Human Rights Careers

How To Write a Position Paper For MUN

Most of the time, delegates going to a Model UN (MUN) conference need to submit a position paper. These are essays that cover your assigned country’s stance on the conference’s topics. By completing the paper, you get a clear understanding of your country and its foreign policies. The best papers can also receive awards based on their quality, consistency with geopolitics, consistency with the UN’s constraints, and analysis of the issues. How do you write a position paper that helps you understand your country and sets you up for the most success? Here’s what to do:

#1 Study your background research packet

The committee chair will send you a background research packet complete with questions. It’s important to know what these questions are because you want to make sure your position paper addresses them all. This shows that you thoroughly understand the packet’s guidelines and requirements. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the packet, you can move on to writing the paper.

#2 Create an outline

All papers benefit from having an outline. It helps you organize everything you need to include in your paper and it saves you time later on when you start filling things in. Now is the time to look at your conference’s guidelines. They’ll be clear about the structure they want. Usually, position papers are three paragraphs total. You’ll also see guidelines on formatting (font, font size, paper length, etc) based on what committee you’re in – traditional or crisis. Following these guidelines to the letter ensures you have the best chance at awards or other recognitions.

#3 The first paragraph: background

The first paragraph introduces the topic from your country’s point of view. Answer questions like “What is the history of the issue from (your country’s) perspective?” and “Why does this issue matter?” This is typically the shortest paragraph in the paper, so you’ll want to keep the history brief. As an example, let’s say your topic was about access to birth control. You would include information about where birth control access stands in your country compared to other countries, challenges to access, and why it’s so important. Relevant data should be included.

#4 The second paragraph: analysis

This is when you get into a more detailed analysis. This paragraph thoroughly explains your country’s position and shows off all the research you’ve done. Identify and describe your country. Explain (using hard data) how the topic affects your country. By the end of the paragraph, any reader should be able to answer questions like, “Where does this nation stand on the topic? What policies have worked and haven’t worked?” You’ll want to include any relevant statements made by the leaders of your country, as well as any aspects of the UN Charter, agreements, treaties, or resolutions that have involved your country. The second paragraph takes up the bulk of the position paper, so include lots of information gleaned from your research. That said, make sure that the information is relevant. If you research well, you’ll have lots of facts in your mind, but not all will fit.

Only choose data that supports the topic.

What if your country doesn’t have a strong position on the assigned topic? That can happen. Build your argument based on what else you know about the country and how it tends to lean on related issues. Look up countries with similarities to yours and see if they have a stance.  Your argument should make sense based on the information you find, but because your country lacks a hard stance, it’s more difficult for other delegates to challenge you.

#5 The third paragraph: solutions

Your last paragraph explores solutions. You want to show how your country will address the issue, why they work, who is involved, and how you’ll address challenges that pop up. The goal is to get your proposals included in the passed resolution, so be sure you aren’t presenting anything you’ll later contradict in the actual session. To inform this section of the paper, look at reports from the UN and recommendations already brought up in your committee. Your proposals should be limited to what your particular committee has the power to do. Your policy ideas should also follow the SMART MUN strategy, which stands for specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely.

#6 Works cited page

You need to cite your sources in a bibliography or works cited page. As you research, be sure your information is coming from reliable places. If you’re getting information from a specific source and it’s not considered “general knowledge,” you’ll need to use footnotes throughout your paper. As an example, you’ll need to cite where you got statistics and quotes.

#7 Tips to remember

Positions papers are short. We mentioned that your second paragraph is your longest, but it’s still only one paragraph in a one-page paper. Because you have so little space, choose your words carefully. If you have information that doesn’t quite fit but you feel it’s important, you can save it for later. A position paper’s goal is to show you did the research and understand your country’s stance; it isn’t a comprehensive analysis. Our last tip: don’t worry too much about a conclusion. Other types of papers can summarize everything in a concluding paragraph, but for MUN position papers, there’s no space. A single, strong statement is all you need.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

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10 Ways that Participating in a MUN Can Help You in the Future

The world has become a global village and no age is too young to prepare for the future. For school students, a Model United Nations (MUN) conference serves as an ideal stepping stone into the global arena.

What is MUN?

A MUN is a simulation of an actual United Nations conference, where students are tasked with solving a global issue through research, drafting, lobbying and debate to pass a suitable ‘resolution’.

Students take on the roles of delegates, speakers, and chairs, representing different countries and work together with other students from different backgrounds to take part in discussions and reach a solution for the agenda they are assigned.

While the existence of MUNs can be traced back to the U.S. in 1949, in India they started gaining popularity in 1996 and since then have been conducted on a regular basis at international and national levels. United Nations Information Centre – New Delhi collaborates with nearly 50 Model UN conferences per year in India, organised by schools and universities.

The agendas or topics taken up during the MUNs are a reflection of real-world issues discussed by the United Nations, and range from general topics such as rights of religious minorities to specific topics such as improvement of accident safeguards surrounding nuclear plants.

The entire process and discussion take place under formal ‘Rules of Procedure’ to truly model the format of the UN.

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What are the benefits of attending a MUN?

Preparing and participating in a MUN helps students develop leadership skills, research, writing, public speaking, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, coming up with solutions that are acceptable to a majority of the representatives also inculcates skills of negotiation, conflict resolution, and cooperation.

Here are 10 important ways that participating in a MUN can help you in the future:

1. Worldly Knowledge

Keeping up with world affairs may get dull at times by simply reading news articles or watching video news programmes. By participating in MUNs, your knowledge of the world will increase tremendously as you represent a country at a ‘global’ level and interact with other delegates representing other countries.

As a delegate, you will be required to research your allotted countries in-depth, analysing and understanding their foreign policies and considering which factors would influence the behaviour of the country at an international level. As you study the intricacies of the issue – the background, history, treatment in the UN, and previous resolutions passed on it – you will gain practical and thorough knowledge of world affairs.

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2. Confidence-Building

A MUN involves meeting new people, interacting with unfamiliar faces, working in teams to develop resolutions to assigned tasks and to express views in a self-assured manner. From preparing for the MUNs to the discussions, debates, and resolutions made during the MUN, the entire experience will serve to boost your confidence.

After participating in a MUN, you will feel much more comfortable about working with new people and expressing yourself easily. The confidence gained will help you in future interactions where you would need to express yourself in high-pressure situations.

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3. Analytical Skills

Astute analytical ability is a trait that helps you at every stage of life as well as in any career, by helping you solve problems through analysis. The MUN is an ideal place to hone analytical skills, as in a simulated environment you will be challenged and required to solve the task after examining the concerns of the other countries, past precedents and potential solutions to come up with an acceptable resolution.

4. Problem-Solving Skills

At its core, the MUN is based on problem-solving skills, as it places you at the centre of an organization designated to resolving global issues (albeit simulated). Thus, problem-solving is a skill that you will have to hone from the beginning of the MUN itself, learning how to identify the key components of a topic, determining factors to be kept in mind while deciding on the solution, and putting it all together to come up with a final resolution that satisfies all concerned countries.

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5. Diplomacy

Diplomacy, or the art of negotiation, is not only restricted to conversations between two countries, but pertains to any purposeful exchange between two groups, and thus, is a very useful skill to possess. By practising diplomacy at the MUNs, you will become more knowledgeable and experienced on how to conduct negotiations between two groups in a tactful and result-oriented manner.

Apart from learning the skill of diplomacy, students aspiring to become professional diplomats can practice and groom themselves for the field by participating in MUNs, which are a real-life example of the life and work of professional diplomats.

6. Public Speaking

Developing efficient public speaking skills takes practice, and the MUNs provide an ideal platform where you can explore and improve your capabilities. Public speaking is an integral part of the MUNs, as you express your views and debate in front of an audience. Since you will make multiple speeches during the overall MUN event, you will have several opportunities to improve your public speaking prowess.

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7. Networking

Attending a MUN is an ideal way to network, make new friends and build connections that will come in handy later on. During a MUN, you will meet other delegates, senior delegates, organizers, co-sponsors, judges, and chairs of the event. By making new contacts and meeting possible mentors, you can cultivate your network for future use.

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8. Writing Skills

There is a hefty amount of writing involved at MUNs, including writing for speeches, writing position papers on the topic given for resolution, possible amendments, and finally, writing the resolution itself. In comparison to the writing you do at school, the writing you will work on in MUNs is a lot more disciplined and requires more creativity. Each writing piece involves research and analysis and will serve to groom your writing skills, a useful skill for college and professional life.

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 9. Leadership Skills

Considering all the benefits listed above, it is not a stretch to claim that your personality will flourish at MUNs. The independence, challenges, and teamwork will surely serve to enhance your leadership skills, as you take charge as a representative of a real-world country. You will be encouraged to take decisions and work out solutions as a leader for the country.

10. College Applications

MUNs are known for their quality, high standards, and difficulty levels, and participating in one will work as an asset when you apply for colleges and/or jobs. Top Ivy League colleges such as Yale and Harvard have been known to give additional consideration to students who have attended MUNs.

Even Indian universities are beginning to hold profile-based admissions (such as Liberal Arts colleges ), where they assign significant weightage to extra-curricular activities.

Admissions officers and job interviewers look for candidates with discipline, confidence, analytical ability, and problem-solving skills; all traits that are exemplified by participating in MUNs.

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Model United Nations (MUN) conferences are an ideal way for you to challenge yourself and improve your professional skills, communication skills, and global acumen. The concept of MUNs may initially seem daunting, however, there are various MUN Training programs available where you can get a comprehensive overview and training ahead of the MUNs.

At the end of a MUN conference, the traits inculcated will serve you well in your future endeavours.

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Model UN motivates students to learn.

On an emotional level, Model UN is a motivational experience. It’s fun to pretend being a world leader solving the world’s most important problems in 48 hours or less. Model UN activates students’ imagination and creativity – activities that students are naturally inclined to do.

Students enjoy exploring new places, sharing common experiences with teammates and friends, and making new friends with smart and interesting students from other schools – which includes the best and the brightest from other countries.

Students joke that “MUN is F-U-N,” but it’s true – that’s why it works so well. Students attend Model UN conferences because it’s fun – they just happen to learn something along the way. And when students have fun while learning, what they learn is more likely to stick.

Model UN reinforces what students learn in the classroom.

The role of the teacher in Model UN is to guide this “student-led” learning by ensuring information quality (e.g. proper research, position papers) and giving students the tools to teach one another (e.g. public speaking, resolution writing).

Model UN teaches students about the world.

In this era of globalization, learning about the world is more important than ever. No matter what field or profession students enter, they will interact with people from different countries and diverse backgrounds. Problems taking place halfway around the globe impact our lives, our country, and our communities.

Students learn about the world as they prepare for Model UN conferences, represent countries other than their own, and present possible solutions to global problems in committee. Students also learn by meeting people from other countries and travel to places they’ve never been before.

Model UN builds confidence and leadership skills.

Students develop confidence and leadership skills through experience. Model UN conferences are opportunities to practice research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation, and writing skills in a safe and structured environment.

What many people don’t realize is that Model UN also teaches business skills – running a conference is like running a small business that involves finding “customers” (delegates), developing a “product” (the conference), and managing peers. It also serves as a fundraiser, with many high school conferences raising thousands of dollars at a time when schools are slashing budgets and cutting programs.

Model UN helps students get into college.


For more information on how Model UN can help you get into college, check out:

  • Free E-Book on How Model UN Can Help You Get Into College
  • 3 Ways that Model UN Can Help You Get Into College
  • How Model UN Helped Me Get Into Yale
  • College Admissions Tips: 5 Ways to Show Leadership in Model UN
  • 10 Tips to Write Your College Application Essay
  • Do Certain Colleges Value Model UN More Than Others?

Laguna Hills High School Secretary-General Selene van der Walt with Her Father

Laguna Hills High School Secretary-General Selene van der Walt with Her Father

Model UN is a powerful educational tool that offers highly valuable benefits to students and their families. The goal of the Model UN teacher is to deliver those benefits. And our mission at Best Delegate is to share the educational benefits of Model UN.

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How To Write A Position Paper For MUN That Takes The Floor

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When attending a Model United Nations (MUN), delegates need to submit an essay before the conference. This document is known as a position paper and covers your country’s main position on the topic being debated at MUN. Writing a strong position paper for MUN is the first step to being a best delegate!

The advantages of writing a great position paper for MUN is that you can get a good understanding of your committee and topic, as well as your MUN country and its main foreign policy objectives. Submitting a great MUN position paper gives you a strong foundation of knowledge when you attend the MUN conference itself.

When writing your position paper for MUN, there are several steps you should follow. We’ve broken them down…

Research Your Country

Once you know which country you want to pick for the Model United Nations, the first thing you need to do for your position paper is to research the country. It’s important you have a good understanding of your country, it’s political structure and its general role in international relations. This is crucial for writing a great MUN position paper.

There are many ways to research your MUN country for your position paper. A great resource for general information is the CIA World Factbook . You can also use internet sources such as Wikipedia and the country’s government websites to get a good general understanding of your MUN country for your position paper.

Once you have a good general overview of your MUN country for your position paper, you now need to research its position on the global stage. Look for issues your MUN country leads on, what major UN and international bodies it is a part of and what alliances or foes it may have. Its important when writing a position paper for MUN to understand the international relations context of your MUN country.

The aim of conducting strong research on your MUN country before you write your position paper is so that you are able to show how your country relates to the specific topics and issues that will be debated in MUN. By understanding the wider geo-political context of your MUN country, you are better able to understand it’s position in international diplomacy and therefore write a strong MUN position paper.

Understand the Committee

To write your MUN position paper you need to know about the committee you are attending. Different UN committees deal with different topics and have different aims. When developing your position paper for MUN you need to know what your committee does and doesn’t cover, as well as the general role your committee plays in the wider UN.

It’s also important when writing your position paper for MUN that you have knowledge of the main international players related to your committee and their stances on major issues. For example, if you are attending a Security Council session it is important to know what other countries are on the UN Security Council and where they stand on the big issues the committee is debating.

Another key area you need to understand in relation to your committee for your MUN position paper is the historical resolutions it has passed . You can research the resolutions adopted by different committees through the UN online Having good knowledge of what your committee has passed and the direction it is moving diplomatically is important when researching to write your MUN position paper.

Gain Knowledge of the Topic

The next step in writing your position paper for MUN is to build knowledge around the topic that your committee will discuss. Your MUN position paper needs to cover how your country relates to the committee topic and to outline this well you need a good understanding of the topic. To write a strong MUN position paper you should have a broad understanding of the wider issue your committee will discuss.

When researching your topic for your MUN position paper you should look at the historical, political and economic causes of the issue, as well as the key events that relate to it. You should also know who the major international players are related to the issue. Knowing these details will help you understand your own country’s position on the topic and this will help you write your MUN position paper.

Outline Your Country’s Relation to the Issue

Now that you have researched your MUN country, gained knowledge of your committee and understood the context of the topic, you can begin to write your MUN position paper. The first thing to include in your position paper for MUN is your country’s relation to the topic. Giving the Chair a good overview of how your country relates to the topic shows you have a good understanding of your MUN country and will be a strong delegate.

There are some important considerations when detailing how your country relates to the debate topic in your MUN position paper. These include:

  • Is the committee topic especially important to your country? Why?
  • What is the history of your country in relation to the committee topic?
  • What alliances or international disagreements affect your country’s view on this issue?
  • What successes and failures has your country seen in relation to the topic?

If you are writing your position paper for MUN and find that your country doesn’t closely link to the topic being debated, look for similar issues your country does relate to. You can also get inspiration from the positions taken by countries closely related to yours on the issue. This is another reason why good research on the committee and topic is crucial to writing the best MUN position paper.

Explain Your Country’s Stance on the Topic

Once you have laid out in your MUN position paper your country’s relationship to the topic, the next step is to detail your country’s stance on the issue. When writing your MUN position paper and explaining your country’s view on the topic, there are three main things to consider:

  • What makes your country’s position on the topic unique?
  • What previous actions has your country supported on this issue?
  • What policies and resolution would your country like to see passed in relation to the topic?

By covering these three main areas in your MUN position paper you can outline your country’s main position on the topic. It’s important that the Chair can see from your position paper that you have good knowledge of where your MUN country stands on the specific issue the committee will debate.

Model United Nations Online Courses

If you want more information on the model United Nations, including how to write a position paper, we highly recommend the online short course The Complete MUN Masterclass . It’s a fantastic overview of the MUN system and shows how MUN events function. This online course is a must for anyone attending a model united nation. Click the link to be taken to the courses’ page to enrol.

If you want an introduction to the model UN and an overview of how it works, we think the MUN 101: Power Play & Rules of Procedures online course is fantastic. It goes step by step through how MUN works and gives the information participants need to succeed at the Model UN. Follow the link for more information on the course.

Most participants at MUN events want to eventually go on to have a career within the United Nations. If this is you, be sure to check out the United Nations Jobs Guide online course. It provides all the information needed to understand the UN recruitment system, which can be complex, as well as what you need to land yourself a UN job. Follow the link to enrol on the course.

Propose Your Resolution

Your position paper for MUN should conclude with an outline of the resolution your country will propose on the committee topic. A UN resolution is the action that will be taken to resolve the issue being debated. Your MUN position paper should detail what your country advocates for in relation to the topic and what outcome it wants to see.

Remember, your proposed resolution detailed in your MUN position paper needs to sit within the remit of the committee. This is why it’s important you research the committee’s role before you write your position paper. A good tip when developing your resolution is to look at pass resolutions the committee has passed in the real UN and use these as a basis in your MUN position paper.

It’s important that you do not commit to a single resolution outcome in your MUN position paper. Remember that MUN is about forming consensus with other countries to pass joint resolutions. Therefore, outline in your position paper the calls to action, red-lines and general direction you wish to move. You do not need to fully commit to a single view in your MUN position paper, more outline the general outcome your country wishes to see.

Structure and Format Your Position Paper Correctly

The final thing to consider when writing your position paper for MUN is the format. The MUN conference you are attending will usually issue guidance on the position paper format they expect, but there some general guidance that should be followed.

Position papers for MUN are usually around one page. Remember the Chair has a lot of position papers to review so make sure yours is direct and to-the-point. Write clearly and make your statements clear. Writing a position paper in less than one page can be a challenge, so be sure to edit for clarity and don’t include information that isn’t directly related.

When writing your position paper for MUM, the best way to structure it is to begin with more broad statements about how your country views the topic in general. You should then move on to your country’s specific relationship to the issue, before concluding with you’re the resolution you want to pass at MUN. This structure helps show the Chair your coherent understanding of your country and the issue in your MUN position paper.

Lastly, be sure to proof read your MUN position paper and check for any spelling or grammar errors!

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Being a Cougar Is So Back

Recent films like The Idea of You and A Family Affair are challenging long-held myths about older women and desirability.

older women younge rmen on screen

Everything old is new again, as the saying goes. Or rather, everything older . At least when it comes to the age of women being romanced onscreen (and sometimes off), and new when it comes to the young men romancing them.

What’s also new? The direction of this age gap.

In the last two decades, culture has labeled women who pursue these relationships “cougars.” Suggesting an inappropriate power imbalance, and framing the woman as a predator of a sort (that this concern is never applied in the reverse is but one small example of how women are forever held to different standards).

But lately, what has been considered a derogatory punchline is being reclaimed as empowering in the cultural zeitgeist. The last few years, however, have seen a refreshing resurgence of storylines featuring love stories between older women and younger men when we’ve long been accustomed to the opposite. After all, some of the most classic films in Hollywood have starred older male actors and much younger actresses: Gary Cooper (51) and Grace Kelly (23) in High Noon ; Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall (24 year age gap) in their many collaborations; Jimmy Stewart (42) and Grace Kelly (now 25) in Rear Window ; Gwyneth Paltrow (26) and Michael Douglas (54) in A Perfect Murder (a classic to some of us!); Tom Cruise and nearly all his recent co-stars.

nicholas galitzine and anne hathaway in the idea of you

The film version of The Idea of You was released on Prime Video in May, with Anne Hathaway in the role of Solène, a gallerist who just turned 40, and Nicholas Galitzine playing the much younger Hayes, the frontman of pop sensation August Moon. (Much like real-life Wilde, who was the target of much online vitriol from certain corners of the Internet during her relationship with Styles, when the tabloids catch wind of Solene’s and Hayes’ relationship, she is blasted as a cougar in the press, prompting her daughter to get bullied and teased at school.) And last week, A Family Affair premiered on Netflix starring Nicole Kidman as a successful widowed writer in her early fifties who falls for the boss of her 23-year-old daughter (played by Joey King); the man in question is an over-indulged dimwitted movie star played skillfully by Zac Efron, who is 20 years Kidman’s junior.

a family affair l r nicole kidman as brooke harwood and zac efron as chris cole in a family affair cr aaron epsteinnetflix 2024

While these are the two most recent high-profile examples they are hardly the only ones. In the HBO limited series The Sympathizer , Hoa Xuande’s character, 36, has an affair with Sandra Oh (52) (also: duh). In 2022, Jean Smart won the Emmy for her performance in season 2 of Hacks , which contained an episode where her character has a one-night stand with a much younger man.

We’ve also seen critical interrogations of this relationship dynamic. The 2023 film May December , which was inspired by the Mary Kay Letourneau case, is a difficult, if, at times, darkly comedic, look at a relationship between a 36-year-old woman and a 13-year-old boy, who go on to marry and have children together. Further afield, the compelling French film Last Summer , directed by Catherine Breillat, which arrives in American theaters this month, is about a fifty-something married lawyer who has an affair with her teenage stepson. As the plot progresses, audiences are increasingly asked to interrogate the sexual dynamics at play through a #MeToo lens.

One noteworthy distinction here is that these relationships are not fodder for cheap laughs. Drama, yes. But not a punchline—or a pity party. And this attitude is extending beyond the screen: A recent revival of Sunset Boulevard in London cast the glamorous and powerful Nicole Scherzinger, 45, as Norma Desmond, a role that has long defined the pitiful aging woman grasping desperately at her lost youth. In this case, however, director Jamie Lloyd told The New York Times , he was specifically looking for an actress “in her prime.”

So what accounts for this flipping of the age ratio?

Entrepreneur and former ad executive, Cindy Gallop , whose viral 2009 TEDTalk “Make Love Not Porn” opened with the line “I date younger men,” believes it’s a reflection of who is making these films. “The onscreen narratives we’re seeing now come from books and scripts by women, and are being helmed by women, and backed and driven by women.”

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And like anyone else, women want to see both their realities and fantasies reflected in the world. Culture, meanwhile, is struggling to keep up with how women actually live. We know from studies that single women without children report being happier, and yet we see few storylines that reflect the possibility of satisfaction outside of partnership or parenthood. Similarly, women are increasingly earning more, and thanks to access to better healthcare and nutrition and exercise many of us are remaining physically healthy for longer (as every celebrity website loves to point out). Why wouldn’t we be considered attractive to literally everyone?

Says Gallop: “We know that older women are just as attractive to younger men, as older men are attractive to younger women, no matter how threatening the patriarchy finds that.”

In some ways, these storylines feel long overdue. A small but necessary counterbalance to the so-called “ trad wife ” movement that has become increasingly popular on social media.

And yet, it’s worth noting we’ve been here before. As new as these pairings might seem, they are just the latest iteration. In 1996 Terry McMillan published How Stella Got Her Groove Back about Stella, a successful 42-year-old woman who flies to an island for vacation and falls for a 21-year-old, whom she eventually ends up marrying. In the movie, Stella is played by Angela Bassett and the younger man by Taye Diggs. And let us not forget Sex and the City ’s Samantha Jones and Smith Jerrod.

taye diggs and angela bassett in how stella got her groove back

In fact, if anything, this latest round feels tame—at least on screen. In The Idea of You, Hayes’ age has been upped from 20 to 26. Hathaway, meanwhile, could pass for a 30-year-old. The sex scenes onscreen are extremely mild compared to what’s described in the novel. Similarly, in A Family Affair , Kidman not only looks young, but she behaves like a woman half her age—giggling and insecure—and even then it begs the audience to believe that someone as accomplished as we’re told her character is would find anything in common with Efron’s, who behaves like an incompetent five year old. Abs are nice, but not that nice.

It leaves one craving something closer to what many of us are experiencing: The power and confidence of aging, with or without the youthful body to match. That’s something we all should be attracted to.

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Guest Essay

Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.

Facing away from each other, Hillary Rodham Clinton stands onstage on the left and Donald Trump stands on the right.

By Hillary Rodham Clinton

Mrs. Clinton was the Democratic nominee for president in 2016.

Last week I had the time of my life at the Tony Awards introducing a song from “Suffs,” the Broadway musical I co-produced about the suffragists who won women the right to vote. I was thrilled when the show took home the awards for best original score and best book.

From “Suffs” to “Hamilton,” I love theater about politics. But not the other way around. Too often we approach pivotal moments like this week’s debate between President Biden and Donald Trump like drama critics. We’re picking a president, not the best actor.

I am the only person to have debated both men (Mr. Trump in 2016 and, in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race, Mr. Biden). I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved. In our three debates in 2016, he unleashed a blizzard of interruptions, insults and lies that overwhelmed the moderators and did a disservice to the voters who tuned in to learn about our visions for the country — including a record 84 million viewers for our first debate.

It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated. I was not surprised that after a recent meeting, several chief executives said that Mr. Trump, as one journalist described it, “could not keep a straight thought” and was “all over the map.” Yet expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.

Mr. Trump may rant and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions, like restrictions on abortion, giving tax breaks to billionaires and selling out our planet to big oil companies in return for campaign donations. He interrupts and bullies — he even stalked me around the stage at one point — because he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponent off balance.

These ploys will fall flat if Mr. Biden is as direct and forceful as he was when engaging Republican hecklers at the State of the Union address in March. The president also has facts and truth on his side. He led America’s comeback from a historic health and economic crisis, with more than 15 million jobs created so far, incomes for working families rising, inflation slowing and investments in clean energy and advanced manufacturing soaring. He’ll win if that story comes through.

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Quick Guide to Writing Effective Working Papers

A  MUN working paper is commonly a precursor to a Draft Resolution. It is a place to put the first draft of the ideas that you hope to guide to the resolution through lobbying, negotiation and compromise. However, just because a working paper needs to turn into a draft resolution does not mean that it has to be formatted like one from the get-go .  The time that is used to find appropriate preambulatory or operative phrases or proper formatting and punctuation, could be better used to convey important ideas to many other delegates in a less formal manner. This can be especially useful in the early stages of the writing process. The following guide will give you some tips on how to better utilize the working paper stage and make yours much easier to understand and your lobbying time much more effective.

Bold or highlight important words and sentences

In the lobby rush of unmoderated caucuses, many delegates won’t have the time to read the entire working paper. As you and your block will often find yourselves repeating the same pitch to different delegates. It is  very helpful  to be able to  point to keywords   and  sentences and help them stand out.

Use maps and graphs

As a working paper is not a formal document, feel free to use a map when explain troop movement or where you would set up a medical camp. When explaining your idea to other delegate you would need to load a map on your computer or smartphone anyway, so better to have the map or chart ready to make you idea clear and ready to understand.

Pointing to the region, showing proximity to borders and neighbors can do a better job than explaining the region in generalizations even if it takes five times the time.

Use Equations

More food aid + Training of teenagers to cook = less idle hands in refugee camps

Sometimes writing out the variables / stakeholders in an equation like the one above can be more clear than an entire paragraph. Use an equation to establish your main idea in way that shows clear cause and effect. Even when you have clauses written later on in the process you can keep your equation on the top of the draft. With the draft in hand you can tell others that they are welcome to read further but your main idea is here in the math on the top of the page.

Copy chunks of raw data

Sometimes your operative clauses will need specific names and data. While the specific clause may use some of the data, when speaking to potential signatories showing the whole picture may turn out better. For yourself you can highlight the main points but also show supporting data which will help you persuade but isn’t relevant enough to reach the final operative clause

Mix Preambulatory and Operative

One of the requirements of good chairs is that all operative clauses are justified by preambulatory clauses which elaborate on the problem that the operative clauses are solving. Sometimes, when writing operative clauses on our own we forget the preamb we were going to match with them. When explaining working papers to other delegates writing the clause in a ‘problem – solution’ manner might be very helpful to get your idea across.

Don’t write too much

Some resolution writers feel clauses need to be very long and cumbersome or they should not be submitted. On the other hand, early-stage working papers are there to transfer ideas. Writing one line per idea to be developed later can help you lobby with 5 people in the time it would take to develop a clause and the subsequent sub-clauses. Follow the KISS rule (Keep It Short and Simple), especially when it’s an early stage working paper.

Use headlines

Every few clauses use a headline so the reader will understand what issue the clauses are dealing with. Using headlines like “Regulations Pertaining to Peacekeeping Forces”, “United Nations-Facilitated Disarmament Oversight and Initiatives” and “Humanitarian Assistance and Funding Initiatives” will make the resolution a much easier and clearer read.

Have a cheat sheet

Especially useful in a larger room, if the resolution is being modified by writers lobbyists can use a cheat sheet one-pager with bullet points of the main ideas. The headlines from tip 7 could be useful for this. Using a cheat sheet to keep up the ideas will let you do what you were doing anyway in a more clear manner.

Give options where you can

Working papers are about persuasion and negotiation. Naturally, some policies will not be set in stone. If you find ideas that can be solved in multiple similar ways, write both options and have it open for discussion.

Example : – Develop a cure for a virus internally at the UN – Outsource the job to independent researchers

Asking opinions can get other delegates to feel more invested. On the other hand, if many delegates feel strongly about both you may have an issue.

Request Comments

Many working papers are written in google docs. Another way to get maximal input quickly is to give instructions to other delegates to leave comments. You can do this with instructions in the document, sharing with the “Can view” option or even yelling across the room. You will find that some positive suggestions, and the openness to do so, could not only bring you new allies but also new ideas.

These 10 tips above will not only make your working paper clearer but are also faster to write. It is true that the same principles behind a United Nations resolution often exist for working papers as well. These principles are also helpful when giving speeches and in general when learning to think MUN. At the same time, working papers are not draft resolutions and there is no law requiring you to make them perfectly formatted or legally sound, especially so early in the process.

In fact, the opposite often occurs where the rush to format results in you scrolling through a working paper to find clause 15, which no one will read and you need to spend extra time understanding what you are reading before you read it. Using even some of these tips will make your working paper more easy to understand and will help your allies get signatories or defend it against the opposition. The key is to keep in mind that a draft resolution needs to have a majority to pass and getting that majority starts when they understand the ideas you will show them in a clear working paper.

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