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Degrees & Programs

Find your future academic program here..

We offer 55 undergraduate majors and 58 minor programs, along with 46 master’s degree programs, three doctorate programs and 14 credential/authorization programs.

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PhD programme

The Department of Earth- and Environmental Sciences at LMU has a long and successful tradition in training graduate students. About 60 graduate students are currently doing their PhD projects within the department, around 25 of which with us in the Geophysics section. Many of our graduate students have been awarded prizes and honourable mentions for their presentations at international meetings.

German universities traditionally have no formal PhD programmes. The research and writing of the thesis is largely done between the PhD student and their supervisor. Usually, there are no extra courses to participate in or formalisms to fulfil apart from writing and defending your thesis.

In the last 10–20 years, more formal systems in the context of graduate colleges have appeared at German universities. The gaol is to speed up PhD projects and to encourage collaboration and foster multidisciplinary research. Details and regulations vary between projects, depending on the specific funding party. Munich Geophysics has participated in graduate colleges early on. We were and are involved in several such projects:

Ongoing programmes

Research Training Group Geophysical modelling of vertical motion processes constrained by geodetic and geological observations funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

The UPLIFT Research Training Group started in April 2022 and is run between the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and LMU Munich under the auspices of the Munich GeoCenter . The RTG aims to understand and quantify uplift mechanisms of the continental lithosphere in an interdisciplinary approach involving geophysics, geodesy, geology, geomorphology, mathematics and computer science.

Priority Programme 2404 of the DFG entitled Reconstructing the Deep Dynamics of Planet Earth over Geologic Time

The fundamental goal of DeepDyn is to exploit the exceptionally long paleomagnetic record, and especially changes in reversal frequency, to reconstruct the evolution of the core-mantle system. The lower mantle has a manifold impact on the dynamo, but neither the long-term evolution of the lower mantle and the dynamo nor the coupling between the two are well understood. Solving this puzzle will be tackled through the collaboration of five distinct scientific disciplines: Paleomagnetism, Dynamo models, Mantle dynamics, Mineral physics, and Biomagnetism.

Within the Priority Programme, PhD funding has to be acquired through individual proposals through specific calls.

Past programmes

International Graduate School of LMU and TUM funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria

Marie Curie Research Training Network funded by the European Commission

Initial Training Network funded by the European Commission

  • The Munich Centre of Advanced Computing

Part of the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) of TUM

The legal framework for the PhD programme is laid down in the "Promotionsordnung der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München für die Fakultät für Geowissenschaften" (Version as of 18. August 2006 with changes from 15. January 2007 ).

In order to successfully reach the goals of their individual projects, all graduate students at Geophysics are required to

  • review and reset project objectives in regularly meetings with their supervisor(s)
  • attend the weekly meetings of their working group, where organisational topics as well as the latest advances in the research field are discussed
  • attend the weekly Geophysics seminar series and present the state of their PhD project there once per year
  • publish the research results in peer-reviewed international journals
  • first-year examinations are not quite the rule, yet, and teaching opportunities will be given at a more advanced level

Furthermore, the graduate students are advised to

  • attend special seminars, lectures, and short courses organised by the lab and the Munich GeoCenter
  • take advantage of the presence of visiting scientists
  • present their research at international meetings and conferences
  • spend some time at one of our partner research institutes abroad

In addition, students are encouraged to make use of the comprehensive suite of seminars, lectures and short courses offered by LMU Munich in order to evolve their interdisciplinary skills.


If you are interested in pursuing a PhD thesis at Munich Geophysics please note the following two technical requirements. We expect from our students

  • a university degree at the master/diploma-level (5 year programme, bachelor and master together)
  • good mastery of the English language

If you meet these requirements please

  • first consult our research pages to see, whether the research focus of one of our groups fits your academic background and is compatible to your ideas for a thesis topic
  • curriculum vitae including contact details of two references
  • description of your research interests
  • theses/publications (if available)
  • certificates of your highest degree

We will then check whether a joint PhD project can be formulated and what funding opportunities are available.

Munich Medical Research School

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Ph.D. Medical Research

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The LMU Medical Faculty has offered the Ph.D. Medical Research , a structured doctoral program of at least three years, for several years now. The Ph.D. is a research and training program, around medical research topics. In particular, it focuses on biomedical experimental, clinical, translational, and health sciences research. The Ph.D. Medical Research is designed for graduates who have completed an undergraduate degree (master's degree, state examination, or similar) in medicine, veterinary medicine, the natural sciences, pharmacy, a health science, or a related field and plan to conduct full-time research for at least three years .

In order to provide structured doctoral programs for Ph.D. students, university professors and lecturers in the Faculty of Medicine have joined together in various core areas and have committed themselves to adhere to the framework (recruitment, supervision, qualification and examination) specified in the study regulations for the Ph.D. Medical Research. This implies that events (workshops, seminars, etc.) are offered jointly within the framework of a core area. Depending on demand, doctoral students from other departments can also participate, which allows a lively exchange to take place and networks to be formed.

The concept of individual Ph.D. projects in the different research areas, coupled with a structured and partly integrative training program has proved successful over the past years.

Introduction of the Ph.D. Medical Research

A description of the Ph.D. Medical Research (structure, minimum requirements, etc.) can be found here.

Application and Selection

In order to obtain a Ph.D. in Medical Research, you must complete an application and selection process. Depending on which area you wish to carry out your Ph.D. in, there may be different application deadlines and procedures.

Core Areas and Research Training Groups

Currently, there are 5 Ph.D. core areas at the faculty, in addition to numerous SFBs and graduate programs that offer a Ph.D. in Medical Research. If none of the existing programs fit, there is the possibility of an "individual Ph.D. in Medical Research".

Supervision of your Ph.D. Project

Information on who can supervise your Ph.D. project, as well all documents required for this, can be found here.

Registration of your Ph.D. Project

Once you have successfully applied and been accepted for the Ph.D. Medical Research, you need to register yourself and your project using the online platform.

Curriculum and Courses

The Ph.D. Medical Research requires you to complete a curriculum comprising 30 ECTS. Information on how to accomplish this, can be found here.

Submission of your Ph.D. Thesis

Once you have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. Medical Research, you can submit your thesis.

Further Procedure and Oral Defence

Information on the evaluation process of your thesis, as well as on the oral defence can be found here.

Completion of the Procedure and Certificates

Once you have successfully completed your oral defence, you must submit the statutory copies to the University Library, before you can receive your degrees and certificates.

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phd programs lmu

Ph.D. Program Medical Research - International Health

The Ph.D. program Medical Research - International Health combines health-related research in the widest sense and development cooperation. Special focus lies in educating researchers who in turn become multipliers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and thus the next generation of health professionals. Not only acquiring knowledge for one's own interest, but importing and multiplying the knowledge to areas in need should be a guiding working motive while working as a Ph.D. student at CIH LMU . This motive is complying with global development strategies that have recognized the human resource crisis as a key factor in the deterioration of health systems in low- and middle-income countries.

From this stance arises a certain focus on candidates from LMICs to provide their home countries with competent and responsible researchers and health professionals. However, the Ph.D. program is open to all who share an interest in health-related issues in the field of development cooperation. Therefore, we encourage all professionals of any nationality to become part of the Ph.D. program, people working in health or health-related fields who are willing to improve the local research and health situation both through manpower and knowledge.

The Ph.D. program Medical Research - International Health is part of the Munich Medical Research School (MMRS), a central institution of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München’s Medical Faculty. One of the main tasks of the MMRS is to establish Ph.D. core areas under the examination regulations for "Ph.D. Medical Research", in order to promote the faculty's internationalization. All doctoral students are automatically members of the MMRS upon admittance to the Ph.D. program Medical Research - International Health.

3 years full-time sandwich program

The doctoral project is supervised by both a local supervisor and two to three LMU supervisors. Doctoral candidates start their doctoral degree in Munich during Module Block I (Oct-Dec), but subsequently spend the research periods in their home country. After the first research period, Ph.D. candidates come to Munich for Module Block II (Jan-March) before completing the doctorate in their home country with the participation of the LMU supervisors

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Medical Research – International Health

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

There are no tuition fees. However, please note that you need to be able to finance your research and the stays in Munich. Please see more details under "Costs" .

01 December 2023 to 31 January 2024, via the MMRS registration portal .

Our Ph.D. MR-IH study handbook contains important information about the course of study and the degree in a bundled format.

If you would like comprehensive information about the Ph.D. program or have specific questions, we offer an Information Session each year before the application period begins. The next information session will be announced in due time. Registration is required.

Further Information

  • Research projects
  • Supervision of your Ph.D.
  • Ph.D. Thesis Submission
  • Thesis evaluation and Oral Defense
  • Obtaining the degree
  • Scholarships


Before applying, make sure to carefully read about the application requirements and selection process , and click here to register.

Helpful links for Ph.D. candidates

  • Past Ph.D. Research Topics

The support by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development is part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union.

Ph.D. Program Coordination

Faculty of Geosciences

Links and Functions

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  • PhD programs and Habilitation

PhD programs

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  • Departments
  • Habilitation
  • Promotion of young scientists

PhD programs are available in:

Geography, Geochemistry, Geobiology, Geology, Geophysics, Cristallography, Mineralogy, Palaeontology, Petrology or Vulkanology.

Please register using this link before you submit the application form to the Dean's office.

The application form for admission to a doctoral study can be downloaded here (only in German available)

Please note: New doctoral regulations apply to students who register from April 1, 2024. The new regulations can be downloaded here (only in German available).


Submission of  Dissertation with accompanying documents

Note: Before you can submit your dissertation you have to fill out the 'Application form for admission to the doctoral examination' (only in German available). You have to submit this form together with your thesis and all accompanying documents. You can download the application form here (in German). Please arrange an appointment with the dean's office to submit your dissertation personally.

Dissertations available for consideration at the dean’s office: at least 2 weeks during lecture period or 6 weeks during lecture-free period.

Invitation for examination: 8 days before the examination date.


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Graduate Programs Open House Week

Discover where one of over 50 masters, certificate, credential, and doctoral programs might take you. Ranked in the top 100 universities in the nation (U.S. News & World Report, 2024), LMU’s graduate degrees serve up career-elevating skills from industry leading faculty, all amid the backdrop of Los Angeles, the creative and cultural capital of the world.

A nationally-ranked research institution, LMU’s graduate programs combine cutting-edge research with hands-on practice to prepare you to make a positive impact within your profession. Small class sizes facilitate meaningful connections with faculty who are at the forefront of their industries. Our online open house sessions are designed to provide in-depth information about our master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs.

View recordings of passed sessions below.

phd programs lmu

LMU College of Business Administration (CBA)

Accounting, MS Business Analytics, MS Doctor of Business Administration Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation, MS Master in Entertainment Leadership and Management Master of Global Entrepreneurial Management Management, MS MBA Taxation, MS

► View CBA Recording

phd programs lmu

LMU Loyola Law School (LLS)

Juris Doctor, JD Master of Science in Legal Studies, MLS Master of Laws, LLM Master of Laws in Taxation, Tax LLM Master of Tax Law, MT

phd programs lmu

LMU College of Communication and Fine Arts (CFA)

► Performance Pedagogy, MFA ► Marital and Family Therapy, Art Therapy, MFT

phd programs lmu

LMU Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts (BCLA)

► View Yoga Studies, MA Recording ► View English, MA Recording Philosophy, MA Theological Studies, MA

phd programs lmu

LMU School of Film and Television (SFTV)

Film & Television Production, MFA Writing for the Screen, MFA Writing & Producing for Television, MFA

► View SFTV Recording

phd programs lmu

LMU Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering (CSE)

Civil Engineering, MSE Computer Engineering, MSE Computer Science, MS Electrical Engineering, MSE Environmental Science, MS Healthcare Systems Engineering, MS Mechanical Engineering, MSE Systems Engineering, MS

► View CSE Recording

LMU School of Education

► View Catholic School Teacher Preparation Programs Recording • Catholic Archdiocesan School Teachers (CAST) Program, MA + Teaching Credential • Partners in Los Angeles Catholic Education (PLACE) Corps Program, MA + Teaching Credential • Certificate in Inclusive Education

► View Counseling Programs Recording • Mental Health Counseling, MA, LPCC • School Counseling, MA, PPS • Guidance and Counseling, MA

► View Ed.D. in Educational Leadership for Social Justice (Online)  Recording

► View Public School Administration Programs Recording • Administrative Services California Credential • School Administration, MA

Teacher Preparation Programs • Transformative Education, MA   ○ Elementary & Secondary Education Teaching Credential   ○ Bilingual Teaching Added Authorization   ○ Special Education Mild/Moderate Credential, MA

► View Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Added PPS Authorization Recording

► View Higher Education Administration, MA Recording

► View Educational Studies, MA (without teaching credential) Recording

► Private School Administration Programs Recording

  • Educational Leadership, MA
  • Certificate in Catholic School Administration
  • Inclusive Education Certificate

Student Resource Sessions

Learn more about the financial aid application process and the types of aid available to help students fund their graduate education.

► View Financial Aid Recording

Career and Professional Development (CPD)

Learn more about the programs and assistance LMU Career and Professional Development provides students in finding internship and job opportunities.

► View CPD Recording

International Admission

Designed for prospective students from around the globe, this session will introduce participants to application and admission requirements, along with university resources available to international students.

► View International Student Panel Recording

Student Resource Videos

Fellowship student teaching

Office of National and International Fellowships (ONIF)

Interior of Library

William H. Hannon Library (WHH)

Ready to apply.

Thank you for considering Loyola Marymount University for your graduate education. Applying  is the next step to achieving your professional goals. We look forward to assisting you.

Application Deadlines

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Image of walkway on campus. There are a lot of trees in the background and some grassy areas.

Visit the campus in person, tours are specific to graduate studies.

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Virtual Campus Tour

Sacred heart chapel with flowers in the foreground. Flowers are in bloom and are various shades of pink and white.

Take in the views from the bluff and see our research facilities right from your screen/comfort of your home. 

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Have questions about Open House or the application process? Our graduate admission team is ready to answer your questions.

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Graduate School Life Science Munich

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Doctoral Programme at LSM

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  • Doctoral Students
  • Mentoring and Career Guidance
  • Useful Information and Downloads

The LSM offers outstanding young researchers an innovative and high quality German doctoral degree in life sciences, entirely taught in English. The programme combines both supporting course work and as well as individual research.

Students benefit from the quality of research and teaching at the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, while living in the attractive city of Munich. The members are integrated into a stimulating research environment composed of excellent faculties and a large network of institutions and facilities. The HighTechCampus LMU in Grosshadern-Martinsried is synonymous with well-connected and internationally renowned research in life sciences at the LMU Munich. This one-of-a-kind cluster supports research on the highest level, often in direct collaboration with the adjacent Max-Planck Institutes for Biochemistry and Neurobiology, and with the German Research Center for Environmental Health (Helmholtz Zentrum München).

The special characteristic and incentive of the Graduate School Life Science Munich - From Molecules to Systems - lies in its transdisciplinarity and intersectoral broadness. Provided by combining training elements from natural science, public/private entrepreneurship, ethics, responsibility in science and public outreach. This in itself leads to enormous potential in conceptual thinking, research design and technology platforms.

The LSM programme is highly multidisciplinary, as it represents the entire spectrum of research and teaching carried out in the Faculty of Biology plus aspects in pharmaceutical sciences and chemistry.

For information about research and teaching at the LSM please choose the corresponding sections of our website.

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LMU Graduate Business Programs

Loyola Marymount University Graduate Business Programs help you remain relevant and competitive in today's ever-changing marketplace. We offer options for full-time students as well as working professionals, and our small classes are taught by accomplished faculty in the heart of Silicon Beach. Whether you're just graduating from college or an experienced professional, we have programs designed for you.

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The doctoral phase

At LMU, you have the chance to pursue doctoral studies in more than 100 different subjects. Let us help you set your course by assisting you with targeted counseling and qualification opportunities.

Doctoral studies — yea or nay?

Our counseling services.

Taking the decision to embark on a doctoral path is not one you take lightly. It must fit exactly to your career goals. By taking advantage of our counseling services — we can help you consider all the different opportunities.

  • LMU Graduate Center

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Pathways to starting a doctorate

Why carry out your doctoral studies in germany, orientation, getting started, the application procedure and starting at lmu.

Have you decided to carry out your doctoral studies at LMU? We've got a number of counseling, support services and qualification opportunities to help you along the way.

  • Counseling services
  • Registration
  • Getting started at LMU with LMU Gateway — help for international doctoral candidates
  • Application guide for international doctoral candidates

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Doctoral Study

Skip to content, your way to a doctorate, first steps, administrative, congratulations, theodor hänsch phd award.

Dear doctoral candidates and all those who want to become one, here you will find all information about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Physics. We will answer your questions and accompany you on the way to your doctorate!

' title=

Are you thinking about a doctorate? First of all, think about the field of research in which you would like to work! The choice of your doctoral topic is of central importance, because those who research with enthusiasm will reach their goal in the end! At the Faculty of Physics a PhD is possible in the subjects astronomy , meteorology and physics (only available in German). Afterwards, you should find a supervisor for your doctoral project who is authorized to conduct examinations. Looking specifically for PhD positions and finding out about structured PhD programs can also be very helpful. Contact one of our researchers directly. Information on subjects and research areas as well as an overview of professors can be found in the research section .

A 5-year Master's degree with at least the grade 'good' or a 3-year Bachelor's degree with the grade 'very good' is required for admission to the doctoral program.

We are glad to assist you with all administrative steps - from the admission and submission to the defense of your dissertation. You will find all important information below.

All legally binding regulations can be found in the current version of the examination regulations - these and possible amendment regulations are available for download here (PDF, 130 KB) .

Supervisor Search for and contact a university lecturer on your own. All professors and private lecturers at the university count as a university lecturer. Letter of admission It is mandatory to apply for admission at the dean's office. For this, please hand in all necessary documents: (certified copies can be made in the dean's office)

Confirmation of Supervision (PDF, 96 KB)

  • Application for Admission to Doctoral Studies (PDF, 146 KB)
  • Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)
  • Signed curriculum vitae
  • Identity card or passport as a certified copy
  • with a German master degree in physics: certified copy of Master's certificate and diploma
  • with a foreign/non-specialized university degree : certified copy of Bachelor's and Master's certificate, diploma and final transcript of records

Once your admission request has been checked and confirmed, you will receive an admission letter via post mail. With this you can apply for enrollment at the Office of the University Registrar or the International Office .

Admission to doctoral studies is open to students with an outstanding Bachelor’s degree.

  • an excellent bachelor's degree with a grade of "very good"
  • or a placement among the top 10% in the respective year,
  • a mentor who will advise you

Applicants with degrees earned outside the EU must submit GRE Subject Test scores in physics or mathematics.

  • In addition to the Application for Doctoral Admission (PDF, 146 KB) , please submit this form (PDF, 128 KB) (currently only available in German) to the Dean's Office along with the documents requested therein.
  • Ask your mentor to send the mentor commitment (PDF, 98 KB) to the Dean's Office.
  • You then have to enroll in the respective master's program and successfully complete 60 ECTS of Master courses in the following two semesters with an average grade of at least good ( grade ≤ 2.5 ). Course selection will take place in consultation with your mentor.
  • These required achievements have to be proven to the Dean's Office at the end of the two semesters . To do so, present the master's certificates to the examination office and obtain a statement of account.
  • Please submit the supervision commitment together with the account statement of the master's achievements to the Dean's Office.
  • You can then enroll in the doctoral program.

With the doctoral degree, you do not acquire a master's degree. This may have consequences later on, e.g. on the pay group in case of employment in the public service. A doctorate without a master's degree is therefore not advisable for people who want to stay in Germany. However, if you are pursuing a Master's degree, you should remain enrolled in the Master's program and complete the remaining required coursework.

Information on how to obtain a Master's degree can be found in the FAQs on this page.

The faculty member who gives you the mentoring commitment is not obligated to continue to mentor you and give you a mentoring commitment for the doctoral degree.

  • with a " First Degree Master " or
  • with a 3-year Bachelor's degree and a one-year Master's degree (" Integrated Master ")

Depending on where you are from and depending on where you obtained your Master degree, the International Office or the Office of the University Registrar is responsible for enrollment as a doctoral student. Please follow their instructions on the information page.

  • Doctoral studies are not subject to a standard period of study. As a rule, enrollment for the purpose of a doctorate is limited to a maximum of 8 semesters.
  • If you are seeking a doctorate via access with an excellent bachelor's degree, you must apply as a master's student. See the information page on application, admission and enrollment .

Please note the following for the submission of your thesis:

  • A time limit of at least six weeks should be granted between the submission of your thesis and your oral examination, so that all deadlines can be duly met. The submission of both reports to the dean's office is decisive, since according to the doctoral regulations there must be at least 3 weeks until the oral examination. We therefore recommend that you consult with your reviewers in order to plan your oral examination.
  • Your committee will consist of 6 members (old regulations) or 5 members (new regulations). Please note that amongst them there must be one theoretician, one experimentalist and one person from another field in physics than your own. There can only be one external member.
  • You have to submit eight copies (old doctoral regulations) or seven copies (new doctoral regulations), hard bound in DIN A 4 format. Your doctoral thesis should be preceded by an abstract in German language , included in your thesis.
  • All documents that have to be submitted together with the hard copies can be found on the last page of the Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB) / Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB) Please read this form carefully in order to ensure that different documents can be issued in due time.
  • A list containing the suggested members of the Doctoral Examination Committee (PDF, 97 KB) can be submitted in advance for revision; it always has to be approved by the Dean.
  • We kindly ask you to make an appointment for your submission at the dean’s office and send us an email to [email protected] on the day of your submission containing your abstract as well as your dissertation as two separate PDFs or as a download link.

Earning a doctorate with multiple publications? Cumulative dissertations usually require at least three published and refereed first author publications in renowned journals. Cumulative dissertations must be submitted to the dean by the supervisor prior to submission, indicating the relevant publications. Only when the application has been approved by the dean a cumulative dissertation is possible. Mixed forms between classical and cumulative dissertation are possible, but require a detailed justification and explanation, with sufficient time before the intended submission date. In all cases, care must be taken to ensure that the dissertation clearly presents and demonstrates independent scientific achievement.

As a rule, the examination should take place in person. The 20-minute-presentation takes place on the blackboard and is followed by questions. A remote examination is only an option if there is an external member outside Munich or in the event of illness of a member.

If a member of the doctoral committee participates remotely, the requirements of the remote examination apply:

  • The presentation will take place on an electronic whiteboard.
  • All parties involved in the examination must agree to the procedure described here.
  • The examinee and those examiner situated in Munich meet in person in a room.
  • Joining remotely is possible via a suitable video conferencing systems. Suitable and approved according to IT security standards are DFNconf, LRZmeet and in exceptional cases Zoom.
  • The examiner who takes the minutes signs them and sends the scan of the minutes by e-mail to the commission chair. The chair prints out the minutes, signs them as well, and sends them to the Dean's Office along with all other doctoral documents.
  • The committee chair is responsible for ensuring that these requirements are met, including proper record keeping and submission of these to the Dean's Office.
  • you set independently in consultation with all members, especially the chair, of the doctoral committee.
  • Please notify the Dean's Office of the date, location and time of the examination as soon as possible.
  • If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

After submitting your dissertation and passing the oral examination, you are almost there - the doctoral title is within reach.

Please note, that the preliminary notification you receive after the oral examination does not yet entitle you to use the doctoral title; designations such as Doctor designatus (Dr. des.) or similar are also not permitted. Only after receiving the certificate you may officially use the title Dr. rer. nat.

  • first submit six printed and possibly corrected copies of your dissertation to the University's Office of Publications and publish your dissertation electronically (further information can be found here ).
  • According to the doctoral regulations, this submission must take place within one year .
  • The certificate will be issued automatically after the dissertation has been uploaded electronically and submitted to the University Library.
  • As soon as the doctoral certificate is ready for collection at the Dean's Office (approx. 4-6 weeks after submission of your dissertation to the University Library), you will receive a message from the Dean's Office by e-mail and you can collect it from the Dean's Office during normal opening hours.

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Physics Ms. Merita Shabanaj [email protected]

Ms. Anna-Serena Melo Voigt [email protected]

The office hours can be found here:

Regular office hours for habilitations and doctorates

Postal address of the dean's office of the Faculty of Physics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Physik Dekanat Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Zentrale Poststelle der LMU (LMU central mail room) Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday: 07:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Central mail room's postal address: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Zentrale Poststelle der LMU, Zi.Nr. 003 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

  • How can I currently submit my dissertation?
  • What do I have to consider when submitting?
  • How much time must elapse between the submission of the dissertation and the date of the defense?
  • How do I know according to which doctoral examination regulations I will defend my examination?
  • What are the differences between the two doctoral regulations?
  • Is it possible to change to the new doctoral regulations?
  • Will I be employed at a chair directly after admission?
  • Where can I get certified copies?
  • How can I obtain a master's degree if I start a doctorate directly after completing my bachelor's degree?

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (starting from 01.01.2020) (PDF, 130 KB)

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (superseeded 1993-2019) (PDF, 241 KB)

Application form for Admission to Doctoral Study (PDF, 146 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB)

Examination commitee (PDF, 97 KB)

Mentorate confirmation (PDF, 105 KB)

Form Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)

Congratulations on your doctorate! You have your doctorate in your pocket. We would like to celebrate this together with you and invite you to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics , which once a year gives a festive farewell to all graduates of the previous academic year.

' title=

Joannis Koepsell, winner of the Theodor Hänsch PhD Award 2022 | © Christoph Hohmann

Joannis Koepsell is awarded the Theodor Hänsch PhD Prize from the LMU Faculty of Physics for his outstanding dissertation entitled “Quantum simulation of doped two-dimensional Mott insulators”. Read more...

The Theodor Hänsch PhD Award is donated by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for the Faculty of Physics and is endowed with 4,000 euros. It is named after Professor Theodor W. Hänsch (Nobel Prize winner in 2005) and is intended to recognize particularly outstanding dissertations in the field of physics. The prize is awarded once a year during the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics .

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  • William Perez, Ph.D.
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Dolores Delgado Bernal, Ph.D. became the Interim Co-Chair of the doctoral program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice at LMU School of Education in June 2024. She has been been a professor at the school since January 2023. Delgado Bernal was a first-generation college student and an elementary school teacher in Pasadena Unified who earned her Ph.D. from UCLA. She was faculty at the University of Utah for 17 years, and then at Cal State LA she   served as chair for the Department of Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies and afterwards as Associate Dean for the College of Ethnic Studies. She’s a scholar-activist whose scholarship bridges the fields of education and Chicanx studies and whose passion is in mentoring students. Her scholarship draws from Chicana feminist studies and critical race studies to investigate educational (in)equity, Latinx educational pathways, feminista pedagogies, and different forms of student resistance. She has published over 40 articles/chapters, and has co-authored or co-edited four books. She has received numerous awards for her scholarship, teaching, and/or mentoring, including, the American Educational Research Association Distinguished Scholar Award, Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social Tortuga Award, and Critical Race Studies in Education Association Derrick Bell Legacy Award.  

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The Department of Psychological Science provides a high-quality curriculum emphasizing excellence in teaching and learning. Students majoring in psychology examine, in depth, various aspects of human and animal behavior, along with the biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of behavior. Students are provided with the opportunity to think critically, analyze and evaluate their findings, as well as apply these perspectives to a variety of individual, family, and community contexts with particular attention paid to intersectionality. As students progress through the curriculum, they have opportunities to assist faculty with research and engage in their own research with faculty supervision. The program prepares students for graduate study in psychology and related fields or careers in other professions.

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Student Affairs Celebrates 2023-24 Staff and Program Pillar Awards

June 11, 2024

Student Affairs honored five programs and seven staff members in May for their innovative work, creating a creative and collaborative LMU student experience at the division’s annual Staff EXP Day. Each award honors and…

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The CIH-LMU Center for International Health was established as an integrative institution, which aims to coordinate existing excellence projects on development cooperation at LMU Munich. The primary objective of the center is to promote educational and research activities within developing countries, in order to establish and enhance a scientific generation that will be able to contribute to the resolution of local and regional development-related problems, particularly in the field of health. The CIH-LMU PhD Program offers academic education and a research environment to scientists from developing countries, with special focus on the Millennium Development Goals. Postgraduates who do not originate from developing countries but who have a scientific interest in International Health and development cooperation will also be eligible for the program. Scholarships are available for selected candidates from developing countries.

Web: www.cih.lmu.de

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Students & recent graduates

Begin your search, pathways program.

The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree. There are three different paths available.

New changes are coming soon that will expand opportunities to participants in "qualifying career or technical education programs" (which may include Registered Apprenticeship Programs, Job Corps, Climate Corps, AmeriCorps, and Peace Corps)

The Internship Program is for current students. If you're a current student in high school, college, trade school or another qualifying educational institution, you may be eligible. This program offers paid opportunities to work in federal agencies and explore federal careers while completing your education.

Learn more about the Internship Program .

The Recent Graduates Program is for those who have graduated, within the past two years, from a qualifying educational institution or certificate program. The Recent Graduates Program offers career development with training and mentorship.

You must apply within two years of getting your degree or certificate (veterans have up to six years to apply due to their military service obligation).

Learn more about the Recent Graduates Program .

  • Have completed an advanced degree from a qualifying educational institution or program within the past two years of the annual application opening date.
  • Expect to complete all advanced degree requirements, including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation, by August 31 of the next year, from the opening date of the annual application announcement.

Email [email protected] for questions related to the Presidential Management Fellows Program. Questions about a specific announcement found on USAJOBS should be sent to the hiring agency using the contact information in the announcement.

Learn more about the Presidential Management Fellows Program .

Please contact [email protected] with any issues or questions related to the Pathways Programs for students and recent graduates.

Additional hiring options

  • A U.S. citizen or national.
  • Enrolled in or pursuing a bachelor's or graduate degree on at least a half-time basis.

Learn more about the Post-Secondary Student Hiring Authority .

This program is for those who have completed a bachelor's or graduate degree within the last two years. Veterans may have up to six years to apply. The program offers appointments to a permanent position.

Other student programs and opportunities

There are several other opportunities available to students, including:

  • CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service
  • Department of Defense student opportunities
  • Department of State Student Internship program
  • NASA internship opportunities
  • National security education programs such as Boren Scholarships and Fellowships and English for Heritage Language Speakers scholarships
  • Overseas Seasonal Hire program
  • Summer jobs (for example, a lifeguard)
  • USAID Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates
  • U.S. Department of Energy Community College Internship (CCI)
  • U.S. Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
  • Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS)

How do I know a job is open to students or recent graduates?

In the job announcement look for the This job is open to section. When a job is open to Students you'll see the Students icon: . When a job is open to Recent graduates , you'll see the Recent graduates icon: . There may be other groups listed that can also apply.

You can also select the Students or recent graduates filter. Your results will display all jobs open to students and recent graduates.

Documents you may need

Upload and submit through usajobs.

You can upload and save documents to your USAJOBS profile. Once uploaded, you can submit these forms with your job application as needed. Sign into USAJOBS or learn how to upload documents .

Additional Resources

  • A-Z list of federal agencies External link. Opens in a new window.
  • Federal internship FAQs
  • Federal occupations by college majors
  • Pathways FAQs

Other Hiring Paths

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  • Senior executives
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Family of overseas employees
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  • Peace Corps & AmeriCorps VISTA
  • Special authorities

Undergraduate vs. Graduate: Educate Yourself On The Difference

  • Undergraduate Meaning
  • Undergraduate Student And Degree
  • Graduate Meaning
  • Graduate Degree And Student
  • Graduate Origin
  • Postgraduate Meaning

⚡ Quick summary

The main difference between undergraduate and graduate is that undergraduate is always used in the context of the first level of college or university education (the level where you can earn a bachelor’s degree ). In terms like graduate student and graduate degree , graduate refers to a level of advanced education beyond the undergraduate level, especially a master’s degree or doctorate . The noun graduate is more general, simply referring to a person who has completed a level of education (someone who has graduated ).

The difference between undergraduate and graduate is a difference of degrees (*throws graduation cap in the air to celebrate the pun*).

The level of education that each word involves varies depending on how the word is being used, and there are situations in which both words can be used in the same situation. For example, you can become a graduate student after graduating with an undergraduate degree.

The word graduate can mean very different things depending on whether it’s used as a noun (as in recent   high school graduates ), an adjective (as in graduate student and graduate degree ), or a verb (as in I plan to graduate next May ). The same goes for its shortened form, grad , which can be used as a noun (as in Congrats, grads! ) or an adjective (as in grad program ).

Undergraduate can also be used both as a noun (as in I’m an undergraduate at Stanford University ) or an adjective (as in I’m working toward my undergraduate degree ). It can be shortened to undergrad in both cases.

By the end of this article, you’ll have an advanced degree in all the different ways graduate, grad , undergraduate , and undergrad are used, and what they mean in each case.

What does undergraduate mean?

An undergraduate is “a student in a university or college who has not received a first, especially a bachelor’s, degree.” For example, a college student might say I’m an undergraduate at the University of Texas if they were pursuing a bachelor’s degree there.

Undergraduate is also commonly used as an adjective in this same context, in terms like undergraduate student , undergraduate degree , and undergraduate studies.

Undergraduate is often shortened to undergrad as both a noun and an adjective.

In undergraduate, the prefix under- is used to indicate a lower rank or status. The educational status of an undergraduate student is below that of a graduate student.

What’s the difference between wisdom and knowledge ? Here’s a lesson on the two terms.

What is an undergraduate student ? And what is an undergraduate degree ?

An undergraduate student is a student who is pursuing a degree at the first level of higher education (meaning the level after high school) at a college or university. Undergraduate students are typically those working to earn a bachelor’s degree (or, less commonly, an associate’s degree ). These degrees are often referred to with the general term undergraduate degree.

Outside of the US, an undergraduate degree is sometimes called a first degree. There are also other types of undergraduate degrees outside of the US, such as a foundation degree (which, like an associate’s degree, is typically a two-year degree).

What does graduate mean?

As a noun, the word graduate  [  graj -oo-it ] refers to “a person who has received a degree or diploma on completing a course of study.” In other words, a graduate is someone who has completed a particular level of schooling or an educational program—a child who just finished kindergarten and a doctor who just completed medical school are both graduates. It can even be used figuratively , as in She’s a graduate of the school of hard knocks.

As a verb, graduate [  graj -oo-eyt ] means “to receive a degree or diploma on completing a course of study.” The process of graduating—and the ceremony itself—is called graduation .

As an adjective, graduate [  graj -oo-it ] means something more specific. It’s used to indicate that a student, degree, or educational program is an advanced one, beyond the level of a bachelor’s degree. This sense of graduate is most commonly used in terms like graduate degree, graduate school , graduate program, and graduate student.

What is a graduate degree ? And what is a graduate student ?

Graduate degree typically refers to a degree beyond a bachelor’s, most commonly a master’s.

A graduate student is a student who’s pursuing an advanced degree after having earned their undergraduate degree (such as a bachelor’s degree) by graduating from an undergraduate program. Calling someone a graduate student most often means they are pursuing their master’s degree, but it may be another advanced degree, such as a PhD (You’d most commonly call such students PhD students. Or you might say they are working toward their doctorate or their doctoral degree.)

To earn a graduate degree, graduate students go to a division of a university known as graduate school , and such a program is often called a graduate program. In all of these terms, graduate is often shortened to grad : grad school , grad student , grad program . (A student doesn’t become a graduate student until they take graduate-level courses. For example, if a student graduates with a bachelor’s degree and then later pursues a different bachelor’s degree, they are still an undergraduate student .)

Some graduate studies are referred to in more specific ways: medical students go to medical school to earn their medical degree ; law students go to law school to earn their law degree.

Do you know the difference between these highly-esteemed graduate degrees and titles: PhD, MD, and Dr ?

Where does the word graduate come from?

Graduate comes from the Medieval Latin graduārī, meaning “to take a degree.” It ultimately derives from the Latin gradus, meaning “a step.” Each time you graduate, you take a step to the next level of education.

What does postgraduate mean?

The adjective postgraduate is sometimes used in the same way as the adjective sense of the word graduate, especially in the UK, as in postgraduate student or postgraduate studies.

Postgraduate should not be confused with postdoctoral , which refers to studies, research, or professional work above the level of a doctorate.

How to use undergraduate vs. graduate

The best way to sort out the different meanings of undergraduate and graduate is to determine whether each word is being used as a noun, an adjective, or a verb. Here’s an easy breakdown of the differences.

  • undergraduate (noun): A college student pursuing a non-advanced degree, most commonly a bachelor’s degree. Can be shortened to undergrad.
  • undergraduate (adjective): Used in the context of colleges and university programs ( undergraduate programs ) where students are pursuing a degree (generally referred to as an undergraduate degree ) that is not an advanced degree. Also sometimes shortened to undergrad.
  • graduate (noun): A person who has completed a particular level of schooling or educational program. Can be shortened to grad.
  • graduate (verb): To complete a level of schooling (and, typically, to receive a degree or diploma). You can graduate from kindergarten, high school, college, graduate school, medical school, etc.
  • graduate (adjective): Used in the context of advanced schooling—a level beyond a bachelor’s degree, most commonly a master’s program. Used in terms like graduate student , graduate school , graduate degree , graduate program , graduate courses , etc. Often shortened to grad.

Examples of undergraduate, undergrad, graduate, and grad used in a sentence

Let’s look at some examples of these words in actual, real-life use to get the meanings straight.

  • As an undergraduate, she had studied engineering; as a graduate student, she switched to architecture.
  • I completed my undergraduate degree after five years and a lot of hard work.
  • As a graduate student, you will be expected to complete a thesis.
  • You should start thinking about graduate school applications before you graduate.
  • Most of the applicants for this position are recent college graduates.
  • I’m still an undergrad, but I’m hoping to start grad school next fall.
  • I’m a UGA grad, but I almost went to Georgia Tech.

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No matter who is graduating, here are tips on how to craft a perfect congratulations card for their achievement.

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Applying to MD-PhD Programs

New section.

Are you considering a MD-PhD program? Here the basics about applying to MD-PhD programs to help you get started.

The MD-PhD dual degree training prepares you for a career that is busy, challenging, and rewarding, and offers opportunities to do good for many people by advancing medical science, developing new diagnostics and treatments for diseases, and pushing back the boundaries of the unknown.

How do I know if a combined program is right for me?

MD-PhD programs are specifically designed for those who want to become physician-researchers, also known as physician-scientists. Graduates of MD-PhD programs often go on to become faculty members at medical schools, universities, and research institutes such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

MD-PhD program students are being prepared for careers in which they will spend most of their time doing research in addition to caring for patients. It is critical that applicants have a passion for doing both—most MD-PhD graduates feel strongly that they would not be fulfilled by only pursuing medicine or science.

How do I apply?

Nearly all MD-PhD programs participate in the application process via the American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®) . On the AMCAS application, students designate themselves as MD-PhD applicants and complete two additional essays: one related to why they are interested in MD-PhD training, and the other highlighting their significant research experiences.

What schools offer this type of program?

Nationwide, there are more than 90 MD-PhD programs affiliated with medical schools. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) supports Medical Scientist Training Programs or MSTPs. They currently provide training grants that partially support MD-PhD programs at 49 degree-granting institutions. You can see which schools offer MD-PhD degrees in the  Medical School Admission Requirements  profiles under “Combined Degrees and Special Programs.” You can also review  Individual MD-PhD Program Information for Prospective Applicants  for easy access to individual MD-PhD program websites.

How long does it take?

Students enter an integrated curriculum that typically takes seven to eight years to complete. During which time, they satisfy the full requirements for both the MD and the PhD degrees.

What kind of work can I do? How much time is spent as an MD? As a researcher?

According to a  study of MD-PhD program outcomes , nearly 80 percent of graduates are following career paths consistent with the goals of their training, including working as full-time faculty in academic medical centers or for the NIH, research institutes, industry, and federal agencies. Those in academia, spend between 50 and 80 percent of their time conducting research, though this can vary by specialty. Their research may be lab-based, translational, or clinical. The remaining time is often divided between clinical service, teaching, and administrative activities.

MD-PhD Application Timeline

AMCAS application opens:  May preceding the year of expected entry Applicants interviewed:  October–March Final decisions sent to applicants:  December–March Applicants revisit program(s) to decide where to matriculate:  March–April MD-PhD programs start:  June–August

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Information on how to become a research physician, also known as a physician-investigator or a physician-scientist.

A Personal Plea to Premeds

Trisha Kaundinya | January 13, 2021

When I was in college, I was in a premed “bubble” a lot of the time. I took many of my courses and labs alongside hundreds of other aspiring physicians. I would see the same people throughout my academic day, and sometimes even outside of the lecture hall. Because of this, I unintentionally overheard conversations […]

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  1. Graduate Enrollment

    Graduate Programs Open House. Enjoy the benefits of learning at a nationally-ranked R2 institution, where cutting-edge research and innovative faculty mentors help students take their careers to the next level. View our Spring 2024 Open House sessions to explore where a graduate degree from LMU might take you. View Graduate Open House Sessions.

  2. All degrees and programs

    Select international doctoral programs. Whether you want to do a structured doctoral program or individual doctoral studies — LMU offers international graduates choice. Read more. Degree programs within the "Elitenetzwerk Bayern" The Elitenetzwerk Bayern (Elite Network of Bavaria) is a funding program in Bavaria offering a "demanding ...

  3. Degrees & Programs

    Find your future academic program here. We offer 55 undergraduate majors and 58 minor programs, along with 46 master's degree programs, three doctorate programs and 14 credential/authorization programs. Filter by: Area of Study.

  4. Doctoral Programs

    As an alternative to participating in a doctoral program, LMU Munich offers graduates the option to complete individual doctoral studies in more than 100 subjects. Doctoral candidates are also supervised within the framework of research projects, academic institutions and research networks. Humanities and Cultural Studies. Cultures of Vigilance.

  5. PhD programme

    The Department of Earth- and Environmental Sciences at LMU has a long and successful tradition in training graduate students. About 60 graduate students are currently doing their PhD projects within the department, around 25 of which with us in the Geophysics section. Many of our graduate students have been awarded prizes and honourable ...

  6. About

    The mission of Loyola Marymount University is the encouragement of learning, the education of the whole person, the service of faith and the promotion of justice. Our graduate programs are thoughtfully designed to emphasize conscious scholarship and engaged learning — balancing discipline-specific knowledge and training with a commitment to ...

  7. Ph.D. Medical Research

    The LMU Medical Faculty has offered the Ph.D. Medical Research, a structured doctoral program of at least three years, for several years now.The Ph.D. is a research and training program, around medical research topics. In particular, it focuses on biomedical experimental, clinical, translational, and health sciences research.

  8. Doctoral Programs

    Participation in a Doctoral Program. LMU Munich offers a wide range of structured doctoral programs. Doctoral programs (Research Training Groups/Graduate Schools/International Doctoral Programs) are jointly supported by several professors. It is often an association of representatives from related fields. While some doctoral programs focus on a ...

  9. Ph.D. Program Medical Research

    The Ph.D. program Medical Research - International Health is part of the Munich Medical Research School (MMRS), a central institution of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München's Medical Faculty. ... The doctoral project is supervised by both a local supervisor and two to three LMU supervisors. Doctoral candidates start their doctoral ...

  10. Graduate School Life Science Munich: From ...

    The Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM) offers an international doctoral program in life sciences to outstandingly motivated and qualified graduates. Using state-of-the-art approaches, the members of the school aim to answer essential questions relevant to basic and applied biological and biochemical research. The program is taught ...

  11. PhD programs

    PhD programs are available in: Geography, Geochemistry, Geobiology, Geology, Geophysics, Cristallography, Mineralogy, Palaeontology, Petrology or Vulkanology. Please register using this link before you submit the application form to the Dean's office.

  12. Graduate Open House Week

    Graduate Programs Open House Week. Discover where one of over 50 masters, certificate, credential, and doctoral programs might take you. Ranked in the top 100 universities in the nation (U.S. News & World Report, 2024), LMU's graduate degrees serve up career-elevating skills from industry leading faculty, all amid the backdrop of Los Angeles, the creative and cultural capital of the world.

  13. Doctoral Programme at LSM

    The LSM offers outstanding young researchers an innovative and high quality German doctoral degree in life sciences, entirely taught in English. The programme combines both supporting course work and as well as individual research. Students benefit from the quality of research and teaching at the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty of Chemistry ...

  14. Graduate Programs

    LMU Graduate Business Programs. Loyola Marymount University Graduate Business Programs help you remain relevant and competitive in today's ever-changing marketplace. We offer options for full-time students as well as working professionals, and our small classes are taught by accomplished faculty in the heart of Silicon Beach.

  15. Cynthia M. Alcantar, Ph.D.

    Cynthia M. Alcantar, Ph.D. became the Interim Co-Chair of the doctoral program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice at LMU School of Education in June 2024. She has been an Associate Professor at LMU SOE since 2022. Before joining LMU, she was an Assistant Professor of Higher Education Leadership at the University of Nevada, Reno, and ...

  16. Guide to applying for doctoral studies

    Doctoral studies at LMU. There are two options if you would like to pursue a doctorate at LMU: Individual doctoral studies If you already have a State Examination (Staatsexamen), Diplom (German academic degree), Magister (German academic degree) or master's degree, you can pursue a doctorate with us.The traditional way of doing this is to choose individual doctoral studies, where you are ...

  17. The doctoral phase

    The doctoral phase. At LMU, you have the chance to pursue doctoral studies in more than 100 different subjects. ... Choose from a number of doctoral programs. Read more. Find your topic. Read more. Secure financing. Read more. Sum up your research. The GC Speed Slam challenges you to present your research in just 180 seconds to an audience ...

  18. Graduate Program in Philosophy

    Submit all application materials using LMU's online application. If you have any questions, please contact: Daniel Speak. Graduate Program Director. 310.338.1792. [email protected]. University Hall 3745.

  19. Doctoral Study

    The date for the doctoral examination. you set independently in consultation with all members, especially the chair, of the doctoral committee. Please notify the Dean's Office of the date, location and time of the examination as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

  20. Dolores Delgado Bernal, Ph.D.

    Dolores Delgado Bernal, Ph.D. became the Interim Co-Chair of the doctoral program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice at LMU School of Education in June 2024. She has been been a professor at the school since January 2023. Delgado Bernal was a first-generation college student and an elementary school teacher in Pasadena Unified who ...

  21. Theological Studies Graduate Programs

    Loyola Marymount University's M.A. in Theological Studies Program provides students with a firm foundation in the methods of biblical, historical, systematic, and moral theology, with special emphasis on the Roman Catholic tradition. The program engages students in a wide range of ethical and cross-cultural concerns, and in ecumenical and ...

  22. Psychology

    The program prepares students for graduate study in psychology and related fields or careers in other professions. News. Events. From Capstone to Think Tank ... 1 LMU Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.2700; Downtown Law Campus; 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 213.736.1000;

  23. Graduate Cost of Attendance

    Federal Loan Fees. $132. $132. $132. Estimated Total Cost. $52,053. $55,355. $42,639. The cost of attendance below is based on 6 unit enrollment per term (fall/spring), 12 units total for the academic year.

  24. LMU Receives $25 Million from the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

    LMU to Host the Los Angeles Rams 2024 Training Camp Janelle Monáe Tells LMU Graduates: "We Need a New Standard of Love" John Legend to LMU Grads: "I Cannot Wait to See How You Will Harness the Power of Love" LMU Introduces Doctor of Business Administration Program. See All Press Releases

  25. Eladio Gonzalez Archives

    Find Us. WESTCHESTER MAIN CAMPUS 1 LMU Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.2700. DOWNTOWN LAW CAMPUS 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 213.736.1000. PLAYA VISTA CAMPUS 12105 E. Waterfront Drive, Suite 200 Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.338.2700.

  26. What Is a Graduate Degree? Your 2024 Guide

    A graduate degree is an academic program that you can pursue after getting your bachelor's degree. A graduate degree—which includes master's degrees, professional degrees, and doctorate degrees —allows you to further specialize in an area of interest or choose a course that directly relates to or is accredited by the profession you want ...

  27. Ph.D. Program Medical Research

    The CIH-LMU PhD Program offers academic education and a research environment to scientists from developing countries, with special focus on the Millennium Development Goals. Postgraduates who do not originate from developing countries but who have a scientific interest in International Health and development cooperation will also be eligible ...

  28. USAJOBS Help Center

    This program is for recent graduates with an advanced degree—either a professional or graduate degree such as a master's, Ph.D. or J.D. You may be eligible if you: Have completed an advanced degree from a qualifying educational institution or program within the past two years of the annual application opening date.

  29. Undergraduate Vs. Graduate: What's The Difference?

    Here's an easy breakdown of the differences. undergraduate (noun): A college student pursuing a non-advanced degree, most commonly a bachelor's degree. Can be shortened to undergrad. undergraduate (adjective): Used in the context of colleges and university programs ( undergraduate programs) where students are pursuing a degree (generally ...

  30. Applying to MD-PhD Programs

    MD-PhD Application Timeline. AMCAS application opens: May preceding the year of expected entry. Applicants interviewed: October-March. Final decisions sent to applicants: December-March. Applicants revisit program (s) to decide where to matriculate: March-April. MD-PhD programs start: June-August. Are you considering a MD-PhD program?