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  • May 5, 2017

The 14 Steps to Writing a Great Marketing Assignment

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

A line of Chartered Institute of Marketing Graduates

Here are the only 14 steps you'll ever need to know when planning to tackle a Professional Marketing Qualification Assignment. Some of these steps you may want to change in terms of sequence, but make sure you cover each one in whatever sequence you feel fits you best.

1. Read the assignment in full

2. consider the marking, 3. choose an organisation, 4. make a timeline, 5. understand the syllabus, 6. do your research, 7. gather real-life examples, 8. bulletpoint each answer, 9. add the content, 10. presentation, 11. reference correctly, 12. get a second opinion, 13. read, read and read it backwards, 14. don’t leave it until the last minute, 1. read the assignment in full.

Reading the assignment in full a few times will help you to understand what is required holistically. Although each task and question has its own set of requirements, the idea is that the assignment is fully integrated with each question holding relevance with the others, which means they will all need to knit together.

Before even considering starting to answer the assignment, read it a few times and let it sink in. Go back and start to make some brief notes on how you think you’d tackle each question and any elements you don’t fully understand.

You are not expected to understand everything straight away, but this task can be a great way to break the ice and for you to fully understand what is required, what is known and elements that you will need to understand better than you do at the moment.

2. Consider the Marking

One thing a lot of people forget is the mark allocation for each question. This is important to factor in as it highlights the weighting of marks for each question, providing an indication of how much content is required per question to gain the most marks.

For example, if an assignment is allocated 4,750 words maximum and there are a total of 100 marks available, it would make sense that you should be looking to achieve 1 mark per 47.5 words. This can also be done per question to work out how much should be written.

Make a note of these numbers and let this be a guide to you throughout your studies.

Each Marketing assignment is usually based on an organisation of your choosing. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will be able to start to form practical answers, specific to this organisation.

This is hugely important and it will form the basis for ALL your answers. Without understanding an organisation and how the questions fit around it you are left with only theoretical answers that will not gain marks

Don’t be fooled into thinking that choosing a large organisation will be easier either as the more specific and focused you can make your chosen organisation the better your answers will be (trust me). If you are struggling with this, try picking a specific division, product or service within a company. That way you can be really focused on what you are writing.

Being accountable can be the difference between passing and failing and having something other than a final deadline to work towards can be a real asset.

Work backwards from the final deadline date of handing in your assignment and use markers at certain points leading up to this date that you will need to hit.

For example, you may want to section off weeks or a month to complete each task by, even each question. That way you know if you are falling behind and need to set aside some additional time to catch up.

You could go one further here and plot specific dates where you will have answered each question and the time you will be using to achieve this – a bit like a Gantt chart or a Project Management tool to keep you on track.

The syllabus is what all the assignment questions will be based on and each of these will cover various elements of it. Understanding what the core concepts are will help you in producing answers that gain markings.

Don’t skip this step unless you will end up writing an answer that isn’t following the syllabus.

Another reason to do this is to highlight any gaps within your knowledge that you may need to address. For example, if a learning outcome of the syllabus is to ‘demonstrate methods of generating customer awareness within a digital environment’, then the questions you need to be asking yourself are;

Do I know the digital marketing mix?

Can I evaluate methods of communication?

Do I understand keywords, content and creative?

If you don’t or can’t, better get the books out!

Following on from the above, this is where a lot of people fail as they are faced with the unknown a lot of the time, but doing your research into the gaps in your knowledge will help you not only answer the assignment but make you a better marketer.

This doesn’t have to be in book form as research comes from many different areas. This could be an ebook, video, podcast, blog, etc. As long as it’s a valid source and, if used in your assignment you reference it correctly, it can be used.

Gathering real-life examples to use throughout your assignment is essential for a number of reasons:

1 – Expands your knowledge

2 – Provides insights into what other organisations are doing that is working

3 – Applied correctly they can help in backing up any statements you may be making when answering questions

4 – A great way to gain marks

This can also be easily done by setting up some email alerts from reputable online sources such as Marketing Week. That way the examples are coming to you. Just make sure they a relevant and can be referenced!

Before diving right into your answers wholeheartedly it is much better to provide a basic structure and highlight the main points you want to get across.

I find that using bullet points is the best way to do this, which you can use as markers in order to make sure you maintain focus in your answers as well as covering all the most important elements –these may include;

Real-life examples.

Models and theory.

Specific references.

The main titles and headings required.

Most importantly the main points for context to cover within your answer.

Once you have bullet-pointed each answer, you should then be able to start to add more and more content, making each answer relevant to the question posed and the requirements of the syllabus.

If you have not done your research you may struggle with this point and one thing to avoid would be a question that rambles on and doesn’t get to the main elements quickly enough, wasting valuable word space.

A lot of people forget about the presentation, to which 10% of the overall marks can be attributed to. The best rule here is to think; if it’s easy to read, it’s easy to mark!

For each task, there will be a requirement to structure your answers to a specific style (usually in a report format or as a briefing paper or marketing plan). You’d be mad not to stick to these styles.

You want your assignment to stand out for all the right reasons, so using tables, images and screenshots does not only enhance your answer but makes an entire assignment much easier to read, understand and again… mark!

A simple point but a big one. Always, always, always, reference your work and give credit to those that deserve it.

If you are unsure how to do this, you need to review the Harvard Referencing system… ask Google. This must be done throughout your assignment as well as at the back.

Sometimes you can go copy blind, covering the same questions over and over again, so it will do you no harm to get some feedback from a tutor, your accredited study centre or even a work colleague, just to give you peace of mind that;

a) You’ve answered each question

b) It makes sense holistically

c) It is easy to read and well-presented

d) Nothing is obviously missing

Now it’s your turn. Take a few hours and read the assignment, then reread it and read it backwards. This is a great trick in spotting any spelling mistakes a spell checker may not catch – if you’re like me and a terrible speller!

One tip here- Make sure your name is NEVER on any part of the assignment, use a fake name or a job title instead.

Make sure you leave enough time (a few days) between the deadline and when you actually complete your assignment as you never know what may happen – email bounces back, sent directly to a junk folder, pigeon didn’t arrive in time. This way you have at least a day to rectify the situation and not just a few hours or even minutes

The final hidden step (number 15)

Relax and celebrate the fact you have completed your assignment, which is an achievement in itself. Well done you!

I hope you’ve found these steps useful and if any of them are unclear, let’s chat about it and clear it up so you can get on with passing your Marketing Qualification.

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in marketing assignment which of the following should be preferred

10 Tips For Writing Marketing Assignments

You are currently viewing 10 Tips For Writing Marketing Assignments

  • Post author: Cyrus Nambakhsh
  • Post published: September 1, 2023
  • Post category: Content Marketing

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Everyone, from celebrities to businesspeople, relies on marketing to get exposure, add value, and increase their worth. Hence, the demand for professionals and marketing assignments is increasing rapidly. 

However, the path to becoming a marketing major and expanding your reach through organic marketing is not easy. One has to take exams, write assignments, and participate in several group activities before getting that degree. Sounds like too much work? 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to top marketing assignment tips that will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts.

Once and for all, let’s try to end the dilemma of marketing assignments. According to reports, 46% of youngsters in a survey said they would pursue a career in marketing!

Aside from hiring experts who will write your assignment for you or having group studies and sharing the burden, here are 10 other ways you can master marketing tasks quickly and write marketing assignments perfectly:

#1 Know the Assignment First

One major mistake marketing students make is not spending time dissecting the task. Often, the tasks are not just assignments but case studies, PowerPoint presentation defense , projects, dissertations, and more. This means each task demands a different kind of writing and presentation.

Hence, know the assignment type and what the topic means. Break down the topic and think of ways to cover it. What other slants can you insert to elevate the resonating factor of the topic? 

It is better to spend time on understanding the needs of the topic rather than rushing in by completely misunderstanding it.

#2 Pick an Example

First-year marketing students often fail to realize that their work will be more impactful if they add an example to strengthen the topic. Pick a brand or organization for your paper and use it as an example. This will allow you to find practical answers and develop logical results.

Also, papers with information on renowned brands and big names attract more audiences, making the paper more impactful. However, don’t think of public attention only when picking big organizations; think of your capabilities to justify them to make the paper notable.

#3 Put a Self-Deadline

Of course, your professor will allot a deadline, but setting your own will only push you to finish on time. However, do not confuse this step with rash writing. Have an organized routine and set a deadline to complete it on time before the actual date.

Students who do this don’t have to worry about late submissions. This also gives the writer extra time to revise, which is often overlooked.

#4 Research Fiercely

This tip is quite common to any other assignment type out there. Yet this is the step that makes a major difference. Research as much as you can. There will be many competitors in your class. 

Some may even pick the same topic as yours. The only way to stand out in such competition is through research. Students who are lazy with their research end up with shallow or superficial information. Such students rarely make it above the average mark.

Hence, to stand out, you must do in-depth research and find information from the deepest pits of the internet. Scout through many online and offline books, journals, and more to get the most real and deepest data on the topic. The professor will see through your efforts and hard work, and you can be awarded with grace marks for it.

#5 Real Events Make an Impression

Whether it’s marketing assignments or history assignments, real events never fail to make an impression. Your work will be read by others who always resonate with real-life examples. 

This is again where your capacity to research shows. Those who research without excuses can find excruciating facts that make the topic shine.

Find accurate figures and data that validate your work. Some like introducing these statistics and events at the beginning and slowly unfolding them later in the paper to keep the audience hooked.

Try to find some related data to your work which will bring thousands of readers to explore the topic. Some students also take the extra step of conducting surveys, interviews, and even doing online polls to find information on the topic and add it to their assignments.

#6 Choose the Correct Writing Style

Various writing styles depend on the topic and purpose. Students can pick a business writing style or a personal writing style. Pick one that your audience finds dependable. Aim for a blend of sophisticated and simple terms rather than making it entirely simple or sophisticated.

Using complicated words for the context is okay. But avoid using overly challenging words, which an ordinary audience may find difficult to work with. 

Do not forget to pick the one you are most comfortable with. Some writers can rock simple writing styles and still get good grades. Maintain writing flair and add authenticity to speak to your readers.

#7 Cite Correctly

With any assignment, finding online information is quite obvious. This is why you need to cite your sources. Citing means giving credit to the original writers whose information you have used in your paper. This gives credit to the original writer and helps the writer avoid plagiarism issues.

With marketing assignments, too, students need to cite the sources. There are plenty of citation styles, and one can pick the style which they prefer. Be cautious of different citing styles to avoid any mistakes and do it justice. 

Learning how to cite can take some extra time, so you can hand over this part to someone who can do it for you, leaving no errors behind.

#8 Get a Second Consultation

Both beginners and professionals need a helping hand sometimes. Students who are uncertain about their work can contact professionals or their professors. They can review the work and make suggestions to improve the quality of the paper.

Experts can suggest better examples and better brands to use and even offer effective writing tips. If you are uncomfortable with an expert, consult your friends, siblings, and family members to be more comfortable with them. Together, you can make a remarkable paper that meets everyone’s expectations.

#9 Use Online Tools

Although many find this tip controversial, we strongly agree with it. There are plenty of tools online, and the best thing is that they can be used. 

Students can find tools to improve their writing and grammar, find plagiarism issues, and even check the quality of their papers.

The best thing about these tools is that they are free, and several are available online, making them a favorable option for students. These tools also highlight problem areas, making it easier for students to correct them. 

Overall, find a trustworthy tool because numerous tools out there may not give you the desired result.

#10 Proofread Using Innovative Ways

Finally, the last step is to proofread your paper. Again, this is a very basic step that many people overlook. Proofread your paper before making the final submission. Do not jump into this process just after writing. 

Wait a few days to make the process fruitful. You can also use innovative proofreading techniques to make the process fun.

Some ways of proofreading are:

●       Reading it backward,

●       Reading one section at a time,

●       Having a list of mistakes,

●       Reading it out aloud.

It keeps the proofreading process simple and interesting, eliminating the chances of any errors.

Marketing assignments involve various aspects. Combining them and doing justice is not an easy job. Hopefully, the tips above will show you how to write impeccable marketing assignments and get your deserved score.

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Cyrus Nambakhsh

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Creating a Successful Marketing Assignment: A Comprehensive Guide

Marketing assignments are an essential part of any marketing course or professional role. They help students and professionals develop their understanding of marketing concepts, strategies, and tools, while also allowing them to apply these skills in real-world situations. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the process of creating a marketing assignment that not only meets academic or professional requirements but also ranks well on Google. We'll cover the steps to take, the importance of research, and how to craft compelling content. We will also include insights and tips from marketing professionals to ensure a well-rounded approach.

Understanding the Marketing Assignment Objective

Before diving into the creation of a marketing assignment, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the assignment's objective. This could be to analyze a specific marketing campaign, develop a marketing plan for a new product, or evaluate the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy. \"Start with the problem statement and how said product solves it. Then flow into details about the problem and then approach to solving it,\" suggests Hien Phan, Director of Product Marketing at Amplitude. By having a clear objective, you'll be better equipped to create an assignment that is focused and relevant.

Research and Gather Information

Once you have a clear understanding of the assignment's objective, the next step is to conduct thorough research and gather information on the topic. This may involve reviewing academic literature, exploring industry reports, and analyzing marketing campaigns. Morgan Molnar, Director of Product Marketing at Momentive (SurveyMonkey), recommends a comprehensive approach to market research, including planning and scoping, study design, data collection, analysis, and taking action. Don't be afraid to reach out to professionals in the field for their insights and opinions, as their real-world experience can add valuable context to your assignment.

Outline Your Marketing Assignment

With your research in hand, it's time to create an outline for your marketing assignment. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of information throughout the document. An outline should include the following elements:

  • Introduction: Provide background information on the topic and clearly state the assignment's objective.
  • Body: Break down the main points of your assignment into sections, each with a clear heading and subheadings as needed. This will make it easier for readers to follow your argument and understand your thought process.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your findings and offer recommendations based on your analysis.

Remember to include relevant examples, case studies, and data to support your argument and make your marketing assignment more compelling.

Write Compelling Content

Now that you have an outline, it's time to start writing your marketing assignment. This is where your research and insights truly come to life. To create compelling content, focus on the following:

  • Clarity: Ensure that your writing is clear and concise, using simple language to convey your ideas. Avoid jargon and complex terminology that may confuse readers.
  • Engagement: Create content that is engaging and interesting, drawing readers in with compelling examples, stories, and insights.
  • Persuasion: Use persuasive techniques, such as data and evidence, to support your arguments and convince the reader of your point of view.
  • SEO Optimization: To rank well on Google, include relevant keywords throughout your content, use appropriate headings and subheadings, and incorporate internal and external links where appropriate.

\"Write. A lot. About different things. Become a master at using written communications to sell your point of view on something,\" advises Daniel Palay, Head of Product Marketing at 3Gtms. By honing your writing skills, you'll be better equipped to create a marketing assignment that is engaging, persuasive, and ranks well on Google.

Review and Edit

Once you've completed your marketing assignment, it's essential to review and edit your work. This involves checking for clarity, consistency, and accuracy, as well as ensuring that your content meets the assignment's objective. Vivek Asija, Sr. Director of Product Marketing at Heap, emphasizes the importance of editing and reviewing: \"Being an editor also helps improve your writing skills over time.\"

Don't be afraid to seek feedback from peers, mentors, or colleagues, as their insights can help you refine your assignment and ensure it is of the highest quality.

Creating a successful marketing assignment involves understanding the assignment's objective, conducting thorough research, outlining your content, writing compelling content, and reviewing and editing your work. By following these steps and incorporating insights from marketing professionals, you can create a marketing assignment that not only meets academic or professional requirements but also ranks well on Google.

As Abdul Rastagar, GTM Leader, Marketing Author, and Career Coach, aptly notes, \"If you finely tailor and differentiate your resume, you signal to the boss that you’ll be able to apply that skill to the job as well.\" The same can be said for creating a successful marketing assignment that showcases your understanding, skills, and passion for the field.

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10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

Are you overwhelmed with digital marketing assignments with your poor academic writing skills? If so, read everything you need to know to improve your digital marketing assignment writing skills in the upcoming lines. 

In the current century, digitalisation has taken over every aspect of our lives, and its advancement is rapidly increasing, including marketing. Marketing is one of the essential aspects of today’s era, mainly digital marketing. 

What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is a crucial component of traditional marketing techniques in which marketers use online-based digital technology containing mobile devices, personal computers, and laptops for running digital marketing campaigns through social media marketing and websites while using the internet.

Also, developing new strategies and digital marketing plans for online marketing and online advertising products. 

According to Oxford Reference: 

“Using digital technologies such as websites and multimedia, e-mail and digital media including mobile, and wireless, and delivering digital television for promotion, development, and distribution of a brand product and services is called Digital Marketing.”

Ever-Rising Scope of Digital Marketing 

Marketing is the most essential part of our society, and no business or brand can be successful without it. As a dynamic and promising career, digital marketing is increasing rapidly. In any case, you have seen ads on the Internet like “ do my chemistry homework ” or something similar, this is an example of marketing in fast-growing niches.

Noble Desktop represents its growing charm:

“The field of digital marketing is projected to grow up to a 10% growth rate from 2021 to 2031, with advancements in artificial intelligence, email marketing and content marketing, virtual and augmented reality for driving more revenue. Digital marketers increase the average wage of a beginner is $51,000 with 0-1 years of experience, $55,000 for 1-3 years, $61,000 for 4-6 years, and $68,000 for 7-9 years.”

All the facts and figures attracted many students to specialising in marketing, and most of them enrolled in digital marketing courses, seeking employment in sales and marketing. Even some of those who come without any prior background in marketing eventually learn the skills and knowledge to make ends meet by working in marketing departments. 

But when they encounter assignment writing, they find it hard to manage and seek a detailed guide and some proven tips. Furthermore, they can also get help from assignment writing services to tackle all the assignment writing hurdles. 

10 Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

Yes, you can get professional help from Digital Marketing Assignment writers to make your writing process effortless. But before that, you can follow our top 10 ways to improve your digital marketing assignment writing skills to get high scores. So let’s first with the most essential one: 

1. Know the Prompt and Instructions

Before you get started, it is essential that you have a complete understanding of the question that is being asked in the assignment. To understand the prompt, read it multiple times and focus on the critical phrases and action words.

Also, look over other instructions that mention the guidelines. If you find something confusing, ask your professor through email or communication for better calcification. 

2. Plan Your Digital Marketing Writing Process 

Most of the students skip this part and then try to complete the assignment with ambiguous planning till the date of submission. Therefore, it is crucial to make a schedule or a plan by dividing your whole process into small sections.

RMIT University Library represented a writing process planning followed by multiple steps from analysis to submission, shown below. 

in marketing assignment which of the following should be preferred

This section will allow you to address your research question logically. You can also make a Grant chart of sculling assignments by giving these tasks a dedicated time to complete them. 

3. Choose Topics Wisely 

Topic selection seems like a tiny step in writing a digital marketing assignment, but it is the only step determining the rest of the assignment writing process. Because a wrong topic selection creates difficulties for your assignment completion, this is why students should give their full attention while selecting a topic.

For this purpose, you need to consider the following aspects: 

  • Your personal interest and expertise 
  • Fulfil the assignment requirements 
  • Your instructor’s expectations and suggestions 
  • Available research sources 
  • Complete before the due date 

Further, here are some digital marketing fields you can consider to choose the topics:

  • PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing

By focusing on these steps, you will be able to select the best topic on which you can write your assignment easily. 

4. Brainstorming and Mind Mapping 

After selecting a topic, critically think about the topic, gather more and more digital marketing project ideas related to the prompt and then create a mind map. In this step, just sketch your brain, thinking about how your mind relates your ideas with the main topic. For generating a strong mind map, develop three to four main ideas around the subject matter. 

Draw lines by connecting each map idea to its supporting details and brainstorm digital marketing assignment ideas, tasks, and questions for each. As a sample, you can see the below mind map example presented by Agus Masrianto in “Model for Improving Firm Digital Marketing Capabilities Based on Adoption Eco-system Readiness and Digital Transformation.”

in marketing assignment which of the following should be preferred

5. Conduct Extensive Research 

Conduct extensive keyword research on your specific topic to cover every query relevant to the subject matter. While doing research, collect both types of data: 

  • Primary information 
  • Secondary information 

Your primary data is first-hand data for better evaluation that comes from your self-observation. On the other hand, utilise secondary sources of information, which include internet search engines, library books, encyclopaedias and databases. 

6. Follow a Global Assignment Structure 

While writing any type of assignment, from essay to case study, there is a general digital marketing assignment structure that is standard to compose an effective academic paper. It includes three main sections: 

  • Introduction
  • Main body paragraph 


Begin with a captivating introduction by stating your personal statement, continue it with a detailed explanation in the main body paragraph, and finally, conclude your assignment on digital marketing by summarising all the key points and emphasising the importance of your topic and its application. 

7. Add Reference and Citations 

If you want to make your work more authentic and trustworthy in front of your reader, then add references and citations. It is one of the best tips that enhance the worth of your assignment. There are different types of citation styles that are mostly used by institutes, such as: 

  • Vancouver 
  • Chicago 
  • Harvard 

But in cases where your professor is guiding you to follow a specific referencing style, then make sure to follow the instructions. 

8. Filtered Your Digital Marketing Assignment 

After completing the writing process, do not submit it for revision multiple times. Filtered your assignment first against minor mistakes you skipped while drafting your work. In this step, look over the following: 

  • Grammatical flaws
  • Punctuation 
  • Capitalisation 
  • Typos errors
  • Spelling mistakes

After removing all the above mistakes, you create a refined form of your digital marketing assignment to impress your professor. 

9. Check Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the most serious offence that can result in various serious consequences. To overcome all the barriers to stand out from the rest of the class, you must cross-check your content against plagiarism. Checking plagiarism is not a task to handle manually. But for this purpose, you can use a plagiarism checker or a detector. 

Submit your document by uploading it from your computer, or you can also copy and paste content. Go to get a percentage of unique and plagiarism content with just one click. You will get plagiarism reports in just a few seconds. If work is caught as plagiarised somewhere, remove it and create plagiarism-free content. 

10. Ask For Feedback 

Our last tip that makes a big impact is to look for a third eye for a bird’s eye view of your assignment. For this purpose, ask for feedback from your class fellows or any other expert. 

If you want to check your work from a professional in digital marketing, make an impressive email to deliver your message with a humble request and ask for honest feedback. This is the best way to improve your mistakes and learn from your flaws. 

Digital marketing assignment writing is a most technical process because, with the advances of digital marketing, its theory concepts and technologies become more advanced, giving a tough time to most students. Students face many difficulties in understanding its prompts and composing a good piece of paper because of a lack of good academic writing skills. 

If you are one of them and struggling with your assignment on digital marketing, follow the above ways to improve your digital marketing writing assignment skills. But if it still makes you upset, then avail yourself of beneficial assignment writing help from a suitable firm.

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Mastering the Art of Marketing Assignment Writing: Expert Tips for Student Success

by venus · Published October 22, 2023 · Updated April 27, 2024

Marketing assignments are a common task for students pursuing degrees in business, marketing, or related fields. These assignments not only test your knowledge but also your ability to apply marketing concepts and strategies to real-world scenarios. To help students excel in their marketing assignments, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tips to create the best marketing assignment possible.

Understand the Assignment Brief

Before you start crafting your marketing assignment, it’s essential to thoroughly understand the assignment brief. Carefully read the instructions, guidelines, and any specific requirements your instructor has provided. Pay attention to the formatting, word count, submission date, and the main objectives of the assignment. A clear understanding of the brief is crucial to ensure you meet all the criteria.

Expert Tips for Student Success

Research Extensively

Effective marketing assignment writing requires in-depth research. Don’t rely solely on your textbook or class notes. Explore various sources such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and industry reports. The more diverse and credible your sources, the stronger your assignment will be. Stay updated with the latest marketing trends and case studies, as they can provide valuable insights and examples for your work.

Define Your Target Audience

Just as in marketing itself, understanding your target audience is crucial. In this case, your target audience is your instructor. Consider their expectations, preferences, and grading criteria. If your assignment is open-ended, inquire about any specific preferences your instructor may have regarding the topic or approach.

Choose an Engaging Topic

Selecting the right topic can make a significant difference in the quality of your marketing assignment. Look for topics that not only interest you but are also relevant and up-to-date. This could be related to emerging trends, case studies, or marketing strategies used by well-known brands. An engaging topic will not only make the assignment more enjoyable for you but also captivate your instructor’s attention.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

Like any academic paper, your marketing assignment should have a clear and concise thesis statement. This statement should provide a snapshot of what your assignment aims to achieve. It’s your roadmap, guiding both you and your readers throughout the paper.

Structure and Organize Effectively

Organizing your marketing assignment is key to delivering a coherent and well-structured paper. Typically, assignments should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The body of your assignment should be divided into sections, each with a clear subheading. This makes it easier for readers to follow your arguments. Use a logical flow, presenting your ideas in a systematic order.

Original Content and Plagiarism Avoidance

One of the cardinal rules of academic writing is to avoid plagiarism at all costs. Ensure that your work is entirely original. Cite your sources correctly using the appropriate referencing style, such as APA, MLA, or Harvard. Plagiarism not only affects your grades but can have serious consequences for your academic integrity.

Analyze and Evaluate

Marketing assignments often require you to analyze and evaluate a marketing strategy or concept. When conducting your analysis, consider the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Use relevant tools and models such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, or the marketing mix (4Ps or 7Ps) to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy in question.

Provide Real-World Examples

Supporting your arguments with real-world examples is a surefire way to make your marketing assignment more compelling. Whether it’s a successful or unsuccessful marketing campaign, case studies, or industry trends, these examples help solidify your arguments and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter.

Use Visuals Wisely

Incorporating visuals such as charts, graphs, and images can enhance the visual appeal of your marketing assignment. However, use them judiciously and make sure they are relevant to the content. Visuals should complement your text, not replace it. Additionally, provide clear explanations for any visuals you include.

Edit and Proofread

Never underestimate the importance of editing and proofreading. After completing your assignment, take the time to review it for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and clarity. Ensure that your writing is concise and that your ideas are communicated effectively. If possible, ask a peer or professor to review your assignment for a fresh perspective.

Seek Feedback

Before submitting your marketing assignment, consider seeking feedback from classmates, friends, or professors. A fresh set of eyes can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

In conclusion, writing the best marketing assignment requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can create a high-quality marketing assignment that not only meets your instructor’s expectations but also contributes to your understanding of marketing concepts and strategies. Good luck with your assignments!

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What is a Marketing Plan & How to Write One [+Examples]

Clifford Chi

Published: December 27, 2023

For a while now, you've been spearheading your organization's content marketing efforts, and your team's performance has convinced management to adopt the content marketing strategies you’ve suggested.

marketing plan and how to write one

Now, your boss wants you to write and present a content marketing plan, but you‘ve never done something like that before. You don't even know where to start.

Download Now: Free Marketing Plan Template [Get Your Copy]

Fortunately, we've curated the best content marketing plans to help you write a concrete plan that's rooted in data and produces results. But first, we'll discuss what a marketing plan is and how some of the best marketing plans include strategies that serve their respective businesses.

What is a marketing plan?

A marketing plan is a strategic roadmap that businesses use to organize, execute, and track their marketing strategy over a given period. Marketing plans can include different marketing strategies for various marketing teams across the company, all working toward the same business goals.

The purpose of a marketing plan is to write down strategies in an organized manner. This will help keep you on track and measure the success of your campaigns.

Writing a marketing plan will help you think of each campaign‘s mission, buyer personas, budget, tactics, and deliverables. With all this information in one place, you’ll have an easier time staying on track with a campaign. You'll also discover what works and what doesn't. Thus, measuring the success of your strategy.

Featured Resource: Free Marketing Plan Template

HubSpot Mktg plan cover

Looking to develop a marketing plan for your business? Click here to download HubSpot's free Marketing Plan Template to get started .

To learn more about how to create your marketing plan, keep reading or jump to the section you’re looking for:

How to Write a Marketing Plan

Types of marketing plans, marketing plan examples, marketing plan faqs, sample marketing plan.

Marketing plan definition graphic

If you're pressed for time or resources, you might not be thinking about a marketing plan. However, a marketing plan is an important part of your business plan.

Marketing Plan vs. Business Plan

A marketing plan is a strategic document that outlines marketing objectives, strategies, and tactics.

A business plan is also a strategic document. But this plan covers all aspects of a company's operations, including finance, operations, and more. It can also help your business decide how to distribute resources and make decisions as your business grows.

I like to think of a marketing plan as a subset of a business plan; it shows how marketing strategies and objectives can support overall business goals.

Keep in mind that there's a difference between a marketing plan and a marketing strategy.

in marketing assignment which of the following should be preferred

Free Marketing Plan Template

Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

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Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan

A marketing strategy describes how a business will accomplish a particular goal or mission. This includes which campaigns, content, channels, and marketing software they'll use to execute that mission and track its success.

For example, while a greater plan or department might handle social media marketing, you might consider your work on Facebook as an individual marketing strategy.

A marketing plan contains one or more marketing strategies. It's the framework from which all of your marketing strategies are created and helps you connect each strategy back to a larger marketing operation and business goal.

For example, suppose your company is launching a new software product, and it wants customers to sign up. The marketing department needs to develop a marketing plan that'll help introduce this product to the industry and drive the desired signups.

The department decides to launch a blog dedicated to this industry, a new YouTube video series to establish expertise, and an account on Twitter to join the conversation around this subject. All this serves to attract an audience and convert this audience into software users.

To summarize, the business's marketing plan is dedicated to introducing a new software product to the marketplace and driving signups for that product. The business will execute that plan with three marketing strategies : a new industry blog, a YouTube video series, and a Twitter account.

Of course, the business might consider these three things as one giant marketing strategy, each with its specific content strategies. How granular you want your marketing plan to get is up to you. Nonetheless, every marketing plan goes through a particular set of steps in its creation.

Learn what they are below.

  • State your business's mission.
  • Determine the KPIs for this mission.
  • Identify your buyer personas.
  • Describe your content initiatives and strategies.
  • Clearly define your plan's omissions.
  • Define your marketing budget.
  • Identify your competition.
  • Outline your plan's contributors and their responsibilities.

1. State your business's mission.

Your first step in writing a marketing plan is to state your mission. Although this mission is specific to your marketing department, it should serve your business‘s main mission statement.

From my experience, you want to be specific, but not too specific. You have plenty of space left in this marketing plan to elaborate on how you'll acquire new customers and accomplish this mission.


Need help building your mission statement? Download this guide for examples and templates and write the ideal mission statement.

2. Determine the KPIs for this mission.

Every good marketing plan describes how the department will track its mission‘s progress. To do so, you need to decide on your key performance indicators (KPIs) .

KPIs are individual metrics that measure the various elements of a marketing campaign. These units help you establish short-term goals within your mission and communicate your progress to business leaders.

Let's take our example of a marketing mission from the above step. If part of our mission is “to attract an audience of travelers,” we might track website visits using organic page views. In this case, “organic page views” is one KPI, and we can see our number of page views grow over time.

Also, make sure to check whether your current reporting software facilitates the KPIs you need. Some reporting tools can only measure a set of pre-defined metrics, which can cause massive headaches in particular marketing campaigns.

However, other tools, like HubSpot’s analytics software , can offer full flexibility over the KPIs you wish to track. You can generate custom reports that reveal anything from average website engagement rates to page visits via organic, email, social media traffic, and more.   

These KPIs will come into the conversation again in step 4.

3. Identify your buyer personas.

A buyer persona is a description of who you want to attract. This can include age, sex, location, family size, and job title. Each buyer persona should directly reflect your business's current and potential customers. So, all business leaders must agree on your buyer personas.


Create your buyer personas with this free guide and set of buyer persona templates.

4. Describe your content initiatives and strategies.

Here's where you'll include the main points of your marketing and content strategy. Because there's a laundry list of content types and channels available to you today, you must choose wisely and explain how you'll use your content and channels in this section of your marketing plan.

When I write this section , I like to stipulate:

  • Which types of content I'll create. These might include blog posts, YouTube videos, infographics, and ebooks.
  • How much of it I'll create. I typically describe content volume in daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly intervals. It all depends on my workflow and the short-term goals for my content.
  • The goals (and KPIs) I'll use to track each type. KPIs can include organic traffic, social media traffic, email traffic, and referral traffic. Your goals should also include which pages you want to drive that traffic to, such as product pages, blog pages, or landing pages.
  • The channels on which I'll distribute my content. Popular channels include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.
  • Any paid advertising that will take place on these channels.

Build out your marketing plan with this free template.

Fill out this form to access the template., 5. clearly define your plan's omissions..

A marketing plan explains the marketing team's focus. It also explains what the marketing team will not focus on.

If there are other aspects of your business that you aren't serving in this particular plan, include them in this section. These omissions help to justify your mission, buyer personas, KPIs, and content. You can’t please everyone in a single marketing campaign, and if your team isn't on the hook for something, you need to make it known.

In my experience, this section is particularly important for stakeholders to help them understand why certain decisions were made.

6. Define your marketing budget.

Whether it's freelance fees, sponsorships, or a new full-time marketing hire, use these costs to develop a marketing budget and outline each expense in this section of your marketing plan.


You can establish your marketing budget with this kit of 8 free marketing budget templates .

7. Identify your competition.

Part of marketing is knowing whom you're marketing against. Research the key players in your industry and consider profiling each one.

Keep in mind not every competitor will pose the same challenges to your business. For example, while one competitor might be ranking highly on search engines for keywords you want your website to rank for, another competitor might have a heavy footprint on a social network where you plan to launch an account.


Easily track and analyze your competitors with this collection of ten free competitive analysis templates .

8. Outline your plan's contributors and their responsibilities.

With your marketing plan fully fleshed out, it's time to explain who’s doing what. I don't like to delve too deeply into my employees’ day-to-day projects, but I know which teams and team leaders are in charge of specific content types, channels, KPIs, and more.

Now that you know why you need to build an effective marketing plan, it’s time to get to work. Starting a plan from scratch can be overwhelming if you haven't done it before. That’s why there are many helpful resources that can support your first steps. We’ll share some of the best guides and templates that can help you build effective results-driven plans for your marketing strategies.

Ready to make your own marketing plan? Get started using this free template.

Depending on the company you work with, you might want to create various marketing plans. We compiled different samples to suit your needs:

1. Quarterly or Annual Marketing Plans

These plans highlight the strategies or campaigns you'll take on in a certain period.

marketing plan examples: forbes

Forbes published a marketing plan template that has amassed almost 4 million views. To help you sculpt a marketing roadmap with true vision, their template will teach you how to fill out the 15 key sections of a marketing plan, which are:

  • Executive Summary
  • Target Customers
  • Unique Selling Proposition
  • Pricing & Positioning Strategy
  • Distribution Plan
  • Your Offers
  • Marketing Materials
  • Promotions Strategy
  • Online Marketing Strategy
  • Conversion Strategy
  • Joint Ventures & Partnerships
  • Referral Strategy
  • Strategy for Increasing Transaction Prices
  • Retention Strategy
  • Financial Projections

If you're truly lost on where to start with a marketing plan, I highly recommend using this guide to help you define your target audience, figure out how to reach them, and ensure that audience becomes loyal customers.

2. Social Media Marketing Plan

This type of plan highlights the channels, tactics, and campaigns you intend to accomplish specifically on social media. A specific subtype is a paid marketing plan, which highlights paid strategies, such as native advertising, PPC, or paid social media promotions.

Shane Snow's Marketing Plan for His Book Dream Team is a great example of a social media marketing plan:

Contently's content strategy waterfall.

When Shane Snow started promoting his new book, "Dream Team," he knew he had to leverage a data-driven content strategy framework. So, he chose his favorite one: the content strategy waterfall. The content strategy waterfall is defined by Economic Times as a model used to create a system with a linear and sequential approach.

Snow wrote a blog post about how the waterfall‘s content strategy helped him launch his new book successfully. After reading it, you can use his tactics to inform your own marketing plan. More specifically, you’ll learn how he:

  • Applied his business objectives to decide which marketing metrics to track.
  • Used his ultimate business goal of earning $200,000 in sales or 10,000 purchases to estimate the conversion rate of each stage of his funnel.
  • Created buyer personas to figure out which channels his audience would prefer to consume his content.
  • Used his average post view on each of his marketing channels to estimate how much content he had to create and how often he had to post on social media.
  • Calculated how much earned and paid media could cut down the amount of content he had to create and post.
  • Designed his process and workflow, built his team, and assigned members to tasks.
  • Analyzed content performance metrics to refine his overall content strategy.

I use Snow's marketing plan to think more creatively about my content promotion and distribution plan. I like that it's linear and builds on the step before it, creating an air-tight strategy that doesn't leave any details out.

→ Free Download: Social Media Calendar Template [Access Now]

3. Content Marketing Plan

This plan could highlight different strategies, tactics, and campaigns in which you'll use content to promote your business or product.

HubSpot's Comprehensive Guide for Content Marketing Strategy is a strong example of a content marketing plan:

marketing plan examples: hubspot content marketing plan

At HubSpot, we‘ve built our marketing team from two business school graduates working from a coffee table to a powerhouse of hundreds of employees. Along the way, we’ve learned countless lessons that shaped our current content marketing strategy. So, we decided to illustrate our insights in a blog post to teach marketers how to develop a successful content marketing strategy, regardless of their team's size.

Download Now: Free Content Marketing Planning Templates

In this comprehensive guide for modern marketers, you'll learn:

  • What exactly content marketing is.
  • Why your business needs a content marketing strategy.
  • Who should lead your content marketing efforts?
  • How to structure your content marketing team based on your company's size.
  • How to hire the right people for each role on your team.
  • What marketing tools and technology you'll need to succeed.
  • What type of content your team should create, and which employees should be responsible for creating them.
  • The importance of distributing your content through search engines, social media, email, and paid ads.
  • And finally, the recommended metrics each of your teams should measure and report to optimize your content marketing program.

This is a fantastic resource for content teams of any size — whether you're a team of one or 100. It includes how to hire and structure a content marketing team, what marketing tools you'll need, what type of content you should create, and even recommends what metrics to track for analyzing campaigns. If you're aiming to establish or boost your online presence, leveraging tools like HubSpot's drag-and-drop website builder can be extremely beneficial. It helps you create a captivating digital footprint that sets the foundation for your content marketing endeavors.

4. New Product Launch Marketing Plan

This will be a roadmap for the strategies and tactics you‘ll implement to promote a new product. And if you’re searching for an example, look no further than Chief Outsiders' Go-To-Market Plan for a New Product :

marketing plan examples: chief outsiders

After reading this plan, you'll learn how to:

  • Validate a product
  • Write strategic objectives
  • Identify your market
  • Compile a competitive landscape
  • Create a value proposition for a new product
  • Consider sales and service in your marketing plan

If you're looking for a marketing plan for a new product, the Chief Outsiders template is a great place to start. Marketing plans for a new product will be more specific because they target one product versus its entire marketing strategy.

5. Growth Marketing Plan

Growth marketing plans use experimentation and data to drive results, like we see in Venture Harbour’s Growth Marketing Plan Template :

marketing plan examples: venture harbour

Venture Harbour's growth marketing plan is a data-driven and experiment-led alternative to the more traditional marketing plan. Their template has five steps intended for refinement with every test-measure-learn cycle. The five steps are:

  • Experiments

Download Now: Free Growth Strategy Template

I recommend this plan if you want to experiment with different platforms and campaigns. Experimentation always feels risky and unfamiliar, but this plan creates a framework for accountability and strategy.

  • Louisville Tourism
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Visit Oxnard
  • Safe Haven Family Shelter
  • Wright County Economic Development
  • The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County
  • Cabarrus County Convention and Visitors Bureau
  • Visit Billings

1. Louisville Tourism

Louisville Tourism Marketing Plan

It also divides its target market into growth and seed categories to allow for more focused strategies. For example, the plan recognizes Millennials in Chicago, Atlanta, and Nashville as the core of it's growth market, whereas people in Boston, Austin, and New York represent seed markets where potential growth opportunities exist. Then, the plan outlines objectives and tactics for reaching each market.

Why This Marketing Plan Works

  • The plan starts with a letter from the President & CEO of the company, who sets the stage for the plan by providing a high-level preview of the incoming developments for Louisville's tourism industry
  • The focus on Louisville as "Bourbon City" effectively leverages its unique cultural and culinary attributes to present a strong brand
  • Incorporates a variety of data points from Google Analytics, Arrivalist, and visitor profiles to to define their target audience with a data-informed approach

2. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

University Illinois

For example, students who become prospects as freshman and sophomore will receive emails that focus on getting the most out of high school and college prep classes. Once these students become juniors and seniors — thus entering the consideration stage — the emails will focus more on the college application process and other exploratory content.

  • The plan incorporates competitive analysis, evaluation surveys, and other research to determine the makeup of its target audience
  • The plan lists each marketing program (e.g., direct mail, social media, email etc.) and supplements it with examples on the next page
  • Each marketing program has its own objectives, tactics, and KPIs for measuring success

3. Visit Oxnard

This marketing plan by Visit Oxnard, a convention and visitors bureau, is packed with all the information one needs in a marketing plan: target markets, key performance indicators, selling points, personas, marketing tactics by channel, and much more.

It also articulates the organization’s strategic plans for the upcoming fiscal year, especially as it grapples with the aftereffects of the pandemic. Lastly, it has impeccable visual appeal, with color-coded sections and strong branding elements.

  • States clear and actionable goals for the coming year
  • Includes data and other research that shows how their team made their decisions
  • Outlines how the team will measure the success of their plan

4. Safe Haven Family Shelter

marketing plan examples: safe haven family shelter

This marketing plan by a nonprofit organization is an excellent example to follow if your plan will be presented to internal stakeholders at all levels of your organization. It includes SMART marketing goals , deadlines, action steps, long-term objectives, target audiences, core marketing messages , and metrics.

The plan is detailed, yet scannable. By the end of it, one can walk away with a strong understanding of the organization’s strategic direction for its upcoming marketing efforts.

  • Confirms ongoing marketing strategies and objectives while introducing new initiatives
  • Uses colors, fonts, and formatting to emphasize key parts of the plan
  • Closes with long-term goals, key themes, and other overarching topics to set the stage for the future

5. Wright County Economic Development

marketing plan examples: wright county

Wright County Economic Development’s plan drew our attention because of its simplicity, making it good inspiration for those who’d like to outline their plan in broad strokes without frills or filler.

It includes key information such as marketing partners, goals, initiatives, and costs. The sections are easy to scan and contain plenty of information for those who’d like to dig into the details. Most important, it includes a detailed breakdown of projected costs per marketing initiative — which is critical information to include for upper-level managers and other stakeholders.

  • Begins with a quick paragraph stating why the recommended changes are important
  • Uses clear graphics and bullet points to emphasize key points
  • Includes specific budget data to support decision-making

6. The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County

marketing plan examples: cultural council of palm beach county

This marketing plan presentation by a cultural council is a great example of how to effectively use data in your plan, address audiences who are new to the industry, and offer extensive detail into specific marketing strategies.

For instance, an entire slide is dedicated to the county’s cultural tourism trends, and at the beginning of the presentation, the organization explains what an arts and culture agency is in the first place.

That’s a critical piece of information to include for those who might not know. If you’re addressing audiences outside your industry, consider defining terms at the beginning, like this organization did.

  • Uses quality design and images to support the goals and priorities in the text
  • Separate pages for each big idea or new strategy
  • Includes sections for awards and accomplishments to show how the marketing plan supports wider business goals
  • Defines strategies and tactics for each channel for easy skimming

7. Cabarrus County Convention & Visitors Bureau

marketing plan examples: carrabus county

Cabarrus County’s convention and visitors bureau takes a slightly different approach with its marketing plan, formatting it like a magazine for stakeholders to flip through. It offers information on the county’s target audience, channels, goals, KPIs, and public relations strategies and initiatives.

We especially love that the plan includes contact information for the bureau’s staff members, so that it’s easy for stakeholders to contact the appropriate person for a specific query.

  • Uses infographics to expand on specific concepts, like how visitors benefit a community
  • Highlights the team members responsible for each initiative with a photo to emphasize accountability and community
  • Closes with an event calendar for transparency into key dates for events

8. Visit Billings

marketing plan examples: visit billings

Visit Billing’s comprehensive marketing plan is like Cabarrus County’s in that it follows a magazine format. With sections for each planned strategy, it offers a wealth of information and depth for internal stakeholders and potential investors.

We especially love its content strategy section, where it details the organization’s prior efforts and current objectives for each content platform.

At the end, it includes strategic goals and budgets — a good move to imitate if your primary audience would not need this information highlighted at the forefront.

  • Includes a section on the buyer journey, which offers clarity on the reasoning for marketing plan decisions
  • Design includes call-outs for special topics that could impact the marketing audience, such as safety concerns or "staycations"
  • Clear headings make it easy to scan this comprehensive report and make note of sections a reader may want to return to for more detail

What is a typical marketing plan?

In my experience, most marketing plans outline the following aspects of a business's marketing:

  • Target audience

Each marketing plan should include one or more goals, the path your team will take to meet those goals, and how you plan to measure success.

For example, if I were a tech startup that's launching a new mobile app, my marketing plan would include:

  • Target audience or buyer personas for the app
  • Outline of how app features meet audience needs
  • Competitive analysis
  • Goals for conversion funnel and user acquisition
  • Marketing strategies and tactics for user acquisition

Featured resource : Free Marketing Plan Template

What should a good marketing plan include?

A good marketing plan will create a clear roadmap for your unique marketing team. This means that the best marketing plan for your business will be distinct to your team and business needs.

That said, most marketing plans will include sections for one or more of the following:

  • Clear analysis of the target market
  • A detailed description of the product or service
  • Strategic marketing mix details (such as product, price, place, promotion)
  • Measurable goals with defined timelines

This can help you build the best marketing plan for your business.

A good marketing plan should also include a product or service's unique value proposition, a comprehensive marketing strategy including online and offline channels, and a defined budget.

Featured resource : Value Proposition Templates

What are the most important parts of a marketing plan?

When you‘re planning a road trip, you need a map to help define your route, step-by-step directions, and an estimate of the time it will take to get to your destination. It’s literally how you get there that matters.

Like a road map, a marketing plan is only useful if it helps you get to where you want to go. So, no one part is more than the other.

That said, you can use the list below to make sure that you've added or at least considered each of the following in your marketing plan:

  • Marketing goals
  • Executive summary
  • Target market analysis
  • Marketing strategies

What questions should I ask when making a marketing plan?

Questions are a useful tool for when you‘re stuck or want to make sure you’ve included important details.

Try using one or more of these questions as a starting point when you create your marketing plan:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What are their needs, motivations, and pain points?
  • How does our product or service solve their problems?
  • How will I reach and engage them?
  • Who are my competitors? Are they direct or indirect competitors?
  • What are the unique selling points of my product or service?
  • What marketing channels are best for the brand?
  • What is our budget and timeline?
  • How will I measure the success of marketing efforts?

How much does a marketing plan cost?

Creating a marketing plan is mostly free. But the cost of executing a marketing plan will depend on your specific plan.

Marketing plan costs vary by business, industry, and plan scope. Whether your team handles marketing in-house or hires external consultants can also make a difference. Total costs can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands. This is why most marketing plans will include a budget.

Featured resource : Free Marketing Budget Templates

What is a marketing plan template?

A marketing plan template is a pre-designed structure or framework that helps you outline your marketing plan.

It offers a starting point that you can customize for your specific business needs and goals. For example, our template includes easy-to-edit sections for:

  • Business summary
  • Business initiatives
  • Target market
  • Market strategy
  • Marketing channels
  • Marketing technology

Let’s create a sample plan together, step by step.

Follow along with HubSpot's free Marketing Plan Template .

HubSpot Mktg plan cover

1. Create an overview or primary objective.

Our business mission is to provide [service, product, solution] to help [audience] reach their [financial, educational, business related] goals without compromising their [your audience’s valuable asset: free time, mental health, budget, etc.]. We want to improve our social media presence while nurturing our relationships with collaborators and clients.

For example, if I wanted to focus on social media growth, my KPIs might look like this:

We want to achieve a minimum of [followers] with an engagement rate of [X] on [social media platform].

The goal is to achieve an increase of [Y] on recurring clients and new meaningful connections outside the platform by the end of the year.

Use the following categories to create a target audience for your campaign.

  • Profession:
  • Background:
  • Pain points:
  • Social media platforms that they use:
  • Streaming platforms that they prefer:

For more useful strategies, consider creating a buyer persona in our Make My Persona tool .

Our content pillars will be: [X, Y, Z].

Content pillars should be based on topics your audience needs to know. If your ideal clients are female entrepreneurs, then your content pillars can be: marketing, being a woman in business, remote working, and productivity hacks for entrepreneurs.

Then, determine any omissions.

This marketing plan won’t be focusing on the following areas of improvement: [A, B, C].

5. Define your marketing budget.

Our marketing strategy will use a total of [Y] monthly. This will include anything from freelance collaborations to advertising.

6. Identify your competitors.

I like to work through the following questions to clearly indicate who my competitors are:

  • Which platforms do they use the most?
  • How does their branding differentiate?
  • How do they talk to their audiences?
  • What valuable assets do customers talk about? And if they are receiving any negative feedback, what is it about?

7. Outline your plan's contributors and their responsibilities.

Create responsible parties for each portion of the plan.

Marketing will manage the content plan, implementation, and community interaction to reach the KPIs.

  • Social media manager: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]
  • Content strategist: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]
  • Community manager: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]

Sales will follow the line of the marketing work while creating and implementing an outreach strategy.

  • Sales strategists: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]
  • Sales executives: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]

Customer Service will nurture clients’ relationships to ensure that they have what they want. [Hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations].

Project Managers will track the progress and team communication during the project. [Hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations].

Get started on your marketing plan.

These marketing plans serve as initial resources to get your content marketing plan started. But, to truly deliver what your audience wants and needs, you'll likely need to test some different ideas out, measure their success, and then refine your goals as you go.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in April 2019, but was updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure t o learn more about how we use AI.

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Marketing Plan Exercise


During this course, you will develop a marketing plan as part of a semester-long project. The marketing plan that you develop will build throughout the course over nine chapters of this textbook.

The purpose of Part I of this marketing plan project is twofold:

  • To become familiar with the Marketing Plan Template
  • To select a company or product for which you will be building the marketing plan throughout the semester


  • Download the Marketing Plan Template and SAVE THIS DOCUMENT where you can easily access it again, because you will be completing additional sections of the plan throughout the course.
  • Select a company or product which will form the basis of your marketing plan. When selecting a company, please be sure to select a company or product that will (a) be of interest to you throughout the course and (b) have sufficient information available about the company on the internet for you to conduct research and make informed decisions in your marketing plan.
  • When selecting a company, please be sure NOT to choose a company that is so huge that it serves many diverse markets. For example, General Electric produces electrical and electronic equipment, aircraft engines, medical electronics; it also provides financial services and more. Procter & Gamble also has diverse product lines, including beauty, grooming, health care, fabric and home care, and feminine and family care. In the “real world,” you would not prepare a single marketing plan for the entire company; instead, each division and/or product line would develop its own marketing plan. Therefore, if you want to use a large company, select a brand or product line for the purpose of your marketing plan.
  • On the Marketing Plan Template, add your name and course number to the header.
  • Complete the Company Profile Information on the Marketing Plan Template for the company you have selected.
  • Save the template with a new name using this naming convention: Course_First/LastName/Project Title. Example, MKTG101_JohnSmith_Marketing Plan.
  • Submit this document to your instructor as directed.

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  • Authors: Dr. Maria Gomez Albrecht, Dr. Mark Green, Linda Hoffman
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Principles of Marketing
  • Publication date: Jan 25, 2023
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL:
  • Section URL:

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Faculty Resources


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The assignments for Principles of Marketing build on one another and culminate in the submission of a finished marketing plan. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can preview them below:

Assignments and Alignment

  • Submit Marketing Plan Template ; Module 2: Marketing Function
  • Marketing Plan, Part I ; Module 4: Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Plan, Part 2 ; Module 9: Branding
  • Complete Marketing Plan ; Module 13: Promotion: IMC
  • Marketing Plan Peer Review ; Module 14: Marketing Globally
  • Marketing Plan Presentation ; Module 15: Marketing Plan

Because the assignments are designed to cover multiple course modules, we recommend that you (1) review them for alignment with specific sequence in which you teach your course, (2) adapt them as necessary to ensure alignment, and (3) move each assignment to the module that corresponds with the week in which your students will complete them.

The following discussion assignments will also be preloaded (into the discussion-board tool) in your learning management system if you import the course. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can preview them below:

Discussion Assignments and Alignment

  • Module 1 Discussion: Self-Introduction ; Module 1: What is Marketing?
  • Module 2 Discussion: Analyzing Marketing Efforts ; Module 2: Marketing Function
  • Module 5 Discussion: Analyzing Social Responsibility ; Module 5: Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Module 7 Discussion: Customer Profile ; Module 7: Consumer Behavior
  • Module 8 Discussion: Positioning and Differentiation ; Module 8: Positioning
  • Module 10 Discussion: Product Strategy ; Module 10: Product Marketing
  • Module 11 Discussion: Pricing Strategy ; Module 11: Pricing Strategy
  • Module 12 Discussion: Distribution Strategy ; Module 12: Place: Distribution Channels
  • Module 13 Discussion: Marketing Campaign Concept ; Module 13: Promotion: IMC
  • Module 14 Discussion: Global Marketing ; Module 14: Marketing Globally

Waymaker Principles of Marketing course learning outcomes cover a variety of topics related to marketing, culminating in creating a marketing plan. The recommended set of performance assessments in the Waymaker Marketing course includes a combination of submitted assignments and discussion forums, through which students develop content that contributes to the creation of their own marketing plans. Additional discussion assignments, beyond the ones automatically included in this course, are also available in a single Microsoft Word document.  Download additional discussion assignments here.

  • Assignments. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Pencil Cup. Authored by : IconfactoryTeam. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

Footer Logo Lumen Waymaker

Operations Research

11. In program evaluation review technique network each activity time assume a beta distribution because______________.

  • it is a unimodal distribution that provides information regarding the uncertainty of time estimates of activities
  • it has got finite non-negative error
  • it need not be symmetrical about model value
  • the project is progressing well

12. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in solving a Linear Programming Problem then the solution is ______________.

13. The calling population is considered to be infinite when ______________.

  • all customers arrive at once
  • capacity of the system is infinite
  • service rate is faster than arrival rate
  • arrivals are independent of each other

14. In marking assignments, which of the following should be preferred?

  • Only row having single zero
  • Only column having single zero
  • Only row/column having single zero
  • Column having more than one zero

15. A petrol pump have one pump; Vehicles arrive at the petrol pump according to poison input process at average of 12 per hour. The service time follows exponential distribution with a mean of 4 minutes. The pumps are expected to be idle for ______________.

16. If the order quantity (size of order) is increased, ______________

  • holding costs decrease and ordering costs increase
  • holding costs increase and ordering costs decrease
  • the total costs increase and then decrease
  • storage cost as well as stock-out cost increase

17. ______________ is a mathematical technique used to solve the problem of allocating limited resource among the competing activities

  • Linear Programming problem
  • Assignment Problem
  • Replacement Problem
  • Non linear Programming Problem

18. A mixed strategy game can be solved by ______________.

  • Simplex method
  • Hungarian method
  • Graphical method

19. The activity cost corresponding to the crash time is called the ______________.

  • critical time
  • normal time

20. A set of feasible solution to a Linear Programming Problem is ______________

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  19. Assignments

    Assignments. The assignments for Principles of Marketing build on one another and culminate in the submission of a finished marketing plan. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool. They can be used as is, modified, or removed.

  20. Operations Research Multiple choice Questions and Answers. Page 2

    View answer. 13. The calling population is considered to be infinite when ______________. all customers arrive at once. capacity of the system is infinite. service rate is faster than arrival rate. arrivals are independent of each other. View answer. 14.

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