Personal Essay and Short Answer Prompts

Personal essay prompts.

To help us get to know you in the application review process, you are required to submit a personal essay. For insight and advice about how to approach writing your personal essay, see our Expert Advice page. 

  • Common Application first-year essay prompts
  • Common App transfer essay prompt: Please provide a personal essay that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.
  • Coalition, powered by Scoir first-year and transfer essay prompts

Short Answer Question

For both first-year and transfer applicants, we ask you to complete a short answer essay (approximately 250 words) based on one of two prompts. 

  • Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?
  • Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.


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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 5 tips for writing a stellar vanderbilt supplement essay.

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College Essays


Vanderbilt is one of the United States' highest-ranked colleges. With an acceptance rate of just 7 percent, it's ranked as extremely competitive . It's no surprise—Vanderbilt is known for having a wealth of appealing programs, including its school of medicine, the Peabody College of Education and Human Development, and Blair School of Music.

Because it's extremely competitive, you'll need to set yourself apart as a prospective student . That doesn't mean just your grades and impressive extracurriculars; it also means writing a killer essay to go along with your application.

In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about Vanderbilt's supplemental essay, including some ideal topics, some pitfalls to avoid, and even some analysis of past Vanderbilt essays that have worked.

Feature Image: Dansan4444 /Wikimedia Commons

The Vanderbilt Supplement Basics

Vanderbilt's application is fairly straightforward. They accept multiple application formats, including both the Common and Coalition Applications, as well as Questbridge.

What application you use is up to you. There are many reasons to choose one or the other , but regardless of which application you pick, you'll still be writing just one supplemental essay prompt from Vanderbilt. Choose whichever application works best for you.

In addition to the essays required for your Common, Coalition, or Questbridge Application, Vanderbilt requires one supplemental essay. There are two promp ts to choose from; you’ll select one to respond to in a short answer essay of no more than 250 words.

However, having just one supplemental essay means that you'll need to put a lot of attention into making your essay as good as it can be. You only have one chance to prove yourself in your essay, so make it count!


What Are the Vanderbilt Supplement Essay Prompts?

Vanderbilt has two prompts for their supplemental essay. You’ll be asked to select one and respond to it in 250 words or less . The prompts are as follows: 

Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you? Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.

Each prompt asks you to describe and reflect on a different aspect of your experiences and values, so we’ll break down how to answer them individually.

Supplemental Prompt #1: Diversity

Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?

In this prompt, Vanderbilt is asking you to describe how you interact with and learn from people who are different from yourself . College campuses are diverse communities filled with people of different races, ethnicities, nationalities, and religious and political beliefs. This essay is your chance to show Vanderbilt that you’re the kind of student who’s open to learning from and with people from many different backgrounds–and that you’ll be kind and compassionate in the process. 

To answer this question, think of a specific conversation (or series of conversations) you’ve had with a person or group who expressed views that are different from your own. You’ll want to tell a compelling story about the experience, so try to remember details like how the conversation started, why the people involved felt invested in the conversation, what the outcome was, and, most importantly, how you were influenced by the conversation. 

Rather than giving a play-by-play, “they said/I said” of the conversation, focus on describing how you and the other people involved expressed yourselves and treated each other . Did you have a shouting match in the hallway at school, then apologize later because you realized that yelling isn’t a good way to express your views? Did you have a heartfelt, tearful conversation wherein you finally came to understand someone you’ve been at odds with for years? And most important of all, how did you come to these realizations, and how have they affected who you are and how you treat people who are different from you today? 

Remember to keep your essay focused on the people involved in the conversation , how you treated each other, and how you were affected by the interaction . This essay isn’t the place to harp on how you were right and you totally owned your opponent with your awesome debate skills. Instead, Vanderbilt wants to see that you can engage civilly and empathetically with people who are different from you –and that you’re open to learning new things from others. After all, learning and growing with people from different backgrounds is a key part of the college experience. 

Supplemental Prompt #2: Extracurricular Activities

Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.

The question is straightforward—Vanderbilt is asking you to discuss one of your extracurriculars in depth. This doesn't just demonstrate to the admissions office that you're dedicated to your interest, but also that you have passions outside of school. Vanderbilt wants to know that you'll bring something besides academics to campus, and this is the space to tell them about it.

Keep in mind that Vanderbilt isn't looking for a list of activities or just a short discussion of one of your extracurriculars. They specifically ask for one, but you have 250 words to cover—which means you should spend some time unpacking not just the activity itself, but why you do it and why it matters to you. Be thoughtful; really think about your activities and why you do them beyond that they look good on your college application.

Don't just pick the extracurricular activity that you think Vanderbilt would want to hear about. If you're a champion Mathlete but you really feel fulfilled when you're making short films with your friends over the weekend, you should be writing about the short films. If your short film was played at a local film festival but you find more meaning in the time you spend knitting, write about knitting!

It's not about being impressive here. Plenty of other applicants will be discussing their charity work or science team victories. Use this space to discuss yourself, and why the things you do matter to you. If the most impressive thing in your repertoire and the thing that's most personally meaningful line up, great! But don't feel like you can only write about things like academic success, leadership roles, or entrepreneurship. Write about what's meaningful to you and Vanderbilt will see your personality—which is really what they're looking for—shine through.


Vanderbilt Essays That Worked: Analysis

To give you a sense of what an effective Vanderbilt supplemental essay looks like, we tracked down an example of a successful Vanderbilt essay.

Keep in mind that this is a response to an older prompt. However, it still gives you a good idea of what admissions counselors are looking for in a thoughtful response. Consider this essay from an admitted Vanderbilt student:

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150-400 words). While all my extracurricular activities have helped me shape my values, there is one in particular I have enjoyed the most: picking tangerines from my grandmother’s orchard. Picking tangerines was often to me simply a burden. I had to wake up at six every Saturday and drive fifty miles to help my grandmother reap good tangerines. On the whole ride I would think to myself: I would rather be reading poetry and ponder upon ways to change the world. As far as I was concerned, reaping tangerines was not going to help me do so. The orchard belonged to my grandmother, who to save money had to “hire” me and my mom. There was no wage; the only working benefit was being able to taste a few fresh tangerines for free. At age thirteen, such benefit was enough. At seventeen, I was not so sure if it was. Working at the orchard usually involved scratches, itching, worms, climbing up the ladder, getting hurt, and demanding, long hours of physical labor. But as I worked through the years with tangerines, I began to recognize all the beauty my labor had. Everything in the orchard began telling their own stories. A tiny, pruned tree took pride in its small fruition, all the while a chunky tree demanded attention for its crooked children. Their offspring–tangerines–told by their taste who their trees were; some of them edgy, some of them warm, and some of them implicitly angry. Bugs would tell me which tree needs my help. No tree is without a hope. Within a few days of assistance, all the trees fought back those tiny enemies and always claimed victory. They became ever more proud, stronger, and complete. Enemies came back; but this time the trees didn’t need my help. Some tangerines would go bad–in extreme cases would give up under negligence. We grieve. But we simply carry on. We learn to proceed more carefully, and we let go. The orchard is for me a story of life–human life. It makes all the complications of our lives more simple, easier to grasp, and more available at my tongue, hands and feet. So as of right now, my Saturday is always booked for the orchard. I hope by next year this time around, however, my orchard will be at Vanderbilt.

This essay was successful--the applicant was accepted at Vanderbilt! The fact that it was successful shows you that it contains features that Vanderbilt likes to see.

The writer of this essay discusses the unconventional “education” they received while working in their grandmother’s tangerine orchard. This topic is striking because it’s an extracurricular/work experience that few other applicants have likely had. The applicant’s creative interpretation of “extracurricular activities or work experience” from the prompt makes their essay stand out from others that discuss more common experiences.

Not everybody had this same experience, but that doesn't mean that you can't use some of the same ideas in your own work. The writer draws a clear line between their experience working the orchard and the person they are now—you could do a similar thing by connecting the person you are with the activity you've chosen to write about. What have you learned about yourself because of what you do?

The writer is also able to connect what they learned through working the orchard to the kind of student they will be at Vanderbilt. By drawing an analogy between the tangerine trees and the challenges we go through in life, the applicant conveys their core values. More importantly, they write about where those values come from—something you could easily do by referencing the importance of the activity you choose.

What's most important to take away from this essay is the way that the writer connects the experience of working the orchard to the person they became. No matter what your education was or what activity you choose to write about, you can do a similar thing in your own essay!


5 Key Tips for Writing Your Vanderbilt Essay

Vanderbilt is a prestigious school, but there are some essay standards that hold true no matter where you're applying . Follow these steps to write an essay that's sure to impress!

#1: Start Writing

Starting is the step that sounds the easiest, but it's actually the hardest. No matter what you have to do to start writing, whether it's freewriting, brainstorming, or just pumping out a first draft as fast as you can, you need to do it. At this point, don't worry about quality or being impressive. Just get words down on paper so that you can edit them into shape later— if you spend too much time worrying about starting with a perfect beginning, you'll never make it past that point.

Step two is when you can start worrying about quality. Read your essay aloud and see if you can spot problems with word choice and flow. If you're struggling to read it, change words and add punctuation as necessary.

Also think about your overall point. Does it make sense? Are you able to trace your logic all the way through without a problem? If not, find ways to connect your thoughts from beginning to end.

Be thorough in cutting extraneous words. 250 words isn't a lot, and you'll want to make sure you're making your essay count by picking vibrant, active verbs and clear language. Don't worry about being flowery or busting out the thesaurus, but do be sure that your wording doesn't feel tired or dull.

#3: Seek Feedback

One of the best ways to find holes in your logic or other issues in your essay is to get others to give you feedback. Find people who want to see you succeed, but preferably not those who aren't going to give you criticism if you need it. Teachers and other mentors are a good choice, if they're available.

Don't feel like you have to use every piece of feedback you receive, but do consider all of it. Your essay should always be your own work, so try to rephrase suggestions in your own words or rewrite confusing passages how you would write them, not how others suggest.

#4: Take a Break

With deadlines looming and other essays to write, it may be tempting to just rush through after getting feedback and fix everything. But take some time away from your essay, focusing on other college application duties or on other things entirely. Anywhere from a couple days to weeks to months can be good for improving your essay, though do leave yourself time to revise.

Taking a break lets your mind forget what you've already written, so that when you come back to revise you do so with fresh eyes. This way, you can see holes in your logic or places where your language isn't as tight as it could be. You'll never be able to completely shed your attachment to your essay, but spending some time away from it can give you a whole new outlook on your work!

Now that you've had some time away and you have notes to incorporate, it's time to revise. Revision can be something you do multiple times, combing through your essay for errors and places to strengthen it, but eventually you are going to have to turn it in. Don't get caught up in perfection—focus on making your essay the best you can. Check it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors to be sure it's clean and easy to read, and send it off!

What's Next?

Starting your essay is often the hardest part. If you're unsure where to begin, check out this guide to starting a college essay perfectly , and don't be afraid to just dive right in!

A good essay is just one part of a successful Vanderbilt application . If you want to really wow the admissions office, be sure your grades and test scores are up to snuff, too!

Vanderbilt University may not be an Ivy League school, but that doesn't mean your application can't be Ivy League-ready. Use these tips for getting into Harvard to shape your college application, and you'll have no problem getting into any school you choose!

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.

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Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays 2023-24 – Prompts and Advice

July 25, 2023

vanderbilt application essay

With an acceptance rate of just 5.6% for the 2023-24 entering class, Vanderbilt has become one of the more selective schools in the United States. It’s easy for prospective applicants who can claim a 99th percentile score and a position near the top of their high school class to feel overly confident when applying to a university of this ilk. Yet, it is critical to realize that, in 2023, the median SAT at Vandy is over 1500, and just about every admitted student finished near the top of their high school class. This brings us to the topic of this blog – the Vanderbilt supplemental essays.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Vanderbilt? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into Vanderbilt University: Admissions Data and Strategies  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

When applying to Vanderbilt, you can’t just rely on your fabulous grades and test scores to carry you toward an eventual acceptance letter. You need those credentials, of course, but you also need to pour every ounce of effort into other components of the application in order to separate yourself in the eyes of the admissions committee. The Common App and supplemental essay present just that opportunity.

Below are Vanderbilt’s supplemental essays for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with our advice for composing a winning essay. Note: Applicants only pick one of the two prompts. 

Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay Prompt – Choice #1

Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. (250 word max)

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity (Eminem beat starts to ramp up)…While many highly-selective colleges offer two, three, or even more supplemental prompts, Vandy only offers this single essay (that you choose from between two options). They don’t ask about your role in a community, overcoming an obstacle, a list of every book you read this year, or what a particular quote from the 19th century means to you—they just want you to briefly discuss one activity or work experience. So, the question is, how to make your response to such a basic prompt really count?

Here are a few considerations for you to mull over as you begin the prewriting process:

  • Start this process by asking yourself, “What is the most interesting and consequential moment that I have experienced in one of my extracurricular activities?” If you can identify one clear-cut moment, that is likely the activity worth sharing with the Vanderbilt admissions staff.
  • With this prompt, Vanderbilt is not necessarily asking you to write about the activity where you earned the most prestigious awards. Nor the activity where you held the highest position of leadership. The university is going to see all of your activities in that section of the Common App. As such, you want to ask yourself which of your entries is crying out for more explanation and detail?
  • Which activity is closest to your heart and most representative of your unique passions? Pick the option that will allow you to deliver additional detail that may be memorable to the admissions reader.

Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays (Continued)

There are no wrong answers to this prompt, but there are unhelpful ways to approach it. For example, you decide to write about a two-week summer program at Rice University, not because it was life-changing and contained a meaningful and revealing story about your life, but because you think it will impress Vanderbilt. Meanwhile, you pass up the chance to talk about working at Dairy Queen where you got to meet people from all walks of life and learned a ton about the human experience. Just because DQ doesn’t sound as “prestigious” as a Rice summer program, doesn’t mean you should shy away from it.

Again, the admissions office is going to see all of your activities and honors in the Common App. This 250-word piece should be about telling an authentic story that reads like more than just an expanded description of your most “impressive” high school activity.

Required Essay Prompt – Choice #2

Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?

The U.S. presently finds itself in an extreme state of polarization. There seems to be little agreement even as to what constitutes “truth” or “facts”. Within this divided world, it can be hard for individuals with competing viewpoints to engage in civil and productive dialogue. Here, Vanderbilt is giving you the chance to show that you are an open-minded, intellectually curious, truth-seeking young person. Illustrate how you are willing to converse with people holding opposing positions on topics of great importance to you. One key thing to remember when addressing this prompt is that you don’t have to be the hero of the anecdote. In fact, you may be one who learned to expand your thinking.

How important are the Vanderbilt supplemental essays?

The essays (both the Common App essay and supplemental essay) are “very important” to the Vanderbilt admissions committee . This places them in the same category as: GPA, standardized test scores, class rank, the rigor of your secondary school record, extracurriculars, and character/personal qualities. In short, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays are among the most important factors to the University when evaluating your application.

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If you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Vanderbilt supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote  today.

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Andrew Belasco

A licensed counselor and published researcher, Andrew's experience in the field of college admissions and transition spans two decades. He has previously served as a high school counselor, consultant and author for Kaplan Test Prep, and advisor to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admissions and financial aid.

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How To Write The Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay + Examples

Picutre of a girl in black dress sitting at a picnic bench writing her Vanderbilt supplemental essay

Reviewed by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 4/25/24

If you need help writing the Vanderbilt supplemental essay, read this guide to learn everything you need to know about it, including essay prompts and examples! 

You may feel pressured before applying because of Vanderbilt’s competitive applicant pool. Don’t worry; everyone must start somewhere. If you need more assistance, read our comprehensive guide to getting into Vanderbilt University . 

As you start building your college list , you must decide what you look for in a school. You must balance the college application process well and spend enough time on each school. If Vanderbilt is on your college list, read this article to learn how to write the Vanderbilt supplemental essay. 

We will break down the question, share tips on answering the prompts, and provide examples of successful essays.

Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essay Prompts 2023-2024

In addition to the essay requirements for the Common, Coalition, and QuestBridge Apps, Vanderbilt has one required supplemental essay. Having to write one essay has its benefits and disadvantages. You can focus on your response and make it as excellent as possible. However, you may prefer to have more options to consider before writing.

The following prompts can be found on the Vanderbilt admissions page .

“Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?”

“Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.”

Both of these supplemental essay prompts have a 250-word limit. Make sure you choose the essay prompts you know you can answer well! 

How to Write Each Essay Prompt For Vanderbilt University

Female student sitting in bed typing on laptop

Here, we’ll cover how to write each essay prompt for Vanderbilt University. 

How to Write Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essay #1 + Analysis and Tips

Vanderbilt University prompt #1 : “Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?” 

Analysis of prompt #1 : This prompt wants you to reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from yours. The prompt is looking at how you handle discussions with people with different viewpoints. 

This prompt can also be considered a diversity essay, which Vanderbilt includes because the school values all walks of life. 

Here are some tips to help you write this prompt:

1. Tip #1: Choose a Conversation : To choose the best conversation to talk about in your essay, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my beliefs and values?
  • How do others respond to these beliefs?
  • What is one belief I have that others contest or oppose?
  • How has this belief changed over time?
  • Has anyone influenced this belief? 
  • What points of the opposition can I agree with?
  • Why is it important to discuss differing views on things?

Remember, you aren’t simply relaying a conversation with a friend to the committee. You’re explaining how you respond to opposing views, demonstrate respect for differences, and, most importantly, how you grow because of them! 

2. Tip #2: Identify the Different Viewpoints : Clearly explain the contrasting viewpoints you encountered. Highlight the key differences between the viewpoints without judgment. You'll want to convey your ability to engage with diverse perspectives and how those interactions have shaped your thinking.

3. Tip #3: Highlight What You Learned : Explore how the conversation expanded your understanding of the topic. Discuss any new information or perspectives that you gained. Vanderbilt is looking to see if you’re willing to learn from opposing views, so if you learned anything from the conversation, make sure to add it! 

How to Write Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essay #2 + Analysis and Tips

Vanderbilt University prompt #2 : “Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.”

Analysis of prompt #2 : This essay asks you to talk about one of your extracurriculars, so it should be an activity or experience that matters the most to you. Vanderbilt values extracurricular activity and emphasizes students having a balance when it comes to their academics. 

1 . Tip #1: Choose an Extracurricular : Start with a self-reflection and brainstorming session instead. Put together a list of everything you do outside of your schoolwork, even if it’s not with a formal club or job. It may be an initiative you started, a volunteering experience, or an internship. 

Your response should not list your extracurriculars since you have already done that in another part of your application.

2. Tip #2: Highlight Transferable Skills : Identify and highlight the skills you gained from the experience that are transferable to both academic and social settings. This could include teamwork, leadership, communication, or organizational skills.

3. Tip #3: Discuss Impact on Academic Performance : Explain how participating in the extracurricular activity or work experience positively impacted your academic performance. This could be through improved focus, discipline, or understanding of your learning style.

Examples of Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essays That Worked

Below, you’ll find some Vanderbilt University supplemental essays written by successful applicants who were admitted to the school! Let’s look at each one and discuss what worked about it.

Sample Essay #1

Prompt : “Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.”

“I never would’ve thought joining my school’s DECA chapter would catalyze my entrepreneurial aspirations. Yet, three years later and now a [POSITION] of said DECA chapter, I’ve channeled this ever-growing tenacity toward not only being a fierce competitor, but also a fierce leader. Aside from defining my high school experience, DECA has helped me find my place in school and given me the bigger-picture purpose necessary to help me develop into who I want to be, who I’ve already been all along: an entrepreneur. 
As a freshman, I was daunted by the task of producing a business proposal that’d cover all aspects of a business, including financial statements I’d never even heard of before. However, I soon found myself thriving by taking on the role of a potential franchisee, working on each section of my business proposal separately and putting them together to watch my business grow on paper, like pieces of a puzzle fitting into place. Embroiled in the encapsulating realm of entrepreneurship, I was inspired by my first year in DECA to immerse myself in the world of business, seeking to involve myself in additional academic and real-world business-esque opportunities and experiences. 
Within the chapter, I’ve made strides as an officer and now a [POSITION] to increase our member engagement and provide resources for members to help guide them through their business proposal construction process. Recently, tasked with the responsibility of building a chapter website, I’ve channeled my problem-solving and marketing skills gleaned from DECA into constructing an innovative platform that communicates our chapter’s mission, conveys important dates for meetings and competitions, displays samples of officers’ past proposals, as well as highlights Great Neck North DECA alumni. 
With each new year, each new business proposal thrusts me into a new level of competition: from qualifying for the state competition as a timid freshman to qualifying for the international competition during my sophomore year to confidently presenting and defending my most recent business proposal as a competitor in the final round at the international competition during my junior year. Outside of competition, each new year in DECA has thrust me into a new level of exploration, personal growth, and mentorship as I continue to absorb as much business-related knowledge as possible while savoring my time in DECA as both a leader and a competitor, ultimately allowing me to flourish as both a student and a future entrepreneur.”

Why Essay #1 Worked

This is a great essay because the writer captures their feelings about joining DECA and how much it has impacted them. The essay also illustrates the DECA chapter’s mission, which helps showcase that the writer believes in it. 

Sample Essay #2

“Driving intoxicated in the waning hours of the night, he recklessly swerves in and out of lanes until he finally loses control and rams his car into a tree. Save for a few cuts and bruises, he escapes unscathed. His sister’s lifeless body is discovered the morning after the crime–or was it a crime? The light knock of the gavel summons the courtroom to its feet; parents, teachers, coaches, spectators and competitors all stand as the single hour that months were spent preparing for commences.
Having not placed in the regional tournament in a decade, Mock Trial was regarded as little more than a team just barely keeping its head above water, far past its glory years when I first joined the school’s organization. My admiration for the club stretched far beyond simply checking my name off as a member–being content with mediocrity would have no place as long as I was on the team. And so to prevent it from disappearing into oblivion, I began with myself, spending hours learning, polishing and perfecting the skills necessary to succeed. With this, not only did I grow tremendously as an individual and a competitor, but I also gained the respect and admiration of my teammates, earning a leadership role.
Revamping the way Mock Trial operated quickly became a full time job. But, within a year, we were able to secure a spot in the top three of the regional tournament and lift the organization back into prominence. So when the trial starts, have no doubt that the top is the only place we aim. ‘Your honor, opposing counsel, and members of the jury….’ Show time.”

Why Essay #2 Worked

This essay immediately grabs your attention with a detailed reenactment of a crime scene that is a mock trial tournament. The student shows us what this extracurricular means and how they have grown alongside it. They are specific in their accomplishments within the activity, which is a great way to leave a lasting impression . 

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Examining successful supplemental essays is an excellent method for uncovering effective strategies. Explore numerous samples in our comprehensive college essay database below to discover a wide range of examples!

Do you still have questions about the Vanderbilt supplemental essays? Below, we have frequently asked questions. 

1. What Is Vanderbilt University’s Acceptance Rate? 

Vanderbilt’s acceptance rate is 5.1% . Out of the 41,336 applicants in the 2024 cycle, only 1,512 were admitted. 

2. How Is the Admissions Process for Vanderbilt University? 

Vanderbilt uses a holistic admissions process , meaning one element does not make or break an application. The school considers all student evaluation factors, from test scores and grades to extracurricular activities and leadership roles. 

3. What Kinds of Applications Can I Submit for Vanderbilt? 

You can apply for Vanderbilt using the Common App, Coalition App, and QuestBridge program. Choose the right application system for you, as Vanderbilt has no preference. Carefully follow the instructions on their respective site. 

4. What Are the Other Application Requirements for Vanderbilt? 

Apart from the requirements of each application system, you must submit high school transcripts, a counselor's letter of recommendation, two teacher recommendations, and an application fee of $50. Fee waivers are available for qualified students, and standardized test scores are currently optional. 

5. Are There Any Other Supplemental Materials for First-Year Applicants? 

If you apply for Vanderbilt’s Blair School of Music, you must complete a separate application besides the Coalition or Common App. You must also submit at least one artistic recommendation, a headshot, a music resume, a repertoire list, and a pre-screening video. You can find more details on the Blair Admissions Page .

Final Thoughts 

The Vanderbilt supplemental essay asks you to focus on an experience with opposing views or an extracurricular activity that matters to you, whether it be a school club, job, internship, or volunteer experience. 

Since you only have one prompt to show the admissions committee your story, be thoughtful in your response and choose a topic that highlights your values and goals.

Writing an excellent essay is only one part of your application, so follow our ultimate guide on applying to Vanderbilt. Remember, the best essay is one where you can proudly share a meaningful conversation or activity that impacted your perspective for the better. 

Focus on what you want to show the admissions committee, not what you think the committee wants to read. You will craft a stellar essay if you draw on your unique experiences.

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vanderbilt application essay

Analyzing the Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay 2021-2022

Padya Paramita

September 20, 2021

vanderbilt application essay

Your reason behind applying to Vanderbilt University might have been inspired by the opportunity to learn from esteemed instructors at the Blair School of Music, or the chance to work with one of the school’s 30 registered student service groups. If you’ve done your research, you might already know that its campus itself is a natural arboretum and may be thrilled to continue activities related to nature. Or, you’ve always been fascinated about why Vanderbilt is the “Harvard of the South.” Either way, it’s time to let the admissions officers know about an activity that matters to you through the Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 . 

While the Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 doesn’t explicitly ask why you’ve chosen the school, admissions officers use the essay to determine whether you’d be a good fit for Vanderbilt—and vice versa—through your response. Take advantage of this prompt to discuss an activity that has made an impact on you, and one where you believe you have left your mark. In reading your essay, Vanderbilt wants to know what unique qualities and experiences you bring and which parts of campus you’re likely to contribute to if accepted to the university. To guide you through the Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 , I’ve outlined the question, the dos and don'ts for your response, and some more tips to help you write a successful answer.

Prompt for the Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay 2021-2022

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (200-400 words)

If it seems like Vanderbilt doesn’t have supplemental essays just because there’s no separate writing section, think again. Hidden in the activities section of Vanderbilt’s Common Application page, this short essay should not be overlooked, as it’s a great opportunity to tell admissions officers about an extracurricular that matters to you. Remember that Vanderbilt admissions officers have already seen your personal statement through the Common App. It’s important that you cover an entirely different experience in the Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 as they don’t want to read about the same thing over and over. Think about an activity that has had a significant impact on you that you haven’t elaborated on elsewhere in your application. This can include a club at school, an initiative you’ve started, a volunteering experience, or an internship or job you’ve had.

You shouldn’t spend any more than 100 words naming and describing the activity. Admissions officers want to know less about what you do daily as part of the activity, and more on how it has helped hone your leadership skills and influenced who you are. The key focus of your response should lie in explaining why it has had such a powerful impact on you. Has this experience enriched your connection to your community? Is it connected to your interests and goals? Is there a direct connection between your ideal career and the role you played while participating in this particular extracurricular? Anecdotes are important in getting your point across successfully. Think about instances that emphasize why this activity matters so much to you. Why does it stand out over your other experiences?

Even though you haven’t been asked “Why Vanderbilt” directly, think about the types of activities that students are engaged in at the school, and try to find connections between your activity and Vanderbilt’s offerings . Is there an organization at the university where you’d be able to continue similar work? How does Vanderbilt’s commitment to community engagement align with the activity you’ve chosen?

Your choice of extracurricular should reflect the type of experience that holds the most meaning to you personally, because after all, this is your college application. Admissions officers don’t want an essay outlining seemingly impressive activities that you think they want to hear. The Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 should provide more information about who you are and what enjoy. Make sure to reflect on how this activity has shaped your perspective and the role it plays in your aspirations.

More Tips for the Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay 2021-2022

  • Think about your leadership role and commitment - When brainstorming the Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 , you have to be strategic. The activity you choose should not only be unique but also exemplify your commitment and biggest assets. If you were a general member in a really unusual club for half a year, it’s not the best selection if you didn’t do much. Vanderbilt looks for community leaders who are dedicated to their field. Write about an extracurricular where you’ve been involved for an admirable period of time and taken initiative. Just saying you were a leader isn’t enough either – show your leadership through anecdotes and tangible achievements in your essay.
  • Be wary of your activities list description - Since you’re elaborating on a meaningful activity, you should ideally capitalize on the short space provided to describe your achievements with the club or organization. That being said, your Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 is chance to expand upon—instead of repeating—what you’ve written earlier in the Common Application. Admissions officers expect each component of your application to convey new information about you. Mentioning the same things you’ve touched upon elsewhere in the Common App is not strategic. Read back on what you’ve written in the activities section before you write the essay so that you can make sure that all of the information you’ve provided is new.
  • Take advantage of the word limit - Even though the Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 has provided you with a minimum word count of 200 words, you should take advantage of the upper limit. Although a 400-word limit isn’t too high, it’s generous enough to write an informative essay that demonstrates your passion and commitment to a significant extracurricular. Take advantage of the space you’ve got to introduce the activity, go into anecdotes, and draw a conclusion that makes it clear to admissions officers why this activity holds a special place in your heart. 

Since you don’t have multiple prompts to convey to admissions officers who you are and what makes you unique, the Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 must not be taken lightly. Don’t miss this opportunity to highlight your interests and goals by writing a response that demonstrates your passion and dedication to an important extracurricular activity. It’s time to impress the admissions officers with your commitment. Good luck!

Tags : vanderbilt supplemental essay , vanderbilt essay , applying to vanderbilt , how to get into vanderbilt , vanderbilt supplemental essays 2021-022 , vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022

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Vanderbilt University 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Early Decision: Nov 1

Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 1

You Have: 

Vanderbilt University 2023-24 Application Essay Question Explanations

Vanderbilt decided to keep it short and sweet, so we’ll follow suit. A one-question supplement means you’ve got one shot at perfection. No pressure, though.

The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Activity , Diversity

Please select one of the following short answer prompts in approximately 250 words: *

Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. .

This is a standard activity essay, much like the prompts of Brown , Tulane , and University of Michigan . So here’s the assignment: tell admissions something they don’t already know about you. When you pick your activity, make sure it doesn’t appear in other essays you’ve written (like your Common App personal statement, for example). This is a perfect opportunity to showcase leadership skills, extracurricular interests, or personal values. So choose an activity that is meaningful to you and through which you have grown in tangible ways (getting promoted) or intangible ways (learning the value of compassion). Oh, and that 250-word limit means you could easily recycle an activity essay you’ve written for another school. Just make sure you swap out any institution-specific details before you hit submit!

Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?

Engaging others in meaningful conversations about important issues can be daunting. It can also be insightful or, unfortunately, polarizing. Vanderbilt wants to know about a time when you interacted with someone whose beliefs were different from your own. So think back to identify a time when you had a conversation with friends, family, or even mere acquaintances about a difficult topic. Maybe you challenged your uncle when he dismissed your concerns about climate change. Did you leave the conversation with a better understanding of his point of view? Were you able to effectively communicate your perspective? If you were to converse with someone on this topic again in the future, what would you do or say differently? 

You don’t need to have changed anyone’s mind to impress admissions here. You just need to show that you’re not afraid to speak up about issues that matter to you or communicate with those who have different opinions than your own. Vandy will present you with plenty of opportunities to meet and engage with people who are very different from you, so show admissions that you’re willing to have the hard talks.

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How to Tackle the Vanderbilt 2016-2017 Application Essay

Check out how to write the vanderbilt essay for 2017-2018.

vanderbilt application essay

A certified arboretum with over 6000 trees on campus, Vanderbilt University, located in the heart of Music City (Nashville, Tennessee), is a private liberal arts university with a population of around 7,000 undergraduate students. Vanderbilt is made up of four colleges: Blair School of Music, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, the School of Engineering, and the College of Arts and Science.

Vanderbilt is particularly known for its Peabody College, which has consistently ranked in the top 5 schools for education, and has led in groundbreaking research in the fields of human development and K-12 education. The other schools are also well respected, however, with alumni going on to found Bain & Company, the Boston Consulting Group, and American Airlines.

Vanderbilt is touted for its adoption of the “work hard, play hard” environment, the perfect choice for students who want a balance of vigorous academics and opportunities to cheer on SEC sports teams with vibrant Greek life. The baseball team, affectionately known as the “Vandy Boys,” were NCAA Division 1 champions in 2015 and runners-up in 2016, and the Women’s Bowling team and Women’s Tennis team have both won national championships in the past couple of years.

Vanderbilt only has one essay supplement, which we have analyzed below.

Want to learn what Vanderbilt University will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take?  Here’s what every student considering Vanderbilt University needs to know.

Vanderbilt University Application Essay Prompt

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150-400 words)

There are two main purposes of this essay. The first is to give you a chance to elaborate on an activity you wrote about briefly in the extracurricular section of the Common Application. If there is an activity you are particularly passionate about, but did not have the chance to write about it in your regular Common App essay, this is a chance to provide more information about your role.

If you were the president of an a cappella group, go into detail about what you did for the group and how being president of that particular group shaped you. Each extracurricular will have shaped you in different ways. To highlight personal passion or growth, choose an activity that has a particularly deep significance to you, such as volunteering at the local hospital after going through treatment there.

To highlight your capacity in a certain field, you can choose to discuss research or internship experiences. As long as you focus on how you grew as a person and learned more about a field, these can set you apart from applicants who have not had a chance to get more professional experiences.

However, always tie the internship or research job with work you would like to do at Vanderbilt (i.e., working with a specific professor on a project that is related to one you did at the lab you interned at). It would benefit you to do some research on Vanderbilt’s specific academic departments here; don’t be afraid to name drop lab projects that you’ve researched to show your interest in this particular school.

Another purpose of this essay is to give students who held a part-time job an opportunity to provide more details about their situation. Sometimes students write off work experiences as different from and not as “credible” as extracurriculars, but they can actually set you apart from other applicants, particularly if your work experience offered you a chance to try something new (provided you with some sort of obstacle that you were able to overcome) or shaped the way you think about the world.

For example, if working at a child care center helped you realize that you really enjoy working with kids and thus want to apply to Vanderbilt’s Peabody School of Education, go into more detail about the experiences you had with the kids, as well as how both your character and future ambitions were shaped as a result.

You can also take this opportunity to briefly explain the circumstances that caused you to take a part-time job (money is tight at home, you are saving up for a medical mission trip, etc.) and then paint that circumstance in a light that will reflect the positive character traits. For example, if you took a job to save money so that you could go on a medical mission trip over the summer, you can talk about what led you to make that decision, and how that might affect how you want to spend your undergraduate career at Vanderbilt.

Oftentimes, holding a job and being a student at the same time is complicated, and whatever characteristics you developed through the experience (selflessness, humility, maturity) can be highlighted throughout your essay.

Lastly, because Vanderbilt doesn’t have a separate “Why us?” prompt , it is imperative that in this essay you illustrate how Vanderbilt can help you continue to pursue your passions. Therefore, whether you are talking about an extracurricular or work experience, do your best to relate it to activities you want to continue pursuing at the school.

You can also take this opportunity to highlight aspects of yourself that you feel were not mentioned in your Common App. If it is clear in your application that you enjoy music and theater, but there is not much about your love for robotics, write about the time you made your first robot or entered your first robotics competition.

Hopefully with these tips on how to tackle Vanderbilt’s supplemental essay to the Common App, you will be on your way to having the opportunity to become a Commodore! Anchor down!

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Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays 2023-24

The Vanderbilt supplemental essays form a major part of the overall Vanderbilt admissions process. Your Vanderbilt essay helps to provide crucial context to your application. It can also help the admissions office better understand how you’ll fit on campus. Overall, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays work to build a more holistic picture of your identity and background. The Vanderbilt essay can feel intimidating, but CollegeAdvisor is here to help!

This guide will break down the Vanderbilt essay prompts and provide tips on how to write the Vanderbilt supplemental essays. We’ll explain the Vanderbilt essays and provide some inspiration for your own Vanderbilt essay.

For students wondering how to get into Vanderbilt, a strong Vanderbilt essay is a must. So, keep reading to learn more about the Vanderbilt supplemental essays! 

Vanderbilt Admissions: Quick Facts

Vanderbilt university: quick facts.

Acceptance Rate for Vanderbilt : 7%, according to U.S News  

Vanderbilt Essay Requirements : 

  • Personal Essay ( Common App or Coalition App prompts)
  • 1 (250 word) Short Answer Question 

Vanderbilt Application: Students must submit their application to Vanderbilt through the Common App, Coalition App or Questbridge. Your Vanderbilt essay will be submitted alongside your larger application. 

Vanderbilt Deadlines : 

  • Early Decision 1: November 1 st
  • Early Decision 2: January 1 st
  • Regular Decision: January 1st

Vanderbilt Essay Tip : Be sure to pick the Vanderbilt essay prompt that will highlight something not already communicated through your personal essay or elsewhere on your application. The Vanderbilt supplemental essays should add to your overall application, so take the opportunity to showcase something you’re proud of!

Please note that essay requirements are subject to change each admissions cycle, and portions of this article may have been written before the final publication of the most recent guidelines. For the most up-to-date information on essay requirements, check the university’s admissions website.

Does Vanderbilt have supplemental essays?

Yes, Vanderbilt has two separate supplemental essay prompts. Students will only pick one of the Vanderbilt essay prompts to complete.

The Vanderbilt supplemental essays form a mandatory part of the overall Vanderbilt requirements . It’s important to take the Vanderbilt supplemental essays seriously, as they can greatly enrich your application. The Vanderbilt essay prompts allow you to pick which Vanderbilt essay to write. As the admissions site states, Vanderbilt doesn’t necessarily care what you write about—as long as your essay is all about you! Choose the prompt that allows you to best highlight your unique skills, interests, and experiences.  

The Vanderbilt supplemental essays are a crucial part of your application. As an integral part of Vanderbilt’s holistic review process, you can use your essay to show admissions how you align with Vanderbilt’s values. This guide will provide a deep dive into how to approach each of the Vanderbilt essay prompts.

How many essays does Vanderbilt require?

While there are two Vanderbilt essay prompts, only one supplemental Vanderbilt essay is required. Vanderbilt will also receive your Common App essay.

The Vanderbilt requirements detail that students must submit a personal essay via the Common App or Coalition app as well as the supplemental Vanderbilt essay. The longer personal essay will be sent to multiple schools via the application platform of your choice. However, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays are unique to Vanderbilt. 

Students must pick between the two Vanderbilt supplemental essays. Each Vanderbilt essay has a limit of 250 words, so you should think carefully about your response. The Vanderbilt essays help admissions officers understand you better and can boost your overall application. And, since applicants don’t have multiple Vanderbilt essays to shine, you’ll want to make this one count!

For help on your personal essay, you can read our College Essay Topic guide here , as well as our guide on the Coalition Essay Prompts here . 

Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays

There are two different prompts for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays. Students must pick only one of the two Vanderbilt essay prompts to respond to.  As such, you should pick the right Vanderbilt essay prompt for you.

So, how do you know which Vanderbilt essay to choose? We’ll detail both Vanderbilt essays here and provide some tips on how to approach them later in this guide. 

Students must pick between these Vanderbilt essay prompts: 

Vanderbilt Essay Prompts #1

Vanderbilt university values learning through contrasting points of view. we understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. how did these conversations/experiences influence you.

This Vanderbilt essay asks you to reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who express different viewpoints than your own. This Vanderbilt essay gives you the chance to share a topic you’re passionate about, and, most importantly, discuss how you’ve engaged with others who may feel differently. If you’ve ever found yourself in a passionate debate or have had a meaningful conversation, then this may be the best Vanderbilt essay for you! 

Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays # 2

Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you..

This Vanderbilt essay allows you to elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. Make sure to pick something you don’t highlight in other areas of your application, such as your personal essay. This is a great prompt for students who want to provide more context to their resume, as well as highlight something that they’re proud of. If you have an extracurricular activity or work experience that has greatly influenced you and your goals, this may be the better of the two Vanderbilt essays for you. 

Regardless of which of the two Vanderbilt supplemental essays you pick, make sure to focus on all parts of the prompt. Both of the Vanderbilt essays ask you to reflect on how your experiences have influenced you, which will help admissions officers better understand how you’ve changed over time. Therefore, no matter the prompt, your Vanderbilt essay needs to get personal, not just recount an experience.  This means you should do all you can to choose the right prompt for you. Let’s check out some tips on how to do so.

Choosing the right Vanderbilt essay for you

Picking the right Vanderbilt essay prompt can feel intimidating. As you prepare to write, you should think about how Vanderbilt admissions officers evaluate applications.

Overall, it’s important to know what Vanderbilt looks for in applicants. However, your essay shouldn’t read as something you think admissions officers want to read. Still, you can use these evaluation points in order to keep you on track when writing about your personal experiences. Additionally, reading Vanderbilt essay examples can help you think through which prompt best suits your needs. While the Vanderbilt essay prompts may change from year to year, reading Vanderbilt essay examples can still be extremely helpful to jumpstart your writing process. 

Comparing the two Vanderbilt supplemental essays, students can either detail the ways they’ve engaged with their community or highlight an important extracurricular activity. Choosing the best Vanderbilt essay will mean thinking through your high school experience and deciding which prompt lets you share what makes you proud.

Prompt #1 

If you’re involved with a student activist group or political group, or have brought what you’ve learned in the classroom to your family and friends, the first Vanderbilt essay may be the best option for you. The first prompt allows students to share their personal values and beliefs as well as how they engage with other people who may not share those values. 

If navigating differences has been a major part of your high school experience, this prompt is a great opportunity to share that experience with Vanderbilt. These Vanderbilt supplemental essays can help the admissions office better understand what you stand for and how you navigate conflict. No matter what instance you write on, make sure that self-reflection and personal growth take the forefront. For example, maybe you didn’t handle the conflict in the best way but learned how to do so in the future. Even if you don’t have an instant connection with this prompt, if you can think of a time that challenged your values, this Vanderbilt essay might suit your needs.

The second Vanderbilt essay allows students to elaborate on an extracurricular or work experience. Many schools have an extracurricular activities essay prompt, so it’s likely that you have come across similar questions.

This prompt is a great choice for students who wish to highlight an experience they believe has greatly influenced them. If you’ve been heavily involved with a student club or sport or want to reflect on your work experience, this may be the prompt for you. 

This prompt works best for students who can connect their extracurricular activities to their development and goals. Out of the two Vanderbilt supplemental essays, this prompt allows students to focus on how their involvement in a wide range of activities have shaped them. Similar to the first prompt, your essay should center your personal growth and self-reflection. If you feel that you would not have been the same person without a specific activity/work experience, this may be the Vanderbilt essay for you! 

How to write the Vanderbilt supplemental essays

Once you’ve decided which of the two Vanderbilt supplemental essays to tackle, it’s time to write your first draft! Starting the writing process can be difficult, so we’ve compiled some tips for each of the two Vanderbilt essays in this section. 

Out of the two Vanderbilt supplemental essays, you can interprep this prompt in a number of ways. While you may assume most students would talk about a political issue, this prompt can also apply to personal preferences. Students can get creative with this prompt and think broadly about how they define “difference.”  You still want to get to the heart of the prompt and discuss how these conversations have influenced you, but don’t feel like you’re limited to hot-button topics—different points of view come in all shapes and sizes. 

Once you’ve chosen a topic, briefly set the stage. Bring the reader into the moment where you expressed a different viewpoint. Who were you talking with? How did the subject come up? What makes this memory stand out to you? Don’t spend too much time setting the reader up, as you want to focus on how this experience has influenced you. 

When thinking of how this difference of opinion has influenced you, really dive into the consequences of the interaction. Did it shift your perspective? Do you understand different points of view in a deeper way now? Were you able to influence other people with your opinion? Try to spend more time delving into the impact the exchange had on you. 

If you have space, try to weave in your research about Vanderbilt here as well. The Vanderbilt supplemental essays aim to help admissions officers determine if you’re a good fit for the school, so connecting your Vanderbilt essay to your goals can be helpful. You can reflect on how this experience will help you debate with classmates or collaborate with your peers at Vanderbilt. Try to be specific to your major or area of study —a little research can go a long way! 

Many students applying to Vanderbilt will have impressive extracurricular activities, so try to highlight what you’re most proud of in this Vanderbilt essay. Focus on an activity that you don’t discuss elsewhere, such as your Common App essay. Take this opportunity to shine a light on any unique or memorable activities you’ve been involved with. These activities can be anything from student clubs, religious organizations, or a part-time job. 

Once you’ve decided what to focus on, detail it for the reader. Is there a specific memory or story you want to anchor your essay? How long have you been involved in the activity, and how did you get started? What do you like about it? These details will help the reader understand the context for the rest of your essay. 

Much like the first prompt, this Vanderbilt essay focuses on how you’ve been influenced by this extracurricular activity. What qualities do you see in yourself that you can directly connect to this experience? Have your public speaking, organizational, or interpersonal skills improved?? Do you now have a better sense of your career goals? Did you gain valuable work experience, or are you better at working collaboratively? Break it down for the reader to highlight how this activity has impacted you. 

Many schools have an extracurricular activities essay prompt, so making it unique to Vanderbilt is a great way to show your interest.  Spend some time researching the extracurricular activities offered at Vanderbilt and try to integrate 1-2 student clubs or organizations you’re interested in. Be sure that they align with what you’ve already discussed in the essay—this will help the admissions officers see how you will fit into Vanderbilt’s community.

Does Vanderbilt care about essays?

The Vanderbilt supplemental essays illuminate what the admissions office values in a student body. And since the university has such a low acceptance rate, you can be sure that the Vanderbilt essays factor into the evaluation process. So, it’s essential to take them seriously. With the highly competitive Vanderbilt acceptance rate, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays are crucial to your overall application narrative. 

In looking at the Vanderbilt essay prompts, we can see that Vanderbilt values students who are able to navigate differences and students who are involved with their communities. The Vanderbilt supplemental essays are the best opportunity to highlight the ways in which you embody these values, as well as how you’ve been shaped by your experiences. Your Vanderbilt essay is your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions office. It can help provide context to your application, and should paint a more robust picture of who you are as a student. In short, Vanderbilt does care about your essays, so be sure to spend adequate time on them!

What is Vanderbilt looking for in essays?

The Vanderbilt supplemental essays are an opportunity to share additional details about your experiences to help add to your overall application. To get a sense of what Vanderbilt is looking for, reading Vanderbilt essay examples can be extremely helpful. While the prompts may differ, you can get a great sense of the writing style, creativity, and content that have been successful in the past. 

In addition to Vanderbilt essay examples, you can find other essay examples that capture the essence of the Vanderbilt essay prompts. For example, you can read our guide on Extracurricular Activities Essay prompts here . 

Overall, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays aim to capture your personality. Admissions officers use the Vanderbilt essays to gain a deeper understanding of each applicant, so your essay should communicate your character traits. The most successful Vanderbilt supplemental essays have a strong voice and complement the rest of a student’s application. Writing multiple drafts can help you establish your voice as a writer while ensuring that your personality comes through. 

When is my Vanderbilt application due?

Your application deadline for Vanderbilt will depend on your decision plan. Vanderbilt offers first-year applicants Early Decision I, Early Decision II, and Regular Decision deadlines. Since Early Decision is a binding agreement, students considering applying this route should conduct deep research on Vanderbilt and its programs. You can read more about Early Decision on Vanderbilt’s website . 

All Vanderbilt requirements must be submitted by: 

  • Early Decision I: November 1 st , 2023
  • Early Decision II: January 1 st , 2024
  • Regular Decision: January 1 st , 2024

For students applying for Vanderbilt merit scholarships , applications must be submitted by December 1 st , 2023. For students applying for financial aid , the deadlines for the CSS Profile and FAFSA are: 

  • CSS Profile: November 2 nd , 2023
  • FAFSA: February 1 st , 2024
  • CSS Profile: January 4 th , 2023 

It’s important to give yourself enough time to complete your Vanderbilt supplemental essays before the application deadline. Consider the time it will take to complete multiple drafts and receive feedback. Starting your Vanderbilt essays early will ensure you submit the best versions possible. 

How do I make my Vanderbilt application essays stand out?

With such a competitive admissions process, many students want to make sure their Vanderbilt supplemental essays stand out. For students wondering how to get into Vanderbilt, having stellar essays is a crucial step. In order to write standout Vanderbilt supplemental essays, it’s important to break down exactly what you’re trying to communicate. 

Reading Vanderbilt essay examples can give you a sense of the writing caliber needed to impress the admissions office. You want your Vanderbilt supplemental essays to both capture your personality and tell a compelling story. Crafting an essay that brings the reader into your experience is hard and can take some time if you’re not accustomed to the writing style. Experiment with your approach to the essays–don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Get feedback from your peers, mentors, and teachers as they can provide a crucial perspective to make sure your essays pop. 

While the Vanderbilt supplemental essays do not focus on Vanderbilt specifically, it’s a good idea to research the program you’re applying to. If you’re close to campus, try to book a visit to Vanderbilt. Taking a tour can help you detail your connection to campus. Additionally, CollegeAdvisor has many resources on Vanderbilt, including two Vanderbilt panels (you can watch them here and here ), as well as a guide on the Best Colleges in Tennessee . You can also read Forbes and the Princeton Review for more information on Vanderbilt. Basically, the more you know about Vanderbilt, the better your chances of writing an impactful and detailed essay. 

Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays – 5 Takeaways

The Vanderbilt supplemental essays are a crucial part of your application, as such it’s important to take them seriously. For students wondering how to get into Vanderbilt, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays are a big piece of the puzzle. Here are the main takeaways you should keep in mind when writing your Vanderbilt essay: 

1. Pick the right prompt

Picking the right prompt is the most important step in writing your Vanderbilt essay. Choose the prompt that will allow you to tell the best story to the admissions office–or the prompt that will provide more context to your application. The admissions officers are looking for a better understanding of who you are. Therefore, choosing the best prompt for you will ensure they have a more robust picture of your experiences. 

2. Let your personality shine 

The Vanderbilt supplemental essays are the best opportunity to demonstrate your personality to the admissions office. Ideally, your essay will also show personal growth and self-reflection. Make sure your essay adds to your overall application and showcases your unique experiences and story. To have the most success, work on your writing style and develop your personal voice–it will make your Vanderbilt essay stand out among a pool of qualified candidates! 

3. Think outside the box 

With such a competitive application process, it’s important that your Vanderbilt essays capture the attention of the admissions office. While the Vanderbilt essay prompts are straightforward, don’t be afraid to take a different approach to them. Think creatively and experiment with your approach. Don’t just simply answer the question; tell your story in an engaging way that captivates the reader. 

4. Start early 

It’s a good idea to start writing both your Vanderbilt essay and personal essay early. This will allow you enough time to edit, experiment with your form, and really hone your ideas. Rushed essays rarely communicate ideas effectively, and can contain spelling and grammar mistakes. Start your essays the summer before your senior year so that you have enough time to perfect them! 

5. Write multiple drafts 

The editing process can feel like a drag, but it’s crucial in ensuring your Vanderbilt supplemental essays shine. Writing multiple drafts will help you establish your voice as a writer and will help strengthen your overall message. After your first draft, ask for feedback. Incorporate that feedback and reflect on how you can approach the prompt in a different way. You’ll be surprised to see how different your drafts can be!

This essay guide was written by senior advisor, Jess Klein . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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August 5, 2022

Vanderbilt University 2022-2023 Essay Prompts

vanderbilt application essay

Vanderbilt University has released its 2022-2023 essay prompt for applicants to the Class of 2027. If you happen to be wondering if Vanderbilt changed the essay prompt, the answer is yes — albeit only slightly. Last year, as our readers may remember , Vanderbilt’s admissions office asked applicants, “Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.” Applicants were told to respond in 200-400 words, which of course means that applicants would have been wise to write 400 words since savvy applicants use all of the real estate they are given to make their case. Why wouldn’t they? In any case, what is this year’s essay prompt for the Vanderbilt Class of 2027? Wonder no more!

Vanderbilt Class of 2027 Essay Prompt

This admissions cycle, Vanderbilt’s admissions office offers applicants the option of choosing to answer one of two prompts. The first prompt reads, “Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.” The second prompt reads, “Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?” Applicants are instructed to answer in approximately 250 words (even though The Common Application offers the space for 400 words, one should always follow the university’s direct instructions!). So while students have the option this year of choosing one essay among two options, their response will be shorter in length.

How to Approach the Vanderbilt Class of 2027 Essay Prompt

The first prompt, very similar to last year’s question, should showcase an applicant’s singular hook (rather than well-roundedness) — in a way that complements but is not redundant to either the Personal Statement or the optional Covid-19 essay on The Common Application. The showcased activity should also, of course, be included among the ten activities listed on The Common Application. For the second prompt, admissions officers want to know that you can respectfully agree to disagree, that you’re malleable to learn from the perspectives of others, that you’re even willing to change your viewpoints. After all, that is a key directive of a liberal arts education — to learn from fellow students. It’s why we always discourage our students from using terminology like a desire to be surrounded with like-minded students. Like-minded students? You mean students who all agree with you? Yikes! That is precisely not what admissions officers want to see. So applicants answering this second prompt should not shy away from a controversial topic if that topic showcases their ability to learn another’s viewpoint. We so often read on the web that college applicants should avoid writing about controversial topics. That couldn’t be more wrong. Dare to be interesting. Dare to showcase your opinion on something that isn’t the safest. By doing so, you’ll be doing exactly what admissions officers want to see — whether they know it or not.

Ivy Coach As Your Guide to Vanderbilt’s Application

Have a question about the Vanderbilt University Class of 2027 essay prompts? Are you a rising senior in need of help? At Ivy Coach, before we work on essays, we first need to help you devise a strategy that showcases your singular hook. Anyone who offers assistance with essays without first helping you showcase a singular hook is doing applicants a great disservice. While we can’t help rising seniors get involved in activities that they should have been involved in beginning three years ago, we can tweak how you present the activities you have been involved in through high school and we can help you tell your story in a much more powerful way. In short, we make the best of the hand we have, optimizing students’ cases for admission. So fill out Ivy Coach’s free consultation form and we’ll be in touch in short order.

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Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay Examples

Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay Examples

Sitting down to write an essay is a daunting task, and you might fare better if you have seen how others have solved the blank page problem, perhaps by perusing some Vanderbilt supplemental essay examples.

There is no perfect approach to how to write a college essay , and you need to find your own way forward. One of the best college essay tips , paradoxically, is finding your way by looking at how other people have approached their own essays.

So, in this article, we will show you sample college essays for Vanderbilt, including one for the Common App essay , one for the Coalition Application, and all of Vanderbilt’s exclusive supplemental essay prompts. We will also talk about how to write essays, including tips for Vanderbilt in particular.

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Essay examples, common application.

There are several prompts for the Common Application. We have selected one ( bolded & italicized , below) to write a sample for, but we have included all prompts for your edification.

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you\u2019ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. "}]">

Word limit: The Common Application has no hard word limit. We recommend approximately 500 words; for the sake of brevity, don’t exceed 650.

I need to lose weight. I need to love my body. I need to be my authentic self and not worry about what other people say, but I’ve got a doctor spitting out a pile of health complications that are hard to ignore. My therapist is telling me that self-acceptance is so important, though. Meanwhile, although my friends at school say, “You’re beautiful!” in every social media selfie, I know I can hear whispering and snickering when I pass by.

All I get are conflicting messages about my body, and it’s my body, but I don’t know what to think. The event that brought all these thoughts to the surface came when I was jogging and my mp3 player shuffled up Adele’s song Rolling in the Deep. I started to cry in the middle of the trail. Adele was a plus-sized woman who lost weight and shed fans with pounds as a bunch of people piled on her for “betraying” the body-positive community.

The Coalition Application also has several prompts. As before, we have included all prompts, and will give you one sample ( bolded & italicized , below)

Submit an essay on a topic of your choice. "}]">

Word limit: Like the Common Application, the Coalition Application has no hard word limit, but we recommend you aim for 500 and do not go over 650 words.

I worked through my problems one note at a time, my fingers on the fretboard, bending and warbling notes until I could get them close to the timbre of a human voice. This might seem like a superficial reason to get the blues, but my cat died last year, and I had had her since I was a little boy. She was very special to me, and her loss left a trench in my life.

One of my interests is the guitar, something I have played since almost as long as I had the cat – my dad is a session musician, my mom a music teacher – and so I picked up my instrument when it was time to mourn. Blues music came out in ways that I couldn’t manage before. It was true what they say; my grief was a propellant that accelerated what I could do, and what I felt in my guts and my throat came out of my fingers, converted into aural paint across the air.

The loss of my cat is less piquant now, although still with me, but my love of guitar music has been reignited, and I immerse myself in my art. It started as obsession, and I practiced more and more than I ever had before, notes piling up inside my room next to the scattered laundry. My teachers thought I might be aimless, but my aim was precise; I just had a different target in mind than they did.

This essay is meant to show how you engage with your community. There are two possible prompts to select from.

Word limit: approximately 250 words for each short answer essay

Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?

Debate club brought me into contact with a lot of viewpoints I was uncomfortable with and made me defend several of them. It taught me to engage with different ideas, back up my own arguments, and understand the vast variety of thought that exists in the world. It did not prepare me for fighting with my best friend.

When Salman Rushdie was stabbed – attacked by a fanatic who didn’t like a book – I was ranting about this with my friends. Obviously, as a debate club member, free expression is important to me. My friend Samuel agreed that what happened to Rushdie was awful. “But,” he said, “there ought to be more hate speech laws; that would stop stuff like this from happening.”

That floored me, and it started an argument that lasted for weeks and nearly cost me the friendship. I thought I would end it by saying that free speech was fundamental, but Samuel didn’t back down.

He showed me a picture of his pen pal from Phoenix. The kid’s name was Abdul, and he was a Muslim. Samuel told me that Abdul didn’t have the right to free speech, because he risked hate just by walking around. Hate speech laws would help him.

I realized that I prided myself on seeing “both sides,” but I still had biases and blind spots. While I still believe in free speech, I have reminded myself to be open-minded, even against myself, and to understand others.

When thinking about how to start a college essay , begin with a good opening sentence that draws in the reader. Then, continue with an opening paragraph that details the main ideas at play in the coming essay.

Smoothly transitioning is a great general practice, which will take you into the body of the essay. There, you will flesh out the ideas you started with, tell the bulk of your story, answer the prompt, and show your personal growth and connections.

Finally, cap it off with a conclusion that wraps up, or fulfills the “promise,” of the opener. You want to leave the essay in a place that makes the admissions committee feel like they would want to know more, not because the essay lacks closure, but because they are more intrigued than ever by you as an applicant, thinking that you will fit perfectly at Vanderbilt.

Vanderbilt has given you a requirement of only two essays, so the first thing to consider is what they are looking for. While it may seem that they are limiting your scope, they provide an interesting variety of prompts. However, in looking at the “personal essay” prompts, despite the number – seven for the Common Application and six for the Coalition Application – the same ideas crop up in each list: challenges faced, times of change, and personal growth. This speaks volumes about what Vanderbilt has chosen to learn about you.

The second essay – the short answer that Vanderbilt specifically asks for – is about you and your community.

Taken in aggregate, we can see that what Vanderbilt wants emphasized is your personal life; specifically, they want to see how you affect and are affected by your world. When you compose your essays, focus on these aspects of your life – change and community – for maximum effect with Vanderbilt.

Giving yourself the time to write, the training to write, and even hiring a college essay review service will help you write your essays, but taking a look at the examples and tips above will give you the boost you need to succeed.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. In the case of Vanderbilt, they do not give a minimum word count for their short answer essays. However, because 250 words is not a lot of space to fill, a good rule of thumb is to aim for close to the maximum. After all, it they preferred a 150-word essay, they would have specified that.

The Common App specifies 250–650 words, while the Coalition Application specifies 500–650 words. With such a range, these are not considered hard limits, but do respect them anyways.

What is most important is to give yourself the writing space to explore your prompts and topics fully. Part of requesting a long essay and a short one is to test whether you are capable of expanding and exploring concepts in depth as well as delivering a brief, concise message.

Don’t, even if it is allowed. Respect that they have provided you with a limit. Even if it is a gentle suggestion, you should realize that they are also checking to see if you can follow instructions and keep to their paradigms. Can you fit your ideas into a smaller word count? They want to know that, too.

You can’t submit just any essay into that slot; you need to have something in mind that will show off yourself, your character, your personal growth, or challenges you’ve faced. You might have a story that doesn’t fit one of the other prompts but does speak to those elements of your life; in that case, you can write an original essay on that topic.

Two things to keep in mind if you choose this option: make sure your essay is not about one of the existing prompts, even inadvertently, and be sure that your original idea is really strong.

Well, first off, you’re not writing a good essay, you’re writing a great one. But to your point, the essay should be crafted over a period of a few weeks – two or three – spending time each day to work on the text. It takes time and careful consideration to build an essay.

Every aspect of your application is important, and you should consider each facet to be necessary and imperative. Don’t neglect any aspect. Each application section has its own, unique purpose. Transcripts show your academic standing, for instance. Essays show you off as an individual – something which no other area in your application will do in such a thorough way. You can use your own words and story here, as opposed to just listing your interests and extracurricular activities.

Yes, and in some cases you will. The Common App essay , or Coalition App essay, will be sent to multiple schools. However, if your Vanderbilt secondary essay will serve another school’s prompt, you may reuse it. Just make sure that it truly fits the other prompt, that it is devoid of school-specific references, and that your word/character counts still apply. In fact, double-check it, because you don’t want to scuttle your chances of acceptance because you just hit copy-paste.

They are very similar. Both the Common App and Coalition App are centralized services to streamline prospective students’ applications. The Common App is more widely used, while the Coalition App is geared toward underprivileged students – students who come from backgrounds that are not represented at, or may have a more difficult time getting into, post-secondary institutions.

Check which schools you’re applying to first. If you’re applying to schools that are only available on the Common App, that’s your choice made for you. Choose the Coalition App if you can make use of their additional services or think they will better serve you as an underprivileged student or member of an underrepresented group.

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vanderbilt application essay

Secondary Medical School Application Essays: How to Shine

Emphasizing fit and showing authenticity help medical school secondary essays stand out, experts say.

Tips for Secondary Med School Essays

Close-up of young woman brainstorming ideas on paper, looking for inspiration

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One of best pieces of advice when writing an application essay is to be authentic.

Key Takeaways

  • Secondary medical school essays should highlight why an applicant is a good fit.
  • Applicants should submit the essays early without compromising quality.
  • It's important to be authentic in essay responses.

After receiving primary applications, most medical schools ask applicants to complete a secondary application, which typically includes additional essay questions. While primary essay prompts ask why you're pursuing medicine, medical school secondary essays focus on you and how you fit with a specific school.

Secondary essay prompts vary by school, but they're generally designed to help med schools learn about you at a deeper level. They may ask you to reflect on what makes you who you are, a time when you worked with a population different than yourself, an occasion where you asked for help or a time when you worked in a team. They may ask how you spent a gap year before applying to medical school or what you did after your undergraduate degree.

"What we are trying to figure out is if this is a candidate that can fulfill the premedical competencies and whether they are mission-aligned," says Dr. Wendy Jackson, associate dean for admissions at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine . “Can they help fulfill the needs that our institution is trying to deliver?”

A lot rides on these essays, but keeping a few best practices in mind can make the process less daunting.

Emphasize Fit

The first thing medical schools look for is whether an applicant will be a good fit for the school’s mission, Jackson says.

“I would challenge someone who is completing a secondary application to understand the mission of the school and envision how they are going to contribute to that,” she says. “The vast majority of schools are going to ask why you chose their institution, so you need to be prepared to answer that.”

Some secondary essay questions are optional, but experts recommend answering them even though they're extra work. For example, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Tennessee asks applicants what makes them interested in the school.

“We just want to see if they’re a good fit for us and that they’ve done a little bit of homework about Vanderbilt," says Jennifer Kimble, director of admissions at Vanderbilt's medical school. "We want to make sure that the students we admit are going to be happy with their Vanderbilt experience.”

Avoid focusing on what you’re going to gain from the school – schools are really asking how you'll be an asset to the program.

"It’s almost like if you’re trying to date someone and you tell them, ‘Here’s what I’m going to get from this relationship,’ without saying, ‘We’re better off together,’” says Shirag Shemmassian, founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting. “You have to sell the idea that you’re bettering one another and how you’re better together than apart. I think students often miss that latter component."

Don't Procrastinate

The medical school application process is often compared to a marathon, but the final steps may feel like a sprint. Applicants typically receive secondary application requests in late June, and in some cases schools want those back within a matter of weeks. Others set deadlines months down the road.

Either way, because of rolling admissions , it's best to send essays in as early as possible without compromising quality, Shemmassian says.

The earlier an applicant submits materials, the less competition they typically face, experts say. For example, Vanderbilt receives nearly 7,000 applications per year. Of those, roughly 600 applicants will be asked to interview and around 260 will be offered admission for 96 spots.

"At the beginning of the cycle, our calendar is wide open and we’re very open to who we bring in for an interview," Kimble says. "Down the road when we only have 30 seats left, it’s highly selective who those candidates are that get those coveted 30 interview spots that are left over."

Prewrite Essays

Applicants won't know the specific language of secondary essay prompts until schools send them, but in many cases, essay prompts are similar year to year and the previous year's prompts are often published on a school's admissions website, experts say. Some schools may change or tweak questions, but you can generally get a head start by prewriting essays based on previous prompts.

"As the new ones come out, you can modify as needed," Shemmassian says. "I would say that about 70% to 80% of prompts will remain the same or similar. If they change, you can usually adapt an essay you’ve written for another school."

Secondary essays vary in length and number. Vanderbilt requires applicants to submit an 800-word essay and two 600-word essays. Some schools may require close to 10 secondary essays. Shemmassian says this is significantly more writing than applicants are used to, so budgeting time is crucial.

But applicants should take care when prewriting essays and make sure each is tailored to the specific school with the correct school name, experts say. Jackson says she's read plenty of essays where applicants included the wrong school name and it cost them.

“You may think you can save time by cutting and pasting or taking half of a previously written essay response and making a modification,” Jackson says. “Be careful, because the questions vary from institution to institution.”

Experts say applicants often neglect to fully read prompts in their haste to complete answers. Though there's a time crunch, it's vital to thoroughly read the prompt and answer the question fully without grammatical or spelling errors.

“That seems kind of silly, but I think we can get going down a road when we’re writing and feel like we’ve completed and written something well but look back and never really have a response to the true question being asked," Jackson says.

Be Authentic

Medical school applicants tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves to write something that schools haven't read before, Kimble says. Given that med schools sift through thousands of applicants a year, "we’ve read all sorts of scenarios in life, so take that pressure and put it on the shelf," she says. "That’s not a concern for us. We aren’t looking for something that’s totally innovative."

Experts say schools are mostly looking for authenticity and an organic, genuine tone. The tone "can make or break an applicant," Jackson says.

It may be tempting, especially given time constraints, to rely on outside help – such as ChatGPT or other AI-powered software – to write essays. While some professors and admissions officers have embraced AI to help automate certain processes, Kimble says she strongly discourages med school applicants from using AI to help with secondary essays.

"We had an (application) that you could clearly see was not written by a human voice," she says. "It sounded very computer generated, so we ended up passing on the candidate just because we want to hear their story in their own words."

A Secondary Essay Example

Shemmassian compiles more than 1,000 sample secondary essays each year, using prompts from more than 150 medical schools in various states, and offers them to paying clients. The excerpted example below, created by Shemmassian's team and used with their permission, shows what he considers to be a successful diversity-themed essay in response to a Yale University School of Medicine prompt that asks applicants to reflect on how their background and experiences contribute to the school's focus on diversity and how it will inform their future role as a doctor.

As a child, one of my favorite times of the year was the summer, when I would travel to Yemen… at least until I turned twelve. Suddenly, the traditional and, in my Yemeni American view, restrictive laws for women, applied to me. Perhaps the most representative of these laws was having to cover my hair with a scarf-like garment. Staying true to my values, I decided against returning to Yemen, thereby losing a vital connection to my culture. However, this estrangement did not inhibit my growth.

The 500-word response continues with how the applicant met a Yemeni student who grew up in France and was barred from wearing a headscarf due to a school uniform policy. Where the applicant saw the headscarf as restrictive, the other student saw it as a connection to her roots. The applicant describes how although the same object held different meanings to two people from the same background, she used that to appreciate different perspectives and to advocate for a woman's right to express herself.

Later that year, I applied this lesson in perspective to my work as a clinical coordinator, when a patient walked into the office and handed me a piece of paper explaining she only spoke Arabic...By thinking critically while vernacularly translating the doctor’s advice, I was directly involved in the process of her medical care. Because of my experience in exploring the multi-cultural barriers I faced alongside the Yemeni French student who cherished her headscarf, I spent time talking to this Yemeni patient about the barriers she had faced in receiving care.
This experience motivated me to help overcome cultural healthcare barriers and disparities, showcasing my devotion to equitable treatment by creating a new protocol within the clinic where I work. Now, when scheduling patients over the phone, we ask if they have any language preferences, and we have a series of scripts we can use during each patient’s treatment.

The applicant then drives home why she believes she's a good fit for the school.

My background and experiences will contribute to Yale School of Medicine’s diversity and inform my future role as a physician by creating a student organization that holds informational workshops, utilizing my unique experiences to connect with Yale’s diverse patient population, and working to address healthcare disparities as a future physician. I envision these informational workshops would operate in the Haven Free Clinic patient waiting rooms to empower all patients, regardless of their background.

This essay is successful because it does more than tell essay readers about the applicant's background, Shemmassian says. It shows how the applicant grew "into a more compassionate and culturally humble future physician who will help patients overcome health care barriers."

"Strong diversity essays will always show admissions committees how a unique trait or life experience will help them become a better physician," he says. "This essay is especially successful because the applicant connects their experiences and what they’ve learned because of them to the Yale School of Medicine itself. This is an applicant who is already thinking deeply about not just what they can get out of medical school but how they can contribute to the values and mission of the school they attend."

Searching for a medical school? Get our  complete rankings  of Best Medical Schools.

Medical School Application Mistakes

A diverse group of female medical students listen attentively while seated for a lecture.

Tags: medical school , doctors , graduate schools , education , students

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Pamela Paul

And Now, a Real-World Lesson for Student Activists

A student in graduation robes wearing a kaffiyeh and a mortarboard graduation cap decorated with a Palestinian flag.

By Pamela Paul

Opinion Columnist

The encampments have been cleared; campuses have emptied; protester and counterprotester alike have moved on to internships, summer gigs and in some cases, the start of their postgraduate careers.

Leaving aside what impact, if any, the protests had on global events, let’s consider the more granular effect the protests will have on the protesters’ job prospects and future careers.

Certainly, that matters, too. After all, this generation is notable for its high levels of ambition and preprofessionalism . It has tuition price tags to justify and loans to repay. A 2023 survey of Princeton seniors found that nearly 60 percent took jobs in finance, consulting, tech and engineering, up from 53 percent in 2016.

A desire to protect future professional plans no doubt factored into the protesters’ cloaking themselves in masks and kaffiyehs. According to a recent report in The Times, “The fear of long-term professional consequences has also been a theme among pro-Palestine protesters since the beginning of the war.”

Activism has played a big part in many of these young people’s lives and academic success. From the children’s books they read (“The Hate U Give,” “ I Am Malala ”) to the young role models who were honored ( Greta Thunberg , David Hogg ) to the social justice movements that were praised (Black Lives Matter, MeToo, climate justice), Gen Z-ers have been told it’s on them to clean up the boomers’ mess. Resist!

College application essays regularly ask students to describe their relationship with social justice, their leadership experience and their pet causes. “Where are you on your journey of engaging with or fighting for social justice?” asked one essay prompt Tufts offered applicants in 2022. What are you doing to ensure the planet’s future?

Across the curriculum, from the social sciences to the humanities, courses are steeped in social justice theory and calls to action. Cornell’s library publishes a study guide to a 1969 building occupation in which students armed themselves. Harvard offers a social justice graduate certificate. “Universities spent years saying that activism is not just welcome but encouraged on their campuses,” Tyler Austin Harper noted recently in The Atlantic. “Students took them at their word.”

Imagine the surprise of one freshman who was expelled from Vanderbilt after students forced their way into an administrative building. As he told The Associated Press , protesting in high school was what helped get him into college in the first place; he wrote his admission essay on organizing walkouts, and got a scholarship for activists and organizers.

Things could still work out well for many of these kids. Some professions — academia, politics, community organizing, nonprofit work — are well served by a résumé brimming with activism. But a lot has changed socially and economically since boomer activists marched from the streets to the workplace, many of them building solid middle-class lives as teachers, creatives and professionals, without crushing anxiety about student debt. In a demanding and rapidly changing economy, today’s students yearn for the security of high-paying employment.

Not all employers will look kindly on an encampment stint. When a group of Harvard student organizations signed an open letter blaming Israel for Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks, the billionaire Bill Ackman requested on X that Harvard release the names of the students involved “so as to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members.” Soon after, a conservative watchdog group posted names and photos of the students on a truck circling Harvard Square.

Calling students out for their political beliefs is admittedly creepy. But pro-Palestinian demonstrations lacked the moral clarity of the anti-apartheid demonstrations. Along with protesters demanding that Israel stop killing civilians in Gaza, others stirred fears of antisemitism by justifying the Oct. 7 massacre, tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis, shoving “Zionists” out of encampments and calling for “globalizing the intifada” and making Palestine “free from the river to the sea.”

In November, two dozen leading law firms wrote to top law schools implying that students who participated in what they called antisemitic activities, including calling for “the elimination of the state of Israel,” would not be hired. More than 100 firms have since signed on. One of those law firms, Davis Polk, rescinded job offers to students whose organizations had signed the letter Ackman criticized. Davis Polk said those sentiments were contrary to the firm’s values. Another major firm, Winston & Strawn, withdrew an offer to a student at New York University who also blamed Israel for the Oct. 7 attack. In a Wall Street Journal opinion essay, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law urged employers not to hire those of his students he said were antisemitic.

Two partners at corporate law firms, who asked to speak anonymously because other partners didn’t want them to talk to the media, told me that participating in this year’s protests, especially if it involves an arrest, could easily foreclose opportunities at their firm. At one of those firms, hiring managers scan applicants’ social media histories for problems. (Well before Oct. 7, students had keyed into this possibility, scrubbing campus activism from their résumés.)

Also, employers generally want to hire people who can get along and fit into their company culture, rather than trying to agitate for change. They don’t want politics disrupting the workplace.

“There is no right answer,” Steve Cohen, a partner at the boutique litigation firm Pollock Cohen, said when I asked if protesting might count against an applicant. “But if I sense they are not tolerant of opinions that differ from their own, it’s not going to be a good fit.” (That matches my experience with Cohen, who worked on a Reagan presidential campaign and hired me, a die-hard liberal, as an editorial assistant back in 1994.)

Corporate America is fundamentally risk-averse. As The Wall Street Journal reported , companies are drawing “a red line on office activists.” Numerous employers, including Amazon, are cracking down on political activism in the workplace, The Journal reported . Google recently fired 28 people.

For decades, employers used elite colleges as a kind of human resources proxy to vet potential candidates and make their jobs easier by doing a first cut. Given that those elite schools were hotbeds of activism this year, that calculus may no longer prove as reliable. Forbes reported that employers are beginning to sour on the Ivy League. “The perception of what those graduates bring has changed. And I think it’s more related to what they’re actually teaching and what they walk away with,” an architectural firm told Forbes.

The American university has long been seen as a refuge from the real world, a sealed community unto its own. The outsize protests this past year showed that in a social media-infused, cable-news-covered world, the barrier has become more porous. What flies on campus doesn’t necessarily pass in the real world.

The toughest lesson for young people of this generation may be that while they’ve been raised to believe in their right to change the world, the rest of the world may neither share nor be ready to indulge their particular vision.

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Pamela Paul is an Opinion columnist at The Times, writing about culture, politics, ideas and the way we live now.

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UW Acceptance Rate for the Class of 2028

UW Acceptance Rate for the Class of 2028

Class of 2028

Regular Decision

Get Accepted

The University of Washington (UW) has had another record-breaking year in terms of applicants, with about 69,080 applicants to the Class of 2028. UW’s acceptance rate for the Class of 2028 has not been released yet. The university is expected to extend admission offers to 7,000 students — 66% of whom are in-state residents.

UW Class of 2028 Acceptance Rate: Another Competitive Year

UW has not yet published the final admission results for Class of 2028, but they have reported that they’ve had another record-breaking year in terms of applicants.

During the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, UW received 69,080 applications — up from last year’s 67,483 applications. 

Since 2020, the number of first-year applications to UW has increased by 25,000 students or 57%. This consistent rise in application numbers is attributed to UW’s adoption of the one-step Common App  in 2023 and its removal of standardized test requirements in the application process. After joining the Common App system in 2023, UW saw a 20% increase in applications from the year before.

Out of the 69,080 applications it received this year, UW is expected to make offers to about 30,000 students, yielding an overall acceptance rate of about 43%. Of the students who are accepted, about 7,000 are expected to attend.

UW does not participate in early decision or early action. All admissions decisions were made during the “regular round.” Offers were made to students between March 1 and March 15, 2024.

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In-State vs. Out-of-State Acceptance Rate at UW

Given that UW is one of the most popular public universities in the country, it receives a sizeable amount of out-of-state applications. In general, out-of-state applicants tend to face stiffer competition than in-state applicants. UW’s out-of-state acceptance rate (46%) remains significantly lower than its in-state acceptance rate (54%) . In-state applicants are prioritized and read twice by two different staff members.

With that said, the out-of-state acceptance rate slightly increased from last year’s 12.1%, while the in-state acceptance rate decreased to 25.5%.

How Crimson Can Help You Stand Out

UW’s low acceptance rates and the broader trends in elite admissions highlight how challenging it has become to gain entry into top universities. In this highly competitive landscape, seeking guidance from experienced college admissions advisors can be a significant advantage.

Advisors offer personalized support throughout the complex application process, helping you:

  • Craft a Compelling Narrative : They work with you to identify your unique strengths, passions, and experiences. This helps shape a cohesive application that showcases your potential to contribute to the UW community.
  • Navigate Strategic Choices : Advisors can provide insights on application timing (early vs. regular), test score submission, and highlight areas where you can further boost your profile.
  • Excel in Every Aspect : From essay coaching to interview preparation, advisors ensure each application component is polished and demonstrates your preparedness for UW’s rigorous academic environment.

Proven Success in a Competitive Landscape

Crimson Education has a track record of helping students achieve their admissions goals. Our personalized approach and expertise in selective admissions have led to impressive results. This year alone, over 200 Crimson students were accepted to top US universities in the early round. Here's a breakdown of our  early-round  numbers:

  • 87 offers to the Ivy League.
  • 163 offers to the US Top 20 , including offers to Stanford, MIT, Caltech, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, University of Chicago, Rice, Vanderbilt, and University of Notre Dame.
  • 15% of Ivy League and 27% of top 20 early round applicants received offers to their dream schools.
  • 670+ offers to the US Top 50 , including offers to NYU, University of Michigan, Georgetown, Carnegie Mellon, Emory, University of Virginia, and Washington University in St. Louis.
  • 1000+ offers to each student’s first choice school.

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Meet Vanderbilt Owen’s MBA Class Of 2025

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Where does business get done?

It happens where relationships are built. You don’t make friends in board rooms or Zoom calls. They happen over long layovers and late-night dinners – on golf courses and stadium suites. These bonds are sealed over tales of crazy pranks, wacky pets, and idiot bosses. There are laughs shared, drinks guzzled, and confidences given. Over time, you understand that these people are just like you. That’s why you’d never do business with anyone else.

At Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management , relationships are built over time during Closing Bell. On Thursday evenings, MBAs gather to celebrate the end of classes for the week. For over 45 years, MBAs stream to the Courtyard for drinks and meals. There is no agenda. Just a consistent time and space to relax, away from the classroom, to let your guard down among students, faculty members, families, and even alumni. For many members of the Class of 2025, Closing Bell has become the highlight of their week.


“This provides us, as a collective, with an opportunity to unwind from the week’s activities, savor each other’s company, and delve deeper into personal connections beyond the classroom, encompassing both students and faculty members,” says Ifeloluwa Adefolaju , an account manager from Nigeria.

Yes, weekends start early at Owen. Fridays are set aside to fiish readings, build networks, and pursue passions. That way, the weekends are free to travel, relax, or live it up in Music City. For MBAs – present and past – Closing Bell means something different. Ishan Desai, a 2024 Best & Brightest MBA , describes it as a time to “catch up”, while first-year Simran Shroff has found it to be the place to make “meaningful” connections. That starts with the “real conversations” that happen at Closing Bell says “24 alum Rushikesh Jere. More than that, the event never gets old, as clubs change its themes.

“Each week, a different club hosts and brings their own theme to the table. The Diwali one was epic – students dressed up in Indian ethnic clothes and munched on some tasty Indian dishes. Plus, after the Bell, we often roll out to spots like Red Door and Losers for some live music with great company. Some of my favorite memories were made at Closing Bell and I will miss this tight-knit, community-oriented tradition once I graduate.”

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Vanderbilt MBAs Connecting at Orientation


The Class of 2025 still has another year of Closing Bell to bond. Among the class, you’ll find Rafael Braga , a former professional swimmer from Brazil and Brianna Dacey , a blackbelt from New Jersey. As an undergrad, Robert Rickard played D1 golf on scholarship, while Simran Shroff’s athletic pursuits include “skydiving, scuba diving, and cliff diving.” And Megan Manno , who once came within 10 feet of a grizzly bear, also got up close to a bull (market).

“I participated in the bell-ringing ceremony at the Nasdaq!”

Manno, who last worked at Oracle, comes to campus with certifications as both a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Project Management Professional (PMP). Brianna Dacey previously managed a 13-member team as a retail banker. At one stop in Rafael Braga’s career, he designed an interactional chatbot that was integral to a startup’s growth to 100,000 clients. By the same token, Ifeloluwa Adefolaju, who studied pharmacy as an undergrad, helped five major Nigerian hospitals access plasma therapeutics.

Before business school, Eddie Hole served as a captain in the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division. After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, Logan Burchett spent eight years an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officer.  As an Emerson strategist, Robert Rickard enhanced the firm’s customer success operations through his research and pilot programs across eight countries. At the same time, Simran Shroff made a major impact in one of the world’s top beauty brands.

“I worked on the introduction of The Ordinary, a renowned global skincare brand, to the Indian beauty market—a significant milestone for Nykaa. This marked the platform’s largest-ever brand launch, amplifying our presence in the beauty industry. Steering the strategic planning, coordination, and execution of such a large project required intricate market understanding and precise navigation of challenges. The success of this launch not only expanded Nykaa’s product portfolio but also solidified our position as trendsetters in the ever-evolving beauty landscape in India.”

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Owen MBA students


Masala KeAnne Thomas comes to Nashville after working as a recruiting manager, where her team once onboarded over 100 employees in a few months to meet a government contract. Nayab Liaqat also operated in the human resources space. Her passion revolved around boosting female applications to tech companies in Pakistan.

“ To address this issue, I proposed and implemented various initiatives,” she writes. “Initially, I launched a women-centric podcast where female developers from my company and I openly discussed concerns related to the gender gap in the tech industry. Following the same trajectory, I moderated an exclusive event for women in development, bringing together female professionals from different organizations to share their experiences in the Pakistani tech sector. The event highlighted the challenges faced by women developers in this predominantly male-dominated industry, fostering discussions on strategies to overcome these issues and create more inclusive workplaces.”

The first year has brought out some special moments for the Class of 2025. Masala KeAnne Thomas was part of a case competition team that finished 2nd in the National Black MBA Association. Such competitions have also been a highlight for Megan Manno.

“I treasured the opportunity to compete in the Deloitte Case Competitions. The local competition was held amongst first-year Owen MBA students. I recall the 12 Owen teams being huddled in the team rooms in the wee hours of the morning. While we were all sleep deprived and anxious for our presentations, there were bonds formed in being in the experience together. My team was fortunate to win the Vanderbilt local competition and to proceed to the Deloitte National Case Competition to compete against 15 other teams from across the country. Taking place at Deloitte University, the competition itself was an incredible experience. The experience was made even more memorable considering that our team took home 4th place nationally!”

For Simran Shroff, the best moment – so far – has been the Holiday Party. “ The lively atmosphere, festive decorations, and the collective spirit of celebration made it a standout experience. The party not only marked the culmination of the semester but also provided a perfect opportunity to unwind and forge stronger connections with my MBA peers.”


As a whole, the Class of 2025 features 160 students, who range in age from 23-39. This includes 33% women and 9% U.S. underrepresented minorities. 29% of the class also hails from overseas, with the class’s 19 home countries including Bangladesh, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, United Kingdom and Vietnam. Military veterans account for 16% of the class. While Owen is sometimes considered a “southern” school, just 39% of American first-years come from the region.

The class also boasts a 687 average GMAT, with scores ranging from 640-730 in the mid-80% band. Among students taking the GRE, the average scores were 159 (Verbal) and 158 (Quant). As a whole, the class also averaged a 3.5 undergraduate GPA.

Combined, the class graduated from 122 undergraduate institutions. Before starting business school, they had also worked for 48 employers, including Amazon, Johnson & Johnson, Deloitte, PwC, and Ernst & Young.

Next Page: An interview with the admissions director and profiles of 10 members of the Class of 2025.

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    The first essay is a response to one of the personal essay prompts on the Common App, Coalition Application, or QuestBridge, and the second is a response to one of two supplemental essay questions that are unique to Vanderbilt University. First-year and transfer students will have different personal essay prompts, but the supplemental essay ...

  10. Analyzing the Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay 2021-2022

    That being said, your Vanderbilt supplemental essay 2021-2022 is chance to expand upon—instead of repeating—what you've written earlier in the Common Application. Admissions officers expect each component of your application to convey new information about you. Mentioning the same things you've touched upon elsewhere in the Common App ...

  11. Vanderbilt University 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Vanderbilt University 2023-24 Application Essay Question Explanations. *Please note: the information below relates to last year's essay prompts. As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! Vanderbilt decided to keep it short and sweet, so we'll follow suit.

  12. How to Tackle the Vanderbilt 2016-2017 Application Essay

    How to Tackle the Vanderbilt 2016-2017 Application Essay. Check out How to Write the Vanderbilt Essay for 2017-2018. A certified arboretum with over 6000 trees on campus, Vanderbilt University, located in the heart of Music City (Nashville, Tennessee), is a private liberal arts university with a population of around 7,000 undergraduate students

  13. Vanderbilt Essay Examples

    The supplemental essay is a crucial component of your Vanderbilt application. Supplemental essays, are a way for the Vanderbilt admissions committee to get to know you better as an applicant. Each of the Vanderbilt supplemental essays is a way for you to showcase your passions, your skills, and what makes you unique. ...

  14. Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays

    The Vanderbilt supplemental essays form a major part of the overall Vanderbilt admissions process. Your Vanderbilt essay helps to provide crucial context to your application. It can also help the admissions office better understand how you'll fit on campus. Overall, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays work to build a more holistic picture of ...

  15. Vanderbilt University Essay Prompts

    Vanderbilt University has released its 2023-2024 supplemental admissions essay prompts for applicants to the Class of 2028. This year, in addition to The Common Application 's Personal Statement, Vanderbilt requires applicants to answer one of their two supplemental essay prompts in approximately 250 words.

  16. Vanderbilt University 2022-2023 Essay Prompts

    Vanderbilt University has released its 2022-2023 essay prompt for applicants to the Class of 2027. If you happen to be wondering if Vanderbilt changed the essay prompt, the answer is yes — albeit only slightly. Last year, as our readers may remember, Vanderbilt's admissions office asked applicants, "Please briefly elaborate on one of your ...

  17. Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay Examples

    There are two possible prompts to select from. Word limit: approximately 250 words for each short answer essay. Essay No.1. Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength.

  18. Secondary Medical School Application Essays: How to Shine

    Secondary essays vary in length and number. Vanderbilt requires applicants to submit an 800-word essay and two 600-word essays. Some schools may require close to 10 secondary essays. Shemmassian ...

  19. Weekly Refresh: Latest MBA Essay Questions, Analyzed

    Essay Tips. Drafting your application essays? ... Vanderbilt Owen MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Second-Year Student / Skype Weekly Columns The Week Ahead: MBA Admissions Decisions, June 3-7, 2024 MBA Livewire. June 7, 2024 12:27am ET Interview Invite to NYU Stern

  20. Opinion

    A 2023 survey of Princeton seniors found that nearly 60 percent took jobs in finance, consulting, tech and engineering, up from 53 percent in 2016. A desire to protect future professional plans no ...

  21. UW Acceptance Rate for the Class of 2028

    This consistent rise in application numbers is attributed to UW's adoption of the one-step Common App in 2023 and its removal of standardized test requirements in the application process. ... From essay coaching to ... MIT, Caltech, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, University of Chicago, Rice, Vanderbilt, and University of Notre Dame. 15% ...

  22. Poets&Quants

    As a whole, the Class of 2025 features 160 students, who range in age from 23-39. This includes 33% women and 9% U.S. underrepresented minorities. 29% of the class also hails from overseas, with the class's 19 home countries including Bangladesh, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, United Kingdom and Vietnam. Military veterans account for 16% of ...