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▾ Dictionary French-English

Essayer ( qqch. ) verb —, try (sth.) v (almost always used), test v ( tested , tested ), try sth. out v, sample v ( sampled , sampled ), s'essayer à qqch. v —, essayer de deviner v —, essayer de forcer qqch. v —, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

[...] il doit seule êtement et non [...] [...] consume and should [...]
[...] donc eu d'autre choix q aintenir sa rentabilité [...] [...] choice bu aintain profitability at the expense of market share.
[...] [...] travail, plutôt q tamment de nous [...] [...] job r protect [...]
mble, maintenant, [...] e in the [...]
[...] entreprise peu eprésenter [...] [...] in in nt their [...]
[...] profil ava e sauvegarder. [...] on the p .
[...] [...] choses secrètes es cacher, nos [...] [...] thing them, [...]
ercevoir les droits d'occupation [...] ct housing charges at or one [...]
[...] [...] frontalières, peu profiter [...] [...] [...] border a his development [...] [...]
[...] équipe dev ontribuer à [...] e to the [...]
'exécuter parfaitement [...] rfectly [...]
a dérouler [...] t to you [...]
vitesse de [...] [...] drifti eed of [...]
[...] établissement éterminer [...] [...] establishment-type un y the [...]
ous inscrire à [...] [...] ain with [...]
[...] ne veulent ouvelles [...] ings in their lunch.
hanger les [...] with the [...]
[...] travail de recherche énorme q river même à une estimation.
[...] la volon chouer ouveau. [...] testing the willingn il, .
[...] [...] l'écouteur et l'oreill es autres types [...] [...] [...] earphone an er sleeve [...]
[...] que vous po . [...] features you mi .
éanimer un [...] ense of [...]
[...] concevab pécifier [...] [...] more feas ify th f data which should be collected.
otiver les [...] people to get [...]
[...] conduit auditi nsert différent. [...] the sleeve.
égler tous les incidents si possible avant qu'ils ne s'aggravent. all situations if possible before they control.
[...] [...] confirmation primer vos billets [...] [...] [...] confirmatio r tickets [...]
ésumer beaucoup [...] [...] e many [...] [...]
[...] vraiment, c'e oucher de nouveaux [...] audiences.
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What Does the French Word "Essayer" Mean in English?


Essayer is a French word that means "to try" or "to attempt" in English. It is a versatile verb used to express the action of trying something or attempting to do something in French.

Understanding how to use "essayer" correctly is important for expressing your intentions and efforts in various situations. In this guide, we'll explore the meaning, usage, and nuances of this essential French verb.

The word "essayer" comes from the Old French word "essai," which means "trial" or "attempt." It is derived from the Latin word "exagium," meaning "weighing" or "balance."

Part of Speech:

Usage and examples:.

Expressing an attempt: When you want to say that you are trying something, you can use "essayer." For example, "J'essaie de comprendre" means "I am trying to understand."

Asking someone to try: You can also use "essayer" to ask someone to try something. For instance, "Essaie ce plat, il est délicieux" translates to "Try this dish, it's delicious."

AI Fun Fact 😅 :

In French, "essayer" is often used in conjunction with the preposition "de" (to) to indicate what is being tried. This construction is known as the infinitive form of the verb.

Expressions avec "Essayer" en anglais

  • Essayer de nouveau : Try again
  • Essayer une nouvelle recette : Try a new recipe
  • Essayer de comprendre : Try to understand
  • Essayer quelque chose de nouveau : Try something new
  • Essayer sa chance : Try one's luck
  • Essayer avant d'acheter : Try before you buy
  • Essayer de résoudre un problème : Try to solve a problem
  • Essayer de nouvelles expériences : Try new experiences
  • Essayer de rester calme : Try to stay calm
  • Essayer une approche différente : Try a different approach


"Essayer" is a fundamental verb in French that allows you to express the act of trying or attempting something. By mastering the usage and conjugation of "essayer," you can effectively communicate your efforts and intentions in various contexts, from everyday conversations to more formal settings.

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(one who tries, experimenter)[qqn] qui fait des expériences

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Essayer – To try

By: Author David Issokson

Posted on Published: January 7, 2024  - Last updated: June 16, 2024

Essayer – To try

In today’s lesson we’ll have a look at the verb essayer , which means “to try”. For example, j’essaie d’apprendre le français (I try to learn French). Let’s jump right into the lesson!

Essayer - to try in French

Essayer – To try

Word origin.

The French verb essayer is related to the noun essai (try, attempt), which comes from the Latin verb exigere (to judge, examine, weigh) and noun exagium (weight, balance).

Present tense conjugation

Essayer is a regular ER verb. This means that its endings are the same as all other French regular ER verbs when conjugated in the present tense. Essayer has two accepted spelling patterns in the present tense. The pronunciations are the exact same.

J’essaie I try Tu essaies You try (singular, informal) Il, elle essaie He, she tries Nous essayons We try Vous essayez You try (plural, formal) Ils, elles essaient They try

J’essaye I try Tu essayes You try (singular, informal) Il, elle essaye He, she tries Nous essayons We try Vous essayez You try (plural, formal) Ils, elles essayent They try

Example sentences

In our first example sentence, essayer is simply “to try”. This example uses the word jamais (never), which we cover in our French negations lesson. This sentence is in the futur simple , a commonly used French future tense .

Si tu n’essaies pas , tu ne réussiras jamais .

If you don’ try, you’ll never succeed.

Essayer de + infinitive

In these two example sentences , essayer de + infinitive means “to try to do something”.

J’essaie de chanter la chanson mais c’est très difficile.

I try to sing the song but it’s very difficult.

Je vais essayer de terminer mon projet avant demain .

I’ll try to finish my project before tomorrow

Essayer + noun

In the next two examples, essayer is followed by a noun , meaning “to try something”. Essayer can also translate to “to test”. Hence, “I test the skis ” could also work as a translation for this next sentence.

The les in this example sentence is a direct object pronoun, meaning “them”. This post on our site covers object pronouns in depth.

J’essaie les nouveaux skis avant de les acheter .

I try the new skies before buying them.

Nous allons essayer le nouveau restaurant ce soir.

We are going to try the new restaurant tonight.

In French, the noun essai transaltes to “try” or “attempt” and is the origin of the English word “essay”.

Il a réussi son examen au troisième essai.

He passed the exam after the third try.

Et voilà ! You now know how to use essayer in French! Now check out our other lessons covering the verbs quitter (to leave), bosser (to work hard) and ranger (to tidy, put away).

Word of the Day Lessons

Essayer is a verb that means

Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

  • 1.1 Etymology
  • 2.1 Etymology
  • 2.2 Pronunciation
  • 2.3.1 Conjugation
  • 2.3.2 Related terms
  • 2.4 Further reading
  • 2.5 Paronyms
  • 2.6 Anagrams
  • 3.1.1 Conjugation
  • 4.1.1 Synonyms

From essay +‎ -er .

essayer ( plural essayers )

  • ( obsolete ) One who performs an essay ; an experimenter .

Inherited from Middle French essayer , essaier , from Old French essaiier , essayer , essaier , from essay , essai ( “ attempt; assay; experiment ” ) + -er ( “ infinitive-forming suffix ” ) , from Late Latin exagium ( “ weight; weighing, testing on the balance ” ) , from Latin exigere + -ium , from ex- + agere , from Proto-Italic *agō , from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵeti .


  • IPA ( key ) : /e.sɛ.je/ ~ /e.se.je/
Audio: ( )
  • ( transitive ) to test , to try on Essayez cette chemise. ― Try this shirt on .
  • 2018 , Zaz, Résigne-moi : J ’essaie vraiment d ’ t’aider sans m’oublier. I'm truly trying to help you without forgetting myself.
  • ( reflexive ) to try one's hand [ with à ‘at something’ ] s’essayer à quelque chose ― to try one's hand at something


This is a regular -er verb as far as pronunciation is concerned, but as with other verbs in -ayer (such as payer and essayer ), the <y> of its stem may optionally be written as <i> when it precedes a silent <e> (compare verbs in -eyer , which never have this spelling change, and verbs in -oyer and -uyer , which always have it; verbs in -ayer belong to either group, according to the writer's preference).

infinitive essayer
+ past participle
present participle or gerund
/e.sɛ.jɑ̃/ or /e.se.jɑ̃/
+ past participle
past participle
/e.sɛ.je/ or /e.se.je/
singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative je (j’) tu il, elle, on nous vous ils, elles
present or
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/

/e.sɛ.jɔ̃/ or /e.se.jɔ̃/

/e.sɛ.je/ or /e.se.je/
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/
/e.sɛ.jɛ/ or /e.se.jɛ/

/e.sɛ.jɛ/ or /e.se.jɛ/

/e.sɛ.jɛ/ or /e.se.jɛ/



/e.sɛ.jɛ/ or /e.se.jɛ/
past historic
/e.sɛ.je/ or /e.se.je/

/e.sɛ.ja/ or /e.se.ja/

/e.sɛ.ja/ or /e.se.ja/

/e.sɛ.jam/ or /e.se.jam/

/e.sɛ.jat/ or /e.se.jat/

/e.sɛ.jɛʁ/ or /e.se.jɛʁ/
future or
/e.sɛj.ʁe/ or /e.sɛ.ʁe/ or /e.se.ʁe/
/e.sɛj.ʁa/ or /e.sɛ.ʁa/ or /e.se.ʁa/
/e.sɛj.ʁa/ or /e.sɛ.ʁa/ or /e.se.ʁa/
/e.sɛj.ʁɔ̃/ or /e.sɛ.ʁɔ̃/ or /e.se.ʁɔ̃/
/e.sɛj.ʁe/ or /e.sɛ.ʁe/ or /e.se.ʁe/
/e.sɛj.ʁɔ̃/ or /e.sɛ.ʁɔ̃/ or /e.se.ʁɔ̃/
conditional or
/e.sɛj.ʁɛ/ or /e.sɛ.ʁɛ/ or /e.se.ʁɛ/
/e.sɛj.ʁɛ/ or /e.sɛ.ʁɛ/ or /e.se.ʁɛ/
/e.sɛj.ʁɛ/ or /e.sɛ.ʁɛ/ or /e.se.ʁɛ/
/e.sɛ.jə.ʁjɔ̃/ or /e.se.jə.ʁjɔ̃/ or /e.sɛ.ʁjɔ̃/ or /e.se.ʁjɔ̃/
/e.sɛ.jə.ʁje/ or /e.se.jə.ʁje/ or /e.sɛ.ʁje/ or /e.se.ʁje/
/e.sɛj.ʁɛ/ or /e.sɛ.ʁɛ/ or /e.se.ʁɛ/
present perfect present indicative of + past participle
pluperfect imperfect indicative of + past participle
past anterior past historic of + past participle
future perfect future of + past participle
conditional perfect conditional of + past participle
subjunctive que je (j’) que tu qu’il, qu’elle que nous que vous qu’ils, qu’elles
present or
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/


/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/
/e.sɛ.jas/ or /e.se.jas/

/e.sɛ.jas/ or /e.se.jas/

/e.sɛ.ja/ or /e.se.ja/

/e.sɛ.ja.sjɔ̃/ or /e.se.ja.sjɔ̃/

/e.sɛ.ja.sje/ or /e.se.ja.sje/

/e.sɛ.jas/ or /e.se.jas/
past present subjunctive of + past participle
pluperfect imperfect subjunctive of + past participle
simple or
/e.sɛj/ or /e.sɛ/

/e.sɛ.jɔ̃/ or /e.se.jɔ̃/

/e.sɛ.je/ or /e.se.je/
compound simple imperative of + past participle simple imperative of + past participle simple imperative of + past participle
The French gerund is usable only with the preposition .
In less formal writing or speech, these tenses may be found to have been replaced in the following way:

(Christopher Kendris [1995], , pp. , , , ).

Related terms

  • bien essayé

Further reading

  • “ essayer ”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [ Digitized Treasury of the French Language ] , 2012 .
  • ressaye , ressayé

Middle French

  • ( transitive ) to test
  • ( catenative ) to try , to attempt [ with de ( + infinitive ) ‘to do something’ ]
  • Middle French conjugation varies from one text to another. Hence, the following conjugation should be considered as typical, not as exhaustive.
infinitive essayer
+ past participle
present participle or gerund
present participle or gerund of + past participle
past participle
singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative ie (i’) tu il, elle nous vous ilz, elles
imperfect , , , , , ,
past historic
future ,
conditional , , , , , ,
present perfect present indicative of + past participle
pluperfect imperfect indicative of + past participle
past anterior past historic of + past participle
future perfect future of + past participle
conditional perfect conditional of + past participle
subjunctive que ie (i’) que tu qu’il, qu’elle que nous que vous qu’ilz, qu’elles
past present subjunctive of + past participle
pluperfect imperfect subjunctive of + past participle
compound simple imperative of + past participle simple imperative of + past participle simple imperative of + past participle
The present participle was variable in gender and number until the 17th century (Anne Sancier-Château [1995], , p. ). The would eventually declare it not to be declined in 1679.
The gerund was held to be invariable by grammarians of the early 17th century, and was usable with preposition , as in , although the preposition was not mandatory (Anne Sancier-Château [1995], , p. ).

Norwegian Bokmål

essayer   n

  • indefinite singular of essay

essayer de means

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What's the meaning of "de" in "Je vais essayer de vous montrer"?

Je vais essayer de vous montrer?

I translated into "I'm going to try to show you" but I don't understand why is there a "de" after "essayer"?

  • prépositions

Yohann V.'s user avatar

  • Oops that's what I meant, isn't the "to" already in both of the verbs? –  ArielB Commented Aug 13, 2016 at 10:25
  • 1 You need the prepostion de to introduce the verb that follows essayer . Just as in English you need "to" to introduce the verbs that comes after "try". More here . –  None Commented Aug 13, 2016 at 10:34
  • All right, I think I understand, thanks! –  ArielB Commented Aug 13, 2016 at 11:05
  • ok i still dont understand, is it like what John said - no rules? "i try to go" - i essayer d'aller, "i want to go" - Je veux aller, so apparently the "try" verb needs the "de" - why? –  ArielB Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 7:05

3 Answers 3

(As answered in comments by @Laure) There is a difference between :

I tried this new restaurant. / J'ai essayé ce nouveau restaurant.
I tried to not eat too much. / J'ai essayé de ne pas trop manger.

You added another question in comment between want/vouloir and try/essayer, the answer is different since it is more about "Why want to + [verb] = vouloir + [verbe] ?".

It is about being a modal verb : vouloir is, but not want .

Some other English verbs express modality although they are not modal verbs because they are not auxiliaries, including want[...] - Wikipedia
  • i'm not sure i follow the 2 examples, in the first example you don't follow the essayer with a verb. but i saw that in french, you see alot of sentences that have 2 verbs (1 conjugated followed by a non conjugated one), without the "de", so you say that if i follow with a modal verb, i need to add the de? –  ArielB Commented Oct 22, 2016 at 20:18
  • essayer is not a modal verb, and has the same form it has in english. You add de/to when you use essayer/try + verb. You have to understand that " try to do " is a two verb sentence ... The rule is more that modal verbs don't need de after them to be before another verb. Je veux dormir (modal verb). J'essaye de dormir (not modal) –  Yohann V. Commented Oct 22, 2016 at 23:26
  • ah, ok, so it means that i'll add the "de" after non-modal verbs and modal verb will require the "de"? (verbs that expresses necessity or possibility - can / want / etc...) in that case - "i'm going to sleep" - should be "je vais de dormir"? or the "going to" here indicates a necessity? which means it's "je vais dormir?" (which sounds actually better to me) –  ArielB Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 14:53
  • It is a different case. "I'm going to sleep" translates into "Je vais dormir" or "Je vais me coucher". In english you have " to sleep" to express the infinitive form of the verb. –  Yohann V. Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 15:01

Here it means "to" (the "to" that forms part of an infinitive verb, such as to drive), and it functions as a way to link "essayer/try" to "vous montrer/show you", and luckily this is how we do it in English also.

In general, "de" can mean a number of different things ( https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/de ), and much of it is grammatical and so makes sense only when considered with the words around it and its function in the sentence. But on its own, if often translates to "of" or "from". "De" is quite versatile and as a result, unfortunately, confusing. Myself I'm learning French as well and still struggle with when/where to use it.

Jlente's user avatar

A few verbs use the preposition " à ", a few others " de " and others nothing. According to me, there aren't specific rules, just various utilisations which some are idiomatic. http://french.about.com/library/prepositions/bl_prep_verbs.htm https://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/pre4.html ...

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  • French and English Grammar / Grammaire française et anglaise

FR: essayer de + infinitif - préposition

  • Thread starter MimbulusMimbletonia
  • Start date Sep 9, 2007


  • Sep 9, 2007

Hi, I've got myself into a bit of a muddle.. I have a sentence with a conjugated verb and two infinitives and i have to decide whether to use à, de or nothing between the verbs. Does the de/à correspond with the verb directly preceeding it or the conjugated verb? Example Je vais essayer de gagner or Je vais essayer gagner Thanks aplenty Emma Moderator note: multiple threads merged to create this one.  



Senior member.

It always corresponds with the verb directly preceding it, which is essayer in this case, so your first answer is correct. I don't think there are any rules about which verbs take which conjunctions, you just have to learn them.  

  • Jun 29, 2009

In our French class, the class was asked to guess the profession that was mimed. The instructions in French said: "La classe essaie de deviner." I am somewhat confused by the use of DE in this construction. Shouldn't it be without DE? "La classe essaie deviner" ?? Thank you in advance for any assistance.  


non, c'est "essayer de"  


Usually we are trying to/not to do something, and it's the same in french " on essaye de/ de ne pas faire quelque chose" Do you see what I mean ?  

I think I understand. So it does not always follow that DE means "OF" or "SOME?" Sometimes it's just used as a connector?  



mylasalle said: So it does not always follow that DE means "OF" or "SOME?" Sometimes it's just used as a connector? Click to expand...
  • Sep 24, 2009

Is there a general rule for knowing which verbs have to be follwed by 'de' when there is an infinitive after the 'de' e.g. j'essaie de finir but je désire finir? Or do they just have to be learnt verb by verb?  


You have to learn what preposition (or none) to use with each individual verb. Reading and listening a lot will help.  

Duplicité Humaine

Duplicité Humaine

  • Oct 1, 2009

Il y a TOUJOURS des exceptions qu'il faut mémorizer; il y a cependant quelques quasi-règles. Tel est souvent, pas toujous, le cas avec les verbes pronominaux. S'efforcer de / Forcer à ll y a b/c d'exemples, recherchez-les que vous puissiez les commettre à mémoire; après du temps, les propositions vous arriveront naturellement.  

You have to learn what preposition (or none) to use with each individual verb. Reading and listening a lot will help. Click to expand...
  • Dec 18, 2014

I was wondering why you use "de" before apprendre in the sentence "j'essaye d'apprendre", but not in the sentence "je vais apprendre "?  

Le verbe "essayer" s'emploie avec la préposition "de" quand il est suivi d'un verbe : j'essaie de courir 20 km / de réparer cet ordi / de traverser mon jardin en marchant sur les mains / d'apprendre la liste des verbes qui exigent la préposition de... Par contre "aller" (auxiliaire du futur proche) se construit de façon directe : je vais partir / dormir / travailler / manger...  

Merci! So it's basically just a list of verbs using different prepositions I'll have to learn...  

Magshoe, " apprendre la liste des verbes qui exigent la préposition de..." était une boutade : même si le nombre de ces verbes est relativement réduit, je pense que personne n'apprend de telles listes. Les natifs apprennent à utiliser ces verbes en les rencontrant au cours de leurs lectures.  

  • Dec 19, 2014
janpol said: Les natifs apprennent à utiliser ces verbes en les rencontrant au cours de leurs lectures. Click to expand...

French Verb Conjugation Using "Essayer" (to Try)

Erica Shires / Getty Images

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The French verb  essayer  means "to try." It's a simple word that can easily be confused with  essuyer  (to wipe) , so be sure to look and listen for that 'A' in  essayer .

In order to place  essayer  into the past, present, or future tense, the verb needs to be conjugated . Just follow along in this lesson and you'll be saying "tried" and "trying" in French before you know it.

Conjugating the French Verb  Essayer ​​

Essayer  is an optional stem-changing verb . Typically with verbs that end in - yer , the 'Y' has to change to an 'I' in certain forms. The rules are a little more casual with  essayer  as you'll see in the table. When there are two forms of the conjugation, you can use either.

The stem of  essayer  is  essay -. To this, a variety of infinitive endings is added that conform with the subject pronoun as well as the tense of the sentence. For instance, "I try" is " j'essaie " or " j'essaye ." Similarly, there are two options for "we will try": " nous essaierons " or " nous essayerons ."

All this leaves you with many words to memorize. The good news is that there are many opportunities to practice it and use  essayer  as you "try" things throughout your day.

j' essaie
tu essaies
il essaie
nous essayons essaierons
vous essayez essaierez
ils essaient

The Present Participle of  Essayer

The  present participle  of essayer is  essayant . This is as simple as adding - ant  to the verb stem. Not only does it work as a verb, but it can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed.

The Past Participle and Passé Composé

The  past participle   essayé  is used to form the  passé composé , a common past tense form of "tried" in French. To use this, you'll also need to conjugate the  auxiliary verb   avoir . For example, "I tried" is " j'ai essayé " and "we tried" is " nous avons essayé ."

More Simple  Essayer  Conjugations to Know

When the action of trying is in some way questionable, you can turn to the subjunctive verb mood . Similarly, if it's dependent on something, the conditional verb mood is used.

With less frequency, you will come across the passé simple or the imperfect subjunctive . These are mostly found in formal writing and will help considerably with reading comprehension.

Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passé Simple Imperfect Subjunctive
j' essaie
essayai essayasse
tu essaies
essayas essayasses
il essaie
essaya essayât
nous essayions essaierions
essayâmes essayassions
vous essayiez essaieriez
essayâtes essayassiez
ils essaient
essayèrent essayassent

To use  essayer  in commands or direct requests, turn to the imperative verb form . When using this, the subject pronoun is not required: use " essaie " instead of " tu essaie ."

(tu) essaie
(nous) essayons
(vous) essayez
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Video captures chaotic moment when Trump reportedly shot on stage at rally

essayer de means

Former President Donald Trump was speaking at a rally being broadcast from Butler County , Pennsylvania, Saturday when he was rushed off stage by U.S. Secret Service after a multiple shots were fired - one of which grazed the candidate's ear.

Video captured the moment the chaotic scene erupted.

Live updates on Trump rally: Donald Trump rushed from stage at rally after apparent gunshots; 1 person and shooter dead

At least six bangs that sound like gunfire are heard while the Republican candidate is on stage - some as he stands behind a podium and after he appears to crouch down behind the podium after the first bang.

Video showed Trump being removed from the site by Secret Service, with his fist raised, after the shots.

It also showed some members of the crowd scatter after initial shots were fired. Others are seen in the video crouching down in stands, some filming the melee with cell phones.

The gunman was killed by Secret Service agents, officials said. One spectator was killed and two others were "critically injured," the Secret Service said.

The ex-president released a statement not long after the shooting:

"I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear," Trump wrote. "I knew immediately that something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin."

Where was Trump rally? Butler County, PA appearance was site of shooting Saturday

Where was the Trump rally?

The rally took place in Butler, a rural community at the  Butler Farm Show , a fairground in Butler County.

As of the last census the city's population was just over 13,000 and, according to the  United States Census Bureau , is 2.7 square miles.

'The former President is safe'

United States Secret Service Chief of Communications  Anthony Guglielmi released the following statement  shortly after the incident took place.

"An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measure and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released."

In a statement issued later, Gugliemi reported the suspected shooter  fired multiple shots  toward the stage at approximately 6:15 p.m. He said the shooter was in an elevated position outside the rally.

Steven Cheung, spokesperson for Trumo, confirmed in a statement that the former president was "fine" but being treated at an area medical facility.

Natalie Neysa Alund is a senior reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X @nataliealund.

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Israel targets Hamas’ military leader in Gaza. Who is he and what does it mean for the war?


This image taken from video and released by the militant group Hamas on Aug. 26, 2005, shows a man identified as Mohammed Deif. (AP Photo/File)

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RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Israel on Saturday said it tried to assassinate Mohammed Deif , the shadowy leader of the Hamas group ‘s military wing who has long topped the country’s most-wanted list.

The strike took place in an Israeli-declared humanitarian zone in southern Gaza, killing at least 90 Palestinians and wounding nearly 300 more, according to local health officials.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was “still not absolutely certain” whether Deif and another target of the strike, Rafa Salama, were killed. He also told a news conference that Hamas’ entire leadership is marked for death.

Here is a closer look at Hamas’ elusive military leader and what his death could mean for the trajectory of the war.

Who is Mohammed Deif ?

Deif was among the founders of Hamas’ military wing, the Qassam Brigades, in the 1990s and has led the unit for over 20 years. Israel has identified him and Hamas’ Gaza leader, Yahya Sinwar , as the chief architects of the Oct. 7 attack that killed some 1,200 people in southern Israel and triggered the Israel-Hamas war.

For years, Deif has topped Israel’s most-wanted list. He is believed to be paralyzed after surviving multiple Israeli assassination attempts. He has not been seen in public in years, and only a handful of photos of him exist online. On the morning of Oct. 7, Hamas issued a rare voice recording of Deif announcing the “Al Aqsa Flood” operation.


Deif, like Sinwar, was born in the refugee camp of the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis in the early 1960s and was believed to have joined Hamas shortly after the formation of the Islamist Palestinian group in the late 1980s.

In 1989, during the height of the first Palestinian intifada, or uprising, Deif was arrested by Israel but later released.

Deif was promoted to head of the Qassam Brigades in 2002 after his predecessor was killed by Israel. He is thought to have helped expand Hamas’ labyrinth of tunnels that run beneath Gaza, and is held responsible by Israel for plotting attacks that killed scores of Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings.

Deif is so elusive that even his appearance and well being are points of speculation: Some media reports say he has used a wheelchair for years following injuries he sustained during past assassination attempts, while others report he is able to walk unassisted. His name, Deif, means the “the guest” in Arabic, an attribution purportedly reflecting his tendency to change locations frequently to hide from Israel.

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court announced in May that he was seeking the arrests of Deif and Sinwar and Hamas’ exiled supreme leader, Ismail Haniyeh. The prosecutor, Karim Khan, said he is also seeking the arrests of Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

What does it mean for the war and negotiations?

The killing of Deif would mark the highest profile assassination of any Hamas leader by Israel since the war began, signifying both a huge victory for Israel and a deep psychological blow for the militant group.

At a news conference Saturday night, Netanyahu said all of Hamas’ leaders are “marked for death.” He said that stepping up the pressure on the group by killing its leaders would move Hamas closer to accepting a cease-fire deal.

Killing Deif could also help push Netanyahu closer to a deal. The Israeli leader has said he will not end the war until Israel achieves its war goals, which include destroying Hamas’ military capabilities.

But killing Deif could also throw the ongoing cease-fire talks, which appeared to have made tentative progress in recent weeks, into disarray and would likely widen the gap between Hamas and Israeli delegations in Cairo.

“For the Israelis, it may give them the victory narrative they’ve desperately been chasing for nine months,” said Khaled el-Gindy, an analyst specializing in Palestinian affairs with the Washington-based Middle East Institute.

But el-Gindy believes it will harden Hamas’ position, too.

“Accepting a cease-fire in that context would seem like a surrender,” he said.

Find more of AP’s coverage at https://apnews.com/hub/israel-hamas-war

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essaye translation | French-English dictionary

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'essaye' also found in translations in English-French dictionary
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de mettre les jumelles au point.
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    Translation for 'essayer de' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.


    ESSAYER translate: to try, to try out, to try on, to try, test, try, try, try on, try out. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.

  3. Translate "ESSAYER" from French into English

    1. [moyen, manière] to try ⧫ to try out. [restaurant, recette, voiture] to try ⧫ to try out. [vêtement, chaussures] to try on. Essaie ce pull : il devrait bien t'aller. Try this sweater on: it should look good on you. 2. (en laboratoire) [médicament, appareil] to test. Full verb table intransitive verb.

  4. essayer de translation in English

    essayer de translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 's'essayer, essayeur, essuyer, essaimer', examples, definition, conjugation

  5. essayer

    J'ai essayé d'appeler mon frère, mais il était occupé. I tried to call my brother, but he was busy. Ils ont essayé d'identifier la source du signal. They tried to pinpoint the source of the signal. J'ai essayé d'esquiver le problème. I tried to duck the issue.

  6. essayer

    essayer vtr. (tester un vêtement sur soi) try on vtr phrasal sep. J'essaie les chaussures avant de les acheter. I am trying the shoes on before I buy them. essayer de faire [qch] vtr. (faire un effort pour) try to do [sth] vi + prep. Je vais essayer de terminer ce soir.

  7. essayer

    Definition: Essayer is a French word that means "to try" or "to attempt" in English. It is a versatile verb used to express the action of trying something or attempting to do something in French. ... Essayer de résoudre un problème : Try to solve a problem; Essayer de nouvelles expériences : Try new experiences; Essayer de rester calme : Try ...


    essayer de forcer quelqu'un à acheter. essayer de frapper. More translations in the Arabic-English dictionary. Translation for 'essayer' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.

  9. essayer

    essayer qc. to have a try essayer qc. to try again essayer à nouveau to have a go at sth. essayer de faire qc. to retry sth. - try again essayer qc. de nouveau - au sens de : refaire une tentative to try sth. on for size - to see if suitable essayer qc. pour voir - si quelque chose convient to try it on with so. (Brit.) [coll.] - trick essayer ...

  10. essayer

    essayer (haute couture) essayer (prononciation) essayer à partir des pays de production. Essayer and the future and conditional. essayer d'y parvenir. essayer de. essayer de gagner. essayer de l'avoir à leur tour. Essayer de se confondre.

  11. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  12. Essayer

    Essayer - To try Word origin. The French verb essayer is related to the noun essai (try, attempt), which comes from the Latin verb exigere (to judge, examine, weigh) and noun exagium (weight, balance).. Present tense conjugation. Essayer is a regular ER verb.This means that its endings are the same as all other French regular ER verbs when conjugated in the present tense.

  13. essayer

    Translation of "essayer" in English. Verb. try attempt try out test experiment endeavour give it a shot try on test out. endeavor. Show more. Ces photos peuvent vous motiver à essayer ce produit par vous-même. These pictures can motivate you to try this product for yourself.

  14. essayer

    essayer. ( transitive) to test, to try on. Essayez cette chemise. ― Try this shirt on. ( catenative) to try, to attempt [ with de (+ infinitive) 'to do something' ] J'ai essayé d'apprendre le piano. ― I tried to learn [to play] the piano. Des psychologues ont essayé d'analyser quels traits physiques étaient considérés comme ...

  15. essayer de

    Translations in context of "essayer de" in French-English from Reverso Context: pour essayer de, essayer de faire, essayer de mettre, essayer de régler, essayer de sauver ... No results found for this meaning. Suggest an example. Display more examples Suggest an example. Suggestions that contain essayer de. pour essayer de 4177. essayer de ...

  16. essayer

    to try using soap / alcohol. essayer à la poste / banque. to try the post office / bank. essayer de faire. to try to do. n'essaie pas de tricher / m'attendrir. don't try to cheat / soften me up. j'essaierai que tout se passe bien. I'll try to make sure everything goes all right.

  17. What's the meaning of "de" in "Je vais essayer de vous montrer"?

    essayer is not a modal verb, and has the same form it has in english. You add de/to when you use essayer/try + verb. You have to understand that "try to do" is a two verb sentence ... The rule is more that modal verbs don't need de after them to be before another verb. Je veux dormir (modal verb). J'essaye de dormir (not modal) -

  18. English translation of 'essayer'

    English Translation of "ESSAYER" | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.

  19. essayer translation in English

    vi to try essayer de faire to try to do Essaie de rentrer de bonne heure. Try to come home early. Essayez un peu! (menace) Just you try it! essayer (s') vpr/vi s'essayer à qch to try one's hand at sth s'essayer à faire qch to try one's hand at doing sth. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. See also:

  20. FR: essayer de + infinitif

    Actually, de has a few different functions in French, which makes this word confusing for English-speakers. The "some" function is when de is a partitive article. But in this case, de is a preposition - it links the verb essayer (to try) with the next verb that tells what you try to do. essayer de faire quelque chose = to try to do something.

  21. Simple "Essayer" (to Try) French Verb Conjugations

    French Verb Conjugation Using "Essayer" (to Try) The French verb essayer means "to try." It's a simple word that can easily be confused with essuyer (to wipe), so be sure to look and listen for that 'A' in essayer . In order to place essayer into the past, present, or future tense, the verb needs to be conjugated.

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    The facility is owned by Kennett Square, Pennsylvania-based Genesis Healthcare. A job posting from the company for a dietary aid in the Pittsburgh area puts the pay at $16 an hour.

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    House Speaker Mike Johnson on Sunday said President Joe Biden should be "called out" for political attacks on former President Donald Trump that have contributed to what he described as a ...

  27. Video shows shooting at Trump rally in Butler as he's rushed off stage

    Live updates on Trump rally:Donald Trump rushed from stage at rally after apparent gunshots; 1 person and shooter dead At least six bangs that sound like gunfire are heard while the Republican ...

  28. Israel targets Hamas' military leader in Gaza. Who is he and what does

    FILE - This image taken from video and released by the militant group Hamas on Aug. 26, 2005, shows a man identified as Mohammed Deif. An Israeli attack on the south of the Gaza Strip on Saturday July 13, 2024, killed 71 people and injured scores, the Health Ministry in Gaza said, while an Israeli official said it targeted the head of Hamas' military wing.

  29. essaye translation in English

    vi to try. essayer de faire to try to do. Essaie de rentrer de bonne heure. Try to come home early. Essayez un peu! (menace) Just you try it! essayer (s') vpr/vi. s'essayer à qch to try one's hand at sth. s'essayer à faire qch to try one's hand at doing sth.

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