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Wildlife Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at December 29th, 2022 , Revised On May 28, 2024

Animals, plants, and microorganisms that can live in their natural habitat and are not domesticated or cultivated are considered wildlife. A wide range of animal and plant species are included in wildlife, including uncultivated mammals, reptiles, birds, and fish.

Numerous studies have been conducted in this area over the last couple of decades due to the continuously declining wildlife. Research on wildlife conservation, in particular, has received substantial funding. If you are thinking about the possible wildlife topics for writing a dissertation , our team has compiled many appealing wildlife dissertation topics that are sure to inspire you.

So, without further ado, here is our selection of trending and focused wildlife thesis topics and ideas for your consideration whether you are an undergraduate, Master or PhD student.

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List Of Excellent Wildlife Dissertation Topics

  • The impact of avian migration patterns on illness transmission in seasonal host bird populations
  • A study of the conservation efforts for the Himalayan snow leopard
  • An investigation on how building railroads has affected the choice of habitat for moose in rural Canada
  • Studying Wildlife Tours in Protected Areas: A Review of the Security Protocols & Procedures
  • Optimising Wildlife Management on Crop Farms Using Site-Specific Modeling
  • Protecting Wildlife Herbivores on Private Game Ranches in Africa
  • A research project on avian ecology and protection in monsoon environments
  • Researchers investigate the impact of shifting weather patterns on the migration patterns of Asian geese
  • A review of the impact of selective annual hunting licenses on Pakistani markhor conservation
  • A study of the successful rehabilitation of the declining Markhor communities in northern Pakistan under communal ownership
  • Structure of the Network and Perceived Legitimacy in Collaborative Wildlife Management
  • Costs of the Transaction Private versus Public Wildlife Management Trade-offs
  • Considering Tax Policy Ideas to Support Nongame Wildlife Programs
  • A research project is looking at how beaver dams impact fish biodiversity
  • How many other wildlife species are still undiscovered? Theory and proof
  • A review of flagship species’ significance to conservation efforts
  • A study of how politics affects the conservation of the African rhino. Are our concerns about doing business with China preventing us from saving rhinos?
  • A study of how politics affects whale conservation. Does the imperative to protect the whale trump our political worries about Japan?
  • The results of aggressive initiatives for animal rights. How does it impact conservation efforts?
  • Relationships between Humans and Wildlife: Coronavirus Evolution
  • Possibilities for Interdisciplinary Science to Reduce Bio-security Risks from Illegal Wildlife Trade and Emerging Zoonotic Pathogens
  • Opposition to animal testing. What progress has been made during the past 50 years?
  • The impact of imprisonment on a grey wolf’s mating habits
  • An investigation of the behavioural similarities and differences between domestic dogs and wolves kept in captivity
  • Grey wolves’ responses to various confinement conditions focused on their mating habits
  • The impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on local wildlife habitat and ecology
  • The conservation efforts of commercial zoos
  • The impact of industrial waste on the preservation of wildlife
  • Global legislative impact of animal conservation
  • The impact of climate change on the preservation of animals
  • What Can Integrated Conservation and Development Projects Achieve in Tourism, Poaching, and Wildlife Conservation Areas?
  • Increased tourist support for nature conservation, both financially and in other ways, including wildlife-based tourism
  • Supporting Wildlife Tourism-Based Sustainable Livelihoods
  • Urban Wildlife Health Surveillance Developing into Intelligence for Monitoring and Mitigation of Pests
  • The Identification and Evaluation of Potential Wildlife Habitat Corridors
  • What are some of the things that prevent the wildlife sector of the economy from growing?
  • How can wildlife be improved so that people and various animals can benefit from it?
  • Why shouldn’t these animals be handled gently and with respect by everyone?
  • What is the impact of tourists on the poor performance of wildlife sections in developing nations?
  • Is it permissible for the government to use different types of trees and animals for scientific research?
  • The influence of citizen science on wildlife conservation efforts.
  • The impact of habitat fragmentation on wildlife dispersal and connectivity.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in wildlife monitoring and population analysis.
  • The economic value of healthy wildlife populations for local communities.
  • Mitigating human-wildlife conflict through innovative coexistence strategies.
  • The potential of rewilding projects in restoring ecological balance.
  • Investigating the impact of light pollution on nocturnal wildlife behaviour.
  • Effectiveness of environmental education programs in fostering wildlife appreciation.
  • Exploring the role of zoos and aquariums in wildlife conservation and education.
  • Deciphering the effects of microplastics on wildlife health and ecosystem functioning.
  • Investigating the link between climate change and the emergence of zoonotic diseases.
  • Exploring the role of keystone species in maintaining healthy ecosystems.
  • The impact of invasive species on native wildlife populations.
  • Investigating the potential of assisted reproduction techniques in wildlife recovery programs.
  • The impact of noise pollution on wildlife communication and behaviour.
  • The role of traditional ecological knowledge in wildlife conservation strategies.
  • Investigating the potential of citizen science in combating illegal wildlife trade.
  • Deciphering the role of social media in raising awareness and promoting wildlife conservation.
  • Role of marine protected areas in safeguarding ocean wildlife.
  • Impact of climate change on migratory patterns and breeding cycles of wildlife.
  • Exploring the potential of synthetic biology in conservation efforts for endangered species.
  • Ethical considerations of wildlife trophy hunting practices.
  • Investigating the link between the decline of pollinators and ecosystem health.

We recommend you pick more than one topic and conduct a little research on all of them. You can use the internet or your local library to gather sources that were created on issues similar to your selection.

If you do not find enough information on one topic, move to the next option. Researching multiple issues will help you collect enough data for various dissertation topics and choose the one you found the most information on.

Take inspiration from our list of wildlife dissertation topics, and get started with your dissertation without any further delay. You can also order a professional dissertation writing service from our expert writers, so you focus on other areas of life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find wildlife dissertation topics.

To discover wildlife dissertation topics:

  • Research conservation challenges.
  • Explore biodiversity hotspots.
  • Analyse habitat or species concerns.
  • Review scientific journals.
  • Consult experts or professors.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and field of study.

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100+ Best Zoology Dissertation Topics

Table of Contents

Biology and Zoology study life on Earth. Within the framework of this discipline, invertebrates and vertebrates are studied, their morphology, the foundations of physiology, lifestyle, geographical distribution, origin, classification, role in the biosphere and in human life, methods of intravital observation, description, cultivation, taxonomic research, and collecting.

Therefore, dissertations in zoology are essential for students of different specialties, regardless of the degree of accreditation of the educational institution. While writing this work, reading it, and memorizing it, the student learns to highlight the primary information in the field of zoology, present this information concisely, and study a specific topic in depth. The topics of dissertations are chosen by teachers or the students themselves as they wish.

An in-depth study of the subjects of the discipline of zoology requires a lot of time and diligence. In biology and zoology, a large number of topics and questions can be studied. We have selected the most interesting topics for you, which contain theoretical and practical questions to consider. We will tell you how to choose the best theme below in this article!

Tips on How to Select the Best Zoology Dissertation Topic

Choosing a topic for a zoological dissertation is always one of the most challenging stages for a student since the topic must meet different criteria. It can be relevance, the accuracy of the information, lack of abstractness of information, availability of newness, and elaboration. If you have found an interesting topic for your dissertation, check it for all of the above.

To get the best results, we advise you to reformulate the topic.

This way you can narrow the problem area to reduce the complexity of future work and save time. Let’s give an example. It is much easier to write a good dissertation on the topic of zoology, containing in its title a specific object or problem, than to prepare a brilliant student work that touches upon unsolvable fundamental problems of science. Don’t make it difficult for yourself to write your dissertation.

Also, if you cannot choose a theme on your own, you can contact our service specialists for help. A specialist will help you choose the best topic or suggest a topic that will be useful, relevant, and in demand for you during your studies at the university.

List of Zoology Dissertation Topics

  • Aristotle and his ideas about animals. Animal classification (Aristotle, Linnaeus, Lamarck, Cuvier).
  • Reconstruction of the phylogeny of invertebrates. Modern approaches.
  • The modern concept of a subkingdom. Protists with medical significance.
  • The origin of multicellular organisms and the discovery of trichoplax. Its significance for understanding the evolution of multicellular organisms.
  • Invertebrate body symmetry.
  • Life forms of ctenophores.
  • Formation of organs and organ systems in non-intestinal turbellaria.
  • Trematoses and cestodoses in humans.
  • Non-helminths-geohelminths and non-helminths-biohelminths. Development cycles.
  • Cephalopod worms .
  • Reproduction and development of polychaetes.
  • The value of oligochaetes in increasing soil fertility.
  • The medicinal value of leeches.
  • Torsion process in gastropods.
  • Adaptation of lamellar gill mollusks to the passive lifestyle of biofilters.
  • Cephalopods are primates of the sea.
  • Proto-arthropods. Diversity, essential for understanding the evolution of arthropods.
  • Arthropod emergence on land.
  • A variety of crustaceans. Parasitic crustaceans.
  • The evolution of the mouthparts of insects.

30 Good Zoology Dissertation Topics

  • Parasitic sarcode organisms and parasitic flagellates. Are they causative agents of human and animal diseases?
  • Types of flagellates with a plant type of exchange and types of flagellates with an animal type of exchange.
  • Sporozoans as causative agents of protozoal diseases in humans and animals.
  • Variety of Infusoria type.
  • Environmental radiation of protozoa.
  • Theories of the origin of multicellular organisms.
  • Systematic variety of the type Creeping.
  • General characteristics of the comb type.
  • Ecological diversity of the Flatworm type.
  • Ecto and endoparasitism in multicellular animals as the development of specific new microbiotopes. Types of parasitism.
  • Nematodes, the most important causative agents of human and domestic animal diseases.
  • Morpho-ecological features of rotifers.
  • The assimilation of various habitats is a result of the adaptive radiation of mollusks. Ecological radiation of mollusks in nutritional processes.
  • General characteristics of the classes Polyplacophora and Monoplacophora.
  • Features of the organization of cephalopods.
  • Diversity and ecological characteristics of annelids. Adaptive radiation and type macrosystem.
  • The system of interrelated adaptations of arthropods to the terrestrial lifestyle.
  • Primitive features of the trilobite organization.
  • General characteristics of the class Xiphosura (Horseshoe crabs).
  • The practical value of arachnids: poisonous arachnids, parasites, and carriers of pathogens of human and domestic animals.
  • The impact of microplastic pollution on marine organisms: A comprehensive study of ingestion, accumulation, and physiological effects.
  • Investigating the role of animal behavior in the transmission and spread of zoonotic diseases.
  • Exploring the effects of climate change on the phenology and distribution of insect pollinators.
  • Assessing the ecological consequences of invasive species on native plant communities.
  • Investigating the genetic basis of animal migration and its implications for population dynamics.
  • Examining the effects of habitat fragmentation on the reproductive success of small mammal species.
  • The role of animal cognition in social learning and cultural transmission.
  • Investigating the ecological significance of microbial communities in animal guts and their impact on host health.
  • Exploring the mechanisms of animal camouflage and its adaptive significance in different habitats.
  • Assessing the effects of noise pollution on the behavior and physiology of terrestrial vertebrates.

30 Interesting Dissertation Topics

  • Flight of insects. The medical importance of insects.
  • Insects are agricultural pests.
  • Biological methods of plant protection.
  • Variety of arachnids.
  • The medical significance of ticks.
  • Variety of needle-skinned animals.
  • Pogonophora and Vestimentifera.
  • Bryozoans and their meaning.
  • The brachiopods as guiding fossils.
  • Phylogeny of invertebrates.
  • Comparative anatomical review of the vertebrate musculoskeletal system.
  • Comparative anatomical review of the circulatory system of vertebrates.
  • Comparative anatomical review of the genitourinary system of vertebrates.
  • Comparative anatomical review of the vertebrate nervous system.
  • Life on the Earth. Species and speciation in zoology. Animal classification.
  • Anthropogenesis: definition, zoological concepts.
  • The theory of evolution: problems associated with evolution.
  • Protists: concept, medical significance.
  • Reproduction, development, and life cycles of crustaceans. Adaptation to parasitism in crustaceans.
  • General characteristics of the superclass Myriapoda.
  • The ethical implications of gene editing technologies: Examining the ethical frameworks surrounding the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in human embryos.
  • Exploring the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes among adolescents.
  • Investigating the impact of mindfulness meditation on stress reduction and cognitive performance.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing medical diagnosis and treatment.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of virtual reality in therapy for phobias and anxiety disorders.
  • Exploring the potential of renewable energy technologies in achieving sustainable development goals.
  • Investigating the impact of climate change on global food security and potential mitigation strategies.
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in shaping consumer behavior and brand loyalty.
  • Examining the effects of cultural diversity on team performance and innovation in multinational corporations.
  • Exploring the implications of blockchain technology on data security and privacy in the digital age.

30 Zoology Dissertation Ideas

  • Taxonomic diversity and diversity of insect habitats.
  • Morpho-functional features of insects, which provided a complex of adaptations to the terrestrial lifestyle.
  • The main groups of fossil and modern species of echinoderms.
  • Embryonic development, primary larval forms, and metamorphosis of echinoderms.
  • Hypotheses of the origin of chordates: Garstang’s theory, Severtsov’s theory. Possible ancestors of chordates, their way of life.
  • Specificity of biology and ecology of tunicates as an adaptation to a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.
  • Systematic diversity of the subtype Tunicata or Urochordata.
  • Primitive traits, specialization, and specific features of cyclostomes associated with a parasitic lifestyle.
  • Ecological groups of fish by type of food and methods of obtaining food.
  • Cystophera and lungfishes as possible ancestral forms of amphibians.
  • Systematic diversity of bony fish (Osteichthyes).
  • Adaptation of amphibians to the development of the ground-air environment.
  • The main taxonomic groups of amphibians, representatives, structural features, ecology of nutrition, and reproduction.
  • Extinct groups of reptiles: Dinosaurs, Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, Pterosaurs.
  • The main taxonomic groups of reptiles, representatives, structural features, ecology of nutrition, and reproduction.
  • Morphological and physiological adaptations of birds to flight. Modern bird class system.
  • The origin of mammals from animal-like reptiles. The modern Mammal class system.
  • The main paleochronological stages of animal evolution.
  • Multicellular Organisms: Evolution and Development.
  • Invertebrate symmetry.
  • The impact of urbanization on bird populations: A comparative study of urban and rural habitats.
  • Investigating the effects of environmental pollutants on the reproductive health of aquatic organisms.
  • Exploring the ecological implications of invasive species on native biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems.
  • The role of animal vocalizations in mate choice and reproductive success.
  • Investigating the evolutionary patterns and mechanisms behind convergent evolution in unrelated species.
  • Assessing the effects of climate change on the distribution and abundance of marine planktonic organisms.
  • Examining the ecological and behavioral factors influencing predator-prey interactions in terrestrial ecosystems .
  • The role of animal behavior in the dispersal and establishment of invasive species.
  • Investigating the impact of anthropogenic noise on the behavior and physiology of marine invertebrates.
  • Exploring the effects of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity and population dynamics of small mammal species.

30 Featured Dissertation Topics About Zoology

  • Parasites: general characteristics, significance for humans. Intestinal turbellaria.
  • Thermodoses and cestodoses in humans. Their value to people.
  • Worms: cephalopods, polychaetes, geohelminths, and biohelminths. Leeches in medicine.
  • Cephalopods: description of the species, main characteristics.
  • Arthropods: habitat, features of life.
  • The circulatory, genitourinary, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems of invertebrates.
  • Crustaceans: habitat, structure, examples of parasites.
  • Arachnids: features of anatomy, different types.
  • Phylogeny of the animal world .
  • Chordates: description of the species, structure, and features of life. The sense organs are chordates.
  • Subtypes: skulls, tunicates.
  • Vertebrates: structural features, classification.
  • Circular, cartilaginous, and bony fish.
  • Reptiles: structural features, life, and habitat.
  • The structure of birds, an overview of several examples.
  • Mammals: features, structure, comparative anatomical analysis on the example of two representatives.
  • Anamnias and amniotes: definition, description.
  • Respiratory organs in vertebrates. Skull and circulatory system of vertebrates.
  • The skin of fish, amphibians. The digestive system of primary water and vertebrates.
  • The impact of climate change on migratory patterns of avian species: A case study of Arctic terns.
  • The role of gut microbiota in the digestion and nutrient utilization of herbivorous mammals.
  • Investigating the evolutionary adaptation of marine organisms to extreme deep-sea environments.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of conservation strategies in mitigating the decline of endangered amphibian populations.
  • The ecological significance of symbiotic relationships between coral reefs and resident fish species.
  • Understanding the behavioral and physiological mechanisms behind animal tool use in primates.
  • Investigating the genetic basis of color variation in butterfly populations and its impact on their survival and reproduction.
  • Assessing the impact of noise pollution on communication and behavior in marine mammals.
  • The role of animal behavior in seed dispersal and plant regeneration in tropical rainforests.
  • Exploring the effects of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity and population dynamics of large mammals.

During your studies at the university, you can consider many more topics in zoology and discover new helpful information. Depending on the program, the topics of independent work of students can be changed, supplemented.

It is possible that you are interested in difficult questions and unresolved problems. In this case, do not forget that time is not on your side. The dissertation is being prepared for a long time. Perhaps it is worth leaving a too complex topic for the future and writing a term paper or an article for a scientific journal.

It does not matter whether the topic of your abstract was chosen independently or taken from the list. The teacher is likely to know the answer to any question you may have and will help to avoid mistakes when preparing the abstract. Also, if you have already chosen a topic but are not sure of your strengths or capabilities, you can always turn to our dissertation writing service specialists for help. After completing a small application, you can rest assured that the dissertation will be written efficiently, quickly, and delivered on time. We are always here to help you!

George Lynch

80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best zoo topic ideas & essay examples, 🎓 good research topics about zoo, ⭐ simple & easy zoo essay titles, ❓ research questions about zoo.

  • Zoos: Advantages and Disadvantages The expediency of zoos and similar institutions is controversial since no artificially created conditions correspond to the natural range of animals’ origin.
  • Negotiating About Pandas for San Diego Zoo The popularity of the San Diego Zoo as one of the top zoos in the country and the idea that the borrowing of pandas will be a significant tourist attraction could be highlighted by Myers.
  • Zoos: Cruel or Educational? The reality is that there is ambivalence whether zoos protect animals from the adversity of the wild or they violate the rights of animals to enjoy their freedom in the wild.
  • Negotiating: Pandas in San Diego Zoo Case It is not the possible revenues of the zoo that need to be mentioned, but rather the revenues that the counterparty will have, as well as the influence of pandas on the promotion of support […]
  • Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species However, at the moment, they could be considered important scientific and research centers that investigate the current situation related to species and create conditions needed for their survival and further preservation.
  • The Harm That Zoos Do to Animals The first argument against zoos to discuss is the lack of interesting activities, joy, and ways to get rid of stress that animals can access in the wild.
  • The Future for Zoos and Aquariums Bibliography If the rights and welfare of animals in zoos and aquariums are properly observed, the world association of zoos and aquariums will have no issues with these zoo fields.
  • The Analysis of Siamangs’ Behavior in a Zoo Setting The results of the research disprove the hypothesis as it was assumed that siamangs would be less active in the zoo due to visitor’s attention and limited territory. Therefore, it is possible to note that […]
  • The Australia Zoo Rescue Unit Project Being a rescue unit, the project is meant to provide the services of rescuing the ill and injured wildlife animals by offering them with veterinary services free of charge in all zoos of Australian territory.
  • Animal Behavior in San Diego Zoo Based on the numerous remarks of scholars that claim that the animals are less active in the artificially created conditions in zoos, the hypothesis of the current write-up is as follows: Pandas tend to be […]
  • Zoo Park’s Redundancy Management and Legal Issues Lastly, I have advised the management of the best ways to address the situation leading to the accident in the zoo park’s restaurant.
  • The Role of Zoos in Endangered Species Protection Adopting the endangered species requires the zoos to have sufficient funds to meet the needs of the animals and to maintain the facilities.
  • Setting Up a Safari Zoo in the UAE The paper below focuses on the barriers to setting up a safari zoo in the UAE. Through this, the study will identify the animals that are more likely to be comfortable in the zoo.
  • The Effectiveness of Sustainable Practices, Plans, Programs and Initiatives Implemented by Australian Zoo The recommendations are going to be made about the additional initiatives which may be implemented in the industry paying attention to the failure to apply to one of the concepts in the sustainable development triangle.
  • Endangered Animals and Zoo: How Zoos and Aquariums Protect Endangered Species
  • Tourists Tours: The Bronx Zoo and the Botanical Garden
  • Comparing the Behavior: Zoo Animals Versus Wild Animals
  • Zoo Attendance: The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
  • Let the Zoo Elephants Go: Movement for Retire Animals to Sanctuaries
  • Operations Management: London Zoo and New Walk Tourism
  • Appraising Employees at the San Diego Zoo
  • Early Learning and Development: A Playground at the Zoo
  • Tours in the Zoo Influence the Success of Extracurricular Educational Programs
  • Social Enterprise: Zoos and Aquariums
  • Hotel and Outdoor Petting Zoo
  • Operations Management London Zoo and Nottingham Castle
  • Planning and Building Housing for the Zoo
  • The Future of Zoos and Animals in Them: Challenges Force Zoos to Change in Big Ways
  • Animals and Statues Around the Zoo: Art Project
  • Bronx Zoo Teen Summer Camp
  • Akron Zoo Events Attendance Annual
  • Tourist Management Strategies: Australia Zoo
  • Bristol Zoo Business Objectives
  • Cameron Park Zoo: The Perfect Place to Relax and Enjoy the Beautiful Day Outdoor
  • The Zoo and Its Benefits: Conservation, Education and Research Programs
  • Metropol Zoo Strategic Marketing Management
  • Anthropology Zoo Observations
  • Air-Cooling and Heating System for Tiger in Zoo Using Earth Tube Heat Exchanger
  • Anthropology: Primate Behavioral Observation at San Antonio Zoo
  • High-Tech and Tactile: Cognitive Enrichment for Zoo-Housed Gorillas
  • Taronga Zoo Marketing Research
  • The Morphology and Behavior of Zoo Animals: Gorillas, White-Handed Gibbon, and Golden Lion Tamarin
  • Marketing Strategy for Zoo and Marine Park
  • The Modern Zoo: Saving Species From Extinction
  • Promotional Collateral for the Oakland Zoo
  • SWOT Analysis and Marketing Mix for Zoo and Aquarium
  • Animals and the Zoo: Zoo Animals and Their Wild Counterparts
  • Captive Tiger Management Activity in Zoo
  • The Competitive Environmental Forces of the San Antonio Zoo
  • Analyzing the Marketing Strategy of Singapore Zoo Tourism
  • Zoo: Project Planning and Behavioral Issues
  • Zoo and Cruel Towards Animal
  • Nightmare Zoo: The Surabaya Zoo of Indonesia
  • Growth Strategies for John Ball Zoo Society
  • Should Animals Be Kept in a Zoo?
  • Which Is the World’s Largest Zoo and What Is Its Area?
  • Where Is Largest Zoo in India?
  • What Does a Zoo Do With an Animals Remains Once It Dies?
  • When Is the Weekly off for Delhi Zoo?
  • When Is the Best Time of Day to Visit the Zoo?
  • Is It Ethical to Release Live Prey Into the Enclosure of a Carnivorous Zoo Animal?
  • What Is the Difference Between a Zoo and a Wildlife Sanctuary?
  • What Kind of Toys Do Large Predators Get at the Zoo?
  • What Is It Like to Work at a Zoo?
  • How Do People Perceive Zoo Animals?
  • What Zoo Animal Is Most Likely to Become Depressed?
  • What Factors Influence Stereotyped Behavior of Primates in a Zoo?
  • How Should the Well‐Being of Zoo Elephants Be Objectively Investigated?
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  • How Old Is the Oldest Zoo?
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  • Which Zoo Has the Most Animals?
  • Why Is San Diego Zoo So Famous?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/zoo-essay-topics/

"80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/zoo-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/zoo-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/zoo-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/zoo-essay-topics/.

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zoo dissertation ideas

100 Zoology Dissertation Topic

List of 100 zoology msc, phd dissertation topic ideas.

Earthly life is studied in biology and zoology. In the context of this field, invertebrates and vertebrates are researched, along with their morphology, the physiologic underpinnings of their lifestyles, geographic distribution, origin, categorization, function in the biosphere and in human existence, and techniques for intravital observation.

Therefore, regardless of the level of accreditation of the educational institution, zoology dissertations are crucial for students of many disciplines. The student learns to emphasise the key details in the subject of zoology, explain these details succinctly, and thoroughly research a particular issue while writing, reading, and memorising this work. Teachers or students themselves may select the themes for their dissertations.

It takes a lot of time and effort to thoroughly research the topics in the field of zoology. Numerous subjects and issues can be researched in biology and zoology. For your consideration, we've chosen the subjects that are both theoretically and practically intriguing. In the section below, we'll explain how to pick the ideal theme.

How Should You Choose the Best Zoology Dissertation Topic?

Since the topic must satisfy several requirements, choosing a topic for a zoology dissertation is always one of the most difficult phases for a student. Relevance, information correctness, absence of abstractness, accessibility of freshness, and elaboration are a few examples. Check your dissertation topic for all of the aforementioned if you have chosen an intriguing subject.

We suggest that you rephrase the topic for the best outcomes. By doing this, you may focus on a smaller region of the problem, which will make future work easier and save time. Let's use an illustration. It is far simpler to produce a strong student paper that touches on intractable basic scientific questions than it is to compose a solid dissertation on the subject of zoology with a specific item or problem in the title. Make writing your dissertation as easy as possible for yourself.

Additionally, you may ask our support gurus for assistance if you are unable to select a theme on your own. A professional will advise you on a topic that will be beneficial, timely, and in demand for you during your university studies or assist you in selecting the ideal topic.

Topics for Zoology Dissertations

  • Aristotle and his views on animals Classification of animals (Aristotle, Linnaeus, Lamarck, Cuvier).
  • Reconstruction of the invertebrate phylogeny. Modern methods.
  • Ctenophores are life forms.
  • Worms with cephalopod bodies.
  • Polychaete reproduction and growth
  • The importance of oligochaetes in improving soil fertility.
  • Leeches have therapeutic properties.
  • Torsion mechanism in gastropods.
  • A subkingdom is a contemporary notion. Protists of medicinal importance
  • The discovery of trichoplax and the origin of multicellular creatures. Its importance in comprehending the development of multicellular creatures.
  • Body symmetry in invertebrates.
  • Adaptation of mollusks with lamellar gills to the passive lifestyle of biofilters.
  • Organ and organ system formation in non-intestinal turbellaria.
  • Human trematodes and cestodoses
  • Non-helminths, geohelminths, and biohelminths Cycles of development
  • Cephalopods are marine primates.
  • The appearance of arthropods on land.
  • A wide range of crustaceans. Crustaceans that are parasitic.
  • The origin of insect mouthparts.
  • Proto-arthropods. Diversity is vital for understanding arthropod evolution.

20 Excellent Zoology Dissertation Topics

  • Parasitic flagellates and parasitic sarcode organisms Are they pathogens that cause human and animal diseases?
  • Flagellates with a plant type of exchange and flagellates with an animal type of exchange
  • Sporozoans as protozoal disease causing agents in humans and animals
  • There are several types of Infusoria.
  • Protozoa radiation in the environment
  • Theories of how multicellular creatures evolved.
  • Creeping is a systematic variant of the type.
  • The comb type's general features.
  • The Flatworm type's ecological diversity.
  • Ecto- and endoparasitism in multicellular organisms as the emergence of new microbiotopes Parasite classifications.
  • Nematodes are the most common pathogens in humans and domestic animals.
  • Rotifer morpho-ecological characteristics
  • Mollusks' adaptive radiation results in the assimilation of numerous environments. Mollusk ecological radiation in nutritional processes.
  • Characteristics of the Polyplacophora and Monoplacophora classes.
  • Cephalopod organisation characteristics.
  • Annelid diversity and ecological features Adaptive radiation and macrosystem type
  • The primitive characteristics of trilobite organisation.
  • Xiphosura class general features (Horseshoe crabs).
  • The practical utility of arachnids includes toxic arachnids, parasites, and infection vectors in humans and domestic animals.
  • The system of interconnected arthropod adaptations to terrestrial life.

20 Fascinating Zoology Dissertation Topics

  • Insects take flight. Insects' medicinal significance
  • Insects are considered agricultural pests.
  • Various needle-skinned creatures
  • Vestimentifera and Pogonophora
  • Bryozoans and their significance
  • Brachiopods serve as guiding fossils.
  • Invertebrate phylogeny.
  • Plant protection by biological means.
  • Arachnids of several types.
  • Ticks have medicinal importance.
  • Anatomical comparison of the vertebrate circulatory system.
  • The evolution theory: issues concerning evolution.
  • Protists: notion and medicinal importance
  • Anatomical comparison of the vertebrate musculoskeletal system.
  • Crustacean reproduction, development, and life cycles Crustacean parasitism adaptation.
  • Myriapoda superclass general features
  • Anatomical comparison of the vertebrate genitourinary system.
  • Anatomical comparison of the vertebrate nervous system.
  • The Earth's life. In zoology, species and speciation. Classification of animals
  • Definition and zoological notions of anthropogenesis

20 Ideas for Zoology Dissertations

  • Insect habitat diversity and taxonomic diversity
  • Insect morphofunctional characteristics that offered a complex of adaptations to the terrestrial existence.
  • Cyclostomes have primitive characters, specialisation, and unique features linked with a parasitic existence.
  • Tunicata or Urochordata subtype systematic diversity
  • Chordate origin theories include Garstang's theory and Severtsov's theory. Chordate ancestors and their way of life.
  • Tunicates' biology and ecology as an adaptation to a primarily sedentary existence.
  • Ecological classes of fish based on food type and feeding strategies.
  • Cystophera and lungfishes have been proposed as probable ancestors of amphibians.
  • The major groupings of ancient and current echinoderm species.
  • Echinoderm embryonic development, major larval forms, and metamorphosis
  • Systematic variation in bony fish (Osteichthyes).
  • Amphibian adaptation to the growth of the ground-air ecosystem.
  • The main taxonomic groupings of amphibians, their representatives, structural characteristics, dietary ecology, and reproduction.
  • Reptile taxonomic categories, representatives, structural traits, nutrition ecology, and reproduction.
  • Birds' morphological and physiological adaptations to flying. Modern bird classification system.
  • Symmetry in invertebrates.
  • Mammals evolved from animal-like reptiles. The contemporary Mammal classification scheme.
  • The major paleochronological stages in the development of animals.
  • Evolution and Development of Multicellular Organisms
  • Dinosaurs, Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, and Pterosaurs are extinct reptile groups.

20 Zoology Dissertation Topics

  • Parasites: general traits, human importance Turbellaria in the intestine.
  • Chordates: an explanation of the species, structure, and characteristics of life. Chordates are the sensory organs.
  • Reptiles: structural characteristics, life, and habitat
  • Vertebrates: structural characteristics, categorization
  • Fish that are round, cartilaginous, and bony.
  • Invertebrates' circulatory, genitourinary, neurological, and musculoskeletal systems.
  • Crustaceans: environment, structure, and parasite examples
  • An summary of numerous instances of avian structure.
  • Arthropods: environment and life characteristics
  • Subtypes include skulls and tunicates.
  • Human thermodoses and cestodoses People value them.
  • Cephalopods, polychaetes, geohelminths, and biohelminths are all types of worms. Leeches are used in medicine.
  • Cephalopods: species description, key traits
  • Arachnids: anatomies and classifications
  • The animal kingdom's phylogeny.
  • Vertebrate respiratory organs Vertebrate skull and circulatory system
  • Mammals: characteristics, structure, and comparative anatomical investigation of two representatives
  • Fish and amphibian skin. Primary water and vertebrate digestive systems
  • Definition and description of anamnias and amniotes.

Finish Your Conclusion

During your university education, you can explore many more zoological themes and learn new things. The themes of students' independent work might be adjusted or augmented depending on the curriculum.

It's conceivable that you're drawn to challenging questions and unresolved issues. In this instance, keep in mind that time is not on your side. The dissertation has been in the works for a long time. Perhaps it is better to postpone a more difficult topic for the future and instead write a term paper or an article for a scientific publication.

It makes no difference whether your abstract topic was picked independently or from a list. The teacher will most likely know the solution to any questions you have and will assist you in avoiding mistakes when drafting the abstract. Furthermore, if you have already picked a topic but are unsure of your talents or capabilities, you may always seek assistance from our dissertation writing service pros. After submitting a brief application, you may be confident that your dissertation will be produced efficiently, swiftly, and on time. We are always available to assist you!

Frequently asked questions

How do i choose a dissertation topic for zoology .

  • Animal-related theories were put forth by Aristotle.
  • reconstruction of the invertebrate phylogeny.
  • the idea of a subkingdom in modern times.
  • the discovery of trichoplax, as well as the creation of multicellular creatures.
  • the symmetry of an insect's body.
  • Ctenophores have life forms.

Which topic is best for PhD in zoology ?

The most fascinating subjects that might be beneficial to you in college are listed below.

  • Transport and communication between cells throughout development.
  • Salmonid population dynamics and history.
  • The sub-Antarctic penguins' past breeding patterns.
  • Honey bee dopamine regulation
  • development of parasites.

Which topic is best for dissertation ?

Here are 3 excellent dissertation topics.

  • Internet influence on pupils' social and spiritual values.
  • One of an educational organization's primary goals should be to promote a democratic culture among teenagers.
  • High school students' cultural autonomy in the social studies and humanities curriculum.

What are the topics in zoology ?

Some modules you could take include:

  • Evolution and extinction.
  • the primates' psyche.
  • laboratory expertise.
  • Cellular control and genes.
  • aquatic biology.
  • Animal conduct.
  • parasites, illness, and immunity.
  • life and evolution's patterns.

What is the best course after BSc zoology ?

Certificate Programs Following a BS in Zoology.

  • Forensics of wildlife.
  • Animal Science.
  • conservation and primatology.
  • Animal welfare: ethics and the law.
  • Management of the environment.
  • Photography.
  • maintaining zoos.
  • Journalism.

Which university is better for zoology ?

California State University, Santa Barbara

Can you do PhD after MSc zoology ?

Yes, you may pursue a Ph.D. in zoology after earning your MSc. For the MSc in Zoology, you must receive a 55%. You must take the Ph. D entrance exam offered by the University, and admission will be granted based on your performance on the test.

Which subject is best for MSc zoology ?

Candidates with a strong background in biochemistry, animal biodiversity, cell, and molecular biology, ecology, physiology, and environment management are required for the MSc in zoology program. These topics make up some of the most crucial concept-building components of the zoology curriculum.

Which is better zoology or botany ?

If you are more interested in plants, you should major in botany, and if you are more interested in animal life, you should major in zoology.

What is scope of zoology ?

A candidate with a master's degree in zoology has a wide range of opportunities. They can serve as veterinarians, forensic scientists, lab technicians, zoology academics, wildlife educators, conservationists, wildlife biologists, zoo curators, and animal behaviorists.

Is a degree in zoology worth it ?

Graduates may find employment in academia or private sector, but many go on to further their education in order to develop the specific skills needed for their chosen vocations. Jobs as wildlife scientists or park rangers are available at the entry-level. Working with wildlife conservation groups or animal shelters is also very common.

Is zoology a good career ?

For people who are eager to learn about biodiversity and willing to take on difficulties, it is a wonderful career choice.

Which is better chemistry or zoology ?

Compared to zoology and botany, chemistry has a wider application. Go for zoology and botany if you want to pursue a career in teaching and research, but you have more options in chemistry to work in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food production industries as well as in teaching and research.

What are the project topics for zoology undergraduate students ?

  • Animal virus.
  • Growth of the skeletal system.
  • Assembly of cells in embryos.
  • Central Nervous System Synapses
  • Biology of Behavior.
  • Biological system interactions.

When did zoology begin ?

12th century

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100 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Zoos are fascinating places that offer a unique opportunity to observe and learn about a wide variety of animals from all over the world. If you're tasked with writing an essay about zoos, you might be struggling to come up with a topic that is both interesting and informative. To help you out, here are 100 zoo essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your next assignment:

  • The ethical implications of keeping animals in zoos
  • The role of zoos in conservation efforts
  • The impact of zoos on animal behavior
  • The history of zoos and how they have evolved over time
  • The benefits of zoos for education and research
  • The controversy surrounding captive breeding programs in zoos
  • The importance of zoos in preserving endangered species
  • The challenges of managing a zoo and caring for its animals
  • The role of zoos in promoting awareness of wildlife conservation issues
  • The impact of zoos on local communities and economies
  • The role of zoos in promoting animal welfare and ethics
  • The debate over whether zoos should exist in the modern world
  • The cultural significance of zoos in different societies
  • The impact of climate change on zoos and their animal populations
  • The role of zoos in public education and outreach programs
  • The challenges of balancing conservation efforts with visitor experiences in zoos
  • The impact of captivity on animal behavior and well-being in zoos
  • The role of zoos in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability
  • The ethics of using animals in zoo entertainment shows and performances
  • The impact of zoos on biodiversity and ecosystem health
  • The role of zoos in promoting animal rights and welfare legislation
  • The impact of zoo closures and budget cuts on animal populations
  • The challenges of reintroducing captive-bred animals into the wild
  • The role of zoos in supporting local wildlife conservation efforts
  • The benefits of zoos for public health and well-being
  • The impact of zoos on visitor attitudes towards wildlife conservation
  • The role of zoos in promoting sustainable tourism practices
  • The challenges of managing invasive species in zoos
  • The impact of zoo design and architecture on animal welfare
  • The role of zoos in promoting cultural exchange and understanding
  • The benefits of zoos for scientific research and discovery
  • The impact of zoo accreditation programs on animal welfare standards
  • The challenges of breeding endangered species in captivity
  • The role of zoos in promoting animal enrichment and mental stimulation
  • The ethics of using animals in zoo breeding programs
  • The impact of zoos on local ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The role of zoos in promoting public awareness of wildlife trafficking
  • The benefits of zoos for educating children about conservation
  • The challenges of managing a zoo during a pandemic
  • The impact of zoo closures on animal welfare and conservation efforts
  • The role of zoos in promoting sustainable food and waste management practices
  • The ethics of using animals in zoo education programs
  • The impact of zoos on wildlife populations in surrounding areas
  • The challenges of managing zoo populations and genetics
  • The role of zoos in promoting animal welfare legislation
  • The benefits of zoos for promoting public engagement with wildlife
  • The impact of zoos on local economies and tourism
  • The role of zoos in promoting wildlife rehabilitation and release programs
  • The challenges of managing zoo populations in the face of climate change
  • The ethics of using animals in zoo research and experimentation
  • The impact of zoos on animal behavior and social dynamics
  • The role of zoos in promoting public awareness of wildlife conservation issues
  • The benefits of zoos for promoting sustainable tourism practices

With these 100 zoo essay topic ideas and examples, you should have plenty of inspiration to get started on your next assignment. Whether you're interested in the ethical implications of keeping animals in zoos, the role of zoos in conservation efforts, or the impact of zoos on biodiversity and ecosystem health, there's sure to be a topic that piques your interest. Happy writing!

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A List Of Interesting Dissertation Topics On Zoos

Zoo isn’t just a place where animals are kept for people to look at them. Plenty of zoos around the world serve the purpose to save the species that are suffering from extinction. There are plenty of topics related to zoos that you may choose to write your dissertation. In this article, you may look at some of them.

  • The evolution of zoos.

You may investigate this subject and educate your readers on what the first zoos looked like and how they evolved over the years.

  • The best modern zoos.

Do your research and learn about the zoos that provide animals with the best conditions. Try to find a way to increase the number of such places.

  • A zoo of the future.

Gather information and describe what zoos of the future might look like. Will they perform some new functions?

  • Dangers of a zoo.

Do your investigation and list the dangerous factors that you may come across visiting a zoo. Propose the ways to reduce different risks.

  • Baby animals in zoos.

Do your research and explain why it’s difficult for animals to reproduce in zoos. What conditions should be provided to increase the percentage of baby animals in zoos?

  • Adaptation.

It’s difficult for wild animals to adapt to living conditions in zoos. What can be made to solve this problem?

  • Reptiles in zoos.

Investigate the features of keeping reptiles in zoos. Is it more difficult or easier in comparison to mammals?

Do your research and educate your readers about the difficulties of maintaining a zoo for aquatic animals.

  • Standards for zoos.

Investigate this topic and state why each zoo should maintain good conditions for animals that are kept in it.

  • Zoos or national parks?

Some environment defenders claim that zoos shouldn’t exist at all. Do your research and raise your arguments for or against this statement.

Choose your topic carefully because the success of your dissertation will greatly depend on it.

If you have problems with selecting a topic or conducting your research, you may use the services of academic writing agencies. You may go to this great website, for example, and order a dissertation almost on any topic. For a reasonable price, you’ll get a brilliantly written paper that will definitely impress your professor and committee. To achieve even a better result, you may speak to different writers. By doing this, you’ll be able to choose the one who understands your ideas and will convey them clearly to your readers.

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Zoology dissertation titles: 15 creative ideas.

Whether you are studying zoology as a subject in its own right, or you are studying a different scientific subject, such as biology, and you wish to write a dissertation that is in some way related to zoology, you may be wondering what titles you can use for your paper.

As well as including 15 creative ideas at the end of this article, you will also be able to read about various suggestions that will help you to think of ideas for yourself.

Use brainstorming techniques and keep the crazy ideas

There are many different brainstorming techniques that you can use when trying to think of good topics and titles for academic papers. Ultimately, whatever technique you decide to use, you should be sure to note down any ideas that you may have. Whilst some ideas may seem crazy or unsuitable at first, you may well find that they can be adapted later on into a really strong and creative idea.

Alternatively, you may even find that some of the crazy ideas, whilst not very good in their own right, help to provide extra inspiration for thinking of more relevant and appropriate ideas.

Before you carry out any brainstorming techniques in order to think of a title for your zoology dissertation, you may wish to try and gather some further ideas from the list of topics that have been provided below.

  • What evolutionary evidence is there to link humans with birds?
  • How have humans exploited different characteristics of dogs to produce useful domesticated breeds?
  • A comparison of DNA structures in plants and animals and what we can learn from this
  • An analysis of bacterial lifeforms in extreme conditions
  • An analysis of the evolution of birds’ beaks
  • What can animal teeth tell us about their evolutionary history?
  • Observable evolution and how the environment influences the future of different species
  • How can the immune system be manipulated?
  • How can the colour of skin and feathers be determined when examining fossils?
  • An analysis of evolutionary changes in crocodiles since the era of the dinosaurs
  • An examination of species in areas surrounding nuclear disasters
  • A comparison of evolution in land and sea-based mammals
  • Is the five-kingdom system of classification outdated, and why?
  • How are DNA sequences measured and recorded?
  • What observable impact is climate change having on different species around the world?

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Here at Chester, we prioritise research that will have a positive impact on the living world, either directly through improved animal management or indirectly through the promotion of conservation action.

We welcome collaborations with PhD students and professional researchers and have conducted many successful projects with postgraduate training programmes.

We also provide opportunities for students studying undergraduate or masters degrees to conduct observational research on our range of animals and plants.

Any questions? Check our FAQ about research at Chester Zoo.

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Zoology Dissertation Topics about Animals

Zoology Dissertation Topics about Animals

A dissertation is a significant challenge in the lives of every student. They need to work hard to compose a top-grade paper that will support a degree. Then, even though it consists of many different parts, students need to pick a topic and submit a dissertation proposal which includes writing a literature review for a dissertation . Unfortunately, this small stage causes a lot of problems. For example, animal science students usually get stuck, trying to develop great zoology project ideas. 

Undergraduates want a dissertation topic to be interesting. They want to explore a particular subject in more detail to showcase great research skills. However, it has to be easy to research at the same time. They risk failing this academic task by picking complicated zoology research topics and composing a poor-quality paper containing irrelevant information. If you're a learner who doesn't want to waste precious time generating ideas for your dissertation, pick one of the good topics on animals in the post below.

Human and Animal Topics for Research Papers

Even though humans interact with domestic animals mostly these days, mankind affects wildlife significantly. People re-shape or even erase the natural habitats of animals. Consequently, they have to adapt and develop new skills to survive. Unfortunately, a lot of species have gone extinct due to the irreversible changes in the environment. Nevertheless, the changes in natural habitats are not studied well. So, being a zoology student, don't be shy about choosing one of the zoology dissertation topics that will need you to take a deep dive into the relationships between people and animals.

  • The effect of global warming on the degradation of coral reefs.
  • Changes in the Gulf of Mexico caused by numerous technological disasters. 
  • Wildlife revival in abandoned cities. 
  • Domestication as a method of survival for animals.
  • Lack of land for wild animals caused by deforestation and farming.
  • Reduced biodiversity caused by pollution.
  • Unnatural migration of animals and its effect on different natural habitats. 
  • Potential effect on marine life by changed currents due to global warming.
  • The footprint of seafood consumption.
  • The effect of infrastructure objects on wildlife in remote areas.

Interesting Animal Research Topics

Zoology is a science about animals. A lot of people want to learn more about creatures that live on the planet. Unfortunately, most people don't have enough spare time and resources to explore the world and animals in their natural habitats. Consequently, you can create an engaging dissertation by researching interesting facts about animals that most people never heard about. Don't you know some engaging titles that will catch the attention of readers? Check out the selections of great titles below.

  • Most popular misconceptions about Darwin's work in the Galapagos Islands.
  • The role of camels in the development of Africa and the Middle East.
  • Mutually advantageous behavior among different species.
  • Reasons why some animals cannot be domesticated.
  • Oddities in migration routes of eagles. 
  • Nature of extreme strength of ants. 
  • Similarities in man-eating animals.
  • Unusual behavior of animals in search of food.
  • Importance of teamwork in wildlife.
  • Animals that have an ultraviolet light vision.

Easy to Research Topics in Zoology

Sometimes, learners don't have plenty of time to explore tons of different materials. Therefore, to avoid submitting unfinished papers with no solid outcomes, they always choose topics that are easy to research. Nevertheless, at the same time, the picked titles should not be too general and have to be interesting to a broad audience. With the help of these titles below, you will be able to create a top-quality dissertation fast.

  • Camouflage mechanism in birds, fish, and mammals. 
  • Outcomes of the growing level of obesity in domesticated animals.
  • Did evolution improve the organisms of animals?
  • Patterns in the behavior of predators.
  • Is there a possibility to find undiscovered animals on Earth?
  • Reasons for a long lifespan in turtles. 
  • Long-term survival perspectives of penguins and polar bears.
  • How do animals find paths and evaluate distances?
  • How fast do mammals get taught by their parents?
  • Speech capabilities of African gray parrots.

Research Topics About Animals and Their Behavior

Students need to pay close attention to the body shapes, natural environments, physical strengths, and other peculiarities when exploring creatures that live on our planet. However, they also need to examine their behavior. It helps understand how they act toward other species and people. Also, comprehensive research can help build a solid understanding of the values and personality traits of animals. Do you want to take a deep dive into the psychology of animals, composing a dissertation? Pick one of the topics below.

  • The significance of exploring the behavior of animals.
  • Why do animals play when they have spare time?
  • Reasons why domesticated animals want to have personal territory.
  • How bears change their behavior while being kept in captivity. 
  • Top ways how mammals identify their companions. 
  • Why do birds cache an excess amount of food?
  • How do terrains affect the behavior of animals?
  • Do primates have a sense of humor?
  • The nature of depression in animals caused by the loss of companions.
  • Behavior patterns in mammals.

Helpful Dissertation Writing Tips

A dissertation is a type of academic writing that needs students to invest a sustainable amount of time, even if they pick a simple topic. Therefore, if you want to submit your paper on time and don't ask your tutor for an extension, you need to create a schedule and follow it strictly. Get your task completed by milestones. It's recommended to get your paper completed a few days before a deadline. It will bring you the opportunity to double-check your assignment and correct it if needed.

Being good at managing your time, you will be required to work at a high pace to compose a top-notch dissertation. Therefore, you need to boost your performance with the help of breaks. Short interruptions won't slow you down. Vice versa, they will help you to refresh your mind and come up with new ideas. Also, don't be shy about asking for assistance. For instance, if you have a bad command of English, you can ask a skilled writer to check your dissertation before submission and suggest corrections. Experiencing a lack of time, you can reach an assignment writing company and request professional help not to miss deadlines.


Animal Behaviour: Dissertations & Research Projects: Welcome

  • 1. Introducing Dissertation Research
  • 2. Identify: Key Research Concepts
  • 3. Identify:Information Types
  • 4. Find: Where to Search
  • 5. Find: How to search
  • 6. Find: Research Databases
  • 7. Evaluate your search results
  • 8. Reference your research resources This link opens in a new window
  • 9. Getting help
  • 10. Feedback

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How to use this online guide

This guide introduces the skills and techniques you can use for effective library research for your research projects.

Work through each section using the menu tabs above, or the Next button at the bottom of the page. 

There will be activities for you to complete as you go so that you can learn by doing and self test your learning.

This guide aims to ...

  • Build your confidence in planning and conducting your research to support your research project
  • Highlight the library help and support available to you as you conduct your research

Dissertation Workbook

You can download and use a dissertation  workbook to make notes as you progress through the tutorial.  By the end you'll have a plan you can use to help you complete your library research for your dissertation, project or research proposal.

  • Dissertation workbook
  • Next: 1. Introducing Dissertation Research >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024 2:28 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.exeter.ac.uk/animalbehaviordissertations

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You may experience heavy traffic around the surrounding area until Tuesday 16th July 2024 due to planned roadworks and two-way traffic lights on Maldon Road (B1022) at the Warren Lane junction. Please take this into consideration when planning your journey to and from the Zoo.

Please be aware that Penguini's Restaurant and Southern Kitchen will be CARD ONLY from Monday 8th July 2024.

Visits before 19th August 2024 You may experience heavy traffic around the surrounding area on your journey home due to planned roadworks along the A12 southbound carriageway between J26 Stanway and J25 Marks Tey.

Find out more here .


Please be aware that Elephant Bushwalk will be CLOSED from 2pm on Friday 12th July 2024 and will reopen on Sunday 14th July 2024.

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Research Opportunities

Research Opportunities

Colchester Zoo is open to collaboration on research projects for academic, zoological, and professional research institutions and researchers.

Colchester Zoo is dedicated to encouraging, supporting and conducting research that improves captive animal management, benefits conservation programmes and contributes to the body of scientific knowledge about animals and their natural habitats. The World Zoo and Aquaria Conservation Strategy highlights research as a major role for modern zoos.

Click the below headings for information about how to be involved in research at Colchester Zoo:

Application Process

Application form, research handbook.

Case Studies

Colchester Zoo’s research includes both animal-based studies and visitor studies . Animal-based studies can focus on behaviour, welfare, nutrition, husbandry, environmental enrichment, ecology, reproduction and conservation. All animal-based research undertaken in the Zoo is non-invasive and mostly conducted through observation of the animals in their captive environment.

Research studies assist Colchester Zoo in a number of ways:

  • Helping develop successful animal management practices , by assessing effects on the animals of factors, such as: enclosure design, diet and social grouping
  • Benefiting conservation of species and habitats , by improving the success of captive breeding programmes and in-situ programmes
  • Promoting conservation through education , by assessing visitor attitudes and perceptions

For further information about research at Colchester Zoo, please contact: [email protected] for diploma and undergraduate research [email protected] for postgraduate research and visitor studies

The Research Coordinator works closely with animal management staff and the Education team to identify priority topics and Colchester Zoo encourages applications for research within these priority areas.

Applications focusing on priority topics are more likely to be approved. To receive a copy of this priority list, please email: [email protected] for diploma and undergraduate research and [email protected] for postgraduate research and visitor studies .

All applications received will be assessed by the Zoo Director and Zoo Curator. Animal Management staff will accept applications on the basis of the subject area, including the value to science, ethical considerations, and the logistics of the study, including staff time and resources.

Please see the BIAZA Research Resources (click to open in a new window) for more details about research in BIAZA institutes, as well as resources and other information to help you develop your research project.

All applications should be sent to the Research Coordinator a minimum of one month in advance of the perspective start date.

All researchers wishing to conduct a project at, or in association with Colchester Zoo, must submit an application form.

Please read the research handbook. This document details the guidelines and processes all researchers must follow whilst conducting research at Colchester Zoo. Details of the research fee are also included in the handbook.

Click here to download the Colchester Zoo Research Handbook

Example Case Studies

Click on any image below to see examples of research conducted at Colchester Zoo.

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Click here for the archive of past research projects conducted at Colchester Zoo.

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Student research

At zsl, we offer a range of exciting research projects for both undergraduates and postgraduates:.

  • Third year undergraduates: Institute of Zoology, ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
  • MSc or MRes level students: Institute of Zoology only

Guidelines for finding a Masters and Undergraduate Research and Volunteer Research Project at IoZ

We take on a number of students each year for short term research projects, either from independent individuals who are looking for research experience (research volunteers) or from those enrolled in a course where the research is being carried out to meet requirements for course work. The basic requirements for these positions parallel (but at a lower level) those for PhDs (see below).

It is important that you have a good academic record, interest in a particular IoZ research project and that you have financial support for your research and accommodation whilst in London.

It is also important that applicants have sufficient time to conduct the research. Very short term commitments are less likely to get a response, because of the amount of time required to get the student settled and trained.

Interested parties should approach the relevant IoZ staff member(s) directly, by email, stating their research interests, duration of availability and accompanied by a CV.

If the research project is part of a University degree, please indicate the requirements of the University and what level of feedback is required from IoZ staff in terms of marking and grading the project reports.

Make clear also, whether your college/university provides funds for your research at the IoZ.

Behavioural observations on the group of Asian elephants at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo

  • Students must already be enrolled on a university course and each student must have an academic supervisor for the project in their home university. However, IoZ staff will normally act as an additional academic supervisor on the project. LZ and WWAP staff are prepared to offer help and advice but cannot act as academic supervisor.
  • Students must undertake to adhere to strict health and safety rules while a visitor at ZSL. Health and safety training will be given where required.
  • ZSL cannot reimburse accommodation costs or travel costs to/from ZSL to the student. Funding for consumables, equipment and necessary travel within short term projects will often be contributed by ZSL. However, for longer term projects (e.g. at Masters level) additional funding may be required from the home university.

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Let the world-renowned academics from the Institute of Zoology bring you into their world.

  • Bibliography
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  • Relevant bibliographies by topics
  • Referencing guides

Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Zoo visitors Zoo animals'

Create a spot-on reference in apa, mla, chicago, harvard, and other styles.

Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Zoo visitors Zoo animals.'

Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver, etc.

You can also download the full text of the academic publication as pdf and read online its abstract whenever available in the metadata.

Browse dissertations / theses on a wide variety of disciplines and organise your bibliography correctly.

Frede, David. "A tale of two zoos : a study in watching people watching animals." University of Sydney, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/3762.

McDole, Erin. "Fish Introduction to Jaguars (Panthera onca): Response of Zoo Visitors and Jaguars." Thesis, Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007, 2007. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-04062007-211443/.

Farrand, Alexandra. "The effect of zoo visitors on the behaviour and welfare of zoo mammals." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/300.

Bonde, de Queiroz M. "How does the zoo soundscape affect the zoo experience for animals and visitors?" Thesis, University of Salford, 2018. http://usir.salford.ac.uk/48095/.

Swanagan, Jeffery S. "An assessment of factors influencing zoo visitors' conservation attitudes and behavior." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28756.

Byström, Kim. "Mobility Analysis of Zoo Visitors." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Reglerteknik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-158522.

Štancl, Michal. "ZOO STAVBY – HERALDICKÁ ZOO." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-216185.

Valchová, Jana. "ZOO STAVBY – HERALDICKÁ ZOO." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-216120.

Plaatsman, Michelle. "Zoo exhibit design : the influence of animal visibility on visitor experience /." Thesis, This resource online, 1996. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-09092008-063812/.

Moar, Kathryn. "Determinants of visitors' perception of the Adelaide Zoo /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1987. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09SPS/09spsm687.pdf.

Townsend, Amanda. "Attitudes, perception and behaviour among visitors at the Adelaide Zoo /." Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 1988. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09ARPS/09arpst747.pdf.

Fahlquist, Karin. "Creating new experience for zoo visitors by using media techniques." Licentiate thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-87375.

Finlay, Ted William. "The influence of zoo environments on perceptions of animals." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/30086.

Duke, Julia Jane. "The beast within : measuring the minds of zoo animals." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/92631.

Tůmová, Tereza. "ZOO DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ - PAVILON AFRICKÉ SAVANY." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-215680.

Clubb, Ros E. "The roles of foraging niche, rearing conditions and current husbandry on the development of stereotypes in carnivores." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.249520.

Zimbler-DeLorenzo, Heather S. Dobson F. Stephen. "Zoo ecology of a primate species squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) /." Auburn, Ala., 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10415/1628.

Kipp, Lorraine Susan. "The use of video technology to enhance zoo exhibits." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28769.


Kardos, Monique. "A study in behaviour conservation : applying ecological learning theory to the maintenance of species-typical behaviour in small carnivores in a zoo environment /." Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 1999. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phk179.pdf.

Cooper, Tara Claire. "The effect of visitors on the behaviour of zoo-housed chimpanzee and gorilla groups." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2012. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.579695.

Bennett, Nadya J. "The Use of Video in Zoo Exhibits to Convey Conservation Messages to Adult Visitors." The Ohio State University, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1253470896.

Posta, Beth A. "The Effects of Housing and Enrichment on Zoo Elephant Behavior." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1294168589.

Boháč, Ivo. "ZOO stavby - architektektura jako okno do přírody Pavilony ekosystémů." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-233269.

Grover, Emily R. "Investigating the Influence of Zoo Exhibit Design on Visitor Empathy for Wildlife." The Ohio State University, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1515095282489716.

Dickie, Lesley A. "Environmental enrichment in captive primates : a survey and review." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.311767.

Hoellein, Less Elena. "Adiposity in Zoo Gorillas (Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla): The Effects Of Diet And Behavior." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1322582620.

Hilsberg, Sabine. "Aspekte zur klinischen Anwendung der Infrarot-Thermographie in der Zoo- und Wildtiermedizin." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2004. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-37148.

Wark, Jason D. "The influence of the sound environment on the welfare of zoo-housed callitrichine monkeys." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1433496564.

McElroy, Michelle Lynn. "The role of zoos in educating visitors about conservation of wildlife and habitats: a design for Sunset Zoo in Manhattan, Kansas." Kansas State University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/19110.

Terdal, Erik. "Captive Environmental Influences on Behavior in Zoo Drills and Mandrills (Mandrillus), a Threatened Genus of Primate." PDXScholar, 1996. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/3014.

Ainslie, Ordit. "The zoo as paradoxical discourse : a social space of paradoxical construction and deconstruction of knowledge about animals." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/3639.

Kelling, Angela Swilley. "An examination of salivary cortisol concentrations and behavior in three captive african elephants (loxodonta africana) at zoo atlanta." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/26586.

Bernstein-Kurtycz, Laura Margaret. "How do Bears Fare? An Investigation of the Effect of the Zoo Environment on Bear Welfare." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case162333754353924.

Kalafut, Kathryn Lynn. "The Captive Animal Activity Tracking System: A Systematic Method for the Continuous Evaluation of Captive Animal Welfare." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2009. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc12137/.

Stone, Derik M. "Aggressive behavior of female and male magellanic penguins (spheniscus magellanicus) nesting at San Francisco Zoo, San Francisco, California." Scholarly Commons, 2000. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/uop_etds/538.

Murray, Narisara. "Lives of the zoo charismatic animals in the social worlds of the Zoological Gardens of London, 1850--1897 (England) /." [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2004. http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/3162254.

Mueller, Jenni Elizabeth. "Seasonal Changes in Behavior and Exhibit Use of Captive African Elephants (Loxodonta africana) and Black Rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis)." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2008. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1215524414.

Abdelgawad, Azza [Verfasser]. "Equine herpesvirus type 1 and 9 (EHV-1 and EHV-9) prevalence and biology in zoo and wild animals / Azza Abdelgawad." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1118500660/34.

Karczmarz, Veronika. "Evaluation of live fish as an echolocation enrichment for the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-131465.

Cless, Isabelle T. "A Dissection of Pacing in Zoo-Housed Polar Bears: How Details of the Behavior Can Suggest Motivational and Causal Factors." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1435017139.

Mony, Rachel Sheal Preethi. "An exploratory study of docents as a channel for institutional messages at free-choice conservation education settings." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2007. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1186780088.

Browning, Geoffrey Robinson. "Salivary Biomarkers of Acute Stress and Insulin Sensitivity in Nonhuman Primates." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1354912347.

Baird, Bonnie Ann Baird. "Ambassador Animal Welfare: Using Behavioral and Physiological Indicators to Assess the Well-Being of Animals Used for Education Programs in Zoos." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1522956181121788.

Uehara, Karina. "Patas, garras e rastros: marcas de animais na poesia de Adília Lopes." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8150/tde-16052016-133337/.

McCrindle, Cheryl Myra Ethelwyn. "A veterinary perspective on the use of animals in preschool education." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/30212.

Münster, Pia Verfasser], Claus-Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] [Czerny, Matthias [Akademischer Betreuer] Gauly, and Engel [Akademischer Betreuer] Hessel. "Epidemiological investigation on the occurrence of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in different matrices from cattle and zoo animals by IS900 polymerase chain reaction assays / Pia Münster. Gutachter: Claus-Peter Czerny ; Matthias Gauly ; Engel Hessel. Betreuer: Claus-Peter Czerny." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2012. http://d-nb.info/1043766367/34.

Münster, Pia [Verfasser], Claus-Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] Czerny, Matthias [Akademischer Betreuer] Gauly, and Engel [Akademischer Betreuer] Hessel. "Epidemiological investigation on the occurrence of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in different matrices from cattle and zoo animals by IS900 polymerase chain reaction assays / Pia Münster. Gutachter: Claus-Peter Czerny ; Matthias Gauly ; Engel Hessel. Betreuer: Claus-Peter Czerny." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2012. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-webdoc-3580-1.

Rylander, Tilde. "The Whistle caller concept - Signature whistles as call-over signals for Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) under human care." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-176922.

Vandersommers, Daniel A. "Laboratories, Lyceums, Lords: The National Zoological Park and the Transformation of Humanism in Nineteenth-Century America." The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1399640141.

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Bay Area's last remaining African elephant moving to be reunited with old companion

Gloria Rodríguez Image

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- For two decades, Osh the elephant has been calling the Oakland Zoo home.

But in the fall, the only remaining African elephant living at the zoo and in the Bay Area will move to a sanctuary in Tennessee.

The zoo says it's the best decision for his well-being so he can be around other elephants.

"Osh lost his other companions over the past several years," said Colleen Kinzley, Oakland Zoo VP of Animal Care, Conservation & Research. "The females that we had here at the zoo and elephants are very social animals, including the males and even though the male's social behavior is very different from the females, it's very important for them to have social opportunity. And so Osh is leaving to go to the sanctuary in Tennessee, where he'll have the opportunity to socialize with other elephants."

MORE: See 1st photos of new pandas at San Diego Zoo

The 30-year-old elephant weighs 15,000 pounds and is 11'2" . He will be transported in a specially designed, air-conditioned trailer for the 40-hour trip.

Osh enjoys a good pool day, as well as treats thrown in his mouth and playing with toys.

"He's always been a very brave elephant, very interactive, which is part of the reason we know that he's going to do so well at the sanctuary because he's a super confident individual," Kinzley said. "He's always been one of our elephants, anytime we do new enrichment or give them a different space, he's the first one to explore it and really want to figure out what it's all about. So we're really excited to see how he engages with his new habitat in Tennessee."

The zoo doesn't have immediate plans to bring another elephant.

RELATED: Oakland Zoo to move their last female elephant to Tennessee where she'll have more friends

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"We don't think that that's the right choice to make right now," Kinzley said. "And maybe there'll be a future situation where there's large elephant space. But at this point, you know, this space is not enough for the elephants' social complexity that we think is necessary. And that's why we feel like the elephant sanctuary here is going to give him you know, that the space and the social complexity and the flexibility of their facility so that he'll have choices."

The organization In Defense of Animals said they are grateful the Oakland Zoo is doing the right thing and leading the way for putting animals' needs first.

The organization sent a statement saying in part:

"We are thrilled that Osh will be relocated from Oakland Zoo to a sanctuary, allowing him to live a more natural life. Oakland Zoo has never appeared on our list of the 10 Worst Zoos for Elephants and helped pass the bullhook ban and close ivory ban loopholes. All Bay Area zoo policies now officially recognize that elephants are unsuited to captivity, and have set a powerful precedent for zoos nationwide."

MORE: Aggressive elephant lifts safari car filled with tourists into the air in South Africa

The elephant will be reunited with Donna, the last female African elephant who lived at the Zoo, and moved to the same location last September.

For the past year, the zoo has looked for a companion for him at the zoo but none were available to join him soon.

The Zoo urges guests and followers to submit their Oakland Zoo Elephant Memories by emailing photos and videos of the elephants throughout the years to [email protected] .

The Zoo is accepting donations for its elephant campaign at www.oaklandzoo.org/elephantfund

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Edinburgh Zoo chimpanzee returns to troop after testicular surgery following deadly fight

Qafzeh sustained an injury to his testicles and underwent surgery before returning to his troop. Chimp Rene, 31, was severely injured in the brawl and died last week.

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Scotland reporter @Jenster13

Thursday 11 July 2024 11:10, UK

Qafzeh. Pic: RZSS

A chimpanzee that had to undergo surgery to his testicles following a deadly troop fight at Edinburgh Zoo has been reintroduced to the ape enclosure.

Qafzeh was injured in last week's brawl, which also claimed the life of fellow chimp Rene .

Keepers had attempted to intervene and stop the violent battle, but 31-year-old Rene could not be saved.

Rene. Pic: RZSS

Edinburgh Zoo, which is run by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), explained that chimp group dynamics are "incredibly complex".

Fighting also occurs in the wild, especially around breeding time when females are in season and when males are challenging for dominance of the group.

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RZSS said it was important to reintroduce Qafzeh back into the troop as soon as he was well enough after expert health checks in order to "maintain bonds".

He is said to be "recovering well".

The Budongo Trail enclosure is home to 14 chimps - Louis, Lucy, Eva, Sophie, Lianne, Heleen, Qafzeh, Kilimi, Paul, Frek, Edith, Liberius, Velu, and Masindi.

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Darren McGarry, head of living collections at RZSS, said: "Rene was a much-loved chimpanzee and I speak for all of the staff and volunteers at Edinburgh Zoo when I say that we were devastated by his passing last week.

"Unfortunately, this is a normal part of chimpanzee behaviour which occurs in captivity, just as it does in the wild.

"I have been heartened by the outpouring of support since the news of Rene's death was made public.

"It's also very encouraging that the other chimpanzee who was badly injured in the fight, Qafzeh, has responded well to his treatment, appears to be making a full recovery and has been successfully reintroduced to the troop."

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  • animal welfare

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Dissertation ideas

Discussion in ' New Member Introductions ' started by emmasteve , 14 May 2016 .


emmasteve New Member

Hello, I am currently in my second year at NTU but I figured I should start planning my dissertation so everything runs smoothly next year! I am thinking of doing a research project on bird behaviour. I have two potential ideas: 1) Teaching a bird a trick or skill and measuring the retention time of the skill over time periods. I thought I could also look at this between ages or species or something like that. 2) Giving some birds an enrichment device and not giving some any enrichment. Teaching all birds the same trick or skill and monitoring if the enrichment device altered their cognitive ability in terms of learning the trick (ie did the enrichment aid learning or not) I was just wondering if anyone has done anything similar and could give any advice?? Thanks so much!  


overread Well-Known Member

I've not done anything similar but a few thoughts on what you've suggested: 1) It sounds like both of these are where you will gain primary data yourself in your research as opposed to secondary. 2) Research for primary data will take time; thus it would be best to plan now and do the data collection during the summer so that you can write-up during the term-time. Research during term time works; but its harder because you've got other commitments to study at the same time. 3) In general your uni should already be making you plan your dissertation anyway so see what your tutors say - also talk to them about your idea. they generally have a good idea of what is and isn't practical within a dissertation timeframe. 4) Both your subjects sound like there will be ample research material to read up on - bird cognitive functions and studies are niche but well studied and thus it shouldn't be a darkzone unless the actual data/articles are tricky to get. Again talk to your tutors.  
overread said: ↑ I've not done anything similar but a few thoughts on what you've suggested: 1) It sounds like both of these are where you will gain primary data yourself in your research as opposed to secondary. 2) Research for primary data will take time; thus it would be best to plan now and do the data collection during the summer so that you can write-up during the term-time. Research during term time works; but its harder because you've got other commitments to study at the same time. 3) In general your uni should already be making you plan your dissertation anyway so see what your tutors say - also talk to them about your idea. they generally have a good idea of what is and isn't practical within a dissertation timeframe. 4) Both your subjects sound like there will be ample research material to read up on - bird cognitive functions and studies are niche but well studied and thus it shouldn't be a darkzone unless the actual data/articles are tricky to get. Again talk to your tutors. Click to expand...


Sounds like you have a solid plan and some themes to work with. Considering that you're looking at avian intelligence I take it your placement involves similar studies? If so you might do some reading on any papers or research produced at that site already - you could use that to either build upon a previous study or introduce a new one of your own. Best advice would be to simply keep searching journals and see what kind of questions have already been asked. Asking hte same question a different way can be one approach and can provide a deeper understanding of a topic area; whilst asking a new question can open up new ideas and possibilities; but can require more work and more input. The key is to not overload yourself - however part of that is up to your tutors to ensure that they help you structure a question that won't overwhelm but will provide the data/material/ground work for you to build upon  
overread said: ↑ Sounds like you have a solid plan and some themes to work with. Considering that you're looking at avian intelligence I take it your placement involves similar studies? If so you might do some reading on any papers or research produced at that site already - you could use that to either build upon a previous study or introduce a new one of your own. Best advice would be to simply keep searching journals and see what kind of questions have already been asked. Asking hte same question a different way can be one approach and can provide a deeper understanding of a topic area; whilst asking a new question can open up new ideas and possibilities; but can require more work and more input. The key is to not overload yourself - however part of that is up to your tutors to ensure that they help you structure a question that won't overwhelm but will provide the data/material/ground work for you to build upon Click to expand...
Ah sounds like a great workplacement. Have you spoken with the people at the centre? I'd almost think there would be the best place to start after talking with your tutor; last thing you want is to invest time into research only to find that they won't/can't let you perform research. You might also find that they've got projects of their own and you could join into an existing research project. Whilst the overall project might have a different focus you could perform one task within it which would be your own research and write-up or you could assist and do your own write up on the project as a whole etc...  
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  1. How To Invent Great Topics For A Dissertation About Zoos

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  3. 100+ Best Zoology Dissertation Topics

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  6. (PDF) Conducting Behavioural Research in the Zoo: A Guide to Ten

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  7. 100 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  10. Research Opportunities

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  24. Dissertation ideas

    3) In general your uni should already be making you plan your dissertation anyway so see what your tutors say - also talk to them about your idea. they generally have a good idea of what is and isn't practical within a dissertation timeframe.