phd courses bocconi

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© Università Bocconi - Via Sarfatti, 25 Milano

phd courses bocconi

The Department of Economics provides a dynamic research environment in which faculty members and distinguished visitors conduct both applied and theoretical research in all areas of economics. The department is actively involved in the international academic job market to hire its junior and senior faculty.

The core mission of the department is to conduct first-rate research in economics and to follow the best practices of the international scientific community.

Its faculty includes Fellows of the Econometric Society, past presidents of the European Economic Association, editors and members of the editorial boards of leading journals in Economics, recipients of competitive grants (e.g., by the European Research Council and the National Science Foundation), and winners of prestigious awards and fellowships, such as the Y. Jahnsson award by the European Economic Association or the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. The Head of the Department is Tito Boeri.

Some members of the department act as consultants for international organizations, such as the IMF, the World Bank, the IDB, the United Nations, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, and are regular columnists in national and foreign newspapers.

Members of the department are actively engaged with the scientific activities of some of Bocconi's research centers, such as Baffi Carefin , IGIER ,  GREEN  and LEAP .

Welcome to Bocconi PhD in Economics and Finance . 

We designed our program for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to acquire world-class research skills and pursue academic careers in economics, finance, and accounting.

The program is multidisciplinary in nature and features  three tracks (curricula) : Economics, Finance,  and  Accounting  – linked by a common core.

The program comprises two year of  structured course work  followed by guided transition into  research . Bocconi places high weight on advising, mentoring and supporting students throughout their studies, and especially in preparation for the international job market.

Our PhD classes benefit from the  interaction  among students from all over the world, with backgrounds not only in economics, finance and accounting, but also other quantitative disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, physics and statistics. 

The Department of Economics is actively involved since many years in the international academic job market to hire its faculty and has been the first at Bocconi University to introduce tenure track positions and Assistant Professorships.

Excellence in research is the criterion that underpins the department’s strategy when selecting and hiring new faculty members, together with a strong focus on teaching activities.

Over time the Department has built an excellent track record in attracting top junior and senior scholars. The high number of European Research Council grants awarded to these scholars bears testament to their excellence, and it is also thanks to them that Bocconi is now one of the top recipients of ERC grants in Economics in Europe.

In this year Junior Job Market, we have hired Erika Deserranno, Sarah Eichmeyer, Rafael Jimenez and Marta Prato .

alt text

People are the core of our department

Jerome Adda New Skills Are the High Road to Higher Salaries

Jerome Frans Adda

Jan David Bakker

Jan David Bakker

Tito Boeri

Tito Michele Boeri

Elisa Borghi

Elisa Borghi

Valentina Bosetti

Valentina Bosetti

Maristella Botticini

Maristella Botticini

phd courses bocconi

Michela Braga

Giovanni Bruno

Giovanni Bruno

Angelo Marcello Cardani

Angelo Marcello Cardani

phd courses bocconi

Christoph Carnehl

Deana Gabriele

Gabriele Natale Deana

Francesco Decarolis

Francesco Decarolis

Alexia Delfino

Alexia Delfino

Erika Deserranno

Erika Deserranno

Alfredo Di Tillio

Alfredo Di Tillio

Sarah Eichmeyer

Sarah Beate Eichmeyer

phd courses bocconi

Carlo Ambrogio Favero

Giuseppe Ferraguto

Giuseppe Ferraguto

Stefano Fiorin

Stefano Fiorin

phd courses bocconi

Chiara Fumagalli

Francesco Giavazzi

Francesco Giavazzi

Anna Gibert Rivas

Anna Gibert Rivas

Pamela Giustinelli

Pamela Giustinelli

phd courses bocconi

Joseph-Simon Goerlach

Basile Grassi

Basile Grassi

phd courses bocconi

Luigi Iovino

Rafael Jimenez-Duràn

Rafael Jimenez Duran

Nenad Kos

Eliana La Ferrara

Thomas Le Barbanchon

Thomas Emile Robert Le Barbanchon

Marco Maffezzoli

Marco Maffezzoli

Massimiliano Marcellino

Massimiliano Marcellino

phd courses bocconi

Donato Masciandaro


Tommaso Monacelli

Massimo Morelli

Massimo Morelli

Sara Negrelli

Sara Negrelli

Salvatore Nunnari

Salvatore Nunnari

Marco Ottaviani

Marco M. Ottaviani

Gianmarco Ottaviano

Gianmarco Ottaviano

Fausto Panunzi

Fausto Panunzi

Nicola Pavoni

Nicola Pavoni

Roberto Perotti

Roberto Perotti

Michele Polo

Michele Polo

Marta Prato

Marta Prato

Luca Sala

Carlo Rasmus Schwarz

Dmitriy Sergeyev

Dmytro Sergeyev

Ksenia Shakhgildyan

Ksenia Shakhgildyan

Andrew Michael Spence

Andrew Michael Spence

Mara Squicciarini

Mara Pasquamaria Squicciarini

phd courses bocconi

Guido Tabellini

Antonella Trigari

Antonella Trigari

Matteo Giacomo Di Castelnuovo

Matteo Giacomo Di Castelnuovo

Umberto Platini

Umberto Platini

Default person icon

Andrea Biancardi

Michela carlana.


Francis Kramarz

Rebecca Foriwa Hughes

Rebecca Foriwa Hughes

Patrizia Pellizzari

Patrizia Pellizzari

Sara Picciallo

Sara Picciallo

Marika Podelli

Marika Podelli

Erika Somma

Erika Somma

giovanna tramontano

Giovanna Tramontano

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Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

  • #544 Ranking
  • Public Institution Type

Università Bocconi was established in Milan in 1902, with a generous endowment from Ferdinando Bocconi, a wealthy merchant. Named for his lost son, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi thus became the first Italian institution of higher education to grant a degree in economics.

Since its inception, Bocconi has stood for liberalism, pluralism, and social and economic progress. While a private institution, Bocconi has traditionally been more than an elite university. It has consistently promoted and practiced equality of opportunity among its many generations of students, by actively subsidizing the education of disadvantaged and deserving students. In the words of its first Rector and President, Leopoldo Sabbatini, Bocconi's mission is to "promote harmony between school and life."

Today, Bocconi is a research university of international standing in business, economics, and law. Its research projects are funded by national and supranational institutions. By virtue of being a major node in the European and global network of business and economics universities, Bocconi exchanges faculty and cooperates on large projects with like-minded European and American universities and business schools. Bocconi has close relations with major corporations and international agencies, as well as their managers and officials, and constantly interacts with the business and economic environment to assess new issues, implement new techniques, and start new research endeavors.

PhD Programmes

  • Ph.D. Economics and Finance
  • Ph.D. Public Policy and Administration
  • Ph.D. Social and Political Science
  • Ph.D. Business Administration and Management
  • Ph.D. Statistics and Computer Science
  • Ph.D. Legal Studies

Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Scholarships

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For a complete overview of scholarships for Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, visit our scholarship search .

University Ranking

Student services.

  • International Recruitment Services
  • Student Administration
  • Student Assistance
  • Counseling and Self-Empowerment
  • Language Center
  • International Relations
  • Career Service

Housing services

Università Bocconi offers students a total of 2000 housing rooms in 8 University Residences:

  • approximately 500 rooms are reserved for reduced rate housing; access to this kind of housing is based on the economic situation of the student's family.
  • the remaining rooms are reserved for full rate housing; no evaluation of the economic condition of the family is necessary for assignment.

Library services

The Bocconi Library supports the educational and research mission of the University with up-to-date multidisciplinary collections, quality services as well as one-to-one assistance in selecting appropriate information and documents.The value and completeness of its collections make the Library a landmark institution for the economic academic community in Italy.

ICT services

Bocconi IT Services, ICT, has the responsibility of planning and developing IT management systems and teaching support applications, as well as the management of the University's IT infrastructure.Application projects are monitored with particular interest, as productivity tools in the Intranet/Internet environments are made available to Students, Academic Staff and Non-Teaching Staff.

Campus life

The campus is the stage for many cultural, sports and social events that are important opportunities for students to expand the horizons of their knowledge, cultivate their interests, exchange views on current topics and socialize.Special emphasis is placed on the activities organized directly by the students themselves and made available to the community. Through sports, theater, cinema, music, radio and TV, Bocconi students express their creativity and enliven their time on campus and their university experience.

Milano, Lombardy, Italy

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Courses offered in academic program

2023-2024 a.y., filter the list of courses.

* LEGENDA Course type: OBBC = compulsory course of a "shared foundation" - OBCUR = curriculum compulsory course - OBCURS = curriculum compulsory course chosen by the students - OBS = compulsory course chosen by the students - OP = elective course

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  • This area of the Bocconi site contains the course profiles of all the courses offered for the 2023/24 academic year. This gives students the opportunity to read and to confront with teachers. Before selecting electives students are advised to check degree regulations, Program structures and the tables indicating incompatible and prohibited courses which are published on the website.
  • Course profiles are subject to change : students are advised to check them before choosing elective courses.
  • For Bachelor Programs : Courses must not have more than 110 students. (For further information on electives starting up procedures see "Choice of elective courses" paragraph that is pubblished on the Guide to the University 2023-2024 which will be available by the end of July).
  • For Masters of Science : Courses must not have more than 110 students. For further information on electives starting up procedures see "Choice of elective courses" paragraph that is published on the Guide to the University 2023-2024 which will be available by the end of July.
  • Integrated Master of Arts in Law : Courses must not have more than 110 students. For further information on electives starting up procedures see "Choice of elective courses" paragraph that is published on the Guide to the University 2023-2024 which will be available by the end of July.
  • Sign-up procedures will be released on the website in the Guide to the University 2023-2024 which will be availablest by the end of July.

PhD Programs

Bocconi offers several 3- or 4-year PhD programs taught in English (one program has a curriculum that includes Italian teaching).  All programs are part of the PhD School, which acts as a point of reference for PhD candidates during their academic careers. Our faculty is dedicated to supporting PhD students while at Bocconi: as teachers, mentors, researchers and co-authors.  Throughout their research and studies, students are strongly encouraged to participate in cultural exchanges, including workshops , seminars and events organized in collaboration with other universities in Europe and the United States.   

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Institution Bocconi University
Address Via Sarfatti 25
Contact telephone +39 02 5836 5930
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  • Graduate School
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Bocconi to wharton: why i did a master's in economics before my phd.

From Bocconi Master's to Wharton PhD | Find out how Marco prepared for an academic career

From Bocconi Master's to Wharton PhD | Find out how Marco prepared for an academic career

Marco Giometti’s passion for economics led him first to a Bocconi Master’s, then to a PhD at Wharton. Here’s how his master's helped him make the leap into academia


phd courses bocconi

Wed Sep 15 2021

This fascination first led Marco to study a Master of Science in Economic and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in Italy. 

Now studying for a PhD in Finance at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, he strongly credits his Master’s for paving the way into academia, and for preparing him for a rigorous research program. 

Accelerating from a bachelor’s to a master’s

While Marco had originally opted to study engineering, he quickly switched economics and business in his first semester. 

It didn’t take him long to set his heart on studying a master’s. Unlike most of his classmates on his three year bachelor’s, Marco completed his degree in two years.

When he started applying for masters degrees, he couldn’t ignore Bocconi’s reputation. “In Italy, if you’re thinking of doing economics or business, the first thing you think about is Bocconi.”

As someone who didn’t have clear career goals, and was interested in a broad range of subjects, Marco felt the MSc in Economic and Social Sciences program offered the variety and diversity he was looking for. 

“At the time, I was considering many different careers. I had this passion towards maths and quantitative methods, but also towards broader social sciences like public policy, history, finance, and banking,” he recalls.

The Bocconi Master’s is multidisciplinary, covering a range of topics across economics from monetary policy, to labour economics, to welfare and politics. This is reflected in the diversity of student backgrounds, who come from a vast range of undergraduate majors. 

Marco was accepted, and with the help of the Bocconi Graduate Merit Award which offers a full tuition waiver, he enrolled on the program.

Getting used to a rigorous academic environment

Marco was challenged by the Bocconi MSc from the off. He recalls the high standard of the classes, which really pushed his knowledge to its limits, but even more than that, the people. “For the first time in my life I could truly learn from everyone in my class.” 

This strong community and network extended beyond his own classroom. Marco says there’s a sense of belonging with many graduates from the program, who have an understanding of the rigorous and challenging process you go through on the degree. 

It was this dynamic academic setting which first seeded the ideas to take his studies further, and study for a PhD. For Marco, and his other classmates who shared similar aspirations, the environment gives you the ideal preparation for applying for a PhD. 

“This masters really gives you an idea of what a PhD looks like, a sense of what you’re going to do, and an idea of whether you’re ready for it.” 

Marco’s Bocconi experience included an introduction to research methods. One opportunity lies at the Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER), where visiting students are partnered with faculty mentors to work on research projects separate to your own master’s thesis. This, and other opportunities, give you a flavor of what to expect from the type of research you might conduct on a PhD. 

Applying for a PhD at Wharton

While research piqued his interest, Marco was mindful of other career opportunities. Graduates from the MSc pursue a wide range of careers, from public sector positions in policy, government, and banking, to roles in investment banking, asset management, and consulting.  

So before he launched himself straight into a PhD, he took up a six-month placement at the European Central Bank. “It wasn't research, but I saw that as an opportunity to see what the professional world looks like, so that I could make my decision in an even more informed way.”

Alongside this, Marco started to research and apply for PhD programs. He knew Wharton’s reputation for banking and finance, as well as being a top business school internationally. 

He set his expectations low, aware that several of his other classmates were applying for the same program. But in February 2016, Marco received an acceptance email, and later that year, he set off to Philadelphia to start the program. 

Five years on, Marco reflects on how well his Master’s prepared him for a PhD. Physically, it shows you what you can expect from the courses and structure of a PhD. Even the content was a relevant introduction, laying the foundation for quantitative methods and advanced statistics that he needed for his research.

And having tipped his toe into research methods during his time at Bocconi, he wasn’t overwhelmed by the initial research projects at Wharton. 

All being well, Marco hopes to complete his PhD in Finance in Summer 2022. As for where it will lead him, Marco is less sure. But he still holds onto the same motivations for pursuing economics in his early academic career.” 

“If I can use the tools to better understand what's going on in the world, and hopefully inform better policy making without political bias, then that will be great.”

  • Specialized Masters

Student Reviews

Bocconi University

Everything was great ( apart from the covid part)

I really enjoyed this experience because I built a really strong relationship with other students and professors. This fact has permitted me to grow as a person and also to improve my academic background by confronting myself with other people. I would encourage Bocconi to create a new method of exams for online courses (I have experienced it during the covid-19 period) because they could not manage to control and to avoid shameless situations such as software breakdowns just before the exams.

Amazing course

The workload is really heavy, but that’s the only way to prepare students for the job market. Bocconi offers also many services to help students kick off their careers. Overall, Bocconi University Masters Degree is the best option for ambitious students and the best choice among Italian and maybe European universities.

A great experience

A fundamental experience to understand what I want to do in life. In the three years I attended Bocconi University, I laid the foundations for my business education. I will always be grateful to it. I absolutely recommend it.

Bocconi: Italian Quality

The great thing about this University is that it is one of the few Italian universities offering such international programs. My course is unique and doesn't exist anywhere else, so if you like arts and economics, Bocconi is the best place. The course provides both subjects concerning arts/philosophy, and ones more related to economics. Personally, I have decided to follow a different path because I am not so interested in working in this specific field, but this course is totally worth it if you want to work in a creative industry. Indeed, it gives people with a passion for luxury, arts and so on with a complete knowledge concerning management. The best part has been the great support offered by the University in every aspect, going from on-campus facilities to monthly job fairs to better understand the kind of career we want to pursue. This is often taken for granted in Italian universities.

Professional and amazing

Very well organized university. I have studied Financial management and I graduated with 108/110. The teachers are really good and professional. The university has all the facilities and the services are professional. I really enjoyed studying in a professional and international environment. Bocconi has played an important role in finding my actual job!

Great university which gives wonderful placement opportunities.

I really like Bocconi. What I appreciated the most was the high level of teaching and the opportunities given in terms of placement and networking connections. I strongly recommend this university if you want to pursue a great working career.

Beautiful environment

Beautiful community of students with lots of opportunities for in-campus activities. The university offers 8 residences near the campus, perfect for freshmen at the first year in Milan. Professors are very prepared and always ready to help students

An outstanding university

The great efficiency and organization, the high quality of teaching, and the possibility to take part in many interesting and useful experiences make Bocconi University stand out. It distinguishes itself from the Italian academic background. Many people say Bocconi is too stressful, but to me, it’s worth it.

Bocconi is outstanding university. Among the best in Italy. The international franework helps students to get involved in projects/associations that enrich the campus. I study law and i’ m happy about my 4 years and experiences that i had the opportunity to

Excellent university full of opportunities

I had almost zero experience in business before coming to Bocconi. However, this did not hinder my career prospects here. I was fortunate to receive valuable opportunities such as in-company training and internships. Through these experiences, I gained invaluable practical insights into various business scenarios, becoming more acquainted with the real business world. Before arriving here, I had not learned Italian, which initially made me concerned about possible cultural or language barriers. Bocconi offers Italian language courses that proved indispensable in helping me adapt to Milan during my days here. Additionally, my Italian classmates have been incredibly welcoming, assisting me with cultural adjustments and willingly serving as language partners to help with my Italian language learning journey. My two-year life here has become both manageable and enjoyable. In conclusion, I would recommend this university to those people who are eager to embrace a future brimming with opportunities.

So many opportunities

Bocconi has been an amazing journey for me, filled with growth and opportunities, both on a professional and personal level. The professors teaching the International Management Master's are of really high quality and they were able to transfer some much "knowledge that matters", thanks also to the many teamworking experiences during the course. Bocconi also allowed me to experience a double degree program with ESADE, which taught me a lot both in terms of professional development, as well as allowing me to expand my network of international students even further. Overall, Bocconi unleashed plenty of opportunities I could not foresee before joining the university and that I'm really grateful for and excited to dive into.

Invest in your knowledge

Bocconi offers plenty of opportunities to grow as a person and as a professional. I was able to both broaden my interests and deepen existent knowledge during my Master's degree in Finance. It's very challenging, but the result is totally worth it. Bocconi has a very impressive reputation across the world, which allowed me to have an internship at my dream company.

A University Ripe with Opportunity

As a first year Masters in International Management student, the global perspective, abundant learning opportunities and networking opportunities were the main aspects that drew me towards pursing my studies at Bocconi. And Bocconi has delivered in full on these promises. In my classes I have really valued the more application based approach which centres around collaboration with peers from around the world. There are also so many opportunities for learning outside the classroom through supplementary activities, societies, guest lectures and other events hosted by the university! The networking opportunities and career services are world class. The university regularly hosts events like Bocconi

Environment and experiences

Entering Bocconi, I was shy and uncertain. I was surprised to discover a supportive community that not only challenged me academically but also encouraged me to come out of my shell. I found myself surrounded by lifelong friends who turned out to be an invaluable support for me. Despite my initial indecision, my chosen course (Economics and Management for Arts and Culture) proved to be the perfect fit, seamlessly blending rigorous economic principles with insights into the cultural landscape. I found myself immersed in a dynamic environment that fostered healthy competition, pushing me to excel while simultaneously supporting my personal growth. Reflecting on my period at Bocconi, I can confidently say it was the best time of my life. Through unforgettable experiences in students associations, internships and study-abroad periods, Bocconi accompanied me from adolescence into adulthood. It provided me with the confidence and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the real world, offering me an environment where I could flourish both academically and personally.

Great programme in MSc Finance

I have done the MSc in Finance, and I am extremely happy with it. The quality of the education is really good, and has more than prepared me for my job in Asset Management after my studies. There are also a lot of group projects and labs in the classes which lets you try things in practice. In addition to this, there are a lot of good student associations for finance which allows you to connect with a lot of really brilliant people.

My Experience at Bocconi University

Bocconi University offers a great deal of programs. The small classes make it easy for students to interact with professors, all very experienced in their field, and not only care for the students' life inside the classroom but also for their lives outside, providing many amazing extracurricular activities, from sports, and associations to theater and singing. Overall, a great experience!

Excellent university providing a great preparation

I have chosen Bocconi University for both my bachelor's and master's degree and I am extremely satisfied with my experience and the preparation the institution has given me, both academically and to be equipped to enter the job market. The programs are very international, which has allowed me to make friends from all over the world, and the university offers a wide range of interesting courses, both in Italian and in English, which often combine a theoretical strong preparation together with practical applied projects. Bocconi also has a great and efficient career service that organizes useful events to get ready for the job market, meet employers and network with companies. I have also appreciated the presence of over a hundred student associations, which has allowed me to pursue some interests of mine while meeting students from several different courses and gainining more practical experience through additional projects.

Friends for life!

As I come to the end of my time here at Bocconi university, I have come to understand how lucky I was to end up at this school. I was lucky because I had the freedom to explore my academic possibilities, and discover how great I can be. I'll forever hold the friends I've made dear to my heart.

More than a degree

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Bocconi University. The professors were exceptional, showing great passion for their subjects. I had numerous chances for professional growth and preparation. In addition to earning a degree, I acquired priceless practical knowledge and a strong professional network. I highly recommend it!

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So many questions and economics as the answer

“When I attended Galileo Galilei Science High School in Alessandria [northeast Italy], my dream was to become a philosopher. I owe it to my mother, the soul-searching that led me to study Economics at Bocconi. Only later did I realize that Economics allowed me to answer the questions that had always haunted me as a young woman: ‘Why do people behave in certain ways? What determines society’s choices?’” Roberta Gatti is now the World Bank’s Chief Economist for the Middle East and North Africa. She talks about her “amazing, challenging and rewarding” career and explains how a deep curiosity about the world and a love of learning have always driven her. 

She says: “After graduating, I applied to PhD programs in the United States. I ended up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with a group of extraordinary classmates, some of whom became lifelong friends.” But books and academia were not enough for her. “I wanted to see the world, to understand why some countries are so much poorer than others, and to measure myself up against something big. That’s where the World Bank came in. I joined 25 years ago and have never left,” she adds. 

Her first assignment in 1998 was in the Development Research Group. Today Gatti leads research programs on economic growth, business productivity, gender, social inclusion and the labor market. She also teaches at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins universities. What she loves about her job, she says, is the intellectual stimulation and values that underpin it. “I fully identify with the mission of my institution: ‘A world without poverty on a livable planet,’ I interact daily with fabulously intelligent colleagues from around the world, and I travel a lot, meeting people, academics and politicians.” It’s a complicated, fast-paced life for the mother of three. “I am never bored,” she jokes. 

Gatti explains that perseverance has been one of the key ingredients in building an international career, but having constants in her life – a North Star – has also been crucial. He says: “My mother, Francesca Violetta Prandi, has been a continual source of inspiration. She was an orphan from a small village in Piedmont; she taught me my horizons have no limits. She was younger than me when she lost her long battle with breast cancer. But her example of strength, generosity and perseverance guides me every day.” 

Values that have also helped Gatti respond to the difficulties and prejudices that are still entrenched in the business world. “When I was younger and no one listened to me, which happened quite often, it was easy to fall into the trap of ‘it’s me, not them.’ ‘Am I smart enough? Do I talk too much? Am I wearing the wrong dress?’ It’s amazing the number of questions that clutter a person’s mind when they’re led to believe they don’t fit in. But I’ve tried to be an active force of change.” How? Today, Gatti mentors the next generation of development economists. And she says: “It’s one of the most gratifying parts of my job.” 

changed by women

Bocconi's project on female empowerment

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Question about Bocconi

By ShehzadMA November 15, 2012 in PhD in Economics

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I'm a little confused about the Master's programs that are apparently offered by Bocconi. Their website lists them as:

Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment

Economic and Social Sciences

Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology

Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions

Which among the above is the most relevant for a US PhD aspirant? Or am I looking at the wrong Bocconi, perhaps? And this is not the only school I'm applying to, before anyone brings that up.

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Humanomics, here I'm citing the most famous professors, who have been here for years. There are many, younger ones who come from all over the world, but they can't compete with those mentioned yet.

if you check them, you'll find most of them worked for many years in top instituions in the US.

admission is very easy: most italian students are scared by ESS as it's very quantitative and academic oriented and at the same time, the university doesn't not attract many people from abroad (about 1/4 of the class is international).

Anyway, just to clarify, I'm not claiming Bocconi is the best university in the world, but it's definitely a very good choice for those looking for an european master that prepare them to a top 20 (mostly top 10) PhD in the US.

Ha. I was just being stupid man. Looks like a sick program; if you weren't claiming Bocconi's economics MA program is one of the best in the world -- you should start -- considering its placements. My adviser spends a lot of time in Europe. Apparently some extremely good social science coming out of there.

They way they set up the economics specializations looks distinctly intelligent, and different from the way economics departments do things in the states. There's the idea in the States that if you get a good generalist training in economics, you can go do just about anything else. I think that ignores the native knowledge you gain by working in a field/industry/etc for several years. It's probably good to have most people sorting into the other three specializations at Bocconi, and only a few self selecting into heavy theory. Without that "price discrimination," demand for different sorts of economics training in the States probably gets inefficiently allocated.

Just a couple random notes.

1. Two year masters are awesome, especially because US schools generally don't give out conditional offers, so with one year programs, however good, you are at a disadvantage. (Unless you apply a year later, of course.)

2. Again, praise for two year programs, you get to try more subjects and see what interests you and you may compile a better research proposal and prepare a better thesis. (Fun fact: we get basically two months to write our dissertation, ridiculous.)

3. As Italian professors were mentioned. We had a lovely lady teaching us recently. She was very good, she had master's from Bocconi and a PhD from NYU. Very cool person, very well explained most of the stuff. But GOD, the ACCENT. I love Italians, but sometimes this drives me nuts. The idea of having all of my professors Italian teaching me in English... I'd have to think about that.

4. Milan is cool.

The idea of having all of my professors Italian teaching me in English... I'd have to think about that. .

Get used to it, most overrepresented country in economics alongside Argentina :)


Thank you everyone. I was aware that Bocconi was a good program but I wasn't aware just how good it really was. As it is, I can't really afford the UK, even though I'm applying to a few places there, so all my hopes are with continental Europe. So beyond BGSE, Toulouse, Tilburg and Bocconi, which other European schools would you guys recommend? What about Bonn or Aarhus? Repec rates Zurich quite high.

I was in the same position last year; admission to Bocconi seems fairly easy, provided you have a decent GRE (no letters etc). However, I ended up going to one of the UK terminal programs because they offered funding. Would have preferred Bocconi due to the advantages mentioned here, but tuition is 2*11k and living in Milan isn't exactly cheap either.

If you're ok with a german speaking environment: Bonn offers great preparation for a PhD. However, you won't meet many international students there...

Would have preferred Bocconi due to the advantages mentioned here, but tuition is 2*11k and living in Milan isn't exactly cheap either.
Wait. $211,000?
Nice one.He probably means 21k euros or so


I think he means two times 11k (probably 1 year is 11k)

What does that translate into in dollars? Is there a currency calculator at I can use that controls for the Federal Reserve Bank conspiracy to make everyone slaves?

Before my broker closed on friday last price was - 1.27377/1.27372, so 22k euro would be 28 022.94 USD

I think Tommaso summarized correctly the differences. ESS is by far the best program at Bocconi for Economics and the main PhD programs feeder. Getting in (compared to other programs) is relatively easy and getting the full scholarship is not very difficult (you need a GRE Q 770, more or less). However, you need a sufficiently high 1st year GPA to receive funding also the 2nd one.

The MSc in Finance is also very good, if you're interested in this area. It is mainly geared toward people seeking a career in the industry (Bulge-Bracket IBs heavily recruit there), but they placed some students at good schools (UCSD, Stanford GSB, Carnegie Mellon, WUSTL, etc...) in the last years.

Anybody have any thoughts on programs like UZH (Zurich) and Aarhus? If it helps, I'll be applying to LSE, UCL, BGSE, Toulouse, Warwick, Tilburg, Bocconi, Bonn and Nottingham. Bonn I'm not perfectly sure of yet. I've also been considering Zurich and Aarhus. Thoughts? My interests align more with micro more than macro or metrics, although I'm not sure how important relative department strengths are for Master's programs.
  • 4 weeks later...

Bocconi website specifies the following criteria

(1) Applicants to the Economics and Social Sciences or Economics and Mangement of Innovation and Technology programs - expressed as their first or second choice - can submit the GRE test. The minimum score required for the GRE taken by August 2011 is 760 for quantitative section and 540 for verbal section. For GRE exams taken after that date, the minimum score required is at least equal to 160 for quantitative section and 156 for verbal section.

However, I have GRE score of 159Q and 152V. Should i apply or not?

Hey guys, I have one question about application to Bocconi - I'm an international applicant and I'm done with my GRE and, as far as I can see online, Bocconi has recieved my scores from ETS. However, I'm confused because they want the score report to be included in the dossier, and I'm not sure if ETS will send me the score report in time for me to send my dossier to Bocconi (for it to arrive before January 14th, which is the deadline :(). The question is - shouldn't the report sent by ETS be enough :(?

Edit: and another question - how long does it take for the scores to arrive in Europe (CEE region) - if anyone has a similar experience :)?

Hey guys, I have one question about application to Bocconi - I'm an international applicant and I'm done with my GRE and, as far as I can see online, Bocconi has recieved my scores from ETS. However, I'm confused because they want the score report to be included in the dossier, and I'm not sure if ETS will send me the score report in time for me to send my dossier to Bocconi (for it to arrive before January 14th, which is the deadline :(). The question is - shouldn't the report sent by ETS be enough :(? Edit: and another question - how long does it take for the scores to arrive in Europe (CEE region) - if anyone has a similar experience :)?

Hey If possible can you address the following issue

Yes, apply.

Are there chances that I will be admitted?

Given that I have Business Administration Bachelors degree with specialization in Finance. However, I only had one micro and one macro course other then that I had statistical inference, calculus I, Business mathematics. Finance courses included Investment Banking, Intro to Business Finance, Financial Management, and I have also done CFA level II. What are my chances of getting admitted to bocconi and what type of funding is available?

Bruno Gasperov

What are the expected monthly living expenses for an average Bocconi student? (excluding tuiton fees and maybe accomodation)

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Leninsky District is an administrative and municipal district, one of the thirty-six in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is located in the center of the oblast just south of the federal city of Moscow. The area of the district is 202.83 square kilometers. Its administrative center is the town of Vidnoye. Population: 172,171; 145,251; 74,490. The population of Vidnoye accounts for 33.0% of the district's total population.

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  1. PhD

    The PhD School coordinates the PhD programs offered by Bocconi University and acts as a point of reference for the University's PhD candidates. PhD candidates have the opportunity to advance their knowledge and conduct research, with the support of Bocconi Faculty and through exchanges with leading American and European universities.

  2. PhD Programs

    PhD Programs. Bocconi offers several 3- or 4-year PhD programs taught in English (one program has a curriculum that includes Italian teaching). All programs are part of the PhD School, which acts as a point of reference for PhD candidates during their academic careers. Our faculty is dedicated to supporting PhD students while at Bocconi: as ...

  3. Courses and Requirements

    The program features three curricula to be chosen when applying: Economics, Finance, AccountingFirst year - a.y. 2023-24 (39° Cycle) 1 Preparatory course in Mathematics + 13 compulsory courses. Seminars organized by the Departments of Economics, Finance and Accounting (attendance is strongly recommended) SEMESTER.

  4. PhD

    The PhD School coordinates the PhD programs offered by Bocconi University and acts as a point of reference for the University's PhD candidates. PhD candidates have the opportunity to advance their knowledge and conduct research, with the support of Bocconi Faculty and through exchanges with leading American and European universities. ...

  5. PhD in Economics and Finance

    PhD in Economics and Finance. This page has been developed for PhD applicants who have been recommended for admission to the PhD Program in Economics and Finance at Bocconi University in Milan. Most likely you are considering several graduate programs. We believe that if you learn about our program, Bocconi University, and the city of Milan you ...

  6. PhD in Economics and Finance

    Welcome to Bocconi PhD in Economics and Finance . We designed our program for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to acquire world-class research skills and pursue academic careers in economics, finance, and accounting. The program is multidisciplinary in nature and features three tracks (curricula):Economics, Finance, and ...


    Bocconi faculty members publish regularly in leading international journals and are also active members of the international academic community. ABOUT BOCCONI Bocconi University, founded in 1902, was the first Italian university to grant a degree in economics. For over a century, Bocconi has played a leading role in Italy's social and economic

  8. Universita' Bocconi

    PhD in Business Administration and Management (English) PhD in Economics and Finance (English) PhD in Legal Studies (English and Italian) PhD in Public Policy and Administration (English) PhD in Statistics (English) *. I would like further information about Bocconi University. Yes No.

  9. Programs

    Programs. Becoming a Bocconi student means choosing from a wide range of innovative and international study programs in the Social Sciences, in the fields of Economics, Management, Finance, Political Science, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Studies. In addition, the SDA Bocconi School of Management offers post-experience ...

  10. About

    Welcome to Bocconi PhD in Economics and Finance. ... Course Management, Research Funds, Events, BESS Program Support, Enhancing Experience Activities. Ettore Bocconi Department of Economics. Department Head: Tito Boeri. Via Roentgen, 1 (5th floor) 20136, Milano Department's Office: room 5-E1-09

  11. Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

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    Bocconi University is one of the top private universities in Milan, Italy. It is ranked #7 in QS WUR Ranking By Subject 2024. # 7. QS WUR Ranking By Subject. # =485. QS Sustainability Ranking. # 9. World University Rankings - Masters In Management. # 10.

  13. Courses offered in academic program

    Search for courses by teacher. This area of the Bocconi site contains the course profiles of all the courses offered for the 2023/24 academic year. This gives students the opportunity to read and to confront with teachers. Before selecting electives students are advised to check degree regulations, Program structures and the tables indicating ...

  14. PhD Programs

    Bocconi offers several 3- or 4-year PhD programs taught in English (one program has a curriculum that includes Italian teaching). All programs are part of the PhD School, which acts as a point of reference for PhD candidates during their academic careers.

  15. Admissions

    Welcome to the Bocconi PhD School Admissions pages. We will be accepting new applications for a.y. 2024-25 starting from 2 October 2023, until 16 January 2024 at 23:59 CET (1 February 2024 at 23:59 CET for the PhD program in Statistics and Computer Science).. Before applying, we invite you to visit the PhD School official website for a wide and in-depth sight of our programs.

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    Explore Programs Brought to you by GMAC, the global mission-driven organization of leading graduate business schools. ©2002-2024, Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

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    Institution: Bocconi University: Address: Via Sarfatti 25 Milan Lombardy Italy 20136: Contact telephone +39 02 5836 5930: E-mail: [email protected]

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  19. So many questions and economics as the answer

    Today Gatti leads research programs on economic growth, business productivity, gender, social inclusion and the labor market. She also teaches at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins universities. What she loves about her job, she says, is the intellectual stimulation and values that underpin it.

  20. Question about Bocconi

    17. Posted November 15, 2012. I'm a little confused about the Master's programs that are apparently offered by Bocconi. Their website lists them as: Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment. Economic and Social Sciences. Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology.

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