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ucla secondary essay examples

July 14, 2022

David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA) Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 – 2023]

Geffen School of Medicine secondary essay tips and deadlines

The David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA) is interested in physician excellence, leadership and impact. According to Clarence H. Braddock, III, MD – the Vice Dean of Education and Chief Medical Education Officer, the Geffen SOM is interested in change, innovation, research, health, education, advocacy and humanistic care. Also, UCLA is standing by an initiative to change their policies and procedures to fix infrastructure that thwarts diversity, inclusion and equity in their institution. The Geffen School of Medicine is an institutional leader in rectifying systemic racism.

UCLA Medical School secondary application essay questions 2022-23

Ucla secondary essay #1.

At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an “Outstanding Physician, AND…,” dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? (800 characters)

A physician is a citizen of the world. Clearly, you have a passion for some aspect of humanity. When you envision your life as a physician, what humanitarian aspect will still resonate for you? What is that other thing that will always accompany your professional engagement? What lights a fire for you in terms of effecting positive change, doing good, advocating? Why are you, as a future physician, confident that you will remain passionate about Habitat for Humanity? Training guide dogs? Cooking at a free community kitchen? Helping veterans? You should already have experience doing whatever that is. This prompt seeks out applicants who know who they are and are actively engaged in a cause uniquely suited to what moves them. 

A particular research goal might be a suitable answer to this prompt as well, as long as your application demonstrates your involvement with an area of research. What’s your particular long-term vision working with stem cells?

Perhaps you’re a writer. Do you have books to write about being a doctor, or perhaps about patients’ social determinants of health? 

Perhaps you’re a visionary. Have you developed a particular interest in medical ethics to affect policy and practice on the ethical use of animals in medical research? In twenty years, will AI have helped reduce the number of animals used in medical research?

Read: Here’s How to Match Your Values to the Medical School Mission Statement >>

UCLA secondary essay #2

Respond to the following and indicate how these areas of experience have impacted your progress toward your future career goals in relation to becoming an “Outstanding Physician, AND…” . • A-Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters) • B-Describe your most important volunteer work and why it was meaningful. (800 characters) • C-Describe your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities) and provide the total number of hours, dates and advisor. (800 characters)

Last year, this prompt was rewritten slightly. It used to say “what has been your most…” – which was revised to the word “describe.” Clearly, DGSOM wants more detail than just stating your answer. Do you play electric guitar? Do you draw anatomical figures? In what context? What does this do for you? What does this do for others? Don’t forget that all three of these sub prompts need to conclude with a tie-in to your career goals.

UCLA secondary essay #3

Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as other relevant information. (800 characters)

The UCLA website has very specific information for applicants about having been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Be sure to read their statement on their expectations for applicants who have been affected academically.

They will not judge applications that show online courses, or a shift to Pass/Fail grades for 2020 or 2021. In the COVID-19 information on their website, they isolate the word “resilience” as the key quality that they found to be true for their applicants during the pandemic. Clearly they like that. So do surmise that strong answers to this prompt should demonstrate resounding resilience .

UCLA secondary essay #4

Did you experience or are you anticipating time between graduating from college and matriculating into medical school? If yes: Describe the activities in which you participated or are planning to participate. Examples include additional schooling, employment, or caring for a loved one. (800 characters)

If you have already graduated from college, you should explain what you were doing over the last year(s). If you haven’t yet graduated, you should describe plans for the gap year(s) , including positions for which you plan to apply and planned or actual volunteer work. 

Staying engaged in clinical activities is key. Building upon your exposure to patient care and research is wise as well. You might travel abroad for a medical mission trip, volunteer, or work in health care for pay. Are you a scribe? An EMT? The gap year experience must be an opportunity to show the admissions committee how practically or imaginatively you utilized this time to engage healthcare, locally or abroad, or re-engaged academia in a master’s program, to offset a low GPA, to show your commitment to becoming a doctor.

Show that your gap year will be or was a growth year!

UCLA secondary essay #5

Do you identify as being part of a group that has been marginalized (examples include, but are not limited to, LGBTQIA, disabilities, federally recognized tribe) in terms of access to education or healthcare? If yes: Describe how this inequity has impacted you or your community and how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community.  (800 characters)

It is okay to say “no” here. This prompt is a hardship prompt, but it is specifically tied to issues of marginalization, identification with a marginalized group, or marginalization due to disability that impacted your access to education or healthcare. How does this story begin? How does this story play out? Tell that story explaining the significance of the consequences of your marginalization or the same marginalization for your community. How did you or your community adjust to an adverse event? How did you come to terms with your or your community’s marginalization as a reality? How and why did this experience change or deepen your passion to become a doctor?

Applying to David Geffen School of Medicine? Here are some stats:

Geffen average MCAT score: 512

Geffen average GPA: 3.7

UCLA medical school acceptance rate: 2.2%

U.S. News  ranks Geffen #19 for research and #13 for primary care.

Check out the Med School Selectivity Index for more stats.

Has this blog post helped you feel more confident about approaching your Geffen School of Medicine secondary application? We hope so. It’s our mission to help smart, talented applicants like you gain acceptance to your top choice medical school. With so much at stake, why not hire a consultant whose expertise and personalized guidance can help you make your dream come true? We have several flexible consulting options— click here to get started today !

David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA) application timeline 2022-23

Source: Geffen School of Medicine website

Mary Mahoney Admissions Expert

Related Resources:

  • 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Med School & Secondary Essays , a free guide
  • 4 Sure-Fire Ways to Ace Essays Showing Resilience in the Face of Failure
  • Matching Your Values to the Medical School Mission Statement

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How to Answer the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Secondary Essays (With Example Responses) - Part 1

Making your ucla secondary application stand out.

UCLA Medical School, aka the David Geffen School of Medicine, gets nearly 10,000 applications each year and has an acceptance rate around 2 percent. This means that UCLA is a selective program and will look closely at all parts of your application when they decide which applicants to invite to their medical school interview days. A part of whether you get selected for an interview is based on your responses to the UCLA secondary essays. 

Below are some of the current (2019–2020 cycle) UCLA Medical School secondary essay prompts, examples of how to answer it, and a commentary on the quality of the answer.

I break this article down to two parts: with part 1 showing examples of what good answers would look like and part 2 showing examples of what bad answers would look like and the reason why. This is part 1, where I will show you some good examples of how to answer these UCLA secondary essay prompts. This is meant to give you inspiration and guidance on how to write your response in a short, but compelling and effective way. 

UCLA Secondary #1: Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life. (800 characters)

Example: I remember in kindergarten kicking and screaming when my mom pulled me away from my video games to go to piano practice. When I was younger, I avoided playing piano like the plague. I even froze during my piano recital because I didn’t spend enough time practicing and forgot the song midway. I learned my lesson to practice daily after that! In grade school, every day before dinner, I practiced the piano. It took time, but once I mastered the basics, I was able to create my own compositions and add my own style to my music. Piano taught me that discipline and consistency are the keys to developing a skill and this is something I apply to other aspects of my life. Now, I use piano as a stress reliever, and a way for me to switch off my academic brain and let my creative brain work.

Comments: This is 790 characters and it says a lot about the applicant. All the sentences weave together to tell the admissions committee a story about the applicant. It does not contain a lot of generic sentences with a lot of fluff or vague descriptions like “piano has helped me solidify my love of music.” All the sentences serve a purpose to the overall message (i.e. piano helped me develop my discipline and consistency, traits I’ve learned through piano, and I want to highlight these traits in my story). This applicant doesn’t just TELL you that he is disciplined. He paints that picture for the reader (i.e. every day before dinner, I played the piano). The applicant doesn’t try to list out all his piano abilities (i.e. I know music theory, I know how to compose a song, I know how to play piano better than anyone else). He tries to connect with his reader by focusing on ONE story, ONE outcome, ONE emotion (i.e. I was embarrassed at a piano recital, learned my lesson from that, and I learned that discipline is important to master a craft). The reader can relate to the emotions in the story (resistance, embarrassment) and has a sense of who the applicant is as a person in just 1 paragraph.

UCLA Secondary #2: What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 characters)

Example: While I was in college, my favorite course was an advanced music production course. I was classically trained in piano but I wanted to learn how to produce my own tracks. Our cornerstone project was to create a 5 song album. I was paired up with Dan and Jon. We all shared a love for hip-hop and jazz. We called ourselves Chord Concepts and started creating tracks that fused both music genres. Each of us had a special skill (like song writing, voice, mixing tracks) and used our strengths to create unique blends of sound. We would spend our weekends together in the studio figuring out creative remixes out of popular songs. Being part of Chord Concepts showed me the power of teamwork and drove home the saying that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Comments: This essay is 767 characters. The applicant chose to write about a creative activity that he could tie to a character trait. His creative activity is music production and the trait he is highlighting is that he works well in collaborative, team based projects. Medicine relies a lot on collaboration and teamwork, so this is a great trait to highlight in this answer. Be strategic when you answer these questions. Answer the secondaries to highlight personality traits that admission committees think are important traits physicians should have (i.e. in this case teamwork and collaboration).

Focus on one story and share specific details within the story that will stick with the reader. Admission committees read thousands of these secondaries so make your secondary stand out by adding small details they can remember. In this example, the applicant shared he created hip hop and jazz fusion remixes and got along so well with his classmates that they formed a group called Chord Concepts. These small details are likely to stick with a reader rather than a more generic sentence (i.e. I learned music production which helped me amplify my creativity in such a great way). Adding details helps the reader tie a story to an applicant name. This story is more likely to stick with someone reading your application (vs. generic statements) and this story might help jog their memory when they make their decision about your application. 

UCLA Secondary #3: What has been the one most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? (800 characters)

Example: Last year I volunteered with my church’s medical missions trip to the Philippines. I  helped refill medications at the pharmacy, take vitals for the triage nurses, and transport patients from the ER to the inpatient service. One day, as I was helping the triage nurse take vitals, and our patient fell to the floor. Within minutes, the doctors, technicians, and other nurses came by to help out. It looked like controlled chaos and everyone was doing their part to care for the patient as quickly and diligently as possible. I was told to hand over the IV supplies and it felt good to be able to contribute to the patient’s care in a small way. This experience showed me that even small contributions to a team can lead to a big difference in care. 

Comments: This essay is 746 characters. This prompt may be difficult for some applicants because they overthink it and feel pressure to write about a complex meaning and lesson behind their volunteer experience. Before you answer this question, break your answer down: describe the volunteer experience in 1 sentence, describe 1 lesson you learned, and describe 1 story that really highlights that lesson. This will act as your core 3 sentences, and all you have to do is add a few more sentences to fill in the gaps to make a cohesive paragraph. 

UCLA Secondary #4: What is the one most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important? (300 characters)

Example: I received the Best Sister award from my sorority. It was meaningful because it is awarded to the sister who best exemplified our pillars, which are: Advancement of Women through Higher Education, Community Service, Increasing Multicultural Awareness, Sisterhood, and Friendship.

Comments: This is 279 characters. Sometimes it is the essays with less character limits (300 instead of 800) that are the most difficult to write. My advice would be to choose an award or honor that you think highlight your positive attributes and that can translate over to the practice of medicine. For instance, in this example diversity, service, and community are all positive attributes that patients would want to see in their physicians. You may have been awarded and were recognized for a lot of different things throughout college but be smart in choosing what honor you want to highlight for this answer and tie it into something you want admissions committees to know about you. What you choose doesn’t matter, but how you explain it is important. If you want to highlight that you received the fastest runner award in your running club, that is perfectly fine, as long as you can write why it was meaningful (i.e. maybe that award showed that you practiced diligently and trained every day to get that award). 

UCLA Secondary #5: What has been your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities)? Describe one and give the number of hours, dates and advisor. (300 characters)

Example: Last summer, I was part of the Biostatistics for Minorities Program. The program taught me how to use statistical principles to determine which proteins are the best biomarkers for early detection of arsenic exposure. The program was 4 weeks. The principle investigator in the lab was Dr. Kim Li. 

Comments: This is 284 characters. A scholarly project doesn’t have to be a long-term, complex project. It can be as simple as a project you did as part of your class or a presentation that you did for a summer program. Think about a project that is significant enough that you can talk about it in more detail if it comes up in the interview. 

Key Take-Aways regarding the UCLA Secondary Essays

  • Answer the question, and don’t overthink it
  • You only have a 300-800 character limit, so make each sentence count 
  • Share specific stories and details (vs. vague blanket statements) to make your answers more memorable
  • Remember the golden rule of one example, one lesson, one emotion when you are writing your answers and don’t over-complicate it

Go to UCLA SECONDARY ESSAY pt. 2, and Iwill show you some examples of what bad answers look like and comments on why I think these answers are written poorly. I will also comment on why you should avoid writing this way.

Do you want to maximize your chances for an interview invite? Work with our expert medical school admission consultants to put your best foot forward through our secondary application editing services.

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University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Secondary Application Tips and Essay Prompts

  • Cracking Med School Admissions Team

Getting accepted to UCLA is hard. Very hard. Submitting an OUTSTANDING UCLA medical school secondary application is vital to receiving an interview invite, which ultimately can lead to an acceptance. We LOVE the UCLA secondary essay prompts and we LOVE helping medical school applicants edit them so that they stand out! It’s exciting to help students craft a vision of how they want to change medicine 🙂 

The UCLA Geffen Admissions Committee is looking for students who have a vision to improve healthcare and medicine – whether it’s through public service, advocacy, innovative patient care approaches, medical technology, or research. That is why its first question starts with, “ At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an “Outstanding Physician, AND…,” dedicating themselves to important societal missions. “

Dr. Rishi Mediratta and Dr. Rachel Rizal have a track record of helping our mentees receive acceptances to the Geffen UCLA School of Medicine year after year. We can help you edit your UCLA secondaries . 

Although residing or having lived in California gives you an advantage for receiving an interview invitation and acceptance at UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, we have had more of our out-of-state premedical student mentees receive interview invites and acceptances the past few years. 

Cracking Med School Admissions - 1 School Secondary Essay Edits

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  • Edits by Stanford & Harvard-trained Doctors
  • We study your application strengths to see what unique attributes we’ll bring to the medical school

UCLA Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2023 – 2024

Ucla secondary essays – all md applicants.

  • At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an “Outstanding Physician, AND…,” dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? (800 characters max)
  • A. Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters max)
  • B. Describe your most important volunteer work and why it was meaningful. (800 characters max)
  • C. Describe your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities) and provide the total number of hours, dates and advisor. (800 characters max)
  • Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as other relevant information. (800 characters max)
  • Did you experience or are you anticipating time between graduating from college and matriculating into medical school? If yes, describe the activities in which you participated or are planning to participate. Examples include additional schooling, employment, or caring for a loved one.
  • Do you identify as being part of a group that has been marginalized (examples include, but are not limited to, LGBTQIA, disabilities, federally recognized tribe) in terms of access to education or healthcare? If so, describe how this inequity has impacted you or your community and how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community. (800 characters max)

UCLA Secondary Essays – PRIME-LA Applicants

  • What is the most important social issue confronting the health of marginalized and under-resourced communities? Describe the first steps you would take to address this issue.  (2,000 characters max)
  • In what way will graduating from PRIME-LA and obtaining a master’s degree enhance your career in health care or health services for marginalized and under-resourced communities? (If you are considering a specific master’s degree (e.g., MPP, MPH, MBA, etc.), please incorporate your graduate degree plans or aspirations into your answer)  (2,000 characters max)
  • Describe how your experiences demonstrate your understanding of, and commitment to, marginalized and under-resourced communities. (2,000 characters max)
  • What are your greatest strengths and your greatest challenges as you approach medical school? (2,000 characters max)
  • Describe your most memorable experience as it relates to working with marginalized and under-resourced populations. (2,000 characters max)

Tips to Answer UCLA Secondaries

UCLA Secondaries Pre-Writing Guidance: UCLA has not changed its secondary in the past few years. We would not pre-write your UCLA secondaries unless you are a decently strong in-state California applicant because not all student receive a UCLA secondary application. However, once you receive the application, there is usually a two-week turnaround time. Keep reading our tips below in order to get insights on how to STAND OUT on your UCLA secondaries. We have noticed that more of our out-of-state premed advisees have received UCLA secondaries and UCLA interviews.

  • Download our  Cracking Med Secondary Essay Workbook and Examples  to get all our secondary essay tips!

UCLA Secondary Essays Tip #1: UCLA medical school has become increasingly prestigious, and it has been recruiting more visionaries in healthcare. In fact, many of  our students who receive interview invites also receive interview invites at schools like Stanford. So how do you get into UCLA medical school? You have to have a vision to improve healthcare and medicine! Simply wanting to be a great clinician will not be enough for UCLA. 

For the UCLA secondary question, “At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an “Outstanding Physician, AND…,” dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? ” make sure you give your vision to change healthcare. Many applicants do not have a chance to articulate their vision to change healthcare on their primary application. So, on your UCLA secondary – Be Bold. Highlight your leadership, passion to change healthcare, and impact on society. 

Here are examples for the UCLA outstanding physician and ______ question:

  • Create a new, integrated liver transplant center
  • Use artificial intelligence to improve cancer genomic diagnoses
  • Improve disability access both online and throughout Los Angeles
  • Increase healthcare access among immigrant populations and underserved communities

Contact Drs. Rizal and Mediratt a if you have questions or want to share your “outstanding physician and ____” ideas.

UCLA Secondary Essays Tip #2: For the second UCLA secondary question, “ indicate how these areas of experience have impacted your progress toward your future career goals in relation to becoming an “Outstanding Physician, AND… ” you have to be strategic about what activity, research, entrepreneurial endeavor, or clinical experience you write about. Think about it like this: what activity best highlights your strengths and supports your vision to change medicine? What activity has had the most impact and can you explain the impact clearly to the Admissions Committee?

UCLA Secondary Essays Tip #3: For the UCLA secondary prompt, “ Did you experience or are you anticipating time between graduating from college and matriculating into medical school ” there is only 800 characters! So, you have to priroitize and be strategic about what to write. The activities to prioritize are: patient care experiences, activities that highlight your impact, activities that highlight your vision to change medicine, as you described in essay #1. We can help you edit your UCLA secondaries!

UCLA Secondary Essays Tip #4: For the COVID-19 question, incorporate your personal experiences as well as healthcare current issues you noticed throughout the COVID pandemic. We have an entire healthcare current events blog post here , where you can read more about healthcare disparities and COVID-19.

UCLA Secondary Essays Tip #5: It is tricky, but doable. If you can incorporate “Why UCLA” and what you will do as a medical student at UCLA somewhere in this secondary, that would be ideal!

UCLA Secondary Essays Tip #6: Have questions about how you can stand out? Contact us below. Need editing help on your secondary? We can help you through our secondary essay packages . 

[Read More Secondary Essay Tips: Stanford ; University of Southern California ( USC ); University of California – San Diego ( UCSD ); University of California – San Francisco ( UCSF ) ]

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Use this essay guide and workbook to write standout secondaries.

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UCLA Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2022 – 2023

Our students successfully receive interviews at their reach schools.

Stand Out From Other Applicants

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Your acceptance can be just one essay away…

UCLA Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2021 – 2022

  • In what way will graduating from PRIME-LA and obtaining a master’s degree enhance your career in health care or health services for marginalized and under-resourced communities? (If you are considering a specific master’s degree (e.g., MPP, MPH, MBA, etc.), please incorporate your graduate degree plans [additional schooling] or aspirations into your answer)  (2,000 characters max)

UCLA Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2020 – 2021

  • Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life. (800 characters max)
  • What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 characters max)
  • What has been the one most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? (800 characters max)
  • Has there been or will there be a gap between achieving your last degree (baccalaureate or other degrees post baccalaureate) and the expected time of medical school matriculation? (If yes, 300 characters max)
  • What is the one most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important? (300 characters max)
  • What has been your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities)? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. (300 characters max)
  • Describe a problem in your life. Include how you dealt with it and how it influenced your growth. (500 characters max)
  • Please list any major paid work experience during or since college to the Admissions Committee. (4,000 characters max per work experience)
  • Is there any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application? (500 characters max)
  • Where do you see yourself post-graduate education? What experiences have led you to this goal? (500 characters max)
  • Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as any other relevant information.

UCLA Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2019 – 2020

  • Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life.  (800 characters max)
  • What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated?  (800 characters max)
  • What has been the one most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful?  (800 characters max)
  • Has there been or will there be a gap between achieving your last degree (baccalaureate or other degrees post baccalaureate) and the expected time of medical school matriculation?  (If yes, 300 characters max)
  • What is the one most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important?  (300 characters max)
  • What has been your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities)? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor.  (300 characters max)
  • Describe a problem in your life. Include how you dealt with it and how it influenced your growth.  (500 characters max)
  • Please list any major paid work experience during or since college.  (4,000 characters max per work experience)
  • Is there any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application? If yes,  please explain. Include any geographic, language, economic, academic, physical, or mental factors. (500 characters max)
  • Where do you see yourself post-graduate education? What experiences have led you to this goal?  (500 characters max)

UCLA Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2018 – 2019

Ucla secondary application essay prompts: 2017 – 2018.

  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What experiences have led you to this goal? (800 characters max)

UCLA Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2016 – 2017

Ucla secondary application essay prompts: 2015 – 2016, ucla secondary application essay prompts: 2014 – 2015, contact us with questions, we'll answer any and all your questions about medical school we typically respond within 1 business day..

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18 UCLA Essays That Worked (and Why) for 2023

UCLA Essay Examples

Do you want to write strong essays that'll help get you into UCLA?

In this article, you'll read and learn from 18 essays written by students who got recently accepted into UCLA and see how they did it.

If you're trying to get into the University of California, Los Angeles, these essays are a valuable resource and give you a peek into UCLA admissions.

Whether you're a student or parent of an applicant, you'll see what to do—and what not to do—when writing your UC essays.

How important are the UCLA essays?

And as of 2022, the UC system no longer uses your SAT and ACT scores to decide whether or not to admit students.

With no more test scores, that means your UC essays are even more important for your application. Besides your grades (GPA) and coursework, your essays are the most influential factor for your UC admissions.

Plus, UCLA is the most applied to school in the world, with well over 100,000 applicants each year. The University of California-Los Angeles acceptance rate is lower each year, which makes your essays even more important.

Since your UC essays matter so much, it's important to get them right.

What are the UC Personal Insight Question Prompts for 2022-23?

It's a mistake to think of the UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) as typical essays you'd write for a class.

Rather, the PIQs are a set of eight open-ended questions asked by the UC app. You must choose exactly four questions to respond to, and each response should be no more than 350 words.

Let's go over the UC Personal Insight Question prompts:

  • Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
  • Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
  • What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
  • Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
  • Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
  • Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
  • What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
  • Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

It can be helpful to see how other students responded to the UC Personal Insight Questions.

And since UCLA is one of the hardest UC's to get into, along with UC Berkeley , students that get accepted tend to write outstanding essay responses to the PIQs.

18 UCLA Personal Insight Question Examples

Here are the 18 best UCLA accepted essays that worked written by accepted students for each Personal Insight Question prompt #1-8.

  • UCLA Example Essay #1
  • UCLA Example Essay #2
  • UCLA Example Essay #3: Violin
  • UCLA Example Essay #4

UCLA Example Essay #5: Team Player

  • UCLA Example Essay #6: Flute
  • UCLA Example Essay #7: Optimism
  • UCLA Example Essay #8
  • UCLA Example Essay #9
  • UCLA Example Essay #10
  • UCLA Example Essay #11
  • UCLA Example Essay #12

UCLA Example Essay #13: Computer Science

Ucla example essay #14: korean big toes.

  • UCLA Example Essay #15

UCLA Example Essay #16: LGBT

  • UCLA Example Essay #17

UCLA Example Essay #18: Being Short

Ucla example essay #1: orchestra leadership.

UC PIQ #1: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. (350 words max)

In my freshman year of high school, I had enrolled in the String Orchestra Advanced Class which was mixed in with the Beginning class. I was the only person with experience, seven years in the Violin at the time, while most of the students in the class were beginners. I got class elected, then re-elected as President my Freshman and Sophomore years, and was First Violin, then First Viola Chair.

My first year consisted of myself and the instructor teaching the basics of each instrument. Learning a new instrument is frustrating, and there were times where older students in the class would get frustrated and unhappy that a Freshman knew more than they did.

As a leader I had to make sure I did not keep a separation between myself and my classmates. Therefore, my Sophomore year, I changed my instrument to the Viola.

By showing my classmates that I too was a beginner, and that I too had to learn because I had a new instrument -inspired the class to learn as well. My classmates no longer saw me as someone who told people to practice and not give up, yet did not have to practice or struggle themselves, but instead, as someone who was there practicing, and struggling along with them.

The Orchestra program at my school started my Freshman year as an experimental class, but the school ended the class after my Sophomore year. Though unfortunate, in the two years of its existence, my classmates went from being novices, to performers, where in the last year of the program, we performed many times for school events and finally in an orchestra conference in my Sophomore year, where judges praised our Orchestra's technique and cohesiveness.

After the class got cut, many of my classmates continued to pursue music independently, or in the District Orchestra. It is a wonderful feeling for me to see my former classmates -to this day- performing, and even teaching others, knowing that I was there when their journeys in music first began, and I look forward to seeing their musical pursuits in the future.

Why This Essay Works:

  • Tells a Story: Gives context and explains how you got this leadership position. By explaining a backstory, it reveals your motivations and what drives you.
  • Shows Takeaways and Lessons Learned: It's not enough to just talk about your achievements. Admissions officers are more interested in why they matter to you, and how you had an impact on others.

What They Might Improve:

  • Fix Capitalization: It's not necessary to capitalize improper nouns like "violin", "viola", and "orchestra".
  • Sentence Flow: Make sure your sentences aren't too long and don't have unnecessary breaks, which can interrupt the flow.

UCLA Example Essay #2: Volunteer Leadership

My group and I spent a total of seven hours preparing five hundred bagged lunches for the extensive homeless community at Oakland. Out of all the obstacles that could have halted our progress, rain was the last thing on our minds. We were lucky enough to distribute three hundred lunches before the rain began to relentlessly pour down on us. There were a few hours left of daylight before we would be able to eat Iftar for Ramadan, so, an overwhelming majority of our group wanted to call it a day. However, there was still a large number of unsheltered and hungry homeless people throughout the city, and I could not bear to let all that food go to waste. So, I raced to one of our nearest vans, grabbed a bullhorn, and yelled to gather the attention of as many people as possible. I instructed them to form lines in front of our eleven vans in order to take everybody to the nearest homeless shelters with the promise of food and entertainment. We went to six other heavily concentrated areas to do the same thing, and within just five hours, nearly five hundred homeless individuals were transported.

This event is one of the dozens of community service projects I’ve performed in my role as vice-president of the youth faction of the Sudanese Association of Northern California (SANC). This Oakland food drive has left me with a sense of clarity of what it takes to get a project, event, or any other endeavor accomplished. The food drive was obviously a success, but what made this particularly memorable is the email the president of SANC sent me the following day: “You have a keen ability to synthesize and communicate anything quickly and effectively.” I realized the explicit connection between my forensics (speech and debate) career and my community service: the power that I carry in my voice can motivate others to do good. I have tried to apply this insight into each new endeavor since.

  • Specific with Numbers: Use exact numbers whenever you can to create authenticity and make it realistic. In this essay, saying "three hundred" lunches makes things concrete.
  • Connects to Academic Interests: Show how your past leadership achievements relate to what you want to do in college.
  • Stronger Conclusion: Make sure your conclusion isn't vague and has a concrete takeaway. Don't just use words like "this insight". Rather, rephrase that insight or draw a new idea from it.
  • Sentence Structure: Having too long of sentences is a common mistake students make. Instead, splitting up complex sentences can make it easier to read.

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UCLA Example Essay #3: Violin Creative Side

UC PIQ #2: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. (350 words max)

I express my creative side by playing the violin and other musical instruments. Ever since I was a younger child, music had always been a part of my life. The first instrument I remember playing is the piano when I was four years old. My school had a music program, so I went and learned how to read music and play the Recorder. Though it was a simple instrument, it was to prepare us students for the more complex instruments that we could choose to play after completing the Recorder lessons.

I took this class all of first grade, and in second grade I was ready to choose the instrument I wanted to specialize in. I chose the Violin, and now -ten years later- I am still playing it. Throughout the years I have learned to play other instruments as well, such as the Piano, Trumpet, Viola, and more. During that time I have also been able to play those instruments in different styles of music.

From second to seventh grade, I played the Violin and sung in my elementary school district's Mariachi and my middle school's Mariachi even when I did not know how to speak Spanish. I have been playing the Violin at my church's choir almost every Sunday since Seventh grade. I played the Violin and Viola in my high school's Orchestra class in Freshman and Sophomore year, and since my Junior year I have played the trumpet in my school's Jazz Band and Trumpet Choir.

My siblings have also been inspired to be creative musically, and together we perform at our church and other places, and music has become an important part in their lives as well.

Throughout my life I have been able to express my love for music in many different ways. Whether through playing with a group, doing a solo in front of an audience, composing my own music, or teaching my younger siblings how to read and play music the way I was taught many years ago, music has always been a large way that I could express my creative side.

  • Clearly Answers Prompt: For UC essays, being straightforward is not a bad thing. This essay starts off by clearly answering the prompt, before elaborating further.
  • Fix Capitalization: It's not necessary to capitalize improper nouns like "freshman" and "sophomore". An easy fix is to only capitalize proper nouns, like names of people and places.
  • Explain What's Meaningful: Admissions officers want to know more than just "what you did," but also why it was meaningful to you. Try to focus on the impact of your achievements more than just what you did.

UCLA Example Essay #4: Improvised Comedy Creative Side

I was brought into this world with an overactive imagination and an absence of siblings. My abundance of boredom and lack of playmates was solved by creating multiple characters, drawing them, and pretending to be them. When I joined theater my freshman year, I quickly fell in love because it brought me back to that childhood innocence of carelessly being someone else It was an opportunity to evaluate how I could incorporate my personality, experiences, and charisma into a character and to turn my visual concepts into a reality through doing makeup.

I was also introduced to improvised comedy. where I presented my witty and quirky side. On the other hand, working with a cast and crew was something I was unaccustomed to. but I soon saw myself becoming inspired by the surrounding creativity of others. Whether we were doing a dramatic or comedic play, we worked together to evoke an emotional response from the audience. It’s an honor to see people laugh and cry during our performances because I've connected with hundreds of people by putting my heart on a stage. In contrast, painting has been a private indulgence. Every feeling and thought trapped inside becomes free on that canvas into a beautiful visual creation. Like my mood, my paintings aren't uniform and consistent; they range from iridescent beaches to scattered splotches, yet every stroke, color. and mistake had a reason.

As my only patron, my mom couldn't always afford painting supplies, so occasionally I had to improvise with tools like spoons, paper towels, and erasers. Regardless of the tools I was using, my paintings were reflection of myself. The progression of my work is an exhibit of my struggles, success, and how I became who I am today. Painting is not about the finished product; it's about the journey and the lessons I've learned to get there. My creativity is not limited to the arts, but is embedded my appearance, mindset, and career path in solving mental health issues. Creativity, to me, is putting bits and pieces of myself into doing what I love.

  • Strong First Sentence: Starting off with interesting ideas is the best way to get the reader hooked. It doesn't need to be complicated, but find your most interesting idea and start there.
  • Connects Multiple Extracurriculars: Finding multiple examples in your life to explain your answer can make your essay stronger. Rather than focusing on just one activity, how do your activites relate with a common theme?
  • Great Conclusion: A strong conclusion is often one that expands on your ideas or connects to something more universal. Try restating your main idea and add a twist or expand on it.
  • Make Each Paragraph Distinct: Each paragraph should have one central idea or topic. It's better to split up your essay into many paragraphs because it makes it easier for the reader and better organized.

UC PIQ #3: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? (350 words max)

My greatest talent would be relating to and inspiring others. Throughout my time in school I have demonstrated that talent by becoming a leader where I was trusted by my teachers and peers. It began in 5th grade when I was voted to become Student Council for my class, where my peers knew that I related well with them and that I would do my best to use my position to fix their issues.

In middle school, I became the Knowledge Bowl team Captain. There was a new coach, so the program was small, about five students. There were many students who wanted to join the team but felt that they were not "smart enough" to join. I recognized this and encouraged those students to join and they succeeded. By the end of the year, our team was 3rd in the district overall statistically standing, our highest ranking in a while.

In high school I joined JROTC as a Freshman, and I became a Platoon Sergeant my Junior year. My job for the semester was to teach and motivate cadets in the program. Some cadets did not do well with authority, and felt attacked when other class leaders would be assertive. As a leader I took a different approach, and related to my cadets. My platoon was constantly noted as being a well-rounded platoon by our instructors, and I received the Non-Commisioned Officer Leadership Award.

In Academic League, motivation was key to our team's success. Sometimes personal problems would affect a member of the team, so I showed them I could relate to their struggles and still believe in their ability to help the team. In times when we would be losing in a match, I would inspire the team to keep pushing on, and to remain positive. That year our team placed 5th in the district -again a highest ranking in a while- and I was voted as "Most Inspirational" by the team.

Throughout the years, relating to and inspiring others has been a skill that has allowed me to make great connections with so many people.

  • Uses Multiple Examples: Backing up your answer with various examples from your life makes your case stronger.
  • Unique Take: Rather than thinking of a skill in the literal sense, this author uses a more abstract skill. Sharing your unique perspective is key to having interesting ideas.
  • Show Why It Matters: In addition to explaining your greatest skill or talent, you should tell why it is meaningful. What are the takeaways and how will you use this skill going forward in college?

UCLA Example Essay #6: Flute Greatest Talent

Just when we think we figured things out, the universe throws us a curveball. So, we have to improvise. The universe is funny like that. Sometimes it just has a way of making sure we wind up exactly where we belong.

When I first started playing flute, I probably looked like a pufferfish choking on a clump of wasabi, but that didn't matter. Blasting deep breaths into my flute, I blew voraciously as I tried to produce a B-flat; but all I could muster was a raspy whistle.

6 years later, I was filled with pride knowing that I had worked hard enough to be selected as the concert soloist for the Youth Orchestra of Bucks County. My moment had arrived; I stand center-stage and begin Chaminade's Concertino Op. 107. Recognizing the minor scales and arpeggios, my fingers glide through the measures with absolute certainty; and with each successive measure, my breathing, tone, and articulation seemed to increasingly synchronize. Before long, the piece came to an end. Holding the D-natural farmada as long I could, I let the note fade into submission and lowered my flute. Taking a bow, I reveled in the magnitude of my hard work.

As I grew older, it became evident that I would need orthodontics and jaw reduction surgeries. With my face full of rubber and metal, I couldn't form a tight enough valve to sustain notes. I was officially back to square one. The following months were brutal, I had to put away Tchaikovsky and go back to the basics; but my effort was genuine and I gradually regained my ability to play.

Today, I consider playing flute my greatest skill. Not because I can play complex scales or win competitions, but, instead, because through the horrors of braces, learning how to double-tongue, and impossibly fast measures, I never gave up. Playing flute had crafted in me the relentless determination which I've exhibited over the past 8 years. I may not know what curveballs life will pitch to me next, but I have confidence knowing I will persevere regardless of the circumstances.

  • Strong Hook: Use your best idea at the start to immediately make the reader interested. First impressions matter, and by having a compelling first paragraph, the tone of your essay is immediately better.
  • Specific in Naming Things: Say the names of groups, places, and other things whenever you can. Being specific whenever possible makes you seem more relatable and makes your essay more interesting.

UCLA Example Essay #7: Optimism Greatest Skill

Life can be an overwhelming obstacle course, but my ability to get over any bump with a smile on my face has been my greatest strength. Maintaining an optimistic outlook has introduced me to new opportunities, made me a better leader, and helped me get through everyday life. Although my determination to get back up was built by a couple scrapes and falls. I learned about the impact of a positive attitude on others through my experience on the tennis team.

The motivation and bond my team had because of the encouragement and support from our captains has influenced my approach to interacting with others. For instance, while working with my peers, I always praise them for the effort that they put in and patiently help them. When applying this to class projects and theater productions, I saw an improvement on our performance and our accomplishments felt more satisfying and meaningful. My positive attitude is also influential during my job at a convalescent home. As an activities assistant, my objective is to get residents to participate in activities and to make them fun.

At times, it’s difficult to convince residents that a macaroni necklace is worth getting out of bed for, but I am always that friendly face that cheers them on and picks them up. Knowing that my happiness is brightening someone else's day is extremely valuable and is the fuel to my enthusiasm.

Preserving my optimism is not always easy; however, my excitement for the future retains my drive to overcome any challenge. Every opportunity given to me is taken advantage of, and if something doesn't go as planned. I am confident another door will open. Even though I enjoy focusing on the bright side of life, I'm aware that some people feel like they cant overcome their challenges alone. I recognized that I can be a hand to help people up, someone to believe in them, and a friend to conquer obstacles with. Using this positive influence is the very reason why I am looking forward to a career in psychology.

  • Shows Impact of Your Skill: Whenever possible, try to show how your skill/talent has impacted others. Why is your skill important? And how will you use it going forward in life?
  • Uses Humor: Having small moments of natural humor, when appropriate, makes for a more enjoyable essay. Even a small remark like "it’s difficult to convince residents that a macaroni necklace is worth getting out of bed for" is powerful.
  • Recognizes Challenges: Nobody is perfect, and even with your greatest skill or talent there are likely still shortcomings. Recognizing your challenges is important to humanize yourself and shows self-awareness.

UCLA Example Essay #8: Significant Educational Opportunity

UC PIQ #4: Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced. (350 words max)

I was going to University of Southern California for three weeks, and that was all I could think about as the school year came to a close. After finding out that I had been accepted into the Bovard Scholars program, along with one of my best friends, I could not wait for the upcoming summer. As July 16th neared, I became more and more anxious,as I did not know what to expect, but I was looking forward to this new opportunity.

The program had just been launched this year and 49 of around 500 applicants were accepted. Over the course of three weeks, the 48 other people from all over the country would be my new friends. During my time there, I would be assigned a coach who would help with the college process, whether it be working on the college application as a group or having one-on-one sessions to work on personal statements. Outside of working on college applications and essays, we had guest speakers from admissions offices, student panels where we could ask questions, career panels, and workplace visits. We also had many presentations on financial aid, fields of major, jobs, and interviews which, most of it, I did not know beforehand.

Along with all this help, we also dormed at one of the residence halls, which allowed us to experience what college life might be like. I was amazed by the diversity of people that were attending the program, and I was shocked to find out that my roommate from New York was Egyptian. We even had Resident Assistants who planned evening activities for us to further stimulate college life. However, they were not just our Resident Assistants; as we grew closer we were able to gather information from them about college.

As the program came to its end, I did not want it to stop. I had such an incredible experience and learned so much about college. I knew that the program will never truly end, though, as our coaches will continue to work with us until Spring when we are accepted into colleges.

  • Specific in Achievements: Being specific and saying "49 of around 500 applicants were accepted" creates credibility. It also helps admissions officers have context about your achievements and be able to infer how significant they really were.
  • Stronger First Sentence: Try starting your essay with ideas, rather than retelling events. Starting off with interesting ideas helps hook your reader, and you can later support those ideas with your experiences and achievements.
  • Focus on Meaning: Emphasize what your takeaways were from this educational opportunity or barrier. Admissions officers are looking for what you learned, how it affected others, and how you'll use those lessons moving forward.

UCLA Example Essay #9: Working at Health Clinic

I worked in a health clinic in the impoverished village of Amara in Sudan this summer, expecting to be assigned general administrative duties during my internship. However, those expectations were tossed out the window within the first week. I consider myself a pretty squeamish person, so the thought of blood oozing from any injury disgusts me in ways that I cannot describe in words. So naturally, I was shocked when I didn’t flinch or faint as I held the retractors of a ravaged knee during surgery. I can’t say that I confronted the daunting tasks I was given with complete confidence, but I learned from the experiences nonetheless. At times, I would question the challenging orders given to me by the faculty, but I later realized that it was due to the lack of qualified doctors and nurses at the village.

I observed eleven surgeries, ranging from liver disease to a gruesome foot infection. The clinic worked under severe pressure, as basic resources and equipment were scarce, which ended badly for some patients. There was one particular patient who did not survive a disastrous bus crash due to the unavailability of ambulances. He was laying on the floor in agonizing pain for a lingering six hours. As the viscous blood stained the white cloth that covered him when he was brought to the clinic, I felt a surge of sorrow, anger, and helplessness. It was difficult for me to come to grips with the reality that some things cannot be undone. The emotions I felt that day slowly faded, but never completely receded. I left this internship satisfied with the invaluable knowledge I obtained, but I still feel like I needed to do more. I live a relatively privileged life, and don’t have to spend each day worrying about a measly injury that could end my life. At the time, even though I thought I was worked too hard for a high school student, I now know I didn't do enough. I’m eager to return to the clinic soon, and have hopes of gaining more experience and knowledge.

  • Emphasizes the Impact: After talking about what opportunity you had or what barrier you overcame, focusing on the impact of that experience is what matters. Describing your emotions and lessons learned makes the significance of those events more clear.
  • Strong Hook: Focus on finding your best idea and using that as your first sentence. Often, starting off with a story or retelling what you did can come later and isn't as important.

UCLA Example Essay #10: Most Significant Challenge

UC PIQ #5: Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? (350 words max)

Education has always been important in my household, but never paramount. We were always taught to put familial needs first—even before our own. My parents always emphasized the lesson that selfishness leads to bitterness and loneliness. That value is why six new members were added to my family when my father’s brother died two years ago. I did what was expected and shifted my focus from school to helping my kin.

I remember feeling a mosaic of emotions—apprehension, prudence, and displacement—as I greeted them at the airport. The five-hour-long ride back home was awkward and somber, and the complete silence said so much more than words could. We were all just afraid of what the future had in store for us. My step aunt, my two older cousins and the three younger ones were all compassionate, loving people. Yet, I couldn't seem to shed this foreboding feeling the first time we all entered our house. Every passing week made our financial situation more tenuous. So, my brother and I volunteered to help our dad at his small pharmaceutical wholesale business after he laid off two employees. We worked after school three days a week and would return home around 8:30.

That year of juggling school with my new obligations at home and my father’s business was emotionally and physically wrenching. However, I don't pity myself and I wouldn't go back to change anything because I learned so much about my character in that year. I realized that my parent’s belief in selflessness had shaped me into a more capable person because I was able to sacrifice time from socializing and classes to contribute, in some way, to my family. And even though I was concerned that I would hurt my academic performance, I stuck to my promises. That inexplicable sense of uneasiness I felt at the airport was caused by anxiety in anticipating the new demands that could potentially exhaust me. Thankfully, the challenges prepared me for the academic rigor for my junior year, my senior year, and hopefully, for university.

  • Vulnerable and Authentic: Talking about personal stories can be difficult, but often your vulnerable experiences have a lot of meaning. Being vulnerable also makes you more personable and relatable.
  • Explains Realizations: Rather than focusing on what happened, focus on the impact of it and why it's meaningful. How will these past experiences and academic challenges affect you going forward?
  • Stronger Conclusion: Try to connect your ending back to the beginning while expanding on it or connecting it to a universal idea. Alternatively, leave your conclusion more open ended.

UCLA Example Essay #11: Educational Challenge

Growing up, I tackled the challenge of school without much guidance from anyone other than my older sister, who is one grade higher. When I was at the young age of just five, my parents divorced and my sister and I were left with our dad, who we did not see often. Because our time with him was limited to driving us to school and home and dinner, we could not ask him for much help with homework or projects. Most of the time, we did the work ourselves or asked our uncle and aunt for help when they came on Saturdays. By the time we reached middle school, I was in more advanced classes, and although my dad had received an Associate’s Degree, he did not take advanced classes like I did, so he was unable to provide much help. My dad only took math up to geometry, and his English was not as fluent as mine, preventing him from providing much help.

Once I enrolled in high school, I was able to get help from teachers, programs, and even my sister. With this newfound help, I overcame the struggle of not knowing what to do in school and life, and I learned that help is always there, but I just needed to ask. Throughout my time in high school, I became more motivated than I was before to do the best I can and overcome anything that comes my way. I was able to do this with help from others, and I will continue to strive for greatness, overcoming any obstacles. Without the help of others, I would not have had the success that I have had in school. My good grades are a testament to the help that I have received in order for me to be where I am now. Although I can say that I have overcome this challenge, there is still one last hurdle, which is to graduate from high school, attend college, and apply everything I have learned to the real world.

  • Honesty: Authenticity is most important for your essays. By revealing personal details such as your family life and struggles, you can bring admissions officers into your world.
  • Sense of Gratitude: Showing a sense of appreciation and self-awareness makes you immediately more likeable. Nobody succeeds alone, so how did others in your life help you overcome difficulties?
  • Provide Clarification: Some parts could be given more context, such as "why is your dad not as fluent in English?". You could use this as an opportunity to talk about your cultural background and create a more clear picture of yourself for the reader.

UCLA Example Essay #12: Self-Improvement Challenge

The saying "you can be your own worst enemy" was the embodiment of the time I hit lowest point. Finishing my 22-hour days, I expected to lay down in bed close my eyes, and smile: thinking about all my accomplishments. Instead, I was sleep deprived, rapidly losing and gaining weight, and unhappy.

As a result, I stopped being able to focus and my grades began to fall. I lost motivation and the only reason I did anything was because of my obsession with completion. In this vulnerable state, I would tell myself I was useless and shy away from taking opportunities. I started to question if could get out of the hole I dug. Ironically, I have always been an optimist. I thought about the many things I wanted to do and I wouldn't be able to do any of them from a hospital bed.

Seeing the bright light ahead of me, I moved forward to a journey of self-improvement. First, I isolated myself from things that were affecting my happiness through finding a place where I could peacefully think about why I was enduring so much pain, regularly eat, and get some sleep. When I came back from my retreat, I continued my routine which improved my health and performance in school. The greatest outcome was my realization that I was compensating for my lack of self-esteem, I've been trying to get validation from my parents and peers by trying to be perfect, but when my friends left me and my parents didn't notice my efforts I overworked myself.

It was hard to stop searching for approval, yet the support of close friends and acknowledging that I'm doing everything I'm capable of, revealed to me what its like to love yourself. From then on, I determined my self worth, no one else. Now that I found my own drive and am confident, I don't have to beg for friends. struggle to maintain grades, skip meals, or lose sleep. Presently, I can say I am no longer my worst enemy: we're like friends that get closer every day.

  • Vulnerability: Showing your shortcomings and difficulties is important to reveal how you've grown and changed. Revealing your perspective and emotions also shows that you have self-awareness.
  • Provide More Explanation: Don't assume that the reader will remember everything about you. For essays like this, give more context. Answer questions that will come up in the reader's mind, like "Why did you have 22-hour days?".

UC PIQ #6: Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom. (350 words max)

An academic subject that inspires me is Computer Science. Computers have fascinated me ever since a young age. I used my first computer when I was 4 years old- the Apple Macintosh Performa. I began learning about how computers worked in first grade, where I had my own Windows XP computer. I did not know what I was doing when I clicked through the thousands of files that made the computer run, but it was fascinating, and almost seemed like magic. I knew that a career with computers had to be in my future.

My fascination with computers took a new meaning in freshman year, when I decided to learn how to program. I did not know where to start, so I just typed in the search browser, "how to start programming". That day, I started with the Processing Language. It was a simple language to learn, but it built the foundation for my furthered interest in the computer programming aspect of Computer Science. After a couple months of using Processing, I learned HTML/CSS and JavaScript. These languages would allow me to program a wider range of applications. Soon enough, I became bilingual in the languages of computers. As time went on throughout my freshman and sophomore years I exposed myself to more languages like SQL, Batch Scripting, and in junior year, Java.

In my junior year I took AP Computer Science A, and finally after all the years of loving computers, I was able to take Computer Science as a class where I learned the Java language. I also furthered my interest in Computer Science by integrating it with the Engineering club on campus, using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

This year I am in Computer Integrated Manufacturing, where I can implement my knowledge of Computer Programming into Engineering, through the use of Corel Draw with the Laser Cutter Printer and AutoDesk Inventor and OpenGL C++ Code with the CAD 3-D Printing machine.

Computer Science has always been a part of my life inside and outside of the classroom, and I seek to continue pursuing it as my major.

  • Connects Interests to Extracurriculars: Showing how your activities relate to your passions reveals your motivations and what drives you. By connecting to extracurriculars, it also creates a more complete picture of your application.
  • Specific In Naming Things: Whenever you are able to, being specific is better than being vague. By naming programming languages and classes, the story becomes more compelling.
  • Explain Why These Things Interest You: What is the root aspect of your interests that intrigue you? Try explaining how you feel when doing these activities and what motivates you. Admissions officers want to know how these interests developed, and more importantly, why they developed.

UC PIQ #7: What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? (350 words max)

I am "Korean big toes", "a water panda in disguise", and "Mr. Sweatface" - these are the nicknames I happily accepted over the years. My life was a buoyant bubble, full of gratification, funny nicknames, and simple pleasures; but that changed when I was confronted with the inhumane conditions of the LGBT centers around my town.

Stepping into the stone-house building, a few things immediately caught my attention. The rooms were small, full of broken furniture, smelled of mold, and had poor lighting; moreover, there was no privacy and extremely limited resources. It was obvious that the facility didn't have the funds to sustain itself, let alone help anyone trying to assimilate back into society. My heart ached as I realized the advantages I had been taking for granted; the idealistic mirage of reality I previously held, was now replaced by an overwhelming truth: Life isn't fair. Everyone in that facility had been criminalized for their sexuality, and I was going to do something about it!

Over the next few weeks, I brainstormed ideas and eventually decided on creating a blog where I would share the stories of anyone who was willing to speak up for change. The clickety-clack of my keyboard filled the common rooms of LGBT centers around my city. I slowly-but-surely interviewed the residents of these homes, recording stories of inequality and discrimination. As I uploaded each story to my blog, I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I was breaking down barriers and fulfilling my passions. Furthermore, reading the comments flooding my inbox, I realized that although the LGBT centers in my area still remain underfunded, I had made an impact on individuals through my blog and did something for a community I genuinely cared about. It was more than I could have ever hoped for.

In my quest to create change, I forged a new nickname for myself -- "advocate"; except, unlike the titles I was bestowed as a kid, this nickname represented my creativity, ingenuity, and passion, and for those reasons, it is more precious than anyone will ever know.

  • Vivid Descriptions: Painting a picture can make your stories immediately more interesting. By using descriptive language and word choice, your stories have more life to them.
  • Conclusion That Connects to Beginning: Try connecting your ending back to the beginning, but with a new perspective or take. By bringing your essay full circle, it creates a sense of cohesiveness.
  • Name Things Specifically: Rather than being general and saying "LGBT centers", the author could name one specifically. Since not everyone may be faimilar with the concept of "LGBT centers", it helps make your essay more concrete and easier to interpret.

UCLA Example Essay #15: Empowering Others Through Peer Tutoring

I never thought that I would tutor other people after school, but that was what I did my junior year and now in my senior year. During my freshman and sophomore years, I was the one being tutored by upperclassmen who had taken my classes before. Receiving help from others inspired me to become a tutor my junior year so I could give back and share the opportunity that I had. At first, I was not sure if I would be up to the task, as I did not feel confident in my teaching abilities in various subjects. As time went on, however, I became at ease and comfortable tutoring anyone the more I tutored along with my peers.

Every day from Monday through Thursday, I went to library as much as I could to help tutor with others from 3 to 4 o’clock, and it slowly became a part of my daily schedule. To begin with, I was not the greatest teacher, but as I helped more and more, I gradually became better at it due to teaching the same concepts repeatedly. Not only was I helping the person I was tutoring understand the subject, but I also was becoming better at the subject by teaching it. Teaching a subject allowed me to relearn concepts and ideas that I had forgotten, as well as studying for a subject if I was tutoring a classmate.

Motivated by wanting to help other students, I was able to be at tutoring most days, and this led to me receiving a tutoring award at my school’s California Scholarship Federation banquet at the end of the year. It was a surprise to me as I was not expecting to be honored. To me, the best award was the satisfaction of helping others understand how to do homework questions and them being grateful for the help. Although this year tutoring is not being held in the library yet, I joined another club that tutors after school for the time being so I can continue helping others and spread my knowledge.

  • Shows Their Realizations: Realizations and new understanding are how people change. That's why its important to look for what lessons you learned, and what you took away from your activities.
  • Explain Why: Try to predict what questions will arise in the reader's mind, and answer those questions. For this essay, one question that is unanswered is "Why did you never think you would tutor other people?".

UC PIQ #8: Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California? (350 words max)

This was the night. Clenching my fists, I called my dad over. Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through my veins or maybe just suspense, but time seemed to freeze as anxiety washed over my consciousness. A million doubts flooded my mind as I dreaded what would come next. The pitter-patter of his feet hitting the tile floor brought me back to reality. My dad had always loved and supported me, I just had to trust that things would be alright.

In a quivering voice, my hands shaking, I explained to my dad that I was gay. After a brief moment of silence, my dad said ten words that completely changed my life: "I raised you completely wrong, get out of my house". I was devastated, but I wasn't surprised. This was the same person physically forced pork down my throat when I told him I wanted to become a vegetarian; who would hit me and my mom if either of us voiced dissenting opinions; and the same person who would come home drunk and threaten to kill us. With tears running down my cheeks, I packed my belongings and drove my 98' Nissan Pathfinder away from my home. From that night on I learned to be brave, to follow my dreams, and to fight for what I believe in.

The next few years were tough. In my community, being gay was unacceptable and embracing my identity meant enduring the consequences. I will never forget being dragged into a storage room and choked or hiding the bruises I got from being pelted by textbooks. But looking back, I realize that the lessons I learned drove me towards success. They inspired me to be relentless and graduate early, to surpass expectations by doing college-credit classes, and remain strong in the face of oppression and adversity. Moving forward, as I look to broaden my education horizons, I know that I have the emotional vitality to success wherever I go. So I want to dedicate this essay to my dad and to everyone who made me strong, thank you.

  • Honest and Vulnerable: Talking about personal stories can be impactful. Often the most difficult stories are the ones that need to be shared.
  • Explains Your Perspective and Emotions: Sharing how you felt in a certain moment can allow the reader to "be in your shoes." By telling your perspective, you allow admissions officers to better understand your experience.
  • Focus On Takeaways: Although stories are important, what matters more is the lessons and takeaways from those stories. The majority of your essay should be focused on those ideas, with a smaller portion where you talk about what actually happened.

UCLA Example Essay #17: Fostering Inclusive Leadership

All around us, the world is dominated by big voices, people who can present themselves positively and effectively elaborate on their opinions. Many of our most successful politicians carve their paths to the top through their charisma and articulate language. Unfortunately, while many of them possess a strong voice, many of them don’t possess that same strength in listening. While their job is to represent the people, there is a large disconnect between their perspective and the perspectives of their citizens. Even in Congress, civilized debate has transformed into a shouting battle, where both parties attempt to push their ideas, but neither side is willing to listen.

In contrast, a leader with an open ear, an open mind, and an open heart is exactly what I bring to the table. I believe that everyone has a unique story to share. From the most flamboyant billionaires to the people living on the streets, every single person possesses their own unique set of skills, perspective, and knowledge that can be useful to learn from. Because of this, I make it my priority to listen to and understand the human behind each team member I work with. In recognizing each person’s strengths and weaknesses, I’m able to build a positive environment in which every person is able to reach their maximum potential.

For example, when it comes to group projects, I always make sure to know the personalities of those I’m working with and create a transparent and inclusive environment that is conducive to productivity. Rather than dishing out assignments and deadlines, I make sure everyone is able to contribute in a way that matches their strengths and skills. Furthermore, by creating such a transparent atmosphere, group members are able to understand each other’s situations and help each other out like an actual team, allowing everyone to be both productive and pleased.

With all the divisiveness that is taking place in the country today, it is more necessary than ever to have open-minded leaders such as myself to help bring this campus and this nation together.

  • Strong Hook Sentence: Using a thought-provoking idea to start your sentence immediately draws the reader in. By having a unique take on the world, people want to read more and are interested by your thoughts.
  • Using Examples to Explain: For abstract ideas and concepts, try using a real life example to make things more clear. Capture the essence of your ideas and find what is at the core of them.

Stepping foot in public has been like opening a floodgate to questions and comments about the one thing that I've been looked down upon my entire life for - my height. Standing out because I was 4'9" wasn't something I was proud of; I was picked last for sports, not taken seriously, and often used as a human arm rest. My mom warned me life was going to be hard if I didn't drink my milk. However, people aren't aware that my appearance is a deception and what makes me extraordinary is that I've outgrown myself. People should be asking me how a person so "big" can fit into a girl so tiny. I have a huge personality, dreams, goals, and a plethora of talent. My achievements earned me such a high standing that I do know what the weather is like up there, yet, my head is never in the clouds because my distance from the ground makes me down to earth.

My only oddity is that my anatomy has grown out of proportion. It's hard to believe that with such short arms, I can extend them long enough to touch hearts with my art and performances. I have been devoted to helping people and educating myself ever since I was young, but who knew that my brain and heart would become so gigantic? Despite my how big my brain is, I keep my head as small as my body because I value letting others know that I'll never overlook them.

Although I haven't hit as many significant growth spurts as the average person. I grow with ambition every day, considering every moment a step closer to success. Being able to pursue my passions at a university will allow me to continue maturing into a person who will one day be looked up to by many. The reader of my response cannot see the facade that has been the subject of many peoples first impressions of me. instead, they will observe that even though I can't reach the top shelf, I can still reach my goals in life.

  • Using Metaphors: Explaining something ordinary (like being short) in an unusual or not-so-common way can show your unique take on it. By using metaphors, you can connect seemingly unrelated ideas together.

What can you learn from these UCLA essays?

These UC essays are not perfect—nor should they be—but each has interesting ideas and a unique perspective.

Compared to some private university essays , UC essays are relatively straightforward.

So focus on making each UC essay express one interesting idea as your answer.

Here's my top 4 lessons for UCLA essays:

  • Avoid too much storytelling and descriptions. You only have 350 words, so focus on ideas.
  • Answer every part of the prompt, clearly. Avoid implying your answer. Make sure your idea is crystal clear and relevant.
  • Showcase a different aspect of yourself with each essay. Avoid re-using topics, unless you're taking a very different angle.
  • Show your thinking. As with all successful essays, your thinking is most important.

Also applying to UC Berkeley?

I've collected additional essays from admitted Cal students that are completely unique from these UCLA essays.

If you're interested, check out these our essays that worked for UC Berkeley .

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I'm Ryan Chiang and I created EssaysThatWorked - a website dedicated to helping students write college essays they're proud of. We publish the best college admissions essays from successful applicants every year to inspire and teach future students.

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The Hardest Secondary? How to Conquer the 10 Secondary Essays for UCLA (Geffen) School of Medicine

By: Ryan Kelly

Who wouldn’t want to go to medical school at UCLA? Top-ranked, exceptional match list, nearby beaches (not that you’ll have time to frequent them during medical school). There’s a reason UCLA gets nearly 10,000 applicants each year.

A big part of whether you get selected for an interview, however, is the UCLA secondary essay. There are 10 (count ‘em) essays just for UCLA. The good news? They’re short: a mere 800 characters.

It can be useful (and fun?) to see your frame before getting started.

Here is 800 characters as a block of text. With limited space, you should immediately grab the reader’s attention with a problem or surprising angle. The next few sentences should illustrate the angle or show the steps toward conflict resolution. Let the type of essay dictate the focus. For leadership, show a compounding of multiple responsibilities to convey your balance and poise. For clinical interactions, paint a before-and-after picture of patients to reveal your positive influence on them. Present yourself as someone who actively contributes to situations while also learning from them. Make sure that your final takeaway sentences address the prompt, and don’t force a connection to medicine unless it feels natural or appropriate. Be as specific as possible or you’ll run out of spac...                

Here’s a good example, which could work for several UCLA prompts (problem, leadership, honor, or non-academic experience):

I was a sophomore Resident Assistant, and ResLife expected me to monitor a rowdy bunch of junior football players in the basement of Bernet Hall. Most were on the cusp of legal drinking, and they often took advantage of that grey area. When addressing noise complaints, I struggled to gain cooperation from manchildren who viewed me as a mascot. Things turned sour when I wrote up their teammate while on duty in another building. But I finally earned their respect when I escorted a different teammate to the hospital at 3am after a near overdose. I coached him through the unpleasant process of drinking liquid charcoal, and he assured the team that I had their back. I wasn’t intending to impress my residents, but I felt proud that my actions broke down barriers and strengthened our community.        

798 characters


Prompt 1 - describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity that has been important in your life..

Sorry, brainiacs, but we’ll need to avoid classroom and lab experiences here.

But the vagueness of ‘involvement’ and ‘important’ is intentional. This broad-sweeping quality gives you tons of leeway. Try to choose an activity that doesn’t fit into UCLA’s other categorical prompts (such as leadership and volunteering below).  

Since your motivations and preparation for medical school are objectively ‘important,’ it might be smart to choose an activity that was pivotal for your decision to become a doctor.

Another good option is focusing on your “X factor” activity, or the one that most clearly separates you from other candidates.

Click here to see 10 Unique Activities that Got People into Medical School .


There will be more opportunities to show leadership (the volunteering or important honor prompt), so if you have an entrepreneurial or creative experience, focus on that. Nearly all pre-meds are leaders in some form, but it’s unusual for them to dabble in business and the arts.

The most suggestive word here is ‘unique,’ which isn’t super helpful, but it’s enough to steer your response. Focus on the especially challenging moments, the unusual circumstances, the nuanced roles you played.

There’s no follow-up question, so the essay’s success hinges on the the specific and convincing details you share. Everyone loves a great success story (profitable startup, published paper, etc) but failures can also work well if they’re spun into a positive new perspective.


There’s that ‘meaningful’ word again. Hopefully there’s some unused material from your primary application (a discarded most meaningful, a core story you cut from the personal statement) that would suit this prompt.

If not, it’s still pretty straightforward. Focus on creating emotional appeal, if possible, but make sure to avoid sentimentality or cliches. Ideally, your essay will reveal your passion for medicine or show positive qualities that can translate to your role as a medical student and doctor.

Think about times you stepped out of comfort zones, encountered new types of people, or gained unusual insight or access. Hopefully one situation can capture your overall growth.


This prompt is merely looking for an explanation as to why you didn’t apply during your final year of undergrad. If that’s the case for you, just give a quick report of how you’ve spent this gap year. Without overstating your weaknesses, take a moment to justify your decision to wait and then highlight all the valuable experience you’ve gained as a result.

If you have a lot of small experiences during the gap, then present them as a catalogue to show your wide exposure in a short amount of time. If you’ve put most of your energy into one activity or experience, then dive deep into all the responsibility and commitment it required.    


Everyone is on the Dean’s or Provost’s List, so don’t choose that. But if you have an academic or collegiate award that truly represents your personality or individual qualities, then focus on describing why you’re proud of this specific recognition.

No good awards? Never fear. You can expand the definition of ‘honor’ to include any time you were acknowledged or specifically chosen from a group.

For example, has a professor ever asked you to work with them on research? Did you receive exceptionally high student evaluations as a TA? Has a patient ever requested your presence during your volunteering in hospice or clinics? All of these constitute an ‘honor.’  


If you like writing about complex scientific concepts, then this is the prompt for you. Since the only guidance they’ve given you is the word ‘scholarly,’ you should emphasize your independent research, theorizing, analytical problem solving, etc. But don’t waste too many characters with jargon--focus on the goals of the project and its practical applications.  

Make sure to highlight the challenges, both mentally and emotionally. End the essay with the culmination of your efforts--the desired research results, a published paper, the implementation of your data or proposal. If you failed or the project is ongoing, focus on what lessons you’ll take from it as you move forward.

If you’re one of the rare pre-meds with a humanities project, you should strongly consider choosing it as the topic of your response. It will likely be more memorable to the readers and set you apart from other candidates.      


For this essay, avoid personal stories that could raise red flags about your lack of accountability or stability. Don’t go too deep into past struggles with addiction, depression, eating disorders, etc. Although these topics make for compelling essays, the risk outweighs the reward.

But this essay should still be personal, and its success relies on how convincingly you dramatize or illustrate the ‘problem.’ Since it closely reflects the language of the most meaningful prompt, you should steer the essay towards your overall growth and development.

Have you ever mediated a conflict between two friends? Helped a friend or family member through a serious issue? Have you ever encountered a giant hurdle on your path toward a goal? Try to choose situations which tempted you to give up, or scenarios that tested your ethics through a conflict of interest.    


Yes, they’re asking for paid work experience that you already explained in the primary application. But they’re giving you the chance to update them on any new work experiences since submitting the primary. Otherwise it’s just a reiteration. Make sure to highlight the responsibilities and takeaways in the experience descriptions.  

By the way, they mean it when they say ‘list.’ Write this as a resume, not an essay.    


Did you answer the optional “disadvantaged” essay on the primary application? If you answered yes, then it’s in your best interest to answer this prompt. If not, then you should leave it blank or write “Not applicable.”

When answering, you should reiterate (but not verbatim) the same disadvantages you mentioned in that primary essay. Treat this as a factual report of your background and circumstances, indicating the extra obstacles you faced.  


Even if you have multiple interests within the medical field, don’t be too wishy washy. It’s better to choose one specialty and run with that for your answer. Try to base it in volunteering or shadowing experiences you’ve already had. Zoom in on specific moments or cases to illustrate your fascination with the discipline. However, make sure not to pigeonhole yourself. This is easily accomplished through one sentence which expresses excitement over the new possibilities and avenues offered in medical school.

Go ahead and mention the more supplemental roles you might play as a researcher, bioengineer, community leader, educator, etc. These inclinations should be motivated by your background or some concrete past experiences.  

Since UCLA does not have a “Why our school” prompt, this question is potentially useful in addressing that. It’s not a bad idea to mention the type of populations you’d like to serve, especially if those populations are prominent in the LA area. You could also mention initiatives, projects, or developments that you’d like to participate in as a Geffen alumnus/a in the future.  

Click this for more on how to cater to specific medical schools .

We hope this analysis helps you. UCLA’s secondary can be a bear to write (pun intended, because Bruin is a bear!), but if you follow our tips, you will build a nice library of essays for use with future medical schools.

Happy writing!

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All work on this site is our own. The content for the Savvy med school search was found on the webpages of the respective medical schools.

Med School Insiders

UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for University of California Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page .

about University of California Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine

Secondary Deadline:  2 weeks after the date of the supplemental application request letter. Secondary Fee:  $95 FAP Waiver:  Full Fee Waiver CASPer Required:  No Screens Applications : Yes Accepts Application Updates : No

To improve health and healthcare, UCLA will: Create world leaders in health and science Discover the basis for health and cures for disease Optimize health through community partnerships Heal humankind one patient at a time
Excellence and Integrity Discovery and Innovation Service and Respect Teamwork and Compassion

1. At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an “Outstanding Physician, AND…,” dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? (800 characters)

2. Respond to the following and indicate how these areas of experience have impacted your progress toward your future career goals in relation to becoming an “Outstanding Physician, AND…” A-Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters) B-Describe your most important volunteer work and why it was meaningful. (800 characters) C-Describe your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities) and provide the total number of hours, dates and advisor. (800 characters)

3. Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as other relevant information. (800 characters)

4. Do you identify as being part of a group that has been marginalized (examples include, but are not limited to, LGBTQIA, disabilities, federally recognized tribe) in terms of access to education or healthcare?

-Describe how this inequity has impacted you or your community and how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community. (800 characters)

1. Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life. (800 char)

2. What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 char)

3. What has been the one most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? (800 char)

4. Has there been or will there be a gap between achieving your last degree (baccalaureate or other degrees post baccalaureate) and the expected time of medical school matriculation? (300 char to explain if yes)

5. What is the one most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important? (300 char)

6. What has been your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities)? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. (300 char)

7. Describe a problem in your life. Include how you dealt with it and how it influenced your growth. (500 char)

8. Section to enter major work experiences, with 4000 char. to explain each experience.

9. Is there any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application? If yes: Please explain. Include any geographic, language, economic, academic, physical, or mental factors: (500 char)

10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What experiences have led you to this goal? (500 char)

Each prompt has a 2,000 character limit

11. What is the most important social issue confronting the health of disadvantaged communities and what would be your first steps to address this issue?

12. In what way will graduating from UCLA PRIME and obtaining a master’s degree enhance your career in health care or health services for disadvantaged communities? (If you are considering a specific master’s degree (e.g. MPP, MPH, MBA, etc.), please incorporate your graduate degree plans or aspirations into your answer)

13. Describe the manner in which your experiences demonstrate your understanding of, and commitment to, underserved communities.

14. What are your greatest strengths and your greatest challenges as you approach medical school?

15. What is your most memorable experience as it relates to working with vulnerable populations?

1. Describe involvement in the ONE most important non-academic activity that has been important in your life? (800 char)

Think of an experience which taught you a lesson and helped you grow as a person outside of academics. This may be your biggest hobby or pastime outside of work such as sports or music. Paint a picture, perhaps by describing a memorable or poignant experience with one of these pursuits. This will make it more unique and let it stand out from the crowd.

2. What has been the ONE most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 char)

This can be a difficult question to answer as the question asks for a unique leadership experience. First, brainstorm to see if you can think of an unconventional experience to answer this question. For example, one applicant wrote about a summer in his youth when he lead a group of his friends in building a full-length 18 hole golf-course on an enormous dirt lot by his home. The team designed the layout of the course, cleared areas to create “greens” on the dirt, dug holes for the cup, etc. This was very unique was to show ingenuity and leadership. If unable to think of such an experience, make sure you think of a unique angle as to how your more conventional experience helped you grow. Honesty is always the best policy.

3. What has been the ONE most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? (800 char)

Consider past experiences which are non-medical in nature, such as volunteer work with children or homeless populations. Using a non-medical experience may allow you to focus on humanism and compassion which is a universal virtue, not specific to medicine. Focus on how this has made you a more empathetic and compassionate person, which will help you help your future patients.

4. Has there been or will there be a gap between achieving your last degree (baccalaureate or other degrees post baccalaureate) and the expected time of medical school matriculation? (yes or no). If yes, please explain. (300 char)

If you had a gap year before medical school, describe the experiences you had during that time. Either an essay or a list is a reasonable approach to this questions, but essays tend to be more elegant and allow you to show off your writing skills more. Lists read more like a CV. For each experience, explain how this helped you grow and become a better medical school candidate, which should be the goal of the gap year in the admission committee’s eyes.

5. What is the ONE most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important? (300 char)

Brainstorm your personal accomplishments/honors which were most formative. Ideally you do not want to just describe a simple victory or triumph, but something which helped you grow and taught you a lesson. Think of a scenario in which you overcame particular adversity to achieve something. Succeeding over a personal challenge will be more poignant than beating a foe, for example. Tie the experience to what lesson it taught you and what skill or trait you gained that makes you a stronger person. Be humble; do not emphasize our tout your personal excellence.

Choose the scholarly project which was most substantial. Describe in detail your role, level or involvement, and outcomes of your work (publication, presentation, etc). Also talk about what the experience taught you and what skills you gained.

Choose this experience wisely. Avoid choosing something which makes you sound like a victim, as this can reflect poorly. If talking about personal or family hardship, describe how it was a challenge but focus on what it taught you and how you overcame it. The lesson learned is key.

8. Section to enter major work experiences. (4000 char to explain each experience)

Similar to the scholarly project question above, describe your role in detail. Choose and describe one lesson or strength you gained from the experience.

9. If there is any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application, then check the box labeled ‘Hardship’ and briefly explain why you are indicating a hardship. Include any geographic, language, economic, academic, physical, or mental factors. (500 char)

Do not feel compelled to answer this question if you cannot think of a good reason to. Do not let this overlap with the “describe a problem” question above. Again avoid sounding like a victim and focus on the personal strengths gained and lessons learned.

10. Where do you see yourself post-graduate education? What experiences have led you to this goal? (800 char)

This is a common question which also may be asked on interviews. You will need to introspect and be prepared for this one. Consider your career goals. Do you plan to be a full-time clinician or do some research as well? Are you interested in global health and medical work abroad? Do you see yourself performing community outreach here in the US? Be realistic but optimistic. You are not bound to your answer so it is ok to have reasonable but lofty goals. Make sure to focus mainly on your career in medicine. Detailing your goals in other professional spheres (if you have them) does not necessarily show your strength as a potential doctor.

The secondary application essay prompts from this medical school application cycle are the same as above.

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

ucla secondary essay examples

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Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts (2023-2024)

A complete list of med school secondary prompts to help you get ahead and stay organized during your admissions process.

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We recommend using this resource alongside our Secondary Essay Premium Example Hub , which includes a sample essay in response to every prompt requires by every MD and DO program in the US and Canada. It’s even been featured by outlets including U.S. News & World Report.

(Note: This list is continually updated. If you notice that a certain school’s prompts need to be updated, please email [email protected] with details.)

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* Denotes a school with a time-sensitive guideline for submission (e.g., requirement to submit within 2 weeks of receipt).

Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine

Describe how specific attributes of ACOM’s mission and core values align with your professional goals and personal attributes? (250 words)

The Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine promotes values and equity from various cultural, social, and economic backgrounds. Discuss the role that diversity played in your decision to become an osteopathic medical school applicant. (250 words)

What are your personal attributes that demonstrate the osteopathic philosophy? (500 words or less)

University of Alabama School of Medicine

State of Residence Section:

Non-Alabama Resident with Ties to Alabama: Describe any ties or meaningful experiences you have had related to the state of Alabama or UAB Medical Center (1500 characters)

(All Applicants) If the area you spent most of your life before college differs from where you currently consider your permanent address, please explain (1500 characters)

Essay Section:

Where do you see yourself in your medical career fifteen to twenty years from now? (750 characters)

Learning from others is enhanced in educational settings that include individuals from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Please describe your personal characteristics or experiences that would add to the learning environment for your classmates. (750 characters)

Describe a patient interaction with the healthcare system. This could be a direct patient observation (in person or virtual) during a shadowing/clinical experience or a personal experience within the healthcare system. What did you learn from this experience? (750 characters)

Describe a fulfilling or challenging community service experience and how you grew personally from the experience. (750 characters)

UAB Medicine provides quality health care and compassionate service to every patient, every time, regardless of their individual differences or circumstances. Our academic medical center attracts patients from across the world who represent many cultures, religions, lifestyles, and economic backgrounds. Why are you specifically interested in beginning your medical education in this environment, and how do you feel that your previous experiences will prepare you for this unique learning environment? (750 characters)

(OPTIONAL): Describe your identity and how it has impacted the development of your values and attitudes toward individuals different from yourself and how this will impact your interactions with future colleagues and patients. (750 characters)

(OPTIONAL): Please share any information you want us to know about you that is not included in your AMCAS application or in this secondary application. (750 characters)

Additional Experiences Section:

You have a separate page to add any experiences that you did not have listed on your AMCAS application.

University of South Alabama College of Medicine

Although interests may change, what areas of medicine are you primarily interested in at the current time? (200 characters)

Out-of-State Applicants: Although our primary obligation is to residents of the State of Alabama, we do consider competitive applicants from neighboring states and applicants with strong ties to the State of Alabama. Please write a brief essay explaining your ties to the State of Alabama. (2000 characters) (optional)

The learning community at the University of South Alabama College of Medicine benefits from the inclusion of students with broad life experiences, as well as students from diverse backgrounds. The Admissions Committee encourages you to share life experiences that you may have had and/or important factors in your background that illustrate your readiness for practicing medicine in a multicultural society. (3500 characters) (optional)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Arizona: How to Get In )

A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine

ATSU-SOMA’s osteopathic medical education model includes training at one of our partner Community Health Center (CHC) sites. 1) Describe any previous CHC or free clinic experience that you have had. 2) Describe how learning at a CHC will enhance your osteopathic medical school experience. (500 words)

Describe any gaps that lasted longer than three months that may have occurred during or following undergraduate/posttgraduate educational programs. (500 words)

ATSU-SOMA emphasizes self-directed learning in small group sessions. What experiences have you had that will help you be successful in this educational model? (500 words)

Describe any hrs/week of employment that may have coincided/impacted your academic work during each semester. (500 words)

Which field of osteopathic medicine are you interested in pursuing? Explain why you chose this field. (500 words)

Describe what you have learned from your experiences with osteopathic physicians. If you do not have any of the above, please explain why you are applying to an osteopathic medical school. (500 words)

Describe your understanding of SOMA by answering ONE of the following questions: (500 words)

What unique feature of SOMA appeals to you? What specific feature of SOMA concerns you?

What would be your strongest attribute as a SOMA student? What would be your weakest?

How do you plan to be involved with medically underserved populations in your medical career? How have your past volunteer experiences influenced your plans?

Midwestern University Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine

Why do you believe AZCOM would provide you with the type of osteopathic medical education you are seeking? (1500 characters)

Why should AZCOM accept you into this year's class? (1500 characters)

University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix *

Time-sensitive considerations: " 30 days after invitation or December 1st"

I previously applied to any medical school yes/no (select yes if you submitted a primary or secondary application) .

If yes, please provide specific examples that illustrate how you are a stronger applicant this cycle. (1000 characters)

What achievement are you most proud of in your life? What aspect(s) of this achievement will you bring to our medical school? (1000 characters)

The UA College of Medicine - Phoenix practices Inclusive Excellence, which celebrates the differences, talents, and unique qualities of all individuals. Please describe how you will pursue Inclusive Excellence in your studies while contributing to the collaborative environment at the College of Medicine - Phoenix. (1000 characters)

Servant Leadership is a Core Value and Attribute we deem essential for our students to possess. To us, it is service to others where one possesses personal humility along with a strong professional will. Describe a time where you have practiced this skill or have seen this in another. What traits were exemplified, and how will you apply these traits to your career in medicine? (1000 characters)

Throughout your application you have given us a sense of how you intend to contribute to the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix. We would now like to know about how you anticipate the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix will contribute to your goals and passion for medicine. What aspects of our program and community appeals most to you, and how do you plan to make use of specific resources and opportunities here? (1000 characters)

Please reflect on your entire application, is there anything you would like to further share with the Admissions Committee? Items to consider: connection(s) to Phoenix and/or our medical community, your plan during this application season, gap(s) in your education, personal, academic, or COVID-related challenges. Do not repeat any information already mentioned in the primary or secondary applications. (1000 characters)

University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson *

Time-sensitive considerations: "Submit your secondary application and fee to UA COM-Tucson within 21 days from the date it was originally sent by 11:59pm AZ time, or December 15, 2023 - whichever day comes FIRST ."

Please share a meaningful experience you have had working or volunteering in the health professional field or a time in your past in which you were responsible for the care and well-being of someone else. What did you learn from this as it relates to becoming a physician? (350 words)

Discuss a time in your life in which you have failed at something other than an academic experience. How did you confront the failure and what did you learn from it? Please describe how you typically approach challenges that you face in your life. (350 words)

"The mission of the University of Arizona College of Medicine Office of Admissions is to select a diverse cohort of students who will become the future leaders in advancing health care to the distinct communities that comprise Arizona and the United States. Consistent with the mission of The University of Arizona College of Medicine, selection of individuals with a demonstrated commitment to serve as care providers, physician scientists, clinical leaders, medical educators and/or public health experts, including advocates for rural and urban underserved populations, is highly valued. Applicants seeking admission should exhibit qualities of altruism, academic excellence, leadership and dedication to becoming lifelong learners through research endeavors and academic development." Please describe the role(s) you can play in helping the College of Medicine to achieve its mission. (350 words)

Describe the effect that your experiences with engaging diversity have had on your own growth and development. Provide an example and describe how it will impact your career in the medical profession. (350 words)

Share any disruptions in your academic/volunteer/work/personal life related to COVID-19 that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (no limit)

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

List any significant volunteer, community service and/or mission experiences you have had that is not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide the organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, as well as a brief description of your duties.

Please tell us about any healthcare experiences you have had that are not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, and a brief description of your duties.

How do you plan to fulfill the ARCOM Mission in your practice as a physician?

What challenges do you expect to personally face most in the next 10 years as a healthcare professional?

How do you expect to overcome these challenges?

Describe an experience where you interacted with a person or people from a different background than you (ability, religion, gender, race, age, socioeconomic status, citizenship/ nationality, sexual orientation).

How did that interaction impact your mindset of the role of a physician?

If you are in a difficult basic science class and feel you are not fully grasping the information given in lecture, how would you alter your study habits or techniques to better understand the material and complete the course successfully?

What is a recent book you read that impacted the way you think about today's world?

Please explain how this book impacted the way you think about today's world.

How did you hear about ARCOM? (No limit)

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine

Non-Arkansas residents who have strong ties to Arkansas are given preference over non-residents without strong ties to the state. Therefore, if you have strong ties to Arkansas (you have lived in Arkansas, you have a parent or close relative who resides in Arkansas, you attend(ed) an Arkansas college, etc.), you must describe your ties to Arkansas in a letter to be uploaded using the Upload Documents section of this application.

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in California: How to Get In )

California Health Sciences University College of Osteopathic Medicine

CHSU-COM values a diverse student body that reflects our region and our world. Please explain how you personally would contribute to diversity at CHSU-COM. (250 words)

Describe some common healthcare disparities that may be found in a resource-limited area, such as the California Central Valley. How might the presence of CHSU-COM help to alleviate those disparities? (250 words)

California Northstate University College of Medicine

Why have you chosen to apply to CNUCOM? (250 words maximum)

In the medical profession, you will be exposed to students, faculty, colleagues, and patients of various cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. How has your involvement with diverse populations prepared you for potentially four years in Elk Grove, the greater Sacramento area, and the rest of the Central Valley? (250 words maximum)

Did you have a Pre-Health Advisor at your undergraduate institution? If so, please tell us about your experience. How did it help you in your journey to to apply to medical school? If not, please let us know how you worked independently to find out more about applying to medical school and the path of your journey to apply? (250 words maximum)

In which direction would you like to see healthcare progress over the next decade? (250 words maximum)

If your education has not been continuous since high school, please explain why. Examples of discontinuities include time taken off while obtaining your undergraduate degree, in addition to gap years. (250 words maximum)

If you have previously applied to medical school, what have you accomplished since that time that would warrant your admission now? (250 words maximum)

Is there anything you would like the Admissions Committee to know that is not reflected elsewhere in your application? (250 words maximum)

How do you feel about standardized tests? How did you prepare for the MCAT? What tools or preparatory courses/material did you use and how did you study? Do you feel like your score reflects how you will perform in medical school? From what you have learned, do you think it will help you in the way you will study or prepare for USMLE exams? (1000 characters)

California University of Science and Medicine School of Medicine

Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses that tested your coping skills. What did you do? (1500 characters)

Provide us with a specific example of something you did which helped build enthusiasm in others. (1500 characters)

How would you describe yourself in terms of your ability to work as a member of a team? (1500 characters)

Describe the last time you were criticized by a peer or supervisor. How did you handle it? (1500 characters)

What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent? How have you effectively used your skills in emotional intelligence in the past? (1500 characters)

Give an example of when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with. Why was this person difficult? How did you handle that person? (1500 characters)

What would be the best example that shows you are a person of integrity? (1500 characters)

If given the opportunity to attend medical school, where would you see yourself in ten years? (1500 characters)

Diversity comes in many forms. How do you think you might contribute to the diversity of the class? (1500 characters)

[Optional] If you were enrolled in fewer than 12 units/credits for more than 1 semester/2 quarters during your undergraduate education, please provide a brief explanation below. (500 characters)

Drew/UCLA Joint Medical Program Drew University of Medicine and Science *

Time-sensitive considerations: " 28 days after receipt of the supplemental application invitation"

The university’s vision statement is “Excellent health and wellness for all in a world without health disparities”. Describe how you envision yourself contributing to the CDU vision statement. (1200 characters)

Describe your commitment to transforming the health of diverse and underserved communities. (800 characters)

Detail the key motivational factors in your decision to apply to the CDU MD Program. (1200 characters)

Please describe a personal experience in which you have encountered discrimination. (800 characters)

How will you utilize your medical knowledge and skills to contribute positively to your community after completing medical school? (800 characters)

Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Kaiser Permanente Medical School )

During your career as a physician, you will potentially encounter obstacles, and be required to overcome challenges. Please describe your experience with a situation that had an unfavorable outcome, including your reaction, how you might have responded differently, and what you learned about yourself. (250 words)

Kaiser Permanente is committed to advancing equity, inclusion, and diversity for all. How will you contribute to the diversity of the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine? (250 words)

Lifelong learning is an essential process for continued professional development. This includes reflection and being open and responsive to constructive feedback. Please tell us about an area of intellectual exploration you’re passionate about, and your approach to exploring this area. (250 words)

Optional: Please describe how you have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. (No limit.)

Loma Linda University School of Medicine

What makes LLUSM particularly attractive to you? (275 word limit)

Our medical curriculum integrates spiritual, ethical, and relational issues from the Christian perspective into the practice of medicine. Religion courses and weekly chapel services are part of this program. Please respond to the preceding statements as they relate to your personal educational and career goals. (275 word limit)

What personal attributes make you a desirable candidate for admission to LLUSM? (275 word limit)

Identify experiences in your life that illustrate your service to others. (275 word limit)

Discuss how your spiritual origins, development, and experiences have influenced and been integrated into your daily life. (275 word limit)

Please describe your current involvement (or reason for not being involved) with a church or religious group. (275 word limit)

If you have already graduated, briefly describe your activities since graduation and your planned activities prior to matriculation into medical school. (275 word limit)

Behavioral Expectations. LLU has expectations which include respect for all persons and high standards of personal and professional conduct. This includes abstinence from alcohol, nicotine, cannabinoids, and illicit drugs/substances in all forms. Please describe any use of the above substances within the past year. (No word limit)

Stanford University School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Stanford Medical School )

Are there any current or pending disputes concerning your academic status? If yes, please explain. (300 character limit)

Was your enrollment status ever interrupted during your undergraduate or graduate program, not including summer term (e.g. medical, personal, or academic reasons, military service, other)? If yes, please explain. (150 character limit)

PRACTICE SETTING What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career? Choose the single answer that best describes your career goals and clinical practice setting:

Academic Medicine (Clinical)

Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)

Non-Academic Clinical Practice

Health Policy

Health Administration

Primary Care

Public Health/Community Health

Global Health

Please describe your motivation for this practice scenario. Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path? (1000 characters)

CURRICULAR INTERESTS How will you take advantage of the Stanford Medicine Discovery Curriculum and scholarly concentration requirement to achieve your personal career goals? (1000 characters)

BACKGROUND Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background. (For example) I grew up in New York City, as the 3rd child of a supermarket cashier and a high school principal. I attended Mann High School where my major interests were boxing and drama. (600 characters)

CONTRIBUTION TO LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Please describe which aspects of your life experiences, interests, and character would help you to make a distinctive contribution to Stanford Medicine. (2000 characters)

Please describe how you have uniquely contributed to a community with which you identify. (1000 characters)

ADVOCACY Please describe an experience/ situation when you advocated for someone else. (1000 characters)

ANYTHING ELSE? Please include anything else that will help us understand better how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine? (OPTIONAL) (1000 characters)

There is also a Health Belief and Attitude Survey (15 questions) where you will select your response (from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree).

Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine

Are you a TUCOM re-applicant who has previously interviewed? If yes, what was the result of that interview and what changes, if any, have you made which should effect a different outcome? (3000 characters)

Have you attended any TUCOM information sessions on campus, at another location, or virtually? If yes, please list the event(s) in which you participated. (3000 characters)

Please describe your understanding of osteopathic medicine including osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). Please include your personal exposure to osteopathic medicine (if any) and demonstrate your understanding of the osteopathic principles and history of the profession. (3000 characters)

Please describe your hobbies (or non-academic pursuits) and how they will influence your success as an Osteopathic medical student and/or Osteopathic physician in the future. (3000 characters)

Please discuss how your life experiences and personal characteristics will contribute to your future success as an outstanding osteopathic physician. (3000 characters)

When considering medical schools, what criteria are important to you and how does TUCOM align with those criteria? (3000 characters)

Have you graduated or do you plan to graduate from a High School or equivalent (e.g. GED, ATB, etc.) - OR - College whose primary method of instruction is English? (3000 characters)

Have you ever had a criminal conviction (this includes a judge or jury verdict, guilty plea, a plea of no contest or nolo contendere, and/or juvenile offenses), or any criminal conviction that you are currently appealing? (3000 characters)

University of California – Davis School of Medicine

(Optional) Discuss any elements of your application that you feel might be concerning to the Admissions Committee. (This could include explanation of metric trends, institutional actions, legal violations, etc.) Please enter N/A if no concerns to report. (500 characters)

(Optional) Do you have a connection to Northern or Central California? (Yes/No) Please explain. (500 characters)

Activities: Please list the activities you would like to be considered in your application to UC Davis. The secondary activities may be used to highlight your experiences specifically relevant for UC Davis. You may use your most meaningful experiences listed in your initial AMCAS application or select/add others that may be relevant to UC Davis. Please only list three. The admissions committee will review all AMCAS application activities as well; this an opportunity to highlight your most meaningful and/or relevant to UC Davis School of Medicine.

Prompt for activities: Briefly describe this activity and its significance. How did it prepare you for a medical career? Include any supporting information (e.g. your contribution to the project or accomplishment as well as links to any publication, etc) (500 characters each activity)

Scholarly Pathways questions:


Are you interested in applying to the Rural-PRIME program? [yes/no] Please describe how your experiences with rural communities make you a good fit for the Rural-PRIME program.

Describe your future plans to serve a rural underserved community.

TEACH-MS: Are you interested in applying to the TEACH-MS program? [yes/no] Please tell us what experiences have shaped your desire to be a primary care physician in urban underserved communities.

ACE-PC: Are you interested in applying to the ACE-PC? [yes/no] Please tell us what attributes or experiences would make you a good fit for an accelerated program in primary care.

REACH: Are you interested in applying to the REACH program? [yes/no] Please tell us about your ties to Central California and what you have done, or plan to do, to make a positive change in Central California.

Tribal Health PRIME: Are you interested in applying to the Tribal Health PRIME? [yes/no] What experiences have you had with rural and/or underserved communities/populations? More specifically, what involvement have you had with tribal communities/populations?

ARC-MD: Are you interested in applying to ARC-MD? [yes/no] Academic Research Careers for Medical Doctors (ARC-MD) is a five (5) year honors pathway that mentors students who envision a career as research faculty in a medical school or who want to use research and quality improvement methods to improve health in their community. These students are drawn from diverse backgrounds and committed to research as a foundational aspect of their career. That research may include basic-translational research, clinical-translational research, community engaged research, or policy and advocacy. Prior research experience or related activity as an undergraduate is preferred. Tell us about how you could see yourself as a faculty of the future and how biomedical research will play a role in your career as currently envisioned."

University of California – Irvine School of Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: "Applicants have one month from the date of the invitation email to complete the secondary application."

What personal accomplishment are you most proud of and why? (1500 characters)

Please describe to the Admissions Committee a challenge or disappointment you have overcome and what you learned about yourself from that experience. (1500 characters)

(Optional) Do you identify as being part of a marginalized group socioeconomically or in terms of access to quality education or healthcare? If so, please describe how this inequity has impacted you and your community. (1500 characters)

This essay is only for applicants that have already received their baccalaureate degree. Please clarify for the Admissions Committee your activities (school, work, and/or volunteer, travel, etc.) since receiving your undergraduate degree. You may list them in chronological order or you may incorporate them into an essay, stating why you chose particular activities. If you have just received or will receive your undergraduate degree this year, please discuss your plans for current year. (1500 characters)

MSTP prompts

What research accomplishment are you most proud of and why? (1500 characters)

Please describe to the Admissions Committee a research challenge you have overcome and what you learned from that experience. (1500 characters)

What does it mean, to you, to be an MD/PhD? (1500 characters)

Please list all posters, manuscripts (published or planned) you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (1500 characters)

University of California – Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine *

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into UCLA Medical School )

Time-sensitive considerations: " 2 weeks from the date and time of invitation"

At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an "Outstanding Physician, AND...," dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? (800 characters)

Respond to the following and indicate how these areas of experience have impacted your progress toward your future career goals in relation to becoming an "Outstanding Physician, AND..." .

A. Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters)

B. Describe your most important volunteer work and why it was meaningful. (800 characters)

C. Describe your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities) and provide the total number of hours, dates and advisor. (800 characters)

Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as other relevant information. (800 characters)

Did you experience or are you anticipating time between graduating from college and matriculating into medical school? (Yes/No)

If yes: Describe the activities in which you participated or are planning to participate. Examples include additional schooling, employment, or caring for a loved one. (800 characters)

Do you identify as being part of a group that has been marginalized (examples include, but are not limited to, LGBTQIA, disabilities, federally recognized tribe) in terms of access to education or healthcare? (Yes/No)

If yes: Describe how this inequity has impacted you or your community and how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community. (800 characters)

Want a sample essay in response to every prompt required by UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, as well as every prompt required by every other medical school in the US and Canada? You can subscribe below.

Gain instant access to med school secondary essay examples for every single prompt required by every medical school in the United States and Canada. Subscribe today to lock in the current investments, which will be increasing in the future for new subscribers.

University of California – Riverside School of Medicine

The mission of the UCR School of Medicine is to improve the health of the people of California and, especially, to serve Inland Southern California by training a diverse workforce of physicians and by developing innovative research and health care delivery programs that will improve the health of the medically underserved in the region and become models to be emulated throughout the state and nation. What experiences, skills, and abilities will you bring to the class to fulfill this mission? (250 words)

The values of the UCR SOM are integrity, innovation, inclusion, excellence, accountability and respect. Please choose one of the values and tell us how you have personally experienced it or have seen it emulated in a clinical setting. (250 words)

In what type of healthcare setting do you see yourself practicing medicine? (250 words)

Tell us about a personal challenge you have faced in your life thus far and how you demonstrated resilience and grit to overcome it. [Please do not write about studying for or taking the MCAT.] (250 words)

(Optional) If there is anything you would like the committee to consider about your candidacy that is not explained elsewhere in your application, please use this space to tell us. (250 words)

(Only if you are non-California resident) If you answered Yes, please explain your connection to Inland Southern California and the mission of the UC Riverside School of Medicine (100 words)

University of California – San Diego School of Medicine 

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into UCSD Medical School , which contains a sample secondary essay)

This should be a true autobiographical statement. Topics to be included are family, childhood, primary and secondary school years, undergraduate years, and, if applicable, what you’ve done since completing your bachelor’s degree. You should also discuss the motivational factors which led you to a career in medicine, including any disadvantages or obstacles which might put your accomplishments into context. A repeat of your AMCAS statement will not be acceptable. Please note: if you are applying to the MD/PhD program, please include why you are specifically interested in seeking MD/PhD training at UCSD. (6000 characters)

(OPTIONAL) Please describe how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community? (4800 characters)

On your AMCAS Application, you were asked to identify your three “most meaningful” experiences. These activities have been auto-filled in your secondary application. In addition to the information you provided on the AMCAS application, we would like to know if there are any additional activities you would consider among your most meaningful. This may include activities that you’ve already completed but couldn’t include as you were limited to three selections on the AMCAS application, or it may include a new activity that began after your initial AMCAS application was submitted. Use the “Add” button below to enter a new activity. We would also like to know if a letter of recommendation has been submitted on your behalf by somebody you worked with through this experience. If you do not have a letter from this experience, simply type N/A. This information allows Admissions Committee members reviewing your application to more readily match your letters to your experiences and thus facilitates the review of your application. DO NOT LIST ANY ACTIVITY MORE THAN ONCE. (For each activity you add, there is a 100-character limit.)

Some medical school applicants are already focused on pursuing a particular career pathway in medicine. While many students will change from this pathway during medical school, knowing of your potential interests does help us to assign interviewers. Your choice below does not influence how the Admissions Committee selects students to interview. Please select from one of career pathways listed below. In addition to this selection, please provide a brief description of your future career goals. (400 characters)

Academic Medicine (Working as a faculty member at a School of Medicine either as a clinician, a clinician-educator, or a clinician investigator. This could be in any field of medicine)

Primary Care and/or work in underserved communities (Working as a general internist, a pediatrician, or a family medicine physician and/or spending the majority of your time working in a community currently underserved by the medical profession)

Public Health, administrative leadership in medicine (Pursuing an MPH and/or working for a public health department or organization; working in health care policy; working as a hospital administrator)

Specialist in private practice (Working in a private practice or managed care setting as a subspecialist. Examples include cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, obstetrician, orthopedic surgeon, general surgeon, anaesthesiologist, radiologist)


For special programs:


The goals of PRIME - HEq are: To increase the number of clinicians, research scientists, and advocates addressing minority health and health disparities; to create a diverse community of scholars that develop, transmit, and apply new knowledge in minority health and health disparities; and to promote a multidisciplinary community/university partnership to eliminate health disparities. The program utilizes existing opportunities to allow enrollees to obtain a master's degree emphasizing minority health and health disparities, tailored to student's interest (MPH, MBA, MAS, MS) Applicants indicating an interest in PRIME are required to write an additional essay detailing their qualifications and reasons for interest in the program.

Please describe your interest in the PRIME-HEq program. Topics to include are longitudinal experiences that you’ve had with underserved communities, including the type of community that you’ve worked with and your level of involvement. Additionally, you should discuss the length of time that you’ve spent working in these communities. (4800 characters)

Applicants to the UCSD School of Medicine may apply for admission to the GHAC. This track is available to five medical students per class per year, and will provide mentored research and clinical experiences in Global Health. The GHAC has four goals: 1) to prepare young physicians to engage with the global community to address health disparities; 2) to provide experiences and training in academic Global Health research; 3) to provide field experiences in Global Health delivery; and 4) to facilitate education about structural and social factors that create and propagate health disparities. Students in this concentration will undertake an additional curriculum that exposes them to Global Health topics throughout all four years of medical school. This track is appropriate for applicants hoping to pursue an academic medical career in Global Health. Students accepted into the GHAC will be provided with financial support for two international rotations (up to $5000 for both). Applicants interested in applying for the GHAC are required to write an additional essay detailing their qualifications and reasons for interest in this program.

Please describe your interest in Global Health. The term Global Health can have many meanings; for our purposes, we find the definition provided by Koplan et. al. in their 2009 Lancet publication useful: “the area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide”. In your essay, be sure to describe any personal or professional experiences that have shaped your interests, and how Global Health issues have influenced your decision to pursue a career in medicine. (4800 characters)

Applicants to the UCSD School of Medicine may apply for admission to the Program in Medicine - Transforming Indigenous Doctor Education (PRIME-TIDE), which is available to six medical students per class per year. The educational objectives of the PRIME-TIDE are to: 1) teach medical students the appropriate management and treatment of diseases common in AI/AN communities with a focus on culturally sensitive care via a mentored clinical experience in local, regional or national tribally-operated Indian Health Service (IHS) ambulatory clinics; 2) understand the opportunities for community-based research with AI/AN communities through the California Native American Research Center for Health (CA-NARCH); 3) engage in preventive medicine and public health in a tribal healthcare setting; and 4) understand the social, environmental, economic and political issues related to providing healthcare to tribal communities, as well as the limitations/adaptations to the delivery of IHS care. These objectives will be met by completing didactic coursework, as well as mentored research and clinical experiences. (4800 characters)

University of California – San Francisco School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into UCSF Medical School )

If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)

If you are 2023 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. (350 words)

Do you identify as being part of a marginalized group socioeconomically or in terms of access to quality education or healthcare? Please describe how this inequity has impacted you and your community. (350 words)

University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine

What is the most fun you’ve had lately? (65-word limit)

If you had to give yourself a nickname, what would it be? (65-word limit)

What are three things you don't care about at all? (65-word limit)

Describe a situation in which you didn’t get something you felt you deserved. (65-word limit)

Are you a member of a group that is under-represented in medicine? (Yes/No)

If yes: Which Group? How does underrepresentation affect your community? (200-word limit)

Have you previously applied to medical school (M.D., D.O., international)? (Yes/No)

If yes: Upon reflection, what do you think went wrong? (200-word limit)

(Optional): Is there anything else you would like us to know? If yes, please answer the question in 200 words or less.

Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

Questions are the same for the Pomona and Northwest campuses.

What experience observing a DO solidified your desire/ambition to become an osteopathic physician? (This could be a formal shadowing experience (one-on-one with a physician), scribing, observing your own physician, friend, or family member who is a DO). (500 words)

If you have not had the opportunity to shadow/observe a DO why is it important to you to become an osteopathic physician? (500 words)

What was your most memorable community service activity and how did your activity benefit the community? (500 words)

How does the COMP Mission statement align with your values? (500 words)

Why do you want to attend COMP? (500 words)

What does diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to you and why are they important? (500 words)

Have you participated in research? (Yes/No)

If yes, briefly describe your role and what skills you gained from participation in the research. (500 words)

Please provide us with the link to the publication or abstract if possible.

Did you contribute to the published work as an author/coauthor? (Yes/No)

Briefly discuss any extenuating circumstances which you feel are pertinent to your application (poor grades, course withdrawals, lapse in your education, etc.). (500 words)

If you have not taken any coursework for over 3 years, please explain why and what you have been doing during that period of time. (500 words)

Are you a transfer applicant? (Yes/No)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Canada: How to Get In )

Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine

250 words each:

Describe your personal experience in community service, volunteer work or service/help to another. What did you learn from this experience?

Describe your strongest quality and provide a specific example of this quality. How does this quality relate to the study and practice of medicine?

The Dalhousie Medicine curriculum uses case-based small group learning. Describe one or more examples of your experiences with small group learning or teams and what you have learned from it.

What does being a physician mean to you? How did you come to this understanding?

Health care professionals work with people from diverse and broad populations and experiences. Cultural competence and sensitivity are important skills to develop. How would you describe your own level of cultural competence/sensitivity? What steps could you take to further build cultural competence/sensitivity?

Out-of-province applicants: In 250 words or less, please describe your knowledge of any connections to and past experiences with the Maritime Provinces and how these have contributed to your selection of Dalhousie University as your preferred choice of medical schools. 

Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Autobiographical Sketch questions:

Considering NOSM University’s self-directed, small group, distributed learning environment, select ONE (1) entry from your autobiographical sketch and describe how it has specifically prepared you for being a medical student at NOSM University.

Select ONE (1) entry from your autobiographical sketch that has had a significant impact on your personal growth and describe how this experience has influenced your development and prepared you to be a medical student at NOSM University.

Considering NOSM University’s social accountability mandate, select ONE (1) entry from your autobiographical sketch and describe how this experience has prepared you to learn and work in Northern Ontario and/or rural/remote settings.

Supplementary questions:

Describe how you have developed resilience and coping mechanisms. How will you utilize these skills to support yourself during your medical training in making informed and rational decisions when faced with difficult circumstances?

Describe an experience you have had interacting with individuals from backgrounds different from yours. How would this experience translate to working within a health care environment and/or with patients?

Provide a specific example of when your work or performance was criticized. Explain how your responded to the criticism and how this experience contributed to your personal development/growth.

NOSM University’s Social Accountability mandate is to improve the health of the people and the communities of Northern Ontario. Describe how you plan to embody this mandate as a medical student and future physician, and how this has factored into your decision to apply to NOSM University.

University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

List and describe your top two personal achievements/experiences. (750 characters per)

Share a life experience where you encountered challenges and describe how you addressed the situation(s). You may include a different experience that you have not previously addressed in your application which will further serve the goal of learning more about you as an applicant. (2000 characters)

Please share an experience that you have had which was significant enough, potentially even life altering, that helped you become a better person. (1500 characters)

University of Toronto School of Medicine

Detailed Autobiographical Sketch: Write about an impactful experience from your Autobiographical Sketch that demonstrates your personal growth, character, and values. How did this experience prepare you for medical school? (500 words)

The COVID-19 pandemic imposed obligatory changes in all our lives. What have you learned and how has this changed you as a person? Are there ways that you adapted that you would keep going forward? (250 words)

What is the purpose of a mentoring relationship? What are the 3 most important elements of a mentoring relationship? Discuss a mentoring situation that you experienced in relation to these qualities. (250 words)

Western University Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry

Abbreviated Autobiographical Sketch

(Note: These questions allow you to expand on activities described in your OMSAS Autobiographical Sketch; however, you may include up to two activities that are not in your Autobiographical Sketch.)

Teamwork and Leadership: We are interested in extracurricular activities or experiences (employment, volunteering and/or other extracurricular activities) that demonstrate your teamwork and leadership skills. Please highlight a minimum of 1 activity and a maximum of 2 activities that highlight your teamwork and leadership skills. 

Note: Leadership does not mean being the boss or having a formal title. Instead, it refers to someone who is engaged and takes the initiative to contribute in a collaborative way toward sustainable and positive change. Please ensure that in whatever activity you choose, you demonstrate a clear link to these skills. Maximum points are allocated if you can link to both skills of teamwork and leadership, as defined above.

Please provide a brief description of how this activity demonstrates your teamwork and leadership skills, outline concretely what you have learned (3 items) and how this will be helpful to your career in medicine. (Max. 2,400 characters/activity)

Respect for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:  Please list your top 1 to 2 activities (employment, volunteering, or other extracurricular activity) that demonstrate your respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion. As an example, this core value can be demonstrated through interactions and exposure to those who may have perspectives different from our own (e.g. different age, skill level, educational background, gender identity, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, etc.). 

These activities and experiences do not necessarily have to be international/global and the definition of diversity is broad. The activities can be local or regional, and do not necessarily have to be volunteer-related. In whatever activity you choose, you must clearly articulate the link between the activity and diversity.

Please provide a brief description of how this activity demonstrates your respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Please also outline concretely what you have learned (3 items) and how this will be helpful to your career in medicine. (Max. 2,400 characters.)

Self-directed Learning, Problem-solving, and Critical Inquiry: Please list your top 1 to 2 activities (employment, volunteering, research or other extracurricular activity) that demonstrate your capacity for self-directed learning, problem-solving, and critical inquiry.

Note: You may choose any activity as above, so long as you can articulate well where you demonstrated these higher learning skills in that activity If you have done research in any capacity (undergraduate, Master’s and/or PhD), one of your activities must be related to your research experience. If your research led to any notable awards and/or publications, please provide enough information so that it may be corroborated. The verifier you choose must be able to confirm any publications and/or awards.

If you do not have any research experience, that is acceptable so long as you can clearly link your activity to how you problem-solved, demonstrated intellectual curiosity and how you worked towards improving your performance in that activity.

Please provide a description and examples of how this activity concretely demonstrates your problem-solving, critical inquiry, and self-directed learning skills and how they will be helpful to your career in medicine. (Max. 2,400 characters.)

Social Accountability and Responsibility: Please list your top 1 to 2 activities (employment, volunteering, other extracurricular activity) that highlight your commitment to serving other individuals or your community and that speak to your ability to advocate for others.

Please note: No preference will be given for formal volunteering compared to other activities, so long as the activity demonstrates a commitment to your community and advocacy of others. For example, this could include helping a neighbor as long as you can. Clearly articulate the connection between the activity and the commitment to helping and advocating for others and have someone who can verify this activity.

Please provide a brief description of how this activity concretely demonstrates your commitment to helping others, advocating for others and serving your community's needs. Please comment on what you have learned (3 items) and how this will be helpful to your career in medicine (Max. 2,400 characters.)

Optional questions

Please tell us about a unique (non-academic/non-research) personal life experience(s) and/or challenges that are relevant to your application to medical school. Please also outline how you overcame those challenges, if applicable. If none, please state “none”. (Max 2,400 characters.)

Please outline whether there are any gaps and/or unusual circumstances to your file/application. If none, please state “none”. (Max. 2,400 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Colorado )

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

What unique characteristics, abilities, or skills will you bring to help advance the mission and vision of RVUCOM? (No limit)

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Please do not repeat content from your AMCAS personal statement in these essays. To the extent that there is overlap in the personal statement to what you want to write here, please choose a different approach to discussing the issue(s), such as influence on your values and beliefs, changes you made in your life, reflections that are from a different perspective. The committee utilizes this important information in the selection process.

The pillars of our curriculum are Leadership, Curiosity, and Commitment. Tell us about how you have embodied one or more of these attributes in your path to medicine thus far. In which of these areas do you see the most opportunity for personal growth and why? Limit this response to 500 words.

Please describe how your background and/or your unique lived experiences contribute to our culture of inclusive excellence. Limit the response to 300 words.

(For reapplicants) Please explain how you and your application has changed since your previous submission. Limit this response to 1500 Characters.

Fort Collins Track: Please tell us why you are interested in being a part of the 4-year CUSOM at CSU (Fort Collins Branch campus)? With the background that FCB’s smaller class sizes and unique structure lead to a highly interactive curriculum, please tell us how this campus matches your learning style and personal philosophy. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

Rural Track: Describe your personal and professional goals in becoming a rural physician. In particular, describe your interest and ability to spend your clinical year in a rural community. You may also include how past experiences living and/or working in a rural area and your ties to or interest in rural Colorado communities aligns with your goals. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

Colorado Springs Branch:

Please submit a short statement regarding your interest in the Colorado Springs Branch. You may address characteristics of the Branch that would be a fit for your strengths, experiences, and/or career plans. You may also note your ties to or interest in Colorado Springs or other similar communities. Limit the essay to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

In the Colorado Springs Branch LIC, students work in multiple health systems across Southern Colorado (e.g. Colorado Springs, Cañon City, Pueblo) to understand the interface between academic and community medicine and participate in a curriculum focused on how physician leadership in quality improvement and community engagement can impact health equity. Please describe how participation in the Colorado Springs Branch LIC would advance your career goals, and how your life experiences have led you to an interest in our program. You may also note any ties to Colorado Springs or the Southern Colorado community, if applicable. Please limit your statement to 300 words.

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Connecticut: How to Get In )

Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine

If you will not be enrolled as a full-time student, how will you be spending/intend to spend your time during your application year? If you are a re-applicant, please address steps taken to improve your application for medical school. (200 words)

Why is it important to you to go into medicine and become a physician? (200 words)

What quality or attribute do you think is most important in being a physician? Please explain. (200 words)

As a medical student and future physician, you will be faced with many uncertain situations. Please describe a situation when you were asked to do something that was beyond your capabilities. How did you handle the situation? Please provide a specific example. (400 words)

Netter SOM is a diverse and inclusive community, and we believe that each person brings their own unique experiences and attributes. How have your experiences, personal/family background or personal identity impacted your values and attitudes in working with others who will be both similar and different from you? (400 words)

If applicable, please address any withdrawals, repeated courses, leaves of absence or breaks in your undergraduate education that are not explained in your application. (250 words)

University of Connecticut School of Medicine *

(Suggested reading: How to Get into UConn Medical School )

Time-sensitive considerations: "Regardless of when the secondary is received, applicants should aim to complete their secondary applications within two weeks ."

Highlight your experiences in the healthcare field. What insights have you gained about potential problems you will face as a physician? (1800 characters)

How will the University of Connecticut School of Medicine best serve your needs of becoming a physician or physician scientist? (1800 characters)

The University of Connecticut School Of Medicine realizes that each applicant brings a unique perspective from a broad range of experiences that have been influential in leading to a career in medicine. How will your own life experiences and unique identity enhance the UConn SoM classroom and community? (1800 characters)

Yale School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into the Yale School of Medicine )

If you are not currently in college, what are your plans for this year?

Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician? (500 words limit)

Please select one of the following questions. MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions. MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine. (500 words)

Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine. (500 words)

Optional Section: This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. Please limit your response to 500 words.

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Washington, D.C.: How to Get In )

George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Character limits do not include spaces.

Have you ever registered at an institution under a different name? (Y/N) If Yes, please enter the name and institution.

Select the campus you prefer (main campus preferred, regional medical campus preferred, main campus only, regional medical campus only).

If you selected regional medical campus preferred or regional medical campus only, please explain in detail your interest in regional medical campus and how it will be a good fit for your clinical education? (1750 characters)

Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment, or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2024. (750 characters)

The MD Program includes substantial content in Clinical Public Health (population health, health systems science, health policy, and community health) to prepare GW graduates for an expanded scope of practice required to be successful 21st-century physicians. What are your specific interests and experiences related to that aspect of the MD Program? (350 characters)

What makes you a unique individual? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned from your experiences? (750 characters)

What is your specific interest in the MD Program at GW? What opportunities would you take advantage of as a student here? Why? (1750 characters)

Have you previously interacted directly with the MD Admissions Office through events, tours, fairs, webinars, or interviews? (Y/N) If Yes, please explain (250 characters)

Georgetown University School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Georgetown Medical School )

Are you/will you be enrolled in any program during the 2023-2024 academic year?

Have you ever completed one of the following Georgetown Programs? (check all that apply):

The Georgetown University Academy for Research, Clinical, and Health Equity Scholarship (ARCHES)

Pedro Arrupe S.J. Scholarship for Peace (ARRUPE)

Gateway Exploration Program (GEP)

Georgetown Scholars Program (GSP)

Georgetown University School of Medicine Summer Immersion Program (GUSOM SCS)

Cultivating Opportunity & Realizing Excellence (CORE) Leadership Program

Graduated from Georgetown Experimental Medical Studies Program (GEMS)

Graduated from Special Master's Program (SMP)

The Georgetown University School of Medicine (GUSOM) strives to ensure that its students become respectful physicians, with cultural humility, who embrace all dimensions of caring for the whole person. With our Jesuit values of Cura Personalis, People for Others, and Community in Diversity, we are steadfast in our commitment to racial justice and to addressing the health inequities exacerbated by the recent pandemic. Please describe how your values, life experiences, and your identity will contribute to these GUSOM priorities. (1000 Characters)

Is there any further information that you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your file that you were not able to notate in another section of this or the AMCAS Application? (1000 characters)

Why have you chosen to apply to the Georgetown University School of Medicine and how do you think your education at Georgetown will prepare you to become a physician for the future? (3000 characters)

Howard University College of Medicine

8. Was your childhood home located in a rural, urban or suburban area? (Choose one.)

9. Have you lived in communities which are medically underserved, or where the majority of the population is economically and/or educationally disadvantaged? (Please indicate, Yes or No and then explain/describe briefly in 250 words or less) (3000 characters, max)

10. Have you worked (volunteer or paid employment) with medically underserved, economically disadvantaged and/or educationally disadvantaged populations? (Please indicate, Yes or No and then explain/describe briefly in 250 words or less) (3000 characters, max)

11. After residency, do you plan to practice medicine in an underserved or disadvantaged community? (Please indicate, Yes or No and then explain/describe briefly in 250 words or less) (3000 characters, max)

12. Please provide below any additional information you believe is important in evaluating your application (e.g. additional coursework, problems with academic record; disadvantaged, etc.) (Please indicate, Yes or No and then explain/describe briefly in 250 words or less)

21. Did COVID-19 impact you preparing your AMCAS application for fall 2024? (i.e. volunteer/work experience, financially, course registration, MCAT testing, etc.) [Please respond Yes or No and then explain/describe briefly in 250 words or less, indicate N/A if not applicable]

22. Why Howard University College of Medicine? (2500 characters, max)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Florida: How to Get In )

Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine

Prerequisites: (1600 character limit including spaces)

1. Use this area to justify and/or explain any academic hardships on your transcripts (any failed and/or repeated courses due to any reason)

2. Use this area to explain exceptions to these prerequisites at your institution.

About Self:

3. Whether or not you will be a full-time student, please provide details of your activities/employment for the application year. (1200 character limit including spaces)

4. Describe why you would like to attend the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at FAU. What values, skills, talents, and life experiences would you contribute to our community? (1600 character limit including spaces)

Experience (1600 character limit including spaces):

5. Describe your most meaningful community service experience that is unrelated to direct patient care. Why did you select this particular experience? In what way did you grow and learn from this experience? What did you enjoy most?

6. What traits do you feel you have developed through your experiences thus far (such as paid or unpaid work experiences) that will help prepare you to be successful in medical school and a future physician. Experience does not need to be related to patient care.

7. Leadership can be defined in many ways. One way of defining leadership is as a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective direction, or lead a group or an organization. Tell us about a time you executed your leadership skills.

8. Please describe a significant personal challenge you have faced, one which you feel has helped shape you as a person. Focus on what you learned about yourself and how it will help you during challenges you may face during medical school and as a future physician. Describe any support system and/or resources you had available and how you utilized them.

Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Primary Activity/Employment

Whether or not you will be a full-time student, please explain what you will be doing prior to your planned matriculation into medical school. (600 characters)

If you have taken a gap year(s), please explain what you have been, or will be doing since graduating from your undergrad institution.

Supplemental Essays

Miami is a vibrant and multicultural, multilingual city. You will be exposed to cultures and languages different than your own while living and studying in this city. Please explain in detail an experience in which you collaborated, worked, or were exposed to diverse backgrounds. Please describe the impact the experience had on you. (1200 characters)

Why did you choose to apply to FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine? (1200 characters)

Please describe a significant personal challenge you have faced, one which you feel has helped to shape you as a person. Focus on what you learned about yourself and how it will help you during the challenges you might face in medical school. Describe any support system you had at your disposal and how you utilized these resources. (1200 characters)

If you are accepted into medical school, how do you envision your lifestyle will change, and what challenges may await? Similarly, what do you think will be the most rewarding and difficult part of practicing medicine in the future? (1200 characters)

(OPTIONAL) Use this area to explain any exception to the prerequisites at your institution. (1000 characters)

(OPTIONAL) Is there any additional information about your academic record that you would like the Admissions Committee to know? Please include any academic difficulties or course withdrawals. (1000 characters)

Please share any disruptions and/or challenges you have experienced this application year as a direct result of COVID-19 that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider in conjunction with your application. The following are some examples of topics for consideration, but are not limited to: academic preparations; extracurricular activities and/or experiences; personal and/or professional opportunities; or lessons and insights gained as a result of COVID-19. (1000 characters)

For those who are not Florida residents, the following prompt will appear:

Please describe any connection to FIU, FIU HWCOM, or South Florida.

Florida State University College of Medicine

"Please complete this application with as much specificity and detail as you can. Though many questions are optional the Admissions Committee STRONGLY ENCOURAGES applicants to submit detailed answers to each question"

A. Personal Background (500 words)​

Please provide a description of your family. (Optional)

Please provide a description of where you grew up (i.e. rural area, large city, etc.) (Optional)

Indicate what you do for fun and diversion (hobbies, special interests, etc.). (Optional)

What is a unique trait, experience, or interest that we would not normally learn about you? (Optional)

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you are comfortable voluntarily sharing with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Many applicants will not need to answer this question. Examples might include significant challenges in access to education, unusual socioeconomic factors, identification with a minority culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine. (Optional)

B. Self Critical Analysis (500 words)

Why are you choosing to apply to the FSU College of Medicine? Please be specific describing what is particularly attractive about FSU COM.

What do you feel are your personal and scholastic qualifications for the study of medicine? (Optional)

If you have previously interviewed or applied to the College of Medicine, what steps have you taken to improve your application? (Optional)

C. Additional Questions (500 words)​

In what field/specialty of medicine do you envision yourself working ten years from now? Please list no more than three (3) specialties.

Write a short statement describing how you envision using the specialty/ies you listed above to advance our mission.

The Admissions Committee understands that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted applicants in various ways. If you wish to inform the committee as to how these events have affected you and have not already done so elsewhere in your application, please use this space to do so. (Optional)

D. Florida Resident (200 characters)​

The Florida State University College of Medicine accepts very few out-of-state applicants. Except under rare circumstances, out-of-state applicants are considered for admission only if their county of residence is geographically contiguous with the State of Florida, or if they can demonstrate significant ties to the State of Florida.

Is Florida currently your legal State of residence? (Yes/No)

Has it ever been your legal state of residence? (Yes/No)

If “yes,” please briefly explain: (Optional) (200 characters)

If you have never been a Florida resident or are not currently residing in Florida (answered “no” to both questions above), please briefly describe any significant ties that you have to the State of Florida (Examples of significant ties include- but are not limited to- attending college within Florida; having strong family ties to Florida, owning property in Florida, etc.) (Optional) (200 characters)

E. Disclosures (500 characters)​

Have you ever been charged with a violation of the law which resulted in, or is still pending could result in, probation, community service, a jail sentence, or the revocation or suspension of your driver's license (including traffic violations which resulted in a fine of $200 or more)? If "yes", please explain. (Optional)

Have you ever been or are you now under investigation for any academic or legal/conduct problems at any undergraduate or graduate institution? If "yes", please explain. (Optional)

Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine

Please provide an example that indicates your ability to function effectively as a productive member of a team working toward a common objective. Elaborate on leadership roles you held in this capacity and how you solved problems that arose. Indicate highlights learned from this experience. (4000 characters)

Please share some personal examples of problem-solving in a team environment and/or leadership experience that would lead to your success in a Problem Based Learning environment. (4000 characters)

At NSU M.D., we value the unique perspective that each applicant brings. Identify any traits, life experiences, or interests that a professor or advisor would not normally know about you. (4000 characters)

How has your academic work beyond the “traditional” pre-medical school requirements (i.e., introductory biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and introductory physics) prepared you for medical school and for a career in medicine? Please highlight any service learning activities that align with humanism in medicine. (4000 characters)

Is there a time gap between earning your last degree (baccalaureate or other) and the expected time of your medical school matriculation? If yes, please explain. (4000 characters)

Were you employed full-time (or part-time) during your undergraduate or graduate years? If yes, please explain. (Maximum 4000 characters)

Do you believe that you are a member of a group that is under-represented in medicine? If yes, please explain. (Maximum 4000 characters)

Please explain any gaps or inconsistencies in either academic or standardized test performances throughout your undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate career.

Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

How did you learn about osteopathic medicine? (1000 characters)

List and briefly describe your significant healthcare-related volunteer activities since graduation from high school. (2000 characters)

If you have ever matriculated into an M.D. or a D.O. program, please explain the reason(s) for leaving. Please use the following format: date, institution, status. If non applicable, please type "none" (1000 character limit)

If you were employed during the regular school year (excluding summers) while in undergraduate or graduate school, please list dates of employment beginning with your current position along with title or job description, level of responsibility, and number of hours per week. (2000 character )

University of Central Florida College of Medicine

(5) If you are NOT a Florida resident, please describe any connection to UCF COM, UCF, or Florida. (500 characters)

(7) If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time. (500 characters)

(8.1) In this space, provide brief details regarding academic difficulties, grades below "B minus," or course withdrawals. (500 characters)

(13) What breakthrough in clinical or research medicine would you like to see occur within the span of your career in medicine? Why? (750 characters)

(14) The complexity of healthcare delivery increasingly requires interdisciplinary teamwork. What lessons have you learned from sports, music, business or other experiences have prepared you to succeed in this environment? (750 characters)

(15) We often hear that students want to pursue medicine to help people. Why did you choose medicine and not some other field where you can help others, such as nursing, physical therapy, pharmacology, psychology, education, or social work? (750 characters)

(16) Please share with the Admissions Committee why you are specifically interested in UCF COM. (750 characters)

(18) Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the broad diversity of our students within the classroom. We believe the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (Up to 4,000 characters)

University of Florida College of Medicine

If you are not a full-time student during this application cycle, in particular at any time between August 2023 and July 2024, please detail your current and planned activities below. (250-500 words)

The medical profession is frequently described as being both a science and an art. One could summarize this by saying that patients must “be well cared for” (science) but they must also “feel well cared for” (art). We work to teach our students not only the scientific principles of medicine, but also the core values of medicine, often called “professionalism”. Toward this end we keep patients at the center of our education and often reflect on their stories with our students.

The exciting advances in our understanding of the biological basis for disease have led to the emergence of a host of targeted therapies and amazing technologies improving the duration and quality of our patients’ lives. The better a physician knows his/her patient, the better decisions they will make together as they approach important healthcare related questions. This so-called shared decision-making model is one key feature of patient centered care. Practicing the art of medicine in this way yields a physician patient relationship (PPR) that is both therapeutic and mutually enriching. However, many of these same technologies have the unintended consequence of separating us from our patients, both literally and figuratively. In addition, the industrialization of medicine and use of electronic health records have led to a decrease in the time physicians spend with their patients further eroding the strength of the PPR.

At the UFCOM, we have many strategies to equip our students to preserve their own humanity and that of their patients. One of the most important is the ability to make connections with and get to know their patients. Frequently such connections become the student’s first taste of the joy of medical practice. In fact, the UFCOM version of the Hippocratic Oath includes the following affirmation. “I will remember with gratitude and humility those whose illness or injury provided examples from which I learned, and, in their honor, I will continue the pursuit of knowledge.”

In our polarized society, the importance of such virtues as humility and gratitude have perhaps never been greater. Over the last two decades, the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California Berkeley has offered strong scientific support for the importance of such virtues as gratitude and humility in human well-being. But it should also be remembered that philosophers and theologians have cherished these virtues for centuries. For example, when mounting a legal defense for a friend, Cicero observed, “while I wish to be adorned with every virtue, yet there is nothing which I can esteem more highly than the being and appearing grateful. For this one virtue is not only the greatest, but is also the parent of all the other virtues.” Offering a similar endorsement for the virtue of humility, Augustine of Hippo observed, “Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.”

Students at UFCOM regularly write about and discuss encounters with patients that shape their professional identity in important ways. In so doing, we all learn to become better physicians and human beings. Here  are two such reflections, by our students, one a poem and the other an essay. Read and reflect on both and then choose one and describe how the writer grew from the experience. Consider the affirmation from the Hippocratic Oath in your response. (250-500 words)

The profession of medicine has always had an explicit contract with society about our expertise and competence but it also includes an important affirmation. Namely, that we will subordinate self-interest to patient interest when the needs of our patients require us to do so. This does not mean we do not take care of ourselves and one another, but it does mean we willingly take on risks to ourselves that many others would not. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought this commitment to light as many medical professionals labored on the front lines caring for the sick despite the potential dangers.

When we consider medical practice and hence, medical education, one could ask what sorts of virtues or character traits equip young medical professionals for such a noble calling. Many come to mind including courage, compassion, intellectual honesty and integrity. But recently attention has been given to the ability to stay with a task or course even when one is tired, discouraged and the work is daunting and laborious. Terms such as “resilience”, “endurance”, “perseverance”, “determination” or “grit” describe this character trait. Dr. Angela Duckworth has explored this in detail in her book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” ( Angela Duckworth ). Cultivating this virtue, in ourselves and one another, offers a tangible means to lean against the depersonalizing and emotionally exhausting forces at work in healthcare.

As physicians, we have the privilege of caring for people who are in the most difficult places of their lives. Being present during these times can be both a source of joy as we help our patients, but can also challenge our own emotional health and resilience. Struggling to make sense of suffering induced by disease, social forces and human agency has brought an occasion for growth among many of us who work in healthcare.

As you grow into your new identity as a physician, you will come face to face with the suffering of other human beings. In fact, we will all have to face  our own  losses as we go through medical training and practice. Put simply, none of us is exempt from suffering. As the Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe (1930-2013) once observed, “When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool.”

Holocaust survivor and renowned psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, (1905-1997) wrote an account of his time in the concentration camp called, “Man’s Search for Meaning”. It has sold more than 10 million copies in 24 languages and offers profound insights into how finding meaning in suffering sustains us during our darkest times.

Below are several quotes from Dr. Frankl that deal with finding purpose and meaning in suffering.  After reading and thinking about his insights, choose one or two and tell us about experiences where you have seen these principles at work either in your own life, or in the lives of others. (500 words)

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

“If there is a meaning in life at all, then there must be a meaning in suffering. Suffering is an ineradicable part of life, even as fate and death. Without suffering and death, human life cannot be complete.”

“A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the 'why' for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any 'how.'”

“Being human always points, and is directed, to something or someone, other than oneself - be it a meaning to fulfill or another human being to encounter. “

(Optional) If you think there is any additional information that would help the admissions committee in its review of your application, including any disruptions in your academic/volunteer/work/personal life related to COVID-19, please use the space below. (4000 characters max)

Additional questions:

*REQUIRED If you are not a legal resident of Florida according to your AMCAS application, write a statement describing your association with the State of Florida below. This statement is required even if you have no ties to the State of Florida.

(optional) Reflect upon your life experiences, values and/or personal background. Do any or all of these help frame how you envision your future contributions to the health and well-being of others as a physician and if so, how? (500 words max)

There is a page for selecting introversion and extroversion traits/statements but no essay associated with it.

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: "We ask that you submit your secondary within two weeks after you are invited to complete the application."

500 words each​:

What have you done during the recent COVID-19 pandemic that will better prepare you to be a medical student and future physician?

Why have you selected the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine for your medical education? Please be as specific as possible.

Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.

Please provide a chronological list with dates of your community service/volunteering.

Please discuss a situation where you had to use your leadership skills.

Please briefly discuss your research experience.

Please provide a chronological list with dates of your employment.

What have you done to help identify, address and correct an issue of systemic discrimination?

Choose one of the following prompts (you can't do both):

Provide a description of any activities involving the FINE ARTS (dance, drama, music, art, photography, etc. OR

Provide a description of any activities involving SPORTS (organized team sports, recreational activities that you play, watch or follow)

[OPTIONAL] Describe your most meaningful involvement in STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.

[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your most memorable TRAVEL experience.

[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your HOBBIES and what you do for fun and relaxation.

University of South Florida Health Morsani College of Medicine

Do you believe the competitiveness (i.e. course requirements, experiences, academic performance, etc.) of your application for medical school has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? (1500 character max)

What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career (Private Practice, Academic Medicine, Public Health, Health Care Administration, Health Policy, or Other)? Describe the knowledge, skills, and attributes you have developed in preparation for the career path you have chosen in the previous question. (1500 character max)

Optional: The USF Morsani College of Medicine’s Scholarly Concentrations program aims to support the educational development of medical students by providing opportunities for academic endeavors in areas of special interest. This program facilitates self-directed learning, enhances interactions between students and fosters relationships between students and faculty. Scholarly concentrations provide a forum where diversity of ideas and perspectives are valued. Each concentration includes elements of course work, practical application and scholarly presentation. Please review our Scholarly Concentrations website to determine which concentration would be of interest to you and answer the following question: ( Scholarly Concentrations Program | USF Health ) a. How would the USF Morsani College of Medicine’s Scholarly Concentrations Program help your personal career goals? (1500 characters)

The USF Morsani College of Medicine strives to educate a very diverse set of students who bring a variety of strengths and interests to the field of medicine. The definition of diversity is broad and includes (but is not limited to) lifestyle, race/ethnicity, geography, socioeconomic status and distance traveled through life. The definition of strength is also broad and includes (but is not limited to) humanism, scholarship, intellectual curiosity, research, and leadership. How do you feel your particular experiences, interests, and passions will add to the strength and diversity of the USF class and ultimately to the field of medicine? (2000 characters)

If you have experienced academic difficulties, please explain the situation and how it was resolved. (Please explain all grades less than a "B", including B-, or any "withdrawal" on your transcripts). (2000 characters)

If you have chosen the SELECT program or BOTH, please explain how your experiences and career goals match with the mission of the SELECT program. ( MD SELECT Program | USF Health ) (1500 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Georgia: How to Get In )

Emory University School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Emory Medical School )

List your entire curriculum plan for the 2023-2024 academic year. If you are not currently in school, please briefly describe your plans for the coming year. (200 words)

Briefly describe your health-related experiences. Be sure to include important experiences that are in your AMCAS application, as well as any recent experiences. (200 words)

Briefly describe your interest in Emory and the Emory degree program you have selected. (200 words)

Emory School of Medicine is committed to recruiting and educating medical students who will help deliver quality health care and will promote the health of our patients. In our community, this includes learning about and addressing the health care needs of our most under-served populations. Please describe any of your activities that have been in service to under-served communities. (200 words)

If you have any updates or new information to report since you have submitted your AMCAS primary application, please briefly describe below. (200 words)

Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University *

Time-sensitive considerations: "You should submit your Secondary Application within two weeks of receiving it from the Admissions Office."

The goal of the MCG Admissions Committee is to admit a diverse medical school class of well-rounded and academically qualified individuals who will best contribute to our institutional mission and ultimately meet the healthcare needs of Georgians. This section captures additional information not readily available in AMCAS. Please adhere to the word limit in each section. Please do not use special characters in your responses ( no #, % , &, etcetera).

Please discuss your primary interest in attending the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. (300 words)

Please describe your motivation for becoming a physician. What contributions do you feel that you could make to the medical profession in the future? (300 words)

Please list any additional clinical experiences that are not included on your AMCAS application. Please include the physician’s name OR type of experience (i.e., Nursing, PA, EMT, E.R. Scribe, etc.) in the description column below along with the location, dates and total number of hours. If no additional experiences have occurred, please select "N/A."

The Admissions Committee regards the diversity of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of MCG and meeting the healthcare needs of a diverse patient population. Please describe how your own personal attributes, background, or life experiences, would contribute to the diversity of the class. (300 words)

The art of medicine requires resilience on the part of its practitioners. There can be perceived failure even when the medical team has done everything right. Please describe a time when you part of something that failed. What did you learn from this experience? (300 words)

Please describe the geographical area in which you would most likely practice medicine and why. Please include the country, region, state, city and/or town in your response. (300 words)

Please explain any inconsistencies in your academic record. This may include below-average course performance, grade trends, MCAT scores, etc. Please enter N/A if not applicable. (300 words)

If applicable, indicate any special experiences, unusual factors, or other information you have not already addressed in your application. Please enter N/A if not applicable. (300 words)

Please discuss any disruptions to your medical school application as a result of COVID-19. This may include but is not limited to academic performance, clinical, volunteer, research and extracurricular activities. (300 words)

Mercer University School of Medicine 

Please provide below an alternate e-mail address (different from the one listed on the Primary AMCAS Application) to which we can send you correspondence related to your application. (Required)

Please provide a cell phone number at which you can be contacted in reference to your application. (Required)

Please address any institutional action, including honor code or conduct code violations, from your time as an undergraduate and graduate student. (Required) (230 words)

If you wish to discuss your perceptions of your academic readiness for the rigors of a medical school curriculum or explain poor grades in college coursework or MCAT scores to the Admissions Committee, please do so below. (230 words)

What is your understanding of the practice of rural medicine? (230 words)

Do you consider yourself to have been raised or to be residing in an area that is medically underserved or in a county that consists of medically underserved populations? By medically underserved we mean populations vulnerable to poor health due to difficulties accessing adequate health care services. This may be due to factors including but not limited to: education level; poverty; being uninsured or underinsured; lack of a usual source of care other than the emergency department; belonging to a socially marginalized group with poorer health outcomes; cultural or language barriers to receiving quality medical care; distance or lack of transportation to needed medical care. Please explain. (230 words)

The mission of Mercer University School of Medicine (MUSM) is to educate physicians and health professionals to meet the health care needs of medically underserved and rural areas of Georgia. Summarize your work and learning experiences that you believe reflect congruence with this mission. Based on your understanding of our mission, where and what do you envision yourself doing after completion of medical school and residency? (230 words)

If you wish to, please briefly explain to the Admissions Committee experiences, attributes, or qualifications you believe are unique to you that will strengthen the educational environment at MUSM. (230 words)

Please explain to the Admissions Committee factors that you could not highlight above that would help the Admissions Committee better understand your unique circumstances. If you would like to briefly highlight any substantial updates with regard to your application (example, volunteer experiences) that have occurred after you submitted the Primary AMCAS Application, please summarize them below. (230 words)

Describe your experiences in service to others and your community and how they have helped prepare you to be a physician. (230 words)

Morehouse School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Morehouse School of Medicine )

Briefly explain the reasons for your selections in the Perceptions of Your Medical Career Section.

Type a brief statement setting forth the key motivational factors in your decision to apply to Morehouse School of Medicine and any information about yourself you feel would be of interest to the Committee of Admissions in the consideration of your application.

University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine

Please provide responses to essays A, B, and C. If you are a re-applicant, also respond to essay D. Please limit responses to 600 words per essay.

A) Resilience is “the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.” Consider a challenge you have experienced. How are your attitudes and actions regarding your challenge a reflection of resilience? (600 word limit)

B) Describe your most important volunteer work and why it was meaningful. (600 word limit)

C) Describe any personal connection to JABSOM and/or Hawaii and the Pacific that you may have. If you do not have a personal connection to JABSOM and/or Hawaii, please describe your interest in attending JABSOM. (600 word limit)

D) If you are a re-applicant to JABSOM, please complete the following additional essay. Describe what efforts you have made to further improve your application to the MD Program. (600 word limit)

Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine

What characteristics of ICOM will help you become a successful osteopathic physician? (Unlimited characters)

If this is not your first time applying to medical school, how have you improved your application? (Please type N/A if not applicable) (Unlimited characters)

What does Osteopathic Principles and Practices mean to you and how will you integrate these into your future practice? (Unlimited characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Illinois: How to Get In )

Carle Illinois College of Medicine

Note: Carle uses a unique format for its secondary. Please read the instructions carefully. There is a video response that you have to do in addition to the below.

Carle Illinois is looking for everything most other medical schools are looking for – and something more. If you are completing our secondary application, you have already passed the threshold for our competency checklist. Well done. Now we want to find out more about you.

Our secondary application is unique. We are looking for physician-innovators. Does that describe you? Our secondary application is your chance to demonstrate that you have the compassion, curiosity and creativity we believe a physician-innovator needs. We are asking you to complete a portfolio comprised of three artifacts and three very short essays (100 words each). The portfolio provides an opportunity to SHOW US and TELL US how compassion, curiosity, and creativity have played out in your life through visual artifacts and short essays. How do you exemplify these values? How have you grown in these areas? Show us and tell us the connections between these values and your experience. The artifacts should be somewhat reflective in nature so share your thoughts and insights. For example, if you did or are still doing work in a research lab, we are less interested in a detailed description of the science and more interested in learning what you actually did, how YOU contributed, and if you were able to be innovative. Was the activity you are presenting part of a class for credit or something you did on your own? Was this part of a team? If so, what was YOUR role? Show us and tell us who you are, and why you are a strong applicant for our program.

Each artifact should be uploaded as a PDF (one page for each value, formatted no larger than 8.5" x 11"). No hyperlinks or embedded videos are allowed. We encourage you to make your artifacts image focused . Your artifacts will be most powerful if you include multiple activities for each and clearly indicate the quality and depth of your experience, but only include that which is meaningful for the value. You may repeat experiences listed on your AMCAS application and/or include new ones. Please do not include activities from high school or earlier unless they are of very high quality or impact (an example would be achieving Eagle Scout rank). Family interactions/relationships ("spending time with family") are unlikely to score well unless you can show how they are noteworthy or significant (an example would be full-time caregiver for a family member for a period). As you are completing your portfolio, please keep in mind that our screeners will evaluate your portfolio independently BEFORE they evaluate your AMCAS application so do not assume the screeners are aware of any of the information in your AMCAS.

Captions or other brief notes can be included on the artifact to help the screener understand your images. Don't provide an essay in place of a visual artifact unless you are an extraordinarily skilled writer! In addition to any notes included on your artifact, each artifact will be accompanied by a very brief essay (maximum 100 words) to give context to your artifact. While the content of your portfolio is of primary importance, our reviewers are also evaluating your presentation. This does not mean you have to be "artistic", but it is valuable to show an innovative approach.

We believe in creating physicians who, in addition to solving healthcare's most complex problems, are also tender, kind, and warm. From day one, you will be working with patients.

Show Us - How have you changed the lives of others? What have you experienced that has fostered a deep sense of compassion? For example, have you had a moving volunteer experience? Have you learned through adversity and shared those lessons with others in need? Share with us the ways you’ve impacted a larger population and help us see how you will be the type of physician we would entrust with our most beloved community members.

Upload Compassion PDF artifact.

Tell Us - In 100 words or less, explain how this artifact reflects Carle Illinois College of Medicine's value of Compassion.

Carle Illinois College of Medicine values lifelong learners. We want to see your passion for learning and growing!

Show Us - How have you explored new interests, cultures, or people? Have you identified a need and taken the initiative to respond to that need? For example, is there a research project or work experience you’d like to share? Has your curiosity fostered a deeper sense of vulnerability, resilience, or life-long learning? If so, how? Let us see where your curiosity has taken you.

Upload Curiosity PDF artifact

Tell Us - In 100 words or less, explain how this artifact reflects Carle Illinois College of Medicine's value of Curiosity.

The dictionary tells us that innovation is a new method, idea, or product. Often there is an outcome, a clearly defined result, or a new thing is discovered. The introduction of something new requires dynamic thinking and creative solutions. Creativity is key to innovation. Help us see your creativity!

Show Us - What are the ways you demonstrate you have an active mind? What are you really proud of? For example, have you used technology in novel or distinct ways? What innovative solutions have you employed in your work, healthcare, or hobbies? Have you taken a risk to respond to a problem, to express yourself, or to achieve your goals? Describe how you live and lead a creative life.

Upload Creativity PDF Artifact

Tell Us - In 100 words or less, explain how your artifact reflects Carle Illinois College of Medicine’s value of Creativity.

Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Please specifically discuss how, if admitted to our program, your admission would contribute to the diversity of the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science community. (150 words)

Briefly share your plans for the upcoming academic year. Do you plan to work, conduct research, volunteer in a health care setting, participate in community service, attend school, travel, participate in leisure activities or other activities? (150 words)

Have you ever had a major setback? What was the cause and how did you overcome it? (150 words)

What areas of your life need the most improvement, and what plans have you made to improve it? (150 words)

Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: "Since the school uses a rolling admissions process, however, those who submit their AMCAS application and all supporting materials in the summer and early fall will enhance their potential for being offered interviews."

500-word maximum for all questions.

Explain how you know that you want to spend your life studying and practicing medicine. Describe how the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine (SSOM) can help you develop into the kind of person and physician you hope to become.

Social justice in the Jesuit tradition, justice due each person by virtue of their own inherent human dignity, is an essential dimension of education at SSOM. Describe what you have learned about yourself from your concrete social justice experiences. Explain how you plan to sustain your efforts to advocate for current social justice issues as a medical student and as a physician.

Serving underserved and under-resourced communities is an expression of social justice. Describe an impactful experience in working with and for under-resourced communities. Explain what you have learned about yourself through this service OR what has hindered your efforts to serve others in these environments.

Describe a time you received feedback about your performance and disagreed with the feedback. What did you disagree with? How did you handle it?

Describe a non-academic personal/professional challenge or conflict that you have experienced. Explain what skills, resources and/or strategies you employed to resolve the problem.

Have you or any of your relatives attended or been employed by Loyola University Chicago or the Loyola Stritch School of Medicine? Complete the following questions if applicable:

Please indicate additional grades earned, amendments to your proposed coursework or graduation date, address changes, additions to your list of experiences, and anything else you feel we should know.

Please explain in more detail (in less than 1500 characters) anything that would help us understand any gaps or delays in your education, academic missteps, or personal challenges not listed elsewhere.

If you have not been enrolled in coursework for over two years, please let us know what you have been doing since your coursework ended.

Have you applied to SSOM prior to this application? If so, please list the years of your previous application submissions to SSOM and tell us how your application has improved since your previous submission.

Are you currently, or have you been, enrolled in any of the following programs?

Applicant Boot Camp or Health Equity and Advocacy Leaders (ASPIRE):

Early Assurance Program (EAP):

Health Professionals Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP):

Loyola University Chicago undergraduate (LUC):

Loyola MA in Medical Sciences (LUC MAMS):

Loyola MS in Medical Physiology (LUC MSMP):

Loyola Masters in Infectious Disease and Immunology (INDIRI):

Proviso United with Loyola for Educational Enrichment (PULSE):

Medical Minority Applicant Registry (MED-MAR):

Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic or parking violation? If the answer is yes, please explain below.

If you did not submit an advisor or committee letter, please tell us why.

Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine

List any relative who is an osteopathic physician:

Why do you believe CCOM would provide you with the type of osteopathic medical education you are seeking? (1500 characters)

Why should CCOM accept you into this year's class? (1500 characters)

Upload a copy of your resume or curriculum vitae, which will include, but not be limited to the following information:

Educational History (colleges attended and degrees earned)

Employment History

Medically-related work and volunteer experiences

College extracurricular activities, honors, and leadership responsibilities

Community activities, honors, and leadership responsibilities

Hobbies and nonacademic interests

Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine

MD application questions

FEINBERG CURRICULUM: Describe which part (s) of Feinberg’s integrated curriculum you are most excited to engage in and best align with your learning style. (200 words)

COPING STRATEGIES: Describe specific steps you take to manage your stress and maintain wellness while balancing personal, educational, and professional responsibilities. (200 words)

FUTURE CAREER PLANS: Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders in medicine who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific goal within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago, will help you achieve this professional goal. (200 words)

POST-UNDERGRADUATE EXPERIENCES (if applicable): If you have one year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe both your completed activities and future plans during the gap period. (200 words)

REAPPLICANT (if applicable): If you are reapplying to medical school, please address steps taken to improve your application. (200 words)

FEINBERG SCHOOL OF MEDICINE RELATIONSHIP: Do you or an immediate family member have an existing relationship with Feinberg School of Medicine? (200 words)

Personal Narrative: The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please provide more detail about how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 words)

MSTP application questions

Why did you choose your undergraduate major? How does the subject appeal to you? (200 words)

Name a scientific paper that you have read recently that had a strong impact on you and describe what impact it had. (200 words)

Discuss a current unanswered question in biomedical research that you find particularly interesting and what research you would like to see done to address it. (200 words)

If you have (or expect to have) a year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe your activities and/or plans. (200 words)

If you are a re-applicant this cycle, please address steps taken to improve your application. If not a reapplicant, please enter "N/A". (200 words)

What is the most gratifying research experience you have had to date and why? What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in research and how did you overcome it? (200 words)

Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as any other relevant information. (200 words)

Personal Narrative: The Feinberg School of Medicine values diversity as a measure of excellence. We define diversity as the totality of the characteristics and experiences of our students. We believe that a diverse student body improves the educational environment and the ability of our graduates to serve an increasingly diverse patient population. Everyone has their own narrative. Please provide more detail about how your experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 words)

Rush Medical College of Rush University

Rush Medical College is located on Chicago’s near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us about a life experience that has broadened your own worldview or enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself and what you learned from this experience. (1000 characters)

As an anchor institution, Rush is embedded in its strategies to improve the societal and structural determinants of health, which improve the economic vitality of Chicago’s west side neighborhoods and help residents achieve better health. Using your own experiences, describe how you have impacted and/or changed a person or community. (1000 characters)

(Optional) If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. (1000 characters)

(Optional) Use this space to provide additional information, which is non-COVID related , you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application. (1000 characters)

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

The mission of SIU School of Medicine is to assist the people of central and southern Illinois in meeting their health care needs through education, patient care, research and service to the community.

Preference is given to established residents of central and southern Illinois who intend to practice medicine in the state.

Applicants should have a good foundation in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Applicants are expected to demonstrate facility in writing and speaking the English language.

Preference is given to applicants who will have earned a baccalaureate degree by the time of matriculation.

Preference is given to applicants who have had sufficient recent academic activity to demonstrate potential for successful completion of medical school.

Although the Admissions Committee establishes no quotas, active efforts are made to recruit qualified applicants from groups who have been under-represented in the medical profession.

SIU School of Medicine uses a holistic approach to identify students who best fulfill its mission: to assist the people of central and southern Illinois in meeting their health care needs through education, patient care, research and service to the community. In what ways do you believe you would contribute to SIU’s mission and what barriers have you overcome in your life’s circumstances to reach this point in applying to medical school? Please limit your response to 300 words or less.

Tell us about your lived experiences that will make you a better physician? Please limit your response to 300 words or less.

To be successful as a student at SIU School of Medicine and as a practicing physician, you must be flexible and committed to cultivating and employing critical interactive and learning skills. Describe your experiences that demonstrate: contribution in a teamwork setting; engagement in self-directed and life-long learning (taking personal initiative to identify and address your learning goals and needs); and exposure to the small group tutorial process used in a problem-based learning environment. Please limit your answer to 500 words or less.

If you have previously applied to SIU School of Medicine, please describe how you feel you have strengthened your credentials since that application. Please limit your answer to 300 words or less.

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever been convicted with a misdemeanor other than a minor traffic offense? Have you ever been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor other than a minor traffic offense, or with misconduct on any college campus? If you answered 'YES' to any of the three preceding questions, please explain the relevant circumstances. (No character limit was given.)

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

Students at the Pritzker School of Medicine complete the majority of their clinical training at UChicago Medicine (UCM). UCM is one of the top ten most racially inclusive hospitals in the United States with a primary service area of 12 South Side zip codes where poverty is over double the state level. Additionally, our students lead six free clinics in diverse neighborhoods throughout the city of Chicago. Please share with us the personal and professional experiences that have best prepared you to work in this diverse clinical environment. (450 words)

(MD-Only Applicants) All MD students participate in our longitudinal Scholarship & Discovery research program, which offers protected curricular time, mentoring, and funding for students to pursue their scholarly interests. Please describe your research interests and share how our research opportunities will help you advance your career goals. (450 words)

Share with us a difficult or challenging situation you have encountered and how you dealt with it. In your response, identify both the coping skills you called upon to resolve the dilemma, and the support person(s) from whom you sought advice. (450 words)

Optional Additional Information Please feel free to use this space to convey any additional information that you might wish the Committee to know. For example, if you are not currently completing a degree, please share your planned or current activities for this application cycle. We suggest that you limit your text to about 300 words.

University of Illinois College of Medicine

What characteristics, qualities, or attributes do you possess that have helped you to deal with conflict and change?

Which characteristics, qualities, or attributes of UICOM attracted you to apply for medical school here?

An important part of UICOM’s identity is the concept of “one college, three campuses.” The curriculum is identical on each campus; however, each campus has unique characteristics. Please describe what you have learned about at least two of our three campuses.

What are some of the causes and consequences of prejudice and injustice? What does an individual’s response to prejudice and injustice reveal about their character? What is the role of a bystander who witnesses prejudice or injustice?

UICOM values a wide range of perspectives. Describe an aspect of your own perspective, value system, or lived experience that is important to you and how it would contribute to the diverse and collaborative community at UICOM.

Have you applied for admission to medical school previously? (Yes/No)

If you are reapplying this year please describe what you have done during the past year.

Have you ever matriculated into and not completed a professional/graduate program? (Yes/No)

Please describe the circumstances of why you did not complete the program of study.

Indiana University School of Medicine

There are no secondary essay prompts for the 2023–2024 cycle.

Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Do you have experience shadowing or working with a physician (DO or MD)? If so, describe the experience (name & location of hospital/clinic, name & specialty physician, and amount of time spent shadowing).

Please share any other relevant information that you would like the MU-COM Admissions Committee to know about you. (300 words)

Indicate any changes or additions that have occurred since submitting your AACOMAS application. (Including, but not limited to, education, employment, extracurricular activities, research, military service, academic warnings, conduct violations, and/or convictions.)

Are you interested in practicing medicine in Indiana? If yes, please describe your interest and reasons why. If no, please explain why not. (300 words)

Describe your motivation for attending MU-COM and osteopathic medicine. Please be specific.

Please explain any gaps in education or employment longer than holidays and semester breaks

In which area of medicine are you most interested in practicing and why? (choose up to 3)

Des Moines College of Osteopathic Medicine

Note: Questions are contained within the AACOMAS primary application.

If you have previously applied to medical school, how has your application improved? (250 characters)

Please describe your exposure to osteopathic medicine, including (but not limited to) experiences with physicians in primary care or rural practice within the U.S. How have these experiences impacted you and your pursuit of osteopathic medical education as it relates to the mission of Des Moines University? (2000 characters)

What activities are you currently or planning to pursue leading up to potential matriculation? (500 characters)

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine *  

Time-sensitive considerations: "Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit application materials by October 15 ."

We understand you may be applying to multiple medical schools. Please explain your reasons for applying to the Carver College of Medicine. (1500 characters)

Describe a personal characteristic, challenge, or experience that makes you unique. How will this influence your contribution to a dynamic healthcare system that advocates for all peoples? (1500 characters)

Please list and briefly describe all medically related experiences (paid/volunteer) you have completed during the past 5 years. Do NOT forecast future hours. Please include experiences listed on your AMCAS and also provide any additional experiences NOT listed on your AMCAS. (Up to 15 entries and 175 characters per description)

If you are a reapplicant to the Carver College of Medicine, how have you strengthened your application? (1500 characters)

If you are not currently in a degree-seeking program, please indicate what you will be doing from the time you complete this secondary application to the start of medical school. (1500 characters)

Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: "Secondary applications are due within 21 days of your invitation."

Describe a time that you experienced a personal failure. What did you learn from the experience? How did it affect your personal growth? How did you show grit after the failure?

What kinds of things are you not good at? Why? How could this present a challenge in medical school?

Describe a situation in which you believe you or someone else were not treated fairly. How did you respond? What changes did you make or could be made to prevent someone being treated in this way in the future?

University of Kansas School of Medicine

Answer the questions that apply to you. All applicants will answer questions 1-5.

Describe your health care experiences that involved direct exposure to physicians' clinical duties and how they have shaped your desire to apply to medical school. (1000 characters)

Describe examples of leadership experience in which you have significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. (1000 characters)

Beyond academics (grades and MCATs), describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to address this challenge. (1000 characters)

Give an example of what you have done to make your community a better place to live. (1000 characters)

Patients come from various backgrounds. Please describe how you will engage with patients whose backgrounds may differ from yours. (1000 characters)

If you are not a Kansas resident , what is your specific interest in applying to the University of Kansas School of Medicine? (1000 characters)

If there are academic discrepancies in your application that have not been explained in your application, use this space to clarify. Examples may include unexplained gaps in time, multiple undergraduate institutions attended, multiple course withdrawals, inconsistent academic performance, inconsistency between academic performance and MCAT scores. (1000 characters)

If you are currently enrolled , or plan to be enrolled during the next academic year in a graduate or professional degree program, please describe your status within the program and your intention to complete the program. You must also request a letter from your graduate program advisor or from the dean of your professional school. This letter must include acknowledgement of your application to medical school and a description of your status in the program. Students in the MD program are considered and expected to participate full-time in MD program requirements and accompanying activities (e.g., service, research, etc.). Our experience over multiple decades has informed the SOM that participation in outside activities (e.g., employment, other degree programs, etc.) is not conducive to successfully navigating our curriculum and overall school requirements. Failing to meet program expectations can place the student at risk for administrative action, including dismissal. (1000 characters)

If you are no longer a full-time student , briefly describe your current employment, community, medical, and/or educational activities. (1000 characters)

For Repeat Applicants Only: Since your last application, note any relevant academic, employment, and personal experiences that enhance your ability to be a better physician. (1000 characters)

For Combined MD/PhD Program Applicants: Do you also want to be considered as an "MD-only" applicant? (1000 characters)

University of Kentucky College of Medicine

Why have you chosen to apply to the University of Kentucky College of Medicine? (1500 characters)

The University of Kentucky College of Medicine's (UKCOM) mission statement promotes a diverse and inclusive environment that provides excellence in education, equitable health care, and transformative research to improve the health and wellness of Kentuckians and beyond. Please describe how your past experiences or future plans contribute to enriching and enhancing the learning environment at UKCOM. (1500 characters)

If you are a non-Kentucky resident, you are required to elaborate on your Kentucky ties if applicable (personal, familial e.g.) (700 characters)

UKCOM provides MD programs at four campuses including the Lexington Campus, the Morehead Campus (Rural Physician Leadership Program), the Bowling Green Campus, and the Northern Kentucky Campus. You will apply to one of the four UK College of Medicine campuses. Please indicate your campus choice. Please elaborate on why this is your preferred campus. (700 characters)

What competencies and qualities do you feel a physician should possess? (1500 characters)

Describe a personal activity involving advocacy and/or community service that has impacted your personal values about delivering equitable patient care. (2000 characters)

Describe an experience or situation which made you feel grateful? (1500 characters)

It is impossible to have predicted the drastic impact caused by the novel coronavirus identified as COVID-19. Describe how this has impacted your social interactions, connections with peers, and perception of teamwork. (1500 characters)

Please share unique, personally important, and/or challenging facts in your life and/or work experiences. Please discuss how such factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine. (2500 characters)

Describe a situation where you were not in the majority. (1500 characters)

University of Louisville School of Medicine

Why are you choosing to apply to the University of Louisville School of Medicine? (500 char)

List the individuals who are providing letters of recommendation as a component of your complete secondary application (for example, Committee letter/institution name, Professor Smith/academic subject, etc.) The letter of recommendation policy can be found by copying and pasting the following URL into your browser Submit Letters of Recommendation — School of Medicine University of Louisville. (500 char)

Describe your most significant personal accomplishments and/or experiences and how these may relate to your potential to contribute to the medical community. (1000 char)

What has been your most significant contribution to your community, through service or volunteerism? What was its impact on the community and on you? (1000 char)

Academic productivity and the ability to engage in extracurricular achievements can be impacted by a number of challenges. For example, students who come from rural areas, who held regular employment during college years, or who are the first in their families to graduate from college may not have the same access to opportunities and support as students from other environments. Adversity can shape both the person you are and what you have to offer your future classmates, colleagues and patients. Please describe any challenges that you consider significant in your lived experience. (500 char)

The University of Louisville School of Medicine’s mission is to improve the health of our patients and the diverse communities we serve through excellence and leadership in education, patient care, research and community engagement. Describe how your life experiences and personal attributes prepare you to provide excellent and equitable care to diverse patient populations. (500 char)

List and describe any additional experiences, interests, hobbies, or skills not included in other areas of your application or that you have completed since submitting your AMCAS application. (500 char)

Discuss briefly why you have decided to pursue medicine and how your personal characteristics align with those you believe are most needed by physicians. (500 char)

Practice after residency: How do you see yourself practicing medicine after residency training? (Please include choice of medical practice and location). (500 char)

If you are a reapplicant, what has changed from your previous application or your approach to this year's admissions cycle? (250 char)

If you are not a Kentucky resident, please explain any personal or familial ties to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. If you are a Kentucky resident type "Not Applicable" in the text box below. (500 char)

Please list each place of permanent residence, beginning from birth, including the City, County, State, years in residence, and estimated population size. (1000 char)

University of Pikeville–Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine

Please describe your experience with osteopathic medicine, such as your care and treatment from a DO and your shadowing experience with a DO (including number of hours). Please describe how your experience has influenced your decision to apply to an osteopathic medical school. (500 words or less)

Louisiana State University – New Orleans School of Medicine

LSU uses forms (rather than essays) for most of its secondary. The following two prompts are the optional essays for this year:

11. (Optional) Disadvantaged scholarship information letter specifying disadvantage & copy of parent’s federal income tax return.

12. (Optional) Supplemental essay - 500 to 600 words of your values.

Prompts for applicants to Primary Care Scholars program and Rural Scholars Track:

Please provide specific information about your immediate and extended family that live in rural or underserved communities in Louisiana. (i.e., relationship, community, occupation, etc.)

List all extracurricular activities during college, e.g., volunteer work, clubs, etc. Please indicate the duration and nature of your participation.

Describe your involvement in your home community prior to and since attending college, e.g., community groups, activities, or volunteer efforts, etc. Please indicate your length of time of involvement.

List your hobbies and interests.

Based on your own personal experience, observations and insights, describe the roles and responsibilities of a rural or primary care physician.

Why do you feel you are a suitable candidate for the Rural Scholar Track (RST), and/or the Patrick F. Taylor Primary Care Scholar Program (PFT)?

Primary Care Scholars program applicants:

What other career possibilities have you considered?

Describe your personal experiences and knowledge of rural and/or community life.

Do you have any commitments or obligations that will interfere with practicing medicine in Louisiana immediately following completion of a residency program (i.e., military, ROTC, religious, etc.?) If yes, please describe.

Rural Scholars Track applicants: What medical specialty possibilities have you considered?

Louisiana State University – Shreveport School of Medicine

Briefly describe the key motivational factor(s) in your decision to apply to LSU Health Shreveport and any additional information about yourself you feel would be of interest to the Admissions Committee in consideration of your application. (500 characters)

Second prompt for reapplicants: PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION ONLY IF YOU ARE A RE-APPLICANT TO LSU HEALTH SHREVEPORT. Since your previous medical school application, what academic, employment, volunteer experiences or other progress have you made that make you a more competitive applicant? (2000 characters)

Tulane University School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Tulane Medical School )

Tulane University School of Medicine’s mission statement states: We improve human health and foster healthy communities through discovery and translation of the best science into clinical practice and education; to deliver the highest quality patient care and prepare the next generation of distinguished clinical and scientific leaders. Briefly describe the reasons for your interest in Tulane University School of Medicine. (150 words)

What disparities in health do you believe are pertinent to the New Orleans patient population? How would you attempt to address them as a medical student at Tulane? You may support your answer by using past involvement working in a similar patient population to compare and/or describe your interest in any student activities offered at Tulane or in New Orleans. (150 words)

Who knows you best and how would they describe you? (150 words)

Please list any leadership positions (clubs, organizations, paid work) you may have held. (100 words)

Please list your hobbies and major non-academic interests. (150 words)

(OPTIONAL) Tulane University School of Medicine values the diversity of its patients, faculty, staff, and students. Do you identify with a particular group that you believe is underrepresented among medical professionals? These include groups oriented around, but not limited to: ethnicity, race, sexuality, religion, disability, and economic background. (60 words)

(OPTIONAL) In what ways did the COVID-19 pandemic alter/interrupt your medical school application? (No limit)

University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine

Have you previously applied to the University of New England (undergraduate, graduate, or professional)? (2000 characters)

Have you had any contact with UNE COM via alumni, faculty, staff or students? (2000 characters)

Are you related to any alumni of UNE COM? (2000 characters)

What is your interest in attending UNE COM? (2000 characters)

a) If you previously only applied to Allopathic medical schools, why are you now applying to Osteopathic Medical schools? Please be concise and specific. b) If this is more than your first round of application to medical schools, what have you done to enhance your preparedness? Please be concise and specific. (2000 characters)

UNE COM’s curriculum is built on a foundation of collaborative team-based education. Give an example of when you worked in an effective academic or professional group. Explain why a team-based approach is the right model for your medical education. (2000 characters)

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Johns Hopkins Medical School )

(Optional) If you have already received your bachelor's degree, please describe what you have been doing since graduation and your plans for the upcoming year. (2000 characters)

(Optional) If you interrupted your college education for a semester or longer, please describe what you did during that time. (2000 characters)

Briefly describe your single, most rewarding experience. Feel free to refer to an experience previously described in your AMCAS application. (2500 characters)

Are there any areas of medicine that are of particular interest to you? If so, please comment. (2500 characters)

Briefly describe a situation where you had to overcome adversity; include lessons learned and how you think it will affect your career as a future physician. (2500 characters)

Briefly describe a situation where you were not in the majority. What did you learn from the experience? (2500 characters)

Wonder encapsulates a feeling of rapt attention … it draws the observer in. Tell us about a time in recent years that you experienced wonder in your everyday life. Although experiences related to your clinical or research work may be the first to come to mind, we encourage you to think of an experience that is unrelated to medicine or science. What did you learn from that experience? (2500 characters)

(Optional)The Admissions Committee values hearing about each candidate for admission, including what qualities the candidate might bring to the School of Medicine if admitted. If you feel there is information not already addressed in the application that will enable the Committee to know more about you and this has influenced your desire to be a physician, feel free to write a brief statement in the space below. You may address any subject you wish, such as being a first generation college student, or being a part of a minority group (whether because of your sexual orientation, religion, economic status, gender identity, ethnicity) or being the child of undocumented immigrants or being undocumented yourself, etc. Please note that this question is optional and that you will not be penalized should you choose not to answer it. (2500 characters)

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine *  

Time-sensitive considerations: Within 21 days of the invite. (This information was confirmed with the school.)

Medicine and Officership are time-honored professions that unite at “America’s Medical School” in rewarding and challenging ways. What are your thoughts and impressions about serving as a uniformed medical corps officer, and why do you want to pursue this career path? (1500 characters)

The Uniformed Services University features a unique curriculum that prepares students to care for those in harm’s way. Please describe what in your research about our school and its values attracts you to our institution’s mission and approach. (1500 characters)

Our Admissions Committee assembles classes of students with a wide range of backgrounds, skills, experiences, and talents. Please describe how a special quality or experience of yours has informed your ability to participate well in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. (1500 characters)

(Optional) Were there any significant disruptions in your academic/volunteer/work/personal life related to COVID-19 that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider in reviewing your application? (1500 characters)

(Optional) You may use this field to enter any information that you would like to share that was not provided on your AMCAS application. (2000 characters)

University of Maryland School of Medicine

How would you describe your cultural background? (optional, 1000 characters)

Describe here the reason why you are specifically interested in attending the University of Maryland School of Medicine. (1000 characters)

Have you previously met or attended/seen a presentation by a University of Maryland School of Medicine Admissions

staff member at an open house, college fair, conference, school visit, etc.? If yes, please explain. (1000 characters)

Aside from summer and holiday breaks, have there been any pauses or delays in your education semesters between high school and college, during college, or after college? If yes, please explain (1000 characters)

Please describe what you will be doing during the 2023-2024 academic year. If you graduated/will graduate in 2023, what are your plans for the coming year until you matriculate to medical school? (1000 characters)

If you’ve experienced academic challenges while in college and/or graduate or professional school, please describe and explain below. Please be sure to include withdrawals, incompletes, poor grades, etc. (Optional, 1000 characters)

Briefly describe your most meaningful exposure to clinical medicine. (1500 characters)

Briefly describe your most satisfying experience related to community service. (1500 characters)

Without limiting the discussion to your own identity, please describe how you envision contributing to the values of equity and inclusivity at our School of Medicine, and in the medical profession. (1500 characters)

What does it mean to you to enter into a profession? (1500 characters)

MSTP Prompts

Please indicate the MD/PhD program you are most interested in (drop-down menu).

Why are you applying to the MD/PhD Program at the UMSOM? (2500 characters)

Please list the name(s) of your MD/PhD letter of recommendation writers who can focus on your research potential. (2500 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Massachusetts: How to Get In )

Boston University School of Medicine

Did you go on to college directly after high school? (1400 characters)

Are you expecting to go on to medical school directly after completing your undergraduate degree? (Post bac work is NOT considered undergraduate. If attending a post bac program prior to entering medical school, the answer is NO and should be explained.) If you took gap year(s), please use this space to explain what you have been doing prior to applying to medical school. (1400 characters)

If you have spent more than 4 years as an undergraduate, please explain below. (You may skip this question if you have graduated within 4 years.) (1400 characters)

Please provide a narrative or timeline to describe any features of your educational history that you think may be of particular interest to us. For example, have you lived in another country or experienced a culture unlike your own, or worked in a field that contributed to your understanding of people unlike yourself? Or, have you experienced advanced training in any area, including the fields of art, music, or sports? This is an opportunity to describe learning experiences that may not be covered in other areas of this application or your AMCAS application. It is not necessary to write anything in this section. Also, use this section to explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational/research/volunteering or employment plans. (2000 characters)

Boston Medical Center is the largest safety net hospital in New England, serving primarily people who are publicly insured, people of color, immigrants, and low-income people in the Greater Boston Area. Why are you specifically interested in beginning your medical education in this environment, and how do you feel that your previous experiences will prepare you for this unique learning environment? (3000 characters)

Use the space below to provide additional information you feel will provide us with a comprehensive understanding of your strengths as a candidate for a career in medicine. This should include only information NOT already included in your AMCAS or other sections of the Chobanian & Avedisian SOM Supplemental Application. Most applicants leave this blank. Yes, it's really optional. (3000 characters)

Re-Applicant Comment - This section may be used by re-applicants who wish to highlight specific areas of their application or to outline specific changes since their last application. (3000 characters)

Harvard Medical School

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Harvard Medical School )

If you have already graduated, briefly summarize your activities since graduation. (4000 characters)

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity not addressed elsewhere in the application that may illuminate how you could contribute to the medical school and that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Examples might include significant challenges in access to education, unusual socioeconomic factors, or other aspects of your personal or family background to place your prior academic achievements in context or provide further information about your motivation for a career in medicine or the perspectives you might bring to the medical school community. Many applicants will not need to answer this question. (4000 characters)

(Optional) The Committee on Admissions understands that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted applicants in various ways. If you wish to inform the Committee as to how these events have affected you and have not already done so elsewhere in your application, please use this space to do so. ( This is an optional essay ; the Committee on Admissions will make no judgment based on your decision to provide a statement or not.)

The interview season for the 2023-2024 cycle will be held virtually and is anticipated to run from mid-September through January 2024 . Please indicate any significant (three or more weeks) restriction on your availability for interviews during this period. If none, please leave this section blank.

Tufts University School of Medicine

Do you wish to include any comments (in addition to those already provided in your AMCAS application) to the Admissions Committee at Tufts University School of Medicine? (1000 characters)

Please briefly describe your plans for the coming year. Include in this explanation if you will be a student, working, conducting research, volunteering, etc. (1000 characters)

Please tell us about your journey to medical school and how your background and experiences will positively impact your future as a medical student and physician. If you have experienced personal circumstances or hardships that have helped you develop qualities that you believe will allow you to better serve your future patients and the medical community as a whole, please share those experiences in your response. (1000 characters)

Tufts values include a commitment to social responsibility; to serve and advocate for all people, especially underserved and vulnerable patients and populations, by addressing social determinants of health, health equity, social justice, and stewardship of social resources. Have you done substantial work or volunteer service in such communities? (1000 characters)

Do you have any withdrawals or repeated coursework listed on your transcript(s)? (1000 characters)

Did you take any leaves of absence or significant breaks from your undergraduate education? (Do not include time off after graduation.) (1000 characters)

Because your academics will not be shared with interviewers until after you complete your interview, we encourage you to use this space to elaborate on any academic challenges you have overcome. We understand that many applicants encounter academic hardships along the way. Please comment on any academic difficulties that you have encountered since completing high school (grades and MCAT scores). We believe that such difficulties offer an opportunity for growth and would appreciate learning how your experiences have affected your approach to academics. If you have not encountered any difficulties, you may answer 'No.' (1000 characters)

Have you ever been convicted of, or pleaded guilty or no contest to, a Misdemeanor crime, excluding 1) any offense for which you were adjudicated as a juvenile 2) any convictions which have been expunged or sealed by a court, or 3) any misdemeanor convictions for which any probation has been completed and the case dismissed by the court (in states where applicable)? For more information please visit our web site . (1000 characters)

University of Massachusetts Medical School 

The following note is from admissions:

The secondary application has a required field for inputting Calculus; however, we would like to confirm it is not required. We have since removed this field from the application. For the Secondary question #6 (below) this is a required essay for all applicants. Our instructions incorrectly state it is for MD/PhD applicants; however, we need all applicants (MD and MD/PhD) to complete this important essay. If you have already submitted your secondary application without completing this prompt, we have automatically unsubmitted your application so you may add this.


MD applicants must answer questions 1, 2, 4, and 6 while MD/PhD applicants must also answer question 7 in addition to 1, 2, 4, and 6.

Questions 3 and 5 are options but should be answered if you participated in a UMass Chan Medical/Baystate sponsored program and if you are taking/took gap time respectively.

We would like to learn how you developed and demonstrated core professionalism competencies that are required of entering medical students. Please respond to the first prompt (#1; Diversity). Then select three of the other six prompts (#2-#7). Each response should be 150-200 words. Use the text box below for your answer. Separate each of your four responses by writing the competency above/before your response (example: Teamwork - All teams have their struggles, but they can be overcome...).

UMass Chan Medical School strives to be a diverse academic community mindful of the fact that diversity makes our community stronger and benefits the patients we serve. Share your definition of diversity. Describe an example where you contributed to the diversity of a group, team or class. Connect this to how you will contribute to the diversity of the UMass Chan Medical School community. (Diversity)

Describe a time when you have made a decision that was not popular and how you handled this. (Leadership competency)

Describe a time when you were on a team that was dysfunctional in some regard. How did you address the situation? (Teamwork)

Describe a meaningful interaction you have had with a person whom you have helped at work, school or another activity. (Empathy/Compassion)

Have you ever been in the middle of a situation where there was poor communication? What did you do to improve it? (Communication)

Describe a time when you have "thought outside the box" to solve a problem. (Inquiry)

Describe a time when you suffered a setback. How did you respond to this challenge? (Persistence/Grit)

Please discuss any part of your application that you feel requires further explanation. For example, discuss grades or MCAT scores that do not reflect your true ability, and/or a gap in time that is not explained elsewhere in your application. Discuss any impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on your academic, service, extracurricular or employment experiences. If you are reapplying to T.H. Chan SOM, highlight how you have strengthened your application. (250 words)

If you have participated in T.H. Chan SOM or UMass Memorial Health Care, or UMass Chan Medical-Baystate sponsored programs (SEP, Summer Research Program, Worcester Pipeline Collaborative, AHEC, BaccMD, HSPP, Academic Internships, BSEP, Summer Scholars) please describe how these programs helped you decide to apply to T.H. Chan SOM. (200 words)

Why did you apply to T.H. Chan SOM? (200 words)

If you are currently taking a gap year, in what activities are you engaged? (200 words)

Please describe an example of your personal and/or professional experience with and understanding of systemic inequity, exclusion, or lack of representation in health care in the United States. How did you arrive at this understanding? (200 words)

Track specific-questions:

Purch - Please describe how a focus on population health and healthcare disparities will benefit you in your training and/or career. Please limit your response to less than or equal to 500 words.

LEAD@Lahey - Based on your interests and life experiences, please describe how you might be a good fit for the LEAD@Lahey Pathway at UMass Chan Medical School. What unique experiences and perspectives might you bring to the class? Please limit your response to 250 words or less

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Michigan: How to Get In )

Central Michigan University College of Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: 2 weeks from the time of invitation (This information was confirmed with the school.)

Please provide a brief summary of your affiliation with any County selected (there is a list of counties above the text box that you can select from). (250 words)

Describe your motivation for applying to the CMU College of Medicine and your future career in medicine. Finally, describe how your preparation and background will contribute to the mission of the CMU College of Medicine. (1000 words)

[REAPP ONLY]: If you have applied to any medical school in previous cycles, what have you done since your last application to prepare yourself for a career in medicine? If you have not applied to medical school previously, write “N/A” in the box. (500 words)

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Imagine and reflect upon your life and medical career at the time of retirement. What do you envision being your proudest/most significant accomplishment? (500 words)

American society has been reckoning with a variety of systemic injustices throughout its history. Considering your life experiences up to now, share your thoughts and perspectives about this statement using the lens from which you view the world around you. (500 words)

Consider three or four words and/or phrases from your medical school application that you use to describe or characterize yourself. Pick one (or a completely different one) that is underdeveloped to provide additional written narrative to the committee as to why you’ve decided to pursue a career in medicine. (500 words)

Use the space below to reflect upon your COVID-19 public health crisis experiences, challenges, and/or insights. (500 words)

If you could present yourself to the Admissions Committee, what would you want to make sure they knew (or remembered) about you? (500 words)

Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

What steps have you taken or what activities have you engaged in to learn about the DO profession? (300 words)

Tell us about a time when you received difficult feedback and how you responded. (300 words)

What have you done to work with others different from yourself? What have you learned from these experiences? (300 words)

You may provide additional information, not stated elsewhere, you feel may help the Admissions Committee gain a better understanding of your candidacy. This may include major life achievements or explanations of academic or non-academic discrepancies on your application. You may also include interests or work experiences. (500 words)

For reapplicants: What has changed since your last application? (500 words)

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine *

Oakland County has a diverse patient population with a health equity divide that has resulted in a vulnerable group of patients that are underserved. Given your understanding of social determinants of health, how would you go about addressing these inequities? (400 words)

Describe how OUWB’s mission and values align with your professional goals and objectives. (400 words)

Master adaptive learners in medicine represent a combination of both efficient problem-solvers and possess the ability to learn and innovate when faced with a novel challenge to deliver high-quality healthcare. Think back to your educational journey and describe how you embodied the definition of a master adaptive learner. (400 words)

(Optional) Is there anything you want the admissions committee to know about your qualifications for medical school that are not already represented in your application materials? For example, if you have already graduated, briefly summarize your activities since graduation. Note: This space is provided for new information only, not to promote qualifications already highlighted in your other materials. (400 words)

(Optional) If you are a reapplicant to OUWB, please describe improvements you have made to your current application from previous cycles (please include academics, experiences, etc.). (400 words)

University of Michigan Medical School

Respond to either of the following, depending on which program you are applying to:

MD applicants: Comment on how you hope to impact medicine in the future. If examples are needed, feel free to refer to our seven Paths of Excellence . Do not exceed 1500 characters including spaces (about 250 words).

MSTP applicants: Describe why you decided to apply to the University of Michigan MSTP. If you are interested in a specific department, program, or area of research for your Ph.D., please provide a brief explanation. We recognize that your interests may change. Do not exceed 1500 characters including spaces (about 250 words).

Please respond to ONLY one of the following two prompts. Do not exceed 2500 characters including spaces (about 400 words).

Describe how your identity impacts the development of your values and attitudes toward individuals different from yourself and how this will impact your interactions with future colleagues and patients.

If you recognize and/or represent a voice that is missing, underrepresented, or undervalued in medicine, please describe the missing voice(s) and how increased representation in medicine could impact the medical community.

How was your journey to medical school affected by the COVID pandemic? Please feel free to describe any positive or negative aspects. Do not exceed 2500 characters including spaces (about 400 words).

Outside of medicine, and beyond what we can read in your application, please tell us what you’re curious about, or what you’re passionate about, or what brings you joy – and why. Some examples include listening to historical novels, exploring national parks, woodworking, baking cupcakes, podcasting, knitting, playing pickleball, filmmaking, making music, etc. Do not exceed 1500 characters including spaces (about 250 words).

Wayne State University School of Medicine *

When reflecting on the roles and responsibilities of a physician, discuss what appeals and does not appeal to you. (1250 characters)

How would you address the inconsistencies between medical information and disinformation? How do these inconsistencies impact patients and society? (1250 characters)

List healthcare issues faced by marginalized communities and include their impact on social determinants of health. How would you address them? (1250 characters)

Which of your experiences or activities align with WSU SOM’s mission? Please discuss how. (1250 characters)

Please answer if you have had a gap (career change, re-applicant, additional education, etc.). A “gap” is defined as a period of time between the end of your undergraduate education and the start of medical school. What activities have you participated in or plan to participate in during this period? How does this relate to your future career in medicine? (1250 characters) Please mark N/A if this does not apply to you.

Western Michigan University School of Medicine

Please explain both of the following:

The specific reason(s) you have chosen to apply to WMed and

How you will utilize the unique features of WMed's mission, vision, and curriculum to achieve your career goals. (2000 characters)

Describe how you add to the cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity of the medical profession and what you bring to the practice of medicine - your values, skills, talents, and life experiences. (2000 characters)

WMed Re-Applicants Only : Describe the changes to your application from previous cycles - include academics, experiences, and/or personal attributes. (2000 characters)

(Optional): Please explain any connection you have to Southwest Michigan. (2000 characters)

(Optional): Is there any additional information not included elsewhere in your application you would like the admissions committee to know?

(2000 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Minnesota: How to Get In )

Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine )

MD Applicants

Why are you specifically interested in pursuing your medical education at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine? Please tell us in a few sentences why you are interested in the top track choice you indicated. (500 words)

Each of us relates to others through characteristics that make up our individual diversity. Tell us how your diversity is reflected not only in your personal and professional activities, but also in your relationship with others, particularly in diverse learning environments. (500 words)

MSTP Applicants

In the space below, write a brief paragraph (max. 500 characters) explaining why you are specifically applying to the Mayo Clinic MD-PhD Program.

University of Minnesota Medical School *

Time-sensitive considerations: "It is strongly recommended that applicants complete the supplemental application within two weeks of receiving the invitation."

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values of the University of Minnesota Medical School. Explain how a learning environment that embodies these values is crucial to the education of tomorrow's physicians. Reflect on how you might contribute to this learning environment. (1500 characters)

How have your individual experiences and identity shaped who you are and who you will be as a physician? (1500 characters)

Describe a time when you used critical thinking to solve a problem that you encountered in any realm where you asked questions, gathered information, thought through possible solutions and their alternatives, and evaluated what you did critically. Please include in your discussion what you learned from this experience. (1500 characters)

(Optional) Any other pertinent information would you like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee? This is an opportunity for you to discuss an aspect of your journey to medicine that you have not already presented in your application. You may also update us with any current experiences that were not included in your AMCAS application. (1500 characters) Note: The primary mission of the UMN Medical School, Duluth Campus is to educate physicians dedicated to serving rural Minnesota or Native American communities. Only complete the Rural and/or Indigenous Health questions (below) if your application presents a strong commitment to these communities. Most candidates accepted within the context of the Duluth Campus mission will be placed on that campus.

(Optional) The University of Minnesota Medical School is dedicated to educating future physicians who have demonstrated an interest in serving patients and families in rural Minnesota. Reflect on what "rural Minnesota community" means to you. Describe your experience in and ties to rural Minnesota areas. What do you view as the greatest healthcare practice needs in rural Minnesota, and how will your future practice help fill these needs? (1500 characters)

(Optional) The University of Minnesota Medical School is dedicated to educating future physicians who have demonstrated an interest in serving Indigenous communities. Describe your experience in and ties to Indigenous communities. What do you view as the greatest healthcare needs in Indigenous communities, and how will your future practice help fill these needs? (1500 characters)

University of Mississippi School of Medicine

Please discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic affected your academic preparation for medical school or extracurricular opportunities. Please also discuss any other impact of the pandemic that you would like the admissions committee to know. (2500 characters)

Please outline your motivation for pursuing the medical degree. (3000 characters)

William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Statement of Purpose:

The Mission of the William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine (WCUCOM) is to prepare men and women to become osteopathic physicians through an emphasis on primary care, lifelong learning, research and scholarly activities, and service, including osteopathic clinical service, and graduate medical education. Using a community-based training model, the COM will educate and train graduates who are committed to serving the healthcare needs of all individuals, with special attention directed to the medically underserved and diverse populations of the state, region, nation and across the globe. In the space below (not to exceed 500 words) , please explain how your ambitions and career plans will help WCUCOM fulfill this mission.

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Missouri: How to Get In )

A.T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

What particular qualities do you feel you can bring to KCOM? (Please limit your response to 500 words or less. All information provided in this section must be the original work of the applicant and not from another author.)

What specific experience/exposure have you had with osteopathic medicine? How has this influenced your decision to become an osteopathic physician? (Please limit your response to 500 words or less. All information provided in this section must be the original work of the applicant and not from another author.)

Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Will you be a full-time student for the 2023-2024 academic year? If you answer No: Please describe your current activities.(1,000 characters)

Do you have a premedical advisor? If you answer yes: How often do you meet?

Do you wish to include any comments to the Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Medicine Admissions Committee (e.g. why you chose to apply to SLU, other extenuating circumstances, etc.)? Please explain (1,000 characters)

Tell us about a time when you were the other: (1,000 characters)

Were you ever the recipient of any action (e.g. dismissal, disqualification, suspension, etc.) by any college for unacceptable academic performance or conduct violations? If you answer yes: Please explain fully. (1,000 characters)

University of Missouri – Columbia School of Medicine

Why are you interested in attending the University of Missouri School of Medicine? (1200 characters)

How will you add a unique perspective to the medical school and the practice of medicine? (1200 characters)

How will you contribute to an inclusive learning environment at the medical school and the practice of medicine? (2000 characters)

Is there anything that was not fully addressed in your application and/or any additional updates since submitting the AMCAS application? (2000 characters)

(Re-applicant essay): Since your last application attempt how has your application improved? (3000 characters)

University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Medicine

Please describe how COVID-19 has impacted your pathway to becoming a Physician. The questions below will help you get started but do not limit your responses to these considerations:

If you are interested in rural healthcare or in practicing a specialty that meets the needs of underserved rural communities, please describe your interest in this aspect of healthcare.

"How will your diversity/diverse experiences (e.g., gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, veteran status, from rural or underserved community, first generation student status) add to your career in medicine?"

Washington University School of Medicine *

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Washington University School of Medicine )

Time-sensitive considerations: "We strongly recommend that you complete your Supplemental Application within two weeks of being invited to do so..."

Describe a time or situation where you have been unsuccessful or failed. (3000 characters)

(OPTIONAL) Is there anything else you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions? Some applicants use this space to describe unique experiences, obstacles, and/or challenges they faced in their journey to medical school. (3000 characters)

(OPTIONAL) Are you still a full-time student? If no , describe in chronological order your activities during the time(s) when you were not enrolled as a full-time student. (2000 characters)

Creighton University School of Medicine

Please state your reasons for applying to Creighton University School of Medicine. (2000 characters)

In Creighton's Jesuit, Catholic tradition, the mission of the School of Medicine is to improve the human condition with a diverse body of students, faculty and staff who provide excellence in educating students, physicians and the public, advancing knowledge and providing comprehensive patient care to all persons. Please describe the role(s) you can play in helping the School of Medicine achieve its mission. (2000 characters)

Describe your experiences within multicultural settings and/or with disadvantaged or underserved populations and how they prepared you to for a future as a physician? (2000 characters)

Describe how you have dealt with a personal challenge or major obstacle that you have overcome. Focus on what you learned about yourself and how it will help you during the challenges you might face in medical school. (2000 characters)

Please reflect on your entire application, is there anything you would like to further share with the Admissions Committee? Gap(s) in your education, personal and/or academic challenges, etc. (2000 characters)

At Creighton we are committed to the service of others through non-medical volunteer activities. Please list all your non-medical community service hours post high school. Please list any experiences, including those previously described on your AMCAS application. Include a brief description, dates and number of hours for each event. (300 characters per description)

University of Nebraska College of Medicine

If you have been away from full-time academics for more than two years, please explain. (N/A if not applicable) (750 characters)

If you are a re-applicant to the UNMC College of Medicine, how is your application different this year? (N/A if not applicable) (750 characters)

If this is your first application to UNMC, but not your first application to medical school, what is your rationale for applying to UNMC this cycle? (N/A if not applicable) (750 characters)

What is your personal rationale for applying to the UNMC College of Medicine, especially if you are not from Nebraska? (1000 characters)

What are you most proud of in your life? (1500 characters)

Tell us about a time when you have had to overcome adversity. (1500 characters)

Tell us something about yourself that will enhance the UNMC College of Medicine? (1500 characters)

What have you learned from working with people whose background is different from yours? (1500 characters)

Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine

Why are you interested in pursuing this degree at Touro Nevada? (1500 characters)

What award(s) or recognition(s) have you received within the last five years? (1500 characters) (Optional)

What volunteer experience have you had during the last three years? (1500 characters) (Optional)

What research experience have you had during the last three years? (1500 characters) (Optional)

Please tell us about your extracurricular activities or hobbies. (1500 characters) (Optional)

University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medicine

Why are you interested in the Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV and how does your background and future goals contribute to our mission ? (250 words)

Briefly discuss how you envision yourself contributing to the care of our growing and diverse population in the state of Nevada. (250 words)

Provide a BRIEF chronological list of your time since graduating from high school up to the point of applying to medical school. Do not write in essay form here. This should be a list by years. (250 words)

(This field is not required.) You are welcome to share with the Admissions Committee any disruptions or impact to your application components, the application process, and/or your personal life (for example during COVID-19). (250 words)

If you have any other information you believe is important for the Admissions Committee to consider, please include it here. Do not restate information already in your primary AMCAS application. You may also explain you ties to Nevada with more detail in this box or any information related to academic/MCAT improvement and resiliency. (250 words)

University of Nevada Reno School of Medicine

Please share why you want to pursue your medical education at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine; describe any connections to Northern Nevada communities; and how you are prepared to contribute to UNR Med’s vision of a Healthy Nevada. (300 words)

Describe a time when you were part of a team that was struggling to meet objectives. How did you react? What would you do differently? What did you take away from this experience that will influence your approach to working on a team in the future? (300 words)

Reflect on and describe an experience where you provided care or service to individuals from populations that commonly experience health care disparities. Discuss what you learned about the socio-cultural or economic factors that affect underserved populations and describe how your interactions with these individuals motivated or prepared you for a future in medicine. (300 words)

Describe a time when you faced a significant life crisis or an academic, personal, or professional failure. How did you respond, what did you learn, and how did the experience influence your future actions? (300 words)

Please share an example of how you have used critical thinking and communication skills to develop a creative or innovative solution to a challenging problem. (300 words)

(Optional) You are invited to provide a brief statement regarding anything not previously addressed or disclosed in your application that you would like considered during the review of your application. If you are a re-applicant to UNR Med, we encourage you to outline any significant changes or new experiences from your previous application. (500 words)

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Dartmouth Medical School )

Please indicate your plans for the 2023-2024 academic year. If in school, please list your courses. If working, let us know something about the nature of your job. If your plans or courses change subsequently, please inform the Admissions Office by email at [email protected] . (no word limit)

Please reflect on your primary application and share something not addressed elsewhere that would be helpful to the Admissions Committee as we review your file. (no word limit)

Please tell us specifically why you are interested in Geisel. (no word limit)

Geisel School of Medicine values social justice and diversity in all its forms. Reflect on a situation where you were the “other.” (250 words)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in New Jersey: How to Get In )

Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

Please describe your anticipated educational, employment, volunteer, or other activities between completing your AMCAS application and matriculating to medical school. (1500 characters)

Tell us about something that makes you a unique applicant to CMSRU. How will CMSRU help you fulfill your mission? (1500 characters)

Medical school involves hard work and can be stressful at times. Tell us about activities that you use to help maintain a work-life balance and respond to stress. (1500 characters)

Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine

Why are you interested in attending the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine? (500 words)

Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine values social justice and diversity in all its forms. Describe a circumstance where you sought to learn about a culture, group or idea different than your own and how that impacted you. (500 words)

Describe your experience with the field of medicine (or a related field) that has prepared you for advanced study in this area. Specifically, how have your life experiences prepared you to pursue a degree in medicine, including coursework, clinical work, experiences in overcoming adversity, work opportunity, volunteer activities, and/or research experiences? (500 words)

Have you ever been convicted of any crime or offense, whether State or Federal, including offenses categorized as misdemeanors, high misdemeanors, or felonies? You should include convictions under any circumstances such as, but not limited to, a plea of guilty, Non Vult, Nolo Contendere, No Contest, etc., or a finding by a judge or jury. You do not need to include convictions that were overturned on appeal. (500 words)

Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine

Please select the checkbox(es) that most adequately describes your campus and/or curriculum preferences below. Choose one of the following:

Please prepare an essay that explains why you want to participate in the Problem Based Learning Curriculum (PBLC) and why you are a good fit for this curriculum.

Please prepare an essay that explains why you want to participate in the Synergistic Guided Learning Curriculum and why you are a good fit for this curriculum.

How did you learn about osteopathic medicine and why is it a good fit for you?

Explain why you are interested in attending Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine.

Optional: Please describe any significant barriers or challenges you may have overcome in the pursuit of your personal/professional goals.

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

We are committed to supporting our NJMS community by enhancing collaboration between students, staff, and faculty, with a dedicated focus on humanism, health equity and social justice. How do you envision yourself contributing to the NJMS community? (1500 character limit)

We seek students who are respectful, self-aware, humble, resilient, team-oriented, and adaptable. Discuss a personal or professional challenge you have experienced and share insight on what you learned about yourself and how the challenge was resolved. (1500 character limit)

If you will not be a full-time student between June 2023 and August 2024, please describe in detail your planned activities, including projected time commitment for each activity: (1500 character limit)

If you have chosen to pursue one or more “growth” years prior to your planned matriculation to medical school in 2024, please share insight on your decision. (1500 character limit)

If you are a re-applicant, please share what you have done to enhance your candidacy and re-application? (1500 character limit)

Please elaborate on challenges not thoroughly addressed anywhere else in your application (Please feel free to address any or all of the following if applicable: Institutional Actions, Academic and/or MCAT inconsistencies, personal challenges,): (1500 character limit)

Please discuss any additional information you feel may help us in our review of your candidacy. (1500 character limit)

Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

RWJMS has identified the core values below as critical to our mission and vision. We strive to matriculate learners who embody these values.

R -- Respect, dignity and humanism for the diverse population we serve

W -- Wellness and resilience

J -- Joining learners hand in hand with care delivery

M -- Making patients first with safe, compassionate, high-quality care

S -- Science to advance human health

Please select a RWJMS core value that resonates the most with you. In two paragraphs or less, reflect on one of your experiences to discuss how you have built a foundation for this value and how it will contribute to our community of learners. (No Word Limit)

Discuss a difficult or challenging situation you have encountered and how you dealt with it. Be sure to include the skills you called upon to resolve the dilemma, and the support person(s) from whom you sought advice. (250 words)

Please feel free to comment on any course grades, GPA trends, or MCAT scores and what you have learned about yourself. (No Word Limit)

Please use this space if you would like to provide additional information to the admissions committee. (No Word Limit)

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine

What draws you to the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine? If admitted, what do you see yourself becoming involved in? (300 words)

If you could strengthen one area of your application, what would it be? What have you done, or what do you plan to do, to address it and improve going forward? (300 words)

University of New Mexico School of Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: "Applicants will be allowed two weeks to complete the Secondary Application from the time they are initially invited."

At the UNM School of Medicine we are committed to building a dynamic, productive and positive learning environment in addition to promoting cross cultural and cross racial understanding among students of diverse talents, experiences, opinions and backgrounds. Describe the effect that your experiences with engaging diversity have had on your own growth and development. Provide an example and describe how it will impact your career in the medical profession. (2000 characters)

There are multiple paths that lead to medical school and many obstacles along the way. Please describe the unique path that has led you to medicine as well as any obstacles or adversity that you had to overcome in achieving this goal. How will this experience affect your career as a physician? (2000 characters)

While providing healthcare as a physician is often a rewarding career, it is also a profession that entails addressing constant challenges. Imagine you are a physician at a local institution and you notice on 18 occasions in the past week, patients were not administered the correct dose of a medication. When looking into it further, you learned that 17/18 cases occurred right after a physician handoff (defined as the process of transferring role and responsibility for providing care from one physician to another). Given this scenario, what are the initial steps you and your institution might take to improve the situation? (2000 characters)

While providing healthcare as a physician is often a rewarding career, it is also a profession that entails addressing constant challenges. What do you see as the most significant issues the medical profession will face in the next 20 years, and what are some potential solutions for these problems? (2000 characters)

Teamwork is integral to training and the career of a physician. This kind of work setting entails addressing constant challenges in task execution, communication etc. What is an issue you have encountered working on a team and how did you address and resolve this issue? (2000 characters)

Please describe how COVID-19 has affected your preparation for applying to medical school. Describe any academic, personal, financial, or professional barriers/disruptions that COVID-19 may have triggered. (2000 characters)

Have you previously submitted an AMCAS application to the University of New Mexico School of Medicine? (Y/N) Please share some of the ways you have improved your application since you last applied. For example, improved MCAT Score, took additional upper level biology courses, increased clinical or volunteer experiences, etc. (200 word limit)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in New York: How to Get In )

Albany Medical College

Describe yourself (1000 characters).

Please explain any inconsistencies in your university, graduate, or professional school academic performance and/or MCAT scores. If the question does not apply to you, please put N/A in the box provided (1000 characters).

Has your college or university, graduate or professional school attendance been interrupted for any reason? If yes, please explain. Also, please explain any extended gaps in activity/employment in your post-graduate history. If the question does not apply to you, please put N/A in the box provided (1000 characters).

Describe a significant challenge that has prepared you for the MD career path (1000 characters).

Please describe your personal experiences with the structural and social determinants of health in your life and community, how they shaped your engagement with medicine and your future ideas for doctoring (1000 characters).

Tell us about a community with which you identify and how you are involved with it (1000 characters).

Is there anything else you would like the admissions committee to know when reviewing your application? If so, please use the space provided (1000 characters).

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Albert Einstein College of Medicine )

This is a series of questions that only require a response if they apply to you. For each question, you may use up to 3,000 characters to respond.

A. History​

I have taken time off from school between high school and college.

I have taken time off from school during my undergraduate years.

I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying.

I have taken and received credit for online science core courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, physics and mathematics) that were taken prior to the Covid Pandemic (earlier than Spring 2020).

I have applied previously to medical school.

I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously.

I am/was a graduate student in the Graduate Programs in the Biomedical Sciences of Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

I was accepted to medical school previously but did not attend.

I was previously enrolled in medical school.

I can attest that I have fulfilled the Albert Einstein College of Medicine COMPETENCIES (Course Requirements | M.D. Admissions | Albert Einstein College of Medicine) for admission.

I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school.

I am presently holding a deferral from another medical / graduate / professional school.

I have received a grade of "F" during my college/graduate school years.

I have received a grade of "D" during my college/graduate school years.

B. History Continued

I have received a grade of "W" during my college/graduate school years.

I have received a grade of "I" during my college/graduate school years.

As an undergraduate, I transferred from one college to another.

I have been the recipient of a warning notice for a non-academic issue that did NOT result in a disciplinary action.

I have been subject to a disciplinary action and/or administrative action, expunged or not, while an undergraduate or graduate student.

I currently have disciplinary charges pending.

I have been prohibited or suspended from practicing in a professional capacity because of alleged misconduct.

[There is a space to include information about parents and their education and addresses.]

If you were employed during the academic year, other than during winter and summer breaks, please write the number of hours you worked per week, and tell us what you did and why you were employed.

Please provide the names of languages you speak (other than English) and indicate the fluency with which you speak them (beginner, moderate, advanced). If none, please write "NA."

C. Letters of Recommendation

Your PRIMARY RECOMMENDATION PACKET will be submitted by (select one):

If you indicated, above, that you will have, "Two individual letters (up to 5 are allowed)," please provide the names, titles and institution of your letter writers; please use a separate line for each. Please note that one letter must be from your MAJOR and your second letter from a science faculty member (two science letters from two different faculty members in the same department is acceptable). If this does not apply to you, please write “NA” in the box below.

If you are a post-Baccalaureate student (not a master’s degree student), a letter or statement of “Good Standing” must be submitted either from your undergraduate college or university, or included in your post-bac letter. Please indicate which of the two applies to you, and the name, title, and school from which the letter has been submitted. If no letter or statement has been submitted, please indicate when such a letter or statement will be uploaded to the AMCAS Letter Writer. If this does not apply to you, please write “NA.”

Did you take your last science course more than 5 years ago?

If you have an Undergraduate Pre-Professional Advisory Committee at your college or university, and have chosen NOT to request a letter from that Committee, please tell us why not.

D. Einstein/Montefiore Work Experience

Have you worked in basic or clinical research at Einstein/Montefiore?

Have you participated in an Einstein/Montefiore Pipeline (Pathway) Program during high school, college or after?

Have you ever volunteered at Einstein/Montefiore in one of our clinical areas, other than research or a Pipeline Program?

If you answered "yes" that you have worked with us here at Einstein/Montefiore, will a letter from an Einstein/Montefiore faculty member be included in your evaluations?

E. Einstein/Montefiore Family Member

Do you have a family member who is a current employee (non-faculty) of an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?

Do you have a SIBLING who is currently enrolled as an Einstein medical or graduate student?

Do you have a family member who is currently a Faculty member at an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?

Do you have a family member who is an Einstein Alumnus (MD, MSTP or PhD degree only)? Please do not include names of relatives who have only completed residency training here.

F. Unique Life Experiences

What unique life experiences, personal attributes and/or perspectives will you bring as part of the incoming class? Are there particular challenges or successes that you have encountered? If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.”

G. Anything else you’d like to share with us?

Please use this space to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know. If you do not wish to write anything, please write “NA.”

Additional prompts MSTP applicants must complete:

In the list below and in the following question, please indicate the field(s) of your prior research experience. Check all that apply.

Please describe briefly the field(s) in which you plan to pursue your future research. We are looking for the big picture, Aging, Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Immunology, etc., not the specific focus. (250 characters)

Please list your previous scientific presentations and abstracts. List all authors, abstract titles, name of meeting, and date of meeting. List each meeting on a separate line. Please do not include the text of the abstract. (9999 characters)

Please list publications on which you are a co-author. List each on a separate line. Include names of all authors, title, journal, year of publication, and volume and page number(s). Please do not list papers that are “in preparation.” (9999 characters)

Please indicate which was your favorite course in college and why. (3000 characters)

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Columbia Medical School )

Have you previously applied to Medical School? (200 characters)

If you took time off from your undergraduate studies, please briefly summarize your reasons for doing so. (250 words)

Did you work for compensation during college (either during the school year or summers)? If so, what did you do? How many hours a week did you work? (300 words)

If you have graduated from college, please briefly summarize what you have done in the interim. (300 words)

Please describe your most meaningful leadership positions. (300 words)

Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons values diversity in all its forms. How will your experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician? (300 words)

Is there anything else you would like us to know? (400 words)

Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine

Explain why the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell is a good fit for your medical education journey? (250 words)

“The School of Medicine, in a culture of community, scholarship and innovation, is dedicated to inspiring diverse, promising students to lead and transform medicine for the betterment of humanity.” How do you feel you would contribute to the Zucker School of Medicine’s mission and values and where do you see this taking you in the future? (250 words)

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into the Icahn School of Medicine )

If you are currently not a full-time student, please briefly describe the activities you are participating in this academic year. (100 words)

If you are committed to a particular community or if there is an important aspect of your identity not addressed elsewhere in the application, we invite you to do so here. Briefly also explain how such factors may have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine. Completing this section is optional. (150 words)

What is the toughest feedback you ever received? How did you handle it and what did you learn from it? (250 words)

Describe a situation that you have thought to be unfair or unjust, whether towards yourself or towards others. How did you address the situation, if at all? (200 words)

MSTP applicants:

[Note: Question #3 above does not have to be completed. Also, Questions #5-7 below (bolded) are additional essays.]

Were there any adverse circumstances in your premedical preparatory journey including but not limited to recent impact from COVID-19? If yes, please explain. (100-word count)

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity or a commitment to a particular community, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Aspects might include, but are not limited to significant challenges in or circumstances associated with access to education, living with a disability, socioeconomic factors, immigration status, or identification with a culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine. Completing this section is optional. (150 words)

Describe a time when you needed to ask for help. (200 words)

What are your career goals? Describe which features of the MD/PhD Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai you will leverage to achieve them? (200 words)

Provide a one to three-sentence summary of your current research interest. Limit your response to 100 words or less.

New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: "It is recommended that you complete our Supplemental Application within 10 days from receipt of our email."

Briefly describe the reasons for your campus/site choice and comment on one or two factors that are most important to you in choosing where you wish to pursue your medical education. (1000 characters)

NYITCOM values diversity, equity, and inclusion. How will your background and experiences add to our inclusive culture and how will this focus influence your future role as a physician? (1000 characters)

Describe a challenge you’ve faced and the steps you took to overcome it. (1000 characters)

Describe the community in which you see yourself practicing medicine. (1000 characters)

Have you previously applied to NYITCOM? If yes, what specific steps have you taken to strengthen your credentials for the current application year? (1000 characters)

How and where did you learn about NYITCOM? (250 characters)

New York Medical College

(Suggested Reading: How to Get Into New York Medical College )

If you do not have any family members with a connection to NYMC for any of the below categories you can skip this section.

In this activity please indicate if you have/had a family member (Grandparent, Parent or Sibling) that attended the NYMC School of Medicine.  Applicable to alumni from School of Medicine only. Does not apply to alumni from NYMC-sponsored residency programs, NYMC Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences (GSBMS) or NYMC School of Health Sciences & Practice (SHSP)

In this activity please indicate if you have a family member (Grandparent, Parent or Sibling)  Applicable to full-time faculty at School of Medicine only

In this activity please indicate if you have a family member (Grandparent, Parent or Sibling)  Applicable to full-time employees at School of Medline only.

Please review the NYMC Social Media Policy. If you select YES, we ask that you please briefly explain what has been posted.

Please share any disruptions in your academic, volunteer, work, and/or personal life related to COVID-19 that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider (300 character limit)

Please review the NYMC Technical Standards on our NYMC.EDU website for Admissions and Enrollment and attest to your understanding of them. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says policies related to student admission to view the link.

Struggling to write your med school essays?

Get our  free  102-page guide to help you with every step:  Get Into Medical School: 6 Practical Lessons to Stand Out and Earn Your White Coat

New York University Grossman School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into NYU Medical School )

If applicable, please comment on significant fluctuations in your academic record which are not explained elsewhere on your application. (no limit)

If you have taken any time off from your studies, either during or after college, please describe what you have done during this time and your reasons for doing so. (no limit)

The Admissions Committee holistically evaluates a range of student qualities and life experiences that complement demonstrated academic excellence. What unique qualities do you possess that make you uniquely suited to become a physician or physician-scientist? How have your individual lived experiences shaped your core values and desire to be a future leader in our profession? (2500 characters)

Please answer only one of the following three questions (2500 characters):

The most meaningful achievements are often non-academic in nature. Describe the personal accomplishment that makes you most proud. Why is this important to you?

Conflicts arise daily from differences in perspectives, priorities, worldviews and traditions. How do you define respect? Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences?

Describe a situation in which working with a colleague, family member or friend has been challenging. How did you resolve, if at all, the situation as a team and what did you gain from the experience that will benefit you as a future health care provider?

NYU Grossman School of Medicine strives to provide our students with the option of accelerating their medical educational training. In order to guide our curricular efforts to provide additional opportunities for early career exploration for our students, please select up to three residency specialties that are currently of interest to you. Please note that your selection in no way impacts your admissions decision (i.e., there are no right or wrong selections), that it is not binding in any way, and that you may select “Undecided” if you are unsure of your future career path.

CV required

MSTP specific questions

1. How many months of full-time research experience have you completed? When estimating this amount, you may convert part-time research into its full-time equivalent. For example, if you conducted part-time research for 1 year for ~50% of the time, this would equal 6 months of full-time research. Please do not include lab experiences associated with a course (e.g., organic chemistry course with lab).

2. What area of research would you like to pursue in your graduate training? (200 words max)

3. Please describe your ideal career. (200 words max)

New York University Long Island School of Medicine

NYULISOM seeks to admit highly motivated candidates whose experiences and professional goals directly align with our primary care mission and demonstrate a commitment to a future career as a general practitioner in fields of medicine that are anchored in the principles of primary care and address the growing physician workforce shortages in specific medical disciplines.

To advance this mission, acceptance to NYULISOM is paired with the offer of a directed pathway to residency into one of four designated residency programs at NYU Langone Hospital – Long Island. (400 words)

Internal Medicine

Obstetrics & Gynecology

General Surgery

Please indicate the specific residency track for which you wish to be considered and explain the reason(s) for your choice, including those experiences listed on your AMCAS application that have confirmed your decision to pursue this field of medicine in the context of primary care. If applicable, please also discuss any other factors –such as your personal journey, academic interests or activities not listed on your application— that have influenced your choice.

Please provide the response that applies to you (400 words):

If you are still in school, please tell us your planned academic, extracurricular, research, community service and/or work activities for the application cycle.

If you have graduated from college, please tell us what you have been doing since that time up until the present and your reasons for doing so. Please be sure to account for all your time since graduating.

(Optional) Please comment on any significant fluctuations in your academic record or inconsistencies in your MCAT score; if you took a leave of absence for any reason during college; or any application irregularities that you feel would be helpful for the admissions committee to consider when conducting its holistic review of your credentials. (400 words)

(Optional) Please feel free to share any other information that you have not already included in your AMCAS application or secondary responses that you believe would be relevant for the admissions committee to know about. (400 words)

SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University College of Medicine

Will you be attending college full-time as of September 15? If no, please describe your activities for the period of September 15 to July 1. (no word count)

What will be your support system while in medical school? (150 words)

Describe what personal, urban experiences prepare you to live and study in New York City. (150 words)

If you had a completed application to the College of Medicine in a prior application cycle, please highlight any changes since your previous application in a list with dates. If this question does not apply to you, enter "not applicable" in the text box below. (150 words)

Why do believe you are a good fit for SUNY Downstate? (300 words)

What is your experience with diversity, health equity and social justice? (300 words)

SUNY Upstate Medical University

If you earned your baccalaureate degree prior to this past June (2023), please provide a brief statement indicating your plans for the upcoming academic year.

Which medical specialty do you currently plan to pursue?

You might consider yourself disadvantaged if you grew up in an area that was medically or underserved or had insufficient access to educational opportunities. Do you consider yourself within this description?

If you answer Yes: please explain your particular circumstances regarding why you consider yourself a disadvantaged applicant.

Upstate Medical University is strongly committed to providing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for the patients we serve and all who work at, study at, or visit our campus. In 500 words or less , please answer the following question: As a potential partner in this effort, please describe your commitment to eliminating health inequities, discrimination, or other forms of social injustice.

If you are interested in Primary Care : are you interested in receiving more information about potential scholarship opportunities?

We understand that the COVID-19 crisis disrupted many aspects of our lives. Please share if you had any curricular impacts during this time, for example, change to pass/fail courses or to online coursework or if you anticipate any deficiencies in experiences as a result of COVID-19.

Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine

Tell us how your past experiences and/or challenges have defined you (500 words or less)

Please respond to ONE of the following two questions: (500 words or less)

Please describe how you, as a future physician, plan to address the social determinants of health.

What, in your opinion, is the role of a physician in addressing systemic racism and societal injustices?

Will your education be continuous between college and medical school matriculation? (500 words or less)

If NO, please explain what you have done or plan to do during the gap period and why.

If YES, please tell us about your proudest accomplishment to date.

Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

This Personal Statement is different than the essay that had been submitted with your AACOMAS application. Although there is no specified length to this essay, please limit the length of this Personal Statement to the space available on this page. Please discuss how your background, experience or academic program has prepared you for meeting Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Mission, Goals, or Objectives. Consider addressing a few of the following areas:

a) Why Osteopathic Medicine?

b) Have you been exposed to a diverse environment and how did you contribute?

c) How have your academic background and personal experiences prepared you for medical school? or

d) How were you influenced by a shadowing experience?

University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine

In 500 words or fewer, please explain your reasons for applying to the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Buffalo. Please be specific.

In 500 words or fewer, please explain how you would respond to a fellow student who muttered a racist or homophobic statement under their breath in your presence and that of other peers.

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

(Optional) Please share any challenges and/or special circumstances that impacted your application. (200 words)

If you previously applied to medical school, briefly describe any experiences you have been part of since your previous application . (200 words)

Tell us about a community you identify with and how you're involved with it? (200 words)

Weill Cornell Medical College

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Weill Cornell Medical School )

Please write a brief statement giving your reasons for applying to Weill Cornell Medical College. (1525 characters)

Please describe a challenge you faced and how you addressed it. (1525 characters)

If applicable, please tell us about any special circumstances related to COVID-19 that could help us understand you better. (1525 characters)

If you are not attending college during the upcoming (2023-2024) academic year, what are your plans? (1525 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in North Carolina: How to Get In )

Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine

Briefly describe how your career goals align with the CUSOM Mission

What three qualities will you bring to CUSOM which will enhance the overall climate of our school? How do these qualities align with the CUSOM mission?

Osteopathic medicine parallels allopathic medicine but has distinct principles and practices. Which of these principles and practices are of greatest interest to you and why?

Duke University School of Medicine

Tell us Who You Are: Share with us your story. This is your opportunity to allow us to know how you wish to be addressed, recognized and treated. (500 words)

Working with Others: Trust and rapport are essential in your day-to-day interactions with people. How do you cultivate a relationship with a person who may be very different from you? (400 words)

Advocacy: Describe a situation in which you chose to advocate for someone who was different from you or for a cause or idea that was different from yours. Define your view of advocacy. What risks, if any, might be associated with your choice to be an advocate? (400 words)

Coping with Disappointment: Not achieving a goal or one’s desire can sometimes be disheartening. What have you discovered from your setbacks and disappointments and how does this translate to your current way of thinking? (400 words)

Leadership: What do you value most as a leader and as a contributor? What attributes do you possess as a leader and as a team member and how do you apply them on a daily basis? (400 words)

Critical Thinking: Critical thinking involves a number of characteristics. Research experience enhances critical analysis skills. Describe any research experience or similar experience in which you utilized critical thinking. How will critical thinking be important in your future career? (400 words)

Understanding the Need for Healthcare Changes: Potential sources of health inequities exist. Duke’s Moments to Movement (M2M) is a collective stand to address these issues. Discuss your experience with disparities in health, health care and society. (400 words)

COVID-19 Implications: How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced your journey to medical school? Have these events changed your outlook on medicine’s role in society? (400 words)

Further Information: Please let us know of any additional information that you would like us to consider while reviewing your application

For PCLT (Primary Care Leadership Track) applicants:

Community Engagement: PCLT values community engagement. What is your understanding of community engagement and its value? How does community-engagement impact either research or working in a community to improve health outcomes? (250 words)

Why PCLT: What distinguishes you from other applicants to the PCLT program? (250 words)

East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine

When you close your eyes and imagine your professional life 20 years from now, what do you see? (2500 characters, max)

Tell us about a time where you felt that you persisted towards a goal or outcome you wanted even when there where challenges/barriers in the way. How did to you stay motivated to achieve your goal? Describe resources you used to overcome the challenge. (2500 characters, max)

Medical school presents numerous emotional and professional challenges. Please share an instance where you faced a difficult academic situation and explain how you managed the situation. How did you promote your wellness during this situation? (2500 characters, max)

East Carolina University’s motto is Servire- “To Serve.” Tell us about your most meaningful community service project or experience unrelated to patient care. (2500 characters, max)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine

Describe an experience where you attempted a task and realized during the process that you were not ready for it. How did this experience impact your approach to trying new things? (250 words)

How will your life experiences foster a positive educational environment and benefit your future patients? (250 words)

Discuss your involvement in a service activity that has impacted your understanding of healthcare and your desire to pursue a career in medicine. (250 words)

What motivates you to apply to the UNC School of Medicine? (200 words)

There is also a reapplicant essay available if you are one.

Wake Forest School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into the Wake Forest School of Medicine )

We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us one experience that enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself and what you learned from it. (200 words or less)

Describe a non-academic challenge you have faced and explain how you overcame it. (200 words or less)

From your list of "most meaningful experiences" on the AMCAS application, choose one that has been the most formative in terms of your desire for a career in medicine. Why did that experience have such meaning for you in your decision-making process? (200 words or less)

Please share an experience that demonstrates how you have collaborated with others. (200 words or less)

Describe your future goal(s). Reflect on your past experiences and describe how these experiences will shape your goal(s). (200 words or less)

Tell us about any specific reason(s) (personal, educational, etc.) why you see yourself here at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. (150 words or less)

Please tell us an interesting fact about yourself that a casual acquaintance may find surprising or interesting. (50 words or less)

University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Residency History: List each permanent residence starting with your place of birth and number of years at each residence. The last two questions in this section are required.

a. What is your state of current permanent residence? (This would be where your driver’s license is from, what state you pay taxes to, etc…) (Required)

b. List the high school, city, and zip code you graduated from. (Required)

The UND School of Medicine & Health Science gives residency preference in admissions. To be considered for one of our residency preferences, you must answer the questions below. If you do not meet any of our residency preferences, please select "no" on the first question.

a. Do you meet one of the UND SMHS residency preferences?

b. Are you currently a legal resident of North Dakota and graduated from a North Dakota high school?

c. Are you currently a legal resident of North Dakota for five consecutive years or longer at the time of your application to UND SMHS?

d. Are you currently and have you been a resident of North Dakota for more than one but less than five years at the time of your application to UND SMHS?

e. Do ALL the following questions apply to you:

1) A North Dakota high school graduate?

2) A previous legal resident of North Dakota for ten years or more?

3) Your parents are current legal residents of North Dakota?

f. Excluding online degrees, are you, or will be at the time of matriculation, a graduate of a North Dakota college or university?

g. Excluding online degrees, do you have a first-degree family member (mother, father, sibling, child, or spouse) who is a graduate of a North Dakota college or university? List family member and the college or university they attended.

h. Do ALL the following apply to you:

1) You currently are a legal ND resident for less than one year OR you are currently not a resident of ND?

2) Your spouse is currently attending or has been accepted into a ND university or college at the time of your application to UND SMHS?

3) You will be living in ND during the current academic year?

i. Are you a current legal resident of Minnesota and graduated from a high school in Minnesota Red River Valley? List high school and county ( https://med.und.edu/student-affairs-admissions/applicant-eligibility.html )

j. Do ALL the following questions apply to you:

1) A current legal MN resident?

2) You have resided in a MN Red River Valley county for one year or more at the time of your application to UND SMHS?

3) If this applies to you, list county you have resided in for one year or more.

k. Do ALL the following questions apply to you:

1) A current legal MN resident for one year or more at time of your application to UND SMHS?

2) You live outside the Red River Valley area?

l. Do ALL the following questions apply to you:

1) A current legal MN resident for less than one year at time of your application to UND SMHS?

m. Are you a current resident of a WICHE-sending state Wyoming or Montana?

The following question is used to identify applicants for the Indians into Medicine (INMED) Program. For information regarding this program, contact [email protected]. If not applicable proceed to the next Question Set. If applicable answer the following questions below:

1) Are you an enrolled member of a U.S. federally recognized tribe?

2) Do you agree to have your application shared with the Indians Into Medicine office? If you answer no to this question, you will not be reviewed for the INMED program.

Answer questions 4 – 11. Do not leave any questions blank.

The School of Medicine & Health Sciences is a community-based medical school, and because of the unique circumstances of our regional location, we place special emphasis on the unique skills needed to provide care for patients and populations in rural and Native American communities across all competencies. The primary purpose of the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences is to educate physicians and other health professionals for subsequent service in North Dakota and to enhance the quality of life of its people. Other purposes include the discovery of knowledge that benefits the people of this state and enhances the quality of their lives. Please explain the steps you have taken towards, and how you will fulfill different aspects of the school’s mission. (1200 words)

Reflect on personal experiences of resilience and emotional intelligence throughout your life and how this has prepared you in your pursuit of a career in medicine. (1200 characters)

Describe your experiences with diverse populations. Examples include a summary of a volunteer experience, study abroad, employment, self-taught endeavor or a formal course on diversity that includes direct interaction with individuals or groups from socioeconomic disadvantaged, diverse cultures, rural, or other backgrounds. (1200 characters)

Describe your research activity. Examples include the outcome of a formal research experience, course-dependent undergraduate research, thesis, or capstone project. (600 characters)

Describe your creative activity. Examples include the ongoing production of art forms, artistic performance, or other creative efforts, such as photography, painting, musical talents, needlework, cooking, wood-working, building cars, yoga instructor, dancing, theatre performance, writing, gaming etc. (600 characters)

Expand and reflect on medical and/or clinical experience as it relates to the mission of the School of Medicine & Health Sciences. This may include a summary of physician shadowing, clinical observation, community service, volunteer work, and/or employment. Examples include, but are not limited to, work in a clinic, hospital, as a first responder, clinical lab, public health, home health visits, assisted living, nursing home care, youth camps, or relevant military duty. (1200 characters)

Expand and reflect on leadership and team experience. This may include a summary of leadership roles or teamwork in employed positions, extracurricular activities, organizations, volunteer services, or any other leadership or team experiences. (1200 characters)

What are your career plans if you do not ever get admitted to medical school? (600 characters)

If needed, update the information in your AMCAS application (i.e., grades in recent courses, alterations in your proposed coursework or graduation, additions to extracurricular activities, unreported legal and institutional infractions, etc.). (600 characters)

Are you currently enrolled in a grant-funded and/or degree-granting postbaccalaureate program and/or advanced degree? If so, what is your timeline for completion? (600 characters)

Have you participated in any of these pathway programs: Scrubs Camp, Med Prep, CLIMB, Summer Institute, Pre-Med Day, etc? Please indicate all that apply. (Radio option)

UND SMHS REAPPLICANTS ONLY: When was your previous application, and, subsequently, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? Note any relevant academic, employment, clinical, and personal experience and/or development. (1200 characters)

Have you read the UND SMHS Standards of Capacity policy ( https://med.und.edu/policies/_files/docs/4.14-standards-of-capacity.pdf ), and are you prepared to meet these standards with or without reasonable accommodations?

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Ohio: How to Get In )

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

**Updated: July 11, 2023, in light of updates CWRU released .**

Greatest Challenge Essay: The admissions committee is interested in gaining more insight into you as a person. Please describe a significant personal challenge you have faced, one which you feel has helped to shape you as a person. Examples may include a moral or ethical dilemma, a situation of personal adversity, or a hurdle in your life that you worked hard to overcome. Please include how you got through the experience and what you learned about yourself as a result. (2,000 character limit)

Based on your current maturity and wisdom, reflect upon an experience from the past few years that you would handle differently today. (1,000 character limit)

Gap Year(s) if applicable: If you are taking time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation, please tell us why you made this decision and what you will be doing or have done during this gap time. (1,000 character limit)

Research/Scholarly Work: One of the four pillars of the Western Reserve2 Curriculum is Research and Scholarship. Although research is not a prerequisite requirement for the University Program, if you have participated in research or another scholarly project, please tell us about it. Describe your experience, including the question you pursued and how you approached it, your results and interpretation of the results, and most importantly, any thoughts about what this experience meant to you. Remember that research is broad-based and can include such projects as a senior capstone or a thesis and can include both medical and non-medically-related investigations. If you have not completed research/scholarly work, you will be able to indicate this in a radio button embedded within this response. (3,500 character limit)

Note that if you are applying to both the University Program and the CCLCM, the research response will default to the CCLCM required response.

Additional Information Response: Is there any further information that you wish to share with the Admissions Committee that may not be captured in the rest of your application? (2,000 character limit)

Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (5 yr. MD) Applicants

Research Essay: Please tell us about ONE research project to which you made a significant contribution. In your essay, describe your role on the project, the hypothesis of your research and whether you contributed to hypothesis generation, why the methods were selected to answer that hypothesis, your results, and interpretation of your results with respect to future findings. In addition, please briefly share your motivation for pursuing this research project and reflect on how this experience affected your future career goals. (3,500 character limit)

The most successful medical students at our school are generally those who are intrinsically motivated, self-directed learners. Think of a time when you had to pursue a goal without clear external direction. Describe your approach and any new knowledge, perspectives, or skills that you acquired. (1,000 character limit)

Career Essay: What does your ideal career entail fifteen years after medical school graduation? (1,000 character limit)

MSTP (MD/PhD) Applicants

PhD Advisor: What do you look for in a PhD advisor, and who at CWRU would interest you? (800 character limit)

Area of Interest: What is your specific interest in the MSTP at CWRU? (800 character limit)

Gap Year(s) if applicable: If you are taking time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation, please tell us why you made this decision and what you will be doing or have done during this gap time. (1,000 character limit)  

Northeast Ohio Medical University

What do you hope to achieve from your experience as a NEOMED student? (5000 characters, max)

Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

All applicants are required to answer the following question in the form of an essay. There is no specific word count, font or font size required. Please name the file using following format: "last name, first name, required essay."

There are philosophical and tangible differences between osteopathic and allopathic medicine. Describe what being an osteopathic physician means to you, and what qualities make a good osteopathic physician. What have you done to gain knowledge and experience of osteopathic medicine?

All applicants are required to answer one of the following three questions in the form of an essay. There is no specific word count, font or font size required. Make sure to include the question itself at the top of your essay. Please name the file using the following format: "last name, first name, selected essay."

Describe the community in which you were nurtured or spent the majority of your early development with respect to its demographics. What core values did you receive and how will these translate into the contributions you hope to make to your community as a medical student and later as a physician?

There are multiple paths that lead to medical school and many obstacles along the way. Please describe the unique path that has led you to medicine as well as any obstacle or adversity that you had to overcome in achieving this goal. How will this experience affect your career as a physician?

What has been your most meaningful life experience (i.e., family situation, clinical or shadowing experience, volunteer experience, etc.) that influenced your decision to pursue medicine?

The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Required essays for those applying to the regular M.D., M.D./PhD, Primary Care, and the Community Medicine tracks:

The mission statement of The Ohio State University College of Medicine is to "improve people's lives" through innovation in research, medical education, and patient care. Please describe how your past experiences predict your potential to contribute in two of these three areas. (250 words)

The OSU COM has a goal of assembling a class that is enriched with a broad range of unique experiences. Do you believe this is a desirable goal for a medical school's student composition? Please elaborate. (250 words)

Additional required essays only for those applying to the Primary Care track:

Please see our website for more information about applying to our program at medicine.osu.edu/pct . How do you feel ready to choose a career in family medicine? Please provide any examples of exposure and/or experiences not already mentioned in your application. (250 words)

"Health is Primary" is a communications campaign to advocate for the values of family medicine, demonstrate the benefits of primary care, and engage patients in our healthcare system. The aim is to build a primary care system that reflects the values of family medicine, puts patients at the center of their care, and improves the health of all Americans. How do you plan to reflect the values of Family Medicine in your future career? (250 words)

Please see our website for more information about applying to our program at medicine.osu.edu/cmt . Please give an example of a life experience that sparked your desire to practice medicine in a smaller community and apply to the Community Medicine Track. (250 words)

Why are you interested in training in a smaller community, and what is the impact you hope to have by training in this setting? (250 words)

The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences 

The Admissions Committee considers a wide variety of factors in evaluating applicants, including fit between applicants and our program’s mission, goals, and culture. In the essays below, we invite you to share information about yourself with regard to two aspects of our program. We encourage you to provide information and insights that may not be easily gleaned from other aspects of your medical school application. In responding to the essay prompts below, you should interpret the questions to the best of your ability.

One of the AAMC Core Competencies for entering medical students involves cultural competence. The competency involves several distinct domains, including:

Demonstrating knowledge of socio-cultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors;

Showing an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity;

Recognizing and acting on the obligation to inform one's own judgment;

Engaging diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work;

Recognizing and appropriately addressing bias in selves and others;

Interacting effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.

Discuss a specific experience from your life that you feel demonstrates your level of competence   in one of the above domains . (Clearly indicate which of the six domains above that you are responding to.) As part of your discussion, explain how you feel this experience will impact your future contribution to the culture of diversity and inclusion at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences and later in your career as a physician. (600 words)

One of the AAMC Core Competencies for entering medical students involves  resilience and adaptability . This competency involves the ability to tolerate stressful or changing environments or situations and adapt effectively to them. Additional characteristics of this competency are persistence and the ability to recover from setbacks. Discuss a specific experience from your life that you feel demonstrates your level of competence in resilience and adaptability as described above. As part of your discussion, explain how you feel this experience will help you meet new challenges you may face in medical school. (600 words)

(Optional) Please use the space below for anything you might wish to discuss related to the  corona virus (COVID-19) public health crisis . Possible topics might include, for example: your biggest lessons and insights from the pandemic; creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis; hardships you may have faced as a result of the virus or quarantine. (You will have an opportunity to specifically discuss impacts to your coursework/grades in a separate item.) (600 words)

We invite you to briefly discuss any other connections you may have to The University of Toledo, the UToledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences, the city of Toledo, or the region of Northwest Ohio or to provide additional information about the affiliations you noted above. (300 words)

Please briefly describe what activities you are/have been engaged in during the period between undergraduate school and medical school. (300 words, pops up if you answered "yes" to if you had a gap.)

If you feel you have any aspects of your record that may potentially negatively influence your application to our medical school , we encourage you to use this space to discuss them in order to provide the admissions committee with further context about your application. (Examples of possible topics include MCAT scores lower than our class average, low grades, withdrawn course, institutional action/student conduct violation.) (500 words)

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

The University of Cincinnati’s Next Lives Here initiative includes three platforms:

Inclusion: Intentionally engaging people and the contribution of diverse ideas.

Innovation: Challenging existing practices and paradigms and discovering the unknown.

Impact: Positively transforming our community and society in measurable ways.

The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Mission:

We work together in a spirit of collaboration, inclusion, and service: To educate and train the physicians, scientists, and health professionals of tomorrow; To advance knowledge through impactful, innovative research; To improve health and well-being through compassionate, patient-centered care.

Considering the UCCOM mission, tell us why you’re applying here and how our mission aligns with your own. (Your response is limited to 2000 characters.)

The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Values:

We are committed to excellence, diversity, and integrity in our students, faculty, staff, and all of our activities. We provide an inclusive environment where innovation and freedom of intellectual inquiry flourish.

Please share your personal journey to a career in medicine and let us know how the UCCOM values align with your own. (Your response is limited to 2000 characters.)

Academic Impact of COVID-19 (optional)

Please explain, if applicable, any ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic specifically and negatively impacted and/or caused significant hardship for your academic performance between the months of March 2020 and September 2022. (Your response is limited to 2000 characters.)

Non-Academic Impact of COVID-19 (optional)

We understand that all applicants have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please use the space below to describe any personal (ie, non-academic) life-altering experiences or changes to your plans related to the pandemic between March 2020 and September 2022. (Your response is limited to 2000 characters.)

Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine

If you earned a medically related certificate/license, how many hours have you worked in that role since earning your certificate/license? If not, please enter N/A. (100 characters)

If there has been a significant economic hardship, please explain the circumstances. If none, please enter N/A. (750 characters)

If your parents are graduates of Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, please list their name(s) and graduation year(s). Enter N/A if your parents are not Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine Alumni. (100 characters)

If you have relatives that are Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine alumni, current students, faculty or staff, please list their name(s). Enter N/A if you do not have relatives that are Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine alumni, current students, faculty or staff. (100 characters)

If you have applied to Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine in a previous cycle, please indicate the year(s) of your previous application(s). Enter N/A if this is your first application to Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. (100 characters)

What is the primary reason that you have chosen to apply to the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine? (750 characters)

Are there any specific patient populations that that you desire to serve as a physician? (750 characters)

If there has been or will be a gap in your education, please describe how you have/will use this time. If not, please enter N/A. (750 characters)

If you consider yourself a non-traditional candidate, please explain. If not, please enter N/A. (750 characters)

Briefly describe any extenuating circumstances which you believe are pertinent to your application (i.e. Poor grades, withdrawn courses, life events). If none, please enter N/A. (750 characters)

If you have attended any allopathic or osteopathic medical school, as a candidate for an M.D. or D.O., please list the name of the school and explain the reason for separation. Enter N/A if you have not attended any allopathic or osteopathic medical school as a candidate for an M.D. or D.O. (750 characters)

If you are not a current resident of the state of Ohio, please describe your connection to Ohio. If you have no connection to the state of Ohio, please enter N/A. (750 characters)

If you have a connection to Wright State University, please describe your that connection. If you have no connection to Wright State University, please enter N/A. (750 characters)

If you have a connection to the Boonshoft School of Medicine, please describe that connection. If you have no connection to the Boonshoft School of Medicine, please enter N/A. (750 characters)

Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Are you currently enrolled in classes? (Yes/No)

(If not), please describe your current activities (300 words)

Please describe something you deserved but didn’t get and how you felt about it. (300 words)

Optional: Is there any additional information you would like the college to know about you? (500 words)

University of Oklahoma College of Medicine

Main campus required essays, Oklahoma City

Why are you applying to The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine? (Max 250 words)

Do you have family or friends in Oklahoma? Please explain (No word/character limit)

Where else are you applying? (No character limit)

Applicants have two educational track options at the College of Medicine. One is located in Oklahoma City and the other is located in in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Tulsa campus is called the School of Community Medicine (SCM). All applicants interested in the SCM must complete the four additional SCM questions:

Please submit an essay that explains your interest and commitment to Community Medicine. (450 words max)

Please explain how you expect the SCM track to enhance your medical education. (250 words max)

Please enter any additional community or volunteer experience not included on your AMCAS application. (250 words max)

Please highlight any other relevant life experience that you feel might have an impact on your application to the SCM track. (250 words max)

Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine

What experience have you had that has given you insight into the patients you hope to eventually serve? (1550 characters)

Tell us about a time you went into a situation completely unprepared. (1550 characters)

Discuss a time in your life that demonstrated your resilience and ability to overcome adversity. (1550 characters)

In 1990, Salovey and Mayer defined emotional intelligence (EI) as “the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions”. The components of EI include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Briefly describe one example of a time you harnessed your EI to resolve a difficult situation, AND one example of a time your failure to use your EI compounded a difficult situation. What did you learn about yourself in each of these situations? (1550 characters)

Give an example of personal feedback in the last few years that was difficult to receive. How did you respond? (1550 characters)

Please discuss the roles Dignity, Respect and Deference play in how medical teams optimize patient care. (1550 characters)

(Optional) Are there any additional ties to the state of Oregon you wish to share? If yes, use the space below. If no, leave blank. Please note that this does not factor toward your consideration as an Oregon resident or Oregon Heritage. (1550 characters)

(Optional) We know that many of our applicants in the OHSU UME Program may have familial relationships with individuals who are OHSU faculty, residents, staff, or current students who serve as evaluators in our admissions process. We have added this question in hopes to prevent perceived or actual conflicts of interest that can occur when an applicant has a family member (or someone with a similar close personal relationship) they may encounter through the admissions process. If you have any such connections, please list those individuals’ names and departments below. If no, leave blank. (2050 characters)

Supplemental Information section with additional prompts:

5. Based on your own experiences or the experiences of family and friends, do you believe that the area in which you grew up was adequately served by the available health care professionals? Were there enough physicians, nurses, hospitals, clinics, and other health care service providers and how did that affect your experience and relationship with health care? Please explain. (4000 characters)

7. ["While you were growing up, did you experience any of the following types of adversity?" with options to select the severity of the following adversities: economic, educational, ethnic/cultural, family] Please describe the nature of the adversity and how social, economic, academic, or other circumstances affected you and your opportunities. (4000 characters)

8. We acknowledge that our application is not fully comprehensive. If there is anything additional you would like to let us know about you, please briefly state it here. (550 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Pennsylvania: How to Get In )

Drexel University College of Medicine

Please discuss all of your current and recent activities and engagements that have prepared you for medical school. Please be sure to include any traditional and/or non-traditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done that are not already included in your application. (2000 characters)

Why are you interested in Drexel? Please also explain how you meet various elements of our mission - compassionate care, diversity, spirited inquiry, collaboration, and opportunity. (1500 characters)

Please describe any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your medical or non-medical service experiences, including any circumstances that impacted your engagement in activities, academics, and MCAT that would have helped to prepare you for medical school. (1500 characters)

Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine

If you are applying to the Abigail Geisinger Scholars Program, please share with the Admissions Committee what primary care and/or psychiatry means to you, and why you believe you are a good fit for the Abigail Geisinger Scholars Program. (1500 characters)

Given Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine's unique mission and values, please tell us why you believe you are a good fit for our institution. (1500 characters)

List the five most important attributes you believe a physician should possess. Please choose one that you believe you embody and describe a personal experience that demonstrates this trait. (1500 characters)

Geisinger Commonwealth values diversity, health equity, inclusion, and social justice. Tell us how you will share in this mission. (1500 characters)

If you have previously applied to medical school, please describe your significant experiences between this year’s application and your previous application. If you are not a previous applicant, please type, “N/A” in the response area. (1500 characters)

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

There are no secondary essay prompts for the 2022–2023 cycle.

Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

If not currently enrolled in a full-time academic program, please summate your activities from the time of graduation from your baccalaureate program through the time of this application, as well as your plans between now and your matriculation to medical school. (75 words)

Is there a unique aspect of your application that should be considered by the admissions committee? (75 words)

Explain why you decided to apply to the Penn State College of Medicine. (75 words)

Write a short paragraph describing a significant experience you have had working in a team setting. (250 words)

Write a short statement describing how you envision using your medical education to advance care for under-represented or marginalized populations. (250 words)

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

PCOM recognizes and affirms the dignity of all members of the PCOM community. Do you self-identify as part of the LGBTQIA community? (Yes/No)

If yes, please use this space to specify your identity within the LGBTQIA community, if you wish. (200 characters, optional)

Have you ever participated in a PCOM-sponsored program for undergraduate, high school or middle school students interested in medicine/health sciences? (Yes/No). If yes, the following questions are required:

Please briefly describe the program. (If possible, include program title, dates attended, grade, etc.) (500 characters)

How did this experience influence your journey toward a career in Osteopathic Medicine? (500 characters)

Have you previously applied to any of PCOM's academic programs at any of our locations? (Yes/No). If yes, the following questions are required:

If you attend or have previously attended any of PCOM's academic programs at any of our locations, please list below the campus, program and terms of enrollment. (500 characters)

Please tell us what you have done since the submission of your last application that improves your candidacy to our DO program(s). (1500 characters)

Use this space if you'd like to address any identified deficiencies in your application. (700 characters)

If you selected to be considered for the Philadelphia location of PCOM, please respond to the following question: What one aspect of the PCOM campus community resonates with your personality and values? (2000 characters)

If you selected to be considered for the South Georgia location of PCOM, please respond to the following question: What one aspect of the PCOM South Georgia campus community resonates with your personality and values? (2000 characters)

Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

Sidney Kimmel Medical College defines diversity as the richness in human differences. How will your own experiences allow you to contribute to the diversity of the student body and to provide equitable and inclusive care to your future patients? (2500 characters)

Do you have any additional information that hasn't been covered? (4000 characters)

Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine 

What is the nature of your interest in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine? (2000 characters)

The Admissions Committee would like to know more about you. LKSOM seeks an engaged student body with a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and interests to enhance the medical school experience for everyone. Please use the space below to describe what makes you unique as an applicant, an obstacle that you had to overcome, or how you will contribute to the LKSOM community. (2000 characters)

Tell us about your special interest in the campus you selected. (2000 characters)

What are your plans for the current year - June 2023 until June 2024? (2000 characters)

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected all of us. Please use this space to describe to us how you were impacted academically, personally or professionally by COVID-19. (2000 characters)

Have you completed a pathway/pipeline program offered through LKSOM or another medical school? These types of pathway/pipeline programs include Diversity Scholars, STEP-UP, Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) or other similar programs sponsored by a medical school. (Y/N)

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Perelman School of Medicine )

If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you elected Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here (500 characters).

The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a class inclusive of diverse perspectives and experiences; this enriches the instruction we provide, enhances team-based learning, and ensures our students’ preparation to address the health needs of a pluralistic society. How would your life experiences contribute to the student body and how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM? Please explain and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

We are all navigating through challenging times, and physicians and physician-scientists must contend with many instances of uncertainty. Describe a time when you faced a situation that was ambiguous, confusing, or uncertain, and how you navigated making a decision without complete information (3000 characters).

Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Tell us about a challenging problem you faced and how you resolved it. Include how the experience contributed to the person you are today. (Limit your response to 250 words or less.)

At UPSOM, diversity and inclusion are measures of distinction, integral to achieving institutional excellence, and essential to the development of future physicians who become leaders in medicine. Describe how you have demonstrated a commitment to diversity and inclusion in the past, and how you hope to grow that commitment in medical school. (Limit your response to 250 words or less.)

Tell the Admissions Committee why you are applying to Pitt Med and why you think this school would be a good fit for you? (Limit your response to 250 words or less.)

Ponce School of Medicine and Health Sciences

List/describe: Academic honors, Research experience/ Publications, Community service/ volunteer work

Explain your interest in graduate studies and your long-range professional plan.

San Juan Bautista School of Medicine 

No secondary essay prompts for this cycle.

Universidad Central Del Caribe School of Medicine

University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine

(Suggested reading: How to Get into Brown Medical School )

Brown University The Warren Alpert Medical School 

Summarize your activities during the 2022–2023 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

How will your unique attributes, life experiences, and interests add to the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters)

Reflect on a situation when you had to change course, and how you did so. (3000 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in South Carolina: How to Get In )

Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine

Please discuss your primary interest in attending the Medical University of South Carolina. (2000 characters)

We desire to train students and physicians to work with the diverse patients of our state and nation. Please share any important aspects of your background, identity, and/or experiences that have impacted your ability to relate to and work with diverse communities and patient populations. (3000 characters)

For re-applicants: If you are a re-applicant, please describe what you have done since last applying (i.e. your activities, involvement, preparedness, etc.) to strengthen your candidacy for medical school. (2000 characters)

For out-of-state applicants: If you are not a legal resident of South Carolina, please describe in detail your strong Close Ties to South Carolina. Close Ties are defined as: (1) Having lived in SC for multiple years, (2) Parents who currently live full-time in SC, (3) Completed the majority of your education in SC (i.e. enrolled in or graduate of an undergraduate and/or graduate degree from a South Carolina institution), (4) and/or Currently living in and/or working in South Carolina. (3000 characters)

University of South Carolina School of Medicine – Columbia

No character limit for any question.

What additional qualifications have you acquired since your last application? (if applicable)

Do you have any other ties to South Carolina that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider? (if applicable)

What are your medical practice goals?

Describe your employment status since you completed your bachelor's degree (part-time, full-time, and dates) (only if you have graduated).

In what region of the country do you want to practice medicine? Why?

What areas of medicine are you interested in at this time, or what areas do you plan to pursue?

Do you have any accomplishments or experiences that make you a unique applicant?

Explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational, research, volunteering, or employment plans.

Working as part of a team is an important aspect of your medical education at our School of Medicine and as a practitioner in the future. Please share at least one experience where you worked as part of a team to accomplish a goal/objective. What was your role as a part of the team and what did you learn from working with others? How did you deal with conflict on the team and/or working with a team member who you disagreed with?

University of South Carolina School of Medicine – Greenville

Please consider sharing experiences, challenges, family or personal circumstances, interests, etc. that you believe would bring added value and unique lived experience to the learning community at USC School of Medicine Greenville. (5000 characters)

If you are not a South Carolina resident, what relationships, bonds, or other interests or connections do you have to the state? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Is there any additional information you would like the Admissions Committee to consider that has not been previously addressed? (If not applicable, please write N/A) (5000 characters)

Why have you chosen to apply to USC School of Medicine Greenville and how do you think your education at USCSOM Greenville will prepare you to become a physician in the future? (5000 characters)

At USCSOM Greenville we are committed to Transforming Medicine One Doctor at a Time. Share how, as a physician, you will seek to transform medicine. (5000 characters)

Please describe a personal work, social or educational experience which felt inclusive and welcoming. (5000 characters)

University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine

Given the mission statement of the school, please explain how your experiences and long-term goals would help meet the mission. (1500 characters)

Given the diversity statement of the school, explain how your background and experiences with diversity will bring value to the school. (1500 characters)

Describe how your experiences in health care or social care activities will help you become a good physician. (1500 characters)

Briefly describe a crisis or significant challenge in your life, how you have worked through the crisis or challenge, and what you have learned from this experience. (1500 characters)

What are your career plans in the event that you are not admitted to a medical school this year or after several applications? (1500 characters)

Please use this space to update the information contained on your AMCAS application (i.e. grades in recent courses; alterations in your proposed coursework or graduation; additions to your extracurricular activities) or anything else you want the committee to know. (1500 characters)

For repeat applicants only. Since your last application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? Please note any relevant academic, employment, clinical and personal experience. (1500 characters)

For non-South Dakota residents applying to the regular MD program – please describe your ties to South Dakota. (1500 characters)

Please share and explain any disruptions/hardships in your academic, volunteer, work, and/or personal life related to COVID-19 that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (5000 characters)

Please use the space below for anything you might wish to discuss related to the corona virus (COVID-19) public health crisis. Possible topics might include, for example: your biggest lessons and insights from the pandemic; creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis; how the pandemic has affected your outlook on the role of medicine. (5000 characters)

Knowledge and skill are crucial, but why should a physician be kind? (5000 characters)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Tennessee: How to Get In )

East Tennessee State University Quillen College of Medicine*

Time-sensitive considerations:  (Regarding all information requested in the supplementary application.) "This information, when requested, must be completed within 14 days of the date on which the information was requested."

What makes you interested in Quillen? Discuss your perceptions on how attending Quillen would align with your future goals and your hopes for how it will shape you into the physician you want to become. (1500 characters)

Social justice, systemic racism, and equity for all have been at the forefront of national conversations. Quillen College of Medicine recognizes that many barriers still exist for persons of color and those from historically underrepresented communities. As a physician you will have opportunities to foster an environment of change for your patients and community. Please share with us your reflections on how your life experiences have impacted the development of your values and attitudes toward others, particularly those with backgrounds or values different from your own. (1500 characters)

Applicant choice. Please select only one of the following questions to answer. Be sure to indicate your choice by starting with the number associated with the question: (1500 characters)

There is no doubt that the level of stress brought on by medical schools can impact a student's mental health and emotional well-being. Discuss the ways you plan to manage your own health and well-being during medical school.

Describe an experience you have had during your life that has given you a unique understanding of human suffering and what did you learn from this experience?

Use this space to tell the committee anything else about yourself that you have not had the opportunity to present elsewhere in your application.

Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: "Because we interview and admit on a rolling basis, we strongly encourage applicants to submit their completed application packages at least four weeks prior to the March 15 deadline ."

Please write and ATTACH the short essay addressing ONE of the following questions: (No word count)

Medical school requires a huge commitment in time and energy. How have you prepared for this commitment?

If you are a re-applicant please tell us what you have done to strengthen your application.

Optional: Is there anything you want the admissions committee to know that you haven’t explained on your AACOMAS application? (No word count)

Meharry Medical College School of Medicine *

(Suggested Reading: How to Get Into Meharry Medical College )

Time-sensitive considerations: "The Admissions Committee prefers if the candidate has completed the Supplemental application before their interview ."

Why do you wish to attend Meharry Medical College School of Medicine? (No limit)

Please describe a personal situation of failure, significant challenge, or a major obstacle that you have overcome. Include a description of your coping skills and lessons you learned from that situation. (No limit)

University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine

Optional essays:

Provide any additional information not previously provided in the personal comments of your AMCAS Primary application. (500 characters)

Given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to provide our applicants with an optional essay prompt for this years UTHSC COM secondary application. Please use the text field below to share with us how you may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including academic, financial, medical disruptions, etc. It would also be helpful for us to hear if any of your planned experiences in shadowing, volunteering, research, employment, or other activities were suspended due to the pandemic. (2500 characters)

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Please reflect on the upbringing, background, and experiences in your life that have shaped who you are as a person and will help define the person you want to be in the future. In other words, what makes you who you are? (800 words)

Tell us about a time when you interacted with someone who is different than you. What did you learn? What would you do differently? (600 words)

Everyone needs help at various times in their lives. Describe a time you asked for help and what you gained from that experience that has influenced your approach to asking for help. (600 words)

Optional: If you have completed your undergraduate education, please comment on what you have done or have been doing since graduation. (200 words)

Optional: If applicable, please describe how the COVID-19 outbreak affected your pathway to medical school. You may discuss any academic, personal, financial, or professional alterations to your plans. NOTE: Disclosing certain hardships or obstacles that have been faced during this time will not negatively affect an application. (200 words)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Texas: How to Get In )

Baylor College of Medicine 

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into the Baylor College of Medicine )

In addition to training as a competent physician, please select up to two additional areas of interest from the items below that you may want to pursue during your medical studies. Your responses will have no bearing on applications to joint degrees or special programs to which you might also apply. Options include:

Clinical Research

Healthcare/disparities/medical underserved communities

Academic Medicine

Community Health

Simulation in medical education

Health systems science

What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path? (1,000 characters)

Are you planning to matriculate into medical school immediately after completing your undergraduate education? If not, please explain what activities and/or careers you have pursued in the time between your college education and your application. (no limit)

Indicate any special experiences, unusual factors or other information you feel would be helpful in evaluating you, including, but not limited to, education, employment, extracurricular activities, prevailing over adversity. You may expand upon but not repeat TMDSAS or AMCAS application information.  This section is mandatory.  Please make sure you submit an essay or your application  will not  be reviewed by the committee. (2,000 characters)

MD/PhD Applicants Additional Prompts:

Please describe your primary research Interests for PhD training. (Limit of 1000 characters)

Why do you think Baylor College of Medicine MD/PhD Program would be a good place for you to train to be a physician scientist? Please provide names of potential Baylor College of Medicine and/or Rice University faculty with whom you would like to work. (Will not limit final research project or mentor selection) (Limit of 1,500 characters)

Tell us about a characteristic(s) that may enable you to interact with people from a wide range of ages, experiences, viewpoints, and backgrounds. (Limit of 1,000 characters)

Published articles, please provide full citations.

Plans for the 2023-2024 academic year description (Limit of 1,000 characters)

Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from (your hometown or where you graduated high school)? (800 characters)

Describe a moment when you failed to accomplish a task or let yourself down. How did you grow from this experience? (800 characters)

What do you consider the role of physicians in medically underserved Texas communities? (800 characters)

Sam Houston State University's Motto is "The Measure of a Life is its Service." What is the most significant service contribution that you have made? (800 characters)

As a DO physician, how would you plan to incorporate the tenets of osteopathic medicine into your future practice? (800 characters)

Are you a Texas resident? [Yes or No]

Please share anything you would like to mention to the SHSU-COM Admissions Committee about yourself to strengthen your application. (500 characters)

TCU School of Medicine

TCU School of Medicine does not employ a written secondary application. Instead, they use an online tool that allows invited applicants to record audio answers to questions given at the time of recording.

Texas A&M University College of Medicine

As a physician, you never know what type of patient you will serve. From your past experiences, please describe or highlight factors or situations that demonstrate your ability to work with individuals from multicultural communities. (3500 characters max)

The Texas A&M School of Medicine embraces the Aggie Core Values of Respect, Excellence, Leadership, Loyalty, Integrity and Selfless Service. Please elaborate on personal characteristics, values, accomplishments and/or any experiences that you feel will help to demonstrate your potential to contribute to the school and to the profession of medicine. (3500 characters max)

Describe any circumstances indicative of some hardship, such as, but not limited to, financial difficulties, personal or family illness, a medical condition, a death in the immediate family or educational disadvantage not mentioned in your primary application essays. What strategies have you used to address these circumstances? (3500 characters max)

OPTIONAL QUESTION: List the area (or areas) of medicine that appeals to you and briefly explain. (Limit your explanation to 50 words or 250 characters total) Do not leave blank. If not applicable, please so indicate.

EnMed (Engineering Medicine) Program prompts

How did you hear about the EnMed program? (250 words)

How will the Engineering Medicine program meet your career goals and aspirations in ways that a traditional MD program would not? (250 words)

List the knowledge and skills you have participated in outside the classroom, then describe how these have prepared you to create innovative medical technologies. (250 words)

List the knowledge and skills you have acquired inside the classroom, then describe how these have prepared you to create innovative medical technologies. (250 words)

At the end of your career, what do you want to have accomplished in order to consider yourself successful? (250 words)

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine

The mission of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Paul L. Foster School of Medicine is to provide an outstanding education and development opportunities for a diverse group of students, residents, faculty, and staff; advance knowledge through innovation and research; and serve the needs of our socially and culturally diverse communities and region.” Recognizing the components of this mission and that PLFSOM is located on the US/Mexico border, please describe why you are interested in applying to our school. (300 words or less)

The Foster SOM student honor code states “In my capacity as a Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso School of Medicine medical student, I will uphold the dignity of the medical profession. I will, to the best of my ability, avoid actions which might result in harm to my patients. I will protect the dignity of my patients and the deceased, and will protect their confidential information in accordance with the prevailing standards of medical practice. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I will enter into professional relationships with my colleagues, teachers, and other health care professionals in a manner that is respectful and reflective of the high standards and expectations of my profession. I will not tolerate violations of this Code by others and will report such violations to the appropriate authorities.” Please describe past experiences or personal attributes that reflect your affinity with this honor code. (300 words or less)

Please describe any unique personal experiences or disadvantage (educational, financial or otherwise) and their significance to you in your pursuit of a medical degree. (300 words or less)

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine – Lubbock

Areas of Interest:

Please indicate the area(s) of medicine you are interested in and briefly describe your significant activities for each respective interest in the available text box (if checked, a box will appear with a 100 word limit)

Practicing in an underserved area

Rural health

Medical Research

Medical Academics

Border Health

Public Health

Other (please describe below)

Supplemental Information:

Have you experienced any road bumps in your academic career? (low academic performance, dropping, retaking, or failing courses, etc.) If yes, please explain your circumstance. (250 words or less)

(Required) Please share any lessons learned during your academic journey. For example, a time a goal of yours was deterred and maybe even halted, how did you handle that situation? (250 words or less)

If you are applying to a dual degree program, please rank them in order of preference.

Are you applying to our MD & E program?

Are you applying to FMAT?

Have you experienced any hardship or adversity, personally or professionally? If yes, please share your experience with us. (200 words or less)

(Required) Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities. (200 words or less)

(Required) Please share with us your ideal practice. For example: Where would you practice? Who would your patients be? What would your specialty be? (100 word limit)

Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties? If yes, what town or county did you reside in, or what other factors would you cite? (100 words or less)

Do you consider yourself to be first generation? If yes, please explain your reasoning (Examples of Definition: both of your parents are born outside of the USA, both of your parents have education or a degree outside of the USA, both of your parents do not have an education higher than high school). If yes, then explain. (100 words or less)

Have you ever participated in any TTUHSC special programs?

Middle School to Medical School (M2M)

Early Dedication to Medical Education (EDME)

Future Healthcare Professional’s Experience (FHPE)

Summer Enrichment Program (SEP)

Premedical Enrichment Program (PEP)

Graduate Medical Education Sciences (GMES)

University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

Explain your understanding of osteopathic medicine and your interest in pursuing this pathway to becoming a physician. (200 words)

UIWSOM is the first faith-based school of osteopathic medicine in Texas and mission-driven. How will you contribute to the UIWSOM by fulfilling this mission? (200 words)

Please describe your preparation for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). Include any tools you may have used to prepare, length of study time, practice exams, etc. (200 words)

(Answer if applicable.) If you are reapplying to UIWSOM, what have you done to strengthen your application since you last applied? (200 words)

Are you a current or former student of the University of the Incarnate Word who falls in one of the categories below?

a) Current MBS student

b) Previous UIWSOM MBS student

c) Current UIW undergraduate student in Direct Admit program

University of Houston College of Medicine

(a) Yes or no questions with 300 characters to explain each experience:

I have prior experience in a primary care setting.

I have prior experience in a medical practice or social service for an underserved area.

I have prior experience in community or public health

(b) Describe the setting (urban/inner city; suburban; rural); your role and responsibilities; and approximate date range for any of the experiences you indicated in the previous section. If you answered (N) to the category, enter “N/A” or leave the box blank for that category.

Primary Care: (300 character limit)

Medical or Social service for underserved area: (300 character limit)

Community or Public Health: (300 character limit)

Describe any employment, family or other obligations that impacted your education that are NOT already indicated in your TMDSAS application. (750 characters, optional)

Describe up to 3 of your activities/life experiences that align with our mission. Explain how they might demonstrate a commitment to underserved communities. The examples you select must be included in TMDSAS primary application. Go to the UH College of Medicine mission for more information. (1500 characters)

University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

OSTEOPATHIC KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCES, AND/OR RELATIONSHIPS Please address each topic in a separate paragraph:

What experiences and/or relationships have motivated you toward a career in osteopathic medicine? (2,000 characters including spaces)


A. If you attended more than two colleges/universities, explain why. Community colleges are not needed. (1,000 characters including spaces)

B. If applicable, please update the information contained on your TMDSAS application. Indicate any additional grades earned, alterations in your proposed coursework or graduation date, additions to your extracurricular activities, name change, or anything else you feel the Admissions Committee should know. (1,000 characters including spaces)


An additional evaluation letter may be submitted directly to UNTHSC Office of Admissions by the evaluator. A letter from an osteopathic physician is highly recommended. Please indicate the name of the evaluator and whether or not they are a D.O.


-Did you live in a single parent household?

If yes, number of years/months:

Number of Years:

Number of Months:

-Do you consider yourself financially disadvantaged?

If yes, please explain. (1,000 character limit including spaces)

-Do you consider yourself educationally disadvantaged?


One of the values of the University of North Texas System is Courageous Integrity which means one should model exceptional standards and act in the best interest of our community. These behaviors include:

Build trust through consistent actions that are honest, transparent, and authentic

Provide, accept, and support open and constructive feedback

Hold yourself and others accountable for decisions, behaviors, actions, and results

Please select a specific instance where you have demonstrated Courageous Integrity and describe how this is indicative of your character (2,000 character limit)

University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School 

In an effort to give a greater number of applicants the opportunity to present themselves to Dell Med’s admissions team, the school uses a unique video secondary application. If selected for further consideration, the applicant receives an email invitation with details on how to prepare and submit the video through a free online portal. The secondary application consists of questions that address specific aspects of the school’s mission. In a two-minute response for each question, the candidate speaks to how their experiences will help them contribute to this work. The priority deadline for the secondary application is Dec. 15 ; application will be reviewed only after the secondary is submitted.

Candidates who feel they would represent themselves better in a written format are given the opportunity to request a written version of the secondary application.

(Note: Candidates do not receive the same set of questions.)

University of Texas Long School of Medicine at San Antonio 

Long School of Medicine does not employ a written secondary application. However, all applicants who are invited to interview are also invited to complete a standard one-way video interview.

University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine

Part A. Choose two of the following prompts to respond to (300 words maximum each):

Describe a time when you advocated for someone whose social identity (e.g., race, gender, sex, religion, socioeconomic status, ability status, etc.) differed from yours. Explain the situation and why advocacy was necessary.

Describe a time you were wrong. Why were you wrong? How did you respond?

How do you define curiosity? Provide an example in which curiosity helped solve or expand your knowledge and experience outside of the academic environment.

What attributes do you look for in your physician(s)? Which of these attributes do you need to develop? How will you develop them?

John Sealy School of Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch serves patients throughout Texas, focusing on Galveston County and Gulf Coast Region. Are there particular characteristics of our school and/or the Galveston area in terms of location, history, or other attributes which make you especially interested in matriculating here?

Part B. There will also be an asynchronous video you need to complete through SparkHire .

University of Texas McGovern Medical School at Houston 

Please discuss one of the following:

A challenging situation or obstacle you have faced in the past

Any academic road bumps in your academic career (low academic performance, failing course, dropping/retaking of courses)

Why was it challenging? How did you handle it? Knowing what you know now, would you do anything differently? What did you learn? (2500 characters)

Describe a time or situation where you have been unsuccessful or failed. What did you learn from this experience and how have you applied this learning to your work and/or life? (2500 characters)

What would you like to contribute and be remembered for in medicine? (2500 characters)

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine

Which potential barriers and facilitators exist for medicine of the future? How will you make a difference in this regard? (350 words or less)

Describe how you decide if a person or source is trustworthy. (300 words or less)

Describe a time when the awareness of your own limitations resulted in a favorable outcome for you or someone close to you. (350 words or less)

In the event you are accepted to two or more medical schools, what factors would be most important in determining which school would be the "best fit" for you. (150 words max; bullet points are acceptable)

OPTIONAL: If you feel that the Admissions Committee should be aware of any academic discrepancies or extenuating circumstances, please explain them. (350 words or less)

OPTIONAL: Describe any major hardships you have overcome to reach this point in your life. (350 words or less)

OPTIONAL: How have volunteer work, hobbies, and/or extracurricular activities informed your beliefs about health care and a career in medicine? (350 words or less)

[Video Response]: Submit a 2-minute video that responds to two of the values listed below.

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine prepares future physicians in accordance with the following values: patient advocacy, community focus, cultural awareness, collaborative leadership style, and lifelong problem solving. Select TWO (2) of these values and discuss what you have done in the past that resonates with them. How will you support and strengthen these two values when you practice medicine?

University of Texas Southwestern Medical School

Describe a group project or activity that you are most proud of. Consider the following in your response: What aspect makes you most proud? How was it accomplished? How did you deal with disagreement or conflict in the group? How did you get fellow group members to embrace a position or view your perspective? (2500 characters)

Describe a time that you have witnessed someone acting unethically or dishonestly, or an experienced behavior of harassment or discrimination. What did you do? Describe your reaction, is there anything you might do differently now in retrospect. (2500 characters)

Describe an interaction or experience that has made you more sensitive or appreciative of cultural differences, and/or how you have committed yourself to understanding and aiding in the pursuit of equity and inclusion in your academic, professional or personal life. (2500 characters)

Have you engaged in any public service activities for a duration of one year or greater in length (examples: Military, Peace Corps, Teach for America, etc.). Yes or No? If so, please describe the experience and impact on your personal and professional development. (2500 characters) (Optional)

Please explain any academic discrepancies or extenuating circumstances that you feel the Admissions Committee should know. (2500 characters) (Optional)

University of Texas at Tyler School of Medicine

Answer these checkbox questions:

I have direct ties to the East Texas region (born, graduated high school, community college, undergraduate, etc.)

I have indirect ties to the East Texas Region (family members, in-laws, visited East Texas frequently, attended summer camp in East Texas, etc.)

I have ties to a rural region with similar characteristics to the East Texas region (size, demographics, health disparities, etc.)

I do not have ties to the East Texas region; however, I’m interested in practicing in this area after graduation.

I do not have ties to the East Texas region but am still interested in attending the UT Tyler School of Medicine.

Are you a reapplicant? Yes/No

Are you a reapplicant to UT Tyler SOM? Yes/No

If yes, What have you done between the last application cycle to make your application stronger? (no character limit)

Why are you interested in applying to UT Tyler’s SOM? (500 words)

Describe any experiences/information you have in/about East Texas as it relates to our Mission Statement. (500 words)

Please share with the committee what unique skills, experiences, and/or qualities/characteristics and/or ideas you may have/possess that will help you contribute to the mission of UT Tyler School of Medicine if selected for the class. (500 words)

Please review the SOM Values and select the value that most resonates with you. Explain why. (500 words)

Optional question (highly recommend): Please use this space to share with the committee any additional information that may help us evaluate your candidacy that is not addressed elsewhere in the application. (500 words)

Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine

Record a short video (maximum 8 minutes) that answers the following questions:

Who are you?

What is your passion?

What does service mean to you?

Tell us about a physician you admire/want to emulate?

Why Noorda-COM?

University of Utah School of Medicine 

Tell us why you are interested in pursuing a career in medicine at the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine. How does our program align with your personal and professional goals? What can you contribute to our exceptional learning experience? (300 words)

Describe how health disparities have impacted you, your community, and/or the communities you have served. What lessons have you learned and how do you plan to use this knowledge to address health equity as a medical student at our program and as a future physician? (300 words)

(For reapplicants) "Upon reflection and self-assessment, please share with us your areas of demonstrated growth since your previous application. Please highlight examples of your continued commitment to medicine." (300 words)

RUUTE Scholars questions:

According to your experiences, what does rural and underserved mean to you? (500 words)

How would participation in RUUTE help you fulfill your career aspirations? (150 words)

Why do you believe this program will be a good fit for you? (150 words)

Population Health Program questions:

Please share your interest in the Population Health Program (no word count given)

What are your career interests and future professional goals? (no word count given)

Please describe how you have demonstrated commitment to Population Health concepts during your academic and professional experiences: (no word count given)

What does Population Health mean to you and how do you plan on implementing it into your future education and professional career? (no word count given)

University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine

The Larner College of Medicine curriculum emphasizes active in-person participation and peer co-learning which translates into strong clinical practice. This relies on individual students preparing for, and being actively involved in, participatory class sessions. Please share your thoughts on the suitability of active learning for you. You may use any of the points below to guide your response. (400 words)

Navigating a group learning process.

Personal contributions to such a learning environment and areas of growth.

The value of balancing your learning with the teaching of your classmates.

Any potential challenges to this approach to learning.

The Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont recognizes that diversity extends beyond chosen and unchosen identities and encompasses an individual’s entire experiences. Diverse environments can promote growth and provide an opportunity for reflection. Reflect on a time you learned something from someone or a group of people who are unlike yourself and how that challenged your preconceptions or biases. How will this experience influence your behavior in the future? (400 words)

The Larner College of Medicine has core values that are reflected in our professionalism statement. How has your understanding of what professionalism means evolved over time? Reflect on a personal experience that contributed to your understanding of your own core values. (300 words)

What unique opportunities at Larner College of Medicine would be meaningful to you in your education and how do these align with your larger goal of becoming a physician? (250 words)

(Optional) Use this space to share any information, not presented elsewhere, that will clarify any aspect of your application. If you are a reapplicant, you may choose to share what you have done since your previous application. (250 words)

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Virginia: How to Get In )

Eastern Virginia Medical School *

Time-sensitive considerations: 30 days from the date of invitation (This information was confirmed with the school.)

(Suggested reading: How to Get Into Eastern Virginia Medical School )

Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2000 characters)

What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2000 characters)

What do you think you will like least about being a physician? (2000 characters)

Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2000 characters)

Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2000 characters)

(Optional) EVMS is dedicated to inclusivity and supporting patients and students from diverse backgrounds. Feel free to share your personal experience or ties to communities from diverse backgrounds. Please explain in detail if you wish to respond. Some examples include but are not limited to race/ethnicity, culture, LGBTQ+, differently-abled/disabled, etc. (2000 characters)

(Optional) If you would like to discuss how race has personally affected your life, through discrimination, inspiration or otherwise, feel free to share your experiences, obstacles overcome, and how this impacted your education and road to applying to medical school. (3000 characters)

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine

Describe a significant challenge you have experienced in your life, share the strategies you employed to overcome the challenge, and what you learned from the experience. (500 words)

Professionalism and respect in the community in which you live is of utmost importance in medical school and as a physician. What three professional qualities do you believe a Student Doctor must demonstrate and describe how you will demonstrate these qualities as a medical student at VCOM? (500 words)

How do your professional ambitions align with osteopathic medicine? (500 words)

What influenced your decision to apply to VCOM? (e.g., personal or medical experiences; influences of friends/family/physicians/mentors; etc.) (500 words)

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine, as a faith-based institution, exists to develop excellent osteopathic physicians in a Christian environment who will impact the world by becoming leaders in the practice of medicine and servants of their fellow man. In 250-500 words, please describe how your personal faith, beliefs, or values will allow you to contribute to LUCOM's mission to develop patient-centered physicians for the osteopathic medical profession.

In under 300 words, how do you hope to impact your community as an osteopathic physician?

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations:  "The supplemental application should be submitted within 60 days of supplemental granted notification by 6 pm."

You are approached by a neighbor whom you are friendly with and who knows you are headed to medical school. The neighbor wants your opinion on whether she should have her healthy 3-year-old child vaccinated against COVID. The neighbor is well-researched and thoughtful, bringing up data that suggests limited long-term benefits of vaccination, while pointing to concerning, documented side effects. How would you respond to this dilemma? (Comments are limited to 2,000 characters. Research on the topic is encouraged)

How do you define “grit”, and how have you demonstrated this in the past? (2,000 character limit)

Please briefly explain any lapses in your undergraduate education that are not explained in your application. (2,000 character limit)

Please briefly explain any low GPAs or poor grades. (2,000 character limit)

If not addressed in your application, what are you currently doing now?

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute

Explain why integrity is more important than intelligence and perseverance using an example from your life. (600 words)

Explain how your concept of diversity is both the same and different from the mainstream view. (600 words)

Choose one aspect about yourself, not already reflected in your application, that you are most proud of. Explain your choice below. (600 words)

Please describe something you deserved but didn’t get and how you felt about it. (600 words)

University of Virginia School of Medicine

Please briefly describe how the pandemic impacted your ability to pursue experiences like clinical work, shadowing, research, or community service.

Please list any and all future activities in clinical work, shadowing, research, or community service that you plan to pursue in the upcoming year.

Why are you interested in attending the University of Virginia School of Medicine? What factors will be most important to you in choosing a medical school? Please answer the question in 350 words or less.

How will you contribute to the diversity of your medical school class and the University of Virginia School of Medicine? Please answer the question in 350 words or less.

Tell us about a challenge or obstacle you experienced. How did you manage it? Please answer the question in 350 words or less.

(Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Washington State: How to Get In )

Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

Describe personal experiences that have shaped your desire to attend an osteopathic medical school that focuses on addressing rural and/or medically underserved populations and diversity, equity, and inclusion in health care. (One page)

Washington State University Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

How will you contribute to the mission and vision of the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine? Support your response with your experiences and/or attributes. (300 words)

What experiences have you had with rural and/or underserved communities/populations? What have you learned from these experiences? (300 words)

Describe your connections to Washington communities and your interests in practicing medicine in Washington. (300 words)

How have you built your resilience? (300 words)

Learning from others is enhanced in educational settings that include individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Please describe your personal characteristics or experiences that would add to the educational environment for your classmates. (300 words)

If you are a re-applicant to WSU College of Medicine, describe what you have done since last applying to strengthen your candidacy for our medical school. If you are not a re-applicant to the College of Medicine, please leave blank. (300 words)

University of Washington School of Medicine

How have societal inequities in the U.S. affected you or people you have worked with? (250 words)

The UWSOM aims to build a diverse class of students to enrich the field of medicine. What perspectives, identities, and/or qualities would you bring? (250 words)

What obstacles have you experienced and how have you overcome them? (250 words)

Describe your competency by explaining how you have explored and come to understand issues in the social sciences and humanities as they relate to the practice of medicine. (250 words)

For re-applicants: From your most recent application until now, how have you strengthened your application? (250 words)

For Wyoming applicants: Describe your experiences in Wyoming that have influenced and/or informed your decision to pursue a medical career? (250 words)

Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine 

Why did you decide to apply to Marshall? (5000 characters)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Where do you want to serve or practice medicine? (5000 characters)

If you are not presently attending school indicate your employment or other plans for the time prior to your planned enrollment in medical school. If still in school, enter N/A. (2000 characters)

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

Why do you want to be an osteopathic physician? (500 characters)

What advantage do you see in attending WVSOM over other medical schools? (500 characters)

Describe an ethically challenging situation you have been in, and how you respond? (500 characters)

What do you feel it will take for you to succeed in medical school? (500 characters)

Describe a situation in work, volunteer activities, or organizations where you demonstrated your ability to work well with others. (500 characters)

What experiences (living, working or visiting) have you had in rural areas? (500 characters)

West Virginia University School of Medicine *

Time-sensitive considerations: 2 weeks from the date of invitation (This information was confirmed with the school.)

Why do you want to attend the WVU SOM? (150 words)

Describe a time when you worked closely and successfully with another person who had a background different from your own. (150 words)

How do you see yourself serving the state of West Virginia if accepted? (150 words)

Which one of the AAMC Interpersonal or Intrapersonal Core Competencies is your strongest, and why? How will this competency enhance your ability to be an outstanding physician? (150 words)

What is your life motto, and why? (150 words)

Medical College of Wisconsin

Explain how your unique background, identity, interests, or talents will contribute to the MCW learning community. (1000 characters)

How will MCW uniquely prepare you for your future goals? (1000 characters)

Recount a time when you made a decision you regret. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? (2000 characters)

The Medical College of Wisconsin is committed to educating health professionals who are dedicated to improving health equity across the diverse populations we serve. Share with us what you have learned or how you have grown through working with or serving people from cultural backgrounds or groups different than your own. How do you believe you can contribute to improving health equity or reducing health disparities as a physician? (2000 characters)

Additional Demographic Checkboxes

If you choose one (or multiple), you will have up to 2,000 characters to elaborate.

I identify as part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or asexual (LGBTQIA) community.

I am the first person in my immediate family to attend college (excluding siblings).

I was born or grew up in a rural community.

I am a military veteran (including active duty and those transitioning to civilian life).

I come from an economically disadvantaged background.

I attended an underperforming elementary, middle, or high school.

My primary language is NOT English.

I have overcome a significant hardship.

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

The Admissions Committee is committed to holistic, mission-aligned evaluation of all applicants. Review our institution’s mission . Using specific examples, discuss how and why you believe you are a good fit for the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. (500 words max.)

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values of UWSMPH and crucial to the education of tomorrow’s physicians. Reflect on how you would embody these values in your education or practice. (250 words max.)

Integrity, accountability, and compassion are UWSMPH core values. Pick one of these and reflect on your lived experience with it. (250 words max.)

Many inequities exist at the intersection between health outcomes and historical, societal, economic, or other systemic factors. Choose a broader issue or policy that impacts health outcomes where you believe change is needed to advance health equity. Discuss the role you hope to play as a physician in addressing this issue. (250 words max.)

(OPTIONAL) If germane to your overall application, please share in a brief paragraph how COVID-19 impacted your application in any of the following domains:

Personal Life

Topics to address might include the public health lessons and health care insights learned from the pandemic, creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis, or any hardships (economic, health, or other) you faced due to the virus or its mitigation efforts (e.g. social distancing, quarantine).

Required Essay for Re-applicants to UW-Madison : Individuals who are reapplying are required to submit a statement indicating what has changed since the previous application to the UW School of Medicine and Public Health MD or MD/PhD program (e.g., additional academic work, new letters of recommendation, work and volunteer experience, life changes, etc.) (500 words)

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ucla secondary essay examples

University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA

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Want to see your chances of admission at University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA?

We take every aspect of your personal profile into consideration when calculating your admissions chances.

University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Select-a-prompt short responses.

Please respond to any 4 of the 8 questions below.We realize that not all questions apply to all applicants, so be sure to select the 4 questions that you believe give us the best information about you.All 8 questions are given equal consideration in the application review process. Responses to each question should be between 250-350 words.

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?

ucla secondary essay examples

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ucla secondary essay examples

UCLA Successful Essay Examples

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UCLA is one of the most popular universities in California. In recent years, it has received a record number of applications. If the West Coast  calls to you and you like the idea of finding your niche in a large top tier university, UCLA may be the school for you. If you’re still working on your responses to the UC essay prompts, these examples may help. 

ucla secondary essay examples

One of the most sought-after UC schools, UCLA is a dream school for many Californians. More than 100,000 students applied to UCLA last fall, and the numbers are expected to remain the same for this upcoming application season. For those of you applying this Fall, the regular application filing period is November 1-30. If you’re still working on your UC essays, here are 5 successful examples that might inspire you to write yours: 

UC Los Angeles ‘20

ucla secondary essay examples

Prompt: Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community, or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

It was my fault. I had chosen this topic for my math exploration, armed with only the feeblest grasp of actual concept. Music, math, and the harmonic series…I sighed. In the time-honored tradition of all students, I had turned to Google for succor. The words on the screen blurred together hazily. “Pythagoras discovered that a string exactly 1/nth its length produces a frequency n times the original frequency…” It just didn’t make sense: what did a bunch of numbers have to do with musical consonance? Read her full UCLA application essay.

ucla secondary essay examples

A bright orange glow reflecting on the water, I love watching the sunrise at the beach. I grew up less than ten minutes away from the Atlantic and my early childhood memories include frequent trips to the beach. Although the beach is a stunning sight, the beach is not always pristine. My family and I regularly remove trash from the beach, including commercial fishing and industrial debris, particularly after storms, sometimes in quantities almost too heavy to carry. Unlock his full UCLA profile read his application!

ucla secondary essay examples

Prompt: Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

Starting in 6th grade, I spent every summer at Jon Lee’s East Beach volleyball camp. Most kids came and went on a weekly basis, but I just stayed. There was nowhere else I would rather have been, than at East Beach playing volleyball with my friends. I loved it so much that I sought out faster improvement, committing to more formal training with an AVP professional player. View his full successful UCLA profile.

ucla secondary essay examples

T-shirt. I had never heard of DECA before. Curious, I asked him more about it, and learned that it was “a club for, like marketing and business”, as he called it. Her persuaded me to join and we planned to compete together in the Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team even. Unlock his full UCLA profile read his application!

ucla secondary essay examples

Prompt: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?  

I can read koalas with turtles and I can eat ice cream with friends in North Korea. This is all possible due to the power of Photoshop. Photoshop is like a straw that allows people’s eyes to drink from my imagination. I can make anything and put it anywhere; from sea monsters in the ocean to winged toasters at my birth. For nearly four years, I have used Photoshop to express myself in an adventurous way, one that offers me wider avenues than music or writing do. I am constantly improving my photoshopping abilities and therefore expanding the limits of my expression. Unlock his full UCLA profile read his application!

ucla secondary essay examples

Are you looking to apply to UC Schools? or just starting to build out  your college list ? Make sure to search through profiles of students accepted to see essays, stats, and advice. See how they got in, and how you can too!

About The Author

Frances Wong

Frances was born in Hong Kong and received her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She loves super sad drama television, cooking, and reading. Her favorite person on Earth isn’t actually a member of the AdmitSee team - it’s her dog Cooper.

Browse Successful Application Files

ucla secondary essay examples

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ucla secondary essay examples

  • 1. Webinar Series: College Application Prep for High School Juniors
  • 2. College Application Lessons from 2020-2021: Strategizing through Covid Changes (Part 2)
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Download our FREE 4-Year College Application Guide & Checklist

  • 5. COVID-19 and Your College Essay: Should You Write About It?
  • 6. College Search: How to Find Your Best College Fit
  • 7. College Tours 101: Everything You Need to Know
  • 8. Waitlisted? 5 Ways to Move from the College Waitlist to Acceptance
  • 9. When (and why) should you send additional materials to colleges you’re interested in?
  • 10. How to Make Your College Essay Stand Out
  • 1. How to Write College Essays to Boost your Chances Part 2: Focusing the Priority
  • 2. How to Write College Essays to Boost your Chances Part 1: Biggest Essay Mistakes
  • 3. College Application Lessons from 2020-2021: Strategizing through Covid Changes (Part 2)
  • 5. Winners of the AdmitSee 2020 College Scholarship
  • 6. COVID-19 and Your College Essay: Should You Write About It?
  • 7. Education, Access and Systemic Racism
  • 8. Applying to BS/MD Direct Medical Programs: Why Early Med School Admission Might be Right for You
  • 9. How to Get Off the College Waitlist (5 Go-To Strategies)
  • 10. College admissions prep during the Coronavirus

ucla secondary essay examples

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Secondary Questions

Here are David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA’s secondary questions.

Secondary Essay Editing

At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an “Outstanding Physician, AND…,”  dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? (800 characters)

Respond to the following and indicate how these areas of experience have impacted your progress toward your future career goals in relation to becoming an “Outstanding Physician, AND…” .

A-Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters)

B-Describe your most important volunteer work and why it was meaningful. (800 characters)

C-Describe your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities) and provide the total number of hours, dates and advisor. (800 characters)

Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as other relevant information. (800 characters)

Did you experience or are you anticipating time between graduating from college and matriculating into medical school? If yes ; Describe the activities in which you participated or are planning to participate. Examples include additional schooling, employment, or caring for a loved one.(800 characters)

Do you identify as being part of a group that has been marginalized (examples include, but are not limited to, LGBTQIA, disabilities, federally recognized tribe) in terms of access to education or healthcare? If yes; Describe how this inequity has impacted you or your community and how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community.(800 characters)

At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an “Outstanding Physician, AND…,”  dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? (800 characters)

A-Describe your most unique leadership, entrepreneurial, or creative activity. (800 characters)

B-Describe your most important volunteer work and why it was meaningful. (800 characters)

C-Describe your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities) and provide the total number of hours, dates and advisor. (800 characters)

Do you identify as being part of a group that has been marginalized (examples include, but are not limited to, LGBTQIA, disabilities, federally recognized tribe) in terms of access to education or healthcare? If so, describe how this inequity has impacted you or your community and how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community. (800 characters)

Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life. (800 char)

What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 char)

What has been the one most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? (800 char)

Has there been or will there be a gap between achieving your last degree (baccalaureate or other degrees post baccalaureate) and the expected time of medical school matriculation? (300 char to explain if yes)

What is the one most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important? (300 char)

What has been your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities)? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. (300 char)

Describe a problem in your life. Include how you dealt with it and how it influenced your growth. (500 char)

Please list any major paid work experience during or since college. (4000 characters per work experience)

Is there any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application? (500 char)

Where do you see yourself post-graduate education? What experiences have led you to this goal? (500 char)

Describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your pathway to medical school. Include any academic, personal, financial or professional barriers, as well as any other relevant information.

Please list any major paid work experience during or since college. (4000 characrers per work experience)

Section to enter major work experiences, with 4000 char. to explain each experience.

Is there any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application? If yes: Please explain. Include any geographic, language, economic, academic, physical, or mental factors: (500 char)

2017 – 2018

Same as previous year (see 2015-2016).

2016 – 2017

Same as previous year.

2015 – 2016

Describe involvement in the ONE most important non-academic activity that has been important in your life? (800 char)

What has been the ONE most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 char)

What has been the ONE most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? (800 char)

Has there been or will there be a gap between achieving your last degree (baccalaureate or other degrees post baccalaureate) and the expected time of medical school matriculation? (yes or no). If yes, please explain. (800 char)

What is the ONE most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important? (800 char)

What has been your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities)? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. (800 char)

Describe a problem in your life. Include how you dealt with it and how it influenced your growth. (800 char)

List major paid work experience during (or since) college. Give dates, description, approximate hours worked (list the most recent first). (800 char)

If there is any hardshipt o which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application, then check the box labeled ‘Hardship’ and briefly explain why you are indicating a hardship. Include any geographic, language, economic, academic, physical, or mental factors. (800 char)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What experiences have led you to this goal? (800 char)

2014 – 2015

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Secondary Medical School Application Essays: How to Shine

Emphasizing fit and showing authenticity help medical school secondary essays stand out, experts say.

Tips for Secondary Med School Essays

Close-up of young woman brainstorming ideas on paper, looking for inspiration

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One of best pieces of advice when writing an application essay is to be authentic.

Key Takeaways

  • Secondary medical school essays should highlight why an applicant is a good fit.
  • Applicants should submit the essays early without compromising quality.
  • It's important to be authentic in essay responses.

After receiving primary applications, most medical schools ask applicants to complete a secondary application, which typically includes additional essay questions. While primary essay prompts ask why you're pursuing medicine, medical school secondary essays focus on you and how you fit with a specific school.

Secondary essay prompts vary by school, but they're generally designed to help med schools learn about you at a deeper level. They may ask you to reflect on what makes you who you are, a time when you worked with a population different than yourself, an occasion where you asked for help or a time when you worked in a team. They may ask how you spent a gap year before applying to medical school or what you did after your undergraduate degree.

"What we are trying to figure out is if this is a candidate that can fulfill the premedical competencies and whether they are mission-aligned," says Dr. Wendy Jackson, associate dean for admissions at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine . “Can they help fulfill the needs that our institution is trying to deliver?”

A lot rides on these essays, but keeping a few best practices in mind can make the process less daunting.

Emphasize Fit

The first thing medical schools look for is whether an applicant will be a good fit for the school’s mission, Jackson says.

“I would challenge someone who is completing a secondary application to understand the mission of the school and envision how they are going to contribute to that,” she says. “The vast majority of schools are going to ask why you chose their institution, so you need to be prepared to answer that.”

Some secondary essay questions are optional, but experts recommend answering them even though they're extra work. For example, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Tennessee asks applicants what makes them interested in the school.

“We just want to see if they’re a good fit for us and that they’ve done a little bit of homework about Vanderbilt," says Jennifer Kimble, director of admissions at Vanderbilt's medical school. "We want to make sure that the students we admit are going to be happy with their Vanderbilt experience.”

Avoid focusing on what you’re going to gain from the school – schools are really asking how you'll be an asset to the program.

"It’s almost like if you’re trying to date someone and you tell them, ‘Here’s what I’m going to get from this relationship,’ without saying, ‘We’re better off together,’” says Shirag Shemmassian, founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting. “You have to sell the idea that you’re bettering one another and how you’re better together than apart. I think students often miss that latter component."

Don't Procrastinate

The medical school application process is often compared to a marathon, but the final steps may feel like a sprint. Applicants typically receive secondary application requests in late June, and in some cases schools want those back within a matter of weeks. Others set deadlines months down the road.

Either way, because of rolling admissions , it's best to send essays in as early as possible without compromising quality, Shemmassian says.

The earlier an applicant submits materials, the less competition they typically face, experts say. For example, Vanderbilt receives nearly 7,000 applications per year. Of those, roughly 600 applicants will be asked to interview and around 260 will be offered admission for 96 spots.

"At the beginning of the cycle, our calendar is wide open and we’re very open to who we bring in for an interview," Kimble says. "Down the road when we only have 30 seats left, it’s highly selective who those candidates are that get those coveted 30 interview spots that are left over."

Prewrite Essays

Applicants won't know the specific language of secondary essay prompts until schools send them, but in many cases, essay prompts are similar year to year and the previous year's prompts are often published on a school's admissions website, experts say. Some schools may change or tweak questions, but you can generally get a head start by prewriting essays based on previous prompts.

"As the new ones come out, you can modify as needed," Shemmassian says. "I would say that about 70% to 80% of prompts will remain the same or similar. If they change, you can usually adapt an essay you’ve written for another school."

Secondary essays vary in length and number. Vanderbilt requires applicants to submit an 800-word essay and two 600-word essays. Some schools may require close to 10 secondary essays. Shemmassian says this is significantly more writing than applicants are used to, so budgeting time is crucial.

But applicants should take care when prewriting essays and make sure each is tailored to the specific school with the correct school name, experts say. Jackson says she's read plenty of essays where applicants included the wrong school name and it cost them.

“You may think you can save time by cutting and pasting or taking half of a previously written essay response and making a modification,” Jackson says. “Be careful, because the questions vary from institution to institution.”

Experts say applicants often neglect to fully read prompts in their haste to complete answers. Though there's a time crunch, it's vital to thoroughly read the prompt and answer the question fully without grammatical or spelling errors.

“That seems kind of silly, but I think we can get going down a road when we’re writing and feel like we’ve completed and written something well but look back and never really have a response to the true question being asked," Jackson says.

Be Authentic

Medical school applicants tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves to write something that schools haven't read before, Kimble says. Given that med schools sift through thousands of applicants a year, "we’ve read all sorts of scenarios in life, so take that pressure and put it on the shelf," she says. "That’s not a concern for us. We aren’t looking for something that’s totally innovative."

Experts say schools are mostly looking for authenticity and an organic, genuine tone. The tone "can make or break an applicant," Jackson says.

It may be tempting, especially given time constraints, to rely on outside help – such as ChatGPT or other AI-powered software – to write essays. While some professors and admissions officers have embraced AI to help automate certain processes, Kimble says she strongly discourages med school applicants from using AI to help with secondary essays.

"We had an (application) that you could clearly see was not written by a human voice," she says. "It sounded very computer generated, so we ended up passing on the candidate just because we want to hear their story in their own words."

A Secondary Essay Example

Shemmassian compiles more than 1,000 sample secondary essays each year, using prompts from more than 150 medical schools in various states, and offers them to paying clients. The excerpted example below, created by Shemmassian's team and used with their permission, shows what he considers to be a successful diversity-themed essay in response to a Yale University School of Medicine prompt that asks applicants to reflect on how their background and experiences contribute to the school's focus on diversity and how it will inform their future role as a doctor.

As a child, one of my favorite times of the year was the summer, when I would travel to Yemen… at least until I turned twelve. Suddenly, the traditional and, in my Yemeni American view, restrictive laws for women, applied to me. Perhaps the most representative of these laws was having to cover my hair with a scarf-like garment. Staying true to my values, I decided against returning to Yemen, thereby losing a vital connection to my culture. However, this estrangement did not inhibit my growth.

The 500-word response continues with how the applicant met a Yemeni student who grew up in France and was barred from wearing a headscarf due to a school uniform policy. Where the applicant saw the headscarf as restrictive, the other student saw it as a connection to her roots. The applicant describes how although the same object held different meanings to two people from the same background, she used that to appreciate different perspectives and to advocate for a woman's right to express herself.

Later that year, I applied this lesson in perspective to my work as a clinical coordinator, when a patient walked into the office and handed me a piece of paper explaining she only spoke Arabic...By thinking critically while vernacularly translating the doctor’s advice, I was directly involved in the process of her medical care. Because of my experience in exploring the multi-cultural barriers I faced alongside the Yemeni French student who cherished her headscarf, I spent time talking to this Yemeni patient about the barriers she had faced in receiving care.
This experience motivated me to help overcome cultural healthcare barriers and disparities, showcasing my devotion to equitable treatment by creating a new protocol within the clinic where I work. Now, when scheduling patients over the phone, we ask if they have any language preferences, and we have a series of scripts we can use during each patient’s treatment.

The applicant then drives home why she believes she's a good fit for the school.

My background and experiences will contribute to Yale School of Medicine’s diversity and inform my future role as a physician by creating a student organization that holds informational workshops, utilizing my unique experiences to connect with Yale’s diverse patient population, and working to address healthcare disparities as a future physician. I envision these informational workshops would operate in the Haven Free Clinic patient waiting rooms to empower all patients, regardless of their background.

This essay is successful because it does more than tell essay readers about the applicant's background, Shemmassian says. It shows how the applicant grew "into a more compassionate and culturally humble future physician who will help patients overcome health care barriers."

"Strong diversity essays will always show admissions committees how a unique trait or life experience will help them become a better physician," he says. "This essay is especially successful because the applicant connects their experiences and what they’ve learned because of them to the Yale School of Medicine itself. This is an applicant who is already thinking deeply about not just what they can get out of medical school but how they can contribute to the values and mission of the school they attend."

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Medical School Application Mistakes

A diverse group of female medical students listen attentively while seated for a lecture.

Tags: medical school , doctors , graduate schools , education , students

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UCLA Secondary Essay Example

UCLA secondary essay response #6

Prompt: What has been your most scholarly project (thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities)? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. (300 characters)

For 3 years, I have worked under Dr. Joe Allen and Dr. Marshall Doe, learning research methods and publishing an article on regional reprogramming after proximal small bowel resection. This summer, I began a project to study IBD and prevention on Gut-On-A-Chip. I will work approximately 500 hours.  

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