Cara Menulis Cover Letter (+Bonus Template Cover Letter Gratis)

contoh cover letter template

Memiliki cover letter yang memberi kesan pertama yang baik itu penting. Lamaran kerja kamu punya kesempatan lebih banyak dilirik oleh perekrut.

Bayangkan cover letter sebagai pembuka perkenalan. Cover letter merupakan cara untuk mengenalkan diri dan menjelaskan bahwa kamu merupakan orang yang tepat untuk posisi tersebut. Resume menjelaskan skill, pengalaman, dan pencapaian-pencapaianmu, sedangkan cover letter menggabungkan semuanya ke dalam dokumen pendek sesuai dengan posisi yang kamu lamar.

Selanjutnya, cover letter merupakan cara yang tepat untuk memberitahu perusahaan alasan kamu melamar. Melalui cover letter, kamu juga bisa memberitahu perusahaan bahwa kamu sudah mencari tahu tentang mereka sebelumnya. Cover letter yang baik akan membuat lamaranmu lebih menarik di mata perusahaan karena mereka akan terdorong untuk membaca CV kamu dan mengetahui hal tentang dirimu.

Baca juga : Template CV Gratis

Berikut beberapa tips yang harus kamu perhatikan ketika menulis cover letter:

1. Sesuaikan skill dan pengalaman dengan posisi yang kamu lamar.

Cover letter berisi rangkuman dirimu yang lebih spesifik, dengan menonjolkan skill dan pengalaman yang relevan dengan pekerjaan.

2. Keep it short. Tulis dengan singkat.

Waktu yang perusahaan perlukan untuk membaca cover letter bahkan lebih pendek dari waktu mereka membaca resume. Tulis dengan singkat dan to the point .

3. Jangan mengulang apa yang ada di resume.

Pilih poin penting yang relevan dengan posisi lamaran untuk ditunjukkan. Jelaskan bagaimana poin-poin ini menunjukkan bahwa kamu merupakan pilihan yang cocok untuk posisi tersebut.

contoh cover letter template

4. Buat cover letter yang berbeda untuk setiap lamaran

Menyesuaikan cover letter dapat mengindikasikan bahwa kamu sudah mempelajari hal tentang perusahaan tempat kamu melamar.

Agar kamu dapat menulis cover letter dengan lebih mudah, JobStreet punya template cover letter yang bisa kamu unduh. Template ini bisa menjadi langkah awal untuk membuat cover letter unggul yang akan membuat lamaran kamu menarik di mata perekrut.

5. Koreksi cover letter kamu

Setelah menggunakan template untuk menulis cover letter, jangan lupa untuk mengoreksinya. Pastikan nama-nama dan penjelasan di dalamnya sudah tepat. Kamu juga bisa meminta orang lain untuk membacanya agar lebih yakin.

contoh cover letter template

Sekarang karena kamu sudah tahu bagaimana tampilan cover letter, kamu juga dianjurkan untuk memperbaiki kualitas resume kamu. Berikut artikel tentang 5 cara memperbaiki format resume dan bagaimana cara membuat resume yang lebih menarik dengan kata kunci yang tepat .

Jika CV dan cover letter sudah siap, ayo mulai pencarian kerja kamu. Perbarui profil kamu di JobStreet dan temukan profesi yang sesuai dengan minat dan tujuanmu.

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SEEK Asia, gabungan dari dua merek ternama Jobstreet dan jobsDB, adalah portal lowongan pekerjaan terkemuka dan destinasi pilihan untuk pencari dan pemberi kerja di Asia. Kehadiran SEEK Asia menjangkau 7 negara yaitu Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, Filipina dan Vietnam. SEEK Asia adalah bagian dari SEEK Limited Company terdaftar di Bursa Efek Australia, portal lowongan pekerjaan terbesar di dunia berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasar. SEEK Asia dikunjungi lebih dari 400 juta kali dalam setahun.

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Resume Worded

Proven cover letter samples, curated by recruiters [updated for 2024].

Most people write generic, weak cover letters and wonder why they don't get interviews. So to help you, we've handpicked thousands of effective cover letters that got people like you hired. Use them as inspiration to write your own.

Table of contents

Data & analytics roles.

  • Data Engineer Cover Letter
  • Business Analyst Cover Letter
  • Data Scientist Cover Letter
  • SQL Developer Cover Letter
  • Supply Chain Planner Cover Letter
  • Program Analyst Cover Letter
  • Intelligence Analyst Cover Letter
  • Director of Analytics Cover Letter
  • Reporting Analyst Cover Letter
  • Data Specialist Cover Letter

Manager Roles

  • Program Manager Cover Letter
  • Project Manager Cover Letter
  • Product Manager Cover Letter
  • Operations Manager Cover Letter
  • Social Media Manager Cover Letter
  • Creative Director Cover Letter
  • Product Owner Cover Letter
  • IT Manager Cover Letter
  • Office Manager Cover Letter
  • Production Manager Cover Letter
  • Project Coordinator Cover Letter
  • Brand Manager Cover Letter
  • Construction Manager Cover Letter
  • Chief of Staff Cover Letter
  • Vice President of Operations Cover Letter
  • Chief Digital Officer Cover Letter
  • Project Leader Cover Letter
  • Technology Director Cover Letter
  • Director of Information Technology Cover Letter
  • Director of Operations Cover Letter
  • Director of Engineering Cover Letter

Engineering Roles

  • Software Engineer Cover Letter
  • Software Developer Cover Letter
  • Web Developer Cover Letter
  • Programmer Cover Letter
  • Front End Developer Cover Letter
  • Full Stack Developer Cover Letter
  • Java Developer Cover Letter
  • Python Developer Cover Letter
  • Quality Assurance Tester Cover Letter
  • Quality Engineer Cover Letter
  • Electrical Engineer Cover Letter
  • System Administrator Cover Letter
  • Scrum Master Cover Letter
  • Civil Engineer Cover Letter
  • Network Administrator Cover Letter
  • Mechanical Engineer Cover Letter
  • Network Engineer Cover Letter
  • Data Integration Architect Cover Letter
  • Engineering Manager Cover Letter
  • Service Technician Cover Letter
  • Platform Engineer Cover Letter
  • Automation Engineer Cover Letter
  • Project Engineer Cover Letter
  • Electronic Technician Cover Letter
  • System Engineer Cover Letter
  • IT Specialist Cover Letter
  • Packaging Engineer Cover Letter
  • Cloud Developer Cover Letter
  • ETL Developer Cover Letter
  • Sharepoint Developer Cover Letter
  • Audio Engineer Cover Letter
  • Industrial Engineer Cover Letter
  • Maintenance Technician Cover Letter
  • Solutions Architect Cover Letter
  • Implementation Specialist Cover Letter
  • Software Architect Cover Letter
  • PHP Developer Cover Letter
  • Biomedical Engineer Cover Letter
  • Security Analyst Cover Letter
  • IT Auditor Cover Letter
  • Director of Software Engineering Cover Letter
  • Environmental Engineer Cover Letter
  • Materials Engineer Cover Letter
  • UAT Tester Cover Letter

Finance Roles

  • Bookkeeper Cover Letter
  • Financial Analyst Cover Letter
  • Accountant Cover Letter
  • Financial Advisor Cover Letter
  • Auditor Cover Letter
  • Financial Controller Cover Letter
  • Purchasing Manager Cover Letter
  • Loan Processor Cover Letter
  • Finance Director Cover Letter
  • Credit Analyst Cover Letter
  • Finance Executive Cover Letter
  • VP of Finance Cover Letter
  • Claims Adjuster Cover Letter
  • Payroll Specialist Cover Letter
  • Cost Analyst Cover Letter

Marketing Roles

  • Marketing Manager Cover Letter
  • Event Coordinator Cover Letter
  • Content Creator Cover Letter
  • Content Writer Cover Letter
  • Video Editor Cover Letter
  • Marketing Executive Cover Letter
  • Digital Strategist Cover Letter
  • Brand Ambassador Cover Letter
  • Technical Writer Cover Letter
  • Director of Marketing Cover Letter
  • Brand Strategist Cover Letter
  • Campaign Manager Cover Letter

Administrative Roles

  • Virtual Assistant Cover Letter
  • Administrative Assistant Cover Letter
  • Executive Assistant Cover Letter
  • Research Assistant Cover Letter
  • Inventory Manager Cover Letter
  • Warehouse Manager Cover Letter
  • Administrative Coordinator Cover Letter
  • Project Administrator Cover Letter

Sales Roles

  • Account Manager Cover Letter
  • Account Executive Cover Letter
  • Sales Manager Cover Letter
  • Sales Associate Cover Letter
  • Real Estate Agent Cover Letter
  • Sales Engineer Cover Letter
  • Inside Sales Representative Cover Letter
  • Copywriter Cover Letter
  • Buyer Cover Letter
  • Director of Sales Cover Letter
  • Hotel Manager Cover Letter
  • Sales Coordinator Cover Letter
  • Engagement Manager Cover Letter
  • Sales Executive Cover Letter
  • Sales Leader Cover Letter
  • Relationship Manager Cover Letter

Design Roles

  • UX Designer (User Experience Designer) Cover Letter
  • UX Researcher Cover Letter
  • Architect / Architecture Cover Letter
  • Graphic Designer Cover Letter
  • Game Design Cover Letter
  • Interior Designer Cover Letter
  • Production Assistant Cover Letter
  • Art Director Cover Letter
  • Design Director Cover Letter

Legal Roles

  • Attorney Cover Letter
  • Lawyer Cover Letter
  • Underwriter Cover Letter
  • Contract Specialist Cover Letter

Other Roles

  • Recruiter Cover Letter
  • Demand Planning Manager Cover Letter
  • Consultant Cover Letter
  • Correctional Officer Cover Letter
  • Production Planner Cover Letter
  • Teacher Cover Letter
  • Plant Manager Cover Letter
  • Recruiting Coordinator Cover Letter
  • Business Owner Cover Letter
  • Site Manager Cover Letter
  • Orientation Leader Cover Letter

Research & Science Roles

  • Environmental Scientist Cover Letter

Medical Roles

  • General Nurse Cover Letter
  • Dental Assistant Cover Letter
  • Case Manager Cover Letter
  • Respiratory Therapist Cover Letter
  • Therapist Cover Letter
  • Care Coordinator Cover Letter
  • Occupational Therapist Cover Letter
  • Radiologic Technologist Cover Letter
  • Pharmacy Technician Cover Letter
  • Medical Technologist Cover Letter
  • Microbiologist Cover Letter

contoh cover letter template

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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  • Resume Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Resume Examples Nurse Student Internship Teacher Accountant View all
  • Resume Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Cover Letter Examples Nursing Administrative Assistant Internship Graduate Teacher View all
  • Cover Letter Builder

Free cover letter templates

Stand out and get hired faster with our collection of free professional cover letter templates expertly-designed to land you the perfect position.

Toronto Template

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

General cover letter template.

A general cover letter template is the perfect starting point for writing your next job-winning cover letter. In the example below, you’ll find a cover letter that can be modified to suit just about any position or industry. 

Make sure to update it to include key examples from your own experience and education. Each cover letter is a chance to convince the employer that you’re the best candidate for their role, so make it count!

You’ve developed an excellent resume. What a relief! But you’re not finished with your job application package. It’s time to write a stellar cover letter. That blank page can be scary, but the tips below will help you grab that interview.

General cover letter example

Why use our cover letter templates’s cover letter templates offer several advantages when it comes to completing your application and landing your next great position. We take pride in creating fresh and professional designs that stand out and make a positive first impression in today’s competitive job market. 

Here are a few reasons why our free cover letter templates are a cut above the rest:

  • Expertly crafted templates: Our team of professional graphic designers is constantly creating and updating our templates to make sure they meet the needs of today’s job seekers. Our collection of templates ranges from minimalist and modern to bold and creative to ensure that we offer the perfect cover letter template for every candidate.
  • Approved by recruiters: We work with career HR and recruitment professionals to make sure our cover letter templates meet the strict standards of today’s employers. We follow the latest hiring trends to update and adapt our cover letter templates for the needs of modern job seekers.
  • Customize with ease: Not only do we provide expertly designed free cover letter templates, but we also offer an intuitive cover letter builder to help job seekers customize their application letters with ease. Our cover letter builder is easy-to-use and full of helpful features and advice to help you craft a cover letter that’s a cut above the rest.
  • AI-powered tools: Even the best writers could use a hand sometimes. That’s why we’ve introduced AI-powered sample sentences that can be inserted directly within the cover letter builder and updated for your own experience. Our powerful spelling and grammar checker also helps to eliminate costly cover letter errors.

Most job applications specify whether they’d like to receive your cover letter as a PDF or Word Docx format. We’ve made it easy to download either option within our cover letter builder.

Choosing the right cover letter template

Every candidate and every position is unique, meaning the same cover letter won’t work for everyone. That’s why we’ve created an extensive collection of cover letter templates with designs ranging from clean and classic to modern and attention-grabbing. 

Within our cover letter builder, you can also easily switch from one template to another, meaning the perfect cover letter design is always within reach. Our free cover letter templates are divided into four categories:

  • Simple: Our simple cover letter templates are go-to classics that can work for a wide variety of positions and applicants. These templates are best-suited for students and first-time job seekers, along with applicants working in fields like hospitality, transportation, logistics, and retail. Our simple templates are highly versatile and can serve as a great starting point for any cover letter.
  • Modern: If fresh ideas and innovation are the keys to your industry, our modern cover letter templates are the right choice. These designs feature minimalistic lines, clean fonts, and a refreshing balance of white space to text. Our modern cover letter templates are perfect for candidates in IT, marketing, administration, and sales.
  • Creative: If your industry or job title calls for a bold approach, look no further than our collection of creative cover letter templates . These designs feature bright colors, striking fonts, and larger-than-life headers to draw attention to your cover letter. Our creative cover letter templates are perfect for candidates in fields like film and television, design, photography, art, architecture, content creation, and any job where your personality should be in the spotlight.
  • Professional: Sometimes, tried-and-true is the only option, and that’s where our professional templates come into play. These are classic designs with traditional font choices and the organized sections recruiters expect to see. When in doubt, a professional cover letter template is the way to go, especially in fields like business, medicine, education, engineering, accounting, and finance.

What makes a good cover letter template?

A good cover letter template is a combination of elements that work together to highlight and emphasize a candidate’s experience and qualifications for the role. 

Here are a few factors that make a good cover letter template:

Header: An excellent cover letter template features a header that draws attention to the applicant’s name and contact information. The header may be located at the top or on the side of the page, but it must contain key details like a phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile or portfolio website.

Balance of white space to text: A great cover letter template is easy to read and carefully balances the amount of white space in the text to avoid visual fatigue for the reader. Paragraphs should be divided in a logical way, and margins should not be shrunk to cram in more text.

Font choice: The best cover letters use font styles and sizes that are both legible and appropriate for the industry or job title. A good cover letter builder eliminates the guesswork by automatically choosing the right font and size for the cover letter template.

Color or design elements: While not appropriate for every industry, a touch of color or a dividing line can help create a more attractive page design and make the candidate stand out in a crowded applicant pool.’s cover letter templates that feature color give several options so that you can choose the hue that works best for your application.

Different jobs can require different cover letter formats , which is why we’ve made it easy to switch colors, line spacing, or even whole templates directly inside our cover letter builder.

Cover letter template frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is a good format for a cover letter.

A good format for a cover letter is one that catches the hiring manager’s attention with an attractive layout, easy-to-read font, and clear and concise information about the candidate’s experience and qualifications.

What are the three parts of a cover letter?

The four parts of a cover letter are as follows:

  • The greeting: The way the hiring manager is addressed at the start of the cover letter.  
  • Introduction: The first one or two sentences that introduce the candidate and the role they are applying for.  
  • Body: The main paragraphs of the cover letter where the candidate discusses their experience and the reasons why they’re right for the job.  
  • Conclusion and sign-off: The final sentences that express interest for the role and include the candidate’s full name as a signature.

How long should a cover letter be?

A good cover letter should be around 300 words or within the range of 250-350 words. This equals roughly three paragraphs. Any shorter and the reader may not fully understand why you are qualified for the role. Any longer, and you risk losing the reader’s attention before they get to the end of your letter.

What are three do’s and three don’ts with a cover letter ?

  • Include a header that aligns with the design and information on your resume
  • Use numbers and concrete information to show your accomplishments
  • Leave a balance of white space to text to increase readability
  • Change the document margins to cram in more text or make your cover letter appear longer
  • Add a full street address to your cover letter
  • Go overboard with images, design elements, or colors

What are two things that should always be in a cover letter?

Two things that should always be in a cover letter are the name of the company and the role you are applying to. Hiring managers often look for candidates for multiple openings at once, so this helps the employer identify who you are and the job you are looking for.

Are cover letters necessary?

Cover letters are one of the best ways to increase your chances of landing your desired position. That’s because they give you the opportunity to expand on key experiences from your resume. 

While not every hiring manager reads cover letters, the ones that do can often use them to determine who is on the shortlist for an interview. We recommend every applicant write a cover letter to show their interest and qualifications for the position.

How to end a cover letter

We recommend always ending your cover letter with a call to action. This sentence expresses your enthusiasm for the position and politely suggests that the hiring manager get in touch with you for an interview. 

You can also leave your name and contact information in this section once again, space permitting. Then, sign off with a phrase like “Sincerely” or “Best regards” and your full name.

How do you address a cover letter without a name?

While using the hiring manager’s name on your cover letter is the best way to establish a personal connection, some companies do not share information about who will be reading your cover letter. In that case, a more general greeting like “Dear (Company Name) Hiring Team” or “Dear (Department Name) Team Lead” can do the trick.

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Cover Letter Templates

/ any level of experience

Choose a Matching Cover Letter Template

Looking to create a cover letter that will help you stand out from the crowd? Try one of our 16 professional cover letter templates, each created to match our resume and CV templates. Pick a cover letter template that suits your needs and impress the hiring manager with a flawless job application!

Graphic Cover Letters image


Minimalist Cover Letter Template


General Cover Letter Template


Combined Cover Letter Template

Learn More About Cover Letters

Ultimate Cover Letter Guide

How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024 + Examples

Cover Letter Format Graphic 1

Cover Letter Format (w/ Examples & Free Templates)

Cover Letter Format Graphic 2

60+ Cover Letter Examples in 2024 [For All Professions]

Free Cover Letter Sample to Copy and Use

Subject Line: Cover Letter for [Position], [Candidate Name]

[Company Address]

[Company City, State]

[Hiring Manager Email]


Introduce yourself, give a brief professional summary, and optionally, a top achievement. E.g. “My name is [Name] and I’m a [Role] with over X years of experience in [Activity]. Over the past years, I’ve helped X companies achieve [Goals]”

Express your interest in joining their firm. E.g. “I’m looking to join [Company] as [Role] and I’m very excited to help you with [Activity]”

Optionally, if you were referred or you just know someone at the firm, you can mention this here. E.g. “I learned about [Company] from a friend that’s currently working there as [Role], [Friend’s name]. I really like everything I’ve heard about the company and I think I would make a good fit.”

This is where you talk about your work experience and achievements at length. Mention how you excelled at your previous roles, what your most important responsibilities were, and so on.

Look at this as an opportunity to expand on whatever you wrote in your resume, and give the reader a better picture of what kind of tasks you worked on, what you accomplished, and so on. E.g “At my previous jobs as [Role], my duties were [Major 3 duties], and I specifically excelled at [Top accomplishment]. This accomplishment helped the company [Results driven].”

Want to really impress the hiring manager? You can mention what you know about the company and its culture here. E.g. “I’ve read a lot about [Company] and I really think I’d enjoy your democratic leadership style.”

Optionally, you can include a bulleted list of your top 3 accomplishments. For example:

[Example Box]

Some of my top achievements in recent years include:

Launching a successful online ads marketing campaign, driving 100+ leads within 2 months.

Overhauled a client’s advertising account, improving conversion rates and driving 15% higher revenue.

Improved the agency’s framework for ad account audits and created new standard operating procedures.

Conclusion & Call to Action:

Re-affirm your desire to join the company, as well as how you can contribute. E.g. “I’d love to become a part of [Company] as a [Role]. I believe that my skills in [Field] can help the company with [Goals].”

Thank the hiring manager for reading the cover letter and then wrap it all up with a call to action. E.g. “Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you and learning more about the position. Sincerely, [Name].”

Match Your Resume & Cover Letter

Want your application to stand out?

Match your cover letter with your resume & catch the recruiter’s attention!

Matching Cover Letter

Why Novorésumé?

Matching Cover Letters

To keep your job application consistent and professional, our Cover Letter templates perfectly match the resume templates.

Creative & Standard Templates

Whether you apply for a conservative industry like banking or a hype start-up, you can tailor our cover letter templates to fit your exact needs.

Expert Reviews

Oana Vintila

Career Counselor

Cover Letters are usually synonymous with formal and bland rambling that you write down hoping for an invite to a job interview. I just love it how Novorésumé has enhanced that and is offering you a tool to build proper arguments and structured discourse about who YOU ARE and what YOU CAN DO.

A real confidence booster, I tell you, seeing your motivation eloquently written!

Gabriela Tardea

Career Strategist, Coach & Trainer

The best thing about this platform when creating a Cover Letter as an addition to your resume is that the documents will match each other's design and font, creating eye-catching documents that recruiters/hiring managers will love.

You will be initially judged based on your papers, so why not make a first great impression?

Cover Letters Resources

What is a cover letter.

A cover letter is a one-page document that you submit alongside your resume or CV for your job application.

The main purpose of your cover letter is to:

Show your motivation for working at the company

Bring special attention to the most important parts of your work history

Explain how your work experience fits whatever the company is looking for

What your cover letter is NOT about , is rehashing whatever you already mentioned in your resume. Sure, you should mention the most important bits, but it should NOT be a literal copy-paste.

Keep in mind that recruiters will usually read your cover letter after scanning your resume and deciding if you’re qualified for the position.

Our cover letter templates match both our resume templates and our CV templates ! Make sure to check them out, too.

Why Use a Cover Letter Template?

A cover letter can complement your resume and increase your chances of getting hired.

But that's only if it's done right.

If your cover letter isn't the right length, is structured the wrong way, or doesn't match the style of your resume, it might do the opposite and hurt your application.

By using a cover letter template, you get a pre-formatted, professional, and recruiter-friendly document that’s ready to go. All YOU have to do is fill in the contents, and you’re all set.

What to Include in Your Cover Letter?

Every good cover letter has the following sections:

Header . Start your cover letter by writing down your own contact information, as well as the recruiter’s (recruiter name, company name, company address, etc…).

Greeting . Preferably, you want to address the recruiter by their last name (e.g. Dear Mr. Brown) or their full name, in case you’re not sure what their pronouns are (e.g. Dear Alex Brown). formal greeting for the recruiter.

Opening paragraph . This is the introduction to your resume. Here, you summarize your background info (“a financial analyst with X+ years of experience”), state your intent (“looking for X position at Company Y”), and summarize your top achievements to get the recruiter hooked.

Second paragraph . In the second paragraph, you explain how you’re qualified for the position by mentioning your skills, awards, certifications, etc., and why the recruiter should pick YOU.

Third paragraph . You talk about why you’re a good match for the company. Do you share common values? Is the company working on projects you’re interested in? Has this position always been your dream role?

Formal closing . Finally, you end the cover letter with a quick summary and a call to action (“I’m super excited to work with Company X. Looking forward to hearing from you!”).

How to Write a Great Cover Letter?

There’s a lot that goes into writing a great cover letter. If you want to get the full picture, you can check out our guide on how to write a cover letter .

For a quick summary, though, here are our top 4 cover letter tips :

Avoid Fluff . You want to be as specific as possible with your cover letter. Avoid vague statements like “I’m a good fit for the company because I’m a good critical thinker!”

Do Your Research. Most companies don’t like people who “spray and pray” - applying for dozens of jobs without giving them much thought. What they ARE looking for is someone who’s passionate about their field, the position, and even the company. So, research the companies you apply for as much as you can and show off your knowledge in your cover letter.

Don’t Use a One-Fits-All Cover Letter . As much as you can, try to tailor your cover letter to the job you’re applying for. Even if it’s something small, like addressing the hiring manager by their last name instead of “Dear Sir/Madam,” or mentioning something specific about the role or the company that you’re passionate about, it can help you prove that you’re not using the same generic cover letter to apply to dozens of jobs.

Back-Up Your Achievements with Data . When possible, back up your experience with data. Instead of saying, “I improved company revenue”, say “I managed to hit and exceed sales KPIs for 5 months in a row.”

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

Most recruiters agree that a cover letter should be brief and concise .

Optimally, that’s about half a page to one full page, and between 250 to 400 words long.

How Can I Write a Student Cover Letter?

You should write a student cover letter pretty much the same way you’d write a regular cover letter, with one key difference.

To make up for your lack of work experience, you should talk about the following:

Why do you want to work for the company and the position you’re applying for.

How your educational background has prepared you for the job.

How your skill set can help you stand out and excel at the job.

You also want to mention anything else that’s relevant to the job and that can prove your abilities, such as any internships, awards, honors, and the like.

In case you’re writing a cover letter for an internship , make sure to check out our guide.

How Can I Write a Cover Letter With No Experience?

If you’re an entry-level candidate, writing a cover letter might seem super scary. If you don’t have any work experience and professional accomplishments, what are you supposed to talk about in your cover letter?

Here’s some good news—you can focus on these topics instead:

Education highlights

Relevant skills

Independent projects

Volunteering experience

Extracurricular activities

Passion to learn and grow as a candidate

For a complete guide on how to write an entry-level cover letter , check out our guide.

How to Format a Cover Letter?

Here’s what you need to know on how to format a cover letter the right way:

Choose the right cover letter template for your industry . The better fit the cover letter, the less you’ll have to play with the layout and format.

Use colors sparingly . Don’t go overboard with creativity unless you work in an industry where that’s valued (marketing, advertising, design, and the like).

Select professional font styles and sizes.

Set the margins to 1 inch on each side to make sure there is enough white space and the document doesn’t look crowded with text.

Get Inspired with Our Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter templates faq, do i need a different cover letter for every job.

While you don’t need to write a different cover letter from scratch for every single job you apply for, it’s good to tailor your cover letter contents as much as you can to the company and position you’re applying for.

Hiring managers will always go for an applicant who’s interested in their specific position over a candidate that’s sending the same application to dozens of roles.

If you tailor your cover letter to the position, even if it’s something small like addressing the hiring manager by their name or explaining how you possess the right skills for the specific job, your chances of getting hired are going to be much better!

How to Make a Simple Cover Letter for Your Resume?

Simply pick one of our 16 effective cover letter templates above to get started.

We’d recommend matching your cover letter template to the resume template you picked.

Not only will it make your application package look more sophisticated and professional, but it will also make you more memorable for the recruiter who’ll go over your application.

Who Created These Cover Letter Templates?

Novoresume cover letter templates were created in cooperation with professional recruiters and hiring managers.

This means they’re up to date with the latest industry trends and job market requirements. With a Novoresume cover letter template, you can rest assured that your cover letter will look professional and modern at the same time.

When Should I Email My Cover Letter Instead of Using a Template?

As a rule of thumb, it’s always better to use a cover letter template instead of including it in the body of your email as plain text. By using a well-designed and effective cover letter template, you’re guaranteed to look like a more serious and professional candidate.

So, you should only email your cover letter if the job ad specifically asks you to.

Should I Use a PDF or Word Cover Letter Template?

We recommend going for a PDF cover letter template instead of Word.

All types of Operating Systems and devices can open PDF formats without ruining the formatting, design, or layout.

The same, however, cannot be said for Word templates. If, for example, you’ve used a 2021 Word cover letter template and the hiring manager opens it using an MS Word 2016 software version, there’s a chance your formatting will get messed up, or that your font will be unreadable.

To err on the side of caution, we always advise using a PDF cover letter template.

What is the Best Cover Letter Template in 2024?

There’s no such thing as the “best cover letter template.”

After all, every single recruiter has their own personal taste. Some might like a shiny and flashy cover letter template, while others might think it’s tacky. As a rule of thumb, though, we usually recommend customizing each cover letter for the company you’re sending it to.

Do I Really Need a Cover Letter in 2024?

Yes, you definitely need to submit a cover letter with your resume in 2024.

Even if the hiring manager never reads your cover letter or if the job description doesn’t specifically ask for one, a cover letter can still help strengthen your application and make you look like a more serious and proactive candidate.

As such, it’s always a good idea to include a cover letter with your resume.

How to Make a Cover Letter With Novoresume?

To make a cover letter with Novoresume, simply scroll up and pick a template that you like best. Then, register or log in to your Novoresume account. From there, you can add your cover letter contents, as well as personalize and edit them as you see fit.

The Novoresume builder is very intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to create your cover letter lightning-fast.

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Land the job with cover letter templates

Show hiring managers why you're the perfect job candidate with professional, customizable cover letter templates. find the perfect cover letter template for any industry or career path..

Cover letter template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free cover letter templates

Stand out from other job applicants with free, professional cover letter templates. Cover letters are a perfect complement to your resume and provide an effective opportunity to show your personality and enthusiasm for a position. Focus on writing a compelling cover letter and let a professionally designed template do the rest.

These free cover letter templates are perfect for any stage of your career, whether you're looking to land an internship or your dream job. If you're applying for a corporate position, you may want to opt for a simple cover letter template. There are a variety of other cover letter designs available, from basic cover letter templates to creative cover letter templates.

Each of these cover letter templates is customizable in Word , so you can add your own text, change design elements, and more. Print out your cover letter or download it for free to use for online job applications. Once you've customized the perfect cover letter, explore resume templates that will match your cover letter design, or download free business cards for your next networking event.

General Cover Letter: 15 Cover Letter Templates to Perfect Your Next Job Application

Rachel Leist

Published: April 17, 2024

Are cover letters necessary? I'm not in HR, but I've been approached by applicants who wondered whether their cover letter would actually be read.

cover letter templates; Business person using a cover letter template

My answer isn't very popular: "Sometimes." Sometimes it will be read. Other times, you can get away with just sending in your resume — like when you network your way into applying for a position.

The truth is, you can't really predict on a case-by-case basis — and you're better safe than sorry. For the most part, having a cover letter will give you an upper hand in ways your resume doesn't.

It allows you to show off your writing skills, provide details that you couldn't fit on your resume, demonstrate your passion, and show your willingness to put in as much time and effort as possible.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

If you’ve ever rolled your eyes or balked at an application that required a cover letter, this guide is for you. I’ll go over how to write a cover letter and provide cover letter templates to help you perfect your own.

General Cover Letter

An general cover letter, sometimes called an application letter, is a written document addressed to an employer by a job applicant, explaining why they're interested in and qualified for an open position. More commonly known as a cover letter, this document can come in the form of an email, MS Word document, or similar application template offered by the employer.

Seems fairly basic, right? Cover letters can hold different levels of importance to an employer depending on your industry and the job you're applying for.

49% of recruiters say sending a cover letter along with your resume boosts your chance of landing the role.

If you do plan to write a cover letter, keep in mind there are certain qualities it should have that are not included in the definition above.

contoh cover letter template

5 Free Cover Letter Templates

Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

  • Standard Cover Letter Template
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter Template
  • Data-Driven Cover Letter Template

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How to Write a General Cover Letter

Job searching can be tedious and timely, so you may find yourself applying for dozens of jobs in the process.

To make this process simpler, I find that having a general cover letter that you can easily tweak to fit different job openings is a game changer. 

Here's how to write a general cover letter so that you don't to keep writing a new one from scratch with every application. 

1. Write Your Heading 

Your heading should always include your name and contact information. For years, it was also common to include your physical address and that of the recipient, but nowadays, it may not always be necessary. 

"I used to always include my physical address and that of my employer, but I stopped after realizing it takes up so much room and just feels archaic," says HubSpot blogger Erica Santiago.

She says, "I've never gotten any mail sent to my home from prospective jobs, and I've never had to mail my application. So, I just include my city and state in my heading, especially if the job posting explicitly states the company wants some based in a specific region." 

So, should you include the company's address in your cover letter?

"This is probably odd, but I always include the company's address because I like to think it shows I did my research," Santiago says. "I've sent probably over 100 cover letters in my life, and I eventually found myself at HubSpot, so I have to be doing something right (laughs)." 

If you think physical addresses are taking up too much space in your cover letter, then consider omitting them. I'll touch on contact information again later. 

2. Greet the recipient 

Avoid "To whom it may concern" if possible. I find that greeting the recipient that way gives the impression that you didn't take the time to research who you should be addressing. 

Instead, try to look up the name of the hiring manager or recruiter. Doing so shows attention to detail and care—qualities employers love to see. 

If you can't find a name, "Dear Hiring Manager" is fine. 

3. Introduce yourself and explain your intentions.

State early on who you are, what position you are applying for, and why. Often, businesses may be hiring for multiple roles, so you want to ensure whoever is reading your cover letter knows exactly why you're reaching out. 

4. Highlight your qualifications, skills, and passion for the job.

This is where things get a little tricky. Your attached resume will also include skills and qualifications, so you may think you just need to regurgitate what's in your resume, right? Wrong. 

Obviously, some information may overlap, but your cover letter is a chance to go into more detail than you could on your resume.

For example, Let's say a potential employer is looking for a self-starter and results-driven person.

This is a great opportunity to mention when you took it upon yourself to spearhead a project that generated more revenue for your previous or current company. 

Connect your skills and qualifications to your unique accomplishments. 

Finally, show that you are passionate about the opportunity. 

"I once had an interview with a pet insurance company," Santiago says. "I worked into the cover letter my love for my two cats, how pet insurance grants me peace of mind, and how I want to help give that same peace of mind to others via the job position."

She explains, "Cover letters are a chance to show your personality, your sense of humor, your motivations, and your passions. All these things can make you stand out from other other applicants."

5. Leave space for customization. 

Your general cover letter should be designed so that you can easily update it to appeal to whatever opportunity you're applying to.

So, leave a blank space for the hiring manager or company's name, and format it so you can add or remove skills and qualifications as needed.

6. End with a  "thank you" and mention how to contact you.

Santiago says she always includes a variation of the following sentence at the end of her cover letters:

"I would love to discuss this opportunity more via an interview. I can be reached via email, LinkedIn, and phone at XXX-XXX-XXXX."

She explains, "I always hyperlink my email and LinkedIn profiles, along with having them spelled out somewhere in the heading."

General Cover Letter Example

general cover letter example; perfect cover letter for any job

Notice the company's address is included but not the applicants and that there are blank spaces for the writer to change information such as the recipient, positions, and skills. 

My only critique of this example is that it could use more personality and a punchier hook (more on hooks later).

What to Include in a Cover Letter

So, what should you include? I covered a bit of this already, but I want to dive a little deeper.

Don't worry, I'll let the 11 templates below this list do most of the talking. No matter which one you download, pay attention to the following elements — all of which should shine through in the letter you send to your future manager.

Fill out this form to access your templates.

1. contact information.

Cover letters shouldn't just carry your contact information but also that of the company to which you're applying. Contact info includes your phone number, email address, and any social media accounts you're willing to share and receive connections to.

As I said earlier, home addresses aren't always required, but they can be a helpful reassurance to the employer that you already live nearby and would have no trouble coming into the office.

Avoid offering phone numbers, email addresses, or actual addresses that belong to your current employer.

Using your personal Gmail address over your work email, for example, ensures your correspondence with recruiters remains separate from all of your current work communication.

2. A Personal Address Line

For as often as you see "to whom it may concern" at the top of cover letters today, do your best to avoid writing this exhausted line.

Address lines that specify a person or company grab your reader's attention much more quickly, and show the employer that you've taken the time to tailor your application letter to them.

Don't have the name of the hiring manager? "Employers at [company name]" will do just fine.

A "hook" is a clever introduction that "hooks" your reader into wanting to learn more. Think about yourself as a job candidate — what makes you unique?

What about your career might a recruiter be intrigued by that you can package into an interesting first sentence?

4. Why You're Qualified

Again, today's best applications describe why this experience qualifies the applicant for the job they're applying for.

For example, don't just state that you spent three years writing for a company blog. Explain that this type of work lends itself to managing your new potential employer's content calendar every week.

5. General Knowledge of the Business

Grammatical errors could mean your application is thrown in the trash, but that's not the only thing that could get your letter tossed aside.

Using a generic "one-size-fits-all" cover letter — especially if you forget to change the name of the company — will also hurt your chances of landing an interview.

So, if you take the time to write a cover letter, take the time to comment on the business itself. Why are you applying to this company? What about their business stuck out to you as a professional?

Now, let's take a look at an example cover letter , what makes it effective, along with 11 templates you can download or draw inspiration from.

 Cover Letter Example

Cover letter example.

Image Source

The example above illustrates how to write a marketing cover letter using the elements I listed.

Besides the contact information and the address line, the first few paragraphs explain why the candidate is qualified for the position. This example uses specific data to show why they would be a good fit.

Additionally, in the second to last paragraph, the candidate discusses why they're interested in the specific company, demonstrating general knowledge of the business.

By combining all the elements to a cover letter, this is a great example to use for inspiration.

Featured Resource: 5 Professional Cover Letter Templates

Cover Letter Templates

14 Free Cover Letter Templates for Your Next Job Application

Template 1: basic.

Basic cover letter template with 7 qualities to learn from.

The example above is a basic (but great) cover letter. The numbered sections are explained in more detail below.

The level of formality your header has will depend on the company to which you apply. If you're applying to a formal business, it's important to use a formal header to open your cover letter, like in the sample above.

Put your address, the date, and the company's address. But if you're applying to a company that isn't as formal, you don't need to include yours and the company's addresses. You can still include the date, though.

2. Greeting

Using "To Whom It May Concern" is okay, but you may want to take the time to research the name of the recruiter or hiring manager online.

If you do your research and aren't confident you found the right name, then you should definitely use the generic greeting — but if you are sure, then it shows you put in the effort to find their name and it will catch the recruiter's eye.

If you have the recruiter's name, do you greet them by their full name, or by their courtesy title (i.e. Mr., Ms., or Mrs.)? Similar to the header, it depends on the company's level of formality.

If you're applying to a corporate business, you may want to consider using "Mr. Snaper" instead of "Jon Snaper." If you're applying to a start-up or a business with a more casual culture, you can use "Jon Snaper," as shown in the example.

3. Introduction

Your opening paragraph should, in 1-3 sentences, state why you're excited to apply and what makes you the perfect candidate. Get right to the point, and don't worry about explaining where you found the posting or who you know at the company.

This isn't a place to go into detail about why you're a great candidate — that's for the second paragraph. Here, simply list a few key reasons in one sentence to set up the rest of your letter.

Keep in mind that the recruiter may cross-reference your cover letter with your resume, so make sure the two sync up.

4. Paragraph 2: Why You're a Great Fit for the Job

Next, sell yourself and your experience by choosing one or two concrete examples that show why you're a great fit for the position. What did you do at a previous company that gave you relevant experience?

Which projects have you worked on that would benefit the new company? How will your prior experience help this company grow? Stay humble in your explanation of credentials while still showing that you would be an asset to the team.

Use this paragraph to show you're genuinely excited and interested in the position.

5. Third Paragraph: Why the Company Is a Great Fit for You

While it's certainly important you're a good fit for the job, it's also important that the company is a good fit for you.

"A cover letter typically describes why you're great for a company — but how will you benefit from getting hired?" asks former HubSpot Team Development Manager Emily MacIntyre . "We want to know why our company appeals to you, and how it will be a mutually beneficial working relationship."

In the third paragraph, show you're serious about growing and developing your career at this new company. What impresses and excites you about the company?

Is there something that you feel strongly about that aligns with the company's goals? For example, the candidate in the sample letter used this space to show his personal commitment to environmental causes aligns with the company's green initiatives.

6. Strong Closer and Signature

Don't get lazy in the final few sentences of your cover letter — it's important to finish strong.

Be straightforward about your interest and enthusiasm about the new position, and tell them you're available to talk about the opportunity at any time. Be sure to include your phone number and email address.

At this point, the ball is (rightly) in the recruiter's court to decide how to follow up.

Last but certainly not least, thank them for their time and consideration. Use a formal sign-off like "Best," "All the best," or "Sincerely," and finish by typing out your full name. You don't need to sign it with a pen.

Template 2: Data-Driven Marketing Cover Letter

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Data-driven marketing cover letter template

When applying to a data-driven position, it might be tempting to inject your cover letter with, well, the data to describe what you've done for other employers.

But in an application letter — particularly for the marketing industry — how you convey this data is just as important as the data itself.

The cover letter template above, which we created here at HubSpot, can help you present the data that's most important to you as a candidate such that it'll matter to your future employer.

Notice the three bullet points near the center of the letter above, preceded by the statement: "... I've developed a strategy that has helped the company achieve ..."

This setup is important, because while you can add as many statistics as you want to this template, your data points should describe how your current/former business benefited from your work, rather than how you, yourself, benefited.

Template 3: Straight-to-the-Point Cover Letter

cover letter template: Straight-to-the-point

Harvard Business Review contributor David Silverman hailed the above cover letter example as "The Best Cover Letter I Ever Received."

For context, Silverman believes there are only a handful of times when writing a cover letter is actually necessary:

  • When you know the name of the hiring manager.
  • When you know something about what the job requires.
  • When you've been referred to the job personally.

Under those three circumstances, a straight-to-the-point cover letter like the one above could be your best bet. Because it's so concise, however, make a point to add your own letterhead above the message itself.

It might be easy for a recruiter to sift through a short and sweet cover letter like the one above, but it's just as easy for it to get lost in the shuffle of their application list without a unique design or format.

Template 4: Referral Cover Letter

cover letter template: Referral cover letter

Just because a friend or colleague recommended you for a job doesn't mean the company is all set to hire you. Therefore, the cover letter template above is written specifically for referrals.

We made this one here at HubSpot. Download it here (it comes with four other cover letter templates , too).

As you can see in the picture above, the first paragraph of the cover letter is dedicated entirely to acknowledging the circumstances of your applying: You know someone who works there — no harm in that.

But there might be harm in not mentioning it to the hiring manager. Telling the reader about your connection at the company shows you're aware and confident of the actions you take to get the opportunities you're interested in.

Ultimately, it's better than the recruiter hearing about your employee connection from somebody else.

As for the rest of the cover letter, treat your message the same way you would if you had applied with no connection from within. Your skills and successes are no less important because of your internal referral.

Template 5: Photo Letterhead Cover Letter

Photo letterhead cover letter

The cover letter template above was designed by Microsoft Office, and as comprehensive as it looks, it's completely free to download and modify.

As it looks right now, this cover letter contains about half photo, half text. Feel free to shrink (and change) the image to give yourself more room to tell your story. Of course, a nice washed-out image that expresses who you are can be part of that story ...

Template 6: Digital Creative Cover Letter

cover letter template: digital creative letter

This sixth template is perfect for the applicant who wants to emphasize the many different digital channels they areon. This template goes well with a resume of the same format.

As you personalize this letter with your own experience, make note of the social networks and industry software included in this template.

You'll see there’s additional space along the top to add your LinkedIn and personal website to fill with your own information.

You can improve upon this template by formatting your most important highlights and accomplishments with bullet points. This will make the document easier to read for the hiring manager and emphasizes the value you provide.

Template 7: Marketing Manager Cover Letter

cover letter template: Marketing-specific cover letter

Our seventh cover letter comes from This cover letter, shown above, is focused specifically on a marketing role.

Notice how the writer includes references to important marketing metrics and terminology.

If you're applying to a data-driven role, you might not want to fill the page with a story of your experience in paragraph form, like Template 1 does at the beginning of this article.

Instead, consider highlighting three (or four, or five) of your successes that you believe the hiring manager would resonate most with, in bulleted form.

As a marketing professional, breaking up your letter with bulleted details like the ones above shows a respect for the hiring manager's limited time — a mentality that all marketers must understand when communicating with a brand's audience.

Template 8: Career Day Follow-Up Cover Letter

cover letter template: Career day follow-up cover letter

This is a unique kind of cover letter from Princeton University.

LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Monster, and Indeed might take the lion's share of your job searches online, but still some employment opportunities come out of a trade show, job fair, or similar networking event.

For those occurrences, you have the follow-up cover letter template above.

This cover letter has everything you need to help an employer recall a conversation you had with him/her at a career fair.

As you can see in the second paragraph, the letter is particularly useful to people who are about to graduate college.

Template 9: Logo and Watermarked Cover Letter

cover letter template: Logo and watermarked cover letter by Microsoft Office

Here's another cover letter template from Microsoft Office.

This one has a light touch of color in the design just above the letterhead, but make no mistake — the template caters to any professional looking to make a good first impression on their future employer.

Don't let the logo space on the top-right of the page confuse you. This can be the logo of the company to which you're applying — to quickly get the attention of the recruiter — or your own logo.

Perhaps you freelance on the side or simply like branding yourself. This cover letter template is meant for customization.

Template 10: Data Scientist Cover Letter

cover letter template: Princeton Data Science Cover Letter

This is our second template from Princeton University. While this is focused on a data scientist role, it is an excellent template to use for students applying to jobs prior to graduation.

The text emphasizes how the applicant’s academic research and projects makes them an ideal candidate for the position. The format is also simple enough to submit as a pdf, as text in an email message or an application text box.

Template 11: Business Cover Letter

cover letter template: Business cover letter

The cover letter template above is perfect for entry- and mid-level marketers who want to show a little extra professionalism in their opening note to a potential employer.

The multi-colored header (you can change the color if you wish) shows just the right amount of creativity and can go quite well with a resume of the same style. If you don't have enough experience to fill the entire page, don't worry.

Feel free to write to a length you think is representative of who you are and what the hiring manager wants to see.

No matter how long your final cover letter is, the above template is your opportunity to show your attention to detail — from your contact information in the top header, to the personalized address line where you can include the name of the hiring manager.

Like I said, "to whom it may concern" is pretty outdated, anyway.

Template 12: Entry-Level Cover Letter

Entry level job cover letter

The cover letter template above, written by HubSpot, is specifically designed for entry-level applicants.

When you only have a few years experience, it's important to display how you gained your skills and what you learned from your education or internships.

Additionally, it's important to mention why you want to work at the company you're applying to.

No matter your experience, the template above will help you decide what skills you want to highlight and flesh out in your cover letter.

You can download it here (it comes with four other cover letter templates , too).

Template 13: Healthcare Cover Letter

cover letter template: Healthcare cover letter

The cover letter, created by The Balance Careers, cuts down on repetition by following the "I have" statement with six bullet points that highlight the applicant's strengths, including "I have ... practical knowledge of creating and implementing care plans" and "I have ... a proven track record of compassionate, effective care".

Additionally, phrases like "I'd love to put my skills to work for your clinic" and "Please contact me at your convenience and let me know how I can help you" focus on what the business will gain as a result of hiring the applicant, rather than what the applicant is looking to gain.

Template 14: Freelance Cover Letter

cover letter template: freelance cover letter

If you're looking for freelance work, your biggest goal is to get your strengths across quickly, so busy clients won't pass by your cover letter entirely.

Additionally, if you're sending out multiple cover letters to different clients, you'll want to target each one to that client's unique goals.

For instance, if one client is looking for SEO-optimized content related to marketing, you'll want to highlight past experience writing marketing content; this will change if, for instance, the client is looking for fitness content.

For this reason, it's a good idea to structure your cover letter so you start with a) past credentials or references, and b) bullet-point information related to the client's goal, as shown in the cover letter above.

Template 15: Director Cover Letter

cover letter template: cover letter for director

In the cover letter above, the candidate does a good job outlining how she succeeded in a leadership role previously:

"For the past five years, I have successfully developed and maintained all data systems, including schedules and records for a business employing more than 100 people."

You'll want to demonstrate how your skills align with a Director position — both through organization and leadership — and, when possible, where you received recognition for your hard work (i.e. "I earned an award for Most Valuable Administrative Staff Member").

Write a Winning Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter is easier said than done. Don't hesitate to spend a lot of time writing and editing it.

Tap into the incredible potential of AI tools, such as the HubSpot paragraph rewriter , to infuse each paragraph with a flawless touch of excellence. Or, ask a friend or family member to read it over and give you feedback.

If the recruiter does end up reading it, you'll be thankful you did.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in November 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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3 types of sample cover letters that stand out (for fresh graduates)

contoh cover letter template

We know it’s not easy to write a cover letter. You have spent almost two decades of your life in education, for some actively involved in sports, school activities, clubs, associations and others. And then there are also your experience in internship, part-time jobs, industrial training and others. So how do cramp that much in a one-page cover letter?

What is a cover letter you ask? As explained by the balance , a cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. It acts like a sales pitch document that allows you to ‘sell’ to the hirer on why you are qualified for the job you are applying for.

Here are 3 types of sample cover letters that will help your applications stand out. We have also included a sample cover letter for candidates without internship experience.

Cover Letter Sample 1

(with Internship Experience, Print version)

[box] (Your Address)

(Recipient’s Name)

(Job Title)

Dear (Salutation & Name)

I am writing to express my interest for the position of Recruitment Assistant in your esteemed company.

Having recently obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Human Resource Development Management from the XYZ University, I wish to bring my knowledge, skills and commitment to excellence to your company’s innovative environment.

As a Business Administration student, majoring in HR management, I’ve become equipped with the necessary knowledge that come with the position including manpower recruitment, workforce organization, personnel training and compensation as well as legal provisions and other labor concerns.

My internship at ABC Company also afforded me with the crucial skills to work with some of the best professionals in the recruitment and human resources industry. During the course of my four months internship, I developed enthusiasm and passion for human resources and the internship has subsequently convinced me that human resource management is my true calling.

Some of my achievements during internship include being the project lead for the company’s sports engagement activity. I worked alongside with other interns and we successfully organized an outing for 100 employees. We received a 95% ‘good to excellent’ rating from the survey feedback that we conducted amongst the employees after the event.

For additional details regarding my qualification and expertise, please review my resume as attached with this letter.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

( Signature)

(Your Name)

(Your email address & contact number) [/box]

Cover Letter Sample 2

(with Internship Experience, Email version)

[box] Email Subject: (Your name) for (Position)

(Note: Keep the email title short and simple, yet highlight the key information for the recruiter’s attention: e.g your name and the position you’re applying for .)

I would like to express my interest in applying for the position of Marketing Associate that was recently made available in your company.

I believe that my degree in Business Administration (BSBA) majoring in Marketing from the XYZ University has prepared me for this position. As a student, I was equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to help develop and drive effective marketing strategies.

During my six months internship at ABC Company’s Marketing Department, I learned how companies determine what product or services to sell, how to reach target demographics with the aid of analytic tools and how to respond to the some of the threats from competitors. More importantly, I had the opportunity to work with seasoned professionals who taught me how to easily grasp complex marketing concepts and at certain times, how to roll with the punches in order to achieve various objectives.

I have also acquainted myself with a wide range of skills that allow me to blend with the group or team’s culture and to continuously strive to reach common goals amidst failures and setbacks.

My proudest achievement during the internship would be organizing a guerilla marketing for a newly launched product. I secured a venue at GHI Shopping Mall and we conducted a social experiment to introduce the new product. We received tremendous positive response from the shoppers and 50% of the shoppers eventually purchased our product that day.

In addition, my active involvement in many academic and extracurricular activities has helped me tremendously in developing my communication and leadership skills, which are vital in finding success in the corporate world.

With this application letter, I attach herewith my resume for your full consideration. Thank you for taking time to review my application and I am looking forward to your reply so that we can further discuss my application.

Cover Letter Sample 3

(without Internship Experience, Print version)

Please accept my resume as an application for the open position of Sales Associate in your company. As a fresh graduate of Business Administration, the position appears to fit wonderfully with my education, experience, and career interests.

Being a student of XYZ University, not only did I maintain excellent grades, but I was also a member of our school’s highly competitive and successful football team.

My background as a student and an athlete has taught me to be disciplined and focused which, I am confident, is one of the important qualities needed by any professional in the sales industry. My experience with working in a team environment has also instilled in me the value of teamwork and cooperation.

As a member of the team, I have also contributed tremendously in improving the team’s morale, spirit and engagement through the various team activities that I organized. From the scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest score), the team rated 8 for ‘successfulness of activities when it comes to engagement’. Through my achievements as a student and an athlete, I have proven that I am passionate and dedicated about the things I do.

While this would be my first time working in the field of sales, I am quite confident that with my skills and abilities, I can learn quickly and make an immediate impact to your team and to the company.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application and I look forward to hearing from you.


For more cover letter writing tips, read "Your step-by-step guide to writing a cover letter that stands out" .

NOTE: These application letter samples are for reference only. All information provided should be considered as fictional.

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  2. Cover Letter Samples and Templates

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  21. Free Cover Letter Templates for Word to Start With

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  22. Cover Letter Template

    This general cover letter template is ideal for when you're seeking a new job or project. It can be customized for use by professionals at any stage of their career—from recent college graduates to experienced leaders looking for a new role. You'll need to customize cover letter templates before putting them to use.

  23. 3 types of sample cover letters that stand out (for fresh graduates

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