Mass Effect Mission Order: the best sequence to tackle story missions in

Mass Effect has a fairly open-ended structure where once you get your hands on your ship, the Normandy, you can tackle most of the game’s core story locations and missions in any order you like. However, we do think there is a best mission order in which to tackle things.

This is, of course, all suggested. The nature of Mass Effect’s story means that you can and should think about what sort of order you’d like to approach everything in and then go with your own gut.

With all that said, we do have our own favored mission order for Mass Effect 1 which is based on a few factors - primarily an even-handed difficulty ramp-up, and the best possible pacing for the story, especially in the later parts of the game. We’ll explain our optimum order below.


Mass Effect Mission Order: the optimal mission sequence, according to us

The game begins with a string of missions starting with Prologue: On the Normandy and Prologue: Find the Beacon. This is followed by Citadel: Expose Saren.

On the Citadel you’ll have the opportunity to recruit Urdnot Wrex (Citadel: Shadow Broker & Citadel: Wrex) and Garrus Vakarian (Citadel: Garrus) - and we recommend you do these, as these are two squad mates, great characters, useful in battle, and key players throughout the entire Mass Effect Trilogy - though you can opt not to recruit one of them at all if you wish. 

Also on the Citadel, there’s a wide range of side quest assignments you can pick up and play at your discretion. They’re covered in our full Mass Effect 1 side quest assignments list .

Once you get control of the Normandy, you’ll be able to fly to the other core story mission planets in any order you like. We recommend the following order:

  • Find Liara T’Soni: head to Therum in the Knossos System, Artemis Tau Cluster. You want to do this first as Liara is a squad member, and rounds out your team with an expert Biotic user (which is Mass Effect's mage-style class). 
  • Citadel: side quests mop-up. All quests from your previous visit remain open, but some new ones are available after finishing your first story planet, including the side quest exclusive to your Shepard's pre-service history background . We recommend you complete Citadel: Scan the Keepers using our Keeper Locations guide at this time, in particular.
  • Asteroid X57: Bring Down the Sky: this is DLC, but it slots better into the earlier part of the story. It’s included in the remastered legendary edition of the game.
  • Noveria: Geth Interest & Matriarch Benezia: you should take Liara on this mission if you can. Completing this story world unlocks more side content throughout the galaxy.
  • Citadel & Uncharted World Exploration: more side quests mop up
  • Feros: Geth Attack & The Thorian: Tali is a killer squadmate on this mission, where you’ll be fighting a lot of Geth.
  • Pinnacle Station: this is DLC, and isn’t available at all in the new legendary edition remaster; so skip this if you’re on that version.
  • Point of No Return: Complete any remaining side quests and assignments here, as the story becomes a rollercoaster from here on out. Remember, completing many side quests is key to a great many things, including amassing enough cash to unlock the best weapons in Mass Effect .
  • Virmire: Saren’s Plan / Assault: we’ve got a separate guide on the big choices on Virmire if you need help.
  • Ilos: Find the Conduit / Trench Run / Race Against Time: be aware that once you travel to Ilos, it truly is the point of no return aside from starting over in a new game plus. When you trigger the visit to Ilos, your Mass Effect romance option will be locked in and the romance scene will take place.

Obviously this is a suggested order, but we feel this is an optimum order for a well-paced, well-balanced    play-through of Mass Effect, even on Insanity difficulty. 

As a general suggestion, try not to use the same pair of squad members for all story missions and side missions. All have interesting things to say, and you’ll benefit from taking people with a vested interest - missions involving the Krogan, for instance, are Wrex’s deal. Tali will always have more to say when the Geth are involved. Additionally, you’ll want to think about how useful their powers are. Tali isn’t very good against biotic opponents, but her tech powers can tear Geth to pieces easily. 

This article is part of a series. As you move on to the next games, check out our Mass Effect 2 Mission Order and Mass Effect 3 Mission Order pages for the same advice in those games - which are longer and more complicated.

Task Finder

Squadmate side quests.

This section of IGN's Mass Effect wiki guide covered the three Squadmate Side Quest Assignments. Here you'll learn how to unlock them, how to complete them, and how to make the right choices for your playthrough!

Want more Mass Effect help? Check out the following pages:

  • Legendary Edition Changes
  • How-To Guides
  • Key Choices and Consequences
  • Romance Options
  • Walkthrough
  • Side Quests

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How to Unlock Squadmate Assignments

  • Wrex: Family Armor
  • Tali: Pilgrimage
  • Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

Squad Group Shot.png

The Squad Mate Assignments are unlocked by talking to Garrus, Wrex and Tali in the lower decks of the Normandy. There are three stages for each of them, and you can start as soon as they're recruited from the Citadel.

Here's how to progress these conversations:

  • Talk to the relevant Squad Mate and pick the upper-left option on the Dialogue Wheel if it's present.
  • Check the Investigate section to see if there are any new options.
  • Once you've done that, complete any Mission World, or progress/complete an Assignment on an Uncharted World. Completing an Assignment that takes place aboard a spaceship does not count towards this.
  • Repeat Steps 1-3. When you get to the third stage, you'll unlock their Assignment!

Every Squadmate Side Quest

Wrex Family Armor slice1.png

While talking with Wrex, you learned that a Turian artifact collector named Tonn Actus is currently in possession of the Urdnot clan's family armor. Wrex has (reluctantly) asked you to go to planet Tuntau to recover it for him, and doing so would go a long way towards getting on the Krogan's good side!

Tali and the Geth slice1.png

This Assignment, also known as Tali and the Geth, tasks you with keeping an eye out on anything related to the Geth and how they've changed since they first drove the Quarians beyond the Perseus Veil. Doing so would provide Tali with a Pilgrimage gift more than worthy enough of her father's reputation.

Find Dr. Saleon slice1.png

While talking with Garrus, he told a story about Dr. Saleon, an unhinged doctor who sold organs grown inside his own men to sell on the black market, but got away thanks to using civilians as hostages. Garrus has the co-ordinates to him, and is hoping Shepard would investigate since C-Sec didn't want to follow up on it.

Up Next: Wrex: Family Armor

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Arrival (assignment)

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Atlas station - overweight elevator.png

  • Caleston: Free Prostitutes

Caleston: Reactivate Production

  • Cerberus Brainchild

Chasca - northern structure interior clutter.png

  • Citadel: A Friend of a Friend

Citadel: Asari Consort

  • Citadel: Cheaters Never Prosper

Citadel: Crime in Progress

  • Citadel: Mysterious Stranger

Citadel: Negotiator's Request

  • Citadel: Oculon Syndicate

Citadel: Old Friends

  • Citadel: Save My Sister

Citadel: Scan the Keepers

  • Citadel: The Good Doctor
  • Citadel: The Hate Monger

Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint

  • Category:Collection Assignments

Conrad ME2.jpg

  • Global Plot 1
  • Global Plot 2
  • Global Plot 3

Hammerhead acquisition intro.png

  • Illium: Drunk Asari

Illium: Gianna Parasini

  • Mars (Downloadable Content)
  • Mass Effect System Guide

MassEffect2-Captured Mine.jpg

  • Mass Effect

Section header image

  • Pre-Service History 1
  • Psychological Profile 2
  • Paragon or Renegade? 3
  • Tips and Tricks 4
  • Infinite Paragon Points - Eletania 5
  • Infinite Paragon and Renegade Points - Noveria 6

Section header image

  • Prologue: On the Normandy 7
  • Eden Prime - Find the Beacon 8
  • Prologue: Normandy After Eden Prime 9
  • Citadel: Meet the Council 10
  • Citadel: Meeting Garrus 11
  • Citadel: Meeting Wrex 12
  • Citadel: Expose Saren 13
  • Normandy After the Citadel 14
  • Citadel Exploration 15
  • Therum: Refinery 16
  • Therum: Liara's Dig Site 17
  • Normandy After Therum 18
  • Citadel After Therum 19
  • Feros: Zhu's Hope 20
  • Feros: ExoGeni Headquarters 21
  • Feros: The Thorian 22
  • Normandy After Feros 23
  • Noveria: Port Hanshan 24
  • Noveria: Peak 15 25
  • Noveria: Rift Station 26
  • Normandy After Noveria 27
  • Virmire: Landing Zone 28
  • Virmire: Base Approach 29
  • Virmire: Base Entry and Labs 30
  • Virmire: Base Main Level 31
  • Race Against Time: Escape the Citadel 32
  • Race Against Time: Ilos 33
  • Race Against Time: Final Battle 34

Section header image

  • Asari Consort 35
  • Scan the Keepers 36
  • Jahleed's Fears 37
  • Xeltan's Complaint 38
  • Presidium Prophet 39
  • Reporter's Request 40
  • Doctor Michel 41
  • Homecoming 42
  • Rita's Sister 43
  • Schells the Gambler 44
  • Signal Tracking 45
  • Missing Person - UNC: Privateers 47
  • UNC: Hostile Takeover 48
  • UNC: Missing Marines 49
  • Mikhailovich Inspection 50
  • Family Matter 51
  • The Fourth Estate 52
  • Planting a Bug 53
  • Our Own Worst Enemy 54
  • Negotiator's Request 55
  • Data Recovery 56
  • Geth in the Tunnels 57
  • Water Restoration 58
  • Power Cells 59
  • Varren Meat 60
  • Smuggling 61
  • Espionage 62
  • Wrex and the Genophage 63
  • Assisting Kirrahe's Team 64
  • I Remember Me 65
  • Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things 66
  • Old Friends 67
  • Tali and the Geth 68
  • Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon 69
  • Wrex: Family Armor 70
  • UNC: Besieged Base 71
  • UNC: The Negotiation 72
  • Unusual Readings - UNC: Distress Call 73
  • Strange Transmission - UNC: Major Kyle 74
  • UNC: Asari Diplomacy 75
  • UNC: Lost Module 76
  • UNC: Rogue VI 77
  • UNC: Hostage 78
  • UNC: Cerberus 79
  • UNC: Hades' Dogs 80
  • UNC: Dead Scientists 81
  • UNC: Geth Incursions 82
  • UNC: Colony of the Dead 83
  • UNC: Espionage Probe 84
  • UNC: Lost Freighter 85
  • UNC: Missing Survey Team 86
  • UNC: ExoGeni Facility 87
  • UNC: Derelict Freighter 88
  • UNC: Listening Post Alpha 89
  • UNC: Listening Post Theta 90
  • UNC: Depot Sigma-23 91
  • UNC: Asari Writings 92
  • UNC: Locate Signs of Battle 93
  • UNC: Prothean Data Discs 94
  • UNC: Turian Insignias 95
  • UNC: Valuable Materials 96
  • X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps 97
  • X57: Missing Engineers 98
  • X57: Bring Down the Sky 99

Section header image

  • Save or Slaughter the Colonists of Zhu’s Hope 100
  • Spare or Execute Shiala 101
  • Kill or Spare the Rachni Queen 102
  • Kill or Calm Wrex 103
  • Keeping Captain Kirrahe Alive 104
  • Save Ashley or Kaiden 105
  • Save the Council or Not 106
  • Anderson or Udina for Councilor 107

Section header image

  • How to Romance Ashley 108
  • How to Recruit Ashley 109
  • Best Ashley Build 110
  • How to Recruit Garrus 111
  • Best Garrus Build 112
  • How to Romance Kaiden 113
  • How to Recruit Kaiden 114
  • Best Kaiden Build 115
  • How to Romance Liara 116
  • How to Recruit Liara 117
  • Best Liara Build 118
  • How to Recruit Tali 119
  • Best Tali Build 120
  • How to Recruit Wrex 121
  • Best Wrex Build 122

Section header image

  • Soldier Talents 123
  • Best Soldier Build 124
  • Engineer Talents 125
  • Best Engineer Build 126
  • Adept Talents 127
  • Best Adept Build 128
  • Infiltrator Talents 129
  • Best Infiltrator Build 130
  • Sentinel Talents 131
  • Best Sentinel Build 132
  • Vanguard Talents 133
  • Best Vanguard Build 134

Section header image

  • Basic Armor 135
  • Combat Armor 136
  • Tactical Armor 137
  • Engineer 139
  • Infiltrator 140
  • Sentinel 141
  • Soldier 142
  • Vanguard 143
  • Barrier 144
  • Singularity 146
  • Assault Training 150
  • Fitness 151
  • First Aid 152
  • Medicine 153
  • Intimidate 155
  • Spectre Training 156
  • Bastion 157
  • Commando 158
  • Nemesis 160
  • Operative 161
  • Shock Trooper 162
  • Asari Scientist 163
  • Krogan Battlemaster 164
  • Quarian Machinist 165
  • Turian Agent 166
  • Damping 167
  • Decryption 168
  • Electronics 169
  • Hacking 170
  • Assault Rifles 171
  • Pistols 172
  • Shotguns 173
  • Sniper Rifles 174

Section header image

  • Phoenix 176
  • Gagarin 177
  • Grissom 178
  • Tereshkova 180
  • Knossos 183
  • Macedon 184
  • Hercules 186
  • Theseus 187
  • Asteroid X57 188
  • Antaeus 192
  • Farinata 195
  • Century 197
  • Fortuna 198
  • Strenuus 200
  • Herschel 201
  • Caspian 204
  • Acheron 209
  • Columbia 212
  • Yangtze 213

Section header image

  • Roadmap 214
  • Achievement List 215

Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition

Assignments citadel, the fourth estate.

mass effect 1 assignment list

This Assignment takes place during your second visit to the Citadel once you have completed any main mission off-world such as Liara’s Dig Site .

You’ll find Khalisah just outside the elevator in C-Sec

(1 of 2) You’ll find Khalisah just outside the elevator in C-Sec

You’ll find Khalisah just outside the elevator in C-Sec (left), she’ll request an interview with you. (right)

How to Begin ¶

Once you’ve completed any main mission once you become a Spectre and leave the Citadel, return once more and take the Elevator in the Docking Bay up to C-Sec. As you exit the elevator, you’ll spot Khalisah Al-Jilani waiting for you, approach her to begin the Assignment.

The Interview ¶

You’ll be given a series of questions with the objective leading you to cast humans as the superior species, you can either take the bait and turn the interview to your favor or you can attack her to once the questions start and earn +2 Renegade .

Regarding placing the Citadel’s needs before the needs of Earth, you’ll get the following options:

  • Saying “It’s not like that.” (2 points of Charm ) will defend the Council’s authority.
  • Saying “They know better.” (2 points of Intimidate ) will defend your own loyalty.

Regarding the command of the Normandy, you’ll get the following options:

  • Saying “The Turians helped build it.” (3 points of Charm ) will state the Turian’s involvement.
  • Saying “A great human innovation.” (4 points of Intimidate ) will state the humans superiority more.

Regarding the handing over of the Normandy to the Citadel, you’ll get the following options:

  • Saying “The crew is still Alliance.” (6 points of Charm ) will attempt to reassure viewers and skip the next question.
  • Saying “I command the Normandy.” (5 points of Intimidate ) will assert your own authority and skip the next question.
  • Saying “That’s only a formality.” will lead to an exclusive question.

Stick with Charm or Intimidate to score the most morality points back on the Normandy

(1 of 2) Stick with Charm or Intimidate to score the most morality points back on the Normandy

Stick with Charm or Intimidate to score the most morality points back on the Normandy (left), you can end the interview at any time by attacking her. (right)

If you neglected to choose the Charm or Intimidate option in the previous question, you’ll get one final question with the following options:

  • Saying “If we earn it.” (8 points of Charm ) will demand humanity earn the respect instead of being given it.
  • Saying “When we’re strong.” (7 points of Intimidate ) will inform her that military might will demand respect.

The final question pertains to your tracking of Saren, there is no Charm or Intimidate option here and your choice will impact what Admiral Hackett remarks when you return to the Normandy. Despite earning the XP and Credits once the interview ends, you won’t receive any Paragon/Renegade points until your conversation with Admiral Hackett back on the Normandy.

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mass effect 1 assignment list

Guide Information

  • Publisher Electronic Arts
  • Platforms, PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release 14 May 2021
  • Last Updated 17 August 2021 Version History
  • Guide Author

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  1. Assignments | Mass Effect Wiki | Fandom

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  9. Category:Assignments | Mass Effect Wiki | Fandom

    This category comprises all of the assignments available in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Main article: Assignments See Also: Missions. To add an article to this category, put [[Category:Assignments]] at the end of that article.

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