1. [Solved] Cumulative versus monographic dissertation

    what is cumulative dissertation

  2. How to structure a cumulative dissertation: Five strategies · Elephant

    what is cumulative dissertation

  3. Tips for an article-based (cumulative) PhD thesis

    what is cumulative dissertation

  4. Table of Contents for Dissertation/ Research Paper & Example

    what is cumulative dissertation

  5. Dissertation vs. Thesis: What’s the Difference?

    what is cumulative dissertation

  6. Documenting a Lead Author’s Contributions for a Cumulative Dissertation

    what is cumulative dissertation


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  2. Writing the Methodology Chapter of Your Dissertation

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  1. PDF Cumulative versus monographic Dissertation

    Any PhD thesis, whether written as a monograph or as a cumulative thesis comprising several peer reviewed papers, is being examined on the basis of its scientific merits. There is no difference in scientific quality per se between these two formats. The PhD rules and regulations treat them equally. The number of publications in cumulative ...

  2. How to structure a cumulative dissertation: Five strategies

    A cumulative dissertation consists of a series of papers published, or submitted for publication during the timeframe of the doctorate study. In addition to the papers, the PhD student is required to create an overarching argument that is to be presented in the thesis's introductory and conclusion chapters. The number of papers to be ...

  3. Writing a cumulative dissertation

    Writing a cumulative dissertation. 2019-10-21. A cumulative dissertation is a collection of articles which have been published in recognised scientific journals or accepted for publication. My PhD dissertation is a cumulative one and in this blog post I describe its structure and things to pay attention to when writing your own.

  4. PDF Guidelines for Cumulative Dissertations

    Cumulative dissertations have to meet standard formal criteria for proper academic work (e.g. list of references, correct citation, etc.). The contents of the included papers must stand in a bigger thematic context and be sub- sumable under some research question(s) governing the dissertation as a whole. ...

  5. thesis

    Cumulative dissertation is probably a literal translation of the German Kumulative Dissertation, which denotes a thesis by publication, compilation thesis or article thesis, i.e., a thesis which typically consists of some peer-reviewed publications, an introduction, and a conclusion.The alternative to this is a monograph thesis, which is written separately as a coherent monolithic work and ...

  6. How To Write A Dissertation Or Thesis

    Craft a convincing dissertation or thesis research proposal. Write a clear, compelling introduction chapter. Undertake a thorough review of the existing research and write up a literature review. Undertake your own research. Present and interpret your findings. Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications.

  7. How do I write a cumulative dissertation?

    A cumulative dissertation is a doctoral degree awarded after the publication of one or more papers in academic journals. Follow this process. ... A article-based dissertation is a doctoral degree awarded after a doctoral student has published one or more articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and has thus proven his or her competence. An ...

  8. What Is a Dissertation?

    A dissertation is a long-form piece of academic writing based on original research conducted by you. It is usually submitted as the final step in order to finish a PhD program. Your dissertation is probably the longest piece of writing you've ever completed. It requires solid research, writing, and analysis skills, and it can be intimidating ...

  9. What Is a Dissertation?

    Revised on 5 May 2022. A dissertation is a large research project undertaken at the end of a degree. It involves in-depth consideration of a problem or question chosen by the student. It is usually the largest (and final) piece of written work produced during a degree. The length and structure of a dissertation vary widely depending on the ...

  10. Cumulative versus monographic dissertation

    The cumulative thesis can probably also have different looks. In Scandinavia, the thesis consists of about 3-5 papers at different stages of completion (a basic rule is that they should be at least in shape to be sent in for peer review in a journal). Most students end up with a couple of published papers and a couple of manuscripts in their ...

  11. Thesis by publication (cumulative dissertation)

    For cumulative dissertations, you can choose one of the following ways of publication: Online-Publishing of cumulative dissertations on DepositOnce; 15 print copies in dissertation print; Implementation rules. Before the scientific discussion, the implementation rules of the individual faculties are binding.

  12. Tips for an article-based (cumulative) PhD thesis

    Tip #3: Identify paper topics. The identification of potential topics for your individual papers is a strategic move to avoid problems (e.g. paper rejection), save time, and increase the quality of your thesis. In the case of a cumulative dissertation, you still need an overall topic which binds the papers together in a logical sequence.

  13. Monographic and cumulative theses

    A cumulative thesis is permitted for several subjects at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology. These subjects are included in our list of doctoral degree subjects.Cumulative theses require at least three papers to have been published or accepted for publication in reputable academic journals and the candidate must be the lead author for at least two of the publications.

  14. Cumulative Thesis/Dissertation

    A "cumulative thesis" is not something unusual and publishers have learned to accommodate it. So in fact, T&F has already given permission to include the paper in the thesis, and OP does not need to put in a request or wait 6-8 weeks.

  15. Understanding The Difference Between Comprehensive vs Cumulative

    Cumulative. Cumulative exams, while different than comprehensive exams, still make sure that students are prepared for the next step, but in a different way. This type of exam tests whether or not students have grasped the information and fundamental concepts of the course before giving them a passing grade.

  16. 5 Strategies to structure a cumulative PhD thesis

    A cumulative dissertation consists of a series of papers published or submitted for publication during the timeframe of the doctorate study. In addition to the papers, the PhD student is required ...

  17. Cumulative dissertation

    Cumulative dissertations consist of several contributions with related content that have been published or accepted for publication in relevant scientific journals or edited volumes. Under which conditions cumulative dissertations are permitted in a subject area is specified in the respective doctoral regulations.

  18. PDF Guidelines for Cumulative Dissertations

    As is the case for all dissertations, an abstract in German and in English is also an integral part of a cumulative dissertation. Special emphasis shall be given hereby to a synopsis of the major topics featured in the preamble and the overall discussion. The customary formal requirements apply to cumulative dissertations, as well (e. g.

  19. Cumulative Doctoral Thesis • Department of Political and Social Sciences

    a cumulative thesis consisting of published and/or unpublished individual papers, which, as a whole, must represent an academic achievement equivalent to that of a monograph. Some of the prerequisites a cumulative doctoral thesis has to meet have been included in § 7 (2) of the regulations. Published papers must have been published in peer ...

  20. Writing the Thesis • Graduate Center / Doctorate • Department of

    Writing the Thesis. You can either submit a monograph or a cumulative thesis. As a general rule, both must be comparable/equivalent in terms of type and scope. The thesis must be written in one language throughout either English or German (with the exception of the German and English summary).

  21. cumulative dissertations

    A cumulative dissertation combines different publications in well-respected scientific journals into one doctoral thesis. You do not have to request a specific permission for a cumulative dissertation at the Faculty of Medicine at the LMU. However, you have to fulfill a number of criteria listed below. Most importantly, you have to have at ...

  22. thesis

    My dissertation is cumulative, meaning that it basically consists of the following three sections: Introduction, Chapters, and Conclusions. The introduction gives an extended literature overview and describes the overall research question. The chapters are copies of my published research articles. The conclusion section typically has the ...

  23. Interdisciplinary Major

    A 3.20 cumulative GPA is generally required for admission; the average GPA of recent classes is well above this. ... and form the general basis of study for the fourth-year thesis. The three areas of study define the interdisciplinary character of the student's program and must meet a rigorous standard of coherence. In consultation with their ...

  24. ASU study points to origin of cumulative culture in human evolution

    "Cumulative culture is key because it allows human populations to build on and recombine the solutions of prior generations and to develop new complex solutions to problems very quickly. "The result is, our cultures — from technological problems and solutions to how we organize our institutions — are too complex for individuals to invent ...

  25. Page numbers in cumulative dissertation

    1. In case you write your thesis with LaTeX, you may comfortably include external .pdf files (e.g., the .pdf of the publisher's version of your publication, preprints, etc.) with the usepackage pdfpages. From there, you may reference them easily, e.g., in the table of contents, because if not set to fitpaper the outer page counting of your ...