महिलाएं घर से बुटीक का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें? Boutique Business plan in Hindi

Boutique Business Plan in Hindi – जैसा कि आप लोग जानते है कि आजकल लोग सबसे ज्यादा ध्यान अपने कपड़ों पर देते है और जगह और माहौल के हिसाब से लोग अपने कपड़ों का चयन करते है अगर कोई ऑफिस में काम करता है तो ऑफिस के हिसाब से कपडे पसंद करेगा और यदि कोई शादी विवाह या फिर किसी पार्टी सेलिब्रेशन में जाने की बात आये तो उसी हिसाब से सब लोग अपने कपडे खरीदते है तो आजकल अगर आपके दिमाग में बुटीक का बिजनेस शुरू करने का विचार आता है तो यह एक बहुत ही अच्छा बिजनेस हो सकता है।

अगर आप एक घरेलु महिला है और आपको कपड़ो के डिजाइन के बारे में अच्छी जानकारी है और आप कपड़ों में अच्छे डिजाइन बनाने का हुनर रखती है तो आप Boutique Business आसानी से शुरू कर सकती है और यह आपके लिए एक बहुत अच्छा पैसे कमाने का कारोबार हो सकता है क्योकि बुटीक की जरूरत तो हर जगह पड़ती है चाहे वो कोई गांव हो या फिर छोटा शहर हो आप अपना बुटीक घर से ही शुरू कर सकती है इसके लिए यह जरूरी नहीं है कि आप कहीं बाजार में जाकर किराये पर कोई दुकान खरीदे और ज्यादा भाग दौड़ करें आप अपने घर के किसी हिस्से में अपना बिजनेस शुरू कर सकती है।

तो आइये सबसे पहले हमारे लिए यह जान लेना जरूरी है कि बुटीक बिजनेस होता क्या है और इसके लिए किन किन चीजों की जरूरत होती है महिलाएं घर से बुटीक का काम शुरू करके कैसे पैसे कमा सकती हैं।

Table of Contents

बुटीक बिजनेस क्या है (What is Boutique Business)

यदि आप एक महिला हैं, तो आप अच्छे से इसके बारें में जानती होगी। क्योंकि आपको अच्छे से पता होगा कि ये बुटीक बिजनेस आपके लिए कितना फायदेमंद हो सकता है। यदि आपको नहीं पता कि बुटीक बिजनेस क्या है, तो हम बता देते हैं। आपने मार्केट में रेडिमेड कपड़ो की दूकाने तो देखी ही होगी, जहां तरह-तरह की सुंदर-सुंदर ड्रेसेज मिलती है।

फैशन बुटीक यह एक ऐसा स्टोर होता है जहां पर आपको कपड़े, एक्सेसरीज,ज्वेलरी, हैंडबैग और दुसरी फैशन की वस्तु प्रीमियम दाम मे मिलती हैं क्योंकि बुटीक में क्वालिटी बहुत अच्छी मिलती है इसलिए दाम भी थोड़े ज़्यादा होते हैं, दूसरे शब्दों में कहें तों बुटीक वह जगह है जहां पर आप अपने मन पसंद ड्रेस बनवा सकते हैं।

ठीक ऐसे ही अगर आप अपनी स्कील से यानि अपनी कारीगरी से एक अच्छी सुंदर ड्रेस डिजाइन करके, तरह-तरह का वर्क करके उसकी सुंदरता बढ़ाके अपने घर या मार्केट के एक छोटे से कोने में दूकान के माध्यम से बेचें, तो ये बन जाता है आपका एक बुटीक बिजनेस । अब आप इससे अच्छी तरह वाकिफ हो गए होंगे कि बुटीक किसे कहा जाता है। जिसे आप अपने घर पर ही शुरू कर सकते है।

यदि कोई महिला या पुरुष इस तरह के बिजनेस को बेहद कम खर्च कर या छोटे स्तर पर शुरू कर सकते हैं। शुरुआती दौर में किसी भी व्यक्ति को कर्मचारी के तौर पर रखने की आवश्यकता भी नहीं हैं।

किस तरह का बुटीक सेट करना है

सबसे पहले आपको यह चयन करना होगा कि आप किस तरह का बुटीक सेट करना चाहते हैं l इसके लिए हम आपको 3 तरह के बुटीक का सुझाव देते हैं l

  • जिसमें आप खुद ही सिलाई-कटाई करेगें
  • जिसमें आप कटिंग खुद करेगें मगर सिलाई के लिए एक टैलर रखेगें
  • जिसमें कटिंग और सिलाई के लिए टैलर रखेगें और ग्राहकों से आप डील करेगें

फिर आपको चयन करना होगा कि कपड़े के आधार पर 

1. ग्राहक खुद कपड़ा लाकर देगा, इससे आपको ये फायदा होगा कि आपको फैब्रिक की क्वालिटी की ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं रहेगी तथा बाजार के चक्कर लगाने से बच जाएगें

2. वह बुटीक जहां आपने फैब्रिक भी रखा है जो कि ग्राहक को पसंद करा कर ड्रेस बनाई जा सके इसमे आपको कपड़े की क्वालिटी का रिस्क रहेगा मगर आप ज्यादा फायदा प्राप्त कर सकते हैं 

3. आप ऐसा बुटीक भी सेट कर सकते जहां आप फैब्रिक भी रख सकते हैं और ग्राहक अपनी पसंद का फैब्रिक लाकर ड्रेस डिजाइन भी करा सकते हैं 

यह भी पढ़े : लेडीज ब्यूटी पार्लर का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें?

घर से बुटीक का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें? How to start your own Fashion Boutique shop Business in Hindi

 How to start your own Fashion Boutique shop Business in Hindi

आज के वक्त में देखें तो शायद ही कोई हाउस वाइफ नहीं चाहती होगी कि वो कोई बिजनेस ना करें, बल्कि आज के वक्त में ज्यादातर हाउस वाइफ ऐसे फैशन बुटीक बिजनेस में रूचि रखती है। इसके अलावा महिला ही नहीं बल्कि पुरूष तक इस काम को कर सकते हैं और कर भी रहे हैं। इस बुटीक बिजनेस को शुरू करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले कपड़े सिलने और इसे डिजाइन करना आना चाहिए।

टेंशन ना लें अगर आपको कपड़ों के डिजाइन के बारे में ज्यादा ज्ञान नहीं भी है तो भी आप इसे कर सकते हैं और इसके लिए आपको कोई कोर्स करने की जरूरत नहीं है। क्योंकि ये सिर्फ स्किल पर आधारित है। अगर आपके किसी दोस्त को फैशन डिजाइनिंग के बारें में ज्ञान है और आप अगर सिलाई के बारे में जानते हैं तो ये आप अपने उस दोस्त के साथ मिलकर बेहद आसानी से कर सकते हैं। इससे आपकी मेहनत और दोस्त का ज्ञान एक साथ इस्तेमाल होगा  

1. बुटीक बिजनेस शुरू करने से पहले एक अच्छा बिजनेस प्लान बनाए

आपको बता दें कि किसी भी तरह का बिजनेस शुरू करने के लिए एक लिखित बिजनेस प्लान बनाया जाता है। जो कि काफी जरूरी होता है और ये एक महत्वपूर्ण डॉक्यूमेंट होता है। ये बिजनेस प्लान आपके पूरे बिजनेस का एक तरह से नक्शा होता है कि कैसे आप क्या करने वाले हैं।इसके अलावा इसे आप अपने बिजनेस का गाइड भी कह सकते हैं। गौरतलब है कि ये बिजनेस प्लान आपको फंडिंग दिलाने लोन दिलाने में, पार्टनरशिप में भी काफी मदद करता है।

बिजनेस प्लान बनाने के बाद जो जरूरी कदम आपको लेने चाहिए वो नीचे लिखे गए हैं।

  • बुटीक बिजनेस शुरू करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले अच्छा चलने वाला मार्केट देखकर वहां अपनी एक दूकान रेंट पे ले सकते हो या आप इसे अपने घर से भी शुरू कर सकते हो। एक ऐसी जगह का चयन करना जो काफी ज्यादा आसानी से पहुंचने लायक हो और लोग वहां पर जा सके।
  • जो जगह आपने चुनी है वो किसी अच्छी जगह पर होनी चाहिए जिसके बारे में लोगों को ढूंढ़ना ना पड़े।
  • जिस दुकान पर आप अपने पैसे और अपना वक्त लगाने जा रहे हैं उसका इंटीरियर और एक्सटेरियर काफी ज्यादा आकर्षित होना चाहिए और पहली नजर में ही ग्राहकों को अपनी ओर खींच लें।
  • अच्छी क्वालिटी का सामान इस्तेमाल करें
  • अपने सामान का मुल्य सही से निर्धारित करें और ग्राहकों को अपनी ओर खींचने वाला दाम रखें
  • ग्राहकों की डिमांड पर खास ध्यान दें।

2. बुटीक बिजनेस शुरू करने से पहले मार्केट रिसर्च करें

बुटीक के काम को शुरू करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको मार्केट रिसर्च करनी चाहिए और पता लगाना होता है कि नया ट्रेंड क्या चल रहा है और लोगों को किस तरह के कपड़ों में इंटरेस्ट आ रहा है। इसके अलावा आपको साथ ही ये भी रिसर्च करना होगा कि जनता कि इस पसंद को कैसे पूरा किया जाए और आपके टक्कर में कौन कौन है।

a . सबसे पहले आप जिस जगह बुटीक सेट करना चाह रहे हैं उस एरिया के बुटीक को विजिट करें और उनकी डिजाइनिंग की विशेषता का पता करें, इसके साथ ही अपने कंपटीशन के कपड़ों का क्या दाम है और उसकी गुणवत्ता क्या है ये भी आपको देखना होगा जिसके हिसाब से आप अपने बूटीक की यूएसपी बना पाएंगे। और साथ ही हम इस बात का पता लगा सकते हैं कि उस एरिया में किस प्रकार के बुटीक की कमी है और आपको किस विशेषता के साथ बुटीक शुरू करना चाहिए जैसे कि वहां सारे बुटीक सूट, गाउन डिजाइन करते हैं और वहाँ अच्छी साड़ी blouse डिजाइन करने वाला बुटीक नहीं है तो आप वहाँ उस कमी को पूरा कर सकते हैं बुटीक शुरू करने के लिए आपको हर चीज की प्लानिंग करनी होगी और काफी सावधानी भी बरतनी होगी।

b . उन दुकानों का पता लगाना जहां पर से आप थोक मूल्य पर या कम मूल्य पर सामग्री ले सकते हैं।

c . तीसरा रिसर्च आपको इसका करना है कि वह अपने कारीगरों को क्या मजदूरी दे रहे हैं और ग्राहकों से क्या चार्ज ले रहे हैं पर अगर वो कम चार्ज ले रहे हैं और क्वालिटी नहीं दे रहे हैं तो आप ज़्यादा चार्ज भी रख सकते हैं  मगर इसके लिए आपको ग्राहक को समझाने होगा कि आपके चार्ज ज़्यादा क्युं हैं।

d . कौनसा फैब्रिक चलन मे है इसके लिए भी बाजार जाकर रिसर्च करनी होगी।

3. बुटीक में उपयोग होने वाली आवश्यक वस्तुएँ

इसके बाद आपको अपने बुटीक के लिए कुछ मशीनरीज खरीदनी होगी जैसे कपड़े सिलने के लिए मशीन, कढ़ाई करने की मशीन, इस्त्री आदि सिलाई करने के जो भी सामान्य साधन कैंची, इंची टेप आदि होते हैं, वो आपको खरीदने होंगे। मशीनरीज आदि की व्यवस्था होने के बाद आप दुकान में फर्नीचर का काम करवा दें ताकि आप अपने कपड़ो आदि को व्यवस्थित तरीके से रख सकें और ग्राहक आपके काम की ओर आकर्षित हो सके। कुछ फर्नीचर आपके ग्राहकों के बैठने के लिए और कुछ आपके काम के लिए आपको खरीदने होंगे।

इसके बाद आपको ड्रेसेज बनाने के लिए अच्छी क्वालिटी के कपड़े खरीदने होंगे। अगर आप शादी में पहनने के लिए कपड़े डिजाइन करते हैं, तो आप उसी हिसाब से कपड़ा खरीदें। ध्यान रहे शुरूआत में कपड़ा कम बजट में ही खरीदें, उसके बाद आप जरूरत के हिसाब से लाते रहें। आप जो भी फेशन के कपड़े तैयार करें उन सभी के केटलाॅग्स बनवा लें।

4. बुटीक बिजनेस के लिए वर्कर्स की आवश्यक्ता

सभी संसाधनों की व्यवस्था हो जाने के बाद आपको वर्कर्स की जरूरत होगी। लेकिन यहां आपको हम यही सलाह देंगे कि हो सके तो शुरूआत में आप अपने परिवार के सदस्यों की मदद ले या फिर दोनों जने मिलकर इस काम को अच्छी तरह से करें। इसके बाद अगर आपका व्यवसाय अच्छा चलता है, तो आप जरूरत के हिसाब से अपने वर्कर्स और संसाधनों में वृद्धि कर सकते हैं।

5. ऑर्डर का दिन निर्धारित करें

ऑर्डर देने का दिन निर्धारित करें , जब आपको ऑर्डर मिलता है और आपको लगता है कि आप यह ऑर्डर 2 दिनों में पूरा कर लेंगे तो ग्राहक को 3 दिन का समय दें ताकि अगर कोई कमी रह जाए तो उसे उस एक दिन में पूरा करले l

6. प्राइस में पारदर्शिता

प्राइस में पारदर्शिता बरतने की जरूरत है कुछ भी हिडन चार्ज ना रखें मतलब यह की जितना भी खर्चा उस ड्रेस पर होगा आप उसका सही अनुमान लगा कर ही पहले बता दें ऐसा ना करें बाद में अगर ज़्यादा खर्चा आया हो तो पैसे बढ़ा कर बता दिया इससे ग्राहक का बजट बिगड़ेगा और आप पर भरोसा नहीं करेगा।

यह भी पढ़े : महिलाएं घर बैठे पैकिंग का काम कैसे करें?

बुटीक बिजनेस के लिए कितना इंवेस्टमेंट चाहिए (Boutique Business Investment)

फैशन बुटीक का बिजनेस शुरू करने के लिए ज्यादा इंवेस्टमेंट की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती। यदि आप दूकान रेंट पर लेते हैं तो ये आपके हर माह चार से पांच हजार का खर्चा होगा। हो सकता है कि आपको दूकान सस्ते रेंट पर भी मिल जाए और यदि आप घर से शुरू करते हैं, तो रेंट का खर्चा बच ही जाएगा।

1 . अपने बुटीक के लिए  सिलाई मशीन, कढाई मशीन अच्छी से अच्छी खरीदने में 35 से 40 हजार रुपये तक आपके खर्च होंगे।

2 . इसके बाद एक इस्त्री,कैंची,इंचटेप धागा, सुई आदि सामान का खर्चा चार से पांच हजार तक हो जाएगा।

3 . आपको अपने बुटीक में फर्नीचर का काम कराना होगा जिसमें कम से कम अगर आप एक बार 10 से 20 हजार खर्च करके भी करवाते हो, तो भी आपका काम चल जाएगा।

4 . कपड़े सिलने के लिए आपको कपड़ा खरीदना होगा। इसके लिए हम आपको यही सलाह देंगे कि आप ये कपड़ा ऐसी जगह से खरीदें जहां पर कपड़े सस्ती रेट में मिलते हों।

5 . इसके बाद आपको कुंदन,सितारे,मोती और कई तरह के सजावटी चीजें भी खरीदनी होगी। कपड़ो और इन चीजों में आप शुरूआत में  20 से 25 हजार रुपये तक इंवेस्ट कर दें। ये सभी मिलाकर आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा 1 लाख 50 हजार या 2 लाख तक के इंवेस्टमेंट में छोटे स्तर से अपना एक बुटीक का लघु व्यवसाय शुरू कर सकते हो।

बुटीक बिजनेस से कितना पैसा कमा सकते है (Boutique Business Profit Margin)

अगर आपने शुरू से ही अच्छा काम करना शुरू किया है और आपके ग्राहक बार बार आपके पास आर्डर के लिए आ रहे है तो इसका मतलब है कि आपका काम लोगो को पसंद आ रहा है तो आप बिजनेस को थोड़ा और बढ़ाने की कोशिस करे और काम पर ज्यादा ध्यान देना शुरू करे सीधी सी बात है जब आपका बिजनेस अच्छा चलेगा तो आपको मुनाफा भी उतना अच्छा ही होगा । आप शुरू में 15 से 20 हजार महीने के आराम से कमा सकते है।

आप अपनी कारीगरी से पचास रुपये का सामान लगाकर उसपे 200 से 300 रुपये कमा सकते हो। मान लीजिए आपने एक दिन में एक ड्रेस बनाई, जिसमें आपका खर्चा 1500 रुपये लगा है। लेकिन यदि आपकी कारीगरी आकर्षित करने वाली है, तो आप उसे 3 से चार हजार रुपये तक बेच सकते हो। यही नहीं यदि आप उसे ओनलाइन बेचते हैं, तो हो सकता है कोई आपको उसकी मुंह मांगी रकम भी दे दे। कहने का मतलब है कि हो सकता है शुरूआत में आप 15 से बीस हजार ही कमा पाएं। लेकिन ये जब चल जाएगा तब आप 40 से पचास हजार रुपये हर माह कमा सकते हैं।

अपने बुटीक बिजनेस को आगे कैसे बढ़ाएं?

सबसे पहले तो अपने बुटीक बिजनेस को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए अपना एक ब्रांड बनाएं और लोगों का भरोसा जीतें। क्योंकि ब्रांडिंग एक अहम रोल निभाता है। शुरुआत के दिनों में आप को सबसे ज्यादा ध्यान ग्राहक बनाने पर देना होगा और अपने ग्राहकों की रूचि को समझना होगा कि उनको किस तरह के कपडे अच्छे लगते है और कितने महंगे कपडे खरीद सकते है और कोनसे डिज़ाइन उनको ज्यादा पसंद आते है।

इसके बाद आप अपने बुटीक को ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन ब्रांडिंग बनाये और ऑफलाइन के लिए आपको अपनी दुकान के बारे में पोस्टर,कार्ड बगेरा बनवाने होंगे और लोगो को बाँटने होंगे वही ऑनलाइन में आप अपनी एक वेबसाइट बनाकर अपने डिज़ाइन और कपड़ो को लोगो तक पंहुचा सकते है।

इसके अलावा जो फैशन मैगजीन होती है उनमें भी अपनी ऐड दे सकते हैं और वेबसाइट पर लोगों से फीडबैक भी ले सकते हैं। इसके अलावा आजकल सोशल मीडिया का जमाना है तो अपने ग्राहकों से उसी के जरिये जुड़िये। जिस भी सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म का आप उपयोग करने का निर्णय करते हैं उस पर अच्छे से काम करें।

यह भी पढ़े : घर बैठे सिलाई का काम कैसे करें?

ऑनलाइन बुटीक एक बेहतर विकल्प

ऑनलाइन बुटीक में आप अपने डिजाइन करें हुए ड्रेस ऑनलाइन बेच सकतें हैं आप ऑनलाइन में दो तरह से मार्केटिंग कर सकतें हैं एक तो बड़े स्तर पर जैसे कि ऑनलाइन बिजनेस साइट myntra, Amazon, flipkart,meesho आदि पर बेच सकतें हैं।

इसके लिए आपको ज़्यादा लागत की जरूरत होगी क्योंकि इसमे स्टॉक आप के पास अधिक होना चाहिए, दूसरा छोटे स्तर पर आप अपनी प्रोफाइल सोशल साइट्स जैसे instagram,facebook आदि पर बना कर अपने डिजाइन की फोटो अपलोड कर के ऑर्डर ले सकते हैं जिस भी सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म का आप उपयोग करने का निर्णय करते हैं उस पर अच्छे से काम करें।

बुटीक शुरू करने के लिए लोन

बहुत से बैंक और फाइनेंशियल कंपनियां महिलाओं को अपना कारोबार शुरू करने के लिए लोन देती हैं जिसका ब्याज़ दर लगभग 7.5 के आसपास का होता है। जो कि एक करोड़ तक का होता है और जिसे लौटाने की समय सीमा 5 वर्ष की होती है।

  • सेंट कल्याणी योजना के तहत आप बुटीक शुरू करने के लिए लोन ले सकती है इसमें दस लाख तक का लोन मिलता है जिसमे बीस प्रतिशत का मार्जिन होता है
  • महिला उद्यम निधि स्कीम इसमें भी 10 लाख तक का लोन मिलता है जिसके लिटाने का समय 5 वर्ष होता है
  • प्रधान मंत्री मुद्रा योजना इसमें 3 प्रकार का लोन मिलता है जो कि पांच लाख से पचास लाख तक का मिलता हैं
  • बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा शक्ति स्कीम इसमें आपको बीस लाख तक का लोन मिलता हैं

जरूरी दस्तावेज़

केवाईसी फार्म, पैन कार्ड, फाइनेंशियल रिपोर्ट, 6 माह का बैंक स्टेटमेंट, पासपोर्ट साइज़ फोटो।

बुटीक बिजनेस के लिए फैशन डिजाइन में कोर्स भी कर सकती है

फैशन डिजाइन में आपको डिजाइनिंग, कटिंग, स्टिचिंग, कड़ाई, बुनाई, स्केचिंग, मॉडलिंग, आदि की जानकारी सिखाई जाती है साथ ही साथ आपको टेक्सटाइल डिसाइजिन, फैशन मर्चेंडाइज, फैशन स्टाइलिस्ट, फैब्रिक कोऑर्डिनेट, फैशन एंड लाइफ स्टाइल जर्नलिस्ट का भी पढ़ाया जाता है। इसके लिए तीन कोर्स उपलब्ध हैं।

1. फैशन डिजाइनिंग में स्नातक – ये तीन वर्षीय कोर्स होता है इसके लिए योग्यता किसी भी विषय में 12th पास होना जरूरी है।

2. फैशन डिजाइनिंग में डिप्लोमा को र्स – यह दो वर्षीय कोर्स होता है 4 सेमेस्टर होते हैं।इसके लिए योग्यता दसवी पास होना जरूरी है।

3. फैशन डिजाइनिंग में सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स – यह एक वर्षीय कोर्स होता है जिसमे दो सेमेस्टर होते हैं तथा इसके लिए भी दसवी पास ज़रूरी है अगर किसी को कम समय में डिजाइनिन की बारीकियां सीखनी है तो वह यह कोर्स कर सकता है।

4. ट्रेलरिंग से जुड़े फ्री कोर्स – इसके अलावा सरकार द्वारा प्रधान मंत्री स्किल्स इंडिया के अंतर्गत फ्री ट्रेलरिंग कोर्स भी चलाए जा रहें हैं जिसके लिए 10th पास होना अवश्यक है यह कोर्स 100% फ्री होता है और इसके बाद आपको सर्टिफिकेट दिया जाता है जिस पर आप लोन ले सकते हैं और कोर्स करने के दौरान आपको scholarship भी दी जाती है USHA मशीन कंपनी द्वारा भी फ्री क्लासेस दी जाती हैं जिसकी जानकारी आप USHA की वेबसाइट पर से ले सकते हैं।

फैशन डिजाइन करवाने वाले इंस्टीट्यूट

  • National Institute of Fashion Technology
  • INIFD Bhopal
  • Graffiti Institute of Fashion Technology (College) Indore
  • Milind Yuvak Mandal, fashion Design, Maharashtra
  • WIDEA School Of Design Maharashtra

बुटीक बिजनेस के लिए किन बातों को ध्यान में रखना चाहिए

बुटीक का बिजनेस शुरू करने के लिए आपको कुछ बातों को ध्यान में रखना बहुत जरुरी है जो इस प्रकार है –

1. सबसे पहले आपके पास कपड़ों के डिज़ाइन के बारे में जानकारी होना बहुत जरुरी है उसके लिए आपको सोशल मीडिया पर और अच्छे ब्रांड्स को फॉलो करना पड़ेगा।

2. आपके पास कपड़ों के डिजाइन बनाने के लिए सिलाई मशीन होनी चाहिए और सिलाई मशीन से कपडे कैसे सिलते है उसकी जानकारी होना बहुत जरुरी है । इसके लिए आप टेलरिंग का कोर्स भी कर सकते है।

3. इसके बाद आप अपने जैसे दूसरे बुटीक को फॉलो करे कि उन्होंने किस तरह के डिज़ाइन बनाये है और उनका कितना कीमत रखा है और उससे बेहतर बनाने की कोशिश करें।

4. आप अपना बिजनेस शुरू करने से पहले इसके बारे में एक अच्छा प्लान तैयार करे और उसे ही फॉलो करें।

5. बुटीक के लिए एक ऐसी जगह का चुनाव करे जहाँ पर लोगो को पहुंचने में आसानी हो | और अपने बुटीक का एक अच्छा सा नाम प्लान करे और उसके पोस्टर बनवाकर भी लगवा सकते है।

6. क्योंकि लोग आजकल सोशल मीडिया पर ज्यादा एक्टिव रहते है तो आप अपने बुटीक के लिए एक ऑनलाइन पेज भी बना सकते है और उसको ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगो तक शेयर करें।

7. आप कपड़े डिजाइन के लिए अच्छी क्वालिटी का सामान ही इस्तेमाल करे और कपड़ो ट्रेंडिंग डिज़ाइन पर खासकर ध्यान रखे।

FAQ – Boutique Business Plan Hindi (2023)

Q1. बुटीक का काम क्या होता है?

Ans. बुटीक का काम एक ऐसे स्थान से लगाया जाता है, जहाँ फैशनेबल कपड़े एवं फैशन सम्बन्धी अन्य सामग्री मिलती हैं। जब किसी नारी द्वारा फैशनेबल कपड़े या फॅशनबल सामग्री बचने के लिए दुकान खोली जाती हैं तो उसको बुटीक व्यापार कहा जाता हैं।

Q2. खुद का बुटीक कैसे शुरू करें?

Ans. बुटीक व्यापार को शुरू करने से पहले इस बात का निर्णय लेना होगा की वह इस तरह के व्यवसाय को किस स्तर से शुरू करना चाहते है। अगर व्यापार करने वाले चाहे तो खुद के डिज़ाइन बना कर अपने कपड़ों को बेच कर यह व्यापार शुरू कर सकते हैं। या फिर उस एरिया किसी अच्छे सप्लायर से नए फैशन वाले कपड़े खरीद कर उन्हें बेच कर अच्छी कमाई कर सकते हैं। यह किसी ब्रांड की फ्रैंचाइज़ी लेकर भी इस व्यापार को किया जा सकता हैं।

Q3. भारत में बुटीक शुरू करने में कितना खर्च आता है?

Ans. भारत में खुद का बुटीक शुरू करने में खर्च की बात करें तो 2 लाख से 5 लाख तक का खर्च हो सकता है।

Q4. बुटीक की बिक्री कैसे बढ़ाएं?

Ans. अपनी बुटीक की बिक्री बढ़ने के लिए साफ – सफाई का रखे ध्यान, बुटीक में रौशनी का अच्छा इंतजाम रखें, समय – समय पर ग्राहक को ऑफर देते रहे, गूगल सर्च में अपने बुटीक को दर्ज करें, ग्राहकों का स्वागत मुस्कान के साथ करें।

उम्मीद करते है आपको हमारे द्वारा दी गयी महिलाएं घर से बुटीक का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें (Boutique Business Plan Hindi) जानकारी हिंदी में पसंद आयी होगी और यदि आप भी बुटीक का बिज़नेस शुरू करना चाहते है तो आपके लिए बहुत मदद मिली होगी | कृपया आप हमारे इस ब्लॉग को अपने दोस्तों और परिवार जानो के साथ शेयर कर सकते है | 

अन्य पढ़े :

  • घर बैठे घरेलू महिलाओं के लिए बिजनेस आइडियाज
  • लेडीज कपड़े का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें?
  • घर बैठे ऑनलाइन बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें?

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Boutique business plan in hindi.

boutique_business _plan

India mein fashion industry bahut fast rate par grow kar rahi hai. Pichle 10 saalo mein Indian fashion industry ek bahut hi unche starr par pahunch chuki hai jisase mahilaon ko kayi fashion designing courses aur small scale  businesses jaise boutiqe etc. shuru karne ki opportunities mili hain. Aaj hum fashion ke business mein  boutique business plan se judi baat kareinge. Aaj hum aapko  boutique ka business shuru karne se lekar uske profit ke bare mein detail mein btayenge. Aaj hum har us pehlu par baat karenge  jo aapko boutique business karne ki shuruwat se anth tak ki saari jaankari dega.

Boutique ka kaam kaise shuru karein se judi puri jaankari yahan jaaniye-

Boutique business kya hota hai, boutique business ke liye qualification, boutique business kahan shuru kar sakte hain, registration, licenses aur documents.

Laagat aur Boutique ke liye Jaruri Cheezein

Boutique business mein munafa

Boutique ke liye kapde kahan se laaye/Supplier

Marketing kaise karein

Boutique business ko kaise badhayein, boutique business ke liye tips, boutique business se jude kuch sawaal.

Boutique business plan ki agar hum baat karein toh yeh ek aisa busniess hai jahan fashionable kapde aur fashion se related anya cheeze milti hain. Ek aisi dukaan jahan fashionable kapde aur fashion se judi anya cheeze bechi jaati hain, usse boutique kaha jaata hai. Aajkal sabhi ko achhe aur fashionable kapde pehanane ka shauk hai, isliye aaj ke zamaane mein boutique business kholna profitable ho sakta hai. Agar aap apne skill/kaarigari se fashionable kapde design karke, apne ghar, online ya market ke ek chote se kone me dukaan ke maadhyam se bechte hain toh usse boutique kehte hain. Aap kayi prakar ke boutique khol sakte hain jaise-

  • Ladies Boutique
  • Men’s Clothing Boutique
  • Kids Boutique

Boutique business shuru karne ke liye minimum qualification 10+2 honi chahiye aur saath mein aapke pas fashion designing courses ya boutique management ke courses mein certificate, degree ya diploma hona chahiye. Ye courses alag alag tarah ke hote hain jinke bare mein humne puri detail mein neeche bataya hai:

1) Design in Boutique Apparel & Accessory

Iss course ko karne ke liye minimum qualification 10+2 hona chaiye. Is course mein aapko sikhaaya jayega:

  • From fiber to fabric
  • Pattern making
  • Fashion boutique management
  • Garment construction Fashion Illustrations
  • Design development
  • Extensive service ornamentation and embroidery
  • Costing and Sourcing

2) Diploma in Fashion Designing and Boutique Management

Is course ki duration 1 saal hai.  Yeh course un logon ke liye suitable hai jo fashion, textile aur accessories industries ka part banna chaahte hain. Yeh course aapke thought process aur skills ko enhance karne ke liye bnaaya gaya hai taaki aap apne brand ya boutique ko promote kar sakein. Is course mein aapko sikhaaya jayega –

  • Garment construction
  • Fashion merchandising
  • Computer aided designing
  • Ornamentation

Note : Aisa zaroori nahin hai ki ek boutique kholne ke liye sirf yahi 2 courses hain, aajkal aisi bhot si mahilaaye hain jihone anya fashion designing ke courses mein certificate, diploma ya degree paakar apne boutique kholein hain. India mein aise bhot se institues hain jo fashion designing ke courses provide karte hain. Toh ayiye ab hum detail mein jaante hain aise hi kuch top institutes ke baare mein –

National Institute of Fashion Technology NIFT India ke top 5 Fashion Designing, Management aur Technology ke institutes mein se ek hai. Inki branches Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Kangra, Kannaur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna, Raebareli, Shillong aur Srinagar mein hai. NIFT mein “Design in Boutique Apparel and Accessory” ka course, jo humne uper bataya hai, available hai. NIFT mein aur bhi bhot types ke fashion designing courses hain jis mein aap degree, diploma ya certificate praapt kar sakte hain. NIFT mein admission process, courses, duration, aur zyada jaankari ke liye aap inki official website se purri jaankari le sakte hain.

Pearl Academy Pearl academy India ke top 5 Beauty and Fashion Designing institutes mein se ek hai. Inki branches Delhi, Mumbai, Noida aur Jaipur mein hain. Pearl academy mein fashion designing ke courses undergraduate, post graduate aur professional certificate level par provide kiye jaate hain. Pearl Academy ka admission process, courses, duration aur zyada jaankari ke liye aap inki official website se puri jaankari le sakte hain.

Apeejay Institue of Design

Yeh Institute undergraduate aur post graduate degree aur diploma ke designing courses ke liye jaana jaata hai. Yahan provide kiye jaane wale kuch courses ke naam hain-

  • Fashion designing
  • Dress designing
  • Fashion designing and merchandising

Jyada jaankari ke liye aap inki official website par jaa sakte hain.

Note: In institutes mein training lena aur course karna aapke fashion designing aur boutique management career ke liye kaafi accha rahega, par agar aap in institutes se courses na bhi kar paye, toh bhi apne shahar ke kisi bhi achhe institute se course kar sakte hain. Jyada important ye hai ke aapko achha kaam aana chahiye aur fashion related har cheez ki knowledge honi chahiye.

Boutique business ek aisa business hai jisse aap 3 jagha shuru kar sakte hain jaise-

  • Apne ghar se boutique business shuru karein
  • Stand Alone boutique kholein
  • Online boutique business shuru karein

1. Apne ghar se boutique business kaise shuru karein

Aap apne budget ke hisaab se kisi bhi prakaar ka boutique khol sakte hain fir chaahe wo bazar ki kisi dukaan mein ho ya apne ghar par. Apne ghar par boutique kholne ke liye iss baat ka dhyaan rakhein ki boutique wale kamre ka kam se kam ek hissa sadak ki or khula ho. Issase logon ka dhyan boutique mein rakhe kapdo ki taraf jayega jissase ho sakta hai ki log aapke boutique mein kapde khareedne aaye. Ghar par boutique ka business kam laagat mein bhi shuru kiya jaa sakta hai. Iske liye apki Rs 40,000-50,000 ki laagat lagegi. Shuru mein aap ek machine, ek kaarigar aur kuch kachhe maal jaise dhaage, button,lace, borders etc. khareed kar boutique shuru kar sakte hain. Jaise jaise kaam badta jayega aap karigar aur materials badate jayein.

2. Online boutique kaise kholein

Online boutique business ek aisa boutique hota hai jisme aap apne boutique ke kapdo ke designs internet ke dwaara apni khud ki website par ya kisi E-Commerce website par daalte hain. Online boutique business shuru karne ke liye aapko iss baat ka dhyaan rakhna chahiye ki market mein current fashion ke trends kya hain, aapke competitors kaun honge aur kaunsa E-Commerce platform aapke liye best rahega. Online boutique kholne ke liye in steps ko follow karein –

a) Apne boutique ke liye ek aakarshit naam sochle. Yeh naam aisa ho ke log aapke online boutique par visit karein. b) Nam sochne ke baad agla step hai apne boutique ki website develop karna aur uske liye aapko jarurat padegi domain aur hostage space ki. c) Agla step hai website design karna. Apki website impressive aur user friendly honi chaiye taki zyada customers aapke online boutique ko visit karein. d) Agla step hai apne boutique ki branding karwana jismein aap yeh btayenge ki aap kis prakar ke kapdo mein deal kar rahe hain jaise ladies boutique ke kapde, kids boutique ke kapde etc. e) Apne best products ko highlight kijiye aur unki clear images unki correct details ke saath apne online portal par upload kijiye. f) Apne online boutique ke liye proper delivery service ka channel decide kare.

Niche humne kuch online boutiques ke websites ki design dikha rakhi hain. Aap bhi agar apna online boutique shuru karna chahte hain toh kuch aisi website ki design bana sakte hain –


3. Stand Alone Boutique kaise kholein

Stand Alone boutique vo boutique hota hai jiski ek location aur ek hi owner hota hai. Iss type ka boutique aap market mein ek dukaan rent par lekar ya khareed kar shuru kar sakte hain. Stand Alone boutique kholne ke liye licenses aur documents, laagat aur infrastructure ke baare mein humne aage bataaya hua hai.

NOTE- Boutique business plan banaane se pehle aap apne area aur locality ki achhe se research karlein. Area aur locality ke bare mein jankari nikalne par aapko ye samajh ajyega ke aisii kya chiz ya facility ya offer hai jo ki sirf aapka boutique provide kar sakta hai jo ki baki nahi kar pa rahe, jaise offers, jyada se jyada services, etc.

Boutique business plan banaate time aapko yeh pata hona chahiye ki aapko kaunse licenses aur documents ki jarurat padegi. Toh ayiye detail mein jaante hain inn Licenses aur Documents ke baare mein-

1) Registration aur License

Registration certificate.

Apna boutique shuru karne ke liye aapko  apne boutique ko “ Shops and Establishments Act” ke under register karwaana padega jisase ki Trade Law ke anusaar aapka boutique legal ho jayega. Apne boutique ki registration ke liye aapko kuch documents ki zaroorat padegi jaise:

  • Commercial Address Proof,
  • Identity Proof,
  • Fee payment Challan.

Trade License

Trade License ek aisa document hai jisase aapko apna business carry karne ki permission mil jaati hai. Boutique ke liye Trade License ki Application Citizen Service Bureau (CSB) aur Internet ke through file ki jaa sakti hai. Trade License ki application file karte time aapko kuch documents ki zaroorat padegi jaise:

  • Sanction plan ki copy/ completion certificate
  • Water connection aur sewer connection,
  • Indemnity Bond  Rs.100/- ,
  • Affidavit Rs.10/7,
  • Partnership deed ki copy agar aap partnership mein hain

Agar aap Trade License ke application ke process ke baare mein aur jaankari lena chaahte hain toh iss link par click kijiye

Online terms and Privacy policy (For Online Boutique only)

Online boutique shuru karne ke liye aapko online registration karwaana padta hai, yeh registration Trade ki term, site ki privacy policy aur boutique ke copyrights ke saath safety ka dhyaan rakhti hai.

2. Documents

Company bank account (for online boutique only).

Agar aap online boutique shuru karte hain toh aapko jis document ki sabse pehle jarurat padegi wo hai company ka bank account. Business se related sabhi transactions iss account ke dwaara ki jaayegi. Jo customers online payment dwaara aapke boutique se kapde khareedenge, wo is bank account mein paise jama karwayenge. Niche aap images mein payment se juda detail dekh sakte hain –

Company’s PAN Card(For Online Boutique only)

Online boutique business shuru karne ke liye sabse important document hai Registered PAN Card jo ki company ke naam ka bana hona chaiye. Iss legal document ke bina bhot si permits aur grants nahin mil sakti.

Boutique Ownership Papers

Jab bhi koi owner Trade License jaise important documents ke liye apply karta hai, tab usse agency ki ownership ke type ke baare mein bhi bataana padta hai jaise ki vo akela hi boutique ka maalik hai (Sole Proprietor) ya uski partnership firm hai ya Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Ye sab baate registration form mein bataani important hai.

Identity proof

Boutique ke owner ko apna Identity Proof bhi dena padta hai jaise ki apna Voter ID card, PAN card,Passport.

GST Registration Documents

India me Goods and Service Tax(GST) ke laaghu hone par naye aur puraane dono types ke organisations ke paas GST Registration documents hone important hai. Issase boutique ke owner ko tax bharne mein suvidha hogi. Jyada jaankari ke liye aap GST ki official website visit kar sakte hain jiska link  humne provide kar rakha hai.

Laagat aur boutique ke liye jaruri cheezein

Boutique business plan banaate time aapko dhyaan mein rakhna hoga ki aap kitna bada boutique kholna chaahte hain, uske liye laagat kitni lagegi aur boutique ke liye jaruri cheezein kya hoti hain.

Agar aapke boutique shop ke area ki baat kia jye toh, kam se kam 100-1000 Sq. ft. ka area kisi bhi boutique ko kholne ke liye jaruri hai. Is area ke barabar shop lene par uska price aapke area ke economic status pe depend karega. Jaise agar aap 500 sq. ft. ka boutique kholte hain aur agar aapka area kaafi mehenga hai toh aapko jyada rental charges lagenge aur agar sasta hai toh kam charges lagenge. Aap apne area mein parlour lene ke liye niche diye gaye sites se rates pata kar sakte hain –

  • Magic Bricks
  • 99Acres.com

Agar aap kisi mehenge area mein apna boutique khol rahe hain aur wo 500sq.ft ka boutique hai to aapka shop ka rent Rs.15,000-20,000 tak ke beech mein hoga.

Boutique ka interior kaise design karein

Boutique ke liye dukan ki sajawat aur interior bahut matter karta hai. Dukaan ke saamne ka bhaag sheeshe ke banwaaye taaki logon ko kapde bahar se dikhayi de. Grahko ke baithne ke liye sofa aur kusriyo ki vyavastha rakhein. Latest aur sundar dresses ke posters deewar par lagwaye. Apne boutique me trial room zaroor banwayein.

Boutique ki equipment list

Ek boutique ko kholne ke liye inhi machines ki jarurat padti hai. Humne apne blog mein machines ki quantity ek mid level boutique ke hisaab se bataayi hai, agar aap ek bada boutique kholna chaahte hain ya fir apne boutique ki chains kholna chaahte hain, toh aap machines ki quantity uss hisab se badha sakte hain.

Baaki kharcha

Kitna staff hire karein.

Boutique kholne se pehle aapko yeh decide karna padega ki aap kitne log/staff hire karna chaahte hain. Aap kitne log hire kar sakte hain ye aapke boutique ke size aur kaam par depend karta hai. Hum aapko ek mid level boutique ke hisaab se bataayenge ki aapko kitne log hire karne chaiye aur unhe per month kitni salary deni chahiye.

  • Waise toh Personal investment yani apne hi paison ko apne shop ke liye invest karna sabse best option hota hai. Agar aap personal investment nahi kar paa rahe toh aap apne dosto ya rishtedaaro se paise udhaar le sakte hain.

2. Aap bank se Business loan ke liye bhi apply kar sakte hain. Business loan sanction karwaane ke liye kuch chizon ki requirements hongi jaise-

  • Aapki age limit 21-65 years ki honi chahiye.
  • Aapko ek profit margin dikhani hogi jo bank ko trust provide karegi. Profit kam se kam 1,50,000 INR ka hona chaiye.
  • Ek proper Boutique business plan dikhana hoga jo ki loan provider ko aapke business ke bare mein puri jaankari de sake.

3. Sarkaar ne mahilaon ke liye bahut si Women Entrepreneurship Schemes nikaali hain jiske tahat wo apna business start karne ke liye loan le sakti hain. Inme se sabse important scheme hai-

Mudra Yojana Scheme

Yeh scheme un mahilaon ke liye hai jo small scale business jaise ki beauty parlour, boutique, etc shuru karna chahti hain. Iss scheme ke under Rs 50,000 se lekar 50 lakhs ka loan sanction kiya jaata hai. Iss schemes ke under 3 plans aate hain-

  • Shishu plan – Is plan ke under aapko naya business shuru karne ke liye Rs 50,000 tak ka loan mil sakta hai.
  • Kishor plan- Agar aapka ek well-established business hai toh aapko Rs 50,000 aur Rs 5 lakhs ke beech tak ka loan mil sakta hai.
  • Tarun plan- Is plan ke under aapko Rs 5 lakhs aur Rs 10 lakhs tak ke beech ka loan mil sakta hai.

Iske alaawa bhi bahut si schemes hain jiske dwaara aap loan le sakte hain. Zyada jaankari ke liye yahan click kijiye.

Ab aap yeh toh jaan chuke hain ki aap apne business ke liye loan le sakte hain lekin agar aap yeh janana chahte hain ki aap apne business ke liye loan kaise aur kahan se le toh uske liye aap humara blog padh sakte hain jiska link humne de rakha hai.

Aapki boutique shop ka rent, staff ki salary, machines aur equipments ka price aur baaki kharcha milaakar aapka total investment Rs. 1,58,600- 3,13,600 ke beech tak aayegi. Yahan par humne investment ka amount ek mid- level boutique ke according bataaya hai, Agar aap ek bada boutique kholne ka business plan bana rahein hain, toh aapka investment ka amount vary kar sakta hai.

Boutique business ko agar aajkal ke lifestyle aur fashion trends ke according dekha jaaye toh yeh ek aisa bsuiness hai jismein kabhi kami nahi aayegi. Isliye iss business ko establish karna aur profit kamaana zyaada mushkil nahi hai. Toh ayiye hum aapko bataate hain boutique business plan se jude munafe ke baare mein.

Aap boutique business mein kitna profit kaamaate hain yeh depend karta hai ki aapka  boutique konse area mein hai, aap kis tarah ke boutique items mein deal kar rahe hain, aapke rates baakiyo ke comparison mein kitne hai, market mein competition kitna hai etc.

Humne kaafi research karke pata kiya hai ke shurwat mein Rs 35,000-40,000 per month kaamai ki jaa sakti hai, jaise jaise boutique ka kaam badhega, kaamaai bhi badti jayegi. Boutique business ek aisa business hai jo shaadiyo ke season mein sabse jayada chalta hai kyonki aajkal har koi phir chahe wo middle class ho ya upper class, veh readymade kapdo se zyaada handmade design kiye hue kapde pehanana jyada pasand karte hain.

Boutique ke liye kapde Kahan se laaye/Supplier

Chaahe aap khud ka brand establish kar rahe hon ya pehle se established kisi brand ke kapde apne boutique ke dwaara bech rahe hon, dono situations mein aapko apne boutique business ke liye supplier dhoondhne ki jarurat padegi. Agar aap pehle se established kisi brand ke kapde khareedne ki sochte hain, toh aapko kapde supply karne wale supplier ki bhi jarurat padhegi lekin agar aap khud ka brand establish karke, uske through kapde bnaane aur bechne ka sochte hain toh aapko kachha maal (Raw material) supply karne wale supplier ki jarurat padhegi. Supplier dhoondne ke liye aap bahut se online platforms ya phir apne shahar ki wholesale market mein se saste rates par le sakte hain.

India mein aisi bahut si online aur offline wholesale markets hain jahan se aap boutique dress ke lie kachha maal saste rate par khareed sakte hain-

India Mart- India mart ek B2B e-commerce marketplace hai jahan se aap apne boutique ke liye raw material saste wholesale rates par khareed sakte hain. Aap unki website par unke best sellers ko contact kar sakte hain. Yahan par aapko Indian Traditional Items aur western items, dono ke liye hi raw material milta hai. Zyada jaankari ke liye aap inki website visit kar sakte hain jiska link hamne de rakha hai.

Chandni Chowk Market- Chandni chowk ki market Asia ki sabse badi market maani jaati hai. Chandni chowk ka ‘ Kinari Bazaar’ bahut famous hai. Kinari Bazar mein aapo fancy gota patti, lace aur boutique mein use hone wale anya raw material bahut saste rate par mil sakti hain.

Chahe kisi bhi type ka boutique business plan ho, chhota ya bada, usse successful banaane ke liye uss business ki achhi marketing karna bahut jyada jaruri hai. Iske liye dhyaan rakhein ke aapke business ke according aise kon se marketing ke tarike hain jissey aap jyada se jyada logon tak apne business ko pahuncha sakte hain.

Boutique business plan banaate time aapko iss baat ka dhyaan rakhna hoga ke aap apne baki competitors ke comparision mein aisa kya kar rahe hain jo ki aapke busniess ko bakiyon se alag bana raha hai aur apke customers ki list badha raha hai. Ek successful boutique business plan tabhi kehlayega jab aap apne boutique business ko aage badha paayein. Apne business ko agey badhane ke liye aapko in ka dhyaan rakhna hoga – Shop ki Advertisement yani Prachar ka dhyaan rakhna hoga.

Aap apne boutique ka prachaar online aur offline dono tareeko se kar sakte hain. Aaiyiye baat karte hain in sabhi tareeko ke baare mein-

Google my business- Google my business google ka ek aisa tool hai jisase aap apne business ko google ki listing mein daal sakte hain. Iska fayeda aapko ye hoga ki jab bhi koi google par aaspas ke kisi boutique ke baare mein search karega ya aapke boutique ka naam search karega, toh usse bahut easily aapke boutique ki saari details unhe mil jaayengi.

boutique business plan in hindi

Just Dial- Just Dial ek aisa platform hai jo ki kisi bhi area ke local businesses ki information provide karta hai jo ki aapko ya toh internet ke through aapko milegi ya fir call ke through pata chalegi.

boutique business plan in hindi

Social media par promotion- Apne boutique ko promote karne ka best tareeka hai social media ke platforms jaise fcebook, instagarm aur whats app ka use karna. Agar aap apne facebook par regularly apne boutique ke designs ki pictures upload karte hain, toh aap apne customers ko easily attract kar sakte hain.

E- Commerce website- Social media par promotion karne ke saath saath aap  aapne boutique ke kapde E- Commerce websites jaise amazon, flipkart, snapdeal etc par bhi list karwa sakte hain.

Hoardings – Boutique business esa business hai jo ki log jyadatar offline yani bina internet ke madhyan se dhundte hain, isiliye ye jaruri hai ke aap apne business ka prachar hoarding aur paper media ke through bhi karein. Hoarding ko lekar aapko kuch important baton ka dhyaan rakhna chaiye jaise –

  • Boutique kholne se kuch dino pehle aap apne shop ke agey “Opening Soon” ka hoarding jarur laga dein. Taki aate jaate logon ko pata rahe ke ek nayi boutique shop unke area mein khulne wala hai.
  • Aap apne boutique ki hoardings har un areas mein lagwa dein jahan logon ki bhid, jahan logon ko aapke shop ki jarurat hogi ya jahan market hai jaise Markets mein, colonies mein, cosmetic shops ke aas pas, apne area ke residential area ke aas pas etc.

Pamphlets – Apne shop ki advertisement aap pamphlets ke through bhi kar sakte hain. Isse ya toh aap khud aane jane wale logon ko dein ya fir apne area ke local newspaper wale ko kuch paise dekar bhi ghar ghar tak pahuncha sakte hain.

  • Agar aap ek stand-alone boutique khol rahe hain toh uski location ka khaas  dhyaan rakhein. Apne boutique ko kisi famous marketplace mein hi kholein taaki jyada se jyada customers aapke boutique par aayein.
  • Apne boutique ke kapdo ka price decide karne se pehle research karle ki aapki locality mein baaki boutiques kitna price charge kar rahe hain. Agar aap overpricing kareinge toh aapke customers aapka boutiqe na chunkar doosre boutiques par jaayenge
  • Aap apne boutique par har type ke payment methods provide karein- Cash aur online payment. Aap apne customers se online payment Paytm, Google pay, Debit Cards aur anya types ke non-cash payment methods ke dwaara le sakte hain.

Aajkal logon ka view fashion ki taraf badal raha hai. India mein middle class se lekar upper class tak sab log fashion trends ko follow karte hain. Iss badalte fashion trend mein ek aisa business jo kaafi jyaada demand mein hone ke kaaran ek successful business idea ban chuka hai, wo hai boutique business plan. Isliye ye kehna galat nahin hoga ke boutique business ek bahut hi faydemand business hai. Issase hame yeh pata chal jata hai ki agar hum apna boutique business ek chote level par bhi shuru karte hain toh iss business ko expand karna bahut asaan hai.

  • Agar aapka stand alone boutique hai toh aap future me zyada profits kamaakar apne boutiques ki chains alag alag jagha par khol sakte hain. Chain boutiques kholte hue apne boutique ki location ka dhyaan rakhein. Apne boutique ki chains famous marketplace mein agar aap kholenge toh aapke boutique ki chains mein bahut munaafa hoga.
  • Agar aap online boutique khol rahein hain, toh aap usse expand karne ke liye warehouses khareed sakte hain jahan par aap apne boutique ke kapde store kar saken.
  • Agar aap apne ghar par boutique khol rahe hain toh aap 2-3 saalo mein achhe profits kamaakar ya toh ek dukaan rent par le sakte hain ya ek dukaan khareed sakte hain. Aisa jaruri nahin hai ki aap ek badi dukaan hi khareede ya rent par le, aap ek choti dukaan ke dwaara bhi apne boutique ka kaam shuru kar sakte hain.

Q1. Boutique kholne ke liye latest fashion ki jaankari kaise rakhein?

Ans .Boutique kholne ke liye aap latest fashion ki jaankari anya fashion magazines and advertisements ke dwaara le sakte hain.

Q2 . Delhi mein fashion designer ka course kahan se best rahega?

Ans. Delhi mein aise bahut se Institutes hain jaise NIFT, Pearl Academy etc jahan se fashion designing ka course best rahega. In Institutes ke baare mein detail mein jaanane ke liye yahan click kijiye.

Q3. Agar aap 12th pass nahin hain toh kya aap boutique khol sakte hain?

Ans . Boutique kholne ke liye aapko fashion designing ya fir boutique management ka course karna padega jiske liye 10+2 qualification jaruri hai. In courses ke baare mein detail mein jaanane ke liye yahan click kijiye.

Q4. Agar financial problem hai toh boutique kaisi shuru karein?

Ans . Agar financial problem hai to aap ghar se apna boutique shuru kar sakte hain. Zyada jaankari ke liye yahan click kijiye .

Humein umeed hai ki iss boutique business plan se aapko samajh agaya hoga ke kaise aap ek boutique business shuru kar sakte hain. Agar aapke mann mein iske alawa aur bhi koi sawal hai toh comment karke humse jarur pucchein.

Thank you so much for the complete detail…

Achi information mili . online boutique course hota he kya

Hi, very informative. I m going to start a boutique very soon. I hope I will go right way and follow your tips. Thanks a lot.

Thankyou Meena. We are glad to hear about this.

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2022 में अपना बुटिक बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करे | How to Start Boutique Business In Hindi 

How to Start Boutique Business

  बुटिक बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करे | How to Start Boutique Business In Hindi

  • Boutique Business Plan In Hindi – हेल्लो दोस्तों , आज की इस पोस्ट में हम एक ऐसे बिसनेस आईडिया के बारे में बात करने वाले है जो खासतौर पर महिलाओ के लिए एक बेहतर करियर विकल्प बन सकता है ! अगर आप फेशन के फिल्ड में रूचि रखते है और आपको कपड़ो की डिजाईन करना पसंद है तो आप अपना स्वयं का बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू कर सकते है ! अगर आपने कही से फेशन डिज़ाइनर का कोई कोर्स किया हुआ है और Boutique Business शुरू करना चाहते है तो इस पोस्ट को अंत तक जरुर पढ़े ! आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपको Boutique Business Kaise Shuru Kare के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी देने वाले है ! तो आइये शुरू करते है How to Start Boutique Business In Hindi

बुटिक बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करे | How to Start Boutique Business In Hindi

  • 1.1 बुटिक बिज़नेस क्या है ( What is Boutique Business )
  • 1.2 बुटिक बिज़नेस की डिमांड ( Boutique Business Demand )
  • 1.3.1 सही बिज़नेस योजना बनाये ( Boutique Business Plan )
  • 1.3.2 बुटिक स्टोर में कोनसा प्रोडक्ट रखे
  • 1.3.3 सही मार्केट रिसर्च करे
  • 1.3.4 सही जगह क चयन करे ( Choose Location )
  • 1.3.5 सजावट का खास ध्यान रखे
  • 1.3.6 अच्छी क्वालिटी और वेरायटी का ध्यान रखे
  • 1.3.7 आवश्यक स्टाफ
  • 1.3.8 अपने प्रोडक्ट को ऑनलाइन कैसे बेचे
  • 1.4 बुटिक बिज़नेस के लिए आवश्यक सामान
  • 1.5 बुटिक बिज़नेस के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन ( Registration for Boutique Business )
  • 1.6 बुटिक बिज़नेस की मार्केटिंग (Marketing for Boutique Business )
  • 1.7 बुटिक बिज़नेस में लागत ( Boutique Business Investment )
  • 1.8 बुटिक बिज़नेस में मुनाफा ( Boutique Business Profit )

बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू करने से पहले हम यह जान लेते है कि बुटिक बिज़नेस क्या होता है

बुटिक बिज़नेस क्या है ( What is Boutique Business )

जो महिलाये या पुरुष फेशन फिल्ड से जुड़े हुए है वे अच्छी तरह जानते है कि फेशन बुटिक क्या होता है ! बुटिक स्टोर एक ऐसी जगह होती है जहाँ पर महिलाओ , बच्चो तथा पुरुषो आदि के बेहद अच्छी डिजाईन के कपडे , असेसरीज , ज्वेलरी आदि वस्तुए प्रीमियम रेट पर मिलती है , क्योंकि इनकी क्वालिटी काफी अच्छी होती है ! अगर आप अपने बुटिक स्टोर में अपनी खुद की डिजाईन किये कपडे या अन्य सामान बेचते है या फिर किसी बड़े ब्रांड के साथ मिलकर सामान बेचते है तो यह आपका बुटिक बिज़नेस कहलायेगा !

बुटिक बिज़नेस की डिमांड ( Boutique Business Demand )

आजकल देखा जाए तो चाहे महिलाये हो या पुरुष या फिर छोटे बच्चे हर किसी को स्टाइलिश कपडे पहनना अधिक पसंद है , जिससे वे फेशनेबल लगे ! स्टाइलिश और खुबसूरत दिखने के लिए महिलाये अधिक पैसे खर्च कर सकती है ! भारत में फेशन इंडस्ट्री ने बीते कुछ सालो में तेजी से ग्रोथ की है ! एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबित 2022 में भारतीय फेशन इंडस्ट्री का मार्केट 102 बिलियन डॉलर का बन चूका है ! ऐसे में देखा जाए तो आने वाले दिनों में इसमें और अधिक ग्रोथ देखने को मिलेगी ! अतः देखा जाए तो बुटिक बिज़नेस एक शानदार करियर विकल्प हो सकता है और इससे आप अच्छा पैसा कमा सकते है !

आप चाहे तो इस बिज़नेस को ऑनलाइन या ऑफलाइन शुरू कर सकते है ! बड़े शहरो में अधिकतर महिलाये इस बिज़नेस को ऑनलाइन अधिक कर रही है और अच्छा पैसा कमा रही है ! आपको भी ऑफलाइन के साथ – साथ बुटिक बिज़नेस को ऑनलाइन भी करना चाहिए , क्योंकि वर्तमान में लोग ऑनलाइन शोपिंग करना अधिक पसंद करते है ! अगर आप एक बार अपने बिज़नेस की पहचान बना लेते है और एक ब्रांड के तौर पर स्थापित कर लेते है तो फिर सक्सेस होने से आपको कोई नहीं रोक सकता !

बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू करने के महत्वपूर्ण स्टेप्स (Boutique Business Kaise Shuru Kare )

अगर आप अपना ऑनलाइन या ऑफलाइन बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू कर रहे है तो आपको निम्न बिन्दुओ को ध्यान में रखकर ही इस बिज़नेस की शुरुआत करनी चाहिए ताकि आप इसमें आसानी से सफलता प्राप्त कर सके ! तो आइये जानते है वे कोनसे स्टेप्स है जो हमें फोलो करने चाहिए !

सही बिज़नेस योजना बनाये ( Boutique Business Plan )

किसी भी बिज़नेस में सफलता प्राप्त करने के लिए यह बेहद जरुरी है कि उसकी सही प्लानिंग हो ! अगर आप बिना प्लानिंग और अधूरी जानकारी के साथ बुटिक स्टोर शुरू कर रहे है तो फिर इसमें आपको असफलता का सामना करना पड़ सकता है ! आपको इस बात की जानकारी जुटानी होगी कि वर्तमान में मार्केट में फेशन का कोनसा ट्रेंड चल रहा है , लोग किस तरह के डिजाइनिंग के कपडे या अन्य चीजे पसंद कर रहे है !

इसके अलावा आपको यह भी सोचना है कि आप अपने बिज़नेस को छोटे स्तर पर शुरू कर रहे है या फिर अधिक निवेश के साथ एक बड़ा स्टोर शुरू कर रहे है ! अपने बुटिक स्टोर में आप अपने स्वयम के डिजाईन किये हुए फेशन को रखेंगे या फिर साथ किसी ब्रांडेड फेशन से जुड़कर उसके ब्रांड को भी बेचेंगे ! आपको यह भी तय करना है कि आप अपने बिज़नेस को ऑनलाइन शुरू कर रहे है , ऑफलाइन शुरू कर रहे है या फिर ऑनलाइन तथा ऑफलाइन दोनों तरीके से अपना बिज़नेस शुरू कर रहे है ! बुटिक स्टोर खोलने के लिए आपको काफी ज्यादा क्रिएटिव होना पड़ेगा और लोगो की आवश्यकता को समझना पड़ेगा ! अगर आप ऐसा करते है तो आप जल्दी सफलता प्राप्त कर सकते है !

बुटिक स्टोर में कोनसा प्रोडक्ट रखे

बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू करने से पहले आपको यह तय करना होगा कि आप अपने बुटिक स्टोर में किस प्रकार के फेशन को शामिल कर रहे है ! आप चाहे तो केवल महिलाओ के कपडे से अपना बुटिक स्टोर शुरू कर सकती है या फिर आप इसके साथ पुरुषो और बच्चो के कपडे भी अपने स्टोर में रख सकती है ! इसके आलावा आप बुटिक स्टोर में फेशन से सम्बन्धित आइटम जैसे हैण्ड बैग , ज्वेलरी तथा बच्चो के खिलोने भी रख सकती है ! अतः निर्णय आपको करना है कि आप अपने बुटिक स्टोर में कोन – कोनसे प्रोडक्ट बेचेंगे !

सही मार्केट रिसर्च करे

आज के समय में किसी भी बिज़नेस को शुरू करने से पहले उसकी मार्केटिंग रिसर्च बेहद जरुरी है ! क्योंकि मार्केट रिसर्च से आपको ऐसे आइडियाज मिलेंगे जो एक बिज़नेस शुरू करने के लिए आवश्यक है ! अतः Boutique Store शुरू करने से पहले आपको मार्केट रिसर्च जरुर करनी चाहिए ! मार्केट रिसर्च से आपको यह पता चल जायेगा कि मार्केट में आपके कॉम्पीटिटर कोन है ! साथ में आपको इसकी भी जानकारी हो जाएगी कि वर्तमान में फेशन का कोनसा ट्रेंड चल रहा है , जो आपको यह मदद करेगा कि आपको अपने बुटिक स्टोर में किस प्रकार के फेशन को रखना है !

मार्केट रिसर्च से आपको यह भी मालूम हो जाता है कि लोगो को क्या पसंद है और कोनसे कस्टमर आपके बिज़नेस के लिए होंगे ! इसके अलावा आपको इसका भी आईडिया हो जायेगा कि आपको अपने प्रोडक्ट की रेट क्या रखनी है ! अन्य लोग जो इस बिज़नेस में है वे अपने कस्टमर को और क्या सुविधा देते है और किस प्रकार के ऑफर देकर वे कस्टमर को आकर्षित करते है , इन सब बातो को आप जान पाएंगे !

सही जगह क चयन करे ( Choose Location )

बुटिक स्टोर खोलने के लिए यह बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप इसके लिए एक सही जगह का चयन करे ! मार्केट में आपको ऐसी जगह देखनी चाहिए जहाँ अक्सर महिलाओ की भीड़ रहती है ! बुटिक स्टोर आपको शहर के ऐसे मार्केट में खोलना चाहिए जो फेशन और कपड़ो से सम्बंधित हो ! अतः बुटिक बिज़नेस के लिए यह आवश्यक है कि आप इसके लिए एक सही और अच्छी लोकेशन का चयन करे !

सजावट का खास ध्यान रखे

बुटिक स्टोर में आपको इस बात का भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि यह अन्दर से और बाहर से दिखने में काफी आकर्षक हो ! आपको फर्नीचर आदि को अच्छे से रखना चाहिए ताकि बुटिक स्टोर सुन्दर लगे ! अगर आप इसके इंटीरियर पर ध्यान देते है और यह लोगो को आकर्षित करने वाला है तो आपके बुटिक स्टोर पर लोग खींचे चले आएंगे ! इसके अलावा इसमें आपको कस्टमर के बेठने की व्यवस्था का भी खास ध्यान रखना होगा !

अच्छी क्वालिटी और वेरायटी का ध्यान रखे

आपको अपने बुटिक स्टोर में अच्छे डिजाईन किये हुए कपड़ो के साथ – साथ उसकी क्वालिटी का भी खास ध्यान रखना होगा ! आज के समय में अधिकतर लोग ब्रांड के साथ अच्छी डिजाईन के कपडे पहनना अधिक पसंद करते है , चाहे इसके लिए उन्हें कितना ही खर्च करना पड़े ! इसलिए आपको समय – समय अच्छी डिजाईन के कपडे को तैयार करना होगा ! इसके अलावा आपको अधिक वेरायटी भी रखनी होगी ताकि लोगो को एक ही डिजाईन और ब्रांड के कई विकल्प मिल सके !

आवश्यक स्टाफ

अगर आप छोटे स्तर पर बुटिक स्टोर शुरू कर रहे है तो इसके लिए पको किसी स्टाफ की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती है ! लेकिन अगर आप थोड़े बड़े लेवल पर शुरू कर रहे है तो इसके लिए आपको स्टाफ रखने की आवश्यकता पड़ सकती है ! स्टाफ ऐसा होना चाहिए जो फेशन से सम्बन्धित जानकारी रखता हो , और उसका व्यवहार अच्छा होना चाहिये ! हो एके जहाँ तक आपको फिमेल स्टाफ ही रखना चाहए !

अपने प्रोडक्ट को ऑनलाइन कैसे बेचे

अगर आप ऑफलाइन बिज़नेस के साथ ऑनलाइन भी करना चाहते है तो आपको सबसे पहले किसी वेब डेवलपर से अपने बिज़नेस के नाम की एक वेबसाइट बनानी होगी ! अपनी वेबसाइट पर आपको अपने प्रोडक्ट की फोटो और उसकी पूरी डिटेल डालनी होगी ! अधिक से अधिक लोग आपकी वेबसाइट तक पहुंचे इसके लिए आपको अपनी वेबसाइट का विज्ञापन भी करना होगा ! आप चाहे तो amazon , flipkart , meesho आदि फेमस वेबसाइट पर भी अपने प्रोडक्ट को सेल कर सकते है !

बुटिक बिज़नेस के लिए आवश्यक सामान

अगर आप अपना बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू कर रहे है तो आपको कपड़ो की डिजाईन के लिए निम्न वस्तुओ की आवश्यकता होगी –

कढाई करने की मशीन

बुटिक बिज़नेस के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन ( Registration for Boutique Business )

आज के समय में अपने बिज़नेस का रजिस्ट्रेशन होना बहुत ही जरुरी है ! एक रजिस्टर्ड बिज़नेस को बैंक और अन्य जगहों से कई प्रकार की सुविधा मिल जाती है वही लोगो के बिच आपके बिज़नेस को लेकर एक विश्वास पैदा होता है ! इसलिए अगर आपका बिज़नेस बड़ा है तो आपको gst में इसका रजिस्ट्रेशन जरुर कराना चाहिए ताकि आगे आपको कोई समस्या न हो ! अगर आप कोई कंपनी या LLP या फिर साझेदारी फर्म या कंपनी खोलना चाहते है तो इसके रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए आपको अपने सीए से सम्पर्क करना चाहिए !

बुटिक बिज़नेस की मार्केटिंग (Marketing for Boutique Business )

आज के समय में अपनी प्रोडक्ट और सेवा की मार्केटिंग करना बेहद जरुरी है ताकि लोग आपके बिज़नेस के बारे में जान सके ! आज के समय में सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग का एक सस्ता और बढ़िया माध्यम  है ! आप सोशल मिडिया प्लेटफोर्म जैसे फेसबुक और instagram आदि पर अपने बिज़नेस के नाम का पेज बनाकर विज्ञापन कर सकते है और किसी दुसरे के पेज , ग्रुप या आयीडी पर पैसे देकर भी विज्ञापन कर सकते है ! इसके अलावा आप अपने आसपास के क्षेत्र में पम्प्लेट्स बंटवा सकते है और अख़बार में भी अपने बिज़नेस का ऐड दे सकते है !

बुटिक बिज़नेस में लागत ( Boutique Business Investment )

अगर आपके पास बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू करने के लिए बजट कम है तो भी आप इसे कम निवेश के साथ आसानी से शुरू कर सकते है ! शुरू में केवल आप कुछ आइटम्स और वेरायटी को रख सकते है और फिर धीरे – धीरे कस्टमर की जरुरत के हिसाब से अपने प्रोडक्ट और वेरायटी को बढ़ा सकते है ! अगर आप थोड़े से बड़े लेवल पर बुटिक स्टोर शुरू कर रहे है तो आपको इसके लिए 4 से 5 लाख रूपये की आवश्यकता पड़ सकती है ! अगर आपके पास बुटिक बिज़नेस शुरू करने के लिए पैसे नहीं है तो आप इसके लिए बैंक या अन्य संस्था से लोन भी ले सकते है !

बुटिक बिज़नेस में मुनाफा ( Boutique Business Profit )

बुटिक बिज़नेस में प्रॉफिट मार्जिन अन्य बिज़नेस की तुलना में काफी अधिक है ! अगर आप छोटे स्तर पर इस बिज़नेस को कर रहे है तो आप महीने के 20 से 30 हजार रूपये आसानी से कमा सकती है ! वही अगर आप 4 से 5 लाख रूपये निवेश कर इस बिज़नेस को शुरू कर रहे है और वेरायटी के साथ – साथ क्वालिटी का भी ध्यान रखते है तो आप महीने के 1 लाख रूपये तक कमा सकते है ! एक बार जब आपका बुटिक स्टोर फेमस हो जाता है और ब्रांड बन जाता है तो फिर यह मुनाफा कई गुना बढ़ जाता है !

दोस्तों How to Start Boutique Business In Hindi आर्टिकल आपको जरुर पसंद आया होगा , हमें कमेंट करके जरुर बताये !

Q : बुटिक स्टोर क्या है ?

Ans : बुटिक स्टोर एक ऐसी जगह है जहाँ पर फेशन से सम्बन्धित आइटम्स जैसे कपडे , पर्स , ज्वेलरी आदि प्रीमियम रेट पर मिलते है जो अच्छी क्वालिटी के होते है !

Q : बुटिक बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करे ?

Ans : इस बिज़नेस को आप जरुरी प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करके और सही प्लानिंग के साथ आसानी से शुरू कर सकते है !

Q : क्या ऑनलाइन बुटिक बिज़नेस करना फायदेमंद है ?

Ans : अगर आपके प्रोडक्ट की डिजाईन और क्वालिटी अच्छी है तो आपके लिए ऑनलाइन बुटिक बिज़नेस करना फायदेमंद है !

Q : बुटिक बिज़नेस में कितने निवेश की आवश्यकता है ?

Ans : इस बिज़नेस में आप अपनी क्षमता के हिसाब से 1 लाख से लेकर 10 लाख तक का निवेश कर सकते है !

Q : बुटिक बिज़नेस में कितना मुनाफा कमा सकते है ?

Ans : बुटिक बिज़नेस में मुनाफा इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि आप इसमें कितना निवेश करते है ! अगर आप 5 से 7 लाख रूपये का निवेश करते है तो महीने के 1 लाख रूपये तक कमाई कर सकते है !

Related Post : 

  • आर्टिफीशियल ज्वेलरी बिज़नेस शुरू कर कमाए अच्छा मुनाफा  
  • गिफ्ट शॉप बिज़नेस से कमायें अच्छा मुनाफा
  • महिलाओ के लिए शानदार 10 बिज़नेस आईडिया   
  • स्टेशनरी का बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करे   
  • फोटोग्राफी बिज़नेस शुरू करने की पूरी जानकारी  

jagdish kumawat

I Am Adv. Jagdish Kumawat . Founder of Financeplanhindi.com . Here We Are Share Tax , Finance , Share Market, Insurance Related Articles in Hindi.

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Business Plan Hindi

बुटीक कैसे शुरू करें | Designer Boutique Business Plan in Hindi.

वर्तमान में लोगों की जीवनशैली के आधार पर उनका पहनावा भी बदल रहा है ऐसे में लोग Designer Boutique का रुख डिजायनर कपड़े खरीदने के लिए करते हैं। यदि कोई इच्छुक उद्यमी इस तरह का यह बिजनेस शुरू करने के लिए किसी क्षेत्र विशेष का व्यवहारिक अध्यन करे और बुटीक व्यवसाय शुरू करने सम्बन्धी पहलुओं की जानकारी प्राप्त करके उनका बारीकी से विश्लेषण करके इस तरह का यह व्यवसाय शुरू करे, तो यह व्यवसाय एक बेहद लाभकारी व्यवसाय के तौर पर सामने आ सकता है।

खास तौर पर महिलाएं, वह भी ऐसी महिलाएं जिन्हें सिलाई, बुनाई का काम कुशलतापूर्वक आता हो उनके लिए खुद का Designer Boutique शुरू करना बहुत ज्यादा कठिनाई का काम बिलकुल नहीं है। भारत में बुटीक की बढती जनसँख्या इस बात का प्रमाण है की लोग बुटीक में निर्मित फैशनेबल और डिज़ाइनर कपड़ों को बेहद पसंद करते हैं इसलिए वर्तमान में बुटीक सफल कपड़े व्यवसाय का एक प्रतीक बन चुके हैं।

अधिकतर लोग आम कपड़ों के ब्रांड की तुलना में बुटीक में निर्मित कपड़ों को अधिक पसंद करते हैं इनमें प्रमुख रूप से महिलाएं शामिल हैं। पिछले एक दशक के दौरान Designer Boutique की संख्या में देश में अभूतपूर्व वृद्धि आंकी गई है वह इसलिए क्योंकि इस तरह के ये कपड़े परिष्कृत और विभिन्न डिजाईन में होते हैं। और वर्तमान परिदृश्य की यदि हम बात करें तो यह चलन केवल शहरों तक ही सिमित नहीं है बल्कि छोटे शहरों और कस्बों में भी बड़ी तीव्र गति से प्रचलन में आ रहा है।

इस चलन में वृद्धि के लिए अनेकों कारण जैसे देश में मध्यमवर्गीय परिवारों की बढती जनसँख्या, मीडिया का विस्तार, मनोरंजन, फिल्म, इन्टरनेट के बढ़ते प्रचलन, और फैशन शिक्षा का बढ़ता महत्व इत्यादि भी इस तरह के डिज़ाइनर कपड़ों की बिक्री और बुटीक की बढती जनसँख्या के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं। इसलिए एक ऐसा व्यक्ति जो फैशन शिक्षा प्राप्त करके ग्रेजुएट हुआ हो, या फिर एक ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसे पहनावे और फैशन की अच्छी जानकारी हो उनके लिए Designer Boutique खोलना एक सुनहरे अवसर में परिवर्तित हो सकता है।

ऐसी महिलाएं जिन्हें सिलाई, कढाई, बुनाई के अलावा फैशन की भी अच्छी जानकारी हो उनके लिए भी यह व्यवसाय किसी वरदान से शायद ही कम होगा । इसलिए आज हम हमारे इस लेख के माध्यम से कोई इच्छुक महिला या पुरुष उद्यमी कैसे खुद का बुटीक शुरू कर सकते हैं? विषय पर विस्तृत वार्तालाप करने वाले हैं।

Designer Boutique Business plan hindi

पूरा लेख एक नजर में

मार्किट विश्लेषण   

Designer Boutique के टारगेट ग्राहकों के तौर पर मध्यम वर्गीय और उच्चतम वर्गीय परिवारों से सम्बंधित लोग हैं कहने का आशय यह है की इस तरह का यह व्यवसाय करने वाले उद्यमी के मुख्य ग्राहक के तौर पर उच्च एवं मध्यम वर्गीय परिवारों के 14 वर्ष की उम्र से अधिक सदस्य रहने वाले हैं। और यदि उद्यमी ने केवल महिलाओं के डिजाईन कपड़ों का बुटीक खोलने की योजना बनाई है तो उद्यमी के ग्राहक के तौर पर भी केवल महिलाएं ही शामिल होंगी जो आमतौर पर डिज़ाइनर कपड़े खरीदना पसंद करती हैं ।

हालांकि जहाँ तक अपने देश भारतवर्ष की बात है यहाँ पर उच्च और मध्यम आय समूह के लोग अधिकतर शहरी इलाकों में ही निवास करते हैं इसलिए किसी भी उद्यमी के लिए ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में Designer Boutique खोलना व्यवसाय की दृष्टी से नुकसानदेह हो सकता है।

जबकि शहरी इलाकों में इस तरह के व्यवसाय के चलने की बहुत अधिक संभावना है घरेलु बाजार में तो भारतीय परिधानों की अच्छी खासी मांग है ही । लेकिन विदेशी बाज़ारों में भी भारतीय परिधानों की मांग व्यापत रहती है इसलिए इस तरह के उत्पाद के लिए निर्यात के अवसर भी विद्यमान हैं। वह इसलिए क्योंकि विदेशों में भारतीय प्रवासियों की कोई कमी नहीं है और उन्हें भारतीय परिधान बेहद पसंद आते हैं।

डिजायनर बुटीक कैसे शुरू करें? (How to Start a Designer Boutique In India):    

जैसा की हम उपर्युक्त वाक्य में भी बता चुके हैं की Designer Boutique Business शुरू करना केवल और केवल शहरी इलाकों में शुरू करना ही लाभकारी हो सकता है। क्योंकि ग्रामीण इलाकों में मध्य एवं उच्च आय समूहों के लोगों की जनसँख्या कम ही होती है। कहने का आशय यह है की इस तरह का यह व्यवसाय शुरू करने का इच्छुक उद्यमी किसी पॉश या अर्ध पॉश इलाके में किराये की दुकान लेकर खुद का आउटलेट शुरू कर सकता है। तो आइये जानते हैं की कैसे कोई व्यक्ति खुद का डिज़ाइनर बुटीक बिजनेस शुरू कर सकता है।

1. दुकान किराये पर लें

Designer Boutique Business शुरू करने के इच्छुक उद्यमी को सर्वप्रथम किसी पॉश इलाके में दुकान किराये पर लेनी होगी अर्थात उद्यमी को इस बात का ध्यान रखना होगा की इस तरह का यह बिजनेस उसी इलाके में चलेगा जहाँ पर लोगों की आय और व्यय करने की क्षमता अधिक होगी।एक ऐसा इलाका जहाँ पर आर्थिक तौर पर सम्पन्न और अर्ध सम्पन्न परिवार रहते हों में इस तरह का व्यवसाय शुरू करना लाभकारी हो सकता है।

शुरुआती दौरे में उद्यमी को बहुत बड़ी दुकान किराये पर लेने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है हालांकि दुकान का किराया शहर एवं लोकेशन के आधार पर अलग अलग हो सकता है । इसके अलावा उद्यमी को दुकान किराये पर लेते वक्त रेंट एग्रीमेंट इत्यादि अवश्य बनवा लेना चाहिए क्योंकि इस दस्तावेज को व्यवसायिक पता प्रमाण के तौर पर भी इस्तेमाल में लाया जा सकता है।    

2. वित्त का प्रबंध करें  (Fund arrangement for Designer Boutique ):

वित्त का प्रबंध करने से पहले उद्यमी चाहे तो अपने व्यवसाय के लिए एक प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट भी बना सकता है।यह दस्तावेज उद्यमी को उसकी परियोजना में आने वाली लागत के बारे में तो बताएगा ही साथ में जरुरत पड़ने पर बैंक इत्यादि से ऋण लेने में भी मददगार साबित हो सकता है। इसलिए यदि उद्यमी चाहे तो वित्त का प्रबंध करने से पहले प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट तैयार कर सकता है। वित्त का प्रबंध करने के लिए उद्यमी विभिन्न सरकारी योजनाओं के तहत सब्सिडी ऋण, बैंक ऋण और व्यक्तिगत बचत के माध्यमों का इस्तेमाल कर सकता है।   

3. आवश्यक मशीनरी और कच्चा माल खरीदें

आवश्यक कच्चे माल की यदि हम बात करें तो एक Designer Boutique के लिए उन सभी कच्चे माल की आवश्यकता होती है जो परिधान तैयार करने के लिए होती हैं। इनमें विभिन्न प्रकार का कपड़ा, विभिन्न रंगों के धागे, एम्ब्रायडरी का सामान, पैकिंग सामग्री इत्यादि शामिल है। आवश्यक मशीनरी की लिस्ट इस प्रकार से है।

  • स्टिचिंग मशीन
  • ओवर लॉक मशीन
  • एम्ब्रायडरी मशीन
  • विभिन्न कैंची
  • एम्ब्रायडरी फ्रेम सेट
  • कटिंग स्केल और मापने वाली स्केल

4. कपड़ों का निर्माण शुरू करें 

Designer Boutique के लिए अब उद्यमी को कपड़ों या परिधानों का निर्माण शुरू कर देना चाहिए इसके लिए सबसे पहले स्थानीय विक्रेताओं से कच्चा माल खरीद लिया जाता है यह कच्चा माल फैशन और ग्राहकों की पसंद के मुताबिक होता है। उसके बाद डिजाईन की जाती है डिजाईन के बाद पैटर्न तैयार कर लिए जाते हैं उसके बाद एम्ब्रायडरी प्रक्रिया को पूर्ण किया जाता है।

एम्ब्रायडरी प्रक्रिया पूर्ण होने बाद कपड़े को डिजाईन के अनुसार काट लिया जाता है उसके बाद सिलाई का काम पूर्ण किया जाता है। सिलाई के बाद फिनिशिंग का काम जैसे आयरन इत्यादि की जाती है और उसके बाद बनाये गए परिधानों को बुटीक स्टोर में डिस्प्ले कर दिया जाता है।    

5. मार्केटिंग करे और बेचें  (Marketing of Designer Boutique):   

ध्यान रहे उद्यमी को अपने Designer Boutique की मार्केटिंग सिर्फ अपने टारगेट ग्राहकों के बीच ही करनी चाहिए ताकि अधिक से अधिक परिणाम अर्जित किये जा सकें। मार्केटिंग के लिए उद्यमी ऑनलाइन एवं ऑफलाइन दोनों तरह की तकनीकों का सहारा ले सकता है। स्थानीय केबल चैनल पर विज्ञापन, अख़बार में विज्ञापन, उस एरिया में घर घर जाकर पम्पलेट डिस्ट्रीब्यूट करना और गूगल, फेसबुक, यूट्यूब इत्यादि मुफ्त और भुग्तानित संसाधनों का इस्तेमाल भी मार्केटिंग के लिए किया जा सकता है।  

अन्य लेख भी पढ़ें

  • लैदर बेल्ट बनाने का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें.
  • रेडीमेड गारमेंट बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें.
  • लांड्री और ड्राईक्लीनिंग बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें.

यह भी जानें


35+ कम निवेश में अधिक मुनाफे वाले बिजनेस आइडियाज।


किराना स्टोर कैसे शुरू करें। 7 Steps to Start Grocery Store in India in Hindi.


अगरबत्ती बनाने का बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें। 9 easy steps to Start Agarbatti Making.

Stationary-Shop business

स्टेशनरी की दुकान का व्यापार कैसे शुरू करें। 6 Easy Steps to open Stationary Shop.

पेट्रोल पंप कैसे खोलें

पेट्रोल पंप कैसे खोलें। लाइसेंस, जमीन, खर्चा सहित जानकारी।

स्कूल खोलने की पूरी जानकारी

स्कूल कैसे खोलें। स्कूल खोलने के नियम और रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रक्रिया ।

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Start a Apparel Boutique (Business Plan in Hindi) – बूटीक व्यवसाय कैसे शुरू करें

open your boutique from home

Boutique Business (बुटीक व्यवसाय)

Boutique (बुटीक शॉप) एक रिटेल स्टोर होता है जिसमें आप खुद से कपडे डिज़ाइन करके बेच सकते हैं| आज के समय में हर एक व्यक्ति स्टाइलिश कपडे पहनना पसंद करता है, बुटीक पर जाकर वह अपने मनमाने तरीके से मनपसंद कपडे तैयार करवा सकता है I अगर आप इसमें पैसे निवेश करते हैं तो इसका पूरा लाभ आपको मिल सकता है I

आप इस व्यवसाय को कम पूंजी निवेश (Low Investment) भी शुरू कर सकते हैं । आप इसमें कुछ लोकप्रिय ब्रांडों को भी समायोजित कर सकते हैं। लेकिन इस व्यवसाय के लिए आपको स्ट्रेटेजी बनाना बहुत जरुरी है I

Business Plan (व्यवसाय योजना)

  • इस बिज़नेस को सफल बनाने के लिए सबसे ज्यादा जरुरी है मार्केट रिसर्च। पता लगाइये कि ग्राहकों की किस तरह के कपड़ो में रूचि है और आप उस कमी को कैसे पूरा कर सकते हैं।
  • अपने क्षेत्र की संभावित प्रतिस्पर्धा का मूल्यांकन करें। उनकी मूल्य निर्धारण की रणनीति क्या है? उसी के अनुसार आप अपने प्रोडक्ट्स का मूल्य निर्धारण करें और स्ट्रेटेजी बनाये।
  • इस यवसाय को स्थापित करने के लिए सही प्लानिंग और सावधानी रखने की आवश्यकता होती है।

कोई भी व्यवसाय को शुरू करने से पहले एक लिखित  Business Plan बनाना बहुत जरूरी हैं|   Business Plan  एक महत्वपूर्ण डॉक्यूमेंट होता हैं जो एक प्रकार से आपके बिज़नेस का Blueprint या नक्शा होता हैं| Business Plan आपके लिए एक प्रकार के Guide का काम करता हैं और इसके साथ यह  Bank से  Business Loan लेनें , Startup Funding, Frenchise या  Business Partneship के लिए भी जरूरी हैं| हमने Business Plan बनाने से सम्बंधित एक Detailed Guide किया हैं जिसकी मदद से आप अपना लिखित Business Plan बना सकते हैं:-

  • Business Plan Guide (Hindi)

Starting a Boutique Store (बुटीक व्यवसाय की शुरुआत) 

व्यवसाय योजना बनाने के बाद बुटीक को स्थापित करने के लिए कुछ जरुरी स्टेप्स हैं जो निम्नलिखित हैं –

  • एक सुविधाजनक स्थान का चयन करें I
  • दुकान (Shop) का इंटीरियर और एक्सटेरियर ऐसा होना चाहिए की ग्राहकों को आकर्षित करे I
  • उम्दा मटेरियल का इस्तेमाल करें और स्टॉक बनाये I
  • प्रोडक्ट्स का सही मूल्य निर्धारण(Pricing) करें और ग्राहकों से सही मोल भाव करें I
  • ग्राहकों की डिमांड और रूचि पर विशेष ध्यान दें I

Promote Your Business (अपने व्यवसाय को बढ़ावा दें) 

  • अपनी ब्रांड छवि बनाएं। बुटीक व्यवसाय में ब्रांडिंग एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। अपने ब्रांड की मार्केटिंग करने से पहले, यह सुनिश्चित करना महत्वपूर्ण है कि ग्राहक कैसे हैं, लिंग, आयु, भूगोल, रूचियों और उनकी जीवन शैली कैसी है।
  • आप ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन दोनों तरीकों से अपना व्यवसाय चला सकते हैं। इसके लिए आप एक वेबसाइट बना सकते हैं।
  • फैशन पत्रिकाओं पर विज्ञापन प्रकाशित करें अपने ग्राहकों से अपनी साइट पर फीडबैक देने के लिए कहें।
  • अपने ग्राहकों के साथ जुड़ने के लिए सोशल मीडिया सबसे बढ़िया जगहों में से एक है I आप सोशल मीडिया पर नए उत्पादों के बारे में भी उन्हें अवगत करा सकते हैं। कोई भी सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म, जो आप उपयोग करने का निर्णय लेते हैं, ध्यान से चुनें।  एक मजबूत ब्रांड वैल्यू आपको बुटीक शॉप व्यवसाय में निरंतर बिक्री देगा।

Business Guides

हम हैप्पीहिंदी.कॉम पर निरंतर रूपे Business से सम्बंधित हर प्रकार के गाइड्स पब्लिश कर रहे हैं, आप इन गाइड्स को पढ़कर सफलतापूर्वक अपना बिज़नेस शुरू कर सकते हैं:

  • Business शुरू करें 
  • बिज़नेस आइडियाज  
  • गारमेंट बिज़नेस शुरू करने के 25 आईडिया  
  • Apparel Alteration Business – वस्त्र संसोधन व्यवसाय  
  • बिज़नेस टिप्स
  • ऑनलाइन बिज़नेस  

Posted by Abhishek

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Nice article

Nice information

Thank you sir boutique ke baare mein jankari dene ke liye


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अभी डीमेट अकाउंट खोलकर इन्वेस्टिंग शुरू करें!


Boutique Business Plan In India – A Complete Guide

Whatever you post, you upload or quote but you know that the world is obsessed with fashion and trend. Who doesn’t like to become a style icon and be the talk of the town? Of course, you and I also are one of them and what can attract today’s generation than an amazing wardrobe.

Here is the guide to a boutique business that will help you with the fashion and trends and a definite career.

  • The Indian clothing retail industry is the largest among all the industries, accounting for over 10% of the country’s GDP and around 8% of the total employment.
  • Clothing boutiques have a competition with other local boutiques, not only that they need to face competition with big-box merchandisers, clothing retailers, and department stores.
  • The basic structure of any business requires planning and market research without that you cannot succeed in any business. Market research doesn’t mean you need to get a lab for that. It means analyzing the taste of people, trend, and what customer wants?

You need to explore the market and get detailing on each like:

  • List of your boutique’s products.
  • Detail your products’ unique qualities
  • Explain why the products benefit your customers.
  • Where you will obtain your boutique’s clothing from and include the costs of your vendors and suppliers.
  • Categorize the competitors into direct and indirect competitors, with direct competitors being other local boutiques in your area and indirect being department stores and big locations.
  • Describe the customer targeted and their locations

a boutique business outlet

Types in your boutique wardrobe:

You need to get trendy and suitable clothing. Seasons play a major role to design your wardrobe. As it also depends on who is your cream audience like you are designing for high-end clients or want to create a revolution within normal clients it also depends on who is your cream audience like you are designing for high-end clients or want to create a revolution within normal clients.

Boutique Business Plan In India - A Complete Guide 3

You can provide variations and lots of designs

  • Men’s clothing
  • Women’s clothing
  • Children’s clothing
  • Seasonal collections
  • Designer one-liners
  • Accessories
  • Designer Footwear
  • Formal wear
  • Semi-formal wear
  • Ethnic wear
  • Casual wear

Your display needs a change:

  • You have it, you flaunt it. You need to update your wardrobe regularly with fashion and trends.
  • You need to understand what the requirement of your customers is and what will get them attracted towards your boutique.
  • Update your merchandise of mind-set of what is in vogue and what clothing patterns are in demand.
  • Classify your boutique:
  • Either opening your boutique or going for the franchise that depends on you each one has its perk.
  • The benefits of having a franchise are that it will save you the effort of creating and establishing a brand name.

You can also establish your designer boutique will give you a unique identity and will enable you to experiment with the current trends of the market.

A Franchise  can be profitable

  • Well, the known brand will make your market less risky. As it will save your resources and energy to invest in creating a brand name.
  • You can have direct customers of that particular known brand that makes your market.
  • You need to take care of basic things while choosing a profitable franchise for you. You cannot go with the franchise which is already in loss or does not contain a market value.
  • You need to be legally correct with your ethics. You cannot opt for any franchise which is involved in any bank bankruptcy or illegal actions.
  •  Last but not least you should choose that kind of franchise which can provide you with benefits in the off-season.
  • The designer boutique is a lavish business and involves a lot of creativity and trending knowledge.
  • You need to be creative with what you are serving to the client. For that, you require a lot of funding
  • 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh to start a boutique in India, at least one of a small scale. The cost differences will mainly be on account of the rent and quality of materials. Many women sell saris and dress materials from their homes
  • Clothing boutique owners estimate the cost of starting a clothing store to be anywhere from 10 lakh to 25 lakh. If you want to start your designer label, then the minimum investment required would be 10 to 15 lakh.
  •  The actual amount may vary by location, products, and individual facility. In any scenario, you’ll need a sufficient amount of financing to bankroll your business plan.
  • In 2018 the average retail store owner is set to make a profit within a range of 4 percent to 13 percent according to industry analysts.
  • Mark-ups often seem high as compared to the cost of goods sold, another term for variable costs.

 You can go for several funding of options to choose;

  • Banks and other private finance sources
  • Self-financed
  • Government and cooperative societies
  • Friends and family

Tools and equipment:

Here is a list of tools and equipment you may require other than the material:.

  • Sewing machine for an alteration of clothes
  • Table chair for the receptionist, placing the billing system, and stationery
  • Clothing stands
  • Steam irons
  • A changing room with mirror and hooks to hang clothes
  • Air conditioning or fans, ceiling lights
  • Water purifier (optional)
  • Accessories stand
  • Outdoor signage board
  • Fliers, brochures, business cards, covers/bags printed with the boutique name
  • Containers to store items, such as accessories and other fashion supplies
  • Floor carpet
  • Embroidery threads
  • Glasses and mirrors
  • Packaging and tags

Hiring and employment:

To be a customer-centric business, hire employees that are representatives of your boutique’s style, and are friendly and highly efficient.

Keep reliable staff which creates a positive working environment. You require staff accordingly.

Some are mandatory such as:

  • Production staff
  • Administrative staff
  • Customer service staff
  • Press/iron man(Optional you can work outsource)
  • Dyer (Optional you can work outsource)

Business needs to be registered:

  • It depends on you which is your Boutique opening format. For any sole proprietorship, partnership, LLP or company a different registration needs to be obtained.
  • If the boutique is set up as a company, company registration is required under the Companies Act, 2013. Smaller businesses may be registered as private limited companies  or  Limited liability partnership  (LLP) which have limited government intervention

Trademark registration

While not mandatory, it is recommended for a Boutique to obtain a trademark registration to protect its brand. Registration is valid for 10 years.

PAN Number and TAN Number

You can refer to  government sites  for more details. For getting PAN and TIN you can refer to  NSDL .

Marketing and promotions:

  • What can be the best way to attract customer other than gift cards and discounts.
  • Seasonal sales and percent discounts play a great role in marketing.
  • Always keep your items trendy and do good research before you stock the inventory
  •  Keep the decor of your store pleasant and vibrant.
  •  Conduct a runway show on the day you open your boutique as this will help generate interest in your brand.
  • Do market research every time and understand what the taste of the local crowd is and stock items that would generate their interest.
  • Use social media thoroughly to gain popularity and use of SEO is getting in trend can one of the promotion tactics.
  • Offer variations and something trendy and fashionable always.
  • Cherish your collection with social media.
  • Choose events, clubs, wramp walk, etc. to showcase your collection.
  • Influence your customers and make them feel positive about whatever they are choosing.

Boutique Business Plan In India - A Complete Guide 4

Get a creative and elegant website:

  • A website is the face of your business working as people go through it to approach you. So showcasing your work on your website can create your brand value.
  • With the change in time and mode of connectivity, getting tech-savvy is important. Having a nice and functional website can help a lot in generating new business and potential customers will be able to reach you.
  • Well organized and attractive website is the representative of your work online. You should all the basics of an ideal website such as home page, services, and contact, about us and with all the genuine content .
  • Get online business by creating visual and email marketing. Get contracts of functions, weddings, parties events and so on.

Be trendy, creative, unique, and stylish, this will help you to grow your boutique business. Fashion and style are like eating you cannot stick to the same menu, you need to explore. Make an impact on your customer in the end they are the ones whom you want in your store.

Take some good ideas and relax you will get your beginning , I hope this article proved useful and will make you a successful boutique planner. Comment down and let us know who is your favorite designer or designer house.

boutique business plan in hindi

Business Ideas in Hindi

Online Boutique Business 2023: ऑनलाइन बुटीक बिजनेस Benefits

Online Boutique Business , बुटीक क्या है, बुटीक बिजनेस शुरु करें, आइडियाज, प्लान, बुटीक खोलने के लिए कुछ बेहतरीन टिप्स, निवेश, लाभ, लाइसेंस, जोखिम, मार्केटिंग (How to Start Online Boutique Business Plan in Hindi) (License, Investment, Profit, Risk, Marketing, Cost)

Online Boutique Business: क्या आपके पास कोई अनोखा बिजनेस आईडिया है?? क्या आप किसी के नीचे या सुपरविज़न में काम करना पसंद नहीं करते हैं? क्या आप बहुत सारा पैसा कमाना चाहते हैं?? यदि इन सब सवालों का जवाब हाँ हैं तो आपको अपने खुदके बिजनेस प्लान के बारे में सोचना चाहिए. ज्यादातर लोग सोचते हैं कि बिजनेस को स्थापित करने के लिए बहुत बड़ी राशि की आवश्यकता होती हैं, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं हैं.

आप इसके लिए दूर-दराज के क्षेत्रों तक भी आपकी पहुँच बनाने वाले इन्टरनेट को धन्यवाद दे सकते हैं. अब कोई भी ज्यादा राशि ना होने पर भी इन्टरनेट की मदद से बिजनेस शुरू कर सकता हैं. यदि आपके पास परफेक्ट बिजनेस प्लान हैं तो आप ऑनलाइन ट्रेड इंडस्ट्री में भी भाग्य आजमा सकते हैं. पिछले कुछ समय में पोर्टल आधारित गारमेंट स्टोर में बढ़ोतरी हुई हैं. लोग इन साईट पर आवश्यक सामन जैसे कपडे, जूते, बैग और अन्य जरूरत की वस्तुएं खरीदने के लिए log.in करते हैं.

Table of Contents

ऑनलाइन बुटीक बिजनेस आवश्यक चरण (Steps for Online Boutique Business)

आप ऑनलाइन प्लेटफार्म पर क्या बेचना चाहते है वो महत्वपूर्ण नहीं हैं, इसके लिए आपके पास बस आत्म विश्वास होना चाहिए. यदि आपको इस तरह के बिजनेस को स्थापित करने की प्रक्रिया में आत्म-विश्वास नहीं हैं तो आप अनुभवी लोगों से सलाह भी ले सकते हैं. वैसे चाहे आप पारम्परिक कपड़ों की दूकान खोलना चाहे या पोर्टल बिजनेस को स्थापित करने के लिए निम्न बातें हैं, जो कि आपकी सफलता को सुनिश्चित करेगी. आखिर में आपकी प्रेरणा, मेहनत, प्रोडक्ट की क्वालिटी और प्रमोशनल तकनीक ही आपके ऑनलाइन बुटीक बिजनेस में सफलता की राह को आसान करेगी.

बिजनेस प्लान बनाए (Business Plan for Online Boutique Business )-

Online Boutique Business : कोई भी टास्क को पूरा करने के लिए प्रॉपर प्लानिंग की जरूरत होती हैं.  हालांकि ऐसा कोई नियम नहीं हैं जो किसी भी बिजनेस की सफलता की गारंटी दे, लेकिन सफल होने के लिए कुछ पालिसी हैं जिन्हें फॉलो किया जा सकता हैं. बिजनेस प्लान बनाना किसी भी बिजनेस को सेट करने का पहला स्टेप हैं. ऑनलाइन गारमेंट बिजनेस में आवश्यक फाइनेंस को तैयार करना, प्रोडक्ट्स चुनना, प्रमोशन, ऑर्डर एक्सेप्ट करना और डीलिवरी के बाद पेमेंट लेना जैसे कुछ आवश्यक काम होते हैं. ऐसे में प्रॉपर प्लानिंग के अभाव से समस्या आ सकती हैं, जिससे कि ना केवल आपका ऑनलाइन बिजनेस नहीं जम सकेगा, बल्कि आपकी मार्केट में रेप्युटेशन भी ख़राब हो जाएगी. इसलिए बिजनेस प्लान बनाने के लिए समय देना जरुरी होता हैं

मार्केट रिसर्च में समय बिताये (Market Research for Online Boutique Business )-

एक बार यदि आपका प्लान तैयार हो जाए, तो किसी  प्रोफेशनल से इसके लिए मार्केट रिसर्च करे. कोई भी किसी भी बिजनेस में मार्केट रिसर्च किए बिना सफलता हासिल नहीं कर सकता. यह आपके ऑनलाइन गारमेंट स्टोर को शेप देने के लिए डाटा उपलब्ध कराएगा. यह आपको जरुररत की राशि के लिए एक क्लियर आईडिया भी देगा, जैसे लोगों को क्या पसंद हैं, डिलीवर कैसे करते है वगैरह. मार्केट की रिसर्च आपको अपने टारगेट कस्टमर तक पहुँचने में भी मदद करेगी. ये रिपोर्ट्स आपको बताएगी कि आपके बिजनेस के लिए क्या क्या जरुरी हैं जिससे आप डिमांड को पूरी कर पायेंगे.

स्टोर के लिए उपयुक्त नाम का चुनाव (Selection of Store Name for Online Boutique Business )-

एक बार सारे डेटा आपके हाथ में आ गए, तो अब आपको अपने ऑनलाइन क्लोथिंग बुटीक का नाम सोचना होगा. यह आसान लग सकता हैं लेकिन वास्तव में यह बहुत मुश्किल काम हैं. इसके लिए बड़े,पुराने और घिसे-पिटे नाम को नजरंदाज करे. ऑनलाइन स्टोर का नाम में कुछ ऐसा होना जो ग्राहकों को आकर्षित करे. कुछ अच्छा और स्मार्ट नाम खोजे. और ये सुनिश्चित करें कि ग्राहक को नाम से ही ये समझ आये कि आप उसे क्या ऑफर कर रहे हैं.

ऑनलाइन डोमेन का चुनाव (Selection of Online Domain)-

Online Boutique Business : ये बताने की जरूरत नहीं हैं कि ऑनलाइन गारमेंट बुटीक के लिए प्रॉपर ऑनलाइन जगह भी होनी चाहिए. इसके लिए एक वेबसाइट होनी बहुत जरुरी हैं जिन पर ग्राहक अपने पसंद के आइटम चुन सके. इसलिए अगली महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी हैं सही डोमेन का नाम चुनना. डोमेन के होने से इसे एक प्रोफेशनल टच मिलेगा, लोग ऐसे स्टोर पर अन्य से ज्यादा भरोसा करते हैं. इसके लिए प्रीमियम प्लान बहुत महंगे होते हैं लेकिन इससे ऑनलाइन गारमेंट बिजनेस में वृद्धि होती हैं.

अपनी वेबसाइट बनाना (Designing the Website) –

Online Boutique Business : यदि आपका ऑनलाइन रीप्रेजेंटेशन सही नहीं हुआ तो आपको जल्द ही अपने बिजनेस से हाथ धोना पड सकता हैं. एक बार आपने स्टोर और डोमेन  का नाम सोच लिया, तो अब आपको स्टोर के लिए एक प्रभावशाली वेबपेज बनाना होगा. वेबपेज उस खिड़की की तरह काम करेगी जहाँ से ग्राहक आपके फ्रेश कलेक्शन देख सकेंगे. ऑनलाइन गारमेंट स्टोर के लिए किसी वेबसाईट डिजाइनर की सहायता लेना अच्छा रहेगा. ये सुनिश्चित करे कि आइटम की महत्वता को बिना कम किए डिज़ाइन और टेम्पलेट ग्राहकों को आकर्षित करे, इसलिए साईट को आकर्षक बनाए. यदि टैब को नेविगेट करना मुश्किल हुआ, तो ग्राहक तुरंत किसी अन्य स्टोर पर लोग-इन कर लेगा.

यूनिक ब्रांड की पहचान बनाए (Develop Unique Brand Identity)  –

Online Boutique Business : गारमेंट इंडस्ट्री में ऑनलाइन ब्रांडिंग जरुरी है. यह आपके ग्राहकों, प्रोडक्ट्स, नाम और सोशल मीडिया पर उपस्थिति पर निर्भर करता हैं. यदि स्टोर पर सिर्फ महिलाओं के सामान ही उपलब्ध हैं तो बेहतर होगा की महिला के रंग और पंसद की प्रेजेंटेशन हो. यदि पोर्टल पर युवाओं, महिलाओ, पूरुषों और बच्चों सबके लिए सामान उपलब्ध हैं तो ब्रांड और उसकी डिजाइन उसके अनुसार ही होनी चाहिए. पुरुष तो वैसे भी महिलाओं की चीजों या डिजाइन को देखना पसंद नहीं करेंगे. और अगर आप  स्कूल यूनिफार्म को बेचने से शुरू  करना चाहते है, तो उस तरह से पहचान बनाये.

प्रोडक्ट एवं क्वालिटी हाईलाईट करे (Highlight Products and Quality)-

Online Boutique Business : एक बार आपने अपने गाढ़कों को इम्प्रेस कर दिया तो वो हमेशा आपके स्टोर पर देखने को आते रहेंगे  कि आपने क्या नया किया हैं. और आपके लिए अपनी डील क्रैक करने का यही सही मौका होगा. आपका ऑनलाइन बुटीक तभी चलेगा जब इस पर कुछ विशेष वर्ग के ग्राहकों के लिए भी आवश्यक आइटम होंगे. आपको विभिन्न एंगल से खीचकर अपने प्रोडक्ट की फोटो को अपलोड करते रहना चाहिए, जिससे ग्राहकों को प्रोडक्ट का शेप, साइज़ और कलर सही तरीके से समझ आ सके. फोटो के साथ आपको प्रोडक्ट की डिटेल भी पोस्ट करनी चाहिए, जिससे ग्राहकों को पता चल सके कि उन्हें इसमें क्या क्या मिलने वाला है. इन सबको ध्यान में रखकर ही आपको बेस्ट क्वालिटी का प्रोडक्ट दिखाना चाहिए.

कीमत का सही चुनाव-  

Online Boutique Business : प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के पास अपना एक बजट होता हैं. इसकी प्राइस इसके क्वालिटी के अनुसार ही होना चाहिए. यदि उन्हें क्वालिटी पसंद नहीं आती तो ग्राहक यही प्रोडक्ट अन्य साईट पर भी देखते हैं. वो लोग हमेशा बेस्ट डील ही चुनेंगे, इसलिए आपके प्रोडक्ट की प्राइस आकर्षक और ग्राहक के बजट में होनी चाहिए, इसके लिए पहले अच्छे से रिसर्च कर ले.

उत्पाद की सोर्सिंग (Source for Online Boutique Business )-

अपना कलेक्शन बनाने के लिए आपको होलसेलर, रिटेलर, मनुफ्रेकचरर और अन्य स्टोर्स  के टच में रहना होगा, जहाँ से आपको अपने पोर्टल के लिए अच्छे प्रोडक्ट्स मिल सके, लोकल आर्टिस्ट से बात करके भी आप उनके उत्पादों को भी अपने स्टोर पर बेच सकते हो,आप किसी आर्टिस्ट को अपने काम के लिए हायर भी कर सकते हो

प्रॉपर डिलीवरी सर्विस (Delivery services for Online Boutique Business )-

जब ग्राहक कोई आर्डर देता हैं, तो वो माल के जल्दी और सुरक्षित डीलिवरी की उम्मीद भी करते हैं. व्यापारी की ये जिम्मेदारी बनती हैं कि वो सही तरीके से ग्राहक तक माल पहुंचाए. इसके लिए स्टोर के मलिक गारमेंट भेजने के लिए कुरियर सर्विस की भी सहायता ले सकते हैं. आप कौनसे डिलीवरी सर्विस चुनते हैं इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता बस ये सुनिश्चित कर ले कि ग्राहक को कोई शिकायत का मौका ना मिले.

सोशल मीडिया प्रमोशन (Promotion via Social Media)-

Online Boutique Business : यदि प्रॉपर प्रमोशनल तकनीक का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया, तो ऊपर बताये सभी निर्देश फ़ैल हो जायेंगे. ग्राहकों तक अपनी बात पहुंचाने  के लिए विज्ञापन बहुत जरुरी हैं.इसके अलावा प्रतिस्पर्धा में बहुत सी साईट हैं, विज्ञापन के बिना आप ग्राहकों को आकर्षित नहीं कर पायेंगे. ऑनलाइन बुटीक को प्रोमोट करने का बेस्ट तरीका यही हैं कि सोशल मीडिया के प्लेटफार्म का उपयोग किया जाए. ऑनलाइन बुटीक के मालिक सोशल मीडिया जैसे फेसबुक,इन्स्टाग्राम या ट्विटर पर अकाउंट खोल सकते हैं और वहां से अपने ऑनलाइन बिजनेस की जानकारी को फैला सकते हैं. यदि आपके पास पर्याप्त धन हैं तो आप पारम्परिक विज्ञापनों जैसे टेलीविज़न, न्यूज़ पेपर, रेडियो इत्यादि का भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं. सेलिब्रिटी को भी अपने ऑनलाइन गारमेंट स्टोर का ब्रांड अम्बेसडर बनाया जा सकता हैं.

आवश्यक लीगल डाक्यूमेंट्स और लाइसेंस (Legal Documents and Licenses for Online Boutique Business )

  • कंपनी बैंक अकाउंट (Company Bank account)- अपने ऑनलाइन बिजनेस के लिए आपको जिस डॉक्यूमेंट की सबसे पहले जरूरत पड़ेगी वो हैं आपकी कंपनी का बैंक अकाउंट. व्यापार सम्बन्धित सभी आर्थिक विनिमय इस कंपनी अकाउंट से ही किये जाएंगे. जो ग्राहक ऑनलाइन पेमेंट से कपडे खरीदेंगे वो पैसे इसी अकाउंट में जमा करवाएंगे.
  • कंपनी का पैन कार्ड (Company’s PAN card)- ऑनलाइन बिजनेस के लिए एक अन्य आवश्यक डॉक्यूमेंट हैं रजिस्टर्ड पैन कार्ड,जो कि कंपनी के नाम का बना हुआ होना चाहिए. इन लीगल डॉक्यूमेंट के बिना कई तरह की परमिट या ग्रांट नहीं मिल सकती.
  • कम्पनी के ओनरशिप के पेपर (Company ownership papers)- जब भी कोई ओनर ट्रेड लाइसेंस या अन्य आवश्यक पेपर के लिए के लिए अप्लाई करता हैं, तब  उसे एजेंसी के ओनरशिप के टाइप के बारे में भी बताना होता हैं मतलंब की वो अकेला ही कंपनी का मालिक हैं या उसकी पार्टनरशिप फर्म या एलएलपी (LLP), प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी हैं. ये सब बातें रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म में बतानी जरुरी हैं
  • ट्रेड लाइसेंस (Trade License)- जैसे ही आप अच्छी सर्विस, लाभ और विक्रय के लिए एक अच्छी आर्गेनाइजेशन बनाते हैं, आपको ट्रेड लाइसेंस की जरूरत पड़ती हैं. इस लाइसेंस के लिए भी प्रॉपर पेपर्स की जरूरत पड़ती हैं.
  • रजिस्ट्रेशन सर्टिफिकेट (Registration certificate)— आपको ऑनलाइन बुटीक के लिए प्रॉपर रजिस्ट्रेशन की भी जरूरत होगी जिससे की ट्रेड-लॉ के अनुसार आपका स्टोर लीगल हो जाएगा.
  • जीएसटी रजिस्ट्रेशन डॉक्यूमेंट (GST registration documents)- भारत में जीएसटी के लागू होने से नए और पुराने दोनों प्रकार के आर्गेनाइजेशन के पास जीएसटी रजिस्ट्रेशन पेपर होने जरुरी हैं. यह कम्पनी के मालिक को टैक्स भरने में सुविधा होगी.
  • सेलटैक्स/वैट रजिस्ट्रेशन जीएसटी रजिस्ट्रेशन (Sale tax/VAT registration) – जीएसटी रजिस्ट्रेशन के अलावा बुटीक ओनर को सेल टैक्स और वैट रजिस्ट्रेशन पेपर्स की भी जरूरत होती हैं. ये पेपर बताते हैं की एजेंसी लीगल हैं और सभी काम लीगल तरीके से करती हैं
  • पहचान प्रमाण पत्र   (Identity proof) —गारमेंट शॉप के मालिक को अपना पहचान प्रमाण पत्र भी देना पड़ता हैं .वोटर कार्ड, पैन कार्ड, राशन कार्ड, पासपोर्ट इत्यादि कुछ डाक्यूमेंट्स हैं जिनकी इस काम में जरुरत पड़ती हैं.
  • निवास प्रमाण पत्र (Address Proof)- मालिक के घर के प्रमाण पत्र के साथ गारमेंट सेलींग कंपनी के एड्रेस का भी सर्टीफिकेट जमा करवाना पड़ता हैं. हालांकि बुटीक ऑनलाइन होता हैं लेकिन एक एड्रेस ऐसा देना होता है जिसे वास्तव में ट्रेस किया जा सके. इसके लिए निवास स्थान के एड्रेस को यूज किया जा सकता हैं.
  • ऑनलाइन टर्म एंड प्राइवेसी पॉलिसी (Online terms and Privacy policy) – आपको ऑनलाइन बुटीक चलाने के लिए ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन करवाना पड़ता हैं,ये रजिस्ट्रेशन ट्रेड के टर्म, साईट की प्राइवेसी पालिसी और आर्गेनाइजेशन के कॉपीराईट के साथ सेफ्टी का ध्यान रखती हैं

स्टाफ और वेतन प्रणाली (Staffing and Remuneration) –

Online Boutique Business : यदि आप ऑनलाइन गारमेंट स्टोर चला रहे हो, तो आपको बहुत ज्यादा सहयोग की आवश्यकता नहीं होगी. यदि काम छोटा है तो एक अकेला व्यक्ति भी संभल सकता हैं, लेकिन जैसे-जैसे काम बड़ा होता जाएगा आपको 2-4 व्यक्तियों को रखने की जरुरत लगेगी, ऑनलाइन स्टोर के मालिक को फैक्ट्री की जरूरत नहीं होती. यदि आप सिर्फ मजदूरी जैसे पैकिंग, स्टॉकिंग के लिए ही कुछ व्यक्तियों को रखना चाहते हैं तो उन्हें 5000 से 10,000 तक प्रति महीने दिए जा सकते हैं.

निवेश एवं लाभ (Investment Cost and Profit Margins)

Online Boutique Business : ऑनलाइन बुटीक शुरू करने के लिए कोई आदर्श कॉस्ट नहीं हैं. यदि आप केवल ब्रांडेड कपडे ही बेचना चाहते हैं तो आपका इन्वेस्टमेंट लोकल बनने वाले गारमेंट की अपेक्षा बहुत ज्यादा होगा. ऑनलाइन स्टोर इन्वेस्टमेंट को बहुत कम कर देता हैं यदि आपको अपनी पहचान रेडीमेड गारमेंट इंडस्ट्री में बनानी हैं तो आपको 5 से 7 लाख तक के रुपयों से शुरू करना होगा. इसके लाभ की बात करें तो आज के जमाने में लोगों को डिज़ाइनर कपड़े पहनने का बहुत शौक होता है ऐसे में आपका यह बिज़नेस लाखों में प्रॉफिट कमा सकता है.

रिस्क फैक्टर (Risk Factor for Online Boutique Business )

  • स्टोर करने की समस्या (Problems of storing)- कपड़ो को जल्दी नुक्सान होता हों. यदि स्टोर ऑनलाइन है तो भी कलेक्शन को रखने के लिए जगह की आवश्यकता होती हैं. प्रॉपर स्टोरेज की कमी से ना केवल गारमेंट्स को हानि होती हैं बल्कि इससे प्रॉफिट भी कम होता है.
  • ग्राहक नहीं मिलना (Risk of not finding customers)- यदि आपके पास ताज़ा कलेक्शन हो तो भी सम्भव हैं लोग उसे पसंद ना करे. माल की प्राइस भी एक बड़ा कारण हैं जो कि ऑनलाइन बिजनेस को डूबा सकती हैं. लोगों के दिमाग को पढना आसान नहीं होता और ऐसे में खरीदने वाले किसी विशेष ग्राहक को समझाना और भी मुश्किल हो जाता हैं, जबकि वास्तविकता में कोई भी दुकानदार अपने ग्राहक को अपनी बात और प्रोडक्ट के बारे में आसानी से समझा सकता हैं.

Q : बुटीक का बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करें ?

Ans : अपने कौशल एवं बजट को ध्यान में रखते हुए प्रॉपर प्लानिंग के साथ Online Boutique Business को शुरू किया जा सकता है.

Q : ऑनलाइन बुटीक बिज़नेस में कितना निवेश करना होगा ?

Ans : 5-7 लाख रूपये

Q : क्या ऑनलाइन बुटीक बिज़नेस ( Online Boutique Business ) में फायदा है ?

Ans : जी हां बिलकुल, क्योकि आजकल लोगों को डिज़ाइनर कपड़े ओःन्ने का बहुत शौक होता है.

Q : ऑनलाइन बुटीक बिज़नेस से कितना प्रॉफिट हो सकता है ?

Ans : लाखों में

Q : ऑनलाइन बुटीक बिज़नेस की मार्केटिंग कैसे करें ?

Ans : ऑनलाइन विभिन्न सोशल मीडिया एप्प के जरिये

  • अमूल पार्लर की फ्रेंचाइजी कैसे हासिल करें
  • पतंजलि दिव्य जल के वितरक कैसे बनें
  • पेपर बैग बनाने का व्यापार कैसे शुरू करें
  • कपडे धोने का साबुन बनाकर कैसे व्यापार करें
  • Business Performance Improvement
  • Expert Consultation
  • Legal Compliances
  • Market Linkage
  • Newsletters
  • Professional Services
  • Proposal Creation & Funding
  • Research & Policy advocacy
  • Yashaswi Udyojak

Essentials Of A Boutique Business Plan

Essentials Of A Boutique Business Plan

In a world obsessed with social media, everybody loves to be at their fashionable best. An updated wardrobe is a must-have. People prefer getting custom made clothes and stand out than following the crowd. Thus, clothing boutiques are getting increasingly popular because of a high demand for it and also owing to the many opportunities that come with it.  The Indian clothing retail industry is the largest among all the industries, accounting for over 10% of the country’s GDP and around 8% of the total employment. Clothing boutiques not only compete with other local boutiques, but they also compete with clothing retailers, department stores and big box merchandisers. A clothing boutique is an exciting venture that can be started after some research. Starting a fashion business is an appealing option and the first step in that direction involves writing a business plan. 

boutique business plan in hindi

Boutique Business Plan

Executive summary.

An executive business summary must be included in the plan to explain the entire idea and concept. Lenders and investors will probably make their mind whether to invest money in your plan or not based on this executive summary.

Before you step into the business, create a boutique business plan which you can refer to in case of any difficulty. Summarize your boutique’s business plan and place it at the start of the entire plan as an executive summary. If you are seeking financing with the business plan, include the amount that you are seeking within this summary and describe how the funds will be utilized and how soon the funds will be repaid.

Research is an important aspect when it comes to deciding your prowess. Your product line is one of the most crucial aspects of your boutique business plan. Provide a list of your boutique’s products. Detail your products’ unique qualities and explain why the products benefit your customers. Explain where you will obtain your boutique’s clothing from and include the costs of your vendors and suppliers. You should align your niche to the type of product you understand and have knowledge about and also consider what your target group expects. Find out what you are interested in and research that niche domain completely.

Below is the list of choices you can explore and opt for:

  • Women’s clothing
  • Men’s clothing
  • Children’s clothing
  • Accessories

You can choose to offer a variety of products in these areas. List what you are most informed about and interested in. A clothing boutique can offer different products such as:

  • Formal wear
  • Semi-formal wear
  • Ethnic wear
  • Casual wear

Keep Yourself Updated

One of the key factors of creating a successful boutique business plan in India is a strong sales plan. As a boutique owner it goes unsaid that you have to keep up with the trends and fads of the fashion industry. Keep updating your merchandise keeping in mind what is in vogue and what clothing patterns are in demand. 

Market research

Explain your target market or the customers that you intend to capture in the boutique business plan. You should be completely aware of your competition. Carry out a research about the other boutiques already present in the area where you want to start yours. Categorize the competitors into direct and indirect competitors, with direct competitors being other local boutiques in your area and indirect being department stores and big locations. Describe the customer demographic and their locations. Explain your boutique’s strengths and weaknesses as compared to the competition and explain the strategies your boutique will use to achieve a competitive edge. Also, before finding a location, describe the amount of space your business will require.

Company structure

Introduce your clothing boutique with a general business description.   boutique’s business entity, such as a sole proprietorship or partnership, along with the boutique’s list of owners, their contact information and the boutique’s contact information.

Decide if you want to be a part of a franchise or have an independent clothing line. The benefits of having a franchise is that it will save you the effort of creating and establishing a brand name. As a part of a franchise, your boutique will operate as a part of a bigger group. Since you’ll be a part of a franchise, the franchisor would provide support for setting up and operating the branch. You can also establish and operate as an independent clothing boutique and clothing line in your locality. An independent clothing line will enable you to experiment with the current trends of the market.  

Manpower and equipment

It is not just the cloth that will be sold, there are a lot of things that pair up with a piece of cloth that make it desirable. List the most reliable wholesale suppliers for your boutique. When you go to the wholesaler, be sure to get samples. Pick the best supplier after negotiating and coming to a reasonable price for a good quality product. Some of the materials you will require when you start your business are:

  • Embroidery threads
  • Glasses and mirrors
  • Labels, tags, and packaging

Running a one man show might sound as a big money saver, but eventually you will need a few helping hands for the smooth running of your business. To be a customer-centric business, hire employees that are representatives of your boutique’s style, and are friendly and efficient. You need to list down all the posts and who will fill them. Describe each post in detail, list down their duties and responsibilities. Figure out the gaps in your employment and understand how you can eliminate them. Make sure the staff is reliable and willing to work extra hours during times of need if required. These are some of the employees you might  need:

  • Production staff
  • Press/iron man
  • Administrative staff
  • Customer service staff

Finance is the most important part of any business. You should aim to be as specific as you can when it comes to your finance, which includes describing your financial strategy and how it will support your projected growth. Create your clothing boutique’s financial statements. Include a personal financial statement, balance sheet, cash flow analysis, and income statement. Estimate your liquid fund requirements to start your business. Before you actually start running the boutique, you must purchase all the products, material and equipment required running the business. List down the services and what raw materials and equipment are required.

You must also decide where the funding for your business will come from. You have a number of options to choose from:

  • Self-financed
  • Banks and other financial institutions
  • Government and institution grants
  • Friends and family

Whether you’re borrowing money through a traditional bank loan or have teamed up with investors, you need to figure out how much money you need to get started. Research the paths for each and come to a decision about which one is suitable for you.

No matter how amazing your clothing line is, if you don’t market it right, your store will be as good as invisible. Once you start the boutique and have a unique collection of clothes ready, the next step is to get the customers. Having a good marketing plan will solve this problem.

Social media is today’s giant! Use it to increase your popularity. With such amazing online platforms, it becomes easy to spread the word. Exhibit the piece de resistance of your collection on social media to increase sales. This will not only increase the footfall in your business but also increase sales online. Your plan should include how you intend to show your target market that you’ve got something they’re looking for. You could mail flyers to businesses or residences in the zip code where your store is located, as well as to surrounding zip codes; and also put ads in local newspapers.

Opening a clothing boutique is a unique and rewarding experience once you gather all the necessary information about  how to start a boutique . Further, starting a business on your own can be exhilarating and having a business plan in place helps make the process additionally easier and smoother. Writing a business plan is the first step you will take in making your dream a reality. While writing a business plan, the points discussed above are some of the conventional elements that need to be included. However, it depends on your requirement which will decide what you choose to include while preparing a business plan.

Before writing the business plan, be sure to have a business plan checklist handy so you know that you’ve got all the bases covered. If you still have questions and need more guidance then contact deAsra , we will help you through the process of starting your business.

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Boutique Business Plan

How to start boutique business in india.

A boutique is an establishment that sells items like clothing, accessories, and fabric. In 2020, the Indian textile market was worth $150 billion. Due to an exponential growth rate, it is expected to grow to $220 billion by 2026. The boutique business is quite profitable in India as there has been a rise in demand for quality apparel. For one who wants to start a boutique business in India , it is important to have a foolproof business plan for a boutique .

Starting a boutique business in India is quite a profitable venture since the cloth industry is very diverse, with a wide array of items and changes rapidly. Online retailing has proved to be very helpful for small retailers.

A boutique may be operated by only one person and doesn't need much funding. Starting a boutique business in India typically requires an investment of Rs 200,000 to Rs 500,000. However, getting a loan for the same gets really difficult due to several factors, including the lack of a proper business plan for a boutique .

If you have a solid business plan for a boutique , you can get a loan or seek investment from venture capital funds. Here are a few things you need to start a boutique business in India :

A Boutique Business Plan

Making a business plan is the first step while starting a boutique business . The boutique business plan serves as a blueprint for opening, growing, and expanding the store. A formal business plan for opening your boutique is crucial to show the investors that you are committed and serious about your boutique's growth. It also establishes milestones in the success of your boutique business and analyses your competition, customers, etc. Boutique business plans help create your revenue model and determine your financial requirements.

A Plan Backed By Research, Data, And Realistic Projections

Launching a boutique business may be quite difficult. To operate a boutique, you must comprehend styling, textiles, trends, and presentation. Although your functional expertise will help you conceptualize new designs and trends to effectively cater to customer needs, however, to arrange the seed capital initially, you need to have a well-researched boutique business plan , which will show current market data and use proper calculations to project a realistic outcome from the business.

Before preparing your business plan for a boutique , you should gather data regarding the market size, total business volume, and annual growth rate of the boutique business in the market where you want to start your business. You need to arrange the data properly, provide very lucid and easy-to-understand interpretations, and, based on these, create short-term and long-term projections that would show the investors the approximate return on investment (RoI).

What Makes A Good Business Plan?

Think about how you want to launch your boutique business – how the pieces will work together, where you want to take your boutique, how you want to secure a loan for your boutique, and how you want to build the business effectively. Once you have built this foundation, then you can build the structure of your dream project atop it. The business plan is a roadmap for your store's opening, growth, and expansion.

Every boutique owner must thoroughly understand the processes and business loans needed to establish a profitable company. With goals and timelines defined for each area, a solid plan should handle marketing, competition, finances, and staffing.

Your boutique business plan must include the total amount needed to start the business and maintain it well-funded in the initial months. A reasonable estimation of the amount of money required for the boutique is made after a need analysis. High expectations caused by undercapitalisation are the main reason new businesses fail. Hence, you should ensure adequate capital for capital expenditure as well as working capital.

The following information should be in the business plan:

  • Business facts- The most crucial component of starting a business is understanding why you want to enter this industry and what you want to give the market. The fashion industry's success depends heavily on consumer satisfaction; thus, you should be aware of and sensitive to customers' demands. You need to be flexible with offerings to succeed and stay ahead of possible rivals.
  • The amount required (loan)- You have to calculate the total amount that you need for capital expenditure like purchasing the store, merchandise, raw materials, etc., along with an estimation of the capital you need to run your business on a day-to-day basis until you reach your breakeven point. You have to clearly mention all these amounts in the business plan to explain your situation to the lenders.
  • The loan period- Usually, a business loan is given for five to seven years. However, you can show your lender how soon you will be in a position to repay the debt using realistic income forecasting. FlexiLoan provides enough flexibility in terms of the loan period and interest rates.
  • Financial viability (how the business will earn and how much)- Your business plan must show how you plan to earn – which means why should customers leave other stores and step into yours? The answer to this question should be backed by facts and research, showing the lenders that you have a clear vision.
  • RoI with profitability- Generally speaking, a yearly RoI of around 7% or more is considered a decent amount for an investment in a boutique business . Ensure you show an attractive RoI using research and data so that you can easily secure the loan.
  • Collaterals- Your business plan should inform your lenders what you want to use as collateral against the loan. Generally, boutique business owners use their stores as collateral. However, if you do not own the place, you can also put something else of equal value as collateral.

You can start your boutique business after creating a good boutique business plan to seek funding through a loan. FlexiLoans helps you in getting hassle-free loans for opening your boutique business at easy terms. Check out FlexiLoan offers today to start your boutique business and achieve success. We provide collateral free business loans , msme loans , small business loans , and unsecured business loans . Visit their website today to know about the eligibility for business loan and the interest rate for business loans . 

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How to Start a Boutique Business?

Updated on : Jul 22nd, 2022

A boutique is a small retail shop selling fabric, clothes, accessories and other goods to a specific segment of people. A boutique business does not require much capital and can be managed by even one person. In India, starting a boutique business usually requires a minimum investment of two to five lakhs.

A boutique usually caters to women who prefer personal shopping and get help for their style assessments. Many individuals sell sarees and dress materials from homes. Some of the primary functions of a boutique include alterations, giving personal appointments to customers, and personal shopping. 

A boutique business is profitable when you have an artistic sense and good taste. If you are a fashion designer, you can open a boutique and sell your creations. You can also tie up with vendors and sell their products or dresses in the boutique. The requirements to start a boutique business in India are mentioned below.

Make a Business Plan

The first thing for starting a boutique business is preparing a business plan. The business plan acts as a road map for setting the store, its development, and expansion. The business plan should have the following details:

  • Location of the boutique
  • Obtaining a loan to establish the boutique
  • Expenses incurred for running the boutique
  • Marketing and staffing for the boutique
  • Goals and timetables for each goal

Obtain Funds

Starting a small boutique in India usually requires an investment of Rs.2 lakh to Rs.5 lakh. You can start a boutique by putting your savings or borrowing funds from your friends and family. You can apply for a working capital business loan from a bank or financial institution to run your boutique. You may also apply for an SME loan. You can apply for SME loans under various government schemes that provide financial assistance to entrepreneurs to set up small-scale industries.

Know Customer and Competition

Conducting market research is essential. You should identify your proposed customer’s age, income level, lifestyle and education. It helps to understand the customer preferences and stock items of their interest. If your city is humid or has tropical weather, you can choose linen and cotton fabrics for clothing instead of synthetic materials.

You can research what is lacking in the market or provide something new that the customers do not know. It will make your boutique distinct from other boutiques in the neighbourhood. You can also determine the purchasing patterns of customers residing near your boutique’s location. It will help you gain customers.

Identify Raw Materials

When you design clothes to sell in your boutique, you should identify a source that will supply quality raw materials. Find out manufacturers that specialise in raw materials that are required for your boutique. Ask for samples of the fabric, threads, buttons, etc., that you need from the manufacturers. When you have the sample, you can check its quality and negotiate the price with them. Ensure to choose suitable quality materials to maintain reliability with your customers.

Find Vendors

When you purchase clothes from various manufacturers or sellers and sell them in your boutique, you need to look out for vendors. Identify wholesalers who have the dress designs that you want to sell. A good method to search for vendors is to find reputable apparel wholesalers, manufacturers, and distributors in your area. If you stay in a metropolitan city, you can inquire at local shops and flea markets to find out if clothes vendors or wholesalers will visit your area. You may even approach small business owners on the internet willing to provide clothes for your boutique.

Select the Location

You can lease or rent a small place to start your boutique. The location of your boutique should be accessible to your target customers. The location should be close to main roads, have parking places and not have much traffic. You can start an online boutique with a warehouse where you stock your clothes. Find a warehouse close to your house, so you do not need to travel much. However, keep your items trendy and conduct market research before you stock inventory.

Required Registrations 

Choose the proper legal structure for your boutique business. You can establish your business as a sole proprietorship or company. Usually, boutiques are established as sole proprietorships since one person starts them. But when it is established as a company, either One Person Company (OPC) or a private limited company, it is easy to obtain funds and establish other branches. 

Register your boutique business as a sole proprietorship or company. It would help if you also decided on a name for the boutique. Ensure that the name is not similar to another company name as it might confuse your customers. 

Since it is a shop, you must also get the Shop and establishment Act registration from the respective state authorities. Also, you need to get a Permanent Account Number (PAN) for your boutique. You can also purchase insurance for your boutique to protect it from burglaries, theft, and product liability claims.

Make a Marketing Strategy

It would help if you made a marketing strategy to promote and attract customers. You can send flyers to residents or potential customers or advertise in local newspapers. You can also collect customers’ emails and mail them new arrivals and planned discounts.

Create social media accounts for your boutique. Many startup boutiques have gained loyal customers by uploading the pictures and designs of clothes on their Facebook pages. Publish your products on social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram to generate leads for your boutique. 

Make a website of your boutique and provide information about your products on the website. Many people shop online and order clothes from websites directly. Social media accounts, TV and radio advertising, a YouTube channel of the boutique and blogging are marketing tactics by which you could try to promote your business. 

Hire Staff 

A single person runs many boutiques, but as the business grows, you will need to hire a dependable staff. You will also need sales girls/boys, an accountant, tailors, designers and a store manager. You will also need someone to clean the place.

Opening a boutique business is an insightful and interesting idea. You will learn how to handle finances, purchasing, marketing and organising the business as it grows. It is a business that can be started without hiring many people initially and with low investment.

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Mayashree Acharya

I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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Boutique Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Boutique Business Plan Template

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their boutiques. On this page, we will first give you some background information regarding the importance of business planning. We will then go through a boutique business plan template step-by-step so that you can create your plan today.

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What is a Boutique Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your boutique as it stands today and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Boutique

If you’re looking to start a boutique business or grow your existing boutique, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if required, and plan out the growth of your boutique to improve your chances of success. Your boutique business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Boutique Businesses

Regarding funding, the primary sources of funding for a boutique business are bank loans and angel investors. Regarding bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business.

The second most common form of funding for a boutique is angel investors. Angel investors are wealthy individuals who will write you a check. They will either take equity in return for their funding or, like a bank, they will give you a loan.

Venture capitalists will not fund a boutique business. They might consider funding a chain, but never an individual location. This is because most venture capitalists look for millions of dollars in return when they invest, and an individual location could rarely achieve such results.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

Below is a boutique business plan example outline. It should include the following 10 sections:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan. Still, it is usually the last section you write because it allows for an overview of each critical section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to engage the reader quickly. Explain to them the type of boutique you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a boutique business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of boutiques.

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the boutique industry. Discuss the type of boutique store you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give a summary of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of boutique business you are operating.

For example, you might operate a boutique focused on:

  • High-End Fashion
  • Sports/Athletic Clothing
  • Kids Clothing
  • Wedding Dresses
  • Hip Hop Clothing

In addition to explaining the type of boutique business you operate, the Company Analysis section of your boutique business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include sales goals you’ve reached, new store openings, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the boutique business.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the boutique industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends. For example, if there were a trend towards local boutique businesses with online counterparts, it would be helpful to ensure your plan calls for a significant online presence.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your boutique business plan:

  • How big is the boutique business (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in your local market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your boutique. You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of your niche’s market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your clothing boutique business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to benefit.

The following are examples of customer segments: college students, sports enthusiasts, soccer moms, techies, teens, baby boomers, etc.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will greatly impact the type of boutique business you operate. Clearly, baby boomers would want a different atmosphere, pricing, and product options and would respond to other marketing promotions than teens.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. Regarding demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because most boutique businesses primarily serve customers living in the same city or town, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will attract and retain your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other boutique businesses. They are most likely local businesses that sell similar items to you.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from you that aren’t direct competitors. You most likely will have online competitors; companies that sell the same or similar items to you, but which operate online.

For each direct competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What products do they offer?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. Look at review websites to gain this information.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide superior products or services?
  • Will you provide products that your competitors don’t?
  • Will you make it easier or faster for customers to acquire your products?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a clothing boutique business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : in the product section you should reiterate the type of boutique you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering.

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the items you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your boutique business. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your boutique business located next to a heavily populated office building, or gym, etc. Discuss how your location might provide a steady stream of customers. Also, if you operate or plan to operate kiosks, detail the locations where the kiosks will be placed.

Promotions : the final part of your boutique business marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Making your storefront extra appealing to attract passing customers
  • Social media marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local bloggers and websites
  • Local radio advertising
  • Banner ads at local venues

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your boutique business such as serving customers, procuring inventory, keeping the boutique clean, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to serve your 1,000th customer, or when you hope to reach $X in sales. It could also be when you expect to hire your Xth employee or launch a new location.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your boutique business’s ability to succeed as a business, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in the boutique business. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in boutique businesses and/or successfully running a boutique and small businesses.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you serve 25 customers per day or 100? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : While balance sheets include much information, to simplify them to the key items you need to know about, balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. For instance, if you spend $200,000 on building out your boutique business, that will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $100.000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt. For example, you may need to purchase inventories now that you can’t sell (and get paid for) for several months. During those months, you could run out of money.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a boutique business:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Cost of fixtures
  • Cost of initial inventory
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your boutique’s design blueprint or location lease.   Boutique Business Plan Summary Putting together a business plan for your boutique business (or an online boutique business plan) is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the boutique business plan example template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the boutique business, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful boutique store.  

Boutique Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my boutique business plan.

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15 steps to starting a BOUTIQUE – A simple Business plan

Opening a boutique is a dream for many women who want to stand on their own feet and feel the freedom and joy of owning a business, in a field they have a great passion for. This post is a detailed guidance that teaches you how to start a boutique.

A boutique is a small retail shop selling clothes/ fabric/accessories and other goods to a specific segment of the market. It is easy to start, easily manageable by even one person, requires a comparatively small amount of capital to start, engages the creativity and passion of the owner to a great extend. And all of these more often than not leads to a successful and enriching life for all involved.

open a boutique business

1. Decide on the type of boutique you want to start

There are basically  3 types of boutiques  in terms of the way they stock goods – consignment boutique, regular buy and sell retail boutique and the franchisee boutique 

A consignment boutique will stock goods manufactured by other designers or manufacturers and will take a percentage as their share when the item is sold.

The consignment model means that you do not have to need initial money for the inventory but the profit share will be much lower than buying and selling. The consignment stores operate at a volume model which means you will have to sell a lot of goods for a decent profit. This type of store is a good option if you do not have the initial investment money to buy merchandise. You will have to seek designers or factories ready to keep goods in your shop to sell.

The buy and sell boutiques will buy goods at a  wholesale price from manufacturers or distributors and sell them at a higher mark up to customers. This model of boutiques will make a much higher profit at the end of the day but you need a large initial investment to buy merchandise. You will have to develop a relationship with wholesalers and get the best price so that you can make more profit. You may have to buy bundles / large quantities of the same style to get this discount ( Minimum order quantity). You will be making more money with this model than the consignment boutique.

The franchisee boutique will be operating under a large  brand name and will exclusively sell that brand. A franchise fee (one time as well as annual) will have to be paid to the parent company to use the brand name and logo etc and be allowed to sell their merchandise.

This model needs a lot of initial investment as you will have to give a franchise fee to the company as well as keep up the quality standards as specified by the company in terms of decor etc. You have the advantage of already developed brand awareness, company advertisements etc and may not have to convince customers to buy the products as much as if you were starting a new line.

The fourth type of boutique can be the retail outlet of a production house. This will involve a lot more initial investment than the other three. You will be procuring fabric and making clothes and then selling – so labor cost, material cost, and production cost on top of the cost of setting up the shop. The reward will be all the more if you are successful.

how to start a boutique

2. Decide on the USP of the store – the purpose of your business

Decide on why you want to open the boutique and what you will be offering. You will also have to know what is in trend  and the colors which appeal to the market at the moment

Develop a business mentality from the word goes. You are in this to make a profit and a better life for yourself. Without profit nothing is possible – so always be thinking about profit and cutting costs.

So think about “ the reason why you want to start a boutique? “.

Some girls think that a boutique will help them pass time. 

Some want an escape from home.  Some think ‘I can be around lots of clothes and can wear what does not sell’

Some feel compelled by their relatives to prove themselves.

All sufficient enough reasons to start a business but not enough for a business to be successful. A burning desire is needed to make any business a success – not to say anything about the cutthroat fashion business

Make sure that you have enough education for carrying on a business. 

I do not mean a degree in fashion or a degree in marketing. A general education on how to run a business is an essential part and you can get this from reading relevant books.

With education, you do not have to rely on others. If you have the knowledge none can fool you. Even if you employ qualified employees who will take care of everything for you, they are employees. The knowledge you have will stand you in good stead and you will be able to make good and informed decisions. Conducting business is challenging and needs expertise and nurturing. 

startig a boutique

3. Decide on the clothes you will carry and who you will sell it to

Make a customer profile or profiles of your ideal customer and find products for them.

Think about the purpose of your business and whether it tries to solve a real problem.You can conduct a small market research to know what is currently lacking in the market that you can provide.

You should not go all out to please everyone – finding a niche market is the best way for boutiques; you cannot serve all the people – unless you have the budget of an Amazon.

Decide on the target market – the customers you are going to sell to. Identify a problem in that market that you can solve. Check your customers purchasing preferences. The styles, color, and fit should meet the preference of your target market.

If you are going to start in a residential colony with a mostly retired population you are not likely to be successful with a boutique selling cool funky clothes.

Think about what your customer wants rather than what you like.

If something sells, it is in demand and you can start selling that. Do what the successful one does – one trick that most business experts vouch for is to begin selling what already sells.

If there is a demand it means that they will buy from you too – you should increase the value proposition of the product – give them better quality than what is in the market.

I love this quote “Do not reinvent the wheel” – this is contrary to what I have always heard but it makes solid business sense. We are not all Steve Jobs to start a trend  – following the herd is better in business for most people especially if you do not have money to spend (splurge) in marketing.

Visit the stores that seem similar to your idea and compile a list of the brands they carry which you wish to carry. Most likely they will be your best sellers too.

opening a boutique

4. Decide on the source of funding for the business

Ideally, you should start with enough money to carry on for the next 6 months in the business. I would say 1 year or 2 years. Most businesses do not turn a profit within the first few years so having enough cash to carry on the business and also bear your personal expenses is necessary if you do not want the business to fold before it has a chance to prove itself.

You will need money to give as a security deposit for renting space; money to pay employees, money for inventory, for doing up the store interiors, to name a few expenses.

Will you need a business loan ?

This can depend a lot on the location of your store, will you be renting or buying, type of clothing you mean to carry, the size of the shop, hiring employees, store decor, other costs, etc; Also on whether you have the capital to start the boutique on your own or whether any of your friends/relatives are willing to lend the money to you.

Risk is a double-edged sword. It can be your savior in business or it can kill you forever. So take only calculated risks especially when other investor money is involved. How the money is utilized should be planned carefully.

start a clothing store

5. Look for the  location where you can have your store

Location is one of the most important factors in deciding the success of your store.

But choosing the best location depends on your budget. A boutique located in a very busy mall will have heavy traffic but comes with heavy rent. A boutique located in a quieter residential area will not have customers thronging the halls but the rent will be less. So the choice is dependent on you and what you can afford. 

Being where your customer shops/ goes is the only criteria in choosing the location for a boutique.

6. Decide on where you will source the clothes/fabric from

You need a source which will supply good quality products for your boutique.

Look out for manufacturers that specialize in products you have in mind. Ask for samples; the pictures in websites/catalogs never tell the full story. After you have seen them firsthand, You can negotiate with them and they can work out the budget according to your quantity.

You may want to carry a particular designer’s clothes in your shop, in which case you should contact them directly; if you have a contact person who can vouch for you, reputed designers would be interested.

Finding the suppliers

  • If you have wholesale trade shows near your place attend them.  
  • Visit wholesalers/ distributors of whole sale clothing in your area. 
  • Talk to other boutique owners. The boutique owners in your area may not be willing to part with the information of their suppliers. You should visit boutique owners in a place not close to where you are meaning to start; they may share the information more readily about where they source their inventory from, as you are not their competition.
  • You can also source clothes from online wholesalers like Alibaba from countries outside yours. You will have to get samples of their merchandise; get recommendations from others and look for good ratings and reviews and be very vigilant in all transactions.
  • Some boutiques consider in-house production – but mostly after establishing themselves by selling other’s products.They will have a separate unit with employees producing goods to their specifications. Quality is assured in this case and you are not dependent on others.

Once you identify the supplier you may have to decide on the style you want from their collection; You may have to buy in multiples (wholesale) for getting discounts.

boutique business plan

Decide that you will not deal with counterfeit goods – this is a matter of ethics as well as good for your safety in the long run. Selling fake goods can land you in trouble. Read about the tips to not buy fake goods here.

7. Decide on the pricing

Pricing rightly will make or break your store. Remember that you will have to take into account a whole lot of factors when deciding on the price.

Decide on a price which your customer (refer the customer profile) can afford and which can give you a nice profit.  If you want to make a profit you will have to have adequate mark up pricing on the wholesale price. Some markets will take a higher mark up than others.

Study the customer profile to know what you should charge. When you are making things for small babies and kids, the new parents may be willing to pay more than they would for their own clothes (just my way of thinking)

Most boutiques have a 100% mark up on whole sale pricing ie twice the price of wholesale. Add sales tax if applicable.

starting a boutique

8. Decide on the store layout

The store decor is an important element in making people feel whether they should buy from your store or not. Colors you use inside the store, shelf and storage layout all are contributing factors to buying decision. 

The customer has to feel that the product you offer is worth the money they pay. They should be made to open their wallet; for that, they have to trust – Trust can be induced by the layout of the store and the look of the storefront.

The atmosphere of the store should make the customer comfortable.

Collect appealing pictures of other stores from the internet; visit some stores you admire so that you will have an idea of the ideal store layout. Make a picture board. 

Some boutique owners want the customers to walk free inside the store touching the clothing and wanting them by the feel. Some do not want the customers to touch the clothes. They would rather present the materials to the customers one by one. The layout of the store should complement this policy.

Dress forms or mannequins can display your clothes attractively in the store front and attract buyers/ passersby.

Racks / cupboards for display and adequate storage and changing room are all essential for a boutique. 

If you have a bridal boutique you will need the space to model the collection to the prospective buyer. A runway with a big mirror is a good touch in cases like this.

A fitting room with surrounding mirrors is common in all retails stores. People need to know how they look in the clothes they are buying

Effective use of space is a necessity when space is a premium. Consult a space designer (yes, there is a portfolio like that) if you are insisting on a professional touch. 

Your employees will need a break room in the store for resting and for having food.

open a boutique business

Display units / storage

You can splurge on decor or be creative and create your own specific display units that meet your requirements

A customer should have enough space to walk through the store between display units and racks. Cluttered storage shelves will put off buyers. Make sure that you have a policy in your store to keep the clothes in order after every purchase or display.

All big retail shops have bright lights inside the fitting rooms that make the customers look good. This is necessary if you want them to buy the clothes you offer. So spend money on bright lights – it is not a luxury but a necessity.

A sales counter for wrapping / the clothes is also needed near the cash area.

9. Decide on the operational procedures of your store

This is the policy you want to set up about how you mean to run the business. 

Record keeping  should be assigned properly- what all books should be kept like the cash receipt book. Consult someone about handling your taxes as well.

Hiring an accountant who has experience in the retail business to handle the accounts is a good idea. Get an accounting software on your computer in which you can keep the necessary information.

You need to be having a system to store the contact information of all your customers. You need the customers to be informed of future sales etc.

The customer you have now is more valuable than the customer you may eventually have.

You need a   system to manage your inventory ; You should also have a policy regarding how to use the cash register; how to maintain the cash flow, how to deal with customers, refund policy for goods purchased.

boutique business

10. Finish the legalities of the business

Decide on a name for your business. Make sure that your name is not a trademarked name of some other company.

Register the name of the business.

Start a business current account with a bank ; a merchant account with ability to process credit/debit card transactions is a necessity especially if you will be allowing transactions other than cash. 

You will have to have documentation on company ownership and other details like business license, tax, seller’s permit, business insurance.

If you want to source clothes from very reputed suppliers they will require that you be an established business, rather than a nonentity. This will ensure that you will get goods at a very discounted rate.

Book all the social media profiles in the name of your store – do not wait for this. Do it as soon as you decide on a name.

Contact the business developments officer at your locality for more details and permissions in opening up a business in your area. Follow it to the T.

Read up on the legalities of selling goods in your area. For eg. in US you cannot sell cotton nightwear garments for kids, but there is no problem with it in some other countries. So local laws have to be heeded properly and followed diligently. 

You can start the boutique as sole proprietorship, in partnership, or as a private limited company.

Add your name to google.com’s List my business – you can learn about “Add or claim your business on Google My Business” here . 

If you have a partner even if it is a sibling, draw up documents. I have heard stories of close relationships souring on account of the partners being slack in documentation. A partnership agreement drawn by a lawyer is a must in such cases.

clothing boutique business plan

12. Hire  good employees 

It is ok if you do not have employees. Many business owners start on their own, doing everything themselves till they start making a profit. 

But everyone needs a backup. You will have to hire someone at some point of time at least temporarily. You need staff to clean the space, manage the cash, as sales persons. Managing everything yourself may burn you out before soon. 

Ensure that the employees you hire follow all the operational policies in your store. Do not compromise in this; if the owner is slack about rules, expect the employees to throw the rules down the drain.

12. Make a Marketing plan

Run different promotions throughout the year (25% off this Valentine’s day for buying couple scarves) and communicate this to your customer database. Customers love discounts and they will come and buy non-discounted items too.

Small sales every month or so for selected items can clear up space in your shop.

Every season a major sale (end of season sale) can also clear your inventory and infuse freshness to your store. 

Social media marketing is a very important element in your marketing plan; Radio and TV ads, print ads, blogging are all marketing tactics you could try to promote your store.

You need to invest in your customers; promote to them ; they will come again and again and promote your store to their acquaintances. So make sure that you note down all the contact info of your customers and sell to them again and again.

A customer is gained for life; make them your best marketing tool.

A website with a blog can be used as  a marketing tool that will attract more customers.

boutique business ideas

13. Buy everything you need

You will need the following supplies when you start a boutique

  • Scanner for bar code
  • Cash drawer,
  • Credit card processing machine
  • Machine for printing barcode labels for the goods;
  • Office furniture and supplies,
  • Printed stationery like bills, receipts 
  • Dress forms/ mannequins, 
  • Clothing labels

You need CCTV cameras – this is necessary to ensure that you do not get shoplifted.

The receipts/ bills should have the business name, address, phone number printed on it; the back side should have the return / refund policy of your store.

Shopping bags

The shopping bag you give to the customer is a type of advertisement so it needs to be a good quality one. When the customer carries it, they proclaim to the world that they have been to your shop. If it is a good quality cover they will keep it and use it afterwards as well – free advertisement for your boutique again.

starting your own boutique

14. Write down your business plan

Develop and elaborate on the business plan for your clothing store and then write it down; if you are thinking of getting a loan from a bank it is a necessity – if you can convince the officers at the bank you can be assured that you have a chance for making it a success.

Business Plan – Boutique (Outline)

The business plan for the botique of your dreams should have the following points:

Executive Summary

This section should outline the name of your boutique, the purpose of your business, your mission statement, your business goals, and a summary of your financial projections.

Company Description

In this section, give an in-depth description of your boutique business, including its legal structure, ownership, and location.

Market Analysis

In this section, write about yout your target market, customer demographics, and an overview of your main competitors. You can go in-depth and write about market segmentation analysis.

Products and Services

Here, describe the products and services that your boutique business will offer. This section should include information on your product line, suppliers, and pricing strategy.

Marketing and Sales

This section should outline your marketing and sales strategies. You can elaborate on advertising, social media, public relations, events, and promotions. You should also include your sales projections and customer acquisition strategies.

Provide an overview of your day-to-day operations, including information on staffing, inventory management, and store layout.

This section should include detailed financial projections, including startup costs, revenue projections, and profit and loss statements. You should also have cash flow projections and a break-even analysis.

Management and Personnel

This section should describe your hiring plans and who will be the key persons on your team. Elaborate on the roles and responsibilities of your management team.

Legal and Regulatory

This section should provide an overview of your business’s legal and regulatory requirements, including licensing, permits, and zoning.

Future Plans

Outline your long-term goals for your boutique business, including expansion plans, new product lines, and any other strategic initiatives.

15. Plan a grand opening

Get the word out that your boutique is opening. Try to get local media coverage – give press releases to all major media outlets – even the radio stations.

boutique business plan

Future plans for your boutique

Ok, your boutique is open and people are buying. But do not rest on your laurels. Think about expansion as soon as you open. 

No, that does not mean you open 4-5 stores at once. But think long term as soon as you have started. This will expand the possibilities of your business. 

If not more stores, you can expand the fashion lines you carry, open an online store or even sell through Facebook, start a stitching unit, embroidery unit, or designing unit, sell jewelry and other accessories, tie up with designers for fashion shows and other events so that word goes out.

Starting a boutique is only a fraction of the work. Maintaining the store and making the boutique a success takes a whole lot of determination, hard work and a little bit of luck. Best wishes.

Related posts : How to start a tailoring shop

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Online shopping tips : 15 Buyer Beware FAQ you should ask yourself

boutique business plan in hindi

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This article was written on May 8, 2023

& updated on May 10, 2024

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Author: Sarina Tariq

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118 thoughts on “15 steps to starting a BOUTIQUE – A simple Business plan”

Thank u so .much

Thank you for this article.. so clear and knowledgeable.. it will definitely help me think better when planning a boutique in future

No one can compite with u! Ur da best mummy…. Keep it up!!!

Thank you so much ❤️…

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much this was very helpful

Thank you for such an informative article…very soon I’ll be starting my own little girls clothing line…n I make sure that I do give credit to u for all the information you share here.

Beautiful piece this!

Thank you so much am soon setting mine soon

Thanks so much I have learnt more about a boutique

Very informative

thanks a lot. It is a very wonderful explanation with nice content!

Thanks a lot. I managed to understand how to run boutique

Thanks it helped a lot will be starting soon but want to start from my apartment as I cannot afford rent to look for space now

Greetings I really learned more about how to open boutique shop it help me a lot I am on the plan to start it and this tips make boutique to be easy to me to start from now , thank so much .

Best wishes

I need suport

Extremely helpful post. Never in the dark from the very first word, the layout is superb. As you read, each sentence makes more sense than the previous one. Thank you 🙂

I have liked the content!!!, I have read through, it’s really important, guiding and inspirational. I’ll try to rely on it when setting up as the plans in my mind.

Wow !!! That’s a good tips on how to open a boutique and I think with these tips, I’m gonna end more money

I. Wana Start one. To self-employ

Can a botique succeed in a remote area

Hi, Depends on whether you have enough customers in the particular place, what your customers are willing to spend, and what are your overheads etc. Only you can tell this, after you have studied the market. Best wishes

Thanks so much I have gain energy and courage to start this business, you have really show me the way God I need your help

Thank you so much , you actually gave me what I have been looking for….. So right now let me look out on how to get the finance for the business… Help me lord

God bless you

Thank you this has been helpful given me ore energy to start my boutique alrdy. God with me iam definely goin to start.thnx once again.

Thank you very much, God bless you and bless your business a hundred fold

This really wonderful, well articulated, thanks

Thanks for the information

Thank you very much ❤️


How to Start a Boutique in India | Home Boutique Business

How to Start a Boutique in India

How to Start a Boutique in India and make it profitable with tested systems.

Whether you are a  trained fashion designer  or a  stay-at-home mom , this guide will help you to start a boutique or a small sewing shop at home.

This article would also help you understand the problems a new boutique may face if you are not prepared in advance. 

So, let's find out how to ensure that you start a  profitable clothing business  and it runs smoothly everyday.

Video Watch  :  सिलाई करके पैसे कैसे कमाए

Table of Contents

Step 1 : Requirements for Opening a Boutique

1. have an open mind.

I have met many people who want to open a fashion boutique in India but fear that they may need fashion or sewing degree to start.

Here is a good news for you!

You need no license, no certification and no degrees to start a boutique in India.

Though, having a professional qualification may help you brand your expertise better but it is not necessary.

Basic Sewing Requirement For Opening A Boutique

If you can cut and stitch and you are planning to make dresses yourself then you need to check out the latest trends.

You do not know sewing

Understand basic measurements, human body structure and some sketching. Else you may hire a customer attendant.  

You don’t have to give exams, you need to know just basics, that’s it!

Sewing is no rocket science. 

Anybody can start and run a fashion boutique from home that also profitably.

Though, it helps but you don’t need a  fashion designing  qualification for a work from home boutique.

Get Some Design Books

Get some fashion books and magazines to understand and then suggest designs to your customers.   Some of them are freely available  but some of them  you may need to buy.

It is a small investment you can make.

2. Be Ready To Learn Everyday

You can start as well as earn good in boutique business in India if you are ready to learn on everyday basis.

My father said that food, clothing and shelter are three essentials and there are ample of money earning oppotunities in each of these sectors.

One condition is, you must be ready to learn and you must be aware what you are doing.

Now you may ask if you know what you are doing then you can never go wrong anywhere!

What’s the big deal?

But here in boutique business if you want to dig gold, you can do so very well if you analyse -

  • Your Competitors
  • Market Demand
  • Customer Preference
  • Seasons In India
  • Festivals In India
  • Cultural And Social Preferences
  • Fears, Apprehensions And
  • Social Taboos.

3. How To Start A Boutique With No Money

That’s simple here. When you want to invest less, you need to make your brain and your legs do the extra work. 

If you are starting a one person boutique business you will need -

  • 1 Sewing machine
  • 1 Overlock machine
  • 1 Cutting Table | Ironing Table
  • Sewing Tools
  • Some ready to show dresses
  • Dress designs either on your phone, computer, magazines, wall posters or slides.
Almost anybody can climb the Everest, only if one knows how and where to start.

If you have been sewing as a hobby you may be having most of these things and you are ready to start your boutique from a corner of your room.

If you don't have many of these things, you may search around if a nice lady could rent you her sewing machine on monthly basis.

You may also offer to partner with some housewives and start a boutique as a cooperative that would help you scale your business faster.

10+ Ways to Earn Money Sewing From Home

These are 12 Proven Ways to Earn Money Sewing Work From Home. These money-making ideas are practical and you can work from home using them.

4. Write down your goals and boutique business plan

I suggested many ideas in my earlier blog Earn Money : Work From Home   explaining how to make money with sewing in simple ways.

Once you get your vision clear, things become easier for you.

By this time, you set up a corner of your home as work center and entertain your customers there.

Else you may get your own idea where your customers can reach you.

And write down your boutique business plan –


Who would be your wannabe customers.

How much you are going to charge – Don’t go cheap.

Some people think if they charge less, they are going to attract a huge customer following.

Stay competitive, that is at par with your competitors. You can charge even more if your end product and service is at premium.

What is the competition

What the other people selling your customers at what price. How you can be different from them.

What is your unique selling point

That could be timely delivery, good fitting and alteration or something else? Find your specialty, your niche.

Be persistent

Never make the mistake of undervaluing yourself. If you want success, you deserve it and you’ll get it but you need to keep patience.

Don’t get over-confident 

Believe in yourself, take good care of your health – mental as well as physical.

If you would be in good health then only you can do anything in life.

Be money wise

Never make the mistake of overlooking your finances. Keep your finances in check.

Stay organized 

Write each expense and income head on regular basis. It will help you at the time of paying taxes.

Watch Video : बुटीक बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करे

5. How to arrange a small boutique to  Work From Home

Your work or your business can be run through phone – Whatsapp, facebook page, instagram or your own website.

Not necessarily you need all the brick and mortar set up. 

In fact, the concept WORK FROM HOME has nothing to do with working online.

Work from Home exactly means WORK FROM HOME !

For centuries, thousands of people across the world are working from their home and many of them do not need to switch on their phone or computers at all.

What you work from home to earn money is work from home. Running errands is not called work from home.

Now, the things are easier.

You can run your boutique business with more viewability and reachability to your customers through phone and computers.

Thus you can increase your profitability!

8 Step Guide To Start n’ Manage Boutique Business Profitably in 2024

3 Steps to start a boutique 1Prepare a Boutique Business Plan 2Set up Systems and

Things to remember when starting a boutique in india

Hire from trusted sources.

Find out and establish contacts with some hands on tailors in your locality.


It’s better to check workers' identity cards or some other proofs to establish that you and your merchandise is in safe hands.

Once I was in dire need of a tailor to finish some festival orders on time.

I hired a young man with the reference of my existing cutter.

After about fifteen days, this new tailor started skipping the work.

When inquired, he said that his mother was very ill and he needed advance.

He looked so innocent and true that I gave him the money.

Next day on wards, he stopped coming.

When I tried to locate him, I got to know that he was free on parole and was caught and sent back to prison. How much I thanked for my life!


Spread The Word That You Are On Working Mode. 

Free marketing is simpler now then it used to be earlier. Your -

  • facebook, 
  • YouTube channel 
  • Google Business Page or 
  • website (if you have) will help you to spread the word faster and publicize free at no time.

I am sure you’ll start getting orders this way. Once you get the orders, contact your tailor to be at your place with his  sewing machine  or give him yours to finish the work

If he could take the work with him and deliver on time, then it’s best.

You’ll save on time, electricity, tea and headache. 

Don’t Do Everything Yourself

Even if you design and stitch yourself, it’s better to outsource some of the basic work.

Though, you may have to share your profits but it’ll help you deliver work faster, hence earn more money by working less.

How to Avoid Boutique Disasters in 2024 (Challenges)

Boutique disasters are common when you are running a boutique business and if you have lack of experience, you are in trouble before you know it.


If you can cut and sew on your own and you are making dresses yourself, then it's GOOD.

But, you must try to find people, who are willing to work for you.

In one of fashion designing classes, I ran a workshop for working professionals.

The biggest hurdle was the MANPOWER MANAGEMENT.

Before making an entry into fashion boutique, I was a human resource and training manager in public health, so I knew the challenges of manpower management. 

But, situation is a little bit different here, hence the solution has to be different.

Outsource the time-consuming activities – 

You can’t escape and skip the designing part but some of the production part / activities can be delegated.

It makes sense if you hire some wannabe fashion designers, tailors, learners to work on piece rate basis . 

That means you pay them only after successful completion of each piece according to the quality standards you have set.

For example, if it’s a simple pyjama, you can set a rate of suppose INR 80/- and give the specification about the -

  • number of pockets,
  • trimmings etc.

Based on the JOB you may pay for each pyjamas.

You can contact stay at home people in neighboring places, who may be interested in less skilled work of -

  • sewing buttons,
  • overlocking,

Thus you may hire at a very low rates but you must provide them with regular work and timely payment. 

This way you can keep your workers and employees happy.

Reason is – They are working just for some extra pocket-money and working is not their necessity or priority.

If you don't pay them on time, they may leave your work and start with your competitors.

Before delivery, get the dresses ironed or dry cleaned, if needed by a professional, who is affordable and within your reach.

It’ll save a lot of your time and ensure timely delivery.

These ideas proved to be useful for the work at home as well as fashion brand boutique owners, who attended my last class.

Their contentment and success encouraged me to write this piece of information with you.

I hope this article helps you to start a boutique in India, and earn profitably.

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  • Clothing And Accessories

Start A Profitable Boutique Business

boutique business plan india bangalore

Starting a boutique business can be one of the most viable and fun filled business. People are more on a look out for new trendy and fashionable dresses these days. Hence, running a boutique business in India would be a profitable business. In fact, you do not have to invest much in this business. If you are planning to set a shop, well, initially it can be started with two to four lakhs. However, these days many women are engaged in selling apparels from their home. In the digital world, you also have the option to sell apparels in online media, where vast visibility is there and more demand can be created along with increased sales volume.

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The vital element to start a boutique is the need for a handful of good reliable suppliers. You have to collect the contacts of suppliers from many sources like internet, directories. Give a call to them and make long lasting relationships for a better and successful boutique business.

Well to start with, you can lease any shop that is within your budget. While selecting the location of the shop, you have to choose the most reachable place for the customers. This can increase the number of people visiting your shop.

Registration and License

To start a boutique, you have to register the shop firstly and attain the license. For which, you need to get PAN number and TAN number, do a VAT registration, shop lease registration, Trademark registration, service tax etc.

Finding The Employees

The next step is to appoint sales girls, a couple of them will be enough in the beginning. You have to recruit one store manager and an accountant in your boutique store.

Raising Funds To Start A Boutique Business

The amount of investment is completely based on the boutique requirements. If you are planning to start a small business with minimal clothes and accessories, you don’t have to go with huge investments.

For a small venture, ideally one to two lakhs will be enough initially. After a stage, you can always try for expanding the business based on the demand you get for your clothes, sales volume, and revenue you earn from the boutique business. You can avail business loans from financing institutions or can ask from your friends or relatives. If you are planning for a partnership boutique business, the capital investment can be shared among the partners.

A big venture is what you plan, and then 10-15 lakhs has to be invested at least. Wherein you can create a logo, design a label as these are helpful in building your boutique brand image. Apart from the readymade apparels, you have a plan to create your own designs, then you will have to appoint tailors, craftsman etc.

Is it a profitable business?

Rather you have to think how it can be made profitable. If you play smartly, every business can be made profitable. In a boutique business, you have to select a particular niche market where competition is lesser. Or else, choose a niche where demand is never ending. It can be kid’s clothes, women apparels, men’s clothing, maternity wears etc. However, these are just a couple of niche markets, the selection of the ideal one has to be according to the market demand.

When there is a higher need or demand but less availability, people will surely buy from you even at a higher price! There the success secret lies!

Marketing your business

Yes, this indeed is a most crucial step in a successful boutique business in India. Unlike the traditional marketing ways and difficulties, now you have the online media to encourage the marketing and sales of your business at low cost. You can create a Facebook page or an online shop, where daily new leads can be generated by simply uploading and updating the apparels and its designs.

Success is something you get with your smart and hard work! Now you know how to start a successful boutique business. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and enjoy the success!


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Hi my intense is ,from where the stock will I get ,if I start. What are the varieties of materials did I can get? How will be profit scale I would like to know all of these things about this business

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Hi IRFAAN I am also interested in opening a boutique. Please mail me your Contact number. May be we can do partnership. My Email id ([email protected]) Thank You Nausheen Khan

Hi, my query is from where I will get the different type of fabric materials at best price.what is the profit scale. Thanks

Sir, I m interested on this business . but where will I get the matireals with reasonable price. Please guide me and also t shirt printing business .where will I get blank t shirts and machine and also what is price of machine. Please guide me.

I am also to start my boutique so please send me details on my email ID.

Hi, I am interested to start my boutique. I want to know to start this I should have knowledge of stiching. I want to start online boutique. Reply me on this email if. [email protected]

Hii Namita I mail you about something hope u r interested.

I am also interested to start my boutique… can u plz help me.

I am also interested to start my boutique in Ahmedabad. Can you provide full details on my email ([email protected]).

Thanks, -Mayur

Hi I too want to open a boutique.Can you please provide me with the details.

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Planning to open a boutique need some tailors

Hi can I get complete information about boutique , We are very much interest in that field, We are looking forward to open the business …. Thanks…

Hi I am interested in boutique.. Plz guide me regarding material n price… Where do I get and also abt profit Thanks…

Hi I am interested in opening a online boutique for ladies. Can you please guide me with the details from where i can procure materials for my boutique. for example , best factory for Kurtis, Sarees, and Designer dresses in India with reasonable prices.

Hi sir i am interested in opening boutique but where will I get the material with reasonable price and laces golden and other variety Please guide me. Reply

I am also looking to start small boutique can your please tell where can i get variety of materials.

Hi I want to start a boutique please guide me from where to take material and how to arrange a tailor.

want to start a boutique want the information around cloths and tailor

Hello, I am interested in opening the boutique. Kindly assist me if anybody can

Hello, I’m already into boutique. I need some ideas for better performance. I’ll be grateful if we can link up for some further tutorials. Best regards.

I'm running a fashion boutique, but I'm looking for outsourcing stitching orders, please let me know,..

Hi, i want to open boutique in Mumbai with low budget please assist me, how to open it as soon as possible.

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How to Start a Boutique Business

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A boutique business is a unique and specialised enterprise that delivers tailored services to its clientele. The hallmark of boutique businesses lies in their unwavering commitment to providing exceptional customer service and meticulous attention to detail, where the concentration is focused on serving a specific niche market or offering a distinct range of products. Many boutique ventures are born from the entrepreneurial passion of individuals who possess a deep affinity for a particular industry or product category.

A boutique business is definitely very rewarding when it comes to sales and profits. So, do you have an entrepreneurial spirit in you and are wondering how to start a boutique business in India?

Read this comprehensive guide to learn more.

How to Start a Boutique Business in India

If you have had a boutique business plan in your mind for the longest and carry the dream to open a new fashion boutique of your own but are wondering how to get started with it, here’s a stepwise guide to help you with starting a boutique of your own:

Conduct Market Research

The first step to opening a boutique business is to begin your market research. This includes competitor analysis, identifying target customers and locations, and accessing your business’s demand and supply chain.

Assess the demand and supply of your industry

Starting a boutique business requires you to assess the demand and supply chain of the niche and industry in which you want to open a boutique. It gives you the ability to identify the market opportunities in the industry. It gives you a rough estimate of whether there’s a good demand for the products you want to supply. This analysis helps identify whether your business venture can earn profit.

Identify target audience

Another part of conducting market research includes identifying your target audience. When starting a boutique business, which audience do you want to cater to? Is it going to be females or males? What are their age groups? Are they teenagers or working professionals? When you understand whom you want to cater to, you can successfully align your entire boutique business plan in that direction.

For example, if you want to cater to teenagers, it’s obvious you will need to keep the items trendy and young. Also, the price range should be on a lower scale as teenagers don’t have the budget to overspend.

Analyse the competitors

The next stepping stone of your boutique business plan is to analyse your competitors. Know what other boutique businesses are near your location and what kind of audience they cater to. This helps in figuring out your boutique business plans in a better manner and fills out any gaps.

Select a location

Lastly, location also plays a major role when conducting market research. Depending on your budget, you need to find a boutique location that fits the right budget set for the store. And the location also plays a crucial role in determining the success of your boutique. For example, having your boutique in a busy commercial area with similar businesses can help you attract more customers quickly.

Write a Business Plan

The next step is, to begin with your boutique business plan. This includes everything that’s absolutely necessary before you begin the business.

Decide the products and services

What do you want to sell? What products and services are you going to deliver with your boutique business? It’s essential to sit down and think about it when drafting a boutique business plan.

Come up with a marketing and sales strategy

The next thing to do for a successful boutique business is to think about the sales and marketing strategy of the business. You will need to analyse what channels you will utilise. For example, if you want to use digital marketing, you must explore different digital channels, like blogs, social media, and websites. You can even use traditional marketing channels like TV ads, radio, newspapers, brochures, flyers, etc.

Register the Business

Starting a boutique business in India is impossible without registering your business. This legal step ensures that the government legally recognises your business, conveying that you have legal permission to conduct business in the area.

Choose a legal structure for your business

Choosing the legal structure for your boutique business is an important decision that will impact various aspects of your business, including liability, taxation, and management. Some of the most common legal structures for businesses are partnership, sole proprietorship, corporation, limited liability company, and more. When choosing the legal structure for your boutique business, consider factors such as liability protection, taxation implications, management requirements, and your long-term goals.

Obtain licenses and permits

A boutique business also needs a valid permit and license to be carried out. The process to obtain these legal things may vary depending on each city or state. However, most of the time, you’ll need to submit an application to your local licensing authority with the necessary documents.

Register for taxes

If you plan to open a boutique business in India, you need to remember the tax registration. You need to have a tax registration certificate issued by the IRS (Indian Revenue Service). As a business operating in India, you need to file your annual income tax returns.

Fund Your Boutique Business Plan

Many new small businesses in India fail to make it by the first year of their operation. A major blame for this goes on the lack of sustainable funding. In order to start a successful boutique business, you need to make sure you have enough funding sources available for backup.

Assess your financial needs

To start with the funding process, you first need to pay attention to all the financial needs required for running a boutique business. This includes allotting a budget for marketing, sourcing materials, and reinvesting in the business. Assess all your financial needs for your boutique business plan to understand how much capital you’ll actually need.

Identify funding sources

Your boutique business plan’s success lies in whether you are provided reliable capital, at least for the first initial years of its operations. Hence, it’s essential to identify the sources from which you’ll sustainably get your funding. One of the most reliable funding sources for small ventures is a business or personal loan.

Apply for business loans

Personal loans for self-employed individuals can be an excellent option for boutique business owners. These loans are specifically designed to address the unique needs of self-employed professionals who require funds for both personal and business purposes. By obtaining a personal loan, you gain access to the capital necessary for various needs such as working capital, inventory purchases, equipment acquisition, and business expansion.

Set Up the Boutique

Start setting up your business and turn your boutique business plan into a reality! It’s time to set up the boutique and get one step closer to launching your business.

Identify the inventory requirement

When running a boutique, you’ll need space to keep your inventory in it. Depending on your store needs, location, and the boutique business, you need to identify how much inventory you’ll need in the initial months of the business. Begin by storing a small amount and then focus on building this inventory once you have enough business to avoid wasting your capital on unsold inventory.

Choose the interior and exterior design of your boutique

Apart from containing top-quality material, your boutique business plan also needs to ensure you have a store that looks and feels appealing. Hence, choose your interiors and exteriors wisely. Make your customers feel invited.

At the beginning of your boutique business, you may not need a staff mainly because you’ll be focused on paying off loans and saving capital for the future needs of the business. But eventually, you’ll need to hire dependable people to handle tasks as it’ll only become too overbearing to handle.

Launch the Boutique

Finally, it’s time for the grand opening of your boutique! After all the nights spent developing a detailed boutique business plan covering everything to make a business successful, it’s finally time to launch your business. Try to market your boutique everywhere possible. Take the help of effective marketing strategies and host promotional events to attract an audience!

Shiv Nanda is a financial analyst at MoneyTap who loves to write on various financial topics online. He also advises people on financial planning, investment choices and budgeting skills, and helps them make their financial lives better.

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How to Start a Boutique Business in India?| Boutique Business Licence and Permits.

how to start a boutique

Boutiques are becoming popular for several reasons in today’s fashion world. Customers are drawn to boutiques for their unique and curated selections, offering one-of-a-kind items. Starting a boutique business in India can be a challenging process due to the permits and licences required. However, it is not as complicated as it may seem. In this blog, let’s explore how to start a boutique business in India, including the boutique licence and permits.

How to Start a Boutique Business?

Boutique business plan.

Establish your business: The initial phase of launching a boutique business in India involves the formal registration of your business with local authorities. This registration is essential to ensure the legality and official recognition of your business by the government.

Acquire the necessary licence: To operate a boutique business in India, it is essential to secure the required licence from local authorities. This licence is the key that permits you to offer merchandise and services to your customers.

Fix a Location: Following the successful registration and acquisition of the licence, you must now identify a suitable location for your boutique. This location should be conveniently accessible to potential customers and have sufficient space to accommodate your clothing.

Establish your boutique: Once a suitable location has been secured, you’ll need to establish your boutique while adhering to local laws and regulations. This includes obtaining all mandatory permits and licences, as well as arranging the physical layout and decor of your boutique.

Promote your business: The final step in launching a boutique business in India involves raising awareness about your establishment among potential customers. There are numerous methods for promoting a business, including advertising, marketing, and executing public relations campaigns.

Other important processes include finding the right raw material sourcing, and wholesale vendors, deciding the prices and hiring suitable employees.

Benefits of Boutique Business in India

There are several benefits to starting a boutique business in India. Firstly, the country has a large consumer base, including a growing middle class and more working women. This means there are plenty of potential customers. Additionally, labour and land costs are relatively low, making it an attractive place to set up a boutique business. Moreover, the government offers various incentives and subsidies to support businesses in the country, making it a practical choice for starting a boutique business.

Other advantages of starting a boutique business in India include:

1. The opportunity to use the rich culture and heritage of the country to create unique and exclusive products.

2. Access to a large number of skilled workers.

3. Access to abundant raw materials and resources for product manufacturing.

4. The Indian market is diverse, allowing niche players to find their place and succeed.

Boutique Business Licence and Permits

To legally start a boutique business in India, you will need the necessary licences and permits. The specific requirements may vary based on your location and the size of your business. Here are some common licences and permits you may need:

boutique business plan in hindi

Business Registration

Proper registration ensures that your boutique operates within the legal framework and allows you to avail various benefits and protections. Before registering your boutique, decide on a suitable business structure. Most boutiques register themselves under sole proprietorship . If the boutique is established as a company it is easier to register under a private limited company or one-person company (OPC).

Shop & Establishment Licence

Shop and Establishment Licence is a must for every shop. The shop act licence is issued by the state government.

GST Registration

The GST registration is mandatory for businesses with an annual turnover exceeding ₹40 lakhs. This tax registration is essential for the sale of goods and services.

Since a boutique is a place with a significant amount of clothing, there is a higher risk of fire incidents. Therefore, a boutique needs to obtain a Fire NOC (No Objection Certificate).

Trademark Registration

If you start your boutique brand then you should trademark your boutique. Trademark registration is a must to avoid others taking your business name and logo.

We hope this blog answers “How to Start a Boutique Business in India?”.The journey of starting a boutique business in India holds immense potential and opportunities. By following the necessary steps, such as registering your business and obtaining the essential boutique business licence and permits, you can lay a solid foundation for your venture. India’s vibrant market, rich cultural heritage, and abundant resources create a favourable environment for boutique businesses to thrive. The support of government incentives and a growing consumer base, allows boutique entrepreneurs to grow. From helping you choose the right legal structure and obtain the necessary licences and permits, to guiding you through every aspect, Taxxinn has you covered.

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5 Tips: On How To Start A Boutique Business In India

How To Start A Boutique Business In India: Your financial independence is important, and boutiques might be the new way to achieve that. Here are a 5 tips to keep in mind.

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­­­­­[ Ever wonder how to start a boutique business in India? Look no further, we have created a list of tips on how to take your first stop towards financial independence. ] 

The Indian entrepreneurial scene is witnessing the rise of women in business, with a lot of women going the start-up route, or choosing to start small businesses. Among the various small business ideas, one that has always been popular is the idea of owning a fashion boutique.

A boutique is a small store – usually related to fashion, and accessories – and starting one appears comparatively easy. But is it really so? In this article, let’s explore how to start a boutique business, and what can make it succeed.

We’ll discuss the key factors you need to keep in mind, and how you can minimize your risks in the fashion boutique business in India.

While branded clothing stores tends to follow or set trends in fashion to hold their clientele, a boutique typically has a niche of its own that makes its customers return to them, time and again.

While we agree that maintaining and growing a business venture is more difficult than starting one, but hey! Who said you can’t do it? Starting your boutique business is the first step, and here are a few tips to beginning the right way.

Here are 5 things on how to start a boutique business in India  

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  • Choose your niche is important before you start your boutique

With the rise of boutiques in the recent decade, there is always a risk of running aground – being lost in the sea that is expanding. Hence, it is necessary to carve a niche out for yourself and your boutique. It would help you to stay unique, and offer your clientele products that are exclusive to your shop.

For instance, you intend to start a boutique that offers oxidized jewellery, but with Afghan glass; or, maybe a boutique that sells apparels that are dyed with natural colours. You have to find your speciality when you start your boutique, so that you stand out.

  • Determining your clientele gives a head start to your boutique business

When you offer products, it is important to have a mental map of your client base – what type of customers do you imagine catering to when you start your boutique? It is always advisable to have a particular target audience while starting out, instead of jumping directly into the sea.

Does your chosen niche suit the young generation more, or the middle-aged tier? Do you intend to deal with the growing, undecided minds of the present day, or do you wish to work with customers who are well-aware of their choices? Gender, age, style preferences, income group – these are some factors to consider when you start your boutique business.

Simultaneously, it is also advisable that you look out for the weaknesses of your products, or service, and work actively towards making it better.

More often than not, boutiques lose their clients owing to their lack of initiative to look into the complaints of the users. Ask your early customers what they like about your range, or what you could do better on.

  • Finances can be managed, but the GST of your boutique can be more difficult than you think

These days, banks offer various, reasonable loans and grants to small-scale business owners to give them the financial boost that they require. While the capital might not be as big of an issue, it is the GST – Central and State – that needs more focus.

With the introduction of the GST bill in 2017, the government has changed the entire taxation system of the country’s businesses, making a big impact on business owners – small or large.

Now even small-scale entrepreneurs such as boutique owners need to register their business for GST, if they anticipate an annual goods sale value of over Rs. 40 lakh. Maintaining proper invoices with GST is also useful if you plan to approach a bank for a loan at a later stage.

Though there is always an option of seeking help from a Chartered Accountant on such matters, it is important that you are well-aware of the procedures to avoid mismanagement of finances and tax compliance issues.

  • Your boutique needs your social media presence

There is no escaping from social media, this is the best tool to boost one’s business’ presence. Social media helps create a business presence and also helps you reach clients from different geographic locations from the comforts of your store.

Through Meta’s (erstwhile Facebook) Marketplace feature, or Instagram stores, your online presence gives your boutique a larger scope of success, than an immediate offline jump. This place is always a good option to begin.

One might wonder if an online store would be limited and constricted?

Well, business models like SuTa – the growing favourite saree stop, or Beej- the unconventional yet sustainable jewellery venture are just two examples of the vast number of businesses that flourished due to their online presence.

However, if you’re not comfortable with the online mode, you can always use social media as a place to promote your shop. Attractive graphic designing , the right prices, and the right captions can be really effective in grabbing your clientele’s attention.

If technology is something that scares you, one could always seek help from family members, or hire a social media manager for the account.

  • Figure out the geographic locations of your boutique store

While growing up, I always believed that boutiques are the space in the ground floor of your house that has huge shelves, and the products are stacked on them!

Time flies, and so did my perception of boutiques. I realized that they are also shops that demand the perfect geographic location to flourish. A store that is placed on the main road would have more visibility, and would attract more curious customers than a store that is placed in a by-lane.

While marketing is a big strategy in appealing to clients, equally important is the easy visibility of your store. If you wish to start it from the ground floor of your house, then make sure the address on hoardings, or business cards, have the address and easy directions.

If one has to hunt for your location, it is likely that you would lose the customer just as they lose interest in your boutique. Make sure you get your Google Maps business location right.

With a growing emphasis on women’s financial independence, irrespective of age, boutiques as a business idea are rapidly gaining popularity.

Such businesses provide women with not just financial freedom, but also give them a sense of independence and power that may otherwise be missing.

A sense of purpose.

Image source: Lara Jameson, free on CanvaPro

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Akankha Basu Roy

The author is a Gen-Z kid who resorts to writing to vent out about the problematic ways of the world. Having majored in Theatre, English, and Psychology, I take a guilty pleasure in complex read more...

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Best Streaming VPN In India 2024

  • Learn the pros and cons of the best streaming VPN
  • Know the features and benefits of streaming VPN
  • Find the best pricing and plans of the best VPN for streaming in India

On NordVPN's secure website

Best VPN For Streaming Of 2024

Editorial Note: This content has been independently collected by the Forbes Advisor team and is offered on a non-advised basis. This content is not part of the comparison service provided by RunPath Regulatory Services. Forbes Advisor may earn a commission on sales made from partner links on this page, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions or evaluations.

In today’s interconnected world, streaming the latest television show, movie or sporting event has become a past-time activity of our entertainment landscape. However, geographic restrictions and content limitations can hinder certain streaming experiences. That’s where virtual private networks (VPNs) come in. In this article, we delve into the best VPNs for streaming by providing a comprehensive review of their features, performance and compatibility. A VPN can unlock a world of streaming possibilities whether you’re an avid fan of international shows, desire access to geo blocked content or prioritize online privacy.

Featured Partners

Lowest Monthly Price

INR 329.07 ($3.99) + 3 months free

Money Back Guarantee

No. of Servers

On NordVPN’s Website

INR 197.29 + one month free

At upto 82% off on Surfshark’s secure website

Private Internet Access

No. of Devices

On Private Internet Access’ Website

The Best VPN For Streaming Of 2024

Private internet access vpn, surfshark vpn, hide.me vpn, torguard vpn, forbes advisor ratings, how to choose the best vpn for streaming, methodology.

  • ProtonVPN : Best for speed
  • Private Internet Access (PIA) : Best open-source VPN
  • Surfshark : Best for unlimited connections
  • hide.me : Best free plan
  • TorGuard VPN : Best for streaming customization
  • NordVPN : Best for security



Free; INR 5,988.55 ($71.88) yearly

Number of servers

Dedicated internet protocol ip address.

Only for business accounts

ProtonVPN users can stream movies, TV shows, sporting events and more on their televisions, computers and mobile devices. The VPN has more than 3,000 servers in 69 countries to maintain a high-speed connection. The high speed helps users avoid buffering while streaming high-definition (HD) and 4K videos. The wide range of server locations across the globe also enables users to bypass regional content restrictions to access international libraries of popular streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Hulu and BBC iPlayer.

ProtonVPN offers a monthly, yearly and two-year plan. The two-year plan offers a 50 percent discount. The VPN provider also offers a free plan in addition to the three paid plans. While the free plan does have unlimited data bandwidth, the limited number of servers used and only three countries, ProtonVPN suggests that users of the free plan upgrade to stream videos.

Learn more: ProtonVPN review .

Who should use it:

Anyone who wants a superfast VPN that allows for seamless streaming experience without a lag.

  • Open source
  • Transparent privacy policy
  • Can’t stream videos on free version
  • No dedicated IP server add-on
  • No 24/7 support


INR 3,328.36 ($39.95) per year

Does not disclose number of servers

  • Dedicated IP

Private Internet Access (PIA) is an excellent VPN for streaming that has gained immense popularity for several reasons. PIA stands out for its speed that allows users to enjoy seamless streaming without any buffering or lag. PIA is also affordable making it an attractive option for budget-conscious users. PIA also has a vast global VPN server network with servers in 84 countries and in all 50 states.

PIA is a great VPN option for those who prioritize open-source transparency. PIA distinguishes itself from other top VPN providers by offering fully open-source VPN apps, reflecting their commitment to transparency and user trust. They even encourage users to verify the authenticity of their claims by making their client source code publicly available. PIA minimizes the potential for vulnerabilities and significantly reduces the risk of data breaches by embracing open-source code.

Learn more: Private Internet Access review .

PIA is a great VPN option for those who prioritize open-source transparency.

  • Servers in all 50 states
  • Advanced split tunneling
  • Unlimited devices
  • No free version
  • Dedicated IP is an add-on
  • No longer discloses the total number of servers


Surfshark VPN

INR 3,989.04 ($47.88) yearly

Surfshark is a popular VPN option for streamers thanks to its lengthy set of features designed to enhance the viewing experience. One notable feature is its provision for unlimited simultaneous connections. An entire family can all simultaneously stream their preferred content using an array of devices as there is no restriction to the number of devices with a single subscription. Furthermore, Surfshark’s high-speed servers help maintain minimal buffering and a smooth streaming experience. It also excels in bypassing geographical restrictions to grant users access to a world of content from streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer, and others regardless of location.

Learn more: Surfshark review .

Surfshark is the optimal choice for individuals or families that enjoy the ability to stream various shows or movies at the same time because of the platform’s ability to accommodate unlimited devices simultaneously.

  • Unlimited simultaneous device connections
  • 24/7 customer support
  • 30-day money- back guarantee
  • Basic plan does not have 24/7 antivirus protection
  • Extra charges for anti-virus and data breach alerts
  • Does not support older versions of Microsoft Windows


hide.me VPN

INR 4,994.63 ($59.95) for 27-month plan

hide.me VPN’s free plan is an excellent choice for users who want to stream content without compromising privacy or speed. hide.me stands out by offering a genuinely free service while maintaining high standards unlike other free VPN services that sell user data, and inundate users with ads or throttle connections. hide.me promises users that they will not experience throttled connections or frequent disconnections even on the free plan. The free plan offers users unlimited bandwidth and does not include ads nor does it sell user data. hide.me assures users that their data is never stored or sold with independent security audits. The company also provides 24/7 technical support to both free and premium users.

Learn more: hide.me VPN Review .

Those who want to use a VPN for streaming, but do not have the budget to commit to an expensive plan.

  • 10 GB per month on free plan
  • No streaming support on Chrome extension
  • Free plan limited to one connection
  • Free plan limited to eight server locations


TorGuard VPN

INR 9,987.59 ($119.88) per year

TorGuard VPN is a great option for those seeking highly customizable VPN plans. The platform offers four subscription plans: Anonymous VPN, Anonymous VPN Pro, Business VPN and Anonymous Email. Each plan offers different levels of service, with varying degrees of privacy protection, number of simultaneous connections, and extra features, such as dedicated IP addresses.

Users can further tailor their subscription to their precise needs further by adding packages such as streaming bundles. TorGuard’s streaming bundles include a dedicated VPN IP service, anonymous proxy service, the maximum encryption available, a secure network address translation (NAT) firewall and more. The streaming bundles also include a streaming IP address, which is similar to a dedicated IP as neither are shared among users, but the streaming IPip is selected to be compatible with major streaming services.

Learn more: TorGuard review .

Users who want to customize their VPN platform for streaming purposes should consider TorpGuard VPN.

  • Four plans to choose from
  • Internal encrypted DNS
  • Multiple security protocols
  • Basic plan limits to eight simultaneous devices
  • Shorter-than-average free trial
  • No refunds for plans purchased with cryptocurrency or gift cards



INR 5611.14 ($67.35) yearly

NordVPN uses military-grade encryption and privacy features, such as Threat Protection to prevent monitoring and hacking, even when you install Kodi add-ons from unknown sources. The VPN runs on a privacy policy that keeps zero user data logs—several independent audits prove this. With this VPN connection, you can unlock access to content from various streaming platforms. NordVPN has more than 5,800 servers in 60 countries, providing reliable access to BBC iPlayer, Tubi, Classic Cinema, Crackle, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and others. When we tried it, we got an average speed of 282 Mbps.

NordVPN is one of the leading providers in the VPN market for several reasons including its strict security features. NordVPN uses a Double VPN that routes traffic through two separate VPN servers, essentially doubling the encryption and anonymity, in addition to a strict no-logs policy and powerful encryption technology to safeguard user data. The addition of CyberSec technology further enhances security by blocking malware, phishing attempts and other cyber threats.

Finally, NordVPN has a SmartPlay feature that merges VPN and Smart DNS technologies to provide the speed and security of a VPN connection while allowing users to access content typically blocked based on location. The advantage of SmartPlay is that it is enabled automatically, so there’s no need for any extra steps on the user’s part to activate it. It offers an effortless streaming experience while maintaining the user’s privacy and security.

Learn more: NordVPN review .

The integration of advanced security measures makes NordVPN a great option for individuals seeking an elevated level of online protection while streaming their favorite TV show or movie.

  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 live chat support
  • Limited to six devices
  • More expensive than competitors

A proper VPN system will allow you to stream shows, movies and sporting events not available in your region in a safe and effective manner. With so many VPNs on the market, it is best to make a list of what features you want as well as your budget before you start shopping. An excellent starting point when choosing a VPN service is to begin your search by identifying the right balance of price, features, security and network performance.

  • Essential features : Some essential features you might want to consider when searching for a VPN is how many devices can be used simultaneously, if the platform has a dedicated IP, if there are Domain Name System (DNS) protection measures and if anonymous browsing is available.
  • Price : The VPN should fit within your budget while still providing the necessary features and level of security required for your specific needs.
  • Number of servers : As a general rule, the higher the number of servers and the higher the number of locations the servers are in will produce a faster streaming experience.
  • Security : Make sure the platform has strong security features so that your personal data, including IP address and viewing habits, are safeguarded from potential hackers, internet service providers (ISPs) or any third parties who may want to exploit your online activities.

Forbes Advisor considered a variety of factors—such as pricing, general features, additional features, customer reviews and expert scores—to rank the best VPN systems for streaming. We weighted each factor according to its importance to streaming, then calculated the results to create our final ranking. Features we considered include DNS protection measures, anonymous browsing, multi-factor authentications and simultaneous connections:

  • Pricing and fees (15%) : Pricing accounts for 15% of a product’s total score. When it comes to pricing, we looked at the various plans offered by each VPN. We considered if they have a free trial and if they have a free plan as well as comparing the platform’s starting price tier and highest price tier.
  • Service and Support (5%) : We took a look at all the help channels available to customers, from knowledge bases, to phone support and live customer chat. Those with a variety of options scored higher.
  • Mobile App (3%) : Many people find value in using their VPNs on their phones to keep them safe while at airports, coffee shops and other public places with insecure free wifi. We looked at the mobile offerings of every VPN we evaluated.
  • Speed (25.5%) : At 23.5 percent, speed accounted for the largest percentage points. When testing speed we tested the average download speed and average upload speed.
  • General features (19%) : The general features we tested for were DNS protection measures, anonymous browsing, multifactor authentications (MFAs), kill switch and split tunneling.
  • Additional features (12.5%) : We gave points for platforms that went above and beyond with their feature list to include additional features, such as number of continents with servers, no-logs policy, browser extensions and simultaneous connections.
  • Reviews and ratings (10%) : Reviews and ratings on third-party rating websites accounted for 10% percent of the total score. We developed a rating system by examining customer feedback on various independent review platforms. We compared the ratings of each VPN system on popular review websites, such as Trustpilot, G2 and Capterra.
  • Expert score (10%) : To understand the VPN systems’ quality, usability and affordability, we included our own first-hand expertise and experience. The expert score is derived from our team applying their industry expertise and hands-on testing experience to assess the more nuanced facets. This includes factors, such as features, value for money, popularity and ease of use.

Forbes Advisor adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. To the best of our knowledge, all content is accurate as of the date posted, though offers contained herein may no longer be available. The opinions expressed are the author’s alone and have not been provided, approved, or otherwise endorsed by our partners.

Why is using a VPN helpful for streaming?

A VPN helps bypass geographic restrictions allowing users to access content from anywhere in the world including location-restricted TV shows, movies and sporting events. It also enhances online privacy by encrypting data and concealing IP addresses, which keeps streaming habits away from prying eyes

Does a VPN help with throttling?

Yes, using a VPN while streaming can help with throttling. Streaming often consumes significant amounts of data, which leads to the ISP deliberately reducing or “throttling,” the connection during peak usage times. A VPN encrypts internet traffic effectively obscuring online activities from the ISP, making it difficult for the ISP to identify when you’re streaming and reducing the likelihood of a connection being slowed down

Will a VPN allow me to stream content not available in my region?

Yes, a VPN allows you to connect to servers in different countries to bypass geographic restrictions effectively. This means that you can access content and streaming services that are not normally available in your region to broaden your entertainment options.

Is streaming using a VPN legal?

Yes, in most countries using a VPN while streaming is perfectly legal. You still, however, must comply with the rules of the streaming platform you are using.

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  • Développer son business
  • Success stories
  • Générateur de nom d’entreprise
  • Générateur de slogan
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Créez votre business et vivez votre meilleure vie - le tout à portée de clics

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Créer son entreprise : les 12 étapes pour lancer son business en 2023

Covid, crise climatique, transformation numérique et remise en question de nos modes de vie . Et si c’était le moment de concrétiser ces rêves de vie, ces idées de business qui traînent dans nos têtes et de créer son entreprise ? Donner du sens à son travail, ne plus dépendre d’un cadre imposé, quitte à tirer une croix sur la stabilité et le confort d’un poste salarié…

Mais voilà, créer son entreprise implique des prises de risque, des incertitudes, des renoncements. À la liste des avantages correspond une liste d’inconvénients. 

Pour lutter contre la peur de lancer un business, il faut se concentrer sur le déroulement et avancer au jour le jour. 

Dans cet article, on vous explique donc comment créer son auto entreprise ou entreprise claasique en douze étapes. 

Cet article a pour but de vous donner confiance : nous croyons que tout est possible. Nous avons plein d’ exemples d’entrepreneurs qui sont partis de rien et ont atteint leurs objectifs ! 

Vous n’avez rien à perdre à suivre les premières étapes de cet article (si ce n’est d’abandonner cette chère procrastination !).

Avoir la motivation et les idées, c’est donc un très bon début. Connaître les étapes, en est une autre pour se projeter et être capable de les surmonter et d’aboutir à un plan solide. 

Contenu de l’article

  • Comment créer son entreprises étape par étape

1. Faire le point sur ses motivations et ses compétences

  • 2. Partir de sa situation actuelle : professionnelle et financière
  • 3. Définir son idée de business
  • 4. Faire un plan d’entreprise
  • 5. Fixez des objectifs et des attentes réalistes

6. Faites un business plan d’une page

  • 7. Parlez-en autour de vous et faites-vous aider

8. Associez-vous

  • 9. Donnez un nom à votre entreprise

10. Enregistrez votre entreprise

11. créez votre premier produit ou service, 12. sachez vendre votre business.

  • Résumé : Comment créer son entreprises étape par étape
  • Comment monter son entreprise sans argent et gratuitement ?
  • Comment montrer son entreprise quand on est un jeune entrepreneur ? 

Comment créer son entreprise en 12 étapes

Avant de rentrer dans les détails des étapes de ce guide création d’entreprise, nous avons distingué 3 caps : Faire le point et définir son business – Challenger son idée – Concrétiser sa création d’entreprise.

Il y a autant d’entreprises que de situations personnelles. Créer sa société va répondre à plusieurs facteurs : les motivations et les objectifs, la situation financière, les compétences, le modèle économique…

C’est pourquoi, la première étape pour démarrer un business est de faire le point sur tous ces aspects.

C’est vrai que c’est frustrant, quand on a une idée géniale et qu’on est gonflé à bloc, on a envie de passer à l’action, d’ouvrir son entreprise tout de suite. On veut du concret ! Sauf que le premier facteur d’échec est de ne pas avoir pris ce temps de réflexion. Ne pas brûler les étapes. Première règle d’or pour devenir l’entrepreneur de ses rêves : patience et gestion de la frustration sont deux qualités à développer 🙂

Prenez le comme un jeu, ou un challenge, l’occasion de poser toutes ces envies et ces idées qui fourmillent dans vos têtes. 

Alors, on prend une feuille (ou deux, ou trois…un carnet quoi 🙂 et on pose à l’écrit en répondant aux questions suivantes :

  • Qu’est-ce qui me motive profondément à créer une entreprise ?
  • Parmi ces motivations, lesquelles sont prioritaires ?
  • Quels sont mes atouts et mes faiblesses ? Est-ce que je peux y arriver tout seul ?
  • Est-ce que mes compétences actuelles suffisent pour concrétiser mon projet, ou est-ce que je dois me former ou bien m’entourer pour combler mes lacunes ?
  • De quels moyens (matériels, financiers) aies-je besoin pour y arriver ?

Les réponses que vous apportez à ces questions auront un impact sur les futures étapes.

Le modèle économique, les investissements financiers et la forme de votre entreprise ne seront pas les mêmes si l’on veut monter son commerce dans une ville, ou monter son entreprise en ligne, si on veut être seul ou former une équipe, si on a les apports financiers, ou si on part avec zéro budget.

Il est très facile de créer son auto-entreprise en ligne, par exemple. Mais dégager des revenus en partant de rien, c’est beaucoup plus difficile.

Vous devez être prêt à affronter cette réalité. Il y aura des challenges, des moments critiques, des doutes.

2.  Partir de sa situation actuelle : professionnelle et financière


Certains auront construit un parcours professionnel et voudront monter une entreprise avec un projet en cohérence avec ce parcours et les compétences cumulées. D’autres, voudront au contraire se lancer dans une activité totalement nouvelle. Dans tous les cas, il y a plusieurs solutions : créer son entreprise en parallèle de son emploi actuel pour minimiser les risques, et donc cumuler plusieurs activités en même temps ( l’art d’être slasheur ).

Les salariés ont également des droits individuels à la formation (DIF). Il existe des aides pour créer son entreprise. Les aides de l’État (les droits au chômage par exemple) selon les conditions de départ de son entreprise, peuvent être des tremplins à la création d’une entreprise. Renseignez-vous selon votre situation auprès de Pôle Emploi par exemple.

3. Quelle entreprise créer en 2023 ?

La pandémie a changé beaucoup de choses dans les habitudes des consomateurs, sans parler des autres événements mondiaux qui s'enchaînent à une allure vertigineuse. 

Prenez le temps de réfléchir et de lister les nouveaux besoins ou les besoins à venir et trouver de nouvelles idées de business en 2023.

Vous aviez auss sans doute quelques idées de business qui vous trotte dans la tête. Et si vous séchez carrément ou alors plusieurs envies qui se chevauchent, faites une liste des choses qui vous passionnent. Par exemple, le yoga, les finances personnelles, les chiens, le cinéma, la cuisine ou la mode.

Et celle de vos envies : transmettre un savoir, vendre un produit ou un service, écrire sur un sujet, aider les entreprises ou les particuliers dans leurs démarches, ou simplement gagner de l’argent sur Internet . La force de l’entrepreneur est de savoir allier ses centres d’intérêts avec ses qualités humaines et ses compétences.

Maintenant que vos idées se précisent, il faut les confronter à la réalité du marché et explorer l’offre concurrente et la demande.

C’est ce qu’on appelle la loi du marché, et pour se faire une place au soleil, vous devez vous différencier. Plusieurs alternatives s’offrent à vous : baisser les prix, ou au contraire monter en gamme, surfer sur une tendance, trouver une activité de niche (voici une liste d’activités de niche par exemple ).

D’autres questions sont à se poser pour la création d'entreprise en ligne : souhaitez-vous être pleinement impliqué dans votre business ou simplement en être le fondateur ? Préférez-vous agir seul ou recherchez-vous un partenaire ? Créer une entreprise individuelle, une EURL ou une SARL ? Ce sont des questions fondamentales pour créer sa société.

Tout est possible pour démarrer un business, de la boutique Shopify   à une activité de freelance . On peut choisir de développer son propre business de consulting et créer son auto-entreprise ou encore de monter sa boîte avec une équipe, fabriquer ses produits ou gérer un restaurant…!

Pour vous aider à affiner votre liste, utilisez des outils comme Keywords Everywhere pour observer le volume de recherches sur Google avec le référencement naturel  pour chaque élément de votre liste. Cela vous permettra d’appréhender le niveau de popularité de vos idées.

Servez-vous également de Google Trends pour analyser l’évolution des tendances. La courbe monte-t-elle, descend-elle ou reste-t-elle stable ? Déterminez ensuite la viabilité de votre niche sur le long terme. N’hésitez pas également à poser des questions à des entrepreneurs qui se sont lancés dans un projet similaire, leur retour d’expérience peuvent orienter votre projet et être décisif. Inspirez-vous des success stories d’entrepreneurs dans votre domaine.

Prenez alors les trois mots clés les plus populaires de votre liste et répondez à ces questions : “Dans cinq ans, laquelle de ces niches me fera encore lever le matin ? Quelle idée m’excitera assez pour que j’ai encore envie de créer du contenu, des produits et des outils pour elle ?”

Vous avez trouvé ? Félicitations, vous venez de passer une étape fondamentale de la création d’entreprise !

4. Développez une stratégie

Maintenant que vous avez une bonne idée pour créer une entreprise, il est temps d’étudier les moyens d’en vivre, et d’en tirer des revenus. Comment développer son entreprise ? 

Par exemple, admettons que vous souhaitiez démarrer un business relatif aux chiens. Vous pouvez ouvrir une entreprise de toilettage, un site de garde de chiens ou une boutique en ligne de produits canins.

Dans cette phase, vous allez déterminer lequel de ces business est le plus simple et stratégique à lancer, s’il correspond à vos compétences, s’il s’adapte à votre budget. Enfin, vous analyserez les performances du secteur.

Il est aussi possible de créer son auto-entreprise avec plusieurs idées. Par exemple, un blog de cuisine peut se monétiser grâce à une boutique en ligne de produits d’accessoires de cuisine.

Après avoir décidé quel type d’entreprise vous souhaitez développer, il est temps de planifier votre business et de mesurer sa viabilité en faisant une étude de marché. Elle vous permettra de définir votre business model par la maîtrise de votre marché cible afin de mieux vous positionner et faire la différence.


Voici les différents points à élucider :

  • Qui est votre / vos audience(s) cible(s), quels sont leurs profils ? quelles sont ses attentes, quels sont ses usages (en ligne notamment) ?
  • Qui sont vos concurrents ? Pouvez-vous les classer ? Quels prix pratiquent-ils ? Comment font-ils pour vendre (pratiques de commercialisation, de communication) ? 
  • Quelles sont les contraintes de votre marché ?
  • Quelles sont les tendances ?
  • Quelles sont les requêtes les plus populaires ?
  • Quels sont vos arguements de vente qui vous permettront de tirer votre épingle du jeu ?
  • Existe-t-il des réglementations spécifiques à votre secteur ?

5. Créer une entreprise : fixez des objectifs et des attentes réalistes

Au lieu de vous concentrer sur votre première vente, peut-être devriez-vous miser sur le marketing digital avec par exemple la création de contenu pour attirer du trafic sur votre site . Ou peut-être qu’avant d’ ouvrir son entreprise , vous pourriez développer une communauté sur Instagram pour avoir une audience au moment du lancement. Ne vous éparpillez pas, utilisez des méthodes éprouvées pour monter sa boîte.

N’hésitez pas à utiliser des indicateurs SMART pour créer vos objectifs, mais restez fidèles à ceux qui comptent vraiment pour vous.

créer son entreprise et définir ses objectifs

Le business plan est la suite logique de votre étude de marché, elle est essentielle dans les étapes pour créer son entreprise. Elle, et doit vous permettre d’avancer des données concrètes sur votre entreprise, telles que définir des chiffres (projection de chiffre d’affaires) et des stratégies. À moins que vous ayez besoin d’un crédit bancaire, ne perdez pas trop de temps sur un business plan . Sur une feuille, écrivez à la main votre plan d’entreprise. Le business plan va vous permettre de vous projeter concrètement, et donc de mieux vous lancer, par étape.

Votre page de business plan devrait contenir les éléments suivants :

  • Le problème résolu par votre business
  • Un pitch d’une phrase (de quoi s’agit-il ?)
  • Une liste de votre audience cible (par exemple, propriétaires de chien, personnes suivant les comptes de chiens sur les réseaux sociaux…)
  • Une analyse SWOT (Forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces).
  • Un plan marketing (liste d’actions à mener pour promouvoir votre entreprise)
  • Un plan financier (coûts de fonctionnement, moyens de financement de ces coûts et moyens de générer de l’argent).
  • Projection financière par trimestre

7. Créer son entreprise : parlez-en et faites-vous aider

Vous avez à présent l’idée, des objectifs et un plan. Le moment est venu d’obtenir des feedbacks sur votre idée, de la confronter à des personnes qualifiées.

Cette étape a sonné le glas de nombreuses idées de création d’entreprise, y compris de très bonnes.

Le but est de collecter des retours sur le ou les moyens d’améliorer votre idée. Au lieu de demander des avis sur le business en lui-même, posez des questions sur des aspects précis. 

Sollicitez l’avis d’un professionnel, qui est passé par les mêmes étapes pour ouvrir son entreprise. La plupart des villes disposent de centres dédiés à la création d’entreprise, où vous pourrez échanger avec des entrepreneurs prêts à vous aider. Rester isolé est une mauvaise idée. Les probabilités de réussite et de pérennité de votre projet augmenteront avec l’apport des connaissances des autres !

L’entreprenariat solo est en expansion, donc ce conseil ne s’applique pas à tout le monde, mais il est souvent plus facile de réussir à deux. Rome ne s’est pas faite en un jour, comme toutes les entreprises florissantes. Votre business vous prendra beaucoup de temps et de ressources. Avoir quelqu’un de confiance à vos côtés vous permettra de faire des pauses pour reprendre des forces, et de combler vos lacunes éventuelles.


Le choix d’un associé est crucial. Vous devez être certain que vous travaillerez efficacement avec cette personne. Est-elle de confiance ? Avez-vous déjà travaillé ensemble ? Comment avez-vous su gérer les conflits par le passé ? Vos compétences s’équilibrent-elles ? Une relation professionnelle ne risque-t-elle pas de briser votre amitié ? Assurez-vous de poser toutes les questions qui fâchent avant de prendre votre décision.

9. Créer son entreprise : lui donner un nom

Une étape qui marque votre création d'entreprise en ligne. Définir le nom d’entreprise parfait peut être difficile, en particulier si vous souhaitez un nom de domaine en .com.  

Utilisez un générateur de nom d’entreprise pour trouver l’inspiration.

La plupart des marques cherchent à inclure des mots-clés dans leur nom, comme Fashion Nova . Mais d’autres choisissent un nom unique.

Le nom d’entreprise que vous choisirez doit être séduisant, percutant, facile à retenir et à épeler, correspondre à un domaine et des profils de réseaux sociaux disponibles.

Parfois les meilleurs noms sortent au cours d’un échange avec un ami, qui vous donnera une autre perspective. N’hésitez donc pas à demander des avis si vous tournez en rond avec le nom de votre marque.

Quelles sont les démarches pour créer son entreprise ? Comment créer une entreprise en France, sur le plan administratif ? Renseignez-vous sur la législation en cours chez vous. Dans certaines villes ou certains états, vous n’avez pas besoin d’enregistrer votre business en deçà d’un volume de chiffre d’affaires spécifique.

Cependant, des entrepreneurs enregistrent leur business dès le premier jour pour prévenir tout risque. Par exemple, si vous faites de même et que vous êtes poursuivi en justice au début de votre activité, votre entreprise est responsable mais pas vous. Protégez-vous dès que possible en donnant un statut légal à votre business.

Si vous créez une entreprise en France, sachez que vous n’êtes pas obligé de fonder dès le départ une sarl, il existe de nombreux statuts différents tels que l'entreprise individuelle , qui dépendent aussi du nombre de contributeurs ou d’associés. Faites des recherches pour voir quel statut s’adaptera le mieux à votre situation.

Le nombre de produits ou services possibles que vous pouvez vendre est infini.

En e-commerce, vous pouvez utiliser DSers pour choisir parmi un grand choix de produits dans de nombreuses niches populaires, telles que la mode, les bijoux, la décoration, l’automobile, la beauté, l’électronique et bien plus. Suivez nos guides pour monter sa boite en dropshipping ou sa boutique en ligne .

Comment choisir des produits pour créer son entreprise en ligne ?

Si vous êtes expert dans une industrie en particulier, vous pourrez créer des produits digitaux tels que des eBooks, des cours, de la musique et d’autres contenus digitaux à vendre à d’autres. Vous pourrez monétiser votre expertise avec ces produits et monter en gamme avec vos services. 

Pour un business en logiciels, vous pouvez créer un produit Saas qui aide les autres business. Ou si vous êtes consultant, vous pourrez proposer des conférences, du coaching ou vos compétences.

Les produits que vous créez pour votre business dépendront largement de vos connaissances et de votre profil professionnel. Mais le choix reste incroyablement vaste.

La promotion est sans doute l’étape la plus importante lorsqu’on lance une entreprise. Sans marketing, pas de clients et donc pas de ventes. Voici quelques exemples sur comment développer son entreprise.

La création de votre site internet, étape indispensable quelque soit votre business, et évidemment cruciale si vous créez une activité e-commerce. Suivez notre guide de la création d’un site internet simple et efficace avec un CMS.

Facebook : vous pourrez faire de la publicité Facebook en vous basant sur les intérêts de votre cible, ainsi que sur les marques qu’elle suit. Postez également dans des groupes Facebook en tant que fan page, ce qui est un excellent moyen de promotion pour les business de niche.

Instagram : développez votre visibilité Instagram grâce à chaque post, pour diversifier vos canaux de vente. Vous pourrez aussi ajouter des liens dans vos Stories Instagram pour obtenir plus de ventes.

Pinterest : les tableaux de groupes sont un très bon moyen d’obtenir plus de visibilité sur vos posts au début de votre activité. Vous pourrez aussi créer vos propres groupes pour promouvoir vos contenus. Assurez-vous de promouvoir également d’autres marques afin de ne pas être associé à un compte spam.

Linkedin : développez votre marque personnelle en créant des post et en partageant vos opinions via les articles LinkedIn. Invitez d’autres utilisateurs à vous suivre pour augmenter votre portée.

SEO : en optimisant votre site Internet pour le référencement naturel et en créant des contenus générant plus de leads, des inscrits sur votre newsletter et du trafic sur votre site.

Quora : répondez à des questions de niche sur Quora pour promouvoir votre boutique en ligne. Vous utiliserez des outils SEO pour trouver quels termes sont bien référencés sur Quora et ainsi obtenir une meilleure visibilité sur la plateforme.

FAQ - Comment créer son entreprise

Comment lancer son business .

Pour monter son entreprise, on doit d'abord trouver une idée de business et se renseigner sur l'entrepreneuriat, un mode de vie qui ne plait pas forcément à tout le monde. Parlez de votre projet pas seulement à vos proches, mais aussi à vos potentiels cibles pour valider votre idée. N'hésitez pas à rejoindre des groupes d'entrepreneurs pour vous aider à rester motivé, mais aussi à accomplir les bonnes démarches administratives. Créez un bon business plan, trouvez un financement si besoin et fixez-vous des objectifs de chiffre d'affaires pour développer votre business !

Créer son entreprise par où commencer ?

Commencez par lister vos motivations, puis vos objectifs. Enfin le plus important : trouver une idée de business rentable. Vous avez le choix parmi plusieurs idées de business à domicile ou de créer votre propre startup si vous avez une idée innovante. Vous devrez ensuite créer un business plan et un budget prévisionnel. Enfin, il vous reste à trouver un nom et un logo, créer votre statut d'entreprise, à créer une présence en ligne et à promouvoir vos produits ou services via des techniques de marketing !

Comment créer une entreprise ?

Vous pouvez créer une entreprise en France via des démarches en ligne. Le plus simple est de créer un statut de micro-entreprise (ou auto-entrepreneur) en vente de marchandises ou prestation de services selon la nature de votre activité. Une fois que votre entreprise et votre chiffre d'affaires se développent, vous pourrez passer en SARL, SASU ou autre statut adapté à vos besoins. La création d'un statut est obligatoire pour pouvoir avoir une activité entrepreneure en France, même si c'est un complément de salaire. Vous n'aurez pas de taxe à payer si vous ne faites pas de chiffres d'affaires tout de suite.

Comment créer une entreprise sans argent ?

Comment créer une entreprise en France, sans argent ? Cette question, souvent posée, révèle l’enjeu financier. Quand on est jeune, fraîchement diplômé par exemple ou, tout simplement quand on a pas suffisamment d’apport personnel à investir dans son projet d’entreprise. Alors est-il possible de créer son entreprise à partir de rien ? Oui, parfaitement. 

Dans le cas de la création d’une micro-entreprise, notamment (à condition de ne pas dépasser un seuil selon votre activité). La création d’entreprise en ligne est relativement simple, rapide et gratuite. Si vous vous lancez dans une prestation intellectuelle (type graphiste, développeur, coach, rédacteur…) qui se fait en ligne avec vos futurs clients, alors vous aurez juste besoin d’un ordinateur et du wifi !

De plus, et quelle que soit votre situation, il existe des aides à la création d’entreprise , telles que l’ACCRE par exemple, qui vous exonère des charges sociales la 1ère année de votre activité. De quoi pouvoir ouvrir son entreprise individuelle sans budget.

Vous trouverez d'autres conseils sur le sujet de monter son entreprise sans argent dans cet article Shopify. 

Comment ouvrir son entreprise quand on est un jeune entrepreneur 

Il existe de nombreux organismes dédiés pour aider les jeunes entrepreneurs : les CCI locales d’une part, et d’autre part les incubateurs de startups et les pépinières qui vous donnent les moyens de réussir. Ces structures vous donnent également la crédibilité qui peut faire défaut quand on est jeune, et permettent également de gagner en visibilité. De nombreux concours permettent de booster un projet d’entreprise. À vous de savoir pitcher votre projet, son business model et de démontrer son originalité et sa viabilité ! 

Certaines villes proposent même des programmes pour les jeunes entrepreneurs, dans le cadre desquels vous bénéficiez de l’accompagnement d’un mentor. Assurez-vous de recevoir des feedbacks en provenance des bonnes personnes, celles qui vous aideront à atteindre le succès.

Il existe de nombreux organismes qui aident les start ups, en les accompagnant et/ou en les finançant : les CCI, la BPI, l’Agence France Entrepreneur, le Réseau Entreprendre, les incubateurs… à vous d’étoffer votre carnet d’adresse autour de vous. Le crowdfunding est également une solution alternative intéressante.

Si cet article vous a convaincu de lancer de votre business, mais que vous avez encore des questions sur le sujet, consultez l'article sur comment lancer son entreprise sur le blog de Shopify. Vous y trouverez de nombreux articles sur le sujet. 

Résumé : Comment créer son entreprise étape par étape

  • Faire le point sur ses motivations et ses compétences
  • Partir de sa situation actuelle : professionnelle et financière
  • Créer son entreprise : définir son idée de business
  • Développez une stratégie
  • Créer une entreprise : fixez des objectifs et des attentes réalistes
  • Faites un business plan d’une page
  • Créer son entreprise : parlez-en et faites-vous aider
  • Associez-vous
  • Créer son entreprise : lui donner un nom
  • Enregistrez votre entreprise
  • Créez votre premier produit ou service
  • Sachez vendre votre business

N’oubliez pas, le mindset est indispensable. Gardez vos rêves en tête, votre belle énergie, votre optimisme, voyez plus loin que l’étape qui se présente à vous. Pas d’excuse, quel que soit votre statut, votre âge, vos moyens, il existe des solutions pour faire réussir votre entreprise. Mais soyez un idéaliste réaliste : prenez le temps de la réflexion, de la préparation, renseignez-vous, partagez votre idée, testez, entourez-vous, quitte à ne pas compter les heures, à ne pas voir les résultats tout de suite… La persévérance est la clé.

Définir ses objectifs en amont, les confronter à la réalité sont autant de démarches qui vous permettront de ne pas les perdre de vue et de leur faire dépasser les obstacles.

Il y aura des obstacles et des challenges sur la route, mais tant que vous avancez et que vous apprenez de vos leçons, rien ne vous empêchera de réussir. 

Le premier pas est souvent le plus difficile.

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ?

  • 10 étapes clés de la première année d’un dropshipper français
  • Top 30 des outils to do list pour booster sa productivité
  • Shopify dropshipping : comment ouvrir une boutique en ligne ?

Les 10 meilleures applications pour gagner de l’argent en 2023

boutique business plan in hindi

Lok Sabha election results 2024: Know who is leading where?

In Uttar Pradesh, which carries the highest number of Lok Sabha seats, the Bharatiya Janata Party is currently ahead in the race. Initial trends indicate that the BJP is maintaining its dominant position in the state, with multiple important constituencies showing positive results for the party.Meanwhile, Maharashtra, another crucial state with a large number of seats, is experiencing an intense battle between the NDA and INDIA alliances. "As of now, both the parties are promising a close contest as the day progresses." The competition remains neck-and-neck, and the final outcome will become clearer as more results pour in throughout the day.

Election Results 2024: BJP leading in 14, Shiv Sena (UBT) in 9, Congress and Shiv Sena ahead in 7 each

The BJP was leading in 14 Lok Sabha seats and the Shiv Sena (UBT) in 9 in Maharashtra, while the Congress and the Shiv Sena (UBT) were ahead in 7 seats each, as per the latest trends of counting underway for 48 constituencies in the state. The NCP (SP) was leading in 7 seats. The NCP led by Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, the AIMIM and an independent candidate were leading in 1 seat each. So far, trends were available for 47 constituencies in the state. Union minister Nitin Gadkari, who is contesting his third Lok Sabha polls from Nagpur, took a lead over Congress candidate Vikas Thakre.

Election Results 2024: BJP takes early lead in 17 seats in Karnataka, Prajwal Revanna ahead in Hassan

The BJP was ahead in 17 seats, Congress in eight and JD(S) in three as per initial counting trends in 28 Lok Sabha constituencies in Karnataka on Tuesday, according to Election Commission officials. Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna, who is facing allegations of sexually abusing several women and also recording them, was leading. He has already been suspended by the JD(S). JD(S) leader and former Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy and Union Minister Pralhad Joshi (BJP) were ahead in the Mandya and Dharwad Lok Sabha segments, respectively, according to official sources. Also leading in the initial rounds were erstwhile Mysuru royal family scion Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar of BJP in Mysore, party veteran B S Yediyurappa's son B Y Raghavendra in Shimoga, saffron party senior leader and former Chief Minister Jagadish Shetttar from Belgaum and BJP leader Tejasvi Surya (Bangalore South). Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge's son-in-law Radhakrishna Doddamani was trailing in Gulbarga.

Election Results 2024: 'PM Modi is going to become former', says Congress's Jairam Ramesh

Congress General Secretary in-charge Communications, Jairam Ramesh says, "These trends show that the present (PM) is going to become former. This is his moral and political defeat. It has never happened before that the Prime Minister trails from his own constituency. The trends in Varanasi are just the trailer."

Lok Sabha election results 2024: BJP candidate Kangana Ranaut leading in Mandi

BJP candidate Kangana Ranaut is leading by margin of 14,734 votes in Himachal Pradesh's Mandi Lok Sabha seat.

NDA leads in 9, Congress in 4 seats in Assam

In Assam, the incumbent BJP and its coalition partners, AGP and UPPL, have taken the lead in nine out of the 14 constituencies. The opposition Congress party is ahead in four seats, while an independent candidate is leading in one constituency.Several prominent BJP candidates, including Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal in Dibrugarh, Rajya Sabha MP Kamakhya Prasad Tasa in Kaziranga, and sitting MP Pradan Baruah in Lakhimpur, have established initial leads. Other BJP candidates leading in their respective constituencies are MLA Ranjit Dutta in Tezpur, Bijuli Kalita Medhi in Guwahati, Dilip Saikia in Darrang-Udalguri, and Parimal Suklabaidya in Silchar (SC).

Election Results 2024: Union minister Kiren Rijiju, sitting BJP MP Tapir Gao leading in Arunachal Pradesh

Union Minister and BJP candidate Kiren Rijiju and his party’s sitting MP Tapir Gao are leading on both the Arunachal Lok Sabha seats.Union Minister Rijiju is leading on the Arunachal West seat against state Congress President Nabam Tuki by 14,062 votes.Sitting BJP MP Tapir Gao is leading on the Arunachal East seat by 2920 votes against his Congress opponent Bosiram Siram.

Election Results 2024: Here's what CEC Rajiv Kumar said on counting of votes

CEC Rajiv Kumar says, "Counting of votes for 542 Constituencies have begun. Our teams are here in the control room to monitor the counting of votes virtually. Our website has around 2 lakh hits per second. We are managing all of that from here. All the ROs have been asked to allow the polling agents and candidates to sit there so that the counting is conducted with transparency."

Uttar Pradesh election results: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trailing from Varanasi seat as of 9:39am.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trailing in Varanasi by a margin of over 4,000 votes. Congress's Ajay Rai is leading.

Election Results 2024: 'Future of Sandeshkhali is bright. BJP is leading ': BJP's Rekha Patra

BJP Lok Sabha Candidate from Basirhat, Rekha Patra says, "I am going to win. BJP is going to win and PM Modi will come to Basirhat. The future of Sandeshkhali is bright. BJP is leading in all seats. The environment has been peaceful here since morning. The Central forces are here, local police remain outside. Lotus has bloomed in Basirhat."

Election Results 2024: 'Results will be good, counting has just begun', says Vikramaditya Singh

Vikramaditya Singh says, "The results will be good, it (counting) has just begun. All will be well. Exit Polls were manufactured by media, so it had not authenticity, today's verdict will be of India, of Himachal Pradesh. We will match the numbers stated by the leaders of INDIA Alliance."

Election Results 2024: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi leads in Wayanad, Rae Bareli

Congress candidate from Uttar Pradesh's Raebareli Lok Sabha seat Rahul Gandhi leading from the seat with a margin of 2126 votes. The Congress has fielded Rahul from Rae Bareli, a seat vacated by his mother Sonia Gandhi, who opted out of electoral politics and is now a member of Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan. There was anticipation that a member of the Gandhi family would be fielded to take forward Sonia’s legacy in Rae Bareli, which she represented for 20 long years.

Lok Sabha election results: NDA crosses 200-mark in early trends, opposition's INDIA bloc at 150

Lok Sabha election results: NDA crosses 200-mark in early trends, opposition's INDIA bloc at 150

Lok Sabha election results 2024: NDA crosses 100-mark in early trends, opposition's INDIA bloc trailing

Lok Sabha election results 2024: NDA crosses 100-mark in early trends, opposition's INDIA bloc trailing

Maharashtra election results: Nitin Gadkari, Piyush Goyal, Supriya Sule leading, early trends show

The initial vote counting trends for the Lok Sabha elections in Maharashtra suggest that Union ministers Nitin Gadkari and Piyush Goyal, along with Supriya Sule, the daughter of NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar, are leading in their respective constituencies.Gadkari, who is vying for his third term in the Lok Sabha from Nagpur, has established a lead over his Congress rival, Vikas Thakre. Meanwhile, Goyal, a first-time Lok Sabha candidate, is contesting from the Mumbai North constituency against Congress nominee Bhushan Patil.In the Baramati constituency, Supriya Sule has taken the lead over her sister-in-law, Sunetra Pawar, who is the wife of Maharashtra's deputy chief minister, Ajit Pawar.

Lok Sabha election results 2024: Three-level security arrangement in PM Modi's constituency Varanasi

"There is a three-level security arrangement in Varanasi. There is inner cordon where paramilitary is deployed. Then there is PSE and the third cordon is of local police. A total of 1,500 police officers have been deployed here. 25 gazetted officers are on duty. No one will be able to enter without proper checking," says Varanasi Commissioner Mohit Agarwal on security arrangements at counting centres as counting for votes is underway.

Lok Sabha election results 2024: Does Mamata want violence to be the norm in Bengal? says BJP's Amit Malviya

"Reports of violence from the counting center in Sreerampur, West Bengal. It would be good if Mamata Banerjee reigns in the criminal elements in her ranks. But one has not heard a public appeal for peace from her. Does she want violence to be the norm in Bengal?," Amit Malviya said in a post on X.

Election Results 2024: Counting of votes underway at a counting centre in UP

Election Results 2024: Counting of votes underway at a counting centre in UP

Election Results 2024: BJP and Congress hoping to better previous performances in Chhattisgarh

As Chhattisgarh prepares for the counting of votes today, all eyes are focussed on whether the ruling BJP betters its 2019 poll performance and succeeds in whitewashing Congress or whether the Opposition party manages to turn the tables on its saffron rival. From the BJP, prominent candidates include state minister Brijmohan Agrawal and party leader Saroj Pandey. On the other hand, former chief minister Bhupesh Baghel and his party colleague Kawasi Lakhma are key contenders from the Congress. Counting of votes for all 11 Lok Sabha constituencies will be held from 8am in 33 centres of the state amid three-layered security. The BJP is hoping to repeat its recent success in assembly elections while Congress is eyeing to improve its tally.

Lok Sabha election results 2024: Counting of votes to begin at 8am

Exit polls have consistently predicted a resounding majority for the BJP, with the party expected to make further inroads in Odisha, West Bengal, and southern states. The Lok Sabha election results will determine the outcomes of several high-profile electoral battles involving seasoned politicians, newcomers, fierce rivals, and unexpected candidates vying for seats in the lower house.

Election Results 2024: What Congress leader Rajamani Patel said ahead of counting of votes

"Everyone gives their own exit polls, social media does its work, Election Commission does it work, but very few do unbiased work. But, going by the reaction of the people while working on ground, I believe INDIA alliance will form government," says Congress leader Rajamani Patel ahead of counting of votes.

Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Results: Delhi police issues traffic advisory ahead of Lok Sabha elections results

The Delhi traffic police on Monday issued a fresh advisory ahead of the much-awaited counting of votes scheduled for Tuesday, listing key roads where traffic restrictions and diversions will start from 5 am onwards to ensure smooth vehicular movement.

Election Results 2024: JCP Ahmedabad Neeraj Kumar Badgujar on security arrangements ahead of counting of votes

"Police have been deployed at counting centres of East and West Ahmedabad. More than 1,200 officers and staff have been deployed with three-layered security on both centres. The area is under CCTV surveillance, proper frisking and checking is being done and no one is allowed to carry mobile phones," says JCP Ahmedabad Neeraj Kumar Badgujar on security arrangements ahead of counting of votes.

Election Results 2024: India bloc leaders to meet after Lok Sabha poll results, discuss future strategy

Meeting will be held of INDIA bloc leaders after the results of Lok Sabha elections. "INDIA leaders will obviously meet after the results are declared. Any other meaning being given to it is completely misleading and false," Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said in a post on X on Monday. Congress sources had said earlier that senior leaders of the INDIA alliance have been urged by the party to stay in the national capital till tomorrow evening or the next morning. They said West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee has also taken a positive stand on this. The sources said that if the number of seats does not come as per expectations and assessment, then other options including demonstration, press conference, and meeting with the President will be discussed. The role of the Election Commission will also be questioned, they said. Congress leaders have insisted that the INDIA bloc will form the government after the Lok Sabha polls and will win 295 of 543 seats.

Lok Sabha Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA crosses half-way mark, opposition's INDIA bloc puts up a strong fight in trends; PM Modi leading in Varanasi

On a mild Houston day in March 2021, Judge Marvin Isgur prepared to oversee the only case on his docket that morning. It was a motion to recuse his longtime colleague on the bench, David Jones, from a case involving a bankrupt engineering company.

Motions are the bread and butter of the US court system, and litigants use recusal motions to request a new judge if they have concerns about a conflict of interest or bias. An independent judge hears the arguments and decides if there is enough evidence to grant the motion, requiring the assigned judge to step aside.

On this day, the circumstances were anything but usual. The motion, filed months earlier, had just been updated with a shocking allegation: Jones was in a "romantic relationship" with attorney Elizabeth Freeman, his former clerk and then a lawyer at Jackson Walker, a Texas firm that often appeared before Jones and Isgur in the Southern District of Texas bankruptcy court, where the pair of judges handled the most high-profile cases.

Michael Van Deelen, the plaintiff in a shareholder case against executives of the engineering company McDermott International, wrote that he'd received a document in the mail alleging the relationship. The note went further, saying that Freeman was the "strategic link" between Jackson Walker attorneys, including Matthew Cavenaugh, and cases handled by Jones.

Freeman and Cavenaugh were both well known to Isgur. Freeman had clerked for Jones for six years, and later joined a special committee the two judges created as they centralized large bankruptcy cases under their control. Cavenaugh was a former Isgur clerk. And yet Isgur had chosen himself when Jones asked him to assign a judge to decide the recusal.

His choice wasn't all that surprising given their 30-year relationship. As law partners, Isgur and Jones had formed a lifelong bond, and as bankruptcy judges, they had created an ambitious, if controversial, machine for attracting cases to the Southern District.

"It's a very special and close relationship that came from being a mentor to a best friend to a colleague," a member of the Houston bar said at a December 2023 hearing, "and created something very big and special in this district."

Van Deelen's motion threatened to unravel it all, exposing grave conflicts of interest and a tight network of informal communications that allowed lawyers, including Freeman, to leverage their access to bring in more cases, building their firm's clout and revenue. "Judge Jones's secret relationship with Ms. Freeman," the US Trustee wrote in a November filing, "created an unlevel 'playing field' for every party in interest in every case Jackson Walker had before Judge Jones."

Several Houston attorneys said they considered Isgur a brilliant judge whose response to the recusal motion was out of character. Over nearly 20 years on the bench, during which he had overseen thousands of cases, he developed a history for being a stickler on questions of ethics.

In 2014, he issued an order removing an attorney who'd worked at his former firm, W. Steve Smith, from his duties overseeing a bankruptcy estate after Smith had sought reimbursement from the estate for around $3,500 for a three-day personal stay prior to an oral argument in New Orleans.

In 2015, Isgur joined another judge to initiate an investigation into another trustee for what they considered improprieties surrounding a creditor payment plan — even though a former chief judge had described the approach as a longstanding practice. In at least two other cases, Isgur has personally questioned witnesses he called himself — including, once, Jones, while he was appearing before Isgur as an attorney.

Bankruptcy judges have broad discretion, what the author Michael Lewis has called "sensational powers," to decide what evidence to allow in a case. And yet in the Jones recusal case, the aggressive Isgur was nowhere to be seen.

First, he ordered the motion and the anonymously authored document sealed. Then, over the course of the roughly 40-minute long hearing, he refused to admit the anonymous note into evidence. He did not call to the stand either Freeman or Cavenaugh, though he knew them both well. And when Van Deelen asked for time to depose witnesses about the allegations, Isgur shut that down, his tone giving off a sense of frustration.

"No, your motion for a continuance is denied," according to audio of the judge's remarks. "I'm not going to let you take a deposition about the contents of an anonymous letter. That would be totally outrageous." Minutes later, Isgur denied the motion for recusal. A US district court judge later denied Van Deelen's appeal, agreeing that the note had no evidentiary value.

The matter may have been largely forgotten, one of any number of denials handed down every day throughout the United States court system.

But the anonymous note resurfaced two and a half years later when Van Deelen filed a lawsuit against Jones, alleging retaliation, this time relying on evidence that Jones and Freeman owned a home together, as Business Insider was the first to report . (Jones has filed a motion to dismiss in that case, which remains pending.)

Over the next 10 days, Jones admitted he and Freeman were in a romantic relationship , earned a rare public rebuke from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and resigned.

It was as if a meteor had hit one of the country's most influential bankruptcy courts . His resignation led 3,500 cases to be reassigned and sparked the Department of Justice to demand Jackson Walker give back nearly $23 million in fees it had earned in cases that Jones had overseen. The Southern District juggernaut, which had pulled in scores of massive cases and enriched the Houston bankruptcy bar, was over.

But Isgur remained unscathed. In her written rebuke of Jones, the Fifth Circuit chief judge took care to note that "on information and belief, the judge who ruled on the motion to recuse was unaware" that Jones and Freeman were romantic partners. But an extensive document trail, social media posts, and nearly a dozen sources inside Houston's legal community suggest that narrative is implausible.

Freeman's attorney, Tom Kirkendall, declined to comment on her behalf. Isgur did not respond to requests for comment sent through his staff. Jones' attorney, Gary Cruciani, did not respond to requests for comment.

"Typically, best friends know the identities of their friends' long-term romantic partners," Nancy Rapoport, an influential legal ethicist and professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law, wrote in a paper about the ethical questions surrounding Jones' relationship. "But only Judge Isgur knows what he knew or didn't know about the relationship."

In fact, the rise of the Southern District was inseparable from the close relationships between Jones and Isgur, Jones and Freeman, and the firm where Freeman was a partner, Jackson Walker. The Fifth Circuit found that "substantial" money was involved.

'I love him like a father'

Isgur and Jones first began working together in 1993, when Isgur and Kirkendall, then his law partner, hired Jones out of the University of Houston law school as an associate, Jones said in a February 2022 interview for an American Bankruptcy Institute podcast. Jones was being pursued by a much larger firm, he told someone at the time, when Isgur and Kirkendall persuaded him to join their small litigation boutique. Both men spoke at Jones' wedding reception at Brennan's, the venerable Houston restaurant , according to someone who attended.

It would prove to be his most influential professional relationship. "They took me in, taught me how to think, how to write, and how to be a lawyer," Jones said of Isgur and Kirkendall in March 2023 when he accepted a lifetime achievement award from Emory Law School. Isgur was chosen to introduce him.

For years, Isgur and Jones lived a short distance away from each other in a wealthy enclave on Houston's west side. Jones would go sailing on Galveston Bay with Isgur on his boat. The two men often ate together at hole-in-the-wall restaurants, according to two people familiar with their habits. One of the sources said they were frequently joined at these dinners by their wives.

By some measures, the two men made an odd pair. The elder judge was a Houston native, a member of the influential Winograd real estate family, and a nondrinker. He wore his receding hair cropped close and wire-rimmed glasses that gave him the authority of a man steeped in the law. Behind the bench, he was always in control. Jones, on the other hand, was voluble and audacious. A North Carolina native estranged from his father, Jones liked sharing a drink with members of the Houston bar. As a judge, he would sometimes berate litigants and attorneys in his court, and he liked to boast about how, as an attorney, he had pushed the boundaries of the law.

Yet over the years, their relationship blossomed into something almost familial. "I love him like a father," Jones once said of Isgur. In introducing Jones at the Emory event, Isgur called him his "stubborn adopted son."

"There is no better feeling than when a parent watches his child surpass him in capability and achievement," Isgur said. "I am so proud."

Isgur's only actual child, Sarah, is a conservative lawyer known for her close relationships with Supreme Court justices and her three years in the Trump administration. Most recently, she's made a name hosting a must-listen legal podcast, Advisory Opinions, in which she has repeatedly explored questions of judicial ethics.

When Jones appeared on the podcast in 2020, their dynamic was warm. Sarah called him a "family friend," and Jones congratulated Isgur on her pregnancy. Several years earlier, when Sarah got married in the federal courthouse, her father officiated and Jones and his then wife were in attendance, according to one wedding guest.

After Isgur became a bankruptcy judge, appointed by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in 2004, Jones joined Porter Hedges, a Houston law firm whose 1981 founding made it a relative newcomer to the city's legal scene. Porter Hedges' scrappy status gave Jones the freedom to further develop into an aggressive litigator, making his name representing trustees charged with selling off assets in Chapter 7 bankruptcies.

Legal records suggest that Jones may have first crossed paths with Freeman in 2002, when he was still in private practice with Isgur; that year, she represented a creditor and Jones a trustee in the same bankruptcy case. Over four days in March 2008, each attorney was assigned to a case the other had already been working on for months. By the following year, Freeman had joined Porter Hedges as a partner to work with Jones in the bankruptcy practice, according to a person who knew them at the time. Her husband had recently joined Porter Hedges, too.

At Porter Hedges, Jones and Freeman worked closely together. In several pleadings from that time, they appear on the same signature block, indicating that they were jointly handling a case.

It's unclear when Jones and Freeman first became romantically involved, but Porter Hedges appeared to take a more liberal stance on interoffice romance than many Big Law firms did at the time. John Higgins, a senior partner, started dating Whitney Ables when they worked together at Porter; they were later married in a ceremony Jones officiated. Josh Wolfshohl also met his wife Amy Lucas while they were working together there; both remain at the firm. And Porter hired Freeman even though her husband was already a partner there.

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Isgur, during his time on the bench, had encouraged Jones to consider becoming a bankruptcy judge. When Judge Wesley Steen retired from the Southern District of Texas bankruptcy court in 2011, Jones got his chance, and applied to the Fifth Circuit — whose judges appoint bankruptcy judges in the circuit — to fill Steen's seat. Jones would again become a close colleague of his mentor.

Isgur moved quickly to get Jones hearing cases, swearing him in at a private ceremony in advance of the official investiture, a small gathering he hosted in his courtroom on the fourth floor of Houston's federal courthouse. About two dozen people were there, according to two people who attended, including Freeman. She was tasked with taking pictures, and at one point, her emotions overcame her and she teared up, according to one of the attendees.

By then, Freeman had already decided to leave her job at Porter Hedges, where she was poised to earn handsomely by taking over casework from Jones. That year, partners at Houston's law firms earned on average nearly $800,000, according to one compensation survey. Instead, she took up a position as Jones' permanent clerk, likely making closer to $100,000 in a role she would hold for the next six years. The following year, her husband moved to dissolve their marriage, according to Harris County records.

"When I heard she went and became his law clerk, I thought that's a surprise. I would not have expected that to be a typical career path for Liz," said a former colleague of theirs at Porter Hedges. "When I heard that they were eventually found to be cohabitating, it didn't surprise me."

Just months after Freeman began her clerkship, Jones too got divorced.

"I probably should have talked with, at that time, my wife — now my ex-wife — about that decision, because that's obviously a huge change," Jones told Reuters in 2020. "I just decided that it was something that I was going to do and if I was going to do it, I was going to devote the same energy into being a judge that I did into being a lawyer." He suggested in another interview that the couple experienced tension over the decrease in his pay.

Jones kept the house he had shared with his wife, and sometime later, Freeman moved in with him, according to one person aware of the arrangement. The real estate photos Jones used later to sell the home showed what looked like a boy's bedroom, even though Freeman was the only one in the couple with kids, and a closet that held women's clothing.

In 2017, Jones purchased a house in a gentrifying neighborhood in northwest Houston, not far from his previous home. He and Freeman toured the home together, and Jones ultimately paid $985,000 in cash, Bloomberg reported in April . Real estate records show that they came to jointly own it.

Whether Isgur visited Jones at the homes he shared with Freeman is unclear, but the elder judge would have witnessed the dynamic between the pair over the six years they all worked closely together at the Houston courthouse.

"They set up the special panel because they are great judges, and they are great arbiters of the law, and then to say they don't have the same sensibility with the people they have lunch with beggars disbelief," said Bruce Markell, a former federal bankruptcy judge in Nevada who now teaches law at Northwestern's Pritzker School of Law. "It's not like Isgur didn't know her. Whether he knew about the relationship or not I don't know, but it would be difficult for me to think that Isgur was taken completely by surprise by the allegations."

A plan to grow the Houston court

When Jones joined the bankruptcy court for the Southern District of Texas, Delaware and New York dominated as the venue of choice for major corporate bankruptcies. But Jones and Isgur came up with a plan to make Houston a magnet.

Corporate bankruptcies are big business. For decades, the process has been used by companies with too much debt and not enough cash to find fresh footing — and over time, it's become one of the most lucrative areas of law. Top attorneys can make up to $2,500 an hour in bankruptcy cases, the kind of money that can warp a system. In recent decades, bankruptcy forum shopping has become rampant, with firms filing in whatever federal district they like, just by showing a local address there. Sometimes a PO Box is enough. So lawyers tend to congregate where they find corporate-friendly judges who have a reputation for quickly moving companies through the process and signing off on lawyers' fees.

While Delaware and New York dominated as the venues of choice for major bankruptcies, millions of dollars flowed into the coffers of local law firms . The judges became their own power centers, with every decision affecting the paychecks of local lawyers and the fortunes of their firms: Decide against the debtor and their law firm might seek a different venue for their next client.

Houston judges had tried to break into the upper ranks before, without success. Judge William Greendyke promised attorneys in 2000 that the judges' "war on fees is over," according to Lynn LoPucki's book Courting Failure . A year later, Houston-based Enron still chose New York for its spectacular bankruptcy.

In 2016, Jones and Isgur began to hatch a more ambitious plan to make Houston welcoming. Success would mean more money for the men and women of the local bankruptcy bar, and more power and prestige for the Southern District of Texas. They created a special panel for complex cases, changing Southern District rules so extremely large or complex Chapter 11 bankruptcies — including, now, those involving at least $200 million in debt — would get an unusual degree of predictability. Even though the Judicial Conference, which sets policy for the federal courts, had long supported the random assignment of federal judges in order to deter judge-shopping, the new Southern District scheme would assign every complex case to just one of two judges: Jones or Isgur.

"Overnight, bankruptcy lawyers that typically worked on large, complex cases before any one of 3 or 4 sitting bankruptcy judges," Jackson Walker wrote in a court filing last month, "now would be practicing almost exclusively (and routinely) before 1 of 2 bankruptcy judges."

It was an effort, the firm said, to "make procedures more transparent and predictable."

In fact, the two men sought to achieve an extraordinary degree of consistency across their two dockets and would often discuss each other's cases, according to someone who heard it directly from Jones. The two men would walk back and forth to each other's chambers on the courthouse's fourth floor. "We talk every day, multiple times, whether he wants to or not," Jones said in his remarks last year at Emory. "I can't imagine him not being right down the hall."

The judges threw open the doors to the bankruptcy bar, creating a committee of bankruptcy attorneys to advise the judges on industry best practices. Among the founding members were Patricia Tomasco, then a partner at Jackson Walker; Christopher Lopez, an attorney at Weil, Gotshal & Manges who would go on to become a Southern District judge; and Greendyke, who had by then retired as a judge.

Another reform was to promise attorneys for major corporations concierge access to court officials to expedite scheduling and process matters. Jones assigned his case manager, Albert Alonzo, a government-issued cell phone and told him to answer it whenever it rang. Jones would call him in the middle of the night to test his resolve and Alonzo always answered, the judge told Reuters in 2020.

"He is the public's way to talk with me," Jones told the Texas Lawbook in 2020. "He has tremendous scheduling authority. He's great at customer service."

As they worked together, the two men grew close. Jones said he spent time with Alonzo's family during the holidays and at least once he and Freeman attended Alonzo's annual tamale-making party together, according to a social media post.

A close circle of lawyers around Jones

Isgur was known to avoid spending time with Houston's bankruptcy bar outside of the courthouse or official conferences. But just down the hall, Jones routinely blurred the boundaries between his professional and personal lives, becoming friends with a group of attorneys who often appeared before him.

Jones had issued an order in 2016 arguing against "unspoken practices, or disparate treatment" even as he was offering special access, in a variety of ways, for this small network of lawyers.

According to two attorneys close to Jones' circle, a small group of lawyers would often hang around Jones' chambers, which he decorated with framed news articles about him. One, a 2020 Houston Chronicle profile, was headlined: "Meet the judge who saved the Texas bankruptcy practice." (After that article came out, someone taped up a piece of paper outside the fourth floor elevators with the word "savior" and an arrow pointing to Jones' courtroom, a third attorney recalls.)

The locked entrance to his chambers became such a revolving door that when Van Deelen pressed the buzzer in October 2023, intending to hand his retaliation lawsuit to Jones, he was let in with no questions asked, he said. Alonzo once posted that a lawyer close to Jones, Susan Tran Adams, stopped by with coffee and empanadas.

On his frequent visits to Jones' chambers, Isgur likely saw the crowd, which often included Freeman. Two attorneys specifically recall Isgur entering Jones' chambers while other lawyers were present.

Jones said he and some of the lawyers formed a cooking team that would enter local barbecue and chili competitions, and several in the group recently started a nonprofit together. Social media posts over the years of informal gatherings show Jones, Freeman, and Alonzo hamming it up with other lawyers.

The following year, a Houston bankruptcy attorney invited a group of lawyers, including Jackson Walker attorneys Matt Cavenaugh, Veronica Polnick, and Genevieve Graham, as well as Freeman, then running her own practice, to a party for Jones, according to someone who was told about the party.

At the root of many of these friendships was a drop-in evidence class Jones began to lead for Houston lawyers soon after he joined the bench. The free class started small and invite-only, but after several years grew to number 40 or 50 students, according to someone who attended.

Regulars included attorneys who worked at, or would later join, Jackson Walker, according to emails, such as Polnick, Graham, and Cavenaugh. According to a recent Jackson Walker legal filing, "other bankruptcy judges and prominent local practitioners attended the classes" as well.

"They were well attended," said another Houston bankruptcy attorney. "I attended a couple, and you could really see the young attorneys clicking."

Jones clicked with them, too. "There are several young lawyers that are present tonight that I first met in a weekly class that I teach in my courtroom on most Wednesdays," Jones said in his prepared remarks for the Emory event last year. "It also turned out that the class was as much of a learning session for me as it was a teaching session. Not only did we become better professionals together, we became friends."

Jones officiated the marriages of at least two lawyers who attended those classes: Tran and Graham.

The class was effectively yet another Jones strategy for attracting bankruptcy filings to the Southern District — and a way for members of the Houston bar to explore tactics they might later deploy in Jones' court.

The classes were sometimes also a ticket to career advancement. At least one young law graduate, Christina Morrison, used the classes to successfully audition for a clerkship with Jones.

Isgur was well aware of the tight legal community around Jones' evidence class. He told the assembled crowd at Emory how "young lawyers show up weekly — dozens of them — to learn trial tactics and bankruptcy from David."

After I tried and failed to find an opportunity to introduce myself to Isgur at the courthouse, I visited Isgur's home in April, hoping to find out how the judge was currently feeling about his adopted son and to ask when he first became aware of Jones' relationship with Freeman.

A woman who appeared to be his wife answered, keeping the door closed and speaking through a side window of the stately brick home. "Get the hell away from us," she said, after I identified myself as a journalist. When I turned to leave, the woman noticed that my hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She commented on the style, and when I turned back to face her, she began to mock me, moving her hips in a side-to-side dance. "Do you want to wear a skirt or earrings? Are you trans?"

As her voice rose, she hurled an expletive and screamed, "Get off the property!"

Rumors of a romantic relationship

Jones and Isgur's efforts soon began to attract hundreds of filings to the district. Big names showed up: Neiman Marcus and J.C. Penney, then Chesapeake Energy.

Tomasco, the Jackson Walker partner who was a member of the complex cases committee, had already been doing her part to build up the court and drum up business for her firm by flying to New York in a campaign to convince the Big Law bankruptcy attorneys to bring their cases south. But the flow of cases only escalated after Freeman left her clerkship, in May 2018, and joined the firm.

Freeman quickly became known as someone who bristled over complying with protocols and failed to loop her colleagues in on critical communications.

She and Cavenaugh set up a business agreement that, according to two of their professional contacts, appeared to be premised on Freeman's tight relationship with Jones paying off. Though Freeman hadn't worked at a law firm in six years, Cavenaugh and Freeman agreed to split the origination income they got for bringing in new cases, according to the two sources, who were told about the arrangement. Like anyone exiting public service, Freeman hadn't done marketing in years. If she hadn't delivered, it could have meant a substantial compensation loss for Cavenaugh. Instead, according to a November Jackson Walker filing, Freeman enjoyed "quick and substantial success."

"Sharing origination fees is common in the industry, and it is well known that sharing is part of our culture at Jackson Walker," firm spokesperson Jim Wilkinson said by email. "We quite often share origination fees among attorneys irrespective of location and there is nothing out of the ordinary with our compensation practices."

Already, the rumors about Jones and Freeman's romantic relationship were frequent enough that at least one attorney confronted Jones about it; Jones responded by denying the relationship.

"I would see them going to lunch together," said the former colleague from Porter Hedges. "It's not unusual for judges and their clerks to go to lunch together but we typically think of a federal judge's law clerk in bankruptcy or district court as a substantially younger person relatively recently out of school. The optics were different."

Now, Jackson Walker had a partner with a direct line to the leading judge of the Southern District of Texas bankruptcy court. Business boomed. During Jones' career on the bench, two firms, Kirkland & Ellis and Jackson Walker, represented the most debtors with confirmed Chapter 11 plans, according to data provider Lex Machina. And Kirkland & Ellis — whose attorneys were invited to Jones' evidence class as special guests at least twice, according to emails — often relied on Jackson Walker as its local counsel.

Between 2012 and 2017, before Freeman left for Jackson Walker, just 27 companies with liabilities of $100 million or more filed their bankruptcy in the Southern District of Texas, according to BankruptcyData. From 2018 through 2023 that number more than quadrupled to 148. During the three years ending in 2023, Jones and Isgur together handled nearly a third of all bankruptcy cases with liabilities over $1 billion.

Jackson Walker was involved in a large number of them, with Freeman, as the US Trustee said, creating an "unlevel 'playing field.'"

The Trustee Program has filed several motions to force the law firm to disgorge a total of nearly $23 million in what it called "tainted" fees collected in cases involving Jackson Walker that were heard by Jones as far back as 2018. More than $2 million of those fees were personally collected by Freeman.

As a clerk, Freeman was present while Jones and Isgur were concocting the idea of the complex cases committee. As a Jackson Walker attorney, she became a formal member. But Freeman continued to act as if she were an insider. When Tomasco, for example, asked the committee members in a December 27, 2021, email if the court's hybrid hearing schedule would change, Freeman responded, according to correspondence BI obtained through a public records request. "It will continue until further notice," she wrote from her Jackson Walker address.

By this point, Isgur had become one of the busiest bankruptcy judges in the country. Jackson Walker attorneys including Cavenaugh and Freeman were frequently appearing in front of him. 

And companies were now aggressively venue shopping in the Southern District of Texas.

Bankruptcy rules require a company to be based in the district for 180 days. But court filings in the 2023 bankruptcy of the biopharmaceutical company Sorrento show that Jackson Walker attorney Veronica Polnick — another former Jones clerk — visited a UPS Store on the outskirts of Houston to open a mailbox less than 10 hours before the company filed for bankruptcy.

That UPS store soon became the principal place of business for other Jackson Walker clients, according to legal filings: medical technology firm Surgalign Spine Technologies, sweet treat subscription company Candy Club LLC, and industrial food startup AppHarvest Products, all with mailboxes registered by Polnick — in one instance for a case filed by Cavenaugh.

So much bankruptcy business was coming into Houston that attorneys there were getting bold.

In April 2022, the bankruptcy bar met for a conference at the Omni Hotel in Corpus Christi, a chance for attorneys to get continuing education credits — and face time with judges. A panel titled "Judges Panel — Ask Anything You Want!" at the end of the three-day event gave attorneys an open forum to ask questions of Jones, Isgur, and the other bankruptcy judges of the Southern District of Texas.

As Cavenaugh roamed the room with the mic, one attorney spoke up, saying clients had reported that other attorneys were suggesting they had a special connection with the judges of the Southern District. The attorney asked the judges how lawyers should respond the next time they heard something about these attorneys' special status, according to someone in attendance.

Jones, in prefacing a noncommittal answer, suggested that the question was likely directed at him, the source recalled.

By then, Cavenaugh and Jackson Walker were aware of the allegations of a Jones-Freeman relationship, according to documents the firm later filed in court. Van Deelen had received the explosive anonymous note 13 months before, and an email he sent to Cavenaugh right after receiving it had sparked an apparently cursory internal Jackson Walker investigation.

Freeman admitted that she and Jones had been in a relationship, but said it had ended, according to a draft letter the firm's then-general counsel wrote in August 2021 to an outside ethics consultant. "Elizabeth has confirmed that there is no current romantic relationship between herself and Judge Jones and that none is expected going forward. According to Elizabeth, there has been no romantic relationship since prior to the time in March 2020 when COVID caused so many of us to shift to remote work and virtual-only meetings. Judge Jones and Elizabeth each own their own homes; they do not and have not lived together."

The letter also described Freeman's critical role bringing in new business to the firm since she had joined in 2018. "Jackson Walker's debtor practice grew very substantially during this time, including cases in which we took an expansive local counsel role, with Kirkland Ellis acting as lead counsel, and cases in which we were lead debtor's counsel. Much of this work was in cases before either Judge Isgur or Judge Jones. This success was a team effort, involving other bankruptcy partners as well, but Elizabeth's leadership and contribution were recognized as integral."

The letter said Jackson Walker had requested that Freeman stop working on cases once they'd been filed with Jones for a two-year cooling off period from the date Freeman claimed their romance had ended. While the firm understood "that a close personal relationship remains" between Freeman and Jones, the letter said, "no further details were sought at that time."

Jackson Walker later learned Freeman hadn't been truthful. The firm's counsel at Norton Rose Fulbright — Greendyke, the former bankruptcy judge — said in a November pleading that in 2022 Jackson Walker had "learned, quite by accident, that Ms. Freeman's denial was possibly false or at least no longer true. When confronted again she initially denied the relationship but later on admitted to a current romantic relationship."

When Freeman retained counsel, she chose someone with close ties to her romantic partner: Tom Kirkendall, Jones' first boss in the legal profession and someone who described Isgur to Business Insider as "a wonderful law partner of mine for over 10 years" and "a dear friend." (Kirkendall declined to comment on other aspects of this story.)

Later that year, Jones called Cavenaugh to his chambers after a hearing and "insinuated" that he was "unhappy" with the firm's push to disclose the relationship, the firm said in another filing. Instead, Jackson Walker said, Jones handed Cavenaugh a piece of paper with a proposed disclosure that listed a "close personal relationship" with Freeman sandwiched between references to a "social friendship" with Polnick and with Graham. Jackson Walker, Jones insisted, "needs to make this happen," instructing the firm to file the disclosure in all future cases before him, according to the filing.

Finding the language "potentially misleading or untruthful," Jackson Walker said it negotiated Freeman's departure instead; she left the firm in December 2022 to set up her own practice.

But Jackson Walker appeared to keep knowledge of the relationship to itself. The firm's attorneys continued to recommend Freeman for legal work on cases before the Southern District.

"Jackson Walker has a strong and proven culture of ethics and integrity, and when we learned about this issue, we acted responsibly," Wilkinson, a spokesperson for the firm, said by email. "Our firm has been transparent, and our fulsome public filings speak for themselves."

Conflicts of interest appeared immediately. Within weeks, Freeman, serving as contract attorney to bond issuer GWG Holdings Inc., whose bankruptcy case was being handled by Jackson Walker, told Judge Isgur she took "some comfort" knowing that Jones was serving as mediator in the case, according to a December 16, 2022, transcript. During the mediation, in which Freeman participated, Jones suggested naming an independent trustee, according to public remarks by Mike Warner, a lawyer involved in the case.

Freeman was ultimately chosen by the creditors to oversee the wind-down trust in that case, a role expected to earn her $100,000 a month . Neither Jones, nor Jackson Walker, nor Freeman disclosed the relationship.

Containing the fallout

After the romantic relationship became public last October and Jones resigned, Isgur found himself once again at the center of a recusal matter. The estate of a creditor in 4E Brands, a manufacturer of hand sanitizer, whose bankruptcy case was transferred from Jones to Isgur, argued in October that Isgur was too close to Jones to rule on the case independently. The US Trustee, which oversees federal bankruptcy cases, supported the motion, arguing the case should never have been heard by Jones in the first place.

Yet in an apparent attempt to contain the fallout from Jones' ethics implosion, the Southern District's chief bankruptcy judge, Eduardo Rodriguez, ruled against the creditor. Isgur can continue to hear the case, he ruled, writing in the December 2023 opinion that lawyers for the creditor "failed to demonstrate much other than that former Judge Jones and Judge Isgur are close friends." (The creditor has filed an appeal.)

Rodriguez wrote that the estate had provided no evidence Isgur had "extrajudicial knowledge" of Jones' relationship or showed a "high degree of antagonism" in denying Van Deelen's March 2021 recusal motion — despite the magnitude of Isgur's missed opportunity.

In the Sorrento case, a litigant filed in February to remove the case from the Southern District of Texas. Again, the US Trustee lent its support, calling Sorrento's PO Box maneuver "a case of forum shopping and venue manipulation taken to a new and unprecedented extreme." Again, a Southern District judge shut it down. This time, Judge Lopez — a member of the complex cases committee turned judge —  denied the motion. (Lopez had replaced Isgur when Isgur stepped down from the complex cases panel at the end of 2022; Isgur returned to the panel as Lopez's partner after Jones resigned in disgrace.)

The Southern District has stuck to the model Jones created, of sending every complex case to a panel of two judges, flouting new guidance issued by the Judicial Conference of the US in March that further promotes random case assignment to limit "the ability of litigants to effectively choose judges in certain cases by where they file a lawsuit."

Effectively choosing judges, and knowing with a high degree of clarity how those judges would rule, was the very essence of the Jones machine.

Meanwhile, the US Trustee's motions seeking to disgorge nearly $23 million in fees Jackson Walker collected in 33 cases in front of Jones has been bottled up. Those cases have been combined into a single proceeding, overseen at this stage by Rodriguez. That consolidation delays or even prevents what many would like: an impartial judge from outside the district hearing the cases and putting key players in the machine under oath.

The US Trustee began taking discovery on May 15, according to a scheduling order, but a settlement could halt that process and eliminate the risk that Cavenaugh, Freeman, Jones, or even Isgur would have to testify.

That might be fine with the Fifth Circuit.

Earlier this year, the circuit judges chose Alfredo Perez , a retired Weil, Gotshal & Manges bankruptcy attorney, to replace Jones. The pick was widely interpreted as a sign that the Fifth Circuit had come to enjoy Houston's recent success and didn't want it to end with Jones' career. Isgur told Bloomberg recently that he plans to give up handling complex cases, which would clear the way for Perez to take over. Former chief Southern District judge Richard Schmidt told Bloomberg that Perez's experience handling large cases would be a "godsend" for the district. "I can't imagine a better selection given the circumstances," he said.

Meanwhile, according to Debtwire, the Southern District of Texas' popularity has plunged. Through May 4, only 10% of the large Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings this year tracked by the data provider have been filed in the district, less than half what it was last year.

That's well short of Delaware's current share — 39%.

Additional reporting: Jack Newsham.

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She's the world's most expensive cow, and part of Brazil's plan to put beef on everyone's plate

Brazil has hundreds of millions of cows, but one in particular is extraordinary

UBERABA, Brazil — Brazil has hundreds of millions of cows, but one in particular is extraordinary. Her massive, snow-white body is watched over by security cameras, a veterinarian and an armed guard.

Worth $4 million, Viatina-19 FIV Mara Movéis is the most expensive cow ever sold at auction , according to Guinness World Records. That’s three times more than the last recordholder’s price. And — at 1,100 kilograms (more than 2,400 pounds) — she’s twice as heavy as an average adult of her breed.

Along a highway through Brazil’s heartland, Viatina-19’s owners have put up two billboards praising her grandeur and beckoning ranchers, curious locals and busloads of veterinary students to make pilgrimages to see the supercow.

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The embodiment of Brazil’s cattle ambitions is Viatina-19, the product of years of efforts to raise meatier cows. The country’s prizewinners are sold at high-stakes auctions — so high that wealthy ranchers share ownership. They extract the eggs and semen from champion animals, create embryos and implant them in surrogate cows that they hope will produce the next magnificent specimens.

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“We’re not slaughtering elite cattle. We’re breeding them. And at the end of the line, going to feed the whole world,” one of her owners, Ney Pereira, said after arriving by helicopter at his farm in Minas Gerais state. “I think Viatina will provide that.”

The cow’s eye-popping price stems from how quickly she put on vast amounts of muscle, from her fertility and — crucially — how often she has passed those characteristics to her offspring, said Lorrany Martins, a veterinarian who is Pereira’s daughter and right hand. Breeders also value posture, hoof solidity, docility, maternal ability and beauty. Those eager to level up their livestock’s genetics pay around $250,000 for an opportunity to collect Viatina-19’s egg cells.

“She is the closest to perfection that has been attained so far,” Martins said. “She’s a complete cow, has all the characteristics that all the proprietors are looking for.”


A commodities boom in the 2000s turbocharged Brazilian agriculture, especially with a rising China buying soy and beef . Today, agriculture’s influence extends to Brazil’s Congress and the national consciousness. Country music is booming. TV viewers can watch the massive Globo network’s seven-year campaign exalting the sector. The Cow Channel features live auctions. And Brazil, along with the U.S., is at the forefront of cattle genetics; it does more in-vitro fertilizations than any country in the world, said João Henrique Moreira Viana, genetic resources and biotechnology researcher at the government’s agricultural research corporation.

Viatina-19 won award after award — including “Miss South America” at the Fort Worth, Texas-based “Champion of the World” competition, a bovine version of Miss Universe where cows and bulls from different countries square off. But at 3 years old she hadn’t yet proven that her egg cells, when fertilized and implanted in a surrogate cow, would reliably produce offspring bearing her champion characteristics, said Pereira, an internet executive who moved into elite cow breeding. He needed “a grand matriarch.”

Such cows cost so much that people buy and sell partial ownership, and Pereira’s company Napemo Agriculture paid several million reais (almost $800,000) in a 2022 auction for a 50% stake in Viatina-19. Another rancher kept the other half, so the two would jointly make important decisions and split revenues.

As the auctioneer banged his gavel, the speakers blasted Elvis Presley’s “Suspicious Minds.” For Pereira, a lifelong Elvis fanatic, it was a sign.

“It gave me butterflies in the stomach,” he said. “We were new breeders. It was a bit of boldness, a bit of feeling and a bit of heart, too.”

Last year, Pereira and the other owner put a 33% stake in the cow up at auction. One bidder paid 7 million reais ($1.3 million), making Viatina-19’s full value break the Guinness record.


In Brazil, 80% of the cows are Zebus, a subspecies originating in India with a distinctive hump and dewlap, or folds of draping neck skin. Viatina-19 belongs to the Nelore breed, which is raised for meat, not milk, and makes up most of Brazil’s stock.

The first Zebus arrived in Brazil in the latter half of the 19th century and they proved far hardier than European stock. They coped well with the sweltering tropical heat, proved resistant to parasites and gained weight faster. A prizewinning Nelore bull named Karvardi arrived from India in 1963, and some breeders still preserve cryogenically frozen doses of his semen, according to Brazil’s Zebu association. Draped in traditional Indian vestments, Karvardi’s preserved body stands in the Zebu Museum in Uberaba, the city in Brazil’s agricultural heartland where Viatina-19 lives.

Uberaba holds an annual gathering called ExpoZebu that bills itself as the world’s biggest Zebu fair. Held several weeks ago, it was a far cry from the Brazil imagined abroad. The dress code was boots, baseball caps and blue jeans. Evening concerts drew 10,000 spectators belting out their favorite country songs. But the main attraction was the daily cattle shows. Ranchers came from as far away as Zimbabwe and Indonesia. Stockmen shaved cows’ ears and the bases of their horns — the equivalent of a fresh human haircut to charm show judges and win prizes that boost an animal’s auction price.

The most prestigious auction is called Elo de Raça, and Viatina-19 has been sold at increasingly higher prices there. Searchlights shooting into the night sky on April 28 summoned the hundreds fortunate enough to receive invitations. Arthur Lira, the speaker of Congress’ Lower House, drove in followed by a car with his security detail. He was set to offer his 3-month-old calf.

“The auctions always present the best of what each person has and that spreads to other people, other breeders, and the genetics evolve,” said Lira, who ranches in Brazil’s northeast.

As the first cow entered the paddock, speakers blared Queen’s “We Are the Champions.” But that cow was a mere appetizer before the auction of this year’s starlet, Donna, and three of her clones. The final sale price put her total value at 15.5 million reais ($3 million). Presenting Donna, the announcer said that each of the four produces 80 egg cells a month – quadruple an average Nelore – and called them “a factory.”

“Donna shows where we are with the Nelore breed and where we will go!” he shouted.


Showstoppers like Donna and Viatina-19 are rarities in Brazil, where there are more than 230 million cows, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. It has the world’s largest beef cattle population, and that’s problematic; of the nation’s total greenhouse emissions, 86% are linked to its food production, mainly for beef and soy, according to a World Bank report published last month. Huge swaths of Amazon rainforest have been slashed to create pasture, releasing carbon stored in trees, and cows belch methane that’s far worse for the climate.

One of the best ways to cut livestock emissions is reducing cows’ age of slaughter, said Rodrigo Gomes, a beef cattle researcher at the government’s agricultural research corporation. Elite cows can gain weight fast enough to be slaughtered significantly younger.

Others say genetic improvements are helpful but limited ways to reduce warming. Simpler, more effective measures include planting better grass for grazing and regularly moving cattle from pasture to pasture, said Beto Veríssimo, an agronomist who co-founded an environmental nonprofit called Imazon. Productivity in Brazil could be at least three times higher, said Veríssimo, who sits on the consultation committee of meatpacking giant JBS’ Amazon fund . He receives no compensation.

Ranching is here to stay; it’s an economic engine in Brazil, which exported more than 2 million tons of beef in both 2022 and 2023, the most since records began in 1997. The overwhelming majority goes to developing nations, especially China, thanks to rising incomes that have put beef within reach. It’s partly why agriculture and livestock activity grew 3.6% from 2015 to 2023, compared to 0.8% for services and a contraction in industry of 0.6%, according to calculations by LCA Consultores based on official data.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been working to open new markets. Last month, Lula met Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan, home to the premium, marbled Wagyu beef ; he urged his counterpart to taste Brazilian meat and become a believer .

“Please,” he said, addressing his vice president at the event, “take Prime Minister Fumio to eat steak at the best restaurant in Sao Paulo so that, the following week, he starts importing our beef.”

And in April, Lula visited one of the 38 Brazilian meatpacking plants that China authorized to send beef there. He boasted about the billions in revenue they will provide. Lula’s administration last month declared Brazil totally free of foot-and-mouth disease , saying it will request recognition from the World Organization for Animal Health in August. That would open the world’s more restrictive — and lucrative — markets to Brazilian beef, Vice President Geraldo Alckmin said at the time.


Just down the highway from the Elo de Raça auction stands what appears an ordinary farmhouse. But inside, employees in white coats extract DNA from cows’ tail hair and use it to create embryos. Behind that laboratory, sprawling hills of pasture are dotted with some 500 surrogates pregnant with clones.

“All those are rental bellies,” said Geneal Animal Genetics and Biotechnology’s commercial director, Paulo Cerantola, motioning to a hilltop herd as his truck rumbled along a dirt road.

It led to a stable beside a small pen where a cloned calf lay in the sunshine. Born the day before, it was still too unsure of its legs to stand, and a 2-day-old clone set an example by ambling about gamely. Another born 20 minutes earlier by cesarean section was huddled on hay in the rear of a stall, pressing backwards against the wall and unsettled by this strange new world.

Perhaps one-third of fetal clones survive; the pregnancies can fail or a clone can be born with deformities that require euthanasia, Cerantola said. Clones of Viatina-19 are due in a few months, he said.

But some ranchers wouldn’t even want a big herd of her clones. High-maintenance cows like Viatina-19 aren’t profitable on a commercial scale because they couldn’t meet their energy needs from grass alone, said P.J. Budler, a cattle judge and international business manager for Trans Ova Genetics, an Iowa-based company focused on improving the bovine gene pool.

“For the environment and the resources that it would take to run a cow like (Viatina-19), she fits the mold ideally, but she’s not the answer for all cattle everywhere,” he said.

Another Texas cattleman who traveled to ExpoZebu in 2023 to scope out the genetics scene was more critical, calling Viatina-19, and cows like her, “man-made freaks.”

“In my opinion, she needs a bullet in her head. She’s poison for the industry,” Grant Vassberg said by phone. “We still need cows to be efficient on grass. That’s how you feed the world.”

Viatina-19’s owner, Pereira, said she gets special treatment to boost egg cell production, but would thrive were she put to pasture — where almost all his elite cattle feed.

Meanwhile, Viatina-19 is pregnant for the first time, which helps maintain hormone cycles, Pereira said, and he’s eyeing expansion; her egg cells have sold to Bolivian buyers and he wants to export to the United Arab Emirates, India and the US.

“If she is the best in the world – not just her price, but I believe she is the world’s best – we need to share her around the world,” Pereira said.

His veterinarian daughter, Martins, is looking even farther ahead.

“I hope she is the basis for an even better animal in the future, decades from now,” she said.

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