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Strength And Weakness Essays | Essay on My Strength and Weakness for Students and Children

June 8, 2021 by Prasanna

Strength And Weakness Essays: Everyone has their own qualities and shortcomings. As far as I might be concerned, life is a learning experience, so distinguishing and knowing our qualities and shortcomings can help us learn, improve and develop. It doesn’t make any difference on the off chance that they are positive or negative capacities. Realizing our positive capacities can help us in achieving our objectives, and realizing our negative capacities can help us improve. It is critical to know yourself and your capacities since it can help you express and utilize your qualities, and assist you with conquering your shortcomings.

My Strength and Weakness Essay Sample

No individual on Earth is great. On the off chance that this was valid, the world would be an exhausting spot. Everybody has their qualities and shortcomings. Few people know how to deal with their weaknesses in the correct manner and get benefitted from it. But some people hide their weak points. I am such a person, who has been keeping my weak points inside and concealing constantly. I understood that I need to change by finding support and that I should defeat my dread of doing so in light of the fact that my shortcomings have been irritating me and are getting me far from progress.

Qualities are frequently the abilities and side interests that individuals appreciate to do and never get exhausted of. A few groups utilize their gifts to help other people with their shortcomings. I have been concealing my shortcomings and qualities from others since I am humiliated to tell individuals what they are. To be effective, I need to defeat my dread of sharing this data and offer my ability to everybody.

My Weaknesses

I have found a few shortcomings of mine which chiefly include instruction. I understand that my works are as bad or amazing as others. Each time I attempt to compose an exposition, I need to re-read and re-compose a few times, however, I actually get terrible evaluations on my tasks. English is my subsequent language; along these lines, I am genuinely reluctant to compose or peruse because of a paranoid fear of getting an awful evaluation. I attempt to abstain from composing however much I can in light of the fact that language and sentence structures are the flimsy spots of my composition. I have taken a few classes to improve my composition yet so far I don’t perceive any improvement. Now and again I feel that posing an inquiry in regards to my paper is off-kilter and humiliating. I keep silent and turn my job in with no guarantees.

Correspondence with others is another shortcoming that I never appear to acquire any enhancements in. At whatever point I address an outsider or to a senior, I typically get apprehensive and falter. Once in a while I even shudder as though I am cold. I recall one time when the CFO of my organization was requesting my assistance with utilizing the PC and I was feeling frightened and anxious. I could feel my heart vacillating in my chest and musings hustling through my brain. Numerous individuals have thought I was a bashful individual however truly I am reluctant to address anybody due to my apprehension.

My Strengths

Nonetheless, one of my qualities incorporates my adoration for dealing with kids. I have been working at a preschool for quite a long while at this point, assisting with the children. I assist with keeping the study hall coordinated and ensuring that the room and the children are perfect. At the point when the children see me in class, they are truly cheerful. This is the thing that rouses me to turn into a preschool instructor since I realize it will fulfill me to realize that I was the person who assisted those children with getting a decent beginning in their schooling. I need to fill in as a decent good example for them and be an individual that they can turn upward to.

Association is another of my qualities, in numerous angles.I usually know where my things are. In the event that something or a spot is coordinated, like my room, it makes it so much simpler for me to discover where I put something. This is one of my greatest strengths that has kept me strong and willpower. At the point when my school supplies are coordinated and I have all I require to learn and tackle a job, it shows that I am spurred to learn and prompts higher evaluations. This quality is profoundly searched out in a vocation since it shows one’s ability to work and work really hard.

The quality to merge with people is another strength of mine. In the event that one of my companions is having a terrible day or simply needs a shoulder to incline toward, I am there for the person in question. In spite of the fact that I can’t generally make their issues disappear, just by me being there for them assists them with feeling more good and elevated.

My strengths and weaknesses are a piece of who I am and will lead me down the way to achievement in future. In spite of the fact that my shortcomings lie in the perusing and composing part of schooling and in the correspondence with others, my qualities have more effect on who I am and how I introduce myself. My qualities incorporate the affection for dealing with children and association, two vital character characteristics that go connected at the hip. In the event that I didn’t adore children and dealing with them, I wouldn’t have discovered a vocation that I needed to go into, a preschool instructor. To turn into a magnificent instructor, one should be coordinated and ready to tune in to other people and help them with issues, which are significant characteristics that I have.

Strength And Weakness

FAQ’s on Strength And Weakness Essays

Question 1. What are examples of strengths and weaknesses?

Answer: Basic strengths incorporate administration, correspondence, leadership, quick learner, or composing abilities. The weaknesses usually incorporate a dread of public talking, absence of involvement in programming or a program, or trouble with taking analysis.

Question 2. How to talk about our strengths?

Answer: Here are a few ways to discuss your strengths in an essay.

  • Show the big initiative you’ve taken.
  • Give instances of qualities and abilities.
  • Offer applicable, convincing subtleties at whatever point conceivable.
  • Recount a story that uncovers your qualities.

Question 3. How to write about the weaknesses in an essay?

Answer: Below are the points to write about your weaknesses:

  • Be straightforward.
  • Remain by and by centered and assume liability.
  • Expound on attributes that are pertinent to the executives.
  • At long last, examine how you’ve tended to your shortcomings.
  • Attempt to pick a shortcoming from a couple of years prior and from a field of your life not examined in different expositions.
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30 Best Students Strengths And Weaknesses List & Examples

Whether you are a high school student applying to college or a college student creating a resume for a part-time job , understanding your strengths and weaknesses is key to selling yourself.

Sure, your academic achievements go a long way, but standing out among the large pool of other students with similar achievements requires showing why you are the right fit.

Having a firm grasp of your strengths and weaknesses as a student allows you to answer that question convincingly.

Even if you are not pursuing either goal, understanding what you are good or poor at helps you build on existing successes and improve your overall performance.

Below is a list of strengths and weaknesses with examples of applying them in the real world. Before we dive in, I should tell you that none of these are permanent qualities.

If you identify with more qualities in either category, it doesn’t make you perfect or damaged. Each weakness can be worked on, and every strength requires consistency to stay one.

With that said, here are 30 best strengths and weaknesses as a student with examples.

Examples of Student Strengths

When writing about your strengths as a student, here are some examples worth mentioning. Review the list to choose what best fits your application.

Ask your peers and teachers if you don’t find one that matches your perceived qualities or are unsure of your strengths.

1. Trustworthy

Consider highlighting your trustworthiness, especially if you are applying for a job . Many business owners are wary of young people due to their unpredictability.

Showing that you can be relied upon to carry out tasks and be trusted to handle critical parts of the business is beneficial.

On an application or interview , you might phrase it like this:

“One of the first life lessons I learned was the importance of being trustworthy. I understand that people won’t give me responsibilities if they don’t believe I can handle it without worrying about my reliability.”

2. Creativity Skills For Different and Unusual Perspectives

Creativity skills as one of the academic strengths

image source: Alice Dietrich

Today, universities and businesses seek students who can use their different and unusual perspectives to develop successful strategies and solutions.

Sharing how your creativity helped you achieve academic success or solve a problem may help you stand out.

It doesn’t matter if you aren’t visually creative, either. You only need to show you can think in a novel direction.

This strength is helpful, whatever the job or field you wish to major in, but it is crucial in the arts.

3. Self-Learner 

As a student, you learn different things in class. Still, the professional world values those who independently find and master learning resources .

Independent learning is not only an admirable trait to include in college or job applications , but one that helps you throughout your life.

This could be via online courses, unpaid (voluntary) internship, or mastering a specific subject. Don’t hesitate to display your self-learning qualities. It could be the defining difference between you and someone who might need a lot of hands-on training.

4. Discipline 

Discipline as part of list of student strengths and weaknesses

image Source: Thao Le Hoang

The ability to stay focused and motivated on a specific goal in unpredictable circumstances is known as self-discipline. To universities and employers, it also means the ability to do the right thing at the right time.

You can communicate this strength by saying something like:

“I study for two hours from 8 to 10 pm every night. There are a hundred other things I’d rather be doing, but I know if I am going to become a [university name] freshman, I have to make sacrifices.”

5. Kindness

In the classroom and the outside world, kindness is a strength. Being capable of treating others with respect and being empathetic to their circumstances is important.

You might think this shouldn’t matter to admission officers or HR, but it shows you can connect with the people around you and leave a positive impact.

It also enhances the likelihood of cultural fit. If an organization values kindness among its staff, showing you have a compatible personality will give weight to your application.

6. Critical Thinking

Critical insights as one of the students strengths examples

image Source: Lou Levit

Professors and managers need to know you can figure out the right solution when presented with a problem. Critical thinking is a valuable skill that proves that and a strength for any student who has it.

Critical thinking skills involve the systematic analysis of evidence collected via experience, observation, reasoning, and reflection. It also includes considering a variety of outcomes to make a decision.

You could tell a story of when you demonstrated critical insight to achieve academic success in your application.

7. Planning Skills

Planning involves the consideration of different activities necessary to achieve a goal. It is a skill that requires other skills like communication skills, multitasking, project management skills, and problem-solving.

Planning also involves leveraging hindsight and foresight. If you’ve successfully planned a school or class event, feel free to add it to your application.

Even if you weren’t successful, showing how you failed and what you learned from it is a real advantage, whatever your goals might be.

Focus as one of the students strengths

image source: Devin Avery

One of the most critical student strengths is focus. Being focused means the ability to stay on a task without constant supervision.

As a high school student, focus as part of your strength tells admission officers you have what it takes to succeed in college, where there are plenty of distractions.

Much of the evidence of this is in your academic records, but you can also write something like:

“I am a focused person. It’s a quality I’ve developed because it helps me complete my tasks faster, keeps me sharper, and makes it easier to get several things done.”

9. Time Management Skills

Strong time management enables you to balance competing interests in your schedule. You can manage all your classes, events, and activities without falling behind.

It also shows you can adhere to strict opening and closing schedules as a potential employee.

Breaking down large tasks into a to-do list allows you to estimate the time needed for each assignment more accurately. This way, you can plan your days better and avoid procrastination.

There are plenty of student strengths to choose from, but adding this strength to your application shows you have what it takes to succeed.

10. Coding Skills

Coding - one of the major problem solving skills in student strengths and weaknesses list

image source: Christopher Gower

Coding highlights problem solving skills and can be another major skill in the student strengths and weaknesses list. You might exclusively associate with technology and software design. But it goes beyond that.

Aside from the fact technology is embedded in all spheres of our lives today, coding skills embed other skills. This includes analytical thinking, research, problem-solving skills, self-learning, etc.

Coding is also a sign of efficient thinking.

If you can code software to solve a specific problem—whatever the role or degree—include it in your application. It can help set you apart from other applicants.

11. Collaborative Skills

Don’t discount the value of your ability to work well with others. It is a practical and handy quality for students as projects and programs require them to work with others. Social skills go a long way to accomplishing everyday tasks.

Adding your collaborative and social skills and describing how you’ve used them in your application may benefit you.

“I worked with six classmates to develop an attendance monitoring system for our online classes. It improved the average class attendance by 25%. I’m looking forward to working on new projects with my future classmates.”

12. Open to Criticism

Open to Criticism as one of the student's strengths

image source: Marcus Winkler

One of the student strengths college admission offices look for is showing you can gracefully accept criticism.

Your professors and peers will criticize you for something you will inevitably do poorly. Knowing that when the time comes, you won’t react negatively and instead channel it into improving your results is worth sharing.

Employees, especially those who believe young people are unteachable, also value these qualities.

In your student application or interview , you can share an instance where your openness to criticism helped better your performance.

13. Open Mindedness

A college is a place with diverse ideas, concepts, and facts. A student needs to be open-minded enough to engage with them to thrive. This is a favorable quality for admission officers.

Being open-minded also shows curiosity, which is a strength for a student. Open-minded students are more likely to learn ideas outside their classroom from books or the internet and apply this knowledge in class discussions.

Future employers are also more likely to see open-minded students as better fits for their adult environment.

14. Determination

School comes with its social and academic challenges. Some manifest in the struggle to make friends or study to pass classes you don’t like.

Coming across as a determined person tells admission officers that you’ve got what it takes to become a successful student.

A tested and trusted way to do that is to share a story of a time you overcame adversity to achieve your goals. The details don’t have to align with the field you’re applying to. It just needs to show the kind of person you are.

15. Growth Mindset and Positive Attitude

A growth mindset enables you to develop your talents and abilities . College admission offices and business owners appreciate this quality in students.

It is especially a great strength to include in an application if you have a less than stellar academic record. Having a growth mindset tells them you are willing to improve existing capabilities and learn new ones. It also signifies that you have good organizational skills.

Including this in your list of strengths and weaknesses will compensate for any deficiencies and reservations the application review personnel might have.

Examples of Student Weaknesses

Student Weaknesses List

image source: Tony Tran

College admission officers and employers want a full picture of your personality trait. This means they want to learn what makes you great as much as the things you find challenging.

Below are 15 weaknesses to choose from. Pick the most relevant ones to the field or role you’re applying to.

Also, don’t just state the weakness. Provide context on how it has affected your student life and the steps you’re taking to improve.

1. Fear of Failure

It’s not uncommon for students to experience the fear of failure, and it is not something to be ashamed of either. Even adults still suffer from it.

The fear of failure keeps students from performing optimally and challenging themselves. It also makes them unable to concentrate on their studies as the anxiety overwhelms them.

If this sounds like you, when listing it among your weaknesses, you could say:

“I’d say my number one weakness is a fear of failure. Even when I had the right answer, I refused to share my thoughts in class and became envious of those who did. I have since recognized that it is not their fault, and I’ve been taking mindfulness exercises to overcome this fear.”

2. Self Criticism

Self Criticism as one of the important part of student weaknesses list

image source: LifeWorks

Self-reflection is a strength. However, when you can’t recognize when you’ve done an excellent job and celebrate yourself, it becomes self-criticism and a weakness.

As a student, self-criticism can lead to burnout and self-punishment that keeps you from performing optimally or enjoying the learning environment.

Here’s how you could share this as a weakness to the student interviewer when asked in your interview question:

“Even though I receive stellar comments from teachers, I still feel like I’m not performing to the best of my ability. This has caused periods of burnout and angry outbursts. But I’ve adopted a looser schedule and am trying to be fairer to myself.”

Being apathetic as a student means you don’t care about your studies and the consequences. This mindset keeps you from seeing the value of studying and applying yourself accordingly.

It is a typical student weakness, but answering the question truthfully can make you stand out anyway:

“After a bad result, I develop an apathetic response to my studies, which sets me back and forces me to play catchup. I’ve since recognized the pattern and now study harder to avoid bad results. I’m also learning not to let one bad result outweigh the value of other results.”

4. Impatience

Impatience as another example in the students strengths and weaknesses list

image source: Ashima Pargal

Impatient students have trouble collaborating with others because they want everything done on their schedule. It can also affect how they respond to someone else’s errors or when they have to wait.

This is also a notable weakness to share with employers. Some might even see it as a strength, especially if you phrase it like one.

“I struggle to work with others because I’m fast and impatient. I can be too eager to complete a group assignment, which often leads to conflict with my peers.”

5. Lack of Focus

Lack of focus and a short attention span are common academic weaknesses for modern students. Students with this struggle to concentrate during a lecture or study for long hours.

Of course, this might not be a character trait. Some students have attention deficit disorder and need professional help.

Whatever the case may be, when you list this as a weakness, be specific about how you’re working on it.

“I struggle with paying attention in class and get bored easily when completing a task. To improve my attention span, I meditate, exercise, and take notes by hand to keep myself engaged in class.”

6. Disorganized

Being Disorganized - another one of the student strengths and weaknesses list example

image source: Robert Bye

Disorganization means the inability to prioritize tasks and events. It also represents an inability to plan and allocate effort properly. More importantly, it negatively affects consistency.

These things impact the performance levels of students and a potential candidate as a weakness option to discuss during an application.

Yes, admission officers want to see students who have the organization levels to navigate the various demands of college. But combining this weakness with strengths like self-learning and openness to criticism can help you come across as an ideal candidate.

7. Disruptive

Disruptiveness doesn’t just affect your academic and career progress, but they also affect the advancement of others.

A disruptive student is more inclined to pursue their own interests, such as being the class clown or class talkative, than focusing on school work.

Being disruptive is not the ideal weakness to share on an application, but it doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker:

“I have a playful nature and enjoy being the source of fun to others, but I don’t always know how to pick my moments. This can have a disruptive effect. I’ve sought professional help, and I’m learning to decenter myself.”

8. Self-doubt

Self-doubt also means a lack of confidence. It is one of the weaknesses that puts a lower ceiling on a student’s accomplishments. A student riddled with this weakness is less likely to ask for extra credit or volunteer for extracurricular programs.

They are also less likely to be an active participant in class.

“As an introvert, I am reluctant to put myself out there and discover other activities I might be great at. I’ve been placing myself in interactions outside my comfort zone to fix this, and my confidence is improving. I believe more of this will keep the self doubt away.”

9. Stubborn

Stubborn students refuse to alter their attitude or viewpoint even in the face of better arguments. They are more likely to trigger conflict and are always determined to do what they want.

Stubbornness also makes it harder to collaborate and participate in group discussions.

Some professors and employers might appreciate this quality in a student or employee. Others resent it.

Hence, it is advisable to research the tolerable weaknesses of the field or role you are applying to.

10. Too Blunt

Too blunt as a student weakness example. May be a weaknesses for leadership skills.

image source: Rodolfo Clix

Students who are too blunt might struggle to make friends, impacting how they settle into a college environment. Overly blunt students looking for part-time jobs may also struggle to work with others, especially those applying to roles with leadership responsibilities.

When you mention this weakness in your application or during an interview , clearly state you are working on it.

“I’ve been called blunt, even though I don’t always agree. Nevertheless, I’m taking communication skills classes to learn how to give feedback kindly.”

11. People Pleasing

A student who struggles with pleasing people is less likely to have boundaries and cannot say no to requests, even if it affects their studies.

They volunteer for more tasks they can handle and are unable to balance their schedules to do school work productively.

“I find it hard to say no to requests, which has affected my academics in the past. In the last six months, I’ve gotten a daily planner that helps me organize my life and keeps me from overcommitting myself.”

12. Individualist

Indiividualist as a student weakness example

image source: Elaine Casap

An individualist prefers to work alone. Either because they are introverts, not a fan of people, or the arrogant belief that they are better.

Neither is a positive personality trait as a student. It portrays an inability to collaborate, but it is a good weakness to share on an application.

Individualism can be both a strength and a challenge if you want to highlight leadership skills.

13. Easily Distracted

Distractible students find it hard to focus on a task or study for long periods. This sets them behind on schoolwork and negatively affects their academic performance.

Admission officers recognize this is common among students, so it is okay to acknowledge it in your application.

“I am easily distracted, but I know while it didn’t seriously impact me in high school, I have to improve my focus if I want to excel in college. I am using Lumosity and StayFocused to improve my focus, and I’ve noticed changes.”

14. Indiscipline

Indisplicine as a student weakness example

image source: Sam Balye

At minute levels, an undisciplined student has trouble attending classes and regularly completing assignments. In higher doses, they lack control over their behavior, disobey rules, and are a divisive presence.

It might seem unwise to list this as your weakness as a student, but doing so illustrates self introspection and an ability to hold yourself accountable.

15. Procrastination

Finally, procrastination. The bane of the education process. Students putting off work until the last moment is a universal behavior. It is a weakness employees and admission officers are familiar with and can help you stand out if you put it subtly.

“Like many students, I prefer to wait until the last moment to do schoolwork. After auditing a few classes, I’ve realized it will deeply affect my academic performance. I’ve also incorporated daily planners into my routine to allocate my time efficiently.”

What is My Strength and Weakness as a Student? – Sum Up

Sharing your strengths and weaknesses as a student isn’t a meaningless charade. It helps educators and employees assess your potential and how best to nurture and wield your competencies.

Even the research alone can help you identify things you need to better position yourself among your peers.

Lastly, when describing them, be specific and stay as honest as possible.

weakness as a student essay

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

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weakness as a student essay

February 4, 2019

6 Tips for Talking About Your Weaknesses

Tips for Talking About Your Weaknesses

How do you react when you read/hear the weakness question? With this question, schools are assessing how well you self evaluate. Like a business problem, they want to hear your plan of action, your implementation, and your success rate.

Here are some tips to help you a) think about and evaluate your weaknesses, and b) be prepared to write about them in an essay or discuss them in an interview .

1. Prepare answers in advance.

When an interviewer asks, “So Natalie, tell me about your weaknesses and what you did to overcome them?” you don’t want to be left silent drawing a blank, or worse – caught off guard and say something crazy like, “Gosh, there are so many, I don’t even know where to begin.” Ding!

2. Be honest.

If you have been let go from a position, you need to discuss the lessons learned from this negative experience and how you overcame the situation. If you have a procrastination problem, you need to talk about ways in which you’re working on boosting your time management skills.

3. Remain professionally focused.

Don’t discuss your addiction to video games or your weakness for chocolate. It’s also certainly not the time to talk about anything inappropriate. We’re talking about work-related, professional weaknesses.

4. Focus on your own weaknesses.

Don’t talk about your cousin’s attraction to arson or your mother-in-law’s conspiratorial behavior. Don’t discuss how your boss is a jerk or how you can’t stand your coworker’s habit of nail biting or how your desk is unorganized because the guy you share your cubicle with always throws his garbage your way. This question is about YOU and your weaknesses – don’t shift the attention or blame onto someone else.

5. Proactively address the issues.

If you have a quantitative weakness , take courses that address the weakness (accounting, statistics). Don’t wait for the admissions committee to ask you to take a course. If you are uncomfortably shy, getting involved with an organization like Toastmasters can help you and show the committee that you’re taking steps to overcome that challenge.

6. Avoid clichés.

“Gee, I guess I just work too hard sometimes” is a copout – the adcom/interviewer will know that deep down you’re proud of your intense work ethic. It is the life of a student to work hard – don’t use that as your “weakness . ”

If you need help drafting your essay or framing your answer for your interview , Accepted is here to help you.  Contact us for assistance.

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Related Resources:

• 5 Fatal Flaws To Avoid In Your Grad School Statement of Purpose , a free guide • 5 A’s for Your Low GPA , a podcast episode • How Personal is Too Personal?

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My Weakness Essay

weakness as a student essay

Show More Weaknesses I have weaknesses just like the next person, but one of my weaknesses is not having enough self-confidence. I tend to second guess myself when I make decisions. I always want to make sure I make the right one. My self-confidence was low before I came here, despite the full support I had backing me up. I wanted to please my family with going to a school that wouldn’t cost them a fortune and allow me to be proud of the university that I graduate from. For the twenty previous years of being told I would make the wrong choice if I graduated from a school that possessed the color orange, I was afraid of telling my parents this was where I wanted to be. I applied here without telling them because I was afraid of being talked out of the decision I would make. When my parents told me they would support me not matter …show more content… I have learned about my strengths and I am excited to build on them so ensure their potential. Seeking out new strengths can only enhance my career, which is what I aim to do. With strengths come weaknesses. My weaknesses will need continuous work until I have them under control to where they won 't hinder my potential to be a successful professional. When it comes to building my self-confidence, I will need to take risk to find potential opportunities. If I keep doubting myself I am not going to go anywhere in life, and that is not something I want . With the opportunities that I will pursue in the future, I hope they bring me great insight to see more of what I want to do with my career. Opportunities can bring new knowledge to my plate that can expand my network, which has been a challenge for me to overcome. Any challenges that get placed in front of me, I know I will need to fight through them. I will find the resources I need to get around my challenges so I can excel professionally. I am the one that choose the path that leads me to the next step of

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Nursing School Interview – What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Many things can happen in your nursing school interview , and you can face a variety of questions. From simple personal questions such as “Tell me about yourself” and “What are your goals” in a typical panel interview, to tricky scenario-based questions in an MMI setting. Regardless of the setting, however, and the number of interviewers, they will almost always ask you about your strengths and weaknesses .

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to the question . You will find in my selection some typical choices, things most students say, but also some unconventional answers , interview responses that can help you stand out and make a special impression on the admission committee members. Do not forget to read also my notes below the answers, in order to avoid some mistakes many students make in their interviews.

7 sample answers to “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” in a nursing school interview

  • I would say that my greatest strength is my dedication and persistence . If I make up my mind about something–for example about getting to a nursing school, and becoming one of the best students , you can be sure I will do everything to make it happen. My attitude helps me to get over some tricky periods, such as the exam period, and also to overcome any crisis of motivation I may face, for whatever reason. From my weaknesses I would pick getting emotional at times, for example when facing a conflict with someone. I am aware that I cannot afford it in the future, once I work as a nurse, and definitely want to work on my weakness while still studying.
  • Communication skills are my greatest strength. I have good understanding for feelings and emotions of other people, and do not find it hard to strike a conversation with a complete stranger. My friends say that I am a great listener , and I hope I can benefit from this in my nursing career. But I struggle with Math. I just wasn’t gifted the right brain cells for the subject it seems. Anyway, I know that Math plays some role in the nursing studies, and I will definitely try my best to prepare for the exams and pass them.

* Do not forget to check also : Nursing interview questions – What does nursing mean to you?

  • To be honest, I cannot really tell . I try to stay humble , and always work on my skills, in all important areas. Some people may say that I am clever , and some may say that I am impatient . Nevertheless, I am not complacent, and do not want to be. Constantly working on my empathy, communication skills, understanding of nursing, time management, and other skills, I simply try to become the best classmate I can be , and eventually a great nurse.
  • My prejudice is my biggest weakness . I’ve been raised in a strongly religious family , and often find it hard to accept other views on life and death. Having said that, I realize that I will belong to a diverse group of students here, and later, in my nursing practice, I will care for patients from all sorts of cultural and religious background. I know I have to get over my prejudice, and perhaps this school, and living away from home , is my best chance of doing so. Other than that, I believe to have what it takes to become an excellent nurse in the future.
  • Communication skills and honest desire to help people to feel better are perhaps my greatest “strengths”. Motivation to give them more than medication —emotional support and words of encouragement—that’s what I want to do. What I can improve on, however, are my computer skills . I struggle to work with some software applications, which is not good, since most things are digitized in healthcare nowadays. I hope to improve on my computer skills while studying at the university. Going over your curriculum, I know I will get a chance to do so.
  • To be honest, I see a room for improvement in everything I do . I believe I can become a great nurse one day, but I still lack theoretical knowledge as well as experience. But that’s the reason why I am applying to study here. You have a great reputation, I know some nurses and doctors who studied here, and they now do a great job. I have the motivation, and I want to learn. That’s the most important thing, and I hope to improve on everything related to nursing while studying here.
  • My weakness is that I trust people too easily . This has backfired a couple of times in my life, and I paid the price. I still think it is a great attitude to life –to expect the best from other people, but sometimes you pay the price, and I am not sure if I can afford this attitude while working as a nurse. Talking about strengths, I would pick attention to detail , time management, and ability to focus on a task for a long time, limiting all distractions. I honestly believe my skills will help me both in my studies and later in the job. Let’s see what I can do about my weaknesses…

Your desire to improve is the most important thing for the admission committee members

Each of us has some strengths and weaknesses, and it would be a mistake to claim you have no weaknesses, in your nursing school interview. Admit that you can improve on something –perhaps on everything, and ensure them that you will try your best to make it happen . That’s the attitude they seek in a perfect student for the study program.

What is more, you can talk also about improving on your strengths . Maybe you find yourself a great communicator, an excellent listener, or someone with fantastic time management. Still, you do not want to stop there . You want to continue working on your skills, at least while at school.

* May also help you succeed : How to dress for an interview . Crucial things to remember when choosing your clothes.

weakness as a student essay

Show confidence in your ability to become a great nurse

Humility can do wonders for you in the interviews. At the same time, however, you should show confidence that one day in the future , despite all weaknesses you have right now, and admit in an interview, you can become an excellent nurse , with everything that belongs to the professions.

You can also explain how you want to make it happen. Do you struggle with Math? For sure you will improve, with the excellent courses you’ll have during the first year of your nursing studies. Do you find it hard talking to people, to strangers? Sure enough, a nursing school is an excellent opportunity to get over your shyness , interact with a variety of people, and improve your communication skills in general.

Regardless of your starting position , you believe you have in you what it takes to become an excellent nurse down the road. That’s the attitude they seek in the very best applicants for the study program.

Final thoughts, answers to all tricky questions for your nursing school interview

Question about your strengths and weaknesses is very common in nursing school interviews, but it isn’t the only question you will face while trying to secure the coveted spot in the study program. They will ask you about your goals, how you want to handle the difficult studies, how you plan to finance your studies, and you may get also some tricky scenario based questions , such as:

An eighteen year-old female arrives in the emergency room with a profound nosebleed. You are the nurse, and you have stopped the bleeding. She is now in a coma from blood loss and will die without a transfusion. You find a recent signed card from Jehovah’s Witnesses Church in the patient’s purse refusing blood transfusions under any circumstance. What would you do?

If you would like to learn how to answer this question and all other questions, have a look at an eBook I wrote for you, the Nursing School Interview Made Easy . Multiple brilliant answers to all questions will help you impress the admission committee members and secure your spot in the study program. Thank you for checking it out, and I wish you best of luck in the interviews!

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  • Why do you want to be a nurse? – Another question you may get both in nursing school interview and while interviewing for the actual nursing job. Check 7 sample answers and pick one that resonates with your values.
  • Why did you choose this university, and not another one?
  • Nursing interview – Tell me about yourself .
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Understanding My Students ' Weaknesses And Weaknesses

Understanding Your Students To be an effective teacher, teachers must get to know their students to determine their weaknesses and their strengths. The classroom population today includes children with disabilities, children from different socioeconomic statuses, children from various cultures and ethnicities, children who speak languages other than English, children with various learning styles and abilities, and children with various other problems that will affect their ability to learn in the classroom setting. Teachers are expected to teach all children regardless of their needs or differences. Getting to know your students gives the teacher a better understanding of their strengths and weakness as well as some insight as to how the student learns. This information can be used to differentiate the lessons to meet each individual child’s needs. Getting to know your students also gives the teacher an advantage when talking to parents about their child’s achievements or difficulties because they can better explain how the child learns, the child’s strengths, and the child’s weaknesses. After learning students’ weaknesses and strengths a teacher can employ adaptive teaching techniques to improve their student’s success. Adaptive teaching techniques involve the teacher providing instruction through a variety of teaching methods with a variety of groups to help learners be successful. This can be done using the remediation approach which involves the teacher providing

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My Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Student

The education we receive today holds the power to shape the individuals we will be in the future. Not only does our education aid our choices throughout school, but also the choices we make in our personal lives like where we choose to work and how we portray ourselves to society. Personally, I have enjoyed my educational experience. I have enjoyed learning new concepts and interacting with new people. Of course, there are obstacles along the way. However, these obstacles have given me the opportunity to realize my strengths and weaknesses and learn to improve in both areas. As a student, I hold onto my perseverance, seek guidance from influential figures in my life, and embrace my challenges to which all contribute to my hope to become the finest version of myself.

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