The Role of a Father in the Family: Today & in the Past

The duties of a dad are changing and involvement is key.

Gabrielle is an experienced freelance writer and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with experience using equine-assisted therapy.

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The role of a father in the family has an incredibly important impact on a child's psychological and physical wellbeing. When a child has a healthy relationship with a father figure, they tend to have improved psychological health, as well as better quality relationships throughout their life. We break down the father role and how it has changed in very recent years.

The Role of a Father in the Family

Father figures can play many roles within the family system . Keep in mind that the term father does not solely apply to biological relationships, nor does it only apply to a husband and wife relationship.

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Same-sex couples, transgender men who are parents, and single fathers provide just as meaningful parent-child relationships as families with a husband and wife. There is no one type of family where a child recieves the healthiest father-child relationship.

Father figures:

  • May not be biologically related to the child or children they care for
  • May be a step-parent
  • May have adopted a child or children
  • May not be legally responsible for the children they look after

Regardless of what the family looks like, the most important factor is the quality of the parent-child relationship.

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What Is the Role of a Father in Families Today?

Unlike years past, many fathers today are equally involved in both the parenting of the children and the upkeep of the household. This not only sets a solid example for the children, but it also improves the spousal relationship.

In fact, a study of married men and women who had just had their first child showed that when a father took the time to contribute to these tasks, there was an overall decrease in aggravation for both partners, even when their baby was fussy. Within the family, fathers can take on multiple roles, which may include:

  • Financial contributors
  • Supportive partners
  • Loving parents
  • Stay-at-home parents
  • Healthy co-parents , even after a breakup or divorce

Why Having a Father Is Important

A father figure can significantly influence the life and wellbeing of a child. In families where the father figure is present, the father serves as one of the first role models and relationships the child will encounter. Children are extremely sensitive and observant beings and internalize relational experiences.

These early interactions with their father serve as a blueprint for what a relationship looks like and impacts both the father-son relationship and the father-daughter relationship. This means that unhealthy relationships with a father figure can significantly impact not only the child's psychological wellbeing, but their unconscious relational choices when they become adults.

  • If a child has a healthy relationship with their father, they tend to have higher levels of self-esteem and confidence, and they develop more stable relationships with other men in their adulthood.
  • If a child has an unhealthy relationship with their father, they may experience more psychological distress and struggle with forming healthy relationships with as they become adults.

Keep in mind that it is very difficult to alter the internalized relational blueprint that forms when children are quite young. While it is possible to change this foundation, it often takes high levels of insight, as well as significant psychotherapeutic interventions to shift these deep-rooted, and often unconscious, mental pathways.

The Changing Role of the Modern Day Father

It has only been in the past several decades that the idea of the " involved father " has taken shape. While historically, men's identities were heavily tied to their careers, dads continue to take a more active parenting role in recent years. According to Pew Research Center statistics on American fathers (2016):

  • 7% of dads reported being stay-at-home fathers, and of those 7%, 24% cite their primary reason for this choice was to take care of their child or children.
  • 49% of men felt pressure to be an involved father.
  • 49% of adults reported they felt men face more pressure returning to work after they've welcomed a child into their family.

How the Pandemic Has Changed the Father Role for the Better

When the pandemic hit in 2020, we were all forced to retreat to the safety of our homes while health experts figured out how to handle this medical crisis. During this time of solitude, fathers had the unique opportunity to spend more quality time with their kids while working from home.

Researchers at Harvard University have found that " almost 70% of fathers across race, class, educational attainment, and political affiliation in the United States [felt] closer to their children during the coronavirus pandemic." The studies also found that since the start of the pandemic, more than half of American fathers:

  • Appreciate their children more
  • Are more aware of their children's feelings
  • Engage more with their children in both daily activities and conversations

Interestingly enough, Pew Research has also found that as of October 2020, 46% of fathers feel as if they spend the right amount of time with their kids (only 36% of fathers felt this way in 2017). Additionally, there has been a 15% decrease in the number of fathers who believe they spend too little time with their kids (down from 63% in 2017).

How the Pandemic Changed the Way Fathers View Work

The pandemic also brought more flexible work conditions. While most businesses have gone back to the status quo, many fathers have changed their views of their old roles. The Hamilton Project reports that as of September 2021:

  • A quarter of fathers sought to reduce the hours they work
  • Only 26% intended to go back to how they worked in pre-pandemic days
  • Many wanted to pursue less demanding positions

This restructuring of the way fathers think about their careers and the value they see in achieving a work-life balance is a big step in helping families maintain healthy relationships.

The pandemic changed how many businesses function. New and experienced fathers who want to be more involved in their kid's lives can benefit from this, so take the time to research opportunities that will give you the balance you need to foster a better life for yourself and your family.

Important Responsibilities of a Father

In terms of healthy parenting, the duties of a dad may include:

  • Modeling healthy relational behavior with your other caregiver (if applicable), and other adults
  • Being kind, nurturing, and spending time to bond with your child without distractions
  • Expressing love in healthy ways
  • Taking good care of yourself both physically and mentally and modeling appropriate behavior when help is needed
  • Being understanding and forgiving
  • Not imposing or projecting your notions onto your child
  • Giving your child the space to be themselves and allowing them to take the lead in certain situations
  • Offering acceptance and compassion
  • Teaching and modeling healthy communication skills , as well as appropriate conflict resolution skills
  • Setting appropriate boundaries and disciplining appropriately (no violence, no spanking, no yelling, no withholding affection, and no prolonged punishment)

What Is the Role of Father and Mother in a Family?

Keep in mind that a family with a mother and father is not the only type of family where a father figure can be involved in healthy ways; parents today tend to share the responsibility of child rearing.

Parental Roles Vary Based in Individual Families

In terms of specific roles, these will vary greatly depending on each unique family's needs. However, in healthy families, ideally both parents are flexible and are able to take on the same roles, while supporting each other as parents and partners. The roles that parents play today in individual families can look very different from family to family - and that's ok. No one family needs to operate just like another.

What Is the Responsibility of Parents?

Depending on the family unit , mothers and fathers may trade off in terms of responsibilities, or come up with their own balanced way of splitting the tasks of the household. When it comes to parenting, ideally both the mother and father have healthy relationships with their child or children and are equally involved in child rearing.

The Importance of a Father

A father plays a significant role in molding their child and promoting good mental and physical health. Regardless of how the father figure is connected to the child or which name for dad the children call this parent by, the most important aspect of the parent-child relationship is the quality of the connection, and not whether the child and father are blood relatives. Thus, the most important father role is to be present in a positive way.

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200 word essay on fathers: celebrating the pillars of our lives.

When we think of the word 'father', it conjures up a myriad of images and emotions. Fathers are more than just family members; they are the pillars of our lives, guiding us through challenges and celebrating our successes. In this 200-word essay  on fathers, we delve into the essence of what makes a father truly special and how their influence shapes our lives. Whether it's spending a day together, working on projects, or simply sharing life lessons, the role of a father is irreplaceable. As we explore this topic, remember that every father's journey is unique, and this essay is a tribute to all the fathers out there, in all their diverse forms.

Understanding the Role of a Father in Our Lives

The role of a father extends beyond the traditional norms of providing and protecting. He is a mentor, a role model, and often the first hero in a child's life. Fathers teach us resilience, they show us how to face challenges head-on, and they prepare us for the real world. Their wisdom and guidance are pivotal in shaping our character and values. A father's influence in our decision-making and life choices can be profound, often reflecting in the career paths we choose and the individuals we become.

Reflecting on the Bond with My Father

The bond shared with a father is unique and evolves over time. From the early years of dependency to the later years of friendship, this relationship is a journey of mutual growth and understanding. Fathers often introduce us to various aspects of life, from sports and hobbies to career advice and life skills. These shared experiences not only strengthen our bond but also contribute significantly to our personal development. Remembering the times spent with them, whether it be a simple day out or a significant life event, helps us appreciate the value they add to our lives.

Celebrating Father's Day: A Day Set Aside to Honor Fathers

Father's Day, celebrated on the third Sunday of June every year, is a special day dedicated to honoring fathers and father figures. It's a day to express gratitude and love for the sacrifices they make and the unconditional love they provide. Celebrating Father's Day can be as simple as spending the day together or as elaborate as planning a special event. It's about acknowledging their efforts and letting them know how much they mean to us. This day reinforces the importance of fathers in our society and in our personal lives.

Exploring Careers Influenced by Fathers

Fathers often play a significant role in influencing our career choices. Their professions, interests, and advice can steer us towards certain career paths. For instance, a father working in the engineering field might inspire his child to opt for a career in the same or a related field. Similarly, the values and work ethic observed in fathers can shape our professional attitudes and aspirations. It's fascinating to see how the legacy of a father's career can echo in the professional choices of the next generation.

Writing an Essay on Fathers: Tips and Guidelines

When tasked with writing an essay on fathers, it's important to structure your thoughts coherently. Start by outlining the key points you want to cover, such as the role of a father, personal anecdotes, or the impact of fathers on society. Use a clear and concise language, and ensure that your essay is heartfelt and genuine. Remember to include personal experiences and reflections to make your essay relatable and engaging. An essay on fathers is not just an academic exercise; it's an opportunity to reflect on and appreciate the profound influence fathers have on our lives.

Final Thoughts: The Enduring Impact of Fathers

In conclusion, fathers are more than just family members; they are mentors, guides, and pillars of strength. Their influence permeates every aspect of our lives, from our character development to our career choices. As we celebrate fathers and their countless contributions, let's remember to express our gratitude and love, not just on Father's Day but every day. Fathers shape the future through their impact on their children, and this legacy is one of the most powerful forces in shaping society. Let's cherish and honor the role of fathers in our lives, for they truly are the unsung heroes of our personal stories.

FAQs: Understanding the Essence of Fatherhood

Q1: Why is a father's role considered crucial in a child's life? A1: A father's role is crucial as he is often a child's first role model, teaching resilience, imparting wisdom, and preparing them for life's challenges. Q2: How can we celebrate Father's Day? A2: Father's Day can be celebrated by spending quality time with your father, giving him gifts, or simply expressing your gratitude and love for his presence in your life. Q3: Can a father's profession influence his child's career choice? A3: Yes, a father's profession can significantly influence a child's career choice, either directly inspiring them to follow in their footsteps or indirectly shaping their interests and values.

Dos and Don'ts: Writing an Essay on Fathers

Do: - Include personal anecdotes and experiences. - Reflect on the lessons learned from your father. - Keep the tone respectful and appreciative. Don't: - Avoid generalizations that may not apply to all father-child relationships. - Don't stray from the topic; keep your essay focused on fathers. - Avoid overly complex language; clarity is key.

Download the Careers360 App: Explore Career Paths Inspired by Fathers

For those inspired by their fathers to pursue specific careers, the Careers360 app can be an invaluable resource. It offers insights into various career paths, educational resources, and guidance on making informed career choices. Whether you're considering a career in engineering, data analytics, or any other field, this app can provide the necessary information to help you on your journey. Download the app today and start exploring the possibilities that align with your aspirations and the legacy of your father's influence.

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Essay On Father

essay the role of father

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Father

Fathers play a crucial role in the development and well-being of their children. They provide support, guidance, and love, helping to shape their children into the adults they will become. A father’s influence on his children is immeasurable and can have a lasting impact on their lives.

From an early age, fathers help their children develop a sense of self and a positive self-image. They encourage their children to explore their interests and pursue their passions, and provide them with the support they need to succeed. Whether it’s through playing catch, helping with homework, or simply listening, fathers are there to support their children in all of their endeavors.

As children grow, fathers continue to play an important role in their development. They help shape their children’s values, beliefs, and moral compass, providing guidance and wisdom as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. Fathers also play a critical role in helping their children develop healthy relationships, both with their peers and with members of the opposite sex.

In addition to their role as caretakers and providers, fathers also serve as role models for their children. They provide an example of what it means to be a responsible and caring adult, and show their children how to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.

While the role of a father is important and valuable, it is not always easy. Being a father requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to put the needs of others first. However, the rewards of fatherhood are numerous and can bring joy and fulfillment to a man’s life.

In conclusion, fathers play a critical role in the lives of their children and in the wider community. They provide love, support, guidance, and serve as role models for their children. Being a father is a challenging and rewarding experience, and one that has the power to change lives for the better.

Long Essay On Father

Every family has a special figure, who plays an important role in the lives of its members. They serve as mentors, guides, and role models for their children. Fathers are particularly influential in providing security and stability to those around them. In this article, we will explore why the role of fathers is so important and how it affects their families from a personal perspective. So read on to find out more about the essay on father!


Fathers are one of the most important people in our lives. They are our role models, our heroes, and the people we look up to. We learn from them, we admire them, and we strive to be like them.

A father is someone who is there for you when you need him; someone who loves you unconditionally and is always there for you no matter what. A father is someone you can count on, whether you’re having a good day or a bad day.

A father is someone who will always be there for you, no matter what happens in your life. He is someone who will always love you, no matter what. So if you’re lucky enough to have a father in your life, cherish him and let him know how much he means to you.

What is a Father?

A father is a male parent of a child. He is the one who provides for the family and protects them. A father is also a role model for his children. He sets an example for them to follow. A father’s love for his children is unconditional.

Role of a Father in the Family

A father plays an important role in the family. He is the head of the household and the primary breadwinner. He is responsible for providing for his family and ensuring their safety and wellbeing. He is also a role model for his children, teaching them how to be responsible, productive members of society. Fathers play a vital role in the development and growth of their children, both emotionally and physically. They provide guidance, support, and discipline when needed, while also offering love and encouragement. Fathers are an essential part of any family, and they play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their children.

Impact of a Father on His Children’s Lives

A father has a unique and special role in the lives of his children. He is the provider, protector and disciplinarian all rolled into one. A father’s love is unending and he will do anything for his children, even if it means making sacrifices.

A father’s impact on his children’s lives is immeasurable. He sets the tone for how they view themselves, others and the world around them. A father instills values in his children that will stay with them forever. He teaches them right from wrong and helps them to become independent, responsible adults.

A father’s love is unconditional and everlasting. No matter what mistakes his children make, he will always be there for them. They can always count on him to be their biggest supporter and fan. A father’s love is truly one of a kind.

Benefits of Having an Involved Father

fathers play an important role in the lives of their children;

fathers can provide support and guidance to their children;

fathers can help their children develop a strong sense of self-esteem and self-confidence;

fathers can help their children develop a positive outlook on life; and

father involvement can help reduce the risk of many negative outcomes for children.

Skills and Qualities That Make a Good Father

A good father is someone who is loving and supportive, but also firm when necessary. He sets a good example for his children and is a role model they can look up to. He teaches them right from wrong and helps them to grow into responsible adults. A good father is patient, understanding and always there for his family.

Challenges Fathers Face Today

Fathers face many challenges in today’s society. One of the biggest challenges is finding a balance between work and family life. With more and more mothers working outside the home, fathers are often left with the majority of child-rearing responsibilities. This can be difficult to manage while also trying to maintain a full-time job.

Another challenge fathers face is being involved in their children’s lives. With both parents working, it can be difficult to find time to spend with your kids. As a result, fathers can feel like they’re missing out on important aspects of their children’s lives. It’s important for dads to make an effort to be involved in their kids’ activities and interests, even if it means making some sacrifices at work.

Lastly, fathers also have to deal with the stereotype that they are not as capable as mothers when it comes to parenting. This is an unfair stereotype that can put a lot of pressure on dads who are already struggling with the challenges mentioned above. It’s important for fathers to remember that they are just as capable as mothers when it comes to raising happy and healthy children.

Fathers are a special kind of man, one who puts his family’s needs before his own. He is an example to us all and deserves recognition for the sacrifices he makes every day. Fathers may not always be perfect but they will always have our love and respect. This essay has explored some of the qualities that make fathers so unique, showing us why fathers are such an important part of life. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, it is comforting to know that there is someone out there looking out for us – our father!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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The Role Of The Father, Multiple Attachments

July 5, 2021 - paper 1 introductory topics in psychology | attachment.

One of the most important questions attachment research has to answer concerns over who infants become attached to. What is the role of the Father? What are the multiple attachments that infants form and why are these attachments important?

Description (AO1) Of Research Into Multiple Attachments And The Role Of The Father:

Parent-Infant Attachment:  Traditionally researchers have thought in terms of mother-infant attachment.  Schaffer and Emerson (1964)  found that the majority of babies did become attached to their mothers’ first   primary attachment  (around 7 months) and within a few weeks or months formed  secondary attachments  to other family members including the father. In 75% of the infants studied an attachment was formed with the father by the age of 18 months. This was determined by the fact that the infants protested when their fathers walked away a sign of attachment.

The Role of the Father:  Grossman (2002)  carried out a longitudinal study looking at both the parents’ behaviour and its relationship to the quality of the children’s attachment into their teens. Quality of infant attachment with mothers but not fathers was related to children’s attachment in adolescents suggesting that father attachment was less important. However, the quality of the fathers’ play with infants have a different role in attachment one that is more to do with play and stimulation, and less to do with nurturing.

Fathers and Primary Caregivers:  There is some evidence to suggest that when fathers do take on the role of being the main caregiver they adopt behaviours more typical of mothers.  Field (1978)  filmed 4 month old babies in face to face interaction with primary caregiver mothers, secondary caregiver fathers and primary caregiver fathers. Primary caregiver fathers, like mothers, spent more time smiling, imitating and holding infants than the secondary caregiver fathers. This behaviour appears to be important in building an attachment with the infant. It seems that fathers can be the more nurturing attachment figure. The key to the attachment relationship is the level of the responsiveness not the gender of the parent.

Evaluation (AO3) Of Research Into Multiple Attachments And The Role Of The Father:

Click here for a key exam tip linked to evaluation (AO3) !!   

(1) POINT:  A weakness of research into attachment figures is that there are inconsistent findings as to the role of the father in attachments.  EVIDENCE/EXAMPLE:  For example,  research into the role of the father in attachment is confusing because different researchers are interested in different research questions. Some researchers are interested in understanding the role fathers have as secondary attachment figures, whereas others are more concerned with the father’s role as a primary attachment figure. The former have tended to see fathers behaving differently from mothers and having a distinct role. The latter have tended to find that fathers can take on a ‘maternal’ role.  EVALUATION:  This is a problem because  it means psychologists cannot easily answer the questions ‘what is the role of the father?’ The findings from research being inconsistent means that firm conclusions cannot be drawn.

(2) POINT:  A further criticism is that research has left unanswered questions such as if fathers have a distinct role then why aren’t children without fathers different  EVIDENCE/EXAMPLE:  For example,  as mentioned previously, Grossman’s study found that fathers as a secondary attachment figure have an important role in their children’s upbringing. However other studies such as  MacCallum and Golombok (2004)  have found that children growing up in single or same-sex parent families do not develop any differently from those in two parent heterosexual families.  EVALUATION:  This is a weakness because it suggests that the father’s role as a secondary attachment figure is not important.

Next move on to look at  animal studies  and attachment and  Explanations of Attachment.


Fathers Matter: The Importance of a Father

Girl and her father

A father’s gifts of quality time, life-giving words, and positive actions have a long-lasting impact on his children.

What’s inside this article

  • • The Importance of a Father in Creating Essential Momentum
  • • Small Momentums Lead to Larger Momentums

Have you ever wondered, “ Do fathers matter? What differences do I make in my home as a dad?” Let’s begin with the simple answer — the importance of a father is tremendous! You make countless differences in your home and family. However, how much impact you decide to make as a dad is entirely up to you!  

When was the last time you genuinely or playfully smiled at your children? When was the last time you gave your kids affirmation, correction, and reassurance? If you haven’t recently, do it now and see what happens. What did you notice? Did your child light up or smile back? Did your child respond and shift behaviors?

essay the role of father

I vividly remember one day when my seven-year-old son and I were driving in the car together. He told me he no longer wanted to become like Michael Jordan — instead, my son said he wanted to become like me! What an honor and a helpful reminder that he is watching and learning from me along the way. 

As a father, how I live my life has a long-lasting impact on my children’s lives. A father has a significant influence within a family’s interactions and experiences. 

The Importance of a Father in Creating Essential Momentum

If you love sports, science, stories, music, or martial arts, you know about the word  momentum . The universe, countries, culture, communities, families, and people are all influenced by momentum.   

As a dad, you bring essential momentum to your home. You bring a specific type of feel, action, and movement to your home in all areas of life. The importance of a father can be seen physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and relationally in a family.

In more than two decades of providing counseling to families, I have gotten a close view into how a father’s actions impact their children’s lives. Although the life-giving power from a dad to his family is incredible and rarely discussed, God intentionally designed a father’s impact.  

Ways God Designed the Importance of a Father

Here are a few ways that God designed dads to have a unique influence on their families: 

  • A father’s strength can be powerful
  • A dad’s words can be fueling and inspirational
  • Hugs from a dad can be deeply comforting
  • A dad’s smiles can instill joy and confidence
  • Time with a dad can be fun and productive
  • A dad’s physicality can be challenging  
  • A dad’s guidance can be life-changing and foundational
  • A father’s correction can be life-saving and life-giving
  • Adventures with a dad can be exciting and memorable

Fathers are Essential Personnel

The key word in the previous list is “can.” A dad  can  bring many amazing things to their family. However, it initially requires realizing that you are essential personnel in your home as a dad.  

You bring essential teaching, guidance, motivation, correction, love, and feedback. You can give these anywhere and with no limit in creative day-to-day ways. Your impact is foundational and long-lasting. 

Researchers have found a variety of benefits stemming from a father’s use of an authoritative parenting style . This parenting style balances sensitivity and warmth with discipline and structure . Within an authoritative parenting style, a father’s children are less likely to have emotional and behavioral issues. His children are also more likely to do well socially, academically, relationally, and developmentally when he balances high levels of both sensitivity and limits.  

Other research also provides insight into the various and unique benefits a dad can bring into their home and children’s lives. The following examples describe studies demonstrating the potential results from a father’s positive effective parenting. 

  • A dad’s sensitivity early in a boy’s life leads to fewer behavior issues later in the boy’s life. 
  • Unity in parenting between a mom and dad can result in more feelings of intimacy between a husband and wife, especially from a wife toward her husband. As a result, children have fewer emotional and behavioral issues. 
  • Sons who have a good relationship with their father tend to handle stress more effectively.
  • Playing with fathers, including roughhousing, helps children develop self-control, problem-solving skills, and self-regulation skills.

essay the role of father

The 7 Traits of Effective Parenting

The seven traits of effective parenting are a thoroughly researched and practical template to structure the application of an authoritative parenting style in your day-to-day parenting as a dad. Below are a few examples of how the 7 Traits display opportunities for effective parenting as a father. 

  • Adaptability  means you handle stress and what is coming at you as a dad in healthy and effective ways. It also means you have the mental flexibility to help your child feel understood and noticed by you.
  • Respect  brings you fully present to your family. Through respect, you model looking inward and managing yourself well so you can listen, see, effectively respond to, and love all image bearers of Christ that surround you each day.  
  • Intentionality  helps you create goals and focus on what you’re building in your children’s lives. Intentional affection, instruction, conversations, mealtimes, playtimes, and encouraging words can all have life-giving impacts on your family.
  • Steadfast love  allows you to love deeply and give your family the strength that stems from a father’s unconditional love.  
  • Boundaries  allow you to model and teach healthy ways to engage with opportunities, relationships, and interests.
  • Grace and forgiveness  present the ministry of reconciliation that Jesus began through his death and resurrection. A dad can truly make his home debt-free and spiritually strengthened by modeling grace and forgiveness.
  • Gratitude  provides a father with a loving and humble perspective that helps him lead his family well. 

Small Momentums Lead to Larger Momentums

Your habits, shared experiences, and little things you do provide the larger momentums within you, your child, and your family.  

Imagine if you could pull back the curtain and peer into your life’s momentum. You might find yourself asking questions such as: 

  • Which triggers do I have? 
  • What would my family say I love? 
  • What emotions do I bring to my relationships with my wife and kids?  

Let’s explore a few of the ways that  momentum  can positively affect your role as a father. 


You can bring foundation and direction through consistent prayer and reading of scripture with your family.  Tell your child why you love God. 


You can bring awareness and resilience by being open to learning about and discussing the critical momentums created by emotions.  Carefully listen to your child and teach him not to be allergic to emotions and feelings . 

You can bring focus, confidence, strength, and pursuit through your words of affirmation.  Teach your child the importance of guarding their thoughts since  thought bubbles  turn into behaviors. 


You can bring closeness and  steadfastness  through your gentle love, service, and presence. Gentleness is strength under control.  Teach your child about the importance and foundations of humility. 

You can bring relaxation,  adventure , pursuit, strength, affection, and activity to your family.  Teach your child the benefits of being active and showing loving affection.

The best balance is working hard, playing hard, eating the right fuel for your body, and getting plenty of sleep. Perfection does not gain long-lasting love. Imperfections allow love to be genuine, deep, active, and growing.

© 2021 by Focus on the Family. All rights reserved.

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About the Author

Danny Huerta, Vice President of the Parenting and Youth at Focus on the Family

Danny Huerta, PsyD, MSW, LCSW, LSSW

Dr. Daniel Huerta is Vice President of Parenting and Youth for Focus on the Family, overseeing the ministry’s initiatives that equip moms and dads with biblical principles and counsel for raising healthy, resilient children rooted in a thriving faith.

He is a psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker, and the author of 7 Traits of Effective Parenting . For many years, he has provided families with practical, biblically-based and research-based parenting advice on topics including media discernment, discipline, communication, mental health issues, conflict resolution, and healthy sexuality in the home. He is passionate about coming alongside parents as they raise contributors, instead of consumers, in a culture desperately in need of God’s kingdom.

Dr. Huerta has been interviewed by various media outlets including Fox News, Fatherly , Christianity Today , WORLD Magazine, and CBN, and he is a frequent guest on Christian radio stations across the nation. He’s also written for publications, including The Washington Post , on various topics related to marriage and parenting. He participated in the development of Focus on the Family’s Launch Into the Teen Years , a resource to help parents prepare their kids for adolescence, and he speaks regularly at retreats, conventions, and online events.

Dr. Huerta has maintained a private practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado since 2003 and has served families through Focus on the Family since 2004. He and his wife, Heather, have been married since 1997 and love being parents to their three teen children, Alex, Lexi, and Maci.

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The Role Of Father Essays

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The Changing Role of the Modern Day Father

Modern-day father

  • Men and Boys

Economic Trends

Two to three centuries ago, fathers’ roles were primarily to serve as breadwinners and the conveyers of moral values and religious education to their children. However, with the advent of industrialization and urbanization and as factories emerged as major sources of employment, fathers became distanced from the household and their families. Growing rates of abandonment and illegitimacy led to the development of welfare programs to assist widowed or unmarried women in supporting their children.

In more recent decades, the changing economic role of women has greatly impacted the role of fathers. Between 1948 and 2001, the percentage of working age women employed or looking for work nearly doubled–from less than 33 percent to more than 60 percent. Their increase in financial power made paternal financial support less necessary for some families. In tandem with the growing autonomy of women, related trends such as declining fertility, increasing rates of divorce and remarriage, and childbirth outside of marriage have resulted in a transition from traditional to multiple undefined roles for many fathers. Today’s fathers have started to take on roles vastly different from fathers of previous generations.

Changes in Caregiving Roles

Historically, research on child development has focused more on the sensitivity of mothers to fulfilling their children’s needs. However, in the last 20 to 30 years, research has increasingly focused on fathers.

This is due to the growing role modern day fathers play in caregiving. A study conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) found that fathers tended to be more involved in caregiving when:

they worked fewer hours than other fathers;

they had positive psychological adjustment characteristics (e.g., high self esteem, lower  levels of depression and hostility, and coping well with the major tasks of adulthood);

mothers worked more hours than other mothers;

mothers reported greater marital intimacy; and

when children were boys.

Other research on the role of fathers suggests that the influence of father love on children's development is as great as the influence of a mother's love. Fatherly love helps children develop a sense of their place in the world, which helps their social, emotional and cognitive development and functioning. Moreover, children who receive more love from their fathers are less likely to struggle with behavioral or substance abuse problems.

Research on the impact of absent and non-residential fathers on the lives of children illuminates how crucial their role is. Theoretical models of fatherhood have outlined four major tasks involved in “responsible fatherhood”:

providing financial support;

providing care;

providing emotional support; and

establishing legal paternity.

As of 2006, 38 percent of all births were to unmarried women — a more than six-fold increase since 1960. Non-marital birth rates are highest for Hispanic women followed by African-American women. Rates for non-Hispanic white and Asian or Pacific Islander women are much lower. However, crude stereotypes about minority fathers in particular overlook the complex economic, psychological, cultural and relational issues that affect their fathering behaviors. There are cultural variations in fathers' caregiving practices that counter several negative stereotypes.

Low-income, minority and non-residential fathers who have jobs and education are more likely to be involved with their children.

Research has found that African-American men are more likely to physically care for, feed and prepare meals for their infants than either white or Hispanic fathers.

Emerging research on cultural influences on parenting beliefs in the African-American community show family and community pressure on unmarried non-residential fathers to provide financial and child-care support at marginally higher rates than their white and Hispanic counterparts.

Some ethnographic data has emerged that significant amounts of paternal financial support (both cash and in-kind aid) may go unreported in formal systems.

Many unemployed fathers may have access to their children restricted by the child’s mother/ family members or may even remove themselves due to their own shame resulting from inability to provide financial support.

Even incarcerated fathers can play a role in the rearing of their children by regularly communicating with and making parenting decisions with their spouses and other family members.

Even in cases where biological fathers are completely absent, maternal partners, stepfathers, grandparents or other relatives may serve as father figures.

The status of the father's relationship with his child's mother serves an important influence on father involvement. Non-residential fathers are at high risk for becoming disconnected from their children over time. Lacking a minimally close relationship, as is the case when couples become acquaintances, is likely to result in lower levels of paternal engagement of children.

In cases of divorce, it is often difficult if not impossible for fathers to maintain the same types of parenting roles with their biological children. Indeed, children of divorce — and later, remarriage — are twice as likely to academically, behaviorally and socially struggle as children of first-marriage families. Most divorced fathers do not receive full custody of their children. As a result, maintaining their roles as parents can be difficult due to the reduction in time spent with their children. Fortunately, visitation of fathers post-divorce has increased over the past two decades. However, it is not the frequency of contact between father and child, but rather the quality of the visits that contributes to the child’s well-being. Research has found that the key factors that contribute to healthy adjustment for children post-divorce include:

appropriate parenting (i.e., providing emotional support, monitoring children's activities, disciplining authoritatively and maintaining age appropriate expectations),

enough access to the non-residential parent,

suitable custody arrangements, (joint legal custody often results in shared decision making, more father-child visits, regular child support payments and more satisfied and better adjusted children)

low parental conflict, and

parents who are psychologically healthy.

It is estimated that one in three Americans is part of a step-family. Step-fathers can encounter many difficulties in their new parenting roles. They must strike a balance between maintaining healthy relationships with their ex-spouses in order to benefit their biological children without alienating their new partners. In addition, it may take years before they are accepted as “real” parents by their step-children. Research has found that the type of step-family with best outcomes for children consists of parents who form a solid, committed partnership so they can not only nurture their marriage, but also effectively raise their children. These parents don’t follow unrealistic expectations of what the family should be like.

As more and more gay men are able to live their lives openly and to establish long-term, supportive and loving relationships, like heterosexual couples, they are beginning to start families. With the growing numbers of gay fathers in our society, research suggests that they are likely to divide the work involved in child care relatively evenly and that they are happy with their couple relationships. In fact, research findings suggest that gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive home environments for children. Research has found no evidence to support the following concerns with regard to foster care and adoption by gay fathers:

the belief that gay men are mentally ill, and

the belief that gay men's relationships with sexual partners leave little time for ongoing parent-child interactions

Extensive research over the last three decades shows that homosexuality is not a mental disorder; there is no reliable evidence that it impairs psychological functioning, although the discrimination and prejudice gay men face can often cause acute distress. Likewise, beliefs that gay men are not fit parents have no empirical foundation.

While still a relatively small proportion of all fathers (an estimated 159,000 out of the nation’s 64 million), the emergence of the “stay-at-home” father demonstrates a new type of patriarch who is primarily charged with caregiving in the context of his family. In fact, the number of stay-at-home dads is growing at a rapid pace, having increased by 50 percent between 2003 and 2006. For many fathers, the decision to stay home with their children stems from:

their spouse’s strong earning potential;

their own desire to serve as the primary caregiver; and

a shared reluctance along with their spouse to allow someone else to raise their children.

Stay-at-home fathers are routinely confronted with stigma due to their flouting of the social norms surrounding masculine behavior. Most of these fathers do not feel bound to these norms and are comfortable being affectionate and nurturing with their children, characteristics which are traditionally thought of as feminine. In addition, despite their increasing numbers their relative rarity can isolate them from other full-time parents. Some fathers report being shunned from playgroups and eyed suspiciously at the playground by stay-at-home mothers.

In summary, the modern day father can contribute to his children’s health and well-being by maintaining a healthy relationship with the other parent even in cases of divorce; providing emotional and financial support, appropriate monitoring and discipline; and most importantly by remaining a permanent and loving presence in their lives.

APA (2005).  Lesbian and gay parenting . Washington, D.C.: Author. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from .

APA (2004).  Briefing sheet: An overview of the psychological literature on the effects of divorce on children . Washington, D.C.: Author. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from

APA Monitor (2007). Stay-at-home dads report high job satisfaction. Vol. 38(9), pp. 57. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from .

APA Monitor (2005). Meet the renaissance dad. Vol. 36(11), pp. 62. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from .

APA Monitor (2005). Stepfamily success depends on ingredients. Vol. 36(11), pp. 58. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009).  National Center for Health Statistics Data Brief (May 2009): Changing patterns of nonmarital childbearing in the United States . Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved June 19, 2009 from .

Coley, R. L. (2001). (In)visible men: Emerging research on low-income, unmarried, and minority fathers.  American Psychologist , 56(9), 743-753.

Fagan, J., & Palkovitz, R. (2007). Unmarried, nonresident fathers' involvement with their infants: A risk and resilience perspective.  Journal of Family Psychology , 21(3), 479–489.

Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (2008).  America’s children in brief: Key national indicators of well-being . Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved June 19, 2009 from .

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2000).  Factors associated with fathers' caregiving activities and sensitivity with young childre n. Journal of Family Psychology, 14(2), 200-219.

U.S. Census Bureau (2009).  Single-parent households showed little variation since 1994, Census Bureau reports . Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from .

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  • My Mom and Dad Don't Live Together Anymore: A Drawing Book for Children of Separated or Divorced Parents  

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Multiple Attachments & The Role of The Father ( AQA A Level Psychology )

Revision note.

Emma rees

Multiple Attachments & the Role of the Father

Multiple attachments.

  • Schaffer and Emerson (1964) found that by the time the infants were 18 months they had already formed multiple attachments
  • Multiple attachments are whereby an infant forms several, different attachments with a range of people, usually a family member
  • The opposite idea to this is Monotropy , which was the theory of Bowlby
  • This states that an infant forms one main attachment with their Primary Care Giver (PCG) and this is then replicated throughout their life in their relationships with others
  • This is part of Bowlby's theory of attachment, although most psychologists tend to support Multiple Attachments more

The Role of the father

  • From Schaffer and Emerson, the most common second attachment formed was with the father
  • This was the case in 27% of the initial sample and at 18 months 75% had formed an attachment with their father
  • The role of fathers has significantly developed since then and many men are more hands-on with their children than in the 1960s

Research into the role of the father

Geiger (1996)

  • Found that fathers had a different role from the mother 
  • The mum is associated with care and nurturing the child
  • The dad is more about fun and playing with the child
  • From this, we get the idea of the father's role being 'the fun dad'

Grossman (2002)

  • Conducted a longitudinal study looking at how the quality of relationships between parents and children changed from infancy to the teenage years
  • It was found that the early attachment to the mother was a better predictor of what the teenage relationship was like
  • It seems the father is less important to later development than the mother in terms of nurture
  • However, Grossman found that if the father had engaged in active play with the child when they were young, the adolescent relationship with BOTH parents is strengthened
  • This supports Geiger's work

Field (1978)

  • However, Field found that if the father was the main PCG from before attachment began (before 6 months) then they took on more of a maternal role
  • They were seen to be more nurturing and caring than the traditional father role
  • This demonstrates that there is flexibility in the role of the father and how men can respond to the different needs of their children

Evaluating the role of the father

  • Different research seems to state different facts about fatherhood as they are all looking for different things- there is a lack of consistency in the research
  • If we believe that fathers are vital to infant development, what happens if a child has no father, as has become more and more common in society?
  • Is this a nature or nurture issue as men lack estrogen or maybe they are less socialised to take the caring role?
  • Children tend to need both and so it is not really a case of one being better or more suited: Both are needed
  • Paternity/maternity leave
  • Custody of children: Men gaining more equality in this
  • Role modeling parental skills in young men
  • More societal acceptance of the single father

It is important in these types of questions to use actual research and not become anecdotal in your response: As fascinating as it may be the examiner does not want to know about your own Dad. Keep it 'scientific' and research-orientated. It is important to know one study into the role of the father in sufficient depth for a 4-mark response as this has been a previous exam question. Don't worry too much if you can't remember the name of the psychologist. If it is identifiable research, the examiner will know it (or look it up) and will work with you to understand what you have written about. You can then use several other studies in less depth for a potential 8 or 16 marker: That will flesh out the argument and provide scope for AO3.

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Author: Emma rees

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Study Notes

Multiple Attachments and the Role of the Father

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

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Let's look at some of the most important research studies that explored the role of the father in attachment.

Bowlby (1988 )

Reasoned that if patterns of attachment are a product of how their mother has treated them, it could be anticipated that the pattern he develops with his father is the product of how their father has treated them. Bowlby suggests that fathers can fill a role closely resembling that filled by a mother but points out that in most cultures this is uncommon. Bowlby argues that in most families with young children, the father's role tends to be different. According to Bowlby, a father is more likely to engage in physically active and novel play than the mother and tends to become his child's preferred play companion.

Schaffer & Emerson

Found that additional attachments developed in the proceeding months following the 4 th stage, observing 31% of infants displaying 5 or more attachments by 18 months.

Grossman’s (2002)

Conducted a longitudinal study of 44 families comparing the role of fathers’ & mothers’ contribution to their children's attachment experiences at 6,10 and 16 years. Fathers’ play style (whether it was sensitive, challenging and interactive) was closely linked to the fathers’ own internal working model of attachment. Play sensitivity was a better predictor of the child's long-term attachment representation than the early measures of the of attachment type that the infant had with their father.

  • Field (1978)

Conducted research which compared the behaviours of primary caretaker mothers with primary and secondary caretaker fathers. Face-to-face interactions were analysed from video footage with infants at 4 months of age. Overall, it was observed that fathers engaged more in game playing and held their infants less. However, primary caretaker fathers engaged in significantly more smiling, imitative grimaces, and imitative vocalizations than did secondary caretaker fathers and these were comparable with mothers’ behaviour.

  • Brown et al. (2012)

Investigated father involvement, paternal sensitivity, and father−child attachment security at 13 months and 3 years of age. Results demonstrated that involvement and sensitivity influenced father−child attachment security at age 3. Involvement was a greater predictor of secure attachment when fathers were rated as less sensitive.

Link - The research from Brown and Field indicates that the gender of a caregiver is not crucial in predicting attachment types/ quality, rather it is the extent of caregiver involvement.

This point can be paralleled with Ainsworth’s Caregiver Sensitivity Hypothesis (1979 ). Although this was based on observations of mothers’ behaviour, it predicted that responsive and sensitive care predicted attachment types.

  • Types of attachment
  • Explanations of Attachment: Learning Theory
  • Bowlby (1969)

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My Father Essay | Essay On My Father My Role Model for Students and Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on My Father: Fathers are pivotal in a child’s life. Fathers are of different kinds and their relationship with their children. However, they form one of the crucial influences in a child’s life, along with mothers. Daughters feel a sense of security with their fathers, and sons model their behavior on their father. Fathers are an essential part of our support system. Along with mothers, they teach us important values and skills. They have an impact on relationships that children make as they grow and help make us who we are today. There are two essays listed below. The extended essay consists of 400-500 words and a short essay of 200 words.

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Long Essay on My Father

Everyone would describe their fathers differently. They all have different equations and experiences. My father and I may not always speak but understand each other well, while there might be many who talk about many things with their father.

Fathers are said to provide a sense of security and safety among daughters, which is something my father has always given me. Many studies do suggest that daughters look for a man who may be similar to how their father was with them; if he was nurturing or strong. Sons see their fathers as role models, whom they should grow up to be like and imitate their behavior.

My father has always supported me to chase after my dreams and pursue what interests me, knowing the risks. He believes that everyone must make mistakes to learn from them. Fathers are known to be risk-takers in this way. They help to instill problem-solving abilities so that we can do better.

Since time immemorial, there have been many stereotypes about how fathers are the breadwinners, and mothers must take care of the house. In the evolving age of feminism, mothers are now working and pursuing careers, while fathers help take care of the household. My father has always supported my mother’s career and has always appreciated the balance that she has between work and home. He helps her with chores and even makes sure to have food on the table when she is busy with work. My father has taught me that family is essential, and no matter what, my family will always be there for me.

Students can also get 10 Lines on My Father and Paragraph on My Father from here.

While some fathers may seem strict and disciplined, it is because they want their children to learn how to deal with the real world. Fathers have an essential role to play when it comes to their children, forming relationships, as they are influenced by how their father treats the family. My father has always treated my brother and me as equals and has always treated my mother with respect. As mothers, they, too, are an important part of the emotional well-being of a child. Children still want to make their mothers and fathers proud. They seek emotional and physical comfort from their fathers in tough times and look to them for enforcing rules.

Fathers also help build a child’s self-esteem. My father has helped me to be proud of whom I am and stand up for what I believe. He has taught me to be true to myself. A father takes up all kinds of responsibility, from providing for the family to making sure that their children are safe.

Father’s Day is one such day to celebrate fatherhood and their influence on our lives. It is to thank our fathers for what they do for us every day. It falls in June, on the third Sunday. Father’s day will be celebrated on 21st June in 2020. Fathers are essential figures in our lives.

Short Essay on My Father

Fathers are one of the most influential people in our family. Every father is unique and special. They teach us to be reliable as well as caring. Daughters feel safe and secure with their fathers, just like how my father makes me feel. Sons want to be like their fathers and try to behave just like them. Fathers influence who we make friends with and how we interact with people around us.

My father has always taught me to be independent and brave. Fathers help us to solve problems by taking more risks in our lives. Today, fathers are not just breadwinners. Many mothers pursue their careers while fathers also help around the house and are supportive of mothers. My father has always respected my mother’s job and helped her around the house.

Fathers may appear tough, but they are also there for us when we need them. My father has always been a constant support and at the same time, has enforced rules so that I become more responsible. Every year on the third Sunday of June, Father’s Day s celebrated to thank our fathers for what they do for us. Whether it is a card or a gift or even a simple wish, thank your fathers.

Students can also get Paragraph on My Father and Fathers Day Essay from here.

10 Points About Essay on My Father

  • Fathers are a significant figure in our lives.
  • Fathers provide a sense of security and safety towards their daughters.
  • Sons look at their fathers as role models and want to be like them.
  • Fathers always influence the kind of friendships and relationships that we form.
  • Parents today are breaking stereotypes that only men can pursue their careers; fathers today help around the house while mothers work.
  • Fathers act strict and disciplined to teach children how to live in the real world.
  • Fathers, like mothers, are important to their child’s well-being.
  • They provide physical and emotional comfort in tough times and help build self-esteem.
  • Fathers ensure that their children have a good and secure life.
  • Father’s Day falls on the third Sunday of June to commemorate their influence in our lives. Father’s Day in 2020 will be celebrated on 21st June.

FAQ’s on My Father Essay

Question 1. How does a father impact their child’s relationships?

Answer: Studies suggest that daughters look for a man who has qualities similar to their father. Daughters are provided with a feeling of security by their fathers. Sons see their fathers as their role model and try to behave like them. Thus both base their relationships based on these factors.

Question 2. What role does the father play at home?

Answer: Today, many parents are breaking stereotypes. Mothers also pursue their careers while fathers support them and help out at home.

Question 3. Why is Father’s Day celebrated?

Answer: We celebrate father’s day to commemorate all that our fathers to for us. It is to mark the spirit of fatherhood and the influence of fathers in our lives.

Question 4. When is Father’s Day celebrated?

Answer: Father’s Day is in June, on the third Sunday. Father’s Day in 2020 is on 21st June.

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The Role And Significance Of Father

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100 Words Essay on Father As Role Model

The meaning of a role model.

A role model is a person we admire and want to be like. Fathers can be great role models for their children. They show us how to act by what they do every day.

Teaching by Example

Fathers teach us by setting examples. When a father treats everyone with kindness, his children learn to do the same. They watch and copy how their father deals with problems and treats other people.

Hard Work and Responsibility

Many fathers go to work every day to take care of their families. They show us that working hard and being responsible are important to succeed in life.

Strength and Support

Fathers give us strength. They support us when we try new things and help us get up when we fall. This teaches us to be brave and keep trying.

Love and Care

250 words essay on father as role model, why fathers are important.

Fathers are like the roots of a tree, giving us strength and support. They work hard to make sure we have everything we need and often teach us by showing us how to do things. A father’s actions can speak louder than words, showing us the right way to behave and treat others.

A father who is kind, honest, and hard-working sets a powerful example for his children. When a child sees their father treating people with respect, they learn to do the same. Fathers who read books, fix things around the house, or cook meals show their children that learning and helping are important.

Encouragement and Belief

Fathers often encourage us to try our best. They cheer us on at sports games or school events. When we doubt ourselves, they believe in us and help us see our own worth. This support can make us feel strong and capable.

Being There During Tough Times

Life can be tough, and sometimes we make mistakes or face hard situations. A good father is there to listen and guide us through these times. They don’t have to be perfect, but their presence and advice are like a safety net that helps us bounce back.

In conclusion, fathers play a special role in our lives. They can be our heroes, teachers, and supporters. A father’s love and actions shape us in many ways, making them one of the best role models we could have.

500 Words Essay on Father As Role Model

The importance of a father as a role model.

One of the best ways fathers show us how to live is by their own actions. When a father works hard, is kind, and shows respect to others, he is teaching his children to do the same. For example, when a child sees their father being honest, even when it’s difficult, the child learns that honesty is important. This is how fathers teach us the values that will guide us through life.

Support and Encouragement

Fathers also play a big role in encouraging us to try new things and to not give up when things get tough. They cheer us on at sports games, help us with homework, and are there to pick us up when we fall. This support helps us to believe in ourselves and to keep trying, even when we face challenges.

Sharing Skills and Knowledge

Being a good listener.

A good father is not just someone who teaches; he is also someone who listens. When a child has a problem or a question, a father who listens shows that he cares. This makes a child feel loved and valued. It also teaches the child how to listen to others, which is an important skill in life.

Setting Boundaries

Fathers help us learn right from wrong by setting rules and boundaries. When a father enforces rules, like a bedtime or doing chores, it helps a child understand responsibility. It also shows that actions have consequences, which is an important lesson for life.

Love and Affection

In conclusion, fathers have a special place as role models in our lives. They teach us by example, provide support and encouragement, share their skills and knowledge, listen to our problems, set boundaries, and show us love and affection. Each of these roles is important in helping children grow into confident and capable adults. Fathers may not always be perfect, but their influence shapes us in many positive ways. So let’s appreciate the fathers in our lives and the valuable lessons they teach us every day.

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essay the role of father

Home / Essay Samples / Life / Father / The Role of Father in the Family: the Review of Studies

The Role of Father in the Family: the Review of Studies

  • Category: Life , Sociology
  • Topic: Father , Parent-Child Relationship , Parents

Pages: 6 (2831 words)

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Parental Understanding about the Relationship between Development and Well-Being of the Children

Perception on role differences between parents, perception of father’s involvement in children’s development and well-being, the relationship of father-child in regards of children’s development and well-being, fathers’ involvement in daily child rearing activities for children’s development and well-being, fathers’ mindset which prevent them from being involved in child care, traditional beliefs and cultural influences that prevent the fathers’ from being involved in child care, lack of knowledge prevent the fathers’ from being involved in child care, recommendations.

  • Should include fathers in parenting programs traditionally targeting only mothers. Parenting awareness programs and programs of parenting skills should be made more available in such settings or scheduled that can be suited for the convenience for the fathers and should be responded to fathers’ expressed needs and preferences.
  • There has been inadequate emphasis on the expansion and assessment of fatherhood programs. This should be fixed by allowing programs with longer duration and there should be a study to assess whether if it has been effective or not.
  • There should be more budget allocated to be spent on the research that works on features of fatherhood.
  • Program on fatherhood and father-friendly employment etiquettes (e.g. leave of absence policies, lenient working practices) should be introduced in the workplace.
  • The policy makers, community leaders and religious leaders need to take step for ensuring father involvement.

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