Food and Festivals

Kukur Tihar in Nepal – The Festival of Dog

By Suraj Katwal

Updated On Mar 2, 2024

The second day of the Tihar festival is  Kukur Tihar in Nepal  also known as  Dog Tihar . On this day, Nepali worship Dogs for their loyalty towards human beings. People put Tika, and calendula garlands and offer their favorite meals at this Dog Festival in Nepal.

The dog festival in Nepal is famous around the world, mostly in Western society as this shows the respect and bond between dogs & human beings.

Nepal Police, too do the same kinds of the ceremony on this day of the Tihar festival as dogs contribute a lot during the investigation and bring security to our society.

On the other side, The dog (Kukur) Tihar is also known as  Khicha Puja  which is celebrated by Newars (Local people of Kathmandu Valley).

Why do we celebrate kukur Tihar in Nepal?

Kukur Tihar in Nepal - Tihar in Nepal

There are certain reasons why people celebrate Kukur Tihar in Nepal. Some of the reasons include:

  • On the day of Kukur Tihar, people worship and honor dogs because the dog is an animal that is considered to be a loyal and helpful companion.
  • It is believed that dogs are the protector of the family and guardians of the home.
  • Kukur Tihar is also a day for people to show their gratitude towards the dogs that are recruited in the police force.
  • In Nepal, dogs in the police force are highly respected and appreciated for their service to the community.
  • It is a day when people celebrate the bond/friendship between humans and animals.

Kukur Tihar Quotes

Kukur Tihar Quotes

  • “The time of Kukur Tihar is a time for reflecting on how humans and dogs can strengthen their bond. It is a time when we celebrate the special bond between humans and dogs.”
  • “A time for remembrance of the unconditional love and loyalty that dogs have for humans, Kukur Tihar is a festival of love and loyalty.”
  • “Kukur Tihar is a time to appreciate all the little things that our dogs do for us every day.”
  • “Kukur Tihar is a time to think about how we can show our dogs, even more, love and care.”
  • “Kukur Tihar is a special time to let our dogs know just how much they mean to us.”
  • “During Kukur Tihar, let’s take a moment to remember all the dogs who have touched our lives and who have been loyal friends to us.”
  • “On Kukur Tihar, let us celebrate the special bond that we have with our dogs, and let us resolve to nurture and strengthen that bond.”
  • “We celebrate Kukur Tihar with our dogs to show them how much we love them.”
  • “Let us use Kukur Tihar as a reminder to show our dogs every day how much they mean to us.”
  • “Kukur Tihar is a time to be grateful for the gift of our dogs and the special bond we share with them.”
  • “On Kukur Tihar, let us reaffirm our commitment to our dogs and always show them the love and care that they deserve.”
  • “During Kukur Tihar, we take a moment to remember the joy, goodness, and happiness that our dogs bring to our lives.”
  • “During Kukur Tihar, let us take a moment to think about how we can make our dogs’ lives even better.”
  • “Kukur Tihar is a time for us to celebrate the special bond that we have with our dogs and to show them just how much they mean to us.”
  • “On Kukur Tihar, let us remember all the ways that our dogs make our lives better, and let us resolve to return that love and care.”
  • “Kukur Tihar is a time to appreciate everything that our dogs do for us and to show them just how much we love them.”
  • “On Kukur Tihar, let us think about all the ways we can show our dogs how much we appreciate them.”
  • “Kukur Tihar is a time to reflect on how much we love our dogs and how grateful we are for their companionship.”
  • “On Kukur Tihar, let us show our dogs just how much they mean to us and how much we appreciate all they do for us.”
  • “The celebration of Kukur Tihar celebrates the special bond between humans and dogs and shows our dogs just how much we cherish them.”

Kukur Tihar in Mexico

Kukur Tihar in Puerto Vallarta and Mexico City

Puerto Vallarta and Mexico City have started to celebrate the Nepalese festival of honoring dogs once a year.

This celebration, called Kukur Tihar, is a day to honor dogs and show them how much we appreciate them. Dogs are an important part of our lives and we want to show them how much we care.

People gather in a park along with their dogs and marigold garlands and celebrate it in a group. They play with their dogs and feed them their favorite food.

The festival was started back in 2016 to spread awareness among people to respect all kinds of animals.

You can also check their official Kukur Tihar PV Facebook Page where they post photos of the Kukur Tihar Festival in Mexico.

The tihar festival is being appreciated all around the globe as it is a unique festival that is celebrated only by Nepali people. Also nowadays people from India have started to celebrate it too.

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Are you a pet lover, especially a dog lover living outside Nepal? If yes then you can also celebrate kukur tihar once a year. Offer them their favorite treats, and enjoy a day off with them.

Kukur Tihar is a special occasion in Nepal when people honor their dogs. Tihar is a time to clean, decorate, and welcome Laxmi into your home.

Also, during the Kukur Tihar festival show gratitude towards the loyalty that dogs provide. This festival is a wonderful way to celebrate the special bond between humans and dogs.

If you are from Nepal then you can comment on how you are celebrating Kukur Tihar. Also if you are interested then you can also send us photos/videos on our Instagram or Facebook Page.

Happy Kukur Tihar!!!

Dog wearing calendula garlands during Tihar Festival

Suraj Katwal

Suraj is a travel enthusiast who believes in finding solace in the heart of nature. He enjoys exploring new destinations, different culture, and encouraging people to travel.

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Kukur Tihar (Kukur Puja): the Nepalese Festival that Celebrates Dogs

by Kirsty | November 10, 2015 | Festivals & Celebrations , Nepal | 2 comments

Honouring Dogs in Nepal at Kukur Tihar Festival

Did you know that there is a day in Nepal dedicated solely to thanking dogs for their loyalty and friendship? It’s called Kukur Tihar, and means ‘worship of the dogs’. In 2020, Kukur Tihar is on Saturday, 14th November.

Also known as Kukur Puja, Kukur Tihar is held on the second day of the Hindu festival Tihar (it’s celebrated as Diwali in India), and it’s devoted to pampering man’s (and woman’s) best friends. Interestingly, the first day is dedicated to crows …

Although Diwali is celebrated all over the Hindu world, Kukur Tihar is unique to Nepal. Dogs are believed to be messengers of Lord Yamaraj, the God of Death, and are worshipped once a year on this day.

The role of dogs in Hindu custom

In the ancient Hindu texts Rigveda, Samara, (the mother of dogs), assists Indra, (the ruler of heaven), in retrieving stolen cattle. Tradition teaches that dogs are the protector of Yama, the lord of the dead, and guardians of the afterlife.

People decorate dogs with flower garlands, apply red tikas on their foreheads and offer them inviting food to acknowledge the cherished relationship between humans and dogs.

Tihar is a five-day Hindu festival, but the second day, known as Kukur Puja, is reserved for the most loyal of companions…

Kukur Tihar Festival Nepal 02

Celebrating Kukur Tihar festival in Nepal

During the festival ceremonies, people offer garlands as a sign of respect for the animals. It’s not just domestic pets that are recognised – animals that work in public service, such as police dogs, are held in high esteem and thanked for their hard work.

Kukur Tihar Festival Nepal 04

Dogs are marked on their foreheads with a  tika as a sign of sacredness.

Kukur Tihar Festival Nepal 07

Because dogs really are ‘man’s best friend’ …

Kukur Tihar Festival Nepal 09

The images honouring these four-legged animals are truly heart-warming and you really don’t need to be a dog-lover to appreciate them.

Kukur Tihar Festival Nepal 10


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Kukur Tihar Festival (Kukur Puja) in Nepal - a celebration in honour of dogs

The photographs in this are from the free and open source article: There Is An Annual Festival In Nepal That Thanks Dogs For Being Our Friends . Permission is granted to republish this article under a  Creative Commons  license with attribution to the author,  The Mind Unleashed  and .


I LOVE that. I love dogs so I find it heart-warming that a culture would celebrate dogs that way. Wonderful pics.

Frank (bbqboy)


It’s cute isn’t it. Mark’s a real dog lover too and I find him befriending strays all over the world! 😉

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Nepal’s Kukur Tihar Festival Is Diwali for Dogs

On the second day of tihar, nepal's autumnal religious festival, dogs are honored, celebrated, and even worshipped..

dog essay in nepali

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Dogster Team

Diwali, one of the great celebrations in the Hindu calendar, is a five-day autumn festival generally known as the festival of lights. Each day has its own focus, and specific observances vary from one denomination of Hinduism to another. Regardless of regional and denominational differences, Diwali is a period of gift-giving, storytelling, and recognition of the relationships humans have with all things.

In Nepal, Diwali is called Tihar. Similar to other Diwali observances, lamps are lit at night during Tihar. The festival of lights celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, of knowledge over ignorance, and the dissolution of barriers that separate humans from an authentic experience of the world. Nepalese Hinduism is unique in dedicating the second day of Tihar, Kukur Tihar, to the worship of dogs.

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  • Dogs in the Hindu tradition

Dogs are especially important to Nepal’s Hindu practitioners. During day two of Tihar, Kukur Tihar, the role of dogs in human life and throughout history is celebrated. In the Rigveda , one of Hinduism’s most ancient texts, Samara — the mother of dogs — assists Indra, the ruler of heaven, in retrieving stolen cattle. Hindu tradition holds that a dog is the guardian and messenger of Yama, the lord and judge of the dead. A dog is also said to guard the gates of the afterlife.

dog essay in nepali

At the close of the Mahabharata , the king of righteousness, Yudhishthira, refuses to enter heaven without his devoted dog. The dog is revealed to represent the concept of dharma, the path of righteousness. During Tihar, each day is devoted to a honoring a different concept or entity: crows, dogs, cows, oxen, and fraternal relationships, respectively. On the second day, Kukur Tihar, all dogs are recognized, honored, and worshiped.

dog essay in nepali

  • Diwali for dogs: the garland

What forms does this worship take? During Kukur Tihar, the mythological and real relationships between humans and dogs constitute the day’s major focus. A garland of flowers is draped around the neck of every dog; not only those with homes, but strays as well.

dog essay in nepali

In our dog photos, you’ll notice a wreath of flowers hanging around the neck of each dog. This floral necklace, called a malla, is a mark of respect and dignity. It announces the wearer as important, and symbolizes the prayers that go with the dog.

  • Diwali for dogs: the tika

On Kukur Tihar, a red mark is applied to the forehead of each dog. In Nepal, this mark is called the tika, a paste made from abir — a red dye powder — along with rice and yogurt. The tika is applied in a single stroke on the forehead upward from the eyes.

dog essay in nepali

Like the malla that garlands the neck, the red tika marks the dog as both a devotee of the righteous path and as an object of devotion. The tika imbues the dog with an air of sacredness and acts as a blessing to those who encounter the dog during Kukur Tihar.

  • Diwali for dogs: food offerings

Prayers and flowers are certainly nice, but as far as dogs are concerned, their favorite part of Kukur Tihar must be the food. On the first day of Diwali, Kaag Tihar, food is arrayed on the roofs of homes as offerings to crows. On the second day, food offerings are put out for dogs in the home, as well as for strays in the streets.

dog essay in nepali

These food offerings take a variety of forms. Depending on the celebrant, the dog’s treats may include milk, eggs, meat, or high-quality dog food. Some may even offer dogs a bit of sel roti, a deep-fried confection similar to a donut. This is a day when dogs have the best of everything.

  • How will you celebrate Diwali with your dog?

This is a very general overview of Kukur Tihar. While its origins are traced to Nepalese Hinduism, variants of the day of the dog are celebrated by denominations of Hinduism and Buddhism across the world. Kukur Tihar honors dogs in all of their aspects: as guardians, companions, and friends.

dog essay in nepali

By devoting days during the festival of lights to crows, cows, dogs, oxen, and siblings, adherents acknowledge the deep connections between all living things. In 2014, the ancient partnership between humanity and dogs is celebrated on October 22. We would love to hear from our readers. Do you keep Diwali or Tihar? Share your fondest memories of Kukur Tihar in the comments! How will you honor your dog today?

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  • Why Do Dogs Lick People?
  • 6 Ways to Thwart an Off-Leash Dog Rushing You and Your Dog
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About the Author

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Melvin Peña

Melvin Peña is a writer, editor, and social media manager who spends most of his time in Durham, North Carolina. His interests include his dog, Baby (of course!), art, hiking, urban farming and karaoke.

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Nepali Essay Topics Lists | Nibandha Lekhan

Nepali essay topics, nibandha lekhan

Here I have put some Nepali essays (nibandha) which are frequently asked in exams:

Here are your tips to write an essay.

Here is the topic list of Nepali Essay :

1 नेपाल

2 मेरो देश

3 सगरमाथा

4 मेरो देश मेरो गौरव

5 नेपालको राष्ट्रिय झण्डा

6 नेपालको राष्ट्रिय जनवार

7 तिज

8 दशैँ

9 तिहार

10 होली

11 नेपाली चाडपर्वहरु

12 नेपालको सस्कृति

13 पुस्तकालय

14 गाउँले जीवन

15 सहरिया जीवन

16 शिक्षाको महत्व

17 मेरि आमा

18 मेरो बुबा

19 मेरो परिवार

20 मेरो मिल्ने साथी

21 मेरो विद्यालय

22 मेरो घर

23 मेरो गाउँ

24 पानीको महत्व

25 हाम्रो स्वास्थ्य

26 स्वास्थ्य नै धन हो

27 वाताबरण

28 विधार्थी जीवन

29 अनुशासन

30 विधार्थी जीवनमा अनुशासनको महत्व

31 भ्रष्टाचार

32 लोकतन्त्र

33 प्राविधिक शिक्षाको महत्व

34 विज्ञान र प्रबिधि

35 संचार प्रविधि

36 सरस्वती पुजा

37 गाईको बारेमा निबन्ध

38 कुकुर बारेमा निबन्ध

39 महिला हिंसा

40 मेरो जन्मस्थान

41 फूलबारी

42 इन्टरनेट

43 मोबाइल

44 टेलिभिजन

45 फुटवल

46 क्रिकेट

47 मेरो जीवनको लक्ष्य

48 नेपालको विकाशमा पर्यटनको महत्व

49 प्राकृतिक स्रोतहरु

50 मनपर्ने खेल

51 मनपर्ने खानेकुरा

52 नेपालको राजनीतिक अवस्था

53 वायु प्रदूषण

54 नेपालको भौगोलिक अवस्था

Also read:   मेरो विद्यालय।

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Bella Hadid Wears the Naked Dress to End All Naked Dresses

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Anthony Vaccarello finally figured out how to reproduce his collection of ultra-sheer pantyhose dresses. Bella Hadid hit Cannes in look seven from the Saint Laurent fall 2024 show: a halter dress featuring 10 denier hosiery cups, a knotted pantyhose bodice, and a below-the-knee skirt with a control top hemline.

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This look fits into Hadid’s latest sartorial M.O. of sheer earthy tones that can only be described as “sexy nymph.” While promoting her fragrance, Orebella, in New York, the model wore a diaphanous nude Dior slip dress by John Galliano, as well as a cream-colored Rokh dress with a lace bodice. And yesterday in Cannes, she further explored brown tones in a simple tank dress . But this look—with only some extremely well-placed seams preserving her modesty—is by far her boldest to date.

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When asked about how he would manufacture these ephemeral pieces from the collection, Vaccarello told Vogue, “Don’t even ask me about production—I can’t tell you.” This being the first instance the delicate outfits have been spotted on the red carpet speaks to Hadid’s risk-taking style. Even if she is the only person who ever wears one of these sheer Saint Laurent looks out in the world (let’s see if she can make it to the end of the night without any snags) the fact that Vaccarello was readily willing to make one for her speaks to Hadid’s immense power in the fashion industry.

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Guest Essay

Enough With the Fireworks Already

Strands of yellow light coming from a lit sparkler against a background of trees, mountains and sky.

By Margaret Renkl

Ms. Renkl is a contributing Opinion writer who covers flora, fauna, politics and culture in the American South.

For 15 straight years, our old dog Clark — a hound-shepherd-retriever mix who was born in the woods and loved the outdoors ever after — spent the Fourth of July in our walk-in shower. He seemed to believe a windowless shower in a windowless bathroom offered his best chance of surviving the shrieking terror that was raining down from the night sky outside.

Did he think the fireworks, with their window-rattling booms, were the work of some cosmic predator big enough to eat him whole? Did he think they were gunshots or claps of thunder spreading out from inexplicable lightning bolts tearing open the sky above our house?

There’s no way to know what he was thinking, but every single year that rangy, 75-pound, country-born yard dog spent the Fourth of July in our shower, trembling, drooling and whimpering in terror.

Clark was lucky. We have friends whose terrified dog spent one Fourth of July fruitlessly trying to outrun the explosions. The next day a good Samaritan found him lying on a hot sidewalk miles away, close to death. Other friends came home from watching the fireworks to discover that their dog had bolted in terror from their fenced backyard and been killed by a car.

And those were all companion animals, the ones whose terror is clear to us. We have no real way of knowing how many wild animals suffer because the patterns of their lives are disrupted with no warning every year on a night in early July. People shooting bottle rockets in the backyard might not see the sleeping songbirds, startled from their safe roosts, exploding into a darkness they did not evolve to navigate — crashing into buildings or depleting crucial energy reserves . People firing Roman candles into the sky above the ocean may have no idea that the explosions can cause seabirds to abandon their nests or frighten nesting shorebirds to death .

Then there’s the wildlife driven into roads — deer and foxes, opossums and skunks, coyotes and raccoons. Any nocturnal creature in a blind panic can find itself staring into oncoming headlights, unsure whether the greater danger lies in the road or in the sky or in the neighborhood yards surrounding them.

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Congratulations to Essay Prize Winner Brontë Slote

Thursday, July 11, 2024 | By jduff

Brontë Slote (BA ’24) standing in Brock University's Pond Inlet wearing a graduation gown and holding up an envelope with the Brock University logo.

Congratulations to Brontë Slote (BA ’24) on receiving the Faculty of Social Sciences Dean’s Undergraduate Award for Excellent Writing . Her winning paper, “Loss of Dogs, Loss of Life: The Destruction of Inuit Identity and Culture through Colonial Sled Dog Policies,” was nominated by Assistant Professor of Political Science Liam Midzain-Gobin .   

Slote’s essay analyzes colonial policies surrounding the treatment of sled dogs in the Canadian Arctic during the mid-1900s. The paper sheds light on how these policies, driven by Eurocentric ideas of private property ownership and assimilation, disrupted Inuit-qimmiit relations, directly contributing to the destruction of Inuit identity and culture.  

“I was passionate about this topic because it was an intersection of my interests, drawing from my minor in Political Science while also tying in knowledge gained from my background in Critical Animal Studies and Canadian Studies,” says Slote. “It serves as a powerful example of overlapping oppressions wherein colonialism and speciesism come together to affect both human and non-human members of a shared community.”  

Slote feels fortunate that her Political Science courses focused on developing critical thinking and research skills, which she says helped her learn how to craft a well-written argument.   

In POLI 4P37, she adds, “I had the opportunity to participate in a peer review activity where I not only improved my writing skills through feedback from my classmates but also gained insights into the peer review process that academic papers undergo before publication.”  

Midzain-Gobin says he was thrilled to nominate Slote for the writing award because her essay went “over and above” what is typically seen in undergraduate courses.  

“Slote’s essay draws on primary source material from the Qikiqtani Truth Commission and provides a rigorous analysis of Inuit-qimmiit relations and settler colonialism,” he says. “The paper is also wonderfully written. Simultaneously accessible and richly detailed, the clarity of the prose serves to highlight the analytical insight that Slote brings.”

  • Congratulations to Essay Prize Winner Brontë Slote July 11, 2024
  • Brock Model UN competes on world stage April 12, 2024
  • New POLI Professor Danielle McNabb in the News October 30, 2023

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My Pet Dog Essay

செல்லப்பிராணிகள் சிறப்பு மற்றும் செல்லப்பிராணி நாய் என்றால் அது அதன் உரிமையாளருக்கு மிகவும் சிறப்பு வாய்ந்தது. ஏனென்றால், நாய்களுக்கு நாம் கொடுக்கும் அன்பை நூறு மடங்கு திருப்பித் தந்து, தங்கள் வாழ்நாள் வரை நமக்கு விசுவாசமாக இருக்கிறார்கள். நான் என் செல்ல நாயை மிகவும் நேசிக்கிறேன். அவர் வீட்டைக் காக்கிறார், உண்மையுள்ளவர், என்னை முழு மனதுடன் நேசிக்கிறார். அதனுடன் நேரத்தை செலவிட விரும்புகிறேன். எனக்கு மட்டுமல்ல என் குடும்பத்தில் உள்ள ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் பிடிக்கும்.

Table of Contents

தமிழில் என் செல்ல நாய் பற்றிய குறுகிய மற்றும் நீண்ட கட்டுரை

கட்டுரை 1 (300 வார்த்தைகள்).

எனது செல்ல நாய் பார்னி லாப்ரடோர். இது வெளிர் பழுப்பு நிறத்தில் உள்ளது மற்றும் மிகவும் வலுவான உடல் அமைப்பைக் கொண்டுள்ளது. ஒரு செல்லப் பிராணியாக, லாப்ரடோர் இரட்டை நோக்கத்திற்காகச் செயல்படுகிறது. உங்களுடன் விளையாட எப்போதும் தயாராக இருக்கும் ஒரு விசுவாசமான நண்பரைப் பெறுவது மட்டுமல்லாமல், உங்கள் வீட்டிற்குப் பாதுகாவலராகவும் செயல்படுவார். பார்னி இருப்பதால் எங்கள் வீடு பாதுகாப்பான இடமாக உள்ளது.

நாய் கண்காட்சி பங்கேற்பு

பலர் வீட்டிற்கு செல்லப்பிராணிகளை கொண்டு வருகிறார்கள், ஆனால் விரைவில் அவற்றை மறந்துவிடுவார்கள். நாங்கள் அந்த மக்களைப் போல் இல்லை. நாங்கள் பார்னியை நன்றாக கவனித்துக்கொள்கிறோம், மேலும் அவரை எப்போதும் பல்வேறு நடவடிக்கைகளில் ஈடுபடுத்த விரும்புகிறோம். இது கடந்த 5 ஆண்டுகளாக எங்களுடன் வாழ்ந்து வருகிறது, இதற்கிடையில் அது மூன்று நாய் கண்காட்சிகளில் பங்கேற்றது. இந்த நாய் நிகழ்ச்சிகளுக்காக பார்னியை நாங்கள் பயிற்றுவித்தோம், மேலும் இது அனைத்து நிகழ்வுகளிலும் விருதுகளை வென்று எங்களை பெருமைப்படுத்தியது. முதல் நிகழ்ச்சியின் போது பார்னிக்கு 10 மாதங்கள் மட்டுமே. அந்த நேரத்தில் அது மிகவும் சுறுசுறுப்பாக இருந்தது, பின்னர் அது தடைகளை வென்றது. இரண்டாவது நிகழ்வின் போது அது 2 வயதாக இருந்தது, பின்னர் அது பறவை வேட்டை விளையாட்டில் வென்றது. மூன்றாவது நிகழ்ச்சியில் மீண்டும் பந்தயத்தில் கலந்து கொண்டு மூன்றாவது இடத்தைப் பிடித்தது. அப்போது பார்னிக்கு 4 வயது.

என் செல்ல நாய் மிகவும் எச்சரிக்கையாக உள்ளது

பார்னி எல்லா நேரங்களிலும் எச்சரிக்கையாக இருக்கிறார். குறிப்பாக இரவு நேரங்களில் வீட்டின் அருகில் இருக்கும் யாருடைய குரலையும் எளிதாகக் கேட்கும். இது மிகவும் வலுவான வாசனை உணர்வைக் கொண்டுள்ளது, மேலும் இது எதையும் எளிதில் மணக்கும், குறிப்பாக சுற்றுப்புறத்திலிருந்து விசித்திரமான அல்லது அறிமுகமில்லாத வாசனை வரும்போது. நாய்கள் மிகவும் விசுவாசமானவை மற்றும் தங்கள் எஜமானுக்காக எதையும் செய்வதிலிருந்து பின்வாங்குவதில்லை. பார்னி விதிவிலக்கல்ல. இது எங்கள் குடும்பத்தை மிகவும் பாதுகாக்கிறது மற்றும் எல்லா நேரங்களிலும் எங்கள் வீட்டைக் காக்கிறது.

பார்னியுடன் நேரத்தை செலவிடுவதில் எனக்கு மகிழ்ச்சி. இது என் மன அழுத்தம் மற்றும் கவலைகள் அனைத்தையும் நீக்குகிறது. நான் பள்ளியிலிருந்து வரும் நேரம் வரும்போது, ​​வீட்டு வாசலில் நின்று எனக்காகக் காத்திருந்து, என்னைப் பார்த்து வாலை ஆட்டத் தொடங்கும். நாங்கள் இருவரும் ஒருவரையொருவர் பார்த்ததில் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறோம்.

கட்டுரை 2 (400 வார்த்தைகள்)

என்னிடம் செல்லப் பிராணியாக அழகான குட்டி டச்ஷண்ட் உள்ளது. இது மிகவும் கலகலப்பான நாய் மற்றும் நாம் அதனுடன் விளையாட விரும்பும் போதெல்லாம் விளையாட தயாராக இருக்கும். நாங்கள் அதற்கு பட்டி என்று பெயரிட்டோம், அது உண்மையில் எங்கள் சிறந்த நண்பர். Dachshunds மிகவும் நட்பு மற்றும் மகிழ்ச்சியான உள்ளன. பட்டி எங்கள் குடும்பத்துடன் நன்றாக இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது மற்றும் நம் அனைவரையும் மிகவும் நேசிக்கிறார். நாமும் முழு மனதுடன் நேசிக்கிறோம்.

என் செல்ல நாயின் அம்சங்கள்

Dachshund நாய் இனங்கள் அவற்றின் நீளமான மற்றும் குறைந்த உடல் காரணமாக மற்ற இனங்களிலிருந்து முற்றிலும் வேறுபட்டவை. எனது நண்பரின் தோற்றம் மற்றும் நடந்துகொள்ளும் விதம் இதோ:

  • பட்டி சாக்லேட் பிரவுன் நிறம் மற்றும் நீண்ட முடி கொண்டவர்.
  • இது ஒரு சிறிய அளவிலான டச்ஷண்ட் ஆகும்.
  • இது மிகவும் வலுவான வாசனை சக்தி கொண்டது.
  • அவர் மிகவும் அமைதியான மற்றும் நட்பானவர். வீட்டிற்கு வரும் நம் நண்பர்கள், அண்டை வீட்டார் மற்றும் உறவினர்கள் அனைவருடனும் இது நட்பைத் தாக்குகிறது மற்றும் அவர்களுடன் விளையாடுவதை எதிர்நோக்குகிறது.
  • அவர் மிகவும் தைரியமானவர் மற்றும் புத்திசாலி. நம் வீட்டில் யார் சுற்றித் திரிகிறார்கள் மற்றும் தெரியாத மற்றும் அறிமுகமில்லாத நபர்கள் பற்றி எப்போதும் எச்சரிக்கையாக இருக்கும். சந்தேகத்திற்கிடமான அல்லது அறிமுகமில்லாத நபரைக் கண்டால் அது உடனடியாக குரைக்கிறது.
  • இது விஷயங்களைப் பற்றி மிகவும் ஆர்வமாக உள்ளது.

நண்பருடன் விளையாடி மகிழுங்கள் _____ _ _ _ _

Dachshunds மிகவும் சுறுசுறுப்பாக இருக்கும் மற்றும் எப்போதும் வித்தியாசமான விளையாட்டுகளை விளையாட ஆர்வமாக இருக்கும்.Buddy குறிப்பாக பந்துடன் விளையாட விரும்புகிறார். எனவே ஒவ்வொரு மாலையும் சுமார் அரை மணி நேரம் ஒரு பந்துடன் உணவளிக்கிறோம். இது பட்டிக்கு வேடிக்கையான தருணங்கள் மட்டுமல்ல, எனக்கும் என் சகோதரனுக்கும் அற்புதமான தருணங்கள்.

நண்பர் பயணம் செய்ய விரும்புகிறார். வார இறுதியில் நாங்கள் அடிக்கடி வாக்கிங் செல்வோம், பட்டி எப்பொழுதும் எங்களுடன் வருவதற்கு உற்சாகமாக இருப்பார். இது சிறிய அளவில் இருப்பதால், அதை எடுத்துச் செல்வது கடினம் அல்ல. நண்பருக்கு அதிக உணவு தேவைப்படாது, இது பயணத்திற்கு ஏற்றதாக அமைகிறது.

பட்டி எங்கள் வீட்டிற்கு வந்து ஒரு வருடத்திற்கு மேல் ஆகிவிட்டது, எங்கள் வீட்டிற்கு எங்கள் நண்பர்கள் மற்றும் உறவினர்கள் அதிகமாக வரத் தொடங்கியுள்ளனர். பட்டி ஒரு மகிழ்ச்சியான நண்பர். எல்லோரும் அதை விரும்புகிறார்கள் மற்றும் அதனுடன் நேரத்தை செலவிட விரும்புகிறார்கள்.

பெரும்பாலும் வீட்டில் இருக்கும்போது சங்கிலியால் கட்டி வைத்திருப்போம். பெரிய பால்கனியை பால்கனிக்கு அருகிலேயே கட்டியிருப்பதில் என் அம்மா சிறப்பு கவனம் செலுத்தினார். இதற்குக் காரணம், நாம் அதைத் திறக்கும் நொடியில், அது வீட்டைச் சுற்றி ஓடி, அதன் வழியில் வரும் அனைத்தையும் அடித்து நொறுக்குகிறது.

வளர்ப்பு நாய்களுடன் இருப்பது மகிழ்ச்சி அளிக்கிறது, குறிப்பாக டச்ஷண்ட் என்றால் நீங்கள் சலிப்படைய மாட்டீர்கள். அவர்களுடன் ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் மிகவும் உற்சாகமாகவும் வேடிக்கையாகவும் தெரிகிறது. நண்பா எங்கள் குடும்பத்தின் உயிர்நாடி.

கட்டுரை 3 (500 வார்த்தைகள்)

நான் சிறுவனாக இருந்தபோது டாபர்மேன் ஒரு செல்லப்பிள்ளையாக இருந்தோம். நான் பிறப்பதற்கு முன்பே அது என் குடும்பத்தின் அங்கமாகி விட்டது. அதனால் நான் பிறந்த காலத்திலிருந்தே எனக்கு அது தெரியும். டோபர்மேன்கள் நல்ல புலன்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளனர் மற்றும் எப்போதும் விழிப்புடன் இருப்பார்கள். இருப்பினும், டோபர்மேன் இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த சிறு குழந்தைகளைப் பார்த்தால், அவர்களின் மென்மையான பக்கத்தைப் பார்ப்பீர்கள், நாங்கள் புருனோ என்று அன்புடன் அழைக்கும் எனது செல்லப் பிராணியான டோபர்மேனின் இந்தப் பக்கத்தை நான் அனுபவித்திருக்கிறேன்.

என் பெற்றோர் ஏன் செல்ல நாயைப் பெற முடிவு செய்தனர் ?

திருமணத்திற்குப் பிறகு, எனது பெற்றோர் கோவாவுக்கு மாறினார்கள். கோவாவில் வாடகைக்கு வீடு எடுத்து தங்கியுள்ளார். இரண்டு பேர் கொண்ட குடும்பத்திற்கு ஏற்ற அழகான வீடு அது. ஆனால் ஒரே பிரச்சனை என்னவென்றால், வீடு சற்று தனிமையில் இருந்தது. அருகில் உள்ள மற்ற வீடுகளிலிருந்து வெகு தொலைவில் இருந்தது. எனது தாயின் பாதுகாப்பையும் பாதுகாப்பையும் உறுதி செய்ய, எனது தந்தை அலுவலகத்திற்குச் சென்றதும், வீட்டிற்கு செல்ல நாயை அழைத்து வர முடிவு செய்தார். டோபர்மேன் இன நாயைப் பெற அவர் முடிவு செய்தார், ஏனெனில் அது பயமற்றது, தைரியமானது மற்றும் உயரத்தில் வலிமையானது. இந்த தரம் காரணமாக, டோபர்மேன் நாய் உலகம் முழுவதும் போலீஸ் மற்றும் இராணுவ சேவைகளில் விரும்பப்படுகிறது.

என் அம்மா ஏற்கனவே நாய்களை மிகவும் விரும்பினார் மற்றும் புருனோ புதிய நகரத்தில் அவரது சிறந்த நண்பரானார். டாபர்மேனுக்கு தினசரி உடற்பயிற்சி தேவைப்படுவதால், என் அம்மா அதை ஒரு நாளைக்கு இரண்டு முறை நடைபயிற்சிக்கு அழைத்துச் செல்வார். என் அப்பாவும் அதன் நிறுவனத்தை ரசித்தார். புருனோ என்னை மிகவும் நேசித்தார், நான் பிறந்ததிலிருந்து, அவர் என்னைப் பாதுகாத்து என்னுடன் எப்போதும் விளையாடுவார்.

நாங்கள் ஏன் எங்கள் டாபர்மேனை விட்டுக்கொடுக்க வேண்டும் ?

நான் புருனோவிடம் மிகவும் பற்று வைத்திருந்தேன், என் அம்மாவும் அதில் மிகவும் பற்று வைத்திருந்தேன். ஆனால், அப்பாவுக்கு அமெரிக்காவில் வேலை வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்ததால், நாங்கள் இரண்டு வருடங்கள் அங்கேயே வாழ வேண்டியதாயிற்று. சோகமான இதயத்துடன் அதை எங்கள் அண்டை வீட்டாரில் ஒருவருக்கு கொடுக்க வேண்டும், அவர் அதை மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் தங்கள் வீட்டிற்கு அழைத்துச் சென்றார். புருனோவின் உடல்நிலை குறித்து விசாரிக்க அடிக்கடி பேசினோம்.

நான் எப்படி ஒரு இந்திய ஸ்பிட்ஸை சந்தித்தேன் ?

இரண்டு ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பிறகு நாங்கள் இந்தியாவுக்குத் திரும்பினோம். இந்த முறை வேறு ஊரில். நான் மீண்டும் ஒரு செல்ல நாய் வளர்க்க விரும்பினேன் ஆனால் என் அம்மா அதற்கு தயாராக இல்லை ஆனால் கடவுள் என் விருப்பத்திற்கு செவிசாய்த்து அதை நிறைவேற்றினார் என்று தோன்றியது.

ஒரு நாள் நான் பள்ளியிலிருந்து வீட்டிற்குச் சென்று கொண்டிருந்தபோது, ​​ஒரு ஸ்பிட்ஸ் நாய் சைக்கிள் டயரில் இருந்து காலை வெளியே எடுக்கப் போராடுவதைக் கண்டேன். இதையெல்லாம் பார்த்தவுடன் உடனடியாக உதவ முன் வந்தேன். அது யாரோ ஒருவரின் செல்லப் பிராணியாக இருந்தாலும் வழி தவறிவிட்டதாகத் தோன்றியது. டயரில் இருந்து காலை எடுத்து அவன் தலையை அன்புடன் வருடினேன்.

ஸ்பிட்ஸ் மிகவும் அன்பானவர்கள். என் கையை நக்க ஆரம்பித்தான். நான் அதன் உரிமையாளரைத் தேடினேன், ஆனால் அவர் என்னைக் காணவில்லை. நான் என் வீட்டை நோக்கி நடக்க ஆரம்பித்ததும் அது என்னைப் பின்தொடரத் தொடங்கியது. அதன் உரிமையாளர் தேடி வருவார் என்று நான் முதலில் பார்த்த இடத்திற்கே கொண்டு சென்றேன் ஆனால் பல வாரங்களாக யாரும் எடுக்க வரவில்லை. அப்போதிருந்து அது எங்களுடன் தங்கியுள்ளது. அதற்கு ஜிகிள்ஸ் என்று பெயரிட்டேன்.

நாய்கள் மிகவும் அன்பாகவும் அக்கறையுடனும் இருக்கும். அவர்கள் தங்கள் எஜமானருக்கு விசுவாசமாக இருக்கிறார்கள். நாயை செல்லமாக வளர்ப்பது ஒரு அற்புதமான அனுபவம்.

கட்டுரை 4 (600 வார்த்தைகள்)

என்னிடம் ரோஜர் என்ற செல்ல நாய் உள்ளது. இது ஒரு ஜெர்மன் ஷெப்பர்ட் மற்றும் கடந்த 3 ஆண்டுகளாக எனது குடும்பத்தில் ஒரு அங்கமாக உள்ளது. இது மிகவும் சூடான, நட்பு மற்றும் விளையாட்டுத்தனமானது. வெளியாட்கள் பெரும்பாலும் ஆபத்தானதாகக் கருதினாலும். இதற்குக் காரணம் அவரது உடல் அமைப்பும் நிறமும்தான். அது எல்லா நேரங்களிலும் விழிப்புடன் இருக்கும், எல்லா நேரங்களிலும் நம் வீட்டைக் காக்கும்.

நான் ஏன் ஒரு செல்ல நாயை வளர்க்க விரும்பினேன் ?

என் குடும்பத்தில் உள்ள அனைவருக்கும் ரோஜரை பிடிக்கும். நாங்கள் அனைவரும் அவரை ஒரு குடும்ப உறுப்பினராக நடத்துகிறோம். அவர் இல்லாத வாழ்க்கையை நம்மால் நினைத்துக்கூட பார்க்க முடியாது. நான் ஒரு செல்ல நாயை வளர்க்க விரும்பிய நேரம் எனக்கு இன்னும் நினைவில் இருந்தாலும், எனது குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்கள் அனைவரும் இந்த யோசனைக்கு எதிராக இருந்தனர். எனக்கு 8 வயதாக இருந்தபோது என் தோழி அன்யாவுக்கு மிகவும் அழகான பக் இருந்தது. அவள் எப்போதும் அவனை பூங்காவிற்கு அழைத்து வந்தாள். நான் அவளை சந்திக்கும் போதெல்லாம் அவளுடன் விளையாடுவது வழக்கம். இருவரும் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக காணப்பட்டனர், இருவரும் ஒருவரையொருவர் விரும்புவதாகத் தோன்றியது. பலமுறை நான் அன்யாவை என் வீட்டில் ஒன்றாக விளையாட அழைத்தேன், ஆனால் அவள் ரோஜருக்கு உணவளிப்பதில் அல்லது குளிப்பதில் பிஸியாக இருப்பதாகக் கூறி ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் மறுத்துவிட்டாள். இதைக் கேட்க எனக்கு வலித்தது, நான் எப்போதும் ஒரு நாயை நண்பனாக வைத்திருக்க விரும்பினேன். அதை மனதில் வைத்து வீட்டுக்குள் செல்ல நாயை வரவழைக்க முடிவு செய்தேன்.

என் செல்ல நாயைப் பெற நான் எப்படிப் போராடினேன் ?

நான் செல்லப்பிராணியாக ஒரு நாயை விரும்புகிறேன் என்று எனக்குத் தெரியும், ஆனால் அதை வீட்டிற்கு அழைத்துச் செல்ல நான் என் பெற்றோருடன் இவ்வளவு போராட வேண்டியிருக்கும் என்பதை நான் உணரவில்லை. வளர்ப்பு நாயை வளர்க்க வேண்டும் என்ற எண்ணம் வந்தவுடனே அம்மாவிடம் சென்று வீட்டில் நாய் வேண்டும் என்று சொன்னேன். இதைக் கேட்ட அம்மா சிரித்துக்கொண்டே என் கன்னத்தில் அறைந்து என் கோரிக்கையை நிராகரித்தார். நான் என் விருப்பத்தை மீண்டும் சொன்னேன், அவர் அதை மீண்டும் லேசாக எடுத்துக் கொண்டார். என் அம்மாவின் நடத்தை எனக்கு கோபத்தை ஏற்படுத்தியது, எனக்கு ஒரு செல்ல நாய் வேண்டும் என்று சொன்னேன். அப்போது என் அம்மாவிற்கு நான் இதில் தீவிரம் என்று தெரிய வந்தது.அப்போது அம்மாவிடம் அமர்ந்து ஏன் செல்ல நாய் வளர்க்க முடியாது என்று விளக்கினாள்.

எனது பெற்றோர் இருவரும் வேலை செய்கிறார்கள். என் தாத்தா, பாட்டி எங்களுடன் வாழ்ந்தாலும், செல்லப் பிராணிகளைப் பராமரிப்பது பற்றி வயதான தாத்தா பாட்டிகளிடம் கேட்பது சரியல்ல. இது தவிர, என் அண்ணன் இளமையாக இருந்தபோது, ​​​​அம்மாவுக்கு நோய்த்தொற்று வந்துவிடுமோ என்று பயந்தார். அவர் இந்த விஷயங்களை எல்லாம் எனக்கு விளக்க முயன்றார், ஆனால் அவருடைய எந்த விளக்கத்தையும் நான் கேட்கவில்லை. நான் என் பாட்டியிடம் சென்று ஒரு செல்ல நாயை வீட்டிற்கு கொண்டு வரும்படி அம்மாவை சம்மதிக்க வைத்தேன். என் பாட்டியும் என் அம்மாவை ஆதரிக்க முயன்றார், ஆனால் நான் பல நாட்கள் அவளை வற்புறுத்திக் கொண்டே இருந்தேன், இறுதியாக ஒரு நாள் நான் அவளை சமாதானப்படுத்தினேன். நான் பள்ளியிலிருந்து வரும் வரை நாயை அரை நாள் கவனித்துக் கொள்ள ஒப்புக்கொண்டாள். அதன் பிறகு மற்ற அனைத்தும் என் பொறுப்பு.

எப்படியோ அப்பாவையும் சமாதானப்படுத்தினேன். அவருக்கும் நாய்கள் என்றால் மிகவும் பிடிக்கும் என்பதால், அவரை சமாதானப்படுத்துவது சிரமமாக இருக்கவில்லை. இதையெல்லாம் ஏற்று கடைசியில் அம்மாவும் சம்மதித்தார். நாங்கள் அருகிலுள்ள செல்லப் பிராணிகளுக்கான கடைக்குச் சென்றோம், இந்த 2 மாத ஜெர்மன் ஷெப்பர்ட் ஒரு சிறிய கூண்டில் நிம்மதியாக தூங்குவதைப் பார்க்க என் இதயம் பிடித்தது. இது தான் என் வீட்டில் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று பார்த்தவுடனே தெரிந்தது.

ரோஜர் அனைவரின் மனதையும் வென்றார்

ரோஜர் மிகவும் சிறியவராகவும் இனிமையாகவும் இருந்தார், அவரை வீட்டிற்கு அழைத்து வந்தவுடன் என் குடும்பத்தில் உள்ள அனைவரும் அவரை காதலித்தனர். வீட்டு நாயை வீட்டிற்கு கொண்டு வருவதை வெறுத்த என் அம்மா, நேரம் செல்ல செல்ல அதை அழகாகக் கண்டார். நாய் குழந்தைகளை மிகவும் விரும்புகிறது மற்றும் அவர்களை மிகவும் பாதுகாக்கிறது. இதனால் ரோஜரும் எனது தம்பியும் நண்பர்களானார்கள். ரோஜரை குடும்பத்தில் சேர்க்க நான் மிகவும் உற்சாகமாக இருந்தேன். இந்த நாளைப் பற்றி எனது நண்பர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் நான் ஏற்கனவே கூறியிருந்தேன்.

ரோஜர் இன்று நம் வாழ்வின் பிரிக்க முடியாத அங்கமாகிவிட்டார், நான் அவரை மிகவும் வணங்குகிறேன். நாய்கள் உண்மையில் அழகானவை. எல்லோருக்கும் ஒரு செல்ல நாய் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று நினைக்கிறேன்.

மேலும் தகவல்:

என் செல்லப்பிள்ளை பற்றிய கட்டுரை

என் செல்லப் பூனை பற்றிய கட்டுரை

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72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

To find good research titles for your essay about dogs, you can look through science articles or trending pet blogs on the internet. Alternatively, you can check out this list of creative research topics about dogs compiled by our experts .

🐩 Dog Essays: Things to Consider

🏆 best dog titles for essays, 💡 most interesting dog topics to write about, ❓ questions about dog.

There are many different dog essays you can write, as mankind’s history with its best friends is rich and varied. Many people will name the creatures their favorite animals, citing their endearing and inspiring qualities such as loyalty, obedience, bravery, and others.

Others will discuss dog training and the variety of important roles the animals fulfill in our everyday life, working as shepherds, police members, guides to blind people, and more.

Some people will be more interested in dog breeding and the incredible variety of the animals show, ranging from decorative, small Yorkshire terriers to gigantic yet peaceful Newfoundland dogs. All of these topics are interesting and deserve covering, and you can incorporate all of them a general essay.

Dogs are excellent pet animals, as their popularity, rivaled only by cats, shows. Pack animals by nature, they are open to including members of other species into their groups and get along well with most people and animals.

They are loyal to the pack, and there are examples of dogs adopting orphaned kittens and saving other animals and children from harm.

This loyalty and readiness to face danger makes them favorite animals for many people, and the hundreds of millions of dogs worldwide show that humans appreciate their canine friends.

It also allows them to work many important jobs, guarding objects, saving people, and using their noses to sniff out various trails and substances.

However, dogs are descended from wolves, whose pack nature does not prevent them from attacking those outside the group. Some larger dogs are capable of killing an adult human alone, and most can at least inflict severe harm if they attack a child.

Dogs are trusted and loved because of their excellent trainability. They can be taught to be calm and avoid aggression or only attack once the order is given.

They can also learn a variety of other behaviors and tricks, such as not relieving themselves in the house and executing complex routines. This physical and mental capacity to perform a variety of tasks marks dogs as humanity’s best and most versatile helpers.

The variety of jobs dogs perform has led humans to try to develop distinct dog breeds for each occupation, which led to the emergence of numerous and different varieties of the same animal.

The observation of the evolution of a specific type of dog as time progressed and its purposes changed can be an interesting topic. You can also discuss dog competitions, which try to find the best dog based on various criteria and even have titles for the winners.

Comparisons between different varieties of the animal are also excellent dog argumentative essay topics. Overall, there are many interesting ideas that you can use to write a unique and excellent essay.

Regardless of what you ultimately choose to write about, you should adhere to the central points of essay writing. Make sure to describe sections of your paper with dog essay titles that identify what you will be talking about clearly.

Write an introduction that identifies the topic and provides a clear and concise thesis statement. Finish the paper with a dog essay conclusion that sums up your principal points. It will be easier and more interesting to read while also adhering to literature standards if you do this.

Below, we have provided a collection of great ideas that you can use when writing your essays, research papers, speeches, or dissertations. Take inspiration from our list of dog topics, and don’t forget to check out the samples written by other students!

  • An Adventure with My Pet Pit-Bull Dog “Tiger” One look at Tiger and I knew that we were not going to leave the hapless couple to the mercies of the scary man.
  • Dogs Playing Poker The use of dogs in the painting is humorous in that the writer showed them doing human things and it was used to attract the attention of the viewer to the picture.
  • The Benefits of a Protection Dog Regardless of the fact that protection dogs are animals that can hurt people, they are loving and supportive family members that provide their owners with a wide range of benefits.
  • Debates on Whether Dog is the Best Pet or not The relationships between dogs and man have been improving over the years and this has made dogs to be the most preferable pets in the world. Other pets have limited abilities and can not match […]
  • How to Conduct the Dog Training Properly At the same time, it is possible to work with the dog and train it to perform certain actions necessary for the owner. In the process of training, the trainer influences the behavior of the […]
  • Compare and Contrast Your First Dog vs. Your Current Dog Although she was very friendly and even tried to take care of me when I was growing up, my mother was the real owner.
  • “Dog’s Life” by Charlie Chaplin Film Analysis In this film, the producer has used the comic effect to elaborate on the message he intends to deliver to the audience. The function of a dog is to serve the master.
  • Why Does Your Dog Pretend to Like You? Children and the older generation can truly cherish and in the case of children can develop as individuals with the help of dogs.
  • Cesar Millan as a Famous Dog Behaviorist Millan earned the nickname “the dog boy” because of his natural ability to interact with dogs. Consequently, the dog behaviorist became a celebrity in different parts of the country.
  • “Marley: A Dog Like No Other” by John Grogan John Grogan’s international bestseller “Marley: A Dog Like No Other” is suited for children of all ages, and it tells the story of a young puppy, Marley, who quickly develops a big personality, boundless energy, […]
  • Border Collie Dog Breed Information So long as the movement of the Border Collies and the sheep is calm and steady, they can look for the stock as they graze in the field.
  • Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person? Cats and dogs are two of the most common types of pets, and preferring one to another can arguably tell many things about a person.
  • Dog Training Techniques Step by Step The first step that will be taken in order to establish the performance of this trick is showing the newspaper to the dog, introducing the desired object and the term “take”.
  • The Great Pyrenees Dog Breed as a Pet In the folklore of the French Pyrenees, there is a touching legend about the origin of the breed. The dog will not obey a person of weak character and nervous.
  • Dog Food by Subscription: Service Design Project For the convenience and safety of customers and their dogs, customer support in the form of a call center and online chat is available.
  • “Everyday” in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Haddon The novel presents Christopher who passes through many changes in his life, where he adapts to it and acclimatizes the complications that come with it.
  • A Dog’s Life by Charles Chaplin The theme of friendship and love that is clear in the relationship between Tramp and Scraps. The main being that Chaplin makes it very comical thus; it is appealing to the audience, and captures the […]
  • Caring for a Dog With Arthritis For Monty, the dog under study, the size, and disposition of the dog, the stage of the disease as also its specific symptoms and behaviour need to be observed and then a suitable choice of […]
  • Animal Cruelty: Inside the Dog Fighting In most cases the owner of the losing dog abandons the injured dog to die slowly from the injuries it obtained during the fight. The injuries inflicted to and obtained by the dogs participating in […]
  • “Traditional” Practice Exception in Dog Act One of those who wanted the word to remain in the clause was the president of the Beaufort Delta Dog Mushers and also an Inuvik welder.Mr.
  • “Love That Dog” Verse Novel by Sharon Creech In this part of the play, it is clear that Jack is not ready to hide his feelings and is happy to share them with someone who, in his opinion, can understand him.
  • Small Dog Boarding Business: Strategic Plan Based on the first dimension of the competing values framework, the dog boarding business already has the advantage of a flexible business model, it is possible to adjust the size of the business or eliminate […]
  • Small Dog Boarding Business: Balanced Scorecard Bragonier posits that SWOT analysis is essential in the running of the business because it helps the management to analyze the business at a glance.
  • Dog Food: Pedigree Company’s Case The attractiveness of the dog food category is manifested through the intense competitive nature of the various stakeholders. The third and final phase of the segmentation is to label the category of dog food as […]
  • Non-Profit Dog Organization’s Mission Statement In terms of the value we are bringing, our team regards abandoned animals who just want to be loved by people, patients with special needs, volunteers working at pet shelters, and the American society in […]
  • Dog’ Education in “The Culture Clash” by Jean Donaldson The second chapter comes under the title, Hard-Wiring: What the Dog comes with which tackles the characteristic innate behaviors that dogs possess naturally; that is, predation and socialization. This chapter sheds light on the behaviors […]
  • Breed Specific Legislation: Dog Attacks As a result, the individuals that own several canines of the “banned” breeds are to pay a lot of money to keep their dogs.
  • Implementing Security Policy at Dog Parks To ensure that people take responsibility for their dogs while in the parks, the owners of the parks should ensure that they notify people who bring their dogs to the park of the various dangers […]
  • Operant Conditioning in Dog Training In regards to negative enforcements, the puppy should be fitted with a collar and upon the command “sit”, the collar should be pulled up a bit to force the dog to sit down.
  • First in Show Pet Foods, Inc and Dog Food Market Due to the number of competitors, it is clear that First in Show Pet Food, Inc.understands it has a low market share.
  • Animal Assisted Therapy: Therapy Dogs First, the therapist must set the goals that are allied to the utilization of the therapy dog and this should be done for each client.
  • The Tail Wagging the Dog: Emotions and Their Expression in Animals The fact that the experiment was conducted in real life, with a control group of dogs, a life-size dog model, a simultaneous observation of the dogs’ reaction and the immediate transcription of the results, is […]
  • Moral Dilemma: Barking Dog and Neighborhood Since exuberant barking of Stella in the neighborhood disturbs many people, debarking is the appropriate measure according to the utilitarian perspective.
  • The Feasibility Analysis for the Ropeless Dog Lead This is because it will have the ability to restrict the distance between the dog and the master control radio. The exploration of different sales models and prices for other devices indicates that the Rope-less […]
  • Classical Conditioning: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks According to Basford and Stein’s interpretation, classical conditioning is developed in a person or an animal when a neutral stimulus “is paired or occurs contingently with the unconditioned stimulus on a number of occasions”, which […]
  • The Movements and Reactions of Dogs in Crates and Outside Yards This study discusses the types of movements and reactions exhibited by dogs in the two confinement areas, the crate and the outside yard.
  • A Summary of “What The Dog Saw” Gladwell explores the encounters of Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer who non-verbally communicated with the dogs and mastered his expertise to tame the dogs.
  • Evolution of Dogs from the Gray Wolf However, the combined results of vocalisation, morphological behavior and molecular biology of the domesticated dog now show that the wolf is the principle ancestor of the dog.
  • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Haddon therefore manages to carry the reader into the world of the novel and holds the reader to the end of the novel.
  • Attacking Dog Breeds: Truth or Exaggeration?
  • Are Bad Dog Laws Unjustified?
  • Are Dog Mouths Cleaner Than Humans?
  • Can Age Affect How Fast a Dog Runs?
  • Can Chew Treats Kill Your Dog?
  • Can You Control Who the Alpha Dog Is When You Own Two Dogs?
  • Does Drug Dog Sniff Outside Home Violate Privacy?
  • Does the Pit Bull Deserve Its Reputation as a Vicious Dog?
  • Does Your Dog Love You and What Does That Mean?
  • Does Your Dog Need a Bed?
  • How Can People Alleviate Dog Cruelty Problems?
  • How Cooking With Dog Is a Culinary Show?
  • How Can Be Inspiring Dog Tales?
  • How Owning and Petting a Dog Can Improve Your Health?
  • How the I-Dog Works: It’s All About Traveling Signals?
  • What Can Andy Griffith Teach You About Dog Training?
  • What Makes the Dog – Human Bond So Powerful?
  • What the Dog Saw and the Rise of the Global Market?
  • What Should You Know About Dog Adoption?
  • When Dog Training Matters?
  • When Drug Dog Sniff the Narcotic Outside Home?
  • At What Age Is Dog Training Most Effective?
  • Why Are People Choosing to Get Involved in Dog Fighting?
  • Why Are Reported Cases of Dog-Fighting Rising in the United States?
  • Why Dog Attacks Occur and Who Are the Main Culprits?
  • Why Does Dog Make Better Pets Than Cats?
  • Why Every Kid Needs a Dog?
  • Why Should People Adopt Rather Than Buy a Dog?
  • Why Could the Dog Have Bitten the Person?
  • Will Dog Survive the Summer Sun?
  • Animal Rights Research Ideas
  • Inspiration Topics
  • Animal Welfare Ideas
  • Wildlife Ideas
  • Emotional Development Questions
  • Zoo Research Ideas
  • Endangered Species Questions
  • Human Behavior Research Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024.


IvyPanda . "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024.

Translation of "dog" into Nepali

कुकुर, कुकुरनी are the top translations of "dog" into Nepali. Sample translated sentence: Especially noteworthy is the useful relationship between the blind and their guide dogs. ↔ अन्धो र तिनलाई डोऱ्याउने कुकुरबीचको अनमोल सम्बन्ध विशेष गरी उल्लेखनीय छ।

An animal, member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated for thousands of years; occurs in many breeds. Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris. [..]

English-Nepali dictionary

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  • dog breeds कुकुरका प्रजातीहरू

Translations of "dog" into Nepali in sentences, translation memory

Essay on Dog for Students and Children

500+ words essay on dog.

The dog is a pet animal. A dog has sharp teeth so that it can eat flesh very easily, it has four legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. It is a very clever animal and is very useful in catching thieves. It runs very fast, barks loudly and attacks the strangers. A dog saves the life of the master from danger. One can find dogs everywhere in the world. Dogs are a very faithful animal. It has a sharp mind and a strong sense of hearing smelling the things. It also has many qualities like swimming in the water, jumping from anywhere, good smelling sense.

essay on dog

Importance of Dog

A dog has a strong power of smell . They are more liked by people because of their faithfulness. They are intelligent, they are watchfulness. The dogs have many colors such as grey, white, black, brown and red. They are of many kinds such as bloodhound, greyhound, german shepherd, Labrador, Rottweiler, bulldog poodle, etc.

Usually, the dog eats fish, meat, milk, rice, bread, etc. Dogs are sometimes called canines. Dogs are sometimes referred to as man’s best friend because they are kept as domestic pets and are usually loyal and like being around humans. They are also helpful in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness and even improve your cardiovascular health. A dog also provides valuable companionship for older adults.

The dogs are so loyal to his master that nothing can induce him to leave his master. His master might be a poor man or even a beggar but still, the dog will not leave his master from far off. Dogs see their master coming home from work they rush to them and jump on them to show their love. Dogs are honest friends who are always ready to die to save a friend. It can bite a thief or stranger when they ignore its barking and try to mischief. Dogs always give security to the owner day and night.

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Life Span 0f a Dog

The lifespan of a dog is very small however it can live around 12-15 years long which depend on their size such as smaller dogs lives a longer life. A female dog gives birth to a baby and feed milk that’s why dogs under the mammal category. The dog baby is called a puppy or pup and dog home is called kennel. Dogs are categorized according to their service to people such as guard dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, police dogs, guide dogs, sniffer dogs, etc. It has a strong power of smell with the assistance of police can arrest murderers, thieves, and dacoits. The Military trains the dogs to track and detect bombs.

Need for Dogs

Detection dogs can be employed at airports, police stations, borders, and schools. Tracking and Hunting dogs, hounds, terriers, and dachshund are the most popular types of hunting and tracking dogs. These dogs are trained to be the eyes, ears, and retrievers for their human companions.

Dogs are a very excellent swimmer. They are really a very helpful pet animal. He respects his owner from the heart and can easily guess his/ her presence through their smell. We should take good care of it and keep them in good condition.

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Essay on Nepali Culture

Students are often asked to write an essay on Nepali Culture in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Nepali Culture

Introduction to nepali culture.

Nepali culture is like a beautiful garden with many kinds of flowers. It is a mix of traditions, values, and customs. This culture comes from the people of Nepal, a country in South Asia. It is known for its mountains, like Mount Everest, and its history.

Language and Religion

In Nepal, many people speak Nepali, but there are over 120 other languages too. Religion is important, with Hinduism and Buddhism being the most followed. Many festivals come from these religions, which people celebrate with joy.

Festivals and Food

Nepali festivals are colorful and full of life. Dashain and Tihar are the biggest ones. People eat special foods, play music, and enjoy dances. The food in Nepal is tasty and includes dishes like dal bhat (rice and lentils) and momo (dumplings).

Traditional Clothing

In Nepal, traditional clothes are worn with pride. Men wear a daura-suruwal and women wear a sari or kurta. These clothes are often made with bright colors and fine materials, showing the beauty of Nepali handwork.

Art and Music

250 words essay on nepali culture.

Nepali culture is like a beautiful garden with many kinds of flowers. It is rich with traditions, festivals, music, and dances. Nepal is a country in South Asia, home to the tall Mount Everest and many other mountains. The people living there come from different backgrounds and speak many languages, but they all share the culture of Nepal.

Festivals and Celebrations

One of the most important parts of Nepali culture is festivals. Dashain is the biggest festival where families come together, enjoy food, and children get gifts. Tihar, another festival, is when people light up their homes with candles and lamps. They also honor animals like crows, dogs, and cows. These festivals show how Nepalese people love family, nature, and animals.

Food in Nepal

The food of Nepal is tasty and unique. Dal Bhat, which is rice and lentil soup, is a common meal. Momos, which are like dumplings filled with meat or vegetables, are very popular too. The food is not just about eating; it is a way for families to sit together and share their day.

In Nepal, people wear special clothes that are part of their culture. Men often wear a dress called Daura-Suruwal and a cap named Dhaka Topi. Women wear beautiful long skirts called Gunyu Cholo. These clothes are not just for daily wear but also for special occasions to show respect to their culture.

In conclusion, Nepali culture is full of life, colors, and joy. It brings people together through festivals, food, and clothing. Even though it has many different parts, they all fit together to make the culture of Nepal special and interesting for everyone, especially for students learning about new places in the world.

500 Words Essay on Nepali Culture

In Nepal, many languages are spoken. Nepali is the main language, but people also speak Maithili, Bhojpuri, and dozens of other languages. This shows how diverse the country is. Religion is a big part of life in Nepal. Most people follow Hinduism or Buddhism. The two religions mix in many ways, showing respect and peace among the people.

Nepal is known for its colorful festivals. Dashain is the biggest festival. It is a time when families come together, share food, and give blessings. Tihar, also known as the festival of lights, is another important celebration. People light up their homes and honor animals like dogs and cows. These festivals show the joy and kindness in Nepali culture.

Food and Cuisine

The clothes in Nepal are bright and beautiful. Women often wear sarees or a long skirt called a ‘gunyu cholo’. Men wear a ‘daura suruwal’, which is a shirt and trousers with a Nepali style. These clothes are worn with pride, especially during festivals and important events. They are a symbol of the Nepali way of life.

Music and Dance

Music and dance are important in Nepal. They tell stories of the land and its people. Traditional instruments like the ‘madal’ and ‘sarangi’ make music that touches the heart. Folk dances are performed during festivals. They are full of energy and smiles, showing the happiness of the Nepali spirit.

Arts and Crafts

Nepali culture is a wonderful mix of people, traditions, and nature. It is like a colorful painting that tells a story of harmony and friendship. The culture is deep and alive, touching everyone who experiences it. It is a treasure that the people of Nepal share with the world, and it makes the country a special place full of warmth and beauty.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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dog essay in nepali


Bangor Daily News

Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and obituaries

Donald Trump is going to win the election and democracy will be just fine

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dog essay in nepali

The BDN Opinion section operates independently and does not set news policies or contribute to reporting or editing articles elsewhere in the newspaper or on

Jared Golden represents Maine’s Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

After the first presidential debate , lots of Democrats are panicking  about whether President Joe Biden should step down as the party’s nominee. Biden’s poor performance in the debate was not a surprise. It also didn’t rattle me as it has others, because the outcome of this election has been clear to me for months: While I don’t plan to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win. And I’m OK with that.

There are winners and losers in every election. Democrats’ post-debate hand-wringing is based on the idea that a Trump victory is not just a political loss, but a unique threat to our democracy. I reject the premise. Unlike Biden and many others, I refuse to participate in a campaign to scare voters with the idea that Trump will end our democratic system.

This Independence Day marks our nation’s 248th birthday. In that time, American democracy has withstood civil war, world wars, acts of terrorism and technological and societal changes that would make the Founders’ head spin.

Pearl-clutching about a Trump victory ignores the strength of our democracy. Jan. 6, 2021, was a dark day. But Americans stood strong. Hundreds of police officers protected the democratic process against thousands who tried to use violence to upend it. Judges and state election officials upheld our election laws. Members of Congress, including leaders from both parties, certified the election results.

They all are joined in the defense of democracy by the millions of us who, like me, made an oath of allegiance to the United States and to the Constitution when we began our military service, plus hundreds of millions of freedom-loving Americans who won’t let anyone take away our constitutional rights as citizens of the greatest democracy in history.

This election is about the economy, not democracy. And when it comes to our economy, our Congress matters far more than who occupies the White House.


The prospect of a Donald Trump win is cause for alarm, not acquiescence

The prospect of a Donald Trump win is cause for alarm, not acquiescence

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Some of Congress’ best work in recent years has happened in spite of the president, not because of him. A handful of responsible Democrats, including myself and West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, rejected  Biden’s bloated “Build Back Better” bill and instead passed a law that supercharged American energy production, saved Medicare billions of dollars and reduced the deficit. Years earlier, Congress stood up to the GOP establishment who tried to hijack Trump’s agenda to achieve their long-held goal of repealing the Affordable Care Act . Defeating them saved health coverage for tens of millions of Americans and protections for people with preexisting conditions.

It was Congress that wrote and passed the CHIPS Act  and the Inflation Reduction Act  to bring back manufacturing so we can once again be a nation of producers, not just consumers. We wrote laws to unleash American energy by tapping domestic natural resources — oil and gas, biomass, the sun and wind — as well as nuclear power to ensure a steady supply of affordable, reliable energy. And we passed an infrastructure law  that’s already building and improving roads, bridges and ports.

In 2025, I believe Trump is going to be in the White House. Maine’s representatives will need to work with him when it benefits Mainers, hold him accountable when it does not and work independently across the aisle no matter what.

Congress will need to stand up to economic elites and so-called experts in both parties who are already working overtime to stop Trump’s proposed trade policies that would reverse the harms of globalization and protect American businesses from unfair foreign competition. We need to protect from extremists the law I helped pass  that caps seniors’ insulin costs at $35 and forces Big Pharma to negotiate and lower the cost of prescription drugs.

Perhaps more importantly, members must stand up to the GOP old-guard who will use a Trump presidency as cover for handouts to the wealthy and powerful at the cost of America’s working families and communities.

We must stabilize Medicare and Social Security, without cuts for seniors. We must guarantee women’s reproductive rights. And Congress must be ready to once again protect the ACA and to end huge tax breaks for the wealthy and for multinational corporations.

I urge everyone — voters, elected officials, the media, and all citizens — to ignore the chattering class’s scare tactics and political pipedreams. We don’t need party insiders in smoke-filled back rooms to save us. We can defend our democracy without them.

My focus is on representing the people of Maine’s Second Congressional District and working for the common good of all Americans. This Independence Day, we should reflect on the history and strength of our great democracy, safe in the knowledge that no one man is strong enough to take it away from us.

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  22. Translate an essay on dog in Nepali with examples

    From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Contextual translation of "an essay on dog" into Nepali. Human translations with examples: काग मा एक निबन्ध, कुकुर मा एक रचना, कुकुर मा एक निबंध.

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    Contextual translation of "an essay on dog in nepali language" into Nepali. Human translations with examples: competition, कुकुर मा एक निबंध.

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    essay on dog in nepali - 46536984

  28. Translate dog long essay nepali in Nepali with examples

    Contextual translation of "dog long essay nepali" into Nepali. Human translations with examples: कुकुर लामो निबंध.