
  • New members

For PhD Students

Here is some information only valid if you are a PhD Student. A guide for new PhD students can be found on the Doctoral Portal here:

We got a presentation from Julie Gold, vice head of department, at one of our group meetings, where she updated us on the graduate education system. That presentation can be found here .

Content (clickable) :

Handbook for doctoral studies, student union membership, gts courses, graduate courses.

  • Meetings with director of studies and study plan

Teaching labs

Research visit, popular science presentation, licentiate seminar, phd defence.

There is a handbook for doctoral studies on Chalmers Doctoral Portal which contains a lot of useful information and strives towards centralizing all information about PhD studies at Chalmers.

Föreningen för Forskarstuderande i Fysik (FFF) is an organization of graduate students working in the field of physics at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. On their webpage on Chalmers Insidan, you can find all sorts of information useful for graduate students in physics:

At Chalmers it is mandatory to be a member of the Student Union. You need to pay the membership fee each semester and show your card every time you write an exam. By being a member of the Student Union you will also get a lot of discounts and other benefits!

All PhD Students at Chalmers must take 15 credits out of the General and Transferable Skills (GTS) courses. You can find more information at

Other than the GTS courses you have to take a minimum of <number> credits to complete your graduate studies. Discuss with your supervisor and director of studies which courses you should take and if and which courses you have taken before you can count for your PhD. You can take master's courses or graduate courses. Here is a list of the Chalmers departments' graduate courses: Graduate courses .

Master's courses you can find by searching on the Student Portal ( here ). For instance you can select department, why not Physics, and you will get a (long) list of all courses given by the department. You should also not underestimate the word of mouth (unfortunately).

Meetings with director of studies

Within 1.5-2 months after you started your graduate studies you will have to have a meeting with you study director, examiner and supervisor(s) where you present a study plan (which can be found here ). This study plan should be filled in by you (in agreement with your supervisor) with information like courses taken, amount of teaching our other departmental duties done ( Jonathan Weidow keeps a good record of your teaching, send him a mail and he will give you what he has registered). At the meeting you will discuss your work and the study plan. After the meeting supervisors, examiner, director of studies, and the PhD student should sign the document (after any agreed upon changes has been made). The signed copy should then be given to Anna Lindqvist at the administration on floor 5 in Origo for archiving.

Interest in teaching is reported twice a year in a survey sent out by Jonathan Weidow . By teaching or doing other departmental duties your PhD project gets paid and your time at Chalmers is extended by as much. More information can be found on insidan here:

The most important parts are also stated below.

Teaching time

A full time employee corresponds to a work year of:

1 756 hours with 28 days of vacation (0-29 years of age) 1 732 hours with 31 days of vacation (30-39 years of age) 1 700 hours with 35 days of vacation (40- years of age)

The most common teaching types are counted as departmental duty hours according to:

Tutorial (Räkneövning)4*
Supervision (Enkel handledning)2*
Adm. of course4+ n/4**

* regular hours ** n is the number of bachelor students

Note the difference between Räkneövning, where you solve problems on the board, and Räknestuga, where the students are solving problems themselves and you are available for questions.

You should know how much time you are assigned for teaching before preparing, so that you don't spend too much time on it. If it is unclear, ask the examiner and/or the teaching coordinator.

Other types of departmental duties are agreed on in discussion with "studierektor" (director of studies).

Search students

If you need to contact a student for some reason, you can search for contact information on the Chalmers Student Union portal: (being a PhD student, you have to be a member of the student union).

It has been decided within GPC ( Gothenburg Physics Centre ) that all teachers must pass a web based safety course and participate in a safety seminar in order to be allowed to teach in the Physics Learning Lab (FÖL). For the web course, you should do everything except the practical test about X-ray (unless you are about to teach those labs, then it is mandatory as well).

In order to do the web course, and you’ll need a x-account on GUL (Göteborgs Universitets Lärplattform). Contact Bea Tensfeldt by sending an email to bea.tensfeldt (at) including this information:

  • Social security number
  • Academic title
  • Email address
  • Room number
  • Phone number
  • Contact person (supervisor, leader of division or head of department)

Once you have access, please follow the instructions at the following link:

For those of you that haven’t attended the safety seminar, there will be a new chance next year but until then you have to check the web page:

Any further questions should be addressed to Mats Rostedt (lab safety course) or Lars Hellberg (safety seminar).

You might go on a research visit during the PhD, for several weeks or a couple of months. If, for some reason, the normal allowance (traktamente) is not paid to you for this trip (none or partial), you can make a deduction for it in the coming tax declaration. This can be a significant amount of money. See Skatteverket's rules , page 7-8.

Some time during the PhD, you must give a popular presentation to an audience that is not familiar with your research topic. Instructions, as well as suggestions of platforms, can be found on the GTS page . Furthermore, the Association of Graduate Students in Physics (FFF) arranges appropriate platforms from time to time.

The half-way defence, the licentiate seminar are connected with certain rules/guidelines. Also the rules at the Physics department differ from Chalmers' central rules. Read more on Insidan here (in swedish). Anna Lindqvist at the administration will contact you once the application has been sent to the department and guide you through any other formalities. The central guide for the licentiate seminar can be found on the doctoral portal here (although you should use the physics one primarily).

The information exists on the new intranet also. Try this link:

When it comes to applying for a licentiate degree there is a guide here . Your examiner should have filled in the approval form (can be found on the same doctoral portal page ) and then the administration should have registered that form and an "all courses completed archive list" in LADOK before you can apply for a degree. Expect an email from Anna Lindqvist at the administration.

As with the licentiate, the PhD defence is also associated with certain administrative must-do's. Find a guide from the department on Insidan here (in swedish). On the new intranet:

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Chalmers University Technology

Fluid-Structure  Interaction: Modelling, Simulation and Applications

Institute: Dept. Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Chalmers University of Technology

Course code: FMMS035

Number of credits: 7.5 hp

Level: doctoral education

Academic Year: 2024, March-June

Prerequisites: Fundamental fluid dynamics and solid mechanics, ideally with the knowledge in computational fluid/solid mechanics (CFD, FEM, etc.).

Enrollment cap: 15 students

Course description:

This course will introduce theories and numerical techniques on fluid-structure interaction (FSI). Numerical tools for FSI modelling and simulation will be introduced and investigated. The characteristic physical mechanisms in an FSI scenario are strongly dependent on the material properties of the fluid and structure, their shapes and dimensions, and the boundary conditions. Consequently, FSI modelling and simulation methods are diverse in different applications. In this course, FSI scenarios will be categorized. A set of representative cases in these categories will be introduced and exercised. Students are expected to propose projects based on their needs and interests. For each project, a numerical solver will be specifically designed with respect to the features of the corresponding FSI model. Tools for constructing numerical solvers are not restricted. The tools that the students have on hand and use at work will be adopted. The students can freely choose commercial soft wares (e.g., ANSYS, Simcenter STAR-CCM+, LS-DYNA, NUMECA, Hexagon MSC Software, COMSOL) and open-source soft wares (e.g., OpenFOAM, nektar++, Elmer, Salome, FEniCS, LUMA, preCICE). The projects will be documented in the form of written reports. The reports will be peer-reviewed. At the end of the course, the students will present their respective projects and teach each other the techniques utilized the projects.

This course is offered for PhD students at Chalmers and other Swedish universities, as well as international students from other countries. The course is free of charge. It does not cover the costs for travel, accommodation, and food. Industrial participants are welcomed as well, but a charge for 25 000 SEK will be made.

♦ Continuum mechanics for FSI

• Arbitrary Lagrange Euler system

♦ Fundamental FSI problems

• Flow-induced vibrations and acoustics: fluttering, aero-/hydro-elasticity

• Free-surface wave interaction, slamming

• Thin shells

♦ Principles and modelling for Linear FSI

• 1D, 2D and simplified 3D models

• Classical engineering senecios

♦ Principles and modelling for nonlinear FSI

• Large rigid motions

• Large elastic motions

• Complex engineering applications

• Numerical simulations methods

• Boundary element method

♦ Coupled FEM-CFD

• Numerical stability

• Computation acceleration methods

• Fluid-structure interface treatment

Schedule (Course activities will be organized with a hybrid mode combing Zoom and local classrooms. International students can join via Zoom like the previous year.)

24 March, 10:00-11:45 & 13:15-17:00: Lecture, exercises

31 March, 10:00- 11:45  & 13: 15 -17:00: Lecture, exercises

7 April, 10:00- 11:45  & 13: 15 -17:00: Lecture, exercises, project proposal discussion

14 April, 10:00- 11:45  & 13: 15 -17:00: Lectures, exercises

21 April, 10:00- 11:45  & 13: 15 -17:00: Lecture, exercises

19 May, 9:00- 11:45  & 13: 15  -16:00: Mid-term evaluation of projects in the form of presentations and group discussions

6 June: Hand in drafts of project reports

13 June: End of preliminary peer review for drafts

23 June, 9:00- 11:45  & 13: 15  -16:00: Project presentation 

28 June: Hand in final project reports

Instructor:  Assoc. Prof. Hua-Dong Yao (Email:  [email protected] ; Phone: +46 73 773 9337)

To register the course , please send emails to [email protected]; beforehand, please discuss and reach consensus with your supervisor, and send the supervisor’s approval in the form of a cover letter, or simply forward by email. 

Deadline for registration : 14 March 2024.

PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, Quarter 2, 2008

Some hints from me:, project suggestions, more information, master thesis propositions.

  • Interesting for you
  • My settings

Physics at the Chalmers University of Technology is a broad subject that is based on both experimental, theoretical, and computational physics. The various scientific subjects various from subatomic physics to astrophysics.

Chalmers University of Technology Multiple locations Göteborg , Sweden Top 2% worldwide Studyportals University Meta Ranking 4.1 Read 37 reviews

The graduate school in physics contributes to giving you as a doctoral student detailed and theoretical research that gives you a high relevance for a future in both industry and academia.  


  • The graduate school in Physics at Chalmers University of Technology is also unique as it interacts with several other subjects such as materials science, nanotechnology, chemistry, and life sciences. There are different specializations to choose from. 

Programme Structure


  • The graduate school in Physics is based on experimental, theoretical and computational physics. 
  • The scientific topics range from subatomic physics on the shortest length-scale to astrophysics on the longest length-scale. 
  • Furthermore, many of the subjects are in the borderline between physics and materials science, nanotechnology, chemistry and life science. 
  • The research projects are commonly utilising the fact that physicists can design, probe, manipulate and predict properties of matter on the atomic scale.

Key information

  • 48 months

Start dates & application deadlines

  • Vacant PhD positions can open multiple times a year. Check the university’s website.


Academic requirements.

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Student insurance

Make sure to cover your health, travel, and stay while studying abroad. Even global coverages can miss important items, so make sure your student insurance ticks all the following:

  • Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
  • Repatriation, if something happens to you or your family
  • Home contents and baggage

We partnered with Aon to provide you with the best affordable student insurance, for a carefree experience away from home.

Starting from €0.53/day, free cancellation any time.

Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at Chalmers University of Technology and/or in Sweden, please visit Student Insurance Portal .

Other requirements

General requirements.

  • To be qualified for admission in Physics the student must have earned a degree at the second-cycle level. 
  • The orientation of the student’s degree shall also have a sufficiently close connection to the subject of the doctoral programme. 
  • Equivalent requirements apply to individuals who have taken their first degree in a country other than Sweden. 
  • The examiner, in consultation with the principal supervisor, shall assess whether the applicant has the requisite capacity to successfully complete the doctoral programme. 
  • Other requirements for general entry are regulated in Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes.

Tuition Fee


  • Doctoral students aren't required to pay tuition fees.

Living costs for Göteborg

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

In order for us to give you accurate scholarship information, we ask that you please confirm a few details and create an account with us.

Scholarships Information

Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Physics.

Available Scholarships

You are eligible to apply for these scholarships but a selection process will still be applied by the provider.

Read more about eligibility

  • missing or incomplete ?"> Missing or incomplete content
  • wrong or outdated ?"> Wrong or outdated content

Other interesting programmes for you

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Go to your profile page to get personalised recommendations!

Chalmers Doctoral Students Guild

The chalmers board of graduate students, e2 phd council.

Welcome to the E2 PhD Student Council!

At the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, the E2 PhD Student Council is your representative body, dedicated to enhancing your experience as a PhD student.

Who are we?

The E2 PhD Student Council comprises representatives from each research unit within the Department, chosen annually to serve for one year. Additionally, we are joined by observers from the Doctoral Students’ Guild (DS Guild), a GENIE representative, and the Head of Department for Doctoral Education, who acts as a liaison with the Department.

Our mission.

Our mission is twofold: To foster a sense of community among E2 PhD students and to advocate for your needs to faculty members and administrators. We achieve this through various initiatives:

  • We send the monthly newsletter to E2 PhD students to keep them informed about current events and opportunities.
  • We work to improve your working conditions , such as equalizing course credit requirements across different research units.
  • We actively collaborate with the E2 Department to ensure it remains a safe and supportive environment for all.
  • We advocate for better teaching conditions.

Social activities:

In addition to our advocacy work, we organize various social activities to promote a sense of belonging and camaraderie among E2 PhD students. Whether it’s a relaxing sauna session, a beer tasting at a local brewery, or an adventurous day at Liseberg amusement park, there’s something for everyone.

Get involved!

We’re here to serve you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback helps us better serve the E2 PhD student community.

Your E2 PhD Student Council

phd course chalmers

  • Board Members
  • Work groups
  • PhD councils
  • Social Activities
  • Doktorandombudet (DOMB)
  • Abusive academic supervision
  • Residence permits
  • Newsletters
  • DScloud and DSdocs

Mathematical Sciences

Doctoral studies at mathematical sciences.

phd course chalmers

​As a doctoral student at Mathematical Sciences, you can be admitted to graduate school at Chalmers or to a third-cycle subject at the University of Gothenburg.

Doctoral studies at the Department of Mathematical Sciences means that you get to immerse yourself in mathematics or mathematical statistics by reading courses and working on your own research project. After completing your education, you receive a doctorate, and can choose to either continue in academia, or focus on a career in industry and business. You also have the option of taking a licentiate degree halfway through the education.

​As a doctoral student at Mathematical Sciences, you can be admitted to a graduate school at Chalmers or to a third-cycle subject at the University of Gothenburg.

The education is similar at both universities, but there are differences, among other things, in terms of which compulsory courses you need to take. GTS courses (Generic and Transferable Skills) at Chalmers and compulsory courses at the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg.

Graduate schools at Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers has three graduate schools, with a total of five specialisations, for you who want to do a doctorate at Mathematical Sciences.

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Applied mathematics and statistics

A PhD student in mathematics or mathematical statistics can also be admitted to the interdisciplinary graduate school in Bioscience .

phd course chalmers

We train new researchers!

Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers University of Technology.

Third-cycle subjects at the University of Gothenburg

These are the third-cycle subjects we have at the University of Gothenburg  

  • Mathematics, with the possible specialisation applications
  • Mathematical statistics, with the possible specialisation applications . 

The University of Gothenburg also has a third-cycle subject in mathematics/natural science specialising in educational sciences .

phd course chalmers

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science

Read more about becoming a PhD student at the Faculty of Science at University of Gothenburg.

Doctoral courses

To find doctoral courses given by Mathematical Sciences, go to the doctoral course catalogue at University of Gothenburg, and search for mathematical sciences. 

Doctoral courses at Mathematical Sciences during 22/23

Doctoral courses at mathematical sciences during 23/24, joint doctoral- and master-level courses at mathematical sciences, licentiate and doctoral theses at mathematical sciences, licentiate theses, doctoral theses, deputy head of department, responsible for doctoral education.

phd course chalmers

  • Full Professor , Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences
  • [email protected]
  • +46 31 772 53 21
  • To personal page

Directors of studies

phd course chalmers

phd course chalmers

  • Senior Lecturer , Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences
  • [email protected]
  • +46 31 772 64 14

phd course chalmers


31 fully funded phd programs at chalmers university of technology, sweden.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in solid state chemistry

Summary of phd program:.

In the newly founded Multiscale Inorganic Energy Materials group within Chalmers’s Energy and Materials division, we aim to create catalytic materials with novel structural motifs on different length scales. For this mission, we seek motivated and skilled PhD students to contribute to groundbreaking research at the interface between solid state chemistry, materials science, and heterogeneous catalysis. You will focus on the creation of new main group and transition metal oxide catalysts as well as the modification of their structure on several dimensions. To this end, you will explore various synthetic pathways towards new layered bulk and nano materials, determine their structure, e.g. by X-ray diffraction, and study their physical and catalytic properties.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-15

2. fully funded phd position in quantum nanophotonics.

This project is part of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), a 12-year, billion-SEK initiative with the purpose of advancing Swedish academia and industry to the forefront of quantum technology, and to build a Swedish quantum computer. We are members of the Quantum Technology division in the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). We work with the experimentalists in the Photonics division and the theorists at the Applied Quantum Physics division. Our department hosts the state-of-the-art MC2 Nanofabrication Laboratory cleanroom, the largest such facility in Northern Europe. We have cutting-edge cryogenic, microwave and optical measurement capabilities.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-15

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in robotic 3D printing

Our research project aligns with the circularity and decarbonization agendas of contemporary architectural design, focusing on recycling and reuse of existing material resources to save our severely exploited natural environment. The ambition is to develop several variants of a novel bioorganic material recipe based on upcycled biomass comprising cellulose, microorganisms and other organic ingredients, and to demonstrate its application potentials in architectural design, renovation, restoration and preservation through robotic 3D printing. To establish this cutting-edge material solution, the project features a strong interdisciplinary agenda, encapsulated in the synergy of knowledge from three fields: architecture, biology and chemistry.

Application Deadline: 13 August, 2023

4. fully funded phd position in closed-loop supply chains.

This PhD student project focuses on supply chain planning, targeting the challenge of developing and implementing sustainable circular models. The exact focus will be discussed and decided together with the supervisor. The PhD student will take part in research projects with different companies involved which will provide access to a broad range of empirical settings. Consequently, the research will focus on empirical studies in collaboration with industry

Application Deadline: 2023-08-31

5. fully funded phd position in water saving methods.

We are looking for a PhD student who will investigate water savings within the drinking water systems in the light of increasing water scarcity globally as well as locally. Your work will contribute to development and optimization of both leakage detection methods and pipe renewal strategies. Water savings in-house and studies on the potential of water reuse within buildings are important aspects to be included in the project.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-20

6. fully funded phd position in signal processing in communication systems.

In this position, at the division of Communications, Antennas and Optical Networks, you will perform research on energy-efficient signal processing for emerging communication applications with many antennas (MIMO). Of particular focus is the development of algorithms that can help the analog and digital components in communication system to run efficiently, and to implement these algorithms on digital hardware (CPUs, FPGAs, ASICs), with a strong focus on energy efficiency.

Application Deadline: August 31, 2023

7. fully funded phd position in efficient digital implementation of advanced algorithms.

Hardware implementation of advanced algorithms – a cornerstone of our society – poses many challenges. We will address scalable implementation of next-generation algorithms that are key enablers in computing and communication, for radio networks, image processing, automotive systems, etc. Algorithms of interest include machine learning, error correction, detection/precoding, and information fusion, and system scenarios range from adaptive low-power edge circuits to throughput-oriented accelerators.

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8. fully funded phd position in management of parallelism and locality in processing.

As a PhD student in classIC, the main responsibility is to focus on your research project. Computer architecture is an experimental engineering discipline and you will spend considerable efforts in building detailed models of computer systems to assess performance, power and area of your proposed architectural optimizations. Research results in computer architecture are primarily disseminated through conferences, so you will be attending international conferences on a regular basis. The project is a team effort so we expect that you are a good team player and will enjoy being a part of a major research effort.

9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy Efficient and Digitally Enhanced CMOS Transmitters

In this research project you will investigate how analog/RF- and digital circuits can be jointly designed and optimizated to maximize energy efficiency and reconfigurability in communication and sensor transmitters for emerging virtual- and extended reality (VR/XR) and environmental sensing applications. All critical parts of the transmitter, from digital-to-analog conversion, frequency up-conversion- and power amplification will be analysed, modelled, and implemented with the overall objective to understand efficiency enhancement and adaptivity opportunities and bottlenecks in typical application scenarios.

10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Adaptive GaN Transmitter Frontend for increased Back-off Efficiency

Investigate a GaN transmitter frontend design that is designed to be adapted (bias, load impedance, etc.) dynamically with the RF signal envelope. The adaption signal is provided by an accompanying driver PA chip that is co-designed in CMOS and covered by separate PhD projects. This adaptation will allow for a transmitter frontend that simultaneously provides higher linearity and energy-efficiency compared to the state of the art, while maintaining a small form-factor which is essential for dense integration environments. You will work in close collaboration with others Ph.D. students to find the best signal split in terms of RF, bias, envelope, etc. for a globally optimum solution taking the characteristics of the different technologies (CMOS, GaN) into account.

11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Semiconductor System Design Center

The technology landscape for semiconductor systems has drastically changed. To meet the demands of higher data rates, greater security, and improved energy efficiency means that system optimizations must be conducted across all the layers from analog- and digital circuit design to system architecture and software. In addition, as more and more compute capabilities are moving to the edge, optimizations to expend less power need a cross-layer approach. To this end, Chalmers – Lund Advanced Semiconductor System Design Center (classIC) is a newly started major research initiative aiming at advancing semiconductor system design through an interdisciplinary approach to take system performance and power to an entirely new level.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

12. fully funded phd position in thermochemical conversion technology.

The project is part of a larger collaboration with European industries and addresses their need for deeper knowledge on the thermochemical conversion technologies. Particularly, the conversion of heterogeneous waste streams and the technological consequences are in the focus. The research group in which you will be active has its own pilot scale facility for pyrolysis and gasification trials and advanced analytics for product characterization which is the backbone of our research. Complementary experimental lab facilities for fluid bed conversion and plasma conversion are available to investigate specific aspects isolated.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-27

13. fully funded phd position in nanocellulose composites for wearable electronics.

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our research group at Chalmers. You will be enrolled in the PhD student school of the Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC) and closely collaborate with researchers at the participating universities, Chalmers, Linköping and KTH. The goal of your research will be to develop materials for wearable electronics with focus on recyclability. You will develop methods for the preparation of composite materials comprising conjugated polymers and nanocellulose.

Application Deadline: 15 August, 2023

14. fully funded phd position in enzymes for biomass valorisation.

In this WWSC project, our goal is to discover enzymes that can be used for wood decoupling and tailoring of wood polymers and wood-derived molecules. Novel enzymes will produced and used in the project. By applying characterization methodology of both the structure and the chemistry of the wood-derived streams, we can both identify how the enzyme act on the wood and understand their application potential. We will build on our previous work on understanding the action and diversity of LPMOs and cutinases, to explore their action on wood-derived streams. Furthermore, we will build deeper knowledge on their action on real process streams. LPMO will be evaluated for their efficiency in oxidative cleavage of cellulose and hemicellulose and for functionalization. Cutinases will be applied for release of valuable fatty acids from bark.

15. Fully Funded PhD Position in New Materials Concepts for Stable Organic Solar Cells

The Müller Research Group focuses on the physical chemistry and materials science of organic semiconductors, polymer blends and composites, and develops new plastic materials for wearable electronics and energy technologies ranging from organic solar cells and thermoelectrics to power cables. All research is conducted in co-operation with other universities/institutes and/or industry. Presently, the group consists of 1 Professor, 1 senior scientist, 3 Postdocs and 8 PhD students.

Application Deadline: August 15, 2023

16. fully funded phd position in combined software co-piloting and verification.

The research to be performed in this PhD position is part of a project ‘TriCo — Triple Co-Piloting of Implementation, Specification, and Tests’. The goal is to enable software developers to exploit the power of rapidly emerging AI based code synthesis while achieving a high level of robustness. The project will provide a co-piloting methodology that enables the developer to create code, tests, and specifications simultaneously, and to guide the developer in this process by suggesting modifications in the respective other artefacts whenever the developer changed one of them, such that the three are kept consistent.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-01

17. fully funded phd position in materials chemistry for stable organic electronics.

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join the project “Stable Doping of Organic Semiconductors”, supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The project brings together 5 research groups from Chalmers University of Technology and Linköping University, led by Christian Müller, Anna Martinelli, Eva Olsson, Mats Fahlman and Simone Fabiano. The mission of the project is the realization of doped organic semiconductors that display truly stable electronic behaviour. You will be part of a team of five PhD students, as well as several Postdocs, who will together develop and study new materials concepts that facilitate stable doping. You will have the opportunity to visit and collaborate with different research labs both in Sweden and abroad.

18. 04 Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science and Engineering

The department is looking for four PhD students. Each position is placed in one of the four divisions (Data Science and AI, Computer Networks and Systems, Computing Science, and Software Engineering and Interaction Design) at the department, with the University of Gothenburg as the employer.

19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Generative models for Inverse Molecular Design

Inverse molecular design is the process of generating molecules with bespoke properties. Examples include a drug binding a specific biological target or an enzyme with high thermal stability. As such, inverse molecular design is a holy grail of chemical and biological engineering. However, the space of possible compounds or protein sequences is enormous, which excludes explicit screening or discriminative approaches. Here we seek to build a generative AI system that leverages multi-scalar and multi-modal data to generate compounds conditioned on their target properties. The selected candidate will join an interdisciplinary team in their efforts to target ion-channel proteins to modulate their function to a possible therapeutic effect.

Application Deadline: August 14, 2023

20. 02 fully funded phd position in assured autonomous systems.

The goal of this PhD project is to develop techniques and tools for the construction of assured learning-enabled ACPS with a focus on runtime assurance. In this project, you will develop simulation-based methods for the construction of runtime monitors that identify under what conditions an ML component may risk the safe operation of the system. The task of the monitor is to recognize these scenarios and, if necessary, force the system to run using trustable components. A key challenge in developing such monitors is to handle noisy or missing data. You will build on the latest advances in formal methods and statistical learning theory, to develop methods that allow for the construction of monitors with guarantees on their correctness and reliability.

21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Chemistry

The host research group ( is part of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. We ask fundamental questions and are interested in chemically realistic in silico design of challenging new materials, origin-of-life chemistry, and the development of methods for analyzing electronic structure. As a member of this group, you will be exposed to a broad range of methodologies, ranging from crystal structure prediction, ab initio calculation of properties, performance, and detection characteristics, as well as quantum computation.

Application Deadline: August 20, 2023

22. fully funded phd position in robotic inspection systems.

The PhD project will be carried out in the Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) research group, and in collaboration with project partners in the European railway sector. A consequence of increased utilization of the railway systems is increased wear and increased risk of damage to the railway infrastructure. As a result, there’s a strong need of maintenance and repair of the railway infrastructure. Digitalization, AI, and robotics have been identified as potential solutions. For example, a novel contribution to more efficient railway maintenance and repair are digital twins.

23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sustainable Entrepreneurship

The research addresses Sustainable Entrepreneurship, focusing upon one or more of the following themes: entrepreneurial careers, design and delivery of training in entrepreneurship to educators and practitioners (`train the trainer’) and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Research is situated in the context of an entrepreneurial (and technical) university. The research position will have connection to a four year EU funded project addressing sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation connected to entrepreneurial education and training.

24. Fully Funded PhD Position in development of green separation methods

In this project, the main objective is to improve the energy-efficiency of separation processes in industry. This will be done by developing innovative membranes and membrane-filtration processes to enhance the potential of membrane-separations to replace the currently energy-intensive separation processes like distillation. This position will enable combining fundamental membrane research with practical implementation via close collaboration with industry.

Application Deadline: 1 September, 2023

25. fully funded phd position in quantum thermodynamics (theory).

We invite applications for a PhD position in the theory of thermodynamics of quantum and nanoscale devices. The position will be part of a research team working on energy conversion in small scale electronic and hybrid devices, reaching from fundamental principles to viable applications in quantum technologies. This research is funded by an ERC consolidator grant (2024-2028) and you will thus be part of a newly formed team of postdocs and PhD students working together towards a common goal. Beyond collaborations in the theory group, where you will get the possibility to bring in own research ideas, you will closely interact with local and international experimental teams.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-07

26. fully funded phd position in leaching of molten nuclear fuel.

As a PhD student you are supposed to focus on the research questions relating to your project. In this case the fabrication and leaching of nuclear core melts. It is expected that a variety of different core melt compositions will be produced based on nuclear accident scenario. These different melt simulates will be subjected to detailed leaching stduies to elucidate the behaviour of both actinides as well as fission product leaching under different conditions. There will be considerable hands-on laboratory work involving radioactive nuclides which will be performed in dedicated laboratories with special requirements. In addition, as a PhD student you are supposed to take an active part in the teaching of both B.Sc. and M.Sc. students and be included in some departemental work.

27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Human-Robot Interaction

The PhD project will be focused on developing and evaluating communicative methods for Human-Robot Interaction, both for (i) intentional interaction, i.e. situations where humans and robots need to actively work together to carry out a task, and (ii) unintentional interaction, i.e. when humans and robots need to safely and comfortably co-exist in the same space. The goal is to develop verbal or nonverbal communication methods for robots and evaluate them in different contexts, such as collaborative scenarios and public spaces. The specific PhD research topic will be adapted to the candidates’ research plan, profile, and interests.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-18

28. fully funded phd position in innovation leadership.

The field of research lies in the intersection between leadership studies and innovation management, with a specific focus on digital transformation in the construction industry in Sweden. This industry is ongoingly berated for its lacking performance. A succession of governmental reports and research have concluded that the industry suffers from excessive production costs, low efficiency, slow delivery, unsafe workplaces, and failure to innovate, among other things. While the various stakeholders recognize the urgent need to address these shortcomings, transformation and change have remained slow and disappointing.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-14

29. fully funded phd position in quantum entanglement of levitated superconducting particles.

The goal of the PhD project is to explore the generation of quantum states, in particular entangled states, in the center-of-mass motion of levitated microparticles. These particles can weigh between nanogram and microgram. A fascinating and exciting part of the project will be to study potential mass-limits for generating these quantum states. The project will be based on the experimental platform of chip-based magnetic levitation of superconducting microparticles. Quantum states of the particle motion can then be generated by coupling the particle’s motion to flux-sensitive superconducting circuits, such as flux-tunable microwave resonators or superconducting qubits.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-13

30. fully funded phd position in design.

Your main responsibility in the position is to carry out design-oriented research and communicate the results, both in scientific publications and to industry and public. The research will involve planning, conducting and analysing different kinds of studies with different forms of stakeholders, both citizens and commercial actors. The studies will primarily concern the use of planned ITS-solutions and evaluating their effects, but can also include the design and implementation of the solutions, as well as exploring ways of making use of data collected to help the cities and other stakeholders to improve cycling conditions and enable more people to cycle.

Application Deadline: August 7, 2023

31. fully funded phd position in optimal usage of batteries.

The performance and lifetime of battery cells are to a large extent determined by how they are used, which is managed by a battery management system (BMS). At present, they act through more or less fixed constraints on measurable cell-external variables, i.e., current, voltage and temperature, to avoid accelerated aging and risk of thermal runaway. However, the decisive causes of the limitations are internal conditions that cannot be measured. Due to limited computing capacity and poor coupling between the simplistic battery models used and the cell-internal states, this normally results in an underutilization of the cells at the same time as they age prematurely.

Application Deadline: 10 August, 2023


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  1. Graduate courses

    Graduate courses. Here you can find Chalmers' PhD courses. Sort by department or research school. Graduate courses given by the Department of Mathematical Sciences can be found in the University of Gothenburg course database (see link in navigation). Showing 0 of 0 hits. Show filter.

  2. About doctoral studies

    Chalmers' doctoral programmes are organised in subject-oriented graduate schools which are owned and developed by the departments. Each graduate school corresponds to a doctoral programme subject and for each graduate school there is a general study plan that describes the required qualifications, the specialisations available in the graduate school, the courses included in the programme, etc.

  3. We train new researchers

    Chalmers offers an attractive and competitive doctoral education in a strong research environment in an international atmosphere. Go to content. Login; Intranet (Opens in new tab) ... Graduate courses. Doctoral programmes are a combination of individual research, courses and teaching. Doctoral students choose their activities with the help of ...

  4. PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software

    CFD with OpenSource Software. Table of Contents . Basic information. Proceedings and Course Links. 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007. Invited speakers Visitors. Basic information. This is the official homepage of the PhD course CFD with OpenSource Software. It contains links to the on-going and past courses, and to the ...

  5. Programmes and courses

    Chalmers University of Technology offers a comprehensive technological and scientific education, from bachelor's level to master's and doctoral degrees. Go to content. ... Programmes and courses; Programmes and courses. Choosing what to study. Master's studies. Become an exchange student at Chalmers. Bachelor's studies. We train new ...

  6. Doctoral Studies

    Graduate Schools. With us, you can study the following specializations: Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers) Our research education program spans a large spectrum that includes the theoretical underpinning of computer science, the development of applied embedded and distributed systems, the design of computer hardware, the design of software languages, the processes, practices, and ...

  7. Graduate schools

    Chalmers' postgraduate education is organised in the form of subject-oriented graduate schools, which are responsible for course offerings, seminar activities, study follow-up and more. All doctoral students must belong to a graduate school at Chalmers, but may also be affiliated with national and international research schools.

  8. Chemistry

    Chemistry is a basic natural science, which means that research and postgraduate education are governed by interdisciplinary arguments and criteria. After your doctoral degree, you are well prepared for the challenges and methods that the subject of chemistry faces as industrial and societal needs play a role in the design of projects and ...

  9. CFD with

    · PhD students at Chalmers and other Swedish universities will have their result reported in Ladok, under course code FTME055. · Other PhD students will get a signed certificate in scanned pdf (and sent by regular mail if requested).

  10. cse

    Master's courses that are suitable for PhD students. Types for Programs and Proofs, given in LP1 every year. Advanced Algorithms, given in LP2 every year. Advanced Functional Programming, given in LP3 every year. Parallel Functional Programming, given in LP4 every year.

  11. PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software

    The course is open to master students at Chalmers, and PhD students enrolled anywhere. Other interested should consider the industrial alternatives (OpenSource CFD for Industry ... Some notes for master students at Chalmers: You will take this course under course code TME050, which means that you will be graded U/3/4/5. ...

  12. ChemPhysWiki General/For PhD Students

    Here is a list of the Chalmers departments' graduate courses: Graduate courses. Master's courses you can find by searching on the Student Portal . For instance you can select department, why not Physics, and you will get a (long) list of all courses given by the department. You should also not underestimate the word of mouth (unfortunately).

  13. PhD course in CFD

    FMMS020 PhD course in CFD, 7.5hec Implementation of a finite volume solver for incompressible, two-dimensional laminar and turbulent flow It will ge given in Study Period 1 and 2, 2024 Examiner and lecturer: prof Lars Davidson. Course Plan; Assignment 1: laminar flow, Re=1000. 1 st order upwind.

  14. Basic Usage of OpenFOAM, 2 ECTS, 2024

    · PhD students at Chalmers and other Swedish universities will have their result reported in Ladok, under course code FMMS055 · Other PhD students will get a signed certificate in scanned pdf (and sent by regular mail if requested). The certificate may contain statements of how the work in the course has progressed. FAQ · "I already have ...

  15. Chemistry, Ph.D.

    As a doctoral student in Chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology, you get the opportunity to develop knowledge that is central to understanding the composition, structure, and properties of substances. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg , Sweden. Top 2% worldwide. Studyportals University Meta Ranking.

  16. Fluid-Structure Interaction: Modelling, Simulations and ...

    The reports will be peer-reviewed. At the end of the course, the students will present their respective projects and teach each other the techniques utilized the projects. This course is offered for PhD students at Chalmers and other Swedish universities, as well as international students from other countries. The course is free of charge.

  17. PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, Quarter 2, 2008

    This PhD course can also be chosen by students in Master Programmes at Chalmers (Check with your coordinator so that they accept it! The Master Programme in Applied Mechanics accepts it.). Such students will be registered under the TME050 Project course, which is a general purpose course code for advanced project courses.

  18. Architecture, Ph.D.

    Then you should apply for a Architecture doctoral position at the Chalmers University of Technology. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg , Sweden. Top 2% worldwide. Studyportals University Meta Ranking. 4.1 Read 37 reviews.

  19. Physics, Ph.D.

    The graduate school in Physics at Chalmers University of Technology is also unique as it interacts with several other subjects such as materials science, nanotechnology, chemistry, and life sciences. There are different specializations to choose from. I want to find another Phd Course . Programme Structure. Curriculum:

  20. E2 PhD Council

    Welcome to the E2 PhD Student Council! At the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, the E2 PhD Student Council is your representative body, dedicated to enhancing your experience as a PhD student. ... We work to improve your working conditions, such as equalizing course credit requirements across different ...

  21. Doctoral studies at Mathematical Sciences

    GTS courses (Generic and Transferable Skills) at Chalmers and compulsory courses at the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg. Graduate schools at Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers has three graduate schools, with a total of five specialisations, for you who want to do a doctorate at Mathematical Sciences.

  22. 25 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

    2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum thermodynamics of electronic devices Summary of PhD Program: The position - desired starting date in the first half of 2024 - will be placed in the theory division of the department for Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers, where diverse research from quantum transport, quantum information, and quantum materials to quantum thermodynamics is ...

  23. 31 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD ...

  24. Course by Hakan Nilsson

    Course by Håkan Nilsson. On this page you will find a wide (>160!) collection of pdfs, case files and tutorials to further improve you knowledge of OpenFOAM. This material was created for and during the PhD courses between 2007 and 2020 at Chalmers University of Technology.

  25. Fall 2024 schedule: available August 15th.

    All courses are online via Zoom. Most courses meet twice a week. If more than one course section is offered, the curriculum of the courses is identical. ... CUNY Graduate Center. 365 Fifth Avenue. New York, NY 10016 +1 877-428-6942 +1 212-817-7000. Connect with The Graduate Center. Twitter; Facebook; LinkedIn; Instagram; YouTube;

  26. What Is a Graduate Degree? Your 2024 Guide

    A graduate degree is an academic program that you can pursue after getting your bachelor's degree. A graduate degree—which includes master's degrees, professional degrees, and doctorate degrees—allows you to further specialize in an area of interest or choose a course that directly relates to or is accredited by the profession you want to enter.

  27. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.