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How to Write a Critical Analysis Essay

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Types of critical essays

Step-by-step critical essay writing guide.

  • Critical essay formatting tips
  • Critical essay examples

What is a critical essay?

  • To offer an objective vision of the original author.
  • To provide a complete analysis of the consistency offered by the original author.
  • To thoroughly evaluate original work and discuss the capability to maintain and support primary arguments and concepts.
  • To critically analyze in an essay by presenting strengths and weaknesses discovered in an article, a movie, or an academic journal entry.
  • To criticize the original author’s work by providing actual examples and explanations.

Critical essay structure and outline rules


How to start a critical essay?

  • Take notes about information related to the author and include it in your introduction paragraph.
  • Determine the author’s opinion and take on the subject by analyzing available data.
  • Seek out examples of evidence as to whether the author proves why it is the right way of thinking.
  • Create a strong thesis statement representing 50% of the author’s opinion and 50% of your vision.
  • Determine both the strong and weak sides of the author’s style, grammar, accuracy, and structure. Use evaluation and analysis.
  • Sociological critique.
  • Sociocultural analysis.
  • Reader-response criticism.
  • Gender-based critical writing.
  • Mythological critique.
  • Biographical writing.
  • History writing analysis.
  • Psychoanalytical criticism.
  • Formalist criticism and analysis.

Step 1: Know what is expected!

Step 2: take your time to analyze the source material, step 3: taking notes technique, step 4: primary challenges and working in patterns, step 5: author’s solutions, step 6: editing and proofreading, important critical essay formatting tips.

  • Keep up with the specified writing style for your citations and the written content.
  • Provide basic biography information about the author.
  • Include only 1-3 citations per page.
  • Provide information in “introduction – quote – analysis” template format.
  • Your tone must be formal and analytical unless specified otherwise.
  • The bias matters must be clarified with your academic advisor before writing.
  • When seeking out the weak points for your critical analysis essay, explain why you think so with a piece of evidence that may include the author’s limitation or evidence taken from an external source.

Helpful critical essay examples

  • Critical Reading and Analysis by the University of Queensland. 
  • Critical Analysis Template by Thompson Rivers University. 
  • Critical Essay Examples by EduBirdie (Our academic writing partner). 
  • Critical Essay Samples by Students by James Cook University. 

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How To Write A Critical Analysis Essay With Examples

Declan Gessel

May 4, 2024

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A Critical Analysis Essay is a form of academic writing that requires students to extract information and critically analyze a specific topic. The task may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can become an exciting task. 

Critical Analysis Essays help students improve their analytical skills and foster principles of logic. In this article, we are going to discuss how to write an essay and break it down for you. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

Table Of Content

What is a critical analysis essay, why the subject of your critical analysis essay is important, 5 reading strategies for critical analysis essay, building the body of your analysis, 5 things to avoid when writing your critical analysis essay, write smarter critical analysis essay with jotbot — start writing for free today.

essay written on a laptop screen - Critical Analysis Essay

When you write a critical analysis essay, you move beyond recounting the subject's main points and delve into examining it with a discerning eye. The goal? To form your own insights about the subject, based on the evidence you gather. 

This involves dissecting and contemplating the author's arguments , techniques, and themes while also developing your own critical response. While forming your own conclusions may sound intimidating, it's a key aspect of fine-tuning your critical thinking skills and organizing your thoughts into a cohesive, argumentative response. 

Key Skills in the Craft

This process consists of two key elements: understanding the core components of the subject and forming your own critical response, both supported by evidence. The first part involves grasping the subject's main arguments, techniques, and themes. The second part entails taking that knowledge and constructing your analytical and evaluative response. 

Deconstructing the Subject

In other words, roll up your sleeves and get deep into the subject matter. Start by identifying the author's main point, deconstructing their arguments, examining the structure and techniques they use, and exploring the underlying themes and messages. By engaging with the subject on this level, you'll have a thorough understanding of it and be better prepared to develop your own response. 

The Power of Evidence

Remember that evidence is your secret weapon for crafting a convincing analysis. This means going beyond summarizing the content and instead using specific examples from the subject to support your own arguments and interpretations. Evidence isn't just about facts, either; it can also be used to address the effectiveness of the subject, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses. 

The Art of Evaluation

Lastly, put your evaluation skills to work. Critically assess the subject's effectiveness, pinpointing its strengths and potential shortcomings. From there, you can offer your own interpretation, supported by evidence from the subject itself. This is where you put everything you've learned about the subject to the test, showcasing your analytical skills and proving your point.

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girl writing on a copy about Critical Analysis Essay

Let’s delve on the importance of understanding the Work you'll be analyzing:

Main Argument

When diving into a work, one must unravel the central point or message the author is conveying. All other analyses stem from this fundamental point. By identifying and comprehending the main argument, one can dissect the various elements that support it, revealing the author's stance or point of view.

Themes are the underlying concepts and messages explored in the subject matter. By venturing into the depths of themes, one can unravel the layers of meaning within the work. Understanding these underlying ideas not only enriches the analysis but also sheds light on the author's intentions and insights.

Structure & Techniques

Understanding how the work is built - be it a chronological story, persuasive arguments, or the use of figurative language - provides insight into the author's craft. Structure and techniques can influence the way the work is perceived, and by dissecting them, one can appreciate the intricacies of the author's style and the impact it has on the audience.

In critical analysis, understanding the context can add an extra layer of depth to the analysis. Considering the historical, social, or cultural context in which the work was created can provide valuable insights into the author's influences, intentions, and the reception of the work. While not always necessary, contextual analysis can elucidate aspects of the work that might otherwise go unnoticed.

To conduct a comprehensive critical analysis , understanding the work you'll be analyzing is the foundation on which all other interpretations rely. By identifying the main argument, themes, structure, techniques, and context, a nuanced and insightful analysis can be crafted. This step sets the stage for a thorough examination of the work, bringing to light the nuances and complexities that make critical analysis a valuable tool in literary and artistic exploration.

person holding a book on Critical Analysis Essay

1. Close Reading: Go Deeper Than Skimming

Close reading is a focused approach to reading where you don't just skim the text. Instead, you pay close attention to every word, sentence, and detail. By doing this, you can uncover hidden meanings, themes, and literary devices that you might miss if you were reading too quickly. I recommend underlining or annotating key passages, literary devices, or recurring ideas. This helps you remember these important details later on when you're writing your critical analysis essay.

2. Active Note-Taking to Capture Important Points

When reading a text for a critical analysis essay, it's important to take active notes that go beyond summarizing the plot or main points. Instead, try jotting down the author's arguments, interesting details, confusing sections, and potential evidence for your analysis. These notes will give you a solid foundation to build your essay upon and will help you keep track of all the important elements of the text.

3. Identify Recurring Ideas: Look for Patterns

In a critical analysis essay, it's crucial to recognize recurring ideas, themes, motifs, or symbols that might hold deeper meaning. By looking for patterns in the text, you can uncover hidden messages or themes that the author might be trying to convey. Ask yourself why these elements are used repeatedly and how they contribute to the overall message of the text. By identifying these patterns, you can craft a more nuanced analysis of the text.

4. Consider the Author's Purpose

Authorial intent is an essential concept to consider when writing a critical analysis essay. Think about the author's goals: are they trying to inform, persuade, entertain, or something else entirely? Understanding the author's purpose can help you interpret the text more accurately and can give you insight into the author's motivations for writing the text in the first place.

5.  Question and Analyze your Arguments

In a critical analysis essay, it's important to take a critical approach to the text. Question the author's ideas, analyze the effectiveness of their arguments, and consider different interpretations. By approaching the text with a critical eye, you can craft a more thorough and nuanced analysis that goes beyond a surface-level reading of the text.

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person writing checklist for Critical Analysis Essay

Let’s delve on the essentials of building the body of your analysis: 

Topic Sentence Breakdown: The Purpose of a Strong Topic Sentence

A powerful topic sentence in each paragraph of your critical analysis essay serves as a roadmap for your reader. It tells them the focus of the paragraph, introducing the main point you will explore and tying it back to your thesis. For instance, in an essay about the role of symbolism in "The Great Gatsby," a topic sentence might read, "Fitzgerald's use of the green light symbolizes Gatsby's unattainable dreams, highlighting the theme of the American Dream's illusion."

Evidence Integration: The Significance of Evidence from the Subject

To bolster your arguments, you need to use evidence from the subject you are analyzing. For example, in "To Kill a Mockingbird," when explaining Atticus Finch's moral compass, using a quote like, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it," can back up your analysis. It proves that the character values empathy and understanding.

Textual Evidence: Integrating Quotes, Paraphrases, or Specific Details

When you quote or paraphrase text, ensure it directly relates to your analysis. For example, when discussing Sylvia Plath's use of imagery in "The Bell Jar," quote, "I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story." This paints a vivid picture for readers and helps solidify your point about the protagonist's feelings of entrapment.

Visual Evidence: Analyzing Specific Elements in the Artwork

If you are analyzing a painting, you can use visual details like color, lines, or symbolism as evidence. For instance, if exploring Van Gogh's "Starry Night," you could delve into the calming effect of the swirls in the sky or the stark contrast between the bright stars and the dark village below. This visual evidence helps explain the painting's emotional impact on viewers.

Analysis & Explanation: The Importance of Going Beyond Evidence Presentation

When examining evidence, don't stop at merely presenting it. Analyze how it supports your thesis. For instance, when exploring the role of the conch in "Lord of the Flies," after showing how it represents order, explain how its loss signals the boys' descent into savagery. By unpacking the evidence's meaning, you help readers understand why it matters and how it connects to your overall argument.

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girl doing Critical Analysis Essay

1. Avoiding Summary vs. Analysis Pitfalls

When crafting a critical analysis essay, it's crucial not to fall into the trap of merely summarizing the subject without offering your own critical analysis. A summary merely recaps the content, while an analysis breaks down and interprets the subject. If you overlook this vital distinction, your essay will lack the depth and insight that characterize a strong critical analysis. Ensure your critical analysis essay doesn't read like an extended book report.

2. Steering Clear of Weak Thesis Statements

A critical analysis essay lives and dies on the strength of its thesis statement, the central argument that guides your analysis. A weak or vague thesis statement will result in an unfocused essay devoid of direction, leaving readers unclear about your point of view. It's essential to craft a thesis statement that is specific, arguable, and concise, setting the tone for a thoughtful and illuminating analysis.

3. Using Evidence is Key

The use of evidence from the subject matter under analysis is instrumental in substantiating your critical claims. Without evidence to back up your assertions, your analysis will appear unsubstantiated and unconvincing. Be sure to provide detailed examples, quotes, or data from the text under scrutiny to support your analysis. Evidence adds credibility, depth, and weight to your critical analysis essay.

4. The Importance of Clear and Supported Analysis

A successful critical analysis essay goes beyond simply presenting evidence to analyzing its significance and connecting it to your central argument. If your essay lacks clear analysis, readers won't understand the relevance of the evidence you present. Go beyond description to interpret the evidence, explaining its implications and how it supports your thesis. Without this analysis, your essay will lack depth and will not persuade your audience.

5. Addressing Counter Arguments

In a critical analysis essay, it's vital to acknowledge and engage with potential counterarguments. Ignoring opposing viewpoints undermines the credibility of your essay, presenting a one-sided argument that lacks nuance. Addressing counter arguments demonstrates that you understand the complexity of the issue and can anticipate and respond to objections. 

By incorporating counterarguments, you strengthen your analysis and enhance the overall persuasiveness of your critical essay.

girl using laptop for Critical Analysis Essay

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How to Write a Critical Essay

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Olivia Valdes was the Associate Editorial Director for ThoughtCo. She worked with Dotdash Meredith from 2017 to 2021.

notes on critical essay

  • B.A., American Studies, Yale University

A critical essay is a form of academic writing that analyzes, interprets, and/or evaluates a text. In a critical essay, an author makes a claim about how particular ideas or themes are conveyed in a text, then supports that claim with evidence from primary and/or secondary sources.

In casual conversation, we often associate the word "critical" with a negative perspective. However, in the context of a critical essay, the word "critical" simply means discerning and analytical. Critical essays analyze and evaluate the meaning and significance of a text, rather than making a judgment about its content or quality.

What Makes an Essay "Critical"? 

Imagine you've just watched the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." If you were chatting with friends in the movie theater lobby, you might say something like, "Charlie was so lucky to find a Golden Ticket. That ticket changed his life." A friend might reply, "Yeah, but Willy Wonka shouldn't have let those raucous kids into his chocolate factory in the first place. They caused a big mess."

These comments make for an enjoyable conversation, but they do not belong in a critical essay. Why? Because they respond to (and pass judgment on) the raw content of the movie, rather than analyzing its themes or how the director conveyed those themes.

On the other hand, a critical essay about "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" might take the following topic as its thesis: "In 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,' director Mel Stuart intertwines money and morality through his depiction of children: the angelic appearance of Charlie Bucket, a good-hearted boy of modest means, is sharply contrasted against the physically grotesque portrayal of the wealthy, and thus immoral, children."

This thesis includes a claim about the themes of the film, what the director seems to be saying about those themes, and what techniques the director employs in order to communicate his message. In addition, this thesis is both supportable  and  disputable using evidence from the film itself, which means it's a strong central argument for a critical essay .

Characteristics of a Critical Essay

Critical essays are written across many academic disciplines and can have wide-ranging textual subjects: films, novels, poetry, video games, visual art, and more. However, despite their diverse subject matter, all critical essays share the following characteristics.

  • Central claim . All critical essays contain a central claim about the text. This argument is typically expressed at the beginning of the essay in a thesis statement , then supported with evidence in each body paragraph. Some critical essays bolster their argument even further by including potential counterarguments, then using evidence to dispute them.
  • Evidence . The central claim of a critical essay must be supported by evidence. In many critical essays, most of the evidence comes in the form of textual support: particular details from the text (dialogue, descriptions, word choice, structure, imagery, et cetera) that bolster the argument. Critical essays may also include evidence from secondary sources, often scholarly works that support or strengthen the main argument.
  • Conclusion . After making a claim and supporting it with evidence, critical essays offer a succinct conclusion. The conclusion summarizes the trajectory of the essay's argument and emphasizes the essays' most important insights.

Tips for Writing a Critical Essay

Writing a critical essay requires rigorous analysis and a meticulous argument-building process. If you're struggling with a critical essay assignment, these tips will help you get started.

  • Practice active reading strategies . These strategies for staying focused and retaining information will help you identify specific details in the text that will serve as evidence for your main argument. Active reading is an essential skill, especially if you're writing a critical essay for a literature class.
  • Read example essays . If you're unfamiliar with critical essays as a form, writing one is going to be extremely challenging. Before you dive into the writing process, read a variety of published critical essays, paying careful attention to their structure and writing style. (As always, remember that paraphrasing an author's ideas without proper attribution is a form of plagiarism .)
  • Resist the urge to summarize . Critical essays should consist of your own analysis and interpretation of a text, not a summary of the text in general. If you find yourself writing lengthy plot or character descriptions, pause and consider whether these summaries are in the service of your main argument or whether they are simply taking up space.
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How to Write a Critical Essay

Last Updated: April 8, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,164,019 times.

The goal of a critical essay is to analyze a book, film, article, painting, or event and support your argument with relevant details. When writing a paper like this, you will have to come up with an interpretation of your own and then use facts or evidence from the work or other sources to prove that your interpretation is acceptable. A critical essay on a book, for example, might focus on the tone and how that influences the meaning of the book overall and would use quotations from the book to support the thesis. This type of paper requires careful planning and writing, but is often a creative way to engage with a subject that you are interested in and can be very rewarding!

Preparing to Write a Critical Essay

Step 1 Make sure that you understand the assignment.

  • Get to know the text inside and out by reading and rereading it. If you have been asked to write about a visual text like a film or piece of art, watch the film multiple times or view the painting from various angles and distances.

Step 3 Take notes as you read your text.

  • What is the text about?
  • What are the main ideas?
  • What is puzzling about the text?
  • What is the purpose of this text?
  • Does the text accomplish its purpose? If not, why not? Is so, how so? [3] X Research source Don't: summarize the plot — you should already be familiar with it. Do: jot down thoughts that may guide your paper: Does he mean __? Does this connect to __?

Step 4 Review your notes to identify patterns and problems.

  • Your solution to the problem should help you to develop a focus for your essay, but keep in mind that you do not need to have a solid argument about your text at this point. As you continue to think about the text, you will move closer to a focus and a thesis for your critical analysis essay. Don't: read the author's mind: Mary Shelley intended Frankenstein's monster to be more likable because... Do: phrase it as your own interpretation: Frankenstein's monster is more sympathetic than his creator, leading the reader to question who the true monster really is.

Conducting Research

Step 1 Find appropriate secondary sources if required.

  • Books, articles from scholarly journals, magazine articles, newspaper articles, and trustworthy websites are some sources that you might consider using.
  • Use your library’s databases rather than a general internet search. University libraries subscribe to many databases. These databases provide you with free access to articles and other resources that you cannot usually gain access to by using a search engine.

Step 2 Evaluate your sources to determine their credibility.

  • The author and his or her credentials. Choose sources that include an author’s name and that provide credentials for that author. The credentials should indicate something about why this person is qualified to speak as an authority on the subject. For example, an article about a medical condition will be more trustworthy if the author is a medical doctor. If you find a source where no author is listed or the author does not have any credentials, then this source may not be trustworthy. [5] X Research source
  • Citations. Think about whether or not this author has adequately researched the topic. Check the author’s bibliography or works cited page. If the author has provided few or no sources, then this source may not be trustworthy. [6] X Research source
  • Bias. Think about whether or not this author has presented an objective, well-reasoned account of the topic. How often does the tone indicate a strong preference for one side of the argument? How often does the argument dismiss or disregard the opposition’s concerns or valid arguments? If these are regular occurrences in the source, then it may not be a good choice. [7] X Research source (Note, however, that literary criticism often presents a very strong preference for one reading; this is not usually considered "bias" because the field of literary study is inherently subjective.) Don't: dismiss an author for favoring one point of view. Do: engage critically with their argument and make use of well-supported claims.
  • Publication date. Think about whether or not this source presents the most up to date information on the subject. Noting the publication date is especially important for scientific subjects, since new technologies and techniques have made some earlier findings irrelevant. [8] X Research source
  • Information provided in the source. If you are still questioning the trustworthiness of this source, cross check some of the information provided against a trustworthy source. If the information that this author presents contradicts one of your trustworthy sources, then it might not be a good source to use in your paper. [9] X Research source

Step 3 Read your research.

  • Clearly indicate when you have quoted a source word for word by putting it into quotation marks and including information about the source such as the author’s name, article or book title, and page number. Don't: highlight a phrase just because it sounds significant or meaningful. Do: highlight phrases that support or undermine your arguments.

Writing Your Essay

Step 1 Develop your tentative thesis.

  • Make sure your thesis provides enough detail. In other words, avoid simply saying that something is "good" or "effective" and say what specifically makes it "good" or "effective." [12] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source
  • Place your thesis statement at the end of your first paragraph unless your instructor tells you to place it elsewhere. The end of the first paragraph is the traditional place to provide your thesis in an academic essay.
  • For example, here is a multi-sentence thesis statement about the effectiveness and purpose of the movie Mad Max: Fury Road : "Many action films follow the same traditional pattern: a male action hero (usually white and attractive) follows his gut and barks orders at others, who must follow him or die. Mad Max: Fury Road is effective because it turns this pattern on its head. Instead of following the expected progression, the movie offers an action movie with multiple heroes, many of whom are women, thereby effectively challenging patriarchal standards in the Hollywood summer blockbuster." Don't: include obvious facts ( Mad Max was directed by George Miller ) or subjective opinions ( Mad Max is the greatest movie of 2015 ). [13] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source Do: present an argument that you can back up with evidence.

Step 2 Develop a rough...

  • You may want to use a formal outline structure that uses Roman numerals, Arabic numerals, and letters. Or, you may want to use an informal "mind-map" type of outline, which allows you to gather your ideas before you have a complete idea of how they progress.

Step 3 Begin your essay with an engaging sentence that gets right into your topic.

  • Other good techniques to open an essay include using a specific, evocative detail that links to your larger idea, asking a question that your essay will answer, or providing a compelling statistic.

Step 4 Provide background information to help guide your readers.

  • If you are writing about a book, provide the name of the work, the author, and a brief summary of the plot.
  • If you are writing about a film, provide a brief synopsis.
  • If you are writing about a painting or other still image, provide a brief description for your readers.
  • Keep in mind that your background information in the first paragraph should lead up to your thesis statement. Explain everything the reader needs to know to understand what your topic is about, then narrow it down until you reach the topic itself.

Step 5 Use your body paragraphs to discuss specific components of your text.

  • Provide a claim at the beginning of the paragraph.
  • Support your claim with at least one example from your primary source(s).
  • Support your claim with at least one example from your secondary sources.

Step 6 Develop a conclusion for your essay.

  • Summarize and review your main ideas about the text.
  • Explain how the topic affects the reader.
  • Explain how your narrow topic applies to a broader theme or observation.
  • Call the reader to action or further exploration on the topic.
  • Present new questions that your essay introduced. Don't: repeat the same points you made earlier in the essay. Do: refer back to earlier points and connect them into a single argument.

Revising Your Essay

Step 1 Set aside your paper for a few days before revising your draft.

  • It is important to begin writing a paper far enough ahead of time to allow yourself a few days or even a week to revise before it is due. If you do not allow yourself this extra time, you will be more prone to making simple mistakes and your grade may suffer as a result. [16] X Research source

Step 2 Give yourself sufficient time to do a substantive revision that clarifies any confusing logic or arguments.

  • What is your main point? How might you clarify your main point?
  • Who is your audience? Have you considered their needs and expectations?
  • What is your purpose? Have you accomplished your purpose with this paper?
  • How effective is your evidence? How might your strengthen your evidence?
  • Does every part of your paper relate back to your thesis? How might you enhance these connections?
  • Is anything confusing about your language or organization? How might your clarify your language or organization?
  • Have you made any errors with grammar, punctuation, or spelling? How can you correct these errors?
  • What might someone who disagrees with you say about your paper? How can you address these opposing arguments in your paper? [17] X Research source

Step 3 Complete your paper by carefully proofreading a printed version of your final draft.

  • If you are submitting your paper online or through email, check with your teacher or professor to find out what format s/he prefers. If you have used any textual formatting in your paper, you may wish to save it as a PDF file to preserve your formatting.

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  • Ask a friend, family member or other acquaintance to proofread and make constructive comments on your paper. Professional writers go through several drafts of their work and you should expect to do the same. Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 0
  • It is often easier to write a rough introduction and proceed with the rest of the paper before returning to revise the introduction. If you're feeling lost on how to introduce your paper, write a placeholder introduction. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 1
  • Write in your own voice. It is better to correctly use the words you know than to misuse the words you do not know in an attempt to sound scholarly. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 1

notes on critical essay

  • Make sure to cite all of your research including quotations, statistics and theoretical concepts as accurately as possible. When in doubt, err on the side of citing more rather than less, since failing to cite your research can result in a charge of plagiarism. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 2
  • Papers written at the last minute suffer from logic gaps and poor grammar. Remember that your teacher has read hundreds, if not thousands of student papers, and as such, can tell when you've written a paper at the last minute. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 2

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About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

To write a critical essay, develop a thesis that expresses your essay's main focus and states an arguable claim. Next, write an introduction that gives a basic overview of your paper and introduces your thesis. Then, create paragraphs that discuss your specific ideas, focusing on one main idea per paragraph. Be sure to start each paragraph with a claim and use examples from primary and secondary sources to support that claim. Finally, create a conclusion that summarizes your main points. For tips on outlining and revising your paper, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to write a critical analysis

How to write a critical analysis paper

Unlike the name implies a critical analysis does not necessarily mean that you are only exploring what is wrong with a piece of work. Instead, the purpose of this type of essay is to interact with and understand a text. Here’s what you need to know to create a well-written critical analysis essay.

What is a critical analysis?

A critical analysis examines and evaluates someone else’s work, such as a book, an essay, or an article. It requires two steps: a careful reading of the work and thoughtful analysis of the information presented in the work.

Although this may sound complicated, all you are doing in a critical essay is closely reading an author’s work and providing your opinion on how well the author accomplished their purpose.

Critical analyses are most frequently done in academic settings (such as a class assignment). Writing a critical analysis demonstrates that you are able to read a text and think deeply about it. However, critical thinking skills are vital outside of an educational context as well. You just don’t always have to demonstrate them in essay form.

How to outline and write a critical analysis essay

Writing a critical analysis essay involves two main chunks of work: reading the text you are going to write about and writing an analysis of that text. Both are equally important when writing a critical analysis essay.

Step one: Reading critically

The first step in writing a critical analysis is to carefully study the source you plan to analyze.

If you are writing for a class assignment, your professor may have already given you the topic to analyze in an article, short story, book, or other work. If so, you can focus your note-taking on that topic while reading.

Other times, you may have to develop your own topic to analyze within a piece of work. In this case, you should focus on a few key areas as you read:

  • What is the author’s intended purpose for the work?
  • What techniques and language does the author use to achieve this purpose?
  • How does the author support the thesis?
  • Who is the author writing for?
  • Is the author effective at achieving the intended purpose?

Once you have carefully examined the source material, then you are ready to begin planning your critical analysis essay.

Step two: Writing the critical analysis essay

Taking time to organize your ideas before you begin writing can shorten the amount of time that you spend working on your critical analysis essay. As an added bonus, the quality of your essay will likely be higher if you have a plan before writing.

Here’s a rough outline of what should be in your essay. Of course, if your instructor gives you a sample essay or outline, refer to the sample first.

  • Background Information

Critical Analysis

Here is some additional information on what needs to go into each section:

Background information

In the first paragraph of your essay, include background information on the material that you are critiquing. Include context that helps the reader understand the piece you are analyzing. Be sure to include the title of the piece, the author’s name, and information about when and where it was published.

“Success is counted sweetest” is a poem by Emily Dickinson published in 1864. Dickinson was not widely known as a poet during her lifetime, and this poem is one of the first published while she was alive.

After you have provided background information, state your thesis. The thesis should be your reaction to the work. It also lets your reader know what to expect from the rest of your essay. The points you make in the critical analysis should support the thesis.

Dickinson’s use of metaphor in the poem is unexpected but works well to convey the paradoxical theme that success is most valued by those who never experience success.

The next section should include a summary of the work that you are analyzing. Do not assume that the reader is familiar with the source material. Your summary should show that you understood the text, but it should not include the arguments that you will discuss later in the essay.

Dickinson introduces the theme of success in the first line of the poem. She begins by comparing success to nectar. Then, she uses the extended metaphor of a battle in order to demonstrate that the winner has less understanding of success than the loser.

The next paragraphs will contain your critical analysis. Use as many paragraphs as necessary to support your thesis.

Discuss the areas that you took notes on as you were reading. While a critical analysis should include your opinion, it needs to have evidence from the source material in order to be credible to readers. Be sure to use textual evidence to support your claims, and remember to explain your reasoning.

Dickinson’s comparison of success to nectar seems strange at first. However the first line “success is counted sweetest” brings to mind that this nectar could be bees searching for nectar to make honey. In this first stanza, Dickinson seems to imply that success requires work because bees are usually considered to be hard-working and industrious.

In the next two stanzas, Dickinson expands on the meaning of success. This time she uses the image of a victorious army and a dying man on the vanquished side. Now the idea of success is more than something you value because you have worked hard for it. Dickinson states that the dying man values success even more than the victors because he has given everything and still has not achieved success.

This last section is where you remind the readers of your thesis and make closing remarks to wrap up your essay. Avoid summarizing the main points of your critical analysis unless your essay is so long that readers might have forgotten parts of it.

In “Success is counted sweetest” Dickinson cleverly upends the reader’s usual thoughts about success through her unexpected use of metaphors. The poem may be short, but Dickinson conveys a serious theme in just a few carefully chosen words.

What type of language should be used in a critical analysis essay?

Because critical analysis papers are written in an academic setting, you should use formal language, which means:

  • No contractions
  • Avoid first-person pronouns (I, we, me)

Do not include phrases such as “in my opinion” or “I think”. In a critical analysis, the reader already assumes that the claims are your opinions.

Your instructor may have specific guidelines for the writing style to use. If the instructor assigns a style guide for the class, be sure to use the guidelines in the style manual in your writing.

Additional t ips for writing a critical analysis essay

To conclude this article, here are some additional tips for writing a critical analysis essay:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to read the source material. If you have time, read through the text once to get the gist and a second time to take notes.
  • Outlining your essay can help you save time. You don’t have to stick exactly to the outline though. You can change it as needed once you start writing.
  • Spend the bulk of your writing time working on your thesis and critical analysis. The introduction and conclusion are important, but these sections cannot make up for a weak thesis or critical analysis.
  • Give yourself time between your first draft and your second draft. A day or two away from your essay can make it easier to see what you need to improve.

Frequently Asked Questions about critical analyses

In the introduction of a critical analysis essay, you should give background information on the source that you are analyzing. Be sure to include the author’s name and the title of the work. Your thesis normally goes in the introduction as well.

A critical analysis has four main parts.

  • Introduction

The focus of a critical analysis should be on the work being analyzed rather than on you. This means that you should avoid using first person unless your instructor tells you to do otherwise. Most formal academic writing is written in third person.

How many paragraphs your critical analysis should have depends on the assignment and will most likely be determined by your instructor. However, in general, your critical analysis paper should have three to six paragraphs, unless otherwise stated.

Your critical analysis ends with your conclusion. You should restate the thesis and make closing remarks, but avoid summarizing the main points of your critical analysis unless your essay is so long that readers might have forgotten parts of it.

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  • Subject Guides

Being critical: a practical guide

  • Critical writing
  • Being critical
  • Critical thinking
  • Evaluating information
  • Reading academic articles
  • Critical reading

This guide contains key resources to introduce you to the features of critical writing.

For more in-depth advice and guidance on critical writing , visit our specialist academic writing guides:

Practical Guide

What is critical writing?

Academic writing requires criticality; it's not enough to just describe or summarise evidence, you also need to analyse and evaluate information and use it to build your own arguments. This is where you show your own thoughts based on the evidence available, so critical writing is really important for higher grades.

Explore the key features of critical writing and see it in practice in some examples:

Introduction to critical writing [Google Slides]

While we need criticality in our writing, it's definitely possible to go further than needed. We’re aiming for that Goldilocks ‘just right’ point between not critical enough and too critical. Find out more:

Google Doc

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Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising

Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising are different ways that you can use evidence from sources in your writing. As you move from one method to the next, you integrate the evidence further into your argument, showing increasing critical analysis.

Here's a quick introduction to the three methods and how to use them:

Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising: an introduction [YouTube video]  |  Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising [Google Doc]

Want to know more? Check out these resources for more examples of paraphrasing and using notes to synthesise information:

Google Doc

Using evidence to build critical arguments

Academic writing integrates evidence from sources to create your own critical arguments.

We're not looking for a list of summaries of individual sources; ideally, the important evidence should be integrated into a cohesive whole. What does the evidence mean altogether?  Of course, a critical argument also needs some critical analysis of this evidence. What does it all mean in terms of your argument?

These resources will help you explore ways to integrate evidence and build critical arguments:

Building a critical argument [YouTube] |  Building a critical argument [Google Doc]

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  • Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024 6:10 PM
  • URL: https://subjectguides.york.ac.uk/critical

Critical Essay: The Complete Guide. Essay Topics, Examples and Outlines

Whether you specialize in literature or just write an essay for a class, knowing how to write a critical essay will give you an advantage throughout your studies at a university and in your professional career. Writing critical essays allows you to develop critical thinking skills, including attentive reading, technical analysis, academic writing skills, searching for reference books, and editing. Mastering these skills will help you conduct a scientific conversation and allow you to communicate and think more productively.

What is a Critical Essay?

A critical essay is an analysis of any piece of text. It can be a book, a movie, an article or even a painting. The main point of this type of an essay is to interpret text or position it in a wider context. For instance, if you write a critical analysis of a book, you may analyze the tone of its text and find out how it influences the overall meaning of the book. If you analyze a movie, you might concentrate on a symbol that you see over and over again. Nevertheless, you have to include an argumentative thesis about the text and have a lot of evidence sources, obviously textual, to support your statements.

How to write a Critical Essay? Step-by-Step Guide

  • Find out the topic as early as possible to plan your research.
  • Find the information you need in a wide variety of sources, including journal articles, books, encyclopedias, and news. Gather more information than you plan to actually refer to when writing a paper, but do not collect too much, it can distract you from the main thing, and you will eventually include it in your essay simply because you found it. Do not use Wikipedia and do not copy other people’s comments; no matter from which website you take them, plagiarism will be discovered.
  • Look through your sources to separate interesting information from irrelevant material. Interesting research can be found in books, literary guides, in published critical articles on your particular topic. And vice versa, do not investigate things that do not relate to your topic, what I mean is, do not engage in the study of witches, if the topic of your paper is a monarchy.
  • Carefully reread the relevant materials and evaluate them critically. Highlight, underline or otherwise mark the necessary information in your personal articles and books. Use colored stickers to draw your attention to important details in library books. Make a brief summary of each source after reading it. Pay attention to important details and highlight the main point of view for further use.
  • Formulate the thesis by reviewing your notes and research. You can write a more general thesis or ask an important question that your paper will answer.
  • Write a preliminary introduction, knowing that you can edit or even rewrite it later.
  • Develop an approximate plan based on your notes and studies.

Identify two or three main sections of the body of your essay. These sections should consist of your most important arguments. Use your notes and research to fill these sections with details. You can copy and paste the most important details or arguments into your plan.

  • Identify the relationships between sections of your essay and briefly describe them on the margins of your plan.
  • Use this connection to write an approximate conclusion.
  • Set your paper aside for a few days before rereading the draft.
  • Leave enough time to make a thorough review of all material that will clarify any illogical reasonings or arguments.
  • Complete your essay by carefully checking the final version of the printed version. Use your imagination and make the introduction interesting for readers. Write a clear thesis statement and use up-to-date sources, with a lot of useful information.

Dr. Joshua

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Critical Essay Outline

Writing a good critical essay requires a deep analysis of a given topic, and the ability to form clear arguments in order to draw meaningful conclusions. It is important to be aware of the various elements that must be taken into consideration when ordering an essay in order to produce a well-structured, balanced and compelling piece of work. Doing so will help you understand the material better, think more critically, and come up with a more insightful analysis of the topic. Additionally, it will also help you to identify any gaps in the existing literature that can be addressed in your own research.

As with any other essay, the critical analysis consists of the introduction, body, and conclusion. The outline that you will see below is just a sample for you to understand what it can look like. Once you are comfortable, you are free to change it, add more details or arrange it differently to make it more effective. If you are really unsure what your essay is supposed to look like, you can also contact your teacher.


The introduction has three main functions. First of all, you have to introduce the reader to the topic of your paper, what are you going to analyze here but briefly? Then, describe how are you going to address the topic of your paper. And finally, grab the reader’s attention, make them want to stay here, and read the rest of your paper.


This is going to be the largest part of your essay. Here you have to write about something you said you are going to write about in the intro. In other words, support your thesis statement. You have to make a General Statement, then add some quotes to expand it or prove it. After that you have to explain how the quote relates to the thesis, here you have to ask yourself “so how does it relate to my thesis”. And do not forget about Transitions which are connecting paragraphs.

To write a paper in a relevant way, students need to add new information to their research and assess the significance of each argument. Critical essays are meant to be insightful and thought-provoking, so they should provide enough evidence and analysis to support the argument and connect it to the thesis statement. Moreover, students should pay attention to the structure of the essay and make sure they write a paper that is logically organized and easy to understand.

In other words, the conclusion is restating of your thesis. If you have written a strong and clear introduction, the conclusion will not be a problem at all.

So, you have to Restate your Thesis. But do not just repeat what you said before, put it differently. Basically, you said that you are about to prove to us something and now you have to show us that you did. And make a good ending. Make it memorable. Your reader has to have a feeling that the point has been proven.


  • Attention-catcher
  • Briefly say what you are going to talk about
  • Thesis statement

Body paragraphs

  • Topic Sentence (piece of evidence that supports your opinion)
  • Supporting Evidence and Details
  • Concluding Sentence/Transition
  • Restate the thesis statement in different words
  • Summarize the main key pieces of evidence
  • Final closing sentence

Critical Essay Topics

Good critical essay topics.

  • Describe the way irony was used in your favorite classical book
  • Feminist ideologies in a piece of literature
  • Analyse how the background of the author affects his writing.
  • Describe the secondary characters in your favorite book
  • What makes a good and captivating drama series?
  • Choose a movie/series that recently won a best picture award
  • Provide one alternative to anti-poverty programs today and discuss
  • What are the problems of eating healthy? Discuss
  • What are the economic benefits of recycling? Discuss what makes it effective in your context
  • Discuss how historical figures is portrayed in movies

Critical Essay Tips

  • Try to start in advance, if possible. You will write a better essay and will not experience stress if you start writing earlier than the last night.
  • Finish the draft a few days earlier to leave time for checking it.
  • Ask a friend or a family member to check and comment on your essay. Professional writers write a few drafts of their work, and you, most likely, will have to do the same.
  • Work according to your own needs. For example, some people need a plan, while others believe that a formal plan kills inspiration. Find out what is best for you, and act accordingly.
  • Write in your own style. It is better to correctly use words that you know, than abuse words that you do not know, in an attempt to sound smarter.
  • Make sure that the quotes are given as accurately as possible, including inverted commas, statistics, and theoretical concepts. If in doubt, it’s better to be wrong in quoting than to be accused of not being able to conduct your research, which can lead to accusations of plagiarism.
  • Essays written at the last minute, suffer from a lack of logic and poor grammar. Remember that your teacher has read hundreds, if not thousands of student papers, and can easily understand that you wrote an essay at the last minute.

I know that you might still be lost in all these long explanations but bear with me. Here are some useful links you might like to review at Edusson :

  • Essay Topic Generator. Do not know how to name your essay? Then this link is just for you. Everything is simple, enter the keywords for your essay and select the category and you’ve got yourself a great title.
  • Essay Examples . I know that sometimes you just can’t start writing until you see how it is all supposed to look like. So, here you go – essay examples. Be sure not to rewrite the content, though.
  • Essay Checker . One of the most important parts of writing an essay is checking it once it’s done. You might write a great essay in terms of content, but if you have grammar mistakes or your answers are not relating to the questions, say goodbye to your good grade.
  • Essay Editing Service . Just to make sure you have not missed anything, use this service. Let a professional do their work.

Writing a good definition essay can be a challenging task. Students often need to pay for papers to be written for such assignments, and it is not always easy to find a reliable source for them. Fortunately, Edusson can provide quality papers and ensure that students get the best results. By using this custom essay writing service, students can be sure that their papers will meet the requirements of their professor and be of the highest quality.

So, that is it. I hope your skills will get even better now. Good luck!

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  • Narrative Essay: Useful Guidelines for Writing
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  • How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay: Effective Tips
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Academic writing: Writing critically

Learn how to show critical analysis in academic writing and write critically.

Critical analysis

Writing critically, writing a critique (or critical review).

What does the term “critical analysis” mean in the context of academic writing? Showing critical analysis in academic writing could mean:

  • Demonstrating your understanding of reading/evidence (“this appears to demonstrate that…”; “this implies…”; “this could result in…”).
  • Showing reasoning and conclusions from your reading/reflections (“therefore…”; “as such…”).
  • Considering questions such as “why”, “what if” and “so what”.
  • Showing you understand how different ideas/evidence/perspectives relate to each other (“this is linked to Smith's concept of X…”; Building on Jones (2012), Green (2016) suggests…”).
  • Demonstrating an understanding of how theories or research apply in your practice/context.
  • Identifying possible limitations of research/theory and how these relate to your own arguments or own context (“in the context of international development…”; “in terms of learning in the Science classroom…”).
  • Identifying how something could be interpreted or done differently (in relation to your reading and/or practice).

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If you have been told your writing is not critical enough, it probably means that your writing treats the knowledge claims as if they are true, well-supported, and applicable in the context you are writing about. This may not always be the case.

In these two examples, the extracts refer to the same section of text. In each example, the section that refers to a source has been highlighted in bold. The note below the example then explains how the writer has used the source material. 

Example a: " There is a strong positive effect on students, both educationally and emotionally, when the instructors try to learn to say students' names without making pronunciation errors (Kiang, 2004)". This is a simple paraphrase with no critical comment. It looks like the writer agrees with Kiang. This is not a good example of critical writing, as the writer has not made any critical comment.

Example b: "Kiang (2004) gives various examples to support his claim that 'the positive emotional and educational impact on students is clear' (p.210) when instructors try to pronounce students' names in the correct way. He quotes one student, Nguyet, as saying that he 'felt surprised and happy' (p.211) when the tutor said his name clearly . The emotional effect claimed by Kiang is illustrated in quotes such as these, although the educational impact is supported more indirectly through the chapter. Overall, he provides more examples of students being negatively affected by incorrect pronunciation, and it is difficult to find examples within the text of a positive educational impact as such". The writer describes Kiang's (2004) claim and the examples which he uses to try to support it. The writer then comments that the examples do not seem balanced and may not be enough to support the claims fully. This is a better example of writing which expresses criticality.

A critique (or critical review) is not to be mistaken for a literature review. A “critical review”, or “critique”, is a complete type of text (or genre), discussing one particular article or book in detail. In some instances, you may be asked to write a critique of two or three articles (e.g. a comparative critical review). In contrast, a “literature review”, which also needs to be “critical”, is a part of a larger type of text, such as a chapter of your dissertation. Most importantly: read your article/book as many times as possible, as this will make the critical review much easier.

Read and take notes

To improve your reading confidence and efficiency, visit our pages on reading. After you are familiar with the text, make notes on some of the following questions.

Choose the questions which seem suitable:

  • What kind of article is it (for example does it present data or does it present purely theoretical arguments)?
  • What is the main area under discussion?
  • What are the main findings?
  • What are the stated limitations?
  • Where does the author's data and evidence come from? Are they appropriate/sufficient?
  • What are the main issues raised by the author?
  • What questions are raised?
  • How well are these questions addressed?
  • What are the major points/interpretations made by the author in terms of the issues raised?
  • Is the text balanced? Is it fair/biased?
  • Does the author contradict herself?
  • How does all this relate to other literature on this topic?
  • How does all this relate to your own experience, ideas and views?
  • What else has this author written? Do these build/complement this text?
  • (Optional) Has anyone else reviewed this article? What did they say? Do I agree with them?

Organise your writing

You first need to summarise the text that you have read. One reason to summarise the text is that the reader may not have read the text. 

In your summary, you will:

  • Focus on points within the article that you think are interesting.
  • Summarise the author(s) main ideas or argument.
  • Explain how these ideas/argument have been constructed. For example, is the author basing her arguments on data that they have collected? Are the main ideas/argument purely theoretical?

In your summary you might answer the following questions:

  • Why is this topic important?
  • Where can this text be located? For example, does it address policy studies?
  • What other prominent authors also write about this?

Evaluation is the most important part in a critical review. Use the literature to support your views. You may also use your knowledge of conducting research, and your own experience. Evaluation can be explicit or implicit.

Explicit evaluation

Explicit evaluation involves stating directly (explicitly) how you intend to evaluate the text, e.g. "I will review this article by focusing on the following questions. First, I will examine the extent to which the authors contribute to current thought on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) pedagogy. After that, I will analyse whether the authors' propositions are feasible within overseas SLA classrooms."

Implicit evaluation

Implicit evaluation is less direct. The following section on Linguistic features of writing a critical review contains language that evaluates the text. A difficult part of the evaluation of a published text (and a professional author) is how to do this as a student. There is nothing wrong with making your position as a student explicit and incorporating it into your evaluation. Examples of how you might do this can be found in the section on Linguistic features of writing a critical review. You need to remember to locate and analyse the author's argument when you are writing your critical review. For example, you need to locate the authors' view of classroom pedagogy as presented in the book/article and not present a critique of views of classroom pedagogy in general.

Linguistic features of a critical review

The following examples come from published critical reviews. Some of them have been adapted for student use.

  • This article/book is divided into two/three parts. First...
  • While the title might suggest...
  • The tone appears to be...
  • [Title] is the first/second volume in the series [Title], edited by... The books/articles in this series address...
  • The second/third claim is based on...
  • The author challenges the notion that...
  • The author tries to find a more middle ground/make more modest claims...
  • The article/book begins with a short historical overview of...
  • Numerous authors have recently suggested that... (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]). [Author] would also be one such author. With his/her argument that...
  • To refer to [Title] as a... is not to say that it is...
  • This book/article is aimed at... This intended readership...
  • The author's book/article examines the... To do this, the author first...
  • The author develops/suggests a theoretical/pedagogical model to…
  • This book/article positions itself firmly within the field of...
  • The author in a series of subtle arguments, indicates that he/she...
  • The argument is therefore...
  • The author asks "..."
  • With a purely critical/postmodern take on...
  • [Topic], as the author points out, can be viewed as...
  • In this recent contribution to the field of... this British author...
  • As a leading author in the field of...
  • This book/article nicely contributes to the field of... and complements other work by this author...
  • The second/third part of... provides/questions/asks the reader...
  • [Title] is intended to encourage students/researchers to...
  • The approach taken by the author provides the opportunity to examine... in a qualitative/quantitative research framework that nicely complements...
  • The author notes/claims that state support/a focus on pedagogy/the adoption of...remains vital if...
  • According to [Author, Year] teaching towards examinations is not as effective as it is in other areas of the curriculum. This is because, as [Author, Year] claims that examinations have undue status within the curriculum.
  • According to [Author, Year]… is not as effective in some areas of the curriculum/syllabus as others. Therefore, the author believes that this is a reason for some schools…
  • This argument is not entirely convincing, as...furthermore it commodifies/rationalises the...
  • Over the last five/10 years the view of... has increasingly been viewed as “complicated” (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]).
  • However, through trying to integrate... with... the author...
  • There are difficulties with such a position.
  • Inevitably, several crucial questions are left unanswered/glossed over by this insightful/timely/interesting/stimulating book/article. Why should...
  • It might have been more relevant for the author to have written this book/article as...
  • This article/book is not without disappointment from those who would view... as...
  • This chosen framework enlightens/clouds...
  • This analysis intends to be... but falls a little short as...
  • The authors rightly conclude that if...
  • A detailed, well-written and rigorous account of...
  • As a Korean student I feel that this article/book very clearly illustrates...
  • The beginning of... provides an informative overview of...
  • The tables/figures do little to help/greatly help the reader...
  • The reaction by scholars who take a... approach might not be so favourable (e.g. Author, Year).
  • This explanation has a few weaknesses that other researchers have pointed out (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]). The first is...
  • On the other hand, the author wisely suggests/proposes that... By combining these two dimensions...
  • The author's brief introduction to... may leave the intended reader confused as it fails to properly...
  • Despite my inability to... I was greatly interested in...
  • Even where this reader/I disagree(s), the author's effort to...
  • The author thus combines... with... to argue... which seems quite improbable for a number of reasons. First...
  • Perhaps this aversion to... would explain the author's reluctance to...
  • As a second language student from ... I find it slightly ironic that such an Anglo-centric view is...
  • The reader is rewarded with...
  • Less convincing is the broad-sweeping generalisation that...
  • There is no denying the author's subject knowledge nor his/her...
  • The author's prose is dense and littered with unnecessary jargon...
  • The author's critique of...might seem harsh but is well supported within the literature (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]). Aligning herself with the author, [Author, Year] states that...
  • As it stands, the central focus of [Title] is well/poorly supported by its empirical findings...
  • Given the hesitation to generalise to... the limitation of... does not seem problematic...
  • For instance, the term... is never properly defined and the reader is left to guess as to whether...
  • Furthermore, to label... as... inadvertently misguides...
  • In addition, this research proves to be timely/especially significant to... as recent government policy/proposals has/have been enacted to...
  • On this well-researched/documented basis the author emphasises/proposes that...
  • Nonetheless, other research/scholarship/data tend to counter/contradict this possible trend/assumption... (see [Author, Year]; [Author, Year]).
  • Without entering into details of the..., it should be stated that [Title] should be read by... others will see little value in...
  • As experimental conditions were not used in the study the word “significant” misleads the reader.
  • The article/book becomes repetitious in its assertion that...
  • The thread of the author's argument becomes lost in an overuse of empirical data...
  • Almost every argument presented in the final section is largely derivative, providing little to say about...
  • She/he does not seem to take into consideration; however, that there are fundamental differences in the conditions of…
  • As [Author, Year] points out, however, it seems to be necessary to look at…
  • This suggests that having low… does not necessarily indicate that… is ineffective.
  • Therefore, the suggestion made by [Author, Year]… is difficult to support.
  • When considering all the data presented… it is not clear that the low scores of some students, indeed, reflect…
  • Overall, this article/book is an analytical look at... which within the field of... is often overlooked.
  • Despite its problems, [Title] offers valuable theoretical insights/interesting examples/a contribution to pedagogy and a starting point for students/researchers of... with an interest in...
  • This detailed and rigorously argued...
  • This first/second volume/book/article by... with an interest in... is highly informative...

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Critical Essay Writing

Cathy A.

Critical Essay - A Step by Step Guide & Examples

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A Comprehensive List of 260+ Inspiring Critical Essay Topics

Critical Essay Outline - Writing Guide With Examples

Many students find it tough to write a good critical essay because it's different from other essays. Understanding the deeper meanings in literature and creating a strong essay can be tricky.

This confusion makes it hard for students to analyze and explain literary works effectively. They struggle to create essays that show a strong understanding of the topic.

But don't worry! This guide will help. It gives step-by-step instructions, examples, and tips to make writing a great critical essay easier. By learning the key parts and looking at examples, students can master the skill of writing these essays.

Arrow Down

  • 1. Critical Essay Definition
  • 2. Techniques in Literary Critical Essays
  • 3. How to Write a Critical Essay?
  • 4. Critical Essay Examples
  • 5. Critical Essay Topics
  • 6. Tips For Writing a Critical Essay

Critical Essay Definition

A critical is a form of analytical essay that analyzes, evaluates, and interprets a piece of literature, movie, book, play, etc. 

The writer signifies the meaning of the text by claiming the themes. The claims are then supported by facts using primary and secondary sources of information.

What Makes An Essay Critical?

People often confuse this type of essay with an argumentative essay. It is because they both deal with claims and provide evidence on the subject matter. 

An argumentative essay uses evidence to persuade the reader. On the other hand, a critical analysis essay discusses the themes, analyzes, and interprets them for its audience. 

Here are the key characteristics of a critical essay:

  • Looking Beyond the Surface: In a critical essay, it's not just about summarizing. It goes deeper, looking into the hidden meanings and themes of the text.
  • Sharing Opinions with Evidence: It's not only about what you think. You need to back up your ideas with proof from the text or other sources.
  • Examining from Different Angles: A critical essay doesn't just focus on one side. It looks at different viewpoints and examines things from various perspectives.
  • Finding Strengths and Weaknesses: It's about discussing what's good and what's not so good in the text or artwork. This helps in forming a balanced opinion.
  • Staying Objective: Instead of being emotional, it stays fair and objective, using facts and examples to support arguments.
  • Creating a Strong Argument: A critical essay builds a strong argument by analyzing the content and forming a clear opinion that's well-supported.
  • Analyzing the 'Why' and 'How': It's not just about what happens in the text but why it happens and how it influences the overall meaning.

Techniques in Literary Critical Essays

Analyzing literature involves a set of techniques that form the backbone of literary criticism. Let's delve into these techniques, providing a comprehensive understanding before exploring illustrative examples:

Formalism in literary criticism directs attention to the inherent structure, style, and linguistic elements within a text. It is concerned with the way a work is crafted, examining how literary devices contribute to its overall impact.

Example: In Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights," a formalist analysis might emphasize the novel's intricate narrative structure and the use of Gothic elements.

Psychoanalytic Criticism

Psychoanalytic Criticism delves into the psychological motivations and subconscious elements of characters and authors. It often draws on psychoanalytic theories, such as those developed by Sigmund Freud, to explore the deeper layers of the human psyche reflected in literature.

Example: In "Orlando," Virginia Woolf employs psychoanalytic elements to symbolically explore identity and gender fluidity. The protagonist's centuries-spanning transformation reflects Woolf's subconscious struggles, using fantasy as a lens to navigate psychological complexities.

Feminist Criticism

Feminist Criticism evaluates how gender roles, stereotypes, and power dynamics are portrayed in literature. It seeks to uncover and challenge representations that may perpetuate gender inequalities or reinforce stereotypes.

Example: Applying feminist criticism to Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" involves scrutinizing the representation of women's mental health and societal expectations.

Marxist Criticism

Marxist Criticism focuses on economic and social aspects, exploring how literature reflects and critiques class structures. It examines how power dynamics, societal hierarchies, and economic systems are portrayed in literary works.

Example: Analyzing George Orwell's "Animal Farm" through a Marxist lens involves examining its allegorical representation of societal class struggles.

Cultural Criticism

Cultural Criticism considers the cultural context and societal influences shaping the creation and reception of literature. It examines how cultural norms, values, and historical contexts impact the meaning and interpretation of a work.

Example: Cultural criticism of Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" may delve into the impact of colonialism on African identity.

Postcolonial Criticism

Postcolonial Criticism examines the representation of colonial and postcolonial experiences in literature. It explores how authors engage with and respond to the legacy of colonialism, addressing issues of identity, cultural hybridity, and power.

Example: A postcolonial analysis of Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children" may explore themes of identity and cultural hybridity.

Understanding these techniques provides a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the diverse landscape of literary criticism.

How to Write a Critical Essay?

Crafting a critical essay involves a step-by-step process that every student can follow to create a compelling piece of analysis.

Step 1: Explore the Subject in Depth

Start by diving into the primary subject of the work. When critically reading the original text, focus on identifying key elements:

  • Main themes: Discover the central ideas explored in the work.
  • Different features: Examine the distinctive components and specific details in the story.
  • Style: Observe the techniques and writing style  used to persuade the audience.
  • Strengths and weaknesses: Evaluate notable aspects and potential shortcomings.

Step 2: Conduct Research

To support your insights, conduct thorough research using credible sources. 

Take detailed notes as you read, highlighting key points and interesting quotes. Also make sure you’re paying attention to the specific points that directly support and strengthen your analysis of the work. 

Step 3: Create an Outline

After you have gathered the sources and information, organize what you have in an outline. This will serve as a roadmap for your writing process, ensuring a structured essay.

Here is a standard critical essay outline:

[Engaging sentence to captivate the reader's attention]
[Brief context about the subject or work being analyzed]
[Clearly state your main argument or evaluation]

[Summarize the main aspects of the work]
[Describe the methods or techniques employed by the creator]
[Concise overview of the work's main ideas or narrative structure]

[Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the work]
[Break down the work into specific components for detailed evaluation]
[Support your analysis with evidence from the work]

[Critically assess the effectiveness and impact of the work]
[Discuss the author's intentions and how well they were conveyed]
[Highlight any flaws, inconsistencies, or limitations in the work]

[Incorporate additional evidence from external sources]
[Ensure proper citation and referencing of external sources]

[Anticipate potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints]
[Offer a thoughtful response or rebuttal]

[Recap key points discussed in the essay]
[Reiterate the thesis statement in light of your analysis]
[Highlight the broader implications or significance of your critique]
[End with a thought-provoking statement or a call to further reflection]

Make sure to structure and organize your critical essay with this in-depth guide on creating a critical essay outline !

Step 4: Develop Your Thesis Statement

Create a strong thesis statement encapsulating your stance on the subject. This statement will guide the content in the body sections.

A good thesis keeps your essay clear and organized, making sure all your points fit together. To make a strong thesis, first, be clear about what main idea you want to talk about. Avoid being vague and clearly state your key arguments and analysis. 

Here's what a typical thesis statement for a critical essay looks like:

"In [Title/Author/Work], [Your Main Claim] because [Brief Overview of Reasons/Key Points] . Through a focused analysis of [Specific Aspects or Elements] , this essay aims to [Purpose of the Critical Examination] ."

Step 5: Decide on Supporting Material

While reading the text, select compelling pieces of evidence that strongly support your thesis statement. Ask yourself:

  • Which information is recognized by authorities in the subject?
  • Which information is supported by other authors?
  • Which information best defines and supports the thesis statement?

Step 6: Include an Opposing Argument

Present an opposing argument that challenges your thesis statement. This step requires you critically read your own analysis and find counterarguments so you can refute them.

This not only makes your discussion richer but also makes your own argument stronger by addressing different opinions. 

Step 7:  Critical Essay Introduction

Begin your critical essay with an introduction that clearly suggests the reader what they should expect from the rest of the essay. Here are the essential elements of an introduction paragraph:

  • Hook: Start with a compelling opening line that captivates your reader's interest.
  • Background Information: Provide essential context to ensure your readers grasp the subject matter. Add brief context of the story that contributes to a better understanding.
  • Thesis Statement: Conclude with a clear thesis statement, summarizing the core argument of your critical essay. This serves as a roadmap, guiding the reader through the main focus of your analysis.

Step 8: Critical Essay Body Paragraphs

The body presents arguments and supporting evidence. Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence, addressing a specific idea. Use transitional words to guide the reader seamlessly through your analysis.

Here’s the standard format for a critical essay body paragraph:

  • Topic Sentence: Introduces the central idea of the paragraph, acting as a roadmap for the reader.
  • Analysis: Objectively examines data, facts, theories, and approaches used in the work.
  • Evaluation: Assesses the work based on earlier claims and evidence, establishing logical consistency.
  • Relate Back to Topic Sentence: Reinforces how the analyzed details connect to the main idea introduced at the beginning of the paragraph.
  • Transition: Creates a seamless transition from one body paragraph to the next.

Step 9: Critical Essay Conclusion

Summarize your key points in the conclusion. Reiterate the validity of your thesis statement, the main point of your essay. 

Finally, offer an objective analysis in your conclusion. Look at the broader picture and discuss the larger implications or significance of your critique. Consider how your analysis fits into the larger context and what it contributes to the understanding of the subject.

Step 10: Proofread and Edit

Allocate time for meticulous revision. Scrutinize your essay for errors. Rectify all mistakes to ensure a polished academic piece.

Following these steps will empower you to dissect a work critically and present your insights persuasively.

Critical Essay Examples

Writing a critical essay about any theme requires you take on different approaches. Here are some examples of critical essays about literary works and movies exploring different themes:

Critical Essay About A Movie

Equality By Maya Angelou Critical Essay

Higher English Critical Essay

Analysis Critical Essay Example

Critical Essay on Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness

Critical Essay On Tess Of The d'Urbervilles

Critical Essay Topics

A strong critical essay topic is both interesting and relevant, encouraging in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.

A good critical essay topic tackles current issues, questions established ideas, and has enough existing literature for thorough research. Here are some critical analysis topic:

  • The Representation of Diversity in Modern Literature
  • Impact of Social Media on Character Relationships in Novels
  • Challenging Stereotypes: Gender Portrayal in Contemporary Fiction
  • Exploring Economic Disparities in Urban Novels
  • Postcolonial Themes in Global Literature
  • Mental Health Narratives: Realism vs. Romanticism
  • Ecocriticism: Nature's Role in Classic Literature
  • Unveiling Power Struggles in Family Dynamics in Literary Works
  • Satire and Political Commentary in Modern Fiction
  • Quest for Identity: Coming-of-Age Novels in the 21st Century

Need more topic ideas? Check out these interesting and unique critical essay topics and get inspired!

Tips For Writing a Critical Essay

Become a skilled critical essay writer by following these practical tips:

  • Dig deep into your topic. Understand themes, characters, and literary elements thoroughly.
  • Think about different opinions to make your argument stronger and show you understand the whole picture.
  • Get information from reliable places like books, academic journals, and experts to make your essay more trustworthy.
  • Make a straightforward and strong statement that sums up your main point.
  • Support your ideas with solid proof from the text or other sources. Use quotes, examples, and references wisely.
  • Keep a neutral and academic tone. Avoid sharing too many personal opinions and focus on analyzing the facts.
  • Arrange your essay logically with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Make sure your ideas flow well.
  • Go beyond just summarizing. Think deeply about the strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact of the work.
  • Read through your essay multiple times to fix mistakes and make sure it's clear. A well-edited essay shows you care about the details.

You can use these tips to make your critical essays more insightful and well-written. Now that you have this helpful guide, you can start working on your critical essay. 

If it seems too much, no worries. Our essay writing website is here to help. 

Our experienced writers can handle critical essays on any topic, making it easier for you. Just reach out, and we've got your back throughout your essay journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many paragraphs is a critical essay.

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Keep in mind that every sentence should communicate the point. Every paragraph must support your thesis statement either by offering a claim or presenting an argument, and these are followed up with evidence for success! Most critical essays will have three to six paragraphs unless otherwise specified on examinations so make sure you follow them closely if applicable.

Can critical essays be in the first person?

The critical essay is an informative and persuasive work that stresses the importance of your argument. You need to support any claims or observations with evidence, so in order for it to be most effective, you should avoid using first-person pronouns like I/me when writing this type of paper.

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critical essay topics

The Writing Guide

  • The First Thing
  • Step 1: Understanding the essay question
  • Step 2: Critical note-taking

Step 1.2 - Finding resources

Being "critical" in an academic context, note taking methods, mind mapping video, the cornell method of critical note-taking, cornell video.

  • Step 3: Planning your assignment
  • Step 4a: Effective writing
  • Step 4b: Summarizing & paraphrasing
  • Step 4c: Academic language
  • Step 5: Editing and reviewing
  • Getting started with research
  • Working with keywords
  • Evaluating sources
  • Research file
  • Reading Smarter
  • Sample Essay
  • What, why, where, when, who?
  • Referencing styles
  • Writing Resources
  • Exams and Essay Questions

notes on critical essay

You will cover the research skills needed to find material for your essay in the Finding Resources section, after the Writing Process.

For now, remember that the information you should be using for your assignments should be the best information you can find - current, relevant, scholarly and written by a reputable author .

Part of your job as a critical thinker and note-taker is to work out whether the material you are using matches that description.

When you are asked to be "critical" in university, they don't want you to be negative, they want you to be thoughtful.

You need to pull things apart to see what's going on beneath the surface, rather than take things at face value - ask a lot of question, particularly along the lines of:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of this argument?
  • How does it relate to the other information I've read?
  • Is any information missing or unclear?
  • What issues need to be addressed, but haven't been?
  • Is there any evidence of bias or prejudice?
  • What more do I need to know to get a good understanding of this topic?

And, remember, you're looking for everything - good, bad or neutral - not just what's "bad".

There are many ways to take notes, and you need to find the one that works best for you. You need a note-taking method that helps you:

  • Outline the main points and ideas
  • See the connections between the ideas in the paper/lecture
  • See the connections between what you are reading now and what you have read before
  • Find questions that need to be answered.

Two popular (and very different) forms of note taking are mind mapping/concept mapping and the Cornell method.

Mind maps allow you to free-associate ideas and visual depict concepts and connections.

  • Mind Mapping JCU Learning Centre's guid to constructing mind maps and using mind mapping to prepare for essays and take notes
  • How to create a mind map By the RMIT Learning Lab
  • Mind mapping A brilliant handout on using mind mapping, including advice for how to turn your mind map into an assignment

This video by a student shows you how to use mind maps to outline concepts for an exam topic. It can also be used to outline the themes and concepts of an article - or to show how several articles fit together to tackle the topic of your assignment. If you were going to use this to prepare for an assignment, you should consider adding quick in-text references next to notes. Something as simple as the first author and the year of publication (Smith, 2018) will help you find that article again later, when you need to reference it properly for your assignment.

The Cornell Method of note-taking encourages you to take critical notes when reading journal articles, course readings and text book chapters. This note-taking template can also be used to make notes in lectures, tutorials, practicals and workshops.  Instead of making pages and pages of notes, this framework encourages you to indentify main themes and concepts, key notes, quotes, examples and evidence while drawing conclusions and examining implications of what you are reading.

  • Cornell Method Template This is a blank template for you to take critical notes of what you are reading.
  • Reviewing Scholarly Publications This template is design to assist in the process of taking effective notes as you read scholarly publications.
  • Cornell Method - Journal Article Simple Cornell Method template for use for journal articles.
  • Reading Guide This critical reading template prompts you to identify main points, supporting evidence and an interpretation about the text you are reading.

This is a simple version of the Cornell method, suitable for high school students. You may want something more detailed than this, or this method may be exactly what you need. If you are using this method to take notes about a source for your assignment, remember to always note the details needed for referencing on the first page of your notes.

  • << Previous: Step 1: Understanding the essay question
  • Next: Step 3: Planning your assignment >>
  • Last Updated: May 13, 2024 5:20 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.jcu.edu.au/writing

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Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology

This essay is about critical reflection in psychology emphasizing its importance in making informed decisions and analyzing information. It highlights how psychologists use critical thinking to evaluate research design studies and interpret evidence. The essay also discusses the role of critical reflection in psychological education and its application in clinical practice for diagnosing and treating patients. Additionally it underscores the relevance of critical thinking skills in everyday life for evaluating information and making decisions.

How it works

A critical reflection in psychology plugs the systematic estimation of information certificates and arguments to heave up the informed decisions and ideas. Then is the foundational training that psychologists and scientists use identically to analyse synthesize and estimate ideas within the limits of the field. This essay investigates determination importance and addition of critical reflection in psychology distinguishing his role in research education and everyday life.

In his kernel a critical reflection in psychology contains ability to question suppositions examine alternative explanations and draw out the logical suggestions based on a certificate.

Then goes beyond memorizing of facts or acceptance of information for a clean coin in exchange doing an accent on importance of scepticism and intellectual curiosity. Psychologists apply critical reflection to interpret experience exposures estimate a ground to the theory and develop the innovative going near understanding of human maintenance. One key aspect of critical reflection in psychology is his role in an experience methodology. Psychologists must critically estimate a design and implementation of studies by the way definiteness and ground of measuring potential warning and generalizability of exposures. Hiring critical intellectual habits researchers can identify defects in the design of study to repeat experiments to check results and to assist certain knowledge to the field.

In addition critical reflection of integral to psychological education. Encourage that students analysed psychological theories estimate an empiric certificate and attract to argue debates to deepen their understanding of the complicated concepts. Through setting for example analyses of case literary reviews and experimental criticisms teachers encourage ability of students’ to think critically and apply psychological principles to the real scenarios. In practice psychologists use critical thinking to inform clinical decisions diagnose disorders and develop treatment plans tailored to individual needs. For instance when assessing a patient’s symptoms a clinical psychologist applies critical thinking to differentiate between potential diagnoses consider co-occurring factors and determine the most effective interventions based on empirical evidence and clinical expertise.

Beyond academia and clinical practice critical thinking in psychology extends to everyday life. Individuals utilize critical thinking skills to evaluate media messages assess the credibility of sources and make informed decisions about their health relationships and career paths. By cultivating critical thinking abilities individuals can navigate complex situations solve problems effectively and adapt to changing circumstances in a rapidly evolving world.

In conclusion critical thinking in psychology is a multifaceted skill that involves questioning assumptions analyzing evidence and making reasoned judgments. It plays a crucial role in research education clinical practice and everyday decision-making. By fostering critical thinking skills psychologists contribute to the advancement of knowledge and empower individuals to think more critically about themselves and the world around them.


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Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-critical-thinking-in-psychology/

"Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology." PapersOwl.com , 6 Jul 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-critical-thinking-in-psychology/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-critical-thinking-in-psychology/ [Accessed: 8 Jul. 2024]

"Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology." PapersOwl.com, Jul 06, 2024. Accessed July 8, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-critical-thinking-in-psychology/

"Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology," PapersOwl.com , 06-Jul-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-critical-thinking-in-psychology/. [Accessed: 8-Jul-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-critical-thinking-in-psychology/ [Accessed: 8-Jul-2024]

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Guest Essay

Notes From a Formerly Unpromising Young Person

A small clay figure sits on a chair, with a dark cloud pouring rain on her. A larger clay figure hands her an umbrella.

By Rachel Louise Snyder

Ms. Snyder is a contributing Opinion writer and the author of the memoir “Women We Buried, Women We Burned.”

In 2007 my email inbox dinged with a name I recognized but hadn’t seen in more than 20 years. I was living at the time in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, working as a journalist. I recorded stories from across Southeast Asia for public radio and was about to publish my first book. The email’s sender said he’d wanted to reach out to me for a long time. He was retired and was driving a camper through the West and Southwest United States with his wife. And he’d never forgotten me.

His name was Jim Dollinger. Dean Jim Dollinger, if you want to be professional about it. For two years, he watched the implosion of my dismal high school career from his administrative perch as dean of students. In the email, he said he’d followed my work in the two decades since, reading some of my early writing in The Chicago Tribune, where I got my start, and every now and again he looked me up to see what I was up to.

And then he apologized. He apologized to me. He said he felt the school had failed me. “Schools just didn’t know what to do with kids like you in those days,” he wrote; they weren’t equipped to deal with my situation.

My situation was this: I was finishing my sophomore year of high school and had probably attended fewer days than I’d missed. I’d failed nearly all my classes, and my transcript boasted a 0.47. (I say “boasted” because you really do have to miss quite a lot of school to fail so spectacularly.) Then there were the fistfights. The weed. The acid.

All of this was the public face of my private hell. My mother died when I was 8, and my father remarried quickly, moved us across the country and enrolled us in a religious school, throwing my brother and me into physical and emotional chaos. My new family and those in our social circles used the scrim of evangelicalism to justify or ignore stunning levels of abuse and violence. My response to this was to fight back, to sneak out, to do whatever drugs I could corral, to fight, to flee. Once, I sat on the floor in front of my father slicing at my wrists with a fishing knife.

But it was the suspensions that did me in at school; more than seven in a single academic year doomed you. And I had well over seven. I might have had 17.

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    Step 3: Taking notes technique! The best is to write it in a "position - explanation - evidence" template, starting from your critical essay introduction. It will help you to check things twice and determine the pros and cons of the author's position.

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    May 4, 2024. A Critical Analysis Essay is a form of academic writing that requires students to extract information and critically analyze a specific topic. The task may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can become an exciting task. Critical Analysis Essays help students improve their analytical skills and foster principles of logic.

  3. How to Write a Critical Essay

    A critical essay is a form of academic writing that analyzes, interprets, and/or evaluates a text. In a critical essay, an author makes a claim about how particular ideas or themes are conveyed in a text, then supports that claim with evidence from primary and/or secondary sources. In casual conversation, we often associate the word "critical ...

  4. How to Write a Critical Essay (with Pictures)

    3. Take notes as you read your text. Taking notes as you read will help your to remember important aspects of the text, and it will also help you to think critically about the text. Keep some key questions in mind as you read and attempt to answer those questions through your notes.

  5. What is a critical essay and how is it written?

    Share Cite. A critical essay combines a text (whether literary or otherwise academic) and your analysis of that text with expert opinion and contextual background. The aim of the critical essay is ...

  6. What Is a Critical Analysis Essay? Simple Guide With Examples

    A critical analysis essay requires you to analyze a subject and determine its meaning, backing it with evidence and ideas of your own. ... but we can at least give you an example of a critical analysis essay to show you how it might look. Note that we're not in the business of giving away free essays, and that this is purely to help you see a ...

  7. How to write a critical essay

    Researching, mind mapping and making notes will help sort and prioritise your ideas. If you are writing a critical essay, planning will help you decide which parts of the text to focus on and what ...

  8. How to write a critical analysis

    How to outline and write a critical analysis essay. Writing a critical analysis essay involves two main chunks of work: reading the text you are going to write about and writing an analysis of that text. ... If you have time, read through the text once to get the gist and a second time to take notes. Outlining your essay can help you save time ...

  9. Critical writing

    Quoting, paraphrasing and synthesising. Using evidence to build critical arguments. This guide contains key resources to introduce you to the features of critical writing. For more in-depth advice and guidance on critical writing, visit our specialist academic writing guides: Academic writing: Criticality in academic writing.

  10. How to Write a Critical Analysis Essay

    How to Write a Critical Analysis Essay. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read. Critical analysis essays can be a daunting form of academic writing, but crafting a good critical analysis paper can be straightforward if you have the right approach.

  11. Critical Essay: The Complete Guide. Essay Topics, Examples and Outlines

    A critical essay is an analysis of any piece of text. It can be a book, a movie, an article or even a painting. The main point of this type of an essay is to interpret text or position it in a wider context. For instance, if you write a critical analysis of a book, you may analyze the tone of its text and find out how it influences the overall ...

  12. Academic writing: Writing critically

    A critique (or critical review) is not to be mistaken for a literature review. A "critical review", or "critique", is a complete type of text (or genre), discussing one particular article or book in detail. In some instances, you may be asked to write a critique of two or three articles (e.g. a comparative critical review).

  13. How to Craft a Critical Essay

    Take detailed notes as you read, highlighting key points and interesting quotes. Also make sure you're paying attention to the specific points that directly support and strengthen your analysis of the work. ... A strong critical essay topic is both interesting and relevant, encouraging in-depth analysis and unique perspectives. A good ...

  14. What is a Critical Essay

    Critical Essay Definition. A critical essay is a form of academic writing in which a writer evaluates and analyzes a text. It can be a book, article, or movie, etc. In this type of writing, the main objective is not to convince your audience but to create an informative analysis. You have to come up with your interpretation and prove with facts ...

  15. PDF Analysis/ CRITICAL ESSAY

    CRITICAL ESSAY Characteristics of a Critical Essay The purpose is to analyze and evaluate a work (a book, a theory, a plan of action) (Note: Analysis means to break down and study the parts. Evaluate means to assess strengths and weaknesses). Writer's position is supported with detailed evidence documented by quotes and paraphrases

  16. How to write a critical essay How to analyse in a critical essay

    National 5; How to write a critical essay How to analyse in a critical essay. Critical analysis is where you make an argument about a text you have read, providing points to support your case.

  17. Hamlet Critical Essays

    One may smile, and smile, and be a villain' (1.5.109). Hamlet is determined to act without delay, and swears as much to his father. We know, however, that if this is all there is, this is going to ...

  18. Macbeth: Critical Essays

    Get free homework help on William Shakespeare's Macbeth: play summary, scene summary and analysis and original text, quotes, essays, character analysis, and filmography courtesy of CliffsNotes. In Macbeth , William Shakespeare's tragedy about power, ambition, deceit, and murder, the Three Witches foretell Macbeth's rise to King of Scotland but also prophesy that future kings will descend from ...

  19. How to write a critical essay Example Critical Essay notes

    Example Critical Essay Notes: 'Sonnet 18' by William Shakespeare During the block of learning on this text, your class made the following jotter notes: Notes

  20. Notes From Underground Critical Overview

    Critical Overview. Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground "evoked little critical comment," said Richard Peace, writing in his study Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground. One of the reasons ...

  21. Library Guides: The Writing Guide: Step 2: Critical note-taking

    Step 1.2 - Finding resources. Between Step One and Step Two of the writing process is the need to go out and find some resources. You will cover the research skills needed to find material for your essay in the Finding Resources section, after the Writing Process. For now, remember that the information you should be using for your assignments ...

  22. Lord of the Flies: Critical Essays

    Get free homework help on William Golding's Lord of the Flies: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. In Lord of the Flies , British schoolboys are stranded on a tropical island. In an attempt to recreate the culture they left behind, they elect Ralph to lead, with the intellectual Piggy as counselor.

  23. The Value and Evolution of Cliff Notes in Modern Education

    The critical essays and thematic discussions in the guides push students to dive deeper into the material sparking a real love for literature. But of course there's a bit of controversy. Some folks worry that students might skip the actual books and just rely on Cliff Notes missing out on the full experience of reading.

  24. Persuasive Essay

    Philosophy document from Grand Canyon University, 5 pages, 1 Persuasive Essay: First Draft Jeanne Holland Colangelo College of Business, Grand Canyon University PHI 105: 21st Century Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Dr. Vasquez-Levy Due 7/30/2023 2 When one thinks of nature, when left to its own maki

  25. Understanding Critical Thinking in Psychology

    Essay Example: A critical reflection in psychology plugs the systematic estimation of information certificates and arguments to heave up the informed decisions and ideas. Then is the foundational training that psychologists and scientists use identically to analyse synthesize and estimate ideas ... The Value and Evolution of Cliff Notes in ...

  26. Student essay: Critical thinking class should be open to more teens

    Student essay: Critical thinking class should be open to more teens . July 1, 2024 at 6:00 am Updated July 1, ... Editor's note: The intersections of art and education are often overlooked. The ...

  27. Notes From Underground Critical Essays

    Essays and criticism on Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground - Critical Essays. Select an area of the website to search. Search this site Go Start an essay Ask a question ...

  28. Biden's ABC interview does nothing to quell the existential crisis

    President Joe Biden's struggle to prove he's got the strength and cognitive capacity for a second term is becoming an excruciating personal and national ordeal.

  29. Journal Critique Critical-Creative Assessment (docx)

    The students were given 120 minutes to read the text, identify a problem given in the text, find the root of the problem, come up with three potential solutions for the problem, explain why they believe one solution is the best, create a framework of their essay and complete their essay of 450-600 words in four or five paragraphs (Priyatni et ...

  30. Opinion

    Guest Essay. Notes From a Formerly Unpromising Young Person. July 5, 2024. Credit... Joanne Joo. Share full article. 348. By Rachel Louise Snyder.