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66 Zootopia (2016)

Zootopia (2016): The Diversity in Society

By Prakaydao Chinpinyokul

Zootopia was made by Disney and released in theaters in 2016. Without analyzing it, this movie seems to be an average movie for children to enjoy. Character designs, settings, music, and plot draw children into the colorful world of Zootopia. Enjoying the up and down and thrilling moments as children follow the story of the protagonist, Judy Hopps, a bunny who is full of determination and ambition to pursue her dream of becoming a police officer, starting her new life in Zootopia, and facing the obstacle with optimism. However, as children watch Zootopia , they might have missed the critical detail that the movie tries to tell audiences because they are too young to understand the topic that highlights the issue of difference, power, and discrimination. It is normal for children to categorize animals as one group and overlook the diversity of animals in the movie. The variety of the society that shows different types of animals with different personalities in the film is the key to understanding these issues and how it shapes people in Zootopia.

But first, we have to focus on the settings that show many small details being put in the movie to fit in a world full of many types of animals. Zootopia is known as a city where “Anyone can be anything” (03.00), showing the concept of equality. The movie displays this concept by introducing twelve unique ecosystems in the city. Also, providing facilities for different animals. The scene when Judy says goodbye to her family and leaves for Zootopia at the train station is a good exmple. You can see there are many sizes of train doors for different animals who are big and small. Even the scene when Judy chases after the thief in the small city where mice live, or the scene with a different size of trash can shows the city that treats every animal equally. The city appears to be a perfect place for every animal. However, that is just the outside to make the city look like an ideal city, and we’ll have to look deep into the different groups of animals in the movie that create Zootopia society.

Three images showing a train door with many sizes different size of trash cans in Small City that mouses live in

The movie displays two types of animals in the city; the first are herbivores seen as prey, and the seconds are carnivores seen as predators in the movie. The central conflict in the film starts when Judy learns about the missing mammal cases. At first, the case looks like a typical missing animal, but as Judy gets closer to cracking the case. She finds out that all the missing animals turn into savages. She thinks what causes animals to turn savage is because of “biology…a biological component…thousand years ago…predators survived through their aggressive hunting instincts…reverting back to their primitive, savage ways…” (01.11.10)—connecting the dot that all missing animals are predators and only predators can turn savage. The small assumption leads to a tear in Zootopia and uproar diversion between predator and prey. This part of the movie shows the discrimination caused by hatred and fear toward predators. Suppressing and discriminating against other people with cruel words that do not even apply to those people in reality. These kinds of actions affect some of the characters in the movie to grow up with the conflict and fear of being anything other than what people around tell them.

Society in Zootopia is similar to our world. Some animals have jobs, such as constructors, thieves, police officers, secretaries, or a mayor. However, one thing to notice in the movie is that the same animal species or same-sized animals usually work in the same jobs. Zootopia’s society has the stereotype of what kind of jobs this animal can do, which overpowers the animal’s opinion and right to choose in Zootopia. For example, animals that work as police officers are big and strong-looking, sloths work as DMV employees, or bunnies work as farmers. The Mayor in Zootopia, Lionheart, is even a lion, an animal known to be the king of the animal kingdom. This kind of stereotype contradicts the quote “Anyone can be anything” and highlights the true side of Zootopia of people stuck in their stereotypes.

Bellwether is one of the characters sick of society always choosing who can or can not be. Bellwether is a sheep secretary who works under Lionheart, the mayor in Zootopia, and her appearance looks sweet and kind in the movie. Surprisingly, she is the real villain, turning predators into savage predators. The reason behind her villain plan is formed by the hatred that she had toward predators. Her whole career working as a secretary for the mayor has to deal with power suppressing her. She receives terrible treatment from the mayor, who tells her what to do, calling her “Smellwether”, or forcing her to work in a boiling room instead of an actual workplace. Moreover, he gives her a mug that says “World’s Greatest Dad” but crosses the word “dad” with “assistant mayor”—showing Lionheart never respects Bellwether or takes her seriously. It is unfortunate what she has to go through and feel like she is just “a glorified secretary” (01.01.45) used to get the sheep to vote for the mayor. Bellwether is tired of being underestimated and underappreciated by predators who are always in power showing “a grudge against what she saw as an unfair system” (Hassler). She wants to make a world where preys dominate predators. To do that, she needs to become powerful by creating the fear of predators within prey, which makes Lionheart a predator not in a powerful position anymore.

Bellweather carrying files then giving commands in side by side images

You can see the difference between the pictures of Bellwether. The first picture is when Bellwether still works under a mayor, and a shot is from an angle looking down at Bellwether, making her look weak. The second picture is when Bellwether becomes a mayor, and a shot is from an angle looking up at Bellwether, and her surroundings are dark tone, indicating she is in power and revealing her true self. This is an excellent example of how power can have a lot of effect on our society.

Nick’s character is introduced in the movie as a con artist. He is seen as sneaky and cunning in the beginning. Animals in Zootopia or even Judy see Nick as a sly and mischievous fox, a common trait of all foxes. However, as Judy and Nick work together on a missing animal case, Judy realizes that Nick’s real personality is not like the fake act that he created for people around him to see. In the movie, audiences later learn that the reason behind Nick’s actions is actually a way for him to protect himself from people who discriminate against him for being a fox. He had a dream of joining the Ranger Scouts when he was a kid, but his dream was destroyed when people in the Scout mistreated him just because he is a fox, and the stereotype of foxes can’t be trusted. The scene after Nick ran away to hide behind the side of the building shows him as a victim and no one beside him to stand for him. His mussel symbolizes the violence from the discrimination and his inability to express his true self. He tells his pain to Judy and says, “If the world’s only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there’s no point in trying to be anything else” (59.53). Nick chooses not to fight back the discrimination and accepts the stereotype of a fox. Later in the movie, Judy slowly sees Nick as trustworthy and overlooks his identity of being a predator. Nick also gradually became the person he wanted to be, a kind, gentle person who overcame barriers created by society.

Finally, the protagonist, Judy Hopps, is different from the other bunnies in her hometown. She dreams of becoming a police officer, but her parents, her bully, or people around her think that a bunny can’t be police because “there is never a bunny cop…Bunny don’t do that…never” (03.33). It reveals her parents are stuck in the stereotype that bunnies can only be farmers and are scared of trying a new thing because they know they will fail. With the critical comments from people around her, she didn’t care what people thought and kept working hard until she successfully became the first bunny officer. However, her path to becoming a real police officer didn’t go as smoothly as she thought. Look closely at the shot from Judy’s point of view, looking at enormous police officers, or when Judy is in the same shot with other officers; the film wants audiences to compare Judy with other officers and notice that Judy is different from others. She receives discrimination from the teacher in the police academy, telling her she won’t be able to succeed, or the chief assigns her to parking duty while other police officers work on the missing file case. She receives these unfair treatments because of her small physical appearance, being the only female in a male-dominated workplace, and just because she is different from others. Even the article from the research mentions, “It becomes clear that one’s workplace success depends more…connections, race and/ or gender than their academic achievement” (Beaudine, Osibodu, Beavers). This confirms Judy is being looked down on because she is a bunny; her having a token or writing two hundred parking tickets would not change the point of view of how other animals see her. However, it doesn’t change the fact that Judy still has the privilege of being a prey animal, which gives her a platform to speak on the issue of missing animals that turn into savages. But because she didn’t understand why animals were turning savage, causing her to say something offensive to predators. This “demonstrates how language can be hurtful without being overly aggressive” (Crewe)— causing her to lose a good friend like Nick, who used to be gone through the experience of being discriminated against as a predator. This also shows her unconscious discrimination toward predators when she grabs her fox spray due to her inner fear and reveals she never experience cruel discrimination against predators. Needless to say, Judy’s action was not on purpose. She “recognizes her mistake and expresses regret, thereby models for the movie’s audience regarding him they should respond” (Flory), which is a smart way to teach children about these issues and learn to take responsibility for their actions.

Zootopia is a great movie with many good messages about equality. It displays power, difference, and discrimination issues through characters in the film, making it not too complex for audiences like parents to teach their children. All characters in movies are animals, which makes it hard for audiences to compare the animal species in the film to the human race in real life, thus reaching more audiences from different groups because everyone can feel related to the film. Of course, the city of Zootopia is not like our society. Our society is full of many people that come from different backgrounds. Still, we are all human beings at the end of the day. Like Judy said, “We all have limitations. We all make mistakes which mean…we all have a lot in common, and the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be” (01.33.45)—proving that we can become more than what we are in our own unique way. It depends on you whether you want to accept the system and continue to be what people around you say or fight against the system and make the world a better place, so which path are you going to choose?

Beaudine, Gregory., Osibodu, Oyemolade., and Beavers, Aliya. “Disney’s Metaphorical Exploration of Racism and Stereotypes: A Review of Zootopia” The University of Chicago Press Journals, Feb 1. 2017, www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/690061

Crewe, David. “Animal harm discrimination and difference in Zootopia” Gale Academic Onefile, Jan. 2017, go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA485988740&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linka ccess=abs&issn=1449857X&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=oregon_oweb&isGeo AuthType=true

Flory, Dan. “Audience, Implicit Racial Bias, and Cinematic Twists in Zootopia” The Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism, Oct 30. 2019, academic.oup.com/jaac/article/77/4/435/5981537

Hassler, Forest, Dan. “‘Life Isn’t Some Cartoon Musical’: Neoliberal Identity Politics in Zootopia and Orange Is the New Black .” Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 51, no. 2, Apr. 2018, pp. 356–78. EBSCOhost, doi-org.ezproxy.libweb.linnbenton.edu/10.1111/jpcu.12658.

Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Film and Media: Student Essays Copyright © by Students at Linn-Benton Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Audience, Implicit Racial Bias, and Cinematic Twists in Zootopia : Flory  Audience, Implicit Racial Bias, and Cinematic Twists

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DAN FLORY, Audience, Implicit Racial Bias, and Cinematic Twists in Zootopia : Flory  Audience, Implicit Racial Bias, and Cinematic Twists , The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism , Volume 77, Issue 4, October 2019, Pages 435–446, https://doi.org/10.1111/jaac.12672

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This article argues that Zootopia , while positively exploring implicit racial bias, nonetheless leaves aside a huge swath of nonwhite viewers. By using the vehicle of fear that prey animals have for predators as a metaphor for race, its story primarily caters to white audiences and encourages them to consider what sorts of implications biased presumptions and predispositions might have on one's fellow creatures. Through the use of different epistemological and thematic twists, this movie drives home its point of showing the negative impacts that implicit racial biases may have, even as it sidelines many of its potential viewers.

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Accents and stereotypes in animated films. The case of Zootopia (2016)

Profile image of Luca Valleriani

Language variation is an extremely useful tool to convey information about a character, even when this means playing with stereotypes, which are often associated to some dialects and sociolects (Lippi-Green 1997). Accents generally bear a specific social meaning within the cultural environment of the source text, this being the main reason why they are often particularly difficult to translate with varieties of the target language, even though there are several cases where this strategy proved to be a valid choice, especially in animation (Ranzato 2010). Building on previous research on the language of cartoons (Lippi-Green 1997, but also more recently Bruti 2009, Minutella 2016, Parini 2019), this study is aimed at exploring language variation and how this is deeply connected to cultural stereotypes in the animated Disney film Zootopia (Howard et al. 2016). After giving an outline of the social and regional varieties of American English found in the original version (Beaudine et al...

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Fantasy films aimed at kids don’t have to have political messages, but when they do, they should either be internally consistent, or work through the contradictions in terms that kids can apply to the real world. “Zootopia,” a fantasy set in a city where predators and prey live together in harmony, is a funny, beautifully designed kids’ film with a message that it restates at every turn. But if you think about that message for longer than five minutes, it doesn’t merely fall apart, it invites a reading that is almost surely contrary to the movie’s seemingly enlightened spirit: discrimination is wrong, but stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, and it’s not easy for members of a despised class to overcome the reasons why the majority despises them, so you gotta be patient.

Ginnifer Goodwin (“Big Love”) voices Bunny Hops, a small town rabbit who’s told that she can’t be a police officer in Zootopia because there’s never been a rabbit police officer. (The job tends to be done by predators and large herbivores—like a water buffalo that’s become a police captain, voiced by Idris Elba.) Hops makes it through police training anyway and gets assigned to meter maid duty, to the relief of her carrot farmer parents ( Bonnie Hunt and Don Lake ), who gave her fox repellent as a going-away present. They had good reason to give her fox repellent: the fox is one of the rabbit’s mortal enemies, and when Judy was child, a fox cornered her at a county fair, insulted her for being a bunny, and slashed her face with his paw. (This is a slightly more intense kid-flick than you might expect, given how many adorable animals are in it.)

Of course Hops ends up partnered with a red fox named Nick Wilde ( Jason Bateman ), a small-time hustler who reluctantly helps her investigate the disappearances of a dozen predators. I won’t reveal exactly what the mystery is here (it’s a pretty good one) except to say that it invites kids and parents to talk about nature versus nurture, and the origins and debilitating effect of stereotypes.

But this turns out to be not such a great thing once you get deeper into the movie. Because people are not animals, I dread thinking about the “logical” conclusions to which such conversations will lead. The film isn’t wrong to say that carnivores are biologically inclined to want to eat herbivores, that bunnies reproduce prolifically, the sloths are slow-moving (they work at the DMV here), that you can take the fox out of the forest but you can’t take forest out of the fox, and so on. If you think about all this as an analogy for the world we live in (particularly if we live in a melting-pot big city like Zootopia) and and then ask yourself which racial or ethnic or societal groups (cops, businesspeople, city bureaucrats) are “predators” and which are “prey” (for purposes of metaphor translation), you see the problem. "Zootopia" pretty much rubber-stamps whatever worldview parents want to pass on to their kids, however embracing or malignant that may be. I can imagine an anti-racist and a racist coming out of this film, each thinking it validated their sense of how the world works.

“Zootopia” is constantly asking its characters to look past species stereotypes, and not use species-ist language or repeat hurtful assumptions. “Only a bunny can call another bunny ‘cute,’” Hops warns a colleague It’s filled with moments that are about overcoming or enduring discrimination. “Never let them see that they get to you,” Wilde advises Hops. And there are acknowledgments of the destructive self-hatred that discrimination can cause. Many of the animals make self-deprecating jokes at the expense of stereotypes about their species (such as Hops volunteering to do math for Wilde, telling him, "If there's one thing we bunnies are good at, it's multiplying"), and there's a fairly intense flashback which reveals that Wilde became a hustler because other animals hazed him as a pup while repeating anti-fox stereotypes, and responded by embracing his species' caricature and becoming the foxiest fox anyone had seen. This all seems clever and noble until you realize that all the stereotypes about various animals are to some extent true, in particular the most basic one: carnivores eat herbivores because it's in their nature. (Yes, readers, I know, there are tigers who've been taught to snuggle with lambs, and I've seen the same memes with cats and dogs snuggling that you have; I mean in general.)

It might seem weird that I’m dwelling on this aspect of “Zootopia,” which is directed by Byron Howard & Rich Moore and co-directed by Jared Bush , because the movie is entertaining. The thriller plot, which borrows rather generously from “48 HRS” and every cop drama involving governmental conspiracy, is smartly shaped   It’s hard to imagine any child or adult failing to be amused and excited by parts of it. The compositions and lighting are more thoughtful than you tend to get in a 3-D animated film starring big-eyed animals who speak with the voices of celebrities. And there are a few sections that are transportingly lovely, in particular any sequence involving the pop star Gazelle (voiced by Shakira), and Hops' high-speed train ride towards and through Zootopia, which introduces the city's different terrains (including frozen tundra and misty rainforest) while leaving room for subsequent bits of spelunking (a foot chase through rodent town lets Hops know what it feels like to be a giant). Some of the biggest laughs come from obvious gags that you know the writers couldn't resist, such as the bit where Idris' water buffalo captain says they can't start the morning briefing without acknowledging the elephant in the room. If you decide not to think about the metaphor that the film is built around, it's an enjoyable diversion, made with great skill.

Still: is it too much to ask that a film that wears its noble intentions like a jangling neck collar be able to withstand scrutiny? If "Zootopia" were a bit vaguer, or perhaps dumber and less pleased with itself, it might have been a classic, albeit of a very different, less reputable sort. As-is, it's a goodhearted, handsomely executed film that doesn't add up in the way it wants to.

Matt Zoller Seitz

Matt Zoller Seitz

Matt Zoller Seitz is the Editor at Large of RogerEbert.com, TV critic for New York Magazine and Vulture.com, and a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in criticism.

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Zootopia movie poster

Zootopia (2016)

Rated G for some thematic elements, rude humor and action.

108 minutes

Ginnifer Goodwin as Lieutenant Judy Hopps (voice)

Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde (voice)

Shakira as Gazelle (voice)

Idris Elba as Chief Bogo (voice)

Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Otterson (voice)

J.K. Simmons as Mayor Lionheart (voice)

Alan Tudyk as Duke Weaselton (voice)

Jenny Slate as Bellwether (voice)

Bonnie Hunt as Bonnie Hopps (voice)

Tommy Lister as Finnick (voice)

Tommy Chong as Yax (voice)

Kristen Bell as Priscilla (voice)

Katie Lowes as Dr. Madge Honey Badger (voice)

Josh Dallas as Frantic Pig (voice)

John DiMaggio as Jerry Jumbeaux Jr. (voice)

Nate Torrence as Officer Clawhauser (voice)

Maurice LaMarche as Mr. Big (voice)

Kath Soucie as Young Nick Wilde (voice)

Mark Smith as Officer McHorn (voice)

  • Byron Howard


  • Phil Johnston

Writer (story)

  • Jennifer Lee
  • Jim Reardon

Writer (head of story)

  • Josie Trinidad

Writer (additional story material)

  • Dan Fogelman

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Zootopia (2016): The Diversity in Society

By Prakaydao Chinpinyokul

Zootopia was made by Disney and released in theaters in 2016. Without analyzing it, this movie seems to be an average movie for children to enjoy. Character designs, settings, music, and plot draw children into the colorful world of Zootopia. Enjoying the up and down and thrilling moments as children follow the story of the protagonist, Judy Hopps, a bunny who is full of determination and ambition to pursue her dream of becoming a police officer, starting her new life in Zootopia, and facing the obstacle with optimism. However, as children watch Zootopia , they might have missed the critical detail that the movie tries to tell audiences because they are too young to understand the topic that highlights the issue of difference, power, and discrimination. It is normal for children to categorize animals as one group and overlook the diversity of animals in the movie. The variety of the society that shows different types of animals with different personalities in the film is the key to understanding these issues and how it shapes people in Zootopia.

But first, we have to focus on the settings that show many small details being put in the movie to fit in a world full of many types of animals. Zootopia is known as a city where “Anyone can be anything” (03.00), showing the concept of equality. The movie displays this concept by introducing twelve unique ecosystems in the city. Also, providing facilities for different animals. The scene when Judy says goodbye to her family and leaves for Zootopia at the train station is a good exmple. You can see there are many sizes of train doors for different animals who are big and small. Even the scene when Judy chases after the thief in the small city where mice live, or the scene with a different size of trash can shows the city that treats every animal equally. The city appears to be a perfect place for every animal. However, that is just the outside to make the city look like an ideal city, and we’ll have to look deep into the different groups of animals in the movie that create Zootopia society.

Three images showing a train door with many sizes different size of trash cans in Small City that mouses live in

The movie displays two types of animals in the city; the first are herbivores seen as prey, and the seconds are carnivores seen as predators in the movie. The central conflict in the film starts when Judy learns about the missing mammal cases. At first, the case looks like a typical missing animal, but as Judy gets closer to cracking the case. She finds out that all the missing animals turn into savages. She thinks what causes animals to turn savage is because of “biology…a biological component…thousand years ago…predators survived through their aggressive hunting instincts…reverting back to their primitive, savage ways…” (01.11.10)—connecting the dot that all missing animals are predators and only predators can turn savage. The small assumption leads to a tear in Zootopia and uproar diversion between predator and prey. This part of the movie shows the discrimination caused by hatred and fear toward predators. Suppressing and discriminating against other people with cruel words that do not even apply to those people in reality. These kinds of actions affect some of the characters in the movie to grow up with the conflict and fear of being anything other than what people around tell them.

Society in Zootopia is similar to our world. Some animals have jobs, such as constructors, thieves, police officers, secretaries, or a mayor. However, one thing to notice in the movie is that the same animal species or same-sized animals usually work in the same jobs. Zootopia’s society has the stereotype of what kind of jobs this animal can do, which overpowers the animal’s opinion and right to choose in Zootopia. For example, animals that work as police officers are big and strong-looking, sloths work as DMV employees, or bunnies work as farmers. The Mayor in Zootopia, Lionheart, is even a lion, an animal known to be the king of the animal kingdom. This kind of stereotype contradicts the quote “Anyone can be anything” and highlights the true side of Zootopia of people stuck in their stereotypes.

Bellwether is one of the characters sick of society always choosing who can or can not be. Bellwether is a sheep secretary who works under Lionheart, the mayor in Zootopia, and her appearance looks sweet and kind in the movie. Surprisingly, she is the real villain, turning predators into savage predators. The reason behind her villain plan is formed by the hatred that she had toward predators. Her whole career working as a secretary for the mayor has to deal with power suppressing her. She receives terrible treatment from the mayor, who tells her what to do, calling her “Smellwether”, or forcing her to work in a boiling room instead of an actual workplace. Moreover, he gives her a mug that says “World’s Greatest Dad” but crosses the word “dad” with “assistant mayor”—showing Lionheart never respects Bellwether or takes her seriously. It is unfortunate what she has to go through and feel like she is just “a glorified secretary” (01.01.45) used to get the sheep to vote for the mayor. Bellwether is tired of being underestimated and underappreciated by predators who are always in power showing “a grudge against what she saw as an unfair system” (Hassler). She wants to make a world where preys dominate predators. To do that, she needs to become powerful by creating the fear of predators within prey, which makes Lionheart a predator not in a powerful position anymore.

Bellweather carrying files then giving commands in side by side images

You can see the difference between the pictures of Bellwether. The first picture is when Bellwether still works under a mayor, and a shot is from an angle looking down at Bellwether, making her look weak. The second picture is when Bellwether becomes a mayor, and a shot is from an angle looking up at Bellwether, and her surroundings are dark tone, indicating she is in power and revealing her true self. This is an excellent example of how power can have a lot of effect on our society.

Nick’s character is introduced in the movie as a con artist. He is seen as sneaky and cunning in the beginning. Animals in Zootopia or even Judy see Nick as a sly and mischievous fox, a common trait of all foxes. However, as Judy and Nick work together on a missing animal case, Judy realizes that Nick’s real personality is not like the fake act that he created for people around him to see. In the movie, audiences later learn that the reason behind Nick’s actions is actually a way for him to protect himself from people who discriminate against him for being a fox. He had a dream of joining the Ranger Scouts when he was a kid, but his dream was destroyed when people in the Scout mistreated him just because he is a fox, and the stereotype of foxes can’t be trusted. The scene after Nick ran away to hide behind the side of the building shows him as a victim and no one beside him to stand for him. His mussel symbolizes the violence from the discrimination and his inability to express his true self. He tells his pain to Judy and says, “If the world’s only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there’s no point in trying to be anything else” (59.53). Nick chooses not to fight back the discrimination and accepts the stereotype of a fox. Later in the movie, Judy slowly sees Nick as trustworthy and overlooks his identity of being a predator. Nick also gradually became the person he wanted to be, a kind, gentle person who overcame barriers created by society.

Finally, the protagonist, Judy Hopps, is different from the other bunnies in her hometown. She dreams of becoming a police officer, but her parents, her bully, or people around her think that a bunny can’t be police because “there is never a bunny cop…Bunny don’t do that…never” (03.33). It reveals her parents are stuck in the stereotype that bunnies can only be farmers and are scared of trying a new thing because they know they will fail. With the critical comments from people around her, she didn’t care what people thought and kept working hard until she successfully became the first bunny officer. However, her path to becoming a real police officer didn’t go as smoothly as she thought. Look closely at the shot from Judy’s point of view, looking at enormous police officers, or when Judy is in the same shot with other officers; the film wants audiences to compare Judy with other officers and notice that Judy is different from others. She receives discrimination from the teacher in the police academy, telling her she won’t be able to succeed, or the chief assigns her to parking duty while other police officers work on the missing file case. She receives these unfair treatments because of her small physical appearance, being the only female in a male-dominated workplace, and just because she is different from others. Even the article from the research mentions, “It becomes clear that one’s workplace success depends more…connections, race and/ or gender than their academic achievement” (Beaudine, Osibodu, Beavers). This confirms Judy is being looked down on because she is a bunny; her having a token or writing two hundred parking tickets would not change the point of view of how other animals see her. However, it doesn’t change the fact that Judy still has the privilege of being a prey animal, which gives her a platform to speak on the issue of missing animals that turn into savages. But because she didn’t understand why animals were turning savage, causing her to say something offensive to predators. This “demonstrates how language can be hurtful without being overly aggressive” (Crewe)— causing her to lose a good friend like Nick, who used to be gone through the experience of being discriminated against as a predator. This also shows her unconscious discrimination toward predators when she grabs her fox spray due to her inner fear and reveals she never experience cruel discrimination against predators. Needless to say, Judy’s action was not on purpose. She “recognizes her mistake and expresses regret, thereby models for the movie’s audience regarding him they should respond” (Flory), which is a smart way to teach children about these issues and learn to take responsibility for their actions.

Zootopia is a great movie with many good messages about equality. It displays power, difference, and discrimination issues through characters in the film, making it not too complex for audiences like parents to teach their children. All characters in movies are animals, which makes it hard for audiences to compare the animal species in the film to the human race in real life, thus reaching more audiences from different groups because everyone can feel related to the film. Of course, the city of Zootopia is not like our society. Our society is full of many people that come from different backgrounds. Still, we are all human beings at the end of the day. Like Judy said, “We all have limitations. We all make mistakes which mean…we all have a lot in common, and the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be” (01.33.45)—proving that we can become more than what we are in our own unique way. It depends on you whether you want to accept the system and continue to be what people around you say or fight against the system and make the world a better place, so which path are you going to choose?

Beaudine, Gregory., Osibodu, Oyemolade., and Beavers, Aliya. “Disney’s Metaphorical Exploration of Racism and Stereotypes: A Review of Zootopia” The University of Chicago Press Journals, Feb 1. 2017, www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/690061

Crewe, David. “Animal harm discrimination and difference in Zootopia” Gale Academic Onefile, Jan. 2017, go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA485988740&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linka ccess=abs&issn=1449857X&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=oregon_oweb&isGeo AuthType=true

Flory, Dan. “Audience, Implicit Racial Bias, and Cinematic Twists in Zootopia” The Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism, Oct 30. 2019, academic.oup.com/jaac/article/77/4/435/5981537

Hassler, Forest, Dan. “‘Life Isn’t Some Cartoon Musical’: Neoliberal Identity Politics in Zootopia and Orange Is the New Black .” Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 51, no. 2, Apr. 2018, pp. 356–78. EBSCOhost, doi-org.ezproxy.libweb.linnbenton.edu/10.1111/jpcu.12658.

Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Film and Media: Student Essays Copyright © by Students at Linn-Benton Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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An Analysis of Moral Values in Zootopia Movie

An Analysis of Moral Values in Zootopia Movie


Submitted by:


Student of Department of English Language Education Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Reg. No: 231324225



Alhamdulillah, All praises be to Allah ‘azzawajalla, the most gracious, the most merciful, andthe most beneficent who has given me love and blessing that made me able to finish this research and writing this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and companions has struggled whole heartedly to guide ummah to the right path.

On this occasion with great humility, I would like to thank to all of those who help me and guidance, so that this thesis can be finished in time. Completion of writing this thesis, I would like to thanks Dr. Muhammad Nasir, M.Hum and

Mr. T. Murdani, S.Ag, M.IntlDev as my supervisor forgiving the useful supervision, guidance and constructive ideas during the process of completing this thesis. Also I would like to express my gratitude and high appreciation to my beloved father Burhanuddin, and my lovely mother Rasunah for their wisdom, patience, love, attention, support and care. I also bestow my thankfulness to my beloved sisters Puspitasari and Safrida , my brothers Hafidh Kurniawan and

Muhammad Irfan, and my cousins Putri Nabila Ulfa and Maulizahra, for their endless love who inspired and motivated me all along accomplishing this thesis.

My special thanks to my academic advisor Mr. Dr.Syarwan, M.LIS, who has supervised me since I was first semester until now. Then, my thank to all of lecturers and all staff of English department who have given me invaluable advices and encouragement throughout the whole semestersat UIN Ar-Raniry.

May Allah the most exalted reward them for their good deed and worthy knowledge, Amien.

Then, I would like thank to all of my friends in English Department year

2013 and freinds in Unit 3, especially for Mukhlisah, Cut Nurul Maulidiah, Aida

Zulhulaifah, Cici Permatasari, Nanda Afra Kusturi, Diandra Eka Putri, Munira,

Rahmad Purnama, Rima Asmaul Munawarah, Desrya, Putri Raisah, miftahul

Jannah, Riska Fajri, Cut Nyak Mehri and all those whom I cannot mention names, who have always stay with me during completing this thesis.

Banda Aceh, February 1th 2017

Maulidia Humaira

Name : Maulidia Humaira Student’s Number : 231324225 Faculty/Department :Faculty Tarbiyah dan Keguruan/Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tittle : An Analysis of Moral Value in ‘Zootopia’ Movie Supervisor I : Dr. Muhammad Nasir, M. Hum Supervisor II : T. Murdani, S.Ag M. IntlDev Keywords : Zootopia, movie, moral value

This research entitles An Analaysis of Moral Value In Zootopia Movie. Movie is a media that can educate people and enable to improve them understanding on specific subject though visual. Movie is a media that have important influence in giving information and as a tool to deliver messages to audience or people. The study is based are two research questions, the frist is what are moral values in Zootopia movie, and the second is which moral values the most dominant appearing in it. The methodology of this study is qualitative method. The primary source of the data is “Zootopia” movie, and secondary source of the data is the file of the subtitle. The result of this study is there are some moral values in “Zootopia” movie such as, respect, responsibility, justice, tolerance, wisdom, helping each other, altruism, cooperation, courage, and confidence. And in this movie, the most dominant moral values is helping each others.




A. Background of Study ...... 1 B. Research Questions ...... 4 C. The Aim of Study ...... 4 D. Significant of Study ...... 4 E. Terminolgy ...... 5 F. Research Methodology ...... 7


A. Value ...... 9 B. Moral ...... 12 C. Description of Moral Value ...... 13 D. Type of Moral Value ...... 15 E. Movie ...... 16 F. Movie and Its Element ...... 18 G. Analysis of Movie Content ...... 20 H. Genre of Movie ...... 20 I. Zootopia Movie ...... 26 J. The Biography of The Directors ...... 27


A. Research Design ...... 29 B. Source of Data Collection ...... 31 C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 32

D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 33

CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS A. Synopsis of Zootopia ...... 35 B. Moral Values in Zootopia Movie ...... 36 C. The Most Dominant Moral Values In Zootopia ...... 46

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ...... 48 B. Suggestion ...... 48

REFERENCES ...... 61 APPENDICE ...... 65 AUTOBIOGRAPHY ...... 66


A. Background of Study

Today, watching movie becomes part of everyday life for some people.

The people have different purposes in watching movie such as for refreshing, spending their time, getting information and perspective, learning foreign language and trying to understand other cultures. Most of people like watching movie no matter their life condition, whatever their background, whoever they are, sexes and ages. Not only in big cities, but also in small town people are watching movie. Due to advance technology development such as internet and smartphone, people can watch movie anytime and anywhere.

A movie or motion picture is a new visual art created in the last 300 years.

It is a complex, exclusive art, difficult to define, but the element of the movies in instantaneous and universal. Motion pictures are, in fact both an art and medium of mass entertainment, and in the latter capacity they have a significant impact in a sociological sense. In addition, they have a background rooted in science and technology (Webster; 1981). A movie is visualized a story or dialogue on the screen. A movie produced by recording images with cameras, or creating images using animation technique.

Most of movie adopted from real stories in the world and the other adopted from books or novels. For example, the movies that adopted from novel are Harry

Potter, Twilight, The Lord of The Ring, etc. According to Christopher (n.d) movie includes lines of dialogue and depicts obvious developments of character that

explicitly communicate meaning to the people. Explicitly content is perhaps some sort of “moral of story” or socio-political attitude that the filmmaker is expressing directly through the mouths and actions of the characters. By using movie, people can educated moral, education, social, cultures values and etc. If we want to try to understand a movie, and open our mind, movie could give us information, education, and inspiration.

Movie is a media that can educate people and enable to improve them understanding on specific subject though visual. Movie is a media that have important influence in giving information and as a tool to deliver messages to audience or people. The massages can be positive or negative depend on audience, because movie show to audience by visualization. According to Yousuf and

Dadabhoy (2013) movie is able to show the audience an image therefore can present themselves to the viewers lucidly. Most of people engage the messages clearly from the movie, but some people difficult to engage it. One of the messages that we catch in movie is about moral values.

“Moral value in among the sensual and aesthetic value on an equal footing. Some non-moral values for instance that of fishing are subject transmutation of means into ends, and some accurse in other ways. But so it in particular with moral values: some accurse by transmutation of means into ends, through training, and some perhaps require no training. Moral value training has been neglected or has proved feasible. Their ordering of values has remained in such a state that these persons stand to maximize their satisfactions by battening on our good behavior cheating on their own. The moral values tend by virtue of their social character to be more uniform 3

from person to person, within a culture, than many sensual and aesthetic values. (Goldman and Kim, 1978)”

Moral value is the values that express ideas about good life. There is constant debate about which values constitute the good life. Moral value is logic term that a principle or action or character of human is true or false and good or bad. Social morality defines how we respond to our environment, our immediate community and the world community. According to Johnston (2002) moral values is expressed in attitudes that become visible in opinions and concrete behavior.

Attitudes based on moral values refer to society life, being with others, and the reflective view one’s own indentify.

Zootopia is one of movies that has a lot of moral values for the audience.

Zootopia produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt

Disney Pictures. Zootopia is a movie about comedy adventures movie featuring the action by Nick Wilde ( Jason Bateman) who is a fox and Judy Hopps (Ginnifer

Goodwin) is a bunny. At childhood age, Judy Hopps wants be a police. She is a bunny who served as a police in Zootopia, a modern city inhibited by animals.

Zootopia is the city of animals, where all of animals life together from the small animals to wild animals, and in there, all of animals can be anything as they wish.

In Zootopia city all animals’ life side by side. This movie tells about partnership between officer Judy Hopps is a bunny police force and Nick Wild is a fox to uncover a conspiracy involving the disappearance of savage predator and inhabitants of a mammalian metropolis (Zootopia Scrit).

This study focuses on analysis of moral values in the Zootopia movie. The writer hopes this study would be able to emphasize the important of moral values to the reader. Therefore, based on explanations above, the writer is going to conduct a research to investigate the moral values in the Zootopia Movie under the title “AN ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUES IN ‘ZOOTOPIA’ MOVIE”.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background of study above, the writer wants to answer the following questions:

1. What are the moral values in the “Zootopia” movie?

2. Which moral values is the most dominant appearing in “Zootopia”

C. The Aim of Study

1. To find out the moral values in the “Zootopia” movie

2. To find out the most dominant moral values appearing in “Zootopia”

D. Significant of The Study

The benefits of the study are can be theoretical practically:

1. Theoretically

The writer hopes the result of this study can be contribute to the development of moral values taken from Zootopia movie. She also hopes the result will provide information to the readers about how to study deepen moral values based on this movie. 5

2. Practically

The writer hopes that the result of the study can be used for:

a. To contribute the development of literary study, particularly among the

people who are interested in the literary study.

b. To remind the readers the importance of moral values and also

implements it in daily activity.

E. Terminology

To avoid this misunderstanding among the reader, the writer would like to give some terminologies and information will be explained as follow:

According to Linda (2010) the true value and universally accepted is the value that produces a behavior, and it is behaviors that have a positive impact for both the run and for others. A moment’s reflection will revile that this infinitive means both to values and to evaluated. The some different appears in the price and to apprise, to esteem and to estimate.

The immediate and natural answer to this question is today that values are determination or quality of object which involves any short of appreciation or interest (American people Encyclopedia: 963). In short, value is a quality that axis in a verity of things that are regarded as something valuable, useful and beneficial.

According to Hurlock (1956) moral comes from Latin word mores, meaning manners customs, and folkways. Moral behavior means in confirmatory

with the moral code of social group. Moral it is controlled by moral concept the rules of behavior to which the members of a culture have become accustomed and which determine the expected behavior pattern of all group members. In addition, moral is a good behavior possessed by an individual or a person, reflected in thought, attitude, and behavior.

Based on Webster (1981) movie is a motion pictures considered especially as a source of entertainment or as an art from. A movie or motion picture is a story with moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effect.

Movie is of the media of audio visual that can used to build the attitude, emotion and evolving the problems. Movie is a medium of communication rich with social implication, created within different social, historical and culture context. The language of film is specific to the industry and students learn how to use it. They also learn critical approaches to the analysis theories of film aesthetics (Afdlila, 2015).

F. Research methodology

The method of the writer that will be used is qualitative method.

Qualitative research is associated with a range of different methods, perspectives, 7

and approaches (Alison and Susan, 2005). To analyze Zootopia movie, the writer used descriptive qualitative method as the following:

1. Research Object

The research object in this study was the moral values in Zootopia.

2. Data Source

The writer divided the sources into primary source and secondary source.

a. Primary data source

The primary source is taken from the Zootopia movie like scrib.

b. Secondary data source

The secondary source which used to support and completed the primary data usually was ranged into documents model (Sumardi Suryabrata: 1983:39).

The data is taken from many kinds of books and relevant materials such as book of literature theory, moral and value. The data also taken from internet website.

3. Technique of collecting data.

The data are collecting by doing the following step:

a. Watching the movie twice or more is very important

b. Collecting references relefant to the analyze the movie

c. Selecting the relevant data

d. Identifying the moral values in the movie

4. Technique of analyzing data

In data analysis, the writer tries to analyze the movie order to know the content and the message written by Byron Howard and Rich Moore . The

technique of data analysis in this study is descriptive. In conducting analysis, the writer use some steps as follow:

a. Describing sypnopsis of “Zootopia” movie.

b. Extracting the moral values from the movie.

c. Concluding based on data analysis.


In this capther, the writer would like to explains about value, moral, description of moral value, types of moral value, movie, movie and its element, analysis of movie content, genre of movie, Zootopia movie, and the biography of the directors in Zootopia movie

According to Sharma (2015) the word ‘value’ is devired from the latin word ‘valeo’ which originally meant strength and also health, and the by natural transition, it came to mean being effective and adequate. Value is a mixture of three concepts such as ide, quality and supervening. Value can be defined as the principles that quite people’s life, and have varying significance.

A value is the most important word in whole science. Fundamentally, it means the esteem in which a thing is held, but under ordinary commercial condition it means power exchange. There is no contradiction between these two ideas, because the higher the esteem in which a thing is held, the greater will be its power in exchange under normal condition (Encyclopedia Americana, 1829).

Values are the essence of our personality, and affect us to make decisions, trust people, and arrange our time and anergy in our social life. Values may be treated as keys to solving many world problem.

Value means the worth of thing. Value in the singular is sometimes used as an abstract noun. in a narrower sense to cover that to which such terms as

"good" or "worthwhile" are properly applied and in the wider sense to cover, in addition all kinds of rightness, obligation, virtue, beauty, truth, and holiness

(Edward, 1967). Values are generally regarded as a moral standards of human behaviors in the society. It is a kind of quality humans, which applied to human activities. It is transmitted to a circumstantial factor which depends upon the judgment of the fact (Sharma, 2015).

Theory of value is third part of philosophy, knowledge theory, essence theory and values theory. Value mean cost. Something has value because it is valuable. In commonly, people said that value ties on things and never tie out of things. In other side, some people said that value is out of things (Juhaya, 1997).

According to Linda and Eyrc (1997) moral values are result of valuing process of comprehension implementing of God and humanity values in life.

Therefore, these values will guide human knowledge and creativity appropriately.

a. Values of being

The value of being is a value that is within envolved human beings in to the behavior and the way we treat others. It includes; honesty, bravery, peace ability, confidence and potention, and self-diciplin and moraderation.

Honesty is a part of value being. Honesty is one of the values of respect for a person in manner not deceive, cheat or steal. This refers to nature of the nature of justice requires us to treat people equally and not discriminate. Bravery is dare to try things that either though difficult. Majority who dared to oppose the flow is moving the toward one: dare to say no to an invitation to err. Dare to follow your good heart in spite of marginalized and suffer from it. 11

Peace ability is calm and patient. The tendency to try to accept other people’s opinions rather than denied and opposed. Understand that the differences are rarely resolved through conflict and that the obstinacy of a person indicates that he has a problem or feel insecure and therefore expect your understanding.

Individuality, awareness of boundaries and the uniqueness of development.

Attitude is responsible for his own deed. Overcoming the tendency to blame others when experiencing difficulties. Believing in the ability of self.

Self-dicipline is an attitude that make up ourselves to not follow desires of the heart that lead to overurning of self worth or companies themselves, but to pursue anything that is good for us, and to pursue healthy or positive desire in the corresponding levels.

b. Values of giving

The values of giving is that values need to be practiced or provided which would then be accepted as a given. Values of giving include; loyalty and worthly, respect, love and effection, sensitive and not selfish, kind and friendly, and fair and human.

Loyalty to family, to work, to state, to the school and to organization and other insituation are responsible to us. Ready to support, to serve, to help trusted and carrying out consistence promises. Another values of giving is respect.

Respect is to show our appreciation of other people’s self-esteem or other stuff besides ourselves. Respect for ourself requires us to treat what is in our lives as human beings who have naturally. Respect for others required us to treat everyone even those who hate us, who we are required to apply either by way of protecting

nature and the environment. The value of respect was cherished in the past, especially respect for elders. This is because it was assumed that elders were more knowledgeable and wiser than young persons. Respect was also given to elders as they comported themselves in manners worthy of emulation. Respect comes with honour and dignity as the individual or group of individuals are regarded as important personalities in their own rights (George and Uyanga, 2014).

The third of values of giving is love and affection. Dear to themselves is more than just a loyal and respecfull. Dear friend, dear to the neighbor, who also love hate us. And emphasize the lifelong responsibility for saying to the family.

Fourth Sensitive and not selfish. Sensitive and not selfish is more care to other.

Learn to fell the togetherness and compassion toward other. Empathy, tolerance, and brotherhood. Sensitive to the needs of others and situations.

Fifth, kind and friendly. Aware that the friendly and carrying attitude is more commendable than the rough attitude. The tendency to use instead of confrontation. Tenderness, especially on the younger and weaker. Capable of making new friends and maintain friendship. Lightweight hand to help. Sixth Fair and human. Obedience to the law, fairness in work and games. The view of the natural consequences and the lawof cause effect. Appreciate the generous and for giving and understand the revenge is futile.

According to Hurlock Elizabeth, "moral" comes from Latin word mores, meaning manners, custom and folkways. Moral behavior means behavior in conformity with the moral code of the social group. It is controlled by moral 13

concept the roles of behavior to which the numbers of culture have become accustomed and which determine the expected behavior patterns of all group members (Hurlock; 1997).

To act in a moral way means, thus, to act in conformity to group standards of conduct. Unmoral or no moral behavior, on the other, is behavior which, even when unfavorable to the group, is so, not because of intent harm on the part of individual, but rather owing to ignorance and lack of knowledge of what is socially approved (Hurlock, 1956). In addition, Hurlock (1956) states true morality is behavior which conforms to social standards and which is also carried out voluntary by the individual. It comes with the transition from external authority and consists of conduct regulated from within. It is accompanied by a feeling of personal responsibility for the act.

In relation to the values, moral are part of values, namely is moral values.

Not all of the values are moral values. Moral values are related with human behavior about good and bad. Moral is good or bad doctrine accepted by society regarding the actions, attitudes, obligations, moral, manners, and decency (Alwi,

2008). Understanding certain good and bad thing is relative. This means that something which is in general considered good for someone or a nation, not necessarily and values are the same for other people or other nations. Someone’s opinion about moral values is usually influenced by the view of life.

C. Description of Moral Value

Moral values are taught in moral education as certain acceptable, valuable and cherished qualities that are worthwhile in developing a sound character. Osaat

(2004) in Ekpiwre (2008) defines values as “things considered worthwhile, desirable, right and good and thus craved for and applied on a daily basis to enhance existence by the people”. Values determine people‟s identity and cultural continuity. Moral values are essential values that determine individuals‟ perception of morality and moral consciousness in society. Moral values include truthfulness, patience, obedience, honesty, integrity, hard work, responsibility, respect, tolerance, loyalty, public spiritedness, freedom, respect for human life and dignity of persons. Others include justice, fairness and equality.

Moral values are taught to be imbibed by members of the society to enhance character development and promote good moral upbringing and moral health in individuals (George and Uyanga, 2014). According to Amingo (2003) argues

“moral health is manifested in individuals when a person becomes capable of understanding the principles of moral conduct and is committed to behaving morally in his dealings with others”. Principles of moral conduct can only be effectively understood and practiced when moral values are strongly adhered to by individuals in a given society.

Moral values are beliefs and values people that conform to normal standards of what is right and wrong and deal with people habits of conduct. The standard of the moral values is difference between one society and other society. The difference standards of morals and ethics is on the basic of determining or standards measure right and wrong that used. be based on customs or agreement that dealing with society (Kusmiyati, 2014) 15

Furthermore, moral values are the values which associated with customs, manners, and behavior (Zuriah, 2007). The word “moral” always refers to the good or bad people as people, so that fields of human life are seen in terms of kindness as human (Margis in Budianingsih, 2004). Overall, the moral teaching are norms and understanding determining the thing which are considered good and bad. Considerations of good or bad something is something that would generate, as generic concept. According to Linda and Eyre (1997) moral values are results of valuing process of comprehension implementing of God and humanity values in life. So, these values will guide human knowledge and creativity appropriated.

According to Audi (2007) moral values are simply an important kind of instrument value. Actions and traits of character have moral value only insofar as they constribute in a certain way to happiness: to enhancing pleasure or reducing pain or both, i.e., to hedonic value.

D. Type of Moral Value

Moral values are values that express ideas about good life. There is constant debate about which values constitute the good life. Aristotle introduced the idea in his Nicomanchen Ethics, and there is continuous by a certain value

(Veugelers, 2008). The type or form of moral message contained in literature will depend on the author’s beliefs, desires, and interest. Types and forms of moral teaching itself can include issues that could be said are unlimited. There are some moral values that we to identify as important thing in social life. According to

Lickona in Afdlila (2015) the main moral values are respect and responsibility,

but there are other specific values i.e., justice tolerance, wisdom self-discipline, help each other, altruism, cooperation, courage, and democratic. There are three good character of moral values education in human life (Lickona, 1992).

First moral knowing. Moral knowing is a moral containing six important things, namely: moral awereness, knowing the moral values, perspective-taking, moral reasoning, decision-making and self-knowledge. Second moral feeling.

Moral feeling is the source of energy from human being s to act based on moral principles. There are six important things is an aspect that could be capable of emotions felt by a person to be a moral human being and character, namely: conscience, self esteem, empathy, loving the God, self-control and humility.

The last is moral action. Moral action is moral that can be transformed into real action. To understand what drives a person in good behavior then there are three things to keep in mind, namely: competence, wiil, and habit. According to

Lickona, the main of moral value are respect and responsibility, but there are other specific values. There are; honesty, justice, tolerance, wisdom, self-discipline, help each other, altruism, cooperation, courage, and democratic.

Literature has many forms; they are poerty, novel, comic, soap opera, electronic literature, graphic novel, movie or film and etc. Many people would like to watch movie better than reading a novel. Watching movie gives us more imagination in our mind and we have the freedom to control the movement when we think about the character in the book, where in movie it is passive. 17

Motion picture, also called movies or films are one of most popular forms of entertaiment. Movie or film si both art and bussiness. It is art because it is made by creative people with vision and passions. The movie art form is in many ways a composite of all the others, including writing, performance, visual elements, sound, music and design. Some of the most important artist of our time have chosen movie as their means of communication (Ensyclopedia Knowladge)

Movie is also a business because most of movies are made profit. Movies coast a great deal of money to make, and people and companies who make them often do so in the hopes of attaining great fame fortune (Ensyclopedia

Knowladge). A movie provides us with the illusion of movement and sound and suspends our disbelief to provide an entertaining, immersive experience for the viewer. Movie presents us with a story or narrative that is re-enacted through the interaction of characters. It can be argued that the cause and effect relationship in a movie is governed largely by the characters’ actions that cause events to change.

Characters are said to be the agents of cause-effect relationships (Bordwell and

Thomson, 1997).

Movie is one of media of audio visual that can used to built the attitude, emotion and evolving the problems. Movie is a medium of communication rich with social implication, created within different social, historical and culture context (Afdilah, 2015). According to Champbell and Shafto (2015) movie has the power to transport your mind from the narrow, impersonal bore of an magnetic resonance imaging (IMR), magnet sound, and language. movie it is made up of a plot and characters serve as the actors who act out a story. The story

of a movie can be considered the ‘original’ story a director or writer had in mind which considers only the important events that occur for a movie’s narrative to progress (Vassiliou, 2006).

Movie tells a story and has existents (characters, objects and locations) and events. In this work Movie events describe events common to most movies, e.g. action, dialogue, suspense and emotional events. Its plot can be manifested in many ways and can be considered its discourse. When we talk of ‘going to the movies’ we almost always mean we are going to see a narrative movie– a movie that tells a story (Bordwell and Thomson, 1997). Hence, movie can be considered a narrative and thus we can argue it conforms to narrative theory.

F. Movie and Its Element

Movie donates visual communication played using moving features and sound. Movie is an art of story-telling medium containing social, historical or culture context. Denasi (2004) bealives that movies juxpotase dialog, music, scenery and action in a visual-narative way that makes them powerful in terms of easthetic. A good movie, according to Rabiger (2008), is the one that can effectively lead us to experience new conditions and to expland in our hearts and minds. He also contended that movies usually project us into a mind charcter’s predicament. This is due to chief onlookers’ desire to experience the worlds of other. A movie consists of several elements that are story, theme, plot, and setting.

Story is a part of elements in movie. Story is an account of something that happened. A story migh be a fatansy, fact or tradition. Rabiger (2008) said that the story is how events progress, raise questions and offer clues. 19

Secondly is theme. According to Peck and Coyle (1989) “theme is the large idea or concept it is dealing with.” By theme, we can imagine that it should be expressed in the form of expression as the implication of whole story, but it cannot tell us the separable of the story. By comprehending the theme, we can guests the core of the content. Making interesting theme will make people curious to watch the whole story.

Thirdly is plot. Based on Laurence (1959) plot is a sequence of incidents or events of which a storyis composed. It is often designed with narative structure or storyline, which include conflict, rising action, and climax. Followed by a falling action and resolution. It is the rendering and ordering of the events and section of the story. Plot is often despicted as a zigzag line to represent the rise and fall of action. In other hand, the plot consists of what has happened in the story, such as the conflicts that have occurred.

Fourthly is setting. Bordwell (1997) said that filimmakers can possibly control setting by many ways like selecting an already existing locale in which to stage the action. The locations may vary in shooting a movie. According to

Abrams (1991) the overall setting of a narrative or dramaticwork is the general locale, hisotorical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs; the setting of a single episode or scene within cuch a work is the particularphysical locationin which it takes. On other hand, setting is very important in movie. It can be concerned with the place in which the character live and the time in which they live. Setting is the physical details of the place, the

time, and the social context that influence the actions of characters. Often setting also evokes a mood or atmosphere, foreshadowing event to come.

Fifthly is character. Based on Henders character refers to the people authors created to inhabit their stories. Character should be belivable and consistent. Being believeble in not that all characters br like peolpe we have known but they believeble in the context of the story. Peek and Coyle in Literature

Term and Criticsm (1989) said that the people in play/drama/movie are reffered to as character. The characters is the people who are involved in what heppens in a story. The main character can usually be lebeled the protagonist or hero; he or she is often in conflict with the antagonish or villain.

G. Analysis of Movie Content

According to Jung and Frieds (2004) analysis of movie content, as opposed to generic video content, implies ‘story-oriented’ video (for example, movies or movies, TV series and animations etc.). These story-oriented videos comprise rich sets of events, characters and intricate – often non-linear – plots, open to human interpretation and follow aspects of movie theory, grammar and structure. This makes the analysis and extraction of their content a non-trivial task. This section explores attempts to analyse the content in such story oriented videos in the computing community.

H. Genre of Movie

The term, “genre” is very often, a vague way to identify a movie because there are really no fixed boundaries. Movie genres are also used for promotion, criticism, and consumption. many of these different movie genres already have a 21

built-in audience and fan base along with media outlets like magazines and websites that support their existence. The harder a movie is to categorize into a genre, the harder it is to get made and they are often less successful than their counterparts. The art movie genre is based on artistic status, while race movies deal with racial identity.

The movie’ genres were identified and the results for the movies in each genre were compared to see if communication behaviors were portrayed differently across genres. One can only assume that a movie in the action genre portrays different behaviors than a movie in the comedy genre, especially if that comedy is a romantic one. The fact that movie are often made using different target audiences suggests that they would do so in different ways. Also, whether the emphasis of the movie is on people taking action and saving the day or people forming and maintaining relationships should have an impact on the nonverbal communication portrayed between characters (Burns, 2009).

According to Keith (2007) a movie genre is a motion picture category based on similarities in either the narrative elements or the emotional response to the movie (namely, serious, comic, etc.). Most theories of movie genre are borrowed from literary genre criticism. The basic genres include fiction and documentary, from which subgenres have emerged, such as docufiction and docudrama. Other subgenres include the courtroom and trial-focused drama known as the legal drama types of fiction which may seem unrelated can also be combined to form hybrid subgenres, such as the melding of horror and comedy in

the Evil Dead movies. Other popular combinations are the romantic comedy and the action comedy movie.

To elaborarate fiction clearly, more narrowly defined catagories of popular fiction appeal to specific audience. These different fiction categories, which are described briefly in in the sections that follow, are classed asa group as a genre of fiction. Each type of the genre has it own setof rules and conventions, they are; action, adventure, comedy, drama, crime, horror, fantasy, romance, thriller, animation, family, and war (Moviey Keeday, n.d).

Action genre involves movie with fights and stunts. This movie usually include high energy, big-buget phycical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battle, fights, escapes destructive creies, etc. Action movies generate huge profits for the movie industry and remain on the cutting edge of special effects technology. These movies focus on physical action in their storytelling. The action is usually continuous and includes physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. These movies usually center around a protagonist going up against incredible odds in order to achieve his or her goal.

According to Moviey Keeday (n.d) adventure movie usually exciting stories, with new experience or exotic locales, very similar to or often paired with the action movie genre. In this genre involves movie with excitement, danger, and risk mostly inscripted in a fictional story. These movies have a protagonist who's usually either on a conquest or exploration. If they're on a conquest, it's to find someone or some treasure but even so. The movie centers around the protagonist's 23

pursuit of the unknown. Movies of this genre almost always utilize exotic locations and settings while playing on historical myths. They often incorporate intricate, suspenseful obstacles that the protagonist must conquer in order to achieve his or her goal.

Comedy movie are light-hearted plots consistenly and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationship and characters. The main concern of this movie is given to humor of any kind. According to Rasheed and Shah (n.d) comedy movies beloging to this catagory have a gray-scale mean near the center of the grey-scale exis, with a large standard deviation. This indicates a uniform distribution light.

The “Comedy” movie genre relies on humor as its driving force to push plot forward. Comedy movies are made to evoke laughter from its audience through humorous action and dialogue via its characters. While it's true a comedy might contain serious material, they usually climax with happy endings.

Comedy includes two types, romantic comedy and the clown comedy

(Gehring, 1988). A romantic comedy is a movie focused on a romantic relationship, with characters overcoming problems by either submitting to or rejecting love, which portrays the struggle for supremacy and status between men and women. The second type of comedy, the clown comedy, contains a comic figure or figures around whom the storyline, often weak, revolves (Gehring,

1988). A single clown often uses another character, usually a very straight, focused individual to bounce his or her humor off.

Usually drama is combined with other genres. Drama are serious, plot- driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, setting, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, drama not focused on specia-effects,comedyor actions. Dramatic movie are probably the largest movie genre, with many subsets. In this genre, emotions and family relationships are shown with uttermost importance. Dramas focus on the plot and the script, focusing on the concern with situation and plot (Elsaesser, 1995).

Drama allows viewers to feel sympathy and provides a therapeutic effect through the protagonists’ overcoming powerful forces that make them victims (Lipkin and

Williams, 1988).

Crime movie are developed around the sinister actions of criminals or mobsters, particularly bankrobbers, underwold figures, or ruthless hoodlums who operated outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through life. This genre centers around actions of a criminal mastermind of some sort, often chronicling the criminal's rise and fall. Some movies in this genre revolve around the criminal's victim, while other movies focus on a protagonist that pursues the criminal. A fast-paced genre, the “Crime” movie can contain a bit of mystery stemming either from plot, character, or both. Subgenres of the "Crime" movie genre utilize varied points of view, regarding the crime contain within them. The movie is based on any kind of crime (Moviey Keeday, n.d)

Horror movie are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in cathartic experience. This movie based on ghost, spirits, black 25

magic to scare you. Movie of this type have a mean gray-scale value towards the dark end of this exis, and have low standard deviation. This is because of the frequent use of dark tones and dim lights by the director (Rasheed and Shah, n.d).

Horror movies are oriented to the youth market who attend them to see their peers terrified (Sanjek and Tudor, 2000).

Fantasy movie is about supernatural, magic and away reality which is mystical. Fantasy movie are often based on tale from mythodology and folklore, or adapted from fantasy stories in other media.

Romance is stories about love. Romance is a popular movie genre where audiences are able to gauge and apply life long lesson they are exposed to in their own relationships (Jayasainan, Hassin, Khalid, 2014). The plot normally revolves around a seemingly insurmountable obstacle preventing the love between the two protagonists in the movie. Romantic dramas often end with the two protagonists in love separating because they simply cannot overcome the obstacle, realizing they are incompatible, or simply as the result of fate. Another genre is movie is thrriller. The plot of the movie is based on a thrilling story with an angle of suspence come under this genre.

Animation movie genre is expanding its reach to clay animation and computer generated animation. This genre of movie have animation and sometimes animated characters as well. Initially, movie in this genre only consisted of movies doen in 2D animations. Movies in this genre lend themselves to the law of universal metamorphism i.e., anything goes. A lot of Animation movies lean toward Action or Farce. There are no rules (Bork, n.d)

Family movie is a genre that is constains appropriate content for younger viewers. Family movie aims to appeal not only to children, but to a wide range of ages. While the storyline may appeal to a younger audience, there are components of the movie that geared towards adults- such as witty jokes and humor.

War movies acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting on land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot or background for action of the movie. The plot of the movie based on war fictional and sometimes real wars happened in the past. More contemporary war movies usually oppose war or point out that war is senseless however, in the beginning of this genre, war was actually glorified. Even with its obvious brutality being evident.

I. Zootopia Movie

The idea for Zootopia originated with director Byron Howard, who brought the concept of the movie with talking animals that walk upright and wear clothes to John Lesseter, chief creative officer of Pixar Animation Studios and

Walk Disney Animation Studios (The Official Disney Fan Clup, 2015). Zootopia released on March, 2016 by Walk Disney Animation Studios. The movie is a civilization led by animals devoid of human interference, complete with habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square and frigid Tundratown. The story follows

Officer Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwind) partnering with scam-artist fox Nick Wild (voiced by Jason Batemen) to cracka case (McNary, 2015).

The movie is based in the animal city of Zootopia, where optismistic new police officer Judy Hopps discovers that being the first rabbit on a force of big, 27

though animals isn’t so easy. The genre of this movie is comedy adventure is directed by Byron Howard ( Tangled , Bolt ) and Rich Moore (Wreck-It Ralph, The

Simpsons) and co-directed by Jared Bush (Rosser, 2015).

J. The Biography of The Directors

1. Byron Howard

Byron P. Howard (born 1968) is an American motion picture director and story artist at Walt Disney Feature Animation, and is best known as the lead character animator on Lilo & Stitch and Brother Bear and the director on Bolt and

Tangled. Byron Howard is one of the most notable animators working for Walt

Disney and has had the chance to work several famous figures within the industry such as John Lasseter . However, the critically acclaimed and Oscar-nominated

Bolt marked the young directors step into wide recognition (Empire, 2017)

Howard began his career at Disney in 1994, working as an animator on movies including Pocahontas , Mulan , Lilo & Stitch and Brother Bear. He was nominated for a 2003 Annie Award for Character Animation for Brother Bear.

The first movie Howard directed was the animated Disney movie Bolt, which was nominated for the 2008 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. In his role as co-director of the movie with Chris Williams, Howard focused on character design and animation.

Howard went on to direct the animated Disney movies Tangled (2010, co- directed with Nathan Greno ) and Zootopia (2016, co-directed with Rich Moore).

He and Greno also co-directed and wrote the animated short Tangled Ever After ,

which features supporting characters from Tangled and showed in theaters before the 2012 3D re-release of Beauty and the Beast (Upclosed, n.d)

2. Rich Moore

Rich moore is American animation director and a business parter in Rough Dreaf

Stodios, best known for his work on The Simpsons and Wreck-It Ralph (Ampire,

2017). Rich Moore (born May 10, 1963) is an American animator and movie director, notable for several episodes in The Simpsons and Futurama . His animation directing credits include the television series The Simpsons, Futurama,

The Critic, Drawn Together and Baby Blues, and the segment "Spy vs. Spy" for MADtv. He was also sequence director on The Simpsons Movie , and served as a supervising director on the Fox television series Sit Down, Shut Up, which debuted in 2009. In Futurama, he served as supervising director for the entire original series, though the post was shared by Gregg Vanzo in the first production season and with Bret Haaland for the second production season. He currently works for Walk Disney Animation Studios, with his frist Disney work being

Wreck- It Ralph. Leter, he co-directed Zootopia. He also done voice-over in his works; such as examples include the voices of Zengief and Sour Bill in Wreck- It

Ralph and D.



In this chapter, the writer explains about research methodology which consists of researches method, data source, technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing data.

A. Research Design

To analyze Zootopia, the writer used the descriptive qualitative method with data analysis approach. The qualitative research is descriptive; the data collected are in the form of words or pictures rather than number (Bogdan and

Bikle, 1992). From this statement the writer concludes that qualitative research is a method to analyze the data with all richness as closely as possible to the form in narrative form, the written word is very important in the qualitative approach.

According to Sandelowski (2000) descriptive research is typically depicted in research texts as being on the lowest rung of the quantitative research design hierarchy. In another opinion (Thore, Kirkham, & MacDonald-Emes, 1997) said that, the view of description in qualitative research as the “as the crudest from of inquiry” likely has negatively influenced researchers engaging in qualitative research many of whom have felt obliged to defend their efforts as something more than mere description. In addition, Sandelowski (2000) in the qualitative methods literature, there is no comprehensive descriptions of qualitative as a distinctive method of equal standing with other qualitative methods, although it is

one of the most frequently employed methodological approaches in the practice disciplines.

According to Sandelowski (2000) qualitative descriptive research: should be seen as a categorical, as opposed to a non-categorical, alternative for inquiry; is less interpretive than an ‘interpretive description’ approach because it does not require the researcher to move as far from or into the data; and, does not require a conceptual or highly abstract rendering of the data, compared to other qualitative designs. Qualitative descriptive studies are the least “theoretical” of all of the qualitative approaches to research. In addition, qualitative descriptive studies are the least encumbered studies, compared to other qualitative approaches, by a pre- existing theoretical or philosophical commitment (Vikie & Clinton, 2012)

Qualitative research has been described as naturalistic (Lincoln & Guba,

1985). This means that researchers adopted strategies that parallel how people act in the course of daily life, typically interacting with informants in a natural and unobtrusive manner (Rossman & Rallis, 2012). According to Taylor, et. al (2016) the goal of qualitative research is to examine how things look from different vantage points.

According to Bogdam and Biklen (1992) Qualitative researchers tend to analyze their data inductively. They do not out data or evidence to aprove hypotheses they hold before entering study; rather the abstractions are built as the particulars that have been gathered are grouped together. Finally, the goal of the research. The research must enable to interpret their experience in the process of 31

the research. According to Marshall & Rossman (2011) the research design in qualitative research remains flexible both before and throughout the actual research.

Although qualitative descriptive studies are different from the other qualitative research designs, qualitative descriptive studies may have some of the overtones of the other approaches. In other words, a qualitative descriptive study may have grounded theory overtones, because it used constant comparative analysis when examining the data. However, a qualitative descriptive study is not grounded theory, because it does not produce a theory from the data that were generated. Regarding the use of sampling in a qualitative descriptive design, virtually any purposeful sampling technique may be used. Like any other qualitative research design, the goal is to obtain cases deemed rich in information for the purpose of saturating the data. Of basic importance is for researchers to be able to defend their sampling strategies to meet the purposes of their studies

(Vikie & Clinton, 2012).

B. Source of Data Collection

Data collection of qualitative descriptive studies focuses on discovering the nature of the specific events under study. Thus, data collection involves minimal to moderate, structured, open-ended, individual or focus group interviews. However, data collection also may include observations, and examination of records, reports, photographs, and documents. Data analysis of qualitative descriptive research, unlike other qualitative approaches, does not use

a pre-existing set of rules that have been generated from the philosophical or epistemological stance of the discipline that created the specific qualitative research approach. Rather, qualitative descriptive research is purely data-derived in that codes are generated from the data in the course of the study. Like other qualitative research approaches, qualitative descriptive studies generally are characterized by simultaneous data collection and analysis (Vikie & Clinton,

In analyzing Zootopia movie, there are two data sources for the analysis, the Zootopia movie video and subtitle file. The primary source of the data is the video of Zootopia movie. The file of the movie video is downloaded from www.kumpulbagi.com. The movie alone becomes subject of the analysis where the writer follows the actions of the main actor and all of characters to find moral values in Zootopia movie. And secondary source of the data is the file of the subtitle, is downloaded from www.subscene.com. The writer will add it in a media player application in which the movie to analyze the moral values in the movie.

C. Technique of Data Collection

Data collection techniques allow us to systematically collect information about our objects of study (people, objects, phenomena) and about the settings in which they occur. In collection of data we have to be systematic. Quantitative data collection methods rely on random sampling and structured data collection 33

instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories.

They produce results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize.

In analyze Zootopia movie, the writer process analyze the data by using descriptive technique. The analysis is extruded after gathering the data. The data was collected from the movie’s Zootopia. Watching the movie, understanding it, writing down all the information in the Zootopia movie.

The writer watches the movie by adding subtitle while reading the script.

Adding the subtitle is intended to help the writer follows the dialogues thoroughly without missing any word in the movie. The writer pays more attention in watching movie and the writer watch more than twice that movie. Then, the writer is collecting the reverences to analyze the movie. Finally the writer makes the conclusion based on the data analyze.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

Merriam (1998) described that the process of data analysis as being a complex action of moving back and forth between data and concept, between description and interpretation, using both inductive and deductive reasoning.

According to Kuwalich (2004) data are analyzed on an ongoing basis. The constant comparative method of data analysis is that takes place in qualitative research. This method involves transcribing all data sources, including field notes, into raw data. All data transcription should be photocopied with originals stored in safe place, unaltered. Photocopies of raw data are then used for analysis (Strauss

& Corbin, 1990).

In additions, the writer describes the movie by watching and reading the script of the Zootopia movie carefully and accurately. Then, identifying the moral values in the movie, explained the moral values by proving from the sentences and scenes. By watching, reading, browsing and collecting resources from library and websites. The writer begins to analyze data from choosing the movie, than watching it and understanding all script from the movie to identify moral value that expressed in the movie. After that, the writer collecting reference that relevant to analysis then all the information relevant to the topic of discussion transcribes.


In this chapeter, the writer would like to tell about sypnopsis of Zootopia movie, the moral values in the this movie and the most dominant moral values in

A. Sypnopsis of Zootopia

Judy Hopps has wanted to become a cop ever since she was a little child.

Everyone, including her parents, tells judy she’s delusiona, her dreams are too big, that the bunnies cannot be cop. Never determined, Judy eventually graduates at the top of her class at the Zootopia Police Academic. The mayor, Leodore

Lionheart announces that Zootopia will have its first rabbit officer. She’s officially the first bunny accepted into the Zootopia Police Departement (ZPD).

Judy makes the longs trip from her hometown of Bunnyburrow to the thriving metropolis that is Zootopia, and in Zootopia, all of animals live side by side and she is amazed at the she find. Animals of every species, from hippos to hamsters, co-existing and triving together. However, she is dissapointed fo find that, on her very first day, Police Chief Bogo has related her to parking duty.

She does her best, but finds herself distracted by the juicier, more scandalous crimes surrounding her. And when a distraught Mrs. Otterton come into the precinct beggings the force to find her missing husband, much to the chagrin of Chief Bogo. Cheif Bogo only gives her 48 hours to find Mr. Otterton, if she failed, she will resign. In looking information about missing Mr. Otterton,

Judy partnership with Nick Wild, he is a fox. This sets Judy on a dangerous path, while making unexpected friends and enemies along the way, to finally Judy and

Nick becoming the hero, and she always knew she could be.

B. Moral value as seen in Zootopia Movie

There are some moral values in the Zootopia movie:

Respect is to show our appreciation of other people's self-esteem or other stuff besides ourselves (Lickona, 2013). Respect for yourself requires us to treat what is in our lives as human beings who have naturally. Respect for others requires us to treat everyone even those who hate us, who we are required to apply either by way of protecting nature and the environment.

Mrs. Otterton :My husband has been missing for ten days. His name is

Otterton Otterton.

Chief Bogo :Yes, I know.

Mrs. Otterton :He’s a florist. We have two beautiful children. He would

never just dissapear.

Chief Bogo :Ma’am, our detectives is very busy.

Mrs. Otterton :Please. There’s got to be somebody to find my Otterton.

Chief Bogo :Mrs. Otterton..

Judy :I will find him.

Mrs. Otterton :Oh! Thank you. (performed 00:32:09-00:32:33) 37

From dialouge above, Mrs. Otterton is the wife of Otterton Otterton and the mother of two beutiful children. Mrs. Otterton clearly love her husband deeply, evident by her tearful worring and continuously about the investigation of her missing husband. Judy respect to what happened to Mrs. Otterton and she volunteered to Mrs. Otterton’s request to find her husband.

2. Responsibility

Responsibility is an advanced form of respect. If we respect the others, it means that we appreciate them. If we value them, it means we feel a measure of our responsibility to respect their welfare. Responsibility is mutual need, do not neglect the other being juxtaposed in the predicament. Responsibility emphasizes the positive obligation to protect each other.

Mr. Pig: What are you taking about? My shop! It was just robbed! Look!

Mr. Pig: He’s getting away! Are you a cop or not?

Judy : Oh, yes! Yes! Don’t worry sir! I’ve got this.

(performed 00:28:26 – 00:28:35)

Next day, Judy continues to her job, but is increasingly depressed as she only succed in aggravating animals with parking tickets. As she dejectedy asserts to herself that she is a real cop, she is alerted a crime courtesy of a rubber, who robbed a floral shop. Ecstatic, she removes her parking enforcement officer garb and persues the Robber. In the dialog above, we can see that judy is very

responsiblity with her job as a police, and wants to help Mr. Pig to catch a robbing.

Justice is an attitude that requires us to treat people equally and not discriminate.

Nick :All right, you know, you’re milking it. Besides i think we got

it. I think we got it. We got it up there , thank you, Yakety-yak!

You lid it all out beautifully.

Bellwether :What?

Nick :Yeah... oh, are you looking for the serum? Well, it’s right

Judy :What you’ve got in the weapon there? Those are blueberries.

From my family’s farm.(performed 01:32:00 – 01:32:15)

From dialaoge above, Judy and Nick discover the trurh behind predators’ and strange behavior; it is Bellwether who’s to blame, she and her rem hencemen created a serum capeble of turning peaceful animals into wild beasts. Bellwether and her rams confront and eventually corner Judy and Nick regaining the evidence.

4. Tolerance

Tolerance is a kind of reflection of the attitude of respect. Although tolerance can blend into a relativism is neutral to avoid various prejudices 39

regarding ethics, tolerance is ultimately a sign from one of the civilized life meaning. According to Lickona, “tolerance is an attitude that has the goal of equality and for those who have thought, races”, beliefs and backgrounds.

Tolerance is something that makes the world's equivalent of the various forms of difference.

Benjamin :They really did hire a bunny! What! I gotta tell you, you

are even cuter than I thought you’d you be!

Judy :Oh, ah. You probably didn’t know, but a bunny can call

another bunny “cute”. But when other animals do it... it’s a

Benjamin :I am sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauster. They guy everyone

things is just a flabby donnut–loving cop, stereotyping you.

(performed 00:13:47 – 00:14:10)

Judy is all to excited for her first day. She gets up bright and early and makes it to the police station where she is directed to role call by the pudgy desk sergeant, a cheetah named Benjamin Clawhauser. when the first time Benjamin meets Judy, he said Judy is cuteness, Judy tolerance for his opinion that said a rabbit is cute, although Judy dislike what Benjamin said.

Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. Wisdom has been regarded as one of four cardinal virtues and as a virtue, it is a habit or disposition to perform the

action with the highest degree of adequacy under any given circumstance.

Wisdom is one emotional reaction "Lust" that someone had principles, reason and knowledge will be able to control the actions that he or she did.

Bellwether :You’re a hero to them. They trust you. And so that’s why

Chief Bogo and I want you to be the public face of the ZPD .

Judy :I’m not a hero. I came here to make the world a better place,

but I think I broke it.

Chief Bogo :Don’t give your self so much credit, Hopps. The world has

always been broken. That’s why we need a good cops. Like

you. (performed 01:15:59 – 01:16:23)

Where Chief Bogo acknowladges Judy, who earns his respect for her accomplishment. Chief Bogo discusses with Bellwether that Judy should be promoted to be the public face for ZPD. Judy whatches the chaos her actions set in motion, she eventually declines to become the face of ZPD despite Mayor

Bellwether’s request, saying that even though it is what she wanted, her attemps to make the world batter place had only broken. Chief Bogo that listen what Judy said, he said to Judy that “Don’t give your self so much credit, Hopps. The world has always been broken. That’s why we need a good cops. Like you”. This dialouge explain that Chief Bogo said that the world need a good police like Judy, although Judy think she not good police and just make the world broke it.

6. Help each other

Help each other is a fellow and cooperation that helps us in the complete responsibility of the ethics that apply broadly. Helps each other is a form as social 41

human. We can not live without other people. Help each other makes life more than meaningfull.

Friend : that looks bad.

Friend2 : are you okay, Judy?

Judy : yeah. Yeah. I’m okay. Here you go.

friend2 : oh! You got our tickets!

Friend1 : you’re awesome Judy!

Friend2: yeah, that Gedion Grey doesn’t know what what he’s talking

Judy :well, he was right about one thing. I don’t know when to quit.

(performed 00:05:28 – 00:05:47)

According to dialouge above, here we know that Judy’s friends respect to her, because, Judy helped her friends to return their tickets takes by Gedion Gray.

Her friends were very happy when Judy helped them to return the tickets from him, but Gedion hurt Judy. From the dialogue we know that Judy likes to help each other.

7. Altruism

Altruism is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and a core aspect of various religious traditions, though the concept of “others” toward whom concern should be directed can vary among cultures and religions. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness

Chief Bogo :You’re fired!

Judy :What? Why?

Chief Bogo :Insubordination! Now I’m going to open this door and

you’re going to tell that Otter you’re a former meter maid

with delusions of grandeur who will not be taking the case!

Bellwether :I just heard Officer Hopps is taking the case.

Chief Bogo :Assistent Mayor Bellwether

Bellwether :The Mammal Inclusion Initiative is realy starting to pay

off. Mayor Lionheart is just gonna be so juzzed!

(performed 00:32:53 – 00:33:15)

When Judy wants to be a volunteers to find Otterton, personality, prompting Chief Bogo to fire her on the spot for “Insubornation”. Before he can do so officially, the assistant mayor Bellwether has already informed Mayor

Lionheart that Judy is now on Ottertons’ case. And Chief Bogo imform to Judy that she has only 48 hours to complete it, or she must resign from ZPD. Though hesitant at firts, Judy agrees. From that dialouge we knoe that, Judy more concerned with other people than her own.

8. Cooperation

Cooperation is a mutual work together to know that, "no one is able to live alone on an island and a world increasingly requires”. Therefore we must achieve your goals together in the work which is basically the same with the efforts of self defense.

Judy : Carrots, if your otter was here he had a very bad day. 43

Judy : Those are claw marks. You even seen anything like this?

Judy :Oh, wait, look! This is him, Otterton Etterton. He has definitely

here. What do you think heppened?

Nick :Well, now, wait a minute. Polar bear fur, Rat Pack Music, funny

cup? I know whose car this is. We got to go. (performed 00:46:10

– 00:46:33)

When Judy is looking for information about Mr. Otterton. Judy working with Nick. They go to Turdratown Limo Service lot, and they find the gete locked.

In the limo, Nick and Judy are working together to get information about Mr.

Otterton and they find claw in the chair limo. The first time Nick do not want to cooperate with Judy, but the last they cooperate together.

Courage is face (something involving possibleunfortunate or disastrous consequences) or endure (as hardship) use with self-control and mastery of tear and often with a particular objective in vie. Courage is able to meet danger or endure pain or hardship without giving in to fear. Courage is the quality that allows someone to do things that are dangerous or frightening, the quality or state of being brave.

Gedion :Give me your tickets right now. Or I’m gonna kick your meek little

sheep butt!

Friend1 :Ow! Cut it out, Gedion!

Gedion :Baa! Baa! What are you gonna do? Cry?

Judy :Hey! You heard her. Cut it out

Gedion :Nice costume, loser. What crazy world are you living in

Where you think a bunny could be a cop?

Judy :Kindly return my friend’s tickets

Gedion :Come and get them! But watch out, because I’m a fox and like you

said in dumb little stage play us predator used to eat prey. And that

killer instinct is still in our “Dunnah” (performed 00:47:17 –

This accident occure when Judy talks with her parents, Judi looks Gedion distrubes her friends. And then, from the dialog above between Judy and Gedion,

Judy wants to helps her friends from Gedion who takes tickets from her friends.

Judy not afraid to Gedion that a fox and the predator can eat the prey and killer them because the instinck that them have.

10. Confidence

Confidence can be described as a belief in one’s ability to succees.

Confidence is feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.

Sheep : instead, I can be an astronout

Tiger :I don’t have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today, I can hunt for

tax exemptions. I’m gonna be an actuary. 45

Judy :And I can make the world a better place. I’m going to be a police

Gedion :Buuny cop?that is the most stupidest thing I ever heard

Judy :It may seem impossible to small minds. I’m looking at you

Gedion Grey. (performed 00:02:15- 00:02:37)

Judy : I like trying actually

Bon :What your father means, honey, imposible even, for you to become

a police officer.

Stu :Right. There’s never been a bunny cop.

Stu :Bunny don’t do that.

Stu :Never!

Judy :Oh. Then, I guess I’ll have to be the first one. Because I am gonna

make the world a better place. (performed 00:03:27 – 00:03:45)

The dialogue in scene one, when Judy performing in a play for a telent show, Judy tells that she wants to be police in Zootopia. Although a fox kid in the audience name Gedion Gray sneer that idea that she could become a cop, but Judy does not care what Gedion said. In scene two, after performance, Judy talks to her parents, Stu and Bon she wants be a first police Bunny in Zootopia. Her parents said that impossible a bunny can be cop. But Judy, with her confidence still want to be a cop, and make the world better place.

C. The most dominant Moral Values In Zootopia

In the Zootopia movie, the most dominant moral values in this movie is helping each others. Some scene that explain helps each other in the movie, such as;

Fristly, when Judy kids, Judy sees Gedion bullying some sheeps and taking their tickets. She confronts him and demands that he give the tickets back, and he responds by clawing her face and pushing her down. In there, Judy pulls out the tickets that she had taken back from Gedion Gray (performed 00:04:17 –

Secondly, when Judy works in parking duty, Judy sees a fox pushing a stoller head into an elephant ice parlor. The fox tells the elephant behind the counter, he wants to buy a Jumbo-pop for his son, but the elephant refuse to serve him. Judy steps in and others the elephant to serve the fox. When the fox wants to but a Jumbo-pop, he said that he lose his wallet, and after that Judy pays for the

Jumbo-pop (performed 00:17:46 – 00:21:43).

Thirdly, the next day, Judy is writing more tickets, when a pig yells at her that his store has just been robbed. When Judy wants to grabbe a robber in Little

Rodentia, the robber grabs a donut sign from bulding and throws it at Judy. she ducks, and the donuts rolls toward some shrews coming out Mousy’s departement store. Judy runs and grabs the donut before it could crush one of the shrews

(performed 00:27:58 – 00:30:39). 47

Fourthly, in Rainforest Distric, Judy and Nick arrive at Manchas’s house, to looking imformation about Mr. Otterton. Whey they opening up the door, they see that Manchas has gone savage, and he chases after them like a primal predator. Nick and Judy run for their lives, going across a slippery with Manchas chasing behind. Manchas angrily knocks Judy and Nick off the high walkway, and

Judy grabs a vine with one hand and nick with other (performed 00:52:09 –


A. Conclution

In this chapter the writer is going to draw a conclution about moral values that expressed in Zootopia movie. From this analysis, the writer found ten moral values in this movie; there are: respect, responsibility, justice, tolerance, wisdom, helps each other, altruism, cooperation, courage, and honesty. However, the dominant moral velues in the movie is helping each other.

Movie is a media that have important influence in giving information and as a tool to deliver messages to audience or people. The massages can be positive or negative depend on audience, because movie show to audience by visualization. Moral value is the values that express ideas about how life is. There is constant debate about this which values constitute of good life.

B. Suggestion

In the end of the research, the writer would like to give some suggestion as follow:

Fisrt, watching movie is interesting, it entertain us, give us information and the especially the movie give us some message. The good message can be applied in our daily life. We have to be wisdom audience. For the moviegoers, the writer assumes that some people in the world like wathcing movie. Watching movie has many function, this is not only as entertaiment medium, but we can get many massages from it. Because in the movie the author wants to convey

something useful and valuable and we can guide the children atittute. Usually watching movie can give our inspiration, moral, education,and motivation. The writer hopes that moviegoers can see the possitive side and take it to imply their lfe.

Second, for the readers, by reading this thesis, the readers can get knowladge about moral value in movie. Moral is very important for human, with movie, we can easily to catch moral value. And the third, for students, they can learn and apply the moral values in their life. Students who study these moral values, they can take this thesis be reference. Finally it is for the English

Department can use this thesis to add the reference about the moral values.

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Personal Identity Name : Maulidia Humaira Place and Date of Birth : Blang Paseh, August 24th, 1995 Sex : Female Religion : Islam Nationality : Indonesian, Acehnese Marital Status : Single Occupation : Student Address : Jln. T. Nyak Arief, Darussalam, Komplek PBB No 834, Banda Aceh Email : [email protected] Parents Father’s Name : Burhanuddin Occupation : Mother’s Name : Rasunah Occupation : Teacher Address : Jl. Samudera lr. Tepian Jaya, No 35, Blang Paseh, kec. Kota Sigli, Kab. Pidie. Educational Background Primary School : SD Negeri 1 Sigli (2001-2007) Junior High School : SMP Negeri 1 Sigli (2007-2010) Senior High School : SMA Negeri 1 Sigli (2010-2013) University : UIN Ar-Raniry (2013-2017)

Banda Aceh, February 01th, 2018



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The study is aimed to compare the official and non-official Indonesian subtitles that are used in Zootopia movie as well as to analyze, investigate, and elaborate the strategies employed by the official and non-official subtitles. Employing a qualitative approach and comparative method, this study uses Gottlieb’s (1992) ten subtitling strategies to find the similarities and differences in the official and non-official Indonesian subtitles. In term of similarities, the result shows that there are 511 utterances that are translated by using similar strategies and 531 utterances using different strategies. The differences can be found when the utterances contain a word that refers to an object, cultural words, proper names, and insult words. Additionally, the differences also occur in the degree of formality, careful use of punctuation, precision of translation, and subjectivity of the translation.;--- Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk membandingkan terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia resmi dan tidak resmi pada film Zootopia juga untuk menganalisa, menyelidiki, dan mengelaborasi strategi yang digunakan pada terjemahan resmi dan tidak resmi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode komparatif, penelitian ini menggunakan teori Gottlieb (1992) tentang sepuluh strategi terjemahan untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan pada terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia resmi dan tidak resmi. Dalam hal persamaan, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 511 ucapan yang diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan strategi yang sama dan 531 ucapan dengan menggunakan strategy yang berbeda. Perbedaannya dapat ditemukan ketika sebuah ucapan mengandung kata yang mengacu terhadap sebuah objek, kata-kata kultural, nama identitas, dan kata-kata penghinaan. Tambahan, perbedaan itu pun juga muncul pada tingkat formalitas, penggunaan tanda baca yang hati-hati, ketepatan dalam penerjemahan, dan subjektifitas pada terjemahan.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No.panggil : S BING FIK a-2017; Pembimbing : I.Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, II.Nita Novianti.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Audiovisual Translation (AVT), Subtitle and Subtitling, Subtitling Strategies, Audiovisual Translation (AVT), Subtitle and Subtitling, Subtitling Strategies.
Depositing User: Mrs. Santi Santika
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2017 07:46
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2017 07:46

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thesis of zootopia


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    This thesis attempts to analyze in the movie Zootopia directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore. The study is based on two research questions, first about kind of moral values and second about the ...

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    Keywords: Zootopia, Cultural Metaphor, Conceptual Metaphor . 1. Introduction Zootopia is a beautiful metropolis where various animals live and thrive. Judy is a tiny rabbit. She overcomes all the unseeable social barriers of stereotypes and prejudices about her size. Also, she is vulnerable she want to become a topnotch police officer.

  18. PDF An Analysis of Satire in Movie Script "Zootopia by Byron Howard

    This thesis entitled "An Analysis of Satire in Movie Script Zootopia by Byron Howard". The primary aim of writing this thesis is to fulfill students‟ partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain S1-degree. This thesis could not be done well except with others‟ support and guidance.

  19. Zootopia (2016)

    Zootopia is known as a city where "Anyone can be anything" (03.00), showing the concept of equality. The movie displays this concept by introducing twelve unique ecosystems in the city. Also, providing facilities for different animals. The scene when Judy says goodbye to her family and leaves for Zootopia at the train station is a good exmple.

  20. An Analysis of Moral Values in Zootopia Movie

    Zootopia is one of movies that has a lot of moral values for the audience. Zootopia produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt . Disney Pictures. Zootopia is a movie about comedy adventures movie featuring the action by Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman) who is a fox and Judy Hopps (Ginnifer . Goodwin) is a bunny.

  21. An Analysis of Gottlieb'S Subtitling Strategies: Comparing the Official

    The study is aimed to compare the official and non-official Indonesian subtitles that are used in Zootopia movie as well as to analyze, investigate, and elaborate the strategies employed by the official and non-official subtitles. Employing a qualitative approach and comparative method, this study uses Gottlieb's (1992) ten subtitling strategies to find the similarities and differences in ...

  22. Prejudice and Stereotypes in The 2016 Disney Movie "Zootopia"

    Zootopia, the 2016 animation Disney masterpiece, is the perfect symbolism of the modern myth about a contemporary multiethnic society, where all the animals, prays and predators, live together in peace, in a perfectly functioning society where each animal has its place in economy, politics and culture. ... Get custom essays. We use cookies to ...

  23. Essays on Zootopia

    Zootopia is a popular animated film that follows the story of a bunny named Judy Hopps as she becomes the first rabbit police officer in the city of Zootopia. The film addresses important themes such as prejudice, stereotypes, and the power of determination, making it a thought-provoking and relevant topic for essays.