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WAEC Agric Questions And Answers 2023 | Essay & Objective

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WAEC Agric Questions and Answers 2023 | Essay and Objective is now online

Are you a candidate of the 2023 May/June WAEC Examination, Ensure that you do not take any information contained in article for granted. By the time you have read this article carefully to the end, you will have seen the complete WAEC Agricultural Science Questions and Answers for the 2023 Examination.

WAEC Agricultural Science is one of the easiest subjects that are taken in the examination. The reason why so many candidate do find it difficult is because they have not come across the kind of secret that I am about to reveal to you in this article.

If you are excited about this information and you would like to get more detailed information on WAEC Agric Questions and Answers 2023, kindly read this article to the end.

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Waec agric objective answers 2023, more practice questions for waec agric, tips on how to pass waec marketing examination, waec agric objective questions.

  • To facilitate mechanical harvesting of cereals, it is better to A. make all of them disease-resistant. B. ensure that they are free from pest attack. C. ensure they all have uniform height. D. make sure they are early-maturing.
  • One of the problems facing agricultural development in West Africa is A. inadequate financing. B. unavailability of productive land. C. low income of consumers. D. inadequacy of industries.
  • What action of government may be considered as granting of subsidies to farmers? A. Giving low interest loans to farmers B. Providing hire purchase services C. Supplying agrochemicals at reduced cost D. Providing free non-formal education to farmers
  • Which of the following are advantages of the communal land ownership system? I. Every member of the community has a piece of land on which to farm II. Co-operative farming is possible under this system III. Large scale farming is encouraged IV. Land can be used as a security for loans A. I and II only B. II and III only C. I and III only D. III and IV only
  • A socio-economic factor which affects the availability of land for agricultural use in West Africa is A. soil type. B. population growth. C. rainfall distribution. D. working capital.
  • Which of the following cropping systems would lead to continuous sustenance of soil fertility? I. Crop rotation II. Land rotation III. Monoculturc IV. Monocropping A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III only
  • Which of the following factors affects the onset of flowering in crops?cle hit A. Atmospheric pressure B. Wind C. Day length D. Rainfall
  • Marble is a metamorphic rock formed from A. limestone. B. quartzite. C. shale. D. schist.
  • Which of the following statements best describes sedimentary rocks? A. Pre-existing rocks in which the original mineral has undergone change B. Weathered rock transported by wind to other places C. Molten magma which has cooled down and solidified D. Rocks formed from breaking, deposition and re-cementation of pre-existing rocks
  • The rock weathering process involving the equation: CaCO3 + H2CO3 → Ca(HCO3)2 is called A. carbonation. B. hydration. C. hydrolysis. D.oxidation.
  • When compost is added to sandy soil, it hank A. reduces the activities of living organisms. B. increases the porosity of the soil. C. increases water holding capacity of the soil. D. decreases the soil acidity.
  • Soils can become acidic as a result of the continuous application A. single superphosphate. B. sulphate of ammonia. C. muriate of potash. D. NPK 15:15:15.
  • Which of the following species of bacteria lives symbiotically in root nodules of of legumes? A. Azotobacter B. Clostridium C. Nitrobacter D. Rhizobium
  • Plant nutrients are restored during the fallow period through A. B. reduced soil erosion. accumulation of soil organic matter. C. reduced evaporation from the soil. D. accumulation of farmyard manure.
  • The processes by which animals release carbon dioxide into the air are A. respiration and decay. B. respiration and ammonification. C. nitrification and decay. D. denitrification and ammonification.
  • Which of the following practices leads to land degradation in the savanna zones of West Africa? I. Constant annual bushfires II. Overgrazing of grassland III. Application of cattle manure IV. Cutting of woody species for fuel wood A. I, II and III only B. I, II and IV only C. II, III and IV only D. I, II, III and IV
  • A 100 kg NPK 15: 15: 15 compound fertilizer has a filler make-up weight of A. B. 30 kg. 40 kg. C. 45 kg. D. 55 kg.
  • One of the main disadvantages of mechanical tillage is the A. low initial cost of equipment. B. need for special training before machines can be used. C. use of heavy equipment leading to soil compaction. D. use of foreign exchange to purchase machine parts.
  • Which of the following factors affect the work rate of draught animals? I. Feed intake II. Breed of animal III. Harness for hitching IV. Height of animal A. I, II and III only B. I, II and IV only C. II, III and IV only D. I, II, III and IV
  • Which of the following features could lead to wrong reading on a prismatic compass? A. A big tree B. Wind direction C. A pond D. Magnetic attraction
  • Which of the following steps gives a correct sequence for surveying a farmstead? A. Reconnaissance → preliminary survey mapping B. Mapping reconnaissance → preliminary survey C. Preliminary survey → reconnaissance → mapping D. Preliminary survey → mapping → reconnaissance
  • The characteristic of draught animals which does not influence traction effort is A. age. B. sex. C. breed of animal. D. meat quality.
  • The branch of horticulture that deals with the production of vegetables is called A. pathology. B. olericulture. C. floriculture. D. pomology.
  • Pruning is carried out to I. control the size of the plants. II. obtain clean and attractive fruits. III. ensure correct spacing of trees. A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III
  • Which of the following characteristics is not true of tree species used in alley cropping? A. Shallow rooting system B. Regenerate rapidly after pruning C. Excellent canopy formation D. Capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen
  • Insect damage to crops takes the form of A. chewing, grinding and sucking. B. grinding, piercing and chewing. C. piercing, sucking and grinding. D. chewing, sucking and piercing.
  • One disadvantage of vegetative propagation is that A. fruits are small in size. B. viral diseases are transferred to offspring. C. plants are true to type. D. plants take a long time to mature.
  • Which of the following factors should be considered when sowing seeds in the field? I. Time of sowing II. Plant density III. Depth of sowing IV. Method of sowing A. I and II only B. I,II and III only C. III and IV only D. I, II, III and IV
  • Which of the following groups of crops requires winnowing during processing? A. Fruits B. Cereals C. Tubers D. Vegetables
  • A farmer who plants African Marigold between his crops has the intention of controlling A. B. bacteria. viruses. C. fungi. D. nematodes.
  • If the spacing of a crop is 3.6 m x 4.5 m, determine the crop population per hectare. A. 769 B. 617 C. 494 D. 408
  • An example of a piercing and sucking insect-pest of crops is a A. mealy bug. B. grasshopper. C. weevil. D. termite.
  • If rows are spaced 1.0 m apart with one plant per stand, determine the spacing between stands in order to obtain a plant population of 40,000/ha. A. 0.25 m B. 0.40 m C. 0.50 m D. 1.00 m
  • Calculate the number of yam setts planted at a spacing of 1.0 m by 1.0 m on a hectare of land. A. 1,000 setts B. 2,500 setts C. 10,000 setts D. 5,000 setts
  • Some plants are suitable for decorating living rooms because of their A. ability to endure low light intensity. B. low respiration rate. C. ability to retain water. D. low resistance to diseases.
  • Capping and Staking are important cultural practices in the cultivation of A. sweet potatoes. B. tomatoes. C. yams. D. groundnuts.
  • An important function of mulching is that it A. incrcases soil temperature. B. provides soil with nutrients. C. conserves moisture in the soil. D. increases rate of evaporation.

38. The removal of sheath on maize cob is referred to as Α. winnowing. B. shelling.

C. dehusking. D. milling. 39. Which of the following sequences describes the steps in making hay? A. Cut, dry and bale B. Dry, ferment and bale

C. Cut, wilt and bale D. Bale, dry and cut

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  • One disadvantage of using bamboo troughs as waterers for poultry is that they A. can be chewed up by the birds. B. are susceptible to algal growth. C. break easily when they fall. D. contaminate the water put in them.
  • The characteristic odour in billy goats can be removed through A. docking. B. castrating. C. drenching. D. dipping.
  • A cattle breed in West Africa tolerant to trypanosomiasis is A. White Fulani. B. Sokoto Gudali. C. N’dama. D. Friesian.
  • A consequence of pasture littered with polythene materials is that A. animals could slip and fall frequently. B. the alimentary canal of farm animals could be blocked. C. the material could poison the animals. D. it improves the quality of the pasture.
  • Which of the following statements about colostrum is false? It is A. an evaporated milk. B. the first milk produced after parturition. C. high in antibodies. D. rich in proteins and vitamins.
  • Meat obtained from cattle of less than one year old is called A. beef. B. chevon. C. veal. D. pork.
  • Which of the following characteristics is not important in beef cattle production? I. Increased butter-fat percentage II. High feed conversion efficiency III. High yield of lean meat A. I only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I, II and III
  • The following arc systems of mating in farm animals: I. stud mating; II. artificial insemination; III. pen mating; IV. herd mating. A. I only B.. I and II only C. I, II and III only D. I, II, III and IV
  • A disease of rabbit caused by a protozoan isat she low A. infectious bronchitis. B. coccidiosis. C. anthrax. D. milk fever.
  • The common name of Axonopus compressus is A. carpet grass. B. spear grass. C. guinea grass. D. bahama grass.
  • Which of the following groups of cattle are tropical breeds? A. Friesian, Kuri and White Fulani B. N’dama, Sokoto Gudali and Muturu C. Kuri, Sokoto Gudali and Jersey D. Muturu, N’dama and Friesian
  • The following substances are excretory products in farm animals except I. blood. II. sweat. III. urine. A. I only B. II only C. III only D. II and III only

52. The following are signs of ill-health in farm animals except A. uncoordinated gait. B. dull eye. C. high body temperature.

D. increased appetite.

See Also:  WAEC Geography Questions And Answers 2023 | Essay & Objective

  • Which of the following factors should be considered when building a rabbit hutch? I. Safety and comfort of rabbits II. Ease of maintenance and cleaning III. Day length A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III
  • Heat in farm animals can be detected by the following signs except A. redness of the vulva. B. low body temperature. C. loss of appetite. D. frequent urination.
  • Which of the following organs forms a barrier between an animal and its external environment? A. Urinary bladder B. Stomach C. Lung D. Skin
  • Demand is said to be price elastic, if the absolute value of price elasticity of demand is A. greater than one. B. less than one. C. one. D. zero.
  • Which of the following activities are functions of agricultural marketing boards in West Africa? I. Price stabilization within seasons II. Harvesting of the farm produce III. Grading and standardization of produce IV. Market research for produce A. I and II only B. II and III only C. II, III and IV only D. I, III and IV only

waec agric past questions

The correct answers to all the WAEC Agric Objective questions for 2023 given in the previous section will be made available shortly. All you have to do is keep visiting this page regularly.

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WAEC Agric Theory Questions 2023

All the Essay questions that you are going to see in this section are what you should expect in the 2023 WAEC Agricultural Science Examination.

Answer one question only from this section. 1. (a) State four benefits of agriculture to the economy of West African countries. [4 marks] (b) Enumerate four functions of agro-service centres in your country. [4 marks] (c) Outline four routine tractor maintenance practices. [4 marks] (d) State two functions of each of the following parts of the farm tractor: (i) three-point linkage; (ii) hydraulic lever. [4 marks] 2. (a) Explain the term farm mechanization. [2 marks] (b) Mention three advantages and three disadvantages of farm mechanization. [ 6 marks] (c) Give two merits of the use of draught animals in farm operations. [2 marks] (d) Outline three roles of science and technology in agricultural development under the following headings: (i) pest and disease control; (ii) meteorology and climatology. [ 6 marks]

Answer one question only from this section. 3. (a) Mention two sources of irrigation water. [2 marks] (b) Enumerate two advantages and two disadvantages of irrigating farmlands. [4 marks] (c) List two ways by which the soil loses nutrients. (d) Give two reasons for manuring in crop production. [2 marks] (e) State two ways by which each of the following environmental factors affect agricultural production: [2 marks] (i) temperature; (ii) soil micro-organisms; (iii) wind. [ 6 marks] (a) List three edaphic factors that influence crop growth. [3 marks] 4. (b) Explain the following terms as used in soil and water conservation: (i) gravitational water; (ii) hygroscopic water. (c) State two deficiency symptoms of each of the following nutrient elements in crops: [4 marks] (i) nitrogen; (ii) phosphorus; (iii) potassium. [ 6 marks] (d) State three benefits derived from draining farmlands. [3 marks]

Answer one question only from this section. (a) Define the term nursery as used in crop production. [2 marks] (b) Give three reasons for establishing a nursery in crop production. (c) Mention three characteristics of weeds that make them difficult to control. [3 marks] (d) List two methods of controlling weeds. [3 marks] (e) State three ways by which diseases are spread among crops. [2 marks] (f) Mention three effects of diseases on crops. [3 marks]

6. (a) List four cereal crops grown in West Africa.

[3 marks] (b) State three benefits of forests to the economic development of your country. [2 marks] (c) With the aid of a diagram, describe the life cycle of the variegated grasshopper.

[ 6 marks] (d) List three cultural methods of controlling crop pests. [3 marks] tops (e) Give two uses of oil palm. curata y [2 marks]

Answer one question only from this section. (a) Give three reasons why fish farming is important. warmer (0) [3 marks] (b) State three factors that influence the choice of a suitable site for a fish pond.0 [3 marks] (c) Mention two sources of each of the following feed nutrients: (i) water; (ii) proteins; (iii) carbohydrates; (vi) vitamins. [ 8 marks] (d) Mention two ways by which roundworm infestation is of economic anionet importance in livestock production. 8. (a) What is animal improvement? [2 marks] (b) Give three aims of animal improvement. [2 marks] (c) Define each of the following terms as used in animal reproduction: [3 marks] (i) parturition; (ii) gestation period. [4 marks] (d) Name three systems in the body of farm animals. [3 marks] (e) Mention four advantages of castration in animal production. [4 marks]

waec agric question


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WAEC Agric Past Questions and Answers in PDF Format

Click the link below to download a compiled WAEC Agricultural Science Past Questions and Answers in a PDF format.

1. The device which helps to regulate heat in an incubator is the A. thermometer. B. hygrometer. C. insulator. D. thermostat.

2. Which of the following statements about crop production is Not correct? A. Onions are commonly grown in the rainforest zones. B. Yam, cocoyam and cassava are grown in both the rainforest and the savanna regions. C. Some foreign vegetable crops are grown in and around urban centres. D. Carrots are commonly grown in the savanna and moist vegetation belts.

3. Which of the following is a disadvantage of surface irrigation? A. The quantity of water lost is high. B. Water is evenly distributed over the farmland C. It is very cheap to operate. D. The system is suitable for paddy rice cultivation.

4. Fine soil tilth is produced by the use of A. Harrow. B. Plough. C. Ridger. D. Mower.

5. The problems of farm mechanization in West Africa include the following except A. reduction of farm drudgery. B. small farm holdings. C. poverty of farmers. D. poor topography.

If you really want to  Pass WAEC Agric Examination at one Sitting , I want to let you know that there are things that you must do to score very high in the examination. Those are what I have tag as “Tips on How To Pass WAEC Agric Examination”. They including the following:

  • Read according to the WAEC Agric Syllabus
  • Study past Questions Regularly
  • Learn How to Manage time well
  • Consult more than one Textbooks

Once you can put the above strategies into practice, your passing the examination is assured.

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WAEC GCE Agric Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)

WAEC GCE Agric Questions and Answers 2023.   I will be showing you the WAEC GCE Agricultural Science objective and theory questions for free. You will also understand how WAEC GCE Agric questions are set and many more examination details.

The West African Examination Council is an examination body that sets questions annually from areas student should, after their studies in the senior secondary school, be able to write and pass without stress.

WAEC GCE Agric Science answers and questions Objectives and Essay will be provided here and the authenticity of this WAEC GCE 2023 Agric solutions to questions has been tested and confirmed to be sure.

See: WAEC GCE Timetable

Table of Contents

WAEC GCE Agric Essay And Objective Questions and Answers 2023 (EXPO)

The WAEC GCE Agric Science answers will be posted here during the WAEC GCE Agriculture exam.

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(1ai) Finance: (i) The lack of credit facilities or the high interest rates on available loans can hinder farmers from purchasing essential inputs (ii) Inssuficient allocation of funds by the governments and private sectors to support agricultural development (iii) Unequal Distribution of Financial Resources can hinder the development of agriculture (iv) Unpredictable weather conditions or pest infestations may make financial institutions hesitant to provide loans to farmers (1aii) Storage Facilities: (i) Insufficient storage infrastructure, such as warehouses and cold storage facilities. (ii) Lack of modern storage technologies, such as climate-controlled storage and efficient packaging methods (iii) Inefficient transportation systems make it challenging to transport agricultural produce from farms to storage facilities and markets quickly. (iv) Limited access to markets may discourage investments in quality storage facilities that could enhance the value and marketability of their goods. (1bi) Farm planning is the process of systematically organizing and managing various aspects of agricultural activities to achieve specific goals. It involves making informed decisions about resource allocation, production methods, and overall farm management. (1bii) PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Topography (ii) Soil type (iii) Climate condition (iv) Nearness to market (v) Financial resources (vi) Labor and Skill Availability (1c) (i) Farm planning optimizes resource allocation and enhances efficiency in agricultural activities. (ii) It helps farmers make informed decisions on crop selection and land use based on land suitability assessments. (iii) By considering financial requirements and budgeting, farm planning ensures proper financing for various farming needs. (iv) Understanding climatic conditions through farm planning allows for timely and strategic decisions on planting, irrigation, and harvesting. (v) Market research and access considerations in farm planning enable farmers to align production with market demands, increasing profitability. (vi) Incorporating sustainability practices in farm planning promotes long-term environmental balance and enhances the overall resilience of the farm ecosystem. (2ai) Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation: (i) Through the association of leguminous plants with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules. (ii) Through the association of non-leguminous plants with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in specialized structures. (2aii) Electrical Discharge: (i) Through lightning strikes, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate or nitrite. (ii) Through electrochemical reactions in the soil, converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium ions. (2aiii) Ammonification: (i) Through the decomposition of organic matter by soil microorganisms, releasing ammonium ions. (ii) Through the breakdown of proteins and urea present in animal waste, releasing ammonium ions. (2bi) Monocotyledonous crops have a single seed leaf while dicotyledonous crops have two seed leaves. (2bii) (I) Monocotyledonous crops: (i) Rice (ii) Corn (iii) Wheat (II) Dicotyledonous crops: (i) Soybean (ii) Cotton (iii) Tomato (2c) (PICK FOUR ONLY) (i) Excessive use of synthetic fertilizers. (ii) Overgrazing by livestock. (iii) Deforestation and land clearing. (iv) Poor irrigation and water management practices. (v) Improper crop rotation and monoculture planting. (vi) Soil erosion due to improper tilling and land management. (vii) Heavy pesticide and herbicide use. (viii) Inadequate waste management and disposal of agricultural by-products. (3a) (i) Green Manure: Green manure refers to crops or plants, such as legumes or cover crops, grown and plowed into the soil while still green, adding organic matter, improving soil structure, and enhancing nutrient content. (ii) Farmyard Manure: Farmyard manure consists of organic materials like animal dung, bedding, and other farm residues that undergo decomposition, providing essential nutrients and improving soil fertility when applied to farmland. (iii) Compost: Compost is a type of organic manure produced through the decomposition of organic waste materials, including kitchen scraps and plant residues, resulting in a nutrient-rich, humus-like material that improves soil structure and fertility. (3bi) Advantages of Mixed Farming: (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Diversification of Income Sources. (ii) Enhanced Nutrient Cycling and Soil Fertility. (iii) Risk Reduction through Crop-Livestock Integration. (iv) Efficient Utilization of Resources. (v) Increased Resilience to Market Fluctuations. (3bii) Disadvantages of Mixed Farming: (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Complexity in Management and Planning. (ii) Potential for Disease Transmission Between Crops and Livestock. (iii) Competition for Limited Resources. (iv) Skill Intensiveness in Managing Different Enterprises. (v) Market Risks Associated with Varied Agricultural Products. (3ci) Fishery regulations are rules and guidelines established by government authorities to manage and control fishing activities, ensuring sustainable exploitation of fishery resources and conservation of aquatic ecosystems. (3cii) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Ban on the use of toxic chemicals/poisons (ii) Landing tax is paid based on the total catch and sizes of fish at landing sites (iii) Fishing areas are allocated to individual fishermen so as to curb indiscriminate interference within the large fishing areas (iv) No vessels (except canoes) shall fish within the first two nautical miles of the territorial waters a country’s continental shelf (v) No person shall operate or navigate any motorised fishing boat within the territorial water of other country unless a license in respect of that vessel has been issued (vi) Identified breeding section of water is normally restricted from fishing (vii) Fishing activities is restricted during rainy season (viii) The use of prescribed mesh size in fishing to protect young fish (ix) Ban on the discharge of pollutants or toxic materials into a country’s terririal water (x) Ban on the use of explosives in fishing except for the purpose of research (xi) Ban on the use of electric fishing except for the purpose of research (xii) Coastal areas to be constantly under surveillance to restrict foreign vessels from exploitation

agric essay waec 2023

(5ai) (PICK ONE) (i)Artificial insemination is a reproductive technique that involves the deliberate introduction of semen from a male animal into the reproductive tract of a female animal using techniques other than natural mating. (ii)Artificial insemination is a reproductive technique that involves introducing sperm into a female’s reproductive tract to achieve pregnancy. (5aii) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i)Potential introduction of infections during the process. (ii)Requires trained personnel for proper handling and execution. (iii)Initial setup costs for equipment and facilities can be high. (iv)Emotional stress due to repeated attempts (v)Overuse of certain high-performing donors can reduce genetic diversity. (vi)may not always guarantee conception. (5b) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i)Smallholder Farmers (ii)Large-scale Farmers (iii)Cooperatives and Farmer Groups (iv)Rural Communities (v)Women in Agriculture (vi)Youth in Agriculture (5ci) (PICK ANY TWO) (i)Ponds and Lakes (ii)Rivers and Streams (iii)Wells and Boreholes (iv)Watering Troughs or Tanks (5cii) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i)It aids in the breakdown of food, facilitating digestion and nutrient absorption. (ii)Water helps regulate body temperature in livestock (iii)It plays a role in various metabolic processes within the animal’s body. (iv)It essential for lactating animals to produce sufficient milk for their young. (v)Water is vital for proper hydration.(6ai) Agricultural insurance is a risk management tool that provides financial protection to farmers against losses arising from natural disasters, pests, diseases, or other unforeseen events affecting crop or livestock production.

(6aii) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Limited Awareness and Understanding. (ii) Inadequate Data for Risk Assessment. (iii) High Premium Costs. (iv) Insufficient Insurance Products Tailored to Smallholder Farmers. (v) Lack of Trust in Insurance Institutions. (vi) Government Involvement and Policy Support. (vii) Climate change and unpredictable weather patterns

(6bi) Increase in Income of Consumers: (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Demand is Likely to increase as consumers have higher purchasing power. (ii) Supply may increase due to higher profitability, encouraging more sweet potato cultivation.

(6bii) High Cost of Farm Inputs: (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Demand may decrease as production costs rise, reducing consumer affordability. (ii) Supply may decrease as farmers face challenges in sustaining production with expensive inputs.

(6c) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Inadequate Crop Rotation. (ii) Monoculture Farming Practices. (iii) Poor Soil Health and Nutrient Imbalance. (iv) Lack of Resistant Crop Varieties. (v) Climatic Conditions Favorable to Pests. (vi) Improper Storage and Handling Practices.

(6d) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Bacteria. (ii) Antibiotics. (iii) Chemical Residues (iv) Mycotoxins


Note: The answers below are the 2020 Nov/Dec answers.

Choose the corresponding option from your question.

1— stimulation of infrastructural growth 2— outright purchase 3—Purpose of selling in order to make profit 4— cutting of bold wood 5— Clean and store in cool and dry 6— encouraging cooperative farming 7— human power 8- drainage 9- inadequate capital 10- can only be used where it is found 11- Jute 12- acidity increases from PH8 to 13- basalt 14- 50% 15-dissolution of plant nutrient 16- increase in soil acidity resulting 17-mulching 18- increase vegetative growth in plant 19- reduce salt content 20- cocoa and oil palm

(i)they carry out research to improve or develop breeds of Animals.

(ii) extension project are founded and funded by them 

(iii) provide basic amenities e;g water, feeder roads

(iv)they provide chemicals for the control of weeds and insect 

(i) expensive to practice

(ii)land problem

(iii)poor storage facilities

(iv)pests and disease attack

(v)it causes pollution

(vi)it leads to unemployment because machines are used 

This is the removal of tree

(i)cause erosion

(ii)leads to loss of nutrients

(iii)exposure the soil to sunlight 

(iv)reduce water percolation rate 

(v)reduce the amount of rainfall

(vi)reduce wild life population

 i) *Disc plough* 

1) it is design to work in all types of soil functions such as soil breaking

2)it is used to open, the new fields 

3) it can be used easily at rocky and rooted areas 

ii) *Disc Horrow*

1)it is used for cutting edges 

2) it is used to till the soil where crops to be planted 

3 it is also used to chop unwanted weeds or crop remainders 

iii) Rider 

1) it’s used for cultivating small ginger 

2)it is used for gathering and heaping the loose soil 

3) it is an implement which cuts and turn the soil into opposite direction

I) it influences the availability of many nutrients 

ii) photosynthesis 

iii) maintain temperature

iv) soil air is important because it is needed by many of the micro-organism that release plants nutrients to the soil 

i) mechanical tiling or plowing 

ii) control burning a weed infested to clear it for seeding  of desirable plants 

iv) it involves natural pest population control method.

i. Staking is the practice of driving a stake or rod into the ground close to a plant to provide support for its stems.

ii. Hardening off is a term used to refer to the processes necessary for a plant to become acclimated to its environment. In the spring, it’s common practice to gradually accustom greenhouse vegetable seedlings to full sunlight and drying winds before planting them.

iii. earthing up or ridging is the technique in agriculture and horticulture of piling soil up around the base of a plant. It can be done by hand (usually using a hoe), or with powered machinery, typically a tractor attachment.

No 4


WAEC GCE Agriculture Practice Questions and Answers

The questions below are not exactly 2023 WAECE Agric science questions and answers but likely WAEC GCE Agric repeated questions and answers. These questions are strictly for practice.

 1. Oestrogen in female animals is not responsible for

A. development of secondary sexual characteristics

B. on set of heat period

C. milk let – down after parturition

D. development of udder

2. A beef cow gained 75 kg over a period of two months and two days. What is its average weight gain?

A. 0.83 kg

B. 1.21 kg

C. 1.28 kg

D. 2. 25kg

3. A disadvantage of natural incubation is that

A. the eggs cannot be candled

B. the chicks are less healthy

C. the brooding hens sometimes abandon the eggs

D. it takes a longer time for eggs to hatch

4. Ruminants fed on dried grasses are given feed supplements to

A. increase in water intake

B. provide bulk to feed

C. reduce microbial activity

D. provide deficient nutrients


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  • WAEC GCE Igbo Questions and Answers

5. Which of the following animal disease is not associated with malnutrition?

A. Aspergillosis

B. Acidosis

C. Milk fever

D. Rickets

6. The type of energy obtained from the sun for agricultural uses is known as

A. potential energy

B. mechanical energy

C. nuclear energy

D. solar energy

E. kinetic energy

7. Which of the following implements will be used for the next farm operation after clearing a new farmland?

A. harrow

B. ridger

C. cultivator

D. planter

E. plough

8. Which of the following cannot be used to rub the metal parts of farm tools before storage?

A. grease

B. palm oil

C. water

D. petroleum jelly

E. spent engine oil

9. The common surveying equipment for farmland includes the following except

A. ranging pole

B. prismatic compass

C. measuring tape

D. gunter’s chain

E. spade

10. An example of fungal disease of stored grains is

A. rosette

B. wilt

C. soft rot

D. damping off

E. mould

If you have any questions about the 2023 WAEC GCE Agric Science questions and answers, do well to let us know in the comment box.

Last Updated on December 1, 2023 by Admin

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11 thoughts on “WAEC GCE Agric Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)”

No questions to the essay

Please drop the agric practical question we are starting on Friday

Please can I get a notification on every exams.2023 waec gce

Pls I need the practical for gce 2023 second series Thanks

Please drop agric alternative to practical for 2023

Pls can u give me agric past question and answer for 2023 at 10:30 pls

Yes this time

Please am writing external neco can you help me?? Am starting on Monday so can u be send me answers?? Please

pls can u drop agric practical tomorrow morning

Please drop the 2021 Agri gce answer

Please can u just drop the answer now we have started written the exam

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  • Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science 2023 WAEC Past Questions

Seedlings are best transplanted in the field

  • A. early in the morning and late in the evening
  • B. at midday and at dusk
  • C. early in the morning and at midday
  • D. late in the morning and late in the evening

If 200 ml of water was poured on a soil sample in a beaker and 25% of the water drained through the soil, determine the amount of water retained in the soil.

A combine harvester is mainly used for harvesting

  • B. groundnut

agric essay waec 2023

The diagram above illustrates a reproductive process in a farm animal. Study it and answer the question. The reproductive process illustrated by the diagram is

  • A. lactation
  • A. gestation
  • C. ovulation

agric essay waec 2023

The diagram above illustrates a reproductive process in a farm animal. Study it and answer the question. The parts which protect the foetus from mechanical injury are labelled

  • A. I and III
  • B. I and II
  • C. III and IV
  • D. II and III
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HOME » Past Questions » WAEC Agric Science Past Questions | FREE DOWNLOAD

WAEC Agric Science Past Questions | FREE DOWNLOAD

WAEC Agric Questions – Free WASSCE past questions for Agricultural Science.

WAEC Agric Past Question

Here is collection of Agricultural Science past examination questions to assist you with your studies for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for both School and GCE candidates.

If you are in your last stage of Secondary School Education (May/June) or not in the School system (GCE), the importance of using old exam papers in preparing for your West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), cannot be over emphasised. By using past exam papers as part of your preparation, you can find out what you already know. By the same token you also find out what you do not know well enough or don’t know at all.

See: WAEC Timetable for May/June Candidates and WAEC Timetable for GCE Candidates .

What is more, the WAEC past questions for Agric Science can also be used as an organisational tool to manage your time better, as you can plan according to each section of the paper.

As a matter of fact, revision is more better than memorising facts and going over notes. You can practise for your Agricultural Science WAEC Exam by answering real questions from past papers. This will give you a better chance of passing.

WAEC Past Questions for Agric

Click on the year you want to start your revision.

  • Agricultural Science Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – November 2000
  • Agricultural Science Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – June 2001
  • Agricultural Science Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – November 2002
  • Agricultural Science Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – June 2004
  • Agricultural Science Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – November 2006
  • Agricultural Science Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – June 2008
  • Agricultural Science Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – November 2011
Do you have any other past question(s) other than the ones listed here? If yes, don’t hesitate to share them with others by sending it to  [email protected] .

You have to keep trying more than one exam to increase your success in the forthcoming WAEC Exam.


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  • WAEC Sample Questions and Scheme For Agricultural Science .
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agric essay waec 2023

Agricultural Science

The resources below on Aricultural Science have been provided by WAEC to assist you understand the required standards expected in Agricultural Science final Examination. Students performance assessment in examination under review was done by the Chief examiner, this you will see while exploring links like General Comment, Performance, Weaknesses, Strength and Observation to respective Questions.


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Free 2023 WAEC Agric Expo Questions (Complete Obj&Essay) Ditto/Runz

  • Thread starter Roseline3
  • Start date May 17, 2023

Whatsapp us @ 09030866320 For Real Free 2023 WAEC Agric Expo Questions & Ditto May/June | 2023/2024 WAEC Agric Runz If you're a student preparing for the 2023 West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Agric exam, you might be searching for free resources to help you study. Fortunately, there are many online resources available that can help you prepare for the exam, including free past questions and answers, study materials, and tutorials. Are you preparing for the 2023 Waec Agric Expo Runz exam and in need of some assistance? Look no further will give you a comprehensive guide to the correct 2023 Waec Agric Expo Runz Questions & Answers May/June. Take a look at Agric Specimen For WAEC 2023/2024 Runz Looking for free 2023 agricultural science questions and answers pdf, 2023 waec agric questions, waec marking scheme for agricultural science may/june, gce agric past question, waec agricultural science practical past questions, agricultural science waec 2022 questions and answers, 2022/2023 waec agric science answers, agric waec question 2022, waec agricultural science practical past questions, waec agric practical past questions pdf, agricultural science past papers pdf, objective questions on agricultural science ss1, waec agric past questions and answers pdf, 2023 agricultural science questions and answers pdf In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide to get verified 2023 WAEC Agric runz, including an overview of the exam, tips for preparing, and where to find free resources. Visit For Real 2023 Waec Agric Expo OR Whatsapp 09030866320 Overview of the 2023 WAEC Agric Exam The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an international examination board that conducts exams for high school students in English-speaking West African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Liberia. The WAEC Agric exam is a high school level exam that tests students' knowledge of agriculture. CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WAEC 2023 Agricultural Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DIRECTLY ON WHATSAPP MAY/JUNE EXAM RIGHT NOW The 2023/2024 WAEC Agric Runz Exam is just around the corner starting Thursday, 18th May, 2023 Agricultural Science 2 (Essay) – 2:00pm – 4:10pm Agricultural Science 1 (Objective) – 4:10pm – 5:00pm and it's important to be well-prepared. We will provide you with all the information you need to excel in this confirmed 2023 waec Agric answers Essay/Obj/Theory May/June CLICK HERE TO GET FREE WAEC 2023 Agricultural Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DIRECTLY ON WHATSAPP MAY/JUNE EXAM RIGHT NOW What is the 2023/2024 WAEC Agricultural Science Runz Exam? The 2023/2024 WAEC Agric Runz Exam is an exam conducted by the West African Examination Council (WAEC). The 2023 WAEC Agric exam will consist of two papers: Paper 1 (Objective) and Paper 2 (Essay). Paper 1 will last for 1 hour and 30 minutes and will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions. Paper 2 will last for 2 hours and 30 minutes and will consist of 7 essay questions. The exam covers a wide range of topics, and it can be challenging if you're not adequately prepared. In addition, the exam is highly competitive, with thousands of students taking it every year. Therefore, if you want to stand out and score high marks, you need to be well-prepared. People also check: 2023/2024 WAEC Further Maths Runz Conclusion Preparing for the WAEC 2023 Agric exam requires dedication, hard work, and access to free study materials. Free 2023 WAEC Agric answers are excellent resources for preparing for the exam. Use them effectively, and you'll be well on your way to scoring high marks in the exam.  

WAEC Agric Questions and Answers 2024 Objective and Essay

  • Post author: Study Admin
  • Post published: November 18, 2023
  • Post category: School News
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

WAEC agricultural science 2024 answers are now available. WAEC agric questions and answers 2024/2025 objective and essay and other exam details for WASSCE 2024 are on this page. See the 2024 WAEC agric answers for both objective and theory below. Get the WAEC agric objective and essay answers here.

The 2024 agric WAEC OBJ and theory questions and answers are provided here for free. All you have to do is to go through the questions and take note of the WAEC agricultural science answers 2024. Read on to find out.

Have you been searching on Google in order to get the WASSCE agricultural science questions and answers 2024? If so, we have got you covered!

We have the 2024 WAEC agric questions and our team of experts will soon upload the WAEC agric questions and their accurate answers to help you pass the 2024 WAEC agric examination.

The 2024 WAEC agric theory questions and OBJ will be uploaded any moment from now. So if you are searching for the WAEC agric answers 2024 for objective and theory, then you are on the right page. See WAEC agricultural science objective and essay questions and answers below.

WAEC Agric Answers 2024 Objective and Theory

The West Africa Examinations Council (WAEC) is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and the General Certificate in Education in May/June and November/December respectively.

The 2024 WAEC agric questions are set from the SS1 to SS3 agric syllabus. So all the questions you will encounter in this year’s examination are in the syllabus, and nearly 90% of the questions are repeated.

You don’t have to worry about the 2024 WAEC agric questions and answers PDF (essay and objective). The WAEC agric answers 2024 will be uploaded any moment from now. All you need to do is to keep refreshing this page so as not to miss out.

Once again, keep refreshing this page because we will upload the original WAEC agric questions and answers for this year’s exams on this page at any moment from now. Also, to download the past questions and answers, click on this link WAEC agric past questions .

If you have any questions about the WAEC agric questions 2024 and answers, feel free to use the comment box below or use the Chat With Us button and we will respond immediately.

The 2024 WAEC agric answers will be posted here. Be patient. Keep checking and reloading this page for the correct answers. WAEC 2024 agric answers loading…….

There is nothing like WAEC agric expo 2024 online. All students are advised to avoid all patronizing online fraudsters/vendors who claim to provide such services.

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WAEC Agric Questions and Answers 2023 (100% Sure) Theory & Obj Solution

Get free Verified WAEC Agric Questions and Answers 2023.  WAEC May/June Free Agric EXPO answers.  West African Examinations Council Agricultural science Theory and Objective Answers for you to have good WAEC result.  You will also understand how WAEC Agric questions are set and how to answer them. The West African Examinations Council is an examination board saddled with the responsibility of setting, testing and conducting WASSCE in all West African country.

Please Note that the WAEC 2023 Agric Questions and Answers  and any other WAEC expo is provided by us for free. We understand that a lot of website charge of collect money from student to provide WAEC expo Agricultural science Answers to them. WAEC questions and answers are provided for free. We will do same during Other Exam like  WAEC GCE.

WAEC 2023 Agric Questions  will be  posted in this page. Our Team are right now with the question paper. It is under verification and once the verification process complete, we will go ahead to upload it here.

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Also Read:  How To Check Your JAMB Result

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WAEC Agric

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If you have any questions about the WAEC Agric theory & Obj 2023, kindly let us know in the comment box.

We are happy you are here for  the 2023 Agric answers. The complete solution will be made free in some minutes before  the Agric examination.

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Waec agricultural science questions 2023 (theory & objective).

September 13, 2023 Ifiokobong Past Questions , WAEC , West African Examinations Council 0

WAEC Agricultural Science Questions 2023 (Theory & Objective)- West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an examination board that conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination, for University and Jamb entry examination in West Africa countries. In a year, over three million candidates registered for the exams coordinated by WAEC.

How much is waec gce form

There will be three papers: Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1 : Will consist of fifty multiple choice questions to be answered within 50 minutes for 50 marks.

PAPER 2 : Will consist of six essay questions with each drawn from at least two themes in the syllabus. Candidates will be required to answer five of the questions within 2 hours 10 minutes for 90 marks.

PAPER 3 : Will be a practical paper for school candidates and alternative to practical paper for private candidates. It will consist of four questions, all of which should be answered within 1½ hours for 60 marks.

Paper 1 (Objective)

1. The device which helps to regulate heat in an incubator is the A. thermometer. B. hygrometer. C. insulator. D. thermostat.

2. Which of the following statements about crop production is Not correct? A. Onions are commonly grown in the rainforest zones. B. Yam, cocoyam and cassava are grown in both the rainforest and the savanna regions. C. Some foreign vegetable crops are grown in and around urban centres. D. Carrots are commonly grown in the savanna and moist vegetation belts.

3. Which of the following is a disadvantage of surface irrigation? A. The quantity of water lost is high. B. Water is evenly distributed over the farmland C. It is very cheap to operate. D. The system is suitable for paddy rice cultivation.

4. Fine soil tilth is produced by the use of A. Harrow. B. Plough. C. Ridger. D. Mower.

5. The problems of farm mechanization in West Africa include the following except A. reduction of farm drudgery. B. small farm holdings. C. poverty of farmers. D. poor topography.

Paper 2 (Essay)

(1)(a) Explain each of the following terms as used in animal production: (i) Dipping; (ii) Dry cow; (iii) Culling; (iv) Quarantine (b) Describe the life cycle of roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) (c) Explain the term farm mechanization. (d) Name four tractor coupled implements

(2)(a) State six limitations of farm mechanization in West Africa. (b) Suggest six ways of encouraging farm mechanization in West Africa. (c) List four methods of identification in cattle management. (d) What is debeaking in poultry management?

(3)(a) Mention two processes that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (b) Name four storage pests of crops (c) State two functions of Potassium in crops. (d) List three ways by which each of the following biotic factors affects agricultural production: (i) parasites; (ii) Soil organisms. (e) State four advantages of zero tillage.

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agric essay waec 2023

WAEC GCE Agric 2023 Questions & Answers Obj and Essay Free Expo

WAEC GCE Agric 2023 Questions and Answers Expo

Recommended:  WAEC Result 2023 is out | Check WAEC Result Now For School Candidates Free

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WAEC GCE Agric Questions 2023 Objective and Essay

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WAEC GCE Agric 2023 Answers Objective Essay

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Jamb Expo Waec Runs Neco Answers IJMB Questions Jupeb Runz

Waec GCE Agric Science Expo (Objective & Essay) 2023

Are you a candidate searching online on how to Get 2023 WAEC GCE Agric Science Expo or Questions and Answers, here is the surest portal to get it.

Majority of the candidates are scammed on a daily basis regarding November/December External Gce Waec Questions and Answers, Mr Legit is the first name to trust following the early release and response of all exams.

From next year, Waec will introduce the use of Computer in writing First Series external exam also known as January/February Gce Waec exam. Save yourself the stress now and pass now to avoid writing on the Computer, secondly the price of our services will definitely change because it’s not as usual.

Nov/Dec Waec GCE Agric Science Education Expo 2023 Runs Free Questions and Answers is reliably available from Mr Legit. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by alot of people who don’t know how this assistance works, it takes experience because many will fall you at the last minute.

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WAEC GCE Agric Science Expo 2023 / WAEC GCE Agric Science Runs 2023 / WAEC GCE Nov/Dec Agric Science Answers 2023 / WAEC GCE Second (2nd) Series Agric Science Runz 2023 / Free Agric Science WAEC Second Series Agric Science Questions and Answers 2023. WhatsApp 09060948147 for Correct, real and verified Waec Nov/Dec Agric Science Answers 2023.

Mr Legit has concluded plans for this coming WAEC GCE or WAEC Second (2nd) Series exam, today specifically, WAEC GCE Agric Science will be written, it is well known that in Nigeria, you must belong to any of this ethnic groups by language. You can only make excellent results on this subjects if you subscribe for your Early, Verified, Legit and Correct Agric Science Answers.

Table of Contents

What is WAEC GCE Exam

The General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a subject-specific family of academic qualifications that awarding bodies in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Crown dependencies and a few Commonwealth countries, notably Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Malaysia and Singapore, confer on students

The  West African Examinations Council  ( WAEC ) is an examination board established by law to determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries, to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally

Subjects Selection

English Language and Mathematics have been automatically selected for you because they are compulsory. You are required to select the other subjects you wish to register for in this examination. Please note that a minimum of Seven (7) and a maximum of Nine (9) subjects are allowed (English Language and Mathematics inclusive).

WAEC GCE Agric Science Expo Subscription Price for the 2023 edition is fixed, We wish to let our prospective subscribers to know that Mr Legit is not selling cray fish, Read this article, adhere and stick to it, then your success is inevitable.

WAEC GCE Agric Science Expo 2023 > The Waec for Working class also known as WAEC External Exam has commenced in Ernest, and today is Agric Science Exam. WhatsApp 09060948147 only for Real Gce Agric Science Answers 2023.

  Recommended – How to Get Waec GCE Expo Runs Questions and Answers

WAEC GCE is not easy as you think, this particular exam is meant for working class, externals. Mr Legit always advise that is better for you to go any length to pass your exam rather than coming back for the same exam due to failure. Never pass twice but once. You get the point now. Finally we give advice, finally decision is left for you to work on.  

What is WAEC GCE Agric Science Expo 2023 

WAEC GCE Agric Science Expo 2023 or WAEC GCE Agric Science Runs 2023 is a process through which candidates gets upper hand to excel in Agric Science Exam day. It takes nothing but sacrifice to succeed. Read hard and subscribe to us to get A’s and B’s in WAEC GCE Exam.

Delivery   Mode – WAEC Second Series Agric Science Expo Runs Runz 2023 will come in only in four (4) ways with different prices :

What’sApp – N800 Password link – N800 SMS [direct to your phone] – N800 Facebook – N800

Choose the best you need and pay for the package and get it to your fingertips.

Legit Portal, the all time best website for JAMB, WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, JUPEB, IJMB and GCE Exams in West Africa, we are second to none, only believe in us, subscribe and see your success with your eyes. Some websites collect much, some collect less, however let me open your eyes, answers hits our desk before we distribute to them.

WAEC Nov/Dec Agric Science Exam Date

Subject : Agric Science Objective and Essay

Exam Type: GCE Waec (2nd Series)

Date: 1st Thursday December 2023

Time for GCE Waec Agric Science Essay : 9:30 am – 11:40am

Time for GCE Waec Agric Science Objective : 11:40am – 12:30pm

On Thursday December 1st 2023, WAEC Agric Science paper of the Second (2nd) series other called WAEC for Private Candidates. As the name is so the services, we are legit in our dealings. No wonder candidates like us and come to us for WAEC GCE November/December Questions and Answers. Aside WAEC GCE Nov/Dec , we also provide WAEC, NECO NABTEB, JUPEB and JAMB Questions and Answers for 2023 academic session. If you are in need of the mentioned services, don’t hesitate to contact us.

How to Get WAEC GCE Agric Science Expo 2023 

Payment is strictly made through MTN recharge card or mobile Transfer. Depending on the option you choose, buy mtn recharge card based on the amount. Each subject cost 800 mtn recharge card only.

  Send the following :

Phone number – 081xxxxx567 Mtn recharge card pin – 455xxxx677 (may be 500 and others) Subject – Agric Science to 09060948147

Our Mission –

1. To help acquire the best result you have ever imagine

2. To help you excel in your academics to further ahead.

3. To put smiles on your face by seeing good grades of what you paid for.

2023 Waec Second Series Agric Science Expo Answer

WAEC 2nd Series Agric Science Answers 2023 / Waec Nov/Dec Civic Agric Science

For further enquiries, contact us through What’sApp, Call or SMS 09060948147

Neco gce External exam is next after Waec gce Exam, kindly follow the link below to proceed on how to Get Expo for GCE Neco

Recommended – NECO Gce Expo 2023 Runs Questions and Answers

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Here is  WAEC Agric Questions Answers 2022/2023:Objectives and Essay

Here is WAEC Agric Questions Answers 2022/2023:Objectives and Essay

Here is WAEC Agric Questions Answers 2022/2023:Objectives and Essay – WAEC Agric Questions and Answers 2022. Therefore, I will be showing you WAEC Agric Science objective and theory repeated questions for free. And, in fact, you will also understand how WAEC Agriculture questions are set and many more examination details.

Table of Contents

The West Africa Examination Council (WAEC)

This is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination. It also conducts the General Certificate in Education in May/June and November/December respectively.

WAEC Agricultural Science Objectives and Essay Answers

The questions below are the WAEC Agriculture Questions. Go through them and be ready to score high in your WAEC 2021 Agric Examination.

Paper 1 (Objective)

  • Which of the following statements about crop production is Not correct? A. Onions are commonly grown in the rainforest zones. B. Yam, cocoyam and cassava are grown in both the rainforest and the savanna regions. C. Some foreign vegetable crops are grown in and around urban centres. D. Carrots are commonly grown in the savanna and moist vegetation belts.
  • Which of the following is a disadvantage of surface irrigation? A. The quantity of water lost is high. B. Water is evenly distributed over the farmland C. It is very cheap to operate. D. The system is suitable for paddy rice cultivation.
  • Fine soil tilth is produced by the use of A. Harrow. B. Plough. C. Ridger. D. Mower.
  • The problems of farm mechanization in West Africa include the following except A. reduction of farm drudgery. B. small farm holdings. C. poverty of farmers. D. poor topography.
  • The device which helps to regulate heat in an incubator is the A. thermometer. B. hygrometer. C. insulator. D. thermostat.

Here is WAEC Agric Questions Answers

  • The problems associated with land tenure through inheritance include the following except

A. small land holdings for family members B. hatred among family members arising from land sharing C. right of individuals to free use and control of inherited land D. individuals being restricted to their plots E. difficulty to sell part of the inherited land

  • Soil texture is described as the A. distribution of the different sizes of soil particles B. arrangement of soil particles in a soil sample C. rate at which water moves through the soil D. degree to which air spaces aerate the soil E. distribution of soil particles in a sample
  • The alternate heating and cooling of rocks result in A. sublimation B. volatilization C. fragmentation D. solidification E. sedimentation
  • Which of the following factors influence agricultural production is biotic factor? A. parasite B. soil PH C. topography D. soil texture E. temperature
  • Granite is A. a sedimentary rock B. a weathered rock C. metamorphic rock D. an igneous rock E. a plutonic rock
  • Which of the following farm practices can prevent excessive evaporation from soil surfaces? A. liming B. mulching C. weeding D. harrowing E. ploughing
  • The type of rocks formed from the molten magma is known as A. sedimentary B. igneous C. metamorphic D. schist E. sandstone
  • The relationship between the microorganisms and plant in the nitrogen cycle is best described as A. parasitism B. commensalism C. competition D. symbiosis E. saprophytism
  • The type of energy obtained from the sun for agricultural uses is known as A. potential energy B. mechanical energy C. nuclear energy D. solar energy E. kinetic energy
  • A situation where only specified trees in a forest reserve are cut down is known as A. selection B. afforestation C. reforestation D. selective exploitation E. deforestation
  • The causative organism of maize rust is A. a fungus B. a virus C. a bacterium D. an insect E. a nematode
  • The reproductive cells of crops are called A. gametes B. genes C. chromosomes D. anthers E. zygotes
  • The agent of controlled pollination in plants is A. wind B. insect C. man D. bird E. water
  • The head of the tapeworm is known as the A. sucker B. rostellum C. scolex D. hook E. segment
  • A piece of land is said to be on lease to a farmer when the land is A. inherited from the father B. given to him as a gift C. given as compensation D. purchased on credit E. given for a specified period on rental basis

Here is  WAEC Agric Questions Answers 2022/2023:Objectives and Essay

PAPER 2 [Essay] Answer any four questions. Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.

  • (a) Explain the term farm mechanization. (b) List six limitations of farm mechanization in West Africa. (c) Suggest eight possible ways of encouraging the use of farm mechanization to improve agricultural production in West Africa.
  • (a) Explain the term soil. (b) List four characteristics of loamy soil. (c) (i) Draw an annotated diagram of the water cycle. (ii) List the three types of soil water.
  • (a) (i) Explain the term agriculture. (ii) List three industries that utilize cereals as their raw materials. (b) Outline six problems that hinder the attainment of self-sufficiency in food production in West Africa. (c) Enumerate five benefits of commercial farming.
  • (a) Explain each of the following terms as used in crop production: (i) grafting; (ii) thinning; (iii) staking. (b) State two reasons for adopting each of the crop production activities listed in 4(a). (c) Mention the botanical names of two species of yam. (d) State two uses of ginger.
  • (a) (i) Explain the terms line breeding and inbreeding as used in animal improvement. (ii) State three advantages and three disadvantages of inbreeding. (b) State four factors that determine the amount of water required by farm animals. (c) Give four sources of calcium in the diet of livestock.
  • (a) What is fish farming? (b) Define the following terms as used in fish farming: (i) stocking rate; (ii) fingerlings; (iii) polyculture; (iv) fishing gears. (c) List four factors that influence the water requirements of farm animals. (d) Discuss foot-and-mouth disease under the following headings: (i) causal agent; (ii) symptoms; (iii) control.

7 . (a) Differentiate between land ownership by leasehold and land ownership by freehold. (b) Mention five ways in which non-governmental organizations contribute to agricultural development in West Africa. (c) State four ways in which rural-urban migration has hindered agricultural development in West Africa. (d) Mention three socio-economic uses of land. (e) Explain two ways by which each of the following environmental factors affect agricultural production: i. soil organisms; ii. soil texture.

ANS: (a) Leasehold involves the payment of fees for land used over a stated period of time under agreed specified conditions WHILE freehold is the outright purchase of land (permanent ownership) (c) Ways in which rural-urban migration has hindered agricultural development in West Africa – Shortage/ scarcity of farm labour – Causes high cost of farm labour – Poor quality of labour in rural areas resulting in low productivity – Decrease in food production/food insecurity – Decrease in export – Inadequate supply of raw materials to agro industries – Poor adoption of agricultural innovation due to ageing farming population.

  • (a) (i) List the four factors of agricultural production. (ii) State the reward for each factor you have listed in 8(a)(i). (b) Outline three functions of the wholesaler in agricultural marketing. (c) State two objective of agricultural extension. (d) Mention five examples of group extension teaching methods
  • (a) List four factors that affect the efficiency of agricultural labour. (b) Outline four ways in which capital is important in agricultural production. (c) List five agencies that are involved in agricultural extension programmes in West Africa. (d) Give three reasons why governments in West Africa should encourage agricultural extension services.
  • (a) Draw and label the digestive system of a ruminant animal. (b) Describe the process of digestion in the ruminant animal.
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22 Best Agricultural Science schools in Moscow, Russia

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in Moscow ranked based on their research performance in Agricultural Science. A graph of 84.5K citations received by 8.46K academic papers made by 22 universities in Moscow was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Moscow State University

For Agricultural Science

Moscow State University logo

2. RUDN University

RUDN University logo

3. Russian State Agricultural University

Russian State Agricultural University logo

4. National Research University Higher School of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics logo

5. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration logo

6. Moscow Medical Academy

Moscow Medical Academy logo

7. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Bauman Moscow State Technical University logo

8. N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute

N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute logo

9. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics logo

10. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology logo

11. Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation logo

12. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia logo

13. National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"

National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" logo

14. Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow Aviation Institute logo

15. National Research Nuclear University MEPI

National Research Nuclear University MEPI logo

16. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Moscow State Pedagogical University logo

17. Russian State University of Oil and Gas

18. state university of management.

State University of Management logo

19. Moscow Polytech

Moscow Polytech logo

20. Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Moscow State Institute of International Relations logo

21. Russian National Research Medical University

Russian National Research Medical University logo

22. Moscow State University of Railway Engineering

Moscow State University of Railway Engineering logo

Universities for Agricultural Science near Moscow

University City
635 2
Saint Petersburg
719 1
719 3
721 2
757 2
762 1
790 4
809 9
841 1
842 3

Biology subfields in Moscow


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Griby i mukhi : a historical contextualization of the esoteric mushroom religion of moscow conceptualism: fungal erotic imagery of entheogens and insects.

agric essay waec 2023

“ The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness .” Albert Einstein ( 1954 ).

1. Preliminary Remarks

2. introducing the subject: esoteric context and the fungi.

“I have come to the conclusion that much can be learned about music by devoting oneself to the mushroom.”. —John Cage, 1954

2.1. Mushrooms, Humans, and Religious Systems: Analytical Observations

2.2. new age esotericism, gnosticism, and the world of fungi: the problematics of spermic religious imagery.

Zohar Sitrei Torah 1: 147b–148b, ( Jacob’s Journey ) ‘ The secret of secrets: Out of the scorching noon of Isaac , out of the dregs of wine, a fungus emerged, a cluster , male and female together, red as a rose , expanding in many directions and paths . The male is called Sama’el , his female is always included within him . Just as it is on the side of holiness , so it is on the other side: male and female embracing one another . The female of Sama’el is called Serpent , Woman of Whoredom, End of All Flesh, End of Days . Two evil spirits joined together: the spirit of the male is subtle; the spirit of the female is diffused in many ways and paths but joined to the spirit of the male .’ ( Sitrei Torah is translated in ( Zohar 1983, p. 77 ))
“ If you force me to say something still more daring, it is his essence to be pregnant (kuein) with all things and to make them .”
“ We know you, O intellectual Light, O Life of life, We know you, O Womb of every creature, We know you, O Womb pregnant by the member [physis = phallus] of the Father. We know you, O eternal permanence of the begetting/pregnant Father .”

2.3. Fungal Eros: Phallic Occult Esotericism and Russian Cultural Links

2.4. mushroom art: several important visual models, 3. russian post-avant-garde conceptualism: the case of moscow milieus, the world of flies complements the universe of fungi.

In the garden, if you glance, you’ll see insects, old friends by chance , As if in cages, they now stay, perched on branches in dismay . Bees and flies, a buzzing sound, they once would dance and circle ‘round , In your ear, a letter Zh , 22   they’d bite you and your Shura, free . Now unhealthy, pale to see, Petrova the flea, sadly , Not a sight for pleasant eyes, trapped beneath the somber skies . Life is harsh, no comfort found, dawn winds howl with mournful sound , Wolves tear at the hapless hare, life’s cruel tale laid bare . From the oak, a bird takes flight, seeking food by day and night , Providence, with brutal charm, offers worms instead of farm . Calves beneath the butcher’s blade, fish ensnared in nets displayed , Lions roar through night’s domain, cats on chimneys cry in pain . In this world, a sorrowed dance, bourgeois, worker, no chance , Both these beetles in their class plight, struggle through the endless night . (1932). 23
“ Look now at Behemoth, which I made as I made you:   He eats grass like an ox . Look at his strength in his balls, and his power in the muscles of his penis . He makes his penis stiff like a cedar, the sinews of his balls are tightly wound . His balls are tubes of bronze, His balls like bars of iron ”. (Quick 345)

4. Concluding Remarks: Fungi, Esoteric Sensual Occult, and Russian (Post)-Avant-Garde

Fa-Fa I’m nervous, I’m loyal, so far… I’m tender . Fa-fa, fa-fa, fa-fa, fa-fa . Hallucinogens, the South… There’s plenty of us! The essence is coming . I’m a fugitive, I’m poor, so far… I’m white Fa-fa, fa-fa, fa-fa, fa-fa . Smokey grandfathers, snow… I’d like to go on the run , There’s an essence… Aha! I’m nervous, I’m loyal, bye-bye . I’m harmful . Fa-fa, fa-fa, fa-fa, fa-fa, fa-fa . If I were magic, taiga … I’d be on fire, I’d be living … The essence is coming! yeah . 25
… you inspire knowledge To both heart and mind: The distance is clearer When you look at the moon And time and separation , And the aunt of the arts The occult science , And many different feelings . The faces of the dead You make them pretty , And sometimes you dream …you’ll make a mindless mouse You confuse, you broadcast , You tumble your sickle And you accurately mark Only profit and damage . Your name is Hecate , Your name is Shepherd , The cats are your pay And a crowing rooster . 29

Share and Cite

Ioffe, D. Griby i Mukhi : A Historical Contextualization of the Esoteric Mushroom Religion of Moscow Conceptualism: Fungal Erotic Imagery of Entheogens and Insects. Religions 2024 , 15 , 777.

Ioffe D. Griby i Mukhi : A Historical Contextualization of the Esoteric Mushroom Religion of Moscow Conceptualism: Fungal Erotic Imagery of Entheogens and Insects. Religions . 2024; 15(7):777.

Ioffe, Dennis. 2024. " Griby i Mukhi : A Historical Contextualization of the Esoteric Mushroom Religion of Moscow Conceptualism: Fungal Erotic Imagery of Entheogens and Insects" Religions 15, no. 7: 777.

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  • Will services make the world rich?

American fried chicken can now be served from the Philippines

Illustration of a globe with lots of red arrows going around it

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I n April a New York fried-chicken shop went viral. It was not the food at Sansan Chicken East Village that captured the world’s imagination, but the service. Diners found an assistant from the Philippines running the till via video link.

The service is provided by Happy Cashier, which connects American firms with Filipino workers. Chi Zhang set up the business after his restaurant failed during the covid-19 pandemic. He says that overseas workers also answer phone calls and monitor security-camera footage—doing so at a fraction of the cost of locals.

Virtual cashiers are a visible part of a much bigger trend: the rise of service exports from the developing world. Exports of goods are familiar. Factories churn out widgets, which are shipped to customers around the world. Yet improved international connectivity has made various kinds of outsourcing and digital commerce much easier. As a result, service exports have jumped by 60% over the past decade, reaching $7.9trn (7.5% of global GDP ) in 2023. The market for physical merchandise is even bigger, at $24trn, but has grown far more slowly, staying flat as a share of GDP .

What does this mean for countries hoping to get rich? Speaking in 2005 Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister, observed that, “since the industrial revolution, no country has become a major economy without becoming an industrial power.” But since 2005, the world has changed. Manufacturing is now more capital-intensive, making it easier for China to retain its role as the world’s factory. In the past few years, Western countries have embraced industrial policy and protectionism in an attempt to boost domestic manufacturing. Policymakers in emerging markets are arguing about how best to respond.

At present, services are mostly exported by rich countries, where white-collar professionals often work across borders. Although China surpassed America as an exporter of goods in 2009, Uncle Sam still exports two-and-a-half times more services than his rival. Britain, which has fallen to 14th place in the global rankings when it comes to goods exports, remains the world’s second-largest services exporter.

agric essay waec 2023

But developing economies are starting to make a mark in the more advanced types of services that can be sold overseas. Many countries export audiovisual, computer and telecommunication services. In Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine these run to more than 3% of GDP . India is the best-performing Asian country in this category; its exports fall just short of 3% of GDP . In an economy of India’s size, that means a sizeable industry. The country’s five largest IT firms have a joint market capitalisation of nearly $350bn. It is also home to 1,600 global capability centres—technology and research centres for multinational firms—that employ 3m people. All told, India’s service exports account for nearly 5% of the world’s, up from 3% a decade ago.

The less techy category of “business and trade-related services”, which covers things such as accounting and human resources, is another area of growth. Estonia and the Philippines top the table here, with such exports accounting for over 5% of their GDP . Like India, the latter offers low labour costs, as well as a large English-speaking population. In many countries workers also take casual gigs online. These are hard to measure, but two-thirds of the freelancers on English-speaking platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr are based in emerging economies.

The barnet formula

Then there is tourism. Not every country can replicate Japan’s temples or Mexico’s beaches, but many are finding ways to entice visitors, such as with medical services. Dentistry, hip replacements and hair transplants are among the treatments on offer. Costa Rica, Croatia and Moldova export health services worth between 0.2% and 0.5% of their economic output. Armenia and Jordan manage 1% each. A few hours in Istanbul airport provides a display of the thriving industry, as men return home with their heads wrapped in plastic, fresh hair taking root underneath.

agric essay waec 2023

In the short term, it seems likely that service exports will keep growing. In 1992 Stan Shih, founder of Acer, a Taiwanese computer-maker, coined the term “smile curve” to describe how value added in the manufacturing process was rising faster in the first and third parts of making a product (design and distribution, respectively) than in the second stage (manufacturing). As manufacturing has become more competitive, the smile has deepened. Think of Apple, which designs and distributes iPhones, and collects the rents from its brand, but produces none of the devices itself. Its market capitalisation is more than $3trn, whereas Foxconn, which makes 70% of the firm’s iPhones, is worth just $91bn. Even more cheerful is the fact that the rise of remote work has made firms far more comfortable with outsourcing operations. After all, a remote employee is not that different from an outsourced one.

But will service exports raise living standards in the manner of manufacturing? As Dani Rodrik of Harvard University notes, industry has historically possessed advantages in three areas: it is more technologically intensive, produces internationally tradable goods and creates lots of jobs. Although services is closing the gap in the first two areas, manufacturing still offers more employment.

Start with technological growth. A factory in a poor country brings man and machine together, placing an unskilled worker at the tech frontier. Then, as the tech improves, the worker becomes still more productive. Tradable services cannot absorb unskilled workers in this manner. Yet as the World Bank has observed, since the 1990s labour-productivity growth in emerging economies outside of East Asia has risen at roughly the same rate in services as manufacturing—and services productivity has grown faster in emerging economies than rich ones. Moreover, artificial intelligence may soon provide service workers with another lift. Two experiments have found that AI tools help the least skilled knowledge workers catch up with more skilled ones when writing marketing copy and providing customer service.

Services are also closing the gap with manufacturing when it comes to tradability, albeit slowly. Before the internet, the ability to send products overseas was the main way in which goods differed from services. Trade allows exporters to reach much larger pools of demand and achieve economies of scale that would otherwise have been beyond them. Because goods trade has been stagnant as a share of global GDP since 2010, it has become more difficult for newcomers to compete. Services trade is booming, and thus more welcoming. But even at the growth rate of the past decade, it will take 15 years to reach half the value of trade in manufactured goods.

Job creation is an even thornier issue. Marc Lautier of the University of Rennes has calculated that, despite automation, the number of manufacturing jobs in 160 countries for which he has data has remained stable since 1991, accounting for 14% or so of total employment. The problem is that it has become more difficult for governments to attract these jobs. Manufacturing is not moving away from East Asian powerhouses at the same pace as it moved to them in the late 20th century, in part because modern factories require more capital and skill to build. Our analysis of labour-market data from 51 mostly emerging markets finds that only five—China, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Turkey and Vietnam—have 18% or more of their population employed in manufacturing, compared with 16 in 1990.

agric essay waec 2023

Growth in services offers only some consolation, because services do not tend to provide labour density. The World Bank notes that, since 1990, service jobs have risen from 40% to 50% of global employment, as workers left agriculture. But just 5-10% of emerging-market service jobs are in tradable, techy industries, compared with 15-20% in rich countries. India’s IT industry may garner $250bn in annual exports, worth nearly 8% of national GDP , which is on a par with manufactured exports. Yet it employs less than 10m people from a working-age population of around 1bn.

In the longer run, AI might cause problems. Models are best at well-defined tasks that do not need in-person context. That makes business services vulnerable. A report by Capital Economics, a consultancy, argues that AI could lead to the “slow demise” of India’s service exports, cutting growth by 0.3-0.4 percentage points a year over the next decade. The spread of communication tech has facilitated services outsourcing. Fresh technological change could, in time, be its undoing.

Despite the downsides of a services-oriented approach to development, especially when it comes to providing decent jobs in large numbers, developing economies simply have fewer choices today than they once did. Governments that want to boost growth will therefore have to focus on different things. Whereas they once had reason to ensure that workers could easily move from farms to factories, today they would be better off paying attention to human capital among future white-collar workers. Richard Baldwin of IMD Business School says that large, well-functioning cities will take on greater importance, too, because services often depend on agglomeration. Getting services right, especially those which can be sold overseas, is now a crucial condition for growth.  ■

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This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Virtual everything”

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Fully-funded Russian Scholarships 2023-2024: List of all Scholarships in Russia

Study in russia: list of scholarships in russia.

Scholarships in Russia List of all Russian Scholarships Sponsored by Russian Government and Russian Universities

The government of Russia offers hundreds of fully-funded Russian Government Scholarships 2023-2024 to all international students. It is one of the best opportunity for international students to study for free in Russia.

Russia is one of the Top Study Destinations where international Students enjoy Fully Funded Scholarships and get paid by the Russian Government to study there. The monthly stipends and free education are the top joys that students enjoy while their stay in Russia. We have put together the list of all the Russian Scholarships on which international students can apply this year and we encourage you to share this list with your friends as well who are interested to study abroad for free.

The largest country in the world, the homeland of Tolstoy and Bulgakov, Russia, is also becoming the ultimate study destination for a number of international students. Russia is keen to make its higher educational institutions competitive and more supportive of international students. 13 of the Russian universities have been featured in the top 400 universities by QS World University Ranking. Russia has invested about 390 billion rubles in upgrading its educational system and bringing it in harmony with European institutions. 

Russian Universities and the Russian Government offer potential international students to study for free in Russia. There are a number of government-sponsored and state-funded scholarships that you can apply to. Moreover, the universities in Russia are also offering scholarships to international students in order to attract talent from outside of Russia.

The cost of a Bachelor’s Degree in Russia starts at 1,100 USD per year and can go as high as 6,100 USD per year.

Russian Scholarships List

Below is a list of Russian scholarships for students who are interested in studying in Russia.

#1 HSE Gold Funding:

HSE University in Moscow, Russia; is supporting international students by funding their education via their Gold funding program. This scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate students. It contains trial tests and the scores of those tests are used in determining what percentage of tuition fee waivers will be offered to the students.

The tuition fee waiver starts at 25% and goes up to 70%. Students are also offered a monthly stipend/grant of 1500 RUB. Students can apply to this funding after getting enrolled in a listed program. The classes are taught in English so the students need to prove their English language proficiency if their first language is not English.

#2 State Ph.D. Positions at MIPT, Russia:

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is on the lookout for potential Ph.D. students. The Ph.D. degree program is fully funded and is available for the Russian Nationals. The Ph.D. positions are for a number of faculties but some faculties are offering higher funding than others.

The applicants need to be enrolled in a Ph.D. program to get the funding. The applicants will be required to prove their English language proficiency if the program is taught in English and Russian language proficiency if the program is taught in Russian.

#3 Eastern European University Association Scholarship:

Eastern European University Association via its International Scholarship Foundation is aiming at international students. The scholarship money covers the tuition fee and accommodation charges of those eligible students who have been enrolled in an undergraduate program at any university in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

The scholarship is available for specified courses and undergraduate programs of recognized universities. Students will have to prove their language proficiency in the intended program.

EEUA is a not for profit organization that seeks to support brilliant students from all across the world so that they can pursue their higher education in Russia, Belarus, or Ukraine.

#4 NRU Scholarship:

National Research University’s Higher School of Economics is offering scholarships to international students who are enrolled in a master’s program.

The scholarship supports up to 70% of the tuition fee and is open for 17 of the master’s programs in NRU HSE. The minimum coverage is 25% of the tuition fee. The winners of the scholarship will also get a monthly allowance of 1500 rubles.

NRU is one of the most innovative and competitive universities in Russia. The sponsorship is offered in programs like business, law, finance, big data, management, economics, etc.

#5 Open Doors Russian Scholarship:

Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation along with Global Universities’ Association is giving out Open Doors scholarships to international students. The Scholarships are given on the basis of a competition known as Open Doors Olympiad or Open Doors Academic Competition. The winners get a chance to earn a master’s degree in one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. 

The scholarship winners will get a 100% tuition fee waiver and there are more than 300 awardees. Only international students are invited to apply and the subjects offered are Biology, Computer Science, AI, IR, Business, Management, Linguistics, Physics, Psychology, Chemistry, Technology, Engineering, and Economics.

#6 EMAS Scholarships:

Every month Eurasian Management and Administration School, Russia is offering 50 scholarships to eligible students to study MBA or Executive MBA. The scholarships are available for both online and on-campus modes. The scholarship grant is based on how well the applicant performs in the scholarship test. 

Several subject areas are affiliated with this scholarship such as marketing, finance, healthcare, management (strategic and general management). There is no need to prove English language proficiency even for the programs taught in English. However, a sufficient grip on the language is necessary in order to secure enrollment and scholarship.

#7 Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia, Scholarship:

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, also known as Skoltech is offering Ph.D. and master’s scholarships to international students. The scholarship is available for several fields like Mechanics, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Space systems, Physics, Petroleum Engineering, Life Sciences, etc. Skoltech is affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is one of the leading science and technology institutes in Russia. The scholarship grant for MSc covers the full tuition, offers a basic stipend of 40k to 55k rubles, and also has monthly insurance.

The scholarship grant for Ph.D. offers a tuition fee waiver, gives a stipend of 85k to 105k rubles and medical insurance. The number of awards for MSc positions is 320 and for Ph.D. is 95. The duration for masters is 2 years and for Ph.D. is 4 years.

#8 Siberian Federal University Scholarship in Russia:

Siberian Federal University (SibFU) has opened up Ph.D. positions for a number of its doctoral programs. These programs are taught in English and are fully funded for both local and international students. The Ph.D. programs available are in the areas of Quantum Chemistry, Biophysics, Optics, Urban Design and Planning, Metal Forming, and Multidimensional Complex Analysis.

#9 Finance and Economics Scholarship at ICEF HSE:

International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) of Higher School of Economics, Moscow is offering undergraduate scholarships to outstanding students. These scholarships are available for students of all nationalities and are partially funded. The scholarships are renewed each year and offer a tuition fee waiver of 15% to 75%.

HSE is a research university in Russia and its independent department of ICEF was founded in collaboration with the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1997.   The faculty and the education provided here is highly competitive and generous scholarships are offered here every year to outstanding students.

Yousaf Saeed

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