School of Information and Library Science

Ph.D. in Information and Library Science

PhD Information and Library Science

This doctoral program provides an environment that enables creative and energetic students to become innovative thinkers and leaders. Through coordination of student and faculty interests and activities, the program offers opportunities for research, teaching, and leadership in a variety of settings.

Information and library science research leaders must be able to identify problems that are significant for our future as an information society, carry out rigorous studies and draw valid conclusions from them, and communicate those findings to stakeholders who can act on them. The SILS doctoral program provides intensive, but highly flexible and customizable, preparation for careers in academia and research.

The Ph.D. in Information and Library Science is designated as a STEM program, which allows eligible international graduates to apply for a 24-month OPT extension.

After successfully defending their dissertations, SILS’ graduates have accepted positions as tenure-track faculty in information schools, research scientists in corporate and government labs, and chief information officers in a myriad of organizations and businesses. With a degree from our doctoral program, our graduates are making a difference.

  • Kimberly Hirsh, 2021, Consulting Scholar-Librarian
  • Sandeep Avula, 2020, Research Scientist, Amazon
  • Eliot Hauser, 2020, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
  • Colin Post, 2020, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Jonathan Crabtree, 2020, Assistant Director of Research Data Information Systems, Odum Institute, UNC-CH
  • Emily Roscoe, 2020, Adjunct Instructor, School of Government, UNC-CH
  • Megan Threats, 2020, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
  • Heather Barnes, 2020, Digital Curation Librarian, Wake Forest University
  • Yinglong Zhang, 2020, Research Scientist, Google
  • Shenmeng Xu, 2020, Scholarly Communications Librarian, Vanderbilt University
  • Sarah Beth Nelson, 2019, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
  • Anita Crescenzi, 2019, Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy, UNC-CH
  • Kathleen Brennan, 2018, Senior Researcher, Google
  • Samantha Kaplan, 2018, Research and Education Librarian, Duke University
  • Ericka Patillo, 2018, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Grace Shin, 2018, Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea, Adjunct Professor at SILS.
  • Leslie Thomson, 2018, Postdoctoral Fellow, UNC-CH

Other notable graduates in recent years:

  • Jay Dominick, 2005 , Vice President and CIO at Princeton University
  • Meredith Evans, Ph.D.  2006 , Director, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum & 74th President of the Society of American Archivists
  • Meredith Weiss, 2010 , Vice President for Administration at Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Fred Stutzman, 2011 , CEO, Freedom

Financial Support

SILS typically provides support for full-time doctoral students during their first five years of study. Prospective doctoral students must apply by December 10 to receive full consideration for financial aid.

Learn more from our Financial Information page.

SILS seeks PhD students who:

  • Aim to be information leaders in the 21 st century.
  • Are attracted to information and library science as a field that incorporates diverse theoretical perspectives and a wide range of research methods.
  • Possess the discipline and will to be independent investigators, and the vision and communication skills to be influential leaders in the field.
  • Are committed to a life of research and scholarly inquiry addressing critical questions.
  • Enjoy intellectual challenges and demonstrate analytical and critical thinking.

PhD People

Admission to the doctoral program is competitive and based upon the strength of the applicant’s educational background and standardized test scores, work experience, statement of research, and personal interview. In reviewing applicants for admission, the school will consider past academic record and scholarly potential of an applicant, as well as the match of the candidate’s research interests with those of the school’s faculty. One or more faculty must be willing to assume the advisory role for the student.

phd library science

Doctoral and Special Programs Coordinator

[email protected] or 919-962-0182

Library Science Degrees » Library Science Programs » Doctorate of Library Science Degrees

Doctorate of Library Science Degrees

A Doctorate of Library Science degree offers an opportunity for advanced research and training beyond a Master’s degree in Library Science . Students can expect to conduct, analyze, and report on relevant research as well as explore subjects pertinent to their chosen specialization. Certain types of librarians are required to have a doctorate, including medical and law librarians.

Leaders in information and library science have to be able to identify significant problems concerning the future of an information society. They carry out challenging studies and draw conclusions from them. Leaders communicate the findings to those stakeholders who will act on them.

Doctorate in Library Science

A doctoral program provides customizable, highly flexible, and intensive preparation for those who hope to specialize in managing a specific type of library like a university or law library. A Ph.D. in Library Science empowers students to learn and analyze user information and preserve, organize, and manage materials and information to make them accessible knowledge sources.

Click to find sponsored online library science programs currently accepting applications for 2024.

Why Consider a Doctorate or PhD in Library Science?

A Ph.D. in Library Science requires degree seekers to become specialized in a data curation, information systems, or librarianship related area of study. The word 'library' in the degree title does not necessarily mean the holder will work in academia or libraries.

A Doctoral degree in Library Science can provide the knowledge and skills needed to become anything from an archivist to an analyst. The careers have competitive salaries and a positive growth outlook. In 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported those with a doctorate earned $43,472 more annually than all other workers. Earning a doctorate is an excellent means of developing expertise in a field and boost potential earnings.

Sponsored Online Library Programs

Are there online doctorate of library science programs.

There are several online Doctorate of Library Science programs, but there are more limited options that compared to a Masters in Library Science .

Illinois School of Information Doctoral Programs

The Illinois School of Information has a doctorate program that requires 48 credit hours, along with a research presentation, field exam, and dissertation. Students work closely with advisors to create educational experiences outside and within the school.

They help students prepare for future research careers. Besides taking classes and carrying out research projects, students are expected to participate in school-sponsored events, meet with international visitors, and attend talks. Those requirements cannot be completed online. Doctorate programs from other universities have similar requirements. Students who wish to continue online studies beyond the Master's level may consider enrollment in a doctoral program in Archival Administration , Public Librarianship, Information Management, or similar degrees. There are some doctoral degree programs in library science or related areas available.

Emporia State University PhD in Library and Information Management

Emporia State offers four Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Management degree programs. Three have concentrations in Informatics, Information Systems, or Instructional Design. Having a Master's degree is not necessarily required to gain admittance into the online doctoral programs, and undergraduate and graduate work in library science are not required. Applicants have to take an exam to qualify for candidacy. Those without a Master's degree may have to complete added graduate-level courses to satisfy the requirements of the doctoral program.

Walden University Doctor of Information Technology

Walden University offers a Doctor of Information Technology that is designed to enhance technical expertise while developing leadership skills to guide an organization. Experience and knowledge within IT are synthesized through:

  • Leadership simulators that delve into issues relevant to Information Technology
  • Face-to-face residencies that permit networking with other doctoral students and expert faculty members
  • Seminar courses that explore current IT topics such as grid and cloud computing, software engineering, and information security

The Doctorate in Information Technology is offered in two Tracks. Track I is for students with a Master's degree in some technical field. Track II is for those with a Bachelor's degree in a technical field. Entry requirements are a completed online application, official transcripts, and employment history. An enrollment advisor helps candidates gather required materials from the application through the first day of class.

Capella University Doctor of Information Technology

Capella offers a Doctor of Information Technology with specializations in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, General Information Technology, or Project Management. The university reshaped online education to put students in control. They can learn on-demand, manage costs, and leverage their experiences to advance on their own terms.

Typical Coursework for this Degree

A doctoral program is structured to provide students with a general understanding of the field of information and library science as well as expertise in specific research areas. Programs usually take two to five years to complete and consist of the following:

  • Required coursework
  • 18-hour review
  • Research presentation
  • Comprehensive examination
  • Dissertation, including proposal, dissertation work, and defense

Research principles

Doctoral students customize their education by choosing a specialized research topic on which to focus their studies. Research topics vary in scope and subject matter but are uniquely relevant to the Library Science field. Core research principles are introduced through required coursework, specifically in classes like research design, research methods, and data analytics. Students can expect to conduct at least 36 hours of directed research aside from a dissertation, reading courses, and formal courses.

Top courses

Doctoral students take a broad range of courses that cover a variety of subjects. Some courses examine introductory principles while others explore more specialized topics relevant to the Library Science field. Some doctoral programs require students to take two research methods courses in consecutive semesters as well as up to six hours of statistic coursework. Statistics coursework must include an introduction to inferential and descriptive statistics, computational techniques, and analysis of variance. Students can satisfy this requirement with classes in other departments, such as education, psychology, or sociology. Appropriate courses are chosen with the help of a faculty advisor. All courses taken should be at the graduate level.

18-Hour Review

The review is usually held at the end of a student’s first year. The committee is chaired by the student’s advisor includes all faculty members who taught the student. The student’s mastery of selected subjects and the ability to identify opportunities for research and the means to address problems associated with research are addressed. Students are told of any identified deficiencies and suggested strategies to improve. If deficiencies are severe, the student may be counseled to depart the program.

Year Reviews Each subsequent year, students prepare and present a statement of progress to the associate dean and advisor. The statement includes a reflection on progress, a statement of research interest, a summary of completed coursework, and a list of papers written during the year. Continuing in the program depends on a satisfactory review.

Coursework Completion and Pre-Comprehensive Requirements

Full-time students usually complete all necessary coursework between two and two-and-a-half years. It’s generally considered unsatisfactory if a full-time student isn’t making progress within three years. Part-time students’ progress is based on individual circumstances. However, part-time students are expected to progress at a comparable rate. Before taking the comprehensive exam, doctoral candidates must:

  • Complete all required coursework
  • Conduct a literature review of a specialized research topic
  • Present two papers submitted for publication

Comprehensive Exam

After completing necessary coursework and preliminary research, students assemble a research package for the comprehensive examination. This typically includes an overview of a student’s research interests, a literature review that specifies areas of theory, methodology, and research, and a brief dissertation prospectus. After the examining committee accepts the research package, an oral exam is conducted. The oral exam has the same scope as the research package.

Doctoral Dissertation

Students register for a dissertation by filing out advisory surveys, completing a registration form, and signing a learning contract. After the comprehensive exam has been completed successfully, the student and advisor consult to form a dissertation committee. Students then prepare a dissertation proposal to present to the committee. Typically, a student completes and defends the proposal or makes substantial progress toward that goal within six months. It’s generally considered unsatisfactory if a student hasn’t made progress after a year.

The doctoral dissertation is an original contribution of knowledge that involves identifying and defining a research topic, applying appropriate research methodology, organization, and data analysis to the investigated topic, and interpreting and presenting the research findings. The dissertation defense is a final oral examination and presentation. The dissertation committee that administers the exam typically includes a minimum of one scholar outside the program.

List of the Top Online Doctorate of Library Science Programs

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  • Doctoral Degrees

Library and Information Science, PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science program, in the Department of Information Culture and Data Stewardship (ICDS), prepares students for careers in research, education, and professional practice. The primary purpose of the PhD program is to develop an understanding of library and information science beyond the master’s degree, with particular emphasis on the conduct of original research, the production of significant research findings, and the contribution of such findings to public knowledge.

This is a research-driven program where you will work closely with professors who are experts in their fields. Opportunities for our PhD students include:

  • Archives and Information Science: For doctoral students interested in pursuing academic careers in the archives area, with a focus on digital preservation or curation and archival ethics, accountability, and appraisal issues.
  • Information Behavior: For doctoral students who seek to understand how people plot a course through complex information ecologies including digital environments, and how such ecologies can respond to their ways of thinking, feeling, and valuing. A special emphasis is placed on behaviors of children and youth.
  • Health Information Behavior and Health Education Interventions: For doctoral students who wish to investigate the information practices and behaviors of health professionals, patients, caregivers, and consumers.
  • Social Information Systems: For doctoral students who will investigate issues related to the design and use of social information systems, focusing on the impact of social media on people’s information behavior.
  • Web-based Information Systems: For doctoral students interested in studying, designing, and implementing web-based systems for representing, retrieving, extracting, and disseminating relevant information.
  • School Librarianship: For doctoral students interested in teaching, research, and administrative experience in a top-ranked, competency-based School Library Certification Program designed for school librarians and school library supervisors.

Degree Requirements

This PhD degree requires a minimum of 54 credits beyond the master’s degree with a total credit minimum of 72. A minimum of 36 credits must be taken in advanced course work. The student must receive a letter grade in each course taken in this 36-credit requirement, except for the teaching practicum course.  

An additional 18 credits are required, which must be applied to dissertation research and writing; however, regardless of the number of credits taken, no more than 18 credits for dissertation research and writing may be applied toward graduation. The grade for these credits will appear as an “S” on the student’s transcript. In order to register for, and successfully complete, dissertation credits, students must show evidence of work toward the dissertation by completing the Dissertation Credit Tracking Checklist and updating it at the end of the term.  

The minimum of 36 credits of course work, all of which must be on the graduate level, must be distributed as follows: 

  • 3 credits: LIS 3000 Introduction to Doctoral Studies
  • 9 credits: 3000-level doctoral seminars offered by SCI
  • 3 credits: LIS 3950 Teaching Practicum or FACDEV 2200 Practicum on University Teaching
  • 6 credits: Courses in research methodology and statistics
  • 6 credits: Courses in cognate field
  • 3000-level independent studies or doctoral seminars offered by SCI (maximum of 6 credits)
  • Additional 3000-level doctoral seminars offered by SCI
  • Additional cognate courses (up to 6 credits)
  • Additional research methodology courses
  • 2000-level courses in SCI (subject to approval by the students’ advisor)

For full degree requirement details, visit the Library and Information Science course catalog .

Admissions Requirements

Information Culture and Data Stewardship

University of Pittsburgh School of Computing and Information

  • Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)
  • Master of Library and Information Science Online (MLISOnline)

PhD in Library and Information Science

  • School Course Schedule
  • School Course Descriptions
  • University Class Search
  • Enrollment Resources
  • Partners Program
  • Field Experience
  • Accreditation

PhD students may begin their studies only in the Fall Term in order to ensure a coherent program of study.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science program prepares students for careers in research, education, and professional practice. The program will give students the opportunity to gain the skills in teaching or research appropriate for careers at major research universities, teaching institutions, and library systems. The candidate must give evidence of superior scholarship and mastery of a specialized field of knowledge and must demonstrate his/her ability to do significant and relevant research.

Doctoral study in this field is a challenging, life-changing experience. You will learn how to conduct independent research through projects that have the potential to change the way people interact with information and to fundamentally impact how society evolves. This program will go far beyond giving you a set of skills… it will teach you to think in a completely different way. Coursework and research programs address cutting edge issues such as evaluating information in terms of being saved for posterity; information literacy in both developed and underdeveloped countries, closing the digital divide; and how social media impacts behavior and services in the Information Age.

Requirements for the PhD degree, a 54-credit program, include a minimum of 36 course and seminar credits beyond the master’s degree and 18 dissertation credits.

The School of Computing and Information invites applications from students interested in the following areas:

  • Archives and archival studies
  • Data stewardship
  • Digital curation
  • Digital humanities
  • Digital and information literacy
  • Ethics of information, data, and technology
  • Informatics and libraries
  • Information and data interaction
  • Information culture and society
  • Intellectual property
  • Learning paradigms in information environments
  • Libraries and information services
  • Open science, reproducibility & transparency
  • Research data management
  • Scholarly communications / digital scholarship
  • Social computing and information culture

Statute of Limitations

All requirements for the PhD degree must be completed in not more than 6 calendar years from the time of first registration (or 8 calendar years for part-time students).  Students may, in extenuating circumstances, submit a formal request for extension of their statute of limitations or for a leave of absence from the program.  The request must be submitted to the advisor and then presented to the LIS Committee on Doctoral Studies for a decision.

Alumni of this program have found challenging and successful academic careers at institutions such as the University of Michigan, University of Texas at Austin, Simmons College, Texas Woman’s University, the University of Rhode Island, the University of Toronto, UPMC, Kuwait University , and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Doctoral Admissions

Financial Assistance

Sample PhD Timeline

PhD Guidelines (University Catalog)


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Doctor of Library Science Programs in America

1-13 of 13 results

UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies

  • Los Angeles, CA ·
  • University of California - Los Angeles ·
  • Graduate School
  • · Rating 4 out of 5   1 review

University of California - Los Angeles ,

Graduate School ,


1 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says I went to the UCLA Teachers Education Program to be a teacher. Overall, the program was good and very aligned with its focus (social justice). Because I graduated from UCLA, it was pretty easy to... .

Read 1 reviews.

School of Information and Library Science - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Chapel Hill, NC ·
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ·

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ,


University of Wisconsin - Information School

  • Madison, WI ·
  • University of Wisconsin ·

University of Wisconsin ,


School of Computing and Information - University of Pittsburgh

  • Pittsburgh, PA ·
  • University of Pittsburgh ·
  • · Rating 2.5 out of 5   2 reviews

Blue checkmark.

University of Pittsburgh ,


2 Niche users give it an average review of 2.5 stars.

Read 2 reviews.

College of Information Studies - University of Maryland

  • College Park, MD ·
  • University of Maryland - College Park ·

University of Maryland - College Park ,


School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering - Indiana University - Bloomington

  • Bloomington, IN ·
  • Indiana University - Bloomington ·

Indiana University - Bloomington ,


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Rutgers University School of Arts and Sciences

  • New Brunswick, NJ ·
  • Rutgers University–New Brunswick ·
  • · Rating 4.2 out of 5   5 reviews

Rutgers University–New Brunswick ,


5 Niche users give it an average review of 4.2 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says I had a lot of support, I met a lot of great people, we grew together and guided each other. The housing situation was also pretty decent. They have a large variety of programs and a lot of electives... .

Read 5 reviews.

College of Information and Communications - University of South Carolina

  • Columbia, SC ·
  • University of South Carolina ·

University of South Carolina ,


University of Arizona College of Science

  • Tucson, AZ ·
  • University of Arizona ·

University of Arizona ,


College of Organizational, Computational, and Information Sciences - Simmons University

  • Boston, MA ·
  • Simmons University ·

Simmons University ,


Dominican University School of Information Studies

  • River Forest, IL ·
  • Dominican University ·

Dominican University ,


School of Library and Information Management - Emporia State University

  • Emporia, KS ·
  • Emporia State University ·
  • · Rating 4.71 out of 5   7 reviews

Emporia State University ,


7 Niche users give it an average review of 4.7 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says Great professors, relevant curriculum! Online program makes it possible for me to work full time and work towards achieving a degree. Good experience. .

Read 7 reviews.

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  • Online Doctor of Education Programs
  • Masters in Kindergarten and Preschool Education Programs

College of Arts and Sciences - Texas Woman's University

  • Denton, TX ·
  • Texas Woman's University ·
  • · Rating 5 out of 5   2 reviews

Texas Woman's University ,


2 Niche users give it an average review of 5 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says Coming to Denton, Texas from Nampa, Idaho to start graduate school was incredibly intimidating. Going into the JMSW program blind, I did not know any of my professors, let alone any of my classmates,... .

Showing results 1 through 13 of 13

Library Science Degrees Online

Ph.D. Programs in Library and Information Sciences

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Written by Kelly Davis

MLIS – Clarion University | Youth Services Librarian

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A Ph.D. in library science or information science provides scholars with the tools to produce individual research, collaborate with other researchers, and teach library and information science in higher education. The standards are not as concrete for Ph.D. programs as for Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) programs, but there are a few ways to rank a program’s quality. One way is to look at the school of information offering the Ph.D. and the other programs they offer, including if the school provides an MLIS degree and if the degree is accredited by the American Library Association. Another sign of a quality program is seeing the research and progress made by graduates and faculty and how much access a Ph.D. student will have to quality research opportunities.  

In this article, we highlight some of the most comprehensive Ph.D. programs in the U.S. based on these two significant factors. We also try to provide a few programs in each region of the U.S. in the hopes that one of the programs will be near you. Additionally, we will look at many other aspects of each program as well, including the format, what the coursework involves, and how to apply and become qualified for each Ph.D. program in library and information science. 

All of the following Ph.D. programs come from a school that is accredited by the American Library Association and offers students the ability to work with decorated and world-class scholars and professors. Additionally, the programs we chose are in areas that provide ample career opportunities following the program. If you want to know more about each program and what may be a good fit for you, keep exploring below.


phd library science

  • ACBSP Accredited
  • Flexible Online Courses
  • Financing Options Available

Liberty University

Online D.B.A. in Information Systems

Experience real-world applications, equipping you as an innovator in strategy, security, ethics, design and development, and business process support.

Ph.D. in Information from the University of Michigan

Doctoral students will work one on one with professors in information, many of which specialize in communication technologies, collective research capabilities, and how to change social relations. All professors know a wide range of research and topics and look at information and how individuals and communities interact with information and technology. Additionally, in your application, you will pick which professors you want to work with out of the 100 in the program. 

Many Ph.D. graduates receive careers as professors at prestigious schools including Brown University, Stanford University, and the National University of Singapore. Many receive fellowships at prestigious universities including Harvard University and Brown University. Other careers they received shortly after graduating include UX researcher for Google, Yahoo, and Facebook, design researcher for IBM, and data analysis for Microsoft. 

How to apply

First, apply online and pay the application fee. Send in a Statement of Purpose essay which will include the area of research you want to contribute to and past research done. Additionally, you will need to send in a personal history statement, a resume, three letters of recommendation, and transcripts. Your admission acceptance will be multifaceted in the factors the program will examine. Namely, they will look at past research, work experience, and your goals moving forward. 

Ph.D. in Information Studies at Long Island University

The Ph.D. program includes a dissertation and requires 60 credit hours. There are two areas of study for students which are Information Access and Systems, and Information Studies and Services. Additionally, this program can be taken part-time or full-time to accommodate students’ schedules. The on-campus classes can be taken between 6 PM and 9 PM. It is also the only program of its kind in the Metropolitan New York area, and it is within a school that is accredited by the American Library Association. 

How to Apply

You need a master’s degree to qualify, which can be in any area of study. Admissions will also evaluate you based on previous research, work experience, and the interest you have in research going forward. Then apply online , and pay the application fee. You will also need to send in transcripts, three letters of recommendation,  a statement of research and area of study, a resume, a personal statement, and a sample of scholarly writing. 

Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology at Syracuse University

Syracuse University offers its Ph.D. scholars opportunities to work and research one on one with professors and other doctoral students. The research opportunities are in areas of philosophy, psychology, sociology, computers and digital information, policy studies, librarianship, and information communication. This program is not offered online or part-time. It is a four to five-year program of full-time residential coursework. The Ph.D. student is funded by the school, and for this reason, the program is very selective. 

Apply online , pay the application fee, and send in transcripts and any other research or work experience completed. Applicants will be evaluated by a committee based on their readiness for the program, their intellectual ability and academic record, research interests as they relate to faculty interests, communication skills, and research preparedness. 

Ph.D. Philosophy in Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

Chapel Hill is the most respected information science department in North Carolina and its MLIS program is often ranked first or second by the U.S. News and World Reports. Their doctoral program is sure to hold to the same standards. Many of the faculty for the MLIS program are also professors in the doctoral program. The difference is that Ph.D. students work one on one with these world-class professors. The program is rigorous, but it provides some flexibility for those holding a job, or have families to care for. There is financial support for Ph.D. students and many receive full support for the first four to five years of the program; typically, students finish within that period. Students learn more about library and information science and they enhance their research and presentation of research capability. 

How to apply 

Accepted students in this program are often seeking to be information leaders, have a knowledge of diverse research methods, enjoy being an independent investigator, are committed to finding information to address critical questions, and enjoy intellectual challenges.  Applicants must have either an MLIS degree or an equivalent of study and research completed. To apply, go online and fill out the online application and pay the application fee. Also, send in all transcripts, an updated resume, three letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose that includes your area of research interest. 

Ph.D. in Communication and Information at Kent State University

The Ph.D. program in communication and information from Kent State University in Ohio is part of the information science school, which has been around for over sixty years. The program is offered online and in person and is a 70-credit hour degree program including a dissertation. Doctoral students must also pass the doctoral comprehensive examination to graduate. 

The degree program is for those interested in research, information communication, teaching higher education and academic librarianship administration, and administration in other information fields. The school of information science provides and encourages outreach opportunities for those pursuing a degree in library and information science. The outreach programs give students more experience and knowledge in conducting scholarly research and analyzing the needs of communities and the diversity within those communities. 

How to Apply 

To qualify you must have a master’s degree and a minimum of a 3.30 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Then applicants must fill out an online application and pay the application fee. Applicants should also send in official transcripts, an updated resume, a goal statement, a sample of scholarly writing, and three letters of recommendation.

Gateway Ph.D. in Library and Information Science at San Jose State University

San Jose, California is a great place to earn a doctoral degree in librarianship and information science because of the various research options and a number of opportunities due to the variety of ethnic groups and cultures in the cities of California. The Gateway doctoral degree program in library and information science teaches students to become independent scholars as well as collaborate with other researchers and colleagues.  Ph.D. students complete the program mostly online, however, there is an annual meeting that is a week-long and focuses on collaborative research. San Jose’s Gateway program also holds a partnership with the Manchester Metropolitan University, which offers doctoral students the opportunity to work with their professors as well in their research and to learn from them in coursework. With this program, students from both schools have won prestigious awards for their individual and collaborative research. 

The application process is one of the more extensive doctoral programs, and the program is highly selective. There are three stages of the application process. The first is filling out an online application , paying an application fee, and sending in a statement of purpose, an updated resume of related work, unofficial transcripts, two letters of recommendation, and a 1000-word research proposal. In the second stage, the applicant is interviewed by faculty members, and they may ask for more writing samples. If the applicant makes it past the first two stages, then Manchester Metropolitan University will go over the final applicants and approve or disapprove of them. 

Doctorate in Information Science at the University of Washington

The information science department at the University of Washington is known for the research their doctoral students and their faculty do. They also teach students to become professors in their field and to be administrators in librarianship. The doctoral program puts emphasis on collaboration between students and faculty, plus they care about diversity in ethnicity and culture with the idea it brings richer research due to a mix of different backgrounds. The Ph.D. students also learn about UX, or User experience, which is how to evaluate a culture or group and its relationship with information and technology. Doctoral students are also taught to use various research methods and various ways to present information and research results. 

To qualify for the doctoral program, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree with an average 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and a master’s or other additional higher education degree is preferred. However, admissions also look at your experience, interest and goals, and scholarly research.  Applicants can apply online . You will need to pay the application fee, send in transcripts, a personal statement, a diversity statement, a research statement, three letters of recommendation, and your interest in areas of research and which faculty member(s) you prefer to work with.

Ph.D. in Library and Information Science at Simmons University

Simmons University is located in Boston Massacutes which provides an ideal environment for research and study. Boston is full of history, diversity, and cutting-edge technology. The area also has a multitude of career opportunities after graduation. This degree program provides a flexible format for those who do not live in the area because the courses can be taken online. Additionally, students can take a mix of courses online and in person. The main focus of the degree program is to further skills in research and teaching within the library and information science.  Doctoral students also gain skills in organizing, analyzing, retrieving, and managing information. Students also learn how to preserve materials and learn more about archiving physical documents and digitizing documents for online archives. Simmons University also partners with other universities in other countries for higher quality and diversity of research. 

To qualify for the program, applicants need either an MLIS degree or an MS degree in Library and Information Science from a program accredited by the American Library Association. To apply, go online and fill out the application and pay the application fee. Also, submit all transcripts from any colleges or universities you attended, and send in a statement of purpose, three letters of recommendation, a writing sample of previous research, and a comprehensive curriculum vitae. 

University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. in Information Studies

The University of Texas at Austin has a well-funded Ph.D. program in information studies that allow for new technology to be a part of the curriculum and research. The doctoral students also can learn and then teach other institutions about various new technologies and the best ways to implement them to meet their community’s needs. Additionally, Austin is an advancing and thriving city in the midst of technological growth, and the city offers opportunities for research and careers in information science. The program includes a dissertation and 39 hours of coursework. During this time, students will produce two peer-reviewed scholarly journals. 

You do not have to have a master’s degree to qualify for this program, but you do need a bachelor’s degree and an average 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 grading scale. 

Then, apply online and pay the application fee. Afterward, send in three letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose. 

The University of North Texas’ Information Science Ph.D. Program

The Doctoral program at the University of North Texas is the nation’s largest Ph.D. program in the Information Science discipline. It is also interdisciplinary so that students can work with students and faculty in various other degree programs including geography, computer science, engineering, linguistics, and merchandising. The program also has concentration options and dual degrees in data science consumer behavior and experience management, journalism cybersecurity, geospatial information systems, health informatics, and linguistics.

To qualify for any doctoral program you must have at least a 3.50 in either your undergraduate degree or your master’s degree. Also, talk to the admissions department for the information science department. Then apply online , send in transcripts, pay the application fee, and send any other documents or scholarly writing the application requests. 

Florida State University PH.D. in Information

Florida is a great state to earn a Ph.D. in library and information because of the diversity in the state of Florida as well as the environmental and marine biology research that is done in Florida. This is good for research opportunities as well as career opportunities. The number of good colleges in FLordia provides many career opportunities as well. 

Florida State has a program called the iSchool and it is ALA-accredited. Additionally, their doctoral students are able to travel across the U.S. for presenting at conferences like the ALA conference, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, and the Association for Information Science and Technology conference.

To qualify you must have a master’s degree and at least a 3.0 GPA. To apply, fill out the online application and send in a resume, statement of purpose, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. Right now the GRE requirement is waived. Be sure to speak to an admissions counselor for any additional application requirements or recommendations. 

Library and Information Science Ph.D. Programs Final Thoughts

Ph.D. programs in library and information science are worth pursuing if you have a passion for sharing information through various modes to communicate with other scholars, but more importantly, with the world and its many communities. Many of these programs are lengthy and require dedication, but if you believe you have the drive to become a Ph.D. in Information and Library Science, then I hope this article helps you find a good match for your professional research and career goals. 

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Four PhD students at the Main Library

PhD in Information Sciences

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The work of our faculty defines the field and puts scholars like you at the forefront of the information society. When you join the iSchool, you'll benefit from the excellence and reputation of the nation's leading school in library and information studies. Our interdisciplinary research program responds to new social and technological opportunities for producing, analyzing, disseminating, and accessing information.

PhD students are guaranteed financial support for five academic years (excluding summers) through research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and fellowships. Our students come from a variety of academic backgrounds and professional experiences, creating a collaborative, innovative, and vibrant community of scholars.

The Information Sciences PhD program is a residency program. Students are required to complete all coursework while located in Champaign-Urbana. Students may choose to complete their research outside of Champaign-Urbana at the discretion of the faculty advisor. Please note that if an international student leaves Champaign-Urbana at any point during their study, this may impact funding opportunities through the iSchool.

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By looking carefully at the interaction of people, information, and technology, we aim to improve our understanding of the world in order to make it better for all. We do this together—PhD students, research staff, and faculty helping each other to learn how to be better researchers. As program director, my role is to help engineer the magic of creativity as we all work to nurture a community devoted to finding things out. Michael Twidale, Professor and PhD Program Director

Our program opens doors, preparing students for successful careers. Recent graduates have obtained faculty positions with numerous universities including Denver, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland-College Park, Michigan, Simmons, South Florida, UNC-Greensboro, Washington & Wayne State. Additionally, recent graduates have secured their first jobs in in a range of settings, including:

  • Privacy Researcher, Facebook
  • Research Scientist, PatientsLikeMe
  • Consultant, Deloitte
  • Data Scientist, U.S. Government
  • Digital Scholarship Librarian, DePaul University
  • Instructional Data Specialist, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Cataloger, Princeton University
  • Core Investigator, Veterans Health Administration

Program overview

Work closely with your faculty advisor to create educational experiences both within and outside the classroom to support your professional goals. With only two required courses— History and Foundations in IS (IS 509) and Research Design in IS (IS 519) —you can customize your degree through a broad range of electives. Your program will consist of 48 hours of coursework and 32 hours of dissertation work. Required milestones that will help to build your research expertise include:

  • Field exam in a significant sub-area of IS
  • Research presentation to demonstrate research competency
  • Dissertation culminating in a public presentation, defense, and submission

For a more detailed program overview, please visit Program Overview .

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iSchool researchers address key challenges at the intersection of people, information, and technology in highly multidisciplinary ways. Our strategic research vision drives the scope of our research projects and presents a distinct imprint for the substance and impact of our work in areas such as:

  • Scientific data and knowledge practices
  • Organization of knowledge and information
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  • Youth services and digital youth
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  • Human-computer interaction
  • Human-centered data science and social computing
  • Information privacy, security, and ethics
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What I like best about the iSchool is its inclusive culture and expansive opportunities. The welcoming faculty and staff are always there to offer academic and non-academic support. Because the iSchool's researchers work in very different subfields, PhD students are able to explore a range of research topics and collaborative opportunities across disciplinary boundaries. Wenyi Shang, PhD Candidate
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Support for leading-edge research

Flourish at a research university.

The University of Illinois is a preeminent public research university, which means you will have access to exceptional resources beyond those in the iSchool:

  • Blue Waters Petascale Supercomputer
  • University Library
  • Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
  • National Center for Supercomputing Applications

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PhD Alumni & Student Features

Jeanie Austin

PhD at 75: Jeanie Austin

LaTesha Velez

PhD at 75: LaTesha Velez

Kainen Bell

Get to know Kainen Bell, PhD student

Kirstin Phelps

PhD at 75: Kirstin Phelps

Peter Organisciak

PhD at 75: Peter Organisciak

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UCLA Graduate Programs

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Graduate Program: Library & Information Science

UCLA's Graduate Program in Library & Information Science offers the following degree(s):

Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.)

With questions not answered here or on the program’s site (above), please contact the program directly.

Library & Information Science Graduate Program at UCLA 207 Graduate School of Education and Information Studies Building Box 951520 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520

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Best Doctorates in Library Science: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salaries

A PhD in Library Science can open up a world of opportunities for library professionals. With a PhD, you can work as a librarian in a public or academic library, conduct research, or teach at the college or university level. There are many library science jobs available to those with a library science PhD degree .

So if you’re looking to level up your career and want to enroll in the best PhD in library science, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss the top PhD programs in library science, as well as career opportunities and salaries for those with a library science degree.

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What is a phd in library science.

A PhD in Library Science is a research degree that prepares students for careers in library and information science. Students in a library science PhD program conduct research on topics such as information retrieval, library management, digital libraries, and user behavior. They also learn about the history of libraries and the ways they have changed over time.

How to Get Into a Library Science PhD Program: Admission Requirements 

The requirements to get into a library science PhD program are a Master’s Degree in Library Science, school transcripts, and an acceptable GPA. some library science programs require that you take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). You’ll also need to provide a statement of purpose, a written sample of your previous research, and letters of recommendation.

Admission requirements for library science PhD programs vary. Some strictly require a master’s degree from an American Library Association (ALA) accredited institution, while others don’t. Some programs may also require you to have experience working in a library.

PhD in Library Science Admission Requirements

  • Master’s Degree in Library Science from ALA-accredited institute
  • Transcripts of all previous education
  • Statement of purpose
  • Writing sample of prior research
  • Letters of recommendation

Library Science PhD Acceptance Rates: How Hard Is It to Get Into a PhD Program in Library Science?

It’s hard to get a PhD in Library Science. In fact, getting admission in PhD in any subject is not easy. The acceptance rate for library science PhD programs varies but is generally very competitive. For instance, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill only has a 24 percent overall school acceptance rate, which also indicates that PhD acceptance there can be challenging.

How to Get Into the Best Universities

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Best PhDs in Library Science: In Brief

Best universities for library science phds: where to get a phd in library science.

Some of the best universities for library science PhD include Simmons University, University of South Carolina, and University of Pittsburgh. You’ll also get the best library science doctoral degree from Indiana University, Rutgers University, and Emporia State University. In this section, you’ll learn about more of these schools and their library science PhD programs.

Dominican University was founded in 1890 as a private university. It comprises eight schools, offering 19 master's and PhD programs. The student-to-faculty ratio is 10-to-one, making it easier for students to get individualized attention. Dominican University is consistently ranked as the fourth best value school by US News & World Report .

PhD in Library and Information Science

This PhD program is an accelerated four-year degree. The first year of the program is dedicated to graduate-level coursework, and the next three years are devoted to PhD study. Some of the major courses offered include Studies in Core Values, Ethics, and Issues in the Library and Information Professions, Organization of Knowledge, and Big Data & Competitive Intelligence.

PhD in Library and Information Science Overview

  • Program Length: 4 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 76% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $850/credit
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Scholarships, financial aids

PhD in Library and Information Science Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institute
  • 1500-word statement of purpose and resume
  • Research writing sample
  • Official transcripts of all educational degrees

Emporia State University (ESU) has one of the oldest schools of library sciences in the western half of the US. This public research university was founded in 1863. Now, it has more than 200 academic programs across four colleges.

PhD in Library and Information Management

The program consists of four advanced courses, four research courses, and four foundational courses in a concentration. It’s offered in three concentrations: Instructional Design and Technology, Information Systems, and Informatics. This doctorate program prepares students for higher education roles, such as researchers, instructors, and administrators.

PhD in Library and Information Management Overview

  • Program Length: 3 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 86% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $3,467/semester (in-state), $7,425/semester (out-of-state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Graduate assistantships, scholarships, fellowships

PhD in Library and Information Management Admission Requirements

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.25 in master’s degree
  • Minimum GRE score of 304
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • 200-300 word statement of purpose
  • Written work sample

Indiana University Bloomington is a public research university. Founded in 1820, it’s the main campus of Indiana University and the largest of its seven campuses by enrollment. Over 43,000 students are enrolled in this school, making it the largest campus of Indiana University. Most of Indiana University Bloomington's programs are highly ranked nationwide.

PhD in Information Science

Indiana University Bloomington is one of the oldest information science doctoral programs in the nation. Areas of research include archives, critical information, library science, digital libraries, philosophy of information, and information ethics. The program has produced many notable alumni who have gone on to careers in academia and industry.

PhD in Information Science Overview

  • Acceptance Rate: 80% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $7,092/semester (in-state), $20,967/semester (out-of-state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Teaching assistantships, scholarships

PhD in Information Science Admission Requirements

  • CGPA of 3.2 in bachelor’s degree and 3.5 or better in master’s degree
  • Writing sample (may be a publication, a grant proposal, or a technical white paper)

Rutgers University is known as a research powerhouse. This university has three campuses, 29 schools and colleges, and more than 300 research institutes throughout New Jersey. It offers more than 400 graduate programs and is home to nearly 69,000 students. The university was founded in 1766 and is one of the oldest and largest universities in New Jersey.

PhD Library and Information Science

Rutgers University is a world-renowned institution for PhD in Library and Information Science. The program faculty are at the forefront of knowledge in their fields, with numerous publications to their credit. The research areas in this PhD program include but are not limited to human information behavior, information retrieval, and information and technology.

PhD Library and Information Science Overview

  • Acceptance Rate: 67% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $43,807/year (in state), $61,892/year (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Teaching assistantships, graduate assistantships, and fellowships, grant funding

PhD Library and Information Science Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s and master’s transcripts
  • Personal statement
  • Writing sample

San Jose State University (SJSU) is located at the center of Silicon Valley, making it a prime location for students interested in technology and innovation. The university is research-focused and is known for its world-class education. SJSU was founded in 1857 as a state normal school, and today has nine colleges and 36,000 enrollments.

Gateway PhD in Library and Information Management

SJSU's Gateway PhD in Library and Information Management is an international doctoral degree program that partners with Manchester Metropolitan University, England. It’s focused on research and prepares scholars for faculty and research positions. Students have the opportunity to get knowledge, supervision, and experience from the faculty of both universities.

Gateway PhD in Library and Information Management Overview

  • Program Length: 4-7 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $10,794/year
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: No funding opportunities

Gateway PhD in Library and Information Management Admission Requirements

  • Master's Degree in Communication, Information Science, Library Studies, Media Studies or another related academic or professional field
  • A minimum 3.5 GPA from a relevant master’s degree
  • Demonstrate research experience gained in master’s (master’s thesis or the research publication at master’s level)
  • 250-word statement of interest and a letter of recommendation
  • 500-word research proposal and a resume
  • Copies of transcripts of all previous degrees

Simmons University is a private research university founded in 1899 focused on advancing education for women. With over 4,500 graduate students, it’s now a coeducational university offering more than 60 majors and programs. Simmons University is committed to providing students with opportunities for both on-site and off-site research.

Simmons University is one of the nation's leading institutions for library and information science. Its Library and Information Science program is ranked 11th in the country by US News & World Report. The program is focused on envisioning the library's function in academic communication, strategic priorities in academic libraries, and library technology management.

  • Acceptance Rate: 83% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,345/credit
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Teaching assistantships, scholarships, fellowships
  • Master’s degree
  • Statement of purpose 
  • Character references (academic or professional)
  • Official transcript of previous education

University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill is one of the oldest public research universities in the US. This school was chartered in 1789. It now offers over 160 graduate and doctoral degrees and is known for its high-quality and affordable education. It’s also ranked as the sixth most innovative university in the World by Reuters.

PhD in Information and Library Science

UNC at Chapel Hill offers an outstanding Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Library Science program. It provides students with opportunities in research, leadership, and teaching. Admission to the program is competitive. Scholars who complete the program have career opportunities in schools, corporate settings, and government libraries.

PhD in Information and Library Science Overview

  • Acceptance Rate: 24% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $586/credit (in state), $1,602/credit (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Financial aid, research and teaching assistantship, fellowships, external awards

PhD in Information and Library Science Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher
  • Unofficial transcripts of previous education
  • Resume 

University of Pittsburgh is one of the most prestigious public universities in Pennsylvania. Founded in 1787, the university has grown to include four regional campuses, 16 schools and colleges, and 645 degree and certificate programs. With a student-to-faculty ratio of 14-to-one, the University provides its students with an intimate and interactive learning experience.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science program prepares scholars for careers in education, research, and professional practice. Students will learn about archives and information science, school librarianship, and web-based information systems. The program requires a minimum of 54 credits of coursework and 18 credits of research and dissertation.

  • Acceptance Rate: 64% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,031/credit (in-state), $1,767/credit (out-of-state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Scholarships, awards, fellowships, assistantships
  • Master’s degree accredited by American Library Association (ALA) in a related field
  • Minimum of 3.5 GPA
  • Essay 
  • Letters of reference (academic or professional)
  • Official transcripts

Founded in 1801, University of South Carolina (USC) has 13 graduate schools offering over 250 graduate programs. USC is an R1 institution designated by the Carnegie Research Classifications. It has 56 graduate programs ranked nationally. USC has over 6,000 graduate students and is committed to the diversity and inclusion of African-Americans.

The PhD program is research-intensive and trains students for jobs as academics and administrators in research institutes and universities. Admission to this PhD program is competitive. This 54-credit curriculum covers a broad range of topics, so students may do research in a number of areas with the aid of this program.

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  • Acceptance Rate: 68% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $599/credit (in-state), $1,257/credit (out-of-state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Sponsorships, awards, grants
  • Official transcripts from previous colleges and universities
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA 

Founded in 1848, University of Wisconsin-Madison is one of the leading research institutions in the US. It’s among the top schools for research spending and has Nobel Prize winners among its faculty. It has 13 schools and colleges, including over 160 master's and doctoral programs, and about 9,700 graduate students.

PhD in Library and Information Studies

The program is highly writing-intensive, with all students required to complete a comprehensive dissertation prior to graduation. Classes in this PhD degree program are small, with only a handful of students admitted each year. The program offers two concentrations, which include information studies and print culture history. PhD students may get a five-year fully funded scholarship.

PhD in Library and Information Studies Overview

  • Program Length: 3-5 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 57% (overall school acceptance rate)
  • Tuition and Fees: $12,220/year (in-state), $25,548/year (out-of-state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Scholarships, assistantships, loans, research and travel grants, fellowships

PhD in Library and Information Studies Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree in a related field 
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA

Can You Get a PhD in Library Science Online?

Yes, you can also get a PhD in Library Science online. Some universities offer online programs for Library Science degrees that are flexible and convenient for working professionals. Some of the best online PhDs in library science are given in the below table.

Best Online PhD Programs in Library Science

How long does it take to get a phd in library science.

It typically takes three to five years to complete a PhD in Library Science. This time is spent on earning coursework credits, conducting research, and writing a dissertation. The first year is usually spent on coursework, while the rest is spent on your research, thesis, and final defense.

Is a PhD in Library Science Hard?

Yes, a PhD in Library Science is hard because you have to work independently most of the time. Plus, the burden of meeting deadlines is only on you. In fact, taking a PhD in any subject is challenging to complete, as it requires discipline, dedication, and hard work.

However, the rewards of obtaining a PhD are many. With a Doctorate in Library Science, you can pursue a career in library science in the academia or research fields. You’ll also be able to command a higher salary.

How Much Does It Cost to Get a PhD in Library Science?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), it costs an average of $19,792 per year to get a PhD in Library Science. The average cost to get a PhD from a public university is $12,410 per year. In comparison, the average cost of getting a PhD from a private university is $26,597 per year, according to NCES.

How to Pay for a PhD in Library Science: PhD Funding Options

You can pay for a PhD in Library Science through student loans, scholarships, or fellowships. Some students also apply for grants from their schools, the government, or private organizations. Others may work as research assistants or teaching assistants to help pay for their education.

Best Online Master’s Degrees

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What Is the Difference Between a Library Science Master’s Degree and a PhD?

The main difference between a Library Science Master’s Degree and a PhD is that a doctoral degree is more of a research degree, while a master’s degree is a professional degree. A PhD prepares students for careers in academia or research. A master’s degree prepares students for careers as librarians or information professionals.

Another difference between these two is the program length. A PhD in Library Science typically takes three to five years to complete. A Master’s Degree in Library Science can be completed in one and a half to two years.

Master’s vs PhD in Library Science Job Outlook

The job outlook for both Master’s and PhD Library Science graduates is positive from 2020 to 2030. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the job projections for librarians with master’s degrees will grow by nine percent . On the other hand, the job growth forecast for those with PhD degrees is 12 percent .

Difference in Salary for Library Science Master’s vs PhD

The difference between the salaries of master’s and PhD holders is not significant. According to the BLS, the median salary for PhD degree holders is $1,909 per week. The median weekly salary for those with a master’s degree as their highest educational attainment is $1,574.

Related Library Science Degrees


Why You Should Get a PhD in Library Science

You should get a PhD in Library Science if you’re looking for a career in academia or research. With a PhD, you’ll be able to teach at the university level and conduct research. You’ll also have the opportunity to work in high-level positions in libraries or information organizations.

Reasons for Getting a PhD in Library Science

  • More job opportunities. With a PhD in Library Science, you’ll have access to more job opportunities than with a master’s degree. You’ll also be qualified for jobs that require higher levels of education and experience.
  • Higher salary. If you have a PhD in Library Science, you can pursue higher-level positions and command a greater salary. Having a PhD will give you an edge in the job market and help you land the job of your dreams.
  • Research contribution. A Doctorate in Library Science gives you the opportunity to conduct research and investigate different library practices. You can contribute to the knowledge base in the field. Your research can be used to inform policy decisions and help shape the future of libraries.
  • High expertise. A PhD in Library Science makes you an expert in your field. You’ll be able to offer leadership and direction to library services. You’ll conduct research, manage projects, and help people find the information they need.

Getting a PhD in Library Science: Library Science PhD Coursework

A doctoral student reading a book in a library

The coursework for a library science PhD program covers a broad range of topics including archival arrangement, information retrieval, and organization of knowledge. Students also learn about information technology and research in library and information science. Below are brief descriptions of each course.

Archival Arrangement

In this course, students will learn about the principles of archival arrangement. They will learn about different archival theories and practices, such as provenance and original order. They will also learn about how to arrange digital archives.

Organization of Knowledge

In this course, students will learn about different models of organizing knowledge, such as the Dewey Decimal System and the Library of Congress Classification system. They will also learn about how knowledge is organized in digital environments.

Information Retrieval

This course covers different aspects of information retrieval, such as search engines and information literacy. Students will learn about different information retrieval systems, such as Boolean searches. They will also learn about how to evaluate and select information sources.

Information Technology

This course covers different aspects of information technology, such as hardware and software. Students will learn about different types of information technology, such as databases and digital libraries. They will also understand how to manage information technology projects in relation to library science.

Research in Library and Information Science

This course covers research methods and design in library and information science. Students will learn about different research approaches , such as qualitative and quantitative research. They will also learn how to develop research proposals and conduct literature reviews.

Best Master’s Degrees

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How to Get a PhD in Library Science: Doctoral Program Requirements

The requirements to get a PhD in Library Science include a comprehensive exam, coursework credits, teaching practicum, dissertation process, and final thesis defense. It also requires getting taking a research methodology course and maintaining a required GPA.

The comprehensive exam is a written and oral examination that tests your knowledge of library science. You’ll be expected to answer questions about library theory, research methods, and information technology.

You’ll need to complete a certain number of credit hours to graduate with a PhD in Library Science. The required coursework credits vary by school, but most programs require between 36 and 60 credit hours.

Most PhD in Library Science programs require a research methodology course. This course will teach you about different research methods. You’ll learn about how to design research studies, collect data, and analyze data.

Many PhD programs in Library Science require a teaching practicum. This is an opportunity for you to gain experience teaching library science courses. You’ll be required to teach one or two classes during your practicum.

To graduate with your PhD in Library Science, you’ll need to maintain a certain GPA. The required GPA varies by school, but most programs require a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

A thesis is required for a PhD in Library Science. Your thesis will be a research project that you complete during your time in the doctoral program. You’ll need to choose a topic, conduct research, and write a dissertation.

After you complete your thesis, you’ll need to defend it before a panel of faculty members and students. During your defense, you’ll be asked questions about your research. You’ll need to convince the panel that your research is valid and that your conclusions are sound.

Potential Careers With a Library Science Degree

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PhD in Library Science Salary and Job Outlook

PhD in Library Science salary and job outlook are good. With a PhD, you can become a postsecondary teacher, librarian, archivist, or library media specialist. The job outlook for these positions ranges from eight to 19 percent, which is as fast or faster than the outlook of other occupations. The demand for qualified librarians is expected to grow in the coming years.

What Can You Do With a PhD in Library Science?

There are many different types of jobs that you can get with a PhD in Library Science, including digital librarianship, archive manager, and information scientist. You can also be a postsecondary teacher and database administrator.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Library Science

  • Computer and Information System Manager
  • Database Administrator
  • Librarian and Library Media Specialist
  • Library Science Postsecondary Teacher

What Is the Average Salary for a PhD in Library Science?

The average salary for a PhD in Library and Information Science is $55,000 per year, according to PayScale. However, the average annual salary for a PhD degree holder in any subject is $100,000. Ultimately, the salary of a library science PhD holder depends on the school they graduated from, the position they assume, and the experience they have, as seen in the table below.

Highest-Paying Library Science Jobs for PhD Grads

Best library science jobs with a doctorate.

The best library science jobs with a doctoral degree are those that are in high demand, have a positive job outlook, and offer a good salary. Some of the best jobs for library science PhDs are discussed below.

A computer and information system manager is responsible for the overall planning, implementation, and maintenance of an organization's electronic data and information systems. They are also in charge of the security of an organization's electronic data.

  • Salary with a Library Science PhD: $165,940
  • Job Outlook: 11% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 482,000
  • Highest-Paying States: New York, California, New Jersey, Washington, District of Columbia

Database administrators (DBAs) use specialized software to store and organize data. They make sure that users can access the information easily. DBAs develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure the database is used effectively. They also maintain and update the databases.

  • Salary with a Library Science PhD: $98,860
  • Job Outlook: 8% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 168,000
  • Highest-Paying States: New Jersey, Massachusetts, Washington, New York, Rhode Island

Library science postsecondary teachers teach courses in library science in universities. They prepare and deliver lectures, create syllabi, and assess student learning. They also conduct research and publish scholarly papers.

  • Salary with a Library Science PhD: $77,100
  • Job Outlook: 12% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 1,276,900
  • Highest-Paying States: California, South Carolina, Indiana, Rhode Island, Oregon

Librarians and library media specialists are responsible for library administration, including acquisition, cataloging, and circulation of library materials. They also provide reference materials and research services to library patrons. They may also develop and implement library programs.

  • Salary with a Library Science PhD: $62,550
  • Job Outlook: 9% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 143,500
  • Highest-Paying States: District of Columbia, Washington, California, Maryland, New York

Archivists preserve historical records. They organize and store records, documents, and artifacts. Archivists also provide reference services to library visitors. They also protect the old records by making digital copies of them.

  • Salary with a Library Science PhD: $50,120
  • Job Outlook: 19% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 35,000
  • Highest-Paying States: District of Columbia, Maryland, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island

Is a PhD in Library Science Worth It?

Yes, a PhD in Library Science is worth it. With a PhD, you’ll be able to work as a professor and researcher. You can also become a librarian, archivist, information officer, or library media specialist. If you’re interested in research, a PhD in Library Science will give you the skills you need to conduct research and write scholarly papers. Overall, a PhD in Library Science is a good investment.

Additional Reading About Library Science


PhD in Library Science FAQ

Based on our list, the salary for library science professions ranges from $50,120 to $165,000 per year. This pay may vary depending on the role, tenure, and years of experience.

Yes, a Postdoc in Library Science can be worth it if you’re a knowledge-seeker and you want to further pursue your career in research and academia. A postdoc may give you an edge in getting a promotion in academia. If you’re a librarian, archivist, information specialist, or in any library science field other than academia, you’re not required to get a postdoc.

The four types of libraries are public libraries, academic libraries, school libraries, and special libraries. Public libraries serve the general public. Academic libraries serve the students and faculty of colleges and universities. School libraries serve the students and faculty of K-12 schools. Special libraries serve specific organizations or groups of people.

Yes, library science is in demand, with the job outlook for library science professions ranging from eight to 19 percent. There is a growing need for qualified librarians and library media specialists. This is due to the increasing use of libraries and the increasing amount of information that needs to be organized and accessed.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Best Library and Information Studies Programs

Ranked in 2021

An advanced degree in library and information studies is vital for future librarians

An advanced degree in library and information studies is vital for future librarians who wish to work in schools, government agencies, hospitals and more. These are the top schools for a master's degree in library and information studies. Each school's score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions. Read the methodology »

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School of Library and Information Science


Fall 2024 Application deadline for priority placement and scholarship consideration was February 1, 2024. Applications for Fall 2025 will be available in September 2024.

Message from our director

Dr. Lucy Santos Green welcomes you to the program.


Information about our field

What is Library and Information Science?

campus scene of a light sculpture

Mission, Vision, and Values

lucy santos green

"My number one priority is to support SLIS as it builds on the work it does well! My goal is to remove any barrier to that building process I can."

Dr. Lucy Santos Green, SLIS Director

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Sunday With the Docents: Weird Science

Ali Slowiak

Distinguished professorships go to 57 faculty members 

This listing includes the recipients of prestigious appointments approved in the past year.

Spring flowers in front of the Old Well

Carolina has named 57 distinguished professors over the past year. The University’s Board of Trustees approved the appointments at its meetings.

These professorships are among the highest faculty honors the University bestows. Recognized faculty have shown distinction and leadership in their field or across disciplines.

Conferral of distinguished professorships requires approval by the Faculty Council’s Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee and the University’s Board of Trustees.

College of Arts and Sciences

  • Shorna Allred, Susan R. Wolf Distinguished Professor, effective Jan. 1
  • Ron Alterovitz, Lawrence Grossberg Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • Mohit Bansal, John R. and Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • William Barney, Stephenson Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • John Bruno, Chi Omega Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • Amanda Cobb-Greetham, John Shelton Reed Distinguished Professor of U.S. Southern Native Studies, effective Jan. 1
  • Kathleen DuVal, Carl W. Ernst Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • David Garcia, Robin March Hanes Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • Leslie Hicks, Sherman Fairchild Foundation Chancellor’s Term Professor, effective July 1
  • Serenella Iovino, James Gordon Hanes Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • Annette Lawrence, Edna J. Koury Distinguished Professor of Studio Art, effective Jan. 1, 2023
  • Frank Leibfarth, Royce Murray Distinguished Term Professor, effective July 1
  • Gerald Meyer, Arey Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • David Nicewicz, William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor, effective Jan. 1
  • Graeme Robertson, Michael E. Taylor Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • Timothy Ryan, Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor, effective July 1
  • Kumarini Silva, Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Distinguished Term Professorship for Graduate Education, effective July 1
  • Jay Smith, Julia Cherry Spruill Distinguished Professor, effective July 1
  • Charles Warner, Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor, effective July 1
  • Jessica Wolfe, Marcel Bataillon Term Professorship, effective July 1
  • Claudia Yaghoobi, Roshan Distinguished Professor, effective July 1

Eshelman School of Pharmacy

  • Timothy Wilson, Harold Kohn Professor of Open Science Drug Discovery, effective July 1, 2023

Gillings School of Global Public Health

  • Penny Gordon-Larsen, William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor, effective Sept. 1, 2023

Hussman School of Journalism and Media

  • Steven King, E. Reese Felts Jr. Term Associate Professor, effective Oct. 1, 2023
  • Raul Reis, John Thomas Kerr Distinguished Professorship, effective Aug. 1, 2023

Kenan-Flagler Business School

  • Shimul Melwani, Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Scholar, effective Jan. 1

School of Education

  • Robert Keith Sawyer, Morgan Distinguished Term Professorship, effective Jan. 1, 2019

School of Information and Library Science

  • Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Frances Carroll McColl Term Associate Professor, effective Aug. 1, 2023
  • Ryan Shaw, McColl Distinguished Term Professor, effective Aug. 1, 2022

School of Law

  • Kimberly Bishop, Martha Brandis Term Professorship, effective April 1
  • Alexa Chew, George R. Ward Professorship of Law, effective April 1
  • Barbara Fedders, Reef C. Ivey II Excellence Fund Term Scholar, effective April 1
  • Deborah Gerhardt, Paul B. Eaton Distinguished Professor of Law, effective April 1
  • Donald Hornstein, Thomas F. Taft Distinguished Professor, effective April 1
  • Osamudia James, Henry Brandis Distinguished Professor of Law, effective April 1
  • Joseph Kennedy, Willie Person Mangum Distinguished Professor, effective April 1
  • Maria Savasta-Kennedy, George R. Ward Professorship of Law, effective April 1
  • Craig Smith, Martha Brandis Term Professorship, effective April 1
  • Rick Su, Arch T. Allen Distinguished Professor, effective April 1
  • Mary Kathleen Thomas, Aubrey L. Brooks Professor of Law, effective April 1

School of Medicine

  • Adaora “Ada” Alise Adimora, Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professorship, effective July 1, 2022. (Adimora died Jan. 1.)
  • Paul Armistead, John William Pope Distinguished Professor, effective April 1
  • Scott Commins, William J. Yount, M.D., Distinguished (Scholar) Professor, effective Aug. 1, 2023
  • Ian Davis, Stuart H. Gold Distinguished Professor, effective May 17
  • Caprice Greenberg, Colin G. Thomas Jr., M.D., Distinguished Professor, effective July 28, 2023
  • Joseph Hart, Norfleet-Raney Distinguished Professor of Orthopaedics, effective Sept. 29, 2023
  • Benny Joyner Jr., Charles Everett and Katherine M. Brewer Endowed Professor, effective Jan. 19
  • Rita Lahlou, Charles Bayne Wilkerson Distinguished Term Professorship, July 28, 2023
  • David Margolis, Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professorship, effective July 1, 2022
  • Michael Meyers, James F. and Alice B. Newsome Distinguished Professorship in Surgery, effective May 19, 2023
  • A. Leslie Morrow, John R. Andrews Distinguished Professor, effective March 29
  • David Peden, Harry S. Andrews Distinguished Term Professor, effective April 25
  • Daniel Reuland, Robert A. Ingram Professorship, effective April 1
  • Janet Rubin, Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professorship, effective July 1, 2022
  • Barbara Savoldo, Champion Mitchell Distinguished Professorship, effective Jan. 19

Frasier, along with his brother LeRoy and John Lewis Brandon, integrated Carolina in 1955.

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School of Government launches budget officer certification course

The three-week program is a partnership between the school and the state budget office.

Carolina Blue background with collection of books on top.

Summer’s the time for Tar Heel tales

UNC Press offers a Mayberry-infused memoir, veteran’s essays, stories of strong Southern women and more.

American columbo plant against green background.

Rare flowering plant creates Botanical Garden buzz

The American columbo produced its first bloom 19 years after being planted at the North Carolina Botanical Garden.

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Withdrawal worse when fentanyl paired with animal tranquilizer

The discovery by UNC School of Medicine researchers should not impact life-saving use of naloxone for opioid overdoses.

Three students sitting on the steps of South Building overlooking main campus quad.

Check out summer break resources for students

Student Affairs has compiled a helpful list of places to eat, things to do and links to available services.

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Classics scholar links ancient and modern sports

Before the Olympics, Al Duncan taught a Maymester “summer camp focused on ancient athletics.”

Elizabeth Williams posing for a photo. A tree and the Old Well are seen in the background.

‘Heart and soul’ of South Building honored posthumously

Executive assistant to two chancellors, Massey Award winner Elizabeth Williams made the University run smoothly.

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  • Biomedical Sciences

Ph.D. Program

Newton Symposium Presentation

Students entering through the Integrated Biomedical Sciences program have the opportunity to study with research faculty from the School of Medicine and across USC.

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All of our Ph.D. students enter through the Integrated Biomedical Sciences program that includes primary core courses and research rotations that allow you to decide the exact research you want to conduct.

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Research Areas and Faculty Mentors

Choosing your research mentor and research area will be two of the biggest decisions you will make during your Ph.D. program. While we encourage you to have an idea of who you would like to work with before you apply, we also give you the opportunity to explore all your options. 

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Admission and Application

Admission into our program is on a rolling basis with submissions opening in the Fall semester and decisions being made in the Spring semester.

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Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition and financial aid information for students applying to and entering the Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program.

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PREP Program

USC PREP seeks to increase the number of applicants to biomedical graduate programs from under-represented communities by offering the opportunity to work for a year in a biomedical research laboratory while preparing for graduate school in the biomedical sciences.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.

Your source for what's new at Mizzou Libraries

Welcome to Piper-Brown Kingsley

MU is pleased to announce the hire of Piper Brown-Kingsley as the Information and Data Services Librarian at the Health Sciences Library starting June 3. Piper is a May 2024 graduate of the University of Wisconsin Library School. In addition, she’s been working as a Remote Data Curation Intern at the National Network Data Archive (NaNDA) at the University of Michigan. We’re so excited to have her join the Information Services Team at the Health Sciences Library. She will be work remotely full-time until the Health Sciences Library reopens.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the interviews and provided feedback on the candidates.

Diane Johnson, on behalf of the search committee: Rebecca Graves Caryn Scoville Taira Meadowcroft Terri Hall Rae Thudium

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Two students ride down Greek Row in the fall, amid changing leaves.

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Graduate Admissions

Office of graduate admissions.

820 Idaho Avenue Morrill Hall, Room 205 Moscow, ID 83843

University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3019 Moscow, ID 83844-3019

Phone: 208-885-4001

Email: [email protected]

Web: More Contact Information

Graduate Programs and Certificates

Select program to review admissions requirements and apply.

Accountancy (M.Acct.)

Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership (M.S.)

Agricultural Education (M.S.)

Animal Physiology (Ph.D.)

Animal Science (M.S.)

Anthropology (M.A.)

Applied Economics (M.S.)

Architecture (M.Arch.)

Art (M.F.A.)

Athletic Training (D.A.T.)

Athletic Training (M.S.A.T.)

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Biological Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemistry (M.S., Ph.D.)

Civil Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Climate Change - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Computer Engineering (M.Engr., M.S.)

Computer Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

Criminology (M.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (M.Ed.)

Curriculum & Instruction (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction (M.Ed.)

Cybersecurity (M.S.)

Dietetics (M.S.)

Education (Ed.D., Ph.D.)

Educational Leadership (M.Ed., Ed.S.)

Electrical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Emerging Media (M.A.)

Engineering Management (M.Engr.)

English (M.A.)

Entomology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Environmental Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Experimental Psychology (Ph.D.)

Family and Consumer Sciences (M.S.)

Food Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Aspects of Sustainable Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Habitat Assessment Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Intelligence Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geotechnician Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: GIS Programming Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Natural Hazards and Emergency Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Remote Sensing (M.S.)

Geographic Information, Skills, Mapping, and Monitoring - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Geography (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geological Engineering (M.S.)

Geology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.)

History (M.A., Ph.D.)

Human Factors (Psychology M.S.)

Hydrology (Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.))

Integrated Architecture and Design (M.S.)

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Interdisciplinary Studies (M.A., M.S.)

Kinesiology and Leisure Sciences (M.S.)

Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Master of Natural Resources (Natural Resources (M.N.R.))

Mathematics (M.A.T.)

Mathematics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Mechanical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Ph.D.)

Music (M.A., M.Mus.)

Natural Resources - Environmental Education and Science Communication (@MOSS) (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fire Ecology and Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Science and Management Option (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Integrated Natural Resources (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Neuroscience (M.S., Ph.D.)

Nuclear Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Nutritional Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.)

Online Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Physical Education (M.Ed.)

Physics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Plant Pathology (M.S.)

Plant Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Political Science (Ph.D.)

Precision Nutrition for Human and Animal Health - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (P.S.M.))

Psychology (M.S.)

Psychology (Ph.D.)

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Secondary Education (M.A.T.)

Soil and Land Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Special Education (M.Ed.)

Statistical Science (M.S.)

Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.)

Technology Management (M.S.)

Theatre Arts (M.F.A.)


Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Water Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

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Physics (Ph.D.)

Grad student teaching a class in front of a blackboard

Why pursue a Ph.D. in physics at UNH?

Expand your career opportunities within academia, industry or research through our physics Ph.D. program. You’ll work through a core curriculum exploring the fundamental areas of physics while also engaging with electives in your area of interest. You’ll apply advanced methodologies while conducting original research. If you are interested in teaching physics, you’ll also have the opportunity to pursue a cognate in college teaching. As a doctoral student in our program, you’ll have the opportunity to receive support through teaching assistantships, research assistantships or fellowships.

Program Highlights

The Department of Physics offers excellent research opportunities for graduate students. UNH physicists are engaged in world-class research in applied optics, condensed matter, nuclear and particle physics, education, and high energy theory and cosmology. The Space Science Center fosters research and education in all the space sciences, ranging from the ionosphere to the Earth's magnetosphere, the local solar system, and out to the farthest reaches of the universe. In addition, UNH has just reached the top tier of research universities, Carnegie Classification R1, and our research portfolio brings in more than $110 million in competitive external funding each year.

Potential career areas

  • Government research
  • Private industry research/development
  • Renewable energy
  • Science communication

David Mattingly

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Contact Information

Olaiya A. Olokunboyo

Curriculum & Requirements

Program description.

The Physics Ph.D. program prepares students for a career in industry, education, research or academia. Students will progress from studying a core curriculum encompassing fundamental areas of physics to taking elective classes in their area of interest. They will then conduct original research in a particular research area, leading to their PhD dissertation and defense.

For more details, please consult the physics graduate student handbook .

Requirements for the Program

Degree requirements.

For Space Science students, these courses must include Plasma Physics ( PHYS 951 ) , Magnetohydrodyamics of the Heliosphere ( PHYS 953 ) , and one of Magnetospheres ( PHYS 987 ) , Heliospheric Physics ( PHYS 954 ) .

Students are required to

  • demonstrate proficiency in teaching,
  • pass the written comprehensive exam, and
  • pass an oral qualifying exam on a thesis proposal.

Degree candidates are required to

  • register for a minimum of two semesters of PHYS 999 Doctoral Research ,
  • pass the oral dissertation defense, and
  • successfully submit the final dissertation to the Graduate School.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will master the theoretical concepts in advanced mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics at the graduate level.
  • Students will have an advanced understanding of the mathematical methods, both analytical and computational, required to solve complex physics problems at the graduate level.
  • Students will be proficient in experimental physics.
  • Students will develop and demonstrate proficiency in teaching at the undergraduate level.
  • Students will have a specialized knowledge of their chosen field of advanced research in physics.
  • Students will be able to present advanced scientific ideas effectively in both written and oral form.
  • Students will be well prepared for postgraduate study in physics and related disciplines, as well as advanced careers in a multitude of fields ranging from scientific and technical to financial.

Application Requirements & Deadlines

Applications must be completed by the following deadlines in order to be reviewed for admission:

  • Fall : Jan. 15 (for funding); after that on rolling basis until April 15
  • Spring : N/A
  • Summer : N/A
  • Special : Spring admission by approval only

Application fee : $65

Campus : Durham

New England Regional : VT

Accelerated Masters Eligible : No

New Hampshire Residents

Students claiming in-state residency must also submit a Proof of Residence Form . This form is not required to complete your application, but you will need to submit it after you are offered admission or you will not be able to register for classes.


If you attended UNH or Granite State College (GSC) after September 1, 1991, and have indicated so on your online application, we will retrieve your transcript internally; this includes UNH-Durham, UNH-Manchester, UNH Non-Degree work and GSC. 

If you did not attend UNH, or attended prior to September 1, 1991, then you must upload a copy (PDF) of your transcript in the application form. International transcripts must be translated into English.

If admitted , you must then request an official transcript be sent directly to our office from the Registrar's Office of each college/university attended. We accept transcripts both electronically and in hard copy:

  • Electronic Transcripts : Please have your institution send the transcript directly to [email protected] . Please note that we can only accept copies sent directly from the institution.
  • Paper Transcripts : Please send hard copies of transcripts to: UNH Graduate School, Thompson Hall- 105 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824. You may request transcripts be sent to us directly from the institution or you may send them yourself as long as they remain sealed in the original university envelope.

Transcripts from all previous post-secondary institutions must be submitted and applicants must disclose any previous academic or disciplinary sanctions that resulted in their temporary or permanent separation from a previous post-secondary institution. If it is found that previous academic or disciplinary separations were not disclosed, applicants may face denial and admitted students may face dismissal from their academic program.

Letters of recommendation: 3 required

Recommendation letters submitted by relatives or friends, as well as letters older than one year, will not be accepted.

GRE Optional

The GRE scores are optional, if you wish to provide scores please email the scores directly to the department once you have submitted your application online.

Personal Statement/Essay Questions

Prepare a brief but careful statement regarding:

  • Reasons you wish to do graduate work in this field, including your immediate and long-range objectives.
  • Your specific research or professional interest and experiences in this field.

Important Notes

All applicants are encouraged to contact programs directly to discuss program-specific application questions.

International Applicants

Prospective international students are required to submit TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent examination scores. English Language Exams may be waived if English is your first language. If you wish to request a waiver, then please visit our Test Scores webpage for more information.

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Exterior shot of the Leatherby Libraries from a sideways angle.

Congratulations to the Inaugural Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Research Prize 2024 Winners Honoring Graduate Student Research

May 31, 2024

The Leatherby Libraries is thrilled to announce the 2024 winners of the first-ever Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Research Prize . For the inaugural year of this award, we received applications across various fields, including film and media studies, leadership development, communication sciences and disorders, and pharmaceutical sciences. Our winners were honored at the Leatherby Libraries’ student award ceremony on Thursday, May 9, 2024, where they met the prize’s benefactor, Eric Scandrett , for the first time.

phd library science

From Left to Right: Faculty Mentor Dr. Lawrence (LB) Brown, Faculty Mentor Dr. Leah Beekman , 2nd Place Winner Olajide Adekunle , 1st Place Winner Lauren Fillet , 3rd Place Winner Livia Lozoya , 2nd Place Winner Daniel Umoru , 2nd Place Winner Adeola Bakar , Assistant Dean of Library DEI Initiatives & Development Essraa Nawar , the prize’s Benefactor Eric Scandrett, and the Chair of Research and Instructional Services at the Leatherby Libraries  Taylor Greene.

First Place: Lauren Fillet

Lauren is a student in the Masters of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders program who won first place for her paper:

phd library science

Pictured: Lauren Fillet

Modification of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents with Language Disorder . 

“I’d like to sincerely thank the judges for honoring me with the Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize. As a young researcher, I am incredibly grateful and thrilled to be granted the opportunity to have my work recognized and receive the generous monetary award I will use to finance my graduate tuition. Furthermore, I am so touched that my research project was chosen for this opportunity, as increasing the accessibility of mental health services for those with communication disorders is one of my deepest passions. I am inspired to continue my work and am grateful for the support of Chapman University as I pursue this project that I find to be so meaningful.” – Lauren Fillet.

Second Place: Daniel Umoru, Adeola Bakare, and Olajide Adekunle

Daniel, Adeola, and Olajide are doctoral students in the School of Pharmacy who won this award for their paper:

Physician Visits for Patients with Diabetes by Gender, Age and Race in the United States . 

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Pictured: Daniel Umoru

“Winning 2nd place for the Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize is a tremendous accomplishment for me and my team, reflecting our dedication and expertise in the field of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy. This prestigious recognition signifies more than just a validation of our work; it marks a milestone in my Ph.D. journey at the Chapman University School of Pharmacy, showcasing the impact and importance of our research. I am particularly grateful for the guidance and support of my Principal Investigator, Dr. Lawrence (LB) Brown, PhD . His expertise and mentorship have been crucial in shaping my approach and enhancing the quality of our research.” – Daniel Umoru.

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Pictured: Adeola Baka

“Winning second place in the Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize contest represents a significant personal and professional achievement for me and my team. It validates our commitment to academic excellence and the pursuit of knowledge. This accolade further elevates my confidence, encouraging me to continue exploring and contributing to the academic community. I acknowledge the outstanding resources the Chapman Leatherby Libraries provided, the guidance of Dr. Lawrence (LB) Brown, my co-authors’ collaborative work, and the supportive framework offered by Chapman University.” – Adeola Bakare.

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Pictured: Olajide Adekunle

“It is a great honor to win 2nd place in the 2024 Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize contest. The accomplishment showcases our passion for conducting data-driven research and highlights the value of using library resources to conduct comprehensive research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. This outstanding award inspires the continued promotion of scientific curiosity and critical thinking that spur ethical and innovative research. It contributes to and enriches scientific evidence to implement strategies that improve population health.” – Olajide Adekunle.

Third Place: Livia Lozoya

phd library science

Pictured: Livia Lozoya

Livia is a student in the Masters of Arts in Film and Media Studies program who won third place for her paper:

From Film Sets to Front Lines and Back Again: Reinventing Star Image in Post-World War II Hollywood . 

“I am incredibly grateful to Eric M. Scandrett and the judging panel for their recognition of my work and for choosing me as one of the winners of this inaugural prize. Winning this award means a great deal to me as it has given me confidence in my research and writing capabilities and has allowed my work to serve as an example of the importance of historical research and the continued relevance of primary sources.” – Livia Lozoya.

Honorable Mention: Andrew Peña

phd library science

Pictured: Andrew Peña

Andrew is a student in the Masters in Leadership Development program who received an honorable mention for his paper:

The Experiences of Latinx Faculty, Staff, and Students at a Predominantly White Institution Aspiring to Become a Hispanic-Serving Institution . 

“I’m thrilled to have received an Honorable Mention in the 2024 Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize contest! My project, “The Experiences of Latinx Faculty, Staff, and Students at a Predominantly White Institution Aspiring to Become a Hispanic-Serving Institution,” highlights the ongoing disparities these populations face at institutions and how we must continue supporting them through various efforts. The role of library resources in my graduate research was essential in the culmination of my research project. Thank you to everyone who supported this work, and I hope to continue using my research as a platform to uplift underrepresented communities!” – Andrew Peña

About the Prize:

The Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Research Prize promotes and acknowledges excellent research and practical usage of library resources by Chapman graduate students. Eric Scandrett, the benefactor of this inaugural prize, has been deeply integrated into the fabric of Chapman University for years. As a former employee of Chapman University, Eric has made significant contributions to the campus through his involvement with Sodexo catering services, Town and Gown, and as a legacy donor for the libraries. We sincerely thank Eric for contributing to the establishment of this research prize and his continued support of our graduate students.

The selection committee included the following faculty members and librarians:

  • Professor, Program Director for the Faculty of Food Science, Schmid College of Science and Technology
  • Coordinator of Special Collections at the Leatherby Libraries
  • Reference Librarian at the Leatherby Libraries
  • Assistant Dean for Library DEI Initiatives and Development at the Leatherby Libraries
  • Chair of Research and Instructional Services at the Leatherby Libraries

Thank you to all who applied to the 2024 Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Research Prize and the faculty and librarians who gave their time and effort to select the winning applicants.

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