
The French Department’s doctoral program reflects the interdisciplinary priorities that have long defined the pursuit of knowledge here at Berkeley. We are committed not only to providing students strong coverage of the field of French and francophone literature and culture, but also to doing so through the critical application of innovative methodologies, and by continually bringing French studies into productive dialogue with developments in parallel disciplines. Our faculty’s interests are both historically and methodologically diverse; their strengths are complemented by a variety of programs—centers, working groups, and so on—that regularly bring scholars of the humanities together across campus. And the relaxed and non-hierarchical atmosphere lends itself to free and passionate inquiry. We invite you to explore our offerings.

A Short Description of the M.A./Ph.D. in French

The doctoral program in French is designed to train students to undertake original research, to engage in scholarly and critical writing, and to prepare for teaching careers at the college and university level. The following information is intended only to provide a brief overview of the program’s main features and requirements. For complete information, please see the  Guide to Higher Degrees in French . Visit our application page for  information on the application process . 

For students entering with a B.A. in French, the French doctoral program normally takes six years to complete. (Students entering with the M.A. will typically spend five years in the program.) This time may vary, depending on each individual student’s preparation; it is divided as follows:

The M.A. Phase

During the first three semesters of graduate study students complete a minimum of six courses, five of which must be graduate level (200-level). All M.A.-level coursework must be completed with at least a 3.5 GPA. In the third semester students take a written M.A. exam, based on a tailored list of representative works from the French and francophone traditions. Upon successful completion of coursework and the M.A. exam, candidates are awarded the M.A. and then considered for admission to the Ph.D. phase of the program.

Please note that the French Department does not admit applicants whose ultimate goal is the M.A. degree.

The Ph.D. Phase

In three semesters students complete four more courses at the graduate level (200-level). During the last semester in the Ph.D. phase students take their qualifying exams, based on a set of specialized reading lists developed in close consultation with faculty members. These exams, which contain both written and oral components, are intended both to test general knowledge of a period and to provide students with a chance to develop ideas that will be useful in the definition of the dissertation topic.

The Dissertation Phase

Following successful completion of the qualifying exams, students are advanced to candidacy and enter the dissertation phase of the program. Students first write a dissertation prospectus in consultation with their dissertation committee, and then proceed with the dissertation itself.

Program Features

Flexibility and broad competency.

The Ph.D. program in French has been formulated to allow students maximum flexibility to pursue their scholarly interests while guaranteeing the acquisition of broad competency in the discipline of French and francophone literature and culture. Students are expected to acquire expertise in works of all periods but are also encouraged to develop interdisciplinary and specialized perspectives.

Incoming students are assigned a faculty mentor as well as a graduate student “buddy” so as to ease their transition into departmental and professional life. We view student-faculty contact as one of the cornerstones of our program’s success.

In-Depth Pedagogical Training

The department provides all Teaching Instructors (TAs) with in-depth pedagogical training, including pilot classes and pedagogical theory. Many of our students find themselves wanting to do supplementary work in planning innovative new language courses, and are able do so through the resources provided by the  Berkeley Language Center . Many advanced graduate students develop their own reading and composition courses or serve as instructors in neighboring departments such as Art History, English, and Comparative Literature; these instructorships often offer the opportunity to plan and execute a literature or culture course of your own design.

The  GSI Teaching and Resource Center  provides weekly teacher-training workshops throughout the semester; individual teaching consultations; grants for GSIs to improve the quality of teaching at Berkeley; and a summer institute for preparing future faculty.

Romance Languages and Literatures Program

The  Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures (RLL)  is a doctorate in three Romance languages and literatures (French, Italian and Spanish, including Spanish-American), prepared with emphasis in the literature or in the linguistics or philological history of one of the three. The RLL Program offers students the opportunity to tailor a course of study in French, Spanish and Italian to their interests. Applicants to the RLL program with a French emphasis are evaluated by French Department faculty and the program’s requirements are different from those listed above.

If you have any questions regarding the graduate program in  Romance Languages and Literatures  with an emphasis in French, please contact the  Graduate Student Services Advisor .

The Designated Emphasis

Students may consider the option of pursuing a Designated Emphasis (DE) in areas such as  Critical Theory ,  Film Studies ,  Women, Gender, and Sexuality ,  Renaissance and Early Modern Studies ,  European Studies , Indigenous Language Revitalization , or  New Media . Students pursuing a Designated Emphasis take certain prescribed courses within these disciplines, and write a dissertation that partially encompasses the chosen field of study. In addition to providing students an institutional mechanism for incorporating this sort of work into the Ph.D. program, the Designated Emphasis assures prospective employers that you have demonstrated expertise in an auxiliary field, and it will appear on your final degree. The  Program in Medieval Studies  also offers a joint degree in French and Medieval Studies. Students can also pursue graduate certificates in fields such as  Applied Data Science and Teaching and Learning in Higher Education .

Interdisciplinary Centers and Working Groups

A number of interdisciplinary centers and groups regularly bring noted scholars and artists to campus. The  Center for the Study of Sexual Culture , brings together researchers with a common interest in the ways sexuality takes on different meanings in different cultural contexts.

The French Studies Program  organizes lectures, visits by scholars, and conferences involving France and the French tradition(s) across the disciplines of the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

The Center for Middle Eastern Studies  promotes the interdisciplinary study of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) at the University of California, Berkeley, and beyond, raising public awareness of the region’s diverse peoples, languages, cultures and their connection to wider global contexts.

The  Townsend Center for the Humanities  promotes research and ongoing conversation among and within academic disciplines. It hosts art exhibits, lectures, and conferences and sponsors a large number of  working groups , which meet informally and are run and attended by both graduate students and faculty. The Center also provides funding to support student journals.

Fostering intellectual life among students is a priority. Click here for information on  current student interests .

Job Placement

The Department is committed to helping graduates secure employment. This includes workshops on aspects of the job market in both spring and fall, reviewing and editing of curriculum vitae and letters of application, mock interviews, and works-in-progress talks that help candidates learn to present their research.

The Department has an  excellent record in placing students  who apply nationally and internationally for positions within the academy and beyond; in the last several years our students have been offered tenure-track appointments at Northwestern University; Duke University; University of Pennsylvania; Georgetown College; Vassar College; Emory College; Williams College; EDC Paris Business School; Maynooth University; Reed College; Columbia University; Middlebury College; Davidson College; College of William and Mary; Skidmore College; Austin College; San Francisco State University; University of Georgia; University of Michigan; University of Minnesota. Students interested in careers outside of academia have also had successful placements as Program Director; Equitable Assessment Consultant; Content Marketing for AI-platforms; Teacher; Senior Academic Programs Coordinator in Paris; and more . 

Financing Graduate Study

The Department offers a number of resources for financing graduate study, including fellowship packages, fellowships for continuing students, and Graduate Student Instructorships . It also awards grants for summer study and travel.

UC Berkeley also provides funding support on a competitive basis to humanities students at various points in their graduate career. The  Graduate Division Summer Grant  provides summer financial support. The  Doctoral Completion Fellowship  provides a full year of fellowship support for students who advance to candidacy within normative time (four years in humanities departments). The  Townsend Center  funds a competitive dissertation fellowship for humanities students.

Applicants should note that there are a few non-UC Berkeley sources of funding for graduate education. These include the  Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowships , the  Hispanic Scholarship Fund , the  Jack Kent Cooke Foundation , the  Javits Fellowship Program , and the  Soros Fellowships for New Americans .

Exchange Programs and Travel Fellowships

Graduate students in French are encouraged to spend time studying in France or another Francophone region or country. The Department has three yearly exchange programs — with the École Normale Supérieure, the Université Paris Cité or the Université de Tours. The Department usually selects advanced students to participate in these exchange programs, but from time to time students who have fulfilled almost all of their other requirements and have not yet taken the Qualifying Exam are selected.

These programs have always been sufficient to assure every student the opportunity to study in France .

These programs have always been sufficient to assure every student the opportunity to study in France.

Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) Exchange

One student may be selected for the academic year for the Department’s exchange program with the École Normale Supérieure (ENS). The ENS position will require the student selected to use their DCF during that year. Since the ENS exchange includes free housing, the DCF Fellowship stipend will not be supplemented by the department. Students who have already utilized the DCF will not be eligible for the ENS fellowship.

Paris VII Exchange

Students selected to participate in the Paris VII exchange are hired by Paris VII to teach English language courses. Students are paid a monthly salary in euros for 12 months. Students also receive health coverage under the general conditions of the National French Health Insurance System. Unlike the ENS exchange, Paris VII participants must make their own housing arrangements. Only native English speakers are eligible for this exchange program.

Université de Tours François-Rabelais

Students selected to participate in the Tours exchange are hired by Tours to teach English language courses. Students are paid a monthly salary in euros for 12 months. Students also receive health coverage under the general conditions of the National French Health Insurance System. As in the Paris VII exchange, Tours participants must make their own housing arrangements. Only native English speakers are eligible for this exchange program.

Additional Opportunities for Research/Travel in France

Fulbright IIE Fellowship Applicants must be U.S. citizens holding a B.A. degree or equivalent before the beginning date of the grant. Provides round-trip travel, tuition, books, and stipend for one academic year. Approximately 1,300 awards are available for study in over 140 countries. Applies to coursework, master’s or dissertation research.

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Grants This program provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of 6 to 12 months.

Georges Lurcy Fellowship Program for Study in France This fellowship is for advanced Ph.D. students who are citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and whose research topic is unique to France and can only be pursued in that country. The fellowship provides a stipend (currently $25,300) to cover educational fees, necessary travel, and living expenses while in France. Students must be enrolled at UC Berkeley or at an educational institution in France during the tenure of the fellowship. Interested students should submit their application materials to the Graduate Fellowships Office (318 Sproul Hall) by the deadline. One UC Berkeley graduate student is nominated for this fellowship each year.

Walter J. Jensen Fellowship for French Language, Literature, and Culture This fellowship provides a stipend of at least $10,000 for a minimum of six months of study in France. Phi Beta Kappa will also cover a single round-trip, economy-class ticket for the recipient to travel to France; some additional support may be available to those with dependents. The purpose of the award is to help educators and researchers improve education in standard French language, literature and culture and in the study of standard French in the United States.

Degree Requirements

Course requirements.

Students in the doctoral program must complete ten courses, including one course in the history of French language (French 201) and one course in literary criticism (French 270 or French 274). Courses completed at Berkeley for the M.A. phase count toward the ten-course requirement.

Students must also fulfill a historical comprehensiveness requirement. This entails completion of a graduate seminar in Medieval literature; two seminars in 16th-, 17th-, 18th-century or early modern studies; two seminars in 19th-, 20th-century, Francophone Studies, or Modern Studies. Outside of these requirements, students are allowed, and indeed encouraged, to pursue their interests in other departments. Students wanting to improve their general background are also permitted to take up to two undergraduate courses for credit towards their degree.

The first French proseminar (French 200A) is taken during the first semester of graduate study at Berkeley. This one-hour-a-week class, which does not count toward the Ph.D. requirement, is designed to give new graduate students a broad view of the Department’s faculty, the courses they teach, and their fields of research. In addition, it introduces students to aspects of their graduate career, issues pertaining to research methodologies, and critical debates across the profession.

The second French proseminar (French 200B)   gives first-year graduate students a general introduction to reading, analyzing, and writing about French texts. The selection of works is intentionally diverse and reflects both the traditional canon as well as current interests and trends in French studies.  At the end of the course, students produce a final reflection which will serve as a starting point for their own preparation for the M.A. exam.

Foreign Language Requirement

Students may fulfill the foreign language requirement either by demonstrating a reading knowledge of two languages (Option I) or by demonstrating an exceptionally thorough reading knowledge and an adequate knowledge of the grammatical structure of one language (Option II). If you have questions about how to fulfill the foreign language requirement, contact the Graduate Student Services Advisor at  [email protected] .

The language(s) will be chosen after consultation with the Head Graduate Advisor, and in view of the student’s intended Ph.D. Program Proposal. For example, for students intending to work in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, it could be advisable to choose Latin, Italian, or Spanish. For students interested in modern philosophy, German might be wise. Arabic might be a sensible choice for students interested in Francophone literature. Whatever the choice, it should have an intellectual or scholarly relationship to the student’s area of specialization, or with the field of Romance languages more broadly.

Additional Requirements

Doctoral students must fulfill additional requirements, including passing the Qualifying Exams and composing a dissertation prospectus, which must be approved by the student’s dissertation committee. For more information on additional requirements, consult the  Guide to Higher Degrees in French .

  • M.A. / Ph.D In French
  • Ph.D In Romance Language and Literatures (RLL)
  • Applying to The Graduate Program
  • Teaching Assistantships
  • Job Preparation and Placement Record
  • Guide to Higher Degrees in French
  • Commencement

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  • Avignon Université 1
  • Bioenergetics and Protein Engineering Laboratory 1
  • Biogéosciences, UMR6282 CNRS/Université de Bourgogne 1
  • Computer Science 266
  • Chemistry 138
  • Biology 125
  • Materials Science 64
  • Medical Sciences 58
  • Economics 45
  • Engineering 38
  • Mathematics 35
  • Earth Sciences 19
  • Arts and Literature 13
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PhD : Ultrafast Terahertz Spectroscopy of Multi-Functional Materials

unprecedented development of THz spintronics. However, these works are mostly focused on emission and there is a clear need for efficient scheme for THz detection. In this PhD project, we propose to use

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PhD position

after learning will help to map the brain networks of memory. The PhD project will be subdivided into 3 consecutive parts: 1)  Mapping the brain regions activated during memory formation in a simple

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numerous transitions with excellent coherence propertiesfor quantum information processing and precision measurements. Description of the project: This PhD topic concerns the trapping and cooling of dipolar

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) needed PHD INGE MAT.pdf English (179.81 KB - PDF) Download Additional Information Selection process How to apply Applications (CV and cover letter) must be sent to : [email protected]

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, this PhD project aims to elucidate the phenomena that govern the formation, dissociation, aggregation and stability of gas hydrates with applications in the fields of energy storage and environmentally

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anatomical analysis, may complement this approach as needed. Programming skills for electrophysiological data analysis are required. The candidate will be enrolled with the doctoral school Ed3C PhD program

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  • postdoctoral
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  • materials science
  • computer science
  • environment

French and Italian Graduate Program

The Department of French and Italian's intellectual vibrancy is embodied by its graduate programs, which welcome every year exceptional students in French, Italian, or French and Italian. All students admitted to these Ph.D. programs receive 5 years of 12-month funding. This financial support is provided through a combination of fellowship stipend and tuition, and research and teaching assistantships. Additional funding is provided to support academic and research expenses.

Students accepted to the Ph.D. program with an M.A. or equivalent can transfer up to 45 credits towards the completion of required coursework, upon submission of their transcripts. They recieve a thorough training in literary criticism, literary history, critical theory and are offered extensive teaching experience as well as certification in the teaching of foreign languages.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in French

Our French program offers a robust and rigorous training in literary criticism and theory, literary and political history, the digital humanities, and the study of French and Francophone literatures and cultures from the medieval period through contemporary times. In addition to their respective expertise in specific historical periods, our faculty's work embrace the field of literature and philosophy, cognitive studies, the digital humanities, Francophone and Global studies, Feminist and Gender studies, film studies, humanities medicine, political discourse analysis and catstrophe studies among others. The many faculty and affiliated scholars who work in French, Francophone and/or Italian studies across the University or visit from all over the world yearly are also a tremendous resource for collaborative research and advising. 

Over the years, our graduate students have worked on plurilinguism in Maghrebi literature and cinema, Marcel Proust's literary work in light of rational choice theories, feminist travel literature, trauma literature and narrative unselfing in Global French literature, evolutionary theory in 19th century popular literature and culture, rhetorical efficacy and pitfalls in Religious Wars literature, or the origin of the apprehensive self in 16th century French literature.

Our graduate students have pursued successful careers in a variety of professions, including within academia with tenure-track positions at Ivy league universities, four-year colleges, liberal arts colleges, or in digital education. Others have become screenwriters, artists, business managers in startups in Francophone markets, or worked in artificial intelligence. Our alumni live and work all over the world, from the United States to France, England, Germany, Switzerland and Romania.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Italian

Similarly, the Italian Ph.D. program offers a robust training in the history of literary studies and theory, as well as all periods of Italian literature and culture. It is flexible and interdisciplinary in nature. Intellectually, we encourage students to begin with a strong foundation to then develop their specific intellectual interests, if need be with courses beyond our department, in Comparative Literature, English, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Art History, or any other relevant field that might help them break new ground and forge new paths in the academy and beyond.

Doctor of Philosophy in French and Italian

The French section provides students with the opportunity to pursue course work at all levels in French language, literature, cultural and intellectual history, theory, film, and Francophone studies. It understands the domain of French Studies as encompassing the complex of cultural, political, social, scientific, commercial, and intellectual phenomena associated with French-speaking parts of the world, from France and Belgium to Canada, Africa, and the Caribbean.

The Italian section offers graduate and programs in Italian language, literature, culture, and intellectual history. Course offerings range from small, specialized graduate seminars to general courses open to all students on authors such as Dante, Boccaccio, and Machiavelli.

Interdisciplinarity and Resources in the DLCL

The Department of French and Italian encourages interdisciplinary research. It is part of the vibrant intellectual community of the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages , where scholars, faculty, and graduate students work at the crossroads of different national cultures and disciplines through a variety of research groups hosted by the Research Unit .

In addition, graduate students can take advantage of the resources available in Stanford's Center for Teaching and Learning . Their highly qualified staff provide support and training in public speaking and presentations, dissertation writing, effective teaching, remote learning strategies, and many other areas of professional life that are crucial to any profession. The DLCL graduate programs offer early professionalization for careers within and outside of academia, in the form of dedicated courses, a Job Market Workshop, individual career counseling, advising, networking, and internships.

For more detailed information on our program, please see the corresponding pages in the Stanford Bulletin :

  • Master of Arts in French
  • Doctor of Philosophy French and Italian

Graduate Program Application Details

Marisa Galvez

Marisa Galvez Director of French and Italian Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 134 (650) 723-1918 mgalvez [at] (mgalvez[at]stanford[dot]edu)

John Giammalva - Profile Photo

John Giammalva In Memoriam, Student Services Manager Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 127 (650) 279-3630 dlclstudentservices [at] (dlclstudentservices[at]stanford[dot]edu)

French Academic Job Titles Explained

What's the difference between a professeur des universités and a maître de conférences ? While there will be some differences university to university, here's a breakdown of the most common academic job titles used in France.

Etudiant en doctorat

The doctorat is the highest academic degree and it is required to hold French academic positions. Unlike in North America, the French doctorat is a national degree and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research fixes the requirements. It is a research-only degree that culminates in the writing of a thesis which is then orally defended to a jury. It takes three years to earn a doctorate.

Postdoc positions have started to emerge at research institutes in France in the last decade, however it is more common to do a foreign postdoc. A postdoc is a continuation of the researcher’s training that allows them to further specialize in a particular field and learn new skills and techniques. Postdoc research is usually themed or project specific. There is a 6 year limit on postdocs in France.

Attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche (ATER)

This is a temporary teaching and research position at a university. Candidates usually apply to these positions during the last year of their PhD. It is a one year contract for a full or part time position that is renewable only once. The responsibilities are similar to that of non tenure track faculty in the US.  

Maître de conférences (MCF)

This is the first permanent position, equivalent to an associate professor.  In order to apply for these positions, candidates first have to enroll for the qualification at the National Council of Universities ( Conseil national des universitiés ) who facilitate the hiring process. The council will decide if the applicant is appropriately qualified to apply for a position at a French university. There are two ranks of MCF which determine their compensation: classe normale and hors classe. MCF s are civil servants, so national legislation sets their salaries.

Habilitation à diriger des recherches

In order to become a professeur des universités (PU), it is necessary to earn further qualification through either a habilitation or an agrégation . The exact qualification depends on the field. In the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, the habilitation à diriger des recherches is required. It takes three to ten years of consistent research and significant publication (a monograph or a several high impact articles) to earn the habilitation . The habilitation also allows the academic to supervise doctoral students. Once an academic has earned their habilitation , they enroll to the qualification at the National Council of Universities to apply to PU positions.

Agrégation de l’enseignement supérieur

In the fields of law, political science, economics, and management, academics must rank in a competitive exam called the agrégation . First the candidate’s teaching and publication dossier is evaluated, and if it is satisfactory the candidate then gives three lessons to a committee over several months. The Ministry of Higher Education and Research determines how many PU positions are available each year and will only rank as many agrégés as there are positions available. Some vacant professorships are also filled by professeurs des universités transferring to other universities.

Professeur des universités (PU)

This position is equivalent to a full professor. It is a permanent position. There are three ranks of PU which determine their compensation: 2e classe, 1re classe , and classe exceptionnelle . PU are civil servants, so national legislation sets their salaries.

Start your academic career today by searching all  available positions in France .

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  • How to finance your Doctorat (PhD)
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France Excellence Eiffel scholarship program

Logo Eiffel

Call for applications 2024 is closed. The next call for applicatio 2025 will start in October 2024.

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs.

It gives opportunity to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study, and encourages applicants from foreign countries up to 25 years old at master’s level, and applicants up to 30 years old at PhD level.

2024 Campaign Timeline

  • Opening of the call for applications: week of September 18, 2023
  • Deadline for the reception of applications by Campus France:  January 10, 2024 included .
  • Publication of results:  week of 8 April, 2024 .


  • Eiffel Programme rules – 2024 Session

Only applications submitted by French higher education institutions are accepted.

You are an institution and you have already participated in the Eiffel program => You should have received an email concerning the download of application files. If that is not the case, please contact us .

  • You are an institution participating for the first time in the Eiffel Program => Please Contact us in order download the application files.
  • You are a student interested in participating in the Eiffel program : click here

Contact Campus France - Programme Eiffel 28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles 75010 Paris Contact us

Logo Eiffel

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PhD in France: Fees 2024, Top Colleges, Admissions, Placements & Salaries

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Collegedunia Team

Content Curator | Updated On - May 9, 2024

To apply for a PhD in France , the most important requirement is a masters degree and proficiency in the French or English language. The minimum score required for the same is  6 bands in IELTS . Studying a doctorate in France is  comparatively cheap  as it is usually funded by the country. On average, the tuition fee is around  380 EUR (34,300 INR) .

Most importantly, doctoral programs in France  do not provide the opportunity to enroll for a Doctorate in a specific field , allowing the first year for selecting the thesis subject. Prospective candidates are therefore required to  find a thesis topic and supervisor prior to enrollment , while also gaining admission to the doctoral  universities in France .


PhD in France: Course Highlights

Duration 3 years or more (Up to 6 years)
Eligibility A master's degree or equivalent with decent marks, English language proficiency tests  or IELTS
Course fee Financial help is given to the PhD students studying in various universities of France. After that Fee ranges from 200- 400 Euros.
Average salary 45,000 EUR (40 lakhs INR)
Job profile Scientist, level scientist, Researchers, Medical Science liaisons, etc.
Industries to work in Education, Engineering, Industries, Research firms, Aviation or Space companies, etc.

France Universities for PhD

PhD in France is offered in various specializations under fields like Arts, Humanities, and Business. There are  270 Doctoral schools  affiliated with  2,500 public research laboratories  throughout the country. Multiple research laboratories are associated with each Doctoral School. Some of the top universities providing PhD in France for international students and their average fees are tabulated below:

University name Course Application Deadline Average Annual Fee (EUR) Average Annual Fee (INR)
Université PSL PhD in Arts, Humanities & social sciences, Engineering, Fundamental Sciences December 11, 2023 (closed) 380 34,316
PhD in Arts and Humanities, Medicine & paramedical studies, Sciences & Engineering April 30, 2024 380 34,316
Institut Polytechnique de Paris PhD in Applied mathematics, biology and chemistry, computing, Data and artificial intelligence, etc. April 15, 2024 243 21,944
Université Paris Saclay PhD in Arts, Humanities & social sciences, Engineering, Fundamental Sciences December 11, 2023 (closed) 380 34,316
Université de Paris PhD in Astronomy & astrophysics, telecommunications, cognition and brain behavior etc. November 30, 2023 (closed) 380 34,316
PhD in Applied mathematics, computing, Data and artificial intelligence, etc - 380 34,316
Aix - Marseille University PhD in space culture and society, cognition, language and education, chemical sciences, legal and political sciences, etc. May 15, 2023 (closed) 380 34,316
University of Bordeaux PhD in law, economic sciences, management and demographics, mathematics and computer science, society, politics and public health - 380 34,316
Toulouse School of Management PhD in Accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing, strategy and international management April 15, 2024 380 34,316

Why study PhD in France?

France proves to be an attractive educational destination for international students from various countries. The factors which drive students to pursue PhD in France are discussed below.

  • Pursuing a PhD in France is quite affordable because the tuition fees for most universities in France costs around 30,000-35,000 INR. The major reason for the same is that most of the student fees at public institutions are covered, no matter what country the international students may belong to.
  • International students get to choose between various specializations in the fields of Arts, Humanities, and Science while  studying in France . Some of the major specializations like law, engineering, astronomy, and more.
  • The major language spoken in France is french. However, both public and private universities in France started to offer various courses in the English language.
  • France is a place investing in research and innovation. The universities spend a lot of resources to uplift the research and innovation sector. Thus it becomes a desirable place for students who wish to opt for a PhD degree in any of the disciplines.

PhD in France Requirements

International students planning to study PhD in France have to start the preparations early. Initially, students have to find a thesis subject and thesis supervisor. Once done students can start looking for universities. PhD in France has two main intakes  September and January  accepting international students.

PhD in France: Eligibility Criteria

The minimum qualification required by an international student before applying for PhD programs in France are discussed below:

  • Candidates must be above 18 years of age and have completed their 10+2 from a recognized board.
  • A master's degree or a 5 years bachelor's degree in the relevant disciplines is a must from a recognized university. More than 60% of the score is required in these to apply for a PhD
  • The candidates should have a good academic record in the previous college or institution.
  • English language tests like IELTS or TOEFL with decent scores are required while admissions. However, the English language tests are only relevant to programs taught in English while if the programs are taught in French, a candidate should qualify for TCF ( Test for Knowledge of French) and Le TEF ( French Assessment Test) examinations.
  • An SOP (1 page max.) outlining your reasons to pursue PhD, interest in the field, and career goals.
  • 2-3 references with name, position, and email address.
  • A valid passport and documents true to their expectations are a must.
  • Once securing acceptance from the university, students are required to apply for a  French student visa.

PhD in France: Cost of Attendance

PhD in France is very feasible for domestic as well as international students. The PhD degree is funded by the state of France or various French universities also. The average spend by the universities or state on a candidate pursuing a PhD is about 10,000 EUR. It results in minimizing tuition fees to a mere cost of about  300-400 EUR (27,000-36,000 INR)  per year.

Cost of Living in France

Before moving to France to pursue higher education, students are most concerned about their living expenses. Some of the  living expenses in France  are mentioned below:

Cost of Living in France

Expense Type Costs (EUR) Costs (INR)
Accommodation 690 62,300
Utilities 175 15,800
Mobile & Internet 60 5,400
Food 280 25,200
Transportation 69 6,200
Miscellaneous 200 18,000

PhD in France with Scholarships

France is famous for funding the students in terms of their college tuition fees. It results in France offering cheap yet quality education to the students wishing to study in France. The issue lies not in funding for tuition but rather in covering living expenses, which typically exceed 1,000 EUR (90,300 INR) per month.

However, there are  scholarships in France  that help one cut off their other expenses while living in the country. Some of the famous scholarships are given below:

  • Eiffel Scholarship Program of Excellence :  €1,800 per month for up to 10-months, medical insurance, subsidized housing
  • University Fellowships:  1,400 EUR per month for 3 years
  • Agence Nationale de Recherche Funding:  1,400 to 1,500 EUR per month

Jobs After Pursuing PhD in France

Candidates after completing their PhD degree can either opt for research-based  jobs in France  or to work in the academic sector. It depends on the availability and wishes of the candidates.

Usually, a candidate after PhD in France can earn an average annual salary of  45,000 EUR (40 lakhs INR) . A candidate opting both for research and teaching can make more than  5,000 EUR (4 lakhs INR)  per month.

Some of the job profiles we come to know about for PhD degree holders are discussed below:

Jobs After Pursuing PhD in France

Job Title Average Salary (EUR) Average Salary (INR)
Atmospheric and Space Scientist 91,500 82 lakhs
Biomedical Scientist 104,000 93 lakhs
Clinical Laboratory Scientist 105,000 94 lakhs
Computer Scientist 75,200 67 lakhs
DNA Analyst 96,800 87 lakhs
Food Scientist 64,700 58 lakhs
Forensic Scientist 80,700 72 lakhs
Formulation Technologist 38,500 34 lakhs

Candidates looking for a PhD in France must start the preparation at an early stage of about 6 months prior to the expected admission deadlines. This may help them in getting their work done very easily and without any hassle.

PhD in France FAQs

Ques: How many years is a PhD in France?

Ans : Taking a PhD degree from France usually takes 3 years of study (in natural and technological sciences). However, it can be stretched up to 6 years (in social sciences and the humanities) depending on the candidates. There is not any legal time limit to pursue PhD.

Ques: How much does it cost to do a PhD in France?

Ans : The average spend by the universities or state on a candidate pursuing a PhD is about 10,000 EUR. It results in minimizing the tuition fee of a phD in France to a mere cost of about 300-400 EUR (27,000-36,000 INR) per year.

Ques: Is France good for PhD?

Ans : France proves to be an attractive educational destination for international students from various countries. The factors which drive students to pursue PhD in France are discussed below.

  • International students get to choose between various specializations in the fields of Arts, Humanities, and Science. Some of the major specializations like law, engineering, astronomy, and more.

Ques: What is the minimum salary for a PhD in France?

Ans : Candidates after completing their PhD degree can either opt for research-based jobs in France or to work in the academic sector. It depends on the availability and wishes of the candidates.

Usually, a candidate after PhD in France can earn an average annual salary of 45,000 EUR (40 lakhs INR). A candidate opting both for research and teaching can make more than 5,000 EUR (4 lakhs INR) per month.

Ques: Is IELTS required for PhD in France?

Ans : To apply for a PhD in France, the most important requirement is a masters degree and proficiency in the French or English language. The minimum score required for the same is 6 bands in IELTS.

Ques: What is the age limit for PhD in France?

Ans : There is no age limit set for pursuing PhD in France.

Ques: Is a PhD in France taught in English?

Ans : In the field of Natural and Technological Sciences, proficiency in French is not typically required. Discussions with your supervisor happen in English, and you can write and defend your thesis in English too. Doctoral students have the option to attend French language classes while in France. However, the abstract needs to be translated into French.

On the other hand, for Social Sciences, Humanities, and Related Fields, you'll often need to know some French, usually at a B1 or B2 level. Writing your thesis in English might be possible in certain fields like commerce, marketing, political science, communication, and law, but it depends on the institute.

Ques: How can I stay in France after my PhD?

Ans : International students aiming to stay in France after completing their PhD have a few options:

  • To remain in France, you must secure a promise of employment or a work contract offering a salary of at least one and a half times the minimum wage
  • If you haven't secured employment yet, you can apply for an Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour (APS), a temporary resident permit valid for a year. This permit is non-renewable and allows you to seek employment in France. To be eligible, you must hold a professional Bachelor's or a Master's-level degree, or be in the process of starting a company.

Ques: Do PhD students pay tax in France?

Ans : If you receive a salary from a French organization, work within France, and consider France your primary residence (spending more than 183 days per year there), you're required to file a tax return with the French tax authorities annually.


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Graduate Assistant - Self Graduate Programs

Position overview, job description.

  • 25% Assist in the execution of SMS Scholar Development Program; providing on-site program support, communicating with students and speakers, coordinating logistics, conducting research about resource materials, and readings.
  • 25% Assist in the execution of the four-year SGF Fellow Development Program to meet the goals established in the donor guidelines – including Fall Skill Session, Spring Skill Session, Poster Sessions, Communication Coaching Series, and SGF Symposium. Provide on-site program support and coverage. Communicate with speakers, assisting in logistical needs. Conduct research about topics, content, speakers, facilitators, resource materials, and readings.
  • 15% Manage program documentation. Evaluate programs and assess effectiveness in meeting program goals. Keep updated a longitudinal database of programs.
  • 10% Support the Society of Self Fellows (SSF), the alumni network of the Self Graduate Fellowship through programmatic support including book club execution, electronic newsletter creation, online research showcase and more. Analyze alumni data regarding career placement, career achievement, and national location.
  • 10% Contribute to social media content generation for department.
  • 10% Support Recruitment Coordinator by contributing to recruitment strategies and research of prospective students for both programs. Provide local support at recruitment fairs as needed.
  • 5% Assist with general department duties.

Required Qualifications

  • KU graduate student in good academic standing enrolled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Demonstrated strong written communication skills as evidenced by application materials.
  • Strong verbal communication skills and effective in presenting information to individuals and groups as demonstrated by application materials.
  • Experience and knowledge of computers and Microsoft Office suite.
  • During the semester term of the appointment, the student hourly must be enrolled in no fewer than 6 credit hours. For summer periods the student hourly must: 1) have been enrolled in no less than 6 hours in the past spring semester or 2) be pre-enrolled in upcoming fall semester in no less than 6 hours or 3) be enrolled in summer session or 4) be admitted to study in the upcoming fall semester. Student Hourlies may be undergraduate or graduate students.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Demonstrated ability to organize information, schedule activities, and work independently.
  • Interest in programmatic support.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to relate to a diverse group of students, staff, and faculty.

Additional Candidate Instructions

  • Cover letter that addresses your qualifications
  • Contact information for three professional references (including at least one previous or current supervisor)
  • Your work availability for semester

Contact Information to Applicants

Advertised salary range, work schedule, anticipated start date, search jobs, posting information.

  • Posting ID:  28167BR
  • Department:  Self Graduate Programs
  • Primary Campus:  University of Kansas Lawrence Campus
  • Reg/Temp:  Temporary
  • Employee Class:  S-Student

Jobs by Type

  • Faculty, Lecturers, and Academic Staff

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  • KU Dining & Memorial Unions
  • Off-Campus Student Employment

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Landing cutting-edge jobs becomes reality with new MSU computing technology degrees

Contact: Harriet Laird

STARKVILLE, Miss.—The future is bright for those interested in cutting-edge jobs in computing technologies, and Mississippi State is offering three new degree paths this fall to get students on their way to professional success.

MSU’s new Bachelor of Applied Science in Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Master of Applied Data Science offer students hands-on training in occupations growing much faster for the next 12 years than the average for all jobs.

Currently, the university has existing programs that include a Bachelor of Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Data Science and a Master of Cybersecurity and Operations.

“As a comprehensive public research university, we want to ensure all our programs teach innovative and current best practices and prepare our students to be career ready when they graduate,” said MSU’s David Shaw, provost and executive vice president. “Every day, we’re looking at the whole picture—analyzing employers’ needs and workforce demands to offer top-notch academic programs.”

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects about 377,500 openings through 2032, on average, in computer and information technology occupations. While many openings are due to employment growth, an aging and retiring workforce also is a contributor. The bureau reports the median annual wage at $104,420 as of 2023, significantly higher than the median annual wage of $48,060 for all occupations.

Also this fall, MSU is introducing three additional applied science bachelor’s degrees—business office technology, healthcare administration and public management. Applied science bachelor’s degree programs are ideal for those who have completed or are finishing a two-year college or military Associate of Applied Science degree.

Hands type at a keyboard

Offering online, in-person and hybrid learning options, these degrees add flexibility for working adults and transfer students who have A.A.S. technical degrees in a variety of fields. Students in most of these programs will have the opportunity to gain credentials of value while earning their degree.

A graduate degree for teachers is a new addition as well. The Master of Arts in Teaching Elementary Level Alternate Route is specifically designed to address the state’s challenge of recruiting and retaining quality teachers. More than 100 public school districts have critical teacher shortages.

New Degree Programs: A Closer Look

—The B.A.S. in Cybersecurity is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and expertise to become cybersecurity analysts. This program ensures graduates are well-versed in cybersecurity theoretical aspects and possess hands-on skills required in defending organizations against cyber threats.

—Students pursuing the B.S. in Artificial Intelligence gain core theoretical knowledge and skills training to design and develop artificial intelligence systems. Data analytics, machine learning, robotics and more are the foundation of a degree preparing graduates for careers such as AI researcher and data scientist in technology and healthcare and many other industries.

—MSU is offering the Master of Applied Data Science focused toward working adults who may have a variety of bachelor’s degrees. While students learn foundational data science concepts, they also gain practical skills using real world datasets in many application domains. Careers for data scientists are innumerable—from agriculture and athletics to finance and healthcare.

—The B.A.S. in Business Office Technology prepares those holding business/technology A.A.S. degrees for work as office managers, administrative supervisors, IT administrators and more. It is delivered in both online and face-to-face formats, accommodating the preferences and schedules of a diverse population interested in pursuing a BOT degree.

—Those with health-related A.A.S. degrees can pursue MSU’s B.A.S. in Healthcare Administration at MSU-Meridian, where students are prepared to become managers in such settings as hospitals, private practices, pharmaceutical agencies, insurance companies and more. The curriculum includes study and skills training in such subjects as healthcare finance, law and management.

—MSU’s new B.A.S. in Public Management is specifically to advance the education and career options of professionals with existing A.A.S. degrees in public safety areas such as fire science, law enforcement or emergency medical/management services. Jobs for graduates include city or emergency manager, criminal justice administrator, fire management officer and others.

—A new graduate-level licensure program, the M.A. in Teaching Elementary Level Alternate Route prepares students for highly competent instruction in kindergarten through sixth grade. The MSU-Meridian coursework includes planning and managing learning, assessment and serving children with special needs. A one-year residency includes diagnosing reading problems and more.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024 - 1:30 pm

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Highly Educated Grads Can’t Find Work. What’s Happening?

The class of 2024 is struggling to secure interviews, never mind entry level jobs..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

Hi, I’m Peter Coy. I write for The Opinion section of “The New York Times.”


Recently, what I’ve really been fascinated and really appalled by is how hard it is for smart young people coming out of college to find jobs that use their skills they developed in school. We have a fairly low unemployment rate, below 4 percent, below the long-term average. It should be a good time to find a job. And yet, when I talk to new college graduates, they’re saying they can’t find jobs. And it just strikes me as kind of strange and something that really requires an explanation.

I have this newsletter on economics, business, and finance. And it’s just a great way for me to look into topics that fascinate me and also to engage with readers. So I reached out and sent out a blast and said, please write in and tell me about your experience. Class of ‘24, how’s it going? And the responses I got were, on the whole, pretty depressing.

It has been a frustrating process, to say the least.

I’m sending around 500, 600 applications.

I would say 350.

I’m not getting any feedback.

Zero. Zero interviews.

It’ll just be the same automated robot response.

I have all the qualifications, except for the experience required, which is, I think, my main disadvantage.

Should I have been doing this? Should I have been doing this?

They seem to have excellent credentials. And so it told me there’s something broken here about either the job market or the educational system. One of the most powerful emails I got back was from a 24-year-old man named John. He just seemed like an extreme example of what we’re talking about here. So we decided to bring him into the studio and talk to him to get a little deeper into how he’s wrestling with this difficult problem.

Yeah, you got water? Anything else you need?

Well, a job, but.

John, just tell us who you are, name, so on.

Hi, I’m John York. I just finished up my master’s degree in mathematics. I’m engaged, getting married in a few weeks, which is exciting. And I have a bachelor’s degree in mathematics as well from University of Utah. And my master’s is from NYU.

Well, congratulations on the impending nuptials.

Oh, yeah. Definitely my best qualification so far.

Excellent, excellent. Would you mind going back and reading the email that you wrote to me?

Absolutely. I am finishing up my master’s degree in mathematics at NYU right now, and I have submitted close to 400 applications. I’ve heard back from less than 40 — all rejections. I could not get an internship during my master’s degree because I did not have enough experience. I essentially cannot get any job because there are no entry-level positions anywhere at all. It is just so silent. It feels like I’m screaming into the void with each application I am filling out.

Wow. And I really feel for you because it’s got to be crazy frustrating. I can’t even imagine. I mean, what sense do you make of all this?

You know, from the aggregate amount of advice I’ve been given, I’ve kind of put together that no one really understands how the system is working right now. Some people believe that the best way to get a job would be to, you know, optimize how many keywords you’re hitting, how cover letters you’re doing. Some people believe it’s about networking, and just meeting the right person will get you a job nowadays.

And essentially, I can’t get two people to give me the exact same advice. I talked to one guy with a lot of experience, and he told me AI was a whole new thing. So I spent probably 30 hours over, like, three days, reading AI books and trying to put together a basic neural network. And I got it to work, which was awesome.

And then I put it on my GitHub linked on my LinkedIn. And it’s been nothing. It hasn’t come up in any questions about job applications. It hasn’t been relevant at all. I feel like this shouldn’t be so unknown.

Have you talked to friends of yours who did land jobs and tried to figure out why they got the jobs, and you didn’t? Any thoughts?

As of now, not too many people I know are having terrible career success. One of my friends in the program just opted to do a PhD after because she didn’t know what else to do with herself. I have another friend who didn’t even get a job really in finance, like she was hoping. She instead got a math teaching job.

One of the things you said is that you sort of wish you’d gotten an internship or more than one along the way. And tell me more about that, why you didn’t and why you regret it now.

So in undergrad, the predominant advice I received was to get a PhD in mathematics. If you like math, that’s the only thing you want to do with math. It was very much looking like you were just kind of greedy if you wanted to do financial mathematics, not really respecting it for the interesting science I currently find it as. So I just focused on getting the qualifications for a math PhD and then saving up money so that I could have a good amount of a nest egg to get through a PhD.

But in retrospect, you wish you had done an internship.

Oh, yeah. Greatly. It’s the number one thing people ask me for.

As you saw in my article, a lot of people are in the same boat you’re in. Does that make you feel any better that you’re not alone?

In some ways, I’m glad the problem isn’t just to me. In other ways, it makes it more difficult because whenever I’ve had a problem with myself where, like, oh, I’m not qualified enough for this, I’m not qualified for that, I can just put a couple hundred hours into the problem. Then it’s usually fixed, right? So if I knew the problem was localized to me, it would give me an air of control, I guess.

A friend of a friend, she got laid off from McKinsey, and she’s been applying to jobs ferociously for about four to six months now, and still nothing. And so, when I see another qualified, diligent person, and they can’t find a path forward, it does make it worrisome because I don’t know if I’ll be able to find a path forward in time before student loans kick in, and the financial pressures really start revving up for me.

Yeah, so misery does not love company.

Well, the conversation, I have to say, did not cheer me up. It just brought home to me even more how unfair life can be and how unfair the job market can be. And one explanation for what’s going on is just that it’s always tough to break into the job market. It’s been that way forever. You graduate from college, and you don’t automatically slot right into a job that’s your dream job. That’s not a new thing.

But I think it’s worse now. And one thing that makes it worse is a mismatch between the skills that colleges are training people in and the ones that employers are looking for. I think this could get actually worse in coming years because of AI. AI is doing a lot of stuff that you might have hired a young college grad, eager person to do. So what it’s doing is it’s cutting out the bottom rungs of the ladder. You have no way to gain the experience that you’re needed for those middle-level jobs.

I think one lesson from all this is that there needs to be a tighter integration of what colleges teach and what employers need. I do not think college should be narrowly pre-professional. I myself was a history major, and I’m glad I was. But I think the colleges do need to understand that there needs to be some kind of practical skill that people come out with.

My feeling is something’s going to happen for this guy and for a lot of the other people out there that I interviewed for my article. It’s just, it’s a painful start, though, for people who are in the early stages of their career.

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By Peter Coy

Produced by Derek Arthur

Recently graduated and struggling to find a job? You are not alone. In this audio essay, the Opinion economics writer Peter Coy explores why the class of 2024 is in a job slump, despite a low unemployment rate. He talks to a recent graduate, John York, about his challenges so far.

(A full transcript of this audio essay will be available within 24 hours of publication in the audio player above.)

A group of graduates are seen from behind, wearing caps and gowns, looking into the distance,

Thoughts? Email us at [email protected] .

This episode of “The Opinions” was produced by Derek Arthur. It was edited by Alison Bruzek and Kaari Pitkin. Mixing by Sonia Herrero. Original music by Carole Sabouraud and Pat McCusker. Fact-checking by Kate Sinclair. Audience strategy by Shannon Busta and Kristina Samulewski.

The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips . And here’s our email: [email protected] .

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Peter Coy is a writer for the Opinion section of The Times, covering economics and business. Email him at [email protected] . @ petercoy


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    Jobs for graduates include city or emergency manager, criminal justice administrator, fire management officer and others. —A new graduate-level licensure program, the M.A. in Teaching Elementary Level Alternate Route prepares students for highly competent instruction in kindergarten through sixth grade. The MSU-Meridian coursework includes ...

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  30. Highly Educated Grads Can't Find Work. What's Happening?

    He talks to a recent graduate, John York, about his challenges so far. (A full transcript of this audio essay will be available within 24 hours of publication in the audio player above.)