What is scaled agile framework? (SAFe)

Learn about the scaled agile framework (SAFe) and its principles and understand how it differs from other agile frameworks.

Jessica Piikkila

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The Scaled Agile Framework ®  (SAFe ® ) is a set of organizational and workflow patterns for implementing agile practices at an enterprise scale . The framework is a body of knowledge that includes structured guidance on roles and responsibilities, how to plan and manage the work, and values to uphold.

SAFe promotes alignment, collaboration, and delivery across large numbers of agile teams. It was formed around three primary bodies of knowledge: agile software development, lean product development, and systems thinking.

As businesses grow in size, SAFe provides a structured approach for scaling agile. There are four configurations in SAFe to accommodate various levels of scale: Essential SAFe, Large Solution SAFe, Portfolio SAFe, and Full SAFe. 

Dean Leffingwell and Drew Jemilo released SAFe in 2011 to help organizations design better systems and software that better meet customers’ changing needs. At that time, teams used traditional project management processes  to deliver software. But as the need to rapidly respond to changing market conditions increased, new frameworks emerged to help businesses improve solution delivery across their enterprises, and SAFe was born. Today, SAFe is one of the most popular scaled agile delivery frameworks, and SAFe’s worldwide community of practitioners continue to evolve it.

Core principles and values

Core values.

SAFe’s core values describe the culture that leadership needs to foster and how people should behave within that culture  in order to effectively use the framework.

SAFe requires that companies put planning and reflection cadences in place at all levels of the organization. With these in place, everyone understands the current state of the business, the goals, and how everyone should move together to achieve those goals. By synchronizing people and activities regularly, all levels of the portfolio stay in alignment. Information flows both upward and downward in a timely fashion, unlike traditional top-down, command and control structures.

Built-in quality

In the SAFe framework, agility should never come at the cost of quality. SAFe requires teams at all levels to define what “done” means for each task or project and to bake quality development practices into every working agreement. According to SAFe, there are five key dimensions of built-in quality: flow, architecture and design quality, code quality, system quality, and release quality.


SAFe encourages trust-building behavior, including planning work in smaller batch sizes so problems can be surfaced sooner, providing real-time visibility into backlog progress across levels, and inspect and adapt rituals .

Program execution

Program execution is the heart of SAFe and powers everything else in the framework. Teams and programs must be able to deliver quality, working software and business value on a regular basis.

SAFe requires lean-agile leadership behavior because only leaders can change the system and create the environment necessary to embrace all of the core values.

SAFe Principles

The Scaled Agile Framework’s principles are meant to improve the company as a whole by inspiring lean-agile decision making across functional and organizational boundaries. The principles are intended to influence the decisions of not just leaders and managers, but of everyone in the organization and condition their mindset to shift from traditional waterfall thinking to lean-agile thinking, where practices like Lean Portfolio Management are applied.

Principle #1 Take an economic view

Inspired by the theories on product development flow from Donald Reinertsen's best selling books, achieving the shortest sustainable lead-time requires each individual in the decision-making chain to understand the economic implications of delays. Delivering early and often isn’t always enough. According to SAFe, sequencing jobs for maximum benefit, understanding economic trade-offs, and operating within lean budgets are all responsibilities that need to be shared throughout the organization. Many of the concepts and tools are drawn from Reinertsen’s theories on product development flow.

Principle #2 Apply systems thinking

SAFe encourages people using the framework to apply systems thinking to three key areas: the solution itself, the enterprise building the system, and the value streams . Solutions can refer to products, services, or systems delivered to the Customer, whether they are internal or external to the Enterprise.

Large solutions have many interconnected component parts, so team members should have a higher-level perspective on how their part fits into the bigger picture. When thinking about the enterprise building the system, people following SAFe should consider the organization’s people, management, and processes. So, if an organization is looking to optimize the way people work, it may need to eliminate silos, become cross-functional, and form new working agreements with suppliers and customers. Finally, the enterprise should clearly define how value flows from concept to cash in the solution development value streams. Leaders and management need to maximize the flow of value across functional and organizational boundaries.

Principle #3 Assume variability; preserve options

By default, designing systems and software is an uncertain exercise. This principle addresses uncertainty by bringing in the concept of set-based design, which calls for retaining multiple requirements and design options for a longer period in the development cycle. The set-based design also relies on empirical data to narrow the focus on the final design option further in the process. 

Set-based design helps inform decision-making during times of uncertainty by identifying the options and intended outcomes, much like a strategic bet. The concept of integrating “learning milestones”, which refers to a deadline for a decision, is instrumental to set-based design. The more teams learn over time, the more choices they can eliminate. The more choices they eliminate, the easier it is to identify the best path forward and produce the best possible outcome for customers.

Principle #4 Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles

Similar to Principle #3, this principle addresses risk and uncertainty through learning milestones. It is not enough for each component part of the system to prove functional, the whole system must be considered to assess the feasibility of the current design choices. Integration points must be planned on a regular cadence to accelerate faster learning cycles. These integration points are an example of Walter A Shewhart’s plan-do-check-adjust cycle, a framework for continuous quality improvement and mechanism for controlling the variability of development. Shewart's work and the work he inspired are often within SAFe.

Principle #5 Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems

Demonstration of an actual working system provides a better basis for decision making than a requirements document or some other superficial evaluation of success. Including stakeholders in those feasibility decisions early on supports trust-building and systems thinking.

Principle #6 Visualize and limit Work in Process (WIP), reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths

Limiting work in process helps  stakeholders see exactly how work is playing out.

The three elements of this principle represent the primary ways for maximizing throughput and accelerating value delivery - or in other words, implementing “flow”. As the saying goes "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." 

When you apply this to software development, this means limiting the amount of overlapping work , the complexity of each item of work, and the total amount of work tackled at a given time.  Small batch sizes allow for constant validation that work is headed in the right direction. And managing queue lengths ... 

This principle seeks to offer guidance on optimizing for this for the best results.

Principle #7 Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning

Agile teams naturally apply cadence through sprints or iterations. Creating a cadence for all possible matters reduces complexity, addresses uncertainty, builds muscle memory, enforces quality, and instills collaboration. Synchronizing these cadences enables the people and the activities to move like cogs in the wheel where learned information informs decisions and incremental planning.

Principle #8 Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers

Inspired by influential management consultant Peter Drucker and author Daniel Pink, this principle is one of our favorites! It's about unleashing the potential of teams and helping leadership take the perspective of coaching and serving their teams over a command-and-control mindset.

Principle #9 Decentralize decision making

Reducing queue lengths and taking an economic approach by decentralizing decision making, gives teams the autonomy they need to get work done. Leaders should preserve their decision-making authority for topics of strategic importance and enable teams to make informed choices on everything else.

How does SAFe Work?

Organizations that are ready to implement SAFe usually have executive-level sponsorship,a strong purpose for change, and a foundation in Scrum .

Scaled Agile, Inc. provides a SAFe implementation roadmap that contains detailed steps on how to get started and set up the organization for widespread adoption across portfolios. The 12 steps for implementing SAFe include:

  • Reaching the tipping point
  • Train lean-agile change agents
  • Train executives, managers, and leaders
  • Create a lean-agile center of excellence
  • Identify value streams and ARTs (Agile Release Trains)
  • Create the implementation plan
  • Prepare for ART launch
  • Train teams and launch the ART
  • Coach the ART execution
  • Launch more ARTs and value streams
  • Extend to the portfolio
  • Sustain and improve

How does SAFe compare to other scaled agile frameworks?

Although Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is widely adopted across enterprises with large software development teams, other scaled agile frameworks have gained traction over time. All frameworks for scaling agile share five main components: inspiration from the 12 Agile Manifesto principles, cadence, synchronization, Scrum, and quality development practices. Understanding other frameworks’ origins, core differences, and the conditions for their successful application can help organizations choose which framework best suits their needs.

Want more background on some of the top scaled agile frameworks? Check out the Agile at scale  overview page on the Agile Coach.

SAFe vs. Scrum@Scale

In Scrum@Scale (S@S), everyone is part of an interchangeable Scrum team. Depending on their goals, networks of Scrum teams come together to form an ecosystem. The purpose of S@S is to create a network of Scrum teams through a ‘scale-free architecture,' meaning, basic Scrum roles and events are linearly scaled without introducing new process dynamics. For example, one Scrum of Scrum (SoS) may not be enough for a very complex product with 25 Scrum teams, so a Scrum of Scrum of Scrums (SoSoS) with a Scrum of Scrum of Scrums Master (SoSM) may be needed.

Although S@S is generally less prescriptive, it does offer one guiding question to help organizations determine whether they’re ready to scale: If you add more people to the system does performance increase exponentially or does productivity suffer?

Similarly to SAFe, S@S does offer reference content online including an extensive Scrum@Scale guide which is increasing in popularity.

S@S is most successful when

  • The technology stack is object-oriented (i.e. vertical user stories can actually be delivered in two weeks)
  • An organization’s feature teams have T-shaped skills, product-centric values, and minimum bureaucracy
  • An agile or Agile Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool is not required until practices are second nature
  • The executive team is willing to practice scrum and remove impediments for the organization

SAFe vs. Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) takes a minimalist approach to roles, structure, and artifacts. Where SAFe offers four configurations to accommodate teams of greater and greater size and with increasingly complex solutions, LeSS offers two configurations: LeSS for two to eight teams and LeSS Huge for more than eight teams. LeSS also differs in its stance that product owners should have complete content authority and strategic influence, where SAFe encourages a more democratic approach. And while in SAFe many factors inform strategy, LeSS places an emphasis on a customer-centric approach focused on paying customers. 

Similar to S@S, LeSS scales from Scrum events, artifacts, and roles. And both SAFe and LeSS emphasize systems thinking, lean thinking, and similar guiding principles. LeSS, however, places a heavy focus on waste reduction across the organization, with the goal of continuous improvement.

LeSS is most successful when

  • Scrum teams have mastered Scrum
  • Leadership is willing to continuously restructure and experiment for the greater good
  • There is alignment on the definition of the product
  • There is alignment on the definition of done
  • External coaches are working with organizational, team, and technical groups
  • There are feature teams versus component teams with T-shaped skills
  • The organization is willing to get rid of project management paradigm completely

SAFe vs. DA

Unlike the rest of the frameworks described, Disciplined Agile (DA) is a toolkit that enables organizations to decide what way of working makes the most sense to fit them. It offers lightweight agile governance which is rooted in Scrum and Kanban, along with transformation knowledge in areas like HR and finance, governance, DevOps, portfolio management, and more. DA involves situationally employing different levels of scale for each project and places an emphasis on decision-making enablement to help guide strategic direction.

DA is most successful when

  • Organizations want to define their own scaled agile path(s)
  • Organizations want to remain flexible across the enterprise
  • Organizations want to preserve process and/or framework choices

SAFe vs Spotify

The Spotify “model” is a people-driven, autonomous set of practices that can be applied for coordinating agile teams. It was never intended to be a model or framework, but some businesses have adopted it as such. Spotify places an emphasis on self-organizing, cross-functional, and co-located teams called "squads" (the equivalent of a scrum team). Comparatively, SAFe has no such stipulation on the co-location of teams, for PI planning it is encouraged.

Squads are organized into larger units called "tribes". Dependencies between squads are few and handled through Scrum of Scrums when they occur. Knowledge sharing is enabled through "chapters" and "guilds," informal groups organized based on skill sets and interests.

Compared to other examples, where online resources, training courses, and certifications are available, resources on the Spotify model are limited to a publicly available blog and other companions pieces developed by its pioneers and fans. The model is growing in popularity, so it’s likely we’ll see more on this in the future. 

Spotify is most successful when

  • Applying the ideas in your own business context
  • The organizational culture  focuses on learning, allowing for mistakes, and taking controlled risks
  • Teams and products are “loosely coupled, closely aligned” to avoid dependency conflicts

A central tenet of SAFe is that it continues to evolve in collaboration with its community of practitioners around the world. Most recently, Scaled Agile, Inc. launched the 5.0 version of SAFe. Key changes included the addition of a 10th principle, "Organize around value," and  changing Step 12 from “Sustain and improve” to “Accelerate.” But there’s much more involved. Curious to learn more? Check out our What’s new and what’s changed in SAFe 5.0 blog.

Frameworks like SAFe and the ones discussed above provide a viable option for helping businesses effectively scale agile within their organizations and achieve their business outcomes. But just as important are the tools you choose to help you amplify existing practices and realize the full benefits of those practices. Enter, Atlassian’s Jira Align, an enterprise agile planning platform built for SAFe. Using Jira Align you can improve visibility, strategic alignment, and enterprise adaptability in order to accelerate your digital transformation.

Jessica Piikkila has been in the agile transformation business for over 10 years with deep roots in product management and agile coaching across multiple industries and capacities. The agile mindset has gotten her through tough personal challenges in life and fosters her love of learning. You will see her cracking the enterprise agility code with our customers.

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Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Principles, levels, certifications

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The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a methodology that applies agile principles to large organizations and complex projects. Its purpose is to ensure the coordination and scaling of agile practices across multiple teams collaborating to create a product or solution.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Principles, Levels, Certifications

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unpack the fundamental ideas behind SAFe and explore how it enables enterprises to achieve business agility — i.e., the ability to promptly respond to market demands, frequently launch, swiftly react, and much more.

What is the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?

The concept of SAFe was introduced in 2011 by software development methodologist Dean Leffingwell , who recognized the challenges, overhead, and complexity involved in implementing agile for large teams.

To meet the requirements of large enterprises, Leffingwell introduced the concept of scaled agile practices. This methodology provides a structured approach to planning, executing, and measuring the progress of large-scale agile initiatives.

The SAFe Framework provides various layers, roles, portfolios, value streams, programs, and practices tailored to each layer while maintaining alignment between goals and objectives.

SAFe endorses agile practices such as scrum, kanban, and extreme programming (XP), which help organizations achieve faster time-to-market, quality, continuous effective integration, deployment (CI/CD), customer satisfaction, and quick turnaround on market conditions.

What are the 3 levels of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?

SAFe is made up of three primary levels:

  • Portfolio level — This level focuses on strategic alignment, portfolio backlogs, and achieving enterprise-level value stream to achieve business outcomes. It emphasizes lean costing and portfolio visions to meet common enterprisewide goals
  • Program level — This level is responsible for executing agile release trains (ARTs). It involves planning, ART backlogs, continuous interaction, and delivery pipeline
  • Team level — This level involves agile teams practicing scrum, kanban, and/or XP delivering the product in short iterations while maintaining high-quality standards

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

Benefits of SAFe

The benefits associated with the Scaled Agile Framework are numerous, and official data shows that SAFe creates value for more than 20,000 companies and 10,000 individuals worldwide:

Scaled Agile Framework Business Results

Some of the most significant benefits include:

  • Faster time to market — Working in cross-functional teams and collaborating effectively enables faster decision-making, rapid communication, and a customer-centric approach, reducing time and effort
  • Improved quality — One of the key principles of SAFe is built-in quality, which means that every person involved in the framework takes responsibility for ensuring quality. This approach ultimately leads to improved metrics
  • Increased productivity — The concept of a high-performing team in SAFe removes delays and keeps the team accountable for measurable goals
  • Better employee engagement — The autonomy of agile teams and clarity at each level from processes such as ART, RTE, and PI helps boost motivation and employee satisfaction in day-to-day work

12 SAFe principles

To understand the SAFe framework properly, it’s essential to comprehend the value of each element. The framework facilitates the transfer of value throughout an organization’s hierarchy and functions.

Some crucial elements to focus on when practicing SAFe include:

  • Lean agile principles — The SAFe framework espouses lean agile principles that guide organizational decision-making and behavior. These principles emphasize a customer-centric approach, applying systems thinking, assuming variability and preserving options, and delivering products incrementally with fast feedback
  • SAFe core values — SAFe promotes four core values: alignment, built-in quality, transparency, and program execution. These values serve as foundations for individual and team behavior, cross-collaboration, and continuous improvement, leading to the delivery of best-of-breed products
  • SAFe implementation roadmap — The implementation roadmap at the bottom of the framework outlines a high-level plan for transforming an enterprise to SAFe. It includes objectives, steps, actions, strategies, and other necessary measures like change management, implementation activities, and skill and talent transformation
  • Agile team — At the center of the framework is the basic building block of a self-organizing, cross-functional agile team that ships value incrementally. The team comprises product owners, scrum masters, coaches, developers, testers, and other necessary roles and follows Agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and XP
  • Agile release trains (ARTs) — Agile release trains are groups of multiple agile teams working together on the same solution or product. These teams are focused on common objectives and goals and release their work on a fixed schedule called a program increment (PI)
  • Program increment (PI) planning — PI planning is essential for all teams to collaborate within ARTs and plan their work to be completed within eight to 12 weeks. This planning session involves defining objectives, setting priorities, and identifying risks and dependencies to ensure that upcoming and future increments align with general ART releases
  • ART execution — Executing agile release trains involves refining the ART backlog, ensuring ART backlog readiness, and completing work within a specific timeframe. The process starts with PI planning and ends with an ART delivery assessment
  • Agile product management — This aspect belongs to the middle layer of the SAFe framework. Product managers and owners work with stakeholders to establish the product vision, prioritize the backlog, and align it with business objectives and customer needs
  • Continuous delivery pipeline — SAFe emphasizes a continuous delivery pipeline — an automated system for smooth value flow from ideation to deployment, including continuous integration, testing, deployment, and on-demand release practices
  • DevOps and release on demand — An important aspect of SAFe is promoting a culture of DevOps and implementing practices that encourage collaboration. This helps ensure that releases are frequent, reliable, and of high quality
  • Lean portfolio management — SAFe helps organizations synchronize strategy, investment, and execution at the portfolio level through lean portfolio management. This enables effective governance and oversight while prioritizing and financing initiatives strategically
  • Continuous learning culture — SAFe emphasizes continuous learning through inspect and adapt workshops, which enable teams to reflect on their performance, gather feedback, create action plans, and make necessary improvements

Roles and responsibilities in SAFe

In SAFe, each individual has well-defined roles and responsibilities to facilitate the implementation and execution of processes within the framework:

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Roles

Some primary key roles include:

  • Lean portfolio manager — The individual in this role manages projects/products aligned with organization goals, makes investment and capacity decisions, resolves dependencies, and oversees overall portfolio execution using lean agile principles
  • Release train engineer (RTE) — The RTE facilitates ARTs, remains responsible for delivering program increments (PI) as part of PI planning events, aligns with agile development teams, manages technical risk dependencies, and collaborates across ARTs
  • Product manager (PM) — As a bridge between the business and development teams, product managers ensure that features prioritize customer needs and align with their expectations. They handle product backlogs and collaborate closely with RTE engineers
  • Scrum master — The scrum master coaches agile teams within ARTs to ensure that agile principles and scrum ceremonies are followed to foster a culture of continuous improvement
  • Agile team — The team comprises cross-functional members responsible for shipping value as working software and products. They are part of ARTs and typically hold roles like developers, testers, and POs who collaborate closely
  • System architect — This individual provides technical leadership and guidance to ensure the overall system design, goals, and objectives. There are always multiple system architects within the ART who collaborate cross-functionally and address tech debts, challenges, and vision
  • Product owner (PO) — In SAFe, POs work closely with product managers and the agile team to meet feature-level agreements and be responsible for prioritizing the team’s backlog. They also validate the value delivered through defined acceptance criteria
  • Business owner — The people in these leadership roles are positioned above the product managers in the framework and define customer requirements in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. Their main goal is to ensure that the organization’s objectives align with customers’ needs, which are then cascaded down to the ART through PMs
  • Stakeholders — Stakeholders are vital in the SAFe agile framework, ensuring the success of agile initiatives and value delivery. Their active engagement involves providing valuable inputs and feedback, participating in PI planning, managing dependencies and risks, and validating work

The above roles can vary and be tailored according to an organization’s structure.

The product manager’s role in SAFe

Product managers play a crucial role within the SAFe framework. They are responsible for turning ideas into innovative solutions and collaborating effectively with various departments in the organization.

Collaboration is key, and experienced product managers working within a Scaled Agile Framework often find themselves working alongside RTEs, system architects, business owners, and customers to ensure smooth product development.

Furthermore, PMs act as a central source of information for product owners (POs) and agile teams building product features and improvements.

The SAFe framework defines the product manager’s responsibilities, which can be categorized into five main areas. These areas are equally valuable and consistent with other common methodologies and product management practices:

  • Exploring the market and competitor landscape — Product managers stay informed about the market and competitor landscape by conducting market research, monitoring industry trends and competitors’ offerings, and identifying market opportunities
  • Defining product vision and strategy — PMs create a compelling product vision that aligns with the company’s overall strategy. This vision acts as a beacon of guidance for the Agile teams during the product development process, offering direction and clarity
  • Managing and prioritizing ART backlog — In the SAFe Framework, PMs ensure that the workflow is streamlined by focusing on the ART backlogs and defining hypotheses and acceptance criteria for these backlogs. Before each PI planning, the PM uses the Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) technique to reprioritize features judiciously. They also play a crucial role in ART events by collecting feedback, addressing product-related issues, and participating in solution demos
  • Delivering value — PMs steer the team toward success by establishing clear product goals, identifying the target market, and devising a strategy
  • Connecting with the customer — The SAFe framework enables PMs to collaborate with UX and business owners in conducting customer discovery. This involves utilizing various techniques such as surveys, direct interviews, usability testing, and observation to develop a product vision that prioritizes customer needs and a roadmap that addresses market needs and customer pain points

The Product Manager's Role In SAFe

Real-world examples of SAFe success

Organizations across various industries have adopted the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to boost collaboration, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. In this section, we’ll explore some real-world examples of SAFe success stories from diverse sectors such as IT services, software development, energy, national security, logistics, fintech, and music streaming:

Nokia Software

U.s. air force, american express.

NTT Data’s adoption of SAFe led to a significant enhancement in its software development process. By incorporating the Agile Release Train (ART) concept, NTT Data was able to synchronize multiple teams working on different aspects of projects. This improved alignment and collaboration resulted in a significant reduction in time-to-market for new products and features. The company also reported increased employee engagement and better overall product quality, contributing to higher customer satisfaction rates.

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The implementation of SAFe at Nokia Software allowed the company to address complex customer requirements more effectively by introducing a lean portfolio management approach. This enabled it to prioritize initiatives based on value delivery, reducing waste and improving resource allocation. As a result, Nokia Software saw an increase in project success rates and experienced a meaningful reduction in time-to-market for new products while maintaining high-quality standards.

Chevron’s adoption of SAFe principles led to the establishment of cross-functional agile teams that focused on delivering value incrementally through iterative development cycles. This approach fostered greater transparency, faster decision-making processes, and more effective risk management strategies. Chevron managed to boost project completion rates as well as employee engagement and job satisfaction by embracing SAFe methodologies in its organization.

By utilizing the Scaled Agile Framework, the United States Air Force revamped its software development practices for greater efficiency within its Kessel Run program, an initiative aimed at rapidly delivering combat capabilities through innovative software solutions.

The adoption of SAFe principles enabled faster deployment cycles (from years down to months), streamlined communication among stakeholders, and expedited project delivery timelines — all leading to improved mission readiness for national security purposes.

Embracing SAFe allowed FedEx to optimize its operations while enhancing customer satisfaction across its global shipping network. By adopting the SAFe principle of “built-in quality,” FedEx improved its software development process, reducing defects and decreasing lead times for new features. The framework also fostered a culture of continuous improvement, enabling FedEx to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and maintain a competitive edge.

To remain competitive in the fast-paced fintech industry, American Express turned to SAFe for guidance on streamlining its business strategy with evolving customer needs. By implementing the agile release train  concept and establishing cross-functional teams focused on delivering value incrementally, American Express was able to reduce time-to-market for new products while maintaining high quality standards. This increased product quality led to higher customer satisfaction rates.

In the highly competitive music streaming industry, Spotify recognized the need for agility to stay ahead of the curve. Though its model for scaling agile differs somewhat from SAFe (and is no longer in use at the organization today), embracing SAFe principles enabled Spotify to foster a culture of continuous improvement through inspect-and-adapt feedback loops and iterative development cycles. As a result, the streaming giant was able to rapidly respond to changing market conditions and user preferences, leading not only to an increase in active users, but also contributing significantly toward maintaining a loyal user base.

SAFe certifications

Product managers looking to enhance their skills and demonstrate their expertise in implementing SAFe practices can pursue various certifications offered by Scaled Agile Inc. These certifications not only validate a PM’s knowledge of SAFe principles but also showcase their commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

SAFe® Product Manager/Product Owner (POPM) certification

The SAFe® Product Manager/Product Owner (POPM) certification is specifically designed for product managers, product owners, business analysts, and other professionals responsible for defining, prioritizing, and validating requirements within an organization. This certification focuses on the roles of both the product manager (responsible for strategic planning and decision-making) and the product owner (responsible for tactical execution).

By obtaining the POPM certification, individuals gain a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively apply lean agile principles in managing products throughout their lifecycle. They learn how to develop customer-centric solutions using design thinking techniques while working closely with cross-functional teams within an ART.

Additionally, they are equipped with tools to prioritize features based on value delivery and continuously improve processes through inspect-and-adapt feedback loops.

Other relevant SAFe certifications

While the POPM certification is the most directly applicable SAFe certification for product managers seeking expertise in SAFe implementation, there are other relevant programs that can further expand your knowledge:

  • Leading SAFe — This certification targets executives, managers, consultants, or anyone involved in leading a lean agile transformation using the Scaled Agile Framework. It provides insights into scaling agile practices across large organizations
  • SAFe Advanced Scrum Master — Aimed at existing Scrum Masters who want to deepen their understanding of applying Scrum at scale within a SAFe environment. It covers topics such as facilitating cross-team interactions and supporting program execution
  • Implementing SAFe — This advanced-level certification is intended for change agents who are responsible for implementing SAFe in their organizations. It focuses on the practical aspects of implementing and managing a successful lean agile transformation
  • SAFe Agile Software Engineering — Designed for software developers, testers, and other technical professionals, this certification covers best practices for building quality software using agile engineering techniques within a SAFe environment

Pursuing these certifications can help product managers broaden their skillset, showcase their expertise in implementing SAFe practices, and increase their value to both current and prospective employers.

Overall, SAFe’s product management practices provide an efficient framework for collaborative, customer-focused, and value-driven agile organizations on a large scale. These practices facilitate the creation of products that meet customer demands, align with strategic objectives, and stay competitive in the ever-changing market.

SAFe also inculcates a lean agile mindset among product management teams, emphasizing continuous learning, experimentation, and the ability to pivot based on validated learning. The framework encourages PMs to engage in iterative development, frequent feedback, and adaptation based on changing market dynamics.

By adopting SAFe practices, organizations can enhance their ability to deliver products that meet customer needs, align with strategic goals, and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

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SAFe Implementation Roadmap: A Comprehensive Guide

SAFe Implementation Roadmap: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of contents, popular posts, recent posts, why pi objectives matter: discover their importance, safe popm vs. cspo: which certification to choose, safe product manager: key responsibilities explained, csm vs safe certification: which is right for you, safe scrum master roles and responsibilities explained.

Illustration of a colorful roadmap with milestone markers and a compass, representing strategic planning.

Key Highlights

  • Implementing SAFe a critical step for looking to achieve business and improve their value delivery to customers.
  • The SAFe Implementation Roadmap provides a clear and comprehensive guide to successfully implementing SAFe.
  • The roadmap consists of 12 steps that have been proven to be successful in large-scale enterprises.
  • The first step is reaching the tipping point, which is the recognition that a change is needed in the organization.
  • The roadmap includes training lean-agile change agents and executives, creating a Lean-Agile Center of Excellence, and identifying value streams and Agile Release Trains (ARTs).
  • Other steps include creating an implementation plan, preparing for the ART launch training teams, and coaching ART execution.
  • The roadmap also addresses measuring success, overcoming common challenges, and implementing advanced strategies for SAFe optimization.


The implementation of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Organizations that are keen to achieve business agility and improve their value delivery to customers often choose to implement SAFe. SAFe provides a set of principles and practices that enable organizations to scale agile and lean product development across the enterprise.

To guide organizations through the SAFe implementation process, the SAFe Implementation Roadmap has been developed. This roadmap provides a comprehensive and structured approach to implementing SAFe, ensuring that organizations achieve the desired outcomes and benefits.

The SAFe Implementation Roadmap consists of 12 steps that have been followed by numerous large-scale enterprises and have been proven to be successful. These steps provide organizations with a clear path to follow, enabling them to navigate the complexities of implementing SAFe effectively.

In this blog, we will explore each step of the SAFe Implementation Roadmap in detail, providing insights and guidance to organizations embarking on their SAFe implementation journey. We will also address common challenges that organizations may face during the implementation process and provide strategies for optimizing SAFe at an advanced level.

Understanding SAFe: The Basics

Before diving into the SAFe Implementation Roadmap, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). SAFe is a widely adopted framework that helps organizations scale agile and lean principles across the enterprise.

At its core, SAFe is built on the principles of agility, lean product development, and continuous improvement. It provides organizations with a structured approach to scaling agile practices, ensuring alignment, collaboration, and value delivery across multiple teams, departments, and value streams.

SAFe emphasizes the importance of value stream thinking, where the focus is on delivering value to the customer in the most efficient and effective way possible. It also promotes lean portfolio management, which involves making strategic decisions based on value, risk, and capacity.

By following the principles and practices of SAFe, organizations can achieve business agility, accelerate time-to-market, improve product quality, and increase employee engagement and productivity. The SAFe Implementation Roadmap serves as a guide to help organizations navigate the complexities of implementing SAFe and reap the benefits of this scaled agile framework.

Defining SAFe and Its Importance in Agile Frameworks

SAFe, or the Scaled Agile Framework, is a comprehensive and scalable framework that enables organizations to implement agile practices at scale. It provides a structured approach to scaling agile and lean principles across the enterprise, ensuring alignment, collaboration, and value delivery.

The tipping point, or the recognition that a change is needed in the organization, is often the catalyst for implementing SAFe. Organizations reach a tipping point when the current way of working is no longer beneficial for meeting customer needs or sustaining the business. Alternatively, visionary leaders may drive the need for transformation to improve the organization’s future prospects.

Implementing SAFe is crucial for organizations looking to achieve business agility. Business agility refers to an organization’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to changes in the market, customer demands, and internal dynamics. By implementing SAFe, organizations can foster a culture of agility, enabling them to adapt and thrive in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape.

Core Values and Principles of SAFe

SAFe is built on a set of core values and principles that guide organizations in implementing and practicing the framework effectively. These core values and principles provide a foundation for fostering collaboration, continuous improvement, and value delivery.

SAFe’s core values include alignment, built-in quality, transparency, program execution, and innovation. These values emphasize the importance of collaboration, shared goals, and a focus on delivering high-quality products and services.

The framework is also guided by a set of principles that promote lean product development, organizational agility, and continuous learning. These principles include taking an economic view, applying systems thinking, assuming variability and preserving options, building incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles, and basing milestones on objective evaluation of working systems.

By adhering to these core values and principles, organizations can create an environment that encourages innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. This, in turn, enables them to achieve the desired outcomes of SAFe implementation, such as improved productivity, faster time-to-market, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Preparing for SAFe Implementation

Before embarking on the SAFe implementation journey, organizations need to prepare themselves for the changes and challenges that lie ahead. This preparation involves identifying change agents, creating an implementation plan, and fostering proactive leadership.

Change agents play a crucial role in driving and facilitating the SAFe implementation process. They are individuals who have the skills, knowledge, and mindset to lead and guide the organization through the transformation. Change agents can be internal employees or external consultants who have experience and expertise in implementing SAFe.

Creating an implementation plan is essential for ensuring a structured and systematic approach to SAFe implementation. The implementation plan outlines the key activities, timelines, and milestones of the implementation process, providing a roadmap for the organization to follow.

Proactive leadership is vital for the success of SAFe implementation. Leaders need to be actively involved and supportive throughout the process, setting the tone and direction for the organization. They need to communicate the vision, provide guidance, and lead by example, demonstrating their commitment to the transformation.

By preparing for SAFe implementation through the identification of change agents, the development of an implementation plan, and the cultivation of proactive leadership, organizations can lay the groundwork for a successful implementation journey.

Identifying the Need for SAFe in Your Organization

Before embarking on the SAFe implementation journey, it is important to identify the need for transformation in your organization. This typically happens when organizations reach a tipping point. The tipping point can be either the realization that the current way of working is not beneficial for satisfying customer needs and sustaining the business or visionary leaders who are thinking from a future perspective for the betterment of the organization. Identifying the need for transformation is critical as it sets the foundation for the SAFe implementation roadmap. By embracing SAFe, organizations can achieve business agility, optimize value streams, and enhance the quality of value delivery to their customers.

Gathering Essential Resources and Tools

To ensure a successful SAFe implementation, organizations need to gather essential resources and tools. Change agents play a pivotal role in driving the transformation and should be identified and trained as SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs). These change agents will guide the implementation process and provide expertise in applying the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). The SAFe implementation roadmap serves as a guide, providing a sequential set of steps to be followed for a successfulFe implementation. It outlines the critical moves and activities required at each stage of the implementation journey. By leveraging the expertise of change agents and following the implementation roadmap, organizations can effectively implement SAFe and reap its benefits.

Beginner’s Guide to SAFe Implementation

For organizations new to SAFe implementation, it is important to understand the critical moves and steps involved in the agile transformation. SAFe implementation follows a structured and strategic approach to ensure success. It starts with reaching the tipping point and identifying the need for transformation. Then, change agents are trained, executives and leaders are equipped with a lean-agile mindset, and a Lean-Agile Center of Excellence is established. The implementation plan is created, teams are trained, and Agile Release Trains (ARTs) are launched. The implementation is then extended to the portfolio level, and continuous improvement is emphasized. By following this beginner’s guide to SAFe implementation, organizations can navigate the transformation journey with confidence.

What You Need to Get Started

To get started with SAFe implementation, organizations need certain key elements in place. First and foremost, change agents should be identified and trained as SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs). These change agents will be instrumental in driving the transformation and guiding the implementation process. Organizations should also create an implementation plan that outlines the activities, milestones, and timelines for the SAFe implementation. This plan will serve as a roadmap for the implementation journey. Additionally, organizations should focus on coaching ART execution. This involves training and coaching Agile Release Trains (ARTs) on how to practice SAFe processes effectively. By having these key elements in place, organizations can set themselves up for a successful SAFe implementation.

Step-by-step Guide/Process

The SAFe implementation roadmap provides a step-by-step guide for organizations to follow during the implementation process. This guide ensures an orderly and successful implementation of SAFe. The process includes the following steps:

  • Reaching the tipping point: Identify the need for transformation in the organization.
  • Train lean-agile change agents: Empower individuals to guide the implementation journey.
  • Train executives, managers, and leaders: Ensure leadership alignment and support.
  • Create a Lean-Agile Center of Excellence: Establish a dedicated team to drive the transformation.
  • Identify value streams and ARTs: Determine the primary constructs for delivering value.
  • Create the implementation plan: Outline the activities and milestones for the implementation.
  • Prepare for the ART launch: Train and prepare the teams for Agile Release Train (ART) launch.
  • Train teams and launch the ART: Provide training to the teams and officially launch the ART.
  • Coach ART execution: Support and guide the ART in practicing SAFe processes.
  • Launch more ARTs and value streams: Expand the implementation to more areas of the organization.
  • Extend to the portfolio: Implement Lean Portfolio Management at the enterprise level.
  • Sustain and improve: Continuously improve the implementation and sustain the gains achieved.

By following this step-by-step guide, organizations can navigate the SAFe implementation process effectively and achieve the desired outcomes.

Step 1: Building the Lean-Agile Change Agent Teams

A crucial first step in SAFe implementation is building the Lean-Agile change agent teams. These teams consist of individuals who will act as change agents and guide the implementation process. The change agents should be trained as SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs) to gain a deep understanding of SAFe and its principles. They will play a critical role in coaching Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and driving the transformation within the organization. It is essential to select change agents who possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and leadership qualities to effectively coach ART execution. These change agents will work closely with team members to instill the lean-agile mindset, facilitate Agile ceremonies, and support the successful execution of SAFe processes.

Step 2: Crafting the Vision and Roadmap

In step 2 of the SAFe implementation roadmap, organizations focus on crafting the vision and roadmap for the transformation. This involves defining a clear vision statement that articulates the desired outcomes of the implementation, such as achieving business agility, delivering value to customers, and increasing employee engagement. The vision provides a sense of direction and purpose for the implementation. Additionally, organizations create an implementation roadmap that outlines the key activities, milestones, and timelines for the SAFe implementation. The roadmap serves as a guide to ensure a structured and strategic approach to the transformation. By crafting a compelling vision and roadmap, organizations can align stakeholders, set expectations, and drive the successful implementation of SAFe.

Executing the SAFe Implementation Roadmap

Once the SAFe implementation roadmap is in place, organizations can begin executing the plan. This involves following the step-by-step guide and completing the activities outlined in the implementation plan. The execution stage includes training teams, launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs), coaching ART execution, and extending the implementation to more ARTs and value streams. The key activities during this stage include Agile Release Train (ART) launch preparation, PI planning, team training, and ongoing coaching and support. By executing the SAFe implementation roadmap, organizations can effectively implement SAFe and achieve the desired outcomes.

Step 3: Training Teams and Leaders

As part of the SAFe implementation roadmap, step 3 focuses on training teams and leaders in SAFe principles and practices. This step ensures that everyone involved in the implementation, including executives, product owners, and team members, has a deep understanding of SAFe and can effectively contribute to the transformation. Training sessions are conducted to provide the necessary knowledge and skills required to implement SAFe processes, such as Agile Release Train (ART) planning, backlog refinement, and iteration execution. By training teams and leaders, organizations create a common language and understanding, enabling effective collaboration and alignment throughout the SAFe implementation journey.

Step 4: Launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs)

Step 4 of the SAFe implementation roadmap focuses on launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs). This involves coordinating the activities necessary for the successful launch of the first ART. The first ART serves as a pilot program and sets the stage for the broader implementation of SAFe. During this stage, teams are trained, and the necessary infrastructure and support systems are put in place. The first Program Increment (PI) planning session is conducted to align the teams and set the direction for the ART. By launching the first ART, organizations can demonstrate the benefits of SAFe and build momentum for the subsequent ART launches and the overall SAFe implementation.

Measuring Success and Continuous Improvement

Measuring success and continuous improvement are critical aspects of the SAFe implementation roadmap. Organizations need to establish key metrics to track the progress and success of the implementation. These metrics can include cycle time, lead time, quality metrics, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement. By regularly measuring and analyzing these metrics, organizations can identify areas for improvement and take proactive actions to enhance the implementation. Continuous improvement is a core principle of SAFe, and organizations should adopt an iterative approach to refine and enhance their implementation based on feedback and lessons learned.

Key Metrics to Track Progress

Tracking key metrics is a critical step in the SAFe implementation roadmap. These metrics provide valuable insights into the progress and success of the implementation. Key metrics can include cycle time, lead time, on-time delivery, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and business value delivered. By tracking these metrics, organizations can assess the effectiveness of their SAFe implementation and identify areas for improvement. Regular measurement and analysis of key metrics enable organizations to make data-driven decisions and take corrective actions to ensure the successful implementation of SAFe. By tracking these metrics in a systematic and consistent manner, organizations can monitor their progress and make adjustments as needed to achieve their desired outcomes.

Iterating and Enhancing Processes

Iterating and enhancing processes is a key aspect of the SAFe implementation roadmap. The implementation of SAFe is an iterative journey, and organizations should continuously iterate and improve their processes to enhance the value delivered to customers. This involves adopting a relentless improvement mindset and actively seeking feedback from stakeholders. Organizations should regularly review their processes, identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, and implement changes to optimize the delivery of customer value. By embracing an iterative approach and continuously enhancing processes, organizations can maximize the benefits of SAFe and ensure the ongoing success of the implementation.

Overcoming Common Challenges in SAFe Implementation

Implementing SAFe comes with its own set of challenges. Organizations may face resistance to change, difficulty in achieving alignment across teams, and the need to ensure successful change at all levels of the organization. Overcoming these challenges requires proactive leadership, effective communication, and a focus on continuous improvement. Organizations should address resistance to change by creating a burning platform and highlighting the benefits of SAFe. Alignment across teams can be achieved through clear goals, shared understanding, and regular communication. Successful change requires a structured approach, clear roadmap, and ongoing support from leaders and change agents.

Resistance to Change and How to Address It

Resistance to change is a common challenge in any transformation journey, including SAFe implementation. People may resist change due to fear of the unknown, skepticism, or a desire to maintain the status quo. To address resistance to change, organizations should create a burning platform that highlights the need for change and the consequences of not changing. This helps create a sense of urgency and a desire for the desired organizational change. Additionally, organizations should provide clear communication, involve employees in the decision-making process, and provide support and training to help them navigate the change. By addressing resistance to change head-on, organizations can increase the likelihood of a successful SAFe implementation.

Ensuring Alignment Across Teams

Achieving alignment across teams is crucial for the success of SAFe implementation. Alignment ensures that all teams are working towards the same goals and objectives, and that there is a shared understanding of the SAFe principles and practices. Proactive leadership plays a key role in ensuring alignment by providing clear direction, setting expectations, and fostering a collaborative culture. Regular communication, collaboration, and coordination among teams are essential to maintain alignment and drive the digital transformation. By ensuring alignment across teams, organizations can maximize the benefits of SAFe and achieve their desired outcomes.

Advanced Strategies for SAFe Optimization

Once organizations have successfully implemented SAFe, they can explore advanced strategies to optimize their implementation. Scaling beyond the initial pilot programs and extending SAFe to other areas of the organization can further enhance the benefits of SAFe. This includes scaling SAFe to global teams and distributed workforces, enabling digital transformation, and implementing lean portfolio management at the enterprise level. These advanced strategies enable organizations to scale their agile practices, improve collaboration across teams and locations, and maximize the value delivered to customers.

Scaling Beyond the Pilot Programs

Scaling beyond the pilot programs is a significant milestone in the SAFe implementation roadmap. Once the initial pilot programs have demonstrated success, organizations can scale SAFe to other areas of the organization. This involves launching additional Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and extending SAFe practices to more value streams. Scaling SAFe allows organizations to realize the full benefits of the framework, such as faster time to market, higher quality, enhanced employee engagement, and improved productivity. Additionally, organizations can explore lean portfolio management at the enterprise level to optimize resource allocation, prioritize initiatives, and align the portfolio with strategic objectives. By scaling beyond the pilot programs, organizations can transform into agile enterprises and achieve sustainable business agility.

Integrating with Global Teams and Distributed Workforces

In today’s globalized world, many organizations have global teams and distributed workforces. Integrating SAFe with these teams and workforces is essential for successful implementation. This involves aligning processes, communication channels, and collaboration tools to facilitate seamless collaboration and information sharing across locations. Digital transformation plays a significant role in enabling this integration by leveraging technology to overcome geographical barriers and enable real-time collaboration. By integrating SAFe with global teams and distributed workforces, organizations can harness the collective intelligence and expertise of their teams, enhance productivity, and deliver value to customers in a global marketplace.

In conclusion, implementing SAFe methodology requires a strategic approach and diligent execution. Understanding the core values, preparing adequately, and executing the roadmap are crucial steps for success. Continuous improvement and measuring key metrics will ensure progress towards Agile transformation. Overcoming challenges with effective change management and fostering alignment across teams are vital. Advanced strategies like scaling beyond pilots and integrating global teams elevate the benefits of SAFe implementation. By addressing common queries and adapting SAFe to suit organizational needs, you pave the way for a streamlined Agile framework.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it typically take to implement safe.

The time required to implement SAFe can vary depending on the size and complexity of the organization. However, organizations typically start seeing results within the first few Program Increments (PIs). It is recommended to implement SAFe in a phased approach, focusing on achieving the shortest sustainable lead time in delivering value to customers. The specific time frame for SAFe implementation will depend on various factors, including the organization’s readiness, level of organizational change, and alignment across teams.

Can SAFe Be Adapted for Small Teams or Organizations?

Yes, SAFe can be adapted for small teams or organizations. SAFe provides a tailored approach for small teams, known as SAFe Essentials. This approach allows small teams to adopt SAFe principles and practices while focusing on lean product development and achieving business agility. By tailoring SAFe to their specific needs, small teams and organizations can benefit from the agile practices and frameworks provided by SAFe.

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The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): What To Know and How To Start

safe agile methodology steps

If you are working in enterprise IT delivery , chances are you are either utilizing SAFe ® or actively considering it as a framework that will help to scale Agile across the enterprise.

SAFe is employed by a large number of the world’s largest organizations for three proven reasons:

  • SAFe sustains and drives faster time-to-market.
  • SAFe dramatically increases quality and productivity.
  • SAFe increases engagement for staff involved in IT delivery.

Let’s take an in-depth look at SAFe, including:

  • SAFe components and levels ( Team , program , and portfolio )

SAFe configurations

  • Benefits of SAFe
  • Who’s best suited for SAFe
  • Tips for getting started
  • Popular SAFe certifications

SAFe components

What is SAFe?

Short for Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe is a foundational platform that allows Agile to be scalable for enterprise systems and software. It offers the same benefit to companies as Scrum does to Agile teams. A primary goal for SAFe is to align development to further business objectives .

SAFe combines learnings from proven agile methodologies to create a platform that meets the requirements for software development within large enterprise programs. Like Scrum, SAFe offers a flexible, evolving framework in which incremental milestones are met to complete a larger project. The popularity of SAFe is driven by its structured and methodical approach to project alignment and completion.

Based on Agile principles, SAFe has five main components:

  • Architecture
  • Integration

These components are considered in three different levels:

Let’s look at each of these levels.

Team considerations

SAFe employs multiple teams in order to scale to meet enterprise requirements. Teams will work both independently and in collaboration with other teams. Regardless of the duties each team is assigned, every team is agile in nature.

As in other agile ways, each team will consist of 5-9 members working toward a specific programming goal. A systems team, also known as a design-build-test (or D/B/T) team, is responsible for testing and delivering software once every two weeks. These two-week periods are referred to as sprints.

There are two key differences when comparing SAFe to other agile methodologies:

  • The teams work interdependently with each other.
  • Their sprints can occur concurrently.

A unique facet of SAFe is the creation of a perceived rhythm that synchronizes all team progress. The objective is to promote reliability—not variability—in the team programming environment.

Program considerations

An agile release train (ART) will typically consist of 3-5 teams working in sync on a single software development for a program iteration (PI). The PI is the larger unit of measurement within the program. The agile release train is the primary means of delivering value during a PI.

A single sprint will have one team producing one piece of the software puzzle, as the PI contains multiple teams completing their sprints at the same time. All development created during the PI is subject to the innovation and planning iteration (IP), which occurs at the end of the PI.

During the IP, you will:

  • Test and demonstrate all development from the PI.
  • Examine the results in detail during an inspect and adapt session. During this session developers will research and identify improvements and causal dependencies.

The program level has multiple roles:

  • System team

Product manager

System architect.

  • Release train engineer (RTE)
  • UX and shared resources

Release management team

Let’s have a close look at the responsibilities of some of these roles.

The product manager is responsible for external facing interactions and work. It is their job to:

  • Speak to customers
  • Define the requirements and scope of the products being built
  • Communicate requirements and needs to the product owners.

The system architect will communicate:

  • The technical path through the architectural runway
  • Non-functional requirements (NFRs)
  • The design and support of the continuous delivery pipeline

Release train engineer

The release train engineer (RTE) is a servant leader and coach for the agile release train. The responsibilities of the RTE are to:

  • Facilitate ART events and processes
  • Assist teams to deliver value
  • Communicate with stakeholders
  • Escalate issues
  • Assist in managing risk
  • Drive improvement

UX Designer

The UX designer is responsible for providing design elements to the agile teams. These elements make up the user interface of the enterprise agile framework and will dictate the overall user experience of the software.

In the past, the release manager would focus on planning, development and testing phases. In the SAFe world, this role is concerned with the operations side of the coin—for example, building an automated pipeline and process that ensure code can be safely propagated to production.

Today’s release management team needs to interface with operations, customer success, support, sales, product management and marketing functions rather than just with development and QA.

Portfolio considerations

The third level of the SAFe framework is the portfolio. The portfolio is a collection of multiple value streams, connected to the overall enterprise software via themes like:

  • Investment funding
  • Program management

Each of these themes will contribute to overall budget planning for a period of 6-12 months. Large development initiatives, or epics, will span across agile release trains and assist in defining the development need to realize the identified themes.

Business epics are customer facing, while architectural epics are technology solutions and are not visible to customers. These types of epics are managed in a Kanban system .

Your organization can opt for one of several SAFe considerations to implement. The configuration that is chosen will depend upon:

  • Your industry type
  • The maturity of your organization
  • Additional factors

The different configurations are described here:

Essential SAFe

Essential SAFe is the basic configuration. Many businesses starting out with SAFe choose this configuration because it focuses on the most critical elements needed for success. It includes a foundation, with team and program levels.

Large solution SAFe

For industries that specialize in large, complex systems, but do not require considerations at the portfolio level—like government and defense—large solution SAFe may be the appropriate choice. This is the same as essential SAFe with a large solutions level added in place of the portfolio level.

At the large solutions level, a solution train ensures value delivery of even the most complicated, large-scale systems.

Portfolio SAFe

This is the most common iteration of SAFe, often simply referred to as SAFe. Portfolio SAFe operates the structure described earlier. It contains all three levels—team, program, and portfolio-level requirements. During the portfolio phase, you’ll define budgets with the help of epics and themes.

Value stream: the 4 th level

An additional value stream layer can be added to the SAFe framework between program and portfolio levels. This is most applicable during large system developments, but it can be applied to any enterprise system.

A value stream is defined as the series of steps it takes to deliver value from the beginning of development right through to customer interaction. The flow is usually initiated by a customer request or requirement and ends with delivery.

This configuration of SAFE includes all components of the SAFe configurations we have looked at already. This is for very sophisticated, large systems that could take thousands of people in hundreds of teams to develop. This comprises team, project, portfolio and large solutions and makes room for value streams throughout the journey.

Benefits of the Scaled Agile Framework

Some benefits of using SAFe as your enterprise solution include:

  • Its regimented structure
  • Clear definitions and boundaries
  • Flexibility
  • Overall ability to scale with program needs
  • Multiple configurations
  • The ability to (finally) get all teams in alignment on a single project

Finally, there are a wealth of educational resources supporting the use and adoption of SAFe, including tools and certifications.

Who is SAFe for?

If you need to scale your development platform for large-scale enterprise solutions, then SAFe may well be the right iteration of Agile for your business. But, there is much to consider. As with any major change in the way you work , the cultural side of a movement to SAFe will need to be carefully managed. You’ll need to find champions, gain effective executive support, and keep the communications channels open—both ways.

In a large organization, you will probably find that your development teams will already be using versions of agile to meet their goals, but by bringing these together under the umbrella of SAFe you will be able to improve the quality you deliver to your end users. The SAFe framework, based on the principles of Agile, provides a familiar system for developers who are used to Scrum and sprints, with the same level of reliability to provide consistent results.

This makes it an excellent choice for developers who want to branch out into enterprise solutions, or for any organization that needs to restructure their development framework and processes.

Some indications that you might be ready for an enterprise adoption of SAFe:

  • You successfully use agile at the team level.
  • You have multiple teams running their own agile adaptations, but without consistency.
  • You want to use agile across the organization, but you lack the structure that SAFe provides to define management roles.
  • You have implemented an agile approach but have not achieved consistency and alignment.
  • Product development lead times are a pain point for the organization.

Getting started with SAFe

Identifying a value stream that produces consistent results across the board is essential to the adoption of SAFe in an organization. To identify a value stream, you should consider the following questions:

  • Who is supporting this idea?
  • Which executives are ready for change?
  • Where are potential team members physically located?
  • How are team members distributed?

It is important to understand that you don’t just ‘dip your toe in the water’ in SAFe. Once you have identified the best approach to take, you must be ‘all-in’. It is a full adoption—or nothing at all.

SAFe certification and training

SAFe certification is a valuable commodity in today’s competitive employment market. There are several certifications available for anyone wanting to learn more and to demonstrate their knowledge of SAFe. Common benefits of certifying include:

  • Demonstrate your skills and experience
  • Stand out among the crowd
  • Increase your value (and command higher pay)
  • Keep your knowledge up to date

The available certifications cover all levels of experience. The list below is covers some of the certifications that are provided by Scaled Agile, Inc. the official certifying body for SAFe. A full list of qualifications can be found at ScaledAgile.com .

SAFe Agilist (SA)

A certified SAFe agilest (SA) strategically guides the adoption, success and ongoing improvement of lean-agile culture in an enterprise. They key areas of competency for the SA are:

  • Apply SAFe to scale lean and agile development in the enterprise
  • Apply lean-agile mindset and principles
  • Plan and successfully execute program increments
  • Execute and release value through agile release trains
  • Build an agile portfolio with lean-agile budgeting

Who’s it for: The certification is recommended for CEOs, program or project managers, scrum masters, team leads, release train engineers, business analysts, agile coaches, CIOs, portfolio managers, consultants, engineers, change agents, and solution or systems architects.

SAFe Practitioner

A certified SAFe practitioner is responsible for using Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme programming (XP) in a SAFe environment. The practitioner is responsible for planning program increments and iterations, breaking requirements into stories, developing incrementally, demonstrating value, and problem solving.

The key competencies for the SAFe practitioner are:

  • Explain SAFe agile principles
  • Plan iterations
  • Plan program increments
  • Execute iterations and demonstrate value
  • Improve agile release train processes
  • Integrate and work with other teams on the ART
  • Perform as a member of an agile team on an ART

Who’s it for: This certification is recommended for program or project managers, scrum masters, team leads, release train engineers, business analysts, agile coaches, consultant architects, engineers, developers, directors, product managers, product owners, program managers, change agents, operations staffs, and programmers.

SAFe Scrum Master

The SAFe Scrum Master is responsible for integrating Scrum practices into an organization. The key competencies for the Scrum master are:

  • Using Scrum and Kanban to facilitate team events
  • Supporting program execution
  • Coaching agile teams

Who’s it for: This certification is extended by the advanced Scrum Master certification. This certification is recommended for program or project managers, scrum masters, team leads, release train engineers, business analysts, agile coaches, portfolio managers, consultants, architects, engineers, developers, directors, product managers, product owners, and delivery managers.

SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager

A certified SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager works with customers and development organizations to identify and prioritize requirements.

The key competencies for this role are:

  • Apply lean-agile mindset and SAFe principles and practices
  • Identify customer needs
  • Write epics, capabilities, features and stories
  • Prioritize work to deliver value to the enterprise

Who’s it for: This certification is recommended for program or project managers, scrum masters, release train engineers, business analysts, agile coaches, SAFe program consultants, development managers, product owners, product managers, architects, and consultants.

SAFe Program Consultant

The certified SAFe program consultant is a change agent who leads all levels of an organizations through a Lean-Agile transformation by training, coaching, facilitating and mentoring. This servant-leader plays a critical role by applying expert knowledge of SAFe.

  • Design a SAFe implementation
  • Develop an enterprise transformation plan
  • Launch and facilitate an ART
  • Extend the lean-agile portfolio by launching additional ARTs
  • Assist an organization with change management practices
  • Train and coach an enterprise through a SAFe transformation.

Who’s it for: This certification is recommended for program or project managers, scrum masters, release train engineers, business analysts, agile coaches, development managers, consultants, directors, product managers, product owners, agile change agents, and software engineers.

A SAFe Solution for your organization

SAFe is an effective way to achieve true agility in development—across the enterprise.

Additional resources

For more on this and related topics, explore these resources:

  • BMC DevOps Blog
  • BMC Business of IT Blog
  • DevOps Guide , with 30+ articles
  • Top Agile Certifications of 2020
  • Bring the Mainframe into your Agile Development Process

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Stephen Watts

Stephen Watts (Birmingham, AL) contributes to a variety of publications including, Search Engine Journal , ITSM.Tools , IT Chronicles , DZone , and CompTIA .

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Kirstie Magowan

Kirstie has been active in service management since 2000, working in a wide range of organizations, from primary industry to large government entities, across New Zealand and Australia. Kirstie has spent much of the past 15 years working at a strategic level as an ITSM consultant. She regularly takes on operational assignments to remember what it's like to be on the ‘coal face’ of service management, as this allows her to provide real and actionable advice as a consultant. Kirstie first qualified as an V2 ITIL Manager in 2004 and spent four years working as the Chief Editor for itSMF International from 2012 where she built a strong global network of service management experts. Kirstie is a member of the authoring team for the ITIL4 book - Direct, Plan and Improve, and a contributing author to the ITIL4 practice guides.

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Scaled Agile Framework Cheat Sheet

Explore the Scaled Agile Framework Cheat Sheet for quick insights into the essential SAFe definitions, key principles of SAFe, and the SAFe implementation roadmap. This cheat sheet provides a concise reference to help you navigate the world of SAFe and agile methodologies, making it an essential resource for agile practitioners and teams.


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Don’t know how to pass the SAFe exam? Where to study for SAFe? You need not worry more. Read this blog to get access to the Scaled Agile Framework Cheat Sheet. It provides a summary of all SAFe key concepts in a clear and organised manner. 

Table of Contents  

1) Essential SAFe definitions 

2) Key principles of SAFe 

3) The SAFe implementation roadmap 

4) Important acronyms 

5) Conclusion 

Essential SAFe definitions  

When diving into the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) , it’s essential to familiarise yourself with key definitions that form the foundation of the framework. These definitions help establish a common understanding and language within the SAFe ecosystem. Here are some important definitions to know: 

1. Agile Release Train (ART)  

An ART is a long-lived Agile team that collaborates to deliver customer value. It is the primary value delivery construct in SAFe, consisting of multiple teams aligned to a common mission. The ART operates on a fixed meter, typically lasting about three months, known as the Program Increment (PI). 

2. Program Increment (PI)  

The Program Increment (PI) is a timebox in SAFe that provides the primary planning and execution rhythm for the ART. It represents a development increment during which teams define, build, and validate a system or solution. 

3. Epic  

Epic represents a large body of work that cannot be delivered in a single iteration. They are typically initiatives that span multiple PIs and require substantial effort to complete. Further, Epics are broken down into smaller, more manageable units called Features or User Stories. 

4. Feature  

They are specific business functionality that delivers value to the end users. Features are the building blocks of the development process and are smaller in scope compared to Epics. They represent a set of user requirements that, when implemented, provide complete functionality to the customer. 

5. SAFe roles and responsibilities  

Certified Scaled Agile Framework Leading Safe Training and Exam

6. Release Train Engineer (RTE)  

The Release Train Engineer (RTE) is a servant leader and coach responsible for facilitating the ART processes and execution. They adapt and synchronise the ART, assist in PI planning, facilitate communication, and help resolve impediments. As a result, RTE ensures the smooth operation of the ART and alignment with the overall business goals. 

7. Value Stream  

A series of steps and activities required to deliver a product or service to customers is called Value Stream. It encompasses all the processes, people, and resources involved in creating and delivering value. Understanding and optimising the value stream is essential in SAFe to identify areas of improvement and eliminate waste. 

8. Iteration (Sprint)  

An Iteration or Sprint is a fixed timebox during which a development team works to complete a set of user stories and backlog items. These are typically 1-2 weeks long and provide a rhythm for frequent inspection, adaptation, and delivery of working software. 

9. Continuous Integration (CI)  

CI is a development practice in SAFe that encourages developers to integrate their code frequently, preferably daily. CI involves merging individual code changes into a shared repository and running automated tests to identify integration issues early. Thus, it enables teams to quickly detect and resolve conflicts or defects, ensuring high-level code quality. 

10. Lean Systems Engineering  

It is an approach that focuses on reducing waste, improving efficiency, and delivering value in complex engineering projects. Lean System Engineering integrates Lean principles with systems to optimise the development and delivery of large-scale systems. It aims to minimise rework, enhance collaboration, and ensure the timely delivery of high-quality solutions. 

11. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)  

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the smallest set of functionalities that delivers value to customers. It allows teams to validate hypotheses, gather feedback, and make informed decisions about the product’s future development. As a result, MVP promotes the early delivery of value while minimising waste and maximising learning. 

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Key principles of SAFe  

SAFe is built upon a set of guiding principles that shape its implementation and operation. These principles include the following: 

a) Take an economic view: Focus on delivering value and optimising the flow of value through the system. 

b) Apply systems thinking: Understand the interdependencies and interactions within the organisation to drive continuous improvement. 

c) Assume variability; preserve options: Embrace change and allow for flexibility in decision-making. 

d) Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles: Iterate quickly to gather feedback and improve outcomes. 

e) Set milestones on objective evaluation of working systems: Use tangible evidence to assess progress and make informed decisions. 

f) Visualise and restrict Work In Progress (WIP): Reduce multitasking and bottlenecks by focusing on completing one task at a time. 

g) Foster alignment: Establish clear communication channels and shared understanding across teams and stakeholders. 

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The SAFe implementation roadmap  

Implementing SAFe requires careful planning and execution. The SAFe implementation roadmap provides a step-by-step guide to adopting SAFe principles and practices in an organisation. The roadmap includes the following stages: 

The SAFe implementation roadmap

a) Reach the tipping point: Identify the need for change and build awareness of the benefits of SAFe. 

b) Train lean-agile change agents: Equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to drive the SAFe implementation. 

c) Train executives, managers, and leaders: Educate key stakeholders on the principles and practices of SAFe and their roles in the transformation. 

d) Create a Lean-Agile Centre of Excellence (LACE): Establish a dedicated team responsible for supporting the adoption and implementation of SAFe. 

e) Identify Value Streams: Map out the flow of value through the organisation and identify areas for improvement. 

f) Create the implementation plan: Define the rollout strategy and prioritise initiatives based on business needs. 

g) Implement and train Agile teams: Start implementing SAFe practices at the team level and provide necessary training and support. 

h) Launch Agile Release Trains (ARTs): Form cross-functional teams and align them to deliver value in regular increments. 

i) Extend to the portfolio: Scale the implementation of SAFe to higher levels of the organisation and align the portfolio with the agile teams. 

Gain an in-depth understanding of the roles of Product Owners in SAFe with our Certified SAFe® Product Manager / Product Owner Training And Exam . 

Important acronyms  

Acronyms represent key SAFe Concepts , roles, and practices within SAFe. They are commonly used in the context of the SAFe. Understanding their full forms and meanings is crucial for effective communication within SAFe implementations. Here are some important acronyms to know:  




Agile Release Train 


Program Increment 


Enabling Process, Impediment, and Collaboration 


Minimum Viable Product 


Product Owner 


Scrum Master 


Release Train Engineer 


Solution Train Engineer 


Continuous Integration 


Continuous Development 


Lean-Agile Mindset 


Return on Investment 

Continuous Deployment 


Continuous Exploration 


Minimum Marketable Feature 


Release On Demand 


As you embark on your SAFe journey, remember the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. By leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework Cheat Sheet, you can navigate your path to get certified. So, get on your SAFe journey confidently, and unlock Agile’s full potential at scale. 

Gain in-depth knowledge of SAFe® for business agility. Join our Certified Scaled Agile Framework Leading SAFe® 6.0 Training And Exam .  

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Influential agile leader

Understanding Safe Agile Methodology: Principles and Practices

Published: August 2, 2023

By Angelica Berryhill

Understanding Safe Agile Methodology: Principles and Practices

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations strive to enhance their efficiency and agility to stay competitive. Safe Agile Methodology (SAFe) has emerged as a leading framework to achieve these objectives. By embracing the principles and practices of SAFe, organizations can significantly improve their organizational efficiency, product quality, and time-to-market.

SAFe is built on ten immutable Lean-Agile principles, drawing inspiration from Agile, Lean, systems thinking, and product development flow. It synthesizes a wealth of knowledge and real-world experiences from numerous successful deployments, making it a robust and flexible framework.

The goal of SAFe is to enhance employee engagement, solution quality, team productivity, and the ability to deliver value in the shortest sustainable lead time. By applying SAFe practices, organizations can eliminate impediments to flow, promote incremental development, and achieve fast customer feedback.

SAFe emphasizes the importance of systems thinking and economics in decision-making, enabling organizations to make informed trade-offs between risk, costs, and value streams. By adopting a value-focused approach and organizing around customer needs, businesses can attain the agility needed to respond swiftly to changing market demands.

In the following sections, we will explore the guiding principles of SAFe, the organizational and workflow patterns it offers, and the steps for successful implementation. Additionally, we will compare SAFe with other scaled agile frameworks, providing insights to help organizations choose the most suitable approach for their needs.

SAFe Principles: Guiding Implementation in any Context

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is built upon a set of core principles that draw inspiration from Agile, Lean, systems thinking, and product development flow. Understanding these underlying principles is essential for effectively implementing SAFe in any business context.

SAFe principles serve as a guide for identifying solutions to complex problems and driving continuous improvement. They inform the mindset, roles, and practices within the framework, ultimately unlocking the value of SAFe and enabling organizations to achieve the shortest sustainable lead time with the best quality and value.

To delve deeper into SAFe principles, individuals can explore Scaled Agile courses and utilize SAFe Enterprise tools. These resources provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles and their practical application in various organizational environments.

The key SAFe Principles include:

  • Build incrementally with fast customer feedback
  • Collaborate and synchronize across teams and stakeholders
  • Apply systems thinking to drive optimization
  • Base decisions on economics
  • Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers
  • Decentralize decision-making
  • Organize around value
  • Minimize delays and wait times
  • Embrace a lean-agile mindset

By adopting these principles, organizations can effectively implement SAFe and foster a culture of agility, collaboration, and value-driven delivery.

SAFe Framework: Organizational and Workflow Patterns for Agile at Scale

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) offers a comprehensive approach for implementing agile practices at an enterprise scale. It provides organizational and workflow patterns that promote alignment, collaboration, and efficient delivery across large numbers of agile teams. SAFe incorporates principles from agile software development, lean product development, and systems thinking to create a framework that enables organizations to design better systems and software that meet customers’ changing needs.

SAFe offers four configurations to accommodate different levels of scale: Essential SAFe, Large Solution SAFe, Portfolio SAFe, and Full SAFe. These configurations provide flexibility for organizations to tailor their agile implementation to their unique context and scale. SAFe was created by Dean Leffingwell and Drew Jemilo to address the challenges of scaling agile in complex organizational environments.

One of the key aspects of SAFe is its emphasis on organizational alignment. SAFe fosters a culture of agility and requires planning and reflection cadences at all levels of the organization. It promotes lean-agile leadership behavior and trust-building to drive program execution and maximize value delivery. SAFe also encourages a systems thinking approach to solution development, the enterprise, and value streams, enabling organizations to address the complexities of modern software development and delivery.

In addition to organizational alignment, SAFe places a strong emphasis on quality development practices. It focuses on five key dimensions of built-in quality: flow, architecture and design quality, code quality, system quality, and release quality. By prioritizing these dimensions, SAFe ensures that the software and systems developed within the framework are of the highest quality, meeting customer expectations and minimizing technical debt.

Implementing SAFe: Steps for Successful Adoption and Comparison with Other Scaled Agile Frameworks

When it comes to implementing SAFe, there are several crucial steps that organizations need to follow for successful adoption. First and foremost, a tipping point must be reached, where the need for agility becomes evident. This requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles of SAFe and an executive-level commitment to change.

Next, lean-agile change agents play a vital role in driving the adoption process. These individuals are responsible for guiding teams and leaders through the transition, ensuring that everyone understands the benefits and practices of SAFe. Alongside this, executive and leadership training is essential to create a shared understanding and vision.

To facilitate the adoption of SAFe, organizations can establish a lean-agile center of excellence. This center will serve as a hub for knowledge and support, providing guidance and resources to teams and leaders. It will also help in identifying value streams and launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs) for executing SAFe practices effectively.

While SAFe is a widely adopted scaled agile framework, it’s essential to consider other frameworks and their suitability for specific organizational needs. By comparing other frameworks with SAFe, organizations can make informed decisions regarding the most suitable framework for their context. Understanding the origins, core differences, and conditions for successful application of other frameworks can provide valuable insights in this regard.

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SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) Tutorial

Thomas Hamilton

What is SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework)?

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a freely available online knowledge base that allows you to apply lean-agile practices at the enterprise level. It provides a simple and lightweight experience for software development. It is a set of organizations and workflow patterns intended to guide enterprises for scaling lean and agile practices. It is divided into three segments which are Team, Program and portfolio.

SAFe framework allows team for,

  • Implementing Lean-Agile software and systems in enterprise level
  • It’s based on Lean and Agile principles.
  • It gives detailed guidance for work at the enterprise Portfolio, Value Stream, Program, and Team.
  • It’s designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders within an organization.

SAFe was first developed in the field and was elaborated in Dean Leffingwell’ s books and blog. Version 1.0 is the first official release in 2011. The latest version is 4.6, was released in October 2018. It provides guidance to work at enterprise Portfolio, Value Stream, Program, and Team levels.

Why use SAFe Agile Framework

It is simple and light-weight framework, yet it is able to handle the needs of large value streams and complex system development. By implementing the SAFe agile framework, you will have the following benefits:

Benefits of using Agile Framework

  • Productivity increased by 20 – 50%
  • Quality increased more than 50%
  • Time to Market is faster than 30 -75%
  • Increased employee engagement and job satisfaction.

The detailed framework diagram is available on the website . It shows all of the key roles, Activities, deliverables, and flows. It also serves as a navigational aid to the rest of the site.

The below image explains how agile process works. Epics are a large body of work, which is further broken down into a number of smaller stories or sub-epics. These sub-epics are allocated to the team as a story. Each team then work on these stories or software features accordingly.

Scaled Agile Framework Architecture

When to Use Scaled Agile Framework

When to Use Scaled Agile Framework

  • When a team is interested to implement an agile approach consistently across larger, multi-team programs and portfolios.
  • When multiple teams are running their own way of Agile implementation but regularly facing obstacles, delays, and failures.
  • When teams want to work independently.
  • When you want to scale Agile across the organization but not sure what new roles may be needed or what existing roles (i.e., management) need to change and how.
  • When you have attempted to scale the Agile across your organization but struggling in alignment to achieve uniform or consistent strategy across business departments from portfolio to program and team levels.
  • When an organization needs to improve its product development lead time and want to know how other companies have succeeded in scaling Agile with SAFe.

How different than other Agile practices

Now in this Scaled Agile Framework tutorial, let’s see how Scaled Agile framework is different from other agile practices,

  • It’s publicly available and free to use.
  • Available in a highly approachable and usable form.
  • It’s lightweight, practically proven results and specific to level.
  • It constantly/regularly modifies/maintains most commonly used agile practices.
  • Offers useful extensions to common agile practices.
  • Grounds agile practices to an enterprise context.
  • Offers complete picture of software development.
  • Visibility or transparency is more on all the levels.
  • Continues or regular feedback on quality and improvement.

Foundations of Scaled Agile Framework

Foundations of Scaled Agile Framework

Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe): It stands on the foundations of its

  • Lean-Agile Principles
  • Core Values,
  • Lean-Agile Leadership
  • Lean-Agile Mind-set,
  • Communities of Practice(Group of people who are constantly working on SAFe practices)
  • Implementing 1-2-3

SAFe Lean-Agile Principles

These basic SAFe Agile principles and values for SAFe must be understood, exhibited and continued in order to get the desired results.

  • Take an economic view
  • Apply systems thinking
  • Assume variability; preserve options
  • Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles
  • Base milestones on an objective evaluation of working systems
  • Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes and manage queue lengths
  • Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning
  • Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers
  • Decentralize decision-making

SAFe Agile Core Values

The SAFe Agile methodology is based on these four values.

  • SAFe supports alignment.
  • Strategic Themes in Portfolio Backlog and
  • Moves down to Vision and Roadmap of Program Backlogs and then
  • Moves to the Team Backlogs.

Built-in Quality:

  • It ensures that every incremental delivery reflects the quality standards.
  • Quality is not “added later” is built in.
  • Built-in quality is a prerequisite of Lean and its mandatory


  • Transparency is the enabler for trust.
  • SAFe helps the enterprise to achieve transparency at all levels- Executives, Portfolio Managers, and other stakeholders.
  • Everyone can see into the portfolio backlog/Kanban, program backlogs/Kanban, and Team Backlog/Kanban.
  • Each level has a clear understanding of the PI goals.
  • Train Programs have visibility into the team’s backlogs, as well other program backlogs
  • Teams and programs have visibility into business and architecture Epics. They can see what might be headed their way.

Program Execution:

  • SAFe places great focus on working systems and resultant business outcomes.
  • SAFe is not useful if teams can’t execute and continuously deliver value.

Lean Agile Leaders

The Lean-Agile Leaders are lifelong learners and teachers. It helps teams to build better systems through understanding and exhibiting the Lean-Agile SAFe Principles.

As an enabler for the teams, the ultimate responsibility is adoption, success and ongoing improvement of Lean-Agile developments. For the change and continuous improvement, leaders must be trained.

Leaders need to adopt a new style of leadership. One that truly empowers and engages individuals and teams to reach their highest potential.

Principles of these Lean-Agile Leaders

  • Lead the Change
  • Know the Way; Emphasize Lifelong Learning
  • Develop People
  • Inspire and Align with Mission; Minimize Constraints
  • Decentralize Decision-Making
  • Unlock the Intrinsic Motivation of Knowledge Workers

Lean Agile Mind-Set

Lean-Agile mindset is represented in two things:

  • The SAFe House of Lean

Agile Manifesto

The SAFe House of Lean :

SAFe is derived from Lean manufacturing principles and practices. Based on these factors SAFe presents the “SAFe House of Lean”. It is inspired by “house” of lean Toyota.

The Goal of lean is unbeatable: To deliver maximum customer value in the shortest lead time with the highest possible quality to customer

Below figure explains the Goal, Pillars, and Foundation of “SAFe House of Lean.”

Goals and Foundations of Scaled Agile Framework

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Agile Manifesto

That’ why , while there is a value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

  • The highest priority is to satisfy the customer through continuous and early delivery of valuable software.
  • Embrace the changing requirements, even late in development. Agile SAFe methodology processes harness change for the customer’s benefit.
  • Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
  • Developers and business people must work together daily throughout the project.
  • Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them support and the environment they need, and trust them to get the job done.
  • The most efficient method for communication with a development team is a face-to-face conversation.
  • Working software is the primary measure of progress.
  • Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
  • Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.
  • The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
  • At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Different Levels in SAFE

There are two different types of SAFe implementation:

  • SAFe 4.0 implementation
  • SAFe 3.0 implementation

Different Levels in SAFE

  • In SAFe 4.0 implementation we have 4-Levels: Portfolio, Value Stream, Program, and Team.
  • In SAFe 3.0 implementation we have 3-Levels: Portfolio, Program, and Team
  • 3-Level SAFe is for smaller implementations with 100 or fewer people. Programs that do not require significant collaboration.
  • 4-Level SAFe is for solutions that typically require many hundreds of practitioners to develop deploy and maintain software.
Roles/Teams Events Artifacts
* Agile Team * Sprint Planning * Team Backlog
* Product Owner * Backlog Grooming * Non-Functional Requirements
* Scrum Master * Daily Stand-Up * Team PI Objectives
* Execution * Iterations
* Sprint Demo * Stories(Working Software)
* Sprint Retrospective * Sprint Goals
* IP Sprints * Built-In Quality
* Spikes
* Team Kanban
  • All SAFe teams are part of one or other Agile Release Train (ART).
  • SAFe teams are empowered, self-organizing, self-managing, cross-functional teams
  • Each team is equally responsible for defining, building and testing stories from their Team Backlog in a fixed-length Iterations
  • Teams plan and execute two-week time-boxed iterations in accordance with agreed-to Iteration Goals.
  • Teams will use ScrumXP/Team Kanban routine to deliver high-quality systems to produce a System Demo on every two weeks.
  • All different teams in the ART (Agile Release Trains) will create an integrated and tested system. Stakeholders will evaluate and respond with fast feedback
  • They apply Built-in Quality practices.
  • Each ScrumXP team will have 5-9 team members, which includes all the roles necessary to build a quality incremental value in each Iteration.
  • Team(Dev+QA)
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner. Etc..
  • SAFe divides the development timeline into a set of iterations within a PI (Program Increment).
  • PI duration is between 8 -12 weeks.
  • The team will use stories to deliver the value. The Product Owner will have content authority over their creation and acceptance of the stories.
  • Stories contain Customer’s requirements.
  • Team Backlog includes user and enabler stories, which are identified during PI planning. When the Product Management presents the Roadmap, Vision, and Program Backlog.
  • Identifying, elaborating, prioritizing, scheduling, implementing, testing, and accepting the stories are the primary requirements of management work in team level.
  • A valuable increment of new functionality
  • Accomplish via constantly repeating pattern
  • Plan the iteration
  • Commit to some functionality
  • Execute the iteration by building and testing Stories
  • Demo the new functionality
  • Retrospective
  • Repeat for the next iteration
  • Teams also support the System Demo at the end of each Iteration. which is the critical integration point for the ART.
  • Larger Value Streams will have multiple ARTs.
  • The Innovation and Planning (IP) Iterations leverage the teams with an opportunity for innovation and exploration.

Program Level

Roles/Teams Events Artifacts
* DevOps * PI(Program Increment) Planning * Vision
* System Team * System Demos * Roadmap
* Release Management * Inspect and Adopt Workshop * Metrics
* Product Management * Architectural Runway * Milestones
* UEX Architect * Release Any Time * Releases
* Release Train Engineer(RTE) * Agile Release Train * Program Epics
* System Architect/Engineer * Release * Program Kanban
* Business Owners * Program Backlog
* Lean-Agile Leaders * Non-Functional Requirements
* Communities of Practice * Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
* Shared Services * Program PI Objectives
* Customer * Feature
* Enabler
* Solution
* Value Stream Coordination
  • In Program level, Value of SAFe is delivered by long-lived Agile Release Trains (ART). Iteration is for team and train is for the program.
  • Agile Release Trains (ART) is the primary vehicle for value delivery at the program level. It delivers a value stream to the organization.
  • The Program Increments (PIs) duration is of 8 to 12 weeks.
  • ART is of 5 – 12 Agile Teams (~50 – 125+ people) which includes all the roles and infrastructure needed to deliver fully tested, working, system-level software.
  • Each PI is a multiple-Iteration time box. During which a significant, valuable increment of the system is developed and delivered.
  • In each PI a “demo” and “Inspect and adapt” sessions will happen, and Planning begins for the next PSI.
  • At the Program level, SAFe emphasis on the principle of alignment. This is because multiple agile team efforts are integrated to create customer value.
  • SAFe artifact hierarchy is Epics->features->user stories .
  • At a Program level, Product Manager/Program Manager has content authority. He defines and prioritizes the program backlog.
  • Program backlog is a prioritized list of features.
  • At the program level, features can be originated, or they can derive from epics defined at the portfolio level.
  • Features decompose to user stories and flow into team-level backlogs.
  • Product Manager or the Release Train Engineer role could be handled by the Program Manager/Senior Project Manager
  • System Architect role at the program level is to collaborate day to day work with the teams. It ensures that non-functional requirements are met. Also, they work with the enterprise architect at the portfolio level to make sure there is sufficient architectural runway to support upcoming user and business needs.
  • Interface design, user experience guidelines and design elements for the teams are provided by UX Designers.
  • Chief-Scrum Master role is played by ‘Release Train Engineer’.
  • Various team (from marketing, development, quality, operations, and deployment) forms ‘Release Management Team’. They will approve routine releases of quality solutions to customers.
  • Deployment of software into customer environments and successful delivery is taken care of by DevOps team.

Portfolio Level

Roles/Teams Events Artifacts
* Enterprise Architect * Strategic Investment Planning * Strategic Themes
* Program Portfolio Mgmt * Kanban Portfolio(Epic) Planning * Enterprise
* Epic Owners * Portfolio Backlog
* Portfolio Kanban
* Non-Functional Requirements
* Epic and Enabler
* Value Stream
* Budgets(CapEx and OpEx)
  • Highest level of interest/ concern /involvement/ in SAFe is SAFe Portfolio
  • The portfolio provides the basic blocks for organizing the Lean-Agile Enterprise flow of value via one or more Value Streams.
  • The portfolio helps to develop systems and solutions which are described in strategic themes (links a SAFe portfolio to the changing business strategy of an enterprise).
  • To meet strategic objectives, portfolio level encapsulates these elements. It provides basic budgeting and other governance mechanisms. This way it assures that the investment in the value streams provides the returns necessary for the enterprise.
  • In order to guide the Portfolio to the larger changing business objectives, it provides strategic themes.
  • Another direction indicates the constant flow of portfolio values.
  • Program Portfolio Management acts as stakeholders, and they are accountable to deliver the business results.
  • SAFe Portfolio Level contains people, processes and necessary build systems and solutions that an enterprise needs to meet its strategic objectives.
  • Value Streams are the primary objectives in Portfolio, with which funding for the people and other resources required to build the Solutions.
  • Connection to the Enterprise,
  • Program Portfolio Management,
  • Managing the Flow of Portfolio Epics.

Value Stream Level

Roles/Teams Events Artifacts
* DevOps * Pre and Post PI(Program Increment) Planning * Vision
* System Team * Solution Demos * Roadmap
* Release Management * Inspect and Adopt Workshop * Metrics
* Solution Management * Agile Release Train * Milestones
* UEX Architect * Releases
* Value Stream Engineer(RTE) *Value Stream Epics
* Solution Architect/Engineer * Value Stream Kanban
* Shared Services * Value Stream Backlog
* Customer *
* Supplier * Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
* Value Stream PI Objectives
* Capability
* Enabler
* Solution Context
* Value Stream Coordination
* Economic Framework
* Solution Intent
* Set Based
* Agile Architecture
  • The Value Stream Level is optional in SAFe.
  • Value Stream Level is new in SAFe 4.0.
  • The Value Stream Level is intended/designed for Enterprises /builders/organization who are:
  • Large in size
  • Independent
  • Have complex solutions
  • Their solutions typically require multiple ARTs
  • They have Suppliers contribution.
  • They face the largest systems challenges
  • For cyber-physical systems
  • For software, hardware, electrical and electronics, optics, mechanics, fluidics and more.
  • Building this kind of systems often takes hundreds, even thousands of practitioners, external and internal suppliers.
  • If the systems are mission crucial. Failure of the Solution, or even a subsystem, has unacceptable economic and social consequences.
  • If the Enterprises can be built with a few hundred practitioners, it may not need the constructs of this level. In that case, they can use from the ‘ collapsed view’ which is 3-level SAFe.
  • Building value stream solutions in a Lean-Agile pattern requires additional artifacts, coordination, and constructs. So this level contains an Economic Framework to provide financial boundaries for Value Stream
  • It supports cadence and synchronization for multiple ARTs and Suppliers. It includes Pre-and Post-PI Planning meetings and Solution Demo.
  • It gives additional roles which are: Value Stream Engineer, Solution Architect/Engineering, and Solution Management.
  • SAFe is an industry-proven, value-focused method for scaling Agile at the Enterprise level.
  • It answers the questions like “How do we plan?”, “How do we budget?”, and “How do we become cross-functional in architecture and DevOps? “
  • SAFe Agile framework helps large organization teams to meet an organization’s strategic goals, not just individual project goals.
  • The framework offers the ability to maintain and create a centralized strategy to deliver value.
  • The SAFe model has three/four levels that centralize the strategic themes of an organization.
  • Centralized strategy, combined with the de-centralized agile development execution.


SAFe for Lean Enterprises 5.0:


  • What is Software Testing?
  • 7 Principles of Software Testing with Examples
  • V-Model in Software Testing
  • STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
  • Manual Testing Tutorial
  • Automation Testing
  • What is Unit Testing?
  • What is Integration Testing? (Example)

Getting Started with SAFe

Getting Started with SAFe ®

Follow proven steps and find the right safe partner.

So, you’re ready to “go SAFe” and build a more Agile business and organization. But where do you start? Scaling Agile in your organization introduces a new way of working. Some enterprises start with a handful of teams; others launch dozens of teams at once. No matter where you start, we’ve got the resources and information you need to get to the next level and keep improving.

Step 1: Find a Partner

Build confidence and expertise in your new way of working. SAFe-certified professionals help you launch and sustain Agile at scale with training, coaching, and technology platforms.

Step 2: Follow the Roadmap

Organizations achieving success typically follow a path similar to what’s in the SAFe Implementation Roadmap. From team-level agility to managing Lean portfolios, our courses target what your organization needs to know to succeed with SAFe. Use the roadmap to find out what courses are best and at what stage.

Step 3: Learn more about SAFe ® Enterprise Subscription

SAFe Enterprise Subscription bundles the tools you need to succeed with SAFe, day-to-day. This combination of training, on-demand resources, and support is custom-built for enterprise excellence.

Make the case for change

Learn how and why to convince people in your organization that transforming the way you do business is a worthy goal. Read our Making the Case for Business Agility e-book.

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“ Philips is continuously driving to develop high-quality software in a predictable, fast and Agile way. SAFe addresses this primary goal, as well as offering these further benefits: reduced time to market and improved quality, stronger alignment across geographically distributed multi-disciplinary teams, and collaboration across teams to deliver meaningful value to customers with reduced cycle time. ”

Back to: What Is SAFe?

SAFe is the most popular framework to implement Agile, Lean, and DevOps practices at scale. It’s trusted, effective, and sustainable.

Next to: SAFe and Agile

As a framework for scaling Agile, SAFe gives large, complex organizations a proven system and structured guidance for a better way of working.

Six years ago, Mercedes Benz launched one or two products yearly in just a couple of markets. In 2022, they introduced roughly 40 products in 34 markets. By moving away from waterfall methods and adopting SAFe, they could launch better technology, operating systems, AI, and face recognition, integrate different data sources, and utilize better risk models.

SAFe allowed Mercedes-Benz to achieve the shift from hardware to software, master vehicle electrification, meet zero-emission requirements, and adapt to environmental, geopolitical, and consumer demands.

Handelsbanken, a Swedish bank known for its innovative practices, wanted to cut its time to market and improve its customer offerings. They needed a collaborative partner to contribute to those goals. The bank explored SAFe and gained trust, knowing that several large companies and banks in its region had found success with it.

With SAFe, Handelsbanken achieved its goal of enabling automated decisions for mortgages sooner than expected. The framework’s structure helped them think big, focusing on flow and results.

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SAFe Comes to Germany!

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08 – 11 April, 2024

Get ready for another amazing SAFe Summit. We can’t wait to see you in Berlin!

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Agility Technology

The 6 Agile Methodology Steps That You Need to Know

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The 6 Agile Methodology Steps That You Need to Know

Agile project management promises to produce short development lifecycles and frequent product releases. This allows the teams to handle and react to client needs effectively.

There are many popular agile frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM), Crystal Methodologies, Feature Driven Development (FDD) and Extreme Programming (XP); but all these agile methodologies have the same underlying process of six basic steps.

Agile Methodology Steps:

  • Planning the Project
  • Creating the Product Roadmap
  • Planning the Release
  • Planning the Sprint(s)
  • Daily Stand-up Meetings
  • Sprint review and retrospective meetings

1. Planning the Project

Before developing any project, a team needs to understand the end goals of the project. A team also needs to know the project value to their organization and of course, the client. 

Once the team members are aware of the above two factors, they need to know the steps to achieve the end goal for their clients.

2. Creating the Product Roadmap

A product roadmap is all about features breakdown of the final product. This is a planning stage component that will be used by the teams to develop the product during sprints.

Product roadmap also means creating the product backlog . Product backlog will contain all the tasks that will be pulled by the teams during the development phase of Agile i.e sprints.

3. Planning the Release

Once we are done with planning the project and creating the roadmap, the next step is to plan the release. Unlike the waterfall model that forces complete development before a release, Agile methodology tends to deliver features of the product at the end of each smaller development life cycle.

Also, before starting the project, a high level plan for feature releases is to be developed and at the beginning of each development lifecycle , you can re-evaluate the release plan for a feature.

4. Planning the Sprint

Before starting the actual development (sprint), a “sprint planning meeting” is needed to be held among the stakeholders. In the meeting, certain task responsibilities are going to be assigned to each member

After that the steps of implementing those tasks are to be briefly discussed. 

Make sure the task load is balanced i.e every member is given an equal share of load and no one is overburdened.

A graphical workflow document can be developed to have shared understanding and transparency among the team members. It can also be used to identify and remove the bottlenecks.

5. Daily Stand-up Meetings

During the sprint, daily short 15 minutes stand-up meetings are expected. This will help the team members to reassess anything if needed. 

In a daily stand-up meeting, a participant can tell what he/she accomplished the day before and what he/she is going to do on the same day.

6. Sprint Review and Retrospective Meetings

At the end of each sprint, two more meetings are expected. A sprint review meeting and a sprint retrospective meeting.

A sprint review is going to happen with the client to show them the finished product. This also opens the door for any important reassessment or feedback on the deliverable from the client. Such feedback can be incorporated in next sprint cycles.

Now. a sprint retrospective meeting is about analysing-

  • What went well in the sprint?
  • What can be improved or made better in the next sprint sessions? 
  • Whether the task load distribution was balanced?
  • How much the team members were able to accomplish and how much was expected?

Sprint retrospective meetings are essential for new teams as they help you understand- How much can actually be accomplished by a team and what can be the efficient sprint length for the projects in the future.

To summarise, Agile methodology steps try to bring out more product releases in a short period of time.

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The 5 Steps of the Agile Methodology and How You Can Use Them

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  • May 15, 2023

The 5 Steps of the Agile Methodology and How You Can Use Them

The Agile methodology has been around for over a decade and is used by some of the largest companies in the world. But what is it, and how can you use it for your business? If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your business processes, then you need to be using the Agile methodology. This approach has been shown to produce better results than traditional methods, and it’s quickly becoming the standard for businesses all over the world. In this blog post, we will discuss the 5 steps of the Agile methodology and how you can use them in your own organization!

What is Agile ?

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Agile is based on the idea of constant feedback and changes. The product is developed in small, incremental pieces called “sprints”. At the end of each sprint, the customer can review and give feedback on what has been completed so far. This allows for any needed changes or adjustments to be made quickly, without needing to redo entire sections of code or design elements. The Agile methodology also encourages collaboration between the customer and development team, which can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page throughout the process.

What is Agile Methodology ?

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Agile methodology is an approach to project management that originated in the software development industry but has since expanded to other fields. Instead of the traditional linear approach to project planning and execution, where each stage is completed sequentially, in agile methodology, projects are broken down into small, manageable sections called sprints. Teams focus on delivering a working product at the end of each sprint, which allows for greater flexibility and the ability to adjust plans as needed throughout the project . 

Fostering collaboration and communication, agile methodology emphasizes the importance of team members working together to achieve a common goal. It has proven to be an effective methodology for delivering high-quality products while adapting to change in an ever-evolving business environment.

Agile methodology provides a way to approach projects with an emphasis on quick and efficient change. By breaking down large tasks into smaller components, teams are able to work more quickly and with greater agility. This approach allows for flexibility in the face of rapidly evolving customer requirements and can help keep projects from becoming stalled due to missed deadlines or too rigid of a plan. 

It also helps focus teams on what matters most – creating value from the project as quickly as possible, while also embracing changes in scope as required. As a result, agile methodology helps teams achieve success in a fast-paced environment where requirements are constantly shifting.

5 Steps of the Agile Methodology:

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  • Project Initiation

The first stage in the life cycle of agile software development. Often referred to as the inception or envision phase, this initial stage is about discussing the project vision and the ROI justification. This is a high-level feasibility discussion and does not delve into the specific details.

During this step, you should identify team members and determine the time and work resources required to complete the project. Taking stock of resources is crucial to determining economic feasibility for project approval.

The planning phase is when you create and plan a roadmap that outlines how you intend to achieve your project objectives. This includes breaking down the tasks into manageable components, scheduling all development activities, specifying roles and responsibilities of team members, identifying probable risks and their mitigation plans.

The business opportunity in a wider context should be considered here. This will impact how viable the project is in a functional and financial sense

You should be estimating the risks and developing milestones with an initial release plan. Planning is only complete when your backlog is complete and you have prioritized the items based on business value and dependency.

  • Development

This stage is all about coding, testing, and implementing the required solutions. The agile methodology offers a flexible framework whereby developers can easily adjust to changing requirements or customer demands. This is done by adapting the development process accordingly.

Developers work in short sprints which look at various components of the project such as user stories, tasks and features. This allows developers to focus on one feature at a time, break down the project and identify any potential issues when they arise.

The production stage is an exciting and important time for any project. It is the moment where your hard work and dedication come to fruition, as you prepare to launch your creation into the real world. With deployment, the application or product will finally be tested by real end-users, providing valuable insight into how it performs and how it can be improved. 

Ensuring that everything runs smoothly is key, and careful attention must be paid to identifying and resolving any major bugs. This stage is crucial for making any necessary changes, whether they come from feedback during testing or from lessons learned during development. Overall, the production stage is where the magic happens, and where your project comes to life.

The retirement stage marks the end of a project, and is often overlooked as an important step. It’s not just about waving goodbye to your work but also a vital part of learning from the experience and improving future software development projects. 

Retirees should take the time to look over their product or service and assess how it performed during development and after launch. This process should involve getting feedback from stakeholders, customers and team members on what worked well, which areas could be improved upon, and how the project could be optimized in the future. 

By taking a step back from the project and reflecting on your experience with developing it, you can gain valuable insight that can be used to benefit future projects. 

How To Use Agile Methodology

The Agile methodology can be used in almost any project or organization. It is a flexible approach that allows for quick changes and adaptation when needed. The steps outlined above should help you get started with using the Agile methodology in your own organization. By taking the time to understand the process, you can create a more effective workflow and develop better products and services for your customers

By following these five steps, you will be able to create a more efficient and effective workflow in your organization. The Agile methodology has proven to be successful for many companies, and it is an excellent way to improve the performance of your team and ensure that your products or services remain competitive. The Agile methodology is a powerful tool that can help you improve the effectiveness of your business processes. Additionally, by using user stories, tests, and collaboration between teams, you can ensure that each feature is implemented correctly before it goes live. The Agile methodology is an essential tool for any successful business, so make sure you start using it today!


Software development projects require careful planning, execution and management to ensure success. In this article, we’ve highlighted the five major stages of software development, from envisioning and planning to production and retirement. Each stage plays an important role in allowing teams to develop high-quality products that meet customer needs while increasing project feasibility for approval. Understanding the software development process is key to making sure projects are completed on time and within budget. To ensure success, teams should take the necessary steps to properly plan, develop, test, launch and retire their projects. With a thorough understanding of each stage in the software development lifecycle, teams can work together to create quality products that meet customer demands. 

If you’re interested in learning more about agile or scrum, then check out our courses on Agile . If you enjoyed this blog post, please share it with your friends and colleagues! Also, be sure to check out our other blogs for more scrum tips and tricks. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest news and updates!

Key Takeaways

  • Careful planning and rigorous testing at each phase can help ensure the successful completion of a software development project.
  • A thorough review of the project at the retirement stage can help to identify areas for improvement and provide valuable insight on how to better manage future projects.
  • Working through each stage of software development requires a combination of technical expertise, strategic planning, and careful execution. With proper attention and dedication, successful outcomes are achievable.

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Software Engineering Institute

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AMS Citation

Smith, J., 2024: Incorporating Agile Principles into Independent Verification and Validation. Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog), Accessed June 27, 2024, https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/incorporating-agile-principles-into-independent-verification-and-validation/.

APA Citation

Smith, J. (2024, June 24). Incorporating Agile Principles into Independent Verification and Validation. Retrieved June 27, 2024, from https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/incorporating-agile-principles-into-independent-verification-and-validation/.

Chicago Citation

Smith, Justin. "Incorporating Agile Principles into Independent Verification and Validation." Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog) . Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute, June 24, 2024. https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/incorporating-agile-principles-into-independent-verification-and-validation/.

IEEE Citation

J. Smith, "Incorporating Agile Principles into Independent Verification and Validation," Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog) . Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute, 24-Jun-2024 [Online]. Available: https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/incorporating-agile-principles-into-independent-verification-and-validation/. [Accessed: 27-Jun-2024].

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@misc{smith_2024, author={Smith, Justin}, title={Incorporating Agile Principles into Independent Verification and Validation}, month={Jun}, year={2024}, howpublished={Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog)}, url={https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/incorporating-agile-principles-into-independent-verification-and-validation/}, note={Accessed: 2024-Jun-27} }

Incorporating Agile Principles into Independent Verification and Validation

Headshot of Justin Smith

Justin Smith

June 24, 2024, published in.

When you’re developing software that will send people into space, you need to make sure that it works as expected. In safety-critical systems like these, the process of independent verification and validation (IV&V) is intended to ensure that a product meets its requirements and functions as intended. While most IV&V methods have been associated with the waterfall model of project management, an adoption of an Agile mindset and principles allows IV&V teams to be more aligned with contemporary software development processes and produce better outcomes. In this post, I discuss how Agile principles can work with IV&V processes, examples of how we put Agile IV&V into practice at NASA, and advice for transitioning to Agile.

IV&V is a common practice in the public and private sectors as a form of risk mitigation or as part of compliance requirements. Typically, the process of verification asks, Are we building the product right? In other words, Is the implementation of the product consistent with the specification? Validation asks, Are we building the right product ? In other words, Does the product as specified align with the actual mission need?

Crucially, the independent part of IV&V means that verification and validation are performed by analysts who are not part of the development team. These processes were developed to serve as a second set of eyes that could provide greater assurance of mission success. IEEE 1012 , the industry standard for verification and validation, sets forth three parameters for independence: technical, managerial, and financial. If a team achieves these areas of independence, there is less chance of outside influence over the analysis and findings, removing potential organizational conflicts of interest and allowing the team to focus on the work at hand.

In practice, this approach can cause tension. The mandatory nature of IV&V in many government projects can create an us versus them mentality. Moreover, IV&V practices were developed at a time when waterfall project management methodologies were standard. In waterfall models, software is developed sequentially, with requirements gathered first. Developers then create the design, implement it, and test the software. IV&V would be undertaken throughout that process with specific review gates serving as milestones for analysis to be complete. With more software teams moving to Agile processes, however, IV&V analysts may find themselves out of step with the development process. As a result, teams may find that they aren’t receiving feedback at necessary points in the development processes, resulting in wasted work and feelings of frustration.

Agile Principles and Frameworks

Agile processes, by contrast, emphasize iterative and incremental development cycles. Originally proposed by a group of software developers in 2001, the Manifesto for Agile Software Development includes four values and 12 principles that undergird Agile thinking. These principles emphasize customer satisfaction, transparency, and flexibility—important values for creating strong, collaborative working relationships between IV&V and development teams and a large part of why Agile approaches have much to offer IV&V processes.

Many variations on Agile frameworks have emerged since 2001. Most include the concept of a backlog: a prioritized list of work that need to be completed by the team. Teams refer to the backlog to plan out work and allocate resources. Unlike waterfall approaches, development teams using Agile don’t need to plan out their work from the start to finish. By working on smaller timescales, they can adjust more quickly to problems uncovered along the way. This includes challenges identified in the IV&V process. Below are examples of a few common Agile frameworks and elements that have been helpful in incorporating Agile methods into IV&V.

Scrum is a common Agile framework used in a variety of industries. The framework emphasizes teams working in short sprints , typically for two to four weeks in duration. These sprints are accompanied by a number of planning and check-in rituals to ensure continuous communication and collaboration within the team. These rituals include an initial planning meeting where the team defines the goal of the upcoming sprint and identifies any backlog items that might be included. Additionally, many groups will hold regular (usually daily) stand-up meetings where team members share progress and identify obstacles. After a sprint is complete, teams hold retrospectives to assess the work done and find areas for improvement.

Scrum also emphasizes self-managed teams . These teams have a high level of autonomy to develop their own plans and approaches to completing work. The goal of a self-managed team is to give members a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for outcomes, without work plans being imposed from the outside .

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

SAFe is a set of processes that aims to facilitate Agile practices in larger teams. There are many challenges that larger organizations face when implementing Agile workflows, and SAFe addresses more complex development processes, such as the need to plan for a longer timescale with a planning interval (PI). The PI is a timeboxed sequence of development sprints followed by a planning iteration. PIs are typically somewhere between two to three months in length, though they may be slightly longer in government contexts. It is our experience that, in the more general case of Agile at scale, architecture plays a crucial role in success.

Agile for IV&V

With this background in Agile frameworks in mind, what does Agile look like in the IV&V context?

The first several priorities in the Agile Manifesto are to “satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery” and to “deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.” If we think of the deliverable in IV&V as assurance (rather than software or a product), we can understand the value of Agile IV&V: fast, reliable assurance that works on the cadence that developers do. This is analogous to the continuous authorization to operate (ATO) that is used across the Department of Defense (DoD), enhancing the security posture of our DoD systems.

These principles, however, often require a culture and mindset shift in IV&V. Analysts will need to move away from looking at the entirety of the software to working through smaller pieces, perhaps at the level of an individual capability or algorithm. Working in these smaller batches is a change from waterfall approaches, but it also allows teams to identify errors and incorporate fixes much faster.

Beyond the practical transition from waterfall project management styles, Agile IV&V also calls for transparency and increased communication. Scrum rituals can be helpful in building this culture. For example, sprint planning and retrospectives give the whole team insight into progress and allow team members to speak about what is (and isn’t) going well. Standup meetings that include discussion of IV&V activities increase transparency into day-to-day work and provide opportunities for quick feedback and alignment.

Agile IV&V at NASA

When I worked in project management at NASA’s Katherine Johnson IV&V Facility , I began implementing Agile IV&V. At the time, NASA was developing Orion , a multi-purpose crew vehicle designed for the Artemis missions that will eventually return astronauts to the moon. Orion’s software is complex , and the software developers had moved to a SAFe model, with major releases every three months. The IV&V analysts assigned to Orion were used to more traditional development models and had difficulty keeping up with the pace of development, leading to V&V findings being delivered to the software developer sometimes months out of phase.

Our team recognized that we needed to take a different approach. The SEI’s Will Hayes helped us understand Agile principles and how they could be used in the IV&V context. Will helped us define our objectives and incorporate Agile methods into our assurance work. We adopted several practices, including making use of a backlog, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives.

We needed to represent our work to our stakeholders to foster good communication between our teams and help us plan more efficiently. To visualize our progress, we created a heat map that showed our progress, areas of risk, and the overall project status.

Heatmap showing capability risk

Each of the heat map’s hexagons represents a specific capability our team was assessing for the Artemis I mission. By breaking up the work into individual capabilities, we brought in the Agile concept of working in small increments, giving us the flexibility to reprioritize and iterate as needed. The analysts started by identifying the key, top-level capabilities that were necessary for mission success. From there they independently identified the capabilities that would be necessary to make sure those top-level capabilities were successful. These capabilities were then scored for risk using a tool developed by NASA’s IV&V program. The colors on the heat map are those risk scores on a traditional risk scale: red indicates that a capability is at the highest level of risk, yellow means that there is some risk, and green indicates that the capability has the lowest level of risk.

We used this heat map and risk scores to help us prioritize and manage our backlog during our PI sessions, held three times per year. In these sessions, we planned work for the following four months, focusing on the highest risk capabilities first.

Once we put these Agile principles into action, we saw remarkable results that all stakeholders could easily understand. Breaking up the work into capabilities like we did, we could speak to all levels of the program in way that made more sense than just speaking in terms of issues found. From a technical perspective, the IV&V team was able to focus our work on the most high-impact problems and riskiest areas rather than trivial defects. We were also able to cut our delivery cadence from months to weeks, a time frame much more in line with the developers’ work. Simply put, we were able to produce better, more useful work faster than ever.

Better Culture, Better Outcomes

At NASA, Agile IV&V gave analysts a deeper understanding of the systems they were working on, as well as better communication with the program and development team. Now as an Agile transformation leader working at the SEI with Will Hayes, I am continuing this work with our DoD customers to help transition IV&V practices.

Moving to an Agile mindset is a culture change. It requires trust, psychological safety, and a willingness from the team to try something new. The good news is that Agile practices can help foster those shifts and make changes along the way if something isn’t working. These concepts can work for small teams or large teams as well. From an IV&V perspective, the key thing for our team was the backlog of capabilities that we independently built. Another huge piece for anyone moving into Agile are some of the rituals highlighted. These rituals can help build trust between development teams and analysts. As trust increases, teams will be more likely to communicate difficult issues. When teams can speak about problems candidly and without fear of reprisal, they are more likely to take calculated risks, which can find deeply hidden issues and lead to innovations in the way work is done.

Additional Resources

View the SEI Podcast An Agile Approach to Independent Verification and Validation with Justin Smith.

Read Justin Smith and Eric Hayes's conference paper for IEEE Aerospace 2024 Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) for Agile Developed Projects .

Read Justin Smith's conference paper for the Naval Postgraduate School’s Annual Acquisition Research Symposium The Value of an Agile Approach to Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) for Acquisition .

Headshot of Justin Smith

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safe agile methodology steps

Future product development tasks can’t be predetermined. Distribute planning and control to those who can understand and react to the end results. —Michael Kennedy, Product Development for the Lean Enterprise 1 There is no magic in SAFe . . . except maybe for PI Planning. —Authors

PI Planning

Introduction to pi planning: a quick overview.

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PI Planning is a cadence-based event for the entire ART that aligns teams and stakeholders to a shared mission and vision.

PI planning is essential to SAFe: If you are not doing it, you are not doing SAFe.

The Agile Manifesto states, “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is a face-to-face conversation.” SAFe takes this to the next level with PI planning.

Where possible, everyone is face-to-face (virtually or physically), and these large-scale PI planning events now occur within many enterprises worldwide. They have clearly shown real financial ROI, not to mention the intangibles that happen when the team of Agile teams creates a social construct that is personally and collectively rewarding.

It may not always be practical for the entire Agile Release Train (ART) to collocate; however, in our current times, COVID-19 has created a situation where this isn’t an option. While physical face-to-face planning has benefits, the unwritten SAFe ‘rule’ is that the people who do the work plan the work. Real-time, concurrent, virtual, face-to-face planning has now proven effective when physical presence is not possible. Indeed many ARTs have been flourishing in creating a hybrid situation where several teams join remotely, as shown below in Figure 1.

The advanced topic article, Distributed PI Planning with SAFe , provides additional guidance and considerations for successfully managing these scenarios.

Figure 1. Face-to-face PI planning. Remote teams are planning at the same time using video conferencing.

PI Planning has a standard agenda that includes a presentation of business context and vision , followed by team planning breakouts—where the teams create their Iteration plans and objectives for the upcoming PI . Facilitated by the Release Train Engineer (RTE) , this event includes all members of the ART and occurs within the Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration . Holding the event during the IP iteration avoids affecting the scheduling or capacity of other iterations in the PI. PI Planning takes two days, although the ART can extend this timebox to accommodate planning across multiple time zones.

Business Benefits of PI Planning

PI planning delivers many business benefits, including:

  • Establishing face-to-face communication among all team members and stakeholders
  • Building the social network the ART depends upon
  • Aligning development to business goals with the business context, vision, and Team and ART PI objectives
  • Identifying dependencies and fostering cross-team and cross-ART collaboration
  • Providing the opportunity for just the right amount of architecture and Lean User Experience (UX) guidance
  • Matching demand to capacity and eliminating excess Work in Process (WIP)
  • Fast decision-making

Inputs and Outputs of PI Planning

Inputs to PI planning include:

  • Business context (see ‘content readiness’ below)
  • Roadmap and vision
  • Highest priority Features  of the ART Backlog

A successful PI planning event delivers two primary outputs:

  • Committed PI objectives – Each team creates a set of SMART objectives with the business value assigned by the Business Owners.
  • ART planning board – Highlighting the new feature delivery dates, feature dependencies among teams, and relevant milestones


PI planning is a significant event that requires preparation, coordination, and communication. It is facilitated by the RTE and event attendees, including Business Owners , Product Management , Agile Teams , System and Solution Architects , the System Team , and other stakeholders. The RTE must schedule all PI planning in advance to be well prepared. The active participation of Business Owners in this event provides an essential Guardrail on budgetary spending.

For the event to be successful, preparation is required in three major areas:

  • Organizational readiness
  • Content readiness
  • Logistics readiness

The following sections describe these three areas.

Organizational Readiness

Before PI planning, there must be strategy alignment among participants, stakeholders, and Business Owners. Critical roles are assigned. To address this in advance, however, event organizers must consider the following:

  • Planning scope and context – Is the planning process’s scope (product, system, technology domain) understood? Do we know which teams need to plan together?
  • Business alignment – Is there reasonable agreement on priorities among the Business Owners?
  • Agile teams – Do we have Agile teams? Are there dedicated team members and an identified Scrum Master/Team Coach and  Product Owner for each team?

Content Readiness

It’s equally important to have a clear vision and context so that the right stakeholders can participate. Therefore, the PI planning must include the following:

  • Executive briefing – A briefing that defines the current business context
  • Product vision briefing(s) – Briefings prepared by Product Management, including the top 10 features in the ART Backlog
  • Architecture vision briefing – A presentation made by the CTO,  Enterprise Architect , or System Architect to communicate new Enablers , features, and  Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs)

Logistics Readiness

Preparing an event to support a large number of attendees isn’t trivial. This prep can include securing and preparing the space for physically collocated planning. For remote attendees or a fully distributed PI Planning, this also includes investment in the necessary technical infrastructure. Considerations include:

  • Locations – Each location where planning takes place needs preparation in advance.
  • Technology and tooling – Real-time access to information and tooling to support distributed planning or remote attendees
  • Communication channels – Primary and secondary audio, video, and presentation channels must be available

Standard Agenda

The event follows an agenda similar to Figure 2. Descriptions of each item follow. For guidance on adapting this agenda to support planning across multiple time zones, refer to the advanced topic article, Distributed PI Planning with SAFe .

Day 1 Agenda

  • Business context – A Business Owner or senior executive describes the current state of the business, shares the Portfolio Vision , and presents a perspective on how effectively existing solutions address current customer needs.
  • Product/solution vision – Product Management presents the current vision (typically represented by the top ten or so upcoming features). They highlight changes from the previous PI planning event and any relevant milestones.
  • Architecture vision and development practices – The System Architect presents the architecture vision. Also, a senior development manager may introduce Agile-supportive changes to development practices, such as test automation, DevOps , Continuous Integration , and Continuous Deployment , which the teams will adopt in the upcoming PI.
  • Planning context and lunch – The RTE presents the planning process and expected outcomes.
  • Team breakouts #1 – In the breakout, teams estimate their capacity for each Iteration and identify the backlog items they will likely need to realize the features. Each team creates draft plans, visible to all, iteration by iteration.

During this process, teams identify risks and dependencies and draft their initial team PI objectives. The PI objectives typically include ‘uncommitted objectives,’ which are goals built into the plan (for example, stories that have been defined and included for these objectives) but are not committed to by the team because of too many unknowns or risks. Uncommitted objectives are not extra things to do in case there is time. Instead, they increase the reliability of the plan and give management an early warning of any objectives that the ART may not be able to deliver. The teams also add the features and associated dependencies to the ART Planning Board, as shown in Figure 3.

  • Draft plan review – During the tightly timeboxed draft plan review, teams present key planning outputs, which include capacity and load, draft PI objectives, potential risks, and dependencies. Business Owners, Product Management, and other teams and stakeholders review and provide input.
  • Management review and problem-solving – Draft plans likely present challenges like scope, people and resource constraints, and dependencies. During the problem-solving meeting, management may negotiate scope changes and resolve other problems by agreeing to various planning adjustments. The RTE facilitates and keeps the primary stakeholders together for as long as necessary to make the decisions needed to reach achievable objectives.

Solution Trains often hold an additional management review and problem-solving workshop after the first day of planning to address cross-ART issues. Alternatively, the RTEs of the involved trains may talk with each other to discuss the problems for the ART’s specific management review and problem-solving meeting. The Solution Train Engineer (STE) helps facilitate and resolve issues across the ARTs.

Day 2 Agenda

  • Planning adjustments – The next day, the event begins with management presenting changes to the planning scope, people, and resources.
  • Team breakouts #2 – Teams continue planning and making the appropriate adjustments. They finalize their objectives for the PI, to which the Business Owners assign business value, as shown in Figure 4.
  • Final plan review and lunch – All teams present their plans to the group during this session. At the end of each team’s time slot, the team states its risks and impediments and provides the risks to the RTE for use later in the ROAMing exercise. The team then asks the Business Owners if the plan is acceptable. If the plan is accepted, the team brings their team PI objective sheet to the front of the room so everyone can see the aggregate objectives unfold in real-time. If the Business Owners have concerns, teams can adjust the plan to address the identified issues. The team then presents its revised plan.
  • Resolved – The teams agree that the risk is no longer a concern
  • Owned – Someone on the train owns the risk since it cannot be addressed during PI planning
  • Accepted – Some items are simply facts or potential problems that must be understood and accepted
  • Mitigated – Teams identify a plan to reduce the impact of the risk
  • Confidence vote – Once ART PI Risks have been addressed, teams vote on their confidence in meeting their team PI objectives

Each team conducts a vote using their fingers (fist of five) or a digital tool for remote events. If the average is three fingers or above, then management should accept the commitment. If it’s less than three, the team reworks its plan. Anyone voting two fingers or fewer should be allowed to voice their concerns. These concerns might add to the risk list, require replanning, or provide information. Once each team has voted, it’s repeated for the entire ART, with everyone expressing their confidence in the collective plan, as illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Confidence vote for an ART

  • Plan rework – If necessary, teams adjust their objectives until they have high confidence. This additional planning is one occasion where alignment and commitment are valued more highly than adhering to a timebox.
  • Planning retrospective and moving forward – Finally, the RTE leads a brief retrospective for the PI planning event to capture what went well, what didn’t, and what to do better next time, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Planning Retrospective

  • Cleaning up the rooms used for planning (if applicable)
  • Entering the team PI objectives and stories in Agile lifecycle management (ALM) tooling
  • Reviewing team and ART events calendars
  • Determining Iteration Planning and Team Sync locations and timing

After the planning event, the RTE and other ART stakeholders summarize the individual team PI objectives into a set of ART PI objectives (Figure 7) and use this to communicate externally and track progress toward the goals.

Product Management uses the ART PI objectives to refine the roadmap, improving the forecast for the following two PIs.

The ART Planning board is often used during the Coach Sync to track dependencies. It may or may not be maintained (manually) after planning is complete. A digital tool for managing dependencies facilitates their follow-up.

Teams leave the PI planning event with a prepopulated backlog for the upcoming PI. They take their team’s PI objectives, plans, and risks to their regular work area. ART risks remain with the RTE, which ensures that the people responsible for owning or mitigating a risk have captured the information and are actively managing the risk.

Most importantly, the ART executes the PI, tracking progress and adjusting as necessary as new knowledge emerges. Execution of the PI begins with all the teams conducting planning for the first iteration, using their PI plans as a starting point. It offers fresh input for the iteration planning processes that follow. Since the plans created during PI Planning did not consider detailed story-level acceptance criteria, the team will likely adjust the first and subsequent iteration plans.

Solution Train PI Planning

This article focuses on the planning activities of a single ART. However, large Value Streams may contain multiple ARTs and suppliers. In this case, the Solution Train provides coordination using Pre-Plan and Coordinate and Deliver activities.

[1] Knaster, Richard, and Dean Leffingwell. SAFe 5.0 Distilled, Achieving Business Agility with the Scaled Agile Framework . Addison-Wesley, 2020.

[2] Kennedy, Michael. Product Development for the Lean Enterprise.  Oaklea Press, 2003 .

Last update: March 19, 2023

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