speech on real estate

12 top-performing real estate scripts and why they work so well

speech on real estate

Building trust with prospects is everything in this business. But when your introduction is limited to a phone call, email or text message, your only real measure of how things are going are the vocal cues on the other end of the line. 

The pressure to say more with less is real.

You already know the right real estate scripts can help. But does your current script library have what it takes to help you close more sales?

These 12 top-performing scripts are easily adaptable and grounded in common real estate scenarios. And because texting real estate leads is often a client’s preferred form of communication, we’ve also included text versions of each script on this list to help you build a better connection faster.

Real estate scripts: The ultimate list

  • Leading with empathy for FSBO leads
  • Getting more out of circle prospecting
  • The hot market sales real estate script
  • Reaching out to recently expired listings
  • Warming up internet leads
  • Connecting with new leads from open houses
  • Leaving a voicemail message
  • Getting more reviews
  • Reaching out to FRBOs
  • Reconnecting with past clients
  • Converting sellers
  • Converting buyers

1. Leading with empathy for FSBO leads

Property owners looking to sell on their own are usually diving in to save money, not because they’re craving a crash course in real estate transactions.

FSBOs are pretty firm on their decision to protect their “piece of the pie,” but any agent armed with the right approach can pierce through the armor and help them find value in the agent relationship.

Whatever FSBO script you’re using, your goal is to unveil the real reason the seller doesn’t want an agent and go from there.

Here’s an example of an FSBO script to share with your real estate team :

You: Hi, I’ve just found this home for sale, and have a few questions about it. Are you the homeowner?

The Lead: Yes

You: Great! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____.  The reason I’m calling is that I have a few potential buyers for this house who’re also very interested in the area. Would you mind telling me what price you’re asking for this house?

The Lead: $313,000

You: Alright! Are you working alongside any real estate agents?

The Lead: No.

You: Gotcha. May I ask you why?

The Lead : I just don’t feel like they can help me.

You: Sure, I understand. Did you have a bad experience in the past?

The Lead: Yes.

You: Trust me, I wouldn't want you to relive that. What I’d like to do is share some pointers with you about selling in the current market to help you get as much money in your pocket as possible. If you decide down the line you’d like to revisit using an agent, you’ll have my info.

Do you have time later this week to meet?

It’s important to empathize with the fact that the FSBO prospect has had a bad experience with a past agent. You need to show them you understand what they went through and rebuild their trust. One way to do that is by offering helpful information, no strings attached.

As soon as you reassure them they won’t lose money working with you, move onto tackling smaller objections and leave some space for a follow-up meeting.

Make it a quick text:

Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I noticed a For Sale By Owner sign in your yard. If you’re the owner, I’d like to meet up and give you some ideas on how to get the most money for your property. I’ve been selling in the current market and have a few pointers I’d like to share!

If you’re not the owner, would you mind passing my info along to them?

2. Getting more out of circle prospecting

When you sell one home in an area, you build knowledge that can absolutely help you with future sales.

Circle prospecting is all about spreading your influence in a specific area. The idea here is that you have both location-specific information you’re willing to share and a formal excuse to call people out of the blue.

With the right approach, circle prospecting often bears fruit in the form of real estate leads , referrals, and valuable intel that can help you make other sales in the neighborhood. 

The challenge is, you often don’t know the exact position of the person on the other end — whether they’re buying, selling, moving out, or none of the above. That’s why circle prospecting scripts are written in broader strokes.

Improvisation in these conversations is a given and the only parts of your real estate script that you can perfect ahead of time are your opening and closing. “Accept that most homeowners won't be ready to sell and won't know someone who is,” says Dale Archdekin, founder of Smart Inside Sales . 

“The purpose of your circle prospecting call should be to get their permission to add them to your database. If you HAPPEN to find someone thinking of buying or selling in the short term...that's a bonus.”

Here’s an example script from Dale of a circle prospecting conversation done right:

You: Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I recently sold a home in your area and the owners mentioned some of their neighbors might be interested in selling. We still have some interested buyers. Do you own your home?

The Lead: Yes, I do.

You: Have you thought about listing it?

The Lead: Not for a while.

You: Gotcha. I’d like to let you know one of the key factors helping sellers decide to list their homes right now is [insert fact related to your local market].

The Lead: That’s good to know, but I’m still not sure I want to sell my home.

At this juncture, you don’t want to come off pushy but you do want to make a good enough impression that you garner a strong lead.

You: I completely understand. Selling isn’t a quick decision. How about this —  some of your neighbors have asked me to keep them in the loop on home sales and prices in your neighborhood. I can send you the same info. What’s your email address?

Follow up by asking if they know anybody interested in buying or selling, but be sure to wait to ask until the conversation’s end to keep it natural and organic.

Make it a quick text: 

Hi, my name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I recently sold a home in your area and the owners mentioned some of their neighbors might be interested in selling. If you’re in the market right now, I’d like to find time to sit down and learn about your situation. If not, some of your neighbors have asked me to keep them in the loop on home sales and prices in your neighborhood. I can send you the same info via email. Does this work for you?

3. The hot market sales real estate script

Any agent can work with standard prospecting techniques and scripts, but experienced agents know that success comes when you go that extra mile and create opportunities for yourself.

Sometimes this means being a bit more aggressive in your approach. But keep in mind, there is always a line. Focus on creating a sense of urgency, exclusivity, or an opportunity that your client can use to their advantage.

Here’s a more sales-focused script you can present to hot-market prospects:

You: Hello, this is ____ and I work with ____. We were in touch about a year ago when you were considering listing your current home and moving into something better suited for your growing family. Did you make that jump?

The Lead: No, it wasn’t the right time for us. There’s so much we still need to fix before we sell this house and we haven’t had time.

You: I remember there was a lot on your plate then! I wanted to reach out because there’s currently a huge demand for homes your size and I know of several properties becoming available that have a lot of the features you and I talked about before we set things on the back burner. Are you in a position to take advantage of your home’s selling potential?

The Lead: There’s just so much to do and we don’t want to lose out on any money we could make if we sell our home with these repairs.

You: Understandable! We want you to get the most for your home. I have quite a few contacts that specialize in the repairs you need. Do you mind if I get a hold of them and see if we can get some quotes and timetables? At least then you’ll know what it would take to finally move into the new home you’ve been after!

This script plays on a prior relationship with a cold lead in need of rekindling, but the same principles apply to other prospects: The market is hot for your home. We have other properties in mind for you. Do you want to strike a deal now while conditions are favorable? 

You can tweak this script for a call or create real estate emails to potential clients using varying versions of this template.

Hello, this is ____ and I work with ____. We were in touch about a year ago when you were considering listing your home and moving into something better suited for your growing family. Did you make that jump? If so, I hope everything is going smoothly😊. If you didn’t, I’d love to hear about where things are at for you now and how I can help!

4. Reaching out to recently expired listings

Expired listings are often seen as low hanging fruit, but you want to stay cautious when going after these deals. Don’t rush to assign blame or criticize the approach of a previous agent.

Clients are usually emotional at this stage for two reasons:

  • The sale didn’t take off
  • TONS of agents are calling the owner eager to take over the listing

The goal is to understand what went wrong with the listing, and the client’s stance on it. When you get that down, you can easily move from discovering the problem to remedying it.

Use non-direct questions such as, “What qualities, in your opinion, should the right agent have to effectively represent you?” and “What actions did the previous agent do that you liked?”

To build trust, try giving out free information in the form of marketing advice.

Below is a script that Mike Ferry , founder of one of the leading real estate coaching companies in North America and Europe, often recommends for expired listings :

You: Hi, I’m looking for _______. Hi _______, my name is _______ with _______ I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing and I was calling to see …

From here you walk them through the following questions:

 1. When do you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home? (Never) Terrific! / Really!

2. If you sold this home, where would you go next? (LA) That’s exciting! 

3. How soon do you have to be there? (Already) Ouch! 

4. ________, what do you think stopped your home from selling? (The agent) Really! 

5. How did you happen to pick the last agent you listed with? (Referral) Great! 

6. What did that agent do that you liked best? (Nothing) Ouch! 

7. What do you feel they should have done? (Sold my house) Really! 

8. What will you expect from the next agent you choose? (Sell my house) Terrific! 

9. Have you already chosen an agent to work with? (No) Wonderful! 

10. I would like to apply for the job of selling your home. Are you familiar with the techniques I use to sell homes? (No) You’re Kidding! 

11. What would be the best time to show you. Monday or Tuesday at ____?

Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing. I believe your home should’ve sold for you and I have some questions about why it didn’t. If you have time next week and are still hoping to sell, I’d like to meet with you to learn what you expect from your next agent and share my ideas on what we can do to make this sale happen for you!

5. Warming up internet leads

Internet leads are warmer by nature because you usually have additional information about the person you’re contacting. For example, you may already know what listings are attracting their attention, or what other real estate landing pages they visited. 

With the right approach, these clues can help take your internet leads from lukewarm to hot.

Take it from Barry Jenkins of Virginia-based Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate Native American Group . Using the following script, Barry and his team noticed an average 15% conversation to appointment ratio:

He recommends delivering this script in your best ‘I don’t make commission I’m just a customer service person’ voice:

You: “I was going through my files and didn’t see if you ever bought that home you were looking for? I wanted to update the notes...” 

Then let your voice trail off and be quiet.

Or, if a potential buyer responds by inquiring about a certain property they saw online, your goal is to regain control over the conversation as soon as possible.

Potential clients will ask you all sorts of questions about the home and chances are you might not know everything. If you don’t know something, be honest. Reassure the buyer you’ll find the answer and simply move the conversation towards discovering more about their needs.

Follow Up Boss’s customer success manager Lyndon recommends the following three open-ended questions to regain control over the conversation:

  • When would you like to go to see it?
  • What else would you like to see?
  • What interests you about this property?

Asking these questions switches the focus from the property in question to the buyer’s broader needs, providing you the opportunity to establish yourself as a trusted advisor in the market.

Hello, this is  ____ and I work with ____. I was going through my files and didn’t see if you ever bought that home you were looking for? I wanted to check in and ask if there’s anything we can do for you now?

6. Connecting with new leads from open houses

Experienced real estate professionals know that hosting an open house rarely leads to a direct sale. But that doesn’t mean they can’t become a high-octane lead channel for your business.

Rainmaking agents use open houses to:

  • Uncover potential listings in the area
  • Find potential buyers for other homes
  • Generate new referrals
  • Launch door-to-door prospecting

Team leader Kyle Handy of eXp Realty has a great open house script for getting passive visitors thinking seriously about buying:

The Lead: We’re just looking around right now and aren’t really ready to buy.

You: That’s great. It’s always good to look first and get a sense of the market. Are there things about this property that you’re looking for? Things that you dislike? I have a few listings that you might like at [neighborhood], as well as another upcoming open house at [address].

Kyle reveals the strategy behind this script is to validate the lead’s intent to buy through encouraging them to think about what they want. “As they think about what they want, they may become more eager to commit,” explains Kyle.

Hello, this is ____ and I work with ____. I wanted to thank you for coming to the open house at ____! Were there things about this property you’re looking for in your next home? If you’re interested, I’d like to sit down with you and learn about the type of home you’re after and see what I can find available or coming available! When works best for you?

Bonus: How to ask for sign-ins at open houses

After organizing an open house, your main goal is to capture as many leads as possible during the process. Maximize your potential with these three lead-generating open house scripts :

Script #1: Keep you in the loop

“I’d love to keep you in the loop with any updates on this property and let you know when similar ones come on the market. I know it can be hard to stay current in such a hot market.”

Purpose: Give them a reason to sign-in by clearly articulating the value of the information they will receive from you in return for sharing their contact information.

Script #2: The open house prizewinner

“I’m going to be selecting one winner from everyone in attendance today to receive a [prize you’re giving away] and contacting the lucky winner via email, so be sure to sign in so you don’t miss out!”

Purpose: Run a contest to encourage people to leave their contact details, make it fun for them to register, and use it as an easy ice breaker.

Script #3: The first-to-know open house script

“Thank you for coming and I hope you enjoyed your tour! I would be happy to keep you informed on any updates about this property. Also, I met a couple other homeowners in the neighborhood today who are considering listing their home on the market soon. I’d love to stay in touch and make sure you’re the first to know about any new properties before they come onto the market.”

Purpose: Build rapport with the visitor first before asking them to share their contact to stay in touch before they leave.

You can then amplify your open house follow up by setting up real estate drip emails inside your real estate CRM for prospects you know have prioritized visiting open houses in their home search.


7. Leaving a voicemail message

Phone calls often go straight to voicemail and feel like a missed opportunity. However, it’s quite the opposite.

Consider voicemail as a warm-up that is especially effective when it’s your first contact with the homeowner. If you leave an engaging voice message, your next call will come off as if it’s from someone already familiar with the prospect, rather than a complete stranger.

Don’t give out too much information in your message. The goal is to intrigue the prospect without taking too much of their time. 

The most successful approach usually involves using additional information about a prospect or their area. 

Real Estate website builder and marketing service powerhouse Luxury Presence taps into these principles with their own take on a real estate voicemail script:

You: Hello Sarah, This is Jane from Luxury Presence. I’m calling because we recently listed our homes in your area at low rates and would like to hear your thoughts. I’ll contact you again perhaps next week, or you can call me at [your phone number]. I hope to hear from you soon!

The content of the voicemail tells the lead you’ve researched and know about their neighborhood, potentially getting the wheels turning in their head on the value of their home and encouraging them to list it.

Better yet? You can easily revamp this voicemail script into a text message.

8. Getting more reviews

Have you ever seen a mixed reviews label? Now try and remember where. Chances are, you can’t.

That’s exactly what happens with the real estate brands that don’t work on their reviews — no one remembers them.

Thankfully, Justin Landis and his Atlanta real estate group shared some valuable tips for getting as many real estate reviews and testimonials as possible.

Start by introducing the idea of a review during a buyer’s consult or listing appointment:

You: We want your experience to be a 5-star experience so that you are willing to share it in an online review. So many people go online and look for reviews before they even reach out to us. We want them to see how much we care!

With that in mind, we will be checking in throughout the process to make sure that we are providing that high level of service, and we also want you to let us know if there’s anything that we can do better.

Then, follow up at closing:

You: It’s been so great working with you! I’m really happy how things worked out and hope you are too. If you remember, when we first met, I told you that we wanted to help you make a wise decision and to earn your future referrals and reviews. Have we done that?

If so, we’ll be reaching out to get feedback and let you know how you can share your excellent experience with others!

You can use these scripts pretty much verbatim as reminder texts following your first appointment, and at closing!

9. Reaching out to FRBOs

Speaking with landlords requires a smart, well-researched plan of attack.

Many landlords rely on the residual income of their properties. Owners can offset maintenance, utilities, and other fees by increasing rent, but what happens when rentals aren’t renting?

In his sit-down with REDX , Northidge, California-based agent Edward Estrada approaches FRBOs full speed ahead. 

The idea is to find out how long the property has been vacant and plant the idea of selling the property should it remain vacant for too long, ultimately impacting the owner’s income stream. This approach, coupled with property-specific data, can sway a lead’s thought process.

The script (with data) goes something like this:

The Lead: Yes, the home is vacant. It’s been for rent about a month and a half, but I haven’t thought about selling. . .

You: I definitely understand where you’re coming from! I’d like to give you some information to think about. Our local real estate market has a huge demand for homes but a limited inventory. You have the option to list this property and make upwards of X% more [multiply the annual rent amount by 10, compare to property comps, and find how much more the home is worth if sold] over renting the property for the next decade. Is this an option you’d like to hear more about?

Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I’ve noticed a rental sign on [property address] for roughly a month and am curious if you’ve thought about listing the property? There’s a huge demand for homes in our area and I think you’d be surprised to learn how much more you can get from selling the home versus renting it. Do you have time this week for a quick phone call?

10. Reconnecting with past clients

Your sphere of influence is a powerful tool for capturing new leads.

When a past client has a great experience with you, they tend to let their circle of friends, family, and colleagues know.

Real estate website creator Placester advises agents on scripts through their Marketing Academy. 

When contacting past clients for referrals, this easy-to-use script is just the ticket:

You: Hi, [client name]. It’s [your name]. How’s everything been with you and the new home? [Await response] That’s fantastic. Hey, I was wondering if you know of anyone who’s looking to buy soon in the area?

If they do know somebody in the market, respond with:

You: Well, listen, I’d definitely appreciate it if you can provide me with their contact info. I’d love to connect with them to see if I can help out. Would that be okay?

If they don’t know somebody in the market, respond with:

You: Not a problem! I’m glad to reconnect with you, obviously. Let’s keep in touch. Chat with you again soon!


Unless you know for sure the client prefers texting, you shouldn’t sacrifice the personal connection needed for this call. Too much time has passed for a text to make a quality impression.

11. Converting sellers

No matter where you’re at in your real estate career, there are times when the seller pipeline is emptier than it should be.

Drumming up new listings business means throwing it back to prior leads or prospecting for new ones. So what are the essential questions for every seller?

Real estate coaching juggernaut Tom Ferry knows them by heart. 

In his video, 4 Scripts to Maximize Listing Opportunities Right Now! , Tom urges agents to ask their sellers four questions:

  • Are you living in your dream home right now?
  • With everything happening, have you had any thoughts of selling?
  • With the tremendous increase in buyer demand and few great homes for buyers to buy today, I have to ask you, at what price would you become motivated to become a seller?
  • Do you know anybody who’s thinking about selling?

You might not get to all these questions. That’s ok.

You’ll want to explore where the conversation naturally flows. But keeping these questions in mind when you’re speaking to potential sellers, whether on the phone or in-person, you’ll have the right information to convert a lead into a client.  

Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. With the tremendous increase in buyer demand and few great homes, I have to ask you, at what price would you become motivated to become a seller? If you’re not living in your dream home right now, let’s find a time to talk about how we can make it happen.

12. Converting buyers

Arizona REALTOR® and mentor Stefanie Lugo , knows a thing or two about appealing to real estate buyers .

In her 3 Critical Scripts Every Real Estate Agent Needs To Know video, Stefanie makes a broad appeal to buyers who know they want to purchase a home sometime in the future, but aren’t sure about the when, where, or why. Buying a home is an idea in their heads, but not a solid one.

In these instances, give Stefanie’s Scenario 2 script a try:

You: I know you’re not looking to buy tomorrow but when you do go to buy your next house, what would you change about where you’re living right now?

The Lead: Well, you know right now we have three bedrooms, which was plenty of space when we moved in, but our family is growing in the next six months and so we know we’re going to need more space. While we’re at it, we’d love a pool. I’m not sure if that’s even something we can achieve. But it’s such a bucket list item. We know that in the next house that’s something we would love to consider as an option.

By asking an open-ended question related to the future, you’ll hook your lead’s interest in the conversation, allowing them space to reveal new home aspirations you can then turn into benchmarks for hunting down their next home.

Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I saw your information come through our database and I wanted to take a moment to connect. It looks like you’re interested in purchasing a new home. Do you have time for a quick call later this week? I’d like to find out what you would change about where you’re living right now and how we can help you find a better fit!

Practice. Deliver. Convert.

As Tom Ferry reminds us,” Professionals practice and that’s how they got there.”

A high-converting real estate script is about more than memorizing lines. It’s about understanding the underlying principles behind these scripts and working those elements of learning and persuasion into your daily prospecting routine.


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15 Advanced Real Estate Listing Presentation Insights for Agents

15 Advanced Real Estate Listing Presentation Insights for Agents

Creating stellar real estate listing presentations is how most seller’s agents convert more leads and, in turn, build their business.

The best real estate listing presentations offer:

  • Data regarding the local market and comparable sales
  • Insights into how you plan to market a prospect’s home
  • Social proof that proves you’re a top-notch seller’s agent.

And that’s just to start with. There are several other elements you need to make your pitch truly effective.

Use the 15 sales tips below to boost your lead-to-client conversion numbers and convince leads you’re the premier agent for the job. Plus as a bonus we provide answers to listing presentation questions.

speech on real estate

Focus on your lead’s situation and needs first.

After adding in the core info associated with your business, turn your attention to your seller lead.

You need to know all about their situation, including their selling timeline, in order to create a real estate listing presentation that truly resonates. In our Marketing Genius podcast episode “The Road To $20 Million,” Seattle agent Melissa Boucher says that these insights can even come down to how the seller is feeling; are they sad to see the property go? Are they making a tough decision?

Before your in-person pitch, research their residence:

  • Square footage
  • Room totals
  • Total acreage

And discover its history:

  • When it was built
  • How many times it’s changed owners
  • Renovations and updates that have occurred

Then, consider all the notes you have on your seller’s preferences and needs.

For instance, a lead could note they’re only willing to sell the home as-is and not make any repairs a potential buyer may request.

In this situation, you can make a note in your listing presentation that you will incorporate this information into your real estate marketing plan for the home.

Analyze all info leads provide you before your pitch.

If you’re like most modern agents, you capture real estate leads in a variety of ways, both online and offline. Not all leads are created equal, but there’s an easy way to spot a good one.

The key trait that signifies a high-quality lead is how much info they provide you.

Those who solely offer first, last name and email address can be good leads, but it’s the prospects who offer more details regarding their unique housing situations who are a cut above the rest.

Most often, home seller leads will share extra information when they are submitting a lead capture form on your site (e.g. through a home valuation page or custom lead capture page ).

For example, some leads may detail when they intend to list their home, their preferred price point, and an overview of what their home’s star attributes.

All of this info needs to end up in the lead profile section of your contacts database so you can comb over it whenever you need — like, for instance, right before pitching them in person.

Incorporate data from the local housing market.

Whether it’s from your area’s REALTORS® Association, local government, or a housing-related organization nearby, you should include important figures in your listing presentation. This can include home sales, price, and value figures for your market – basically, any information that a seller could use to make more informed decisions.

For example, knowing the sales totals for homes in the same development or neighborhood as a seller lead’s property can help them settle on an initial list price.

You can never get too granular with data for your deck. Just remember not to bore your prospects to death with math.

Share data that directly applies to their home selling situation so they understand what to expect prior to listing.

Detail comparable home sales from the past year.

Part of your local housing market data research should focus on comparable home sales from the past.

Find a half-dozen or so homes that sold in your potential client’s town (or region, if it’s a small town with few sales). Try your best to find comparable sales that occurred in the past year, because housing market conditions change often.

Make sure these properties are as similar to your lead’s listing as possible to provide a solid comparison.

Characteristics to take into account include:

  • Size (total number of rooms and square footage),
  • Notable features (in-ground pool, gazebo, high ceilings)
  • Price point (both initial asking and eventual final sales price)

Lastly, tell your seller a story. How long did it take for them to sell? Did they receive above or below asking price?

Add quotes from satisfied clients to your deck.

Customer satisfaction should be the focal point of any real estate listing presentation deck.

Social proof helps agents generate leads , for sure. But it’s also a premier lead nurturing tool.

If you already took photos and footage of your past customers right after closing so you could share their praise on your website, you can simply repurpose that content for your listing presentation.

Select the best quotes from your most satisfied clientele, and sellers who share the most similarities with the lead you’re pitching.

Once a seller sees that you’ve successfully represented someone just like them, they’ll feel much more at ease in agreeing to let you represent their listing.

Paint a picture regarding your marketing approach.

The primary focus for your real estate listing presentation needs to be how you’ll market a lead’s home.

Sure, you want to prove you’re a stellar agent who has a history of closing amazing deals for clients.

But that sales-oriented angle needs to be secondary to making your potential client feel special. Fortunately, you can achieve this by presenting a marketing strategy that is unique to their property.

You no doubt have a real estate listing marketing playbook . However, that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t modify that approach slightly for each new client you earn.

Every home seller wants to feel as if you’ll do anything and everything to get them a fantastic deal that puts lots of money in their pockets.

So, use the first half of your listing presentation to tell them how you plan to deliver on that promise.

Figure out how you’ll relay your value proposition.

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, most sellers hire real estate agents referred to them (two-thirds, to be precise).

While you could get good word-of-mouth to entice seller leads to select your firm, you still need to show why their friends, family, and coworkers chose to work with you in the first place.

Some of the best ways you can differentiate yourself from the competition are to:

  • Build a strong web presence, starting with a responsive website
  • Be detailed regarding your marketing process, from start to finish
  • Share photos and videos of your most satisfied clients with leads

A real estate listing presentation is a great opportunity to communicate what makes your business unique and distinct from other agencies.

Are you particularly good at negotiation? Communication? Staying organized? Knowing a neighborhood inside and out? Providing white glove service?

Whatever your specialty is, make sure it shines through in your deck.

Prepare for some objections and lots of questions.

It’s inevitable: Your seller leads are going to have a fair number of questions during your real estate listing presentations .

It’s only natural: They’re still getting to know you and can’t leave any stone unturned when vetting your business.

The good news? Every question is a chance for you to prove your expertise and build trust. You just need to have great answers prepared ahead of time.

Some of the most common seller lead questions pertain to:

  • How you view your agency in comparison with others
  • Your qualifications, certifications, and designations
  • Providing proof you’re trustworthy and easy to work with
  • Sharing specific details about your past transactions

Of course, there are also going to be questions you can’t anticipate.

While you want to be as forthcoming and honest as possible, don’t feel obligated to provide in-depth answers on the spot if you’re not sure.

If you think you’d be better served writing a comprehensive email to leads post-presentation to answer their questions, let them know you’ll get back to them with a reply later that day.

Practice your sales pitch over and over again.

We’re not going to tell you “practice makes perfect” (although, I suppose we just kind of did).

But it really is best to nail down every aspect of your listing presentation speech so it’s well-timed, compelling, and inspiring.

Here’s a great checklist California-based REALTOR Kathy Smiley posted on ActiveRain that can help you practice your pitch.

This list covers all of the essential listing presentation tasks you need to carry out in order to get your points across in a timely and efficient manner.

If you feel more comfortable “winging it” than preparing for hours beforehand, just be sure you have at least a handful of talking points memorized so you don’t forget to mention important items to your prospects.

Dress like you’ve already made the sale.

As a general rule, dressing for real estate success means wearing something that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and professional.

But there are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Business casual will never go out of style, meaning suits and pantsuits are always going to help you put your best foot forward during listing presentations and other on-the-job situations.
  • Your style will likely be influenced by your particular market. Agents in cold- and hot-weather markets, for instance, will certainly want to dress accordingly based on their area climates.
  • You can also take style cues from the home seller you’re doing business with. Melissa Boucher’s advice? “You can’t come in dressed to the nines if you know that person’s understated. Know your audience, know yourself, and find that happy medium.”

When selecting an outfit for your real estate listing presentation, just be sure that the answer to “Will my lead consider me a serious, dedicated, and successful real estate agent ?” is yes.

Allow time for questions during your presentation.

Everyone has one of those friends who loves to dominate the conversation. But you can’t afford to be that person during your listing presentation.

Real estate, after all, is a people business. This means you have to be a first-rate listener to comprehend your prospective client’s wants and needs. From there, you can develop a plan of action to win them over.

This is just one of several listing presentation mistakes you could make. Be sure to comb over our list of other errors to avoid as well.

Have good posture and body language throughout.

As real estate trainer Dirk Zeller notes in a piece for Chicago Agent Magazine, confident body language is an essential piece of your listing presentations .

  • “Where have you experienced victories? Tap into those past experiences as you pump up your confidence in preparation for prospect presentations. If you lack confidence, determine what you need to do to increase the level of belief in yourself and your ability to achieve success.”

You’re not always going to feel confident and assertive and on top of the world. No one does.

But if you recall how you’ve converted leads into clients in the past and what you felt during those sales pitches, you can use that memory to keep winning over new business.

Think about the ways you can physically communicate self-assurance, poise, and certainty (e.g. use of hand movement, or maintaining eye contact with the seller), and use that body language to your advantage.

It’s also helpful to think about what poor body language can do to your pitch (hint: derail it entirely).

Finish your pitch, even if you think it’s not working.

You may be able to tell from a prospect’s body language or verbal cues that they aren’t responding to your presentation the way you’d hoped.

Regardless, conclude your presentation as if you were pitching a “hot” lead you can tell is going to sign on with you.

You never know: Someone who seemingly isn’t intrigued by what you’re throwing out there may actually just be quiet and unresponsive in general and actually interested.

Don’t be a “yes” agent just to win new business.

Every business has a “yes” person. They want to work their way up the ladder and/or close more deals by being as agreeable as possible.

This tact may work for some professionals in some organizations … but chances are, this is not going to lead to a converted seller client.

Just because you really want someone’s business doesn’t mean it’s worth nodding in approval to every request they make or mandate they lay out.

Doing so could lead to some (or many) unfulfilled promises during the sales process and, in turn, cause your clients to question your methods or even fire you.

Be open and upfront with your clients regarding what they can expect from you throughout the entire home selling process.

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[Bonus] How to Ace Real Estate Listing Presentation Questions

Prepare thoroughly for your real estate listing presentations and you’ll set yourself up for success.

No matter how much you script the conversation for your listing presentations, though, they won’t always go exactly to plan. Sellers will have questions for you regarding everything from your experience as a real estate agent to what sets you apart from the competition.

The following questions are the most common ones to expect during and after your sales pitch, along with the optimal answer for each. Check them out so you’ll be ready to ace your listing presentations and win customers.

Q) “What are your credentials? What makes you the right person to sell my home?”

Off the bat, sellers will want to know if your qualifications meet their standards for representation. So, present all certifications and designations you have as a real estate agent. Realtors who’ve earned accreditations through the National Association of REALTORS ® should make that known. Sellers may not be familiar with each official title, but your position establishes you as dedicated and knowledgeable.

Regarding your sales history, reveal how many homes you’ve sold in previous months and years, the average sales price of each property type, and other statistical data that sellers will find impressive. Though past sales aren’t always necessarily indicative of future sales, a thorough explanation of your sales history and big “wins” as an agent can help your standing with leads.

Additionally, let sellers know during your listing presentation if you work part-time or full-time as a real estate agent. Being a full-time agent often carries more weight with prospective clients, as you show complete dedication to the job and don’t have any other responsibilities that can take away from helping sellers market their properties.

If you work part-time, spin the positives of your situation. For instance, share tidbits about your work ethic. Even get former employers to provide testimonials regarding your work to show prospective clients you’re serious about meeting your commitments.

Moreover, if real estate isn’t the only job you have, then explain that even though you’re only working part-time, you can still focus all of your attention on client needs. In either case, explain how you stay in touch with clients and your standards for timely responses to communications.

Q) “How are you better than other local agents? What makes you different?”

First off, don’t use the word “better” during real estate listing presentations. In fact, don’t compare yourself to other agents at all. Saying you’re a step above the competition can come off as arrogant. While you should be confident in your own work as an agent, it’s not worth positioning yourself as above other real estate pros by disparaging them to prop yourself up.

The best way to highlight your abilities as an agent is simply explaining why you’re passionate about real estate. Listing presentations that show your enthusiasm for the day-to-day work that comes along with being an agent instill faith in sellers. Share some background info on how you got started in the industry, how you delight your clients , and items on your track record that reflect your go-getter attitude.

Some characteristics of your work and personality to share with leads should include your:

  • Ability to build relationships and relate to others: Knowing you can make good impressions on buyers will impress sellers, so be as amiable and engaging during your listing presentation as possible to show your personality.
  • Savviness with the latest real estate technology: It’s the 21st century. Knowing what apps, tools, gadgets, and tech resources to use in your real estate marketing gives you a leg up on agents stuck in the 20th century.
  • Enjoyment in helping people sell and find homes: You got into real estate to help people, right? Then share the satisfaction you get in helping buyers and sellers close deals and achieve their goals.

Q) “What experience do you have with my local market? Have you sold homes here before?”

When mentioning past clientele, segue into your history of selling in your local real estate market. The more established you are as an agent in your community, the more trust you earn from leads. Outline specific, memorable deals you closed — perhaps a home that’s similar in style, age, or price as the residence of those you’re pitching to.

Then, demonstrate the knowledge you have about the local market, like its history, the quality of its school system and economy, and any favorite spots you have nearby (restaurants, retail, movie theaters, parks, etc.). This shows you are an expert about the area and, in turn, know how to pitch local properties to buyers.

The best listing presentation is the one where you show you know the most about a specific real estate market, so no fact or note is too small to share with leads. A great way to ensure you convey your knowledge about the market is to create listing presentations using graphic creation tools . With these resources, you can visually represent local market data, like average closing prices of homes for sale, to persuade sellers about your abilities.

Q) “What do you think of my home? How would you change it to help sell it better?”

This question requires arguably the most spontaneous answer, given that up until your listing presentation, you likely haven’t had the chance to examine the property thoroughly. So, use this as an opportunity to get the grand tour of their residence and property. Take note of specific features you want to highlight and how the seller can make their home more desirable to buyers.

There’s a flipside to that coin, though: Be careful not to insult sellers when pointing out areas of their home that need cleaning, adjusting, or improving. Providing constructive criticism is one thing — telling sellers they need to change most things in their home to help it sell better can lead to a quick exit from your listing presentation.

You won’t be able to provide all of your detailed thoughts on sellers’ homes on the spot, so let them know you’d love to give them a more thorough analysis via email after the presentation is over. This allows you to nurture the lead after pitching them and stay top-of-mind with them during their agent selection process.

Q) “What do you think is an ideal list price for my home? I think it’s $_____.”

Before jumping in with your recommendation, let sellers know what comparable homes in their area have sold for in the past year, along with where the local real estate market is headed in terms of demand and supply. Sellers aren’t always cognizant of the factors that go into crafting the right list price, so explaining these to your leads can help them better understand your suggested price.

Some sellers have unrealistic prices in mind and they’re unwilling to budge. This could be a sign the leads aren’t worth representing, so watch out for any red-flag statements, like “I’m not willing to go under $_____” or “My home is definitely worth $_____.” Conversely, those who are willing to adjust their price if needed and negotiate with buyers will be more rewarding as customers. Representing flexible sellers instead of inflexible ones means a better chance of a quick and fair commission (as well as fewer headaches).

Q) “What sales and marketing strategies do you employ for clients’ homes?”

Now it’s time to really get down to business and put your agent hat on. Getting into the nitty-gritty of your business methods — like where you promote listings and how you attract potential buyers — is what really displays your prowess as an agent. Specifically, explain the core real estate marketing and sales tactics you use, including how you:

  • Conduct showings and open houses: We don’t just mean when you schedule showings and open houses, but how you work with walk-ins and buyer leads. Share how you sell specific features of a home (the lifestyle, the comfort, the utility, etc.) to show you’re an adept salesperson.
  • Market clients’ homes for sale online:  Divulge how you make clients’ listings appear attractive online, like taking aesthetically appealing photos, creating cutting-edge tour videos, and developing rich, detailed copy about listings .
  • Leverage connections for buyer leads: Regarding offline marketing strategies, also relay how you use other agents, friends, family members, previous clients, and other connections to seek out potential buyers.

All of this information should be shared in a timeline format to give sellers a sense of how the process will go — from the moment you sign your agreement to closing.

Q) “How do you communicate with clients regarding offers, showings, and other key info?”

Constant communication with sellers (without annoying or overwhelming them) is essential — as is explaining to seller leads how you will keep them in the loop during the sales process. During a listing presentation, real estate agents can sometimes gloss over this important aspect, so be sure to detail a clear-cut communication plan with prospective clients. Ask how they prefer to be contacted to discuss sales progress and how to relay bids on their property.

Some sellers will be very particular about what times work for them. Given that last-minute showing requests tend to pop up, also ask sellers when it would be okay to enter to give tours. Remember their personal space is important, so be respectful, but be sure you’ll have the access you need.

Q) “What’s your workload like? Would I be your only client or are you working with other clients?”

Having said that, many people are understanding of a real estate agent’s need to take on multiple sellers. In fact, many probably prefer to see their agent busy, since it’s indicative of a quality business. So, the more clients you take on, the better it can look in the eyes of prospects.

Q) “What are the typical terms of your listing agreements with other clients?”

If you start talking contracts, then you’re doing well in your listing presentation. However, you can ruin the mood quickly by providing a laundry list of contract terms you request of sellers. Instead, tell sellers you simply want to make them comfortable with any listing agreement they sign with you. Explain to them the core items generally included in statements, like duties you’ll perform as their agent, and ask them for their thoughts on terms they’d like to include.

From there, create an agreement based on both your preferences and those of sellers, send it to them after the listing presentation, and let them know you’ll be waiting to hear from them regarding a final answer (hopefully with good news).

Q) “If I hire you to sell my home, will you represent just my interests or the buyer’s too?”

Dual agency is something countless home sellers are fuzzy on, but many are wising up to the practice. If you can and do practice dual agency, be 110% upfront with your leads about it. Gauge their comfort level with knowing you may end up representing both them and buyer to see if they’re okay with it. As pointed out by recent Redfin research, sellers tend to lose financially in dual agency deals , so tread carefully. The last thing you want to do is favor one party at the expense of the other.

Of course, if you solely represent the sellers, you’ve got nothing to explain — except that you’re devoted to helping them sell their home for the best price and fast. You could even point out why this may be more favorable than representation by those who act as dual agents, given you have only their interests at heart.

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Zillow Premier Agent Blog

Real estate agent elevator pitch: how to craft and perfect it.

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You never know where you’ll find your next client. Sure, you’re connected to friends, family and colleagues, but how do you position yourself and showcase your business when you’re meeting new people?

Whether you’re at a networking event, a friend’s party, dropping the kids at daycare, or chatting at the gym, you can always put your best foot forward. Successful real estate agents have a balanced elevator pitch — rehearsed, yet conversational, factual, yet easily digestible, and well-timed but not pushy.

What’s an elevator pitch?

It’s called an elevator pitch for a reason — you should be able to say it in the time an elevator takes to travel a few floors. That’s about 30 seconds. Make it even shorter if you can.

The two main components of a successful elevator pitch are content and delivery. Content is what you say; delivery is how you say it. A memorable and effective pitch delivers the important information and conveys a feeling of connection.

Consider these tips as you create and rehearse your own.

Add a specific story or example to your pitch 

Instead of just talking about yourself, share a short story about a client you guided through a tricky short sale, a bid you got accepted quickly in a hot market, or another big win you’ve had in the last few years. Pick your best authentic stories. 

Examples: If you’re talking to a potential seller, tell a story about how you negotiated a bidding war in favor of a client. If your audience is looking to buy, talk about your interpersonal skills and tough negotiating tactics. Either way, include anecdotes, details, and specifics. A little story goes a long way.

Keep your pitch short

Keep the story you’ve added, but also keep it brief. People have a lot going on; they want you to get to the point. Show you appreciate that by keeping things to a respectable length. Knowing you’ll be using your pitch in a number of different contexts — for example during conversation at a dinner party or in line at the coffee shop — consider polishing shorter and longer versions. Try honing a 15-second minimalist script, a more detailed 30-second standard, and a full 60-second story for when you have the time and attention. 

Highlight what makes you a unique agent

Don’t hammer people with the same old story. What makes you stand out as a real estate professional? Maybe it’s your negotiating skills, your large network of potential buyers, or your local reputation and stellar sales record. Shine a spotlight on whatever makes you unique and memorable. Make those seconds count.

Your pitch should demonstrate your passion

Enthusiasm is contagious. Demonstrate that you’re passionate about real estate, your clients, and your career. If it’s sincere, and you convey that, listeners will sense your authenticity. 

Make it all about them

People don’t want to hear you talk about why you’re so great. They want to know what you can do for them. When you talk about your skills, illustrate how those attributes can help make their real estate buying or selling experience less stressful, more profitable or more efficient. In short, focus on the person .

Use plain, conversational language

Don’t spend these valuable seconds using industry buzzwords and jargon. Craft a message that’s approachable, easy to understand, and will put people at ease.

Make a connection and tailor your delivery

Although you should rehearse and perfect your real estate elevator pitch, make sure you know your audience and that you finesse your message accordingly. A flat, generic pitch doesn’t appeal to anyone. Consider who you’re talking to and tailor your pitch to them. 

Know when to use it

Savvy networkers know a sales pitch when they see it, so be sure to use your elevator pitch only when it’s appropriate. It doesn’t need to be the lead point in your conversation with a new acquaintance. First, spend some time finding mutual interests and common ground. Learn more about their needs. Then work it naturally into the flow of the conversation.

Practice your pitch

An elevator pitch is absolutely a type of public speaking, and most people get at least a little nervous when speaking in public. Think back to a time when you rehearsed school presentations. Write out your pitch and practice in front of the mirror, with coworkers, and in front of willing family members. Conversely, if you’ve given your sales pitch for real estate so many times that you could say it in your sleep, revisit your delivery so that you still sound engaged and passionate.

Don’t forget the important details

This may sound obvious, but it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. Be sure to include important details like your name, your brokerage’s name, your office location, and what you specialize in.

Make a video of your pitch

Practice your pitch on camera. Then play it back and pay attention to your delivery, body language, and approachability. Repeat until you can deliver it comfortably. Once your elevator pitch is ready for prime time, record yourself again and post it where people outside of your sphere would naturally find it. Active on social media? Post it to your profiles. Have a website you usually direct leads to? Add it there as well.

When you focus on delivering a unique message, offering a standout value proposition, and conveying confidence and enthusiasm, your pitch can become a powerful networking and lead-generation tool. Take the extra time to practice, tweak, and pace everything well. You may find you can set yourself apart from less-skilled conversationalists.

Start building your brand on Zillow and Trulia. Once you’ve perfected your pitch and made that video, create a free Zillow agent profile and add them.

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13 real estate cold calling scripts to increase lead generation

Real estate cold calling

Filling your real estate prospecting funnel involves a lot of outreach, which can be costly and time-consuming. Cold calling can be a great way to connect with prospects – if you do it well.

Successful real estate cold calls come down to preparation, targeting and delivery. If you’re up for the challenge, a database of killer cold calling scripts for real estate agents can help you land more clients.

In this article, we’ll explore how real estate sales cold calling works and share 10 real estate scripts (plus two real estate wholesaling scripts) to help you fill your sales funnel and your CRM with new leads and prospects. For even more ideas, read our cold calling scripts article.

What is a real estate cold calling script?

A real estate cold calling script is a pre-written dialogue for talking to potential clients over the phone. It helps real estate agents generate new leads, build a rapport with prospects and encourage potential customers to use your services.

With a cold calling script, you can plan exactly what you want to say. It’s all written down to ensure you cover all the key areas of your pitch.

Real estate agent scripts are also useful for nurturing different consumer groups.

For example, if you’re calling a first-time buyer, you can create a script that outlines how you can help them navigate the baffling process of buying a house. If you’re calling an investor, you can explain how your services will make it easier for them to buy and invest in worthwhile real estate.

The structure of a cold calling script varies depending on who you’re calling and what you’re trying to achieve. To give you some inspiration, take a look at these 10 cold calling scripts for real estate.

For the examples in this piece, we’re going to use the persona of John, who works for Big Wins Real Estate. Here are 13 of the best cold calling scripts John could use.

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13 real estate prospecting tips to generate leads

1. The initial cold calling script

Let’s start with a real estate script for making an initial cold call to a potential seller.

“Hi! My name is John. It’s so good to finally reach you! I’m a real estate expert for the Big Wins Real Estate community. Just checking, is this a good time to talk?”

Now, let the prospect respond. Showing a prospect that you understand they may be busy is a good way to build rapport.

At this point, your prospect will either give you an objection (such as “I’m not interested or give you a couple of minutes of their time. Regardless of their answer, steer the call with empathy:

“I totally get it, you’re busy and I understand you can’t talk right now. It’s [prospect’s name], right?”

“Sure, I can feel your frustration. The market certainly is difficult right now, [prospect’s name]”

“Of course, I completely understand you’re low on time, [prospect’s name], so I’ll get to the point”

This prospecting script is good for: Understanding a prospect, hearing their pain points and getting your foot in the door. If they don’t write you off and hang up, arrange a time to call them back for a more in-depth chat about how you can help with their property affairs.

2. The script that measures interest

This script measures a prospect’s interest in the market and whether they’d consider selling their property.

“Hi, I’m John with Big Wins Real Estate. Is this the homeowner?”

Wait for their confirmation.

“Ok, great! The reason for my call is that I have some home buyers who are looking for homes in your neighborhood at the moment. Would you consider selling your home if you had someone lined up to buy it?”

By telling the prospect you have interested buyers, you’re creating a sense of urgency which may encourage them to sell.

If the property owner shows an interest, make an appointment to do an initial pricing assessment of their property.

Many homeowners will tell you that they aren’t interested in selling at the moment. If that’s the case, pass on your contact information and explain how they can get in touch with you. A cold lead is better than no lead, so keep them in your sales pipeline to follow up later.

This script is good for: Getting a more in-depth look into a homeowner and if they’ve considered putting their property on the market.

3. The script that positions you as a community champion

Positioning yourself as a champion in the community builds trust between you and your prospects.

“Hi [prospect’s name], this is John from Big Wins Real Estate. Just reaching out as I’ve been living in the [neighborhood/area name] for over 20 years and I just love this place. As a new agent at Big Wins who specializes in the local area, I wanted to know if I could find a suitable buyer for your property in the next 30 days. Would you be open to meeting with me to discuss?”

The best cold calling scripts like this one get to the point. Your prospect will either say “yes” or “no”. Even if the prospect says “no,” you’ll likely strike up a conversation about the local area.

It’s a great way to build the foundations of a relationship, and they may refer you to friends or family members who are looking to sell.

This script is good for: Humanizing yourself as an agent and connecting with prospects through their sense of community. It’s a great way to build relationships with prospective sellers and buyers.

4. A script for leveraging a recent sale

This real estate script builds trust with prospects by showing that you have sold a property in their local area.

It also helps you with circle prospecting techniques. Homeowners who live near your real estate listings will want to know who you are and how you operate in case they decide to sell or buy a new home in the future. The best real estate agents are consistently building relationships that help them stay top of mind.

“Hi, I’m John from Big Wins Real Estate. Is this the homeowner?”

“Just getting in touch because I recently sold a property down the street from you at (recent sale address). It’s a great area with a lot of interest at the moment and the properties are selling for fantastic prices. Out of interest, have you thought about selling your home?”

Highlighting recent sales in a neighborhood is a great way to get a prospect thinking about if it’s also the right move and if you’re the person who can get them the best price. It also helps you stand out from other cold callers for real estate agencies.

If the prospect shows a hint of interest, offer up any information about the recent sale that’ll paint you in a good light. It could be how quickly you sold the property, or how well the property was priced (e.g. above market value).

From there, you can book an appointment to meet or price their property for them.

This script is good for : Building trust and getting prospects to think about how much their properties are worth by highlighting a recent sale in their area.

5. The script for nailing your elevator pitch

Elevator pitches have one goal: to highlight why a buyer or seller should pick you as their real estate agent.

Every realtor needs an elevator pitch, but a big mistake many cold callers for real estate make is coming across as robotic and callous. You need to sound natural and convincing. It’s crucial to show that you care about helping prospects rather than having your call sound like a rehearsed telemarketing campaign.

Here are some examples:

“I just sold a property in this area last week for considerably more than the asking price. I know you’ve got a tight deadline for selling your property. If I could show you a plan to get your property moving on the market and above the asking price, can we set up a meeting?”

“I’m on a mission to help 50 people find their dream homes by the end of the year. I’d like you to be one of those people and I want to be the person that finds your dream home in the shortest time frame possible. Would you be open to meeting with me tomorrow?”

Your goal with this elevator pitch script isn’t to sell yourself as the best realtor in the area but to book an appointment with the prospect.

If they do object, here’s what you can do:

Show empathy toward their objection: “I understand you’re busy”

Ask for details: “Can I ask, why do you have a tight deadline for your property sale?”

Offer up a solution: “We can get your property sold within your timeframe.”

Positioning the conversation around their pain points can make a difference in success.

This script is good for: Getting prospects curious about your real estate company and what you might be able to offer them.

Turn talk into action with these cold calling scripts

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6. The script for pitching to someone you already know

Has somebody put their property on the market that you’ve already met at an event or know through a mutual friend? If so, this is a great opportunity for you to connect organically and build on the trust you’ve already established.

“Hi [prospect’s name], this is John! We met at [fundraiser, mutual friend’s birthday etc.]. So, how have you been?”

Don’t open with the fact that you’re a real estate agent. Try to build the conversation from your last engagement with the prospect.

“I was calling you because, as [mutual friend’s name] might have told you, I’m a real estate agent for Big Wins Real Estate. I’m just reaching out to family and friends to see where they’re at with their properties and if they’ve thought about upgrading, downsizing or selling their home. [Prospect’s name], have you considered a move, considering the market right now?”

Reconnecting with someone you’ve already met means they’re much less likely to be defensive. Chances are, they’ll be more open to a discussion and want to keep the conversation casual.

This script is good for: Building on an existing connection. You already know the prospect, so use that to your advantage and get your foot in the door before your competitors.

7. The script that gets to the point

Cold calling can be time-consuming. With this script, you can get straight to the point (without making your prospect feel cornered or rushed).

“Hi, this is John from Big Wins Real Estate. I’m calling as my agency has some buyers who are interested in buying a home in [prospect’s area]. Can you tell me if you are looking to sell your home either now or in the near future?”

If they’re interested, move on to your next pitching technique. If they say “no”, add them to your CRM as a cold lead and make a note to follow up with them in the future.

This script is good for: Fitting the number of cold calls you require into your day. This one is short, sharp and clear, so your prospect instantly knows why you’re calling.

8. The script to pitch to a “for sale by owner” (FSBO) prospect

Motivated sellers will sometimes try to sell their homes themselves to avoid commissions and make a fast sale. They’ll usually list their house for sale on websites such as Zillow or Trulia.

If they’re struggling to sell, you can pitch to them to offer them a helping hand and relieve some of the pressure.

“Hi, is this [prospect’s name]? My name is John and I’m calling from Big Wins Real Estate. I was surfing the web this afternoon and I noticed you’ve got your house up for a private sale. I was just wondering if you have had any success?”

Wait for their answer, which will most likely be a “no” if you’ve spotted the property online.

“I’m not surprised, it’s hard selling a house on your own. How long have you been on the market for now?”

Wait for their answer.

“Hmm. What kind of response have you got from interested buyers so far?”

“Where are most of the interested buyers coming from? Have you had an open house or are you relying on your internet advertisement?”

Wait for their answer. By now, you’ve already got some information that can steer the pitch in your favor.

“That’s very interesting. The reason I’m calling you today is just to see if there’s anything I can do to help you with the sale and if you would like my assistance with getting more interest in the property.”

At this point, you may get some objections from the prospect. For example, they might reassure you that they’ve got the sale under control or that they can’t afford a realtor. If this is the case, you can then ask whether they’d change their mind if you could get them the property price they’re asking for.


6 pipeline management tips for real estate agents

Either they’ll bite at this point, or they won’t. If they don’t, make a note of it in your real estate CRM and follow up with them in the future.

Pro-tip : Don’t use this real estate lead generation technique if the seller is already using another agent, as it violates the Standards of Practice 16-2, 16-3 . This script is good for: Contacting a prospect who hasn’t had any success selling a house on their own.

9. The script for cold texting a “for sale by owners” prospect

Phone calls may not be the best method, or the only method, to reach out to potential clients. Cold texting is another option for real estate professionals hoping to find people who need help with a property sale.

Here’s a cold texting “for sale by owners” script.

Hi, I’m a realtor working in your area and I saw that you are hoping to sell your property at [property address]. I’ve had plenty of experience selling houses in the neighborhood, so I know it’s a popular area. I expect you have plenty of interest, how are you managing the offers coming in?

With this text, you hit a number of important points:

You know the area

You’ve had success selling houses there

The seller may have a lot of offers and could potentially use your help managing them

This script is good for: reaching out to FSBO prospects when a phone call hasn’t worked.

10 . The script to follow up on a previous property appraisal

If you’ve given a property appraisal and don’t hear back from a prospect, it doesn’t mean you should write them off. They’ve shown initial interest in selling their property, so try following up six months after the appraisal to see where they’re at.

"Hi [prospect’s name]. It’s John calling from Big Wins Real Estate. I just wanted to touch base with you about the appraisal I conducted on your home in [month of appraisal]. I’ve been watching the market in your area closely and there’s been quite a lot happening. Has your position on selling the property changed at all?”

“Okay, no problem. Because the market in your area has been so busy, it may be worthwhile updating the initial estimate I gave you. Would this be something you would be interested in?”

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Wait for their answer. If they say “no”, don’t give up.

“Okay [prospect’s name], I completely understand. I’m picking up that you aren’t planning on moving from the [neighborhood] at the moment, but I think you might be interested in how other properties in the area have sold since I spoke to you in [month you last spoke].”

Wait for their answer. If they don’t put up any immediate objections, you can talk to them about any new sales or listings in the area.

As mentioned previously, people are often interested in how much properties are selling for in their local area, so use it to your advantage.

This script is good for: Following up with cold leads. If you’ve provided an appraisal but haven’t heard back, this script allows you to engage with the prospect and give them a chance to reconsider using your services.

11. The script to stop a discussion about commissions

It’s likely your prospect will want to discuss your commission rate. To help them overcome any objections or concerns about your commission rate, this script acknowledges their concerns while moving the process forward by arranging a meeting.

The best way to handle an objection about commission is to extinguish it early.

Prospect: “John, I don’t want to pay more than 3% commission on the sale.” John at Big Wins Real Estate : “[Prospect’s name], I’m making a note that you don’t want to pay anything more than 3% commission. How’s tomorrow or Tuesday looking to meet up to preview the property?”

Here, you’re not agreeing to their terms, but merely acknowledging their concern to help the prospect feel understood. If they won’t move past it and they want to know what your rates are, you can share them but add a caveat that rates can change based on several factors (including sale price).

If your rates are higher than they’re willing to pay, outlining your benefits can be a good way to encourage them to up their budget.

Also, explain that you’ll have a better idea of your rates after reviewing the property in person. After valuing the property, let them know what you can offer them as a realtor and what your commission fee will be.

This script is good for : Not getting locked into talking about your commission on a call.

How to use the scripts in this article for wholesaling

Wholesaling is when a real estate wholesaler puts a seller's home under contract and then finds an investor to buy it. In a wholesale deal, the agent acts as an intermediary between a seller motivated to sell their property quickly and a buyer who wants to purchase a property at a discount.

A wholesaler would use a cold calling script for two reasons:

To contact potential sellers and help them make a quick sale

To contact real estate investors and encourage them to make a purchase

All of the scripts in this article can be used for wholesaling houses. However, you might need to tweak them to suit your audience.

Here are a couple of wholesaling real estate scripts you can use as a guide.

12. A wholesale real estate script for contacting a potential seller

Here’s a cold calling script for contacting a potential seller.

“Hi, it’s John from Big Wins Real Estate. Is this [prospect's name]?”

Wait for their answer. If they say “yes”, start to build rapport.

“Great, thanks for taking my call. I'm calling because you have a property in [add location] that you might be interested in selling. Is that correct?”

Identifying need:

“I'd like to learn more about your situation and see if we can help you in any way. Can you tell me a bit about why you're considering selling your property?”

Now, you can offer some value and build a connection.

“At Big Wins Real Estate, we help homeowners like yourself get the best possible value for a fast sale. We sell properties quickly and easily, without any hassles or headaches.”

From here, you can either arrange a time to meet in person or continue the call to further explain your services, prices and what the next steps should be.

If they don’t want to meet or learn more about what you do, let them know that you’ll reach out again in a few months to see if their needs have changed.

This script is good for: Reaching out to a potential seller for the first time to find out more about their situation and their property.

13. A wholesale real estate script for reaching out to a potential investor

Use this cold calling script to reach out to a potential investor.

“Hi, it’s John from Big Wins Real Estate. Is this [prospect's name]? Great, thanks for taking the time to chat. I'm calling because I came across your name as a potential investor and I’m keen to learn more about your investment interests. Can you tell me more about your current investments and your goals for the future?”

If the investor sounds like a good fit, explain more about what you do and how you can help them achieve their goals.

“It sounds like your investment goals align with our company's investment opportunities. At Big Wins Real Estate, we offer real estate investment opportunities for investors just like yourself. Our investments provide high returns, and we make sure the entire buying process runs as smoothly as possible.”

After this, you can continue the call to further explain your services, prices and what the next steps should be. Or, you could arrange a time to meet in person to discuss your services in more detail. Let the prospect decide what works for them.

If these options don’t interest them, let them know that you’ll reach out in a few months to see if their position has changed.

This script is good for: Contacting a potential investor to see if they want to buy a property you’re selling.

Does cold calling work in real estate ?

When done well, ​​cold calling can be an effective lead-generation tool. In fact, 41.2% of respondents to this survey from Sales Insights Lab said that the phone is the most effective sales tool at their disposal.

It can be challenging and time-consuming, but it can also connect you with potential clients who may not have otherwise found you.

Here are some of the other benefits of cold calling in real estate.

You have direct contact with potential clients: With other forms of outreach (such as email or paid ads), prospects have the option to keep scrolling. Cold calling cuts through the noise and puts you front and center of the prospect’s attention.

You can gather immediate feedback: If a prospect doesn’t want to use your services, they can instantly tell you why. This gives you valuable information, which can help you improve your scripts going forward.

It’s cost-effective. Unlike paid advertisements, direct mail or other marketing strategy tactics, cold calling is a relatively low-cost method of outreach. It does require more time (you may be on the phone for a few hours at a time) but has less impact on your marketing budget.


Lead gen in real estate: 6 ways to find new clients

The secrets to creating the perfect cold calling scripts

There’s no single recipe for success when it comes to cold calling. However, there are some best practices you can follow to increase your chances of conversion.

Identify the purpose

When you know what you’re trying to achieve with your call, you can make a script that’s more likely to succeed. For example, if you want to encourage an investor to buy a property that you’re selling, you can create a script for this exact purpose.

Here are some of the areas to consider when identifying the purpose of your cold call:

What’s the goal? Start by clarifying the goal of the phone call. It might be to connect with new customers, referrals or past clients who are looking to put their property on the market. Or, it may just be to reach out and see if a homeowner is looking to sell in the future.

What do you want your prospects to know? Be clear about what information you want your prospects to know from the call. For example, do you want them to know that you’re offering a discount for beginners that are trying to get on the property ladder? Or that you’ll provide a free valuation?

What are your prospect’s pain points? Think about the challenges your prospects face and how you can solve these problems. This will help you create cold calling scripts that resonate with your audience and build a connection.

Practice makes perfect

According to sales training guru Mike Ferry , practicing real estate cold calling services is the key to making them as successful as possible.

To do this, you must practice and develop your skills for any cold sales pitch. Ferry says this means practicing cold call lead generation with intensity:

You can also enlist the help of other salespeople and real estate cold callers in the office to help you practice the script and share feedback.

The great thing about the real estate industry is that objections from buyer or seller leads are easy to predict, so you can practice a variety of scenarios. As a realtor, you’ll likely get asked for the following information:

Your commission rate

Your experience

How many properties you’ve sold

If you’re familiar with the seller’s area/property type

If you practice handling these objections in-house, it gives you a better chance of tackling them with confidence in the real world.

Do your research

Before making any real estate cold calls, take some time to research the prospect and their background. This can help you tailor your pitch to their specific needs and establish a connection with them.

Here are the steps you can take to perform this research:

Identify your target market: Start by identifying the market you want to focus on. Are you looking for first-time buyers, real estate investors or a mixture of both? After figuring out who you want to target, create a buyer persona for your audience. This will give you a better understanding of who they are, what they want and how they behave.

Research the area: Learn as much as you can about the area you’re targeting. This includes the local real estate market, property values and recent sales. All of this information will help you understand the market, which puts you in a stronger position to sell.

Create a list of potential clients: Based on the information you have from your research, compile a list of potential clients. If you have more than one target audience, you can create more than one list for each type of client.

Focus on the benefits

When making the call, focus on the benefits you can offer your prospect. This will show prospects why your services are worth using and how you can help them overcome their challenges and start to build trust.

Let’s take a look at how you can promote these benefits.

Highlight valuable services: Outline any unique or valuable services that your real estate business provides. For example, offering a free valuation of their property or providing discounted fees if the property sells within 30 days.

Address pain points: Consider the pain points that your prospects may be experiencing and highlight how you can solve the problem. For instance, if a seller wants to make a quick sale, you can explain how your services will speed things along.

Use specific examples: Use real case studies to demonstrate how your services have been beneficial to other customers. That way, the prospect can understand exactly how you can help. It also builds trust, showing the prospect that you’ve supported other customers in similar situations.

Final Thoughts

To be successful at the cold calling game, you need to do more than dial phone numbers and tell prospects you can sell their house.

Whether you’re just touching base or looking to make ground with an old relationship, the strategy is the same: listen to their pain points, be empathetic and let them know you’re the right realtor to make ground with their property.

To track and manage all your prospects, take a look at Pipedrive’s real estate CRM . With our software, you can track conversations, segment different audience groups and automate follow-ups to keep the relationships going.

You can also use our sales pipeline templates to better understand the real estate sales process. Try it for free today .

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Fear of Cold Calling

How to get over your fear of cold calling

Getting over your fear of cold calling customers is not easy, but it can be done. Here are our tips on overcoming the fear of cold calling.

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Cold Calling Script

25 cold calling script templates and cold calling tips

New to cold calling or want to improve? Use these 25 expert-generated cold calling scripts to ace the cold calling definition of success.


Tips on perfecting your real estate “elevator pitch”

When you're chatting up potential clients, do you know how to win them over? Having a great "elevator pitch" is essential for anyone who generates leads offline - Here are some ways to develop the perfect pitch that's right for you.

Let’s step into Easy Agent Pro’s time machine and head back to 2019 – you know, life as it was pre-pandemic .

You’re at your kid’s soccer game and chatting it up with other parents. Inevitably in these situations, someone will ask you what you do for a living.

Nine times out of 10, your answer will be something like:

  • I’m in real estate
  • I’m a REALTOR®
  • I’m a real estate agent [or broker]

While that succinctly answers the question, it may or may not spark interest nor does it necessarily entice further conversation. That is, with the exception of another likely question – “What’s the market like right now?”

Not a bad question to get, because it provides the perfect segue into proving your knowledge and authority in real estate. But there’s no guarantee it will be forthcoming.

Which is why you need an elevator pitch for real estate agents. Meant to be delivered within 20 to 30 seconds, consider as akin to your curb appeal. That’s how important the elevator pitch for real estate agents is.

That’s not enough time!

speech on real estate

Twenty to 30 seconds is actually considered an eternity compared to how long you have to make a first impression with your appearance. That one takes about a tenth of a second, according to Eric Wargo (citing a Princeton University study) at PsychologicalScience.org.

“Like it or not, judgments based on facial appearance play a powerful role in how we treat others, and how we get treated,” Wargo says.

The sad truth is that you’ll be judged first on your appearance, from what you’re wearing to your facial expressions.

Make it past that one-tenth of a second and you’re golden – time to roll out the quick elevator pitch for real estate agents.

And, yes, 20 to 30 seconds isn’t a whole lot of time, but consider this: You are routinely forced to market someone’s home in the MLS with a smattering of words.

That number does vary across the country, but it’s never enough to convey what needs to be conveyed.

For instance, we understand that in Louisville, KY, agents are limited to 800 characters in the public remarks section of their listings.

Agents who work in the Sammamish, WA market are allowed only 500.

You’re used to this. An elevator pitch for real estate agents should be no problem.

The typical elevator pitch for real estate agents

It’s critical to have a polished, compelling elevator pitch when responding to online leads.

For instance, while perusing the posts on the local NextDoor.com neighborhood page, one first-time homebuying neighbor posted her need for referrals to a “good realtor in the area.”

There were only three responses from local agents and they were so similar it’s scary.

“Hi! Im [name], a local realtor, born and raised in [city]. I would love to answer any questions you have and I am available to help with any real estate needs! I have a 5 star rating and am experienced with 1st time buyers up to million dollar listings! I go the extra mile for my clients and I think that’s why my clients are  good friends beyond just work.”

She then added her phone number with an exclamation point and “I look forward to hearing from you! Have a fabulous day!”

There is so much wrong with this, we don’t know where to begin. From the lack of proper punctuation to the overuse of exclamation points, she comes across as far from an authority and quite hysterical.

speech on real estate

The next response:

“I’m a Realtor in the area. I always go above and beyond for my clients! Working with a first time buyer at the moment, we negotiated for a lower price in a very tight market! Let me know how I can make a house, YOUR home 🏡.”

Notice how both agents’ USP is almost identical? They “go the extra mile,” or “above and beyond” for their clients. WTH does that mean, anyway?

Then, there’s that SO overused ending – “. . . make a house, YOUR home,” with the cutesy, unprofessional little house picture.

Then, there’s agent number three:

“Hey! 🙂 I’m a local real estate agent in your area if you still need some help! My number is [phone number] and my website is [URL].

I’d love to talk to you more about how I could help you! Regardless, congratulations on looking for your new home!”

Her first sentence is almost identical to the previous agent’s. And the smiley face after the greeting doesn’t exactly convey professionalism.

When stuff like this becomes trite, it’s time to understand that the “unique” in your USP isn’t actually unique.

Absolutely nothing these women stated differentiated them from one another. I wouldn’t have contacted any of the three – how about you?  

DIY elevator pitch for real estate agents

speech on real estate

As a real estate agent, you solve certain problems. And, “… being able to succinctly convey what problem you solve is a real art …” according to Allan Dib, author of “ The 1-Page Marketing Plan, Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd .”

A succinct elevator pitch, according to Dib, is 30 to 90 seconds in length. It’s also easy to understand and not overly self-focused.

“Good marketing takes the prospect through a journey that covers the problem, the solution and, finally, the proof,” according to Dibs.

How does he suggest that you get this across in 30 seconds? Here’s his formula:

“You know [problem]? Well, what we do is [solution]. In fact, [proof].”

Put in real estate terms, Dibs’ formula may look like this:

“You know how there are so few homes for sale right now? Homebuyers are having a real problem finding a home. Well, what we do is actively promote our buyers’ needs to homeowners in our database who’ve expressed an interest in selling. This works so well, in fact, that we’ve found homes for 25 buyers just this month.”

Or, this one:

“A lot of homeowners are afraid they’ll end up homeless when they have to sell their home before buying another. We specialize in working with these homeowners and use strategies that have proven quite successful. In fact, we’ve never had a client end up homeless or stuck in a temporary rental.”

You get the idea, right? Consider the prospect’s pain point and craft your pitches to prove you can solve their dilemma.

Play around with the formula. As long as you keep it consumer-focused and not self-focused, you’ll end up with a winning elevator pitch.

A big part of every elevator pitch is learning to deal with potential rejection. Here are some tips to help turn that rejection into an opportunity.

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5 Sales Pitch Samples to Help You Close the Deal

5 real estate sales pitch samples review

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Joe Stephenson

Crafting a successful sales pitch can be a challenge. It’s hard to know where to start, what to say, and how to convince someone that your house is the best one for them. That’s why it’s important to have a good real estate sales pitch ready to go. In this blog post, we will give you five different real estate sales pitch samples that you can use to help close the deal! A good sales pitch addresses pain points. Please note, it is important to stay away from ‘steering’ when making a sales pitch. Here is a link from the NAR to help explain what that is and why it is important. 

1). Sales Pitch about House Location

The first real estate sales pitch sample is all about location. If you’re selling a house that’s in a great location, make sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how the house is close to schools, parks, and other amenities that would be important to potential buyers.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about location.

“This house has access to some great nearby amenities. It’s in a great location, close to schools and parks.”

2). Sales Pitch about House Condition

The second real estate sales pitch sample is all about the condition of the house. This will help solve a problem people may have about value. If your house is in great condition, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how the house has been well-maintained and how it’s ready for move-in.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about the condition of the house.

“This house is in pristine condition. It’s been well-maintained and is ready for move-in. You won’t have to worry about a thing. This is the perfect house for someone who wants to just move in and start enjoying their new home.”

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Jasper chat ai, 3). sales pitch about price.

The third real estate sales pitch sample is all about the price. If you’re selling a house that’s priced well, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Potential customers will appreciate you talking about how the house is a great value for the price and how it’s a steal compared to other houses on the market. You opening line should be focused on the benefit to the buyer.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about price.

“This house is a great value for the price. It’s a steal compared to other houses on the market. You won’t find a better deal anywhere else.”

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4). sales pitch about house features.

The fourth real estate sales pitch sample is all about the features of the house. If your house has unique features or amenities, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how the house has a great layout, a pool, or other features that would be appealing to potential buyers.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about the unique features of a house.

“This house has a great layout. The kitchen is perfect for entertaining. The backyard pool is perfect for the summer. You’ll have a tough time finding another house with these features at this price.”

5). Sales Pitch about your Knowledge as a Real Estate Agent

The fifth real estate sales pitch sample is all about you. If you’re an experienced real estate agent, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how you’re knowledgeable about the market and how you’re ready to help buyers find their perfect home. This knowledge helps build trust with the client.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about knowledgeable you are about the housing market.

“I’m a knowledgeable real estate agent with years of experience. I know the market and I’m ready to help you find your perfect home. I’ll be there every step of the way, from finding the right house to negotiating the best price.”

Never Stop Learning About Real Estate

Selling a house doesn’t have to be difficult. Some people like elevator pitches, others like different methods. With a great sales pitch, you can convince anyone that your house is the best one on the market! Try using one of these real estate sales pitch samples the next time you’re trying to close a deal. Good luck!

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Elevator Pitch For Real Estate Agents

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Elevator Pitch For Real Estate Agents

Experienced real estate agents will tell you that the first 20 seconds is what makes a difference in the conversation. If you’re able to grab attention of the person you’re speaking with, you can count it as a huge success. 

We all know that networking is a long-term strategy. The people you talk with and make a good impression on might come back to you and request your service, or recommend you to their friends. That’s why crafting an elevator pitch often seems like some sort of an art form.

So, for the new real estate agents out there, let’s start with discussing what is exactly an elevator pitch.

Elevator Pitch—What, When and How?

An elevator pitch is often simplified as the answer that people give to the question “What do you do?” How quickly you come up with an answer and how much information you can provide in your quick speech, will determine the success of your elevator pitch.

The most obvious answer is “I’m a real estate agent.” And even though this is true, it’s a pretty generic response. And it doesn’t showcase how your services might be valuable for the person you’re speaking to.

So, what should the best elevator speech sound like?

Let’s take a look at entrepreneur and marketer Allan Dib’s take on that topic. In his bestselling book The 1-Page Marketing Plan, he discusses in detail elevator pitch concepts. He mentions that often, the responses to the question what do you do, aka your elevator pitches, end up as wasted opportunities. People give generic answers that are in no way helpful or inviting further conversation.

Every successful marketing strategy is based upon indicating a problem and finding a solution to that problem.

Allan Dib mentions that elevator pitch should have exact same approach:

As a real estate agent, you will encounter many situations where your clients are struggling with first time buying, selling property, moving cities, or researching neighborhoods. 

Apply these situations to your elevator pitch. Incorporate the problems your clients encounter in your elevator pitch, showcase how you’re helping them overcome these problems, and provide proof.

Need a Real Estate Elevator Pitch? Take a Look.

Let’s use the same formula and modulate the approximate conversation you might be having. 

-“What do you do?”

-”Oh, you know how hard it is to sell a house fast. There are so many things to consider. I help people sell property quickly and easily. In fact, last month I helped 5 clients sell property and move into new houses”

Let’s take a look at another example.

-”So, what do you do?”

-”You know how hard it is to buy a property if you’re not a resident.I help non-residents buy or sell land and other property in our country. Actually, last year I helped 20 buyers move countries. ”

Both examples showcase how important it is to present the unique side of your job.

P.S Interested in how to establish a brokerage? Check out our article How to Establish a Brokerage .

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Please note, as we embrace this new era, support for the Legacy MLS Add-on, RETS Integrations, and Data Replicator Functions will conclude on December 31, 2024. We encourage you to contact our team to discuss your migration plans, ensuring a smooth transition to the exciting possibilities with MLS On The Fly™.

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  • Elevator Pitch Examples
  • Elevator Pitch Power Hour
  • The Focused Consultant
  • Unified Voices
  • Introduce Yourself (in 30 seconds)
  • Find Your Focus: Define and Deliver a Pitch that Resonates
  • Expand Your Referral Network
  • Live Events

Examples of a 30-Second Elevator Pitch

Elevator pitch examples:.

A plumber approached me because while he’s a very good plumber he had no idea how to improve the profitability of his business.

I set up a simple reporting system for him so his numbers are always up to date, and he can do future forecasting for his business.

I’m happy to report that based on this information he was able to increase his profit by 17 percent last year.

A great lead for me is a trade professional.

More Examples

When was the last time you printed out and saved a thank you email?

I was at a trade show recently and took digital pictures of the booths of my prospects.

When I got back to the office I sent each one a thank you card with a picture of their booth on it. When I stopped by for a sales call a few weeks later, the card was proudly displayed on their desk.

When you’re ready to make a lasting impression, hand me your business card for a free walk through of our proprietary system.

My name is _________ and I want you to build better business relationships through effective follow up.

I have a broad business practice so let me give you an example.

I was working with a guy who originally called me to handle a trademark matter which we took care of.

As I got to know his business, it turned out that his larger issues was that his PhD employees were stealing his ideas and he didn’t have any agreements in place to prevent it. I worked with him to create non-compete and non-disclosure agreements to protect his intellectual property and his business.

My name is ______ and I’m a business lawyer who specializes in keeping you out of court.

Let me give you an example of the kind of work I do:

As you may know, business owners frequently sign a personal guarantee to get funding to start their business.

I was representing a lender who was enforcing a guarantee against a guy whose business had failed. After back-and-forth negotiations we worked out a settlement agreement where the guy would pay back over time, meaning that the lender would get their money and the guy didn’t have a judgment hanging over his head.

My name is ______ and I’m a business attorney.

I have a broad based practice, so let me give you a specific example.

I was called in four months before the grand opening of the Ritz Carleton in Boston to transition it from construction project to operating hotel.

While four months is not usually enough time for this type of project, I hired and trained the staff such as concierges and doormen, wrote the operating manuals on what to say and how to dress, and made sure that the hotel, theater, and retail space systems all worked smoothly together. The hotel opened on time.

My name is _____ with _______________, and a great referral for me is a commercial construction project that’s within a year of its grand opening.

Let me tell you about some of the work I did for a recent client.

A property and casualty insurance broker referred us to a 100 person company that was buying themselves out of their New York parent.

In creating their benefits from scratch we had to make sure that their employees were educated about and comfortable with the new packages, and ensure that the company staffed up to prepare for administering those benefits. We took them through our 2 month process and rolled out their new benefits plan smoothly and on time.

My name is ________ and if you are interested in avoiding the top five mistakes companies make when changing benefit plans, please hand me your card and I will email you our free white paper.

Let me give you a quick example.

I met someone at a party recently who was in so much debt he was having trouble paying his monthly bills.

As a result of my free in-home consultation I was able to consolidate their debt so they are paying it off 9 years earlier while also saving $450 per month.

My name is ______ and a great referral for me is someone who’s having trouble paying their monthly bills.

I have a broad range of experience, so let me tell you about my best project.

When I joined as an HR manager they were losing engineers left and right and having trouble attracting top engineers fast enough to keep their teams productive.

I implemented a series of recruiting strategies like having our executives give talks at premier engineering colleges and conducting informal referral get togethers. I’m happy to report that as a result we were able to attract and hire top talent thereby growing the business by 60%.

My name is _______ and I’m an HR professional who implements innovative recruiting strategies.

I work with people who are renovating their bathrooms.

I create shower enclosures, sinks, and backsplashes made entirely of glass. If you’re wondering what a glass sink looks like, please come ask me to see an example.

My name is _______ and I design renovations in glass.

I was working on a project I’m particularly proud of as VP of finance for a company where the drivers were charging a lot of overtime and eating up company profits.

I found a vendor and implemented a technology solution that documents driver activity so the supervisors could hold them accountable for hours worked.

This saved the company $1.6 million with no impact on customer satisfaction and no loss of jobs.

My name is __________, and I am interested in a position as a comptroller.

My favorite job was where I was the Willy Wonka of Chemistry.

I was working for a large pharmaceutical company with their validation engineers to validate the equipment and processes in their new lab.

I call it the Willy Wonka job because there was no standing around. I was constantly moving drums, climbing ladders, pumping solutions through pipes and running around 400 liter reactors. I’m happy to report that once the lab opened, it doubled the production capacity for the company.

My name is ________ and I am the Willy Wonka of Chemistry.

Do you mind if I give you a quick example of my work?

I was hiring a new GM for the primary condominiums at the Ritz Carleton.

Half way through an interview with one candidate I told him that I thought he would be better off at a hiring and training company. He agreed that he liked to mentor people and set up systems and processes so I referred him to another job I knew about where he is now happy and successful.

My name is ________ and I am looking for an opportunity in HR.

I work with women who are facing divorce.

I was working with a client recently whose husband announced that he had a girlfriend and wanted a divorce.

Rather than staying mad, she joined my coaching program and took charge of the situation. She kicked him out, changed the locks, filed for divorce, and ended up saving the marriage.

I’m _______ and while I can’t always guarantee that result I can empower you in your relationships.

How many of you know the current interest rate for a residential home loan?

Actually, today it’s ___%, although you probably wouldn’t get that rate.

Your final rate depends on your credit cards, student and car loans, and type of loan you want. For example, are you refinancing at a lower rate? Are you a first time home buyer? Are you taking cash out of your home? So just so you know, if you call me today and ask for my interest rate, I would first have to sit down with you and find out the answers to these questions.

My name is _________ and I help people attain the goal of home ownership.

Let me give you an example of one of my most successful projects.

I was leading a virtual team across 3 competing companies in a project mandated by the European Regulatory Agency.

My role was to plan and lead the monthly meetings where we decided how to test and validate our methods and where the labs compared their data. I am happy to report that we came up with a methodology that became an international standard, despite one company’s up-front stated goal to drag the project out as long a possible.

My name is ___________, and I am interested in taking on scientific challenges in an emerging biotech firm.

Let me give you an example of one of my best projects.

I was the project manager for an Oracle EBiz upgrade which included both functionality and hardware for high availability.

I coordinated the huge testing effort that included QA, the User Community, engineering, and server developers. I am happy to report that we finished on time and released to our users as planned, and my manager commented that it was one of the smoothest executed projects ever done by our company.

My name is __________, and I am interested in project management opportunities.

The simple answer is that I manage the millions of details involved in getting a house ready to show so that it gets the best possible price. Let me share a recent example.

I was doing a walk through with a client and realized that he was so overwhelmed by the other details that he had overlooked a critical issue: His oil furnace was a fire hazard. We were able to fix the furnace so that it didn’t become an issue at the open house.

If you would like a free report with 29 tips for getting your home sold fast (and for top dollar), you can visit the reports section of my website: _________.

My name is _______ and I’m a Realtor® with _________.

Do you mind if I give you an example of a recent project?

The Marine Corps of Southern CA came to us because they were under a direct order to increase delivery of energy through renewable resources.

They had a marginal goal in their RFP, and instead of the few kilowatts required I was able to deliver over 10 megawatts within the existing project budget. Obviously they were thrilled to get a thousand times more energy than they were expecting from their budget.

My name is ________ with ________________ and we focus on water and renewable energy contracts.

It’s probably easiest if I give you an example of my work.

I was working with one of the big four consulting companies which was curious about how senior managers view risk management.

My job was to recruit 75 C-Level executives from Fortune 1000 companies to speak with us about how they view risk management today, what they see as the emerging risks, and which services would be most valuable now and in the future. We successfully found and interviewed 75 executives despite a very tight timeline.

My name is ___________ and businesses come to _____________ to better understand their markets, customers, and competitors.

I was working with a homeowner who didn’t want to replace her water heater before selling her home, but knew that it could be a sticking point with a buyer.

She purchased our home warranty which meant that both she and the buyer were protected, and I’m happy to report that the the sale closed smoothly and on time.

I have a diverse background so let me tell you about the best project I worked on.

I joined a show that had lackluster ratings and no social media presence.

I used my experience producing and hosting national TV programs, along with my on-air anchoring and reporting skills to engage the audience before, during and after the show, increase the audience and ratings, and make a 10% improvement in the operating budget.

My name is Beatriz and I make TV news shows profitable.

The Metro West Symphony came to me recently because their old website held dynamic data about their rehearsal and concert schedules, and they needed their website designer to make the updates every time the schedule changed.

I created a new website and now the board members can make these changes themselves, saving them both time and money.

My name is __________ and if you can use Word, then I can show you how you can easily update your own website.

Has anyone here ever landed a multi-year government contract?

Then you know that the process can be slow and daunting to say the least.

I got my first Request for Bid from the City of Dallas in 2011 for Cardio and Injectable Drugs. Even though I didn’t know anything about Pharmaceuticals, within 6 months I became a direct distributor for one of the world’s largest cardio drug manufacturers. We were able to compete and win 90% of that 3 year contract against another world’s largest manufacturer of pharmaceuticals that had controlled that contract for the last 20 years.

We specialize in federal contracting for government agencies. We establish long term strategic alliances and are direct distributors of emergency cardio and injectable drugs for fire and rescue departments, lab equipment, supplies and instruments for waste water treatment, and forensic tools for police departments.

I’m with <a wholesaler> in Dallas, Texas. We are a minority, woman-owned wholesale distributor who has been in business since 2009.

We are currently interviewing for an IT consultant who will increase our capacity and position our company for growth through partnerships, subcontracting, and Federal GSA contracting.

A great referral for us is a fire or police department that wants a nimble and responsive wholesale distributor to supply their emergency response teams and detective bureaus. If you are interested in learning about the seven biggest mistakes municipalities make when securing government contracts, just hand me your business card and I’ll be happy to send your our white paper.

55 comments on “ Examples of a 30-Second Elevator Pitch ”

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  • Pingback: Key Points for Elevator Pitch | cheryljohnstonmaioc
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please, can you help me with an example, how to answer the question “tell me about yourself” during an interview, with 60 seconds elevator pitch

Thanks for a great question!

The best way to prepare for this question is to use my free online Elevator Pitch Creator. It takes less than two minutes to answer a few questions, and we’ll send you a fully formed 30-second answer to “tell me about yourself.” Just go to http://ElevatorPitchCreator.com .

If you still have questions after you get the results just forward them to me and I’ll take a look.

Do u have 60 second elevator pitch for a seamstress

A 60-Second Elevator Pitch should tell a quick story about your best customer. Do you alter off-the-rack dresses to look like custom clothing? Do you make bridal gowns from scratch?

Your best use of your 60-seconds is to talk about a specific customer who you helped.

Let me know what you come up with!

Do you have a 60 second elevator speech for a quality analyst trying to persuade departments to use the quality teams services?

The first step is to head over to our free Elevator Pitch Creator tool: http://ElevatorPitchCreator.com . It takes less than a minute to answer a few questions and we’ll send you a full Elevator Pitch.

If you still have questions just forward me the results.

  • Pingback: Career Service ( Elevator Pitch) | omranaliahmed

Do you have any ideas for 1 minute pitch, in which u need to persuade a customer to visit a top attraction, for example Coliseum? Thanks in advance. Tatiana

That’s a great question. The best place to start is: why do you need this customer to visit this attraction? Is it because of who they are and the types of things they like to see? Is it because it ties in to something else they want to do on the trip? Or is it not that well known but as the expert you can recommend it as a great experience for their kind of trip.

When you connect it to what they want, that’s very persuasive…

Hi, My background is engineering project management (8years) and I’m a recent Business School graduate.

I have a start-up in the events management space with zero experience except training and backing by a reputable player in the field. I’m trying to come up with an elevator pitch.

You’ve come to the right place! Head over to the Elevator Pitch Creator , answer a few questions (it takes less than 2 minutes) and we’ll send you a personalized Elevator Pitch. Have questions? Forward the results to me and we’ll take it from there. Andy

Hello! Can you help me for our elevator pitch? It is about a program system that we create for ordering meals in fast foods.

I’d be happy to help! First step is to head over to the Elevator Pitch Creator ( http://ElevatorPitchCreator.com ), answer a few questions (it takes less than 2 minutes) and we’ll send you a personalized Elevator Pitch. That gets most people pointed in the right direction. Still have questions? Forward the results to me and we’ll take it from there. Andy

Hi. I am a community pharmacist who is interviewing for a corporate manager position in the same company. I would be running a department for the entire company. I need help!

Thanks for the question! It sounds like a very exciting time in your career. I’d be happy to offer you a complimentary 15 minute call to better understand your situation and see how I can help. Shoot me an email and we can schedule something.

Please advise on making a pitch for a P.E. teacher making a career change. Been difficult to come up with a great pitch. Thank you!!

When you’re making a career change it’s best not to talk about the old career at all. You want to pick a project (even if it was a tiny one that didn’t pay) that’s closest to what you’re looking to do now, and run it through the Elevator Pitch Creator ( https://improvandy.com/creator ). Then forward me the results and we can take it from there.

Thank you Andy. I love this site. I work for a well known non- profit and they recently implemented a vocational employment services program where I am a counselor. I am going to direct my clients that are having difficulty with my 30 second pitch exercises to your site.

What is the best pitch for a hotel receptionist? That will wow my employer?

Your best pitch is always about the best project you ever worked on. Our Elevator Pitch Creator https://improvandy.com/creator will walk you through turning your best project into a pitch that will wow your boss.

Let me know how it goes.

  • Pingback: What would you do with 60 seconds of the world silence aka: the power of the perceived value | Rainy London Branding

I have a question. How would you answer tis? What is it you do for Corporate Training at Century College?

You’ve already got a great start to your Elevator Pitch! “I do Corporate Training at Century College” gives a pretty good quick overview of what you offer.

The best way to answer is with a client success story, and the best way to start that is using the Elevator Pitch Creator ( https://improvandy.com/creator ). It takes less than a minute to fill out a few questions and we’ll send you a fully formed two sentence client success story.

Try it out and if you have any questions feel free to email me the results and I’ll take a look.

Wonderful, this exactly what I looking for…I’m doing Administration job together with sales support and managing tele-marketing under loyalty program and also to manage the sales team to ensure they’re achieve the sales targets. Been working for 15 years, and I think this the time I should change and looking for others challenges .

Looking forward from you sooner.

No joke, this is exactly what I was looking for. It’s hard to find a complete framework on a good elevator pitch. Plus some good fill in the blank examples. This is what the doctor ordered though.

Thanks man.

Thanks for the feedback! Looks like you are doing some great work there in CA.

Happy Networking!

I am establishing a digital contact center (chat, website, social media) as well as call center. What can you advise me.

It sounds like you are doing some great work! The first step is to head over to the Elevator Pitch Creator https://improvandy.com/creator . It takes less than a minute to answer a few questions and we’ll send you a full 30-Second Elevator Pitch plus a new answer to “What do you do.” If you have any questions or comments about the results feel free to email me. I look forward to learning more about what you do!

Good examples. Do you have one for INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY?

Here’s a good one I worked out with an IT guy. But I encourage you to visit the Elevator Pitch Creator ( https://improvandy.com/creator ) to develop your own.

Here’s the example: I was working with a dad who had three teenage daughters who were constantly complaining that they couldn’t get access to the internet in their house. I set up and configured a series of extenders so they can access the internet from anywhere in their house and it moves with them as they go from room to room. The father now reports that peace has been restored to his home.

I’m trying to come up with a catch elevator pitch for a fast food restaurant. I’m catering to the college student crowd.

You’re already well on your way to a great Elevator Pitch, since you already know that you’re targeting college students.

Two things to do:

1. Ask a few of the kids who come to the restaurant already why they come. Their answers may surprise you, and that’s good and an excellent sign that you’re headed in the right direction for the pitch.

2. Then, thinking about the kids that are your best customers, it takes less than a minute to fill out the Elevator Pitch Creator ( https://improvandy.com/creator ) and we’ll send you a fully formed Elevator Pitch.

Still have questions? Email me the results from the Elevator Pitch Creator and I can give you some more ideas.

Do you have any ideas for a 30 second commercial for long term care? Thanks in advance. Rosetta

Hi Rosetta,

Head over to our Elevator Pitch Creator ( https://improvandy.com/creator ). It takes less than a minute to answer a few questions, then we’ll email you a fully customized Elevator Pitch.

  • Pingback: Lock Up September | Four-Square Clobbers Cancer

Hi. I am what I consider myself to be a “lifestyle marketer”. I market a couple of wonderful, affordable services that have an income-earning opportunity attached (i.e. MLM). Any elevator pitch suggestions for me? I’m struggling to find the words & connecting with people. The services are related to legal, travel, & real estate.

Hi Greg! Thanks for the question. Your instincts are right that mentioning “lifestyle” or “MLM” will stop more conversations than it starts. So I looked up your Elevator Pitch Creator results and you’re really close to a compelling example of a particular person you helped to make a lifestyle change. Notice the difference between telling people that you’re a lifestyle marketer and telling them about a particular life that you’ve altered. How about: “I was working with a banker who wasn’t making enough money to send his kids to college. I showed him a legal and productive way to make money on the side, and I’m happy to report that his kids’ college funds are now back on track.” I made up this story, but it sounds like you worked with a banker who is now making more money on the side. If you use that story then people will ask you how you do that, then you can find out their interests and steer them towards the right kind of business opportunity. Let me know how it goes. Andy

Excellent examples for constructing a good elevator pitch. We do similarly.

Hi Andy, Thanks again for seminar last week with the Arlington Chamber. I was just reading through the samples above and noticed that there are none for an “account executive” “sales person” would you have any samples? I was thinking of one for myself as being”I help promote your business through direct mail with a monthly community based publication”. Any comments?

Hi Sue, It was great seeing you at the event last week, and thank you for the ideas on more examples that would be helpful. I like where you’re headed with your idea. I would recommend against using the phrase “direct mail” because while you mail your publication to homes it’s not as targeted as most direct mail campaigns. Also, why mask the publication you work for? Be proud that you work for the Arlington Shopper. How about: “I help local businesses promote themselves in the Arlington Shopper.” Let me know your thoughts…

  • Pingback: 1st Friday #3 : L’elevator pitch au menu du petit-déjeuner des entrepreneursEDHEC ENTREPRENEURS | EDHEC ENTREPRENEURS

There are great examples all over the web for people on sales, but what about examples for the medical field? I’m having a hard time finding any.

Thanks for posting your question! I’m not sure what you mean by medical field. I suggest trying Elevator Pitch Madlibs ( https://improvandy.com/template ) to get ideas customized to your situation. Also feel free to contact me with more information and I’d be happy to help.

Hi, I am looking for some assistance on finding samples of elevator speeches for the Health Information Management profession. Can you help? Thank you!!

These are really great examples for people to use, who are unsure about crafting an elevator speech.

Thanks for visiting Examples of a 30-Second Elevator Pitch and for the feedback!

I appreciate it.

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Real Estate Marketing Blog

Become Unforgettable with the RIGHT Elevator Pitch. Here’s How

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What do you tell people when they ask what you do for a living?

“I’m in real estate” is a common answer to the question. So is “I’m a real estate agent (or REALTOR®). Sure, those are answers to the question, but they aren’t exactly memorable.

Here’s how to craft a real estate agent elevator pitch that will make you unforgettable.

20 to 30 seconds

According to a Princeton University study , people form an opinion based on facial appearance within one-tenth of one second. Pass that test and then you’ll have a mere 20 to 30 seconds to wow them with your real estate elevator pitch.

Yup, it’s not much time, but if you can squeeze vital home information into the puny word count the MLS allows, you can certainly sell yourself in half of a minute.

It’s a tool you’ll use a lot

From responding to online leads to introducing yourself at cocktail parties and in marketing materials, a real estate elevator pitch is something you’ll find quite useful.

I love NextDoor.com, especially when a neighbor posts that he or she is looking for a real estate agent. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to see a really compelling response from agents. And, even sadder is that the agent responses are so similar they could be mistaken to have come from the same person.

speech on real estate

“I go the extra mile” and “I go above and beyond” are common refrains. If that is your USP as well, please, do the industry a favor and dump it.

Agents can buy a NextDoor Neighborhood Sponsorship and, in my neighborhood at least, only three have done so. What they pay for, is an ad that looks like this (image left):

I haven’t come across an agent-sponsored ad yet that answers the questions suggested by the platform. Yet, they pay for the space.

Here’s a Sponsorship ad from another business (image right):

speech on real estate

This phone and computer repair person understands the value of what he’s paying for and uses the space for all it’s worth with his or her elevator pitch.

Create your own real estate agent elevator pitch

“You know [the real estate pain point]? Well, I [solution]. In fact, [proof].”

That’s the formula for the ideal elevator pitch, according to author Allan Dib. “Good marketing takes the prospect through a journey that covers the problem, the solution and, finally, the proof,” according to Dibs.

Keep it quick. Keep it simple. Ensure it’s not too promotional.

Put in real estate terms, Dibs’ formula may look like this:

“You know how people who want to buy a home are having a hard time finding one? What we do is reach out to the homeowners in our database with a list of our buyers’ needs. This has been so successful that we have found homes for 25 of these clients just in the past 30 days.”

Go ahead and plug your elevator pitch into the formula or feel free to steal ours, if it fits.

Another way to grab your audience’s attention and keep it is with a Real Estate Times Series Campaign. The Real Estate Times Series has timely real estate news and statistics that is of value to homeowners.

Did you know, the Real Estate Times Scheduled Campaign is currently on sale for 10% OFF the first month?

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Real Estate Times Scheduled Campaign (shown above). Learn more,  HERE


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And, remember,  YOU DON’T PAY for each mailing until it actually goes out  (cancel or change each mailing up until the night before it goes out). This sale expires 9/4/21.

Launch a Real Estate Times Scheduled Campaign now, CLICK HERE !

Please reach out to our support team at 866.405.3638 with questions or if there is anything we can do to help you with your success.

PLUS: When you have time…below are some helpful tools to support your success.

1. The Free 12 Month Done-For-You Strategic Marketing Plan

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The Real Estate Marketing Planner is a powerful 12-Month-Guide that strategically defines what marketing to do when. Four key market segments are included, Niche Marketing, Get More Listings, Geographic Farming, and Sphere of Influence. – Click Here

2. The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan

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The Free Interactive Real Estate Business Plan allows you to enter your business goals for this year and get a breakdown of how many prospects, listings, closing, and so on are needed to reach your goals.  –  Click Here

3. The Automated Way to Become a Neighborhood Brand

Become branded in a specific neighborhood with a 12X15 marketing piece sent automatically each month to an exclusive carrier route. Watch this video to learn more or  Click Here.

4. The Free Real Estate Mailing List Guide

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The Real Estate Mailing List Guide outlines the top tools for generating targeted prospecting lists including Baby Boomers, Empty Nesters, Investors, Lifestyle Interests, High-Income Renters, Move-Up Markets, and more. The Guide also defines done-for-you marketing campaigns to match these markets. – Click Here

5. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Become-A-Listing-Legend-3D-Book-White-274x300.jpg

Ready to take a vertical leap in your real estate career? If you’re looking for inspiration…and the tools and methods to dominate a market and go to the top in real estate…you’ll find them in this free book. –  Click Here

6. The Free Online ROI Calculator

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ROI-calculator-b-233x300.jpg

Consistency and automation are the keys to success. Discover how effective direct mail marketing can dramatically increase your bottom line. Enter your statistics in our Free online ROI Calculator and click the ‘CALCULATE MY ROI’ button to see your results instantly! – Click Here

7. The Free Real Estate Marketing Guide “CRUSH IT” 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is CRUSH-IT-Guide-3-d-298x300.jpg

The “Crush It” Guide includes easy steps to launching an effective direct mail marketing campaign, how to create a targeted prospect list, the perfect way to layout marketing materials for success, seven opportunities available to target in your area right now. – Click Here


speech on real estate

How AI Can Streamline Your Real Estate Business and Free Up Time

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5 Ways to Increase Real Estate Listings for a Bustling Summer

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More Listings, More Money: The Impact of Professional Photography

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This Week’s $125 ProspectsPLUS! Gift Card Winner is Brenda Koeller!

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The real estate sales meeting speech every leader wants to give, but never actually should! Jordan Belfort's famous "Steve Madden Speech" from the movie Wolf of Wall Street, with all obscenities bleeped out, for you to show at your next team meeting for laughs!

This is the real estate sales meeting speech every leader wants to give. But before you watch it, please remember: this is all in good fun. This is not, I repeat, NOT, a speech for you to give to your sales agents!

That being said, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character provides an incredibly motivating sales meeting speech . He uses the concepts of “future pleasure” and “future pain” (learn more about the Needs Analysis ) to provide urgent and actionable motivation to every sales member of his team.

Share this video at your next team meeting for some laughs.

VIDEO: The Real Estate Sales Meeting Speech Every Leader Wants to Give, But Never Should

Real estate sales meeting speech: tapping into motivation.

As a team leader, it is essential that you are able to tap into the motivation of your sales agents. This can happen during one-on-one meetings, or even during a team meeting, or “huddle” as we like to call them. 

Once you are able to bring your sales agent’s motivation to light through a Needs Analysis, you need to remind them of this motivation. Over, and over again! 

Though this example real estate sales meeting speech is intense (and vulgar at times), it provides an example of the way you can use the “future pleasure” and “future pain” that you identify through the Needs Analysis to continually motivate your sales agents to take action.

All you have to do today is pick up the phone and speak the words that I have taught you.  Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio)

Real estate sales meeting speech: “Pick up the phone and start dialing”

In the “Steve Madden Speech,” Jordan Belfort (DiCaprio) repeats this over, and over again. “Pick up the phone and start dialing.” He mentions reasons that members of the sales team should be motivated to work harder.

Yes … Belfort tells it like it is. “Deal with your problems by becoming rich.” Though this may not be exactly the way you would say it during your own real estate team meeting speech, the sentiment is accurate. If you work harder, you will earn more. If you earn more, you will be able to solve a number of the problems in your life. And how do you earn more? Pick up the phone and start dialing!

“All you have to do today is pick up the phone and speak the words that I have taught you.” Oh boy, this rings true! (We approve of you using this part of the real estate sales meeting speech verbatim.) You, as the team leader , need to arm your sales team with scripts to support them during their efforts. 

Get them past their present pain (picking up the phone or doing a similarly uncomfortable activity ) by providing them with the training and tools they need. 

Scripts for your real estate sales meeting speech

Below you will find some of our most popular script booklets. This is great material to download, print, and pass out during your next motivational real estate sales meeting speech!


Expired Listings Prospecting Scripts Booklet

These scripts will help you turn a someone’s expired listing into your new listing. The booklet of real estate lead scripts not only has multiple scripts, but include objection handlers and sample voice messages.


Open House Prospecting Scripts Booklet

These scripts will help you turn a single listing in a neighborhood into a neighborhood of listings. The booklet of real estate lead scripts shows you how to use every stage in the real estate process, from just listed to just sold to your prospecting advantage.


Sphere of Influence (SOI) Referral Prospecting Scripts Booklet

Get referrals from your Sphere of Influence (SOI) using these real estate lead scripts.  The Sphere of Influence (SOI) Referral Prospecting Scripts Booklet offers scripts for every occasion you would have to contact your SOI.


FSBO Prospecting Scripts Booklet

This FSBO Prospecting Scripts Booklet contains the numerous scripts offering different approaches to converting homeowners. These scripts are used by many of the nations Top Producing agents and are an excerpt from our larger Online Leads Script Booklet .

If you’re just starting out, or looking for a new approach to FSBO homeowners, this booklet is for you. Whether you’re a solo agent or run a team of Inside Sales Agents (ISA) these scripts will work!

real estate agent mindset coach

Real estate sales meeting speech

Motivation has never been more important than it is right now. If you can motivate your sales team with a powerful real estate sales meeting speech, you will not only grow your bottom line, but you’ll also create a stronger company culture. 

As we said in the intro, don’t use this Wolf of Wall Street speech at your meeting . I mean, yikes . That said, sharing it with your team members could be a great ice breaker and lead to your much more appropriate motivational speech. 

Want to learn more?

  • Read The High-Performing Real Estate Team . You can buy Brian Icenhower’s best-selling book on Amazon .
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Real Estate

15 best real estate calling scripts to instantly boost results.

  • Calling scripts for agents and brokers
  • Each script excelling in a specific scenario

Fahad Abdullah

September 20, 2022

7 mins read

real estate calling script

Imagine if salespeople from your company ever find themselves in such a situation:

You don’t remember the right project details and sound confused and underconfident.

As a result, the prospect doubts your credibility and hangs up on the call

Now imagine the next situation

Can you see the difference?

In scene 1, your salesperson is not sure what to tell the customer.

In scene 2, your salesperson sounds confident and there are higher chances that he/she has won the customer’s trust. 

Which one would you prefer?

Obviously, Scene 2, right?

With the right plan, your salespeople can sound confident, win the trust of your prospects, and close more deals as a result.

Here are 15 awesome real estate cold-calling scripts to help you achieve this:

Let us take a look at each one of them in more detail.

preparation before talking to your prospect | Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

Image Source: Brian Tracy

1. Detailed call script for explaining the highlights of a real estate project:

Key strengths of this script.

This real estate cold calling script will give a detailed idea of your property to the customer. It will be easy for customers to grab all the key points in the property.  

What other situations can the script be useful for?

The real estate cold-calling script can be used for all types of property sales. Specifically, ‘Residential’, because residential properties have many key points that the prospect needs to be aware of before making a decision.

Pro Tip: Take advantage of Real Estate CRM to track each contact with every single lead in one place.

Next, focus more on your property’s key points or the unique selling proposition of your property in the script.

2. Detailed script for promoting the different offerings of your organization

Always offer all your details!

This cold calling script is for grabbing customers’ attention because they will get an exact idea of offers and savings you as a real estate agent are providing over the phone.  

This real estate cold-calling script can be used for all property sales. precisely in the sale of property like land, plots, or commercial properties. 

Pro Tip –  Focus more on Customer savings and what more benefits you can offer to customers.

3. Script for understanding the prospect’s requirements


Understand customer requirements | Real Estate Calling Script

This cold-calling script will help you to understand customer requirements better and tailor your pitch according to the requirements. You can also as a real estate agent gather data about prospects or customers.

What other situations can the script be useful for?  

The cold calling scripts for real estate can be used while selling any property. This helps a lot as the real estate business is totally dependent on selling.

Pro Tip –  Carefully listen to the customer & do a need analysis by understanding his exact requirements. Get clarity on the points if not needed. And only after that, proceed with your pitch. Tip: Get yourself a call management software to analyse, record, track and manage all the calls of your team mebers and make calculative decision.

4. Script when you already know the customer’s requirement

This cold-calling script will create enthusiasm in customers to visit the property as soon as possible. After listing the specification of the property for which he was looking. 

This cold-calling script can be used for commercial sales as well as property [land or plot] sales. 

Pro Tip –  The caller should properly know the customer’s requirements before the call and focus more on specifications and the requirement of the property which the customer was looking for. Otherwise the script fails completely!

5. Reminder call to a customer who already visited once

The calling scripts for real estate are important because the customer who visited your property is definitely more interested than someone who is just receiving a cold call. You should be convincing him to come to visit the property again, especially if you feel that he is still unsure. 

The cold calling script for real estate will be used for all properties. Because a reminder call for a visiting customer is very important.  

Pro Tip –  Call the customer 2 days before their visiting date to remind him about the visit or use a WhatsApp chatbot for real estate to keep them engaged. This ensures that he does not forget about the scheduled visit.

6. Script for a customer who has been on the hunt for a long time

Become their problem solver!

The calling scripts for real estate show the customer that you care and are ready to solve their problem.

You can also use it for any type of objection handling while selling any property.

Pro Tip – If you feel that you are not aware of any solution that best matches this customer’s problems, then inform them about the next best alternative while telling them that you have forwarded their details to the concerned team for a more feasible solution.

7. Sales pitch for real estate: Creating FOMO

FOMO creates good chances | Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

FOMO creates good chances

This sales pitch for real estate creates urgency, so as a customer, you need to know that a quick decision is required. Otherwise, the offer will expire. 

This is especially useful when you have to sell many flats before a deadline in the real estate business.

Pro Tip- When you say offer valid only for the first 25 customers, keep it only for the first 25 customers to protect your brand image and your own credibility.

8. Real Estate Calling Script for Selling Commercial Properties (shops/showrooms/offices, etc.)

This cold-calling script for sounding professional. Which is very important while selling commercial properties.

What other situations can it be useful for?

This script can be slightly modified and used as a short pitch in big real estate trade shows.

Pro Tip – Do your research on the different commercial properties you have available before calling a customer. Because get one chance and you need to give him the best option according to his needs.

9. Real Estate Cold Calling Script for Selling an Under Construction Building

Key Strengths

This cold-calling real estate script shows the customer that you have done your research about their needs.

With some small modifications, this cold calling script is for selling under-construction commercial places.

Pro Tip – Emphasize how the value of the project will increase, till the time it gets completed and the possible gains for the customer.

10. Selling Land (plots, agricultural land)

This script is useful in making the customer confident about their decision whether in real estate or any other business.

What other situations can it be useful for real estate agents

This script can be useful while selling flats and other real estate investments.

Pro Tip – The customer generally has done prior research before deciding the area of buying land for investment or a holiday home. So when you praise the location, make sure the praise is genuine.

11. Selling High-Value Properties

This script is going to sound professional. This is very important for high-value properties as they are mostly bought by high-net-worth Individuals.

As a real estate business. It can be useful while selling commercial properties.

Pro Tip – As the buyers of such properties are high net worth individuals, you must be prepared with their requirements. Also, directly get to the point and first tell them the reason for calling them. If you tell them the company name first, they might disconnect the call immediately as they are very busy.

12. Positioning yourself as an expert in the locality

Scripts for real estate increase the credibility of your organization and makes the customer more confident.

This script for real estate calling can be used to help you in situations where you are explaining your organization’s offerings and services. You can also use it for or it can help you for other calling purposes.

Pro Tip – Use real-life examples of projects you have sold in the area.

13. Using an Exceptional Sale you already made

This script can help you to create a FOMO amongst the customers. 

A similar script can help you while selling commercial properties as well.

Pro Tip – You can focus on how the customer has an opportunity to get high returns in a short amount of time. Make sure you do not make the deal sound too good to be true.

14. Referral Call 


Impress to create interest | Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

Impress to create interest

This Script can help you create interest in the customer’s mind, as you have proposed the property which he was looking for and will have trust because you came from a referral. It can be a great way to help you close the deal faster.

This Script is one of the most used for all Property Sales. Specifically residential. This is where cold calling is necessary.

Pro Tip –  Before explaining the property, you should talk to the customer about the referral person. This is a great way to create a bond between you and the customer for further conversation.

15 – Covid Special – Closure of Cold Call (Request for a visit)

This is one of the most important scripts for closing every situation, especially in the real estate industry. Getting customer visits is an important step in the real estate industry. For real estate agents to explain all safety measures will increase customers’ confidence for the visit.   

It can be a great way to sell in all situations and all types of real estate sales . 

Pro Tip – A customer visit is an important step. So, the closing call becomes very important. Winning customer confidence is very important. Use key terms while interacting with customers to increase their chances of visiting.

So, these were our 15 excellent real estate cold-calling scripts that will help you in hyping up your sales.

Starting a sales process for your team and for you is hard.

But you don’t have to do it from scratch, you can use these scripts as your starting point and as you get better you can modify them to build your own killer script.

Do what you need to.

And never be the order-taking guy (are you interested in buying real estate? No? Ok, Thank you!) 

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How to compete and win with your listing presentation (+ scripts)

Win your next listing by acing the fundamentals of the listing appointment, including a knockout listing presentation

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In this article, I’ll share close to two decades of experience as a licensed agent and small brokerage owner in Boston to help you compete and win listings with a dynamite listing presentation. As agents, we compete for a finite number of available homes to list and sell. That’s why it’s crucial that you stand out amongst your competitors to get those listings.

The real estate listing presentation is one of the most critical tools in your arsenal for demonstrating your knowledge, expertise, experience, and above all — your authenticity. A well-done listing presentation not only distinguishes you from your competitors — it also elevates the seller’s experience of working with you from day one. It may sound cliché, but you never get a second chance to make a first impression. We break it down for you, sharing how to create a knockout listing presentation AND how to crush your next listing appointment.

  • Research market data
  • Prepare a pricing strategy
  • Prepare your pitch
  • Update your listing presentation 
  • Prepare for your listing appointment  
  • Set the stage for success
  • Actively listen
  • Be honest & authentic
  • Conduct a needs analysis  
  • Demonstrate your value
  • Share your market analysis
  • Present your marketing strategy
  • Discuss pricing strategy
  • Reiterate your value proposition
  • Close the deal

The full picture: How to win more listings with a knockout listing presentation

How to create a knockout listing presentation in 5 steps.

Creating a knockout listing presentation requires detailed research, solid data, market knowledge, marketing acumen, organizational skills and excellent design to clearly communicate all the information you want to share with your client. We’ll walk you through the steps to creating an impressive, concise, and attractive listing presentation document, which you can present in hard copy or digital format.

Step 1. Research market data

Your work begins once you and your client have set an appointment to meet. It’s crucial for you to know the market and understand the numbers. Your local MLS and association can help you find these crucial data points. You may also want to research the client on social media to understand their needs and circumstances. What is their family size? How long have they lived in the home? Here’s a checklist of information you should include in your listing presentation (or have on hand when you arrive at the listing appointment). Find out the answers to these questions before you arrive so you can come armed with all the necessary information.

  • Market Inventory: What is the current market and micro-market inventory?
  • Days on Market: How long does it take for properties to sell? Understand Days on Market (DOM) in the area
  • Average Sales Price: What are the average selling prices for similar properties in the area
  • Property Costs: Understand the property’s current HOA fees, property taxes, and other costs
  • School District: Look up the school district and local schools
  • Walkability Score: Research the area’s walkability score
  • Market Type: What type of market are you in? (Seller / Buyer/ Balanced). Numbers and market types can differ locally, regionally and nationally and it is helpful to be able to communicate how your market compares and fits into a broader context.

Step 2. Prepare a pricing strategy

Many sellers think they understand pricing as well as you do. It’s important to do your research and determine the selling price of the property yourself.

Pricing properties is not an exact science, but there are pricing strategies you can apply to help get you there. The first is on a macro-level and considers market conditions. Understanding the type of market you’re in and the current inventory are significant pieces of information that can help you determine the selling price of a property. You may find it easier to discuss pricing with sellers if you can explain current market conditions. You can find the data to determine the market type in your local MLS. The three different types of markets, based on inventory, are:

  • Seller’s Market – Less than six months of inventory in the area. Key indicators of this type of market are multiple offers and properties that sell very quickly.
  • Balanced Market – Six months of housing inventory in the area. There is no advantage to either buyers or sellers in this type of market.
  • Buyer’s Market – Greater than six months’ worth of inventory in the area. There are usually many properties available at different price points in a buyer’s market and properties generally take longer to sell. Listings often receive offers under the asking price from buyers.

Another important pricing strategy on the micro-level involves understanding the “comps” or comparable properties that are currently listed or that have recently sold in your client’s area. This can be accomplished by preparing a full Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) , or it can be a less formal conversation about comps at your listing appointment. Alternatively, you can make it an addendum to your listing presentation to be added at a later date, after you’ve viewed the home at the listing appointment (more on where and when that should be held later!).

Step 3. Prepare your pitch

It’s important to have your “elevator pitch” ready. Developing and communicating this pitch is essential to your listing presentation. We refer to this as your value proposition and it’s a unique, very concise statement about what you offer your clients and why they should choose you — in one or two sentences.

While you may feel challenged to develop your value proposition, it may be easier than you think! One strategy is to look at your past client or employment reviews (if you’re new to the business) and circle the descriptive words that others use about you, like “communicates well,” “hard worker,” or “knowledgeable.” You will likely see a pattern in how others describe you, and you can use those descriptors to help define and create your unique value proposition. 

Step 4. Update your listing presentation 

Designing a winning listing presentation may seem challenging, but you don’t need to reinvent the wheel! Many resources and templates are available (both free and paid) to help you design a knockout listing presentation. Most large real estate brokerages have tools available for agents already branded with logos and colors and ready for you to input your information. Smaller brokerages may not provide the same, but you can find easy-to-use, customizable real estate listing presentation templates online: 

  • Breakthrough Broker

The real estate market fluctuates and constantly changes and so should you. When those changes happen, you need to be mindful of how recent market changes need to be communicated in your listing presentation and you must adapt accordingly. Updating your presentation before each listing appointment is a surefire way to ensure that your information and presentation remain accurate and impactful as possible. 

Step 5. Prepare for your listing appointment 

Aside from your winning personality, don’t forget to bring these items with you to your appointment:

  • A professionally presented real estate listing presentation: Bring enough copies for all sellers to review.
  • Pre-filled listing paperwork: Prepare the listing paperwork both digitally and in hard copy. Most information can be pre-filled prior to the presentation.
  • A fully charged tablet or computer if you are presenting digitally: Remember that technology doesn’t always work the way you expect it to. Additionally, digital presentations can sometimes be awkward depending on the setting or location, or if you are presenting to more than one person. Always be prepared with hard copies even if you are expecting to present on your tablet or computer.
  • A pen: Some sellers still use them and you may need one to sign the paperwork.

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How to crush your listing appointment in 10 steps

What does a successful listing appointment look like? The goal of a successful listing appointment is to win the listing and walk away with a signed contract in hand. It’s that simple. As an agent, you are a facilitator of the home-selling process. The most important thing to remember about the listing appointment, your listing presentation and the entire selling process is that it’s about the seller — not you. Here’s how you can crush every listing appointment and leave with a signed contract.

Step 1: Set the stage for success

Real estate agents are famous for selling the importance of location, location, location . The location of your listing appointment sets the stage for your successful listing presentation, and the best opportunity for you to see the home is when you’re making your pitch. That’s why your listing appointment should always take place at the seller’s home. While it seems that everything can be done online these days — this can’t. You must see the home to accurately assess it and offer valuable advice to the homeowners.

Step 2: Actively listen

While highlighting your skills and experience is important to establish your credibility and success, a key portion of your listing appointment should be spent listening carefully to the seller. Following the rule of listening twice as much as you speak will always pay off in your listing presentations.

Always keep in mind that selling a home is often a highly emotional experience for the seller. It can be happy, sad, exciting or a tangle of conflicting emotions. Sellers want to feel heard and will almost always tell you exactly what they want, need, or expect from their experience. If you listen — really listen — and genuinely strive to understand their motivations, needs, concerns and fears, you’ll be able to direct the conversation or adapt your presentation to better address their specific needs.

Pro tip: Listen twice as much as you speak to understand your client’s needs.

For example, a seller may tell you they want to sell their home quickly to relocate out of the country for a new job opportunity. In hearing and understanding those needs, you should focus your presentation on marketing, pricing, staging and other pre-market strategies that favor a faster timeline so you can list and sell their property quickly and efficiently.

Here’s a script you can use to kick off your real estate listing presentation:

Listing presentation script:

“I’m looking forward to sharing your wonderful home with the market and generating a pool of buyers who want to compete with each other for it. Let me show you how we can do that with a mix of advertising, marketing and leveraging our market share here in (local market).”

Step 3. Be honest & authentic 

An authentic agent who listens to sellers and always advises them honestly is a successful agent. Telling a seller something they don’t want to hear is uncomfortable, but you will earn their respect by being honest and forthcoming. Avoid oversharing information about yourself or becoming a storyteller in a listing presentation. Sure, you want to assure them of your skills and experience, but saying less about yourself (and again — listening more! ) can be much more impactful.

Step 4. Conduct a needs analysis 

This can be formal or informal, depending on your personal style. But if you’re actively listening, you can weave some of these questions into the conversation to help get to know the seller and their situation:

  • What is your desired timeframe for listing and selling your home? 
  • Are you looking to upgrade or downsize? 
  • Are you relocating out of the state or the country?
  • Is your timeframe dictated by the school year or a job?
  • Do you have an idea of the pricing of your home? 
  • What renovations or updates have you made that you believe could add value to your home?

Please remember that if the seller is not your client (yet!), you must advise them against sharing information you could inadvertently leverage against them if they choose another listing agent. Should you later bring forth a potential buyer, some of their answers to the questions here could compromise negotiations — so be sure to give them fair warning before delving too deep!

Step 5. Demonstrate your value

You can stand out with sellers by providing value and sharing information other agents may not have provided in their presentations (and you should always assume you’re not the only agent vying for their business!). Some examples of topics that you can discuss that provide unique value to your sellers:

  • Safety – Many sellers don’t consider the potential dangers of opening their homes to strangers. I recommend that sellers secure or remove all medications, personal photos, small electronics, bills, financial papers, and any artwork that can identify them, including names from bedroom walls. This step is especially important if they have children. You’ll help your clients prevent theft, identity theft or other more serious crimes.
  • Decluttering/staging – When touring the home as part of your presentation, provide decluttering and staging advice. While not every seller can afford professional staging, your recommendations can be invaluable in helping them prepare their property for sale.
  • Repairs, renovations and updates – Discuss any repairs, renovations or updates (both big and small) that could significantly increase the selling price of your client’s home. Point out small repairs that can make a big difference, like fixing water stains on ceilings. Updating a bathroom might substantially add value to the selling price relative to the cost of the update. Conversely, some repairs, renovations or updates may not be worthwhile. Advising the client and boosting their selling price can help solidify you as a valuable and knowledgeable agent.

Pro tip: Listings can be won by providing information that no other agent has provided!

Step 6. share your market analysis.

Understanding the market and your ability to communicate clearly about it are two of the most vital skills of a successful real estate agent. Always be mindful of the changes in the market locally, regionally and nationally. Be sure that you also understand what is happening in the financial world with mortgage rates and other factors that may impact the market — and ultimately, your home seller’s transaction.

While understanding the current market is important, it is also crucial to understand the direction that the market could be headed in the coming months or year ahead. For instance, if mortgage rates are projected to increase within the coming months, sharing that information with your seller can help them make a more informed decision about listing their property. Here’s a timely example. Early this year, the National Association of REALTORS® announced the settlement of the Sitzer/Burnett Commission Lawsuit that will undoubtedly change the way that real estate commissions are handled. If you aren’t clearly explaining this settlement and what it means for sellers in your listing presentation, you’re not doing your job. Here is a script to help you communicate with your clients about buyer’s agent commissions:

Buyer’s agent commission script:

“(______), there are new changes in the real estate industry with respect to the payment of commissions for sellers agents and buyers agents. I would like to take a few moments to explain to you how this impacts you as you prepare to sell your home …”

Step 7. Present your marketing strategy 

Even in a highly active market, you should still have a comprehensive plan for marketing your seller’s property. Some ideas that can help you kickstart your listing marketing plan include: 

  • Video marketing. Get creative with videos of your listings and post them to Facebook, Instagram Reels or YouTube. Try using drone footage for a unique perspective, but make sure to follow all local and federal aviation laws.
  • QR codes + hot sheets. Create real estate flyers or virtual hot sheets for your listing and include a QR code so potential buyers can easily view a short video of the property’s highlights.
  • Canvas the neighborhood . Knock on doors, call or leave flyers for neighbors and give them a sneak peek of your listing. 
  • Facebook community groups. Spotlight your listing in groups that allow it (or start your own group) and share livestream videos (“lives”). Offer sneak previews to build interest in your listings. 
  • Social media marketing : You don’t have to crush it on all platforms, but pick one or two, build an audience, and market your listings. Check out our 11 social media marketing strategies that work!

We love Coffee & Contracts because they deliver done-for-you, polished graphics and daily posts made to fit every social media channel — all for just $54 per month. Here’s what your Just Listed post might look like:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Paige Steckling | Utah Real Estate Agent (@utahrealestatepaige)

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Download these 9 real estate prospecting letter templates that actually work

Step 8: discuss pricing strategy.

Sellers are more savvy than ever, and with countless online tools and resources available to them, most sellers already know the value of their home or how much they expect to sell it for before they sit down with you. While you may need to discuss pricing with them if you disagree with their number, agents spend much less time on this aspect of the listing presentation these days. However, it’s essential to set clear expectations at the outset. It may be challenging to discuss how a change in the market positions their property at a lower price point than they expect. However, that discussion is far better to have early rather than pricing their property inappropriately high and having it stagnate on the market. If you later need to lower their selling price, you’ve laid the groundwork for that discussion by pointing out the gap between their expectations and current market conditions.

Step 9: Reiterate your value proposition

Now that you’ve cleared the pricing hurdle, shared your expertise and market data, shown your client comps, toured the home and proven your value — it’s time to remind them of your elevator pitch. Circle back to the reasons this seller should hire you and only you to successfully list, market and sell their home. It’s important to be mindful of how they’re feeling, since selling a home and moving can signal big changes in their lives. A little empathy can go a long way here, and that’s a surefire way to cement your value proposition with any client. People want to work with people they like. While you may have cited your successes earlier in the meeting, now is the time to really focus on the client.

What do they need to move forward? How can you help make this big life change seamless and hassle-free for them? Be attentive, listen and show that you’re going to take care of them through this daunting process. After all, this may be the launchpad for a lifelong agent-client relationship.

Step 10: Close the deal

Ok, this is the tough part where you have to ask for your client’s business, bring out your prepared contract, and ask them to sign on the dotted line. As we said at the beginning, a successful real estate listing presentation ends with a signed contract . If you’re unsure how to broach the topic, you can use Boston-based listing agent and coach Ashley Harwood’s helpful and proven closing script to ask for your client’s business:

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12 proven real estate scripts that boost confidence & earn more business

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With the many tools and templates available to help agents create winning listing presentations — and armed with your value proposition, market and comps data — we’re confident that you can crush your upcoming listing appointments if you follow the advice we’ve shared here.

Remember: When you deliver your listing presentation to a seller, always listen to them as a trusted advisor, present yourself honestly and authentically, and accurately explain the market conditions to them. If you follow these steps, we’re confident you can leave your next listing appointment with a signed listing agreement. We’re rooting for you!

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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Altman Reacts to Tracy Expanding Her Business to OC: "When the King Goes Somewhere..."

MDLLA 's Josh Altman shared how he really feels about Tracy Tutor's growing business in Orange County. 

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In the video above, which is a clip of the  Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles   Season 15 premiere  that aired on July 10, realtors Josh Flagg ,  Josh Altman , and Tracy Tutor  explain how they've been navigating a  "difficult market"  in Los Angeles, California, causing them to dip into other markets. 

How to Watch

Watch  Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles on Bravo Wednesdays at 9/8c and next day on  Peacock . Catch up on the Bravo App .

"With the sales down in Los Angeles I'm tapping Texas more, I'm tapping Orange County more," Tracy shared in an interview confessional. 

Meanwhile, Altman discussed his new Newport Beach office in Orange County as well. "Whatever we've lowered down to in sales in LA, we've gained in Newport," he explained. 

Later in the episode, Josh attends one of Tracy's showings in Orange County  —  and he had some thoughts. 

Here's What You May Have Missed on Bravo:

Tracy, Altman & Flagg Break Down “Incredibly Frustrating" Market Changes: “Ruins Our Life”

Josh & Heather Altman Face Unexpected “Hurdles” with $15M Listing: “What the F-ck?”

Tracy Tutor Gives a “Sexy” Look at Her Daily Routine

"Tracy's my girl," he began in a confessional. "I don't hate the fact that all these LA superstars are coming down and shuffling stuff up by the beach." 

Josh then added with a smirk, "When the king goes somewhere, people follow." 

Split of Tracy Tutor and Josh Altman at Bravocon 2023 and 2022

In a June 27 interview with  The Daily Dish , however, Josh clarified how he really  felt about Tracy expanding her business to Orange County, where he had set up shop in 2020.

Josh Altman Is Expanding His Empire with a New Marketplace for Home Sellers: Details

"It’s all good. There’s plenty to go around," he shared. "We kind of steer ourselves in a league of our own. If she wants to be there, great." 

Josh's wife,  Heather Altman , who was also present for the interview, added, "It’s fun to have familiar faces and Tracy’s always fun to work with if we run across each other." 

Tracy Tutor Discusses Expanding Her Business to Texas 

Tracy also spoke to  The Daily Dish  in a June 24 interview, further discussing her shifting markets from Los Angeles.

"I’m incredibly excited about the new market that we’re in in Dallas and Austin, Texas. I have a great team of agents there that are really thriving and we’ve been able to bring a different way of doing business to Texas," she shared. "I think I’m one of the first big agents to sort of land there and be successful, and we’re able to offer them obviously a little bit more exposure. That’s been wonderful."

Tracy Tutor wearing a red dress in front of a purple and pink background.

She continued: "I love Texas it’s been exciting to be in a new and different market. [There are] different niche markets up and down the coast [of California], but [it's] still California."

— additional reporting by Shannon Raphael and Abby Feiner

  • Josh Altman
  • Tracy Tutor

Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

  • Real Estate

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  • Russian Entites Profiles

Russian Company OOO "TEKTUM"

Brief profile.

active Commercial

TIN 5053033094
Region, city Moscow Oblast, Elektrostal
Company Age (for comparison: the industry average is 18 years)
Core Activity Renting and operating of own or leased non-residential real estate
Scale of Operation
Revenue and its change over the year

in 2023 (–)

Number of employees and its change over the year
Founder (100%; 10 thousand RUB)
Manager (general manager)
Where the company is listed as the founder (60%; 15 thousand RUB) (60%; 60 thousand RUB) (3%; 51 thousand RUB)

Facts to Consider

The manager is also a CEO in 1 organization.

The company has been in business for 11 years.

Complete Profile

  • 1. General Information
  • 2. Registration in the Russian Federation
  • 3. Company's Activities
  • 4. Legal Address
  • 5. Owners, Founders of the Entity
  • 7. Entities Founded by Company
  • 8. Number of Employees
  • 9. Company Finance
  • 10. Entities related to OOO "TEKTUM"
  • 11. Timeline of key events
  • 12. Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

General Information


TIN: 5053033094

KPP: 505301001

PSRN: 1125053003360

Location: 144000, Moscow Oblast, Elektrostal, proezd Chernyshevskogo, 20A, pomeshch. 02

Line of business: Renting and operating of own or leased non-residential real estate (OKVED code 68.20.2)

Organization status: Commercial, active

Form of incorporation: Limited liability companies (code 12300 according to OKOPF)

Registration in the Russian Federation

The average age of legal entities for the type of activity 68.20.2 "Renting and operating of own or leased non-residential real estate" is 18 years. This organization is younger.

The tax authority where the legal entity is registered: Mezhraionnaia inspektsiia Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby №6 po Moskovskoi oblasti (inspection code – 5031). The tax authority before 08/23/2021 – Inspektsiia Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby po g. Elektrostali Moskovskoi oblasti (code 5053).

Registration with the Pension Fund: registration number 060055020175 dated 30 October 2012.

Registration with the Social Insurance Fund: registration number 501900631050191 dated 30 October 2012.

Company's Activities

The main activity of the organization is Renting and operating of own or leased non-residential real estate (OKVED code 68.20.2).

Additionally, the organization listed the following activities:

46.6 Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and accessories
46.9 Wholesale non-specialized trade
62.01 Computer programming activities
62.02 Computer consultancy activities
69.10 Activities in the field of law

The organization is included in the Roskomnadzor registry as a personal data processing operator .

Legal Address

OOO "TEKTUM" is registered at 144000, Moscow Oblast, Elektrostal, proezd Chernyshevskogo, 20A, pomeshch. 02. ( show on a map )

Also at this address is OOO "ENERGO PROM SETI" .

Owners, Founders of the Entity

The founder of OOO "TEKTUM" is

Founder Share Nominal value from which date
(TIN: 505303001214) 100% 10 thousand RUB 10/25/2012

The legal predecessor of OOO "TEKTUM": OOO "ENERGO PROM SERVIS"


The head of the organization (a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney) since 25 October 2012 is general manager Kriuchkova Olga Aleksandrovna (TIN: 505310359025).

Also Kriuchkova Olga Aleksandrovna is a founder of OOO "ENERGO PROM SETI" .

Entities Founded by Company

Currently OOO "TEKTUM" is listed as a founder in the following organizations:

  • OOO "APR" (Penza Oblast, Zarechnyi; 60%; 15 thousand RUB)
  • OOO "EPS" (Penza Oblast, Zarechnyi; 60%; 60 thousand RUB)
  • OOO "EPR" (Penza Oblast, Zarechnyi; 3%; 51 thousand RUB)

Number of Employees

In 2023 the average number of employees in OOO "TEKTUM" was 1 people .

Company Finance

The Authorized capital of OOO "TEKTUM" is 10 thousand RUB. This is the minimum authorized capital for organizations established in the form of a LTD.

In 2023, the organization received the revenue of 17.3 million RUB, which is equals last year's revenue.

As of December 31, 2023, the organization's total assets were 40.4 million RUB This is 2 million RUB (by 5.2 %) more than a year earlier.

The net assets of OOO "TEKTUM" as of 12/31/2023 totaled 37.3 million RUB.

The OOO "TEKTUM"’s operation in 2023 resulted in the profit of 6.1 million RUB. This is by 4.6 % more than in 2022.

The organization is not subject to special taxation regimes (operates under a common regime).

The organization belongs to the micro business category. In accordance with the criteria established by regulations, an organization with the annual revenue of up to 120 mln RUB and up to 15 employees is considered a micro business.

Information about the taxes and fees paid by the organization for 2022

Value added tax RUB.
Income tax RUB.
Insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance of the working population credited to the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund RUB.
Insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity RUB.
Insurance and other contributions for compulsory pension insurance credited to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation RUB.
Transport tax RUB.
Corporate property tax RUB.
NON-TAX INCOME administered by tax authorities RUB.

The organization had no tax arrears as of 05/10/2024.

The organisation is listed in the register of recipients of state support:

DateAuthority providing supportSupport typeSupport sizeViolations
ANO "INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE MOSCOW REGION"Consulting support. Comprehensive consulting services.

Entities related to OOO "TEKTUM"

Based on the data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the following legal entities and people are directly or indirectly related to the organization.

People and organizations directly related to
People and organizations indirectly related to OOO "TEKTUM"
through the entities listed
in column 1
through the entities listed
in column 2
1 2 3

( - founder)
( - founder)
( - founder)
(general manager)

( - founder; - general manager, founder; is located at the same address as )
(general manager of )
(founder of )
(general manager of )
(general manager of )
( - general manager)
( - general manager)
( - founder until 12/15/2021 ) (liquidated 07/09/2012)
( - founder)
(founder of until 02/09/2018 ) (liquidated 02/18/2019)
( - general manager) (liquidated 06/29/2016)
( - founder)
(general manager of until 06/16/2020 )
(general manager of until 04/07/2021 )

(director of )
(founder of until 12/15/2021 ) (liquidated 10/20/2017)
( - liquidator, founder) (liquidated 12/30/2016)
( - liquidator, founder) (liquidated 12/29/2012)
( - general manager) (liquidated 05/16/2013)
( - founder) (liquidated 05/16/2013)
( - founder) (liquidated 09/23/2005)
( - founder) (liquidated 04/14/2003)
( - legal successor)
( - founder) (liquidated 07/01/2019)
( - founder until 01/01/2022 )
(general manager of until 06/09/2022 )
(founder of until 12/15/2021 ) (liquidated 09/07/2018)
( - head of the liquidation commission, founder) (liquidated 02/20/2020)
( - general manager, founder) (liquidated 11/21/2022)
( - general director until 10/28/2019 , founder) (liquidated 09/17/2020)
( - general manager, founder) (liquidated 05/23/2016)
( - general manager, founder) (liquidated 02/07/2019)
( - founder) (liquidated 12/04/2007)
( - founder) (liquidated 11/25/2014)
( - founder) (liquidated 08/01/2016)
( - founder) (liquidated 12/02/2021)
( - general manager until 10/21/2019 , founder until 12/02/2021 ) (liquidated 02/09/2023)
( - general manager until 12/09/2019 , founder until 08/21/2019 ) (liquidated 07/30/2021)
( - general manager until 07/22/2020 ) (liquidated 01/17/2019)
( - founder) (liquidated 08/19/2015)
( - founder)

Timeline of key events

Latest changes in the unified state register of legal entities (usrle).

  • 08/26/2021 . Submission of information on the issuance or replacement of documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • 08/23/2021 . Entering information about accounting with the tax authority.
  • 10/31/2016 . Entering information about registration in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • 03/10/2015 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • 06/03/2014 . Submission of information on the issuance or replacement of documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • 12/17/2012 . Entering information about registration in the FSS RF.
  • 10/26/2012 . Entering information about accounting with the tax authority.
  • 10/25/2012 . Create a legal entity on selection.

* The date of change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is shown (may be different from the actual date).

The data presented on this page have been obtained from official sources: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), the State Information Resource for Financial Statements, the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), the Ministry of Finance and the Federal State Statistics Service.

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  1. National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) speech building a…

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  2. The Real Estate Sales Meeting Speech Every Leader Wants to Give, But

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  3. Best Motivational Speech for Real Estate Agents

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  4. The Real Estate Sales Meeting Speech Every Leader Wants to Give, But

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  5. Real Estate Law instructor Jim Wiedemer giving an acceptance speech for

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  6. National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) speech building a…

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  1. Tips To Grow In Real Estate Business 2023

  2. The secret to wealth is to do more for others....give more....serve more....and you will earn more

  3. Time to Act: Rental Costs Set to Rise in 2026. Build Your Future Now! 💼🕒 #motivation

  4. Relatable?

  5. Do everything you do with PURPOSE

  6. #election2024#bjp#bjpindia#congress #rahulgandhi#modi#narendramodi #gymmotivation#electionindia2024


  1. How to Create a Real Estate Elevator Pitch (+ Examples)

    Download as Google Slides. 1. Gather the Right Information to Share. The first step to creating the best sales pitch for real estate is to carefully select what information to include. A strong realtor elevator pitch should highlight your expertise, demonstrate your value, and leverage the power of your brokerage.

  2. How To Perfect Your Real Estate Elevator Pitch (+ Examples!)

    The Typical Real Estate Elevator Pitch One way to perfect your real estate elevator pitch is by looking at some examples and picking out the things you like and things you don't. Let's take a look at a fairly typical elevator pitch that many real estate agents use on platforms like Facebook or NextDoor to connect with leads who are looking ...

  3. User Clip: Biden's remarks about real estate commission

    Biden's remarks about real estate commission. That's going to save folks as much a 100- - $1,500. The federal government can afford to do that. In addition, last week the National Association of ...

  4. The Best Real Estate Agent Elevator Pitch

    The Best Elevator Pitch for Real Estate Agents. In this post, video and podcast, you will learn the most simple elevator pitch ever. This is perfect for a new or experienced real estate agent. First off, let's discuss a few ground rules. 1. 20 Seconds or less - You don't want to make this long.

  5. 12 top-performing real estate scripts and why they work so well

    Real estate scripts: The ultimate list. Leading with empathy for FSBO leads. Getting more out of circle prospecting. The hot market sales real estate script. Reaching out to recently expired listings. Warming up internet leads. Connecting with new leads from open houses. Leaving a voicemail message.

  6. 15 Advanced Real Estate Listing Presentation Insights for Agents

    Discover new opportunities and save thousands of dollars every year. Call us at 800-728-8391 for more details or simply leave your phone number, and we'll reach out to you! Real estate listing presentations can make or break your lead-to-client conversion, so use these 15 sales tips to perfect your pitch to seller leads.

  7. Real Estate Agent Elevator Pitch: How to Craft and Perfect it

    Make a video of your pitch. Practice your pitch on camera. Then play it back and pay attention to your delivery, body language, and approachability. Repeat until you can deliver it comfortably. Once your elevator pitch is ready for prime time, record yourself again and post it where people outside of your sphere would naturally find it.

  8. 13 Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

    Here are 13 of the best cold calling scripts John could use. Recommended reading. 13 real estate prospecting tips to generate leads. 1. The initial cold calling script. Let's start with a real estate script for making an initial cold call to a potential seller. "Hi!

  9. How to Perfect Your Real Estate Elevator Pitch

    The only way to get better at your real estate elevator pitch is to practice. When you first start doing it, don't be overly critical of yourself. Try practicing your real estate sales pitch in front of a mirror. That way, you can see your body language, mannerisms, and how you speak in real time. You also learn what trips you up and adjust ...

  10. Craft The Perfect Real Estate Elevator Pitch:Tips & Examples

    DIY elevator pitch for real estate agents. As a real estate agent, you solve certain problems. And, "… being able to succinctly convey what problem you solve is a real art …" according to Allan Dib, author of "The 1-Page Marketing Plan, Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd."

  11. Developing an Elevator Pitch

    July 16, 2020. You're ready to call the real estate agent you've been introduced to by realtor.com. Now what? Developing an "elevator pitch" or conversation script will offer you a ...

  12. The Power of Public Speaking in Real Estate

    30. Public speaking in real estate can be a huge lead generation source and it can quickly expand your influence as a real estate agent in your community. Yes, it takes work to learn how to public speak and it can be a challenge to land speaking engagements off the start, but with some time and effort, speaking can be a great source of business.

  13. 5 Real Estate Sales Pitch Samples to Help You Close the Deal

    1). Sales Pitch about House Location. The first real estate sales pitch sample is all about location. If you're selling a house that's in a great location, make sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how the house is close to schools, parks, and other amenities that would be important to potential buyers.

  14. Elevator Pitch For Real Estate Agents

    Experienced real estate agents will tell you that the first 20 seconds is what makes a difference in the conversation. If you're able to grab attention of the person you're speaking with, you can count it as a huge success. We all know that networking is a long-term strategy. The people you talk with and make a good impression on might come back to you and request your service, or ...

  15. Examples of a 30 or 60-Second Elevator Pitch

    More Examples. Example 60-Second Elevator Speech for an Employee Benefits Consultant. Let me tell you about some of the work I did for a recent client. A property and casualty insurance broker referred us to a 100 person company that was buying themselves out of their New York parent.

  16. Become Unforgettable with the RIGHT Elevator Pitch. Here's How

    20 to 30 seconds. According to a Princeton University study, people form an opinion based on facial appearance within one-tenth of one second. Pass that test and then you'll have a mere 20 to 30 seconds to wow them with your real estate elevator pitch. Yup, it's not much time, but if you can squeeze vital home information into the puny word ...

  17. The real estate sales meeting speech every leader wants to give, but

    Real estate sales meeting speech: tapping into motivation As a team leader, it is essential that you are able to tap into the motivation of your sales agents. This can happen during one-on-one meetings, or even during a team meeting, or "huddle" as we like to call them.

  18. 15 Best Real Estate Calling Scripts to Instantly Boost Results

    Here are 15 awesome real estate cold-calling scripts to help you achieve this: Let us take a look at each one of them in more detail. Image Source: Brian Tracy. 1. Detailed call script for explaining the highlights of a real estate project: Script. You: Hello Sir, I am Aman from Nirvana reality.

  19. The Complete Guide to a Winning Listing Presentation (+ Scripts)

    A professionally presented real estate listing presentation: Bring enough copies for all sellers to review. Pre-filled listing paperwork: Prepare the listing paperwork both digitally and in hard copy.

  20. 6 TED Talks Every Real Estate Agent Should Watch

    As a real estate agent, you are in the service industry. Your job is to help people, to guide them to make wise decisions, and to help them fulfill their dreams. If that feels like an overwhelming responsibility, it is. It's definitely one you shouldn't take lightly. In this impassioned speech, Ernesto Sirolli talks about how the first step ...

  21. Real Estate News

    The real estate market was sluggish due to Independence Day. Fewer sellers listed new homes, yet home prices finally plunged. July 11, 2024 . Please, Mr. Postman.

  22. Johnny Depp was able to save his two West Hollywood homes ...

    Residential real estate. In Johnny Depp's case, his troubles came with residential real estate. For most readers, that's going to be the biggest area of concern, given that the typical American household reportedly has 70% or more of its net worth tied up in its principal residence.

  23. The Sand Dollar House in Texas has it all

    A famous landmark — and probably one of the coolest houses in the entire Lone Star State — has landed on the real estate market in Lakeway, Texas. The Sand Dollar House, named after its ...

  24. Housing minister 'tried blocking 1,500-home project' in constituency

    L abour's new housing minister tried to block a £770million property development in his constituency - despite Rachel Reeves using her first speech as Chancellor to launch a campaign against Nimbys.

  25. See 'phantom rivers' at this stunning California estate for sale. Check

    Listed for $4.35 million, the residence has a lot to offer within its 12 acres across two parcels, the listing on Lindsey Harn Group and Christie's International Real Estate shows.

  26. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  27. Josh Altman Reacts to Tracy Tutor Expanding Business to OC

    Josh Altman reacted to Tracy Tutor taking on new listings in Orange County, where he has already set up shop. Get the details.

  28. UNLMTD Real Estate and FIAT launch leasing in Fort Lee

    UNLMTD Real Estate, in partnership with FIAT, recently announced the launch of leasing at FIAT House, an innovative residential property featuring rental residences with hospitality-driven amenities, tailored concierge services and unique community events. Fiat House will offer a collection of over 300 thoughtfully designed studios, one- and two-bedroom rental residences, including a selection ...

  29. OOO "TEKTUM": owners, founders, management, details(TIN ...

    Full name of the organization: OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTIU "TEKTUM" TIN: 5053033094 KPP: 505301001 PSRN: 1125053003360 Location: 144000, Moscow Oblast, Elektrostal, proezd Chernyshevskogo, 20A, pomeshch. 02 Line of business: Renting and operating of own or leased non-residential real estate (OKVED code 68.20.2) Organization status: Commercial, active

  30. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow ...

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.