Biology Courses

  • Social Sciences

Hand with pill-bottle hammer smashing a mosquito

MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

How can we eradicate malaria? Explore cutting-edge science and technology, and examine policies needed, to control and eliminate malaria.

lines of genomic data (dna is made up of sequences of a, t, g, c)

Case Studies in Functional Genomics

Perform RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, and DNA methylation data analyses, using open source software, including R and Bioconductor.

lines of genomic data (dna is made up of sequences of a, t, g, c)

Introduction to Bioconductor

The structure, annotation, normalization, and interpretation of genome scale assays.

lines of genomic data (dna is made up of sequences of a, t, g, c)

Advanced Bioconductor

Learn advanced approaches to genomic visualization, reproducible analysis, data architecture, and exploration of cloud-scale consortium-generated genomic data.

lines of genomic data (dna is made up of sequences of a, t, g, c)

Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra

Learn to use R programming to apply linear models to analyze data in life sciences.

lines of genomic data (dna is made up of sequences of a, t, g, c)

Statistics and R

An introduction to basic statistical concepts and R programming skills necessary for analyzing data in the life sciences.


Quantitative Methods for Biology

Learn introductory programming and data analysis in MATLAB, with applications to biology and medicine.

Artist’s rendition of a distant planet

Super-Earths and Life

Learn about the Earth, life, and how we can search for life elsewhere in the universe.

Sourdough starter

Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes

Explore the roles that microbes play in the production, preservation, and enhancement of diverse foods in a variety of culinary traditions, and learn about the history of food fermentations.

Eukaryotic cell with its organelles.

Cell Biology: Mitochondria

A human-centered approach to the fundamentals of cell biology with a focus on the power plants of the cell - mitochondria.

in-vitro fertilization under a microscope.

Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics

An introduction to the study of bioethics and the application of legal and ethical reasoning.

HMX Immunology Course Image

HMX Immunology

Learn foundational concepts in immunology and gain a basis for understanding a broad range of medical conditions.

HMX Genetics Course Image

HMX Genetics

Learn foundational concepts in genetics and gain new insight into the rapidly evolving field of genomics.

Next-generation sequencing technology illustration

Genetic Testing and Sequencing Technologies

Explore genetic testing and its clinical applications..

Animated image about cancer treatment


See how the immune system is being used to improve cancer treatment., join our list to learn more.

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  • Jun 7, 2022
  • 11 min read

25 Careers You Can Pursue with a Biology Degree

What can you do with your biology degree?

Andrew Moran

Andrew Moran

Business and Finance Expert

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Biology Degree Careers

Biology is a fascinating field to study and even attain a career in.

Studying the molecular nature, physiological mechanisms, evolution, and physical structure of life and living organisms is compelling, especially if you’re able to earn a living doing this. And believe it or not, there is a career in this area, but don’t think you’ll be spending the next 23 years confined to a laboratory all day long.

When students begin their first year in university or college, they’re excited about their future as they’re consumed by every aspect of their biology major, thinking about the first steps they will take after completing their postsecondary studies. However, as their fourth year approaches, students start to wonder if there are jobs involving biology, creating consternation and fear of the future.

Is this concern justified? No, because there are plenty of careers with a biology degree that do not contain the job title “biologist”. You don’t even need to be involved in science to land a job .

Don’t believe it? Here is a list of professions you can pursue with a biology degree.

1. Biologist


Average salary: $82,530

A biologist is a scientist who applies everything they have learned in order to study living organisms — humans, animals, plants and bacteria — and their relationship to our environment.

Their aim is to better understand how the body functions and how external factors can affect every organism, and their findings can lead to new treatments for a diverse array of diseases and the sustaining of natural resources.

2. Botanist


Average salary: $66,750

Botanists are plant explorers. They study environmental impacts (such as pollution, acid rain and soil degradation) on plants. With their research, they publish conclusions that propose environmental protections for plant life.

Moreover, botanists can discover new types of plants, examine their parts, and potentially generate new uses for these plants that could lead to multiple health benefits.

3. Zoologist


Average salary: $64,650

After a couple of viewings of The Lion King , you want to save the Simbas of the world. So, perhaps zoology is your career calling — unfortunately, you won’t be able to communicate with these animals à la Dr Dolittle!

Zoologists study animals and their ecosystems and learn about their physical traits and behaviors as well as the impacts that humans can have on their natural habitats.

4. Registered nurse

Registered nurse

Average salary: $77,600

When it comes to your biology degree, you have studied everything there is to learn, from textbooks to case studies and classroom lectures. Well, now is the time to apply all that study to real-world aspects of human biology.

What better way to use this science than as a registered nurse at a hospital or medical clinic alongside doctors and other healthcare professionals ?

5. Pharmacy technician

Pharmacy technician

Average salary: $36,740

Although you’ll likely be required to finish a doctorate degree if you wish to advance to the position of pharmacist , a biology degree — whether an associate or a bachelor’s degree — qualifies you for several pharmacy-related jobs, including that of a pharmacy technician.

This is an employment opportunity that assists pharmacists in organizing, measuring, labeling, packaging and dispensing prescription medicines in a hospital or retail setting.

6. Phlebotomist


Average salary: $37,380

A phlebotomist uses venipuncture — an incision in the vein to draw blood — to collect blood samples for a whole host of reasons, from transfusions to testing to research. If you’re nervous around needles and if blood makes you ill, then perhaps this is not the job for you. If they don’t, then phlebotomist is great for new graduates.

7. Respiratory therapist

Respiratory therapist

Average salary: $61,830

Respiratory therapists use their education in biology and transfer it to the area of respiratory therapy.

While you’ll need additional training in this subject, your biology degree can be a tremendous aid in treating and caring for patients who have difficulty breathing, whether it’s from an emergency situation (heart attack or drowning) or a chronic respiratory disease (asthma or emphysema).

8. Pharmacologist


Average salary: $95,310

A pharmacologist will study toxicology and drugs and their effects on the human body.

For the most part, you will attempt to understand how drugs and other toxic substances are absorbed into the human system and how the body will medically react to each ingredient.

9. High school teacher

High school teacher

Average salary: $61,820

Sure, you will become the enemy to thousands of teenagers throughout your multiyear teaching career , but being a high school teacher who specializes in biology is a great career choice to make.

Superb pay, tremendous benefits and all the pecuniary perks of being a teacher — what more could you ask for in a job?

10. Environmental scientist

Environmental scientist

Average salary: $76,530

Environmental scientists, also identified as environmental engineers, utilize the principles of biology, chemistry , and engineering to locate and develop solutions to common environmental issues. These include recycling, public health, air pollution control, waste disposal and water.

Many of these experts will also work with public policy makers to devise plans that address common issues. They will further partner with businesses to ensure they either follow government regulations or improve their own practices.

11. Quality control technician

Quality control technician

Average salary: $49,030

Quality control is of the utmost importance for companies in most industries, including food and pharmaceuticals. Now more than ever, quality control technicians are in immense demand — and it is only ballooning as the economy becomes more globalized.

So, this is your opportunity to put many of your biology skills to real-life situations by aiding businesses to test the effectiveness, purity, and quality of their products. You can also find these jobs in the public sector, too.

12. Agricultural technician

Agricultural technician

Average salary: $40,430

In addition to establishing lab equipment and maintaining the technology used in daily operations, agricultural technicians are tasked with collecting samples from crops and animals. They also prepare samples for data recording and assist scientists in conducting experiments.

This position gives you the best of both worlds: working directly with nature and using your craft.

13. Biomedical engineer

Biomedical engineer

Average salary: $97,410

This job consists of designing biomedical equipment, and working with machines to diagnose medical problems, develop artificial intelligence organs and offer technical support for biomedical devices. If that sounds like a tough and complicated job, then you would be right.

14. Hydrologist


Average salary: $84,030

Hydrologists will primarily work with water, but their daily tasks are essential to ensuring that the water we consume is safe. They will measure the properties of bodies of water, collect water samples, test for specific properties, and analyze data to determine if there is pollution, drought or erosion.

15. Medical manager

Medical manager

Average salary: $101,340

Otherwise known as healthcare administrators, medical managers typically take care of an entire practice, department, clinical area, or facility. This role will consist of planning, administrating, directing, and coordinating with medical and health services — internally and externally.

16. Physician assistant

Physician assistant

Average salary: $121,530

Physician assistants work with licensed physicians. Under their supervision, physician assistants will assess, diagnose, and treat patients. Moreover, they will treat small wounds, interpret medical tests, and prepare casts.

Typically, if a professional physician is looking after someone else, then the physician assistant will be the first line of medical care, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

17. Genetic counselor

Genetic counselor

Average salary: $80,150

The genetic counsellor is an integral member of a healthcare team, in addition to offering risk assessment, education and support to families that could potentially be at risk for or diagnosed with multiple inherited conditions. Also, these professionals will act as patient advocates, as well as assess genetic testing and proffer supportive counselling.

18. Legal specialist

Legal specialist

Average salary: $127,990

A biologist can become an attorney as long as they attend law school and earn a Juris Doctor degree . However, if you’re uninterested in becoming a lawyer , you can also serve as a legal specialist.

Many law practices that specialize in patent and intellectual property rely on biologists to understand the science of drugs, medical instruments, and biotechnology products. Environmental lawyers, meanwhile, will get involved in environmental projects, while medical malpractice lawyers will need to analyze medical interventions.

19. Lecturer


Average salary: $79,640

A higher education lecturer will have the same role as a high school teacher, except your role will be to teach biology and other academic subjects to undergraduate and postgraduate students who are over 18.

In this job, you’ll be required to hold tutorials, host seminars, have lectures and perform fieldwork. Also, in this technologically advanced society, you’ll potentially have a role in e-learning, too.

20. Microbiologist


Average salary: $79,260

Can you envision yourself working with fungi, bacteria, algae, and viruses? Well, that’s the role of a microbiologist, who will attempt to understand how these organisms form, live, grow and interact with their environments.

This is a critical job amid exploding population growth, tumbling vaccination rates, and increasing risks of a health epidemic that could send the world into a panic.

21. Fish and game warden

Fish and game warden

Average salary: $60,730

If you’re a biology grad craving some adventure in one of the best criminal justice jobs in the world , trade in your lab coat for a uniform and a really cool hat. Fish and game wardens act as guardians of wildlife and their natural habitats. This includes forests, mountains and lakes, as well as campgrounds and parks.

You’ll issue licenses and permits, and enforce all boating, fishing, and hunting laws. Fish and game wardens conduct search and rescue operations, investigate accidents, and track down poachers. Most state and federal jobs will require additional academy training for investigation techniques, self-defence, arrest procedures and other areas of law enforcement.

22. Surgeon


Average salary: $294,520

A biology degree is the perfect foundation for a variety of careers in the medical field, including as a general or specialist surgeon . With coursework focused on human biology, you’ll be well-prepared for a job that requires precise knowledge of anatomy and the complex processes of the human body.

Surgeons repair injuries and treat diseases through precise operations that require a steady hand, critical thinking skills , intense concentration and a high stress tolerance. While it takes a lot of hard work and additional schooling, you’ll be rewarded for your perseverance by landing one of the highest paid jobs in the US.

23. Pharmaceutical sales representative

Average salary: $94,840

Pharmaceutical sales representative

A sales job may not seem the obvious choice, but it’s one of the more lucrative careers in biology. Pharmaceutical sales representatives work for manufacturers and distributors and must know their products inside and out. Your biology degree can help you communicate effectively with healthcare providers, explaining how each pharmaceutical product works, what conditions it treats, and how it compares to alternate or competitor drugs.

Pandemic-era universities have given most students a crash course in remote learning and video conferencing. Those added skills in virtual communication will serve you well, as a recent study found that 87% of healthcare providers now prefer virtual meetings with sales reps at least part of the time.

24. Occupational therapist

Occupational therapist

Average salary: $85,570

If you’re looking for an emotionally rewarding job , consider a career as an occupational therapist. Through physical exercises, tasks, and carefully designed activities, you can help injured or ill patients return to full autonomy. You’ll also assist disabled clients with utilising their own range of abilities to successfully navigate their daily routines.

Your biology degree coursework should ideally focus on human biology and physiology. You can pursue a master’s in occupational therapy after graduation or combine your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in an accelerated program.

25. Veterinarian


Average salary: $100,370

This is one of the top jobs for pet lovers , and veterinarians need all their patient, intuitive understanding of dogs, cats and other domesticated animals. Whether at an office, clinic, animal hospital or farm, you’ll be spending a lot of time with your four-legged friends for diagnosis, testing, and treatment, as well as preventative healthcare.

A biology degree is one of the best options to land a spot in veterinary school. If you’re currently in university and considering a career as veterinarian, be sure to add chemistry and animal science coursework to your studies.

Final thoughts

Think there aren’t enough jobs involving biology? Tempted to drop out of university or, at the very least, quit your program?

Well, think again, because there are many careers with a biology degree that will provide you with steady work, a reliable paycheCK and a rewarding career. Can you ask for much more? Probably not.

So, as you grab your microscope and study bacteria, crack open a textbook to learn about chemical properties and come face to face with squid, it’s important to realize now that the world is your oyster and everything can come up roses because you will find a career.

Do any of these careers take your fancy? Let us know in the comments section below.

Originally published on June 8, 2019. Updated by Valerie David.

Career Exploration

biology related coursework

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7 Best Biology Courses for 2024: The DNA of Online Learning

Learn biology with MIT and others, discover the history of life, or prepare for the AP Biology exam with the best online biology courses.

biology related coursework

In senior high school, I had to choose between biology and French because of a timetable clash. I ended up taking biology and it turned out to be my favorite subject. But just imagine if I could have done French at school and biology at home on a computer or phone…

Whatever your age, if you’re interested in biology, there’s a course for you. We’ve done the research, using Class Central, a search engine for online courses, and other sites to identify the top online biology courses. With over 1000 biology courses and more than 133K people following the subject in our platform, we’ve collated ratings and reviews to find the best choices.

The courses in this Best Courses Guide (BCG) are created by MIT, the University of Copenhagen, and CrashCourse, among others. And if you’re interested in a specific aspect of biology, check out our BCGs in Cell Biology , Botany , Ecology , and Genetics .

biology related coursework

Click on the shortcuts for more details:

Why You Should Trust Us

How we made our picks and tested them, here are our top picks.

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 80-160 hours
(CrashCourse) 8 hours
(University of Copenhagen) 23 hours
( 24 hours
(Amoeba Sisters) 12 hours
(Bozeman Science) 10 hours
(Advanced Placement) 14 hours
  • 6 courses are free or free-to-audit and 1 is paid
  • 3 courses offer a certificate of completion
  • The most featured provider is YouTube with 4 courses.

Best General Biology Course

Have you ever dreamed of taking a course from MIT? Here is your chance! Be prepared to put in the time, as if you are an undergraduate MIT student. Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life is on Class Central’s Best Online Courses of All Time list, with plenty of positive reviews. Taught by a leading geneticist and mathematician, the course is strong in teaching us to think like scientists and covers the relationship between genetics and health. High school biology and chemistry would be useful but are not required for this course.

You will learn:

  • Principles of modern biology including genes, proteins, and disease
  • Mysteries of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology and genomics, and rational medicine
  • Structure and function of DNA, RNA and proteins and how molecular changes can alter functions
  • How heredity affects human health and disease
  • Molecular biological techniques
  • You’ll get a foundation in biology so you can understand the current medical revolution.

This course is a prerequisite for several advanced biology courses with MIT (see our Cell Biology BCG ). And if taking this course stirs your interest, check our Genetics BCG .

“This is the best online course I have ever had. I had zero knowledge in the concepts taught but with the help of professor Lander I managed to pull through while genuinely enjoying the process…” – Victoria .
Provider edX
University Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Instructors Eric S. Lander and Graham Walker
Time Commitment 80-160 hours
Enrollment >213K
Class Central Rating 4.9
Cost Free audit
Certificate Paid

And if you aren’t interested in a certificate, but like to consolidate your knowledge with quizzes and exams, more free biology courses are available on MIT OpenCourseWare. Watch the videos conveniently on the Class Central interface, then head over to the Direct link for other materials and homework.

  • Introduction to Biology (Fall 2004) (28 hours)
  • Introductory Biology (Spring 2005) (26 hours)
  • Introductory Biology (Fall 2018) (28 hours)

Best Short Outline of Biology

biology related coursework

The ever-reliable CrashCourse returns to our BCG list with Biology by CrashCourse . In eight hours of videos, you will learn about:

  • Carbon, water, biological molecules, plant and animal cells
  • ATP, respiration, photosynthesis, membranes & transport
  • Mitosis, meiosis, DNA, heredity, evolution, and genetics
  • Taxonomy and what makes us animals
  • Systems: the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and excretory
  • More systems: skeletal, muscular,  immune system, endocrine and reproductive
  • Archaea, bacteria & protists

Other CrashCourse playlists are found in our Linguistics , Anatomy , Human Physiology , Ecology , and Astronomy BCGs. They’re concise, upbeat, and popular.

“Hank Green is my hero. I grew up loving physics and biology so I surrounded myself with them and even got into two of the worlds top rated colleges because of it, yet throughout all the classes and labs I’ve taken, none have been able to teach and be as visually stimulating to me quite like CrashCourse has.” – inserian, YouTube  learner.
Provider YouTube
Institution CrashCourse
Instructor Hank Green
Time Commitment 8 hours
Views >27M
Cost Free
Certificate No

Best Biological History Course

biology related coursework

First there was the universe with the laws of physics. Atoms combined into molecules, which we study using chemistry. Geologists and paleontologists study past life, and now life on Earth has countless forms. Origins – Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life is a comprehensive, 12-module look at the origins and history of life. You can also read my in-depth review of the course. Learn about:

  • The formation of elements and the Solar System
  • Earth’s geological principles and early life
  • Microbial life and the Cambrian Explosion
  • Macrobial Life and Eukaryotic Evolution
  • Climate changes, Snowball Earth, and cell evolution
  • Evolution of marine animals, major faunas, and adaptations
  • Changing oxygen levels and their consequences
  • Terrestrial plant evolution and adaptations
  • Insect biodiversity, adaptations, and specializations
  • Vertebrate adaptation to land and mass extinctions
  • Climate change and molecular clock technique
  • Evolution of primates, early humans, and human colonization
  • Modern biodiversity across various habitats
  • Reflect on the course’s impact on understanding life’s evolution and diversification on Earth.
“…I thought it would be more astronomy-based, but this was just the first lecture. However, I’m glad I’ve stayed, because I’ve brushed up some of my knowledge from biology, chemistry, and geology, and I’ve learned a great amount of new interesting facts…” – Kristina Šekrst .
Provider Coursera
University University of Copenhagen
Instructor Henning Haack
Time Commitment 23 hours
Enrollment >33K
Class Central Rating 4.7
Cost Free audit
Certificate Paid

Best Biology Course with Possible Credit

biology related coursework

If you are a student at one of’s 1,500+ partner institutions, you may be able to claim credit for taking Biology 101: Intro to Biology . My advice is to check with your institution to avoid disappointment. This course covers:

  • Basic biological terms
  • Molecular biology, organic molecules, and enzymes
  • Cell structure: organelles and membranes
  • Metabolism, respiration, growth and cell division
  • DNA & RNA structure and replication, mutations, genetics, and genetic engineering
  • Protein synthesis
  • Microbiology, human biology, ecology, and botany
  • Taxonomic classification, timeline, and geological evolution. also offers a course for AP Biology: Exam Prep including practice questions.

Time Commitment 24 hours
Cost Paid
Certificate Available

Best Cartoon-Style Biology Course

biology related coursework

If you learn more easily with cartoon presentations, you’ll really enjoy the Amoeba Sisters Biology Learning Playlist . After the first few introductory videos, you’re taken into the world of biology, taught by an enthusiastic former high school biology teacher. Her sister is a cartoonist, and together they have set up an educational YouTube channel. You will learn about:

  • The nature of science, lab safety, and microscope use
  • Characteristics that may classify an organism as living
  • Prokaryotes and eukaryotes including Archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals
  • Why the properties of water are essential for life
  • Cell structure, specialization, cell membrane, passive and active cell transport and signaling
  • Nucleic acids and genetics
  • Biotechnology and biological processes: cellular respiration, photosynthesis, DNA replication, mitosis, and meiosis
  • Natural selection, gene regulation, mutation,  genetic drift, evolution, biodiversity, and classification of living organisms, compare and contrast bacteria with viruses
  • Ecological relationships, energy, and biogeochemical cycles
  • Plant structure, vascular and nonvascular plants
  • Systems in the human body.
“Honestly, thank you for all the hard work and effort you 2 both put into these videos. I can’t thank you enough. I”m a pre-nursing student and you guys help, motivate and save me whenever I don’t understand the base concepts” – PieceOfReis, YouTube learner.
Provider YouTube
Institution Amoeba Sisters
Instructors Pinky and Petunia
Time Commitment 12 hours
Views >5.5M
Cost Free
Certificate No

Best AP Biology Prep Course

biology related coursework

Are you a high school student planning to study biology at college or university? The Advanced Placement (AP) program in the USA and Canada allows high school students to take AP exams and get a head start on their college studies. AP Biology Video Essentials covers essential topics for the exam, using plenty of images, tables, and graphics. You’ll learn:

  • Essential knowledge for the AP Biology Exam
  • Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, Evidence for Evolution, Speciation and Extinction
  • Life’s essential Characteristics and Scientific Evidence of The Origin of Life
  • Free Energy, Phylogenetics, Abiogenesis, Photosynthesis, and Respiration
  • Environmental Matter Exchange, Cell Membranes and Transport Across them, Compartmentalization, Homeostasis
  • Positive and Negative Feedback Loops and Response to External Environments, Biotic and Abiotic Factors
  • Plant and Animal Defense, Organ Systems, Viral Replication, and Biological Molecules
  • Development: Timing and Coordination
  • Behavior and Natural Selection, DNA and RNA, Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis
  • Mendelian Genetics and Advanced Genetics, Gene Regulation, Signal Transmission and Gene Expression, Mechanisms that Increase Genetic Variation, Genotypes and Phenotypes
  • Cells: Communication, Organelles, Specialization,and Variation
  • Signal Transduction Pathways and the effects of Changes, Information Exchange
  • Ecosystems, Cooperative Interactions, Communities, and Biodiversity.
“…Honestly these videos are the best resource out there for the AP exam. Can’t say thank you enough.” – AgithaBugPrincess, YouTube learner.
Provider YouTube
Institution Bozeman Science
Instructors Paul Andersen
Time Commitment 10 hours
Views >2.6M
Cost Free
Certificate No

Also Great AP Biology Course

biology related coursework

AP Biology goes through many types of multiple-choice and free response questions to help your exam preparation. Topics covered:

  • Multiple choice and free response practice questions related to scientific investigation, conceptual and data analysis
  • Natural selection, ecology, chemistry of life, cell structure and function
  • Cellular energetics, cell communication, the cell cycle, meiosis, diversity, gene expression & regulation
  • Natural selection, ecology & the biological mechanisms involved in growth.
Provider YouTube
Institution Advanced Placement
Instructors Kirstin Milks, Chris Monsour, Margaret Evans
Time Commitment 14 hours
Views >2.1M
Cost Free
Certificate No

Class Central , a Tripadvisor for online education, has helped 60 million learners find their next course. We’ve been combing through online education for more than a decade to aggregate a catalog of 200,000 online courses and over 200,000 reviews written by our users. And we’re online learners ourselves: combined, the Class Central team has completed over 400 online courses, including online degrees.

I’ve personally completed over 150 online courses in a variety of topics including biology.

Trying to find “the best” can be daunting, even for those of us who live and breathe online courses. Here’s how I approached this task.

First, I combed through Class Central’s Catalog and the internet to find a variety of free and paid open courses, some with certificates. You don’t need to enroll in a university to learn biology.

Second, when choosing courses, I considered the following factors:

  • Renowned Institutions : I started with recognized institutions in Biology
  • Instructor experience : I looked for instructors with extensive experience in Biology and engaging presentation styles
  • Course content : I looked for courses that covered a range of topics and presentation styles, including the basics and more advanced topics
  • Learner reviews : I read learner reviews (when available) to get a sense of the quality of each course.

To evaluate the courses, I watched some course videos and read the course syllabus.

I extracted information from course syllabi and reviews, and compiled their ratings, leveraging the Class Central database with its thousands of course ratings and reviews written by our users as well as available course provider ratings. Then, I defined the scope for these recommendations. A biology course can cover various topics, so I chose top courses from a range of sub-fields.

Ultimately, I used a combination of data and my own judgment to make these picks. I’m confident these recommendations will be a reliable way to learn biology.

Best Courses Guides. Start Learning, Stop Procrastinating.

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  • Design Thinking
  • Business Software
  • Customer Service
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Operations Management
  • Corporate Governance
  • Business Plan
  • Business Proposal
  • Business Models
  • Product Development
  • Product Design
  • Business Strategy
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Business Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Strategy Development
  • Talent Management
  • Business Management
  • Risk Analysis
  • Business Operations
  • Commercialization
  • Recruitment
  • Financial Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Business Innovation
  • Quality Improvement
  • Healthcare Management
  • Merchandising
  • Supply Chain Management
  • International Business
  • Business Communication
  • Debt Financing
  • Collaborative Work
  • Meeting Management
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Partnerships
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Energy Markets
  • Capacity Building
  • Performance Improvement
  • Customer Experience
  • Event Management
  • Information Management
  • Service Design
  • Client Relations
  • Talent Acquisition
  • Career Management
  • Corporate Sustainability
  • Community Management
  • Hospitality Industry
  • Customer Needs
  • Corporate Culture
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Sharing Economy
  • Benefits Management
  • Health Insurance
  • Energy Management
  • Small Business Management
  • Sales Management
  • Business Acumen
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Fashion Industry
  • Client Management
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Corporate Training
  • Labor Relations
  • Customer Support
  • Investor Relations
  • Business Problem Solving
  • Sales Presentations
  • Retail Industry
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Work Culture
  • Employee Experience
  • Worker Safety
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Healthcare Industry
  • Customer Experience Design
  • Facilities Management
  • Client Engagement
  • Global Business
  • Career Coaching
  • Management Consulting
  • Workplace Relationships
  • Digital Products
  • Office Politics
  • Customer Success Management
  • Talent Sourcing
  • Business Math

Humanities 8,301 courses

  • Language Learning
  • Grammar & Writing
  • Linguistics
  • Library Science
  • Crisis Management
  • Emergency Management
  • Performing Arts
  • Religious Studies
  • Spirituality
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Indian Culture
  • Discrimination
  • Chinese Characters
  • Social Studies
  • Language Arts

Data Science 4,798 courses

  • Bioinformatics
  • Data Mining
  • Data Visualization
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Process Mining
  • Text Mining
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Computational Analysis
  • Data Collection
  • Information Retrieval
  • Data Processing
  • Data Wrangling
  • Data Extraction
  • Data Manipulation
  • Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Network Analysis
  • Data Preparation
  • Data Analytics
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Graph Analysis
  • Data Engineering
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Expected Values
  • Clinical Data Analysis
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Descriptive Analytics
  • Prescriptive Analytics
  • Data Acquisition
  • Data Literacy
  • Digital Twins
  • High-dimensional Data
  • Bias Analysis
  • Spatial Data Analysis
  • Geospatial Data
  • Information Analysis
  • Metadata Analysis
  • Topological Data Analysis
  • Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis

Personal Development 5,702 courses

  • Communication Skills
  • Career Development
  • Self Improvement
  • Presentation Skills
  • Self-Control
  • Growth Mindset
  • Self-Assessment
  • Survival Skills
  • Sleep Improvement
  • Career Planning
  • Empowerment
  • Personal Growth
  • Social Skills
  • Dog Training
  • Life Coaching
  • Positive thinking
  • Self-Esteem
  • Individuality
  • Self-confidence
  • Personal transformation
  • Situational Awareness
  • Health Coaching
  • Self-Discovery
  • Career Guidance
  • Digital Wellbeing
  • Memory Improvement
  • Self-Discipline
  • Physical Fitness
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Mental Toughness
  • Personal Fulfillment
  • Accelerated Learning
  • Authentic Living
  • Positive Mindset
  • Self-Empowerment
  • Self-Doubt Management
  • Personal Empowerment
  • Habit Tracking

Art & Design 20,638 courses

  • Digital Media
  • Visual Arts
  • Design & Creativity
  • Art Therapy
  • Art Composition
  • Character Design
  • Fashion Design
  • Inspiration
  • Golden Ratio
  • Pattern Design
  • Geometric Patterns
  • Jewelry Design
  • Botanical Drawing
  • Animal Illustration
  • Anime Drawing
  • Observational Drawing
  • Clay Modeling

The Undergraduate Major in Biology

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The major begins with a variety of introductory courses related to the different fields of Biology. Students will begin taking these courses, exploratory lab courses, and a selection of additional breadth courses in Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Statistics during their first two years. Advanced elective courses will be taken in the remaining two years. Although not required for any field of study, most Biology undergraduates choose to engage in at least one quarter of research in a lab on campus. Many go on to complete independent research that culminates in an Honors thesis and presentation. More information about the requirements for the B.S. Biology are included here.

In the next step of the curriculum, students engage with fundamental areas of Biology through Bio Foundations courses, which cover key foundational disciplines of Biology. Students will take anywhere from 2-4 Bio Foundations courses depending on their subplan within the major. These courses will delve into these fundamental areas of Biology and further build students’ skills in critical scientific thinking, reading the literature, and scientific communication.

Each Bio Foundations course is offered for 4 units:

  • BIO 81 – Ecology 
  • BIO 82 – Genetics
  • BIO 83 – Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • BIO 84 – Physiology
  • BIO 85 – Evolutionary Biology
  • BIO 86 – Cell Biology

The general Biology major allows students to choose any four out of the six Bio Foundation courses. Specialized fields of study will require specific Bio Foundations courses, please review each subplan for the specific number and 80-series courses required. 

The 80-level Bio Foundations courses must be taken for a letter grade. 

These courses provide hands-on exposure to scientific methodology and experimental design. They are inquiry-based and allow students to hone their scientific thinking and lab skills by conducting real biology research. Lab courses are designed to give a grounding in both lab research and field research. Please review each subplan for the specific number and list of required lab requirements.

Some lab courses include:

  • BIO 43,  Introduction to Laboratory Research in Neuronal Cell Biology
  • BIO 45, Introduction to Laboratory Research in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • BIO 46: Introduction to Research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (WIM course)
  • BIO 47: Introduction to Research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (WIM course)

Courses in Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Statistics will be required. Although specific requirements will vary by subplan , students can expect to take the following courses:

  • 1-6 courses in Chemistry
  • 1-3 courses in Math
  • 2-4 courses in Physics
  • 1 course in Statistics

Only one course from Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Statistics requirement may be taken credit/no credit.

Upper-level courses are offered in more specialized areas of Biology, many of them are seminar-style courses that provide opportunities to explore in depth the scientific literature and develop ideas for novel areas of research. Students have the option of pursuing a General Biology major or fulfilling specific requirements to pursue a specialized field of study. The specific number of elective requirements will vary by subplan.

General Biology and students who choose a subplan will take a unique combination of course requirements as outlined in their specific area. The fields of study are:

  • General Biology
  • Biochemistry/Biophysics
  • Cellular, Molecular, and Organismal Biology
  • Computational and Systems Biology
  • Ecology, Evolution, and Environment
  • Microbial Sciences
  • Neurosciences

All students may take one elective course credit/no credit. 

Elective courses can include additional Biofoundations, foundational lab, and 100-level Bio courses. Also included are out-of-department STEM courses from an approved out-of-department electives list , which will include most 100-level courses in STEM subjects as well as some lower-level courses. Capstone units : a maximum of 7 units of BIO 196-199/X may be counted towards the electives.

Important note: All undergraduates matriculating as first-year students in 2021-22 or later and graduating in AY 2024-25 or later must complete a capstone. Transfer students who enter AY 2022-23 or AY 2023-24 and plan to graduate in AY 2024-2025 or later will also be required to complete a capstone.  

The capstone requirement in Biology may be fulfilled via one of four options. 

Option #1 - Honors in Biology

To pursue honors, students must submit an honors petition in the fall of senior year, complete at least 10 units of BIO 199/X or BIOHOPK 199H(Undergraduate Research), have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of graduation, and present their honors thesis at the departmental Achauer Honors Research Symposium and through the Biology Virtual Showcase website.

Option #2 -  The Senior Reflection in Biology

Students interested in expressing their personal interests in biology via creative or artistic forms (such as writing, music, fine arts, performing arts, photography, film, or new media) may enroll in The Senior Reflection (BIO 196A, B, and C; all three courses are required for this track). A written proposal on the creative process and scientific significance of the selected topic is generated in the fall (BIO 196A). During the winter quarter in Bio 196B, weekly workshops support the development, production, and refinement of each project. In spring (BIO 196C), projects are finalized and curated for an exhibition, which is held at the end of the quarter. Students are also required to write a final reflection essay.

Option #3 - Independent Capstone in Biology

Students who wish to conduct an independent, individually-designed capstone project may enroll in the Senior Synthesis. Such individually-designed projects might involve research internships, business internships, travel-based study, teaching, or other forms of community service. Examples of possible products of these individually-designed capstones include the production of a teaching or business plan, a film or podcast, or a public education campaign. Students in this track will take three courses: BIO 199A, BIO 199B, and BIO 199C.

Option #4 - Approved Out-of-Department Capstone

Students may also fulfill their capstone requirement via other approved capstone programs or honors programs, provided that the student’s specific program or project contains a substantial amount of biological relevance or content. Students who wish to use this track must submit a petition to the Biology Undergraduate Studies Committee prior to the spring quarter of their junior year.

Students are required to take one of the  Biology university-approved WIM courses . WIM courses can overlap with other requirements.

Students can choose from the following options:

2023-2024- Checklist of Requirements by Subplan

  • Biochemistry & Biophysics
  • Computational and Systems Biology

2022-2023-Checklist of Requirements by Subplan

  • General Major
  • Computational Biology
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Marine Biology
  • Microbes and Immunity
  • Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
  • Neurobiology
  • Approved Out of Department Electives  (applies to the general major and all fields of study)

Older Catalog Degree Requirements

2021-2022 checklist of requirements.

  • All 2021-2022 Checklist folder

2020-2021 Checklist Requirements

  • All 2020-2021 Checklist folder

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Biology courses

Studying biology at university, example course modules.

  • Biochemistry
  • Evolution and biodiversity
  • Marine and terrestrial ecology

Plant science

  • Human physiology
  • Habitat ecology
  • Environmental issues
  • Molecular methodology for biologists
  • Cell structure and function
  • Principles of genetics

Teaching hours / week

Average for this subject

Average for all subjects

Average hours for this subject: 15 (Low 10 - High 22). Average hours for all subjects: 14.

The time you'll spend in lectures and seminars each week will vary from university to university, so use this as a guide.

Who studies this subject

  • Female : 63% Male : 37%
  • Mature : 16% School leaver : 84%
  • Full-time : 92% Part-time : 8%

biology related coursework

What students say about biology

Academic experience.

I find my biology course extremely interesting and fairly challenging. I had three areas to my course - biomolecules, genetics and physiology - all of which required around one three-hour lab practical every week. Lab practicals were scary at first for someone as shy as me but it really develops your skills and understanding and is actually really fun.

I chose the ecology pathway for my biological sciences degree. It's a whole lot better than just trees and insects. I think it's one of those pathways where if you like being outdoors and knowing what things are, how they move, what evolved from what, then you know you want to do ecology, as it was for me. Some of the course content has been common sense, whilst other bits are a lot more challenging (knowing the anatomy of flatworms and how jellyfish 'swim' needs a lot of studying), but the field trips, which have consisted of various reserves, a 'green' farm and the zoo (!) have been fantastic.

My course is quite academically intense. Although the work isn't that hard, there is a lot of it. The course covers three main areas - cells and genes, organisms, and ecology. In the first year each module is compulsory, though in the second and third years you have a choice of more specialised topics. The method of assessment is through practicals and written exams, as well as a second year project.

biology related coursework

What you need to get on a course

Subjects you need.

A-levels (or equivalent) usually required

Useful to have

  • Mathematics

Application checklist

Here's a guide to what to expect from the application process - also check individual university entry requirements, as these may differ.

  • January application
  • October application
  • Personal statement
  • Work experience

Personal statement advice

Your personal statement is a core part of your university application, and getting it just right takes time. Before you start work on yours, take a look at our five quick tips on writing a personal statement. We'll help you past that writer's block!

biology related coursework

Career prospects

Six months after graduating.

  • Sales assistants and retail cashiers

Longer term career paths

Jobs where this degree is useful.

  • MLSO (Medical Laboratory Scientific Officer)
  • Biologist (research, marine, soil etc.)
  • Embroyologist

Other real-life job examples

  • Conservation officer
  • Field trials officer
  • Investment consultant

What employers like about this subject

Studying for a degree in the diverse subject of biology means that students can learn a range of subject-specific skills including statistical skills and good laboratory practice. Transferable skills you can develop on a biology course include advanced numeracy; written and spoken communication and problem-solving skills. Biology graduates are in demand from employers such as hospitals, clinical and scientific analysts, the pharmaceutical industry, government, nature and conservation reserves, zoos and botanical gardens. If you’re aiming for a career in research, you will usually need to take a postgraduate qualification (probably a Doctorate) after your first degree.

biology related coursework

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Bangor University Logo

Related subjects to explore

Animal science, environmental management, biomedical sciences, ecology and environmental biology.

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biology related coursework

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College of Science

Biology major, study the science of life — with the world as your lab.

Megan Cook in scuba gear climbing into boat

"Traveling in international scholar exchange, diving into a field research team and being mentored in a community of inspiring peers and exceptional leaders gave me great confidence that my contributions could, should and would be impactful.”

Megan Cook (Biology '09), Manager of Education Partnerships & Programs at Ocean Exploration Trust.

The BASICS: Biology

  • Department: Integrative Biology
  • Degrees offered: Bachelor of Science, Honors Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Ph.D.
  • Online option: See Zoology for a related major that is available online
  • Biology minor: Learn more about the biology minor
  • Biology graduate program: Learn more about the graduate program

This science unravels the mysteries of living organisms, from microscopic cells to entire ecosystems. You'll delve into core principles around the growth, adaptation, genetics and interconnectedness of all life forms. Your studies will explore the science behind genetics, evolutionary processes and biodiversity while uncovering profound insights into humans' role within nature.

You’ll train for life science careers ranging from human and animal health to public policy. Thinking about grad school? You’ll be well prepared for graduate and professional programs like medical school, dental school, pharmacy school, Ph.D. programs and more. Plus, an OSU biology degree offers field, clinical and laboratory research experiences that help your resume really stand out.

Biologists apply their skills in a wide variety of professional roles. You can find biology grads in the healthcare industry as doctors, nurses, technicians and more. Many find jobs in education, teaching life science to the next generation of science leaders. Biologists also play pivotal roles in conservation efforts, examining ecosystems, pollution and strategies for sustainable resource management.

One major thing that biologists do: conduct research. Whether it's delving into laboratories or the field to uncover the secrets of life, researchers study DNA, investigate how organisms adapt to their environments, explore the behaviors of animals and so much more. Here at OSU, our own researchers in the Department of Integrative Biology are hard at work in the following areas, pursuing science that can change the future for the better:

  • Biodiversity
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Organismal biology

Check out our department's research

Microscopic view of pink cervix cells as studied by biology majors

The PROGRAM: Studying biology at Oregon State

At OSU, you have the opportunity to learn from award-winning instructors. Our globally recognized Department of Integrative Biology is home to a diverse array of impactful research and our faculty are eager to help students discover their passions.

Biology degree options

Eight degree transcript-visible options offer better learning experiences that matter to you. For example, our popular marine biology option gives you the opportunity to spend a term studying at the Oregon Coast at the Hatfield Marine Science Center , while pre-medicine students can participate in the OSU Medical Preceptorship.

Fun fact: Our medical school acceptance rate is 67 percent, well above the national average of 40 percent!

Ecology is the study of the physical and biological factors that affect the distribution and abundance of organisms, and ecological knowledge is essential to fields such as conservation biology, environmental sciences and others. Completion of the biology major and the coursework in the ecology option provides a solid foundation for jobs in research agencies, nongovernmental organizations, environmental consulting companies and academia, as well as for admission to graduate school. The ecology option coursework covers the Biology and Society, Organismal Biology, Physiology, Writing Intensive Course (WIC) and upper division science electives for the Biology major. Students are encouraged to gain professional experience before graduation.

The Genetics option emphasizes the application of genetics theory and methods to evolutionary questions. It is an excellent way to prepare for graduate programs in genetics and evolutionary biology. The option combines the upper-division science electives for the biology major with tailored courses in genomics, advanced genetics, bioinformatics, statistics and computer science.

The Pre-Education in Biology option provides innovative and cutting-edge teaching and learning experiences such as a unique opportunity to work collaboratively with faculty in delivering biological science instruction at the college level. This option meets the requirements for most graduate teacher licensure programs. The coursework prepares students for endorsements to teach middle school integrated science and high school chemistry and biology. This option is especially valuable for students aspiring to teach biology in a high school (AP) or community college setting.

Oceans produce more than 70% of the oxygen on earth, are home to more than 300,000 different species, and are critical to the survival of the human race and our planet. You can study the implications of this and more in the marine biology option in the biology major. The marine biology option couples the comprehensive core of the Biology major with intensive marine courses covering topics such as biological oceanography, marine ecology, invertebrate zoology, conservation biology, marine field research methods and other areas. In the program you will be exposed to field and laboratory research ranging from invasive species to coral genetics. As an immersive and transformative educational experience, you will spend one or more terms in residence at the renowned Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) in Newport, Oregon, to complete the BI 450 Marine Biology and Ecology course in the Marine Biology option. You can also participate in one of the many marine international internships and study abroad experiences available to marine biology option students in countries ranging from Australia to South Africa.

The Physiology and Behavior option emphasizes the integrative and comparative biology of animals. It explores how animals, including humans, contend with the challenges of life through their physiology and behavior. This option prepares students very well for graduate programs and research careers in physiology, behavior and organismal biology. Students can choose to work closely with a faculty mentor to conduct research in a physiology or organismal biology lab.

The Pre-Medicine option in Biology has two tracks. Track I: Pre-Medicine is designed for students interested in becoming a physician, and Track II: Pre-Physician Assistant, which is designed for students interested in becoming a physician assistant.

Students pursuing the pre-medicine option receive professional and academic advising support to chart their course to medical school.

The Pre-Dentistry option provides relevant coursework, workshops, academic advising support and outstanding clinical, volunteer, internship and international study opportunities to prepare students for competitive dentistry programs. Coursework emphasizes upper division science elective courses in the biology major as well as writing intensive courses to improve cross-cultural communication skills and critical thinking, which are valued for admission to medical and dental schools.

The Biology major Pre-Veterinary Medicine option is designed to meet OSU College of Veterinary Medicine prerequisites and other U.S. veterinary schools. The Pre-Veterinary Medicine option couples the strong biological sciences background of the biology major with core animal anatomy and physiology laboratories and animal science-focused electives. Dedicated professional advisors work with Pre-Veterinary Medicine option students to integrate animal handling and other essential professional experiences during their time at OSU.

Learn more about your biology curriculum

Wondering what kind of classes you'll take? Your biology major includes in-depth curriculum, including courses like

  • Introduction to Marine Life in the Sea: Marine Habitats
  • Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology

Biology courses

Want to know more about coursework requirements? Use the OSU Catalog to learn more about:

  • your typical sequence of courses
  • what pre-requisite courses you'll need
  • your major's core curriculum

Biology course requirements

What does your four-year course load look like as a biology major? Check out this sample plan for one example of how to map out your academic journey.

Biology: sample plan

Watch: meet a biology major.

Meet Lily, a third-year biology major at Oregon State University’s College of Science. Her dream of helping the planet is what motivated her to choose OSU’s biology degree program. Thanks to undergraduate research opportunities and superior learning resources here at Team Science, Lily’s prepared for an incredible future career in biology.

The EXPERIENCE: Hands-on opportunities

From research labs to student clubs, every biology major has an opportunity to explore and deepen their interests in science and community outreach while enhancing their professional development and acquiring valuable leadership skills. Science is often a competitive career field — these experiences give you the real-world skills to support your future goals.

Undergraduate Research

This is your chance to see up close what it means to be a scientist. Don’t just study science in the classroom — get in a lab and contribute to it, working alongside world-class faculty!

Learn why undergraduate research is better here


Internships serve as your perfect transitional experience into a career field. Gain real-world career experience while exploring the career possibilities your degree opens up.

Learn about amazing internship opportunities

Study abroad.

Our students’ work spans the globe! Immerse yourself in another culture to gain a global perspective in your studies.

Fun fact: The Department of Integrative Biology is a campus leader in study abroad — our students make up a large portion of total OSU majors studying abroad. Participate in a wide variety of abroad experiences around the world in STEM or other areas of interest.

Take your science studies around the world


Here’s your chance to discover like-minded communities of peers who share your interests! Come together and engage in meaningful ways.

Connect with a club and more members of Team Science

The support: learning resources for science students.

Team Science is here to help you thrive. Our student support is another reason we always say, "science is better at Oregon State." You'll have access to a huge array of support services and resources designed to thrive both in and out of the classroom. Here are some places to get started:

Student resources

At OSU, support comes in a LOT of forms — here's where to start. From our Science Success Center to health and wellness resources, connect with the support you need to thrive as a college student.

Check out our student resources page

Learning assistant (la) program.

Love learning in smaller, collaborative group settings? Our Learning Assistant Program combines small-school attention with big-school resources. Your LA group replaces traditional lecture formats with active learning strategies, maximizing the way you engage with your STEM courses.

Explore our Learning Assistant Program

Tutoring centers.

Our tutoring centers are welcoming, friendly spaces where peer and faculty mentors offer guidance and share study techniques to help you grasp course materials and improve your academic performance.

Learn more about our science-focused tutoring centers

The Department of Integrative Biology advising team is dedicated to supporting your academic journey. Their personalized attention helps you develop and implement a plan to achieve your educational, life and professional goals. From navigating degree requirements to connecting with campus opportunities, your advisor will help you make the very most of your OSU experience.

Visit the department's advising page

And of course, you can always reach out to our student Peer Advisors at [email protected] with questions, as well! Our Peer Advisor team is friendly, helpful and can share their first-hand knowledge of the Oregon State experience.

The PAYOFF: Careers in biology

What jobs can you get with a biology degree.

More and more, biologists play important roles in solving some of the most pressing societal and global challenges. From animal and human health care to conservation and preservation, a biology degree opens you diverse and expanding career opportunities. After graduating from OSU, our alumni have embarked on a huge number of career paths.

Here are just several examples of career pathways our biology alumni have followed:

  • Glaucoma Fellow | OHSU Casey Eye Institute
  • Dental officers, biologists and forensic scientists | U.S. Government
  • Medical students | Duke University , Oregon Health & Science University , University of Washington
  • Graduate students | UC Berkeley , UC San Diego , Emory University
  • Family Medicine Doctor | Oregon Health and Science University
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer | University of Colorado Health
  • Alcohol and Drug Counselor | US Air Force
  • Ambulatory Resident | Cornell University
  • Shellfish Sampler | Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • Aquarist | Children’s Aquarium at Fair Park
  • Clinical Pharmacist | Oregon Health and Science University
  • Pediatrician | Beverly Hills Pediatrics
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist | American Refugee Committee

The PROOF: Successful students and alumni

biology related coursework

Simone Burton, an Honors biology major with an option in marine biology, has pushed through more obstacles than she could have imagined only four years ago. Now, she is confident that she will find a powerful way to protect marine life through a career in conservation, science communication and outreach.

biology related coursework

For Lily Miksell, the Alexei Lubchenco Menge Undergraduate Research Fellowship presented an exciting opportunity to pursue her interests in ecology and conservation.

biology related coursework

Julia Zavala is one of seven undergraduate students at Oregon State University to have been awarded a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship during the 2020-2021 academic year. The honors biology senior will undertake a paid 10-week pre-med internship in Cordoba, Argentina, during summer 2021 where she will gain a global perspective on healthcare. Oregon State enjoys the distinction of being a top producer of Gilman Scholars. With seven honorees, OSU continues its trend of having students accepted at or greater than the national rate of 25%.

biology related coursework

Oregon State University and the College of Science are thrilled to congratulate biochemistry and molecular biology Honors student Maja Engler and biology alumna Emily Newton on receiving the 2021-2022 Fulbright Award.

biology related coursework

Mahtab Singh Brar ('20) an OSU Honors biology major and pre-med graduate, began medical school at OHSU in the fall to launch his career in medicine.

biology related coursework

The Integrative Biology department hosted a virtual "ask me anything" information session on Tuesday, May 5 for admitted College of Science students.

APPLY NOW and more

  • The graduate program
  • Transfer students: Join Team Science as a biology major
  • Current students: Make biology your major
  • Visit the Dept. of Integrative Biology website
  • Apply to OSU as a biology major!

Download Biology brochure 2022 (PDF)

CNAS Undergraduate Academic Advising Center

Guiding Your Academic Success

biology related coursework

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Best Courses after 12th Biology - Eligibility, Fees, Career Options

The medical and healthcare field is a fast-growing industry that requires professionals who have completed the medical course. Students wishing to pursue a career in it have various courses after 12th Biology to choose from. However, there are a few things students need to consider depending on their interests.

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Best Courses after 12th Biology - Eligibility, Fees, Career Options

It is important to choose the right course after 12th, as it can lead to a rewarding career right after completion. A rewarding career is imperative for a person's overall career satisfaction. G enerally, Biology is a mandatory subject for most medical courses after 12th Biology. This article lists all the Biology students' career options. Students can read about them in detail and choose their career path. NEET is conducted for admission to MBBS , BDS , BHMS , BUMS , and BAMS medical courses after 12 class Biology.

Other alternative courses are the allied medical and paramedical courses after 12th Science which can be pursued without NEET. Candidates can make a good career in the medical field by choosing any Biology course after 12. Read further to get the details of courses after 12th Biology and career opportunities for these courses.

List of Best Courses after 12th Biology:

1. mbbs (bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery).

MBBS is one of the most prominent courses after 12th Biology. It is a combination of two professional degrees a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. It is a five-year course which comprises basic, pre and para-clinical subjects. NEET-UG is the entrance exam for MBBS admission in India after class 12. The standard protocols of patient management and the best treatment options are taught during these five years.

An internship is mandatory after completing the courses after 12th science Biology where students tackle various specialties for 12 months so they can get experience of the ward and patient management. After completing MBBS, candidates can go for the specialized fields to pursue an MD or an MS. After completing the course, candidates can practice medicine.

2. BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery)

Dentistry is another popular subset of the medical industry with a wide scope. BDS is a professional degree of 5 years of study including 1 year of Internship. It is one of the leading courses after 12th biology. BDS Colleges in India offer seats for this course through the NEET exam.

This degree is related to dental practices such as the treatment of all the diseases, malformations, and injuries of teeth and jaws of human beings. It's a course with a combination of clinical dentistry, general medicine, and surgery with in-depth knowledge.

After BDS one can either work as a dentist in a hospital or open own private dental clinic. Candidates can also continue their studies with PG and specialized courses.

3. B.VSc ( Bachelor of Veterinary Science)

It is a 5-year undergraduate course in veterinary science and one of the high-in-demand courses after 12th biology after MBBS and BDS. One must pass class 12th class with physics , chemistry , and biology as major subjects. Candidates are trained to diagnose diseases and treatment of diseases of animals and birds.

Veterinary doctors are in high demand at government veterinary hospitals and clinics, wildlife sanctuaries, zoos, poultry farms and dairy farms for health welfare and treatment of animals and birds. After completing this course, one can easily make a career with these tremendous opportunities.

4. BAMS ( Bachelor of Ayurvedic, Medicine and Surgery )

BAMS stands for Bachelor of Ayurvedic, Medicine and Surgery. It is an undergraduate course in Ayurvedic medicine and surgery. Ayurveda science was introduced in India and is a widely preferred alternative to allopathic medical practices.

This course comprises 4.5 years of study and 1 year of compulsory internship. Increasing demand for Ayurvedic doctors is providing various career opportunities for BAMS candidates who can open their own clinic or join any Ayurvedic hospital after completing their course.

5. BHMS ( Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery )

Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery is a 5.5-year-long professional course among the eminent c ourses after 12th Biology , comprising 4.5 years for academic study and 1 year for a compulsory internship in a hospital to gain practical exposure. Homeopathic was founded in Germany. The admission process is conducted based on a merit system.

In this course, candidates are trained for the homeopathic medical system. After BHMS, candidates can use Doctor as a prefix with their name. Homeopathy is increasingly gaining popularity as another alternative to allopathic medicine. In this, the root cause of the disease is looked at without any side effects. However, the treatments are slow and take longer than other practices.

6. BUMS ( Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery)

Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery is a 5.5-year comprehensive course based on the Unani medicine system. 4.5 years are dedicated to academic study and 1 year to an internship. Candidates who have studied the Urdu language in class 12th are given preference over the others. Candidates should be a minimum of 17 years old to get admission to this course. Vast career opportunities are available in India and abroad for BUMS candidates.

7. BPharm ( Bachelor of Pharmacy)

Bachelor of Pharmacy is a four-year course to practice as a pharmacist. It is one of the most popular courses after 12th biology . Candidate must have an aggregate of 50% marks in 12th with biology as a major subject to pursue this course.

There is a wide scope for B. Pharm. candidates in India as well as foreign countries. One can work as a pharmacist, or patient counsellor or continue further studies such as a Master’s degree.

8. BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy)

BPT or B.Pth, both stand for Bachelor of Physiotherapy. It is a 4-year long undergraduate course including 6 months of internship. It is one of the best physiotherapy courses among the courses after 12th biology .

Candidates are taught massage therapy, physical exercises, electrotherapy, and improving patients' health and movement during this course. BPT candidates can work in hospitals, health centers, sports fields gyms, etc. One can also start his physiotherapy clinic.

9. Pharm D ( Doctor of Pharmacy )

Doctor of Pharmacy is commonly termed as Pharm D. It is a 6-year-long postgraduate course in pharmacy, comprising 5 years of academic study and 1 year of internship. Diploma-holder candidates or 12th-pass science students are eligible to pursue this course.

During the course, candidates are taught clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical care, healthcare pharmacy practice, etc. B Pharm candidates can complete this course in 3 years. Candidates can opt from the list of Pharm D Colleges in India to pursue this course.

Pharm D candidates have the option to work in hospitals, community health centres, and nursing homes or they can also practice as a private pharmacist.

10. BASLP ( Bachelor of Audiology Speech Language Pathology)

It is a 4 year-long undergraduate course commonly termed BASLP. This course is subdivided into two parts, 3 years for academic study and 1 year for the internship. This course trains the candidates to diagnose and treat people suffering from speech and hearing disorders.

After completing this course candidates will become audiologists and speech-language pathologists and they can work in government hospitals, NGOs private hospitals, etc.

11. BSMS ( Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery )

Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery or BSMS is 5.5 years 5.5-year undergraduate course including an internship for 1 year. This course is based on the Siddha Medicine system which is the most ancient among all the medicine systems.

BSMS-passed candidates will be called a doctor and they can start their clinic. They can also work as a Siddha doctor in private and government hospitals. He/she can also opt for higher studies.

12. BNYS ( Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yoga)

BNYS is a 4.5-year-long undergraduate course in integrative medicine systems including 1 year of internship. In these biology-related courses after 12th, naturopathic medicine and modern science are studied by the candidates.

Several colleges and universities are available to pursue this course. BNYS doctors are high in demand in India and foreign countries. He/she can practice as a general practitioner (GP) and naturopathy specialist.

Other C ourses after 12th Biology

After 12th with science subjects, candidates can choose among the following medical courses without NEET:

  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Biomedical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
  • Bachelor of Science in Cardiac or Cardiovascular Technology
  • Bachelor of Perfusion Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Bachelor's in Psychology

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Students can lend a good job with courses after 12th science biology. Biology offers some of the finest career options.

Students can choose from Bachelor of Veterinary Science (B.VSc), BDS, BAMS, BHMS, and others.

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Counselling Date : 12 July,2024 - 23 July,2024

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Questions related to M.B.B.S.

Its never too late.  So what if you are 22 . If you have dedication abd strong will you may start for preparing neet and then for mbbs .

First of all you will have pass out class xii in science stream with minimum 50 percent marks in physics,  chemistry and biology .

Then you can apply for neet , you can apply while studying class xii .

Now how many  year's will you take fir becoming a doctor depends upon your performance.

If you qualify neet with good score In first attempt then it will take 5.5 years to complete mbbs .

Hello aspirant

Sorry to say but you won't get mbbs seat with 319 marks even in private colleges .

Addmisdi9ns to medical courses and colleges depends upon neet cut off . Cut off changes every year and depends upon certain factors such as number of candidates appeared in exam,  Toughness level of exam,  seat intake and previous year's cut off etc.

This year cut off is high. Neet ug 2024 qualifying marks for General category candidate is 50th percentile ie score between 720-164.

You may try for bams or bhms courses in private colleges .

For rank and college prediction you may visit the links given below

Hello student

For neet ug 2024 , the Counselling process has been postponed until further notice . AIQ , All India quota seat Counselling was originally set to ve commenced on July 6, 2024 but it has been delayed .

The Supreme Court led by CJI DY chandrachud , refused to postpone the neet ug counselling.

It is estimated that neet ug Counselling 2024 will start in third week of July 2024.

Under 25k is a decent rank, allowing you to secure a seat in good government colleges in your state and several reputed private colleges.i suggest you to go for state quota other tan u.p because here rank inflation is high.

For choice of college If you want to study in good quality deemed university rather than studying in lower ranking or recently started government medical colleges. you should place deemed university colleges before the low ranking govt colleges.

Similarly, if you are have Delhi State domicile, then place Delhi University quota or Indraprastha University quota for Delhi medical colleges before adding other state medical colleges under All India Quota this ensures high chances of getting good college.

Hello aspirant,

The cost of an MBBS degree curriculum varies from university to university and is primarily determined by the kind of institution. Students should review the cost structure of each college before enrolling; nonetheless, tuition might range from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 90 Lakhs.

To know fees structure of top mbbs colleges of India, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Hope this information helps you.

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Economic Times

Courses in Biology


  • 130 results
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Biological Sciences

University of Aberdeen

BSc (Hons) · 4 Years · Full-time · Aberdeen · 2025

Tariff points: N/A

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Aberystwyth University

BSc (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Aberystwyth · 2025

Tariff points: 104/120

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Wildlife and Conservation

Activate Learning

FdSc · 2 Years · Full-time · Guildford · 2024

Tariff points: 64/64

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Anglia Ruskin University

BSc (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 2025

Tariff points: 112/112

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Conservation and Community Engagement

ARU Writtle (formerly Writtle University College)

BSc (Hons) · 6 Years · Part-time · Chelmsford · 2024

Tariff points: 96/96

Conservation and Ecology (top-up)

University Centre Askham Bryan

BSc (Hons) · 1 Year · Full-time · York · 2025

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Aston University, Birmingham

BSc (Hons) · 4 Years · Sandwich · Birmingham · 2025

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Applied Terrestrial and Marine Ecology

Bangor University

BSc (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Bangor, Gwynedd · 2023

Tariff points: 80/120

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Animal Management

Barnsley College University Centre

FdSc · 2 Years · Full-time · Barnsley · 2024

Tariff points: 48/48

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Bath Spa University

BSc (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Bath · 2025

Tariff points: 104/128

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University of Bath

Bedfordshire International Foundation Year (Life Sciences and Psychology)

University of Bedfordshire

FY · 1 Year · Full-time · Luton · 2025

Tariff points: 32/56

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Bioscience and Health

Birkbeck, University of London

BSc (Hons) · 6 Years · Part-time · London · 2025

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Biomedical Engineering

Birmingham City University

BEng (Hon) · 3 Years · Full-time · Birmingham · 2025

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University of Birmingham

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Animal Behaviour and Wildlife Conservation

University Centre Bishop Burton

BSc (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Beverley · 2025

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Marine Biology

Blackpool and the Fylde College

FdSc · 2 Years · Full-time · Blackpool · 2023

Tariff points: 80/80

University of Bolton

BEng (Hon) · 3 Years · Full-time · Bolton · 2025

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Applied Sciences

Bournemouth and Poole College

HNC · 1 Year · Full-time · Poole · 2025

Bournemouth University

BSc (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Poole · 2025

  • Undergraduate

Forensic Biology, B.S.

Deep within nearly every cell in your body is a unique set of genetic markers, a particular combination sets you apart as one in a quadrillion or more.

When a crime occurs, recovering those genetic markers and determining who they belong to is a job for forensic biologists. They take that precious genetic material, extract it and rely on rigorous, experimental science to determine who it likely came from. The Forensic Biology major prepares students to do exactly this, with a curriculum providing fundamental understanding of biology and genetics paired with cutting-edge investigative and laboratory career skills.

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Program overview.

Program Delivery: On-campus

In many forensic investigations, biologically-based evidence is the most critical piece to solving the case. Positively identifying unknown materials as human body fluids can demonstrate that someone was injured, that a piece of clothing was worn or that an object was held in someone’s mouth. The development of DNA profiling in the 1980s and 1990s made the analysis of biological evidence from crime scenes even more important, as it gives analysts the ability to identify the source of biological material with extraordinary precision. Currently, DNA analysis stands as the gold standard of a rigorously science-based field under the greater umbrella of forensic science.

As part of that gold standard, Forensic Biology majors are trained as scientists, spending their first two years building a strong base of chemistry, math, physics and the core biology topics of ecology, evolution, organismal physiology and the beginning of cell biology. In their junior and senior years, students build on that foundation by focusing on cell biology, genetics and biochemistry as the essential knowledge to be effective practitioners. This curriculum ensures graduates meet the educational requirements set by the FBI to be DNA analysts.

However, there is more to forensic biology than merely DNA. Death investigators apply a mix of classical investigative techniques and biological knowledge to help medical examiners determine cause and manner of death.

On the forensic side of forensic biology, students learn basic evidence collection and preservation skills, practical microscopy skills and current methods for biological fluid analysis (serology). These skills, particularly the critical documentation and reporting skills, are used repeatedly across the curriculum and are also used extensively in the departmentally-facilitated internship experience between the junior and senior year. The internship experience often helps students network and prepare for formal employment, and further develop their career goals. Students can then choose elective courses that fit their interests, skills and future career goals.


Explore the WVU Difference through this program's academic, research, and student life opportunities.

  • Full accreditation, Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission, 2024
  • Fully functioning DNA analysis laboratory with state-of-the-art instrumentation to include 7,500 Real Time PCR and 3500 Genetic Analyzer.
  • Utilization of most current FBI CODIS core loci kit chemistries.
  • Four crime scene houses for training investigators – the largest in the nation.
  • Vehicle processing garage.
  • Partnerships with more than 200 vetted forensic internship sites around the U.S.
  • All teaching faculty have a mix of practical experience and academic credentials, with 300+ years of combined experience.
  • As one of the original SpeakWrite certified departments, communication skills such as writing and presenting are emphasized throughout the entire curriculum.
  • Agreement with FBI-Criminal Justice Information Services division includes FBI instructor-led training in fingerprint classification.
  • Nikon Camera Locker Program provides access to state-of-the art cameras throughout the undergraduate program.
  • Applied BioSystems partnership supports DNA extraction and profiling at the undergraduate level.
  • Cogent Systems Automated Fingerprint Identification System access and training.
  • Hemospat, Inc. offers access to professional-grade blood stain pattern reconstruction software.
  • J. Edgar Hoover Foundation Scholarships: Two two-year partial scholarships awarded to juniors demonstrating financial need and academic excellence.
  • International Association for Identification Collection , located in the WVU Libraries, includes the research library of the organization and resources dating to the 19th century.
  • ForensicsNETbase , an online repository of forensic science texts from publisher Taylor-Frances/CRC, is available through the WVU Libraries.
  • Case analysis in partnership with the West Virginia Innocence Project and the WVU College of Law .
  • Relationships with WVU Pathology Assistant Program, State Fire Marshall’s Office, Marshall University Forensic Science Center and the West Virginia State Police Crime Laboratory.
  • Forensic photography laboratory with full overhead lighting tracks.
  • Decomposition and remains excavation training site at the WVU Horticultural Farm.
  • Earn academic credit through Eberly internship courses .
  • 500+ scholarships awarded annually by the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Academic Enrichment Program offers funding for activities that complement, extend and enhance your academic experience.
  • Student Orgs
  • Professional Orgs

Living Learning Communities

Find a community where you can live with others who share your interests. You will have opportunities to connect with faculty, staff and professionals in areas aligned with your LLC's emphasis. Learn more about WVU Living Learning Communities.

  • True Colors Community

Student Organizations

To explore more organizations, visit WVUEngage where you can browse and manage organizations, find events, and showcase your involvement.

  • WVU Forensic and Investigative Science Club Facebook Twitter Website

ProfOrgs and Assistantships

Professional organizations.

Network with professionals in your field as a student member of:

  • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
  • Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists
  • International Association for Identification
  • Chesapeake Bay Division, International Association for Identification
  • American Board of Criminalistics
  • Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners

Research and Opportunities

Most Forensic and Investigative Science faculty accept and encourage undergraduate research. Undergraduates have presented research at both regional and national conferences. Some recent areas of undergraduate research that students may assist graduate students with are:

  • Rapid analysis of DNA mixtures
  • Male DNA recovery from sexual assault samples
  • DNA preservation in entomological samples
  • DNA mixture interpretation software analysis
  • Biological fluid analysis using epigenetic loci
  • Recovery of biological fluids utilizing the MVAC wet-vacuum system

Depending on the project, undergraduates can begin research as soon as their freshman year. Some projects can go on for several years, even sparking an interesting graduate project. Many Forensic Biology students have taken part in the WVU Undergraduate Research Office’s Research Apprenticeship Program and Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program , depending on their interests.

Explore a few of our popular courses.

Featured Courses

Fis 201 : introduction to forensic identification, fis 305 : biological evidence for forensic examiners, fis 314 : introduction to microscopy, fis 485 : professional ethics in forensic science, biol 324 : molecular genetics, biol 432 : forensic biology, palm 200 : medical terminology.

For capstone projects in Forensic Biology, students take a piece of evidence from the crime scene all the way through laboratory analysis and courtroom testimony. This generally takes the form of collection, preservation, extraction, profiling and analysis of an unknown genetic sample. Students then work with professors, lawyers and law students to craft a strong piece of testimony and to prepare for the rigor of cross examination. This project requires students to demonstrate mastery of all the skills that they might need to be successful in a crime laboratory or even investigative position.

Explore Career Paths

How does this degree prepare students for a career?

Direct activities such as autopsies, pathological and toxicological analyses, and inquests relating to the investigation of deaths occurring within a legal jurisdiction to determine cause of death or to fix responsibility for accidental, violent, or unexplained deaths.

Also called: Coroner, County Coroner, Deputy Coroner, Medical Examiner

Detectives and Criminal Investigators

Investigate alleged or suspected criminal violations of Federal, state, or local laws to determine if evidence is sufficient to recommend prosecution.

Also called: Criminal Investigator, Detective, Investigator, Special Agent

Fire Inspectors and Investigators

Conduct investigations to determine causes of fires and explosions.

Also called: Arson Investigator, Fire Investigator, Fire Marshal, State Fire Marshal

Forensic Science Technicians

Collect, identify, classify, and analyze physical evidence related to criminal investigations. Perform tests on weapons or substances, such as fiber, hair, and tissue to determine significance to investigation. May testify as expert witnesses on evidence or crime laboratory techniques. May serve as specialists in area of expertise, such as ballistics, fingerprinting, handwriting, or biochemistry.

Also called: Crime Laboratory Analyst, Crime Scene Technician (Crime Scene Tech), CSI (Crime Scene Investigator), Forensic Scientist

Intelligence Analysts

Gather, analyze, or evaluate information from a variety of sources, such as law enforcement databases, surveillance, intelligence networks or geographic information systems. Use intelligence data to anticipate and prevent organized crime activities, such as terrorism.

Also called: Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Criminal Research Specialist, Intelligence Analyst, Supervisor Intelligence Analyst

Police Identification and Records Officers

Collect evidence at crime scene, classify and identify fingerprints, and photograph evidence for use in criminal and civil cases.

Also called: Crime Scene Investigator, Crime Scene Technician, Criminalist, Forensic Specialist

Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts

Obtain evidence, take statements, produce reports, and testify to findings regarding resolution of fraud allegations. May coordinate fraud detection and prevention activities.

Also called: Certified Fraud Examiner, Inspector General, Investigator, Special Agent

Graduates from this major have gone to work at:

  • West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory
  • Massachusetts State Police Crime Laboratory
  • Sorenson BioScience
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Marshall University Forensic Science Center
  • U.S. Federal Government

Related Majors

Launch your career with a bachelor’s degree from WVU in one of 140+ majors. We have everything from accounting to world languages. Consider adding a second major or a minor (or two!) from these related paths.

Biology, Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science programs available

When you explore biology, you begin to understand the extraordinary nature of the world — from genes to ecosystems, molecules and cells, structure and function, organisms and their environments.

Through in-depth instruction at the cutting-edge of our discipline, hands-on research conducted with award-winning faculty and experience with next-generation resources and equipment, Biology majors at WVU learn to question, experiment and innovate. We provide all the opportunities of a large university with a small college feel.

As a Biology major, your career goals may include biological research, medical school, pharmacy, business or education. Students interested in health professions also have access to additional information and advice through the Pre-Health Advising and Professional Development Office .

Chemistry, Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science programs available

When you understand chemistry, you begin to understand the extraordinary nature of the world down to its most basic particles. Chemistry is the science of the materials we use, the medicine we take, the environment we live in and the food we eat. Our Department gives you the opportunity to learn skills that will lead to tomorrow’s discoveries. Through in-depth instruction, hands-on research and independent projects conducted with award-winning faculty, you will learn to question, experiment and innovate.

Students with an undergraduate chemistry degree pursue a variety of careers. Our graduates have successfully found jobs in industries like pharmacy, manufacturing, government and public service, and in government facilities. Basically, any career that benefits from a solid science background is an option. Many students go on to medical school or pharmacy school, and others earn graduate degrees in other STEM fields as well as journalism, law, public service and manufacturing. We offer a Bennett Careers for Chemists program every April to provide students with the perspective and advice of professionals in several careers.

The Department provides strong interaction between faculty and Chemistry majors. Students are encouraged to take Chemistry Research (CHEM 497) as part of their coursework to further develop connections with faculty. In this course, you work in a research lab with close supervision of a faculty supervisor, and possibly a postdoctoral associate or graduate student. The undergraduate research experience is especially advantageous for students planning to apply to medical or pharmacy schools, as well as to chemistry graduate programs.

Forensic Chemistry, Bachelor of Science

For the past 20 years, the WVU Department of Forensic and Investigative Science has been a national leader in forensic science education and research. Collectively, our dedicated faculty has decades of experience in forensic laboratories from across the U.S. and the world. Our graduates are working every day to make a difference.

This accredited program prepares students for in-demand careers in forensic chemistry and related fields. The focus is hands-on analytical methodology and instrumentation in the forensic context. The rigorous scientific core of the program provides excellent preparation for graduate work in forensic science, forensic chemistry or toxicology and related disciplines.

Forensic Examiner, Bachelor of Science

Just 100 years ago, forensic investigation of even the most complicated crimes relied on little more than a notebook, perhaps a photograph or two and some common sense.

Today, the practice of examining and identifying evidence involves a sometimes bewildering array of technology and equipment. Teams of specialists work together to generate the critical information needed to solve a case. It requires a surprising depth of scientific and professional knowledge to be a successful part of this modern process.

Forensic Examiner students are treated as scientists first. Investigators and laboratory analysts need to understand how their tools work, both to get maximum performance and so that they can effectively defend their choices on the witness stand. To meet this goal, students spend two years mastering fundamental biology, chemistry and physics. Math and statistics, more important now than ever, are also essential parts of the STEM curriculum for future forensic scientists.

After building that strong foundation, students move into two years of specialized courses emphasizing professional skills and applications. These courses are taught by a faculty with a variety of deep skill sets, both in practical casework and in academic research and understanding, and with an average course size fewer than 20 students.

In the two-semester crime scene investigation course progression, students gain the practical skills to identify, collect and preserve evidence at even the most unusual crime scenes. World-class facilities such as the four crime scene houses, vehicle garage and large collection of staging props make these classroom experiences as realistic as possible.

Beyond the scene, core laboratory competencies for investigators such as fingerprint development and classification, photography, microscopy and documentation are integrated across the curriculum, so that they are repeatedly practiced and deeply mastered. A departmentally-facilitated internship makes use of those skills in a real, professional environment before graduation, helping hone skills and focus student interest.

Based on their individual interests and skills, students can shape their curriculum to best suit their goals through their elective courses. That could be an interest in pattern evidence like firearms evidence or footprints, or it might lean more into investigative skills such as bloodstain pattern analysis or gravesite recovery.

Psychology, Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science programs available

Psychology is the science of behavior. Courses convey the principles, methods and theories necessary for a better understanding of human and animal behaviors.

Studying Psychology allows you to work toward a liberal arts degree rather than a specialized degree that prepares you for a specific type of job. The major allows you to increase your intrapersonal and interpersonal understanding and develop problem-solving, project management and information literacy skills.

Typically, students tailor their schedules according to their future career paths, which generally fall into three categories: graduate studies, a career applying principles of psychology to human problems or a career in a non-related field.

Criminology , Bachelor of Arts

Criminology focuses on the social roots and implications of criminal behavior and the operation of the criminal justice system. You will learn to apply the theoretical and methodological tools of sociology to make sense of crime and social control in modern society, while selecting from a variety of course topics. These include:

  • juvenile delinquency
  • street crime and gangs
  • corporate and white collar crime
  • drug use and abuse
  • media and crime
  • the culture of police work
  • punishment and social control

Its sociological approach to crime distinguishes criminology from the related field of criminal justice, which emphasizes the procedural activities of criminal justice agencies. Criminology treats crime as the product of complex social forces, seeking to understand why laws are made in the first place, how and why these laws are violated and how society responds when laws are broken. This holistic societal perspective prepares you to pursue a broad range of careers or graduate study/professional training.

Biochemistry, Bachelor of Science

An interdisciplinary science, biochemistry is the study of living organisms and is essential in creating and testing new foods, drugs and agricultural techniques. It's ideal if you are interested in pursuing a career in a variety of health professions.

In addition to gaining basic and advanced scientific knowledge, Biochemistry students also graduate with degrees certified by either the American Chemical Society or the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

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GCSE Biology:Transcription and Translation

GCSE Biology:Transcription and Translation

Subject: Biology

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

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11 July 2024

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This presentation covers OCR Gateway Biology 9-1 B1.2.2 Transcription and Translation

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  • The role of proteins and AI
  • Proteins as polymers
  • Explaining transcription
  • mRNA and complementary bases
  • Explaining translation

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Trial of cell-based therapy for high-risk lymphoma leads to FDA breakthrough designation

In an early Stanford Medicine study, CAR-T cell therapy helps some with intractable lymphoma, but those who relapse have few options. Modifying the therapy’s molecular target improved response.

July 9, 2024 - By Krista Conger


T cell attacking a cancer cell. Meletios Verras/ 

CAR-T cell therapy, which targets a specific protein on the surface of cancer cells, causes tumors to shrink or disappear in about half of patients with large B-cell lymphoma who haven’t experienced improvement with chemotherapy treatments.

But if this CAR-T treatment fails, or the cancer returns yet again — as happens in approximately half of people — the prognosis is dire. The median survival time after relapse is about six months.

Now, a phase 1 clinical trial at Stanford Medicine has found that a new CAR-T cell therapy that targets a different protein on the surface of the cancer cells significantly improved these patients’ outcomes: Over half of 38 people enrolled in the trial — 37 of whom had already relapsed from the original CAR-T therapy — experienced a complete response of their cancers. More than half of all treated patients lived at least two years after treatment.

“On average, the patients enrolled in this trial had received four previous lines of therapy,” said assistant professor of medicine and the trial’s principal investigator Matthew Frank , MD, PhD. “These patients are out of likely curative options, and they are scared. Half of them will die within five to six months. But in this trial, we saw a very high rate of durable complete responses, meaning their cancers became undetectable.”

‘Breakthrough therapy’

The original CAR-T therapy, approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2017, involves removing immune cells from the patient and inserting a gene to help the cells attack a protein called CD19 on the surface of the lymphoma cells. The new version of the therapy instead targets a molecule called CD22.

In September 2022, the FDA designated CD22-targeting CAR-T therapy for large B-cell lymphoma a Breakthrough Therapy, a move that is meant to speed the development and review of particularly promising drugs that may provide a substantial improvement over existing therapies for serious conditions. 

The study was devised and conducted entirely at Stanford Medicine.

“This trial was an example of what it means to take an idea from preclinical studies in animals all the way into the patient at an academic medical center,” said David Miklos , MD, PhD, professor of medicine and chief of bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy. “Remarkably, the FDA — after reviewing our preliminary data — contacted us to urge us to apply for breakthrough therapy designation, rather than waiting for us to approach them. This will help us significantly as we move into larger clinical trials.”

A larger, phase 2 trial led by Frank is now ongoing at multiple sites around the country.

Miklos is the senior author of the study , which was published July 9 in The Lancet . Frank; assistant professor of medicine John Baird, MD; and postdoctoral scholar Anne Kramer , MD, PhD, are the lead authors of the research.

CAR-T cell therapy was first approved by the FDA as a treatment for relapsed or treatment-resistant diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and for children and young adults under 25 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

T cell attacking a cancer cell. (Meletios Verras/

Matthew Frank

Six CAR-T cell therapies are now approved for several types of lymphoma, multiple myeloma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Four of these therapies target CD19, which is found on the surface of healthy and cancerous B cells; two target another protein on the cells’ surface called B cell maturation agent.

CD22 is another protein found on the surface of mature B cells, and researchers have been eying it for some time as a possible second target for CAR-T cell therapy. That’s because, although CAR-T cell therapy targeting CD19 is typically successful, many patients relapse quickly as the cancer cells figure out how to reduce the amounts of CD19 on their surfaces or their engineered immune cells become exhausted from a prolonged attack.

Several trials have experimented with engineering CAR-T cells that recognize both CD19 and CD22 — exploring whether a double volley of attack might eliminate cancer cells before they learn how to evade the treatment.

These efforts have met with mixed success. While more people with acute lymphoblastic leukemia responded to the double-targeted CAR-T therapy, the results for people with lymphoma were more tempered. In a trial conducted at Stanford Medicine, the therapy had some efficacy but was no more effective than targeting CD19 alone. Frank, Miklos and their colleagues wondered what would happen if only CD22 were targeted.

A new target

The researchers collected immune cells called T cells from 38 patients with large B-cell lymphoma whose cancers had started growing after previous therapies including chemotherapy. All but one of the patients had also progressed after CAR-T therapy targeting CD19; the cancer cells of the one remaining patient did not express CD19 on their surfaces.

The T cells were grown and genetically engineered to target CD22 in Stanford Medicine’s Laboratory for Cell and Gene Medicine in partnership with the Center for Cancer Cell Therapy. They were then infused back into the patients from whom they were derived.

Of the 38 patients, 68% saw their cancers shrink, and 53% achieved a complete response, meaning their cancers were no longer detectable.


David Miklos

“This is not just a high response rate, but many of these remissions have been quite durable over a median of 30 months of follow-up,” Frank said. “If this holds true in larger trials, it will surpass other therapeutic option we have for these patients.” Additionally, most patients experienced minimal, manageable side effects.

The results of the trial are the first in a series of hurdles CD22-targeted CAR-T cell therapy will have to clear for it to be approved by the FDA for routine clinical use for those with intractable large B-cell lymphoma. According to Miklos, it also highlights the advantages of intertwining medicine and research.

“We conducted the preclinical studies at Stanford Medicine, translated the findings in our cell manufacturing and cancer cell therapy centers, and cared for the patients here,” Miklos said. “This pipeline allows us to leverage our research and clinical findings in an iterative way. If something is not working, we can refocus and retool our approach to pivot quickly to new approaches to help our patients.”

“It is rare for an academic medical center to attain a breakthrough designation,” Frank noted. “It’s humbling. Larger trials need to be completed, and FDA approval is not guaranteed, but this is a huge achievement for all the members of the team and a hopeful sign for patients and their caregivers.”

Researchers from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou, Taoyuan, Taiwan and Cancer Center Amsterdam, who are currently working at Stanford, contributed to the work.

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grants 2P01CA049605-29A1, 5P30CA124435 and K08CA248968), the Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Fund for Cancer Research, the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, the European Hematology Association, the Lymph&Co Foundation, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Miklos has consulted for Kite Pharma-Gilead, Juno Therapeutics-Celgene, Novartis, Janssen and Pharmacyclics. Research support from Kite Pharma-Gilead, Allogene, CARGOTherapeutics, Pharmacyclics, Miltenyi Biotec and Adaptive Biotechnologies.

Frank has consulted for Kite Pharma-Gilead, Adaptative Biotechnologies and CARGO Therapeutics; he has also received research support from Kite-Pharma-Gilead, AllogeneTherapeutics, Cargo Therapeutics and Adaptative Biotechnologies.

Study co-author Crystal Mackall, MD, the Earnest and Amelia Gallo Family Professor and professor of pediatrics and of medicine, is a founder of CARGO Therapeutics and holds equity in and consults for the company. CARGO holds the license for the CD22-directed CAR-T cell therapy.

Krista Conger

About Stanford Medicine

Stanford Medicine is an integrated academic health system comprising the Stanford School of Medicine and adult and pediatric health care delivery systems. Together, they harness the full potential of biomedicine through collaborative research, education and clinical care for patients. For more information, please visit .

Hope amid crisis

Psychiatry’s new frontiers

Stanford Medicine magazine: Mental health

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  • Texas Southmost College to Offer Courses at Harlingen High South

Posted by James Walker | Jul 11, 2024 | Academics | 0

Texas Southmost College to Offer Courses at Harlingen High South

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For the ambitious individual looking to further their education, Texas Southmost College (TSC) is proud to announce that they will begin hosting courses at Harlingen High South (HHS) beginning in the Fall 2024 semester.

An assortment of 8-week hybrid TSC courses will be offered during evenings at HHS, primarily targeting students located in the Harlingen area and adults who are interested in continuing their education with a more manageable schedule.

The following courses will be available for Fall 2024:

CRIJ-1301-B8101 Monday 6-7:30 PM
BUSI-1301-B8101 Monday 6-7:30 PM
ENGL-1301-B8101 Tuesday 6-7:30 PM
GOVT-2305-B8101 Wednesday 6-7:30 PM
HIST-1301-B8101 Thursday 6-7:30 PM
CRIJ-1310-B8201 Monday 6-7:30 PM
ENGL-1302-B8201 Tuesday 6-7:30 PM
GOVT-2306-B8201 Wednesday 6-7:30 PM
HIST-1302-B8201 Thursday 6-7:30 PM

Hybrid courses are designed so that they only require one in-class session per week, with the rest of the coursework being handled online. It creates a unique situation in which students can complete a majority of their coursework online but still have opportunities to meet face-to-face with their TSC instructors on occasion for feedback and assistance. This makes hybrid courses an ideal option for those who work full-time jobs but remain committed to furthering their educational aspirations with TSC.

“Hybrid courses allow for a blended level of engagement as students have the opportunity to engage face-to-face with instructors and peers that may not take place in an asynchronous classroom,” said Dr. Christopher Alves, Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences and Department Chair at TSC. “Students get the best of both worlds through course customization through many modes of interaction such as convenience, engagement, and personal interaction, ultimately supporting their academic success and career goals.”

The Texas Southmost College Harlingen Courses will begin this upcoming Fall semester, with the first session running from August 26 to October 18, and the second running from October 21 to December 13, 2024.

For more information on the courses, please visit the TSC Harlingen Courses webpage or contact Judy Moreno at [email protected]

biology related coursework

TSC Courses in Harlingen

biology related coursework

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  29. Scuba Diving Safely for Marine Biology Research

    Scuba Diving Safely for Marine Biology Research BU's dive safety officer Lizzie McNamee trains students to do underwater marine science research On the quiet shores of Rockport, Mass., a group of marine scientists enter the water to learn the ins and outs of scientific scuba diving, as they prepare for a research trip across the globe that ...

  30. Joe Patria applies his molecular biology expertise to combat the viral

    Joe Patria, a molecular biology Ph.D. student at UD, unexpectedly pursued poultry research under Professor Mark Parcells, focusing on Marek's disease virus (MDV). He is exploring the molecular virology of MDV and its evolution to become more virulent over time. His work has implications for both poultry and human health, as the virus causes a lymphoma that is similar to some human lymphomas.