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High School Student Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

For high school students who are striving to earn a part-time position, an internship, or any other type of extracurricular work, writing a great cover letter is the first key step to take.

Since many high school students do not have a long work history yet, this can require some extra time and cleverness to frame high-school-level experiences compellingly.

No Work Experience Cover Letter Template

But fret not, in this guide, we teach you exactly how to write an effective cover letter as a high school student. Continue reading to learn all about:

  • Crafting a memorable cover letter header as a high school student
  • Tailoring your high school student cover letter to be specific to the reader
  • Writing an eye-catching introduction for your high school cover letter
  • Highlighting your skills and academic experiences as a high school student
  • Persuasively concluding your high school student cover letter
  • Finding useful resources for job-seeking high school students

Let’s jump into the first step and begin crafting the ideal high school student cover letter!

1. How to craft a memorable cover letter header as a high school student

As a high school student, your top priority when writing a cover letter is to make it look professional.

High school students can often overlook the importance of visual design when writing cover letters, as they are more focused on making the letter’s content sound good.

Yet, a great-looking and professional cover letter format can go a long way in impressing employers.

In your cover letter header, you should include:

  • Your name and academic position
  • Your contact information
  • The name of the company you are applying to
  • The address of the company you are applying to

Here is an example of a well-formatted high school student cover letter header

Molly Madison , High School Class President (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] |

To: Jackson’s Downtown Boutique & Shoppe Gallery 1234 Street Address Phoenix, AZ

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2. how to properly tailor your high school student cover letter.

After giving your cover letter an excellent visual structure and flow, your next step is to tailor the greeting and content of your high school student cover letter .

Tailoring a cover letter means making the information as relevant to the reader as possible. For instance, if you are applying to work in an ice cream shop, describing how your skills can be applied to customer service and food safety are good ways to make your letter relevant to the job.

Additionally, you should address your cover letter to the person who is most likely to read and review it, such as a company’s owner or a head manager.

Here are 3 examples of personalized cover letter greetings

Dear Mr. John Doe,

  • Dear Hiring Manager John Doe,
  • Dear Mr. John Doe & the Hiring Department,

3. How to write an eye-catching introduction for your high school student cover letter

When applying for jobs as a high school student, you are likely not going to have an extensive work history to showcase in your cover letter.

To make up for this, you need to ensure each detail you write is as eye-catching and compelling as possible. It is especially important to pay extra attention to your introduction , as an introductory paragraph can often be the thing that either impresses employers or makes them lose interest.

The best high school cover letter introductions should include:

  • A brief overview of your academic history (academic performance, extracurriculars, etc.)
  • Any key roles you have held in your academic history (leadership roles, athletics, etc.)
  • A brief statement on what you are passionate about (this should be relevant to the role, position, or opportunity you are applying for)

Here is an example of a great introduction from a high school student cover letter

I am a junior at Rowe County High School seeking my first job in the outdoor recreation industry. As a student, I helped to start an Outdoor Program club that now has 30+ members and takes students on chaperoned adventures, such as hiking and camping. Your company is a staple in the local outdoor community and gaining this job would provide me with the opportunity to both practice my passion and learn more about the industry. 

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4. How to highlight your skills and academic experiences as a high school student

With your introduction out of the way, you can now begin writing your cover letter’s body paragraphs.

Many people choose to break up their body paragraphs into smaller, simple sentences. Additionally, bullet points can be used to keep your body paragraphs more organized and easy to skim over.

When writing these body paragraphs, your main goal is to describe your best skills and accomplishments as a high school student. You should select skills and accomplishments that are highly relevant to the position you are applying for.

Here are 6 examples of skills to include in a high school student cover letter

  • Communication skills (describe your exact style of communication)
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a high school student cover letter

As a student at Monroe High School, I won the election for Class President two years in a row during my sophomore and junior years. This year, I am serving as the Senior Class President, which comes with greater responsibilities, including management of the school spirit budget.

5. How to persuasively conclude your high school student cover letter

To conclude your high school student cover letter, you must write a persuasive closing statement that encourages the reader to get in touch with you promptly.

Remember to maintain your professionalism in your conclusion as well by including a formal sign-off.

Here is an example of a persuasive closing statement from a high school student's cover letter

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my letter and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. As I am still in school, the best hours to reach me are in the early morning between 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. or in the late afternoon from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. It would be my honor to work at your company and I hope to hear from you within the next week about my application.

Many Thanks,

[Applicant Name]

6. Key resources for job-seeking high school students

Before we wrap things up, let's not forget one last crucial element — resources for your job hunt. As a high school student, there's a wealth of tools out there to assist you in navigating this exciting path. Here are some you should definitely bookmark:

  • Career counseling: Many high schools provide career counseling services to students. They offer guidance in identifying potential career paths, preparing for interviews, and even finding job opportunities.
  • Online job boards:  Websites like Indeed , Monster , or LinkedIn offer a range of part-time, intern, and entry-level positions perfect for high school students. You can filter by your area of interest, location, and other parameters.
  • Local resources:  Don't overlook local resources like community job boards, local newspapers, and libraries. They often list part-time jobs in your immediate area, ideal for high school students.
  • Networking:  This can be beneficial, even for high school students. Connect with teachers, family friends, and alumni in your desired field for potential job leads and advice.
  • Job readiness workshops:  Some communities offer workshops to help high school students prepare for the job market, providing tips on resume writing, interviewing, and soft skills development.
  • Volunteer work:  Volunteering can provide valuable experience and skills that employers look for. Websites like VolunteerMatch  or local community centers can point you towards opportunities.

Kickstart your job search by leveraging these resources and step into the professional world with confidence. Good luck!

High School Student Cover Letter FAQ

How long should my high school student cover letter be.

Your cover letter should not exceed one page — it should be concise and to the point. Around 3-4 short paragraphs are generally sufficient. 

Should I follow up after sending my cover letter and resume?

Yes, it's a good idea to follow up if you haven’t heard back after a week or two. You can send a polite email asking about the status of your application. This shows you're genuinely interested in the role. 

What if I don’t have any work experience?

That's okay! You can highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or any skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere! 

Do I need a tailored cover letter for each application?

Yes, you should tailor your cover letter for each job application. It demonstrates that you've done your research on the company and the specific role, which will impress employers. 

How should I address my cover letter if I don't know who the hiring manager is?

If the job posting doesn't provide a name and your research doesn't reveal who the hiring manager is, it's acceptable to use a general salutation like, "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Company Name] Team."

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) and an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC™). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.

All student cover letter examples

  • Formal Sciences Student
  • Humanities Student
  • Student Internship
  • Natural Sciences Student
  • Professions And Applied Sciences Student
  • Social Sciences Student
  • University Student

All high school student cover letter examples

Example Cover Letter for Teenager

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Letter Templates & Example

Sample Application Letter Example for Students: Tips and Techniques

Letter sample 109

Are you a student trying to land an internship or a part-time job? Writing an application letter can be daunting, but with a little bit of help, you can craft a compelling one that will impress your potential employers. In this article, we will provide you with some application letter examples for students that you can use as a guide. These examples can be tailored to fit your needs and highlight your skills and qualifications. So, if you’re ready to start your job search, let’s dive in and take a look at some examples that will help you effectively communicate your interest in the position and your qualifications for it.

The Best Structure for a Student Application Letter

Writing an application letter can certainly be intimidating, especially if you’re a student who might not have much experience with this kind of document. However, with a little bit of structure and guidance, you can create a strong application letter that will impress any admissions officer or potential employer.

Here are the key elements to include in your application letter:

1. Introduction: Start with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s attention. You might consider sharing a personal anecdote or expressing your passion for the field or position you’re applying for.

2. Background: Provide some context about who you are and what you’ve been up to lately. Talk about your current academic standing, any relevant coursework or extracurricular activities, and perhaps your long-term goals.

3. Highlight your strengths: This is where you’ll really want to showcase your accomplishments and skills. Be specific and provide examples of how you’ve demonstrated leadership, initiative, or other qualities that make you a strong candidate.

4. Connect your qualifications to the position: Show the reader how your experience and skills align with the requirements of the job or program you’re applying for. This could include discussing specific projects or achievements that directly relate to the position.

5. Conclusion: Wrap up your letter with a strong closing that emphasizes your enthusiasm for the position or program. Thank the reader for their consideration and express your hope that you’ll be given the opportunity to further discuss your qualifications.

Remember that your application letter should be well-organized and easy to read. Use clear headings, break up your paragraphs into manageable chunks, and proofread carefully to ensure that your message comes across clearly.

Good luck with your application!

Sample 1: application letter for scholarship, to whom it may concern,.

Good day! I am writing this letter to express my intention of applying for a scholarship program in your prestigious university. I am a grade 12 student with excellent academic performance and extracurricular activities, however, due to financial constraints, I am unable to pursue my tertiary education without financial assistance.

My passion for learning and desire to improve my skills and knowledge inspire me to ask for this scholarship. I want to specialize in Engineering course and contribute to the development of my country’s infrastructure. I assure you that I will use this opportunity seriously and will do my best to maintain the highest grades possible.

Thank you for considering my application for the scholarship program. I am looking forward to hearing a positive response from your esteemed university.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Application Letter for Internship

Dear sir/ madam,.

I am writing to apply for an internship position in your company as part of the requirements of my Business Administration course. As a business student, I am confident in my ability to bring value to your company while further developing my skills and knowledge in the business world.

Throughout my academic career, I have worked diligently to improve my leadership and teamwork abilities, as evidenced by my involvement in several school clubs and organizations. As such, I am confident that I can be a competent and productive worker that contributes to your company’s success.

Please find my resume enclosed in this letter. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my application and what I could bring to your company. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sample 3: Application Letter for Requesting Schedule Change

Dear [teacher’s name],.

I am writing this letter to request a schedule change for my [Subject] class. Unfortunately, my current schedule conflicts with my [Important Activity], which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to showcase my skills and gain valuable experience in my field of interest.

Switching my [Subject] class from [Current Schedule] to [Preferred Schedule] would allow me to attend the [Important Activity] without compromising my education. I understand that this may cause some inconvenience, and I am willing to do my best to catch up on any materials or activities that I may miss during the transition process.

Your understanding and consideration regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and effort in accommodating my situation.

Sample 4: Application Letter for Enrollment in a Course

Dear sir/madam,.

I am writing this letter to express my interest in enrolling in the [Name of Course] offered by your institution. I believe that the curriculum and program of study align perfectly with my career goals and interests.

As a [Current Occupation], I have gained valuable experience in my field and have learned about [Skills/ Experience] that are necessary for the career I want to pursue. Enrolling in your course will enable me to enhance my skills and provide me with the necessary knowledge to advance my career further.

Please find my enclosed application form and other necessary documents for your review. I would appreciate your guidance and advice on any additional requirements I need to fulfill to enroll in the course. Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Sample 5: Application Letter for Joining an Organization

Dear [organization’s name],.

I am writing to express my strong interest in becoming a member of your organization. As a [Your Occupation/ Student], I have always been passionate about [Topic or Field of the organization]. I believe that your organization provides an excellent opportunity for me to deepen my knowledge and contribute to the community.

I appreciate your commitment to supporting [related cause or activity] and would love to join your team in this effort. I am willing to put in the time and effort required to fulfill my obligations as a member of your organization and have experience in [related tasks/ activities].

Please find my enclosed resume and application form for your review. I am looking forward to hearing back from you and hope to have the opportunity to contribute to your organization’s mission.

Sample 6: Application Letter for Volunteering

Dear [recipient’s name],.

I am writing to express my interest in volunteering for [Name of Organization/Group]. As a [Your Occupation/Student], I am passionate about helping others and contributing to meaningful causes. I am impressed by [Name of Organization/Group]’s commitment to [related issues] and love to support your efforts.

Based on your website, I believe that my skills and experience align well with what you are looking for in your volunteers. I have experience in [related tasks/activities] and have volunteered in [Name of volunteering organization].

I am looking forward to hearing back from you regarding available opportunities for volunteers. Thank you for taking the time to review my application.

Sample 7: Application Letter for a Job

Dear hiring manager,.

I am excited to apply for the [Position] job opportunity that has recently become available at your company. With [Number of years/Work Experience] years of experience in [related job], I am confident in my ability to be a valuable asset to your organization.

As a [Current Occupation], I have acquired the necessary [Skills/Experience] to excel in this position. I am also committed to continuously improving my skills and staying updated with the latest developments in the field.

Please find my enclosed resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss my application and how my qualifications match your company’s needs. Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Tips for Writing an Impressive Application Letter for Students

As a student, writing an application letter can sometimes be a daunting task, especially when you are unfamiliar with the process. Below are some tips you can follow to write an effective application letter:

  • Be clear and concise: In writing your application letter, ensure you get straight to the point. Avoid using unnecessary words or phrases and get your message across within a few sentences.
  • Highlight your achievements: Emphasize your academic and extracurricular achievements that make you stand out from others.
  • Personalize your letter: Avoid writing a generic application letter, as it may seem unimpressive to the admission team. Instead, personalize your letter based on the organization you are applying to.
  • Show enthusiasm and interest: Show your enthusiasm and interest in the course or program you are applying for. Explain why you are interested in the program and how it aligns with your academic and career goals.
  • Include references: If possible, include references from a teacher or employer, who can attest to your academic or professional excellence. This can strengthen your application.
  • Proofread thoroughly: Ensure that your application letter is free from grammatical errors, incorrect spellings, and wrong punctuations. Get someone else to proofread it for you to ensure it is error-free.

In conclusion, writing an application letter can be challenging, but with these tips, you can create an impressive letter that will increase your chances of being accepted. Remember to personalize your letter, highlight your achievements, show enthusiasm and interest, and proofread thoroughly. Best of luck!

FAQs about Application Letter Example for Students What is an application letter example for students?

An application letter example for students is a sample letter that showcases how a student can write an effective application letter for a job, internship, or scholarship.

How can I use an application letter example for students?

You can use an application letter example for students as a guide to help you write your own effective application letter. This can improve your chances of getting the job, internship, or scholarship you want.

What should I include in an application letter example for students?

An application letter example for students should include your contact information, a greeting to the recipient, an introduction that highlights your skills and qualities, a body that explains why you are the right person for the job, and a conclusion that expresses your interest and gratitude.

What mistakes should I avoid when writing an application letter?

You should avoid common mistakes when writing an application letter such as using inappropriate tone or language, making typos or grammatical errors, being too informal, copying and pasting from a template, and not personalizing the letter to the recipient.

How do I customize an application letter for a specific job or scholarship?

You can customize an application letter by researching the company or organization you are applying to, understanding the job requirements and duties, highlighting relevant experiences and skills you have that match the requirements, and customizing the language and tone to fit the recipient’s expectations.

Should I attach a resume with my application letter?

Yes, it is important to attach a well-written resume that complements your application letter and provides more detailed information about your qualifications and experiences.

When should I follow up after submitting my application letter?

You can follow up after submitting your application letter by sending a polite email or making a phone call after a week or two to inquire about the status of your application. This shows your interest and enthusiasm for the job or scholarship.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article about application letter examples for students. We hope that you have found this information helpful and that you have gained some useful insights into how to write a great application letter. Remember to always tailor your letter to the specific job you are applying for, and don’t forget to proofread before you submit. We wish you the best of luck in your job search and encourage you to visit our website again for more helpful tips and advice.

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Letter Templates

application letter sample for grade 12

application letter sample for grade 12 1

If you’re a high school senior looking to apply for a college or university, you’ll need to write an application letter that showcases your skills, achievements, and goals. In this article, we’ll provide you with some examples of application letters that you can use as a reference.

Writing an application letter can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. But with the right guidance and structure, you can create a compelling letter that highlights your strengths and convinces your prospective institution that you’re the perfect candidate. Below, we’ve provided you with some application letter samples that you can use to help you get started.

The application letter serves as your introduction to the institution you’re applying to. It’s your chance to showcase your personality, achievements, and goals, and to convince them that you’re the best candidate for the program. A well-crafted application letter can help you stand out from the other applicants and increase your chances of getting accepted.

In this article, we’ve provided you with some examples of application letters that you can use as a reference. You can edit these letters as needed to fit your own unique circumstances and qualifications.

Application Letter Samples

Applying for a business program.

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to apply for the business program at your esteemed institution. My passion for business and entrepreneurship has led me to pursue a career in this field, and I believe that your program would provide me with the best education and opportunities to achieve my goals.

Throughout my high school years, I have participated in various extracurricular activities that have enhanced my leadership and teamwork skills. These include being the president of the student council, organizing school events, and volunteering for community service projects.

I am confident that my academic achievements, combined with my extracurricular activities and passion for business, make me a strong candidate for your program. Thank you for your consideration.

Applying for an Engineering Program

I am excited to apply for the engineering program at your prestigious institution. My love for math and science, coupled with my fascination with problem-solving and critical thinking, has led me to pursue a career in engineering.

Throughout my high school years, I have taken advanced math and science courses, participated in robotics competitions, and volunteered for engineering-related projects in my community. These experiences have taught me the value of teamwork, innovation, and perseverance, which I believe are essential traits for a successful engineer.

I am confident that my academic achievements, combined with my passion for engineering and problem-solving, make me a strong candidate for your program. Thank you for your consideration.

Applying for a Fine Arts Program

I am writing to apply for the fine arts program at your renowned institution. My love for art and creativity has been a driving force in my life, and I believe that your program would provide me with the best opportunities to hone my skills and express my artistic vision.

Throughout my high school years, I have taken various art courses, participated in art competitions, and volunteered for art-related events in my community. These experiences have taught me the value of self-expression, imagination, and attention to detail, which I believe are essential traits for a successful artist.

I am confident that my artistic achievements, combined with my passion for creativity and self-expression, make me a strong candidate for your program. Thank you for your consideration.

Samantha Lee

Applying for a Humanities Program

I am writing to apply for the humanities program at your esteemed institution. My love for literature, history, and philosophy has been a constant source of inspiration and intellectual curiosity, and I believe that your program would provide me with the best education and opportunities to explore my interests.

Throughout my high school years, I have taken various humanities courses, participated in debates and public speaking events, and volunteered for community service projects related to social justice and human rights. These experiences have taught me the value of critical thinking, empathy, and social responsibility, which I believe are essential traits for a successful humanist.

I am confident that my academic achievements, combined with my passion for the humanities and social justice, make me a strong candidate for your program. Thank you for your consideration.

Olivia Brown

Applying for a Science Program

I am writing to apply for the science program at your prestigious institution. My love for biology, chemistry, and physics has been a constant source of fascination and intellectual inquiry, and I believe that your program would provide me with the best education and opportunities to pursue my passion.

Throughout my high school years, I have taken advanced science courses, participated in science fairs and competitions, and volunteered for science-related projects in my community. These experiences have taught me the value of experimentation, observation, and analysis, which I believe are essential traits for a successful scientist.

I am confident that my academic achievements, combined with my passion for science and exploration, make me a strong candidate for your program. Thank you for your consideration.

Michael Kim

Applying for a Language Program

I am excited to apply for the language program at your renowned institution. My love for languages and cultures has led me to pursue a career in this field, and I believe that your program would provide me with the best education and opportunities to achieve my goals.

Throughout my high school years, I have taken various language courses, participated in language immersion programs, and volunteered for language-related projects in my community. These experiences have taught me the value of communication, empathy, and cultural awareness, which I believe are essential traits for a successful linguist.

I am confident that my academic achievements, combined with my passion for languages and cultures, make me a strong candidate for your program. Thank you for your consideration.

Sophie Chen

Tips for Writing an Application Letter

Writing an application letter can be challenging, but with these tips, you can create a compelling letter that showcases your strengths and convinces your prospective institution that you’re the best candidate:

  • Research the institution and the program you’re applying to, and tailor your letter to their specific requirements and expectations.
  • Highlight your achievements, skills, and goals, and explain how they align with the program’s mission and values.
  • Show your personality and your unique perspective, and avoid generic or clichéd statements.
  • Be concise and clear, and avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse the readers.
  • Proofread your letter for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and ask someone else to read it and give you feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: how long should an application letter be.

An application letter should be concise and to the point, usually no longer than one page. It should highlight your main achievements, skills, and goals, and explain why you’re the best candidate for the program.

Q: What should I include in my application letter?

You should include your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, skills, and goals, and explain how they align with the program’s mission and values. You should also show your personality and your unique perspective, and avoid generic or clichéd statements.

Q: How can I make my application letter stand out?

You can make your application letter stand out by showcasing your unique perspective, achievements, and goals, and by tailoring your letter to the specific requirements and expectations of the institution and the program. You should also be concise, clear, and engaging, and avoid generic or clichéd statements.

Q: Should I include my resume with my application letter?

It depends on the institution and the program. Some programs might require a resume or a CV, while others might not. You should check the program’s requirements and follow their instructions carefully.

Q: How important is my application letter in the admissions process?

Your application letter is an important part of the admissions process, as it provides the institution with your first impression and your initial qualifications. A well-crafted application letter can help you stand out from the other applicants and increase your chances of getting accepted.

Q: Should I address my application letter to a specific person?

If possible, you should address your application letter to a specific person, such as the admissions director or the program coordinator. This shows that you’ve done your research and that you’re serious about the program. If you don’t know the name of the person, you can use a generic salutation, such as “Dear Admissions Committee.”

Writing an application letter can be challenging, but with the right guidance and structure, you can create a compelling letter that showcases your strengths and convinces your prospective institution that you’re the best candidate. In this article, we’ve provided you with some application letter samples that you can use as a reference, as well as some tips and frequently asked questions that can help you with the process. Good luck!

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  • application letter sample for grade 11
  • application letter example for students
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  • application letter sample for senior high school student


Job Application for Class 12 Students (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional job application for class 12 students.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Job Application Letter by Class 12 Students Seeking Employment Opportunities

First, find the sample template for job application for class 12 students below.

To, The [Designation], [Company/Institute Name], [Company/Institute Address].

Subject: Job Application for the Position of [Job Title]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I have consistently maintained a strong academic record in my school and participated actively in extracurricular activities. I am a quick learner, responsible, and possess excellent communication skills, which I believe will be beneficial for the role.

I am eager to take up this job to not only enhance my skills but also to gain practical exposure in the professional world. This opportunity would also help me financially to support my higher education.

Enclosed with this letter is my detailed resume, outlining my credentials, achievements, and skills. I assure you that given a chance, I will work with utmost dedication and responsibility.

I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my application with you further. I am ready to attend the interview at a time convenient to you.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eagerly awaiting your positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Enclosure: Resume

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “job application for class 12 students” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Internships for Class 12 Students

Application for Internships for Class 12 Students

Sub: Application for Internship

During my academic journey, I have consistently achieved good grades and have been involved in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities that have enhanced my skills and abilities. My teachers and peers regard me as a dedicated, responsible, and hardworking individual.

I am particularly interested in this opportunity because I believe it aligns well with my aspirations. I am sure that interning at [Company’s Name] would provide me with a valuable learning experience and a chance to contribute to your team.

Please find enclosed my resume and academic records for your reference. I am eager to discuss how my background and skills would be a good match for your internship program.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Application for Part-time Jobs for Class 12 Students

Application for Part-time Jobs for Class 12 Students

Date: [Date]

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am [Your Name], a student of Class 12 at [Your School’s Name] in [City’s Name]. I am writing to express my interest in the part-time job opportunity advertised by your esteemed organization.

If given the opportunity, I assure you that I will carry out my duties with utmost dedication and responsibility. I look forward to the possibility of working at your esteemed organization and contributing to the team.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Number] or [Your Email Id] should you need any additional information.

Yours sincerely,

Application for Volunteering Opportunities for Class 12 Students

Application for Volunteering Opportunities for Class 12 Students

To, [Recipient’s Name], [Recipient’s Title], [Organization’s Name], [Organization’s Address], [City, State, Postal Code]

I, [Your Name], a Class 12 student studying at [Your School’s Name], am writing this letter to express my interest in the volunteering opportunities available in your esteemed organization. I have always been motivated to serve the community and believe this would be a wonderful way to contribute while also enhancing my interpersonal skills and broadening my perspectives.

Moreover, I am a quick learner and open to new experiences, which I believe will be beneficial in a dynamic environment such as your organization. I am also good at managing my time effectively, which will ensure that my academic responsibilities do not conflict with my volunteering duties.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with an opportunity to contribute to your organization. I am open to discussing my application further and can be contacted at [Your Contact Number] or [Your Email Address].

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address] [Your School’s Name] [Your School’s Address] [City, State, Postal Code]

Application for Summer Jobs for Class 12 Students

Application for Summer Jobs for Class 12 Students

To, [Employer’s Name], [Employer’s Position], [Company Name], [Company Address], [City, State, Postal Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I, [Your Name], a student of Class 12 at [Your School’s Name] in [Your City’s Name], am writing to express my interest in the advertised summer job position at your esteemed organization, which I came across in [where you found the job posting]. I believe that this opportunity would provide me with invaluable experience while allowing me to contribute positively to your team.

Over the years, my studies have equipped me with a strong foundation in [mention the relevant subjects], and I am eager to apply this knowledge in a practical setting. I am a quick learner and possess good communication skills, both of which I believe would make me an asset in any team-focused tasks. Furthermore, I am highly motivated and ready to take on the responsibilities that come with the job.

I understand that as an employee at [Company’s Name], I would be expected to uphold the values and standards your organization stands for. I assure you that I am up for this challenge, and I am prepared to put forth my best efforts to meet and exceed these expectations.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available at your convenience for an interview.

Application for Work-Study Programs for Class 12 Students

Application for Work-Study Programs for Class 12 Students

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address of the School],

I am writing this letter to propose the creation of a comprehensive work-study program for our Class 12 students. This initiative is designed with the objective to equip our students with practical skills, work experience, and a deep understanding of their chosen fields, complementing their academic curriculum.

To implement this program smoothly, I propose the formation of a Work-Study Committee comprising teachers, students, and parents. This committee will be responsible for establishing partnerships with local organizations, matching students with suitable work opportunities, and ensuring a seamless blend of academic and work responsibilities.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully, [Your Name], [Your Designation], [Name of the School], [Contact Information]

How to Write Job Application for Class 12 Students

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application letter for grade 12 students

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Letter for job Application Class 12 Format, Examples, Samples, Topics

Applications for jobs are written in a very formal, precise, and to – the – point fashion. A biodata is enclosed to help the applicant draw attention to her/his qualifications and skills.

Looking for an easy way to learn English Grammar? then you are in right place. Here we providing basic  English Grammar  topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc…

Letter for Job Application Class 12 Format, Examples, Samples, Topics Pdf

Job Application Format

Covering letter + Biodata Address Given
Examination Hall
The personnel Manager/Principal of School
Name of company/school/organisation
Dear Sir/Madam
Subject: Application for the post of __________.Body of the letter

Yours faithfully

Enclosure :

Biodata Format for Job Application Name : Father’s Name : Address : D.O.B : Age : Educational Qualifications

Exam Board/University Year Division %

• •

References : 1. Name : Designation : Institution :

2. Name : Designation : Institution : Place :  ……………………….                                                       Sign: ………………………. Date : ……………………….                                                         Name: ……………………….

Job Application Letter Questions and Answers Examples Class 12 CBSE

Question 1. You are Ashish/Nimmi Dhar B – 94 Fort Road, Jamrhu. You have read the advertisement given below. You are qualified for the job. Write an application in 120 – 150 words along with resume.

India Chemical Industries, Delhi

Accounts Officers
Qalification : BCom.
Experience : Minimum 4 years
Job requirement : Maintaining books of accounts, preparation of Balance Sheet, etc.
Salary : Best in the industry
Apply to : Managing Director, ICI, B – 12 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi

Answer: B – 94 Fort Road Jammu XXXXXX 22 March 2017 The Managing Director(ICI) B – 12. Barakhamba Road New Delhi 1IOXXX

Dear Sir, Subject: Application for the post of Accounts Officer

This is in response to your advertisement in The Times of India of 21 March. I wish to apply for the same as I have the requisite qualification and experience. My resume is enclosed herewith for your kind perusal and consideration. I can assure you that if selected, I shall prove to be an asset to your company.

Yours faithfully Nimmi Dhar

Name : Nimmi Dhar
Mother’s Name : Sheela Dhar
Father’s Name : Ashok Dhar
Date of Birth : 10th April 1990
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Married
Permanent Address : B – 94, Fort Road. Jammu
Address for Correspondence : C2/8 Janak Pun, New Delhi 1100XX
Educational Qualifications : B. Corn (Hons), Kalinga University, Jammu
Job Experience : 5 years in Alcove Chemical Industries New Delhi
Reference : Ranvir Mehta, kicharge, Accounts Division, Alcove chemical Industries New Delhi

Question 2. Sunshine Public School, Pune requires two sports coaches (one male and one female). Each should be a degree holder in physical education as well as a SAI certified coach in athletics. You have seen their advertisement and you know that you have these qualifications. Write an application in 120 – 150 words along with your resumé. You are Praveen[Praveena, M – 114, Najafarh, Delhi. Answer: M114 Naj afgarh Delhi 12 April 2OXX The Principal Sunshine Public School Pune

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the post of an athletics’ a coach

It is in response to your advertisement in the Times of India dated 11 April, for the post of a male and a female coach. I find myself very suitable for the same as I have not only a degree in physical education but am also a certified coach in athletics from the Sports Authority of India (SAI) having an experience of 5 years. I am enclosing my resume for your perusal. I assure you that if selected, shall prove to be an asset to your school.

Yours faithfully Praveena

Name : Praveena
Mother’s name : Sunita Kumari
Father’s name : Prabodh Mal
Address : M 114 Najafgarh, Delhi
Date of Birth : 30 April 1986
Marital Status : Married
Educational Qualifications : BA (physical education) and certified SM coach in athletics
Job Experience : 5 years in Petal Public School, Najafgarh
Expected Salary : 70000 p.m.
Ref erences : Mr. Deb (Principal) Petal Public School, Najafgarh

Question 3. Bal Vidya Public School, Bhilai, urgently requires a post – graduate teacher to teach political science for which they have placed an advertisement in The Bhilai Express. You are Sanjay/Sanjana Sharma from 21, Yasant Marg, Bhilai. Draft a letter including a CV, applying for the advertised post. (120 – 150 words) Answer: 28, Vasant Marg Bhilai XXXXXX Chhattisgarh 2 June 2018 The Principal Bal Vidya Public School Ravidas Marg Bhilai XXXXXX Chhattisgarh

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the post of a postgraduate teacher (political science)

With reference to your advertisement in the The Bhilai Express dated 10 May 20XX for the post of Postgraduate teacher in Political Science, I wish to submit my application for the same. I am also attaching my CV herewith.

Yours faithfully Sanjay Sharma Enel. CV

Name : Sanjay Sharma
Father’s Name : Shri A.K. Sharma
Place of birth : Pune, Maharashtra
Address for communication : 21, Vasant Marg, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
Date of birth : 21 September 1990
Contact Number : 981002XXXX
Email ID : [email protected]
Marital Status : Unmarried
Educational Qualifications : BA (political science) & MA (political science), BEd, MEd from Delhi University
Languages known : Hindi, English
Work Experience : Worked as PGT (political science) in SKB Public School Bhilai from March 2013 to February 2017
Last salary drawn : ?45,000 per month (gross)

Question 4. Write an application (including a resume) in 120 – 150 words for the post of a receptionist advertised in a national newspaper by JKL Publishers, Peshwa Road, Pune. You are Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Pune, a graduate from SNDT University and have done a Secretarial Practice Course from YWCA, Mumbai. Answer: M114 Mall Road Pune XXXXXX 1 March 20XX The Manager JKL Publishers Peshwa Road Pune XXXXXX

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the Post of a Receptionist

This is with reference to your advertisement in The Times of India dated 26 February 20XX for the post of a receptionist. I am at present working with a reputable company in Delhi and since my father has been transferred to Pune, I am looking for a job here.

I would like to state here that I have an experience of nearly five years and would prove to be an . asset to your publishing house if given a chance.

I am enclosing my resume for your perusal.

Yours faithfully Karuna

Name : Karuna
Date of birth : 20 October 19XX
Address : 302, Shalimar Aparts Viman Nagar, Pune
Marital status : Single
Educational Qualifications : BA (Computer Science), SNDT University CS (2 years) YWCA, Mumbai
Experience : Five years with Heritage Publishers, Delhi
Present salary : ? 25,000 per month
Interests : Reading, listening to music
Reference : Mr KM Madan Director Heritage Publishers Delhi

Question 5. You are Prem/Parul, 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal. You would like to apply for the post of the Marketing Manager in a reputable firm in Mumbai. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Chaitanya Enterprises, Mumbai, applying for the job. Write the letter in 120 – 150 words giving your biodata. Answer: 16, T.T. Nagar Bhopal 7 December 20XX The Public Relations Officer Chaitanya Enterprises Link Road, Versova Mumbai 4000XX

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the post of Marketing Manager

In response to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India’, dated 5 December 20XX for the post of a marketing manager, I wish to offer my candidature for the same.

I have requisite qualifications and excellent communication skills. I am enclosing a copy of my biodata for your perusal and kind consideration.

I have a passion for marketing and am keen to implement new strategies.

Hoping for a favourable response. Yours faithfully Prem Raghuvanshi Enel.: 1. Photograph 2. Testimonials & Certificates . 3. Resume

Name : Prem Raghuvanshi
Father’s Name : Sh. Vineet Raghuvanshi
Date Of Birth : 07 December 1986
Address : 16, Tt Nagar, Bhopal Ph. 2323xxxx, Mob. 9823xxxxxx
Email Address Marital : [email protected]
Status Educational : Married

Qualifications :

2. Currently working as Marketing Head, Shinaya Enteiprises for the last 3 years.

Co-curricular Activities :

Core Strength :

Hobbies : Reading, playing outdoor sports
Languages known : English, Hindi, French

References :

  • No category


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This study primarily aimed at assessing the OJT Program of La Consolacion College Tanauan, the objective of which is to develop an OJT Manual for its students and Practicum Coordinators. It involved 44 students under the School of Business and Accountancy, School of International Hotel and Restaurant Management and Tourism Management, School of Education, and School of Information Technology who were enrolled in their practicum course for school year 2011-2012 at La Consolacion College Tanauan. The descriptive method of research was utilized as the research design while the data gathering instruments were the survey questionnaire, unstructured interviews and focus group discussion. Statistical tools used were frequency, percentage and weighted mean. Significant findings revealed that the OJT Program of La Consolacion College Tanauan is well described and meets CHED minimum standards in terms of qualifications of students, industry linkages, number of hours, monitoring and evaluation and OJT requirements. Majority of the respondents are BSHRM and BSBA students. Most of them are with the service industry, in Housekeeping and General Administration Department, doing clerical works. The host establishments assessed the performance of the practicumers in terms of competencies, skills, attitude, and personality development as excellent. In line with this, the practicumers did not encounter any problem in their OJT in terms of training, work environment and school support. On the other hand, Practicum Coordinators encountered minimal problems concerning the training of practicumers. There are no significant differences on the performance of practicumers when grouped according to their profile variables because the practicumers were assessed as excellent in all variables. As such, an OJT Training Manual for the practicumers and the Practicum Coordinators is proposed.

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López-Fogués, A., Rosado, R., Valiente, O., Fuentes, H. and Aragón, E. (2018) Pilot Evaluation of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET in the State of Mexico. Project Report. University of Glasgow and Tecnológico de Monterrey. Since the first public announcement of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET (MMFD) in June 2013, more than 5,000 apprentices have enrolled in the programme and around 2,000 already graduated. The Ministry of Education (SEP and CONALEP), the Chambers of Commerce (i.e. COPARMEX) and the German Cooperation Agencies (i.e. CAMEXA) have been collaborating with state authorities, families, schools and companies to turn this initial idea into a significant and sustainable initiative. Although the numbers are still small, it seemed necessary to undertake a pilot evaluation study of the implementation and impact of this program on its participants to inform those responsible for this policy. We decided to focus our study on the State of Mexico because of the higher number of apprentices in this state and because of the access that the CONALEP authorities gave us to the informants. The report that you are about to read is structured in four main sections. In the first one we reviewed the international evidence on the experiences of policy transfer of Dual TVET. Transferring international good practice sin TVET is always a complex process that requires careful attention to the experiences and lessons from those that tried to do it before. In the second section, we present the main characteristics of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET and the specificities of its implementation in the State of Mexico. In a federal country like Mexico, it is important to understand that national policies may largely vary across states in terms of design and implementation. The third section outlines the methodology of the study, which is inspired by the realist evaluation principles. Realist evaluation, not only tries to measure the impact of interventions on beneficiaries, but also to understand the causal mechanisms that explain why this policy is more effective in certain contexts and with certain beneficiary populations than in others. In the final section, the results of the interviews and the survey with 25 apprentices that completed their studies under the MMFD in the State of Mexico are presented. Obviously, the reduced sample of the study limits the representativeness of our findings but it will offer some expected and unexpected results that should not be ignored by those involved in this policy in the State of Mexico and nationally.

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About Senior High School Philippines

The final phase of the Department of Education's K-12 Program, Senior High School comprises of two years, namely Grades 11 and 12, considered as an enhancement of the Philippines' Basic Education. It aims to hone globally competitive citizens, with its specialized curriculum, gearing Filipino students for further studies, employment or entrepreneurship.


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Attention: Teacher-Writers

application letter for grade 12 students

Friday, 12 July

  • Gauteng's online school applications for 2025: Here's what parents must be aware of


If a child is in Grade R at a school this year, it does not automatically mean they will continue to Grade 1 in that same school next year, according to Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane, who said that parents of grade R pupils should also apply for admission for their children.

He announced that the 2025 online application would open from Thursday, 11 July, at 8am to Monday, 12 August, at midnight. 

Chiloane added that parents could apply online or at their preferred schools and advised them not to use internet cafes for the safekeeping of their details and applications.

He said that parents were allowed to choose a minimum of three schools and a maximum of five schools and added that placements for pupils would begin on 16 September.

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He said: 

Chiloane said that parents who had no access to internet services must use any of the department’s 80 centres across the province and are not charged a fee. He also added that the online process had improved and was user-friendly.

“Accordingly, the system has a 100% placement rate of all complete applications submitted online, which recently successfully processed the placement of approximately 400 000 learners ahead of the 2024 academic year,” said Chiloane.

The required documents for the online applications: 

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Chiloane also urged parents and guardians to avoid changing their contact details as they would receive SMS notifications regarding their applications. He said that parents would be given seven days from applying to complete their application.

Chiloane also explained that the reason the application process began late was due to the recent national elections.

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    Job Application Letter Questions and Answers Examples Class 12 CBSE. Question 1. You are Ashish/Nimmi Dhar B - 94 Fort Road, Jamrhu. You have read the advertisement given below. You are qualified for the job. Write an application in 120 - 150 words along with resume. Qalification : BCom.

  11. Another-Sample-of-Application-Letter

    Café and Lounge. Balabag, Boracay, Malay, Aklan. Sir/Madam: Greetings! I am signifying my intent to apply as a Work Immersion student in. your reputable (company/establishment). I am a grade 12 student. of Manocmanoc National High School, currently taking up (Technical. Vocational Livelihood) (TVL) track with specialization in (Cookery.

  12. (DOC) Application letter template

    Application letter template. Application letter template. Jascha Hei Perez. See Full PDF Download PDF. See Full PDF Download PDF. ... Greetings! I am signifying my intent to apply as a Work Immersion Student in your reputable institution. I am a grade 12 student from Ramon Magsaysay National High School, currently taking up the Academic track ...

  13. Work Immersion Application Letter

    work immersion application letter.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A grade 12 student from Ramon Magsaysay National High School is applying for a work immersion position at the office of the Barangay Chairperson in Sta. Mesa, Manila. The student believes their knowledge and skills from school can contribute to the ...

  14. SHS Work Immersion Application Letter Sample

    The final phase of the Department of Education's K-12 Program, Senior High School comprises of two years, namely Grades 11 and 12, considered as an enhancement of the Philippines' Basic Education. It aims to hone globally competitive citizens, with its specialized curriculum, gearing Filipino students for further studies, employment or ...

  15. Application Letter FOR WORK Immersion jenarie 043939

    Letter of application; Inbound 8365956984811529896; Empowerment Technology; Arnulfo Applicant Cover Letter 20240222 153812 0000; WORK Immersion Evaluation FORM; ... , Greetings! I am signifying my intent to apply as work immersion student in your company. I am a grade 12 student from Bugang National High School, currently taking up Academic ...

  16. Work Immersion Application Letter.docx

    I am a grade 12 student, currently under the Accountancy, Business and Management strand in St. Francis High School. This has indication as one of the course requirements of grade 12 ABM students in St. Francis High School to undergo a work immersion limited to 80 hours.

  17. Application Letter

    Application Letter.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A grade 12 student from Ilocos Norte National High School is applying for a work immersion program. The student is studying under the STEM academic track and believes the knowledge and skills gained from school can contribute to the company while also helping to ...

  18. Example Application Letter For Work Immersion

    Example Application Letter for Work Immersion - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The applicant, Cleah Fe Carbonera, is applying for a work immersion position at Boffo Resort. She is currently a Grade 12 student at Loon South National High School taking the academic track. She believes that her knowledge and skills from school ...


    View APPLICATION LETTER SAMPLE FOR ICT.docx from ENGL 116 at Saint Mary's University of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. ... I am a grade 12 student of Diffun National High School, ... The interdisciplinary public health strategy paper is designed to help students navigate and explore the benefits of collaboration when addressing a health problem ...

  20. work-immersion-application-letter.docx

    application-letter-sample-for-fresh-graduate-computer-science-with-application-letter-for-job-for-fr. Polytechnic University of the Philippines. ... I am a Grade 12 student from Naic National High School-Satellite, currently taking up the Home Economics track under the Technical Vocational Livelihood strand.

  21. Application Letter Stem

    Application Letter Stem - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document contains profiles of 6 students from Magpet National High School who are applying for an 80-hour work immersion at the Municipal Mayor's office starting on November 12, 2018. Each student provides their name, birthdate, address, school details ...

  22. Gauteng's online school applications for 2025: Here's what ...

    If a child is in Grade R at a school this year, it does not automatically mean they will continue to Grade 1 in that same school next year, according to Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane, who said that parents of grade R pupils should also apply for admission for their children.. He announced that the 2025 online application would open from Thursday, 11 July, at 8am to Monday, 12 August ...

  23. Application Letter

    Application Letter.student.immersion - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A grade 12 student from Magallanes National High School is applying as a work immersion student at BAUG CARP BENEFICIARIES MPC. She is taking the Academic track with a specialization in Humanities and Social Sciences.

  24. Mr. Andres Bonifacio: Barangay Chairperson

    Application Letter Template - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Monette F. Dela Cruz, a grade 12 student from Ramon Magsaysay National High School studying in the Humanities and Social Sciences track, is writing to apply for a work immersion position at the institution chaired by Mr. Andres Bonifacio.