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What is Chegg? Our Complete Review

What is Chegg? Student looking at computer

What is Chegg?

Based in Santa Clara, California, Chegg is a disruptive education technology company that offers textbook rentals (digital and physical), textbooks, and a plethora of online student services. Chegg’s student services include online tutoring, online homework assistance, and scholarship and internship search engines.

Chegg’s slogan, “A Smarter Way to Student”, shows the breadth of the student services they offer. In practice, many college students also use Chegg to complete homework assignments, papers, quizzes and exams.

According to the company’s mission statement, “We support students on their journey from high school to college and into their career with tools designed to help them learn their course materials, succeed in their classes, save money on required materials, and learn the most in-demand skills.”

We’ll dive further into these specific services, but first let’s take a look at Chegg’s history and development as a company. 

It all began in 2000, when three Iowa State students got together and launched Cheggpost, a service similar to Craigslist for Iowa State students.

The name Chegg is a combination of chicken and egg. According to this New York Times article , the students were frustrated that you couldn’t get a job without experience, and couldn’t get experience out of a job.

Five years later, the company incorporated with humble beginnings, providing similar services to education blogs today, including:

  • Scholarship searches
  • Internship matching
  • College admissions advice

It wasn’t until 2007 that Chegg took a page out of the Netflix book and centered all their efforts on renting out textbooks to college students. This turned out to be a great plan, as many college students only use their textbooks during the course anyway.

Expanding to the national stage, Chegg went public in 2013, and continued to grow through partnerships with college textbook giants such as Pearson and Ingram Content Group. Most recently, Chegg partnered with Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL), home to some of the best free college writing resources online.

Chegg has also bought quite a few companies, which helps explain how the education technology powerhouse has grown and evolved over the past decade.

Chegg textbook rental

Chegg History and Growth

Seeing what companies Chegg has bought gives a clearer picture of the services they offer today. By our counting, Chegg has acquired at least 9 other companies to expand their business areas throughout the past few years, including:

  • Zinch, a website offering scholarship searches and college recruiting
  • Cramster, an online company helping students with homework and exam prep
  • Notehall, a company that sold course notes
  • 3D3R, a software company acquired to launch multiple Chegg digital initiatives
  • InstaEDU, another (larger) online tutoring company
  • Internships.com, a website focused on (you guessed it) connecting students with internships
  • Imagine Easy Solutions, a company helping students with research and bibliographies
  • WriteLab, an artificial intelligence tool similar to Grammarly
  • StudyBlue, an flash card software company
  • ThinkFul, an online platform with courses in computer science

As you can see, Chegg’s services have expanded to include online tutoring, scholarship and internship search engines and resources, college writing resources such as bibliography tools, online flash cards. With the acquisition of ThinkFul, we may even see Chegg branch out into providing its own standalone educational tracks.

What Services Does Chegg Offer?

Chegg offers digital textbook rentals, physical textbook rentals, textbook purchases, and a host of online student services. These online services encompass almost everything you can think of that would help a college student with their studies:

  • Chegg Study: Answers to textbook questions and an expert question-and-answer service
  • Chegg Math Solver: A graphic calculator and step-by-step math solutions so you can understand both the answer and the process to get there
  • Chegg Writing: This service check for grammar and plagiarism, and also assists students with citations for papers
  • Chegg Practice: Practice exams for a wide variety of study areas, with detailed step-by-step explanations of each answer so that you can review

We’ll dive further into these services individually, but first let’s discuss how they provide such high-quality and on-demand answers to a vast number of college students.

How Does Chegg Work?

How does Chegg work?

Chegg works by harnessing the most modern educational technology to help students with a broad variety of needs, from renting textbooks to writing papers to doing homework to finding internships. If there’s something students need, there’s a good chance Chegg has a service to meet that need.

In terms of how they provide the specific services, eTextbook rentals are available through the website. If you rent a physical textbook, you’ll sign in to your online Chegg account, print your prepaid UPS return label, put the books in a box, and drop it off at UPS.

Chegg’s online services are all accessed by creating an online student account. Once you have an account, you can enroll in one or multiple services, or get a bundle such as the Chegg Study Pack.

How does Chegg get answers for students? According to a scouring Forbes piece which we’ll reference again later, Chegg “employs more than 70,000 experts with advanced math, science, technology and engineering degrees” in India, who are available around the clock to answer subscriber questions.

How to Rent Textbooks on Chegg

As we cover Chegg’s multitude of services, we’ll start with their roots in textbook rental. To rent digital or physical textbooks on Chegg, simply visit their website, put the name of your desired textbook into the search box, add the book to your cart, click checkout , create an account as prompted, and complete your online purchase.

As this is a rental, you must create a Chegg account to rent a book. When it’s time to return your book, you’ll need to log back into your online Chegg account, print out the UPS return label, and drop your book or books off at a UPS location near you.

The process is much the same for online rentals, and your Chegg account login will allow you to access your eTextbooks with your devices. 

Textbook rental, sales, and purchases were the services that launched Chegg’s success, so it’s no surprise that the process is fully optimized for a smooth and user-friendly interaction.

How to rent textbooks on Chegg

What is Chegg Study?

Chegg Study is a subscription service providing online homework help for students. Chegg Study provides step-by-step answers to questions found in textbooks, and also allows subscribers to submit their own questions to experts. These experts provide detailed answers within 15 minutes to 24 hours.

Chegg Study is at the core of Chegg’s success and it’s controversy over the past years, as we’ll get to in the later sections on cheating accusations. While Chegg Study can be used simply to understand the problems, its use to answer homework questions is against many colleges’ codes of conduct.

The Covid-19 pandemic only exacerbated the drama, as students taking quizzes and exams online have also been able to access Chegg Study answers, making a marked improvement in their grades. 

We’ll cover this drama more in a later section, but we wanted to mention this debate now because it shows something: Chegg Study is incredibly effective. If the Chegg study answers weren’t comprehensive, fast, and accurate, then universities wouldn’t be up in arms about its use.

We’re not commenting either way on the ethics yet, just the quality, and Chegg Study offers incredible quality. With a vast database of textbook answers, answers to other students’ questions, and quick answers to new questions, Chegg Study is disrupting the entire landscape of higher education.

Let’s check out a couple of quotes from a Reddit thread before we move on. According to u/pzezson, Chegg is “100% worth it” because they have answers to almost every textbook question out there, as well as answers for specific assignments.

Reddit user u/Fishskull3 shares an answer for those in more technical majors. “Personally in an engineering discipline it’s extremely helpful because it can walk through how to solve very difficult [homework] problems and class problems, and often help you see first hand how to use concepts you don’t fully understand. If you’re also in a class where a professor always gives more hw than necessary it can really save you a lot of time if you don’t need to solve every single problem to ‘get it’.”

Fishskull3 goes on to argue against Chegg Study’s detractors, noting that Chegg Study is “an excellent tool and most people that think that it is a crutch, or not worth it, either don’t have many difficult classes or lack the self discipline to not just mindlessly copy every single [homework] problem down without ever looking back, then curse it for ruining their grade.”

Chegg Study is at the core of Chegg’s growing revenue and growing controversy. When people discuss Chegg or “chegging”, they’re most commonly referring to the answers on Chegg Study.

What is Chegg Math Solver?

What is Chegg Math Solver?

Chegg Math Solver is much more than a powerful graphing calculator. The Math Solver can take you photo and spit out the math equation within seconds, showing you how each step was completed!

According to Chegg, the free version of the Math Solver (limited to three problems per day) gives you the solution and a basic explanation. The paid version includes unlimited problems, detailed explanations with sub-steps for each problem, and a graphic calculator.

The Math Solver is capable of handling almost any math problem, including those found in:

  • Pre Algebra including powers, roots, and linear equations
  • Algebra including polynomials, quadratic expressions, and quadratic equations
  • Pre Calculus including matrixes and logarithmic functions
  • Calculus including general and fundamental derivatives
  • Linear Algebra including determinants, matrix operations, and eigenvalues

While Chegg Math Solver has seen some level of success, it’s still definitely a background player compared to the comprehensive and personal answers found on Chegg Study.

What is Chegg Writing?

Chegg Writing is an advanced AI software to proofread, improve grammar, scan for plagiarism, and create instant citations. Chegg Writing also includes a person expert review of your paper.

The Chegg website boasts that this AI has put in some serious work with:

  • 7+ million assignments checked
  • 4+ million plagiarism scans
  • 15+ million grammar errors caught
  • 1.7 billion citations generated

If you haven’t heard of Chegg Writing, then Grammarly is the best comparison, and the two services compete for subscriptions.

Chegg Writing’s plagiarism checker is arguably the most advanced on the market. If Chegg finds plagiarism in your paper, it will help you to either remove it or to cite the source accurately.

Chegg Writing’s plagiarism checker is actually quite similar to Turnitin, which is used by many universities to check papers for plagiarism. You guessed it, this similarity between Chegg Writing and Turnitin has also led to more drama and cheating accusations, as Chegg allows students to see whether their paper will likely be flagged by the university’s software or not. Whew!

If you do ask for an expert review of your paper, Chegg will get back with your review within 24 hours.

While Chegg lacks some of Grammarly’s most impressive features such as its tonality check, it’s still more than capable for college coursework. Being specifically designed for college students, it ticks all the right boxes. Perhaps too many boxes, according to the plagiarism whistleblowers. 

What is the Chegg Study Pack?

What is Chegg Study Pack?

The Chegg Study Pack is a subscription that bundles Chegg’s core student services: Chegg Study, Chegg Math Solver, and Chegg Writing. These resources include homework solutions, video walkthroughs, expert Q&A, plagiarism and grammar checks, practice sets, and the Chegg Math Solver.

The study bundle claims to enable students to “learn anything, anytime”. The Chegg website describes it this way: 

“From core classes to tough upper levels, Chegg Study Pack has tools to help you crush the class. Get a better understanding of complex problems, so you can finish homework faster and get better grades.”

In essence, the Chegg Study Pack just gives you access to all of their core online student success resources for a discounted monthly subscription.

How Much Does Chegg Cost? Is Chegg Free?

Unfortunately no, Chegg is not free. However, Chegg does offer 5 free Chegg Practice questions per month, 3 Chegg Math Solver solutions per day, and a 3-day trial of Chegg Writing.

For their core online offerings, Chegg charges by monthly subscription fees. These core offerings are Chegg Study, Chegg Math Solver, and Chegg Writing. You can also bundle these services to save money with the Chegg Study Pack.

If you subscribe to these services individually, the prices are:

  • $14.95 a month for Chegg Study
  • $9.95 a month for Chegg Math Solver
  • $9.95 a month for Chegg Writing

The bundled price is thankfully much lower, coming in at $19.95 a month for the Chegg Study Pack.

There’s no way to buy these services outright, so you’re stuck with the monthly bill, unless you’re one of those nefarious students looking to unblur Chegg answers (we’ll cover that later).

What is Chegg Uversity?

What is Uversity?

According to the official press release on BusinessWire in June of 2021, Uversity is “a platform for educators and faculty to share their education content with millions of learners on Chegg to help support their studies and enhance learner outcomes. The content will augment and enhance Chegg’s existing Chegg Study service that already contains 59 million step-by-step solutions.”

In short, Uversity will allow for professors to share videos and other more in-depth content students, rather than the straightforward question-and-answer format that is available now.

How will this work practically? The news release states that, “Educators will be compensated for their content contributions and will retain ownership of their intellectual property rights and give Chegg certain limited exclusive licenses.”

From this it sounds like professors will still be able to create content for their universities and other platforms, but will get paid to give Chegg exclusive access to their video and related course content.

To see how professors feel about this, we checked in on r/Professors, where the profs weighed in on the press release.

“In the long term, what such companies want is to set up a parallel education economy where obtaining degrees will not be possible without using their services,” said a skeptical u/seidenkaufman.

Others were less gentle. “PAY ME, Chegg, and maybe I’ll give you some old (vulgarity)”, wrote salty professor u/larry_birb. 

User OphidiaSnaketongue concurred, saying, “I would rather eat live worms than support those parasites.” Okay, so there’s no live lost between Chegg and the professors apparently. Let’s move on.

It’s unclear whether this will be part of Chegg’s subscription offerings, or more similar to the massive open online course (MOOC) providers such as Coursera and edX.

For now, Uversity remains in the preparation stage, as Chegg recruits faculty to create content for its new service. We’ll have to wait and see how it shakes out for students!

How Many Devices Does Chegg Allow?

How many devices does Chegg allow?

You may only use two devices, and you can only swap to a new device once every 30 days.

According to Reddit user u/ginginpowpow , “Chegg is very anal about keeping track of how many devices are being used for one account. [I’m] constantly asked to change my password because I log in on library computers and it doesn’t recognize them as the same device.”

As you can guess, this two-device limit is intended to prevent students from sharing Chegg membership logins with their friends, so be prepared for strict enforcement of the two-device policy.

It sounds like asking users to change their password is another method to prevent the sharing of Chegg accounts.

Is Chegg a Legit Site?

Chegg is a legit site in terms of being a reputable, publicly-owned American company which offers proven resources. Chegg is less than legit in that you wouldn’t want any professor to know that you use Chegg, and it will be considered cheating by the vast majority of faculty and universities, even if you personally don’t use it to cheat.

The word legit can have a range of connotations, so the answer is either a strong yes or a strong no depending on your perspective. On the one hand, Chegg is never going to steal your credit card information and sell it on the dark web. They’re a huge public company based in California, and as such have a high level of accountability.

Chegg has a strong interest in protecting their excellent reputation with college students, so their customer service and products will remain top-notch.

With all that said, some detractors claim that Chegg’s subscription services are actually illegal in many America states, which we’ll get to later. It’s also undeniable that many Chegg subscribers use the services to cheat.

Is Chegg Cheating?

Yes, Chegg is cheating. Using Chegg Study to answer homework questions, quiz questions, or exam questions is almost universally considered to be cheating. Universities and faculty frown heavily on student Chegg usage, and may discipline students for breaking the university code of conduct. 

It is possible to use Chegg for personal use outside of coursework, which is not cheating.

The Forbes piece we mentioned earlier interviewed 52 students who use Chegg, and apart from the students Chegg had provided for the interviews, all but four students admitted they use Chegg Study to cheat.

These students cited a variety of reasons for using Chegg to cheat, like struggling to get through homework at midnight, or simply not knowing how to solve a quiz problem.

Also, there’s always that wise guy who asks if renting Chegg textbooks is cheating. Don’t be that guy. We’re not even going to answer.

What is Chegg? Is Chegg cheating?

Do Professors Check Chegg?

Yes, many professors check Chegg, though not all do. Professors can check Chegg by Googling the problem, as Chegg answers may have slight variations from other correct answers. Professors may also notice when students ace homework but fail tests.

To illustrate, let’s recap a story that u/Mwxh shared on the ProRevenge subreddit. Mwxh had an engineering course with an older prof who didn’t seem too technologically savvy.

An upstanding student, Mwxh felt irritated that half of his classmates had to use the bathroom “for totally unknown reasons” during his engineering final. 

Still, Mwxh did fine on the exam except for one question that totally stumped him. Later, professor sent out an email “explaining his diabolical plan to catch cheaters”.

The professor had designed a question that was impossible to solve and gotten his TA to post the question on Chegg. The professor then created his own Chegg account and submitted a flawed answer for that question!

About a dozen students had submitted this flawed answer. The professor emailed the names of the 14 cheaters to all the department professors, gave them all a 0 on the exam, and reported them for breaking the university’s academic honor pledge.

As this example shows, at least some professors do check Chegg, and there are several ways they can find that students are using Chegg to cheat:

  • One obvious sign is when students ace the homework but fail quizzes or exams.
  • In more technical majors, using advanced procedures that haven’t been taught in the class can be a giveaway, especially if students can’t replicate or explain that work themselves.
  • If the problem-solving method or notation is significantly different than what is taught in class, professors may wonder where students learned this and investigate further.
  • Finally, if many students submit answers phrased the same way, it’s easy for professors to plug those answers into Google and find Chegg showing up as the top result.

Do professors check Chegg?

Does Chegg Notify Your School?

According to Chegg’s strict privacy policy, they will not release student information on used their service or viewed a particular page. However, Chegg may be allowed to give student information to a college as part of an official academic dishonesty investigation.

So no, Chegg isn’t composing thousands of emails ratting out students to their colleges. If a student is already under suspicion or investigation however, it’s very possible that Chegg would divulge some level of information to a college or university.

When considering this question, it’s helpful to think of Chegg’s interests. On the one hand, they would be shooting their own foot as a business by telling colleges about cheating students. This would lead to their entire business collapsing, leaving them only with the textbook rentals (which bring in much lower revenue).

However, Chegg also doesn’t want to be openly antagonistic to governments or universities, as  these institutions also have great power to bring Chegg down if they choose to try. As such, it shouldn’t be surprising that Chegg might cooperate with colleges when cases of extreme cheating are under investigation.

It’s also unclear how Chegg would respond to individual professors who reach out to see if their students have signed up for Chegg. Especially if the professor just wants to confirm that a couple students are using Chegg, there’s a significant chance that Chegg would provide that information.

Some professors have reported that Chegg gave them information such as IP addresses, which show compliance and goodwill while still making it awfully difficult for professors to act on the information. 

It’s frustrating not to have more hard facts on how and when Chegg would answer queries from universities, but a rule of thumb is to expect that they would cooperate with colleges regarding any students suspected of cheating.

A final note is that student to specifically submit questions are in more danger, as there are reports of Chegg providing the username or IP address of the account that requested a specific solution.

Again, we don’t have hard evidence either way, but that’s our best read on the situation.

How Can I Get Chegg Answers for Free?

Is Chegg free?

To get Chegg answers for free, some students have employed dubious methods which generally fall into two categories. The first is to join a community where people share Chegg answers with others, and the second is to use technical skills to unblur Chegg answers.

For example, there are multiple Discord servers whose sole purpose is to provide their members with free Chegg answers, even using bots to automate and speed up the process. 

The CheggAnswers Reddit forum is another of these community sharing options that students use to view Chegg answers for free.

When you think about it, it’s kind of ironic really. The same students using Chegg to cheat in college also want to cheat Chegg out of the monthly subscription fee. Chegg could have seen this coming, you know?

Still, with their revenue continuing to skyrocket because of these services, Chegg seems to be doing just fine for themselves. 

Obviously, they’ll continue to work on new methods to crack down on unofficial distribution of Chegg answers, so that more students are forced to pay for the monthly subscription.

Finally, there’s also the temporary ethical solution of just using Chegg’s free four-week trial of Chegg Study.

Does Chegg Have Coupons?

Chegg does offer coupons from time to time. For example, RetailMeNot has a $5 off offer for the first month of Chegg Study or Chegg Study Pack.

A much better offer is Chegg’s four-week free trial, but this promotion isn’t available all the time either. Unfortunately, most students aren’t going to save much money with Chegg coupons.

How Can You Unblur Chegg Questions?

To unblur Chegg questions, some students have found technical workarounds to view blurred answers. These involve variations of using “Inspect Element” in a web browser, then mousing over the blur effect and deleting the blur’s <div> tag.

A Quora answer from Azlan Ahmad Salmini outlines the process in three steps:

  • Right-click on page in your web browser and click “Inspect Element”
  • When a list appears, move your cursor over each item until the blur effect is highlighted.
  • Place the cursor there on the pop-up box and delete that one <div> tag, then the pop-up box will disappear and you can view the content.

homework in chegg

Again, this is a case of students cheating Chegg out of subscriptions in order to cheat in college, so the irony is strong.

Chegg obviously doesn’t want students to unblur questions—they want students to pay for their services. It’s highly likely that future tech changes from Chegg’s side will make it impossible to unblur questions.

Sharing methods, on the other hand, may prove much more difficult for Chegg to control, but there will always be plenty of students willing to pay for the convenience of using Chegg’s services directly, and these workarounds obviously don’t provide a comparable experience.

Obviously, we should mention that these methods are also unethical, just like cheating at college. When it comes to Chegg, there’s just a lot of unethicality going around!

Is Chegg Illegal?

Citron Research claims that Chegg is illegal in 17 states. These state laws forbid companies from making a profit distributing college answers with “reasonable knowledge” that the users will submit these answers for academic credit.

Before we go further, we should mention that we aren’t lawyers and this is certainly not legal advice, just an interesting theoretical question.

While Citron Research makes a compelling case that Chegg Study should be illegal in some states, we don’t know of any lawsuits that states or universities have brought against Chegg. Chegg would seemingly have a good chance to successfully defend themselves in a lawsuit as well.

The state laws use different phrasing, but Chegg doesn’t have reasonable knowledge that any specific user is cheating with Chegg Study, and Chegg seems to comply to a large extent with university misconduct investigations (and even provides some assistance to individual professors).

While states may be able to prove that Chegg knows some users are using Chegg to cheat, Chegg could provide an almost endless list of services that some students are cheating with.

Whether or not Chegg Study services are illegal in some states, Chegg does continue to operate without hindrance in the entire United States.

A more dangerous scenario for Chegg is a lawsuit from their former partners at Pearson Education. Pearson claims that Chegg has violated Pearson copyrights in a massive fashion by providing answers and explanations to problems in Pearson workbooks.

This sort of lawsuit would impact Chegg’s future in all 50 states, and seems to have much more potential danger for Chegg as a company.

What is Chegg? Is Chegg illegal?

Is it illegal for students to use Chegg? According to Lutins and Pilgreen Law , cheating in college is sometimes a crime:

“For example, if you cheat by bribing a professor with money or something else they want, then that could be a punishable offense. Cheating on an SAT or ACT test and applying to a college could lead to accusations of fraud.”

The authors do note that “the average student isn’t cheating in a way that is going to result in criminal prosecution”. Criminal charges are much more likely to arise in situations that involve a large number of students cheating that impacts the entire school. 

Defrauding and bribery are two other types of college cheating that can lead to criminal charges.

In general, students cheating with Chegg are much more likely to be warned, suspended, or expelled for breaking their university’s student honor code. 

While these repercussions aren’t criminal charges or necessarily illegal, they can still have a dramatic negative impact on students’ lives.

Even if it isn’t illegal for students to use Chegg Study to cheat in college, there can still be very serious outcomes for students.

How to Cancel Chegg Study?

To cancel Chegg Study, simply log in to your account on Chegg’s website and follow this link . You can also search for “cancel Chegg Study” into your search engine and follow the directions on Chegg’s website.

Chegg Study subscriptions through iTunes and Google Play have slightly different cancellation links, but don’t worry. If you can’t figure out how to cancel your account, Chegg does have solid customer support.

Chegg even has taken the unusual step of having an actual phone number to call support. The Chegg support line is 855-477-0177.

Can you delete Chegg accounts?

What is Chegg? Can you delete Chegg accounts?

Yes, you can delete your Chegg account. Before you can delete your account, you must return all rented textbooks (digital or physical), and cancel all of your active subscriptions.

From there, you can follow Chegg’s instructions here to request complete deletion of your user account data.

With Chegg’s reputation among professors, some students want to delete their Chegg accounts entirely. It’s doubtful that this would have any impact on a potential academic investigation, or on what information Chegg might hand over to a university.

Of course, there are others who simply used Chegg for textbook rentals and want to delete their accounts.

Who Owns Chegg?

Initial founders and stakeholders include Josh Carlson, Mike Seager, Mark Fiddleke, Aayush Phumbhra, and Osman Rashid. Today, Chegg is owned by public stakeholders, including Chegg CEO Dan Rosensweig, who owns a significant amount of shares.

As a publicly traded company, you can own a slice of Chegg too! In fact, Chegg stock holders have been rising quite a wave as Chegg’s stock price has risen dramatically in the Covid-19 pandemic era.

As we mentioned before, this rise has been met with sharp criticism from some, as remote quizzes and testing have made it harder for institutions to prevent cheating.

Are there more Websites like Chegg?

Yes, there are more websites like Chegg with online question solving services. Chegg competitors include Course Hero, Crazy for Study, SolutionInn, StudentShare, Transtutors, and Quizlet.

These Chegg competitors each have their unique spin related to online answer services, with various differences in offerings and price.

Here’s a quick rundown:

1. Course Hero

Course Hero is one of Chegg’s best known competitors, offering on-demand homework help and textbook solutions.

With the slogan, “Make every study hour count”, Course Hero has created 60 million study materials, divided into their courses. 

Like most Chegg competitors, Course Hero also emphasizes the in-depth nature of their textbook solutions and explanations.

Course Hero also offers Homework Help services that are available 24 hours a day, with answers in as little as 15 minutes.

Course Hero’s free plan is more extensive than Chegg’s, and they also offer a similar premium subscription model.

Websites like Chegg competitors and alternatives

2. Crazy for Study

Based in Delaware, Crazy for Study offers two core services: homework help and textbook solutions. 

The textbook solutions include “step-by-step textbook solutions by our PhD experts”, and Crazy for Study claims to have answered millions of textbook problems.

For their assignment help, Crazy for Study entreats students to “Get the best assignment assistance by our PhD experts. Our experts customize the answers to meet your professor’s expectations. Get plagiarism-free assignment solutions 24×7.”

3. SolutionInn

SolutionInn is a Chegg alternative where you can hire online tutors for homework help. Their three core offerings are:

  • Textbook Solutions
  • Expert Q&A
  • Live Tutor Sessions

The live tutor sessions set SolutionInn apart, but the textbook solutions and expert question and answer services are in direct competition with Chegg’s services.

4. StudentShare

While some of Chegg’s other competitors seem almost like Chegg clones, StudentShare is more specialized, and more shady. 

StudentShare allows students to download papers “for inspiration” for as low as 23 cents a day. Students can search by topic to find a paper on the subject.

For as low as $9.78 a page, StudentShare will have someone “eliminate plagiarism from the essay”. It sounds as though a human will take the downloaded paper and write it in their own words. As we said, it sounds pretty shady.

Or, you can pay as low as $13.60 per page to just write your essay from scratch.

With slightly different services, StudentShare isn’t as direct of a Chegg competitor.

5. Transtutors

Transtutors doesn’t seem to have joined the textbook solution game, but they do have a question and answer service as well as online tutoring. 

The Transtutors slogan reads, “Get Answers. Get Unstuck. Study Faster.” With a database of over four million questions and answers spanning 10 subjects, you can find a lot of questions already answered on Transtutors.

Their 24/7 tutor service is a similar service to SolutionInn’s live tutors, while the question and answer section is a direct Chegg competitor.

Quizlet is another Chegg competitor with textbook solutions on a wide variety of subjects. With thousands of textbooks in their database, they offer trusted step-by-step answers to all of these textbook problems.

Quizlet allows you to browse by subject or search to find your textbook. Once you find the question you’re looking for, you can reveal the answer explanation bit by bit, so that you can work along with the problem.

Quizlet’s advanced flashcard technology and database is another strength of their offering.

What is Chegg? Student studying on laptop

Chegg is a disruptive leader in the EdTech industry which has grown explosively in the pandemic era. The increased revenue has come with increased controversy, and it’s hard to deny that many students do use Chegg to cheat in college.

We’ll be curious to see where Chegg moves from here, as their new Uversity initiative seems to seek a new status quo in higher education.

Massive open online course providers like Coursera and edX have blazed a trail here, but both are beholden to universities (whom they partner with).

On the other hand, Uversity aims to partner with individual professors, meaning the learning platform might aim to replace the traditional college experience entirely. Chegg CEO Dan Rosensweig was quoted by Forbes as saying, “I don’t know why you can’t binge-watch your education.”

With their Chegg Study model in danger from the Pearson lawsuit, we’ll see if Chegg pivots to the more reputable strategy of replacing colleges entirely.

For now, Chegg will keep dishing out solutions to thousands of college students and raking in the dough.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this comprehensive review of Chegg and Chegg’s services! For more of the latest news and reviews in college, you can check out our latest blog articles here .

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Chegg Study - Homework Help 4+

Expert answers & college app, chegg, inc., designed for ipad.

  • #90 in Education
  • 4.7 • 202.9K Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases



Get ready for exam season with the Chegg Study® app. Used by millions of students, the Chegg Study app is the homework helper which offers school help and personalized support for each of your courses—from homework to exam prep, study your courses inside-out and learn your own way. Tap into our huge library of millions of fully explained, step-by-step solutions, and flashcards for subjects including Math, English, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, and more. Get school help for 80 subjects and hundreds of courses and flashcards. The Chegg Study app is the homework helper that has you covered for your toughest concepts, classes, and assignments, for school. Now with AI solutions backed by experts you can get your homework help even quicker and boost your education using the latest technology. Get 24/7 study help and expert Q&A responses. Snap or scan a pic of any homework question and submit it with our question scanner to our Chegg experts. You will get detailed solved answers in as little as 30 minutes.* Get unstuck and be your own problem solver, learn about tough concepts with detailed explanations, solutions, and answers provided. Search our library of over 60 million fully solved homework questions. See how to solve them with our question scanner feature. Take control of your education and learn at your own rate and in your own style. With Chegg there are a variety of ways to study your courses so you can learn and have fun at the same time! The fine print: Your Chegg Study subscription will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period. Your account will be charged for renewal within the 24 hours prior to the end of your current subscription period. You can manage your subscription and turn off auto-renewal by going to your Account Settings after purchase. For bug reports and general feedback, email [email protected] or tweet @Chegg #iOSapp. Privacy Policy: http://www.chegg.com/privacypolicy/ Terms of use: http://www.chegg.com/termsofuse/ *Experts’ response time for answers and solutions varies by question and subject. Average response time is 46 minutes. **Available for select problems only.

Version 6.15.0

We've made bug fixes to improve your experience. Need help or have a feature suggestion? Contact our Help Center: https://www.chegg.com/contactus Love Chegg? Why not leave us a review?

Ratings and Reviews

202.9K Ratings

Device Limit?

The only reason Im writing a review and giving it 3 stars is just for this device limit, I have no problem with it just giving me a limit of devices, at first I just logged in through safari in both devices and It was fine but when I downloaded the app to use it on one of the devices I was already logged into, it read it as a new one and it said that I needed to swap devices and there’s only one swap per month allowed, I didn’t mind, I just uninstalled the app from my phone and kept logging in through safari and I had no problem with it, but the last two times I’ve tried to post a question, it asks me to download the app so I be able to post a question, it doesn’t let me do it through safari like it used to, I prefer to use safari than the app because I just type in the question on google and if chegg doesn’t have it It shows me other places where it is and I dont have to type it in twice like I would do If I used the app and it didn’t have the answer. I need two different devices because sometimes I can’t use my phone, so if I have to choose between swapping the device and posting a question now and not being able to use this anymore since I’m not allowed to use my phone sometimes, or not posting the 20 questions THAT IM PAYING TO POST, I don’t think this is worth the 15 bucks. Please fix this, I’ve read the other reviews and I know I’m not the only complaining.

Too expensive for college students

Chegg is super helpful but not a possibility for many college students. It gets very real when you have to decide if you want to eat or get homework help. It would be nice if college students who sign up with a .edu email could have 3 people on an account (“family plan”) can pay $5 each for the subscription each month. I am currently writing this as I got locked out of my account for using a vpn (I also travel a lot and use my account in different places). I also regularly use my account on a few devices at once and it won’t let me use it anymore. I don’t know how willing they are to help but I assume lots of the people working for chegg were once college students with very limited funds who would have loved to have this resource. It is sad that limiting funds can be the difference between academic success and failure. I have a calculus test this Friday and now I’m not sure what I am going to do, I have gotten used to studying with chegg. I would really appreciate some help with this :( UPDATE: the developers respond very nicely to the reviews saying that they can help if we email chegg support, I emailed them months ago and I NEVER GOT A RESPONSE. This company only cares to look good in the reviews but they will not actually help you💗

Developer Response ,

Hey there, apsasha! We really can't thank you enough for your feedback in regards to this service. We would love to go over this with you and ensure we get this addressed. Send an email to [email protected] with 'iTunes Review' as your subject and we'll do all we can for you. We hope to hear from you soon!
It is a very helpful tool for when you get stuck on questions but the reason it doesn’t get 5 stars is because on the app you are not able to post a comments. As someone who owns multiple devices I must say I absolutely HATE how we are only allowed 2 registered devices. For instance, say I post a question on the app and I have a question for the person who kindly took on my question, I am unable to may any comment and must go to a web browser to just make a comment, very inconvenient.. along with that I have the app on my iPad and my laptop registered as my 2 devices for the service, I recently came home for break and left my laptop at my apartment since it is an inconvenient to bring to and from my apartment and we are on break and the homework I have on break is material I am able to do on my iPad. But since my laptop is back at my apartment I had to use the web browser to log into Chegg just to post my comment which I then had to register the iPad again to the service and waste my monthly device swap which they only give you 1 swap for each month. I would like for them to at least update the app to where we can see comments and write comments just like the web version.

App Privacy

The developer, Chegg, Inc. , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Contact Info
  • User Content
  • Search History
  • Identifiers
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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In-Depth Chegg Review For 2023 — Is It Worth Trying?

Chegg is an online education platform based in California. Two businessmen, Osman Rashid and Aayush Phumbhra, founded the company. The initial goal was to rent, buy, and sell textbooks, but the platform expanded by offering tutoring, scholarships, and homework solutions.

Today, Chegg is well-known for providing services to students and helping them with their homework. The platform covers various subjects, from math and history to finance, computer science, and algebra. Some Chegg reviews claim that services are not legit, so we’ll discuss this further in the article. 

Chegg started renting textbooks, but today, it’s well-known for its tutoring services. You can use the platform as a tutor or a student. If you’re having trouble with a particular subject, there are step-by-step explanations and over 22,000 solutions. Students and teachers can work together in virtual classrooms, using audio and video chat and a virtual whiteboard.

Pros & Cons

Chegg Reviews - Logo

Pricing Plans

Chegg basic services, $14.95/per month.

21-day purchased book return

Up to 90% discount on textbooks

One-month free access to Chegg Study Pack

Post 20 questions per month (to Q&A experts)

Chegg Study Pack

$19.95/per month.

All basic services

Instructor-made materials

Practice sets

Plagiarism checker

Features, Courses, and Materials

Chegg tutors review.

Chegg Tutors is an online tutoring service for students of all ages. Students can pick their tutors based on their profiles. Classes are conducted in virtual classrooms and are mobile-friendly. 

To become a tutor on Chegg, you’ll have to meet specific requirements, such as teaching experience and enrollment or graduation from a four-year university. Once you get accepted, you’ll be able to see tutoring requests from students. There is a practical set of tools you can use for interaction with students. In short, you can use a video chat tool, a virtual whiteboard, and a text window while conducting a class. 

For example, use the whiteboard to present the problem (draw it on the board). Try to find a solution by asking students about their opinion. Help them work through the problem by giving them advice via video.

Some Chegg tutoring reviews mention the importance of the Chegg Tutors honor code. You are not allowed to help your students during online exams as a tutor. The result of this code violation is profile deactivation (you won’t be allowed to work). 

This honor code states that tutors are strictly forbidden to cheat or plagiarize. Moreover, students cannot use the platform to cheat on their exams. Chegg is authorized to reveal all the information to students’ educational institutions if contacted by them. You can find the code on the official website. 

Chegg Tutor Requirements

To become a Chegg tutor, you must fill out an online application and meet the requirements. You’ll need the following:

  • The photo of your diploma, ID card, and scanned copies of your transcripts
  • A picture of you holding your ID (passport or driver’s license)
  • To pass the proficiency test (in some cases)
  • Access to a computer, stable internet connection, a mic, and a camera
  • A PayPal account
  • A short introductory video (this is optional)

According to Chegg Tutors, it takes about one week for them to process your application. (However, it sometimes takes longer). You can log into your account and accept students’ requests when accepted. 

Chegg Tutor Salary

The typical tutor on Chegg makes $20 per hour. The hourly rate can range from $20 to $22. You can earn an average annual salary of $44,170. Your pay depends on the number of minutes you work during the week; the minimum working time is five minutes. 

That means you’ll always make at least $1.67 if you work at least five minutes daily. Payments will arrive in your PayPal account every Thursday morning.

Tips for Starting Chegg Careers

There are ways to boost your earnings and even start a career on Chegg. Here’s what you can do: 

  • You can earn many bonuses if you’re teaching popular subjects. 
  • You can earn $10 every time you use the referral system (refer a tutor).
  • If you want to make more money, ensure you’re available during midterm and final examination periods (midterms are in October and March, and finals are in December and May).
  • Your “available now” status must always be on.
  • Don’t forget to answer students’ questions whenever you can.

Chegg Solutions Reviews 

Chegg offers several solutions to fix the problems students often face. You can choose between textbook solutions and expert Q&A. What is the difference? 

If you choose to use textbook solutions, you’ll be able to use step-by-step guidelines and video tutorials. You’ll need to enter the ISBN (from your textbook) in the search tab to see the possible solution for your problem. 

On the other hand, the Q&A option will get you in touch with an expert in the field who will answer your question in less than 30 minutes. To get this answer, you’ll have to take a picture (or screenshot) of your homework and send it to Chegg.

Chegg Study Review

As we mentioned above, there are two options: textbook solutions and expert Q&A. 

If you’re having trouble with a particular subject, you can search for the answer using solutions for 22,000 ISBNs on this platform or step-by-step explanations.

How to use Chegg Study:

  • Go to Chegg Study, and click “Try Chegg Study.”
  • Enter your credit card information and click “Join Now.”
  • You’ll have to enter your phone number, after which you’ll receive a text containing the link to the app. 
  • To find the solutions to your questions, click “Find Textbook Solutions” and enter the title or the textbook’s author’s name.  
  • You’ll see a menu in the left corner with the textbook’s chapters. You can scroll to the section you need. 
  • Click on the problem, and you’ll get a step-by-step solution.

Chegg Book Rental Reviews

On Chegg, you can rent ebooks and hard copies. If you rent a book, you’ll need to return it on the due date. If you’re late with your return, the platform will charge you an additional fee or the book’s full price. 

To extend your due date and avoid paying an additional fee, you need to contact Chegg. 

Benefits of renting textbooks :  

  • Renting books saves money. You can compare prices and see if there are any discounts.
  • Flexible rental terms. You can contact Chegg for a free extension if you need to keep your book past the due date. 
  • In addition to renting, you can purchase new and used editions or download textbooks. 
  • You get a four-week free trial of Chegg Study.
  • Textbook deliveries include gifts and discounts.

Chegg Buyback Reviews  

Chegg used to buy used textbooks from students, but now it outsources this service to GoTextbooks. You log in through your account and link through to GoTextbooks from there. 

You just need to enter ISBN and send the book. After reviewing the book’s condition, they’ll pay you in one of several ways (gift card, Chegg credit system) within 15 days. Alternatively, you can donate low-value books. 

The standard for selling books on GoTextbooks and buying books on Chegg differs. You can highlight the books you rent, but when you sell used books, the site is very fussy about the condition and may ship highlighted books back to you at your cost.

Moreover, some Chegg sell books reviews mentioned poor customer service, the lack of communication, and bad tracking service, while others praised the swiftness of its buyback service. However, Chegg doesn’t have this option anymore. It now only allows you to rent or buy books (hard and digital copies) and other solutions for students. 

Other places to sell textbooks include BookScouter, Amazon, or TextbookRush. 

Chegg Ebook Reviews

To read your ebooks, you need to download the Chegg eReader app, and then you can make a purchase. 

How to purchase: 

  • To make a purchase, you’ll need to sign in to your Chegg account and click on “Books.”
  • Scroll down to the book you want to buy and select it (if you’re going to buy more books, you’ll have to repeat all the steps).
  • You can choose between the “Extend” or “Purchase” button. This will transfer you to another page. 
  • Click the “Select Here” (next to the book title) and select “Purchase.”
  • To complete the purchase, select the “Checkout” button and follow the next few steps.

Chegg Homework Help Reviews

On top of textbook solutions and expert Q&A, Chegg provides homework help services. Take a photo of your assignment, send it to Chegg, and they’ll get someone to help you. 

You can also use the database to find similar homework problems and solutions or compare them. There are many video tutorials (walkthroughs) that can help you out as well.

The homework help allows you to:  

  • Search for a solution to your homework assignment in a large library section. Find step-by-step textbook solutions for many subjects. 
  • Use the help of experts in the field. They are available 24/7. Take a picture (or scan) of your homework, and send it to Chegg. You’ll get a detailed answer within 30 minutes.
  • If you’re a visual type, you can watch walkthrough videos.

Ease of Use

Chegg tutoring jobs are suitable for people who pass the requirements test. The site is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and most tutors enjoy it. There is only one disadvantage related to the company’s first-come-first-serve model . What does this mean?

In short, you’ll see many tutoring requests on your screen, but as soon as you click on them, the system will tell you they are not available anymore. This can be frustrating for most tutors.

Plans and Pricing 

How much does chegg cost.

Chegg offers a one-week free trial that can be canceled during those seven days. The monthly subscription fee depends on the tools and packages you want to use. An annual subscription will cost you $74.95. You can reap many benefits if you choose an annual or monthly subscription. 

In addition to the one-year subscription, the monthly cost of Chegg  is $14.95, and it includes basic services :

  • Standard shipping is free of charge if your order is $35 or more. It usually takes 7–10 business days. Keep in mind that this fee doesn’t include taxes.
  • You have 21 days to return a purchased book.
  • You can get up to 90% discount on textbooks.
  • You’ll get one month of free access to Chegg Study, which includes step-by-step solutions and expert Q&A.
  • As mentioned before in our Chegg review , rental extensions are free.  
  • Each month, you’ll get detailed solutions for five different textbooks.
  • You are allowed to post 20 questions per month (to Q&A experts). 
  • You’ll get unlimited view-only access to 25 million homework solutions answered by experts in their fields. 
  • You’ll be able to use help from Chegg tutors (this service is free for the first 30 minutes) .

You can also purchase the Chegg Study Pack for $19.95 per month, including the services mentioned above, plus video walkthroughs, practice sets, and a plagiarism checker.

Chegg Membership Cost

Being a Chegg member provides many benefits, such as access to step-by-step textbook solutions for five different textbooks each month, posting 20 questions each month, and getting access to 25 million answered homework questions. 

Everything except the practice problems, guided videos, math solver, and writing tool is at your disposal. To get full access to all the tools, you’ll need a Premium Chegg study subscription for $19.95 per month. You can also subscribe for Homework Help by itself for $14.95 per month. 

Chegg Writing service costs $9.95 per month (individually). It gives you access to EasyBib (easy-to-use tools for creating proper citations), Plagiarism Checker, and Grammar Checker. 

If you want to use the Chegg plagiarism checker, you have to upload your document (or copy and paste it) to the checker. When your scan is complete, you’ll see the option ”return to paper.” Click on this option to see your results. The matching sentences will be highlighted. 

The Math Solver alone costs $9.95 per month. It offers step-by-step solutions to math problems in the following subjects :

  • Pre-Algebra
  • Precalculus
  • Trigonometry
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Advanced Math

If you cancel your Chegg subscription plans, you can still use its services until the next billing date. Monthly subscribers are allowed to pause their subscription at any time. If you use a free trial version, make sure to cancel it before the billing begins to avoid the charges going through. 

You can switch your membership within the first 30 days of paying for your annual subscription. For more information, check out the help center. When it comes to the Chegg refund policy, you can get a full refund for your annual Chegg study subscription. 

Account sharing is one more critical thing most customers complain about. You should know that Chegg doesn’t allow multiple users. You can have only one account and are not allowed to share it. If you share the account, Chegg will suspend it, and you won’t be able to use it for a specific period. 

All the information you provide to create an account must be accurate and complete. As we already mentioned, it’s forbidden to share your Chegg account. To prevent suspension of your account, you need to log out after every use. Remember that you’ll need to use a single device to access your account. 

Failing to do so can trigger account suspension. Your account can be suspended if you use different devices to log in or enter your account from multiple locations. These, and other factors, can indicate a shared account.  

E.g., if you log into your account from another city (state) using a different device, Chegg will suspend your account. 

Chegg Scholarship Reviews

Chegg began as an online textbook store for renting and selling books. But today, it hosts over $1 billion in scholarships, including its own scholarships. Chegg scholarships range from $500 to $12,500. You can win a monthly scholarship challenge that all US citizens are eligible to apply for. You must be at least 16 years old if you want to apply.

Chegg gives personalized scholarships depending on your profile. There are five awards available, each worth between $1,500 and $5,000 in scholarships.

According to many Chegg reviews, scholarships are also available for international students. To apply, you must show transcripts, write an essay, and get a reference form. There are 60 international scholarships available. 

Overall, there are over 25,000 scholarships available on Chegg. 

Refund Policy

As mentioned before, Chegg offers a refund policy that can be requested within 21 days of purchasing a book. To get the full refund (minus shipping), the book you send back must be in the same condition as it was when you received it.  

When it comes to digital books (ebooks), you’ll have a full refund if you return the book within 14 days. You’ll see all the instructions on your Account page.

Online Ratings

There are a lot of Chegg complaints, and some people consider it to be a platform that helps students cheat on their exams, present plagiarized work as original, etc. It’s safe to say this platform is not for everyone. 

Tutors benefit the most from it, even though they can’t rely on Chegg as their only source of income. Students can benefit from Chegg if they don’t use its services to cheat on exams.  

According to Chegg customer service reviews, several problems are recurring on this platform:

  • Many people complain about the account suspension due to the alleged account sharing.
  • You won’t get a refund if your question is unanswered or incorrectly answered.
  • Many people complain about the non-responsive customer service and non-intuitive account ID. 
  • Some hard copies are not in good condition.
  • Some people believe Chegg is an unethical platform that helps students cheat.

As opposed to these claims, Chegg employee reviews tell a different story. People seem to think this platform offers excellent service that people sometimes use for illegitimate purposes. That said, some colleges even banned their students from using it, which is to be expected as reviews cite Chegg as one of the best tutoring websites.

This brings us back to the importance of the honor code. Tutors are not allowed to cheat or plagiarize. Moreover, students mustn’t use Chegg to cheat on their exams. The platform is authorized to reveal all the information to educational institutions if requested. 

Despite some Chegg ratings that are not as high, the tutors’ knowledge and credentials are indisputable (and Chegg offers many tutors). But when posting a question, be sure to double-check the facts. It seems that expert Q&A is probably Chegg’s drawback, together with the non-responsive customer service and non-intuitive account ID. 

Overall, Chegg is a legit platform, not a scam, as some may think. In fact, when it comes to the Course Hero vs Chegg debate, Chegg comes out on top in most categories.

Final Verdict

In these Chegg reviews, we discussed the platform’s offers, solutions, pricing, tutoring, and customer service. Like other online learning platforms , it has its cons and pros. All things considered, Chegg can be useful to students who use it as an accessory and not a way to cheat. So is Chegg a scam? No. Is it legit? Yes. Many reviews on the internet prove that. 

Is Chegg worth a try? If you’re looking for cheap college textbooks to buy or rent, Chegg is one of the best options out there, but when it comes to other services, it’s maybe better to check other alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Many reviews on the internet prove this platform is relatively reliable. It offers help to students through solutions, textbook materials, and assistance from online tutors. Chegg is known for letting some mistakes go unnoticed and occasionally providing incorrect information, but that doesn’t make it fake. The platform is legit and helpful if you use it the right way.  The most common issues people have are related to customer service, which is not as good as you would expect from a professional service provider.

The average tutor on Chegg can make $20 per hour. Hourly rates usually range from $20 to $22. An average annual salary is $44,170. The more you work, the more money you make since the payment depends on the exact number of minutes you work. You can work for a minimum of five minutes. In other words, you can always make at least $1.67 for five minutes of work.

Chegg Math Solver is an application that helps students solve math problems. You need to take a picture of the assignment (or a screenshot) or enter the problem using the keyboard.  Chegg Math Solver can handle numerous math problems, including the ones with integrals and basic matrices. When students get their answers, they can use the additional information to double-check the answer or understand it better. The cost of Chegg Math Solver is $9.99 per month. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android. We hope you enjoyed these Chegg reviews and that we managed to shed some light on the services of this platform.

This post contains affiliate links. We may earn commission from any sales made or actions taken as a result from users clicking the links on this page.

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  • Nov 29, 2022
  • 11 min read

20 Sites that Pay You to Do Homework for Other People

Want to share your expertise and get paid for it? Check out these highly rated tutoring websites.

Chris Leitch

Chris Leitch

Editor-in-Chief & Résumé Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Websites that Pay You to Do Homework

Remember when you were younger, and you absolutely  loathed  doing homework? Well, thanks to the internet, you may just loathe it a little less now. And that’s because — as this is the internet we’re talking about — you can get paid to do homework for other people all from the  comfort of your home  (and behind your PC screen).

If this sounds like a great way to  make some extra money on the side , and if you’ve got the brains for it, then why not give it a go?

Check out these 20 great tutoring websites to get started!

1. OneClass

OneClass - tutoring website that offers homework help

OneClass  doesn’t just pay you to do people’s homework with its Homework Help solution, but the company also pays you to share your study notes with other university students taking the same courses as you. In other words, you get paid to go to class and do homework, too!

OneClass’s system is credit-based. You earn 25 credits for every approved document you upload (75 if you’re an Elite Note Taker), which can be redeemed for gift cards to popular retailers like Amazon , Starbucks and Domino’s, or even for cash. You can even earn credits by earning badges and referring friends to join OneClass. And the best part is that it’s available to people who have finished university , too; you don’t have to be a current student to take part!

2. Tutor.com

Tutor.com website - promotes student success by offering homework help to students

Tutor.com  is a fully  online tutoring service  which comprises a network of  certified teachers , college professors, graduate students and professionals with master’s degrees, PhDs and Ivy League credentials who are experts in their fields.

It’s free to join but there’s a catch: you’ll need to be a current resident of, and eligible to work in, the US or Canada. You’ll also need to be a college sophomore or higher or hold a degree from an accredited US or Canadian university.

The whole application process can take anywhere between one and three weeks. Once your application has been accepted, you’ll be invited to take (and pass) an exam in 1 of their 21 high-demanding subjects (including physics, maths, business law and essay writing). You’ll then have to participate in a mock session and undergo a background check, after which you’ll be able to start tutoring students of all ages and help them with their homework. Hourly rates are dictated by the subject you teach.

3. PaperCoach

Papercoach academic help and tutoring website

PaperCoach  provides custom paper-writing services to high school, undergraduate, master’s and PhD students or whoever needs help with their coursework, book reviews, essays, dissertations, admission essays,  résumés ,  cover letters ,  business plans  — you name it!

They rely on specialized LinkedIn groups to find writers, but you can send a speculative application by sending your résumé in for consideration. The good news is that although it’s a US-based company, you don’t have to be a US resident to apply.

Depending on your academic level and the complexity of the paper you write and its deadline, you can earn about $8 and above.

Toppr tutoring platform

Toppr  is an Indian mobile tutoring app which connects tutors to grade 8–12, JEE, NEET and CET students who need help with their homework. As a tutor, you’ll help alleviate students’ doubts on a variety of subjects, ranging from chemistry to maths and physics.

To apply to become a tutor , you’ll need to be a resident of India. Once you’ve chosen the topics of your expertise, you can start accepting tutoring requests whenever you wish — right on your phone — and you’ll get paid for every session you take.

Chegg - Tutoring website that offers homework help

Chegg  is perhaps one of the best-known online tutoring sites on the internet today. It recruits tutors from  top universities  for a variety of high school and college subjects, including computer science, algebra, accounting, French, biology and mechanical engineering. There are literally thousands of different subjects to choose from, and applying to become a tutor in your expert area is easy — the best part is that you can be anywhere in the world to join.

Upon becoming a tutor, you’ll be able to connect with students needing help in your area — whenever it’s most convenient to you. You get paid each week (you’ll typically earn $20+ per hour), and you can download the Chegg app to stay connected on the go.

6. Eduboard

Eduboard website - Tutoring website that gives students help with homework

Eduboard allows students to ask expert tutors for help in more than 30 different subjects, including maths, physics and chemistry. Students place orders for homework help, essay writing, assignments and everything in between, and you can bid on those that you like. Payments are made once a month with a 20% commission deducted.

To apply to become an online tutor on Eduboard, you’ll either need to be in your senior year of college or have already graduated from an accredited university in Canada or the US. You can set your own prices, with Q&A-based assistance usually starting at $2 and go up to $25 a question.

UPDATE: It seems Eduboard is no longer operational.

7. School Solver

Schoolsolver website - Site that offers tutors to help with homework

Self-proclaimed as the “marketplace for school homework”,  School Solver  is a renowned homework and assignment help platform which has been referred by tech giants such as Forbes, Mashable and TechCrunch.

Students ask questions in every single subject imaginable, and your answers can be purchased by not just the student who asked the question but also others after them. This means that where you would normally earn $5, for example, you could actually make as much as $500 over time.

8. Help with Assignment

Help With Assignment website - a site that helps students with their homework

Help with Assignment  is made up of PhD professors, MBA corporate leaders, writers,  bloggers , teachers, mathematicians, historians and scientists whose goal is to help students with their assignments in a variety of subjects, like law, maths, marketing and nursing.

To become an online tutor at Help with Assignment, you’ll need a minimum of 2 years’ work/teaching experience and a master’s or PhD degree in your chosen subject. You’ll also need to undergo various tests before you’re able to help students  improve their Excel skills , for example.

9. Growing Stars

Growing Stars website for tutors and students looking for homework help

Based in the US,  Growing Stars  is another great website to make money online by helping students with their homework. You’ll mostly work with young children from grades 3 to 12, offering about 2 hours of one-on-one tutoring a week in your expert area.

To apply to join Growing Stars’ team of online tutors, you’ll need to complete the candidate registration form as well as submit your résumé. You’ll also need to be educated in your chosen subject, from C++ programming to  creative writing  and biology to chemistry.

10. Freelancer

Freelancer website - where tutors can offer their services to students needing homework help

Freelancer  is one of the best online platforms to find  freelance work , like  designing websites  or  translating . That said, you can also find and apply for opportunities to help students with their homework.

It’s free and easy to join, and you can set your own prices. All you need to do is set up a public profile and start applying for relevant jobs.

Upwork freelancing site for tutors and others

Upwork  basically does the same thing that Freelancer does. It lets people submit projects that they need completing, and freelancers bid on the ones that interest them and that match their skills. You set your own prices, and there are no registration fees, but do note that you will be charged a commission for each project you complete.

12. SweetStudy

SweetStudy website where tutors help students with homework

SweetStudy  is a platform that connects students with tutors to help with their homework. While a tutor’s traditional functions don’t include completing homework assignments for their students, the website does allow users to earn cash to do homework for others. You can also proofread homework assignments and respond to specific questions for a long list of subjects, including chemistry, engineering, environmental science, geology and history.

After you create a profile and list your skills, you set your rates. It’s estimated that you earn between $5 and $25 per homework assignment.

13. Studypool

Studypool website for tutors

Studypool  is a micro-tutoring platform that gives you the option of placing bids on students’ homework questions, which is usually between $5 and $20 per answer. The website also has more than 20 million study documents from hundreds of universities in 150 countries in its Notebank.

Anyone can bid on any questions, but students will compare profiles, statistics and reviews to make their final decision, so be sure to put some effort into your profile creation. That said, the one thing that student users will look at is your degree.

Wyzant - Expert tutoring website to earn extra money

Since 2005,  Wyzant  has been the go-to outlet for students searching for tutors. The online services marketplace utilizes its education technology to match the right tutors with the right students. Tutors, who are vetted and verified by the Wyzant team, earn an average of $30 per hour.

The website has a wide range of functions, from one-on-one online lessons to real-time video chat and an interactive whiteboard for uploading documents and outlining equations. Wyzant is essentially a digital classroom.

15. 24HourAnswers.com

24houranswers homework help website

When students want the basics — and quick! —  24HourAnswers.com  is one of the best solutions around. It’s a website dedicated to college homework assistance, offering various services involving online tutoring, a library of academic solutions, and homework help.

After posting your credentials and verifying your English proficiency, you can submit an estimation of how long it would take to complete the homework. It’s then between you and the students to come up with a rate, which averages around $13 per hour. It’s a simple process for both parties: the problem is uploaded, the tutor and the student meet, payment is made, and the homework help is completed.

Preply tutoring website

When you sign up as a tutor on Preply , the website allows you to select your own rate, which can reach up to $40 an hour. Though primarily known as a language tutoring site , Preply also offers homework and tutoring services to those seeking help with other subjects, including math, history, and economics.

Apart from searching for teachers based on area of expertise, students can filter results using an “Also speaks…” button, which allows them to select what language they’d like to be taught in. So, if you can speak more than one language, you’ll be able to cater to an even greater audience.

If you’ve never done virtual teaching before, you can enter a “demo room” and familiarize yourself with the virtual classroom so you can ease into it!

17. MyTutor

MyTutor - UK-based tutoring website

This UK website gives young adults the opportunity to earn between £20 ($23.10) and £51 ($59.00) an hour, depending on the subjects and their experience. As they put it on their website, “ MyTutor pays more than your average uni job — and it doesn’t involve mopping up beer.” Sounds pretty good, no?

If you’d like to tutor students on this website, you need to be either enrolled in (or a recent graduate of) one of 60 UK universities and eligible to work in the UK.

To help you quickly get started, MyTutor provides training and resources for new joiners and pays their tutors every two weeks.

18. Teach Me 2

Teachme2 - website for tutors

Teach Me 2 connects students with tutors for virtual one-on-one sessions. Their services include school and university tutoring, as well as foreign language teaching .

If earning money while motivating students and answering questions sounds rewarding, you should consider applying. As the Teach Me 2 website states, their aim is to help children “get their confidence back” — which plays a highly important role in their mental wellbeing — by improving their academic performance .

Though Teach Me 2 offers their services to students in any country, tutors must reside in the USA, UK, or South Africa.

Skooli - website that pays you to tutor students

Skooli is a tutoring website that caters to students of all ages, from elementary school through to high school and college.

There are two ways to go about providing your services on Skooli: you can either schedule lessons in advance or accept requests for last-minute sessions. Whether you prefer to plan ahead, work on an as-needed basis , or leverage a combination of these two approaches is entirely up to you. Lessons can be as short as 15 minutes if a student is just popping in to get help with one particular problem they need to solve.

The requirements for signing up are pretty straightforward: you need to have a clear criminal record and to have graduated from an accredited university.

Spires tutoring website

Spires provides assistance to students of any age, from primary schoolers to college students and beyond. The hourly rate for elementary and secondary education help starts at $25 , while for undergrad and graduate level it starts at $35. There is also a service for tutoring professionals, for example to earn their chartered qualifications, that can pay over $50 an hour .

If you can teach a topic at any of these levels, whether that’s one of the arts , humanities, or sciences, you can easily apply to become a tutor through the Spires website.

Final thoughts

This is just a selection of the best websites that pay you to help students do their homework. A quick Google search will come up with many more, and remember there are other ways you can make an extra income, including  Swagbucks  and  Survey Junkie , where you get paid to answer surveys, fun trivia questions and daily polls.

Whichever websites you choose to boost your income, make sure you do your research (particularly when it comes to payment methods and frequency, overall brand reputation, and specific terms and conditions).

Have you found another website that pays to do others’ homework? Let us know in the comments!

Originally published 2 December 2015. Updated by Electra Michaelidou.

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What is Chegg and how much does it cost?

Published on March 26, 2024

chegg egg

When students struggle with a particular subject, Chegg has become a favorite resource to use, but not always for the right reasons. Whether you’re working with a tricky math problem or test prep question , Chegg’s 24/7 tutors are like having a personal genie in your pocket (except instead of granting three wishes, it answers endless homework questions). Because Chegg enables people to outsource their schoolwork to others, some universities have explicitly forbidden students from using it. Here’s everything you need to know about how Chegg works, what subjects it covers, and how much it costs.


Chegg is an online platform that provides homework help, digital and physical textbook rentals, online tutoring, and other student services starting at $14.95 per month.

What is Chegg?

Chegg Logo

Chegg is an American edu-tech company that provides various student services, including online textbook rental, homework help, tutoring, scholarships, and internships. The company was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Students can use Chegg to rent physical textbooks, access e-textbooks, receive assistance with their homework, and connect with tutors for live online help.

The name Chegg comes from a combination of the words  chicken  and  egg , which the founders say is about the Catch-22 feeling of being unable to obtain a job without experience while being unable to acquire experience without a job. Unfortunately, Chegg doesn’t exactly give students the experience necessary to get a job. Still, its stated goal is to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn more in less time and at a lower cost.

The elephant in the room regarding Chegg is the controversy surrounding its methods. There are several recorded cases of students using the website to ask for and find the answers to questions on their worksheets, exams, or assignments. It’s as easy as Chegg subscribers uploading their assignments and receiving solutions within two hours from a willing “Chegg Expert.” As you can imagine, not every student gets away with it. That’s because it’s relatively easy for teachers to catch students that copy those answers verbatim, and Chegg cooperates with universities investigating cases of academic misconduct. Yet, it’s a risk some are still willing to take.

During my time as a student at the University of British Columbia, two students from the Chemistry department were caught cheating using Chegg for several final exam questions, resulting in them receiving a zero and failing the course. The kicker was that the answers to the questions were wrong. The lesson here is that the risk of cheating isn’t worth it. Additionally, college/university materials are copywritten, so you could still get in trouble for uploading assignments even if you don’t receive an answer.

How does Chegg work?

Chegg provides students with various academic services through its website and mobile app. It operates on a subscription-based model, which provides the following services around the clock:

  • Textbook rental: Students can rent physical textbooks or access e-textbooks for a fraction of the list price.
  • Homework help: Students can ask questions, receive step-by-step solutions from tutors, and access many study tools.
  • Tutoring: Live, online tutoring for various subjects, where students can connect with a tutor for one-on-one help.
  • Scholarships and internships: A search engine that allows students to search for and apply for scholarships or internships.

Once signed up, you’ll have access to a personalized Chegg dashboard. From there, you can add the courses you’re currently taking and the textbooks you’re using. On the left, you can access study tools such as asking a homework question, using practice tests and flashcards, getting help proofreading essays, and creating citations.

chegg dashboard

The most popular Chegg service is the Expert Q&A feature. As Chegg puts it, you can “take a pic of your homework question and get an expert explanation” in a matter of hours. However, there usually isn’t any explanation provided with the answer unless you ask for it. Instead of a tutor helping you through the question, this method simply gives you a solution that may or may not be correct.

Chegg also offers a service to buy and rent textbooks. A Chegg subscription provides you with access to over 400,000 titles, and the ability to rent digital textbooks starting at $6.99. Shipping on physical books is free over $50, and you can sell your used textbooks to the company with free shipping.

What subjects does Chegg cover?

Chegg offers course help in a variety of academic subjects. Here’s a complete breakdown:

  • Biochemistry
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Cell Biology
  • General Biology
  • Operations Management


  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Advanced Math
  • Trigonometry
  • Precalculus

How much does Chegg cost?

The cost of Chegg varies depending on the services you use. They offer a 7-day free trial, after which a subscription starts at $14.95 per month. Physical textbook rental typically costs a fraction of the list price, while e-textbook access and tutoring services may have variable pricing.

The basic $14.95 subscription includes a 21-day purchased book return, up to a 90% discount on textbooks, one-month free access to Chegg Study Pack, and the ability to post 20 questions per month to Q&A experts.

The Chegg Study Pack costs $19.95 per month and includes the basic services above, but with unlimited homework questions, plus instructor-made materials, practice sets, and a plagiarism checker.

You can additionally get the Chegg Writing service for $9.95 per month, which includes access to EasyBib, Plagiarism Checker, and Grammar Checker. There’s also the Chegg Math Solver for $9.95 per month, which offers step-by-step solutions to math problems.

No, Chegg offers the same rate for all students, as you might expect. However, the company sometimes offers promotional discounts or bundles with other services, such as DoorDash. It’s best to check the website or contact the company directly for the most up-to-date offers.

Chegg used to fully cooperate with schools conducting investigations into academic dishonesty, sharing information such as usernames, emails, or IP addresse. In August 2022, the company changed its “honor code policy” to limit the information it provides to universities and colleges. The company says that this change was to protect student privacy.

Chegg Study is a tool offered by Chegg that provides access to millions of step-by-step textbook solutions and tutor Q&A. It’s designed to help students with their homework and coursework. With Chegg Study, students can search for answers to specific textbook questions or browse through a library of study materials. The service covers a wide range of academic subjects and is available 24/7. Chegg Study is available as part of a monthly subscription or as a standalone service.

Using Chegg can be considered cheating if you’re found copying other people’s answers without doing the work yourself.

While the company explicitly prohibits academic dishonesty, a study published in 2020 found that Chegg answers student questions even though questions had clear cues to indicate that the student was trying to buy answers for the assessed activity. The questions were neither identified nor flagged as violations of academic integrity anywhere in the process.

It’s always best to use educational resources to help you understand material rather than use a service to cheat on assignments or exams. The answers provided by Chegg may not always be correct, and the consequences of getting caught are severe. It may result in failing a course, suspension, or even expulsion from school. Ultimately, if you can’t reproduce results on your own, you haven’t learned anything.

A Spike in Cheating Since the Move to Remote?

By  Elizabeth Redden

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homework in chegg

The number of questions asked and answered on the “homework help” website Chegg has skyrocketed since classes migrated online due to the pandemic, an increase that authors of a new study published in the International Journal for Educational Integrity link to a likely increase in cheating.

Chegg, which has an honor code prohibiting cheating and which promotes itself as a site where students can get help on their homework, allows users to post a question to the site and receive an answer from a Chegg-identified expert “in as little as 30 minutes.” (The site’s posted average response time is 46 minutes.) The authors of the new study found that the number of questions posted on the site in five different science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines increased by 196.25 percent in April to August of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.

“Given the number of exam style questions, it appears highly likely that students are using this site as an easy way to breach academic integrity by obtaining outside help,” the authors write in the article titled “Contract cheating by STEM students through a file sharing website: a COVID-19 pandemic perspective.”

“From my experience as somebody who has set exams, marked exams, read exams, seen too many exams, these things look like exam questions,” said Thomas Lancaster, the lead author of the study and senior teaching fellow in computing at Imperial College London, where he researches issues related to academic integrity and contract cheating. “From the point of view of Chegg, they are not promoting themselves as a service designed to help students to cheat, but they do offer a facility where you can get your answers completed quickly by a tutor, and the answers are delivered within the short time frame which matches an exam.”

“At the same time, these questions have started to increase in volume with the timing being exactly alongside the move to online teaching, the move to online exams and assessments, often in a completely unsupervised environment,” Lancaster continued. “It would seem to be quite a heavy coincidence if this was just purely a lot more students wanting to get assistance for unassessed work. I does seem to me like there are people using Chegg to cheat.”

Candace Sue, Chegg’s director of academic relations, said in a written statement that the authors “mistakenly imply -- without any evidence -- that increased usage of Chegg has [sic] correlates to an increase in cheating. With millions of students going online in a matter of months, students have lost valuable on-campus and faculty support services, and stress and anxiety is high. Chegg provides much needed learning support to these students, especially during the pandemic.”

“Chegg is a learning platform used by millions of students around the world to study, and we are deeply committed to academic integrity,” Sue said. “Students need help and the overwhelming majority of Chegg users are hard-working and honest, and they use our platform to supplement their learning. We take extremely seriously any attempts to cheat by those who abuse our offerings, and we invest heavily to prevent misuse of our learning platform.”

The company recently unveiled a new program, Honor Shield , which allows faculty to submit exam questions to the site in advance so they can be blocked during designated exam periods. "Further," Sue wrote, "we cooperate with every official academic Honor Code investigation and respond to every copyright takedown request as soon as possible. We remain 100% committed to addressing this challenge."

The new study examining usage of Chegg by STEM students comes amid rising concern about the potential for increased cheating as classes have moved online en masse and amid debate about the appropriateness of using remote proctoring technology . Proponents of remote proctoring software argue that the migration of courses online provides new opportunities and motivations for students to cheat, while opponents argue for the need to protect student privacy and not to contribute to their anxiety by adopting a surveillance approach.

The study also follows a recent article in Forbes about Chegg titled "This $12 Billion Company Is Getting Rich Off Students Cheating Their Way Through Covid." Forbes interviewed 52 students who used Chegg's study service. Not including the six students supplied by Chegg, all but four of the others said they use Chegg to cheat.

Camilla J. Roberts, president of the International Center for Academic Integrity, said there are increasing concerns in her field about Chegg and other sites like it.

“Thomas Lancaster is definitely known for his research in contract cheating,” said Roberts, who is also director of the Honor and Integrity System at Kansas State University. “If it’s a study by him, I know it’s going to be reputable, I know it’s going to be solid research. From what I’ve seen personally and through colleagues through the International Center for Academic Integrity, we have also seen an increase in our number of violations since the pandemic started. He [Lancaster] talks directly about Chegg, but there are definitely many sites like that and many different companies.”

The International Center for Academic Integrity issued a statement in October discussing the problem and raising concerns about students turning "to online companies advertising to 'help' a student, when in fact, they undermine teaching and learning." The statement, which does not name Chegg or any other specific companies, further faults the "so-called 'tutoring' or 'helping' websites" for "creating hurdles for educational administrators and instructors who are trying to get information about the posts and/or remove posts of copyrighted materials."

Gary Pavela, an expert on academic integrity and co-founder of the Integrity Seminars, said the sites do “seem too well-designed to in a way … facilitate academic dishonesty, whether intentional or otherwise.”

Pavela emphasized a need for professors to tell students they are aware of and monitoring sites like Chegg.

"If students believe everyone is doing it, we’ve lost the battle," Pavela said. "They need to know that everyone is not doing it and many of their peers disapprove. Don't give up on honor codes. That's still relevant and perhaps more relevant than ever."

"We do need to improve the awareness of professors that there are sites like Chegg out there," said Lancaster. "It is far from the only one, but it's the one we based this particular study on because we can see the numbers, whereas some sites operate entirely behind closed doors so we have no idea who a student is communicating with when they're meant to be doing work on their own. We need to get rid of the view that I've heard communicated by professors that these sites either don't really exist, their students would never cheat, or that these students are only cheating themselves. Ultimately, yes, they are cheating themselves if they get to a position where they can't continue with their course because they just lack the core foundational learning that they need, but beyond that they're cheating and being completely unfair to all the other students who are doing their own work."

The challenges around cheating using Chegg and similar websites also came up Thursday during a conference on an unrelated topic organized by the American Physical Society. Robert Birgeneau, a physicist and former chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, described an incident last semester in which a student in a 600-person undergraduate physics class he was co-teaching posted a midterm exam on Chegg less than five minutes into the test -- "so a half an hour later the answers to all the problems were available on Chegg."

"We went through an elaborate process to deal with this, first of all discovering who the students were who were cheating, but then secondly threatening to sue Chegg, because they stole our intellectual property by posting the exam," Birgeneau said. "Then Chegg agreed to cooperate with us, so we then sent them two days in advance of our next exam the exams themselves and then they blocked all attempts. Then it turned out one of our students told us, however, there's another website in India."

For the final exam, Birgeneau said he and his co-professor "put together an elaborate honor statement, and you were not allowed to take the exam without having signed the honor statement, which had a lot of things that you were committing yourself to. The students understood if they violated that they would probably get thrown out of the university, because it was such a strongly worded one. That was completely successful, actually."

Douglas Harrison, vice president and dean of the school of cybersecurity and information technology at the University of Maryland Global Campus, an online institution, said the spike in Chegg usership uncovered by Lancaster was concerning. But he said "one big unanswered question is how does that spike compare to the overall number of students whose learning moved online" after the pandemic started?

"If as the article argues, most of this spike in question submission at Chegg was cheating activity, it also tracks with what we know about the primary psychological drivers of cheating, and those are mainly stress, pressure and anxiety," Harrison said. "That period of time that the article’s covering tracks with the earliest stages of the mad dash to move to remote teaching, and it was immensely disorienting and destabilizing. It’s certainly no excuse for cheating, but it's important context."

He added that the context is important because "one of the trends of the last year’s move to remote teaching has been a coterminous condemnation of cheating online as a condemnation that online education is inherently inferior or more susceptible to compromise, and there’s evidence out there that’s not the case. I just think it's important that that spike not be automatically equated with an assumption of some kind of failure of online learning."

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Is there a Chegg free trial? Here’s what you need to know

It doesn’t matter where you are in your educational journey or career, sometimes, as a student, you need all the help you can get. There are no guarantees those resources will be available from parents to siblings or even friends. So where do you go? An online tutoring and textbook rental service, like Chegg, is an invaluable resource for students. Launched in 2005, Chegg has so much to offer we couldn’t possibly list it all here. Students will find help with homework, preparation for exams, professional proofreading, in-depth subject analysis, writing assistance, and more. Chegg is one of the best tutoring apps and e-book rental services , but you’ll have to pay for it — and with subscription pricing starting at $16 per month, it’s only natural that you might want to give it a spin before you fork over any cash (and we know as well as anybody that money can be tight when you’re a student). If you’re looking around to see if there’s a Chegg free trial or another way you can get it without paying, read on.

Is there a Chegg free trial?

Can you get chegg for free, are there any chegg deals.

Chegg offers trials and discounts from time to time, but there is currently no regular Chegg free trial, even for new subscribers. However, you can create an account and poke around the Chegg user dashboard for free. After signing up with your email and creating a password, back out of the payment screen and you’ll be brought to the Chegg user interface. You can look around and get a feel for things without having to pay anything, but of course, you won’t have access to any of Chegg’s premium features until you actually activate your paid subscription. Still, this is a good way to get a better look at how Chegg works, even if it doesn’t quite count as a full Chegg free trial.

Just as there’s no free Chegg trial, there’s no obvious way to get Chegg for free. If you want to avail yourself of Chegg’s services, you’ll have to fork over $15 per month for the Chegg Study plan, which gets you access to homework help. In order to get more advanced quiz and exam prep assistance, math help, and writing help, you’ll need to upgrade to the $20/month Chegg Study Pack subscription. There’s a third subscription, the Chegg Writing service, for $10 per month, and that’s billed individually even if you have the other services.

We’d be remiss if we didn’t at least mention the Microsoft Word free trial , and if you’re a student, you might even be able to get Microsoft Office for free . That could be a consolation prize since you can’t get Chegg for free, so if you were expecting to have to pay for Microsoft Office anyway, it’s possible that you could take advantage of the Office Education offer and then spend that subscription money on Chegg instead.

Parents and guardians of younger students might be interested in the Abcmouse free trial , as well. It’s an excellent educational and online learning resource with games, activities, and more.

As mentioned above, Chegg does sometimes offer discounts, but they’re irregular and not widely advertised. You generally need to sign up to see if there are any Chegg deals on offer at any given time. During the sign-up process, after you make your account but before you pay, you may be presented with a discount, although, as of now, we’re not aware of any Chegg deals on offer. There’s also no annual subscription, only the simple month-to-month payment plans, so there’s unfortunately no way to save by paying yearly, either. Chegg is still a good way to get cheap textbooks online , though, and the savings there might be worth it. We don’t have to tell you how pricey textbooks can be.

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Before we get to the 2024 Summer Olympics in July, the athletes must qualify in their respective events. Qualifying is done differently across different sports, and many have already booked their spots in Paris, but for others, the most important competition of their lives is about to begin.

In the United States, Olympic qualifying for four major sports are all on the horizon:

Looking to become just the second MLS team in history to win the CONCACAF Champions Cup, the Columbus Crew make a bid at immortality when they take on Liga MX side Pachuca in the 2024 final tonight at Estadio Hidalgo.

Pachuca vs Columbus is about to start, at 9:15 p.m. ET/6:15 p.m. PT, and in the U.S. it will be televised on Fox Sports 1 (English) and TUDN (Spanish). Unlike MLS games, where you need MLS Season Pass to watch, there are a handful of different ways you can watch a live stream of Pachuca vs Columbus. Watch the Pachuca vs Columbus Live Stream on Sling TV

Walmart is often a great place for monitor deals, and its particular strength today lies in gaming monitors. Right now, you can buy the MSI 31.5-inch curved gaming monitor for $179 instead of $249. Working out as $70 in savings, the MSI 31.5-inch curved gaming monitor is perfect if you want a more immersive experience while you play without worrying about spending too much. If you’re keen to learn more, read on while we take you through everything. From there, you can tap the buy button to make a purchase before the price increases again.

Why you should buy the MSI 31.5-inch curved gaming monitor MSI is responsible for some of the best monitors for gaming with the company often knowing what players crave most. With the MSI 31.5-inch curved gaming monitor, you get all the essentials you need. The screen offers a full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 so it looks super sharp. It’s assisted by AMD FreeSync technology, a refresh rate of 165Hz and response time of 1ms. Combined, that means that the MSI 31.5-inch curved gaming monitor will be silky smooth even when you’re playing fast-moving games which might ordinarily cause motion blur issues. A low response time also means no worries when it comes to reacting appropriately to what unfolds. Miss a key touch? That’s a skill issue rather than the monitor letting you down!

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  1. Get Homework Help with Chegg Study

    1.^ Chegg survey fielded between Sept. 24-Oct 12, 2023 among a random sample of U.S. customers who used Chegg Study or Chegg Study Pack in Q2 2023 and Q3 2023. Respondent base (n=611) among approximately 837K invites. Individual results may vary. Survey respondents were entered into a drawing to win 1 of 10 $300 e-gift cards.

  2. Chegg

    We trained Chegg's AI tool using our own step by step homework solutions-you're not just getting an answer, you're learning how to solve the problem. ... 1.^ Chegg survey fielded between Sept. 24 - Oct. 12, 2023 among U.S. customers who used Chegg Study or Chegg Study Pack in Q2 2023 and Q3 2023. Respondent base (n=611) among ...

  3. Chegg Study Questions and Answers

    At Chegg we understand how frustrating it can be when you're stuck on homework questions, and we're here to help. Our extensive question and answer board features hundreds of experts waiting to provide answers to your questions, no matter what the subject. You can ask any study question and get expert answers in as little as two hours.

  4. Chegg Study

    Used by millions of students, the Chegg Study app is the homework helper which offers school help and. personalized support for each of your courses—from homework to exam prep, study your courses inside-out and learn your own way. Tap into our huge library of millions of fully explained, step-by-step solutions, and flashcards for subjects ...

  5. What is Chegg? Our Complete Review • College Guidepost

    Based in Santa Clara, California, Chegg is a disruptive education technology company that offers textbook rentals (digital and physical), textbooks, and a plethora of online student services. Chegg's student services include online tutoring, online homework assistance, and scholarship and internship search engines.

  6. Chegg Study: Reviews, How It Works & What It Costs

    How Chegg Study works. Chegg Study is comprised of two core services: Textbook Solutions and Expert Q&A.. With Textbook Solutions, you can search for your book by title or ISBN, then browse by chapter and problem number to get step-by-step homework answers.More than 21 million solutions are available for more than 9,000 books. Guided video walkthroughs and additional practice sets are provided ...

  7. ‎Chegg Study

    Get ready for exam season with the Chegg Study® app. Used by millions of students, the Chegg Study app is the homework helper which offers school help and personalized support for each of your courses—from homework to exam prep, study your courses inside-out and learn your own way. Tap into our huge library of millions of fully explained ...

  8. Chegg

    Chegg, Inc., is an American education technology company based in Santa Clara, California.It provides homework help, digital and physical textbook rentals, textbooks, online tutoring, and other student services. The company was launched in 2006, and began trading publicly on the New York Stock Exchange in November 2013. As of March 2020, the company reported having 2.9 million subscribers to ...

  9. In-Depth Chegg Review For 2023

    June 10, 2023October 29, 2022. Chegg is an online education platform based in California. Two businessmen, Osman Rashid and Aayush Phumbhra, founded the company. The initial goal was to rent, buy, and sell textbooks, but the platform expanded by offering tutoring, scholarships, and homework solutions. Today, Chegg is well-known for providing ...

  10. What is Chegg: A Comprehensive Guide to the Online Learning ...

    Chegg is an American education technology company that provides various student services, including online textbook rental, homework help, tutoring, scholarships, and internships. The company was launched in 2006 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Chegg's mission is to help students save time, save money, and get smarter.

  11. Textbook Solutions with Expert Answers

    Yes! Textbook solutions are available on Quizlet Plus for $7.99/mo., while Chegg's homework help is advertised to start at $15.95/mo. Quizlet Plus helps you get better grades in less time with smart and efficient premium study modes, access to millions of textbook solutions, and an ad-free experience.

  12. Chegg Review

    Chegg Study is a subscription service that gives you access to homework help. Specifically, you can look up the answers to questions found in textbooks, which Chegg keeps as a database.

  13. Homework Help

    2. ^ Chegg survey fielded between April 23-April 25, 2021 among customers who used Chegg Study and Chegg Study Pack in Q1 2020 and Q2 2021. Respondent base (n=745) among approximately 144,000 invites. Individual results may vary. Survey respondents (up to 500,000 respondents total) were entered into a drawing to win 1 of 10 $500 e-gift cards.

  14. 20 Chegg Alternatives: Get Paid for Doing Homework

    1. OneClass. OneClass doesn't just pay you to do people's homework with its Homework Help solution, but the company also pays you to share your study notes with other university students taking the same courses as you. In other words, you get paid to go to class and do homework, too! OneClass's system is credit-based.

  15. Homeworkify.st » Get Free Q&A Answers 2022

    Homeworkify, a non-profit organization. The goal of Homeworkify is to provide free and unrestricted access to all knowledge. The Homeworkify project is legal, as there is no law prevents the knowledge & access to information is a human right. In our view the current operation of Academic Help & Tutoring services is massive violation of human ...

  16. Chegg Expert Login

    Join Chegg expert platform and get paid to help students with homework, questions, and exams. Sign in with your email and password.

  17. Unblur Chegg With Homeworkify: Other Free Alternatives

    Many students turn to platforms like Chegg for homework help and to access expert explanations. However, Chegg charges for its services and blurs answers for non-paying users. This is where Homeworkify comes in. Homeworkify aims to provide students with free Chegg answers and homework explanations without requiring a paid subscription.

  18. My account

    Access your Chegg account to manage subscriptions, rent textbooks, and receive exclusive student perks.

  19. Study pack

    Learn anything, anytime. From core classes to tough upper levels, Chegg Study Pack has tools to help you crush the class. Get a better understanding of complex problems, so you can finish homework faster and get better grades. Watch the video (1 min)

  20. What is Chegg and how much does it cost?

    QUICK ANSWER. Chegg is an online platform that provides homework help, digital and physical textbook rentals, online tutoring, and other student services starting at $14.95 per month.

  21. Study finds nearly 200 percent jump in questions submitted to Chegg

    Chegg, which has an honor code prohibiting cheating and which promotes itself as a site where students can get help on their homework, allows users to post a question to the site and receive an answer from a Chegg-identified expert "in as little as 30 minutes." (The site's posted average response time is 46 minutes.) The authors of the ...

  22. Chegg Free Trial: Can You Get Textbooks for Free?

    Launched in 2005, Chegg has so much to offer we couldn't possibly list it all here. Students will find help with homework, preparation for exams, professional proofreading, in-depth subject ...

  23. Mathway

    Free math problem solver answers your algebra homework questions with step-by-step explanations. Mathway. Visit Mathway on the web. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Download free on Amazon. Download free in Windows Store. Take a photo of your math problem on the app. get Go. Algebra. Basic Math.