Application Toolkit: Resume

On this webpage, you will find our advice and guidance for approaching the resume component of the application., instructions.

We require a resume as part of the application. Please limit your resume to 1 – 2 pages in length.

The following links are sample resumes from successful applicants in prior years. You do not have to follow the formatting used in these resumes, but all three are examples of well-organized, easy-to-read drafts.

Application Insights: Resume

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Overrated/Underrated Part 3

Continuing our Overrated/Underrated series, this week, we shift our focus to highlight some of the overrated approaches that we recommend applicants avoid as they craft their applications. 

November 17, 2021

Overrated/Underrated Part 2

This week, we continue our Underrated Approaches to the Application series with some additional advice.

October 21, 2021

Overrated/Underrated Part 1

The J.D. Admissions team recently came together to offer their thoughts on some underrated and overrated approaches that applicants might take towards their HLS application. We hope you’ll find some of these nuggets useful.

September 9, 2021

Real Talk: The Resume

This week’s entry in the Real Talk series covers the resume. 

August 25, 2020

Podcast Advice

Navigating law school admissions with miriam & kristi.

Miriam Ingber (Associate Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Law School) and Kristi Jobson (Assistant Dean for Admissions at Harvard Law School) provide candid, accurate, and straightforward advice about law school admissions — direct from the source. They will be joined by guest stars from other law schools to discuss application timing, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and more.

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Our Resume Workshop provides applicants with straightforward advice on how to craft their resumes with a reflective activity and guiding questions to consider.

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Law school resume tips + examples: ace your application.

yale law resume template

Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 10/25/23

Whether you already have a resume or are starting from scratch, read on to learn law school resume tips to stand out in the admissions process. 

Person handing resume to interviewer

A law school resume summarizes your achievements, qualifications, and experiences. Your resume and cover letter can tell admissions officers much about you and your law school preparedness. We’ll outline tips for your law school resume so it’s refined and ready for submission. 

Law School Resume Format 

On your law school application , it’s best to keep the format of your law school resume simple (even if you have a penchant for graphic design). You should avoid using: 

  • Distracting colors 
  • Graphics, such as “skill graphs” or progress bars 
  • Any other multimedia elements 

Your resume should be one to two pages long using a standard, legible font size. Stick to Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, or another similar font, and don’t use a size smaller than 11 points. 

What Should Go on Your Law School Resume

Woman filling out job application

Putting together a law application resume can be daunting. Applying to law school is already a big task as there are many elements to consider, like personal statements and recommendation letters. 

To help you get a leg up, it’s a good idea to look at some examples of what other law school application resumes include, as well as to pay attention to what admissions counselors have to say. 

UPenn states , “Law school admissions committees are very interested in how you spend your time and energy outside of class, so it is essential that you create a strong, accurate, and flattering portrayal of yourself on your resume.” It’s crucial to summarize your experiences and candidacy succinctly. 

That being said, you have some freedom regarding what goes on your law school resume to complement its core elements. Standard sections you should include in every law school application resume include:

Resume Section Description
Personal/Contact Information Personal and contact information includes:
Full name
Phone number and email
Full address
LSAC number
Your LinkedIn profile (optional)
Education You should include all education after high school with:
Expected/actual graduation dates and degree titles
Majors or certificates
Thesis or capstone project
Academic honors or achievements (some applicants put this in a section on its own)
Work Experience Include all employment or internships after high school, and include:
Job title
Employment dates and hours (part-time or full-time)
Detailed descriptions of your duties and tangible achievements
Extracurricular Activities/Work Experience The experiences you list here run the gamut from:
Student organization involvement (college)
Sports team/athletic participation
Volunteer work/community service projects (excluding unpaid internships)
Any other activities with a significant time commitment

Source : US News

These are the main sections that every law school application resume should have. If you haven’t done much volunteer work or participated in many activities since high school, the University of Wisconsin–Madison suggests weaving any activities into your resume’s education section. 

While these are the standard pieces that every law school resume should include, you can choose to add other sections if they’ll add something new and fresh to your application: 

  • Honors/Awards : If you have a laundry list of honors/awards, consider putting them into their own section. Otherwise, it’s okay to put them in your education section. 
  • Research : If you have one or more research-related experiences, it may be worth adding a section to your resume. This can include a capstone project or thesis that would otherwise go in your education section, significant work in a study, or publications. 
  • Skills/Interests : This section is a great way to showcase information about you that didn’t fit into your resume anywhere else. Whether you’re bilingual, an expert coder, or decorate cakes in your spare time, you can add another layer to your individuality. 

You can add whatever sections you want that best reflect your candidacy, qualities, and experiences so far. You can also rename/alter these sections as you see fit. 

Alyson Suter Alber , Associate Dean for Enrollment Planning and Strategic Initiatives at Case Western Reserve School of Law, said, “In the admissions process we are looking for experiences and activities that showcase skills an applicant will need in law school such as research, writing and analytical thinking.” 

So, highlight activities that emphasize these skills on your resume! That way, you can show admissions committees that you’re a worthy law school candidate. Take a look at some examples of law resumes down below to see how they’ve done it. 

Woman being interviewed

9 Law School Resume Tips

If you’re wondering how to improve your resume for law school, look no further than these nine expert tips. 

1. Remember the Resume’s Purpose 

The first law school resume tip is crucial to follow: remember its purpose. When you formulate a resume to find work, you may write an objective at the top expressing your goals. You don’t need to include this element in a law school application resume. 

In the words of Quinnipiac University Law , “Objectives are not necessary, and sometimes highlight your desire to do something other than attend law school.” You don’t want to take the focus off your resume’s ultimate goal: helping you get accepted to your dream law school. 

To that end, you won’t include any references either. Your recommendation letters serve as the “reference” portion of your application. 

2. Be Honest 

"honest" spelled out in felt letters

While this sounds obvious, applicants tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves when they write law school application resumes. For example, don’t stretch the time frames of your commitments to make it look like you spent more time on your activities than you did. If you’re taking a gap year before law school , don’t try and fudge the numbers. 

Remember, integrity is a quality found in great lawyers; you don’t want to potentially get caught in an inconsistency during the application process or law school interview because you wanted to make something sound more impressive. You can always add an addendum to your application to explain something unsightly on your resume. 

Also, it’s okay if you don’t have much experience with legal work. Admissions committees don’t expect you to have a mountain of experience as a law school applicant. 

3. Keep Your Writing Simple 

Your law school resume should be two pages at maximum. You need to write concisely if you have a lot of ground to cover to effectively summarize your experiences. Don’t use long, elaborate sentences or pull words from a thesaurus. 

Writing plainly includes limiting industry jargon. While admissions committee members may understand what you’re writing about, you want to write in a way that someone from any field would understand your resume. For example: 

“Aggregated with clients in order to contrive understanding and transferable knowledge and solutions for exponential economic growth.” 

This sentence is unclear and unnecessarily wordy. A better sentence would read: “Met with clients to share information to increase profits.” This sentence is much clearer, and your reader doesn’t have to do mental backflips to understand you. 

Man typing on typewriter

4. Use Bullet Points 

Bullet points underneath major experiences/subheadings communicate a lot of information in less space. You can make your points uniform and more impactful by: 

  • Writing each one as a full sentence, with or without closing punctuation 
  • Start your points with a verb in the past tense for past activities and present tense for current ones 
  • Keep your points focused on a responsibility or task that emphasizes your role/qualities 
  • Be detailed and share tangible results, how many times you performed a task, or the overall time commitment 
  • Focus on tasks/skills that are transferable or related to law school 
  • Limit bullet points under each item to three, if possible 

Ensure you watch your tenses while you write; it’s easy to slip up and use the wrong one. 

5. Don’t Omit Experiences Not Related to Law

Although you should focus on transferable skills and tasks related to law school, don’t omit any experiences that aren’t necessarily law-related. You don’t want to leave chronological gaps in your resume: that’s a red flag for admissions committees. 

UChicago Law states that your resume should absolutely not contain only legal experiences. The school states that it wants “to see all of your work experience and activities to gain a more holistic picture of you.” Avoid these gaps and be honest about your work experience. 

6. Emphasize Leadership Experiences 

Paper boats

Leadership experience and capability are what every law school seeks in applicants. If you have relevant leadership experiences in employment or activities, ensure they’re in your resume. 

7. Highlight Entries That Align With Your Mission 

You’ve likely discussed your professional and career goals in your application. Your resume can complement your other application materials and narratives. For example, if you want to teach law, don’t bury your experience as a teaching assistant or tutor. 

Think about your personal mission and which experiences have contributed to helping you get one step closer to reaching your goals. 

8. See If There Are Particular Instructions for Each School 

Some schools may or may not have law school resume instructions. You should always double-check the application requirements of the schools you want to apply to. For example, UChicago Law asks, “Please include the number of hours per week spent on each employment experience or activity.” 

While you may have thought to do this on your resume anyway, it’s important not to miss any elements schools ask for. 

9. Edit, Revise, Refine

Person writing on paper

You probably already have a resume you can work off of, but it’ll take a lot of editing and reconstructing to tailor it to your law school application. Even if you’re starting from scratch, ensure you edit your resume. 

Does everything you wrote make sense? Is your language clear and concise? Are there spelling or grammar mistakes? It’s okay if it takes a few drafts to get to the finished product. You want your law school resume to make a stellar impression, so give yourself enough time to revise and refine. 

5 Law School Resume Templates 

Sometimes, it’s helpful to look at examples of what other people have done to get inspired. Below, you’ll find some resume templates for your law school applications to help you get started. 

Law School Resume Example 1

It’s important to use strategic wording to get your point across. In the following example, the applicant reframed their extracurricular/volunteer work section to reference leadership and service. Your goal is to use the right language to accurately summarize your story in a way that reflects you best. 

Take a look at this sample law school resume provided by the University at Buffalo School of Law: 

yale law resume template

Source : University at Buffalo School of Law

Law School Resume Example 2

Although this applicant has no work experience, they’ve still put together a solid resume emphasizing their scholastic achievements and involvement in academic leadership. The experiences they’ve chosen to include demonstrate many skills relevant to studying law! 

yale law resume template

Source: UPenn

Law School Resume Example 3

Take a look at this resume from Yale Law School. This applicant was careful to focus on their work related to academics and scholastic experience. 

This is a great example of how you can pick and choose various work and volunteer activities to highlight the skills that law school admissions committees are looking for. 

yale law resume template

Source: Yale Law School

Law School Resume Example 4

Here’s an example resume from a student who was accepted into Harvard Law. This resume emphasizes relevant skills like technical writing and marketing. The inclusion of the “Presentations” and “Affiliations” sections demonstrates the applicant’s interests in a unique and relevant way. 

yale law resume template

Source: U.S. News  

Law School Resume Example

In this law application example, the applicant has focused on her accomplishments, both academic and work-related, and gives strong examples of where she demonstrated leadership skills. She also includes interesting personal information that could serve as a great conversation starter during an interview. 

yale law resume template

Source: University at Buffalo School of Law  

Download free law school resume templates below.

Law School Resume FAQs 

Do you still have questions about building or improving your law school resume? Read on to learn more! 

1.  Do Law Schools Care About Your Resume? 

Law schools like to see your real-world work experience and academic qualifications. Although your resume may not be the focal point of your application, law schools will still read it. 

2. What Skills Should I Put on My Resume for Law School? 

You can put whatever skills or interests you think the admissions committee should know about that you haven’t already discussed. Think about the things that make you unique and jot them down before you decide which points should go on your resume. 

3. Should I Put My LSAT Score or GPA on My Resume? 

It depends on what the law school asks for, but you typically don’t have to. Law schools will see your LSAT scores and GPA through your CAS report. 

4. How Long Should My Law School Resume Be? 

Your resume should be one to two pages long and shouldn’t exceed this length. 

5. What Has to Go in My Law School Resume? 

All law school resumes should include your contact/personal information, education, work experience, and activities. If you haven’t participated in many activities, you can include them in your education section instead. 

Build the Perfect Law School Resume 

Building the perfect law school resume helps admissions committees easily digest your experiences and qualifications. Using these expert law school resume tips, you can craft a stellar, attention-grabbing resume. 

yale law resume template

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Sample law school resumes from Harvard and Yale

Wondering what a legal resume is supposed to look like? Check out these examples from Harvard and Yale! The Harvard samples even have helpful annotations pointing out what works about each resume. These would be great formats to follow for a law school application.

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Legal Resumes

9 Lawyer Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Practicing law continues to be a lucrative field as individuals and corporations alike seek to navigate the increasingly complex legal system. in this guide, we’ll cover three specialties and look at templates you can base your lawyer resume on, in addition to discussing the skills and action verbs you should focus on including..

Hiring Manager for Lawyer Roles

Most laws never expire unless directly repealed, meaning that the number of laws on the books (be it at the local, state, or federal level) are becoming more numerous. To help navigate existing laws, win civil or criminal cases, and become legal citizens, people need lawyers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates that lawyers will be in steady demand through 2029, with an average growth rate of four percent every year. Being a lawyer comes with a median pay of $126,930 per year, making it a profitable career path. Lawyers operate in different spheres based on their specialty, and their associated tasks and accomplishments should change appropriately. Below, we’ll look at resume templates for general lawyers (which could be civil or criminal lawyers), corporate lawyers, and immigration lawyers. After reviewing the templates, read on to find out what skills are important to emphasize in your resume, and where they should be included, along with the action verbs that will help your resume stand out to hiring managers.

Lawyer Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Corporate Lawyer
  • Immigration Lawyer
  • Junior Lawyer
  • Employment Lawyer
  • Real Estate Lawyer

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Lawyer Resumes

Lawyer Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Legal Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 9: Lawyer Resume Example

A lawyer is a highly specialized individual who aims to solve legal problems for civilians, businesses, state and federal governments, and more. There are many specializations a lawyer can take. For example a criminal defense lawyer will defend the accused party, whereas a prosecutor will defend the party making the accusation. There are also lawyers who specialize in real estate transactions, corporate transactions, children’s rights, and more. In any case, the lawyer's job is to convince a third-party, frequently a judge and jury, that their client is in the “right”. To become a lawyer, you will first need a bachelor’s degree in law, English, or criminal justice. Then, you will need to go to law school to earn your title as a lawyer, which includes a test often referred to as the BAR exam. After passing the test, many aspiring lawyers must take on pro-bono or internship legal work to build skills and their reputation. Lawyers must have superb communication, persuasion, and negotiation skills. They also must be effective performers with the ability to speak to a large variety of audiences.

A resume for a lawyer with experience as an attorney intern, junior attorney, and trial attorney.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Lawyer resume in 2024

   earn law experience as a court intern or paralegal.

Law school typically takes 3-4 years to complete. During this time, any extra availability you have should be put toward gaining hands-on experience. You can work part-time as a paralegal, court intern, legal secretary, and more. This hands-on experience will allow you to deepen your understanding of the legal system and add value to your resume.

Earn law experience as a court intern or paralegal - Lawyer Resume

   Pick a niche and gain experience related to it

As mentioned earlier, there are several specializations a lawyer can choose from. It’s important to determine what type of law you would like to practice and gain experience in that realm. For example, if you want to be involved in real estate law, it might make sense to get some hands-on experience in real estate.

Pick a niche and gain experience related to it - Lawyer Resume

Skills you can include on your Lawyer resume

Template 2 of 9: corporate lawyer resume example.

As a corporate lawyer, you'd be dealing with complex legal matters in the business world, such as mergers and acquisitions, labor disputes, and corporate governance. With the rise in regulatory requirements and increased scrutiny on companies, many organizations are looking to expand their legal teams. Writing an effective resume for a corporate lawyer role requires showcasing your legal expertise, industry knowledge, and ability to adapt to the ever-changing legal landscape. In recent years, there's been a push for corporate lawyers to be well-versed in technology and data privacy, as well as have some understanding of international law. When crafting your resume, it's crucial to highlight your experience in these areas, along with your ability to build relationships and communicate effectively with clients and colleagues.

Corporate lawyer resume highlighting legal expertise and successful case outcomes.

Tips to help you write your Corporate Lawyer resume in 2024

   emphasize your legal specialties.

In your resume's skills or experience section, highlight the areas of corporate law you're particularly experienced in, such as M&A, securities regulation, or contract negotiations. This will help potential employers understand the unique expertise you bring to their organization.

   Showcase successful case outcomes

Corporate law is results-driven, so it's essential to illustrate your track record of success. Provide specific examples of cases you've worked on, highlighting any notable outcomes, settlements, or deals you've successfully negotiated on behalf of clients.

Skills you can include on your Corporate Lawyer resume

Template 3 of 9: corporate lawyer resume example.

Corporate lawyers work specifically within the field of corporate law, and will be expected to have knowledge of its inner workings. If you can demonstrate your background working in the legal realm in tandem with showcasing your efforts supporting specific employers, you will make a solid impression.

Corporate lawyers should reference a variety of accomplishments to show the breadth of their experience, as well as including any internal promotions they’ve received.

   Shows internal promotions in the field of corporate law

If you’re applying for a firm or legal department, hiring managers will notice if you have received internal promotions at your previous employers. Include all of your relevant promotions, particularly if they are within the legal field and show growing responsibility to highlight your loyalty and commitment to your work.

Shows internal promotions in the field of corporate law - Corporate Lawyer Resume

   Legal accomplishments encompass a variety of fields

As a corporate lawyer, you may be delving into a wide variety of situations, whether that's IP, company disputes or employer law. Therefore, it helps to reference the different fields you’ve been involved in as a lawyer, such as labor disputes, financial disputes, or mergers and acquisitions. If the job listing you’re applying for hints at specific types of work, include your background with it.

Legal accomplishments encompass a variety of fields - Corporate Lawyer Resume

Template 4 of 9: Immigration Lawyer Resume Example

While general lawyers and corporate lawyers will dabble in government law, immigration lawyers will be steeped in it as they work to understand the current legal policies established by the federal government for citizenship.

Lawyers should list their technical skills separately to indicate their organizational ability and use strong action verbs to indicate their capabilities.

Tips to help you write your Immigration Lawyer resume in 2024

   technical skills are listed separately.

For lawyers who are involved in immigration policy and handling a large number of cases, being organized is helpful. You can draw attention to your ability to organize, collect, and reference case data by listing your technical skills and familiar tools (such as Case Management Software) separately from your other skills.

Technical skills are listed separately - Immigration Lawyer Resume

   Action verbs emphasize expertise with legal field

Every bullet point should begin with a strong action verb that indicates to hiring managers that you have experience in this field. By hammering in that you have “provided legal support”, “prepared and filed petitions”, or “performed X risk assessments”, you are painting a picture of your background in this field.

Action verbs emphasize expertise with legal field - Immigration Lawyer Resume

Skills you can include on your Immigration Lawyer resume

Template 5 of 9: junior lawyer resume example.

Otherwise called a junior associate, a junior lawyer is a new lawyer who most likely just graduated from law school. In this position, you will assist more senior lawyers by doing research, drafting legal documents, and performing administrative tasks where needed. This position has a huge workload and you will most likely be expected to work outside of normal business hours. Your resume should indicate what tasks and functions you can perform, and should list your qualifications. Take a look at this strong resume sample.

A junior lawyer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s certifications and range of skills.

Tips to help you write your Junior Lawyer resume in 2024

   list law certifications..

Everyone applying for this position will have completed law school and passed the bar. If you want to stand out from the crowd, go the extra mile and gain certifications in specific areas of law. It will indicate your drive and extra expertise. This applicant has 2 impressive certifications.

List law certifications. - Junior Lawyer Resume

   Show a range of completed tasks in the experience section.

It's important to show recruiters that you can do almost any legal task needed in a law firm. This is especially important for this position as you will be given multiple varying tasks every day. So mention your experience writing legal documents, negotiating contracts, and doing effective research.

Show a range of completed tasks in the experience section. - Junior Lawyer Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Lawyer resume

Template 6 of 9: employment lawyer resume example.

As the name suggests, employment lawyers deal with all legal matters pertaining to employment. Some tasks you can expect include drafting contracts, negotiating on behalf of a client, and representing clients in court in employment cases. You need to be an expert in employment law, especially in the state or country that you want to practice in. Ensure you include any qualification that proves your expertise in your resume. Recruiters will also want to see a long history in employment law so focus your resume on that area of the law. Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample.

An employment lawyer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s employment law specialization.

Tips to help you write your Employment Lawyer resume in 2024

   include all industry standard tools..

Ensure that your skills section includes all the industry standard tools used to perform legal tasks like case research, legal document writing, and electronic signing. Make sure you periodically update this section of your resume as new tools are developed and become industry standards.

Include all industry standard tools. - Employment Lawyer Resume

   Use employment law keywords to bypass ATS filters.

Many recruiters use ATS filters to narrow in on the most promising resumes. Ensure yours is among that group by including employment law keywords that will help your bypass the filters. These keywords could include ‘labor’, ‘employment lawyer’, and ‘contract’.

Use employment law keywords to bypass ATS filters. - Employment Lawyer Resume

Skills you can include on your Employment Lawyer resume

Template 7 of 9: real estate lawyer resume example.

Real estate lawyers assist their clients with the legal aspect of real estate transactions or anything else related to real estate law. Tasks you can expect include preparing real estate legal documents like leases, scrutinizing real estate legal documents, negotiating terms of a real estate transaction, assisting in the transfer of real estate titles where necessary, etc. You must be an expert in real estate and property law in the state or country you are practicing in. You also need to show that you are a qualified lawyer who has gone to law school and passed the bar. Use your resume to show your long history in this field of law and your achievements thus far. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

A real estate lawyer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s focused skill set and experience.

Tips to help you write your Real Estate Lawyer resume in 2024

   show a career history in real estate..

This applicant’s resume does not have a lengthy lawyer history but has a lengthy history in real estate. Because this is a specialized position it would serve you well to follow in this applicant’s footsteps and focus your experience section on any real estate-related experience you have had, regardless of if you were a lawyer or not.

   Have a focused real estate skill section.

Your skill section should be specific to the skills needed in real estate law. This is especially true for the techniques or industry knowledge sections. Relevant skills include probate, mortgages, and real estate finance.

Have a focused real estate skill section. - Real Estate Lawyer Resume

Skills you can include on your Real Estate Lawyer resume

Template 8 of 9: paralegal resume example.

In the legal field, Paralegals are the backbone, supporting attorneys by managing case files, conducting legal research, and drafting documents. The demand for this role has increased with the growing need for effective case management in this digital era. As such, your resume should demonstrate your proficiency in using legal software and ability to adapt to tech advancements. The legal job market has been shifting towards specialized areas, like immigration or intellectual property. So, decide your niche and target your resume accordingly. Paralegals are frequently client-facing, so your resume should also reflect your interpersonal and communication skills. It's not just about being a legal bookworm, you need to show your ability to work with diverse groups of people, both within and outside the legal field.

A well-structured resume for a Paralegal role emphasizing legal knowledge and tech-savviness.

Tips to help you write your Paralegal resume in 2024

   showcase your knowledge of legal terminology.

As a paralegal, you'll be exposed to a wide range of legal jargon. Show you're comfortable with this language by using appropriate terminology in your resume. It not only confirms your industry knowledge, but shows you can communicate effectively with attorneys and clients.

Showcase your knowledge of legal terminology - Paralegal Resume

   Highlight tech-savviness and case management skills

Today's paralegal needs to be tech-savvy. Include any legal software or case management systems you’re familiar with. Show how you’ve used technology to automate routine tasks, manage case files or do legal research. It’s all about showing your ability to streamline processes and increase efficiency.

Highlight tech-savviness and case management skills - Paralegal Resume

Skills you can include on your Paralegal resume

Template 9 of 9: paralegal resume example.

As a paralegal, your role is diverse and can often see you acting as the right hand to your attorney. Your resume should reflect your ability to conduct legal research, draft legal documents, and manage large amounts of data. The legal industry in recent years has seen a shift towards utilizing technology for data management and research, so showcasing your technical skills and familiarity with legal software will give you an edge. Keep in mind that legal firms often focus on different areas of law, so tailoring your resume to highlight your experience in the specific area of practice the law firm specializes in can be beneficial.

An example of a paralegal resume showcasing specialized legal skills and technical proficiency.

   Emphasize specialized legal skills

As a paralegal, you'll need to have knowledge specific to the field of law you're working in. For instance, if you're applying for a role in a firm specializing in corporate law, you should demonstrate familiarity with corporate filings, M&A transactions, and shareholder meetings.

Emphasize specialized legal skills - Paralegal Resume

   Showcase your technical proficiency

Many law firms now use specialized software for data management and legal research. Marking your experience with these programs on your resume can give you an advantage. Anything from case management software like MyCase or Clio, to research tools like Westlaw or LexisNexis can be advantageous.

Showcase your technical proficiency - Paralegal Resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited lawyers at top law firms like Kirkland & Ellis, Skadden, and Cravath, I have seen countless resumes over the years. The best lawyer resumes stand out by highlighting relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments in a clear and concise manner. Here are some tips to help you create a strong lawyer resume that will catch the attention of hiring managers and increase your chances of landing an interview.

   Tailor your resume to the specific position

When applying for a lawyer position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements and the law firm's practice areas. Here's what to do:

  • Highlight relevant experience and skills that match the job description
  • Emphasize your expertise in the law firm's main practice areas, such as corporate law, litigation, or intellectual property
  • Use keywords from the job posting to show that you are a good fit for the position

Avoid using a generic resume that doesn't speak to the specific job or law firm. Instead, take the time to customize your resume for each application.

   Show your impact with specific examples

When describing your work experience, don't just list your responsibilities. Instead, focus on your accomplishments and the impact you had in each role. Use specific examples to showcase your skills and expertise.

Here's an example of how to effectively highlight your impact:

  • Conducted legal research and drafted memoranda that were used in successful motions to dismiss, saving clients over $500,000 in potential damages

In contrast, here's an example of a vague and generic bullet point that doesn't convey much information:

  • Assisted with legal research and writing

Bullet Point Samples for Lawyer

   Highlight your legal writing and research skills

Strong legal writing and research skills are essential for any lawyer. Make sure to highlight your experience and proficiency in these areas on your resume. Here are some examples:

  • Drafted legal briefs, motions, and memoranda for complex commercial litigation cases
  • Conducted extensive legal research using Westlaw, Lexis, and other databases
  • Wrote articles on recent developments in intellectual property law, published in the XYZ Law Review

If you have a writing sample that showcases your legal writing skills, consider mentioning it on your resume or offering to provide it upon request.

   Include relevant coursework and academic achievements

If you are a recent law school graduate or have limited work experience, your academic background can help you stand out to potential employers. Include relevant coursework, honors, and achievements on your resume.

Here are some examples:

  • Relevant coursework: Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Finance, International Business Transactions
  • Honors: Graduated cum laude, top 10% of class
  • Achievements: Winner of the XYZ Moot Court Competition, President of the Intellectual Property Law Society

However, be selective and only include academic information that is relevant to the position you are applying for.

   Use a clear and professional format

Your resume should be easy to read and have a clear, professional format. Use a simple font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and keep the font size between 10 and 12 points. Use consistent formatting throughout your resume, such as using the same font and font size for section headings.

Here's an example of a well-formatted resume summary:

Experienced corporate lawyer with a strong background in mergers and acquisitions, securities offerings, and corporate governance. Proven track record of advising clients on complex transactions and managing legal risks. Seeking to leverage my expertise to help XYZ Law Firm's clients achieve their business objectives.

In contrast, here's an example of a poorly formatted resume summary:

Corporate lawyer with experience in m&a, securities, and corporate governance. looking for a job at a top law firm where I can use my skills to help clients.

   Highlight your pro bono and community involvement

Many law firms value candidates who are committed to giving back to their community. If you have experience with pro bono work or community involvement, make sure to include it on your resume.

  • Provided pro bono legal services to low-income clients through the XYZ Legal Aid Clinic
  • Served on the board of directors for the XYZ Nonprofit Organization
  • Volunteered as a mentor for high school students interested in pursuing a career in law

However, be sure to keep your descriptions brief and focus on the skills and experience you gained through your involvement.

Writing Your Lawyer Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name front and center.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, ideally on its own line. Use a larger font size than the rest of your resume to make it stand out.

Here's an example of how to format your name in your header:

  • John A. Smith

Avoid adding labels or designations next to your name that clutter your header, like this:

John Smith, Esq. Attorney at Law

2. Include your job title

Below your name, add your current job title or the title you are seeking. This quickly communicates your legal specialty and seniority level to employers.

Good job title examples for a lawyer resume header:

  • Corporate Attorney
  • Senior Litigation Associate

Avoid being too general or using job titles not specific to law:

  • Legal Professional
  • Business Executive

3. Add key contact details

Include your phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL in your header. You can put these details on one line, separated by vertical lines or bullet points to save space.

Example of well-formatted contact details in a lawyer resume header:

Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected] | LinkedIn:

Leave out your full mailing address, which takes up valuable real estate. Just list your city and state if you want to show you are a local candidate:

  • New York, NY
  • Los Angeles, CA


As a lawyer, your resume summary is an optional section that can help provide additional context about your legal experience and career goals. While not required, a well-written summary can be particularly useful if you're changing practice areas or have a diverse background that may not be immediately apparent from the rest of your resume. However, avoid using an objective statement, as it tends to focus on what you want rather than what you can offer an employer.

When crafting your summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments as they relate to the specific legal role you're targeting. Be sure to avoid repeating information that's already covered in other sections of your resume. Instead, use this space to provide a high-level overview of your qualifications and the unique value you bring to the table.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Lawyer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Lawyer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Lawyer Resume Summary Examples , or Lawyer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the specific legal role

When writing your resume summary, it's essential to tailor it to the specific legal position you're applying for. This means highlighting the skills, experience, and accomplishments that are most relevant to that particular role.

For example, if you're applying for a position as a corporate lawyer, your summary might look something like this:

Experienced corporate attorney with a strong background in mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiation, and securities law. Proven track record of successfully guiding clients through complex transactions and providing strategic legal advice to executive leadership teams. Skilled in building and managing cross-functional teams to achieve business objectives while minimizing legal risk.

On the other hand, if you're applying for a position as a criminal defense attorney, your summary should focus on your experience in that specific area of law:

Corporate attorney with experience in contract law and intellectual property seeking to transition into criminal defense. Strong negotiator and communicator with a passion for justice.

2. Highlight your most impressive accomplishments

Your resume summary is the perfect place to showcase your most impressive accomplishments as a lawyer. Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, focus on the results you achieved and the impact you made.

  • Managed a caseload of 50+ clients and provided legal advice on a variety of matters
  • Conducted legal research and drafted memoranda on complex legal issues

While these responsibilities are important, they don't really set you apart from other candidates. Instead, try highlighting specific accomplishments that demonstrate your skills and expertise:

  • Secured a $2.5 million settlement for a client in a high-profile product liability case
  • Developed and implemented a new contract management system that reduced legal risks and improved efficiency by 30%

By focusing on your accomplishments, you'll give potential employers a better sense of the value you can bring to their organization and help your resume stand out from the competition.


The work experience section is the core of your lawyer resume. It's where you highlight your professional achievements, legal skills, and career progression. Hiring managers and recruiters look to this section to determine if you have the right background for the role.

In this section, we'll cover what to focus on in your work experience section, and share examples of how to make your background stand out.

1. Highlight your specialization and legal expertise

Lawyers often specialize in a particular area of law, such as corporate law, intellectual property, litigation, etc. Highlight your specialization in your work experience bullets. Show the specific types of cases, transactions, or legal matters you've worked on.

Compare these examples:

  • Worked on various legal matters and supported partners
  • Conducted legal research and drafted memos

Instead, be specific:

  • Represented clients in 50+ trademark infringement cases before the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
  • Advised 10+ early-stage startups on entity formation, seed financing, and regulatory compliance

2. Quantify your impact and results

Law firms and employers value lawyers who can drive positive outcomes. Use numbers to highlight your impact, such as the number of cases you've handled, size of deals you've closed, or clients you've represented.

  • Won jury verdict of $1.5M in breach of contract trial for manufacturing client
  • Led M&A deal team in $500M cross-border acquisition of automotive parts supplier
  • Obtained dismissal of 15+ product liability cases for consumer goods company, saving $10M+ in potential exposure

Numbers jump out to hiring managers and make your accomplishments more tangible.

3. Showcase your progression and leadership

Highlight your career progression and leadership skills. If you've been promoted, taken on managerial responsibilities, or led projects/teams, make sure to call that out.

Associate Attorney, Smith & Jones LLP [2018-2022] Summer Associate [2017] - Promoted to 2nd year associate in 2019 and 3rd year in 2021 - Managed summer associate program in 2020, overseeing work allocation and mentoring for class of 8 summer associates - Supervised paralegals and support staff in litigation matters

This example shows steady progression and increasing responsibility over time. It also demonstrates leadership and management abilities.

If you don't have formal promotions, you can still show progression in other ways - e.g. taking on more complex matters, expanding your skillset, or managing projects.

4. Tailor your bullets to the job description

Customize your work experience to the specific role you're targeting. If you're applying for a litigation role, focus more on your litigation experience. If it's a corporate role, highlight your transactional work.

One way to tailor your experience is to use similar language as the job description. For example, if it mentions 'eDiscovery', discuss your experience with document review platforms:

  • Managed eDiscovery process for 10+ complex commercial cases using Relativity and Concordance

But be careful not to copy the job description verbatim. Only include skills and experience you actually have.


Your education section is a critical component of your lawyer resume. It's where you showcase your academic achievements and qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the role. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing your education section:

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree and work backwards. For each degree, include the name of the institution, the degree earned, and the year of graduation.

Here's an example of how to list your degrees:

Juris Doctor (J.D.), Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 2018 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2015

2. Highlight relevant coursework and academic achievements

If you're a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can bolster your education section by listing relevant coursework, honors, and awards. This can demonstrate your expertise and passion for the legal field.

However, avoid listing every course you've taken. Instead, focus on those that are most closely related to the specific area of law you're pursuing. For example:

  • Relevant Coursework: Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure, Legal Writing
  • Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Dean's List (8 semesters)

3. Include your law school GPA if it's strong

Your law school GPA can be a selling point if it's high (3.5 or above). However, if it's lower than that, it's best to leave it off your resume. You don't want to draw attention to a potential weakness.

Here's an example of how to include your GPA:

Juris Doctor (J.D.), Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 2018 GPA: 3.8/4.0

4. Keep it concise if you're a senior-level lawyer

If you have many years of experience as a lawyer, your education section should be brief. Employers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments than your academic background.

Here's an example of what not to do:

Juris Doctor (J.D.), Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT Relevant Coursework: Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure, Legal Writing Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Dean's List (8 semesters)

Instead, keep it short and sweet:

J.D., Harvard Law School B.A., Political Science, Yale University

Action Verbs For Lawyer Resumes

As a lawyer, you can convey your experience in the field by starting every accomplishment with a strong action verb that affirms your relevant background. While there will be other skills that are personally applicable for you, you should aim to work in the relevant skills from the ones we’ve listed above as it will help elevate your resume both in the automatic rankings and in the eyes of the hiring manager. Outside of your bullet points, you can work these action verbs into a short summary at the top of your resume if you wish to include one.

Action Verbs for Lawyer

  • Represented
  • Coordinated
  • Interviewed

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Lawyer Resumes

Skills for lawyer resumes.

Lawyers of all specialities are engaged in similar work to some degree, as lawyers manage client and case logs. To get your resume past automatic screening tools and make it eye-catching to hiring managers, you should aim to work in the skills we’ve listed at the left. As in the resumes we reviewed, you should be including these skills in each of your bullet points whenever possible (even for positions not related to working in the field of law). This will help hiring managers see that your accomplishments are relevant to the position. Additionally, you can opt to include a skills bank on the side or the bottom of your resume. This serves as an efficient indicator for hiring managers who are scanning resumes that you know what the work entails and can handle it. Lastly, you could start your resume with a short summary statement that integrates the relevant skills you’ve practiced as a lawyer to give a good first impression.

  • Legal Advice
  • Corporate Law
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Legal Writing
  • Legal Research
  • Intellectual Property
  • Joint Ventures
  • Corporate Governance
  • Contract Law
  • Commercial Contracts
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Privacy Law
  • Civil Litigation
  • Data Privacy
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
  • International Law
  • Document Drafting
  • Entertainment Law
  • Due Diligence

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Lawyer Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Lawyer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Lawyer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Lawyer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other legal resumes.

A professionally structured resume for an experienced attorney position.

Legal Assistant

Entry-level legal assistant resume example

  • Attorney Resume Guide

Lawyer Resume Guide

  • Legal Assistant Resume Guide
  • Policy Analyst Resume Guide
  • Compliance Resume Guide
  • Underwriter Resume Guide
  • Regulatory Affairs Resume Guide
  • Contract Specialist Resume Guide
  • Public Policy Resume Guide
  • Lawyer Resume Example
  • Corporate Lawyer Resume Example
  • Immigration Lawyer Resume Example
  • Junior Lawyer Resume Example
  • Employment Lawyer Resume Example
  • Real Estate Lawyer Resume Example
  • Paralegal Resume Example
  • Tips for Lawyer Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Lawyer CV Examples
  • Lawyer Cover Letter
  • Lawyer Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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9 Attorney Resume Examples That Got the Job in 2024

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Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

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Attorney Resume

  • Attorney Resumes by Experience
  • Attorney Resumes by Role

Attorney Resume FAQs

As a successful attorney in 2024, you are a stellar researcher, writer, investigator, and client confidante.

But when it comes time to  write your resume , how are you supposed to fit everything you do into one page? You also have to consider formatting, metrics, and whether to add any optional sections.

We’re here to help you handle your resume and  attorney cover letter  so you can do what you do best: practice law.

Our nine attorney resumes have helped lawyers of different specialties land jobs at top-tier law firms , so they’re perfect for beginning your resume-writing journey. We also have tips and tricks for each resume type to help you rise above the competition and get the attorney job you’ve always dreamed about in 2024.

or download as PDF

Attorney resume example with 12 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • To make your resume aesthetically pleasing (and easy to read) for hiring managers, use a  resume template  with two font types, separate each section with big headers, and include a splash of color.
  • Hiring managers need to see your qualifications quickly, so if you have extra certifications or licenses, include them in a separate section to make them more pronounced.

Entry-Level Attorney Resume

Entry-level attorney resume example with 3 years of experience

  • You can list projects, internships, and any other work experience you have, even if it’s not related to law.
  • Feel free to add relevant courses from your law school to highlight your skills even further!
  • As a rule of thumb, you must customize your objective for each job to which you apply.
  • If you’re going to use the same objective for each application, leave it off entirely and focus on work experience or projects.

Associate Attorney Resume

Associate attorney resume example with 8 years of experience

  • This allows you to include at least four bullet points per entry, which is just enough to learn about your accomplishments without overwhelming the reader.
  • Always  check your resume  for typos, grammar errors, and other mistakes before you submit it.

Senior Attorney Resume

Senior attorney resume example with 15 years of experience

  • Good skills to include on your senior attorney resume are “contract review,” “ethics,” and any specific areas of law you have experience researching.
  • Whatever you choose, double-check the job description to ensure you’re providing the correct information. 

Trademark Attorney Resume

Trademark attorney resume example with 13 years of experience

  • If you’ve never worked as a trademark attorney before, highlight your transferable skills. For example, have you advised clients on how to navigate prospective new legislation? Trademark law is always changing, so  knowing how to research recent litigation is a highly useful skill .
  • Use similar keywords and responsibilities to reassure your future employer that you’re fit for the job.

Litigation Attorney Resume

Litigation attorney resume example with 4+ years of associate attorney experience

  • Don’t downplay your paralegal experience on your litigation attorney resume. It adds a degree of proficiency to your practice.

Real Estate Attorney Resume

Real estate attorney resume example with 4+ years of experience

  • Devote valuable resume space to both your Bar admissions and certifications to demonstrate excellence in your field.

Contract Attorney Resume

Contract attorney resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Tailor your  resume skills  section and work experience by including keywords mentioned in the job ad. Include just enough to show your expertise without copying everything word-for-word. Most of all, be honest about the skills you possess.
  • Make sure that you list the specific types of contracts you have negotiated and managed, too!
  • No matter what content you include, always  check your resume  for errors, including typos, grammatical faux pas, punctuation mistakes, and inconsistencies. Don’t let a few minor issues cost you the job!

Civil Litigation Attorney Resume

Civil litigation attorney resume example with 11 years of experience

  • All jokes aside, you can also include metrics related to things other than money. How many cases did you handle? How many clients did you meet? How many contracts or drafts did you review?  Odds are, most of your responsibilities involve numbers !
  • Use bullet points and action verbs to cut filler, and avoid using adjectives or adverbs that take up space. 
  • Symbols can also help: a $ instead of “dollars” and + instead of “more than” is both simple and effective!

Related resume guides

  • Legal Assistant
  • Investigator
  • Cyber Security
  • Security Officer

Woman holds letters "F-A-Q" in hands to ask about writing resumes, cover letters, & job materials

As an attorney, employers expect you’ll have passed the bar, and depending on the specific type of legal work you’re interested in, you may need more specialized certifications, such as the Certified International Trade Law Specialist or Board Certification in Criminal Law. While hiring personnel will likely request photocopies of your licenses and certifications, you should still list these on your attorney resume since it’s a quick assurance that you’re qualified for the specific role.  

List your highest education first. Start with law school and work your way down to your undergraduate degree (exclude high school). In the education section of your resume, you should list the name of the school along with the location, degree, and when you completed the degree. If you’re recently out of school, consider adding short bullet points that point to academic accomplishments, especially as it relates to legal work. 

No doubt, you’re used to pages of legalese and it’s no sweat for you to make sense of it; however, for your attorney resume, keep it to one page. This is your opportunity to quickly advertise your best law qualifications and accomplishments. Going into detail is best reserved for writing a great cover letter .  

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Law Enforcement Recruitment & Resume Workshop Event July 18, 2024

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The U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) needs you for entry-level openings as a Border Patrol Agent, providing security for our nation’s borders from those who threaten legitimate trade and travel, safety from harmful substances like fentanyl, and humanitarian aid to those in need.   Learn from an insider’s viewpoint about the challenges and rewards on Wednesday, July 3 at 1 PM ET in a live webinar presentation by USBP Agents. Federal civil service is a great place to start building a career in law enforcement–join the call and learn about the qualifications you’ll need to get your career started.   Click on the Apply button on this site to register for the event through the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Talent Network. Complete the short form and select Border Patrol Agent from the Positions of Interest dropdown menu. You’ll receive the webinar link approximately two days prior to the event.    ***EARN UP TO $30,000 IN RECRUITMENT INCENTIVES for newly appointed Border Patrol Agents. Conditions apply. Attend the webinar or visit our website for details:   Not interested in law enforcement? There are many other great career opportunities at CBP. Go ahead and register for this webinar and select one of the many other career opportunities so CBP can stay in touch with news of future career events and position openings. 

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At home, abroad, working, interning?  Wherever you are this summer, contact OCS or make an appointment for a virtual advising session. We are available all summer! 

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Cover Letters & Correspondence

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  • Sample Cover Letters & Correspondence

One of the most common forms of professional correspondence is the cover letter, often requested with your resume when you apply for a position. This page provides guidance on writing a cover letter and introduces other important forms of correspondence.

OCS has numerous  cover letters and correspondence samples  that can be downloaded and personalized. Choose the one right for your area of interest!

Visitors to this website should refer to our  terms of use policy .

yale law resume template

The Cover Letter: Format & Content

  • What is the employer looking for in a candidate?
  • What skills/attributes do you have that match the skills/attributes that an employer wants?
  • Why do you want to work for them?
  • Why this position?

yale law resume template

Cover Letter Framework

Opening Paragraph : Introduce yourself. Who are you (e.g. rising senior at Yale studying Anthropology)? For what internship/job are you applying? Why do you want to work for that employer (e.g. draw a connection between who you are and why you are a good fit with this employer)? End your introduction with a short ‘thesis statement’ that highlights the 2-3 related skills that will enable you to contribute to this position (e.g. My experience conducting statistical analysis combined with my ability to take an initiative make me a strong fit for this position). Middle Paragraph(s) : Start each supporting paragraph with a topic sentence that highlights one of the 2-3 skills you have that relates to the position for which you are applying; use the rest of the paragraph to showcase examples of that skill. Where possible, show how that skill will help you accomplish what is required for the position. Do not simply restate your resume; use the cover letter to expand on your resume and help your prospective employer make sense of your skills. Concluding Paragraph : Summarize your qualifications and reiterate your interest in the employer. Invite them to speak with you further regarding how your qualifications align with their mission and purpose.


Frequently Asked Correspondence Questions

  • How should I address the letter if I don’t have a contact name at the organization? Try to address a correspondence to a specific person rather than “To Whom It May Concern.” If you do not have a name,  check out the OCS Employer Directory within the Yale Career Link to see if OCS has a contact name. Be sure you have the person’s full name, correct spelling of their name, and current title. If you cannot find a name, consider using “Dear Hiring Manager”.
  • How should I address the letter if I’m not sure of the recipient’s gender? Start each letter with a salutation (i.e., Dear Ms. Employer:). If you are unsure about the recipient’s gender, type out the full time (i.e., Dear Pat Pollen:).
  • How much of my contact information should I include? Previous etiquette suggested that cover letters include your return address,  telephone number, e-mail address, the date, and the full name, title and address of the recipient. Given the shift towards electronic application materials instead of paper materials submitted through the post, current recommendations are to  include your email address, phone number, and LinkedIn URL if you have one (consider using the same header from your resume on the top of your cover letter), the date, and no contact information for the recipient.
  • How long should the letter be? In general, your letter should contain no more than three to four paragraphs, with double space between paragraphs. The introductory and concluding paragraphs should be between one and three sentences, and the body paragraphs should be between three and five sentences. Vary the sentence length and structure throughout your letter to ensure a smoother flow.
  • How should I close the letter? Close your letter with Sincerely, Yours truly, or Best regards, followed by your name. If you are submitting a hard copy, use resume-quality paper, and sign each letter individually (leave four returned blank lines before your typed name). Make sure the letter looks professional. Align all of your information to the left margin, and use a clear, easy to read font, such as Arial or Times New Roman.

Yale Journalism Initiative

Other Types of Professional Correspondence

  • Acceptance Letter: Written to accept a job offer and confirm the terms of employment.
  • Withdrawal Letter: Graciously informs an employer that you are withdrawing from further consideration.
  • Informational Interviewing/Networking Letter: Attempts to expand your network and gain insight into a specific job function, industry, or company.
  • Thank You Letter: Expresses appreciation to those who helped with your job search. After an interview, it is an opportunity to reinforce your interest or expand on something that you said during the interview.
  • Statement of Purpose: If requested, a well-written statement will articulate your intent for applying, future aspirations, and learning objectives; it will also showcase your personality through its writing style.

Career Videos

Professional correspondence, cover letters, contact & location.

55 Whitney Avenue, 3rd Fl. New Haven, CT 06510


Academic Year Summer Hours
M Monday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
T Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
W Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
TH Thursday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
F Friday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm

The office is closed weekends, holidays, and recess days .

Office of Career Strategy

Visiting yale.


  1. 48++ Law school resume template That You Should Know

    yale law resume template

  2. Resume Templates Yale

    yale law resume template

  3. Law School Application Resume Template (20+ Examples)

    yale law resume template

  4. Sample Resume Yale Law

    yale law resume template

  5. 13 Amazing Law Resume Examples

    yale law resume template

  6. 12 Law School Resume Tips + Example

    yale law resume template


  1. wazzup wazzup

  2. Gravimetría en Química Analítica

  3. L'agence Dystopie, shortlistée du brief libre de la 2e édition de Com' for Climate

  4. Yale Montage

  5. Commencement 2023

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  1. Resume Advice & Samples

    When making decisions about what to include, consider recency and relevancy to the job for which you are applying. Be prepared to discuss everything on your resume in an interview. Be scrupulously honest. Exaggerations or misrepresentation will damage your reputation and professional relationships. Make your resume visually clean and clear.

  2. Free Resources for Applicants

    Here are two sample resumes you might use as a model that offer commentary and advice. Sample Resume 1; Sample Resume 2; University of Chicago resume guide; 7Sage, "Key Principles of a Law School Resume" Recommenders. Law schools usually ask for two or three recommenders. Usually, law schools ask for minimum two recommenders, but you can ...


    SAMPLE LL.M. RESUME #3 AKISA NONOYAMA 231 Edwards Street, #4 New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 555-1212 [email protected] ... Activities: Yale Law and Technology Society Relevant Courses: Intellectual Property, International Business Transactions HITOTSUBASHI UNIVERSITY, Tokyo, Japan LL.B., March 20XX Area of Study: Corporate Law Honors: Ranked ...

  4. Yale College: Resume Templates

    Utilize these OCS Resume Templates to create your draft resume. To help you fill in your template, utilize OCS's resume formatting and common errors resource. Yale College (YC): Resume 1; YC: Resume 2 (with Summary section) YC: Technical Resume ; YC: Common Good Career Resume ; YC: Creative Career Resume ; YC Recent Alum: General Resume

  5. PDF Yale Law School 2023-2024 JD Sample Application Materials

    Yale Law School 2023-2024 JD Sample Application Materials

  6. Resumes

    OCS's resources to create a draft resume: Once you have a draft, schedule an appointment to meet with a "Quick Question" Advisor for a 15-minute virtual resume review (select Advising Type: Quick Questions) or meet with a Career Advisor for a 30-minute virtual or in-person review. After you have received feedback from OCS, run your resume ...

  7. Application Toolkit: Resume

    Instructions. We require a resume as part of the application. Please limit your resume to 1 - 2 pages in length. The following links are sample resumes from successful applicants in prior years. You do not have to follow the formatting used in these resumes, but all three are examples of well-organized, easy-to-read drafts.


    The following is a real resume of a Yale employee. The first resume shown is the "before" version. The second resume shown is the "after" version, with suggestions incorporated from this guide and from a one-‐on-‐one career coaching session. Sample R e sume - B E F O R E.

  9. Resumes

    The Office of Career Strategy works with students and alums of Yale College and Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as well as Yale postdoctoral scholars from all disciplines. The Office of Career Strategy advisors help students, alums, and postdocs to clarify career aspirations, identify opportunities, and offer support at every stage of ...

  10. Law School Application Resume Template (20+ Examples)

    7. Affiliations. There are two ways in which you can present your professional and academic affiliations on a law school resume: Option 1: List affiliations In your education section. The danger is that adding too much detail might make the section look too long. And if there's too much information—.

  11. Resume Advice

    Employers consider your resume to be an example of your work product. As such, it must be concise, accurate, error-free, well organized, clear, easy to read, and visually pleasing. Keep in mind that all information on your resume is fair game for employers to question during your interviews. Before sitting down to revise your resume, reflect on ...

  12. Law School Resume Tips + Examples: Ace Your Application!

    Law School Resume Example 3. Take a look at this resume from Yale Law School. This applicant was careful to focus on their work related to academics and scholastic experience. This is a great example of how you can pick and choose various work and volunteer activities to highlight the skills that law school admissions committees are looking for.

  13. A Law School Application Resume That Made the Cut

    A Law School Application Resume That Made the Cut. This sample J.D. application resume from a Harvard Law School alum highlights his public service. Experts say that a law school resume ought to ...

  14. Sample law school resumes from Harvard and Yale : r ...

    Sample law school resumes from Harvard and Yale . Application Process Wondering what a legal resume is supposed to look like? Check out these examples from Harvard and Yale! The Harvard samples even have helpful annotations pointing out what works about each resume. These would be great formats to follow for a law school application.

  15. 9 Lawyer Resume Examples for 2024

    Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample. Buy Template (Word + Google Docs) Download in PDF . Screenshot Text Version Tips to help you write your Employment Lawyer resume in 2024 ... J.D., Harvard Law School. B.A., Political Science, Yale University. Consider removing the graduation years if you're concerned about age discrimination.


    (203) 865-8000 [email protected] Permanent Address: 40 West 72nd Street New York, NY 10023 (212) 555-1212 [email protected] EDUCATION YALE LAW SCHOOL, New Haven, Connecticut Candidate for J.D., June 20XX Activities: Yale Journal of International Law Black Law Students' Association BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, Rhode Island

  17. Resume Formatting and Common Errors

    Resume Formatting: Layout and Design. Font size between 10-12 points. Standard, easy-to-read font (e.g. Times New Roman, Helvetica, Garamond) and layout. Margins no smaller than 0.5inch. Resumé to fit on one page. Resumes can be 1-2 pages for Master's students, and 2-3 pages maximum for PhDs and postdocs.

  18. 7 Law School Resume Examples Winning The Job In 2024

    Build a resume with one of our eye-catching, recruiter-friendly templates. • Work in real-time with immediate feedback and tips from our AI-powered experience. • Leverage thousands of pre-written, job-specific bullet points. • Edit your resume in-line like a Google Doc or let us walk you through each section at a time.

  19. 9 Attorney Resume Examples That Got the Job in 2024

    There's plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design. Resume Builder. ... practice law. Our nine attorney resumes have helped lawyers of different specialties land jobs at top-tier law firms, so they're perfect for beginning your resume-writing journey. We ...


    Dean Nell Jessup Newton University of Connecticut School of Law 66 Elizabeth Street Hartford, CT 06105 860-333-3333 [email protected]. Professor Peter Brooks Departments of Comparative Literature and French Yale University P.O. Box 208299 New Haven, CT 06520 434-555-5555 [email protected].

  21. Law Enforcement Recruitment & Resume Workshop Event July 18, 2024

    Learn from an insider's viewpoint about the challenges and rewards on Wednesday, July 3 at 1 PM ET in a live webinar presentation by USBP Agents. Federal civil service is a great place to start building a career in law enforcement-join the call and learn about the qualifications you'll need to get your career started.

  22. DOCX Yale Law School

    PK !°: Íâ ¹ [Content_Types].xml ¢ ( Ì—]oÓ0 †ï'ö "ßN Û Û@MwÁÇ%L¢"¸uí"ÖÂ_²O·õßã$m„ , /˜›J­ÏyŸ'väÚó›G­Š{ðAZS'Y9% n ...

  23. Cover Letters & Correspondence

    The cover letter is your introduction to a prospective employer that outlines your interest in the position and expresses why you are qualified. While your resume lists your relevant experiences, skills, and accomplishments, the cover letter makes an explicit connection between your most relevant skills and the position.