How to Score UPSR 2021 English Essay Writing

25 March 2021

7 minutes to read

Kids Studying for UPSR

  • 01. What is the current status of the UPSR 2021 examination?
  • 02. UPSR English Examination- Writing an Essay
  • 03. More Tips & Tricks for UPSR English Writing Paper 2
English Makes the World Go Round

Have you ever heard of that idiom before? Maybe you’ve heard of the phrase, ‘Money makes the world go round’. So why did I say English makes the world go round instead? The idiom is used to express the importance of something to the normal and ordinary operation of life or even the whole world!

The English language has been a known and recognized medium used to communicate at a global level for decades now. Having a common language opens up all barriers, making it possible to learn things that might have not been accessible in your country and making friends with people all across the globe that shares the same interest as you.

Your world will feel a whole lot bigger the moment you learn how to utilize the English language. Even landing a job will be easier once you are able to communicate in English. Nowadays, most jobs will have a prerequisite condition for their employees to be able to speak English well.

This shows the vital significance of the English language in making the world move along the axis of modernization. Thus, we should not get left behind by other countries in pursuing a better future for our people.


What is the current status of the UPSR 2021 examination?

Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) has been a standard to evaluate the teaching and learning curve for the students’ whole primary school experience. We’ve heard how the 2020 UPSR and PT3 examinations were canceled last year due to the virus outbreak. And some of you may or may not have heard the Ministry of Education (MOE) announcement on discontinuing UPSR examination in the future.

While some parents and teachers have different and divided opinions on the sudden news of the plan to abolish UPSR, the final decision for the abolishment still hasn’t been made. Thus, we should try to follow the usual norm until then, which is to do our best and prepare for the examination that is to come.

In today’s topic, we will be discussing the English subject for UPSR, mainly on Paper 2 Essay Writing, Section C questions! Although, before we start, get to know the UPSR English Paper Marking Scheme .

UPSR English Examination- Writing an Essay

Pencil 2B for UPSR Paper 2

English Paper 2 Writing for UPSR prioritized the student's ability in constructing sentences and writing an essay in English.

This paper plays a crucial role in the UPSR students' overall grades as more often than not, the student would achieve 4 or 5 A's and 1 B's in their UPSR result, the non-satisfactory grade being English as students would fail the writing section of English Paper 2 Penulisan (Writing).

Thus, we at Superprof would like to share some important tips to tackle UPSR English Writing questions.

Here, the overall mark to be obtained is 25 marks. You will be given two different sets of questions and you are only required to choose ONE.

The question will have two options. They will either give you a picture with several words that you can use in your essay or, they will give you around three pictures that show you how the story goes and include some disjointed sentences you need to connect. You can choose which scenario you prefer and write an essay on that question.

Some questions will provide a starting sentence and ask you to continue. For example:

Begin your story with:

Lisa and Ana were walking home from school yesterday. They were going to Ana's house to study together. Suddenly,...

When writing an essay, or any other narrative type stories, we would always use past tense, either simple past tense or a continuous past tense. This is because a story is usually a retelling of something that had happened in the past, fictitious or not. An exception to this is if you include a dialogue showing a conversation between the characters, in which case, you might want to use the present tense. So, when you start writing, always keep the tenses in mind and make sure it's consistent throughout the story.

For those of you who have difficulties in coming up with sentences to write a story, I have a great tip on how to achieve that.

Let's check out the latest format for UPSR English Examination .

First Step- Create a Draft for UPSR English Essay Writing

Teacher Teaching Mind Map

In any kind of essay, be it a formatted essay or a narrative kind, creating a draft is a crucial step to write a good essay.

Drafting your ideas can be as easy as scribbling out the points that came across your mind on the corner of the question paper, to create an organized flow chart of how you want your story to go. Whichever way you prefer it, having a draft can tremendously help you write an understandable story flow and also saves time!

You might think that writing a draft would waste precious time when it’s not! A draft acts as a referral point so you won’t forget the main point you want to come across in the story.

Identify the Subject, Verb, and Object in UPSR English Paper 2

The most important thing that you need to remember when drafting a story essay is to map out these 3 things:

  • Subject- Who/what is the subject that was shown in the picture?
  • Verb- What is the action that is going on in the picture?
  • Object- Identify the who, what, where, and when.

Now, what about the verb? As we have learned in English classes, a verb is a word used to describe an action. Example of an action in the image is cycling! If you combine both the subject and verb together, it will sound like this;

‘Abu was cycling.’

Remember, past tense. Now, we've got two out of three items checked before we can make a full proper sentence.

Lastly, we need to identify the objects that can be used to describe the image better. It also acts as a complement for the first two words. As I have written, start by figuring the five wives one husband (5W1H). Remember what that means?

Looking at the context from the picture given, we can answer the 'When'. Study the picture. Look at the background. From the description given above, we can guess that the place where Abu is cycling is in the park. Be general. You don't have to be specific where exactly the park is unless the word is already given to you.

With the subject, verb, and objects combined, you will have a full sentence of;

‘Abu is cycling in the park.’

Congratulations! Now we have a working sentence that can serve as the start of our essay. BUT!

The sentence sounds plain. This might work for a standard one student, however, a UPSR candidate must show that they have a wider range of vocabulary compared to the younger students. You are going into a secondary school next year. You should be able to write an interesting essay that will captivate your English teachers as they mark your paper.

So, what can you do to improve your writing? Check out the Latest UPSR Reference Papers .

More Tips & Tricks for UPSR English Writing Paper 2

UPSR book for Practice

Word Linkers and Time

To make an essay more polished, there must be a mixture of different styles and writing formats. One thing that you can do is include linkers or combining two sentences into a compound sentence. Make full use of the FANBOYS word, (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) to make your sentence more developed and interesting.

There are also a few options of words that you can memorize to include in your essay, for example, suddenly, after that, then. Moreover, when starting a story, you will also mention the time. One day, last Friday or last weekend.

Have I caught your attention when you read out the first sentence in this article? That is the power of using a catchphrase or idioms in your writing. In this case, you should also memorize a few common and uncommon idioms or similes to use in your essay. When you want to say, ‘He ran quickly,’ you can change or tweak the sentence into, ‘He ran as fast as lightning.’

The use of a simile in that sentence makes it more vivid and entertaining to read.

You can keep it simple while making it interesting! However, make sure that what you write is related to the picture. Do not makeup stories! Double-check your essay after you finish writing. Check for spelling errors and make sure you use the correct articles for each word.

To get more tips and info, check out the Complete Guide to UPSR English .

So there we have it. Writing an essay for UPSR Paper 2 Section C can be easy if you follow these tips and do a lot of exercises. For more tips on answering UPSR question papers, check out Superprof as we also compiled the past year's papers for you to refer to.

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Alia J.

Alia Jamaludin

Alia Jamaludin is known as a passionate environmentalist and animal lover. By being both educator and writer, she can reach out her positive thought to almost every being on this planet.

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WM:RM13.30/EM:RM14.30 -Step-by-step tips and guidelines -Section A,B and C of UPSR format -Complete Answers -Incorporates HOTS & i-THINK Total no.of Pages:220

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TGC079120 U MODEL ESSAYS P S FOR UPSR R MODEL ESSAYS 英 UPSR Year 文 写 作 FOR UPSR 宝 典 Model Essays for UPSR provides students UPSR with the latest writing tips and guidelines to tackle the UPSR English format. These clear and concise notes will help students understand how to identify keywords, organise points and connect ideas to craft MODEL ESSAYS FOR UPSR well-written essays. Patricia Teoh (Guru Cemerlang) Sections A, B and C Incorporates of UPSR HOTS & i-THINK • Online Bookstore • Online Library • Year format Step-by-step WM:RM13.30 / EM:RM14.30 tips and Complete NETT PRICE Answers TGC079120 guidelines ISBN 978-967-489-350-7 ,!7IJ6H4-ijdfah! CONTENTS UPSR English Paper 2 Format iv Model 19 Leaf et – Holiday English Grammar Notes & Practices 1–9 Programme 31 Improving Your Writing Skills 10 Model 20 Notes – Ways of Appreciating 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 SECTION A Information Transfer Others 32 • Tips and Guidelines 12 • UPSR PRACTICES 33-47 Model 1 Notes – A Misadventure 13 SECTION B Information Transfer & Model 2 Notes – 21st Century Guided Writing Classroom 14 • Tips and Guidelines 49-50 Model 3 Notes – Airport Lounge 15 Model 1 Co-curricular Activities 51-52 Model 4 Notes – Canteen 16 Model 2 A Mobile Library 53-54 Model 5 Notes – Park 17 Model 3 Activities at the National Model 6 Notes – Home Safety Tips 18 Park 55-56 Model 7 Notes – Polluted Beach 19 Model 4 Joining a Sports Club 57-58 Model 8 Notice – Fun With English Model 5 Tasks to Do 59-60 Night 20 Model 6 Opening of a Shopping Model 9 Recipe – Cooking Fried Rice 21 Mall 61-63 Model 10 Text – Announcement of Model 7 Trip to Melaka 64-65 Canteen Closure 22 Model 8 Great Places to Go 66-67 Model 11 Notes – New Baby Girl 23 Model 9 Going Green 68-69 Model 12 Flyer – A Healthy Restaurant 24 Model 10 Applying for Head Model 13 Notes – Taxi Service 25 Prefect 70-71 Model 14 Table – English Carnival Model 11 Making a Card 72-73 Competition 26 Model 12 Eating Healthy 74-76 Model 15 Notice – School Trip to Model 13 Avoiding Heatstroke 77-78 Melaka 27 Model 14 Stopping Childhood Model 16 Notes – An Internet Cafe 28 Obesity 79-80 Model 17 Brochure – Sepilok Orangutan 81-82 Sanctuary 29 Model 15 Visiting a Night Safari Model 16 Doing Household Model 18 Notes – The Koala 30 Chores 83-84 ii Model 17 Getting a Pet 85-86 Model 10 During Recess 155-156 Model 18 Trip to Kelantan 87-88 Theme: A Succesful Act Model 19 Buying a Gadget 89-90 Model 11 Overcoming Fear 157-158 Model 20 Mother’s Day Gifts 91-92 Model 12 Poetry Recital 159-160 Model 21 Outing to a Theme Park 93-94 Theme: Visit/ Outing Model 22 Replying an Email 95-96 Model 13 An Educational Model 23 Recommend a Book 97-98 Experience 161-162 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Model 24 Photography Model 14 Trip to a Waterfall 163-164 Competition 99-100 Theme: Characters Model 25 Buying a Magazine 101-102 Model 15 A New Challenge 165-166 • UPSR Practices 103-120 Model 16 The Brave Taxi Driver 167-168 SECTION C Sentence Construction / Note Theme: School Life Expansion Model 17 A Lesson on • Tips and Guidelines 122-123 Procrastination 169-170 • 10 Points to Excel in Writing & Notes 124-136 Model 18 Best Class Campaign 171-172 Theme: A Good Deed Theme: Hobbies Model 1 Helping a Handicapped Model 19 Gardening 173-174 Man 137-138 Model 20 Keeping Pets 175-176 Model 2 Helping a Little Lost Girl 139-140 Theme: Travel and Places Model 3 Visit to an Old Folks’ Home 141-142 Model 21 A Visit to Perak Museum 177-178 Theme: A Lesson Model 22 School Trip to Kuala Lumpur 179-180 Model 4 A Self sh Act 143-144 Theme: Idioms Model 5 Addicted to Computer Games 145-146 Model 23 Better to be Alone than to be in Bad Company 181-182 Model 6 A Failed Prank 147-148 Model 24 All Work and No Play Makes Theme: An Accident Jack a Dull Boy 183-184 Model 7 Beach Accident 149-150 Model 25 Better Safe Than Sorry 185-186 Model 8 An Irresponsible Brother 151-152 • UPSR Practices 187-196 Model Test UPSR 197-202 Theme: An Incident Answers 203-212 Model 9 A Shocking Experience 153-154 Appendix 213-220 iii English Paper 2 – Writing [014] 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Section A Section B Section C • Number of • Number of • Number of Questions: 2 Questions: 1 Questions: 2 • Candidates are • Information Transfer • Information Transfer required to choose • Candidates are • In B(i), candidates are only one question to required to complete required to answer the answer. the text based on the question based on the • Question 1: Sentence information provided. graphic provided. Construction • In B(ii), candidates are • Candidates are required required to write 50 to to write a paragraph(s) 80 words based on a of 80 to 100 words based Time visual stimulus. on a single picture. • 15 minutes • Question 2: Note Expansion • Candidates are Marks Time required to write a • 25 minutes paragraph(s) of 80 to • 10 marks 100 words based on three pictures. Marks • 15 marks Time • 35 minutes Marks • 25 marks iv UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer ips & Guidelines 1. This Section A carries 10 marks. 2. You will have to study and use the information given to complete the text. 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 3. Study and understand the information before f lling in the blanks. 4. To f ll in the blanks correctly, read the sentence before and after the blanks to get clues. Look for keywords. 5. Make sure to change the tenses or the structure of the phrase, if necessary, to f t the sentences in the text. 6. Take note of your spelling, grammar and punctuation. 7. After you have f lled in all the blanks, read the whole passage again to ensure the overall f ow. 8. You are advised to spend 15 minutes on this section. Suggested marking scheme The answers in this section are marked based on content and relevance of words used. DESCRIPTION MARKS The information is correctly selected, placed and spelt. 2 Answers have punctuation, structural or spelling errors. 1 Distorted or no answers. 0 12 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 1 Notes - A Misadventure Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text. Fun Corner – hands on games – activities – designed – concept "sure, spend and share" 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 gallery – unique other info – educational value – enquiries – open 10 a.m - 6 p.m – [email protected] RM1 Million Tunnel – contact 03-91792784 – experience – variety – Malaysian bank note – making own banknotes Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Nicholas and his brother are at the Children’s Gallery. They plural noun are excited as there are many (1) hands on games and activities at the Fun Corner. The activities are designed based on(2) the concept of ‘Save, Spend and Share’. It is a unique educational venue. Another interesting activity is called (3) RM1 a name Million Tunnel where the children can experience its variety of Malaysian banknote denominations and series. On top perform a task of that, they can (4) make their own Banknotes. The gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. You can email them add preposition ‘at’ for any enquiries (5) at [email protected] . Tips The highlighted words are also a Pay attention to use root word verb if there is a ‘can’ before guide to the contents / structure the blank. Insert ‘and’ when there are more than 1 item. of the expected answers. 13 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 2 Notes - 21st Century Classroom Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text. Tables rack – arrange – storybooks – 5 groups – magazines – each group Reading Corner – comic 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 – 4 or 6 tables – back at class – colourful chairs It Corner – computer – printer – print information – projects carpet – bus – orange Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Madam Phua is a class teacher. She wants to create a 21st century classroom. She asks her pupils for some what is it related suggestions. Susie suggests to (1) arrange the tables to into 5 groups. Each group will have 6 or 4 tables. Izzat where suggests to create a Reading Corner (2) at the back of the class with some colourful chairs and a rack for function (3) storybooks, magazines and comics. There should be an orange carpet in the shape (4) of a bus be placed there for the pupils to sit on it . Liana suggests to have an IT Corner with a computer and printer for the pupils to function (5) print information for their projects. Madam Phua is happy with their suggestions. Tips The highlighted words are also a Insert articles ‘the’ and possessive pronoun when necessary. guide to the contents / structure of the expected answers. 14 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 3 Notes - Airport Lounge Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text. Food and beverage TV Lounge section – watch – hot/ cold – movies – drinks – earphones – light refreshment 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Dining tables – chairs – enjoy – food other facilities – Internet connection – chat – via WIFI – express check-in – newspapers Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Oscar and family are traveling to Australia. They are at the airport lounge for transit while waiting for their next f ight. He sees (1) many dining tables with comfortable chairs. Some verb + ing guests are (2) enjoying their food while chatting happily. There is a food and beverages section which serves hot quantif er and cold drinks along with (3) some light refreshments. For guests who want to watch movies, there is (4) a TV lounge examples with earphones. Other facilities are (5) internet connection via WIFI, express check-in and newspapers. Oscar is happy to be there to refresh himself with his family. Tips The highlighted words are also a If there is a verb to be (is/are) before the blank, remember guide to the contents / structure to add ’ing’ to the verb that follows in your answer. of the expected answers. 15 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 4 Notes - Canteen Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text. Fish pond Food counter – stand around – queue up – school gardener – buy – feed – food – f sh Drink counter 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 – sell – variety drinks – soya milk – fruit juices – hot drinks Tables – sit – benches – eat – food Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. It is recess time. The pupils are at the canteen. There are some place pupils queuing up patiently to buy food (1) at the food counter. The canteen sells food such as fried noodles, sandwiches, cupcakes and many others. There is a drink counter that examples sells variety of drinks (2) such as soya bean, fruit juices and hot drinks. There are some who (3) are sitting on benches to plural verb-to-be eat their food at the tables. There is also a group of pupils singular verb-to-be (4) standing around a f sh pond nearby.(5) The school gardener is feeding the f sh in the pond. They like to watch a person the colourful f sh in the pond. Tips The highlighted words are also a Remember to use capital letter to begin your answer guide to the contents / structure if it is the blank is at the beginning of a sentence. of the expected answers. 16 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 5 Notes - Park Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text. Mr Theng – read – newspaper – sit Others 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 – jog – lazy chair Daughter – walk – shady tree – catch – keep f t – butterf y – net Two sons Wife – f sh – prepare – quietly – mat – bring – take out – baits – food – pail – lay Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. It is a Saturday. Mr Theng and his family are at the park not far from their house. He is reading a newspaper preposition and sitting (1) on a lazy chair under a shady tree while his wife is preparing food on a mat beside him. She is verb +ing (2) taking out the food and laying them on the mat to serve her family. Their daughter is trying to catch a butterf y which a tool is f uttering above some f owers(3) with a net. His two sons verb +ing are (4) f shing quietly by the lake. They bring along some baits and a pail. They are enjoying themselves. There are activity also others who (5) jog or walk in the park to keep f t. Tips The highlighted words are also a Use conjunction ‘or’ if you are referring to guide to the contents / structure a choice to join two words. of the expected answers. 17 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 6 Notes - Home Safety Tips Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text. telephone windows – turn down volume – locked – intrudess – not at home – not aware – at night 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 – not home doors – front getting outside strangers – back – not leave – not open – locked – tools – door – exterior – ladder – look – reliable locks – prevent intrudess – carefully Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. Home Safety Tips 1. Always keep your gate, (1) front, and back doors locked. Always make sure that all exterior doors have reliable locks. 2. Keep your windows locked when you are (2) not at home time or at night as most intruders like to get into your house through them. begin with capital 3. (3) Do not open the door to strangers. Always look carefully letter before opening the door to anyone. 4. Turn down the volume on your home telephone before you go out so that intruders will (4) not aware you are not at home. 5. Do not leave tools or ladders outside your house an action (5) to prevent the intruders from using them to get into your house. Tips 6. Children should know their parents’ telephone numbers so Pay attention to use root word verb if there that they can contact them in time of emergency. is a ‘to’ before the blank. 18 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 7 Picture & Notes – Polluted Beach Study the notes and picture below. Use the information to complete the following text. Others Norin Jagjit – send – collect – pieces – recyclable items – plastic – papers – recycling centre – bottles – paper cups – wish – containers 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 – improve enviroment Kim Hock & Kinah – pull Prawin – f shing net – pick up – out – aluminium – sand – cans Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. It is a public holiday. Norin, Jagjit, Kim Hock, Kinah and Prawin are wearing gloves to collect rubbish on a polluted activity beach. Prawin is (1) picking up aluminium cans and putting them into a big sack. Norin is collecting plastic bottles and items containers from the beach. Jagjit is picking up (2) pieces of papers and paper cups. Kim Hock and Kinah are pulling a from where f shing net (3) out of the sand. They are planning to send all to a place recyclable items (4) to the recycling centre. They work hard root verb together as they hope to (5) improve the environment. Tips The highlighted words are also a Add conjunction ‘and’ when f lling in the guide to the contents / structure blank with more than 1 items. of the expected answers. 19 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 8 Notice - Fun With English Night Study the notice below and use the information to complete the text. SJKC CHUNG MING FUN WITH ENGLISH NIGHT Place : School Hall 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Time : 6.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. Date : 26 May 202_ Activities : • Public Speaking Competition • Storytelling Competition • Poetry Recitation Competition (Theme-Friendship) • Tongue Twister Competition • Get free balloons from the Balloon Clown Pupils who are interested, please register with Miss Jenny Sheng before 4 May 202_. Many attractive prizes to be won! Hurry and register! Don’t miss this golden opportunity. Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. There will be a (1) Fun with English Night held at SJK(C) singular event Chung Ming on 26 May. This function will be held at the duration of time school hall from (2) 6.00 p.m. till 10.00 p.m.. Students can join competitions like (3) public speaking, storytelling, example tongue twister and poetry recitation with the theme of Friendship. Every pupil will be given a balloon by someone (4) the Balloon Clown. The winners of the competitions will root verb (5) receive attractive prizes. The highlighted words are also a guide to the contents / structure of the expected answers. 20 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 9 Recipe - Cooking Fried Rice Study the recipe below and use the information to complete the text. 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 1. Heat up the wok and 2. Put in vegetables and 3. Add cooked meat. add 2 teaspoons of oil. cook until tender. 4. Add 2 eggs and 5. Add cooked rice and 6. Stir everything swiftly until scramble them. seasoning. the rice is well-coloured. Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Hasni wants to cook lunch for her family. Her daughter food suggests she cooks (1) fried rice. First, she prepares all the basic ingredients such as (2) cooked rice, meat, vegetables complete the list of ingredients and eggs. Next, she (3) heats up the oil in the wok. Then, she (4) puts in vegetables and cooked meat. After that, she step to take adds two eggs and (5) scrambles them. Finally, she adds the cooked rice and stirs until it is well-coloured. Now, the fried rice is ready to be served. Tips The highlighted words are also a Look for key words before and after the blanks guide to the contents / structure to help you to f ll in the blanks correctly. of the expected answers. 21 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 10 Text - Announcement of Canteen Closure Study the text below and use the information to complete the text. Attention all pupils, Good morning! I have an important announcement to make. The school canteen will be closed for two days on Wednesday and Thursday because of shortage of water 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 and some repair works. I would like to advise you to bring your own food and drinks from home. Tables and chairs will be placed in the open hall for your convenience. You are only allowed to eat and drink at the hall during recess. Please do not eat or drink in the classroom. Thank you for your co-operation. Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Arif : Hello, may I speak to Johari? Johari : Yes, speaking. Arif : Arif here. You were absent today. The headmaster noun with vowel gave an (1) important announcement during the assembly this morning. The canteen will not be duration open (2) for two days. Johari : Really? Why? reason Arif : This is due to (3) shortage of water and some repair works. Johari : So how are we going to eat? Arif : We have to bring our own food and drinks from home. Johari : Oh, I see. Are we going to eat in the classroom? location Arif : No, no! We must eat at (4) the open hall. Tables and chairs will be provided for us. Johari : On which days? I need to request my mum to prepare food for me on these two days. Arif : This coming (5) Wednesday and Thursday. The highlighted words Johari : Thank you so much for calling me to inform me. are also a guide to the See you in school tomorrow. contents / structure of the expected answers. 22 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 11 Notes - New Baby Girl Study the notes below and use the information to complete the letter. Bubble Map Cute and adorable Baby Girl Fair Name – complexion Sindy Yap Hair – thick, bouncy Weight – Round face, 3.9 kg big eyes, Height – sharp nose 60 cm Tips 8, Jalan Damai, Taman Indah, Read and understand the information given. After 25000 Taiping, 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 f lling the blanks, read the Perak. text again to get the f ow 20 January 202_ of the overall text. Dear Renee, The words in bold are How are you? Hope you are coping well with your important key words studies. Let me share with you some good news. My that can be found in the visual stimulus. eldest sister has just given birth to (1) a baby girl recently. Her name is (2) Sindy Yap. She is so cute and adorable. description She has a (3) round face, big eyes and a sharp nose. Her complexion is fair and her hair is (4) thick and bouncy. I love looking at her. She is also very tiny and light. He in the order mentioned height and weight are (5) 60 cm and 3.9 kg respectively. previously I have enclosed a photograph of her for your family. Don’t you think she is cute and adorable? Please send my regards to uncle and aunt. I hope you will come to visit my family soon. Bye! The highlighted words Your cousin, are also a guide to the contents / structure of Jenny the expected answers. 23 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 12 Flyer - A Healthy Restaurant Study the notes below and use the information to complete the letter. HEALTHY FOOD CORNER We offer breakfast & lunch only!! OPEN DAILY! 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Breakfast Sets – RM9.90 Set A Set B Egg muff n, Yogurt of your choice, Savory oatmeal with an egg, Garlic Fresh milk / Fruit juice bread, Chocolate milk / Green tea Lunch Sets – RM15.90 Set A Set B Avocado, tomato, cheese & Chicken & Fruit salad, Two carrot buns, Chicken burger, Organic soya milk Lemon juice The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Dear Sharmani, I just saw a f yer that states (1) Healthy Food Corner is now open at our housing area. It is open (2) seven days a week. It offers Breakfast Sets (3) at RM9.90 and Lunch Sets at RM15.90. The menu looks interesting and healthy. There are number of sets (4) two sets of menu for breakfast and lunch respectively. Maybe we can have breakfast there this weekend. I think you will like Set B which has savoury oatmeal selection of more with an egg, garlic bread and a choice of (5) chocolate than one milk or green tea. The highlighted words Love, are also a guide to the Mum contents / structure of the expected answers. 24 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 13 Notes - Taxi Service Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text. MY KL TAXI TAXIS ON THE MOVE SCHEDULE: FEATURES: 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 • Operates 7 days a • Experienced and week trustworthy drivers – • Including weekends safety guaranteed and public holidays • Billingual drivers – • Operates from 5.00 English and Bahasa a.m. until midnight Malaysia CONTACT INFO: • Call us now at 03-2222777 • Download free app • Book us online at [email protected] The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. My KL Taxi service offers taxis on the move everyday of the week even on (1) weekends and public holidays. It operates plural subject-verb (2) from 5.00 a.m. to midnight.Their drivers (3) are experienced agreement and trustworthy. Therefore, your safety is guaranteed. They bilingual can communicate well in two languages which is (4) English after by, root verb and Bahasa Malaysia. They can be contacted by (5) calling + ing 03-2222777 or booking online. You can also download the app for free. Tips The tenses in the text may differ from those in the visual stimulus. The highlighted words are also a guide to the contents / structure Be aware of which tense (past, present or continuous) to use. of the expected answers. 25 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 14 Table - English Carnival Competition Study the table below and use the information to complete the text. ENGLISH CARNIVAL STATE LEVEL PRIMARY SCHOOL 3 – 4 MAY th rd 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE PRESENT 30 MINUTES BEFORE THE COMPETITION. DAY ACTIVITY VENUE TIME DETAILS 1. Poetry Recitation School Hall 9.00 a.m. 15 pairs 3 May Competition Wednesday 2. Storytelling Competition Library 9.30 a.m. 12 participants 3. Public Speaking Language Room 10.00 a.m. 15 participants 1. Action Song School Hall 8.30 a.m. Theme: 4 May Thursday 2. Choral Speaking School Hall 11.30 a.m. Friendship Theme: Happines The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. The English Carnival State Level for primary school will be duration held for (1) two days. It will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. On the f rst day of the carnival, the competitions are (2) Poetry Recitation Competition, Story Telling Competition and Public Speaking. The competitions will be held at (3) three different venues. On the second day, venue Action Song and Choral Speaking are held at (4) the school hall. The themes for the competitions are (5) Friendship and for each competition Happines respectively. All participants must be present 30 minutes before the competition. The highlighted words are also a guide to the contents / structure of the expected answers. 26 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 15 Notice - School Trip to Melaka Study the notice below and use the information to complete the text. TRIP TO MELAKA Date : 1 May 202_ Fee : RM50 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Transport : Chartered bus Food : Breakfast and lunch provided Teachers-in-charge : Mr Ramesh & Mdm. Amelia Tan Instructions: 1. Pupils must get their parents' permission. 2. Pupils must wear their school uniforms. 3. Payment must be made before 15 April 202_. 4. The bus will leave the school at 8.00 a.m. on 1 May 202_. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Dear Dad, I have great news to tell you. My History teacher, Mr Ramesh, is organising a (1) trip to Melaka by bus on 1 of st referring to people May. It is a day trip and (2) two teachers will accompany us on this trip. The journey will begin at (3) 8.00 o'clock time in the morning and ends at 5.00 o'clock in the evening. I wish to go but I must f rst get (4) your permission. Do not provide worry about food as the school will give us (5) breakfast and lunch. I’ll have to pay RM 50 for the trip. Dad, please give your consent. Regards, The highlighted words are also a guide to the Benny. contents / structure of the expected answers. 27 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 16 Notes - An Internet Cafe . Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text. INTERNET CAFE - provides internet access to the public- Other activities Cafe attendant • reading newspapers, 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 • serve and assist all customers magazines or books • register and records • drinks and snacks usage of computers Surfing Internet • search for information • receive and send emails • play online games Based on the notes and picture given, complete the text below with the correct information. The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. An Internet Café is a place which (1) provides Internet access to the public. It also serves snacks and drinks for referring to a person a fee. A (2) cafe attendant is at the information counter to serve and assist all customers. He also keeps records of (3) the usage of computers. Customers can perform a number of tasks at the café such as using the computers root verb to (4) search for information, receive and send emails or play online games. For a fee, customers can relax on The highlighted words The highlighted words the sofa to eat or drink while reading (5) newspapers, are also a guide to the are also a guide to the contents / structure of contents / structure of magazines or books. the expected answers. the expected answers. 28 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 17 Brochure - Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary Study the brochure below and use the information to complete the text. SEPILOK ORANGUTAN SANCTUARY -Largest in the world- 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Things To Do • Guided nature walks • Watch the orangutan feeding session • View the orangutan nursery Opening hours : 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Admission Fee : RM5 (Malaysian), RM30 (Non-Malaysian) Rules to observe: FEEDING TIMES OF - Do not disturb the animals ORANGUTANS – - Do not feed the animals 10 A.M. AND 3 P.M - Must be accompanied by our guides The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. The Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary is the (1) largest orangutan sanctuary in the world. There are many activities to do there example such as (2) guided nature walks, viewing the orangutan nursery and watching the orangutan feeding session. number of times Feeding times occur (3) twice a day, at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Visitors can watch the orangutans feeding on a platform similar to 'do not ' but are not allowed (4) to feed and disturb the orangutans. Locals only need to (5) pay RM5 to enter the sanctuary. The highlighted words are also a guide to the contents / structure of the expected answers. 29 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 18 Notes - The Koala Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text. Habitat: Diet: • live in eucalyptus trees • feed on eucalyptus leaves • eastern Australia • do not drink much water 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 Characteristics: Habits: • marsupials - pouched • sleep during the day, mammal up to 18 hours • young - born premature • rarely leave the tree - develop further in the • sharp claws keep them safety of a pouch aloft The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Do you know that koalas live in eucalyptus trees in place (1) eastern Australia? They feed on eucalyptus leaves and (2) do not drink much water because they get moisture from the leaves. In Aboriginal language, the same meaning as word ‘koala’ means ‘no water’. Koalas doze most of the sleep time (3) during the day. They hardly leave the trees and they use their (4) sharp claws to keep aloft. They are not bears though they look like bears. They are marsupials which means their young are born premature and (5) develop further in the safety of a pouch. Tips The highlighted words are also a Sometimes, words from the visual stimulus are replaced with guide to the contents / structure synonymous words in the text. The words have the same of the expected answers. meaning and acts as a keyword to answering the question. 30 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 19 Leaflet - Holiday English Programme Study the leaf et below and use the information to complete the text. FUN HOLIDAY PROGRAMME AT JOY TUITION CENTRE 21 NOV – 22 DEC 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 • Speaking English in Fun Class • Computer Art Class • English Drama Class • Language Games • Treasure Hunts *20% DISCOUNT FOR EARLY Fun & Interesting ways to master English… BIRDS! The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Dear mum and dad, I wish to improve my English. I came across this leaf et on (1) Fun Holiday Programme. It is run by Joy Tuition Centre. They offer (2) fun and interesting ways to length of time master English. The duration of the course is (3) from 21 November to 22 December. The activities look interesting and innovative. They have Speaking English in Fun Class, list of classes (4) Language Games, Treasure Hunts, English Drama Class and Computer Art Class. If we register early, we can (5) get a 20% discount. I hope to get your permission to join this programme. The highlighted words Love, are also a guide to the oJohari. contents / structure of the expected answers. 31 UPSR Model Essays Section A – Information Transfer MODEL 20 Notes - Ways of Appreciating Others Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text. 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 To mothers, teachers and friends Buy or make a gift • Give f ower or bouquet of • Simple f owers • Thought that counts Ways of appreciating others Do tasks Express gratitude • Say 'Thank You' • Help or assist others • Give 'Thank You' card • Lighten burden The words in bold are important key words that can be found in the visual stimulus. Good morning to my teacher and friends. Today I want to give a talk on ‘Ways of Appreciating Others’. We can add ‘a’ to nouns (1) give a f ower or a bouquet of f owers to our mothers, teachers or friends to show our appreciation. Another the following simple and direct way is (2) to buy or make them a gift. sentence gives a clue to the answer The gift can be something simple as it is (3) the thought that counts. Besides, we can also (4) help or assist others to do their tasks to lighten their burden. Last but not least, refer to tense in the same sentence to we can just express our gratitude by (5) saying 'Thank know which to use you' or giving a ‘Thank you’ card. Whatever ways you choose, remember to do it from the bottom of your hearts. The highlighted words Lastly, thank you for your kind attention. are also a guide to the contents / structure of the expected answers. 32 APPENDIX LIST OF PROVERBS Proverbs Meanings a friend in need is a friend indeed a friend who helps when one is in trouble is 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 a real friend a stitch in time saves nine a small piece of work done now may save a lot of work later actions speak louder than words actions give evidence or proof better than just talking barking dogs seldom bite people who make loud threats seldom carry them out beggars must not be choosers people who ask for favours must accept whatever is offered to them better late than never it is better to do something late than not to do it at all birds of the same feather f ock people of the same sort of character prefer together each other's company charity begins at home a person’s f rst duty is to help the members of his own family cut your coat according to your live within your income; don’t be too cloth ambitious in your plans, etc don’t count the chickens before don’t be too hopeful of your chances of they are hatched success don’t put all your eggs in one don’t risk everything you have in a single basket venture empty vessels make the most empty-headed people talk the most and noise make the greatest fuss every dog has its day everyone gets a period of success during his/her life God helps those who help God gives help only to those who make an themselves effort 213 UPSR Model Essays Appendix it’s no use crying over spilt milk it’s no use feeling sorry for a lost thing which can never be found or a mistake already made and can never be corrected it takes two to make a quarrel both persons in a quarrel are to blame for it let bygones be bygones forgive and forget the past look before you leap avoid acting hastily without considering the possible consequences 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 make hay while the sun shines make the earliest use of one’s opportunities many hands make light work when many people share a piece of work, it becomes easier for everybody more haste, less speed the more you hurry, the less real progress you are likely to make no news is good news when there is no news, it is likely that everything is all right once bitten, twice shy after being tricked or disappointed once, a person will be more careful in future one good turns deserves another kindness should be repaid prevention is better than cure it is better to be careful beforehand than to try to solve a problem after it has risen LIST OF IDIOMS Idioms Meanings a chip off the old block a person who resembles his or her parent a close shave a narrow escape a cock and bull story an absurd and unbelievable story a hard nut to crack a diff cult problem a white elephant something useless and expensive to keep an eye for an eye retaliation, revenge at the eleventh hour at the last moment by hook or by crook by fair or by foul means 214 UPSR Model Essays Appendix by leaps and bounds with remarkable progress crocodile tears false tears down to earth practical easier said than done easier to talk about than to do eats one’s words take back something said earlier face the music take punishment 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 fair and square with justice and honesty fall on deaf ears to be ignored f t as a f ddle in very good health get into hot water get into trouble get it into one’s head understand get on one’s nerves irritate give a piece of one’s mind punish or scold go bananas act crazily hard and fast rules strict rules have one’s hands full very busy head over heels deeply, completely hit the nail on the head guess correctly in black and white in writing in one ear and out the other heard but without effect in the nick of time just before it is too late in the same boat in the same unfortunate circumstances keep an eye on to watch carefully, to look after make ends meet manage f nancially once in a blue moon rarely, once in a very long time out of the blue unexpected put the cart before the horse start at the wrong end 215 UPSR Model Essays Appendix LIST OF SIMILES Similes Similes as agile as a monkey as hairy as a gorilla as bald as an egg as happy as a king as beautiful as the rainbow as heavy as an elephant / lead 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 as bitter as gall as helpless as a babe as black as coal/soot as hungry as a hunter / wolf as blind as a bat as industrious as a beaver as brave as a lion as light as a feather as busy as an ant/ a bee as alike as two peas in a pod as changeable as the weather as loud as thunder as clear as a bell/ crystal as meek as a lamb as cold as ice / charity as obstinate as a mule as cool as a cucumber as old as the hills / Methuselah as cunning as a fox as playful as a kitten / puppy as deep as the sea as proud as a peacock as devoted as a mother as quiet as a mouse as dry as a bone as quick as a lightning as dull as ditchwater as right as rain as easy as ABC / winking as round as a barrel / ball as faithful as a dog as safe as a bank as fast as a deer / hare as sharp as a needle / razor as fat as a pig / butter as silent as the grave 216 UPSR Model Essays Appendix as feeble as a child as silly as a sheep as f erce as a lion/tiger as slippery as an eel as f at as a pancake as smooth as glass / velvet as frisky as a lamb as sober as a judge as gentle as a dove / lamb as sound as a bell as good as gold as steady as a rock as graceful as a swan as stiff as a poker as green as grass as straight as an arrow as hard as iron / nails as sturdy as an oak as harmless as a dove as sure-footed as a goat ANTONYMS Word Antonym Word Antonym present enemy absent 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 friend accept refuse enjoy suffer ancient modern entrance exit attack defend exterior interior awake asleep fail pass / succeed beautiful ugly fair dark begin end familiar strange below above famous unknown bent straight feeble strong bitter sweet f oat sink bold shy / timid foolish wise / clever brave coward / timid foreign local 217 UPSR Model Essays Appendix bright dull / gloomy generous stingy / self sh broad narrow gentle rough / violent capture release guest host careful careless guilty innocent cheap expensive hardworking lazy cheerful sad / solemn hostile friendly child adult humble proud clear cloudy joy sorrow coarse smooth junior senior contract expand kind cruel dead alive king queen deep shallow lose gain depart arrive liberty captivity divide unite maximum minimum good / obedient single double 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 mischievous dwarf giant miser spendthrift early late mountain valley east west often seldom SYNONYMS Word Synonym Word Synonym abandon leave fair just abundant plenty faithful loyal absent missing false untrue active lively / energetic famous well-known afraid frightened fashion style astonish surprise fatal deadly bad wicked / spoilt fear terror 218 UPSR Model Essays Appendix beat hit feeble weak behaviour conduct f erce ferocious besieged surrounded gaze stare beverages drinks gentle meek bottom base gift present brave courageous glance look broad wide gruff harsh calculate count honest truthful capture catch hoax joke / trick cheerful happy / joyful imitate copy clever intelligent / smart intention purpose comprehend understand loyal true / faithful complete f nished mad insane custom habit mischief naughtiness groan dawn 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 daybreak moan deceive cheat nimble active disaster calamity odour smell divide separate peculiar strange drop fall prohibit forbid dull gloomy / boring ramble roam / wander enemy foe reveal show enormous gigantic / huge sturdy strong enough suff cient tranquil peaceful ANIMALS, SOUNDS AND MOVEMENTS Animal Sound Movement ape gibber swing bear growl lumber 219 UPSR Model Essays Appendix bee buzz, hum f it beetle drone crawl bull bellow charge cat pur, mew, meow steal cockerel crow strut cow low, moo wander 英文写作宝典, 版权所有·侵权必究 crow caw f y, f ap deer bell bound dog bark, growl, howl run donkey bray trot elephant trumpet amble f y buzz f it fox bark run frog croak jump, leap goat bleat charge hen cluck, cackle strut horse neigh gallop, trot lamb bleat frisk lion roar, growl prowl mouse squeak scamper monkey chatter climb owl hoot f it parrot screech, squawk f it pig grunt, squeal trot pigeon coo f utter, f y rabbit squeal jump, leap tiger roar, growl prowl turkey gobble strut wolf howl lope, bound 220 TGC079120 U MODEL ESSAYS P S FOR UPSR R MODEL ESSAYS 英 UPSR Year 文 写 作 FOR UPSR 宝 典 Model Essays for UPSR provides students UPSR with the latest writing tips and guidelines to tackle the UPSR English format. These clear and concise notes will help students understand how to identify keywords, organise points and connect ideas to craft MODEL ESSAYS FOR UPSR well-written essays. Patricia Teoh (Guru Cemerlang) Sections A, B and C Incorporates of UPSR HOTS & i-THINK • Online Bookstore • Online Library • Year format Step-by-step WM:RM13.30 / EM:RM14.30 tips and Complete NETT PRICE Answers TGC079120 guidelines ISBN 978-967-489-350-7 ,!7IJ6H4-ijdfah!

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UPSR essay Section C Paper 2

  • Pertandingan Bercerita Zon Kamunting 2009

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Selasa, 23 Jun 2009

130 ulasan:.

(a) -family-Cameron Highlands-visited-Strawberry Farm-morning (b) -reached-saw-ripe-juicy-picked-lunch (c) -Cactus Farm-prickly-colourful-flowers (d) -evening-dinner-drove-hill-happy Jasmin is my best friend. During the mid-term school holidays, her father drove her and her family to Cameron Highlands. They left at half past seven in the morning. Jasmin was very excited because this was the first time she went to Cameron Highlands.After three hours, they reached Cameron highlands. First, Jasmin's father brought them to the Strawberry Farm. Jasmin and her family reached the Strawberry Farm at about 11 o'clock inthe morning. There were many tourists there. In the Strawberry Farm, there were many strawberries. The strawberries were extremely ripe and juicy.Jasmin picked some strawberries and put then in paper bag which was provided there.In the afternoon, Jasmin and her family had lunch at a restaurant near the Strawberry Farm. Then, Jasmin and her family went to the Cactus Farm. They saw many large cactuses there. Jasmin accidentally pricked her little finger when she was trying to touch one of the prickly cactuses. Jasmin saw some colourful flowers of the cactuses which were bloomed last night. Jasmin's mother bought some tiny cactuses in the farm. After visiting the Cactus Farm, Jasmin and her family enjoyed their dinner at a restaurant. The dinner was very delicious. Then, they left Cameron Highlands. Jasmin's father drove them carefully down the hill. Although Jasmin and her family were very tired after a long journey but they were as happy as larks because they had visited Cameron Highlands at last.

fatin:salam..saye bace essays nie mudah2 sye boleh buat dlm periksa ..klau upsr kluar kn nie pown ok jugak

mmg bestlah essay nie sampai saya boleh jawab dalam soalan paper 2

I got A u know 4r my Eng exam with this essay. This essay is the best 4r me

I like this essay so much is excellent From, RATHASHINE

still, there are some errors. Hmm,

Can someone show me a 14 marked essay

very good.perfect


It have some errors on this essay,but it still a good can get 11-13 mark with this essay. Thank you.

thats good essays


terbaik untuk calon yang menduduki UPSR 2013


so gooooooood

it so good.

tak membantu

ha...btol2...langsung tak masuk akal

Very interesting . I loike :)

essay section c upsr

Ver good.I can use this essay for my exam!!!!!!!!!!

I think I can score good marks

I too i want to gate 4A 1B

I hope I can get 5As in UPSR,aminn...

Shit : I want to get 4A 1B too not '' I too i want to gate 4A 1B''

In this time, my essays in section c is good and hard,study smart,don't. Be jahat,itu my nasihat

My name is Jong Ted Chai. My class is 6 dinamik.

you were speeding on the highway

oh good !!!!!!!!

tak membantu saya hantu sarawak .

mc hugh gila bodoh biba

mc koton choi gila bo

essay section c upsr

macam tidak membantu :(


adakah awak yang komen bahasa inggeris ini seorang guru????


Are you a teacher or student?.... Teachers would never discourage a student like this ..... Do not lie .... don't be silly .....

the cameron highlands essay is so good! im known for the best student in english, but you're better than me.

ya,memang tidak membantu... Ini essay SK atau SJK?

this essay soo good .. i hope this essay help me to exam tomorow.. AMIN and I hope You All Doakan YG terbaik untuk i and my friends oook

we are never ever ever getting back together-taylor swift

sesat gila doh!!!

i like essay


This is a really good essay.Good Job!

Ram is twelve years years old. He studies at SJK TAMAN DATA HARUN. He walks to school everyday . One day,he was waking home from school . Suddenly , he heard a loud crashing sound. He turned around and saw a lorry collided into a motorcyclist. Ram rushed to the spot. There was a pool of blood on the road. The motorcyclist was badly injured. The lorry driver drove away in scare. Without wasting time, Ram called the ambulance as fast as lightning. Soon,everyone crowded . Suddenly ,a taxi driver stopped his car. The taxi driver saw the injured motorcyclist . The ambulance was not at the spot, so without delay the taxi driver took the taxi injured motorcyclist to the hospital . Ram thanked the taxi driver. After that, he went home from.

It is good but not good enough. It doesnt have any error.You can get 10-11 mark with this essay.

Terima kasih doakan saya dpt 5 a tahun ni.l

A great essay of accident scene

maybe supeb essay

I am Rathashine . I am the one who write the essay. I am sorry because there is some words added accidently .


But its good . I like it

Hello my name is Gautham .

hello, nice to meet you!!!

gambar x de ka ?

Siapa ni tanya gambar

siapa yg on9 d blog ini ..tolong doakan semua murid yang akan mengambil UPSR pada thn doakan kmi akan mndapat 5A..YA...

Ok. Saya akan doa kepada tuhan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya betulzz hehe

Hey! Can i know who are you . Please

this is the best and interesting essay i ever seen ....... please teach me ..



Hi friend stranger!!!!! I am the worst stranger than you

I hope i'll get A in my English during the UPSR... Amin...

Puan Ratna is a kind - hearted woman. She is a hardworking housewife too. She always goes to the market near her neighbourhood to buy fish, chicken, vegetables or fruits every weekends. Last week, she went to the market as usual. She took a bus to go there. It took her thirty minutes to reach the market. At the market, Puan Ratna looked for the ingredients she need to cook for lunch. She walked from shop to shop buying the ingredients. After she got all of them, she paid for the price. Then, she went to the bus station once again to go home. At the bus station, she waited for the bus patiently. While she was waiting, she saw a man walking towards the bus station too. The man sat besides Puan Ratna. Not long after that, a teenager came and stood behind the man. He slowly came near the man and picked his wallet. Fortunately, Puan Ratna saw the incident. She shouted to the man to tell him about his wallet. The pick - pocket was shocked. So, he ran as fast as lightning leaving Puan Ratna and the man at the bus station. Without further delay, the man chased after the pick - pocket. The pick - pocket felt very tired. He stopped by the roadside. The man had a chance to caught the pick - pocket. He fought with the pick - pocket to get his wallet back. The pick - pocket surrendered and willingly gave back the man 's wallet. The man felt very grateful as he got his wallet back. After that, the man returned to the bus station. He thanked Puan Ratna for noticing the incident. A few minutes later, the bus arrived. They got into the bus together. Puan Ratna felt very happy as she can help the man.

This is a perfet essay.Love it.15/15.

Thanks for your good essay . I like it

what u say??good essay??i think this is the stuppiest idea from the above essay...i think i have made a good essay from aboce.....craziest!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't help me

Pls do not hurt the writer by writing like these .the essay is good.

Yes, I'am agreed .. Please do not hurt the writer by writing like these. This essay is good. At least, she/he try.

Ram is an intelligent and a caring boy . He walks to school everyday . One fine Monday morning , he was walking to school . When he reached his school , he heard someone crying . He looked around and saw a little boy crying beside the school . Ram asked the little boy what had happened . The little boy told that his uncle left him. Ram asked for his address and took a taxi to the little boy's home. When they reached there , the little boy ran to his mother . His mother hugged him with full of love. She thanked him from the bottom of her heart . Ram was walking as proud as a peacock. FROM RATHASHINE

Hi RATHASHINE , did you remember me ? I am Gautham .

Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

i think it would not helped me too...

Essay tips ... If you write small good essay with good words you will get same mark as you write the same essay longly . So use good words .

Why it doesn't help you?

Hi dudes...

please write comment.

so good............. i think ican use this for upsr i am student from st.john1 hope this will help me to achieve my goal

Thank you so much.......

harap harap you all doa kan yg terbaik supaya i dpt 5AAAAAAA on this exam UPSR .....i jugak akn doakan utk you all... hrp kite bleh jumpe nnt okkkk...-bye2-


Doa kan utk me skali..this year my turn to take exam..pls doakaan yew kowrang.. ;)

I love everyone ......

Good essay, sistar!!

Thanks sister .......

good essay ,but i need essay farmer & dream

All the best for every UPSR students .... l will pray for you all to get straight a's......

cam aapappapapapa ha

wow.. goods essay.. not lie.. from: pengguna network

i had wrote a ghost story, but its too long... Hey, u guys come on be active sikit, post some stories.... Boring at home. FRM,Ra...( find whats my name)

nobody could feel the pain of love.... can i know your name .... pls.....

ra.... hello! can i know who is this? no love feelings... just guess my name.. bye..

nice, but we (at my school) can't write 'the moral of the story is'

Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.

can somebody writeessay about this? poor-stall-admire-wished

practice maka perfect

Is it SK essay or SJK essay. A bit difficult. Guys and friend please pray for me that i can get 5A in UPSR this year 2014

Bakar is a twelve years old boy.He lives far from hustle and bustle in the city.He studies at SK Sri Layang.Bakar is a good boy. One fine day,while Bakar was walking to the school canteen,he saw a notice on a notice board.It was about a Storytelling Competition.Bakar was interested with the competition.He wanted to take part in the competition. Bakar quickly rushed to the library as fast as lightning.He chose some books and borrowed it.At home,Bakar practise many times as he believed,"Practice makes perfect".His family gave him full support. One the day of the competition,Bakar went early to the school hall to register his name.Bakar went on the stage as brave as lion.He told the story confidently.The audience clapped loudly. After the competition,everyone waited for the results excitedly.Half past an hour later,the teacher in charge announced the results.Suprisingly,Bakar won the competition.The headmaster praise him for the success.Bakar was very pleased with the compliment. He showed his parents the trophy.They were as proud as a peacock.Bakar felt on top of the world.He wanted to participate in more competition in the future.

syalah yang tulis essay ni..lupa nak tulis nama...

Pray for me too

wish 5A for upsr 2014

tlg buat essay ni , sy x reti nk buat .. sy nak esok @ arini sebab sy nk secepatmungkin .. please ?? Picture 1 stopped-stall-nasilemak-dirty-hungry-energy-race Picture 2 running-pain-stomach-run-not fast Picture 3 fell-vomitted-poisoing-regretted-lost tolong buat essay ni please sy tngh buntu ..

Wow... each and every essay is, superb....

I got my A in exam cause of this essay :3 I remember this essay ... Then my teacher is very proud of me -.-

Babi lah ko dhlah first time aq tgk ko punyer blog mcm tiru ko punyer essays waktu peperiksaan aq dpt C ko jgn sampai aq jmpa ko,aq tumbuk muker ko nnti kang nangis

mungkin paper 1 kau tak membantu :3 mana lah tau en

Thank you because show me how to make a good essay . I'm worry if I get C in english because this year I' m gonna take the upsr!!!

bolehlah...not to good

i would like to tell u all.. (or advise) not to use bad words or any words that might hurt people's feelings.. thank u

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Nice ! And So very good ;-)

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Guest Essay

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.

essay section c upsr

By George Clooney

Mr. Clooney is an actor, director and film producer.

I’m a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that. I’m proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. As part of my participation in the democratic process and in support of my chosen candidate, I have led some of the biggest fund-raisers in my party’s history. Barack Obama in 2012 . Hillary Clinton in 2016 . Joe Biden in 2020 . Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election. I say all of this only to express how much I believe in this process and how profound I think this moment is.

I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals. In the last four years, he’s won many of the battles he’s faced.

But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “ big F-ing deal ” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.

Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw. We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign. The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, whom we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.

Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.

We love to talk about how the Republican Party has ceded all power, and all of the traits that made it so formidable with Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, to a single person who seeks to hold on to the presidency, and yet most of our members of Congress are opting to wait and see if the dam breaks. But the dam has broken. We can put our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in November, or we can speak the truth.

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  24. George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee

    Mr. Clooney is an actor, director and film producer. I'm a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that. I'm proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. As part of my ...