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mesne process

  • A directive such as a writ, issued during a legal proceeding
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Legal Dictionary

Mesne Assignment

Concept of mesne assignment in the context of real property.

A short definition of Mesne Assignment: Assignment from A to B to C to D would be described as passing from A by “mesne assignments” to D.

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The Law Dictionary

TheLaw.com Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.

Intermediate; intervening; the middle between two extremes, especially of rank or time. An intermediate lor,d; a lord who. stood between a tenant and the chief lord; a lord who was also a tenant “Lord, mesne, and tenant; the tenant hojdeth by four pence, and the mesne by twelve pence.” Co. Litt. 23a. Mesne assignment. If A. grant a lease of land to B., andB. assign his interest to C, and” . in his turn assign his interest therein to D., in this case the assignments so made by B. and C would be termed “mesne assignments;” that is, they would be assignments intervening between A.’s original grant and the vesting of D. ‘8 interest in the land under the last assignment Brown. Mesne incumbrance. An intermediate charge, burden, or liability; an incumbrance which has been created or has attached to property between two given periods. Mesne lord. In old English law. A middle or intermediate lord; a lord who held of a superior lord. 2 Bl. Comm. 59. More commonly termed a “mesne,” (q. v.) Mesne, writ of. An ancient and abolished writ, which was when the lord paramount distrained on the tenant paravail. The latter had a writ of mesne against the mesne lord.” As to mesne “Conveyance,” “Process,” and “Profits,” see those titles.

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MESNE CONVEYANCE Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & citations:.

An intermediate conveyance; one occupying an intermediate position in a chain of title between the first grantee and the present holder.

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Intermediate; intervening; the middle between two extremes, especially of rank or time. In feudal law, an intermediate lord; a lord who stood between a tenant and the chief lord; a lord who was also a tenant.


Feudalism .

(mean, with a silent s) adj. from Norman French for intermediate, the middle point between two extremes. It is seldom used, except in reference to "mesne profits." (See: mesne profits )

MESNE. The middle between two extremes, that part between the commencement and the end, as it relates to time.      2. Hence the profits which a man receives between disseisin and recovery of lands are called mesne profits. (q.v.) Process which is issued in a suit between the original and final process, is called mesne process. (q.v.)      3. In England, the word mesne also applies to a dignity: those persons who hold lordships or manors of some superior who is called lord paramount, and grant the same to inferior persons, are called mesne lords.

MESNE, WRIT of. The name of an ancient writ, which lies when: the lord paramount distrains on the tenant paravail; the latter shall have a writ of mesne against the lord who is mesne. F. N. B. 316.

PROCESS, MESNE, practice. By this term is generally understood any writ issued in the course of a suit between the original process and execution.      2. By this term is also meant the writ or proceedings in an action to summon or bring the defendant into court, or compel him to appear or put in bail, and then to hear and answer the plaintiffs claim. 3 Chit. Pr. 140.

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An assignment from X to Y, then from Y to Z, then from Z to A would be described as passing from X by mesne assignments to A. Any assignment before the last one.

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  • intermediate or intervening.

a mesne assignment

  • mesne profits rents or profits accruing during the rightful owner's exclusion from his land

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Word history and origins.

Origin of mesne 1

Example Sentences

An important alteration in the law took place this session, in the abolition of imprisonment for debt on mesne process.

Having effected this object it seemed but right to abolish imprisonment on mesne process.

Resigned to accept position of Register of Mesne Conveyances, a very important office which he held for several years.

Vavassors, that is, mesne tenants, are particularly mentioned in one enumeration of barons attending the court.

The point of particular reform aimed at by the Bill was to abolish what was called arrest on mesne process.


Simple English definitions for legal terms

mesne conveyance

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A quick definition of mesne conveyance:

A mesne conveyance is a legal term that refers to an intermediate transfer of property ownership between the original owner and the current owner. It is a document that shows the chain of title for a property, indicating all the previous owners and how the property was transferred from one owner to another. This type of conveyance is important in determining the legal ownership of a property and is often used in real estate transactions.

A more thorough explanation:

Mesne conveyance is a legal term that refers to an intermediate conveyance, which is a transfer of property or a right that occurs between the first grantee and the current holder. It is a conveyance that occupies an intermediate position in the chain of title .

For example, if John sells a property to Jane, and then Jane sells the same property to Tom, the conveyance from Jane to Tom is a mesne conveyance because it occurs between the first grantee (John) and the current holder (Tom).

Mesne conveyance is an important concept in real estate law because it helps to establish a clear chain of title, which is necessary for determining ownership and resolving disputes over property rights.

mesne assignment | mesne encumbrance

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Bloomer v. McQuewan, 55 U.S. 539 (1852)

U.S. Supreme Court

Bloomer v. McQuewan

55 U.S. (14 How.) 539

The patent for Woodworth's planing machine was extended from 1842 to 1843, by the Board of commissioners.

Under that extension, this Court decided, in Wilson v. Rousseau , 4 How. 688, that an assignee had a right to continue the use of the machine which he then had.

In 1845, Congress, by a special act, extended the time still further from 1849 to 1856. Under that extension, an assignee has still the same right.

By the cases of Evans v. Eaton , 3 Wheat. 548, and Wilson v. Rousseau , 4 How. 688, these two propositions are settled, viz.:

1. That a special act of Congress in favor of a patentee extending the time beyond that originally limited must be considered as engrafted on the general law.

2. That under the general law in force when this special act of Congress was passed, a party who had purchased the right to use a planing machine during the period to which the patent was first limited was entitled to continue to use it during the extension authorized by that law unless there is something in the law itself to forbid it.

But there is nothing in the act of Congress passed in 1845 forbidding such use, and therefore the assignee has the right.

MR. JUSTICE CURTIS, having been of counsel, did not sit on the trial of this cause, and MR. JUSTICE WAYNE was absent.

This appeal was a bill filed by Bloomer, who claimed under Wilson,, the assignee of Woodworth's planing machine. The whole of

Page 55 U. S. 540

Wilson's title is set forth in the report of the case of Wilson v. Rousseau , 4 How. 646, as is also the Act of Congress passed on 26 February, 1845, 4 How. 45 U. S. 662 , extending the patent for seven years from 27 December, 1849.

McQuewan claimed, through two mesne assignments from Woodworth and Strong, by virtue of a license granted on 8 November, 1833.

The bill and answer covered a great deal of ground which needs not be noticed in this report.

Amongst other averments was this -- that the license conveyed no right to use the machine during the extension for seven years from 1849 under the act of Congress passed in 1845, and the decision of the court being in favor of the defendants below upon this point, it is unnecessary to state all the points and arguments upon other matters.

The court below were divided in opinion, and the bill was of course dismissed. Bloomer appealed to this Court.

Page 55 U. S. 547

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Some case metadata and case summaries were written with the help of AI, which can produce inaccuracies. You should read the full case before relying on it for legal research purposes.

mesne profits

Primary tabs.

Mesne (reads as “mean”) profits is the damages for trespass. The term “mesne profits” means “intermediate profits.” (See Cracchiolo v. State, 146 Ariz. 452(Appeals Court, Division 2,1985) for more detail.) If a trespasser has created any damage to the landowner, such as lower the value of the land, or has taken the land’s occupation value, the trespasser would have to compensate the landowner.

Mesne profits often result from the trespasser’s removal of products of the land, such as minerals, timber, etc. They can also be resulted from a hold-over case, in which case the landlord can be recovered for rental value.

[Last updated in August of 2020 by the Wex Definitions Team ]

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Definition of mesne

Word history.

Anglo-French mesne, meiene — more at mean

circa 1558, in the meaning defined above

Phrases Containing mesne

Dictionary entries near mesne, cite this entry.

“Mesne.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mesne. Accessed 9 Jun. 2024.

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What does the word mesne mean?

There are eight meanings listed in OED's entry for the word mesne , six of which are labelled obsolete. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

mesne has developed meanings and uses in subjects including

How common is the word mesne ?

How is the word mesne pronounced?

British english, u.s. english, where does the word mesne come from.

Earliest known use

Middle English

The earliest known use of the word mesne is in the Middle English period (1150—1500).

OED's earliest evidence for mesne is from 1439, in Rolls of Parliament .

mesne is of multiple origins. Probably partly a borrowing from Law French. Probably partly a borrowing from French.

Etymons: Law French mesne ; French mesne , mene .

Nearby entries

  • mesmero-, comb. form
  • mesmero-mania, n. 1843
  • mesmero-phrenological, adj. 1842
  • mesmero-phrenology, n. 1842
  • mesnage, n. 1667
  • mesnage, v. 1654–95
  • mesnagery, n. 1653–93
  • mesnagier, n. 1693
  • mesnality, n. 1643–1848
  • mesnalty, n. 1542–1768
  • mesne, adv., adj., & n. 1439–
  • mesne encumbrance, n. 1812–
  • mesne land, n. a1575
  • mesne lord, n. 1611–
  • mesne process, n. a1625–
  • mesne profits, n. a1558–
  • mesne tenant, n. 1853–
  • meso, adj. 1896–
  • meso-, comb. form
  • Mesoamerica, n. 1948–
  • Mesoamerican, adj. & n. 1948–

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mesne, adv., adj., & n. was revised in September 2001.

mesne, adv., adj., & n. was last modified in March 2024.

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Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into mesne, adv., adj., & n. in March 2024.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

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Mesne assignment — In property law, a mesne assignment is an intermediate assignment in a series of assignments which occurs prior to the final assignment. Categories: Property lawLegal term stubs …   Wikipedia

mesne assignment — If A. grant a lease of land to B., and B. assign his interest to C., and C. in his turn assign his interest therein to D., in this case the assignments so made by B. and C. would be termed mesne assignments; that is, they would be assignments… …   Black's law dictionary

List of law topics (F-M) — NOTOC Law [From Old English lagu something laid down or fixed ; legal comes from Latin legalis , from lex law , statute ( [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=law searchmode=none Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [http://www.m… …   Wikipedia

List of Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom Parliament, 1820-1839 — This is an incomplete list of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the years 1820 1839. For acts passed prior to 1707 see List of Acts of Parliament of the English Parliament and List of Acts of Parliament of the Scottish… …   Wikipedia

conveyance — /kanveyans/ In its most common usage, transfer of title to land from one person, or class of persons, to another by deed. Term may also include assignment, lease, mortgage or encumbrance of land. Generally, every instrument in writing by which an …   Black's law dictionary

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UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/miːn/US:USA pronunciation: respellingUSA pronunciation: respelling(mēn) | | | | | | |
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
mesne    adj. [Law.] intermediate or intervening. mean
/miːn/ adj : a mesne assignmentrents or profits accruing during the rightful owner's exclusion from his landEtymology: 15th Century: from legal French in the middle, mean³
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  1. mesne assignment definition · LSData

    Overall, a mesne assignment is any assignment that occurs between the original assignment and the final assignment of a property or right. A mesne assignment is an intermediate assignment, meaning any assignment before the final one. It is a legal term used to describe the transfer of rights or property from one person to another.

  2. Mesne assignment

    In property law, a mesne assignment is an intermediate assignment in a series of assignments which occurs prior to the final assignment. This page was last edited on 16 September 2023, at 13:37 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may ...

  3. mesne

    mesne. Mesne (pronounced as "meen;" but also "meien" and "mean") is an Anglo-French term that translates to intermediate or intervening (or the middle point between two extremes) in legal context. The Bouvier Law Dictionary explains that the term mesne was frequently used in feudal law to depict the role of a person or interest ...

  4. mesne process Definition, Meaning & Usage

    mesne process. Definition of "mesne process". A directive such as a writ, issued during a legal proceeding. How to use "mesne process" in a sentence. The court issued a mesne process as a part of the ongoing legal suit. The accused was unserved, necessitating the need for a mesne process. The legal dispute was further complicated by the ...

  5. Mesne Assignment

    Concept of Mesne Assignment in the context of Real Property. A short definition of Mesne Assignment: Assignment from A to B to C to D would be described as passing from A by "mesne assignments" to D. Posted. March 26, 2017. in. M. by. SALVADOR.

  6. MESNE definition and meaning

    2 meanings: law 1. intermediate or intervening: used esp of any assignment of property before the last 2. → See mesne profits.... Click for more definitions.

  7. Definition of MESNE • Law Dictionary • TheLaw.com

    Co. Litt. 23a. Mesne assignment. If A. grant a lease of land to B., andB. assign his interest to C, and" . in his turn assign his interest therein to D., in this case the assignments so made by B. and C would be termed "mesne assignments;" that is, they would be assignments intervening between A.'s original grant and the vesting of D ...

  8. MESNE CONVEYANCE Definition & Meaning

    Definition & Citations: An intermediate conveyance; one occupying an intermediate position in a chain of title between the first grantee and the present holder. Find the legal definition of MESNE CONVEYANCE from Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition.

  9. Mesne legal definition of mesne

    mesne: Intermediate; intervening; the middle between two extremes, especially of rank or time. In feudal law, an intermediate lord; a lord who stood between a tenant and the chief lord; a lord who was also a tenant. Cross-references Feudalism .

  10. Mesne assignment

    An assignment from X to Y, then from Y to Z, then from Z to A would be described as passing from X by mesne assignments to A. Any assignment before the last one. Law Dictionary Word - Mesne assignment, Modern, accurate, comprehensive, and authoritative legal definitions and terms with audio pronunciations for lawstudents, paralegals and attorneys.

  11. MESNE Definition & Meaning

    Mesne definition: intermediate or intervening.. See examples of MESNE used in a sentence.

  12. mesne conveyance definition · LSData

    A mesne conveyance is a legal term that refers to an intermediate transfer of property ownership between the original owner and the current owner. It is a document that shows the chain of title for a property, indicating all the previous owners and how the property was transferred from one owner to another. This type of conveyance is important ...

  13. 55 U.S. 539 (1852)

    McQuewan claimed, through two mesne assignments from Woodworth and Strong, by virtue of a license granted on 8 November, 1833. ... If this be the consequence of the assignment of the entire interest by the patentee, any partial assignment must produce the same result, though to a more limited extent. ...

  14. Mesne process Definition & Meaning

    mesne intermediate, intervening, from Anglo-French, alteration of Old French meien middle, from Latin medianus, from medius middle . Dictionary Entries Near mesne process. Merit Systems Protection Board. mesne process. mesne profits. See More Nearby Entries . Cite this Entry. Style

  15. mesne profits

    Mesne (reads as "mean") profits is the damages for trespass. The term "mesne profits" means "intermediate profits." (See Cracchiolo v.State, 146 Ariz. 452(Appeals Court, Division 2,1985) for more detail.) If a trespasser has created any damage to the landowner, such as lower the value of the land, or has taken the land's occupation value, the trespasser would have to compensate ...

  16. Mesne Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of MESNE is intermediate, intervening —used in law.

  17. Mesne

    Define mesne. mesne synonyms, mesne pronunciation, mesne translation, English dictionary definition of mesne. adj 1. intermediate or intervening: used esp of any assignment of property before the last: a mesne assignment.

  18. mesne process, n. meanings, etymology and more

    The earliest known use of the noun mesne process is in the early 1600s. OED's earliest evidence for mesne process is from before 1625, in the writing of Henry Finch, author and lawyer. mesne process is formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: mesne adj., process n. See etymology. Nearby entries.

  19. Mesne

    Mesne (an Anglo-French legal form of the O. Fr. meien, mod. moyen, mean, Med. Lat. medianus, in the middle, cf. English mean ), middle or intermediate, an adjective used in several legal phrases. A mesne lord is a landlord who has tenants holding under him, while himself holding of a superior lord. Similar ideas are subinfeudation and subcontract.

  20. mesne, adv., adj., & n. meanings, etymology and more

    There are eight meanings listed in OED's entry for the word mesne, six of which are labelled obsolete. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. mesne has developed meanings and uses in subjects including. medieval history (early 1500s) medieval law (early 1500s) law (mid 1500s)

  21. MESNE definition in American English

    mesne in American English. (min ) adjective. 1. Law. middle; intermediate; intervening: mesne profits are profits accruing from the time possession of land has been improperly withheld from its rightful owner until his or her reinstatement in possession of the property. noun. 2. mesne lord.

  22. mesne assignment

    Mesne assignment — In property law, a mesne assignment is an intermediate assignment in a series of assignments which occurs prior to the final assignment. Categories: Property lawLegal term stubs …. Wikipedia. mesne assignment — If A. grant a lease of land to B., and B. assign his interest to C., and C. in his turn assign his interest ...

  23. mesne

    mesne - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. ... a mesne assignment; mesne profits ⇒ rents or profits accruing during the rightful owner's exclusion from his land; Etymology: 15 th Century: from legal French meien in the middle, mean ...