Tchiki Davis, Ph.D.

The Role of Self-Determination in Well-Being

Learn about what self-determination is and how it can affect your well-being..

Updated December 3, 2023 | Reviewed by Devon Frye

  • What Is Motivation?
  • Find a therapist near me
  • Self-determination theory says that we have three psychological needs for optimal well-being.
  • Autonomous regulation is linked with greater overall well-being,
  • Autonomous motivation is associated with greater creativity and improved problem-solving.

Source: Gordon Cowie/Unsplash

Cowritten by Tchiki Davis and Sarah Sperber

Why do you do the things you do? Why did you brush your teeth this morning, go to work, or click on this post? And is it possible to change the way you behave?

Motivation underlies all of our behavior. Self-determination theory is a widely recognized framework for understanding motivation and the impact that different types of motivation can have on different aspects of well-being . Read on to learn the fundamental principles of self-determination theory and how to live a more self-determined life.

What Self-Determination Is

The psychologists who developed self-determination theory defined self-determination as follows: “Self‐determination means acting with a sense of choice, volition, and commitment, and it is based on intrinsic motivation and integrated extrinsic motivation ” (Deci & Ryan, 2010).

Psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan first presented self-determination theory (referred to as SDT for short) in their 1985 book, Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior . They suggest that there are four different types of behavior regulation or motivation, two of which are autonomous and two of which are controlled. In this theory, autonomous regulation is the basis for self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 2010).

  • Autonomous motivation or regulation refers to acting out of a sense of willingness, volition, and choice (Deci, 2017).
  • Controlled motivation or regulation refers to acting out of a sense of pressure, demand, or obligation (Deci, 2017).

Self-Determination Examples

Here are some examples of self-determined behaviors:

  • A child playing with toys for enjoyment
  • Exercising because you value the health benefits
  • Quitting smoking because you value living a longer life with your children
  • A child completing their chores because they understand the value of responsibility
  • Creating art for the inherent joy of it
  • Choosing a career path with a complete sense of willingness

Principles of Self-Determination

Self-determination theory states that humans have three psychological needs for optimal well-being and performance: relatedness, competence, and autonomy. When someone feels related to others, competent, and like they are acting with a sense of volition, they will be autonomously motivated or self-determined (Deci, 2017; Deci & Ryan, 2012).

  • Relatedness refers to the need to be cared for and caring for others.
  • Competence refers to the need to feel effective in one’s behavior.
  • Autonomy refers to the need to feel that one is acting out of a sense of volition and self-endorsement (Vansteenkiste & Ryan, 2013).

The research suggests that to foster self-determination in oneself or others, it is important to create a supportive environment that satisfies all three of the above needs (Deci & Ryan, 2012).

How Self-Determination May Affect Well-Being

So why do these different types of motivation or regulation matter? If you end up with the same behaviors, then does it make a difference what is motivating them? Well, your own experience might tell you that the type of motivation you have can influence how you feel while you engage in a behavior.

Research surrounding self-determination theory​ has found that autonomous regulation is linked with greater overall well-being. “Those behaviors that are more self‐determined and less controlled are associated with a stronger sense of personal commitment, greater persistence, more positive feelings, higher quality performance, and better mental health ” (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Studies have found that autonomous motivation is also associated with greater creativity and improved problem-solving (Deci, 2012).

i believe in self determination essay

With this in mind, it is likely helpful to learn how to increase the amount of autonomous regulation in your life. To do this, you can work on creating a supportive environment for yourself based on the above principles of relatedness, competence, and autonomy.

A version of this post also appears as an article on The Berkeley Well-Being Institute Web site.

​Deci, E. L. (2012, August). Promoting Motivation, Health, and Excellence: Ed Deci at TEDxFlourCity. TED Conferences.

Deci, E. L. (2017, October). Edward Deci - Self-Determination Theory. The Brainwaves Video Anthology

Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. United States: Springer US.

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what" and" why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry , 11(4), 227-268.

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2010). Self‐determination. The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, 1-2.

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). Self-determination theory. In P. A. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology: Volume 1 (Vol. 1, pp. 416-437). SAGE Publications Ltd,

Vansteenkiste, M., & Ryan, R. M. (2013). On psychological growth and vulnerability: Basic psychological need satisfaction and need frustration as a unifying principle. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration , 23(3), 263.

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D.

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. , is a consultant, writer, and expert on well-being technology.

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Self Efficacy and Why Believing in Yourself Matters

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

i believe in self determination essay

Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and international bestselling author. Her books, including "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," have been translated into more than 40 languages. Her TEDx talk,  "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most viewed talks of all time.

i believe in self determination essay

  • Significance
  • Development
  • How to Improve

Self-efficacy is a person's belief in their ability to complete a task or achieve a goal. It encompasses a person's confidence in themselves to control their behavior, exert an influence over their environment, and stay motivated in the pursuit of their goal. People can have self-efficacy in different situations and domains, such as school, work, relationships, and other important areas.

When facing a challenge, do you feel like you can rise up and accomplish your goal, or do you give up in defeat? Are you like the little train engine from the classic children's book ("I think I can, I think I can!"), or do you doubt your own abilities to rise up and overcome the difficulties that life throws your way? If you tend to keep going in the face of obstacles, you probably have a high degree of self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy is important because it plays a role in how you feel about yourself and whether or not you successfully achieve your goals in life. The concept of self-efficacy is central to Albert Bandura’s  social cognitive theory , which emphasizes the role of  observational learning , social experience, and  reciprocal determinism  in personality development.

According to Bandura, self-efficacy is part of the self-system comprised of a person’s attitudes, abilities, and cognitive skills. This system plays a major role in how we perceive and respond to different situations. Self-efficacy is an essential part of this self-system.

Self-Efficacy Basics

According to  Albert Bandura , self-efficacy is "the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations." Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in a particular situation. Such beliefs play a role in determining how people think, behave, and feel.

Since Bandura published his seminal 1977 paper, "Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change," the subject has become one of the most studied topics in psychology. Why has self-efficacy become such an important topic among psychologists and educators?

As Bandura and other researchers have demonstrated, self-efficacy can impact everything from psychological states to behavior to motivation. Self-efficacy determines what goals we pursue, how we accomplish those goals, and how we reflect upon our own performance.

Our belief in our own ability to succeed plays a role in how we think, how we act, and how we feel about our place in the world.

The Role of Self-Efficacy

Virtually all people can identify goals they want to accomplish, things they would like to  change , and things they would like to achieve. However, most people also realize that putting these plans into action is not quite so simple. Bandura and others have found that an individual’s self-efficacy plays a major role in how goals, tasks, and challenges are approached.

Having high self-efficacy is a good thing. People with a strong sense of self-efficacy:

  • Develop a deeper interest in the activities in which they participate
  • Form a stronger sense of commitment to their interests and activities
  • Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments
  • View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered

Poor self-efficacy, on the other hand, can have a number of detrimental effects. People with a weak sense of self-efficacy:

  • Avoid challenging tasks
  • Believe that difficult tasks and situations are beyond their capabilities
  • Focus on personal failings and negative outcomes
  • Quickly lose confidence in personal abilities

Self-Efficacy vs. Self-Esteem vs. Self-Confidence

Self-efficacy is sometimes confused with self-esteem , but there are important distinctions between the two. What is the difference between self-efficacy and self-esteem? Self-efficacy refers to how you feel about your ability to succeed in different situations, while self-esteem refers to your respect for your own value and worth.

Is self-efficacy the same as self-confidence? While the two terms are related, there are some important distinctions. Self-confidence is more general and refers to a person's overall belief in themselves in all contexts. Self-efficacy, on the other hand, is more specific and context-dependent. A person can have high self-efficacy in one area (such as in academics) and low self-efficacy in other areas (such as in sports).

Research suggests that self-efficacy predicts self-esteem. In other words, people with high self-efficacy also tend to have high self-esteem and vice versa.

How Does Self-Efficacy Develop?

We begin to form our sense of self-efficacy in early childhood by dealing with various experiences, tasks, and situations. However, the growth of self-efficacy does not end during youth but continues to evolve throughout life as people acquire new skills, experiences, and understanding.

What are the four types of self-efficacy?

Bandura identified four major sources of self-efficacy. The four ways that self-efficacy is achieved are mastery experiences, social modeling, social persuasion, and psychological responses.

Mastery Experiences

"The most effective way of developing a strong sense of efficacy is through mastery experiences," Bandura explained. Performing a task successfully strengthens our sense of self-efficacy. However, failing to adequately deal with a task or challenge can undermine and weaken self-efficacy.  

Social Modeling

Witnessing other people successfully completing a task is another important source of self-efficacy.   According to Bandura, "Seeing people similar to oneself succeed by sustained effort raises observers' beliefs that they too possess the capabilities to master comparable activities to succeed."

Social Persuasion

Bandura also asserted that people could be persuaded to believe that they have the skills and capabilities to succeed. Consider a time when someone said something positive and encouraging that helped you achieve a goal. Getting verbal encouragement from others helps people overcome self-doubt and instead focus on giving their best effort to the task at hand.  

Psychological Responses

Our own responses and emotional reactions to situations also play an important role in self-efficacy. Moods,  emotional states , physical reactions, and stress levels can all impact how a person feels about their personal abilities in a particular situation. A person who becomes extremely nervous before speaking in public may develop a weak sense of self-efficacy in these situations.  

However, Bandura also notes "it is not the sheer intensity of emotional and physical reactions that is important but rather how they are perceived and interpreted."  

By learning how to minimize stress and elevate mood when facing difficult or challenging tasks, people can improve their sense of self-efficacy.

Examples of High Self-Efficacy

So what exactly does high self-efficacy look like? You can probably think of some examples from your own life including areas where you feel a great deal of efficacy. People may possess a general sense of self-efficacy or in a specific domain where they believe they can do well such as school, work, friendships, parenting, sports, hobbies, and other areas.

Some examples of strong self-efficacy include:

  • A person struggling to manage a chronic illness feels confident that they can get back on track and improve their health by working hard and following their doctor's recommendations.
  • A student who feels confident that they will be able to learn the information and do well on a test.
  • Someone who has just accepted a job position in a role they have never performed before but feels that they have the ability to learn and perform the job well.

Self-efficacy can play an important role in health psychology and how people manage their health, nutrition, and illness. For example, having a strong sense of self-efficacy can help people who are trying to quit smoking stick to their goals.

Maintaining a weight loss plan, managing chronic pain, giving up alcohol, sticking to an exercise schedule, and following an eating plan can all be influenced by a person's levels of self-efficacy.

Research has also shown that when teachers have high self-efficacy, it has a positive impact on academic outcomes, including student motivation and achievement.

Bandura suggests that self-efficacy can benefit a person's sense of well-being in a number of ways. For instance, they remain optimistic and confident in their abilities, even when things become difficult.

Because individuals with high self-efficacy look at difficulties as challenges rather than threats, they tend to be more intrinsically interested in the tasks they pursue. Difficulty and failure don't mean defeat; instead, these individuals redouble their efforts and look for new ways to overcome.

Issues With Low Self-Efficacy

People who are low in self-efficacy tend to see difficult tasks as threats they should avoid. Because of this, they also tend to avoid setting goals and have low levels of commitment to the ones they do make.

When setbacks happen, they tend to give up quickly. Because they don't have much confidence in their ability to achieve, they are more likely to experience feelings of failure and depression. Stressful situations can also be very hard to deal with and those with low self-efficacy are less resilient and less likely to bounce back.

Learned helplessness is the opposite of self-efficacy. It can occur when people feel they have no power to control what happens in a situation. Instead of looking for opportunities to change the outcome, they give up and behave passively.

Evaluating Self-Efficacy Strength

For a quick, informal assessment of your own self-efficacy levels, consider the following questions:

  • Do you feel like you can handle problems if you are willing to work hard?
  • Are you confident in your ability to achieve your goals?
  • Do you feel like you can manage unexpected events that come up?
  • Are you able to bounce back fairly quickly after stressful events?
  • Do you feel like you can come up with solutions when you are facing a problem?
  • Do you keep trying even when things seem difficult?
  • Are you good at staying calm even in the face of chaos?
  • Do you perform well even under pressure?
  • Do you tend to focus on your progress rather than getting overwhelmed by all you still have to do?
  • Do you believe that hard work will eventually pay off?

If you can answer yes to many or most of these questions, then chances are good that you have a fairly strong sense of self-efficacy. If you feel like your self-efficacy could use a boost, consider some of the following strategies for improving your sense of efficacy.

Building Self-Efficacy

Fortunately, self-efficacy is a psychological skill that you can foster and strengthen. Start by looking for ways to incorporate Bandura's sources of self-efficacy into your own life. Some ways that self-efficacy can be achieved include acknowledging your success, observing your mentors, getting positive feedback, and practicing positive self-talk.

Celebrate Your Success

Mastery experiences play a critical role in the establishment of self-efficacy. Bandura actually identified this as the single most effective way to create a strong sense of self-belief.

When you succeed at something, you are able to build a powerful belief in your ability. Failure, on the other hand, can undermine these feelings, particularly if you are still in the early phases of building a sense of personal efficacy.  

The ideal sorts of successes, however, are not necessarily those that come easily. If you experience a lot of easy success, you may find yourself giving up more readily when you finally do encounter failure. So work on setting goals that are achievable, but not necessarily easy. They will take work and perseverance, but you will emerge with a stronger belief in your own abilities once you achieve them.

Observe Others

Bandura also identified vicarious experiences obtained through peer modeling as another important means of establishing and strengthening self-efficacy. Seeing others putting in effort and succeeding, as a result, can increase your belief in your own ability to succeed.

One factor that plays a key role in the effectiveness of this approach is how similar the model is to yourself. The more alike you feel you are, the more likely it is that your observations will increase your sense of self-efficacy.  

Seek Positive Affirmations

Hearing positive feedback from others can also help improve your sense of self-efficacy. By that same token, try to avoid asking for feedback from people who you know are more likely to have a negative or critical view of your performance.

For example, your doctor telling you that you are doing a good job sticking to your diet plan can be encouraging. Feedback from friends, mentors, health practitioners, and people who you respect can help you feel greater confidence in your own abilities.

Positive social feedback can be helpful for strengthening your already existing sense of efficacy, but negative comments can often have a powerful undermining effect. Bandura suggested that social feedback alone is not enough to build your self-belief, but it can be a useful tool when you need a little extra encouragement.  

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts and Emotions

If you find yourself getting stressed out or nervous before a challenging event, you might feel less sure of your ability to cope with the task at hand.

Another way to boost your self-efficacy is to look for ways to manage your thoughts and emotions about what you are trying to accomplish.

Do you feel anxious? Looking for ways to ease your stress levels can help you feel more confident in your capabilities. Do you find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts? Look for ways to replace negativity with positive self-talk that promotes self-belief.

Get Advice From The Verywell Mind Podcast

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares strategies that can help you learn to truly believe in yourself, featuring IT Cosmetics founder Jamie Kern Lima.

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There are a number of different scales that are used to evaluate levels of self-efficacy including the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) and the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire.

Developing a strong sense of self-efficacy can play an important role in almost every aspect of your life. Life is full of challenges and high levels of self-efficacy can help you better deal with these difficulties more effectively. Your belief in your abilities can predict how motivated you feel, how you feel about yourself, and the amount of effort you put into achieving your goals.

Bandura A. Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies . Cambridge University Press.

Bandura A. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change .  Psychol Rev . 1977;84(2):191-215. doi:10.1037/0033-295x.84.2.191

Hajloo N. Relationships between self-efficacy, self-esteem and procrastination in undergraduate psychology students . Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci . 2014;8(3):42-9. PMID: 25780374; PMCID: PMC4359724.

Barni D, Danioni F, Benevene P. Teachers' self-efficacy: The role of personal values and motivations for teaching . Front Psychol . 2019;10:1645. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01645

Maier SF, Seligman ME.  Learned helplessness at fifty: Insights from neuroscience .  Psychol Rev . 2016;123(4):349-367. doi:10.1037/rev0000033

Romppel M, Herrmann-Lingen C, Wachter R, et al. A short form of the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE-6): Development, psychometric properties and validity in an intercultural non-clinical sample and a sample of patients at risk for heart failure . Psychosoc Med . 2013;10:Doc01. doi:10.3205/psm000091

Tod D, Hardy J, Oliver E. Effects of self-talk: A systematic review . J Sport Exerc Psychol . 2011;33(5):666-87.

Bandura A. Exercise of personal agency through the self-efficacy mechanisms. In: Schwarzer R, ed. Self-efficacy: Thought Control of Action.  Hemisphere: Taylor & Francis.

Bandura A. Self-efficacy. In: Ramachaudran VS, ed. Encyclopedia of Human Behavior , 4. Academic Press.

Turk DC. Psychological aspects of chronic pain. In: Benzon HT, Rathmell JP, Wu CL, et al., eds. Practical Management of Pain (Fifth Edition) . Elsevier.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

Self-Determination Theory: How It Explains Motivation

Gabriel Lopez-Garrido

Undergraduate at Harvard University

Political Science and Psychology

Gabriel Lopez-Garrido is currently in his final year at Harvard University. He is pursuing a Bachelor's degree with a primary focus on Political Science (Government) and a minor in Psychology.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

On This Page:

Key Takeaways

  • Self-determination refers to the ability of individuals to make choices and determine their own actions.
  • Self-determination is a theory of human motivation and personality that suggests that people can become self-determined when their needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy are fulfilled.
  • The presence versus absence of environmental conditions that allow satisfaction of these basic needs (in people’s immediate situations and in their developmental histories) is a key predictor of whether or not people will display vitality and mental health.
  • People tend to become happier when pursuing things that are intrinsically motivated and aligned with their own goals – it not only makes them feel more responsible about the outcomes, it also helps them to really focus their time on what they want to be doing.
  • Self-determination theory itself can be helpful in understanding the things that might motivate a given individual’s behavior. Feeling like one has both the autonomy and the capabilities required to make choices on their own is something that most, if not every, individual would want to have.

What is Self-Determination?

The term self-determination was first introduced by Deci and Ryan in their 1985 book Self-Determination and Intrinsic Motivation in Human Behavior .

The term self-determination refers to a person’s own ability to manage themselves, to make confident choices, and to think on their own (Deci, 1971).

Self-determination is a macro theory of human motivation and personality. It is a theory that deals with two huge factors: people’s inherent growth tendencies and the innate psychological needs of these same individuals.

Given how self-determination can help with achieving independence, this concept plays an essential role not only in the overall well-being of the individual, but also their overall psychological health.

Because self-determination puts the individual in the driving seat, it makes the person both responsible and potentially culpable for whatever happens.

Given this, self-determination also has a large impact on motivation. If the individual themselves believe they can manage themselves properly, they would more than likely find more motivation in whatever task they wish to carry out.

Theoretical Assumptions

The need for growth drives behavior.

The first assumption of self-determination theory is that a need for growth as a human being drives behavior. People are always actively seeking to grow and improve (Deci & Ryan, 1985).

Gaining mastery over challenges (both new and old) is essential for developing a sense of self or, at the very least, a cohesive one.

Autonomous motivation is important.

Self-determination theory focuses on the interplay between the extrinsic forces acting on persons and the intrinsic motive and needs of human beings. People can generally be motivated by outside factors such as money, acclaim, and fame, and this type of motivation is known as extrinsic . 

Self-determination theory focuses primarily on internal sources of motivation (known as intrinsic motivation), such as learning to gain independence and wanting to prove yourself.

According to Lepper et al. (1973), if the behavior is purely self-determined, there is a very high chance that it will be both intrinsically driven and that the behavior is done not for the reward or the prize, but rather for self-satisfaction, interest, and enjoyment for the behavior itself.

Non-self-determined behaviors are only performed only because they have to get done – not out of enjoyment or because it fulfills the individual, rather because the individual has little to no choice on whether they want to partake in said behavior. This leads to a lack of control given that this behavior is not done willingly.

Basic Needs

Self-determination theory posits that people are driven by three innate and universal psychological needs, and that personal well-being is a direct function of the satisfaction of these basic psychological needs (Deci & Ryan, 1991;Ryan, 1995),

Competence (need to be effective in dealing with the environment)

Competence is a term utilized to describe someone who has sufficient qualities to perform a given task or to describe the state of having sufficient intellect, judgment, skill, and/or strength.

When an individual feels competent, they feel able to interact effectively within their environment, and they have the skills needed for success to ensure that their goals are achieved. A competent person feels a sense of mastery over their environment.

If tasks are too challenging or a person receives negative feedback, feelings of competence can decrease. Alternatively, feelings of competence are enhanced when the demands of a task are optimally matched to a person’s skills, or positive feedback is received.

Relatedness (need to have close, affectionate relationships)

Relatedness is the ability to feel a sense of both attachment to other people and a sense of belonging amongst other people.

Relatedness involves feelings of closeness and belonging to a social group.

Without connections, self-determination is harder to achieve because the individual would lack access to both help and support.

Feelings of relatedness are enhanced when individuals are respected and cared for by others, and are part of an inclusive environment. Alternatively, feelings of relatedness are undermined by competition with others, cliques, and criticism from others.

Autonomy (need to feel self-governing and independent)

Autonomy is the ability to feel in control of one’s behavior and destiny, and involves self-initiation and self-regulation of one’s own behavior.

Autonomy involves being able to make your own decisions and is associated with feelings of independence.

Feelings of autonomy are enhanced when individuals are given choice and are able to govern their own behavior, and when other people acknowledge their feelings.

Alternatively, the individual lacks autonomy if they feel controlled or threatened by others, or have to operate according to deadlines.

Tangible rewards can also reduce feelings of autonomy. If one were to give someone an extrinsic reward for already intrinsically motivated behavior, then the likelihood that autonomy is undermined (given that the extrinsic reward is likely to draw attention away from autonomy) is fairly large.

It gets even worse if the behavior is repeated: as the behavior becomes increasingly controlled by external rewards rather than by autonomy. Thus, intrinsic motivation is diminished, and people start to feel both a different source for their motivation and less belief in their own personal qualities.

Research on self-determination theory has shown the importance of the three basic needs in real-world settings, such as the workplace, education, and sports.

In the Classroom

  • Researchers have found that students show a greater intrinsic motivation towards learning when teachers encourage a culture of autonomy in the classroom (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009). Students experience autonomy when they feel supported to explore, take initiative and develop and implement solutions for their problems.
  • Teachers should provide prompt feedback and stretch and challenge students to promote a sense of competence. If done correctly, feedback not only works because it provides an insight into how that student is doing, but because when students perform well and they are given positive feedback, it makes them feel good about the work they have achieved.
  • Students experience relatedness when they perceive others listening and responding to them. When these three needs are met,
  • It is fine to reward a student for their success, but avoiding excessive external rewards for actions students already enjoy is essential if one wants to improve their internal desire for motivation (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999) Students who are more involved in setting educational goals are more likely to experience intrinsic motivation, and are more likely to reach their goals.

In the Workplace

People who feel that they can have a positive effect at work tend to feel more engaged and motivated. How else can employers build self-determination in their workers?

  • Organizations should encourage autonomy in the workplace as this can enhances employees’ well-being, productivity, and personal growth, and contributes to organizational effectiveness (Strauss & Parker, 2014).
  • One way that managers and leaders can help their employees with developing self-determination is by putting them in leadership roles. For example, let’s say that the company needs to prepare a presentation for a huge client.
  • A manager who wants to build his employer’s sense of self-determination will take steps to ensure that the each of the team members working on the presentation take an active role. One could be in charge of designing the graphs, while the other is in charge of the marketing strategy.
  • Constructive feedback works wonders for building self-determined behaviors like competence.Feedback helps individuals understand what they are doing wrong and how they can improve doing said task. It helps people feel as if their work has actual value, which is key in trying to build motivation.
  • Employers should be careful not to offer one too many extrinsic rewards as this can diminish a sense of autonomy. If extrinsic rewards are in the picture, it is likely to become the case that – at some point – the work will stop being about loving what one does and become about simply obtaining the reward.

In Competition

Fostering a sense of self-determination is one of the many things that can inspire certain individuals to excel – this is especially true in competitive settings -such as sports and athletics – where the stakes are sometimes so high.

  • It surely is a given that athletes are driven to perform better in their designated sport if they themselves believe that they are capable of overcoming the hurdles that may arise along the way (Hagger & Chatzisarantis, 2008).

In a Social Setting

If an individual attempts to forge close, and affectionate relationships with other people – the likelihood that self-determination behaviors improve (or are seen more often) is high. What are some specific ways that people can build self-determination in social settings?

  • One specific way to build self-determination in these types of settings is by actively seeking positive relationships with people that promote a positive environment.
  • When seeking social relationships, an individual who wants to work on their self-determination should look for individuals who will support them in the pursuit of their goals.

How to Improve Self-Determination

People who are high in self-determination tend to believe in their own innate ability and that they have control over their own lives.

People who practice self-determined behaviors have an internal locus of control , and this makes them feel that their behaviors will have an influence on outcomes.

More importantly, it makes them understand that in order for other people to start believing in this individual’s abilities, the same individual must first believe in themselves.

People who believe in themselves- when faced with a difficult scenario feel that they can overcome anything they set their minds on through the use of diligence, good choices, and hard work.

Without an individual believing in themselves, chances are that individual is likely less to give 100% of his effort when trying to achieve any task (after all, why would said individual give so much time and effort to a cause they think they are bound to already fail)?

People who are high in self-determination tend to have high self-motivation.

People who demonstrate self-determined behaviors tend not to rely on external rewards as a means for them to do a task. Often, times completing the task properly is its own reward.

To improve motivation, it is essential to remove external rewards and punishments as a reason for completing a task. Self-determined individuals set goals and work to reach them because they feel enough motivation to know that their effort will produce a finished product.

People who are high in self-determination tend to take responsibility for their behaviors.

The biggest difference between someone who is self-determined and someone who isn’t is that highly self-determined people take credit for their success but also hold their heads high up in the face of failure. They have no problem with taking responsibility, because they know they can do better.

Conversely, individuals who lack self-determination will attempt to put the blame on someone or something else in an attempt to take of the pressure from themselves.

Taking responsibility is important for learning how to become self-determined as it helps the individual accept that they are human (meaning, that they are capable of failure) and also that they are capable of owning up to their mistakes (which is a sign of confidence).

It puts the individual in a situation where they appreciate that things happen to them even more because – at the end of the day – the person who is responsible for putting the individual in that situation is the individual themselves.

Deci, E. L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 18, 105–115.

Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (1999). A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation . Psychological Bulletin, 125 (6), 627.

Deci, E., & Ryan, R. (1991). A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality”. In R. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska symposium on motivation: Vol. 38. Perspectives on motivation (pp. 237–288). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). Motivation, personality, and development within embedded social contexts: An overview of self-determination theory. In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), Oxford handbook of human motivation (pp. 85-107). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Hagger, M., & Chatzisarantis, N. (2008). Self-determination theory and the psychology of exercise . International review of sport and exercise psychology, 1 (1), 79-103.

Lepper, M. K., Greene, D., & Nisbett, R. (1973). Undermining children’s intrinsic interest with extrinsic reward: A test of the “over justification” hypothesis . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28 (1), 129–137.

Niemiec, C. P., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom: Applying self-determination theory to educational practice . Theory and research in Education, 7 (2), 133-144.

Pritchard, R.; Campbell, K.; Campbell, D. (1977). Effects of extrinsic financial rewards on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62 (1), 9.

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being . American Psychologist, 55 (1), 68–78.

Ryan, R. M. & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness . New York: Guilford Publishing.

Strauss, K., & Parker, S. K. (2014). Effective and sustained proactivity in the workplace: A self‐determination theory perspective . In M. Gagné (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of work engagement, motivation, and self‐determination theory (pp. 50–72). Oxford: Oxford University Press .

Further Reading

  • Deci, E. L., La Guardia, J. G., Moller, A. C., Scheiner, M. J., & Ryan, R. M. (2006). On the benefits of giving as well as receiving autonomy support: Mutuality in close friendships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32 (3), 313–327.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The” what” and” why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11 (4), 227-268.
  • Reis, H. T., Sheldon, K. M., Gable, S. L., Roscoe, J., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). Daily well-being: The role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26 (4), 419–435.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55 , 68-78.

Which psychological need in the self-determination theory (sdt) is described as the basic need to feel effective and capable in one’s actions?

In Self-Determination Theory (SDT), the psychological need described as the basic desire to feel effective and capable in one’s actions is referred to as ‘Competence.’ This need represents an individual’s inherent desire to engage in challenges and to experience mastery or proficiency in their endeavors.

According to self-determination theory, people’s behavior and well-being are influenced by what three innate needs?

According to Self-Determination Theory, people’s behavior and well-being are influenced by three innate needs: Autonomy, the need to be in control of one’s actions and choices; Competence, the need to be effective and master tasks; and Relatedness, the need to have meaningful relationships and feel connected with others.

These needs are universal, innate, and psychological, and are essential for an individual’s optimal function and growth.

What is self-determination?

Self-determination refers to the process by which a person controls their own life. It involves making choices and decisions based on personal preferences and interests, the freedom to pursue goals, and the ability to be independent and autonomous.

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Student Essays

Essay on Believe in Yourself

5 Essays on Believe in Yourself | Self Belief, Meaning & Importance

Self belief is the most important thing in life which helps a person to fight against all odds and achieve success in their lives by leading a happy and contended life. Self belief does not come overnight, it comes with efforts and then only you can achieve your goal easily. Read the following short and long essay for students on self belief.

Essay on Self Belief | Meaning, Importance of Self Belief For Children and Students

Self belief is defined as a feeling or consciousness of one’s own powers or of reliance on one’s own efforts. In simple words, self-belief is a strong faith and confidence in yourself.

If you have self belief then others will believe that you can achieve anything what ever you want to do. You will feel strong and active within yourself. You will be able to face any difficult situation or circumstances with courage and confidence. You will not lose hope in your abilities and skills even if you face many hurdles on the way.

Essay on Believe in Yourself

However, if you lack self-belief others will not have faith in you. You may not be able to make a success of your life because of lack of motivation and strength from within. In other words, this means that the road to success is only for those who do have a strong belief in themselves. Self-confidence without self-belief is of little use.

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Self belief is important for all of us because nobody can succeed without it whereas success is the only thing that can bring self-belief in you which will help you to cope up with any difficult situation.

Importance of Self Belief in Life

Five major reasons why self belief is important in life are:

1) Self Belief is important for a student because he has to work hard and get good grades in order to get a good job. In this competitive world, an average or below average student cannot find a suitable job easily. If you have strong belief in your abilities then you will have confidence in yourself that you can achieve anything what ever you want to. It is the self belief that makes a student responsible for his actions and decisions because, without having trust in oneself no one can be brave enough to take decisions confidently.

2) Similarly, when it comes to choosing a profession or taking any important decision in life, self belief is an important criterion. It will help you to take firm decisions and achieve success in your career by leading a happy and contended life.

3) If you have a strong belief in yourself then it will be easy for others to trust you because they know that whatever promises you make them, whatever tasks assigned to you, you will accomplish them successfully.

4) Self-belief is also helpful in making sound decisions because it gives courage to handle any situation that may come up during the course of your life.

5) Successful people have a strong belief in themselves and others too believe in them so they get success easily. They have the ability to influence and motivate others to work hard and achieve success.

Thus, we can say that having a strong belief in yourself will help you to build strong relationships with your family members , friends and colleagues which will give support to each other and result into achieving greater heights of success.

Self Belief for Students

Successful students are always confident and have a strong belief in themselves. They do not allow their failures to discourage them from achieving their goal or goal. They wait for the right time, gather all resources and then make a plan to achieve success. Successful students learn from their mistakes and never waste an opportunity given by god because they know that opportunities are rare. A person who does not have self-belief always makes excuses for his failures and blames others for his shortcomings.

In an era where competition has become cut throat, it is very important that a student believes in his own potential and abilities to achieve high scores. If he lacks self belief then he will make mistakes which will decrease his percentage. And often this


To conclude, it can be said that having a strong belief in oneself is very important because if you have a strong conviction about yourself then nobody will be able to discourage you from achieving your goal. If you want to achieve success in any field of life, all you have to do is to believe in yourself and gather all the necessary resources and tools.

What is Self Essay:

Self essay is a form of writing in which an individual shares their personal experiences, opinions, and thoughts. It allows the writer to reflect on their own life and share their unique perspective with others. A self essay can cover a wide range of topics including personal growth, relationships, challenges, accomplishments, and more.

One of the main purposes of writing a self essay is self-discovery. It gives the writer an opportunity to explore their own thoughts and feelings, which can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself. Through self-reflection, one can uncover hidden motivations, values, and beliefs that may have influenced their actions and decisions in life.

Moreover, self essay writing can also be a form of self-expression. It allows individuals to freely express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism. It can be a therapeutic outlet for releasing emotions and processing experiences. Writing about personal struggles, successes, and lessons learned can also inspire and resonate with others who may be going through similar situations.

Self essays are not only beneficial for the writer but also for the readers. By sharing their personal stories, individuals can connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of empathy and understanding. It can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for others who may be facing similar challenges.

In today’s digital age, self essays have become increasingly popular through various platforms such as personal blogs, social media, and online publications. This provides individuals with a platform to freely express themselves and share their stories with a wider audience.

In conclusion, self essay writing is a powerful tool for self-discovery, self-expression, and connecting with others. It allows individuals to reflect on their own experiences and share their unique perspectives with the world.

Essay on Believe in Yourself :

Believing in oneself is often cited as one of the most important factors for achieving success. It is the foundation upon which all other aspects of personal growth and development are built. Yet, many struggle with self-doubt and lack of confidence, hindering their ability to achieve their goals and dreams. In this essay, we will explore the concept of self-belief and its crucial role in achieving success.

What is self-belief?

Self-belief can be defined as having confidence in one’s abilities and worth. It is a deep-seated belief that you are capable of accomplishing your goals and overcoming challenges. It is not about being arrogant or overestimating oneself, but rather having a realistic understanding of your strengths and potential. Self-belief is also closely linked to self-esteem, which refers to how you perceive and value yourself.

The power of self-belief

Believing in oneself has the power to shape our thoughts, actions, and ultimately our destiny. It gives us the motivation and determination to pursue our dreams despite obstacles and setbacks. When we have a strong sense of self-belief, we are more likely to take risks and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. This opens up new opportunities for growth and success.

On the other hand, lacking self-belief can lead to feelings of fear, doubt, and insecurity. This can hold us back from reaching our full potential and living a fulfilling life. Without self-belief, we may settle for less than what we are capable of and miss out on opportunities for growth and achievement.

Building self-belief

The good news is that self-belief is not a fixed trait. It can be nurtured and developed with conscious effort. Here are some ways to cultivate a strong sense of self-belief:

  • Recognize your strengths and achievements: Take time to reflect on your past successes and the qualities that helped you achieve them. This will remind you of your capabilities and boost your confidence.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences: The people we surround ourselves with can greatly impact our self-belief. Choose to spend time with those who support and uplift you, rather than those who bring you down.
  • Challenge negative thoughts: We all have an inner critic that can undermine our confidence. When you notice negative self-talk, challenge it and replace it with positive affirmations.
  • Set achievable goals: Setting and achieving realistic goals is a great way to build self-belief. Start small and gradually work towards bigger goals as you gain more confidence in yourself.
  • Celebrate your progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated and reinforce your belief in your abilities.

The role of self-belief in success

Self-belief is often considered the key to achieving success because it provides the necessary foundation for taking action towards our goals. Without a strong sense of belief in ourselves, we may lack the courage and determination to pursue our dreams. In contrast, when we truly believe in ourselves and our abilities, we are more likely to take the necessary steps towards success.

Moreover, self-belief also helps us bounce back from failures and setbacks. It allows us to learn from our mistakes and use them as stepping stones towards future success. As famous basketball player Michael Jordan once said, “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

In conclusion, self-belief is a vital ingredient for achieving success in any aspect of life. It gives us the courage, motivation, and resilience to pursue our dreams and overcome challenges. While it may not come naturally to everyone, self-belief can be developed through conscious effort and practice. So, believe in yourself and your abilities, and you will be amazed by what you can achieve. As the saying goes, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” So, choose to believe in yourself and see how it transforms your life for the better.

Short Speech on Believe in Yourself:

As we go through our daily lives, we encounter various challenges that may seem impossible to overcome. In such situations, it is important to have self-belief and confidence in ourselves. Believe in yourself is more than just a phrase, it is a mindset that can help us achieve great things.

When we believe in ourselves, we are able to push through obstacles and setbacks, and work towards our goals with determination. It allows us to stay focused on the positive aspects of our lives and not get discouraged by failures.

Moreover, when we have faith in ourselves, it inspires others around us to believe in themselves as well. As leaders, it is important for us to instill this belief in those around us, especially in times of uncertainty.

Believe in yourself also means acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses, and constantly working on improving ourselves. It is about having a growth mindset and not being afraid to take risks.

In conclusion, having self-belief is essential for personal growth and success. Let us remember to always believe in ourselves, no matter what challenges come our way. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” So let us choose to believe in ourselves and strive towards achieving our dreams. The possibilities are endless when we have faith in ourselves.

If you Believe in Yourself anything is Possible Essay:

As human beings, we all have dreams and aspirations that we want to achieve in life. These goals may vary from person to person, but they are ultimately what motivate us to strive for excellence. However, the path towards achieving our dreams is not always smooth. There will be obstacles and challenges along the way that can make us doubt ourselves and our abilities.

In such moments, it is important to remind ourselves that if we believe in ourselves, anything is possible.

Believing in oneself means having confidence and faith in our own abilities. It means acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses and trusting that we have what it takes to overcome any difficulties that come our way. When we truly believe in ourselves, we are able to turn our dreams into reality because we have the determination and perseverance to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.

One of the main reasons why believing in ourselves is so crucial is because it allows us to take risks and step out of our comfort zones. Without self-belief, we may hesitate to pursue opportunities or try new things because we are afraid of failure. However, if we have faith in ourselves, we are more willing to take chances and explore different paths. And even if we do fail, we are able to bounce back stronger because our self-belief gives us the courage to keep going.

Moreover, when we believe in ourselves, we are not easily swayed by the opinions or judgments of others. We trust our own judgment and decisions, which allows us to stay true to ourselves and our goals. This is essential in a world where there will always be people who doubt us or try to bring us down. By believing in ourselves, we are able to rise above these negative influences and stay focused on what truly matters.

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In conclusion, if we believe in ourselves, anything is possible. Our self-belief gives us the strength and resilience to overcome obstacles, take risks, and stay true to ourselves. So let us hold onto our dreams and have faith in ourselves, for it is through self-belief that we can achieve great things and make our wildest aspirations a reality.

Q: Why is it important to believe in yourself?

A: Believing in yourself is important because it boosts self-confidence, motivation, and resilience, helping you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Q: What makes you believe in yourself?

A: Believing in yourself often comes from self-awareness, setting achievable goals, receiving support, and learning from both successes and failures.

Q: What is believing in yourself summary?

A: Believing in yourself is having confidence in your abilities and worth, which empowers you to pursue your ambitions and face life’s obstacles with determination.

Q: What does it mean to believe in yourself?

A: Believing in yourself means having faith in your capabilities, judgment, and value as an individual. It involves self-assurance and a positive self-image, which drives personal growth and success

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This I Believe: Self-Determination essay

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15 Self-Determination Examples For Writing Your Own Story

Self-determination is the ability to act according to your values, goals, and choices. It is an important concept in psychology and well-being, as it influences your motivation, behavior, and happiness. Self-determination theory, proposed by Ryan and Deci, suggests that people have three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. When these needs are met, people feel more self-determined and intrinsically motivated to pursue their interests and growth.

i believe in self determination essay

Sanju Pradeepa

Self-Determination Examples

You know that feeling when you realize you’ve been blindly following the script that society has written for you? The nagging sense that there must be more to life than chasing promotions, accumulating possessions, and meeting expectations that aren’t even your own? Well, wake up and smell the fair-trade coffee! There are people out there rebelling against the status quo and forging their own paths. In this article, you’ll meet three individuals who threw out the rule book and pursued their dreams on their terms.

Get ready to be inspired as you dive into the stories of a nomadic entrepreneur, an activist artist, and a philanthropic farmer—all who broke from convention to lead self-determined lives rich in meaning, impact, and adventure. The moral of their stories? Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Happiness and purpose await those brave enough to cut their trail. So what are you waiting for? Start blazing! as in here we are talking about both self-determination examples and how it apply when it comes to reality.

Table of Contents

What is self-determination.

What Is Self-Determination

It means having the freedom and power to make your own choices and shape your future. When you pursue your goals and dreams despite obstacles or naysayers, that’s self-determination in action!

Some real-life examples of self-determination include:

  • Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “lacking imagination” and had many of his early businesses fail, but he persevered and built the Disney empire.
  • J.K. Rowling’s first Harry Potter book was rejected by 12 publishers before being accepted. Her self-belief and determination made the series a reality.
  • As a child, Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for “acting services rendered” and carried it in his wallet for years until he achieved success. His unstoppable drive and vision propelled him forward.
  • Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, overcoming immense barriers through her resolve and perseverance.
  • Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison before becoming South Africa’s first black president and dismantling apartheid. His steadfast courage and conviction changed history.

The History of the Self-Determination Movement

The self-determination movement has a long and inspiring history. Going back to the 18th century, visionaries championed the idea that all people have a fundamental right to make their own choices and shape their own destinies.

In the 1960s, disability rights activists began demanding more self-determination, control, and choice over their own lives. This led to deinstitutionalization, the move to provide community-based services rather than institutionalization. The Independent Living Movement was born, fighting for disabled individuals’ civil rights and ability to live independently.

In the 1970s and 1980s, self-advocates emerged, speaking up and self-advocating for their right to direct their own services and supports. Parent advocates also began advocating for more choice and control over their children’s services.

Read more – Self-determination From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1990s: A Turning Point

The 1990s were a pivotal time. Several US federal laws affirm the rights of individuals with disabilities to direct their own services, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992. Medicaid also approved the self-direction of services.

The new millennium brought greater self-determination and consumer direction in health care, education, housing, and employment. People worldwide are demanding more autonomy and control over their lives.

The self-determination movement has empowered so many to pursue their dreams and shape their own destiny. Its inspiring history can motivate all of us to advocate for the rights and well-being of others. The future is bright as we forge our own paths in life.

Why is Determination Important-Key to Achieve Your Goals

Why is Determination Important: A Key to Achieve Your Goals

Self-determination examples.

Here are some examples of self-determination in different contexts:

1. Advocating for Your Rights

Advocating for Your Rights

You have rights, and you deserve to stand up for them! Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter or that your voice doesn’t count.

Speak up and advocate for yourself whenever you face injustice or feel you’ve been wronged. Politely but firmly tell the person that their actions were unacceptable and that you expect to be treated with dignity and respect . You may also want to document specific instances of unfair treatment in case you need to report the issue to HR or a manager.

Don’t be afraid to ask for reasonable accommodations at work or school if you have a disability or medical issue. Your needs are valid and important. Explain your situation professionally and provide any required documentation. Most institutions aim to provide inclusive environments, so don’t feel like you’re causing trouble.

If you witness discrimination against others, say something. Silence implies acceptance of unfair behavior. Support colleagues and peers who are facing adversity. Sign petitions for good causes you believe in. Call or write to political representatives about issues that matter to you. One person can make a difference!

Every voice has power. Use yours to stand up for justice, equality, and human rights. Channel your passion into positive change. The world needs more self-advocates willing to speak truth to power. Be that voice of courage, and inspire others through your actions. Together, we can create a society that values all people.

2. Choosing Where and How You Live

Choosing where you live and how you set up your living space is one of the most fundamental ways to express your independence. When you have the freedom to decide on your own dwelling, the possibilities are endless!

Find Your Dream home.

Do you long to live in a tiny house, an RV, or a converted school bus? Maybe a houseboat or yurt is more your style. Don’t feel limited to traditional houses and apartments. Find what energizes and inspires you! Search for places that spark your creativity and sense of adventure.

Decorate Freely

Now is your chance to craft rooms and spaces that truly reflect your vibrant personality 4. Paint the walls your favorite bright colors, fill the place with beloved collections, hang unusual art, or add fun furnishings. Don’t hold back; go bold with your decorating choices! An eclectic, cozy space you can call your own will lift your mood and fuel your determination.

Set Your Own schedule.

Living independently means organizing your time as you see fit. Keep the hours that energize you, wake up when you want, and engage in hobbies and social activities that fulfill you. Maybe you’re most productive late at night or early in the morning. Follow your natural rhythms instead of society’s rules. Achieve the perfect work-life balance that leaves you feeling cheerful and motivated.

Forging your own path in life begins with choosing how and where you live. Find a home that sparks joy, decorate in a way that inspires you, and set a schedule that maximizes your happiness and productivity. Make your space a reflection of your free spirit and zest for life! Independence never felt so exhilarating.

3. Selecting Support Services That Meet Your Needs

Selecting Support Services That Meet Your Needs

Choosing services and supports that genuinely meet your needs is key to living a self-determined life. The options available today are vast, so do some research on what’s out there. Talk to others in similar situations about what has and hasn’t worked for them.

Once you have an idea of the possibilities, think about what really matters to you. Do you value maximum independence or the security of more assistance? Are low costs a high priority, or is quality most important? Consider your goal s, abilities, and limitations. You know yourself best, so listen to your instincts!

When you find services that spark your interest, schedule visits to check them out in person. Meet the staff, ask lots of questions, and pay attention to how you feel about the place. An empowering support system will encourage your self-sufficiency while also providing help when you need it. They’ll treat you with dignity and respect, valuing your opinions and choices.

Don’t settle for anything less than an ideal fit. The services you choose will play a huge role in your quality of life, so take your time exploring all options thoroughly. When you find the right match, you’ll gain peace of mind knowing trusted help is there to assist you on your journey to greater independence and fulfillment. Staying determined in your search will lead you to the supportive communities and empowering services that suit you best!

Keep your head high. Believe in yourself and your ability to shape a life of meaning on your own terms. With self-confidence, creativity, and the right kind of help, you can achieve amazing things. Stay focused on your dreams and never stop discovering ways to make them come true!

4. Making Your Own Healthcare Decisions

You have the power to make your own healthcare decisions. Don’t rely on doctors, parents, or partners to decide what’s right for you. Take charge of your health!

Doing Your Own Research

The internet puts a world of health information at your fingertips. Look into your symptoms or conditions and possible treatments. Read reviews from others in your situation. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in taking the lead in your care.

Asking Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor lots of questions. If you don’t understand something, speak up! Doctors are there to inform you so you can make the best choice for your needs. Come prepared with a list of questions and take notes on the answers.

Exploring All Options

Discuss all available treatment options with your doctor, not just the most common ones. Get second opinions from other doctors if needed. Look into alternative or holistic therapies in addition to traditional medicine. The path that’s right for you may not always be the most mainstream one.

Trusting Your Instincts

You know your body and health situation better than anyone else. Go with what feels right to you, not what others pressure you into. If something doesn’t seem quite right, say so. Don’t proceed with any treatment you’re not fully comfortable with.

Staying Flexible

Your health needs may change over time. Be open to re-evaluating your options and the course of your care. The choices you make today don’t have to be set in stone. You have the freedom to adjust as needed to suit your wellbeing.

Take charge of your health; you’ve got this! Do your research, ask questions, explore your options fully, and trust your instincts. Your self-determination and flexibility will serve you well. Stay empowered!

5. Pursuing Meaningful Employment

Pursuing Meaningful Employment

Pursuing work you find meaningful and impactful is one of the most rewarding ways to gain self-determination. When you do work that motivates and inspires you, you’ll find an inner drive and passion that propel you forward.

Several options to consider for meaningful work include:

  • Finding a job that contributes to the greater good Look for work at a non-profit organization, school, or healthcare facility. Roles like teaching, nursing, and social services allow you to make a positive difference in people’s lives every day.
  • Turning a hobby or interest into a business If you have a skill or talent you’re passionate about, consider ways to monetize it. Give guitar lessons, sell handcrafted goods, or offer tutoring in a subject you love. Pouring yourself into work you genuinely care about is tremendously fulfilling.
  • Volunteering your time for a good cause Donate your skills and talents to an organization you support. Help build homes for Habitat for Humanity, walk dogs at your local animal shelter, and tutor underprivileged children. Helping others in need provides a sense of purpose and meaning.
  • Traveling to gain new perspectives. Take a job teaching English abroad, join the Peace Corps, or volunteer with an international aid organization. Immersing yourself in different cultures expands your mind and allows you to make a valuable contribution. You’ll return home with a fresh outlook and renewed motivation.

When you pursue work that ignites your passion and desire to help others, you’ll gain independence and feel empowered to shape your own destiny. Make the choice to follow a path that inspires your creativity , fuels your motivation, and contributes value to the world. Meaningful work is the key to unlocking your full potential for self-determination.

6. Planning Your Own Day-to-Day Activities

Planning your own day is the ultimate act of self-determination. When you take control of how you spend each day, you open yourself up to new opportunities and adventures.

Make a Flexible schedule.

Create a loose schedule for yourself each day that includes time for work or school as well as leisure activities. Pencil in blocks of time for things like exercising, socializing, pursuing hobbies, and relaxing. Leave some open space for spontaneity! Having structure will give you a sense of purpose , but flexibility is key.

Within your schedule, focus on including activities that energize and inspire you. Do you love reading, painting, or playing an instrument? Make time for your passions each day. Try waking up a bit earlier to watch the sunrise or go for a morning walk. Intentionally beginning your day will motivate you to continue making self-determined choices throughout the day.

Explore Your interests.

Now that you have more control over your time, dive into learning about topics that fascinate you. Have you always wanted to learn how to code or speak Italian? Find interactive websites, apps, podcasts, and online courses to start developing a new skill. Read books on subjects that motivate and excite you. Let your curiosity guide you to discover more about yourself and the world around you.

Reflect on Your choices.

At the end of each day, reflect on the choices you made and how they impacted your mood and productivity. Did you feel inspired and energized or bored and restless? Make note of what worked and didn’t work to build on your self-determination skills. With regular practice, planning fulfilling days and making self-directed choices will become second nature. You’ll find new confidence in your ability to shape life into what you want it to be!

7. Develop an Internal Locus of control.

Develop an Internal Locus of control

Developing an internal locus of control is all about believing in your ability to influence the events in your life. When you have an internal locus of control, you feel empowered and motivated. You recognize that your own choices and actions shape your destiny.

To strengthen your internal locus of control, start by setting small, achievable goals and following through. Each success, no matter how small, builds your confidence in your ability to steer your course. Make decisions, both big and small, and own them. Don’t blame outside forces if things don’t go as planned; look for the lessons and how you can grow from them.

Surround yourself with a strong support system of people who share your growth mindset. Their positive influence can help drown out the voices of the naysayers and empower you to forge ahead. When self-doubt creeps in, turn to your cheerleaders to help build you back up.

Also, avoid language that implies you are not in control, like “I have to do this” or “I can’t”. Replace it with empowering phrases such as “I choose to do this” or “I will find a way”. Your words have power, so wield them to strengthen your internal resolve.

Every day, look for opportunities to make choices that align with your values and priorities. Start with something small, like choosing a healthy lunch option or committing to a regular gym schedule. Then build up to bigger life decisions. The more you practice, the more second-nature it will become.

With time and conscious effort, you can transform your mindset to believe that you are the captain of your fate. Developing an internal locus of control is a journey, not a destination. But with each step you take, you are building a life on your terms. Stay focused on progress, not perfection, and never stop learning and growing. You’ve got this! Success is yours to shape.

8. Accept Responsibility for Your choices.

When it comes to self-determination, accepting responsibility for your choices is key. You alone are in control of your destiny, my friend! Every decision you make shapes your journey. Rather than blame external forces, embrace your power to choose and commit to owning the outcomes.

Once you acknowledge that you are ultimately responsible for your situation, you gain the freedom to make changes. No longer can you make excuses or shift blame. You recognize that you alone can alter your course through the choices you make each and every day.

Every choice, no matter how small it seems, matters. Choose to start your day with exercise or hit the snooze button. Choose a salad or burger for lunch. Call a friend or watch TV after work? Our choices accumulate like compound interest, determining our direction and destination over time.

Rather than feeling overwhelmed by responsibility, feel empowered! You have the power to build the life you want through your choices and actions. Stay focused on progress, not perfection. Celebrate your wins, big and small, and learn from your mistakes. With each choice, ask yourself, “Is this getting me closer to where I want to be?” If not, choose again.

When you accept responsibility for your situation and choices, you open the door to possibility and progress. You alone hold the key to your happiness and success. Unlock your potential by choosing wisely and following your heart’s true path. The journey is yours to shape!

9. Pursue Your Passions

Pursue Your Passions

Pursuing your passions is one of the most fulfilling ways to live a self-determined life. When you follow your interests and dreams, life becomes an exciting journey of discovery.

Find Your spark.

What lights you up inside? What topics could you talk about for hours? Your passions are the activities that energize and inspire you. Maybe you’ve loved art since you were a child, or you geek out learning about science and technology. Don’t dismiss your passions as unimportant; they are clues to your purpose and potential.

Nurture Your passions.

Once you’ve identified your sparks, nurture them through learning and action. Read books on the subjects, take a class, join an online community, or start a project. As you immerse yourself, your knowledge and skills will grow, fueling your motivation. When you pursue your passions, life’s challenges and setbacks won’t derail you because your internal drive is so strong.

Share Your passions.

Don’t keep the joy of your passions to yourself; share them with others. Start a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel. Teach a skill-sharing class in your local community. Look for ways to spread your enthusiasm, even in small ways. As you share your passions, you’ll inspire others and gain valuable experience. You may even find new opportunities and connections that lead you down an unexpected and fulfilling, self-determined path.

Pursuing your passions requires courage and commitment, but it leads to a life of purpose and meaning. Don’t settle for what others expect of you. Choose to follow your own interests and dreams instead. Take that first step today to nurture your sparks and share your passions with the world. A self-determined life awaits!

Find Your Passion

How to Find Your Passion Using 4 Easy Steps

10. develop self-confidence through practice and preparation..

Developing self-confidence requires practice and preparation. The more you step out of your comfort zone , the more your confidence will grow. Here are a few ways to strengthen your self-confidence through action:

Get comfortable with discomfort. Do one thing each day that makes you slightly uncomfortable but that you know you can handle. Maybe it’s starting a conversation with a stranger, asking a question in a meeting at work, or joining a recreational sports league. Pushing your limits in small ways builds courage and self-belief over time.

Prepare and practice. Never wing it. Practice your presentations, speeches, pitches, etc. out loud, ideally in front of a mirror or in front of friends and family. Hearing yourself speak the words will make you more comfortable with the material and help you avoid “ums” and awkward pauses. Feeling well-prepared boosts your self-confidence.

Start small and build up. Don’t go from 0 to 60 in one day. Set small, achievable goals and progressively make them more challenging. If public speaking scares you, start by speaking up more in meetings, then do a 2-minute speech at Toastmasters, work your way up to 5 minutes, and so on. Celebrate each small win along the way. Success builds success.

Do your research. Know your material inside and out. If you have to give a work presentation or speech, learn as much as possible about the topic. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel while speaking. You’ll sound more confident when answering questions, too. Knowledge truly is power.

Why is self-confidence important to success (13 Importance)

Why is Self-Confidence Important to Success: (13 Reasons)

11. stand up for what you believe in..

Stand Up for What You Believe in

Standing up for what you believe in takes courage, but it is so important for following your own path in life. When you see injustice or something that goes against your values, speak up! Make your voice heard. Don’t sit by silently while others make decisions you disagree with.

Find your inner strength and confidence to stand up for yourself and others. You have a unique perspective to share with the world. Rally others to support a common cause or sign a petition to create change. Write to government officials or start a social media campaign to raise awareness about issues that matter to you. Every action makes a difference.

Some examples of people who stood up for their beliefs and made a huge impact include:

  • Martin Luther King Jr. organized nonviolent protests to fight for civil rights and an end to racial segregation and discrimination. He spoke up in the face of adversity and ultimately lost his life for the cause of justice and equality.
  • Greta Thunberg, the teen activist fighting for action on climate change She started a grassroots movement that has spread worldwide, inspiring young and old alike to demand a sustainable future for our planet. Her brave actions prove that one voice can make a difference.

Standing up for your beliefs may not always be easy, but it will help you stay true to yourself. Have the courage of your convictions and speak up against injustice. Make your voice heard; it could change the world! The path to self-determination starts with action. Be bold and stand up for what you believe in.

Courage and determination

Courage and Determination: What Takes to Achieve Your Goals

Real-life examples of self-determination.

When you pursue your goals and dreams despite obstacles or naysayers, that’s self-determination in action! Keep your eyes on the prize, believe in yourself, and never give up. Success is rarely achieved overnight, but with determination and grit, you can achieve amazing things. Stay focused on your vision and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You’ve got this!

1. The Life of Helen Keller: Overcoming Disability Through Perseverance

The Life of Helen Keller Overcoming Disability Through Perseverance

Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree, and her story serves as an inspiration to anyone facing adversity. Despite losing her sight and hearing at 19 months old, Helen persevered against immense challenges through her education.

At age 7, Helen met her lifelong teacher and friend, Anne Sullivan. Anne taught Helen to communicate using sign language, braille, and later speech. Through Anne’s patience and devotion, Helen learned to read, write, and speak, opening up a whole new world of knowledge and independence.

In 1900, Helen became the first deaf and blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree, graduating from Radcliffe College. This monumental achievement demonstrated Helen’s relentless determination to overcome her disabilities. She went on to become a prolific author, writing a dozen books and hundreds of essays advocating for social justice.

Helen spent her lifetime championing the rights of those with disabilities. She lobbied for workers’ compensation, aid for the blind, and suffrage for women. Her tireless activism and spirit of perseverance in the face of adversity made her an international icon.

Despite the immense challenges of her disabilities, Helen Keller lived an extraordinary life as an author, speaker, and activist. Her story reminds us that through perseverance and determination, we can accomplish incredible feats, even against the greatest of odds. She proved that disability does not define destiny, and with passion and hard work, we can shape our lives into whatever we set our minds to.

2. How Muhammad Ali Refused Military Service During Vietnam

How Muhammad Ali Refused Military Service During Vietnam

Muhammad Ali is remembered as one of the greatest boxers of all time, but he was also an influential civil rights leader. One of his most courageous acts of self-determination came in 1967, when he refused military service during the Vietnam War.

As America became more involved in the war, the government began drafting young men into military service. When Ali was called up, he refused to go, saying, “I’ve got no quarrel with them, Viet Cong.” He was stripped of his boxing title and sentenced to five years in prison for draft evasion.

Ali stood firm in his beliefs, appealing his case to the Supreme Court. In a unanimous decision, the court overturned his conviction, upholding his conscientious objection to a war he saw as unjust. Ali’s brave stand came at great personal cost, but it helped cement his status as an icon who fought for justice and equality.

His refusal to be drafted demonstrated tremendous self-determination. He could have easily avoided trouble by going along with the government’s orders, but he chose to follow his conscience instead. Even after being stripped of his title and facing imprisonment, he held fast to his principles.

He proved that exercising self-determination often requires great courage and sacrifice. But by refusing to bend to societal pressures that go against one’s values, a person can stand up for justice and shape the course of history. Through his defiance of an unjust system, Ali inspired millions and advanced the cause of freedom and equality.

His steadfastness showed the power of self-determination and serves as an enduring example of how one person can change the world by staying true to their beliefs. Ali marched to the beat of his drum and altered the rhythm of society as a result.

3. Greta Thunberg and the Rise of Youth Climate Activism

Greta Thunberg and the Rise of Youth Climate Activism

Greta Thunberg has become the face of youth climate activism, inspiring students around the globe to make their voices heard. At just 16 years old, Greta began protesting outside the Swedish parliament, demanding that leaders take action against climate change. Her lone protest soon grew into the global movement called Fridays for the Future.

The Rise of a Movement

Through social media, Greta’s message spread like wildfire. Young people in over 100 countries walked out of school to demand climate justice and a sustainable future for all. Greta’s impassioned speeches at events like the United Nations Climate Action Summit gained worldwide attention and acclaim.

Despite facing criticism and personal attacks, Greta has persevered with positivity and determination. She encourages youth to educate themselves about climate change and take action, however small. Everyone has a role to play in mitigating and adapting to this urgent problem.

An Inspiration to All

Greta’s courage, conviction, and resolve in the face of indifference and opposition have made her a role model for people of all ages. She proves that one voice can make a difference and inspire change. While world leaders debate, youth are raising their voices for urgent climate action. They give us hope that the next generation will not stand by while their future is at stake.

Greta’s message is one of empowerment and equality. She stresses that no one is too small to make a difference in tackling climate change. Greta’s vision of a sustainable future for all aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Her activism shows how youth can drive progress on issues that will impact them the most.

Greta Thunberg’s stand against climate change inaction proves that self-determination and moral courage can change the world. One young woman with a handmade sign has given rise to a global movement that is determined to forge a path to a greener future. Greta shows us that we all have a role to play to make that vision a reality.

4. J.K. Rowling’s Journey to Publishing the First Harry Potter Novel

J.K. Rowling's Journey to Publishing the First Harry Potter Novel

J.K. Rowling’s journey to publishing the first Harry Potter novel is a shining example of determination against all odds. As a single mother living on welfare in Edinburgh, Scotland, Rowling first came up with the idea for the Harry Potter series in 1990. She spent the next five years meticulously planning the first book in her spare time while struggling with depression and poverty.

Many Rejections Before Success

Rowling received rejection after rejection from publishers for the first Harry Potter book. She was told that children’s fantasy “didn’t sell.” Despite more than a dozen rejections, her belief in her story never wavered. She refused to give up in the face of failure and adversity.

Finally, in 1995, Bloomsbury Publishing agreed to publish the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. They took a chance on the unknown author and her magical tale. Rowling received an advance of £1,500 for the book, allowing her to finally stop relying on welfare to support herself and her young daughter.

An Unparalleled Success

When published in 1997 in the UK (and 1998 in the US), Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was met with unparalleled success and acclaim. Readers young and old were enchanted by the story of the boy wizard. The series went on to break sales records around the world, gaining popularity through word-of-mouth and launching a global phenomenon.

Rowling’s extraordinary journey from an unknown single mother on welfare to an internationally renowned author is a testament to following your dreams and never giving up in the face of challenges or naysayers. Through hard work, perseverance, and belief in yourself, you can achieve amazing things. Let Rowling’s story inspire you to pursue your passions and stay determined, no matter what obstacles appear in your path. With self-belief and persistence, you too can achieve your dreams against all odds.

Top 5 Inspirational Stories of Great Personalities

Top 10 Inspirational Stories of Great Personalities

You now have inspiration from real-life stories of people who pursued their dreams against the odds. Armed with determination and grit, they overcame obstacles and naysayers to forge their path. Their self-determination led to happiness and fulfillment, not regret. So what’s stopping you from going after that big dream you’ve always had? The only thing holding you back is you.

Believe in yourself, take that first step, however small, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Before you know it, you’ll be living a life on your terms, filled with passion and purpose. While it may not happen overnight, stay focused on your vision and never stop learning and growing. You have everything it takes to determine your destiny. Now go out there and make it happen! The world is waiting for people like you to make a difference.

  • J.K. Rowling
  • Greta Thunberg
  • ‘Shoot them for what?’ How Muhammad Ali won his greatest figh t By  DeNeen L. Brown from The Washington Post
  • My Story – JKR
  • Young climate activists demand action and inspire hope – Climate change impacts everyone but the future belongs to young people. Meet some of the youth activists on the frontline . by UNICEF
  • Helen Keller: A Remarkable Life of Perseverance and Inspiration by The Wonder Women Project ; Celebrating Women Together

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Paragraph on Myself

Ai generator.

i believe in self determination essay

In crafting a paragraph about myself, I aim for a tone that’s authentic yet engaging. Embracing brevity, I’ll share a snapshot of who I am: a passionate individual driven by curiosity, creativity, and a love for language. This paragraph encapsulates my essence succinctly.

Checkout → Free Paragraph Writer Tool

Short Paragraph on Myself

I am a dedicated and passionate individual who strives for excellence in everything I do. My curiosity drives me to continuously learn and grow, while my determination helps me overcome challenges. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and I am committed to making a positive impact on those around me.

Medium Paragraph on Myself

I am a driven and enthusiastic person who constantly seeks to improve and excel in all aspects of life. My curiosity fuels my desire to learn and explore new ideas, while my determination ensures I stay focused on my goals. I value integrity, compassion, and perseverance, and I believe in treating others with respect and kindness. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether through my professional endeavors, personal relationships, or community involvement. My diverse interests and experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded individual, and I am always eager to take on new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Long Paragraph on Myself

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service. I believe in the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, and I strive to embody these values in my daily interactions. My diverse interests, from academic pursuits to creative hobbies, have helped shape me into a well-rounded and adaptable individual. I am always open to new opportunities and experiences that allow me to grow and contribute meaningfully to society. With a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am dedicated to achieving my goals and making a difference in the lives of those around me.

Tone-wise Paragraph Examples on Myself

Formal tone.

I am a dedicated and passionate individual committed to achieving excellence in all aspects of my life. My curiosity drives me to seek continuous learning and personal growth, while my determination helps me overcome challenges and stay focused on my goals. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, which guide my actions and decisions. I strive to make a positive impact on those around me through my professional endeavors, personal relationships, and community involvement. My diverse interests and experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded individual, always eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Informal Tone

I’m a pretty driven and curious person who loves learning and taking on new challenges. I believe in working hard, being kind, and staying true to my values. Whether it’s in my job, with friends and family, or helping out in the community, I always try to make a positive impact. My varied interests keep life exciting, and I’m always up for new experiences that help me grow.

Persuasive Tone

Consider the qualities that define a dedicated and passionate individual. I strive to embody these attributes in my daily life. My curiosity fuels my continuous learning, and my determination ensures I overcome challenges and stay focused on my goals. Integrity, compassion, and hard work are at the core of my actions. I am committed to making a positive impact through my professional work, personal relationships, and community involvement. My diverse experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded individual, always ready to embrace new opportunities. By recognizing and nurturing these qualities, I believe I can make meaningful contributions and inspire others.

Reflective Tone

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that my curiosity and determination have been driving forces in my life. These qualities have helped me continuously learn and grow, shaping me into a well-rounded individual. Integrity, compassion, and hard work are values I hold dear, guiding my actions and decisions. I strive to make a positive impact in my professional and personal life, and my diverse interests have enriched my experiences. Looking back, I am grateful for the challenges and opportunities that have helped me develop and contribute meaningfully to the world around me.

Inspirational Tone

Embrace the power of curiosity, determination, and integrity. I strive to live by these values every day, pushing myself to learn, grow, and overcome challenges. My passion for making a positive impact drives me to excel in my professional work, nurture personal relationships, and engage in community service. With a strong sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to hard work and compassion, I aim to inspire others and contribute meaningfully to the world. Let us all pursue excellence and make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Optimistic Tone

I am a dedicated and enthusiastic individual who believes in the power of curiosity and determination. My passion for learning and growth drives me to seek new knowledge and experiences. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and I strive to make a positive impact on those around me. Through my professional endeavors, personal relationships, and community involvement, I aim to contribute meaningfully to the world. With a positive outlook and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am excited about the future and the opportunities it holds for personal and collective growth.

Urgent Tone

Now is the time to embrace the qualities that define a dedicated and passionate individual. My curiosity drives me to continuously seek new knowledge and experiences, while my determination ensures I overcome challenges and stay focused on my goals. Integrity, compassion, and hard work guide my actions and decisions. I am committed to making a positive impact on those around me through my professional work, personal relationships, and community involvement. It is crucial to recognize and nurture these qualities to make meaningful contributions and inspire others. Act now to harness your potential and make a difference.

Word Count-wise Paragraph Examples on Myself

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service.

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service. I believe in the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, and I strive to embody these values in my daily interactions. My diverse interests, from academic pursuits to creative hobbies, have helped shape me into a well-rounded and adaptable individual.

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service. I believe in the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, and I strive to embody these values in my daily interactions. My diverse interests, from academic pursuits to creative hobbies, have helped shape me into a well-rounded and adaptable individual. I am always open to new opportunities and experiences that allow me to grow and contribute meaningfully to society. With a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am dedicated to achieving my goals and making a difference in the lives of those around me. My passion for learning and my drive to excel inspire me to embrace challenges and seek out opportunities that will further my personal and professional growth.


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Self-Determination Essays

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Election Updates: Sam Brown wins G.O.P. nod in Nevada Senate race; Nancy Mace takes her primary.

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Race Race called? Reported margin Votes in

Source: The Associated Press

Kellen Browning

Kellen Browning

Jeff Gunter did his best to make this Republican primary competitive in the race’s final weeks, attacking Sam Brown on the airwaves and pushing for an endorsement from former President Donald J. Trump. But Trump ultimately backed Brown, the choice of the Republican establishment, which views him as a more appealing option for general election voters.

Sam Brown has won the Nevada Republican primary for Senate, according to The Associated Press, easily triumphing over Jeff Gunter and the rest of the field. He will face Senator Jacky Rosen, the incumbent Democrat, in what’s expected to be a highly competitive general election.

The mood at Sam Brown’s watch party, at a hotel here in Reno, is upbeat. “I think we know how it’s going to go,” said Ken Gray, a state assemblyman and surrogate for the Brown campaign, crossing his fingers. Meanwhile, Jeff Gunter, the leading alternative to Brown in the Republican Senate primary, is down south in Las Vegas, holding his primary night event at a hotel owned by Don Ahern, his billionaire supporter.

We are minutes away from polls closing in Nevada’s primary. Turnout has been sleepy across the state today, though voting by mail is popular here, and there’s a chance we could be waiting a while before results start being tallied.

Chris Cameron

Chris Cameron

Despite a substantial underperformance in a deep-red district, State Senator Michael Rulli, a Republican, has won the special election for Ohio’s Sixth House District, according to The Associated Press. Representative Bill Johnson, the Republican who retired from the seat, won in 2022 by a 35-point margin and Donald Trump won the district in 2020 by 29 percentage points. Rulli’s margin of victory will be far lower.

Theodore Schleifer

Theodore Schleifer

Donald Trump met on Tuesday night with some of the country’s largest Bitcoin mining companies, part of his new push to consolidate support from the crypto industry. Several attendees posted photos with Trump on social media and said that he had expressed support for the Bitcoin mining sector.

Sam Brown, the leading Republican candidate in today’s Nevada Senate primary, just cast his vote here at a high school in Reno. In 2022, he lost to Adam Laxalt in the primary, but he is the favorite today. “We’re in a much better position than we were two years ago,” he told reporters. “It’s on to victory tonight, and then onto Nov. 5.”

Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

As President Biden addressed a gun reform group in Washington, a protester interrupted him, shouting about the “genocide” in Gaza. The crowd drowned out the protester with chants of “four more years.” Mr. Biden held up his hands for calm and soon continued his remarks. Such protests are common when he appears at public events.

Neil Vigdor

Neil Vigdor

Nicole Shanahan on a podcast accused Democrats of attempting to keep her and her running mate, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., off the ballot, saying it was an example of how the legal system had become weaponized. “Trump has been on the receiving end of it,” she said, adding, “It very much makes you feel that we have slipped into this overbearing tyranny in this country.”

President Biden was clinging to a four-point lead over former President Donald J. Trump in Minnesota, according to a poll conducted last week by the Star Tribune/MPR News/KARE 11. The close margin has sharpened the focus of allies of Trump, who falsely claimed at a G.O.P. fund-raiser last month in St. Paul that he twice won Minnesota. No Republican has carried the state since Richard M. Nixon in 1972.

Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein

The Biden campaign on Tuesday announced the launch of Seniors for Biden, the latest effort aimed at winning a slice of the Democratic coalition for the president. The campaign said it would organize pickleball tournaments, bingo nights and pancake breakfasts to help win votes for Biden’s re-election.

Maggie Astor

Maggie Astor

Several states are holding congressional primaries today. Among the big ones is Nevada, where former President Donald J. Trump recently endorsed Sam Brown in the crowded Republican contest to face Senator Jacky Rosen, the Democratic incumbent. Trump chose Brown over his former ambassador to Iceland, Jeff Gunter, and a prominent election denier, Jim Marchant.

Reporting from Reno, Nev.

Sam Brown wins the Nevada G.O.P. Senate primary, and will face Senator Jacky Rosen in the fall.

Sam Brown, an Army veteran who was the heavy favorite in the Nevada Republican primary race for Senate even before former President Donald J. Trump’s last-minute endorsement, won the nomination on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press.

He will face Senator Jacky Rosen, the state’s Democratic incumbent, in one of the most closely watched Senate contests of the year.

With 89 percent of the vote counted, Mr. Brown had about 60 percent, lapping the crowded primary field. His closest rival, Jeff Gunter, a former U.S. ambassador to Iceland, had about 15 percent. Jim Marchant, a former state assemblyman, was at roughly 7 percent, and Walter Grady, an Air Force veteran who goes by Tony, had 6 percent.

In his victory speech, delivered to ebullient supporters in a Reno hotel, Mr. Brown said he was focused on holding Ms. Rosen and President Biden accountable for their policies, and giving a beleaguered electorate something to hope for.

“It is tonight that we continue to deliver hope that the American dream is not dead,” Mr. Brown said. “And the American nightmare under Joe Biden and Jacky Rosen begins to end tonight.”

The victory was a redemption of sorts for Mr. Brown, who ran for Senate in 2022 after moving to Reno, Nev., from Dallas in 2018, but lost in the Republican primary to Adam Laxalt, the state’s former attorney general. This time, he was the pick of the Republican establishment from the start, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which works to elect Republicans to the Senate, backed him early and worked to clear the field of competitors.

They did not quite manage that. Roughly a dozen Republican challengers vied for the right to face Ms. Rosen, a low-profile Democrat running for re-election in a battleground state where recent elections have been decided by narrow margins.

But most gained little traction, and as Mr. Brown crisscrossed the country raising money and rallying support from prominent Republicans, the other candidates failed to come close to his fund-raising totals. He also earned the endorsement of the state’s Republican governor, Joe Lombardo.

Mr. Brown ran as though he was already in the general election, skipping debates with his Republican opponents, avoiding tying himself too closely to the hard-line conservative wing of the party, and keeping his focus trained on Ms. Rosen, who clinched the Democratic nomination on Tuesday.

Ms. Rosen took aim at Mr. Brown after his victory Tuesday evening, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which works to elect Democrats to the Senate, was quick to publish a digital advertisement bashing him.

“My opponent is a MAGA extremist who will say anything to get elected,” she said in a statement, rattling off a list of issues, like abortion, that she plans to attack him on. “Voters will have a clear choice in this race between a senator who always puts Nevadans first and a politician who only moved here a few years ago just to run for office.”

In the primary, Mr. Brown was slow to back Mr. Trump’s latest bid for the White House, a hesitation that did not go unnoticed among some Republicans, and Mr. Trump waited until the race’s final days to endorse him.

Rivals sensed an opening from the right, and in April, Mr. Gunter tried to shake up the race, announcing a multimillion-dollar advertising effort playing up his MAGA credentials while slamming Mr. Brown as insufficiently loyal to Mr. Trump. The attacks forced Mr. Brown and his allies to engage in the primary race for the first time, but it ultimately did little to alter the trajectory of the campaign.

Mr. Brown’s unique background could draw in voters. In 2008, he was nearly killed while serving in Afghanistan when his vehicle drove over a roadside bomb. He underwent more than 30 surgeries during a three-year recovery, and was left permanently scarred.

In his pitch to voters, Mr. Brown often refers to his near-death experience. In his speech on Tuesday, he said he was speaking to Americans who “are at a point like I was on that day in 2008, where we are this close to allowing hope to be extinguished.”

And what is perhaps the informal slogan for his campaign — which he urged the audience to shout out on Tuesday — is the same phrase an Army comrade told him when he helped to extinguish the flames that were burning Mr. Brown in Afghanistan: “I’ve got you.”

“Sam is an American hero who is once again answering the call to serve our country,” Senator Steve Daines of Montana, who leads efforts to get Republicans elected to the Senate, said in a statement after Mr. Brown’s win.

Mr. Brown’s campaign will emphasize popular Republican talking points — border security and inflation — and lay the blame for the Nevada economy’s sluggish recovery from the pandemic at the feet of President Biden and Ms. Rosen.

Ms. Rosen’s campaign plans to emphasize her bipartisan reputation and highlight times when she has defied Mr. Biden, who is unpopular in the state. She will point to victories on issues like lowering prescription drug prices while attacking Mr. Brown’s record on abortion rights.

In the past, Mr. Brown expressed support for a 20-week ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. After announcing his campaign for Senate, he clarified that he would not support a nationwide ban, and told The New York Times that the issue should be left to the states.

Annie Karni

Annie Karni

Annie Karni, who covers Congress, reported from Charleston, S.C.

Nancy Mace defeats her Republican challenger, dealing a blow to Kevin McCarthy’s revenge tour.

Representative Nancy Mace, Republican of South Carolina, on Tuesday defeated a well-funded primary challenger, putting her on track to win a third term. Her resounding victory also dealt a major blow to former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s efforts to exact political retribution against those who voted to oust him.

Ms. Mace, 46, who once leaned center on social issues, won a Democratic seat in 2020 and claimed that all of former President Donald J. Trump’s accomplishments had been “wiped out” by his behavior on Jan. 6, 2021. But she has made a hard tack to the right over the past year as she has tried to game out her political future.

She was the unlikeliest of the eight rebel Republicans who voted to oust Mr. McCarthy last year , which transformed her from an ally into one of his top targets for revenge. Outside groups with ties to Mr. McCarthy, a California Republican, poured more than $4 million into backing her opponent, Catherine Templeton, and attacking Ms. Mace.

In the end, though, Ms. Mace won comfortably: With nearly all the vote in late Tuesday, she was leading by 27 percentage points. And she said Mr. McCarthy’s effort motivated her to work harder.

“I hope to embarrass him tonight,” she said earlier Tuesday over lunch at a Waffle House in Beaufort, between stops at polling locations. “I want to send him back to the rock he’s living under right now. He’s not part of America. He doesn’t know what hard-working Americans go through every single day. I hope I drive Kevin McCarthy crazy.”

A spokesman for Mr. McCarthy declined to comment, and Ms. Mace did not mention his name in her victory speech on Tuesday night.

Ms. Mace, whose back story as a former Waffle House waitress is a major part of her political biography, ordered her hash browns with confidence: scattered, diced, capped and peppered. Then she barely touched them.

She said in the interview that she had lost 30 pounds on her already slim frame since November, when she went through a difficult breakup with her fiancé. That same month, she overhauled her Washington office, where all of her senior staff were fired or quit. Her former chief of staff, Dan Hanlon, at one point even filed paperwork to run against her, though he did not go through with it.

Many of those former staff members have spent the ensuing months anonymously spreading unflattering stories about Ms. Mace’s erratic behavior, including that she used to speak openly and inappropriately about her sex life in front of junior staff members.

“I don’t talk about my sex life in private because it’s nonexistent,” Ms. Mace said, swatting away all of the embarrassing stories as “inside the Beltway B.S.” (She nonetheless admitted it was a hard rumor to deny after she made a ribald joke in public about her sex life, at a prayer breakfast hosted by Senator Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina. She said her voters did not care about anonymously sourced innuendo.)

The campaign, she said, has been a welcome distraction from her personal travails.

Ms. Mace, who has been serving as her own campaign manager, accused Mr. McCarthy of hurting the G.O.P. in his quest for personal revenge. “If he wants to be chief of staff, go take that money and spend it on Donald Trump in Michigan,” she said over lunch, referring to the notion that Mr. McCarthy would like to be Mr. Trump’s chief of staff at the White House, should Mr. Trump win in November. “He’s got to stop dividing our party.”

She insisted that she was not dividing the party when she voted to oust Mr. McCarthy as speaker, but rather taking a tough vote based on principle.

Still, her vote instigated a bitter primary battle. Shortly before Ms. Mace’s arrival at the Waffle House, a New York Times photographer watched a woman remove from the lawn outside the restaurant a row of Mace campaign signs, throw them into her car and drive off.

“That happens all the time,” Ms. Mace said when told of the incident.

Ms. Mace has long tacked back and forth as she has tried to find a resting place for herself in the current G.O.P. She appears to have decided that there was not one if she did not mend her break with Mr. Trump, so she became one of his loudest cheerleaders.

“I’m all in now,” Ms. Mace said Tuesday when pressed on the fact that she had said in the past that she would not campaign for Mr. Trump if he emerged as the party’s nominee. “A lot of things have changed — three and a half years of Joe Biden. I’m all in on Trump.” She said that President Biden’s re-election run was akin to “elder abuse.”

Ms. Mace endorsed Mr. Trump over Nikki Haley, the state’s former governor who two years ago stood with her when the former president was calling Ms. Mace a “grandstanding loser” as he supported a far-right challenger looking to unseat her. Ms. Mace also worked to win back Mr. Trump’s support by appearing constantly on the television programs he watches and blasting the Justice Department for indicting him.

Those moves earned her eye rolls from her colleagues in Washington but paid off politically at home: Mr. Trump vociferously endorsed her in the race, a critical show of support that also helped scare off some of the outside money that most likely would have gone to her opponent if she had appeared more vulnerable. It also resonated with voters, even in a district that voted for Ms. Haley in the presidential primary.

“That she has been supported by President Trump, to me, was a defining decision,” said Richard Chelten, a resident of Beaufort who said he had voted for her earlier in the day. “I don’t even know who this Templeton is. I’d rather go with what I know.”

Over the past two years, Ms. Mace’s tenure in Congress has been characterized by high drama and confusing reversals, like the one she did on Mr. Trump. They have won her few friends in Washington, a fact she wears with pride.

Representative Joe Wilson, a long-serving South Carolina Republican, endorsed Ms. Templeton. Ms. Mace said she confronted him about that endorsement on the House floor.

“I told him I would never do to him what he did to me,” she said.

But her actions translated better at home. Lynn Fontaine, the southern regional director of the Beaufort County Republican Party, said that “Mace’s vote against McCarthy was a redeeming moment for her.”

The high-profile race between Ms. Mace and Ms. Templeton boiled down to little more than a proxy war between Mr. McCarthy and Ms. Mace, and there was scant daylight between the two candidates when it came to the issues.

But the contest turned ugly. Ms. Mace called Ms. Templeton, a former state government official, a “puppet” of the former speaker. Ms. Templeton said Ms. Mace constantly “flip-flops for fame.” And in the days before the primary, Ms. Templeton promoted allegations that the congresswoman sought excessive reimbursements from a taxpayer-funded program that allows lawmakers to seek repayment of expenses incurred in Washington.

Since his ouster, Mr. McCarthy has done little to disguise his distinct vitriol for Ms. Mace. “I hope Nancy gets the help she needs — I really do,” Mr. McCarthy told reporters in February. “I just hope she gets the help to straighten out her life. I mean, she’s got a lot of challenges.”

Ms. Mace said that she had no regrets over her vote to oust Mr. McCarthy. But she admitted that when she cast that vote last October, she had no idea how defining it would be.

Speaker Mike Johnson, who has been trying, unsuccessfully, to get his members to stop seeking to unseat incumbent Republicans, headlined a fund-raiser for Ms. Mace in Washington. “He’s operating from a principled and honorable place,” she said.

Ms. Mace is not expected to have a competitive race in the November general election. Her district is rated solidly Republican by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.

“If I win by the largest margin I’ve ever won,” she said hours before the polls closed, “I’m not going to change a damn thing.”

Ernesto Londoño

Ernesto Londoño

North Dakota voters approve an age limit for members of Congress.

Voters in North Dakota approved a ballot measure that sets a maximum age for representing the state in Congress, The Associated Press said on Tuesday. Experts said they believed North Dakota was the first state to impose such a requirement on members of Congress, though they said the measure is likely to be challenged in court.

The ballot measure, to amend the North Dakota Constitution, bars congressional candidates who would turn 81 or older by the end of the year before their term ends from being eligible for office.

The measure provided a rare glimpse into how one state’s voters think about age at a time when questions over the effectiveness of older political leaders have been part of the national conversation.

The campaign in North Dakota to pass an age limit on the state’s members of Congress began as many Americans have debated whether age ought to be a factor in this year’s presidential contest. President Biden is 81, and his opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, is 77.

As a practical matter, the rule does not pose a threat to the state’s three current federal lawmakers, all Republicans, who range in age from 47 to 67.

Jared Hendrix, 41, a Republican politician from Fargo who led the effort to put the question on the ballot, said he saw it as an opportunity to elevate the debate about whether older politicians can govern effectively.

“I think it’s very possible that if we pull this off here, other states will follow,” he said before the election.

In 2022, Mr. Hendrix led a successful effort to set term limits for governor and state legislators.

North Dakota lawmakers anticipated that the new measure would be challenged in court if approved. A Supreme Court case in 1995 established that states cannot add eligibility restrictions beyond those in the Constitution. The Constitution establishes age minimums to serve in Congress — 25 in the House and 30 in the Senate — but federal lawmakers may serve as long as they continue winning races.

Mitch Smith

Mitch Smith

Congressman wins Republican nomination for governor in North Dakota.

Representative Kelly Armstrong won the Republican nomination for governor of North Dakota, The Associated Press said on Tuesday, defeating the state’s lieutenant governor, Tammy Miller, and positioning himself as the strong favorite in the general election.

The primary featured two Republicans who are well known in the state and whose platforms shared many similarities. Mr. Armstrong, a lawyer and a former state Republican Party chairman, was elected to Congress in 2018 from North Dakota’s lone House district. Ms. Miller, an accountant and businesswoman, was appointed as lieutenant governor last year after working as Gov. Doug Burgum’s chief operating officer.

On the campaign trail, both candidates emphasized their support for former President Donald J. Trump and, as one debate moderator put it , tried to “out-conservative the other.” Mr. Armstrong and Ms. Miller each called for cracking down on illegal immigration and for pushing back on President Biden’s agenda.

This year’s race for governor did not take shape until relatively late in the cycle, as Republicans waited to see whether Mr. Burgum would seek a third term. Mr. Burgum, a business-oriented Republican, sometimes bucked the right flank of his party on transgender issues . After failing to gain traction in the Republican presidential primary, he announced in January that he would not seek another four years as governor.

Mr. Burgum, whom some have mentioned as a potential running mate for Mr. Trump, has emerged in recent months as a more outspoken supporter of the former president.

In the campaign for governor, Mr. Armstrong made the case that his years in Congress, and the relationships he had built, would help him look out for North Dakota’s interests. Ms. Miller sought to paint herself as a political outsider whose business background would shape her approach to governing.

The Republican nominee will face State Senator Merrill Piepkorn, a Democrat from Fargo who was unopposed in his party’s primary, in November.

Though North Dakota voters have occasionally been open to Democrats in the past — Heidi Heitkamp, a moderate Democrat, won a Senate race in 2012 — Republicans have dominated recent statewide elections. Four years ago, Mr. Trump carried the state by 33 percentage points, and Mr. Burgum won re-election by an even greater margin.

North Dakota is a largely rural state, and one of the country’s least populous, though its energy industry has brought an influx of new residents to western North Dakota over the last 15 years. As of April, the state’s 2-percent unemployment rate was tied for the lowest in the country.

Richard Fausset

Richard Fausset

A participant in the Jan. 6 riot loses his bid to unseat a Republican state lawmaker in South Carolina.

A 22-year-old who participated in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol lost his bid to unseat a Republican incumbent in the South Carolina House of Representatives.

The defeat of Elias Irizarry in the state primary on Tuesday is the latest in a number of losses that riot participants have suffered at the ballot box in recent months. Most recently, Derrick Evans , a former West Virginia lawmaker who pleaded guilty to a felony for his role in the attack, was defeated in a Republican primary in May for a congressional seat there.

Mr. Irizarry graduated last month from the Citadel, the esteemed public military college in Charleston, S.C. He was running in House District 43, a rural area in the northern part of the state. The incumbent, Randy Ligon, will not face a Democratic challenger in the general election, and will serve a fourth term in office.

Mr. Irizarry was sentenced to 14 days in jail after pleading guilty to a trespassing charge related to his participation in the 2021 riot. He was suspended from the Citadel for a semester but was later reinstated after a federal judge, Tanya S. Chutkan, wrote a letter to the school stating that Mr. Irizarry had demonstrated “remorse and a determination to make amends.”

Before his sentencing, Mr. Irizarry told Judge Chutkan that he was ashamed of his participation in the storming of the Capitol. But in the run-up to the election, his campaign website noted his prosecution for engaging in “nonviolent activities” at the Capitol as proof that he had “always stood for the conservative movement.”

That reference to Jan. 6 disappeared from the website last week after The New York Times discussed it with Mr. Irizarry’s federal public defender. In a text message, Mr. Irizarry said he had initially mentioned his involvement in the riot on his website “for the sake of transparency.”

What to watch in primaries in Maine, South Carolina, Nevada and North Dakota.

The presidential primary season is over, but down-ballot primaries are still happening across the country. Candidates will be on the ballot on Tuesday in five states: South Carolina, Nevada, Maine, North Dakota and Ohio, where a special House race will take place.

Representative Bill Johnson retired from Ohio’s Sixth Congressional District in January, and State Senator Michael Rulli, the Republican nominee for the seat, will face off against Michael L. Kripchak , the Democratic nominee. Former President Donald J. Trump won that district in 2020 by a margin of 29 percentage points.

Here are the primaries to keep an eye on:

Nancy Mace, a Trump vice-presidential contender, will be on the ballot in South Carolina.

Representative Nancy Mace, Republican of South Carolina, who is a contender to be Mr. Trump’s running mate, faces a primary opponent backed by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who opposes her because she voted to oust him from the speakership last year. The primary, in the state’s First Congressional District, comes just days after the House Ethics Committee started looking into Ms. Mace’s use of a congressional reimbursement program .

Catherine Templeton, Ms. Mace’s opponent, worked for Nikki Haley when she was governor of South Carolina, and Ms. Templeton ran for that office in 2018. Ms. Mace was once a moderate ally of Ms. Haley’s, but she shifted to the MAGA wing of the Republican Party when her district was redrawn in 2022 , making it more conservative.

The Third and Fourth Congressional Districts will also host competitive Republican primaries. Representative Jeff Duncan retired from his seat in the deeply conservative Third District, and, in the Fourth District, Representative William R. Timmons IV, who fended off Republican challengers in the 2022 primary, will be challenged by State Representative Adam Morgan, the leader of what is their chamber’s version of the hard-right Freedom Caucus .

The leading Republican Senate candidate in Nevada has a last-minute endorsement from Trump.

Nevada Republicans will choose their nominee for a U.S. Senate seat from a crowded field.

The leading candidate, Sam Brown, a former Army captain, received a last-minute boost in the form of an endorsement from Mr. Trump, who weighed in on the race on Sunday night, though after early voting had ended.

Still, the endorsement has solidified Mr. Brown’s standing as the heavy favorite to face Senator Jacky Rosen, the Democratic incumbent, in November. Mr. Brown also has the endorsement of the state’s Republican governor, Joe Lombardo, and he has raised the most money of any candidate in the race.

Mr. Brown will face Jeff Gunter, a wealthy dermatologist who was Mr. Trump’s ambassador to Iceland, as well as Jim Marchant, who has supported Mr. Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, and a number of other minor candidates.

Two North Dakota Republicans are vying to replace Gov. Doug Burgum.

Gov. Doug Burgum, Republican of North Dakota, who self-funded a failed campaign for president and who is now a leading contender to be Mr. Trump’s running mate, is not seeking a third term as governor. Two Republicans will face off on Tuesday in a bid to succeed him.

One of them, Representative Kelly Armstrong, has filled North Dakota’s lone House seat since 2019 and helped lead the House investigation of President Biden’s son Hunter. He will face Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller, who was appointed to her position by Mr. Burgum last year and who has been endorsed by the governor.

The winner will face State Senator Merrill Piepkorn, a Democrat, in November. In 2020, Mr. Burgum defeated his Democratic opponent by 42 points .

Maine Republicans will choose a challenger for Representative Jared Golden.

Representative Jared Golden, Democrat of Maine, has faced tough re-election battles in the state’s rural Second Congressional District, and Republicans will choose from two candidates who are vying to give him one more in this year’s general election.

State Representative Austin Theriault, a former NASCAR driver , will go up against State Representative Michael Soboleski. Mr. Theriault has been endorsed by Mr. Trump , who urged his supporters on the eve of the election to back him.

Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

Trump is said to be meeting with G.O.P. lawmakers later this week.

Former President Donald J. Trump is expected to meet with a group of Republican senators and House members this week in Washington, where he will also sit down with business leaders, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The meetings between Mr. Trump and lawmakers will take place on Thursday, a few weeks before Mr. Trump is to be formally nominated for the third time as the Republican presidential nominee. The meeting was first reported by NBC News , and confirmed by two people briefed on the matter, who were not authorized to speak publicly about the Trump campaign’s plans.

A Trump campaign official who confirmed the meetings said they would be forward looking, on plans like border security and economic policy.

Mr. Trump’s allies on Capitol Hill have been discussing plans for a governing agenda in 2025 for several weeks. The former president has released policy proposals on issues such as immigration, trade and more over the many months of his third presidential campaign.

But those proposals have been largely drowned out by his legal troubles. Mr. Trump faced three civil trials in the last 18 months, and was criminally indicted four times in roughly the same period. He was convicted last month on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, which prosecutors said was done to conceal a hush-money payment to a porn star during the 2016 campaign. He is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11, just days before the start of the Republican National Convention.

The meeting could give lawmakers a chance to hear more about Mr. Trump’s plans for a second administration directly from him.

On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump has talked broadly about a sweeping plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, as well as lowering energy costs and imposing new tariffs on imports.

But Mr. Trump has also been eager to see retributive investigations into those who have prosecuted him, and some House members have taken up that call in recent days, calling the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, to testify before Congress.

Reporting from Washington

Biden addresses gun-control group hours after son’s firearms conviction

Biden talks about gun safety hours after son’s firearms conviction, president biden spoke to the nation’s largest gun control group shortly after his son hunter biden was convicted in delaware of three felony counts of lying on a federal firearms application in 2018..

After a school shooting in Iowa that killed a student and a teacher, my predecessor was asked about it. You remember what he said? He said, “Have to get over it.” Hell no, we don’t have to get over it. [cheering] We’ve got to stop it. We’ve got to stop it and stop it now. More children are killed in America by guns than cancer and car accidents combined. My predecessor told the N.R.A. convention recently, he’s proud that, quote, “I did nothing on guns when I was president.” And by doing nothing, he made the situation considerably worse. Folks, look, this is crazy what we’re talking about. Because whether we’re Democrats or Republicans, we want our families to be safe. We all want to drop them off at a house of worship, a mall, a movie theater, a school without worrying that it’s the last time I’m going to get to see them. We all want our kids to have the freedom to learn how to read and write in schools instead of learn how to duck and cover, for God’s sake.

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President Biden told the nation’s largest gun-control group on Tuesday that he had secured extensive reforms on firearms safety but acknowledged that he had not achieved several of his priorities.

And he attacked former President Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, for not doing more to reduce gun violence during Mr. Trump’s term in office.

“More children are killed in America by guns than cancer and car accidents combined,” Mr. Biden said in Washington, at the annual training conference for Everytown for Gun Safety, the group backed by Michael R. Bloomberg, before mentioning Mr. Trump’s connection to the National Rifle Association. “My predecessor told the N.R.A. convention recently, he’s proud of, quote, ‘I did nothing on guns when I was president,’ and by doing nothing, he made the situation considerably worse.”

During Mr. Biden’s speech, which was briefly interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters, he called for a ban on assault weapons, an end to wide-ranging legal immunity for gun manufacturers and the passage of universal background checks.

Mr. Biden was speaking just hours after his son Hunter Biden was convicted in Delaware of three felony counts of lying on a federal firearms application in 2018. In a statement issued by the White House, Mr. Biden said he would “accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal.” He also expressed his “love and support” for his son, who has struggled with drug addiction but who says he has been sober since mid-2019.

Previously, the president had vowed not to pardon Hunter Biden if he were to be found guilty.

He did not address his son’s conviction during his remarks on Tuesday.

Mr. Biden has made gun reform a central part of his administration. In June 2022, one month after a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, he signed a bipartisan gun bill intended to prevent dangerous people from obtaining firearms and increase investments in the nation’s mental health system. The passage of the bill ended nearly three decades of gridlock over gun reform in Washington, although it fell short of many of the sweeping measures sought by Democrats.

At the Everytown conference on Tuesday, Mr. Biden said American politicians needed to do more over gun violence than express their “thoughts and prayers.”

“Look, this is crazy, what we’re talking about, because whether we’re Democrats or Republicans, we want our families to be safe,” he said. “We all want to drop them off at a house of worship, a mall, a movie theater, a school, without worrying it’s the last time I’m going to get to see them. We all want our kids to have the freedom to learn how to read and write in school instead of learn how to duck and cover, for God’s sake.”

Eileen Sullivan contributed reporting from Wilmington, Del.

Jazmine Ulloa

Jazmine Ulloa

Reporting from Phoenix

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is polling surprisingly well among Latino voters.

When Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Donald J. Trump faced off in the 2020 presidential election, Alexis Figueroa, a hospital worker in Phoenix, would have voted for Mr. Biden, he said, because he seemed like the least controversial of the two candidates.

But with those men back on the ballot in November, Mr. Figueroa is considering a third option: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“He’s going after those who are new to voting, the younger generation not being heard,” Mr. Figueroa, now 20, said of Mr. Kennedy, adding that he did not want to vote for Mr. Biden because he did not believe that the president had fulfilled many of his promises.

In a race in which enthusiasm for the top two contenders is low, more Latino voters like Mr. Figueroa are leaning toward third-party candidates, recent surveys show. Mr. Kennedy, who is running a long-shot independent presidential bid, is polling surprisingly well among Hispanic voters in battleground states, pollsters and political observers said, though so far he is officially on the ballot only in California, Utah, Michigan, Oklahoma, Hawaii and Delaware.

Polls show Mr. Kennedy drawing support away from both the Trump and Biden campaigns, but when it comes to Latinos, who tend to vote Democratic, he may pose a bigger threat to Mr. Biden.

“It’s a trend we see over and over — in a forced choice between Trump and Biden, Biden does better than on a ballot where there are other options,” said David Byler, the chief of research at Noble Predictive Insights, a national polling firm that works in Arizona and Nevada. “For most of this election, his support has simply been softer than Trump’s.”

Voto Latino, an election advocacy group, released its findings on Monday from a wide-ranging survey of 2,000 Latino voters in five critical states: Arizona, North Carolina, Nevada, Texas and Pennsylvania. It found that 18 percent, or about one-fifth, of likely Latino voters were leaning toward a third-party presidential candidate, which the group said was a remarkably high number for this point in the election cycle. Mr. Biden won likely Latino voters overall, but he underperformed compared with 2020 when that third candidate option was on the ballot.

In a hypothetical two-way matchup, Mr. Biden beat Mr. Trump, 59 percent to 39 percent, but his support fell by 12 percentage points when the contest included Mr. Kennedy and two other candidates; Mr. Trump lost only five percentage points and came in at 34 percent.

The survey tracks with others that show Mr. Kennedy is polling stronger among Latinos and other voters than any third-party candidate has in decades. A series of polls conducted by The New York Times, Siena College and The Philadelphia Inquirer in April and May found that Mr. Kennedy drew 14 percent of support among Latino voters in battleground states , higher than the estimated 10 percent he pulled in from all registered voters in those states.

In interviews, voters, pollsters and strategists said the increase could be attributed to Mr. Kennedy’s name recognition among Latinos — the Kennedy family had strong ties to Latino labor and civil rights leaders like Cesar Chavez. But mostly, the pollsters said, the trend appears to be driven by frustrations among Latino voters — many of whom are young and do not know much about the election — over the two top choices on the ballot.

Mr. Figueroa, and his girlfriend, Raquel Rosario, both Democrats, did not cite the legacy of Mr. Kennedy’s family as a factor in why they were leaning toward his candidacy. Rather, they said they had been disappointed that Mr. Biden had not been able to deliver more on student debt and on better wages. Mr. Figueroa had come across Mr. Kennedy online and was drawn to his talk on health and on banning fast-food products. Ms. Rosario acknowledged, however, that she might change her mind in the fall, because of the hard-line stance Republicans have taken on abortion in Arizona and nationwide.

“It has definitely made Biden look better than Trump,” Ms. Rosario, 19, who works at a children’s museum, said of the issue. “But I think I need to do more of my own research before I decide exactly who I vote for.”

The couple’s views were illustrative of broader trends. The Times’s surveys found that Mr. Kennedy’s popularity was mostly fueled by young voters and social media. Latinos, a diverse coalition of voters that made up 10 percent of voters in 2020, are largely young and online. In the Voto Latino survey, nearly 60 percent of respondents were younger than 30, and many of them said they wanted to see Mr. Biden do more on the economy, including on inflation and jobs.

Come November, Mr. Kennedy is likely to attract only a single-digit percentage of the total vote, but his popularity matters in a contest that could be decided at the margins in a handful of swing states.

A bright spot for Mr. Biden is that many Latinos know Mr. Kennedy’s brand but not his platform, meaning there is still a lot of time for the president and Mr. Trump to define him. Pollsters also said that a lot could happen in the next five months — after the two presidential debates and the two national party conventions, and once voters have had time to consider the recent criminal verdict against Mr. Trump.

“This race could be different. This could be an outlier,” said Chuck Rocha, a Democratic strategist who helped run Senator Bernie Sanders’s Latino outreach during the last presidential race. But historically, he added, Latino Democrats who flirt with third-party candidates eventually “come home.”

Mr. Kennedy’s outreach to Latinos has not been without incident. The campaign held a California event in March to celebrate Mr. Chavez and galvanize support among Latino voters and organized labor for his bid. Instead, it drew condemnation from Mr. Chavez’s family, who accused Mr. Kennedy of exploiting the Chavez name for political gain.

Asked about Mr. Kennedy’s dragging down Mr. Biden’s numbers, Biden campaign officials argued Latino voters knew that the race was ultimately between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden.

“Latino voters understand that this election is a clear choice between two very different visions for our country,” Maca Casado, the Biden campaign’s Hispanic media director, said in a statement. It is a contrast that she said the Biden campaign is seeking to underscore.

Ruth Igielnik contributed reporting.

After Trump endorses his rival, a Nevada Senate candidate lashes out.

Jeff Gunter, who is competing in Tuesday’s Nevada Republican primary for the Senate and described himself as “110 percent pro-Trump,” saw Donald J. Trump endorse one of his primary opponents, Sam Brown, over the weekend. He did not take it well.

Mr. Trump announced his endorsement of Mr. Brown on Truth Social, his social media platform, late Sunday night, after the former president’s rally in Las Vegas.

In a social media post on Monday, Mr. Gunter claimed without evidence, and without details, that a big political check had been sent from “the swamp,” amounting to a bribe for Mr. Trump.

He suggested that the former president had intended to endorse Mr. Brown at the rally, but refrained because of pressure from “fearless MAGA warriors.” Then a “big check” arrived, he claimed — possibly, he speculated, from the National Republican Senatorial Committee or a political action committee aligned with the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell — and prompted Mr. Trump to make the endorsement later.

Mr. Gunter’s campaign, when asked if the candidate could provide evidence that a donation had arrived before Mr. Trump announced his endorsement, responded, “Yes he can, stay tuned.” The campaign did not provide any evidence and did not respond to a question about when Mr. Gunter would do so.

Mike Berg, a spokesman for the N.R.S.C., said, “Jeff Gunter has become totally unglued and is making false, defamatory accusations against N.R.S.C. and President Trump’s team.”

The Senate Leadership Fund — the political action committee affiliated with Mr. McConnell, which Mr. Gunter appeared to refer to in his social media post — did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.

Mr. Trump’s campaign pointed to a social media post on X from Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser to Mr. Trump, which read: “Proof Point as to why @DrJeffGunter didn’t earn the endorsement of @realDonaldTrump you have a habit of making up crap. President Trump makes his own decisions and this is another example of him choosing wisely.”

The Republican primary in Nevada on Tuesday will determine who faces Senator Jacky Rosen, the Democratic incumbent, in one of this year’s most competitive Senate races. The field is crowded: In addition to Mr. Gunter and Mr. Brown, an Army veteran who nearly died in Afghanistan , it includes Jim Marchant, a prominent election denier who lost an election for Nevada secretary of state in 2022, and several other candidates.

Mr. Gunter served in the Trump administration as U.S. ambassador to Iceland, which made Mr. Trump’s endorsement of his opponent sting. But Mr. Brown is leading in polls of the primary, and Mr. Trump has often jumped into races at the last minute to endorse the front-runner.

Lisa Lerer

Trump pledged support to an organization that wants abortion ‘eradicated entirely.’

Former President Donald J. Trump promised on Monday to join forces with the leaders of the Danbury Institute, a Christian coalition of churches, organizations and conservative activists that wants abortion “eradicated entirely” in the United States.

“Now is the time for us to all pull together and stand up for our values and freedom,” Mr. Trump said in a video address to the organization. “I’ll be with you side by side.”

Mr. Trump did not mention abortion in his remarks. But he promised that the organization would “make a comeback like no other” in a second Trump administration. “These are going to be your years,” he pledged.

“You just can’t vote Democrat — they’re against religion,” Mr. Trump continued. “They’re against your religion in particular.”

The Danbury Institute, which was meeting in Indianapolis as part of the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, opposes abortion in all cases, including rape, incest and when the mother’s life is at risk. The group has also asserted that life begins at the moment of fertilization, a belief that is commonly used to support restrictions on some kinds of fertility treatments and contraception.

In a panel that preceded Mr. Trump’s address, supporters of the organization urged the antiabortion movement to go further and oppose ballot initiatives that would enshrine abortion rights in state constitutions.

“We need to pressure our legislators to remember that they are under God,” said Tom Ascol, a prominent Southern Baptist preacher. “Jesus Christ rules and reigns in this world. They are accountable to him.”

Not long before Mr. Trump spoke, Al Mohler, the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, pushed for Southern Baptists to, for the first time, issue a resolution opposing in vitro fertilization.

Mr. Trump has sought to take credit for the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision overturning Roe v. Wade, a 6-to-3 decision in which three justices he appointed were in the majority. But he has also said that he would not sign a 15-week federal abortion ban and that he believes restrictions, including whether to prosecute women for abortions or monitor pregnancies, should be left to the states.

The Biden campaign — eager to discuss abortion rights, an issue it believes will motivate women in November — blasted Mr. Trump’s decision to address the organization.

“If you want to know who Trump will fight for in a second term, look at who he’s spending his time speaking to: antiabortion extremists who call abortion ‘child sacrifice’ and want to ‘eradicate’ abortion ‘entirely,’” said Sarafina Chitika, a campaign spokeswoman. “A second Trump term is sure to bring more extreme abortion bans with no exceptions.”

Ken Bensinger

Chris Cameron and Ken Bensinger

Steve Bannon and others on the right celebrate European Parliament elections.

Stephen K. Bannon, the onetime adviser to former President Donald J. Trump who has been ordered to surrender by July 1 to begin serving a prison sentence, celebrated the performance of far-right candidates in the recent European Parliament elections.

Speaking on his “War Room” podcast on Monday, Mr. Bannon proclaimed that “Europe’s on fire with the right,” pointing to strong results for right-wing parties and candidates in France, Germany, Belgium and Ireland.

Other influential figures on the right, including Vivek Ramaswamy, the former Republican presidential candidate, and Matt Schlapp, the chairman of one of the largest conservative advocacy groups in the United States, praised far-right leaders in Europe on Monday for making serious gains in the elections, and they sought to tie the results to domestic politics.

A far-right wave did not fully materialize , as was feared by many in the European political establishment, and voters largely backed centrists in the parliamentary elections.

“We don’t know what will happen with these elections,” Mr. Schlapp wrote on social media, though he also told Newsmax that “we do know that in all these countries, the center-right party has to try to make allegiances with these new populist parties.” Mr. Schlapp described those parties as “MAGA-type” parties.

Mr. Bannon conceded that voters were not universally enthusiastic about right-of-center movements, in light of worse than expected showings in Spain, Italy and Sweden. But he nonetheless highlighted the performance of far-right parties in countries like France and Germany and suggested that the results were a bellwether of the electoral mood in the United States.

“This is laying a predicate for the election like Brexit did” in 2015, Mr. Bannon said, implying that President Biden would lose in November.



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