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Sentences with Reputation

34 examples of reputation in a sentence - how to use it in a sentence.


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Sentences with Assignment: 53 Examples for Better English

Here we will practice 53 sentences with assignment so that you can see just how it is used in natural, smooth English! To improve your English, I would recommend reading and repeating all of these sentences enough times so that you can say them comfortably.

Assignment in a sentence

Sentences with assignment

Here are the first 10 sentences with assignment . Read and repeat them all. If any of the sentences are tricky to pronounce, say them slowly a few times so that you can build up confidence with them.

  • The assignment was due at the end of the week.
  • Lucy worked diligently on her assignment.
  • Their assignment was to be completed in a team.
  • The teacher gave a challenging assignment.
  • His first assignment was to write an essay.
  • Each assignment helps develop new skills.
  • The assignment requirements were clearly outlined.
  • Their group project assignment was innovative.
  • She asked for help with her math assignment.
  • The assignment deadline was moved up.

Related: Asset In A Sentence: 41 Examples For Successful English

What does assignment mean?

Assignment means a task or piece of work given to students or workers. It can be anything from a school homework task to a work-related job. It is an English noun. The verb form is assign . We use that like this:

  • I will assign you a new task tomorrow.

Common Situations for Using the word Assignment

  • School: Homework or projects given to students.
  • Work: Tasks or projects given to employees.
  • Tasks: Any specific duties assigned for completion.

Synonyms for Assignment and Example Sentences

Here are 3 common synonyms for assignment. It’s always good to learn different ways to say something, or at least words that are related in meaning!

  • Meaning: A piece of work to be done.
  • Example sentence: The managers assigned a new task to the team.
  • Meaning: A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
  • Example sentence: It was her duty to complete the task on time.
  • Meaning: A paid position of regular employment.
  • Example sentence: He has a job as a truck driver.

Related: Sentences With Aspect: 53 Examples For English Practice

Sentences with assignment: part 2

Here is the second set of examples for sentences with assignment. Keep reading and repeating them to better remember the words and sentence patterns.

  • In sports, training is a regular assignment.
  • The artist’s newest assignment was a large mural.
  • There was a significant challenge in his assignment – the deadline was pushed forward.
  • Changing the routine can sometimes improve assignment quality.
  • The assignment was completed ahead of schedule.
  • He recorded the assignment details in his notebook.
  • The weather could delay the outdoor assignment.
  • They celebrated finishing the big assignment.
  • His approach to the assignment was unconventional.
  • The final project assignment was to create a portfolio.

Assignment in a sentence

Here is the next set of sentences with assignment:

  • Completing the assignment gave them confidence.
  • He worked on his assignment every evening.
  • A head start on the assignment prevents last-minute stress.
  • The assignment requirements were confusing at first.
  • The plot twist was an exciting assignment for the writer.
  • A surprise assignment can be tough to handle.
  • The story starts with the protagonist’s assignment.
  • She reviewed the guidelines for her assignment.
  • Project assignment details are posted online.
  • Completing the assignment brought group unity.
  • Starting a new assignment is an opportunity to grow.
  • They watched a video related to their assignment.
  • An assignment can open doors to new experiences.
  • His journalistic assignment took him abroad.
  • Maria finished her assignment.
  • Their assignment went as expected.
  • He planned the assignment timetable efficiently.
  • Departure from routine can make an assignment interesting.
  • They discussed the assignment in detail.
  • The instructor prepared them for the difficult assignment.

Questions with assignment

Here are some questions that use the word assignment. Use them to practice English conversation with. Try to answer them in full sentences! Use your imagination to answer them if you need to.

  • What is your current assignment?
  • How long do you need to complete this assignment?
  • What was the most challenging assignment you ever had?
  • Can you think of a time when an assignment changed your perspective?
  • What is the most memorable assignment you’ve completed?
  • How does working on an assignment help you learn?
  • Describe a situation where a group assignment was beneficial.
  • Do you enjoy starting a new assignment? Why or why not?
  • How do you plan your time when given a big assignment?
  • What assignment are you looking forward to next?

A paragraph about assignments

Below you will find a paragraph about an experience regarding the word “assignment.” You can use this paragraph as a model if you have any writing assignments of your own.

Assignments can be both demanding and rewarding. I remember when I got my first major assignment in high school. It was an essay on the impacts of climate change. I felt overwhelmed at first. The topic was broad, and I didn’t know where to start. After doing some research, I divided the assignment into smaller tasks. Each day, I focused on a different section. Slowly but surely, the essay took shape. I felt a mix of stress and excitement while working on it. My friends and I sometimes discussed our assignments and shared tips. By the time I finished, I had learned so much about the topic and about writing. Turning in the completed assignment gave me a sense of achievement. It taught me that breaking down a task can make it more manageable. In the end, the assignment helped me grow academically and personally.

Sentences with assignment: a useful word to know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for sentences with assignment ! Here are a final 3 sentences using assignment, gradually getting trickier:

  • What is the next assignment?
  • When is the assignment due?
  • This assignment requires careful attention to detail.

Reputation in a Sentence  🔊

Definition of Reputation

the way in which something or someone is viewed

Examples of Reputation in a sentence

Because the restaurant has a poor reputation, it has few customers.  🔊

The best hotel in the city has a reputation for providing outstanding customer service.  🔊

When I saw the chef yelling at his kitchen staff, I knew his reputation for being a bully was well-deserved.  🔊

Janet doesn’t allow her children to go to the park anymore because the area has developed a reputation as a gang hangout.  🔊

Because Matt has a reputation as a womanizer, many women won’t date him.  🔊

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The Content Authority

How To Use “Assignment” In A Sentence: Exploring The Term

How To Use “Assignment” In A Sentence: Exploring The Term

Assignment is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey different meanings. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone looking to expand their vocabulary, understanding how to use assignment in a sentence is essential. In this article, we will explore the proper usage of assignment and provide examples to help you grasp its nuances.

So, what is the correct way to use assignment in a sentence? Put simply, assignment refers to the act of allocating or designating a task, responsibility, or role to someone. It can also refer to the transfer of rights, property, or ownership to another individual or entity. By using assignment effectively, you can convey a clear message and enhance the clarity of your communication.

Now that we have a basic understanding of assignment, let’s delve deeper into its usage and explore some practical examples that will enable you to incorporate this word seamlessly into your everyday conversations.

Definition Of Assignment

When it comes to the English language, the word “assignment” holds a significant place. It is a noun that refers to the act of allocating or designating a task or duty to someone. In simpler terms, an assignment is a piece of work or a task that is assigned to an individual or a group of individuals to complete within a given timeframe. This term is commonly used in educational, professional, and organizational settings.

Historical Evolution

The concept of assignment has been present throughout history, albeit in different forms. In ancient times, individuals were assigned specific roles and responsibilities within their communities, such as hunting, gathering, or protecting the tribe. These assignments were crucial for the survival and progress of the community.

As societies evolved and formal education systems emerged, the notion of assignments became more structured. Students were given assignments by their teachers to enhance their learning and assess their understanding of the subject matter. This practice continues to this day, with assignments serving as a means to gauge students’ knowledge and skills.

Different Meanings In Different Contexts

While the core definition of “assignment” remains consistent, its meaning can vary slightly depending on the context in which it is used. Let’s explore a few different interpretations:

  • Educational Context: In the realm of education, an assignment refers to a task or project given to students by their teachers. This could include writing essays, solving mathematical problems, conducting experiments, or creating presentations. These assignments serve multiple purposes, including reinforcing learning, developing critical thinking skills, and assessing students’ progress.
  • Professional Context: In the professional world, assignments are often used to delegate specific tasks or projects to employees. This could involve assigning a sales target to a sales representative, allocating a research project to a team member, or designating responsibilities within a project team. Assignments in this context help ensure that work is distributed effectively and that each individual’s skills are utilized optimally.
  • Legal Context: In the legal realm, the term “assignment” takes on a different meaning. It refers to the transfer of rights or property from one party to another. For example, in contract law, an assignment occurs when one party transfers their rights and obligations under a contract to another party. This can happen in various legal scenarios, such as the assignment of a lease agreement or the assignment of intellectual property rights.

These examples demonstrate how the meaning of “assignment” can adapt and evolve depending on the specific context in which it is used. Understanding these nuances allows individuals to effectively communicate and comprehend the intended meaning of the term in different situations.

How To Properly Use Assignment In A Sentence

When it comes to using the word “assignment” in a sentence, there are certain grammatical rules that need to be followed in order to ensure clarity and precision. Understanding these rules will enable you to wield this versatile word with confidence and finesse.

Grammatical Rules Surrounding Assignment

It is important to note that “assignment” is primarily used as a noun in the English language. As a noun, it refers to the act of assigning or allocating something to someone, as well as the task or project that has been assigned. In this sense, “assignment” can be both countable and uncountable, depending on the context.

For example, one might say:

  • “The teacher gave us an assignment to complete over the weekend.”
  • “I have three assignments due tomorrow.”
  • “She received a challenging assignment at work.”

As demonstrated in these sentences, “assignment” can be used to describe a specific task or project that needs to be accomplished, whether it is an academic assignment or a professional one.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that “assignment” can also be used as a verb, although less commonly. When used as a verb, it typically means to allocate or designate someone to a particular task or role. However, this usage is less prevalent compared to its noun form.

Different Parts Of Speech Assignment Can Be

While “assignment” is primarily used as a noun, it is worth mentioning that it can also function as a verb in certain contexts. This versatility allows for a range of possibilities when constructing sentences.

For instance, consider the following examples:

  • Noun usage:
  • “The assignment was challenging, but I managed to complete it.”
  • “She received an assignment from her boss.”
  • Verb usage:
  • “The manager assigned the task to the most qualified employee.”
  • “They assigned me to the marketing department.”

As demonstrated, “assignment” can seamlessly transition between being a noun or a verb, depending on the intended meaning and context of the sentence.

In conclusion, understanding the grammatical rules surrounding the usage of “assignment” in a sentence allows for clear and effective communication. Whether used as a noun or a verb, this word possesses a versatility that can be harnessed to convey precise meaning and intention.

Examples Of Using Assignment In A Sentence

When it comes to incorporating the word “assignment” into a sentence, it is crucial to showcase its versatility and various contexts. By utilizing a combination of simple and complex sentences, we can shed light on the different nuances associated with this term. Let’s explore some examples:

1. In The Context Of School Or Work:

  • She diligently completed her math assignment before the deadline.
  • The professor handed out a challenging assignment that required extensive research.
  • John’s boss entrusted him with an important assignment to analyze market trends.
  • After hours of brainstorming, the team finally came up with a creative solution for their assignment.
  • As a freelance writer, I often receive diverse assignments that allow me to explore new topics.

2. Referring To The Allocation Of Tasks Or Responsibilities:

  • The project manager assigned each team member a specific task to ensure efficiency.
  • Due to his exceptional organizational skills, Emily was assigned the role of team leader.
  • After careful consideration, the teacher assigned different roles to the students for the class play.
  • As the event coordinator, it was my responsibility to assign volunteers to their respective duties.
  • During the meeting, the CEO assigned the new project to the most experienced team in the company.

3. In The Legal Realm:

  • The judge assigned the case to a competent attorney who specialized in criminal law.
  • After careful evaluation, the court assigned custody of the child to the mother.
  • The detective was assigned the task of gathering evidence for the high-profile murder case.
  • The lawyer argued that the judge should assign a fair and impartial jury for the trial.
  • Upon completion of the investigation, the police assigned the suspect a charge of burglary.

These examples demonstrate the diverse applications of the word “assignment” in different scenarios. Whether it pertains to academic tasks, professional responsibilities, or legal matters, this term proves to be a fundamental element in our daily lives.

Edge Cases Or Things To Consider

When it comes to using assignment in a sentence, there are a few edge cases and considerations to keep in mind. By understanding common mistakes people make and being aware of cultural or regional differences, you can ensure that your usage of assignment is accurate and appropriate. Let’s delve into these aspects further:

Common Mistakes People Make When Using Assignment

While using assignment in a sentence may seem straightforward, there are some common mistakes that people often make. By being aware of these pitfalls, you can avoid them and ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and convey the intended meaning.

1. Misusing the equal sign (=): One of the most prevalent errors is mistakenly using the equal sign (=) instead of the assignment operator (=) when assigning a value to a variable in programming languages. For example, writing “x = 5” instead of “x == 5” can lead to unexpected results.

2. Confusing assignment with comparison: Another mistake is confusing assignment with comparison. While assignment is used to assign a value to a variable, comparison is used to compare two values. It is essential to use the correct operator (== for comparison, = for assignment) to avoid confusion and ensure the accuracy of your sentence.

3. Forgetting to declare the variable: Omitting the declaration of a variable before assigning a value to it is a common error. In programming, it is crucial to declare a variable before using it to avoid potential issues. For example, declaring “int x” before assigning a value to x ensures that the variable exists and can be assigned a value.

4. Overusing assignment in a single sentence: While assignment is a useful tool, it is important not to overuse it within a single sentence. Using multiple assignments in a sentence can make it difficult to understand the intended meaning. Instead, consider breaking the sentence into multiple shorter sentences or using other sentence structures to convey your message clearly.

Cultural Or Regional Differences

Language is deeply influenced by culture and region, and the usage of assignment in a sentence may vary accordingly. It is important to be mindful of these differences to ensure effective communication and avoid misunderstandings.

1. Grammar rules: Different languages and regions may have specific grammar rules regarding the usage of assignment. For example, some languages may require the inclusion of additional particles or markers to indicate assignment explicitly. Understanding these variations can help you adapt your sentence structure accordingly when communicating with individuals from different cultural or regional backgrounds.

2. Contextual nuances: Cultural and regional differences can also impact the contextual nuances associated with the usage of assignment in a sentence. Certain cultures may have specific conventions or idiomatic expressions related to assignment that may not directly translate into other languages. Being aware of these nuances can help you tailor your sentence to the intended audience and ensure effective communication.

3. Professional jargon or terminology: In certain professional fields or industries, the usage of assignment in a sentence may have specialized meanings or connotations. For example, in computer programming, the term “assignment” refers to the process of assigning a value to a variable. Understanding these industry-specific usages can help you accurately convey your message within a professional context.

By considering these edge cases and being mindful of common mistakes and cultural or regional differences, you can confidently and accurately use assignment in a sentence. Paying attention to these details not only enhances your language skills but also ensures effective communication across diverse contexts.

Synonyms Or Alternates To Use

When it comes to expressing the concept of “assignment” in a sentence, there are several synonyms or alternate words that can be employed to add variety and depth to your writing. Let’s explore four such alternatives and delve into their subtle differences in meaning and usage.

One synonym for “assignment” that is commonly used is “task.” While both words refer to a specific piece of work to be completed, “task” often implies a more specific and defined objective. It suggests a specific duty or responsibility that needs to be accomplished within a given timeframe.

For example, you might say, “She was given the task of organizing the conference agenda,” highlighting the specific duty bestowed upon her. In this context, “task” emphasizes the focused nature of the assignment.

When to use “task” over “assignment”:

  • When emphasizing a specific duty or responsibility
  • When highlighting a focused and defined objective

Another alternative to “assignment” is the word “project.” While “assignment” can refer to any task or piece of work, “project” typically conveys a larger and more complex endeavor. It suggests a comprehensive undertaking that involves multiple tasks and stages, often with a defined goal and timeline.

For instance, you could say, “The team was assigned a project to develop a new marketing strategy,” emphasizing the comprehensive nature of the work involved. In this context, “project” conveys a sense of scale and complexity.

When to use “project” over “assignment”:

  • When referring to a larger and more complex endeavor
  • When emphasizing multiple tasks and stages
  • When highlighting a defined goal and timeline

“Duty” is another suitable alternative to “assignment.” While “assignment” is a broader term that encompasses various types of tasks, “duty” focuses more on an individual’s obligation or responsibility to perform a specific task. It carries a connotation of moral or legal obligation.

For example, you might say, “It is his duty to complete the assigned task before the deadline,” emphasizing the sense of obligation and responsibility attached to the work. In this context, “duty” underscores the importance of fulfilling the assigned task.

When to use “duty” over “assignment”:

  • When emphasizing an individual’s obligation or responsibility
  • When highlighting the importance of fulfilling the task

The word “mission” can also be used as an alternate to “assignment.” While “assignment” is a more general term, “mission” often conveys a sense of purpose and significance. It suggests a specific task that is part of a larger objective or goal.

For instance, you could say, “The team was entrusted with the mission of reducing carbon emissions,” emphasizing the importance and purpose of the task. In this context, “mission” adds a sense of significance and urgency to the assigned task.

When to use “mission” over “assignment”:

  • When emphasizing the purpose and significance of the task
  • When highlighting a specific task as part of a larger objective or goal
  • When adding a sense of importance and urgency to the assigned task

Related Phrases Or Idioms

When it comes to incorporating the word “assignment” into phrases or idioms, the English language offers a variety of intriguing expressions. These phrases often add a touch of color and depth to our conversations, making them more engaging and memorable. Let’s explore a few of these related phrases and idioms and delve into their meanings with illustrative example sentences.

1. Take On An Assignment

Meaning: To accept or agree to complete a task or project.

Example sentence: After much consideration, Sarah decided to take on the assignment of organizing the company’s annual conference.

2. Assignment Of Blame

Meaning: The act of attributing responsibility or fault to someone or something.

Example sentence: Despite the evidence pointing to multiple factors, the media’s assignment of blame for the economic downturn was solely focused on the government’s policies.

3. Assignment Of Rights

Meaning: The transfer or delegation of legal entitlements or privileges to another party.

Example sentence: The author signed a contract that included the assignment of rights to the publishing company, granting them exclusive control over the distribution of her novel.

4. Mission Impossible

Meaning: A task or assignment that is extremely difficult or nearly impossible to accomplish.

Example sentence: Trying to convince my stubborn brother to change his mind is like a mission impossible.

5. Stick To The Assignment

Meaning: To remain focused on the task at hand and not deviate from the given instructions or objectives.

Example sentence: During the exam, it is crucial to stick to the assignment and not get distracted by unrelated information.

6. Assignment Of Value

Meaning: The determination or assessment of worth or significance given to something.

Example sentence: The art appraiser’s assignment of value to the painting surprised everyone, as it was considered a mere imitation until then.

These phrases and idioms offer a glimpse into the versatility and richness of the English language. By incorporating them into our everyday conversations, we can add depth and flair to our communication. So, the next time you find yourself discussing assignments, consider using these related phrases and idioms to make your speech more captivating and memorable.

Using assignment correctly is of utmost importance in effective communication. It allows us to clearly convey the intended meaning and ensure that our message is accurately understood. By understanding the various uses and nuances of assignment, we can enhance our writing and speaking skills.

Assignments are not limited to academic or professional settings; they are a fundamental part of everyday communication. Whether we are discussing tasks, responsibilities, or attributing qualities to someone or something, assignment helps us express these ideas with precision.

Through this article, we have explored the different ways in which assignment can be used. We have seen how it is used to allocate tasks, attribute characteristics, and even denote ownership. Understanding these various applications empowers us to use assignment effectively in our own sentences.

It is crucial for readers to practice using assignment in their own sentences. By doing so, they can solidify their understanding of its correct usage and develop their language skills. Regular practice will help them become more confident and proficient in expressing their thoughts and ideas.

Remember, using assignment correctly not only enhances our communication skills but also demonstrates our mastery of the language. So, let us embrace the power of assignment and strive to utilize it accurately in our sentences.

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

How to Use assignment in a Sentence

  • The reporter is here on assignment .
  • The reporter is here on an assignment .
  • She asked if she could change her seating assignment .
  • The students were given a homework assignment .
  • The reporter's assignment is to interview the candidate.
  • The article discusses the recent assignment of senators to some of the more powerful committees.

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'assignment.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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ASSIGNMENT in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Assignment

Are you struggling to understand the concept of an assignment? An assignment is a task or piece of work that has been assigned to someone as part of their job or studies. It requires them to complete a specific set of actions or deliverables within a defined timeframe.

In an academic setting, assignments often involve research, analysis, and the presentation of findings in various formats. Understanding the requirements of an assignment is crucial for students to produce high-quality work and meet the expectations of their instructors.

Table of Contents

7 Examples Of Assignment Used In a Sentence For Kids

14 sentences with assignment examples, how to use assignment in sentences.

Assignment is a task or piece of work that someone is given to do. It can also refer to the allocation of a particular task or job to someone. To use the word assignment in a sentence, simply place it in the context of giving or receiving a task. For example, “The teacher handed out the math assignment to the students” or “I have a new assignment at work that I need to complete by Friday.”

When using assignment in a sentence, it is important to ensure that it fits naturally within the sentence structure. Make sure the context in which you use the word is appropriate and clear for the reader to understand.

You can also use assignment in a broader sense, such as “The assignment of duties within the team was well-organized.” In this case, assignment refers to the distribution of tasks among team members.

Remember that assignment can be used in various contexts, not just limited to academic settings. It can be applied to work projects, volunteer tasks, or even household chores. By understanding the versatility of the word assignment , you can effectively communicate tasks and responsibilities in different situations.

In conclusion, the examples of sentences with the keyword “assignment” demonstrate its role in conveying the idea of a task or duty that needs to be completed. Whether referring to a school assignment, work task, or project, the keyword is versatile in indicating a specific job that requires attention and effort. These sentences show how assignments can vary in complexity and nature, from academic exercises to professional responsibilities.

By examining the usage of the keyword “assignment” in different contexts, it is clear that assignments play a crucial role in education, work, and daily life. They serve as a way to allocate tasks, assess knowledge or skills, and facilitate learning and growth. Understanding the significance of assignments can help individuals prioritize and manage their responsibilities effectively, leading to successful completion of tasks and achievements of goals.

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    137. 89. You need not rest your reputation on the dinners you give. 95. 78. They had the reputation of being excellent soldiers. 20. 8. He had been accused of vanity and ostentation in his office, but his reputation for ability and integrity as a judge was high even with his enemies.

  2. Examples of 'Reputation' in a Sentence

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  3. REPUTATION in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Reputation

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  6. Example sentences with REPUTATION

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    Capital Gazette. It's earned the reputation of ultimate party destination for singles ready to mingle. Globe Newswire. In politics, every move can be a potential death blow to one's reputation. Main & Vine. It's unfortunate how easily one's reputation can be sullied by rumors and gossip.

  8. REPUTATION in a sentence

    Examples of REPUTATION in a sentence, how to use it. 97 examples: Once elected, senators had to develop reputations that translated into support…

  9. Example sentences with Reputation

    Example sentences with Reputation. A good reputation is more valuable than money. Publilius Syrus. A lost reputation is the best degree for Christ's service. C. T. Studd. A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity. Baltasar Gracian. Nobody raises his own reputation by lowering others. Silence and reserve will give anyone a reputation ...

  10. The Word "Reputation" in Example Sentences

    English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Reputation" in Example Sentences Page 1. 303085 He has a good reputation . CK 1 1025516 Tom has a bad reputation . CK 1 1520386 Tom has a dubious reputation . Spamster 1 2361124 I don't care about my reputation .

  11. Sentences with Assignment: 53 Examples for Better English

    Duty. Meaning: A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility. Example sentence: It was her duty to complete the task on time. Job. Meaning: A paid position of regular employment. Example sentence: He has a job as a truck driver. Related: Sentences With Aspect: 53 Examples For English Practice.

  12. Reputation: In a Sentence

    the way in which something or someone is viewed. Examples of Reputation in a sentence. Because the restaurant has a poor reputation, it has few customers. The best hotel in the city has a reputation for providing outstanding customer service. When I saw the chef yelling at his kitchen staff, I knew his reputation for being a bully was well ...

  13. How To Use "Assignment" In A Sentence: Exploring The Term

    In this sense, "assignment" can be both countable and uncountable, depending on the context. For example, one might say: "The teacher gave us an assignment to complete over the weekend.". "I have three assignments due tomorrow.". "She received a challenging assignment at work.".

  14. Examples of 'Assignment' in a Sentence

    noun. Definition of assignment. Synonyms for assignment. The reporter is here on assignment. The reporter is here on an assignment. She asked if she could change her seating assignment. The students were given a homework assignment. The reporter's assignment is to interview the candidate.

  15. assignment in a sentence

    Examples of assignment in a sentence, how to use it. 98 examples: Apart from that, there is a suspicion that programming without assignments or…

  16. ASSIGNMENT in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Assignment

    Assignment is a task or piece of work that someone is given to do. It can also refer to the allocation of a particular task or job to someone. To use the word assignment in a sentence, simply place it in the context of giving or receiving a task. For example, "The teacher handed out the math assignment to the students" or "I have a new ...

  17. Plagiarism Quiz Flashcards

    What is Plagiarism? Click the card to flip 👆. - Stealing, theft. - Changing a few words of a paragraph someone else wrote. - Borrowing an original idea and presenting it as a new idea. - An act of fraud. - Using material without crediting the sources. - Citing a source incorrectly.

  18. What is a sentence for reputation?

    Can you and this sentanve like this My reputation precedes me? "My reputation precedes me" is a sentence, i.e., it contains a subject and a verb.

  19. Examples of "Assignment" in a Sentence

    Tenant right is assignable, and will pass under an assignment of "all the estate and interest" of the outgoing tenant in the farm. 19. 8. The assignment system was eventually abandoned in consequence of its moral and economic evils, but it cannot be denied that while it lasted the colony made substantial progress. 21.

  20. Plagiarism Quiz (Week 3) Flashcards

    Plagiarism is a major concern only in education. Even though no one may be harmed by it, plagiarism is still unethical. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like For a class assignment that students are to complete individually, Student A and Student B decide to collaborate. Student A compiles research notes while Student ...

  21. Plagiarism Quiz (Week 3)

    For a class assignment that students are to complete individually, Student A and Student B decide to collaborate. ... Ruined reputation AND being suspended or expelled from school e. Being sued or having to face jail time f. ... It is acceptable to copy-and-paste a sentence written by someone else into your paper and simply add quotation marks ...

  22. LEIE Downloadable Databases

    Instructions. Save the desired file to your computer. You may open the file in a database program such as Microsoft Access, a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, or whichever software you use per normal.

  23. Plagiarism Test Flashcards

    Which of the following are realistic consequences of plagiarism? ruined reputation. being suspended or expelled from school. losing money or job. being sued or having to face jail time. all of the above. only the top two choices. all of the above. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What best describes the rightness ...

  24. The forgotten racial history of Red Lobster

    The Assignment with Audie Cornish ... Comey says Trump is 'begging' for a jail sentence. Hear why ... Red Lobster developed a reputation for being friendly and open to Black customers, in part ...