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Tackling the AP English Language and Composition essays: part 1

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So, what are the three AP Lang Essays? The College Board shares a lot of general information about these essays on its website, as well as a large number of excellent sample essays. I suggest you take the time to review all of that material, here. But here’s my primer:

On the AP Lang Exam, there are three essays to write, all in a row (during the second half of the exam, after an initial multiple-choice portion). They are:

  • The Synthesis Essay: You’ll be given a general topic or question for debate (like: should public libraries continue to exist? Or: is eminent domain just?). Multiple short sources taking positions on that topic will follow the prompt. You will then be asked to write your own, short essay taking a position on the topic, citing at least three of the sources that you read.
  • The Rhetoric Essay: You’ll be given a short, rhetorically interesting passage, either taking a position on a topic, telling a story, or performing some other function. You will then be asked to write a short essay analyzing this passage’s use of language/rhetorical approach.
  • The Argument Essay: You will be given some position, usually stated in some brief excerpt from an author’s work. For example, you might be given an excerpt from Proust that suggests that people often regret their choices, or an excerpt from Eleanor Roosevelt praising the virtue of courage. You will then be asked to take your own position on the topic. This time, you won’t be given sources to help you make your arguments; all of your arguments must come from your own brain. 

The scoring rubric for each essay is roughly similar, with six possible points awarded: there is one point for argument, four points for evidence and analysis, and one point for “sophistication.” What this means is that, in brief, you need to do three things on every essay to get a perfect score: 

  • Have an argument.
  • Back up your argument with evidence and analyze how that evidence supports your argument.
  • Have an ineffable, excellent quality to your writing, a sort of dexterity of mind and language, for which the scorers have reserved one, sacred point. 

You can’t really control whether or not you can achieve #3, and a lot of that will be based on your prior level of experience writing/reading; but you can control whether or not you achieve #1-2. So, a high score is totally within your power! The TLDR version of this post is: make a clear argument and back it up with concrete, analyzed evidence. But, of course, that’s not as easy as it looks, and I have many more thoughts on how to actually achieve it, and achieve it well...

The six major components of successfully writing a timed essay on an exam are:

  • Organizing your time
  • Reading and Annotating
  • Outlining Part 1: Thesis
  • Outlining Part 2: Structure
  • Writing Part 1: Paragraphs (Intro, Evidence, Analysis, Conclusion)
  • Writing Part 2: Sentence by Sentence

#1 Organizing your time

On the AP Lang exam, you get a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes to write your three essays. This time is split into chunks. First, there is a 15 minute “reading period”; next, there is a 2 hour “writing period.” What this seems to imply is that the exam would like you to read all of the questions and their supplemental texts (the Synthesis Essay question and texts, the Rhetoric Essay question and passage, the Argument Essay question and short question blurb) in the 15 minute reading period, and then proceed to write the essays, in response, in the two hour writing period. This, however, is obviously an insane approach. For one thing, it’s kind of impossible: no one could keep the details of three different essay questions and associated readings together in their head all at once. For another, it’s really time inefficient: if you read all the material for all three essays first, you’re going to have to go back to it, a lot, each time you start to write a new essay, to jog your memory. Basically, no one in their right mind would (or does) advise this approach. And even the College Board seems to know it makes no sense, because they allow you to continue reading and referring to the questions and texts after the reading period. 

What you should do instead? Simply treat the whole 2 hours and 15 minutes as a single time block. Divide it into three units of 45 minutes. Then, read and answer each of the three questions one after the other, giving 45 minutes to each. Start with the Synthesis Essay, followed by the Rhetoric Essay, and then the Argument Essay. 

Your process should look like this: during the 15 minute reading period, begin work on the Synthesis Essay by reading the question and texts and planning that essay. Then, when the 2-hour timer starts, devote the first 30 minutes to actually writing that essay. Next, spend 45 minutes reading the Rhetoric Essay question and passage, and writing the Rhetoric Essay. Finally, spend the last 45 minutes reading the Argument Essay question/blurb and then writing the Argument Essay. The Argument Essay should actually take you less time than the first two, which means you should end up with 5-10 minutes to proofread your other essays. That said, I advise that you leave time at the end of each 45-minute block to check over each individual essay. 

Now let’s talk about the Rhetoric Essay in particular. How should you organize your 45 minutes here? I suggest mapping out your time roughly like this: take about ten minutes to read the passage, take notes, and brainstorm; then, take about five minutes to make an outline for your essay; next, take about twenty to twenty-five minutes to write. Leave an extra five to seven minutes at the end to re-read and edit your work. As you practice, you might notice that slightly different divisions of time work best for you – feel free to be flexible! You don’t have to stick to your timetable exactly . BUT you should try to stick to a version of this timetable so that you have enough time for each of the steps. How? Watch the clock!

#2 Reading and Annotating

The Rhetoric Essay asks you to analyze the language or rhetoric that a passage uses to achieve its ends. In your first ten minutes of reading, you should be keeping an eye out for two things: 

  • What is this passage trying to achieve? Is it trying to persuade the reader of an argument (often the case)? Is it trying to entertain the reader with a story (sometimes the case)? Is it trying to make the reader laugh? Is it trying to make the reader think? Identify the passage’s main purpose.
  • What rhetorical methods or devices does the passage use to achieve its aims? What exactly is it doing to achieve its aims? Yes, you should be watching out for rhetorical devices that already have fancy names, like “allusion” or “alliteration,” but you should also be using your OWN language/descriptive powers to identify the passage’s methods. You might, for example, note things like: “makes argument largely through anecdote” or “addresses counterarguments” or “lists so many absurd situations that they start to feel normal.” Try to identify not just rhetorical methods the passage uses, but also the central ones it uses.

To achieve this, I suggest proceeding as follows: read one paragraph. Once you’re done, stop, reflect, and note (in the margins) the most important rhetorical devices the passage used to achieve its aims (as far as you understand them thus far). Do this for each paragraph you read. Once you’re done, you should have a handy list in the margin of rhetorical tactics the passage uses. Which ones, looking back, seem to come up the most frequently? Which ones, even if they don’t come up frequently, seem particularly central to the passage’s aims? The tactics you identify will soon play a role in your essay’s thesis. 

Next, you’ll be ready to write an outline for your essay, mapping out (as best you can) its thesis and structure. In the next blog post , we’ll begin with that step. 

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Expert Guide to the AP Language and Composition Exam

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Advanced Placement (AP)


With the 2023 AP English Language and Composition exam happening on Tuesday, May 9, it's time to make sure that you're familiar with all aspects of the exam. In this article, I'll give a brief overview of the test, do a deeper dive on each of the sections, discuss how the exam is scored, offer some strategies for studying, and finally wrap up with some essential exam day tips.

Exam Overview

The AP Language and Composition exam tests your rhetorical and composition skills. Essentially, how do authors construct effective arguments in their writing? What tools do they use? How can you use those tools to craft effective writing yourself? That is the essence of rhetorical analysis.

The exam has two parts: the first section is an hour-long, 45 question multiple-choice section. It includes five sets of questions, each based on a passage or passages. In this section, there will be 23-25 rhetorical analysis questions which test your rhetorical skills. There will also be 20-22 writing questions which require you to consider revisions to the texts you're shown.

The second section is free response. It starts with a 15-minute reading period, and then you'll have 120 minutes to write three analytical essays:

  • One essay where you synthesize several provided texts to create an argument
  • One essay where you analyze a nonfiction passage for its rhetorical construction
  • One essay where you create an original argument in response to a prompt.

You will have about 40 minutes to write each essay, but no one will prompt you to move from essay to essay—you can structure the 120 minutes as you wish.

In the next sections I'll go over each section of the exam more closely—first multiple choice, and then free response.

The AP English Language and Composition Multiple-Choice

The multiple-choice section tests you on two main areas. The first is how well you can read and understand nonfiction passages for their use of rhetorical devices and tools. The second is how well you can "think like a writer" and make revisions to texts in composition questions.

You will be presented with five passages, about which you will receive a small amount of orienting information, e.g. "This passage is excerpted from a collection of essays on boating" or "This passage is excerpted from an essay written in 19th-century Haiti." Each passage will be followed by a set of questions.

There are, in general, eight question types you can expect to encounter on the multiple-choice section of the exam. I've taken my examples from the sample questions in the " Course and Exam Description ."


Magic eight-ball says there are eight types of multiple-choice questions!

Type 1: Reading Comprehension

These questions are focused on verifying that you understood what a certain part of the passage was saying on a concrete, literal level. You can identify these questions from phrases like "according to" "refers," etc. The best way to succeed on these questions is to go back and re-read the part of the passage referred to very carefully.


Type 2: Implication

These questions take reading comprehension one step further—they are primarily focused on what the author is implying without directly coming out and saying it. These questions will have a correct answer, though, based on evidence from the passage. Which interpretation offered in the answers does the passage most support? You can identify questions like these from words like "best supported," ‘"implies," "suggests," "inferred," and so on.


Type 3: Overall Passage and Author Questions

These questions ask about overall elements of the passage or the author, such as the author's attitude on the issue discussed, the purpose of the passage, the passage's overarching style, the audience for the passage, and so on.

You can identify these questions because they won't refer back to a specific moment in the text. For these questions, you'll need to think of the passage from a "bird's-eye view" and consider what all of the small details together are combining to say.


Type 4: Relationships Between Parts of the Text

Some questions will ask you to describe the relationship between two parts of the text, whether they are paragraphs or specific lines. You can identify these because they will usually explicitly ask about the relationship between two identified parts of the text, although sometimes they will instead ask about a relationship implicitly, by saying something like "compared to the rest of the passage."


Type 5: Interpretation of Imagery/Figurative Language

These questions will ask you about the deeper meaning or implication of figurative language or imagery that is used in the text. Essentially, why did the author choose to use this simile or this metaphor? What is s/he trying to accomplish?

You can generally identify questions like this because the question will specifically reference a moment of figurative language in the text. However, it might not be immediately apparent that the phrase being referenced is figurative, so you may need to go back and look at it in the passage to be sure of what kind of question you are facing.


Type 6: Purpose of Part of the Text

Still other questions will ask you to identify what purpose a particular part of the text serves in the author's larger argument. What is the author trying to accomplish with the particular moment in the text identified in the question?

You can identify these questions because they will generally explicitly ask what purpose a certain part of the text serves. You may also see words or phrases like "serves to" or "function."


Type 7: Rhetorical Strategy

These questions will ask you to identify a rhetorical strategy used by the author. They will often specifically use the phrase "rhetorical strategy," although sometimes you will be able to identify them instead through the answer choices, which offer different rhetorical strategies as possibilities.


Type 8: Composition

This is the newest question type, first seen in the 2019/2020 school year. For these questions, the student will need to act as though they are the writer and think through different choices writers need to make when writing or revising text.

These questions can involve changing the order of sentences or paragraphs, adding or omitting information to strengthen an argument or improve clarity, making changes to draw reader attention, and other composition-based choices.


Some very important stylish effects going on here.

The AP English Language and Composition Free Response

The free response section has a 15-minute reading period. After that time, you will have 120 minutes to write three essays that address three distinct tasks.

Because the first essay involves reading sources, it is suggested that you use the entire 15-minute reading period to read the sources and plan the first essay. However, you may want to glance at the other questions during the reading period so that ideas can percolate in the back of your mind as you work on the first essay.

Essay One: Synthesis

For this essay, you will be briefly oriented on an issue and then given anywhere from six to seven sources that provide various perspectives and information on the issue. You will then need to write an argumentative essay with support from the documents.

If this sounds a lot like a DBQ , as on the history AP exams, that's because it is! However, this essay is much more argumentative in nature—your goal is to persuade, not merely interpret the documents.

Example (documents not included, see 2022 free response questions ):


Essay Two: Rhetorical Analysis

In the second essay, you'll be presented with an excerpt from a nonfiction piece that advances an argument and asked to write an essay analyzing the rhetorical strategies used to construct the passage's argument. You will also be given some orienting information—where the passage was excerpted from, who wrote it, its approximate date, where it was published (if at all), and to whom it was directed.

Example (excerpt not included, see 2022 free response questions ):


Essay Three: Argument

In the third essay, you will be presented with an issue and asked to write a persuasive essay taking a position on the issue. You will need to support your position with evidence from your "reading, experience, and observations."


This doesn't look like a very well-constructed argument.

How The AP Language and Composition Exam Is Scored

The multiple-choice section of the exam is worth 45% of your score, and the free-response section is worth the other 55%. So each of the three free-response essays is worth about 18% of your score.

As on other APs, your raw score will be converted to a scaled score of 1-5. This exam has a relatively low 5 rate. Only 10% of test takers received a 5 in 2022 , although 56% of students received a score of 3 or higher.

In terms of how the raw score is obtained, the multiple-choice section is similar to other AP multiple-choice sections: you receive a point for every question you answer correctly, and there is no penalty for guessing.

The grading rubrics for the free-response questions were revamped in 2019. They are scored using analytic rubrics instead of holistic rubrics. For each free-response question, you will be given a score from 0-6. The rubrics assess three major areas:

#1: Thesis (0 to 1 points): Is there a thesis, and does it properly respond to the prompt?

#2: Evidence and Commentary (0 to 4 points): Does the essay include supporting evidence and analysis that is relevant, specific, well organized, and supports the thesis?

#3: Sophistication (0 to 1 points): Is the essay well-crafted and does it show a sufficiently nuanced understanding of the prompt?

Each scoring rubric broadly assesses these three factors. However, each task is also different in nature, so the rubrics do have some differences. I'll go over each rubric—and what it really means—for you here.

Synthesis Essay Rubrics

0 For any of the following:




1 Responses that earn this point may demonstrate sophistication of thought and/or a complex understanding of the rhetorical situation by doing any of the following:


Time to synthesize this dough into some cookies.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Rubrics



Examine your texts closely!

Argumentative Essay Rubrics


The best kind of frenzy is a puppy frenzy!

AP English Language Prep Tips

Unlike its cousin, the AP English Literature and Composition exam, the AP Language and Composition exam (and course) have very little to do with fiction or poetry. So some students used to more traditional English classes may be somewhat at a loss as to what to do to prepare.

Luckily for you, I have a whole slate of preparation tips for you!

Read Nonfiction—In a Smart Way

A major thing you can do to prepare for the AP Lang and Comp exam is to read nonfiction— particularly nonfiction that argues a position , whether explicitly (like an op-ed) or implicitly (like many memoirs and personal essays). Read a variety of non-fiction genres and topics, and pay attention to the following:

  • What is the author's argument?
  • What evidence do they use to support their position?
  • What rhetorical techniques and strategies do they use to build their argument?
  • Are they persuasive? What counterarguments can you identify? Do they address them?

Thinking about these questions with all the reading you do will help you hone your rhetorical analysis skills.

Learn Rhetorical Terms and Strategies

Of course, if you're going to be analyzing the nonfiction works you read for their rhetorical techniques and strategies, you need to know what those are! You should learn a robust stable of rhetorical terms from your teacher, but here's my guide to the most important AP Language and Composition terms .

  • We've compiled a list of 20 rhetorical devices you should know.
  • A heroic individual from Riverside schools in Ohio uploaded this aggressively comprehensive list of rhetorical terms with examples. It's 27 pages long, and you definitely shouldn't expect to know all of these for the exam, but it's a useful resource for learning some new terms.
  • Another great resource for learning about rhetorical analysis and how rhetorical devices are actually used is the YouTube Channel Teach Argument , which has videos rhetorically analyzing everything from Taylor Swift music videos to Super Bowl commercials. It's a fun way to think about rhetorical devices and get familiar with argumentative structures.
  • Finally, a great book—which you might already use in your class—is " They Say, I Say. " This book provides an overview of rhetoric specifically for academic purposes, which will serve you well for AP preparation and beyond.

You also need to practice argumentative and persuasive writing. In particular, you should practice the writing styles that will be tested on the exam: synthesizing your own argument based on multiple outside sources, rhetorically analyzing another piece of writing in-depth, and creating a completely original argument based on your own evidence and experience.

You should be doing lots of writing assignments in your AP class to prepare, but thoughtful, additional writing will help. You don't necessarily need to turn all of the practice writing you do into polished pieces, either—just writing for yourself, while trying to address some of these tasks, will give you a low-pressure way to try out different rhetorical structures and argumentative moves, as well as practicing things like organization and developing your own writing style.


Not the most auspicious start to an argumentative essay.

Practice for the Exam

Finally, you'll need to practice specifically for the exam format. There are sample multiple-choice questions in the " AP Course and Exam Description ," and old free-response questions on the College Board website.

Unfortunately, the College Board hasn't officially released any complete exams from previous years for the AP English Language and Composition exam, but you might be able to find some that teachers have uploaded to school websites and so on by Googling "AP Language complete released exams." I also have a guide to AP Language and Composition practice tests .

Once you're prepped and ready to go, how can you do your best on the test?

Looking for help studying for your AP exam? Our one-on-one online AP tutoring services can help you prepare for your AP exams. Get matched with a top tutor who got a high score on the exam you're studying for!

AP Language and Composition Test Day Tips

Here are four key tips for test-day success.


You are one hundred percent success!

Interact With the Text

When you are reading passages, both on the multiple-choice section and for the first two free-response questions, interact with the text! Mark it up for things that seem important, devices you notice, the author's argument, and anything else that seems important to the rhetorical construction of the text. This will help you engage with the text and make it easier to answer questions or write an essay about the passage.

Think About Every Text's Overarching Purpose and Argument

Similarly, with every passage you read, consider the author's overarching purpose and argument. If you can confidently figure out what the author's primary assertion is, it will be easier to trace how all of the other aspects of the text play into the author's main point.

Plan Your Essays

The single most important thing you can do for yourself on the free-response section of the AP English Language exam is to spend a few minutes planning and outlining your essays before you start to write them.

Unlike on some other exams, where the content is the most important aspect of the essay, on the AP Language Exam, organization, a well-developed argument, and strong evidence are all critical to strong essay scores. An outline will help you with all of these things. You'll be able to make sure each part of your argument is logical, has sufficient evidence, and that your paragraphs are arranged in a way that is clear and flows well.

Anticipate and Address Counterarguments

Another thing you can do to give your free responses an extra boost is to identify counterarguments to your position and address them within your essay. This not only helps shore up your own position, but it's also a fairly sophisticated move in a timed essay that will win you kudos with AP graders.


Address counterarguments properly or they might get returned to sender!

Key Takeaways

The AP Language and Composition exam tests your rhetorical skills. The exam has two sections.

The first section is an hour-long, 45 question multiple-choice test based on the rhetorical techniques and composition choices.

The second section is a two-hour free-response section (with a 15-minute initial reading period) with three essay questions: one where you must synthesize given sources to make an original argument, one where you must rhetorically analyze a given passage, and one where you must create a wholly original argument about an issue with no outside sources given.

You'll receive one point for every correct answer on the multiple-choice section of the exam, which is worth 45% of your score. The free-response section is worth 55% of your score. For each free-response question, you'll get a score based on a rubric from 0-6. Your total raw score will be converted to a scaled score from 1-5.

Here are some test prep strategies for AP Lang:

#1 : Read nonfiction with an eye for rhetoric #2 : Learn rhetorical strategies and techniques #3 : Practice writing to deploy rhetorical skills #4 : Practice for the exam!

Here are some test-day success tips:

#1 : Interact with each passage you encounter! #2 : Consider every text's overarching purpose and argument. #3 : Keep track of time #4 : Plan your essays #5 : Identify and address counterarguments in your essays.

With all of this knowledge, you're ready to slay the AP English Language and Composition beast!


Noble knight, prepare to slay the AP dragon!

What's Next?

Want more AP Lang review? We have a complete collection of released AP Language practice tests , as well as a list of the AP Lang terms you need to know and a guide to the multiple choice section .

Taking the AP Literature exam? Check out our ultimate guide to the AP English Literature test and our list of AP Literature practice tests .

Taking other AP exams? See our Ultimate Guides to AP World History , AP US History , AP Chemistry , AP Biology , AP World History , and AP Human Geography .

Need more AP prep guidance? Check out how to study for AP exams and how to find AP practice tests .

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Ellen has extensive education mentorship experience and is deeply committed to helping students succeed in all areas of life. She received a BA from Harvard in Folklore and Mythology and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what's the best approach for the ap lang argument essay.

Hey everyone! I was wondering how you guys prepare for and structure your argument essay in AP Lang. What types of evidence do you usually use? And any tips on choosing effective examples to support your argument?

Hi there! The AP Lang argument essay is all about making a strong, well-structured argument in a clear and concise manner. Here's a step-by-step approach you can follow and some tips to help you prepare:

1. Understand the prompt: Carefully read the given prompt and make sure you understand what it's asking you to do. Keep an eye out for key terms that might require closer consideration.

2. Plan your essay: After fully understanding the prompt, take a few minutes to plan your essay. Decide on your main argument, and think about how you can best support it with evidence.

3. Choose your evidence: For the AP Lang argument essay, it's important to use a mix of both evidence from the provided sources and your own knowledge. Consider using historical events, real-life examples, and even personal experiences if they're relevant and can effectively support your argument.

4. Create a clear thesis statement: This should be a concise statement that outlines your main argument and how you plan to support it. Make sure your thesis is specific and directly addresses the prompt.

5. Outline your essay: Break down your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Plan which evidence you'll use in each body paragraph, and be sure to vary the types of evidence to make your argument more compelling.

6. Write the introduction: Begin with a hook or an interesting fact that grabs the reader's attention. Then, provide some context for your argument before clearly stating your thesis.

7. Craft clear topic sentences: Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph and connects it back to your thesis.

8. Use appropriate transitions: Ensure there's a smooth flow between your paragraphs and ideas by using appropriate transition words and phrases.

9. Address counterarguments: To make your argument more convincing, consider acknowledging valid counterarguments and then refuting them with evidence.

10. Write a strong conclusion: Sum up your main points, restate your thesis, and leave the reader with something thought-provoking or impactful.

To prepare for the AP Lang argument essay, practice your writing skills regularly, read a variety of sources to broaden your knowledge, and analyze sample essays to understand what works and what doesn't. Remember, the key to an effective argument essay is having a clear, focused thesis and supporting it with strong evidence. Happy writing!

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AP ® Lang teachers: looking to help your students improve their rhetorical analysis essays?

Coach Hall Writes

clear, concise rhetorical analysis instruction.

AP Lang Exam FAQ

April 28, 2022 by Beth Hall

As an AP Lang teacher and someone who talks about AP® Lang on YouTube quite a bit, I have heard several frequently asked questions about the AP Lang test. In this post, I want to answer those AP Lang exam FAQ because chances are you might be wondering about some of them as well!

Don’t see your question here? Check out my YouTube channel or blog for way more AP®AP  Lang content.

Can I move around, or skip a question and come back?

You are able to move around between questions within a section. What that means is you won’t be able to see the essays while completing the multiple choice, but you can navigate between multiple choice passages and questions, or even between essays (when you are in that section).

Before you even read the passage, take a look at the questions (not the answer choices), so you know what to look for as you read. Additionally, you have limited time, don’t linger too long on any one particular question.

Do I get penalized for guessing on the AP Lang exam?

No, there is no penalty for guessing. If you are running out of time in the multiple choice section, choose one letter and bubble that answer consistently on the questions you won’t have time for. You should aim to answer every question, even if it is a guess.

How should I use my time during the AP Lang essays?

During the essay section, you will get 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete 3 essays. The first 15 minutes is a reading time, but if you are ready to begin planning or writing, then go for it.

Then, take a look at the 3 essays. If there is an essay topic you think is easy or an essay type you normally do well on, start with that. This allows you plenty of time to complete the essay as satisfactorily as possible. 

When thinking of time, you want to allot about 40 minutes per essay. The bulk of the time will be spent writing the body paragraphs. Don’t worry too much about spelling and grammar since these items generally do not affect your score since the essays are considered rough drafts. If you do edit something, a simple strikethrough will do.

For more information about planning how to spend your time on the AP Lang exam, check out this video about making your AP Lang game plan.

How many paragraphs do you need on the AP Lang essay?

You want to have an intro paragraph, but it can be short and sweet. It can simply be a defensible thesis with a few sentences of context before (if time permits).

The general rule is quality is better than quantity. Two really good body paragraphs is better than three mediocre ones. Conclusions are nice but not necessary. If you have the time and you feel it would benefit your essay, then do it. If not, then skip it.

For tips about writing a rhetorical analysis introduction, check out this blog post.

What materials do I need for the AP Lang Test?

On the day of the test, you should bring at least two pencils for the multiple choice section and two pens (blue or black ink) for the essays. You may also bring a snack, depending on the testing site rules. A watch may also be a good idea, but it cannot be a smart watch. If you don’t have a watch, don’t worry–there should be a clock in the testing room.

How long is the AP Lang test?

The first portion of the test is multiple choice. You have 1 hour to answer 45 questions. The second half is the essays. You have 2 hours and 15 minutes for 3 essays. This amounts to a 15-minute recommended reading period and 40 minutes for each of the essays.

How do you earn the sophistication point on the AP Lang exam?

I have a video on YouTube all about the sophistication point that you can watch here . I recommend looking at samples from The College Board and reading the ones that have earned a sophistication point. Look at the essay commentary to see why they earned the point.

Can I write about personal experience in my AP Lang essay?

For a rhetorical analysis essay, no. However it can be used as an argument essay. Be sure the personal experience is relevant to the prompt and your thesis. It should be a meaningful piece of evidence that further develops your argument. For more tips, check out the video below.

Want more of your AP Lang exam FAQ answered? You can find more information about the AP Lang exam by checking out my YouTube channel here or my blog here!

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How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay with Example

September 5, 2023

If you’re highly interested in learning more about writing analysis, then chances are you enrolled in AP Lang. Essentially, AP Lang is an advanced course for high schoolers that combines interest and knowledge in English with critical thinking. In the class, students learn how to analyze and synthesize a variety of texts to construct well-reasoned arguments. If you take AP Lang, then you can opt to take the AP test at the conclusion of the school year. On the exam, students write the AP Lang synthesis essay to demonstrate their learned abilities. In this article, we’ll look at what the AP Lang synthesis essay requires and show an example to provide better understanding of what to expect on the exam.

AP Lang Exam Basics

The AP Lang exam is separated into two sections. In the first section, students have one hour to answer a series of 45 multiple-choice questions. Here, about half of the questions are based on passages students read. The other half are focused on the best revision techniques. Essentially, the answers for the latter 20-22 questions are geared toward revising mock essays.

In this article, however, we’ll focus mainly on the second part of the exam: the AP Lang synthesis essay.

In this second section, students have two hours and 15 minutes to write three essays of their own design. The three open-ended questions in this section are intended to be free-response and allow for a variety of approaches. Each question is intended to allow up to 40 minutes to complete.

For the AP Lang synthesis essay, students are presented with a scenario of the College Board’s design. The scenario will provide its own thesis statement. Usually, scenarios relate to real-world problems like environmental concerns, media, or government policies.

For each scenario, students are provided with 6-7 outside sources. These sources could be in the form of an image, visual graph, or written paragraph. For written paragraphs, the sources are usually no more than 500 words.

Students are then expected to incorporate at least 3-4 of these outside sources into their essay response. The outside sources are intended to be used as supporting evidence for the student’s chosen stance or argument. Students are able to either agree with or disagree with the thesis presented in the original scenario.

AP Lang Exam – Scoring

In the second part of the AP Lang exam, students can earn a possible 6 points on each essay. 1 point is earned for the development of a thesis. Up to 4 points can be earned for evidence and commentary. The final 1 point is earned for sophistication of thought.

AP Lang Exam – Takeaways

Ultimately, the goal of the AP Lang synthesis essay is not whether the student is “right” or “wrong” in their argument. The key is that students are able to reasonably and clearly support their argument using the provided sources as evidence .

The College Board looks for your ability to identify relationships between texts , form a coherent argument , and interpret external sources .

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples

If you’re not sure how the questions will look on the AP Lang synthesis essay section, we’ll provide an example. After the example, we’ll break down the strengths and weaknesses of the response. That way, you’ll have a better idea of what the College Board is looking for.

Additionally, the College Board has released previous AP Lang synthesis essay examples you can review. They even have essay questions as recent as 2022 . For further support, a scoring commentary and comments from the Chief Reader are also available to view. Additionally, there are other examples you can view from earlier years .

Note: A good strategy to study for the synthesis essay AP Lang exam is to review your rhetorical devices and literary devices . Understanding how these devices function can be essential in constructing a cohesive essay.

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples – Sample Question

Below is a sample question from the AP Lang synthesis essay and a response to the prompt. This question was taken directly from a 2022 exam . However, the response to the question will be originally crafted for the purpose of this newsletter. As well, all supporting evidence will be originally created and does not correspond to any previous test.

The Question

Since the early 2000s, the United States government and a number of corporations have sponsored initiatives to improve education in the STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The emphasis on STEM subjects in elementary, secondary, and higher education reflects concerns that United States students are less proficient in these areas than are students in other countries. Additionally, there is a belief that mastery in STEM fields is now essential in order to join a highly technical and specialized workforce. However, not everyone is convinced that a STEM-focused curriculum is necessary and/or effective.

In your response you should do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible
  • Select and use evidence from at least three of the provided sources to support your line of Indicate clearly the sources used through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Sources may be cited as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the description in parentheses.
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your

How to Approach the Question

Maybe your first thought upon seeing this block of text is to feel overwhelmed. But don’t panic. There are effective ways to approach the question so you will be more prepared in your response.

It’s a good strategy to first isolate the thesis . What is the main idea of the text, and what is its argument?

Try it out. Reread the prompt and see if you can identify what the statement is asking you to develop an opinion on.

Think you’ve got it? In this example, we will be focusing on whether or not a STEM-focused curriculum in K-12 education is necessary and/or effective. In short, we will be arguing either for (highlighting the benefits) or against (highlighting the pitfalls) a STEM-focused curriculum.

How do we know what this statement is asking us?

Well, the statement provides a lot of background information. For example, we receive a definition of what STEM stands for. As well, we know that since 2000, there has been a greater initiative for STEM-focused classes.

When you read the prompt for the first time, it’s a great strategy to learn how to differentiate between background and contextual information from the heart of the argument .

A good way to learn how to isolate the argument is to look for transition words. Usually, these appear near the end of the question. Words like “however” and “yet” are signals that the statement is offering a differing opinion. Typically, the statement will tell you which two positions it’s offering for argument. These opinions are usually signaled by contrasting transition words.

So, now that we know what the question is asking us, what is the best way to respond?

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples – Sample Answer

The following is an essay response I crafted to the above question. After reading the sample, I will break down what it does well and what areas can be improved.

A STEM-focused curriculum is not as essential to providing a meaningful K-12 education. Because the majority of high school students are not proficient in STEM-focused classes, prioritizing these classes causes harm to student’s mental health and academic performance.

As seen in Source A, 60% of high school seniors in the Midwest only scored a C average in math and science-based classes (Langston). This statistic suggests that the majority of students do not resonate with STEM classes and therefore perform poorly. Earning a low score in any class does not bode well for students’ mental health.

When looking at the primary argument in Source C, it’s clear that most high schoolers prefer creative outlets to fact-based research (Kohler). Allowing students the opportunity to be more creative and initiate conversations about coursework lets students be more active in their learning. When students can discuss the nuance in their opinions, more personal growth happens. These conversations are not always easy to have in STEM-focused classes.

As well, when looking back to Source A, it’s clear that high school students in the Midwest earned higher grades, on average, in their English and art classes (Langston). This figure suggests that students perform better in these classes because they relate more to the source material. When relating to what they learn, they perform better in class.

In conclusion, STEM-focused curriculum is not as essential in K-12 education because most high school students do not relate to their STEM classes. When students do not earn satisfactory grades in these classes, it negatively affects their future college applications and job prospects.

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples – Answer Breakdown

So, what does this essay response get right, and where can it be improved? Let’s start with what the response does well.

First, the response establishes its thesis right away. Usually, it’s a good idea to clearly state your argument within the first paragraph. Not only is this a good practice because a reader can easily identify your stance, but also you can refer to your thesis as you write to make you stay on track.

With your thesis, it’s also a good idea to include one to two supporting sentences with the reasons why the thesis is concluded . Like in this example, I wrote that STEM-focused classes should not be prioritized because they can negatively affect both mental health and academic performance.

Another positive aspect of this response is that it is sure to not only reference but also cites its sources . It’s important that the reader understand where your information is coming from. That way, the readers can ensure you are interpreting the sources correctly.

AP Lang Synthesis Essay (Continued)

However, when rereading the instructions, it’s clear that this response fails the basic requirement of referring to at least three sources. Always make sure to reread the instructions to ensure you meet the standard requirements for incorporating source material.

Further, this AP Lang synthesis essay does not fully support its arguments . Ideas are simply stated and are not expanded upon.

For example, I mentioned a few times that earning low grades in STEM classes leads to negative mental health for high school students. However, there is no source referenced that either confirms or denies this claim. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence to support my argument. It relies purely on inference.

Additionally, this AP Lang synthesis essay does not arrive at a sufficient level of sophistication of thought . Basically, sophistication of thought means avoiding broad generalizations and vague claims. The more specific you can be, the better your argument will sound.

Synthesis Essay AP Lang – In Conclusion

In the end, it’s always helpful to read the prompt thoroughly before writing. As well, making notes while you read could be a good strategy to pinpoint main ideas both in the prompt and the sources. That way, you can reread the material quickly. Similarly, sketching an outline may also be helpful. In addition, you should always carefully read the instructions to ensure all guidelines are followed.

As long as you avoid broad generalizations and use enough supporting evidence for your claim, you will be on the right path!

  • High School Success

Meghan Dairaghi

With a BA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing, Meghan has served as a writing tutor at the University of Missouri St. Louis and Maryville University. Additionally, Meghan has held editorial roles at River Styx and Boulevard, and was a prose reader at Farside Review . Most recently, her work has been featured in Belle Ombre , Flypaper Lit , and Mag 20/20 , among others, and she was nominated for the Mary Troy Prize in Fiction. 

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AP® English Language

How to get a 6 on the argument frq in ap® english language.

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: March 1, 2022

How to Get a 6 on the Argument FRQ in AP® English Language

What We Review

Introduction: How to Get a 6 on the Argument FRQ in AP® English Language

Wondering how to get a 6 on the argumentative essay in AP® English Language? 

To score an 5 on the AP® English Argument FRQ question, the CollegeBoard scoring guidelines outline that students need to write an essay that effectively argues a position, uses appropriate and convincing evidence, and showcases a wide range of the elements of writing. Essays that score a 6 do all of that and, additionally, demonstrate sophistication in their argument.

An essay that does all of that is an incredibly well-constructed essay. Such an essay needs a solid framework and excellent support. To do this, it is important to have a clear idea of what you are being asked, to not waffle, to spend time and care with your thesis and outline, and to support every claim you make.

We know the best way to write an AP® English FRQ that does everything right is to understand what you are going to see on the AP® English Language test. Read on to prepare yourself for exam day and earn that 6!

What to Expect from the AP® English Language Argument Free Response Questions

The AP® English argument FRQ is the most straightforward of the AP® English FRQs because it is the most similar to the essays you’re already used to writing. It’s exciting to have free reign and make your own argument, unrestrained from rhetorical analysis devices or documents. But, like most AP® writing, it also can be a little overwhelming.

There’s nothing to read and analyze to provide evidence or help you form an argument. Whether you’re feeling excited or overwhelmed by the AP® writing argument FRQ, consider the rhetorical situation. Be strategic about forming your thesis, craft a strong, chronological argument, and utilize good, supportive evidence to earn a better overall essay response.

Determine the question.

The first question to ask yourself is what am I being asked to do ? This may seem obvious, but it’s surprising how tricky it can be to figure out. Look for keywords and phrases that will answer that question.

Here’s an example from the 2019 AP® English Language argumentative essay.

What to Expect from the AP® English Language Argument Free Response Questions - Determine the Question

Though there are just two short paragraphs, there is a lot of room for confusion here. In this case, “Then, write a well-developed essay in which you explain your judgment.” is the key sentence you are looking for. In 2019, AP® English Language test takers were asked to select a concept, place, role, etc. that they believed was “overrated,” and explain why.

If you cannot determine what the question is, go back and reread the prompt. Focus on the last few sentences, as that’s where you’ll usually find it.

Knowing the question you are answering is the most important part of AP® writing. You will not be able to answer the question effectively if you aren’t certain what the question is. Pick out a specific sentence or two to determine the question, and thereby ensure that you aren’t just writing an essay that responds to the general sense of the argument essay prompts

Pick an opinion and stick to it.

The next step is both simple and difficult. Identify your own opinion on the subject.

But remember — the AP® argumentative essay exam format is designed to test how well you can craft an argument. Questions like the 2019 question seem so daunting, because claiming anything to be “overrated” is such a broad topic. It is a bigger question than students are used to encountering on an AP® test.

But, always remember, there is no right or wrong answer for this AP® English FRQ. And whatever argument you choose will not come back later in the exam or in your final grade in the class. This is not to say that you shouldn’t believe in what you are writing. Only that you should remember that both sides are arguable, pick one, and stick to it. Don’t waffle.

Below we break down two sample student answers from this same 2019 prompt. 

What to Expect from the AP® English Language Argument Free Response Questions - PIck an opinion negative example

In this AP® Lang argument essay example, the student jumps from describing places, to people, to outfits. The prompts asked for only one example and the student gives three.  By doing this, it shows they were not only unable to grasp what the prompt was asking, but that they couldn’t stick to their opinion.  Instead of deeply strengthening one choice, the student gives vague, half-reasons for too many choices. When writing your FRQs, choose just one concept and stick to it.

The following example demonstrates a strong student response:

What to Expect from the AP® English Language Argument Free Response Questions - Pick an opinion strong example

This student picks one clear concept, capitalism, and clearly outlines their support for it.  They write with clear language that opens the door for the deeper analysis coming later in the essay.

Like this student, choose just one clear argument to delve into when writing your FRQ.

Craft a thesis statement.

The thesis statement should be both simple and elegant. Students often find it one of the more difficult writing skills to master, but we’re here to help. Just remember that it should encompass your entire essay in just one sentence.  So, for the 2019 argument FRQ :

Good thesis: While capitalism undeniably has its upsides, it has many downsides that are rarely recognized. When considering the downsides, capitalism is clearly overrated as it commodifies humanity and uplifts a minority at the expense of the majority.

This thesis breaks down a) that the author clearly states his claim that capitalism is overrated, b) that the author will support that claim with examples on how it commodifies humanity and how it hurts the majority in favor of the minority.

Good thesis: While the Electoral College was created in the name of equality for smaller states, it is ultimately overrated because it undercuts the popular vote, it is an archaic practice that is unsuitable for the modern era.

This thesis claims the Electoral College is overrated by claiming it doesn’t do what it was created to do in the first place- support equality.  It also introduces two supporting examples for the rest of the essay- it undercuts the popular vote and it doesn’t work in the modern era.

Not a good thesis: Kicking a ball in a net and scoring, is not as important as saving lives. Soccer to me would be considered overrated.

This thesis doesn’t give clear direction for the rest of the essay.  The author claims soccer is overrated, but doesn’t tell us why. The example that “it’s not as important as saving lives” is unrelated and also not touched on again later in the essay. This thesis isn’t specific and doesn’t give you a clear idea of what the author will be saying next.

Not a good thesis: The term “overrated” has been used in conversation to diminish the value of roles. In unusual circumstances the term “overrated” should be applied to the idea of freedom in regards to social change, but overall it should not be applied in regards to global devastation and cruel treatment.

This thesis does not directly answer the question.  Is the author arguing that freedom is overrated? They also claim that the term overrated doesn’t apply to global devastation and cruel treatment. This second claim is both unrelated to the first and doesn’t work to answer the initial prompt.

Looking at these four examples, can you see the difference between a strong and weak thesis?

After you’ve determined your thesis, use it as a jumping point to sketch a quick outline. Then, follow your outline, bringing in your own concrete examples and evidence. Doing so will improve your AP® writing.

Return to the Table of Contents

Craft a chronological argument.

A good argument builds as you move through the essay. It does not simply repeat the same points. Instead, the different points of the argument build off one another and work together to advance the author’s point.

Let’s look at the 2018 AP® English argument FRQ for an example.

What to Expect from the AP® English Language Argument Free Response Questions - Craft a chronological argument

In this case, students are being asked to argue a position on the value of choosing the unknown. 

All students are likely to have their own definitions of what “choosing the unknown” might mean. You first want to consider what this phrase means to you, and how it applies to the real world.  Could it mean breaking out of your comfort zone in daily routines, or could it mean going to theater school to follow your dreams?  There’s no wrong answers, but try to pin down one. Consider Lindbergh’s quote the prompt gives you, and how shock, disappointment, and enrichment play into choosing the unknown.

Once you’ve nailed down your definition, you can begin to form your arguments. A chronological argument builds off itself. So, in this question’s case, an outline would look something like this:

  • Choosing the unknown is necessary for the development of the human race.
  • Scientific advancements cannot be made without testing the boundaries of the unknown.
  • Cultural and artistic growth can only occur through exploring the unknown.

First, a student must define what choosing the unknown means, and what makes it difficult. Next the student argues for the value of choosing the unknown, in that the human race could never develop without it.  Finally, the student will argue for the invaluable scientific and cultural/artistic advances made throughout history by breaking known boundaries.

When you sketch your outline, quickly ask yourself if the outline would make just as much sense if you rearranged it. If the answer is no, start writing your essay. If the answer is yes, try to structure your argument so that your points build off one another.

Support your claims.

All arguments need evidence. This is the proof you need to support your thesis. And in the case of the AP® English argument FRQ, the evidence all comes from you. What exactly that evidence is will vary from question to question and from student to student. But make sure that every point you make is supported by evidence.

Here’s some good news — you already know quite a bit about effective evidence from what you have learned in AP® English about rhetorical devices. Your main purpose in this essay is to persuade. What have you learned in class about effective ways to persuade? What rhetorical devices can you utilize? Try to pick the best devices to support your argument that you can.

Here are some examples of supportive and non-supportive evidence that students could use to support their claims.

What to Expect from the AP® English Language Argument Free Response Questions - Support your claims

The 2017 AP® English language argument FRQ asked students to argue a position if the most essential skill is artifice. The example student answers given below are from here .

Supportive evidence:   “Throughout history, rulers have utilized countless different methods of achieving power, however none have been so successful as mastering the art of lying.

In his advice to future rulers, Niccolo Machiavelli encouraged them to lie and maintain the illusion of sympathy to the common struggles in order to retain power. He asserts that it is imperative for a ruler to appear caring and sympathetic even if he has no objective but power.

Machiavelli argues that to be sincere and honest is akin to being vulnerable. A ruler must be skilled in the art of deception if he is not to fall prey to usurpers. Thus, it is essential that he appear humble and morally upright to his constituents as he is to appear idealistic, despite his nature being identical to his citizens.”

In this paragraph, the student chooses to discuss the role of artifice in politics. The student claims that mastering lying is essential to achieving political power. The student uses Machiavelli’s leadership and beliefs as specific examples to support this, by analyzing and connecting each point back to his/her claim.

Non-supportive evidence: “Another example would be actors on red carpets or at interviews they sound generous and relatable, but in reality they could be selfish people who don’t care about anyone. To the public they act charming, honest, and sincere. They do this so they can get famous and rich. They do this so they will never get ignored.”

In this paragraph, the student chooses to discuss the role of artifice in the culture of entertainment and celebrities. However, the student does not utilize supportive evidence to do so. The paragraph is full of claims about how actors lie, but does not provide a concrete example to anchor the claims. The student provides a lot of very vague generalizations, but no clear evidence or examples of specific celebrities and how they used artifice to succeed.

There is so much variance in prompts and students’ prior knowledge; it’s impossible to provide a checklist of what makes evidence supportive. But a good trick to decide if you’ve supported your claims well enough is to talk to yourself. No really, it’s a good idea.

Picture yourself discussing your essay with someone. Imagine that this person disagrees with everything that you say. Every time you make a claim, like that it’s important to be polite in an email, your imaginary person shakes their head and tells you no. How would you try to convince them? What examples would you use? Make sure that for each opinion you put forward; you have provided an answer to someone who would disagree with you.

The evidence is an important part of your essay. If your outline and your argument are a framework, your evidence is the brick and mortar. A house without brick and mortar won’t fall, but it won’t be a very nice house to inhabit. Tie every claim you make to a piece of evidence to ensure the best essay possible.

Wrapping Things Up: Scoring a 6 on the Argument FRQ for AP® English Language

The AP® English argument FRQ varies quite a bit. But it is ultimately about how well you can put forth an argument. So, don’t be afraid to spend some time crafting that argument. We’ve covered a lot in this article- here are the main points to remember:

  • Determine the question. Figure out what the prompt is asking you to do.
  • Pick an opinion and stick to it. Choose one side of the argument and one clear claim to support all the way through.
  • Craft a thesis statement. Your thesis should be clear, concise, and introduce the content of your essay.
  • Craft a chronological argument. Make an argument that builds on its prior points.
  • Support your claims. Support yourself with concrete, specific evidence and examples. 

But most of all, have fun. This essay is the one you should be looking forward to, where you have the freest rein. Enjoy it and earn yourself a 6.

Do the examples shown make sense to you? Can you picture yourself moving through the AP® writing argument FRQ with ease now?

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8 thoughts on “how to get a 6 on the argument frq in ap® english language”.

Thank you for explaining this so eloquently. Excellent post, I will keep this handy and refer to it often from now on. It’s so educative. Great post!

Sure, glad it helped.

I’m an AP® Language teacher and the title of your article caught my eye because the essays aren’t scored on a 0-9 scale anymore. The max score for an essay now is a 6. Essays are now scored in 3 categories: Thesis: 0 or 1 point Evidence and commentary: 0-4 points Sophistication: 0 or 1 point I just wanted to let you know! I saw this was last updated in 2020 and just thought it should reflect the current AP® exam.

Thank you for the heads up! This is an older blog post that must have had something else updated to it this year. We’ve gone ahead and revised the post.

Hi, my AP® Language teacher emphasized on a counterargument at the end of the supporting paragraphs. Could you elaborate on it? Also, how exactly do we get the sophistication point?

Hi Stephanie, thanks for reaching out! Making a solid counter-argument is definitely one way to make sure that you earn the Sophistication point. We recommend having a look at our AP® English Language Review Guide for 2021 for more tips! The College Board’s Free-Response Question and Scoring Information Archive also provides authentic examples of student writing — many of which successfully make counterarguments and rebuttals to earn the Sophistication point.

Hi can I get a 6?

Hi Roy, we certainly believe that earning a 6 on your FRQs is possible with practice and dedication! I’d recommend having a look at our AP® English Language Review Guide for tips and tricks, and you can also browse our AP® English Language and Composition Resource Page and Free Response practice questions for targeted practice.

Comments are closed.

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How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay

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AP Lang test is the logical conclusion to the introductory college English composition course. And its most important (and often difficult) part is the AP Lang synthesis essay. Despite it being the very basic layer of your future composition skills, it’s a very complicated challenge to approach unprepared. Besides, it's details may change year to year. So let’s have a look with our coursework writing services team at what your AP Lang exam 2022 might look like.

What is AP Lang?

AP Lang is a relatively lengthy test. There are several AP rubrics that a student must be well-versed in to hope to pass it. The first section includes reading and writing, while the second is slightly more freeform and includes three different types of essays.

Among those three, the most interesting and, coincidentally, oftentimes the hardest to deal with is the AP Lang synthesis essay rubric. Today will focus on it specifically to make sure you know exactly what you’re going to be facing during your test.

What Is a Synthesis Essay AP Lang?

At its core, the AP Lang synthesis essay is a pretty straightforward part of the AP Lang test. It might look pretty similar to the reading section of the exam. However, simply finding the right information isn’t enough. When writing a synthesis essay, you should not only gather the data but also distill it into your personal opinion.

This fine line may seem difficult to spot, but it is there. And it’s that small difference that can make or break your exam run. So try to follow the steps one by one and not lose focus. Writing a good synthesis essay is as easy as following the rules. If you feel this task is too difficult for you, you can leave us your ' write an essay for me ' request and we will do it for you.

AP Lang Synthesis Essay Outline

Looking through AP Lang essay examples, you might notice that the overall structure doesn’t really differ too much from your standard essay outline. You have your introduction, your body, and your conclusion. But the important thing to note is where your arguments are supposed to come from.

You’re not supposed to just go off on a rant. The task requires you to base your supporting evidence on at least three sources. And you will have to ensure your essay has solid roots. Here’s what a basic AP Lang exam synthesis essay outline should look like:

  • Introduction

Provide sufficient context for the topic you are about to cover. You can do a quick overview of prevailing opinions you have grasped while browsing through your source materials.

Write a short and compelling thesis statement. This will be your ground zero for the rest of the essay. So make sure it reflects your opinion. What is a thesis statement you can read in our special article.

  • Body Paragraphs

Dedicate at least one paragraph to every source you’re using. Start with presenting the evidence you have gathered from that source and go on to explain how it formed your opinion on the topic and why it should be considered.

Quickly go through your line of reasoning and reinforce what you have already covered. Finish up with restating your thesis as you’re supposed to logically arrive at it after all the evidence you have presented. That’s how you write a conclusion properly.

Different Forms and Types of Synthesis Essay: Explanatory vs. Argumentative Synthesis Essays

When it comes to writing a synthesis essay AP Lang, there are several types of essays you should consider. The most common ones are the AP Lang argument essay and explanatory essay. The clues as to how each of them should look are hidden within their names but let’s go over them to clear any confusion.

An explanatory essay’s goal is to go over a certain topic, discuss it in detail, and ultimately show a high level of understanding of the said topic. You don’t necessarily have to get into a heated argument with the reader trying to convince them of something. All you need to do is create an impartial overview.

On the other hand, an argumentative essay has to do with personal opinions. And while there is a time and a place for bias, it still has to be as impartial and factual as possible. When proving your point, try not to devolve into emotional arguments but stick to logic and cold truths. This will make your argument way more solid.

Synthesis Essay Structure

In the general case, you don’t really need to look for a synthesis essay AP Lang example to get a solid grasp on how its structure should look like. You can safely fall back on your high school essay writing knowledge, and you’ll be mostly safe.

What you should pay attention to is your writing style and content. A synthesis essay is identified less by its structure and more by the way you form and present your arguments to the reader. It’s when you get a specific essay type (like an argumentative essay) that you should pay attention to slight changes in format.

Argument Essay Structure

The best way to understand argumentative essay structure is to study any well-written AP Lang argument essay example. Standard AP Lang essays have very distinctive features that are very easy to spot and emulate. They follow a very rigid form and employ specific rhetorical devices that you’ll be able to pick up after you analyze them once or twice quickly.

How Many Paragraphs Should an AP Lang Synthesis Essay Be?

The number of paragraphs in an AP Lang synthesis essay can indeed make a difference. Your arguments should be concise and pointed. Spreading them out throughout many paragraphs may seem like a good idea to fill in the space. But it’s actually detrimental to your final score. You can get a basic understanding of what your score is going to be using an AP Lang score calculator.

The same goes for too few paragraphs. Don’t even try to squeeze your entire line of thought into a single body paragraph. Generally, the minimum number of sources you should address is three. Any less, and you are getting a lower score. So try to keep it somewhere in the middle. Three to five body paragraphs is an optimal number. Don’t forget to add an intro and a conclusion to it and you’re all set. A well-written essay has a clear and easily identifiable structure.

How to Write AP Lang Synthesis Essay: Guide

How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay

In order to write a decent essay, all you have to do is follow these simple steps. Performing a rhetorical analysis essay example, AP Lang won’t give you insight into how it was built from the ground up. But looking at this list might.

Step 1. Read the Prompt

It may sound like a no-brainer. But it’s actually more important than you can imagine. Don’t skip right past this step. It’s very easy to misunderstand the task under stress. And if you do slip up in the beginning - the entirety of your work after that is wasted.

Step 2. Analyze the Sources Carefully

The same goes for your sources. Take your time reading them. Try to spot every smallest detail, as even a single one can help you better incorporate your evidence into the body of your essay. You can begin outlining the general points of your essay in your head at this point.

Step 3. Come Up with a Strong Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the baseline of your writing. Make it short and clear. Try not to overthink it too much.

Step 4. Fill in Your Essay Outline

Start filling out your outline step by step. You don’t have to go from top to bottom. If you feel like you’re struggling - skip to the next part and return to the problem paragraph later. The use of rhetorical devices AP Lang is also pretty important. So once you flesh out your essay a bit, spend some time trying to come up with the perfect wording.

Step 5. Finalize

The first finished version of your essay is a draft. Don’t be hasty to turn it in. Read over it a couple of times. Make sure everything is in order. You can switch some of the parts around or rewrite some sections if you have the time. Ideally, at this stage you should have enough time to eliminate all grammatical errors that may still be present in your essay. Polish it to perfection.

Useful Tips

Here are some useful tips that might make the writing process a bit easier for you:

  • Use either APA or Chicago style to cite your sources
  • Have a schedule to understand how much time you have for each section
  • Leave as much time as you can for editing and proofreading
  • You can never over study the source material. Spend as much time as you can reading into it
  • Don’t linger on the surface of your essay subject. Dive in and show your complex understanding of the material
  • Avoid using private life anecdotes to support your case unless the essay type specifically allows it. These don’t make for a convincing argument.
  • Use as many supporting arguments as you can but make sure they are actually solid and relevant to your thesis
  • Check with your thesis from time to time. The entirety of your text should align with it

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AP Lang Essay Prompts

Here are some interesting prompts. Some of them could be found in the previous iterations of the test; you may have spotted them in some of the AP Lang essay examples. Others are there to help you practice for the AP Lang exam 2022.

  • The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, dedicated in 1979, was founded in memory of the president and contained archives pertaining to his administration. On June 24, 1985, then President Ronald Reagan joined members of the Kennedy family at a fundraising event to help the Kennedy Library Foundation create an endowment to fund and support the presidential library. The following is an excerpt from the speech Reagan gave at that event. Read the passage carefully. Write an essay that analyzes the rhetorical choices Reagan makes to achieve his purpose of paying tribute to John F. Kennedy.
  • On August 29, 2009, then-President Barack Obama delivered a eulogy at the funeral of Senator Ted Kennedy in Boston, Massachusetts. Kennedy served in the United States Senate from 1962 until his death. Obama served with him in the Senate from 2005 until Obama was elected president in 2008. The following is an excerpt from Obama’s speech. Read the passage carefully. Write an essay that analyzes the rhetorical choices Obama makes to achieve his purpose of praising and memorializing Kennedy.
  • On April 9, 1964, Claudia “Lady Bird” Johnson, who was at the time the First Lady of the United States, gave the following speech at the first-anniversary luncheon of the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation. The foundation is a nonprofit division of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library dedicated to the works of former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who passed away in 1962. Read the passage carefully. Write an essay that analyzes the rhetorical choices Johnson makes to achieve her purpose of paying tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt.

In your response, you should do the following:

• Respond to the prompt with a thesis that analyzes the writer’s rhetorical choices.

• Select and use evidence to support your line of reasoning.

• Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation.

• Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

AP Lang Essay Example

Here is a decent if a bit shortened, AP Lang rhetorical analysis essay example you can use for reference.

Literature to Prepare for AP Lang

How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay

And here is a list of some great AP Lang books that will help you prepare for the exam. Not all of them are immediately useful, but most will help you enhance your writing and analytical abilities to get a better score in the end.

  • The Odyssey
  • Don Quixote
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Wuthering Heights
  • Oliver Twist
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay

2024 AP English Language and Composition Exam Guide

12 min read • june 18, 2024


Your guide to the 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam

We know that studying for your AP exams can be stressful, but Fiveable has your back! We created a study plan to help you crush your AP English Language and Composition exam. This guide will continue to update with information about the 2024 exams, as well as helpful resources to help you do your best on test day.  Unlock Cram Mode  for access to our cram events—students who have successfully passed their AP exams will answer your questions and guide your last-minute studying LIVE! And don't miss out on unlimited access to our database of thousands of practice questions.

Format of the 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam

This year, all AP exams will cover all units and essay types. The 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam format will be:

  • Section I: Multiple Choice - 45% of your score- - 45 questions in 1 hour
  • Section II: Free Response Section - 55% of your score- - 2 hours and 15 minutes for:- 1 synthesis essay - 1 rhetorical analysis essay - - 1 argument essay

Scoring Rubric for the 2024 AP Lang Essays

  • Synthesis Essay - Thesis - 1 point for a defensible thesis that responds to the prompt- Evidence and Commentary - Max of 4 points for providing evidence from at least 3 sources that support the line of reasoning AND commentary that explains and analyzes the evidence- Sophistication - 1 point any of the following: - Creating a nuanced argument - Showing the limitations of the argument - Making effective rhetorical choices - Employing a style that is vivid and persuasive- Rhetorical Analysis Essay - Thesis - 1 point for a defensible thesis that analyzes rhetorical choices- Evidence and Commentary - Max of 4 points for providing specific evidence AND consistently explaining how the evidence relates to the line of reasoning AND showing how the rhetorical choices contribute to the author's message .- Sophistication - 1 point for any of the following: - Explaining the significance of the rhetorical choices ( rhetorical situation ) - Explaining the complexities of the passage and their purpose - Employing a style that is vivid and persuasive- Argument Essay - Thesis - 1 point for a defensible thesis- Evidence and Commentary - Max of 4 points for providing specific evidence AND consistently explaining the relevance of that evidence.- Sophistication - 1 point for any of the following: - Crafting a nuanced argument by identifying complexities - Explaining the limitations of the argument by placing it in a broader context - Making rhetorical choices to improve the argument - Employing a style that is vivid and persuasive Check out our study plan below to find resources and tools to prepare for your AP English Language and Composition exam.

When is the 2024 AP English Language and Composition Exam and How Do I Take It?

** The exam will be on paper and in-person at your school: Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 8:00 AM, your local time.  **

How Should I Prepare for the AP Lang Exam?

  • First, take stock of your progress in the course so far. What areas have you excelled and which sections need more focus? Download the  AP English Language Cheatsheet PDF  - a single sheet that covers everything you need to know at a high level. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses!
  • Build your study plan to review every unit and question type, but focus most on the areas that need the most improvement and practice. We’ve put together this plan to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam- - Practice essays are your best friends! The more essays you write, the more automatic the process will come, and the easier the AP exam will be!- - Try some of the past exam questions  [object Object]
  • We've put together the study plan found below to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam. Pay special attention to the units that you need the most improvement in.
  • Study, practice, and review for test day with other students during our live cram sessions via  Cram Mode . Cram live streams will teach, review, and practice important topics from AP courses, college admission tests, and college admission topics. These streams are hosted by experienced students who know what you need to succeed.

Pre-Work: Set Up Your Study Environment

Before you begin studying, take some time to get organized.

🖥 Create a study space.

Make sure you have a designated place at home to study. Somewhere you can keep all of your materials, where you can focus on learning, and where you are comfortable. Spend some time prepping the space with everything you need and you can even let others in the family know that this is your study space. 

📚 Organize your study materials.

Get your notebook, textbook, prep books, or whatever other physical materials you have. Also, create a space for you to keep track of review. Start a new section in your notebook to take notes or start a Google Doc to keep track of your notes. Get yourself set up!

📅 Plan designated times for studying.

The hardest part about studying from home is sticking to a routine. Decide on one hour every day that you can dedicate to studying. This can be any time of the day, whatever works best for you. Set a timer on your phone for that time and really try to stick to it. The routine will help you stay on track.

🏆 Decide on an accountability plan.

How will you hold yourself accountable to this study plan? You may or may not have a teacher or rules set up to help you stay on track, so you need to set some for yourself. First, set your goal. This could be studying for x number of hours or getting through a unit. Then, create a reward for yourself. If you reach your goal, then x. This will help stay focused!

2024 AP Lang Study Guide

🚧 unit 1 foundations of rhetoric: analysis of the rhetorical situation and claims., big takeaways:.

Unit 1 is an introductory unit that lays the foundations for the reading skills associated with how to understand and analyze complex texts. Skills here include identifying the ASPECTS of a text, analyzing the claim given and the evidence used to support that claim, and determining the function of the “chunks” in the argument. Because the content in this unit is very foundational, it is looped throughout the rest of the course instruction.

Definitely do this:

📚 Read these study guides:

  • Unit 1 Overview: Claims, Reasoning, and Evidence
  • 1.1 Identifying the purpose and intended audience of a text
  • 1.2 Examining how evidence supports a claim
  • 1.3 Developing paragraphs as part of an effective argument 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Overview of The Rhetorical Situation .- Fiveable’s  How to Read Like an AP Student .- Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statements - Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs ✍️ Practice:

Use the  Fiveable ASPECTS Guidesheet to help you break down a complex text. 🗺 Can you identify these rhetorical devices?

You won’t be asked to name drop on the exam, but it can be helpful to use devices when discussing strategies. Try  this Quizlet to help prepare.

Unit 2 Foundations of Argument: Analysis of an author’s choices in appeals and evidence

Unit 2 is an introductory unit that builds onto the foundations of rhetorical ASPECTS and moves toward planning and writing your own arguments. This unit focuses on the relationships between subject, speaker, and message, including examination of the structure and purpose of the given argument. The unit then moves into the developing thesis statements and building your own arguments with a clear line of reasoning.

  • Unit 2 Overview: Organizing Information for a Specific Audience
  • 2.1 Analyzing audience and its relationship to the purpose of an argument
  • 2.2 Building an argument with relevant and strategic evidence
  • 2.3 Developing thesis statements
  • 2.4 Developing structure and integrating evidence to reflect a line of reasoning 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Identify Rhetorical Situation in a Pre 20th Century Text . 

Fiveable’s video on  How to Find Rhetorical Devices 📰 Check out these articles:

Here’s a  list of recommended rhetorical devices with definitions and examples! ✍️ Practice:

Use the  Fiveable Rhetorical Precis Guidesheet to help you break down a complex text. 🗺 Can you identify these elements of practical argument?

You won’t be asked to name drop of the exam, but it can be helpful to use devices when discussing strategies. Try  this Quizlet to help prepare. -----------

👥 Unit 3 Confluence: Synthesis of multiple sources in argumentation

Unit 3 approaches multiple perspectives in argument through the lens of synthesis (that’s FRQ 1). In this study, you learn to identify effective and faulty reasoning while integrating a variety of evidence from credible resources that is properly cited in an original text.

  • Unit 3 Overview: Perspectives and How Arguments Relate
  • 3.1 Interpreting character description and perspective
  • 3.2 Identifying and avoiding flawed lines of reasoning
  • 3.3 Introducing and integrating sources and evidence
  • 3.4 Using sufficient evidence for an argument
  • 3.5 Attributing and citing references
  • 3.6 Developing parts of a text with cause-effect and narrative methods 🎥 Watch these videos:

Fiveable’s Introduction into  Synthesis Essays and  How to Begin Your Argument

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Complexity in Argument . 🗺 Can you identify these elements of synthesis?

👀 Unit 4 Reasoning: Analysis of argument from introduction to conclusion

Unit 4 includes a greater depth of focus on the writing of effective arguments -- the line of reasoning created in the introduction, built with modes of discourse, and strengthened in the conclusion. An important note about these skills of argumentation is that they build toward all parts of every FRQ. 

  • Unit 4 Overview: How writers develop arguments, intros, and conclusion
  • 4.1 Developing and connecting thesis statements and lines of reasoning
  • 4.2 Developing introductions and conclusions
  • 4.3 Adjusting an argument to address new evidence 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Understanding a Line of Reasoning .

Fiveable’s  Effective Annotations . ✍️ Practice:  

Try Fiveable’s  Guide to LOR Body Paragraphs . 🗺 Can you identify the rhetorical modes?

You won’t be asked to name drop them on the exam, but it can be helpful to use devices when discussing strategies. Try  this Quizlet to help prepare. -----------

🧐 Unit 5 Commentary and Analysis: Analysis of complex argument and intentional rhetoric

In Unit 5, the skills look at the minutiae involved in argumentation: development of the line of reasoning that produces strong commentary and maintains the primary claim through all parts of the writing. To achieve these goals, this unit includes a focus on transitions , modifiers , and qualifications for argumentative perspective .  

  • Unit 5 Overview
  • 5.1 Maintaining ideas throughout an argument
  • 5.2 Developing commentary throughout paragraphs
  • 5.3 Using modifiers to qualify an argument and convey perspective
  • 5.4 Using transitions 🎥 Watch these videos:  

Fiveable’s video on  How to Improve Analysis Part 1 and  Part 2 - As well as how to  Embed Quotes into Body Paragraphs - Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs - Synthesis Essay Body Paragraphs - Argument Essay Body Paragraphs 📰 Check out these articles:

Tara Seale’s adaptation for  Creating a Line of Reasoning . ✍️ Practice:

Try Fiveable’s  Guide to LOR Body Paragraphs . ---------

🏃‍♂️ Unit 6 Rhetorical Risks: Analysis of multiple perspectives, bias, and shifts with new evidence

In Unit 6, you will notice a direct link building on the ideas of Unit 3 as this instruction looks at position and perspectives while synthesizing information strategically to support a claim.  For greater depth, this unit moves to modify a current argument to include new evidence.

  • Unit 6 Overview: Position, Perspective, and Bias
  • 6.1 Incorporating multiple perspectives strategically into an argument
  • 6.2 Recognizing and accounting for bias
  • 6.3 Adjusting an argument to new evidence
  • 6.4 Analyzing tone and shifts in tone 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Creating a Nuanced Argument . 

Fiveable’s video on  Tracking an Author’s Argument ---------

🚀 Unit 7 Complex Argumentation: Analysis of effective arguments, including concession and refutation

The skills of Unit 7 are about putting all units of study together to look at the complexity of a given argument and the effectiveness of the pieces built into that argument.  Though many teachers will have addressed counterarguments, concessions, and refutations before reaching this unit, those skills are highly scrutinized in this segment of learning.

  • Unit 7 Overview: Successful and Unsuccessful Arguments
  • 7.1 Examining complexities in issues
  • 7.2 Considering how words, phrases, and clauses can modify and limit an argument
  • 7.3 Examining how counterargument or alternative perspectives affect an argument
  • 7.4 Exploring how sentence development affects an argument 🎥 Watch these videos:  

Fiveable’s video on  Arguments and Counterarguments

College Board’s Instructional Video:  How Argument Demonstrates Understanding . ✍️ Practice:

Check your progress with  Fiveable’s AP Language Skills Matrix . --------

📝 Unit 8 Style: Analysis of how style influences the audience movement

Unit 8 covers how to understand the influence style has on the audience , and the purpose behind each decision. By analyzing these various tactics, students are able to understand the author’s audience, and how to effectively persuade them. Style is an important part in connecting the rest of the course and understanding how the rhetorical choices and devices are used to accomplish a purpose.

  • Unit 8 Overview: Stylistic Choices
  • 8.1 Choosing comparisons based on an audience
  • 8.2 Considering how sentence development and word choice affect how the writer is perceived by an audience
  • 8.3 Considering how all choices made in an argument affect the audience
  • 8.4 Considering how style affects an argument 🎥 Watch these videos:  

Fiveable’s  Analysis of the Mindset of the Audience - College Board’s Instructional video:  Analyzing and Understanding the Audience 📰 Check out these articles:

College Board’s explanation of  Elements and Context for Style ✍️ Practice:

Review this quizlet on  Elements of Style for more practice. ---------

✏️ Unit 9 Craft: Creation of your own complex argument with synthesis and rhetoric

The final unit of AP Language and Composition covers how to effectively form your own arguments by acknowledging and understanding complexities to create a nuanced and sophisticated argument. It focuses on your ability to comprehend and connect multiple sources to create a well reasoned, and detailed argument as well as how to add in your own rhetorical devices and choices to make your writing more persuasive and effective.   

  • Unit 9 Overview: Developing a Complex Argument
  • 9.1 Strategically conceding, rebutting, or refuting information
  • 9.2 Crafting an argument through stylistic choices like word choice and description 🎥 Watch these videos:  
  • Fiveable’s video on  Creating your own Synthesis Arguments
  • College Board’s video on  Complexities within Arguments and  How to Create a Nuanced Argument

Key Terms to Review ( 38 )

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How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay

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What’s Covered:

What is the ap lang rhetorical essay, tips for writing the ap lang rhetorical essay.

  • AP Lang Rhetorical Essay Example

How Will AP Scores Affect College Chances?

The AP English Language Exam is one of the most common AP exams you can take. However, the average score on the exam in 2020 was a 2.96 out of 5. While this may seem a bit low, it is important to note that over 550,000 students take the exam annually. With some preparation and knowing how to study, it is totally possible to do well on this AP exam.

The AP Lang Rhetorical Essay is one section of the AP English Language Exam. The exam itself is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, and is broken into two sections. The first part of the exam is a 60 minute, 45-question multiple-choice section. The questions on this part of the exam will test your ability to read a passage and then interpret its meaning, style, and overall themes. After the multiple-choice section, there is a section lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes with three “free response” essays. This includes the synthesis essay, the rhetorical analysis essay, and the argument essay. 

  • In the synthesis essay , you will have to develop an argument using pieces of evidence provided to you. 
  • The argumentative essay will have you pick a side in a debate and argue for or against it.
  • The rhetorical essay requires that you discuss how an author’s written passage contributes to a greater meaning or theme. 

The rhetorical essay is perhaps the most unique of all AP Lang exam essays because it requires the test taker to analyze and interpret the deeper meanings of the passage and connect them to the author’s writing style and writing syntax in only 40 minutes. This essay can be the trickiest because it requires you to have knowledge of rhetorical strategies and then apply them to a passage you’ve never seen before.

1. Outline Your Essay Before Writing

One of the most important parts of the AP Lang essays is structuring your essay so that it makes sense to the reader. This is just as important as having good content. For this essay in particular, you’ll want to read the passage first and write a brief outline of your points before you begin the essay. This is because you will want to write the essay using the passage chronologically, which will be discussed in detail below.

2. Understand Rhetorical Strategies 

If you feel like you don’t know where to start as you prepare to study for the rhetorical essay portion of the exam, you aren’t alone. It is imperative that you have a grasp on what rhetorical strategies are and how you can use them in your essay. One definition of rhetoric is “language carefully chosen and arranged for maximum effect.” This can include types of figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification, pun, irony, etc.) elements of syntax (parallelism, juxtaposition, anthesis, anaphora, etc), logical fallacies, or persuasive appeals. Overall, there are many elements that you can analyze in an essay and having a good grasp on them through practice and memorization is important.

3. Keep the Essay Well Structured 

Even if you understand the various rhetorical strategies you can use, where do you begin? First of all, you’ll want to write a strong introduction that outlines the purpose of the piece. At the end of this introduction, you will write a thesis statement that encapsulates all the rhetorical strategies you discuss. Perhaps these are style elements, tone, or syntax. Be sure to be specific as you list these.

Next, you will create your body paragraphs. As you discuss the rhetorical elements in the piece and tie them back to the work’s meanings, be sure to discuss the points in chronological order. You don’t have to discuss every single strategy, but just pick the ones that are most important. Be sure to cite the line where you found the example. At the end of the essay, write a short conclusion that summarizes the major points above.

4. Be Sure to Explain Your Examples

As you write the essay, don’t just list out your examples and say something like “this is an example of ethos, logos, pathos.” Instead, analyze how the example shows that rhetoric device and how it helps the author further their argument. As you write the rhetorical essay, you’ll want to be as specific and detail-focused as possible. 

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AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example

Below is a prompt and example for a rhetorical essay, along with its score and what the writer did well and could have improved:

The passage below is an excerpt from “On the Want of Money,” an essay written by nineteenth-century author William Hazlitt. Read the passage carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze the rhetorical strategies Hazlitt uses to develop his position about money.

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Student essay example:

In his essay, Hazlitt develops his position on money through careful use of adjectives and verbs, hypothetical situations, and images. His examples serve to impress upon the reader the highly negative consequences of being in “want of money.”

Hazlitt’s word choice in his opening phrase provides an example of his technique in the rest of the essay. It is not necessary to follow “literally” with “truly” yet his repetition of the same ideas emphasizes his point. In his next sentence, one that lasts forty-six lines, Hazlitt condignly repeats similar ideas, beating into his audience the necessity of having money in this world. The parallelism throughout that one long sentence, “it is not to be sent for to court, or asked out to dinner…it is not to have your own opinion consulted or sees rejected with contempt..” ties the many different situations Haziltt gives together. What could have become a tedious spiel instead becomes a melodious recitation, each example reminding you of one before it, either because of the similarities in structure or content. Hazlitt addresses many different negative effects of not having money but manages to tie them together with his rhetorical strategies. 

The diction of the passage fully relays Hazlitt’s position about money. In every example he gives a negative situation but in most emphasizes the terrible circumstance with strong negative adjectives or verbs. “Rejected,” “contempt,” “disparaged,” “scrutinized,” “irksome,” “deprived,” “assailed” “chagrin;” the endless repetition of such discouragement shows how empathetically Hazlitt believes money is a requisite for a happy life. Even the irony of the last sentences is negative, conveying the utter hopelessness of one without money. Through one may have none in life, pitiless men will proceed to mock one’s circumstances, “at a considerable expense” after death! 

In having as the body of his essay one long sentence, Hazlitt creates a flow that speeds the passage along, hardly giving the reader time to absorb one idea before another is thrown at him. The unceasing flow is synonymous with Hazlitt’s view of the life of a person without money: he will be “jostled” through life, unable to stop and appreciate the beauty around him or to take time for his own leisure. 

The score on this essay was a 6 out of 6. This essay started out very strong as the student had a concrete thesis statement explaining the strategies that Hazlitt used to develop his position on money as well as Hazlitt’s belief on the topic. In the thesis statement, the student points out that adjectives, verbs, hypothetical situations, and images help prove Hazlitt’s point that wanting money can be problematic. 

Next, the student broke down their points into three main subsections related to their thesis. More specifically, the student first discusses word choice of repetition and parallelism. When the student discusses these strategies, they list evidence in the paragraph that can be found chronologically in Hazlitt’s essay. The next paragraph is about diction, and the student used specific adjectives and verbs that support this idea. In the last paragraph, the student emphasized how the speed and flow of the essay helped describe Hazlitt’s viewpoint on life. This last concluding sentence is particularly thoughtful, as it goes beyond the explicit points made in the essay and discusses the style and tone of the writing. 

It is important to remember that in some ways, the rhetorical essay is also an argumentative essay, as the student must prove how certain rhetorical strategies are used and their significance in the essay. The student even discussed the irony of the paragraph, which is not explicit in the passage.

Overall, this student did an excellent job organizing and structuring the essay and did a nice job using evidence to prove their points. 

Now that you’ve learned about the AP Lang rhetorical essay, you may be wondering how your AP scores impact your chances of admission. In fact, your AP scores have relatively little impact on your admissions decision , and your course rigor has much more weight in the application process.

If you’d like to know your chances of admission, be sure to check out our chancing calculator! This tool takes into account your classes, extracurriculars, demographic information, and test scores to understand your chances at admission at over 600 schools. Best of all, it is completely free!

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AP English Language Exam

Can you apply the rhetorical triangle to a piece of writing? Are you able to argue a position? The AP ® English Language and Composition exam tests topics and skills discussed in your Advanced Placement English Language course. If you score high enough, your AP English Language score could earn you college credit!

Check out our AP English Language Guide for what you need to know about the exam:

  • Exam Overview
  • Sections and Question Types
  • How to Prepare

What’s on the AP English Language & Composition Exam?

The College Board is very detailed in what they require your AP teacher to cover in his or her AP English Language & Composition course. The exam tests your abilities to understand how authors use rhetoric and language to convey their purpose. Students are also expected to apply these techniques to their own writing and research projects. Some of the major skills tested include the ability to:

  • Identify an author’s purpose and intended audience
  • Recognize rhetorical devices and strategies in an author’s work
  • Demonstrate understanding of citations in research papers
  • Apply these skills and techniques to their own writing
  • Create and organize an argument defended with evidence and reasoning
  • Plan, write, and revise cogent, well-written essays

Check out our line of AP guides  for a comprehensive content review.

AP English Language Sections & Question Types

The AP English Language & Composition exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and consists of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free response section.

Section 1

60 minutes

45 multiple choice questions


Section 2

2 hours and 15 minutes

3 free response questions


Read More: Review for the exam with our  AP English Language Crash Course 


For AP English Language multiple-choice questions, you are presented with two Reading Passages and three Writing passages. The two Reading passages are nonfiction passages taken from all sorts of works. The idea is to get you to focus on rhetorical devices, figures of speech and intended purposes, under rigid time constraints and with material you haven’t seen before. The three Writing passages are student-produced essays. The idea is to get you to revise the essay that help the writer accomplish his or her goal.

Free Response

The AP English Language section contains three essay prompts: a synthesis essay, a rhetorical analysis essay, and an argument essay.

  • Synthesis essay: You’ll be given a scenario and tasked with writing a response using at least three of six or seven short accompanying sources for support.
  • Rhetorical analysis essay: Asks you to analyze the techniques an author uses, and discuss how they contribute to the author’s purpose.
  • Argument essay: Presents a claim or assertion in the prompt and then asks you to argue a position based on your own knowledge, experience, or reading.

How to Interpret AP English Language Scores

AP scores are reported from 1 to 5. Colleges are generally looking for a 4 or 5 on the AP English Language exam, but some may grant AP credit for a 3. Each test is curved so scores vary from year to year. Here’s how AP English Lang students scored on the May 2022 test:


Extremely qualified



Well qualified






Possibly qualified



No recommendation


Source: College Board

How can I prepare?

AP classes are great, but for many students they’re not enough! For a thorough review of AP English Language content and strategy, pick the AP prep option that works best for your goals and learning style.

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AP English Language and Composition

Review the free-response questions from the 2024 ap exam, new for 2024-25: mcqs will have four answer choices.

Starting in the 2024-25 school year, AP English Language and Composition multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will have four answer choices instead of five. This change will take effect with the 2025 exam. All resources have been updated to reflect this change.

Exam Overview

Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework. For more information, download the  AP English Language and Composition Course and Exam Description (.pdf)  (CED).

Encourage your students to visit the  AP English Language and Composition student page  for exam information.

2025 AP Exam dates available soon

Exam Format

The AP English Language and Composition Exam has question types and point values that stay consistent from year to year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day.

Section I: Multiple Choice

45 Questions | 1 hour | 45% of Exam Score

  • 23–25 Reading questions that ask students to read and analyze nonfiction texts.
  • 20–22 Writing questions that ask students to “read like a writer” and consider revisions to stimulus texts.

Section II: Free Response

3 Questions | 2 hours 15 minutes (includes a 15-minute reading period | 55% of Exam Score

  • Synthesis Question:  After reading 6 texts about a topic (including visual and quantitative sources), students will compose an argument that combines and cites at least 3 of the sources to support their thesis.
  • Rhetorical Analysis:  Students will read a nonfiction text and analyze how the writer’s language choices contribute to the intended meaning and purpose of the text.
  • Argument:  Students will create an evidence-based argument that responds to a given topic.

Exam Questions and Scoring Information

Ap english language and composition exam questions and scoring information.

View free-response questions and scoring information from past exams.

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How does AP Lang work?

What to do about a 3 on AP Lang?

I got a 3 on ap lang and a 5 on APWH. It was mostly because my English teacher was really nasty and didn’t show us how to properly put together an essay (most kids at my school taught by her fail this exam fwiw). I’m applying as a history major to ivies/top 20 unis. I got a >700 on the English section of the sat so I think that should even it out? Idk what to do because I don’t want colleges to think I failed the exam

You don’t have to report the score to most colleges including most Ivys/T20 and if you don’t they won’t care. So problem solved. (And even if you did a 3 on an AP isn’t going to be the sole reason you get in or don’t; Also, a 3 is not “failing” anyway.)

I’ll probably submit it, but basically they won’t hold it against me?

If they’re not going to give you credit, no need to submit.

And please don’t blame others for your score. People want to see that you take responsibility for your actions and results.

What to do about a 3 on ap lang

You move on. If your question is whether to list in the application for T20’s, probably not.

Now it’s time for some tough love:

Nobody wants to hear that, and it’s not an acceptable answer. Own your 3. You got a 3 because you didn’t prepare, not because the teacher was mean and nasty. There are adequate outside resources to do so. As you prepare for your AP exams next year, and for exams in college, you will need to take ownership for your own learning. Teachers are there to facilitate, not spoon-feed. And some teachers, professors, and bosses are better than others. You need to fill in the gaps as needed. Good luck

Ivy League schools and other “top 20” universities are reaches for pretty nearly all very strong students. As one example, a few years ago Stanford included an article on admissions in their alumni magazine. They estimated that 80% of their applicants are qualified to attend. They accept closer to 4% of applicants.

However, there are a large number of very good universities in the US. Make sure that you apply to safeties.

If you do get to attend an Ivy League university, or even if you don’t, you will find a lot of very good professors, and a few bad professors. You will need to deal with the bad professors.

Also, whether you get accepted to a “top 20” university or not, you will probably never know for sure why you either got accepted or didn’t. Those of us who did attend a highly ranked university can guess what got us accepted, but we are only guessing.

I’m worried it might look bad since I’m applying as a humanities major. It’s weird because I got a 5 on ap lit and ap physics last year which is harder than lang

You worry a lot - about everything.

You’re making a lot of assumptions about where you’re going, where you’re getting into, etc.

Your record is your record.

Just like the other thread - stop worrying - make sure you have two affordable and sure things - and after that, then take your shots.

You want to study History (a social science) - guess what, the “where” you study this likely won’t impact you in life.

You’re in high school - if you’re stressing this much now, you’ll be in for a long life.

Yes I know, it’s been tough lately because of my rapidly declining physical health and ocd. I just really want to get out of upstate ny

I’m sure you can get out of up state.

It’s a history degree - you’ll be fine no matter where you study. But take care of you first.

I’m not kidding when I say we never learned to put an essay together. We didn’t learn how to put together any of the essays from the test because half the time she would put on movies most of the time and get super angry when I would ask her about the exam content. The other half of the time she was not in class. English class is not my strong suit but I did prepare a lot. I don’t think my original post elaborated on this enough

You may consider a tutor then. Or summer class (it’s late). You will need to write multiple essays for the colleges you seek to attend.

Also you got a 3. So you did competent work. So I don’t think, personally, that you can’t write an essay. You wrote one and earned a decent score.

I understand all of this. BUT in an essay or in an interview you can not blame the teacher/classroom circumstances for the 3. Even if every fiber of your being wants to write about this or tell an interviewer about it, don’t.

I agree with others who say to not report the 3 to highly rejective schools. They will not assume you had a low score, plenty of students don’t take the tests so obviously have no score to report. Report the score to schools that give credit for the 3.

I also think that if you submit an ACT or SAT, even if you do submit a 3, it’s not gonna matter at all in the long run. It’s ONE number.

Like others are suggesting, I would just not submit this score if you don’t have to, and I wouldn’t worry about it generally.

That said, I think the substantive problem of not knowing basic essay structures and techniques seems pretty serious to me, particularly if you do end up at a highly selective college. Ideally you want to be a very confident essayist before you start at colleges like that, so I would be thinking carefully about how to achieve that result.

Here is a very important lesson in life that you need to keep in mind: Attending an Ivy League or “top 20” university does not matter. Keeping your stress to a manageable level and taking care of your health does matter.

I did attend two “top 20” universities (one for a bachelor’s degree, one for a master’s degree). I then spent my career working alongside people who attended more normal universities (some “top 100” and some not). I also spent most of my career working for a boss who had attended a more normal university. In the vast majority of cases, no one cares where you got your degree. They care that you get your job done. They care that you are a reasonable person to work with. They care whether you shower or bathe regularly. They do not even remember where you got your degree.

There are a lot of very good universities. There is generally a shortage of jobs for people with PhD’s in humanities. This means that a very wide range of universities can attract very strong professors.

The US puts way too much stress on high school students. Some of this comes from the pressure to try to attend a “big name” university. You should try not to fall into this trap. Relax. Do you best, but do not get stressed about minor issues such as a 3 on an AP test, or for that matter whether you get your bachelor’s degree from a “top 20” or “top 100” or “top 200” university.

Regarding not reporting an AP score, we did have a bit of experience with this. One daughter was just too stressed out senior year and skipped one of her AP tests. This of course meant that she did not report a score for that particular AP test. There were no consequences, other than not getting AP credit for that one course. She still was 6 for 7 in university admissions (or was it 7 for 8?), still went to a very good university and did well, and still got admitted to a very good graduate program (where she is studying now, with a bit less than one year to go). A year from now she will still be called “doctor”, and missing one AP test will be long forgotten (and a B- in organic chemistry was similarly not a problem). No one is perfect. We do just fine anyway.


Some general thoughts/advice to consider:

  • It’s not the end of the world.
  • You didn’t fail the test. You passed it.
  • Should you send the score to every college you apply to? Probably not. Just send it to the ones where the 3 would get you college credit.
  • Should you talk in a college app essay as to WHY you think you got a 3? NO.
  • Don’t apply to JUST top 20/ivies. Make sure you have MORE THAN ONE true safety school on your list. And by that, I mean a college that’s: (a) affordable; (b) you have high odds of getting accepted to; (c) has a campus vibe that you like; (d) has a major/program that you like.

If your teacher fails you, this is when you find other solutions rather than passively accept your fate. As others noted, there’s tutors, books, etc., but there’s also plenty of free options. If you had Googled “how to write a great a great ap language and composition essay” you would have found pages and pages of results with websites, blogs and videos (depending on your learning preference) offering concrete tips about how to structure and write the essays. Some paid, but many free. There’s also a pretty active discussion on Reddit. Obviously its too late this time, but its more of a life lesson. A lot of times you will need to be scrappy and proactive to achieve your goals. Life will more often throw up roadblocks instead of helpful mentors or people who tell you how to do something.

Anyway, again, this is not worth stressing about. A 3 on AP Lang is not going to affect your admissions anywhere. Your odds of getting into a T20 are low because they are low for everyone, regardless of your test scores. A single AP score will not make-or-break it. But there’s also a ton of places you are almost guaranteed to get into that are not in upstate NY.

  • Traditional-Age

AP Exams Face a Security Test

An international cheating ring led to an uptick in AP score cancellations this year, expediting plans to digitize the exams. Will that make them more secure?

By  Liam Knox

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A hand holding money is reaching toward a hand holding test answers

The College Board canceled more AP test scores than normal this year after results were compromised by an international cash-for-questions operation.

Photo illustration by Justin Morrison/Inside Higher Ed | joebelanger and Dilok Klaisataporn/iStock/Getty Images

Last week, high school students around the world received an email telling them their Advanced Placement exam scores were under review for potential academic integrity violations—and, if corroborated, they could be canceled.

Many students thought it was a phishing scam at first. In incredulous Reddit posts and panicked Tik Tok comments , they questioned the legitimacy of the email’s domain and fretted about how the message might impact their college acceptances. 

But on July 8, when AP results were released, it became clear the initial emails were not fake: students received a follow-up message saying their scores, across a variety of subject areas, were canceled. While the College Board, which owns and administers the AP subject tests, declined to cite the specific number of cancellations this year, the organization confirmed that it was higher than normal.

“We have canceled more AP Exams than usual after identifying students who participated in unethical conduct,” Holly Stepp, the College Board’s executive director of media relations, wrote in an email to Inside Higher Ed . She added that “the total number remains a fraction of 1 percent of exams.”

The “unethical conduct” was a leak of test materials in May that made its way onto the international black market. Those materials managed to reach an unusually large number of students this year in a globe-spanning cash-for-questions operation—though Stepp said that “none of the materials were so widely shared that we needed to cancel entire exam subjects or scores from whole countries.”

Still, the security compromise was significant enough that the College Board is re-evaluating its timeline for digitizing the AP exams, which it hopes will make them less vulnerable to leaks and other traditional modes of cheating.

“Based on these challenges, we are reexamining the delivery of our exams to thwart theft and cheating and thereby avoid more widespread cancellations in the future,” Stepp wrote. “Digitally administered AP Exams are much more secure than shipping paper exams in boxes to thousands of locations weeks in advance.”

A Technological ‘Arms Race’

Christian Moriarty, professor of ethics and law at St. Petersburg College in Florida, where he chairs the Applied Ethics Institute, said that in recent years a combination of technological developments, the internationalization of the assessment industry and heightened competition in selective college admissions have exacerbated a perennial problem for high-stakes exams like the AP.

“Cheating has always been around and more rife than most people probably realize, since the days when people wrote answers on their arms,” he said. “Over the years, though, this kind of cheating”—accessing test materials before the exam—“has become much more common and much easier to get away with.”

An email text

An email informing a student that their AP test scores were under review for possible cancellation, confirmed as legitimate to Inside Higher Ed by the College Board.

The means of cheating are changing as the tests themselves change. This past March the College Board introduced its new, completely digital SAT , which the nonprofit says is more secure due to its adaptive nature: students receive different questions later in the test depending on how well they do early on. After the latest security compromise, Stepp wrote that the College Board is looking to “accelerate our current road map” to do the same for AP tests.

Whether that will significantly reduce the likelihood of similar cheating tactics in the future is unclear. Timothy Gallen, director of college counseling at the Solebury School in New Hope, Pennsylvania, said that in his experience, paper tests weren't the issue this year.

“The irony is that the one student in my school who has had a score withheld for security reasons had taken a digital exam,” he wrote in an email to Inside Higher Ed . “None of our paper testers have had their scores withheld.”

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The College Board’s FAFSA Takeover

Steve Addicott, chief operating officer of the nearly 20-year-old assessment-security firm Caveon, said that while “truly adaptive” digital tests are typically more secure than static paper ones, new threats have evolved alongside the new technology, including the proxy test-taker market, which boomed during the pandemic.

“Bad actors are leveraging technology the same way assessment companies are,” Addicott said. “It’s an arms race.”

A Sea of ‘Test Pirates’

While students’ use of leaked materials was more widespread than usual this year, these operations are not uncommon. Addicott called it a “huge industry.”

“Nearly all high-stakes testing organizations are dealing not just with cheaters but with rings of test pirates, who are not trying to increase their scores but harvesting items illegally to sell online so that other people can gain unfair advantage,” he said. “It’s these groups that are incredibly sophisticated, organized, and make bundles of money … They’re parasites.”

Addicott said the cheating rings primarily work in one of three ways. In some cases there’s a leak on the inside, from a test writer or proctor, who funnels answer sheets to an outside criminal group. In others, he said, the enterprises employ a kind of secret agent to take an early test, equipped with recording tools that sound like something out of a James Bond movie—“high-definition cameras built into glasses, buttons, jewelry … contact lenses”—and sell the pictures. The third and most common type uses multiple student test takers, each of whom memorizes a small portion of the test and reports back their assigned questions, recreating a complete test that they can then distribute to eager buyers.

This year’s big AP leak appears to have originated on encrypted social media channels in China, including Xian Yu and Taobao, but students in classrooms across the U.S. also reported on social media that their scores had been canceled. Many of them proclaimed their innocence. Rob Lamb, a high school counselor at the Sage Ridge School in Reno, Nev., said that while he hadn’t heard of any of his students receiving the cancellation email, they’d been tittering about the possibility since hearing news of the exam leaks in China in May.

Stepp said the College Board takes pains to ensure its anticheating measures don’t inhibit “access to our exams for the vast majority of students who play by the rules.” Addicott said that while there are ways to do that—“dishonest test takers leave a trail of breadcrumbs”—it’s not always easy.

Moriarty compared the increasingly strict security net to the Transportation Security Administration after the Sept. 11 attacks: “security theater” that can be frustrating for many but is ultimately an effective deterrent.

“Anytime you increase security, you inevitably are going to have a gradient effect where students who didn’t cheat get caught in the crosshairs,” he said. “But you also need to maintain trust in these exams or they have no value to any student … It’s a hard balance to strike.”

(This story has been updated to correct the spelling of Steve Addicott's name.)

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    How should I use my time during the AP Lang essays? During the essay section, you will get 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete 3 essays. The first 15 minutes is a reading time, but if you are ready to begin planning or writing, then go for it.

  14. How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay with Example

    Most recently, her work has been featured in Belle Ombre, Flypaper Lit, and Mag 20/20, among others, and she was nominated for the Mary Troy Prize in Fiction. How to write the AP Lang synthesis essay with examples. The synthesis essay is the first free response essay on the AP Lang exam.

  15. How to Get a 6 on Argument FRQ in AP® English Language

    To score an 5 on the AP® English Argument FRQ question, the CollegeBoard scoring guidelines outline that students need to write an essay that effectively argues a position, uses appropriate and convincing evidence, and showcases a wide range of the elements of writing. Essays that score a 6 do all of that and, additionally, demonstrate sophistication in their argument.

  16. How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay + Essay Template

    Wondering what the AP Lang exam 2024 covers and how to ace it? Dive into our guide for all the essential details, from exam structure to effective study tips.

  17. 2024 AP English Language and Composition Exam Guide

    This guide will cover everything you need to know about the AP English Language exam, including the format, rubrics, and tons of helpful resources.

  18. PDF AP English Language and Composition Student Samples from ...

    Write an essay that argues your position on the extent to which Curbelo's claim about persuading others is valid. In your response you should do the following: Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible position. Provide evidence to support your line of reasoning.

  19. How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay

    What is the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay? The AP Lang Rhetorical Essay is one section of the AP English Language Exam. The exam itself is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, and is broken into two sections. The first part of the exam is a 60 minute, 45-question multiple-choice section. The questions on this part of the exam will test your ability to read a passage and then interpret its meaning, style ...

  20. Guide to the AP English Language and Composition Exam

    Plan your prep for the AP English Language exam! These are the topics and question types you need to know for your AP English Lang review.

  21. AP English Language and Composition

    The AP English Language and Composition Exam has question types and point values that stay consistent from year to year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day.

  22. How easy is it to self-study ap lang?

    Two of my friends "self-studied" AP Lang and both got 5s (they basically studied less than 5 hours each). The multiple choice is very similar to the SAT English, and for the essays just make sure to look at the rubric and some sample essays to get a feel for how they are scored. It's definitely an easy class to self-study if you are strong at ...

  23. How does AP Lang work? : r/APStudents

    In AP Lang, you are essentially taught how to write and analyze. You will be given several books over the course of the year to read and write your thoughts on, and towards the end of the year during the AP test you will have to write 3 essays of different types as well as answering multiple choice questions based on analyzing the text. Reply reply robloxloverpuru •

  24. What to do about a 3 on AP Lang?

    I got a 3 on ap lang and a 5 on APWH. It was mostly because my English teacher was really nasty and didn't show us how to properly put together an essay (most kids at my school taught by her fail this exam fwiw). I'm applying as a history major to ivies/top 20 unis. I got a >700 on the English section of the sat so I think that should even it out? Idk what to do because I don't want ...

  25. AP leaks prompt score cancellations, digitization push

    An international cheating ring led to an uptick in AP score cancellations this year, expediting plans to digitize the exams. Will that make them more secure? Last week, high school students around the world received an email telling them their Advanced Placement exam scores were under review for potential academic integrity violations—and, if corroborated, they could be canceled.