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Public School Rankings by State 2024

Finding the best public school is a priority for many families. A good education is important to these families, who may even choose where they purchase or rent housing to ensure their children are in the best public school systems.

There are about 51 million public school students in the United States . While far from perfect, public schools play a vital role in their respective communities. Public schools improve their communities and the welfare of children. Public schools welcome all children, no matter their income level, disability, or previous academic performance. Many schools provide school meals , which helps children from food-insecure families get nutritious food every day. The better the public school, the more likely students will achieve higher educational attainment .

While there is no comprehensive way to measure what public schools are the best in the nation, a few surveys look at data, including high school graduation rates and college readiness, to determine which states have the best schools.

States with the Best Public Schools

WalletHub ranked each state's public schools for "Quality" and "Safety" using 33 relevant metrics. Metrics included high school graduation rate among low-income students, math and reading scores, median SAT and ACT scores, pupil-teach ratio, the share of armed students, the number of school shootings between 2000 and June 2020, bullying incidence rate, and more. Based on these metrics, Massachusetts , Connecticut , and New Jersey have the best public schools in the United States.


1. Massachusetts

Massachusetts has the best public school system in the U.S. 48.8% of Massachusetts's eligible schools ranked in the top 25% of high school rankings, a total of 167 schools. Massachusetts has the highest math and reading test scores in the U.S. and the second-highest median ACT score of 25.1. Massachusetts also has one of the lowest bullying incidence rates in the country and is considered one of the best states for teachers . Massachusetts is also the most educated state in the country.

2. Connecticut

Connecticut ranks second in the nation for public schools, ranking second for quality and 19th for safety. Connecticut students have the highest median ACT score of 25.5 and have the third-highest reading test scores. Connecticut spends about $18,958 per student, one of the highest per-pupil costs in the country. Connecticut is also one of the best states for teachers due to having small class sizes and some of the best-paid teachers in the U.S. with an average annual salary of $73,113.

3. New Jersey

New Jersey has the third-best public schools in the United States. New Jersey has the second-lowest dropout rate among states and the third-lowest pupil-to-teacher ratio. Additionally, students have the third-highest math test scores and the second-highest reading test scores in the nation. New Jersey ranks second for the overall quality of schools and 11th for safety. The state spends about $21,866 per student on average. New Jersey is considered the second-best state for teachers, with the sixth-highest average salary of $69,917 per year.

4. Virginia

Virginia has the fourth-best public schools overall in the United States, ranking fourth for quality and third for safety. Virginia public schools were found to have the fourth-highest math test scores in the country. Virginia schools also have the fourth-lowest bullying incidence rate and have "no significant shortcomings" when assessed for safety from violence, bullying, harassment, and substance use.

5. New Hampshire

New Hampshire has the fifth-best public schools in the United States, ranking fourth for quality and twelfth for safety. New Hampshire schools have the fourth-highest reading test scores among states and the second-highest median ACT score of 25.1. Additionally, New Hampshire has the fifth-lowest pupil-to-teacher ratio of about 12-to-1.

6. Maryland

The sixth-best state for public schools is Maryland. Maryland's average ACT score is 22.3, and its average SAT score is 1058. The pupil-to-teacher in Maryland is 15:1, below the national average.

7. Delaware

Ranking seventh for public schools is Delaware, which ranks sixteenth for quality and third for safety. Delaware has the second-lowest bullying incident rate, only second to D.C. The average ACT score is 24.1, higher than the U.S. average, but the pupil-to-teacher ratio is 22:1.

8. Nebraska

At the eighth spot for states with the best public schools is Nebraska. Ranking twelfth for quality and eighth for safety, Nebraska is tied for the second-best SAT scores.

9. Wisconsin

Wisconsin has the ninth-best public schools in the U.S. The state ranks sixth for quality, tying with Minnesota for the highest median SAT score. Wisconsin's pupil-to-teacher ratio is 15:1, lower than the U.S. average.

10. Vermont

Vermont has the fifth-best public schools in the nation. Vermont ranks eighth for quality, having the lowest pupil-to-teacher ratio in the country, allowing teachers to give each student extra attention. The average teacher ratio in the U.S. is 16-to-1, while Vermont's is 10.5-to-1. Vermont also ranks fourth for safety, tied for first with Massachusetts and Oklahoma for having the lowest percentage of threatened/injured high school students.

On the opposite end, the five states with the worst public schools are New Mexico , Alaska , Louisiana , Arizona , and West Virginia .

  • All data are expressed as rankings from 1 (best) to 50 (worst).
  • The School Quality subcategory evaluates states across 12 indicators, including % of teachers who meet all state licensing requirements, annual per-pupil spending, pupil-to-teacher ratio, schools that require health education.
  • The Student Safety subcategory evaluates states across 15 indicators, including bullying rate, instances of crimes such as robbery or sexual assault, and the prevalence of illegal drug sales on school property.
  • The Student Success subcategory evaluates states across 15 indicators, including SAT scores, ACDT scores, expulsion rates, dropout and graduation rates, and rates of students who go on to attend college.

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  • 2023 State Education Rankings � Best to Worst - Scholaroo
  • Mass. ranks 5th in the nation for education, 1st for student success -

2023 State Education Rankings – Best to Worst

Scholaroo ventures to discover and evaluate public school rankings in the US, identifying the best and worst school systems across three factors – Student Success, Student Safety, and School Quality.

  • Post date 23 January 2023

Education is a key indicator of the economic, social, and cultural success of any state. To analyze the public school systems across the United States, Scholaroo has identified various criteria such as student success, school quality, and student safety. In this State Education Ranking, we compare all fifty states to assess which school systems are the best and worst in 2023.

Student success can be measured through various academic metrics such as test scores and graduation rates. In our school ranking, School quality accounts for the level of resources available to school districts. Finally, student safety is an important factor in determining public school system rankings; this includes school security measures, bullying prevention programs, and other initiatives designed to ensure students feel safe at school.

The data set considers a depth of topics across 43 key indicators, ranging from metrics that measure how much a student is enabled to succeed, to metrics that measure the school’s security to determine state education rankings.

If you want to know which state has the best education system for 2023, you are invited to see this public education ranking, here we will show it to you.

Rankings of States with Best & Worst Public Schools

Dashboard 1

Category Breakdown

presentation school ranking

What are the best states for education?

The top 5 best states for education are New Jersey, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, and Massachusetts. New Jersey offers the safest environment for its students and has one of the most successful educational systems in the entire country.

Where does Florida rank in education?

Florida’s education ranking is 42nd overall in the country, as it has one of the worst quality education systems, and its students are one of the least successful academically nationwide.

What does K-12 education mean?

K-12 education refers to the educational journey that encompasses kindergarten through 12th grade, covering the primary and secondary education years. New Jersey topped the list of states with the best K-12 public schools in the country. The state offers the safest environment for its students and has the lowest dropout rate compared with all other states. It also has the fourth-highest spending per student.


In order to determine the best and worst school systems per state, Scholaroo compared the 50 states across three key dimensions:

  • Student Success
  • Student Safety
  • School Quality

We evaluated those dimensions using 43 relevant metrics, which are listed below with their corresponding weight. Each metric was graded on a 100 point scale, with a score of 100 being the max.

Finally, we determined each state’s weighted average across all metrics to calculate its overall score and used the resulting scores to rank-order our sample.

Student Success (25 Points)

High School Graduation Rate: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of graduates High school graduates or higher.

High School Dropout Rate: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of high school dropouts among persons 16 to 24 years old (status dropout rate).

SAT Scores: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the SAT mean scores of High School Seniors.

ACT Scores: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the average ACT score (Composite score: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science scores) of Graduates.

College-Going Rates: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of High School graduates going directly to College.

Reading Test Scores: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the Average of Scale Scores between 4th and 8th Grade Reading scores.

Math Test Scores: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the Average of Scale Scores between 4th and 8th Grade Mathematics scores.

Science Test Scores: Double Weight (2.27 points)

Note: This metric measures the Average of Scale Scores between 4th and 8th Grade Science scores.

AP Exam Participation: Regular Weight (1.14 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of graduates who took an AP exam during High School.

AP Exam Scores: Regular Weight ((1.14 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of the Class of 2021 scoring a 3 or higher on an AP exam during High School.

Students in Gifted Programs: Regular Weight (1.14 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of public students enrolled in gifted/talented programs.

Class Suspension Rates: Regular Weight (1.14 points)

Note: This metric measures the number of days missed due to suspension (per School).

Expulsion Rate: Half Weight (0.57 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of student expulsions (per school).

Retention Rate: Half Weight (0.57 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of 8th Grade students retained (per school).

Student Participation in Sports: Regular Weight (1.14 points)

Note: This metric measures child participates in a sports team or did he or she take sports lessons after school or on weekends, age 6-17 years.

School Quality (35 Points)

Annual per-pupil spending: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the annual per-pupil spending in Public Elementary-Secondary School System Finances.

School Rankings: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of presence of Public High Schools in the Top 100

0 Best U.S Schools by U.S. News & World Report.

Pupil/ Teacher Ratio: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the pupil/teacher ratios in public elementary and secondary schools.

Presence of Guidance Counselors: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the number of guidance counselors per Public High School.

Presence of School Health Councils: Half Weight (1.75 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Secondary Schools with one or more School Health Councils.

Full-Time Registered Nurse: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Secondary Schools that have a Full-Time Registered Nurse who provides Health Services to students.

Health Education Curriculum: Half Weight (1.75 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Secondary Schools that required Health Education Instruction in grades 6–12.

Healthy Eating Curriculum: Half Weight (1.75 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Secondary Schools in which Teachers taught the benefits of healthy eating.

Sexual Health Curriculum: Half Weight (1.75 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Secondary Schools in which Teachers taught all 20 sexual health topics (including topics related to how HIV and STD’s are transmitted, contraception methods, sexual orientation, gender expression, creating and sustaining healthy relationships, sexual risk behaviors, etc) in a Required Course in Any of Grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Teachers meeting State Licensing Requirements: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of teachers that meet all State Licensing/Certification Requirements.

Level of Experienced Teachers: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of teachers with 3 or more years of experience.

Average Teachers’ Salary: Regular Weight (3.50 points)

Note: This metric measures the cost of living adjusted to the average teacher salary.

Student Safety (40 Points)

Bullying Rate: Regular Weight (3.33 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of High School students who were bullied on school property.

Exposure to Illegal Drugs: Regular Weight (3.33 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of High School students who were offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property.

Absence of Students due to Safety Concerns: Regular Weight (3.33 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of High School students who did not go to school because they felt unsafe at school or on their way to or from school.

Bullying and Sexual Harassment Prevention: Double Weight (6.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Secondary Schools where all school staff received professional development on preventing, identifying, and responding to student bullying and sexual harassment.

Sexual Assault Rate: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Sexual Assault.

Rape or Attempted Rape Rate: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of Rape or Attempted Rape.

Robbery with a Weapon Rate: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of robberies with a Weapon.

Robbery with a firearm or explosive Rate: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of robberies with a firearm or explosive.

Robbery without a weapon Rate: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of robberies without a weapon.

Physical attack or fight with a weapon Rate: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of physical attacks or fights with a weapon.

Physical attack or fight with a firearm or explosive device Rate: Regular Weight (3.33 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of physical attacks or fights with a firearm or explosive.

Physical attack without a weapon: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of physical attacks without a weapon.

Threats of physical attack with a weapon: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of threats of physical attacks with a weapon.

Threats of physical attack with a firearm or explosive device: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of threats of physical attacks with a firearm or explosive device.

Threats of physical attack without a weapon: Half Weight (1.67 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of threats of physical attacks without a weapon.

Possession of a firearm or explosive device: Regular Weight (3.33 points)

Note: This metric measures the percentage of possession of a firearm or explosive device.

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  • P1 2024 LIVE
  • Secondary Cut-Off Point
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All Secondary Cut-Off Point 2024

  School IP PG3 PG2 PG1
1 6 - - -
2 6 - - -

↳ Affiliated




4 7D - - -

↳ Affiliated




6 8M - - -

↳ Affiliated




8 8 - - -

↳ Affiliated




10 8 - - -

↳ Affiliated




12 8 9 - -

↳ Affiliated




14 9M - - -

↳ Affiliated




16 8 9 - -
17 - 10 22 28

↳ Affiliated





↳ Affiliated




20 - 10M - -

↳ Affiliated





↳ Affiliated




23 - 10 - -

↳ Affiliated




25 - 11 22 26
26 - 11 25 -
27 - 11M - -

↳ Affiliated




29 - 11 22 26
30 - 12M - -
31 - 12 22 28

↳ Affiliated





↳ Affiliated





↳ Affiliated




35 - 12 22 27
36 - 13 23 28
37 - 13 23 30
38 - 13 23 27
39 - 13 23 28
40 - 13 25 -
41 - 13 25 -
42 - 13 22 27
43 - 13 23 27

↳ Affiliated





↳ Affiliated




46 - 14 23 27
47 - 14 22 26

↳ Affiliated





↳ Affiliated




50 - 14 23 27
51 - 14 23 27

↳ Affiliated





↳ Affiliated




54 - 15 23 28

↳ Affiliated




56 - 15 23 27
57 - 15 23 26
58 - 15 23 27

↳ Affiliated




60 - 15 23 27
61 - 15 23 26
62 - 16 24 28
63 - 16 24 28
64 - 16 23 28
65 - 16 23 26
66 - 16 24 27
67 - 17 24 28
68 - 17 24 29
69 - 17 24 29
70 - 17 23 27
71 - 17 24 28
72 - 17 24 28
73 - 17 24 28

↳ Affiliated




75 - 18 24 28
76 - 18 24 28
77 - 18 24 28
78 - 18 24 30
79 - 18 24 27
80 - 18 24 27
81 - 18 24 28
82 - 18 23 27
83 - 19 25 30
84 - 19 24 30
85 - 19 24 27
86 - 19 24 30
87 - 19 24 28
88 - 19 24 28
89 - 19 24 28
90 - 19 24 28
91 - 19 24 27
92 - 20 25 30
93 - 20 24 27
94 - 20 25 28
95 - 20 25 30
96 - 20 25 30
97 - 20 23 27
98 - 20 24 27
99 - 20 24 28
100 - 20 24 28
101 - 21 25 28

↳ Affiliated




103 - 22 25 29
104 - 22 25 29
105 - 22 25 29
106 - 22 25 30
107 - 22 25 30
108 - 22 25 30
109 - 22 25 28
110 - 22 25 30
111 - 22 25 30
112 - 22 25 29
113 - 22 25 29
114 - 22 25 28
115 - 22 25 30
116 - 22 24 28
117 - 22 25 28
118 - 22 25 28
119 - 22 25 30

↳ Affiliated




121 - 22 25 29
122 - 22 24 27
123 - 22 25 28
124 - 22 25 30
125 - 22 25 30
126 - 22 25 29
127 - 22 25 28
128 - 22 25 28
129 - 22 25 30
130 - 22 25 29
131 - 22 25 28
132 - 22 25 30
133 - 22 25 29
134 - 22 25 30
135 - 22 25 28
136 - 22 25 29
137 - 22 25 30
138 - 22 25 28
139 - 22 25 29
140 - - - -
141 - - - -
142 - - - -
143 - - - -
144 - - - -
145 - - - -
146 - - - -
147 - - - -
148 - - - -
  • When the cut-off is determined by Higher Chinese Language (HCL), there will be the suffix D/M/P (Distinction/Merit/Pass grade)
  • The year is based on previous year PSLE score eg. 2024 is based on PSLE 2023 score range

COLLEGE FOOTBALL 25 Rankings Week Showcase

Who are the best teams in ea sports™ college football 25.

Hey College Football Fans,

Welcome back to the Campus Huddle! This week, we have a special “living” edition of the Campus Huddle, centered around Rankings Week.

So what is Rankings Week? 

It’s a time to celebrate various EA SPORTS™ College Football 25 rankings, from the Toughest Places to Play, to the Top Offenses and Defenses, to our final Team Power Rankings before the worldwide launch on July 19. Plus, we’ll have our Sights and Sounds Deep Dive coming Wednesday, showcasing the incredible and unique presentation features coming to EA SPORTS™ College Football 25.

The full Rankings Week schedule can be seen here:


We laid out the significant impact that Homefield Advantage can have on the outcome of games in EA SPORTS™ College Football 25 during our Gameplay Deep Dive Campus Huddle . Audio and in-game modifiers such as blurred routes, incorrect play art, confidence and composure affects, and screen shaking are some of the immersive impacts away teams and players will be forced to contend with. 

But not all Homefield Advantages are created equal. The Development Team worked to compile a list of the Top 25 Toughest Places to Play, factoring in historical stats such as home winning %, home game attendance, active home winning streaks, team prestige, and more.

Rankings are subject to change in future updates.

  • Kyle Field - Texas A&M
  • Bryant-Denny Stadium - Alabama
  • Tiger Stadium - LSU
  • Ohio Stadium - Ohio State
  • Sanford Stadium - Georgia
  • Beaver Stadium - Penn State
  • Camp Randall Stadium - Wisconsin
  • Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Oklahoma
  • Doak S. Campbell Stadium - Florida State
  • Ben Hill Griffin Stadium - Florida
  • Autzen Stadium - Oregon
  • Memorial Stadium - Clemson
  • Neyland Stadium - Tennessee
  • Jordan-Hare Stadium - Auburn
  • Williams-Brice Stadium - South Carolina
  • Michigan Stadium - Michigan
  • Lane Stadium - Virginia Tech
  • Rice-Eccles Stadium - Utah
  • Darrell K. Royal - Texas Memorial Stadium - Texas
  • Kinnick Stadium - Iowa
  • Notre Dame Stadium - Notre Dame
  • Spartan Stadium - Michigan State
  • Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium - Arkansas
  • Albertsons Stadium - Boise State
  • Davis Wade Stadium - Mississippi State


In case you missed it, Kirk Herbstreit is back with our next Deep Dive, taking a look at the sights and sounds featured in EA SPORTS™ College Football 25. The Development Team spent years capturing countless traditions, mascots, fight songs, and more to the game, ensuring all 134 schools and fan bases were represented with pride. These elements make College Football special and unique, bringing the unmatched feeling of game day to your fingertips.  

For even more on the presentation elements and how they come to life, check out the latest Campus Huddle hosted by Senior Game Designer Christian Brandt.


The Development Team meticulously examined hundreds of thousands of data points to arrive at our team power rankings. With help from our friends at Pro Football Focus (PFF), the team analyzed all 134 rosters, thousands of players, years worth of game film, and mountains of stats, ultimately arriving at our Team Power Rankings.

Here are the Top 25 offenses in EA SPORTS™ College Football 25: 

  • Georgia - 94 OVR
  • Oregon - 94 OVR
  • Alabama - 91 OVR
  • Texas - 91 OVR
  • Ohio State - 89 OVR
  • LSU - 89 OVR
  • Miami - 89 OVR
  • Colorado - 89 OVR
  • Missouri - 89 OVR
  • Clemson - 87 OVR
  • Utah - 87 OVR
  • Penn State - 87 OVR
  • Ole Miss - 87 OVR
  • Kansas - 87 OVR
  • Arizona - 87 OVR
  • NC State - 87 OVR
  • Notre Dame - 85 OVR
  • Texas A&M - 85 OVR
  • Memphis - 85 OVR
  • SMU - 85 OVR
  • UCF - 85 OVR
  • Florida State - 83 OVR
  • Oklahoma - 83 OVR
  • Virginia Tech - 83 OVR
  • USC - 83 OVR

As the old saying goes, “Defense wins championships.” Here are the Top 25 defenses in EA SPORTS™ College Football 25:

  • Ohio State - 96 OVR
  • Oregon - 90 OVR
  • Alabama - 90 OVR
  • Clemson - 90 OVR
  • Notre Dame - 90 OVR
  • Michigan - 90 OVR
  • Texas - 88 OVR
  • Penn State - 88 OVR
  • Utah - 88 OVR
  • Florida State - 88 OVR
  • Oklahoma - 88 OVR
  • Iowa - 88 OVR
  • Virginia Tech - 86 OVR
  • Wisconsin - 86 OVR
  • USC - 86 OVR
  • Auburn - 86 OVR
  • LSU - 84 OVR
  • Texas A&M - 84 OVR
  • Colorado - 84 OVR
  • Oklahoma State - 84 OVR
  • Louisville - 84 OVR
  • North Carolina - 84 OVR
  • Kansas State - 84 OVR
  • Florida - 84 OVR


And the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Here are the Top Teams in EA SPORTS™ College Football 25.

  • Georgia - 95 OVR
  • Ohio State - 93 OVR
  • Oregon - 93 OVR
  • Alabama - 92 OVR
  • Texas - 92 OVR
  • LSU - 90 OVR
  • Michigan - 88 OVR
  • Miami - 88 OVR
  • Texas A&M - 88 OVR
  • Ole Miss - 88 OVR
  • Colorado - 87 OVR
  • Oklahoma - 87 OVR
  • Wisconsin - 87 OVR
  • USC - 87 OVR
  • Virginia Tech - 87 OVR
  • Oklahoma State - 87 OVR
  • Iowa - 87 OVR

Let us know what you think! Join the conversation today by following EA SPORTS™ College Football 25 on social media and rep your school. Next week, we’ll have even more information to share including our Dynasty Deep Dive where we explore the ins and outs of the mode, recruiting, and more! 

College Football 25 launches worldwide on July 19th, 2024. Pre-order the Deluxe Edition* or the EA SPORTS™ MVP Bundle** and play 3 days early. Conditions and restrictions apply. See disclaimers for details. Stay in the conversation by following us on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , YouTube , and Answers HQ .

Pre-order the MVP Bundle*** to make game day every day, and get both Madden NFL 25 and College Football 25 with exclusive content.


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College football 25 road to glory deep dive, college football 25 ultimate team deep dive, college football 25 dynasty deep dive.


Ranking big ten universities by u.s. news global score, share this article.

presentation school ranking

The Big Ten Conference is serious about being elite in both academics and athletics, putting it above all of the other conferences in the United States.

That commitment extends beyond the United States.

U.S. News World & Report puts out university rankings each year, and we took a look at how Big Ten schools rank against each other within America. But the outlet looks beyond that to how each is in terms of all of the colleges in the world.

There’s a reason each school has a pretty substantial enrollment of foreign students, thus U.S. News is letting everyone know where schools rank on a global scale .

Institutions from the U.S. and more than 100 other countries have been ranked based on 13 indicators that measure their academic research performance and their global and regional reputations. Students can use these rankings to explore the higher education options that exist beyond their own countries’ borders and to compare key aspects of schools’ research missions.

With that in mind, there is different criteria for determining how a school ranks globally . For instance, a prestigious Ivy League school, Brown University, is No. 153 per these rankings — below many other schools that aren’t nearly as good. But, here is how each Big Ten school ranks, along with the global score and how they rank against each other.

18 University of Nebraska

presentation school ranking

Photo: Isaiah Hole

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska U.S. News rank:  497 Total enrollment 2024:  24,792 Global score: 54.0

17 University of Oregon

presentation school ranking

Ben Lonergan-The Register Guard

Location: Eugene, Oregon U.S. News rank:  394 Total enrollment 2024:  22,069 Global score: 57.0

16 University of Iowa

presentation school ranking

Photo: Iowa City Press-Citizen

Location: Iowa City, Iowa U.S. News rank:  225 Total enrollment 2024:  28,583 Global score: 63.8

15 Purdue University

presentation school ranking

Photo: Journal-Courier

Location: West Lafayette, Indiana U.S. News rank:  167 Total enrollment 2024:  42,633 Global score: 67.0

14 Rutgers University

presentation school ranking

Photo: Courier News

Location: New Brunswick, New Jersey U.S. News rank:  148 Total enrollment 2024:  46,255 Global score: 67.8

13 Indiana University

presentation school ranking

Rick Janzaruk-Herald-Times

Location: Bloomington, Indiana U.S. News rank:  135 Total enrollment 2024:  N/A Global score: 68.4

12 Michigan State University

presentation school ranking

Photo: Detroit Free Press

Location:  East Lansing, Michigan U.S. News rank:  123 Total enrollment 2024:  44,514 Global score: 69.3

11 University of Illinois

presentation school ranking

Patrick Gorski-USA TODAY Sports

Location:  Champaign, Illinois U.S. News rank:  100 Total enrollment 2024:  49,212 Global score: 71.9

10 Pennsylvania State University

presentation school ranking

Location:  University Park, Pennsylvania U.S. News rank:  96 Total enrollment 2024:  45,875 Global score: 72.3

9 University of Southern California

presentation school ranking

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Location:  Los Angeles, California U.S. News rank:  79 Total enrollment 2024:  40,549 Global score: 73.4

8 University of Wisconsin

presentation school ranking

Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images

Location:  Madison, Wisconsin U.S. News rank:  74 Total enrollment 2024:  41,209 Global score: 73.7

7 University of Maryland

presentation school ranking

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Location:  College Park, Maryland U.S. News rank:  72 Total enrollment 2024:  33,988 Global score: 74.2

6 University of Minnesota

presentation school ranking

Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

Location:  Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S. News rank:  63 Total enrollment 2024:  44,770 Global score: 74.7

5 Ohio State University

presentation school ranking

Photo: HawkCentral

Location:  Columbus, Ohio U.S. News rank:  61 Total enrollment 2024:  55,537 Global score: 74.9

4 Northwestern University

presentation school ranking

David Banks-USA TODAY Sports

Location:  Evanston, Illinois U.S. News rank:  24 Total enrollment 2024:  18,417 Global score: 81.8

3 University of Michigan

presentation school ranking

Location:  Ann Arbor, Michigan U.S. News rank:  19 Total enrollment 2024:  45,783 Global score: 83.7

2 University of California, Los Angeles

presentation school ranking

ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images

Location:  Westwood, California U.S. News rank:  11 Total enrollment 2024:  43,504 Global score: 85.5

1 University of Washington

presentation school ranking

Brian Munoz-USA TODAY

Location:  Seattle, Washington U.S. News rank:  7 Total enrollment 2024:  49,485 Global score: 86.5

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

presentation school ranking

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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U.S. News & World Report releases high school rankings. See where Volusia, Flagler fall

U.S. News & World Report released its annual high school rankings Tuesday with some Flagler and Volusia county schools exceeding last year's numbers.

Almost 25,000 public high schools nationwide were reviewed, and of those, 17,655 schools were ranked.

Rankings are based on six categories, each weighted differently: college readiness (30%); college curriculum breadth (10%); state assessment proficiency (20%); state assessment performance (20%); underserved student performance (10%); and graduation rate (10%).

The top school in Florida was Sarasota County's Pine View School, which was slated 18th nationwide. Only two other Florida schools were included in the nation's top 50 public high schools: Millennium 6-12 Collegiate Academy in Broward County, ranked 41, and Westshore Junior/Senior High School in Brevard County, ranked 43.

Flagler County high schools show marked improvement

Flagler County high schools improved on both the state and national levels compared to last year.

Flagler-Palm Coast High School placed 300 in the state ranking compared to 344 last year, and 5,739 in the national ranking, compared to 6,526 last year.

Matanzas High School placed 302 in the state ranking compared to 318 last year, and 5,751 in the national ranking, compared to 6,202 last year.

The county's iFlagler-Virtual Franchise also ranked this year with 498 statewide and 11,839 nationally.

"The administration, faculty and staff of Flagler Schools continue to prioritize the success of all of our students," Don Foley, Flagler Schools communications coordinator, wrote in an email. "As we continue to climb higher with each passing academic year, our accomplishments are a true testament to the dedication our district has in moving Flagler Forward."

Where do Volusia County high schools stand?

All of Volusia County's high schools appeared in both the state and national rankings.

While Spruce Creek High School dropped slightly compared to last year, it still ranked in the top third of public Florida high schools this year, the only Volusia school to do so.

Deltona High School saw the largest increase in state rankings, moving from 419 last year to 321. Its national ranking went from 8,915 to 6,192.

Mainland High School saw an increase in its state rankings, up 10 points from last year, while its national ranking went from 7,423 to 6,985.

New Smyrna Beach High School ranked the same as last year with 270; its national ranking went from 5,064 to 4,978.

Volusia Virtual Instruction Program improved its national ranking over last year, from 13,261-17,680 to 13,242-17,655.

The rest of the high schools dropped in both state and national rankings compared to last year.

Here's how Volusia County high schools did this year:

  • Spruce Creek High School placed 146 in the state ranking and 2,387 in the national ranking.
  • New Smyrna Beach High School placed 270 in the state ranking and 4,978 in the national ranking.
  • Seabreeze High School placed 313 in the state ranking and 5,974 in the national ranking.
  • DeLand High School placed 317 in the state ranking and 6,094 in the national ranking.
  • Deltona High School placed 321 in the state ranking and 6,192 in the national ranking.
  • Atlantic High School placed 346 in the state ranking and 6,657 in the national ranking.
  • Mainland High School placed 355 in the state ranking and 6,985 in the national ranking.
  • T. Dewitt Taylor Middle-High School placed 376 in the state ranking and 7,765 in the national ranking.
  • University High School placed 394 in the state ranking and 8,196 in the national ranking.
  • Volusia Online Learning-FLVS (Franchise) placed 397 in the state ranking and 8,323 in the national ranking.
  • Pine Ridge High School placed 453 in the state ranking and 10,046 in the national ranking.
  • Volusia Virtual Instruction Program placed 537-647 in the state ranking and 13,242-17,655 in the national ranking.

"The acknowledgment of Volusia County Schools in the U.S. News and World Report school rankings speaks to the dedication and hard work of our students, educators, staff and community partners," Kristie Merklin, Volusia County Schools marketing specialist, wrote in an email. "It reflects our ongoing commitment to providing high-quality education and preparing students for success in future achievements. We remain focused on continuous innovation and excellence to ensure every student reaches their full potential."

Best high schools in Florida in 2024

In a breakdown by state, Florida took fifth place behind Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and Maryland.

Florida had 52 schools ranked in the top 5% nationally, 116 schools ranked in the top 10% nationally, and 242 schools ranked in the top 25% nationally.

U.S. News & Reports ranked a total of 647 public high schools in Florida. The News-Journal looked at the top third of those schools to see which counties had the highest number of top-rated public high schools.

Of the top third, or 215 schools, Miami-Dade County, Broward County and Palm Beach County had the most highly rated public high schools this year.

Here are the top 20 high schools in Florida in 2024:

  • Pine View School in Osprey.
  • Millennium 6-12 Collegiate Academy in Tamarac.
  • Westshore Junior/Senior High School in Melbourne.
  • Archimedean Upper Conservatory Charter School in Miami.
  • Stanton College Predatory School in Jacksonville.
  • Edgewood Jr./Sr. High School in Merritt Island.
  • Marine Academy of Science and Technology in North Miami.
  • Jose Mari Mast 6-12 Academy in Hialeah.
  • Design and Architecture Senior High School in Miami.
  • Alexander W. Dreyfoos Junior School of the Arts in West Palm Beach.
  • Neocity Academy in Kissimmee.
  • Suncoast Community High School in Riviera Beach.
  • Young Women's Preparatory Academy in Miami.
  • Terra Environmental Research Institute in Miami.
  • International Studies Charter High School in Miami.
  • Doral Performing Arts and Entertainment Academy in Doral.
  • MAST Academy in Key Biscayne.
  • iPrep Academy in Miami.
  • Paxon School/Advanced Studies in Jacksonville.
  • Darnell Cookman Middle/High School in Jacksonville.

See the full list of statewide rankings on the U.S. News & World Report website .

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University of Iowa and Iowa State University drop in U.S. News & World Report global ranks

In the most recent U.S. News & World Report, the University of Iowa fell 45 spots in Best Global Universities Rankings , while Iowa State University's ranking dropped 81 spots.

The University of Iowa ranked 180th in last year's list, but fell to 225th in 2024. Iowa State University was ranked 263rd in 2023 and is now ranked 344th.

The list of the Best Global Universities considered 2,250 college campuses in 104 countries, while last year's list only evaluated 2,000 universities in 95 countries.

The University of Northern Iowa was not included in the ranking either year.  

More: Iowa City is one of 21 communities to receive HUD's multi-million dollar affordable housing grant

U.S. News and World rankings include strict criteria

The U.S. News and World Report's Best Global University rankings assess the quality of international universities based on 13 key metrics.

These metrics include:

Global research reputation (12.5%), Regional research reputation (12.5%), Publications (10%), Books (2.5%), Conferences (2.5%), Normalized Citation impact (10%), Total citations (7.5%), Number of publications that are among the 10% most cited (12.5%), Percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited (10%),, International collaboration, relative to country (5%) and Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1% most cited in their respective field (5%).

More: Iowa City Jazz Festival returns with fireworks and Grammy-nominated acts

Global vs. National rankings

The University of Iowa scored a composite score of 63.8, while Iowa State University scored 59.8.

However, the Global University Ranking is different from the more common National University Ranking f or the United States. The University of Iowa ranks 93rd in national universities, and Iowa State comes in at 115th , respectively. The criteria for ranking positions are different globally and nationally.

University of Iowa spokesperson Steve Schmadeke said in an email to the Press-Citizen that the school focuses more on its global position.

"Because the global rankings focus on such a narrow scope (one that does not consider student access, success, or outcomes) and have such opaque criteria, the university does not place a high emphasis on them," Schmadeke said. "In contrast, U.S. News collects all of its own data for the Best Colleges and Best Graduate Schools rankings, which rely heavily on student and school-specific data, such as scores on admissions tests, graduation rates, retention rates, class sizes, and financial resources."

The Global University Report relies heavily on academic reputation surveys taken by Clarivate, a British-American publicly traded analytics company, according to the methodology guide . Other lists are directly sourced by the U.S. News and World Report.

How do the University of Iowa and Iowa State University rank among their peers?

In 2014, the Iowa Board of Regents approved a list of peer institutions for each university to use in their reports. The board updated the list of institutions for the University of Iowa and Iowa State University last year.

In the ranking, the University of Iowa ranked below its 10 peers assigned by The Iowa Board of Regents, while Iowa State University ranked in the middle of its peers, with five schools ranking below ISU.

The only Big Ten university and University of Iowa peer in the top 20 of the global list was the University of Michigan, which is ranked number 19. Six of the University of Iowa's peers were ranked in the top 100, and all 10 peers were ranked in the top 150.

Notable rankings in the University of Iowa's peer group:

19. University of Michigan (83.7)

47. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (76.7)

61. Ohio State University (74.9)

63. University of Minnesota-Minneapolis (74.7)

74. University of Wisconsin-Madison (73.7)

100. University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign (71.9)

225. University of Iowa (63.8)

Notable rankings in Iowa State's peer group:

123. Michigan State University (69.3)

167. Purdue University (67.0)

262. North Carolina State University (62.0)

278. Virginia Polytechnic & State University (61.3)

311. Colorado State University (60.0)

344. Iowa State University (59.8)

Jessica Rish is an entertainment, dining and business reporter for the Iowa City Press-Citizen. She can be reached at [email protected] or on X, formerly known as Twitter, @rishjessica_


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Best Primary Schools in Singapore (2023 Rankings)

by admin | Sep 6, 2023


As the foundation of this system, primary school education plays an important role in nurturing young minds and setting them on a path towards success. The pursuit of quality education starts early, and parents often seek guidance to select the best primary school for their children.

Besides education quality, parents would have to consider other factors such as the school culture, curricula and distance.

Types of Primary Schools in Singapore

presentation school ranking

Government-aided schools (including autonomous schools)

Special assistance plan (sap) schools, gifted education programme (gep) schools, top primary schools rankings, factors to consider when choosing a primary school, representation in the singapore national school games, achievements in singapore youth festivals.

The Youth Festival Arts Presentation features performances by students from numerous schools each year. Choose a school that does particularly well at this event if your child aspires to explore opportunities in the arts.

Here are some of the top primary schools that have performed well at the SYF:

Clementi Primary School

Nanyang Primary School

North View Primary School

Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)

presentation school ranking

Affiliation with Secondary Schools

For those unaware, many of Singapore’s best secondary schools have primary school affiliates. This benefits your child in two major ways:

It ensures that your child will receive a consistent, high-quality education from primary school to secondary school.

Some secondary schools in Singapore have very rigorous admissions processes; joining affiliated primary schools can get your child priority in admission and lower their entry requirements.

Boost your child’s education with Joyous Learning!


If you’re looking for a winning edge for your child, Joyous Learning’s primary tuition lessons offer an unparalleled pathway for students aspiring to gain entry into top primary schools.

This success is primarily attributed to our team of nurturing and passionate teachers who know how to bring out the best in every student.

Besides having in-depth domain knowledge and teaching experience, they know how to create a conducive and positive classroom environment that fosters not just academic growth but the holistic development of the child.

With an engaging curriculum that captures the interest of young minds, students find themselves not just learning but thriving in a space that encourages curiosity and creativity. Instead of rote learning and endless drills, we believe in nurturing students to be independent thinkers.

Furthermore, our small class sizes (9 per class max.) ensure that your child receives the personalised attention they need from our teachers to develop and flourish.

Discover the joy of learning with us and pave the way to educational excellence. Join our classes now, and let us be a part of your child’s success story!

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Top 5 Ranking Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 5 Ranking Templates with Examples and Samples

Lakshya Khurana


McKinsey spoke to 1,500 business leaders worldwide and discovered that only 9 percent felt happy with how they were using their time. And remember, these are business executives, the C-Suite. Additionally, just over half, 52 percent, felt that how they spent their time aligned with what their company thought was important.

This is a sobering thought, as feeling like you’re drifting away from the big picture can be anxiety-inducing.

Paraphrasing George Orwell’s Animal Farm: “All tasks are important, but some tasks are more important than others.” It seems sometimes that all work is equally important and should be given a balanced priority, but that’s not possible. This attitude can also reduce your productivity and increase your backlog. But don’t worry, as the solution is to rank your priorities strategically, and the tool to do so is SlideTeam’s Ranking Templates .

Priority PowerPoint Presentation Templates

Our approach to presentations and tools, in general, is simple. We save you the time and effort of creating slides from scratch. All the research work, placing texts in the right place, and making sure the presentation is visually appealing to the audience: we believe it is important that you use this time to get ahead on the real tasks and leave the presentations to us. We’ve got you covered!

Use our PPT Designs to rank employees (based on performance), products, candidates for hiring, pain points that need attention, etc. Not only will our templates help you sort the ranks, but they also enable you to present the information to stakeholders. Our PowerPoint Sets are content-ready and 100% editable. This gives you a starting point, a structure, and the flexibility to alter the slides to your needs.

Let’s dive in and find the one(s) you like and/or suits your needs!

Template 1: Ranking PowerPoint Template Bundles

This 15-slide PPT Deck is a powerhouse for your ranking needs. Each slide provides a comprehensive way to gauge a different concept, such as employee performance, candidates for hire, product as rated by customers, sales ranking, companies by revenue, etc. Use this PPT Set with vibrant slides to organize all aspects of your work. Download now from the link below.

Ranking powerpoint ppt template bundles


Template 2: A4 Website Ranking Proposal Template

Are you an SEO expert or well-versed with Google Analytics? If yes, you can use your expertise to help other businesses rank their websites. Beginning with a cover letter, this template bundle comes with readymade slides to present important information, such as the project context, your process, the investment, past service experience, and more. Download this template to create a convincing pitch!

A4 website ranking proposal template


Template 3: Forced Ranking PPT Template Bundles

If you want to rank employees specifically, this PPT Deck was made for you. Use this template to rank the workers from best to worst, with different methods for all departments. You can use the bell curve method for departments like the R&D, check on team sizes, etc. There is even a slide to inform you of the limitations of forced ranking. Download this template now to give a fair assessment to employees.

Forced Ranking Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles


Template 4: Marketing Brand Equity Scorecard For Keyword Ranking PPT Template

This single slide is your go-to template for delivering concise, at-a-glance information to stakeholders. This particular layout uses marketing brand equity for keyword ranking as an example. Graphs, charts, and tables provide clear data on parameters such as visibility, average exposition, SERP features, etc. Download this template now to keep stakeholders up-to-date while respecting their limited time.

Marketing Brand Equity Scorecard For Keyword Ranking Ppt Template

Template 5: Priority Ranking Matrix Template PowerPoint Layout

This matrix layout will act as a visual medium to sort your task list by priority. The x-axis represents the urgency, and the y-axis represents the importance. You can classify your tasks into four categories based on these two categories. Once sorted, you can focus on the right task at the right time. Download this template now to improve productivity!

Priority ranking matrix template powerpoint layout

Chase the More Important Rabbit First

“He who hunts two hares catches neither.”

  • Desiderius Erasmus, Adagia

It is easy to get overwhelmed by work because it will always keep coming. There’s always more work to do. To prevent it from piling up, you need the right organizational strategies and tools. SlideTeam’s Ranking Templates give you both and help you feel in control.

You can’t complete all the work on the same day. Some of it you have to leave for tomorrow. That is normal, but what is demanded by all businesses is that you know which tasks to complete on priority and which you can postpone (if needed). Use our PPT Designs to help you make the right choice and convert your isolated tasks into a flow that aligns with your project.

Access these slides with a single click and streamline your onboarding process more. You can choose one of our subscription services: monthly, semi-annual, annual, annual+ with a click here .

P.S. The templates in this blog are not ranked in any particular order. Pick the one(s) you like and download it!

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14131 universities from 183 countries ranked across 246 topics

Listing of all NIL Collectives & Revenue by School

There are 362 NCAA I member schools of which 213 currently have NIL collectives and 149 do not. All 69 members of the “power 5” conferences have supporting collectives while slightly more than half of all other NCAA I schools currently do not.

Schools / Supporting Collective(s)TotalYesNo
Power 5 Schools 69 69 -
Group of 5 Schools 60 5010
All other D1 Schools 233 94139
Total - All NCAA I Schools 362 213149

Average Funding per NIL Collective by Group:

Average per Collective *#AverageFootballMen's BBOther Sports
69 $ 9,815,217 66%24%10%
50 $ 1,452,64550%37%13%
94 $ 738,84452%32%16%
Totals213 62%27%11%

* Averages are computed based on market data presented in the Opendorse NIL at Two report on projected 2023-24 NIL total spending. Football & Men’s Basketball account for nearly 90% of NIL allocated compensation while all other sports account for just over 10%. Schools with multiple supporting collectives are considered a single collective for these purposes.

NIL Collective Average Funding by Power 5 Conference:

Based on the projected 2023-24 NIL Market, the following is our estimate of NIL Collective funding by Power 5 Conference. NIL collectives are expected to generate on average almost $10 million annually per Power 5 school in compensation to student athletes. See our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at:

Power 5 Conference
NIL Collectives


Total6970$ 677,250,000$ 9,815,217$ 9,731,184

Click on links above for more detail by conference. We are confident these estimates are reasonable: the CEO of Student-Athlete NIL agency recently estimated that collectives associated with Big Ten and SEC schools might spend $ 7.5 million to $ 12 million on football players alone . Using his allocation of 75% to 80% to football, this would result in Big Ten and SEC collectives raising $ 10 million to $ 15 million annually, which is in line with our estimates above. Ryan Day, head football coach at Ohio State, recently stated that they needed $ 13 million in NIL money simply to “maintain” their roster which is also consistent with these estimates.

* Big Ten Blues? Why the Four Pac-12 schools joining the Big Ten this year may soon regret their decision .

Projected NIL Collective Funding by NCAA I School:

Based on 2022 Booster support, the following is our estimate of NIL collective 2023-24 funding per school. Public universities only – private schools are not reported here due to lack of data. Our estimate of NIL Collective funding is based on a percentage of the school’s existing booster & fan support – see our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at:

NIL Collectives
Public Universities
Estimate *
TexasBig 12SEC $ 22,272,474 135,517,239 57,543,166 77,974,073
Ohio StateBig TenBig Ten $ 20,253,400 123,232,149 59,649,921 63,582,228
LSUSECSEC $ 20,137,141 122,524,769 46,594,942 75,929,827
GeorgiaSECSEC $ 18,326,566 111,508,298 37,192,353 74,315,945
Texas A&MSECSEC $ 17,228,714 104,828,397 50,624,287 54,204,110
MichiganBig TenBig Ten $ 16,357,054 99,524,766 55,266,135 44,258,631
AlabamaSECSEC $ 15,995,406 97,324,316 44,211,016 53,113,300
FloridaSECSEC $ 15,802,237 96,148,974 34,784,702 61,364,272
ClemsonACCACC $ 15,258,374 92,839,831 31,980,356 60,859,475
OklahomaBig 12SEC $ 14,817,595 90,157,905 46,977,771 43,180,134
Penn StateBig TenBig Ten $ 13,793,489 83,926,716 44,678,657 39,248,059
IndianaBig TenBig Ten $ 13,631,160 82,939,020 21,278,997 61,660,023
Michigan StateBig TenBig Ten $ 13,035,471 79,314,544 25,178,673 54,135,871
VirginiaACCACC $ 12,780,300 77,761,952 15,114,983 62,646,969
TennesseeSECSEC $ 11,602,164 70,593,563 35,110,289 35,483,274
AuburnSECSEC $ 11,588,953 70,513,179 34,140,396 36,372,783
ArkansasSECSEC $ 11,544,039 70,239,900 48,073,959 22,165,941
KentuckySECSEC $ 11,254,204 68,476,390 40,538,111 27,938,279
OregonPac-12Big Ten $ 10,623,807 64,640,729 24,357,945 40,282,784
Florida StateACCACC $ 10,034,191 61,053,203 18,773,797 42,279,406
IowaBig TenBig Ten $ 9,698,730 59,012,087 26,416,829 32,595,258
South CarolinaSECSEC $ 9,554,700 58,135,731 24,301,862 33,833,869
LouisvilleACCACC $ 9,443,439 57,458,760 27,045,669 30,413,091
WashingtonPac-12Big Ten $ 9,406,794 57,235,798 29,198,790 28,037,008
IllinoisBig TenBig Ten $ 9,311,667 56,656,994 15,693,517 40,963,477
Wisconsin Big TenBig Ten $ 8,982,406 54,653,602 38,117,093 16,536,509
MississippiSECSEC $ 8,872,378 53,984,130 19,574,652 34,409,478
North CarolinaACCACC $ 8,355,617 50,839,894 30,224,001 20,615,893
Nebraska Big TenBig Ten $ 7,973,918 48,517,435 38,946,701 9,570,734
Virginia TechACCACC $ 7,732,903 47,050,980 21,168,159 25,882,821
Iowa StateBig 12Big 12 $ 7,551,312 45,946,084 22,909,710 23,036,374
KansasBig 12Big 12 $ 7,427,957 45,195,526 17,933,864 27,261,662
UtahPac-12Big 12 $ 7,252,969 44,130,809 15,286,819 28,843,990
MinnesotaBig TenBig Ten $ 7,171,424 43,634,648 19,252,536 24,382,112
MissouriSECSEC $ 7,146,859 43,485,183 13,929,479 29,555,704
Kansas StateBig 12Big 12 $ 7,121,436 43,330,498 15,221,310 28,109,188
Texas TechBig 12Big 12 $ 6,986,182 42,507,539 13,560,519 28,947,020
Mississippi StateSECSEC $ 6,467,166 39,349,578 16,737,350 22,612,228
ArizonaPac-12Big 12 $ 6,414,683 39,030,243 19,164,426 19,865,817
North Carolina StateACCACC $ 5,935,429 36,114,218 21,214,362 14,899,856
UCLAPac-12Big Ten $ 5,919,423 36,016,831 17,494,361 18,522,470
Arizona StatePac-12Big 12 $ 5,689,877 34,620,152 14,144,182 20,475,970
PurdueBig TenBig Ten $ 5,510,579 33,529,207 16,617,614 16,911,593
West VirginiaBig 12Big 12 $ 5,495,362 33,436,624 18,763,866 14,672,758
Oklahoma StateBig 12Big 12 $ 5,338,583 32,482,697 12,882,021 19,600,676
ColoradoPac-12Big 12 $ 5,337,719 32,477,439 19,175,198 13,302,241
Georgia TechACCACC $ 4,281,809 26,052,739 12,303,309 13,749,430
San Diego StateMWMW $ 4,158,476 25,302,315 5,624,459 19,677,856
CincinnatiAACBig-12 $ 3,984,845 24,245,856 9,631,998 14,613,858
CaliforniaPac-12ACC $ 3,932,903 23,929,814 8,073,384 15,856,430
University of ConnecticutBig East Big East $ 3,839,690 23,362,661 9,747,824 13,614,837
MarylandBig TenBig Ten $ 3,735,112 22,726,352 12,735,792 9,990,560
RutgersBig TenBig Ten $ 3,624,816 22,055,252 13,049,333 9,005,919
Central FloridaAACBig-12 $ 3,308,993 20,133,624 5,782,943 14,350,681
Washington StatePac-12Pac-12 $ 3,216,991 19,573,838 9,299,636 10,274,202
Oregon StatePac-12Pac-12 $ 3,163,423 19,247,899 9,447,886 9,800,013
East CarolinaAACAAC $ 2,887,971 17,571,910 5,807,897 11,764,013
Nevada-Las VegasMWMW $ 2,772,864 16,871,536 7,034,986 9,836,550
Boise StateMWMW $ 2,765,657 16,827,686 7,226,105 9,601,581
MemphisAACAAC $ 2,634,877 16,031,952 10,253,609 5,778,343
Colorado StateMWMW $ 2,586,300 15,736,383 4,742,234 10,994,149
WyomingMWMW $ 2,426,393 14,763,429 4,084,611 10,678,818
Old DominionSun BeltSun Belt $ 2,389,384 14,538,249 2,493,640 12,044,609
South FloridaAACAAC $ 2,235,939 13,604,611 6,485,854 7,118,757
University of MontanaBig Sky Big Sky $ 2,167,846 13,190,294 6,183,720 7,006,574
Fresno StateMWMW $ 2,102,800 12,794,521 5,914,738 6,879,783
HoustonAACBig-12 $ 2,098,333 12,767,342 5,191,579 7,575,763
North Dakota State UniversitySummit Summit $ 2,070,608 12,598,652 5,961,999 6,636,653
NevadaMWMW $ 2,000,558 12,172,431 7,325,678 4,846,753
Wichita StateAACAAC $ 1,972,609 12,002,372 4,713,121 7,289,251
Appalachian StateSun BeltSun Belt $ 1,925,394 11,715,090 5,407,791 6,307,299
New MexicoMWMW $ 1,776,472 10,808,972 4,510,754 6,298,218
UNC CharlotteAACAAC $ 1,570,976 9,558,628 1,628,183 7,930,445
Montana State UniversityBig Sky Big Sky $ 1,553,594 9,452,866 4,436,089 5,016,777
Utah StateMWMW $ 1,511,795 9,198,542 2,718,827 6,479,715
Southern MississippiSun BeltSun Belt $ 1,500,334 9,128,806 3,324,383 5,804,423
MarshallSun BeltSun Belt $ 1,462,900 8,901,037 2,946,763 5,954,274
Florida AtlanticAACAAC $ 1,308,349 7,960,674 1,112,409 6,848,265
Louisiana-LafayetteSun BeltSun Belt $ 1,284,835 7,817,600 2,411,959 5,405,641
Alabama at BirminghamAACAAC $ 1,240,957 7,550,624 2,306,791 5,243,833
James MadisonSun BeltSun Belt $ 1,207,786 7,348,797 3,564,462 3,784,335
Arkansas StateSun BeltSun Belt $ 1,207,619 7,347,777 1,178,133 6,169,644
Texas-San AntonioAACAAC $ 1,058,313 6,439,323 3,315,102 3,124,221
University of Hawaii at ManoaBig West Big West $ 1,051,850 6,399,998 1,950,230 4,449,768
San Jose StateMWMW $ 1,001,536 6,093,864 608,561 5,485,303
Texas-El PasoCUSACUSA $ 955,659 5,814,721 2,318,851 3,495,870
ToledoMACMAC $ 928,243 5,647,912 1,933,429 3,714,483
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityA10A10 $ 902,755 5,492,825 2,132,585 3,360,240
Western KentuckyCUSACUSA $ 870,548 5,296,863 2,281,717 3,015,146
Georgia SouthernSun BeltSun Belt $ 844,462 5,138,145 1,999,550 3,138,595
Western MichiganMACMAC $ 827,015 5,031,984 1,460,058 3,571,926
Georgia StateSun BeltSun Belt $ 781,177 4,753,087 606,809 4,146,278
University of Northern ColoradoBig Sky Big Sky $ 779,260 4,741,421 522,402 4,219,019
Florida Gulf Coast UniversityASUNASUN $ 757,497 4,609,004 825,822 3,783,182
University of MassachusettsA10A10 $ 743,864 4,526,052 1,626,956 2,899,096
University of Northern IowaMVCMVC $ 704,682 4,287,650 1,135,780 3,151,870
New Mexico StateCUSACUSA $ 680,038 4,137,703 1,465,012 2,672,691
Bowling GreenMACMAC $ 670,821 4,081,620 1,201,307 2,880,313
George Mason UniversityA10A10 $ 612,537 3,726,993 617,434 3,109,559
North TexasAACAAC $ 607,493 3,696,302 1,337,778 2,358,524
Texas StateSun BeltSun Belt $ 599,058 3,644,980 1,191,968 2,453,012
University of Rhode IslandA10A10 $ 561,639 3,417,304 1,281,600 2,135,704
University of Nebraska at OmahaSummit Summit $ 556,138 3,383,828 2,633,319 750,509
University of Tennessee-ChattanoogaSouthern Southern $ 549,269 3,342,037 803,128 2,538,909
Indiana State UniversityMVCMVC $ 524,475 3,191,177 348,145 2,843,032
Southern Illinois UniversityMVCMVC $ 524,242 3,189,757 1,074,469 2,115,288
McNeese State UniversitySouthland Southland $ 519,547 3,161,193 897,853 2,263,340
Ohio UniversityMACMAC $ 509,427 3,099,615 1,234,040 1,865,575
Northern IllinoisMACMAC $ 506,195 3,079,952 495,563 2,584,389
South AlabamaSun BeltSun Belt $ 479,267 2,916,110 1,176,270 1,739,840
Stephen F Austin State UniversityWACWAC $ 427,846 2,603,236 558,338 2,044,898
Towson UniversityCAACAA $ 411,577 2,504,246 265,996 2,238,250
Murray State UniversityMVCMVC $ 409,722 2,492,963 1,273,984 1,218,979
TroySun BeltSun Belt $ 386,184 2,349,746 778,536 1,571,210
Illinois State UniversityMVCMVC $ 382,828 2,329,322 1,426,063 903,259
Weber State UniversityBig Sky Big Sky $ 372,994 2,269,488 617,398 1,652,090
University of California-Santa BarbaraBig West Big West $ 371,000 2,257,353 231,232 2,026,121
Coastal CarolinaSun BeltSun Belt $ 367,676 2,237,128 1,306,549 930,579
Kennesaw State UniversityASUNASUN $ 362,703 2,206,872 635,600 1,571,272
Univ of North Carolina WilmingtonCAACAA $ 355,627 2,163,817 652,718 1,511,099
Ball StateMACMAC $ 341,183 2,075,931 795,202 1,280,729
University of North AlabamaASUNASUN $ 303,471 1,846,475 312,542 1,533,933
Northwestern State University Southland Southland $ 295,595 1,798,555 215,433 1,583,122
Univ of Wisconsin-Green BayHorizon Horizon $ 292,411 1,779,182 389,835 1,389,347
Lamar UniversitySouthland Southland $ 284,546 1,731,323 475,090 1,256,233
Tarleton State UniversityWACWAC $ 281,304 1,711,601 604,450 1,107,151
Univ of North Carolina at GreensboroSouthern Southern $ 274,806 1,672,059 131,664 1,540,395
Northern Kentucky UniversityHorizon Horizon $ 272,399 1,657,416 242,279 1,415,137
Austin Peay State UniversityASUNASUN $ 253,579 1,542,908 417,101 1,125,807
Youngstown State UniversityHorizon Horizon $ 245,788 1,495,499 417,712 1,077,787
Sam Houston StateCUSACUSA $ 238,669 1,452,185 307,512 1,144,673
Florida InternationalCUSACUSA $ 229,930 1,399,013 774,837 624,176
Stony Brook UniversityCAACAA $ 224,341 1,365,006 572,319 792,687
Indiana-Purdue Univ- Fort WayneHorizon Horizon $ 213,519 1,299,159 78,078 1,221,081
Grambling State UniversitySWACSWAC $ 203,964 1,241,020 763,192 477,828
University at AlbanyAm East Am East $ 202,187 1,230,213 406,713 823,500
Longwood UniversityBig South Big South $ 195,164 1,187,479 74,200 1,113,279
Univ of North Carolina at AshevilleBig South Big South $ 194,803 1,185,280 45,071 1,140,209
Utah Valley UniversityWACWAC $ 191,396 1,164,552 224,785 939,767
Eastern Kentucky UniversityASUNASUN $ 161,551 982,959 296,858 686,101
Kent StateMACMAC $ 160,201 974,748 313,217 661,531
Texas A & M - Corpus ChristiSouthland Southland $ 118,556 721,355 210,723 510,632
University of Illinois at ChicagoMVCMVC $ 115,207 700,979 102,727 598,252
University of Missouri-Kansas CitySummit Summit $ 102,761 625,253 113,867 511,386
University of California-RiversideBig West Big West $ 76,105 463,064 54,951 408,113
Alcorn State UniversitySWACSWAC $ 36,786 223,822 223,822 -

* Important – see our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at.

Our initial impression was that these estimates are high. But upon review we saw that the goal of the University of Tennessee collective is $ 25 million and that they believe this goal is “absolutely attainable”. The head football coach at Ohio State recently stated they need $ 13 million in NIL money just to “maintain” their football roster. Using the 66% Power 5 average of NIL money allocated to Football, this translates into just under $ 20 million in NIL dollars to all Ohio State sports – very close to the estimate presented in this table. Additional spot checking revealed credible reports of Auburn raising over $ 13 million and Ole Miss raising over $ 10 million in NIL Collective money – both figures are somewhat higher the estimates contained in this table.

But there are also collectives that have generated funding substantially below these estimates. Michigan State’s primary collective recently cancelled or paused nearly all its contracts with football players due to lackluster support – less than 100 subscriptions to date. Michigan State has without question received the worst publicity of any college athletic department in recent years due to several serious incidents, but it’s also likely not a total outlier. Several other collectives have announced weak fundraising totals as well, including Northwestern’s which recently stated  that it was going to miss its Year 1 goal of raising $3 million by a substantial margin (possibly due to the firing of a popular coach). So some of our estimates are clearly too high, and some may be too low.

The CEO of Student-Athlete NIL estimated that the average collective nationally has raised $ 3 million to $ 5 million which almost directly matches our computed average of just under $ 3.9 million for all 211 collectives currently in our database. So overall we believe the methodology used and resulting estimates are within reason and generally consistent with real world results.

Opendorse summarizes 2023-24 NIL Collective fundraising tiers as follows:

GroupingAnnual Funding
Power 5 - Top Level$ 10 million +
Power 5 - Mid Tier$ 5 - $ 10 million
Lower P5 & Upper G5$ 1 - $ 5 million
Mid G5 & Upper D1$ 250K - $ 1 million
All other D1$ 100k - $ 250k

Complete listing of all NIL Collectives by School:

NCAA I Member SchoolStateConferenceCollective(s)
ALSun Belt
ALSun Belt
ARSun Belt
AZBig Sky
CABig West
CABig West
CABig West
CABig West
CABig West
CABig Sky
CABig West
CABig West
CABig West
CABig West
CABig West
COBig Sky
CTBig East
CTIvy League
DCBig East
FLCUSAInside The Cage
FLBig 12
GASun Belt
GASun Belt
HIBig West
IABig 12
IABig Ten
IDBig Sky
IDBig Sky
ILBig East
ILBig Ten
ILBig Ten
INBig East
INBig Ten
INBig Ten
KSBig 12
KSBig 12
LASun Belt
LASun Belt
MAIvy League
MAAmerica East
MDBig Ten
MDAmerica East
MEAmerica East
MIBig Ten
MIBig Ten
MNBig Ten
MSSun Belt
MTBig Sky
MTBig Sky
NCSun Belt
NCBig South
NCBig South
NCBig South
NEBig East
NEBig Ten
NHIvy League
NHAmerica East
NJAmerica East
NJIvy League
NJBig Ten
NJBig East
NYAmerica East
NYIvy League
NYIvy League
NYBig East
NYAmerica East
OHBig Ten
OHBig 12
OHBig East
OKBig 12
OKBig 12
ORBig Sky
PABig Ten
PAIvy League
PABig East
RIIvy League
RIAmerica East
RIBig East
SCBig South
SCSun Belt
SCBig South
SCBig South
SCBig South
TXBig 12
TXBig 12
TXSun Belt
TXBig 12
TXBig 12
TXBig 12
UTBig 12
UTBig Sky
VASun Belt
VABig South
VASun Belt
VABig South
VTAmerica East
WABig Sky
WIBig East
WIBig Ten
WVSun Belt
WVBig 12

Additions or Changes? Contact us at: [email protected] List ing last updated 11/27/2023

School support of Athletic Programs by Percentage:

There is a direct relationship between Athletic Department Revenues and what a school needs to internally contribute to support its athletic department.  Schools with substantial revenues from ticket sales, booster contributions and TV contracts require little or no school support. But most Athletic Departments have limited outside revenue and must rely on school funds & student fees to a significant extent to support their athletic programs:

NCAA I Schools
Public Universities
Total AD
School &
Student %
ContributionsRights &
Ohio State 251,615,345 0% 59,649,921 63,582,228 104,211,451 - 102,794 24,068,951
Texas 239,290,648 0% 57,543,166 77,974,073 94,128,116 - - 9,645,293
Alabama 214,365,357 8% 44,211,016 53,113,300 83,989,823 - 17,577,998 15,473,220
Michigan 210,652,287 0% 55,266,135 44,258,631 91,652,498 - 188,808 19,286,215
Georgia 203,048,566 2% 37,192,353 74,315,945 77,447,079 3,530,802 - 10,562,387
LSU 199,309,382 0% 46,594,942 75,929,827 71,943,756 - - 4,840,857
Texas A&M 193,139,619 0% 50,624,287 54,204,110 76,984,470 - - 11,326,752
Florida 190,417,139 3% 34,784,702 61,364,272 75,817,625 2,559,134 2,706,111 13,185,295
Penn State 181,227,448 0% 44,678,657 39,248,059 77,552,680 - - 19,748,052
Oklahoma 177,320,217 0% 46,977,771 43,180,134 69,875,826 - - 17,286,486
Auburn 174,568,442 9% 34,140,396 36,372,783 79,666,600 6,403,602 9,746,530 8,238,531
Michigan State 172,799,513 1% 25,178,673 54,135,871 76,017,850 - 1,658,948 15,808,171
Indiana 166,761,471 2% 21,278,997 61,660,023 77,770,033 - 2,708,975 3,343,443
Virginia 161,916,231 15% 15,114,983 62,646,969 52,059,542 15,833,065 8,635,778 7,625,894
Florida State 161,141,884 14% 18,773,797 42,279,406 65,815,245 8,691,672 13,597,540 11,984,224
Kentucky 159,079,024 0% 40,538,111 27,938,279 83,524,057 953 - 7,077,624
Clemson 158,283,618 4% 31,980,356 60,859,475 56,800,545 - 6,387,497 2,255,745
Tennessee 154,566,935 1% 35,110,289 35,483,274 78,312,542 1,000,000 204,849 4,455,981
Oregon 153,510,555 0% 24,357,945 40,282,784 66,910,945 - 530,816 21,428,065
Arkansas 152,513,755 1% 48,073,959 22,165,941 78,155,868 - 2,038,078 2,079,909
Iowa 151,483,092 0% 26,416,829 32,595,258 76,821,019 650,000 - 14,999,986
Wisconsin 150,100,977 7% 38,117,093 7,054,061 90,004,532 - 10,955,182 3,970,109
Louisville 146,225,965 4% 27,045,669 30,413,091 65,419,107 900,000 5,167,836 17,280,262
Illinois 145,735,330 7% 15,693,517 40,963,477 72,261,630 3,430,709 6,895,974 6,490,023
Washington 145,184,864 10% 29,198,790 28,037,008 63,795,509 - 15,082,998 9,070,559
Nebraska 143,423,944 0% 38,946,701 1,292,933 91,985,961 - - 11,198,349
South Carolina 142,210,807 4% 24,301,862 33,833,869 67,594,219 - 5,571,866 10,908,991
Missouri 141,157,028 9% 13,929,479 29,555,704 62,960,968 - 13,157,427 21,553,450
Minnesota 135,198,272 6% 19,252,536 24,382,112 75,284,862 - 7,986,732 8,292,030
Mississippi 133,557,937 4% 19,574,652 34,409,478 66,400,484 1,911,778 3,774,584 7,486,961
Arizona 124,353,539 25% 19,164,426 19,865,817 48,238,594 3,246,328 27,866,490 5,971,884
North Carolina 122,603,567 8% 30,224,001 20,615,893 56,571,395 7,864,743 1,738,279 5,589,256
Arizona State 121,079,615 19% 14,144,182 20,475,970 63,056,407 11,661,761 11,741,295 -
California 118,212,179 27% 8,073,384 15,856,430 51,682,270 444,374 30,952,340 11,203,381
Kansas 118,020,175 1% 17,933,864 27,261,662 63,118,649 - 1,516,194 8,189,806
Utah 115,719,266 12% 15,286,819 28,843,990 51,162,315 6,141,558 7,375,102 6,909,482
Purdue 115,139,432 0% 16,617,614 16,911,593 72,749,095 - - 8,861,130
Virginia Tech 113,000,052 13% 21,168,159 25,882,821 44,777,987 12,474,178 1,718,981 6,977,926
Iowa State 111,287,492 2% 22,909,710 23,036,374 52,409,992 1,847,367 - 11,084,049
Mississippi State 110,653,367 0% 16,737,350 22,612,228 67,589,159 - - 3,714,630
Texas Tech 110,154,695 5% 13,560,519 28,947,020 57,296,617 - 5,830,118 4,520,421
Rutgers 109,601,529 22% 13,049,333 9,005,919 58,432,406 12,835,080 11,199,216 5,079,575
Maryland 107,526,374 14% 12,735,792 9,990,560 62,761,705 11,963,920 3,288,610 6,785,787
Georgia Tech 106,635,094 11% 12,303,309 13,749,430 46,154,021 6,024,950 5,840,726 22,562,658
West Virginia 105,193,311 8% 18,763,866 14,672,758 57,310,556 3,387,649 5,500,000 5,558,482
Oklahoma State 104,404,398 12% 12,882,021 19,600,676 54,534,792 75,606 12,934,006 4,377,297
UCLA 103,061,344 3% 17,494,361 18,522,470 56,455,535 2,517,213 60,000 8,011,765
North Carolina State 102,387,569 7% 21,214,362 14,899,856 56,060,166 7,010,316 1,311 3,201,558
Kansas State 100,822,204 0% 15,221,310 28,109,188 52,734,038 - - 4,757,668
Connecticut 99,041,960 56% 9,747,824 13,614,837 16,738,811 6,534,945 49,356,205 3,049,338
Colorado 94,873,830 13% 19,175,198 13,302,241 45,363,772 1,504,264 10,385,119 5,143,236
Central Florida 89,228,205 55% 5,782,943 14,350,681 17,004,491 23,224,972 25,570,927 3,294,191
Washington State 85,028,825 18% 9,299,636 10,274,202 45,003,702 1,275,107 14,088,596 5,087,582
Oregon State 83,480,015 13% 9,447,886 9,800,013 50,863,950 2,656,329 8,465,812 2,246,025
Cincinnati 83,344,028 32% 9,631,998 14,613,858 21,577,341 - 26,913,237 10,607,594
Houston 78,088,086 62% 5,191,579 7,575,763 12,951,912 8,513,075 39,938,875 3,916,882
Air Force 76,587,462 68% 4,194,959 5,902,630 10,015,668 404,865 51,393,212 4,676,128
San Diego State 65,897,302 43% 5,624,459 19,677,856 10,142,470 13,030,308 15,495,491 1,926,718
Nevada-Las Vegas 64,243,413 38% 7,034,986 9,836,550 14,041,977 5,868,321 18,787,735 8,673,844
Memphis 62,174,875 48% 10,253,609 5,778,343 15,285,719 7,872,383 21,999,945 984,876
Colorado State 61,263,230 46% 4,742,234 10,994,149 14,126,395 5,965,065 22,262,693 3,172,694
James Madison 57,800,447 81% 3,564,462 3,784,335 3,218,630 45,485,307 1,555,425 192,288
South Florida 56,110,830 51% 6,485,854 7,118,757 12,583,285 17,173,584 11,356,297 1,393,053
East Carolina 54,964,121 44% 5,807,897 11,764,013 12,458,632 14,544,931 9,670,435 718,213
Fresno State 54,124,579 43% 5,914,738 6,879,783 11,388,888 4,374,784 18,877,397 6,688,989
Massachusetts 53,639,818 78% 1,626,956 2,899,096 3,020,712 10,264,102 31,455,609 4,373,343
Old Dominion 53,419,653 59% 2,493,640 12,044,609 2,355,747 31,258,633 - 5,267,024
Boise State 50,569,147 33% 7,226,105 9,601,581 15,425,015 3,761,925 12,832,861 1,721,660
Wyoming 50,255,884 42% 4,084,611 10,678,818 9,756,593 1,948,214 18,952,221 4,835,427
Hawaii 49,422,827 59% 1,950,230 4,449,768 10,447,079 1,685,517 27,678,753 3,211,480
Nevada 47,946,637 48% 7,325,678 4,846,753 8,845,838 2,703,999 20,505,326 3,719,043
Georgia State 45,666,910 60% 606,809 4,146,278 5,432,438 20,950,989 6,506,074 8,024,322
Coastal Carolina 45,443,779 85% 1,306,549 930,579 4,373,817 5,348,195 33,107,295 377,344
New Mexico 44,881,065 42% 4,510,754 6,298,218 9,839,712 3,690,912 14,950,688 5,590,781
North Texas 44,477,324 75% 1,337,778 2,358,524 4,815,302 13,251,782 20,075,091 2,638,847
California-Davis 44,275,782 80% 773,182 2,420,219 3,078,019 25,502,413 9,979,976 2,521,973
Virginia Commonwealth 43,201,616 75% 2,132,585 3,360,240 4,715,650 23,602,752 8,636,043 754,346
Utah State 43,157,838 56% 2,718,827 6,479,715 6,679,716 4,508,014 19,833,536 2,938,030
Charlotte 41,261,880 66% 1,628,183 7,930,445 2,731,955 21,484,274 5,760,205 1,726,818
Florida International 41,043,885 73% 774,837 624,176 5,987,242 24,120,200 5,841,771 3,695,659
Buffalo 40,192,255 79% 1,010,239 1,110,824 4,149,105 10,002,577 21,832,726 2,086,784
Marshall 39,338,519 59% 2,946,763 5,954,274 4,373,063 6,775,000 16,473,630 2,815,789
Florida Atlantic 39,201,524 58% 1,112,409 6,848,265 2,321,971 13,950,403 8,934,385 6,034,091
Western Michigan 39,162,014 67% 1,460,058 3,571,926 4,494,087 - 26,309,236 3,326,707
South Alabama 39,119,983 74% 1,176,270 1,739,840 4,178,556 8,386,199 20,536,254 3,102,864
San Jose State 39,030,222 61% 608,561 5,485,303 7,753,590 8,789,866 14,830,300 1,562,602
Central Michigan 39,002,244 71% 682,078 2,639,042 4,107,499 - 27,739,345 3,834,280
Appalachian State 38,542,661 49% 5,407,791 6,307,299 6,152,978 14,003,740 4,708,839 1,962,014
Alabama at Birmingham 38,351,074 63% 2,306,791 5,243,833 3,953,927 7,730,425 16,420,577 2,695,521
Texas-San Antonio 38,183,028 63% 3,315,102 3,124,221 4,225,178 14,049,104 9,815,784 3,653,639
Miami (Ohio) 38,076,046 69% 745,947 2,918,375 4,539,330 17,096,904 9,212,250 3,563,240
Texas State 37,288,587 73% 1,191,968 2,453,012 4,799,943 18,924,463 8,478,050 1,441,151
California Polytechnic 37,134,737 74% 640,595 4,710,491 2,377,264 9,312,245 18,033,782 2,060,360
Stony Brook 37,027,808 86% 572,319 792,687 2,271,898 9,718,977 21,963,512 1,708,415
Sacramento State 35,893,960 85% 294,297 691,505 2,285,654 9,286,571 21,195,083 2,140,850
Middle Tennessee 35,614,512 71% 906,239 1,639,857 6,746,109 8,803,466 16,319,199 1,199,642
Toledo 35,602,789 61% 1,933,429 3,714,483 5,553,038 9,452,822 12,327,968 2,621,049
George Mason 35,162,841 78% 617,434 3,109,559 3,360,862 21,517,542 5,914,970 642,474
Western Kentucky 35,142,710 70% 2,281,717 3,015,146 4,297,084 3,262,101 21,313,841 972,821
Binghamton 34,835,289 61% 186,645 11,057,965 1,688,822 8,764,675 12,384,097 753,085
Troy 33,355,524 74% 778,536 1,571,210 3,109,159 821,841 23,915,778 3,159,000
Texas-El Paso 33,131,210 59% 2,318,851 3,495,870 6,014,844 7,874,846 11,677,160 1,749,639
New Hampshire 33,102,605 74% 1,478,024 2,097,522 3,632,289 13,315,230 11,273,183 1,306,357
Eastern Michigan 33,040,581 67% 771,271 3,181,680 4,569,264 - 22,129,655 2,388,711
Louisiana-Lafayette 33,021,554 54% 2,411,959 5,405,641 5,338,946 482,460 17,338,935 2,043,613
Kennesaw State 32,970,444 81% 635,600 1,571,272 3,213,663 15,264,355 11,299,298 986,256
Arkansas State 32,376,515 47% 1,178,133 6,169,644 4,316,767 6,274,431 8,970,695 5,466,845
Rhode Island 31,993,515 77% 1,281,600 2,135,704 3,469,698 - 24,593,744 512,769
William & Mary 30,941,310 55% 773,522 4,909,072 2,225,450 15,805,578 1,134,287 6,093,401
North Dakota 30,859,877 48% 5,874,403 3,877,419 3,499,669 3,083,815 11,693,936 2,830,635
Georgia Southern 30,700,262 63% 1,999,550 3,138,595 4,354,551 9,109,539 10,162,490 1,935,537
Akron 30,498,496 65% 552,228 1,713,256 3,996,321 - 19,973,110 4,263,581
New Mexico State 30,350,192 62% 1,465,012 2,672,691 2,541,512 3,501,004 15,264,972 4,905,001
Missouri State 29,915,772 61% 1,064,588 4,478,299 2,526,087 3,274,918 15,065,732 3,506,148
Illinois State 29,899,837 70% 1,426,063 903,259 2,976,597 10,830,469 10,049,494 3,713,955
Ohio 29,335,290 66% 1,234,040 1,865,575 5,090,423 - 19,276,584 1,868,668
North Dakota State 29,295,443 32% 5,961,999 6,636,653 4,970,904 1,378,132 8,131,877 2,215,878
Montana 28,970,312 35% 6,183,720 7,006,574 3,553,708 1,008,859 9,036,783 2,180,668
California-San Diego 28,899,588 93% 195,457 570,247 184,899 24,427,315 2,519,189 1,002,481
Ball State 28,804,851 69% 795,202 1,280,729 3,697,833 12,545,600 7,448,130 3,037,357
Louisiana Tech 28,693,958 56% 1,136,506 4,712,014 5,317,772 - 15,999,149 1,528,517
Wichita State 28,611,561 33% 4,713,121 7,289,251 5,242,024 4,271,768 5,144,218 1,951,179
Kent State 28,605,618 59% 313,217 661,531 4,189,872 11,562,384 5,295,751 6,582,863
Towson 28,568,909 81% 265,996 2,238,250 2,692,954 17,872,941 5,153,431 345,337
Southern Mississippi 28,361,867 51% 3,324,383 5,804,423 2,167,192 9,372,477 5,101,541 2,591,851
Albany 27,295,306 78% 406,713 823,500 1,946,257 7,422,081 13,828,527 2,868,228
Montana State 26,410,575 45% 4,436,089 5,016,777 3,562,002 2,125,688 9,846,462 1,423,557
Nebraska-Omaha 25,890,688 62% 2,633,319 750,509 4,082,815 3,186,679 12,878,888 2,358,478
Northern Arizona 25,750,579 82% 527,901 710,038 2,262,993 2,872,609 18,245,889 1,131,149
Bowling Green 25,573,967 54% 1,201,307 2,880,313 4,286,911 13,335,180 425,000 3,445,256
South Dakota State 25,570,541 48% 4,513,665 2,571,951 4,112,668 2,890,832 9,376,419 2,105,006
Maine 25,063,461 77% 929,590 1,521,645 1,783,723 - 19,247,506 1,580,997
California-Irvine 24,937,907 82% 349,927 861,683 1,310,951 5,046,016 15,320,849 2,048,481
Maryland-Baltimore Cty 23,488,196 92% 154,368 278,247 906,800 11,581,776 9,936,087 630,918
Wisconsin-Milwaukee 23,311,589 89% 180,191 865,649 1,194,392 12,490,850 8,331,857 248,650
Stephen F. Austin 23,217,377 76% 558,338 2,044,898 1,330,850 - 17,735,154 1,548,137
College of Charleston 23,201,574 77% 958,022 1,956,787 981,047 13,516,600 4,257,911 1,531,207
Vermont 23,196,348 74% 1,179,692 1,738,983 2,020,058 4,111,787 13,058,213 1,087,615
Idaho 23,013,225 63% 400,758 2,926,065 1,752,997 1,716,896 12,894,366 3,322,143
Massachusetts-Lowell 22,547,158 87% 476,983 643,444 1,196,951 - 19,678,437 551,343
Northern Colorado 22,439,916 63% 522,402 4,219,019 1,837,606 2,020,321 12,083,427 1,757,141
South Dakota 22,184,268 62% 1,229,582 2,864,991 3,229,226 3,006,672 10,789,861 1,063,936
Northern Illinois 22,177,045 55% 495,563 2,584,389 3,688,750 6,860,923 5,299,012 3,248,408
East Tennessee State 22,173,333 64% 886,468 3,655,653 2,085,475 5,745,721 8,517,030 1,282,986
California State-Fullerton 21,983,747 89% 443,686 601,648 1,000,765 8,067,081 11,497,397 373,170
California-Santa Barbara 21,720,136 79% 231,232 2,026,121 1,362,010 2,488,031 14,739,852 872,890
Sam Houston State 21,690,534 70% 307,512 1,144,673 1,852,117 10,006,182 5,134,526 3,245,524
Long Beach State 21,434,487 78% 827,845 1,394,216 1,156,484 4,241,914 12,554,262 1,259,766
California State-Northridge 21,090,545 94% 38,107 365,991 651,737 5,598,772 14,146,173 289,765
Tennessee-Chattanooga 21,051,127 71% 803,128 2,538,909 1,105,026 5,433,242 9,549,656 1,621,166
New Jersey Tech 20,660,097 93% 26,502 94,347 802,989 2,852,362 16,363,601 520,296
Jacksonville State 20,288,342 77% 281,617 1,642,052 1,254,865 1,078,248 14,452,794 1,578,766
Eastern Kentucky 19,440,010 79% 296,858 686,101 1,886,889 - 15,403,393 1,166,769
Louisiana-Monroe 19,119,368 53% 623,091 1,250,898 3,340,331 215,971 9,963,214 3,725,863
Lamar 18,882,235 72% 475,090 1,256,233 2,601,383 3,182,629 10,402,754 964,146
Southern Illinois 18,739,324 59% 1,074,469 2,115,288 3,655,346 5,477,846 5,614,203 802,172
Indiana State 18,656,224 71% 348,145 2,843,032 1,516,538 11,154,554 2,085,573 708,382
Murray State 18,597,756 74% 1,273,984 1,218,979 1,799,008 3,289,745 10,562,786 453,254
North Carolina Greensboro 18,432,746 82% 131,664 1,540,395 939,643 10,486,476 4,562,292 772,276
Tarleton State 18,308,489 81% 604,450 1,107,151 935,421 10,740,331 4,019,601 901,535
Citadel 18,209,217 60% 1,817,148 3,422,750 1,531,294 7,003,245 3,851,866 582,914
Illinois-Chicago 18,193,225 85% 102,727 598,252 1,446,503 9,428,752 5,971,479 645,512
Southern 18,190,798 72% 2,135,959 - 1,779,099 3,396,386 9,776,037 1,103,317
Texas-Arlington 17,996,376 82% 270,856 834,042 1,378,590 5,435,482 9,337,485 739,921
Utah Valley 17,816,209 83% 224,785 939,767 1,211,393 4,550,406 10,234,426 655,432
Youngstown State 17,773,160 73% 417,712 1,077,787 2,190,161 - 12,996,486 1,091,014
California-Riverside 17,692,802 91% 54,951 408,113 647,565 2,519,212 13,524,423 538,538
Austin Peay 17,641,703 74% 417,101 1,125,807 1,924,946 3,369,931 9,702,614 1,101,304
Oakland 17,619,216 77% 222,065 1,144,397 1,612,651 - 13,556,681 1,083,422
Northern Iowa 17,603,463 53% 1,135,780 3,151,870 3,200,049 1,861,917 7,509,663 744,184
Florida Gulf Coast 17,583,497 64% 825,822 3,783,182 1,102,711 7,065,391 4,217,664 588,727
Tennessee Tech 17,547,092 81% 276,908 360,036 1,545,152 5,342,885 8,877,535 1,144,576
Central Arkansas 17,502,833 78% 481,200 304,365 1,781,947 5,093,498 8,583,556 1,258,267
Southern Utah 17,259,008 76% 242,198 595,972 1,548,431 1,820,517 11,274,004 1,777,886
California State-Bakersfield 17,216,224 85% 406,260 1,287,619 848,219 4,154,106 10,520,020 -
Portland State 16,839,891 83% 233,398 419,000 1,248,562 3,115,627 10,815,416 1,007,888
Northern Kentucky 16,467,014 82% 242,279 1,415,137 827,133 - 13,525,219 457,246
Western Carolina 16,396,597 69% 316,317 1,782,909 1,463,506 6,795,831 4,559,169 1,478,865
North Carolina A&T 16,372,030 78% 1,257,381 22,350 1,436,732 9,479,012 3,291,387 885,168
Delaware State 16,211,290 92% 201,650 429,097 498,541 - 14,947,002 135,000
Texas-Rio Grande Valley 16,091,645 84% 279,567 803,803 952,698 9,757,190 3,743,083 555,304
Central Connecticut 16,043,570 85% 47,085 690,684 667,070 - 13,589,462 1,049,269
North Carolina Wilmington 15,989,714 73% 652,718 1,511,099 1,294,293 10,833,489 861,349 836,766
VMI 15,960,931 45% 297,659 6,892,834 514,917 6,478,842 737,987 1,038,692
Norfolk State 15,929,886 77% 325,150 525,484 1,786,615 8,296,369 4,005,206 991,062
Tennessee State 15,883,556 81% 276,808 982,008 644,638 3,111,739 9,787,401 1,080,962
Radford 15,848,430 82% 80,867 1,105,489 1,149,874 9,282,614 3,698,492 531,094
Weber State 15,842,365 69% 617,398 1,652,090 1,703,914 2,520,891 8,408,408 939,664
Southeastern Louisiana 14,876,169 56% 755,181 808,974 3,375,693 2,270,771 5,994,420 1,671,130
North Florida 14,783,497 65% 235,804 1,631,279 2,183,793 8,166,493 1,386,982 1,179,146
Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 14,616,970 81% 210,723 510,632 1,189,363 5,345,796 6,488,743 871,713
Alabama State 14,550,273 65% 1,105,382 651,466 1,358,584 - 9,439,916 1,994,925
Tennessee-Martin 14,461,961 69% 132,377 1,966,438 1,727,254 1,816,783 8,161,190 657,919
Utah Tech 14,348,736 80% 156,801 727,627 394,122 1,683,857 9,788,396 1,597,933
Prairie View A&M 14,322,177 76% 484,351 181,741 1,373,443 2,995,463 7,875,247 1,411,932
Cleveland State 14,140,486 83% 213,684 628,211 805,306 10,924,312 801,942 767,031
Alabama A&M 14,006,086 90% 593,074 - - 506,977 12,153,535 752,500
North Alabama 13,788,806 75% 312,542 1,533,933 889,666 - 10,373,112 679,553
Arkansas-Little Rock 13,734,051 73% 307,167 1,350,070 1,253,626 2,988,439 7,084,959 749,790
McNeese State 13,623,100 51% 897,853 2,263,340 2,095,720 610,162 6,289,072 1,466,953
Northwestern State La 13,505,438 68% 215,433 1,583,122 1,611,468 1,812,500 7,391,343 891,572
Texas Southern 13,362,715 72% 507,870 125,073 1,524,779 2,529,947 7,109,559 1,565,487
Purdue Fort Wayne 13,300,194 82% 78,078 1,221,081 662,365 1,836,101 9,051,175 451,394
South Carolina State 13,271,355 73% 601,290 334,871 1,360,612 1,105,499 8,542,964 1,326,119
Florida A&M 13,172,315 60% 1,822,630 - 675,907 3,959,411 3,921,307 2,793,060
Eastern Washington 12,886,340 70% 1,247,729 586,273 1,118,960 1,650,000 7,344,686 938,692
Eastern Illinois 12,837,153 68% 113,384 1,069,914 1,627,490 1,538,745 7,213,970 1,273,650
Jackson State 12,821,652 39% 4,608,925 - 1,215,491 3,547,840 1,500,000 1,949,396
Southeast Missouri State 12,807,771 77% 410,833 454,580 1,450,577 976,207 8,868,188 647,386
Missouri-Kansas City 12,337,892 81% 113,867 511,386 1,076,675 1,310,855 8,725,212 599,897
Longwood 12,319,728 82% 74,200 1,113,279 620,768 8,376,084 1,672,057 463,340
Idaho State 12,137,163 67% 256,597 748,727 1,343,715 1,744,850 6,392,369 1,650,905
Morehead State 11,639,966 81% 74,897 292,915 1,002,396 - 9,470,790 798,968
Winthrop 11,409,622 83% 106,692 775,149 576,543 5,995,591 3,489,416 466,231
Grambling State 11,378,552 74% 763,192 477,828 296,640 1,125,899 7,284,894 1,430,099
North Carolina Central 11,339,477 77% 507,307 556,171 841,768 4,869,411 3,811,324 753,496
Southern Illinois Edwardsville 11,204,485 75% 122,988 531,851 1,517,102 5,269,209 3,186,998 576,337
Morgan State 11,126,282 83% 183,362 695,248 303,028 8,241,647 942,017 760,980
Wright State 11,046,655 77% 348,062 823,201 908,868 - 8,508,660 457,864
Nicholls State 10,961,304 60% 201,127 1,518,178 1,120,832 2,601,574 4,018,423 1,501,170
Indiana-Purdue Indianapolis 10,289,130 88% 78,614 107,330 976,608 3,193,461 5,855,606 77,511
Western Illinois 10,066,267 72% 87,498 450,191 1,306,058 2,513,576 4,711,958 996,986
Wisconsin-Green Bay 9,500,254 65% 389,835 1,389,347 1,108,822 1,607,992 4,612,430 391,828
South Carolina Upstate 8,941,784 86% 13,409 267,920 383,759 3,745,547 3,965,081 566,068
North Carolina Asheville 8,720,475 71% 45,071 1,140,209 826,569 2,400,409 3,758,292 549,925
Arkansas-Pine Bluff 8,650,669 51% 433,375 - 594,814 1,522,733 2,874,473 3,225,274
Chicago State 8,001,394 93% 10,000 - 2,099 517,123 6,951,034 521,138
Maryland-Eastern Shore 7,875,993 81% 37,203 - 871,146 2,168,717 4,240,526 558,401
Alcorn State 6,159,503 53% 223,822 - 504,074 1,099,871 2,141,500 2,190,236
Coppin State 4,091,289 58% 32,468 509,680 428,484 1,665,340 700,592 754,725
Mississippi Valley State 4,040,925 59% 209,026 48,114 492,247 620,076 1,778,954 892,508
New Orleans 2,526,887 73% 129,273 - 552,654 1,278,662 566,298 -

The emergence of NIL collectives is going to substantially widen the already large financial gap between big revenue schools and everyone else. The NCAA recently issued an informal proposal in an attempt to address the problem that NIL collectives pose to the competitive balance between schools. But the proposed two-tiered division structure would require smaller NCAA I schools aiming to compete at top levels, to commit to an additional financial commitment that many simply would be unable to afford. Athletics is key part of the college experience. It’s important that the necessary steps be taken to allow for a level playing field between all NCAA I schools.

* See our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at:

Schools with supporting NIL Collectives by Conference:

All 362 NCAA I member schools sponsor basketball programs, here is the summary of NIL Collective affiliation by conference:

America East927
Atlantic 1015141
Atlantic Sun1266
Big Sky1046
Big South936
Big West1138
Coastal Athletic 1468
Horizon League1156
Ivy League8-8
Metro Atlantic1129
Missouri Valley12102
Ohio Valley11-11
Patriot League1019
Summit League954
West Coast954
Western Athletic1165
Totals - all NCAA I Schools362211151

Schools with supporting NIL Collectives by Football Conference:

Of the 362 NCAA I member schools, 261 sponsor football programs and 101 do not. NCAA I football has two divisions – FBS & FCS:

NCAA I Schools with NIL CollectivesTotalYesNo
FBS Schools13312112
FCS Schools 128 43 85
Non-football Schools 101 4754
Total - All NCAA I Schools362211151

Here is the summary of supporting NIL collectives by football conference:

Big Sky1248
Big South1028
Coastal Athletic 1587
Ivy League88
Missouri Valley1275
Patriot League725
Pioneer FB League1165
United Athletic 954

Additions or Changes? Contact us at: [email protected]  

presentation school ranking

Eberly Center

Teaching excellence & educational innovation, instructor: robert dammon course: 45-901: corporate restructuring, tepper school of business assessment:   rating scale for assessing oral presentations.

A key business communication skill is the ability to give effective oral presentations, and it is important for students to practice this skill. I wanted to create a systematic and consistent assessment of students’ oral presentation skills and to grade these skills consistently within the class and across semesters.


This oral presentation is part of a larger finance analysis assignment that students complete in groups. Each group decides which members will be involved in the oral presentation. I constructed a rating scale that decomposes the oral presentation into four major components: (1) preparation, (2) quality of handouts and overheads, (3) quality of presentation skills, and (4) quality of analysis. I rate preparation as “yes” or “no”; all other components are rated on a five-point scale. Immediately after the class in which the presentation was given, I complete the rating scale, write a few notes, and calculate an overall score, which accounts for 20% of the group’s grade on the overall assignment.

The presentation gives students important practice in oral communication, and the rating scale has made my grading much more consistent.

I have used this rating scale for several years, and the oral presentation is a standard course component. I have considered adapting the rating scale so that students also rate the oral presentation; however, I would want to give the students an abbreviated rating scale so that they focus primarily on the presentation.

CONTACT US to talk with an Eberly colleague in person!

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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school ranking consideration during admission

School Ranking consideration during admission

Feb 13, 2018

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During the process of admission & school hunting, a mere glance at the school ranking in Orange County CA can answer a lot of questions that are crucial for a parent to know.

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School Ranking consideration during admission

In what way the School Ranking consideration helps your child during admission Similar to any other parents who want to see their child thrive, parents in Orange County CA too display a lot of concern regarding their selection process when it comes to picking an educational institution for their children. This is why the popularity of school ranking in Orange County CA has risen in terms of how it is accepted and perceived by parents as a method of detecting the best choice for their children’s education.

Major factors decidingSchool Ranking in Orange County CA • Test-Scores: Test-Score Ratings evaluate schools on aptitude, through a performance (the fraction of school children scoring at or above a certain level of aptitude) on state valuations across marks and subjects, in comparison to other institutes in the state, to create a One-To-10 rating score system for each school. • Student Development Rating: Student Development Rating calculates whether children at a school are showing positive signs of academic advancement over time. • Discipline and Percentage of Attendance: Discipline and attendance records are markers used to classify schools with worrying patterns of out-of-school deferments and lingering non-attendance patterns in students.

Major factors decidingSchool Ranking in Orange County CA • Low-income Rating: Low-income Rating takes into consideration test marks for school children who meet the requirements for free or discounted lunch packages compared to all school children in the state.

Kingdom Life Academy School – Transforming Lives Kingdom Life Academy School syndicates a scientific method with old-style values when it comes to child growth in Orange County CA. It has constantly maintained a healthy school ranking in Orange County CA. Offering a diverse range of academic models such as the traditional school model and the home-school model, to name a few. Kingdom Life Academy School in Rancho Santa Margarita, Orange County CA, has been a blessing for the local community.

Kingdom Life Academy 30615 Avenida De Las Flores, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

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School Ranking consideration during admission

presentation school ranking

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During the process of admission & school hunting, a mere glance at the school ranking in Orange County CA can answer a lot of questions that are crucial for a parent to know. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • Test-Scores Test-Score Ratings evaluate schools on aptitude, through a performance (the fraction of school children scoring at or above a certain level of aptitude) on state valuations across marks and subjects, in comparison to other institutes in the state, to create a One-To-10 rating score system for each school.
  • Student Development Rating Student Development Rating calculates whether children at a school are showing positive signs of academic advancement over time.
  • Discipline and Percentage of Attendance Discipline and attendance records are markers used to classify schools with worrying patterns of out-of-school deferments and lingering non-attendance patterns in students.
  • Low-income Rating Low-income Rating takes into consideration test marks for school children who meet the requirements for free or discounted lunch packages compared to all school children in the state.

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Home » University Ranking » Presentation College Ranking (World & Country)

Presentation College Ranking (World & Country)

Are you interested in Presentation College ranking? If you are looking for Presentation College ranking then I am very happy to inform you that Presentation College ranking has been provided here in this post you are currently reading now.

presentation school ranking

This Presentation College ranking updated on this page is the 2021 edition of webometrics ranking of universities in USA. The different categories of Presentation College ranking featured in this post according to webometrics include: World Rank, Country Rank, Impact Rank, Openness rank and Excellence rank.

To understand each of the ranking, we are going to give a brief description on what it means and the what they are based off of. World university ranking and Country ranking as the name implies is the popularity ranking of the university among other universities in the world and the country the university is located in.

Impact Rank: This ranking is based on the number of external networks (subnets) linking to the institution’s webpages (normalized and then the maximum value is chosen).

Openness Rank: Also called Transparency rank by Webometrics is the number of citations  from  Top 210 authors (excl. top 20 outliers).

Excellence Rank: This is based on the number of  papers amongst the top 10% most cited in each one of the all 27 disciplines of the full database.

Without further ado, let us go into Presentation College ranking proper.

Presentation College Ranking

Presentation College ranks 10945 among the list of universities in the world.

Country Rank

Presentation College ranks 2554  among the list of universities in the United States of America (USA).

Impact Rank

Presentation College has an impact ranking of Impact_Rank.

Number of external networks (subnets) linking to the institution’s webpages (normalized and then the maximum value is chosen).

Openness Rank

Presentation College has an openness ranking of 8450.

This is Number of citations from Top 210 authors (excl. top 20 outliers).

Excellence Ranking

Presentation College has an excellence ranking of 6650.

Number of papers amongst the top 10% most cited in each one of the all 27 disciplines of the full database.

That is all we have for Presentation College ranking. Should there be any changes to Presentation College ranking, we are going to update the changes here on this page as soon as possible. Until then, continue checking this page for Presentation College ranking.

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