Sustainable or Regenerative Development?

Our focus at GPM is on Regenerative development.  Everything we do is from the lens of regeneration.  Understanding that there are a lot of terms out there it can be confusing.  Sustainability is a household term and so we have decided to use it to describe our work but how we go about is not how the mainstream commonly understands it.  Here is the difference.

Sustainable development is an approach to economic growth and development that seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It aims to balance environmental, social, and economic concerns in order to achieve a healthy and prosperous society that can continue into the future.

Regenerative development , on the other hand, goes beyond sustainability by actively working to restore and improve the natural systems upon which human society depends. It aims to repair and revitalize ecosystems rather than simply using them in a sustainable way. This approach seeks to not only preserve the environment for future generations but to leave it in a better state than it was found.

In general, regenerative development is seen as a more proactive and transformative approach to addressing environmental and social issues, while sustainable development is more focused on maintaining the status quo.  GPM uses regenerative approaches in all of our work.

Green Project Management®

Green Project Management® or Sustainable Project Management is the application of methods, tools, and techniques to achieve a stated objective while considering the project outcome’s entire lifecycle to ensure a net positive environmental, social, and economic impact. As the project management profession matures, it is changing its view of what project success is. The profession is now moving beyond its traditional focus on time, cost, and scope to place the emphasis on delivering the objectives in the business case while maintaining an asset lifecycle focus. The next step in the evolutionary process is to adopt a sustainability ethos where projects do not come at the expense of the planet and its limited resources. Project management must make greater efforts to address each project’s social and environmental impacts so that the world we live in and that we are borrowing from future generations can regenerate and be sustained. In order to take this step, project management must move to a wider and well-rounded view of the project’s impact and value as illustrated below.


What are Sustainable Projects?

GPM defines a project as “an investment that requires a set of coordinated activities performed over a finite period of time in order to accomplish a unique result in support of the desired outcome.”  In order for a project to be sustainable, the focus must be placed on value creation. Project requirements and constraints must include mitigation of negative environmental, social, and economic impacts and attainment of the benefits outlined in the business case. 

A sustainable project will also adhere to GPM’s six principles for sustainable projects:

Sustainable or Green Project Manager

A sustainable or green project manager is an individual who manages a project by employing a collection of diverse but integrated competencies to deliver on the objectives detailed in the business case. This is done by using and tailoring the appropriate methods, tools, and techniques for leading the project team, engaging stakeholders, and progressing the project while still safeguarding society, the environment, and human rights.

Sustainable project managers contribute to organizational goals while navigating complex cultures and dynamics to create benefits that support short- and long-term business strategies while simultaneously addressing our planetary constraints. As such, sustainable project managers have an important role to play as advocates, advisors, ambassadors, and architects of a better world.

 To learn more, get a copy of our standard here.

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13 EIA Methodology

Sunil Mittal

    1.  Introduction

1.1 Desirable of EIA methodologies

1.2 Criteria for selection of EIA Methodology

1.3 Choosing a Method

1.4 Objectives of methodologies

1.5 Focus of Methodology

1.6 Methodology Requirements

2. Major Methodologies of EIA

2.2 Checklists

2.3 Matrices

2.4 Networks

2.5 Overlays

1. Introduction

EIA methodology is a structural approach developed to identify, predict and value changes of an action. Changes are reflected to the sequence of activities, steps regarding the environmental issues (physical, chemical, biological, socioeconomic, cultural, landscape values and processes). The methodology uses in process quantify these changes. 1.1.

1.1. Desirable of EIA methodologies

EIA  Methodology  are  based  on  principle  of  equality,  openness,  cost-effectiveness  and efficiency approaches. Broadly these are 4 types.

(a)  Comprehensive: Recognize intricate systems and bound complex inter-relationship.

(b)  Selective : Pinpoint critical (significant) impacts and eliminate as early as possible unimportant impacts.

(c)   Comparative : Determine environmental changes due to the project activities compared with under existing conditions (Before starting project).

(d)   Objective: Provide unbiased measurements free from political and external influences.

1.2. Criteria for selection of EIA Methodology

Simplicity:  The  methodology  should  be  simple  and  based  on  available  manpower  & background knowledge. It can be adapted without much difficulty.

Budget and Time : The methodology should be applied by small group with under approve budget and limited time span.

Flexibility: The method should be flexible and allow the modifications and changes during course of study.

1.3. Choosing a Method

The methodology of EIA ranges from simple to complex and requires different kinds of data, several data formats, expertise and technological skill for their interpretation. Their analyses produce differing levels of precision and certainty. All of these factors should be considered for selecting a suitable methodology.

1.4. Objectives of methodologies:

1. Understand the nature and location of the project and possible alternatives

2.  Identify factors of analysis and assessment objectives

3.  Preliminary identification of impacts and scoping

4.  Baseline studies and evolution in the absence of projects

5.  Prediction and assessment of impacts and alternatives comparison

6.  Mitigation

7.  Monitoring and impacts management

1.5. Focus of Methodology

Potential impacts and their types of environmental components Natural and social systems Time and space

1.6. Methodology Requirements

The EIA practitioner faces vast varieties of raw and unorganized information that must be collected and analyzed in preparation of an EIA report. The best methods are able to:

  • Organize a large mass of heterogeneous data Allow summarization of data
  • Aggregate the data into smaller sets with least loss of information
  • Display the raw data and the derived information in a direct and relevant fashion
  • Target audience should also be considered (example if target audience are not educated then, use of color code, size, cross etc. should be used rather that figures and tables)

2.  Major Methodologies for EIA

Following are the 5 major methodologies of EIA.

a)      Ad Hoc

b)     Checklists

c)      Matrices

d)     Networks

e)      Overlays

a)   Ad Hoc Method: This is a simple method and based upon broad environmental impacts aspects. This method is very useful whenever time period is limited with lack of require scientific information. In such situation, EIA depends exclusively on background, expertise and experience of experts. This method is not recommended, when more scientific methods are available.

Types of Ad Hoc Method

  • Opinion polls
  • Expert opinion
  • Delphi methods etc.

Advantage :

  • Simple and easily understandable.
  • The experts of a respective areas guide EIA.
  • Overall environmental components are enlisted.

Disadvantage :

  • It required expert person.
  • The identification and prediction of short & long term impacts are poor because it examined on guess basis.
  • It provides minimal guidance for impact analysis, while suggesting subjective area of impacts
  • Not good for organizing, reviewing and interpreting data

b)  Checklists:

Checklists are standard lists of the types of environmental potential impacts, which may be associated with respective project. The lists are prepared with highly structured approaches and involve importance with weighing of factors and ensure that no potential impact is overlooked . Checklists are very effective in impact identification and capable to spread awareness & attention for respective people.

Checklists should enable identification of impacts on Soil, Water, Atmosphere, Flora, Fauna, Resources, Recreation and Cultural etc. status.

A typical checklist might contain entries such as:

  • Earth: Mineral Resources, Construction Material, Soils, Land form, Force fields and Background Radiation, Unique physical features
  • Water: Surface water like rivers, lakes and reservoirs, estuaries, coastal seas and ocean, Groundwater quality, Snow, Ice
  • Atmosphere: Quality regarding gases & particles), Climate, Temperature
  • Flora: Trees, Shrubs, Grass, Crops, Micro & Macro flora, aquatic plants; endangered species; barriers; corridors
  • Fauna: birds; land animals including reptiles; fish and shellfish; benthic organisms; insects; micro fauna; endangered species; barriers; corridors
  • Land Use: Wilderness and open space, Wetlands, Forestry; Grazing, Agriculture, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Mining and Quarrying
  • Recreation: Hunting; Fishing; Boating, Swimming, Camping and Hiking, Picnicking,Resorts

Types of Checklists

(i)     Simple Checklist

(ii)   Descriptive Checklists

(iii) Scaling Checklist

(iv) Scaling Weighting Checklist

(v)   Questionnaire Checklist

(i) Simple Checklist

Simple checklist consist simple list of environmental parameters and no information needed on the magnitude or importance of impacts.Checklist can recognize resource/environmental component, which affects by particular activities.

The example given below ( Table 1 ) for construction sites, the tick mark confirm that impact is there, where no tick mark or leaving the box means no impact.

(Source Table 2: Checklist Used for Identifying Impacts of the Turku Central Sewage

Treatment Works


Mark indicates issues the project and have an impact. The lack of the symbol indicates that the impact will not occur or insignificant.)

Simple Checklist can also give idea about type of impacts like short term, long term, reversible, irreversible etc. An example is depicted in Table 2 , mentioned checklist used to identify impacts of Turku Central Sewage Treatment Works. Ground preparation work, waste water treatment, treatment of sludge, traffic and disturbances in operation has impact on air& climate and resulting in a cumulative impact.

(ii) Descriptive checklist

Descriptive checklist is extension of simple checklists and adds background information of each aspect. It also includes guidelines on the measurement of parameters.Simple checklist consist only aspects, whereas descriptive checklist give both aspect and their background information.

Descriptive checklists are strong for impact identification of environmental parameters and also incorporate to measurement of impact measurements, interpretation &evaluation of impacts as well as in decision making process. It guides mainly how to impacts assess and include data requirements, information sources and predicted techniques as in Table 3.

Scaling checklists are similar to the descriptive checklist with additional information of subjective scaling of the impacts on the environmental parameters.

Scaling Weighting Checklist represent scaling checklists with information provides as to subjective evaluation of each parameter with respect to every other parameter. Scaling weighting checklists employ both magnitude and importance factor.

In this checklist method, give weightage to specific parameter on the scale and evaluate the Parameter Importance Value for the environmental components and parameters. The structured equations are used to weigh of the environmental parameters. Weighting means give importance to some specific parameter, example water quality is prime important in one project in comparison to land area. So with scaling, give weight to water parameter, so it becomes more important in evaluation.

Example: Environment Evaluation Value System such as Battelle Environment Evaluation System.

The Environmental Evaluation System (EES) is a methodology, which conducts environmental impact analysis.The EES evaluates environmental impact in four major categories such as ecology, environmental pollution, esthetics and human interest.

Major features of the EES are:

1.      Its hierarchical classification system;

2.      Its commensurate unit of measure (EIU)

3.      Its flaging of environmentally sensitive areas.

Battelle Environment Evaluation

The Battelle Environmental Evaluation System (EES) is a methodology that developed by Battelle Columbus Laboratories for conducting environmental impact analysis (Dee et al., 1972 &1973).It is based on a hierarchical assessment of environmental quality indicators.

The system is based on a classification consisting of four levels:

The system is based on classification consisting of four levels. Category (Level 1) is divided into several components (Level II) and each component is divided into several parameters (Level III) and further parameters divide into several measurements ( Table 6 ).

Level I: Categories (4)

Level II: Components (18)

Level III: Parameters (78)

Level IV: Measurements

The two EIU scores are produced with and without project activities. The difference between them gives measurement of the environmental impact. Suppose a scale of 10, the score is 8 before starting a project and it became 3 after completion of project, then measurement of impact is 5, means have a lot of impact. If difference will come 2, means less impact.

Table 6 shows the complete list of categories, components, and parameters of the Battelle EES. Column 1 shows the four (4) categories, Column 2 shows the eighteen (18) components and Column 3 shows the seventy-eight (78) parameters.

The EES methodology depends upon the assignment of an importance unit to each parameter and collectively these “importance units” are referred to as “parameter importance units” or PIU’s. A total of 1000 PIU’s is distributed among the 78 parameters based on value judgments. The individual PIU’s are shown in Column 4 of Table 6, the summation  component PIU’s are shown in Column 5, and the summation category PIU’s are shown in Column 6. Effectively, for each parameter i, its (PIU)i represents a weight wi.

If Vi = 0 indicates very poor quality                             Vi = 1 indicates very good quality

Figure 1 shows an example of a typical scalar, that of dissolved oxygen (DO) (Table 1, Column 3, number 21). In this figure, Vi (environmental quality) varies in the range 0-1 as a function of DO concentration (mg/L).

Values of Vi = Vi, 0 are obtained for conditions ‘without’ the project  and Vi = Vi, 1 for conditions ‘with’ the project

The condition ‘without’ represents the current condition of project activities in case of ‘with’ represents the predicted future condition of project.

The environmental impact EI is evaluated as follows:

EI = ∑ [Vi, 1 wi ] – ∑ [ Vi, 0 wi ]

For i = 1 to n, where n = number of parameters (78).

For EI > 0, the condition ‘with’ the project is better than ‘without’ the project, indicates project has positive environmental benefits. Reversely, EI < 0, the situation ‘with’ the project is worse than ‘without’ the project, indicating certain negative impacts& benefits.

The potential problem areas are characterized by those parameters for which the Vi value changes significantly in the adverse direction, as measured by the following relation (in percent):

ΔVi (%) = 100 (Vi, 0 – Vi, 1) / Vi, 0

These parameters are tagged with ‘red flags’ to indicate potential problems which may warrant more detailed attention.

For parameters in the ecology category, a minor red flag applies

When 5% < ΔVi < 10%; a major red flag, when ΔVi > 10 %

For all other categories, a minor red flag applies when ΔVi < 30%, or ΔVi < 0.1 (in absolute value, per unit);

A major red flag when ΔVi ≥ 30%, or ΔVi ≥ 0.1 (in absolute value, per unit).

(v) Questionnaire Checklist

The checklist is prepared on the basis of questions for Public Consultation ( Table 7 ). It gives information about the stakeholder’s awareness and responses for their proposed project.The questionnaire is further evaluated in spread sheets to find the scale of impacts and weight of parameters based on public opinion.

§   Simple to understand and use

§    Good for site selection and priority setting

§   Impacts can see on past, present & future


§   Do not distinguish between direct and indirect impacts.

§    Do not link action and impact.

§    Sometime it is a cumbersome task.

Matrix method provides a framework forinteraction between project activities and their environmental impacts. It can evaluate degree of impacts of project activities on environmental resources. It is a grid like table that one axis displayed project activities and other axis displayed environmental characteristics. It can also evaluate the cumulative and indirect impacts as well as interaction with resources.

Observed as two-dimensional checklist:

  • Axis of actions
  • Axis of environmental components

The intersections are the impacts

  • Preliminary identification of impacts (scoping)
  • Comparative analysis of alternatives
  • Impact assessment
  • Presentation of evaluation results

Leopold Matrix

The Leopard Matrix provides a framework for the analysis and numerical weighting of probable impacts. It is a simple way to summarize & rank environmental impacts and to focus on that impact, which is considered to be greatest. Matrix method is pioneered by Leopold et al (1971), enlisted about 100 project actions and 88 environmental characteristic  or parameter. It delivers a total of 8,800 interactions. Each action and their impact potential are considered.

The magnitude of the interaction (extensiveness or scale) is described by assigning a value ranging from 1 (for small magnitudes) to 10 (for large magnitudes). The assignment of numerical values is based on an evaluation of available facts and data. Similarly, the scale of importance also ranges from 1 (very low interaction) to 10 (very important interaction).

The impact associated with the project action columns and their environmental condition row is described in terms of its magnitude (M) and significance (I) (Figure 3).

Each impact is described by two factors:

1.  Significance: Indicates the theoretical importance of the impact (eg. The spatial extension) and Varies between -10 and 10

2.   Magnitude (size or importance): how much the impact is present in this case? It varies between -10 and 10

Each individual impact is estimated by the product of significance and magnitude .

In Leopard matrix: On horizontal axis – The actions cause environmental impact

On the vertical axis – The existing environmental conditions affected by actions

Table 8 depicted the factors listed in the vertical & horizontal axis of the Leopold matrix. The horizontal axis shows most efficient way to check each significant action (listed on the horizontal axis). As on listed on vertical axis give information about that each checked action  (on horizontal axis) is evaluated in terms of magnitude of effect on environmental characteristics and conditions.

Matrices advantages:

Visually describe relationship between two sets of factors,

Expanded or contracted to meet needs of the proposal being assessed,

Identify impacts of different phases of project, construction, operation and so on. Help separate site-specific impacts from impacts affecting region

However, matrices also have their disadvantages: they do not explicitly represent spatial or temporal considerations and they do not adequately address synergistic impacts.

Network method identifies the pathway of an impact using a series of chains (networks) between a proposed action and the receptor of an impact. It attempt to recognize a series of impacts that may be triggered by a project action.

According to Larry et al. “Networks” are those methodologies which integrate impact causes and consequences through identifying interrelationships between casual actions and the impacted environmental factors, including those representing secondary and tertiary effects (Larry W. Canter, 1996, page 81).

The Networks or Systematic Sequential Approach (SSA) of assessment is required, a “scientific thinking through” of the potential impacts on the environment with and without the project. SSA describes how environmental, social, and economic systems are associated with each other, and how it will react to human disturbances.SSA views EIA as a continuing source of information throughout the project cycle.

Network diagrams, flowcharts and impacts trees are the effective major to analysis of the inter-relationship between causes and effects and enable the analysis of indirect and cumulative impacts. A typical figure of flow diagram is depicted as in Figure 4).

Advantages & Disadvantages of Networks Method


  • Integrated assessment, instead of discipline bydiscipline
  • Inter-relations between causes and effects, includingindirect impacts Cumulative impact assessment
  • Communication (when simple).


  • Complexity (especially visually complex)
  • Difficult to distinguish and quantify magnitudes (andimportance) of different impacts

Cause and Effect Relationship Network Diagram

The Figure 4 depicted the direct and indirect effect of fertilizer on environment. The application of fertilizer first increases the nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil. The some fraction of fertilizer reaches to run-off and become available to plants, algae and other organisms. Due to this, increase of growth and biomass in water body and resultant reduces dissolve oxygen. Reduce dissolve oxygen decrease fish populations, size and quality.

2.5 Overlay Method

The overlay method is developed by Shopley and Fuggle (1984) and McHarg (1969). It is based upon a set of transparent maps. Each represents the spatial distribution of an environmental characteristic. The set of transparent maps have information about physical, social, ecological, aesthetic characteristics of the project area and after overlapping to produce a composite characterization of the regional environment (Figure 5) .

  • Overlay mapping is a simple technique to display of impact areas
  • Intensity of impacts can be presented by color shading
  • Effective visual aid
  • Useful for documentation of environmental conditions before and after project implementation
  • May describe both biophysical and social aspects of area under study Highly communicative
  • Easy to integrate multiple information (Including those of remote sensing)
  • References Dee, N., J. Baker, N. Drobny, K. Duke and D. Fahringer. 1972. Environmental evaluation system for water resource planning (to Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior). Battelle Columbus Laboratory, Columbus, Ohio, January, 188 pages.
  • Dee, N., J. Baker, N. Drobny, K. Duke, I. Whitman, and D. Fahringer. 1973. An environmental evaluation system for water resource planning. Water Resources Research, Vol. 9, No. 3, June, 523-535.
  • Glasson, J., Therivel, R., & Chadwick, A. (2013). Introduction to environmental impact assessment.Routledge.
  • Leopold, L. B., F. E. Clarke, B. B. Hanshaw, and J. E. Balsley. 1971. A procedure for evaluating environmental impact. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 645, Washington, D.C.
  • Partidário e Jesus, 2003.Fundamentos de AvaliaçãodoImpacteAmbiental. UniversidadeAberta.

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Environmental Project Management - 575.747

This course provides students with the knowledge for an integrated approach to environmental project management, applying pertinent scientific, engineering, legal, public policy, and project management disciplines. Emphasis is placed on factors that are common to an environmental project, such as external impacts, stakeholder conflicts, scope uncertainty, and the evolving environmental regulatory environment. The students learn the elements of environmental project plans, including project organization and staffing, schedule dependencies and optimization, cost estimating and control, and communication with internal and external stakeholders. The types of environmental projects addressed include infrastructure, restoration and remediation, program development, and alternatives analysis. Project Management Institute materials are utilized, along with case studies, to illustrate actual project conflicts, necessary adjustments, and successes.

Course Offerings

There are no sections currently offered, however you can view a sample syllabus from a prior section of this course.

  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27651-9_3
  • Corpus ID: 113652584

Environmental Project Management Methodology

  • Ebenezer A. Sholarin , J. Awange
  • Published 2015
  • Environmental Science

2 Citations

Servitisation through structural adaptation, sustainability adoption in project management practices within a social enterprise case, 35 references, advanced project management: a structured approach, applied project management: best practices on implementation, the handbook of project-based management: leading strategic change in organizations, sustainable project life cycle management : aligning project management methodologies with the principle s of sustainable development, environmental management processes and practices for australia, take the lead: interpersonal skills for project managers, project-oriented leadership, project management for the oil and gas industry: a world system approach, planning for sustainable development: a paradigm shift towards a process-based approach, making sustainability work : best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental and economic impacts, related papers.

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12 Project Management Methodologies: An Overview

Curious about Project Management Methodologies? They provide frameworks for effectively planning and executing projects from start to finish. This blog covers methodologies such as Agile, Waterfall, and Scrum, detailing their distinct advantages and ideal use cases. Discover how to choose the right methodology for your project needs!


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Imagine Project Management Methodologies as the different paths in a vast forest. Each path offers a unique journey, with its own set of challenges and rewards. Choosing the right methodology is like selecting the best path to reach your destination efficiently and effectively. 

With a growing number of Project Management Methodologies at your disposal, each brimming with unique advantages, understanding their intricacies is paramount. These methodologies offer adaptability needed to meet diverse project demands and goals. Dive into this blog as we explore twelve leading Project Management Methodologies, uncovering their fundamental principles, strengths and applications. 

Table of Contents

1) What is a Project Management Methodology? 

2) What is a Project Management framework? 

3) 12 Project Management Frameworks(methodologies) 

   a) Waterfall 

   b) Kanban 

   c) Lean Methodology 

   d) Critical Path Method (CPM) 

   e) Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) 

   f) Project Management Institute's PMBOK® Guide 

   g) Extreme Programming (XP) 

   h) Agile 

   i) PRINCE2 

   j) Six Sigma 

   k) Scrum 

   l) Scumban 

4) Conclusion 

What is a Project Management Methodology? 

In the multifaceted world of Project Management, a clear and structured roadmap is essential for guiding a project from inception to successful completion. Project Management Methodologies provide precisely that, offering a detailed blueprint that outlines every step necessary to achieve project goals. Here's how these methodologies serve us:  

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Defined Governance Structure 

Each methodology comes with a built-in governance structure, ensuring that there are clear roles, responsibilities, and decision-making hierarchies within the project team. 

Process Guidelines 

Project Management Methodologies provide comprehensive process guidelines that standardise how tasks must be executed. This helps in maintaining consistency and quality across various projects. 

Test Activities  

Effective Project Management Methodologies incorporate test activities that are crucial for verifying and validating project deliverables. These activities ensure that the project meets its intended objectives and quality standards. 

Detailed Processes 

A good methodology breaks down the project into manageable processes, each with clear steps and milestones. This approach helps in tracking progress, identifying potential issues early, and making necessary and prompt adjustments. 


These methodologies specify the expected deliverables at various stages of the project. This clarity is crucial in setting accurate expectations with stakeholders. 

Navigating the dynamic world of Project Management can be challenging. Consider that resolved! Sign up for our Project Management Training now! 

What is a Project Management Framework? 

Project Management framework offer structure and direction to a project. But unlike Project Management Methodologies, a framework is neither too detailed nor too rigid. Frameworks guide projects to their goal while being flexible enough to adapt to evolving conditions. 

Here’s how Project Management frameworks ensure effective project execution:  

Project Management Certification

Structured Guidance 

Project Management frameworks offer a structured approach that outlines key stages and essential activities within a project. This helps maintain focus and ensures that critical elements are addressed without prescribing every detail. 

Flexibility and Adaptability 

Unlike methodologies, frameworks are designed to be adaptable. They allow project managers to tailor processes to fit the specific needs of their project, embracing changes and unexpected challenges while they arise. 

Goal Orientation 

Frameworks keep the project team aligned with the overall objectives by focusing on key milestones and deliverables even when the path to completion may change. 

Broad Process Outline 

Instead of dictating precise steps, frameworks provide a broad outline of processes, giving project teams the liberty to define their specific procedures. This encourages innovation and problem-solving, aligning with the project’s unique context. 


Project Management frameworks are scalable and can be applied to projects of varying sizes and complexities. This makes them suitable for a wide range of industries and project types. 

Continuous Improvement 

By being less rigid, frameworks encourage Continuous Improvement and Development. Teams can learn from each phase of the project, implement prompt changes, and refine their approach in real-time. 

It’s clear that Project Management Frameworks offer the best of both worlds. They provide the necessary structure to guide projects towards their goals while being flexible enough to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of Project Management. 

Looking for a way to master the digital world of Project Management? Sign up for our CDSPM (Certified Digital Services Project Manager) Course now.  

12 Project Management Frameworks(methodologies) 

The leading Project Management Methodologies not only vary in their structural organisation but also require different workflows, deliverables and Project Management software solutions. To excel as a project manager, it's crucial to understand each of these 12 frameworks and identify the one that aligns best with your team's requirements. 

1) Waterfall 

The Waterfall model also known as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a straightforward but detailed methodology. It’s a linear process in which work cascades down (similar to a Waterfall) and is organised in sequential order. 

Here are some key points to remember: 

a) In this methodology, each work task is connected by a dependency. This means that each task must be completed before starting the next task. Not only does this ensure that work stays on track, but it also fosters clear communication throughout the process. 

b) While viewed as a traditional approach by some modern organisations, this method is efficient at creating a predictable and thoroughly planned-out project plan. 

c) Since the Waterfall Project Management Methodology is detailed, it’s great for working on large projects with multiple stakeholders. This is because the clear steps throughout the project help track the work needed to reach goals. 

2) Kanban 

The Kanban methodology represents project backlogs using visual elements, specifically boards. Consider these points: 

a) The Kanban approach is used by teams to better visualise workflows and project progress while limiting the likelihood of bottlenecks.  

b) This approach usually comes in the form of a software tool that allows you to change and drag boards seamlessly within projects (though it’s not a requirement). 

c) Since this method doesn’t have a defined process unlike some other methodologies, many teams use it differently. Kanban aims to prioritise the most important project tasks, keeping the overall framework simple. 

d) Kanban boards work for teams of all sizes and works especially well for remote-first teams. This is because the visual capabilities of Kanban boards help team members stay on track regardless of their location. 

3) Lean Methodology 

The origins of the Lean Project Management Methodology can be traced back to the Toyota’s manufacturing units which revolutionised the production of physical goods in the 1950s. A few decades later the Lean methodology was applied to knowledge work as well, helping businesses eliminate lean wastes, improve processes, and work with tighter budgets and shorter deadlines. 

Key principles of Lean Project Management Methodology

There are five key Lean principles in Lean Project Management Methodology: 

a) Value: Defining the value to the customer is a fundamental principle of the Lean methodology. Before initiating any project, clearly articulate the value it delivers to the customer. 

b) Value Stream: Mapping the value stream for the entire project cycle is important. This involves analysing each step to identify and eliminate waste. 

c) Flow: Once non-value-adding elements are eliminated, the project should proceed through a smooth, uninterrupted flow of sequential steps. 

d) Pull: I n Lean, project progress and actions are driven by customer demand, unlike traditional methods that rely on forecasts to push work forward. This approach ensures that no premature steps are taken. 

e) Perfection: Lean emphasises the pursuit of perfection through Continuous Improvement. Regularly reassess your processes with the aim of eliminating waste and enhancing efficiency. 

4) Critical Path method (CPM) 

The critical path method enables identification and scheduling critical tasks within a project. This includes: 

a) Creating task dependencies  

b) Tracking project goals and progress  

c)  Prioritising deliverables  

d) Managing due dates 

The objective of this methodology is to properly manage successful projects at scale so that deliverables and milestones are mapped correctly.  

This method is best for small and mid-size projects and teams. The CPM isn’t built for complex projects. 

5) Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) 

While related to the CPM, the CCPM framework is more detailed, making it one of the most comprehensive options. Here are its key features: 

a) CCPM includes specific time requirements for each task. This pushes task tracking one step further, making it clear when tasks are going over their allotted time.  

b) It uses resource levelling which aims to resolve big workloads by distributing work across available resources. 

c) CCPM is a great methodology for both small and large teams, but its main contribution is in solving project efficiency problems. 

6) Project Management Institute's PMBOK® Guide 

This framework focuses on implementing the five Project Management phases, all of which help in managing a project in a structured phase approach. The five phases include: 

a) Project initiation 

b) Project planning 

c) Project executing 

d) Project performance 

e) Project closure 

While this is a good foundation, the PMBOK® Guide isn’t as specific as other approaches. This means you will need to decide which tasks to complete in each phase.  

The PMBOK® Guide can be used on its own for small teams on standard projects. However it’s a good idea to pair it with a more detailed methodology (like CCPM) for large teams handling complex projects. 

7) Extreme Programming (XP) 

As the name suggests, XP is used for fast-paced projects with tight deadlines. This approach works by creating short development cycles with multiple releases, resulting in quick turnaround times and increased productivity. 

Extreme Programming has a few core values including:  

a) Simplicity  

b) Communication  

c) Feedback  

d) Respect  

e) Courage 

XP includes a specific set of rules which includes: 

a) Planning 

b) Managing 

c) Coding 

d) Designing 

e) Testing 

Since XP is a fast-paced method, it should be used lightly to prevent burnout. 

8) Agile 

The Agile is one of the most common Project Management Methodologies. But the reality is that Agile isn’t technically a methodology, it is best defined as a Project Management Principle.  

The basis of an Agile approach is: 

a) Collaborative 

b) Fast and effective 

c) Iterative and data-backed 

d) Values individuals over processes 

The Agile methodology’s popularity can be credited to the publication of the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development,” authored by 17 Software Developers back in 2001. The Agile framework can be used for just about any team because of its universal nature. The trick is deciding which methodology to use with it. 


Short for PRojects IN Controlled Environments, PRINCE2 uses the overarching Waterfall methodology to outline stages within a project. It was initially created by the UK government for IT projects. 

These are the seven main principles of PRINCE2: 

a) Starting a project 

b) Directing a project 

c) Initiating a project 

d) Controlling a project 

e) Managing product delivery 

f) Managing a stage boundary 

g) Closing a project 

The PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology is best suited for large enterprise projects with multiple project stakeholders. Using it for small projects might create an unnecessary complicated process. 

Take the first step in the dynamic world of Project Management with our PRINCE2® Foundation Training – sign up now!  

10) Six Sigma 

Unlike other Project Management, Six Sigma is used for quality management and is often paired with either a lean methodology or Agile framework. The main purpose of Six Sigma is to continuously improve processes and eliminate defects.  

To take this method one step further, you can use a Six Sigma DMAIC process, which includes the following phases: 

a) Define: Create a project scope and business case 

b) Measure: Collect data that helps inform need for improvement 

c) Analyse: Identify the root causes of problems 

d) Improve: Solve the root causes identified 

e) Control: Work to sustain solutions for future projects  

Six Sigma is best for large organisations, usually those with a few hundred employees or more. 

11) Scrum 

Interestingly, the term ‘Scrum’ originated from rugby. In rugby, Scrum is the process where a rugby team huddles around the ball and attempts to pass it down the field to win. 

Similarly, the Scrum Project Management Methodology involves short “sprints” that are used to create a project cycle. These sprints span one to two weeks at a time and are organised with teams of 10 or less. 

Once the sprint starts, the scrum master will distribute the work and coordinate team members. 

Here is how the team gets work done during the sprint: 

a) A visual scrum board helps visualise, manage and track tasks 

b) The Scrum board is split into several task lists (in columns) 

c) Once tasks are listed, individuals start working on them 

d) After completion of the work, it is sent for quality check 

e) If the task fulfils the Definition-of-Done, it’s ready to be shipped 

12) Scrumban 

As the name suggests, Scrumban is a methodology that draws from Scrum and Kanban frameworks and incorporates the best of each.  Here are its features: 

a) Scrumban uses a similar sprint cycle as Scrum but enables individual tasks to be pulled into the plan like Kanban. This allows the most important work to be completed and keeps project plans simplified.  

b) Scrumban utilises Scrum meetings to enhance collaboration and keep goals in sight.  

c) Do you like the idea of breaking down a project into smaller tasks, but want to keep it visually simple? Then Scrumban might be the right approach for you. 


Understanding these Project Management Methodologies is crucial for navigating the complexities of modern Project Management. Each methodology provides unique advantages suited to different project needs and environments. We hope this blog helps you elevate your Project Management skills and drive your projects to success. 

Struggling to transition from a beginner to an experienced Project Manager? Our Project Management For Non-Project Managers Course is here to help. Sign up now!  

Frequently Asked Questions

The three Cs of Project Management are: 

a) Culture 

b) Clarity 

c) Course Correction 

The three Ps of Project Management are: 

a) Project Scope and planning  

b) Process 

c) People 

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Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, Blogs , videos, webinars, and interview questions. Tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA .  

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Sustainable stormwater management for different types of water-scarce cities: environmental policy effect of sponge city projects in china, 1. introduction, 2. materials and methods, 2.1. literature review, 2.2. theoretical framework of policy effect evaluation for sponge city project, 2.3. main characteristics of two types of water-scarce cities and project context, 2.4. the design of policy evaluation system and specific indicators, 2.5. data collection and fuzzy comprehensive model of entropy method, 3.1. results of the survey, 3.2. evaluation of policy formulation, 3.3. evaluation of policy implementation, 3.4. evaluation of policy results, 4. discussion, 4.1. discussion for policy formulation, 4.2. discussion for policy implementation, 4.3. discussion for policy result, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Policy EvaluationComponentIndicatorNumberDescription
Policy formulationObjectivesReliabilityQ1Achieve sustainable urban stormwater management
Q2Improve the urban water ecological environment
ComprehensiveQ3Cover both political and environmental cultural connotations
FeasibilityQ4Plan and design objectives to meet the basic stormwater control requirements
Q5Build the required stormwater management model and use assistive technologies
Q6Have detailed technical guidelines
Q7Develop an operational timetable
Tool DiversityQ8Have both mandatory and voluntary tools
System IntegrityQ9Cover different types of documents (e.g., regulations, guidelines, standards, etc.)
Policy implementationCapacityAllocation of resourcesQ10Funds can be rationally allocated to different projects
Q11Professionals can be assigned to appropriate jobs
Sharing of professional knowledge and informationQ12Inspect site conditions, record relevant materials and share with other departments
Q13Participate in the training of rainwater management knowledge
Q14Build an effective stakeholder information-sharing network to Carry out social publicity and education activities
LID facility constructionQ15Activate and utilize the original grey infrastructure
Q16Build suitable green infrastructure
Coordination arrangementQ17Build a platform for subjects to interact
Qualification Identification valueQ18Identify the environmental value of specific locations
Q19Fully perform ecological function of the original waters
Assess risksQ20Assess environmental and human settlement risks
Q21Assess the risk of available funds and land space
Policy resultsAchievementsImproved environmental conditionsQ22Controlled water volume, reduced runoff and delayed peak value
Q23Improved water quality and reduced contaminants
Improved economic efficiencyQ24Stable output of investment in sustainable rainwater management facilities
Q25Reduced facility maintenance costs
Response toPublic awarenessQ26Improve awareness of citizens through publicity and education activities
Q27Form a collective awareness of water ecological protection
Public participationQ28Actively contribute suggestions for the construction
EfficiencyStabilityQ29Stable investment in construction and subsequent restoration personnel
Q30Stable facility performance
Q31Sustainable capital flow and maintenance scheme
EffectivenessQ32Comprehensive performance appraisal
Q33Realize urban water resource recycling
Q34Enhance the environmental value of urban aquatic landscape
Q35Realize the ecological function of urban waters
Environmental protection24.7%
IndicatorS CityC CityIndicatorS CityC CityIndicatorS CityC CityIndicatorS CityC CityIndicatorS CityC City
Policy Evaluation S CityC City
Policy formulation1.4571.539
Policy implementation1.5961.673
Policy results1.6521.614
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Wang, W.; Wang, S. Sustainable Stormwater Management for Different Types of Water-Scarce Cities: Environmental Policy Effect of Sponge City Projects in China. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 5685.

Wang W, Wang S. Sustainable Stormwater Management for Different Types of Water-Scarce Cities: Environmental Policy Effect of Sponge City Projects in China. Sustainability . 2024; 16(13):5685.

Wang, Wenying, and Shuwen Wang. 2024. "Sustainable Stormwater Management for Different Types of Water-Scarce Cities: Environmental Policy Effect of Sponge City Projects in China" Sustainability 16, no. 13: 5685.

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Project Manager (Agricultural projects / Rural development)

UNOPS CDMCO recently established an office in Madagascar to support several partners in different sectors with advisory, procurement, infrastructure and project management services.

UNOPS CDMCO - Madagascar is seeking to recruit a Project Manager for Advisory projects in the field of Agricultural projects  or Rural development.

The Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project(s) and provides services to the different donors, partners and beneficiaries. He/she acts on behalf of the Project Board to manage the project on an ongoing basis during the Implementation Stage. The main responsibility of a Project Manager is to ensure that the project outputs are delivered within the specified project tolerances of time, cost, quality, scope, risk and benefits. He/she is expected to meet the organization’s performance and delivery goals.

The Project Manager has the authority to assign, as per the Project Plan, work packages to Team Managers and approve deliverables produced by them.

The Project Manager is also responsible for creating the Implementation Plan, using the Project Initiation Document (PID), Legal Agreement and having a thorough understanding of the terms, conditions, and the respective roles and responsibilities of the partners/stakeholders, to ensure the project(s) outputs are capable of meeting the business cases for both UNOPS and the partner(s). Success of the project(s), and hence of the Project Manager, will be based on the defined Success Criteria.

Summary of functions:

Project Delivery and Performance


Monitoring and reporting

Stakeholder engagement

Quality assurance

Knowledge management and innovation 

Personnel management

Develop, complete and update implementation plan(s)

Implement the approved plan (including the establishment of milestones) within tolerances set by the Project Board. 

Embed sustainability dimensions including social and gender inclusion, environmental and economic aspects into project life span. 

Manage the production of the required outputs, taking responsibility for overall progress and use of resources and initiating corrective action where necessary.

Ensure that quality of work packages and deliverables complies with the quality requirements defined in the Implementation Plan.

Liaise with any external suppliers or account managers

Manage acceptance and delivery of work packages

Monitor project progress ensuring that work packages are being executed properly

Control project and work packages changes

Accept goods, services or works delivered by suppliers.

Identify, and anticipate in a timely manner, potential risks and issues and advises mitigating measures to senior management/ Project Board so that maximum benefit to partner(s) and other stakeholders is achieved

Identify and report to the supervisor potential business opportunities for UNOPS

Comply with all organizational policy and specifically the Project Management Manual

Prepare/adapt all relevant plans for approval by the Project Board.

Manage the reporting obligations defined in the Legal Agreement(s) and in the Implementation Plan

Draft the requirements definitions for procurement processes. Approving requisitions and requests for non-purchase order payments; Evaluating submissions received, if appointed to the evaluation team.

Ensure maintenance of the project files and lessons learned are recorded

Ensure the development and implementation of project financial management guidelines and control mechanisms, in conformity with UNOPS rules and regulations.

Manage budgets, cash flow and obligations to ensure that deliverables are met and payments to contractors and personnel are received on time.

Understand and manage UNOPS overheads, allocable charges, and related corporate charges as they apply to the project

Understand the unique structures of the UN and budget appropriately for personnel

Manage expenditures against the budget (based on accurate financial reports)

Where the Project Manager has no delegation as a committing officer, s/he retains these responsibilities and will monitor and instruct/request others to carry out the relevant commitments and disbursements.

For project closure purposes, provide a formal handover of the project to the closure manager

Support project audit activities, including planning, preparation and coordination during the audits and follow up on audit observations/recommendations

Develops and implements sustainable business strategies, thinks long term and externally in order to positively shape the organization. Anticipates and perceives the impact and implications of future decisions and activities on other parts of the organization.
Treats all individuals with respect; responds sensitively to differences and encourages others to do the same. Upholds organizational and ethical norms. Maintains high standards of trustworthiness. Role model for diversity and inclusion.

Acts as a positive role model contributing to the team spirit. Collaborates and supports the development of others. Acts as positive leadership role model, motivates, directs and inspires others to succeed, utilizing appropriate leadership styles.
Demonstrates understanding of the impact of own role on all partners and always puts the end beneficiary first. Builds and maintains strong external relationships and is a competent partner for others (if relevant to the role).
Efficiently establishes an appropriate course of action for self and/or others to accomplish a goal. Actions lead to total task accomplishment through concern for quality in all areas. Sees opportunities and takes the initiative to act on them. Understands that responsible use of resources maximizes our impact on our beneficiaries.
Open to change and flexible in a fast paced environment. Effectively adapts own approach to suit changing circumstances or requirements. Reflects on experiences and modifies own behavior. Performance is consistent, even under pressure. Always pursues continuous improvements.
Evaluates data and courses of action to reach logical, pragmatic decisions. Takes an unbiased, rational approach with calculated risks. Applies innovation and creativity to problem-solving.
Expresses ideas or facts in a clear, concise and open manner. Communication indicates a consideration for the feelings and needs of others. Actively listens and proactively shares knowledge. Handles conflict effectively, by overcoming differences of opinion and finding common ground.

Contract type: ICA Contract level:IICA2 Contract duration: Open-ended, subject to organizational requirements, availability of funds and satisfactory performance

Please note that UNOPS does not accept unsolicited resumes.

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process, which involves various assessments.

UNOPS embraces diversity and is committed to equal employment opportunity. Our workforce consists of many diverse nationalities, cultures,  languages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, and abilities. UNOPS seeks to sustain and strengthen this diversity to ensure equal opportunities as well as an inclusive working environment for its entire workforce. 

Qualified women and candidates from groups which are underrepresented in the UNOPS workforce are encouraged to apply. These include in particular candidates from racialized and/or indigenous groups, members of minority gender identities and sexual orientations, and people with disabilities.

We would like to ensure all candidates perform at their best during the assessment process.  If you are shortlisted and require additional assistance to complete any assessment, including reasonable accommodation, please inform our human resources team when you receive an invitation.

Terms and Conditions 

For staff positions only, UNOPS reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level than the advertised level of the post. 

For retainer contracts, you must complete a few Mandatory Courses (they take around 4 hours to complete) in your own time, before providing services to UNOPS. For more information on a retainer contract here .

All UNOPS personnel are responsible for performing their duties in accordance with the UN Charter and UNOPS Policies and Instructions, as well as other relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, all personnel must demonstrate an understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a manner consistent with UN core values and the UN Common Agenda.

It is the policy of UNOPS to conduct background checks on all potential personnel. Recruitment in UNOPS is contingent on the results of such checks.

UNOPS in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) provides services from its main office in Kinshasa and its office in the provinces of the DRC. CDMCO's office covers 15 French-speaking countries in Central and Southern Africa such as DRC, Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Burundi, Rwanda, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Madagascar, Angola and Comoros Islands.

UNOPS helps partners achieve their project objectives, including physical and social infrastructure, elections and environmental protection.


Together, we build the future.

environmental project management methodology

Environmental Processes and Management

Tools and Practices

  • © 2020
  • Raj Mohan Singh 0 ,
  • Prabhakar Shukla 1 ,
  • Prachi Singh 2

Department of Civil Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Prayagraj, India

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  • Provides an overview of the challenges faced by environmental engineering studies and proposes effective and efficient solutions for overcoming these challenges
  • Addresses the current trend topics and presents recent advances in environmental engineering
  • Introduces modern tools and techniques required by exploration and production (E&P) professionals for effective management of complex environmental engineering projects

Part of the book series: Water Science and Technology Library (WSTL, volume 91)

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About this book

This book presents an in-depth, science-based approach to applying key project-management and spatial tools and practices in environmental projects. Providing important data for those considering projects that balance social-economic growth against minimizing its ill-effects on planet Earth, the book discusses various aspects of environmental engineering, as well as formula and analytical approaches required for more informed decision-making.

Beginning with a broad overview of the factors and features of environmental processes and management, the book then clearly details the general application of fundamental processes, the characteristics of the different systems in which they occur, and the way in which these factors influence process dynamics, environmental systems, and their possible remedies.

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Table of contents (22 chapters)

Front matter, environmental modeling, monte carlo simulation and fuzzy modelling of river water quality for multiple reaches using qual2kw.

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  • Prashant Basavaraj Bhagawati, Satish G. Muttagi, Poorna B. Bhagawati, Sandip S. Sathe, Abhijit M. Zende

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Environmental impact of landfill leachate and its remediation using advanced biological methods.

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Biological Methodologies for Treatment of Textile Wastewater

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  • Kakoli Banerjee, Nihar Ranjan Sahoo, Gopal Raj Khemundu

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  • Kruti Jethwa, Samir Bajpai, P. K. Chaudhari

Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates with Defluoridation Sludge in Cement Mortars Manufacturing: A Critical Review

  • Swati Dubey, Madhu Agarwal, A. B. Gupta

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Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter—A Critical Review for Indian Scenario

  • Seema A. Nihalani, Anjali K. Khambete, Namrata D. Jhariwala

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Long-term performance evaluation of permeable reactive barrier for groundwater remediation using visual modflow.

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Editors and Affiliations

Raj Mohan Singh, Prabhakar Shukla, Prachi Singh

About the editors

Dr. Raj Mohan Singh received Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, in Civil Engineering: Hydraulics and Water Resources in the year 2004. In the year 2005, he joined Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, India as Lecturer in Department of Civil Engineering. Presently, Dr. Singh is working as Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. Professor Singh’s current research interests include Water Resources Management, especially, groundwater and climate change, conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater, optimization and soft computing. Professor Singh has published several technical papers in peer reviewed National and International journals/seminars/conferences/symposia in the area of water resources management. Professor Singh is also involved as an expert/PI in many esteemed research and consultancy projects of Govt. ofIndia. Professor Singh is a lifetime member of many professional organizations/ societies like American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), New York City, USA; Indian Society for Hydraulics (ISH) Pune, India; Indian Water Resources Society (IWRS) Roorkee, Indian Association of Hydrologists (IAH) Roorkee, and International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), UK. Also, Professor Singh is Corporate Member of The Institution of Engineers (India). 

Dr. Prabhakar Shukla was born in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India. He obtained Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) degree in Civil Engineering from Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SV NIT), Surat, Gujarat, India, in the year 2012. He attained the Master of Technology (M.Tech.) degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, in the year 2014. He was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering: Water Resources Management at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MN NIT) Allahabad in the year 2019. Dr. Shukla’s research interests are hydrological modeling, climate change, vulnerability & risk assessments in the water sector, and GIS applications in water resources management. Dr. Shukla has published numerous research papers, technical notes, book chapters, and books related to his interests. Dr. Shukla is associated as a member of editorial board and reviewer in Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI-Expanded (SCIE), SCOPUS, Web of Science indexed journals. Also, Dr. Shukla is active member of reputed international professional bodies such as American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), New York City, USA; International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan; American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES), USA; International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), UK; National Ground Water Association (NGWA), USA; and Engineers Australia (EA), Australia etc. Dr. Shukla is associated as a Hub- Scientist (Technical- Water Resources/GIS) with United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub at Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India.

Dr. Prachi Singh received her Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree in the year 2013 under the discipline of Civil Engineering from University Institute of Technology - Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (UIT - RGPV), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. She obtained Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology [MANIT], Bhopal, India, in the year 2015. She acquired her Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Civil Engineering: Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology [MNNIT] Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India in the year 2019. Dr. Singh’s current research interests include Water Resources Management,especially groundwater and climate change, conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater, optimization, and soft computing. Dr. Singh has published several technical papers in peer-reviewed National and International journals/seminars/conferences/symposia in the area of water resources management. Also, Dr. Singh has contributed abundant books and book chapters related to environmental engineering under the edges of internationally recognized and reputed publishers. Dr. Singh is a fellow of editorial board member and reviewer in numerous standard peer-reviewed Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI-Expanded (SCIE), SCOPUS, and Web of Science indexed journals. Dr. Singh is lifetime member of many professional organizations / societies like American Society of Civil Engineers [ASCE], New York City, USA; International Society for Development and Sustainability [ISDS], Japan; American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists [AAEES], USA; International Association of Hydrological Sciences [IAHS], UK; and Engineers Australia [EA], Australia. Dr. Singh is an active Regional and National level chess player and champion since 2002.

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : Environmental Processes and Management

Book Subtitle : Tools and Practices

Editors : Raj Mohan Singh, Prabhakar Shukla, Prachi Singh

Series Title : Water Science and Technology Library


Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Earth and Environmental Science , Earth and Environmental Science (R0)

Copyright Information : Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-030-38151-6 Published: 18 February 2020

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-030-38154-7 Published: 18 February 2021

eBook ISBN : 978-3-030-38152-3 Published: 17 February 2020

Series ISSN : 0921-092X

Series E-ISSN : 1872-4663

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XXIV, 445

Number of Illustrations : 34 b/w illustrations, 71 illustrations in colour

Topics : Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution , Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management , Environmental Management , Math. Appl. in Environmental Science , Climate Change

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