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How to use the PhD title and all the little doctorate “rules”

There are many conventions in the academic world that can make it difficult to navigate the PhD title. The PhD title is awarded to those who have completed a doctoral degree but, not many people know how to use it once they have it.

This article will go through everything you need to know about using the PhD title and when you can start using it.

The “rules” are relatively simple and can be broken as they are not officially set in stone – other than when you can officially call yourself a doctor.

There is no one correct answer but it may be misleading if you use the PhD title incorrectly. Here are the recommendations for effective communication.

It very much depends on the setting. Here are some examples of how I would use my PhD titles awarded to me after my PhD degree.

How do you Write PhD correctly after a name? Is it ph d or phd?

It can be confusing to know exactly how to write PhD after your name. Which bits are capitalised? Is there a ‘.’ In the middle?

When writing a name with a PhD after it, the correct way to do so is to use “PhD” or “Ph.D. or Ph.D”

Depending on the preference of the individual, either form can be used.

However, if the individual has a business card that states their degree in full, then the more formal “Doctor of Philosophy” should be used.

It is important to note that using “PhD” without any periods is incorrect; this abbreviation should only be used in informal contexts such as emails or text messages. I tend to use PhD in my YouTube videos and some people have pointed out that this is incorrect…

Following the individual’s preferred format will ensure that their name and credentials are properly represented.

Should you use Dr as well as PhD?

Some people like to use Dr and PhD in their official titles. There are a couple of important points that you need to know about markers and academic titles.

  • A person can have more than one marker in their name. For example my full title is Dr Andrew Stapleton, PhD, MChem.
  • The doctor title at the front can be used as a variant to the PhD at the end.

It can be a little bit ambiguous if I was to use Dr Andrew Stapleton, PhD as there are two markers. This could mean that I have two PhD’s, it could mean that I have a PhD and a medical doctorate, or it could just be that I want to use both the doctor and the PhD tags for the one degree.

However, in my experience, I still like to use the doctor title at the front and the PhD tag at the end of my name for official purposes.

Academics would rarely use the PhD suffix in everyday communication. They would much rather just use the doctor title.

What is the proper title for a PhD?

The proper title for a PhD is Doctor of Philosophy. However, some teachers and professors like to be referred to without their official title.

If you are not sure about how your professor, lecturer, or friend with a PhD wishes to be officially addressed you can ask them.

Most of the time, I like to refer to my colleagues with their doctor title for official purposes, but I do not include the PhD at the end of their name. That is much better suited to a business card.

Your lecture may wish to be referred to as:

  • Dr [last name]
  • Dr [first name]

Asking them in the early stages of your relationship is the best way to work out which one they prefer.

If in doubt, always go for the more formal name and nomenclature.

When can you start to use your PhD title after your doctorate?

When you have earned your PhD, you can start using your title immediately. Although, it can be a little bit confusing as to when you have actually passed your PhD. Is it when you have submitted your dissertation? Is it when you have received the comments back?

The University of Adelaide says that you can use it from your conferral date:

Students can be conferred on one of five dates during the year and for PhD students the conferral date will be the first available following the completion of all the academic requirements of your degree, including final thesis lodgement and the disbursement of any outstanding financial obligations to the University.

I started using my PhD title as soon as my confirmation letter arrived at my house. It was the first letter from the University that referred to me as Dr Stapleton. It was incredibly excited.

Generally, it is acceptable to use the title “Dr.” both professionally and socially but socially, people very rarely use it – at least in Australia. But you should never use it if you are a PhD student, PhD candidate or enrolled in a PhD program without a previous PhD qualification. 

I do use it in professional settings but it always makes me feel a little bit awkward.

However, there may be some restrictions for certain settings. For example, if have a research degree resulting in a doctor title and you are working in a medical setting – some institutions do not like you to use Dr as it can confuse patients into thinking that you have a medical degree. 

Instead, they ask that you use the PhD tag at the end of your name rather than the doctoral title for official and professional communications.

What is the correct way to write PhD?

When writing about someone’s PhD, the correct way is to write the term in full and capitalize each letter.

This should be done for all academic degrees, not just PhDs.

For example, it would be “Doctor of Philosophy” or “PhD” instead of “Ph.D.”, “Dr.”, or “DPhil”.

Additionally, it is common to mention the field of study in which the degree was earned if known, such as “Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics”. It is also good practice to include the institution that granted the degree if it is a recognized one.

When writing about someone’s PhD, use proper capitalization and include relevant information like field of study and institution if known to ensure accuracy.

How do you put a PhD in a title?

Putting a PhD in a title is not as complicated as it may sound.

Generally speaking, the proper way to list a PhD in an academic or professional setting is by writing “Dr.” before the name, followed by the person’s full name and the appropriate abbreviations for their degree.

For example, if John Smith has earned a doctorate in psychology, his credentials would be listed as “Dr. John Smith, Ph.D.”

In some cases, such as when addressing someone formally in speech or on a business card, it may also be acceptable to list their credentials as “John Smith, Ph.D.”

Depending on context and personal preference, some people may also choose to list their higher degrees after their names by writing out the entire degree instead of just its abbreviation.

For example, John Smith could choose to write his full title as “John Smith, Doctor of Psychology”

However, I have not seen this in real academic life.

Should the font size of Ph.D. be the same as someone’s name?

The question of whether the font size of a Ph.D. should be the same as someone’s name is an interesting one.

On one hand, it could be argued that the Ph.D. deserves to be highlighted and therefore should be given a larger font size than someone’s name to denote its importance.

On the other, it could be argued that this would not be necessary or appropriate, and that treating everyone equally regardless of their title or degree is more important.

It depends on context and usage – if both names appear in the same document then they should likely have the same font size; however, if one appears in a formal setting such as a diploma or certificate, then it may make sense to give it a larger font size than someone’s name to emphasize its importance and significance.

Ph.Ds (or PhDs) are an important academic achievement and should be respected accordingly but without going overboard by giving them overly large fonts sizes which can take away from rather than add to their importance.

Wrapping up – doctoral title rules

this article has been over everything you need to know that using the PhD title properly and effectively.

The doctor title can be used in place of the PhD and for incredibly formal communications, such as a business email or card, you can use both.

However, sometimes using both can cause confusion as to whether or not there is a reason first using both the doctor and PhD tags. Nonetheless, many people still use both.

what title does phd give you

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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what title does phd give you

Who gets to be called ‘doctor’?

Go to med school, earn an m.d. and the “dr.” honorific gets tacked on to your last name. some women — and ph.d.s — say they get the courtesy title, and respect, less often..

what title does phd give you

We call physicians "doctor." Should we do the same for people with PhDs? (Credit: Bigstock)

This story is from The Pulse , a weekly health and science podcast.

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Molecular biologist Adam Ruben has a Ph.D.

There was one time when he made a conscious choice to refer to himself as Dr. Ruben — when he emailed an airline to complain about a messed up flight.

“We had to spend a night in some city and I was trying to get a refund for our hotel bill, so I signed the email Dr. Ruben,” he said. “And I know that’s kind of an icky thing to do but I have heard that you get better service when you use the term doctor.”

It kind of worked: He got his refund — after three months.

“It’s not outright wrong and the world should forgive me,” he said.

Ruben has been thinking about the doctor honorific for a while. He polled his friends and acquaintances with Ph.D.s on Facebook and Twitter about whether or not they call themselves doctor.

Some said they’ve earned it. Others said it seems a little pretentious.

“A surprising number of people all had the same concern about using the term doctor: if they were going to be on an airplane when somebody needs a doctor,” Ruben said.

This sort of happened to Ruben several years ago, but when he was on the ground.

Besides being a biologist, he’s also a writer and comedian. He was at a Story Collider storytelling event, performing for an audience of mostly graduate students.

“And somebody actually had a medical emergency in the middle of the show. He fainted and needed an ambulance,” Ruben recalled.

As he described it at the time, someone asked if there was a doctor in the room and about 200 people with Ph.D.s kind of looked around at each other frantically.

Some EMTs helped the guy.   He was okay in the end and the show went on .

what title does phd give you

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After checking in on social media, Ruben wrote about his informal poll for the journal Science. He heard from female engineers with Ph.D.s who said they are under-represented in their field, and feel like they need to put doctor in front of their names to get the same respect that male engineers get.

Epidemiologist Beth Linas also earned a Ph.D., and she wants media outlets to refer to people with Ph.D.s as doctor, especially if we’re interviewing them about their area of expertise.

“Someone comes up [to me] on the street and says hello to me, they can address me as Beth, but if I’m being called upon for my background in infectious disease, epidemiology or digital health which is the other area that I study, I think I should be recognized as Dr. Beth Linas.”

Linas has been thinking about this issue and wrote a commentary about the congressional hearings with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were in high school.

“There was a lot of chatter online and on Twitter about how in written media, she wasn’t being addressed as Doctor Ford, I started noticing it in other publications and other outlets,” said Linas.

Some NPR listeners complained about the “insidious bias” of the radio network calling Kavanaugh “Judge Kavanaugh” but not calling Ford “Dr. Ford.”

The NPR ombudsman explained that like many media outlets, NPR follows the Associated Press stylebook, which says if someone practices medicine, NPR calls them doctor. If it’s someone with a Ph.D., it’s up to the individual media outlet.

On the radio, we don’t have a lot of time, and every word counts. Saying someone is a doctor or saying they have a Ph.D. can be a little vague. Ultimately that doesn’t give the listener much information. So for clear and efficient communication, our policy at “The Pulse” is to introduce someone as an epidemiologist, or pediatrician — being specific about a person’s expertise when we can.

Linas said her concern comes from an issue of representation.

“There are a lot of women, and particularly women of color that really struggle to make their way in science and stay in science, and we face a lot of obstacles, and I think it’s important for women also to be recognized.”

There’s a study that backs her up: researchers found that male doctors introduce their male colleagues as “Dr.” around 70 percent of the time, but introduce their female colleagues as doctor a little less than half the time.

Linas says if media outlets refer to people with Ph.D.s as doctor, especially when we’re interviewing them about their area of expertise, then it shouldn’t be that hard to tell who is the kind of doctor who can help you when someone needs an ambulance — and who’s best suited to give you statistics on the next flu outbreak.

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“M.D.” vs. “Ph.D.” vs. “Dr.”: Are They Synonyms?

Quick: when you hear the word doctor , what do you picture?

Most would probably describe someone in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hanging around their neck or someone in medical scrubs—someone you would seek out if you have a deep cut that needed stitches.

That word doctor , however, is a title assigned to many who don’t come close to that description, many of whom you wouldn’t want stitching up that cut. Take your English professor, for instance. No offense, Dr. Barrett. 

It can all be a bit confusing, which is why it’s important to know who and why someone might be called a doctor , as well as what all those initials and abbreviations after their name mean. Here we break it all down.

What does Dr. mean?

Let’s start with doctor or D r . for short. While the first definition of the word is “ a person licensed to practice medicine,” that doesn’t mean you want to take medical advice from anyone who calls themselves a doctor . There are many looser definitions of the word that follow and, frankly, make things a bit confusing.

For example, the third definition is older slang for a “cook, as at a camp or on a ship,” while the seventh entry is “an eminent scholar and teacher.” Bugs Bunny didn’t help matters either by plying anyone and everyone with his famous greeting,“What’s up, doc?” 

The term doctor can be traced back to the late 1200s, and it stems from a Latin word meaning “to teach.” It wasn’t used to describe a licensed medical practitioner until about 1400, and it wasn’t used as such with regularity until the late 1600s. It replaced the former word used for medical doctors— leech , which is now considered archaic. 

WATCH: When Did The Word "Doctor" Become Medical?

Physician vs. doctor : are these synonyms.

While the term physician is a synonym for doctor , it’s typically used to refer to those who practice general medicine rather than those who perform surgery, aka surgeons . 

A quack , on the other hand, is defined as “ a fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill.”

What does M.D. mean?

Moving on to initials that carry more weight than a nod from Bugs, let’s look at M.D.s .

M.D. , which can be used with or without the periods ( M.D. or MD )  is the designation for a medical doctor. This is earned by attending medical school (typically a four-year program after completing at least one undergraduate degree, plus a residency program), and learning to diagnose patients’ symptoms and offer treatment. 

The initials M and D stem from the Latin title  Medicīnae Doctor. There are many different types of doctors, with different specialties, but if you have a physical ailment, visiting a doctor with the initials M.D. is a good place to start.

Specialty doctors may add even more initials to their title, such as DCN (doctor of clinical nutrition), DDS (doctor of dental surgery), or countless others they acquire with additional training. To make things even more confusing, some may add abbreviations from medical associations they belong to, such as FAAEM (Fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine). 

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What does Ph.D. mean?

As for Ph.D. , this stands for “doctor of philosophy.” It stems from the Latin term Philosophiae Doctor.

You can get a Ph.D. in any number of subjects, from anthropology to mythological studies. It’s not an easy feat, however, as to earn one, you must do original research and write a dissertation . 

Ph.D. vs. M.D .: are these synonyms?

There are two big differences between Ph.D. s and M.D .s. When it comes to medicine, M.D.s can prescribe medications, and Ph.D.s can’t. And yes, it’s possible to be both an M.D. and a Ph.D. In fact, some med schools offer programs in which you can achieve both simultaneously. 

You can also get a professional doctorate degree in a number of fields. For example, you might receive a doctorate of education, an  Ed.D . 

So, in a nutshell, both M.D.s and Ph.Ds can be referred to as doctors . If you’re looking for someone to treat what ails you physically, then you want at least an M.D. following their name. If you want to dig deep into a subject and get advice from someone who has done their own research and who likely knows the latest and greatest developments in a particular area, then you’re probably looking for a Ph.D. And if someone has both, even better—depending on your needs, it may be just what the doctor ordered.

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What Is a PhD?

A PhD is often the highest possible academic degree you can get in a subject. Learn more about whether earning a PhD could benefit your career.

[Featured image] Two PhD students in caps and gowns celebrate their new degrees on a video call.

A Doctor of Philosophy, often known as a PhD, is a terminal degree —or the highest possible academic degree you can earn in a subject. While PhD programs (or doctorate programs) are often structured to take between four and five years , some graduate students may take longer as they balance the responsibilities of coursework, original research, and other degree requirements with raising families or working full time. 

With a PhD, you may find opportunities to work as a university professor, a researcher in a commercial or government laboratory, a consultant, or a subject matter expert (SME). If you have the intellectual curiosity and dedication, earning a PhD can be a rewarding experience. In this article, we’ll go over what it takes to earn a PhD, the requirements to apply for a PhD program, and other factors worth considering.

Learn more: What Does ‘PhD’ Stand For?

PhD: Key facts

Generally, students begin their PhD after earning a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree . However, some doctoral programs may offer you the chance to earn your master’s while pursuing your PhD, so that may not be an admissions requirement.  

What can you get a PhD in?

It’s possible to earn your PhD in a number of academic disciplines, including the natural sciences , humanities , arts, and social sciences . The 2021 Survey of Earned Doctorates, from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, offers a numerical breakdown of actual degrees earned in broad academic fields [ 1 ]:

Engineering: 10,240

Biological and biomedical sciences: 8,149

Social sciences: 4,878

Physical sciences: 4,693

Psychology: 3,797

Computer and information sciences: 2,361

Health sciences: 2,331

Mathematics and statistics: 2,012

Agricultural sciences and natural resources: 1,334

Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences: 1,064

Education: 4,252

Humanities and arts: 4,137

Business: 1,392

Other fields: 1,610

Depending on the university you attend, you may find that the broad academic fields above break down into more specific disciplines. For example, within a physical science department, you might get a PhD in physics or chemistry. Within an engineering department, you might get a PhD in electrical or mechanical engineering. Philosophy, theology, history, or English might fall within a humanities department, while economics or social work could fall within a social sciences department. Marketing could be a specific PhD major within a business department.

In terms of your PhD coursework and research, you will likely be expected to concentrate in some area of your larger subject. For example, PhDs in biology may focus on biochemistry or biostatistics, whereas a PhD in English may concentrate on twentieth-century American literature. 

Requirements to get a PhD

PhD programs typically require at least two years of advanced coursework, as well as comprehensive exams, and the successful completion of a dissertation. Let’s break that down on a year-by-year basis: 

Years 1 and 2: Take classes to develop advanced knowledge in your subject area. 

Year 3: Study for and successfully pass your comprehensive exams. 

Years 4 and 5: Research, write, and defend your dissertation. 

Once you have successfully passed your comprehensive exams, you’re typically considered “All But Dissertation” or ABD, which signals that you’ve finished everything in your doctoral program except your dissertation. 

Research supervisor 

PhD students often choose a faculty member who specializes in their area of interest to serve as the research supervisor. It can help to identify professors or programs that will support your research endeavors before applying, so you can establish a relationship with your potential research advisor early. 

The average cost of a PhD program in the US is $106,860, though that figure can differ based on the type of institution you attend and what you study [ 2 ].

Reasons to get a PhD

Earning your PhD can be an immensely rewarding experience, but the degree can be a big commitment, requiring significant time, money, and work. 

Here are some more reasons you may want to pursue a PhD:

Become a subject matter expert in a particular field.

Conduct the research you are passionate about.

Develop transferable skills that can help in your professional life. 

Make a difference in the world with new research.

Make connections with scholars in your academic community.

Open up career avenues in academic and research work.

Completing a PhD can reveal to employers that you possess a wide range of competencies that are valued in both academic and non-academic settings. 

PhD salaries

PhD holders earn a median weekly income of $1,909 compared to master’s degree holders, who earn a median weekly income of $1,574, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) [ 3 ]. They may also experience lower percentages of unemployment. The unemployment rate for PhD graduates is 1.5 percent compared to master’s degree holders at 2.6 percent [ 3 ].

Requirements to apply to a PhD program

PhD programs expect you to meet several requirements before enrolling. Here are some examples of common requirements:

Have an undergraduate degree, usually with at least a 3.0 overall GPA.

Have a master's degree, though some programs may not require it.

Take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and achieve a minimum score.

Submit a sample of your academic writing.

Submit your CV .

Provide letters of recommendation , which should ideally come from academic faculty members who can speak to your research or intellectual abilities.

Requirements differ by program and school, so take time to become familiar with the entry requirements of universities where you’re interested in applying. Admissions staff or departmental staff should be able to give you specific information about their admissions requirements.

If a program is interested in you, based on your application, you may have to complete an interview. The university representatives that interview you will look at your motivation, how prepared you are, and how suitable you are for acceptance into the doctoral degree program.

PhD vs. other terminal degrees

Terminal degrees are the highest degree available in a field of study. While the PhD is the highest academic degree you can earn in a field of study, a Juris Doctor (JD) is the highest degree you can earn in law, and a professional degree , such as a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) , is the highest degree you can earn in these medical professions. 

Learn more: What is a Terminal Degree and Do You Need One?   

Professional doctorates are a different category of doctorate degree. They are usually intended for professionals already working in a field who want to pursue advanced training in their area. The main difference between a professional doctorate and an academic doctorate has to do with subject matter and research. While PhDs are interested in conducting new research, professional degree students take existing models and knowledge and apply them to solve problems. Professional doctorates are also designed to prepare learners for careers in a certain industry rather than academia.  

Examples of professional doctorates include:

DBA (Doctor of Business Administration)

DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

EdD (Doctor of Education)

DPH (Doctor of Public Health)

Is someone with a PhD a doctor?

You can use the salutation "Dr" to address people who hold doctorates, including PhDs and other professional degrees. The word "doctor" comes from the Latin word for "teacher," and PhDs are often professors at universities. While it has become more common to refer to medical doctors as “Dr,” some professors use the honorific when addressing students and in professional settings.

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Article sources

NCSES. " 2021 Survey of Earned Doctorates ," Accessed August 1, 2023.

Education Data Initiative. “Average Cost of a Doctorate Degree ,” Accessed August 1, 2023.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Earnings and Unemployment rates by educational attainment, 2021 ," Accessed August 1, 2023.

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What is a PhD? Advice for PhD students

How long does it take to get a doctorate degree how do you get into grad school are you qualified to do a phd answers to these questions and more.

PhD, doctorate

What is a PhD?

A PhD, which stands for “doctor of philosophy”, is the most advanced academic degree. It’s earned through extensive research on a specific topic, demonstrating expertise and contributing new knowledge to the field.

What does “PhD” mean?

The term “PhD” is often used as a synonym for any doctoral-level qualification. Doctorate degrees can often be split into two categories: MPhil and PhD.

An MPhil is similar to a PhD as it includes a research element (which is usually shorter and less in-depth than a PhD thesis, and often more akin to a dissertation undertaken at undergraduate or master’s level). 

MPhil students focus more on interpreting existing knowledge and theory and critically evaluating other people’s work rather than producing their own research. The precise nature and definition of an MPhil can vary among institutions and countries. 

A PhD, meanwhile, follows a more widely known and traditional route and requires students, often referred to as “candidates”, to produce their own work and research on a new area or topic to a high academic standard.

PhD requirements vary significantly among countries and institutions. The PhD, once completed, grants the successful candidate the title of “doctor of philosophy”, also called PhD or DPhil.

What is a professional doctorate?

A professional doctorate is a kind of degree that helps people become experts in their fields. Instead of focusing mainly on theory and research like a regular PhD, a professional doctorate is all about practical skills and knowledge.

This kind of doctorate is great for students who want to get better at their jobs in areas like teaching, healthcare, business, law or psychology. The courses and projects in these programmes are designed to tackle real problems you might face at work.

For example, you might have heard of the doctor of education (EdD), doctor of business administration (DBA), doctor of psychology (PsyD) or doctor of nursing practice (DNP). These programmes combine learning, hands-on projects and sometimes a thesis paper or essay to show you’re skilled at solving on-the-job challenges.

How long does it take to study a PhD?

The time required to complete a PhD can vary significantly based on several factors. Generally, a full-time PhD programme takes around three to six years to finish. However, it’s important to take into account individual circumstances and the nature of the research involved.

1. Full-time vs. part-time: If you’re studying full-time, dedicating most of your time to your studies, it usually takes about three to four years to complete a PhD. However, studying part-time while managing other commitments might extend the duration. Part-time PhDs can take around six to eight years, and sometimes even longer.

2. Nature of research: The complexity of your research proposal can influence the time required. Certain research questions may involve intricate experiments, extensive data collection or in-depth analysis, potentially leading to a longer completion timeline.

3. Field of study: The subject area you’re researching can also affect the necessary time. Some fields, such as sciences or engineering, might involve more hands-on work, while theoretical subjects might require more time for literature review and analysis.

4. Supervision and support: The guidance and availability of your academic supervisor can affect the pace of your research progress. Regular meetings and effective communication can help keep your studies on track.

5. Thesis writing: While the research phase is crucial, the stage of writing your thesis is equally significant. Organising and presenting your research findings in a clear and cohesive manner can take several months.

6. External commitments: Personal commitments, such as work, family or health-related factors, can influence your study time. Some students need to balance these alongside their PhD studies, potentially extending the duration.

7. External Funding: The availability of funding can also affect your study duration. Some funding might be linked to specific project timelines or research objectives.

So, although a PhD usually takes between three and six years of full-time study, with potential variations based on research complexity, enrolment as part-time or full-time, field of study and personal circumstances. It’s vital to have a realistic understanding of these factors when planning your PhD journey.

How long is a PhD in the UK?

In the UK, the length of a PhD programme typically ranges from three to four years of full-time study. As explained above, there are many factors to consider.

How long is a PhD in the US?

Similarly to the UK, in the United States, the duration of a PhD programme can vary widely depending on the field of study, research topic and individual circumstances. On average, a full-time PhD programme in the US typically takes between five and six years to complete.

Why does it take longer to study a PhD in the US?

PhD programmes generally take longer to complete in the US than in the UK due to various factors in the education systems and programme structures of each country:

1. Programme structure: UK PhD programmes often emphasise early, focused research from the first year, leading to shorter completion times. In contrast, US programmes commonly include more initial coursework in your first and second year and broader foundational training, which can extend the overall duration.

2. Course work requirements: Many US PhD programmes require a lot of course work, which can lengthen the time needed to finish. UK programmes tend to have fewer or no course work demands, allowing students to concentrate primarily on research skills.

3. Research funding: In the UK, PhD funding is often awarded with specific timeframes in mind, motivating completion of the research degree in the agreed duration. In the US, funding approaches can vary, requiring students to secure funding from multiple sources, potentially affecting their progress and completion time.

4. Teaching responsibilities: Some US PhD students take on teaching roles as part of their funding, dividing their time and potentially prolonging their studies.

5. Research approach: Differences in research methodologies and project scopes can affect the time needed for data collection, experimentation and analysis.

6. Academic culture: The US education system values a well-rounded education, including coursework and comprehensive exams. This can extend the time before full-time research begins. UK PhD programmes often prioritise independent research early on.

7. Part-time and work commitments: US PhD candidates might have more flexibility for part-time work or other commitments, which can affect research progress.

8. Dissertation requirements: US PhD programmes generally include a longer and more comprehensive dissertation, involving more chapters and a broader exploration of the research topic.

These variations in programme structures, funding models and academic cultures contribute to the differing completion times between the two countries.

What qualifications do you need for a PhD?

To be eligible for a PhD programme, certain educational qualifications are generally expected by universities. These qualifications serve as indicators of your readiness to engage in advanced research and contribute to the academic community.

First, an undergraduate or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field is typically the most common requirement. This degree provides you with a foundational understanding of the subject and introduces you to basic research methodologies. It serves as a starting point for your academic journey.

Do you need a master’s degree to get into a PhD programme?

In addition to an undergraduate degree, many PhD programmes also require candidates to hold postgraduate or master’s degrees, often in fields related to the intended PhD research. A master’s degree offers a deeper exploration of the subject matter and enhances your research skills. Possessing a master’s degree signifies a higher level of expertise and specialisation.

The combination of both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees demonstrates a solid academic background. This background is crucial before you engage in doctoral study because pursuing a PhD involves more than just knowledge; it requires advanced research abilities, critical thinking and the capacity to provide an original contribution and new insights into the chosen field of study.

While these qualifications are usually requested, there are exceptions. Some institutions offer direct-entry programmes that encompass bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees in a streamlined structure. This approach is often seen in scientific and engineering disciplines rather than humanities.

In exceptional cases, outstanding performance during undergraduate studies, coupled with a well-defined research proposal, might lead to direct entry into a PhD programme without requiring a master’s degree.

Admission requirements can vary between universities and programmes. Some institutions might have more flexible prerequisites, while others could have more stringent criteria. Make sure that you thoroughly research all admission requirements of the PhD programmes you’re interested in to ensure you provide the right information.

Are PhD entry requirements similar in other countries?

PhD entry requirements in Canada and Australia can be somewhat similar to those in the UK and the US, but there are also some differences. Just like in the UK and the US, having a bachelor’s degree followed by a master’s degree is a common way to qualify for a PhD in Canada and Australia. However, the exact rules can vary, such as how much research experience you need or the grades you should have.

In Canada and Australia, as in the UK and the US, international students usually need to show their English language skills through tests like IELTS or TOEFL. And, like in other places, you might need to give a research proposal to explain what you want to study for your PhD.

But remember, even though there are some similarities, each country has its own rules.

PhD diary: Preparing for a PhD Nine things to know before doing a PhD Women in STEM: undertaking PhD research in cancer Studying for a part-time PhD: the challenges and the benefits Is it possible to do a three-year PhD as an international student? Looking for PhD tips? Why not check Twitter PhD diary: Where do I begin? How to do a PhD on a budget

How much does it cost to study a PhD?

The cost of pursuing a PhD can vary significantly between international and home (domestic) students, and it depends on the country, university and programme you choose.

United Kingdom (UK)

Home students in the UK often pay lower tuition fees compared with international students. Home students might also have access to government funding or subsidised tuition rates.

International students typically pay higher tuition fees, which can vary widely depending on the university and programme. Fees can range from around £10,000 to £25,000 or more per year.

United States (US)

PhD programme costs in the US can be quite high, especially for international students. Public universities often have lower tuition rates for in-state residents compared with out-of-state residents and international students.

Private universities in the US generally have higher tuition fees, and international students might be charged higher rates than domestic students.

Canadian universities often charge higher tuition fees for international students compared with domestic students.

Some universities offer funding packages that include tuition waivers and stipends for both domestic and international doctoral students.

In Australia, domestic students (Australian citizens and permanent residents) usually pay lower tuition fees than international students.

International students in Australia might have higher tuition fees, and costs can vary based on the university and programme.

Apart from tuition fees, other aspects play a role in the overall financial consideration:

PhD studentship: Many universities offer PhD studentships that provide financial support to research students, covering both tuition fees and a stipend for living expenses.

Stipend and housing: Stipends are designed to cover living expenses. Stipend amounts can vary depending on the university and location. If you’re studying in London in the UK, stipends might be higher to account for the higher living costs in the city. Some universities also offer subsidised or affordable housing options for doctoral students.

Tuition and stipend packages: Some PhD programmes provide funding packages that include both tuition waivers and stipends. These packages are to help relieve the financial burden on students during their doctoral studies.

Research the financial support options provided by the universities you’re interested in to make an informed decision about the cost of your PhD journey.

What funding options are available for PhD candidates?

PhD candidates have various funding options available to support their studies and research journeys. Some of these options include:

PhD scholarships: Scholarships are a common form of financial aid for PhD candidates. They are awarded based on academic merit, research potential or other specific criteria. Scholarships can cover tuition fees and provide a stipend for living expenses.

Bursaries: Bursaries are another form of financial assistance offered to students, including PhD candidates, based on financial need. They can help cover tuition fees or provide additional financial support.

In the UK, specific funding options are available:

Regional consortium: Some regions have research consortiums that offer funding opportunities for doctoral candidates. These collaborations can provide financial support for research projects aligned with specific regional needs.

UK research institute: Research councils in the UK often offer stipends to PhD candidates. These stipends cover living expenses and support research work.

University-based studentship: Many UK universities offer studentships. You can read more about these above.

In the USA, there are also funding options available:

Research assistantships (RAs): Many universities offer research assistantships where PhD candidates work on research projects under the guidance of faculty members. In exchange, they receive stipends and often have their tuition waived.

Teaching assistantships (TA): Teaching assistantships involve assisting professors in teaching undergraduate courses. In return, PhD candidates receive stipends and sometimes tuition remission.

Fellowships: Fellowships are competitive awards that provide financial support for PhD candidates. They can come from universities, government agencies, private foundations and other institutions. Fellowships can cover tuition, provide stipends and offer research or travel funds.

Graduate assistantships: Graduate assistantships include a range of roles, from research and teaching to administrative support. These positions often come with stipends and sometimes include tuition benefits.

External grants and fellowships: PhD candidates can apply for grants and fellowships from external organisations and foundations that support research careers in specific fields. Examples include the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Fulbright Programme.

Employer sponsorship: In some cases, employers might sponsor employees to pursue PhDs, especially if the research aligns with the company’s interests.

You can read about the current available scholarships for international students of all education levels on our website .

What does a PhD Involve?

How does a PhD work?

A PhD includes thorough academic research and significant contributions to your chosen field of study. The timeline for completing a PhD can significantly vary based on the country, college or university you attend and the specific subject you study.

The duration of a PhD programme can vary based on factors such as the institution’s requirements and the academic discipline you’re pursuing. For instance, the timeline for a PhD in a science-related field might differ from that of a humanities discipline.

UK PhD timeline example

Looking at a typical PhD degree in a London higher education institution, we can consider this example timeline.

In the initial year of your PhD, you’ll collaborate closely with your designated academic supervisor. This collaboration involves refining and solidifying your research proposal, which lays the foundation for your entire doctoral journey.

This is also the time to establish a comprehensive plan, complete with well-defined milestones and deadlines. A crucial aspect of this year is conducting an extensive literature review, immersing yourself in existing academic works to understand the landscape of your chosen research area. It’s important to make sure that your research idea is original and distinct from prior studies.

As you begin the second year, you’ll actively collect data and gather information related to your research topic. Simultaneously, you’ll initiate the process of crafting your thesis. This involves combining your research findings and analysis into sections of your thesis document.

This is also the phase where you might have opportunities to share your research insights at academic meetings, conferences or workshops. Depending on the programme, you might even engage in teaching activities. Some PhD candidates also begin contributing to academic journals or books, showcasing their findings to a broader audience.

The third year of a PhD programme often marks the final stage of your research efforts. This is when you dedicate substantial time to writing and finalising your complete thesis. Once your thesis is completed to the highest standard, you’ll submit it for thorough evaluation.

A significant milestone in the third year is the viva voce, an oral examination where you’ll defend your thesis before a panel of experts in your field. The viva voce is an opportunity to showcase your deep understanding of your research and defend your findings.

Why should you do a PhD?

For many people, acquiring a doctorate degree is the pinnacle of academic achievement, the culmination of years of commitment to higher education.

However, the act of pursuing a PhD can be a complex, frustrating, expensive and time-consuming exercise. But with the right preparation, some sound advice and a thorough understanding of the task at hand, your years as a doctoral student can be some of the most rewarding of your life. 

People choose to work towards a doctorate for many reasons. If you are looking to pursue an academic position, such as university lecturer or researcher, then a PhD is usually required.

Many people obtain a PhD as part of a partnership with an employer, particularly in scientific fields such as engineering, where their research can prove useful for companies.

In some cases, however, PhDs are simply down to an individual’s love of a subject and their desire to learn more about their field.

What are some benefits of studying a PhD?

Pursuing a PhD can have many benefits that extend beyond academic achievement, encompassing personal growth, professional advancement and meaningful contributions to knowledge.

One of the most notable benefits of a PhD is the potential for tenure in academia. Attaining tenure provides a level of job security that allows you to delve into long-term research projects and make enduring contributions to your field. It signifies a stage where you can explore innovative ideas and pursue in-depth research, fostering your academic legacy.

While not obligatory, the opportunity to collaborate on research projects with your supervisor is another valuable aspect of a PhD pursuit. These collaborations might even come with financial compensation, offering real-world experience, skill development and practical applications of your research. Engaging in such collaborations can enrich your research portfolio and refine your research methodologies.

A pivotal aspect of a PhD journey is the chance to publish your original research findings. By disseminating your work in academic journals or presenting it at conferences, you contribute to the expansion of knowledge within your field. These publications establish your expertise and reputation among peers and researchers worldwide, leaving a lasting impact.

The pursuit of a PhD can provide a unique platform to build a diverse network of colleagues, mentors and collaborators. Engaging with fellow researchers, attending conferences and participating in academic events offer opportunities to make valuable connections. This network can lead to collaborations, expose you to a spectrum of perspectives and pave the way for future research endeavours.

What is a PhD thesis? And what is a PhD viva?

A PhD thesis will be produced with help from an academic supervisor, usually one with expertise in your particular field of study. This thesis is the backbone of a PhD, and is the candidate’s opportunity to communicate their original research to others in their field (and a wider audience).  PhD students also have to explain their research project and defend their thesis in front of a panel of academics. This part of the process is often the most challenging, since writing a thesis is a major part of many undergraduate or master’s degrees, but having to defend it from criticism in real time is arguably more daunting.  This questioning is known as a “viva”, and examiners will pay particular attention to a PhD’s weaknesses either in terms of methodology or findings. Candidates will be expected to have a strong understanding of their subject areas and be able to justify specific elements of their research quickly and succinctly.

In rare cases, students going for a PhD may instead be awarded an MPhil if the academic standard of their work is not considered fully up to par but still strong enough to be deserving of a qualification.

Can you do a PhD part time? 

Many PhD and MPhil candidates choose to pursue their qualification part time, in order to allow time to work and earn while studying. This is especially true of older students, who might be returning to academia after working for a few years. 

When applying, you should always speak to the admissions team at your university to ensure this is possible and then continue to work with your supervisor to balance all your commitments. 

Can I do a PhD through distance learning?

This is something else that you will need to check with your university. Some institutions offer this option, depending on the nature of your research. 

You will need to be clear how many times you will need to travel to your university to meet with your supervisor throughout your PhD. 

Your PhD supervisor

Choosing the right PhD supervisor is essential if you want to get the most out of your PhD. Do your research into the faculty at the institution and ensure that you meet with your proposed supervisor (either virtually or in person) before fully committing. 

You need to know that not only do they have the right expertise and understanding of your research but also that your personalities won’t clash throughout your PhD. 

Remember, to complete your PhD, you will need a strong support network in place, and your supervisor is a key part of that network. 

Coping with PhD stress

If you do decide to embark on a doctorate, you may well encounter stress and anxiety. The work involved is often carried out alone, the hours can be long and many students can suffer from the pressure they feel is on their shoulders.

Ensuring that you check in regularly with your emotions and your workload is crucial to avoid burnout. If you have other commitments, such as a job or a family, then learning to balance these can feel overwhelming at times. 

Give yourself regular breaks, speak to your supervisor and ensure that you know what university resources and support systems are available to you in case you need to access them. 

Post-doctorate: what happens after you finish your PhD?

Many PhD graduates pursue a career in academia, while others will work in industry. Some might take time out, if they can afford to, to recover from the efforts of PhD study.

Whatever you choose to do, undertaking a PhD is a huge task that can open up a range of doors professionally. Just remember to take some time out to celebrate your achievement. 

How does a PhD affect salary and earning potential?

How much does a professor with a PhD make a year?

Professors with PhDs can earn different amounts depending on where they work and their experience. In the UK, a professor might make around £50,000 to £100,000 or more each year. In the US, it's between about $60,000 and $200,000 or even higher. The exact salary depends on things like the place they work, if they have tenure, and what they teach.

How much does a PhD add to salary?

Having a PhD can make your salary higher than if you had a lower degree. But exactly how much more you earn can change. On average, people with PhDs earn more than those with bachelor’s or master’s degrees. The increase in salary is influenced by many things, such as the job you do, where you work and what field you’re in.

In fields such as research, healthcare, technology and finance, your knowledge and skills from your PhD can potentially help you secure a higher salary position.

In the end, having a PhD can boost your earning potential and open doors to well-paying jobs, including professorships and special roles in different areas. But the exact effect on your salary is influenced by many things, so ensure you weigh the cost against the benefit.

How to choose a PhD programme?

Choosing a PhD programme involves defining your research interest, researching supervisors and programme reputation, evaluating funding options, reviewing programme structure, considering available resources, assessing networking opportunities, factoring in location and career outcomes, visiting the campus if possible and trusting your instincts.

How can I find available PhD programmes?

You can find available PhD programmes by visiting university websites, using online directories such as “FindAPhD”, checking professional associations, networking with professors and students, following universities on social media, attending career fairs and conferences, contacting universities directly and exploring research institutes’ websites.

How to apply for a PhD programme?

To apply for a PhD programme:

Research and select universities aligned with your interests.

Contact potential supervisors, sharing your proposal, CV and references.

Prepare application materials: research proposal, CV, recommendation letters and a writing sample.

Ensure you meet academic and language-proficiency requirements.

Complete an online application through the university’s portal.

Pay any required application fees.

Write a statement of purpose explaining your motivations.

Provide official transcripts of your academic records.

Submit standardised test scores if needed.

Some programmes may require an interview.

The admissions committee reviews applications and decides.

Apply for scholarships or assistantships.

Upon acceptance, review and respond to the offer letter.

Plan travel, accommodation and logistics accordingly.

Remember to research and follow each university’s specific application guidelines and deadlines.

How to apply for a PhD as an international student?

Many stages of the PhD application process are the same for international students as domestic students. However, there are sometimes some additional steps:

International students should apply for a student visa.

Take language proficiency tests such as TOEFL or IELTS if required.

Provide certificates if needed to validate your previous degrees.

Show evidence of sufficient funds for tuition and living expenses.

Check if you need health insurance for your chosen destination.

Translate and authenticate academic transcripts if necessary.

Attend orientation sessions for cultural adaptation.

Apply for university housing or explore off-campus options.

Familiarise yourself with international student support services.

Ben Osborne, the postgraduate student recruitment manager at the University of Sussex explains in detail how to apply for a PhD in the UK .

Giulia Evolvi, a lecturer in media and communication at Erasmus University, Rotterdam explains how to apply for a PhD in the US .

Finally, Samiul Hossain explores the question Is it possible to do a three-year PhD as an international student?

Q. What is a PhD? A. A PhD is the highest level of academic degree awarded by universities, involving in-depth research and a substantial thesis.

Q. What does “PhD” mean? A. “PhD” stands for doctor of philosophy, recognising expertise in a field.

Q. What is a professional doctorate? A. A professional doctorate emphasises practical application in fields such as education or healthcare.

Q. How long does it take to study a PhD? A. It takes between three and six years to study a full-time PhD programme.

Q. How long is a PhD in the UK? A. It takes around three to four years to study a full-time UK PhD.

Q. How long is a PhD in the US? A. It takes approximately five to six years to complete a full-time US PhD.

Q. Why does it take longer to study a PhD in the US? A. US programmes often include more course work and broader training.

Q. What qualifications do you need for a PhD? A. You usually need an undergraduate degree as a minimum requirement, although a master’s might be preferred.

Q. Do you need a master’s degree to get into a PhD programme? A. Master’s degrees are preferred but not always required.

Q. Are PhD entry requirements similar in other countries? A. Entry requirements are similar in many countries, but there may be additional requirements. Make sure to check the university website for specific details.

Q. How much does it cost to study a PhD? A. The cost of PhD programmes vary by country and university.

Q. What funding options are available for PhD candidates? A. Scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, grants, stipends are all funding options for PhD candidates.

Q. What does a PhD involve? A. PhDs involve research, seminars, thesis, literature review, data analysis and a PhD viva.

Q. Why should you do a PhD? A. There are many reasons to study a PhD including personal growth, research skills, contributions to academia and professional development.

Q. What are some benefits of studying a PhD? A. Benefits of graduating with a PhD include achieving tenure, collaborations with colleagues, publication of your work, and networking opportunities.

Q. What is a PhD thesis? A. A PhD thesis is a comprehensive document that showcases the original research conducted by a PhD candidate.

Q. What is a PhD viva? A. A PhD viva, also known as a viva voce or oral examination, is the final evaluation of a PhD candidate’s research and thesis where the panel asks questions, engages in discussions and assesses the depth of the candidate’s understanding and expertise.

Q. Can you do a PhD part-time? A. Yes, part-time options are available for PhDs.

Q. Can I do a PhD through distance learning? A. Some universities offer online PhDs; you can find out more on their websites.

Q. How to choose a PhD programme? A. You can find PhD programmes through research, by contacting faculty, checking resources and considering location.

Q. How can I find available PhD programme? A. You can find available PhD programmes on university sites, through directories and by networking.

Q. How to apply for a PhD programme A. To apply for a PhD programme, research suitable universities and programmes, get in touch with potential supervisors, gather required documents like transcripts and reference letters, complete the online application, pay any necessary fees and submit a statement of purpose and research proposal. If needed, meet language-proficiency criteria and attend interviews. After acceptance, explore funding choices, confirm your spot and get ready for the programme’s start.

Q. How to apply for a PhD as an international student A. To apply for a PhD as an international student, follow similar steps to domestic students, but you need to include securing a student visa and passing language requirements.

Q. What is a PhD dropout rate? A. The dropout rate from PhDs varies but is approximately 30-40 per cent.

Q. How does a PhD affect salary and earning potential? A. A PhD can boost earning potential, especially in research, technology, healthcare and academia. Impact varies by job, industry and location. Experience, skills and demand also influence salary.

Q. How to address a person with a PhD? A. When addressing someone with a PhD, it’s respectful to use “Dr”, followed by their last name, whether they have a PhD in an academic field or a professional doctorate. For instance, “Dr. Smith”.

Q. Is there a difference between a PhD and a doctorate? A. The terms “PhD” and “doctorate” are often used interchangeably, though a PhD is a specific type of doctorate focused on original research. A doctorate can refer more broadly to any doctoral-level degree, including professional doctorates with practical applications.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD and an MD? A. A PhD is a doctor of philosophy, awarded for academic research, while an MD is a doctor of medicine, focusing on medical practice. They lead to different career paths and involve distinct areas of study.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD and a professional doctorate? A. A PhD is an academic research-focused degree, while a professional doctorate emphasises applying research to practical fields such as education or business. PhDs often involve original research, while professional doctorates focus on real-world application.

Q. What is the difference between UK and US PhDs? A. The difference between UK and US PhDs lies mainly in structure and duration. UK PhDs often have shorter durations and a stronger emphasis on independent research from an early stage. US PhDs typically include more initial coursework and broader foundational training before full-time research begins.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD student and a candidate? A. A PhD student is actively studying and researching in a doctoral programme, while a PhD candidate has completed programme requirements except for the dissertation and is close to completion.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an EdD? A. A PhD and an EdD (doctor of education) differ in focus. A PhD emphasises research and academic contributions, while an EdD focuses on applying research to practical educational issues.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and a DBA? A. A PhD and a DBA (doctor of business administration) differ in purpose. A PhD emphasises theoretical research and academia, while a DBA is practice-oriented, aimed at solving real business problems.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and a PsyD? A. A PhD and a PsyD (doctor of psychology) differ in emphasis. A PhD focuses on research and academia, while a PsyD emphasises clinical practice and applying psychological knowledge.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an LLD? A. A PhD and an LLD (doctor of laws or Legum doctor) are distinct. A PhD is awarded in various disciplines, while an LLD is usually an honorary degree for significant contributions to law.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an MD-PhD? A. A PhD and an MD-PhD differ. An MD-PhD is a dual degree combining medical training (MD) with research training (PhD).

Q. What is the Cambridge PhD? A. A Cambridge PhD involves original research guided by a supervisor, resulting in a thesis. It’s offered at the University of Cambridge .

Q. What is the Oxford DPhil? A. An Oxford DPhil is equivalent to a PhD and involves independent research leading to a thesis. The term “DPhil” is unique to the University of Oxford .

Q. What is the PhD programme acceptance rate? A. PhD acceptance rates vary by university, field and competition. Prestigious universities and competitive fields often have lower acceptance rates.

Q. What is a PhD supervisor? A. A PhD supervisor guides and supports a student’s research journey, providing expertise and feedback.

Q. What is a PhD panel? A. A PhD panel evaluates a candidate’s research, thesis and oral defence. It consists of experts in the field.

Q. What is a PhD stipend? A. A PhD stipend is a regular payment supporting living expenses during research, often tied to teaching or research assistant roles.

Q. What is a PhD progression assessment? A. A PhD progression assessment evaluates a student’s progress, often confirming their continuation in the programme.

Q. What is a PhD defence? A. A PhD defence, or viva, is the final oral examination where a candidate presents and defends their research findings and thesis before experts.

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Who is entitled to the title of “doctor”?

Two letters, one period, so much fuss. Then again, this short combination of letters and punctuation is rather coveted. It projects expertise and draws respect. It indicates status, accomplishment, years of study. It earns patients’ trust. It makes parents proud. So perhaps it should be no surprise that more health care professionals want to see the honorific “Dr.” before their names.

But who should be allowed to call themselves a doctor? That remains a matter of debate, especially in health care. Some non-physicians say they have achieved doctoral-level degrees and deserve the title. Others wonder if this is merely careerism that will confuse, not help, patients in clinical settings.

“I’m very comfortable with doctors of audiology, doctors of nutrition, doctors of pharmacy. I often see someone say, ‘I’m Dr. so-and-so, and I’m a pharmacist.’ That’s not that unusual,” said Dr. Wanda Filer, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians. “The big issue is to make sure the patient knows who they are talking to.”

This issue recently resurfaced in Canada, after an Ontario audiologist named Brenda Berge launched a freedom of expression challenge before the Ontario Divisional Court for the right to be called a doctor. Though Ontario law allows various health care professionals without medical degrees to use the “Dr.” honorific — dentists, naturopaths and chiropractors among them — the privilege is not extended to audiologists.

Berge, who has a doctoral-level degree, had previously been using the title, until the College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario found her guilty of misconduct. The college suspended Berge for three months. She also had to take a course in professional ethics and pay the college nearly $100 000 in costs.

According to Filer, however, bringing more expertise into patient care from other medical disciplines is a good thing. And if those experts have the credentials and want to call themselves doctors, so be it. As long as there is no intent to mislead patients, and all professionals are aware of their abilities and boundaries, why wouldn’t physicians respect the wishes of colleagues who want to be called doctors?

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Would allowing more health care professionals, such as audiologists, to use the title “doctor” benefit patients or only careers?

“I think we need to avoid, as professionals, demeaning each other. We need to think collectively about what is best for patients,” said Filer. “Quite frankly, as I read about the case and the credentials of that audiologist, in my mind, she’s a doctor of audiology, flat out. From the training she has had, I’d be very happy to have her see my patients.”

One of Filers’ predecessors didn’t appear to hold the same opinion. In a 2011 article in the New York Times , Dr. Roland Goertz, who was then the board chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians, said that physicians were worried about losing control over the title of “doctor” because it could lead to loss of control over the medical profession itself. “There is real concern that the use of ‘doctor’ will not be clear to patients,” he told the newspaper.

In 2009, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario provided input to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care about the use of the title “doctor.” One of the main concerns was that the lack of consistent requirements for professionals permitted to be called “doctor” would be confusing to the public. “Within a health care setting, the public typically associates the title ‘doctor’ with those who provide medical treatment and advice,” the letter states. “Identifying non-physician doctorates by the title ‘doctor’ may lead to misconceptions from the public that such individuals, when working in a health care setting, are able to offer medical treatment and advice.”

According to Kathryn Clarke, senior communications coordinator for the college, restricted titles are an essential public-protection component in regulating health professions. They help patients identify various health care professions, distinguish the qualified from the unqualified and differentiate practitioners who are regulated from those who aren’t.

“A significant factor to be considered before a health-care professional is permitted to use the designation doctor is, at minimum, consistent and rigorous educational, training and accreditation requirements to ensure consistency amongst health professionals permitted to use this restricted title while providing health care to patients,” Clarke said in an email. “In this way patients will know that the health care professional with whom they are dealing is regulated by a college, and is therefore duly qualified and subject to disciplinary processes for incompetent, impaired or unethical practice.”

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Thesis Title: Examples and Suggestions from a PhD Grad

Graphic of a researcher writing, perhaps a thesis title

When you’re faced with writing up a thesis, choosing a title can often fall to the bottom of the priority list. After all, it’s only a few words. How hard can it be?!

In the grand scheme of things I agree that picking your thesis title shouldn’t warrant that much thought, however my own choice is one of the few regrets I have from my PhD . I therefore think there is value in spending some time considering the options available.

In this post I’ll guide you through how to write your own thesis title and share real-world examples. Although my focus is on the PhD thesis, I’ve also included plenty of thesis title examples for bachelor’s and master’s research projects too.

Hopefully by the end of the post you’ll feel ready to start crafting your own!

Why your thesis title is at least somewhat important

It sounds obvious but your thesis title is the first, and often only, interaction people will have with your thesis. For instance, hiring managers for jobs that you may wish to apply for in the future. Therefore you want to give a good sense of what your research involved from the title.

Many people will list the title of their thesis on their CV, at least for a while after graduating. All of the example titles I’ve shared below came from my repository of academic CVs . I’d say roughly 30% of all the academics on that page list their thesis title, which includes academics all the way up to full professor.

Your thesis title could therefore feature on your CV for your whole career, so it is probably worth a bit of thought!

My suggestions for choosing a good thesis title

  • Make it descriptive of the research so it’s immediately obvious what it is about! Most universities will publish student theses online ( here’s mine! ) and they’re indexed so can be found via Google Scholar etc. Therefore give your thesis a descriptive title so that interested researchers can find it in the future.
  • Don’t get lost in the detail . You want a descriptive title but avoid overly lengthy descriptions of experiments. Unless a certain analytical technique etc was central to your research, I’d suggest by default* to avoid having it in your title. Including certain techniques will make your title, and therefore research, look overly dated, which isn’t ideal for potential job applications after you graduate.
  • The title should tie together the chapters of your thesis. A well-phrased title can do a good job of summarising the overall story of your thesis. Think about each of your research chapters and ensure that the title makes sense for each of them.
  • Be strategic . Certain parts of your work you want to emphasise? Consider making them more prominent in your title. For instance, if you know you want to pivot to a slightly different research area or career path after your PhD, there may be alternative phrasings which describe your work just as well but could be better understood by those in the field you’re moving into. I utilised this a bit in my own title which we’ll come onto shortly.
  • Do your own thing. Having just laid out some suggestions, do make sure you’re personally happy with the title. You get a lot of freedom to choose your title, so use it however you fancy. For example, I’ve known people to use puns in their title, so if that’s what you’re into don’t feel overly constrained.

*This doesn’t always hold true and certainly don’t take my advice if 1) listing something in your title could be a strategic move 2) you love the technique so much that you’re desperate to include it!

Thesis title examples

To help give you some ideas, here are some example thesis titles from Bachelors, Masters and PhD graduates. These all came from the academic CVs listed in my repository here .

Bachelor’s thesis title examples

Hysteresis and Avalanches Paul Jager , 2014 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

The bioenergetics of a marine ciliate, Mesodinium rubrum Holly Moeller , 2008 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Functional syntactic analysis of prepositional and causal constructions for a grammatical parser of Russian Ekaterina Kochmar , 2008 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

Master’s thesis title examples

Creation of an autonomous impulse response measurement system for rooms and transducers with different methods Guy-Bart Stan , 2000 – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor –  direct link to Guy-Bart’s bioengineering academic CV

Segmentation of Nerve Bundles and Ganglia in Spine MRI using Particle Filters Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2012 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

The detection of oil under ice by remote mode conversion of ultrasound Eric Yeatman , 1986 – Electronics – Imperial Professor and Head of Department –  direct link to Eric’s electronics academic CV

Ensemble-Based Learning for Morphological Analysis of German Ekaterina Kochmar , 2010 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

VARiD: A Variation Detection Framework for Color-Space and Letter-Space Platforms Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2010 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

Identification of a Writer’s Native Language by Error Analysis Ekaterina Kochmar , 2011 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

On the economic optimality of marine reserves when fishing damages habitat Holly Moeller , 2010 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Sensitivity Studies for the Time-Dependent CP Violation Measurement in B 0 → K S K S K S at the Belle II-Experiment Paul Jager , 2016 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

PhD thesis title examples

Spatio-temporal analysis of three-dimensional real-time ultrasound for quantification of ventricular function Esla Angelini  – Medicine – Imperial Senior Data Scientist –  direct link to Elsa’s medicine academic CV

The role and maintenance of diversity in a multi-partner mutualism: Trees and Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Holly Moeller , 2015 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Bayesian Gaussian processes for sequential prediction, optimisation and quadrature Michael Osborne , 2010 – Machine Learning – Oxford Full Professor –  direct link to Michael’s machine learning academic CV

Global analysis and synthesis of oscillations: a dissipativity approach Guy-Bart Stan , 2005 – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor –  direct link to Guy-Bart’s bioengineering academic CV

Coarse-grained modelling of DNA and DNA self-assembly Thomas Ouldridge , 2011– Bioengineering – Imperial College London Senior Lecturer / Associate Prof –  direct link to Thomas’ bioengineering academic CV

4D tomographic image reconstruction and parametric maps estimation: a model-based strategy for algorithm design using Bayesian inference in Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) Michele Scipioni , 2018– Biomedical Engineer – Harvard Postdoctoral Research Fellow –  direct link to Michele’s biomedical engineer academic CV

Error Detection in Content Word Combinations Ekaterina Kochmar , 2016 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

Genetic, Clinical and Population Priors for Brain Images Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2016 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

Challenges and Opportunities of End-to-End Learning in Medical Image Classification Paul Jager , 2020 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

K 2 NiF 4  materials as cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells Ainara Aguadero , 2006 – Materials Science – Imperial Reader –  direct link to Ainara’s materials science academic CV

Applications of surface plasmons – microscopy and spatial light modulation Eric Yeatman , 1989 – Electronics – Imperial Professor and Head of Department –  direct link to Eric’s electronics academic CV

Geometric Algorithms for Objects in Motion Sorelle Friedler , 2010 – Computer science – Haverford College Associate Professor –  direct link to Sorelle’s computer science academic CV .

Geometrical models, constraints design, information extraction for pathological and healthy medical image Esla Angelini  – Medicine – Imperial Senior Data Scientist –  direct link to Elsa’s medicine academic CV

Why I regret my own choice of PhD thesis title

I should say from the outset that I assembled my thesis in quite a short space of time compared to most people. So I didn’t really spend particularly long on any one section, including the title.

However, my main supervisor even spelled out for me that once the title was submitted to the university it would be permanent. In other words: think wisely about your title.

What I started with

Initially I drafted the title as something like: Three dimensional correlative imaging for cartilage regeneration . Which I thought was nice, catchy and descriptive.

I decided to go for “correlative imaging” because, not only did it describe the experiments well, but it also sounded kind of technical and fitting of a potential pivot into AI. I’m pleased with that bit of the title.

What I ended up with

Before submitting the title to the university (required ahead of the viva), I asked my supervisors for their thoughts.

One of my well intentioned supervisors suggested that, given that my project didn’t involve verifying regenerative quality, I probably shouldn’t state cartilage regeneration . Instead, they suggested, I should state what I was experimenting on (the materials) rather than the overall goal of the research (aid cartilage regeneration efforts).

With this advice I dialled back my choice of wording and the thesis title I went with was:

Three dimensional correlative imaging for measurement of strain in cartilage and cartilage replacement materials

Reading it back now I’m reminder about how less I like it than my initial idea!

I put up basically no resistance to the supervisor’s choice, even though the title sounds so much more boring in my opinion. I just didn’t think much of it at the time. Furthermore, most of my PhD was actually in a technique which is four dimensional (looking at a series of 3D scans over time, hence 4D) which would have sounded way more sciency and fitting of a PhD.

What I wish I’d gone with

If I had the choice again, I’d have gone with:

Four-dimensional correlative imaging for cartilage regeneration

Which, would you believe it, is exactly what it states on my CV…

Does the thesis title really matter?

In all honesty, your choice of thesis title isn’t that important. If you come to regret it, as I do, it’s not the end of the world. There are much more important things in life to worry about.

If you decide at a later stage that you don’t like it you can always describe it in a way that you prefer. For instance, in my CV I describe my PhD as I’d have liked the title to be. I make no claim that it’s actually the title so consider it a bit of creative license.

Given that as your career progresses you may not even refer back to your thesis much, it’s really not worth stressing over. However, if you’re yet to finalise your thesis title I do still think it is worth a bit of thought and hopefully this article has provided some insights into how to choose a good thesis title.

My advice for developing a thesis title

  • Draft the title early. Drafting it early can help give clarity for the overall message of your research. For instance, while you’re assembling the rest of your thesis you can check that the title encompasses the research chapters you’re included, and likewise that the research experiments you’re including fall within what the title describes. Drafting it early also gives more time you to think it over. As with everything: having a first draft is really important to iterate on.
  • Look at some example titles . Such as those featured above!
  • If you’re not sure about your title, ask a few other people what they think . But remember that you have the final say!

I hope this post has been useful for those of you are finalising your thesis and need to decide on a thesis title. If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to hear about future content (and gain access to my free resource library!) you can subscribe for free here:

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Great Business Schools

What Can I Do With a Ph.D. In Business?

Ready to find the perfect business program.

doctorate in 2 years

What is a Career in Business?

A career in business can manifest into many different occupations and responsibilities. For instance, business professionals interested in working with people and the social structures of business can build a career in human resources. On the other hand, business professionals interested in numbers and calculations can build a career in business analytics. 

What this means is that a career in business is one of the most dynamic in the American economy, as it provides individuals with the flexibility to tailor their business work to match career goals and interests. Despite the diversity of jobs under the umbrella of business, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that business-related jobs are growing at a faster rate than all other occupations in the job market. 

The BLS does note however, that one of the trade-offs for the flexibility of business-related careers is that professionals often work more hours in daily averages. This will be unsurprising to many, as many careers in business come with responsibilities that do not obey a ‘9-5’ schedule. With that being said, some business careers are much more vulnerable to this scheduling problem than others. Those wishing to build a more stable and predictable schedule can certainly find opportunities with such specifications. 

What is an Education in Business? 

what title does phd give you

Because a career in business is so flexible and can lead into vastly different occupations, business degree programs manifest in likewise diversersity. Business degree programs exist at the following levels: 

  • Associate’s 
  • Bachelor’s 
  • Master’s 
  • Professional Certification 

Further adding options in educational paths is that many specialized degree programs outside of business offer business specializations as a program concentration. For instance, students can earn a computer science degree with a concentration in business administration, or a engineering degree with a concentration in business management. Almost every profession operates through the functioning of business and therefore a business-focus can be found in almost any educational path. 

This is true all the way up to the Ph.D level degree program, though it is important to note that a business-focus might not be indicated in the name of the program or degree. Rather, a business focus can be achieved through independent research, thesis-work, etc. 

To earn a Ph.D in a traditional business degree program requires tremendous commitment and planning. Many business doctorate candidates hold Associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees–an education representing 6 to 8 years before the time commitment to the doctoral program. By the time one graduates with a Ph.D of Business total time investment can reach 8 to 10 years of full-time education. 

Top Considerations in Pursuing a PhD of Business

what title does phd give you

The time investment of pursuing a PhD of Business is only one part of the picture. Prospective students will need to consider the financial investment as well. Many students will need to plan for this expense long before enrollment, so consider the following breakdown of degree expenditures (averaged in-state and out-of-state and rounded for easy consideration). 

  • Associate of Business (2-4 years): $20,000 – $25,000
  • Bachelor’s of Business (4 years): $40,000 – $50,000
  • Master’s of Business (2 years): $40,000
  • Doctorate of Business (2 years): $50,000

This equates to a total expenditure of around $200,000 over 8 to10 years in order to obtain a Phd of Business. It should be noted however, that students can pursue more affordable tuitions that are much lower than these averages. Similarly, students who earn an Associate’s of Business will mostly likely be able to transfer some credits to their Bachelor’s of Business program, which lower both the overall cost of time and money. 

Prospective should also consider the return on investment (ROI) of each of these degrees. For instance, even with an Associate’s of Business students will have access to more employment opportunities than if they held no degree. What this means is that students can fund, at least partially, their business education by capitalizing on employment opportunities upon graduating from each program. 

what title does phd give you

Modern degree programs are more accessible than ever before, so students should have no trouble finding a degree program that can be completed amidst full-time employment. While doing so might mean progressing through degree programs at part-time pace, students will be building valuable professional experience while earning their degree. 

Part-Time vs. Full-Time, Online vs. On-Campus

what title does phd give you

In order to make the most of a business degree program, one must decide on an end-goal and the best approach to this goal. For many students, arriving at a good answer will mean answering the following 7 questions:

  • Do you learn best on your own or when micromanaged? 

One of the most differentiating elements of a degree in business is the size of the program. Students who want the attention and direction of the professor will want to pursue a degree program with a smaller class size–where course instructors will have more resources to dedicate to each student. Students who prefer to move at their own pace and learn on their own terms will find no problem thriving in larger classrooms and online programs.  

  • Will you need to earn an Associate’s degree before a Bachelor’s? 

Students will need to pursue an Associate of Business before a Bachelor’s for a number of reasons. One is that many of the best Bachelor’s of Business programs require a high school academic record that excludes many prospective students. Another reason to pursue an Associate of Business before a Bachelor’s is if you need to seek employment as quickly as possible. An Associate of Business is the most efficient inroad into a business career, and can set up students to hold business occupations while continuing their education. 

  • Will you need to maintain employment throughout your degree program? 

Financial situations will vary for each student and given the immense investment involved in earning a PhD, many students will need to work throughout their studies. This is important to decide early so that you can choose degree programs that afford the flexibility to do so. Many online programs are designed specifically to accommodate working professionals. 

  • Are you wanting to pursue a specialized area of business? 

Some business degree programs are more specialized than others and thus require a more focused education and background. This specialization can be earned through research projects, working in the job market, or through choosing a degree program with the desired concentration. 

  • Which is more valuable to you in your chosen area–knowledge through education, or knowledge through experience? 

Given one’s desired area of focus, students will need to decide whether they wish to build such specialization in a degree program or through working in the job market. Students who wish to build specialization in the job market can prioritize graduating as quickly as possible, and will want to consider accelerated degree programs. Students however, who will primarily build specialization in degree programs will want to structure plans around getting the most out of these programs.   

  • Do you have a PhD of Business in mind? 

Given the stringent requirements for success in a PhD of Business program, students will need to begin building the necessary background as early as possible. Students who are able to demonstrate a focus and specialization from the time of their Associate’s or Bachelor’s program will be an ideal candidate for a business doctorate.

This will also help shape career decisions leading up to this point. For instance, if a student wishes to earn a PhD of Business Management, it would be ideal to build professional experience working as a manager. 

  • What are the most common career paths for those with that PhD? 

To take one’s preparation to the next level, prospective PhD students should investigate the resulting career paths of graduates of their targeted PhD program. What industry do the graduates work in? What employers offer the graduates jobs? Then see if you can establish demands of the job market and employment opportunities. Tailoring your PhD education in the context of these considerations will set students up for successful business careers. 

Is a PhD Degree Necessary for Entrepreneurship? 

what title does phd give you

Given that entrepreneurship is the endeavor of creating, managing, and exchanging businesses, one might think that a PhD of Business would be ideal for succeeding as an entrepreneur. But this is not necessarily true. Unless one earns a PhD of Business that is specifically designed for entrepreneurs, a doctorate program will not necessarily prepare students for the demanding responsibilities of entrepreneurship. 

Here’s why: 

  • The entrepreneurial path of one businessperson will differ entirely from that of another. 
  • Thus the skills needed to succeed in entrepreneurship depends entirely on the skills and knowledge required by one’s specific path. 
  • Whereas doctoral business programs are usually highly focused and specialized. 
  • While the skills learned in a doctorate of business program will certainly help one in entrepreneurship, it is likely not sufficient preparation in and of itself. 

This is not to say however, that a PhD of Business will not contribute to success in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial efforts are primarily collaborative efforts, and a professional with a PhD of Business can offer tremendous value to projects from his/her specialized knowledge and expertise. 

Even if a student decides to enroll in a PhD of Business program that is not distinctly committed to entrepreneurial education, students can pursue research projects and other opportunities for professional development in entrepreneurship. The point being, students will need to decide whether entrepreneurship will be a primary focus of their PhD studies, or if it will be the focus of independent study.

Ph.D in Business and Small Business

what title does phd give you

Small business is a subcategory of entrepreneurship which is much more focused on small business operations that usually function within a local/regional capacity. This means that the scope of small business is much more securely positioned within the range of specialty provided by most PhD of Business programs. 

Some programs however, demonstrate more value to small business than others. For instance, if students wish to take over a small family business or wish to start one of their own, a PhD of Business Administration will be most conducive to associated tasks and responsibilities. If students wish to grow a family business or wish to take on a more specialized role in starting their own, a PhD of Business Marketing or Business Development would be excellent choices. 

If students wish to specialize entirely in small business, there are a number of PhD programs designed with this in mind called PhD of Small Business Management, or Small Business Administration. These programs are designed to prepare students to master the process of creating, running, and optimizing small business operations. 

These PhD programs are not only meant for individuals who have connections to existing or future small businesses, but also for those who wish to work with consulting firms or business development agencies. 

Fastest Growing Job-Sectors of Business

Given the above suggestions for students to establish career goals as early as possible, it is important to establish industry-interests which will likely influence career decisions. There are two major areas of economic activity that will be of most interest to students who earn a PhD of Business. 

Firstly, there are the highest performing sectors of the American economy–the industries that demonstrate the strongest metrics of profit and growth, and secondly, there are the areas of most growth and opportunity within the job market for business professionals. Noticeably, these two areas of growth and opportunity do not always align. 

This is likely due to the fact that business professionals are often in high-demand in industries which need them most, such as areas of industry which are not currently demonstrating tremendous growth. 

Fastest Growing Industries in the American Economy in 2020 

(By Revenue Growth by IbisWorld )

  • Online Groceries ——————————————————-74.5%
  • Cough and Cold Medicine Manufacturing OTC ————— 68.8%
  • 3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping Services ——————- 28.8%
  • Online Pet Food and Pet Supply Sales ————————– 28.5%
  • Hydraulic Fracturing Services ————————————– 27.8%
  • High Frequency Trading ——————————————— 27.4%
  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Manufacturing ————– 26.7%
  • Stock and Commodity Exchanges in the US ——————- 26.3%
  • Medical / Recreational Marijuana Growing ———————- 25.2%
  • Video Streaming Services ——————————————- 24.0%

Business students will likely notice that the above list clearly demonstrates the economic shifts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether in a state where lockdowns are enforced or not, consumers are staying home more than ever. The surges in delivery services and home entertainment are clear indications of this. While these areas of growth are subject to change as the economy adapts to COVID-19, business students will find tremendous opportunity in these sectors in the meantime. 

Fastest Growing American Job Sectors 

(By Growth in Wages, Salaries, and Employment by Bureau of Labor Statistics )

PhD business students will want to consider specializing in one of the following industries. These sectors are demonstrating explosive growth and will require business administrators, managers, marketers, business analytics professionals, etc. Below is an exploration of how business professionals are employed in each sector. 

  • Forestry (37%)

Forestry organizations must manage budgets, seek funding, and run marketing campaigns much like many other businesses. 

  • Individual and Family Services (34%)

Coaching, consulting, and therapeutic services rely heavily on business administration, human resources, and logistic professionals. 

  • Mining – Support Services (28%)

As technological capacities increase, so does the number and scale of manufacturing operations for creating these tools. Logistics, sales, and marketing professionals are positioned at the center of this industry. 

  • Outpatient Healthcare and Social Assistance Centers (26%)

Healthcare and social assistance that focuses on outpatient services relies heavily on management professionals that direct daily operations, and on human resources departments to train and recruit staff. 

  • Professional and Business Services – Computer Systems Design (23%)

IT professionals typically are not educated in business, and as such these professionals usually provide their services within the context of a full-functioning business. 

  • Grantmaking and Giving Services and Social Advocacy Organizations (22%)

Advocacy groups and charity organizations rely extensively on marketing campaigns and public engagement. Marketing, promotions, and business development professionals will find this to be a thriving market. 

  • Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services (20%)

Management, administration, and business services consulting is becoming a huge market of employment for specialized business professionals. Business PhD candidates will want to consider specializing in consulting services. 

  • Software Publishing (19%)

The selling, licensing, and trading of software is a multibillion dollar business. Sales professionals will find this an ideal market to put their skills to use. 

  • Animal Food Manufacturing (16%)

Pets are becoming big business. As consumers spend more and more on pet food, business professionals lead the charge in the development and marketing of new brands. Similarly, pet food manufacturing companies employ sales representatives to negotiate and maintain contracts and agreements. 

  • Commercial and Industrial Machinery Maintenance and Repair (14%)

Commercial and industrial machinery is utilized by countless industries. As we develop new machines for different purposes, there is an increased demand both for sales executives to represent them as well as logistic managers who direct repairmen and maintenance teams. 

In-Demand Business Professions (By Projected Job Growth)

These professions are in high-demand right now across numerous industries. What they have in common is an indication of the growing need for business professionals in areas of IT and healthcare. Where demand is high professionals have more freedom to pursue jobs that they find most appealing. 

  • Business Operations Managers 

Incoming Jobs: 165,000 

  • Market Research Analysts 

Incoming Jobs: 140,000 

  • Management Analysts

Incoming Jobs: 120,000 

  • Financial Managers 

Incoming Jobs: 105,000 

  • Accountant 

Incoming Jobs: 90,000 

  • Medical and Healthcare Services Manager 

Incoming Jobs: 70,000 

  • Human Resources Specialist 

Incoming Jobs: 30,000 

6 Most Lucrative Jobs in Business 

Now that we’ve covered some of the most promising industries and sectors of the job market. Let’s look at some of the most promising business careers, specifically at the most lucrative jobs for business specialists. Many of these positions will require either an established work history of success in business, or at least a specialized master’s degree in business–where a PhD is most helpful. 

  • Financial Manager 

Earnings w/ PhD – $130,000

Financial Managers are specialized professionals who specialize in the financial operations of an organization. They monitor the financials the way a doctor monitors the vitals of a patient. Financial managers oversee teams of analysts and other business professionals to carry out daily tasks to collect data on an organization’s financial dynamics, analyze data to glean information, and put this information to use in a plan for financial optimization. 

  • Information Systems Manager / IT Manager 

Earnings w/ PhD – $120,000

IT Managers employ specialized knowledge of business and information technology to oversee teams of IT professionals to direct daily operations to complete projects and hit organizational benchmarks. IT Managers will earn significantly more as they build specialization in more demanding software and database architecture. 

  • Management Analyst

Earnings w/ PhD – $112,000

Management Analysts are specialists who are masters of managing business operations. These professionals narrow their professional focus to testing, measuring, and reporting on metrics for success or failure in business management. These professionals are often employed as consultants or might find more competitive opportunities at large international corporations.

  • Supply Chain Manager

Earnings w/ PhD – $106,000

These professionals are masters of logistics and oversee the multifaceted exchange and transport of goods through national and even international supply chain pipelines. Supply Chain Managers employ a command of logistic technology as well as the managerial skill needed to manager large teams of logistics professionals and to direct transport teams. 

  • Business Operations Manager

Earnings w/ PhD – $100,000

Where analysts study management techniques, business operations managers take on the role of manager within a specific organization or project. These managers specialize in directing large teams of multidisciplinary professionals to bring projects to life and see them through to success. Operations managers earn increasingly competitive salaries as they demonstrate success in overseeing various operations. 

  • Marketing and Sales Manager

Earnings w/ PhD – $90,000

Marketing and Sales Managers specialize in seeing the promotional and sales operations of an organization. These professionals typically oversee teams of marketers, sales reps, and even other managers depending on the size of the organization. A PhD is an excellent way to break into this position as a recent graduate of a business program. 

Carrie Morris Author

Warren Dahl Editor-in-Chief


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FIVE points you absolutely MUST KNOW before starting your PhD journey

Want to start your PhD? Here's what you should know

Keep your checklists ready! Here are some of the things that one should not miss before applying for PhD

1. Background check of supervisor and research group. How to do it?

what title does phd give you

To ensure that your interest aligns with the potential supervisors you have shortlisted, look into their previous works and other contributions to the field. Look into the lab/group they are heading and their current projects. Ensure that you are working in a productive and supportive environment.

2. Gained admission into a reputed institution but forgot to look into your supervisor? This might not be a wise move

what title does phd give you

Well, relying solely on your institution's reputation would lead you nowhere. Examine your supervisor's Google Scholar profile, research articles and their publications. Understand the relevance of their project with yours and their ability to provide fruitful guidance.

3. Do not forget to ask for help. But how does one go about seeking help from former and current PhD students?

what title does phd give you

To make a more informed decision, do not hesitate to pose questions to alumni and current students about the lab facilities, the work culture, and the collective approach towards the research projects. Gain a deeper insight into their journey so far and make notes to give your journey a headstart.

4. You think finances don't matter while pursuing PhD? You are wrong.

what title does phd give you

Ensuring financial stability throughout your time is crucial as you will be dedicating a duration of your time solely to research. Look for fellowships available before starting your PhD, and other TA (training assistant) programmes offered by your institution. If your PhD programme exceeds five years, inquire about the additional support available.

5. Why hesitate while choosing the best for yourself?

what title does phd give you

Landed at a good university? Great. Helpful supervisor? Even better. What about other facilities aiding your research such as advanced equipment, the best library facilities and other adequate resources? Look out for them. Check if your institute has collaborations with other universities, and if there are opportunities for you to present at international conferences, and publish in prestigious journals.

For more information look into a recent post by The All-India Research Scholars Association ( AIRSA ) here

Before joining any institute for a PhD program, it's crucial to remember several points many students overlook. @AIRSAIndia advises prospective @PMOIndia @dpradhanbjp @DrJitendraSingh @AjaySoodIISc @PrinSciAdvGoI @TimesNow @timesofindia @the_hindu @TheLallantop @ThePrintIndia … — All India Research Scholars Association (@AIRSAIndia) May 30, 2024


Donald Trump found guilty on all counts in historic NY hush money trial: Recap

In a verdict that shook the 2024 presidential campaign, former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in his New York criminal hush money trial . He was convicted of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Trump is the first former U.S. president convicted of a crime.  

Prosecutors charged Trump with falsifying business records. They alleged Trump falsified the records to conceal unlawfully interfering in the 2016 presidential election through the $130,000 hush money payment, making the falsification charges felonies. The crime carries a penalty of up to four years in prison, with sentencing scheduled for July 11, but legal experts previously told USA TODAY the presumptive Republican nominee is likely to get only probation or a shorter sentence .

Trump called the outcome a "disgrace" and vowed to keep fighting his conviction.

The more-than six weeks-long trial against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee − which featured dramatic clashes between lawyers and witnesses, the judge and Trump − was the first criminal trial in U.S. history against a former president.

Trump's conviction marks another historic moment, with an uncertain impact on the 2024 presidential election. He is not disqualified from running for office and while polls have suggested a conviction would harm his prospects, prominent Republican supporters quickly rallied to his side.

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

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Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg: 'I did my job'

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said he did not have any response to Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on the prosecutor and his staff, but he praised his office.

“I did my job. Our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor. That’s exactly what we did here,” Bragg said. “I did my job. We did our job. Many voices out there. The only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken.”

− Bart Jansen

Will Donald Trump go to jail?

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg dodged a question about whether he would seek jail time when Trump is sentenced July 11.

“We will speak at that time,” Bragg said.

Bragg also declined to say whether he would oppose a request from Trump to remain free while he appeals the verdict. Bragg said prosecutors would respond formally at sentencing July 11.

“I’m going to let our words in court speak for themselves,” Bragg said.

Trump still faces criminal prosecution in these other three cases

With Donald Trump guilty on all charges in his Manhattan hush money trial, he still faces criminal charges in three other cases, including two for allegedly trying to illegally steal the 2020 election he lost to President Joe Biden.

In all, Trump faced a combined 88 criminal counts, including the 34 in Manhattan that he was convicted of Thursday by a jury. That leaves 54 counts between the three other cases, two of them in federal court that were brought by special counsel Jack Smith on behalf of the Justice Department.

One of those involves the retention of classified documents. The other federal case overseen by Smith accuses Trump of trying to subvert the 2020 election results.

The fourth case, in Fulton County, Ga., accuses Trump and 14 co-defendants − including some of his former lawyers, and administration aides − of trying to overturn Trump's loss in the Peach State in 2020.

Trump has pleaded not guilty in all of the cases. None of them have trial dates scheduled, and legal experts largely concur that it's unlikely that any will begin before election day on Nov. 5, a likely rematch between Biden and Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee.

  −Josh Meyer

Watch DA Alvin Bragg's press conference live

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Jr. will hold a press conference Thursday evening following the  conviction of Donald Trump.

The press conference is scheduled to be held at 6:30 p.m. ET at the 8th Floor Training Room in New York, the DA's office said in a release.

You can watch his comments live here.

− Anthony Robledo

What was Trump found guilty of?

Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Each count is tied to a different business record that prosecutors argued Trump was responsible for changing in order to either conceal or commit another crime .

Those records include 11 checks paid to former lawyer  Michael Cohen , 11 invoices from Cohen and 12 entries in Trump's ledgers.

The jury found that Trump authorized a plan to reimburse Cohen for the $130,000 hush money payment issued to  Stormy Daniels and spread the payments across 12 months disguised as legal expenses.

− Kinsey Crowley

'Trump is in a deep hole here': Former federal prosecutor reacts to verdict

Kevin O’Brien, a former federal prosecutor now practicing at Ford O’Brien Landy, said Trump could appeal whether the evidence was sufficient to convict him . But Trump can no longer challenge the credibility of witnesses such as former lawyer Michael Cohen and porn actress Stormy Daniels because the jury believed them, O’Brien said.

“Trump is in a deep hole here,” O’Brien said. “It’s not like he gets to start over. That’s not how the appeal system works.”

The jury weighed the evidence and decided that witnesses such as former lawyer Michael Cohen and porn actress Stormy Daniels were credible.

The counts each carry maximum sentences of four years, but legal experts say Judge Juan Merchan could give him probation or a shorter sentence as a first-time offender to a non-violent offense. The felony convictions don’t prohibit Trump from campaigning or potentially winning the White House.

“He could still easily wind up president of the United States,” O’Brien said. “There’s nothing that would prevent that from happening.”

Can Trump run for president now?

Yes, even after being convicted on felony counts, the Thursday verdict does not impact Donald Trump's ability to seek another term in the White House. The Constitution is pretty clear − here are the qualifications to serve as president.

  • Be a natural-born citizen of the U.S.
  • Have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years
  • Be at least 35 years old

− Marina Pitofsky

What happens to Trump now? Trump sentencing date

Judge Juan Merchan has scheduled Trump's sentencing for July 11, and Trump is out free until then.

Because this is Trump's first felony offense, his sentence is likely to be as light as probation or home confinement. If he does receive a sentence , it would probably be less than a year.

Trump is likely to appeal the conviction. That would push any jailtime until after the election.

− Kinsey Crowley  

Who were the key witnesses in Donald Trump's historic trial

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was a significant witness testifying that he submitted invoices for “legal expenses” that Trump knew were to reimburse him for paying $130,000 to silence porn actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. But Trump lawyer Todd Blanche accused Cohen of lying on the stand when he testified he notified Trump about the payment to Daniels. In closing arguments, Blanche called Cohenthe “MVP of liars” and “the embodiment of reasonable doubt.” 

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, described the alleged sexual encounter in enough detail that Merchan questioned why defense lawyers didn’t object more to block her testimony. Trump has repeatedly denied he had sex with Daniels and Blanche argued the payment “started out as an extortion” whether the allegation was true or not. 

David Pecker, the former CEO of American Media Inc., which owned the National Enquirer, said he agreed in a meeting with Trump and Cohen in August 2015 to be the “eyes and ears” of Trump’s presidential campaign to buy negative stories about the candidate and never publish them. 

Pecker acknowledged paying former Playboy model Karen McDougal $150,000 for her story and then refusing to pay for Daniels because Trump hadn’t reimbursed him. Cohen provided a recording , which prosecutor Joshua Steinglass called “jaw-dropping,” of Trump mentioning the $150,000 figure. 

Can Trump go to prison?

Yes. Each felony count of falsifying business records − elevated to a felony because prosecutors proved their purpose was to commit or conceal another crime − carries a maximum sentence of four years. However, New York caps such sentencing the type of felonies Trump faced – Class E felonies –  at 20 years .

But given Trump doesn't have a criminal record and wasn't convicted of a violent crime, such a high sentence is very unlikely, according to legal experts. Several spoke to USA TODAY ahead of the trial about what could happen if Trump were convicted. Nearly all predicted that, if convicted, Trump would get a sentence ranging from just probation to up to four years in prison, and likely falling within the lower end of that range.

− Aysha Bagchi

Donald Trump reacts to guilty verdict

Donald Trump quickly reacted to the jury's decision finding him guilty on all 34 criminal counts.

“This is just a disgrace,” Trump told reporters in the hallway outside the courtroom. “We didn’t do anything wrong. I’m an innocent man.”

Trump ignored shouted questions about whether he would drop out of the presidential campaign.

“This is long from over,” Trump said. “We’ll keep fighting. We’ll fight to the end and we’ll win.”

People surrounding courthouse react

Outside the courthouse, anti-Trump demonstrators cheered and drivers honked their horns as news of the guilty verdicts spread. “Guilty!” several people shouted out.

− David Jackson

Jury reaches a verdict

The jury has reached a verdict in former President Donald Trump 's New York criminal hush money trial , which centers on allegations that he falsified business records to hide a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Jurors confirmed that they had reached a verdict in a note signed by the foreperson at 4:20 p.m. local time. Jurors have requested an extra 30 minutes to fill out forms and take other steps, according to Judge Juan Merchan .

The former president, his attorneys, prosecutors reporters and others were waiting in near silence in the courtroom as the jury entered the courtroom.

A drama-filled trial  

The six-week trial featured dramatic clashes between lawyers and witnesses, the judge and Trump.  

The testimony included tense moments, such as defense lawyer Todd Blanche accusing Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen , of lying on the stand and former Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks breaking into tears . 

Meanwhile, Judge Juan Merchan threatened to jail Trump if he continued to violate a gag order against talking about witnesses participating in the case. Merchan also scolded Blanche for an “outrageous” statement in closing arguments that the jury shouldn’t “send someone to prison” based on Cohen’s testimony. 

A flock of Republican surrogates showed up to support Trump, and one conspiracy theorist set himself on fire outside the courthouse. 

Correction: A previous version of this story quoted Trump as saying "this is far from over."

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  3. PhD Full Form: What is the full form of PhD?

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  4. What does Phd stand for?

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  6. PhD vs Professional doctorate: which degree is right for you?


  1. How to use the PhD title and all the little doctorate "rules"

    When writing a name with a PhD after it, the correct way to do so is to use "PhD" or "Ph.D. or Ph.D". Depending on the preference of the individual, either form can be used. However, if the individual has a business card that states their degree in full, then the more formal "Doctor of Philosophy" should be used.

  2. Can PhDs legitimately claim to be doctors?

    Both diplomas give you the title of "doctor". By law, only these diplomas give you the right of using this title. So yes, certainly, a PhD holder has the right to be called "docteur". MD too. But no one else. In fact, there is a famous story here. Someone got a "chargé de recherche" ("scientist") position at CNRS. This is somewhat prestigious ...

  3. What is your correct title while working on a PhD?

    Here your title normally goes in front of your name, and does not change based on receipt of a masters degree, whether or not you subsequently start a PhD. You can start using the title Dr after completing a PhD, but many people don't use it, or only use it in a relevant professional context. You technically can put letters after your name ...

  4. How to Correctly Use the Titles Dr. & PhD With a Name

    Put a comma followed by the title "Ph.D." after the name of a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. For example Stacey Childs, Ph.D. Do not combine the title of "Ph.D." with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. For instance, even if the person being addressed ...

  5. titles

    3. While both have the title of "doctor," that is identifying the fact that they both have the same education level, a doctorate. The meaningful difference here is occupation: one might be a professor, the other a physician. To differentiate between the two you can use the actual doctorate type or the job title:

  6. What's the Difference Between a PhD and a ...

    A PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy. In answer to the question, "Is a PhD a doctor," the answer is yes. Both a PhD and a professional doctorate like an EdD earn you the title of "doctor.". But there are differences between the types of doctoral degrees. Learn more about a PhD vs. a professional doctorate below.

  7. Whom should we really call a "doctor"?

    A doctoral degree (PhD) is a degree that one earns after a master's degree. A PhD entitles a person to use the title doctor. These are the social and physical scientists who conduct and evaluate published research. A PhD degree is normally obtained after six to eight years of hard work past the bachelor's degree.

  8. Who gets to be called 'doctor'?

    The NPR ombudsman explained that like many media outlets, NPR follows the Associated Press stylebook, which says if someone practices medicine, NPR calls them doctor. If it's someone with a Ph.D., it's up to the individual media outlet. On the radio, we don't have a lot of time, and every word counts. Saying someone is a doctor or saying ...

  9. How to Correctly Use the Titles Dr. & PhD With a Name

    Place the title of "Dr." before the name of a person who is a doctor of medicine or psychology, doctor of dentistry, or doctor of veterinary medicine. Never write, for example, "Dr. George Ross, PhD," even if the person is a medical doctor who has also earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Put a comma followed by the title "PhD" after the name ...

  10. PhD FAQs

    Yes you can. Though to avoid confusion with medical doctors, rarely will PhD-holders use the "Dr" title outside of their workplace. Sometimes PhD-holders will add the abbreviation PhD after their name if they want to make it clear they are a non-medical doctor, for example "Jeff Clark PhD".

  11. "M.D." vs. "Ph.D." vs. "Dr.": Are They Synonyms?

    M.D., which can be used with or without the periods (M.D. or MD) is the designation for a medical doctor. This is earned by attending medical school (typically a four-year program after completing at least one undergraduate degree, plus a residency program), and learning to diagnose patients' symptoms and offer treatment.

  12. List of doctoral degrees in the US

    Since then, the list of recognized research degrees has been constant, although most Ed.D. degree programs were determined to have a professional rather than research focus and removed from the survey in 2010-2011; despite this, the Ed.D. remains the second most popular research doctorate in the SED after the Ph.D in 2022. (albeit with 0.9% ...

  13. What Is a PhD?

    Learn more about whether earning a PhD could benefit your career. A Doctor of Philosophy, often known as a PhD, is a terminal degree —or the highest possible academic degree you can earn in a subject. While PhD programs (or doctorate programs) are often structured to take between four and five years, some graduate students may take longer as ...

  14. Doctor (title)

    Doctor (title) Former Vassar College president Catharine Bond Hill wearing doctoral robes. She has a doctorate and can thus carry the title of "Doctor". Doctor is an academic title that originates from the Latin word of the same spelling and meaning. [1] The word is originally an agentive noun of the Latin verb docēre [dɔˈkeːrɛ] 'to teach'.

  15. titles

    12. There are two important points to note about name markers that refer to academic titles: You can have more than one of these markers in your name: Kay Doe, PhD, MD indicates a person who is both a doctor of philosophy and a doctor of medicine. The marker Dr. can very often be used as a variant of the post-positioned markers.

  16. What is a PhD? Advice for PhD students

    The precise nature and definition of an MPhil can vary among institutions and countries. A PhD, meanwhile, follows a more widely known and traditional route and requires students, often referred to as "candidates", to produce their own work and research on a new area or topic to a high academic standard.

  17. Who is entitled to the title of "doctor"?

    In 2009, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario provided input to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care about the use of the title "doctor.". One of the main concerns was that the lack of consistent requirements for professionals permitted to be called "doctor" would be confusing to the public.

  18. Thesis Title: Examples and Suggestions from a PhD Grad

    Master's thesis title examples. Creation of an autonomous impulse response measurement system for rooms and transducers with different methods. Guy-Bart Stan, 2000 - Bioengineering - Imperial Professor - direct link to Guy-Bart's bioengineering academic CV. Segmentation of Nerve Bundles and Ganglia in Spine MRI using Particle Filters.

  19. What Can I Do With a Ph.D. In Business?

    Master's of Business (2 years): $40,000. Doctorate of Business (2 years): $50,000. This equates to a total expenditure of around $200,000 over 8 to10 years in order to obtain a Phd of Business. It should be noted however, that students can pursue more affordable tuitions that are much lower than these averages.

  20. What was Trump convicted of? See the 34 falsified business records

    Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records after prosecutors successfully convinced a jury he disguised hush money reimbursement as legal expenses. He is the ...

  21. Where does the title Dr come from for PhD?

    It seems that the real question should be "why the title of doctor seems to be now more associated to medical sciences than other fields". Doctor comes from doctum, that is a derivative of docere, Latin verb for "teaching". The first doctors in the very first universities studied in four faculties: arts, medical sciences, law and theology.

  22. Essential Tips for Starting Your PhD Journey: 5 Must-Know Points

    Ensuring financial stability throughout your time is crucial as you will be dedicating a duration of your time solely to research. Look for fellowships available before starting your PhD, and other TA (training assistant) programmes offered by your institution. If your PhD programme exceeds five years, inquire about the additional support ...

  23. Trump guilty verdict recap: What happens now? Can he still run?

    In a verdict that shook the 2024 presidential campaign, former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in his New York criminal hush money trial.He was convicted of falsifying ...

  24. What's my professional title while working full time on my PhD?

    You could also use language like "PhD (in progress)" or "PhD (expected completion 20xx)". You might be a "PhD candidate" but defer to your institution's rules as to if and when they consider you to have that status. Your occupation is just a word to describe the field you are in and the type of work you do. So you could list "biologist ...

  25. Trump Uses Guilty Verdict in Campaign Fundraising Appeal to Donors

    Donald Trump is seeking to spin his criminal conviction into gold with an appeal to donors to contribute money to his newly embattled presidential campaign.

  26. titles

    9. The title would likely be "Mr." / "Mrs." / "Ms.". There is no prepended academic title that means "will likely have a doctorate at some point". In other news, a PhD student is probably not a good reference in the first place. You should look for somebody who has been in the game a bit longer and provide a reference that more plausibly ...