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How do I find a Queen's thesis?

Answered By: Borrower Services McClay Library Last Updated: Aug 08, 2023     Views: 1052

If you're looking for a thesis by a Queen's student, you can search for it using the Library Catalogue.

Queen's theses are kept in the McClay Library store, and can be requested using either the Request buttons in the catalogue or the printed forms which are available from the McClay Enquiry Desks and Borrower Services Desks. Theses may not be borrowed.

To find a thesis, go to the Library homepage and use the Library Catalogue box to search for the thesis title, or type keywords to find all theses whose titles mention those words. Click  Submit .

Catalogue results will be displayed. To limit these to theses only, choose the  Queen's Thesis  format limit to the left of the results.

qub thesis format

Alternatively, you can use  Advanced Search in Classic  Catalogue  and limit your search to Material Type: Queen's Thesis.

Please note: it can take several weeks after submission for a Queen's thesis to appear on the Library Catalogue.

For more information on finding theses, particularly those by students at other universities, click the link below to visit our Theses LibGuide.

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Citing, referencing and reference management: Citing and referencing

Citing and referencing.

  • Reference management

This guide gives a brief introduction to citing and referencing. It also highlights useful tools which can help you manage references and save you time when formatting citations and creating bibliographies .

Please also check referencing requirements and guidance made available by your School. If you are not sure which citation style your School requires, check with your supervisor.

Cite Them Right Online

Cite Them Right Logo

Cite them right online is designed to help you reference print, electronic or performance sources accurately. The website has been developed from the book Cite them right : the essential referencing guide by Richard Pears and Graham Shields.

Overviews/guides to the following styles are available: APA 7th Harvard Chicago IEEE MHRA MLA (9th) OSCOLA Vancouver

Why does citing and referencing matter?

qub thesis format

When writing a piece of work, it is essential to give accurate references to all the sources you have used, so that:

  • readers will be able to find the originals easily
  • the breadth of your research will be evident
  • you will avoid the serious academic offence of plagiarism

Understanding and avoiding plagiarism

qub thesis format

For help with  understanding and avoiding plagiarism , check this brief video from QUB's Learning Development Service.

Cite Them Right

The book Cite Them Right is a useful guide, if you have questions about how to cite and reference print, electronic and performance sources correctly. Click on the link below to check availability of the book in the library.

Cover Art

Further information

Instructions for Authors in the Health Sciences  - The Mulford Health Science Library at the University of Toledo has gathered links to author pages for Health Science publications

OSCOLA (the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities) has been adopted by the Law School at Queen's for legal referencing

Most journal publishers include an 'instructions to authors' guide on their web pages. These usually include some information on the referencing system they prefer:

  • Wiley Author Resources
  • Elsevier's Author Hub
  • Springer: Information for journal article authors
  • Nature - Author Page
  • IEEE Author Center

Which referencing style should I use?

There are many different referencing styles to choose from, but two major styles are Harvard (or Author-Date System) and Vancouver (or Numeric System). These styles are outlined below.

Please note: individual Schools/Departments or journal publishers will often use a 'house-style' or variant of one of these systems. It is always advisable to check with your supervisor or editor about their preferred referencing style.

The easiest way to manage references is to use a  reference management service that will automatically format citations and bibliographies for you. A number of available services are outlined in the "Reference management" tab of this guide.

Harvard (Author-Date System)

In Harvard, the originator's name and year of publication of the cited document are given after each citation:

Predictability has been defined as the knowledge the person has about when and under what circumstances an event will occur (Miller, 1981).

References are arranged at the end of the text in alphabetical order, and also by year and letter, if necessary:

MILLER, S.M. (1981) Predictability and human stress: toward a clarification of evidence and theory. In: L. Berkowitz ed., Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 14, Academic Press, New York, pp.203-255.

For more information on using Harvard, click here (PDF).

Vancouver (Numeric System)

In Vancouver, numerals are used in the text (usually in parentheses) to refer to cited documents:

Adhesion to dentin is often promoted by acid pre-treatment [1]. The maintenance of conformation is important for facilitating the penetration of bonding materials [2].

References are listed at the end of the text in numerical order:

  • D.H. Pashley, B. Ciucchi, H. Sano and J.A. Horner, Permeability of dentin to adhesive agents. Quint Int 24 (1993), pp. 618 - 631.
  • N. Nakabayashi, Dentin bonding mechanisms. Quint Int 22 (1991), pp. 73 - 74.

For more information on using Vancouver, click here

Citing online resources

Citing books and print journal articles is usually straightforward. Citing electronic references can be trickier, but remember: the same basic style rules apply as when citing printed references. Click on the links in the Harvard and Vancouver boxes above for examples of references to electronic sources.

Quite often with electronic sources, basic elements of a reference may be missing (e.g. author, publication date). As guidance, the British Standard Information and documentation - Bibliographic reference - Part 2: Electronic documents or part thereof (BS ISO 690-2:1997) states that:

"Elements are required only if you have no reason to suspect that an article in an electronic version of a journal is different from the document itself or its accompanying material."

So, if you have no reason to suspect that an article in an electronic version of a journal is different from the printed version, then you can simply reference it as you would the printed version.

Help with referencing and citations

Need more help with referencing?

Learning Development Services offers workshops and one-to-one support for undergraduates.

Your subject librarian may also be able to help with referencing questions.  Please contact them directly, or ask at your nearest library enquiry desk.

  • Next: Reference management >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 15, 2024 11:39 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.qub.ac.uk/referencing

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  • Grad Studies

Thesis Formatting and Other Resources

All graduate theses or dissertations MUST conform to the minimum style and form requirements as detailed in the General Forms of Theses  (107 KB).

Please print this document for full details. The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs acknowledges that students write using a variety of word processors and editors. For this reason, SGSPA does not stipulate the use any particular authoring format in the creation of theses and dissertations.

Please note  – Queen’s has a new policy on copyright. See full details on " Copyright & your Thesis " on the Library website.

Thesis File Naming Convention

In order to successfully submit your thesis via the E-Thesis submission process, the final version of your thesis MUST be in PDF format and must be named using the following file naming convention: lastname_firstname_middleinitial_finalsubmissionyearmonth_degree.pdf

Example:  Smith_Lori_L_200710_PhD.pdf

Managing, Sharing, & Syncing Your Thesis Files

There are a number of tools available to help you manage your thesis files.  Use of these resources is optional:

Microsoft OneDrive for Business (OD4B)  is now available to all Queen's students, faculty, and staff. OneDrive for Business is a Queen's chosen solution for file storage and collaboration. It is a secure web-based cloud service (meaning you don't need to download anything onto your personal machine to use it) that can be accessed anytime, anywhere you have a network connection.

Use OD4B to manage and sync your thesis files and also to share them with the members of your Thesis Examining Committee (see below)

 To access OD4B visit: Log in and Activate your OneDrive for Business Account.

OD4B offers:

  • 5 terabyte per person - storage capacity
  • Easy permissions management for file sharing
  • Ability for multiple people to collaborate on the same document at the same time
  • Use OD4B to share files with your thesis examining committee, both Queen's and non-Queen's users
  • Ability to synchronize your files across multiple devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, phones)

Other Resources

  • Student Academic Success Services (SASS) SASS can assist students with the final planning and writing stages of their dissertations and theses, either in individual appointments or through writing and study groups.
  • How to Cite Sources Queen's University Library offers citation and style guides.
  • Guidelines for AI use in Graduate Research
  • Thesis Template from the SGSPA (resource is to be used as an example of how your thesis should be organized)

Questions about Thesis Formatting

Please contact: Rose M. Silva , Thesis Coordinator 613-533-6000 (extension 77313) School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs Queen's University Gordon Hall, Rm 425 Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 3N6

Thesis Writing Hub: Templates

  • Submission Process
  • Formatting Guidelines
  • Required Signed Forms
  • Planning your Research
  • Finding Resources
  • Citation Management

It is strongly recommended that you start using a template at the beginning of your writing process.

The templates are based on the Guidelines for formatting your Thesis in Microsoft Word . They have correct margins, line spacing and page numbering, appropriate formatting of the front pages (you only need to delete/replace the text in parenthesis and in italic) , chapter and section headings in acceptable formats, and heading and subheading styles.

The templates are to be used as they are, regardless of the referencing style chosen (APA, MLA, IEEE, etc…). You may follow the rules of the style in all aspects not mentioned in this file, such as formatting of tables, list of references and in-text citations, etc.

If you are working on your dissertation in partnership with another academic institution, kindly contact lib- [email protected] and check the PhD Cotutelle Template .

Main Templates (All Degrees & All Departments Except Education and Arabic)

                                       Template Option 1                                                                               Template Option 2 


                                         ABC Headings                                                                                            123 Headings

Department-Specific Templates

                                       Arabic Template                                                                    Department of Education Template                                             

               If thesis/dissertation's main language is Arabic                                        For use by students majoring in Education only

          (Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages)

Using LaTex (Optional)

qub thesis format

If you prefer writing your thesis/dissertation using LaTex instead of Word, use the THESIS/DISSERTATION LaTex Template on Overleaf .

For help with LaTex formatting, you may refer to the Overleaf Pro+ guide .

  • << Previous: Formatting Guidelines
  • Next: Required Signed Forms >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 3, 2024 3:52 PM
  • URL: https://aub.edu.lb.libguides.com/Thesis

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  2. Home

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    Instructions for Authors in the Health Sciences - The Mulford Health Science Library at the University of Toledo has gathered links to author pages for Health Science publications. OSCOLA (the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities) has been adopted by the Law School at Queen's for legal referencing. Most journal publishers include an 'instructions to authors' guide on their web pages.

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    • Distribution or reproduction of thesis content in any format is not permitted without the permission of the copyright holder • When citing this work, full bibliographic details should be supplied, including the author, title, awarding institution and date of thesis ... My colleagues and friends at QUB, Neil Coughlan, Ross Cuthbert, Paddy ...

  14. Thesis Formatting and Other Resources

    Thesis Formatting and Other Resources. All graduate theses or dissertations MUST conform to the minimum style and form requirements as detailed in the General Forms of Theses (107 KB). Please print this document for full details. The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs acknowledges that students write using a variety of word ...

  15. Thesis Writing Hub

    The templates are based on the Guidelines for formatting your Thesis in Microsoft Word. They have correct margins, line spacing and page numbering, appropriate formatting of the front pages (you only need to delete/replace the text in parenthesis and in italic), chapter and section headings in acceptable formats, and heading and subheading styles.

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    Qub Thesis Format, Email Follow Up Application Letter, SHORT ESSAY ON WHEAT, Physician Practice Consulting Business Plan, Resume Samples Limited Education, Higher Art Example Essay, Contoh Cover Letter Di Jobsdb Making a thesis is a stressful process. Do yourself a favor and save your worries for later.