Journalism History journal

Journalism History journal

Broadcast Essay: Live Television Changed the Way We Saw the World

TV news crews set up for a story. Photo in black and white.

How television changed the cultural landscape

A man crosses his arms and smiles

Television news started out as the bastard child of radio news and the film newsreel, and it was almost immediately disowned by those in the news business as superficial, trivial, and incomplete. Most print journalists either ignored or dismissed television news when it started its birth pangs in the late 1940s. 

Radio gave television news the concept of writing for the ear in a conversational, easy-to-understand manner so that anyone who heard it only once could remember it. Print users could read and re-read a story for as long as they wanted to. Listeners only heard the news once and had to absorb the information quickly.  Complicated sentences or concepts didn’t work. 

Newsreels were the model for a visual presentation and the first TV cameramen practically all came from the theatrical newsreels, which were quickly being replaced by the new television medium. The problem was newsreels were expensive and time-consuming to produce and seldom if ever employed for breaking news – the life blood of TV news.  When newsreels were not preoccupied with military stories (during wartime), they specialized in fluff: staged events, celebrity weddings, movie premieres, beauty contests, ship launches, animals doing silly things. 

Many of the early television program formats were based on network radio shows and did not take advantage of the potential offered by the new medium. Newscasters simply read the news as they would have during a radio broadcast.  Most of the time, the only visual was the newscaster reading on camera. Occasionally, there would be photos and limited video of news events.

Before the late 1950s and early 1960s, video TV cameras were too big and bulky to leave the sound stages. When cameras got smaller and lighter, television cameras moved into the local, county, state, and national communities and never looked back. Creating those smaller and lighter cameras was no easy feat. Broadcasters need equipment that is extremely rugged and versatile, can shoot in very low light and can handle wide temperature swings, day in and day out.

Today, one person with a camcorder or smartphone can write, direct, shoot and edit a video by deadline. Smartphone cameras have turned every citizen into a roving video reporter.  But 60 years ago, a camcorder or smartphone didn’t exist, and only futurists dreamed of such a possibility. 

In the middle of the 20th century, network news was something that great numbers of Americans relied upon and could share. It gave them a common set of facts upon which they could have discussions and debates.

Television brought major news events into the home, creating unforgettable moments that the public watched as one nation.

Television news was in its infancy when on April 8, 1949, Kathy Fiscus, a three-year-old girl in San Marino, CA, fell into an abandoned well. The way local stations covered the rescue effort became the blueprint for breaking news coverage that continues today. Until then, TV news was little more than “radio with a face.” Then came the 50-hour effort to rescue the child, 27 and a half hours of rescue efforts televised live by station KTLA in Los Angeles. There were few homes with television sets, so hundreds of people stood in front of store windows to watch the Fiscus rescue attempt on TV. 1

Television made an “instant family of the nation.” Several TV reporters were involved in the live coverage, but the most prominent was KTLA’s Stan Chambers, whose open-ended, uninterrupted reports from the scene captured everyone’s attention. Until then, TV was considered a novelty and not taken seriously. The telecast changed that forever. 

When the devastating news came that Kathy had died, the exhausted rescuers who had worked 50 straight hours openly wept. And a nation cried with them.  

 In 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, the four days of continuous coverage from Dallas – where he was assassinated – and Arlington – where he was laid to rest – proved that television was the only thing that mattered during a natural or man-made disaster. 

Later, the captured-live-on-television shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby created the “grisliest first of this new era of TV news.” Millions of Americans watched a murder happen live as they sat in their living rooms. 2   NBC was the only network to broadcast the live coverage, getting a scoop on an unforgettable moment of American history. 

NBC devoted almost 72 straight hours to the assassination and its aftermath. “The immediacy of live television and the ability to learn of breaking-at-this-minute news was something that had never been experienced by Americans before – and something which pushed radio and television news reporting to new heights,” wrote one historian. 3 An unbelievable 93 percent of American households with televisions were tuned in to watch the live coverage of the President’s funeral procession. 

Vietnam was the first war covered by television, and its impact was staggering. A seminal moment in that coverage came in 1965 when reporter Morley Safer reported on U.S. Marines burning the village of Cam Ne, a turning point in TV’s realistic coverage of a war. For the first time in American history, the news from the front lines was brought straight into the living room, and historians called Vietnam “the first television war.” 4

The 1969 landing on the moon of American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in Apollo 11 was watched by more than 700 million who marveled at the astounding, live images they were seeing. 5  

The SLA Shootout in May 1974 was one of the most intense firefights in Los Angeles Police Department history. The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) was a radical group that had kidnapped newspaper heiress Patty Hearst and had gone on a robbery, bombing, and murder spree. “The gruesome drama of a real police story played open‐ended on live television for nearly two hours,” wrote a New York Times reporter. “A portable camera of Channel Two KNXT, a local CBS television station, brought the shootout with suspected SLA members in south central Los Angeles into millions of homes. KNXT shared its camera with the NBC and ABC Los Angeles stations, and the evening news was devoted to the siege. Network news programs were canceled and the coverage of the shootout, live and in color, went into living rooms across the country. “The chaos and vividness of a major police operation, viewed incongruously from living rooms, was bizarre. Viewers were able to experience all the action vicariously as they heard Bill Diaz and Bob Simpson, the KNXT reporters, describe how it felt to inhale tear gas and dodge bullets. At one point, the television picture scrambled as viewers heard the reporters relate how they had just recoiled when bullets ricocheted past them.” 6

The term ENG (Electronic Newsgathering or electronic journalism) was created by TV news departments who moved from film-based newsgathering to electronic field technology in the 1970s. It involved a single reporter with one video camera to an entire TV crew in a truck on location.

In 1986, the glory of America’s space program “turned into unfathomable heartbreak” when the Challenger shuttle exploded and broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing seven crew members including schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe. And millions watched it live. 7

The rescue of Baby Jessica in 1987 reminded viewers of the Kathy Fiscus tragedy, but this time the result was triumphant. The successful 58-hour effort to save trapped Texas toddler Jessica McClure from a backyard well was a defining moment for CNN as viewers tuned in for the around-the-clock cable news channel updates. 8

The from-behind-enemy-lines reporting of the Gulf War in 1991 by CNN’s Bernard Shaw, Peter Arnett, and John Holliman as bombs fell over Baghdad marked the beginning of live-TV war coverage. 9

TV cameras in the courtroom caught every minute of the stunning climax of the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995. The jury found the ex-football star accused of murder not guilty. Earlier, in 1994, the live coverage of a 45-minute slow-speed chase with a phalanx of police cars chasing Simpson’s white Bronco over California highways near Los Angeles was seen by 95 million viewers. 10

On September 11, 2001, two hijacked Boeing 767s slammed into the World Trade Center in New York City, and the horrific footage shocked a nation. TV reporters helped steady shaken viewers during the continuous coverage, but off camera they were weeping, too. It was one of the darkest moments in American history . 11

The coverage of news was changed forever when TV technically achieved the ability to cover the news live as it was happening. The internet has mostly replaced the excitement and immediacy of the live television news coverage on TV sets in the home that has dominated the news since the 1970s.

Smartphones and laptops are filled with live coverage from a variety of sources: professional newsgathering services, citizen journalists armed with smartphone and digital video recorders, special-interest videos that often send mis- or dis-information through video manipulation. 

But when a human-made or natural disaster takes place, TV is still the one unifying video and audio medium that dominates a nation’s thinking. We still huddle as one when a live event takes place that is beamed into our homes uncensored, unedited, and filled with the excitement that only a live news event can deliver to all of us.

About the author: Joe Saltzman is a professor of journalism and communication, and director of the Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture (IJPC), a project of the Norman Lear Center, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California. Saltzman was a senior documentary producer for the CBS owned-and-operated stations for more than a decade in the 1960s and 1970s and has taught at USC Annenberg for 55 years.

Featured photo : Kathy Fiscus

1. Terry Anzur, Inventing TV News: Live and Local in Los Angeles, 2022. 





7. Gunnar Matherly, The Challenger Disaster , History 153, August 19, 2015.


9. Barbie Zelizer, CNN, the Gulf War, and Journalistic Practice, Journal of Communication, Vol. 42, Issue 1, March, 1992. Pp. 66-82


11. Menahem Blondheim & Tamar Liebes, Live Television’s Disaster Marathon of September 11 and its Subversive Potential, Critical Studies in Innovation, Vol. 20, Issue 3, August 2010, pp. 271-276.

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Newsroom investment, find out more, cable news fact sheet.

Cable TV is home to a set of television channels whose news broadcasts have become  an important information source  for many Americans. In 2022, both prime-time and daytime cable news audiences increased for Fox News but decreased for CNN, MSNBC and Newsmax. Explore patterns and longitudinal data about cable news below.

essay on news channel

According to Comscore TV Essentials® data, viewership decreased for CNN and MSNBC but increased for Fox News in 2022. The average audience (defined as the average number of TVs tuned to a program throughout a time period) for the prime news time slot (8 to 11 p.m.) decreased by 25% for CNN, from 1.1 million in 2021 to 828,000 in 2022. MSNBC’s audience declined by 6% over this period, from about 881,000 to 827,000. On the other hand, Fox News’ audience increased from 1.9 million in 2021 to 2.1 million in 2022, a 10% increase.

Newsmax, a relatively smaller cable news channel that  gained prominence during the 2020 election , had an average audience of 129,000 in 2022, an 18% decline from 2021.

For the daytime news time slot (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.), CNN, MSNBC and Newsmax saw decreases to their average audiences in 2022 while Fox News saw a 12% increase.

Average audience for cable TV news: Prime news

  • Fox News, CNN, MSNBC

Note: Numbers represent CNN, Fox News and MSNBC for the full year and include live viewership only. “Average audience” is the average number of TVs tuned to an entity throughout the selected time frame. It is calculated by dividing the total hours viewed by the length of the time frame (in hours). National news is defined as any telecast that has been flagged by Comscore (either by notification from clients or from standard processes) as being a news-based program airing at approximately the same time across a majority of markets. The prime news time slot includes newscasts that air from 8 to 11 p.m. for national programs and for stations in Eastern/Pacific time zones or 7 to 10 p.m. for stations in other time zones.

Source: Comscore TV Essentials®, 2016-2022, U.S.


Note: Numbers represent Newsmax for the full year and include live viewership only. “Average audience” is the average number of TVs tuned to an entity throughout the selected time frame. It is calculated by dividing the total hours viewed by the length of the time frame (in hours). National news is defined as any telecast that has been flagged by Comscore (either by notification from clients or from standard processes) as being a news-based program airing at approximately the same time across a majority of markets. The prime news time slot includes newscasts that air from 8 to 11 p.m. for national programs and for stations in Eastern/Pacific time zones or 7 to 10 p.m. for stations in other time zones.

Source: Comscore TV Essentials®, 2020-2022, U.S.

Average audience for cable TV news: Daytime news


Note: Numbers represent CNN, Fox News and MSNBC for the full year and include live viewership only. “Average audience” is the average number of TVs tuned to an entity throughout the selected time frame. It is calculated by dividing the total hours viewed by the length of the time frame (in hours). National news is defined as any telecast that has been flagged by Comscore (either by notification from clients or from standard processes) as being a news-based program airing at approximately the same time across a majority of markets. The daytime news time slot includes newscasts that air from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for national programs and for stations in Eastern/Pacific time zones or 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. for stations in in other time zones.


Note: Numbers represent Newsmax for the full year and include live viewership only. “Average audience” is the average number of TVs tuned to an entity throughout the selected time frame. It is calculated by dividing the total hours viewed by the length of the time frame (in hours). National news is defined as any telecast that has been flagged by Comscore (either by notification from clients or from standard processes) as being a news-based program airing at approximately the same time across a majority of markets. The daytime news time slot includes newscasts that air from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for national programs and for stations in Eastern/Pacific time zones or 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. for stations in in other time zones.

essay on news channel

Total revenue decreased for CNN and MSNBC and increased for Fox News in 2022, according to estimates from Kagan, a media research group in S&P Global Market Intelligence. CNN’s total revenue decreased by 5%, from $1.9 billion in 2021 to $1.8 billion in 2022. Similarly, MSNBC’s revenue fell from $977 million to $903 million, an 8% decrease. Fox News saw a 5% increase, from $3.1 billion in 2021 to $3.3 billion in 2022.

License (affiliate) fees, one of two main sources of revenue for the major cable channels, remained relatively stable for all three. Advertising revenue, these channels’ other main source of revenue, decreased by 13% for CNN and by 11% for MSNBC in 2022, while Fox News saw an 11% increase.

In 2022, Newsmax made $66 million in revenue, a 14% decrease from 2021. Since Newsmax had zero license fee revenue, virtually all of the channel’s revenue came from advertising.

Total revenue for cable TV


Note: Numbers are estimates and projections prepared by Kagan, a media research group within S&P Global Market Intelligence, and often are revised annually, even for previous years. Displayed numbers indicate most recent updates. Beginning in 2017, Kagan’s network economics methodology accounts for subscribers and revenue from virtual multichannel services.

Source: Estimates and projections by Kagan, a media research group within S&P Global Market Intelligence.nn


Source: Estimates and projections by Kagan, a media research group within S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Advertising revenue for cable TV


Note: Numbers are estimates and projections prepared by Kagan, a media research group within S&P Global Market Intelligence, and often are revised annually, even for previous years. Displayed numbers indicate most recent updates. Beginning in 2017, Kagan’s network economics methodology accounts for subscribers and revenue from virtual multichannel services.


CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and Newsmax all saw their total profit decline from 2021 to 2022, with decreases ranging from 5% for Fox News to 23% for Newsmax.

Total profit for cable TV


Source: Estimates and projections by Kagan, a media research group within S&P Global Market Intelligencenn


essay on news channel

Total newsroom spending by CNN, MSNBC and Newsmax was fairly flat in 2022. CNN and Newsmax’s expenses remained largely unchanged in 2022, while MSNBC saw its expenses increase 4%. Meanwhile, Fox News increased newsroom spending by 19%, spending about $1.5 billion on newsroom expenditures in 2022.

Newsroom spending for cable TV


Source: Estimates and projections by Kagan, a media research group within S&P Global Market Intelligence.n


essay on news channel

This fact sheet was compiled by Research Assistant Sarah Naseer .

Read the  methodology .

Pew Research Center is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts, its primary funder. This is the latest analysis in Pew Research Center’s ongoing investigation of the state of news, information and journalism in the digital age, a research program funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, with generous support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Find more in-depth explorations of cable news by following the links below:

  • U.S. newsroom employment has fallen 26% since 2008 , July 13, 2021
  • Broad agreement in U.S. – even among partisans – on which news outlets are part of the ‘mainstream media’ , May 7, 2021
  • Large Majorities of Newsmax and OAN News Consumers Also Go to Fox News , March 23, 2021
  • Cable and satellite TV use has dropped dramatically in the U.S. since 2015 , March 17, 2021
  • Measuring News Consumption in a Digital Era , Dec. 8, 2020

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Paragraph On News Channel: The Role And Impact Of News Channels In Today’s Society

Paragraph On News Channel: The Role And Impact Of News Channels In Today’s Society

Paragraph On News Channel: News channels play a crucial role in our society by keeping the public informed, providing diverse perspectives, and promoting democracy and accountability. In the fast-paced world we live in, news channels serve as the primary source of information for millions of people around the globe.

Table of Contents

Paragraph On News Channel

In this blog Paragraph On News Channel, we include About Paragraph On News Channel, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Paragraph On News Channel for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph On News Channel is also available in different languages. In this, Paragraph On News Channel, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Importance Of News Channels

News channels serve as a vital bridge between events happening locally and globally and the public. They act as reliable sources of news, covering a wide range of topics such as politics, economy, social issues, sports, and entertainment. Let’s explore the significance of news channels in more detail:

Keeping The Public Informed News channels fulfill the important task of keeping the public informed about current events. Whether it’s reporting on political developments, natural disasters, or societal issues, news channels provide up-to-date information, allowing individuals to stay connected with the world around them.

Providing Diverse Perspectives A healthy republic thrives on different opinions and perspectives. News channels play a vital part in furnishing a platform for colorful voices to be heard. Through interviews, panel conversations, and debates, they offer observers a range of shoes, helping them form their own informed opinions.

Promoting Democracy And Accountability News channels act as trols, icing translucence and responsibility in society. They play a vital part in exposing corruption, holding public figures responsible, and keeping the government in check. By slipping light on important issues, news channels contribute to a more informed and engaged crowd.

Role Of News Channels In Society

News channels fulfill multiple roles in society, ranging from news reporting and investigative journalism to public awareness campaigns.

News Reporting At the core, news channels are responsible for timely and accurate news reporting. Journalists gather information, verify facts, and present news stories to the public. Their work involves thorough research, interviews with key individuals, and on-ground reporting.

Investigative Journalism Investigative journalism plays a vital role in uncovering hidden truths and exposing corruption or wrongdoing. News channels invest resources in investigative reporting, delving deep into issues that affect society. This form of journalism helps uncover the truth, holding individuals and institutions accountable.

Public Awareness Campaigns News channels often initiate public awareness campaigns on important social issues. They highlight problems like climate change, health crises, and social injustices, aiming to educate the public and stimulate action. These campaigns serve as catalysts for change, creating awareness and fostering public dialogue.

News Channels And Technology

News channels have embraced technology to enhance their reach and engage with audiences effectively.

Live Reporting And Breaking News With live reporting, news channels bring real-time events directly to viewers’ screens. This allows for immediate coverage of breaking news, providing minute-by-minute updates as events unfold. Live reporting brings a sense of immediacy and urgency, keeping viewers informed in the moment.

Social Media Integration News channels leverage social media platforms to reach a broader audience. They share news stories, engage with viewers, and encourage discussions on current events. Social media integration allows news channels to extend their reach beyond traditional television broadcasts, reaching younger demographics who consume news primarily through digital platforms.

Online Streaming And Video On Demand To cater to the changing preferences of viewers, news channels have embraced online streaming and video on demand services. This allows individuals to access news content at their convenience, whether it’s watching live news broadcasts or catching up on missed programs. Online platforms also offer additional features like interactive graphics and supplementary information to enhance the viewer’s understanding of news stories.

Challenges Faced By News Channels

While news channels play a vital role in society, they also face several challenges in the modern media landscape.

Maintaining Credibility Credibility is crucial for news channels to gain and retain the trust of their audience. In an era of rampant fake news and misinformation, news channels must uphold high journalistic standards, fact-check their stories, and provide accurate and balanced reporting. Maintaining credibility requires constant vigilance and a commitment to journalistic integrity.

Balancing News And Entertainment News channels often find themselves walking a fine line between delivering informative news content and catering to audience preferences for entertainment. Balancing the need for ratings and viewership with the responsibility of delivering reliable news can be challenging. Striking the right balance ensures that news channels remain informative while engaging their audience.

Coping With Fake News And Misinformation The proliferation of fake news and misinformation poses a significant challenge for news channels. In an era of information overload, it is increasingly important for news channels to verify sources, fact-check information, and debunk false narratives. Adopting stringent editorial policies and investing in robust fact-checking mechanisms are essential in combating the spread of misinformation.

Challenges Faced By News Channels

The Future Of News Channels

The landscape of news channels is continuously evolving, and they must adapt to the changing dynamics of the media industry to stay relevant.

Embracing Digital Transformation News channels must embrace digital transformation to meet the changing preferences of their audience. This involves leveraging technology, expanding their online presence, and developing innovative ways to deliver news content. Embracing digital platforms allows news channels to reach a global audience and engage with viewers across different devices and platforms.

Adapting To Changing Audience Preferences Audience preferences and consumption habits are constantly evolving. News channels need to adapt their content formats and delivery methods to cater to these changing preferences. This may include incorporating shorter news segments, producing visually engaging content, and providing interactive elements to enhance viewer engagement.

Expanding Global Reach In an increasingly interconnected world, news channels have the opportunity to expand their global reach. By forming strategic partnerships, establishing international bureaus, and offering localized content, news channels can provide a global perspective on news stories. Expanding their reach beyond domestic boundaries allows news channels to contribute to a more global understanding of events.

Conclusion (Paragraph On News Channel)

In Paragraph On News Channel, News channels serve as indispensable sources of information, playing a vital role in keeping the public informed, providing diverse perspectives, and promoting democracy and accountability. They face the challenges of maintaining credibility, balancing news and entertainment, and combating fake news. By embracing digital transformation, adapting to changing audience preferences, and expanding their global reach, news channels can navigate the evolving media landscape and continue to fulfill their crucial role in society.

Read More: Bad Effects Of Watching Television Paragraph

Paragraph On News Channel (FAQs)

Question 1. How do news channels gather information for their news stories?

Answer: News channels gather information through various means, including conducting interviews, monitoring official sources and press releases, deploying journalists for on-ground reporting, and monitoring social media and online platforms for emerging stories.

Question 2. How do news channels ensure the accuracy of their news content?

Answer: News channels have dedicated teams of journalists and fact-checkers who verify the information before presenting it to the public. They rely on multiple sources, cross-check facts, and adhere to strict editorial standards to ensure the accuracy of their news content.

Question 3. How do news channels address biases in their reporting?

Answer: News channels strive to maintain impartiality and objectivity in their reporting. They have editorial guidelines in place that emphasize fairness, balance, and providing diverse perspectives. However, biases can sometimes be inherent in human reporting, so it is essential for viewers to consume news from multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of a story.

Question 4. How do news channels combat the spread of fake news and misinformation?

Answer: News channels combat fake news and misinformation by employing rigorous fact-checking processes, verifying sources, and debunking false narratives. They often run awareness campaigns to educate the public about identifying and avoiding fake news. Additionally, news channels collaborate with fact-checking organizations and leverage technology to detect and counteract the spread of misinformation.

Question 5. How can viewers contribute to responsible news consumption?

Answer: Viewers can contribute to responsible news consumption by critically evaluating the sources of information, fact-checking claims before sharing them, and seeking out multiple perspectives on a given topic. It is important to be discerning and cautious when consuming and sharing news to ensure the spread of accurate and reliable information.

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Advantages of TV News

TV news has a number of advantages and disadvantages over other outlets. 

  • TV makes you a witness to important events in real time
  • It can be a powerful tool for verification
  • It gives you personal storytelling: a strong connection to people in the news
  • It can create a shared national experience (Think Man on the Moon, Newtown shooting, Marathon bombing)

TV Verifies Powerfully, Seeing is believing

Here’s a painful example of how devastatingly vivid TV can be in documenting/verifying the truth. During the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary campaign, Candidate Hillary Clinton said she had superior foreign policy wisdom because, for instance, she risked being shot during a visit to Bosnia as First Lady.

CBS rewound old tape to check it out. Here’s the reality check.

That’s evidence that is hard to argue with.

TV can connect us

We started the lessons by talking about the primal human need for information that alerts, diverts and connects us. 

If a newsrooms set out to educate the public about autism, one facet of that may be to forge a powerful audience connection to an individual with autism.

Here’s CBS News’ Steve Hartman demonstrating how powerfully TV can connect us to someone we’ve never met.

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TV News Role in Citizens Life Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The media have a vital role in promoting the awareness of citizens by relaying valuable information regarding various events at multiple levels including the community, country, and world at large. The television is a vital means of passing this information through TV news. This paper attempts to address the concern of the quality of news due to the recent increase in sensationalism of news content in news programs.

TV news provides citizens with unbiased information that helps to shape their thinking, as well as, their comprehension of various events. The two primary classes of TV news are those that focus on issues, and those that prioritize sensationalism and gossip. News items that focus on issues relay information that is relevant to both home and international audiences.

The issues that make up TV content are dependent on the strategies used by the media channel to enhance their commercialization and popularization. Such trends have resulted in the relay of mild forms of issues pertaining to education, environment, trade, crime, calamities and accidents, which are thought to be relevant to a large audience.

The tendency of news items to focus on sensationalism has been changing since the 1990s. Initially, sensationalism and human interest news content involved the coverage of information involving crime, violence, natural disasters, accidents and other issues pertaining to politics. The concept of sensationalism TV news was started with the view to spreading amusing, shocking, and heartwarming content to viewers.

However, the elements of sensationalism began to be employed in hard news. This was further enhanced by the development of new technologies and consumer-driven journalism that permitted the development of flashy and lavish formal production features. These elements were aimed at enhancing the participation of audiences during the viewing process of a variety of content including sex, scandal and celebrity news.

While various sensationalism elements such as flashy subtitles, decorative effects and video maneuvers enhance the entertainment aspect of news and increase the interest of viewers, it may, on the other hand, compromise the objectivity of the reporting. It is necessary for TV news to retain its credibility as a source of information, public debate and scrutiny of various concerns. Media stations should take a take a pragmatic approach in formulating the news agenda so that it takes into consideration multiple content including political events, sports events, crime reports, and accidents among others.

The primary coverage for TV news involves violent events such as riots, civil unrest, accidents, disasters and terrorism. This category is followed by a need for information pertaining to constitutional politics, which involves state visits and political meetings. Other categories of interest to the public include crime and corruption, health and environment, culture, entertainment and sports, and economics and trade.

People expose themselves to various kinds of media content in order to satisfy multiple social and psychological needs. The primary need for news content is surveillance. This implies that a majority of people are motivated to tune into TV news in order to acquire information regarding various events in the world.

As such, TV news should prioritize the delivery of such information in order to meet the primary market requirement. Other motivations include emotional release from certain events, and social function through interpersonal chat of occurrences. This implies that issue based standard news are more gratifying to viewers compared to sensationalism of gossip or entertainment news since the former is more believable than tabloid news, which focuses on viewer enjoyment.

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IvyPanda. (2018, December 11). TV News Role in Citizens Life.

"TV News Role in Citizens Life." IvyPanda , 11 Dec. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'TV News Role in Citizens Life'. 11 December.

IvyPanda . 2018. "TV News Role in Citizens Life." December 11, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "TV News Role in Citizens Life." December 11, 2018.


IvyPanda . "TV News Role in Citizens Life." December 11, 2018.

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‘Confessions of a Good Samaritan’ Review: Penny Lane Delivers a Documentary Essay on Altruism and Its Discontents

An exploration of the science, history and ethics of organ donation in the context of the filmmaker's kidney donation.

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The statistics are shocking. In the United States, nearly 100,000 people are listed on a national database for kidney transplantation, but perhaps three-quarters of them will die before an appropriate match is found. Yet the choice to make a live, non-directed donation is relatively rare. As Lane hears from others and experiences for herself, many friends and relatives regard the would-be donor as crazy.

Among the interesting interviewees is psychology professor Abigail Marsh, whose personal history prompted her interest in understanding the neural and cognitive basis of empathy, altruism, aggression and psychopathy. When studying brain scans of people diagnosed with psychopathy, Marsh hypothesized that perhaps they represented one end of a continuum, and that the brains of people expressing more empathy than the average joe would also be differently wired. 

Marsh explains that the brain’s amygdala is linked to all of our sensory processing systems and gives a corresponding emotional response to the information processed. Psychopathic brains have amygdalas that on average are up to 20% smaller than normal people. Altruistic people have amygdalas which are around 8% larger than average. The scan she performs on Lane proves that the filmmaker’s amygdala is quite large.

Meanwhile, advocate and author Dr. Sally Satel, a recipient of a donated kidney, makes a compelling argument for government legislated rewards for altruistic organ donation, since it is against the law for a recipient to offer cash or other financial benefits to a donor and for a donor to accept them. Given that non-directed donations comprise only 2% of all the kidney transplants performed and black-market organs comprise 10%, the title of her book neatly sums up the problem: “Altruism Is Not Enough.” Archival footage showing a 1984 Senate inquiry (chaired by a young Al Gore) into an organs-for-money scheme shows that doctors have been thinking about this issue for some time.

Bio-ethicist and psychiatrist Dr. Jacob Appel helps Lane understand the history of progress in kidney transplantation, which came rapidly after the discovery of cyclosporine, an immunosuppressive agent used to treat organ rejection post-transplant. And he describes to her a possible future of organs being grown inside genetically modified pigs.

In contrast to the theoretical issues that Appel puts forward, the ebullient surgeon Dr. Keith Melancon is literally hands-on. He describes his pleasure at seeing a donated organ “pink-up” inside the body of the recipient.

The film makes a virtue of its small budget through incorporating a digital esthetic throughout.

Reviewed online, June 24, 2024. In SXSW, Hot Docs film festivals. Running time: 103 MIN. 

  • Production: (Documentary) A Spinning Nancy presentation of a Sandbox Films production, in association with Olive Hill Media, Impact Partners. (World sales: Submarine Entertainment, NY.) Producer: Gabriel Sedgwick. Executive producers: Greg Boustead, Jessica Harrop, Tim Lee, Michael Cho, Mimi Rode.
  • Crew: Director, writer: Penny Lane. Camera: Naiti Gámez. Editor: Hannah Buck. Music: Carolina Eyck. 
  • With: Penny Lane, Professor Abigail Marsh, Keith Melancon, Sally Satel, Jacob Appel.

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Paragraph On Favorite News Channel

Paragraph On Favorite News Channel: A Comprehensive Review

Paragraph On Favourite News Channel: Staying informed about current events is crucial in today’s fast-paced world, and having a reliable source of news is essential. One of my favorite news channels is the BBC News Channel. It is a British 24-hour news channel that provides in-depth coverage of global news and current affairs. In this blog, I will discuss why I prefer this channel, its popular programs and segments, its strengths and weaknesses, its impact on society, and the criticisms and controversies that surround it.

Paragraph On Favorite News Channel

In this blog, we include the Paragraph On Favorite News Channel, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover the Paragraph On Favorite News Channel belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines, and essay writings about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph On Favorite News Channel is also available in different languages.

II. Why I Prefer This News Channel

The BBC News Channel’s format and style are well-organized and professional. The channel covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, science, and technology, to name a few. The quality of reporting is exceptional, and the journalists and presenters are well-respected for their impartiality and accuracy. In comparison to other news channels, such as CNN or Fox News, I find the BBC’s reporting to be less sensationalized and more factual, which is important in today’s climate of fake news and misinformation.

III. Popular Programs And Segments

The BBC News Channel has several popular programs and segments, including Hardtalk, Newsnight, and The Andrew Marr Show. Hardtalk is an interview program that features prominent figures from politics, business, and entertainment. Newsnight is a current affairs program that discusses the day’s top stories in-depth, and The Andrew Marr Show is a Sunday morning talk show that covers politics and current events. These programs are engaging and informative, and the content is relevant to current events.

Popular Programs And Segments

IV. Strengths And Weaknesses

One of the BBC News Channel’s strengths is its reputation for impartiality and reliability. The channel is known for its factual reporting and balanced coverage, which is essential in providing trustworthy news. Another strength is its global reach, with correspondents and reporters stationed in various parts of the world. However, one of the channel’s weaknesses is its limited coverage of certain regions, such as Africa and Asia. This lack of coverage can lead to a biased worldview and can leave out important events.

V. Impact On Society

The BBC News Channel has a significant impact on society, as it is a trusted source of news for many people around the world. The channel’s reporting and analysis can shape public opinion and policy, and it plays an important role in promoting awareness of global issues. The BBC’s impartiality and reliability have also made it a go-to source for news in times of crisis and emergencies.

VI. Criticisms And Controversies

Despite its reputation for impartiality and reliability, the BBC News Channel has faced criticisms and controversies in the past. One of the most notable controversies involved accusations of bias towards the British government during the Iraq War. The channel was also criticized for its coverage of the Scottish independence referendum, which some felt was biased towards the pro-Union side. However, the channel has acknowledged these criticisms and has taken steps to address them.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, the BBC News Channel is one of the most reliable and trusted sources of news in the world. Its format and style are professional, and its reporting is factual and balanced. The channel’s popular programs and segments provide engaging and informative content, and its impact on society is significant. While the channel has faced criticisms and controversies in the past, it remains a go-to source for news and is highly recommended for those seeking reliable and trustworthy news. It is important to critically evaluate and explore different news sources to ensure a well-rounded and accurate understanding of the world.

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FAQs On Paragraph On Favourite News Channel

Question 1. What is your favorite news channel and why?

Answer: However, people may have different favorite news channels depending on their personal interests, political affiliations, and the quality of journalism. It is important to critically evaluate the news sources to ensure they are trustworthy and reliable.

Question 2. How do I write to a news channel?

Answer: If you want to write to a news channel, you can follow these steps:

  • Determine the news channel’s contact information. This information can usually be found on the channel’s website or social media pages.
  • Write a clear and concise letter or email expressing your thoughts or concerns. Make sure to provide specific examples and evidence to support your message.
  • Be respectful and professional in your tone, even if you are expressing criticism or disagreement. Avoid using inflammatory language or making personal attacks.
  • Clearly state your name and contact information in case the news channel wants to follow up with you.
  • Proofread your letter or email for spelling and grammar errors before sending it.
  • Remember that news channels receive many messages and may not be able to respond to each one individually. However, your message can still have an impact and contribute to a larger conversation.

Answer: There is no one “best” channel for news as it ultimately depends on individual preferences and opinions. Some people may prefer channels that focus on international news while others may prefer channels that focus on local news. Additionally, different news channels may have different biases or political leanings that may influence their coverage and reporting. It is important to consider multiple sources and perspectives when consuming news in order to form a well-rounded understanding of current events.

Question 4. What is a news channel’s short description?

Answer: A news channel is a television channel or network that specializes in reporting current events and breaking news. It provides viewers with up-to-date information on local, national, and international news, covering topics such as politics, business, sports, entertainment, and more. Some news channels also offer in-depth analysis and commentary on news stories and events, as well as interviews with experts and newsmakers. The goal of a news channel is to inform and educate its audience on current events and issues that are relevant and important to them.

Question 5. Which is The 1 news channel in India?

Answer: It is difficult to determine the “1 news channel” in India as there are many channels that are popular and widely watched. Some of the most popular news channels in India include:

  • Republic TV.
  • India Today TV.
  • CNN-News18.

Each of these channels has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and viewers may have their own preferences based on their personal opinions and beliefs. It is important to consider multiple sources and perspectives when consuming news to ensure a well-rounded understanding of current events.

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Impact of News channels on society

Table of Contents

Positive  impact:

Negative  impact:, conclusion:.

Some news channels that are not following ethics are discrediting the good work of the fourth pillar of democracy, which is media .  It is very important for any business to follow  the  five codes of ethics –  Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence and Due Care, Confidentiality & Professional Behavior . If news channels follow this, their negative effects on the public will be reduced.  

Image by  engin akyurt  from  Pixabay  

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This image provided by Eli Lilly shows the company's new Alzheimer’s drug Kisunla. The Food and Drug Administration approved Eli Lilly’s Kisunla on Tuesday for mild or early cases of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. AP/Eli Lilly and Company hide caption

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IELTS Essay, topic: News on TV

  • IELTS Essays - Band 7

News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in a newspaper. What factors do you think influence their decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?

essay on news channel

The second factor is how hot and attractive the news is. Who or watch news from a year or a month ago or even about something that happened last week? The answer is . In the energetic and competitive world nowadays, people always ask for a really news. So that to satisfy customers, there is a pressure on all editors to find continually what has already happened not only yesterday but even an hour ago. Or else, they may lose their customers. None of editors wants that bleak future.

The type of news is also an important consideration. Whether on television or in newspapers, we seem to get more of and become used to bad news. It is harder for us to come across a piece of good news. We can’t deny that bad things happen on Earth day by day. However, news editors try to gain more and more , which means more and more money, using bad news as a magnet. bad news makes us curious. We want to know why it is bad, what it is about, whether it influences us or not. As a result, we will buy newspapers or watch television to find out. And the happiest people are, of course, news editors.

In my view it would be better if more good news reported. Bad news makes us good news makes us happy. There should an an equal amount of good and bad news. In that way we can give something bad a lot of thought while still being happy about the good news. Any inequalities between good news and bad news should be avoided. Nowadays we cannot live without news, and for that reason the role of news editors became very important. We should support them, and in turn they should try their best to provide us with useful news, both good and bad.

Some of your sentences are too short – they would look better if joined together. Overall, this is a good essay, which seems to be worthy of Band 7.

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Delving deep —

The telltale words that could identify generative ai text, new paper counts "excess words" that started appearing more often in the post-llm era..

Kyle Orland - Jul 1, 2024 11:30 am UTC

If your right hand starts typing

Further Reading

To measure these vocabulary changes, the researchers analyzed 14 million paper abstracts published on PubMed between 2010 and 2024, tracking the relative frequency of each word as it appeared across each year. They then compared the expected frequency of those words (based on the pre-2023 trendline) to the actual frequency of those words in abstracts from 2023 and 2024, when LLMs were in widespread use.

The results found a number of words that were extremely uncommon in these scientific abstracts before 2023 that suddenly surged in popularity after LLMs were introduced. The word "delves," for instance, shows up in 25 times as many 2024 papers as the pre-LLM trend would expect; words like "showcasing" and "underscores" increased in usage by nine times as well. Other previously common words became notably more common in post-LLM abstracts: the frequency of "potential" increased 4.1 percentage points; "findings" by 2.7 percentage points; and "crucial" by 2.6 percentage points, for instance.

Some examples of words that saw their use increase (or decrease) substantially after LLMs were introduced (bottom three words shown for comparison).

These kinds of changes in word use could happen independently of LLM usage, of course—the natural evolution of language means words sometimes go in and out of style. However, the researchers found that, in the pre-LLM era, such massive and sudden year-over-year increases were only seen for words related to major world health events: "ebola" in 2015; "zika" in 2017; and words like "coronavirus," "lockdown" and "pandemic" in the 2020 to 2022 period.

In the post-LLM period, though, the researchers found hundreds of words with sudden, pronounced increases in scientific usage that had no common link to world events. In fact, while the excess words during the COVID pandemic were overwhelmingly nouns, the researchers found that the words with a post-LLM frequency bump were overwhelmingly "style words" like verbs, adjectives, and adverbs (a small sampling: "across, additionally, comprehensive, crucial, enhancing, exhibited, insights, notably, particularly, within").

This isn't a completely new finding—the increased prevalence of "delve" in scientific papers has been widely noted in the recent past , for instance. But previous studies generally relied on comparisons with "ground truth" human writing samples or lists of pre-defined LLM markers obtained from outside the study. Here, the pre-2023 set of abstracts acts as its own effective control group to show how vocabulary choice has changed overall in the post-LLM era.

An intricate interplay

By highlighting hundreds of so-called "marker words" that became significantly more common in the post-LLM era, the telltale signs of LLM use can sometimes be easy to pick out. Take this example abstract line called out by the researchers, with the marker words highlighted: "A comprehensive grasp of the intricate interplay between [...] and [...] is pivotal for effective therapeutic strategies."

After doing some statistical measures of marker word appearance across individual papers, the researchers estimate that at least 10 percent of the post-2022 papers in the PubMed corpus were written with at least some LLM assistance. The number could be even higher, the researchers say, because their set could be missing LLM-assisted abstracts that don't include any of the marker words they identified.

Before 2023, it took a major world event like the coronavirus pandemic to see large jumps in word usage like this.

Those measured percentages can vary a lot across different subsets of papers, too. The researchers found that papers authored in countries like China, South Korea, and Taiwan showed LLM marker words 15 percent of the time, suggesting "LLMs might... help non-natives with editing English texts, which could justify their extensive use." On the other hand, the researchers offer that native English speakers "may [just] be better at noticing and actively removing unnatural style words from LLM outputs," thus hiding their LLM usage from this kind of analysis.

Detecting LLM use is important, the researchers note, because "LLMs are infamous for making up references, providing inaccurate summaries, and making false claims that sound authoritative and convincing." But as knowledge of LLMs' telltale marker words starts to spread, human editors may get better at taking those words out of generated text before it's shared with the world.

Who knows, maybe future large language models will do this kind of frequency analysis themselves, lowering the weight of marker words to better mask their outputs as human-like. Before long, we may need to call in some Blade Runners to pick out the generative AI text hiding in our midst.

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Essay on Television for Students and Children

500+ words essay on television.

Television is one of the most popular devices that are used for entertainment all over the world. It has become quite common nowadays and almost every household has one television set at their place. In the beginning, we see how it was referred to as the ‘idiot box.’ This was mostly so because back in those days, it was all about entertainment. It did not have that many informative channels as it does now.

Essay on Television

Moreover, with this invention, the craze attracted many people to spend all their time watching TV. People started considering it harmful as it attracted the kids the most. In other words, kids spent most of their time watching television and not studying. However, as times passed, the channels of television changed. More and more channels were broadcasted with different specialties. Thus, it gave us knowledge too along with entertainment.

Benefits of Watching Television

The invention of television gave us various benefits. It was helpful in providing the common man with a cheap mode of entertainment. As they are very affordable, everyone can now own television and get access to entertainment.

In addition, it keeps us updated on the latest happenings of the world. It is now possible to get news from the other corner of the world. Similarly, television also offers educational programs that enhance our knowledge about science and wildlife and more.

Moreover, television also motivates individuals to develop skills. They also have various programs showing speeches of motivational speakers. This pushes people to do better. You can also say that television widens the exposure we get. It increases our knowledge about several sports, national events and more.

While television comes with a lot of benefits, it also has a negative side. Television is corrupting the mind of the youth and we will further discuss how.

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How Television is    Harming the Youth

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Additionally, it also makes people addict. People get addicted to their TV’s and avoid social interaction. This impacts their social life as they spend their time in their rooms all alone. This addiction also makes them vulnerable and they take their programs too seriously.

The most dangerous of all is the fake information that circulates on news channels and more. Many media channels are now only promoting the propaganda of the governments and misinforming citizens. This makes causes a lot of division within the otherwise peaceful community of our country.

Thus, it is extremely important to keep the TV watching in check. Parents must limit the time of their children watching TV and encouraging them to indulge in outdoor games. As for the parents, we should not believe everything on the TV to be true. We must be the better judge of the situation and act wisely without any influence.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How does television benefit people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Television offers people a cheap source of entertainment. It saves them from boredom and helps them get information and knowledge about worldly affairs.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the negative side of television?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Television has a negative side to it because it harms people’s health when watched in excess. Moreover, it is the easiest platform to spread fake news and create misunderstandings between communities and destroy the peace and harmony of the country.”} }] }

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Ielts essay # 1260 - news stories on tv and in newspapers are very often accompanied by pictures, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, news stories on tv and in newspapers are very often accompanied by pictures. some people say that these pictures are more effective than words., what is your opinion about this.

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First of all, what even is a video essay ?

The line between video essays and documentaries is often muddy. While both video essays and documentaries use audiovisual elements to convey ideas and narratives, they differ in their focus, narrative structure, visual style, and intended audience.

Video essays offer critical analysis and interpretation of visual media, while documentaries provide factual information on real-life events and experiences. One key tip to distinguish between the two is that documentaries focus on getting answers from primary sources , like conducting interviews.

Video essays have gained popularity in recent years, particularly on YouTube. The accessibility of digital editing tools and visual media makes it easier than ever for aspiring filmmakers, critics, and scholars to produce and share their own video essays with the world.

In this article, we have compiled a list of the best video essayists on YouTube. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of these digital storytellers who put their viewers on the edge of their seats.

If video essays are not your cup of tea and you’re looking for something more educational, check out our article on the best documentary YouTube channels .

13 Top Video Essay YouTube Channels in 2024

This list is compiled from the opinions of  Favoree  and  Reddit  users.

In no particular order:

1.  EmpLemon  – 1.2M Subscribers

Emplemon blends elements of documentary-style storytelling with humor and cultural critique. Through his videos, Emplemon tells stories about internet culture, dissecting its quirks with razor-sharp wit and insight.

His contents elicit a rollercoaster of emotions, from laughter at absurd internet phenomena to contemplation of the impact of online communities on society.

2.  ContraPoints  – 1.8M Subscribers

Natalie Wynn, better known as Contrapoints, makes incisive video essays about social topics. Initially gaining fame for providing leftist rebuttals to right-wing content, Wynn’s dark humor and elaborate productions captivate audiences.

While her style has evolved to include more intimate settings, Wynn’s content remains intellectually stimulating, featuring detailed philosophical discussions presented in a visually stunning manner.

Natalie is not only an icon for her video essays, she’s also one of the most influential Trans creators on YouTube .

3.  ColdFusion  – 4.7M Subscribers

ColdFusion is a prominent YouTube channel making high-quality videos on corporations and their scandals. The channel’s soothing narration style contributes to a relaxing viewing experience.

With professional editing and a focus on interesting subject matter, ColdFusion delivers compelling insights into the latest trends and developments shaping the world of business and technology.

Check out our article on the best economics YouTube channel if you’re interested in improving your financial knowledge!

4.  Wendigoon  – 3.4M Subscribers

Wendigoon’s exploration of horror and supernatural phenomena certainly gives viewers goosebumps. With a focus on topics like urban legends , paranormal encounters, and mysterious occurrences, Wendigoon delivers chilling narratives that leave viewers intrigued and unsettled.

The channel’s immersive storytelling and atmospheric visuals evoke a sense of unease, drawing audiences into the eerie world of the unknown. Wendigoon’s expertly crafted videos combine suspenseful narration with haunting imagery, creating an unforgettable viewing experience.

Can’t get enough of chilling true crime stories? Our article on the best true crime YouTube channels will help you find more creators to watch.

5.  hbomberguy  – 1.6M Subscribers

Hbomberguy is a highly respected YouTuber famous for his well-researched video essays. With a focus on various topics ranging from video games to social critiques of modernity, Hbomberguy delivers arguments backed by cited facts. His recent video that exposed Internet Historian has gotten the most attention and discourse.

Despite a sporadic upload schedule, his content is eagerly anticipated, offering deep dives into internet culture and thought-provoking analyses.

6.  Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell  – 21.8M Subscribers

Kurzgesagt is incredible at explaining complex scientific concepts and philosophical ideas in a simple way. Through stunning art and animation, Kurzgesagt brings these topics to life.

Covering a wide range of subjects from space exploration to biology, the channel’s videos are both educational and visually captivating, leaving viewers feeling inspired and enlightened. Kurzgesagt offers an immersive journey into the wonders of the universe, sparking curiosity and wonder in audiences worldwide.

7.  Fredrik Knudsen  – 1.2M Subscribers

A cult favorite, Fredrik Knudsen’s acclaimed series “Down the Rabbit Hole” investigates obscure corners of the internet and perplexing aspects of history.

Known for his unbiased and objective approach, Knudsen presents his subjects in a neutral manner, allowing facts to speak for themselves. His thought-provoking content offers insights into the complexities of human experiences and internet phenomena.

8.  blameitonjorge  – 1.7M Subscribers

Blameitonjorge is beloved for his videos centered around lost media, creepy events, and obscure topics. With a soothing and friendly voice, Jorge’s narration style is modest, respectful, and intelligently humorous, offering a refreshing contrast to typical list-making channels.

His videos cover a diverse range of subjects, including UFO sightings, nostalgia, horror movies, true crime, and Mexican urban legends, all presented with meticulous research and informative editing. Blameitonjorge’s efforts to uncover unanswered mysteries and controversies breathe new life into forgotten topics.

9.  Solar Sands  – 1.3M Subscribers

Solar Sands, an American YouTuber, specializes in video essays analyzing and reviewing art, culture, and archaeology. His long form contents concentrate on retrospectives on various aspects of artistic quality, including the history of low-resolution paintings in Minecraft and analyses of artists like Trevor Henderson .

Solar Sands’ content offers unusual insights into the world of art and culture, appealing to viewers interested in thought-provoking discussions and analyses.

10.  Philosophy Tube  – 1.5M Subscribers

Abigail Thorn, AKA Philosophy Tube, is a British YouTuber exploring philosophy, politics, and personal identity through theatrical presentations and insightful discussions. Abigail’s well-researched content creates a deeper understanding of complex topics and provides support for those grappling with personal identity.

Her inclusive and authentic approach transforms philosophical concepts into accessible narratives, while her openness about her transgender journey inspires self-acceptance in viewers. With a blend of academic rigor and theatrical flair, Philosophy Tube continues to educate and entertain her audiences.

Want a deeper understanding of philosophy without breaking the bank? Check out the best philosophy YouTube channels to learn more!

11. Super Eyepatch Wolf – 1.7M Subscribers

John Walsh, also known as Super Eyepatch Wolf , is an Irish YouTuber renowned for his analytical-style videos primarily focused on anime, with occasional forays into manga and video games.

Unlike many other anime YouTubers, his presentation style stands out for its calm and passionate delivery. His content resonates with audiences seeking thoughtful analysis and insightful commentary.

12. Folding Ideas – 920K Subscribers

Dan Olson or Folding Ideas is a YouTube channel offering long-form video essays on internet culture. From NFTs to nuggets, he makes any topic interesting and will leave you looking for more.

While the writing can occasionally seem overly clever, Dan Olson’s thoroughly researched insights provide valuable perspectives into tech grifts and other media. Despite only uploading every few months, the channel’s in-depth and insightful content is highly appreciated by viewers.

13. Jacob Geller – 1.2M Subscribers

Jacob Geller offers thought-provoking video essays that seamlessly blend topics such as video games, history, politics, and more. With a dark yet empathetic tone, Geller digs deep into philosophical, ethical, metaphysical, and psychological themes, using gaming as a springboard for discussions.

Whether discussing a specific video game mod or architectural design, Jacob’s talent shines through in his insightful videos, offering a deep exploration of video games with surprising depth.

Why are video essays important?

Video essays are important as they provide a platform for creators to offer nuanced interpretations and critical perspectives on various subjects. They serve as engaging educational tools, stimulating discussions and deepening understanding of visual media and cultural phenomena.

What are the benefits of video essays?

Video essays offer benefits such as fostering critical thinking, providing accessible and entertaining educational content, and offering a fresh approach to the analysis and exploration of visual media.

What’s the difference between a video essay and a documentary?

The difference lies in their focus, narrative structure, visual style, and intended audience. While video essays offer critical analysis and interpretation of visual media, documentaries provide factual information on real-life events and experiences, often by obtaining answers from primary sources through interviews.

Is video essay a genre?

Video essay is not a genre in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a format or style of content creation that can encompass a wide range of subjects and approaches, from film analysis to cultural critique.

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Toy artist, illustrator, literary enthusiast. Chronically online and addicted to YouTube.

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India Wins Cricket World Cup, Sealing Its Domination of the Sport

In India, cricket has become immensely profitable and a destination for the world’s best players. But a tournament victory had eluded it for many years.

Ticker tape rains down as the India team, in orange and blue uniforms and medals round their necks, wave and cheer and hold a trophy aloft.

By Mujib Mashal

Reporting from New Delhi

India won the men’s Cricket World Cup on Saturday, defeating South Africa to end a dry spell in tournament victories that had lasted over a decade, even as the nation was dominating the sport globally in other measures like talent, cash and influence.

The tournament was played across several Caribbean islands, with a few of the matches hosted in the United States, including at a pop-up stadium in New York. When the final, in Barbados, ended with India declared the champion, it was close to midnight back home, where joyful crowds poured into the streets across several cities.

“Maybe in a couple hours it will sink in, but it is a great feeling,” said Rohit Sharma, India’s captain, who took a tour of the stadium with his daughter propped on his shoulders to thank the crowd. “To cross the line — it feels great for everyone.”

It was a closely fought match, and a deeply emotional one for India, in part because many of its senior players, including Sharma, 37, were near the end of their careers. India last won the World Cup in T20, the shortest format of cricket, in 2007, when Sharma was just getting started. The top prize had also evaded Virat Kohli, 35, one of cricket’s most recognized icons. Rahul Dravid, India’s coach, had never won a World Cup during his long and illustrious career as a player.

All three men ended the night on a happy note, with Sharma and Kohli announcing their retirement from the fast-paced short form of the game. Dravid, who finished his stint as India’s coach, is normally a quiet, stoic presence. But after the win, he was screaming and celebrating.

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Hillary Clinton warns Biden about Trump debate: It won't be a 'normal' TV faceoff

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WASHINGTON — Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wrote in an op-ed piece that it’s a “waste of time” to try to counter Donald Trump in a TV forum as it were a "normal debate.“

The former secretary of state, who debated Trump three times during the 2016 election, had some advice for President Joe Biden as he prepares to take the stage with the presumptive GOP nominee.

“It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated,” Clinton wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Tuesday.

She added that Trump “may rant and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions.”

Her piece comes as Biden and Trump are expected to face off for the first 2024 presidential election debate Thursday night hosted by CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Clinton wrote that to cut through Trump’s tactics, Biden must be as “as direct and forceful as he was when engaging Republican hecklers at the State of the Union address in March.”

She also advised viewers to cut through the theatrics by paying attention to how the candidates talk about people, focusing on the fundamental issues at stake and thinking about the “real choice” in this election.

“This election is between a convicted criminal out for revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people,” she wrote. “No matter what happens in the debate, that’s an easy choice.”

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Essay On Television | Television Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Television: Television has become one of the most common things in our day-to-day life and everyone has a television in their house. Television has become the main source of entertainment, news, and Information. Television has brought the whole world into our house within a small box. When we open a news channel on TV we get so much information about our locality, states, country, and also about the whole world. To get rid of headaches and boredom we open an entertainment channel like movies and cartoons. There are also some informational and learning channels that are there on television.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essay on Television for Kids and Students in English

In this article, we have provided a few sample essays on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Television, Importance Of Television topics. There is one extended essay of 500 words; a short essay of 100-150 words; and ten lines on the subject of Television.

Long Essay in English on the Topic Television 500 words

Such long essays are usually helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. They are asked to write these essays for assignments and exams.

Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of science and technology. Television has brought the whole world into our house. It is the main source of entertainment in today’s life. Also, we get vital information and can learn many new things from television. Nowadays TV is one of the most popular advertising platforms.

In England in 1878, a Scottish amateur scientist, John Loggie Baird, successfully transmitted the first TV picture, after years of hard work. This Television works with the help of the mechanical system. The size of the TV is very large, and a single person can’t take it from one place to another. The mechanical technology used in the television was quickly replaced by superior electronic television in the year 1927 when Philo Farnsworth successfully demonstrated electronic television in San Francisco.

In the early times’ television is not like today’s television. The old television frames are made of wood, and it comes with an antenna, and the TV gets channels by the radio wave. To catch the radio signal waves, one has to rotate the nob provided on the TV. In past days there are only some channels to watch on TV. Also, one can’t watch colorful programs on TV like today’s television. The shows on TV are black and white. There is a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) used in that TVs’. Not only in the black and white TVs’, but also there are many color TVs which come with a cathode ray tube. The black and white TV’s also cannot be controlled by the remote. If one wants to change the channels or wants to adjust the volume, they have to fix it by going near the TV. When colorful TVs’ comes in market cable lines are used to provide channels, and one can define the color of a thing with this TV. Scientists also thought about the problem of changing the channel by going in front of the TV and they invented a remote to control the TV from sitting at any place. The name of the first RCA color TV set is the CT -100.

But in recent times we have colorful TVs’ in our house with so many channels. These TVs’ are totally different from the old TV. These TVs’ are colorful and mounted on the wall with a big screen. There is no Cathode Ray Tube concept in these TVs’. Modern TVs’ use LCD and LED. These TVs come with a very smart look. Today we get so many channels on our TV like an informational channel, Entertainment channel, Kids channel, etc. We also can learn many things by watching TVs’. We can explore aquatic animals, forests, rivers, mountains, land animals with the shows on Television. We can know the news of the whole world on TV. A kid gets fun when they watch cartoon channels. When a man is depressed, they can get relief by watching movies and comedy shows on television. In one Word TV plays a vital role in our daily life by removing our fatigue, providing us information and entertainment.

Short Essay on Television in English 150 words

Essay On Television is useful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of science and technology. Television has brought the whole world into our house. It is the main source of entertainment in today’s life. A Scottish scientist, John Loggie Baird invented the first television in the year 1878. This Television works with the help of the mechanical system and the size of the TV was very large. in the year 1927 electronic television was invented and it was a Black and white television it gets channels by using radio signals. After some time, color TV comes in the market and the name of the first RCA color TV set is the CT -100. Today we use smart LED TVs in our house with a cable connection. On the TV we can watch movies, cartoons, news, dance & drama, and listen songs on various channels. Today TV has become a part of our daily life.

10 Lines Essay About Television 150 words

  • In England in 1878, a Scottish amateur scientist, John Loggie Baird, successfully transmitted the first TV picture.
  • This television was quickly replaced by the electronic television in the year 1927 when Philo Farnsworth successfully demonstrated electronic television in San Francisco.
  • This TV gets channels by catching the radio wave with the help of the antenna and by tuning the nob. These TVs come with Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).
  • After this CRT color TV came on the market and replaced the Black & White TV.
  • The name of the first RCA color TV set is the CT -100.
  • Modern TV comes with LCD and LED technology with low power consumption.
  • We can watch programs on TV by taking the cable or dish connection
  • On the TV we can watch movies, cartoons, news, dance & drama, and listen to songs on various channels.
  • We can explore, learn, and know many things with the shows on Television.
  • Today TV has become a part of our daily life.

FAQs on Television Essay

Question 1. Who invented the first Television?

Answer: John Loggie Baird, a Scottish amateur scientist invented TV in 1878.

Question 2. What is the name of the first color Television?

Answer: The name of the first color Television set is CT -100.

Question 3. What is the full form of CRT?

Answer: The full form of CRT.

Question 4. How does old TV get channels?

Answer: Old TVs get channels by catching the radio waves.

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  • Essay On Newspaper

Essay on Newspaper

500+ words essay on newspaper.

The newspaper is one of the oldest means of communication, which provides information from all around the world. It contains news, editorials, features, articles on a variety of current topics and other information of public interest. Sometimes the word NEWS is interpreted as North, East, West and South. It means that the newspapers provide information from everywhere. The newspaper covers topics related to health, war, politics, climate forecast, economy, environment, agriculture, education, business, government policies, fashion, sports entertainment, etc. It covers regional, national and international news.

Here, we have provided an essay on ‘Newspaper’, which will help students to improve their writing section. So, students must try to write a ‘Newspaper Essay’ in English after going through this sample essay . This essay on ‘Newspaper’ will give them ideas on how to organise their thoughts in a structured format to frame a good essay.

The newspaper is the most authentic and reliable source of information as it only prints the news after proper investigation. Newspapers are delivered to our doorstep early in the morning. We can read the news by having a cup of tea and get to know what is going on around the world. Newspapers are economical as we get information at a very low cost. They are easily available and are also printed in different languages. Thus, newspapers make it easier for people to read news in their native language.

Newspapers cover different columns, and each column is reserved for a particular topic. The employment column provides information related to jobs. This column is very useful for youth who are searching for suitable jobs. Similarly, there are other columns, such as the matrimonial column for finding the perfect match for marriages, a political column for news related to politics, a sports column for analysis and opinion on sports updates, etc. Other than this, there are editorials, readers, and critics’ reviews that provide a wide variety of information.

History of Newspapers in India

The first newspaper to be printed in India was called Gazette Bengal. It was published by an Englishman, James Augustus Hicky in 1780. This newspaper was followed by the publication of other newspapers like the Indian Gazette, Calcutta Gazette, Madras Gazette Courier and Bombay Herald in the coming years. After the first freedom struggle of 1857, the number of newspapers appearing in different languages of India continued to grow. At the time of this freedom struggle, media expansion in India was not large. However, after India became independent, the expansion of newspapers continued.

Importance of Newspaper

A newspaper is an important prerequisite for democracy. It helps in the proper functioning of government bodies by making citizens informed about government work. Newspapers act as powerful public opinion changes. In the absence of a newspaper, we cannot have a true picture of our surroundings. It makes us realise that we are living in a dynamic world of knowledge and learning. Daily reading of the newspaper will help improve English grammar and vocabulary, which is especially helpful for students. It also improves reading skills along with learning skills. Thus, it enhances our knowledge and broadens our vision.

Newspapers contain advertisements which are essential to run a paper. So, along with news, newspapers are also a medium of advertising. Advertisements related to goods, services and recruitment are broadcast. There are also missing, lost-found, and government-release ads. Though these advertisements are useful most of the time, sometimes they result in misleading people. Many big companies and firms also advertise through newspapers to enhance their brand value in the market.

Disadvantages of Newspaper

There are numerous advantages of the newspaper, but on the other side, there are some drawbacks too. Newspapers are a source of exchanging diverse views. So, they can mould the opinion of people in positive and negative ways. Biased articles can cause riots, hatred and disunity. Sometimes immoral advertisements and vulgar pictures printed in the newspaper can severely damage society’s moral values.

Deletion of the vulgar ads and controversial articles removes the above-mentioned demerits of the newspaper to a great extent. Thus, an active reader cannot be misled and deceived by journalism.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Newspaper Essay

Is the newspaper still in use as much as in the earlier days.

Although news feeds and news channels instantly update us on the happenings around us, daily newspapers are very much still in use. Many people still refer to and wait for the news to be updated in these newspapers, even today.

What are the 5 main sections of a newspaper?

The five main sections of a newspaper are national/international news, sports, entertainment/amusement, classified advertisements, and neighbourhood news.

Who invented the newspaper?

Johann Carolus invented the first newspaper in Strasbourg, Germany.

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May 30, 2018

Essay : news channels have turned into entertainment channels.

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News Channels have Turned into Entertainment Channels 

  • Stiff competitions among news channels.
  • Channels cater entertaining content for getting high TRP. 
  • Paid news are telecasted by news channels. 
  • The changes in news channels : from serious news reporting to sensational news. 
  • Newreader lost their popularity. 
  • Prime time news anchors become the face of the channels.
  • Social and moral responsibilities of journalists.

essay on news channel

  • Encroached intrude to go beyond the usual or proper limits
  • Hype extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion
  • Voyeuristic a person who likes seeing and talking or writing about something that is considered to be private
  • Vie compete eagerly with someone to achieve something
  • Bulletins a brief account or statement issued for information of the public
  • Tabloid a short form or version, condensation, summary
  • Redundant being in excess; exceeding what is usual or natural
  • Deviated to turn aside, as from a route, way, course etc
  • Prominence the state of being important or noticeable.

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    essay on news channel


  1. The State and Future of Television News Studies: Theoretical

    The news readers also stated that their local station, of course, told the truth and was beyond reproach. Yet, such an effort by the broadcast company to influence local journalism, which was criticized by journalists in and outside the corporation, were matched by other overt efforts by the White House to shape journalistic content, particularly on television news.

  2. Broadcast Essay: Live Television Changed the Way We Saw the World

    Television news was in its infancy when on April 8, 1949, Kathy Fiscus, a three-year-old girl in San Marino, CA, fell into an abandoned well. The way local stations covered the rescue effort became the blueprint for breaking news coverage that continues today. Until then, TV news was little more than "radio with a face.".

  3. Cable News Fact Sheet

    Fox News saw a 5% increase, from $3.1 billion in 2021 to $3.3 billion in 2022. License (affiliate) fees, one of two main sources of revenue for the major cable channels, remained relatively stable for all three. Advertising revenue, these channels' other main source of revenue, decreased by 13% for CNN and by 11% for MSNBC in 2022, while Fox ...

  4. THINK: Fresh Opinions, Sharp Analyses and Powerful Essays

    THINK is NBC News' home for op-eds, in-depth analyses and essays about news and current events. Find opinions that will make you think differently and deeply about the world and our place in it.

  5. Paragraph On News Channel: The Role And Impact Of News Channels In

    Paragraph On News Channel: News channels play a crucial role in our society by keeping the public informed, providing diverse perspectives, and promoting democracy and accountability.In the fast-paced world we live in, news channels serve as the primary source of information for millions of people around the globe.

  6. PBS News: News, Analysis, Top Headlines, Live Coverage

    PBS News Hour is a public media news organization with a nightly hour-long television broadcast and a robust digital footprint across the web and social media. Anchored by managing editor Judy ...

  7. Advantages of TV News

    Advantages of TV News. TV makes you a witness to important events in real time. It can be a powerful tool for verification. It gives you personal storytelling: a strong connection to people in the news. It can create a shared national experience (Think Man on the Moon, Newtown shooting, Marathon bombing) .

  8. TV News Role in Citizens Life

    The television is a vital means of passing this information through TV news. This paper attempts to address the concern of the quality of news due to the recent increase in sensationalism of news content in news programs. Get a custom Essay on TV News Role in Citizens Life---writers online .

  9. 'Confessions of a Good Samaritan' Review: Penny Lane's Altruism Essay

    Despite being a tad too long and a trifle repetitive, the documentary essay "Confessions of a Good Samaritan" from American helmer Penny Lane is a thought-provoking personal investigation into ...

  10. News Channels Prefrences

    With the day to day increase in competition in the News Channel Segment, it remains difficult to keep up the constant viewership. Hence, all the channels are running the rat race in market for gaining mass eyeballs. The news beats are repeated 24×7 just to keep the viewer stick to the television. These News channels have a floating audience.

  11. Paragraph On Favorite News Channel: A Comprehensive Review

    March 25, 2023 by Prasanna. Loaded 0%. Paragraph On Favourite News Channel: Staying informed about current events is crucial in today's fast-paced world, and having a reliable source of news is essential. One of my favorite news channels is the BBC News Channel. It is a British 24-hour news channel that provides in-depth coverage of global ...

  12. Essay

    The former President is on trial in a courtroom that has banned cameras. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is deciding whether his other trials should even happen. The Kids Are Not All Right. They Want ...

  13. Impact of News channels on society ~ Group Discussion Ideas

    Theme: Until a few years ago, TV channels used to allot roughly half an hour per day for broadcasting news.But now we have 24/7 news channels.; Positive impact: 24/7 news channels help people in staying aware of the happenings around the world.; News channels strengthen democracy by taking steps to ensure transparency in government. Now those who have power are afraid of news channels, which ...

  14. News: U.S. and World News Headlines : NPR

    NPR news, audio, and podcasts. Coverage of breaking stories, national and world news, politics, business, science, technology, and extended coverage of major national and world events.

  15. IELTS Essay, topic: News on TV

    The type of news is also an important consideration. Whether on television or in newspapers, we seem to get more of and become used to bad news. It is harder for us to come across a piece of good news. We can't deny that bad things happen on Earth day by day. However, news editors try to gain more and more , which means more and more money ...

  16. The telltale words that could identify generative AI text

    The word "delves," for instance, shows up in 25 times as many 2024 papers as the pre-LLM trend would expect; words like "showcasing" and "underscores" increased in usage by nine times as well.

  17. Analysis and commentary on CNN's presidential debate

    Read CNN's analysis and commentary of the first 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta.

  18. Essay on Television for Students and Children

    Firstly, we see how television is airing inappropriate content which promotes all types of social evils like violence, eve-teasing and more. Secondly, it is also harmful to our health. If you spend hours in front of the television, your eyesight will get weak. Your posture will cause pain in your neck and back as well.

  19. IELTS Essay 24

    However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers.) Model Answer 5: At the present time, editors decide what kind of news should be shown on television and what kind of news should be printed in newspapers and magazines. It doesn't matter for them what sort of news, bad or good, their sole wish to make sensation ...

  20. IELTS Essay # 1260

    Model Answer: [Band 9 Essay Sample] The use of visual aids such as pictures, videos, and infographics is increasingly prevalent in modern news reporting. Some argue that pictures are more effective than words in conveying information and stimulating emotional responses. I agree with this opinion and believe that pictures are indeed a powerful ...

  21. 13 Best Video Essay YouTubers in 2024 According to Viewers

    Despite only uploading every few months, the channel's in-depth and insightful content is highly appreciated by viewers. 13. Jacob Geller - 1.2M Subscribers. Jacob Geller offers thought-provoking video essays that seamlessly blend topics such as video games, history, politics, and more.

  22. India Wins Cricket World Cup, Sealing Its Domination of the Sport

    All three men ended the night on a happy note, with Sharma and Kohli announcing their retirement from the fast-paced short form of the game. Dravid, who finished his stint as India's coach, is ...

  23. Hillary Clinton warns Biden on Trump faceoff: Not a 'normal' debater

    Hillary Clinton warned in the New York Times that Donald Trump's 'blather' and digressions have only gotten worse since she debated him in 2016.

  24. Television Essay for Students and Children in English

    Essay on Television: Television has become one of the most common things in our day-to-day life and everyone has a television in their house. Television has become the main source of entertainment, news, and Information. Television has brought the whole world into our house within a small box. When we open a news channel on […]

  25. Essay on Newspaper for Students in English

    500+ Words Essay on Newspaper. The newspaper is one of the oldest means of communication, which provides information from all around the world. It contains news, editorials, features, articles on a variety of current topics and other information of public interest. Sometimes the word NEWS is interpreted as North, East, West and South.

  26. Analysis of News Channels

    1232 Words3 Pages. In recent years, the importance of news broadcasts has increased. More people need to access the news to stay in touch with the rest of the world's affairs. More TV channels have developed to give viewers more news. Both commercial and government networks are used to present the news to the general public.

  27. News Channel Turned to Entertainment Channels

    The PwC analysts in their study give two reasons why news channels are losing out to GECs. The reasons are: 1. Weaker content: The news channels offer content that is not as compelling as the programmes telecast on General Entertainment Channels. There is also no improvement in news content. According to the report: "Though GECs are improving ...

  28. Essay : News Channels have Turned into Entertainment Channels

    Infotainment will remain a strong presence on news channel till the Indian viewership matures, in order to pull the maximum revenue from the viewers. Paid news had also become a huge, source of income for news channels. Paid news is promotion of institution, products, services etc that have paid for it. This is much like advertisement.