institutions are also required to implement strict know-your-customer (KYC) procedures to identify their customers and verify the source of funds.

Additionally, governments should increase collaboration with law enforcement agencies, financial intelligence units, and other regulatory bodies to share information and intelligence on suspicious activities. This will help in detecting and preventing money laundering activities more effectively.

In conclusion, money laundering is a serious global issue that has significant impacts on society. It is not only a financial crime but also a threat to national security and the integrity of our financial systems. To combat it successfully, there needs to be cooperation between governments, law enforcement agencies, and financial institutions.

Strict laws and regulations must be implemented and enforced, along with proper monitoring mechanisms. Only by working together can we effectively tackle this complex and ever-evolving problem of money laundering. So let us all do our part in preventing this illegal activity and contribute towards building a safer and more transparent world economy for everyone

Essay on Money Plant:

The Money Plant, also known as Devil’s Ivy or Golden Pothos, is a popular houseplant that is loved for its beautiful foliage and easy maintenance. It belongs to the family of Araceae and is native to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. This plant has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

The Money Plant is an evergreen vine with heart-shaped leaves that can grow up to 40 feet in length. Its leaves are glossy and have a marbled pattern in shades of green and yellow. The plant also produces small, white flowers, but they are insignificant compared to its lush foliage. It is often grown as a hanging plant or trained on a trellis for support.

One of the reasons why the Money Plant is so popular is because it can easily adapt to different environments and grow in low light conditions. It also has air-purifying properties, making it a great choice for indoor spaces. The plant is known to remove toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene from the air, improving the overall air quality in your home or office.

Taking care of a Money Plant is relatively easy. It requires well-draining soil and moderate watering, making it suitable for people who don’t have a green thumb. The plant can also be propagated easily by stem cuttings, making it an ideal choice for beginner gardeners.

Apart from its aesthetic and health benefits, the Money Plant is also believed to bring financial prosperity. According to Feng Shui, placing a Money Plant in the southeast or east direction of your home can attract wealth and abundance. However, it is essential not to rely solely on the plant for good luck and instead work hard towards your goals.

In conclusion, the Money Plant is not only a beautiful and low-maintenance houseplant but also has cultural and metaphysical significance. Whether you believe in its luck-bringing properties or not, this plant is undoubtedly a great addition to any home or office space.

Essay on Money is not Everything:

Money is a powerful tool that can provide us with comfort, security and luxury. It is often seen as the ultimate goal in life, and people spend most of their time chasing it. However, money is not everything in life. It cannot buy happiness, love or good health. In fact, it can sometimes lead to more problems and conflicts in relationships.

Money can surely buy materialistic things that give us temporary pleasure, but true happiness comes from within. It is not something that can be bought with money. Many people have all the luxuries in the world but are still unhappy and unfulfilled.

This is because they lack strong relationships, a sense of purpose and inner peace. It is important to understand that money can only provide temporary satisfaction, but true happiness lies in the simple things in life like spending time with loved ones, helping others and pursuing our passions.

Moreover, love and relationships cannot be bought with money. True love and genuine relationships are built on trust, respect and mutual understanding.

These cannot be bought with money; they must be earned through sincere efforts. In fact, having too much money can sometimes create power imbalances in relationships, leading to conflicts and even breakups. Therefore, it is important not to let money become the priority in a relationship. Instead, we should focus on building strong and meaningful connections with our loved ones.

Additionally, money cannot buy good health. It may be able to provide access to healthcare facilities and treatments, but it cannot guarantee a healthy mind and body. In fact, people who prioritize money over their health often neglect self-care and face various health issues in the long run. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance between work and personal life and prioritize self-care. After all, without good health, money becomes meaningless.

In conclusion, money is certainly important in life, but it should not be the sole focus. True happiness and fulfillment come from within and cannot be bought with money. We should prioritize building meaningful relationships, pursuing our passions and taking care of our health over constantly chasing after more wealth. As the saying goes, “money can’t buy everything,” and we must remember that in order to live a truly fulfilling life.

Argumentative Essay on Money:

The topic of money and its role in our lives is a highly debated one. Some argue that money is the root of all evil, while others view it as a means to achieve success and happiness. The truth lies somewhere in between. Money is a necessary aspect of our lives, but it should not be the sole focus or measure of our success.

On one hand, money can provide us with material comforts and opportunities. It allows us to have a decent standard of living, access to education and healthcare, and the ability to pursue our passions. Without money, we would struggle to meet our basic needs and live a fulfilling life. In this sense, money can bring us happiness and satisfaction.

However, the pursuit of money can also have negative consequences. It can consume our lives and lead to greed, materialism, and a constant desire for more. Many people become trapped in a cycle of work and earning just to keep up with societal expectations or to maintain their status.

This relentless pursuit of wealth can lead to neglecting other important aspects of life such as relationships, personal growth, and mental well-being. In this sense, money can become a source of stress and unhappiness.

Moreover, the unequal distribution of wealth in society adds to the complexity of the issue. While some individuals have an abundance of money and resources, others struggle to make ends meet.

This creates a divide between the haves and have-nots, leading to feelings of resentment and inequality. Money can also be used as a tool for power and control, further fueling societal issues such as corruption and exploitation.

In conclusion, money is an important aspect of our lives, but it should not be the sole determinant of our success or happiness. We must strike a balance and prioritize what truly matters to us beyond material possessions. It is crucial to find a healthy relationship with money and use it wisely for our well-being and that of others. Ultimately, true success lies in achieving a fulfilling life rather than accumulating wealth.

Write a high school Essay on Money:

Money is a crucial topic for high school students, especially as they approach adulthood. It plays a significant role in shaping their future and achieving their goals. Money management skills are essential for students to learn at an early age. It helps them understand the value of money, how to earn it, save it and spend it wisely. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of money for high school students and how they can learn to manage it effectively.

Firstly, understanding the value of money is crucial for high school students. Most teenagers have a limited understanding of where money comes from and how hard their parents work to earn it. It’s essential to teach them about earning an income, whether through part-time jobs or chores at home.

This not only helps them appreciate the value of money but also instills a strong work ethic in them. It also teaches them to be responsible for their own finances and not rely solely on their parents.

Secondly, high school students need to learn how to save money. Many teenagers have the tendency to spend impulsively, especially with peer pressure and societal influences. It’s important to teach them the concept of budgeting and saving for future goals such as college or a car.

This will help them develop financial discipline and avoid getting into debt later in life. They can also start small by setting aside a portion of their allowance or earnings each month. This will teach them the value of delayed gratification and long-term planning.

Lastly, high school students should learn how to spend money wisely. With access to credit cards and online shopping, it’s easy for teenagers to overspend and fall into debt. Educating them on the importance of budgeting and differentiating between needs and wants is crucial in making informed financial decisions.

They can also be taught about investment options such as mutual funds or stocks, which can help their money grow over time. This will give them a head start in building their financial future.

In conclusion, money is an important aspect of a high school student’s life and learning how to manage it effectively is crucial for their future success. By teaching them the value of money, saving skills, and wise spending habits at an early age, we can help them become financially responsible adults. It’s never too early to start teaching teenagers about money management as it sets them up for a stable and secure financial future.

Advantages of Money Essay:

Money is something that has been a part of human society for centuries, and it plays a crucial role in our daily lives. In simple terms, money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts. It can come in various forms such as paper notes, coins, or even digital transactions. In this short essay, we will discuss the advantages of money and why it is such an essential aspect of our society.

First and foremost, money provides a means for people to exchange goods and services. In earlier times, barter system was used for trade where people exchanged goods or services directly with one another.

However, this system had its limitations as it required a double coincidence of wants. With the introduction of money, individuals could now sell their products or services for money and then use that money to purchase other goods or services they needed.

This made trading much more efficient and convenient. Moreover, money also serves as a unit of account, making it easier for people to compare the value of different goods or services.

Money also allows individuals to save and accumulate wealth. With the use of money, people can store their excess income and use it later for future needs such as emergencies or retirement. This provides a sense of security and stability in one’s life.

Additionally, with the help of financial institutions like banks, individuals can invest their money in various sources to earn interest over time and increase their wealth. This creates opportunities for people to improve their financial status and achieve their goals.

Furthermore, money also enables governments to operate and provide essential services to its citizens. Taxes collected from individuals and businesses make up a significant portion of a government’s revenue, which is used for various purposes such as building infrastructure, providing education and healthcare facilities, and maintaining law and order. Without money, it would be challenging for governments to function effectively, leading to a breakdown of society.

In conclusion, money has numerous benefits in our society. It facilitates trade and exchange, allows people to save and invest, and enables governments to operate efficiently for the betterment of its citizens. However, it is crucial to use money responsibly and ensure that it does not become the sole focus of our lives

Essay on Save Money is a Good Habit:

Saving money is an important habit that everyone should develop. It refers to the process of setting aside a portion of your income for future use, rather than spending it all at once. This practice not only helps in meeting unforeseen expenses but also ensures financial stability and security. In this essay, we will discuss why saving money is a good habit and how it can benefit individuals in the long run.

One of the primary reasons for saving money is to prepare for unexpected events. Emergencies such as medical emergencies, job loss, or natural disasters can occur at any time, and having saved money can help in dealing with them without causing financial strain.

Additionally, saving money also helps in achieving financial goals and fulfilling dreams such as buying a house or going on a dream vacation. It provides a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that there is a safety net in times of need.

Moreover, saving money can also lead to financial stability. By building a habit of saving regularly, individuals can create a cushion for themselves during tough economic times. This habit can help in avoiding debts and living within one’s means. Furthermore, it can also provide the freedom to take career risks or pursue new opportunities without worrying about financial consequences.

In the long run, saving money can also bring financial freedom and independence. By consistently saving a portion of their income, individuals can build a nest egg that can generate passive income in the future. This provides stability during retirement or even allows for early retirement. Additionally, it can also help in achieving long-term financial goals such as starting a business or investing in assets.

In conclusion, saving money is a good habit that can bring numerous benefits to individuals. It not only helps in preparing for unexpected events but also leads to financial stability and independence. Therefore, it is essential to develop this habit from an early age and make it a part of our daily lives.

As the saying goes, “a penny saved is a penny earned,” and by following this principle, we can secure a better future for ourselves and our loved ones. So let us all start saving today! # Keep Saving! Start Saving now!

Essay on Money and Credit:

Money and credit are two fundamental concepts that play a crucial role in our daily lives. Money is a medium of exchange that enables us to buy goods and services, while credit allows us to access funds without having to pay the full amount upfront. In this essay, we will discuss the relationship between money and credit and their importance in our economy.

Money is a universal currency that facilitates trade and commerce. It comes in various forms such as coins, paper notes, and digital currency. Without money, the barter system would still be prevalent where goods were exchanged directly for other goods.

However, this system was inefficient as it required a coincidence of wants between two parties. Money eliminates this problem by providing a common medium of exchange accepted by everyone.

On the other hand, credit is an essential aspect of modern economies as it allows individuals and businesses to access funds for various purposes. It can be in the form of loans, mortgages, or credit cards. Credit enables people to invest in their future by purchasing a house or starting a business without having to save up all the money beforehand. It also provides short-term financing options for emergency situations or unexpected expenses.

Money and credit are closely intertwined as the availability of credit depends on the amount of money in circulation. When there is more money available, interest rates tend to be lower, making it easier for individuals and businesses to access credit. Similarly, a lack of confidence in the economy or a shortage of money can lead to higher interest rates, making it more challenging to get credit.

In conclusion, money and credit are crucial components of our economy. They enable transactions to take place smoothly and provide opportunities for individuals and businesses to invest in their future. It is essential to understand the relationship between money and credit to make informed financial decisions that can benefit us in the long run.

Money is undoubtedly an important part of life. But it is not the only thing. As these essays explain with clear facts and examples, meaning, importance or power of money in life. These essays are written in simple English for high school and college level students to assist them in their exams.

2 thoughts on “12 Powerful Essays on Money [ Importance, Value, Power ]-2024”

Without money and without happiness u can’t live both are very important for a healthy life❤👑

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

How Money Changes the Way You Think and Feel

The term “affluenza”—a portmanteau of affluence and influenza, defined as a “painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste, resulting from the dogged pursuit of more”—is often dismissed as a silly buzzword created to express our cultural disdain for consumerism. Though often used in jest, the term may contain more truth than many of us would like to think.

Whether affluenza is real or imagined, money really does change everything, as the song goes—and those of high social class do tend to see themselves much differently than others. Wealth (and the pursuit of it) has been linked with immoral behavior—and not just in movies like The Wolf of Wall Street .

Psychologists who study the impact of wealth and inequality on human behavior have found that money can powerfully influence our thoughts and actions in ways that we’re often not aware of, no matter our economic circumstances. Although wealth is certainly subjective, most of the current research measures wealth on scales of income, job status, or socioeconomic circumstances, like educational attainment and intergenerational wealth.

money is power essay

Here are seven things you should know about the psychology of money and wealth.

More money, less empathy?

Several studies have shown that wealth may be at odds with empathy and compassion . Research published in the journal Psychological Science found that people of lower economic status were better at reading others’ facial expressions —an important marker of empathy—than wealthier people.

“A lot of what we see is a baseline orientation for the lower class to be more empathetic and the upper class to be less [so],” study co-author Michael Kraus told Time . “Lower-class environments are much different from upper-class environments. Lower-class individuals have to respond chronically to a number of vulnerabilities and social threats. You really need to depend on others so they will tell you if a social threat or opportunity is coming, and that makes you more perceptive of emotions.”

While a lack of resources fosters greater emotional intelligence, having more resources can cause bad behavior in its own right. UC Berkeley research found that even fake money could make people behave with less regard for others. Researchers observed that when two students played Monopoly, one having been given a great deal more Monopoly money than the other, the wealthier player expressed initial discomfort, but then went on to act aggressively, taking up more space and moving his pieces more loudly, and even taunting the player with less money.

Wealth can cloud moral judgment

It is no surprise in this post-2008 world to learn that wealth may cause a sense of moral entitlement. A UC Berkeley study found that in San Francisco—where the law requires that cars stop at crosswalks for pedestrians to pass—drivers of luxury cars were four times less likely than those in less expensive vehicles to stop and allow pedestrians the right of way. They were also more likely to cut off other drivers.

Another study suggested that merely thinking about money could lead to unethical behavior. Researchers from Harvard and the University of Utah found that study participants were more likely to lie or behave immorally after being exposed to money-related words.

“Even if we are well-intentioned, even if we think we know right from wrong, there may be factors influencing our decisions and behaviors that we’re not aware of,” University of Utah associate management professor Kristin Smith-Crowe, one of the study’s co-authors, told MarketWatch .

Wealth has been linked with addiction

While money itself doesn’t cause addiction or substance abuse, wealth has been linked with a higher susceptibility to addiction problems. A number of studies have found that affluent children are more vulnerable to substance-abuse issues , potentially because of high pressure to achieve and isolation from parents. Studies also found that kids who come from wealthy parents aren’t necessarily exempt from adjustment problems—in fact, research found that on several measures of maladjustment, high school students of high socioeconomic status received higher scores than inner-city students. Researchers found that these children may be more likely to internalize problems, which has been linked with substance abuse.

But it’s not just adolescents: Even in adulthood, the rich outdrink the poor by more than 27 percent.

Money itself can become addictive

The pursuit of wealth itself can also become a compulsive behavior. As psychologist Dr. Tian Dayton explained, a compulsive need to acquire money is often considered part of a class of behaviors known as process addictions, or “behavioral addictions,” which are distinct from substance abuse.

These days, the idea of process addictions is widely accepted. Process addictions are addictions that involve a compulsive and/or an out-of-control relationship with certain behaviors such as gambling, sex, eating, and, yes, even money.…There is a change in brain chemistry with a process addiction that’s similar to the mood-altering effects of alcohol or drugs. With process addictions, engaging in a certain activity—say viewing pornography, compulsive eating, or an obsessive relationship with money—can kickstart the release of brain/body chemicals, like dopamine, that actually produce a “high” that’s similar to the chemical high of a drug. The person who is addicted to some form of behavior has learned, albeit unconsciously, to manipulate his own brain chemistry.

While a process addiction is not a chemical addiction, it does involve compulsive behavior —in this case, an addiction to the good feeling that comes from receiving money or possessions—which can ultimately lead to negative consequences and harm the individual’s well-being. Addiction to spending money—sometimes known as shopaholism—is another, more common type of money-associated process addiction.

Wealthy children may be more troubled

Children growing up in wealthy families may seem to have it all, but having it all may come at a high cost. Wealthier children tend to be more distressed than lower-income kids, and are at high risk for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, cheating, and stealing. Research has also found high instances of binge-drinking and marijuana use among the children of high-income, two-parent, white families.

“In upwardly mobile communities, children are often pressed to excel at multiple academic and extracurricular pursuits to maximize their long-term academic prospects—a phenomenon that may well engender high stress,” writes psychologist Suniya Luthar in “The Culture Of Affluence.” “At an emotional level, similarly, isolation may often derive from the erosion of family time together because of the demands of affluent parents’ career obligations and the children’s many after-school activities.”

We tend to perceive the wealthy as “evil”

On the other side of the spectrum, lower-income individuals are likely to judge and stereotype those who are wealthier than themselves, often judging the wealthy as being “cold.” (Of course, it is also true that the poor struggle with their own set of societal stereotypes.)

Rich people tend to be a source of envy and distrust, so much so that we may even take pleasure in their struggles, according to Scientific American . According to a University of Pennsylvania study entitled “ Is Profit Evil? Associations of Profit with Social Harm ,” most people tend to link perceived profits with perceived social harm. When participants were asked to assess various companies and industries (some real, some hypothetical), both liberals and conservatives ranked institutions perceived to have higher profits with greater evil and wrongdoing across the board, independent of the company or industry’s actions in reality.

Money can’t buy happiness (or love)

We tend to seek money and power in our pursuit of success (and who doesn’t want to be successful, after all?), but it may be getting in the way of the things that really matter: happiness and love.

There is no direct correlation between income and happiness. After a certain level of income that can take care of basic needs and relieve strain ( some say $50,000 a year , some say $75,000 ), wealth makes hardly any difference to overall well-being and happiness and, if anything, only harms well-being: Extremely affluent people actually suffer from higher rates of depression . Some data has suggested money itself doesn’t lead to dissatisfaction—instead, it’s the ceaseless striving for wealth and material possessions that may lead to unhappiness. Materialistic values have even been linked with lower relationship satisfaction .

But here’s something to be happy about: More Americans are beginning to look beyond money and status when it comes to defining success in life. According to a 2013 LifeTwist study , only around one-quarter of Americans still believe that wealth determines success.

This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post .

About the Author

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Essay Service Examples Economics Money

Money Is the Greatest Power: An Essay

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How could money change your lifestyle and your way of living, how money could change your life, why people become slaves for money, how money change the government, how will be a commoner like me become successful and rich in life.

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Essay on Money

Surendra Kumar

Introduction to The Power and Perils of Money

“Where Money Talks, Values Listen.”

Money is a fundamental aspect of modern society, serving as the lifeblood of economies and a cornerstone of daily life. Money holds immense significance in our lives, from facilitating transactions to influencing social dynamics. In this essay, we delve into the multifaceted nature of money, exploring its origins, functions, and profound impact on individuals and society.

As we navigate the complexities of money, we’ll unravel its historical roots, examine its various forms and functions, and delve into its role as a catalyst for economic growth and social change. Furthermore, we’ll explore the intricacies of personal finance, discussing the importance of financial literacy and responsible money management in achieving financial stability and well-being.

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Beyond its economic implications, we’ll also explore the broader societal effects of money, including its role in shaping social hierarchies, perpetuating economic inequality, and influencing political landscapes. Ultimately, this essay aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance of money in our lives, shedding light on its profound impact on both individual prosperity and societal dynamics.

Essay on Money

Origin and Evolution of Money

Money has been an essential part of human civilizations for thousands of years in all its manifestations. From basic barter systems to complex financial tools of the present day, money has always been important. Understanding the origin and evolution of money provides crucial insights into its significance and impact on society.

1. Barter Economy and the Emergence of Money:

  • Barter System: In primitive societies, individuals engaged in barter, exchanging goods and services based on mutual needs, with each person trading one commodity for another. Limitations of the barter system, including the “double coincidence of wants,” led to inefficiencies and logistical challenges.
  • Evolution to Commodity Money: Commodity money emerged as a solution to the shortcomings of barter, with certain items, such as cattle, grains, or precious metals, gaining widespread acceptance as mediums of exchange. Commodity money possessed intrinsic value and was universally recognized, facilitating trade and commerce across regions.

2. Development of Metal Coins:

  • Introduction of Metal Coins: Metal coins, particularly gold and silver, emerged as standardized forms of currency in ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. Metal coins facilitated trade by providing a convenient and durable medium of exchange, standardized in terms of weight and purity.
  • Coinage and State Authority: The minting of coins became centralized under the authority of states and rulers, leading to the establishment of monetary systems and the issuing of official currency. Coinage symbolized the sovereignty and power of states, with rulers often inscribing their images and symbols on coins as a means of propaganda and control.

3. Transition to Fiat Money:

  • Rise of Paper Money: With the expansion of trade and commerce, the need for a more flexible and portable form of money led to the introduction of paper currency. Paper money initially represented claims to a specific quantity of precious metals, serving as promissory notes issued by banks and governments.
  • Decoupling from Precious Metals: Over time, central banks and governments gradually abandoned the linkage between paper money and precious metals, transitioning currencies to fiat money and deriving their value from the trust and confidence of users rather than intrinsic value. Adopting fiat money allowed for greater flexibility in monetary policy and facilitated the expansion of credit and financial markets.

4. Evolution of Digital and Cryptocurrencies:

  • Digital Currency: Digital currencies, electronic records with monetary value saved in digital form, result from the Internet’s and electronic banking’s development. Digital currencies, such as electronic bank transfers and payment systems, revolutionized how money is transferred and accessed, offering convenience and efficiency.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Blockchain -based cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum and Bitcoin , are examples of decentralized digital money. Cryptocurrencies provide increased privacy, security, and decentralization but also present regulatory and stability concerns because they function independently of governments and central banks.

The Basic Need for Money

  • Meeting Basic Needs: Money is essential for meeting basic human needs, such as food, shelter, clothes, and healthcare. Access to money enables individuals to purchase necessary goods and services for survival and well-being, ensuring a decent standard of living.
  • Facilitating Economic Transactions: Money serves as a medium of exchange, enabling the exchange of goods and services in the marketplace. It enables individuals to engage in economic transactions, buy goods, pay for services, and participate in economic activities that contribute to economic growth and development.
  • Access to Education and Skills Development: Money is necessary for education and skills development opportunities. Investing in education and training enhances individuals’ knowledge, skills, and employability, leading to better job prospects and higher earning potential.
  • Healthcare and Medical Services: Money is vital for healthcare services and medical treatment. Individuals require financial resources to pay for medical expenses, health insurance, and access to quality healthcare facilities, ensuring their physical well-being and addressing health-related concerns.
  • Housing and Shelter: Money is essential for securing housing and shelter providing individuals and families with a safe and stable living environment. Access to affordable housing options requires financial resources for rent, mortgage payments, or property ownership, ensuring adequate housing for individuals and communities.
  • Transportation and Mobility: Money facilitates transportation and mobility, enabling individuals to travel for work, education, healthcare, and recreational purposes. Access to transportation choices, such as public transit, vehicles, or ride-sharing services, requires financial resources to cover transportation costs and maintain mobility.
  • Emergency Preparedness and Resilience: Money is crucial for building emergency funds and financial resilience. Having savings and financial resources enables individuals to prepare for unexpected expenses, emergencies, and financial setbacks, providing a safety net during challenging times.
  • Social and Recreational Activities: Money plays a role in accessing social and recreational activities that contribute to overall well-being and quality of life. Participating in leisure activities, entertainment, and social events often requires financial resources to cover expenses related to leisure pursuits and social engagements.

The Role of Money in Society

Money is a cornerstone of societal structures, influencing economic activities, social relationships, and individual well-being. Its multifaceted role extends beyond a mere medium of exchange, encompassing various functions integral to modern societies’ functioning.

1. Economic Significance of Money:

  • Facilitating Trade and Commerce: Money acts as a universally accepted medium of exchange, facilitating the soft flow of goods and facilities in the market. Eliminating the need for direct barter enhances efficiency and encourages specialization in production.
  • Measurement of Value: Money provides a common unit of account, allowing for the standardized measurement of the value of different goods and services. This function enables individuals to compare prices, make informed decisions, and confidently engage in economic transactions.
  • Economic Growth and Development: A stable and reliable monetary system fosters economic growth and development . Governments and central banks use monetary policy tools to regulate money supply, interest rates, and inflation to maintain economic stability.

2. Social Significance of Money:

  • Influence on Social Status and Power: The possession of wealth and financial resources often correlates with social status and power within a community. Economic disparities can create social hierarchies, impacting individuals’ access to opportunities and resources.
  • Impact on Lifestyle and Standard of Living: The availability of financial resources influences an individual’s lifestyle and standard of living. Money provides access to education, healthcare, housing, and other essential services, shaping the quality of life for individuals and communities.

3. Money and Personal Finance:

  • Importance of Financial Literacy: Financial education empowers people to make informed decisions about earning, spending, saving, and investing. Understanding the principles of personal finance is essential for achieving financial security and long-term well-being.
  • Managing Personal Finances: Budgeting, saving, and investing are key to effective personal finance management. Individuals must make strategic financial decisions to meet their short-term and long-term goals.
  • Psychological Aspects of Money: People often tie money to their emotions and psychological well-being. Developing a healthy money mindset involves understanding one’s relationship with money and addressing any emotional factors that may impact financial decisions.

4. Impact of Money on Society:

  • Economic Inequality: The distribution of wealth and income in society can contribute to economic inequality. Addressing issues of inequality requires a nuanced understanding of the role of money and the implementation of policies that promote equitable wealth distribution.
  • Consumerism and Materialism: Money influences consumer behavior , contributing to a culture of consumerism and materialism. Society’s emphasis on material possessions can impact individuals’ values and priorities.
  • Influence on Politics and Governance: Money plays a significant role in political processes, affecting campaigns, lobbying, and policy decisions. The intersection of money and politics raises questions about transparency, accountability, and the democratic process.
  • Environmental Implications: Economic activities driven by the pursuit of profit can have environmental consequences. Balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability requires careful consideration of the environmental impact of monetary and economic policies.

Functions of Money

  • Medium of Exchange
  • Money is a widely acknowledged medium of exchange for goods and services, facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers.
  • It eliminates the inefficiencies of barter by providing a common unit of value that simplifies the exchange process.
  • Unit of Account:
  • Money provides a standardized unit of measurement for the value of goods and services, permitting easy comparison of prices and making economic calculations more efficient.
  • It enables individuals and businesses to express the relative worth of different goods and services in terms of a common currency.
  • Store of Value:
  • Money serves as a store of value, permitting individuals to hold and accumulate wealth over time.
  • Unlike perishable goods or assets with fluctuating value, money retains its purchasing power over extended periods, providing a reliable means of preserving wealth.
  • Standard of Deferred Payment:
  • Money facilitates transactions involving future obligations by serving as a medium for deferred payments.
  • Contracts, loans, and other financial agreements often stipulate payments in a specific currency, with money as the standard for settling debts and fulfilling obligations.
  • Money’s high liquidity enables it to be readily convertible into goods, services, or other assets without experiencing a significant loss of value.
  • Its liquidity enables individuals to quickly access funds for urgent expenses or investment opportunities, contributing to economic flexibility and efficiency.
  • Measure of Value:
  • Money is a measure of value, providing a common denominator for expressing the worth of different goods and services.
  • Its role as a measure of value facilitates economic decision-making, allowing individuals to assess the relative utility and worth of various goods and services.
  • Facilitates Specialization and Efficiency:
  • Money enables specialization and division of labor by allowing individuals and businesses to focus on producing goods and assistance in which they have a comparative advantage.
  • Specialization leads to increased productivity and efficiency, driving economic growth and prosperity.
  • Portability and Durability:
  • Money is highly portable and durable, making it a convenient medium of interaction for transactions of varying sizes and distances.
  • The physical forms of money (such as coins and banknotes) and their digital representation ensure ease of transportation and storage, contributing to its widespread use in modern economies.

The Ethics and Morality of Money

While essential for economic transactions and societal functioning, money raises ethical and moral considerations beyond its economic utility. From wealth distribution issues to the impact of financial decisions on individuals and society, exploring the ethical dimensions of money sheds light on complex moral dilemmas and societal values.

  • Wealth Distribution and Economic Inequality: One of the most significant ethical concerns about money is the unequal distribution of wealth and income within societies. Critics argue that extreme wealth disparities contribute to social injustice and perpetuate systemic inequalities, raising questions about fairness and equity.
  • Social Responsibility of Wealth: Accumulating wealth brings with it a moral obligation to contribute to society’s well-being. Concepts like philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and impact investing highlight the ethical imperative for individuals and organizations to use their financial resources for the greater good.
  • Ethical Consumption and Consumerism: Consumerism fueled by the pursuit of material wealth raises ethical questions about consumption patterns’ environmental and social impact. Ethical consumption movements advocate for mindful spending and sustainable lifestyles that consider the broader consequences of consumer choices.
  • Ethics in Financial Services: The financial industry operates within a complex ethical landscape, with issues like transparency, conflicts of interest, and fair treatment of clients coming under scrutiny. Ethical codes of conduct and regulations aim to promote integrity and trust in financial services, ensuring that financial professionals prioritize the interests of their clients.
  • Debt and Financial Vulnerability: Ethical considerations arise in lending practices, particularly regarding the responsible provision of credit and the treatment of borrowers, especially those in vulnerable financial situations. Predatory lending practices and exploitative debt arrangements raise ethical concerns about the consequences of financial transactions on individuals’ well-being.
  • Corruption and Financial Crime: Money laundering, bribery, and other forms of financial crime undermine the integrity of financial systems and pose ethical challenges to businesses, governments, and individuals. Ethical frameworks and legal regulations aim to combat financial corruption and promote accountability and transparency in financial transactions.
  • Psychological Impact of Money: Money’s influence on individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and relationships raises ethical questions about the psychological effects of wealth and materialism. The pursuit of wealth can lead to ethical dilemmas related to greed, envy, and the prioritization of financial gain over other values.
  • Cryptocurrency and Ethical Considerations: Emerging digital currencies, such as cryptocurrencies, introduce new ethical considerations related to privacy, security, and the potential for illegal activities like money laundering and fraud. Ethical discussions surrounding cryptocurrencies also touch on financial inclusivity, decentralization, and the democratization of finance.

Financial Education

Financial education is essential to enable people to make informed decisions concerning their money, investments, and overall economic well-being. It covers many topics, from basic budgeting and savings to more complex concepts like investing, debt relief, and retirement planning. The need for financial literacy is huge in today’s complex financial world, where individuals are more accountable for their financial future.

  • Foundational Knowledge: Basic financial concepts like income, expenses, budgeting, and savings are the first things students learn about when they start their financial education. Comprehending these underlying concepts establishes the foundation for prudent financial judgment and accountable handling of finances.
  • Budgeting and Saving: Effective budgeting and saving are essential for financial education. Individuals learn how to create and stick to a budget, allocate funds for essential expenses, savings, and discretionary spending, and build an emergency fund to weather unforeseen financial challenges.
  • Debt Management: Financial education teaches individuals about managing debt responsibly, including understanding different types of debt, interest rates, and repayment strategies. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding excessive debt and using credit wisely to maintain financial health.
  • Investing and Wealth Accumulation: Investing is a key aspect of financial education, enabling individuals to grow their wealth over the long term. Topics covered may include understanding investment options (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), risk tolerance, asset allocation, and strategies for assembling a diversified investment portfolio.
  • Retirement Planning: Financial education helps individuals plan for their future financial security, including retirement. It covers retirement savings vehicles (e.g., employer-sponsored retirement plans, IRAs), estimating retirement expenses, and developing a strategy to achieve retirement goals.
  • Risk Management and Insurance: Understanding risk management and insurance is integral to financial education. Individuals learn about different types of insurance (e.g., health, life, property) and how insurance can mitigate financial risks and protect against unexpected events.
  • Financial Decision-making: Financial education supplies individuals with the knowledge and skills to make instructed financial decisions based on their goals, values, and circumstances. It encourages critical thinking and evaluating financial products and services, empowering individuals to navigate the financial marketplace effectively.
  • Economic Empowerment: Financial education is a tool for economic empowerment, particularly for marginalized communities and underserved populations. Promoting financial literacy and capability helps individuals build financial resilience, reduce vulnerability to financial exploitation, and achieve greater economic independence.
  • Lifelong Learning: Financial education is a lifelong journey with changing financial circumstances and economic conditions. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing learning, staying informed about financial trends and developments, and adapting financial strategies as needed throughout life.
  • Social and Policy Implications: Financial education has broader social and policy implications, influencing financial inclusion, economic mobility, and societal well-being. Policies that promote financial education in schools, workplaces, and communities can contribute to building a financially literate society and reducing financial disparities.

Money in the Digital Age

  • Digital Payments and Transactions: The addition of digital payment methods, including mobile wallets, online banking, and peer-to-peer payment platforms, has reshaped the conduct of transactions. Digital payments offer convenience, speed, and accessibility, allowing individuals to transfer funds, make purchases, and manage finances seamlessly across various digital channels.
  • Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, represent a decentralized digital currency powered by blockchain technology. Blockchain technology enables secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions without intermediaries like banks or financial institutions.
  • Financial Inclusion and Access: The digitalization of money can promote financial inclusion by delivering access to financial services for underserved populations. Digital payment platforms and mobile banking services empower individuals in small areas or underserved communities to participate in the formal financial system.
  • Challenges and Risks: Despite the benefits, the digitalization of money presents challenges and risks, including cybersecurity threats, data privacy concerns, and regulatory challenges. Fraud, hacking, and data breaches highlight the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and regulatory frameworks to protect consumers and maintain trust in digital financial systems.
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Central banks are exploring the vision of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as a digital alternative to traditional fiat currencies. CBDCs combine the advantages of digital currencies with the stability and regulatory oversight provided by central banks, potentially reshaping the future of money and monetary policy.
  • Smart Contracts and Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Smart contracts, facilitated by blockchain technology, automate and enforce the words of contracts without intermediaries. Decentralized finance (DeFi) leverages blockchain and innovative contract technology to create decentralized financial services outside traditional banking systems, including lending, borrowing, and trading.
  • Cross-Border Transactions and Remittances: Digital currency and blockchain technologies promise to stream international transfers and reduce expenses and inadequacies linked to conventional remittance systems. Cryptocurrencies and stablecoins offer an alternative means of transferring value globally, bypassing traditional banking channels and intermediaries.
  • Regulatory Landscape and Policy Considerations: Governments and officials face regulatory hurdles due to the rapid evolution of digital currency. Regulatory frameworks must actively update to consider the changing landscape of digital finance to preserve consumer protection, financial stability, and compliance with know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

Money is a cornerstone of modern society, serving as a medium of exchange, store of value, and facilitator of economic activities. Its significance extends beyond financial transactions, impacting individuals’ access to basic needs, economic opportunities, and overall well-being. Understanding the multifaceted role of money is crucial for promoting financial literacy, responsible money management, and equitable access to financial resources in today’s complex socioeconomic landscape.


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Importance of Money Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Money is a commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange. It is the principal measure of wealth. It is any good that is widely used and accepted in transactions. Human life will have a lot of changes with the presence and absence of money. Money has become the most vital part of life.

Importance of Money Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

100 Words Essay On Importance Of Money

Money is a critical factor in our lives as it helps us to meet our basic needs and desires. It provides us with a sense of security and helps us to plan for the future. Money enables us to buy food, shelter, and clothing, and to access healthcare and education. Additionally, it provides us with the means to enjoy leisure activities and to travel. Money is also important in terms of personal and professional development, as it allows individuals to invest in themselves and their careers. Furthermore, money plays a crucial role in the economy, as it is used for transactions and for saving and investing.

200 Word Essay On Importance Of Money

The status of a person in society is impacted by how much money they have. We all desire financial success either b y working hard or succeeding in business. However, only a few people seize the opportunity to realise their dream of becoming a millionaire. Money also provides a measure of economic stability, as it allows for the management of inflation and the allocation of resources. On a personal level, money helps to meet basic needs and provide a sense of security, allowing individuals to plan for the future and pursue their goals and aspirations.

Everyone needs money, no matter how wealthy they are. Knowing the value of money in our lives helps us to avoid wasting or squandering it for any reason. The only reason for all the changes and variations in life is money. From the moment we begin till the moment we go to sleep, everything that happens in between requires the use of money. However, it is important to remember that money is not everything, and that true happiness and fulfillment come from other sources such as relationships, personal growth, and contributing to the community. Money is important, but it should not be the driving force in one's life.

500 Word Essay On Importance Of Money

Creation of money.

People bartered for goods and services before money was invented. About 5000 years ago, the Mesopotamian people created the shekel. This is considered the first known form of currency. Around 650 to 600 BC, gold & silver coins were stamped and used to pay armies. From then to now, money's importance has been increasing daily.

Origin of money

The word money is derived from the Latin word "Moneta" . Moneta means coin . In the ancient world, Juno was often associated with money.

Types of Money

There are seven types of money—representative, fair, paper, commodity, coinage, digital and commercial bank money . This money is used for exchange depending on their need and requirement.

Properties of money

The different properties of money are durability, divisibility, portability, uniformity, acceptability and limited supply. Having such unique and essential properties adds value to money.

Basic Need For Money

No matter their financial situation, everyone needs money. Money is required for many things, including purchasing clothing, housing, food, and other necessities. It's imperative to satisfy these needs. Our personal and societal well-being will suffer severely if we don't have enough money to achieve it.

Uses of money

In reality, we can say there are only five main uses for money

We can use it to live.

We can give it.

We can pay taxes.

We can repay debt and

We can save or grow it.

Power Of Money

Money has significant power to rule human life. It provides people with the ability to have the freedom to do what they want, be who they want and go where they want. Life with money will have success, freedom, choice, security, happiness and many more. Without money, we would be reduced to a barter economy. For every penny we spend in life, we need to think twice about whether it is worth it. Life without money shows us what adjustment is, what scarcity or starving for food is.

Impact Of Money

Money has a significant impact on our lives, influencing various aspects such as:

Basic necessities: Money allows us to meet our basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare.

Security: Having a stable source of income provides financial security, allowing us to plan for the future and reducing stress.

Career and personal development: Money provides the means for individuals to invest in themselves and their careers, allowing for personal growth and professional advancement.

Lifestyle: Money affects our lifestyle and the choices we make, from the type of home we live in to the leisure activities we pursue.

Relationships: Money can influence relationships, as disagreements over financial issues are common and can cause stress and tension.

Social status: Money affects social status, as income and wealth can determine access to certain opportunities and experiences.

Mental well-being: Money has a significant impact on mental health, as financial stress and insecurity can cause anxiety and depression.

In conclusion, money affects many aspects of our lives and has the potential to greatly impact our well-being, both positively and negatively. It is important to manage money wisely and to strive for financial stability while also balancing other important aspects of life.

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Essay on Money: How money is important in our life? (1000 Words)

Money is a wonderful invention of man. It is the power that helps people in earning and spending. Its importance can be understood by knowing how it solves the problems of human beings. We should know how to spend money properly and how we can save money for future use. In this essay, we’ll talk about the importance of money.

Money is a wonderful invention of man

When barter system was prevalent, human relations deteriorated to a great extent.

When barter system was prevalent, human relations deteriorated to a great extent. The reason for this is that in a barter system there is no currency or money. Therefore, when a person has a surplus of goods and services he can exchange them with others but if his requirements are more than what he has then he faces a problem.

The existence of money paved way for good and improved living standard

The first currency that was widely used was gold and silver. Gold coins were used as a medium of exchange, while silver coins were used as a store of value. Gold and silver are extremely scarce resources, so they were chosen over other materials because their scarcity made them scarce resources with high value.

Does money matter in life?

In order to understand how money works in our lives today, we must first know what it is and how it functions. Money is any object or record that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services; serves as a medium of exchange, unit of account, or store of value; and is generally accepted as final payment for goods (Federal Reserve Bank). Money can be categorized into three main types: commodity money (gold), representative money (fiat currency), verification system (digital currency).

Regardless as to which side you are on, there is no denying that a person’s life experiences are often dependent on their financial situation. Money does not always guarantee happiness or security; however, having enough cash flow certainly makes daily life easier for most individuals.

Why money is important in our life?

Money is the medium of exchange. We, humans use money to buy things and services from others. Without it, we cannot live a comfortable life as we need food, clothes and shelter. If you have no money you will be miserable because all these things are very necessary for our survival in this world.

The following points will help you better understand why money is important in our lives:

The power of money

The power of money is beyond imagination. It can buy anything you want, but only if you have enough of it. Money can buy happiness, education and even health. It can also make us feel secure when we have a lot of it saved up in the bank or kept under our mattress! If we have enough money then no one will ever be able to hurt us because they will know that they cannot take away what is rightfully ours.

Money has many benefits; it allows us to live comfortably without worrying about where our next meal will come from or how we are going to pay for college tuition fees for our childrens’ education. With more than enough money at hand, life becomes much easier as well as enjoyable because there is nothing stopping us from doing what makes us happy such as travelling abroad or buying new clothes whenever we need them (as opposed to waiting until payday).

Some evils are also associated with money

The main merit of having money is that it helps you live a comfortable life by providing you with all the resources necessary for living comfortably like food, shelter, clothing and education etcetera.

The main demerit associated with having money is that people who have more than required amount of wealth become greedy and start doing illegal activities to earn more money which later becomes their source of evil as well as discomfort in lives.

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Essay on Money for Students and Children

500+ words essay on money.

Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today’s world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it. Our parents work hard to fulfill our dreams .

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Furthermore various businessmen , entrepreneurs have startup businesses to earn profits. They have made use of their skills and intelligence in getting an upper hand in earning. Also, the employee sector works day and night to complete their tasks given to them. But still, there are many people who take shortcuts to success and get involved in corruption.

Black Money

Black money is the money that people earn with corruption . For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country .

Moreover, money that people having authority earns misusing their powers is black money. Furthermore, these earnings do not have proper documentation. As a result, the people who earn this do not pay income tax . Which is a great offense and the person who does this can be behind bars.

Money Laundering

In simple terms, money laundering is converting black money into white money. Also, this is another illegal offense. Furthermore, money laundering also encourages various crimes. Because it is the only way criminal can use their money from illegal sources. Money laundering is a crime, and the people who practice it are liable to go to jail.

Therefore the Government is taking various preventive measures to abolish money laundering. The government is linking bank accounts to AADHAR Card. To get all the transaction detail of each bank account. As a result, the government comes to know if any transaction is from an illegal source .

Also, every bank account has its own KYC (Know your Customer) this separates different categories of income of people. Businessmen are in the high-risk category. Then comes the people who are on a high post they are in the medium-risk category. Further, the last category is of the Employee sector they are at the lowest risk.

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White Money

White money is the money that people earn through legal sources. Moreover, it is the money on which the people have already paid the tax. The employee sector of any company always has white money income.

Because the tax is already levied on their income. Therefore the safest way to earn money is in the employment sector. But your income will be limited here. As a result, many people take a different path and choose entrepreneurship. This helps them in starting their own company and make profitable incomes .

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Q1. What is Black Money?

A1. Black money is the money that people earn through illegal ways. It is strictly prohibited in our country. And the people who have it can go to jail.

Q2. What is the difference between Black money and White money?

A2. The difference between black money and white money is, Black money comes from illegal earnings. But white money comes from legal sources with taxation levied on it.

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Essay on Importance of Money

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Money in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Money


Money is a crucial part of our lives. It is the medium used for exchange of goods and services, and it helps us meet our basic needs.

Significance in Daily Life

Money allows us to acquire food, shelter, and clothing. Without money, survival would be difficult.

Role in Society

Money also plays a societal role. It helps us contribute to community development through taxes.

While money is important, it’s not everything. It’s a tool for survival and contribution, but happiness and fulfillment also require love, health, and peace.

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250 Words Essay on Importance of Money

The significance of money.

Money, a medium of exchange, is a fundamental component of modern society. It is a tool that allows us to acquire goods, services, and experiences, thus playing a vital role in our lives.

Money as a Means of Exchange

Money simplifies trade, replacing the need for a direct barter system. It provides a standardized measure of value, enabling us to understand the worth of various commodities. This standardization facilitates smooth economic transactions and promotes economic efficiency.

Money and Freedom

Money also provides a certain level of freedom. It allows individuals to make choices about their lifestyle, from basic necessities to luxury items. It grants us the liberty to explore different opportunities, be it travel, education, or investment.

Money and Social Status

In many societies, money is often equated with power and status. While this perspective can lead to materialism and inequality, it also motivates individuals to strive for financial stability, fostering innovation and economic growth.

Money as a Tool, Not a Goal

However, it is crucial to remember that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The pursuit of money should not overshadow the importance of relationships, health, and personal fulfillment.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Money

Money, often seen as a simple medium of exchange, plays a pivotal role in modern society. Its importance transcends mere transactions, permeating every aspect of our lives – from the economy to social structures, personal relationships, and even our sense of self-worth.

The Economic Imperative

At its most basic level, money is the lifeblood of any economy. It facilitates trade, allowing for the efficient exchange of goods and services. Without money, barter would be the only alternative – a system fraught with inefficiencies and limitations. Money, therefore, enables economic growth by allowing for specialization and the division of labor.

Money as a Social Construct

The psychological dimension.

Money also has a profound psychological impact. It can influence our behavior, our motivations, and even our sense of self. Money can provide a sense of security and freedom, but it can also lead to stress and anxiety. The desire for money can motivate us to work harder and strive for success, but it can also lead to greed and materialism.

Money and Happiness

The relationship between money and happiness is a complex one. While money can provide for our basic needs and desires, research suggests that beyond a certain point, additional wealth does not lead to additional happiness. This suggests that while money is important, it is not the be-all and end-all of life.

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Economic Sociology & Political Economy

Economic Sociology & Political Economy

The global community of academics, practitioners, and activists – led by dr. oleg komlik, the role of money in social life: morality and power in the world of the poor.

by Ariel Wilkis *

“Perhaps behind the coin is God.” — Jorge Luis Borges, The Zahir (1949)  

The Moral Power of Money morality and economy in the life of the poor

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[…] as well as on Sandel’s What Money Can’t Buy, Barman’s Caring Capitalism, Wilkis’ The Moral Power of Money, Morduch and Schneider’s The Financial Diaries, and Sherman’s Uneasy […]

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Money — Why Money Rules the World


Why Money Rules The World

  • Categories: Consumerism Money

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Words: 521 |

Published: Jan 31, 2024

Words: 521 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Historical perspective, economic dominance, social influence, political control, environmental impact.

  • British Museum. "History of Money."
  • World Inequality Database.
  • American Psychological Association. "Consumerism and its discontents."
  • Center for Responsive Politics. "OpenSecrets: Data on Money in Politics."
  • United Nations Environment Programme.

Image of Prof. Linda Burke

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260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples

Looking for a topic about money? Money won’t leave anyone indifferent! There are lots of money essay topics for students to explore.

🏆 Best Money Essay Examples & Ideas

👍 good money essay topics, 💡 easy money topics to write about, 📃 interesting topics about money, 📑 good research topics about money, 📌 most interesting money topics to write about, ❓ research questions about money.

You might want to focus on the issue of money management or elaborate on why money is so important nowadays. Other exciting topics for a money essay are the relation between money and love, the role of money in education, etc. Below you’ll find a list of money topics to write about! These ideas can also be used for discussions and presentations. Money essay examples are a nice bonus to inspire you even more!

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  • Connection Between Money and Happiness Critical analysis of money-happiness relationship shows that socioeconomic factors determine the happiness of an individual; therefore, it is quite unsatisfactory to attribute money as the only factor and determinant of happiness.
  • Money, Happiness and Relationship Between Them The research conducted in the different countries during which people were asked how satisfied they were with their lives clearly indicated the existence of a non-linear relationship between the amount of money and the size […]
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  • Play Money Paper: A Report Betas of the Companies in the Portfolio It is noteworthy that in the given portfolio, the beta indices of the companies involved vary considerably.
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  • Money, Happiness and Satisfaction With Life Nonetheless, the previously mentioned examples should be used to remind us that money alone is not a guarantee of happiness, satisfaction with life, and good health.
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  • Financial Institutions and Money Money is a store of value because it can be saved now and used to purchase se goods and services in the future.
  • Researching of the Time Value of Money After receiving the loan, one of the monetary policies that would help PIIGS to stabilize is the deflation of their currency, in this case, the Euro.
  • Anti-Money Laundering: Financial Action Task Force Meanwhile, given the limited access for physical assessment of state jurisdictions, it is likely that current provisions of FATF are yet to be revised in spite of pandemic travel and assessment restrictions.
  • Anti-Money Laundering in the UK Jurisdiction The regime adopted in the UK is based on the provisions of “the Terrorism Act of 2000, the Proceeds of Crime Act of 2002, as well as the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Transfer of […]
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering and Its Attractiveness The proliferation of the trade-based money laundering is directly related to the growing complexity of international trade systems, where new risks and vulnerabilities emerge and are seen as favorable among terrorist organizations seeking for the […]
  • Money Laundering and Sanctions Regulatory Frameworks Under the provisions of OFAC, the company has violated the cybersecurity rules that might indirectly bring a significant threat to the national security or the stability of the United States economy by engaging in online […]
  • Type Borrowing Money: Margin Lending In the defense of the storm financial planning firm, BOQ submitted to the authorities that in view of banking regulatory policies, storm had not contravened any of the policies and this is the reason why […]
  • Lessons on Financial Planning Using Money Tree Software Financial planning remains a fundamental function among the investors in coming up with a method of using the finances presently and in the future.
  • The Supply of Money in the Capitalist Economy In the capitalist economy that the world is currently based on, the supply of money plays a significant role in not only affecting salaries and prices but also the growth of the economy.
  • Time Value of Money Defined and Calculations Simply put, the same value of money today is worth the same value in future. The time value of money can therefore be defined as the calculated value of the money taking into consideration various […]
  • Money Tree Software: Financial Planning This return is important because: It represents the reward the business stakeholders and owner of the business get in staking their money on the business currently and in the future It rewards the business creditors […]
  • Money Management: Investment on Exchange-Traded Funds The essay will discuss the possibility of investing in a number of selected ETFs in connection to an investment objective of an individual.
  • What Is Money Laundering and Is It Possible to Fight It Certainly and more often money involved in laundering is obtained from illegal activities and the main objective of laundering is to ‘clean’ the dirty money and give it a legitimate appearance in terms of source.
  • How Money Market Mutual Funds Contributed to the 2008 Financial Crisis While how the prices of shares fell below the set $1 per share was a complex process, it became one of the greatest systemic risks posed by the MMMF to the investors and the economy […]
  • Time Value of Money From an Islamic Perspective Islamic scholars say that the time value of money and the interest rates imposed on money lent are the reasons why the poor keep on getting poor and the rich richer.
  • Rational Decision Making: Money on Your Mind The mind is responsible for making financial decision and it is triggered by the messages we receive on the day to day activities. Lennick and Jordan explain that, we have two systems in the brain; […]
  • A Usability Test Conducted on GE It is common knowledge that the easier it is to access services and products on a given website the more likely users will be encouraged to come back.
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  • The Role of Money and Class Division in Society The image of modern American society tries in vain to convey the prevalence of personality over social division. Americans’ perception of financial status has been shaped for years by creating the notion of the “American […]
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  • The Ascent of Money – Safe as Houses Looking from a broad historical perspective, Niall Ferguson devotes the chapter “Save as Houses” to the observation of the real estate concept transformation, describes the place of the real estate market in the economic systems […]
  • The Ascent of Money – Blowing Bubbles The price for a share tells how much people rely on the cost of the company in the future. The life of a stock market represents the reflection of human moods on the price of […]
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  • Why Non-Monetary Incentives Are More Significant Than Money It is important to recognize that both monetary and non-monetary incentives, otherwise known as total rewards, are offered to employees in diverse ways for purposes of attracting and motivating them to the ideals of the […]
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  • Martin Van Buren: Money and Indian Relocation One of the reasons for such collaboration and understanding is the focus on the values we have. I believe this path will bring us to the land we all would like to live in.
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  • The Practice of Saving Money Knowledge of the language is also a very crucial component of EAP as it aids the learner in understanding questions and responding to them in their examinations.another differentiating factor between the two varieties of English […]
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  • History of Money in Spain The production of coins melted from gold also ceased in the year 1904, with the production of that melted from silver ceasing in the year 1910.
  • Management: “Marketplace Money” and “Undercover Boss” In this case, the accents are made on the support of the healthy workforce in order to guarantee the better employees’ performance and on the idea of rewards as the important aspects to stimulate the […]
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  • Chapters 1-3 of “Money Mechanics” by David Ashby The retained amount of money in the commercial bank is the primary reserve. The banks can decide to reduce their working reserve, and the money obtained is transferred to the excess reserve fund in accounts […]
  • Banking in David Ashby’s “Money Mechanics” Changes in prices may not have a direct effect on the gross domestic product and the planned expenditures because this is determined by the money that is in supply. This causes the GDP and prices […]
  • The UAE Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing This valuation of the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism government of the United Arab Emirates is founded on the forty endorsements and the nine special commendations on extremist supporting of the monetary […]
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  • Money, Their Features, Functions and Importance The first hindrance is the inability of the household to monitor the activities of firms. In this case, it is used to state the value of debt.
  • Happiness Without Money in Sociology and Psychology The tendency’s mechanics are simple – being in the possession of any substantial sum of money increases a person’s chance to secure a dominant status within the society, which in turn will result in strengthening […]
  • Money Market Development Factors The money market is one of the fundamental elements in the functioning of any state. Under these conditions, the gradual rise of technologies and their implementation in the sphere of financial operations alter the money […]
  • “God’ Money is Now My Money” by Stanley Seat It could be said that different priorities and the lack of time for supervision of the employees are the critical reasons for the violation of rules and high frequency of fraud in the religious institutions […]
  • International Money Laundering Thus, money laundering has a profound impact on the state of the global economy, as well as on the economy of the U.S.
  • Cybercrime and Digital Money Laundering The result of the investigation was the indictment of Western Express and a number of the company’s clients for several charges including stolen credit card data trafficking and money laundering.
  • Hawala Remittance System: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance The existence and operation of money remittance systems is one of the primary features of developing economic relation at all scales from local to the global ones.
  • Time Value of Money in Economies of Scale Also, the investigation of the VoF becomes easier by means of scrutinizing the tradeoff between the TVM and the EoS. The TVM is also employed to reach the integration of infrastructure investment valuation and risk […]
  • Time Value of Money in Investment Planning The author of the post makes a good point that an amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.
  • David Leonhardt: May Be Money Does Buy Happiness After All The case study of Japanese citizens that support Easterlin paradox do not factor in the confounding psychological effects of the Second World War on the entire population and the country.
  • Illegal Drug Use, Prostitution and Money Laundering Upon discussing the impact of money laundering, illegal drugs, and prostitution, the paper proposes the issuing of a court order restraining the use of wealth acquired from victimless crimes as one of the approaches to […]
  • Getting Beyond: Show Me the Money Nevertheless, underpayment and overpayment are common, leading to dissatisfaction. Notably, compensation is part culture, but analytics will gain traction in the big data era, as start-ups leverage such advantages from experts to manage a sales […]
  • Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money? According to Ehrenfreund, the ingenuity to develop technologies and work in space is part of the progress that comes from space programs. Space programs have led to the development of technologies that improve air transport.
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  • “From Empire to Chimerica” in “The Ascent of Money” In the chapter “From Empire to Chimerica,” Niall Ferguson traces back the history of the Western financial rise and suggests that nowadays it is being challenged by the developing Eastern world. The hegemonic position of […]
  • Money Evolution in the 21st Century and Before The history of the world cannot be described effectively without identifying the function of money. Money has been used to measure the value of resources and financial markets.
  • Financial Crisis in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money” By Ferguson, the main purpose of the historian is to relieve humanity from the financial illusions on the examples of the past.
  • Monetary Policy in “The Ascent of Money” by Ferguson The rise of Babylon is closely linked to the evolution of the concept of debt and credit; without bond markets and banks, the brilliance of the Italians would not have materialized; the foundation of the […]
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  • Money in the “Sheriff of Cape Breton” Case Study It is a typewritten petition concerning the details of the death of the late Peter Ferguson. Before the evaluation of the paper, it is necessary to define the major concerns described in the case study.
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples.

"260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Money Essay

Money Essay | Importance and Benefits of Money Essay in English

Money Essay: Money is a vital wellspring of everyday routine to experience a solid and satisfying life, despite the fact that it can not measure up to adore and mind. Both have their own significance and benefit. We are giving articles on Money to partake in a paper composing contest in basic and basic words here.

Money is the medium utilized by individuals to purchase required labor and products. It is utilized as the source to satisfy fundamental requirements and is additionally a wellspring of solace throughout everyday life. Money is the main source to carry on with a sound and prosperous life; nonetheless, it couldn’t measure up to the meaning of affection and care. Both have their own significance and advantages. By the way, Money is a helpful and important product to live cheerily arranging all your standard liabilities towards your family and friends and family.

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Short Essay on Money 300 Words in English

Money is the fundamental need of life, without which nobody can envision a sound and tranquil life. We need money to satisfy our littlest needs. In present-day times, when progress is growing quickly and everybody is following western culture, in such a period, we need more money because of expanding merchandise. On prior occasions, there was training called trade framework, in which anybody would get another thing in return for a certain something. In any case, presently in this advanced world, just Money is expected to purchase everything or thing. it happens.

These days you need Money for each work, for garments, for food, for a safe house and surprisingly in numerous spots you need to pay for water. Despite the fact that it can likewise be said that ‘Money can’t give joy’s yet would you be able to be content with no Money? Since Money is a major piece of our life, at any rate you need Money to be content.

The significance of Money is expanding step by step, in light of the fact that our living has gotten over the top expensive. The significance of Money has expanded for a huge scope in the fields of creation, utilization, trade, circulation, public income and so on It assumes a vital part in deciding pay, work, continues partnership, general value level and so on On the off chance that we take a gander at the present-day situation, there is no uncertainty that he, who has a lot of riches, is viewed as more cultivated on the planet. Consequently, we can say that Money is vital in each part of life.

Importance of Money

Money is a fundamental thing throughout everyday life. In any case, it can’t accept things like time, love and genuine consideration. It can just satisfy the outer requirements of an individual and not the interior necessities like love. These days, everything has gotten costly yet getting them is vital to carry on with basic life. In the event that we don’t have money, nobody can envision the reality of how our circumstances will be.

The demise of an individual is sure because of the absence of Money and on the off chance that he endures, he experiences to confront numerous difficulties. Abundance empowers us to purchase every one of the essential things and helps us for the duration of our life. In the event that we comprehend the significance of Money throughout everyday life, we won’t ever go through Money with no reason or abuse. We can’t look at Money and love, in light of the fact that to carry on with a fruitful life we ​​need both Money and love.

In this cutthroat world, to bring in Money by finding a decent line of work, everybody needs to concentrate well with advanced education from a notable school or college. An individual needs to bring in more money to satisfy the prerequisite of the relative multitude of individuals in the family, particularly for the individual who is the lone worker in the family.

An individual necessities Money to address the issues of all his relatives to eat, wear, and live. The rich have an uncommon personality and notoriety in the general public, be that as it may, the needy individuals spend their lives just getting two suppers per day. Every one of these progressions and contrasts are because of Money as it were.

In any place where there is a shortage of money in the house, there are a lot of struggles. There are squabbles among a couple. Neither does anybody regard each other in the case of bringing in Money. Neighbors and family members likewise peer downward on the destitute individual. He begins cutting her reasoning that the individual never requests Money from her. With this, nobody needs to get to know a destitute individual in the present time.

Money can neither purchase nor stop time nor purchase genuine romance and care together. Yet at the same time it is needed by all, so life can be taken in the correct way. Despite the fact that Money can’t give time and love, it certainly gives us bliss, certainty, fulfillment, physical and mental harmony. Because of which we can carry on with life effectively and each troublesome issue can be settled.


Advantage from Money

You can carry on with a conscious life: An individual is regarded just when he is monetarily prosperous. Something else, in the present society, the bankrupt individual has no regard.

Unadulterated and nutritious food can be eaten: The individuals who have abundance can appreciate an assortment of heavenly and nutritious dinners. What’s more, they can shield themselves from sicknesses.

Your assurance should be possible: In the present society, burglary, theft have expanded a great deal and rich individuals can give security to themselves because of Money.

The credit is repayable: Obligation taken from an individual rich individual can reimburse the credit without any problem.

The happiness regarding material delights can be achieved: With an adequate measure of riches, all material solaces can be appreciated like taking a decent house, great garments, vehicles and different things.

FAQ’s on Money Essay

Question 1. What is the requirement for money?

Answer: The main capacity of cash is to fill in as a mechanism of trade. As a mechanism of trade, cash addresses every one of the troubles of the deal. There is no need for a twofold fortuitous event of needs in a cash economy.

Question 2. What are the benefits of money?

Answer: Having money with you gives you a respectful life, you can have a healthy and nutritious life, you can pay your loans, have a luxurious life, etc.

Question 3. How can we earn money?

Answer: There are a number of ways to earn money such as;

  • You can be an employee in a company
  • You can start your own business
  • You can be an entrepreneur
  • You can use social media channels to provide your service

money is power essay

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Essay On Money: 100, 250 Words Samples

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  • Nov 9, 2023

Essay On Money

Why do you think money is important? Can we live without money? Does money have its own value? What’s the difference between hard money and digital money? When we plan on buying something, we have to pay a certain amount. Let’s say you want to buy a wristwatch worth $50. How do you compare that commodity with money? Do they have equal value? Is there any authority that states the value of money ? These and several other questions about money can make one wonder why money is given so much importance. Let’s go in-depth with an essay on money and find answers to all these questions.

money is power essay

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Money?
  • 2 Why is Money So Important?
  • 3 Essay on Money in 100 Words
  • 4 Essay on Money in 250 Words

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What is Money?

According to Wikipedia and Oxford Dictionary, Money is simply a medium of exchange. Some even consider money as one of the most important resources , which is used to make transactions of goods, services, or repayment of debts within a specific country or socio-economic context.

Money can have various forms, coins and banknotes in physical form, and electronic balances in bank accounts in digital forms. Money serves as a unit of account, facilitating the measurement of value in terms of prices, and as a store of value, allowing individuals to save purchasing power for future use.

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Why is Money So Important?

What makes money such an important resource is its acceptance across the globe in multiple transactions and services. From serving as a medium of exchange to facilitating financial activities, the importance of money goes beyond our everyday needs. Here are several reasons stating the importance of money.

  • Money serves as a convenient medium of exchange that facilitates the buying and selling of goods and services, making transactions more efficient than barter systems.
  • It provides a standardized unit for measuring the value of goods, services, and assets, allowing for easier comparison and assessment of value across different items.
  • Money enables individuals and businesses to store wealth and purchasing power over time, facilitating savings and investment for future needs and goals.
  • A stable and reliable monetary system encourages investment, trade, and economic growth, fostering overall prosperity within an economy.
  • By using money, individuals and businesses can avoid the high transaction costs associated with bartering and the inefficiencies of non-monetary exchange systems.
  • The use of money encourages specialization in the production of goods and services, leading to increased productivity and efficiency within an economy.
  • Money is essential for the functioning of financial markets, banking systems, and investment activities, which are crucial for the allocation of resources and capital within an economy.

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Essay on Money in 100 Words

El dinero or money is used as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It facilitates trade, allowing for the smooth exchange of goods and services, while also enabling efficient allocation of resources and encouraging economic growth. As a unit of account, it provides a standardized measure of value, simplifying the comparison of different goods and assets. 

Moreover, money acts as a store of value, allowing individuals to save and plan for the future. Its role in reducing transaction costs, enabling specialization, and supporting complex financial activities highlights its significance in the functioning of contemporary economies.

Essay on Money in 250 Words

Modern economics is heavily dependent on money or we can say that money is the pillar of modern economies. As a medium of exchange, it simplifies trade by providing a universally accepted method of payment for goods and services, eliminating the inefficiencies and limitations of barter systems. Its characteristic fosters the development of complex market systems, encouraging specialization and the efficient allocation of resources.

Apart from being a medium of exchange, money functions as a unit of account, providing a standardized measure of value that enables individuals to compare prices and evaluate the worth of different goods and services. This uniformity in valuation streamlines commercial activities and allows for effective planning and decision-making in both personal and business contexts.

Money serves as a store of value, allowing individuals to save and accumulate wealth over time. This feature empowers people to prepare for future expenses, emergencies, or long-term goals, providing a sense of security and stability in an uncertain world.

In addition to its role in daily transactions , money fuels economic growth by facilitating investment, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Financial institutions utilize money as a tool to allocate capital efficiently, enabling the development of new businesses, industries, and technologies that contribute to overall economic prosperity.

Money plays multiple roles in our lives; it is a physical or digital representation of currency; it is a fundamental pillar of modern economies, underpinning the intricate web of commercial activities, financial systems, and societal well-being. Its importance lies not only in its tangible properties but also in the complex functions and structures it supports within the global economic framework.

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Money is globally accepted as a medium of exchange in multiple transactions and services. From serving as a medium of exchange to facilitating financial activities, the importance of money goes beyond our everyday needs. To buy goods or services, you are required to pay a certain amount, which is fulfilled by paying money. 

To write an essay on money, you need to highlight the key aspects of this essential resource. The multiple transactions in which money is used in our day-to-day lives make money an important part of our lives. Give examples of how money can change our lives and what would happen if we were out of money. Highlight the latest trends in the financial sector and what governments are doing to save our money from inflation. 

Here are the 5 strongest currencies in the world: Kuwait Dinar (KWD), Bahraini Dinar (BHD), Omani Rial (OMR), Jordanian Dinar (JOD), and Gibraltar Pound (GIP).

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Money is power


Sovereign governments have the power to create money. Policies can be enacted to address public debt and deficits, as well as distributional unfairness. What are the consequences for sovereign nations of giving up their constitutional right to print their own money?


MONETARY CONVENTIONAL WISDOM Money is power! We know it much too well from our personal experience. Especially when living in societies where the means of production is protected by private property rights. Money is the instrument of transaction used in modern societies to purchase goods and services and to acquire wealth.

AT THE MICRO LEVEL,  money is the generally accepted means of payment. When money is used as the means of payment, in the form of notes, coins or credit cards, the deal is complete. This is a rather practical legal arrangement, – especially when the money instrument has a wide-range circulation. Hence, the positive argument for creating a monetary union.

FROM HERE  the naïve microeconomic question follows: Why not just set up a single currency for the entire world economy, and one global central bank?

For a die-hard neoclassical economist, who views money from a micro perspective, this is the appropriate question to ask. Neoclassical theory views money as simply a means of transaction with no real impact: also known as the ‘Money is a veil’- argument. Following this argument, ‘one currency’ has only one kind of real effect: reduced transaction costs, – so the wider the monetary union, the better. (This was the main argument for creating the European monetary union, but the reasoning would also apply to a global level.)

IN FACT,  money hardly appears in neoclassical (or new-classical) economics textbooks. For more than a century, the insignificance of money has been part of  the neoclassical heritage: the ‘Neutrality of Money’   , see for instance Patinkin (1). It is argued that if money has an impact, it is due to people being irrational or acting out of ignorance: so-called ‘money illusion’. But according to neoclassical theory, such irrational behaviour will not last long: People will quickly learn their lesson, – that  money is simply  a veil. For instance, in the widely used General Equilibrium models (GE-models) or the DSGE- models, neither money, nor a financial sector, is appearing at all. Why? Because obviously ‘money has no real impact’!

”in the widely used General Equilibrium models.., neither money, nor a financial sector, is appearing at all. Why? Because obviously ‘money has no real impact’

NO WONDER  the dean of the London School of Economics (LSE) got into difficulties answering Queen Elisabeth in May 2009, when she visited the university and asked:  “How could it [the global financial crisis] happen?”  Because according to the General Equilibrium models – it could not happen! In fact, no conventional neoclassical macroeconomist cares much about what happens in the financial sector. Their main concern is advocating for labour market reforms to reduce structural unemployment caused by lack of labour flexibility and a too generous welfare system, and to recommend a balanced public-sector budget.

WHY ARE  neoclassical economists so focused on a balanced public-sector budget?  The economists know that public sector expenditures are powerful. Governments can by public money direct the market economic system away from the private sector general equilibrium solution with full employment. According to the model this a ‘Pareto-optimal’ meaning that no one can get an improved economic outcome without reducing the utility of someone else. Any policy intervention has a negative impact at the market economic outcome due to its dislocation effect of economic resources. So, any budget deficit will disturb, in fact prevent, that the defined  and model-designed optimum is realized. Instead they have constructed a vision of a perfect-market economic system directed by private business and households.

They assume that these rational private market actors are undertaking individually optimal decisions, arriving at a Pareto-optimal solution through the perfect market system.

IN ADDITION,  neoclassical economists consider public debt as an economic burden on future generations, who has to pay back the accumulating debt at a later stage. They do not see the cause of the deficit as a consequence of the private sector imbalances and self-inflicted unemployment due to lack of effective demand, see below. Hence, it is important to secure ‘neutrality of the public  sector’ by the requirement of a balanced budget preferably written into the constitution.

WITHIN WELL-FUNCTIONING  and competitive marketplaces, individuals can make their own free choices without any paternalistic interference from government. Therefore, the recommendation in all cases is to deregulate the market system: Leave it to the individuals and to the market forces to direct the economic evolvement,  – and money will have no impact.

SO, AT THE THEORETICAL BOTTOM LINE  of neoclassi cal economic thinking is a ‘no trust in political intervention’ to correct the private market economy. Because, politicians are like any other agent self-optimizing only thinking of his/her own carrier, and not caring for the ‘common good’ or ‘society as a whole’). Which is also the argument behind an independent central bank – independent of the self-optimizing politicians.


MONEY AS A MEANS OF PAYMENT In economic terms, money is the ultimate power, because, as Clower (2 )   forcefully stated, ‘money buys goods’. In a market economy you can get everything if you pay the price – and have the money. If you do not have the ultimate liquidity, in other words, the amount of money (means of payment), you must ask for credit. Credit means that you at a later stage return the agreed amount of money. And if not, you are in default and risk to be ‘bankrupt’. Keynes revolutionized monetary theory when he introduced the concept of uncertainty to macroeconomics: The microeconomic, i.e. behavioural consequences of individuals (and governments) not knowing the future, have macroeconomic impact.

To possess money means in modern societies having the ultimate, undisputed and reasonably secure (in real terms) purchasing power. Money is needed to undertake transactions. In fact, the gross domestic product, GDP, is defined as the aggregate value of transactions which create money income (wage and profit) (3). ‘Money makes the world go around’ as we know. Surely, you can buy goods and services (and capital assets, see below) ‘on credit’, but only if you can get either a bank guarantee or a bank loan. Even more importantly, firms waiting to sell their output need to fund current production either by retained profit, or more often by the use of bank credit (i.e. money), essentially to cover the costs of resources as well as the wages of workers and subcontractors.

As such, they have a time gap before they receive the expected revenue in ‘cash.’ There will always be a time lag between when the production begins (costs are incurred) and the firms receive the (somewhat uncertain) revenue – therefore credit and finance is of crucial importance in a monetary production economy. (4)



Money is a store of wealth. This is empirically a trivial statement; but it had to wait until Keynes (5), to be explained by – once again – uncertainty. It is exactly because of ‘we simply do not know the future’ ( 6)   that money is an essential part of any portfolio choice model: the financial asset with less uncertainty attached (under normal social and political conditions). Hence, money is a ‘rational’ store of wealth when uncertainty prevails.

”Why are neoclassical economists so focused on a balanced public-sector budget?


If money is power, then the right to supply money makes the issuer powerful. The demarcation of what items can serve as money is changing through time as can be read in histories of money, among other: Keynes ( 5) . Money is defined by legislation and practice of means of payment. Political power (essentially government) can legally define, what is legal tender. This definition of the means of payment can be more or less wide ranging. A narrow definition limits the use of a ‘legal tender’ to payment of taxes, i.e. transactions with the government. A wider definition defines specific financial assets as ultimate payment, the acceptance of which, cannot be denied.

THE CONVENTIONAL VIEW  on money supply is to consider central bank notes (and coins) as the ultimate means of payment, which can be used everywhere within the national jurisdiction. This view leads directly to the argument that the money supply is controlled by the central bank. While the gold standard was the core of the law regulating the activity of the central bank, there was a close relationship between the amount of gold and the number of notes in circulation. This link was definitively broken in 1931. Firstly, by the British government and shortly after by most Western countries. Two major changes followed from this institutional change in the 1930s of breaking the link between gold and the national currency:

1. the amount of central bank money became open ended 2. the exchange rate between the different national currencies became flexible.

Both changes were substantial; but the neoclassical macroeconomic literature was unprepared and unhelpful for this new institutional situation, where government via the central bank could print money on demand and the exchange rate became at least partly determined by market forces (and therefore speculation).


ON TOP OF THESE CHANGES  came an increase in the use of direct interbank clearing of cheques drawn on ordinary costumers’ deposit accounts in private banks after the war. Cheques became means of payments  accepted by government for payment of tax.   During the 1980s came the electronic revolution and with that the introduction of credit (or debit) cards. Two kinds of uncertainty emerged when payment with credit cards became the common practice:

1. Was there ‘money on the account’? (if not, the card would, in principle, be blocked) 2. Was the private bank able to honour the amount drawn in the deposit account? (a matter of liquidity and/or solvency)

The problem of bank solvency was (partly) solved by a mandatory requirement for all private banks issuing credit cards to be member of the depositors’ guarantee insurance organized by the government. In EU the amount guaranteed is € 100.000 (in Norway it is still 2 million NOK, but under pressure to conform to EU standard) – deposits beyond this amount ran the risk/uncertainty of the bank going bust.


Today, more than ninety percent of economic transactions are undertaken by the use of private banks deposits which circulate as means of payment via credit card, mobile-pay or similar payment vehicles. Where do these deposits come from? The simple answer is they are created by private bank loans. Each time a loan is underwritten by a customer, the amount is credited to the borrower’s debtor account in the very same bank. Pop! – the amount of means of payment is increased by an equal amount.

WHEN THE DEPOSITS  are used for a (final) payment, the amount of money is credited another deposit account, either in the very same bank or more likely in another bank; but the amount of money is, anyhow, not changed by this transaction. If the deposits leave the issuing bank, there will temporary emerge a liquidity ‘drain’, which at the end of the day can be filled by interbank loans (or lending via the central bank). In fact, the interbank market plays a very important systemic role by leveling the liquidity flows between banks day-by- day. Excess liquidity is hereby channelled to banks with a deficit of deposits, usually at a rate of interest set by the central bank.

AS LONG AS  the interbank market functions smoothly, there is hardly any limit to the amount of money, which private banks can create ‘out of thin air’. It all depends on the demand for credit by firms and households, and banks’ attitude (and risk assessment) to providing such loans. As Hyman Minsky ( 7)   convincingly has explained, the banking sector (as a whole) is historically characterized by waves of optimism, which at a certain stage collapse into a credit crunch followed by a financial crisis.

“more than ninety percent of economic transactions are undertaken by the use of private bank deposits… [which] are created by private bank loans”


THE FOLLOWING SECTION  analyses monetary phenomena within a closed society to clarify the basic arguments. Nevertheless, the analysis would also be applicable to an economy with import and export of goods and services, flexible exchange rate and international capital control, like Great Britain in the 1930s and during the  Bretton Woods era (where exchange rates were adjustable).

IF WE TAKE THE VIEW  expressed by Abba Lerner in his Functional Finance  8   published in the 40s (ideas re-launched by Randall Wray in 2012 under the name of Modern Monetary Theory ( 9 ), the private and public sector financial imbalances must be analysed simultaneously. In stylized form, the public-sector budget balance has to be by accounting identities an exact mirror picture of the private sector excess savings. (10) An even more important macroeconomic identity is: savings equal real investment (within a closed society or with nations that have a balanced current foreign account). Hence, it is the interplay between private sector real investment and financial savings which determine the level of employment if all production is conducted in the private sector. Keynes’s ( 10)   major contribution to macroeconomic theory was his demonstration that this ‘equilibrium’ between private real investment and financial saving could in principle occur at any level of (un)employment. In a closed society there is no self-adjusting mechanism within the private sector to secure full employment. xiii   Falling nominal wages mean falling prices and/or falling effective demand.

UNEMPLOYMENT  is caused by structural private savings in excess of private real investment. To close this gap of excess private savings, the public sector must take  action. For insta nce, they could increase public real investment (or initiate other forms of expansionary fiscal policy). By running a public-sector deficit, excess private savings can be saturated by public bonds. Hence, public real investment has a triple effect:

1. reduces unemployment; 2. saturates private excess savings with secure financial assets (no crowding out); 3. increases the real capital stock (infrastructure, innovation, education, durable energy supply to the benefit future generations).

“Unemployment is caused by structural private savings in excess of private real investment. To close this gap… the public sector must take action.”


ACCORDINGLY,  the private structural excess savings could therefore equally well be described as an excess demand for external financial asset (at full employment). In a closed economy, this means that if the government creates more effective demand, output and employment, the public-sector deficit can automatically be financed by private excess savings without necessarily making the rate of interest increase.

SO, THE REAL FINANCIAL CHALLENGE  is to find the  right mix between new issues of government bonds and of central bank money. This mix of bonds and central bank money will, of course, make an impact on the rate of interest dependent on how the private sector’s liquidity preference develops. If the private sector’s liquidity preference is unchanged, government can manipulate the rate of interest by changing the proportion of government debt to the stock of central bank money, which will have an impact on private real investment.

So, the real financial challenge is to find the right mix between new issues of government bonds and of central bank money. In fact, this is nothing new. The monetary policy which central banks, in broadly speaking all civilized countries, have undertaken in the aftermath of the financial crisis, under the name of Quantitative Easing, was to lower the longterm rate of interest. To what extent this policy has been a success, is not evaluated here. Suffice to say, the longterm rate of interest has never(!) been as low as it had been in the US, UK and euro-zone as when this monetary policy of QE has been undertaken – without, one should add, causing consumer price inflation.

“So, the real financial challenge is to find the right mix between new issues of government bonds and of central bank money.”

THE STOCK  of central bank money has increased rapidly without causing wage or consumer price inflation. So, the classical quantity theory of money (QTM) and prices has obviously been discredited. It is equally obvious that the QE-policy has caused an asset price inflation which might have implications for future financial stability.

FORTUNATELY , it is less disputed that the QE-policy, and the low rate of interest, have had a positive effect by reducing the private sector structural excess savings. This positive development has happened via several channels, of which two shall be mentioned here: The first one is the impact of lower rate of interest on the  speed of wealth accumulation in private pension funds, which reduces private passive savings. Secondly, a lower rate of (long term) interest will have an expansionary effect on private real investment. How strong these two effects are, will depend on circumstances; but they will, in any case, bring the labour market closer to full employment, and at the same time be a relief of the public sector budget.



FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT  took office in March 1933 and presented immediately a ‘New Deal’ to restore the American economy. Government involvement and regulation was increased in all sectors: banking, labour market, public investment, business support, agriculture, social policy and the gold content of the dollar. All these initiatives were presented by the President as part of his ‘fireside chats’ and summed up the following way “I hope you can see from this elemental recital of what the Government is doing there is nothing complex, or radical, in the process” ( 11) .

ROOSEVELT WAS RIGHT.  He was making this successful policy out of intuition and common sense for two straight forward reasons:

1. The economists of his time assumed a self-adjusting private sector. This was obviously wrong, as were the policy recommendations accepted by the Hoover administration that aimed for a balanced public budget which actually aggravated and deepened the recession. 2. All sectors suffered from lack of purchasing power due to broken banks and a broken market mechanism. On top of these Hoover-failures, Roosevelt had some positive experiences from his time setting up public investment while he was the Governor  of New York State, although it was on a much smaller scale.

WHAT THE AMERICANS COULD SEE  was an economy that started to grow by 8 to 10 percent each year except for the year 1937/38. Unemployment fell steadily, but  it was not until 1943 it had fallen back where it was in 1929 ( 12) . Why did it take such a long time? An important part of the answer is because the American economy had got stuck in a total collapse of gross private capital formation from USD 16 bill. to USD 4 bill. in 1932. The government could only partly fill in this gap by increasing public expenditure to USD bill ( 13) . Recovery had to wait for a restoration in business confidence (and the war).

ALL WAY THROUGH HIS TIME IN OFFICE,  Roosevelt  faced difficulties in defending the growing public debt. He had to wait for Keynes arguments; but even Keynes had severe difficulties to convince the British politician of the constructive impact that public deficit and debt would have to rebalance the macroeconomic system and to reduce unemployment. This is still the current situation – public sector deficit and debt are considered as two macroeconomic imbalances which can be addressed separate from the private sector. It is even argued that a smaller public sector would be a relief and expansionary to the private sector, because ‘supply creates its own demand!’ (when of course it is the opposite which is true.) Otherwise, the call for austerity policy could only be seen as a cynical attempt to maintain unemployment much longer than needed.

“Roosevelt (..) presented immediately a ‘New Deal’ to restore the American economy. Government involvement and regulation was increased in all sectors”


Looking at the European Monetary Union, it is striking that on average, decade by decade, the growth rate in GDP within the euro-zone has been the lowest ever since the since the Second World War. Growth trends have been reduced and the euro-zone has performed more poorly than the non-euro countries, – not to speak of the US. Many refined arguments have been offered by the euro-monetarists, see Jespersen ( 14) . Among these arguments labour market inflexibility and persistent public-sector debt and deficit are ranking high. Forgotten are the first 25 years of the after-war period, where unemployment was around 1 percent and public debt ratio was constantly falling resulting in hardly any public deficit.


“This is a sad story of intellectual and academic desertion, – and political defeat. I am worried that one has to wait for another Roosevelt, or a so-called populistic revolt by the people…”

THE DEVELOPMENT  in nearly all European countries has, of course, changed considerably. The major change is that the private sector has swung into a position of excess financial saving, mainly due to a reduced level  of real investment in most (but not all countries). The fall in real private investment could be counterbalanced by either an expansionary monetary or fiscal policy designed specifically for each country, due to each the country having various business structures, institutions, and political preferences. But the euro-zone countries have given up the monetary sovereignty through their membership in EMU. They can no longer:

issue their own currency;

set their own short-term rate of interest and

manipulate the exchange rate. And there is not much help to get from the European Central Bank.

It is under the obligation of the EU-Treaty to secure a stable development of the average of consumer prices all over the euro-zone. This requirement causes a diverging development, because the rate of interest will be too high for countries in recession, and too low for booming countries. Exactly the same counts for the common euro-exchange rate. In addition to this centralized monetary policy, within the EU-Treaty, EU-governments are banned from financing the budget deficit via printed money or lending from private banks.

SO, FISCAL POLICY UNDER EMU  must be financed via the bond market, which should not be a problem as long as excess private savings are there to absorb public securities by an equal amount. When the euro-monetarists and the Bruxelles-elite realized that there was no real  limit to fiscal expansion during a recession, they became nervous because that would run counter to the political priority of a balanced, – and even better: reduced – public sector. Thus, to limit the potential fiscal policy, the Growth and Stability Pact was written into the EU Treaty in 1997. According to this pact, no EU-member country was allowed to run a budget deficit above 3 percent of GDP. If it still happened, for instance due to a collapse of private investments, government should make plans – and get them approved by the EU-Commission – of how to reduce the public-sector deficit by austerity measures in the middle of a recession! However, when the recession hit in 2009, a number of EU member-states undertook expansionary fiscal policy by increasing the structural public-sector budget deficit to match the hugely increased private structural surplus. This expansionary policy had the positive effect of breaking the downward spiraling of the GDP, and for a short while, the macroeconomic development was supported by macroeconomic theory and policy which made Robert Skidelsky conclude: ‘Keynes: the Return of the Master’ ( 15) .

BUT, THIS OPTIMISM DID NOT LAST LONG , as the  consequences of public deficits were very unevenly distributed among the euro-countries. Countries which also suffered from balance of payments deficits had to borrow abroad. Such was the case for the Southern European countries, whereas the Northern European countries, especially Germany, had a massive balance of payments surplus. So, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and later Italy, all had to go begging to borrow money from Berlin, Frankfurt and Bruxelles, as they were prevented from issuing money themselves. The borrowing conditions were tough, and seemingly straight out of the monetarist textbook: increased public savings and labour market reforms. This demanded policies that initially deepened and later prolonged the economic crises in the Southern euro-countries. The effects then spread to the entire euro-zone, where all countries had an excessive public budget deficit according to the EU-Treaty.

THE BERLIN/FRANKFURT/BRUXELLES AXIS  had to  realize that the Stability Pact was not restrictive enough to prevent financial instability, and it proved a challenge to the idea of the common currency as an integrating instrument. To prevent high uncertainty to unravel again, a Fiscal Compact was forced upon the euro-zone members and accepted by the other governments of the EU-countries (except Great Britain and the Czech- Republic). The countries were asked to amend their national legislation, or even constitution, in such a way, that no government, not even during a recession, should be allowed to undertake an expansionary fiscal policy of more than ½ percent of GDP.

IT IS NO WONDER  that most European countries have been stagnating for more than a decade. The only expansionary effect has come from the European Central Bank. The bank lowered the euro-area rate of inter est and initiated a substantial QE-program. The latter became a relief to the debt-burdened euro-countries and created a boost for the exporting sectors by lowering the euro/dollar exchange rate.

“It is no wonder that most European countries have been stagnating for more than a decade”

How can it be that unrealistic macroeconomic theories repeat themselves, after they were discarded by Keynes more than 70 years ago? It applies to monetary, financial, fiscal and labour market theories. One may question how it can be that hardly any conventional economist has objected to the ‘soundness’ of the Stability Pact or the Fiscal Compact although Europe has had such a poor economic performance? How can it be that politicians, either blue or red, have renounced on a number of national policy instruments without having any influence on how these policies are undertaken at the federal level? It creates the impression as though politicians are scared of being made accountable of the macroeconomic development and be in opposition to the crunching international financial markets, – and has accepted that the latter has been implemented into national law by parliament in a number of EU countries, among others by the social democratic led Danish government in 2012 – even when the economic recession was at its deepest.

THIS IS A SAD STORY  of intellectual and academic desertion, – and political defeat. I am worried that one has to wait for another Roosevelt, or a so-called populistic revolt by the people, which seems to be under its way in Italy. In some way it makes no sense to wait for another Keynes – one is enough; his theories will be reawakened when the political climate is ripe to set a political agenda that gives priority to ‘full employment and a fair distribution of income and wealth’.

But still I am wondering, like Keynes did, why it is so difficult to explain to one’s academic colleagues that:

The private sector is not self-adjusting,

When there is an excess financial saving in the private sector it will cause unemployment,

Government may reduce this unemployment by a matching/mirroring budget deficit (which, in fact, is self- financing) that will disappear when the private sector turns around and starts to run a financial savings deficit.

There are, of course, many strategies to reduce excess savings and unemployment within the private sector: low rate of interest, redistribution of income and wealth from rich to poor, investment subsidies, reduced (tax) incentives to private savings (old age pension is heavily subsidized especially for the rich people) or a reduced number of working hours per week ( 16) .

This article was published in our Rethinking Finance publication,  Check out the full magazine here

  • And it is not only in neoclassical textbooks ‘that money is neutral’, see for instance Whitta-Jacobsen, H.J. & P.B.Sørensen (2005), Intermediate Macroeconomics, New York: McGrawHill (p.62). This statement was also one of the favourite arguments used by prominent economists (and politicians) arguing in favour of giving up the Danish Krone and to adapt the euro: less transaction costs and a German rate of interest. Fortunately, the people and common sense in general overruled the neoclassical arguments, when the question was set to be decided on by a Danish (2000) and Swedish (2003) referendum. See also Patinkin, D. (1987), Neutrality of Money, in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, edited by J.  Eatwell, M.  Milgate, and P.  Newman, London New York Tokyo: Macmillan Stockton Press Maruzen.

Clower, R. W. 1967. A Reconsideration of the Microfounda- tions of Monetary Theory, Chapter 14 in Clower. R. W. 1969. Monetary Theory, Harmondsworth: Penguin book

There are few exceptions, but not relevant here.

These aspects of monetary theory are especially emphasized by Monetary Circuit Theory, see among other, Graziani, A. (2003), The Monetary Theory of Production, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Keynes, J.M. (1930), Treatise on Money, vol. 1 & 2, London: Macmillan

Keynes, J.M. (1937), The General Theory of Employment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 51, 209-23

Minsky, H. P. (1982), Can ‘It’ happen Again? Essays on Instability and Finance, Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe

Lerner, A. (1944), The Economics of Control, New York: Macmillan

Wray, L. Randall (2015), Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems, (Second edition) London: Palgrave/Macmillan

  • Public debt as a percentage of GDP fell in UK steadily from approximately 200 percent of GDP just after the 2nd world war to less than 50 percent in the early 1970s. This development was mainly driven by a GDP in current prices (due to real growth and rising inflation) which grew much faster than the public debt; In some countries e.g. Scandinavia there was even a public sector surplus for many years due to a deficit of private sector savings – caused by, among other things, a private housing boom. Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London: Macmillan

Rauchway, E. (2008), The Great Depression & The New Deal, Oxford: Oxford University Press (p.57)

Rauchway, E. (2008), The Great Depression & The New Deal, Oxford: Oxford University Press (p.5)

Lewis 1960 (p. 113)

Jespersen, J. (2016), The Euro: why it failed, London: Palgrave/Macmillan

Skidelsky, R. (2009), Keynes: The Return of the Master, London: Allen Lane

Keynes, J.M. (1931), ‘Economic Possibilities of our Grandchildren’ in Essays in Persuasion, London: Macmillan

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2 thoughts on “ money is power ”.

Sir, I absolutely love this article on such an important subject. I am puzzled by your great depth of understanding the issues, and using the term excess savings. How can there be “excessive savings” in an open economic society with a proper balance of demand for funds at a market rate for both debt and equity for use of the funds? This obviously presumes a rational use of the funds, and not financing brothels, or some such foolishness. John Law comes to mind, and yield reaching for junk bonds for money losing companies these days, with the massive stock market bubble from central bank manipulating of stupidly low rates. Currently here in the U.S., financing the government deficits for the war machine efforts at low rates seems to be a foolishness of the highest order.

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Does More Money Really Make Us More Happy?

  • Elizabeth Dunn
  • Chris Courtney

money is power essay

A big paycheck won’t necessarily bring you joy

Although some studies show that wealthier people tend to be happier, prioritizing money over time can actually have the opposite effect.

  • But even having just a little bit of extra cash in your savings account ($500), can increase your life satisfaction. So how can you keep more cash on hand?
  • Ask yourself: What do I buy that isn’t essential for my survival? Is the expense genuinely contributing to my happiness? If the answer to the second question is no, try taking a break from those expenses.
  • Other research shows there are specific ways to spend your money to promote happiness, such as spending on experiences, buying time, and investing in others.
  • Spending choices that promote happiness are also dependent on individual personalities, and future research may provide more individualized advice to help you get the most happiness from your money.

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How often have you willingly sacrificed your free time to make more money? You’re not alone. But new research suggests that prioritizing money over time may actually undermine our happiness.

  • ED Elizabeth Dunn is a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and Chief Science Officer of Happy Money, a financial technology company with a mission to help borrowers become savers. She is also co-author of “ Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending ” with Dr. Michael Norton. Her TED2019 talk on money and happiness was selected as one of the top 10 talks of the year by TED.
  • CC Chris Courtney is the VP of Science at Happy Money. He utilizes his background in cognitive neuroscience, human-computer interaction, and machine learning to drive personalization and engagement in products designed to empower people to take control of their financial lives. His team is focused on creating innovative ways to provide more inclusionary financial services, while building tools to promote financial and psychological well-being and success.

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Essay on Money

Money is a significant part of human civilisation. It is difficult to think about the world without money. Everybody needs money for various purposes, starting from day-to-day transactions to savings for the future. But if we go back to history, we will find that before money came into existence, there was a barter system to facilitate transactions among individuals in society. With the development of civilisation over time, the barter system lost its ground and was replaced by money. This essay on money will provide ideas to students so they can effectively write essays on this topic. They can also check out the list of CBSE Essays to practise more essays on different topics and boost their writing skills.

500+ Words Essay on Money

Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts which also acts as a standard of deferred payments. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. The money supply of a country consists of currency (banknotes and coins) and bank money. Bank money usually forms the largest part of the money supply.

With the help of money, we can fulfil our dream. We can go on trips to various places, eat tasty food, buy a beautiful house and can buy any luxury items. Many businessmen earn a lot of money by making profits from their businesses. They provide services or make products that people need and make money from them. Now, there are many industries and startups which have set up their business and gained success. But still, there are many people who use illegal modes to earn money and become a part of corruption.

Significance of Money in Economy

Money plays an important role in shaping the economy of any country. Money can stimulate or even hamper economic progress. Money affects the income, output, employment, consumption and economic welfare of the community at large. Money through its purchasing power increases consumption and, as a store of value, increases investment, and employment and leads to economic development.

Demonetisation in India

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, announced demonetisation on 8th November 2016, where Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes were withdrawn from circulation. It was a major event of the year 2016. The demonetisation decision was taken by the Government in consultation with the RBI. The action was taken to tackle Black Money which is available in various forms like cash, investment in property and real estate, luxury goods like jewellery or with foreign currency dealers and private financiers. The target was to curb the use of black money.

The other motto of demonetisation was to reduce corruption. With demonetisation, the cash in the hands of corrupt people becomes useless, and if the same is deposited in the banks, it loses anonymity, and the person has to pay taxes on the said amount.

The demonetisation also helped in promoting digitalisation through online transactions. A large section of the Indian economy was being run on the cash system, which does not get captured by the tax department as it does not leave any trail. So, the Government thought about promoting digitisation and formalisation of the economy through online transactions, e-wallets, and various payment instruments like Paytm, Rupay cards, the BHIM app etc. The beauty of these instruments is that the entire economic activity gets captured. It reduces tax evasion and improves tax collection.

Students must have found this essay on money useful for improving their essay-writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams, at BYJU’S.

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Money or Power, Which Is More Important/Better? See Answer

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: June 27, 2024
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles
  • Post comments: 1 Comment

Money or Power, Which Is More Important/Better?: Money is a commodity that is acknowledged as a means of a trade by the general public. It is the means of exchange for prices and values; as money, it travels anonymously from person to person and nation to country, promoting commerce; and it is the primary measure of wealth.

The capacity to get what you desire is known as power. Because what you desire is frequently restricted by others, using power frequently entails changing or influencing what others think, believe, or do. It’s at the heart of a lot of mind-altering procedures. Money is nothing more than paper on its own. Money is just as valuable as the value people place on it. A million bucks today might not even buy you a sack of potatoes over a year. So, you may believe that you should invest, and you would be correct to some extent. But only because investment provides you with something money does not: power.

The beauty of power is that it doesn’t require money, to begin with. We also deal in time, which is probably more important than money. What we invest our time in — what we dedicate our lives to — is the only thing that can offer us power. The only thing that makes you matter, then, is power.

Which Is More Influential, Money or Power

The distinction between living a life that will be remembered and living a life that will be forgotten is power. The explanation for this is straightforward: The ability to effect change is the finest definition of power. Change is a constant in life. Only a few persons are remembered.

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Table of Contents

Importance of Having Money

1. Money gives you the ability to choose what you want to do with your life : Money is significant because it allows you to do anything you want, whenever you want, and anywhere you want. This is also referred to as “ FU Money ,” which indicates you’ve reached a stage where you can walk away from a job you despise and are no longer financially dependent on anybody.

Can you have power without money

Do you have any interests that you’d want to pursue? Have you ever wanted to start your own business? Money allows you to explore such regions and take some risks.

2. You can make decisions with money : The capacity to make choices and have options is one of the most pleasant feelings in the world. It’s annoying to be stuck in a situation where you need money or financial aid, so taking that out of your life is a tremendous relief.

You have control over what you want to do and what you don’t want to do when you have money.

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3. Money is the only thing that can keep a person’s finances in order : One of the most powerful emotions you can have is knowing you don’t have to worry about money. Individuals and families deal with financial stress daily, and it can be quite taxing.

4. More Life Experiences Can Be Attained with Money : Because life is brief and passes quickly, you should want to take advantage of everything that it has to offer while you are here. It’s a waste of money to hoard money and never experience anything; after all, you can’t carry your money with you to the cemetery! While this may not present a pleasant picture, it is entirely accurate.

When you have money, you have more opportunities to get more out of life, to explore the globe, to try new things, and to break out of your bubble. This can also contribute to general happiness by allowing you to experience more of what life has to offer.

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5. Money might assist you in providing more for your family : While passing down riches to your children might be beneficial, there is a fine line between establishing good values and a work ethic in your children beyond simply handing them money. Money, on the other hand, is important since it allows you to give a better school, healthcare, and generally start in life for your family.

Many youngsters are spoilt as a result of this, which leads to unreasonable financial expectations as they grow older. However, teaching kids about money and not lavishing them with every conceivable luxury without requiring them to work hard will be critical.

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Importance of Having Power

1. Power is required to effect change : Changes can be accomplished in the absence of authority, but it will take a lot of fight and effort to make even a minor change. When power is in one’s hands, it’s much easier to make, fix, break, and bring about changes.

What is more important to you status power or money?

2. When we have power, it is much easier to assist others in their endeavors : Their incredible efforts may result in some incredible beneficial consequences, and we will be a part of it. A powerless assisting hand does not have the same impact as a forceful assisting hand. To serve others, you must have power.

We all want to help our society, community, or nation, but because we lack sufficient authority, we are frequently unable to effect desired changes, have a significant influence, or assist others in the manner we desire. Power enables us to provide important services to everyone.

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3. Protection is provided via power : We can protect ourselves, our property, and those we truly care about. We can establish appropriate limits. As a result, by utilizing the power, we may readily shield ourselves from harm and minimize the risk of injury.

4. Power instills a great deal of self-assurance : We can stand up, say what we think, question if we are unsure, ask for more if we believe we deserve it, seek more if we desire it, and so on. Power enables us to stand out for ourselves and others, and since it is in our hands, our voices are heard and our requests are honored.

5. Power aids in the development of mass power : It aids in the gathering of people, and as we all know, togetherness always leads to spectacular results. We may enlist additional help and form bonds that will nourish and strengthen us on our trip. If we wish to be nurtured by others, we must first gain strength, which will allow us to develop powerful ties.

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6. The battle is lessened when you have more power : A helpless individual may come to regret his undone business in the end. Despite his talent and potential, he was unable to realize his ambitions due to a lack of finances, widespread support, and opportunity. However, the power permits all kinds of assistance, and the only thing we need is true ability; if we have that, we can achieve all of our goals without much difficulty.

7. We can think large when we have a lot of power : We can feel empathy and compassion for others in the same manner that we used to feel for ourselves. We may enlist additional help and form bonds that will nourish and strengthen us on our trip. If we wish to be nurtured by others, we must first gain strength, which will allow us to develop powerful ties.

These emotions are no longer limited to us. We can reach out to millions of people, empathize with them, and assist them in whatever manner we can. We are no longer limited to realizing our own goals; instead, we must ensure that we fulfill the dreams of others whose eyes are willingly dreaming but lack the means to make them a reality.

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Money or Power, Which Is More Important/Better?

When you have money, the fact that you can assist them in some manner by giving them your money pulls people to you. You only have that kind of power over them. One of two things happens once you pay them the money, which you should do eventually or they’ll lose interest: They either say yes and buy whatever they wanted, then come back and keep sucking until you give them more, or they buy it, then forget about you and move on.

You aren’t going to give them money unless they do something valuable for you, which usually requires authority. We all know that money equals power, which is why there is a discussion. However, money comes with power, and the only difference is that money must be given up in exchange for the power that is typically only temporary. Power is here to stay, and it can obtain everything it desires and never runs out.

Power also takes longer to vanish than money. Until the day you die, you are strong. Even if you’re an elderly strong politician, you may still wield a lot of power. If you’re a wealthy old man, you do have some clout. However, most people are aware that you are soon to become useless to them since the money is no longer yours the moment you die—even if you aren’t in dire straits. Until you die, power is still significant. If you’re dying, but you used to be a senator or whatever, you could certainly get paid to attend a fundraiser to promote it.

Money is nothing more than a path to power/freedom, and anyone who believes otherwise is deafeningly naive. Also, don’t act as though power and freedom are mutually exclusive. When you have a lot of power, you can accomplish almost whatever you desire.

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The amount of influence you can wield is exactly proportionate to your financial wealth. Money can purchase power, influence people, change behavior, and bring all of your goals to fruition with the flip of a coin. Power comes with a lot of responsibility, and it may lead to riots if people aren’t happy with your actions. All you need is enough money if you want to see that massive mountain in front of you demolished and converted into a desert. There’s nothing else. If you pay enough money, a lot of people will gladly shred that mountain into little pieces for you. So, money is a form of power.

money is power essay

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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Power Is Money Money Is Power

Power Is Money Money Is Power

Power is money and money is power. There are many more illustrations of this now than anytime in the yesteryear. One of the most obvious illustrations is political relations. Ross Perot was an unkown multimillionaire and his money is the lone ground that he made it into the presidential election. If a adult male who earned a standard wage wanted to run for president, he would hold about no opportunity at all unless he was backed by people with money. Every four old ages when the U.S. Presidential election is held, 100s of 1000000s of dollars are spent.

The more money a campaigner has, the farther he can acquire. Although the richest rival doesn’t ever win, the president is normally a really affluent adult male. Wealth paves the route to a good instruction. If the presidential campaigner is rich, he either inherited it or was educated plenty to do it. OJ Simpson’s test is another illustration of money altering everything. If OJ Simpson had non been a retired professional football participant, so the test would hold been wholly different. Because OJ was rich, he was able to afford a really good squad of attorneies. An mean individual would hold had much less of a opportunity at being found inexperienced person, particularly sing the weight of the grounds. Supported by his money OJ’s instance became a media event.

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When OJ had the test, there was no manner it could be wholly just. It was improbable that there was non traveling to be a fan of OJ on the jury. Besides, because he was rich, OJ was given better privileges. If OJ had been a hapless adult male with a condemnable record, he would hold likely been found guilty because of representation by an over-worked public guardian. Power and Money besides affects the mean individual with disbursals of college. An norm? B? pupil is traveling to hold a much harder clip acquiring into a good school than a affluent child. With money, all the rich pupil demands to make is keep an mean class. When a pupil has money, he/she does non hold to work every bit difficult to win in life, normally because he/she is given a higher place to get down thanks to mentions from his university’s alumnae or from aquaintances of his affluent relations.

Money and power do non merely use to college. A kid who has a wealthy household is traveling to hold an easier occupation acquiring good class. One of the chief grounds is that the parents likely got a good instruction and cognize how of import instruction is in life. Most likely, the kid will hold an encyclopaedia and a computing machine which will do it easier for the child to acquire better class In many metropolis throughout the United States, safety is a large factor  people’s life styles. Families with money can afford to populate in a nice vicinity without holding to worry about packs. Populating in a bad community makes a individuals life much harder. The individual ever has to worry about doing it place safely and doesn’t truly hold a opportunity to loosen up.

Families with an copiousness of money can besides afford security systems. This helps people live their lives more comfortably without worrying continuously. Populating in a safe community makes life much easier to populate successfully. Money is a factor in many things that happen. When a individual has money, so that individual has the power to make what he/she wants to make. Although a little minority believe that money does impact most things that happen in your life, if you work hard and make your best, so you have a good opportunity of being successful. tungsten

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To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race

President Biden standing behind a lectern with CNN’s name appearing repeatedly beyond him.

By The Editorial Board

The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values . It is separate from the newsroom.

President Biden has repeatedly and rightfully described the stakes in this November’s presidential election as nothing less than the future of American democracy.

Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust. He systematically attempted to undermine the integrity of elections. His supporters have described, publicly, a 2025 agenda that would give him the power to carry out the most extreme of his promises and threats. If he is returned to office, he has vowed to be a different kind of president, unrestrained by the checks on power built into the American political system.

Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.

At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.

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    Black Money. Black money is the money that people earn with corruption. For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country. Moreover, money that people having ...

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    Money can create and start wars, save and take someone's life, and fix and break the economy. (edit sentence structure) (take out all don't type words)Without money you would not be able to save your own life. Surgery can save your life, but it is not free to have a procedure done. A new kidney alone is $262,000 alone.

  10. Essay on Importance of Money

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Money in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... In many societies, money is often equated with power and status. While this perspective can lead to materialism and inequality, it ...

  11. The Role of Money in Social Life: Morality and Power in the World of

    by Ariel Wilkis* "Perhaps behind the coin is God." — Jorge Luis Borges, The Zahir (1949) My book The Moral Power of Money: Morality and Economy in the Life of the Poor (Stanford University Press, 2017) offers a new focus for interpreting the multiple power relations that configure the world of the poor. It analyzes heterogeneous money exchanges among the urban poor in Buenos Aires and ...

  12. Why Money Rules the World: [Essay Example], 521 words

    Money has resulted in significant economic disparities among individuals and nations. According to the World Inequality Database, the richest 1% globally owns 43% of the world's wealth, highlighting the wealth disparity perpetuated by money. Additionally, money enables countries to exercise power, influence policies, and determine market dynamics.

  13. 260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples

    Other exciting topics for a money essay are the relation between money and love, the role of money in education, etc. Below you'll find a list of money topics to write about! These ideas can also be used for discussions and presentations. Money essay examples are a nice bonus to inspire you even more! We will write.

  14. Importance and Benefits of Money Essay in English

    June 1, 2023 by Laxmi. Money Essay: Money is a vital wellspring of everyday routine to experience a solid and satisfying life, despite the fact that it can not measure up to adore and mind. Both have their own significance and benefit. We are giving articles on Money to partake in a paper composing contest in basic and basic words here.

  15. Essay On Money: 100, 250 Words Samples

    Essay on Money in 100 Words. El dinero or money is used as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It facilitates trade, allowing for the smooth exchange of goods and services, while also enabling efficient allocation of resources and encouraging economic growth. As a unit of account, it provides a standardized measure of ...

  16. Money is power

    In economic terms, money is the ultimate power, because, as Clower (2) forcefully stated, 'money buys goods'. In a market economy you can get everything if you pay the price - and have the money. If you do not have the ultimate liquidity, in other words, the amount of money (means of payment), you must ask for credit.

  17. Literature Essay of The theme of money in The Merchant of Venice

    'Money is power.' In a carefully planned essay of 350-400 words (1½-2 pages) in length, discuss to what extent the quote is relevant to the play. In the play, The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, the statement 'Money is power' is very relevant. This essay will explore to what extent this quote is relevant in the play.

  18. Does More Money Really Make Us More Happy?

    ProStock-Studio/Getty Images. Summary. Although some studies show that wealthier people tend to be happier, prioritizing money over time can actually have the opposite effect. But even having just ...

  19. Essay on Money

    500+ Words Essay on Money. Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts which also acts as a standard of deferred payments. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. The money supply of a country consists of ...

  20. Money Essay : The Power Of Money In Everyday Life

    Money Essay : The Power Of Money In Everyday Life. Decent Essays. 1041 Words; 5 Pages; ... The power of money can easily be abused and it is very important to make sure that a person is well informed on ways to save and spend money wisely. Having an electronic banking card is great, if one is ever in a difficult situation it is easily ...

  21. Money or Power, Which Is More Important/Better? See Answer

    1. Power is required to effect change: Changes can be accomplished in the absence of authority, but it will take a lot of fight and effort to make even a minor change. When power is in one's hands, it's much easier to make, fix, break, and bring about changes. What is more important to you status power or money? 2.

  22. Money Is Power

    Money is not the only thing that makes me happy, but money gives me the power to do the things in my life that make me happy. I believe that money is one of the most powerful things a person can have. And I know that a lot of people for different reasons criticize people who believe money is one of the most important things in life.

  23. ⇉Power Is Money Money Is Power Essay Example

    Money is a factor in many things that happen. When a individual has money, so that individual has the power to make what he/she wants to make. Although a little minority believe that money does impact most things that happen in your life, if you work hard and make your best, so you have a good opportunity of being successful. tungsten.

  24. To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race

    The president's inadequate performance in the debate made it clear he is not the man he was four years ago.