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Department of Communication Design

Kwame nkrumah university of science and technology, registration of thesis/project topics.

The Postgraduate unit of the department requires all its postgraduate students to register their dissertation topics and sign the MoU with their supervisors. In this regards,  template for registration of dissertation topic  is available as downloads on the website.




The purpose of this MOU is:

  • to provide a clear outline of what each party to the student-supervisor relationship may expect from the other,
  • to clarify, from the start, the agreed roles and responsibilities of both candidate and supervisor, and
  • to ensure that the supervision experience is as mutually productive as possible.
  • It is intended to promote the development and maintenance of a sound and productive relationship between the two parties.  The resolution of any disputes that might arise between postgraduate students and their supervisors will be strongly informed by the content of this document.

For this reason, this document  extends  – and does not replace – any other agreements between the University and its students or staff, and should therefore be read in conjunction with the general rules governing enrolment of students and the conditions of employment for staff. 


The MOU must be completed and signed by masters and doctoral candidates within six weeks of initial registration , (or within the first two weeks of the term in which the student starts the dissertation/project in course-work masters degrees).

Both supervisor and candidate are strongly urged to read the  Guide to Postgraduate Studies   prior to completing this agreement.

Four copies of the MOU should be made : one for the candidate, one for the supervisor; one for the Coordinator; and  the original must be sent to the Departmental Office with the Registration form.

Code of Practice

This section defines the expected behaviour and attitude of all members of the university involved in postgraduate education and research. Students and staff should uphold the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct, in particular, relating to:

Academic standards:   All parties must be committed to the relevant study and research programmes, striving for excellence. For students this requires attendance at, and contribution to, all the forms of learning (lectures, tutorials, laboratories, seminars, field trips etc) which make up their programme. Staff, in turn, are committed to creating learning and research environments which encourage such scholarship. 

Interpersonal Behaviour:  All individuals should treat others with respect and no-one should be subjected to unfair discrimination.

University Rules and Guidelines:   All individuals should commit themselves to obeying all University rules and regulations.   

Safety and Security:  Staff and students must commit themselves to acting responsibly, safely, and with consideration for the welfare of all others with whom they come in contact, and to ensuring that security, both of people and property, is not compromised by their actions or inattentiveness.

Assessment and Examinations:  Staff have the responsibility to treat all students fairly and impartially when assessing their work.  Students must behave with integrity and absolute honesty. Incidents of plagiarism or cheating must be reported and dealt with appropriately.

Use of Resources:   All parties must use institutional resources responsibly and diligently, accepting the necessity for accountability.


Students and supervisors working together:

The completion of the research is primarily the responsibility of the student.   The supervisor should ensure that the necessary facilities to carry out the project are made available to the student for a reasonable time, such time being sufficient to enable the project to be completed. Any changes to the research programme must be agreed between the student and the supervisor. The supervisor and the student must agree to meet regularly, with an agreed programme of meeting times (which may be flexible), and the supervisor will give timely feedback on the student’s progress and will return any work submitted by the student within a reasonable time, normally three weeks.

Research outputs and intellectual property:

Intellectual property generated in the course of postgraduate programmes normally belongs to the University.  It may also be subject to confidentiality based on contracts and agreements pertaining to the research.  The student must be made aware of such conditions by the supervisor and both must adhere to them.

The research project may produce novel research outcomes and the student may be required to assign intellectual property (IP) generated in the course of the project to the University or, if requested by the University to do so, to a third party designated by the University, including but not limited to a research sponsor. The student and supervisor will be entitled to share in any financial benefits which may accrue to the University and/or the Department as a result of exploitation of project IP by the University, according to guidelines specified in the KNUST Intellectual Property Policy (ie if there something of that exist).

The student must undertake not to enter into any agreement with a third party concerning the project (including but not limited to intellectual property agreements and/or secrecy agreements), without obtaining prior consent from the supervisor and, where necessary, the university authorities. 

Bearing in mind such issues of intellectual property or confidentiality, the student must discuss any proposed publication or presentation on the project with the supervisor prior to submission or presentation, and the supervisor will in turn discuss any proposed publication or presentation with the student.


Responsibilities of the supervisor

The supervisor should:

  • have sound theoretical background and experience in the subject field in which the candidate wishes to conduct research;
  • assist the student to select a topic which is appropriate, taking cognisance of the level of the degree, the specified time allowed for its completion, the expected scope of the work and the extent to which the research should embody new knowledge;
  • provide academic guidance to the student to ensure the development of research skills, and mastery of the research discipline and the field of specialisation, give guidance in respect of planning the candidate’s research programme, relevant literature and sources, requisite skills in research methods, and writing the research proposal so that this mastery is demonstrated by the relevant dissertation or thesis;
  • clarify the respective roles of the supervisor and co-supervisor(s) (if appointed), and communicate these clearly to the student;
  • together with the Head of Department and/or Dean of the faculty and/or other responsible University official, ensure as far as reasonably possible that the student is provided with the basic infrastructure and necessary resources to undertake the research; such as the library, laboratories and equipment, chemicals and consumables;
  • ensure that where applicable the student obtains ethics approval for their research from the faculty ethics committee, (at the time of submitting the proposal and HDC 1.2), and guide the student in ethical issues with regard to academic integrity, plagiarism, and ethics requirements of the research work;
  • ensure that the candidate understands relevant safety regulations and procedures at the outset of the research programme and receives appropriate training and supervision before embarking on any course of action or technique that might be hazardous or dangerous;
  • comply with university guidelines with regard to numbers of students supervised so as not to diminish his/her effectiveness as a supervisor or ability to fulfil other academic functions;
  • encourage the student to seek external financial support for his/her studies;
  • agree with the student on a meeting schedule, and then  meet with the candidate no less often than once a month to discuss research progress (unless the candidate is off campus, in which case specific arrangements must be made whenever possible)  In addition, electronic contact should be maintained, especially where the candidate is not routinely on campus;
  • provide and inform the student of alternative advisors who can assist with the research in the absence of the supervisor, or in areas beyond the capability of the supervisor;
  • ensure that the student has an average of one hour per week of supervisory input during semesters;
  • Inform the student of any planned absences (such as sabbatical leave) and put in place an alternative supervisor for this period
  • together with the candidate negotiate a schedule and time lines for the conduct of the research, and request submission of written work on a regular basis from the student;
  • provide timely, constructive, critical assessment of the candidate’s work, preferably in writing;
  • provide feedback on each chapter of a dissertation/thesis, before the candidate embarks on the next stage of the research or a new chapter;
  • furnish the departmental research committee and the Board of Postgraduate Studies with regular (twice annually) progress reports in respect of candidates’ progress;
  • within reason, be accessible for consultation when required;
  • encourage the candidate to contribute to seminars, conferences and research publications, in accordance with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology’s policy on intellectual property and subsidy credits, and with due recognition of the candidate’s and supervisor’s contribution to published work in respect of authorship/co-authorship.  In normal circumstances the candidate will be the senior author of publications arising directly from a dissertation/thesis;
  • inform the candidate of completion dates to ensure that the dissertation/thesis is submitted within the specified time and within the specified word limit (bearing in mind the exigencies of editing, printing, binding and external examining) to qualify for the graduation ceremony;
  • write a report on the student’s research and thesis for submission to the Faculty Research Committee at the time of submission of the thesis;
  • after examination, oversee any recommended corrections to the dissertation/thesis and reports, such that these have been satisfactorily effected to the BPGS prior to the candidate’s graduation, and write a report on the thesis corrections for submission to the BPGS.

  Responsibilities of the student

The student should, diligently and sincerely, and in consultation with his/her supervisor/s:

  • plan and conduct the agreed research programme or project and strive earnestly to successfully complete all the academic outputs required in the study programme;
  • find appropriate literature and then study, assess and understand that literature so as to complete a review that organises and makes clear that understanding;
  • write the research proposal in the time stipulated (normally within 6 months of registering for a full time student);
  • prepare all documents required for ethics approval, where applicable;
  • adhere at all times to all general academic ethics with regard to academic integrity and plagiarism, and ethics requirements relating to the research work;
  • attend regular appointments with the supervisors as agreed and communicate with the supervisor regularly with respect to results achieved and general progress in the research project
  • inform the supervisor/s immediately of any administrative or academic difficulties arise in the study programme in order that the supervisors may advise in respect of timely corrective action;
  • pay attention to the supervisor’s guidance with respect to how the research should be conducted, including research approach, methodology and materials to be used, and interpretation of results;
  • participate in research projects and programmes as determined by the supervisors, including attending symposia, seminars and conferences;
  • assist where appropriate in the drafting of funding applications;
  • plan and communicate to the supervisor his/her work plans and schedules;
  • conduct the required data gathering, field work, laboratory experimentation, data processing and statistical or other) analyses.  any assistance received from persons or institutions should be clearly stated in the Acknowledgements;
  • write and proofread his/her dissertation or thesis, including, if necessary, obtaining professional assistance with the linguistic editing of the dissertation or thesis;
  • attend to any revisions of the dissertation or thesis required by the supervisors, or internal or external assessors, (Note that while an examiner may call for resubmission and re-examination of a thesis, a thesis cannot be submitted for re-examination more than once).
  • complete the production of the final bound hard and electronic copies and submit them to the Department before Graduation;
  • if necessary, purchase items that may be required to complete the production of the dissertation or thesis;
  • in the case of research master’s or doctoral students, produce at least one manuscript of a research paper in a format that is ready for submission to an accredited research journal by the time the faculty research committee considers the assessment results;
  • renew their annual registration with the KNUST at the stipulated times until the degree is awarded. Please note that continued registration is dependent upon a favourable supervisor’s progress report. Candidates who consistently fail to make progress may be deregistered.

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  • About our People
  • Career Pathways
  • Internships

Our Programmes

  • BA Communication Design
  • MComm Design
  • MPhil Communication Design
  • PhD Visual Communication Design

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Department of Communication Design Faculty of Art College of Art and Built Environment KNUST, UPO-PMB, Kumasi-Ghana Telephone: +233 506 831 116 Email: [email protected]

The university



Call for applications for doctoral thesis supervision.

The O.R Tambo Africa Research Chair Initiative (ORTARChI) at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) invites eligible candidates from KNUST and other higher education institutions around the world to apply to join PhD research supervisory committees at the KNUST School of Business for the purposes of jointly supervising doctoral research works in the broad field of interrelations between technology entrepreneurship and employability.

This Research Chair is one of the ten (10) O.R Tambo Africa Research Chair Initiative (ORTARChI) Chairs launched by the National Research Foundation of South Africa on October 27, 2020, as part of the 2020 Tambo Month Celebration. The O.R Tambo Africa Research Chair at KNUST has an overall objective of collaborating with academic, industry and governmental partners in Africa and beyond to enhance applied research in technology entrepreneurship and employability, engage relevant technology entrepreneurship stakeholders for research translation, and strengthen and expand postgraduate education in the area of health, agriculture and inclusive finance technology entrepreneurship. As such, in 2021/2022 academic year, the ORTARChI awarded scholarships to a number of PhD students under the Department of Marketing and Corporate Strategy in the KNUST School of Business. As a requirement, all graduate students of KNUST must undertake research and thesis associated examinations before completion of their programmes of study. To facilitate the process of improving higher research degrees, ORTARChI invites potential internal (within KNUST) and external supervisors to help supervise ORTARChI PhD students’ research work. The PhD students’ tasks would entail a deal of responsibilities and quality assurance processes to be carried out by the supervisory committees, in line with the guidelines of the School of Graduate Studies, KNUST.

Roles of the Committee

The PhD Supervisory Committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) members. All supervisory committees will be chaired by the ORTARChI Research Chair at KNUST. The Committee will, among others, be expected to:

  • Hold bi-monthly supervisory meetings to review PhD students’ research work
  • Write and submit progress reports on the PhD students’ research work at specified times
  • Ensure that all written work is of a high standard of expression
  • Provide guidance where appropriate, on:
  • the nature of the research
  • the redefinition or reshaping of the research questions
  • Attend seminars organized for the PhD students
  • Contribute at seminars to PhD students’ presentations
  • Provide feedback on students’ thesis drafts, and comment in a timely manner on the content and the drafts of the examinable work prior to submission to KNUST Graduate School 
  • Ensure that student’s research work and the production of all categories of examinable work are the candidate’s own work
  • Provide general support and encouragement to assigned candidates and protect the interests of the student as well as the University
  • Support the candidate to submit two (2) papers from the research to recognised academic and/or practitioner journals
  • Fulfil other obligations imposed by the University regarding theses supervision.


Successful applicants must have a Doctor of Philosophy degree and published scholarly works in related topical areas provided below:

Topical Areas

  • Technology entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Strategic management and international business strategy
  • Technology management
  • Logistics and supply chain management
  • Leadership and entrepreneurship
  • Industrial and labour economics
  • Agricultural economics, agribusiness, and food technology research
  • Natural resource governance and management
  • Healthcare technology research, public health, clinical and social pharmacy
  • Inclusive Finance, financial economics, Fintech entrepreneurship

Candidates are to indicate their research interests from the topical areas above in their application cover letter.


Attractive remuneration and research support fund package will be made available to each supervision committee.

Application Procedure and Contact

All interested candidates are welcome to submit their Curriculum Vitae, and a Cover Letter (2-pages maximum) that clearly indicates the candidates’ research interest and previous experience of supervising doctoral students to a successful completion. A single zip file containing all application materials must be submitted to the ORTARChI Research Project Manager, Mr. Michael Nyamekye at [email protected]

The deadline for submission of all applications is 17:00 GMT, May 10th, 2022 . Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interaction session on a date to be communicated.

For further information, you may contact Professor Ahmed Agyapong (Head of Marketing and Corporate Strategy Department) at [email protected] or Professor Nathaniel Boso (Dean of KNUST School of Business and ORTARChI Research Chair) at [email protected]

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  1. Thesis Deposition System

    1. Open your browser (e.g Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on your device. 2. Enter in your address bar. 3. Enter your KNUST Credentials, thus your Username, Student ID or Number, and Password, and hit "Submit" button. 4. You can choose to save your logins using the "Remember" toggle button. 5.

  2. KNUST Online Thesis Submission System

    System help. This online system is designed to facilitate data collection and management for this university.

  3. Graduate Student Support System

    You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Graduate Student Support System. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

  4. Documents

    Draft Thesis Assessment (Others) Offer of Admission - Acceptance Form. Plagiarism Guide. Progress Report. Final Thesis Submission Form. Attestation Application Form. Extension Application Form. Guide for Preparation & Evaluation of Graduate Thesis. Guide For Higher Degree Research.

  5. University Thesis Deposition System

    © 2020 Thesis Deposition System - School of Graduate Studies. A

  6. PDF =Electronic Thesis Deposition and Tracking (Masters)

    Click on the Create New Thesis Submission button to display the new submission page. SGS E-Thesis 9/28. Add New Submission ... Submission 1.After clicking on submit report (golden arrow). 2.A window pops up as shown. 3.Click on Submit Report. SGS E-Thesis 27/28. Submission

  7. PDF Guide for Preparation and Evaluation of Higher Degree Research Thesis

    Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), thesis is a requirement for the award of masters (MPhil, MSc, MA, LLM, MBA, MPA, MPH, M.Arch, MFA, etc) and Doctoral degrees. This Guide provides the graduate ... and the month and year of submission are recorded on the title page. The order of the candidate's name is first name ...

  8. University Thesis Deposition System

    school of graduate studies. dashboard. kkwame nkrumah university of science and technology

  9. PDF FORMAT OF DISSERTATION OR THESIS College/School Format Requirements

    xamination.Typed thesis should be on only one side of the paper.Margi. : When bound all margins of the thesis should be 2.54 cm (1 inch).Font. pe & Size: Theses should be typed in New Times Roman Font Size 1. Chapter headings should be in New Times Roman Font Size 14 Bold.Font sizes for indented citations, graphs,

  10. Guide for Preparation and Evaluation of Graduate Thesis

    Casely Hayford Building, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology; Tel: +233 247274661; Tel: +233 500482885; Tel: +233 322491138; Email: [email protected]

  11. Guide for Preparation and Evaluation of Higher Degree Research Thesis

    Africa Centre of Excellence, Regional Transport Research & Education Centre Kumasi (TRECK), College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah university of Science and Technology, Kumasi


    University of Science and Technology (KNUST) undertake research and thesis associated examinations before completion of their pro-grammes of study. For detailed information about the structure of ... to the submission of the thesis. In order to undertake graduate su-pervision, the academic member should have, at least, an equivalent

  13. A Thesis submitted to the School of Business, Kwame Nkrumah University

    I hereby declare that this submission is my own work towards the Masters of Business ... I thank the Almighty God for having made it possible for me to complete this thesis successfully. To my supervisor Madam Mariama Zakari, a lecturer at the KNUST School of Business, I express my profound thanks for her invaluable comments and

  14. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

    ONLINE THESIS SUBMISSION SYSTEM: Private Mail Bag University Post Office Kumasi - Ghana Tel: 233-51-60331 Fax: 233-51-60137 Email: [email protected] : Thesis Identification. Submitted By: Submission Code: Faculty: Programme: Thesis Name: Index Number: Student Number:

  15. PDF =Electronic Thesis Deposition and Tracking (PhD)

    1.Or click on the link - NOTE: Username and Password are same as your University Email. Kindly, Contact your College IT or UITS if you do not have ... the thesis submission page. SGS E-Thesis 8/35. Submission Page Click on the Create New Thesis Submission button to display the new submission page.

  16. Registration of Thesis/Project Topics

    Instructions: The MOU must be completed and signed by masters and doctoral candidates within six weeks of initial registration, (or within the first two weeks of the term in which the student starts the dissertation/project in course-work masters degrees). Both supervisor and candidate are strongly urged to read the Guide to Postgraduate ...

  17. Students Resources

    Guide for Preparation and Evaluation of Graduate Thesis. Policy on Publication. Academic support. How to's. Report an issue. Casely Hayford Building, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology; Tel: +233 247274661; Tel: +233 500482885; Tel: +233 322491138; Email: [email protected]; About Us. Welcome Message; About IDL-KNUST; Why Choose IDL ...

  18. KNUST

    You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. KNUST | Graduate Thesis Deposition Services. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

  19. PDF =Electronic Thesis Deposition and Tracking (PhD)

    Click on the Create New Thesis Submission button to display the new submission page. SGS E-Thesis 11/41. Add New Submission ... Submission 1.After clicking on submit report (golden arrow). 2.A window pops up as shown. 3.Click on Submit Report. SGS E-Thesis 39/41. Submission

  20. (PDF) Electronic Submission of Theses and Dissertations in Kwame

    The study had three sets of objectives; to determine the online learning material types which are mostly preferred and frequently used by the 2018/2019 Masters in Education Students of IDL, KNUST ...

  21. Call for Applications for Doctoral Thesis Supervision

    Provide feedback on students' thesis drafts, and comment in a timely manner on the content and the drafts of the examinable work prior to submission to KNUST Graduate School Ensure that student's research work and the production of all categories of examinable work are the candidate's own work

  22. PDF Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology School of Graduate

    kwame nkrumah university of science and technology school of graduate studies final thesis submission form postgraduate master's and doctorate degree