• WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

October 3, 2023 Victoria Jackson English , WAEC Past Questions 0

English Past Question 2021

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers – WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers serve as invaluable tools for students preparing for the West African Examination Counc i l (WAEC) English exam. This comprehensive collection follows a structured pattern to help candidates hone their essay-writing skills and excel in the English language test. The pattern typically includes a diverse range of essay topics, comprehension passages, and tasks like letter and speech writing, all closely aligned with the WAEC syllabus. What makes these materials especially useful is the detailed answers provided, which not only offer correct responses but also expla i n the reasoning and writing techniques behind them. This facilitates a deeper understanding of essay construction, grammar, vocabulary usage, and overall exam requirements. By studying and practicing with these past questions and answers, students can gain confidence, refine their writing abilities, and boost their chances of achieving outstanding results in the WAEC English exam.

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Why you need WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

1. It enlightens you on the scope of the exam.

2. You won’t be in the dark about quest i ons to expect in the examination.

3. You won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself.

4. In like manner, you won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.

5. It equips you beforehand.

6. it guides you on how to answer exam technical questions.

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers Pattern

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers follow a structured pattern to aid students in their exam preparation. These materials encompass various essay top i cs, comprehension passages, and letter or speech writing tasks in line with the WAEC syllabus. The pattern includes questions that assess grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to construct well-organized essays. Answers often provide model responses, highlighting key points and appropriate writing styles. This pattern aids students in understanding the expected format and content for essay questions. By practicing with these past questions, candidates can improve their writing skills and effect i vely prepare for the WAEC English exam, increasing their chances of success. WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Sample of WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase that best fills the gap(s).

Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the… (A) break out(B) break up (C)break-in (D) break into

After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before the sentence was passed (A) begged for mercy (B)made a plea for mitigation (C) made an ovation (D) made a plea for litigation

The officer was compelled to… the suspect’s car. (A)seize (B) cease (C) size (D) disease

If you are going to the market, may I… please? (A) follow you (B)come with you (C) come by you (D) come as your second

Ans: B WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Thank you for the party, we … (A) enjoyed ourselves (B)enjoyed (C) enjoyed very much (D) enjoyed too much.

The complete WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers with accurate answers is N2,000.

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7 Tips to Prepare for WAEC English Exams

  • Don’t make reading your hobby:  A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be a top priority and not a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  • Get Exams Preparation Materials:  These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastery of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  • Attend Extramural Classes:  Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will help you refresh your memory and boost your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  • Sleep when you feel like:  When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  • Make sure you are healthy:  Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
  • Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, and to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you enhance retention.
  • Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire lives on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you score as high as possible. .

We wish you good luck!

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  • WAEC English Essay

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150+ WAEC English Essay Past Questions (PDF)

waec and wassce past essay questions

Discover both the oldest and the latest WAEC English essay past questions in this mega list.

Old WAEC English essay past questions from “ancient” times like 1997 or 2002 are no longer relevant. Right?

Sometimes too, all the WAEC examiners do is to slightly modify the wording of the same English Language essay past question. Then they present it to you as if it were completely new.

What Smart Students/Teachers Do With Past Questions

In another post on this site, I share with you the secrets behind how the guys at WAEC set their essay questions.

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Would you prefer to download this document for future use? I think you should. You can start downloading the PDF version of the WAEC past essay questions by clicking here.


Top 10 Features of A High-Grade Essay


2.   Armed robbery has become rampant in your locality. Write a letter to your Member of Parliament giving at least three reasons for this state of affairs and suggesting ways of solving the problem.

5.   Describe a political rally you recently attended.


2.  Examination malpractice has become rampant in schools in your country. Write a letter to the Minister of Education discussing at least three causes of this problem and suggesting ways of solving it.

5.  As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate, write your contribution for or against the motion: ”Money and possessions do not necessarily bring happiness.’

    NOVEMBER 1999

 2.  Your school is celebrating its speech and Prize Giving Day. As the school prefect, you have been asked to give a speech on the topic: The achievements of my school in the last academic year. Write your speech.

  5.  You have been asked to give a talk to a group of foreign tourists on the role of traditional healers in your area. Write out your speech.


3. As the principal speaker at an inter-school debate, write your contribution for  or against  the motion: we do not need the extended family in a changing Ghanaian society.


November 2002, november 2003, november 2004.

3. As Senior Prefect of your school, write a speech to be delivered at a youth forum on the prevention of drug abuse among students.


1. You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: Discipline is the key to good academic performance.  Write your speech for  or against  the motion.

4. There has been an increase in motor accidents recently. Write to the Chairman of the National Road Safety Committee stating the causes and suggesting measures to prevent these accidents.


2. You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: traditional rulers have no place in a modern democratic nation. Write your speech for  or against  the motion.

5. Two of your brothers had a bitter quarrel just before you left home for the boarding school. Write a letter to your father pointing out where both were at fault and requesting him to intervene.

3. In recent times there have been protests over poor conditions of service for workers. Write a letter to the minister of employment identifying three areas where you think the government should make efforts to bring more prosperity to workers.


2. The members of the old students association of your school have expressed the desire to offer assistance to the school. As senior prefect, write a letter to its president identifying three areas where the school needs immediate help.

5. You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion: inter-school sports and games promote friendship and unity among students . Write your speech for or against the motion.


3. Write a letter to your friend who is coming to live in your area informing him about the advantages of living there and the risks he is likely to encounter.


1.     As the sports prefect of your school, write a letter to the Chairman of your school’s board of Governors, giving at least three  reasons why you think games and sports should be given more encouragement in schools.

4.    Various concerns have been raised about the security situation in your area. As a concerned citizen, write an article for publication in one of your national newspapers expressing your views on the matter


May/june 2012.

    Tourism can be of great benefit to the country and should be encourage by the government.

4 . Write a story that ends with the words:

     The role of the youth in a rapidly changing society. As a speaker, Write your speech.


3. Write a story that illustrates the saying: One good turn deserves another.

May/June 2013

1. Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The menace of hawking on the street and how to deal with it.

4. Write a story to illustrate the saying: The lazy man goes to bed hungry.

S.C./G.C.E. JUNE 1993

S.c./g.c.e. june 1994, s.c./g.c.e. november  1995, s.c./g.c.e. november 1996, s.c./g.c.e. june 1997, s.c./g.c.e. june 1998, bonus: cegast academy wassce mock exam questions.

expository essay waec

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Cegast Academy is dedicated to empowering students, teachers, and parents with top-notch educational resources and publishing services. The centre boasts of a rich experience in English and Literature tutoring with a proven track record. Since 2001, Cegast Academy has successfully coached thousands of High School General Arts WASSCE candidates in English, Literature, and related subjects. With a combination of expertise and a passion for lifelong learning, the platform guides learners from diverse backgrounds to achieve their educational and career goals.


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How To Write A Good Essay In WAEC and NECO

To be able to write a good essay in WAEC and NECO examinations is something that pleases the mind of the marker or an examiner. One wonders why writing a good essay can be so frustrating to some candidates. But it doesn’t have to be. If you know the steps and understand what to do, writing can be easy and even very interesting.

This is a must read  post that will provide you the simplified steps to take that will teach students how to write a good essay and come out in flying colour in your WAEC and NECO.

A good essay therefore is a complete work that has the following features be it argumentative, narrative or expository or descriptive:

  • Good introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • Good and simplified diction or chosen language
  • Mechanical accuracy
  • A good conclusion
  • Introduction : Having a good introduction to an essay or letter writing is key to passing English language in your WAEC and NECO. You don’t jump into writing any topic without giving the examiner the insight or central idea of what you are writing on. It shows a focal point and directs the marker or the examiner’s mind towards a good end.
  • Body of the Essay : This tells the story or describes or argue in details events that happened with good diction or language otherwise referred to as good grammatical structures in sequence, that is, one good point linking the other.
  • Good and simplified diction : Otherwise referred to as simple and carefully selected words to build up your topic essay. In this wise, a candidate should avoid bombastic words; that is the use of big words that may complicate issues or defeat the whole write up. Employ good English in your explanation and avoid too long sentences to drive home your points or argument.
  • Mechanical Accuracy : Develop the idea invariably. The problem is that most students shift topics and lose focus within their paragraphs because they do not know how to adequately develop their ideas. They usually know the paragraph needs to be longer, but they don’t know how to expand their idea to fill that length. Indeed a paragraph should be at least half a page long. Good punctuations like coma, semi colon, invited comas, exclamation mark and full stops should be applied appropriately.
  • Conclusion : A good conclusion of any good essay should have an overview of the entire topic, elements of logicality, carefully selected words, brilliant technicalities and a brilliant end.

For instance, write an essay on the topic Night Rain you experienced, sometime ago, its damage and how you were able to salvage the situation.

A topic like this should take a good introduction which should show an unforgettable experience, date and time of such event.

The body of the essay should describe in detail how it all happened that faithful night, the psychological effect it had on you battling with the night rain. The narration should be simple, have good diction and of course laden with emotion and good English. For instance, I summoned up courage as a man to salvage the situation by ensuring that the flood that entered the house did not spread to other rooms. The paragraphs should be sequentially arranged with good English and a moderate length.

In addition, a good essay should have good punctuations with correct spellings. Above all, avoid too long sentences that will throw you off balance. Avoid repetition and remain accurate in your explanation.

A good conclusion of the topic for instance should have an overview of the entire essay with logicality and brilliant end. For instance, the Night Rain which occurred on that fateful date was an unforgettable experience in my life even if I become the President of Nigeria.

I tell you, nobody will begin to count the number of words you wrote with good introduction, good body of the essay, mechanical accuracy and a brilliant conclusion. The marker will joyfully read your work and give you a better mark that will make you to pass your English language in WAEC AND NECO without tears.

I URGEE YOU TO PLEASE Read how to pass English in WAEC and NECO. GOOD LUCK.

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(Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on How to Write a High-Scoring Essay in Your WAEC English Exam )

1. Why is it Important to Score High in Essay Writing in the WASSCE English Ex am?

expository essay waec

Essay writing carries the highest marks in the WASSCE English exam. In the essay writing section, you’re given four or five topics and you’re required to write on only one of them; yet that single essay writing question carries 50 marks. This implies that if you can write a good essay you’ll score maximum marks in this section, and this will enhance your overall performance in the entire English exam. This is the focus of this article – to show you how exactly you can write a high-scoring essay that will boost your overall performance in the exam.

2. Types of Writing to  Expect in the Essay Writing Section

expository essay waec

In the essay writing section of the WAEC English exam, questions are usually set on the following various topics:

1. Letter Writing

2. Article Writing

3. General Essays

4. Speech Writing

5. Report Writing

6. Story Writing

From these various types of writing, 5 questions are set, and you’re required to pick just one question and write on it in about 450 words. This one question carries 50 marks, and your score will depend on how well you perform in the following areas of assessme nt: 1. Content = 10 marks 2. Organization =10 marks 3. Expression = 20 marks 4. Mechanical Accuracy =10 marks.

The following past WAEC English essay questions exemplify the types of essay questions that frequently occur in this theory section of the exam:

expository essay waec


1. Your brother who is in the third year in another school has written to confide in you that he is about to stop schooling and go into business. Write a letter to him advising him against the decision.

2. Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The Importance of Promoting Good Reading Habits in Students.

3. As the Senior Prefect of your school, write a letter to the Principal pointing out at least two practices among students that should be discouraged and two habits that should be promoted among teachers.

4. A new Principal has been posted to your school. Write a speech you will deliver at the welcome party organized for him informing him about some of the problems faced by students.

5. Write a story that ends with the statement: I had never felt so embarrassed in my life.

In the above June 2020 WASSCE English essay questions, you can see two questions on letter writing, one question each on article writing, speech writing, and story writing respectively. From these five questions, you are expected to pick only one and write on it. Let’s assume that you finally pick a question on letter writing. How are you going to write a high-scoring letter in this exam?

Here are 15 Top Tips on How to Write a High-Scoring Letter :

1. Identify the Type of Letter you’re asked to write. Find out whether it is a formal letter, a semi-formal letter, or an informal letter. This is because each type of letter has a different way of writing it in terms of address, salutation, topic, language and tone, and so forth. For example, a formal letter requires two addresses and a title or topic, whereas an informal letter requires only one address and doesn’t need a title.

How exactly do you identify the type of letter you have been asked to write? The first thing to consider is the question “who am I going to write the letter to?” In question 1 of the June 2020 WASSCE Essay Section mentioned above, you are asked to write a letter to “your brother who is the third year in another school.” This is an informal letter because the person you are going to write to is someone who shares a personal relationship with you. Once it’s a personal letter, it’s an informal letter. In the other letter in question 3 above, you are to write a letter to “the Principal” of your school. This is a formal letter because the person you are going to write to occupies an official position. Once it’s an official letter, it’s a formal letter. Right?

2. Find out the Purpose of the Letter. This is important for two reasons. One, the purpose of the letter helps you to identify the type of letter you are going to write. Two, it helps you to know the exact content of your letter. Let’s take another look at the letter in question 1: Your brother who is in the third year in another school has written to confide in you that he is about to stop schooling and go into business. Write a letter to him  advising him against his decision (WASSCE June, 2020). Here, the purpose of the letter is to advise your brother against the decision to stop schooling and go into business. One, since the purpose is to give personal advice, it’s an informal letter. Two, this given purpose provides the basis for your outline (the points to jot down – the exact things you’re going to say in your letter).

3. Write the Appropriate Address(es). Once you identify the type of letter you’re going to write, you will be able to start with the appropriate address(es). In a formal letter, write your address (the writer’s address), the date, and the the receiver’s official designation and full address. In a semi-formal or informal letter, you need to write only the writer’s address, and then go straight to the salutation.

4. Use Appropriate Opening and Closing Greetings. The following are the appropriate opening and closing greetings for the different types of letters: (1) Formal Letter: Dear Sir/Madam; Yours faithfully; (2) Semi-formal Letter: Dear Mr./Mrs/Dr./Prof. Okon; Yours sincerely; (3) Informal Letter: Dear Jane/Sister/Brother/Father/Mother; Yours sincerely/ever/affectionately… Or Your brother/son/daughter/…

5. Use a Title/Topic Where Necessary. The title is necessary in a formal letter but not in semi-formal and informal letters. In the letter to the principal of your school, for instance, you can create the following title: STUDENTS’ PRACTICES THAT SHOULD BE DISCOURAGED AND TEACHERS’ HABITS THAT SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED.

6. Start Your Letter with an Appropriate Introduction (Paragraph 1). Each type of letter requires its appropriate introduction, which is based on the given purpose of the letter. The following are some examples of different ways to introduce different types of letters:

Formal/Semi-formal: I am writing to inform you that…/I am writing to draw your attention to…./I am writing to apply for…/I am writing in connection with….

Informal: How are you doing?/I hope you and your family are all well/It’s been quite long since we were last in touch…

7. Create an Outline for the Content of Your Letter. For a letter to advise your brother against the decision to stop schooling and go into business, you can jot down the following points:

Outline: 1. Your dropping out of school will offend Dad and Mum 2.You need education to do better in business. 3.To occupy certain political offices in our country, you’ll need a certain academic qualification

8. Divide the Body of Your Letter into Paragraphs 2,3,4… as the case may be. Discuss one main idea in each paragraph. You can start each paragraph with a topic sentence, and then use two or three other sentences to support the point you’ve raised.

9. Make Sure You Discuss at Least the Specified Number of Points. Let’s take a second look at another past WASSCE letter writing question: You are dissatisfied with some practices in your school. Write a letter to your friend in another school discussing at least three of these practices and the improvement you desire (WASSCE June, 2018). In this example, you are required to discuss”at least three of these practices…”

10. Use the Last Paragraph for Conclusion. Use this last paragraph to make the appropriate call for action or simply to re-emphasize the key points already discussed.

11. Write your signature and name appropriately after the closing greetings:

Formal: Yours faithfully + signature + full name

Semi-formal: Yours sincerely + full name

Informal: Yours sincerely + first name only.

12. Use the Appropriate Language Variety and Tone for Your Letter. Examples:

Formal: Standard expressions, formal tone, no use of short forms, jokes, or slang expressions.

Semi-formal:  Standard language and polite tone.

Informal: Short forms and decent jokes are allowed; informal language should reflect the level of familiarity you share with the addressee.

13. Write the Required Length of 450 Words. To do this, you can use the following smart technique for approximating the length of your letter:

Divide 450 words by the number of words you write per line to determine how many lines you ought to write, e.g. 10 words per line = 45 lines (450 divided by 10); 9 words per line = 50 lines; 8 words per line = 56 or 57; 7 words per line = 64 or 65, etc.

14 Use Clear, Legible Handwriting. You must avoid writing in unclear, illegible handwriting. If what you’ve written cannot be read, how can the marker know whether you wrote the right or wrong points? Illegible handwriting results in poor marks.

15. Crosscheck Your Letter and Correct All Errors. Use your time well to ensure you proofread your letter and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and any other mistakes. This will ensure that you don’t lose marks under mechanical accuracy.

If you follow the above tips, I am sure you will write a high-scoring letter that will enhance your overall performance in your WASSCE, NECO/SSCE, NABTEB or any other English exam.

For a more detailed audiovisual explanation of how to writes high-scoring essay in WAEC English exam, watch the following video lecture:

The following eBooks will give you further insight into other areas of language proficiency, such as grammatical structures, essay writing – letter writing, article writing, speech writing, report writing, story writing – comprehension, summary writing, vowel and consonant sounds, and so forth:

  • Good Success in English: A Study Package
  • Good Success English Handbook

About the Author

expository essay waec

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger and Youtuber.

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How To Answer Questions on Essay and Letter Writing In WAEC & NECO – Tips and Strategies

Essay and Letter Writing In WAEC and NECO in English language pose a lot of challenges to most students who do not know the skills, tips and strategies of passing this part in the theory section. WAEC and NECO examiners made this paper compulsory for all candidates to attempt because they know if candidates are given as an option, 90% would skip this part.

I will give you some key-points to note which would aide you in answering Essay writing as well as letter writing questions with ease in your exam. Also, i will put you through on how to count the words to ensure you are on track because when faced with writing an essay or letter writing of about 450 words, you need to be sure much time isn’t wasted on this section because there are other questions that need to be attempted with the limited time awarded to you.

Points To Note

1) Ideally, English language paper 1, section A allocates 50 minutes for you to choose just one (1) question among five questions set, be it an essay or letter writing topic, to prove your ability to communicate in writing.

2) The one question to be answered carries 50 marks, distributed thus;

  • Content (substance) of your work and relevance to the set question – 10 marks
  • Organization (including use of correct formats and paragraphing) – 10 marks
  • Expression (Effective use languages) – 20 marks
  • Mechanical accuracy (avoidance of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors) – 10 marks

3) You are required to prove your ability to communicate in writing in not less than 450 words. That is, if you are to write 10 words in a line, you should be able to produce an essay of not less than 45 lines long; if 9 words per line – 50 lines; if 8 words – 56 lines; if 7 words – 64/65 line; If 6 words – 75 line; if 5 words – 90 lines, etc.

Always ensure you start from the beginning of the first paragraph of your word (be it an essay or letter writing) to count.

By now you ought to have known the average number of words you write on a line. If not, start practicing now.

How To Count The Number of Words In Essay and Letter Writing In WAEC & NECO Exam

Write up a page, pick 6 lines at random and count the number of words each contains. The number of words that appear most frequently should be taken as the number of words you write on a line. For example, if line 1 contains 7 words, line 2 – 8 words, line 3 – 6 words, line 4 – 7 words, line 6 – 6 words and line 6 – 7 words; then you write 7 words in a line. You already know that 7 words in a line will give you 65 lines. Count out 65 lines before you begin to answer your questions and put a dot at the margin of your answer sheet to remind you to start rounding off as you approach 65 lines.

4) The five questions usually set are drawn from essay and letter writing type. They include;

  • Letter writing – Formal, informal and semi formal
  • Narrative essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Argumentative essay – Debates/Speeches
  • Expository essay – Explanations and Directions.
  • Creative writing

Questions are set on Article and Report Writing. Article writing falls into any of the types listed above, except letter writing. Report writing equally falls into any of the listed types, except argumentative essay. The question asked will specify whether your report writing will be in letter or essay form.

Guidelines on Essay and Letter Writing – Tips and Strategies

1) Read through all the questions with an open mind. Give each some thoughts, the select the one you understand properly and have sufficient points to write on. For instance, some candidates wrongly make up their minds before entering the examination hall, that they will answer any question asked for informal letter writing . A case in point is that of informal letter writing asking a candidate to write ‘explaining how a relationship with a friend went sour’.  Many candidates dabble into that question without knowing the meaning of ‘sour’.  The result is that they wrote out of point and lost all their marks in both content and organization (20 marks out of 50 marks).

2) Know your limitations and choose an appropriate question. If you are not good at creating a story or managing the past tense, definitely you cannot write well on a narrative essay topic, etc. Remember you have a wide choice as you are required to answer only one question out of five.

3) Note the appropriate format to use in answering the question you have carefully chosen. For instance, if you have chosen a question on Article Writing, do not use a letter writing format. Write only the topic and start your introductory paragraph. You will lose marks under organization if a letter writing format is used.

4) Jot down the points you want to use as they come to your mind. Number them sequentially, as you intend to bring them into your work. The few minutes devoted to planning your work are extremely useful as they help you produce organized work with full control.

5) Just incase you have jotted too many points down, select 4 good written points to expatiate on. Dwelling on them at length and convincingly while remembering your essay should not be more than 450 words long. At the same time, a short essay will earn you low scores in organization and mechanical accuracy .

6) Pay good attention to paragraphing.  The first word of each paragraph should begin about three centimetres away from the left-hand margin. Each paragraph should begin with a new idea, so begin a new paragraph as you move to a new idea. However, two similar ideas that are brief can be merged into one paragraph. The content of the introductory and concluding paragraph must be appropriately chosen to match the format of the topic chosen.

7) Do not write on either margin of your answer sheets. The instructions there even tells you not to. Ensure you obey it. Number your questions you have chosen and are writing on, as well.

8) Devote the last 5 minutes of the time allotted for this section to reading over your work carefully, with the intention of detecting errors, misspelt words and incorrect punctuation that can cost you marks under Mechanical Accuracy.

9) After effecting corrections of detected errors, read through your work once more before finally moving to other sections of English language paper 1.

N.B: Try and limit or avoid the use of big words, especially the ones you cannot spell correctly nor use appropriately. Use simple English that takes you straight to the point without rigmarole. Use British spellings, not American spellings, as they are the ones commonly used in West Arica.

The points, tips, strategies explained above are the current WAEC and NECO recommended approach in Essay and letter writing from the examiners point of view. Using the guidelines and approach would fetch you a good score in essay and letter writing in WASSCE and NECO as well.

I hope this helps? Remember you can reach me via the comment section below should you have any question as regards letter and essay writing tips , approach, strategies and guidelines for English language exam in WAEC or NECO and I will be glad to assist.

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English Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2019

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General Comments

The standard of the paper compared favourably with those of previous years.               The composition section tests the usual writing skills: informal letter, article for publication, official letter, speech writing and storytelling, all of which were within the experience and competence of the candidates. Similarly, the subject matter of the Comprehension and Summary passages were quite topical. The rubrics were clear and the marking scheme was comprehensive. Candidates’ performance improved when compared with that of previous years.

expository essay waec

How to write an excellent WAEC essay

I was completely clueless about writing strategies when I was in secondary school preparing for WAEC.  Of course my friends came to me seeking guidance…

I was completely clueless about writing strategies when I was in secondary school preparing for WAEC.  Of course my friends came to me seeking guidance on how to write their essays. My approach and answer to their quest was to grab a pen, train it at the paper and to begin writing furiously to beat time.  After I had written paragraphs, I told them: “like this.”  Of course it worked for me.  But I don’t think it did for my friends/students.

The only improvement on the above approach was to tell them what my teachers told me and what many English teachers tell their students:  “Use outline,” that way you would be guided on what to write.  Although this is a fair point, the benefit of outlining is rather limited.  For a student who doesn’t know how to argue persuasively or doesn’t understand that writing is like joining a conversation or having a discussion, outlining wouldn’t help.  He would do the outlining alright, but that wouldn’t improve the quality of the writing. It would be “step one, I will write this nonsense, then followed by that nonsense, I will also not forget to write the other nonsense.”

I managed to pass the English language paper and so did many of my friends.  But I’ve since learned that for any writing (actually for anything) I do, it helps to develop a system on how to accomplish it, so that when inspiration refuses to prod you with its mesmerizing fingers, one would wheel out the system and produce content at will.

Some teachers are doing an amazing job, where some get it wrong however, is when they focus on grammar and other technicalities like proper address and punctuation.  But you have to have content before you think about punctuation.  Many students already have sufficient punctuation skills anyway, what is usually the challenge is producing the words. And essays are nothing but words properly arranged. So what approach can students use to easily generate the words at will and under the pressures of the examination?  This is the question I try to answer today.

A more appropriate question would be, if I were a secondary school student preparing for WAEC, how would I approach the essay question?

I would  use two things: a strategy and a template/steps.  My strategy would be to answer any question that gives me an opportunity to argue. Luckily, out of the five (they used to be six in the late 80s and 90s) essay questions, four of them satisfy this condition.  I bought the past questions book from Amab, a bookstore belonging to a friend in Minna yesterday to prepare for this column.  While reading the book, I observe that out of the five questions, at least two are letters (formal and informal), one is a speech or debate, one is an article suitable for publication and the last question is usually a story that illustrates and ends with a moral of some description.

Only the last question could be viewed as not providing the opportunity for argument – but even that is arguable.Why do we choose questions which offer the opportunity for argument?  This is due to the fact that it is the nature of man to argue – including about things he knows nothing about.  If you doubt my claim, visit any group on the social media.  It’s where people join discussion without first asking what the discussion is about.  A commenter on the U.K. Guardian website accurately described this phenomenon: “Ah, the internet, where strongly-held opinions are strongly put, and facts be damned.”

Except that it is not only on the internet that people have strong-held opinions.  They do so too offline.  And even if someone doesn’t have an opinion, he can instantly generate one depending on the question you ask.

That’s why, when I want to elicit a lot of comments on my Facebook page, I couch a post in the form an argument.  For example, “what is your assessment of this administration in the last two and half years?” would not generate as much reaction as “do you think this administration has performed well or poorly and what reasons do you have to justify your opinion?” now watch as everyone becomes a skilful debater. 

It is for the same reason why questions are easier to respond to than statements.  If I say, “write about WAEC” you may struggle to come up  with words to use in your response, but if I say, “in what ways do you think WAEC has been useful to schools and students in West Africa?” now you don’t have to think deeply before you’re able to answer that question.  That’s why when writing becomes a challenge for me, as it often becomes, I simply ask relevant questions such as why, how and so what.

Now that I’ve my strategy, the second thing I need is a template and the steps to follow for the student to easily produce more words than he or she needs.  The next column will address that.  Therefore, whether you’re a student preparing for WAEC or a teacher preparing students or anyone who no longer wants to suffer from paucity of words when writing should read this column next week.

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25 BECE English Language Essay Questions That WAEC Will Choose From in 2023

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As a BECE candidate, it is important to be well prepared for the English Language exam, which usually consists of both objective and essay questions. While the objective questions may be easier to answer, the essay questions require more critical thinking and writing skills. In this article, we will be discussing 25 essay questions that WAEC may choose from in the 2023 BECE exam.

  • Write a letter to your friend describing how you spent your last holiday.
  • Write an article for publication in your school magazine on the topic: How to Improve Your Study Habits.
  • Write a story that ends with the sentence, ‘It was the best day of my life.’
  • Write a letter to your father telling him how proud you are of him for achieving a major milestone in his career.
  • Write an essay on the topic: The Importance of Education in Today’s Society.
  • Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your opinion on a controversial topic in your community.
  • Write a descriptive essay on your favorite childhood memory.
  • Write a letter to your school principal suggesting ways to improve the quality of education in your school.
  • Write an argumentative essay on the topic: Should Social Media Be Banned in Schools?
  • Write a letter to your local government representative addressing a community issue that needs attention.
  • Write a story that ends with the sentence, ‘I knew I had found my true calling.’
  • Write a persuasive essay on the topic: Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cell Phones in Class?
  • Write a letter to your friend telling him or her about a life-changing experience you had.
  • Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The Effects of Climate Change on Our Environment.
  • Write a story that ends with the sentence, ‘I finally found the courage to speak up.’
  • Write a letter to your school principal suggesting ways to promote better sportsmanship in your school.
  • Write an argumentative essay on the topic: Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos?
  • Write a letter to your friend describing your favorite hobby.
  • Write an essay on the topic: The Benefits of Reading.
  • Write a story that ends with the sentence, ‘I never thought I could do it, but I did.’
  • Write a letter to your school principal suggesting ways to reduce bullying in your school.
  • Write a persuasive essay on the topic: Should School Uniforms Be Mandatory?
  • Write a letter to your friend telling him or her about a cultural event you recently attended.
  • Write an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The Effects of Technology on Our Society.
  • Write a story that ends with the sentence, ‘I learned that day that anything is possible if you believe in yourself.’

These are just a few of the many essay questions that WAEC may choose from in the 2023 BECE exam. It is important to prepare thoroughly for the exam by practicing writing essays on a variety of topics. Good luck!


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WAEC English Lang. Scheme of Examination & Sample Questions

WAEC English Lang. Scheme of Examination & Sample Questions:

waec Scheme

You can also check: WAEC Sample Questions, Scheme: All Subjects

DISCLAIMER: The questions and answers contained on this website are not in any way inferred as the original questions you will write on your WAEC examination. We do not provide students with any material that promotes examination malpractice. The contents on this website are purely educational and suited for students preparing for the said exams.



There will be three papers – Papers 1, 2 and 3, all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1:       Will consist of eighty multiple choice questions, all of which should be

answered within 1 hour for 40 marks.

PAPER 2:       Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates’

comprehension and summary skills. Candidates will be expected to write an essay on one of the topics and answer all the questions on Comprehension and Summary passages. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 100 marks.

PAPER 3:       Will consist of sixty multiple choice items on Test of Orals for candidates

in Nigeria and Liberia, and that on Listening Comprehension for candidates in Ghana, The Gambia and Sierra Leone. All the questions will be answered in 45 minutes for 30 marks.



In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap.   From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1.   Most African countries face poverty while few enjoy ……………………….

A.  influence

B.  money

C.  affluence

D.  power

2.   Last year our farmers cultivated more crops than they……………………….

A.  destroyed

B.  uprooted

C.  harvested

D.  yielded

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

3.   There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely……………..of our staff.

A.  intervention

B.  interruption

C.  interference

D.  invasion

4.    The armed robbers ……………every room in the bank to look for money.

A.   explored

B.  ransacked

C.  raked

D.  swept

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given.   Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

5.   Ade is too clever by half. This means that Ade is

A.  far cleverer than others.

B.  actually very stupid in his behaviour.

C.  annoyingly clever.

D.  behaving to be clever but is not.

6.   Ameh is really being economical with the truth. This means that Ameh

A.  is being praised for being honest.

B.  does not know enough.

C.  knows more than he is prepared to say.

D.  is not telling the truth.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, chose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence .

7.   By failing to attend the interview, Idoko has lost a golden opportunity.

A.  blessed

B.  bright

C.  good

D.  delightful

8.   I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us.

A.  cordial

B.  polite

C.  merciful

D.  gentle

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences .

9.   A good citizen abides …………..  the rules of the land.

A.  with

B.  in

C.  at

D.  by

10. Since his swearing in, the governor ………………..  his hometown.

A.  had not been visiting

B.  has not visited

C.  did not visit

D.  had not visited

Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words.

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

  • Your friend in another school has requested information about your school to enable him to decide on moving over to your school. Write a letter to him discussing at least three areas in which your school excels.
  • Write an article for publication in your school magazine, discussing the reasons why children in your area drop out of school and suggesting ways of minimizing it.
  • As the president of your youth club, write a letter to the chairman of your Local Government Association complaining about the increasing rate of child labour and suggesting ways of curbing it.
  • You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic : Women should not be in paid employment while still bearing children. Write your contribution for or against the topic.
  • 5.      Write a story that ends with the words: That experience will linger on my mind for a long time.

Dele groaned and got out of bed. There was no clock on the mantel piece and the room was still dark, but he knew that he was already late for work, probably by an hour. He was a commercial bus driver and had to get started as early as 5.00a.m. and go almost non-stop till about 9.00 p.m. to be able to make the daily returns that the bus owner demanded.

On the previous day, he had attended an all-night party – a late uncle’s burial ceremony – where he had drunk himself almost senseless before crawling home in the early hours of the morning. Now, he got up shakily, splashed water on his face and hurried off to work, but not before carefully fastening on his upper left arm the amulet he had always worn for protection against accidents. A similar amulet hung concealed under the steering column of his bus. On his way, still feeling groggy, he caught his left toe against a stump and had some misgiving. It was a bad sign, and he was supposed to go back home and then set out again. But there was no time for that now, so he hurried on.

At the bus station, Dele quickly loaded his bus and sped off without any of the necessary checks on the vehicle. He had to make up for lost time. It was the rush hour, so the bus was overloaded as it often was, with many passengers hanging on to the doors. The tyres were threadbare, the brakes were faulty and the road was wet, but, still feeling a little sleepy, Dele sped on. Many passengers protested about his reckless driving, but he would not listen. After all, didn’t he have protection against accident?

As the vehicle took the last turn before its destination, Dele saw a broken-down truck blocking his side of the road. Under normal circumstances, he could have brought the bus safely to a halt, bur the circumstances were far from normal. The careering bus hit the parked vehicle, swerved wildly across the road and plunged into a ditch.

Dele’s surprise before he sank into oblivion was the failure of his supposedly protective amulets.

(a)    Why did Dele wake up late?

(b)   … he caught his left toe against a stump and had some misgivings . What does this tell us about Dele?

(c)    Give two reasons why Dele drove recklessly.

(d)   Why was Dele unable to stop his faulty vehicle?

(e)    What was Dele’s condition after the accident?

(f)    After all, didn ’t he have protection against accident? What literary device is used in this expression?

(g)   …wildly across the road…

(i)         What grammatical name is given to the expression as it is used in the passage?

(ii)        What is its function?

(h) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and can replace it in the passage: i.           probably;

ii.       returns;

iii.      groggy;

iv.      misgiving

v.       threadbare

vi.      reckless.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

You cannot expect to go through life without meeting problems. Difficulties, perplexities and frustrations are an inevitable part of human experience. Accepting this idea of the inevitability of problems will help you to approach them in a robust frame of mind rather than thinking that you are a victim specially singled out by malignant fate. When confronted with a problem, the first thing to do is gather all relevant data to get acquainted with the facts of the case. Then write down exactly what the problem is, stating it simply in black and white. This gives you something definite with which to come to terms. The problem is assessed and you will now have something concrete to deal with.

Next, give serious thought to the problem, making sure that such thought does not degenerate into worry as worry accomplishes nothing. Aim at clear, dispassionate thought, viewing the problem as if it were a friend’s and not your own. Look at it from all angles and from the point of view of all concerned. You court disaster if you are entirely selfish in your outlook. The single important purpose of all this is to discover all possible solutions to the problem.

Having examined the problem broadly and impartially, carefully examine all the possible solutions or courses of action. The knowledge that you have done this will keep you from useless regrets later, when you can remind yourself that all courses of action were examined and you chose what appeared to be the best. Next, eliminate all proposed solutions which are seen on further thought to be impracticable.

You will now find that your list has been whittled down to two or three possibilities. At this stage it is often a good plan to get out into the open air. Go for a walk or a ride, preferably somewhere with wide horizons. There, out in the open, review the problem afresh. You will find it appears less formidable. Ask yourself how the difficulty will appear in ten years’ time or even one! This fresh review will enable you to make a final choice as you turn to the remaining solutions and, before you return home, decide which one you are going to adopt. As you go to sleep that night, let your last thoughts be upon your decision. If, in the morning, you still feel it is the best one to take, go ahead.

If you have a friend who is capable of giving sound advice, consult him. Do this before your final decision, so that you will have the benefit of his views before you decide. Talking things over with another is always a great help. It enables you to isolate the problem and to decide which on which factors are important. Even if the friend offers no advice, a sympathetic ear will help you. Furthermore, as you describe to your friend the courses open to you, you will see them in clearer light. Some will appear impossible even as you speak. Alternatively, one will appear most attractive.

In dealing with problems, remember the time factor. Although some problems solve themselves in time, and delaying tactics is therefore the best form of action for them, most other problems generally get more complicated the longer they are left. You should therefore get to grips with the problems immediately they occur.

All told, reasonable foresight and imagination can prevent many problems ever arising. Tact, thoughtfulness and responsible conduct can also keep life largely problem-free.

In six sentences, one for each , summarize the steps to be taken when faced with a problem and state why each step is necessary.


For candidates in Nigeria and Liberia only

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined.

1.   w i t

A.  fright

B.  wheat

C.  tree

D.  market

2.   l oo k

A.  glue

B.  you

C.  cup

D.  curious

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

3.   d ance

A.  handsome

B.  sandwich

C.  adjective

D.  pounding

4.   pluck ed

A.  smiled

B.  slammed

C.  luck

D.  table

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word.

5.         carrier

A.        area

B.        barrier

C.        serious

D.        ravine

6.        drought

A.        crowd

B.        nought

C.        shout

D.        taught

In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.

7.         acrimony

A.        A-cri-mo-ny

B.        a-CRI-mo-ny

C.        a-cri-MO-ny

D.        a-cri-mo-NY

In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern.

8.         A.        sanctify

B.        promising

C.        notify

D.        organic

In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters.   From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.

9.         The DOCTOR examined the patient with a stethoscope.

A.        Did the teacher examine the patient with a stethoscope?

B.        Did the doctor cure the patient with a stethoscope?

C.        Did the doctor examine the nurse with a stethoscope?

D.        Did the doctor examine the patient with a telescope?

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.

10.       / ǝ /

A.        accurate

B.        nephew

C.        ageless

D.        waddle

Provided by MSG Team

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Expository Essays

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What is an expository essay?

The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.

Please note : This genre is commonly assigned as a tool for classroom evaluation and is often found in various exam formats.

The structure of the expository essay is held together by the following.

  • A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay.

It is essential that this thesis statement be appropriately narrowed to follow the guidelines set forth in the assignment. If the student does not master this portion of the essay, it will be quite difficult to compose an effective or persuasive essay.

  • Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Transitions are the mortar that holds the foundation of the essay together. Without logical progression of thought, the reader is unable to follow the essay’s argument, and the structure will collapse.

  • Body paragraphs that include evidential support.

Each paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This will allow for clarity and direction throughout the essay. What is more, such conciseness creates an ease of readability for one’s audience. It is important to note that each paragraph in the body of the essay must have some logical connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph.

  • Evidential support (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal).

Often times, students are required to write expository essays with little or no preparation; therefore, such essays do not typically allow for a great deal of statistical or factual evidence.

  • A bit of creativity!

Though creativity and artfulness are not always associated with essay writing, it is an art form nonetheless. Try not to get stuck on the formulaic nature of expository writing at the expense of writing something interesting. Remember, though you may not be crafting the next great novel, you are attempting to leave a lasting impression on the people evaluating your essay.

  • A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence provided.

It is at this point of the essay that students will inevitably begin to struggle. This is the portion of the essay that will leave the most immediate impression on the mind of the reader. Therefore, it must be effective and logical. Do not introduce any new information into the conclusion; rather, synthesize and come to a conclusion concerning the information presented in the body of the essay.

A complete argument

Perhaps it is helpful to think of an essay in terms of a conversation or debate with a classmate. If I were to discuss the cause of the Great Depression and its current effect on those who lived through the tumultuous time, there would be a beginning, middle, and end to the conversation. In fact, if I were to end the exposition in the middle of my second point, questions would arise concerning the current effects on those who lived through the Depression. Therefore, the expository essay must be complete, and logically so, leaving no doubt as to its intent or argument.

The five-paragraph Essay

A common method for writing an expository essay is the five-paragraph approach. This is, however, by no means the only formula for writing such essays. If it sounds straightforward, that is because it is; in fact, the method consists of:

  • an introductory paragraph
  • three evidentiary body paragraphs
  • a conclusion

WAEC English Questions and Answers 2022/2023 |Oral, Essay & Theory

  • February 8, 2022

Welcome to our free online WAEC English Questions 2021 and correct expo hints to WAEC English language answers 2021 for OBJ, Oral & Essay (paper 1, paper 2, and paper 3).

Our WAEC English Language questions and Answers 2021 expo is available now on Studentmajor for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay) and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).

All you need to pass this Exam is our free English Language Expo guide. This package covers from WAEC English Language Questions 2021 and Answers to WAEC English OBJ, Theory, essay, and Letter writing Expo.

Note, our free WAEC English answers 2021 material is not aimed at leaking WAEC English questions 2021 before the exam, but to empower WAEC candidates with what they will see and what they should be expecting in this 2021 WAEC English language exam.

WAEC English Language Expo 2021/2022

Once again, this WAEC 2021 English language questions and answers expo solutions are free of charge and it is very comprehensive. Making use of this expo will guarantee candidates at least A or B.

We maintain and respect the West African Examination Council exam’s policies and we are not aiming at infringing the exam policies.

But to help in securing and building better WAEC candidates that will not always rely on the WAEC English expo, we have piled up this material to support the 2021 candidates.

WAEC English Paper 1 Objectives (OBJ) 2021

English Language Paper 1 is Objectives (OBJ) Questions 2021 and there are about 60 questions in this paper to be answered in  1 hour, 30 minutes.

Candidates are to choose just one option from the multi-choice Obj options and shade their answer on the OMR (The OBJ Answer Booklet).

WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2021 expo to letter writing & essay summary [Paper 1,2 &3 Objectives, OBJ, Theory & Oral paper)

WAEC English Language ObJ questions and answers’ options always look similar. So you need to pay attention to each question and read the question either twice or more before choosing an option.

So, don’t ever make a mistake of picking an answer when you have not gone through all other options. Below are samples and possible WAEC 2021 English Language OBJ questions and Answers for 2021.

WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2021.

The following are some important WAEC English Language Past Questions and Answers Samples 2021 to practice with.

Choose the word that best Fill in the spaces:

1. A good Nigerian citizen must abide________ the constitution of the country.

Solution : In the English Language, one can only abide by rules. So the Correct Answer is B.

2. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely ______ of our staff.

  • intervention
  • interruption
  • interference

3. The armed robbers _______ every room in the bank to look for money?

4. Ade is too clever by half. Does this mean that Ade is________?

  • far cleverer than others.
  • actually very stupid in his behavior.
  • annoyingly clever.
  • behaving to be clever but is not.

In each of the statements below, choose the word that best explains the meaning of the bold word(s)

5. Ameh is really being economical with the truth . This means that Ameh

  • is being praised for being honest.
  • does not know enough.
  • knows more than he is prepared to say.
  • is not telling the truth.

6. I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us.

WAEC English Language Theory Questions and Answers 2021

WAEC English Paper 2 Theory (Essay): Theory, Essay and letter writing (formal and informal) make up the English language paper 2.

The WAEC 2021 English Language questions from this paper range from letter writing to essay and so on.

Format of English Language Letter/Essay Writing

Format for WAEC English Essay and Lettering Writing: If you are writing a formal letter, then follow this format;

Formal Letter Format:

  • Your address (at the right-hand-side)
  • Address of the person you are sending to (at the left-hand side)
  • Caption (the heading of your letter)
  • Body of the letter (starting with Introduction, then to content and conclusion)
  • Complimentary close (Yours faithfully)
  • Your Signature / Name (each on separate lines)

Informal letter Format:

  • Your address
  • Body of the letter
  • Complimentary close

If you are writing an essay, follow this format: An English essay has three main parts:

  • Start with the introduction,
  • Move to the body
  • Make a conclusion.

Download WAEC English syllables

WAEC Oral English Paper 3 Questions and Answers 2021

The WAEC English Language Paper 3 will be the use of Oral which will test. The WAEC 2021 Questions and answers from this paper will test candidates abilities on phonetics and concords.

Paper 3 has 60 multiple choices (Objective) Questions. The time range for this paper will be 1 hour, 30 minutes.

Below are samples and possible WAEC English Oral paper questions and Answers 2021.

1. Which of the following words contains the sound as / ǝ /?

2. Which of the following words, does not have the same stress pattern as the others?

3. Choose the word that best rhymes with “DROUGHT”

4. Choose the word that best rhymes with “ CARRIER ”

Exam Format and Instructions to follow

Many candidates fail WAEC because of the following:

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That is the best WAEC English Language questions and answers 2021 expo solution that is available for now for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay) and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).

Kindly check back for our free WAEC English expo 2021 for OBJ, theory, essay, and letter writing in few minutes.

expository essay waec


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English Language 2021 WAEC Past Questions

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From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that wil, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

 While Mr.Ade is his son is a novice .

  • A. enlightened
  • B. competent
  • D. experienced

It is better to use persuasion rather than .... to get witnesses to court.

  • B. coercion
  • C. influence
  • D. pressure

The animosity between Fatou and Sheku is shocking, considering the ...... they once shared.

  • B. friendship
  • D. understanding

From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that wil, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence

. The reckless driver was admonished to be ______

  • A. cautious
  • B. responsible
  • C. reliable
  • D. considerate

The old man rebuked the thug and his children  .... him for doing so.

  • A. commended
  • B. embraced
  • D. supported
  • Mathematics
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  • Accounts - Principles of Accounts
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  • Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK)
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  • Home Economics
  • Book Keeping
  • Data Processing
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  • Technical Drawing
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English Studies

Collection of Narrative Essay for WAEC

expository essay waec


What is Narrative Essay?

Narrative Essay is an aspect of writing concerned with re-telling a story or series of events that took place in the past. It could be sequencial or unsequencial (i.e. the writer has the prerogative/choice/decision to begin from whatever angle he or she chooses). Conversations can be introduced into the narration to make it bave a natural flow. Take note that when dialogue is introduced in a narration, it must be put in inverted commas. A well-organised story must have a beginning, climax, and a conclusion. It must have a good plot and the paragraphs should be well-developed and ideas properly linked. Also, the vocabulary used must reflect the right atmosphere. A good writer shouid make good use of suspense, and figurative expressions. Generally, the past forms of verbs are required in narrative compositions for they deal with past matters. The present forms are also appropriate especially when reporting participants’ actual utterances which make the composition real.


Below are collection of Narrative Essay from previous WAEC questions to guide you in constructing your own narratives as you begin preparations for WAEC and other examinations.

WAEC 2023: QUESTION 5: Write a story to illustrate the saying: Half a loaf is better than none.


Contentment is the essence of a harmonious life. When we are greedy, we wish to possess more things. In the process of acquiring it, we tend to loose what little we have with us and end up with nothing. When we have a bird at hand, it is better to be happy with it. There is no point in aiming for two birds in the bush which you may not be able to capture.

Once upon a time, there was a hunter who was very fond of hunting birds. He was very skilful in using his bow and arrow. He would often go into the forest and hunt down birds by the dozen and sell them all in the town market for a huge price. One day on one of his hunting expeditions, the hunter found a deer roaming around and wanted to hunt it down since it would fetch him a good price. So he came back the next day and set a trap for the deer. The unsuspecting deer got caught in the trap.

Meanwhile the hunter saw a few birds up in a nearby tree and went about hunting them. The deer knew that it had to do something before the hunter returned. Unfortunately, the hunter was not able to hunt even a single bird that day and was disappointed. He was however elated on seeing the deer caught in the trap and jumped of joy. The deer lay very still and pretended to be dead. The hunter came close to the deer and when it did not move he assumed that it had died. He wanted to carry the deer as soon as possible to the market so that he could sell its meat and make lot of money. He decided to fetch some logs to tie up the deer and carry it home. The deer lay very still waiting for the opportune moment to escape.

The hunter released the trap from the deer’s legs and was beginning to tie the deer on to the logs when he heard a rustling sound. He looked up and found a beautiful bird sitting atop a tree branch. The greedy hunter immediately wanted to shoot the bird down. Thinking that the deer was dead, he quietly stood up and took aim at the bird with his bow and arrow. When the deer realized that the hunter’s concentration was now on the bird, it leapt up and ran away into the forest at full speed. Hearing the noise, the hunter turned around and was shocked to find the deer disappearing into the forest. He blamed himself for his greediness, and realized that truly, “half a loaf is better than none”.

He missed his aim and the bird too flew away when it heard all the commotion. It was then that the hunter realized that his greed had made him lose both the deer and the bird and he had to return empty handed that day. He blamed himself for his greediness and immediately he realized that truly, “half a loaf is better than none”.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2022 Write a story to illustrate the saying: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Solution UNEASY LIES THE HEAD THAT WEARS THE CROWN Ajewole was a palm wine tapper in a village called Ojaa. Every time he passed at the front of the palace, he always wondered what the king – King Adeoye- was doing with his three wives and nine children. How the king would sleep and wake up on his comfortable bed with numerous slaves at his command. He would think of the fat and delicious food the king had in his kitchen. Whenever other villagers discussed and pitied the king, Aiewole would not be moved but claimed that the king was the happiest and most extravagant person be had knew and that the king did not have any problem at all but to eat, have a meeting with his chiefs and sleep while the chiefs go around doing as the king commanded them. One day, the king and his servants disguised and went round the village to see how his people lived and their thoughts towards him. When he got to the village square, he met some men playing ‘ayo game. Then, he sat with them and told them that his name was Adeoye. He said he was from the neigbouring village. He further told them that he would love to know about their way of life that he is considering relocating to Ojaa village. Ajewole was the first to speak, he told the’stranger’ that he bore the same name as the king of Ojaa kingdom. He said further that he would love to become a king and enjoy has their king, King Adeoye. He told him of all his perception of the king. Then, King Adeoye revealed his identity. The men trembled and was afraid that they may be punished. But the king assured them that would not be punished. Then, the king said to Ajewole, ‘you shall be king for one day’. Ajewoie did not believe his ears, he thought the king was joking. The next morning, the king sent for him. King Adeoye told him to sit on the throne. Ajewole’s joy knew no bond. He thought he would be the happiest man on Earth. King Adeoye went away. Ajewole was dressed in royai apparels. He was surrounded by the servants, singing his praises. He saw himself as the happiest man on Earth. Has Ajewole felt relaxed on the throne, wishing he had more days to be the king, he heard a loud bang just above his head. It was a sharp sword hanging with a thin thread. He could no longer sit properly and he couldn’t stand. He started sweating profusely begging the servants near him to remove the sword from above his head. No one answered him. He sent one of the servants to call King Adeoye. You cannot leave the throne until the day is ended; you have gotten what you wanted’ was the reply the servant brought from King Adeoye. Ajewole remained on the throne, trembling. He thought he was the most unhappy person in the world. When it was dinner time, Ajewole was offered the best dishes in the palace but had no appetite for food. All he wanted was to go back home and enjoy his free life. He wished he could be one of the servants as he saw them moving freely in the palace with smile on their faces. He vowed never to see the king as the most carefree perSon. Later in the evening, King Adeoye came back into the palace. He saw how terrified and miserable Ajewole looked. He took pity on him and ordered the servants to take the sword away.He then warned him not to think that the king was the happiest person on Earth. Ajewole fell on his face and seek his forgiveness. He thanked King Adeoye and promised not to say l of the king ever. again. King Adeoye forgave him and let him go. The king taught Ajewole a useful lesson. He learnt that uneasy lies the Head that wears the crown’.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2021 Write a story which ends with the statement: Better late than never solution BETTER LATE THAN NEVER The story of my mum is very inspiring. Anybody who cared to listen always ended in disbelief of how it was possible for a woman of 65 years of age to return to school and obtain a degree in Law at the age of 70. My mum had unflinching passion for education and she still does. Ever since she left secondary school in 1949, her yearning for tertiary education had doubled, rather than fizzle out. My mum had a very humble background, born into an indigent family and being the sixth of nine children, her father had. She struggled through the public secondary school, hawking and doing menial jobs for the households as tender as the age of 10. I lost my dad at a tender age and started tasting what poverty looked like in my first year in high school’, she often reminded us whenever any of us, her children misbehaved as over-pampered spoilt brats. Poverty taught her some ‘street sense’. She and other older children of her own mnother-my grandma who was fondly called Iya Gbolahan, by the first name of her oldest son-would always dash home by 2pm after school hour, to pick up goods-bottled kerosene, nylon-tied groundnuts, nylon-tied water, bread or fufu-and rush to an open market far from home to sell. They would return separately and late in the night. And only then would they scramble for dinner from whatever was left on the trays of food vendors around their ghetto waiting for whoever would buy the leftovers, so they could call it a day. It troubled mum that, although she usually led the entire class in almost all subjects in spite of her family predicament, Iya Gbolahan couldn’t afford registering her for the West Africa Examination in her last class in secondary school. I burst into tears when lya Gbolahan told me she couldn’t afford the registration fe, burdened by so many mouths to feed’, mum once recounted. I was lucky to have my mathematics teacher, Mr. Ajiboye Kehinde (now of blessed memory) come to my aid. He sponsored my WASSCE, and I never disappointed; I finished with the best grades’, she added. As life continued to be hard on the family, mum had to abandon her academic ambition of becoming a lawyer. I sadly opted for tailoring. I only paused my ambition; I didn’t lose it’, she said. Coincidentally, mum got married to Barrister Bankole, my dad-a lawyer who usually encouraged her to get prepared to return to school after, Moyin, the third of their four children, had graduated from the university. I was the fourth and last child. Mum and I wrote the university matriculation exam in 2014, both of us chose different universities. Today, she isa lawyer. We both graduated in 2019. Whenever anybody asked her how she was able to get back on track at old age, she wouldn’t hesitate to tell them that it is better late than never.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2020 Write a story that ends with the statement: I had never felt so embarrassed in my life.

I HAD NEVER FELT SO EMBARRASSED IN MY LIFE I remember how I fell into the horrible hands of pickpockets. It was an incident I’d never forget in a hurry. I left home for Badagry. I had planned attending the yearly Arts Festival organized to promote arts and culture. As a lover of fictions, sculptures and movies, I wanted to enjoy myself to the brim. I wore the New African Regalia I had been gifted two months before. It was grandma who brought it from her trip to the outskirts of Nupe. It had sketches of the Nok rofters I had reserved it for the day; it would somewhat fit the tempo of the day. Mum had warned me to beware of snatchers in Lagos, especially piaces of crowded people-event centres, bus-stops. She had narrated her ordeal – how some unknown boys snatched her handbag at Ojuelegba and vanished into thin air, before she could say Jack Robinson. I had held that lesson tight, but never thought I woulá fall victim somehow. I had never gone about with a bag or pulse, except at school. And I had always moved about suspiciously, particularly when in a strange place. “Deji, make sure you return early, and use the ATM card on the table io withdraw N80,006 for ne while coming back. You know my usual pin right? Don’t take my money to the festival. You heard me?” Mum had instructed before leaving home that morning. At noon, I left home early enough, but felt I should ignore mum’s warning and withdraw her money before heading for Badagry. I had envisaged the event might end very late in the night. In that case, the ATM would have been emptied. And I did not want to leave in the heat of the show. I thought IIl be careful with the money. No one knows I’m here with something big”. I kept everything on me in the same nylon. The festival was strikingly enlivening- so many crafts, so many exhibitors, so many recreations. The premiered film was incredibly interesting. I was buried in the movie. I forgot time flew. What jotted me up was the chaos and mayhem that tormented after the first winner of the exhibition claimed a sumptuous prize of two million naira. Before I could realize anything. It was late, something big had been robbed off me. I could not find the nylon. I could not find the pickpocket.I lost everything except me. I regretted taking the money along. I was lost in thought ‘”how do I return home? Where do I get transportation fare?” I resorted into begging in public places. I begged for fare to return home. People avoided me. Nobody could believe my story; an able young man begging alms? It was ignominious. I received insults. I felt ashamed of my life. I had never felt so embarrassed.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2019 write a story ending with the statement: I wish I had listed to my parents. solution I WISH I HAD LISTENED TO MY PARENTS It seemed my parents saw the womb of time; they knew that whatever an adult sees while sitting, a child won’t see it even if he climbs a tree. They know what might befall me if I kept being under the bad influence of Yetunde. They knew her case wasn’t just a youthful exuberance; she was completely wayward. My parents were sure that if I kept being in Yetunde’s company, it was only a matter of time for evil communication to corrupt good manners. But I thought they were only mean, and didn’t want me to enjoy my adolescence; I miscontained their intention to save me from danger ahead. I though they wanted to keep friends away from me; I though they were over protective. So, I would sneak out every weekend to Yetunde’s house. We would have luscious fun. we would drink, party and go out with weird boys and girls I have never known before. I attended a school that was a stone’s throw to Yetunde’s. I always looked forward to seeing her, during break, and I wouldn’t return to school to complete my lesson for the day. Yetunde was such a social enthusiast, talker and bad influencer. We would do all sorts of nasty things including smoking. I was naive and inquisitive; I wanted to try everything that would make me free from home.

Although she was two years older than me, both in age and in class, I always preferred to rapport and relate with older persons even much older. “would you give Uncle Wolexa chance to roll with you? You will enjoy him I swear! Just try him”, Yetunde said. Wolex was a neighbourhood uncle I didn’t know before. Since Yetunde had endorsed him, I started going out with him. His car was enticing, his outlook and fragrance, alluring. We would eat, party, kiss and sex. The first time my period ceased, I was afraid to call Uncle Wolex. I called Yetunde instead: she informed Wolex and we did something about it in a pearby clinic. My mum, being a mother, almost suspected my restlessness, but I pretended nothing had happened. My performance in school soon reduced to woes. I lost concentration. It is either my thought was filled with next outing, next fondling with Wolex or how to get rid of another abortion. We always did something about when it happened. It never occurred to me to question Yetunde why her boyfriend, Joe hadn’t got her pregnant. I was always the one visiting clinic. The last one I had messed my life up. It was on Sunday evening. My parents had gone for their usual extended family meeting. Wolex and Yetunde drove in to pick me up. We did it but it went wrong this time. I got home feeling weak and dying on the inside. I covered up so my parents wouldn’t notice when they return. I barely slept that night. Dad drove me to school the next, a Monday morning, though I was in distress unknown to him. Few hours later I passed out while lesson was ongoing. I was rushed to the school clinic from there to a hospital. My dad was contacted. The doctor rescued my life, but I lost my womb. My parents arrested Wolex and Yetunde, but that wouldn’t fix my shattered life. I wish my path had never crossed Yetunde’s. I wish I had listened to my parents.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2018 Write a story to illustrate the saying: A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

SOLUTION A BIRD IN HAND IS WORTH TWO IN THE BUSH. Adebimpe is known for her intelligence, persistence and sense of dutifulness. She is undoubtedly a role model to her colleagues as they all look up to her. She is not only focused but determined and would not relax until a task is performed in a perfect manner. While everyone extols her virtues, values and strength, Adebimpe has a weakness, she has a rivalry and competitive spirit and this had a huge repercussion on her. From high school to college, Adebimpe was always topping the honour’s roll, she devises crafty means to outsmart her competitors. Unfortunately for her, it is a different ball game in the labour market. In her work place which is a multinational company, she realise that she cannot use the same tactics she used in school. Interestingly, her company is inundated with cluster of brains from different universities in the world. Rather than have a learning disposition, she continues to compete. On a beautiful Monday morning, the Human Resource Manager announced that some individuals will be sent abroad for a one-year course so as to strengthen their technical skills which they would utilise when they return. To Adebimpe surprise, was not mentioned which embitter her greatly. She stormed into the HR’s office after the meeting. This is really unfair, after all I have done for this company. You decided to sideline me… Is it because I am a lady’. She said furiously. The Human Resource Manager who is a female responded ‘No Ms. Adebimpe, you are scheduled to go next year as we need you to train the newly recruit in the art of digital narketing’ she said convincing ‘It is not a matter of gender but the right timing, next year is your time just relax’ she said reassuringly. Adebimpe was unconvinced, she was enraged and could not imagine her colleagues coming back and been promoted to be her superior. She paced her office for ten minutes and went straight to the Managing Director’s office. ‘Sir, I would like to be considered for the same course with my colleagues’, she said confrontationally. I won’t mind to sponsor myself if the company is not disposed to, I just want an assurance that my job will remain when I return as I can’t stand to stay here while my colleagues blossom, for crying out loud, I am better qualified than them. My appraisals are excellent’, she Screamed. ‘Ms. Adebimpe, the management has decided you go next year, we want you to mentor the new recruits` the MD said. Adebimpe decided to resign her appointment and go for the course on her own bill. She thought she would top the class and come back and by then she would be wooed back but things did not turn as planned. She travelled to the United State of America and to her surprise the fees were tripled. She only paid the first installment, she borrowed to pay the second installment but unfortunately few days to her exams, she heard that her Mum had suffered an heart attack and she had to forfeit her studies and money, which was not refundable. By the time she cane back to Nigeria, she was totally insolvent as she had sold all she had. She went back to her company for reconsideration but she was refused bluntly. She then realised the saying that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2017 Write a story ending with the expression: At last we arrived safely.

solution AT LAST, WE ARRIVED SAFELY Myself and my little brother Ope, wëre full of adventure. When Aunty Tosin came visiting, rather than burying ourselves with our respective house chores we were busy eaves-dropping. We heard Aunty Tosin describing her house to Mummy and we decided to pay hera visit unannounced. After Mummy left for her shop by 9:30am on this fateful Saturday morning, myself and Ade set out for the day event. No money, no phone, no description. All we knew was Clinton Street, a yellow bungalow at the extreme left. We trekked miles away from home, we kept asking for Clinton Street, no one seemed to know where it was. Until a young boy decided to play trick on us and pointed a huge house to us as the house we were looking for. Happily, we went straight to the gate and knocked and the gateman opened. We introduced ourselves and without thinking twice, he opened the gate and ushered us in. We said we were Aunty’s big sister children. The house helps treated us to a warm reception of fried chicken and jollof rice which we consumed hurriedly. We felt at home and was seeing the television when the owner of the house entered. Who are you? You this young rascals’ she asked terrifyingly. We were too shock to respond. You have been trying this your luck on people, today you will learn your lessons. She called the gateman who beat us mercilessly. We were restored to the kitchen where she brought out empty dishes for us to wash. As we were washing, she continues to shower courses at us. After the washing of the dishes, we swept the whole compound and fetch water into all the big containers inside the house. She shoved us out of her gate. We could not cry but walk tiredly and aimlessly. We were completely exhausted and we regretted our decision of going on a journey without adequate preparation. My little brother was already endearing and I was stranded as we could not afford to trek back home. I encouraged him and we continued trekking. I summoned courage to beg people for transport fare back home but received cold attitude. We resigned to fate and we sluggishly walked our way home. A car parked right before us, lo and behold it was Daddy Pelumi, Aunty Tosin’s husband. He asked us where we were going, decided not to wait for our response, told us to enter the car and took us straight to his house. We later saw the big sign post of Clinton Street and the yellow bungalow which was their home. At last, we arrived safely.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2016 Write a story to illustrate the saying: Pride goes before a fall.

solution A STORY ON HOW PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL She carried her shoulders high as she walked past the man and went straight into her class. That wasn’t the first time she would be walking out on teachers whenever she was corrected. Neither was it the second time. She wasn’t going to let herself be intimidated by anybody. She entered her class, smiling in triumph as her classmates, who had apparently been watching the scenario the whole time shouted in excitement, “Another crushing!”, “Shade, the big girl”, someone hailed from the back of the class. She smiled in return and resumed at her space at the back of the class. That was her favourite spot. Only big girls like her would prefer sitting there. Shade was the ‘biggest’ girl in school and would not hesitate proving that to anybody. She would not take any nonsense from any teacher, and would readily punish any junior student who crossed her path. Every student feared her, including her classmates, who would do anything to win her favour. If being proud would assume any degree, she was an emblem of it. She was a storyteller too, crooking stories that accentuate her pride. She told anyone who cared to listen how her father worked in an oil company and owned fifty gas stations across the country. “My father is so rich that the government often called to make business dealings with him,” she told Lola, her friend, one siesta afternoon. Everybody who listened to her story seldom doubted it. They were all boarders, and hardly would anyone attempt to investigate the veracity of her claim. Only Lola once questioned her. “Really? But why does he not allow his driver to drive you down every resumption? I noticed you come down to school through public transport struggling with your loads all alone”, “Well, my dạd once saidI would know the value of wealth and know how to manage it when I’ve experienced what suflering feels like,” she replied. Now, it was time for their third term examinations, and Shade had spent her time playing and gisting with the so-called ‘big boys’ in the hostel, instead of taking much time out to read. The next day was Maths, and she had not prepared well. She decided to write the formulae of some Maths equation on her laps before entering the exam hall. As the exam was going on, she started copying the equations from her thighs. All the while, she was oblivious a teacher was paying attention to her. It was Mr. Balla, the teacher she walked out on some couple of days eariier. “Shade! Stand up!!” he exclaimed. Shade knew she was now in trouble. She was caught red handed. She was suspended indefinitely from Divine Touch College and was publicly disagraced on the assembly. It was ignomitious. Her parents were notified. The shock that rocked the students the next day when her parents arrived was protound. The dad pleaded with the school management to reinstate his daughter. He was just a driver to a wealthy man, whom out of his (the rich man’s) magnanimity decided to sponsor his driver’s daughter. What would the rich man say if he heard that his driver’s daughter had been unserious in her studies, wasting all financial efforts put on her education? Her mun was a mere petty trader. Obviously, Shade was from an indigent family. She felt as if the ground should open up and swallow her. She really learnt it in a hard way; a lesson that pride goes berore a fall.


Write a story ending with the statement: We apologized to each other and reconciled.

WE APOLOGISED TO EACH OTHER AND RECONCILED. Paul, a forty years old handsome and well-to-do man but had continued to be a source of sorrow to his parents when he failed to get married. “They wonder why would a man with a good job as a civil engineer af the Ministry of Works refuse to marry. Pressures were mounted on him, subtle persuasion from his mother, coercion from the father, all failed to make Paul tie the nuptial knot. On a sunny aftermoon in the month of July, Paul drove into a shopping mall to buy groceries as that was his usual practice for the past 15 years after he had secured employment with the ministry of works. He walked into the provision section and stopped to pick Bournvita, sugar, etc. there he bumped into me, his first love. He was speechless. As though he was dreaming, Paul walked towards hrme and said. “Hello” she turned to reply the greeting but was stunned and words came out of mouth slowly: Paul, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry”, I hurriedly went my way when Paul took me by my elbow and said: ‘why, as old friends can’t we at least talk, there’s a restaurant in this mall, we could just go there to catch up on things we have lost’. She nodded and they went to sit. In reminiscence, our past love life resurfaced. I and Paul had been lovers since our secondary school days, We used to be inseparable love birds whose love marvelled everyone that we came in contact with. The beginning of disaster in our relationship started when I went for my National Youth Service at Calabar, Paul who was studying a five-year course still had to wait a year before NYSC mobilization, I emerged Miss NYSC, and the Comimissioner for Youth and Sport who was the Chair of the occasion could not keep his eyes off me. I was taken to the city of Calabar unknown to me was the bait the commissioner used to lure me as I thought it was part of the incentive for being the winner. That night, the commissioner forces himself into me and was shocked to discover that I was a virgin. He apologised and poromised to marry me. Seven days before the end of the camping, we traveled to Dubai and got married. Paul I’m sorry, I didn’t want to break your heart that is why I refused to see you’ Ada said. Paul looked at her and said: ‘You did but I just have to move on although I promised myself not to marry anyone until I hear from you’ We apologised to each other and reconciled.


Write a story to illustrate the saying: The devil makes work for idle hands.

Solution THE DEVIL MAKES WORK FOR IDLE HANDS With tears streaming down my face. I moved slowly following other ‘newly-admitted’ inmates to the prison. This would be my new home for the next three years. What about my dream of studying Medicine and Surgery? What about my dream of being the youngest African dermatologist? Have I destroyed those dreams by my own carelessness? I can only imagine what my mum will be doing – crying and gnashing her teeth. My father has no need to worry because he has so many great sons so he could afford to lose an unserious black sheep child like me. I have brought shame to my mum. I just pray she would forgive me and do not harm herself because of my shameful act. A tall man with a baritone voice brought me back to life as he begins to address us. “This is not a prison, it is a reformation center where the broken pitches are fixed and are made something out of nothing”. This is a juvenile home meant to straighten the lives of young minds which have been twisted’. He concluded with a smile, “feel at home and live by the rules”. The next day, some counselors visited us, although some are social workers. There were series of sessions for us, the ‘newcomers’. As I walked fearfully into the counseling room, I was received with a warm pretty smile from this pretty young counsellor. She should be in her mid-twenties. Her appearance is simple. She nodded me to sit down and I complied sheepishly. She brought some chocolates from her bag and handed it over to me. I took it reluctantly because of her persuasive non-verbal clues. “I am Ronke Ajayi, I work with Jeroboam foundation. I am here to make friends with you. We might not say much about you today. Is it ok?” She asked I nodded shyly. She went further “Can I ask you a question?” I nodded involuntarily. “What is your career ambition?” With this question, I burst into tears and the memories of what brought me to this place came forcefully. We just concluded our S.S.2 third term examinations. My mum being a missionary had travelled to Kenya for missionary works and she entrusted me to the care of her younger sister. I lied to Mummy Dammy, my Aunty that we were compelled to return to school after one week for full intensive coaching for our WASCE and NECO examinations and that we were to stay in the school hostel all through the period. She complied because there were no reasons to doubt my sincerity because I had always been a ‘good boy’. I moved to Tade’s house, the oldest boy in our class who is twenty-four years old. Tade took interest in me because of my brilliance. Tade provided me with all that I needed, introduced me to smoking, cigarette and watching of pornography. We played cards, games; listened to music, danced from morning to night. We did nothing serious.

On this fateful day, Tade brought a girl to the house, he drugged the girl and raped her and told me to do likewise which I did since I saw it as a cheap and free opportunity. The girl woke up deflowered. She screamed and Tade threatened to kill her if she told anyone. Unknown to us, the girl’s father was a soldier who raided Tade’s house the next hour after she left and beat us mercilessly. Tade was sentenced to five years imprisonment while I was taken to the juvenile home because I am still an underage boy of fifteen years. She touched me and say “all will be well Ayo, it is only a mistake due to peer pressure and wrong companion and I believe you have learnt from it that the devil makes work for idle hands”.

PAPER 2, QUESTION 5, WAEC 2013 Write a story ending with the statement: Indeed it was the biggest lesson of my life. solution In fact, it was the biggest lesson of my life. As I boarded the taxi home, I was wondering why father had to call for all of us. He was just sixty-six years. What was so urgent that couldn’t wait? My two elder brothers came from their respective abode to answer the fatherly clarion call. I entered the house quietly and went straight into my room. The solemn knock at my door told me I had slept for long. It was my mum, she opened the door and told me it was time for the meeting. I greeted my brothers warmly and sat next to my mum. My father though still agile in his ageing physique said: “I am sorry for the stress I must have made you go through but I deemed it fit to tell you this because we don’t know what lies in the gold box of tomorrow. My children, what I want to tell you I want you to keep it and never lose it”. He preceded, “Myself and Tade had been friends since teenagers, we attended the same secondary school and university, worked in the same establishment. We married at the same time”. I could see hurt in my father’s eyes. He continued; “We kept no secret from each other as we constantly watched each other’s back”. I come naked before Tade and Tade always did likewise. There is nothing hidden. I loved him as my heart beat and that was my greatest mistake, as no one who is not your blood deserves more of your trust. He looked up to stare at each of our eyes. “After twenty years of hard service, we were paid our gratuity. Tade approached me that he wanted us to start up a business and that would require me giving him all my gratuity. I consented since he is my intimate, loyal and sincere friend. He came again that the money is not enough and would still require more. This made me to sell my other properties except the house we live now. I saw this as a rare privilege to be a business partner with my trusted partner. I gave him everything without a second thought or even informing my wife, your mother”. He turned quickly to my mum and whispered “please forgive me”. “Unknown to me, Tade never invested in any business as he used my money, my hard-earned money to relocate himself and his family off the country to save his face from the scandal of embezzling company’s funds. Unknown to me, Tade was dismissed one month to oar gratuity payment. My sons, no one, I mean no one”, his voice groaning in anger, “deserves your trust, no one deserves your transparency except your blood-brothers. I was able to rise again because of the helpmate God gave me in your mother who kept these things to herself and shoulder the responsibility of the family since that ugly incident”, he concluded. Indeed, it was the biggest lesson of my life.

PAPER 2 QUESTION 5:  WAEC 2012 Write a story to illustrate the saying: Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Solution WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY My name is Nwankwo Joseph. I am twenty-six years old. I am the ninth son in a polygamous family of twenty sons and thirty daughters. I grew up in a village where the virility of a man is determined by how much sons a man can produce. While the man keeps testing his virility on any available woman, he is not perturbed about the welfare of the child as the mother is saddled with the responsibility of taking care of the children. My mother is the second wife of Obi, the village warrior I am the fourth child of seven from my mother’s side. My mother was just a petty trader who sells soap to the villagers.-Survival has been tough right from childhood. I learnt to fend for myself and not to rely on anyone since there is no one to rely on. I followed my friends to the forest to hunt small animals and sell to the village market woman for proceeds to keep body and soul together. I have never been to the four wall of a school before since I have no one to pay for ny tuition. But as fate would have it, some people came to evangelise to us in our house and I was fortunate to be there. The main speaker who preached took interest in me and asked my father wby I was not in schoot I was twelve years old by that time. My father smiled and said: “No money, my good friend but he is quite desirous of learning. I have watched him envy school children, peep into their books and admire tneir school uniform when they spread it but not all dreams come to pass, “abbi” my dear friend”. The main speaker who by the name Mr. Peter said he would be willing to pay for my schooling but I would have to be his houseboy. Learning in Mr. Peter’s house was hell, his children scared me, tormented and bullied me for my initial ignorance. I started primary one at the age of twelve. I was the ridicule of the class, I was tortured by my class mates and mocked by my teachers because I could not understand what they teach me. However, I have made a resolute decision that I would return back to my village educated and better. I finished primary six at the age of Eighteen and gained admission to a public secondary school while Mr. Peter’s children attended a private school. But my determination saw me through. I maintained a rare academic feat, teachers took notice of my exceptional brilliance and this attracted special coaching from them. By the time I was in SS2, I wrote G.C.E. and I had 4A’s and 5B’s but what brought me to limelight was my JAMB examination in which I scored the highest mark nation wide. I was given an automatic scholarship to study Medicine and Surgery at the University of Calabar. I am currently in my third year and have been a recipient of six different scholarships. Money is never an issue. I am now the envy of others and people want to associate with me. I look back to that local poor young boy at the village with tears streaming down my eyes. I truly believe that where there is a will, there is a way.

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The WAEC examination is held in May isn t it - SS2 English Orals:Vowels, expository Essay, structure: Tag question Question

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