University of Sydney International Scholarship

Funded by the University of Sydney and valued at up to $143,881 this scholarship provides a living-costs stipend to support outstanding international research students.

How to apply

The University of Sydney International Scholarship runs on the same assessment timeline as the Research Training Program.

  • If you wish to commence in Research Period 1 (1 January) or Research Period 2 (1 March),  you must submit your research degree application in September of the year prior.
  • If you wish to start in Research Period 3 (1 July) or Research Period 4 (1 October),  you must apply in December of the year prior. 

Please check the table below for exact dates.

Current students can apply here . Applications are open all year round – the deadlines mentioned here apply. 

Commencing students should select the checkbox to be considered for research scholarships when completing the admission application for your postgraduate research degree. A separate application is not required.

Application and award timeline

Submission deadlines.

The submission deadline refers to the date a student will need to meet, in order to be considered for an offer round.

New students can be considered for an RTP scholarship by completing the course application by the submission deadline. Current HDR students will need to submit a  separate application  by the submission deadline.

Current students must refer to the relevant submission deadline to be considered in the upcoming international offer round. For example, currently enrolled international students must submit their documents by 21 December 2023 to receive an outcome in February 2024.

If you are a prospective student and have elected to be considered for an RTP scholarship, as part of your application for admission, please ensure you submit and all mandatory documents by the submission deadline. For example, if you wish to receive an RTP scholarship outcome in February 2024 and are commencing in research period 1 or 2 2024, you will need to complete your submission by 21 December 2023. Any submission after 21 December 2023 may result your scholarship application being considered in the next international round in November 2024.

For 2024 awards, the scholarship is valued at $40,109 per annum. The scholarship assists with tuition fees and living costs.

Who's eligible

  • be a commencing or enrolled international student
  • have an outstanding record of academic achievement and research potential
  • have an unconditional offer of admission or be currently enrolled in a master's by research or PhD at the University of Sydney.

Terms and conditions

Stipend scholarship.


1. Applicants must be an international student at the time of award.

2. University of Sydney International Scholarship holders are expected to enrol in a full-time postgraduate research degree. The relevant Associate Dean (Research Education) may approve a part-time Scholarship* where the University is satisfied that there are special circumstances beyond the student’s control (for example medical conditions, financial hardship, carer’s responsibilities).

*A part-time scholarship may have tax implications and student should seek tax advice from registered tax agents. International students will only receive approval to study part-time if it is permitted under their visa.

3. Applicants must apply to be considered for RTP Scholarships at the time of their application for admission to their HDR Course and must submit the required supporting material in the manner specified on the Scholarships Office website. Applicants who have already commenced their HDR candidature must apply by completing the application form available through the Scholarships Office website.

4. The Scholarship may be held for up to 14 research periods (full time) for Research Doctorate studies, or for up to 7 research periods for Research Masters studies. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the award will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the award.

5. No extension is possible.

6. A student is expected to commence the Scholarship by the census date of their commencing intake, and during the year the Scholarship is awarded. If a student has commenced their studies, the Scholarship may commence immediately. Deferment of the Scholarship to next calendar year is not permitted.

7. A recipient may defer their Scholarship for up to one research period with the approval of:

a. their supervisor, and b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).

8. Stipends may be provided for the duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity (as stated in Clause 31 of this document) if:

a. the recipient already holds, and remains eligible for, a University of Sydney International Stipend Scholarship; b. no other income is received from these activities; and c. the maximum duration of the Scholarship has not been reached.

Stipend and Allowances

9. Holders of the Scholarship will receive a stipend of $40,109 per annum (2024 rate), indexed annually on 1 January.

10. Reimbursement of up to $420 for Masters candidates and up to $840 for Doctoral candidates will be made for eligible claims for direct costs of producing a thesis in accordance with the University’s thesis allowance claim information. The claim must be lodged with the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC - [email protected]) within one year of submission of the thesis and no more than two years after termination of the Scholarship. Costs associated with printing a thesis are not eligible as a printed thesis is no longer required for submission and examination.

11. Holders of the Scholarship may receive a concurrent award, scholarship or salary to undertake their research degree provided such award, scholarship or salary provides a benefit less than 75% of the Scholarship. The Scholarship will be terminated if this limit is exceeded. Salary for work unrelated to the student’s research is not subject to this limit.

Selection Criteria

12. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the basis of:

a. academic merit, b. research experience, c. availability of a high-quality research environment and resources to support the candidature, and d. availability of high qualify supervisory arrangements to support the candidature.

13. Preference may be given to applicants who:

a. identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person as per University of Sydney policy, b. have not previously received an Australian Government or University Scholarship to complete an HDR course at the same level, c. have not previously completed an HDR course at the same level of study.

14. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship by the Higher Degrees by Research Scholarships Sub-Committee (HDRSSC) on the recommendation of the Faculty.

15. The University of Sydney will notify applicants of the outcome of their RTP Scholarship application by email to the student’s University email address (for current students), or the preferred email address contained in the student’s application for admission.

Leave Arrangements

16. Holders of the Scholarship receive up to 20 working days recreation leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued. Any unused leave when the Scholarship is terminated or completed will be forfeited. Recreation leave does not attract a leave loading. The supervisor's agreement must be obtained before leave is taken.

17. Holders of the Scholarship may take up to 10 working days sick leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued over the tenure of the Scholarship. Students with carer responsibility may convert up to five days of their annual sick leave entitlement to carers leave on presentation of medical certificate/s. Students taking sick leave must inform their supervisor as soon as practicable.

18. Holders of the Scholarship may receive additional paid sick leave of up to a total of twelve weeks during their Scholarship for medically substantiated periods of illness where the student has insufficient sick leave entitlements available under Clause 17 above. Students applying for additional paid sick leave must do so at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of additional paid sick leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship.

19. Subject to relevant visa conditions, once holders of the Scholarship have completed twelve months of their award, they are entitled to a maximum of twelve weeks paid parental leave during the tenure of the Scholarship. Students applying for paid parental leave should do so at least four weeks prior leave commencement date. Periods of paid parental leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship. Holders of the Scholarship who have not completed twelve months of their award may access unpaid parental leave through the suspension provisions. When applying for parental leave, applicants should include at least one of the following documents:

a. letter from medical professional related to pregnancy, b. a surrogacy agreement, c. birth certificate of the child, d. adoption documents, or e. documentation that substantiates the application.

Research Overseas

20. Holders of the Scholarship may not normally conduct research overseas within the first six months of an award.

21. Holders of the Scholarship may conduct up to 12 months (18 months for students of Anthropology and other special cases) of their research outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the student's supervisor, and Head of Department/School, and will only be granted if the research is essential for completion of the degree. All periods of overseas research are cumulative and will be counted towards a student's candidature. Students must remain enrolled at the University and receive approval to Count Time Away.

Transfer between Research Masters and Research Doctorate degrees

22. Holders of the Scholarship may transfer from a Research Masters degree to a Research Doctorate degree or vice-versa provided such change in candidature is approved by the Faculty/University School. A transfer from Research Doctorate to Research Masters may result in termination of the Scholarship. Should the Scholarship holder be approved to retain the Scholarship, the maximum duration of the Scholarship becomes that for the new candidature.

Transfer to another University, Faculty, School or Supervisor

23. The Scholarships are not transferrable to another university. Should the holder of the Scholarship transfer to another faculty, school or supervisor within the University of Sydney, the duration of the Scholarship will not be extended.

24. Holders of the Scholarship may not apply to suspend their award within the first six months unless

a. permitted by a legislative provision; or b. approved by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education) on the basis of special circumstances^.

^Special circumstances include carer responsibilities or medical conditions and will generally be out of the recipient’s control. International students should check the terms and restrictions applicable to their visas before applying.

25. Subject to relevant visa conditions, after the first six months, holders of the Scholarship may apply for up to 12 months suspension for any reason during the tenure of their award. Periods of suspension are cumulative and failure to resume study after suspension will result in the award being terminated. Approval to suspend must be given by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education). Periods of study towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the Scholarship.

26. The Scholarship will be suspended during any period of suspension of studies. International students should check the terms and restrictions applicable to their visas before suspending.

27. Subject to relevant visa conditions, holders of the Scholarship are entitled up to an additional 12 month suspension (less any period of paid parental leave) following holders becoming a parent. The Scholarship holder should apply for suspension within four weeks of the expected date of becoming a parent.

28. Whenever a student suspends their studies the university must report the suspension to immigration authorities and the student may be obliged to return to their home country for the duration of the suspension. Therefore, if a student wishes to remain in Australia during a period of suspension of studies, they must contact the closest Australian immigration office within 28 days of the approval notice to seek approval to remain in Australia during the suspension.

Changes in Enrolment

29. Holders of the Scholarship must notify the supervisor and Higher Degree by Research Administration (HDRAC) within 10 business days of any planned changes to their enrolment including but not limited to: attendance pattern, suspension, leave of absence, withdrawal, course transfer, and candidature upgrade or downgrade by written notice. If the award holder does not provide notice of the changes identified above, the University may require repayment of any overpaid stipend.

30. Students who obtain Australian Permanent Residence status during the course of their enrolment at the University of Sydney (or prior to enrolment at the University) must notify Student Fees, Student Administration Services Office, and HDRAC immediately when their Australian Permanent Resident visa is issued. In this case, students must bring their passport to the Student Centre as soon as possible so that the University can adjust their residency status. Subject to satisfactory progress, students will be eligible to continue with the Scholarship.

Industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities

31. Holders of the Scholarship may undertake industry placements, research internships, and professional practice activities of up to six months’ duration that are approved as part of their HDR course by:

a. their supervisor; b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).


32. The University of Sydney contribution must be formally acknowledged when, at any time during or after completion of a relevant HDR course:

a. the recipient; b. the recipient’s supervisor; or c. any other party publishes or produces material (such as books, articles, newsletters or other literary or artistic works) relating to the recipient’s research project.

33. This requirement is met by including the following statement in any materials: “This research is supported by the University of Sydney International Stipend Scholarship.


34. The Scholarship will be terminated upon the Student’s: a. resignation or withdrawal from their degree, b. failure to enrol without approved leave or suspension, c. submission of their thesis or at the end of the award, whichever occurs first, d. acceptance of another scholarship that provides a stipend of higher value.

35. The Scholarship will also be terminated before clause 34 of this document if the University, after an enquiry, concludes that the Student has: a. not carried out the course of study with competence and diligence, or in accordance with their Scholarship offer, b. failed to maintain satisfactory progress, c. committed serious misconduct.

36. Stipend payment will be suspended throughout the duration of the enquiry/appeal process.

False or Misleading Information

37. The University of Sydney reserves the right to reassess a student’s Scholarship entitlements if it believes the student has provided false or misleading information to the university in relation to their application for admission or the Scholarship award.

38. The University recognises the right of any student to appeal to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher-Training) against any decision affecting the award or tenure of the Scholarship.

Tuition fee scholarship

1. The Candidate must be an international student, who has either obtained unconditional admission offer for, or has already enrolled in, their Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) commencing in 2023, at the University of Sydney “the University”.

2. The Candidate must have been awarded a stipend scholarship of $20,000 or above per annum on merit following a competitive process.

3. The Candidate must discuss their eligibility with their supervisor in order to be considered for the University of Sydney International Tuition Fees Scholarship, the “Scholarship”.

4. The Candidate must provide evidence to substantiate their eligibility upon request. Failure to do so may lead to ineligible for consideration.

5. The Candidate must not have consumed more than one research period of their candidature at the time of consideration.

6. The Scholarship may be awarded for up to 14 research periods (full time), or for the duration of their stipend scholarship, whichever will conclude first. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the Scholarship.

7. The Scholarship would commence from the research period and year stated in the offer letter.

8. The holder of the Scholarship, “the Student”, may defer their Scholarship for up to one research period, subject to the deferred research period is within the same year of the original offer, and with approval of:

a. their supervisor; and b. the Associate Dean (Research Education).

9. The Scholarship may be provided for a duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity (clause 26 of this document) if the maximum tenure of the Scholarship has not been reached.

10. The Scholarship provides 100% tuition fee after relevant census dates as a credit to the Student’s tuition fee liability account for a duration as per clause 6 of this document. The credit will only apply to tuition fee liability.

11. No other benefits are payable.

12. The Scholarship is awarded by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Training) on the recommendation from the Associate Dean (Research Education).

13. The Scholarship offer will be issued by email to the Student’s university email address.

14. The Student may be approved to receive up to a total of twelve weeks of extended sick leave for medically substantiated periods of illness. Application for extended sick leave must be submitted to Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC) at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of approved extended sick leave are accumulative and are added to the tenure of the Scholarship.

15. Once the Student has received the Scholarship for twelve months (full time equivalent), they are entitled to a maximum of twelve weeks of parental leave. Application for parental leave must be submitted to HDRAC at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of approved parental leave are accumulative and added to the tenure of the Scholarship. When applying for parental leave, the Student must provide at least one of the following documents:

a. letter from medical professional related to pregnancy, b. a surrogacy agreement, c. birth certificate of the child, d. adoption documents, or e. relevant documentation that substantiates the application.

16. If the Student who has not received the Scholarship for twelve months, they may access parental leave through the Suspension provisions of this document.

17. The Student may not normally conduct research overseas within the first six months of the Scholarship.

18. The Student may conduct up to 12 months (18 months for students of Anthropology and other special cases) of their research outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the Student's supervisor, and Head of Department/School, and will only be granted if the research is essential for completion of the degree. Approved periods of overseas research are cumulative and will be counted towards the Student's candidature. The Student must remain enrolled and have received approval to Count Time Away.

Transfer from Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to Master’s degree by Research

19. A transfer from a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree to Master’s degree by Research may result a termination of the Scholarship. Should the Student be approved to retain the scholarship, the maximum tenure of the Scholarship becomes that for the Master’s degree by Research.

20. The Scholarship is not transferrable to another university. Should the Student transfer to another faculty, school, or supervisor within the University, the tenure of the Scholarship will not be extended.

21. The Student may not apply to suspend their candidature within the first six months (full time equivalent) unless a. permitted by a legislative provision; or b. approved by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education) for extenuating circumstances^ ^extenuating circumstances include carer responsibilities or medical conditions that are generally out of the Student’s control. Approval is subject to the Student’s visa conditions.

22. After the first six months (full time equivalent), the Student may apply for up to 12 months suspension for any reason during the tenure of the Scholarship, subject to the Student’s visa conditions and prior approval from Associate Dean (Research Education). Application for suspension must be submitted to HDRAC. Periods of approved suspension are cumulative and will be added to the tenure of the Scholarship.

23. Whenever the Student suspends their studies the University must report their suspension to immigration authorities and the Student may be obliged to return to their home country for the duration of suspension. Therefore, if the Student wishes to remain in Australia during their period of approved suspension, they must contact the Australian immigration office, within 28 days of the University’s notice, to seek approval to remain in Australia during their suspension period.

24. The Student must notify the supervisor and HDRAC within 10 business days of any planned changes to their enrolment including but not limited to: attendance pattern, suspension, leave of absence, withdrawal, course transfer, and candidature transfer from Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to Master’s by Research in writing.

25. A Student who has been issued an Australian Permanent Residence visa during their studies, or prior to their enrolment, at the University must bring their passport to the Student Centre as soon as possible to adjust their residency status on their student’s records.

26. The Student may undertake industry placements, research internships, and professional practice activities up to six months that are approved as part of their course by: a. their supervisor, and b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).

27. The Scholarship will be terminated upon the Student’s: a. resignation or withdrawal from their PhD, b. failure to enrol without approved leave or suspension, c. submission of their thesis, d. acceptance of another scholarship provides tuition fee, e. residency status changes to be a domestic student as defined by Higher Education Support Act, or f. Scholarship’s maximum tenure has been reached.

28. The Scholarship will also be terminated before clause 27 (f) of this document if the University, after an enquiry, concludes that the Student has: a. not carried out the course of study with competence and diligence, or in accordance with their Scholarship offer, b. failed to maintain satisfactory progress, c. committed serious misconduct, or d. been deemed ineligible as per Eligibility of this document.

29. The University reserves the right to reassess a Student’s Scholarship’s entitlements if it believes the Student has provided false or misleading information in relation to their application for admission or the Scholarship.

30. The University recognises the right of Student to appeal to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Training) against any decision affecting their Scholarship.  

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Prospective students (domestic)

Prospective students (international)

Current students

Documents for applicants

  • Applicant information pack (pdf, 314KB)
  • HDR scholarship selection process (pdf, 129KB)
  • Research experience information and appendix guide (pdf, 411KB)
  • Research experience evidence template (pdf, 99KB)
  • Research Training Program Scholarships Policy (pdf, 390KB)
  • Scholarships

Graduate Research Scholarships


No application required. Check eligibility

Key scholarship details

Application status

Open for automatic consideration

Benefit amount

100% fee remission and up to $135,000

Eligible study level

Graduate research

Eligible student type

Domestic and international students

Eligible study stage

Future study, Current study

Benefit duration

One or more years

The Melbourne Research Scholarship and Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship are offered to high-achieving international and domestic students who are enrolling in a graduate research degree at the University of Melbourne.

Stipend and fee offset scholarships

  • Full fee offset for up to two years for students undertaking a Masters by Research degree or up to four years for students undertaking a doctoral degree.
  • Living allowance of $37,000 per year pro rata (2024 full-time study rate) for up to two years for students undertaking a Masters by Research degree or up to 3.5 years for students undertaking a doctoral degree. The living allowance may be indexed annually and includes limited paid sick, maternity and parenting leave.
  • Relocation grant of $2000 for students moving from States or Territories other than Victoria or $3000 for students moving from outside Australia.
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Single Membership for international students who require a student visa to study in Australia

Fee offset scholarships

For further information, see Manage my scholarship .

Eligibility and selection criteria


To be considered for this scholarship, you must:

  • have applied for and meet the requirements for a graduate research degree at the University of Melbourne, or
  • be currently enrolled in a graduate research degree at the University of Melbourne

Selection criteria

All domestic students who are offered admission to a Masters by Research or doctoral degree (PhD) at the University of Melbourne will receive a Research Training Program Scholarship (Fee Offset).

Graduate Research Scholarships that provide a stipend as well as fee offset are awarded to domestic and international students based on academic merit. Eligible applicants are scored and ranked according to their academic achievement of their last completed degree and their research potential in their field of study. Factors such as completion of a degree at the same level of the research course for which the scholarship is sought, relevant professional experience, refereed publications, specialist medical qualifications or composition of original music may be taken into consideration.

These scholarships are subject to the Graduate Research Scholarships Terms & Conditions (as amended).

Study level:

Student type:

Study stage type:

Need help understanding the process?

Application, how to apply.

If you are a new student and have applied for a graduate research course by the application closing date for that course, you will be automatically considered for the Graduate Research Scholarships. You will receive a notification that a scholarship application has been added to your record within ten business days of having submitted your course application.

If you have accepted a graduate research course offer and deferred commencement in order to be reconsidered for a scholarship, you must submit an online application form by 31 October to be considered for a scholarship in the following year. You will receive a notification that a scholarship application has been added to your record within ten business days of having submitted the online form.

If you are currently enrolled in a graduate research course for which you seek a scholarship, you must submit an online application form by 31 October to be considered for a scholarship in the following year. You will receive a notification that a scholarship application has been added to your record within ten business days of having submitted the online form.

When will I know the outcome?

Domestic students will receive an offer for Research Training Program Scholarship (Fee Offset) as part of their course offer.

Offers for Graduate Research Scholarships that provide a stipend and fee offset are made separately but around the same time course offers are made.

Melbourne Research Scholarships (MRS)

This scholarship is available to high-achieving domestic and international students undertaking a Masters by Research degree or doctoral degree.

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships

This scholarship is supported by the Australian Commonwealth Government and offered by the University of Melbourne to high-achieving domestic and international students undertaking a Masters by Research degree or Doctorate by Research degree. See also the University's RTP Scholarship Policy .

China Scholarship Council - University of Melbourne PhD Scholarship

This scholarship is provided by the China Scholarship Council and the University of Melbourne to promote international collaboration and is offered to citizens of the People's Republic of China wishing to undertake a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree at the University of Melbourne.

The information listed here is subject to change without notice. Where we have listed information about jointly run scholarships programs, please also see our partners' websites. Information describing the number and value of scholarships awarded is indicative.

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ANU PhD Scholarship


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About this scholarship

This is a stipend scholarship offered by ANU Colleges to Higher Degree by Research candidates. It is normal for recipients to undertake study on a full-time basis, however, in accordance with strict criteria, the scholarship can be awarded for part-time study for Domestic candidates only. International scholars must undertake study on a full-time basis.


Payments made fortnightly

Payments made for 3.5 years

Student types

Student levels

Selection bases

Ongoing eligibility

Extension duration

Field of study


These scholarships are available to potential and current students who:

  • are domestic or international students; and
  • have applied for admission to a PhD or Professional Doctorate by Research program; and
  • have a Bachelor degree with first-class honours (some Colleges may consider students with upper second-class honours), or a Master degree with a research component or equivalent from a recognised university.

Additional information

How to apply, reference documents, further information.

  • Scholarship for 3.5 years
  • Travel and removal allowances for students relocating to Canberra to commence their research program
  • Thesis allowance
  • Dependant Child allowance (International students only)
  • Paid medical and parental leave

No application is required specifically for this scholarship as all eligible candidates will be considered. Applications must be complete at the time of submission, including all supporting documentation and referee reports, in order to be considered in the scholarship ranking process.

Application Deadline

In order to be considered for an ANU PhD scholarship, in the main round of scholarship offers, applicants are required to apply for admission by the deadlines below. Once you have applied for the program, all eligible applicants will be automatically considered for the ANU PhD scholarship

Deadlines for scholarship rounds

  • ANU PhD Scholarship (1872023) (PDF, 223.4 KB)
  • Previous ANU PhD Scholarhsip (7372018) (PDF, 397.27 KB)
  • ANU PhD Scholarship conditions of award (International student) (PDF, 218.59 KB)
  • ANU PhD Scholarship conditions of award (Domestic student) (PDF, 138.55 KB)
  • ANU PhD Scholarship - Conditions of Award 2023 revisions (PDF, 188.69 KB)

Use contact details to request an alternative file format.

Applicants are also strongly encouraged to make contact with the relevant Graduate Studies Convener or a prospective supervisor, prior to lodging an application, to discuss the proposed research topic and related matters.

Contact us:

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Graduate School Scholarships (UQGSS) – includes Research Training Program (RTP)

About this scholarship.

These scholarships include a living stipend to support you as you complete a research project for your Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy or a research-focused professional doctorate at UQ.


You're eligible if you're:

  • nominated by an enrolling school or institute at UQ
  • assessed by the Graduate School as meeting all conditions for admission to the higher degree by research program.
  • not be receiving a living allowance award, or scholarship providing a benefit greater than 75% of the RTP Scholarship living allowance rate to undertake the higher degree by research program

How to apply

Before submitting an application you should follow the how-to-apply steps for either the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil) .

You apply for this scholarship when you submit an application for a PhD or an MPhil. You don't need to submit a separate scholarship application. In your application, under the 'Scholarship and Collaborative study' section: Select I would like to be considered for a UQ scholarship to cover a living allowance stipend and tuition fee expenses .

Application dates

To be considered for a scholarship, you need to apply by the relevant closing date for the research quarter you want to start in. We recommend you apply as early as possible after applications open.

  • Monday 1st April 2024 - Applications open .  Submit your application online .
  • ​Sunday 19th May 2024 - Applications close Apply on, or soon after the opening date to increase your chances of being considered for the scholarship round.
  • ​1st July 2024 - School/Institute shortlisting of applicants completed and applications sent for assessment.
  • Monday 30th September 2024 - Outcomes from this date (1 week period)
  • Friday 18th October 2024 - Acceptances due

RQ3 or RQ4, 2024 start - Domestic Applicants

This round is for domestic applicants and those onshore international students who have completed a program at UQ in Semester 1 2024. Applicants must be onshore at the time that offers are issued.

  • 19 February 2024 - Applications open .  Submit your application online .

If you have pending documentation, such as Honours or English tests, please still apply with information on when those results will be available. We will advise you if it is possible to consider your application in the round.

  • ​ 25 March 2024 - Applications close
  • Apply on, or soon after the opening date to increase your chances of being considered for the scholarship round.
  • ​29 April 2024 - School/Institute shortlisting of applicants completed and applications sent for assessment.
  • 17 June 2024 - Outcomes from this date (1 week period)
  • 28 June 2024 - Acceptances due
  • 28 June Current UQ students applying, who haven’t yet received their final results from their coursework programs, will receive offers from this date after results have been published
  • 12 July 2024 Current UQ students acceptances due

Selection criteria

We'll consider your application against the key areas in the  scholarship selection criteria matrix (DOCX, 26.12 KB) , which include:

  • your academic performance, evidence of research capability, quality of research project
  • the quality of your proposed research environment including resourcing
  • the quality of your proposed advisory team including record of successful supervision, appropriate advisory load, complementary expertise.

What happens next

We’ll email you to let you know the outcome of your application. If you're offered a scholarship, you’ll need to accept by the due date. If you’re a current UQ student, you won’t receive an email until after the final results from your coursework program have been published.

A domestic part-time student with carer’s responsibilities, a medical condition or a disability, which prevents them from studying full-time may be eligible for scholarship consideration, on a case-by-case basis. When applying to hold the living stipend scholarship part-time, please provide evidence of your carer’s responsibilities, medical condition or disability. Though not specifically requested by the portal, you may upload these under ‘Additional documents’.

UQ reserves the right to postpone or cancel scholarship rounds.

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Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Domestic Stipend Scholarship

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Scholarship Information

The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship provides a living allowance for high-quality research higher degree students. They are awarded on academic merit and research experience and/or potential. The RTP also includes a tuition fee off-set for all domestic Research Masters or PhD students. Please refer to the website for further information about the tuition fee off-set .

To be eligible for a RTP Stipend Scholarship, you must:

  • To be eligible for a RTP Stipend, RTP Fees Offset or RTP Allowance a student must be a domestic student or an overseas student enrolled in an accredited HDR course of study at an Australian HEP .
  • To be eligible for a RTP Stipend a student must not be receiving income from another source to support that student’s general living costs while undertaking their course of study if that income is greater than 75 per cent of that student’s RTP Stipend rate. Income unrelated to the student’s course of study or income received for the student’s course of study but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs is not to be taken into account.
  • To be eligible for a RTP Fees Offset a student must not be receiving an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth designed to offset HDR fees.

Exemption Request for Online/Part-Time Study:

UNE administered stipend scholarships are normally offered subject to enrolment as a full-time, on campus student for the duration of candidature. If you would like to apply for a scholarship but are unable to enrol as a full-time or on-campus student, you must apply for an exemption request. Please complete the Exemption Request Form and submit it with your scholarship application. The request will be reviewed by the Graduate Research Scholarships Committee alongside your scholarship application. Circumstances for consideration may include but are not limited to caring responsibilities, illness, disability, employment, industry engagement or required location of the research. Applicants must clearly demonstrate their willingness and capacity to establish effective supervisory support through access to regional study centres, regular visits to UNE or similar.

RTP Round Dates:

(Applications can only be accepted during Scholarship Round Dates)

Please note, scholarship applications will be accepted up-to, and including the closing round date. Any applications received after this point will need to reapply in the following round.

2024 Stipend Information:

AU$35,411 (2024) per annum tax-free for full-time students, paid in fortnightly instalments.

AU$17,705 (2024) per annum, taxable, for part-time students, paid in fortnightly instalments.

Three years and six months full-time for a doctoral degree, two years for a research Master's degree. The duration of an RTP stipend scholarship cannot be extended.

How to apply:

Applicants must meet UNE’s admission requirements for a PhD program. Please see the  entry requirements . Applicants must submit a candidature application if they wish to apply for a scholarship. For more information on submitting a candidature application please see our  how to apply/enrol webpage.

To apply for the scholarship please review the below guidelines and complete the application form:

  • Higher Degree Research Candidature and Scholarship Application Guideline
  • Higher Degree Research Candidature and Scholarship Application Form

Scholarship and candidature applications can be submitted through AskUNE .

Referee Reports

  • All applicants must provide two referee reports. The University will not request reports on your behalf.
  • Referees must be qualified to speak with knowledge about the applicants work during the qualification most relevant to this application and on your capacity for research. Referee's cannot be part of your supervision team. Please refer to the conflicts of interest policy. If you are also basing this application on relevant work experience/training, at least one referee must be able to comment on relevant experience.
  • Referee reports must be submitted no later then one week after the closing date of the scholarship round.

Applicants must provide contact details of referees on the scholarship application. Applicants must request their referees to submit their written reports directly to the University using the Referee's Report Form .

For further information please visit  AskUNE for HDR students .

Further information about these scholarships can be found on the UNE HDR Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship Policy and in the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017.

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Griffith University awards Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarships (GUPRS) via a competitive application process to candidates commencing or enrolled in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) program. GUPRS are provided to assist with candidates’ general living costs and do not cover program tuition fees. This website sets out the allowances and conditions attached to the GUPRS award.

A limited number of GUPRS may be allocated to achieve specific strategic objectives. In such cases, there may be additional eligibility requirements or variations to the procedure for selection and award. The GUPRS Conditions of Award will be amended to reflect the variations applicable to the awardee.

Key benefits

$33,480 per annum (2024 full time rate).

Generous paid leave provisions, including recreation, sick, parental, cultural and partner leave.

Options to study part time.

Domestic candidates can apply to undertake the program predominately away from the University.

Funds to assist with costs of relocating to undertake the program.

Flexibility to balance paid employment with full-time study.

For information on when to apply through the Continuous Scholarship Round and intake dates please see Key dates.

How to apply

Applicants may only apply a maximum of two times in a five year period for consideration in the scholarship ranking and selection process.

New applicants must follow the process for submitting an online application for a research program, which also includes a section for scholarship application.

New applicants

Current research candidates are required to follow a different process for submitting a scholarship application.

Current candidates

Conditions of Award 2024

(1) To be eligible for a GUPRS, an applicant must:

  • be commencing or enrolled in a HDR program (for which GUPRS support is available) at Griffith University.
  • not be receiving income from another source to support the candidate’s general living costs that provides a benefit greater than 75% of the GUPRS stipend rate to undertake the proposed program. Income unrelated to the candidate’s HDR program, or income received for the candidate’s HDR program but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs, is not to be taken into account.

(2) To be considered for a GUPRS, an applicant must:

  • hold a Bachelor Degree (AQF 8) with First Class Honours (Class I) or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment, as specified on the Equivalent qualifications for HDR program admission webpage.
  • have not completed a degree at the same or higher level as the HDR program to which the applicant is commencing or enrolled in.
  • if seeking recognition for prior candidature in the HDR program, have not completed more than 12 months (equivalent full-time) of candidature at Griffith University or another Australian or overseas institution.
  • have not previously held the same or an equivalent scholarship for which they are applying unless it was terminated within six months of the scholarship’s payments commencing; it was held for a degree at a lower level to which the applicant is applying; or the applicant is applying to transfer the scholarship (refer to Section 3.6 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure ).
  • have not held a Commonwealth Government Australia Award scholarship in the two years prior to the point of commencing the award, unless approval for this course of action has been granted by the appropriate branch of the Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Applications for research scholarships as part of the Continuous Scholarship Round at Griffith University are firstly processed within the Griffith Graduate Research School. It is at this point that applications are initially reviewed for eligibility for entry into Griffith research programs.

Following this initial review, applications are then forwarded to the appropriate schools, departments or research centres for academic staff to assess applications for both entry into Griffith research programs, and for consideration for a scholarship. All applications are then assessed by the Dean (Research) of the relevant Group and the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School, to arrive at an outcome against the eligibility and selection criteria.

Applications that meet the criteria for scholarship consideration are then assessed and ranked in an order of merit, as outlined in Section 3.2.7 of the  Higher Degree by Research Scholarship Procedure and takes into consideration:

  • Academic merit, with emphasis on the results attained in the qualification with the substantial research component but also taking into account the grades of any other eligible qualification, or evidenced equivalence of research excellence capability as applicable
  • The international standing of the institution at which the qualification with the substantial research component was completed
  • the quality of the eligible research outputs included as evidence in an application, as well as the applicant's contribution to these outputs
  • the level and duration of sustained research experience and evidence of how the research activity undertaken bears upon and enhances the applicant's research capacity, with regard to the proposed research
  • The compatibility/fit between the applicant, research environment, and the supervision team.
  • The compatibility/fit of the proposed research with university/academic group research priorities

The University's HDR Scholarship Committee considers applicants and awards scholarships based on the University-wide Order of Merit List.

Applicants offered a GUPRS may have their scholarship changed to a Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend if one becomes available and if they meet the criteria to be awarded a RTP Stipend.

3.1 Stipend

(1) A full-time GUPRS carries an annual stipend of $33,480 (2024 rate). The stipend rate for any particular year may be the same as that for the preceding year, indexed annually.

(2) Income derived by way of a Scholarship by a candidate receiving full-time education at a University may be tax exempt. It is the responsibility of the scholarship holder to assess the tax liability of their scholarship.

(3) The stipend will be paid into an account in a bank, building society or credit union, on a fortnightly basis, as per the University’s payment schedule. Payment will be calculated from the date of commencement of study, except where an awardee is already enrolled in the program, in which case payment may commence from the date of advice of the grant of the award (or from 1 January for offers made in November of the preceding year).

3.2 Relocation allowance

(1) An awardee who is required to relocate, either within Australia or from overseas, specifically to undertake the program and take up the award is entitled to receive a maximum of $515 for each eligible adult and $255 for each eligible child to an absolute maximum of $1,485 for the following on provision of receipts to the GGRS, verifying the costs of this travel:

  • travel expenses equivalent to the economy/student airfare for the candidate, spouse and dependents to Brisbane or the Gold Coast via the most direct route. Where a candidate elects to travel by car, a per kilometre allowance up to the equivalent airfare for the candidate will be calculated. Candidates cannot claim for accommodation or meal costs if they elect to travel by car; and
  • removal expenses.

(2) Any relocation allowance must be claimed within 6 months of commencement of the award. Relocation allowances are not payable for travel undertaken after the completion of studies, or termination of the award.

3.3 Leave entitlements

(1) The table below describes the leave that awardees are entitled to within the tenure of the award.

(2) International candidates seeking leave will need to meet the conditions of their visa to be entitled to the leave provisions described below and are advised to check with Griffith International.

(3) Leave is not permitted within the first 6 months of candidature, unless in exceptional circumstances. Such applications will require approval of the Dean, Research.

(4) Parental leave: up to a maximum of 12 weeks paid parental leave, where the candidate is the primary carer of a new-born child or of a newly adopted child under 16 years of age, upon the provision of appropriate certification. Candidates enrolled on a part-time basis will be entitled to paid leave calculated on a pro rata basis.

The paid parental leave is normally only available to the candidate (birth parent / non-birth parent / adoptive parent) who is taking on the primary care giver role within the first twelve months of the child coming into their care. Parental leave for pregnant candidates would normally commence no later than 3 weeks prior to the expected birth date unless medical evidence is provided to certify that the pregnant candidate is fit to continue normal study for a further period that extends to no later than the expected birth date.

The table below sets out the parental leave entitlements for eligible candidates:

4.1 Commencement of study

(1) Awardees must accept both a place in the HDR program (if not already commenced) as well as the GUPRS by the date specified in the offer letter. The GUPRS must be taken up between the dates specified in the letter of offer. Where exceptional circumstances prevent an awardee from taking up the award by the date specified in the offer letter, they may apply for a delayed commencement. Full details of the reasons for the request will be required. If an awardee cannot commence by the approved date the University may withdraw the award.

4.2 Mode of attendance – Remote candidature

(1) Awardees are required to maintain an on-campus enrolment.

(2) In exceptional circumstances, an application to undertake the award predominantly away from the University may be considered for domestic candidates where they have a high likelihood of success as evidenced by qualifications and research experience. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.8 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure and section 3.3 of the HDR Admission Procedure.

(3) International candidates must maintain an on-campus enrolment.

4.3 Study load

(1) Awardees are required to maintain a full-time study load, unless approval for part-time study load and award is approved.

(2) A full-time study load commitment is at least the equivalent of the standard five day working week (e.g. 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, 48 weeks per year). The actual pattern of research and study is to be negotiated by the candidate and their supervisory team. Refer to Section 3.5.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure .

4.4 Employment and other funding

(1) Awardees are permitted to undertake work, paid or otherwise, that is unrelated to their research project. However, it must not affect their ability to maintain their study load commitment, nor interfere with the timely progression and completion of their research project. Employment commitments will not be considered as a reason for an extension of the award. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.5.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure .

(2) Awardees should consult with their principal supervisor in regards to the decision to undertake employment while in the HDR program.

(3) Awardees are permitted to:

  • obtain funds for fieldwork, equipment or other expenses not covered by the award; and
  • obtain funding for overseas travel costs from other Australian Government awards or other funding sources.

(4) Holders of a GUPRS with dependent children may be eligible for the Family Payment paid by Centrelink. Enquires must be directed to Centrelink.

4.5 Part-time award

(1) Applications to undertake the award on a part-time basis may be considered where the applicant has significant caring responsibilities or a medical condition or disability limiting their capacity to undertake full-time enrolment. Part-time awards will not be considered based on employment limiting capacity to undertake full-time enrolment. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.7 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure .

(2) The award will be 50% of the full-time stipend rate, part-time scholarships are not tax exempt.

(3) The award duration will be calculated on a pro-rata basis based on periods of full-time/part-time enrolment.

(4) Holders of a part-time award may convert to full-time enrolment and scholarship award at any stage, subject to seeking approval for full-time enrolment. The University may also require part-time scholarship recipients to convert to full-time if the reasons for which the part-time award was granted no longer apply.

(1) The tenure of a full-time GUPRS is, from date of program commencement, up to two years (full-time equivalent) for a Masters (Research) candidate and up to three years (full-time equivalent) for a Doctoral candidate.

(2) Continuation of receipt of the GUPRS during the tenure of the award is dependent upon evidence of the awardee’s satisfactory progress in the HDR program, through the timely completion of candidature milestones and satisfactory progress reports.

(3) The tenure of a GUPRS will be reduced by any period of study undertaken:

  • towards the research project and/or degree prior to the commencement of the GUPRS; or
  • towards the degree during suspension of the GUPRS.

(4) A Doctoral candidate making satisfactory progress may apply for an extension to the GUPRS tenure for up to a maximum of six months. An extension will only be approved where the grounds for the extension:

  • relate to the study and are beyond the control of the candidate, and could not have been reasonably anticipated at the commencement of the program; or
  • are on the basis of the candidate undertaking an industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity of more than 30 days duration, approved by the Dean Research as part of the HDR program, as per Section 4.8 of these Conditions of Award.

A request for an extension should be made within a reasonable period before (and at least one month) before the expiry date of the award. Awardees enrolled in a Masters (Research) program are not entitled to an extension of award.

4.7 Change to HDR program

(1) Applications to transfer candidature from one HDR program to another will be in accordance with Section 3.6.7 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure . If an awardee is permitted to transfer from a Masters (Research) to a Doctoral program or from a Doctoral to a Masters (Research) program, the maximum duration of the award will be adjusted accordingly.

(2) The maximum tenure of a transferred award becomes that for the new HDR program minus the period of study undertaken towards the previous program prior to the conversion.

(3) A request for a major change to the thesis topic can be considered as per Section 3.6.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure . If it is established through this approval process that the recorded field of research (FoR) and/or field of education (FoE) for the thesis topic have changed, the Griffith Graduate Research School will update these fields in the candidate’s record.

4.8 Industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities

(1) Recipients of a GUPRS may undertake industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities that are approved by the Dean Research as part of their eligible HDR program.

(2) Ongoing receipt of a GUPRS at the rate set out in Section 3.1 of these Conditions of Award may be available for the duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity if:

  • The GUPRS awardee has not exceeded the maximum duration of their HDR program;
  • The awardee has sufficient GUPRS tenure remaining;
  • The awardee has not submitted their thesis for examination; and
  • The industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity will run for at least 30 days and no more than six months duration.

(3) The undertaking of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity does not constitute grounds for extension to the GUPRS tenure beyond the provision for extension set out in Section 4.6 (4) of these Conditions of Award.

(1) Where necessary, awardees will abide by the National Health and Medical Research Council codes on animal and human experimentation, Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research , and the University's safety practices.

4.10 Repayment of scholarship

(1) An awardee is required to repay any scholarship payment if:

  • the payment is made in error or overpaid (as determined by the University);
  • the awardee is no longer enrolled in the period the scholarship is paid;
  • the awardee does not meet the conditions of the scholarship; or
  • the awardee has provided false information; or
  • the awardee has been made a scholarship offer in error.

4.11 Termination of award

(1) A GUPRS will be terminated in any of the following circumstances:

  • at the end of the period of tenure provided for by the award or when the awardee lodges a thesis for examination, whichever is earlier;
  • if the University is satisfied that the program of study is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the offer of award, and no suitable arrangements can be made for continuation of the degree;
  • when the candidate ceases full-time enrolment when approval has not been obtained to hold the GUPRS on a part-time basis;
  • if the awardee commences a period of leave without formal approval, or fails to maintain an on campus enrolment without the approval for remote candidature status;
  • if the award holder does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of leave, or does not make arrangements to extend that period of leave;
  • if the candidate ceases to meet the eligibility criteria specified in Section 1 of these Conditions of Award, other than during a period in which leave has been approved;
  • if the University determines that a candidate is guilty of serious academic or student misconduct in accordance with the Academic Misconduct Policy – Higher Degree Research Candidates and the Student Academic Misconduct Policy ; and/or
  • if the candidate fails to maintain satisfactory progress, as determined by the University in accordance with Section 3.9 of the HDR Academic Progress Procedure .

(2) If an award is terminated, it cannot be reactivated unless the termination occurred in error.

(1) A decision by the University made in respect of an application for scholarship is final and not reviewable, as per the University’s Student Review and Appeals Policy.

(2) A candidate who is dissatisfied with a decision to terminate the scholarship may request a review of the decision in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals Policy .

Australian and New Zealand citizens and Australian permanent residents should refer to the Australian Government RTP Domestic Fee Offset Guidelines ( PDF , 789k.

International tuition fees vary depending on which school or research centre you will be enrolling in. Refer to the Australian Government RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship and the Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship for tuition fee scholarships.

2024 Conditions of Award, effective from 1 January 2024. The conditions of award may change and these changes will be made available on the relevant website.

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You're a domestic student if you are:

  • a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.

You're an international student if you are:

  • intending to study on a student visa,
  • not a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • not an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia.

Doctoral graduate in gown and graduation tam, looking at phone with friend

Do you get paid to do a PhD?

Study tips Published 17 Jun, 2022  ·  4-minute read

A PhD is a time-consuming gig. Planning, research and writing can easily fill the hours of your typical 9-5 job. But do PhD students get paid?

Yes and no.

Yes, you can secure a scholarship that provides a living stipend, which means you’ll receive a fortnightly allowance. No, it isn’t typically as much as you could expect from an entry-level, full-time salary straight out of your undergrad studies – but for many people, it is tax free. You can also supplement the living stipend with a top-up scholarship if you’re eligible.

There are a variety of ways to make a PhD work for you financially. Scholarships are the key component to this and can cover both tuition and living costs.

Let’s explore how you can secure a scholarship to help with day-to-day living expenses such as food, accommodation and bills while you complete your PhD.

How can you get paid to do a PhD?

There are 2 key types of scholarships you need to consider when undertaking your PhD:

  • living stipend
  • tuition scholarship

At UQ, the main scholarship program is called Graduate School Scholarships (UQGSS) – it covers the cost of your PhD tuition fees and provides a living stipend to cover the cost of living expenses while you carry out your PhD.

Another major program of scholarships at UQ are earmarked scholarships, which include both a living stipend and a tuition scholarship. Whether you’re eligible for this type of scholarship depends on the type of PhD you undertake – find out more about earmarked scholarships .

Living stipend

The UQGSS living stipend and tuition scholarship will help you cover cost-of-living expenses while you carry out your PhD. This scholarship:

  • is open to both domestic and international postgraduate research students
  • is inclusive of all study areas
  • covers a 3.5-year period , with the possibility of an extension
  • is only available to full-time students (with the exception of part-time students with special circumstances )
  • provides  $33,641 a year (tax free) living stipend, paid in fortnightly instalments
  • covers tuition fees.

However, while the UQGSS is the most widely used scholarship at UQ for PhD students, there are many types of living stipend scholarships – each with its own terms and conditions.

Search all living stipend scholarships for PhD students

At UQ, you will be asked if you would like to be considered for a living stipend scholarship when you apply for your PhD. UQ scholarships are awarded based on:

  • academic performance
  • evidence of research capability
  • the quality of your research project
  • the quality of your proposed research environment and advisory team.

Top-up scholarship

At UQ, a ‘top-up scholarship’ can provide you with additional funds during your PhD, on top of your living stipend scholarship. There are a variety of top-up scholarships you can apply for through UQ, many of which are focused on specific study areas (and even specific PhD topics ) or targeted at particular groups of people (e.g. international students or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students). Some of these offer travel and/or accommodation allowances on top of the funds provided for general living expenses during studies – a particularly useful addition for PhD students who wish to attend industry conferences or workshops to further their professional development.

Top-up scholarships can:

  • only be used in conjunction with a living stipend (as long as they don’t exceed 75% of the stipend amount)
  • offer an additional $5,000 – approximately $21,000 a year on top of your living stipend.

Browse postgraduate research top-up scholarships  

Top-up scholarships can be very competitive to secure, so it's essential to have a backup financial plan should you apply and not be accepted.

How much funding do you receive for a PhD?

Let’s look at a few of UQ’s top-up scholarships in conjunction with the standard Research Training Program living stipend amount, to see just how much you could be getting paid to do your PhD.

*All values are approximate and based on 2024 scholarships. Information is subject to change. See the scholarships website for the most accurate and up-to-date figures. 

Is it enough?

When approaching a PhD, it’s important to consider your financial situation realistically. Asking ‘do you get paid for a PhD?’ doesn’t quite cover all the logistics. Here are a few more questions to help you assess the situation:

  • Can I live on $33,641 a year, or approximately $1,300 a fortnight? 
  • Do I have the time to supplement my living stipend with casual or part-time work ? Will this extra commitment impact my studies?
  • Will undertaking casual or part-time work breach the conditions of my scholarship?
  • Am I eligible for any scholarships (top-up or other bursaries) beyond the living stipend?
  • Is it worth applying to existing research projects, undertaking research in particular study areas or with certain supporting organisations, so that I may have a better chance of securing an available scholarship? Do these PhD projects/topics align with my interests enough to study for 3-4 years?
  • Am I eligible for a tuition scholarship to cover tuition costs ?
  • What’s more important to me – completing my PhD in 3-4 years full time and budgeting, or completing my PhD in 6-8 years part time while living comfortably?

Don’t forget that you don’t have to make this decision on your own. If you need help finding the right postgraduate research scholarship for you, or would like some advice, you can contact the friendly team at UQ’s Graduate School .

Want to know more about the ins and outs of your journey towards a PhD? Explore our complete guide on how to get a PhD .

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Lecturer in Applied Mathematics and Physics, Griffith University

phd stipend in australia for international students

Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, College of Science & Engineering, James Cook University

Disclosure statement

Nathan Garland has previously received funding from an Australian Postgraduate Award.

Shaun Belward works for James Cook University. He received an Australian Postgraduate Research Award to study a PhD in the 1990s and has also benefitted from federally funded learning and teaching grants.

James Cook University and Griffith University provide funding as members of The Conversation AU.

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Over the decades, supportive parents of Australian students on the cusp of graduating from their undergraduate studies have occasionally been struck by a bewildering decision by their pride and joy. Instead of pursuing an appetising salary in a prestigious company, their student has instead decided to do the unthinkable: they’re going to do a PhD. Where’s the money in that? What will we tell the neighbours?

A PhD program is foremost a training experience. A PhD student works a full-time apprenticeship ( 38 hours a week on average) in their chosen research field, guided by expert mentors along the way. While the choice to enter a PhD program is primarily based on a student wanting to upskill and learn, much like the choice to pursue an undergraduate degree, the starting point, method of study and outputs of a PhD are very different.

In Australia, the standard scheme to fund the living costs of PhD candidates is a tax-free stipend from their university. The university is allocated the funds via the Research Training Program (RTP) .

This stipend is now $28,854 a year (indexed annually against inflation). That’s only two-thirds of the national minimum wage after last week’s increase to $42,246.88 .

Read more: This 5.2% decision on the minimum wage could shift the trajectory for all

In weekly terms an income of $554.88 puts PhD candidates well below the poverty line of $608.96 for a single person if they have to pay for housing. Further, it’s close to an all-time low of 30% as a proportion of average full-time earnings.

In 2017 a sliding scale of stipends was introduced. Looking at the websites of the 39 members of Universities Australia in June 2022, it is encouraging to see a few universities offer higher rates than the required minimum for their PhD programs. However, most universities still mandate the lowest base rate.

phd stipend in australia for international students

A fair shake of the sauce bottle

This funding arrangement has been in place for some time, serving the community reasonably well. However, in the current economic climate of uncertainty, rising costs of living, skyrocketing rents and the Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase the minimum wage by 5.2%, it is worth comparing historical stipend rates , dating back to 1959, with other relevant yardsticks of income.

To make a fair comparison, we could scale up historically recorded weekly average , median and minimum wages over a 52-week year, noting that most Australian PhD programs permit 20 days of paid personal leave per year. Below, we see how these annual incomes have evolved over time since the inception of the PhD stipend.

phd stipend in australia for international students

Alternately, we can plot the PhD base rate and minimum wage as proportions of the average full-time income. Also shown is the consumer price index (CPI) as a standard measure of inflation, to give us some context – especially at this time of soaring living costs.

phd stipend in australia for international students

At present, PhD stipends languish far below the minimum wage, even allowing for tax on the minimum wage (take off roughly $4,600 for the new minimum wage). The PhD stipend is at a near historical low when compared to the average full-time annual income.

Clearly, from the historical trends in the above graphs, things weren’t always this bad. The minimum wage and PhD stipend values have been comparable, but now they are well and truly detached.

Read more: Is it a good time to be getting a PhD? We asked those who've done it

Most PhD candidates have already done four or five years of university studies and have advanced, valuable skill sets. Being asked to live far below minimum wage seems a little unfair.

It’s also worth considering the overall benefits and impacts of knowledge generated a PhD student generates. They produce journal articles throughout their PhD project. Being told to survive well below minimum wage, while making valuable contributions to society and the future of Australia, doesn’t sound like a fair go for those who have a go, as a former prime minister once said .

Read more: 1 in 5 PhD students could drop out. Here are some tips for how to keep going

But there is hope

While these trends and current situations don’t make for happy reading, there is hope, and precedent for change. The above graphs show the Rudd-Gillard Labor governments arrested the free-fall in PhD stipend value around 2009. This happened in response to a proposal by the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations after PhD students fell below the poverty line for the first time.

Looking abroad to Europe , countries like the UK, Germany and Italy show us it is possible to value the hard work of research students at universities.

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Read more: Australia can get a better return on its investment in PhD graduates

The COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to consider the immediate relevance of cutting-edge science, technology and medical research. As the world waited for an end to lockdowns and uncertainty, PhD students were making vital contributions to help find a way out of our global predicament. Although usually in a supporting capacity, their role required a significantly advanced and niche skill set.

Some of these PhD students across Australia probably could have made a bit more money working fewer hours if they did run off and join the circus instead, but we’re lucky they didn’t.

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Australian PhD stipend increase sets off chain reaction

Living allowances become key part of the recruitment pitch, as universities battle for research students and students wrestle with inflation.

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A flurry of increases to Australian PhD stipends could have a “flow-on effect internationally”, as more universities seek to boost their attractiveness to research students.

UNSW Sydney deputy vice-chancellor Nick Fisk said that as competition for doctoral candidates heated up, living allowances would become an increasingly important factor in institutional recruitment pitches.

Professor Fisk said many PhD students chose to study at the institutions where their preferred supervisors worked. “But there are some broad fields where that is not so important,” he added. “It is a competitive world [for] bright students who can get five, six, seven thousand dollars more at one university than the other.”

Many domestic and some international PhD students receive tax-free stipends from Australian universities, funded through the federal government’s Research Training Programme (RTP). While the payments’ annual value can range between A$28,854 and A$45,076 (£15,841 to £24,746), universities have traditionally adopted the lower threshold to maximise doctoral enrolments.

That began changing in 2020, when the University of Sydney increased stipends for many incoming students to A$35,000 – a figure set to reach A$37,207 in 2023. By June 2022, 11 universities were paying stipends above the minimum rate, with five offering over A$30,000. 

The trend has accelerated since then, with the University of Melbourne setting its stipends at A$34,400 in 2023, up from A$32,400 in 2022. In September, the Australian National University announced it was increasing its minimum stipend from A$28,854 to A$34,000.

“[We] felt strongly that it was no longer ethical to stick to the underlying government stipend amount given the cost-of-living pressures on our PhD students,” vice-chancellor Brian Schmidt told staff . “As a nation, we want the best and brightest students to undertake research.” 

In October, the University of Western Australia told higher degree research (HDR) students that their stipends would rise to A$35,000 in 2023. In November, the University of Queensland flagged an increase to A$32,192.

In early December, when UNSW promised a A$35,000 stipend for all HDR scholarship holders, other institutions rapidly followed suit. Within two weeks Griffith, Tasmania, Monash, Murdoch, Adelaide, Flinders and Queensland University of Technology had all unveiled stipend increases to between A$31,500 and A$33,000.

UNSW plans to further raise its 2024 stipends to A$37,684, matching the living wage – the equivalent of 35 hours’ work at the minimum wage with an adjustment to reflect the allowance’s tax-free status. “We think it is morally the right thing to do,” Professor Fisk said.

He continued: “It’s a moral issue around fair wages; it’s an equity issue; it’s also a student satisfaction issue. Doing a PhD is a major commitment. It’s not something [where] you want to be worrying about surviving [and] how much you’ve got to eat. We’ve got runaway inflation hitting things like rent and food, particularly in [Sydney’s] eastern suburbs, making the cost of living a big deal.”

The issue is also a “big deal” for research productivity, Professor Fisk said, with around 55 per cent of UNSW’s journal articles co-authored by PhD students. “And we have considerable difficulties recruiting domestic students, particularly in some fields with huge employability,” he added.

“It’s a seller’s market rather than a buyer’s market at the moment, if you’re looking for a job and you’ve got technical skills. We have to make it not so much attractive as liveable.”

[email protected]


Print headline: Australian PhD stipend lift to offset living costs sparks chain reaction

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Monash University Research Scholarships 2024-25 in Australia

Embarking on a journey of higher education often comes with financial challenges. However, at Monash University in Australia, the door to academic excellence is wide open with the Monash University Research Scholarships 2024-25.

These prestigious scholarships are designed to support both local and international students in pursuing their master’s and PhD degrees across various fields.

Table of Contents

Why Choose Monash University Research Scholarships?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Monash University Research Scholarships provide complete coverage of tuition fees, monthly stipends, air tickets, living allowances, and essential books, ensuring that financial constraints never hinder your academic pursuits.
  • Diverse Study Fields : With a plethora of study fields available, including Arts, Engineering, Medicine, Business, and more, Monash University caters to a wide range of academic interests, fostering a dynamic and enriching educational environment.
  • Prestigious Scholarships: Monash University offers several prestigious scholarships under the Research Training Program (RTP), Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS), Maxwell King PhD Scholarship, Raydon Graduate Research Scholarships, and Monash International Tuition Scholarship (MITS). These scholarships recognize academic merit and provide substantial financial support.

Types of Scholarships Available:

  • Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP) : Offered by the Australian Government, RTP scholarships provide a stipend of up to $29,000 to support living costs during master’s and PhD research.
  • Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS): Monash Graduate Scholarships offer up to $29,000 in total scholarship amounts, encouraging academic excellence across various disciplines.
  • Maxwell King PhD Scholarship: This scholarship supports PhD students with living costs, offering a scholarship award of up to $35,600.
  • Raydon Graduate Research Scholarships: Dedicated to students in Humanities and Social Sciences, these scholarships cover up to $20,000, nurturing research in these crucial fields.
  • Monash International Tuition Scholarship (MITS): MITS covers course tuition fees, providing vital financial support for international students.

Application Process

To apply for Monash University Research Scholarships 2024-25, the process is entirely online. Interested candidates should carefully review the scholarship details for each type separately on the official website of Monash University.

Apply Now —

Monash University Research Scholarships 2024-25 open doors to academic excellence, research innovation, and personal growth.

With comprehensive financial support, diverse study fields, and prestigious scholarships, Monash University stands as a beacon of opportunity for aspiring scholars worldwide.

Don’t miss this chance to unlock your academic potential and shape a brighter future at Monash University in Australia.

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Study Abroad: Australia has Introduced New Rules for International Students and Temporary Graduate Visa


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  • May 21, 2024

Study Abroad Australia has Introduced New Rules for International Students and Temporary Graduate Visa

Australia is a very popular destination to study abroad for international students. Currently, the Australian government has made many changes to the rules governing foreign education and the settlement of immigrants in the country. The Australian Government’s Migration Strategy was released on 11th December, 2023. The strategy will further strengthen the integrity and quality of Australia’s international education programs, protect the international students and support the graduates to attain their goals.

Want to Study in Canada? Get to Know the Online and Offline Application Process for Student Visa

New Rules for International Students in Australia 2024

Check below the new rules announced by Australia for international students:

  • New Financial Capacity Requirement: From 10th May onwards, the financial requirement for student and student guardian visas will be set at 29710 dollars for each student.
  • TOEFL iBT Reinstated for Visa: Tests that will be taken between 26th July 2023, and 4th May 2024 will not be considered valid. However, tests taken before 26th July 2023, remain valid for two years. 
  • New English Language Requirements: While submitting the visa application, students are required to show proof of their English Language. 

IRCC Public Consultations for Annual Immigration Targets is Now Open

Upcoming Changes to Study in Australia

Check some of the upcoming changes to study in Australia:

  • The validity of a temporary graduate visa will be reduced from 1st July 2024. This visa will give time to gain valuable work experience and demonstrate their skills to Australian employers.
  • The new age limit for temporary graduate visas will be reduced to 35 years of age or under from 1st July 2024.

For more visa and immigration news and daily news updates follow Leverage Edu and start your study abroad journey today!

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3 cheapest countries for international students

Living abroad is often expensive. From rent to tuition fees, these expenses add up if you’re seeking an education outside your home country. 

It may even feel futile to find the world’s cheapest countries for international students. Do they even exist? Looking at the cost of living in the most popular study destinations which often rank among the most expensive places to live, it may feel like there are no affordable countries. For example, Australia, the third most popular destination for international students, costs around US$42,093 on average — for a single year of study. 

Yet, it is possible to study abroad on a budget without compromising the quality of education you’ll receive — it just requires a little more research. With a little digging, we found the world’s cheapest countries for international students on QS World University Rankings : 

Taiwan has been voted the best place to live for expats for its culture, things to do and affordability. Source: Sam Yeh / AFP

The world’s cheapest countries for international students

Norway .

Norway is one of the best choices for international students on a budget. The country is renowned for being one of the most progressive places to live in the world, with a track record of upholding human rights and cultural freedom for all its residents. It’s one of the reasons why Norway has been consistently ranked as the best country to live in by the United Nations. 

International students benefit from Norway’s policies, too. This is because public universities in the country do not charge tuition fees , regardless of your country of origin. A public education in Norway is free — making it easier for you to budget for other expenses, such as rent. 

Some of the top public universities in Norway include the University of Oslo and the University of Bergen. 


When it comes to the world’s cheapest countries, Taiwan ranks high on the list. Statistics show that the cost of living in Taiwan is approximately 23.24% lower than that in the US, with rent being 68.31% more affordable. This combined with its affordable healthcare system and comfortable lifestyle has earned the country the title of being the best place to live for expats . 

This is apparent in the cost of education, too. Tuition fees charged by both public and private universities in Taiwan are significantly lower than that of the most popular higher education destinations, typically charging around US$1,650 to US$2,500 per year. More than that, the country’s Ministry of Education frequently awards scholarships to international students , adding to the pull of pursuing a degree there. 

The top universities in Taiwan include the National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei Medical University and China Medical University, Taiwan. 

Germany is an ideal location for international students for its progressive policies as well as affordable lifestyle. Source: David Gannon/AFP


Germany is quickly rising the ranks in becoming one of the best destinations for international students. It has one of the best standards of living in the world with a clean environment, low crime rates, cultural attractions, and a well-developed infrastructure. 

Outside of this, Germany is an excellent country to consider for its developing career opportunities, too. Four sectors dominate the German workforce — the automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical and electrical industries — making it an ideal destination for students interested in pursuing a career in engineering. 

The best part? All public universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees at the undergraduate and PhD-level, making it among the world’s cheapest countries for international students. There is a small catch, though: international students from outside the EU will need to get a residence permit before arriving in the country. 

Some of Germany’s top universities include Technische Universität München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. 

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Australia Scholarships

University of technology sydney presidents scholarships 2025 in australia.

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University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarships.

Description for University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarship:

Calling all ambitious students with an eye on the future! Are you gearing up for the 2025 scholarship session? Look no further than the University of Technology Sydney's President's Scholarship ! Valued at a substantial $37,000 per annum , tax-free, this scholarship provides unparalleled financial support, allowing you to focus wholeheartedly on your research journey. With durations of up to 3.5 years for PhD candidates and 2 years for MRes students, it ensures sustained assistance throughout your academic pursuit. Eligibility criteria include being defined as an overseas student, maintaining Overseas Student Health Cover, and embarking on full-time enrollment in a Higher Degree by Research at UTS . Applications open on November 1, 2024 , and close on January 15, 2025 . Start your preparations early, align your research interests with UTS's focus areas, gather required documentation, craft a compelling personal statement, and secure timely references. Submit your applications through the UTS scholarship portal for a chance to be part of the esteemed 2025 cohort. Don't miss this opportunity to propel your academic endeavors forward with the UTS President's Scholarship ! 

Degree Level for University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarship:

University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarships 2025 in Australia is available to undertake MRes, PhD level programs at University of Technology Sydney.

Available Subjects for University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarship:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

Benefits for University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarship:

Financial Freedom to Focus on Research:

  • The UTSP provides a generous living allowance to cover your expenses. You'll receive a tax-free stipend of $37,000 annually, allowing you to concentrate on your research without financial worries.

Long-Term Support for Your Research Journey:

  • The UTSP scholarship duration is tailored to your program. PhD candidates will receive funding for up to 3.5 years, while MRes (Masters by Research) students will be supported for up to 2 years. This ensures you have consistent financial backing throughout your research journey at UTS.

Eligible Nationalities for University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarship:

This scholarship is open to international students of all nationalities.

Eligibility Criteria for University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarship:

To qualify for the UTSP scholarship, you must be:

  • An international student according to the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth).
  • Enrolled full-time in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program at UTS. Your application for the program must be accepted by the university before applying for UTSP.
  • Covered by a standard Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) policy approved by the Australian Government Department of Health.
  • Pursuing research in a field that aligns with UTS's areas of research focus.
  • A first-time applicant for a postgraduate research degree (no prior degrees at the same or higher level).
  • Not receiving any other Australian Government-funded postgraduate research scholarship, except in cases where the previous scholarship was terminated within six months of the first payment.
  • Not currently holding an award, scholarship (excluding an Industry Postgraduate Research Scholarship - IPRS), or salary that provides more than 75% of the UTSP stipend amount to support your HDR studies. This excludes income from sources unrelated to your studies.

Remember: Submit your complete application with all necessary documents by the deadline. Incomplete or late applications won't be considered.

Application Procedure for University of Technology Sydney Presidents Scholarship:

Get Ready to Apply for the UTSP (Early Bird Advantage!)

  • Before you dive in, make sure your research interests align perfectly with one of UTS's areas of research focus.
  • Collect all the required documents , like academic transcripts, proof of English language proficiency, and any other certifications or recommendation letters.
  • Craft a powerful personal statement that highlights your research goals, the potential impact of your work, and why UTS is your dream destination.
  • Reach out to potential referees early on to give them ample time to write and submit their recommendation letters for you.
  • Applications are submitted electronically through the UTS scholarship portal . Find the portal and more details on the UTS President's Scholarship page .

Don't wait! Start preparing now to showcase why you deserve to be part of the prestigious 2025 UTSP cohort!

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American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship Fall 2025

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Federal Budget 2024-25: What it means for skilled migrants and international students

Discover how the 2024-25 Federal Budget affects international students, skilled workers, and their families. Get essential insights for your plans to work, live, or study in Australia

On May 14th, 2024, the Australian Government released the Federal Budget for 2024-25. This budget includes some announcements that impact international students, skilled workers, and migration.

If you’re planning to work, live or study in Australia, we’ve collected the important highlights from the announcement that may impact you.

In this article, we will focus on announcements that affect the following visa subclasses:

Student visa (subclass 500)

Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)

Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482)

Employer-Sponsored visa (subclass 186)

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Permanent migration program announcements.

2024–25 Permanent Migration Program planning level is set at a total of 185,000 places , with 132,200 places (around 70 per cent) allocated to the Skill stream:

Employer-sponsored visa (subclass 186) places will increase to 44,000

Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) will be reduced to 16,900

State-nominated visa (subclass 190) will increase to 33,000

Read more about the Migration Program Planning levels on the Department of Home Affairs website

Changes affecting international students

The Government had several recent announcements that affect international students applying to and graduating from Australian universities and educational providers. We have compiled the key highlights below.

Student visa (subclass 500) announcements:

1. changes to the minimum english requirement:.

Student visa increased from IELTS (or equivalent) 5.5 to 6.0.

IELTS One Skill Retake is eligible for this visa subclass and is accepted by most Australian universities. Check with your university or get in touch with our student counsellors for more details.

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2. Genuine Student requirement

The Government has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for student visas with a Genuine Student (GS) requirement. This is effective for student visa applications lodged on and after 23 March 2024.

All applicants for a student visa must be a genuine applicant for entry. They must stay as a student and be able to show an understanding that studying in Australia is the primary reason of their student visa. The GS requirement is intended to include students who, after studying in Australia, develop skills Australia needs and who then go on to apply for permanent residence.

3. Financial capacity

From 10 May 2024, the amount of money that Student and Student Guardian visa applicants need to have to be eligible for the visa is increasing.

Read the announcement on the Department of Home Affairs website and see the table which outlines the funds you need to show to meet the minimum financial capacity requirement.

4. The Government to introduce international student caps

The number of places for international students is being capped, the details to be determined in negotiations with universities, as part of the Draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework.

The Framework will support the sustainability, quality, and integrity of Australia’s education sector, and the limit on international students will be determined on a provider-by-provider basis.

Each institution will have their own maximum allocation for international student enrolments, which will be determined based on several factors, including the provision of student accommodation.

This proposed legislation sets to ensure that Australia continues to provide high-quality education and training to the world.

Read the Minister of Education’s joint media release .

Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) announcements:

1. changes to the minimum english requirement.

increased from IELTS (or equivalent) 6.0 to 6.5

scores must be from a single sitting/attempt

Book IELTS for your Temporary Graduate visa

2. re-alignment of the temporary graduate visa streams to levels of study.

The Government is looking to restructure graduate visas in to help align post-study work rights with actual career prospects.

There will be changes that will take effect from 1 July 2024, subject to the passage of legislative documents, to re-align the Temporary Graduate visa streams to levels of study.

The maximum eligible age for Post-Vocational Education Work stream (formerly called the Graduate Work stream) and Post-Higher Education Work stream (formerly called the Post-Study Work stream) applicants will reduce to 35 years of age or under.

The ‘select degree’ 2 year extension will cease.

Stay periods will change to the following:

Bachelor degree (including honours) – up to 2 years

Masters (coursework and extended) – up to 2 years

Masters (research) and doctoral degree (PhD) – up to 3 years.

Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders may be able to stay for up to 5 years.

Stay periods for Indian nationals, as agreed in the Australia India – Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA), remain as:

Bachelor degree (with first class honours in STEM, including ICT) – up to 3 years

Masters (coursework, extended and research) – up to 3 years

Doctoral degrees (PhD) – up to 4 years.

Read more about these updates on the Temporary Graduate visa page and on the Department of Home Affairs website for the official announcement.

Changes to the minimum English requirement for Student and Temporary Graduate visas:

*changes were announced and have taken effect starting march 23, 2024., changes affecting skilled workers and migrants, temporary skill shortage (subclass 482) announcements:.

The Government will also reduce the work experience requirement for the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa from two years to one year for all applicants from 23 November 2024 onwards.

This will allow a greater proportion of temporary migrants to secure permanent residence in a timely manner through the Temporary Residence Transition Stream.

With the lowered experience requirement, more people, including international students with 485 visas, will be eligible for this visa. Additionally, since the 482 visa is temporary, it is not subject to the federal government's allocated number of permanent residency visas.

Minimum IELTS score needed:

Short term stream: Overall band score of at least 5.0 with a score of at least 4.5 in each of the test components.

Medium term stream: Overall band score of at least 5.0 with a score of at least 5 in each of the test components.

The scores need to be from a single sitting/attempt.

Employer-Sponsored visa (subclass 186) announcements:

The Government has announced an increase in Employer-sponsored visa (subclass 186) places to 44,000 , which is a 20% increase compared to this year.

Direct Entry stream - competent English (IELTS score or at least 6 for each of the 4 components)

Temporary Residence Transition stream - competent English (IELTS score or at least 6 for each of the 4 components)

IELTS One Skill Retake is accepted for this visa subclass, you can check more on the Department of Home Affairs website or your migration agent for more details.

Read about IELTS General Training for migration

Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES)

The Government will implement a new Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) program for Indian nationals from 1 November 2024.

MATES will be open to Indian nationals who meet the eligibility requirements, which includes a minimum English requirement.

MATES will provide a new mobility pathway for 3,000 Indian graduates and early career professionals (aged 18 to 30 years at the time of application), with knowledge and skills in targeted fields of study to live and work in Australia for up to two years. The visa will have a pre-application (ballot) charge of $25 and an application charge of $365, both of which will be indexed to the consumer price index in future years. This measure is part of the Australia-India Migration and Mobility Partnership Arrangement (MMPA). As part of the MMPA, the Government also lengthened the validity of the Visitor visa (subclass 600) Business Visitor stream for Indian nationals from up to three years to up to five years.

have proficient English language skills (overall IELTS or equivalent score of at least 6, with a minimum score of 5 for each of the four parts)

Read the official MATES fact-sheet

Other visa announcements:

A new National Innovation visa will be introduced, replacing the current Global Talent Visa (Subclass 858) from late 2024.

Currently, the Global Talent visa has a minimum English requirement of providing evidence of functional English (an average IELTS band score of at least 4.5 based on the 4 test components), otherwise applicants must pay a second instalment of their visa application charge.

We will update on whether the National Innovation visa will have the same minimum English requirements once the visa has been formally introduced.

The Business Innovation and Investment Visa Program (BIIP) will cease.

IELTS for migration

With IELTS, you choose how you take your test based on what it is you want to do.

Depending on your goals, you can choose between IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training. The General Training test is used for work or migration purposes . The Academic test is usually for entry into university or professional registration.

You can even choose between taking the IELTS on computer  or  on paper. 

From maximising your chances of success on  your immigration application  to  helping you achieve your career goals,  your IELTS result will bring you one step closer to your migration goals. 

IELTS is accepted as proof of English language proficiency for study, work and migration in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. It's recognised by more than  12,000  organisations, including educational institutions, employers, professional associations and governments, in over 140 countries around the world.

By choosing IELTS, you will establish yourselves with an English language test that sets you up to succeed from day one in your study, work and migration goals.

Read IELTS success stories

Preparation is key.

If you need to take an English test, preparing early is essential. It allows you to get familiar with the test format and understand how you will be marked and scored. The good news is that IELTS has a range of preparation materials to help you achieve your desired score.

Get feedback and coaching from official IELTS experts , take IELTS practice tests , watch videos to help you prepare, and read the latest news and articles. Additionally, don't forget to access your study plan and get IELTS tips from our IELTS Experts during our Masterclasses .

Book your IELTS test

Get expert advice from our registered mara agents.

If you require assistance with Australian immigration or visa applications, seek expert migration guidance from IDP's team of multilingual migration agents.

Whether you're starting your stay in Australia or seeking an extension, IDP's registered agents can provide assistance. Whether your goal is to study and obtain permanent residency or have a temporary stay, they can help you with various visa types.

To receive support, book an appointment with one of their registered MARA agents located across most of Australia.

Migration Services Australia

Immigration and the law.

Legislation about immigration changes frequently. It’s important to check the Australian  Department of Home Affairs  website for changes that may apply to you.

If you are interested in  Australian student visas , work visas, or looking to migrate permanently, you need to lodge an application with the Australian Government. You may want to consider getting support from a lawyer or migration agent .

Ready to book your IELTS test?

Achieve your visa, work, and study goals with IELTS. Find your closest test centre and book your test now.

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Published on May 14, 2024

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phd stipend in australia for international students

Australia introduces new rules for international students and temporary graduate visa

The australian government has made significant modifications to the rules related to foreign education..

Study in Australia, temporary graduate visa, New rules, international students, Genuine Student requirement, financial requirement

Australia is a popular study-abroad location among international students. Recently, the Australian government has made many changes to the rules governing foreign education and the settlement of immigrants in the country.

The Australian Government’s Migration Strategy was released on December 11, 2023. The Strategy is designed to further strengthen the integrity and quality of Australia’s international education programs, better protect international students and support graduates to achieve their career goals.

phd stipend in australia for international students

Australia New Rules for International Students 2024

New Financial Capacity Requirement

Germany Opportunity Card 2024, Eligibility, points, requirements, skilled workers

From May 10, 2024, the financial requirement that applies to Student and Student Guardian visas will be set at Australian dollars 29,710 ($19,576)for an individual student. The new financial requirement applies to any visas lodged on or after May 10, 2024. The savings requirements demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to cover your airfare, course fees, and living expenses throughout your stay. This is to lower your chances of experiencing financial difficulties while studying.

TOEFL iBT Reinstated for Visa

TOEFL iBT is again a valid test for student visa purposes and is accepted by all Australian universities. However, tests taken between 26 July 2023, and 4 May 2024, are not valid. Tests taken before 26 July 2023, remain valid for two years. This significant development provides opportunities for anyone looking to study, work, or relocate to Australia by allowing them to demonstrate their English competence through the TOEFL iBT test. New Genuine Student (GS) requirement

From March 23, 2024, the new Genuine Student (GS) requirement has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement with a list of targeted questions. The GS requirement is a key part of the student visa application procedure. The new GS requirement replaces the prior 300-word statement with a series of focused questions. These questions tell visa decision-makers about the student and their reasons for seeking to study in Australia.

New English Language Requirements

When submitting their visa application, international students hoping to study in Australia will have to show proof of their fluency in the English language. From 23 March 2024, new English language requirements apply to all Student Visa and Temporary Graduate Visa applications.

Upcoming Changes To Studying in Australia

Temporary Graduate Visa Length to be Reduced

The length of post-study work visas will change. However, Australia’s Temporary Graduate visa will still give you time to gain valuable work experience and demonstrate your skills to Australian employers.

If you gain work in a skilled job during your post-study work period, you may be eligible to apply for the new 4-year Skills in Demand visa. This visa provides a clearer pathway to permanent residency. Initial stay periods for Indian nationals will not change, as agreed in the Australia- India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement. This change is intended to come into effect from 1 July 2024.

New Age Limit for Temporary Graduate visa

The maximum eligible age for Temporary Graduate visa applicants will be reduced to 35 years of age or under. This change is intended to come into effect from 1 July 2024.

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Opportunity Desk

NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship (YCF) 2024-2025 (Stipend available)

phd stipend in australia for international students

Deadline: June 10, 2024

Applications are open for the NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship (YCF) 2024-2025 . NOAA’s Young Changemakers Fellowship (YCF) is a program dedicated to collaborating with and empowering the next generation of ocean and environmental leaders.

Through the program, high school students from the United States, U.S. territories, and tribal nations build skills around creating change in their home communities, culminating in a self-designed action project. In addition to taking local action, the changemakers also learn about and provide NOAA leadership with their perspective on large-scale issues such as the climate crisis, ocean issues, environmental justice challenges, and more. 

Fellows take part in an in-person summit in D.C. in the summer and virtual meetings throughout the school year. These meetings include everything from project planning workshops to communication training to roundtable discussions with National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) leadership. Together, these opportunities help fellows turn their passion for ocean and environmental topics into concrete action, all while helping NOAA better understand the perspectives of young people. 

In return for full program participation, each fellow receives:

  • a stipend ($800).
  • funding to support their action project (up to $750).
  • one-on-one mentorship with a NOAA employee.
  • an all-expenses-paid kickoff summit in Washington, D.C. (July 23-27, 2024).


  • Be a high school student during the entire 2024-2025 school year : All grades within high school are accepted. The fellowship is open to all types of high school students, whether you attend a public school, home school, charter school, private school, or other type of high school.
  • Be at least 13 years old : You must be at least 13 years old at the time you apply for the fellowship. If you are not going to be 13 years old by the application deadline of June 10, 2024, wait until a future year to apply.
  • Be living in and attending school in the United States, U.S. territories, or tribal nations : They are excited to select a diverse group of fellows from across the United States, tribal nations, and territories! They require all applicants to both live  and  attend school in one of these locations.
  • Be excited about the environment, ocean, Great Lakes, and/or coasts, and their protection : They are looking for passion and commitment in our fellows. They don’t expect you to come into the fellowship already knowing everything there is to know about the environment, ocean, climate justice, or NOAA, but they want you to come ready to learn and engage!
  • Attending the kick-off summit with an accompanying parent / legal guardian in Washington, D.C., on July 23-27, 2024 (NOAA covers all travel expenses)
  • Attending and participating in at least 9 of the 12 mandatory monthly meetings
  • Responding to emails within 5 days
  • Contacting your NOAA mentor at least monthly
  • Planning and carrying out an action project in your community, which includes on-time submission of a written project plan and final documentation of the project
  • Providing feedback to the NOAA team about your experience


Submit your application by June 10, 2024, at 11:59pm Eastern time. They will not be able to accept late applications or applications not submitted via the form.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship .

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Jude Ogar is an educator and youth development practitioner with years of experience working in the education and youth development space. He is passionate about the development of youth in Africa.

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  5. #scholarship Australia full fee plus stipend Queensland

  6. Full Scholarship in Europe:100% Tuition Fee||Monthly Stipend|| Accommodation Covered||No IELTS


  1. Australian Government RTP Scholarship (International)

    The RTP stipends are valued at $40,109 per annum (2024 rate). The RTP International Scholarship provides a stipend to assist with living costs and overseas health cover as well as tuition fees offsets (i.e. no tuition fees are applicable). Who's eligible. You must: be a commencing or enrolled international postgraduate research student

  2. University of Sydney International Scholarship

    8. Stipends may be provided for the duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity (as stated in Clause 31 of this document) if: a. the recipient already holds, and remains eligible for, a University of Sydney International Stipend Scholarship;

  3. PhD Funding in Australia

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  4. Stipend and allowance rates

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    A stipend of $34,400 per annum tax exempt (2024 rate) A relocation allowance from $500 to $1,500 (for single to family) awarded to students who are moving from interstate or overseas in order to study at Deakin; For international students only: Single Overseas Student Health Cover policy for the duration of the student visa; Doctoral Degree ...

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  7. Graduate Research Scholarships

    Living allowance of $37,000 per year pro rata (2024 full-time study rate) for up to two years for students undertaking a Masters by Research degree or up to 3.5 years for students undertaking a doctoral degree. The living allowance may be indexed annually and includes limited paid sick, maternity and parenting leave.

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    Graduate Research Office. +61 2 6125 5777. Enquire now. This is a stipend scholarship offered by ANU Colleges to Higher Degree by Research candidates. It is normal for recipients to undertake study on a full-time basis, however, in accordance with strict criteria, the scholarship can be awarded for part-time study for Domestic candidates only.

  9. Graduate School Scholarships (UQGSS)

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  17. Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend

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    Table of historical stipend rates for postgraduate scholarships from 1959 to 2024. ... International students. Support for international students; Before studying in Australia; ... The Department of Education acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and ...

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    Finland. Average PhD stipend: US$46,537. Cost of living: US$646.09 to US$969.13. Renowned for its high-quality education system, Finland offers competitive stipends, with institutions like the University of Helsinki providing substantial financial support. Government funding often supports stipends in Finland, reflecting the country's ...

  22. PhD student stipend: Why Australia's smartest people are living on

    It has been estimated that just 40 per cent of Australia's 50,000 PhD students receive a stipend. The rest are self-funded. The number of people undertaking doctoral studies in Australia has ...

  23. Domestic PhD Stipend Scholarship

    Stipend of AUD $33,000 per annum. Maximum period of tenure of an award is three years. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree will be deducted from the period of tenure. The University of Southern Queensland acknowledges the First Nations of southern Queensland and their ongoing connection to Country, lands, and waterways.

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  30. NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship (YCF) 2024-2025 (Stipend available

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