Albert Dorman Honors College

Tips for Writing an Honors College Essay

Writing an Honors College Essay (Max. 400 words)

A college essay is a chance for you to tell us what all your records cannot: who you really are, how you think, and how well you write. It is not an invitation to tell a story, write a novel, or write about other people's experiences. The main point of your essay is to tell us what you have to offer and how you will take advantage of what we have to offer .

  • Write an essay that addresses the topic specified  on the application form. A general essay about yourself or an experience you had is not acceptable.
  • Do not write your essay as if it were a novel. "The baby cried until it had to be comforted by its mother;" "I could not believe as I walked into my first class that this was the beginning of my engineering career." These tell us nothing about yourself. Regardless of what you may have been told in school, write a straightforward descriptive essay that directly addresses the question asked.
  • Avoid clichéd, generic, and predictable writing, such as "I want to help people." This is particularly applicable to essays for accelerated program candidates.
  • Do not quote our own description of our program. We know what we have to offer; we are interested in knowing what you have to offer and how you will use what we offer . Tell us about your interests and why the Albert Dorman Honors College is the right place for you.

Honors College Essay

I have a question about the essay for the honors college application. On the application web page, it states that National Merit Semifinalists will automatically be admitted to the honors college. Then there’s a spot for a “tell us about yourself” essay. That essay has a length limit of 2000 words! That’s a heck of a lot of essay about myself.

I plan to apply to the Alabama Fellows Experience as well as the CBHP. I assume both of those have essays as well (I can’t tell because until I finish the honors application I can’t see those). Will the “tell me about yourself” essay be used for admission to Fellows and/or CBHP, or can I write something pretty simple here since I’m automatically accepted to the honors college.

Sorry I meant National Merit Finalists, not Semifinalists, in the post above.

It’s a 2000 character limit. Just write something about yourself, as the HC will want to know about you. You will still be accepted. You probably have another essay you can re-use.

Both programs have different essay prompts. I believe the honors essay can be pretty basic. I know others will respond if I am not correct. Good luck to you and Roll Tide!

It’s definitely 2000 characters - and they count spaces and carriage returns lol.

My son put all of like 5 mins into the Honors essay. There was text that basically stated that admittance is based on statistics and not what you write. That was interpreted by my son as “this is a formality - don;t put effort into it”.

Honestly, 2000 characters is pretty darn short. He had two shor paragraphs for a brief 411 and then a single paragraph on his career goals. Lastly, he closed with why the concept of HC fits him (and the converse). He had to shorten it 4-5 times as the Word count and online/web character count varied a bit.

I wrote that essay extremely fast about what I want to do in my life. I quickly threw in the honors college’s four pillars and how that will help me grow. It even says they admit purely on stats.

Bonks self in head . My critical reading scores were good; you’d think I would have read that more carefully. Anyway, 2000 chars changes things a lot! I’ll knock it out and move on. Thanks all!


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alabama honors college application essay

University of Alabama

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  • Essay prompt

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University of Alabama’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Work experience short response.

List your work experiences. You must provide the dates (duration) of and total hours worked at each experience and indicate whether it was full-time, part-time, or for summer only.

Leadership Short Response

List any formal leadership positions and/or leadership qualities/experience you have over the last three years. Indicate the appropriate year beside each item. For example, SGA President (2020-2022).

Significant Academic Achievements Short Response

List your significant academic achievements/honors/awards over the last three years. Note: Indicate the appropriate year beside each honor. For example, 1st Place in state Spanish convention (2022) and National Honor Society (2021-2022)

Extracurricular Short Response

List your volunteer activities over the last three years. Indicate the total hours and appropriate years of involvement beside each item. For example, Special Olympics (30 hours from 2020-2022):

List your extracurricular activities, like student organizations, sports, or arts, over the last three years. Indicate the appropriate year of involvement beside each item. For example, Varsity Cheer (2021-2022):

Additional Info Short Response

List any other activities or information you would like The University of Alabama to know about.

Explain any extraordinary circumstances or special needs (for example: family situation, medical history, financial circumstances).

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

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Honors College Essay: Tips, Prompt Examples and How to Write

Honors College Essay: Tips, Prompt Examples and How to Write

Writing honors college essay

Writing honors college essay

An honors college essay is an academic paper that students typically complete to establish entrance into an honors college, program, or division. An honors paper seeks to test students’ research skills and focus their analytical abilities on a subject of academic interest. 

Due to the specialized focus of the paper, students benefit from serious attention to the college essay topics, which are vital in developing the essay.

alabama honors college application essay

An Honors College essay is unique in terms of its requirements, structure, and background. The purpose of this article is to provide advice on writing and structuring an Honors College essay.

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Which Universities do Ask for Honors College Essay

1. uci (university of california irvine) .

The UCI has two programs, the Academic Honors Program and the Honors Program. Both are popular with many members. They are not mutually exclusive, but they have different requirements and different goals.

The Academic Honors Program is for students who want to get recognized by their professors for academic achievement. It does not require an essay but several letters of recommendation from faculty members.

You should not apply to either program if you are only interested in one or the other because there is no guarantee that either program will accept your application or that you will gain acceptance into either program.

2. VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University)

Colleges for Honors Essay

The applicants must complete the 500-word Essay on Honors. The essay should address the following topics:

  • Your interests and goals, especially as they pertain to your intended major(s) and career path(s). How do you feel about being a lifelong learner?
  • Your ideas about leadership, including h
  • How you would define leadership, what your leadership style is, how you would use your abilities as a leader to positively impact your community in and out of college, and how you would lead if given the opportunity.

3. NJT (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

NJT requires you to write an essay and submit it along with your application.

These honors college essays usually focus on your intellectual interests and experiences, using specific examples to illustrate your points. It’s essential to select an area you are interested in and know about. 

You should also pick something that you can write about easily; it will be evident if you are writing a research paper or other academic work instead of an honors college essay, so don’t try to fake it!

4. Purdue University

Purdue University’s Honors College focuses on scholarship, leadership, research, and engagement by integrating residential and co-curricular learning opportunities with academic classroom experiences.

Your college application essay needs to breathe life into your application. It should capture your genuine personality, explaining who you are beyond a series of grades, test scores, and after-school activities. 

Take a minute and think about the college or university admission officers who will be reading your essay.

5. Stony Brook University

The Stony Brook Honors College provides an exceptional opportunity for students who want to pursue a challenging course of study in the company of talented peers. Your essay should be no longer than three double-spaced pages and should address certain questions.

It is an opportunity to explain an event that took place on any day in history; what would that event be? Discuss why you chose this particular day. Also, as this question, what do you hope to learn/experience by being present?

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How to Write a Good Honors College Essay

Honors college essays follow a formal style with a clear structure. To get your honors college essay, follow these tips:

an essay introduction

  • Think about the prompt and what you want to say.
  • Brainstorm.
  • Organize your thoughts into a logical outline.
  • Write your introduction.
  • End with a conclusion that sums up the main points of your argument and connects those points back to the prompt.

Technically, the honors college essay can be a five-paragraph essay, but it should be more than that.

It should be closer to a 10-paragraph essay, with an introduction and conclusion paragraph that are each about four or five sentences long.

The introduction and conclusion paragraphs should be about the same size. The middle of the essay should be about three paragraphs long, and each of them should be about four to five sentences long.

1. Introduction 

The introduction should have a hook which is a catchy sentence or two that gets the reader interested in reading your essay. Furthermore, it should have an explanation of why you want to go to Honors College: This is usually possible in one sentence. 

Also, there should be a thesis statement. This is usually evident in one sentence at the end of the paragraph. The thesis statement tells the reader what you plan to write about in your essay. For example: “I want to attend honors college because of their strong pre-med program.”

Write the body of your paper using transition words to connect your ideas and explain the connections between them.

The middle paragraphs should include an explanation of why you have chosen your career path and why you are interested. 

3. Conclusion

End with a strong conclusion that ties together everything you discussed within your paper, providing important takeaways for readers as well as leaving them feeling satisfied with what they just read.


  • You are writing an essay, not a text message. In other words, please use complete sentences and correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If proper English is not your strong suit, enlist someone proficient at it to help edit your essay.
  • Be specific about what you want to study and why. Do not just say that you want an education; tell the reader what kind of education you want and why. This is particularly important if you plan to study something that you did not find at your high school. 
  • The readers do not expect you to know everything about the field you plan to enter. They expect that you give serious consideration to it and explain why you want to pursue it beyond the fact that “it sounds interesting” or “it pays well.”
  • Proofread your essays before sending them in. Errors will distract from whatever else is in those essays and may give us a negative impression of your abilities.

To remember

Things to Remember about Honor Essays

The honors essay is one of your best chances to stand out in a meaningful way from other applicants, so be sure to invest time in crafting a great response.

The admission office is looking for the following:

  • The office wants to know that you understand what makes the honors program special. We have a diverse group of students and faculty who are passionate about learning and interacting across disciplines.
  • What do you think this will mean for you? How will you take advantage of being in an environment that values interdisciplinary thinking?
  • Your accomplishments. Let the audience know your talents. Have you excelled academically? What leadership roles have you taken on, or awards have you won? They want to discover what drives your passion for learning, leadership, and service.
  • Your plans for the future. The honors program will prepare you for success beyond your skills, whether that’s graduate school or medical school, or a career in a completely different field. 

People Also Read: NJHS Essay: How to Write a Winning Piece from Ideas to end

Examples of Honors College Essay Topics

  • Considering your lifetime goals, explain how your present and future academic activities will assist you in achieving your goals. 
  • Settle for an issue of importance to you, whether it is political, personal, local, or international related. Then, craft an essay to explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your community, and your generation. 

Josh Jasen

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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College Admissions , College Info


For students who are really set on enrolling in a quality honors program, it's important to learn about some of the best honors colleges before making that big decision. That's especially true because your honors program will dictate how difficult your classes are...and the perks you get from doing well in them!

We're here to help you get all the information you need about the top honors programs in the country so you can pick the program that's right for you. In this article, we'll:

  • Explain what an honors college is
  • Provide our research-based ranking of the ten top honors colleges and programs at U.S. colleges and universities
  • Give you five tips for applying to top college honors programs

Ready? Let's dive in!

Feature Image: slgckgc/ Flickr

What Is an Honors College?

Honors colleges and honors programs are supplemental and/or alternative learning programs that undergraduate students can complete while pursuing a traditional bachelor's degree.

Honors colleges typically function independently within a larger university system, similar to the college of business or the college of arts and sciences at a big university. Additionally, honors colleges typically come with their own funding, facilities, faculty, course offerings, and perks for their students. In many instances, honors colleges can offer their students more rigorous educational opportunities since they serve fewer students and often have better funding than the bigger colleges within a university system.

College honors programs , on the other hand, function like an academic track. Eligible students can follow honors programs' guidelines to receive a more rigorous education and an honors distinction at graduation. At many universities, these honors programs are managed by individual departments. While honors programs aren't usually big enough to constitute a college within the university system, honors programs can still offer students the opportunity to take special courses and participate in extracurricular activities that aren't open to "regular" students.

If honors colleges and honors programs sound similar...that's because they are! They both give qualifying college students the opportunity to pursue a more challenging educational track and graduate with honors. Even more importantly, honors colleges and programs provide students with the opportunity to get an elite education at colleges and universities of all kinds.

While honors colleges across the U.S. are pretty similar in terms of their rigor and individualized attention, some honors colleges stand out from the rest . The best honors colleges support and reflect their universities' mission and identity, create ties to their community, and offer top-tier resources to support their students' career goals. Enrolling in an honors college can help set you on the path to long-term success.

If you're still curious about honors college and want to learn more, check out our introductory guide to honors colleges in the United States .


We considered many different factors, like academic rigor and funding opportunities, when deciding which schools to put on our list.

Our Methodology for Choosing the Best Honors Colleges

Now that you know a little more about honors colleges, it's time to look at the best honors colleges in the US. Here's our methodology for our honors college rankings.

To put together our list, we evaluated honors colleges based on admissions requirements, curricular and extracurricular program offerings, community, financial aid opportunities, and innovative approaches to the honors educational experience. The colleges that made our list offer rigorous coursework, tailored learning plans, excellent funding opportunities, and unique or out-of-the-box learning experiences.

During our research, we found that there are many different types of honors colleges and programs out there, and every honors college is unique. And you know what? That's a great thing! Every student is different, so our goal is to include a diverse array of honors colleges so you can find your perfect fit.

Now that you know how to navigate our list of the nine best honors colleges, let's look more closely at our picks for the ten best honors colleges and programs in the U.S.


Barrett College at Arizona State University tops our list of best honors colleges in the United States.

The 10 Best Honors Colleges

We've divided up our list of the ten best honors colleges into three main categories: the best honors colleges, best honors programs, and best affordable honors colleges.

The Best Honors Colleges

These are honors colleges that are stand-alone schools within a university. They can have the benefit of additional funding, school-wide extracurriculars, and sometimes even additional distinctions at graduation!

Here are the honors colleges that are at the top of PrepScholar's list.

Barrett College, Arizona State University

  • Location: Tempe, Arizona

Barrett College, the honors college at Arizona State University, is a stand-alone college within the ASU system. Ranked #1 among honors colleges in the United States , Barrett College has a presence on ASU's four campuses in Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, and Glendale, Arizona

In the 2021-2022 academic year, Arizona State had an 88% acceptance rate, which means it's an accessible school for many students. Though Barrett College doesn't publicize its acceptance rate, it does provide other stats that can help prospective students know where they stand as applicants. For example, the average unweighted high school GPA of students admitted into Barret in 2021 was 3.81 . In terms of test scores, the average composite score on the SAT was 1347, and the average composite ACT score was 29. If your GPA and test scores are above average, you have a better shot at getting into Barrett.

Despite the large number of students attending Barrett College, honors class sizes are still small. In addition to offering a required sequence of signature honors courses (the central theme being "The Human Event"), Barrett College allows students to conduct research and thesis projects , has a private writing center for Barrett students, and offers many global internship, study abroad , and real-world service opportunities. Barrett College also provides quality housing facilities for the majority of its nearly 7,100 first- and second-year undergraduate honors students.

Barrett is nationally prestigious, and is among the top 20 universities in the US for recipients of the Fulbright fellowship . It's also the only honors college that has a Nobel Prize recipient teaching undergraduates.

Schreyer Honors College (SHC), Pennsylvania State University

  • Location: University Park, Pennsylvania

Schreyer Honors College is Penn State's honors college. Considered one of the top honors colleges in the nation , Schreyer provides approximately 2,000 honors college "Scholars" with an educational experience that is dedicated to academic integrity, fostering a global perspective, and rich opportunities for leadership and civic engagement.

The acceptance rate to Penn State is about 54% , but the average acceptance rate to Schreyer Honors College is between 8-10% , making this one of the more competitive public university honors colleges. Another unique feature of Schreyer Honors College is it doesn't consider SAT/ACT scores or high school GPA as part of the application process . Instead, the Schreyer admissions committee is interested in the creative thinking and authenticity applicants demonstrate in their admissions materials.

Schreyer also offers an abundance of honors-specific courses for admitted students. In fact, Schreyer offers over 300 smaller-sized honors courses to its students , usually taught by senior faculty members. Schreyer students also have the benefit of access to priority registration and living learning communities (LLCs) in residence halls that primarily house honors students .

One stand-out offering at Schreyer Honors College is the Integrated Undergraduate Graduate (IUG) Program . The IUG program allows exceptional students to complete their undergraduate and graduate degrees concurrently, or at the same time. Eligible students will be able to meet the requirements for this accelerated program by completing an honors thesis that meets both undergraduate and graduate standards and taking a series of cross-listed undergraduate and graduate courses. If you're interested in enrolling in an honors college and completing an accelerated graduate degree program, Schreyer could be a good fit for you!


Clemson Honors College at Clemson University offers honors students a rigorous academic experience. ( Spyder_Monkey /Wikimedia)

Clemson  Honors College, Clemson University

  • Location: Clemson, South Carolina

Clemson University's honors college is called Clemson Honors College. Clemson’s acceptance rate is 62%, and while Clemson Honors College doesn’t publish its admissions rates, it’s likely that getting in is more challenging. That’s because the honors college has more rigorous GPA requirements: the minimum required GPA for the honors college is a 3.7, but most students accepted to Clemson Honors College far exceed that minimum.

There are plenty of benefits to being an honors student at Clemson. Honors students receive priority registration, extended library privileges, and are eligible to apply for research grants to support their Departmental Honors research projects at the beginning of both the fall and spring semesters.

Another stand-out feature of Clemson  Honors College is the brand new Honors Residential College (HRC) facility , which includes housing and dining for honors students, administrative offices, a library, study rooms, classrooms, and a kitchen. These facilities are available exclusively to honors students, so you'll have the space you need to study (and have fun, too).

Clemson Honors College also offers many unique academic opportunities, including the highly selective EUREKA! Program . The EUREKA! Program invites 50 incoming honors freshmen (25 in person, 25 online) to participate in research projects over a five week period before the start of the fall semester. Many EUREKA! Program participants go on to receive elite scholarships and fellowships , such as the Rhodes, Fulbright, Goldwater, Marshall, and Truman scholarships.

Rutgers University Honors College

  • Location: New Brunswick, New Jersey

The Honors College at Rutgers University is both a stand-alone school and a student living-learning community . The goal of the honors college is to blend the classroom and the community to create a transformative learning experience for its students.

The Rutgers acceptance rate is 67% , and while the honors college doesn't publish its admissions rates, it's safe to assume that getting in is more competitive. The test scores of accepted students reflect that idea: the median SAT score for the Honors College class of 2022 is 1530 (the composite SAT score for non-honors students is 1300).

Luckily for incoming students, there isn't a separate or additional application for the Honors College. The Honors College admissions committee uses the general Rutgers application to determine who will be admitted into the honors program.

Once admitted into the college, honors students have access to top-notch facilities and academic resources . The Honors College at Rutgers has its own state-of-the-art building, which is the hub for honors courses and seminars, research opportunities, an Innovation Lab, on-site academic advising, and lounges where honors students can build community and even get to know live-in faculty.

One of the best things about the Honors College at Rutgers is that all honors students receive a four year renewable scholarship . The Honors College also provides additional scholarship opportunities for study abroad, research projects, and even has an Honors College Student Emergency Fund for students who encounter unexpected financial hardship.


The University of Texas at Austin takes the top spot in our list of the best honors programs in the United States. (Kumar Appaiah /Flickr)

Best Honors Programs

The biggest difference between an honors college and an honors program is that honors colleges are stand-alone schools within the university system, and honors programs are not. For our list, we focused on finding the best university-wide honors programs in the United States.

Plan II Honors Program, University of Texas at Austin

Location: Austin, Texas

The College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin offers the Plan II Honors Program, which is an interdisciplinary arts and sciences major with a core curriculum. Unlike stand-alone honors colleges like the ones listed above, the Plan II Honors Program is housed within UT's College of Liberal Arts .

Sometimes called a "public Ivy," UT has a 32% acceptance rate. Plan II, however, usually receives around 1400 applications every year and only admits around 175 freshman honors students every fall. (In other words, getting into Plan II can be a little tough!)

Plan II Honors is a prime example of the difference between an honors college and honors program . As an honors program, Plan II Honors doesn't have its own housing, nor are its programs consolidated in one stand-alone honors college. However, Plan II does have its own scholarship and grant programs, study abroad opportunities, and student clubs.

A major perk of the Plan II Honors Program at UT is its flexibility. For students who are interested in double majoring, combining multiple UT honors programs, or even getting a second degree concurrently, Plan II Honors is a great choice. Over 70% of Plan II Honors students complete the requirements for a second, third, or fourth major , and close to 35% complete the requirements for a second degree. That makes the Plan II honors program great for ambitious students who are pursuing a more interdisciplinary course of study!

Echols Scholars Program, University of Virginia

  • Location: Charlottesville, Virginia

The honors program at the University of Virginia (UVA) is called Echols Scholars Program. UVA's Echols Scholars Program is housed within the College of Arts & Sciences at UVA.

The acceptance rate to UVA is around 23%, making it one of the most competitive schools on our list. Luckily, all applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences first-year class are automatically reviewed for admission to Echols. Each new class of Echols students typically has approximately 200 students, so if you want to get into Echols, you'll need to make sure your UVA application stands out from the crowd .

The key value that defines the Echols is that students get the opportunity to shape the program. For instance, the Echols Council is a student-led governing body that represents Echols students and works with the honors program's administration to design and implement initiatives that give students the best learning experience.

Another unique opportunity that the Echols Scholars Program offers is the Echols Interdisciplinary Major . The Echols website explains, "The principle underlying the Echols Interdisciplinary Major is that no existing major, or combination of majors, fully satisfies a student's broader interests." This means that Echols students have the chance to create their own course of study that best fits their future career goals. If you want the chance to chart your own course in college, you may be a great fit for the Echols Scholars Program.

University Honors Program, the University of Kansas

  • Location: Lawrence, Kansas

The University of Kansas Honors Program, which is more commonly referred to as "University Honors," is a campus-wide honors program open to students of all majors.

The acceptance rate to KU is about 91% , but acceptance to the University Honors Program is highly competitive. The average GPA for freshmen entering the honors program is 3.95, which is much higher than the average GPA of all incoming freshmen, which is 3.6. To get into the honors program, students have to apply to University Honors as part of the KU admissions application, which requires you to submit an additional essay and short answer response.

The University Honors program at KU is built on the concept of experiential learning . To graduate from University Honors, students are required to earn "Honors Experience" units by engaging in Enhanced Learning Experiences (ELEs) . ELEs at KU include opportunities in public service, cultural literacy and social justice, global citizenship, aesthetic engagement, professional development and social entrepreneurship, leadership, and research. Honors students can even propose alternative experiences of their own design to meet the ELE requirement.

Honors College, University of South Carolina

  • Location: Columbia, South Carolina

The Honors College at the University of South Carolina is one of the larger honors college programs on this list, with roughly 2,300 students, but that doesn't mean they receive fewer resources. In fact, the honors college offers nearly 600 honors courses, as well as the option (only available to honors students) to design your own major. Average class size for honors college classes is only 16, so students there also get more one-on-one interaction.

The acceptance rate to the University of South Carolina is roughly 68%, with an estimated SAT midrange of1100-1300 and an estimated ACT midrange of 21 to 29 for South Carolina residents, and an SAT midrange of 1250-1400 and ACT midrange of 28-32 for nonresidents. For the honors college, the SAT midrange is 1410-1520, the ACT midrange is 32-34, and the average weighted GPA of admitted honors students is 4.77.

Honors college students benefit from additional perks like honors-specific living communities in particular dorms and strong financial aid packages. The Honors College at the University of South Carolina has also received the highest ranking among public school honors programs for the fifth straight time by the publication  Inside Honors.


An impressive 87% of Macaulay Honors College students graduate debt free! Beyond My Ken /Wikimedia

Best "Bang for Your Buck" Honors Programs and Colleges

If you're looking to get the most out of your educational dollars, you might consider enrolling in an honors college or program that offers financial assistance. Here are two honors colleges that can give you a top-tier education without breaking the bank.

Macaulay Honors College, City University of New York (CUNY)

  • Location: New York City, New York

Macaulay Honors College is the independent honors college housed within the City University of New York (CUNY). Macaulay is affiliated with eight senior colleges within the CUNY system and has a presence on the following CUNY campuses: Baruch College, Brooklyn College, City College, Hunter College, John Jay College, Lehman College, Queens College, and the College of Staten Island (CSI). And guess what? All of these campuses are located in New York City!

CUNY is pretty selective—the university's acceptance rate is about 51%. Macaulay itself is also competitive, offering just 520 seats to incoming students across all eight campuses each year. To apply to Macaulay, prospective students must submit a high school transcript, resume, two letters of recommendation, and two maximum 500 word essay responses.

While Macaulay scholars will spend most of their time studying at their home campus, they will have the opportunity to attend lectures, seminars, and even take courses at the other CUNY campuses in New York City. In fact, Macaulay makes learning about New York City a key feature of its honors education. To that end, Macaulay students receive free admission to hundreds of the city's cultural institutions, and participate in required honors seminars that use New York City as a teaching tool.

Besides its exceptional honors education, perhaps the most appealing thing about Macaulay Honors College is its financial aid package . Macaulay offers all of its students a merit scholarship package that includes tuition and a laptop computer, plus access to funding to support study abroad, research, and internship opportunities. Most impressively, 87% of Macaulay students graduate debt-free!

Macaulay's excellent academics—they even have a Nobel Prize winner on faculty— and its generous financial aid package makes it an excellent value. High-achieving students who have limited funds (but want to get a top-tier education!) should definitely consider CUNY's Macaulay Honors College.

The University of Alabama Honors College

  • Location: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

The honors college at the University of Alabama, which enrolled students call "UA Honors," is a stand-alone college within the larger University of Alabama campus.

Admissions into UA Honors is equally competitive : applicants must have a minimum ACT score of 30, minimum SAT score of 1360, and a 3.5 high school GPA or higher to get accepted to UA Honors. There is a fast track into UA Honors for certain students: National Merit Finalists and National Achievement Finalists are admitted automatically once they complete the honors application.

UA Honors offers admitted students tons of academic opportunities . One of the most prestigious is the Randall Research Scholars program , which is the first interdisciplinary research program in the United States. Randal Research Scholars learn how to combine computing skills with their academic interests to perform high-level research in their field.

UA Honors also offers top-tier leadership and service opportunities through the University Fellows Experience . This four-year program allows students to develop elite leadership skills while empowering them to give back to the community around them through service and mentorship. The combination of academics and service offered by UA Honors helps honors graduates stand out as they embark on their future careers.

The amazing academic and extracurricular activities available through UA Honors comes at a reasonable price, too. That's because UA Honors offers some of the most generous merit aid packages in the country to its students . At least eleven different types of merit and need based scholarships are available to UA honors students. On top of those scholarships, UA Honors students are eligible for study abroad scholarships and research fellowships.


5 Tips for Applying to Top College Honors Programs

Applying to college is already a demanding task. If you're planning to apply to honors colleges on top of that, you've got your work cut out for you!

Our list of five tips for applying to top honors colleges can help simplify the honors application process.

Tip 1: Do Your Research Before You Apply

Lots of prospective honors students consult the annual honors college rankings to help them decide which honors colleges to apply to. But rankings are just the tip of the iceberg! You can—and should!— learn a lot about college honors programs just by browsing university websites before you make any decisions about where to apply.

Honors college applications can be long and involved. You want to make sure you know that an honors college is a good fit for you before you dump your time and energy into a secondary application. By doing a little research up front, you'll save yourself precious time during college application season.

Tip 2: Learn How You're Being Evaluated

You can almost always find out the average SAT/ACT scores and GPA of students who are accepted to a school's honors college before you apply. Many college honors programs have higher requirements for standardized test scores and GPAs that determine whether an applicant qualifies for admission.

Though you shouldn't necessarily let your GPA, class rank, or standardized test scores deter you from applying to honors colleges, these numbers can help give you an idea of where you stand going into the application process. If your scores and GPA are a lot lower than the honor program's stated requirements, then you may have a hard time getting in.

On the other hand, some schools no longer take SAT/ACT scores and GPA into account as a part of their honors college applications. These schools are more interested in learning about who you are through written essays and short answer questions. If you're applying to these schools, you can't plan to simply rely on a perfect SAT score or 4.0 GPA—you'll need to make sure you're a well-rounded candidate before you decide to apply.

The bottom line? Go into the application process knowing how different honors colleges are going to evaluate you and what qualities they're looking for. This will help you know which components of the application to focus your energy on.

Tip 3: Brush Up on Your Writing Skills

We've already mentioned that honors college applications are more demanding than regular college apps, usually because they ask you to write additional essays as part of the application process.

Also, the essay prompts usually require you to think creatively about yourself, your intellectual interests, and global issues. While some honors colleges ask standard questions like "why this school," most are going to ask you to think way outside the box. (For examples of essay questions like these—and to prepare yourself for what you may see on an honors college application— check out the University of Chicago's essay prompts .)

You'll also want to apply for special scholarships or fellowships available through your selected honors programs. Most merit-based scholarship applications include a required essay section that asks you to explain what experiences, achievements, or goals make you the best candidate for the scholarship. That's right— more writing!

Are you starting to see how the essays can add up if you plan to apply to an honors college? Don't worry, though! If you're prepared to write persuasively about your skills and achievements, you're prepared to show that you're an amazing honors college candidate.

Tip 4: Be Ready for an On-Campus Interview

Sometimes (though not always) honors colleges will narrow their applicant pool by inviting select applicants to visit their university's campus for an in-person interview . There are some great things about being invited to an on-campus interview: you get to meet faculty and current students, and you'll get to tour the college's facilities.

There are also some scary things about an interview: namely, it will help admissions officers determine whether you'll be invited into the program or not.

Does this sound nerve-wracking? Don't worry: you can take a lot of the anxiety out of the interview process with a little preparation. Our guide to conquering the college interview is a great place to start !

Tip 5: Be Yourself!

It may sound cheesy, but honors colleges want to get to know you through your application. Don't lie or exaggerate to try and impress the admissions committee! You're already a great student: all you have to do is put together an equally great, authentic application .

Keep in mind that creativity and curiosity are two of the qualities that honors colleges desire the most in potential students. If you can demonstrate what makes you a creative thinker and what intellectual topics get you excited in your application essays, you'll be more likely to stand out to the faculty and staff members who evaluate your application materials!


What's Next?

If getting into an honors college your goal, then you need to make sure you're setting yourself up for success. This starts with having a solid GPA . First, make sure you're calculating your GPA correctly . Once you figure out what your current GPA is, you can focus on raising it as quickly as possible !

Once your GPA is looking good, it's time to start focusing on your test scores. Having good test scores is one key to getting into the honors program of your dreams! The first step is deciding whether you should take the SAT or ACT . Then it's time to start studying. Check out our expert SAT study tips and expert ACT study tips to make sure you're studying smarter and harder.

But like we mentioned earlier, the best honors programs know that you're more than just your grades and test scores. Honors colleges want to see that you're involved in things beyond school, which is where extracurriculars come in . This article will teach you everything you need to know about writing about extracurriculars on your college applications so that you stand out from the crowd.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How Do I Apply

Honors students sitting around table in Student Center talking and eating ice cream

Thank you for your interest in the University of South Alabama's Honors College. The Honors College creates a place for especially strong students who have wide-ranging interests and intellectual curiosity to learn as much as possible not only through classes, but also through travel, research, and other people. For admission requirements and application details, read on!

We are looking for students who are fascinated by new ideas and experiences, and who want to be part of a community of like-minded students and faculty. Often this means that our applicants will have an ACT Composite score of 27 or above (or SAT equivalent), a high school GPA of at least 3.5, and status as a first-year college student. We also suggest that students who do not have a 27 or higher on their ACT and a GPA of 3.5 or higher address this point directly in their application. Explain unique or extenuating circumstances, and/or why you expect to perform at an honors level while in College. And if you meet these requirements, you may also reach out to us, but you also can just go ahead and apply! 

Apply to South using the link below:


It is best to apply by November 15 , though you may apply later.

Apply to the Honors College via the Honors Application after you are accepted to the University. This application with open for the 2024 - 2025 school year on September 5th . The priority deadline for consideration has been extended to January 3rd. However, applicants will still be considered after this date if spots are still available. Please be sure to complete your application as soon as possible for consideration.

Through the Honors Application you will give the names of two recommenders, teachers or other people who know you well and who would be able to provide an objective evaluation of your abilities and intellectual curiosity. We ask for names, but may not request the letters themselves, so don't be concerned if your references are not contacted.

You also will submit a short (500-word) essay around the one-word prompt provided in the application.

Interviews may be required during the month of February. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about the Honors College from its students, faculty, and staff. It also gives them a chance to learn more about you.

The Honors College will send you its decision in March and April. If you receive an offer and choose to accept it, you will begin with the Honors College at the start of the Fall Semester. 

alabama honors college application essay

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Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College


How to Apply

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Steps to apply for High School Seniors, Current UNA students, and Transfer students.

To apply, simply click the link below to access your MyUNA account. Once you have logged in to your account, the Honors application can be found under " Additional Forms and Links ." Admission to the Honors College is selective and based on a number of factors including grades, test scores, leadership, service, extracurricular activity, writing ability, and work experience. An ACT of 24 or higher (or a 3.5 GPA or higher) is generally considered competitive for admissions purposes. We encourage all interested students to apply.  Please contact us if you have any questions: [email protected]

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Academic Catalog 2023-2024

Delores and weldon cole honors college.

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The Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College provides outstanding students at UNA a distinguished degree option.  The Cole Honors College is open to all undergraduate students.  Students in any major or college may apply to participate in the Cole Honors College (Students seeking a nursing degree may be eligible for the first time freshman Early Admission (EAdm) Option.  For more information contact the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions).  Prospective students may apply at any time. Admission is selective.  There are no additional credit hours beyond the hours required for a regular degree in the major.  Honors courses typically replace required courses in the university curriculum and in individual majors.  To remain in the Cole Honors College all students must maintain a 3.25 GPA, adhere to university policies, and make satisfactory progress toward completion of Honors requirements.  Students who complete Cole Honors College requirements will receive a transcript and diploma designation along with recognition at Commencement.  

A Message from the Dean

Dr. Vincent J. Brewton

Dr. Vince Brewton

Welcome to the Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College web site. Our mission is to provide amazing students like you a great college experience and help you go on to extraordinary postgraduate success. We are open to all majors, there is no fee to apply, and we want you to apply. The Cole Honors College actively encourages students from every background to apply. If you are interested, just apply. Being a part of the Cole Honors College comes with terrific benefits including additional scholarships, early registration, small classes, relaxed extracurricular events, 24-hour access to our Cole Honors College facility, support for study abroad, mentoring, internship placement, career counseling, and so much more. Our students are genuinely committed to supporting each other in the journey to success. Count on that. Applications are accepted year-round, and when you are ready, just apply. Visit us on social media and come see us any time. 

All domestic U.S. students admitted to the Cole Honors College qualify for in-state tuition. Visit our Scholarship page for more information. 

Vince Brewton, Ph.D., Dean of the College

Cole Honors College Requirements

To receive diploma and transcript recognition from the Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College, students must complete 18 Honors hours. All incoming freshmen Honors students are required to complete HON 101 (satisfies FYE requirement). Honors College students may complete the remainder of the hours through general education Honors designated courses and/or other university courses by course contract. Course contracts for Honors credit can be initiated for any university course with faculty approval.

Effective Spring 2022, all Honors College students may opt for the new curricular pathway, which requires 18 honors hours of coursework. Students admitted prior to 2022 may continue to fulfill one of the existing honors pathways.  All honors students admitted in 2022 and after will fall under the new curriculum and are expected to complete 18 honors hours in order to graduate from the Honors College.

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5 strategies to unlock your winning college essay.

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CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS - JUNE 29: People walk through the gate on Harvard Yard at the Harvard ... [+] University campus on June 29, 2023 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that race-conscious admission policies used by Harvard and the University of North Carolina violate the Constitution, bringing an end to affirmative action in higher education. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

The college application season is upon us, and high school students everywhere are staring down at one of the most daunting tasks: the college essay. As someone who has guided countless applicants through the admissions process and reviewed admissions essays on an undergraduate admissions committee, I've pinpointed the essential ingredient to a differentiated candidacy—the core of your college admissions X-factor .

The essential ingredient to your college admissions X-factor is your intellectual vitality. Intellectual vitality is your passion for learning and curiosity. By demonstrating and conveying this passion, you can transform an average essay into a compelling narrative that boosts your chances of getting accepted to your top schools. Here are five dynamic strategies to achieve that goal.

Unleash Your Authentic Voice

Admissions officers sift through thousands of essays every year. What stops them in their tracks? An authentic voice that leaps off the page. Forget trying to guess what the admissions committee wants to hear. Focus on being true to yourself. Share your unique perspective, your passions, and your values. Authenticity resonates deeply with application reviewers, making your essay memorable and impactful. You need not have experienced trauma or tragedy to create a strong narrative. You can write about what you know—intellectually or personally—to convey your enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership. Intellectual vitality shines through when you write with personalized reflection about what lights you up.

Weave A Captivating Story

Everyone loves a good story, and your essay is the perfect place to tell yours. The Common Application personal statement has seven choices of prompts to ground the structure for your narrative. The most compelling stories are often about the smallest moments in life, whether it’s shopping at Costco or about why you wear socks that have holes. Think of the Common Application personal statement as a window into your soul rather than a dry list of your achievements or your overly broad event-based life story. Use vivid anecdotes to bring your experiences to life. A well-told story can showcase your growth, highlight your character, and illustrate how you've overcome challenges. Intellectual vitality often emerges in these narratives, revealing how your curiosity and proactive approach to learning have driven you to explore and innovate.

Reflect And Reveal Insights

It's not just about what you've done—it's about what you've learned along the way. When you are writing about a specific event, you can use the STAR framework—situation, task, action, and result (your learning). Focus most of your writing space on the “R” part of this framework to dive deeply into your experiences and reflect on how they've shaped your aspirations and identity.

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The most insightful college-specific supplement essays demonstrate depth of thought, and the ability to connect past experiences with your future life in college and beyond. Reflecting on your intellectual journey signals maturity and a readiness to embrace the college experience. It shows admissions officers that you engage deeply with your studies and are eager to contribute to the academic community.

Highlight Your Contributions—But Don’t Brag

Whether it's a special talent, an unusual hobby, or a unique perspective, showcasing what you can bring to the college environment can make a significant impact. Recognize that the hard work behind the accomplishment is what colleges are interested in learning more about—not retelling about the accomplishment itself. (Honors and activities can be conveyed in another section of the application.) Walk us through the journey to your summit; don’t just take us to the peak and expect us know how you earned it.

Intellectual vitality can be demonstrated through your proactive approach to solving problems, starting new projects, or leading initiatives that reflect your passion for learning and growth. These experiences often have a place in the college-specific supplement essays. They ground the reasons why you want to study in your major and at the particular college.

Perfect Your Prose

Great writing is essential. Anyone can use AI or a thesaurus to assist with an essay, but AI cannot write your story in the way that you tell it. Admissions officers don’t give out extra credit for choosing the longest words with the most amount of syllables.

The best essays have clear, coherent language and are free of errors. The story is clearly and specifically told. After drafting, take the time to revise and polish your writing. Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or trusted friends, but ensure the final piece is unmistakably yours. A well-crafted essay showcases your diligence and attention to detail—qualities that admissions officers highly value. Intellectual vitality is also reflected in your writing process, showing your commitment to excellence and your enthusiasm for presenting your best self.

Crafting a standout college essay is about presenting your true self in an engaging, reflective, and polished manner while showcasing your intellectual vitality. Happy writing.

Dr. Aviva Legatt

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    Students can apply through the Dr. Robert E. Witt University Fellows Program application after completing the Honors College Application through their MyBama account. Only incoming students may apply. ... Honors Hall, 533 6th Ave. Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 Box 870169 205-348-5500 205-348-5501 [email protected] Social. twitter; facebook; instagram ...

  2. Honors College

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  4. How to Apply

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    the-university-of-alabama. DoinItRight September 26, 2016, 7:41pm 1. I have a question about the essay for the honors college application. On the application web page, it states that National Merit Semifinalists will automatically be admitted to the honors college. Then there's a spot for a "tell us about yourself" essay.

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    Required. 150 Words. List your volunteer activities over the last three years. Indicate the total hours and appropriate years of involvement beside each item. For example, Special Olympics (30 hours from 2020-2022): Read our essay guide to get started. Submit your essay for free peer review to refine and perfect it.

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    Please contact the Honors office if you have any questions at (256) 824-6450. UAH Honors recognizes the difficulties students face in taking standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT. Accordingly, we are implementing a test-optional policy for Honors admission for the 2024-25 admission cycle. We will still consider test scores if submitted ...

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    The honors college at the University of Alabama, which enrolled students call "UA Honors," is a stand-alone college within the larger University of Alabama campus. Admissions into UA Honors is equally competitive : applicants must have a minimum ACT score of 30, minimum SAT score of 1360, and a 3.5 high school GPA or higher to get accepted to ...

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  13. How Do I Apply

    Apply to the Honors College via the Honors Application after you are accepted to the University. This application with open for the 2024 - 2025 school year on September 5th.The priority deadline for consideration has been extended to January 3rd. However, applicants will still be considered after this date if spots are still available.

  14. How to Apply

    Admission to the Honors College is selective and based on a number of factors including grades, test scores, leadership, service, extracurricular activity, writing ability, and work experience. An ACT of 24 or higher (or a 3.5 GPA or higher) is generally considered competitive for admissions purposes. We encourage all interested students to apply.

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    UA Honors College - Celebrating 20 Years ... Honors Hall, 533 6th Ave. Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 Box 870169 205-348-5500 205-348-5501 [email protected] Social. twitter; facebook; instagram; The University of Alabama. About; Programs; Admissions; Academics; Advising; Alumni & Giving; Scholarships; Faculty & Staff; Kennemer Center;

  17. Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College

    The Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College provides outstanding students at UNA a distinguished degree option. The Cole Honors College is open to all undergraduate students. Students in any major or college may apply to participate in the Cole Honors College (Students seeking a nursing degree may be eligible for the first time freshman Early Admission (EAdm) Option.

  18. 5 Strategies To Unlock Your Winning College Essay

    The best essays have clear, coherent language and are free of errors. The story is clearly and specifically told. After drafting, take the time to revise and polish your writing. Seek feedback ...