Course Catalog

Chem - chemistry.

CHEM Class Schedule

CHEM 101   Introductory Chemistry   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduction to the basic concepts and language of chemistry; lectures, discussions, and lab. Preparatory chemistry course for students who require additional background before enrolling in CHEM 102 . This course has been approved for graduation credit for all students in the College of LAS. Students in other colleges should check with their college office. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: 2.5 years of high school mathematics, or credit or concurrent registration in MATH 112 . This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Nat Sci & Tech - Phys Sciences

CHEM 102   General Chemistry I   credit: 3 Hours.

For students who have some prior knowledge of chemistry. Principles governing atomic structure, bonding, states of matter, stoichiometry, and chemical equilibrium. Credit is not given for both CHEM 102 and CHEM 202 . Prerequisite: Credit in or exemption from MATH 112 ; one year of high school chemistry or equivalent. All students enrolled in CHEM 102 should also enroll in CHEM 103 . This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Nat Sci & Tech - Phys Sciences

CHEM 103   General Chemistry Lab I   credit: 1 Hour.

Laboratory studies to accompany CHEM 102 . Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 103 and CHEM 203 . Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 102 is required.

CHEM 104   General Chemistry II   credit: 3 Hours.

Lecture and discussions. Chemistry of materials, including organic and biological substances, chemical energetics and equilibrium, chemical kinetics, and electrochemistry. Credit is not given for both CHEM 104 and CHEM 204 . Prerequisite: CHEM 102 or CHEM 202 or advanced placement credit for one semester of college-level chemistry. All students enrolled in CHEM 104 should also enroll in CHEM 105 . This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Nat Sci & Tech - Phys Sciences

CHEM 105   General Chemistry Lab II   credit: 1 Hour.

Laboratory studies to accompany CHEM 104 . Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 105 and CHEM 205 . Prerequisite: CHEM 102 and CHEM 103 . Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 104 is required.

CHEM 108   Chemistry, Everyday Phenomena   credit: 3 Hours.

Laboratory-based work in which students will evaluate products (such as antacids), synthesize materials (such as soap), and gain a better understanding of forensic chemistry. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit in CHEM 108 does not count toward Chemistry requirements for students in the Specialized Curriculum in Chemistry, the Science and Letters Chemistry major, the Chemistry Teaching Option, or the Chemistry minor; however the course may be taken by students in any of these groups for general education hours. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 112 . This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Nat Sci & Tech - Phys Sciences

CHEM 150   First Semester Success in Chemistry   credit: 1 Hour.

First year orientation course for Chemistry majors focused on helping students develop a sense of community, acquire the study tools and skills needed to succeed in college-level STEM courses, and identify resources to begin exploring career options. Discussions, group-based activities, short reflective writings, and attendance at campus events (career fairs) and workshops (developing a resume, getting started in research) are emphasized. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in one of CHEM 101 , CHEM 102 , CHEM 202 , or CHEM 222 . Restricted to freshmen Chemistry (BS & BSLAS) majors only.

CHEM 197   Individual Study Freshman   credit: 1 to 2 Hours.

Individual study of problems related to chemistry or research not necessarily leading to a senior thesis. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours. A maximum of 2 hours may be used toward the major. A maximum of 18 hours of CHEM 197 , CHEM 297 , CHEM 397 , CHEM 497 and/or CHEM 499 may be used toward the degree. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required to register.

CHEM 199   Undergraduate Open Seminar   credit: 0 to 5 Hours.

Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

CHEM 202   Accelerated Chemistry I   credit: 3 Hours.

Lectures and discussions. Beginning chemistry course for students in the chemical sciences and others with strong high school chemistry and mathematics preparation. Chemical calculations, structure, bonding and equilibrium. Credit is not given for both CHEM 202 and CHEM 102 . Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 220 or MATH 221 ; concurrent registration in CHEM 203 . This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Nat Sci & Tech - Phys Sciences

CHEM 203   Accelerated Chemistry Lab I   credit: 2 Hours.

Companion laboratory course to CHEM 202 . Comprehensive skills-oriented approach to learning laboratory technique and safety. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Students may receive no more than two credit hours for both this course and CHEM 103 . Prerequisite: Concurrent registration or credit in CHEM 202 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 204   Accelerated Chemistry II   credit: 3 Hours.

Continuation of CHEM 202 . Lectures and discussions. Emphasizes chemical thermodynamics, equilibrium, chemical kinetics, and coordination chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 202 and/or CHEM 203 and concurrent registration in CHEM 205 , or consent of instructor. This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Nat Sci & Tech - Phys Sciences

CHEM 205   Accelerated Chemistry Lab II   credit: 2 Hours.

Laboratory and discussion. Includes experiments in qualitative analysis, inorganic synthesis, and kinetics as well as an individual project. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 205 and CHEM 223 . Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in CHEM 204 or consent of department.

CHEM 222   Quantitative Analysis Lecture   credit: 2 Hours.

Fundamentals of quantitative analysis, chemical equilibrium and kinetics. This lecture course is intended to accompany CHEM 223 . Students with credit in CHEM 222 can receive credit for CHEM 203 . Prerequisite: CHEM 104 and CHEM 105 or equivalent.

CHEM 223   Quantitative Analysis Lab   credit: 2 Hours.

Laboratory course covers the fundamentals of quantitative analysis, equilibrium and kinetics. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 223 and CHEM 205 . Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 222 .

CHEM 232   Elementary Organic Chemistry I   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Presents structural and mechanistic chemistry with emphasis on applications of this material to closely related areas. For students in agricultural, nutritional and biological sciences, as well as premedical, predental, and preveterinary programs. One-term survey course; may be followed by CHEM 332 . Credit is not given for both CHEM 232 and CHEM 236 . 3 hours of credit is an option for those not registered in a discussion-recitation section. 4 hours of credit requires registration in a discussion-recitation section and a live lecture or an online section. Prerequisite: CHEM 104 and CHEM 105 , or CHEM 204 .

CHEM 233   Elementary Organic Chem Lab I   credit: 2 Hours.

Basic laboratory techniques in organic chemistry are presented with emphasis on the separation, isolation, and purification of organic compounds. For students in agricultural science, dairy technology, food technology, nutrition, dietetics, premedical, predental, and preveterinary programs. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 233 and CHEM 237 . Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 232 .

CHEM 236   Fundamental Organic Chem I   credit: 4 Hours.

Fundamental structural, synthetic, and mechanistic organic chemistry is presented. For students whose major is chemistry or for those in the specialized curricula in chemistry or chemical engineering. The first term of a two-term integrated sequence (to be followed by CHEM 436 ). This lecture course is intended to accompany CHEM 237 . Credit is not given for both CHEM 236 and CHEM 232 . Prerequisite: Completion of CHEM 104 with a B- or higher, or completion of CHEM 204 , or completion of CHEM 222 and 223.

CHEM 237   Structure and Synthesis   credit: 2 Hours.

Laboratory course introduces synthesis and the basic techniques for the separation, isolation and purification of organic and inorganic compounds. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 237 and CHEM 233 . Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 236 .

CHEM 293   Cooperative Education Practice   credit: 0 Hours.

Off-campus cooperative practice of chemistry or chemical engineering in industrial or governmental facilities. Each chemistry or chemical engineering student participating in cooperative education must register for CHEM 293 for each off-campus term. Same as CHBE 202 . Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the School of Chemical Sciences Cooperative Education Program.

CHEM 295   Chemistry Internship   credit: 0 Hours.

Full-time practice of chemical science in an off-campus industrial setting or research laboratory environment. Summary report required. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Completion of freshman year or equivalent, or consent of Director of Cooperative Education in Chemistry.

CHEM 297   Individual Study Sophomore   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Individual study of problems related to chemistry or research not necessarily leading to a senior thesis. May be repeated in separate terms. A maximum of 6 hours may be used toward the major. A maximum of 18 hours of CHEM 197 , CHEM 297 , CHEM 397 , CHEM 497 and/or CHEM 499 may be used toward the degree. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required to register.

CHEM 312   Inorganic Chemistry   credit: 3 Hours.

Basic chemical bonding in molecules, introduction to symmetry, chemistry of the main group elements, coordination chemistry of the transition elements, organometallic chemistry, solid state chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, chemistry of the lanthanide and actinide elements. Prerequisite: CHEM 232 or CHEM 236 .

CHEM 315   Instrumental Chem Systems Lab   credit: 2 Hours.

Laboratory course emphasizes the application of modern instrumental techniques for characterizing the kinetic behavior and equilibrium properties of chemical systems. Prerequisite: Either CHEM 237 or both CHEM 223 and CHEM 233 .

CHEM 317   Inorganic Chemistry Lab   credit: 3 Hours.

Emphasizes modern techniques for the synthesis, purification, and characterization of inorganic and organometallic compounds. There are three components to the course: lectures on laboratory methodology and reporting, laboratory experiments, and report writing. The final third of the course is dedicated to special individualized projects. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: CHEM 312 ; completion of campus Composition I general education requirement. This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Advanced Composition

CHEM 332   Elementary Organic Chem II   credit: 4 Hours.

Continuation of CHEM 232 focuses on advanced organic chemistry synthesis, mechanisms, and history, and its applications to peptide and protein sciences, carbohydrate chemistry, and DNA structure, repair and enzymatic processes. Credit is not given for both CHEM 332 and CHEM 436 . This course should not be taken by students who have completed CHEM 236 . Prerequisite: CHEM 232 and CHEM 233 .

CHEM 360   Chemistry of the Environment   credit: 3 Hours.

Study of the chemistry of the atmosphere, the chemistry of soil and minerals in the Earth's crust, chemistry of natural waters, agricultural chemicals and organic pollutants, and topics related to energy use. Prerequisite: One year of general chemistry ( CHEM 102 -105 or CHEM 202 -205) and one semester of organic chemistry ( CHEM 232 or CHEM 236 ). The organic chemistry class may be taken concurrently with CHEM 360 .

CHEM 397   Individual Study Junior   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

CHEM 420   Instrumental Characterization   credit: 2 Hours.

Lecture course covers the fundamentals of instrumental characterization including: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, potentiometry, voltammetry, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and gas and liquid chromatography. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 440 ; or credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 442 ; or consent of the instructor.

CHEM 436   Fundamental Organic Chem II   credit: 3 Hours.

Course is the second term of a two-term integrated sequence and should be taken the term following enrollment in CHEM 236 . 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CHEM 436 and CHEM 332 . Prerequisite: CHEM 236 and CHEM 237 ; or CHEM 232 and CHEM 233 with consent of instructor.

CHEM 437   Organic Chemistry Lab   credit: 3 Hours.

Laboratory experiments in organic chemistry with emphasis on synthesis, purification and spectroscopic identification of organic compounds. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 233 or CHEM 237 and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 332 or CHEM 436 . This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Advanced Composition

CHEM 440   Physical Chemistry Principles   credit: 4 Hours.

One-term course in physical chemistry emphasizing topics most important to students in the biological and agricultural sciences. Not open to students in the specialized curricula in chemistry and chemical engineering. Laboratory experience in this area provided by CHEM 315 to be taken preferably after CHEM 440 . 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Completion of either CHEM 104 or CHEM 204 , completion of either PHYS 102 or 212, and completion of MATH 241 or equivalent calculus including partial derivatives.

CHEM 442   Physical Chemistry I   credit: 4 Hours.

Lectures and problems focusing on microscopic properties. CHEM 442 and CHEM 444 constitute a year-long study of chemical principles. CHEM 442 focuses on quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, spectroscopy and dynamics. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CHEM 442 and PHYS 485 . Prerequisite: CHEM 204 or CHEM 222 ; MATH 225 , 257 , or 415, and a minimal knowledge of differential equations, or equivalent; and PHYS 211 , PHYS 212 , and PHYS 214 or equivalent.

CHEM 444   Physical Chemistry II   credit: 4 Hours.

Lecture and problems focusing on microscopic properties. CHEM 442 and CHEM 444 constitute a year-long study of chemical principles. CHEM 444 focuses on thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and kinetics from single molecules to the bulk, in gases and in the condensed phase. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for CHEM 444 and MSE 401 or PHYS 427 . Prerequisite: CHEM 204 or CHEM 222 ; MATH 225 , MATH 257 , or MATH 415 , and a minimal knowledge of differential equations, or equivalent; and PHYS 211 , PHYS 212 , and PHYS 214 or equivalent.

CHEM 445   Physical Principles Lab I   credit: 2 Hours.

Laboratory course featuring experiments of interest to chemists and biochemists. Examples of experiments may include, but are not limited to, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy; Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy; X-ray diffraction; differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); 1D and 2D Fourier-transform nuclear magnetic resonance (FT-NMR) spectroscopy; and computational quantum chemistry (QM). This course provides hands-on experience with instrumental and computational techniques that are frequently used in both industrial and academic research and will be of interest to students proposing to carry out work in any area of chemistry and in related disciplines. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent registration in CHEM 440 , CHEM 442 or CHEM 472 (same as BIOC 446 or MCB 446 ) or consent of instructor.

CHEM 447   Physical Principles Lab II   credit: 2 Hours.

Laboratory course featuring experiments of interest to chemists and biochemists. Examples of experiments may include, but are not limited to, molecular mechanics/molecular dynamics (MM/MD) simulations of proteins; Raman spectroscopy; low-energy electron diffraction (LEED); bomb calorimetry; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and enzyme kinetics and inhibition. This course provides hands-on experience with instrumental and computational techniques that are frequently used in both industrial and academic research and will be of interest to students proposing to carry out work in any area of chemistry and in related disciplines. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent registration in CHEM 440 or CHEM 442 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 452   Data Science for Chemistry and Engineering   credit: 4 Hours.

Same as CHBE 413 . See CHBE 413 .

CHEM 460   Green Chemistry   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

This course seeks to reduce the environmental consequences of the chemical industry. It includes modifying engineering practices, the development of new catalytic processes, modification of existing chemical processes, and bioremediation. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 312 , CHEM 332 , CHEM 360 , or consent of instructor.

CHEM 472   Physical Biochemistry   credit: 3 Hours.

Same as MCB 446 and BIOC 446 . See BIOC 446 .

CHEM 474   Drug Discovery & Development   credit: 3 Hours.

Lecture course on fundamentals of drug discovery and development. Topics include case studies of top-selling, mechanistically diverse drugs, chemistry of drug contraindications, structural biology of drug targets, mechanisms of drug resistance, and drug metabolism and toxicity. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 332 or CHEM 436 ; and MCB 354 or MCB 450 , or consent of instructor.

CHEM 480   Polymer Chemistry   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Same as MSE 457 . See MSE 457 .

CHEM 482   Polymer Physics   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Same as MSE 458 . See MSE 458 .

CHEM 483   Solid State Structural Anlys   credit: 4 Hours.

Lectures and laboratory on various aspects of X-ray diffraction studies of solids; topics include the properties of crystals, symmetry, diffraction techniques, data collection methods, and the determination and refinement of crystal structures. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 442 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 488   Surfaces and Colloids   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Same as MSE 480 . See MSE 480 .

CHEM 492   Special Topics in Chemistry   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Open to advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Deals with subjects not ordinarily covered by regularly scheduled courses. 1 to 3 undergraduate hours. 1 to 3 graduate hours. Approved for letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in any 400-level course in chemistry.

CHEM 494   Lab Safety Fundamentals   credit: 1 Hour.

Same as MSE 492 . See MSE 492 .

CHEM 495   Teaching Secondary Chemistry   credit: 4 Hours.

Intended for undergraduates working toward certification to teach high school chemistry and graduate students working towards a Master's degree in the Teaching of Chemistry. Course aims to provide future teachers with hands-on experience in conducting laboratory experiments, demonstrations, and teaching strategies. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Course does not count toward the eleven advanced hours in chemistry required in the specialized curriculum, nor does it apply to coursework required for the Ph.D. in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in general chemistry and credit or concurrent enrollment in CI 403 .

CHEM 497   Individual Study Senior   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Individual study of problems related to chemistry or research not necessarily leading to a senior thesis. Course Information:1 to 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated in separate terms. A maximum of 6 hours may be used toward the major. A maximum of 18 hours of CHEM 197 , CHEM 297 , CHEM 397 , CHEM 497 and/or CHEM 499 may be used toward the degree. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required to register.

CHEM 499   Senior Thesis   credit: 2 to 6 Hours.

Research with thesis, under the direction of a senior staff member in chemistry. Normally the student takes two terms of CHEM 499 in the senior year. 2 to 6 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated up to 10 hours in separate terms. CHEM 499 is recommended for all those who plan to do research and graduate study and it is a prerequisite for graduation with distinction in chemistry. In the term preceding their initial enrollment, those interested in taking the course should consult with their advisers and with the graduate adviser for the area of interest in which they plan to work. A maximum of 10 hours may be counted toward graduation and a thesis must be presented for credit to be received.

CHEM 512   Advanced Inorganic Chemistry   credit: 4 Hours.

Descriptive chemistry of the main group and transition elements, reactions and reaction mechanisms of inorganic systems, and electronic structure of inorganic molecules and solids. Prerequisite: CHEM 312 or approval of instructor.

CHEM 515   Inorganic Chemistry Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is inorganic chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 516   Physical Inorganic Chemistry   credit: 4 Hours.

Includes group theory and use of physical methods to provide information about the geometry, electronic structures, and reactivity of inorganic compounds in solution; emphasizes NMR and ESR. Prerequisite: CHEM 444 .

CHEM 517   Advanced Inorganic Chem Lab   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Specialized laboratory techniques; more difficult inorganic syntheses. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in one of the lecture courses in inorganic chemistry in the 500 series.

CHEM 518   Topics in Inorganic Chemistry   credit: 2 to 4 Hours.

Advanced course dealing with a subject not ordinarily covered by regularly scheduled courses, such as organometallic chemistry, advanced ligand field theory and molecular orbital theory of inorganic compounds, kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic reactions, etc. May be repeated. Prerequisite: CHEM 516 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 520   Advanced Analytical Chemistry   credit: 4 Hours.

Treatment of the basic issues of importance in modern analytical chemistry. Topics include basic chemical and measurement concepts, measurement instrumentation and techniques, and principles, tools, and applications in spectroscopy, electrochemistry, separations, sensors, mass spectroscopy and surface characterization. Prerequisite: CHEM 315 , CHEM 420 , and CHEM 444 .

CHEM 522   Experimental Spectroscopy   credit: 4 Hours.

Principles and applications of spectroscopic measurements and instrumentation. Atomic and molecular absorption, emission, fluorescence, and scattering, emphasizing physical interpretation of experimental data. Prerequisite: General physics and chemistry equivalent to a major in physical sciences for a bachelor's degree.

CHEM 524   Electrochemical Methods   credit: 4 Hours.

Structure of the metal solution interface. Electrochemical and physical methods for probing metal/solution interface. Electroanalysis. Principles of electrochemical instrumentation for electroanalysis. Electrode materials. Electrochemical surface science and electrocatalysis. Prerequisite: General physics and chemistry equivalent to a major for a bachelor's degree.

CHEM 525   Analytical Chemistry Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is analytical chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 530   Structure and Spectroscopy   credit: 4 Hours.

Advanced survey of structure determination in organic chemistry with emphasis on NMR, IR, UV and mass spectroscopy. Prerequisite: CHEM 332 or CHEM 436 .

CHEM 532   Physical Organic Chemistry   credit: 4 Hours.

Advanced survey of physical organic chemistry. The emphasis is on structure and bonding in organic compounds; scope of reaction mechanisms, including reactive intermediates and how these mechanisms and intermediates are studied; and writing reasonable organic reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 332 or CHEM 436 and one year of physical chemistry.

CHEM 534   Advanced Organic Synthesis   credit: 4 Hours.

Advanced survey of organic chemistry with emphasis on synthesis of organic compounds. Course content includes survey of important synthetic reactions, construction of fundamental subunits and illustrations of strategy and synthetic analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 332 or CHEM 436 .

CHEM 535   Organic Chemistry Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is organic chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 538   Topics in Organic Chemistry   credit: 2 to 4 Hours.

Advanced course dealing with subject matter not ordinarily covered by regularly scheduled courses, such as natural product synthesis and biosynthesis, organic photochemistry, chemistry of special families of organic compounds, etc. May be repeated. Prerequisite: CHEM 532 and CHEM 534 , both of which may be taken concurrently.

CHEM 540   Quantum Mechanics   credit: 4 Hours.

The sequence, CHEM 540 and CHEM 542 , is designed to give seniors and graduate students a unified treatment of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy on an advanced level. CHEM 540 covers the principles of formalism of quantum mechanics, as well as the solution of the Schrodinger equation for models and simple chemical systems. Prerequisite: CHEM 442 or equivalent.

CHEM 542   Quantum Mech and Spectroscopy   credit: 4 Hours.

Continuation of CHEM 540 . Focusing on molecular spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, kinetics and application of quantum mechanics to dissipative systems. Prerequisite: CHEM 540 .

CHEM 544   Statistical Thermodynamics   credit: 4 Hours.

Fundamentals of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, covering equilibria, thermodynamic transforms, phase transitions, ensembles and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, from single molecules to complex biological systems. Prerequisite: CHEM 442 and CHEM 444 , or equivalent.

CHEM 545   Physical Chemistry Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is physical chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 546   Advanced Statistical Mechanics   credit: 4 Hours.

Fundamentals of equilibrium statistical mechanics with selected applications to interacting classical fluids: dense gases, solutions, liquids, plasmas, and ionic solutions; introduction to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and linear response theory. Prerequisite: CHEM 540 and CHEM 544 , or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

CHEM 548   Molecular Electronic Structure   credit: 4 Hours.

Theoretical basis of the electronic structure of atoms and molecules; molecular orbital concepts and self-consistent field theory; angular momentum and the full rotation group; electron correlation effects; and applications to electronic spectroscopy of organic molecules, detailed descriptions of chemical reactions, and molecular properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 540 .

CHEM 550   Advanced Quantum Dynamics   credit: 4 Hours.

The quantum mechanical and semi-classical description of time-dependent processes, including discussions of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, approximations, interaction of matter with radiation, wave packets, elastic and inelastic scattering, and relaxation phenomena. Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in CHEM 540 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 570   Concepts in Chemical Biology   credit: 4 Hours.

An overview of the concepts and methods utilized in research at the interface of chemistry and biology, and their application to contemporary problems in biological chemistry. Specific topics covered include, but are not limited to, chemical genetics, bioconjugation reactions, combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, identifying biological targets of small-molecule compounds, combinatorial biosynthesis, sequence-specific DNA-binding compounds, activity-based protein profiling, anti-cancer agents, targeted therapeutics, phage display, and yeast-hybrid systems. Prerequisite: One year (two semesters) of undergraduate organic chemistry is required. One semester of undergraduate biochemistry or molecular biology is preferred.

CHEM 571   Chemical Biology Laboratory   credit: 4 Hours.

Laboratory course in advanced state-of-the-art experimental techniques used to investigate problems at the interface of chemistry and biology. Specific topics include, but are not limited to, solid-phase peptide synthesis, native chemical ligation and expressed protein ligation, protein expression and analysis, enzyme kinetics and inhibition, high-throughput screening, various methods for examining biomolecular interactions, radiolabeling, mammalian cell biology, fluorescence microscopy, and flow cytometry. Prerequisite: One year (two semesters) of undergraduate organic chemistry is required. One semester of undergraduate biochemistry or molecular biology is preferred.

CHEM 572   Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Introduction to the catalytic strategies used by enzymes for accelerating chemical reactions using a combination of kinetics, enzymology, and structural information. Application of gene databases to infer evolutionary relationships among catalytic mechanisms. Same as MCB 553 . Prerequisite: Two semesters of undergraduate organic chemistry ( CHEM 232 or CHEM 236 and CHEM 332 or CHEM 436 ) or consent of instructor.

CHEM 575   Chemical Biology Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is chemical biology. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 576   Computational Chemical Biology   credit: 4 Hours.

Hands-on introduction to the simulation of biological molecules and bioinformatics. Topics included the principles of molecular modeling, molecular dynamics and monte carlo simulations, structure prediction in the context of structural and functional genomics, and the assembly of integrated biological systems. Course counts towards the CSE option. Same as BIOP 576 and CSE 576 . 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: One semester of undergraduate biochemistry and statistical thermodynamics or consent of instructor. Recommended: proficiency in Matlab and CS 101 or equivalent.

CHEM 582   Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis   credit: 4 Hours.

Same as CHBE 551 . See CHBE 551 .

CHEM 584   Introduction to Materials Chem   credit: 4 Hours.

Processing of ceramics, metals, polymers, and semiconductors, both traditional and advanced, and their mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical and thermal properties.

CHEM 585   Materials Chemistry Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is materials chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 586   Surface Chemistry   credit: 4 Hours.

Same as CHBE 553 . See CHBE 553 .

CHEM 588   Physical Methods Mat Chem   credit: 4 Hours.

Includes physical techniques for characterization in materials chemistry, including thermal analysis, electron microscopy, microprobe analysis and electron spectroscopies, adsorption and surface area measurements, and X-ray powder diffraction.

CHEM 590   Special Topics in Chemistry   credit: 1 to 4 Hours.

Designed for students majoring or minoring in chemistry who wish to undertake individual studies of a non-research nature under the direction of a faculty member of the department. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and written approval of department head. Staff for the course is the same as for CHEM 599 .

CHEM 591   Introductory Professional Development for Chemists   credit: 1 Hour.

Covers topics to prepare Chemistry graduate students for all aspects of graduate culture. The topics include how to be an effective TA, cultural competence and awareness that enable effective professional interactions with diverse scientists, understanding ethics in research, and becoming savvy in non-technical skills essential to graduate school success such as program management, conflict resolution, time management, and understanding resources available for acute or chronic mental health challenges. This course also sets the departmental expectations for appropriate professional conduct. This course is required for all Chemistry graduate students in the Fall of their first year. 1 graduate hour. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Restricted to first-year graduate students in Chemistry.

CHEM 592   Preparing Graduate Fellowships   credit: 1 Hour.

Assists first- and second-year graduate students in Chemistry as well as a selected few senior undergraduate Chemistry majors in their efforts to obtain external grants and fellowships. Using the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) as an example, the course provides the students with general information and guidance about preparing grant applications. Each student will prepare a complete application package, which can be submitted to the NSF GRFP at the end of the course, although such submission is optional. 1 graduate hour. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Intended for first and second-year graduate students in Chemistry. Some senior undergraduate Chemistry majors who have high GPA and research experience in faculty laboratories may enroll with the instructor's approval.

CHEM 593   Advanced Professional Development for Chemists   credit: 1 Hour.

Follows up on CHEM 591 and covers advanced non-technical topics to prepare graduate students for their last years of graduate study as well as their careers beyond graduate school. Topics include professional development plans, resilience in graduate school, mental health, professional behavior in a diverse work environment, recognizing strengths and weaknesses, all forms of harassment, and implicit bias. This course also continues setting the departmental expectations for appropriate professional conduct. 1 graduate hour. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Restricted to third-year or later graduate students in Chemistry, normally in the spring semester after passing the preliminary examination. Exceptions may be made only after consulting with the Director of Graduate Studies.

CHEM 595   Graduate Chemistry Internship   credit: 0 Hours.

Full-time practice of chemical science in an off-campus industrial setting or research laboratory environment. Summary report required. 0 graduate hours. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Restricted to Chemistry major(s), or consent of instructor.

CHEM 599   Thesis Research   credit: 0 to 16 Hours.

Candidates for the master's degree who elect research are required to present a thesis. A thesis is always required of students working toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Not all candidates for thesis work necessarily are accepted. Any student whose major is in a department other than chemistry or chemical engineering must receive permission from the head of the Department of Chemistry to register in this course. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in separate terms. During Summer terms, this course can only be taken for 0 to 8 hours.

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign PhD in Chemistry

How much does a doctorate in chemistry from uiuc cost, uiuc graduate tuition and fees.

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Uiuc doctorate student diversity for chemistry, male-to-female ratio.

Women made up around 38.8% of the chemistry students who took home a doctor’s degree in 2019-2020. This is about the same as the countrywide number of 40.6%.

Racial-Ethnic Diversity

Of those graduates who received a doctor’s degree in chemistry at UIUC in 2019-2020, 10.2% were racial-ethnic minorities*. This is lower than the nationwide number of 14%.

Race/EthnicityNumber of Students
Black or African American0
Hispanic or Latino4
Native American or Alaska Native0
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander0
International Students18
Other Races/Ethnicities2

PhD in Chemistry Focus Areas at UIUC

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UIUC for Chemistry

Is UIUC good for Chemistry major? Could you share your insights and experiences?

Is your daughter also researching this? She is the one who will be going to college.

Having said that…UIUC is a large flagship research university with a fine chemistry department.

What does she hope to do with a chemistry major?

Any large school will be fine for chemistry; most any school.

That said this ranking shows UIUC at #5 so it’s likely very strong.

But is it affordable and is the size / campus environment right for your student?

Best of luck.

2024 Best Chemistry Schools (

She does not know yet…

Is your son/daughter also planning to major in chemistry?

UIUC is a large, well respected research university. The answer is yes, it is a good school for chemistry.

My kid graduated from undergrad in 2010. But she was a STEM major in college.

I’m more familiar with UIUC than my kids are. I did all of my thesis research there. It’s an excellent research university.

My daughter’s friend is there. I agree…it is an excellent research university.

The friend is there for her PhD…but my daughter visited, took a tour, spoke with a few students etc.

We are thinking of UC Irvine too… just debating on which one to choose.

Illinois has a somewhat more prominent grad program in Chemistry, but for undergrad purposes I think they are really pretty much peers.

So between options like that, I would focus more on things like cost, setting, campus culture, and so on. Basically, wherever your kid is most likely to be happy and thrive is the best bet when comparing undergrads like these.

While the average joe might not know this, UIUC is god-tier for chem. If you ask chem PhDs and professors they’ll confirm this.

As an undergrad choosing chem between UIUC and Irvine… the chemistry distinction doesn’t matter. Your daughter should choose the school that is affordable, and where she feels like she fits the best.

Are you instate for CA? If not, is your family willing to pay the $75,000 a year for a UCI college education?

What does this mean?

With respect to the undergraduate study of chemistry, I believe you can view UIUC and UCI as equivalently excellent.

Yes, we will have to out of pockets.

Doctoral Program

Our students seek solutions to some of the world’s most complex problems, from finding ways to more efficiently produce fuels and chemicals to improving human health through better drug delivery and new biomaterials. 

Ph.D. students typically take about eight courses in their first two years and also become involved as teaching assistants during their second and third years in the program. All of our graduate students are  supported financially  as they work toward their Ph.D. degree.

Program Requirements

Our Ph.D. students must complete the required coursework, write a thesis, and perform satisfactorily on their examinations to earn their doctorate in chemical engineering. We do  not admit students into the program with the intention of earning a terminal master’s degree; however, students who have met the requirements may obtain a master’s degree as a milestone on the path to completing their Ph.D. degree. Students typically graduate within five years.

If you are interested in pursuing a terminal master’s degree, please see to learn about the Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering Leadership program requirements. This master’s degree is not a prerequisite to earning a Ph.D. degree.

Course Work

Course work for our Ph.D. students includes a minimum of four 500-level courses in chemical engineering and a minimum of four courses (including at least one 500-level course) in one or two other departments. Students who enter the graduate program with a B.S. in a subject other than chemical engineering typically take additional courses before the qualifying exam.

Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) for CHBE 598 (Research Seminar) and CHBE 599 (Thesis Research) are available here: CHBE 598/599 CRNs

Qualifying Exam

The Ph.D. qualifying examination, taken at the beginning of the second year, comprises an oral presentation of the proposed research including a literature review and a 6- to 12-month research plan.  Please note that our qualifying exam does not include a traditional written examination. 

Preliminary Exam

The preliminary examination, typically taken before the end of the third year, includes a written research proposal and oral presentation to the examination committee describing preliminary data, a detailed research plan, and a timeline for completion of the dissertation.

The final examination, or the dissertation defense , is a significant milestone in a graduate student’s career. This stage involves the student presenting their work to their doctoral committee and disseminating their work to the public. More information about the final exam/dissertation defense, including deadlines, thesis writing guidelines, and assembling a committee for the final defense is provided by the Graduate College Thesis Office .

Questions about the program and its requirements may be directed to our Graduate Program Office . 

Coursework Options

Coursework for our Ph.D. students includes a minimum of four 500-level courses in chemical engineering and a minimum of four courses (including at least one 500-level course) in one or two other departments. Below are some of the classes that our students have selected; however, the course listings may change over time. Please refer to the course catalog for current courses of instruction.

Course Catalog

Course Reference Numbers

Current students can find Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) for CHBE 598 (Research Seminar) and CHBE 599 (Thesis Research) here:

CHBE 598/599 CRNs

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

CHBE 521   Applied Mathematics in CHBE Development of mathematical models and a survey of modern mathematical methods currently used in the solution of chemical and biomolecular engineering problems; topics include the application of vectors and matrices, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, and methods of optimization in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CHBE 522   Fluid Dynamics     Basic concepts in fluid dynamics with special emphasis on topics of interest to chemical and biomolecular engineers. Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations; solutions for creeping flow, perfect fluids, and boundary layers; non-Newtonian fluids; turbulence. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CHBE 523   Heat and Mass Transfer    Principles of transfer operations developed in terms of physical rate processes; boundary layer heat and mass transfer, phase changes, and separation processes. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CHBE 525   Statistical Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers Fundamentals and applications of both macroscopic thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The formalism of statistical mechanics is introduced, in particular the development and calculation of partition functions, as well as its connections to thermodynamic equations of state and material properties. These concepts will be applied to problems relevant to chemical engineering, such as solution theory, electrolytes, adsorption, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, chemical reactions, molecular simulation, and dispersive interactions. 3 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite:  CHBE 321 . Graduate standing required.

CHBE 551   Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis     Rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions, treatment of data, steady state and unsteady behavior predictions of mechanisms, prediction of rate constants and activation barriers. Introduction to catalysis. Catalysis by solvents, metals, organometallics, acids, enzymes, semiconductors. Same as  CHEM 582 . Prerequisite: An undergraduate course in chemical kinetics.

CHBE 553   Surface Chemistry     Introduction to the behavior of molecules adsorbed on solid surfaces; the structure of surfaces and adsorbate layers. The bonding of molecules to surfaces; adsorbate phase transitions; trapping and sticking of molecules on surfaces. An introduction to surface reactions; kinetics of surface reactions. A review of principles of chemical reactivity; reactivity trends on surfaces; prediction of rates and mechanisms of reactions on metals, semiconductors, and insulators. Same as  CHEM 586 . Prerequisite:  CHEM 444 .

CHBE 565   CHBE Seminar     Required of all graduate students whose major is Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. 1 graduate hour. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite:  CHBE 422 .

CHBE 571   Bioinformatics     Same as  ANSC 543 ,  MCB 571 , and  STAT 530 . Prerequisite:  MATH 225 ;  MATH 241  and  MATH 461 .

CHBE 572   Metabolic Systems Engineering Prerequisite:  MATH 225 ;  MATH 241 , and 285; or consent of instructor.

CHBE 580   Lab Techs in Bioinformatics Prerequisite:  MCB 150  and  MCB 151 ; or consent of instructor.

CHBE 593   Individual Study     Study under the supervision of a staff member in areas not covered in established course offerings. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Consent of the staff member under whom the study is to be made.

CHBE 594   Special Topics     Various advanced topics; generally taken during the second year of graduate study. Typical topics include turbulence, hydrodynamic instability, process dynamics, interfacial phenomena, reactor design, cellular bioengineering, properties of matter at high pressure, and phase transitions. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CHBE 597   Special Problems     Individual work on problem-oriented projects not included in theses. This could be research, engineering design, or professional work in chemical and biomolecular engineering which has educational values. The work must be done under the supervision of a staff member with the approval of the department head. Research topics will vary semester to semester and instructor to instructor. 2 to 16 graduate hours. No professional credit. May be repeated.

CHBE 598   Research Seminar     Discussion of recent developments of importance to different areas of chemical and biomolecular engineering research. The course is divided into a number of sections, and subject matter differs from section to section and from time to time. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CHBE 599   Thesis Research     Candidates for the master's degree who elect research are required to write a thesis. A thesis is always required for the Doctor of Philosophy. Not all candidates for thesis work necessarily are accepted. Any student whose major is in another department must receive permission from the head of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering to register in this course. Approved for S/U grading only.

CHEM 442: Physical Chemistry I     Lectures and problems focusing on microscopic properties.  CHEM 442  and  CHEM 444  constitute a year-long study of chemical principles.  CHEM 442  focuses on quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, spectroscopy and dynamics. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both  CHEM 442  and  PHYS 485 . Prerequisite: CHEM 204  or  CHEM 222 ;  MATH 225 ,  257 , or 415, and a minimal knowledge of differential equations, or equivalent; and  PHYS 211 ,  PHYS 212 , and  PHYS 214  or equivalent.

CHEM 516: Physical Inorganic Chemistry  Includes group theory and use of physical methods to provide information about the geometry, electronic structures, and reactivity of inorganic compounds in solution; emphasizes NMR and ESR. Prerequisite:  CHEM 444 . CHEM 518: Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry    Advanced course dealing with a subject not ordinarily covered by regularly scheduled courses, such as organometallic chemistry, advanced ligand field theory and molecular orbital theory of inorganic compounds, kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic reactions, etc. May be repeated. Prerequisite:  CHEM 516  or consent of instructor. CHEM 522: Experimental Spectroscopy    Principles and applications of spectroscopic measurements and instrumentation. Atomic and molecular absorption, emission, fluorescence, and scattering, emphasizing physical interpretation of experimental data. Prerequisite: General physics and chemistry equivalent to a major in physical sciences for a bachelor's degree. CHEM 524: Electrochemical Methods    Structure of the metal solution interface. Electrochemical and physical methods for probing metal/solution interface. Electroanalysis. Principles of electrochemical instrumentation for electroanalysis. Electrode materials. Electrochemical surface science and electrocatalysis. Prerequisite: General physics and chemistry equivalent to a major for a bachelor's degree. CHEM 544: Statistical Thermodynamics    Fundamentals of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, covering equilibria, thermodynamic transforms, phase transitions, ensembles and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, from single molecules to complex biological systems. Prerequisite:  CHEM 442  and  CHEM 444 , or equivalent. CHEM 546   Advanced Statistical Mechanics   Fundamentals of equilibrium statistical mechanics with selected applications to interacting classical fluids: dense gases, solutions, liquids, plasmas, and ionic solutions; introduction to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and linear response theory. Prerequisite: CHEM 540  and  CHEM 544 , or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

Computer Science

CS 400   Accelerated Fundamentals of Computing I     The first class in a sequence of two classes that introduces students to the basic concepts in computing with an emphasis on the fundamental techniques for solving computational problems. Topics include: core programming concepts (variables, data types, conditional expressions, loops, functions), basic data structures, searching and sorting algorithms, and data exploration and visualization. No prior programming experience is required. No undergraduate credit. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Current enrollment in the Illinois Computing Accelerator for Non-specialists (iCAN) program or consent of instructor. Restricted to post-baccalaureate students with a non-computing background.

CS 457   Numerical Methods II     Continuation of  CS 357 . Orthogonalization methods for least squares, Krylov subspace methods, non-linear equations and optimization in multiple dimensions, initial and boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Credit is not given for both  CS 457  and  CS 450 . Prerequisite:  CS 357 .

CS 533   Parallel Computer Architecture     Theoretical aspects of parallel and pipeline computation; time and processor bounds on classes of computations; data alignment network speed and cost bounds; conflict-free access memories; overall computer system ideas. Same as  CSE 522 . Prerequisite:  CS 433 .

CS 558   Topics in Numerical Analysis     Advanced topics in numerical analysis selected from areas of current research. Same as  CSE 513 . May be repeated. Prerequisite: As specified for each topic offering, see Schedule or departmental course description.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 455   Optical Electronics   Optical beams and cavities; semiclassical theory of gain; characteristics of typical lasers (gas, solid state, and semiconductor); application of optical devices. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  ECE 350  or  PHYS 436 .

ECE 441   Physcs & Modeling Semicond Dev   Advanced concepts including generation-recombination, hot electron effects, and breakdown mechanisms; essential features of small ac characteristics, switching and transient behavior of p-n junctions, and bipolar and MOS transistors; fundamental issues for device modeling; perspective and limitations of Si-devices. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  ECE 340 .

ECE 444   IC Device Theory & Fabrication   Fabrication lab emphasizing physical theory and design of devices suitable for integrated circuitry; electrical properties of semiconductors and techniques (epitaxial growth, oxidation, photolithography diffusion, ion implantation, metallization, and characterization) for fabricating integrated circuit devices such as p-n junction diodes, bipolar transistors, and field effect transistors. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  ECE 340 .

ECE 488   Compound Semicond & Devices   Advanced semiconductor materials and devices; elementary band theory; heterostructures; transport issues; three-terminal devices; two-terminal devices; including lasers and light modulators. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  ECE 340  and  ECE 350 .

ECE 532   Compnd Semicond & Diode Lasers   Compound semiconductor materials and their optical properties. Diode lasers including quantum well heterostructure lasers, strained layer lasers, and quantum wire and quantum dot lasers. Current topics in diode laser development. Prerequisite:  ECE 340  and  PHYS 486 . Recommended:  ECE 455 ; credit or concurrent registration in  ECE 536 .

ECE 545   Advanced Physical Acoustics   Advanced topics in acoustics including physical properties of a fluid; linear propagation phenomena; nonlinear phenomena such as radiation force, streaming, and harmonic generation; cavitation; absorption and dispersion. Prerequisite: One of  ECE 473 ,  ECE 520 ,  TAM 518 .

Materials Science & Engineering

MSE 455   Macromolecular Solids   Mechanical behavior of amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers; overview of polymer structure and characterization; polymer morphology; orientation effects, rubber elasticity, polymer linear viscoelasticity using Boltzmann superposition and mechanical models; measurement of viscoelastic properties; relaxation and transitions; polymeric yield phenomena and plastic flow; deformation mechanisms; fracture and craze formation; impact and fatigue. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  MSE 206  or  TAM 251 .

MSE 460   Electronic Materials I   Materials science, engineering, and processing of semiconductors. Semiconductor structure and chemistry relationships to electronic and optical properties. Control of processing to achieve desired properties; design and production of novel materials. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  ECE 340 ;  MSE 304  or  PHYS 460 .

MSE 481   Electron Microscopy   Theory and application of transmission electron microscopy and diffraction with emphasis on thin crystals; electron optics, interference phenomena, interpretation of images and diffraction patterns, specimen preparation. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  MSE 405 .

MSE 500   Statistical Thermodyn of Matls   Atomistic concepts of statistical thermodynamics and their relationship to classical phenomenological thermodynamics. Application of the methods of statistical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics to describe the structure, phase behavior, and properties of both hard and soft materials. Prerequisite:  MSE 401 .

MSE 582   Surface Physics   Theory and experiment describing atomic behavior on crystal surfaces; thermodynamics of surfaces; surface energy; diffraction and structure; gas-solid collisions; Brownian motion, diffusion, and evaporation; electron and ion emission, tunneling; Van der Waals forces; theory of chemical interactions; kinetics and statistics of adsorption. Prerequisite:  MSE 501  or  PHYS 560 .

MSE 598   Special Topics   Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in materials science and engineering intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.


MATH 446   Applied Complex Variables   For students who desire a working knowledge of complex variables; covers the standard topics and gives an introduction to integration by residues, the argument principle, conformal maps, and potential fields. Students desiring a systematic development of the foundations of the subject should take  MATH 448 . 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both  MATH 446  and  MATH 448 . 4 hours of credit requires approval of the instructor and department with completion of additional work of substance. Prerequisite:  MATH 241 .

MATH 482   Linear Programming   Rigorous introduction to a wide range of topics in optimization, including a thorough treatment of basic ideas of linear programming, with additional topics drawn from numerical considerations, linear complementarity, integer programming and networks, polyhedral methods. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. 4 hours of credit requires approval of the instructor and department with completion of additional work of substance. Prerequisite:  ASRM 406 ,  MATH 415 , or  MATH 416 .

MATH 484   Nonlinear Programming   Iterative and analytical solutions of constrained and unconstrained problems of optimization; gradient and conjugate gradient solution methods; Newton's method, Lagrange multipliers, duality and the Kuhn-Tucker theorem; and quadratic, convex, and geometric programming. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. 4 hours of credit requires approval of the instructor and department with completion of additional work of substance. Prerequisite:  MATH 241 ;  MATH 347  or  MATH 348 ; or equivalent;  MATH 415  or equivalent; or consent of instructor.

MATH 489   Dynamics & Differential Eqns   Studies mathematical theory of dynamical systems, emphasizing both discrete-time dynamics and nonlinear systems of differential equations. Topics include: chaos, fractals, attractors, bifurcations, with application to areas such as population biology, fluid dynamics and classical physics. Basic knowledge of matrix theory will be assumed. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. 4 hours of credit requires approval of the instructor and completion of additional work of substance. Prerequisite: One of  MATH 284 ,  MATH 285 ,  MATH 286 ,  MATH 441 .

MATH 540   Real Analysis   Lebesgue measure on the real line; integration and differentiation of real valued functions of a real variable; and additional topics at discretion of instructor. Prerequisite:  MATH 447  or equivalent.

MATH 541   Functional Analysis   Fundamental results in functional analysis; spectral theory of compact operators; further topics chosen by the instructor. Prerequisite:  MATH 540 .

MATH 553   Partial Differential Equations   Basic introduction to the study of partial differential equations; topics include: the Cauchy problem, power-series methods, characteristics, classification, canonical forms, well-posed problems, Riemann's method for hyperbolic equations, the Goursat problem, the wave equation, Sturm-Liouville problems and separation of variables, Fourier series, the heat equation, integral transforms, Laplace's equation, harmonic functions, potential theory, the Dirichlet and Neumann problems, and Green's functions. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

MATH 558   Methods of Applied Mathematics   Introduction to modern methods of applied mathematics, including nondimensionalization and scaling analysis, regular and singular asymptotics, analysis of multiscale systems, and analysis of complex systems. Each technique is illustrated with applications from science and engineering. The mathematical frameworks will include ordinary, partial and stochastic differential equations, point processes, and Markov chains. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in ODEs, PDEs, and probability theory ( MATH 441 ,  MATH 442 , and  MATH 461 , or equivalents), or consent of instructor.

Molecular and Cell Biology

MCB 421   Microbial Genetics   Prokaryotic microbial genetic systems; emphasis on typical data analyses, together with the basic classes of genetic phenomena. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  MCB 300  or consent of instructor.

MCB 424   Microbial Biochemistry   Examines the biochemical ecology of diverse microbial groups with emphasis on anaerobic systems. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  MCB 250  and  MCB 354  or  MCB 450 , or consent of instructor.

MCB 426   Bacterial Pathogenesis   Emphasizes prokaryotes that cause important diseases in humans and other animals; host-parasite bacteriology; and chemistry and genetics of mechanisms of pathogenesis. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  MCB 300  and  MCB 354 , or consent of instructor.

MCB 430   Molecular Microbiology   Modern contributions to the science of microbiology; emphasizes the structure, function, and synthesis of informational macromolecules and on the role microorganisms have played in molecular biology. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  MCB 300  and credit or concurrent registration in  MCB 354 , or consent of instructor.

PHYS 402   Light   Wave kinematics; geometrical optics: basic concepts, ray-tracing and matrix formalism, Gaussian imaging by thick lenses, stops, apertures, and intensity relations; interference; interference spectroscopy and coherence; diffraction: Fresnel-Kirchhoff formulation, Fraunhofer case, Fresnel case, and holography; polarized light. 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. (3 hours without lab). Prerequisite:  PHYS 214  and  PHYS 435  or  ECE 329 .

PHYS 404   Electronic Circuits   Physics of semiconductor devices; theory and application of discrete and integrated devices in linear circuits; use of operational amplifiers and feedback; regulation, oscillators, and modulation; emphasizes practical experience. 5 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  PHYS 325 .

PHYS 460   Condensed Matter Physics   Bonding and structure of crystals; energy bands in insulators, semiconductors, and metals; electrical conductivity; optical properties; lattice vibrations; elasticity; point defects; dislocations. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both  PHYS 460  and  MSE 304 . Prerequisite:  PHYS 435 ;  PHYS 485  or  PHYS 486 .

PHYS 485   Atomic Phys & Quantum Theory   Basic concepts of quantum theory which underlie modern theories of the properties of materials; elements of atomic and nuclear theory; kinetic theory and statistical mechanics; quantum theory and simple applications; atomic spectra and atomic structure; molecular structure and chemical binding. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both  PHYS 485  and  CHEM 442 . Prerequisite:  MATH 285  or  MATH 286  and  PHYS 214 .

PHYS 504   Statistical Physics   Single-particle distribution functions; classical and quantum mechanical systems, Boltzmann equation, virial theorem, and equations of state for gases; formal theory: ensembles, identical particles, thermodynamics of simple systems, and distribution functions; nonequilibrium problems; conservation laws and hydrodynamic equations, sound waves, and transport coefficients; plasmas, normal Fermi fluid, superfluids, and systems with internal degrees of freedom. Prerequisite:  PHYS 427  and  PHYS 486 .

PHYS 550   Biomolecular Physics   Physical concepts governing the structure and function of biological macromolecules; general properties, spatial structure, energy levels, dynamics and functions, and relation to other complex physical systems such as glasses; recent research in biomolecular physics; physical techniques and concepts from theoretical physics emphasized. Same as  BIOP 550  and  MCB 550 . Prerequisite:  CHEM 104 ;  PHYS 485  or  PHYS 487 .

PHYS 560   Condensed Matter Physics I   Crystalline perfection, free-electron gas, screening, plasma oscillations, and dielectric response; Bloch electrons, Brillouin zones, and band structure; semiconductors, intrinsic and extrinsic, with applications; phonons, elasticity, and anharmonicity; ferromagnetism and second-order phase transitions; superconductivity. Prerequisite:  PHYS 427  and  PHYS 580 .

PHYS 563   Phase Transitions   Phenomenology of phase transitions, scaling, critical behavior, and multi-criticality; Landau theory of phase transitions; renormalization group methods, including lattice models and epsilon-expansion; numerical methods; critical dynamics; selected additional topics. Prerequisite:  PHYS 504 .

PHYS 598   Special Topics in Physics   Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in physics intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.

Other Selected Courses

ATMS 420   Atmospheric Chemistry     Biochemical cycles of atmospheric trace gases, their interactions on global and regional scales, and their significance for the chemistry in the atmosphere. Important fundamental concepts central to understanding air pollutants, e.g., the formation of aerosols and the transformation and removal of species in the atmosphere. Same as  CEE 447 . 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite:  CHEM 102 ,  PHYS 211 , and  MATH 241 .

ATMS 502: Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics  Addresses numerical techniques for solving linear and nonlinear differential equations in initial value fluid flow problems. Students receive a thorough background in the principles used to evaluate numerical methods, the ability to critically interpret these methods as presented in the literature, and in particular, the practical application of these techniques in modeling multi-dimensional flow on high-performance computers. Temporal and directional splitting, finite differencing/volume methods, and adaptive nesting will be discussed. Same as  CSE 566 . 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite:  MATH 285 or equivalent. Graduate Standing or Consent of Instructor.

BIOE 498: Special Topics in Bioengineering   Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in bioengineering intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary to a maximum of 12 hours, but no more than 8 in any one term.

ME 471   Finite Element Analysis   The finite element method and its application to engineering problems: truss and frame structures, heat conduction, and linear elasticity; use of application software; overview of advanced topics such as structural dynamics, fluid flow, and nonlinear structural analysis. Same as  AE 420  and  CSE 451 . 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both  ME 471  and  CEE 470 . Prerequisite:  CS 101  and  ME 371  or  TAM 470 . Alternatively,  AE 370  for AE students.

TAM 538   Turbulence   Instability and origins of chaotic motion in fluid flow; Reynolds averaging and statistical description of turbulence, correlations and spectral dynamics of homogeneous turbulence, anisotropic flows, coherent structures, inhomogeneous turbulence, transport models, and large-eddy simulations. Prerequisite:  TAM 532 .

TAM 574   Adv Finite Element Methods   Advanced theory and applications of the finite-element method, as needed for research in computational science and engineering: applications to mechanics of solids and fluids, thermal problems, etc.; variational foundations of the finite-element method, error estimates, and adaptive analysis; finite-element methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems; mixed finite-element methods; applications to systems of equations. Same as  CSE 517 . Prerequisite: One of  TAM 470 ,  CEE 570 ,  CS 555 ,  ME 471 .

Career Services

Scs career services.

The School of Chemical Sciences Career Services office seeks to provide guidelines, resources, and opportunities to School of Chemical Sciences job seekers to help them achieve their career aspirations relevant to their academic interests and to facilitate and support connections between employers and those job seekers. Whether you are seeking a career in industry, higher education, or seeking to gain practical experience through a summer or semester internship, or co-op, we can help.

  • Career advising
  • Academic and industrial job search coaching
  • Résumé/CV and cover letter assistance
  • Mock interview program
  • Professional development workshops

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Grainger Engineering Career Services

Engineering Career Services (ECS) in the Grainger College of Engineering provides students and employers with career management services. Skilled at working with highly qualified students and maintaining strong ties with companies, ECS helps you explore careers and get connected with your dream companies. Whether you are beginning to research internships or are seeking a full-time job, the ECS team is your career search partner.

The Career Center at Illinois

The Career Center provides all Illinois students collaborative and innovative programs, services, and resources focused on career and professional development that educates and empowers them to become thriving professionals in the global community. The Career Center serves all students. in addition to career services staff in many colleges and departments—this network of Career Services offices actively collaborates to provide the best possible services to all University of Illinois students. The Career Center is nationally recognized for excellence in career services that empower students to connect their “Illinois experience” with their future aspirations. 

Graduate Student Advisory Committee

GSAC is the representative body of graduate students that acts as a liaison between the graduate students and the department administration. We organize social, professional, outreach, and recruitment events including the  Graduate Research Symposium , professional networking, welcome week, recruitment weekends, Toys for Tots, and the annual Food Drive . We provide bonding opportunities for students and foster a sense of community.

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Admission Requirements

Applicants are considered on an individual basis. For questions regarding the application process, they are advised to contact the graduate coordinator ( [email protected] ). Complete transcripts of all undergraduate and any graduate coursework must be submitted. In addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements, applicants must meet the following program requirements:

  • Baccalaureate Field Chemistry or biochemistry. Other fields are considered on an individual basis.
  • Grade Point Average At least 3.00/4.00 in mathematics and science courses (excluding independent study or research courses) and at least 2.75 for the final 60 semester hours (or 90 quarter hours if the university follows the quarter system) of undergraduate study.
  • Tests Required None.
  • TOEFL iBT  80, with subscores of Reading 19, Listening 17, Speaking 20, and Writing 21,  OR ,
  • IELTS Academic  6.5, with 6.0 in each of the four subscores,  OR ,
  • PTE-Academic  54, with subscores of Reading 51, Listening 47, Speaking 53, and Writing 56.
  • Letters of Recommendation Three letters are required.
  • Personal Statement Required as part of the Application for Graduate Appointment . The form is accessible online (click the down arrow in the top right corner to make it a fillable PDF). Statement should be submitted on a separate sheet. Research background and interests should be emphasized, and a discussion of the applicant's suitability to our graduate program should be provided.
  • Nondegree Applicants Nondegree applicants must submit a transcript from their baccalaureate institution and a statement regarding their future plans.

Degree Requirements

After admission, all entering students must take placement examinations. The placement examinations, which are at a level of typical terminal college courses, are offered in the areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and biochemistry. All graduate students must show proficiency in three areas of their choice. A deficiency in an area must be remedied by taking an advanced undergraduate or a graduate-level course in the area.

Students seeking a PhD degree are encouraged to enter this program immediately after completion of their undergraduate studies. The MS degree is not a prerequisite to the PhD degree in Chemistry.

  • Minimum Semester Hours Required 96 hours beyond the baccalaureate.
  • Coursework At least 9 hours must be in lecture courses at the 500 level in the student’s major area and 3 hours must be in a chemistry lecture course at the 500 level (or 6 hours in lecture courses at the 400 level in one field) outside the student’s area of specialization. Students must meet the seminar requirements of their area of specialization within the program. Students found to be deficient in specific areas of chemistry on the basis of placement examinations may have to complete additional courses.
  • Preliminary Examination Required. Candidates must fulfill the Assessment for Candidacy requirements and have a  Research Committee Meeting consisting of an oral examination and assessment of research progress by the end of the second year in the program. Advancing to candidacy is dependent on satisfactory completion of these requirements within the time limit set by the department.
  • ​ Chemistry Education Research Students complete this  requirement by taking and passing an additional 400/500-level  course in Chemistry or in a field of educational research  approved by the advisor. Students also take and pass CHEM 570   during their second year, in advance of their  second year committee meeting.
  • Analytical Chemistry: Students must pass CHEM 520   during their  second year, in advance of their second year committee  meeting, and an additional 400/500-level   course.
  • Biochemistry: Students are required to take and pass CHEM 550 four times ( each semester during their first and second years).
  • Inorganic Chemistry: Students are required to submit written  research reports at the end of the student’s second  semester.
  • Organic Chemistry: Students are required to take and pass  CHEM 530 four times ( each semester during their first and second  years).
  • Physical Chemistry: Students will be required to take and  pass CHEM 540 four times ( each semester during their first and second  years).
  • Dissertation Required.

MS students who transfer to or enter the PhD program before completion of the MS degree are also required to meet these requirements by the end of their fourth semester 

Interdepartmental Concentrations

Students earning a graduate degree in this department may complement their courses by enrolling in select concentrations after consulting with their graduate advisor. Interdepartmental concentrations available for this degree include:

  • Neuroscience

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Britain saw centuries of economic growth under Roman rule

The technologies introduced by the Romans after they conquered Britain led to the kind of economic growth seen in the industrial age

By Michael Le Page

5 July 2024

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A hoard of Roman gold coins found below the floor of a Roman house in Corbridge, UK

World History Archive/Alamy

After the Romans conquered Britain in AD 43 , the technologies and laws they introduced led to centuries of economic growth of a kind once thought to be limited to modern industrial societies. That is the conclusion of an analysis of thousands of archaeological finds from this time.

“Over that period of about 350 years, you’re looking at roughly a two and a half [fold] increase in productivity per capita,” says Rob Wiseman at the University of Cambridge.

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It has long been believed that economic growth in the ancient world depended on having more people and more resources, says Wiseman: to increase food production, say, required more land and more farm workers. This kind of growth is known as extensive growth.

By contrast, economic growth today is driven mainly by increased productivity, or intensive growth. Thanks to mechanisation and better breeds of plants and animals, for instance, more food can be produced from the same area of land with fewer workers.

Some recent studies have challenged the idea that intensive growth occurred only after the industrial age began, inspiring Wiseman and his colleagues to look at growth in Roman Britain from AD 43 to 400.

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The team’s research was made possible by UK laws requiring archaeological investigations to be done when a site is developed , says Wiseman. “The result is there’s been tens of thousands of archaeological excavations done in this country. And, moreover, that data is publicly accessible.”

By looking at how the number of buildings changed over time, the researchers were able to get an idea of how the population of Roman Britain grew. There is a strong relation between the number of buildings and population size, says Wiseman.

To get an idea of economic growth, the team looked at three measures. One was the size of buildings, rather than the number of them. As people grow richer, they build bigger houses, says Wiseman.

Another measure was the number of lost coins found in digs. “These are things that have fallen through the floorboards, or they’ve been lost in the baths, or something like that,” he says.

The idea is that the more coins are in circulation, the more are likely to be lost. The team didn’t count hidden hoards of coins, as these reflect instability rather than growth.

The third measure was the proportion of crude pottery, such as cooking pots and storage pots, to more ornate pottery like decorated plates. Economic growth requires people to interact more and socialise more, which means “showing off” when guests are present, says Wiseman.

Based on these measures, the team found that economic growth exceeded that expected from population growth alone. They estimate that per capita growth was around 0.5 per cent between AD 150 and 250, slowing to around 0.3 per cent between AD 250 and 400.

“What we’re able to show is yes, after the Romans arrived, there was definitely intensive growth,” says Wiseman. The pace of growth rather than the kind of growth is what probably distinguishes the modern world from the ancient one, he says.

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The researchers think that this growth was driven by factors such as the roads and ports built by the Romans, the laws they introduced making trading safer, and their technologies, such as more advanced grain mills and better breeds of animals for ploughing.

The higher growth between AD 150 and 250 may be a result of Britain catching up with the rest of the Roman world, says Wiseman. “You’re moving from a small tribal society where there’s not a lot of interaction going on to a world-spanning economy.”

What isn’t clear is whether this economic development made people happier or healthier. “Just because the productivity is going up doesn’t automatically mean that the welfare of Britons who were invaded and colonised was better under Rome,” says Wiseman. “That’s an open question.”

To investigate this, the researchers now plan to look at human remains to work out things such as how long people lived .

“I am convinced that they are right and that, indeed, intensive growth took place in Roman Britain,” says Alain Bresson at the University of Chicago, Illinois.

“A lot of archaeologists have noted compelling evidence for economic growth in Roman Britain, but this paper adds a welcome formal theoretical dimension to the discussion,” says Ian Morris at Stanford University, California.

However, Morris suspects that the lower average growth rate from AD 250 to 400 actually reflects high growth followed by rapid decline as the Roman empire began to break up. Further studies will resolve this, he says.

Journal reference:

Science Advances DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk5517

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Currently Offered Courses - Fall 2024

Chem 101 - introductory chemistry.

Introduction to the basic concepts and language of chemistry; lectures, discussions, and lab. Preparatory chemistry course for students who require additional background before enrolling in CHEM 102. This course has been approved for graduation credit for all students in the College of LAS. Students in other colleges should check with their college office. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: 2.5 years of high school mathematics, or credit or concurrent registration in MATH 112.

See details.

CHEM 102 - General Chemistry I

For students who have some prior knowledge of chemistry. Principles governing atomic structure, bonding, states of matter, stoichiometry, and chemical equilibrium. Credit is not given for both CHEM 102 and CHEM 202. Prerequisite: Credit in or exemption from MATH 112; one year of high school chemistry or equivalent. All students enrolled in CHEM 102 should also enroll in CHEM 103.

CHEM 103 - General Chemistry Lab I

Laboratory studies to accompany CHEM 102. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 103 and CHEM 203. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 102 is required.

CHEM 104 - General Chemistry II

Lecture and discussions. Chemistry of materials, including organic and biological substances, chemical energetics and equilibrium, chemical kinetics, and electrochemistry. Credit is not given for both CHEM 104 and CHEM 204. Prerequisite: CHEM 102 or CHEM 202 or advanced placement credit for one semester of college-level chemistry. All students enrolled in CHEM 104 should also enroll in CHEM 105.

CHEM 105 - General Chemistry Lab II

Laboratory studies to accompany CHEM 104. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 105 and CHEM 205. Prerequisite: CHEM 102 and CHEM 103. Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 104 is required.

CHEM 150 - First Semester Success in Chemistry

First year orientation course for Chemistry majors focused on helping students develop a sense of community, acquire the study tools and skills needed to succeed in college-level STEM courses, and identify resources to begin exploring career options. Discussions, group-based activities, short reflective writings, and attendance at campus events (career fairs) and workshops (developing a resume, getting started in research) are emphasized. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in one of CHEM 101, CHEM 102, CHEM 202, or CHEM 222. Restricted to freshmen Chemistry (BS & BSLAS) majors only.

CHEM 197 - Individual Study Freshman

Individual study of problems related to chemistry or research not necessarily leading to a senior thesis. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours. A maximum of 2 hours may be used toward the major. A maximum of 18 hours of CHEM 197, CHEM 297, CHEM 397, CHEM 497 and/or CHEM 499 may be used toward the degree. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required to register.

CHEM 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

CHEM 202 - Accelerated Chemistry I

Lectures and discussions. Beginning chemistry course for students in the chemical sciences and others with strong high school chemistry and mathematics preparation. Chemical calculations, structure, bonding and equilibrium. Credit is not given for both CHEM 202 and CHEM 102. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 220 or MATH 221; concurrent registration in CHEM 203.

CHEM 203 - Accelerated Chemistry Lab I

Companion laboratory course to CHEM 202. Comprehensive skills-oriented approach to learning laboratory technique and safety. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Students may receive no more than two credit hours for both this course and CHEM 103. Prerequisite: Concurrent registration or credit in CHEM 202 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 222 - Quantitative Analysis Lecture

Fundamentals of quantitative analysis, chemical equilibrium and kinetics. This lecture course is intended to accompany CHEM 223. Students with credit in CHEM 222 can receive credit for CHEM 203. Prerequisite: CHEM 104 and CHEM 105 or equivalent.

CHEM 223 - Quantitative Analysis Lab

Laboratory course covers the fundamentals of quantitative analysis, equilibrium and kinetics. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 223 and CHEM 205. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 222.

CHEM 232 - Elementary Organic Chemistry I

Presents structural and mechanistic chemistry with emphasis on applications of this material to closely related areas. For students in agricultural, nutritional and biological sciences, as well as premedical, predental, and preveterinary programs. One-term survey course; may be followed by CHEM 332. Credit is not given for both CHEM 232 and CHEM 236. 3 hours of credit is an option for those not registered in a discussion-recitation section. 4 hours of credit requires registration in a discussion-recitation section and a live lecture or an online section. Prerequisite: CHEM 104 and CHEM 105, or CHEM 204.

CHEM 233 - Elementary Organic Chem Lab I

Basic laboratory techniques in organic chemistry are presented with emphasis on the separation, isolation, and purification of organic compounds. For students in agricultural science, dairy technology, food technology, nutrition, dietetics, premedical, predental, and preveterinary programs. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 233 and CHEM 237. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 232.

CHEM 236 - Fundamental Organic Chem I

Fundamental structural, synthetic, and mechanistic organic chemistry is presented. For students whose major is chemistry or for those in the specialized curricula in chemistry or chemical engineering. The first term of a two-term integrated sequence (to be followed by CHEM 436). This lecture course is intended to accompany CHEM 237. Credit is not given for both CHEM 236 and CHEM 232. Prerequisite: Completion of CHEM 104 with a B- or higher, or completion of CHEM 204, or completion of CHEM 222 and 223.

CHEM 237 - Structure and Synthesis

Laboratory course introduces synthesis and the basic techniques for the separation, isolation and purification of organic and inorganic compounds. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Credit is not given for both CHEM 237 and CHEM 233. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 236.

CHEM 293 - Cooperative Education Practice

Off-campus cooperative practice of chemistry or chemical engineering in industrial or governmental facilities. Each chemistry or chemical engineering student participating in cooperative education must register for CHEM 293 for each off-campus term. Same as CHBE 202. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the School of Chemical Sciences Cooperative Education Program.

CHEM 295 - Chemistry Internship

Full-time practice of chemical science in an off-campus industrial setting or research laboratory environment. Summary report required. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Completion of freshman year or equivalent, or consent of Director of Cooperative Education in Chemistry.

CHEM 297 - Individual Study Sophomore

Individual study of problems related to chemistry or research not necessarily leading to a senior thesis. May be repeated in separate terms. A maximum of 6 hours may be used toward the major. A maximum of 18 hours of CHEM 197, CHEM 297, CHEM 397, CHEM 497 and/or CHEM 499 may be used toward the degree. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required to register.

CHEM 312 - Inorganic Chemistry

Basic chemical bonding in molecules, introduction to symmetry, chemistry of the main group elements, coordination chemistry of the transition elements, organometallic chemistry, solid state chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, chemistry of the lanthanide and actinide elements. Prerequisite: CHEM 232 or CHEM 236.

CHEM 315 - Instrumental Chem Systems Lab

Laboratory course emphasizes the application of modern instrumental techniques for characterizing the kinetic behavior and equilibrium properties of chemical systems. Prerequisite: Either CHEM 237 or both CHEM 223 and CHEM 233.

CHEM 317 - Inorganic Chemistry Lab

Emphasizes modern techniques for the synthesis, purification, and characterization of inorganic and organometallic compounds. There are three components to the course: lectures on laboratory methodology and reporting, laboratory experiments, and report writing. The final third of the course is dedicated to special individualized projects. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: CHEM 312; completion of campus Composition I general education requirement.

CHEM 332 - Elementary Organic Chem II

Continuation of CHEM 232 focuses on advanced organic chemistry synthesis, mechanisms, and history, and its applications to peptide and protein sciences, carbohydrate chemistry, and DNA structure, repair and enzymatic processes. Credit is not given for both CHEM 332 and CHEM 436. This course should not be taken by students who have completed CHEM 236. Prerequisite: CHEM 232 and CHEM 233.

CHEM 397 - Individual Study Junior

Individual study of problems related to chemistry or research not necessarily leading to a senior thesis. May be repeated in separate terms. A maximum of 6 hours may be used toward the major. A maximum of 18 hours of CHEM 197, CHEM 297, CHEM 397, CHEM 497 and/or CHEM 499 may be used toward the degree. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required to register

CHEM 420 - Instrumental Characterization

Lecture course covers the fundamentals of instrumental characterization including: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, potentiometry, voltammetry, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and gas and liquid chromatography. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 440; or credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 442; or consent of the instructor.

CHEM 440 - Physical Chemistry Principles

One-term course in physical chemistry emphasizing topics most important to students in the biological and agricultural sciences. Not open to students in the specialized curricula in chemistry and chemical engineering. Laboratory experience in this area provided by CHEM 315 to be taken preferably after CHEM 440. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Completion of either CHEM 104 or CHEM 204, completion of either PHYS 102 or 212, and completion of MATH 241 or equivalent calculus including partial derivatives.

CHEM 442 - Physical Chemistry I

Lectures and problems focusing on microscopic properties. CHEM 442 and CHEM 444 constitute a year-long study of chemical principles. CHEM 442 focuses on quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, spectroscopy and dynamics. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CHEM 442 and PHYS 485. Prerequisite: CHEM 204 or CHEM 222; MATH 225, 257, or 415, and a minimal knowledge of differential equations, or equivalent; and PHYS 211, PHYS 212, and PHYS 214 or equivalent.

CHEM 444 - Physical Chemistry II

Lecture and problems focusing on microscopic properties. CHEM 442 and CHEM 444 constitute a year-long study of chemical principles. CHEM 444 focuses on thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and kinetics from single molecules to the bulk, in gases and in the condensed phase. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for CHEM 444 and MSE 401 or PHYS 427. Prerequisite: CHEM 204 or CHEM 222; MATH 225, MATH 257, or MATH 415, and a minimal knowledge of differential equations, or equivalent; and PHYS 211, PHYS 212, and PHYS 214 or equivalent.

CHEM 445 - Physical Principles Lab I

Laboratory course featuring experiments of interest to chemists and biochemists. Examples of experiments may include, but are not limited to, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy; Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy; X-ray diffraction; differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); 1D and 2D Fourier-transform nuclear magnetic resonance (FT-NMR) spectroscopy; and computational quantum chemistry (QM). This course provides hands-on experience with instrumental and computational techniques that are frequently used in both industrial and academic research and will be of interest to students proposing to carry out work in any area of chemistry and in related disciplines. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent registration in CHEM 440, CHEM 442 or CHEM 472 (same as BIOC 446 or MCB 446) or consent of instructor.

CHEM 447 - Physical Principles Lab II

Laboratory course featuring experiments of interest to chemists and biochemists. Examples of experiments may include, but are not limited to, molecular mechanics/molecular dynamics (MM/MD) simulations of proteins; Raman spectroscopy; low-energy electron diffraction (LEED); bomb calorimetry; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and enzyme kinetics and inhibition. This course provides hands-on experience with instrumental and computational techniques that are frequently used in both industrial and academic research and will be of interest to students proposing to carry out work in any area of chemistry and in related disciplines. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent registration in CHEM 440 or CHEM 442 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 452 - Data Science for Chemistry and Engineering

Same as CHBE 413. See CHBE 413.

CHEM 480 - Polymer Chemistry

Same as MSE 457. See MSE 457.

CHEM 488 - Surfaces and Colloids

Same as MSE 480. See MSE 480.

CHEM 492 - Special Topics in Chemistry

Open to advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Deals with subjects not ordinarily covered by regularly scheduled courses. 1 to 3 undergraduate hours. 1 to 3 graduate hours. Approved for letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in any 400-level course in chemistry.

CHEM 494 - Lab Safety Fundamentals

Same as MSE 492. See MSE 492.

CHEM 495 - Teaching Secondary Chemistry

Intended for undergraduates working toward certification to teach high school chemistry and graduate students working towards a Master's degree in the Teaching of Chemistry. Course aims to provide future teachers with hands-on experience in conducting laboratory experiments, demonstrations, and teaching strategies. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Course does not count toward the eleven advanced hours in chemistry required in the specialized curriculum, nor does it apply to coursework required for the Ph.D. in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in general chemistry and credit or concurrent enrollment in CI 403.

CHEM 497 - Individual Study Senior

Individual study of problems related to chemistry or research not necessarily leading to a senior thesis. to 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated in separate terms. A maximum of 6 hours may be used toward the major. A maximum of 18 hours of CHEM 197, CHEM 297, CHEM 397, CHEM 497 and/or CHEM 499 may be used toward the degree. Prerequisite: Chemistry faculty approval required to register.

CHEM 499 - Senior Thesis

Research with thesis, under the direction of a senior staff member in chemistry. Normally the student takes two terms of CHEM 499 in the senior year. 2 to 6 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated up to 10 hours in separate terms. CHEM 499 is recommended for all those who plan to do research and graduate study and it is a prerequisite for graduation with distinction in chemistry. In the term preceding their initial enrollment, those interested in taking the course should consult with their advisers and with the graduate adviser for the area of interest in which they plan to work. A maximum of 10 hours may be counted toward graduation and a thesis must be presented for credit to be received.

CHEM 512 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Descriptive chemistry of the main group and transition elements, reactions and reaction mechanisms of inorganic systems, and electronic structure of inorganic molecules and solids. Prerequisite: CHEM 312 or approval of instructor.

CHEM 515 - Inorganic Chemistry Seminar

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is inorganic chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 517 - Advanced Inorganic Chem Lab

Specialized laboratory techniques; more difficult inorganic syntheses. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in one of the lecture courses in inorganic chemistry in the 500 series.

CHEM 518 - Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

Advanced course dealing with a subject not ordinarily covered by regularly scheduled courses, such as organometallic chemistry, advanced ligand field theory and molecular orbital theory of inorganic compounds, kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic reactions, etc. May be repeated. Prerequisite: CHEM 516 or consent of instructor.

CHEM 520 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry

Treatment of the basic issues of importance in modern analytical chemistry. Topics include basic chemical and measurement concepts, measurement instrumentation and techniques, and principles, tools, and applications in spectroscopy, electrochemistry, separations, sensors, mass spectroscopy and surface characterization. Prerequisite: CHEM 315, CHEM 420, and CHEM 444.

CHEM 525 - Analytical Chemistry Seminar

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is analytical chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 532 - Physical Organic Chemistry

Advanced survey of physical organic chemistry. The emphasis is on structure and bonding in organic compounds; scope of reaction mechanisms, including reactive intermediates and how these mechanisms and intermediates are studied; and writing reasonable organic reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 332 or CHEM 436 and one year of physical chemistry.

CHEM 534 - Advanced Organic Synthesis

Advanced survey of organic chemistry with emphasis on synthesis of organic compounds. Course content includes survey of important synthetic reactions, construction of fundamental subunits and illustrations of strategy and synthetic analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 332 or CHEM 436.

CHEM 535 - Organic Chemistry Seminar

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is organic chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 540 - Quantum Mechanics

The sequence, CHEM 540 and CHEM 542, is designed to give seniors and graduate students a unified treatment of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy on an advanced level. CHEM 540 covers the principles of formalism of quantum mechanics, as well as the solution of the Schrodinger equation for models and simple chemical systems. Prerequisite: CHEM 442 or equivalent.

CHEM 544 - Statistical Thermodynamics

Fundamentals of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, covering equilibria, thermodynamic transforms, phase transitions, ensembles and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, from single molecules to complex biological systems. Prerequisite: CHEM 442 and CHEM 444, or equivalent.

CHEM 545 - Physical Chemistry Seminar

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is physical chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 570 - Concepts in Chemical Biology

An overview of the concepts and methods utilized in research at the interface of chemistry and biology, and their application to contemporary problems in biological chemistry. Specific topics covered include, but are not limited to, chemical genetics, bioconjugation reactions, combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, identifying biological targets of small-molecule compounds, combinatorial biosynthesis, sequence-specific DNA-binding compounds, activity-based protein profiling, anti-cancer agents, targeted therapeutics, phage display, and yeast-hybrid systems. Prerequisite: One year (two semesters) of undergraduate organic chemistry is required. One semester of undergraduate biochemistry or molecular biology is preferred.

CHEM 575 - Chemical Biology Seminar

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is chemical biology. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 582 - Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis

Same as CHBE 551. See CHBE 551.

CHEM 584 - Introduction to Materials Chem

Processing of ceramics, metals, polymers, and semiconductors, both traditional and advanced, and their mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical and thermal properties.

CHEM 585 - Materials Chemistry Seminar

Required of all Chemistry graduate students whose area is materials chemistry. Prerequisite: Enrollment is allowed only by second-year graduate students who are presenting their Ph.D. literature seminar during that semester. Undergraduate students are not eligible to enroll in this course.

CHEM 590 - Special Topics in Chemistry

Designed for students majoring or minoring in chemistry who wish to undertake individual studies of a non-research nature under the direction of a faculty member of the department. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and written approval of department head. Staff for the course is the same as for CHEM 599.

CHEM 591 - Introductory Professional Development for Chemists

Covers topics to prepare Chemistry graduate students for all aspects of graduate culture. The topics include how to be an effective TA, cultural competence and awareness that enable effective professional interactions with diverse scientists, understanding ethics in research, and becoming savvy in non-technical skills essential to graduate school success such as program management, conflict resolution, time management, and understanding resources available for acute or chronic mental health challenges. This course also sets the departmental expectations for appropriate professional conduct. This course is required for all Chemistry graduate students in the Fall of their first year. 1 graduate hour. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Restricted to first-year graduate students in Chemistry.

CHEM 592 - Preparing Graduate Fellowships

Assists first- and second-year graduate students in Chemistry as well as a selected few senior undergraduate Chemistry majors in their efforts to obtain external grants and fellowships. Using the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) as an example, the course provides the students with general information and guidance about preparing grant applications. Each student will prepare a complete application package, which can be submitted to the NSF GRFP at the end of the course, although such submission is optional. 1 graduate hour. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Intended for first and second-year graduate students in Chemistry. Some senior undergraduate Chemistry majors who have high GPA and research experience in faculty laboratories may enroll with the instructor's approval.

CHEM 595 - Graduate Chemistry Internship

Full-time practice of chemical science in an off-campus industrial setting or research laboratory environment. Summary report required. 0 graduate hours. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Restricted to Chemistry major(s), or consent of instructor.

CHEM 599 - Thesis Research

Candidates for the master's degree who elect research are required to present a thesis. A thesis is always required of students working toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Not all candidates for thesis work necessarily are accepted. Any student whose major is in a department other than chemistry or chemical engineering must receive permission from the head of the Department of Chemistry to register in this course. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in separate terms. During Summer terms, this course can only be taken for 0 to 8 hours.

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Discuss and ask questions about personal finances, budgeting, income, retirement plans, insurance, investing, and frugality.

Advice for entering the "real" world

Hello! I am 27, turning 28 next week, and have been in university then graduate school for 10 years. I spent 4 for my BSc in Chemistry and 5.5 for my PhD followed by a brief post-doctoral fellowship as a filler position until I found a job. Now I am working in a comfortable job that I'm doing well in and the salary is good. It's fair to say I'm used to being poor (turns out students don't get paid much) and now I'm a little overwhelmed with my sudden influx of cash.

Briefly, my living expenses & income were around 22-24k/yr for the last 6 years, and I've scraped by. My new salary minus living expenses (car since mine broke down, rent, food, money to play with, student loans) comes out to me being able to comfortably save $1,700 - $2,300. I am looking to put away $15,000 - $20,000 in a HYSA once I have a little bit of money (probably in the next few months) for an emergency fund, but after that I am unsure what to do. A high school friend of mine is a financial advisor and we've briefly talked about it and he seems to be intrigued to discuss options after I've gotten a little bit of money built up, but I'm not sure when that is.

I've seen some people say you shouldn't worry about financial advisors until you have like 50-100k, and I do have some loans that may be smarter to pay off first. My car loan is 5.99% 60 mo. agreement, and I'm pondering to pay it off early (no penalties) with extra monthly payments to reduce this down to a timeline of ~36-40 months to save myself ~$6,000 based on an online calculator. Student loans are all below 4.6% and total less than 35k currently (most ~4.2%) and credit / personal loans (moving expenses mainly) will be paid off in the next month.

Also, I have a small retirement started from my postdoctoral fellowship, but this new company starts retirement plans after 1 full year of employment. It's the one downside to the job, but the pay, insurance, and general benefits (free lunch, drinks, snacks, flexible hours in a pinch, 16 days off /yr paid + 6 days of paid sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, etc) are good so I'm happy.

I know this is a lot of background, but I am trying to get honest inputs from informed readers. My questions: Since the car loan is 6% and most HYSA I'm seeing are 4-5.5% should I aim to pay this off early before worrying about financial advisory? Should I be looking into other retirement options and if so which ones (I'm completely new to this, please excuse my inexperience)? Should I pay down my student loans faster than the 10-yr repayment plan, or should I ride them and park future assets ins HYSA/stocks/etc? When, if at all, would you look to start discussing financial advisory?

What would you guys do? I want to jump into this lifestyle with a smart plan since my family up to this point has been high school diplomas/drop-outs with no savings living paycheck to paycheck. I broke the trend, but I want to make sure that I am comfortable and not squandering this opportunity with frivolous expenses or improper financial practices.

If more info is needed just let me know and I'll do my best to reply in a timely manner! Cheers guys


  1. UIUC Chemistry Ph.D. acceptance !!! : r/gradadmissions

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  1. Just Got into UIUC Chemistry Ph.D and supppperrrr stoked! : r ...

    Illinois was one of the schools I really wanted to get into and would just really like going to. Still have to wait for my other four but I'm excited for everyone else too! BTW if you made it to Illinois chem PhD feel free to DM me. I'll get bored over break and just curious what background you come from too!

  2. Stay away from UIUC chemistry : r/UIUC

    Prospective Students. Deadlines are coming up. UIUC prospectives, beware. Prospective students deserve to know how this chemistry department treats graduate students. The following is a non exhaustive list of events that have happened in the last five years. Students sexually assaulted by lab members in at least 2 labs.

  3. UIUC Chemistry

    View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. UIUC Chemistry - Good, Bad, Ugly ... I'm not in chemistry at UIUC but am in another STEM PhD program that is also top 10 (not bragging, only saying this because the prof in the comments used this as an excuse for the toxicity in the chem dept.). I have multiple close friends ...

  4. Chemistry Graduate Admissions

    Chemistry Graduate Admissions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 109 Noyes Laboratory, MC-712, Box 57-1 505 South Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 244-6245 Fax: (217) 244-7091 Email: [email protected]

  5. Home

    Bill received his B.S. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1958, and his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester (Marshall Gates) in 1963. After a postdoctoral year with E. J. Corey at Harvard, he joined the faculty at Illinois in 1964. His research was in the areas of organic chemistry and analytical chemistry, particularly in ...

  6. Chemistry, PhD

    Department Head: Catherine J. Murphy Chemistry Department website Department Faculty 109 Noyes Laboratory, 505 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801-3080 (217) 333-0711 Chemistry email. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences website. Department Admissions Graduate College Admissions & Requirements.

  7. Graduate Degrees in Chemistry

    Chemistry Graduate Admissions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 109 Noyes Laboratory, MC-712, Box 57-1 505 South Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 244-6245 Fax: (217) 244-7091 Email: [email protected] . Department of Chemistry. 505 South Mathews Avenue

  8. How good is Chemistry at UIUC and what's it like? : r/UIUC

    Chem is pretty awesome at UIUC. I picked UIUC's chem program over UChicago bc of all the amazing opportunities here. Intro to Chem (CHEM 102) is a tough course with absolutely terrible professors. But, once you get passed that, the courses are incredible. Dr.Ray is a wonderful CHEM 104 professor, Dr. Axelson is a tremendously amazing organic ...

  9. PDF Chemistry, PhD

    for the Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry. Doctoral programs are offered in a wide range of specialties, including the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry as well as materials chemistry and chemical biology. The formal course requirements involve 12 or more hours of 500-level courses, plus 8 or fewer ...

  10. CHEM

    Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 104 is required. CHEM 108 Chemistry, Everyday Phenomena credit: 3 Hours. Laboratory-based work in which students will evaluate products (such as antacids), synthesize materials (such as soap), and gain a better understanding of forensic chemistry. Additional fees may apply.

  11. Man Finds Email Accepting Him to PhD Program, but There's a Problem

    His online post, which has been upvoted a whopping 59,000 times, showed the email offer to the Chemistry PhD program at the University of Illinois at Chicago, congratulating him on his admittance ...

  12. Navigating the Graduate Program

    The Chemistry Graduate Manual is the best resource for in-depth information about processes in the Chemistry graduate program. The Graduate College also has a Graduate Handbook that covers more general university policies for graduate students. Many university processes are complicated, especially when multiple departments and sets of policies ...

  13. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign PhD in Chemistry

    UIUC Graduate Tuition and Fees. In 2019-2020, the average part-time graduate tuition at UIUC was $680 per credit hour for out-of-state students. The average for in-state students was $525 per credit hour. The following table shows the average full-time tuition and fees for graduate student. In State.

  14. UIUC Chemistry Ph.D. acceptance !!! : r/gradadmissions

    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores ... This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and have advice to give. ... Cape_carter. ADMIN MOD UIUC Chemistry Ph.D. acceptance !!! Applied Sciences First ...

  15. UIUC for Chemistry

    twogirls May 13, 2024, 8:52am 7. UIUC is a large, well respected research university. The answer is yes, it is a good school for chemistry. 3 Likes. thumper1 May 13, 2024, 11:45am 8. My kid graduated from undergrad in 2010. But she was a STEM major in college. I'm more familiar with UIUC than my kids are.

  16. Doctoral Program

    CHEM 442 and CHEM 444 constitute a year-long study of chemical principles. CHEM 442 focuses on quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, spectroscopy and dynamics. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CHEM 442 and PHYS 485.


    Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at the Univ ersity of Illinois! This Graduate Manual outlines the general policies that govern the Ph.D. program of the department. With this knowledge, you can adapt the program to fit your individual needs and ensure a more successful graduate experience.

  18. PhD in Chemistry < University of Illinois Chicago

    The MS degree is not a prerequisite to the PhD degree in Chemistry. Minimum Semester Hours Required 96 hours beyond the baccalaureate. Coursework At least 9 hours must be in lecture courses at the 500 level in the student's major area and 3 hours must be in a chemistry lecture course at the 500 level (or 6 hours in lecture courses at the 400 ...

  19. What is Chemistry department like at UIUC, specially the ...

    This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area. This subreddit is not sponsored or endorsed by the University of Illinois or any other on-campus group.

  20. Physical Chemistry

    The long tradition of excellence in our graduate program in physical chemistry is one which all of us, faculty and students alike, are proud to maintain. ... Physical Chemistry University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 600 South Mathews Avenue Urbana, Illinois 61801 (217) 333-2556 (217) 244-3186 FAX Physical Chemistry Faculty

  21. r/chemistry on Reddit: Has anyone recently pivoted to a new field after

    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores   ... I made a fairly detailed post on r/GradSchool asking whether I should go into a PhD and it was overwhelmingly negative. The TLDR is that even though I have (or so I think) a pretty solid academic background with lots of research experience ...

  22. Britain saw centuries of economic growth under Roman rule

    The technologies introduced by the Romans after they conquered Britain led to the kind of economic growth seen in the industrial age

  23. UIUC Chemistry Phd Admissions : r/gradadmissions

    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores ... This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and have advice to give. ... Weak-Living-3865 . UIUC Chemistry Phd Admissions Physical Sciences Hey, I saw on GradCafe ...

  24. {{ nothing }}

    Intended for undergraduates working toward certification to teach high school chemistry and graduate students working towards a Master's degree in the Teaching of Chemistry. Course aims to provide future teachers with hands-on experience in conducting laboratory experiments, demonstrations, and teaching strategies. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 ...

  25. Advice for entering the "real" world : r/FinancialPlanning

    Hello! I am 27, turning 28 next week, and have been in university then graduate school for 10 years. I spent 4 for my BSc in Chemistry and 5.5 for my PhD followed by a brief post-doctoral fellowship as a filler position until I found a job. Now I am working in a comfortable job that I'm doing well in and the salary is good.