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Essays About Cooperation: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Cooperation is vital to the achievement of common goals in any society. Below are examples and prompts on essays about cooperation.

Cooperation refers to the action of working together. The spirit of cooperation rose as far back as our early ancestors when they shared hunting, fishing, and farming practices to help each other survive. Cooperation is essential in furthering development in any field as it enables collective action toward positive outcomes that benefit many. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much,” as g the widely used quote by American Writer and Educator Helen Keller. 

Here are our top picks of rich, well-written essays on cooperation:


Top 5 Essay Examples About Cooperation

1. when to cooperate with colleagues and when to compete by randall s. peterson and kristin j. behfar, 2. from conflict to cooperation: building stronger cross cultural teams by michael henman, 3. how to… cooperate by guy browning, 4. what the world’s most sociable people reveal about friendliness by david robson, 5.  the cooperative movement in the philippines by preeti sancheti, 1. benefits of starting cooperation at home, 2. environmental cooperation, 3. cooperation in a pandemic, 4. cooperative behavior in animals, 5. international cooperation, 6. encouraging students to cooperate, 7. dealing with uncooperative school project members, 8. cooperation vs. competition, 9. cooperation vs. collaboration, 10. illegal forms of cooperation.

“We have seen how easy it is to view relationships as simply negative or positive. Virtually all are a mix of both and require careful thought to manage. To do so effectively, you must first understand where you and your colleagues fall on the conflict-collaboration spectrum.”

The writers aim to help workers determine the degree of cooperativeness or competitiveness in their relationships with colleagues. By providing real-life case scenarios and workarounds, the essay also helps workers handle difficult situations maturely to further company goals while preserving self-interests such as promotion. 

Check out these essays about reading and essays about the contemporary world .

“Running a team these days is a different endeavor than it was in the past due to the emergence of cross cultural teams. The usual challenges of team building and fostering teamwork have become even more magnified.”

The author shares the sentiment of businesses dealing with cross-cultural teams, a norm today in our globalized world. The essay provides tips to ensure that the spirit of cooperation remains burning. These tips include respecting and promoting respect for cultural differences, establishing norms, developing a team identity, “overcommunicating,” and building rapport and trust.

“An essential part of cooperation therefore is a little give and take. This doesn’t mean they give and you take. Rather, it means everyone making a few compromises.”

Browning believes that cooperation is not part of human nature, citing how we even require contracts to put it in force. But to nurture cooperative behavior, which has its benefits, the authors advise everyone to listen intently to others and be amenable to making compromises from time to time. You can also check out these essays about business .

“It is a profound idea that… humans began to take their evolution into their own hands, turning us into the uniquely cooperative animals we are today. Williams syndrome may affect just one in thousands of people, but by inspiring this research, its traits might help us understand the social instincts in all of us.”

Researchers find hope in finding the origins of human cooperation through a rare syndrome that makes people highly sociable. Research on the syndrome gave rise to a discovery that could offer insights into the evolutionary process that led to developing friendliness and collaborative behavior.

“The cooperative movement is built on the principles of cooperation… This structure holds promise, especially when applied to risk management, and I hope to leverage this principle as we design new solutions that benefit members and which are sustainable for the institution.” 

The essay takes tremendous interest in cooperatives in the Philippines, elaborating on how these groups operate. Cooperatives, groups that mobilize to offer programs that serve the economic, social, cultural, and spiritual development of their members, are based on the concept of “bayanihan” – an early traditional practice in the Philippines where communities work together to move tiny Filipino houses to places to avoid danger in an area. 

10 Writing Prompts On Essays About Cooperation

Find below our list of relevant and exciting prompts:

Essays About Cooperation: Benefits of starting cooperation at home

Nurturing cooperation at home becomes not just a place to live but a place to build your character. So, first, share how cooperation is being promoted at your home. Then, list the benefits that could redound to society if cooperation is practiced at home.

With the urgent problems in our environment today, cooperative actions must also focus on protecting the environment. In your essay, discuss how our community unifies to address and prevent further environmental degradation. However, suppose you want to look into the bigger picture. In that case, you may also discuss the level of cooperation in national or global environmental efforts.

There’s no better time to work together than when fighting a pandemic. For this prompt, look into cooperative actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, or in past pandemics you have read about. Pick out and discuss inspiring case examples where efforts were mobilized. For example, different actors in society collaborated to respond to the urgent needs of the times, such as providing protective gear to frontline staff or helping those who lost their jobs to recover. In your essay, you can discuss examples from citizens who stepped up to help during the height of the pandemic.

Cooperation is standard behavior in animals, with manifestations most prevalent in how they hunt and live in groups. Your essay could answer the primary reasons behind this behavior, elaborate on the cooperative practices of animals and draw similarities between human and animal instincts and experiences in cooperation.

International cooperation has been largely perceived as vital in tackling pressing global issues, such as poverty, climate change, health, and security. You may also focus on international organizations founded on cooperative objectives, such as the United Nations (UN). The UN was born right after World War II to bring peace and prosperity to all. Research on what international multilateral agreements have resulted from international cooperation and tackle the outcomes of these deals so far. 

Fostering cooperative behavior early in life is beneficial for developing one’s social and interpersonal competence. However, teaching the value of cooperation to students could be challenging at times. Think of ways how schools could mold cooperation in the classrooms. Look into current best practices and offer these as recommendations. 

We’ve all had our encounters with uncooperative group members. It is unfair to think they could get the same grade we worked hard for without a minimal contribution. Narrate your encounter with such an uncooperative school project member or partner. Write about how you dealt with the situation and what tips you recommend to those experiencing the same. 

Competition concerns individual interests, while cooperation focuses on shared goals. Yet, humans are inherently competitive, how can one encourage cooperation for a common goal? Your essay can answer this question and add more points to the difference between these two concepts.

These words are used interchangeably, but how could they be different? You could discuss their differences based on the context of how others use these words. Or, if you are a linguistical geek, you may want to look into their etymological origins and evolution.   

Some forms of illegal cooperation include cartels. These practices go against many competition or anti-trust laws in many countries as these illegal activities could restrict the supply of goods and raise prices to the detriment of consumers and the principles of fair market competition. You may want to tackle cartels in your essay or another form of illegal cooperation, such as organized criminal groups. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . To ensure organization in your essay’s structure, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

Student Essays

Essay on cooperation

Essay on Cooperation – Need & Importance of Cooperation in Life

Cooperation is the human virtue to work together, to cooperate in dealing with the day to day challenges of life. The very concept of human society and the growth of civilizations is based upon the basic tenets of mutual cooperation. As, mankind can never live without the cooperation of fellow beings. This Essay on Cooperation talks about its meaning, concept and importance of cooperation in Life and how cooperation is essential for students to surmount the life challenges

Essay on Cooperation | Need, Value & Importance of Cooperation in Life for Students

Cooperation refers to the process of working jointly with others towards a common goal. It is an essential skill that helps in achieving success both professionally and personally. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of cooperation in life.

Essay on cooperation

Cooperation can be defined as the process of working jointly with others towards a common goal. It is an essential skill that helps in achieving success both professionally and personally. Cooperation involves communication, teamwork, and compromise. It is necessary in order to achieve goals and resolve conflicts.

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Cooperation is important in Life because 

  • Helps to achieve goals: Cooperation helps people to work together towards a common goal. This can be done by sharing ideas and working as a team.
  • Helps to resolve conflicts: Cooperation can help to resolve conflicts between people. By working together, people can understand each other’s point of view and find a solution that is agreeable to all.
  • Helps to build relationships: Cooperation helps to build strong relationships between people. When people work together, they develop trust and respect for each other. This can help to strengthen relationships in both personal and professional settings.
  • Improves communication: Cooperation helps to improve communication between people. By working together, people are able to share ideas and communicate effectively. This can help to resolve misunderstandings and improve team morale.
  • Helps to learn new skills: Cooperation helps people to learn new skills. By working with others, people are able to share their knowledge and learn from each other. This can help them to develop new skills and become more productive members of the team.

Importance of Cooperation for Students

For students, cooperation is essential for academic success. In order to do well in school, students need to work together and cooperate with their classmates. This can be done by sharing ideas, helping each other with homework, and working as a team. Cooperation is also important in the workplace. In order to be successful, employees need to be able to work together and cooperate with their coworkers. This can be done by sharing ideas, working as a team, and resolving conflicts.

Cooperation is also important in personal relationships. In order to have successful relationships, people need to be able to cooperate with each other. This can be done by communicating effectively, compromising, and working together towards a common goal in life.

Therefore, cooperation is an essential skill that helps in achieving success both professionally and personally. It is important because it helps to achieve goals, resolve conflicts, build relationships, improve communication, and learn new skills.

Essay on Cooperation & Competition:

The concepts of cooperation and competition are central to our daily lives, influencing the way we interact with others. From a young age, we are taught both the importance of working together towards a common goal and the drive to succeed over others. These two seemingly opposing forces play critical roles in shaping our society and ultimately determine its success.

Cooperation: Building Stronger Bonds

Cooperation can be defined as the act of individuals working together towards a common goal or purpose. It requires mutual understanding, respect, and trust between parties involved. In today’s world, where diversity is celebrated, cooperation has become essential in creating cohesive communities and promoting social harmony.

One of the primary benefits of cooperation is that it allows individuals to combine their strengths and resources, leading to more significant achievements than if they were working alone. In a cooperative environment, individuals complement each other’s skills and compensate for each other’s weaknesses. This not only increases efficiency but also promotes learning and personal growth.

Additionally, cooperation plays a crucial role in building strong relationships between individuals. When people work together towards a common goal, they develop a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, which leads to stronger bonds. Whether it is in the workplace or within families and friendships, cooperation fosters trust and understanding, creating a more harmonious society.

Competition: Driving Progress

Competition can be defined as the process of striving for success or superiority over others through one’s performance or abilities. While competition is often viewed in a negative light, it is an essential aspect of human nature that drives progress and innovation.

When individuals compete with each other, they are driven to improve their skills and abilities to surpass their opponents. This leads to continuous growth and development, pushing individuals to reach their full potential. Competition can also be a source of motivation for individuals, encouraging them to work harder and achieve better results.

In the business world, competition drives companies to develop new products and services, leading to economic growth and job creation. Similarly, in sports or academics, healthy competition fosters excellence and pushes individuals to strive for success.

Striking a Balance between Cooperation & Competition

As with any two opposing forces, cooperation and competition must be balanced for society’s overall benefit. While cooperation promotes social harmony and strong relationships, competition drives progress and innovation. A society that solely values one over the other will struggle to thrive.

In today’s world, it is crucial to strike a balance between cooperation and competition. Individuals must learn to work together towards common goals while also striving for personal growth and success. This balance can lead to a harmonious and progressive society where individuals support each other’s achievements while continuously pushing boundaries.

In conclusion, cooperation and competition are two essential concepts that shape our society. While cooperation fosters strong relationships and allows us to achieve more significant feats together, competition drives progress and motivates individuals towards success. Striking a balance between these two forces is crucial for creating a harmonious and thriving community.

Short Essay on Cooperation:

Cooperation is an essential aspect of human society, which involves individuals or groups working together towards a common goal. It plays a significant role in our daily lives and is vital for the overall development of any community.

One of the primary benefits of cooperation is that it promotes unity among people. When individuals come together to work cooperatively, they tend to focus on their similarities rather than differences, creating a sense of togetherness and camaraderie. This leads to the formation of strong social bonds, which are crucial for building a harmonious society.

Moreover, cooperation also leads to increased efficiency and productivity. By collaborating with each other, individuals can share their knowledge and skills, complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This not only makes tasks easier to accomplish but also ensures better results. In a society where people cooperate with each other, there is a higher chance of advancement and progress.

Cooperation also plays a vital role in resolving conflicts and promoting peace. When people work together towards a common goal, they develop mutual understanding and respect for each other. This helps in reducing misunderstandings and disagreements, leading to a more peaceful coexistence.

In addition to its social benefits, cooperation is also essential for economic growth. Businesses that foster a culture of collaboration among employees tend to be more successful as compared to those that promote competition. Cooperation leads to better problem-solving and decision-making skills, which are crucial in the business world.

To conclude, cooperation is an integral part of human society, promoting unity, productivity, peace, and economic growth. It is a valuable asset that should be nurtured and encouraged in all aspects of our lives for the betterment of ourselves and society as a whole. So, cooperation is crucial for the overall development of an individual as well as a community.

Individuals must understand the value of cooperation and work towards fostering it in their personal and professional relationships for a more harmonious and successful society. Let us remember that together we can achieve much more than what we can accomplish alone.

Essay on Cooperation Leads to Success:

Cooperation is often viewed as a key factor in achieving success, whether it be in our personal lives or in society as a whole. It involves individuals working together towards a common goal, pooling their resources and skills to overcome obstacles and achieve great things.

One of the main reasons why cooperation leads to success is because it brings people with different strengths and perspectives together. In today’s world, it is nearly impossible for one person to possess all the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish a task on their own. By collaborating with others who have different backgrounds and expertise, we are able to tap into a wider range of ideas and solutions.

Furthermore, cooperation fosters a sense of trust and camaraderie among individuals. When we work together towards a shared goal, we develop a sense of unity and understanding. This leads to stronger relationships, both personally and professionally. In turn, this creates a positive work environment where people feel supported and motivated to give their best efforts.

In addition, cooperation allows for the division of labor, enabling tasks to be completed more efficiently. By splitting up responsibilities among team members based on their strengths, it reduces the workload and ensures that each person is contributing in a meaningful way. This not only increases productivity but also prevents burnout and promotes better work-life balance.

Cooperation also plays a crucial role in problem-solving and decision-making. When faced with challenges or difficult decisions, working together allows for different perspectives to be considered. This leads to more well-rounded solutions that may not have been possible if each person had tackled the issue alone. Additionally, when decisions are made collectively, it creates a sense of ownership and accountability among team members.

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In conclusion, cooperation is essential for achieving success in any aspect of life. It allows us to harness the power of teamwork and utilize each individual’s strengths to overcome obstacles and reach our goals. By fostering trust, promoting efficiency, and encouraging diverse perspectives, cooperation paves the way for greater achievements and a more harmonious society overall.

Q: What is a short paragraph on cooperation?

A: Cooperation is the act of individuals or groups working together to achieve common goals. It involves collaboration, communication, and shared efforts, leading to increased efficiency and the ability to overcome challenges collectively.

Q: Why is cooperation important in life?

A: Cooperation is essential in life because it promotes unity, fosters teamwork, and enables people to achieve more collectively than they can individually. It strengthens relationships, resolves conflicts, and contributes to personal and societal well-being.

Q: What is cooperation and why is it important?

A: Cooperation is the act of individuals or groups working harmoniously to achieve shared objectives. It’s important because it enhances efficiency, encourages synergy, and is the foundation for social progress and achieving common aspirations.

Q: What are the 10 benefits of cooperation?

A: 1. Enhanced problem-solving and creativity.

  • Strengthened relationships and trust.
  • Increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Resource sharing and cost reduction.
  • Collective learning and knowledge exchange.
  • Conflict resolution and reduced tension.
  • Improved communication and collaboration.
  • Mutual support and emotional well-being.
  • Greater societal and economic progress.
  • Enhanced global peace and diplomacy.

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IELTS Model Essays: Competition v Cooperation (IELTS 19)

In this lesson you are going to see 5 different essays written in response to the following task:

Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Cambridge IELTS 19 Academic Test 1

Each essay responds to the same task in different ways. Each essay is accompanied by an essay plan and vocabulary list.

easy essay on cooperation

Here is the 1st essay. This essay discusses both sides of the debate, before arguing that cooperation is more beneficial over the long-term.

Essay 1 Plan


  • Introduce the topic of competition vs. cooperation.
  • Mention the debate on which is more beneficial.
  • State the aim of the essay: discuss both views and provide my opinion.

Body Paragraph 1: Competition

  • Point: Competition drives individuals to excel.
  • Example: Workplace productivity and innovation.
  • Example: Academic motivation and critical thinking skills.
  • Explanation: Competition pushes individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Body Paragraph 2: Cooperation

  • Point: Cooperation fosters teamwork and collective effort.
  • Example: Workplace problem-solving and diverse perspectives.
  • Example: Cooperative learning in schools.
  • Explanation: Cooperation enhances academic performance and social skills.

Body Paragraph 3: My Opinion

  • Point: Cooperation is more beneficial in the long run.
  • Example: Team-oriented workplaces and job satisfaction.
  • Example: Cooperative learning preparing students for real-world scenarios.
  • Explanation: Cooperation promotes community and belonging.
  • Summarize the benefits of both competition and cooperation.
  • Reiterate the preference for cooperation.
  • Final thought: Encouraging collaboration over competition leads to sustainable success.


In today’s competitive world, the debate over whether competition or cooperation is more beneficial in work, school, and daily life is highly relevant. Some argue that competition drives individuals to excel, while others believe that cooperation fosters a more supportive and productive environment. This essay will explore both viewpoints and provide my perspective.

[Body Paragraph 1: Benefits of Competition]

Advocates of competition argue that it pushes individuals to reach their full potential. For instance, in the workplace, competition can lead to higher productivity and innovation as employees strive to outperform their peers. Similarly, in schools, students may be motivated to achieve higher grades and develop critical thinking skills to stay ahead of their classmates. The pressure to succeed can drive individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

[Body Paragraph 1: Benefits of Cooperation]

On the other hand, proponents of cooperation emphasize the importance of teamwork and collective effort. In work settings, collaboration can lead to more effective problem-solving and the sharing of diverse perspectives, resulting in better decision-making. In educational environments, cooperative learning encourages students to work together, promoting mutual understanding and support. This approach not only enhances academic performance but also helps students develop social and emotional skills, such as empathy and communication.

[Body Paragraph 3: My Opinion]

In my opinion, while competition can spur individual achievement, cooperation is ultimately more beneficial in the long run. Cooperation fosters a sense of community and belonging, which is essential for personal and professional growth. For example, in a team-oriented workplace, employees are more likely to feel valued and supported, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates. Additionally, cooperative learning in schools prepares students for the collaborative nature of modern work environments, where teamwork is often crucial to success.


In conclusion, both competition and cooperation have their merits. However, I believe that fostering a cooperative spirit is more advantageous as it promotes a supportive and inclusive environment, which is essential for sustainable growth and development. Encouraging collaboration over competition can lead to more meaningful and lasting achievements.

Vocabulary List

  • Competitive world – phrase referring to a society where individuals or groups compete.
  • Drive individuals to excel – idiom meaning to motivate people to achieve high standards.
  • Workplace productivity – noun phrase referring to the efficiency of employees at work.
  • Critical thinking skills – noun phrase denoting the ability to analyze and evaluate an issue.
  • Collective effort – phrase meaning a combined effort by a group.
  • Mutual understanding – noun phrase meaning shared comprehension among people.
  • Supportive and inclusive environment – complex noun phrase referring to a setting that encourages and includes everyone.
  • Personal and professional growth – noun phrase denoting development in personal and career aspects.
  • Team-oriented workplace – adjective-noun phrase describing a work environment focused on teamwork.
  • Sustainable growth – noun phrase meaning growth that can be maintained over time.

Here is the 2nd essay. This essay takes the view that while both competition and cooperation are beneficial, cooperation should be prioritised.

Essay 2 Plan

  • Acknowledge the ongoing debate.
  • State the aim of the essay: examine both perspectives and provide my opinion.

Body Paragraph 1: Benefits of Competition

  • Point: Competition drives excellence and personal achievement.
  • Example: Workplace productivity and performance incentives.
  • Example: Academic motivation and resilience in sports competitions.
  • Explanation: Competition leads to critical life skills.

Body Paragraph 2: Benefits of Cooperation

  • Point: Cooperation creates a harmonious and productive atmosphere.
  • Example: Workplace creativity and problem-solving.
  • Example: Cooperative learning and social skill development.
  • Explanation: Cooperation promotes a supportive environment.
  • Point: Cooperation is more beneficial for long-term success.
  • Example: Teamwork and employee satisfaction in companies.
  • Example: Cooperative learning preparing students for future challenges.
  • Explanation: Cooperation is essential in an interconnected world.
  • Summarize the advantages of both competition and cooperation.
  • Final thought: Prioritizing cooperation fosters a supportive society.

The ongoing debate about whether competition or cooperation is more beneficial in various aspects of life, such as work, school, and daily activities, continues to spark interest. Some believe that competition is essential for personal and societal advancement, while others advocate for the benefits of cooperation. This essay will examine both perspectives and provide my opinion.

Advocates of competition assert that it drives individuals to strive for excellence. In professional settings, competition can lead to increased productivity and innovation as employees aim to outperform their colleagues. Similarly, in educational contexts, competitive environments can motivate students to achieve higher academic standards and develop resilience. For instance, sports competitions teach students the value of hard work, perseverance, and discipline, which are crucial life skills.

[Body Paragraph 2: Benefits of Cooperation]

Conversely, those who favour cooperation argue that it cultivates a more harmonious and productive atmosphere. In the workplace, collaboration can enhance creativity and problem-solving by bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise. In schools, cooperative learning strategies, such as group projects and peer tutoring, help students develop interpersonal skills and foster a sense of community. Cooperation encourages individuals to work together towards common goals, promoting a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

I believe that while competition has its place, cooperation is ultimately more beneficial for long-term success. In today’s interconnected world, the ability to work effectively with others is essential. For example, companies that emphasize teamwork and collaboration often experience higher levels of employee satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Similarly, students who engage in cooperative learning activities are better prepared for real-world challenges, as they learn to communicate, negotiate, and compromise.

In conclusion, both competition and cooperation offer unique advantages. However, I contend that cooperation should be prioritized, as it fosters a supportive and inclusive environment that is conducive to sustainable success. By promoting collaboration over competition, we can create a society where individuals work together to achieve shared goals, leading to greater overall prosperity.

  • Ongoing debate – noun phrase referring to a continuous discussion.
  • Drives individuals to strive for excellence – idiom meaning motivates people to aim for the best.
  • Resilience in sports competitions – noun phrase referring to the ability to recover from setbacks in sports.
  • Enhanced creativity and problem-solving – noun phrase describing improved ability to create and solve issues.
  • Collective goals – noun phrase meaning shared objectives.
  • Interconnected world – adjective-noun phrase describing a world where everyone is connected.
  • Shared knowledge and resources – noun phrase referring to information and materials that are used collectively.
  • Employee satisfaction – noun phrase denoting the contentment of workers.
  • Real-world challenges – adjective-noun phrase referring to practical problems faced in life.
  • Overall prosperity – noun phrase meaning general well-being and success.

Here is the 3rd essay, written in response to the same task. It takes a similar view to Essay 2, arguing that while competition can have short-term benefits, cooperation has long-term benefits.

  • Mention the relevance of the debate.
  • State the aim of the essay: discuss both viewpoints and provide my perspective.

Body Paragraph 1: Arguments for Competition

  • Point: Competition is a powerful motivator.
  • Example: Workplace performance and incentives.
  • Example: Academic achievement and scholarship motivation.
  • Explanation: Competition drives individuals to excel.

Body Paragraph 2: Arguments for Cooperation

  • Point: Cooperation fosters teamwork and mutual support.
  • Example: Workplace innovation through collaboration.
  • Explanation: Cooperation enhances social skills and inclusivity.

Body Paragraph 3: My Perspective

  • Point: Cooperation offers long-term benefits.
  • Example: Shared knowledge and resources in the workplace.
  • Example: Cooperative learning preparing students for teamwork.
  • Explanation: Cooperation promotes collective growth.
  • Final thought: Encouraging cooperation leads to sustainable success.

The question of whether competition or cooperation is more beneficial in work, school, and daily life is a subject of much debate. Some argue that competition drives progress and individual excellence, while others believe that cooperation fosters a more supportive and effective environment. This essay will discuss both viewpoints and provide my own perspective.

[Body Paragraph 1: Arguments for Competition]

Proponents of competition argue that it is a powerful motivator. In the workplace, competitive environments can lead to higher levels of performance as employees strive to achieve better results than their peers. For instance, sales teams often perform better when there are incentives for top performers. Similarly, in academic settings, students who compete for the highest grades are likely to put in more effort and achieve higher academic standards.

[Body Paragraph 2: Arguments for Cooperation]

On the other hand, advocates for cooperation highlight its importance in fostering teamwork and mutual support. In professional settings, collaborative efforts can lead to innovative solutions and improved outcomes. For example, tech companies that encourage teamwork often develop more creative and effective products. In schools, cooperative learning helps students build essential social skills, such as communication and empathy, and can lead to a more inclusive and supportive educational environment.

From my perspective, while competition can lead to short-term gains, cooperation is more beneficial for long-term success. Cooperative environments promote a sense of community and shared purpose. For instance, in a cooperative workplace, employees are more likely to share knowledge and resources, leading to collective growth and development. In educational settings, cooperative learning not only enhances academic performance but also prepares students for real-world scenarios where teamwork is essential.

In conclusion, both competition and cooperation have their advantages. However, I believe that cooperation should be emphasized as it fosters a supportive and inclusive environment, essential for sustainable growth and success. By promoting cooperative practices, we can create a more harmonious and productive society.

  • Relevant debate – adjective-noun phrase referring to a discussion that is applicable to the current context.
  • Powerful motivator – noun phrase meaning a strong incentive or drive.
  • Performance-based incentives – noun phrase referring to rewards based on achievements.
  • Scholarship motivation – noun phrase meaning the drive to earn academic scholarships.
  • Teamwork and mutual support – noun phrase denoting collaboration and helping each other.
  • Innovative solutions – noun phrase referring to creative and effective answers to problems.
  • Enhances social skills – verb phrase meaning improves the ability to interact with others.
  • Collective growth – noun phrase meaning development as a group.
  • Sustainable success – noun phrase referring to long-term achievement.
  • Encouraging cooperation – verb-noun phrase meaning promoting teamwork.

Essay 4 Plan

  • Introduce the debate on competition vs. cooperation.
  • State the aim: discuss both views and argue for the benefits of competition.
  • Brief overview of the main points.
  • Point: Competition drives innovation and progress.
  • Example: Tech industry advancements driven by rivalry (Apple vs. Samsung).
  • Explanation: Competitive environments encourage continuous improvement and creativity.
  • Point: Cooperation fosters teamwork and collective success.
  • Example: Group projects in academic settings.
  • Explanation: Cooperation helps develop communication and collaboration skills.

Body Paragraph 3: Opinion in Favor of Competition

  • Point: Competition prepares individuals for real-world challenges.
  • Example: Sports competition teaching resilience and discipline.
  • Explanation: Competitive experiences build crucial life skills.
  • Reiterate the stance that competition is more beneficial.
  • Final thought: Emphasizing competition leads to personal and societal growth.

The debate over whether competition or cooperation is more advantageous in work, school, and daily life is ongoing. Some argue that competition drives progress and excellence, while others believe that cooperation fosters teamwork and mutual support. This essay will discuss both perspectives, ultimately arguing that competition offers greater benefits.

Competition is a powerful driver of innovation and progress. In the tech industry, for instance, the rivalry between companies like Apple and Samsung has led to significant technological advancements. Each company strives to outdo the other by introducing new features and improvements, benefiting consumers with cutting-edge products. Such competitive environments foster continuous improvement and creativity, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

On the other hand, cooperation is essential for fostering teamwork and collective success. In academic settings, group projects encourage students to work together, share ideas, and solve problems collaboratively. This helps them develop vital communication and collaboration skills, which are crucial for success in the modern workplace. Cooperation ensures that everyone’s strengths are utilized, leading to well-rounded and effective solutions.

[Body Paragraph 3: Opinion in Favor of Competition]

Despite the advantages of cooperation, I believe that competition is more beneficial as it prepares individuals for real-world challenges. Sports competitions, for example, teach participants resilience, discipline, and the importance of hard work. These experiences build crucial life skills that are applicable in various aspects of life. Furthermore, competition motivates individuals to strive for excellence and achieve their personal best, leading to personal and societal growth.

In conclusion, both competition and cooperation have their merits. However, competition is more beneficial as it drives innovation, prepares individuals for challenges, and promotes personal and societal growth. By emphasizing competition, we can foster an environment where individuals are motivated to excel and continuously improve.

  • Competitive environments
  • Continuous improvement
  • Collective success
  • Communication skills
  • Collaboration
  • Real-world challenges
  • Personal growth
  • Societal growth
  • Technological advancements
  • Academic settings
  • Market dynamics
  • Problem-solving
  • Product development
  • Strategic planning
  • Skill development
  • Productivity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Economic growth
  • Benchmarking

Essay 5 Plan

  • Introduce the competition vs. cooperation debate.
  • Point: Competition enhances personal performance and achievement.
  • Example: Performance-based incentives in workplaces.
  • Explanation: Competition motivates individuals to reach their highest potential.
  • Point: Cooperation builds strong, supportive communities.
  • Example: Collaborative community projects.
  • Explanation: Working together helps solve local issues and fosters a sense of belonging.
  • Point: Competition drives economic growth and innovation.
  • Example: Competitive markets leading to better products and services.
  • Explanation: Competition encourages efficiency and higher standards.
  • Final thought: Prioritizing competition fosters excellence and societal advancement.

The debate between the benefits of competition and cooperation in work, school, and daily life is an important one. While cooperation promotes teamwork and collective success, competition can enhance personal performance and achievement. This essay will discuss both views, ultimately arguing that competition is more beneficial.

Competition significantly enhances personal performance and achievement. In workplaces, performance-based incentives drive employees to excel and reach their highest potential. For instance, sales teams often compete to achieve the best results, leading to increased productivity and higher sales figures. This competitive spirit motivates individuals to set ambitious goals and strive for excellence, ultimately leading to personal growth and success.

Conversely, cooperation is crucial for building strong, supportive communities. Collaborative projects, whether in schools or local communities, encourage people to work together towards common goals. For example, community clean-up initiatives bring residents together to improve their environment, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility. Cooperation helps solve local issues effectively and creates a supportive network where individuals can rely on each other.

Despite the advantages of cooperation, competition drives economic growth and innovation. In competitive markets, companies are constantly striving to offer better products and services to gain a competitive edge. This leads to higher standards, efficiency, and continuous improvement. For instance, the fierce competition in the automotive industry has resulted in safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly vehicles. Competition encourages businesses to innovate and optimize resources, driving economic prosperity and societal advancement.

In conclusion, while cooperation builds supportive communities and addresses local issues, competition is more beneficial as it enhances personal performance, drives economic growth, and fosters innovation. By prioritizing competition, we can create an environment where individuals and businesses are motivated to excel and continuously improve, leading to societal advancement and excellence.

  • Personal performance
  • Achievement
  • Performance-based incentives
  • Highest potential
  • Supportive communities
  • Collaborative projects
  • Sense of belonging
  • Competitive markets
  • Higher standards
  • Societal advancement
  • Goal setting
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Competitive edge
  • Market leadership
  • Talent development
  • Strategic initiatives
  • Resource optimization
  • Competitive advantage
  • Performance metrics
  • Organizational success
  • Consumer satisfaction
  • Quality improvement

Practice Exercises 1

Try to complete the essays as above. Drag and drop the missing words/phrases into the correct spaces. (The exercise work best on desktop, not mobile).

Practice Exercise 2

The paragraphs in the following essay are in the wrong order. Try to put the paragraphs into the correct order.

Practice Exercise 3: Hard!

The sentences in the following essay are in the wrong order. Try to put the sentences into the correct order. This is quite difficult, so good luck!

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IELTS Essay: International Cooperation

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 6 Comments

IELTS Essay: International Cooperation

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of international cooperation from the real IELTS exam.

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Many today feel that most urgent problems can only be solved by international cooperation.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There are those who claim that we can only solve pressing global issues today if countries work in concert. In my opinion, international cooperation holds some promise but it is difficult to align the priorities of self-interested nations.

Proponents argue that global issues require active participation from all countries. The best, most recent example of this is climate change. Threats to the environment are becoming more dire annually and this affects every nation on Earth equally. Therefore, the best solutions involve signing international accords. These agreements force nations to abide by certain regulations and meet benchmarks in order to form a cohesive, global policy that can mitigate and reverse the effects of climate change. If many governments are unwilling to commit, it is unlikely that individual nations will then have the desire to make drastic changes and very little might be done to curb an imminent global catastrophe.

However, the accords mentioned above have been notorious failures as each nation has its own individual priorities. Many developed nations that already have well-developed green industries and eco-friendly policies in place are happy to sign agreements that benefit both the Earth and their own financial interests. Other nations, chiefly in the Middle East where their economies are reliant on fossil fuel production and in developing countries where the economic consequences would be dire, are less enthusiastic. Many poorer countries can also justly argue that they contributed little to the current climate problems in the past so it is unfair to hinder their development now. This applies for issues outside climate change as nations will always be in conflict and international cooperation is therefore an impractical solution to important problems.

In conclusion, though the entire planet working in tandem would be an ideal approach, it will typically fail due to competing interests. It is more important that countries act on their own or with like-minded nations and not push for global reforms.

1. There are those who claim that we can only solve pressing global issues today if countries work in concert. 2. In my opinion, international cooperation holds some promise but it is difficult to align the priorities of self-interested nations.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about writing introductions here .

1. Proponents argue that global issues require active participation from all countries. 2. The best, most recent example of this is climate change. 3. Threats to the environment are becoming more dire annually and this affects every nation on Earth equally. 4. Therefore, the best solutions involve signing international accords. 5. These agreements force nations to abide by certain regulations and meet benchmarks in order to form a cohesive, global policy that can mitigate and reverse the effects of climate change. 6. If many governments are unwilling to commit, it is unlikely that individual nations will then have the desire to make drastic changes and very little might be done to curb an imminent global catastrophe.

  • Write a clear topic sentence with your main idea at the end.
  • Begin a specific example.
  • Develop your example.
  • State the results to keep developing it.
  • Don’t switch to a new example – keep developing the same one.
  • State your final conclusions.

1. However, the accords mentioned above have been notorious failures as each nation has its own individual priorities. 2. Many developed nations that already have well-developed green industries and eco-friendly policies in place are happy to sign agreements that benefit both the Earth and their own financial interests. 3. Other nations, chiefly in the Middle East where their economies are reliant on fossil fuel production and in developing countries where the economic consequences would be dire, are less enthusiastic. 4. Many poorer countries can also justly argue that they contributed little to the current climate problems in the past so it is unfair to hinder their development now. 5. This applies for issues outside climate change as nations will always be in conflict and international cooperation is therefore an impractical solution to important problems.

  • Write another topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Give specific examples as I do here.
  • Develop those examples as full as possible.
  • Generalise to other situations if your example was very specific.

1. In conclusion, though the entire planet working in tandem would be an ideal approach, it will typically fail due to competing interests. 2. It is more important that countries act on their own or with like-minded nations and not push for global reforms.

  • Summarise your main ideas and repeat your opinion.
  • Include a final thought/detail.

What do the words in bold below mean?

There are those who claim that we can only solve pressing global issues today if countries work in concert . In my opinion, international cooperation holds some promise but it is difficult to align the priorities of self-interested nations .

Proponents argue that global issues require active participation from all countries. The best, most recent example of this is climate change . Threats to the environment are becoming more dire annually and this affects every nation on Earth equally. Therefore, the best solutions involve signing international accords . These agreements force nations to abide by certain regulations and meet benchmarks in order to form a cohesive , global policy that can mitigate and reverse the effects of climate change. If many governments are unwilling to commit , it is unlikely that individual nations will then have the desire to make drastic changes and very little might be done to curb an imminent global catastrophe .

However, the accords mentioned above have been notorious failures as each nation has its own individual priorities . Many developed nations that already have well-developed green industries and eco-friendly policies in place are happy to sign agreements that benefit both the Earth and their own financial interests . Other nations, chiefly in the Middle East where their economies are reliant on fossil fuel production and in developing countries where the economic consequences would be dire , are less enthusiastic . Many poorer countries can also justly argue that they contributed little to the current climate problems in the past so it is unfair to hinder their development now. This applies for issues outside climate change as nations will always be in conflict and international cooperation is therefore an impractical solution to important problems.

In conclusion, though the entire planet working in tandem would be an ideal approach , it will typically fail due to competing interests . It is more important that countries act on their own or with like-minded nations and not push for global reforms .

claim argue

solve pressing global issues fix problems affecting the whole world

in concert working together

international cooperation globally working together

holds some promise might work

align get on the same page

priorities what they value

self-interested nations selfish countries

proponents advocates

active participation committing fully

climate change global warming

threats potential dangers

becoming more dire annually getting more serious every year

signing international accords agreeing to global pacts

agreements pacts, accords

abide by follow

regulations rules

meet benchmarks reach goals

cohesive unified

global policy plan for the whole Earth

mitigate lessen

reverse fix

commit choose to participate

drastic changes big reforms

curb slow down

imminent global catastrophe coming soon big problems

notorious failures famously haven’t worked

individual priorities their own interests

well-developed green industries solar, wind, electric, etc.

eco-friendly policies in place already have clean energy laws

financial interests invested in

reliant depend on

fossil fuel production oil and gas

economic consequences hurt their economy

dire very bad

less enthusiastic not excited for

justly argue rightly claim

contributed little don’t give much

hinder their development hold back their progress

applies is the case for

conflict not in agreement

impractical solution won’t work

entire completely

working in tandem working together

ideal approach perfect solution

competing interests in conflict

like-minded nations countries that think the same way

push for global reforms try to make changes the whole world follows


kleɪm   sɒlv ˈprɛsɪŋ ˈgləʊbəl ˈɪʃuːz   ɪn ˈkɒnsə(ː)t ˌɪntə(ː)ˈnæʃənl kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃən   həʊldz sʌm ˈprɒmɪs   əˈlaɪn   praɪˈɒrɪtiz   sɛlf-ˈɪntrɪstɪd ˈneɪʃənz prəˈpəʊnənts   ˈæktɪv pɑːˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃən   ˈklaɪmɪt ʧeɪnʤ θrɛts   bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈdaɪər ˈænjʊəli   ˈsaɪnɪŋ ˌɪntə(ː)ˈnæʃənl əˈkɔːdz əˈgriːmənts   əˈbaɪd baɪ   ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃənz   miːt ˈbɛnʧmɑːks   kəʊˈhiːsɪv ˈgləʊbəl ˈpɒlɪsi   ˈmɪtɪgeɪt   rɪˈvɜːs   kəˈmɪt ˈdræstɪk ˈʧeɪnʤɪz   kɜːb   ˈɪmɪnənt ˈgləʊbəl kəˈtæstrəfi nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs ˈfeɪljəz   ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl praɪˈɒrɪtiz wɛl-dɪˈvɛləpt griːn ˈɪndəstriz   ˈiːkəʊ-ˈfrɛndli ˈpɒlɪsiz ɪn pleɪs   faɪˈnænʃəl ˈɪntrɪsts rɪˈlaɪənt   ˈfɒsl fjʊəl prəˈdʌkʃən   ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈkɒnsɪkwənsɪz   ˈdaɪə lɛs ɪnˌθjuːzɪˈæstɪk ˈʤʌstli ˈɑːgjuː   kənˈtrɪbju(ː)tɪd ˈlɪtl   ˈhaɪndə ðeə dɪˈvɛləpmənt   əˈplaɪz   ˈkɒnflɪkt   ɪmˈpræktɪkəl səˈluːʃən   ɪnˈtaɪə   ˈwɜːkɪŋ ɪn ˈtændəm   aɪˈdɪəl əˈprəʊʧ kəmˈpiːtɪŋ ˈɪntrɪsts ˈlaɪkˈmaɪndɪd ˈneɪʃənz   pʊʃ fɔː ˈgləʊbəl ˌriːˈfɔːmz

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

There are those who c_______m that we can only s___________________________s today if countries work i____________t . In my opinion, i_____________________n h_______________________e but it is difficult to a_______n the p_____________s of s______________________s .

P________________s argue that global issues require a_____________________n from all countries. The best, most recent example of this is c________________e . T__________s to the environment are b___________________________y and this affects every nation on Earth equally. Therefore, the best solutions involve s_______________________s . These a__________________s force nations to a____________y certain r_____________s and m_____________________s in order to form a c____________e , g_______________y that can m___________e and r__________e the effects of climate change. If many governments are unwilling to c____________t , it is unlikely that individual nations will then have the desire to make d_______________s and very little might be done to c_____b an i________________________e .

However, the accords mentioned above have been n__________________s as each nation has its own i_____________________s . Many developed nations that already have w_____________________________s and e_____________________________e are happy to sign agreements that benefit both the Earth and their own f____________________s . Other nations, chiefly in the Middle East where their economies are r___________t on f_______________________n and in developing countries where the e________________________s would be d____e , are l_____________________c . Many poorer countries can also j____________e that they c_________________e to the current climate problems in the past so it is unfair to h______________________t now. This a__________s for issues outside climate change as nations will always be in c___________t and international cooperation is therefore an i_____________________n to important problems.

In conclusion, though the e________e planet w________________m would be an i_______________h , it will typically fail due to c___________________s . It is more important that countries act on their own or with l____________________s and not p_____________________s .

Listening Practice

Learn below about how the United Nations work – a potential good example in your writing:

Reading Practice

Read more about failed talks related to climate change from The New York Times below:

Speaking Practice

Answer the following questions from the real speaking exam related to the environment:

Environment (NEW BOOKLET)

  • Why do people throw rubbish the streets?
  • How can people be encouraged to not litter?
  • What are the results of littering?
  • What steps has your government taken to make people pick up after themselves?
  • Do the efforts of a single person have an impact on the world as a whole?

Writing Practice

Write about the following related topic and check with my sample answer:

Some believe that we should invent a new language for international communication.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: An International Language (Real IELTS Exam/Test)

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Thanks a lot for the essay! It is so helpful)


You’re very welcome, Khamdam!


There has been an increasing debate on whether global collaboration can resolve pertinent issues that we face. Although it can be argued that it economically benefits all nations, I personally agree that international collaboration alone is not feasible to resolve issues.

Those who decry this claim point out the economic gains between nations. The greatest threat to global development is poverty. In recent times, non-profit organizations are established that aims to alleviate poverty globally. For example, by providing financial aid to Africa, United Nations has helped to build a factory to leverage their natural crude oil for exports. This has effectively resulted in massive local employment which allowed impoverished people to afford food on a daily basis and therefore eliminating poverty to some extent. Consequently, developed nations profit through outsourcing their technological equipment in favour of low employment wages and by doing so, their economic profits improve substantially. As a result, developing and developed nations both exchange their strengths in order for better economic progress.

Nonetheless, these instances are often taken advantage of and thus, justifying that international cooperation alone does not solve poverty. Most underprivileged nations facing poverty are unsupported with good governance and corruption is a highly evident causative factor that hinders developmental progress. For instance, though Africa benefited greatly from crude oil profits, the corrupted political system in Africa used illicit tactics to capture a portion of the revenue and therefore, preventing economic sustainability. Hence, international cooperation can only bring a certain extent of financial aid with the signing of treaties and policies but other factors are often neglected in this process. As a result, developed countries further advances while developing nations are most likely left behind.

In conclusion, though global cooperation can benefit nations through economic pursuits, this is often on the premises of other issues being ignored. Nations should, however, be more focused on building their own nation than uniting as global forms. 

Well written!

Try to paraphrase your vocabulary slightly more throughout the essay, your examples are really good but there are some simple grammar mistakes related to word order and articles.

Continue pushing yourself!

Thank you so much for the feedback. Your essays have really motivated me to support my main idea and give better explanations. Really appreciate it. Also, what band range do you think this essay falls under?

kiroshan Selva

Some believe that we should invent a new language for international communication. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

in this type of question cant we write – disadvantages outweigh the advantages ?

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35 Cooperation Examples

35 Cooperation Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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cooperation examples and definition, explained below

Cooperation is the process of working together to the same end or for a common purpose. It is considered the cornerstone of most successful human interactions and societal structures.

Simply put, cooperation is teamwork in action. Groups of all types function because people cooperate in their work toward shared goals.

Types of Cooperation

Cooperation can take many forms. The various types include direct, indirect, socialized, negative, exploitative, and competitive cooperation.

Each is explained below:

  • Direct cooperation: This involves people working together in the same place and at the same time for a shared objective (aka ‘synchronously’). For example, a team of software developers might collaborate together in an office day-in, day-out to create an application.
  • Indirect cooperation: This involves asynchronous communication in teams, and is increasingly common in the internet era.Here, different individuals perform tasks at different times toward a common goal, and likely use team management software such as slack and discord to keep in touch.
  • Socialized cooperation: This describes a team that has been well-trained to cooperate, having created positive group norms and high standards within the team.
  • Exploitative cooperation: This involves one person or group within the cooperative team benefiting at the expense of another, acting in a metaphorical parasitic relationship. This happens when, for example, one person uses someone else’s effort to achieve their own own objectives without appropriately recognizing or rewarding the others involved.
  • Competitive cooperation: This occurs when teams are competing against each other while still needing to cooperate in some way to succeed. This is common, for example, in corporate team-building exercises where success depends on both competitive spirit and internal cooperation.

Understanding the various types of cooperation allows you to decide which approach is best given the individuals or groups involved, and the context of the situation. It highlights the diversity of human interactions and the many ways we can work together to achieve common objectives.

Cooperation Examples

Workplace cooperation.

  • Project Teams: In many jobs, the employees often work within teams to get the job done. For example, in a software company, you may have sales, marketing, and engineering teams. In each team, cooperation is required and expected to achieve the desired results. For example, perhaps the sales team identifies customer needs, the engineering team develops the product, and the marketing team creates the promotional materials.
  • Cross-Departmental Cooperation: In larger companies, different departments often have to work together regularly. For instance, the finance department might need to cooperate with human resources to agree upon the ideal salaries and benefits packages for the coming year. Although they have different functions, their cooperation ensures that the company can attract and retain talented employees while remaining profitable.
  • Corporate Event Planning: Companies frequently host events, whether internal (such as employee training or team-building sessions), or external (like client or product launches). Cooperation between different teams – administration, marketing, public relations, and more – is crucial for these events. Each team has different roles and responsibilities, but they need to cooperate seamlessly for the event’s success.
  • Product Design and Testing: In industries like electronics or automotive, teams of designers, engineers, and technicians must cooperate to develop a new product. Designers propose how the product will look and function, engineers make it work, and finally, technicians test it to verify safety and effectiveness. This process requires continuous cooperation.
  • Customer Service: In providing amazing customer service, cooperation between different departments is often necessary. For example, if a customer has a complicated issue, it might require the cooperation of customer service representatives, technical support, and maybe even supervisory staff to effectively resolve the issue.
  • Business Strategy Development: In many organizations, creating a new business strategy involves cooperation from nearly all divisions within the company. The leadership team might provide overall direction, the research and development team provides insights into potential product innovations, the marketing team will research consumer trends, and the sales team can offer feedback on what customers are asking for.

Cooperation for Students

  • Group Assignments: A common example of direct cooperation among students lies in group assignments. This is where everyone in a group—the members of a chemistry lab team, for example—works together to complete an experiment, then analyzes the results and prepares a comprehensive report on their findings.
  • Class Presentations: In preparing a class presentation, each student might take responsibility for a different part of the project. One could research the background information ( like historical context ), another could handle current data or case studies, while yet another could focus on preparing the PowerPoint presentation and coordinating the speaking roles.
  • Student Organizations and Clubs: Student organizations and clubs also offer scenarios of cooperation. For instance, the members of a school’s student council would need to cooperate when planning and organizing a school event like a talent show or charity drive. The different roles might include securing a venue, obtaining necessary permissions, organizing performances, or overseeing ticket sales and promotion. Despite independently handling activities, they work cooperatively towards the overall success of the event.
  • Study Groups: In a study group, each member might focus on a particular chapter or subject and then teach the others. This kind of cooperation allows the students to cover more ground in less time, and also provides them with a better understanding of the subjects through peer teaching. For instance, in an art history course, one student might research Renaissance art, another Baroque, and another Impressionism, then they would share their findings with the group.
  • Collaborative Art Projects: In a visual arts class, students might be tasked with creating a large mural or collage that represents a specific theme. To complete the project, they’ll need to cooperate in designing the concept, sourcing materials, dividing the work, and assembling the final piece. Each student plays a crucial role in bringing the collective vision to life.
  • School Productions: When students come together to put on a school play or musical, cooperation is critical. Students take on various roles both on stage – the actors – and off stage – those managing sets, lighting, costumes, scripts, and promotions. Even though each student has a specific role, they all need to work in harmony for the show to be a success.

Direct Cooperation

  • Sports teams : Professional sports teams like football or basketball provide an excellent example of direct cooperation. Players must coordinate their actions in real-time on the playing field, passing a ball, setting up plays, and responding to opponent’s strategies as a united team (think Boston Celtics positioning for a game-winning shot).
  • Construction workers on a site : On a construction site, multiple workers put in effort to raise a building from the ground. Their activities range from mixing concrete, laying bricks, to installing the roof – and they all have to work synchronously in direct cooperation to meet the project objectives (imagine the construction crew building the Burj Khalifa skyscraper).
  • Musicians in an orchestra : In an orchestra, players in each section (strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion) must play their instruments in harmony and time to produce a coherent musical performance. This requires instantaneous response to each other’s beats and the conductor’s instructions (envision the London Symphony Orchestra performing Beethoven’s Symphony No.5).
  • Surgeons during an operation: In an operating theater, a team of surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and technicians work together in a coordinated manner to ensure the success of the surgery, and ultimately, the patient’s well-being (like during a heart transplant procedure at the Mayo Clinic).
  • Commercial kitchen: In a restaurant kitchen, chefs, sous chefs, kitchen helpers, and dishwashers all perform their tasks in sync under high-pressure conditions to ensure that meals are perfectly prepared and sent out to the customers’ tables in the shortest time possible (such as the kitchen team working harmoniously at a busy restaurant like the Three Michelin Star rated Le Bernardin in New York).
  • Assembly line workers: In car manufacturing factories, workers at each station of the assembly line perform their specific tasks at the right time and in the proper order. This systematic cooperation is central to the mass production of vehicles, and ensures the quality and efficiency of the process (such as Tesla’s assembly line workers constructing Model S vehicles).

Indirect Cooperation

Indirect cooperation often involves people working towards the same goal but not at the same time or place. Here are some examples.

  • Remote Teams: In the age of online work, people often cooperate in different timezones and on different timelines. To address this, a range of team management software have proliferated so teams can work remotely and pick up where their colleagues have left off, without having to communicate directly at any point in time.
  • Artistic Contribution Across Time: Creativity also benefits from indirect cooperation. Consider the creation of an animated film. Storyboard artists may initially lay out the scene direction, the animators then bring the characters and environments to life, and sound designers may later add effects and music. Even though the storyboard artists might have moved onto another project by the time the sound designers start, they have all cooperated to make the film.
  • Academic Research: Collaborative scientific research often involves indirect cooperation. A lead scientist in the UK could formulate an experiment, their American colleague could conduct the experiment, while a third partner in Australia could then analyze and interpret the results. Even though they may never meet face-to-face, all three are cooperating to complete different parts of a research project.
  • Online Open-Source Software Development: Platforms like GitHub host projects where people across the globe make their software code freely available. A developer in Germany could initiate a project, a Brazilian-based programmer might contribute a new feature, and a user from Singapore could report bugs while testing the new software. They may never meet or work at the same time, but they are all collaborating indirectly on the project.
  • Business Supply Chain: Within any product supply chain, cooperation happens indirectly. Farmers in South America may cultivate and harvest coffee beans which are then exported to a roaster in Italy. The roaster processes the beans and sells them to a retailer in the United States, who then sells the coffee to consumers. While these steps occur consecutively rather than simultaneously, each stage relies on the successful completion of the previous one. This is indirect cooperation at work.

Competitive Cooperation

  • Technology Sector: Apple and Google provide a classic example of competitive cooperation. They are rivals in the smartphone market, with iOS and Android operating systems. Yet, Google pays billions to Apple to be the default search engine on Safari for iOS devices, benefitting both companies.
  • Automotive Industry: Toyota and BMW are fierce competitors in the automobile market. However, they’ve cooperated on various projects, such as the development of hydrogen fuel-cell technology and sharing parts for certain car models (for example, the BMW Z4 and Toyota Supra). Their rivalry stimulates innovation, while cooperation reduces research and development costs.
  • Aviation Industry: Airline alliances, such as Star Alliance or SkyTeam, demonstrate competitive cooperation. Individually, airlines compete fiercely for passengers. However, within these alliances, airlines cooperate on things like code-sharing to expand their network of destinations and frequent flyer programs, giving reciprocal benefits to their customers.
  • Telecommunication Industry: In the telecommunications sector, rivals like Verizon and AT&T compete aggressively for customers. However, they also cooperatively engage in joint ventures and agreements to share cell towers in less populated areas that neither would serve economically alone.
  • Digital Retail Platforms: Businesses competing in the retail market often sell their products on the same digital platforms like Amazon or eBay. While direct competitors in the same retail categories, they enjoy the benefits of the platform’s vast customer reach despite the intense competition. Additionally, they follow platform rules and cooperate in aspects like return policies and customer service to maintain their business stability on these platforms.

Exploitative Cooperation

  • Workplace Exploitation: Within a company, exploitative cooperation can occur when a coworker consistently takes credit for another coworker’s ideas or work. Even though they may ostensibly be working together on a task or project, the balance of cooperation is skewed as one person benefits disproportionately without fair recognition to the other party.
  • Academic Settings: This could also occur in school settings. For example, in a group project, if one group member does the majority of the work but all members get the same grade, this demonstrates exploitative cooperation.
  • Global Trade: On a broader scale, exploitative cooperation can be seen in global commerce. Developed countries may secure trade agreements with developing nations that may not be entirely beneficial to the latter, depriving them of fair profit for their goods and services. For instance, powerful firms might exploit cheap labor in developing countries to cut production costs and maximize their own profit margins.
  • Unbalanced Partnerships: In the business world, a larger company might enforce unfavorable terms on a smaller supplier company, such as low payment terms or high production expectations, exerting economic pressure to comply. The smaller firm may continue cooperating regardless, due to dependency on the larger company for business survival.
  • Geopolitical Alliances: On the world stage, nations sometimes form alliances that benefit one member more than the others. For example, a powerful country may insist that smaller nations support their policies in return for military protection or economic aid.
  • Online Platforms: Large digital platforms may engage in exploitative cooperation with small businesses. For example, by forcing third-party sellers to align with strict policies, pay high fees, or share extensive data as a prerequisite for using the platform to reach customers.
  • Internships: Internships can sometimes be instances of exploitative cooperation. Some companies assign interns a high volume of substantive work without offering appropriate compensation or mentorship in return – exploiting the interns’ need for experience and connections in the industry.

Cooperation is a fundamental aspect of everyday life. It leads to more efficient outcomes by promoting mutual benefit and harmony. However, it requires communication, compromise, and sometimes sacrificing your immediate desires for the long-term benefit of the group.


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Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination Definition Essay

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Collaboration can be defined as the process of sharing ideas. It gives two or more individuals, who possess harmonizing skills, a chance to share their knowledge, skills and experience.

This interaction presents the parties involved with a shared understanding, creating a common meaning about an issue that none of the parties possessed individually. Collaboration leads to creation of something that was not in existent.

However, successful collaboration comes with its own set of challenges; modification of conflicting goals that are characteristic of any team is one such challenge.

For the collaborating parties to work together, decision making is approached from a collaborative point of view giving each of the parties some responsibility. This ensures that no one party is in charge of all supervision and decision making.

Cooperation is another important aspect in the process of strategic planning. Cooperation entails coming together of parties with the same interest in terms of combining resources, capacities, and competencies in an effort to attain mutual interests for the achievement of goals.

The joint application of efforts in various processes such as production or distribution leads to joint benefit. In any organization, there are different persons, divisions and the like, which together form the organization. For these different units to work efficiently there must be some form of coordination.

Without coordination, the units will overlap and create redundancy. There may also arise some sort of separation of units and in such cases productivity will be greatly reduced. Coordination serves to ensure that each unit has some set targets which should be achieved by some predefined deadline.

This way, work flows from one unit to another without delay or overlap in terms of resource usage and time allocation. For efficiency to be achieved there should be no duplication of efforts as this turns out to be costly in terms of resources, time and monetary value.

Therefore, efforts should be made to avoid it. This can only be achieved by employing proper coordination practices.

Strategic planning is a vital process for all organizations and countries that are out in pursuit of economic growth. This is due to the fact that efficient running of these organizations is highly dependent on the strategic plan deployed. A strategic plan will involve cooperation, collaboration and coordination.

For different teams of professionals that comprise an organization to work together, they must put their expertise together as one team. None of the parties in the team is superior to the other and hence, they should work collaboratively.

Each of the parties should shoulder some responsibility and exert control up to a certain extent that is arrived at using a collaborative approach.

Secondly, there are varying types and amounts of resources assigned to the different teams. These resources together with the staff’s abilities need to be combined to achieve the common goals. Therefore, cooperation among the team members is vital.

The members come together in trust and respect. Lastly, for the strategic plan to be effected, all the units, that is, the teams and the resources must be coordinated. There must be some organized layout of procedures that must be followed without which there will be effort duplication, resource wastage and redundancy among the units.

Strategic planning is all about maximization of productivity while cutting down on costs. Efficiency, effectiveness and unity of purpose will lead to realization of this plan.

The three C’s discussed above, that is, collaboration, cooperation and coordination must be incorporated in the strategic plan to ensure that it meets its desired purpose.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 18). Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination.

"Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination." IvyPanda , 18 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination'. 18 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination." June 18, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination." June 18, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination." June 18, 2019.

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Essay Samples on Collaboration

Helping others and fostering a collaborative relationship.

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The Benefits of Restorative Justice When Used in Conflict Resolution

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Best topics on Collaboration

1. Helping Others and Fostering a Collaborative Relationship

2. My Personal Opinion on the Types of Conflict Resolution

3. The Benefits of Restorative Justice When Used in Conflict Resolution

4. Analysis of Dylan Tichenor’s collaborations with Paul Thomas Anderson

5. The Risks of Collaboration Work Between Organizations

6. Collaboration of Research in Pediatric Clinic Rotation

7. Communication Collaboration and Teamwork in the Critical Analysis

8. Collaboration in a Team: The Importance to Compromise

9. Collaboration of an IEP Team in Special Education

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5 Benefits of Cooperation

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A study done in 2010   revealed that, in most occasions, the outcome on a given task can be improved when two people have helped each other instead of working on their own. There’s really nothing special about this finding: as early as 1624 John Donne has already popularised the phrase ‘No man is an island. And this is especially true, be it in the workplace , in doing scientific research, or working in events.

One of the benefits of cooperation is that people can pool together their skills and creativity towards a common aim. Because of this, they have a higher chance of being more successful.  Now, let’s put together the five benefits we can gain out of teamwork and collaboration:

It fosters peer learning and self-improvement

Working within a team helps us to create an environment which inspires collective knowledge, resources and skills. Consequently, this allows us to pick some ideas and to reflect on our own way of thinking.

Teamwork also encourages self-improvement – a key skill to acquire regardless of the nature of our role within an organisation because it helps us to expand our horizons and make better use of our own intrinsic capabilities. And since self-improvement helps us in seeking better ways to perform our role within a team, it improves both the efficiency and productivity of the team as a whole.

Teamwork promotes diversity

The very nature of teamwork requires a group of people from varying backgrounds to come together and share their experiences.  As a result, this kind of environment nurtures diverse opinions, approaches and problem-solving techniques. This level of diversity generates cultural understanding, increased communication through collective knowledge of approaches and a larger resource of ideas. Conversely, when an organisation has a scarcity of teamwork or collaboration, thinking may stagnate, jeopardising solutions and ideas.

Delegation of tasks becomes easy

If you’re a team leader, one obvious reason to be in favour of teamwork is that it allows you to convene a team of individuals who each have unique skills to help you with the project. A task can be delegated based on a person’s skills and expertise. For example, you may assign one person to do research, another to take charge of social media marketing, and another to look after presentation. Teamwork allows you to get the most of each person’s attributes.

Teamwork encourages healthy competition

When you assemble a group of goal-oriented people, they somehow see each other as a rival. A healthy balance of friendly rivalry within the team won’t do much harm, and could even benefit not just the organisation itself but even the team members.

The value of this kind of competition has been elegantly explored by the British economist Stephen Nickell,   who argues that people can learn powerful lessons in an environment that promotes competition since this encourages engagement, mastery of a task and a desire to achieve your best. He also went on to say that competition is linked with productivity .

It increases creativity and innovation

The seeds of creativity and innovation spring from the exchange of ideas that come from people of different backgrounds. For instance, tackling about climate change by researchers who come from different disciplines could potentially lead to ground-breaking researches. In the academic world, researchers have essentially migrated from the era of ‘traditional’ research in which one researcher pursued a theme over several decades. Instead, academia is fostering a fresh research culture, whereby academic works advance through the creation of interdisciplinary research .

Needless to say, with the benefits that an organisation could gain from teamwork, they also come with potential problems. For one, you should not expect a multidisciplinary team to gel straight away, and if you are the team leader you have to consider whether to reward (or punish) individuals or the entire group.  But, arguably, the benefits of teamwork and collaboration could easily outweigh those drawbacks. And of course, in considering the benefits, a good place to start is with the end in mind: how will it help your organisation position itself for growth.

Dennis Relojo-Howell   is the founder of  Psychreg .


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Teamwork and Human Cooperation

This essay will explore the importance of teamwork and cooperation in various human endeavors. It will discuss how effective collaboration leads to success in professional, academic, and social settings. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Teamwork.

How it works

“”The most powerful force ever known on this planet is human cooperation – a force for construction and destruction.”” Jonathan Haidt (Tredgold). Teamwork matters to a person or a business as it motivates people into forming a united front (Wehbe, Shada). For example, if we go back to the past and look at when the labor force had no real rights or safety measures and even shared the same work place, it built distrusting and unhappy workers. It took the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire to get people united, they gained more rights and safer conditions to work in.

Individuals all have weaknesses, strengths, and talents, but a team, if put together correctly, can use each individual’s personality and character to the advantages of the group or business (Wehbe, Shada). Now, with new people in a group and various opinions, a person can get new perspectives and feedback from each group or individual to find problems and figure out solutions (Wehbe, Shada).

In a group there are generally four different players or styles in a team: the collaborator, the communicator, the contributor, and the challenger (Teamwork). The collaborator is the goal directed player (Teamwork). They are the ones that see the vision of the goal and the goal is number one, but this teammate is flexible to new ideas and opinions (Teamwork). They are willing to jump in and work in a new role as needed, and they do not need the limelight (Teamwork).

The communicator is the process orientated member (Teamwork). They are the effective listener and promote involvement. They help the conflict resolve, help with feedback and aid in building a relaxed environment (Teamwork). The contributor is a teammate that is highly task-oriented and provides the technical data (Teamwork). They do the research and push the other team members to a higher degree of performance and to use the resources given wisely (Teamwork). Finally, the challenger of the group. This member is always questioning the goals and methods of the group, they will even call out the ethics of the team as needed (Teamwork). They are the ones that question anyone of higher authority and promote the risks that are thoroughly planned (Teamwork).

For the more emotional side of a group you should have a few skills there: openness, trust and self-disclosure, support and respect (Teamwork Skills). The willingness to know your teammates and find out their quirks, new ideas and viewpoints all show that the member of the team is willing to be open about their groups (Teamwork Skills).

“”When a gifted team dedicates itself to unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to climb.”” Patanjali (Tredgold). The trust and self-disclosure in a group is important as the group should trust each other with their thoughts and feelings about projects and ideas (Teamwork Skills). Being honest and respectful of that trust and making sure that it is not wasted is key to long lasting business relationships (Teamwork Skills).

Supporting the group helps signify the loyalty to their team as they accomplish their project or goal (Teamwork Skills). They do not see each other as competition but as collaborators (Teamwork Skills). Respect that shows the team that instead of pointing the finger at someone for a failed idea the team will come together and figure out what they need to learn and what needs to be fixed (Teamwork Skills).

To make an ideal team, there must be ideal team members. Whether in school, work, or everyday life, everyone is committed to something. The commitment’s values vary from the amount of hard work and effort being put into the situation. Genuine commitment isn’t the easiest to come across and like most New Year’s resolutions it falls through. According to athletic director, William Frierson, “”team members need to be genuinely committed to their cause”” (college recruiter, 2015) Being committed requires members of the team to be flexible. Flexibility is one of the most important and helpful skills when working with assigned partners.

Overlapping schedules are frustrating and rarely ever work in the teams favor. Members being flexible to any situation thrown their way, and taking on the situation acceptingly, helps keep the flow smooth. All team members need to make it a priority to stay involved in the group with communicating properly and showing up when planned. The members should also make the project or task itself a priority to meet specific deadlines created by the group and/or the assigner of the project. Frierson also stated, “”Great team members come to their teammates having prepared their ideas clearly.”” Team members that are reliable are a very important part of working together. Someone that is reliable and responsible helps the team trust each other making it easier to work together.

An ideal team would be made up of members that all have different strengths. Using each member’s strengths to work together would help the team drastically. A team made up of members with certain qualities would increase the likelihood of being successful. A team always needs an achiever or a leader. The designated leader is there to keep everyone focused and to make sure the job gets done. The achiever is usually the maximizer of the group and will always go above and beyond, showing in their work, and make sure every requirement is met or above average.

Staying focused is an important quality for every member to have. Staying on task and completing tasks on time keeps good time management. A team that has any of these characteristics has very high chances to be successful. These strengths and qualities can be used not just during school but in the real-world workplace as well. Everyone has strengths that can be used for many things, even simple everyday tasks.

According to Lara Pole, “”If you believe strongly that your team is making a mistake, you can find a way to come back to the issue when the time is right, but being a stubborn stick in the mud is not a quality of a good team player.”” Working in teams can help individuals to learn necessary team building skills to help make their everyday life more enjoyable. When working in groups, it teaches patience, trust and responsibility to all the members of the team.

There could be several different problems that pop up along the way of completing a group project. Communication between each team is extremely important when it comes to every team member being on the same page of knowing which individual task needs to be done (Five). If the communication is poor, not only could it offset the times of when each task should be done, but it could also be a leading result of a team member being “”fired.””

Another problem that could easily come upon a team is not having every team member just simply doing their part. Role clarity in a group is need so that each member is in charge of what was assigned to them and no one can get away with not pulling their own weight (Five). This could easily cause tension between the group and it would make things a lot more difficult when it comes to getting work done. Other forms of conflict are that members have different schedules, cultural differences, personalities and priorities in the workplace and out of it (Learning). Taking the time to listen to the team. Recognizing when you or a teammate is wrong and helping to fix it. The main thing would be to accept we are different but assist each one to get the job done.

There are a lot of techniques and methods people can use to reduce social loafing in teams. First of all, what is social loafing? Social loafing refers to a tendency in which some members of the group to give less effort than others. (Black Enterprise) Some of the consequences are that other members of the group think the same, so the team output would be less productive. When people are in high school or college they do not like to work in groups because they think they can do it better alone than working with a group. However, it is important to know and learn how to work in a team because it no matter what major these people will pursue in the future, they will have to work with people in a direct or indirect way.

There are a lot of factors in which people should take care of, instead to reduce social loafing; these factors are time, communication, order, deadlines, discipline, responsibility, and so on.(Lepsinger Rick) One of the most important ideas to achieve the goal in this course was to assign a manager or a group leader. Although sometimes it does not work; statistically when a group have a leader the objective is easier to achieve. For this course, one of the most important things is to know the people who you are working with.

Communication is also important because the team should set dates to know how everybody is working and make sure everybody is working hard on the task they were given. (Black Enterprise) Technology is a tool in which everybody is able to have access to, so the team should use it wisely. (Swaak Paul) Whenever the team has a leader and they know each other they can assign separate and distinct contributions for every team member. If a team divides the work, they will develop rules of engagement. It is essential to think about the importance of deadlines, coordinate schedules, and arrange meetings, so that everything runs smoothly.

One of the ways you can motivate your group is to make them think about the rewards this project could bring to them if they work hard on the project. (Swaak Paul) Although there are members from the team who do not like the idea to work in a group, you can motivate this person telling how important is the goal value and the goal achievability. When you have to work with a group, you have the opportunity to select the team members, choose your team wisely. When you get with the group it is important to make sure what the priorities are and what are the objectives that they have to achieve. In the end, what matters is to do your best and support the team as much as you can.


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Task 2 Essay: Cooperation vs Competition - 2 versions! (NEW)

easy essay on cooperation

Question: Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Band 8+ Sample Answer v1 (supporting cooperation)

(Intro) Opinion is divided on whether children should be encouraged to develop a sense of cooperation or a competitive spirit. In this essay, I will look at the rationale behind both camps before giving my support to the former.

(Body 1) On the one hand, some argue that instilling a sense of rivalry in children can motivate them to strive for higher accomplishments. For instance, a competitive spirit could motivate students to work harder in order to achieve the top spot in their class rankings. This might assist them to develop their organisational skills and work ethic in order to win over other students. This also serves as good training for their future working lives, which will be filled with intense competition. For instance, technology behemoths such as Apple, Google, and Facebook encourage a competitive spirit and frequently promote individual bonuses and promotions to their employees in the interest of innovation and profitability.

(Body 2) Despite this, I would argue that learning how to cooperate plays a pivotal role in achieving a groups’ common goals. Team sports are a perfect illustration of this. For example, football strikers know they are more likely to achieve success if they rely on each other during a game, rather than selfishly seeking moments of personal glory. When youngsters are taught how to behave in this manner, they are more likely to apply it in their professional careers when they reach the labor market. Although employees may navigate towards working independently in many situations, a business is much more likely to prosper if team members interact and work towards shared goals. Successful companies never encourage competition at the expense of cooperation, and if anything try to create a synergy of the two.

(Conclusion) In conclusion, while encouraging children to compete against each other can lead to transformative personal success, the achievements of teams of people gained through cooperation are unequivocally more likely. Therefore Children should learn the value of individual success but also the indispensable nature of teamwork when utilised by communities and organisations. (333 words)

Band 8+ Sample Answer v2 (supporting competition)

(Intro) Opinion is divided on whether children should be encouraged to develop a sense of cooperation or a competitive spirit. In this essay, I will look at the rationale behind both camps before giving my support to the latter

(Body 1) On the one hand, some argue that learning how to cooperate plays a pivotal role in achieving a groups’ common goals. Team sports are a perfect illustration of this. For example, football strikers know they are more likely to achieve success if they rely on each other during a game, rather than selfishly seeking moments of personal glory. When youngsters are taught how to behave in this manner, they are more likely to apply it in their professional careers when they reach the labor market. Although employees may navigate towards working independently in many situations, a business is less likely to prosper if team members fail to interact and work towards shared goals.

(Body 2) Despite this, I would contend that instilling a sense of rivalry in children can motivate them to strive for higher accomplishments. For instance, a competitive spirit would likely motivate students to work harder in order to achieve the top spot in their class rankings. This might assist them to develop their organisational skills and work ethic in order to win over other students. This also serves as good training for their future working lives, which will be filled with intense competition. For instance, technology behemoths such as Apple, Google, and Facebook encourage a competitive spirit and frequently promote individual bonuses and promotions to their employees in the interest of innovation and profitability.

(Conclusion) In conclusion, while teaching children how to cooperate with others is unequivocally conducive to a groups’ shared aims, I would suggest that preparing them with a sense of competition can safeguard their individual success better. It is important to realise that successful teams are made up of successful individuals. However children should learn how to compete fairly and be equipped with the soft skills necessary to achieve these victories. (332 words)

Words: Student essay, corrected & upgraded by Nick Kemp, former IELTS examiner.

Image: Anna Samoylova / Unsplash

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Essay on Cooperation!

Cooperation is a positive social motive. It is equally significant as competition in motivating a person to reach the goal. Cooperation alongwith competition provides a very healthy signal for the upliftment of the Society.

Various studies have been conducted by sociologists, social psychologists and anthropologists on the effect of cooperation as a social motive. Usually two primary factors determine cooperation. They are, age of the subjects and kinds of material available.

Particularly in case of children of 2-3 years age, cooperation is mostly expressed in play. Ross found that children of 2-3 years of age showed cooperative behaviour more frequently when playing with clay than when playing with blocks.

General observation of children in play ground and school indicate that cooperative play is essential most clearly among the children who were 3 years of age and older. Experimental studies of competition and cooperation develop simultaneously and approximately at about the same age, i.e. after three years of age.

Crawford’s (1937) study on the cooperative behaviour of Chimpanzees is worth mentioning here. Crawford gave three problems to the Chimpanzees. These three problems required the cooperative effort of at least two Chimpanzees for their solution. A single Chimpanzee could not solve any of these problems alone without the help of another Chimpanzee. The Chimpanzees were given to do the tasks alone as well as in pairs.

Results showed that when the animals worked in pairs they could pull a heavier box than what it could when it was in the lone situation. The most interesting observation from this experiment was that Chimpanzees could not learn to cooperate i.e. they could not pull the two boxes at the same time.

This might be due to the fact that these animals might not have learnt to work cooperatively. Even after training they failed to do the work together. It is found that though Chimpanzees are given to pull two boxes at the same time, they fail to do it. Each pulls with regard to the activity of the other Chimpanzee.

After a good amount of training they were not able to coordinate their acts with a single rope. The findings of the above study indicate that cooperation has a long genetic history and one has to learn from the early periods of life to cooperate.

One learns cooperation while playing with others, growing in the family or reading in the schools. The cooperation motive has to be grown by the parents and teachers through proper training and socialization process. Through various factors, pujas, picnics, meetings this motive of cooperation can be encouraged.

When a child is asked to do small bits of work at home, to spare his toys to his younger sibling, to share his books and geometry box with his class fellow sitting near him, he learns to develop the motive of cooperation.

The attitude of cooperation is greatly helpful for national and international integration, peace, amity and understanding, friendship and fellow feeling. The attitude of caring and sharing, give and take, sacrifice and commitment grows out of the feeling of cooperation.

Cooperative and competitive activities are remarkably influenced by cultural set up and social learning. It also grows with age and experience. Study of different cultures show that different cultures stress competitive and cooperative activities.

Competition is emphasized in societies and cultures where position, power or prestige is achieved competitively. For example, among the Kwakiutl tribe there is severe competition whereas among the Juni Indians of the New Mexico there is very little competition.

In societies where rivalry plays a greater role than competition there is more threat and violence. Every individual looks upon his failure or unsuccess as a humiliation which they think can be relieved only by bringing similar humiliation to others.

Secondly, the success of the outgroup or otherman is looked upon as a threat to one’s own security, status and promotion. So he tries to pull up and bring down the reputation and status of the otherman by various malafied means. Leg pulling in many cases is due to rivalry. In all seriousness competition should be encouraged and rivalry should be discouraged for a healthy and happy society.

Zealousy is a basic factor in rivalry. A person should try to aspire and prosper on the basis of his ability and character. The attitude of rivalry in any society should be discouraged. An underdeveloped or a developing country can be turned to a developed country provided the motive of competitiveness is encouraged in persons from the early childhood. Since excessive competition also breeds insecurity and discontentment, competition along with cooperation is essential.

For social integration, social harmony, social progress and in the interest of a better, healthy and happy society and for a mentally healthy, and secured person, judicious competition is essential. Competition based on ability and capacity should be encouraged. Rivalry should be discouraged at any rate. A person has not only responsibilities and duties for himself, but for the society.

A healthy and happy society consists of persons with positive attitudes towards life and with motives which can bring progress of the individual and ultimately progress of the country. Violent cartoons produced no change in inter personal aggressive behaviour.

Several other investigations and studies have revealed a positive relationship between the amount of exposure to televised violence and the degree to which children use aggressive behaviour as a means of solving interpersonal conflicts. In a longitudinal study conducted by Iron and others (1972) TV viewing habits of more than 800 children were studied when they were eight to nine years of age.

Information was collected about each child viewing time, the types of programmes viewed, family characteristics and aggressive qualities of the viewers noted by classmates and peers. One of the major findings was that boys who preferred TV programmes with a fair amount of violence were much more aggressive in their interpersonal relationship than those who preferred programmes which exhibited little or no evidence. This indicates that perhaps children who are more aggressive prefer to watch violent TV programmes.

Ten years after a follow up study of the above was done on more than 400 subjects of the first study. They were interviewed about their preferred TV programmes. Also a test was administered on them which measured delinquent tendencies.

Thirdly their peers were also asked to rate the aggressiveness in their behaviour. Findings indicated that high exposure to violence on TV at the age of nine was positively correlated with aggressiveness in boys at nineteen years of age.

Thus scope to increase aggressiveness during childhood has a tremendous positive impact on the aggressiveness at a later age. Aggressiveness thus accumulates with the growth of age provided the child gets scope to visualize aggressive behaviour and imitate it continuously and repeatedly. However, the study also revealed that girls imitate aggressive behaviour less than boys. This is supported by the findings of several other studies.

In view of these facts, enough efforts should be made to reorganise and censor the TV programmes, violence and hostility should not be shown so nakedly in public through electronic medias.

Social learning theory also holds that state of arousal or anger can be reduced by behaviour which is non-reinforcive than the aggressive and hostile actions.

Aggression can also be reduced effectively in highly aggressive boys by allowing them to observe models who behave in a restrained and non-aggressive manner in the face of provocation. This can be effectively done by the Television and movie industries.

If they can be shown that obstacles can be overcomed successfully by non-violent manner, they can learn the same. Moreover, aggression in the society can be removed by careful management of needs and frustrations of every person.

As discussed earlier, a lot of aggressive behaviour and hostility is limited from various social situations. Particularly during the formative period of one’s personality this is imitated more quickly. It is said by social psychologists that if the aggressive behaviour of children go unchecked or unrestricted in the early formative years, they are more probable to be reinforced and continue in his adult life.

When tension due to frustration is released by some other ways than hostile behaviour, one feels relaxed and this is obviously reinforced in similar situations in future. If aggressive behaviour is mildly penalized, it will be non-reinforce, the child will learn not to repeat it in future. But on the contrary, if aggressive behaviour is rewarded in real situation, it may reinforce the aggressive act.

When the child is beating his playmate and parents do not object to this, the child is reinforced increase his aggressive act in future. But if children are constantly punished for their aggressive acts, they were more likely to be aggressive than becoming submissive.

Children usually consider their parents and teachers as models in all their behaviours. If the parents or the teachers show more and more aggression in their day to day activities, the children feel encouraged and justified to indulge in violent acts.

The life histories of several convicts and criminals in jails have shown that those who have been jailed for their aggressive acts most of them were severely punished during childhood and punished very often. That is why, there is a saying that a women who has been severely punished by her mother-in-law, when she becomes a mother-in-law also likes to punish her daughter-in-laws.

A child can only learn to control his aggressive behaviour when non-aggressive, amiable and socially suitable models are presented to him.

It is very often said that angry parents have angry children. Parents can teach their children to react to various problems, situation and frustrations in day to day life through non-aggressive ways. There are also other reactions to frustration, like sublimation, rationalization etc. which can be used while reacting to a frustrating situation.

Children coming from broken homes, foster parents, from parent with marital discords, frequent quarrel, parents having no time to spare for their children, react to various social situations in an inadequate and hostile manner.

These circumstances and parental models do not inspire them for positive values of human life like love, respect, amiability, sociability etc. They in turn develop negative values like hatred, suspicion, sarcasm, destructive tendency etc. which are allied to aggression.

So the parents must try to be good models for their children, so as to breed contentment and happiness in them. If every parent can try to develop the personality of their children in socially acceptable manner, aggressiveness can be controlled to a remarkable degree.

The social health of people can be improved and the social climate of any country can be enriched, tension and violence can be minimised, international tension and cold war can be reduced to a great extent if the content of aggressive reactions can be minimised in the behaviour of every social being.

Though aggression cannot be totally abolished from society, which also should not be, it can be controlled and prevented to a great extent to bring social peace, happiness, amity and harmony.

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Teamwork Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on teamwork.

Teamwork is working together of people to achieve a certain goal. Teamwork is the basic need for an organization to function. Furthermore, every organization has a division of several teams to perform specific tasks.

Without teamwork nothing is possible. Moreover, if any organization lacks teamwork. Then it will hamper its success rate. Thus the organization will fall. Also, it will affect the environment the people are working in.

Furthermore, the organization has a different hierarchy of teamwork. So that the workload gets divided. And each team has an expert who guides different team members with his prior experience

Teamwork Essay

Hierarchy of Teamwork in an Organization

The organization has a division of three teams – Top Level, Middle Level, Lower Level

The Top Level: This team of the organization decides the goals of the company. Furthermore, they understand the need for different sectors of society. And makes policies to maximize the profit of the company. Moreover, it also works on the development of the company and its employees.

Every company has a certain goal in mind before making any policy. This part of the organization analyzes the goal. So that the company should be certain whether the approaching of this goal is profitable or not. For instance, this part of the organization consists of the Board of Directors , Chief Executive Officers Etc.

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The Middle Level: The middle level consists of the manager and the Supervisors . This team of workers focuses on the implementation of the policies made by the Top-level. Furthermore, the team assigns various tasks to the employee sector, so that they may work towards the goals of the company. Moreover, the Middle level inspects and keeps a regular check on their work.

In short, they bridge the gap between the top level and the middle level. In order to be a part of this team, a person should be qualified enough. Because this ensures that the person is having the knowledge of all the work he is assigning to the employees.

Only then the person would be capable enough to guide the lower level. Above all the main work is to meet the demands of the employee, so that the organization can work in a better way.

The Lower level: The Lower Level consists of the employees. They work on the tasks assigned to them by the Middle Level. The coordination of teamwork is much needed in the employment sector. As the need to submit each task within a period of time.

So that the organization may run smoothly. The base of the organization is the employment sector. As without them, the application of policies isn’t possible.

Importance of Teamwork

Teamwork has the greatest importance in any part of the world. Whether it be an organization or a small business. Teamwork is the key to success. In our schools, we play many sports that enlist teamwork.

Thus from our childhood only we knew about teamwork. Because our mentors understood the importance of teamwork. That is the reason they always guided us on the right path.

At last, the teamwork team generates a relationship between two people. As we all know that human is a social being, so it is beneficial for the environment of a person.

Q1. What is Teamwork?

A1. Teamwork is the working together of a group of people to accomplish a certain goal.

Q2. What is the importance of teamwork?

A2. Teamwork enlists a level of enthusiasm in a person. Moreover it essential to save time, as groups of people work on specific tasks. Which as a whole saves time to a higher extent. Also, it boosts the confidence of a person working in any organization.

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The Importance of Cooperation Essay Example

Knowing how to work with other people is important, not only in your job or school, but also in your everyday life; however, in order to have effective results it is crucial how the members of your team interact with one another, more than how they are arranged. Each team member has different abilities that can be very useful when they are given a proper role in the team. Nonetheless, there is no specific rule that states how your team should be set, as long as you know what strengths and weaknesses each person in the group has and they are taken into consideration when organizing the team. Perhaps a member has several abilities that can be effective in two different roles in the team, or maybe even in every role of a team. Creating certain characteristics within the team members is salient, despite how the team is put together; when a team has effective communication and trust, the way the team is arranged will not influence its performance because everyone will contribute and help each other.

There are many team building exercises that have been developed that might help build trust and communication in a team. It might even be possible to create your own team building exercise; however, the 'minefield' game is a useful and effective tool to build trust and proper communication skills in a team. Through this exercise trust will be reinforced since one person will be blindfolded and will have to rely on their partner to get him/her to the finish line. Also, this exercise will enhance communication among peers because a member is going to have to give their partner instructions to reach their goal and the other person is going to have to follow this directions properly; therefore, they will have to work a system in order to develop adequate communication skills. This type of exercise will also help to observe how some people work together which will help the leader make any reorganizations if necessary.

Teams can be build in a variety of ways and roles can be rotated if it is essential, but no matter how someone decides to build their team, trust and communication is important for teamwork to be effective. Every person has its own strengths and weaknesses that are important to highlight. Recognizing them is useful when building a team, if they are acknowledged from the start there will be no need to shuffle the roles of the team members; however, some might not be possible to identify until later and changes will have to be done. Thus, your team can be pieces of a puzzle that can be shuffled in a variety of ways. Additionally, there is no regulation that asserts your team can not be restructured if it is not working. More often than not, the underperformance of a team is not related to how the roles are distributed but how the relationship of the members is constructed. If the members of your team does not communicate and trust one another, no matter how many ways they are put together the results will not be what was expected.

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12 Easy Ways to Improve Team Cooperation in the Workplace

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: February 26, 2024

You found our list of the best ways to improve team cooperation in the workplace .

Ways to improve team cooperation in the workplace are means of increasing teamwork and team harmony in the office. For example, creating a safe space to share ideas and hosting regular team building activities. The purpose of these techniques is to help teammates to work together more seamlessly and naturally.

These tactics are similar to ways to connect employees , trust building activities and team building tips .

This guide includes:

  • ways to improve teamwork skills
  • team improvement ideas
  • ways to improve collaboration skills

Here is everything you need to know.

List of ways to improve team cooperation in the workplace

Here is a list of tips for getting teammates to cooperate in collaborative work environments.

1. Make connections between coworkers

The first connection phase is one of the most important steps in the team development process. Employees are unlikely to collaborate with unfamiliar colleagues. Leaders should make initial introductions between staff members and create spaces in which team members can interact and get to know each other. For instance, by announcing new hires, regularly updating and re-sharing organizational charts, and creating common spaces such as staff hangouts.

Having an awareness of other teammates’ existence and an established rapport emboldens employees to ask other team members for help. By acting as social connectors, leaders build a support system and a wealth of resources for the staff.

Here is a list of relationship building activities for work .

2. Hold regular team building activities

Hosting regular team building activities is one of the surest ways to improve teamwork skills. Many team building games are designed to boost competencies like communication, delegation, problem solving, and negotiation that are essential for collaboration. These exercises give participants a shared goal to strive towards and require players to work together to achieve the desired end. These challenges can be practice for on-the-job collaborations.

Non-competitive team activities also serve a purpose. By spending time together, teammates get to know each other better and build rapport. Team outings and rituals are common experiences that serve as foundations for relationships. Events as simple as team dinners can encourage bonding between coworkers and improve workplace productivity.

Team building does not have to take the form of murder mysteries, obstacle courses, paint and sip classes, or team parties. The practice can be as simple as holding optional staff events like lunch and learns, having coffee breaks where coworkers can meet and chat, starting meetings with icebreaker questions , or spotlighting different team members in newsletters. In fact, the best approaches to team building are a mix of more formal and longer events as well as quick and easy connection activities .

By hosting team building activities regularly, you communicate the importance of teamwork to the staff and give employees multiple opportunities to improve relationships with coworkers.

Check out this list of outdoor team building activities for more ideas, and here are virtual team building activities for remote teams .

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3. Create a safe space to share ideas

To cooperate, teammates must first contribute, and to contribute, employees must feel safe to share thoughts without judgment or negative consequences. Fostering an atmosphere where team members can freely express themselves is an important element of improving team cooperation. This type of environment encourages a more diverse range of thought and leads to true collaboration as opposed to mere agreement.

Examples of ways to create a safe space to share ideas include starting a #no-failure-feedback channel on Slack where coworkers can share constructive feedback , monitoring discussion in meetings and carving out opportunities for quieter participants, and taking a no-tolerance stance on bullying or intimidation. Acknowledging and praising different perspectives is another tactic to foster psychological safety, as is expressing clear rules and expectations about giving feedback.

4. Champion a learning and teaching culture

A group of employees reporting to the same supervisor is not necessarily a team. In the most effective organizations, teams rely on each other for support and opinions and communicate among each other instead of only talking to the boss. One way to make the team more interdependent is to champion a learning and teaching culture.

In these environments, teammates go to each other with questions and show each other how to perform tasks or processes. Teammates brainstorm together and make suggestions about each other’s work and recommend resources to each other. Sometimes, team members mentor each other and watch each other’s work for improvement.

There are many ways to encourage an educational atmosphere in the team. For instance, by introducing a peer review process where colleagues look over work before it moves to a manager. Or, by assigning different team members to give informational presentations during meetings. Managers can also make a habit of pointing out team members strengths and suggesting that other team members consult these areas of expertise. These behaviors normalize peer-to-peer coaching and give workers more of a sense of responsibility for teammates’ development.

5. Model positive teamwork as a manager

Employees take behavioral cues from bosses. If managers preach teamwork yet clash with peers, then chances are reports may not collaborate smoothly either. Modeling positive teamwork sets a good example for your team to follow.

You should avoid negative behaviors, such as gossiping or venting about other managers, and practice positive habits, such as publicly thanking collaborators. Teamwork-minded good managers treat cooperating departments as an extension of the team instead of adopting an us vs them mentality.

Even without explicit instructions that employees should copy these behaviors, team members often mimic the manager and treat coworkers with more respect.

6. Celebrate wins collectively

Teams who win together work together, and vice versa. Celebrating personal and professional triumphs establishes a sense of common purpose and collective victory, and makes teams more inclined to work together towards shared success. These celebrations can take the form of announcing accomplishments in meetings and giving a round of applause, or planning a party or outing to commemorate meeting a goal. The festivities can be for work wins such as landing a big account or doubling revenue, or personal victories such as finishing school or having a baby. Sharing joy together creates a sense of camaraderie and encourages team members to look out for each other’s interests.

7. Set the stage for peer-to-peer praise

Folks are more inclined to help people who think highly of them. Facilitating peer-to-peer praise is a way to spread goodwill and gratitude and to promote harmony and synergy among teams.

TeamBuilding uses a #you-are-awesome Slack channel where teammates can post positive shoutouts, however there are many other ways to encourage coworker recognition. For example, by placing a “kudos,” jar in the breakroom that coworkers can fill with anonymous compliments and reading the notes out during meetings, or by including a question like “what teammate are you grateful for?” question on a weekly self-assessment.

8. Hone the team’s communication skills

Improving communication is one of the main ways to improve collaboration skills . Good communication is the backbone of cooperation. Miscommunication or radio silence can lead to conflicts or tension in the team, whereas respectful and friendly, regular communication breeds trust and helps tasks get done more quickly.

The first step to improving group communication is to give the team the proper tools and opportunities, such as instant messaging apps and daily huddles. Be sure to lay out standards, for instance, let a teammate finish a complete thought before jumping into the conversation or use Slack as the first means of contact. You can also coach teammates on communication skills, for example, by comparing different emails or statements and discussing which messaging is more appropriate.

Here is a list of remote work platforms that can help improve communication in any type of office setup.

9. Clarify roles and responsibilities

Understanding of individual roles and responsibilities is essential for teamwork. Without a clear idea of who should do what, groups can not work effectively together. Establishing roles gives teams direction and creates a stronger sense of accountability. This approach also helps to ensure that no tasks get missed or repeated.

At the start of the project or during team formation, the leader should communicate clear instructions so that all team members can understand how the work is divided and what expectations are for each contributor. Throughout the process, teammates should check in, and the leader should communicate any changes in the plan.

10. Establish conflict resolution protocols

Conflicts are bound to occur on teams, and being ready to handle clashes can improve cooperation. Leaders should create a process to quickly identify issues and mediate between team members. Ideally, the protocol should be in place before arguments arise. Having a readymade conflict model can cut down delays, decrease tension, and get the team back on track towards working on shared goals.

Much of the work lies in setting expectations early and proactively avoiding conflicts. For instance, by setting ground rules like “deliver updates within twenty four hours,” or “ask a peer to review the work before a manager sees it.” Clear, agreed-upon guidelines can make accountability more apparent and shorten resolution time.

Here is a list of ways to resolve conflicts at work and a list of books about conflict resolution .

11. Gather regularly

Regular interaction is one of the keys to team cooperation. When each group member is off completing tasks, it can be easy to forget how individual work fits into larger team goals. Not to mention, a sense of isolation can settle in if teammates separate for too long.

Gathering regularly is an easy way to breed a sense of familiarity and community. Getting together is especially important for dispersed teams, coworkers who travel often, or teams on different shifts may see each other much less frequently than regular office-mates. These get-togethers can take the form of a weekly meeting, daily huddle, periodic team building outing, or just a random check-in. Even if there are no pressing matters to meet over, the group should come together on a normal basis to maintain the sense of being part of the whole. This regular contact will keep employees more conscious of other team members and inspire more considerate actions.

You can also incorporate workplace traditions into these gatherings .

12. Collect feedback from staff

Collecting group feedback is one of the most straightforward and reliable team improvement ideas. When looking for suggestions on how to make the team better, members of the team are a great source. Teammates likely have ideas on what the issues are and suggestions on how collaboration can improve. Even if respondents may not have specific recommendations, surveys may uncover barriers to cooperation, for instance, shyness of a certain team member or lapses in communication.

Also, collecting feedback from the staff sends the message that management hears and values teammates’ opinions and gives employees more ownership over the team building process.

Here is a list of sample employee engagement survey questions .

Final Thoughts

Some teams click naturally and work together seamlessly, while other groups need help getting along and getting tasks accomplished. Even the most in-sync teams sometimes need to get back to basics and receive a refresher on working together. The best practices on this list are good advice for any team and can keep coworkers interacting and collaborating in healthy ways.

Next, check out this list of ways to motivate remote employees and this list of ways to boost staff morale . Also, learn about personality hires and team building activities for students .

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FAQ: Team cooperation in the workplace

Here are answers to common questions about team cooperation in the workplace.

What is team cooperation?

Team cooperation is when employees on the same department or project work together for the benefit of the collective. Cooperation means more than completing assignments, and is an attitude of devotion and consideration towards others.

What does good team cooperation look like?

Good team cooperation looks like team members automatically working together and splitting the workload instead of managers assigning duties. Team members often do not have to ask for help because teammates check-in or step in. These teammates communicate respectfully, effectively, and often. Praise and constructive feedback are two signals of healthy collaboration.

How do you develop team cooperation?

To develop team cooperation, gather and interact regularly, make connections between teammates, clarify team roles, improve group communication, and create a conflict resolution process.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Guest Essay

Enough With the Fireworks Already

Strands of yellow light coming from a lit sparkler against a background of trees, mountains and sky.

By Margaret Renkl

Ms. Renkl is a contributing Opinion writer who covers flora, fauna, politics and culture in the American South.

For 15 straight years, our old dog Clark — a hound-shepherd-retriever mix who was born in the woods and loved the outdoors ever after — spent the Fourth of July in our walk-in shower. He seemed to believe a windowless shower in a windowless bathroom offered his best chance of surviving the shrieking terror that was raining down from the night sky outside.

Did he think the fireworks, with their window-rattling booms, were the work of some cosmic predator big enough to eat him whole? Did he think they were gunshots or claps of thunder spreading out from inexplicable lightning bolts tearing open the sky above our house?

There’s no way to know what he was thinking, but every single year that rangy, 75-pound, country-born yard dog spent the Fourth of July in our shower, trembling, drooling and whimpering in terror.

Clark was lucky. We have friends whose terrified dog spent one Fourth of July fruitlessly trying to outrun the explosions. The next day a good Samaritan found him lying on a hot sidewalk miles away, close to death. Other friends came home from watching the fireworks to discover that their dog had bolted in terror from their fenced backyard and been killed by a car.

And those were all companion animals, the ones whose terror is clear to us. We have no real way of knowing how many wild animals suffer because the patterns of their lives are disrupted with no warning every year on a night in early July. People shooting bottle rockets in the backyard might not see the sleeping songbirds, startled from their safe roosts, exploding into a darkness they did not evolve to navigate — crashing into buildings or depleting crucial energy reserves . People firing Roman candles into the sky above the ocean may have no idea that the explosions can cause seabirds to abandon their nests or frighten nesting shorebirds to death .

Then there’s the wildlife driven into roads — deer and foxes, opossums and skunks, coyotes and raccoons. Any nocturnal creature in a blind panic can find itself staring into oncoming headlights, unsure whether the greater danger lies in the road or in the sky or in the neighborhood yards surrounding them.

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MIT researchers introduce generative AI for databases

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A new tool makes it easier for database users to perform complicated statistical analyses of tabular data without the need to know what is going on behind the scenes.

GenSQL, a generative AI system for databases, could help users make predictions, detect anomalies, guess missing values, fix errors, or generate synthetic data with just a few keystrokes.

For instance, if the system were used to analyze medical data from a patient who has always had high blood pressure, it could catch a blood pressure reading that is low for that particular patient but would otherwise be in the normal range.

GenSQL automatically integrates a tabular dataset and a generative probabilistic AI model, which can account for uncertainty and adjust their decision-making based on new data.

Moreover, GenSQL can be used to produce and analyze synthetic data that mimic the real data in a database. This could be especially useful in situations where sensitive data cannot be shared, such as patient health records, or when real data are sparse.

This new tool is built on top of SQL, a programming language for database creation and manipulation that was introduced in the late 1970s and is used by millions of developers worldwide.

“Historically, SQL taught the business world what a computer could do. They didn’t have to write custom programs, they just had to ask questions of a database in high-level language. We think that, when we move from just querying data to asking questions of models and data, we are going to need an analogous language that teaches people the coherent questions you can ask a computer that has a probabilistic model of the data,” says Vikash Mansinghka ’05, MEng ’09, PhD ’09, senior author of a paper introducing GenSQL and a principal research scientist and leader of the Probabilistic Computing Project in the MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

When the researchers compared GenSQL to popular, AI-based approaches for data analysis, they found that it was not only faster but also produced more accurate results. Importantly, the probabilistic models used by GenSQL are explainable, so users can read and edit them.

“Looking at the data and trying to find some meaningful patterns by just using some simple statistical rules might miss important interactions. You really want to capture the correlations and the dependencies of the variables, which can be quite complicated, in a model. With GenSQL, we want to enable a large set of users to query their data and their model without having to know all the details,” adds lead author Mathieu Huot, a research scientist in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and member of the Probabilistic Computing Project.

They are joined on the paper by Matin Ghavami and Alexander Lew, MIT graduate students; Cameron Freer, a research scientist; Ulrich Schaechtle and Zane Shelby of Digital Garage; Martin Rinard, an MIT professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL); and Feras Saad ’15, MEng ’16, PhD ’22, an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University. The research was recently presented at the ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.

Combining models and databases

SQL, which stands for structured query language, is a programming language for storing and manipulating information in a database. In SQL, people can ask questions about data using keywords, such as by summing, filtering, or grouping database records.

However, querying a model can provide deeper insights, since models can capture what data imply for an individual. For instance, a female developer who wonders if she is underpaid is likely more interested in what salary data mean for her individually than in trends from database records.

The researchers noticed that SQL didn’t provide an effective way to incorporate probabilistic AI models, but at the same time, approaches that use probabilistic models to make inferences didn’t support complex database queries.

They built GenSQL to fill this gap, enabling someone to query both a dataset and a probabilistic model using a straightforward yet powerful formal programming language.

A GenSQL user uploads their data and probabilistic model, which the system automatically integrates. Then, she can run queries on data that also get input from the probabilistic model running behind the scenes. This not only enables more complex queries but can also provide more accurate answers.

For instance, a query in GenSQL might be something like, “How likely is it that a developer from Seattle knows the programming language Rust?” Just looking at a correlation between columns in a database might miss subtle dependencies. Incorporating a probabilistic model can capture more complex interactions.   

Plus, the probabilistic models GenSQL utilizes are auditable, so people can see which data the model uses for decision-making. In addition, these models provide measures of calibrated uncertainty along with each answer.

For instance, with this calibrated uncertainty, if one queries the model for predicted outcomes of different cancer treatments for a patient from a minority group that is underrepresented in the dataset, GenSQL would tell the user that it is uncertain, and how uncertain it is, rather than overconfidently advocating for the wrong treatment.

Faster and more accurate results

To evaluate GenSQL, the researchers compared their system to popular baseline methods that use neural networks. GenSQL was between 1.7 and 6.8 times faster than these approaches, executing most queries in a few milliseconds while providing more accurate results.

They also applied GenSQL in two case studies: one in which the system identified mislabeled clinical trial data and the other in which it generated accurate synthetic data that captured complex relationships in genomics.

Next, the researchers want to apply GenSQL more broadly to conduct largescale modeling of human populations. With GenSQL, they can generate synthetic data to draw inferences about things like health and salary while controlling what information is used in the analysis.

They also want to make GenSQL easier to use and more powerful by adding new optimizations and automation to the system. In the long run, the researchers want to enable users to make natural language queries in GenSQL. Their goal is to eventually develop a ChatGPT-like AI expert one could talk to about any database, which grounds its answers using GenSQL queries.   

This research is funded, in part, by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Google, and the Siegel Family Foundation.

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  • Vikash Mansinghka
  • Martin Rinard
  • Probabilistic Computing Project
  • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
  • Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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  • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
  • Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (eecs)
  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

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