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Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay | Essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by sastry

Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay:  Man has risen from the lowest position of a caveman to the highest position of a spaceman. He has conquered time and space and has tamed all the forces of nature. But as every coin has two faces, so is the case with science.

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Long and Short Essays on Science Is A Boon Or Curse for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Science Is A Boon Or Curse’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 400-500 words. This long essay about Science Is A Boon Or Curse is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

The science which has been of such great assistance to mankind has another face too. There is evidently a drastic change in the lives we are leading today and that we had some years ago. Science which has bestowed us with development, progress, expansion and growth has also rendered us with hostilities, violence, ruin, devastation and bloodshed. George Bernard Shaw has rightly said

“Science… never solves a problem without creating ten more.”

Gone is the age of steam. We are now in the age of hydrogen bombs and electricity. The most fantastic dreams of HG Wells in his novel: “The Dream” have come true. In this space age, where the wonders of science excel the wonders of nature, science affects our day-to-day life. Science has surpassed the old cobwebs of mythology and yesterday’s faith has proved to be today’s superstition in the crucible of science.

Yet the problem is whether science is a boon or bane to society. Science nurtures intelligence but leaves the will and emotions uncared for. As Helen Keller has quoted

“Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all- the apathy of human beings.”

Science triumphs in automating processes but now it reigns over man. Automation is the order of the day. The specter of war and destruction haunts the world and nobody is safe. Controlling scientific knowledge with moral judgement may be a solution to this dilemma. Audio-visual appliances annihilate times and distances. But more valuable than these concrete achievements is the spirit of science. Science means systematised knowledge. It finds the causes of phenomena, and works through observation and experiments. Science is the torch-bearer of the civilisation.

Is science really a bane? As religion is a Matter of Faith, in the same way science is a Matter of Fact. Modern warfares are destructive beyond the wildest dreams of our unscientific predecessors. Machine guns, shells, submarines, the atom hydrogen bombs and nuclear weapons can destroy the world in the twinkling of an eye. Aeroplanes in war act as engines of mass destruction. Not only in times of war but in times of peace also man lives in the midst of diseases. Thfough cures are being invented, diseases are multiplying too.

If the former is in; arithmetic progression, the latter is in geometric progression.That is why peace loversrblame science as a curse. It is said that Mathematics makes man subtle and history makes man wise. Likewise, science upgrades the human intellect.

It supplements him with acute knowledge and adds to his comforts. It should be refined by the philosophy of love, by a desire to tolerate others and then only man will be able to avert the evil effects that may follow from the misuse of science. An integrated educational pattern, which makes a scientist aware of his social responsibilities, may be a solution to the present turmoil. The extremely genius Albert Einstein once quoted

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”

Indeed, since his times, science has advanced manifolds. More than ever, science has brought hope to the lives of many with its medical advances, genetic engineering, biotechnology, various inventions and discoveries. Science has made it possible for man to live for longer time, decrease the death rate, increase the life expectancy etc.

Moreover, life has become extremely easy only with the help of science. Going places is easy, staying connected with people is convenient and keeping updated with the latest in world, and being entertained are all the blessings of science. Today even a child cannot imagine his life without cartoons. Latest technology toys that can fly, dance, move around, talk etc, mobiles, television, video games, movies and latest clothes are the boon of science.

Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay

Short Essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Doubtlessly, we cannot live without electricity. An hour’s power cut at our homes and offices drives us mad and makes our routine and work go haywire. Telephones, television, radio, kitchen appliances like mixer, grinder, LPG, refrigerator, ovens, microwaves etc make our lives easy, comfortable and enjoyable. And who can forget computers! Life has never been the same ever since the IT revolution took the world by storm. The entire world has been reduced to one global village. Any kind of information is just a click of mouse away. There has been an explosion of knowledge and wisdom.

The leap of science in aeronautics and space research is commendable. One cannot think of life without the satellites hovering over the earth for a variety of reasons. They make so many things of our daily life possible like weather forecasts, communication, entertainment etc. Nuclear power can do wonders if used for the betterment of mankind. But the tendency of man to tread the forbidden paths leads him into the black hole of death, destruction and decay.

Man has manipulated deserts, hills, mountains, oceans, ice covered regions, all of them, in accordance with his needs; and has exploited animals to their extinction. Man has constructed whole new islands for himself; but global warming is a big threat to the already existing lands. Man has invented radiations and lasers only to prove harmful to human body than being beneficial. Science has made modern man’s life simpler but has loaded it with huge tensions and threats.

Science is the greatest blessing that man could ever receive. It is indeed a boon and a blessing, if used for the benefit of mankind and for constructive purposes unless it becomes a tool in the hand of a few selfish and evil-minded people. When used as a weapon to destroy, create fear, spread violence and annihilate people, then science becomes a double-edged sword destroying even the perpetrator. It is thus in our hands to make science a blessing for humanity or to convert it into a curse, a bane and destroy even the footprints of mankind on this planet.

Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Tamed – manipulated
  • Hostilities – enmity
  • Devastation – destruction, ruination
  • Surpassed – overshadow, to go beyond the limit
  • Cobwebs – confusion, disorder
  • Crucible – a severe test, as of patience of belief, a trial
  • Apathy – passivity, indifference
  • Triumphs – dominates, prosper
  • Reigns – predominate, prevail, influence
  • Specter – ghost
  • Annihilate – destroy, eliminate, extinguish
  • Subtle – hard to grasp, not obvious easily understood
  • Acute – important, serious
  • Avert – prevent, avoid
  • Turmoil – confusion, chaos
  • Manifolds – numerous, many, diverse
  • Hovering – remain in one place in the air
  • Tread – walk on, over or along
  • Perpetrator – culprit, offender
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Essay Science is a Blessing or Curse for class 12

“Science is a key that unlocks for mankind a store of nature.”

The debate over whether science is a curse or a blessing continues to intrigue the minds of people across the globe. While some argue that science has led to unprecedented progress and benefits, others are wary of the potential negative consequences that scientific advancements might bring. However, the crux of the matter lies not in science itself, but rather in its application and human intentions. Science, like a double-edged sword, can be a curse or a blessing, depending on how we wield it.

“Men love to wonder and that is the seed of science.”

It is crucial to recognize that science is a product of brilliant minds that strive to uncover the mysteries of the natural world. It is a tool that empowers humanity to innovate and improve the quality of life. Electricity, a monumental discovery, has revolutionized industries and reduced manual labor. Imagine a world without electricity – industries would grind to a halt, plunging the world into darkness. Such scientific marvels have expanded our horizons and illuminated our potential.

Essay Science is a key that unlocks for mankind for class 12

Science’s role in addressing global challenges, like food scarcity, is undeniable. Fertilizers and modern equipment have propelled agricultural productivity to new heights, alleviating hunger concerns. Engineers have harnessed science to construct dams and irrigation systems, tackling water scarcity and facilitating sustainable agriculture.

“Monsters of the past have been conquered.”

In the realm of medicine, science’s triumphs are evident. Epidemics that once wreaked havoc are now controlled through medical advancements. Complex surgeries, including heart replacements, are now possible. Injections and vaccines have revolutionized healthcare, eradicating diseases that once plagued humanity. Surgical techniques have reached unparalleled heights, exemplifying science’s impact on human well-being.

“Science is more stimulating to the imagination than are the classics.”

Communication has transcended boundaries due to science’s influence. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet have connected the world, fostering awareness and knowledge sharing. As society becomes more informed, collective progress accelerates. Science stimulates imagination, propelling innovation and creativity in diverse fields.

Science Blessing or Curse in English Essay

However, like any powerful tool, science has a dual nature. The 21st century is marked by incredible scientific progress, but this progress has brought forth its own set of challenges. Weapons of mass destruction and environmental degradation have raised concerns about the darker side of scientific innovation. The dilemma lies in the ethical use of scientific advancements – whether they are directed toward peace, progress, and prosperity, or destruction and chaos.

“Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.”

Ultimately, the question of whether science is a curse or a blessing rests on human intentions and ethical considerations. Science itself is neither inherently good nor evil; it is the intent behind its application that shapes its impact. The responsibility lies with individuals, policymakers, and the global community to ensure that scientific advancements are harnessed for the betterment of humanity.

In conclusion, science is a potent force that has the potential to uplift society or plunge it into chaos. The key to harnessing its potential lies in our ability to use it ethically and responsibly. Science is not a curse; it is a tool that reflects the audacity of human imagination. It is our collective duty to steer its trajectory towards the path of progress and enlightenment, ensuring that its blessings outweigh any potential curses.

Is Science Blessing or Curse Essay in English

The year was 2014, and fate had led me from my British abode to my ancestral homeland. September in Lahore was cooler by local standards, yet for me, newly arrived from England’s temperate climate, the air bore a touch of warmth. After reconnecting with my relatives and acquaintances, the call of history could no longer be ignored. The Badshahi Mosque, a symbol of Mughal opulence, stood ready to regale me with its stories.

As I stood before the colossal doors of the mosque, a surge of emotions overwhelmed me. The intricacies of Mughal architecture, and the intricate carvings that adorned the facade, all seemed to speak of an era when emperors ruled and artisans spun dreams into reality. To truly understand the grandeur of the Mughal Empire, my cousin served as a gracious guide, narrating the chronicles of this monument. Constructed under the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1674, the Badshahi Mosque shares a kinship with the Jama Masjid of Delhi, their facades bearing the same regal air.

Essay on Blessing of Science 500 words

In the company of my cousin, I embarked on a voyage through time. The mosque’s courtyard was a canvas painted with devotion, and the prayer area was a testament to the reverence of countless souls. As the sun set and the call to prayer echoed, I was reminded of the words of Dr. Seuss: 

“The more you read, the more you know. The more you learn, the more places you will go.” 

And indeed, through the stories told and absorbed that day, I traversed eras and embraced wisdom.

A pivotal moment arrived as we stood before the minarets of the Badshahi Mosque, each towering 200 feet high. My cousin’s words resonated with pride, for these minarets had set the standard against which even the iconic Minar-e-Pakistan measured itself – a towering tribute to the past. In the sacredness of the mosque’s embrace, I joined the faithful for the Asar prayer, feeling the connection between history and spirituality.

Our journey extended beyond the mosque’s confines, leading us to the revered poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal. As Pearl Buck observed, we are indeed prisoners of history. In paying homage to Iqbal, I found myself acknowledging a shared bond with the past, cherishing the intellectual and cultural heritage he left behind.

As time passed, my visit to the Badshahi Mosque became a cherished memory, a testament to the power of exploration. I returned home, but the memories remained – snapshots of an exquisite tapestry woven with history, culture, and faith. The journey, as Mark Jenkins noted, was not just a physical one; it was a journey into the inner self, leaving me enriched and transformed.

In conclusion, the pages of history beckon us with their tales, encouraging us to be the seekers of knowledge and the stewards of memory. My visit to the Badshahi Mosque illuminated the beauty of the past, reminding me that every step we take on the historical ground is a step into the heart of humanity’s collective story. Just as my visit unearthed the grandeur of an empire, may each journey to a historical place be a voyage of self-discovery, igniting a passion for knowledge and a reverence for the tapestry of time.

Published on: Aug 31, 2023 at 06:55

Download Essay Science is a Blessing or Curse for class 12

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English essay on “science a blessing or a curse” best essay, paragraph for class 9, 10, 11, and 12, science a blessing or a curse.

The gifts of science are indisputable and countless. There can be no denying the fact that science has made so much progress that the life of a man, society, nation and the world has advanced tremendously. The knowledge gained through science and scientific technology speaks volumes about man’s ingenuity and skill. If all this was not achieved by science it would be no wonder that even today, a man might have been the animal as he was in the ages past — i.e. just another animal. It is Science that has given us all the amenities of modern living that we can proudly boast of and enjoy.

The drudgery of household work has been reduced to almost nil by the numerous gifts of science. You have many tasks to do, and there is a machine to do them for you. In its social aspect, no matter where we want to go, whomsoever we want to meet, the scientist has helped us and we have umpteen scientific modes of traveling to and fro. We want entertainment; the radio and then the television is at our doorstep to do the job, in our drawing rooms or in the bedrooms. If we want to gain knowledge we have other media — books. This is also the result of the mechanization of solving problems. When we want to know more about other countries of the world, we have the internet to help us out. So, in a nutshell, we can say that the twins of science and mechanism have brought us out of the darkness of the woods. Let us understand that science and mechanization are the two sides of the same coin – science is the subject, and mechanization is the outcome. We can say the two are like two bodies and one soul.

Our lifestyle is now undoubtedly much above and the animal that of manages back. This journey has taken man centuries but, it has been worth it. Now, having studied the gifts of Science to mankind, it will do us some good if we do some introspection and try also to study how, and to what extent we are now misusing our scientific knowledge. As far as science is helping man to make life better it is very good but, does a man stop there? He continues his so-called study and research which further leads him on to the destructive capability of science. We are in for making bombs, using nuclear energy for purposes of destruction. Today man has the most destructive weapons ever produced. One bomb can annihilate civilization. In the event of a third world war, there is no doubt that man will perish. It is at this aspect of scientific growth we must put a stop to whose gain will it be if the world is destroyed? I am sure it will benefit none. Yes, none at all. We must understand that we should not pursue the track that leads to annihilation. All the gifts of science must be enjoyed to the full and that can happen only if man survives to taste the fruits of mechanization. Production of destructive weapons the greatest curse of science to men.

On the home front also it is felt that too much mechanization, accounts for our inability to work for own self. We get so used to machines that our bodies get absolutely frozen and become unfit to do any work. Moving about all the time in cars makes our physique. This creeps several diseases. We become basically very lazy.

On the national front, mechanization has led to industrialization which, in turn, has given birth to extensive unemployment and capitalism. Machines being devices to save labor have mercilessly thrown thousands out of employment, and capitalism has led to class struggle. The big capitalists exploiting the poor laborers.

At the lowest and smallest level of life, man has lost his own humaneness as though he himself has become a machine. He has got so enmeshed in the machines that he has lost all contact with his own species that make for his live company. This live company has been sacrificed for the mechanical idiot box. As soon as a man loses touch with his kin, he is most likely to become a machine whose company he keeps all the while. The human touch which was so special about a family and society is getting lost as every individual has become more or less a machine.

Besides these mundane and down-to-earth results of scientific growth, there is one very important aspect which has got lost. Science leaves no place to accommodate God or religion. The scientific and mechanical mind can understand only what he sees or something that can be explained with some amount of reasoning. God and religion are two things that can have no mathematical formulae to explain. Today’s man cannot understand this so-called foolish premise of the existence of any God.

This disbelief in God is leading to further degeneration of the family and the society, the two essential composites of a healthy nation. There does not in today’s context seem to be any force that can convince man of the necessity of being God-fearing and thus being good. Man understands only what he can see and these days his vision is too blurred to see the place of God in the scheme of things. This irreligious attitude of man is further bringing down to the lowest ebb, the sensitivity of our very beings.

Thus we see that the blessings of science through innumerable, have a matching number of abuses. The abuses are so great that they even pose the danger of complete annihilation of the human race, both physically and mentally and of course spiritually. Looking at the sum total of the scenario the abuses outnumber the blessings. This is because man is basically destructive by nature and getting too much scientific know-how will only confirm his doom.

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Essay On Science A Blessing

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  • Reading time: 4 mins read

Today’s age is the age of science . Science has influenced our life to a great extent. Man has explored the oceans, conquered the high mountains, stepped on the moon , and is trying to set foot on other planets too. Science has given us sophisticated instruments for research in every field. Every aspect of our life is governed by science. It has brought the world closer.

New factories and companies are being established for manufacturing. Man makes various discoveries for his benefit. The invention of cars, scooters, and airplanes has reduced traveling time to a few hours. The telephone has made it possible to communicate with people across the country and abroad. The radio, televisions, tape recorders, etc were invented to provide entertainment.

The invention of electricity has changed our lives totally. X-rays have enabled us to see through the human body. Various equipment for agriculture has been discovered because of science only. Gas, washing machine, insecticides and pesticides, health-promoting instruments, surgical instruments, grinding machines, sewing machines have been invented to make our life comfortable and easy. Internet, computers , mobiles, communication satellites have revolutionized the world. Science has helped to save time and money . It has helped us to fight diseases.

But every coin has two sides. Science has advantages and disadvantages too. The missiles and bombs are inventions of science only, which have harmed human beings tremendously. As most of his work is done with the help of machines, man has become lazy. The problem of unemployment has increased as most of the work is done by machines. Today, we depend on computers for even the easiest calculations. Nuclear bombs can destruct the world. Requirements of man are fulfilled by science. It has touched almost all spheres of life. How to use this blessing is totally in the hands of man. If he uses it properly it is a blessing otherwise it is a curse.

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Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Students are often asked to write an essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Science: a blessing or a curse.

Science has brought countless benefits to humanity, from medical advancements to technological innovations. It has increased our understanding of the world around us and improved our quality of life. However, science can also be used for harmful purposes, such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or the pollution of the environment.

Science as a Blessing

Science has led to the development of vaccines and antibiotics, which have saved millions of lives. It has also helped us to understand and treat diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. In addition, science has given us new technologies that have made our lives easier and more convenient, such as the internet, smartphones, and computers.

Science as a Curse

While science has brought many benefits, it can also be used for harmful purposes. For example, science has been used to develop weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear bombs and chemical weapons. These weapons have the potential to cause widespread death and destruction. Additionally, science has been used to pollute the environment, which can have a negative impact on human health and the planet.

Science is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. It is important to use science responsibly and to consider the potential consequences of our actions before we use it.

250 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Positive Impacts of Science

Science has revolutionized the field of medicine. It has led to the development of vaccines and antibiotics, which have saved countless lives. Additionally, scientific research has helped us understand the human body and its functions, leading to improved treatments for various diseases.

Science has also played a crucial role in technological advancements. From computers to smartphones, scientific discoveries have transformed the way we live and communicate. These advancements have made our lives easier, more convenient, and more connected.

Negative Impacts of Science

While science has brought many benefits, it has also presented challenges. The development of destructive weapons like nuclear bombs has raised concerns about the potential for widespread destruction.

Scientific activities have also contributed to environmental degradation. Industrial processes, deforestation, and pollution have led to climate change, species extinction, and other environmental issues.

Balancing Science and Ethics

The ethical implications of scientific research are a topic of ongoing debate. It is essential to strike a balance between scientific progress and the potential risks and consequences. Scientists and policymakers must work together to ensure that scientific advancements are used for the betterment of humanity and not for its destruction.

500 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Science: a blessing or a curse.

Science, with its remarkable discoveries and advancements, has transformed the world we live in. It has brought countless benefits to humanity, improving our health, understanding of the universe, and technological capabilities. Yet, alongside these blessings, science has also presented us with some challenges and ethical dilemmas, leading to debates about whether it is ultimately a blessing or a curse.

Benefits of Science: A Source of Knowledge and Progress

Science has been instrumental in expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world. Through scientific research and experimentation, we have gained insights into the workings of the universe, from the smallest particles to the vast cosmos. This knowledge has led to the development of innovative technologies that have revolutionized our lives, from medicine and transportation to communication and energy.

Science: The Power of Healing and Disease Prevention

Science: the challenge of environmental impact.

While science has brought undeniable benefits, it has also raised concerns about its impact on the environment. Industrialization, fueled by scientific advancements, has resulted in pollution, deforestation, and climate change. The consequences of these actions are becoming increasingly evident, posing a threat to ecosystems and human well-being.

Science: The Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Engineering and AI

As science continues to advance, it presents us with new ethical dilemmas. Genetic engineering, for example, raises questions about the potential unintended consequences of altering the genetic makeup of organisms. Similarly, the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debates about the potential risks associated with autonomous systems and the impact on jobs and society as a whole.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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science a blessing or a curse essay in english


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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Is Science a Blessing or Curse?” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Is Science a Blessing or Curse?

Life is like a piano; what we get out of it depends on how we play it. Everything in the world has its uses and abuses. It is the human conscience and psyche that governs its use or abuse. The same case applies to science.

Science has been derived from the ancient word “Scientia” which means “knowledge” and keeping in view the present situation we can very strongly say that this knowledge has given us countless things and is still moving in the same direction with greater and greater speed. If we use the gifts of science in positive direction with positive intention, then they will provide us with desirable results but if we put them in the wrong way, the results will definitely be disastrous. It will then be hard, to judge whether science is a blessing or a curse.

Much of the progress that humankind has made till now is associated with science. Not only material progress but also the mental outlook of humans has been influenced by it. We have tried to unveil the mysteries of nature to the fullest extent. We have been successful in shortening distances in the world and reached out even beyond. We can explore the depths of oceans and send teams of astronauts to space to know more about the heavenly bodies.

We have been able to increase longevity, arrest the gradual decay of human body and control the spread of lethal diseases by making extraordinary life prolonging drugs and medicines. A number of killer diseases are new curable. Cancer for instance is not feared as much as it was earlier. Surgery of the heart and even the brain no longer remains as painful as it was earlier.

The food production levels have gone high considerably and quality has also improved significantly. Industry and agriculture have progressed to higher productivity levels through scientific knowledge and technological advancement. On a more mundane level, electricity has dispelled darkness and humid heat is no more a trouble for we have fans, air coolers and air conditions which have made the life of ordinary humans more comfortable. Technological innovations have changed even the common man’s way of life. Gas Stove and bio gas lighting have brought a different feel to more and more villages. The discovery and development of large number of powerful energy sources—coal, petroleum, natural gas. Electricity etc —have enabled humanity to conquer the banters of nature. All this has facilitated the growth of fast Mode of transport, which in turn has transformed the world into a global village.

The singular invention which has become as omnipresent today, as did the iron and bronze tools in the past ages, is the computer. An invention of miraculous dimensions, computers have revolutionized our lifestyles. In less than fifty years they have influenced practically every field of activity. The computer age is now a reality. Automation in banks and railway stations has provided relief to the public and staff alike. Ticketing and reservation have become more efficient and convenient. Business transactions are easier and high volume of associated data is easily managed using computers. In medical diagnosis, computers are being used to locate and investigate accurately and precisely any abnormalities or diseases. Computer is the backbone of Information Technology whose major application lies in Internet. Internet has some very useful -applications in our day-to-day life.

Whether we have to undergo a minor surgery take admission in a foreign institution, collect geographical information of any region, want to chat with anybody in any corner of the world or want to search for the life partner of our choice, the Internet is the fastest and cheapest way to do so.

Mobile phones are the outcome of Information Technology. In a nutshell, we can say that what began as a ripple is today emerging as a giant wave. The boon of science has raised us-to the heights unimagined. Now, we can easily keep pace with the changing time. The blessings of science now shine in every nook and corner of this world. But at the same time, it cannot be denied that the boon in many cases has been turned to bane by misusing it. In the present scenario it is really difficult to judge whether science is a blessing or a curse.

 In the Hindu mythology, a tale goes that once the devil Bhasmasur made Lord Shiva happy by penancing. The lord agreed to grant him a boon. Bhasmasur said, “O Lord. If my penance has really pleased you then empower me with the boon of destroying anybody as soon as I keep my palm on his head “Lord Shiva said, “tattle astu” meaning “so be it”. To check whether the boon works or not Bhasmasur starts running after lord Shiva with the intention of keeping his palm on the lord’s head and destroying him. Lord Vishnu comes to know about this matter. He appears in front of Bhasmasur in his “Mohini roop” Bhasmasur gets enchanted by the beauty of “Mohini” and starts dancing with her. While dancing by mistake, keeps his palm on his own head and is destroyed. For him, his boon turns into a curse. Today, we are experiencing the same thing. Using the gifts of science in the wrong way is also destroying us. The blessing is behaving like a curse. There are numerous examples which prove that boon has been turned into bane.

Television, a gift of science gives us information almost about everything. It is a good source of entertainment. But mere are many programmes which promote violence and the teenagers are more interested in watching those programmes.

Television and teenage violence is not a new thing for us. The world over, more and more teenagers are involved in robberies, muggings, murders and rape. Aggressiveness and violence at an early age have led to shocking crimes: son murdering his mother, brothers killing one another, daughter poisoning her parents, and many more such incidents are directly or indirectly attributed to impact of the violent and indecent programmes displayed on television.

Sometimes even the mature people are influenced by the programmes they view on TV and apply different methods of crime shown in movies and serials in daily life, Guns, revolvers, tanks and fighter planes, etc. were invented to develop a strong security system to protect the innocent masses so that they can freely move and survive without any fear but their misuse is now crushing humanity. Terrorists are using lethal weapons, the creation of science, to create terror in the hearts and minds of innocents.

Biotechnology is a great boon for fight against chronic diseases which humanity has been suffering from. But along with medicines highly dangerous biological weapons have also been developed. Even the terrorists are planning to acquire and use these weapons. Germs are deliberately released into the air to cause disease. Anthrax envelops are used for spreading terrorism. The use of pesticides and fertilizers has been a boon in many respects, but out of a drive to yield more and more, their input to the soil was increased so much that the danger of salinity of soil started arising. Motor vehicles, no doubt, emit a lot of poisonous materials into the atmosphere. Mobile phones have given us a very efficient means of communication but at the same time it is hazardous to health. Cyber crime is the outcome of technology. The MMS racket of Delhi and many other similar cases have rocked different parts of the country. Webcams are secretly being installed in hotel rooms, thus invading the privacy of people.

We can conclude by saying that science has two faces.  When we use it the jelly face appears but when we misuse it. Its hostile face terrifies us. So, it depends on mankind which face they want to see. Like the flight of a dove the good uses of science will give us the feeling of paradise but it’s wrong use will throw us in the pit of serpents. There is an appropriate way to do anything. There is a way to sing. There is a way to dance. There is a way to play music. Similarly, there is a right way to use gifts of science so that it appears as a blessing and not as a curse.

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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Essay on science a blessing or a curse, science: a blessing or a curse.

Essay on Science A Blessing or A Curse

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