Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE): How to Write an Essay

discursive essay c2


An essay is usually written for a teacher. It should be well organised, with an introduction, clear development and an appropriate conclusion. The compulsory Part 1 essay question will involve reading two short input texts on a particular topic and summarising and evaluating the key points from these texts in the context of a coherent essay on the topic, including the candidate’s own views. The set text essay questions specify what particular aspect of the set text (development of character or significance of events) should form the content of the essay. Source: Cambridge English Assessment: C2 Proficiency Handbook for teachers

Essays are easier than they might seem

While this is true to some extend, essays in C2 Proficiency are actually not that bad. The good thing is that there is always a specific structure that you can apply no matter what the topic of a particular task might be and with a little bit of practice, you can become very good very quickly.

What a typical essay task looks like

How to organise your essay.

Considering the fact that there are two texts we need to work with, the limit of 240-280 words and the other conventions of essay writing, meaning that we need to include an introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end, I have found the following paragraph structure to be very useful for my own students:

Make a plan before you start writing

It took me about three minutes to come up with this plan. The capitalised parts in the topic paragraphs are my own thoughts which I’m planning to add to or weave into the ideas expressed in the two short texts. It is important to do this because the task asks you to include your own ideas and views.

The different parts of an essay

Whichever way you prefer doing it, you have to make sure that it becomes clear what the overarching theme is that you want to talk about in the text. Unlike in B2 First or C1 Advanced the tasks in C2 Proficiency give you very little context and not even a question that you could answer. You have to decide what you want to focus on and the best way of doing this is to find out what the topic is that the input texts talk about. Simply state that in your intro and you are ready to go.

In our society, we live together based on certain norms that we all agree upon even though there is a lot of room for interpretation. For instance, what one person sees as perfectly acceptable might offend their parents or while western culture embraces personal freedom the question is where one’s own liberty collides with the interests of the collective.

Topic paragraphs

The first step to a successful topic paragraph is a topic sentence . A good topic sentence makes it very clear for the reader what this specific section of the text talks about. From there, you elaborate on the topic and that’s it. Again, there is no dark magic involved, just a repeatable step-by-step process.

Not only do we see these trends in the context described in the first text, but older generations also struggle with the ever-evolving use of language or specific behaviour such as seemingly disrespecting others by not offering their seat on public transport or using their gadgets even when spending time with family or friends. While it is easy to agree with the writer’s observations that only good communication leads to a better understanding, we need to keep in mind that societal changes are often more difficult for the parent generation and it has been that way since the dawn of civilisation. Another important aspect is the rise of individualism. The second text strongly argues that society as a whole greatly benefits from the vision and ambition of specific people and that societal rules only hinder progress. However, this line of thought neglects the fact that these individuals thrive within a collective framework that enables them to pursue their ideas and make them become a reality so we might argue that one can’t exist without the other.

Note that I avoided using personal pronouns like I or we. Essays are formal and rather impersonal pieces of writing so I tried to keep the text as impersonal as possible. That doesn’t mean that you are prohibited from using this kind of language, but in my example, I managed without it.

All in all, humanity as a collective always changes due to the fresh ideas of younger generations. This is a constant of life and the essence of who we are as a species. Only with dialogue and the willingness to understand each other can we continue to prosper and use individual freedom to benefit all of society.

Now it’s time for some practice

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Oxford House

  • Guide to the Cambridge C2 Proficiency Writing Exam – Part 2: Review

Guide to the Cambridge C2 Proficiency Writing Exam – Part 2 Review

  • Posted on 02/08/2023
  • Categories: Blog
  • Tags: Cambridge , Cambridge Exams , Cambridge Proficiency

Are you working towards the Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE) exam? Have you been having sleepless nights thinking about what might appear on the writing exam? Do you need some tips to help you with your planning? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of the previous questions, fear not – we’re here to help!

The review is just one of the options in Writing Part 2. However, you can’t guarantee which ones will be on the paper on exam day. Also, it’s not just the structure that’s important. If the topic really takes your fancy because you already know lots of C2 vocabulary, you might go for that one!

Above all, you need to feel prepared. That means understanding a task, planning effectively and having some CPE secret weapons at your disposal . By the end of this blog, you’ll know what a typical Cambridge C2 review question looks like, what to include in your plan, what grammar and vocabulary you could incorporate and how you can prepare for this part of the C2 Proficiency writing exam. Let’s start with the basics!

What is a review?

According to the Cambridge C2 Proficiency exam page :

C2 Proficiency exam page

The review is one of six options you can choose from in the C2 Proficiency Writing paper Part 2, along with the mandatory essay that you’ll complete in Part 1, which we covered in our Guide to the Cambridge C2 Proficiency Writing Exam – Part 1: Essay blog post. Don’t forget to revisit our Guide to the Cambridge C2 Proficiency Writing Exam – Part 2: Report too! Keep your eyes peeled for blogs about the rest!

Review format

  • Word count: 280–320.
  • Register: neutral – it depends on the target reader.
  • Main purpose: describe, evaluate, recommend, suggest.
  • General structure: title, introduction to the topic, three main paragraphs – one to describe, one to discuss in more detail, one to recommend.
  • Common themes: films, books, restaurants, art, festivals, concerts.

Why choose the review task?

One of the main reasons a lot of students feel comfortable writing reviews is because we use them so often in everyday life. That is to say, we prefer to check opinions before committing to a product or an event.

However, it’s not as simple as giving stars! We need to make sure our writing is upgraded to C2 level. Check out the table below for examples of upgraded language. We’ve used four different review topics.

Review task

We’ve used two techniques here: In red , you can see examples of pseudo-cleft sentences . In blue , you can see examples of negative inversions . We’ve highlighted a nice phrasal verb in pink , and you can see lots of underlined examples of descriptive language .

However, it’s important to use these sparingly . In other words, use your planning stage to decide where you’re going to use them or your writing can seem too formal. Remember, you’re writing to convince someone, so you want to communicate on their level. Don’t go overboard !

How can I structure a review?

First, let’s look at a review task.

How can I structure a review

As the task asks you to do three things: describe the book you enjoyed, talk about the attractions it had for you as a child and explain why it’s relevant today, you’d probably want three paragraphs. Add a fourth for a short conclusion and you have your general structure. Your title can be the name of the book.

You should allocate at least 15 minutes to your plan. Think carefully about what you want to write about and how you can explain your ideas. Make a list of useful collocations connected to the topic. Then, think about how you can use excellent examples of C2 grammar. Plan how you’re going to connect your ideas with linkers. Vary your sentence structure and occasionally add a much shorter sentence in order to add emphasis. It really works!

Remember, your writing needs to have cohesion. The more time you spend planning, the more you can work on the structure. Try to visualise your paragraphs as rectangles. Within these rectangles there are smaller rectangles that vary in size and shape. Imagine that you have to decide on the perfect order and distribution. As a result, your paragraph will be stronger.

What does a review look like?

What does a review look like

First, the writer introduces the topic of the review. This helps the reader know what he/she is about to read. Next, the writer gives a brief description of the story. No spoilers please! In the third paragraph, the writer comments on how the story is relevant today. To conclude, he/she links back to the original introduction and summarises the entire review in one neat little paragraph. Beautiful!

We’ve also highlighted some lovely collocations which are appropriate for this task about children’s books. You’ll find lots more inspiration for your reviews on sites like Goodreads , Metacritic , The Guardian and Rolling Stone .

What else can I do?

  • Practise! Practise! Practise!.
  • Don’t limit your English to a specific time. Instead, do as much of your daily life in English as possible.
  • Read in English – it’s a fantastic way to consolidate grammar points and learn new vocabulary. It’s fun too!
  • Listen to music in English. What better place to start than Rolling Stone’s 500 Best Songs of All time ?
  • Practise! Practise! Practise! Did we mention that one already?! We’ve included some blogs below to keep you busy:

How to Write a Review for Cambridge C1 Advanced

6 Tools To Take Your Writing To The Next Level – general writing tips

Our Year In Review: Top 10 Blog Posts Of 2019 – a different example of a review!

5 Spelling Rules For Comparative And Superlative Adjectives – work on descriptive language

Looking for further support?

If you’re interested in preparing for the C2 Proficiency exam but don’t know where to start, get in touch with us here at Oxford House today! We offer specific courses that are designed especially to help you get ready for the exam. Let our fully qualified teachers use their exam experience to guide you through your learning journey. Sign up now and receive your free mock test!

Glossary for Language Learners

Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.

take your fancy (id): appeal to someone.

at your disposal (id): available to be used.

keep your eyes peeled (id): watch carefully for something.

sparingly (adv): in small amounts, without wasting any.

go overboard (id): do something too much.

allocate (v): to give a particular amount of time or money to something.

be about to do something (id): to be going to do something very soon.

neat (adj): tidy.

check out (pv): examine or investigate.

pv = phrasal verb

adj = adjective

adv = adverb

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26 Planning a Discursive Essay

Discursive essay – description.

A discursive essay is a form of critical essay that attempts to provide the reader with a balanced argument on a topic, supported by evidence. It requires critical thinking, as well as sound and valid arguments (see Chapter 25) that acknowledge and analyse arguments both for and against any given topic, plus discursive essay writing appeals to reason, not emotions or opinions. While it may draw some tentative conclusions, based on evidence, the main aim of a discursive essay is to inform the reader of the key arguments and allow them to arrive at their own conclusion.

The writer needs to research the topic thoroughly to present more than one perspective and should check their own biases and assumptions through critical reflection (see Chapter 30).

Unlike persuasive writing, the writer does not need to have knowledge of the audience, though should write using academic tone and language (see Chapter 20).

Choose Your Topic Carefully

A basic guide to choosing an assignment topic is available in Chapter 23, however choosing a topic for a discursive essay means considering more than one perspective. Not only do you need to find information about the topic via academic sources, you need to be able to construct a worthwhile discussion, moving from idea to idea. Therefore, more forward planning is required. The following are decisions that need to be considered when choosing a discursive essay topic:

  • These will become the controlling ideas for your three body paragraphs (some essays may require more). Each controlling idea will need arguments both for and against.
  • For example, if my topic is “renewable energy” and my three main (controlling) ideas are “cost”, “storage”, “environmental impact”, then I will need to consider arguments both for and against each of these three concepts. I will also need to have good academic sources with examples or evidence to support my claim and counter claim for each controlling idea (More about this in Chapter 27).
  • Am I able to write a thesis statement about this topic based on the available research? In other words, do my own ideas align with the available research, or am I going to be struggling to support my own ideas due to a lack of academic sources or research? You need to be smart about your topic choice. Do not make it harder than it has to be. Writing a discursive essay is challenging enough without struggling to find appropriate sources.
  • For example, perhaps I find a great academic journal article about the uptake of solar panel installation in suburban Australia and how this household decision is cost-effective long-term, locally stored, and has minimal, even beneficial environmental impact due to the lowering of carbon emissions. Seems too good to be true, yet it is perfect for my assignment. I would have to then find arguments AGAINST everything in the article that supports transitioning suburbs to solar power. I would have to challenge the cost-effectiveness, the storage, and the environmental impact study. Now, all of a sudden my task just became much more challenging.
  • There may be vast numbers of journal articles written about your topic, but consider how relevant they may be to your tentative thesis statement. It takes a great deal of time to search for appropriate academic sources. Do you have a good internet connection at home or will you need to spend some quality time at the library? Setting time aside to complete your essay research is crucial for success.

It is only through complete forward planning about the shape and content of your essay that you may be able to choose the topic that best suits your interests, academic ability and time management. Consider how you will approach the overall project, not only the next step.

Research Your Topic

When completing a library search for online peer reviewed journal articles, do not forget to use Boolean Operators to refine or narrow your search field. Standard Boolean Operators are (capitalized) AND, OR and NOT. While using OR will expand your search, AND and NOT will reduce the scope of your search. For example, if I want information on ageism and care giving, but I only want it to relate to the elderly, I might use the following to search a database: ageism AND care NOT children. Remember to keep track of your search strings (like the one just used) and then you’ll know what worked and what didn’t as you come and go from your academic research.

The UQ Library provides an excellent step-by-step guide to searching databases:

Searching in databases – Library – University of Queensland (

Did you know that you can also link the UQ Library to Google Scholar? This link tells you how:

Google Scholar – Library – University of Queensland (

Write the Thesis Statement

The concept of a thesis statement was introduced in Chapter 21. The information below relates specifically to a discursive essay thesis statement.

As noted in the introduction to this chapter, the discursive essay should not take a stance and therefore the thesis statement must also impartially indicate more than one perspective. The goal is to present both sides of an argument equally and allow the reader to make an informed and well-reasoned choice after providing supporting evidence for each side of the argument.

Sample thesis statements: Solar energy is a cost -effective solution to burning fossil fuels for electricity , however lower income families cannot afford the installation costs .

Some studies indicate that teacher comments written in red may have no effect on students’ emotions , however other studies suggest that seeing red ink on papers could cause some students unnecessary stress. [1]

According to social justice principles, education should be available to all , yet historically, the intellectually and physically impaired may have been exempt from participation due to their supposed inability to learn. [2]

This is where your pros and cons list comes into play. For each pro, or positive statement you make, about your topic, create an equivalent con, or negative statement and this will enable you to arrive at two opposing assertions – the claim and counter claim.

While there may be multiple arguments or perspectives related to your essay topic, it is important that you match each claim with a counter-claim. This applies to the thesis statement and each supporting argument within the body paragraphs of the essay.

It is not just a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. A neutral tone is crucial. Do not include positive or negative leading statements, such as “It is undeniable that…” or “One should not accept the view that…”. You are NOT attempting to persuade the reader to choose one viewpoint over another.

Leading statements / language will be discussed further, in class, within term three of the Academic English course.

Thesis Structure:

  • Note the two sides (indicated in green and orange)
  • Note the use of tentative language: “Some studies”, “may have”, “could cause”, “some students”
  • As the thesis is yet to be discussed in-depth, and you are not an expert in the field, do not use definitive language
  • The statement is also one sentence, with a “pivot point” in the middle, with a comma and signposting to indicate a contradictory perspective (in black). Other examples include, nevertheless, though, although, regardless, yet, albeit. DO NOT use the word “but” as it lacks academic tone. Some signposts (e.g., although, though, while) may be placed at the start of the two clauses rather than in the middle – just remember the comma, for example, “While some studies suggest solar energy is cost-effective, other critical research questions its affordability.”
  • Also note that it is based on preliminary research and not opinion: “some studies”, “other studies”, “according to social justice principles”, “critical research”.

Claims and Counter Claims

NOTE: Please do not confuse the words ‘claim’ and ‘counter-claim’ with moral or value judgements about right/wrong, good/bad, successful/unsuccessful, or the like. The term ‘claim’ simply refers to the first position or argument you put forward (whether for or against), and ‘counter-claim’ is the alternate position or argument.

In a discursive essay the goal is to present both sides equally and then draw some tentative conclusions based on the evidence presented.

  • To formulate your claims and counter claims, write a list of pros and cons.
  • For each pro there should be a corresponding con.
  • Three sets of pros and cons will be required for your discursive essay. One set for each body paragraph. These become your claims and counter claims.
  • For a longer essay, you would need further claims and counter claims.
  • Some instructors prefer students to keep the pros and cons in the same order across the body paragraphs. Each paragraph would then have a pro followed by a con or else a con followed by a pro. The order should align with your thesis; if the thesis gives a pro view of the topic followed by a negative view (con) then the paragraphs should also start with the pro and follow with the con, or else vice versa. If not aligned and consistent, the reader may easily become confused as the argument proceeds. Ask your teacher if this is a requirement for your assessment.

discursive essay c2

Use previous chapters to explore your chosen topic through concept mapping (Chapter 18) and essay outlining (Chapter 19), with one variance; you must include your proposed claims and counter claims in your proposed paragraph structures. What follows is a generic model for a discursive essay. The following Chapter 27 will examine this in further details.

Sample Discursive Essay Outline 

The paragraphs are continuous; the dot-points are only meant to indicate content.


  • Thesis statement
  • Essay outline (including 3 controlling ideas)

Body Paragraphs X 3 (Elaboration and evidence will be more than one sentence, though the topic, claim and counter claim should be succinct)

  • T opic sentence, including 1/3 controlling ideas (the topic remains the same throughout the entire essay; it is the controlling idea that changes)
  • A claim/assertion about the controlling idea
  • E laboration – more information about the claim
  • E vidence -academic research (Don’t forget to tell the reader how / why the evidence supports the claim. Be explicit in your E valuation rather than assuming the connection is obvious to the reader)
  • A counter claim (remember it must be COUNTER to the claim you made, not about something different)
  • E laboration – more information about the counter claim
  • E vidence – academic research (Don’t forget to tell the reader how / why the evidence supports the claim. Be explicit in your E valuation rather than assuming the connection is obvious to the reader)
  • Concluding sentence – L inks back to the topic and/or the next controlling idea in the following paragraph

Mirror the introduction. The essay outline should have stated the plan for the essay – “This essay will discuss…”, therefore the conclusion should identify that this has been fulfilled, “This essay has discussed…”, plus summarise the controlling ideas and key arguments. ONLY draw tentative conclusions BOTH for and against, allowing the reader to make up their own mind about the topic. Also remember to re-state the thesis in the conclusion. If it is part of the marking criteria, you should also include a recommendation or prediction about the future use or cost/benefit of the chosen topic/concept.

A word of warning, many students fall into the generic realm of stating that there should be further research on their topic or in the field of study. This is a gross statement of the obvious as all academia is ongoing. Try to be more practical with your recommendations and also think about who would instigate them and where the funding might come from.

This chapter gives an overview of what a discursive essay is and a few things to consider when choosing your topic. It also provides a generic outline for a discursive essay structure. The following chapter examines the structure in further detail.

  • Inez, S. M. (2018, September 10). What is a discursive essay, and how do you write a good one? Kibin. ↵
  • Hale, A., & Basides, H. (2013). The keys to academic English. Palgrave ↵

researched, reliable, written by academics and published by reputable publishers; often, but not always peer reviewed

assertion, maintain as fact

The term ‘claim’ simply refers to the first position or argument you put forward (whether for or against), and ‘counter-claim’ is the alternate position or argument.

Academic Writing Skills Copyright © 2021 by Patricia Williamson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Cambridge English: Proficiency

Check out students' answers to Flo-Joe's CPE Writing tasks with a teacher's feedback

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Writing Class: Essay

Task type: essay.

Question Read the two texts below. Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in your answers.

The Downside of Tourism
Despite the importance of the tourism industry to local economies there are significant costs to being a popular holiday destination. Local cultures can suffer as the needs of the tourist are given priority. For example, local shops can be demolished to make way for larger retail developments. In addition, the negative effects on the environment are well documented. Areas suffering from scarce water, food and energy resources can see the situation deteriorate with the extra demand caused by an influx of tourists. There will often be a physical impact as well, with increases in local pollution or the effect on the eco-system of large-scale construction. More significantly, the generation of income for the local economy is often lower than envisaged. The majority of income can often go to multi-nationals such as airline companies and hotel chains.
Recent years have seen a growth in what is termed 'eco-tourism'. The aim of eco-tourism is to unite conservation and communities through sustainable travel. So what are the key elements of eco-tourism? In addition to minimizing the impact of tourism on the environment, successful eco-tourism should also raise the awareness of cultural and environmental issues amongst the local host destination and the visiting tourist. Eco-tourism should be a positive experience for the local community as well as the tourist. Finally, eco-tourism should offer clear financial benefits to local people and to local conservation issues.

Write the essay. (around 240 - 280 words)

Makeover: Zamira

Read Zamira's answer to this question below. Try correcting the piece of writing yourself first: use the marking codes to think about what might be wrong (or what's good) about the piece of work. Then when you're ready, click the green buttons in the text for our feedback.

Both texts complement each other, describing pressing issues surrounding the tourism sector. the first text focuses on mass tourism and what it costs the environment and host communities, the second text refers to the emerging eco-friendly tourism and the benefits it can provide.

So what are the problems caused by overtourism? Firstly, '

do local communities feel frustrated '.

their familiar surroundings that make way for new commercial developments, but they also experience increasing pollution as well as shortages of already scarce food, water, and power resources. Secondly, , local municipalities fail to meet their targets for income from tourism with airlines and hotels making away with a lion’s share of what tourists spend.

Is there any alternative to the traditional and eco-unfriendly tourism? Apparently, there is – sustainable travel is becoming increasingly popular. How can this new trend benefit the host and the tourist communities? Firstly, sustainable travellers do their utmost to keep the natural environment safe and intact and inspire others to follow their lead. Equally importantly, they firmly believe that the cultural environment should be preserved and protected as vigorously ' here.

. With such ' here.

stance as this, they feel welcomed and appreciated wherever they go. Secondly, this travel option is more rewarding in ' here.

financial sense to local communities.

As a Bournemouth local, I must say that I see more of the sun-seeking rather than the eco-conscious type of visitors to this city. And although our beaches do get overcrowded, our roads packed, and our public bins overflowing, I think everyone is entitled to their fair share of good weather and ' here.

holiday by the sea. For it will not last too long.

Content You have addressed the task appropriately and given a full and thoughtful answer to the question. The essay is within the word limit and everything is relevant. You have covered the main issues in each text and you have also offered an opinion of your own. Communicative Achievement The essay is written in an appropriate format and in an academic style. I nearly suggested deleting the final sentence as it verged on the kind of comment you would find in an article rather than an academic piece of writing. But it works well so I've left it in! The reader would be fully informed of the content of both texts and your own views. Organisation The essay is organised logically with clear paragraphing. Linking words and discourse markers are used very well to create an extremely coherent piece of writing. Language This is a very well written essay. You have used both vocabulary and grammatical structures well to express your ideas flexibly. I am particularly impressed with your use of advanced sentence structures and your ability to write in very natural English. There are very few ‘mistakes’ as such. Well done!

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CPE Essay Sample 1

Cpe essay question.

Here is a CPE essay question that my student sent me:

" What policies can we follow to reduce traffic in the town centre?

-cycle paths -fines -public transport

Some opinions expressed during the meeting:

"Cycling everywhere isn't realistic - what about large families?" "Fines mean the rich will continue driving." "Nobody uses the existing buses and trams!"

Write 240-280 words."

Write a plan for this question below:

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Essay Sample 1 - Answer

"It is generally acknowledged that the traffic jams in our town centre are becoming considerably severe nowadays. Governments could take actions accordingly in order to achieve this goal. In this essay, I intend to examine two opinions presented with regards to this topic. First and foremost, modernising public transport would make people’s commute significantly easier. To demonstrate this point, I would like to take Melbourne as an example in which we can witness an up-to-date infrastructure which is served by a variety of forms of public transport, such as trains, trams and buses. As a result, not only do the commuters save time, but they also have a more accessible and convenient transport system, not to mention the environmental benefits of having fewer cars in the city centre.   

On the other hand, insofar as setting regulations and restrictions on the traffic in urban areas is concerned, one option could be the introduction of government toll charges. To clarify this point, by charging drivers, there should be a resultant drop in driver numbers and cars on the roads. Not only this, but the government could also utilize the revenue from the toll charge back into the introduction of technologies that will reduce pollution and thus, protect our mother earth.  In this way, not only could the traffic be reduced, but it also will be helpful for our environment and sustainability. After all the aforementioned matters are considered, it is fair to say that establishing restrictions by tolls is the most effective method to decreasing traffic congestion in the town centre due to the fact that it is powerful enforcement."

Write down the mistakes and corrections for this answer:

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Essay Sample 1 - Mistakes

cpe essay answer with corrections

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Essay Sample 1 - Assessment Scale Critique

3All the points of the task have been addressed and the target reader is fully informed as to which policy would be more effective in reducing traffic in the town centre.
2The main points in the paragraph are generally easy to follow. The sentences in the introduction could flow together in a better way.

Occasionally the reader may lose engagement due to an unfamiliar collocation or choice of words.

The writing generally follows the conventions of an essay and the language is appropriately formal and generally engaging:

‘thus protect our mother earth’

Some more complex ideas are put forward effectively. 

2The essay generally has a clear structure which is helped by the use of separate paragraphs and good linking words and phrases:

‘First and foremost’

On an individual paragraph level the main arguments have been well developed with appropriate linking words, other cohesive devices and organisational patterns used to good effect:

‘To demonstrate this point’

‘as a result’

‘...which is served by…’

‘Not to mention…’

2There is a range of everyday and less common vocabulary evident in the writing:

‘Significantly easier’


There are also a range of grammatical structures used:

‘One option could be…’

‘Not only could…’

There are occasional inappropriate word choices but these do not impede communication to a large extent.

Add any useful language, vocabulary, grammar and other tips you’ve learnt from this writing to this online worksheet : or to this hardcopy worksheet :

CPE Essay Sample 1 - Final Analysis

Content - 3

Communicative Achievement: 2

Organisation: 2

Language: 2

Total: 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9/20.

If you can't remember what these scores mean, you can check out this video at the bottom of the page where I go into more detail (for a different essay).

If this student got 9/20 for their part 2 writing in the exam, they would have 18/40 for the C2 Proficiency writing paper.

The student would therefore not pass this exam paper.

To understand how these marks are calculated, check out page 6 of this document :  

I suggest using that page to mark your scores when you are practising for all the different exam papers.

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Type: Report

Your local community group is interested in the views that local people hold about crime in your area. You have been asked to write a report for the chairman of the community group. You should address the following points:

Write your report for the chairman. (around 280 – 320 words)

Type: Article

You have been asked to write an article for Job Prospects magazine, a publication for 18-30-year-olds, on the following topic:

You should focus on the types of job and leisure opportunities for young people taking a gap year in your country (or a country that you know well), the types of skills that can be gained and the likely value of these to potential employers.

Write the article for the readers of the magazine. (around 280 – 320 words)

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How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips to Succeed & Examples

So, you need to accomplish your discursive essay writing. The typical questions most students ask are: How do you write it? What is discursive essay?

A discursive essay is an academic paper that involves a discussion on a particular topic. It is usually assigned to college students. You may be required to write a paper wherein you have to do one of the following:

  • argue for the issue or against it;
  • present your points of view on both sides;
  • provide your unprejudiced opinion on that matter.

Don’t panic!

Check out the tips from  experts below. They will assist you in discursive writing and encourage you to examine essay examples. Moreover, in this article, you’ll also learn about different types of discursive essay, and its introduction, main body, and conclusion structure.

  • ❓ What Is It?
  • 🏁 Main Types


  • Basic Don’Ts
  • ✏️ Frequent Questions

❓ What Is a Discursive Essay?

First of all, let’s figure out what the discursive essay is.

You may think it’s similar to the argumentative essay. Yes, but there’s a difference between them in the structure and purpose of these two types of assignments:

Purpose To provide a reliable and unbiased assessment of an issue. Nevertheless, your discursive writing does not have to be completely neutral. You should write it using the facts and research reports to present both sides of the issue. To persuade the reader in your position, providing supporting evidence. This essay type relies on thorough research so that the author can both convince and educate the reader. However, the result should be less passionate and more concise than that of a .
Structure Its style is more impersonal and formal in comparison with other assignment types: Its style is general for essays as the reader should understand what you stand for

We will take a detailed look at how to structure a discursive essay later, and now let’s find out what are the types of this assignment.

Keep reading!

🏁 Discursive Essay: Main Types

You have to think more critically and more in-depth when reviewing all viewpoints and aspects of discursive writing. Check these three main types of essay writing:

  • Opinion Essay  requires the author’s opinion on an issue which is stated in the introductory paragraph. It should be clearly presented and followed by reasons and supporting examples. Also, this essay paper should contain an opposing argument that comes before the conclusion. The writer must explain to readers why the mentioned argument is considered to be unconvincing. The writer’s opinion should be restated/summarized in the conclusion.
  • For and Against Essay  provides readers with a thorough debate on the topic with the help of opposing points of view. Each point should be discussed objectively and described in details. The introductory paragraph puts the issue under consideration. The main body of this essay paper should present examples, reasons, and arguments supported by justifications. The author’s own opinion with balanced reflections on the topic should be stated only in conclusion.
  • Essay Suggesting Solution to a Problem  discusses problems and finds the main solutions. The introduction paragraph explicitly declares a problem and analyses its causes and consequences. The main body of the essay should offer some suggestions for a possible solution to the problem and potential state consequences or expected results. In conclusion, author’s opinion should be distinctly summarized.

📑 How to Write a Discursive Essay

Well, it’s time to talk about the structure of a discursive essay. Like most of the assignments, a discursive paper starts with an introduction and ends with a conclusion:

The first question you may ask is how to start a discursive essay introduction. Simple!

  • Give your readers a hook – something that would sound interesting to them.
  • Provide a short explanation of the problem. You may use quotations, as well as rhetorical questions.
  • Show your readers both sides of the arguments and sum up.

You may be wondering…

Is there something I should avoid in my discursive essay introduction?

Yes. No stereotypes and generalizations, please!

The next step under formal essay writing you should take is to compose the body.

Tips on how to write a discursive essay.

There are a few points you should remember:

  • First and foremost: stay unprejudiced . Assess all of the aspects of an issue. Leave your feelings behind or for another essay type.
  • Second: build your argumentation . If you have several arguments for your viewpoint—provide them in separate paragraphs. This will help you to keep your essay comprehensible and distinct. Don’t forget to submit supporting evidence.
  • Third: write the body of an essay in an alternate manner. What does it mean? If your first paragraph supports the paper’s argument, then in the second paragraph you should write something in the opposite of it. Such a combination of supporting and opposite paragraphs will make your essay look apparent, and well researched. Besides, it will help you to remain neutral.
  • Fourth: include topic sentences and evidence . Write a summary of the argument at the beginning of the paragraph. It will allow the reader to easier understand what the paragraph is about. Provide evidence to show that you’re not making the facts up.

Well, you’ve almost finished your writing. Now you should focus on the last section. Keep reading, and you will learn how to write a conclusion for a discursive essay.

  • In the last section, you should summarize your article including the main points, specified in the body paragraphs.
  • You may also logically express your opinion. Remember: it should resonate with your evidence stated in the body paragraphs.
  • Don’t repeat findings, just summarize them.

Keep it short. Your conclusion length should not exceed one paragraph.

👍 Do’s and Don’ts

Do you want more discursive essay writing tips? Fine! Just check them below:

Basic Do’s of a Discursive Essay

  • Write in formal, impersonal style.
  • Introduce each point in a separate paragraph
  • Use topic sentences for each paragraph
  • Write well-developed paragraphs
  • Give reasons and examples for each point
  • Use sequencing
  • Use linking words and phrases
  • Make references to other sources and make sure that you follow proper citation style
  • Identify used sources

Basic Don’Ts of a Discursive Essay

  • Don’t use short forms, like I’ll, don’t, they’ve
  • Don’t use informal/colloquial language, for example: old as the hills, ain’t, gonna, etc.
  • Don’t use very emotional language, since it might make your discursive article look prejudiced
  • Don’t use over-generalizations. Extending the features of some elements from a group more than it is reasonable will lead to generous and inaccurate conclusions.
  • Don’t express your personal opinion too insistently
  • Don’t refer to statistics without proper referencing (check our citation guides )
  • Don’t use personal examples, leave it for a personal experience essay

Well, now you know what discursive essay means, what are its main types, and how to structure it.

Tips on how to write a discursive essay.

Discursive Essay Topics

  • Discussion of risk factors that impact human health. 
  • Discuss the necessity of understanding cultural heritage to provide efficient health care.
  • Analyze different opinions on withdrawing patients’ treatment.
  • Examine different views on the Civil War.
  • Discuss what hostile emotional states are and how they impact human life. 
  • Discuss the meaning of metaphors used by Virgil in Aeneid . 
  • Describe different opinions on telehealth in nursing homes.
  • The ethicality of stem cell technology.
  • Explore the effectiveness of motivational interviewing. 
  • Discuss how people present themselves online .
  • Discuss the reasons for Coca-Cola’s marketing success.
  • Analyze the food safety issues and the ways to improve the situation.
  • Examine the essential meaning of sleep for people’s physical and mental health.
  • Explore various complications of working with groups.
  • Discussion of the modern issues with virtue ethics. 
  • Describe different views on the definition of love. 
  • Give the for and against arguments considering food security technologies.  
  • Discuss how the concept of the American dream is presented in the film The Great Gatsby.
  • Analyze the influence of family problems on children and suggest ways to improve the situation.
  • Present the various points of view on the ethical concepts of Buddhism.
  • Examine the attitudes towards the problem of homelessness and the suggested ways of its solution.
  • Explore different opinions on the American revolution and its consequences.
  • Discuss various policies and views around the globe on abortion. 
  • Discussion of the history of food foraging in different communities.
  • Multiple thoughts on civility on the Internet .
  • Analyze arguments on the effectiveness of hand sanitizers.
  • Discuss the importance of visual aids in learning.
  • Present and evaluate the theories of international development .
  • Discuss how to prevent the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV).
  • Is embracing renewable energy sources beneficial for both environment and the global economy?
  • Examine the correctness of the statement that the ideology of pleasure is the foundation of social activism.
  • Discussion of the ethical dilemma of population control.
  • Discuss the ethics of experimental studies .
  • Analyze the topic of gun violence and gun control laws.
  • Explore the reasons for opioid crises in the US.
  • Give arguments for and against random drug testing.
  • Discuss the problem of endangered species .
  • Express your opinion on the necessity of parents to be included in children’s education .
  • Present your attitude towards working in a bureaucratic organization.
  • Discuss the issue of the nursing shortage and suggest a solution.  
  • Give different viewpoints on the definition of beauty .
  • Analyze the problem of police misconduct. 
  • Discuss the description of violence of African people in literature.
  • Examine the views on Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory. 
  • Describe the various opinions on mysticism and express your attitude towards it.
  • Discuss the diverse standpoints on spirituality.
  • Is nature protection an urgent problem?
  • Analyze different ideas on physical privacy at work.
  • Discussion on the Jewish heritage in nursing.
  • Examine the views on the meaning of life.  

Good luck with your discussions and discursive essays! Be sure to check out the articles on our blog for more academic wisdom. By the way, on the Custom-Writing website, you may find the best essay topics for your academic writing.

And don’t forget to share your opinion in the comments below.

You might also be interested in:

  • Friendship Essay: Writing Guide & Topic Ideas about Friendship
  • Teamwork Essay: Quick Guide on How to Write a Good Paper
  • Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Tips and Examples
  • Transportation Essay: Writing Tips and Brilliant Topics

✏️ Discursive Essay FAQ

There is no one definitely correct answer to this question. Like any other essay, the text should have a clear structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The most important thing is that the overall book needs to be cohesive, persuasive, and exciting to read.

An example of a step by step guide is:

1. Take a closer look at the topic, think about the points to cover.

2. Choose the most relevant points and compose the Body of the essay.

3. Add an appropriate Introduction and Conclusion.

To write a good conclusion, you need to have the rest of the essay finished. Does the body of your essay present well-structured points? Great, then see what you can conclude based on that. If possible, make a connection between the introduction and the conclusion.

To ensure that your essay has a perfect structure, start with creating an outline. Based on such a plan, you can present your points step by step. Your text should have a relevant introduction, several points in the main body (with examples), and a logical conclusion.

🔗 References

  • Writing an Opinion Essay: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide: Master Class
  • Ending the Essay: Conclusions: Harvard College Writing Center
  • Academic Writing Style: University of Southern California
  • Cite Your Sources: Library Guides at University of California, Santa Cruz
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It’s very helpful!

it’s a good site to learn from. However, it will be perfect if there is a small essay to clear the mess understanding from the advice

This was so helpful , thank you God bless you

Very good site,thank so much for your effort in writing the posts.

thank you my n word 👨🏿‍🦳

thank you so much!!!! is there any way to access an annotated example to help?

Thank you so much. That really helped me with writing my essay.

thanku so much for increasing my knowledge

Thank you. It was really helpful. It has answered all my questions.

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CPE Writing Part 1: Formal Essay

Just a quick note…

Before you use these materials… We’ve created a new podcast aimed at B2+ level English students and teachers alike. You can listen for free at our SoundCloud page below. You can download teacher’s notes to accompany them from our Facebook page or from this blog. All comments and feedback welcome! Give us a like and a share 😉

CPE Writing Part 1: Essay

This is a lesson plan to help prepare students for part 1 of the CPE writing exam, in which students are required to write a formal essay which summarises and evaluates two other texts.

Here is my step-by-step guide to approaching the task:

Download the class handout here:

CPE writing essay 2nd plan

Step 1 – Text analysis

  • Read both texts and decide if they are complementary or contrasting.
  • Underline the two key content points in each text.

Step 2 – Paraphrasing and summarising

  • Brainstorm different ways to paraphrase and summarise the key points.
  • What impressive structures can you use? Inversions, passives, collocations, expressions.

Step 3 – Evaluate and react

  • Decide which points you agree and disagree with.
  • Brainstorm your own thoughts and experiences on the subject.

Summarise, evaluate, react.


Present the topic of discussion and ask questions the essay will answer.

Hardly a week goes by without another report of …………….. appearing in the media.

Over the past ten years or so the media have frequently carried reports of ……………

The trend nowadays is towards (gerund)

How has the public’s opinion on this issue shifted over the last few years?

Although most people would generally agree that …………… few would deny that …………….

This raises the issue of whether or not……………..

This issue strikes a chord with the vast majority of the general public.

What impact, if any, have these shifts/changes/developments had on the general public’s psyche?

How are we to gauge the effect of such shifts/changes/developments?

Finish your introduction with the following sentence:

Both (1) extracts (2) discuss the nature of these (3) notions , but from different (4) viewpoints .

synonyms for text – extract passage



viewpoints/perspectives/points of view

Paragraph 1 – Text 1

The first (1) text (2) argues that………


(2)suggests/puts forward the idea that/asserts

Try and sum up the first point neatly with an inversion:

Seldom does the airplane make the top 5, let alone the top spot when the lists of the so-called most influential inventions are drawn up.

Not since…. Only when….. Not until…. Not only…. But also, No sooner… than
Seldom/rarely…….. Barely/scarcely/hardly……… when

Paragraph structure:

Option 1

Option 2

Stating opinion

Stating your opinion

As I see it,

It seems to me that ………… I would also say that ….

I am convinced that ……………

I am inclined to believe that ………………

There is no doubt in my mind that ………………

One of the drawbacks of ……. is ……….

However, one of the benefits is that …………


– I would like to stress that the research is still at an early stage.

– It should be noted that there are a number of alternative methods available.

– It is worth bearing in mind that 90% of the scientists researching herbicides in the US are employed by chemical companies.

-lead to: The research could lead to a cure for many serious illnesses.

-result in: The fire resulted in damage to their property.

-be responsible for: He was responsible for the accident.

-bring about: The war brought about enormous social change.

-give rise to: Poor performance in exams can give rise to depression and even thoughts of suicide.

-trigger: to make something suddenly start to happen, especially a bad situation such as a crisis or a war, or a medical condition: Certain foods can trigger allergies.

-contribute to: Passive smoking could contribute to the development of respiratory diseases among nonsmokers.

-factor: Cost is often the deciding factor when choosing any product.

Describing causes

One factor which has led to ………… is …………..

One of the factors which has brought this about is ………

The problem often stems from ………………..

The situation has been exacerbated by …………….

………….. has only made the situation worse.

One consequence of ……………. is …………….

All in all it seems to me that ………..

The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that …………………..

All things considered, ………….

On balance, I tend to believe that …………

The world would surely be a better place to live in if …………..

If people stopped ….ing, we would have/ we could look forward to a ……………

The prospects for the future will be bleak/grim unless ……………….

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Author: Tim Warre

Barcelona based English Teacher, blogger and sometime actor and director. View All Posts

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I like this blog very much. Could you give me the result of the gapped text “A pastime to bring peace of mind”, please. I would like to check this up. Thank you in advance.

ooops,I forgot to put the key on the reading lesson plan. I’ve added it now, or alternatively, here it is: 7-g 8-f 9-b 10-e 11-c 12-a

Thank you Robbio! It is very hard to do this exercise. Is there any book that explains it, please? Thank you. Sandra

Congrats on the blog! It’s fantastic. I have a doubt, though: our personal opinion should be stated in the last paragraph only or after the explanation of each text, at the end paragraphs 1 and 2?

There are several different ways to approach this task, different textbooks suggest different methods but the framework I generally teach is:

1. Introduction 2. Summarize text 1 in first half of 2nd paragraph then evaluate and react (giving personal opinion on the views expressed) 3. Repeat for text 2. 4. Conclusion.

Another option is to summarize each text in separate paragraphs and then save your personal reaction for the conclusion.

Some useful discourse management language for the essay, thanks, Robbio.

In step 1 ‘complimentary’ should be ‘complementary’.

So it should, thanks for that, spelling is not my strongest suite*.

Where are these two texts? I don’t see them – and I think there’s a handout download missing

Hi, Firstly, congratulations on your blog!

I’d like to know if it would be suitable to add at teh end of the introduction the phrase: “This essay aims to summarise and evaluate …..”

Thanks beforehand, John

I think that would be fine.

Should I give a Title to the CPE Writing part one? I see some examples with it and some without it. Thank you!

I don’t think it’s essential but it is another opportunity to show what you know maybe through your ability to introduce the topic using different language to what appears in the texts.

Tim.. I just wanted to say cheers for the CPE stuff. It’s come in handy so many times for us at our academy in Pamplona, Spain. Students love it, so thanks.

LOveeeee it!! Regards from Peru!!

  • Pingback: CPE | Pearltrees

Thank you so much for sharing these exceptional resources with other fellow teachers. I’ll share your website with my CPE students.

Thank you! And thanks for the share!

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Thank you! Useful tips!!

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Discursive Essay: role of leaders and leadership for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

  • Post author: Martina
  • Post published: May 4, 2019
  • Post category: #625Lab / Discursive essay / English

Write a discursive essay where you consider the role of leaders and leadership. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 89/100 with feedback on how to improve below. You…

Discursive essay on positive and negative aspects of different types of advertising for Leaving Cert English #625Lab

  • Post published: November 29, 2018

Write a discursive essay in which you explore the positive and negative aspects of different types of advertising. #625Lab Feedback: this is a decent attempt at a discursive essay. This sort…


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  2. How to Write a Discursive Essay

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  3. Essential Tips on How to Write a Discursive Essay

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  4. How To Write A Good Discursive Essay?

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  5. Discursive Essay [Topics, Examples, Ideas]

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  6. How To Write Discursive Essay? Structure, Types & Examples

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  1. Discursive essay

  2. CPE (C2 Proficiency) Essay Marking & Correction

  3. Syllabus 3247 Paper I Discursive Essay

  4. How to Write a Discursive Essay || Psychology || Essay Writing Tips

  5. Discursive essays/ types of discursive essays/ Steps how to write discursive essay

  6. Discursive Essay Thoughts


  1. How to write an essay?

    How to write an essay? | C2 Proficient (CPE) Structure, 5 Step Writing Guide (explained), Sample Answers, Writing Topics/Questions, Marks Sheme, Useful Phrases & Expressions, Introduction, Conclusion, An essay is the first part of the writing and it is obligatory. The question always has a discursive focus. Discursive writing is a style used in academic writing and it requires the high level ...

  2. Essay

    Example exam task: Write an essay summarising and evaluating the four key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible, and include your own ideas in your answers. Tackling Traffic Congestion. Policy-makers employ a wide range of measures to tackle the problem of traffic congestion.

  3. PDF C2 Proficency Assessing writing for Cambridge English Qualifications: A

    To prepare for the C2 Proficiency exam, learners should: • Read widely to familiarise themselves with the conventions and styles of different . types of writing (articles, reports, essays, reviews, etc.). • Read plenty of authentic texts (that is, not designed specifically for learners but . written for readers of English worldwide).

  4. Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE): How to Write an Essay

    What a typical essay task looks like. First of all, let's check out at a typical task and you will see very quickly what you need to look out for when analysing it. Source: Cambridge English Assessment C2 Proficiency Handbook for teachers. In every essay task, you have to read two short texts (about 100 words each) just like the ones above.

  5. 15 Example Essay Topics (PDF)

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  6. PDF Advanced Self-Access Learning Writing

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  7. Guide to the Cambridge C2 Proficiency Writing Exam

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  8. PDF How to teach the compulsory essay

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  9. PDF Teaching the compulsory essay in the revised Cambridge English

    Performance below Band 1. C2 Band. Language. 5. Uses a wide range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, with fluency, precision, sophistication, and style. Use of grammar is sophisticated, fully controlled and completely natural. Any inaccuracies occur only as slips.

  10. The CPE Writing, Essay (C1 / C2 Exam Writing), Cambridge Exams

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  11. Proficiency Essay Writing

    In the Proficiency essay question you are asked to summarise the key points in two given texts and to evaluate them with your own supporting opinions. Each of these texts is approximately 100 words each. Read the two texts below. Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as ...

  12. CPE sample writings: HOW TO WRITE AN ESSAY

    In a Discursive Essay you introduce the topic in the first. paragraph. Then present arguments for in the second. paragraph, arguments against in the third and a conclusion in. the forth. In an Opinion Essay you give you opinion in the first. paragraph and in the paragraphs that follow you support that. opinion with ideas and examples.

  13. Planning a Discursive Essay

    A discursive essay is a form of critical essay that attempts to provide the reader with a balanced argument on a topic, supported by evidence. It requires critical thinking, as well as sound and valid arguments (see Chapter 25) that acknowledge and analyse arguments both for and against any given topic, plus discursive essay writing appeals to ...

  14. C2 Proficiency exam format

    C2 Proficiency is made up of four papers developed to test your English skills. You can see exactly what is in each paper below. The formats below are the same for both the paper-based and computer-based exams and digital exams. Please note, during March 2024 we will be moving from our current computer-based exam delivery to Cambridge English ...

  15. See this sample Essay from the Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE

    Write the essay. (around 240 - 280 words) Makeover: Zamira. Read Zamira's answer to this question below. Try correcting the piece of writing yourself first: use the marking codes to think about what might be wrong (or what's good) about the piece of work. Then when you're ready, click the green buttons in the text for our feedback.

  16. CPE Essay

    Communicative Achievement: 2. Organisation: 2. Language: 2. Total: 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9/20. If you can't remember what these scores mean, you can check out this video at the bottom of the page where I go into more detail (for a different essay). If this student got 9/20 for their part 2 writing in the exam, they would have 18/40 for the C2 ...

  17. Part 2

    Write the article for the readers of the magazine. (around 280 - 320 words) 0. / 280 - 320 words. Enhance your writing skills with C2 Proficient (CPE) Writing Part 2 practice. Elevate your academic writing to the next level.

  18. How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips to Succeed & Examples

    Start with an introduction to the topic. Discuss each essay question in a single paragraph. Begin each paragraph with a powerful issue sentence. Paragraphs with one point usually followed by a counterpoint paragraph. Its style is general for essays as the reader should understand what you stand for.

  19. CPE Writing Part 1: Formal Essay

    Present the topic of discussion and ask questions the essay will answer. ... 2Ts in a Pod advanced advanced vocabulary B1 B2 B2+ barcelona C1 C2 CAE CAE writing part 2 Cambridge C1 Advanced Cambridge C2 Proficiency Cambridge exams Christmas collocations conversation conversation activities adults conversations topics for teenagers conversation ...

  20. PDF Proficiency Writing Part 1

    Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible, and include your own ideas in your answers. ... C2 Assessment Scale . CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: PROFICIENCY WRITING PART 1 5 Task 4 . Read through the question and decide how it is different from the previous answer.

  21. PDF Useful Phrases for C2 Essays

    believe that. say that. suggest that. are convinced that. point out that. emphasize that. contend that. go as far as to say that. argue for this.

  22. Discursive essay Archives

    Discursive Essay: role of leaders and leadership for Leaving Cert English #625Lab. Write a discursive essay where you consider the role of leaders and leadership. #625Lab. Corrected by an experienced examiner, graded as 89/100 with feedback on how to improve below. You….

  23. PDF C2 Proficiency: Writing Part 2

    Refer students to Student's worksheet Exercise 1. Ask students, in pairs, to complete the key facts about C2 Proficiency Writing, referring to the handbook if necessary. 3. Check the answers to Exercise 1 with the whole class. Ask if there are any other questions about Part 2. 4.

  24. ArtVI.C2.3.3 New Deal and Presumption Against Preemption

    Footnotes & #160; Jump to essay-1 See Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111, 125 (1942) (holding that Congress's Commerce Clause authority extends to intrastate activities that in the aggregate exert[ ] a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce); United States v. Darby, 312 U.S. 100, 119 & #8211;24 (1941) (upholding the Fair Labor Standards Act as a permissible exercise of the Commerce ...