Speech dispatcher

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Speech Dispatcher is a device independent layer for speech synthesis that provides a common easy to use interface for both client applications (programs that want to speak) and for software synthesizers (programs actually able to convert text to speech).

It is a part of the Free(b)soft project, which is intended to allow blind and visually impaired people to work with computer and Internet based on free software.


Install the speech-dispatcher package. If you wish to allow Festival to interact with it then you should also install festival-freebsoft-utils AUR as well.

Pied (which can be installed via Flatpak ) uses Piper (a neural text to speech system) as a speech dispatcher. Pied is a great alternative if Festival seems too robotic.


The main configuration file is located at /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf however speech-dispatcher is usually run on a per user basis to allow for multiple users to have differing preferences. User configuration files are stored at ~/.config/speech-dispatcher/ . There is also support to allow different speech synthesis engine clients to have their own configurations too.

Use the included spd-conf tool to change configuration options. By default it will run in interactive mode and ask you a series of questions in order to generate the type of file you require. It is recommended that you create a per user configuration unless you are absolutely sure you will be the only user. Altering the system configuration requires root permissions.

Basic configuration

To use interactive mode and answer questions about what you need run the following:

To create a per user configuration run the following:

To edit the system wide configuration file run the following:

Festival specific

If you intend to use Festival as your speech synthesis engine then you should also do the following:

Find and uncomment (by removing the # from in front of it) the line:

Then save the file.

Using speech-dispatcher directly is not a common scenario as its intended to provide an access layer to other speech synthesis engines, that said you can interact with it directly by using the included spd-say binary as follows:


Speech-dispatcher writes very little to the system journal, however it does write useful information to its own logs. You can find the location of these in the output of this command:

Spd-conf tests

spd-conf contains a routine to test the operation of speech-dispatcher, you can run it with the following command:

Or use the following to get a very verbose log dump:

Other tests are available, for example testing Alsa , PulseAudio and Festival , to see a full list of available options run the following:

Most of the available tests will run as part of the test routine.

Speech-dispatcher fails to start

The tests above won't work if speech-dispatcher fails to start. If you want more information than is in the logs you can attempt to start the server like this:

This will output information about the startup process to the terminal.

Using TTS causes the dummy output module to speak an error message

This happens when speech dispatcher cannot connect to the speech synthesis engine. If you are using Festival then it needs to be running as a server, this can be achieved with the following command:

  • Online project documentation
  • Project Homepage - https://freebsoft.org/speechd
  • Project Github page - https://github.com/brailcom/speechd
  • Project documentation page (html source code) - https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/blob/master/doc/speech-dispatcher.html
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Original author(s)Brailcom
Developer(s)Samuel Thibault
Initial release2002; 22 years ago (2002)
Stable release  (2020-08-09)
Operating systemSystemD/Linux
TypeSystem dameon


Speech-dispatcher is a system daemon that allows programs to use one of the installed speech synthesizer programs to produce audio from text input as long as it has a special module or a configuration file for the speech synthesizer programs you want to use. It sits a a layer between programs that would like to turn text into speech and programs who actually do that.

  • 1 Features And Usability
  • 2.1 Custom "modules"

Features And Usability [ edit ]

Speech dispatcher can't be used for much on its own. It is meant to be called from programs like KMouth when they need text to speech functionality. You will generally not have to interact with it on your own. You may, from time to time, notice that it has magically appeared in the process list. That's a result of some program asking it to provide text-to-speech functionality.

There is a separate package you can install called speech-dispatcher-utils which contains a tool called spd-say . That tool can be used to make your computer spd-say whatever in a terminal. That program is useful if you want to record some computer-generated statement or test a new speech-dispatcher configuration. It is not generally very useful.

Configuration [ edit ]

Speech-dispatcher can be configured using the configuration file /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf and "module" specific configuration files in /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ .

Speech-dispatcher supports the following free software text to speech solutions out-of-the-box:

  • flite (festival "light")

It does come with additional modules for non-free text to speech software.

The text to speech program it uses is selected by the DefaultModule setting:

There is also a "generic" module available. This "generic" module can be used to create custom "modules" (=configuration files) for any text to speech software, like mimic , which is not supported by a speech-dispatcher C module.

Custom "modules" [ edit ]

Custom module configuration files need nothing more than a GenericExecuteSynth variable with a executable and a command line and a GenericCmdDependency option pointing to the binary.

All you need to make mimic work with speech-dispatcher is:

And a line in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf that says:

You may want to make your custom module slightly more advanced. Generic module configuration files support choosing voices the underlying speech synthesis program supports. Making a module support voices is a matter of adding voices with AddVoice statements and passing a $VOICE variable to the speech engine.

The default voice is set in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf using a DefaultVoiceType statement. Having a DefaultVoiceType statement in a module configuration file makes no difference.

Running the spd-say -L when those AddVoice statements are present makes it list the voices as available:

The voices spd-say know about can be used by using the -t argument and the variant name in lowcase :

Will pass awb on to mimic using the $VOICE variable.

You will want to use the $LANGUAGE variable if you make a speech-dispatcher module for some back-end with language-specific voices.

See also [ edit ]

  • Text to Speech synthesis software

Links [ edit ]

  • Speech Dispatcher documentation

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Speech Dispatcher 0.11.5

speech dispatcher

This is the Speech Dispatcher project (speech-dispatcher). It is a part of the Free(b)soft project, which is intended to allow blind and visually impaired people to work with computer and Internet based on free software. Speech Dispatcher project provides a high-level device independent layer for access to speech synthesis through a simple, stable and well documented interface.


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Manual page for speech-dispatcher 0.9.1.

speech-dispatcher [-{d|s}] [-l {1|2|3|4|5}] [-c com_method] [-S socket_path] [-p port] [-t timeout] | [-v] | [-h]


Speech Dispatcher -- Common interface for Speech Synthesis (GNU GPL)

-d, --run-daemon Run as a daemon -s, --run-single Run as single application -a, --spawn Start only if autospawn is not disabled -l, --log-level Set log level (between 1 and 5) -L, --log-dir Set path to logging -c, --communication-method Communication method to use ('unix_socket' or 'inet_socket') -S, --socket-path Socket path to use for 'unix_socket' method (filesystem path or 'default') -p, --port Specify a port number for 'inet_socket' method -t, --timeout Set time in seconds for the server to wait before it shuts down, if it has no clients connected -P, --pid-file Set path to pid file -C, --config-dir Set path to configuration -m, --module-dir Set path to modules -v, --version Report version of this program -D, --debug Output debugging information into $TMPDIR/speechd-debug if TM‐ PDIR is exported, otherwise to /tmp/speechd-debug -h, --help Print this info Please report bugs to [email protected]

Copyright © 2002-2012 Brailcom, o.p.s. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more details.

The full documentation for speech-dispatcher is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and speech-dispatcher programs are properly in‐ stalled at your site, the command info speech-dispatcher should give you access to the complete manual.

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How do I get voices on arch linux?

I have speech-dispatcher installed and running on arch Linux

chovy's user avatar

  • Try to add packages: speech-dispatcher-audio-plugins , speech-dispatcher-espeak , speech-dispatcher-espeak-ng , speech-dispatcher-festival if it won't help, add then: festival , mbrola , espeak-data , espeak-ng –  Alex Nov 16, 2021 at 9:37
  • now nothing works :( –  chovy Nov 16, 2021 at 12:02
  • Argh... not good, did you read this ? –  Alex Nov 16, 2021 at 13:03
  • 1 You need to install espeakup . ( source ). (Note that I previously posted this as an answer but it was deleted because @mokubai mistakenly thought the solution would be found on the linked page. It is not. The solution IS : install espeakup . That's it. This will solve this question. Please undelete my answer.) –  phil294 Oct 29, 2022 at 16:36
  • That worked! Thank you! –  chovy Oct 30, 2022 at 2:23

yay -S espeakup

It asked me if I wanted to uninstall espeak-ng I said yes, but it appeared to re-install it anyway.

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Neural Text to speech model that is a perfect voice for a home assistant, audiobooks or for screen readers on Linux, Mac and Windows. A faster than real time Text-to-speech model that is heavily inspired by the original Ivona Amy voices that runs on any and all platforms thanks to Piper text-to-speech.


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Amy text-to-speech.

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Amy TTS is a text-to-speech engine that runs using minimal CPU power but doesnt sacrifice on quality Amy can easily run on a raspberry Pi and the steam deck with faster than real time speech generation.

Amy text-to-speech engine that can be used as a Speech-Dispatcher module, as a command line tool to turn text into speech, or as a simple GUI interface to write and listen to text. Its great for using with bash scripts, accessibility, listening to articles or turning text into an audiobook.

  • a voice that is smooth and comfortable to listen to
  • faster than real time speech generation
  • a simple and easy to use GUI
  • an extensive Command line application


  • Navigate to this Github page on a browser of your choice.
  • Download the installer file . (If using firefox, it will be named amy_installer.desktop.download . Rename it to amy_installer.desktop before running it)
  • Drag the file onto your desktop and double click it to run it.
  • Open the Return to Gaming Mode shortcut on your desktop.
  • There is also a fast install for those who can use Konsole. Run curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sweetbbak/moe-amy-tts/main/gui/user_install_script.sh | sh

Piper-TTS Decky-Loader

Introducing an exceptional Text-to-Speech solution that combines outstanding sound quality, remarkable speed, low resource consumption, and extensive compatibility, accompanied by a collection of pre-trained voices designed for maximum listening comfort. This repository provides a comprehensive set of tools seamlessly adaptable to any purpose or workflow, prioritizing user-friendly integration above all else.

Use cases for Amy TTS:

  • A home assistant
  • Integration with an AI model like Vicuna or ChatGPT
  • Creating and reading audiobooks
  • Reading articles and online content at a fast speed

speech dispatcher

Quickstart / Install

You can use alsa-utils to get "aplay" or install pulseaudio for "pacat" you need a tool that can play raw audio, 22050hz, 16bit little endian.


  • Alsa / aplay or Pulseaudio / pacat (optional but necessary for playing directly to speakers)

Piper Installation

huge thanks to piper-tts

For a LONG time text to speech on Linux was a complete dissapointment. Accessibility tools tend to lag behind when it comes to Linux and it's quite sad. On top of that, AI seemed promising but it was largely overkill and far too slow to be practical for use with real world text-to-speech use cases... The existing TTS solutions were far too outdated and sounded like they came from an 80s or 90s movie. Even then some great software was created (like IVONA's amy tts for windows and android). They held the throne for the best TTS software from 2009 to almost now.

They used what is known as Concatenative speech synthesis where you would turn a sentence (or utterance) into a string of phonemes and pull from a database of wav file using some AI-like decision tree logic to string together phonemes into spoken sound via wav files. Unfortunately this software is dying after being sold to Amaz*n. The Android version isn't even supported on the Pixel 7 anymore and the Windows version is from the XP era...

Piper uses an AI approach alongside a similar approach as this software. It results in a low overhead, high quality and faster than real time synthesis (meaning that the output wav file is being created faster than the length/play time of the output wav file). So an utterance that will result in a 1 minute wav file is being encoded and created in less than 1 minute. (generally 1.5x faster in my experience).

It truly amazed me. It was refreshing after digging through every TTS software solution and every AI tts project for over a year. I have to give huge props to the people who put work into that project. We can finally say that TTS on Linux is no longer a joke.

Speech Dispatcher

Amy/Piper-tts works wonderfully well as a speech dispatcher module. All you need to do is add the file in the speech-dispatcher folder "piper-generic.conf" to /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/piper-generic.conf and then append this to the file in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf:

and restart speech-dispatcher using:

  • add a flatpak
  • add a cross platform binary
  • add the ability to easily generate wav files
  • Improve integration into the desktop
  • make sure everything Just Works (tm)
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  • Shell 17.9%

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Device independent layer for speech synthesis

The goal of Speech Dispatcher project is to provide a high-level device independent layer for speech synthesis through a simple, stable and well documented interface. What is a very high level GUI library to graphics, Speech Dispatcher is to speech synthesis. The application neither needs to talk to the devices directly nor to handle concurrent access, sound output and other tricky aspects of the speech subsystem.


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speech-dispatcher voice configuration problems with festival

I finally got Festival working with the US HTS voices: cmu_us_awb_cg , cmu_us_jmk_cg , cmu_us_slt_cg , cmu_us_bdl_cg , cmu_us_clb_cg , cmu_us_rms_cg .

I manually configured festival.scm to use bdl voice:

It's now working fine both from within interactive festival and when server is running ( festival --server ):

I then configured speech-dispatcher, it failed to properly configure itself via spd-conf , but I manually fixed the configuration file speechd . To sum it up:

Now ALSA test is working fine (producing sound). However, when I send a text to speech-dispatcher :

...the festival server goes crazy, like it was unsuccessfully trying each and every voice it can think of:

So, festival is working, connection to ALSA is working, speech-dispatcher is sending something to the festival, but it's somehow broken, possibly wrong voice settings.

There is also a configuration file for festival module within /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ folder, festival.conf , but it's virtually empty (with a lot of commented text) and it does not mention anything about voices set by speech-dispatcher when calling the Festival . It's a place I would assume one can set that, especially because a comment in speechd.conf :

The DefaultVoiceType controls which voice type should be used by default. Voice types are symbolic names which map to particular voices provided by the synthesizer according to the output module configuration. Please see the synthesizer-specific configuration in etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ to see which voices are assigned to different symbolic names. The following symbolic names are currently supported: MALE1, MALE2, MALE3, FEMALE1, FEMALE2, FEMALE3, CHILD_MALE, CHILD_FEMALE # DefaultVoiceType "MALE1"

I also tried to increase heap size up to 50M (as per some posts in other discussions), but it doesn't help:

I get the same strange errors. Any suggestions appreciated.

  • text-to-speech
  • speech-dispatcher

Oak_3260548's user avatar

2 Answers 2

To solve this issue need to define (proclaim_voice in scm file. please refer below steps:

  • go to festival/voices folder
  • open: vim us/cmu_us_clb_arctic_clunits/festvox/cmu_us_clb_arctic_clunits.scm #<--voice clunits.scm
  • Go to bottom of file add line before (provide 'cmu_us_clb_arctic_clunits)
  • Add below content (update language, gender, dialect as needed). Update, save and quit. (proclaim_voice 'cmu_us_clb_arctic_clunits '((language english) (gender female) (dialect american) (description "This voice provides an American English male voice using a residual excited LPC diphone synthesis method. It uses the CMU Lexicon pronunciations. Prosodic phrasing is provided by a statistically trained model using part of speech and local distribution of breaks. Intonation is provided by a CART tree predicting ToBI accents and an F0 contour generated from a model trained from natural speech. The duration model is also trained from data using a CART tree.")))
  • After /usr/bin/festival --server the error should be gone

You could also run spd-say -L to show the details.

If need to update default festival voice:

  • Edit /etc/festival.scm to add (set! voice_default 'voice_<You prefered Voice name>)
  • restart festival server or reboot ubuntu. The default voice will be changed to new one via spd-say command or from Firefox.

AdminBee's user avatar

  • Thank you Heng, looks like a solution, I'll test (within a week or so) it and report back. I was recently working with a different component that did not have a TTS solution for Linux, so we agreed with the devolper that I'd write a little "speech-dispatcher" for MaryTTS. I did that, but the developer seem to cease working on the project... Anyhow, I'll try to follow your steps to make the original component work with spd and Festival as you suggested. –  Oak_3260548 Mar 12, 2021 at 11:25
  • /etc/festival.scm this file doesn't exist on manjaro –  chovy Nov 12, 2021 at 4:35
  • what is <You preferred voice name> ? I have no idea what to put there. Can you please give examples for English? –  chovy Nov 12, 2021 at 4:38

The problem could be because speech-dispatcher is not accepting festival's default voice, instead, it tries to use its own settings.

Try uncommenting and changing the DefaultVoiceType to something like:

DefaultVoiceType "FEMALE1"

I'd also do some testing using different programs, like Firefox's reader mode (ALT+CTRL+R) and see if you get any of the listed voices working.

cronulis's user avatar

  • Thank you for your suggestion, I'll have a look at it once again and report back. –  Oak_3260548 Nov 13, 2020 at 15:30
  • what file do you add this to? –  chovy Nov 12, 2021 at 4:37

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speech dispatcher

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see also : spd-say

speech-dispatcher [ -{d|s} ] [ -l {1|2|3|4|5} ] [ -c com_method ] [ -S socket_path ] [ -p port ] | [ -v ] | [ -h ]

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speech-dispatcher is a server process that is responsible for transforming requests for text-to-speech output into actual speech hearable in the speakers. It arbitrates concurrent speech requests based on message priorities, and abstracts different speech synthesizers. Client programs, like screen readers or navigation software, send speech requests to speech-dispatcher using TCP protocol (with the help of client libraries). speech-dispatcher is usually started automatically by client libraries (i.e. autospawn), so you only need to run it manually if testing/debugging, or when in other explicit need for a special setup.

-d, --run-daemon

Run as a daemon

-s, --run-single

Run as single application

-a, --spawn

Start only if autospawn is not disabled

-l, --log-level

Set log level (1..5)

-c, --communication-method

Communication method to use (unix_socket or inet_socket) -S, --socket-path Socket path to use for ’unix_socket’ method (filesystem path or ’default’)

Specify a port number for ’inet_socket’ method

-P, --pid-file

Set path to pid file

-C, --config-dir

Set path to configuration

-v, --version

Report version of this program

-D, --debug

Output debugging information into /tmp/.speech-dispatcher

Print this info

Please report bugs to <speechd-bugs[:at:]freebsoft[:dot:]org>

The full documentation for speech-dispatcher is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and speech-dispatcher programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info speech-dispatcher

should give you access to the complete manual.

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How to use Web Speech API at chromium?

How to use SpeechSynthesisUtterance() and window.speechSynthesis.speak() at chromium browser?

yields no output at system speakers.

Issues with the API have bee noted The HTML5 SpeechSynthesis API is rubbish ;

logs an empty array for voices identifier; and only chrome not chromium purportedly support Web Speech API Specification , the Web Speech API Demonstration sets value of html element at demonstration to utterance voiced when microphone is enabled at page.

At least some of the JavaScript relating to the functionality is apparently

attributed to authors of the document.

Though not certain how this affects the usage of SpeechSynthesisUtterance() and window.speechSynthesis.speak() ?

How to load voices to populate window.speechSynthesis.getVoices() ?

How does the linked demonstration document implement the functionality to transcribe voice to text?

What are the workarounds necessary to use the Web Speech API at chromium browser?

Specifically, how to transcribe voice to text and convert text to audio output?

  • webspeech-api

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  • Related Web speech api not working currently in chromium / electron / nw js? , generate audio file with W3C Web Speech API –  guest271314 Jun 3, 2017 at 14:16
  • SpeechSynthesisUtterance and speak() works fine in chromium windows7. getVoices() returns empty array before speak(). But if i try speak() and then getVoices() it returns the voices. Version 61.0.3125.0 (Developer Build) (32-bit) –  karthick Jun 9, 2017 at 16:29
  • @karthick Currently trying at chromium 58 at *nix 32-bit. Can you create a plnkr plnkr.co to demonstrate the pattern that you are describing? –  guest271314 Jun 9, 2017 at 16:56
  • Here is a codepen codepen.io/pen/OgMEgK . voices array will be empty initially. But after speechSyntesis.speak(), it returns the options –  karthick Jun 9, 2017 at 17:14
  • maybe its OS specific –  karthick Jun 9, 2017 at 17:25

2 Answers 2

Install espeak using package manager

Launch Chromium with --enable-speech-dispatcher flag

  • 4 Does it really work for you? It does not for me and when chromium starts it complains because --enable-speech-dispatcher Unsupported flag has been used –  Ömer Faruk Almalı Jan 28, 2019 at 10:10
  • @ÖmerFarukAlmalı At what versions of Chromium/Chrome and which OS's have you tried Web Speech API? Are espeak or espeak-ng and speechd installed? –  guest271314 Jan 30, 2019 at 6:13
  • 4 Latest Chromium (81.4044.129), installed 'espeak' as proposed and started with command line ... not working for me (on Ubuntu 18.04.4, Linux 4.15.0). –  Jeach May 4, 2020 at 22:07
  • Though I'm a Firefox user, this gave me a hint. Installing espeak-ng and speech-dispacher , creating and editing the configuration file according to this discussion and finally rebooting made my Firefox work correctly with SpeechSynthesis class. However, still it doesn't work on Chromium. Tested under Arch Linux. –  ynn May 29, 2020 at 11:18
  • 1 It worked on chromium 90.0.4430.93 (arch), installed espeak, espeak-ng, speech-dispatcher , launched chrome with chromium --enable-speech-dispatcher . First launch will have "unsupported flag, stability will be impacted" message thing but it worked anyway –  Kristian May 10, 2021 at 2:29
  • I recently tried to wrap my app which uses SpeechSynthesis with NWjs.

Properly works on Mac (mac os has voices by default).

As NWjs uses Chromium as a browser engine this proves that SpeechSynthesis works.

IMHO, the only difference between Chrome and Chromium that Chromium does not have Google voices and therefore will not work on the machine without voices installed.

Yuriy N.'s user avatar

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  • »  [SOLVED]The speech-dispatcher can't find output module

#1 2022-02-02 05:55:03

[solved]the speech-dispatcher can't find output module.

speechd always uses dummy output module and can't find installed external output module.

Content of /run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/log/speech-dispatcher.log:

Content of /run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/log/speech-dispatcher.log without comment:

Both festival and espeak-ng can speak when executed independently

Last edited by xeromycota (2022-02-02 11:52:28)

#2 2022-02-02 11:52:03

Re: [solved]the speech-dispatcher can't find output module.

I managed to fix this with festival output module. 1. Install festival-freebsoft-utils 2. Run `festival --server`to start festival server 3. Run `spd-conf` and configure speech-dispatcher to work with festival 4. Run `spd-say hello` to test t;he result

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How To Install speech-dispatcher on Ubuntu 22.04


In this tutorial we learn how to install speech-dispatcher on Ubuntu 22.04.

What is speech-dispatcher

Speech Dispatcher provides a device independent layer for speech synthesis. It supports various software and hardware speech synthesizers as backends and provides a generic layer for synthesizing speech and playing back PCM data via those different backends to applications.

Various high level concepts like enqueueing vs. interrupting speech and application specific user configurations are implemented in a device independent way, therefore freeing the application programmer from having to yet again reinvent the wheel.

This package contains Speech Dispatcher itself.

Install speech-dispatcher Using apt-get

Update apt database with apt-get using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install speech-dispatcher using apt-get by running the following command:

Install speech-dispatcher Using apt

After updating apt database, We can install speech-dispatcher using apt by running the following command:

Install speech-dispatcher Using aptitude

If you want to follow this method, you might need to install aptitude first since aptitude is usually not installed by default on Ubuntu. Update apt database with aptitude using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install speech-dispatcher using aptitude by running the following command:

How To Uninstall speech-dispatcher on Ubuntu 22.04

To uninstall only the speech-dispatcher package we can use the following command:

Uninstall speech-dispatcher And Its Dependencies

Remove speech-dispatcher configurations and data.

To remove speech-dispatcher configuration and data from Ubuntu 22.04 we can use the following command:

Remove speech-dispatcher configuration, data, and all of its dependencies

We can use the following command to remove speech-dispatcher configurations, data and all of its dependencies, we can use the following command:

In this tutorial we learn how to install speech-dispatcher package on Ubuntu 22.04 using different package management tools: apt , apt-get and aptitude .

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Netanyahu gets his formal invitation to speak to Congress

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WASHINGTON – The four top Congressional leaders formally invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday to speak to a joint session of Congress.

"We join the State of Israel in your struggle against terror, especially as Hamas continues to hold American and Israeli citizens captive and its leaders jeopardize regional stability," House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries said in the invitation.

They wrote that both Israel and the U.S. face "existential challenges," including a growing partnership between Iran, Russia and China.

"To build on our enduring relationship and to highlight America's solidarity with Israel, we invite you to share the Israeli government's vision for defending democracy, combatting terror, and establishing a just and lasting peace in the region."

Johnson said last week that he expects Netanyahu to speak to Congress "soon," and news outlets have reported it is likely to be scheduled sometime this summer. It will be Netanyahu's fourth time addressing a joint session of Congress.

Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in American history, has repeatedly said he supported inviting Netanyahu to speak but didn't sign the letter for weeks , saying the leaders were working out the timing.

Schumer has been critical of Netanyahu's approach to Israel's war against Hamas even as he maintains support for Israel overall. In March, he  called for new elections  to be held in Israel to replace Netanyahu and "to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel."

The war has created a rift in the Democratic Party, as Congress' progressive members become increasingly frustrated with the administration and with leadership's support for Netanyahu's bombing campaign in the Gaza strip, which has exceeded 35,000 people according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Israel began attacking Hamas in Gaza after an Oct. 7 attack in Israel, in which around 1,200 Israelis were killed and around 240 hostages were taken.

Congress approved a $95 billion foreign aid bill earlier this year that included $26 billion for Israel and humanitarian aid, including in Gaza.

Why was Trump talking about sharks at a campaign event?

speech dispatcher

Trouble with his teleprompter forced former President Donald Trump to go off script on Sunday, leading to a rant about his active dislike for sharks during a campaign event in sweltering heat that sent six to the hospital in Nevada.

In a wide-ranging speech to 6,900 Silver State voters two days before the primary election, the presumptive Republican nominee announced a new plan to end taxes on tips . Trump criticized the company hired to help organize the event as he struggled with his teleprompter and brought up allegations he hasn't paid those who worked for him in the past, saying, "I don't pay contractors that do a s--- job."

While his teleprompter was down, Trump, who frequently rails against renewable energy , described meeting with a boat manufacturer in South Carolina. His concern that electric boats' weight could make them prone to sinking led him to several tangents, including one about sharks.

More: Shark attacks in Florida, Hawaii lead to closed beaches, hospitalizations: What to know

"It must be because of M.I.T., my relationship with M.I.T., very smart. I say, 'What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there?" Trump said. "By the way, lot of shark attacks lately. Did you notice that?"

Trump: It must be because of my relationship with M.I.T., very smart, I say, what would happen if the boat sank, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater…. Do I get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark? pic.twitter.com/zAUkDoOBD3 — Acyn (@Acyn) June 9, 2024

He described asking the boat manufacturer if, in the hypothetical scenario, he should get electrocuted or jump near the shark.

"I'll take electrocution every single time," Trump said. "I'm not getting near the shark."

The former president's fear of sharks is well documented, and he went on a similar rant about them at a campaign stop in Iowa in October 2023.

Sharks are last on my list - other than perhaps the losers and haters of the World! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 4, 2013

Prep for the polls:   See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

Trump's comments on Sunday went viral, leading to widespread online ridicule and raising questions about his fitness for the Oval Office.

WHAT?! Trump just ranted about sharks, boats, batteries, and water in an incoherent rant. Trump’s brain is malfunctioning every day at this point. This is utter nonsense. Go ahead, try to make sense of any of this… pic.twitter.com/y1Ha6EeGr0 — Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) June 9, 2024
People are standing outside in hundred degree heat in Las Vegas to hear Trump babble on and on about sharks and batteries. He doesn’t talk about you, or what he’s going to do for you, or your future. It’s always about him, or meaningless nonsense. He’s a complete waste of time. pic.twitter.com/djdZ2YUHyI — Mike Sington (@MikeSington) June 9, 2024

Rachel Barber is a 2024 election fellow at USA TODAY, focusing on politics and education. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter, as @rachelbarber_

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Problem with speech dispatcher

I had some problems with shutdown/restarting Ubuntu 13.04. It used to hang in a black screen with some codes about speech dispatcher. I searched the web and found a solution:

Inside the file I changed the RUN property to yes, so the file started looking like this:

I did so, the problem was solved but it disabled my internal speaker and mic. It looks like I have to choose between proper shutdowns and working mic/speaker.

Is there any solution to have them both working?

Hardware: DELL Inspiron n5110

Distro: Ubuntu 13.04 64bit

Amir A's user avatar

  • solved by removing speech-dispatcher from start-up apps. –  Amir A May 10, 2013 at 2:09
  • @AmirA The AskUbuntu way of acknowledging an answer is to vote it up and mark as accepted. After which comments could be deleted. :) –  geezanansa May 14, 2013 at 0:16

4 Answers 4

You don't need to uninstall/remove the speech-dispatcher to achieve a proper shutdown. Just remove it from automatic start/stop at the time of system boot/shutdown.

Use the command:

karel's user avatar

Unless you need speech-dispatcher, you can just disable it. I installed Boot-up-manager:

..and then I disabled speech-dispatcher:

enter image description here

I had an issue with rebooting and would get errors about speech dispatcher and using BUM and disabling it worked but I don't think my built in mic works. I'm on a HP tc4200 with ubuntu 12.04 and loving it.

funkfrisk's user avatar

Open file /etc/default/speech-dispatcher on your favorite editor with sudo .

Example: sudo nano /etc/default/speech-dispatcher

Restart and you are ready.

Waldir Leoncio's user avatar

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  1. Speech dispatcher

    Speech dispatcher. Speech Dispatcher is a device independent layer for speech synthesis that provides a common easy to use interface for both client applications (programs that want to speak) and for software synthesizers (programs actually able to convert text to speech). It is a part of the Free (b)soft project, which is intended to allow ...

  2. brailcom/speechd: Common high-level interface to speech synthesis

    Speech Dispatcher project provides a high-level device independent layer for access to speech synthesis through a simple, stable and well documented interface. Documentation. Complete documentation may be found in doc directory: the speech dispatcher documentation: doc/speech-dispatcher.html, the spd-say documentation: doc/spd-say.html, and the ...

  3. Speech Dispatcher

    Speech Dispatcher is being developed in closed cooperation between the Brailcom company and external developers, both are equally important parts of the development team. The development team also accepts and processes contributions from other developers, for which we are always very thankful! See more details about our development model in ...

  4. sound

    speech-dispatcher is a server process that is responsible for trans‐. forming requests for text-to-speech output into actual speech hearable. in the speakers. It arbitrates concurrent speech requests based on mes‐. sage priorities, and abstracts different speech synthesizers. Client.

  5. How To Install speech-dispatcher on Ubuntu 20.04

    This package contains Speech Dispatcher itself. Task: ubuntu-desktop-minimal, ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, ubuntustudio-desktop, ubuntukylin-desktop, ubuntu-mate-core, ubuntu-mate-desktop, ubuntu-budgie-desktop. There are three methods to install speech-dispatcher on Ubuntu 20.04. We can use apt-get, apt and aptitude. In the following ...

  6. Speech-dispatcher

    Speech-dispatcher. Speech-dispatcher is a system daemon that allows programs to use one of the installed speech synthesizer programs to produce audio from text input as long as it has a special module or a configuration file for the speech synthesizer programs you want to use. It sits a a layer between programs that would like to turn text into ...

  7. Speech Dispatcher in Detail

    Speech Dispatcher in Detail. Key features: What is a very high level GUI library to graphics, Speech Dispatcher is to speech synthesis. The application neither needs to talk to the devices directly nor to handle concurrent access, sound output and other tricky aspects of the speech subsystem. Supported TTS engines:

  8. Speech Dispatcher

    Speech Dispatcher 0.11.5. This is the Speech Dispatcher project (speech-dispatcher). It is a part of the Free(b)soft project, which is intended to allow blind and visually impaired people to work with computer and Internet based on free software. Speech Dispatcher project provides a high-level device independent layer for access to speech ...

  9. Ubuntu Manpage: speech-dispatcher

    DESCRIPTION. speech-dispatcher is a server process that is responsible for transforming requests for. text-to-speech output into actual speech hearable in the speakers. It arbitrates. concurrent speech requests based on message priorities, and abstracts different speech. synthesizers. Client programs, like screen readers or navigation software ...

  10. speech-dispatcher man

    The full documentation for speech-dispatcher is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and speech-dispatcher programs are properly in‐ stalled at your site, the command info speech-dispatcher should give you access to the complete manual. COLLAPSE ALL. Copied to clipboard. All man pages are copyrighted by their respective authors. ...

  11. How do I get voices on arch linux?

    Try to add packages: speech-dispatcher-audio-plugins, speech-dispatcher-espeak, speech-dispatcher-espeak-ng, speech-dispatcher-festival if it won't help, add then: festival, mbrola, espeak-data, espeak-ng - Alex. Nov 16, 2021 at 9:37. now nothing works :(- chovy. Nov 16, 2021 at 12:02.

  12. Neural Text to speech model that is a perfect voice for a home

    Amy text-to-speech engine that can be used as a Speech-Dispatcher module, as a command line tool to turn text into speech, or as a simple GUI interface to write and listen to text. Its great for using with bash scripts, accessibility, listening to articles or turning text into an audiobook.

  13. openSUSE Software

    The goal of Speech Dispatcher project is to provide a high-level device independent layer for speech synthesis through a simple, stable and well documented interface. What is a very high level GUI library to graphics, Speech Dispatcher is to speech synthesis. The application neither needs to talk to the devices directly nor to handle concurrent ...

  14. speech-dispatcher voice configuration problems with festival

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  15. speech-dispatcher

    speech-dispatcher is a server process that is responsible for transforming requests for text-to-speech output into actual speech hearable in the speakers. It arbitrates concurrent speech requests based on message priorities, and abstracts different speech synthesizers.

  16. locale

    spd-say, which is provided by the speech-dispatcher meta package, is a front-end / client for speech-dispatcher i.e. the text-to-speech processing and synthesis including language support happens at the speech-dispatcher end not spd-say. speech-dispatcher on Ubuntu comes with around 8611 possible languages / variants / synthetic voices that are ...

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  18. [SOLVED]The speech-dispatcher can't find output module

    I managed to fix this with festival output module. 1. Install festival-freebsoft-utils. 2. Run `festival --server`to start festival server. 3. Run `spd-conf` and configure speech-dispatcher to work with festival. 4. Run `spd-say hello` to test t;he result.

  19. How To Install speech-dispatcher on Ubuntu 22.04

    speech-dispatcher is: Speech Dispatcher provides a device independent layer for speech synthesis. It supports various software and hardware speech synthesizers as backends and provides a generic layer for synthesizing speech and playing back PCM data via those different backends to applications.

  20. Israel leader Benjamin Netanyahu gets invite to ...

    0:04. 0:49. WASHINGTON - The four top Congressional leaders formally invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday to speak to a joint session of Congress. "We join the State of ...

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  22. text to speech

    There are various engines and voices available for speech-dispatcher, some of which can be installed via Ubuntu packages, e. g. speech-dispatcher-espeak-ng or speech-dispatcher-festival. There is limited support for selecting voices/languages from within the firefox reader GUI, but most settings have to be made on the OS side, which is speechd ...

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  25. sound

    # Defaults for the speech-dispatcher initscript, from speech-dispatcher # Set to yes to start system wide Speech Dispatcher RUN=yes I did so, the problem was solved but it disabled my internal speaker and mic. It looks like I have to choose between proper shutdowns and working mic/speaker.