Mr Greg's English Cloud

Speech Script: Importance Of Reading

In a world where information is readily available at our fingertips, the significance of reading often goes unnoticed. However, the act of reading is not merely a pastime; it is a gateway to knowledge, imagination, and personal growth. As a speaker, you have the opportunity to inspire and ignite a passion for reading within your audience. This article will guide you through the process of crafting a compelling speech on the importance of reading, enabling you to articulate the transformative power of books and instill a love for reading in your listeners.

Table of Contents

Importance Of Reading Speech Tips

Begin with a captivating opening, establish the significance of reading.

In this section, emphasize the immense value and impact that reading has on individuals and society as a whole. Highlight how reading expands knowledge, broadens perspectives, and cultivates critical thinking skills. Discuss the role of reading in fostering empathy, promoting cultural understanding, and nurturing imagination. Support your claims with relevant statistics, research findings, and compelling examples. For instance, you can reference studies that demonstrate the positive correlation between reading proficiency and academic achievement or share inspiring stories of individuals whose lives were transformed through the power of books. By painting a vivid picture of the benefits of reading, you can reinforce the importance of incorporating reading into our lives.

Appeal to Emotions

Provide practical tips and resources, conclude with a call to action.

In the final section of your speech, inspire your audience to embrace reading as a lifelong pursuit. Encourage them to make a commitment to read regularly, to explore new genres and authors, and to share their love for reading with others. Emphasize the enduring impact that reading can have on personal growth, empathy, and intellectual curiosity. Leave them with a powerful call to action, urging them to become ambassadors of reading, to support literacy initiatives, or to join local book clubs and reading communities. By concluding with a compelling call to action, you empower your audience to make a difference and become advocates for the transformative power of reading.

Importance Of Reading Speech Example #1

First and foremost, reading expands our knowledge. It opens doors to new ideas, perspectives, and cultures that we may never encounter otherwise. Through books, we can explore the depths of history, delve into the complexities of science, and unravel the mysteries of the human experience. Reading equips us with information, enabling us to navigate the world with a deeper understanding and a broader worldview.

Reading also plays a vital role in nurturing empathy and fostering connections. When we immerse ourselves in stories, we are invited to walk in the shoes of characters from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. By witnessing their triumphs, struggles, and vulnerabilities, we develop a deeper understanding of the human condition. This empathy extends beyond the realm of fiction, enabling us to relate to and connect with others in our daily lives. Through literature, we discover our shared humanity and build bridges of understanding and compassion.

Importance Of Reading Speech Example #2

Reading is the foundation of education and the gateway to knowledge. It is through reading that we acquire information, learn new concepts, and expand our intellectual horizons. Whether it’s delving into textbooks, exploring scientific journals, or immersing ourselves in literary classics, reading equips us with the tools and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of the world. It empowers us to engage in meaningful conversations, make informed decisions, and contribute to the progress of society.

Moreover, reading enhances our communication skills and fuels our imagination. As we immerse ourselves in the words of skilled authors, we absorb their techniques, expand our vocabulary, and refine our own writing and speaking abilities. Reading provides us with a wellspring of ideas, sparking our creativity and enabling us to think outside the box. It stimulates our imagination, allowing us to envision new possibilities, solve problems, and innovate in various spheres of life. By embracing reading, we become better communicators, more imaginative thinkers, and more effective problem-solvers.

Importance Of Reading Speech Example #3

At its core, reading is a tool for education and empowerment. It equips us with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of life. Through reading, we gain access to a wealth of information, ideas, and perspectives that broaden our horizons. It empowers us to become critical thinkers, discerning consumers of information, and active participants in society. Reading lays the foundation for lifelong learning, enabling us to adapt to the ever-changing world and make informed decisions.

Reading also fosters empathy and understanding. As we engage with stories from different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, we develop a broader perspective of the world. We gain insight into the lives of others, their struggles, triumphs, and joys. This empathy extends beyond the realm of fiction, allowing us to connect with people from diverse backgrounds in our daily lives. Reading builds bridges of understanding, breaks down barriers, and cultivates a sense of compassion and unity within society.

Final Thoughts

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Speech On The Importance Of Reading [1,2,3 Minutes]

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”. This is one of my favourite quotes which describes the importance of reading in just a few words. A passionate reader can relate to this amazing quotation. Reading has a lot of benefits in one place which nothing else can offer.

In this article, we shared some examples of speech on the importance of reading which has time durations of 1, 2 and 3 minutes. These speeches can help the reader and the audience to understand the importance of reading.

1 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Reading

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on the Importance Of Reading.

Reading is considered one of the best habits of past and present. I am also sure that this habit is not going to be outdated in the future too. In this era of the information age, we are surrounded by reading material. We can read almost every piece of text ever created.

Reading is a kind of infotainment which gives you knowledge along with entertainment. There are many benefits of reading which makes it important for everyone. Some of them are:

  • Reading improves your communication skills,
  • It improves your writing skills,
  • It improves your language skills,
  • Reading improves your knowledge,
  • Reading is an exercise for your brain,
  • It improves the ability to concentrate,
  • It gives you clarity on a topic,
  • It helps you broaden your vision,
  • Reading reduces stress,
  • Reading gives a sense of motivation, etc.

There are newspapers, books , novels, studies, quotes, sayings, teachings, poems, stories etc. Reading can impact our personality. So, we need to choose wisely what we read.

So, make sure the purpose of reading should not be only for entertainment. if you want to take full advantage of reading, you should pick the content wisely. Thank you!

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Reading

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on the Importance Of Reading. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this priceless opportunity.

As humans, we have a gift from god to communicate well. Nevertheless, we developed many options to share our thoughts and feelings. Speaking, listening, writing and reading etc. all of them are ways of communication.

Reading can be the best companion compared to the company of a human. With an individual, you will only gossip whereas reading will improve your knowledge provided you are reading the right text material.

Today, there is an abundance of text material on the internet about every topic. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a businessman, an employee or a housewife, you can easily get the text material useful for you.

For example, if you are a student, you can get your doubts clear using the technology of the internet. Apart from it, you can also get practice material free of cost which will ace you up for the exams.

If you are a businessman, you can read about the latest happenings in the business field which will help you be updated. If you are a housewife, you can get reading material on house management which will make your hard work easier.

There are many benefits of reading which makes it important for everyone. Some of them are:

To sum it up, no matter who you are. If you know how to read, you have an opportunity to ace up your personality and improve the quality of work do. This is what I wanted to say. Thank you!

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Reading

3 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Reading

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”. This is one of my favourite quotes which describes the importance of reading in just a few words.

Good morning! All of you. Before heading ahead to my speech on the importance of reading. I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

There is a lot of work and effort involved in writing a good book or a piece of text content. A good author compiles a book in months or even years. It can contain experiences, knowledge, facts, data, reality etc.

Reading a book simply means getting the knowledge that was compiled by taking years of time. In short, a book is equivalent to many years of effort. One can get it by spending a tiny amount of money or sometimes for free.

Most interestingly, some authors spent their entire life to compile a book. Hence, reading a book means living a life. This satisfies the quote; “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”.

No one can deny the fact that “Reading is a good habit” because this habit makes us an improved version of ourselves. This habit may not give you all the answers but it can definitely make a difference in your life.

Reading will help you understand different perspectives of thinking as each author is a different person. Apart from this, they share their own experience of life which can help you understand the behaviour of this world.

Most noteworthy, reading can help you in each area you want to improve in. For example, if you are a new businessman, you can start by reading books based on business and entrepreneurship. This way will get to know what to do and what not to do to build a successful business.

Other than this, reading helps you enhance your analytical abilities. When you accumulate enough knowledge about a topic, you can make healthy conservation and no one can easily fool you. There are a lot of benefits of reading. That is why reading is important for everyone.

Benefits of Reading

Some of the benefits of reading are:

To sum it up, reading has unlimited benefits which I don’t think anything else can offer on the planet. So, keep reading, and keep growing. Thank you!

3 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Reading

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Speech on Books | Books Speech for Students and Children in English

April 5, 2023 by Prasanna

Speech On Books:  Books are the storehouse of man’s best thoughts and discoveries. And it is the medium through which writers connect with their readers and vice versa.

And in the company of a book, we become enlightened about a topic. Therefore many consider it to be one of the most superior friends a person can ever have because it provides us with knowledge unconditionally.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Books for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech On Books of 500 words and a short Speech On Books of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the ease of students.

These speeches will be useful for students for their assignments or exam. People can also use these speeches as a reference to write their own.

A Long Speech on Books is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Books is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Books 500 Words In English

Good morning to everyone present here.

Can I get a show of hands of all the avid readers seated in front of me? We have quite a good number of them, and may I admit I am one of you as well. Avid readers like us are also referred to as ‘bookworms’ by many people.

We are often asked the question of what is so interesting in a book or have been advised to get our nose out of a book and explore the world. Well, today, I stand here with the opportunity to answer those stereotypical questions and voice my passion for books.

The exploration they ask us to do in the world outside has already been written about in books, and we have probably discovered more of than half of the world that a non-reader will be able to do in two lifetimes.

Books store knowledge about the world and beyond it and if I start describing how vast and advance the imagination of human mind is then we would probably be stuck here all night. Books have always been very loyal companions as they improve our wisdom and keep us company without ever asking for anything in return.

A book gives a writer the power to create and allows them to pen those emotions that burden us. If you ever need to understand how vivid and compelling words are pick up a novel of your choice and let it engulf you.

The right way to enjoy an excellent storybook is by completely surrendering your concentration. For an even better experience of reading allow yourself to walk through the plot imagining the images portrayed by the writer in your mind like an elaborate movie.

The key to intelligence is knowledge, and the key to knowledge is information that resides abundantly inside books. Reading is a noble and extremely beneficial habit because the more books a person reads, the more that individual practices thinking and this enlightens their conscience and makes them wiser.

The lessons of life packed in books are invaluable as the reading of a good book is a very enlightening experience for the readers. Books provide concepts like morals, love, joy, sorrow, advice, and many more such insights.

Books are a safe haven for writers to store their thoughts and voice their opinions. A profession as influential is that of a writer is of much respect, but seldom does the world realize this. Writers can express the information they have, and the audience knows in a new creative and in a more striking way.

Lastly, since I have got this opportunity today to address a vast audience, I would give a piece of advice that you should never be ashamed of your reading choices. Your favourite book might not be liked by your friend(s), or it might not be a popular book in the society, but the way that book will affect your emotions will not be achieved by reading others’ choice of books.

Thank you for being a great set of audience.

Short Speech On Books 150 Words In English 

Short Speech On Books 150 Words In English

Greetings to everyone present here. I am (your name), and today I am going to give a speech on the topic of ‘books’.

Books have been our knowledge hub since way before the Internet came into existence. A very passionate girl named Madison made it to the news with her powerful speech claiming that books are what fuels the human mind just like gas does to cars.

Reading of books helps us articulate our thoughts, increase our vocabulary, enhance our imagination and increase our writing skills as well. Fictions are a great example to describe how great and diverse the human mind is and that there is almost no limit to the extent of the imagination.

As long as you keep a good practice of reading enriching books regularly, improvement in several vocabulary and writing skills will be evident. Eventually, you might come to like reading for pleasure as well.

Thank you as I end by saying that it was a pleasure addressing this patient’s set of audiences.

10 Lines On Speech On Books In English

  • Some of the famous genres of books are classics, fiction, detective, romance, fantasy, young adult (YA), horror, action and adventure, etc.
  • As an avid reader, it feels there are not enough books in the world to satisfy my thirst of reading.
  • Just like friends should be chosen wisely and books should be chosen in the same way.
  • A book will never betray as a friend.
  • It is essential to take advice from elders as a novice reader.
  • Books will be relatable for people of every generation.
  • The quest of a person’s knowledge can be easily satisfied with books.
  • The relation between books and readers is solely fruitful.
  • The bond between a reader and books is a demand-less and complaint-less bond.
  • Reading is considered to be one of the best habits of an individual.

10 Lines On Speech On Books In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Books

Question 1. What are the consequences of not reading books?

Answer: If an individual fails in reading enough books, then they might have very little knowledge about many things and might fail to see the correlation between many aspects of life.

Question 2. Is it better to read one book or multiple books at a time?

Answer: It all depends on the reader. If you are a type of reader, who likes to concentrate on one plot at a time then for you juggling multiple books might be a little tough. And for those who easily maintain their book reading pace while reading more than one books or novels in the same can do as pleases them.

Question 3. What to do with books after we have read it once?

Answer: You can either keep the books as just like many other people do or resell it as a second-hand at a cheaper price. But it is a really noble act to donate books to kids or libraries in need of books.

Question 4. How does reading books more than once help?

Answer: Well for starters, you get a better grasp of the plot concept. Secondly, you are after a few reads capable of quoting lines from the book. And after reading much, an individual becomes capable of penning their own thoughts as well.

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Speech on Importance of Reading

Reading is like a magic key that opens up a world of knowledge. It’s more than just a hobby, it’s a way to explore new ideas and expand your imagination.

1-minute Speech on Importance of Reading

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good day to you all! Today, I am here to share a few words on the ‘Importance of Reading’. Reading is not merely a hobby, it’s a necessity, a food for thought, a means to expand the horizons of our knowledge.

Next, reading is a source of knowledge. Every book we read, every magazine we flip through, every newspaper article we ponder over, adds to our knowledge bank. It broadens our understanding of different cultures, ideologies, and perspectives. It can also be a vibrant source of inspiration, fueling new ideas and innovations.

Lastly, reading is a great tool for relaxation. It can be a great escape from reality, transporting us to an entirely different world. It helps in reducing stress and can even aid in improving sleep quality.

In conclusion, reading is like a superfood for our mind and soul. It enriches us, nourishes us, and makes us a better version of ourselves. So, let’s inculcate this habit in our lifestyle and reap the numerous benefits it offers.

2-minute Speech on Importance of Reading

Today, I am honored to have this opportunity to speak about one of the most vital and enriching habits a person can develop – the habit of reading. The importance of reading cannot be emphasized enough in an individual’s life, and its impact not only stretches to academic success but also reaches to the overall development of a person. So, let’s delve into the benefits of reading together.

Reading is the cornerstone of a bright mind, a thriving spirit, and a fountain of immense knowledge. How often do we take time to silence our minds, drowning out the noise of the world to plunge ourselves into the depths of books? Unfortunately, with our lives becoming increasingly fast-paced and digital, the habit of reading for pleasure has seen a significant dip. However, it’s vital not to overlook the importance of regularly reading.

Furthermore, reading is a fantastic workout for the brain. It enhances our cognitive functions, improves our vocabulary, and helps in developing emotional intelligence. Regular reading can improve focus and concentration, stimulate creativity, and enhance our analytical thinking skills. In a world where knowledge is power, reading is an excellent way to empower ourselves and stay informed about the world around us.

On a deeper level, reading also serves as a great tool for empathy. It introduces us to characters in diverse situations, prompting us to place ourselves in their shoes and understand their feelings, thoughts, and actions. By doing so, we become more compassionate and understanding individuals, which is essential in our interactions in day-to-day life.

In conclusion, the importance of reading in our lives is comparable to the importance of breathing. It’s a simple activity that nourishes our minds, enriches our experiences, and broadens our perspectives. It helps us grow as individuals and connects us on a deeper level with the world around us. The beauty of reading lies in its ability to transport us into different worlds and make us richer with every page we turn.

So, let’s pledge today to make reading an integral part of our lives. Let’s embrace the magic of books and the joy of reading. The journey of reading is one filled with endless discoveries, endless knowledge, and endless growth. Remember, today a reader, tomorrow a leader.

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English Summary

5 Minute Speech on Importance of Reading Books in English for Students

Everywhere we go, we have heard on the importance of reading books. Reading books is a very practical hobby. Reading a good book will improve out vocabulary, our speaking and will help us even in our writing. It is very important for anyone to put this into a habit at the same time keep in mind that it is vital to choose a good book. Books are so powerful. It has the power to change a person’s mindset. It can alter a persons personality and character. Reading a book also increases concentration which is needed especially in a world filled with gadgets. Children are seen to struggle with concentration. It helps a kid and even an adult. A person is able to think and ponder upon things. Deep thought is necessary in life. It also open doors to questions, curiosity and broader view points. It strengthens the mental ability through exercising the mind to think and question. It influences many to create ideas and come up with various outcomes.

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1-Minute Speech on Books for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Nov 25, 2023

Speech on Books

Book is a dream that you hold in your hand, Neil Gaiman. There are only two ways of learning, one from books and the other from personal experience. Books are considered our silent friends, from where we can learn immense knowledge, from our evolution to the future. Books teach us how to grow in life, deal with people, and become the best version of ourselves. Reading a book or some pages is not just about learning something new. It’s about how our scope of mind can be changed so that we can think out of the box. Here is a speech on books for students and some other elements to add to the speech.

books and reading speech

Table of Contents

  • 1 1-Minute Speech
  • 2 10 Lines on Books to Impress Your Classmates
  • 3 Best Quotes to Add in Speech on Books

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1-Minute Speech

‘Hello and welcome to everyone present here. Today, I stand before you to present my ‘Speech on Books.’ C.S Lewis once said, ‘You can make anything by writing.’ Books offer us knowledge from different fields, increase our overall knowledge, and help to develop our best personality.’
‘Books serve as a storehouse of knowledge, as they consist of the wisdom of centuries; the great discoveries to the great wars, offering a stable foundation of information. Books allow us to learn from the past and navigate the present for future generations.’
‘If you are an imaginative person, books have a lot to offer you. Books can fuel imagination and creativity. They can take you to far-off lands, show you some fascinating realities, and delve you into compelling narratives. Pages of books share experiences and explore the depths of human emotions. Just from our comfort couches and beds, we can witness the wonders of the world.’
‘Books foster empathy and understanding. There are millions of characters from different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. Books can bridge the gap for a better understanding and interconnected world.’
Thank you.

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10 Lines on Books to Impress Your Classmates

Here are 10 lines on books to impress your classmates. Feel free to use these lines in your speech on books.

  • ‘Books are like printed knowledge and lead to the greatest path towards success.’
  • ‘Books are our best friends as they always teach us about life and how to deal with them.’
  • ‘Fictional books offer an escape route from the real world, where we can experience the adventures of a different dimension.’
  • Books teach us how to stay disciplined in life and the steps required to lead a positive mindset.’
  • ‘Books improve our overall intelligence and literature; reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.’
  • ‘Books are considered as one of the best sources of entertainment.’
  • ‘Books help us to overcome loneliness and stress.’
  • ‘Books teach us how to deal with hard times.’
  • ‘Books enlighten us with better ideas and information.’
  • ‘Books tell us about the harsh realities of life.’

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Best Quotes to Add in Speech on Books

Here are some popular quotes on books. You can add these quotes to your speech on books to improve your writing and impress your teachers and classmates.

  • ‘A room without books is like a body without a soul.’ – Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • ‘Books are a uniquely portable magic.’ – Stephen King
  • ‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’ – Dr. Seuss
  • ‘Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination and the journey. They are home.’ – Anna Quindlen
  • ‘I cannot live without books.’ – Thomas Jefferson
  • ‘There is no friend as loyal as a book.’ – Ernest Hemingway

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Ans: Books are considered as our silent friends as they teach us the realities of life. They teach us how to grow in life, deal with people, and become the best version of ourselves. Reading a book or some pages is not just about learning something new. It’s about how our scope of mind can be changed so that we can think out of the box.

Ans: Books are our fundamental source of knowledge and education. They help stimulate our minds, encourage critical thinking, and contribute to intellectual growth. Books can fuel imagination and creativity. Books are the best source of inspiration to lead a successful life. Books serve as an important source to preserve our rich history and culture.

Ans: Here are some popular and important books for students: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The 5 AM Club, The Alchemist, Tuesdays with Morrie, and The Power of Habit.

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Speech on Books

Books are a repository of man's best ideas and discoveries. It is also the way writers communicate with their readers. In the company of a book, we gain knowledge about a subject. As a result, many people view books as one of the most outstanding friends a person can have because it unconditionally feeds us with knowledge. Here are a few sample speeches on books.

10 Line Speech on Books

Short speech on books, long speech on books.

Speech on Books

As an ardent reader, I often feel more books need to be in the world to quench my hunger for knowledge.

Fiction, Classics, detective, fantasy, romance, horror, action and adventure, and young adult (YA) are well-known book genres.

Books are a collection of feelings, including love, sadness, knowledge, information, and a variety of other things.

As a friend, a book will never betray you.

As a beginner reader, it is critical to seek counsel from seniors.

Books will be relatable to people of all ages.

Books can quickly satisfy a person's thirst for knowledge.

The relationship between books and readers is entirely beneficial.

A reader's bond with books is a demand-free and complaint-free bond.

Reading is regarded as one of the best habits someone can develop.

"Books are a unique form of portable magic."- Stephen King.

Books are an essential element of the lives of most of those present. Books have an important function in human development.

Man's greatest insights and discoveries are preserved in books. Additionally, it is how authors interact with their audience. We learn more about a subject after reading a book. As a result, a lot of people think of books as some of the best companions someone could have since they constantly provide us with information.

Books are a collection of emotions, love, grief, information, knowledge, data, and many other things. Books have been with us for ages. Reading keeps us up to date on the newest developments in our environment. Reading improves our comprehension of things and makes our lives easier. Have you ever considered what you would do now if work had not been recorded or documented?

The growth would not have been conceivable. Every year on April 23rd, the world celebrates World Book Day. It honours the pleasure of reading a book. Many of us here enjoy reading books as a hobby. Reading books benefits us in various ways, not only passing the time.

It improves our memory, imagination, and learning capacity, relieves tension, serves as a source of fun, provides profound insight, and many other benefits. The books we read impact the formation of our personality and attitude. Good novels keep us motivated and inspired. We should all remind ourselves that good books are excellent investments.

Ernest Hemingway once said, "There is no friend as loyal as a book."

Since the beginning of time, we have all been associated with books. The bond between a book and an individual is vital. Books are the most effective way to learn new things. These are the most significant ways to convey and comprehend sentiments, emotions, love, fear, knowledge, or data.

Books play an essential role in our lives. A book is like a closest friend who will never leave your side. Books transmit information from one generation to the next. Books have been around for centuries, transmitting messages from various civilisations and cultures. There are various types of books, but the most common are fictional and non-fictional. Non-fictional books are based on a specific individual, knowledge, or data, whereas fiction books are based on one's imagination.

Books are provided to children at a young age to help them improve their academic performance. The majority of basic information is taught to children through books. Books are a knowledge powerhouse. Reading books allows people to collect data on many areas and improve their knowledge. The empire of books is large in today's society, and anyone can readily enter it. In addition to the traditional print format, books are now available online in e-books and audiobooks.

Books have a tremendous capacity to influence people's lives. They inspire, energise, and charge us to be better. Reading increases a person's vocabulary, thought quality, and mental wellness. They finally contribute to our life's development. Walter Mosley states, "a peasant who reads is a royal in waiting."

Different people enjoy different types of books based on their interests and needs. Students, for example, are generally interested in educational publications; children choose storybooks, teenagers prefer novels, a few love poetry, and corporate executives are most interested in business journals. Reading is one of the best habits since it keeps us up-to-date and educated about the world. Books not only entertain us but also enable us to avoid boredom. Books may both inspire and motivate us. For many of us, it is a pleasurable pastime.

Although we increasingly rely on the internet for information and knowledge, we must not forget that the power of books has been unrivalled since antiquity.

Books are fantastic - a bundle of pages with a cover on top, overflowing with content that stimulates the human imagination and allows us to escape stressful situations. They are also good for your health. If you dislike reading books, it is worthwhile to experiment with different genres until you find what fascinates you.

George R. R. Martin once said. "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The guy who never reads lives only one,"

I enjoy reading a lot. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is my favourite author. His writings give me clarity in my life and provide me with energy and vitality. Aside from his works, I enjoy reading science publications and storybooks. I'm sure everyone has a favourite book and an author they admire.

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Spring Books for Literacy-based Speech Therapy

Reading books with children encourages a love for literature, provides multiple opportunities to build vocabulary in a meaningful way, and an engaging way to build speech and language skills.  These are a few of my favorite Spring-themed books and a short-list of targeted goals that can be addressed using the books.

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog by Lucille Colandro

SOUND SYSTEMS: Target velars, fricatives, glides, and consonant blends easily with this adorable story!  Students can even practice carryover of their sounds (k, g, s, l, sh, th, r, blends) while targeting language concepts too.

LANGUAGE: Target identification and labeling of basic vocabulary found in the print and in the pictures, work on wh-questions and yes/no questions, description of items, irregular past tense verbs, and practice sequencing and story retell!

Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson

SOUND SYSTEMS: Target velars, fricatives, glides, and consonant clusters (k, g, s, sh, th, l, r, clusters) easily with this cute story about a little rabbit with too many carrots and some wonderful friends.

LANGUAGE: Target semantic features (functions, part/whole, description), adjectives, answering wh-questions, and story retell!

Bear Wants More by Karma Wilson & Jane Chapman

SOUND SYSTEMS: Target velars, fricatives, glides, and consonant clusters (k, g, s, sh, th, l, r, clusters) in this story. Students can work on the generalization of their articulation skills while summarizing the story.

LANGUAGE:  Target vocabulary building for adjectives, using context clues to build vocabulary for Tier II verbs, and answering wh-questions!

If you do not want to go through the books and make your own lists, I have created an easy cheat sheet for articulation words and language concepts you can target for each book!  You can grab your free cheat sheet below.

  • Read more about: Facilitate Speech and Language , Freebie , Literature , Therapy Ideas

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Meet Tamatha

books and reading speech

Tamatha Cauckwell is an ASHA certified Speech Language Pathologist with experience working in a variety of settings. Prior to obtaining her Masters in Communicative Sciences and Disorders, she was an SLP Assistant, a Self-contained Special Education Teacher, and a Preschool Teacher and Director. Her combined professional career experiences have given her a unique outlook and understanding regarding behavior management and collaborative needs when working with other professionals, colleagues, and families.

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Reading is Good Habit for Students and Children

 500+ words essay on reading is good habit.

Reading is a very good habit that one needs to develop in life. Good books can inform you, enlighten you and lead you in the right direction. There is no better companion than a good book. Reading is important because it is good for your overall well-being. Once you start reading, you experience a whole new world. When you start loving the habit of reading you eventually get addicted to it. Reading develops language skills and vocabulary. Reading books is also a way to relax and reduce stress. It is important to read a good book at least for a few minutes each day to stretch the brain muscles for healthy functioning.

reading is good habit

Benefits of Reading

Books really are your best friends as you can rely on them when you are bored, upset, depressed, lonely or annoyed. They will accompany you anytime you want them and enhance your mood. They share with you information and knowledge any time you need. Good books always guide you to the correct path in life. Following are the benefits of reading –

Self Improvement: Reading helps you develop positive thinking. Reading is important because it develops your mind and gives you excessive knowledge and lessons of life. It helps you understand the world around you better. It keeps your mind active and enhances your creative ability.

Communication Skills: Reading improves your vocabulary and develops your communication skills. It helps you learn how to use your language creatively. Not only does it improve your communication but it also makes you a better writer. Good communication is important in every aspect of life.

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Increases Knowledge: Books enable you to have a glimpse into cultures, traditions, arts, history, geography, health, psychology and several other subjects and aspects of life. You get an amazing amount of knowledge and information from books.

Reduces Stress: Reading a good book takes you in a new world and helps you relieve your day to day stress. It has several positive effects on your mind, body, and soul. It stimulates your brain muscles and keeps your brain healthy and strong.

Great Pleasure: When I read a book, I read it for pleasure. I just indulge myself in reading and experience a whole new world. Once I start reading a book I get so captivated I never want to leave it until I finish. It always gives a lot of pleasure to read a good book and cherish it for a lifetime.

Boosts your Imagination and Creativity: Reading takes you to the world of imagination and enhances your creativity. Reading helps you explore life from different perspectives. While you read books you are building new and creative thoughts, images and opinions in your mind. It makes you think creatively, fantasize and use your imagination.

Develops your Analytical Skills: By active reading, you explore several aspects of life. It involves questioning what you read. It helps you develop your thoughts and express your opinions. New ideas and thoughts pop up in your mind by active reading. It stimulates and develops your brain and gives you a new perspective.

Reduces Boredom: Journeys for long hours or a long vacation from work can be pretty boring in spite of all the social sites. Books come in handy and release you from boredom.

Read Different Stages of Reading here.

The habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Books are known to be your best friend for a reason. So it is very important to develop a good reading habit. We must all read on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes to enjoy the sweet fruits of reading. It is a great pleasure to sit in a quiet place and enjoy reading. Reading a good book is the most enjoyable experience one can have.

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Speech on Books for Students and Children

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Speech on Books: Books are indeed everyone’s best friends, provided we make them our best companions and devote ample time towards developing a great connection with them. There could be such time when you may be asked to deliver a speech on books explaining its importance and the role good books play in our lives. Therefore, in order to help you during such occasions, both short speeches on books as well as long speeches on books have been covered.

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Speech on Books

Long and Short Speech on Books

These speeches can be a good reference point for you and can help you in preparing impressive briefs on the subject so that you can impress upon your audience or your teacher or any other concerned person for that matter. Just browse through these pages and you will find many more relevant topics being covered for you in a comprehensive manner.

2 Minute Speech on Books

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Books are people’s best friend, offering us a passage to worlds unknown, ideas unexplored, and wisdom unclaimed. They give us company in our alone time and never ask anything in return. In a mere collection of pages, they hold the power to ignite our imagination, broaden our perspectives, and fuel our intellect.

Books are not just compilations of words but vessels of knowledge and inspiration. They serve as mentors, guiding us through life’s perplexities, teaching us invaluable lessons, and shaping our characters. Every page turned is an opportunity to delve into new cultures, experience different eras, and empathize with diverse individuals.

The beauty of books lies in their ability to transport us to distant lands, allowing us to walk in someone else’s shoes, understand their thoughts, feel their emotions, and live their experiences. Whether it’s through the eloquent prose of classic literature, the gripping narratives of fiction, or the factual revelations of non-fiction, each genre offers a unique journey waiting to be embarked upon.

Beyond their entertainment value, books are catalysts for personal growth and development. They challenge our intellect, stimulate our creativity, and encourage critical thinking. They provide solace in moments of solitude, companionship in times of loneliness, and guidance when we seek answers.

Moreover, books are the cornerstone of education. They are indispensable tools in the pursuit of knowledge, empowering us to learn, unlearn, and relearn. They inspire curiosity, nurture innovation, and lay the foundation for a well-informed society.

In conclusion, books are not just non living objects; they are gateways to enlightenment, empathy, and enrichment.

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Short Speech on Books

Dear Children – Good Morning to everyone! How you all are doing?

I hope your studies are going smooth and you are enjoying your academic year in terms of the extra co-curricular activities. There is a lot of enthusiasm and energy in the young generation of today. This exuberance and energy is certainly evident in our each and every student and hence not only as a principal of this school, but also as your well-wisher, I want you to tap this energy and channelize it towards the right direction. It is good to be a part of sports and other cultural activities that take place in our school, but it is also important to develop a good reading habit.

So the reason behind paying a visit to your classroom is not only to discuss your concerns, but also to encourage you in developing your reading habits. It is often said that books are our best friends and it is indeed true because the knowledge that we derive from reading books will remain with us forever intact and help us in our personal as well as professional growth. I don’t see many students visiting library and reading books there, which I see as a major cause of concern. The habit of reading books is very important because it will help you become a better person. If nothing more than at least read biographies of legendary people, whose lives are a source of inspiration for others and can also inspire you in profound ways.

Other than being a source of inspiration, books also give us knowledge. Despite the fact that technology has changed our lives in many ways and of course the way we read, it has also better enabled us to easily reach out to diverse sources of knowledge with the help of reading.

We must note that book reading transports us to a different world altogether where we come across people with different languages and cultures from all over the world. While reading different characters, we become one of them and try to relate with them in many ways. Whatever we read, we of course try to take out the best from them and different places, such as Middle East, Asia, Europe, America, Africa and the list just goes on. Our minds also get exposed to humongous amount of knowledge that lies bare in books and which helps us connect with deep thinkers as well as a variegated mix of emotional hues.

Not only knowledge, but we also derive entertainment from reading books. Short stories, novels, travelogues, poems and even comic books provide us with thorough entertainment. It also relaxes our mind because we then leave our worries behind and become one with that virtual world. Most importantly, it engages our mind in a way that perhaps no other medium does. Reading ignites our imagination and we become co-creators of that virtual world so much so that we also start animating stories in our minds. Believe it or not, but this is indeed a healthy exercise for our brain.

I therefore urge all my students to inculcate this habit of book reading and make the most of your time.

Short Speech on Books 450 words

Dear Society Members and Children – I warmly welcome you all to my house! Hope everyone is looking forward to the time when the construction of library would be complete and it will then be furnished with a lot of interesting books for reading.

Today therefore I invited you all so that I can deliver a short speech on books and encourage everyone, children in particular to make the optimum use of our society library. I also invite your suggestions and advice on how we can make this library a better place for all. If anyone feels the lack of something, please feel free to reach me anytime. You are also requested to spread the word in our neighboring societies so that they can also get the advantage of it. The library membership is free for the society members and for the outsiders it would be Rs. 1,000 for a year. I hope the library and its resources would be best utilized without causing them any harm.

Now coming to the important habit of reading books, it is indeed a great habit and books should be treasured. There are even such libraries, which have preserved ancient manuscripts. These manuscripts enable us get to our roots and act as a window to allow us travel back in the historical time and derive knowledge out of it.

However, with the giant leap in technology, digital libraries have replaced actual libraries in the physical world out there. These digital libraries just require pressing of buttons and with mobile phones and tablets being so handy anyone can access such libraries anytime, anywhere, even while traveling. The only difference that we feel is instead of turning pages after pages in case of a book, touch screen method is employed in phones and tablets. Yes, it has brought a sweeping change in the world and has changed the way people have been reading books in the previous times, but reading as a habit has still held sway on the people’s minds.

However, at the same time we should not divert from our old habit of reading from actual books. Getting to feel the pages of books while reading has a different feeling altogether and buying good books is indeed an excellent investment that will never go waste. As John Milton, the great poet once said, Milton “A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.”

Good books act as a beam of light that illumines our world and shows us the right path. In the Bible, we do observe the author of a Psalm reiterating this fact, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path!”

It is therefore advisable to make a collection of good books not only at your home, but library too so that more and more people can be benefited out of it. Make good books your companion and see what the magic unfolds! This is all I have to say!

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Long Speech on Books 500 Words

Good Morning Friends and Kids – Hope you all are doing well!

As you know we are planning a visit to the Book Fair this year, I considered it apt to discuss with you all about the importance of books. I am sure we all know that books play an important role in our lives and not only give us knowledge but plenty of joy also. However, still the interest of people in books is experiencing a decline and many public libraries seem to be lying vacant. What could be the reason behind it? Is it due to the hectic lifestyle of the people or relentless technological advancements which have enabled people to shift from print media to the digital world?

Whatever the case may be it is never a good thing to stay out of touch from the habit of reading books. The joy of reading from the hard copy is something else as we get to feel the presence of a book and turning one page after the other during a careful reading gives us a sense of achievement.

So books do play a very crucial role in our lives and often prove to be our best companion in the actual sense of the term. They give us abundant knowledge and joy without demanding anything in return. Not only do we learn a lot from them, but also transport us into a different world altogether and make us forget our sorrows that heavily bog down our souls.

Books are books either available on internet or written in a physical form. Let’s know what benefits we derive from reading books in a little more detail:

  • Good books help raise our standard of living

They enhance our intellectual level and broaden our horizon. They lift our depressed soul and add colors to an otherwise dull life of ours.

  • A person should not indulge in reading bad books

Just like good books make us feel happy; there are bad books too that make our lives miserable. Bad books may misguide or mislead us. Even worse, they may even ruin our intellectual level. They also mar our interest in reading serious or good books. So we must refrain from reading bad books.

  • Books provide us encouragement when we feel crushed

Good books encourage us to work hard and remain courageous during tough times. They clear the darkness of obscurity and bring light of knowledge. Books needless to say hone our intellect and enrich our base of knowledge. Therefore, good books are our true companion.

  • Books are of various kinds

Books certainly are of various kinds as some deal with nature, some with spirituality, some with different subject matter, such as Science, Sociology, Geography, etc. Thus, we can choose books that interest us and derive an enjoyable experience while reading them.

In the end, all I want to say that is never quit reading books, but rather develop an everlasting connection with them.

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Long Speech on Books

Hello Friends – Warm Good Evening to all of you! I hope you are having a great time here in this event. We couldn’t find much time to organize this event at a bigger level, but whatever we could do to make this event of books launch interesting for our members, we have done. The realization of our success through this event is evident on your happy faces. Children in particular are having a gala time because our main area of focus is to have a collection of children-centric books.

Other than introducing you all to the amazing world of books, I also wish to deliver a short speech on it. If I may ask what is a book? I know everyone must have their own definition of book. But if I were to give my definition then it would be something like this: A book is like a map that charts out the life of a man as well as life in nature. Each and every page of a good book is like a storehouse of the best and noblest thoughts propounded by man. In a library, you can easily come across such great books that carry in them mighty minds. However, not all books are great as there is literally a tsunami of books these days and as a reader it is your responsibility to identify between a good book and a bad one before you pick up anything for reading. This precautionary warning is necessary because if you may read bad books and come under its influence then you may also pick up unpleasant habits. As it is said that good books are one’s best companions and when you are choosy in terms of making friends, then why should you choose just any book for reading, which in fact will prove to be an everlasting companion for you in the intellectual journey. Thus, make a wise choice while selecting books.

I would want to reiterate the fact that books are our best companions, philosophers as well as guide. They inspire us and lift our soul when we feel low and dejected. They bring sunshine and ray of hope in our lives.

When we read a book, a whole new world is opened before us and we tend to keep ourselves in place of the writer and try to experience things from his/her point of view. Indulging in the habit of reading good books would certainly help in keeping our mind flexible and fit. Just like good and nutritious food helps keeping our body sound and healthy, good books likewise help keeping our mind nourished with good thoughts. So if you have never indulged in reading books, then start with this habit now and experience the change for good.

Everyone connects with the books in many ways as some find good books inspirational, some read books for gaining knowledge, some draw moral lessons out of them and some books even prove a turning point in people’s lives. Thus, we can connect with books in so many ways and evolve ourselves in a better person.

Speech on Books FAQ’s

How do you start a speech in a book.

The start of a speech in a book can begin with an engaging introduction, possibly highlighting the significance of the book's theme, its impact, or even a personal anecdote related to the content.

Why are books important in a speech?

Books hold importance in a speech as they provide a foundation of knowledge, insights, and references, enriching the content and lending credibility to the speaker's arguments or points.

Why are books important for life?

Books are essential for life as they serve as a gateway to knowledge, learning, and imagination, offering perspectives, wisdom, and information that shape our understanding of the world and help in personal growth.

What is the value of books?

Books hold immeasurable value in our lives. They serve as vessels of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration, offering a gateway to different worlds, perspectives, and ideas. Their intrinsic worth lies in their ability to educate, entertain, and enlighten, shaping our minds, nurturing our imagination, and guiding us through the complexities of life.

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Parent's Academy › Activities for Kids › Early Reading › 10 Tips for Improving Reading and Language Learning

10 Tips for Improving Reading and Language Learning

El robertson.

Paediatric Speech and Language therapist BSc , London , UK

Feb 6, 2022 Whether kids love or hate them, books are a fantastic way to develop their language with you.

If your children are anything like my nieces and nephews, they want the same books read night after night, and often avoid their slightly trickier and less familiar school reading books. Do not despair! Whether it’s bedtime stories , reading a beloved classic, or sounding out phonics for school, books will always support reading and language learning .

Just grab a book and you can’t go wrong!

Although phonics, sight reading, and independent reading are important, for speech and language enjoyment and engagement they are crucial! So whether it’s just a picture book, a superhero comic, a space encyclopedia, or a classic fairy tale, all books create a fantastic tool for talking. 

Sure, you can simply read them from front to back, but there are other ways we can use books to create conversation and learn new language .

10 tips for getting the most out of books!

1. have a look at the cover.

Before you open a book with your child have a look at the cover. Here are some questions you could ask and discuss to learn words . . .

  • Let’s read the title . . . what do you think it’s going to be about?
  • Let’s look at the picture . . . Does it give us any clues?
  • Can we see the author’s name? 
  • Lets each have a guess at what is going to happen . . . .

2. Start at the End

Before reading the book read the last page/pages and ask and discuss . . .

  • What do you think happens in the story?
  • Does it have a happy end? A sad end? A funny end?

books and reading speech

3. Mix it Up in the Middle

Stop in the middle of the book/at a cliff hanger moment and ask/ discuss . . .

  • What has happened so far?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • Who/what do you like/not like so far?

4. Play Detective

Read the book and help your child answer these three questions . . .

Who was in the story? Where was it set? What happened?

It can be fun to write these down/mind map out the details using key words and pictures.

5. Act as the Author

Read half the book and then stop. Write/draw/discuss/play out the rest of the book. Help your child complete the narrative themselves in a fun and creative way. 

Boost Your Child’s Speech Development!

Improve language & communication skills with fun learning!

books and reading speech

6. Dig for Treasure

Look through the book and find new vocabulary they don’t know. This can be in either the written text or names of the objects in the pictures.

  • Do you know what that word means?
  • What do you think it means?

Discuss and teach the word to your child. It can help to pop it on a post-it note so you can come back and revise it later.

7. Retell and review

Read the book together. After reading, ask your child to retell you the story to see what they have listened to, understood, and remembered. It can help to talk about the beginning, middle, and end. Ask the child if they liked the book and why, and rate it out of 10.

8. Describe and Seek

Choose a page and describe an item you can see on that page for your child to look and find (similar to a “what’s in the bag” game). Use vocabulary to describe its category, function, or position. For example, its a type of furniture, it’s made of metal, it’s next to the table. Your child can also have a go at describing something for you to find.

books and reading speech

9. Play the Part

When reading a book you could roleplay the different characters and events using actions, voices, and props either by acting yourselves or using your child’s own toys .

10. Lose the Words

Cover up the words in the book with your hand or piece of paper. Retell the story together by using the pictures and describe what’s happening. This is a great way to get language flowing with a child who is a reluctant reader.

Books are a doorway to another world!

Reading and language learning with books includes encountering ideas our children will never face in real life, such as chasing dragons, finding treasure, flying dogs, and princess fairies. Reading a lot and experiencing stories allows them to lose themselves in wonderful adventures, while hearing and learning new and exciting vocabulary . Grab a book, have a go, make a start, and have fun!

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The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not necessarily reflect the views of Blub Blub Inc. All content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Book Share Time

A selection of some of the best children’s books for encouraging speech and language development in young children. Use the filter function to search for specific speech and language goals within these books.

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  • True Narrative
  • Character Flaw
  • Conquering the Monster
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  • Meeting Tale
  • Rags to Riches
  • Repetitive Tale
  • Tale of Fear
  • Warning Tale
  • Wishing Tale
  • Traditional Opening
  • Character Description
  • Initiating Event
  • Direct Character Speech
  • Repetition for Emphasis
  • Descriptive
  • Functions of Items
  • Parts of Object
  • Differences
  • Similarities
  • Explain Means to a Goal
  • Identify Obstacles to a Goal
  • Definitions
  • Adjectives (Describing Words)
  • Comparatives
  • Conjunctions (Joining Words)
  • Copulas (Is/Are/Was/Were)
  • Plurals - regular
  • Plurals - irregular
  • Possessive Nouns
  • Prepositions
  • Pronouns - objective
  • Pronouns - possessive
  • Pronouns - reflexive
  • Pronouns - subjective
  • Superlatives
  • Tense - present progressive
  • Tense - third person singular
  • Tense - past
  • Tense - future
  • Verbs - irregular (past tense)
  • Verbs - action
  • Verbs - mental
  • Copying Sounds
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Dobbing/Tattling
  • Family Dynamics
  • Following Rules
  • Good Behaviour
  • Greeting/Farewell
  • Negotiating
  • Problem Solving
  • Taking Turns
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The Culture Show Podcast


July 1, 2024 - Frederick Douglass, rare books at the BPL, and Boston's Harborfest

About the episode.

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July?” 

That is the question Frederick Douglass posed to an audience of abolitionists at an event commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It was July 5, 1852 in Rochester, New York.

In that speech, Douglass confronted the hypocrisy of a day celebrating freedom in a country that still endorsed the forced labor and bondage of more than 3 million people.  It’s a speech with deep resonance today.   This is why Mass Humanities sponsors  public readings of this speech, which happen across the region. Brian Boyles, executive director of Mass Humanities, and Paula Elliott, a vocalist and one of the organizers of the first Frederick Douglass reading on the Boston Common in 2009 join The Culture Show.

Then it’s another take on Independence Day.  On July 5th the Boston Public Library’s Special Collections is hosting an open house, to showcase the multiple original printings of the Declaration of Independence held within the Rare Books and Manuscripts Department. Jay Moschella, Manager & Curator of Rare Books, joins The Culture Show for an overview.

Finally, it’s Boston Harborfest 2024, a four-day spectacular with events that mark Boston's heritage. Michael Nichols, President  of the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District and George Comeau who is their senior manager of destination events and the  Navy Band Northeast’s  Crosswinds Woodwind Quintet pack into The Culture Show studio for an overview.


Jared Bowen

Callie Crossley 2

Callie Crossley


Edgar B. Herwick III


James Bennett II


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Children’s Books

Hoot, Howl and Sneeze: 6 Picture Books for Maximum Read-Aloud Joy

From silly rhymes to lively sound effects to stealthily-building suspense, these old standbys and new classics have something for everyone.

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In a close-up illustration of his head, a subdued, googly-eyed green dragon with flaring nostrils stares wistfully at a long-beaked, rust-colored phoenix and lets out an unusually tiny “roar …” The phoenix stares back sympathetically.

By Elisabeth Egan

Elisabeth Egan is a writer and editor at the Book Review. She has worked in the world of publishing for 30 years.

There are two kinds of story time: the one where listeners’ heads drop sleepily onto your shoulders and the one that feels, refreshingly, like a table read for the theater of the absurd. The former is sweet and cozy. The latter sparks audience participation and requests for an encore. If you’re going for this vibe and in the mood to strut your stuff as a raconteur, start here.

The Gruffalo, by Julia Donaldson; illustrated by Axel Scheffler

Donaldson’s trusty dynamo is like a scoop of fine vanilla ice cream: enjoyable on its own, but dial up the extras and you have a hot fudge sundae (of sorts). Indeed, “The Gruffalo” boasts a buffet of crowd-pleasing features, including an uncomplicated rhyme scheme (wood/good, mouse/house), repeating lines (the better to inspire group participation) and a wide range of voices (mouse, fox, owl, snake and, yes, gruffalo). Suspense is just an added bonus from the team who brought us “Room on the Broom.”

Hear Imelda Staunton Read It

Looking for a jumbie, by tracey baptiste; illustrated by amber ren.

What are jumbies? you might wonder. They’re creatures from Caribbean stories, akin to fairies or trolls, Baptiste tells us in her introduction. “Some live in the forest,” she writes. “Some live in the water. Some soar up into the sky.” In this fantastical story, a little girl named Naya sets out to meet some jumbies for herself. Conveniently for the person turning the pages, she crosses paths with a bevy of creatures, each with the potential for a different voice — high and squeaky, deep and growly, it’s your call. My personal favorite is a jumbie of the douen variety, known for its small stature, backward feet and big mouth. Imagine Dobby, of “Harry Potter” fame.

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Five Books for People Who Really Love Books

These five titles focus on the many connections we can form with what we read.

Stacks and stacks of books on the floor

My dad likes to fish, and he likes to read books about fishing. My mom is a birder; she reads about birds. There are plenty of books on both subjects, I’ve found, when browsing in a gift-giving mood. These presents don’t just prove I’m familiar with their interests. They’re a way to acknowledge that we read about our pastimes to affirm our identity: Fly-fishers are contemplative sorts who reflect on reflections; birders must cultivate stillness and attention. What we choose to read can be a way of saying: I am this kind of soul.

For my part, I like reading more than I like almost anything else. And so, in the manner of my parents, I like to read books about books . Writers who write about writing, readers who write about reading—these are people I instantly recognize as my kind. We’re people who are always in the middle of a chapter, who start conversations by asking, “What are you reading right now?” For us, a meta-book is like coffee brewed with more coffee. It’s extra-strength literature.

If you really love books, or you want to love them more, I have five recommendations. None of these are traditional literary criticism; they’re not dry or academic. They take all kinds of forms (essay, novel, memoir) and focus on the many connections we can form with what we read. Those relationships might be passionate, obsessive, even borderline inappropriate—and this is what makes the books so lovable. Finishing them will make you want to pick up an old favorite or add several more titles to your to-read list.

U and I

U and I , by Nicholson Baker

I can now say that I’ve been reading Baker for more than 20 years, or more than half my life. But I didn’t know that would happen when I found U and I in a college friend’s car, borrowed it, and never returned it. The subject, not the author, appealed to me then—I loved John Updike. And so did Baker, though love is probably not the right word. This book-length essay is not quite, or not merely, an appreciation of Updike; it’s a hilarious confessional “true story” of Baker’s anxieties, ambitions, competitive jealousy, and feelings of inadequacy in the face of Updike’s abundant body of work. It’s rich too, with wonderful observations on reading and writing in general, as in a passage considering how much more affecting a memoir becomes once the author is deceased: “The living are ‘just’ writing about their own lives; the dead are writing about their irretrievable lives , wow wow wow.”

A poem by John Updike: 'Half Moon, Small Cloud'

books and reading speech

Dayswork , by Chris Bachelder and Jennifer Habel

I almost prefer to keep certain books on my to-read list forever, where they remain full of magical possibility and cannot disappoint me. Moby-Dick is one of them. What if, God forbid, I chance to read it at the wrong time or in the wrong place and it doesn’t change my life? So I turn to Dayswork instead, which feels like cheating—you get some of the experience of reading Moby-Dick without any of the risk. This very novel novel, written collaboratively by a novelist and a poet who happen to be married, is sort of a sneaky biography of Herman Melville, framed by a meta-narrative about a woman writing a book during lockdown. This narrator delivers a parade of delightful facts and quotes and anecdotes, which she’s been collecting on sticky notes. You could think of it also as a biography of Melville’s most famous novel, which has had its own life after his death and touched so many other lives. Dayswork is fragmentary, digressive, and completely absorbing.

Read: The endless depths of Moby-Dick symbolism

books and reading speech

Written Lives , by Javier Marías, translated by Margaret Jull Costa

Marías is one of my favorite novelists, but I only recently encountered this work, a collection of short, dubiously nonfictional biographies in a very specific style. In the prologue, Marías explains that he had edited an anthology of stories by writers so obscure, he was forced to compose their biographical notes using odd, scanty evidence that made it all sound “invented.” It occurred to him that he could do the same thing for authors much more famous (Henry James, Thomas Mann, Djuna Barnes), treating “well-known literary figures as if they were fictional characters, which may well be how all writers, whether famous or obscure, would secretly like to be treated,” he explains. The result is marvelously irreverent, packed with unforgettable details (Rilke, supposedly, loved the letter y and used any excuse to write it) and endearing patterns (Marías would have us believe that many writers loathe Dostoyevsky). Written Lives immediately earned a spot on my shelf of most treasured objects, and every friend I’ve recommended it to has been equally enchanted.

Read: An introverted writer’s lament

books and reading speech

Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life , by Yiyun Li

This sad and incredibly beautiful memoir from a writer best known for her fiction takes its title from a line in a notebook by the New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield. For Li, correspondence, diaries and journals, and literature in general are forms of consolation and companionship that make life worth living even in times of overwhelming despair. The memoir is a record of the reading experiences that saved Li from a dangerous depression. It made me want to dig more deeply into the work of all her favorite writers—Thomas Hardy, Ivan Turgenev, Elizabeth Bowen, William Trevor—because she describes them so warmly and affectionately, as if they were friends. Here, as in her novels, Li is philosophical, with a gift for startling aphorisms: “Harder to endure than fresh pain is pain that has already been endured,” she writes. And “One always knows how best to sabotage one’s own life,” or “What does not make sense is what matters.” Li’s work is so moving and so very wise.

books and reading speech

Madness, Rack, and Honey , by Mary Ruefle

The American poet Mary Ruefle is one of those writers people like to call a “national treasure,” which always has to do with something beyond brilliance or talent, an additional spectacular charm that makes you wish you knew them in “real life.” This collection of lectures on poetry and topics adjacent to poetry (sentimentality, theme, the moon) is the perfect introduction to Ruefle’s particular charisma. She’s unabashedly devoted to poets and poems, but you don’t have to love poetry to fall in love with her voice. She’s plainspoken yet mysterious, always asking curious questions, about death and fear and secrets, and then answering herself with surprising authority. Ruefle is inclined toward quirky asides, but all roads lead back to books: “I offer my dinner guest, after dinner, the choice between regular and decaf coffee, when in fact I don’t have any decaf in the house,” she writes. “I am so sincere in my effort to be a good host that I lie; I think this probably happens all the time in poetry.” Ruefle offers a beautiful example of how a life filled with reading opens and alters the mind.

books and reading speech

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  • National Politics

Florida says governments can ban school library books just because they disagree with them

Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration is doubling down on its position that books can be removed from school libraries solely because the government disagrees with them.

"(We) maintain the position that the removal of material from public school libraries is government speech for which it has the complete discretion and freedom to speak through the removal of speech with which it disapproves," wrote attorneys for various Gov. Ron DeSantis education appointees in a Thursday court filing .

As revealed by the USA TODAY NETWORK - Florida, the state has made the same argument over the last year to counter lawsuits filed over the local school district removals of books with LGBTQ themes.

In a similar vein, another attorney for DeSantis education appointees recently told a federal appeals court that what public university professors say in classrooms is government speech and therefore can be censored by the state.

The federal lawsuit prompting the latest government speech assertion was filed last month by a trio of public school student mothers who accuse Florida's top education officials of discriminating against them and others opposed to the surge of book removals seen across the state.

In trying to get that lawsuit thrown out, Florida's attorneys said that since removals are protected government speech, the public can't experience "harm or concrete injury" over those removals and therefore can't sue.

It shows the state is only ramping up arguments that have alarmed First Amendment experts , with some accusing them of being authoritarian . And it marks yet another case in Florida that could have big effects on First Amendment law across the nation.

Government speech?

As mentioned by the Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University, government speech doctrine is relatively new and "not always precise," with most of the core cases on it coming in the last couple of decades.

"Under the government speech doctrine, the government has its own rights as speaker, immune from free speech challenges," the center says on its website. "It can assert its own ideas and messages without being subject to First Amendment claims of viewpoint discrimination."

While the U.S. Supreme Court has not always ruled in favor of government speech arguments, it said in 2015 that Texas could refuse to allow Confederate flag specialty license plates because they represented government speech. Justices said six years before that a city could refuse to put a monument in a public park for the same reason.

But the attorneys for the state — Ray Treadwell, who used to work for DeSantis, and Caroline May Poor of Lawson Huck Gonzalez, PLLC — acknowledged in the Thursday filing that their government speech argument hasn't yet been confirmed by judges of the 11th Judicial Circuit, a federal jurisdiction that includes Florida.

Florida is not alone in making that argument in recent months. Similar defenses for book removals have also been used in Arkansas and Texas, for example , though it has not prevailed in either state .

Two Florida federal judges also weren't convinced by the argument and have refused to dismiss two separate cases based on book removals in Escambia County, which is on the state's westernmost tip.

But one of those judges, Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor, said that could change as the litigation continues and more information comes in. Winsor wrote in a court order that the legal balance between book removals and First Amendment protections is "surprisingly unsettled."

During oral arguments late last year, the USA TODAY NETWORK reported on how Winsor weighed two extreme hypothetical scenarios.

On one side, school library books could be removed by the government because they're written by members of a certain political party. On another, every bookshelf decision was subjected to First Amendment scrutiny, where tossing pro-Nazi books could be considered "viewpoint discrimination."

Winsor has also been assigned the new case filed by the moms.

The latest case

Several recent Florida laws have prompted local school leaders across the state to pull books in wildly varying ways,  fearing breaking the rules . A free speech group last year ranked Florida as the nation's book banning leader .

As part of a measure from last year, a public school parent or guardian can ask for a state special magistrate if they're unhappy that a school district didn't remove a challenged title.

But the state's not allowing parents who disagree with district decisions to bar books to likewise appeal.

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed last month say that violates the First Amendment by discriminating based on viewpoint.

“The freedom to read is essential to our democracy, and extremists’ efforts across the country to impose their personal discriminatory beliefs on what books our children can read set a dangerous precedent for our most basic freedoms and democratic ideals,” said Skye Perryman, president and CEO of Democracy Forward, in a statement .

Perryman's group, along with the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida and the Southern Poverty Law Center, are representing the three moms involved in the case.

One of them is Stephana Ferrell of Orange County, who tried and failed to appeal a removal decision. She is also the co-founder and director of research and insight for the  Florida Freedom to Read Project , one of Florida's most-outspoken book access organizations.

Beyond the government speech argument, the state also counters that the appeal process is not a "forum for speech" and the First Amendment "does not require the government to provide Plaintiffs with an official channel to level grievances about book removals."

It points out how a government-run electricity company might provide the public with a tool to report outages but not provide one to report when their power is functional.

"A health inspection agency might have a process to receive information from the public about unsanitary conditions, without also providing a process to report or discuss sanitary locations," the lawyers continued.

The governor's office and representatives for both sides in the case didn't respond to media requests Friday. No hearing has been scheduled yet in the case.

State arguing it can censor professors: Florida government could censor university professors in classrooms, lawyer for state says

Florida's government speech argument: Judge hears Florida's argument that school book bans are protected government speech

This reporting content is supported by a partnership with Freedom Forum and Journalism Funding Partners. USA Today Network-Florida First Amendment reporter Douglas Soule can be reached at  [email protected] .

10 books to add to your reading list in July

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Critic Bethanne Patrick recommends 10 promising titles — fiction and nonfiction — to consider for your July reading list.

This month’s titles deal with “seeing and being seen,” to quote from the subtitle of Jon M. Chu’s memoir. Novelists examine pandemic life and immigrant life and even give new life to an ancient myth. Some writers show how women have changed our perspective on adolescence and creativity, while others track the history of political movements. Happy reading!

State of Paradise: A Novel By Laura van den Berg Farrar, Straus and Giroux: 224 pages, $27 (July 9)

Cover of "State of Paradise"

Central Florida during an unspecified pandemic. The unnamed narrator and her sister both have “the fever,” and the sister copes with its strange effects by retreating into a virtual world called Mind’s Eye. She vanishes, and the narrator must put aside her scholarly work on medieval pilgrimages to find her sibling, all while her father is dying and the world shuts down. Van den Berg (“The Third Hotel”) expertly combines realistic and speculative fiction.

The Coin: A Novel By Yasmin Zaher Catapult: 240 pages, $27 (July 9)

Cover of "The Coin"

Birkin-bag economics meets colorism and racism and feminism and more — it’s beyond intersectionality — in Zaher’s stunning and surreal debut novel of a young Palestinian woman who lives and teaches in New York City. Cut off from the biggest portion of her family’s fortune, the narrator is “simultaneously rich and poor,” as well as simultaneously Black and white, a maverick in the classroom and a psyche about to break into pieces.

The Bright Sword: A Novel By Lev Grossman Viking: 688 pages, $35 (July 16)

Cover of "The Bright Sword"

There’s a scene in the “Barbie” movie in which all of the Kens pretend to ride imaginary horses; it’s taken straight from “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” which is, of course, based on the legend of Arthur, King of the Britons. In other words, Arthur’s tale is often told. Somehow, Lev Grossman (“The Magicians”) manages to tell it again yet make it fresh and new, bringing misfits and outsiders to the Round Table to rally even as they struggle.

There Is Happiness: Stories By Brad Watson W.W. Norton: 304 pages, $30 (July 16)

Cover of "There Is Happiness"

Brad Watson died in 2020, already a towering figure of American literature whose short fiction explored the liminal spaces between humans and animals (e.g., 1996’s “Last Days of the Dog-Men”). This posthumous collection includes new and previously published pieces. While “Terrible Argument,” in which a dog observes his humans quarreling, stands the test of time, “There Is Happiness” proves that Watson’s later work stands up to his best work, too.

Catalina: A Novel By Karla Cornejo Villavicencio Harper: 320 pages, $30 (July 23)

Cover of "Catalina"

Catalina Ituralde, an undocumented Ecuadorean immigrant, makes it to Harvard. But by senior year, Catalina — who uses precious spare time caring for her Queens-based grandparents — worries that her status will prevent her from building a career in her chosen country. In this debut, the author (herself an undocumented Harvard alum and author of 2020’s “The Undocumented Americans”) illuminates how so-called Dreamers struggle to succeed.

The Genius of Judy: How Judy Blume Rewrote Childhood for All of Us By Rachelle Bergstein Atria/One Signal: 288 pages, $29 (July 16)

Cover of "The Genius of Judy"

Judy Blume has seen it all: bravery, backlash and now — bookselling! In 2016, Blume opened Books & Books Key West. Bergstein celebrates Blume’s maverick approach to writing books for young people that cover topics they care and need to know about, from puberty (“Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret”) to scoliosis (“Deenie”). It’s a lively, important portrait of a true literary revolutionary, now 86, who matters even more today.

Loving Sylvia Plath: A Reclamation By Emily Van Duyne W.W. Norton: 320 pages, $28 (July 9)

Cover of "Loving Sylvia Plath"

Regardless of your views of Sylvia Plath, her output is considered among the most brilliant 20th century poetry. Van Duyne, a scholar who loves that poetry and its creator, looks at Plath’s marriage to the British poet Ted Hughes and how his verbal, emotional and physical abuse of Plath affected her career and psyche. Like Plath, the author is a survivor of intimate partner violence, and she carefully, almost tenderly, combines research with experience.

Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World By Anne Applebaum Doubleday: 224 pages, $27 (July 23)

Cover of "Autocracy, Inc."

Pulitzer-winning journalist Applebaum has written extensively on Russia, the Iron Curtain and the concept of the Soviet gulag. Now she focuses on the web of autocratic rulers whose support from each other as well as global institutions in finance, arms and surveillance allow more and more dictatorships to flourish. As she carefully demonstrates, they care less about ideology and more about power.

The Movement: How Women’s Liberation Transformed America, 1963-1973 By Clara Bingham Atria/One Signal: 576 pages, $33 (July 30)

Cover of "The Movement"

You don’t have to, like me, remember sitting on the living room floor as a child to watch Billie Jean King beat Bobby Riggs at tennis in order to understand that the years Bingham (“Witness to the Revolution”) covers were crucial to the women’s movement. From the 1963 publication of “The Feminine Mystique” to the 1973 decision in Roe vs. Wade, this decade involved personal, political and cultural forces that changed many lives.

Viewfinder: A Memoir of Seeing and Being Seen By Jon M. Chu with Jeremy McCarter Random House: 304 pages, $32 (July 30)

Cover of "Viewfinder"

He’s directed movies like “Wicked,” “In the Heights” and “Crazy Rich Asians,” but in this memoir Jon M. Chu (who was discovered at USC by Steven Spielberg) has as much to share about how others can succeed in the film industry as he does about his drama-free upbringing. At his parents’ Silicon Valley Chinese restaurant, he learned to “fade into the background and simply observe,” and his humor and humility come through in full color.

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Keir starmer shows how to be candid, compelling and compassionate.

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Prime Minister Keir Starmer

For most Americans—even those who follow British politics from a distance —Sir Keir Starmer is an unknown quantity. Now, he is the country's newest prime minister, ousting the Conservative majority that ruled for the past 14 years. Starmer, a human rights lawyer with working-class roots, shepherds a huge Labour majority that will ensure his party has the political muscle it needs to enact its agenda.

Starmer’s first speech as PM was a stellar example of how to communicate directly in compelling, candid, and compassionate words. For that reason, this speech is worthy of dissection.

Be Candid about What’s Next

Starmer was direct and to the point and did not pull any punches.

“Now our country has voted decisively for change, for national renewal and a return of politics to public service.

“When the gap between the sacrifices made by people and the service they receive from politicians grows this big, it leads to a weariness in the heart of a nation, a draining away of the hope, the spirit, the belief in a better future, that we need to move forward together.

“Now, this wound, this lack of trust, can only be healed by actions, not words. I know that. But have no doubt that the work of change begins immediately. Have no doubt that we will rebuild Britain with wealth created in every community.”

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Make the Message Compelling

Starmer sketched out what his government intends to do, reiterating his campaign messages.

“But we can make a start today, with the simple acknowledgement that public service is a privilege and that your government should treat every single person in this country with respect.

“For too long now, we’ve turned a blind eye as millions slid into greater insecurity. Nurses, builders, drivers, carers, people doing the right thing, working harder every day, recognised at moments like this before, yet, as soon as the cameras stopped rolling, their lives are ignored.

“I want to say very clearly to those people, not this time. “Changing a country is not like flicking a switch. “The world is now a more volatile place. This will take a while.”

Show Compassion

Starmer addressed the need for unity and invited all to join the effort to rebuild Britain.

“If you voted Labour yesterday, we will carry the responsibility of your trust as we rebuild our country. But whether you voted Labour or not, in fact, especially if you did not, I say to you directly: My government will serve you.

“Politics can be a force for good. We will show that, we’ve changed the Labour Party, returned it to service and that is how we will govern, country first, party second.”

Be respectful

It must be noted that Rishi Sunak, his predecessor, also spoke warmly and professionally as he turned over the reigns of government. And Starmer picked up the thread by speaking kindly of the outgoing PM. “[Sunak’s] achievement as the first British-Asian prime minister of our country, the extra effort that that will have required should not be underestimated by anyone. And we pay tribute to that today. And we also recognise the dedication and hard work he brought to his leadership.” (Would we here in the States recapture that comity that used to be a hallmark of the American political process.)

Starmer’s message was clear. He and his party are calling for an end to “performative politics” where showmanship is all that counts. Starmer and Labour believe in what so many call “servant leadership” – putting the needs of others ahead of partisanship.

Fine speeches, no matter how well crafted, do not make change. They can only initiate it. Starmer’s challenge is to transform his words – and Labour policies – into action. Britain, like every nation, needs strong and compassionate leadership.

John Baldoni

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