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Grammar: When to Use Do, Does, and Did

Grammar: When to Use Do, Does, and Did

3-minute read

  • 12th August 2022

Verbs are essential to creating complete sentences, as they help us express physical actions ( She jumped in the puddle) , mental actions ( He thought about puppies) , and states of being ( I am hungry) .

There are several types of verbs that can each be written in different tenses, so they can be tricky to work with, especially if English isn’t your first language . We’ve put together a guide to help you use one of the most common verbs, do , in your writing . Read on below to learn more!

Action Verbs

As the name suggests, action verbs are used to express actions completed by the subject of a sentence. The base verb do is conjugated according to the tense:

1. Present Tense

In the present tense, do takes the form do or does, depending on the subject:


Consider the following examples:

We do our homework every night.

   She does her homework every night.

2. Past Tense

In the simple past tense , the base verb do takes the form did with all subjects:


   We did our homework last night.

   She did her homework last night.

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary , or helping verbs, are used with another base verb to create negative sentences, questions, or add emphasis. Here’s how do should be used as an auxiliary verb:

1. Negative Sentences

Following the same subject–verb pairings introduced above, we combine the auxiliaries do , does , and did with the adverb not to create negative sentences:

   We do not do our homework every night.

   She did not do her homework last night.

Note that we can combine the auxiliary and the adverb to create the contractions don’t , doesn’t , and didn’t . You simply remove the space between the two words and replace the letter o in not with an apostrophe (’).

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Contractions are more common in conversations and informal writing and typically shouldn’t be used in formal writing (e.g., academic or business).

2. Questions

To create questions, the auxiliary is combined with the infinitive of another verb in this way: auxiliary verb + subject + infinitive verb .

●  Simple present questions:

Do they sell children’s books?

Does he speak English?

Note that the third person verb speaks isn’t spelled with the s when paired with the auxiliary to form a question.

●  Simple past questions:

Did you buy anything at the bookstore?

Did he learn how to speak English?

Note that did indicates the past tense, so the main verbs don’t also take the past tense (i.e., bought and learned ).

3. Emphasis

In positive sentences, we can also combine the auxiliaries do , does , and did with the main verb to emphasize that something is true:

   We do sell children’s books.

   He did learn to speak English.

Try saying these sentences aloud and adding emphasis to the auxiliary terms with your tone. It adds a dramatic effect!

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Hopefully, this guide will help you feel more confident when using different forms of the verb do in your writing. If you’re still learning or want to be sure your work is error-free, our editors are ready to help. You can upload a free trial document today to learn more!

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She does homework every day vs She does her homework every day vs She does the homework every day

Can I use the first example?

She does homework every day She does her homework every day She does the homework every day

Or is the object her required?

  • determiners

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

  • 1 This is actually a good question (+1) though it seems pretty simple. As I think many examples, the pronouns before the word seem to be quite natural (and so mandatory?). –  Maulik V Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 11:21
  • Something to think about (I think these examples may help you to think of your example sentences differently because you may have acquired homework when you were younger and may conceptualize it more or less the way you conceptualize it in your first language, which may be the cause of your confusion): I drink water every day. I drink my water every day. I think the water every day. –  Damkerng T. Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:50

5 Answers 5

All your examples are grammatically correct.

I haven't collected statistics but I'd guess "her homework" is most commonly used. You could certainly say that "her" is not required, as the reader is unlikely to suppose that she does someone else's homework.

I have an intuitive feel that "she does homework every day" sounds like it's saying that she has a lot of homework, that the emphasis is on the idea that she's doing it every day. But "she does her homework every day" sounds more like it's emphasizing that she is living up to her responsibilities. But I'd be hard-pressed to give a logical argument for that interpretation. Maybe "her" makes it more personal, she's doing the homework assigned to her? While simply "homework" puts the emphasis on the work itself?

"The homework" would indicate that it is some specific homework. You wouldn't use it to refer to homework in general. Like you mean say, "She does the homework from her biology class". Or, "Did you do the homework the teacher assigned yesterday?" But you wouldn't say, "She does the homework every day" to refer to doing homework in general.

Jay's user avatar

  • Thank you. But what if the sentences are in Present Continuous so it wouldn't be general. What if mum asks a child, for example: Mary, what are you doing? Mary: I'm doing homework. Mary: I'm doing my homework. Mary: I'm doing the homework. Are all sentences correct? –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 14:12
  • 10 @masterkomp The first two would be correct and mean pretty much the same thing. "The homework" would be very unlikely, unless some specific homework had previously ben discussed. –  Jay Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 14:46
  • I think this answer completely nailed it. –  shawnt00 Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 19:26
  • I respectfully disagree about “the homework”; it makes sense if she's in a class that assigns a predictable dose of homework every day. –  Anton Sherwood Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 10:02
  • @AntonSherwood But then you'd be talking about specific homework and not general homework, the homework for that one class. –  Jay Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 13:18
or is the object her required?

I wouldn't call her an object, but rather a pronoun that modifies the object homework . It's not required for grammatical correctness, but in practice the version with the pronoun has a connotation of all of the subject's homework, while the version without is more indefinite.

She does homework every day.

At least in American usage, one would generally take this to mean that she spends time working on homework, but doesn't necessarily complete all the work.

She does her homework every day.

This generally means that she does all the homework assigned to her, or at least everything she needs to have done for the next day. The possessive pronoun "her" specifies which homework you're talking about, and the implication is that you mean all of it. If your mother asks you if you've done your homework and you say "yes," you'll be in trouble if she finds out later that you only completed half of it.

She does the homework every day.

The article the here makes this version relate to some specific homework, like that for a specific class. For example: She succeeds in math class because she does the homework every day.

It's worth pointing out that doing your homework often relates to being prepared even for people who aren't students, and in that case you generally mean that the subject is (or isn't) fully prepared, so the possessive pronoun is often used, or an adjective is used to clarify the meaning. Some examples:

To avoid losing money, do your homework before investing in a new company.

She knew he was lying because she did her homework before the deposition.

Do some homework before buying a house: check prices of recent sales, school quality, etc.

Caleb's user avatar

They have different meanings.

This means that every day she does at least some homework. It neither says nor implies that she completes her homework (because it doesn't specify what homework it's talking about). It's also perfectly consistent with her doing other people's homework. (For example, she might be a nanny who, among other tasks, helps with homework every day.)

This means she does the homework that has been assigned to her, as opposed to doing other people's homework or helping others with their homework. It also strongly implies that she completes her assignments, and doesn't just work on them for a bit. (Because "does" implies completing and "her homework" implies all of her homework.)

This means there's some homework that both the speaker and listener are referring to, and she does that particular homework. For example, "Mary is assigned math homework regularly. She does the homework every day." Which would mean she does that math homework. It would be confusing to use this when the listener would not know what homework you are talking about.

David Schwartz's user avatar

They are all correct but can create slightly different implications. Some examples:

She does homework every day, can't the teacher give them a break?

She does her homework every day, she's such a great student.

She does the homework every day while her sister writes the book reports.

DTRT's user avatar

  • What if mum asks a child, for example: Mary, what are you doing? Mary: I'm doing homework. Mary: I'm doing my homework. Mary: I'm doing the homework. Are all sentences correct? –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:47
  • Sure, Mary's answer is fine. –  DTRT Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:48
  • Are all sentences correct? Is there any difference between these sentences, especially between two first sentences? I mean Mary's sentences. –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:50
  • Sorry, I don't understand the question. My answer is about the differences. –  DTRT Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:51
  • I'm asking about my sentences about Mary :) –  masterkomp Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 13:53

Both sentences are correct, I personally like more the first one "She does homework everyday" - the shorter the better. Nonetheless if what you are looking for is to be more precise, the second one would be more detailed but in any case both are clear.

Cristian's user avatar

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does she do her homework

do in English – auxiliary and main verb

Is do an auxiliary or a main verb.

The verb do can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb in English.

1. do as a main verb

1.1. do as a main verb in simple present (do, does, don't, doesn't).

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I I do my homework. I do not do my homework.* Do I do my homework?*
you You do your homework. You do not do your homework.* Do you do your homework?*
he, she, it He does his homework. He does not do his homework.* Does he do his homework?*
we, you, they They do their homework. They do not do their homework.* Do they do their homework?*

1.2. do as a main verb in Simple Past (did, didn't)

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I, he, she, it, we, you, they She did her homework. She did not do her homework.** Did she do her homework?**

1.3. do as a main verb – past participle (done)

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I, you, we, you, they We have done the shopping. We have not done the shopping. Have we done the shopping?
he, she, it He has done the shopping. He has not done the shopping. Has he done the shopping?

1.4. do as a main verb (Present Progressive, Gerund, present participle) – (doing)

affirmative negative
I am doing my homework. I am not doing my homework.
Doing my homework is not always fun. Not doing my homework is not clever.
I saw Jane doing her homework. I didn't see Jane doing her homework.

2. do as an auxiliary

2.1. do as an auxiliary in negations in the simple present.

I do n't do my homework in the evenings.*

2.2. do as an auxiliary in negations in the Simple Past

I did n't do my homework yesterday evening.**

2.3. do as an auxiliary in quesions in the Simple Present

Do you like rugby? – Does he like rugby?

2.4. do as an auxiliary in quesions in the Simple Past

Did you see Peggy yesterday? When did you get up this morning?

2.5. do with the negative imparative

Do n't sing under the shower.

* Here we use do in the negative sentence as an auxiliary and do as a main verb .

** Here we use did in the negative sentence as an auxiliary and do as a main verb .

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[Grammar]   "She do" or "she does"?

  • Thread starter Xenon32
  • Start date Dec 5, 2010
  • Views : 24,822
  • Dec 5, 2010

Hi, I see in a web site the conjugation of the verb do but I have a doubt, I know the third person of singular is conjugated 'She does' but they conjugate the verb as 'She do' calling this mode Conjuntive. Could you explain me if it is correct? Thanks,  


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The subjunctive mood is sometimes called the conjunctive mood, as in I insist that she do her homework on her own, without your help.  

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she sometimes does her homework vs she sometimes do her homework

She sometimes does her homework vs she sometimes do her homework.

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In response to the question "What does she do after school?", which is right? She does her homework/She is doing her homework.

does she do her homework

“Do” vs. “Does”: How Do You Tell The Difference?

  • Do Vs. Does
  • Similar Verbs

Both do and does are present tense forms of the verb do . Which is the correct form to use depends on the subject of your sentence.

In this article, we’ll explain the difference between do and does , cover when and how to use each form, and provide examples of how they’re used in sentences.

⚡ Quick summary

Do is an irregular verb, which means that it has different forms depending on tense and the subject it’s being used with. Both do and does are used for the present tense. The form does is only used with third person singular subjects, such as the pronouns he , she , and it , as in She does yoga . The form do is used for all other subjects, including for first person ( I and we ) and second person pronouns ( you ) and the third person pronoun they (regardless of whether it’s singular or plural), as in I do yoga, but they do not . The past tense form of do is did , and the past participle form is done .

do vs. does  

The verb do is considered an irregular verb because its past tense and past participle are not formed by adding -ed or -d to the end of the base form as is the case in most verbs. In fact, do has a particularly unusual conjugation pattern compared to other verbs.

Here are the different forms of do :

  • do: Base/infinitive; used for present tense except with third person singular subjects (other than the singular they , which uses do regardless of whether it’s singular or plural). Example: I do my homework as soon as I get home.
  • does : Used for third person singular present tense (other than singular they ). Example: She does her homework as soon as she gets home.
  • did : past tense Example: She did her homework as soon as she got home.
  • done : past participle Example: She had done homework for three hours after she got home.
  • doing : present participle and gerund Example: She is doing her homework.

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The forms do , does , and did are also used in the negative contractions don’t ( do not ), doesn’t ( does not ), and didn’t ( did not ).

For example:

  • Don’t open the window.
  • Luke doesn’t know how to cook.
  • Fortunately, the flowers didn’t wither.

Verbs similar to do

The irregular verb do has a unique conjugation pattern. Some other irregular verbs that have an unusual conjugation pattern somewhat similar to do are go , be , and have .

do do/does did done doing
go go/goes went gone going
be is/are was/were been being
have has/have had had having

To learn more about the forms of the verb be , check our guides to is vs. are , been vs. being , and has been vs. have been .

Examples of do , does , did , and done used in a sentence 

The only thing left to do is look at how we typically use the forms do , did , and does in sentences.

  • I’ve never done yoga, and I’m not sure if they do, but I’m sure that he does.
  • I remember what I did last time, but I’m not sure if I should do it again.
  • She did everything she could to make sure it was done by the deadline.
  • I can’t do even a fraction of the amazing things that my brother does on a regular basis.
  • We did the vacuuming yesterday, the morning crew does the laundry on Fridays, and the night crew will do the floor waxing next month.

"Payed" or "paid"? Learning the difference won't cost you a thing.

does she do her homework

Ways To Say

Synonym of the day

Did vs. Does

What's the difference.

Did and does are both forms of the verb "do" used in different tenses. "Did" is the past tense form, while "does" is the present tense form. "Did" is used to refer to an action that has already happened or was completed in the past. On the other hand, "does" is used to describe an action that is happening in the present or is a habitual action. For example, "She did her homework yesterday" indicates that the homework was completed in the past, while "She does her homework every day" suggests that it is a regular activity.

UsageUsed to refer to completed actions or events in the pastUsed to refer to ongoing actions or events in the present
Subject-Verb AgreementAgrees with the subject in the past tenseAgrees with the subject in the present tense
Question FormationFormed by inverting the subject and auxiliary verbFormed by using the auxiliary verb before the subject
Negative FormationFormed by adding "did not" or "didn't" before the base form of the verbFormed by adding "do not" or "don't" before the base form of the verb
EmphasisUsed for emphasizing actions or events in the pastUsed for emphasizing actions or events in the present

Further Detail


When it comes to the English language, understanding the proper usage of different verb forms is essential. Two commonly used verb forms are "did" and "does." While they may seem similar at first glance, they have distinct attributes that set them apart. In this article, we will explore the differences between "did" and "does" in terms of their usage, tense, and grammatical structure.

One of the primary differences between "did" and "does" lies in their usage. "Did" is the past tense form of the verb "do," while "does" is the present tense form. We use "did" to refer to actions or events that occurred in the past and are now completed. For example:

  • I did my homework yesterday.
  • She did a great job on her presentation.
  • They did not attend the party last night.

On the other hand, we use "does" to talk about actions or events that are happening in the present or are generally true. It is also used when forming questions in the present tense. For example:

  • He does his chores every day.
  • She does not like spicy food.
  • Does he do his homework regularly?

The tense of a verb is another aspect that distinguishes "did" and "does." As mentioned earlier, "did" is the past tense form of "do," while "does" is the present tense form. The past tense refers to actions or events that have already happened, while the present tense refers to actions or events that are happening now or are generally true.

When using "did," we are referring to actions that occurred in the past. For example:

  • She did her laundry yesterday.
  • We did not go to the movies last night.
  • Did you do your homework?

On the other hand, "does" is used to describe actions or events that are happening in the present or are generally true. For example:

  • He does his best in every game.
  • She does not eat meat.
  • Does it do the job effectively?

Grammatical Structure

The grammatical structure of "did" and "does" also differs. "Did" is used with the base form of the verb, while "does" is used with the base form of the verb plus an "s" for the third-person singular.

When using "did," the verb that follows remains in its base form. For example:

  • They did their best to finish the project.
  • We did not expect such a great outcome.
  • Did she do her part in the group assignment?

On the other hand, when using "does," the verb that follows is in its base form with an added "s" for the third-person singular. For example:

  • He does his homework every day.
  • She does not like to wake up early.

In conclusion, "did" and "does" are verb forms that differ in terms of their usage, tense, and grammatical structure. "Did" is the past tense form of "do" and is used to refer to completed actions or events in the past. On the other hand, "does" is the present tense form and is used to describe actions or events happening in the present or that are generally true. Understanding the distinctions between these verb forms is crucial for effective communication in English. So, whether you are talking about the past or the present, make sure to use "did" and "does" correctly to convey your intended meaning.

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English Grammar Quiz for ESL learners

Continuous Tenses and Meaning Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Continuous Tenses and Meaning page.

1. I told my teacher that I _________ what she said.

2. I ________ the number 12 bus just down the road.

3. At the moment Maria ________ her homework, as she does every day.

4. The baby ________ 21 inches long.

5. Please be quiet. I ________ to the radio.

6. Everything on the menu ________ delicious.

7. Why ________ so selfish about this?

8. Was he on time or was he ________ ?

9. He told the police he'd only had a small drink and was ________ not to drive too fast.

10. Is she always ________ with children and animals?

Your score is:

Correct answers:


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My GF always has me do her her College homework.

So my Gf and I are both 19 and have been dating for 2 years. She goes to a college in town and I am awaiting enlistment in the military. This only used to happen once in a while when we were in High School but now that she's in college I've written 4/5 papers for her. At first I didn't mind because I relish the idea of being able to do something she needs done but today she told she needs me to write a 5 page paper on a subject I know nothing about that she has to submit online in only a few hours.

My question is: do I have a right to be upset, and if I do how can I tell her that this is not okay without making it seem like I just dont want to do it?

Edit: Thinking back maybe always wasn't the best word choice for the title so lets bak up and replace "always" with "occasionally" sorry about that ok carry on.

she is doing her homework

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Caitlin Clark midseason: What WNBA rookie stats say so far

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Caitlin Clark made history Thursday, blowing away the previous record for fastest WNBA player to record 300 career points, 100 rebounds and 100 assists by doing so in her 19th game. No player had ever achieved it sooner than 22 games, per ESPN Stats & Information, and if we look at only rookies directly out of college, New York Liberty guard Sabrina Ionescu held the previous record, at 27 games.

Despite the No. 1 draft pick's record-setting versatility, Clark and the Indiana Fever -- who faced a brutal schedule to begin her pro career -- have had an uneven start. Just two of Indiana's first 11 games this season came against teams with records of .500 or worse, while those 11 games were two more than any other WNBA team to that point. It's no surprise the Fever started 2-9, while Clark had a season-low three points in the last game of that stretch.

Since Indiana's schedule has evened out, both in terms of opponent quality and allowing the team more practice time to build around Clark's one-of-a-kind skill set, the Fever have won four consecutive games for the first time since 2015. Eight of the WNBA's 12 teams advance to the postseason, and Indiana (8-12) would make the playoffs if the 40-game regular season ended today. Clark's performance has also predictably picked up: She's averaging 16.8 points, 7.6 assists and 6.3 rebounds over her past nine games.

As she starts the second half of her rookie season Tuesday against the Las Vegas Aces (9:30 p.m. ET, ESPN), let's take a closer look at what the numbers say about how Clark and Indiana are figuring things out and where she might be able to continue improving the rest of this season and beyond.

Pick-and-roll game coming on

Clark's ability to generate efficient offense through frequent pick-and-rolls is more important to her development as a WNBA player than anything else. That's already the case halfway through her rookie season.

According to Second Spectrum analysis of camera-tracking data, Indiana has averaged 0.97 points per direct pick-and-roll when either Clark or the screen setter shoots, goes to the free throw line or turns over the ball, or a Clark pass sets up an immediate shot by another teammate. That ranks second among players who have received at least 200 ball screens, trailing Jackie Young of Las Vegas.

Early on, defenses responded by trapping Clark with both defenders more often than any other player in the league. Per Second Spectrum, defenses have blitzed 89 ball screens, twice as many as the next-highest player, Ionescu with 46. Clark's passing ability has generally produced good shots in those situations. The Fever have averaged 1.05 points per direct pick-and-roll against blitzes, better than their overall average.

As a result, we've seen fewer traps as the season has progressed. Over Indiana's first 11 games, opponents blitzed 21% of Clark's ball screens, according to Second Spectrum analysis. During the past nine games, that has dropped by more than half to 10%.

With more practice time, the Fever have found better solutions for trapping defenses, leveraging double-teams on Clark to create open shots for teammates. And more important to Indiana's long-term outlook, she and 2023 WNBA Rookie of the Year Aliyah Boston have started to develop better chemistry as pick-and-roll partners.

Although pick-and-roll basketball has always been a staple for Clark, that's not the case for Boston, who was primarily a post scorer in college at South Carolina. When she was drafted, Synergy Sports tracking showed Boston had attempted just nine shots her entire senior season after screening in pick-and-roll. As a WNBA rookie, Boston attempted nearly three times as many shots out of post-ups as pick-and-rolls, per Synergy tracking. She has increased those attempts as a screener more than 40% on a per-game basis this season, slowly developing chemistry with Clark.

Over the season's first 13 games, Clark assisted Boston an average of 1.3 times per game. Since then, that has more than tripled to 4.0 per game.

Leveraging shooting threat

More than any other skill, Clark is associated with her shooting range, so it was a bit surprising to see her make just 30% of 3-pointers over the first 11 games, a span that concluded with Clark going 1-of-7 from 3 and 1-of-10 overall in a 36-point loss June 2 at New York.

Starting with a career-high seven 3-pointers on June 7 at Washington, Clark has been on fire from beyond the arc, averaging 3.2 per game at a 41% clip. Just two players have averaged at least three 3s per game over the full season: Arike Ogunbowale (3.3) and Kayla McBride (3.1).

The hot streak has coincided with the Fever making a more concerted effort to get Clark off the ball, something that was also instrumental in the development of Ionescu and Aces guard Kelsey Plum after slow starts to their WNBA careers as high-scoring guards picked No. 1 overall.

Over the season's first 11 games, 32% of Clark's 3-point attempts were catch-and-shoot opportunities, per Second Spectrum. That has jumped to 45% since, with Clark hitting a sizzling 50% of catch-and-shoot attempts over the past nine games. No wonder Indiana coach Christie Sides said last week that Clark needed to get even more shots up.

"Caitlin Clark needs to shoot a minimum of 15 shots a game for us," Sides told reporters after last Thursday's loss to the Seattle Storm , when Clark had nine shot attempts. "She's got to get shots, and we've got to do a better job of setting her up, setting some really good screens for her to get her open."

But the numbers don't back that up. Clark's seven 3-pointer-game against the Mystics was the Fever's only win when she has attempted at least 15 shots, and it was also the only time she reached that mark (attempting precisely 15) in the month of June.

Indiana's offense needs Clark more involved than she was against the Storm, but having her balancing playmaking and shot attempts is where the Fever have been at their best.

Overall, Indiana's offense was strong in the month of June. After dropping to 11th in offensive rating during the 2-9 start, ahead of only the then-winless Washington Mystics , the Fever have been the WNBA's third-most efficient offense since. New York and Las Vegas, last year's WNBA Finals teams, are the two squads averaging more points per possession since June 3.

Indiana has accomplished that despite Clark continuing to struggle with turnovers (she has 112; the next-closest player, Alyssa Thomas , has 72), another case where her production is historic. As Richard Cohen of HerHoopStats.com noted last week , Clark committed more turnovers in her first 18 games than any WNBA player ever has in any 20-game stretch of their career.

That's partially a product of how much Clark has the ball in her hands. She has taken over a thousand more dribbles than any other player, according to Second Spectrum tracking, and Indiana's team turnover rate is actually slightly down from last season. Nonetheless, that's one spot I expected more improvement from Clark over the course of the year than we've seen so far.

Fever in playoff contention

Making the playoffs for the first time since 2016 was a reasonable goal for the Fever this season after drafting Clark to team up with Boston. The Storm made it in 2016 after adding back-to-back No. 1 picks in Jewell Loyd and then-rookie Breanna Stewart , while Las Vegas finished one game out of a playoff spot in A'ja Wilson 's rookie year when she joined Plum as consecutive top picks.

If the season ended today, Indiana would be just on the right side of the playoff line, leading the Chicago Sky by a half-game for the eighth and final spot. The Fever are also within a half-game of the 7-10 Atlanta Dream .

The bad news is the Sky (minus-2.0) and Dream (minus-4.6) have been far more competitive this season in terms of point differential, typically a better predictor of future record than actual winning percentage. Indiana's minus-6.6 mark ranks 10th in the WNBA.

On the plus side, many of those lopsided Fever blowouts came against the early difficult slate of opponents. Indiana is 0-10 with an incredible minus-17.3 point differential against above-.500 teams but has taken care of business against opponents at .500 or worse. The Fever are 8-2 against below-average teams.

It's difficult to tell how much of that split is Indiana getting a chance to practice in June. The Fever better hope it reflects internal improvement, because opponent quality has largely evened out now. Indiana will play 11 games against teams .500 or better in the second half of the season, the same as the first half. The Fever do have fewer matchups with the Connecticut Sun and New York the rest of the way, but three of their four meetings with the two-time defending champion Aces remain, including Tuesday.

The good news is more of those games will be at Gainbridge Fieldhouse. Only the Dallas Wings have played fewer home games than Indiana, which will play 12 of the final 19 games at home, including a six-game homestand late in the regular season. Thanks to that split, ESPN's WNBA Basketball Power Index shows the Fever making the playoffs in 65% of simulations of the remaining schedule.

If Indiana returns to the postseason with Clark and Boston playing at the level they've reached in June, it will be hard to regard Clark's rookie season as anything but a success.

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5 things to know from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s new book | Opinion

For Michigan politicos, the release of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s book , “True Gretch” — out today — is maybe the most anticipated memoir since Prince Harry’s “Spare.”  Here are some of the book's revelations.

Gretchen Whitmer has a shark tattoo

In “True Gretch,” Whitmer cops to having not one but two tattoos . The first, which she got with daughters Sydney and Sherry, is a smiley face. When the girls were young, Whitmer writes, she’d draw smiley faces on their stomachs with marker before they left for sleepaway camp — a small reminder that she was always thinking about them. As adults, the trio got matching smiley face tattoos.

The second is a shark.

Whitmer explains in "True Gretch" that she’d heard comedian Na’im Lynn, opening for Kevin Hart at a 2018 show in Detroit, use the phrase "It's Shark Week, m-----f-----," in a bit about how the language women use to discuss menstruation has changed. (When Whitmer was in high school, girls were vague, referring to “a visit from Aunt Flo” or other obfuscatory terms.)

Whitmer writes that she loved the change in attitude — that menstruation shouldn’t be secretive or shameful — and, it cracked her up. It became a pet phrase that she used to reference female empowerment, and to lessen anxiety in tense situations ... like a virtual speech during the 2020 Democratic National Convention.  

Waiting to go live at a UAW hall in Lansing, the mood was tense, Whitmer writes. “Somebody say something funny,” she said. A staffer replied, “It’s Shark Week!” and Whitmer responded, “It’s not just Shark Week, it’s Shark Week m-----f-----,” mouthing the expletive.  

Whitmer writes that she didn’t expect video of her mouthing the word would get out. At first embarrassed, she was relieved that most people seemed to find the gaffe amusing. “It made sense to run toward the fire,” she wrote. Soon, Shark Week memes and merchandise started popping up. Whitmer’s sister made her a cake that said, “It’s Shark Cake, MF.” Her husband Marc bought her a ceramic shark dish. And Whitmer got a shark tattoo.  

Whitmer’s front teeth aren’t real

The teenaged Whitmer had just gotten her braces off before spending a few weeks at a church camp in West Virginia, where she took a header into a concrete slab after another child pushed her during a game of tag. She lost her two front teeth.

Interview: We talked to Whitmer about her new book and asked about tattoos, Gen X and 2028

It was just the latest in a long line of klutzy tumbles, Whitmer writes. When she returned home, her father dubbed her “Gravity Gretchen,” a nickname the governor says made her laugh, and taught her not to take herself too seriously.  

During her first pregnancy, Whitmer writes, her body rejected the teeth her dentist had implanted years before, and she spent the rest of her pregnancy — and the entire legislative season — with a “flipper,” a retainer with false teeth attached.  

Her second husband is a dentist.  

More: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been consistent in addressing '24 presidential run

Whitmer gets along great with her ex-husband

Whitmer and her first husband, photographer Gary Shrewsberry, share two children, daughters Sydney and Sherry. The couple married in 2001. When they split up in 2008, Whitmer writes, they stayed friends, “in part for our daughters, but also because it made all our lives simpler.”  

Whitmer is aware that some still consider her sprawling modern family — her first husband, their children, his wife, their children, her second husband, Marc Mallory, and his children — unconventional. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. 

She wants to talk to the men who plotted to kidnap and kill her

In 2020, Whitmer became the subject of a kidnapping and assassination plot . A group of men angry at the governor’s pandemic restrictions planned to abduct the governor and take her to Wisconsin to “try” her for treason. According to FBI informants and wiretaps, the plotters discussed shooting her at her front door, or setting her adrift in a boat in Lake Michigan.  

More: 3 years after plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, here are the trial outcomes, verdicts

Eight of the 14 men were sent to prison.  

In “True Gretch,” Whitmer writes that she’d like to sit down with one of them. Sympathetic to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the hardship of the stay-home orders, she found the depths of the plotters’ fury hard to process. “What was I missing?” she writes. “I genuinely wanted to understand how people had gotten angry enough to actually want to kill me.”  

Because some of the plotters’ have ongoing appeals, Whitmer’s lawyers have advised her that the time isn’t right, but she hopes to start that conversation some day.   

She really believes kindness can make the world a better place 

The chapter titles of “True Gretch” have names like “Be a Happy Warrior” and “You’ll Never Regret Being Kind.”  

Whitmer writes that she wants to do right by people – her daughters, her parents and the Michiganders she serves.  

It’s a lot of positivity, and it’s natural to wonder if, well, maybe it’s a little put on. But if you make it through all 158 pages of “True Gretch,” it’s pretty clear that this is who Whitmer is. And if you don’t like it, well, she won’t hold a grudge.  

Nancy Kaffer is editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press. Contact her at [email protected] . Submit a letter to the editor at freep.com/letters and we may publish it online or in print.

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What Does Jenn Do For a Living From The Bachelorette 2024? Her Real-Life Job

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She may be one of the most eligible women in America, but there was a time when Bachelorette Jenn Tran ’s job didn’t involve giving out roses and kissing 25 men on national television. 

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What does Jenn do for a living from The Bachelorette Season 21?

Jenn listed her job on The Bachelor Season 28 with Joey Graziadei as a Physician Assistant student. Jenn is a graduate student in the physician assistant program at Barry University in Miami, Florida. She’s set to graduate with a Master of Science in clinical medical science in 2024.

More: All The Bachelorette Season 21 spoilers, including Jenn’s winner

Jenn confirmed in a TikTok video in February 2024 that she did not drop out her physician assistant program to appear on The Bachelor , however, she did take a break from school to film the reality TV show. “You guys have been asking about it, so let’s talk about how I went on ‘The Bachelor’ as a PA student. First and foremost, no, I did not drop out of school,” she said at the time. “I’ve been seeing those comments saying, ‘I can’t believe she’s dropped out of school to go on the show,’ and I can confirm that I did not do that.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jenn (@jenntranx)

Jenn also explained why she wanted to pause her medical career and how she got permission from her program. “The starting factor for me putting my career on hold was ultimately Joey, honestly. I was terrified when I found out it was Joey because I realized that it was all becoming real and that I needed to ask for permission from my school to do the show,” she said. “I didn’t know how my PA school was going to look at me.”

More: Meet The Bachelorette Season 21 cast

She continued, “What I did was I wrote my academic advisor a very cryptic email saying that I needed to speak with her and then she called me and I shared the situation. Can I do it or not? I got so incredibly lucky because she was so supportive of it. Obviously, there were a lot of hoops I had to jump through and other people we had to talk to for it to work out, but she said, ‘We can absolutely do this.’”

What were Jenn’s other jobs before The Bachelorette Season 21?

Along with her physician assistant career, Jenn also worked as a bartender at Cisco Brewers in Boston, Massachusetts, from April to August 2022, according to her Linkedin , Before that, she worked as a Clinical Care Technician at Tufts Medical Center in Boston from 2020 to 2022. Jenn’s other jobs included a restaurant server at restaurants like Momma’s Kitchen in Montvale, New Jersey and Eno Vino Wine Bar & Bistro in Madison, Wisconsin; as well as a lacrosse instructor with i9 Sports. She was also an Emergency Medical Technician at River Vale Ambulance Corps in River Vale, New Jersey, from 2015 to 2017.

Where did Jenn go to college before The Bachelorette Season 21?

While at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Jenn was a part of the Alpha Phi sorority, as well as the Women’s Lacrosse Club, which she was the Community Relations Chairman for. At the university, she was also a research assistant in the cellular and molecular pathology department.

How much did Jenn make from The Bachelor ?

Jenn Tran on The Bachelorette 2024

Jenn was a contestant on The Bachelor Season 28 with Joey Graziadei, where she was sent home in Week 7. In what could come as a shock to fans, Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants aren’t paid. 

How much did Jenn make as the Bachelorette?

Jenn Tran in The Bachelorette 2024

Jenn is expected to make $100,000 as the lead of The Bachelorette Season 21, which is the current salary for Bachelors and Bachelorettes, according to Reality Steve.

Season 14 Bachelorette finalist Jason Tartick confirmed in a podcast in May 2021 that he and his cast mates, Colton Underwod and Blake Horstmann, were all offered $100,000 to be the Season 23 Bachelor . Though most recent Bachelors and Bachelorettes make at least $100,000, that wasn’t always the rate. Like most jobs, there are some Bachelors and Bachelorettes who have been able to negotiate more money than other lead, while others made less than the standard. Dean Unglert, a finalist on The Bachelorette season 12, revealed in a past interview that he was offered $75,000 to be the Season 22 Bachelor.

The Bachelorette airs on Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC. Stream it on Hulu . 

Watch ‘The Bachelorette’

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Whoopi Goldberg says she'd vote for Biden even if he 'pooped his pants' or 'can't put a sentence together'

  • Whoopi Goldberg says she isn't bothered by Joe Biden's recent debate with Donald Trump.
  • "I have poopy days all the time. I step in so much poo you can't even imagine," she said on Monday. 
  • Goldberg said that people should give Biden a chance and wait for his follow-up debate with Trump.

Insider Today

President Joe Biden's stumbles and gaffes might have fueled calls for him to drop out of the election, but Whoopi Goldberg says she's still backing the 81-year-old.

"I don't care if he's pooped his pants. I don't care if he can't put a sentence together," the cohost of ABC's "The View" said in an episode that aired Monday. "Show me he can't do the job and then I'll say, okay, maybe it's time to go."

Goldberg, 68, said that people should give Biden a second chance even though he underperformed at his presidential debate with former President Donald Trump on June 27.

"I have poopy days all the time. I step in so much poo you can't even imagine. Now, I'm not running the world, but I don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point," Goldberg added.

But floundering at his second debate appears to be a redline for Goldberg, who said that she would stop supporting Biden if he flops again. Trump and Biden's follow-up debate is set to take place on September 10.

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"So I'm just simply saying, yeah, there are two debates. And if he can't do what he needs to do for the second debate, I'll join any crew that says get rid of him," Goldberg continued.

BIDEN SAYS HE'S "NOT GOING ANYWHERE": As several House Democrats call for Pres. Biden to step aside, #TheView co-hosts weigh in and question if his recent interviews have reassured voters. https://t.co/cVclFZQmjA pic.twitter.com/4YnsMdfU0P — The View (@TheView) July 8, 2024

The presumptive Democratic nominee has faced growing calls for him to step down following last month's presidential debate. Biden, however, has repeatedly brushed aside concerns over his age and mental acuity .

On Monday, Biden sent a letter to congressional Democrats where he reiterated his plans to stay in the race.

"The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it's time for it to end," Biden wrote. "Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us."

"It's time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump," the letter continued.

This morning, I sent a letter to my fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill. In it, I shared my thoughts about this moment in our campaign. It’s time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump. pic.twitter.com/ABtAaJrr0n — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 8, 2024

Representatives for Biden didn't immediately respond to a request for comment from BI sent outside regular business hours.

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What would happen to Biden’s campaign cash if he drops out? That’s up to Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden walk through the white columns of the White House colonnade

If President Joe Biden decides to step aside for the 2024 race, Vice President Kamala Harris would be in line to get first dibs on the tens of millions of dollars in his campaign war chest.

Biden has not given any indication he will end his re-election bid after a stumbling debate performance last week. But it's a scenario that was discussed during a tense call between the campaign's aides and donors Sunday.

Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said during the call that in the event of the president dropping out — which she emphasized he had no intention of doing — Harris would then control most of the money in their campaign account, which amounted to $91.2 million as of May 31.

That appears to be correct, according to some campaign finance experts — but likely only if she then became the Democrats' presidential nominee.

“This has this unique twist to it with Harris still being a part of the campaign and being considered part of the campaign from the get-go,” said Kenneth Gross, a senior political law counsel at Akin Gump and former associate general counsel for the Federal Election Commission.

Harris’ name is listed on FEC filings for both Biden’s statement of candidacy and his campaign account’s statement of organization , meaning she would likely be able to use the funds if she continues with the campaign. Campaign finance law also states that a campaign committee designated by a presidential candidate can be used by the party’s vice presidential candidate. 

“Both candidates are on the account,” Gross said. “And I would think that she would be able to use the money if she is running for president. She would be the only one that could do that.”

The Campaign Legal Center’s campaign finance team also determined that Harris could access the money in the account if she succeeded Biden as the party’s presidential nominee. 

But they noted via email that Harris would only be able to access those funds if she is at the top of the ticket. In other words, if she remained the vice presidential nominee and the party picked a different presidential nominee, that would be a different campaign. 

Gross said he was unsure if Harris would be unable to access the funds if she remained the party’s vice presidential nominee without Biden.

“That is such a unique scenario, I would think the campaign would want to seek an FEC opinion on that question,” he said. 

Claire Rajan, a former FEC litigation attorney who leads A&O Shearman’s political law group, also agreed Harris could likely access the funds as the party’s presidential nominee, but was doubtful she could do so as the running mate to a different standard-bearer. 

If Harris did not become the nominee under this scenario, the Campaign Legal Center’s campaign finance team noted that Biden’s campaign money could be converted into a political action committee. But a PAC can only make a small maximum donation of $3,300 per election to another candidate. The Biden campaign could also refund donors’ contributions, who could in turn donate to a new candidate. 

Rajan and Gross also noted that if Biden steps aside, the funds could be transferred to a charity or a super PAC, which would not be able to coordinate with the campaign. The funds could also be transferred to the national party.

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Bridget Bowman is a national political reporter for NBC News.

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After president’s debate debacle, Jill Biden delivering the message that they’re still all in


President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden arrive at East Hampton Airport, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in East Hampton, N.Y. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden arrive at McGuire Air Force Base, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Burlington County, N.J. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden arrive at Francis S. Gabreski Airport, Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Westhampton Beach, N.Y. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. (AP) — Jill Biden was right at her husband’s side Saturday as they exited Air Force One to head for a pair of campaign stops at luxurious vacation homes on Long Island. And she got straight to the point when it was her turn to introduce the president at a tony fundraiser.

“Joe isn’t just the right person for the job. He’s the only person for the job,” she declared.

The first lady also told donors, “Anyone can tell you what they want to do, but Joe Biden can tell you what he’s done with his judgment, his experience, and his relationships with leaders across the globe.”

The first lady is trying to rally support for her husband after a dreadful performance in Thursday’s presidential debate created fresh worries about President Joe Biden’s age and his ability to compete in November’s election and to serve another four years.

The community college professor has been by her husband’s side since he exited the debate stage as he faces what could be a defining challenge of his presidency — the president says that democracy itself is on the line in his race against former President Donald Trump.


It’s a reflection of the first lady’s influence, her love of her husband and the pressure confronting an 81-year-old candidate whom many voters worry is too old to serve another term as president. While Trump’s wife has been noticeably absent from the campaign trail, Jill Biden has taken a leading role, wearing a dress Friday decorated with the word “Vote.”

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Democracy: American democracy has overcome big stress tests since 2020. More challenges lie ahead in 2024.
  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.
  • Read the latest: Follow AP’s live coverage of this year’s election.

Less than 24 hours after her husband’s disastrous debate, she stood before a crowd in Greenwich Village and spoke glowingly about her husband without any nod to the swirling controversy over whether he is up to another term.

“Joe will never stop fighting for this country and for communities like this one,” she said at an event at the Stonewall National Monument, a symbol of LGBTQ+ pride. “That’s who Joe is. He wakes up every morning thinking about how he can make the lives of Americans better.”

She was more frank, though, later in the day at a LGBTQ fundraiser in the city, saying of her husband’s debate performance, “I know it’s on your minds.”

“As Joe said earlier today, he’s not a young man,” she allowed. “And you know, after last night’s debate, he said, ‘You know, Jill, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel that great.’ And I said, ‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president.’”

The first lady went on to deliver a spirited defense of the president’s abilities, signaling there was no stepping back from his intent — their intent, really — for him to press forward with his campaign.

“What my husband does know how to do is tell the truth,“ she said. “When Joe gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that’s what we’re doing today.”

Jill Biden, 73, has long been her husband’s chief confidant and public defender, but her role looms larger this year and is attracting increasing scrutiny from Trump supporters, some of whom question whether she’s the one doing the steering these days.

When the first lady gripped the president’s hand as he left the debate stage on Thursday night after his halting performance, Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas reposted the video on X with the question, “Who is the Commander in Chief?”

Jill Biden, early on reluctant to embrace the role of political spouse, is all in.

Earlier in the year, when voters were in denial that Biden truly would seek another term, it was Jill Biden who squashed the idea he might not go through with it.

“How many times does he have to say it for you to believe it?” the first lady told The Associated Press in a February interview during a trip to Africa. She added, “He says he’s not done. He’s not finished what he’s started. And that’s what’s important.”

As a native of the Philadelphia area, her tone has grown increasingly feisty as she has told supporters that Trump has gotten “my Philly up.” But the race with the former Republican is tight and she told the fundraising gathering on Friday that, “We have to work harder than we’ve ever worked before.”

She doesn’t just talk up her husband’s best attributes, she regularly recounts stories of their courtship and life together for supporters. During Friday’s events, she told the LGBTQ+ gatherings that Trump is a “threat” to their rights and “we can’t let him win,” a sign that she won’t shy from the gritty business of politics.

Last month, the first lady delivered a commencement address to community college students in Arizona, where she talked about ignoring the doubters and pushing forward with their goals.

“The next time someone tells you that you ‘can’t,’ you’re going to say, ‘Oh yeah? Watch me,’” she said.

It was an echo of the words her husband has used on multiple occasions when questioned about his ability to do the job for another four years: “Watch me.”


Grammar Quiz

She _____________ do her homework every day.

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If only we__________ sooner. We could have prevented the situation.

A. had known

B. ‘d know

sorry ı ……… come yesterday

C. dıdnt have to

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  1. do support

    Does she do her homework?. To ask a question, we need to use an auxiliary verb at the beginning of the sentence. In our case, the auxiliary verb is do: this is called do-support.. But since "she" is a singular third-person pronoun, we turn do into does.The first do carries the third-person ending s(or es) instead of the second.So there's no reason to leave the second verb with the same ending.

  2. "She does her homework" or "She do her homework"?

    She do her homework. This phrase is incorrect in English. The correct phrase is "she does her homework." In English, the verb "do" changes to "does" when used with third-person singular subjects like "she." This is a basic rule in English grammar. TextRanch has helped me to improve my written skills as well as to communicate more naturally ...

  3. Grammar: When to Use Do, Does, and Did

    Consider the following examples: We did our homework last night. She did her homework last night.. Auxiliary Verbs. Auxiliary, or helping verbs, are used with another base verb to create negative sentences, questions, or add emphasis.Here's how do should be used as an auxiliary verb:. 1. Negative Sentences. Following the same subject-verb pairings introduced above, we combine the ...

  4. She does homework every day vs She does her homework every day vs She

    It's also perfectly consistent with her doing other people's homework. (For example, she might be a nanny who, among other tasks, helps with homework every day.) She does her homework every day. This means she does the homework that has been assigned to her, as opposed to doing other people's homework or helping others with their homework.

  5. do in English

    1.4. do as a main verb (Present Progressive, Gerund, present participle) - (doing) affirmative. negative. I am doing my homework. I am not doing my homework. Doing my homework is not always fun. Not doing my homework is not clever. I saw Jane doing her homework. I didn't see Jane doing her homework.

  6. [Grammar] "She do" or "she does"?

    The subjunctive mood is sometimes called the conjunctive mood, as in I insist that she do her homework on her own, without your help. Status Not open for further replies. Similar threads. S. I walked by a bakery store and saw a woman needed assistance because she does speak Chinese at all. Silverobama; Jun 27, 2024;

  7. she sometimes does her homework vs she sometimes do her homework

    Just make sure Callie does her homework. She would have done her homework. Dana was hoping she could find someplace to do her homework. She used to come here sometimes after school and do her homework. I help him with his homework sometimes. Dana was hoping she could find someplace to do her homework. I help him with his homework sometimes.

  8. In response to the question "What does she do after school?", which is

    She does her homework If the question is asking about something in general, for instance: What does she do after school? The answer would be: She does her homework. - so here we're saying that, in general, every day after school she does her homework. We could use the answer She is doing her homework to a question asking what she is doing right now.

  9. "Do" vs. "Does"

    We're due to explain the difference between "do" and "does." Learn what makes "do" an irregular verb and how and when to use each one.

  10. Did vs. Does

    On the other hand, "does" is used to describe an action that is happening in the present or is a habitual action. For example, "She did her homework yesterday" indicates that the homework was completed in the past, while "She does her homework every day" suggests that it is a regular activity. Copy This URL Comparison

  11. She _________ her homework, yesterday. A. do B. does ...

    C. chilly. D. lightning. E. freezing. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. About grammarquiz.net. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. She _________ her homework, yesterday. A. do B. does C. doing D. did - Tenses Quiz.

  12. Continuous Tenses and Meaning Quiz

    You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. ... ___ the number 12 bus just down the road. could see was seeing a) could see b) was seeing . 3. At the moment Maria _____ her homework, as she does every day. does is doing a) does b) is doing . 4. The baby _____ 21 inches long. measures is measuring a) measures b) be used to . 5 ...

  13. She ___________ her homework last night. A. did B. does

    A. so. B. so much. C. such. D. such a. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. She ___________ her homework last night. A. did B. does C. do D. will do - Simple Tenses Quiz.

  14. Heba ...............(do) her homework for two hours . She hasn't

    Heba has done her homework for two hours. This is active, indicative, present and perfect. We don't have a present participle to indicate the continuous aspect. The prepositional phrase can make sense with this verb form. It does seem a little strange to apply it to her homework, but something like "Heba has studied English for two years" is ...

  15. She ______ (finish) her homework before dinner.

    C. badder. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. She ______ (finish) her homework before dinner. A. finishes B. finished C. have finished - Past and Perfect Tenses Quiz.

  16. Do her homework

    Definition of do her homework in the Idioms Dictionary. do her homework phrase. What does do her homework expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

  17. When does she do her homework

    Translate When does she do her homework. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  18. My GF always has me do her her College homework. : r/relationships

    I am a teaching assistant. Do not do your girlfriend's homework. Having someone else do your homework is academic dishonesty. If her professors find out you're doing her homework for her (or if they find out anyone else is doing it, and it's gonna be pretty obvious when she flunks all her in-class assignments) she could be punished for academic dishonesty.

  19. She is doing her homework

    1. (en general) a. está haciendo su tarea. What is Juanita doing? - She is doing her homework with a classmate. ¿Qué está haciendo Juanita? - Está haciendo su tarea con una compañera de clase. b. está haciendo sus deberes.

  20. When does she do her homework? Change into active voice

    When do the homework will be completed by her ; Some more Examples : 1 . He has completed the work. A . The work has been completed by him. 2 . Has he completed the work ? A . Has the work been completed by him. 3 . She has written some poems. A . Some poems have been written by her. 4 . I have made some cakes. A . Some cakes have been made by me

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    Caitlin Clark made history Thursday, blowing away the previous record for fastest WNBA player to record 300 career points, 100 rebounds and 100 assists by doing so in her 19th game. No player had ...

  22. she sometimes does her homework or she sometimes do her ...

    The verb form "do" does not agree with the third-person singular subject "she." The correct phrase is "she sometimes does her homework." In English, the verb "do" changes to "does" when used with third-person singular subjects like "she." The incorrect phrase "she sometimes do her homework" is grammatically incorrect due to the mismatch between ...

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  25. She always does her homework

    By the time you read this letter I ___ towards Australia. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. She always does her homework __________. A. correct B. correctly - Grammar Quiz.

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    She would be the only one that could do that." The Campaign Legal Center's campaign finance team also determined that Harris could access the money in the account if she succeeded Biden as the ...

  29. After president's debate, Jill Biden delivering message that they're

    "What my husband does know how to do is tell the truth," she said. "When Joe gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that's what we're doing today." Jill Biden, 73, has long been her husband's chief confidant and public defender, but her role looms larger this year and is attracting increasing scrutiny from Trump supporters, some ...

  30. She _____________ do her homework every day.

    How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. About grammarquiz.net. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. She _____________ do her homework every day. A. must B. make C. let D. mustn´t - Grammar Quiz.