800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide

Are you wondering how to write an 800-word essay that will leave your reader wanting more? You’ve come to the right place! This article will equip you with helpful writing strategies and inspire you with lots of engaging topics and paper examples.

An 800-word essay usually contains an introduction of 100 words, three body paragraphs of 600 words in total, and a conclusion of 100 words. Thus, it forms a standard 5-paragraph essay. It’s a typical assignment for students, shorter than a more profound research paper but longer than most personal statements.

In this article, you’ll learn all the secrets of crafting an 800-word essay and find the most thought-provoking topics! And if you want to explore more paper examples, check out our extensive essay database .

📝 800 Words Essay Examples

  • 🏭 Environmental Pollution Prompts
  • 🖊️ Topics & Paper Examples
  • 💡 Article Topic Examples

📚 600-800 Word Essay Examples

✍️ how to write an 800 word essay.

  • 📱 Effects of Social Media: Essay Examples
  • 📍 Freedom Day Essay Topics
  • 🎭 Dr Faustus as a Tragic Play
  • 📔 Personal Narrative Essay
  • 🍟 Growing Culture of Junk Food
  • Gambling Should Be Illegal Furthermore, gambling leads to lowering reputation of the city in question as a result of the crimes associated. The government is forced to spend a lot of money in controlling crime and rehabilitating addicted gamblers.
  • Movie Grave of the Fireflies Seita and Setsuko are represented as the victims of the war because they need to struggle with the oppressive conditions each day of their life.
  • Why Does Our Behavior Affect Our Attitudes? For example, the case of person who feels that the poor are poor because they do not think on ways they can use to gain wealth, then the person may be shooting a certain film […]
  • Fromm’s Humanistic Psychoanalysis In regard to the frame of orientation, Jeff and Ann view the natural world as a place that requires more development. Jeff and Ann have to assimilate and accommodate living in a new environment that […]
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy The synthesis of the analyzed information is the fifth level of the classification and the final one is the evaluation of the data on the basis of the previous five levels of skills.
  • Rhetorical Analysis of Patricia Ryan’s Speech “Don’t Insist on English” The main idea Patricia Ryan’s wants to deliver to the audience in her speech is that the globalization of English language does not give an opportunity for English-speaking countries to notice the entire knowledge of […]
  • Immortality of Soul From the perspective of the Opposites Arguments, if the physical body is mortal and physical, the soul is immortal and, therefore, it should not die.
  • The Implications and the Effects of Confusion Sometimes, we find ourselves in a constant state of shock from the moment we wake up to the time we retire to bed at the day’s end.
  • Rhetorical Analysis of an Image The audience of this cartoon is difficult to define, because it can include every person who is interested in the political, social, and economic life of the country.
  • How Can Societal Marketing Concept Be Used to Influence Children to Eat a Healthier Diet? Parents and other interested groups have a responsibility in ensuring that societal marketing is done as claimed by the food marketers and that those that are not doing so are pressured to adopt better promotion […]

🏭 800 Words Paper on Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution might be one of the most relevant and important topics to write about. For your inspiration, we’ve collected the top essay prompts on this topic!

📃 Renewable energy essay 800 words.

In an essay about renewable energy, you can explore various aspects of this sustainable power source. Delve into the different types of renewable energy , such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, and discuss their benefits for the environment and the economy. The essay can also explore the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies, the challenges faced in its implementation, and potential solutions to accelerate its adoption worldwide.

📃 Impact of environmental pollution on public health: essay 800 words.

When examining the impact of environmental pollution on public health, you can explore various pollutants present in our surroundings and their detrimental effects. It would be essential to discuss air pollution, water contamination, hazardous waste, and their direct and indirect health consequences. You can also investigate how environmental pollutants contribute to respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular problems, developmental issues, and even increased cancer risks.

📃 Green energy for carbon neutral ecosystem: essay 800 words.

In an 800-words paragraph exploring green energy for a carbon-neutral ecosystem , you can focus on the different forms of green energy, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power. Additionally, consider exploring the benefits of green energy in achieving a carbon-neutral ecosystem, including increased energy efficiency, improved air quality, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

📃 Essay on “Beat plastic pollution” 800 words.

Suppose you decide to write an essay about ways to beat plastic pollution . In that case, explore the importance of reducing single-use plastics, promoting recycling and waste management infrastructure, and encouraging the use of alternative materials. Also, you can discuss the role of government regulations, corporate responsibility, and individual actions in combating plastic pollution.

If you need some more inspiration, check out the top examples of an 800-word paper on environmental pollution:

  • Air and Water Pollution in the Modern World The high number of vehicles in the city has greatly promoted air pollution in the area. Poor sewerage system, high pollution from industries and automobiles are among the major causes of air and water pollutions […]
  • Environmental Pollution and Its Effect on Health In climate change, due to air pollution, the main force to prevent environmental disasters need to change the approach to the production of substances from fossil fuels.
  • Air Pollution and Its Impact on Human Health Community needs assessment is a systematic process in which the health educator, the nurse and other health care professionals together with the members of the community determine the health problems & needs of the community […]
  • Air Pollution and Lung Disease To design a study in order to explore the link between lung disease and air pollution, it would be possible to follow a four-step process started by identifying the level or unit of analysis.
  • Equipment to Monitor Pollution Emissions In assessing the situation, the vital aspects are: the quality of the decision, the commitment of the subordinates, the knowledge of the leader, the structure of the problem, the probability of subordinates’ commitment, sharing the […]
  • Simply Green Products Firm: Pollution Allegations The natural decomposition is the surety that the company to the environmentalist organizations and the citizens. There is considerable proof that the company has been the primary producer of the packaging materials for the orchards […]
  • Air Pollution and Ecological Perspectives of the Atmosphere The major contributors to CO2, one of the main pollutants in the atmosphere, are the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
  • Coca-Cola India and Water Pollution Issues The first difficulty that the representatives of the Coca-Cola Company happened to face due to their campaign in the territory of India was caused by the concerns of the local government.
  • Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Health Effects It emphasizes the fact that air contamination has a negative influence on the health of the representatives of the general public.
  • The Knoxville City’s Environmental Pollution It is necessary to address some pollution management issues and think about the measures to reduce pollution rates and help people survive any kind of environmental problems.
  • China’s Air Pollution Is Not Unique China and the United States of America have adversely been mentioned to be the leading polluters of the atmosphere. The recent statistics indicate that the gap between the level of pollution by China and that […]
  • Water Pollution and Its Challenges Water pollution refers to a situation where impurities find way into water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and ground water. This is a form of pollution where impurities enter water bodies through distinct sources such […]
  • Chloramine in Drinking Water: When the Threat of Pollution Emerges One of the most notable researches in the given field, the one conducted by Shang & Lo allows to see where the problem of chlorine starts from and what exact factors enhance the increase of […]

🖊️ 800-Word Essay Topics & Paper Examples

  • The Process of Getting a Job The process of getting a job remains one of the most challenging tasks for many job seekers in the United States.
  • “Educating Rita” by Willy Russell: Literature Analysis The author presents a solution to this question by demonstrating through the main character, Rita, that education can upgrade the diminished position and status of women in society. Education is Rita’s expedition of self-realization to […]
  • Argumentative Paper on the Pros of the Death Penalty The survival of any civilization hinges on the establishment of laws and codes of conduct and the subsequent obeying of the same by the society’s members.
  • The Major Challenges Faced by Street Children This paper looks into the challenges that street children go through, highlights some of the reasons why children go to the streets, and suggests measures that can be taken to reduce the number of street […]
  • An Overview of the Work Done by Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor In operations management, Herzberg, McGregor and Maslow works provide insight on harnessing effectiveness and efficiency in business operations. This is in reference to how operations managers can harness efficacy and efficiency in business operations by […]
  • The Farmers’ Market Analysis For the farmers the benefit lies in the cost saving of the production transportation and in the ability of the wholesale with the large grocery companies.
  • Balancing Studies, Work, and Family Life As result of the numerous responsibilities that may come with these three aspects of life, it is advisable for an individual to set small, realistic, and attainable targets, be it in their work, studies, or […]
  • Zora Neale Hurston & Langston Hughes: The Dispute That Ruined Their Relationship First, Hughes claims that he developed the plot of this play, did some characterizations and dialogues, whereas Hurston was supposed to recreate the atmosphere of Southern life as the action of Mule Bone took place […]
  • Lessons from Fredrick Douglass’s Life Douglass believed that the greatness of the master could not be transferred to the slaves. Education would empower the people to fight for their rights and overcome any form of slavery.
  • Should the CCTV System Be Used? CCTV cameras are also used in places of work to aid employers to monitor their employees’ activities, improve productivity and security, and reduce theft.
  • Bureaucratic and Non-bureaucratic Organizations The organization should be structured and organized in such a way that efficiency is attained through the exercise of power and decisiona making.
  • Pricing and Distribution Strategy: Blizzard From Dairy Queen It is the structures for distribution channels, patterns for the design, choices of distributors, and the factors affecting the choice and management of the channels of distribution.
  • Boeing Company Organizational Structure One can argue that the operations of the company can be viewed as the main force that determines the organizational structure of this company. This is one of the issues that can be distinguished.
  • “Lost in Translation” by Sofia Coppola: Film Analysis In the same scene, a confused Bob is placed in the middle of the lift surrounded by his colleagues in line with the movie title Lost in Translation.
  • Bicycle Business: Trends, Threats, and Opportunities Additionally, it is regarded as fashionable to own certain makes of bikes, which is a very effective factor that might see this retail shop make large profits in the course of the next five years.
  • Ethical Issues in Interior Design Lastly, is the issue of honesty and an interior designer should always be honest as this principle forms the core of customer relations in any business.
  • Elasticity and Its Importance for Business To locate the price elasticity of demand, one will have to divide the change in quantity by the change in the price of a product or a commodity.
  • Policymaking Process The meeting is one of the occasions when policymaking is a core business of the day. This is the final stage of a policy making process.
  • Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Another difference between the two terms is that genocide is the systematic and widespread destruction of particular segment of the population or specific group of people, ethnic cleansing on the other hand is understood as […]
  • Cultural Clash in the Board Room: An Ethical Dilemma Among Top Management in Almond China The first option he has is to resign from the company because he says that one of the reasons that motivated him to join the company is the values and standards the company up holds.

💡 800 Word Article — Topic Examples

Looking for topics for your 800-words article? Check out our list of best ideas:

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the job market.
  • Globalization and its effects on income inequality.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion.
  • Public health challenges in urban environments.
  • The ethics of animal testing in scientific experiments.
  • Mental health awareness and its impact on society.
  • The effects of climate change on marine life.
  • The role of social media influencers in consumer behavior.
  • The opportunities and challenges of global governance in the 21st century.
  • The role of public health campaigns in preventing chronic diseases.
  • Bias and fairness in artificial intelligence algorithms.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling.
  • Climate change and its impacts on biodiversity.
  • The pros and cons of telemedicine in healthcare.
  • The effects of globalization on cultural identity.
  • UAE Stock Markets: ADX and DFM Performance Comparison ADX was established on November 15, 2000, with the goal of trading the shares of local UAE companies. Dividend Yield was used to assess the performance of all the companies over a 5-year period from […]
  • Technology for Crime Prevention With the modern computer technology and advanced software, criminal justice system has been in a capacity to compile data and store it as well as share its analysis with other agencies both in and out […]
  • Definition of Religion as a Form of Diversity The major religion beliefs in the world are the Judaism, Christianity and Islamic. The role of religion is commonality to citizens and uniformity in cultures.
  • History of Aviation The idea of the airscrews, propellers and parachutes contributed to great heights in the aviation industry. Kites were used in testing aerodynamics and the stability of the flight.
  • Adidas and Marketing Communication It reflects the quality of the product, acts as a sales agent and advertising In conclusion, consumers are important to an organization and Adidas Corporation has ensured that it achieves consumer satisfaction and loyalty. To […]
  • Face-to-Face Communication: Why It Is Better Than Other Types of Communication Thesis It is argued in this paper that personal face-to-face communication is better than any other types of communication, particularly in light of engaging with others and observing verbal and non-verbal behavioral styles, occurrence […]
  • Effects of Abiotic and Biotic Factors on a Deer’s Population The biotic factors affecting the deer’s population include human conservation measures, building a highway, the influx of cougars, diseases, and deforestation, while the abiotic factors are temperature, water, rocks, soils, acidity, and humidity.
  • Comparison of Gandhi’s and Hitler’s Leadership The primary direction of Gandhi’s political and social work was the fight against the nationalist movement of the British rule of India.
  • Aging as a Social Problem The social challenges of the old people are further worsened by the economic constrains, and labeling. Ageism is another social challenge and it refers to a situation where people look down upon the elderly people […]
  • Analysis of “Gramsci’s Relevance to the Study of Race and Ethnicity” by Stuart Hall Stuart is of the opinion that Gramsci did not provide adequate theoretical foundations towards the analysis of social phenomena in the context of equity.
  • Chemistry: Expansion Processes of a Perfect Gas The purpose of the experiment was to examine the expansion of a perfect gas by determining the specific heat ratio through an adiabatic process and the ratio of volume using an isothermal process.
  • H&M Company Merchandise and Product Mix Analysis Organization and presentation of the merchandize classification in H&M retail channel The main merchandise classification that H&M supplies in the market includes clothing, accessories, and shoes for men, women, teenagers, and children.
  • History: Plutarch’s Vision of Alexander the Great One of the greatest strengths of Alexander’s character is his vision, ambition, and thirst to succeed. The same corruption leads to Philotus disrespecting the king by claiming that he is enjoying the fruits of his […]
  • Sina’s Story: Multidimensional Approach to Understanding of Human Behavior An ideal case to analyze using multidimensional approach is the story of Sina, a woman who survived through the changing conditions of the time and the environment owing to her excellent personal characteristics.
  • Computer-Based Learning and Virtual Classrooms E-learning adds technology to instructions and also utilizes technologies to advance potential new approaches to the teaching and learning process. However, e-learners need to be prepared in the case of a technology failure which is […]
  • Business Ethics: Reflective Essay Various decision-making procedures right from the time of recruitment of employees, defining the goals and objectives of the organization, designing the appropriate organizational structure, developing the organizational strategies, and integration of the strategies in the […]
  • Product Lifecycle Phases and Their Importance In this phase, the focus of the business is to retain the market share captured. In conclusion, it can be indicated that the product lifecycle is important to understand the growth of a firm.
  • Explaining Communication Principles These include Communication can be intentional or unintentional, communication is irreversible, it is impossible not to communicate, communication is unrepeatable as well as communication has a content and a relational dimension.
  • Leadership in the Australian Context On the other hand, technical leadership entails use of already known solutions to problems that occur and the people in authority do the work in this type of leadership.
  • The Invention of Development On being sworn in as the president of the United States, Rist notes, Truman introduced the term, underdevelopment, as a new concept of regarding the impoverished regions of the world.

How long does it take to write 800 words? Well, the essay of this length usually takes 3-4 hours to complete. And what does 800 words look like? Read on to find out! In this section, we’ll cover the 800-word essay structure, length, and the number of references.

This image shows the 800-word essay structure.

800 Word Essay Length

An 800-word essay typically includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You can use the following breakdown to structure your paper:

  • The introduction should provide background information on the subject and present the thesis statement. It should be concise, around 3-5 sentences long, or 100 words.
  • The body paragraphs should focus on specific points related to your topic. Each body paragraph should be 5-7 sentences long, or 150-100 words. In total, the whole main body should be 600 words.
  • The conclusion should summarize the paper’s central points and restate the thesis statement. Like the introduction, it usually consists of 3-5 sentences or 100 words.

How long is an 800-word essay? The number of pages for an 800-word paper varies depending on the font size, line spacing, and margins. If you use standard formatting guidelines (12-point font size, one-inch margins), an 800-word essay would be about 3 double-spaced or 1.5 single-spaced pages long.

If you need help dividing all this word count between different sections and composing a well-developed outline, check out our outline generator .

800-Word Essay Introduction

Overall, your introduction should be around 3-5 sentences long and effectively set up the rest of the essay. Here’s how you write it:

  • Begin the introduction with a hook that captures readers’ attention, such as a thought-provoking question or a surprising statistic.
  • Next, provide some background information on the topic to give context and establish the issue’s importance.
  • End with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the central argument or point of the essay. It should be specific and focused.

If you need inspiration to craft a compelling opening paragraph, use our free research introduction maker . You can also try our essay hook generator and thesis generator to make your introduction stand out.

800-Words Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs should be well-structured and carefully organized, each around 5-7 sentences long. When writing the essay’s main body, ensure each paragraph focuses on a single idea or argument and begins with a clear topic sentence related to the thesis statement. The body should include specific examples, evidence, and analysis to support the main idea. It is also essential to use transitional phrases and sentences to connect paragraphs and create a cohesive flow throughout the essay.

800-Word Essay Conclusion

In the essay’s conclusion, you should summarize the paper’s main points and restate the thesis statement concisely. This part should also provide a sense of closure by emphasizing the significance of the topic and its implications.

Avoid introducing new ideas or evidence in the conclusion, as this will confuse the reader and take a lot of extra words. Additionally, consider ending the essay with a strong and memorable statement that leaves the reader with something to think about or ponder further.

Check out our closing sentence generator to make a conclusion that has a lasting impression on your readers!

How Many References Should I Use in an Essay of 800 Words?

The number of references required in an essay of 800 words can vary depending on the topic and the specific requirements of your assignment. However, as a general guideline, having at least 3-4 credible sources for an essay of this length is recommended. These references should support your arguments, provide evidence, and add credibility to your work.

Remember that the actual number of references may depend on the complexity of the topic, the depth of research required, and the specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution.

Also, references are typically not required for an 800-word essay-personal statement or an autobiographical essay. These types of essays focus more on your personal experiences and insights than on external sources.

If you need help citing your resources, you can use our works cited generator .

📱 Effects of Social Media on Youth Essay 800 Words

  • Social Media and Interpersonal Relationships This has made some of the relations blossom It can be concluded that social media has both positive and negative effects on relationships.
  • Social Media: Negative and Positive Impacts It is evident that social media has negative and positive impacts on the lives of many people. Social media has enabled many people to get connected in many parts of the world.
  • Social Media in Enhancing Social Relationships and Happiness Social media and technology assist to foster and maintain relationships where the people live in different geographical regions. There is a major concern that social media and technology poses a threat to the traditional fabric […]
  • Gender Inequality in Social Media Research shows that teenagers from the age of thirteen use social media to discuss the physical appearances of girls and exchange images with sexual content.
  • Social Media and the Health Sector This work is going to conclusively address the role of the social media in healthcare, its effects on the implementation of the mandates of the sector.
  • Fake Trends on Social Media Platforms: Twitter Data collection tools can be used to trace the roots of disinformation and ultimately to stunt such activity and to meliorate the toxicity of the media environment.
  • How Social Media Could Threaten Democracy The next paragraph of this law will state that an organization must prove that it is based in the country to run a politically related ad on social media.
  • How Do Social Media Influencers Convey the Message of Body Positivity? The first platform that comes to mind and has a direct impact on self-image is Instagram which is now the main spot to convey the message of body positivity.
  • Social Media Platforms and Sports The theme ideal is efficient communication with today’s Athletes due to the increasing prominence of reality programs and the prevalence of difficulties relating to achievement and failure on reality showcases.
  • Effect of Social Media on Junior and High School Despite both the positive and negative effects of TikTok, in can be used to a benefit of junior and high school students.
  • Social Media and Teenagers’ Mental Health This book highlights the impact of social media on adolescent mental health and offers several solutions to this problem. 1, 2020, pp.
  • Do Social Media Algorithms Lead to Harmful Social Polarization? Thus, despite all the sponsors and funds that are allocated by political parties to traditional information distribution channels, social media have started to dominate the formation of public opinion.
  • Developing Intercultural Competence via Social Media Engagement The scientific objectives of the study [1] are the provision of genuine, exciting, and motivational experiences and resources, the use of cross-cultural communication experiences, and the opportunity to reflect, compare, open, and accept other cultures.
  • Social Media Promotes the Pursuit of the Thin Ideal Amongst Teens Social media is a means that promote the thin ideal and, as a result, teenagers begin to engage in some risky behaviors involving changing their diet.
  • Social Media and Credible Sources of Information This source has two points of influence, the first one being the fact that at the time of the post, Trump was still the President of the United States.
  • Psychology: Social Media and Bullying The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of social media and bullying and express the author’s opinion on the matter.
  • Creating Social Norms: Gender Depiction in Media Sources Among all types of information and misinformation presented in the media, the issue of gender roles is the most damaging of all.
  • Social Media Users’ Personality and Mental Health The use of social media has impacted people’s mental health by both contributing to their anxiety and creating a stressful and competitive platform on which people have to perform.
  • Social Media Implementation as a Pedagogical Tool As the initial research question is focused on retrieving Saudi teachers’ attitudes and opinions about the implementation of social media technologies in the classroom, the survey appears to be the most suitable method.
  • Social Media: Blogging for a Benefit The blog will be helpful as people will learn more about one of the popular products and their impact on the world. The blog can influence the marketing strategy of the company.

📍 Freedom Day Essay 800 Words

  • The history of Freedom Day in South Africa.
  • The significance of Freedom Day in South Africa’s journey towards democracy.
  • The life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, a key figure in South Africa’s struggle for freedom.
  • The African National Congress (ANC) and South Africa’s fight for democracy.
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s role in the fight for freedom and equality in America.
  • The role of Freedom Day in India’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule.
  • The impact of apartheid on South Africa’s social, economic, and political landscape.
  • The challenges and achievements of South Africa’s post-apartheid democracy.
  • Civil society and activism promoting freedom and democracy in South Africa.
  • The contributions of women to South Africa’s freedom struggle and independence.
  • The role of music, art, and culture in promoting freedom and unity in South Africa.
  • The future of America’s democracy and the challenges ahead.
  • The importance of Freedom Day in Algeria’s revolution against French colonial rule.
  • Freedom Day in Nigeria as a symbol of the fight against military dictatorship.
  • The celebration of Freedom Day in Tunisia after the Arab Spring uprising.
  • The importance of education and knowledge in building a democratic society.
  • The celebration of Freedom Day and its continued importance in South Africa.
  • The role of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa’s Freedom Day.
  • The influence of Freedom Day on national identity and unity.

🎭 Dr Faustus as a Tragic Play — in 800 Words

  • Interpretation of “Faust” by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Faust by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe is not just the discussion of a simple story about a man who has decided to sell his soul to the devil and has managed to save at the […]
  • The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus The appearance of Angels on the stage is exciting – in the scenery of bookshelves, on both sides of the set contain niches with statues of angels, slots turn, and actors appear.
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s “Faust”: Character Analysis The portrayal of Faust is a new form of rebellion that presents a sense of apprehension to the reader. He signs a pact with the devil in order to pursue his goals.
  • Comparing Dr. Faustus and Hamlet Hamlet kills numerous characters in the play and this goes to show his excessive pride or in other words his sin of pride.
  • Symbols in Marlowe’s “Faustus” and Milton’s “Paradise Lost” The purpose of the paper is to compare the use of symbolic roles of blood in the former and the wreath as the symbol of love and admiration in the latter.
  • Marlowe’s “Doctor Faustus” and Tale’s “Redemption” The characters are dressed in funny nonconventional regalia and the performance crosses the bound of normal day to day life, the fact that the roles played by the characters are nonexistent combined with the use […]

📔 Personal Narrative Essay 800 Words

Writing a personal narrative essay might be one of the most exciting tasks in high school or college. This essay tells a story from the writer’s own point of view. It aims to share a meaningful experience or event with the reader and offer insights into the writer’s thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.

Here are some excellent 600-800 word essay topics for your personal narrative:

  • How a childhood event shaped my outlook on life.
  • Learning to embrace my cultural heritage.
  • How I overcame a fear of public speaking.
  • The moment I realized the importance of kindness.
  • A memorable family vacation and the lessons learned.
  • Dealing with a difficult breakup and finding strength within myself.
  • The impact of a significant teacher or mentor on my life.
  • A life-changing volunteering experience.
  • How a friendship shaped who I am today.
  • My journey to self-acceptance and self-love.
  • Coping with the loss of a loved one and finding healing.
  • The role of sports in personal growth and development.
  • How I learned to prioritize self-care and mental well-being.
  • The influence of a memorable book or film on my perspective.
  • How social media has impacted my relationships and sense of self.
  • The lessons learned from a failed or unsuccessful venture.
  • The impact of growing up with a unique hobby or talent.
  • The role of faith or spirituality in my life.
  • Reflecting on the most significant decision I ever had to make.
  • The moment I realized the value of forgiveness and letting go.

🍟 Growing Culture of Junk Food Essay 800 Words

  • Fast Food Restaurants: Classification Most restaurants offer these services at their premises, whereby customers come, have their meals and leave for example the Deising’s chain of restaurants, while others especially the well-established ones offer take-out services and delivery services […]
  • Fast Food Effects on Human Health The phenomenon results in the ideological perspectives of increased obesity and the emergence of lifestyle diseases. The popularity and consumption rate of fast-food restaurants is one of the trending issues in cities and towns.
  • The Negative Consequences of Employing High School Students in Fast Food Restaurants In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
  • The Reasons Behind the Popularity of Fast Food in the Context of the Lebanese Market Nowadays, in Beirut, the variety of traditional dishes which can be prepared quickly and served as fast food is amazing, from the kebab, to the falafel; most dishes are represented.
  • Fast Food, Obesity, Depression, and Other Issues However, in busy communities, fast foods are increasingly being the preferred choice of food because of their price and convenience and that is why they are commonly served in many hotels, cafes and even some […]
  • Blame It on Fast-Moving Food Industries or Personal Irresponsibility The other reason that David Zinczenko gives why it is not prudent to blame the eater is a lack of information. People need to be responsible and accountable for the decisions that they make.
  • Fast Food and Gender: Is There a Relation? The study was to observe the gender that formed the majority of the customer base in respect to fast foods. In this case, it was important to select a predetermined restaurant that specializes in fast […]
  • Regulation of the Fast Food Industry: Review The rapid growth of the fast food industry has led to the high consumption of fast food by many people. The extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been driven by fundamental changes in […]
  • “The Bitter Truth About Fast Food” by Schlosser While such a regulation is hard to follow, it has been proved that some natural ingredients used in the manufacturing of flavors pose more health risks than artificial ingredients.
  • Environmental Analysis for a New Fast Food Chain in Australia The viability of the restaurant will depend, in a large part, on the stability of the host government as well as the strength of the host country’s political system.
  • Fast Food Epidemic: The Dark Side of American Meal Various reports and studies signify the trends of huge marketing campaigns of fast food chains and the significant correlation this has with fast food consumption.
  • Technology in the British Fast Food Industry The use of modern smartphones and apps is an emerging trend that will continue to dictate the performance of business organizations.
  • Fast Food, Fat Profits: Obesity in America With the current trends in the consumption of foods, statistics show that, by the year 2015, a third of America will be obese.
  • Fast-Food Restaurants’ Social Impact in the US The emphasis on efficiency, predictability, and calculability in the fast-food industry is based on the creation of a structured division of labor that requires employees to accomplish a set goal by the company.
  • Should Fast Food Qualify As “Food”? Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many people to suggest that fast food cannot be considered areal.’ This, of course, implies that the consumption of fast food can hardly be considered beneficial to the […]
  • Analysis of the Documentary Fast Food, Fat Profits This is one of the issues that can be distinguished. This is one of the limitations that can be singled out.
  • Fast Food Industry in the US This paper will discuss the fast food industry in the US with an emphasis on the positive as well as the negative impacts it has on American economy.
  • Fast Food on Campus: When Affordable Meals Overshadow the Nutrition Issues Starting Positively Much to the credit of fast food and the companies producing it, there are also a number of positive aspects of providing fast food on the territory of campus.
  • “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-Food World” by Michael Pollan The poultry helps in the spreading of manure as the chicken looks for larvae to eat. There are a lot of processed foods available in the market such that one is spoilt for choice.

📌 800 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 800 words double spaced.

How many pages is 800 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 800-word essay will be 4 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take 2 pages.

📌 How Much Is 800 Words in Paragraphs?

How much is 800 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 800-word essay will consist of 6-9 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 800 Words?

How many sentences is a 800-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 800 words are not less than 40-43 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 800-Word Essay?

An essay of 800 words is an extensive piece that requires a serious approach to researching, outlining, and writing. The three parts of a 800-word essay are the introduction (15% of the total volume), body (70%), and conclusion (15% of the total volume). The exact number of paragraphs will depend on how many arguments you have. Note that a typical paragraph contains 100-200 words on average.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 800 Words?

How long does it take to write a 800-word essay? It will take you 16-32 minutes to type 800 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little more than 2 and a half hours for a 800-word paper.

📌 How Long Should an Introduction Be in a 800 Word Essay?

A typical introduction in a 800 words essay contains about 120 words. However, it might be a good idea to ask your professor to provide you with the exact requirements.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 26). 800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/800-words-essay-examples/

"800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." IvyPanda , 26 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/800-words-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide'. 26 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." November 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/800-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." November 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/800-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." November 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/800-words-essay-examples/.

Free 800 Words Essay Examples

An 800-word essay is commonly assigned in middle and high school. A paper of 800 words is a great way for a student to quickly demonstrate their knowledge of a particular topic. One can be assigned an 800-word essay on linguistics, marketing, natural sciences. The typical genres are argumentative essay, assessment, book review.

As a rule, you won’t need to conduct an in-depth analysis to write a paper of 800 words. The keys to success are a solid outline, a clear thesis, conciseness, and originality. Check free 800-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!

Robert Frost’s “After Apple-Picking” and “The Road Not Taken”

Robert Frost is the author of the poems “After Apple-Picking” and “The Road Not Taken”, and many other poetic works of literature, as well as one of the most famous poets of America. He has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry four times. Robert Frost subtly felt human emotions,...

History of Cocaine and Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol and cocaine abuse has a history dating several centuries. The origin of cocaine can be traced to 5000 BC in the Inca Empire in Peru, where the first uses of coca were discovered (Hart & Ksir, 2018). Today, coca leaves are still consumed in the same way as in...

Alcohol and Drug Dependencies in Marriage

Alcohol and drug dependencies have been a significant problem among the populations of different countries around the globe. One of the subjects often discussed in association with this issue is the cause and effect of substance abuse in marriage and family life of the individuals struggling with the dependencies. Many...

Relationship in Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” Story

In the story “Sonny’s Blues” by Baldwin James, two characters, Sonny and his brother, the narrator, have a complex relationship. In the story, the narrator, who mainly focuses on telling us about Sonny’s story, is seen as a peripheral character as the main focus is on Sonny, making him the...

800-Word Essay FAQ

An 800 words essay would typically be about 3,5 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 800-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in an 800 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 8 to 9 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 16 to 27 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned an 800 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 800 words will take about 2 hours and 40 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 800 words would take up about 80 to 85 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 800-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.

Grief and Death in “Looking for Alaska” by John Green

Introduction Coming of age stories are often steeped in fiction, outweighing the significance of the subject material or the targeted audience. However, John Green successfully presents themes of grief and death in his novel, Looking for Alaska, using adult youth characters. The story follows Miles Halter, Chip Martin, and Takumi...

The Concepts of Culture and Society

The concepts of culture and society are often confused as the same nowadays when they are clearly entirely different. As a matter of fact, the former is a primary source of conformity for people, considering that they comply with their culture’s primary components. Furthermore, culture is a part of society...

HIV/AIDS: The Public Perceptions

Introduction Various diseases affecting the human body are common in society, and the perception of each disease is different. For instance, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) have been negatively thought of for many years. Since the registered outbreak of AIDS in 1981, the infection has become...

Expansion of Substance Abuse Services

Introduction Substance abuse is a problem that affects everyone in our society. Substance abuse can significantly impact individuals and their families, businesses, and communities. The costs of substance abuse include medical expenses, criminal justice expenses, loss of income and productivity, and costs to society in the form of social welfare...

O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” Analysis

The short story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” was initially published in 1953, following Flannery O’Connor’s permanent relocation to her mother’s dairy farm in Andalusia. In summary, the book is a short story revolving around a Georgia family that has got travel plans to move from Georgia to...

Shortcomings of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

Introduction The theory of cognitive development, formed by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, in its time introduced a large number of new ideas into psychology. His was to describe the evolution of mental processes such as memory, imagination, and logic within a given individual. According to the scientist, child development...

Iago Character Analysis in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

Introduction Othello ranks among the top classic plays written by Shakespeare. It predominantly rotates around two key characters, Othello, the influential leader, and Iago, his follower. The play characterizes Iago as a manipulative person who is intent on using different tactics to bring down Othello, who appears jealous of him....

Nature of the Relationship Between Force and Motion

Introduction In the present laboratory work, the nature of the relationship between the force applied to the smartcart and the acceleration, as well as between the acceleration and the mass of the cart, was evaluated. For this purpose, two different experiments were performed: in the first, the mass of the...

The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates by Moore

Introduction The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates, written by Wes Moore, compares and contrasts youths who share the same name, the author Wes and the other Wes. It highlights significant moments in their lives and demonstrates how two persons with the same name approached identical problems in very...

E-Learning and Principles of Instruction

Introduction E-Learning is the provision of training and education using digital resources. It is delivered via internet-connected electronic components such as PCs, cell phones, and tablets. Many students worldwide may now attend various courses on the internet without leaving their homes. The study explores the advantages and disadvantages of electronic...

School Psychologists’ Role in Special Education

School psychologists play essential roles in determining the provision of special education services. They work to improve the students’ lives across several fields, including assistance with academic performance, enhancing social skills, and conflict resolution behaviors. One might expect to see various disabilities, and the most common types include mobility, vision,...

Attitudes to Women in “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

In classical drama, male characters’ dislike of women is not uncommon. Particularly, in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the protagonist develops misogynist opinions and worldviews as a result of encountering his mother’s moral imperfection. Hamlet’s attitudes to women include distrust and beliefs regarding women’s unreliability, moral weakness, and roles as the source of...

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

The elimination of all government-enforced sanctions for owning and consuming marijuana is commonly referred to as legalization. Highlighting marijuana use, or cannabis, legalization in this case allows for the sale and cultivation of marijuana at household in the majority of, but not absolutely all, circumstances. In fact, marijuana legalization is...

The Book “Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros

Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories is a short story book written by an American writer and poet Sandra Cisneros and published in 1991. The story the book is named after is the author’s interpretation of a Mexican cultural myth of La Llorona, with Cisneros granting its heroine a much...

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology

Over the last two decades, technology has dramatically transformed the world. Some of these significant emerging technologies are artificial intelligence and machine learning which attempts to simulate typical human reasoning. These technological inventions have, over the years, become dominant in most problem-solving techniques. The technologies are currently used in various...

The Great Depression and the New Deal Reforms

Numerous facets of the social welfare system make it challenging to provide a concise definition. Social welfare’s history is an interdisciplinary study of the evolution of organized activities and charitable works related to social reforms and public or non-profit social services aimed to protect and benefit individual citizens, families, and...

Changes to the United States’ Foreign Policies during Cold War

When World War II ended, many people hoped for an era of peace and cooperation across the globe. However, the new war started much earlier than anyone had anticipated. Despite it being fundamentally different from the original understanding of the term “war,” the Cold war was a war, nonetheless, occurring...

Protagonist of Death of a Salesman by Miller

Death of a Salesman is a classic play about the collapse of the American dream and the collapse of family values. The work of the famous American author Arthur Miller has always focused not on feelings but on the rationality of thinking. This play, written in two acts, tells the...

Protecting Human Research Participants

Introduction Everyone has the right to privacy and security, even when it comes to science. Protection of Human Research Participants plays an essential role in Human Research and regulates the field of human research. The objective of protecting participants is to minimize or avoid harm to the participant in the...

“Salem Possessed” by Paul S. Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum

Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft is an academic work that focuses on the Salem witch trials. The book, first published in 1974 by Harvard University Press, proposes an alternate explanation for the phenomena of witch hysteria and its particular significance to the town of Salem, Massachusetts. Critics praised...

Stop Tobacco Smoking Interventions

Introduction Tobacco is one of the leading misused substances in the world today. Nearly 50% of adults in the United States are active smokers (Hersi et al., 2019). Hence, smoking cigarettes is a clinical issue because excessive smoking has been proven to cause various chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease,...

The Articles of Confederation vs. the US Constitution

Introduction Establishing a federal government and the United States as a sovereign country were the main goals of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles established a system of administration in which the territories held the majority of the authority. The result was a weak national authority that lacked absolute authority...

The Early Christian Persecution

Introduction The Roman Empire persecuted early Christians for their religious views, and this process continued for several centuries. The pagan government accused Christians of the Roman Empire of promoting the dangerous cult, criminal activity, and treason. In most cases, the officials accused Christians of various offenses to justify violence against...

Character Analysis of “Fences” by August Wilson

Addressing a complex history of racial inequality in the U.S., as well as a conundrum of relationships within a dysfunctional family affected by racial prejudices, August Wilson’s “Fences” incorporates an array of memorable and sympathetic characters. However, the main protagonist, Troy Maxson, clearly represents the core of the play and...

Women’s Freedom in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Introduction Pride and Prejudice is one of the most famous novels by Jane Austen. The female author dedicated many years to writing this work, and it became an excellent masterpiece in the literary scope. Many critics appreciate the novel for its style, language, and form, and the book had significant...

Heterosexuality and Sexual Contract in The Proud Family

The chosen TV series is “The Proud Family – Louder and Prouder” Season 1, Episode 4. These TV series explore gender concepts in family relations and the community. The show is exciting, as it is a perfect method for people, especially teenagers, to eliminate established stereotypes about sexuality and gender....

World War II: Nazi and His Propaganda

The devastating consequences of World War II seem even more paramount in comparison with the first war. The selfish interests and desires of politicians and world leaders led to many deaths and considerable damage to countries. Hitler’s focus on political world domination pushed the German nation to fight and die...

War’s Negative Impacts on Family Life and Children

Introduction There are many negative effects of war: human sacrifice and destruction of the economic system, but one of the most powerful influences with a delayed effect is the psychological impact on families, and especially on children. Children in war zones are physically and mentally damaged by war experiences. Direct...

Mexican-American War From Mexican Perspective

Introduction Mexican-American War (1846-1848) was a battle between the United States and Mexico and originated from the United States’ annexation of the Republic of Texas in 1845 (Swanlund, 2018). Texas had been part of Mexico until it declared independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836 (Flomen, 2021). From 1836 to...

The Importance of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is a necessary condition for the existence of people. Without it is impossible for a person to fully form any skills of interaction. The movie You’ve got mail tells how the owner of a small bookstore gets acquainted by mail with the owner of a chain of book...

Human Cloning: Ethical Dilemma

The process of cloning living beings has been at the center of a heated debate for the last two decades. Since the first living organism, being Dolly the Sheep, was cloned in 1996, people were left wondering if human cloning would ever be scientifically possible. Furthermore, questions regarding the ethical...

Changing Attitude Towards Marriage in the US

The institute of marriage and family was always perceived as something sacred and unquestionable by society. However, with the development of modern technologies and ideologies that significantly increased public awareness of the negative aspects of traditional marriage, the enthusiasm began to fade. That is why young people today treat marriage...

Immigration and Issues of Economic Development

Introduction Immigration is becoming an issue of concern to the world as there are increased migrations into various countries, including the United States and Europe countries. Immigration, thus, is defined as both the legal and illegal movement of people from one’s country to a destination country where they have no...

Cory in the Play “Fences” by August Wilson

Introduction Each character in the play is of interest, as personal changes take place within them as the story progresses. One of the characters undergoing the most profound changes is Rose and Troy. However, in “Fences” by August Wilson, Cory is a character that is interesting and powerful to analyze....

Diversity Issue in Today’s Organizations

Diversity encompasses how people identify themselves and how others perceive them. Examples include age, gender, color, religion, economic upbringing, and culture. Many businesses in the 21st century aspire for increased diversity in their staff. A diversified company has a better chance of finding new markets, attracting desired people of all...

US Foreign Relations in Late 1800s–Early 1900s

With the end of the Reconstruction period in 1877, the United States entered a period of exceptionally rapid economic growth. Iron production quadrupled, and coal production increased tenfold; its transportation infrastructure also developed rapidly, consolidating its domestic market (Gallman and Rhode, 2019). At this time and in the U.S., new...

Single-Parent Families Headed by Mothers

Single-parent families are typically viewed as a relatively rare phenomenon, yet the specified type of family structure occurs much more frequently than one might think. However, despite being a common issue, the issue at hand is seen as a rather contentious and, therefore, quite controversial social topic (Baumbusch et al.,...

LGBT Student Bullying in Schools

Introduction To date, two decades into the 21st century, school bullying against LGBT teenagers is still a regular practice throughout the world. The shifts in socio-cultural comprehension are attributed to gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or other reasons. When it comes to LGBT teenage students, bullying might appear as...

Aspects of Key Construction Contracts

The contracts can be used to procure a wide range of works, services, and supplies, from large-scale framework projects to small-scale projects and the acquisition of supplies and items. National and international projects have benefited greatly from NEC contracts in terms of time, cost savings, and increased quality. Standard formats...

Iraq-Kuwait War Ovierview and Analysis

The Iraq–Kuwait War was a military conflict that resulted in the occupation of Kuwait; in fact, Iraqi forces have occupied Kuwait for seven months. The conflict also led to the intervention of U.S. forces in Iraq and to the Gulf War. The reasons for invading Iraq were various: political, military,...

Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In December 1941, Japan attacked and destroyed the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in the Pacific, prompting the United States to enter World War II. USA became part of the anti-Hitler coalition, joining the USSR and England. However, the Americans could take revenge for Pearl Harbor only at the...

US Involvement in the World War II

Factors Influencing the US to Enter the War The US maintained a neutral state for close to two years as World War II (WWII) continued. However, Congress was engaged in arguments over the neutrality several months before an attack by Japan on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941.1 The war...

The Third Man Film Genre Analysis

The Third Man is a 1949 film directed by British director Carol Reed. The film was well-received by critics and became one of the classics of the film-noir genre. According to the British Film Institute survey of the best British film of the twentieth century, The Third Man was voted...

Global Warming: Solutions to the Problem

Global warming implies an increase of the average temperature on the Earth. Such heating up is associated with human economic activity. Now, the humanity knows precisely which types of activity provoke the tremendous growth in the average temperature on the planet. The leading causes of global warming are vehicles, mining...

Marcus Garvey’s Contributions to History

Marcus Garvey was a political activist and theorist who made significant contributions to history. Garvey was born in 1887 and died in 1940; his goal was to establish an autonomous state that would safeguard and enhance the lives of black people worldwide (Ledgister, 2019; Jagmohan, 2020). Before decolonization, his transnational...

Internet Use and Well-Being Among College Students

Reverse Outline Topic and Main Ideas: Topic: The authors measure the influence of the Internet expansion on college students’ internal and external well-being factors. Main Idea: The study aims to explore the relationship between Internet use and indicators of well-being for college students using social anxiety, loneliness, family cohesion, and...

Chemical Equilibrium in Solution

Introduction The dispersion of molecules of iodine 12 between immiscible liquids solvents, water, or carbon tetrachloride was used to estimate the molarity of the 12 substances involved at balance in the aqueous solution. The lack of information regarding activity coefficients for any complexes present complicates the investigation. Early scientists recognized...

Supreme Court Ruling of Marbury v. Madison

Introduction Despite being often used interchangeably, civil rights and civil liberties differ. Civil rights serve as legal protection against discrimination, while civil liberties are stated by Constitution to ensure fundamental human freedoms, for example, freedom of speech (Domino, 2018). In order to uphold these pillars of today’s society, the legal...

Social Networking Influence on Psychology

Social networking sites have significantly alleviated interpersonal communication and made information more accessible. Today, everyone has accounts on social networking sites and spends much time checking other people’s profiles, forming an overview of the personalities based on the posted information. Generally, the modern process of socialization includes active participation in...

Censorship and Freedom of Speech

The main idea of ​​censorship is the recognition of the right of the state to restrict the dissemination of information that the state considers harmful or undesirable. Censorship is a form of restriction of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, television, and other media, due to legislatively approved norms...

Mobile Devices and Cybersecurity

Medical state structures and commercial organizations have daily access to many personal data, including date of birth, first and last name of patients and staff, marital status. The issue of security is particularly acute in front of medical institutions, where data such as diagnoses, research results, and medical histories are...

Child Abuse as Modern Society Challenge

Child abuse is among the leading challenges that children face at a point in their live, hence, it attract the attention of the world activists and children rights advocates. Child abuse is a serious offence that affects the development of the society, and cause severe psychological and physical problems to...

Introducing the Standards for Minimum Wage Rates in the US

Introduction The process of introducing the standards for minimum wage rates in the US was neither rapid nor easy to implement. It began in the late 1930s with the introduction of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and has undergone major changes since then. Minimum wage rates and reforms related...

Civil Rights Case in the City of Chicago

Introduction The case was argued in December 1968 and determined in March 1969. The case originated from Dick Gregory, who organized a demonstration in Chicago in 1966. Protesters gathered to voice their displeasure with the city of Chicago’s policy of segregated public schools. The protesters marched to by then-Mayor Richard...

Nuclear Share of Electricity Generation

Different opinions surrounded the topic of nuclear power usage for the last 50 years. While some people strongly suggest that nuclear power is dangerous, other people state that nuclear power is far more progressive and cleaner than coal and oil sourced energy. This paper will uncover the basic physical principles...

Tom in “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams

Some playwrights utilize intriguing approaches to setting up the scene; for example, by making a narrator a direct participant of the events, the writer can convey more meaning. “The Glass Menagerie” is a play written by Tennessee Williams in 1944 (Williams, 1). Interestingly, the central character of this play, whose...

“Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci” Artwork by Menzel

As a rule, contribution to art is not what monarchs are typically remembered for; however, as seen in Adolph Menzel’s painting, “Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci,” Frederick the Great made quite a difference in the art domain by promoting the significance of music along with innovations in...

Effects of Child Labor in Farming to Children

Child labor in farming is defined as involving children in farm duties that interfere with their personal development and their human rights. The issue of child labor is affecting many countries across the globe. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has observed that sixty percent of child labor...

Women’s Liberation: Feminism in Society

Introduction The pervasive description of Betty Friedan as posed in her publication in 1963 posits that women within the mainstream American Society are subjected to the feminine mystique. Society assumed after the Second World War that women were only justified to find fulfillment through sexual passivity, housework, child-rearing, and marriage....

Causes of Crimes, Theories and Crime Behavior

Introduction Criminology requires a person to understand the reason that makes people commit crimes. It provides a platform on which mechanisms of solving and handling criminal behavior. In the past years, various theories, which are related to causes of crime, have emerged. Besides, researchers continue to explore these theories. This...

Technology and Crime Analysis

Introduction Crime analysis encompasses structured, diagnostic procedures that police officers use to obtain prompt and relevant data about crime trends and pattern correlations. The tactic enhances crime prevention and investigation, criminal apprehension, and department process’ evaluation (Braga et al., 2019). Information technology is used in analyzing wrongdoing because it ensures...

The Managing Virtual Teams

Introduction Technology innovation in organizations has changed how team work and managed. Increasingly, organizations are using virtual teams in their operations; virtual teams are teams whose members are separated by time and/or space and they interact electronically and few occasions face-to-face meetings. Virtual teams are beneficial to organizations since they...

Black Lives Matter: Racial Perspectives on Social Media

Introduction Black Lives Matter is the movement for social changes and the rights of African Americans in the United States. With the advance of social networking sites (SNSs) and other social media resources, Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has grown into a social campaign against police officers’ violence and racial...

The Correctional System: Prison in the United States

Prisons in the US hold a large number of inmates. According to Sawyer and Wagner (2020), almost 1.3 million people are confined in state prisons; 226,000 are held in federal prisons and jails, and 631,000 are confined in local jails. Among state prisoners, 713,000 offenders are convicted of violent crimes,...

The New Mount Rushmore: The «American Sisters» Monument

The common desire for equality, diversity, and inclusivity has been one of the most valuable pursuits of the American nation. Today, a lot of previously suppressed groups have earned their validation in society with the help of courageous activists of the past. There is a perfect opportunity to commemorate their...

Black Masculinity in the US in the 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries

The new gender agenda significantly changes the view of self-determination, masculinity, and femininity. Even though stereotypes break, they still have a significant influence and can limit individual’s freedom. Moreover, some groups are pressured simultaneously due to several factors. For example, the perception of masculinity of African American men is influenced...

America as a New World: Native Depopulation in North America

Introduction Columbian exchange refers to the two-way Atlantic traffic between America, Europe, and Africa. Columbian exchange facilitated the exchange of animals, plants, communicable diseases, and culture. The other main use of the Columbian exchange was the exchange of ideas between the Americans and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres. This was only possible after...

Lincoln’s View of Slavery Before and During Civil War

Introduction The United States of America has proceeded a long way toward eliminating racial prejudice and stereotypes. The Civil War marked the start of this process, and President Lincoln became a symbol of the struggle for the country unit and the abolition of enslavement. However, his vision of slavery and...

Analysis of Nelson Mandela History and Life

Introduction Nelson Mandela who was born in 1918 in the village of Mfezo was the President of South Africa for five years from 1994 (Manikandan, 2019). He was in prison for political actions that were considered terrorist at the time. Only the relations of politicians from all over the world...

Human Trafficking as Modern Form of Slavery

Introduction I have been raised hearing about how God formed the heavens and the earth at the start of time. I have been taught how He separated the light from the darkness and the dry land from the waters. I have also learned that God created the sea and land...

Single Parent Families. Does it affect Child Psychology?

Introduction Single parenthood is becoming an increasingly prevalent phenomenon in the western hemisphere, especially in the United States and European Union. This social trend began in the 1970s along with social liberation (Cashmore, 2014). Some people consider the growing single-parent family rate is an acute societal issue and a sign...

Death as the Mystery in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Death is one of the central themes in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” The play opens with the vision of Hamlet’s deceased father, it is hinted at throughout the play as the prince himself contemplates the futility of life, and it leads to the tragic resolution as all characters die in the final...

The Fahrenheit 451 Novel by Ray Bradbury

The Fahrenheit 451 novel by Ray Bradbury focuses on multiple themes, including technology, freedom, and censorship. The main themes are portrayed as detrimental to societal growth because they consume a lot of television and radio but do not enjoy reading. To demonstrate the extent to which the citizens relied on...

Symbolic Nature of Frost’s Poetry

In his poems, Robert Frost gives universal meaning to the modest local episodes and scenes. The central idea of the insolubility of life conflicts leads to the embodiment of the idea of the absurdity of earthly existence (Axelrod and Gerer 2). This essentially modernist idea is implemented in several Frost’s...

“A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams

Introduction A Streetcar Named Desire is a chef-d’oeuvre play by Tennessee Williams, and it has many interesting characters. However, one of the protagonists, Blanche Dubois, stands out from the rest because she is dramatic and she adds flavor to the play. Williams presents Blanche as a two-faced character. On the...

Creative Arts in a Literacy Lesson as Clinical Field Experience

Motivation is one of the instruments enhancing the learning process and enabling students to achieve academic results at an appropriate pace. The exploration of children’s creativity is another important component of learning, so creative arts are often integrated into teaching diverse disciplines. This integration serves multiple purposes as it makes...

New York Public Schools: E-Government in Education

Introduction E-government processes are related to technology use and citizen participation in politics. With regards to public administration, e-government refers to the transformation of government processes using interactive communication tools. The Internet is one appropriate way of improving interactive communication processes among people and institutions at all levels. Disparities in...

Community Event: Promoting Digital Literacy

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) The main objective of the community event is to bring together both children and adults of different age groups, social and economic backgrounds to acquaint them with the new educational opportunities. The clear message of the event should be that all the age groups are...

Capital Punishment Cons: Perspective Law and Human Rights

Using the death penalty over the years becomes rarer and is applied only after murders with aggravating circumstances. Having studied the historical background, it can be argued that the more conscious society becomes, the more followers of its abolition become. In the last century, there was a much stricter society...

Communication Process Stages

Introduction For communication to be effective, its process is very vital. The communication process is essential in the step-to-step transfer of information from the sender to the receiver, and various channels are used in the transmission of information. Among the stages of the communication process discussed include the sender, receiver,...

Learning Styles and Strategies

Personal Learning Styles VARK test identified my learning preferences as mild kinesthetic, which means that I tend to rely on practical exercises, experiences, and examples. The test also provided the score for my visual, aural, reading, and writing learning preferences, giving 9 points each. I received the highest score for...

Social Enterprises in The Corporation Documentary

Social enterprises are business structures aimed not just to maximize profit but also to reach specific socio-environmental goals. The Corporation (2003), the award-winning Canadian documentary, examines the modern corporation and criticizes it for disregarding human well-being and concerning only with money. The documentary illustrates how the modern-day corporation functions and...

The Controversial Social Media

Introduction Social media is the most potent and unrivaled weapon in world politics. The arrival of Web-based technologies and the exponential rise of access, including social networking sites by members of society, have been among them during this digital age. One essential feature of innovation is that it enables individuals...

Online Education as an Effective Alternative to Traditional Learning

During the COVID-19 pandemic, online education substituted traditional, face-to-face learning either partially or fully. Nowadays, distance learning is a popular and effective way of learning since it helps students and teachers save time and money and allows them to participate in a study process even if they are in another...

Implicit Association Test: Attitudes on Race and Ethnicity

Introduction The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is trying to measure how strongly stereotypes or evaluations about race and other concepts are related. The test is structured so that the items with closely related evaluations share the same response key, which helps determine how the respondent feels about the concept. The...

“The Things They Carried” by William Timothy O’Brien: True Wartime Experiences

Introduction Consisting of twenty-two interconnected stories, the Things They carried by William Timothy O’Brien is regarded as one the best fictional works on the true experiences of the American soldiers in the Vietnam War. The novel has received a huge commendation from reviewers because of the innovative application of memoir,...

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Paper

Introduction The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a part of the US Defense Department. It deals with terrorist activities against the USA. Its primary purpose is to protect the citizens of America from terrorist attacks. This department was formed after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. It has...

Freedom in Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

Although it was written in 1894, Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” is one of the earliest feminist texts popular today. Chopin’s short story narrates Louise Mallard’s life, a youthful woman who struggles in an oppressive marriage. Freedom is the central theme of “The Story of an Hour”. Chopin...

Phonemic Awareness to Phonics

Speaking about the potential advantages of implementing technology to support phonemic/phonological knowledge, focused attention should be paid to young students’ engagement and interest in learning. Regarding interest, it is widely accepted that modern technology, such as personal multimedia devices, easily attracts children’s attention while also exposing them to new learning...

Violent Video Games and Behavior Problems

Introduction The astounding nature of violence available in many video games is capable of encouraging players to develop aggressive behaviors and eventually engage in criminal activities. Unfortunately, many researchers have failed to present definitive conclusions due to the complexity of this topic and the fact that only children are the...

Time to “Decriminalize” Mental Health

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Home — Free Essays — 800 Words — 800

800-Word Essay Examples

An 800-word essay provides an opportunity to delve deeper into a topic and explore various aspects of it in detail. Some potential essay topics could include analyzing a current social issue, discussing the impact of technology on society, exploring the benefits and drawbacks of online education, or examining the role of art in promoting social change. These topics offer a wide range of possibilities for research, analysis, and critical thinking, allowing the writer to present a well-rounded argument or perspective on the chosen subject. By choosing an 800-word essay topic that is of personal interest or relevance, the writer can engage with the topic more deeply and produce a more compelling and insightful essay.

Brief Description of 1000-Word Essay Topics

A 1000-word essay provides an opportunity for a more in-depth exploration of a topic, allowing the writer to delve deeper into the subject matter and provide a more comprehensive analysis. Some potential essay topics for a 1000-word essay could include examining the impact of social media on mental health, discussing the effects of climate change on global food security, analyzing the role of government regulation in the healthcare industry, or exploring the relationship between technology and privacy rights.

These topics offer a broad scope for research, analysis, and critical thinking, allowing the writer to present a well-rounded argument or perspective on the chosen subject. By choosing a 1000-word essay topic that is of personal interest or relevance, the writer can engage with the topic more deeply and produce a more nuanced and detailed essay.

In a 1000-word essay, the writer has more space to develop their ideas, provide supporting evidence, and explore different perspectives on the topic. This allows for a more thorough examination of the subject matter and a more persuasive argument.

Overall, a 1000-word essay provides a valuable opportunity for the writer to demonstrate their research, analysis, and critical thinking skills, and to engage with a topic in a more meaningful and impactful way. By choosing a topic that is both interesting and relevant, the writer can create a compelling and insightful essay that will engage readers and provoke thought and discussion.

  • Analyze the causes and consequences of poverty and income inequality and propose strategies to alleviate economic disparities.
  • Analyze the factors contributing to gender inequality and discuss ways to promote gender equality in society.
  • Analyze the impact of globalization on economies, cultures, and societies around the world.
  • Analyze the ways in which technology has transformed society and discuss ethical considerations related to technological advancements.
  • Debate the effectiveness of current gun control laws and propose potential changes to reduce gun violence.
  • Discuss the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence and its impact on the future of work and society.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of climate change and possible solutions to mitigate its impact.
  • Discuss the concept of sustainable development and the importance of balancing economic growth with environmental conservation.
  • Discuss the historical and contemporary role of women in society and the challenges they face in achieving gender equality.
  • Discuss the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and potential solutions to address job displacement.
  • Discuss the prevalence of cyberbullying and its effects on individuals, and propose ways to combat online harassment.
  • Discuss the role of education in shaping individuals and society and its impact on social mobility.
  • Examine current immigration policies and their impact on immigrants and society, and propose potential reforms.
  • Examine the causes of the obesity epidemic and propose solutions to promote healthier lifestyles.
  • Examine the importance of mental health in the workplace and strategies to promote employee well-being.
  • Examine the positive and negative effects of social media on individuals and society as a whole.
  • Examine the role of government in shaping public policy and promoting the common good, and discuss the responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society.
  • Explore the ethical treatment of animals and the importance of animal rights in society.
  • Explore the history of racial discrimination and discuss efforts to combat racism and promote racial equality.
  • Explore the importance of mental health awareness and the stigma surrounding mental illness.

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What Is an 800-Word Essay?

An 800-word essay a piece of writing that consists of approximately 800 words. In an 800-word essay, the writer must effectively communicate their main points, support them with relevant evidence or examples, and provide analysis or critical evaluation. The essay should have a clear and logical structure, typically including an introduction that introduces the topic and presents a thesis statement, body paragraphs that develop the main points with supporting evidence, and a conclusion that summarizes the key ideas and leaves a lasting impression. Due to the limited word count, writers need to be concise and focused in their writing, prioritizing the most relevant information and avoiding unnecessary repetition or wordiness. Each paragraph should contribute directly to the central thesis and maintain a coherent flow of ideas throughout the essay.

What Does an 800-Word Essay Look Like?

As any essay this type has its general structure. A typical structure for an 800-word essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs (usually 2-4 paragraphs), and a conclusion. The introduction should provide context, present the thesis statement, and engage the reader. The body paragraphs should develop key points or arguments with supporting evidence and analysis, and the conclusion should summarize the main ideas and leave a lasting impression.

How Many Pages is an 800-Word Essay?

The number of pages in an 800-word essay can vary depending on various factors such as font size, line spacing, and formatting requirements. However, a general estimation is that an 800-word essay would be around 1.5 to 2 pages. It's important to note that these estimations are approximate, and the actual page count may vary slightly based on individual writing style and formatting choices.

How Long It Takes to Write an 800-Word Essay?

The time it takes to write an 800-word essay can vary depending on several factors like your writing speed, research requirements, familiarity with the topic, and the complexity of the subject matter. On average, it might take around 2 to 4 hours to complete an 800-word essay. However, some people may require more time for research and planning, while others may be able to write more quickly. Additionally, factors like distractions, breaks, and revisions can also influence the overall time needed to complete the essay. To manage your time effectively, it's recommended to allocate sufficient time for each stage of the writing process, including brainstorming, outlining, researching, writing the draft, and revising and editing. Breaking the task into smaller, manageable chunks and setting realistic goals for each stage can help ensure a well-written and polished 800-word essay within a reasonable timeframe.

How Can You Effectively Use the Word Count in an 800-Word Essay?

Focus on the main points or arguments and avoid unnecessary repetition or wordiness. Ensure that each paragraph contributes directly to your central thesis and supports your overall argument. Edit and revise your essay carefully to make the most of the word count and maintain clarity and coherence.

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800 Word Essay Examples

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Writing an 800-word essay can be challenging, but with the right strategies and examples, you can create a compelling piece of writing that will leave your reader wanting more. In this article, we will explore the structure of an 800-word essay, provide helpful writing strategies, and present engaging topics and paper examples to inspire your writing.

An 800-word essay typically consists of an introduction of around 100 words, three body paragraphs totaling approximately 600 words, and a conclusion of about 100 words. This structure follows the standard 5-paragraph essay format commonly assigned to students. While shorter than a more in-depth research paper, it offers more room for exploration than most personal statements.

To begin your essay, the introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide a clear thesis statement that outlines your essay’s central argument or purpose. This section should be concise but engaging, setting the tone for the rest of your writing.

In the body paragraphs, you will develop your main ideas and provide supporting evidence. Each paragraph should focus on a single point and include relevant examples, facts, or quotations to strengthen your argument. Maintaining a logical flow between paragraphs is essential, using transitional phrases to guide the reader through your essay.

When writing an 800-word essay, staying focused and avoiding unnecessary repetition or tangents is crucial. Ensure each sentence contributes to your essay’s overall coherence and clarity. Additionally, be mindful of your word count and allocate enough space to each essay section. This will help you maintain a balanced and well-structured piece of writing.

Now, let’s explore some thought-provoking topics that can inspire your 800-word essay. Remember, the key is to choose a topic that interests you and allows for meaningful exploration. Here are a few examples:

1. The Impact of Social Media on Society: Analyze social media’s positive and negative effects on individuals and communities.

2. Climate Change and Its Consequences: Discuss the causes and consequences of climate change and propose possible solutions.

3. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Future: Examine artificial intelligence’s potential benefits and risks and its impact on various industries.

4. The Importance of Mental Health Awareness: Explore the significance of raising awareness about mental health issues and their impact on individuals and society.

5. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Discuss the ethical implications of genetic engineering and its potential benefits and risks.

Now that you have some topic ideas, let’s look at some paper examples to further inspire your writing. Our extensive essay database offers a wide range of topics and styles, allowing you to explore different approaches to essay writing. By reading and analyzing these examples, you can gain insights into effective writing techniques and develop your unique style.

In conclusion, writing an 800-word essay requires careful planning, effective organization, and engaging content. By following the standard 5-paragraph essay structure, staying focused, and utilizing relevant examples and evidence, you can create a compelling piece of writing that will captivate your reader. Remember to choose a topic that interests you and allows for meaningful exploration, and don’t hesitate to explore our extensive essay database for additional inspiration. Good luck with your essay!

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How to Write an 800 Word Essay: Examples, Topics and Structure

  • Post author: EssayWritings
  • Post category: Uncategorized
  • Post last modified: May 13, 2024
  • Reading time: 30 mins read

Hey there! If you face a problem, this post covers everything you need to know about How to write an 800-word essay , including its length, page count, writing time, structure, paragraph count, editing, referencing, and topic ideas. It also provides helpful tips and examples to guide you through writing. So, if you want to write an 800-word essay, this post has got you covered!

✍️ How to write an 800-word essay? 7 Steps

Writing an essay that is 800 words long may seem impossible, but if it is broken down into a series of smaller phases, it may become more doable. While writing an essay that is 800 words long, here are seven stages that you should follow:

Step 1: Decide on a subject

The selection of a subject for your essay is the first task at hand. This stage has already been completed if you have been provided with a prompt. If, on the other hand, you have the freedom to choose your subject, you should set aside some time to think about potential topics. Think about the things that already interest you or that you are knowledgeable about. When you have a list of prospective themes to choose from, limit it to one that you have an intense interest in and can easily write about for 800 words.

Step 2: Create an outline

While writing an essay, the first thing you should do is create an outline. This will assist you in organizing your ideas and ensuring that you cover all of the relevant areas in your presentation. Your primary argument or topic sentences should be the first thing you write down. After that, establish a list of the primary arguments that you want to use to defend your position. In the last step, incorporate any specifics or instances you want to present. An introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion have to be included in your outline.

Step 3: Compose the opening statement

The first paragraph of your essay is called the introduction, and its purpose is to get the reader interested in what you have to say while also providing some background information on the topic. First, use a hook, like a quotation, a question, or a fact that will surprise the reader. After that, you will provide some background information on the subject and conclude with your thesis statement.

Step 4: Write the body paragraphs

In the body paragraphs, you should provide your thesis and the evidence that you will use to support it. Each paragraph should be organized around a single primary idea and include supporting evidence in examples or proof. Make sure that your thoughts are connected and that your essay flows smoothly by using transitional words. Whenever you use any information from other sources, it is imperative that you properly credit those sources.

Step 5: Compose the conclusion

Your essay’s conclusion is the final paragraph, and it has to do two things: repeat your thesis statement and summarize the most important elements in your paper. On the other hand, avoid just restating what you have previously said. Instead, supply the reader with concluding views on the subject, leaving them with something to think about.

Step 6: Editing and checking for errors

When you’ve finished writing your essay, the next step is to modify and proofread it. First, review the whole article and look for any typos or mistakes in grammar or spelling. The next step is to determine whether or not your argument makes sense and whether or not your evidence backs up your thesis statement. Lastly, check that your thoughts are properly ordered, and your essay has a smooth flow.

Step 7: Finalize

When your essay has been revised and reviewed, you should make any required changes and submit it for final approval. Check again to ensure that you have adhered to the principles and criteria for the formatting, and check to see that your essay is structured and referenced appropriately. The next step is to hand in your essay, at which point you can congratulate yourself on a job well done.

You may think that writing an essay of 800 words would be difficult, but if you follow these seven steps, you will be able to break it down into pieces that are more manageable and create an essay that is well-organized, well-supported, and well-written.

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🏗️ How to Structure an 800-Word Essay?

Although an essay of 800 words is shorter than many other forms of academic writing, it still has to be organized clearly and logically to convey the author’s intended message. The standard format for an essay includes an introduction, the main bedbound a conclusion. Detailed explanations of the various chapters follow.

Introduction 100-150 Words

The introduction is the first paragraph of your essay, and it should introduce the issue and provide some context for your analysis. The following items should be present:

HOOK: Grab the reader’s interest immediately with an attention-grabbing “hook” at the beginning of your work. Include something unexpected about your subject, something that will get people thinking, or anything that is a quotation that is relevant to your topic. The hook is the first line or two of your introduction, and its purpose is to entice the reader to keep reading. Choose something that is both interesting and pertinent to your subject. A hook may be made in a variety of ways, some of which are:

By posing a question that encourages introspection, Some of these questions are, “Have you ever thought about why some individuals appear to be more successful than others?”

To begin with, a quotation: The final measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and ease, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy, as Martin Luther King Jr. put it.

Background Information

Provide some context or background information on the topic. In doing so, you may provide the reader with a sense of the significance of the issue as well as the scope of the essay. When you’ve hooked the reader with your introduction, you should set the stage by giving them context for what they’re about to read. Something like these might be included in this category:

Here’s a quick look at the subject’s past: An often-cited example is, “The question of gun regulation has been a fiercely discussed topic in the United States for decades.”

Justification of the topic’s significance: The need for efficient weight reduction methods, for instance, “has never been more critical” than it is now, given the increasing prevalence of obesity in the United States.

Thirdly, a Proposed Thesis

Close the first paragraph with a strong thesis statement explaining your paper’s main point. Providing a clear and short explanation of the argument or issue you’ll be covering throughout your essay, the thesis statement is the most significant component of your introduction. You should use one or two phrases to express your perspective on the issue in your thesis statement. The death penalty should be abolished in the United States, as I shall argue in this article.

While social media may positively affect mental health, this article will argue that these advantages must be balanced against the risks.

This paper aims to discuss the merits and drawbacks of various approaches to losing weight.

Main Body 550 Words

The meat of your essay should consist of your strongest arguments and analyses. It has to be organized so that your thoughts may progress consistently and logically. A subject phrase that presents the paragraph’s primary concept should be included at the beginning of each paragraph.

After you have established the primary concept of the paragraph, you should subsequently present supporting evidence to back up your point. This proof might take various forms, such as statistics, quotations, case studies, or instances. Your evidence must be relevant, trustworthy, and from trusted sources. As soon as you’ve presented your evidence, you should examine it and explain how it proves your argument. Providing this kind of analysis should sway the reader in your favor and convince them that your argument holds water. Go for clarity and concision in your analysis, and make it apparent how each piece of data supports your larger claim.

The seamless progression of your essay depends on the use of transition phrases between paragraphs. These phrases should connect one paragraph to the next so your reader can easily follow your reasoning.

The following guidelines should be kept in mind when you compose the essay’s major bod

  • Bodyaintain your attention on your topic. Each paragraph ought to contribute to your main point and strengthen your argument.
  • Don’t be wordy; keep it simple. Don’t use jargon or phrases too complicated for your reader to understand.
  • Be sure the evidence you use is both relevant and reliable. Your argument will be more solid and convincing if you do this.
  • Use transition phrases to link paragraphs to ensure your reader understands your thesis.

Conclusion 100-150 words

In your essay’s last section, the conclusion, you should restate your primary arguments and include some closing remarks. Specifically, you should state:

  • The first step is to restate your point in a slightly different manner.
  • Secondly, restate the key points: Provide a quick rundown of the essay’s major arguments.
  • Third, sum up your opinions on the subject. It may be a summary of what you’ve learned, a proposal for more study, or a call to action.
  • Finally, make sure your essay ends with a powerful concluding phrase that the reader will remember long after they finish reading.

Need help with your 800-Word Essay

🏆 Topics for an 800-Word Essay

Subjects discussed will include:

  • The effects of social media on culture
  • How important technology is in the classroom
  • Issues with and solutions for online education
  • The value of emotional acuity as a leadership trait
  • Benefits and drawbacks of working from home
  • Global climate change impacts
  • The value of gender equality in the workplace
  • Moral issues in modifying human genes
  • Why it’s crucial to provide information on mental health
  • Having an effect on the culture at large,
  • video games rank as our tenth most influential medium
  • The promise of renewable power for the future
  • Mass monitoring and its repercussions
  • How globalization alters traditional ways of life
  • The role of the state in medical care
  • Reasons Why You Should Learn About Finances
  • How commercials affect shoppers.
  • The value of many cultures to a cohesive community
  • Immigration’s monetary impact
  • Decision-making is a process that requires critical thinking
  • Sports’ Importance to Culture
  • The effects of robots on the job market
  • Bullying’s Repercussions on Emotional Well-Being
  • A reminder of the value of moral conduct in the workplace
  • The value of art in modern culture
  • The consequences of colonialism on native communities
  • The Pros and Cons of Buying Online
  • The influence of social media on people’s psychological well-being
  • Value of Empathy in Personal Relationships
  • Education’s part in alleviating poverty
  • The Importance of Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Influence of the Gig Economy on Employees
  • How global warming threatens human health
  • The media’s influence on public opinion formation
  • The value of originality in problem-solving
  • The role of language in cultural development
  • Impact of Technology on Human Interaction
  • Effects of cyberbullying on mental health
  • The value of environmental sustainability
  • Economy regulation and the government’s participation in it
  • Society’s reliance on families
  • The effects of AI on culture and society

🔥 800-Word Essay Examples

Topic: Climate change is a Myth Argumentative Essay

Word Count: 800 Words

Topic:   The Levels of Leadership

A few instances are shown below.

First, “ The Value of Education in Today’s World. “

Education plays a crucial role in today’s society because it equips people with the foundational information and skills necessary to develop as individuals and contributing members of society. A person’s ability to comprehend their environment, make well-informed choices, and contribute to society’s growth is directly proportional to their level of education. Today, education catalyzes personal growth and societal change, not only as a route to a paycheck or promotion.

Article 2: “ Technology’s Role in Modern Speech “

How we share information and socialize has been revolutionized by technological advancements. With the rise of social media, messaging applications, and video conferencing capabilities, people can now have more productive and immediate conversations from the comfort of their own devices. However, this has led to people communicating less face-to-face and more independently than ever. Although technological advancements have unquestionably facilitated better lines of communication, they have also brought along certain unintended repercussions that we must be mindful of.

Thirdly, “ Social Media’s Impact on Elections “

To influence public opinion and galvanize political movements, social media has emerged as a potent instrument. To reach their constituents and spread their message, political parties and candidates utilize social media. Yet, false information and propaganda have also been widely disseminated through social media, threatening democratic institutions. As a result, it’s crucial to comprehend the function of social media in politics and implement safeguards to guarantee its appropriate use.

Fourth, “ The Effects of Global Warming on Ecosystems “

The effects of climate change are among the most pressing problems our world must solve. The effects of climate change include, but are not limited to, higher average temperatures, melting ice caps, and more severe weather. The loss of biodiversity, water shortages, and food poverty are only a few of the negative effects of these shifts on the ecosystem. We must stop global warming and save Earth for future generations.

Fifth, “ Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons “

Many sectors, including healthcare, banking, and manufacturing, are changing quickly due to artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly improve many aspects of our daily lives, but it also presents serious dangers. Displacement from work, discrimination, and invasion of privacy are all possible outcomes. Because of this, we must develop AI ethically and responsibly while striking a balance between its potential advantages and potential threats.

Sixth, “ The Value of Raising Awareness about Mental Health “

Unfortunately, mental health issues are often disregarded or stigmatized while being on par with physical health’s importance. A person’s quality of life and ability to get things done may be severely impacted by problems with their mental health. As a result, it is crucial to educate the public on the importance of caring for one’s mental health and to make it easier for them to seek assistance when necessary. There needs to be a greater emphasis on lowering the taboo around mental health concerns and expanding access to treatment options.

📝 How to Edit an 800-Word essay?

To produce a well-written and polished 800-word essay, editing is necessary yet time-consuming. Instructions for revising a short paper of 800 words are as follows.

  • First, give yourself a break of a few hours to a day after you complete your essay. Doing so will allow you to see the essay with a clear head.
  • As you read your essay aloud, you might catch bad sentences, typos, and logical gaps. Furthermore, it might show you where you need to elaborate or explain your reasoning.
  • Make sure your essay is free of typos and grammatical mistakes by running it through a spell checker and then carefully reading it through again. Be sure to double-check for correct punctuation and uniform layout.
  • Fourth, go over your essay sentence by phrase and make sure that it is easy to follow and conveys the necessary information. Check to see that each phrase contributes to the overall idea of the essay and flows smoothly into the next.
  • Make sure your essay is well-organized and that your thoughts are presented clearly. Your essay has an introduction and bedbound conclusion, and each paragraph needs a subject phrase and evidence to back it up.
  • Remove any sentences or words that don’t contribute to the essay’s significance. Use simple, clear language that won’t leave the reader scratching their head.
  • Seek out the opinions of others, whether they are friends, family, or instructors. Have them go through your essay and give you some input on how to make it stronger or how to make the concepts more clear.
  • Make sure your essay is error-free and well-polished by giving it a last proofread after incorporating all suggestions and revisions.

If you follow these guidelines, you should be able to edit your 800-word essay and develop a finished piece that does justice to your writing abilities and thoughts.

💡 Tips for Writing an 800-Word Essay

Writing an essay of 800 words may seem impossible at first, but it can be accomplished with careful preparation and focused effort. Listed below are some suggestions for strengthening your 800-word essay:

  • Decide on a subject that both fascinates you and is within your area of expertise. Because of this, putting pen to paper will be less of a chore and more of a pleasure.
  • Second, plan your essay out in advance of sitting down to write. This will aid in giving your article a coherent framework and organizing your thoughts.
  • The third element of an effective essay is a thesis statement that clearly and concisely states the major idea or argument of the paper.
  • Fourth, use paragraphs to separate your thoughts and make your essay easier to read. There should be a subject sentence and evidence to back it up at the beginning of each paragraph.
  • Make sure your essay flows well by using transitional words and phrases to link your arguments. Your case will be more clear to the reader that way.
  • Make use of supporting evidence to strengthen your essay’s persuasiveness. This may take the form of numbers, illustrations, or the thoughts of specialists.
  • Be sure to proofread and modify your essay when you’ve completed writing it. Ensure there are no typos or grammatical mistakes and that your thoughts flow well.
  • Keeping your essay brief and to the point is especially important since you only have 800 words to deal with. Cut out filler phrases and words that don’t contribute anything to your argument.
  • Restate your argument and summarize your important points in a powerful conclusion to round off your essay. Your reader will remember this for a long time.

🔗 How Many References Are in an 800-Word Essay?

Provide a suitable number of citations in your 800-word essay based on the nature of your issue, the breadth of your analysis, and the depth of your study. You should cite enough sources to establish your expertise and support your point without overwhelming the reader with citations. An 800-word paper should include at least four to six citations as a basic guideline. This is, of course, only a suggestion; the number of sources you use may vary considerably, depending on factors such as the specifics of the task at hand and the depth of your investigation. What follows are some things to think about when determining how many citations to utilize in your essay:

  • First, if your essay is wider in scope, you may need to cite more sources to back up your claims. In contrast, you may get away with using fewer references if your essay focuses on a narrower subset of the issue.
  • To further prove your familiarity with the subject matter, you may need to cite additional sources if your essay topic calls for extensive investigation and analysis. The number of sources you need to cite decreases, however, if the scope of your essay is broad.
  • Third, the kind of references you employ may affect the total number of citations you provide. For instance, if you’re basing your work almost entirely on academic journals and books, you may want to cite additional works to prove your expertise. But, you may need fewer references if you utilize more broad sources, such as news stories or popular novels.
  • The number of sources you must cite depends on many factors, including the nature of the assignment and the instructor’s guidelines. Pay close attention to your teacher’s suggestions and study the instructions thoroughly.

=>> Provide sufficient references to back up your thesis without drowning out the rest of your article with footnotes. Aim to use sources that are reliable, applicable, and current, and be sure to correctly reference them by the citation style your teacher specifies. There is no hard and fast rule on how many citations you should include in an 800-word paper. But if you think about your subject, your research, and the criteria of the assignment, you can figure out how many sources you need to back up your claim and show that you’ve done your homework.

800-Word Essay Is How Many Paragraphs?

The normal format for an essay of this length consists of an introduction, a conclusion, and numerous body paragraphs, totaling about 800 words. Essays often consist of many paragraphs, with the number of paragraphs and the length of each paragraph varying based on the subject and the method used by the writer.

The introduction has to set the stage for what follows and should be between 100 and 150 words long. As the last sentence of the introduction, the thesis statement should summarize the paper’s major argument or point. To help the reader grasp the point of the essay, the thesis statement should be clear and concise.

There should be multiple paragraphs in the essay’s main bodBodyach with a subject sentence that explains its purpose. Paragraphs should range from 150-200 words in length, but ideally, sit closer to the former. Each paragraph should elaborate on one specific topic and give evidence in support of the thesis statement.

Evidence might come in numbers, facts, instances, and even quotations from authorities in the field. In order to prove that the evidence is reliable, it must be presented clearly and concisely, and its significance must be explained. Using transition sentences after each paragraph, the reader can easily follow the argument and grasp how each section ties to the whole.

The conclusion of your essay should be between 100 and 150 words long and serve to summarize the key arguments you made. The conclusion should include a restatement of the thesis statement and a concluding viewpoint or opinion on the subject. The concluding phrase of a piece of writing should be powerful and linger in the reader’s mind.

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How Long Is an 800-Word Essay?

A standard academic writing assignment regarded as on the shorter side is an essay that is 800 words long. It is possible to write it in several genres, such as argumentative, informational, analytical, or persuasive essays.

It is important to keep in mind when writing an essay that has a word count of 800 that this length may change variables known on the font size, distance, and page layout demonstrated highly by your trainer or publisher. Keeping this in mind is important when writing an essay that has a word count of 800. On the other hand, if you use the typical style of having double spaces between paragraphs, a font size of 12 points, and margins of one inch, it should take roughly between three and four pages to complete.

In spite of its shortness, an essay that is 800 words may nonetheless include a large quantity of material and communicate its point to the reader in a clear and convincing manner. It is essential to keep one’s attention on the issue at hand and to make certain that each paragraph has a point that is direct and to the point about the thesis statement.

An essay that is 800 words long should have a fascinating start that grabs the reader’s interest and keeps them intrigued by the remainder of the essay. In addition to being clear and explicit, the thesis should concisely explain the essay’s most important point or aim. Throughout the bodBody the paper, you should include facts and arguments that back up your thesis statement. In most cases, it is suggested to include at least three to four paragraphs in the main bodBody the paper, each with a distinct subject phrase and evidence to back it up.

In the conclusion of an essay that is 800 words long, you should repeat the thesis statement and summarize the most important issues discussed in the essay’s bodBody a manner that gives the reader a sense of completion. While writing an essay that is 800 words long, it is essential to remember the importance of using transitional words or phrases to link different concepts and ensure that the text flows smoothly. Also, it is crucial to avoid employing filler words or repeating content, which might give the impression that the essay is too lengthy or laborious.

To summarize, an essay of 800 words is a condensed piece of writing capable of conveying a large quantity of information. It is crucial to maintain the emphasis on the issue throughout the essay and to organize it in a clear and concise way. Adhering to these rules can create an engaging essay of 800 words that successfully communicates your point to the reader.

How Many Pages Is 800 Word Double Spaced?

A three- to four-page essay on a given subject that contains 800 words should appear like this if you adhere to the conventions of academic writing and use a font size of 12 points and one margin. When you double-space your essay, there is one blank line between every two lines of text. This will make your essay easier to read and provide you more room to make changes to it in the future.

The exact number of pages that make up an essay with 800 words and double spacing may shift considerably from one paper to the next. For example, the word count will shift if the margins are made more significant, if they are less than 1 inch, or if different font sizes and styles are used.

The length of the essay is not nearly as important as the content and organization that it contains. An essay with just 800 words that are written well has the potential to have an effect in only a few pages, but an essay that is much longer but written poorly would fail to persuade anybody of anything. As a result, it is much more important to pay attention to the overall quality of your writing than it is to tally the number of words you have written.

How Long Does It Take to Write 800 Words?

The amount of time it takes to write an essay of 800 words may vary greatly depending on several variables, such as the writer’s degree of expertise, familiarity with the subject, the amount of time spent researching the issue, and the writing pace of the writer. In most cases, it might take 2 to 6 hours to finish writing an essay that is 800 words long.

The amount of time spent doing research is one of the most important aspects that might affect how long it takes to compose an essay that is 800 words long. If the subject is completely unexplored territory, the author may be required to invest significant time in investigation and collecting material from reliable sources. The amount of time spent doing research might vary from an hour to several hours, depending on the intricacy of the subject matter.

When the writer has finished researching, they can start the writing process. In most cases, writing the beginning and end of an essay may be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time; however, the bodBody the essay may take up the majority of your available time. Before beginning to write the essay, it is vital to outline the structure, which includes deciding on the major ideas to include and structuring them into paragraphs that are logically connected.

The amount of time needed to write each paragraph may also vary according to the level of difficulty of the topics that are being discussed. Certain paragraphs can call for more in-depth study and analytical thought than others, while others might be simpler and need less writing time. The author’s writing pace is yet another significant element that might affect the amount of time necessary to complete an essay of 800 words. Some writers can write fast and effectively, while others may require additional time to organize their ideas and express them in a way that is understandable via writing.

The proofreading and editing processes may consume a significant amount of time. After finishing the essay, it is essential to go away from it for a while and read it with new eyes when you return. This may help determine if there are any mistakes or areas that need to be improved.

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❓ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When written in conventional fonts like Times New Roman or Arial, an 800-word essay will take up around three pages when single-spaced. The length of the essay may differ from the stated length based on the font, line spacing, and other formatting considerations. Depending on the font size and margins, a three-page essay might require as little as two pages of single spacing. To make sure your essay is the right length, you should adhere to the formatting instructions supplied by your teacher or the criteria of the project.

A standard 800-word essay may include five to seven paragraphs, depending on its organization and topic. A standard 800-word essay, however, has the same basic form of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph in the bodBodyuld average around 200 words in length.

Your essay's introduction should provide context and articulate your thesis explicitly; your body paragraphs should each address a specific point in your argument. In the last paragraph, you should repeat your thesis in a different approach and summarize the paper's important ideas.

It's worth noting that the number of paragraphs might change depending on factors like the length of the assignment and the author's personal choice. Depending on the essay prompt and the quantity of supporting evidence required, the number of body paragraphs may vary. The ultimate objective is to provide a coherent, well-supported essay that successfully conveys the writer's thoughts.

Although 800 words may not seem like much, they may be enough to offer an argument, explore a subject in detail, and communicate much information.

Although an 800-word essay may seem modest compared to other types of academic writing, it nonetheless may need much study and analysis. An 800-word essay might be a big piece of writing in other settings, like a blog post, requiring much organization, research, and careful drafting.

In certain cases, an essay of 800 words is regarded as brief. It's lengthier than the ordinary application essay for college (about 500 words) but less than the traditional five-paragraph essay (approximately 1500 words).

How long your essay has to depends on several elements, such as the subject, the audience, and the assignment requirements. A short essay may be defined as 500 words, whereas a large essay might be defined as 800 words.

How well the essay conveys the writer's thoughts and arguments is more significant than the essay's length. If the essay fits these requirements, it may be of any length yet well-written and interesting.

An 800-word essay may be written in two hours, give or take, depending on the writer's pace, familiarity with the subject, and capacity to focus.

Although writing an essay in a limited amount of time might be difficult and time-consuming, there are ways to make the process more manageable. First, it's important to have a firm grasp of the material and a well-developed thesis statement to use as your paper's compass. Second, outline to assist you in structuring your thoughts and keeping things moving orderly. Finally, don't worry about editing until you've finished the first draught. In the end, you should proofread and edit your essay for mistakes in syntax, spelling, and grammar.

An excellent essay takes time and effort to write. Take a little break if you feel overwhelmed or trapped, and then return to work with a fresh perspective. You can learn to write an 800-word essay quickly and effectively with practice and dedication.

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Diverse 800 Word Essay Sample Selection for Free Use

3112 samples of this type

What does an 800-word essay look like? This is a standard full-length essay that consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, just a little longer than a more typical word range of 500 words. An 800 word essay is roughly one and three-fifths single-spaced pages and a little more than three double-spaced pages. The widespread majority of academic papers are double spaced.

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The website visited is Current Nursing. The website provides crucial information to professionals in the field of nursing on various topics such as Nursing Research, Theories, Education as well as Metal Health Nursing (Nursing Theories, 2012). The sites promote theory by providing more information of the objectives, importance, characteristics, evolution as well as purposes of theory in the field of nursing which in, turn, increases the nurse’s understanding of theory and its usefulness in their profession.

Free Financial Protection Essay Example

In the United States, some bodies have been formed with the aim of preventing consumer and investor exploitation. These bodies are aimed at providing financial protection to the citizens. Some special laws such as Usury laws have also been formed to protect the citizens from exploitation. These bodies include the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Office of the Comptroller of Currency, the Security Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (Mckay & Seale, 2000).

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and its purpose

Holistic, Compassionate Client-Centered Care: Essay You Might Want To Emulate

The aspect of client-centered care has gained increasing interest as the delivery of care shifts from nurse-focused norms to care that focuses on individual needs and beliefs. The presence of a holistic, compassionate client-centered care has replaced traditional modes of health care delivery to modern types where nurses apply both the science and art of health care delivery to ensure a positive patient outcome. Understanding the meaning and characteristics of a holistic, compassionate client-centered care creates a collaborative health environment.

The meaning of holistic, compassionate client-centered care

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800 Word Essay Examples

“all quiet on the western front” novel analysis.

All Quiet on the Western Front was a historical fictional novel portraying the hardships and daily life of German soldiers who fought the front lines in World War One, written by Erich Maria Remarque. Remarque was born a German in 1898 to a lower middle-class family. He also fought in the war and was badly wounded. He published many works during his lifetime but was most well-known for All Quiet on the Western Front, which was also made into an […]

“Corn-pone Opinions” Summary: Society’s Influence and Individual Identity

Twain's Contention: Society's Unconscious Conformity In Corn-pone Opinions, Mark Twain brings out the dimmer side of society, which has corrupted the individual. His controversial views stir up much emotion in the heart of the reader. Twain’s perceptions of society cause the reader to reflect on the truth of Twain’s ideas as they pertain to the reader’s own life experiences. Originality Debunked: Society's Stranglehold on Individual Thought Mark Twain disagrees with the “idea that a man conforms to the majority of […]

“Duty, Honor, Country” by General Douglas MacArthur

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“Jeanette Winterson’s, Oranges are not the only Fruit

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“Just Walk On” by Brent Staples Summary: Racial Stereotypes and their Impact

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“Letter from Birmingham Jail,” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

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“Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” by Frederick Douglass

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“Of Mice and Men” Theme: the Heartache of Loneliness

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“Pride and Prejudice” Satire

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is famous for satirizing society's rules and for exaggerating the extent to which they impact people. Although Austen is parodying the class structure in society throughout the whole novel, she is also enforcing the importance of self-awareness. Austen exaggerates the interactions between high and low status people because it ridicules society's rules. She condemns characters like Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine because of their inability to reject society's norms, and rewards Elizabeth because she is […]

“Separate but Equal”: Unpacking the Doctrine and its Impact on American Society

Under US constitutional law, the legal theory known as the "Separate but Equal" concept served as justification and endorsement for the practice of racial segregation. The principle was put into practice with the intention of ensuring that people of both black and white racial backgrounds would have equal access to public amenities. The aforementioned philosophy was a major factor in the continuation of racial discrimination and the denial of legal rights to people of African heritage between the late 1800s […]

“The Ballot or the Bullet” a Summary of Malcolm X’s Speech

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“The Great Gatsby” and “Death of a Salesman”

Throughout the works of The Great Gatsby and “Death of a Salesman,” we see Willy and Gatsby don’t have a lot in common. Gatsby throws crazy parties and is a shady businessman on the side. Willy just can't even get his crap together to begin with. But as you get to know the characters more and more you see that they aren't as different as you think. The dreams they have, the relationships with the women in their lives, and,finally, […]

“The Lottery” Setting: the Dark Reflection of Selfishness

Introduction In "The Lottery," Shirley Jackson creates situations/scenes that have deeper meaning and theories behind them. Instead of clearly stating those theories, she hints about them so readers can create their own deeper theories. The lottery has transformed the villagers into selfish people who are taught not to love others. Jackson initially begins by showing the audience a close-knit community participating in a social event together on a special day. Then ends, the story with a shocking twist- the death […]

‘A Rose for Emily’ Character Analysis: Unraveling the Complexities

The Sheltered Life and Attachment Issues Emily Grierson, commonly referred to as Miss Emily, is the main character in the story A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. Together with her father and servants, they used to live in a big beautiful house, and by how she acted, they tried to seem superior to the rest of the town. Miss Emily's father always claimed that no suitable man in the whole town could marry her daughter, and as a result, […]

‘The Great Gatsby’ Social Class Divisions and their Influence on Character

Chris Arnade said, “The wealthy ‘make mistakes,’ and the poor go to jail.” There are a lot of hidden themes in the book, but the most defining is social class, “a division between a society is based on a social and economic status”. Social classes un-level the playing field for other people. In The Great Gatsby, the theme of social class is shown through defining parts that have a big impact on everyone’s life, giving some advantages and others disadvantages, […]

‘The Great Gatsby’ Theme of Deception and its Role in the American Dream

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10 Reasons why Abortion is Wrong Research Paper

The contentious debate surrounding abortion has persisted for decades, eliciting impassioned arguments from both sides. While advocates champion a woman's right to choose, opponents vehemently argue against the practice, citing moral, ethical, and philosophical grounds. In this essay, I aim to articulate ten distinctive reasons why abortion is morally objectionable, drawing from a diverse array of perspectives and insights. Primarily, abortion constitutes a profound violation of the fundamental right to life. Every individual, irrespective of their stage of development, possesses […]

12 Internet Safety Tips for Parents

Unfortunately protecting your child online it is easy as it used to be. As a parent you must absolutely play a very active role in your child's education when introducing them to the Internet, and more importantly and use it safely. Today one of the most perilous threats to your child's online safety are online sexual predators. The Federal Bureau of investigations recently estimated that with over one million pedophiles online on any given day at any given time, your […]

1849 – 1950 Racial Segregation in American Society

Between 1849 to 1950, racial segregation played a big part in American society. It is the separation of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life. Some places that were segregated throughout towns were restaurants, library, water fountains and even schools. There were two schools, one for colored people and one for white people. On May 17, 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren had issued a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education. This case ruled that racial […]

A Blueprint for Donald Trump to Fix Relations with Russia

Graham Allison and Dimitri Simes provide a clearly defined plan, addressed directly to Donald Trump, on how to repair the United States' diplomatic relationship with Russia.  They claim that the U.S. and Russia's relationship is at its worst since the height of the Cold War and despite each post-Cold War administration seeking to improve this relationship, none have succeeded.  The argument they are making can be summed up using their own words expressed to Trump, "As part of your American […]

A Compare and Contrast Essay on Two Movies ‘Inception’ and ‘The Matrix: Parallel Worlds and Diverging Realities

Imagine a world where the lines between dreams and reality blur, where every film frame isn't just a scene but a question, a challenge to your understanding of existence. Enter the realms of "The Matrix" and "Inception" - two groundbreaking movies that, while distinct in their narratives, grapple with profound existential concepts. While Hollywood is rife with entertaining films, few have managed to captivate, confound, and challenge viewers quite like these two titans. As we journey into the heart of […]

A Comprehensive Overview of Christianity’s Global Followers

Christianity, one of the world’s most prominent religions, boasts a diverse and expansive global following. With ancient origins, its adherents span continents, cultures, and traditions, weaving a rich tapestry of beliefs and practices. A comprehensive overview of Christianity's global followers reveals not only its numerical strength but also its profound impact on societies, politics, and cultures worldwide. At its heart, Christianity centers on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as recounted in the New Testament of the […]

A Content Analysis of Anti Abortion Advertisement

The advertisement I chose to do was on Abortion. In this advertisement the author is hold a newborn baby that has not completely formed around this picture there is a representation of unborn baby’s seeking for help. There trying to grab the audience attention by making us understand that it is not the baby's fault let’s give them a chance at life. The effect this advertisement is targeting the audience is by speaking up for all those unborn babies who […]

A Debate on Whether Graffiti is a Form of Art or an Act of Vandalism

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A Decadal Journey: Unveiling the 10 Amendments in Sequence

Embarking on a historical odyssey through the corridors of American democracy, we delve into the intricate tapestry woven by the 10 amendments, each an indelible mark on the nation's ethos. From the fervent echoes of revolution to the nuanced debates of contemporary society, let us navigate through the annals of time, exploring the unique nuances of each constitutional clause. The First Amendment, often hailed as the vanguard of liberty, bestows upon citizens the sacred freedoms of speech, religion, press, assembly, […]

A Description of an Important Life Experience with Adversity

Describe the most important experience with adversity you have encountered. Tell us about how you responded, coped, or triumphed. The seriousness of the adversity is less important than the thoughtfulness with which you describe how you responded and what you think you learned. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Recently, I encountered adversity. For the past two years, I have been working at the Highlands at Pittsford, a nursing home. The Highlands at Pittsford is a very safe place where no one would […]

A Dystopian Society in Margaret Atwood’s the Handmaid’s Tale

 Dystopia is a bleak way of writing about our possible future. Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is a cultural forewarning of our actions. Gilead, being a religious-based government, controls its followers with fear which makes the government even more powerful. When someone believes that they are being watched by their God, they are on their best behavior by the all-seeing. This is how religion is for everyone in our society. In The Handmaid’s Tale, Atwood’s bleak presentation of religion, politics, and […]

A Frightening Love Story of a Woman

"A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner is a fictional short story that took place during the Reconstruction era at Jefferson, Mississippi. This story is not told in chronological order. Instead, Faulkner beings his story by talking about the protagonist's, Emily, funeral or her death. He then proceeds to talk about events that happened throughout her life. However, in the end, he goes back to talk about her death. To my understanding, "A Rose for Emily" is about a tragic […]

A Meeting Reflection

A brief history of Alcoholic Anonymous that I researched and report that AA started out in 1935 at Akron, Ohio, as the outcome of a meeting between two surgeons Bill and Dr. Bob. Both guys had been hopeless alcoholics. Before that moment in time, Bill and Dr. Bob had contacted the Oxford Group, which was a group that dealt with mainly making sure you are living your life in a spiritually correct manner, they consisted of a mainly nonalcoholic group […]

A Mental Health Disorder – Bipolar Disorder

A mental health disorder characterized by extreme highs and lows in mood and energy is known as Bipolar disorder. People naturally experience ups and downs in day to day life however, the severe shifts that happen in bipolar disorder can have a serious impact on life. There are four categories of bipolar disorder. Bipolar one is a person will have experienced one manic event taking place over one week. They may or may not have experienced depressive episodes too. Bipolar […]

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Speech Writing

Speech Examples

Barbara P

20+ Outstanding Speech Examples for Your Help

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Crafting the Perfect Graduation Speech: A Guide with Examples

Public speaking can be daunting for students. They often struggle to start, engage the audience, and be memorable. 

It's a fear of forgetting words or losing the audience's interest. This leads to anxiety and self-doubt. 

You may wonder, "Am I boring them? Will they remember what I say? How can I make my speech better?"

The solution lies in speech examples. In this guide, we'll explore these examples to help students create captivating and memorable speeches with confidence. So, keep reading to find helpful examples!

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  • 1. Speech Examples 
  • 2. Tips to Write a Good Speech

Speech Examples 

Talking in front of a bunch of audiences is not as easy as it seems. But, if you have some good content to deliver or share with the audience, the confidence comes naturally.

Before you start writing your speech, it is a good idea that you go through some good speech samples. The samples will help to learn how to start the speech and put information into a proper structure. 

Speech Examples for Students 

Speech writing is a huge part of academic life. These types of writing help enhance the creative writing skills of students.

Here is an amazing farewell speech sample for students to get you inspired.

Good morning family, friends, faculty, and fellow graduates.

Well, we did it. We all accomplished one of the major early milestones of our lives: high school graduation. Thisis a major step in the journey of our lives, one that shouldbe recognized for its immense significance. It is an act not only of personal commitment, but also one of pride. We all worked hard to get to this day, and our work did not go to waste. A highschool diploma is a wonderful tool in this world, one that opens many doors of opportunity for anyone who is lucky enough to have one.

But graduation is not an end goal in itself; it is instead a part of the larger journey of life. Wherever your future takes you, let it take you somewhere. Life is a journey, and all accomplishments we achieve during its course should be taken as starting points for further achievements. Our graduation should serve as such a launching point, projecting us to wherever our futures are meant to take us, whether we land ourselves a career, take up a trade, or continue our education at college or Vocational/technical School.

But before we can begin to reach for the stars, there is one more personal milestone that we all need to reach. Most people who graduate from high school experience only one graduation — that from high school. But we all have one more shortly ahead of us.  

We’ve already shown our commitment to personal growth through making it to this ceremony today, but soon, all of us will experience another ceremony when we graduate from our programs. As I said before, life is a journey — we don’t stop growing once we get our diplomas. Life is about growing, and being in our programs gives each of us new opportunities to continue growing and to learn new skills that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.

And we don’t have to stop there! This graduation has already shown us how capable we all are of accomplishing our goals when we commit ourselves to them. I hope all of us here today can take this personal accomplishment as an exampleof how anything is truly possible when we put our minds to it. As we all continue on in our lives, let us take each new problem on with confidence, knowing that we have achieved great heights and are equipped with the necessary tools to tackle our futures.

The road that lies ahead won’t be easy. There will be obstacles and missed exits, potholes and roadblocks. There will betimes when each of us will feel like we cannot possibly go on. There will be times when each of us will think he or she is alone, a back against the wall. But we are not alone — we are all on this journey together. We’ve made it this far — why should we back out now? Nothing worthwhile is easy, and that includes making the most out of our futures. But that doesn’t mean we give up on ourselves. We will keep pushing, because we know we can achieve our dreams, and because we are worth it.
From this day forward, let us make each decision with our best interests in mind. Let us  believe in ourselves so that we may reach our goals and fulfill our dreams. Let us be the best that we can be so that we may fill our lives and the lives of those closest to us with happiness and with pride. We’ve already taken the first step by making it to this ceremony today — now, it’s time to take the next steps in the journey that is our lives and begin to build our futures.

Congratulations to the class of 2013!

Below, you will find other downloadable PDF samples.

Speech Examples for School 

Every school and college has a student council. And every year, students elect themselves to be a part of the student council. It is mandatory to impress the student audience to get their votes. And for that, the candidate has to give an impressive speech. 

Here are some short speech examples for students.

Speech Examples For Public Speaking

Speech Examples About Yourself

Speech Examples Short

Speech Examples For College Students

Speech For Student Council

Speech Examples Introduction

Speech Example For School

2 Minute Speech Examples

Persuasive Speech Examples

The main purpose of a speech is to persuade the audience or convince them of what you say. And when it comes to persuasive speech , the sole purpose of speech becomes more specific.

Persuasive Speech Example

Informative Speech Examples

Informative speeches are intended to inform the audience. These types of speeches are designed to provide a detailed description of the chosen topic. 

Below we have provided samples of informative speech for you.

Informative Speech Example

Informative Speech Sample

Entertainment Speech Examples

Entertainment speeches are meant to entertain the audience. These types of speeches are funny, as well as interesting. The given speech samples will help you in writing an entertaining speech.

Entertainment Speech Example

Entertainment Speech Sample

Argumentative Speech Examples

Making a strong argument that is capable of convincing others is always difficult. And, when it comes to making a claim in an argumentative speech, it becomes more difficult. 

Check out the argumentative speech sample that demonstrates explicitly how an argumentative speech needs to be written.

Argumentative Speech Example

Demonstration Speech Examples

The demonstrative speeches are intended to demonstrate or describe the speech topic in depth. Get inspired by the demonstrative speech sample given below and write a captivating demonstrative speech.

Demonstration Speech Example

Demonstration Speech Sample

Motivational Speech Examples

Motivational speeches are designed to motivate the audience to do something. Read out the sample motivational speech given below and learn the art of motivational speech writing.

Speech Examples About Life

Impromptu Speech Examples

Impromptu speech writing makes you nervous as you are not good at planning and organization.

Check out the sample impromptu speech and learn to make bullet points of your thoughts and plan your speech properly.

Graduation Speech Examples

Are you graduating soon and need to write a graduation farewell speech?

Below is a sample graduation speech for your help. 

Wedding Speech Examples

“My best friend’s wedding is next week, and I’m the maid of honor. She asked me to give the maid of honor speech, but I’m not good at expressing emotions. I’m really stressed. I don’t know what to do.”

If you are one of these kinds of people who feel the same way, this sample is for you. Read the example given below and take help from it to write a special maid of honor speech.

Best Man Speech Examples

Father of The Bride Speech Example

Speech Essay Example

A speech essay is a type of essay that you write before writing a proper speech. It helps in organizing thoughts and information. 

Here is a sample of speech essays for you to understand the difference between speech format and speech essay format.

Tips to Write a Good Speech

Reading some famous and incredible sample speeches before writing your own speech is really a good idea. The other way to write an impressive speech is to follow the basic tips given by professional writers. 

  • Audience Analysis: Understand your audience's interests, knowledge, and expectations. Tailor your speech to resonate with them.
  • Clear Purpose: Define a clear and concise purpose for your speech. Ensure your audience knows what to expect right from the beginning.
  • Engaging Opening: Start with a captivating hook – a story, question, quote, or surprising fact to grab your audience's attention.
  • Main Message: Identify and convey your main message or thesis throughout your speech.
  • Logical Structure: Organize your speech with a clear structure, including an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Transitions: Use smooth transitions to guide your audience through different parts of your speech.
  • Conversational Tone: Use simple, conversational language to make your speech accessible to everyone.
  • Timing: Respect the allocated time and write the speech accordingly. An overly long or short speech can diminish the audience's engagement.
  • Emotional Connection: Use storytelling and relatable examples to evoke emotions and connect with your audience.
  • Call to Action (if appropriate): Encourage your audience to take action, change their thinking, or ponder new ideas.
  • Practice Natural Pace: Speak at a natural pace, avoiding rushing or speaking too slowly.

So, now you know that effective communication is a powerful tool that allows you to inform, persuade, and inspire your audience. Throughout this blog, we've provided you with numerous examples and invaluable tips to help you craft a compelling speech. 

And for those moments when you require a professionally written speech that truly stands out, remember that our team is here to help. We can rescue you from writer's block and deliver an outstanding speech whenever you need it.

With our professional essay writing service , you can be confident in your ability to communicate your message effectively and leave a lasting impact. 

So, don't hesitate – place an order n ow and buy speech that will truly captivate your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of good speeches.

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Good speeches often leave a lasting impact due to their content, delivery, and emotional resonance. Examples include:

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream"
  • Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
  • Winston Churchill's "We Shall Fight on the Beaches"

What is a 5 minute speech?

A 5-minute speech is a brief address of about 600-800 words, designed to cover key points comprehensively while maintaining audience attention. This format is ideal for classroom presentations, briefings, or public events with limited time.

What is an example of a speech of introduction?

A speech of introduction is designed to welcome and introduce a speaker to an audience, providing relevant background and context. Here’s an example:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to introduce our esteemed guest speaker, Dr. Jane Smith. A renowned environmental scientist with over 20 years of experience in climate change research, Dr. Smith has published groundbreaking studies on sustainable energy solutions and has been a pivotal voice in international climate policy. Today, she will share her insights on the latest developments in renewable energy and how we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Jane Smith.

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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15 Powerful Persuasive Speech Examples to Inspire Your Next Talk

  • The Speaker Lab
  • June 24, 2024

Table of Contents

Crafting a persuasive speech that captivates your audience and drives them to action is no easy feat. If you’re hitting the books, climbing the corporate ladder, or just dreaming of rocking the stage with your speeches, having a killer set of persuasive speech examples can totally change your game. In this post, we’ve curated some of the most compelling and inspiring persuasive speech examples to help you elevate your own speaking skills. So buckle up and grab your pen, because we’re diving into the secrets behind these unforgettable speeches.

What is a Persuasive Speech?

When we talk about a persuasive speech , we refer to a form of communication that seeks to influence the audience’s beliefs or actions. In the course of a persuasive speech, a person will present compelling arguments—backed by evidence and persuasive techniques—in order to convince listeners to embrace a specific viewpoint or take a particular course of action. Persuasive speeches are used in many different areas of life, such as in a school or university setting, in a job, or in a social setting.

When preparing to give a persuasive speech, always choose a topic or cause you’re interested in and passionate about. If you want to convince other people to agree with your stance, you must be seen to believe in it yourself. In addition, it helps to choose a topic that people care about and hasn’t been overdone.

Funny Persuasive Speech Examples

Looking for some funny persuasive speech examples to inspire your next presentation? You’ve come to the right place. Humor is a powerful tool when it comes to persuasion. It can help you connect with your audience, make your message more memorable, and even diffuse tension around controversial topics.

One classic example comes from David McCullough, Jr.’s high school commencement speech entitled “You Are Not Special.” While the title might not sound funny, McCullough delivers a hilarious reality check to graduates, poking fun at the coddling and praise they’ve received growing up. His ultimate message—that true success comes from hard work and taking risks—is made all the more powerful by his humorous approach.

But what makes funny persuasive speeches so effective? For one, humor helps the speakers build rapport with their audiences. Laughter is a shared experience that brings people together and makes them more open to new ideas. Additionally, injecting some levity into a speech can make the overall message more palatable and less preachy.

Of course, using humor in a persuasive speech requires some finesse. The jokes should be tasteful, relevant to your overall message, and not offensive to your audience. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. After all, a flat joke is better than one that leaves listeners cringing.

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Persuasive Speech Examples About Public Policy

Policy persuasive speeches advocate for a particular course of action on a public policy issue. These speeches go beyond simply raising awareness about a problem – they propose concrete solutions and try to sway the audience to support a specific plan.

One powerful policy persuasive speech example comes from Greta Thunberg’s address to the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019 . Thunberg doesn’t mince words when lambasting world leaders for their inaction on climate change. But she also lays out clear policy demands, like immediately halting fossil fuel subsidies and drastically reducing carbon emissions. Her message is clear: we know what needs to be done and we need to do it.

When crafting your own policy persuasive speech, it’s important to back up your arguments with solid evidence. Use statistics, expert testimony, and real-world examples to show why your proposed solution is feasible and necessary. Anticipate counterarguments and address them head-on. And most importantly, make a clear call to action. Ask yourself: what exactly do you want your audience to do to support your policy goals?

Value Persuasive Speech Examples

Value persuasive speeches aim to change people’s beliefs or attitudes about a particular issue. Rather than advocating for a specific policy, these speeches try to shift the audience’s underlying values and assumptions.

A classic example of a value persuasive speech is Mary McLeod Bethune’s “ What Does American Democracy Mean to Me? ” address. As an African American woman born into poverty, Bethune faced countless obstacles and injustices throughout her life. But in this speech, she reframes the narrative around American democracy, arguing that our nation’s highest ideals are worth fighting for, even if we haven’t yet lived up to them. By appealing to shared values like freedom, justice, and equality, Bethune inspires her audience to keep pushing for change.

The key to a successful value persuasive speech is tapping into your audience’s existing beliefs and values. Use vivid language and storytelling to paint a picture of the world you want to see. Make your case in moral and ethical terms, not just practical ones. And don’t be afraid to show some vulnerability. By sharing your own experiences and struggles, you can create an emotional connection with your listeners.

Persuasive Speech Examples About Social Issues

Social issues make for compelling persuasive speech topics because they touch on deeply held beliefs and affect people’s everyday lives. Whether you’re talking about racial justice, gender equality, or income inequality, these speeches require a deft touch and a willingness to engage with complex, often controversial ideas.

Talking About Mental Health

One powerful example of a persuasive speech about mental health is Kevin Breel’s “ Confessions of a Depressed Comic ” from TEDxKids@Ambleside. As a stand-up comedian, Breel knows how to get laughs, but he also knows the pain of living with depression. In this speech, he shares his own story of struggling with mental illness and calls on society to break the stigma around talking about mental health. By speaking vulnerably, Breel makes a compelling case for why we need to take depression seriously and support those who are struggling.

Addressing Physical Health

Another great example of a persuasive speech about health is Jamie Oliver’s TED Talk “ Teach Every Child About Food .” As a celebrity chef, Oliver has seen firsthand the impact of poor nutrition on people’s health. In this speech, he makes a passionate plea for better food education in schools, arguing that it’s a matter of life and death. With shocking statistics and personal anecdotes, Oliver paints a grim picture of the obesity epidemic and calls on parents, educators, and policymakers to take action.

Persuasive Speech Examples About the Environment

Environmental issues are some of the most pressing challenges we face as a society. From climate change to pollution to habitat destruction, the stakes couldn’t be higher. That’s why persuasive speeches about the environment are so important. By inspiring people to take action, they make a true difference.

One of the most famous environmental speeches of all time is Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” lecture, which was later turned into an Academy Award-winning documentary. In this speech, Gore lays out the scientific evidence for climate change and argues that we have a moral imperative to act. With compelling visuals and a sense of urgency, Gore makes a powerful case for why we need to reduce our carbon footprint and transition to renewable energy sources.

Another great example of an environmental persuasive speech is Severn Suzuki’s address to the UN Earth Summit in 1992. At just 12 years old, Suzuki delivered a heartfelt plea for action on behalf of her generation, arguing that adults were stealing children’s future by destroying the planet. Her speech went viral and helped galvanize the youth environmental movement. By speaking from the heart and calling out the hypocrisy of world leaders, Suzuki showed that you’re never too young to make a difference.

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FAQs on Persuasive Speech Examples

What are some examples of a persuasive speech.

Think climate change action, voting rights, or the importance of mental health awareness. They push for change.

What are 5 examples of persuasive essay?

Gun control laws, school uniforms debate, death penalty perspectives, animal testing ethics, and social media impacts make the list.

What’s an easy persuasive speech topic?

“Why recycling matters” is straightforward and impactful. It connects with everyday actions and broader environmental goals.

What is an example of a persuasive statement?

“Switching to renewable energy sources can significantly reduce our carbon footprint.” This urges action towards sustainability.

Persuasive speech examples show us how to inspire, motivate, and transform the way we communicate our ideas to the world. By studying these remarkable speeches, you’ve gained valuable insights into the art of persuasion and the techniques that make a speech truly unforgettable.

Remember, winning people over with your words takes more than just knowing the right things to say. It’s about practice, caring deeply, and tuning into the folks listening. Take the lessons you’ve learned from these examples and apply them to your own unique style and message. Pouring your soul into your speech can truly move an audience emotionally, altering their thinking for good.

Now your moment in the spotlight is here, so show off those persuasive speech skills. Go forth and create a speech that not only informs and entertains but also inspires and empowers your audience to take meaningful action. The world is waiting to hear your voice, so make it count!

  • Last Updated: June 21, 2024

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Writing and Delivering Spectacular Short Speeches (A-Z guide)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics , Speech Writing

A man making his point while 2 other men listen to him.

Short speeches are bite-sized speeches . Unlike other speeches, short speeches try to provide consolidated and on-point information.

How long should short speeches be?

Short speeches are about 1 minute to 15 minutes long depending on the situation. Its duration is also dependent on the audience.

Human speech roughly comprises the ability to speak 100-150 words per minute . Depending upon the appropriate duration for a short speech in a situation, one can calculate how many words would be required.

It is advisable to keep at least a 15 seconds buffer while writing your short speech. As When you speak you may emphasize a point, make a joke, or give time to the audience to let a point sink in, all of which take up time, probably around 15 seconds to half a minute.

You are free to add more words depending on your speed of speaking and pace.

At the end of the day, the idea behind giving a speech is to convey a message to your audience

Things to keep in mind while writing ,

1-2 minute speeches.

One-minute speeches don’t leave you enough time to put forth many points, even in their most condensed form. Keeping one unexpected message in mind and making it the central point of your speech can prove to be effective in delivering your speech to your audience.

Quoting stories, anecdotes, facts, and figures to support your idea further can make your speech more impactful.

Lastly, having a simple opening line and restating your main idea in your conclusion should be sufficient to put your idea across.

A short speech for your Facebook audience works best when they are 1-3 minutes long.

5-minute speeches

A 600-800 words speech would be sufficient for a 5-minute speech.

5-minute speech gives you enough time to introduce your topic and elaborate on it. You can even add a minute to conclude your topic rather than just restating the main takeaway.

Ideally, the initial 1 minute is dedicated to the introduction. It can be an introduction to yourself or to your topic. Having more points can make your speech a little messy . Allocating a minute to each point and then concluding your speech can be an effective way of presenting your 5-minute speech.

Can a speech be too short?

Have you ever looked at a speaker and complained about their speech being too short? Rather opposite, we tend to like the speaker more for having the ability to fit all the relevant information in a short time.

But if you are looking for a specific word count or time duration, then it can be as short as George Washington ‘s second inaugural address which was 135 words long.

The idea behind giving any speech is to cover all the important points and not just to keep a check on the timer. It is the quality of your speech that reaches the audience. While the quantity of your speech , i.e., how long or short it is, comes secondary .

If you have been questioning how to create a short speech? and How to write good short speeches? the section below might guide you on how to do so.

Writing spectacular short speeches

A spectacular speech is one that has credibility, an emotional element, and logic.

Writing spectacular short speeches involves the following stages:

1.Ideation Stage
2.Collection stage
3Structuring information
4Enhancing Stage
5Evaluation Stage
6Editing the speech
7Final Touch

To make the process of writing short speeches easier for you to understand, Let’s take the example of making a cake . Might as well bake one later!

1. Ideation Stage

A man in deep thought with his laptop in front of him

Before starting to make any cake, you’d first decide on which flavor of the cake you want to make, right?

In speech writing, this stage is concerned with deciding a topic for your speech .

If you have been given a broad topic, you might have to take a deeper look at what elements you wish to add. It is advisable to go for a topic that interests you the most and the one that the audience would like as well.

You can decide upon the information you want to add to your speech by answering the following questions:

What ? includes what the topic is, ie, its definition. What is the problem that you want to highlight? What is the situation in which the speech is to be given?

Who? is concerned with which section of people you will be talking about.

Why? Is concerned with reasoning as to why the topic is to be included and what the audience will gain from introducing this information to them. Hence, this forms your takeaway from the speech.

All these Who? What? Why? questions form the core of the ideation stage.

2. Collection stage

A man researching some information on his laptop.

The next step in making a cake is getting all the ingredients we require.  

In speech writing, this is the collection stage . Once you have a broad idea of what points you want to add to your speech, you can then go and research those specific topics.

Research plays a very important role when it comes to public speaking. A well-researched speech would be more credible for the audience, making it easier for them to trust your information and you. It also frees us of any biases or stereotypes we may be carrying as a speaker.

Ways to conduct your research

Depending on the purpose of your speech, you can choose any one research methodology or a combination of those given below.

a. Conducting Primary research

Primary Research is when you collect the data yourself . You can do it through surveys or interviews or any other means that is convenient for you.

Suppose you are giving a speech on success and want to add that grades do not affect your likelihood of succeeding in life. You can circulate a small survey asking people who are doing well in their fields about their grades and check for the results yourself.

b. Through secondary research

Secondary research is when you adopt the information or results from someone else’s research.

A plethora of freely available books, newspapers, and other sources online, make the task easier.

However, it is important to check for the credibility of these resources before committing to them in your speech.

A couple of websites that provide resources for free that you can use in your speech are:

  • Research Papers: Google Scholar , Shodhganga
  • Books: BookBub , Zlibrary
  • Youtube: Bloomberg Quicktake , TED

The more diverse your research sources, the broader will be your perspective on your speech topic.

3. Structuring the information

Once you have collected all the information that you need, you might want to give it a proper structure.

The most basic format of writing a speech is:

Flow chart of structuring information from introduction to body to conclusion.

The introduction includes basic information about the topic like its definition. You can also introduce a problem here.

In short speeches you don’t necessarily have to allot a lot of time introducing your topic, Hence keeping it short is always a good idea.

The body comprises a major part of your speech. It involves a detailed explanation of your topic. It may have a few subtopics that you may want to highlight. If you had introduced a problem in the introduction, then the body would include some solutions to that problem .

The conclusion is the summary of your speech .

While this is a structure we have learned since the day we were taught about speech writing, Another technique to structure and enhance your speech is the one given by Aristotle . It is a persuasive speech technique that includes the use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Ethos is the credibility element, Pathos means emotion , and Logos is the logical component .

I believe a lot of us here grew up privileged. When i say priveleged, we mean you had clothes to wear, a house to live in and food to eat, most probably you also had choices. Now try to imagine a life without those facilities (pathos) . About 689 million people today live under poverty (logos) . As a social activist and privleged citizen (Ethos) , I would like to address the issue of poverty today.

4. Enhancing Stage

The next step in making our cake is to get the right quantity of our ingredients in a bowl and mix them well.

This is the enhancing stage in speech writing, where you add a few things that would enhance your speech overall.

The use of literary techniques conveniently enhances any speech, no matter how mundane it may be. A few literary techniques that you can use are:

a. Tripling

A technique in which you take 3 words and group them together for maximum impact. The use of alliteration while tripling can make it even more impactful.

An example would be “His only philosophy of a fulfilling life was to love, laugh, and live .

The repetition of words in threes can also be used to exaggerate or evoke a particular emotion in the audience. This is called a Diacope . An example of Diacope that can be used in your speech on global warming could be: “With global warming on a rise, it is only going to get hotter and hotter and hotter with time.”

b. Cohesive ideas

Cohesive ideas refer to things that help in connecting two ideas . In simple terms, it includes the use of proper connectors like although, hence, and, because, furthermore, and so on.

Although it may seem irrelevant, It brings a sort of structure to your speech by connecting the ideas and forming a link.

An example of using cohesive ideas in your speech is given below:

According to the Evans Data Corporation, there are about 4.4 million software developers in North America. Although Washington, California, and Oregon are the top three recruiters for software developers in the USA; California has more software development positions which could be because of the famous silicon valley being located in North California. The average salary is expected to be around $126937 per year. However , Washington offers the highest salary at 164,000 per year.

c. Taking pauses

Taking necessary pauses is an effective way of getting across your information. It guides the audience on the ideas that you want them to focus on. Hence, It gives due emphasis to important sub-topics in your speech.

This is also an effective way to make your speech longer.

To learn ways in which you can harness the power of taking a pause in your speech, check out the video below.

5. Evaluation stage

Once we have mixed all the ingredients well, the next step in making our cake would be to pour the batter into a pan and keep it in the oven to cook, right?

 In speech writing, this step can be called the Evaluation stage .

As you already have the first draft of your speech ready what you can do next is to see where your speech requires improvements. Keeping a timer can help you understand if there is time to add more information to your speech or if you need to compress it a little more.

This is when you decide on your pace of speaking.

After evaluation, If the speech is too short , you might want to add a few more points . Adding in a few stories can also prove to be helpful while engaging the audience at the same time. You can also open yourself up for a question-and-answer session after your speech. This would make your contribution longer with no change that would be required in your speech

For more ways to lengthen your speech, check out Ways to Make a Speech Longer .

And if the speech is too long you jump to the next step.

A man cutting the edges of  a paper with scissors.

What do you do when you realize that the top layer of your cake is burnt? Most possibly you will trim that layer while making sure that it doesn’t ruin the shape of your cake.

Similarly, after a few evaluations of your speech, you can start editing it. The idea is to remove anything extra, repetitive, and even flowery words . In case any idea is going off the topic, it can be dropped.

You might also want to change passive voice to active voice.

Other aspects of your speech can be edited depending on the areas that need improvement.

An example of how you can edit your speech is given below

Climate change is here and the issue is only going to escalate quickly with time. 17% of Bangladesh is predicted to be submerged underwater by 2050. A lot of other cities like Mumbai in India, Tokyo in Japan, and New York City in the USA have been predicted to meet a similar fate.

An edited version of it could be:

Climate change is here and the issue is only going to escalate quickly with time. 17% of Bangladesh is predicted to be submerged underwater by 2050. A lot of other famous cities have also been predicted to meet a similar fate.

7. Final touch

Once we have given our cake a good shape, it is time for frosting and sprinkles!

Hence it is time for the Final touch in speech writing.

A few things you can use in your speech to enhance it more are:

a. Jokes : A little joke here or there would help lighten the mood of the audience. However, you must make sure that it is by no means derogatory to anyone.

It is okay if you are not confident in coming up with a joke yourself, You can even quote someone else’s joke.

An example of quoting someone to make your speech humorous is given below:

If in the first go you are not able to succeed in achieving your goals, do not give up right away. After all, it is your resilience and persistence that would eventually help you succeed and achieve your goals. But if at first, you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you .” (Steven Wright)

A light-hearted and humorous story can also be added to your speech, provided it doesn’t make the speech unnecessarily long.

Ted talk by Vinay Menon is the best example of how you can casually add humor to your speech. He opens the speech by introducing himself when he says that he is both a lecturer and a stand-up comedian. He follows it by saying “ So most of you might be complaining about having a poorly-paying job; I’ve got two.”

Self-directed jokes would be a better option than targeting someone else or a community.

b. Quotes : Inserting quotes helps to enhance your credibility, especially if you are quoting some renowned personality.

If for example, your speech is about What is happiness? You might want to add a few quotes by personalities like Dalai Lama or even Buddha to your speech. One such quote could be:

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. Dalai Lama

c. Props :  Props make any concept easier to understand. It can also increase the likelihood of the audience believing in what you are saying.

While using props, you should make sure to use the prop early in your speech to not distract the audience and have them wondering what the prop is for.

In the video below, would you have believed if Lauren Singer simply said she lived a zero-waste lifestyle? probably not until you see all the waste she has collected in 3 years.

8. Practicing stage

The last thing to do with your cake before you munch on it is to let it set in the refrigerator for some time.

The practicing stage in speech writing is when we evaluate our final speech and practice it so that it sets perfectly for the day when we have to present.

You can practice using any technique that you are comfortable with. A few techniques you can use are:

  • Recording : You can practice your speech by recording it on your phone. This will give you an opportunity to go back and check how you did. It would also help in a comparative analysis of your progress. You can compare your first video recorded to your most recent one, to see your improvements.
  • Visualizing : Visualizing is a technique that involves visualizing or imagining as if you were giving a speech in front of a crowd. If convenient you can also go to the place where you will be presenting your speech and practice there while visualizing the place to be filled with a crowd.
  • Look for a volunteer crowd : If possible you can also look for people who might be happy to help you practice. This volunteer crowd could even be your friends and family members.

Now you don’t need to follow the same steps in speech writing. You may skip a few or even go back and forth, as per your convenience. The thing you need to understand is that there are no set rules for speech writing .

The last step would be to enjoy your cake or in our case, the delivery of your speech.

Delivering spectacular short speeches

The delivery of short speeches can be different depending on the situation. Two broad differences are when you have presented the topic on the spot, that is an impromptu speech. And the second case is when you are given enough time to prepare for your speech.

Delivery of a Prepared Speech

A. make sure that the audience can hear you..

At times your voice may not reach the ones sitting far behind. It is better to make sure that everyone can hear you before you start your speech. As it will give you time to rectify that limitation at the beginning itself.

This can prove to be helpful especially if the situation doesn’t give you enough time to clarify the audience’s doubts later through a questions and answers session.

b. Simple speech opener

When it comes to short speeches, we often do not have a lot of time to form an initial rapport with the audience.

What you can do is start with an open-ended question. Such rhetorical questions require the speaker to ask a question and pause for some time to let the audience think. It also helps in setting enough curiosity among the audience members to make them listen to what you have to say.

You can also start by adding some humor through jokes as we discussed.

You can further start by bringing the audience’s attention to some fact or statistical information . An example would be “Did you know an estimated 5.6 million people die each year due to poor countries’ lack of access to proper healthcare?”

If you are looking for more opening lines for your short speech, consider watching the video below.

c. Storytelling

Again, while we know that there is no set time for short speeches, it still doesn’t have the flexibility of elongated time to explain the concept in detail.

Stories are one of the best ways to get the audience engaged. In short speeches, stories can be used to explain a concept. You can structure your speech in a way that conveys a story as well.

Delivery of an Impromptu Speech

While delivering impromptu speeches, you might not have enough time to spare and structure the information in a sequential manner. In these cases, you can follow a few models that might make the task of giving the speech easier for you.

a. PREP Model

Point, Reason, Example and Point

The idea is to make a point, and give a reason that supports the point. The reason shall be followed by an example which would then introduce another point.

An example of using the PREP model when giving a best man speech could be

Hello everyone, I am XYZ, the best man of this amazing man who just got married (Point). All it took for me to get this title today was 10 years of ubering this fellow who is 32 and yet sits there proudly with no driving license (Reason). I still remember the first day of college when he made me wait for 2 hrs (Example). This day brings me immense joy as I gladly hand over my driver duties to (Bride’s name) (Point).

b. WWW model

800 words speech example

The idea is to start by sharing who you are followed by some information on what you do. This shall be followed by answering the third question, that is, where are you going from here?

An example of the WWW model from a farewell speech could be:

Hello, I am XYZ (Who are you). I had been working as a product manager in this organization for the past 6 years (What do you do) and I’m grateful to all of you who have contributed to my journey here. I realized a few months ago that my contribution towards the work here and that my own venture was not meeting its mark. That was when I realized that it was the right time for me to bid goodbye so as to give my 100% to my own venture (Where you are going from here ) . Thank you again for such a wonderful working experience; I shall cherish them with me forever.

Short speeches by famous personalities

While there are a number of short speeches by famous personalities, 3 of the most hard-hitting short speeches we would like to take a look at are given below.

These are also some of the most inspiring short speeches of all time.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio

The speech given by Leonardo DiCaprio at the opening of the Climate Summit 2014 is an amazing example of a short 3-minute speech .

The way his speech has been structured is worth nothing. In the initial 1 minute, he introduces how humans have conveniently ignored the issue of climate change as if it were a work of fiction. He then proceeds to explain the grave effects of climate change that have already been observed. Thus establishing the need to take action Now.

He emphasizes the word “Now” to indicate the urgency of taking some action for climate change. This also forms his one takeaway.

He concludes by restating his takeaway in a very impactful manner by saying,

The time to address humnakind’s greatest challenge is Now .

2. Denzel Washington

One of the most motivating speeches of all time was given by Denzel Washington while receiving his image award for outstanding actor in Motion Picture.

The way he uses repetition to emphasize the phrase “Ease is a greater threat than progress,” and the use of tripling in “Keep moving, keep growing, keep learning” is commendable.

Another noteworthy feature of the speech is how he takes pauses and slows down when he wants to audience to focus on the word or the idea that he is talking about.

3. Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai who is well known for advocating education for girls, during her speech at the 2015 Nobel Concert showed some excellent skills that must be noted and if possible adopted in your speech.

She gracefully observes the room and starts with humor , when she says

Please have a seat, I know you have been standing a lot and clapping and people get tired.

She quotes statistics when she mentions that there are about 57 million children who are out of school , thus establishing her credibility and at the same time making people aware of the grave reality.

Lastly, she establishes one clear takeaway , when she urges the audience,

I want you to think about how can you help, how can you help these children to go to school

Short speech topics

Here is a list of unique short speech topics that you can make use of. The list also caters to short speech topics for students.

Impact of Media on body image issuesInfluence of media on political decisions
Benefits of eco-tourismWhy financial literacy should be taught in school?
Exposure to violence leads to antisocial behaviorImportance of goal setting in achieving success
How fast fashion affects the environmentWhy sustainable fashion is the future
Environmental pollution is a global concernTechnology has made people lethargic
Metaverse is the future Social media is an end of face to face conversations
Music has the power to heal.Leadership is an inborn trait
Stress is not always badThe retirement age must depend on the industry.
Depression is not a disease.Electric cars are the future
Violence in video games is directly correlated to youth violence.Why should tattoos not be considered “unprofessional”?
Should the cost of college be reduced?Should working from home be the new standard?
Grades are not an accurate representation of learningXenotransplantation: Future of organ transplantation
Benefits of belonging to a religious communityAnimal testing should be banned

Final words

Writing and delivering short speeches don’t have any specific rules. You are free to choose a way that suits best for you and your speech.

The only idea is to make the content precise and to the point with little chance of drifting from the topic. Stories, jokes, and props can help in effectively delivering your speech to the audience.

No speech is too short, but it can be short of a meaningful takeaway.

Hrideep Barot

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Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children in 800 Words

In this article, we have published a speech on stress management for students and children in 800 Words. You can take help from this speech for various events and for exams.

Speech on Stress Management (800 Words)

Attention Getter: Life is a journey full of difficulties and twists and turns. Usually, in this journey of life, people face various difficulties that arose from these ups and downs because they have to fight with the challenges by themselves alone. Mostly, getting out of such situations is tricky and takes much time. 

I am here to discuss some useful information and scientifically proven facts about the causes and effects of stress. We will also discuss some useful techniques and methods to reduce stress.

People take alcohol and drugs to reduce stress for a while, but it doesn’t work in that way. Alcohol and drugs are hazardous for health in the long term. 

Talking with a health care professional or a clergy also helps in reducing the feelings of distress. Studies suggest that taking part in events with other people who experience similar difficulties like you, are also beneficial to some point to ease distress. 

This will be beneficial for you in a better way. When you walk, you can see the clear sky and enjoy other natural or artificial views and get relaxed. It usually feels boring by visiting the same place every day. Try changing your routes, and you can visit a lake or a beach, you can also take a walk beside a river. Take a bike ride, which also helps in reducing stress.

I hope you liked this Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children.

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Speech template has been part of our life since we were young. It is the first thing that we learn and taught to us. It is our main form of communication and without it, we could not achieve diplomacy. Without speech, there will be no world peace. Yes, speech has been known to create peace in our time. Remember Martin Luther King? His speech “I Have A Dream” that inspires millions of people. That alone is leadership speech that convinces people to stand up and fight for what is right. A speech no matter, how short can have a huge impact on the one listening.

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What Is a Speech?

A start a speech, as defined by most website dictionary is a communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words. But most expert orators and speech writer define speech as a formal address given to a large number of people that the purpose of is to persuade, inform, convince, and seek to inspire the people.

However, speech these days, are used to inform people about something or someone. To give them knowledge and information about something that has not been known or is hidden from them. A informative speech is also used to express an emotion and to make a strong stand about one’s belief.

How to Outline a Speech

Speech outline can be a great tool for you to manage your speech and how you will deliver it. Especially if you have trouble in creating and delivering a speech. Here are the steps on creating a speech outline. Basically, a speech outline has 4 essential steps:


  • This is the part where you decide your topic and your main subjects.
  • Determine your audience.
  • Identify your purpose.


  • Create a compelling and attention-getter introduction speech .
  • State your main subjects and main points.
  • An overview of your whole speech
  • Use a transition statement to connect your body to the introduction.
  • Discuss your main subject.
  • Use supporting details.
  • The summary of your speech
  • Strong closing statement.

Speech Outline

Persuasive speech.

Persuasive Speech


Informative Outline

Informative Outline

Size: 44 kB

Components of Speech

Effective verbal communication of your ideas and thoughts to others is the general aim for speech classes. Before that, let us take a closer look at the components of writing a speech:

From the moment we first draw breath and announce our arrival into the world, our voice comes into play, a unique amalgamation of our vocal folds and breath to produce sound. This essential aspect of communication, varying distinctly from person to person, is shaped by a myriad of factors including our physiological makeup. It’s particularly pivotal in presentation speech , where the voice becomes more than just a tool for sound; it’s a medium for conveying ideas, emotions, and intentions. In the realm of public speaking or presentation, the voice serves as a powerful instrument, capable of influencing, persuading, and engaging audiences, transforming the mere act of speaking into an art form that resonates and leaves a lasting impact.

2. Articulation

Another component for speech which is equally important is our ability to articulate or control our voice. Meaning how we make the sound of something. Proper articulation also effective leadership speech or oral communications.

Fluency in speech, akin to rhythm in music, is a skill honed through practice. It encompasses the ability to modulate speaking pace, balancing speed with necessary pauses and breaks. This aspect of verbal communication is crucial in special occasion speeches , where the flow and tempo of words significantly impact the effectiveness of the message conveyed. Mastery of fluency transforms speeches into captivating performances, engaging audiences and delivering messages with clarity and impact.

Tips for Giving a Speech

To deliver a powerful and meaningful speech, take note of our hand-picked tips on giving a welcome speech. This is specially made for both newbie and veteran when it comes to giving a speech to the audience.

  • Prepare ahead of time . This is important for you to reduce your anxiety and the nerve-wracking feeling.
  • Determine your topic . Before giving a speech, you must know and master your topic and the material that comes with it. It is best if you pick a topic that you are interested in or you have a massive background about it.
  • Know your audience . When it comes to giving speeches, the best thing to do is to have a little background check of who will be your potential audiences. That way you will know if you could use some s elf-introduction speech .
  • Have a quick tour of the room or place where you will give your speech . So that, when the time comes you can maximize your placement on the stage and you will know where to go and face the audience.
  • Think like a performer . With the above said that you have to maximize the stage, you also have to walk around, speak to the audience, and use hands gesture to signify your strong emotion about your speech.
  • Practice makes (almost) perfect . The keynote speech to every successful speech is practice. Rehearse your speech over and over again to find any mistakes and awkward moments. It is also best to practice your speech in front of your friends or family to give you the feeling of what it is to be in the real situation.
  • Be confident . You have to believe in yourself that you can give a successful speech so that the audience will also believe in that too.

Follow those tips and you are good to go. Also, if you want to know more about how you can give an amazing speech, you can browse our speech templates and examples here.

What Is a Speech Template For?

A speech template serves as a guide to simplify speech writing. It does not contain the word-for-word details of the speech outline its basic parts. Common speech examples contain these three essential parts:

  • Introduction – It often starts with a quote, a question, or a story.
  • Body – This is where the topic’s main points are thoroughly discussed. A written copy of the speech should present important phrases only.
  • Conclusion – A summary of what was presented is given. A remark or a call to action serves as thestatement of  conclude speech .

How to Start a Speech

To start a speech , you must know the purpose of the speech you are making.

Is it a speech for special occasions? Should it be serious or can it be playful? A special occasion speech has the power to set a mood in a room. For instance, a graduation speech must be encouraging and inspiring. It must be able to garner attention from an audience.

Once you are able to determine the purpose of the speech, it would be easier for you to organize your words into the main parts of the speech.

How to Give a Professional Persuasive Speech

Professional Persuasive Example2


Size: 84 kB

3 Minute Speech Example

3 Minute Persuasive Example


Tribute Speech Example

Tribute on retirement.

Retirement Tribute


Size: 75 kB

Parent Tribute Speech

Parent Tribute Speech


Size: 260 kB

Types of Speech

Speeches are divided into three types: Informative, persuasive, and impromptu.

  • Informative speech.  This speech focuses on giving the audience complete (or partial) information about people, events, things, and life. Informative speeches are often used in curricular activities.
  • Persuasive speeches.  Persuasive speech talks about facts, opinions, the point of views about issues or controversies. The speech must tailor the message to the audience for it to become effective.
  • Impromptu speech .  This speech is done with little or without preparation. A high speech skill is required when giving this speech.

You can check out our examples speeches here to give you more ideas about the three types of speeches. You can use it in your graduation speech or in your  thank-you speech .

Importance of a Good Speech

There are numbers of reason why a good speech is important. There’s a lot actually. I could only name 3 on top of my head.

  • It can gain positive perception and opinion from the audience . A good speech does not only make the audience “wow,” it can also give you significant feedbacks from them that you can use in your future development.
  • It can express fully your emotion and feelings . You can express what you really want the audience to feel about your speech.
  • It can provide complete information . Having said that, a good speech will also make the audience understand and comprehend of the topics you have discussed.

Retirement Speech

Teacher retirement speech.

Teacher Retirement Speech


For the Retirement of Administrative Assistant

Administrative Retirement


Farewell Speech Example

Farewell Speech Example1

Size: 43 kB

Salutatorian Speech Example

Salutatorian Speech Example


Size: 171 kB

Guidelines for Creating a Speech Outline

As a speaker, you are given the floor to discuss a particular topic over a span of time. Regardless of the type of audience you may face, it’s always best to come prepared. One way is by constructing a speech template as your guide. Here are some guidelines you can take note of when making your s peech template:

  • State the purpose of your speech. Whether you wish to inform, to persuade, or to pay tribute to something, determining your purpose will make it easier for you to approach a topic.
  • Set a time frame. It’s easy to get carried away while speaking in front of a crowd. Allocating a time limit for the main parts of your speech is a good way to stay on sample schedule .
  • Identify the main idea. The main idea will serve as a basis for your thoughts. This will guide you in crafting the main points and the sub points of your speech.
  • Include an attention-getter. This is usually found at the start of your speech. It could be a compelling question or a witty story, anything that is sure to grab everyone’s attention from the very start.
  • Keep it structured. An effective way is by using roman numerals instead of bullet points. It presents a step by step guide for important details to remember and include in your speech.
  • Avoid sequencing your main points in a random order. This is to avoid confusion especially when presenting conflicting statements.
  • Observe proper transitions. Transitioning statements and ideas can be challenging. You must be able to gradually transition one point to another.
  • Present supporting evidences. If necessary, it’s good to state facts and their sources especially when delivering an informative speech. This is to establish credibility in your speech.

Examples of Introduction Speech

Self introduction sample.

Self Introduction Sample1

Informative Speech Concept Example

Informative speech for a group.

Group Informative

Size: 100 kB

Welcome Speech Example

Wedding welcome.

Wedding Welcome

Formal Welcome Speech

Formal Welcome Speech

Size: 57 kB

Public Speech Example

Awareness speech.

Awareness Speech


Purpose of a Speech Template

To deliver a good speech, it’s important to come prepared. For instance, you were asked to prepare a presentation speech about your boss. You don’t know a lot about him, so you need to conduct your research on that matter. Of course, it can also be intimidating to present a significant individual in front of a large audience. A speech template will allow you to keep important notes and details on hand. It also creates structure for your speech and it ensures that your ideas flow smoothly.

Importance of a Speech Template

A motivational speech requires a lot of time and effort to make. A lot of people would prefer to just wing it instead of taking the time to create one. But the truth is, a speech template will save you time when delivering your speech and it will help avoid any problems caused by inadequate preparation.

A speech template will allow you to sequence information effectively. There’s nothing worse than experiencing dead air while delivering your speech just because you blacked out on what you were supposed to say. You can find various keynote speech examples that can serve as your guide for creating your template.

Motivational Speech Example

Motivational sports speech.

Motivational Sports Speech

Wedding Speech

Wedding Welcome1


Groom Wedding Speech

Groom Wedding Speech


Size: 239 kB

What is the Purpose of a Speech?

A speech is generally given to satisfy the following points:

1. Informational

Most speeches are about providing more information about a certain topic or subject. These types of speeches are closely related to lectures but are shorter in nature and provide a brief discussion regarding main points of a topic or subject. You may also see speech examples for students .

2. Persuasive

Sales presentations and demonstrations are the type of speeches that aim to entice the audience into taking the desired action after the persuasive speech . Most sales and marketing personnel make use of such speeches with the aim of having the listeners purchase a product or service.

3. Entertainment

Some presentation speeches are made to serve as form of entertainment during functions or events. An example to such are those speeches on weddings or speech intermissions during programs.

4. Inspirational

Inspirational speeches, often delivered during graduations, sermons, and notably in wedding speeches , are crafted to touch the hearts of listeners and motivate them. Their core purpose is to uplift, instill hope, and encourage resilience in facing life’s challenges, whether they seem insurmountable or not. These speeches serve as a beacon of inspiration, guiding individuals to overcome obstacles and find strength in everyday struggles, making them a cherished element of special occasions.

Elevator Speech Examples

Elevator speech for college.

Elevator Speech for College


Size: 12 KB

Personal Elevator Speech

Personal Elevator Speech


Size: 210 KB

Leadership Speech

Leadership skills speech.

Leadership Skills Speech


Size: 66 kB

Presentation Speech Example

Award presentation speech.

Award Presentation Speech


Size: 287 kB

Thank You Speech

Wedding thank you.

Wedding Thank You1


Formal Thank You Speech Outline

Formal Thank You Speech


Award Thank You

Award Thank You


Benefits of Speech

Constant exposure and practice in making and delivering speeches produces many benefits and gains to an individual such as the following:

1. Self Esteem

Being exposed to public speaking boosts confidence in your self and in your skills. In fact, speech therapy is recommended for people having issues fitting in society or getting along with people.

2. Self Expression

Self introduction speech provide a venue for an individual to express their opinion and ideas about a chosen topic or subject. This also makes others aware of what that individual feels or thinks about the topic or subject.

3. Personal Development

Writing and delivering speeches eventually increases your knowledge of persuasive strategies and in organizing thoughts for a certain topic or subject improving your critical thinking abilities. You may also see farewell speech examples .

4. Personal Evaluation

Being able to speak in public helps an individual gauge his communication skills and get ideas on how to improve them.

5. Network Connections

Through speaking engagements, an individual can vastly improve connections whether for his personal, social, or professional goals. You may also like dedication speech examples .

6. Career Advancement

Delivering speeches gets the attention of management specially if an individual is adept and skillful at doing so. A good speaker is in turn a good motivator and leader.

effective speech-making is a skill that combines thorough preparation, engaging content, and confident delivery. For a deeper understanding of how to structure a speech, including the introduction, body, and conclusion, the  Grand Valley State University Speech Lab  provides a helpful guide here. This resource can assist in crafting speeches that are coherent, impactful, and memorable.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write a Speech on the importance of community service.

Create a Speech about the power of positive thinking.

Free 600-Word Essay Samples

4824 samples of this type

An essay of 600 to 650 words is a standard high school assignment that a student might need to write to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic. The most common genres for 600-word essays are: book review, analytical essay, movie review, assessment. You might need to write such a paper on marketing, technology, religion, biology, etc.

Current Macroeconomic Situation in the US

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Music of the 20th Century and Beyond

Introduction This paper is an analysis of two musical pieces from the classical and electronic music periods. The focus will be made to identify why these musical pieces fit into the classical and electronic music categories. A definition of the musical eras will be done, alongside an analysis of how...

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600 Words Is How Many Pages?

An essay of 600 words is approximately 2 pages double-spaced or 1 page single-spaced. The most common format for all the major citation styles is 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is about 250 words per page. While APA 7, MLA 9, and Chicago also accept fonts like Arial and Calibri, TNR 12 ppt is still preferable.

A 600-Word Essay Is How Many Paragraphs?

A 600-word essay contains 2 to 6 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

What Does a 600-Word Essay Look Like?

The easiest way to organize a 600-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

How Long Does a 600-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 12 to 24 minutes to type 600 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 2 hours for 600 words.

How Long Should an Introduction Be for a 600 Word Essay?

An average introduction length of a 600-word essay should be 90 words. The exact requirements will be given by your professor.

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Cross-Cultural Management and Challenges It Faces

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  • American Politics

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Public Law and Private Law Implications

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Element of Drama in “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

“Oedipus the King” is an enigmatic tragedy account where fate makes the main character to kill his father and marry his mother unknowingly. Sophocles borrows heavily from Aristotles’ tragedy ideas to make a tragic hero with a noble personality who is made to fall by mere errors in life caused...

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Commitment of Sexual Offenders in California

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Political Candidates: Voting for Executives

Introduction Many various factors might affect the voters. The political views of a candidate play a significant role in an election campaign, but people make decisions according to their preferences based on personal likes and dislikes. While a particular range of characteristics seems to be universal and should be adopted...

Moral Intuitions: A Heuristic Model

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze a heuristic model of moral intuitions as described in the book, The Moral Psychology Handbook, by John M. Doris. To present the model, it is first necessary to identify it and explain its working principles. Models of heuristics can improve on...

The Importance of Resilience and Community

Introduction Resilience is a virtue that allows people to confront difficulties with courage. Resilience plays a particularly significant role in battling inequalities and achieving justice. Mental strength is the driving force behind the current human rights movement that aims at eliminating racial oppression. Through examining the themes and characters in...

School Age Health Literacy

Being health literate means maintaining a high standard of living and eliminating issues that may negatively affect well-being. Children need to have various health-related skills, depending on their age. School-age health literacy is crucial, as children need to know how to comply with health recommendations and make better health-related choices....

  • Performance

Anne Boykin’s Theory of Nursing as Caring

Nursing theories guide nurses in their practice, research, and professional development. Anne Boykin, in collaboration with Savina O. Schoenhofer, introduced her theory of nursing as caring in the 1990s (Alligood, 2017). The theory has been widely utilized in diverse healthcare contexts since then. This paper includes a brief description of...

Ethics, Morality, and Legality Relationship

Nowadays, ethics became a cornerstone of the medical business as it ensures sound and lawful practice. In general, ethics can be defined as a branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles that shape an individual’s behavior or decisions. Although one could use morality and ethics as interchangeable concepts, they...

Heart Disease: Post-interventional Practice and Monitoring

Chest pain can be caused by a variety of physical conditions, including heart disease or nervous disorders. A 52-year-old male patient has several physiological abnormalities that are triggered by hyperlipidemia and first-degree obesity. In addition to necessary laboratory tests, the man needs additional blood and urine tests, such as creatinine...

Teenage Drug Addiction Problem

The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both strictly positive and negative effects. In other words, the world’s versatility becomes both a virtue because each individual can find his own business, and a disadvantage because among the hobbies are often destructive addiction. One of...

Ethical Leadership: On Types of Leadership Behavior

Good relationships at the workplace play an essential role in forming a positive environment for the employees, which includes communication between leaders and subordinates. An atmosphere of mutual trust and respect improves the employees’ perception of the work process, and it is also a vital component of efficiency. Yukl et...

Importance of Early Balanced Diets in Children

Abstract Nutrition plays a critical role in a child’s cognitive and physical development. These developmental phases are highly susceptible to nutritional deficiencies in children (Hurley et al., 2016). Research indicates that substandard dietary choices in children below five years can lead to lifelong health disparities among this populace (Hurley et...

Abortion Issues: Credible and Non-Credible Sources of Information

The problem of induced abortion remains extremely important in modern obstetric and gynecological practice. Its relevance is determined not only by the level and prevalence of such surgical interventions but also by the risk of complications. Despite the availability of a variety of safe and effective methods of contraception, the...

Transportation: Fostering the Development

Fostering the Development of Transportation Systems States, cities, and towns must work individually and in collaboration with others to foster the development of their transportation systems as an efficient transportation system is first and foremost the backbone of the economy (U.S. Department of Transportation, n.d.). TCRP (2002) suggests that the...

Crises Management in Aviation Safety

Aviation security is achieved by combining information and response, the correct order of actions, and timely delegation of authority. Each air carrier is responsible for the welfare of passengers and the quality of services. Consequently, the creation of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP), which addresses customers’ security needs, is imperative...

Music and the Second Reconstruction Relationship

The song What About Us by the Coasters represents the idea of the absence of equality among African-American and white people in the USA. In 1959, when the composition was released, the question was extremely acute, and the lyrics appealed to most fighters for adequate human rights as it aims...

  • Advertising
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  • Comparative Literature
  • Christianity

Role of Family in Healthcare and How Culture Affects Health Beliefs

Culture impacts the way a person views life, values, social norms, and other aspects that constitute daily life, including health and diseases. Individuals’ families also play a role in the way health is perceived. Patient-centered care implies involving family members and incorporating care tailored to the patient’s culture. This paper...

Pursuit and Experiences of God in Texas

Religion plays a crucial role in the development of each nation, and the Southwest of the United States is defined as one of the most religious regions in the country. Therefore, its pursuit of God and an understanding of religion in general always deserve attention and recognition. The region of...

Columbia Shuttle Accident: Performance and Evaluation

Introduction The Columbia Shuttle accident occurred in 2003 when the shuttle was disintegrated over Texas during its re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere because of damaging the thermal protection system. The most tragic detail connected with the accident was in the fact that this tragedy which caused the deaths of seven...

Reading Summary of Two Social Articles

Freedom of Association is Not the Answer In her study, Fine (2010) analyzes the premises underlying the concept of liberal principles of exclusion. The author bases her article on the investigation of Christopher Heath Wellman’s article, “Immigration and Freedom of Association.” Fine (2010) has summarized Wellman’s arguments on the states’...

Social Networks Security: Ethical Issues and Practicies

Introduction Social networks have been having privacy issues; in the case of Beacon and Facebook, Facebook had made it possible for people to share their private life with others using Beacon; the launch had been done in December 2007. When the program was launched, it seemed to facilitate business and...

The Financial Performance Measurement

Calculation The values of operating leverage, return on investment, economic value added (EVA) and return on equity will be calculated. The calculations are presented below. 2013 (Millions) 2014 (Millions) Sales 146,917 144,077 Variable expenses 125,195 123,516 Fixed expenses 16,244 17,121 Total expenses 141,439 140,637 Operating income 5,478 3,440 Net income...

An Unlawful and Unintentional Killing

Unlawful and unintentional killing of a person is “Manslaughter”. Reckless driving and automobiles accidents are examples. It can be “voluntary” and “involuntary”. It depends on the defendant’s intention at the time killing occurred. Though Frank’s intention to hit Tom’s car was intentional, in order to destroy his new car, he...

Breast Cancer: Literature Review

Introduction Breast cancer is the single most common type of cancer among women. This type of cancer can be detected by such simple methods as (BSE) breast self-examination. When breast cancer is discovered at an early stage, it becomes easier to treat (American Cancer Society 2011). The research paper takes...

Physical Restraints in Acute and Intensive Care Units

Though the use of physical restraints in acute and intensive care units is predetermined with the objective factors and working necessity, the complications resulting from the implementation of the method question its effectiveness and appropriateness. The issue of using physical restraints in health care institutions is a rather debatable topic,...

Maritime RobotX Challenge System Selection

The robotic competition offers a platform to determine the selection of an efficient system concerning the guidelines and procedures of the challenge. According to RoboNation (2014), the competitors were awarded approximately $20,000 and a WAM-V program to establish a sensory set and propulsion software effectively. In this sense, this report...

  • Information Technology

Using of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction Many students who plan to apply for medical studies suggest that they are not going to need mathematics and any mathematics-related sciences in the future and successfully forget anything they learned in school or college. However, mathematics and statistics are an essential part of healthcare research. This essay will...

The Measures of Central Tendency and the Descriptive Statistics

Introduction of the study The measures of central tendency like the mean, median, mode that will be discussed in this essay and the descriptive statistics are very useful in summarizing any collected data and help to come up with detailed and correct conclusions. The aim of this essay is to...

Managed Care and Ethics in Dental Field

Introduction Professionals in the dental field play a significant role in restoring the wellbeing of the patients with issues of the oral cavity (Owsiany, 2008). These experts ought to offer the most excellent treatment options and preventive alternatives for the best interest of the patient’s welfare. Besides, the experts should...

Shonagon’s “The Pillow Book” as Historical Document

Positive Analysis One of the main strengths of the book is the fact that it provides an invaluable insight into Heian Japan and how regular women lived at that time. It is a well-composed historical document in regards to reflecting the lifestyles and interests of both royal family members and...

Nursing Philosophy Reflection

The paradigm of nursing experience, although impossible to encompass at its fullest, has been currently explicitly described in a variety of textbooks and scholarly articles. Thus, prior to making a meaningful choice to dedicate oneself to the career of a nurse, it is of paramount importance to secure a careful...

Public Role and Control of Police

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about police is that their role is to help people, protect them, and improve the quality of their lives. The implementation of these goals lies in the maintenance of law and public order, and crime control through the investigation and prevention...

“The Baker and the Beauty”: A Failed Television Show

The TV show The Baker and the Beauty aired in April 2020 and included nine 40-minute episodes. The TV show presents a story of a baker, Daniel Garcia working for the family business, who meets a famous model Noa Hamilton (IMDb, 2020). The two try to develop a romantic relationship,...

Social Networks’ Impact on Companies’ Operations

Introduction E-commerce refers to the selling and acquisitions of goods or services through internet platforms and the transfer of finances to complete the business. Social networking is applying social media sites based on the internet to maintain connectivity with friends, family, customers, or clients. There are several platforms using social...

The Four Basics of the Human Evolution

Evolution refers to the process that causes changes in allele occurrences in a population over a period. Conferring to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the event takes place by natural selection (Ashraf & Sarfraz, 2016). Thus, evolution enables organisms to acquire characteristics that best suit their environment, increasing their chances...

The Concept of “Everything in Moderation” in “The Sacred Vine” Poem

One of the main problems of modern people is their tendency to fall into the extremes. Many of the difficulties they have are likely to be caused by overindulging in something or by complete abstinence from it. It has become too difficult to avoid overusing the advantages of the modern...

  • Mental Health
  • Night by Elie Wiesel

Social Media and Traditional News Media

Social media platforms have transformed how people communicate in today’s world. Information can easily reach any corner of the globe by just having a smartphone and internet connection. This is contrary to the past, where people depended on traditional media to receive and send information. Several social media platforms have...

Human History and Its Three Main Eras

The last two millenniums of human history can be divided into three essential periods with distinct characteristics, which define the period. These periods include pre-modern from 400 to 1400s, modern from 1500s to 1900s, and post-modern from 1900s to present moment. Each period may be analyzed through the prism of...

Amilia Lanier Biography and Influence

Introduction The name Emilia Lanier is unique in the context of English history and poetry. Emilia Lanier, nee Aemilia Bassano, lived in 1569-1645 and appeared to be the first English woman, who claimed herself a professional poetess. This fact was surprising for the people of this epoch. She resided in...

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidency

Rutherford B. Hayes served as the 19th president of the U.S. between 1877 and 1881. He won the highly contested 1877 elections narrowly by defeating the Democratic Party candidate Samuel J. Tilden by one electoral vote. Hayes’ presidency marked the period in which America transitioned from the era of Reconstruction...

“At the Dark End of the Street” by Carr

Introduction The problem of racism is topical for modern American society. Unfortunately, racism is not only about hatred of people with different skin colors but also about encroachment on their lives and inviolability. One of the most famous victims of racism is Recy Taylor, who was kidnapped and raped by...

Unfair Policies: Private Probation

Government laws and regulations are put in place to protect members of society, benefit and advance society. Nevertheless, some policies do not seem to serve the intended purpose and are misused. Private Probation can be an example of an unjust policy that benefits a few members of society while putting...

President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps Program

During the Great Depression, one in every four American workers was unemployed. Within weeks of his inauguration, President Roosevelt sent legislation to Congress to provide employment opportunities for the unemployed population. In the first few weeks between election and inauguration, the president traveled, planned, and assembled like-minded individuals from experts...

Martin Luther King’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” to White Clergy

Introduction Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” was written in order to provide a comprehensive and detailed response to white clergy. The latter was known for criticizing Martin Luther King’s methods of protest, which was nonviolent civil disobedience. In his letter, the activist explains that he usually dismisses...

Changing Perceptions of Women’s Roles in Northern Pakistan

Gender roles are a social and biological issue raised to understand human nature. Roles have been changing since the emergence of humans, and, unfortunately, more often than not, women have not been assigned the most pleasant role. Instead of accessible education, women were limited to reading lessons; instead of fighting...

The Role of Ethical Decision-Making in Business

Background Ethical dilemmas constantly occur in organizations and workplaces regardless of the industry and the size of an organization. They may differ significantly in terms of values, which are in conflict, or parties, which are at stake. Therefore, it may be essential to introduce a comprehensive approach to the decision-making...

  • Nursing Theory
  • Globalization

Understanding Frida Kahlo’s Artworks

To understand Frida Kahlo, one has to approach her work through the lens of personal perception, adding intimacy to the viewing, just like Kahlo immersed herself in each artwork. There is an inevitable consequence of such close viewing – endowing Kahlo’s work with many interpretations, and appropriately so. The integrative,...

Racism in “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley”

Phyllis Wheatley, the first African American to publish a book of poetry in 1773, was the author of the poem “Being Brought from Africa to America.” Wheatley represents the start of a long tradition of African American poets. She described her African ancestors as non-Christian (“Pagan”) and believed that she...

Plots of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” and Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Unfortunately, oppression of women is a severe and extended process that was especially active in the 1890s. A number of famous American writers of those years used their talent of choosing the right words to describe how women and men may oppress each other and deprive their beloved ones of...

Liberation Theology and Gutierrez’s Contribution to It

Introduction Religion plays a significant role in every human being’s life, and it arises a necessity to have an insight into vital parts of it. It is essential to be aware of liberation theology that can be considered a religious movement centered in Latin America, in the view of the...

General Good and Happiness Definition

The general good and happiness can be defined as states and conditions in which people are satisfied with the course of life actions. At the same time, it is obligatory to emphasize that in order to achieve total happiness, it is necessary to highlight individual contribution. Any person can start...

Emily Jerry’s Death: The Root Cause Analysis

Emily Jerry was a two-year-old patient who died during her stay in a hospital due to mismanagement of medical equipment and hospital staff incompetence. She was scheduled to receive chemotherapy but died of detrimental brain damage (Hope, 2020). A series of events that included missing fundamental understanding of solution concentration,...

Bannister’s “The Word and Power Church”

Although the realm of the Christian community and, particularly, the Christian Church, might seem as entirely unclouded, several underlying conflicts have developed over years of interpreting the Word of God and implementing theological research. In his book The Word and Power Church, Dough Bannister (2009) expresses the concern that the...

Analysis of The Odyssey and Its Impact

Homer’s Odyssey gives readers a heroic narrative about a protagonist on his quest to home from war. The protagonist Odysseus is far from flawless, and the reader explores his personality while he faces various opponents and his stupidity. The epic delves into themes of fate, revenge, humanity, and ferocious powers....

Analysis of the Plot in The Martian

Summary The film The Martian, directed by Ridley Scott, employs an exciting plot that helps the audience understand the movie’s main ideas. Although science-fiction and drama are highly exhibited in the story, the director uses a plot to illustrate several themes to connect with the audience in a fascinating way...

Guillain-Barré Disease and Therapy Options

Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an uncommon condition in which the immune system targets the nerves in the body leading to muscle weakness, tingling in the extremities, and sometimes paralysis. GBS is a rare disease that affects roughly 1 in 1000 persons (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)). According to...

Is Watching Football Morally Acceptable

Introduction Football, or American football, is undoubtedly among the most widely viewed category of sports, as it is called in many foreign countries. Athletes participating in football constantly hurt themselves for the sake of their careers while their fans cheer and wear colorful shirts. Therefore, a moral dilemma presents itself...

Lorna Simpson’s Background and Artworks

Background There are numerous prominent female artists that have substantially altered the way people perceive modern art. Lorna Simpson is one such ingenious and brave person, as she has made a remarkable contribution to various social functions of photography. The unique style that she developed has inspired millions of females...

Social Media as a Distraction in Academics

While social media has been known to be a positive influence in a number of facets, it can also be a substantial distraction within the realm of academics. This is because social media has the potential to consume excessive amounts of time, create an illusion of ideal lives, provide an...

Economic Issues of Housing Crisis in New York

There are many microeconomic issues which affect American cities, and one of the most prominent of them is the housing crisis. In New York, the problem with the rising rent and a growing homeless population is particularly notable and attracts considerable attention of local media. In the article, “Eric Adams...

Mental Illness and Mental Health

Mental health issues are often overlooked in general medicine. This creates a number of concerns, including the inability of many affected patients to reach care until it is too late, the failure to limit interference to their daily lives, and the lack of alternate or home support in regards to...

Patriarchal Culture and Attitudes

Patriarchy is a type of social system in which power and social privileges belong to men. Women in patriarchy occupy a subordinate position, with social institutions being the instruments of control. For example, in many religions, women are forbidden to go to temples during menstruation. In the family, women are...

Kindergarten Choice for Children

Going to kindergarten is difficult and quite stressful for a three-year-old child. The baby faces a new environment, the absence of parents nearby, and new, unfamiliar people. To ensure the most comfortable process of adaptation and stay in kindergarten, it is necessary to choose an institution based on essential criteria....

Walmart: Information Management System

Walmart is a retail company that integrates different types of retail stores and has a complex structure of warehouses, supply chain partners, and stores. As a result, its information management system (IMS) is similarly immense, incorporating logistics, transportation, supply chain management, customer management, online shopping, delivery, and more. The business...

The Veil Conflict: Wearing Religious Symbols in Schools

French President Jacques Chirac’s ban in March 2004 on wearing any religious symbols in schools caused unrest in the country. First of all, history shows that the formulation of explicit religious symbols that markedly separate groups of students did not legally include wearing a headscarf, but in practice, many teachers...

Everyday Use Short Story Analysis

Introduction Everyday Use is a short story written by American author Alice Walker. The narrative revolves around an African-American family and the conflict they face, primarily the schisms created by money, materialism, and greed. The set of characters is relatively narrow (Mama, Maggie, Dee, and Hakim-a-barber), but can showcase a...

  • Climate Change
  • American Revolution

Digital Health Information Technologies

Modern society is founded on the benefits of extensive use of technology in many different areas. The implementation of modern technologies in the healthcare system resulted in the emergence of various digital healthcare information systems. Overall, digital health refers to the use of information and communication technologies to manage health...

Guatemala’s General Health Indicators

Guatemala is a unique state with distinct features but is partly affected by worldwide events. The country represents the largest economy in Central America and is neighboring Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador (The World Bank, 2022; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2022). Guatemala has both strengths and...

Nurse Practitioners’ Role Delineation

Nurse Practitioners (NP) should be equipped with the skills and abilities required for independent clinical practice. The NP Role Core Competencies define the competencies needed for a professional NP by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (2022). Moreover, the AACN Essentials determine excellence in nursing education (American Association of...

Information Technology’s Positive Impact on Medicine

The rapid development of technology should first be introduced into the most critical areas of science and infrastructure. Introducing IT in the healthcare sector can improve quality and significantly speed up work. However, the benefits are not limited to stakeholders solely on the part of employees and patients interacting with...

Irony at the End of The Story of an Hour

Introduction One of the primary elements of The Story of an Hour, written by Kate Chopin, that has not only made the short story popular but also has highlighted an important metaphor is the ending. Namely, after the joy Mrs. Mallard feels when finding out about her husband’s death, she...

Ancient History: Mesopotamian Empire Achievements

The Mesopotamian Empire had several achievements throughout its existence. The achievements ranged from powerful kingdoms to trade and agriculture. It is worth to mention that this empire spanned over several centuries. This essay explores the achievements of the Mesopotamian Empire. King Sargon created the world’s largest first empire. The Akkadian...

Developing Empowered Relationships Within the Organization

Navigating and facilitating change It is crucial for both managers and the rest of employees to master workplace skills in order to boost productivity. One of the vital skills is the ability to navigate and facilitate change process. Although the leadership of an organization is largely charged with the role...

The Effect Technology on International Relations

Introduction Scientific innovation and invention has raised the bar of integration and relation among countries; efficient and reliable communication and transport systems plays a vital role in international integration. Globalization has necessitated the need to have improved international relations that facilitate integration and interdependence among countries (Croucher 16). This paper...

Father-Son’ Relationship in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel

Introduction The relationships between a father and a son usually compose in early childhood. However, there are families where father-son love is hidden too deep in their souls that they are unable to see it until something bad happens and only the support of the closest people may help. Reading...

Calvinism and Arminianism in Historical Theology

Historical Theology Calvinism and Arminianism are two well-known theological systems that introduce different methods to explain the relations which develop between God and people which are directed to achieve salvation. John Calvin is the founder of Calvinism in the middle of the 1500s, and Jacobus Arminius is the theologian, who...

  • Web Technology
  • African American

Cross-Cultural Competencies in Human Service Work

Human beings are distinguished by race, religion, or socio-economic backgrounds. A study of cross-cultural competencies is an important subject in the human service professions and especially in counseling. Counselors are trained to deal with different kind of clients, who have diverse problems. Therefore, it is necessary to have background knowledge...

“Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost

Nothing Gold Can Stay is a well-known poem by Robert Frost. One of the primary outstanding features of this work is that it took the author only eight lines to express a set of thoughtful philosophical ideas and deep emotions. Apart from the captivating wisdom of the author’s lines expressed...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Self-Portraits in Feminism

Introduction The art of the Renaissance is often considered to have the most recognizable pieces and artists. However, the list of Renaissance painters, sculptors, and architects is dominated by men and their creations. Only a handful of women of the Renaissance period gained some recognition. One of these women is...

Terri Schiavo and Jahi McMath’s Cases Comparison

The cases of Terri Schiavo and Jahi McMath are among the most publicized instances of ethical and legal debates over the end-of-life question. Both cases have a lot in common, but the Jahi McMath case introduces several new factors that offer further insights into the ethical as well as legal...

Boomerang Effects of Low Price Discounts

The article by Cai, Bagchi and Gauri published in Journal of Consumer Research named “Boomerang Effects of Low Price Discounts: How Low Price Discounts Affect Purchase Propensity” demonstrates that lower discounts for low priced product reduce the propensity to purchase non-essential, low priced goods (especially groceries). This paper provides a...

Patients With Diabetes and Concomitant Diseases’ Risk

What are the effects of controlling BP in people with diabetes? It has been proven by several studies that patients suffering from diabetes run the risk of having various related conditions. More than 75 percent of all patients who die from diabetes die because of having cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, high...

Success Case Methodology and Training Program

SCM and Kirkpatrick Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method (SCM) can be discussed as an alternative to Kirkpatrick’s Return on Expectations (ROE) model that is used in order to evaluate training. Training groups can benefit from using SCM in addition to Kirkpatrick’s model because such type of the training analysis allows for...

Military on the US Southern Border

Introduction The US southern border protects the country from illegal immigration from Mexico. It is critical for the security of the USA because it ensures that the country will not be adversely affected by issues associated with overpopulation and illicit drugs (Nixon & Santos, 2017). Currently, a new wall is...

Climate Change as a Threat to Pension Fund

Executive summary This report considers the relationship that the change in climate has with the pension fund. The pension fund is one of the largest consumer products, and there has been a concern on how to protect it from any possible material or financial risk (Jill 324). So many studies...

Reproductive System and Dominant Gene

Internal Female Reproductive Organs The system of internal female reproductive organs includes glands (ovaries), cervix, and uterus. Also, fallopian tubes and vagina are part of it. Fallopian tubes are narrow tubes with a pronounced muscular layer, which are constantly shrinking. Their mucous membrane consists of cells with cilia (deWit &...

  • Evidence-Based Practice

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Equity Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs One of the most well-known motivational theories, Maslow’s Hierarchy presupposes that the actions of an individual are aimed primarily at satisfying their needs, the physiological being the basic ones, whereas the necessity for self-actualization, which refers to the realization of one’s potential, comes at the very...

Evidence-Based Change: From Research Into Practice

The current standard in the healthcare sector is to use evidence-based practice to make critical changes and improvements to various processes which help deliver the best quality of treatment to patients. Evidence-based implies information that is supported by valid, informative, and long-term research which would be eligible to be implemented...

Diabetes in Adolescents, Social and Medical Issues

Introduction Diabetes in adolescents is a major global health concern and is the subject of various healthcare-related studies. As such, numerous literature materials have been published on diabetes in adolescents to help in dealing with the matter, since it affects different healthcare systems in the world. This essay identifies some...

Nursing Important Aspects: Patient-Centered Care

Introduction Patient-centered care is based on a holistic approach, where each patient is considered as an individual with a set of personal preferences, values, and religious beliefs. The client’s lifestyle is accounted for, and the family is incorporated into the care process. According to Hood, Leddy, and Pepper (2014), nurses...

Implementation of Workplace Safety Standards Regarding Chemicals

Introduction Attention Getting Device Death and injury due to accidental chemical exposure is a constant and real danger in construction sites around the world. On average nearly 30 million workers a year are exposed to hazardous substances due to improper handling standards, no prior knowledge regarding the corrosiveness of a...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Its Development

Introduction The development of a personal philosophy of nursing is important for each nurse to determine what values and attitudes provide the background for a nurse’s professional actions and choices (Masters, 2015). Those nurses who work in different healthcare facilities usually follow not only standard nursing principles but also their...

Quality Improvement of Clinical Teams

The success of continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts depends to a large extent on the level of the efficiency of clinical teams. General CQI approaches are underpinned by a host of philosophies that are specific to their applications in practical terms (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). However, despite the availability of...

Classroom Management Ideas: Behavioral Crises and Promotion of Friendship Between Students

Abstract In his article, James Gilliam illustrates the strategies that can be useful for averting and resolving the behavioral crises of students. In turn, Spencer Salend provides valuable recommendations that can help foster friendship between students. The ideas expressed by the authors can significantly facilitate the work of teachers. Descriptors...

Media Planning Calculus: On-Line Computer System

Overview In the year 1969, a convenient on-line computer system was developed (Little & Lodish, 1969). The model utilizes the numerical techniques, which are able to transform data and judgments into a schedule. The on-line computer program does the selection and scheduling of advertisement in the media. In the system,...

Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in the UK

Justification for Topic choice Customer service is an area that has been of concern to researchers and other practitioners since it plays an important role in improving the performance of businesses and encouraging customers to remain loyal. Customers have different orientations and this may lead them into attaching varying importance...

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Bibliometrics & citations, recommendations, cross-lingual transfer of large language model by visually-derived supervision toward low-resource languages.

Recent progress on vision and language research has shown that visual supervision improves the performance of large language models (LLMs) in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In particular, the Vokenization approach [65] initiated a new ...

Learning bilingual word embedding for automatic text summarization in low resource language

Studies in low-resource languages have become more challenging with the increasing volume of texts in today's digital era. Also, the lack of labeled data and text processing libraries in a language further widens the research gap ...

Morphological Segmentation to Improve Crosslingual Word Embeddings for Low Resource Languages

Crosslingual word embeddings developed from multiple parallel corpora help in understanding the relationships between languages and improving the prediction quality of machine translation. However, in low resource languages with complex and ...


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How to write a good story in 800 words or less

As a new award is named for roy peter clark, we revisit the writing coach's tips on writing short.

800 words speech example

Originally published:  October 6, 2003

Editor’s note: Poynter announced that the newly renamed 2024 Poynter Journalism Prizes will feature a category honoring longtime writing coach Roy Peter Clark and recognizing compelling short writing under 800 words. It seems fitting then to revisit an essay Clark wrote 20 years ago about powerful short-form writing.

Most of the good stories we tell can be told in 800 words or less. Let me try one. It involves my father, Ted Clark, who used to have the annoying habit of sucking on ice cubes, which he was doing one day, sitting in his recliner in front of the television set. My mother was in the basement doing the laundry, when she heard a great thump above her. She rushed upstairs and found my father unconscious on the bathroom floor. She called 911 and the paramedics arrived, but not before my father had recovered, seemingly unharmed. It turned out that an ice cube had lodged in his windpipe, cutting off his air supply, knocking him out as he staggered toward the bathroom. Fortunately, his body heat melted the ice cube, restoring the flow of oxygen, and saving his life. He’s never sucked on an ice cube again.

It took me 128 words to tell that story. If I measure the story another way, by Approximate Reading Time (ART), I can say that the story is about 42 seconds long. I think any discussion of story length should measure a story not just by the number of words, but how long it takes the average person to read it.

I found this gem in a collection of radio reports from the great Edward R. Murrow of CBS News. The date is April 12, 1951. It involves two controversial American icons and a bit of technological trivia. Here’s the whole report:

“Western Union has delivered about 60,000 telegrams to Congress and the White House, most of them in favor of General MacArthur. Republican Senator McCarthy, of Wisconsin, says, ‘It was a victory for Communism and shows the midnight power of bourbon and Benedictine.’ In Los Angeles, a man smashed a radio over his wife’s head in the course of an argument about MacArthur’s removal. Reports say it was a table model.”

A table model, rather than a console! In other words, the man was kind enough not to strike his wife with a big piece of furniture. This report of 71 words can be read aloud in about 25 seconds. My rough calculations reveal that it takes the average person about 33 seconds to read 100 words.

Let’s round that off to 200 words per minute. That means that my new serial narrative, which is about 15,000 words long, would take a reader about 75 minutes to read. That ART is good to know as I consider with my editors whether to publish it as a special section, in four daily parts, or over a greater number of days. Maybe each of my chapters can be very short, say 800 words or less, requiring only four minutes of my reader’s time.

If you want to write shorter, or if your editor wants you to, I’ve got some tips that I’ve gathered from the best wordsmiths in the business. You can write short without sacrificing your news values or your literary sensibilities. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you can’t do it alone. Well, maybe that’s also good news.

  • Find models of short writing from every genre and medium. Let the writers of those works become your teachers.

Start off with three story collections – all published by Norton. The first is called “Radios: Short Takes on Life and Culture,” by the late writing professor of Florida State University, Jerome Stern. These are printed versions of public radio commentaries. A typical one is about 350 words. Then check out “In Short: A Collection of Brief Creative Nonfiction,” edited by Judith Kitchen & Mary Paumier Jones. For some real fun, enjoy Jerome Stern’s edition of “Micro Fiction.” Among the shortest stories is this 53-word nugget by Amy Hempel:

“She swallowed Gore Vidal. Then she swallowed Donald Trump. She took a blue capsule and a gold spansule — a B-complex and an E — and put them on the tablecloth a few inches apart. She pointed the one at the other. ‘Martha Stewart,” she said, ‘meet Oprah Winfrey.’ She swallowed them both without water.”

  • Know from the beginning whether you’re writing a sonnet or an epic.

One of my favorite sonnets begins Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet :

Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

That’s 14 lines, 106 words. Never was there a summary of complex news more carefully crafted or more beautifully expressed. Perhaps a reporter for the London Globe would have written it this way:

“A pair of teenaged lovers died Thursday, the result of a failed plot to bring their warring families together. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, both of Verona, were pronounced dead from what appeared to be self-inflicted dagger wounds. ‘This is the most woeful story I’ve ever heard,’ said Escalus, Prince of Verona and chief law enforcement officer. ‘I hope the families learn from this terrible tragedy.’ “

In his sonnet lead, Shakespeare includes the basic elements of news telling, usually referred to as the Five W’s and H. We know the Who: a pair of unlucky lovers; the What: they took their lives; the Where: in fair Verona; the When: right now; the Why: an ancient feud. Of course, the How is about to be experienced: the “two hours’ traffic of our stage,” the narrative of the play.

Shakespeare wrote short poems and long plays. Like other writers, he was guided by knowing from the beginning the technical limits of his genre. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the 5 W’s or the form of writing called the inverted pyramid. Just remember to keep it short.

  • Thaw out the 5 W’s and H.

This advice comes from editor Rick Zahler of The Seattle Times . The traditional version of the 5W’s freezes those story elements into informational ice cubes. If you thaw them out, the narrative begins to flow. Who becomes Character. What becomes Action. Where becomes Setting. When becomes Chronology. Why becomes Motive. How becomes Narrative.

One of the great reporters of his day was Meyer Berger of The New York Times . He won a Pulitzer in the late 1940s for his narrative reconstruction of a multiple shooting. He wrote it on deadline and at great length. But he also was the master of the short human interest feature. Just before his death in 1959, he wrote a story, about 1,200 words on an old, poor, blind man who was once a classical musician. Then he wrote a sequel:

“Eight violins were offered the other day to Laurence Stroetz, the 82-year-old, cataract-blinded violinist who was taken to St. Clare’s Hospital in East Seventy-first Street from a Bowery flophouse. The offers came from men and women who had read that though he had once played with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, he had been without a violin for more than 30 years.

The first instrument to reach the hospital was a gift from the Lighthouse, the institution for the sightless. It was delivered by a blind man. A nun took it to the octogenarian.

He played it a while, tenderly and softly, then gave it back. He said: ‘This is a fine old violin. Tell the owner to take good care of it.’ The white-clad nun said: ‘It is your violin, Mr. Stroetz. It is a gift.’ The old man bent his head over it. He wept.”

In 145 words, Berger turns a traditional Who (“the 82-year-old, cataract blinded violinist”) into a real character, brimming with human emotions.

  • Remember the basics of storytelling.

Tom Wolfe argued that the tools of fiction writing could be adapted for nonfiction, as long as the reporting was deep and careful. Those tools include setting scenes, using dialogue, drawing details that define character, and revealing the world through various points of view. Although we associate these tools with long forms of journalism, such as the narrative reconstruction of events, they can work in short forms as well. Notice the miniature scene created by Meyer Berger above. A nun enters the room with the violin. He plays. She engages in dialogue with the blind man. He weeps.

  • Turn the pyramid right side up. Or use the hourglass.

We think of the inverted pyramid as one of the Great Wonders of the newspaper writing world, and it is; but alternative forms of news narrative have always co-existed with it. George C. Bastian wrote this in a 1923 textbook on editing:

“Two Important Types of Narratives — Most news stories, and indeed most news paragraphs, begin with their climax, or most important and most newsy feature, and then proceed to detail and amplify. Some, however, notably those resembling the short story form of writing, begin with details and reserve their climax until the last. These two types of stories may be compared to two triangles, one resting on its base and the other on a point.”

Professor Bastian might have added a third form in which the two triangles are joined at their points, forming a structure that looks like an hourglass. Many stories lend themselves to an informational beginning, with the key facts stacked in the order of importance. But the story can then take a turn (“Police and witnesses gave the following account of what happened.”) with the bottom of the story rendering a chronological version of events.

  • Experiment with the forms of short writing that already exist: the headline, the tease, the photo caption, the brief, the “brite,” the notes column.

There is no more underdeveloped writing form in American journalism than the photo caption or cutline. Here Jeffrey Page of The Record in New Jersey shows the storytelling potential of the form. Frank Sinatra has just died, so imagine a one-column photo of him. It shows Sinatra from the waist up. He’s wearing a tux with a black bow tie. He’s got a mike in his hand. He’s obviously singing. Caption:

“If you saw a man in a tux and black bow tie swagger on stage like an elegant pirate, and if you had been told he would spend an hour singing Cole Porter, Gershwin, and Rodgers and Hart, and if when he opened his mouth you heard a little of your life in his voice, and if you saw his body arch back on the high notes (the ones he insisted you hear and feel and live with him), and if his swing numbers made you want to bounce and be happy and be young and be carefree, and if when he sang ‘Try a Little Tenderness’ and got to the line about a woman’s wearing the same shabby dress it made you profoundly sad, and if years later you felt that his death made you a little less alive, you must have been watching this man who started as a saloon singer in Hoboken and went on to become the very definition of American popular music.”

How can you write a 198-word caption without using the dead man’s name? Jeffrey Page explains: “I know, I know, it violates every damned rule. Screw it. They keep telling us to take chances, right? So I did. … If you’re a U.S. paper, and especially if you happen to be in New Jersey, you don’t have to tell people that they’re looking at a picture of Sinatra and not Mother Teresa.”

  • Think of chapters, segments, vignettes, slices of life.

Even a very long work, such as the Bible, can be divided into books, chapters, and verses. Sometimes little drips of writing can turn into puddles, into streams, into rivers. But the process can work the other way around. Consider this paragraph from an essay titled “Proofs,” by Richard Rodriguez:

“You stand around. You smoke. You spit. You are wearing your two shirts, two pants, two underpants. Jesus says, if they chase you throw that bag down. Your plastic bag is your mama, all you have left; the yellow cheese she wrapped has formed a translucent rind; the laminated scapular of the Sacred Heart nestles flame in its cleft. Put it in your pocket. The last hour of Mexico is twilight, the shuffling of feet. A fog is beginning to cover the ground. Jesus says they are able to see in the dark. They have X-rays and helicopters and searchlights. Jesus says wait, just wait, till he says. You can feel the hand of Jesus clamp your shoulder, fingers cold as ice. Venga, corre. You run. All the rest happens without words. Your feet are tearing dry grass, your heart is lashed like a mare. You trip, you fall. You are now in the United States of America. You are a boy from a Mexican village. You have come into the country on your knees with your head down. You are a man.”

Although this is only one of 11 such vignettes in the piece, it can stand on its own as a brilliant 150-word essay on the tensions between freedom, opportunity, and servitude.

  • Focus, focus, focus.

This is the central act of the writing craft. Ultimately, we focus all other parts of the process. We focus the idea or assignment. We focus the reporting. We focus the lead. We select to support the focus. The focus is the cornerstone for building a structure. We revise to eliminate that which fails to support the focus.

Good questions helps us find the focus and keep the story short. What is this story about? What do I want my reader to learn? What’s the heart or nut of the story? What is the news? What is the point? What is the theme? What’s the most important question answered by the story? Can I describe story in a single paragraph? A sentence? Six words? Three words?

A humorous radio commentary by the late Jerome Stern makes fun of the way famous athletes and celebrities talk about themselves in the third person: “Meryl Streep,’ says Meryl Streep, “resents her loss of privacy.” After a wicked inventory of such atrocities, Stern suggests that common folks should take up the habit: “We owe this to ourselves. We’re as good, we’re as complicated, we’re as important. These celebrities, they have fame, fortune – should they have all the proper nouns, too? / In naming ourselves we create ourselves, we are the stars of our own sweet universe.”

All 350 words of his essay lead to that one, final exquisite point.

  • Turn lumps of coal into little diamonds. Accept the challenge of transforming a routine assignment into something special: an obit, a spelling bee, a high school graduation, daylight savings time, the new phone book.

Famous for his long narratives, Ken Fuson was assigned to do a quick hit on the first day of spring. This piece appeared the next morning on the front page of The Des Moines Register :

“Here’s how Iowa celebrates a 70-degree day in the middle of March: By washing the car and scooping the loop and taking a walk; by daydreaming in school and playing hooky at work and shutting off the furnace at home; by skate-boarding and flying kites and digging through closets for baseball gloves; by riding that new bike you got for Christmas and drawing hopscotch boxes in chalk on the sidewalk and not caring if the kids lost their mittens again; by looking for robins and noticing swimsuits on department store mannequins and shooting hoops in the park; by sticking the ice scraper in the trunk and the antifreeze in the garage and leaving the car parked outside overnight; by cleaning the barbecue and stuffing the parka in storage and just standing outside and letting that friendly sun kiss your face; by wondering where you’re going to go on summer vacation and getting reacquainted with neighbors on the front porch and telling the boys that yes! yes! they can run outside and play without a jacket; by holding hands with a lover and jogging in shorts and picking up the extra branches in the yard; by eating an ice cream cone outside and (if you’re a farmer or gardener) feeling that first twinge that says it’s time to plant and (if you’re a high school senior) feeling that first twinge that says it’s time to leave; by wondering if in all of history there has ever been a day so glorious and concluding that there hasn’t and being afraid to even stop and take a breath (or begin a new paragraph) for fear that winter would return, leaving Wednesday in our memory as nothing more than a sweet and too-short dream.”

So, it turned out, Ken Fuson could write a short story. Now about that sentence: a single, glorious, 280-word catalog of vernal ecstasy.

Smart editors who crave short writing must find places where such stories can flourish. Writers need and deserve praise – and good play – to encourage them to turn their epic hands to an occasional sonnet, and maybe, on one glorious day, a haiku.

This essay on short writing is about 3,000 words long. The Approximate Reading Time is 15 minutes.

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